DEAR KAG: 20201211

The Wolf’s Head Pub is open for business. It’s Free-for-All Friday and your first well drink is on the house. Tonight’s special is the English classic, Gin and Tonic. If you want to get fancy, add a star anise to the bottom of the glass. It adds a hint of licorice and blends beautifully. And lime. Always lime and never lemon.

Here’s a Brief History of Gin. Let’s just say juniper is the Thing when it comes to gin. My favorite is good old Beefeaters Gin, although nowadays you can find some really delicious gins from boutique distillers.

Speaking of England, let’s take a trip to The Eagle and Child, also known as The Bird and Baby, a pub in Oxford, England that was frequented by Tolkien and Lewis of 20th century literary fame. It has been a pub since the 17th century.

Lewis, who was known to drink three pints of beer for breakfast, spent a great deal of time in the Rabbit Room there, reading from his manuscripts and critiquing the writings of his group of friends known as the Inklings.

The featured image above is the Rabbit Room. I can almost hear Lewis reading in his booming voice…

“In fighting those who serve devils one always has this on one’s side; their Masters hate them as much as they hate us. The moment we disable the human pawns enough to make them useless to Hell, their own Masters finish the work for us. They break their tools.”That Hideous Strength

Do we not see this in action this very day?

The human tools of the NWO, globalists, communists, socialists (whatever you want to call them) are in the process of being disabled. Broken.

Before I get to the good news, civility is what keeps the Qtree a place of sanctuary and intellectual inspiration. Cutting completely loose belongs over at the UTree, not here at the QTree. Civility is king. Rules here if you need a refresher or are new. Thank you in advance for giving our burly bouncers nothing to do. Play nice and say a little breath prayer for our great President and his cabinet and family, and all patriots.

Okay, now to the good news. WE ARE WINNING.

* The State of Georgia’s feckless Gov. Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and their cronies are being absolutely crushed by public opinion and the unfolding truth of their involvement in election fraud. DISABLED.

* The States of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia are in a tailspin ever since the State of Texas (and about 19 other states at last count) sued in the Supreme Court for relief from the unlawful changes in voting laws in the battleground states. Their responses have been limp.

*Meanwhile, Fox News has committed suicide. So sad. Not. FTA:

“Trump broke every other news entity even before he took office in 2017. CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest have always been left-wing, only with an illusory veneer of neutrality. Trump smashed the veneer, accurately calling them “fake news” amid their swirl of lies about him…”

* Zuckerberg is being sued by the DOJ! Couldn’t happen to a nicer robot. Can the other Tech Giants be far behind?

* Lin Wood is a pit bull in the best sense of the word. He will go down in history as one of the heroes of our Republic.

* Hunter Biden and his Laptop from Hell are back in the news (they never should have left).

* Nancy Pelosi, obviously in the Twilight of her intellectual capabilities, sputtered “Q” during yet another encounter with her propaganda team (aka the MSM). BROKEN.

* Eric “Bang Fang” Swalwell is watching his career being torched by his exposure as a China tool. BROKEN.

* Even the Senator of the Week, Ted Cruz got in on the Swalwell action:

* And that scoundrel, Rep. Adam Schiff, is being dragged into the Fang Fang vortex. How sweet it is!
“Prominent” liberals are calling for her resignation. Wink. Wink.

* The ancient Diane Feinstein, who honest to God is beginning to look Chinese in a Skeletor sort of way, is being dragged back into the picture now that Chy-Nah! is being exposed in all its dragonish glory as a greedy, immoral, power hungry serpent with its claws in American politicians. DISABLED.

* The Fake News can now be officially labeled LAUGHABLE. Watching the crappy acting of creatures like Mika Brezinski just brings a smile. Here she is at the start of War Room Pandemic, Episode 576. Trust me, you will laugh. BROKEN.

* Gruesome Newsom is going to be recalled! AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

* Elon Musk has left the chaotic Newsom LaLa Land and moved to Texas!

* Even that Trudeau fellow has been playing footsies with China, allowing Chinese Military to train on Canadian military bases. He is being taken to task:

* And lest you missed it, here’s an erudite Chinese professor giving the low down on the power structure in the USA to his communist audience. The CCP IS BEING OUTED EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE. DISABLED:

* And speaking of C. S. Lewis and witches:

Michiganders are teaming up to defeat her tyranny!

* Our Greatest President Ever continues the juggernaut of PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Just in time for the start of Hanukkah. Our President is a peacemaker!

* Here’s Rand Paul giving that Neocon dud Liz Cheney the what-for:

Get a load of her low-class response to Sen. Paul:

* Our beloved Ron @CodeMonkeyZ is OUTING ALL THE BAD GUY/GAL governors. Here’s just one:

We could go on and on and on. Hard times are ahead, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT. WE ARE WINNING.

Remember the pub scene in Waking Ned Devine, when the evil witch meets her just end while everyone is celebrating in the pub? That’s how it feels just now. God bless us and keep us safe as we get ready to fight another day! Oh heck, the second round is on the house, too!

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Hey Steve,

A few more for the Eagle pile . . .
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That last one…oh no! 🤢


yeah I agree…’WARN a person when you’re going to post something as disgusting as that! LOL


lol, as I sit here having breakfast!


I hadn’t started mine yet…thanks goodness!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep and YUCK! :mrgreen:

Davy Jones looking for a sunken chest…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Geez, Carl, I said I’d take care of it.


That last ones replacement  😎 comment image


THAT one I can relate to!!


The first four are Worthy Additions.

WTF were you thinking with that last one?!?!?!?


Wayyyy out of line. Damn near made me throw up in my mouth.

Obligatory visual purge….

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That’s even worse! Damn bags of silicone are way too big for her frame.

Try a little harder next time you’re trying to help. LoL.


You have to admire her frugality when it comes to fabric.


Have never understood the attraction of the silicone bombast!


Uh, me L I K E ‘M.  😂 

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The silicone isn’t the worst…someone photoshopped her waist.


Oh yea! Couple ripe pineapples on top. Uh, probably should stop.

After enjoying my coffee a bit, just noticed the garden hose.

It IS a beautiful morning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another weird comment “in the future”, like Grandma’s comment on Michelle Malkin’s tweet thread.

Valerie Curren

Is that scary last one reworking this Sabo masterpiece?
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Elizabeth Carter

There is so much going on now it seems totally inadequate to comment on some particular element of it, except . . .


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You found the words I was looking for!!!


Texas fight!! 🤘


I live in one of the states opposed to Texas. It feels like having a chronic rash in an unmentionable location.


Depending on the action/inaction of the Supreme Court, I may actually have to move if Texas secedes. It may be the best option.


Love is Four More Years of VSGPDJT.


You are really settling in to owning this spot, gmaTX!

Great post, with many more to come!!!


That’s a great method for foiling anybody spying on you.


I’ll bet a lot got changed this week!

Finished post is excellent.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

FANTASTIC JOB G-MA!!!🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🚀🚀🚀🦋🤸‍♀️🦋🤗😍🥰💋🌞🌞🌞🔥🔥💫⚡️🌟🍻🥂🍻


You really out did yourself on today’s post. Great job GiT!


Levin is on fire here. He makes Cruz look milk toast which is saying a lot. Maybe the reason Levin isn’t the chosen is because they don’t want the Justices to be hiding under the bench.


I wouldn’t mind Levin as Attorney General.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’d better fix his proposed amendments to the Constitution. At least half of them are defective and would either have a bad side effect, or are phrased to do the opposite of what he says he wants them to do.


“Swalwell downplayed the China threat – and he says Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff were aware of his activities.”


Has anyone inquired as to how or why Schifty Schiff and Piglosi would be ‘aware’ of Swalwell’s ‘activities’ with a Chinese spy?

That’s more than a little creepy, isn’t it?

And being on the Intelligence Committee, if Swalwell was doing the Sasquatch with a China Doll, isn’t that an obvious breach of national security?

If Pig and Schifter knew, don’t they have an affirmative obligation under Law to report such a thing to the proper authorities?


We need to hear from Pelosi and Schiffty so they can tell us all about his activities that they sanctioned. Maybe in a year or two Congress will get around to having a hearing so they can refuse to appear, take the 5th, claim ‘national security,” etc.


Me too. And nice job on this entertaining daily thread!


Plenty of time left in 2020.


Well I think many of these POS’s will be resigning or forced to resign, after DJT will be inaugurated for his second term. Maybe even before.

January 2021 will look quite differently to January 2020 or even December 2020


Is “resign” a synonym for “incarcerated”?


Resign after they are arrested.


Did you see the honeypot they used on Snowden?

Let’s just say they didn’t send their best to Swalwell. Should demand his money back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! This is clearly a matter of personal taste! Somebody said the same thing about Anna Chapman vs. Fang, and while I like red-heads, something just strikes me wrong with that gal. Between Anna Chapman, Lindsay Mills, and this Fang broad, I’m definitely thinking “Door Number Three”, although TBH all lookers immediately set off my security alarms.


Now the female Chinese “intruder” at Mar a Lago comes back in mind. She must have been a newbie to have gotten caught so easily.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, she was definitely more of an “odd job” type! Not a Bond girl!

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, she was no beauty. Clearly not chosen for her physical assets. Also apparently not for her stealthiness or cleverness. It’s a mystery. Cannon fodder?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, she could have been the one we were MEANT to catch.

Sylvia Avery

Yes. Disposable. Expendable. “Look here” (but not over there)


A “look, squirrel!” type?


well then it’s a good thing you can’t see all the lovely ladies here in this tree…none of us would’ve gotten in! 😃 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are you saying you don’t believe that “Wolf’s Extreme Vetting” is sufficiently thorough to realize the general “far-from-shabby” nature of the ladies here?  😉 

Good! We wouldn’t want anybody thinking Wolf’s Extreme Vetting was receiving “binders of women”, would we?  😂 

Nope! WE KNOW NOTHING about anybody here!
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just knew that if you knew that all the ladies here were FOXY ladies, you’d be too suspicious to let the lot of us in…
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Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep your enemies close – keep your frenemies closer! 😀


you know what’s cool?
I wasn’t fond of looking at the above picture of Miss Flotation Devices above–I could click on the little up arrow and hide her!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whoa! *runs to check it out*


you can hide replies to any comment that has replies and it only lasts till you refresh the page, but it IS something…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nice discovery. Interesting that Arrow doesn’t appear on ALL of them. For example I don’t see arrow on this comment, but I do for the ones on top. Time for some eggsperamentin. 🤓🤓

Happy go lucky

Tip of my day!


Nonsense! Mrs Pollifax would of gotten in easily and our girls are better!
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Let’s include Miss Marple too!


They knew they didn’t need to.

Sylvia Avery

Well, Fang Fang is a charming name.
Wishing my folks would have named me that.
 😆  😆  😆 


Easy to remember! Better than Wi Wi or Pi Pi. 😊

Sylvia Avery

Ha ha!!!!! True that!


Or “Shovel Shovel”.

Sylvia Avery

😂 😂 😂 😂


You could start a business:

Silver Shovels by Fang Fang


They used it to control him? Blackmail is an ugly business and makes people into slaves. Why change anything but on the other hand both Pencil-neck and Pelosi could be compromised also benefiting financially by allowing Swalwell to enjoy the Chinese spy in many ways? All three are compromised and need to step down. In a wold of non curropt enforcement at the highest level this would have happened a time ago.
People China owns our government officials just as Russia owned East Germany.
When they own the DOJ FBI Intel Congress Governors and senates of the state they own the country.
How do I know this? I have seen it before and our officials from law to Judiciary are not their own people and puppets of China the puppet master.


If Wolf happens to wander through, he should note “Build your own WordPress plug-ins”. Note that they need not be accessible to commenters or authors, but may be useful for administration (How many commenters are there? How many have commented in the last week?)


Just curious why you don’t have a designation like Cute Chipmonk or Fox, etc.🙂 Do your mad skillz enable you to remove it? 💻 Did you make a backroom deal? 🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Guest” as opposed to member.





why do I have to be a “cute chipmunk” ?

that is just soo not me.

why can’t I be the Bad Cat ?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, maybe these NUMBER-BASED BADGES are not so great. User-customizable badges! Hmmmm…


or Revolting Cat


… or …

make my day .. Clint Eastwood .. or clintina .. 😛😖


ha-ha .. this crabby 🦀 chipmunk didn’t go into moderation as if there was such a thing bwahahahahaha

🍾🥃🧉🍹🍺🍻🍷🥂🧊🍸 .. hmmmm .. 🥴


Okay, I’m pre claiming “Annoying Hairball”. As owner of 2 cats, I happen upon those frequently…lol


Personally, I don’t mind being a ‘Fox’.

I’m old enough to remember when being called a Fox was a compliment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

User customizable badges?

Already taken care of, it’s called an “avatar.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hoping to have time for coding in Trump’s SIXTH YEAR.  😉 


I (cthulhu) am currently getting a red banner that says, “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.”

It persisted through clearing cookies, changing browsers, and changing identities. I’m now trying a cookie-less different browser with a different identity over a VPN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well THAT is weird! Approving these comments now! First this one…..


I tried it with cleared cookies, usual browser, same identity, over VPN, and I get the red banner.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approving these comments now! Now this one…..

Sylvia Avery

I See You, Coothie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I must say, I enjoyed this hugely, and did indeed laugh at Mika, slowly losing it that they aren’t getting away with the Chi-Bi(den)-Mail-Out-COVID scam.

And then this!

“The ancient Diane Feinstein, who honest to God is beginning to look Chinese in a Skeletor sort of way…..”

Oh, SO TRUE!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just retire already!!! She’s frikkin 87!!! It’s like they go into Government to make money and die. ENOUGH!!!!


She has to stay to keep what she’s done covered up. I really think that’s why a lot of them hang on well past their sell by date.


THAT’S what she reminds me of…curdled milk..THANK YOU!!


😁😁😁 She does have a sour look about her!




But what will Liza from Alaska do without Diane telling (threatening?) her how to vote?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’m sure they have another Stepford Wife ready to step up and do the job!😒😬😠


HaHaHaHaHaHa – Shifty explodes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“OUR DEMOCRACY” = Democrat Uniparty Code Words for ‘our political power, profit, priorities, perks, privilege, prestige.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Repeating for those who haven’t read it.
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Bill Ayers: “So how do we kill off 25 million irredeemable patriots without resistance?”

Bill Gates: “You don’t kill THEM off. You kill off their grandchildren in the future.”

It’s very clear to me now that the left is now convinced that the only way to get a handle on the “population bomb” is to do it involuntarily.

ALL OF THIS IS ADDING UP. They wanted to do this under Hillary. The plannedemic would have assured her re-election.


THIS is something Americans need to really WAKE UP about…this unholy, vile Pfizer vaccine agenda

they are rushing it thru at warp speed, for one thing.

anyone else have a problem with that ??

I sure do.

I’ve been reading that it is made from fetus tissue, for another thing.

this is Step 2 for conditioning us to obey and conform , or else !

heil Hitler, and you’ll be ok…

they create the “crisis”, then step in with the “solution”.

and each “crisis” becomes more dire than the last so that each “solution” requires more and more mandatory behavior.


and…pay close attention to the latest “crisis”…

the lockdown crisis…

anti lockdown vs pro lockdown agitation, protests, emotional outcries…

so…just step up and take the Pfizer vaccine, everybody…

lockdown problem solved !

back to work, fly on planes, shop & play again !

it’s the Reich thing to do.


sieg heils…

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…and all will be normal again.

the new normal.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, Wolf, I’ve got an idea. In a spare moment, I’m gonna put this and a couple other thread readers which are vital together and post it. Quick and dirty. I start prepping for invasion today (this house is too small for it, but….), so not much much finesse will be involved.



From Dan.
Low flyby repeats17 times


That can’t be a coincidence!


Every time we get one of these from Scavino, I feel better. These are such scary days, waiting, waiting, waiting. Knowing the President and Q-team are confident and in control is reassuring.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎




IOWA — Governor Kim Reynolds is denying Attorney General Tom Miller’s request to file a brief opposing a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate the general election results in four states…where President Trump and the Republican Party accuse widespread voter fraud occurred. Instead, the Governor says she would have rather Iowa join the lawsuit in support of President Trump and argue to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans that have already lawfully been certified.

Governor Reynolds Blocks Tom Miller From Opposing Election Lawsuit

IOWA — Governor Kim Reynolds is denying Attorney General Tom Miller’s request to file a brief opposing a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate the general election results…


Notice how the Lefties pretend that certification makes the votes “valid” when all it does is “certify” fraud. They think we’re that stupid.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thanks for this, Was wondering what was going on in Iowa.


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Fang Fang: “Let’s do we-wichoo”

Swalwell: “No, not here”

Fang Fang: “Let’s do we-wichoo”

Swalwell: “No”

Fang Fang: “C-mon”

Swalwell: “Well, okay”

In unison: We-wichoo you a Merry Clistmas, we-wichoo a Merry Clistmas, we-wichoo a Merry Clistmas and a happy New Leer!

Last edited 4 years ago by Itswoot

“Disappointed”… like hell she is. “Ecstatic” is more likely.


Say “NO” to Gates stealth assaults on the human race.


A repeat:

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Same way they shove you into a few select box stores to shop (you get the virus and they get the bucks). No free range with these tyrants.

Sylvia Avery

GMA in TX…..I woke up and haven’t been able to get back to sleep. Too itchy and twitchy wondering what’s happening. Anxious about our Republic. And then I come and read your rollicking good time of an opening post. It was an EPIC read! Now I’m just buzzed!!!! Thank you for an excellent opening for us!!!! Smuchas! 🍸 


AND, I learned a way to use star anise! LOL

Sylvia Avery

Teagan, on Friday afternoons I usually post a cocktail recipe of some kind and several have called for star anise in them.

Believe it or not, my little old grandmother, long gone, made chicken soup and she tied up her spices in cheesecloth and let it simmer in the soup and one of the spices she used was star anise. I love the slight licorice flavor it lends to things.


I’m a huge licorice fan (Australian is the best I’ve found)…so I will definitely give the chicken broth idea a try. I usually put a lot of lemon in it.
When I first married into a Southern Italian family, as soon as the table was cleared of the dinner a bottle of anise was put on the table for sipping.


I only have one use for my anise.

Sylvia Avery

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Star anise contains the main ingredient in Tamiflu. Star anise tea is a great treatment for the flu!

Sylvia Avery

Michigan legislators are now throwing in with everyone else under the sun on the Texas SC case. Mopping my brow. Stomach in knots.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I love that they’re suing themselves!! HA! PA too! Come on GA, WI, you can do it!! 😂😂

Sylvia Avery

I know, right? Just awesome!!!


FBI Subpoenas Texas AG Ken Paxton Amid Whistleblowers Allegations

article link…


The Investigation started after top aides alleged they believe Paxton may be committing crimes that include abuse of office and bribery.

more at the link…plus other related articles cited.

very fishy.



THIS is infuriating! The FBI is acting like an enemy combatant….and has been doing so for a long time.


In a very Quick Sidebar, the FBI has suddenly decided to subpoena Texas AG Ken Paxton over bribery charges that are being alleged by leftist in Texas.

Chris Wray is trying to intervene in his own way

— Roscoe B Davis 🎖 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) December 11, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Firing isn’t going to do any good. They’re selectively enforcing the law on behalf of non-American entities of some kind.

They will have to be shut down with military force.


stake to the heart


nope…to make a difference, I say we recruit an army of those squirrels you posted below…LOL..really make it HURT  :wpds_wink: 

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

Oh, Pat!!!


sorry…the fib, the see I a, and many organizations deserve a thorough cleansing.


Would that have to have Wray’s personal approval?


..yup ! Texas Lawsuit is certainly drawing the commies off-sides,
Moar exposure !
they’re tripping over themselves.


Tomorrow 12/12 @ 12:00 pm


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and the walls come down
and the walls

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grandma, you’re gonna get me drinking again with these threads! They make me want to go bar-hopping! That’s dangerous at my age! 😉


how about a pub crawl?
no hopping at all!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I’m getting a hangover just thinking about that!


it could get worse…

if you don’t stop calling me a “cute chipmunk”, I’m gonna…
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just a few more posts and it will be gone! 😉


Slings and Arrows – Now you know how PT feels on a daily basis – you poor dear administrator – praying for your sanity – I am


I dunno…those nutcrackers look pretty capable to me Duchess!


Them thingies are pretty strong for sure – but necessary – not so much – ask and ye shall receive – ask nicely – more inclined to oblige – but, hey – that is just me.


agree–but if I was a guy and some pissed off squirrel came at with those? I might just appease it!


she doesn’t appreciate my biting wit

Wolf does tho.


Oh, I do, Smiley – you are so funny – I just think Wolf has knocked himself out providing a place for us that we can call home – and yet – the inhabitants are still not happy!

I worked in the ‘Complaint Department’ – not easy and not fun.

I appreciate all he has done – That’s all I am saying!!!


This means lots of useless posts from me! Fair warning!


hey Wolf…you do know that I was J/K with the nutcracker smart ass post, ok ?

you’re THE BEST


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Yes, but you are quite good at that tool so well-used by the ladies – the one called “keep ’em guessing”! 😀 😉


if you don’t know me by now….

you will never ever ever know me-e-e-e

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, they all say that! 😉


but this one means it.



you owe me a keyboard!!!

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


would that require hair of the dog or hair of the wolf?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anything but hair of the porcupine!!!
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okay I know I live in Podunk…but there’s a lady up here who actually makes jewelry out of porcupine quills.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



yeah…she told us that whenever we dispatch a porky, to call her…she’d take care of it…

Valerie Curren

That’s about what we’re contemplating doing to have bargainable material here in the Michigan boondocks! LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What is it called when you are all in wheelchairs? Or walkers?


BYOC (chair)

Gail Combs

We went groc. shopping yesterday and I realized that CCP Corona Crud ==> Masks + 6 foot social distance is 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗟𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡!!!

Trying to carry on a conversation in a groc. line while 6 ft apart and muzzled by a mask is difficult without raised vocies. WORSE if there are Commie Snowflakes around and your information triggers them you might get screamed at or even DOXED.

Add in the Fake News and censorship on the web and you are pretty close to Soviet style censoring.


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Sylvia Avery

Yes, and the great shutdown happens when people are going to holiday parties and family dinners and gatherings. Lots of opportunities to chat and exchange information. Can’t have that, can we?


I still send Christmas cards. every year I get many with printed sheets included with how their family is doing and such.

this year I included my own. printed on Christmas-y paper–one side gave vaccine/covid info and the other election fraud info. doubt many will read the whole thing, but who knows…LOL

Sylvia Avery

Good idea!
(Morning Pat!)


Good Morning!!
if I have to read about their daughter’s band recital…or how hubby finally got that promotion to assistant to the assistant of the director’s assistant, then they can read some important stuff…LOL

Sylvia Avery


Valerie Curren

Reminds me of a Mad Libs job we accidentally created “assistant cheese slicer” & this priceless hunting camp Mad Libs ambiance for tall tales.

“It was a stank night…I hid in a butt crack”

That type of entertainment is how my family seems to roll (on the floor) 🙂



Valerie Curren

We’re so crazy here that I bought a small Mad Libs tablet from the re-sale store & it was largely used. We’ve had fun reading the other family’s answers & sadly they use similar juvenile word fill ins, but their spelling is so bad that we have to really try to interpret what they’re saying. We laughed at their versions almost as much as we do at our own!


sounds like a GREAT time!!

Valerie Curren

Yes & it had the extra bonus of getting Everyone to mock me last Christmas when I put said used Mad Libs tablet in one of my kids stockings! They’ve had to put up with resale (new to us) stuff for most of their lives so we take it all in good humor & if something’s a real dud, well nobody dropped much cash for it so no great loss. The Heckling is part of the tradition & I don’t mind being the one who takes the brunt of it.

We laugh so much w/ crazy gifts that sometimes the laughter is the Best Gift!!!


I agree…they may not remember the gift–but they will remember the love and the laughter!

Valerie Curren

Absolutely God is so good.

Have an awesome day…I gotta run & get some sleep!


sleep well!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks, almost there. I had to get some of your funnies to pass to my guys via email first!


Good point, Sylvia. The first 3 weeks in December are usually very social for us…lots of private and service group parties…and literally all of them include singing carols together after dinner.
One party (about 50 people) always ends with very over the top 12 Days of Xmas with props with much laughter and good cheer, and the entire evening is one of the highlights of the holiday season.
Of course, none of that will happen this year….can’t have people coming together in long-held traditions.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Friday!


Hey, Pat!!! I see you have been a Busy Bee on the Board this AM – wide awake and engaging – what is in that coffee?

God Bless Your Friday, too – Hugs!!!


got up at 3:30 this morning…LOL


the way of the future ?

KLAUS SCHWAB {The World Economic Forum} is the poster boy for totalitarianism.

Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938, and fully indoctrinated by it.

which should make our stomachs turn.

You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy

article link…


“For years following the war, Nazi concepts remained under the radar but, in recent years, they’ve become a major force within not only the US, but also US ally states : Canada, Australia, the UK, and, most notably, the EU.”

“…once the population is thoroughly dependent upon the state, they will have lost power to object or rebel if entitlements are removed. They are then fully dominated.”

timely and important article….worth reading !

the rise & fall of The Third Reich continues to be one of the most profoundly disturbing object lessons in human history, imo…

and a warning to all future generations..such as ours, right now.


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Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Guess who backed “Event 201”?
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oh absolutely

very very sinister

and very very real

and very very powerful


Grandma, how come the time stamp on your post is 6:08 while the one below you is 1:22? Is this a WordPress glitch?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is my reading. I think that comment was added EARLY, likely a different DAY, but publication of the post changed the DAY to the current one (12/11). Thus, the combination of date and time to a FUTURE TIMESTAMP is moving the post DOWN THE THREAD.

But why it is not LAST is strange, and I’m not sure about that. I think it also thinks that my post (below) came AFTER her post, so there is some kind of conflicting ordering going on.


EXCELLENT info re Pfizer !

M Malkin gets it so right.

thank you for posting this !

a must-read

it’s truly the beginning of the end…

and setting the stage…

…for something far worse…

far far worse for the common good .

“for the common good” is just NWO newspeak for : The State…The Party.




Don’t believe that a gathering of eagles would be called a “pile”. I propose “a Trump of eagles”.


I think that a gathering of eagles is actually called…a congress of eagles.

Some use ‘convocation’ instead.
But I’ve seen/heard it called a ‘congress’ more often.


that makes it seem like they just sit around, preening their feathers all day, not doing anything of consequence…
terrible name for a group of EAGLES


congress refers to crows, actually…

a congress of crows

(kinda fitting)

Gail Combs

I though it was a MURDER of Crows.

No, It’s Not Actually a Murder of Crows𝗢𝗸𝗮𝘆, 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗯𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗱—𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱—𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘆.

Love the usual Lefty illogic in the title. If it TECHNICALLY IS than that is the reality PERIOD!


I always liked the ravens…

a conspiracy of ravens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A crash of rhinoceroses.

On the other hand a bunch of RINOs should be called a turdpile.


An Exhalation of Larks



An Exaltation of Larks


had to show all these to hubby…man that dog can FLY!!!

and the exercising dog is great!

thanks for posting them wheatie…I included them in my annual, ” we really should get another dog pitch…”


You’re very welcome, Pat.
Glad you liked them!

Now if I could just figure out why those last 3 tweets didn’t open up.

Trying again, just for the heck of it:


Thanks, Duchess!

I dunno why that didn’t display when I posted it.


Eliminated everything after the ? – including the ? – and it posted

Gail Combs

If you are older, consider adopting. Sometimes, if you are near a military base, you can get a well trained adult dog from a soldier being posted overseas.


I’ve said that during these quarantine/lockdown times, I think having a pet (especially one that doesn’t need walking depending on location and circumstances) is a very good thing. It provides companionship, entertainment, something to care for and be cared about in return.
I’m convinced my elderly SIL started having some mental issues from being so isolated for such a long period. If she had a cat, for example, she probably wouldn’t have been talking to imaginary people in her house.
Even fostering pets from shelters that depend on volunteer help would be a good thing…on both sides.

Brave and Free

That first ones a Belgian Malinois, hopefully will be adding one to the household soon.

Gail Combs

PLEASE get very good training for the dog. They are not a breed you should treat as an untrained household pet.

We run into it all the time with ponies, especially Shetlands. People buy a young untrained colt or filly and leave the kids to ‘train it’ The Shetland is very smart and ends up becoming an un-managable monster to the point they have earned a very bad reputation. This is unfortunate because they are sweet, calm, very smart and easily trained ponies. However the emphasis is on TRAINED.


Hey, Gail – Great Advice!!!

Do Shetlands drive cart? What kind of ponies do you raise? What kind of cart do you use?

Asking for a cart driver…


Malinois are incredible dogs. 👍 

They do need a lot of exercising, though…every day.


A good book for training, especially of working dogs, is
“The Koehler Method of Dog Training” by William R. Koehler. He trained military dogs, was head trainer of dogs for Disney (Big Red, and the sheepdog in the “Absent minded Professor”), and taught training methods. Of course, he’s no longer living, but he was an amazing dog trainer. His books are still available, different covers, and reasonably priced. They range from basic training, guard training and advanced obedience through tracking.

I found over the years, that if a dog is very sensitive, his methods need some “gentle-ing” down, but they are VERY effective for working dogs. Working dogs that are protective need a firm hand so they do not become the leader of the pack, and the owner needs to be the leader of the pack.

One difference I see in military training is rewarding some dogs with toys (balls, etc.) as a reward. I found over the years that you just needed to find what particular buttons worked or didn’t work for each dog.

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

I have to admit, although the Belgian Malinois’s leap was absolutely magnificient, my favorite is the Dobe. We used to raise, train, and do a little showing of Dobes for a few years a long time ago.


I fostered a couple of Dobermans for awhile.
They are wonderful dogs.

The ones I took care of weren’t fully grown yet.
They were very sweet and eager to please.
Beautiful dogs.


Some are, I think more of the “newer” American stock are. We had some that were “bratty”, needed a firm hand but were by far some of our favorites – they had a ton of personality.


Time Magazine’s final and complete disgrace.

Might as well have picked Xi or Putin or Øbastard – or have they already?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time is pure Soviet trash at this point. Unreadable!


Cover even looks like those Soviet posters!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP – and very intentionally.

JW in Germany

Very similar to the left wing German rag Der Spiegel.

tom f

This edition will be a collectors dream in the future.
Unfortunately, I cannot bring myself to spend even a nickel in support of this rag.
A sign of winning: fewer and fewer pages.


total and shameless propaganda.

kinda interesting, though, that TIME refers to biden and harris (together) as one “person”.

so…each alone is, I guess, only half a person…?


maybe brain-wise?


the collectively-friendly.

we’re all in this TOGETHER


comment image

see the little RED BOOK ?



Boy, that sure is a “friendly” looking poster and a fool proof way to make friends. /S

JW in Germany

Damn! They really have opened all of the propaganda floodgates! Leaving nothing to spare!


Two-faced has meaning. Also Camel-Huh is made to look like a Chyna woman. Wow.


Guess POTUS’ 3 Nobel Peace Prize nominations don’t matter.


Turns out, the leftists didn’t/don’t want ‘world peace’ after all.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He has 4 now, and soon a 5th for Morroco.


Would LOVE to see what the “selection committtee” at the Times had to say about it!


Time, (fake news) saluting their masters in Chineeland.


Twitter suspended this account – a mere Trump fan page:


Is that Michael Delauzon’s account?


No – not this time.




Prominent liberals call for Dianne Feinstein’s resignation after New Yorker story

— Jeff Daniels (@JeffDanielsCA) December 11, 2020


watch this 9 minute video…Daniel Natal…

Battle Between CIA and DoD?

video linked to…

JW in Germany

Being all exposed right before our very eyes. We just need to open our eyes.

Gail Combs

THAN𝑸 Smiley That video solves the last piece of the puzzle.

First ‘Crumb’

“These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. “Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country, and I do not speak with any. — Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress, 1934

Second Crumb

…Japan has played a crucial role in all these revolutions and was also indispensable in creating the Chinese nationalism that the CCP utilizes to great effect today.

Japan played a leading role in the Qing Empire’s collapse in two ways. The first was its defeat of China in the 1895 Sino-Japanese War, and its subsequent encroachments on Chinese territory. By the time of the war, the Qing Empire’s control over China had already been greatly weakened by its inability to defend Chinese sovereignty from Western powers….

…Japan’s invasion of China benefited the CCP long before contemporary times. Indeed, it’s virtually inconceivable that the CCP would’ve come to power at all had it not been for Imperial Japan’s invasion. Before the second Sino-Japanese War commenced, the Communist Party was locked in a death struggle with Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT. The CCP fared poorly in this conflict, suffering repeated defeats at the hands of the Nationalists.

By the end of 1934, the CCP was on the verge of extinction after KMT troops delivered another heavy blow to the Red Army in Jiangxi Province, which forced the party to undertake the now infamous Long March to Xi’an in the northwestern province of Shaanxi. Chiang initially pursued the Communist forces, and would have almost certainly delivered a final blow to the CCP if war with Japan could have been delayed. As it turned out, Chiang was not able to put off the war with Japan any longer, and domestic and international pressure forced him to accept a tacit alliance with the CCP against Japan.

The war with Japan devastated the Nationalist forces, which bore the brunt of fighting Japan, even as it rejuvenated the CCP. Over the course of the war, the CCP went from being on the verge of defeat to flourishing as it had never done before…

Third Crumb

J.P. Morgan in China

Local expertise. Global resources. A commitment to China.

We have been doing business in China since 1921. Our integrated financial services include investment and corporate banking, wholesale payments, markets, sales and research, securities services, commercial banking and asset management. Today, we serve Chinese and international corporations, financial institutions and government agencies through our network in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Harbin, Suzhou and Shenzhen.


We have operated in Asia Pacific since 1872, and today are present across 17 markets in the region. Local corporations and institutions, multinationals, governments and private clients rely on us for market-leading financial services — a confidence bred from our strength and ability to deliver integrated services across the Corporate & Investment Bank, Asset Management and the Private Bank.


In Asia Pacific, we are committed to helping promote economic growth and economic inclusion through our key philanthropic initiatives in the areas of workforce readiness, small business development and financial capability….

So this insurance, opium, and CIA connection completes the picture.


absolutely, Gail


QOTD at Doug Ross Larwyn’s Linx –

Don’t miss Top 20 Tweets regular feature –

Doug Ross has done yeoman’s work on the Øbastard Inc. corruption – see right column.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

WOW! that’s not an insignificant amount!!


Taking Sides!


that spells great divide to me…as in SCOTUS should not ignore such a polarizing event.


Every list varies a bit – the first lists had KY on them.


$0r0$ bought a bunch of State Attorney General seats as well as local (likely big city) district attorneys.


I’ve mentioned this before…but I think it bears repeating.

In the Victorian era, some prisons learned that making their prisoners wear masks and keep a distance from each other…𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝.
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It also made some prisoners depressed and suicidal.

Sound familiar?

Gail Combs

As I said above masks and six foot distancing are all about STIFFLINGCOMMUNICATION and not about stopping disease.


And also…demoralizing us.


Judge denies publication of forensic audit of ballot machines…


Surely more than one person has access to the forensic audit results.

A “Patriot” should publish the forensic audit.



Sad fricken reality, assessment of what’s going on.


Testing to see if this Rumble video will post…

It’s the Hodge Twins latest video:


Okay, that didn’t work…trying this:

Edit, again:

Yikes, that was a mess.
Deleted it.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

I clicked on the link and it worked…

love the Hodge Twins!


Me too, Pat!

This was a good one about the liberal asshoe trying to spoil Christmas for that boy.


Wheatie: I post the X22 Report every day from Rumble – they never show aside from the link – I think it is a Rumble thing!

Tried a different way since your link was embedded – but – it made no difference – hence – the (2) Links below.

Hodge Twins must have gotten kicked off of YouTube and went to Rumble – so that’s that – Mkay?


Thanks for trying, Duchess!
{{{{Duchess}}}} 🤗  💖 



Gail Combs

Article by General Michael T. FlynnOn the Occasion of the Jericho March
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The battle we are engaged in cannot be fought with only human weapons: it requires the intervention of God because in a war against the forces of Evil, only the Lord can obtain the victory. And as American citizens, we must refuse to go to the funeral of our own independence….

We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us. We understand what their plan is: to eliminate dissent, subdue any criticism, and outlaw those who do not submit unconditionally to the dictatorship of the “New World Order.“ And if they do not succeed through the hammering persuasion of the mainstream media, they do not hesitate to resort to deception, betrayal, perjury, and censorship. Let’s not forget that by the crimes they have committed, they have violated our laws; they have betrayed our Nation and their oath to serve our Country, their oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution…..


some clear and sobering thoughts in this American Thinker article…if we had a target, it’d be toast!
This is just an observation (because I’m not looking forward to gulag life), but I think the only thing keeping Trump voters from burning the whole corrupt system down right now is that nobody knows whom or what to attack.  That should be a pretty sobering consideration for an establishment class that thinks it just stole the 2020 presidential election fair and square.  If there were a ship out in the harbor loaded up with all the Democrats’ fraudulent ballots from the election, there’s no doubt in my mind that a hundred million Americans would dress up as members of the Washington Football Club and sink that ship to the bottom of the sea.  If the politicians and journalists who call the District of Corruption home were wearing bright red coats, I suspect they’d find themselves tossed to the curb head-first by every small business–owner going belly-up right now due to political whims disguised as public health orders.  If there were a field of battle to defend or clearly demarcated enemy zones on the map, I’m guessing the powder keg ignited from mail-in ballot fraud this election cycle would have already gone boom!

Gail Combs

Well most town/cities have newspaper/tv/radio station FIFTH COLUMN PROPAGANDA DISSEMINATORS… Corrupt politicians & bureauRats…. Teacher’s Unions and colleges and universities.

The problem is it is such a TARGET RICH environment.  🙃 


The problem on EVERY LEVEL is MASSIVE.

Elections alone.

  • Motor voter. Governors and state legislators. DMV employees required to enroll everyone to vote. NO validation.
  • Mass mail voting. Governors and state legislators passing mass mail voting with no checks and balances.
  • Governors and courts changing election process, outside of legislature, outside of the law.
  • Elections officials at ALL levels intentionally counting illegal ballots.
  • Elections officials NOT allowing witnesses.
  • Governors, State secretary of States, purchasing and allowing Dominion and Smartmatic to be used in election process.
  • Dominion connected to the Internet. Votes shipped overseas…
  • Courts NOT holding criminal behavior accountable.
  • Criminal people illegal voting and enabling illegal voting.

Elise Stefanik
(THREAD) The amicus brief that was signed by over 100 House Republican Members today is about protecting our Constitution. The Constitution is clear; Election Officials and State Executives cannot change the people’s presidential election process without the state legislature …

Elise Stefanik
approving it. Additionally, it is unconstitutional to refuse to check signatures on mail-in ballots if the state law explicitly states that they must be checked. We are requesting that the Supreme Court carefully review the lawsuit and provide clarity …

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Elise Stefanik
to the American People, who are rightfully concerned about both the unconstitutional overreach from certain state officials and the integrity of the Presidential election. (End)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved! Likely too many links.


oh man…wish I knew that hours ago…I could’ve edited it…
live and learn…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a very good solution – and it makes me curious if it’s possible to make something post.

However, I just raised the number of links to an absurd value, so it’s unlikely to cause problems henceforth!


you’re the best!



so i have a comment waiting for approval?
hmmm…it’s 3 tweets from Elise Stetanik about the election…???


Bummer. That doesn’t make sense.


I’ll have a try. I think these are the ones?




Adjudication is a process to aide in cheating under the guise of “helping” or reading the mind of the voter. Who knew this was even a thing?


This was a demonstration to illustrate the shortcomings of the software. It was not dominion machines which adjudicated ballots, or counted ballots multiple times or accepted illegal ballots. The software was/is the gateway. It was corrupt people who fed the machines and those who encouraged them to do so. Follow the money.


Follow the money. That takes law enforcement on some level and they are no where to be found.

Gail Combs


Do not forget Ezra Cohen-Watnick.


The military brass are lefties and politicians. I don’t see them doing a thing to jeopardize their cushy careers. They will do nothing.


Sad but true especially here. WELCOME TO CANADA where everything is policed except CRIME

Gail Combs

This DawsonSField thread from Dec 2 is interesting. I do not know if it has already been covered. NOTE THE NAME!!! Raymond Chan
There is no info on whether he is an immigrant, first or second generation.


Raymond Chan, former L.A. deputy mayor, charged in federal City Hall corruption case

Raymond Chan, a deputy mayor who oversaw economic development for L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti in 2016 and 2017, has been charged with conspiracy, bribery and other crimes.

https://www DOT latimes DOT com/california/story/2020-11-30/los-angeles-city-hall-corruption-raymond-chan

Raymond Chan spent his time as Deputy Mayor in charge of economic development in 2016-2017, shaking down developers. It’s almost like these regulatory & approval processes were designed to help Swamp creatures get rich.
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This time they were shaking down Chinese developers who were willing to pay bribes to get their projects approved.
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138 page indictment is available here. This is the unsealing of a superceding indictment. Which likely means there are other connected cases that are not being unsealed & will be indicted separately.…
FBI has been draining the Swamp in Los Angeles for several years with investigations going back a long time.




Jul 22

Aide to Councilman Huizar pleads guilty to taking cash from Chinese developers for approvals in L.A.!

Draining the Swamp in the Democratic stronghold of Los Angeles!



Quote Tweet

US Attorney L.A.


 · Jul 22

George Esparza, a former aide to L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar, pleaded guilty today to one count of racketeering conspiracy. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for Feb. 8, 2021.


There were several guilty pleas this summer in LA to these & similar charges.

Continuing to drain the Swamp in Los Angeles!

Another councilman pleads guilty for taking bribes to help Chinese investors build property in downtown L.A.

#ButNothingsHappening HT 


Quote Tweet

FCCED – Financial Crimes News


 · Jul 7

The former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitch Englander has pleaded guilty to taking cash, escort services, other gifts from a real estate businessman and trying to obstruct the investigation into the allegations in a pay-to-play scheme. 


Raids on not only city hall but the LA water authority were conducted by the FBI as they sought out corruption throughout the city government.

Thread by @DawsonSField: “So the Los Angeles, CA, City Hall, City Attorney’s office & the Dept. of Water & Power are being raided by the FBI with search warra […]”


Thread by @DawsonSField: “So the Los Angeles, CA, City Hall, City Attorney’s office & the Dept. of Water & Power are being raided by rch warrants! ! You don’t think the city’s water & elec…


They also raided the homes of several of the corrupt officials.


I hope using ‘Plain text paste’ killed enough links. 🙄 


I wonder if one of the reasons they are beginning to move quickly on the get rid of Biden plan is because with Harris as POTUS or POTUS elect they will be able to play the race card … endlessly.

Yes, I think getting rid of Biden has Always been the plan but with President Trump continuing to fight against the stolen election can you all imagine how different the coverage would be if Harris were claiming to be the dem POTUS elect? The condemnation as it all ls suddenly became about race, racism and that she is a woman?

And then when people bring up the fact that she is not a natural born citizen (v. a citizen at birth since her mother was not a citizen when she was born) race, race, race would be all we would hear.

They could effectively shut down all argument with “racism” claims as they did to Every political issue debate for 8 yrs under Obama admin.


Such a good point about racism and true def of natural born citizen regarding Harris and others.

Gail Combs

She is VP candidate BECAUSE she does not meet NBC requirements!



[They] want to destroy the NBC requirement, by creating these precedents.


NBC is required for VP as well, I’m pretty sure. Just those two offices.


Because she’s VP candidate, the requirement issue is being “over-looked”, purposefully. Very sneaky.


Yall might think I’m crazy but I agree with this and will add that it seems to me that the media is trying to make POC appear much more numerous than they really are. We assume the onslaught of black shows, replacing longtime tv news people with POC, tv ads etc is about making things ‘equitable’ as they say….my theory is that they’re trying to visually make viewers think there are way more POC in this country than there really are.

Gail Combs

Harris was born Oct. 20, 1964. At the time of her birth, her father Donald Jasper Harris, was a citizen of Jamaica, and her mother Gopalan Shyamala, was a citizen of India. Therefore, the laws of both Jamaica and India are clear: Kamala Harris was either a citizen of Jamaica, pursuant to Section 3C(b) of the Constitution of Jamaica, or a citizen of India, pursuant to Part II, Sec. 5 of the Constitution of India….

comment image


Thanks, Gail! 👍 


In other words, she’s an anchor baby.


Actually, she’s not (there’s no such thing as an anchor baby).

She’s simply a fraud. A complete and total fraud.


You’re kidding, right? So you don’t think illegal aliens (Mexico, China, whatever) come here and have children because those kids are immediately US citizens? Providing the link to benefits for the family. There are only 2 first world countries (US/Canada) who still grant birthright citizenship – to children born of non-citizens.

Kamala Harris is a fraud, that’s a given. But she was a US citizen at birth SOLELY because of our laws.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

We do not have ‘dirt’ citizenship here; we have lineage citizenship. Our laws require a citizen parent in order to have a citizen birth.

You cannot find any law which says what you think is true about citizenship. Try if you want but it is not there.

What happens is the birth in America gets a birth certificate issued by a govt agency within the USA. Everybody treats that as proof of citizenship but it is not. It only proves identity.

The misconception about citizenship is used by state welfare agencies to grant benefits to illegal aliens which benefits are reimbursed by the US Treasury. It’s a scam.

Why do you think the leftist thugs fought so hard to prevent census from asking about citizenship? Because it would expose the scam.

There are trillions of dollars riding on the misconception being believed by most people.


8 U.S.C. 1401 : US Code Section 1401 (1952) Grants automatic citizenship to any person born in the United States.


It’s at The entire thing.

Concerned Virginian

One wonders if Kamala Harris therefore was a citizen of the BRITISH COMMONWEALTH at her birth and if so, WHERE are the exact papers her parents filed to renounce that citizenship in her name? And WHERE are the exact papers that her parents filed for her to assume American citizenship after her parents became Naturalized citizens of the United States?


Harris is Obama’s pick. They want to water down US citizenship and that to be president one has to be born to a US citizen. This is a scam for one world order.


NBCitizenship is born here of two citizen parents. The whole point is to make it completely independent of legislation. No foreign allegiance.



List of 106 Republican House Members Who Are Part of Amicus Brief Supporting TX In U.S. Supreme Court Case Against 4 Battleground States

The list is too long to post here.

Question is…why aren’t 𝕒𝕝𝕝 of the R’s in Congress signing onto this?


Since you posted at least 20 more have been added….there are always those who wait to be told what to do.



Had a hard time reading your post with those DAMNED NEW COMMENT BALLOONS BLOCKING HALF OF MY SCREEN.


There has to be a previous page, but I can’t find the place where those numbers are, looked (in my way, lol) at top and bottom. Any way to make this easier?


Zoe, the page numbers are in the lower left hand corner, at the bottom of the page.

But here is a link to the previous page:


Ack…sorry, that link didn’t work.
Trying again:

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

That’s weird.
Each time I post a link to Page 1…it changes to Page 2 when I post the comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The links that I’m seeing don’t include page numbers.

Let’s see if this one works:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That didn’t work, either. Let’s try a specific comment:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I just copied a link to my own comment:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yikes – that’s nasty – they’re all being STRIPPED OFF.

Let’s try a new trick:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. THAT didn’t work. Let’s try this – DOTTING THE END.…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crap! I even did it as a CODE BLOCK and it treated it as an embed!

Let’s try this.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very bad stuff. It’s embedding links.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wheatie – this works!

Type something like “MY COMMENT“.

Highlight that text.

Click the link button.

Backspace out the text of the link being “MY COMMENT” or whatever.

Replace with the actual link.

Click SAVE.

Post the comment.


Karli Bonne posted this on Parler.

It’s a funny clip about the stupid new Time cover:

[video src="" /]

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Caption should be LOSERS of the YEAR!

Person is ONE, not TWO PEOPLE!! More distortion of reality!

In the real world, POTUS should be Person of the Year for 5 (4 ME + S/K) Peace Agreements and so much more!!! Or if he humbly stepped aside and let them give it to Jared Kushner. JK works miracles behind the scenes, peace deals plus PPE distribution, plus Warp Speed, plus plus plus……


Yep…agree, Butterfly!
JK has a thankless job.

Time is such a disgusting rag now…both POTUS and JK are too good for it!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I feel so DECEIVED Miss Wheatie! 😭 I grew up believing all the EneMedia, so Everything I thought I knew about the world has been a total lie! Until TRUMP. That’s when I started paying attention. MY, OH MY!! What an Education!!!
I remember being at work in 2008 and rolling my eyes at an older grumbly colleague who said Barry was a Muslim. I did an ‘Internet Search’ 🙄 and mockingly told him ‘O is NOT a Muslim!’. Little did I know, He was soo right. I repent! If I could find that guy now, I would apologize and ask forgiveness. Thank God for POTUS, he has torn the veil off the evil, and is repsonsible for THE GREAT AWAKENING!!! It’s God’s way and His will, Dark to Light, the TRUTH always prevails. His light within us ALWAYS wins! ❤❤❤


Amen, Butterfly.

I knew Obarky was a closet rug-sniffer.
So his 8 years were a nightmare for me.


I knew so much about Obama before he took office! EVERYBODY thought I was a conspiracy nut. I knew he was foreign-born, Muslim, and I suspected he was gay. I also knew he consorted with domestic terrorists, attended a radical church, and so much more!

Those eight years WERE a nightmare!


You too, Aubergine?

Yeah…all of that.
And that creepy logo of his is a message to the muslim world.

It’s a moon, not a sun.
It’s a moon rising over rivers of blood.

He had all the American Flags taken off his leased campaign jet…and had that logo painted on instead…right before he made his big trip to the mideast in 2008.

That was when he proclaimed himself a “citizen of the world”.

I was horrified.


Yep, me too! And then he bowed down to that Muslim leader, and I almost threw up.


JUSTICE will find him- nowhere to hide!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I was so oblivious! In the beginning I thought it a wonderful thing, The 1st Black President. Then came his reversals, ‘gay marriage, abortion’, and his lies ‘if you like your Dr’, drone strikes, stoking racial division and encouraging hatred of cops. I wasn’t AWAKE yet, but I was totally disgusted, and couldn’t wait for him to be gone. NOW, Praise GOD, I know the TRUTH. POTUS MUST get another four years, still so much damage to undo and course corrections to be done.


I’m glad you see it all clearly now, Butterfly.
 🤗  💖 
And yes, we absolutely must have PDJT for another four years!


i was never deceived by Obama because I live in Illinois. I despise socialism/marxism/ communism. I knew about Bill Ayers going back to the the Weathermen radicals long years ago and that he helped O. launch his campain, Ayers and other radical Bernadine Dorn (anyone who doesn’t know about these people needs to) that they launched O.’s campaign from their living room. O. lied about his connections with them. His presidency was all planned his entire life. There is nothing genueine about what he says. Connnections with the Russians/Putin exposed when he thought he was off-mike. O. uses/used race as a weapon against the truth.



HeydonMusicPage/”Poor Joe & THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA “Tik Tok 12.10.2020
HEYDONMUSICPAGE Published  December 10, 2020


Hi 😃🤚 .. just coming on .. 😬 … hello all … and God bless y’all .. 🤨


nikki…nice to see you!



This is dynamite! 💥 






I really HATE the cheesecake image posted on the first page of threads.


In a mood this A.M., GA/FL? She’s just a dumb broad who thinks her personal value increases if the size of her tatas increases.


I’ve been In A Mood™©!!! since 2016 when the Demoncraps started all their crap with sitting out the inauguration, Russia, impeachment hoaxes, assaulting Trump supporters, burning cars, buildings, etc.!!!!


You mood is going to be improving markedly very soon.

Jane Sullard

Me too! Degrades this terrific site–I hope it never happens again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to approve this comment so it can be seen – but I will give you fair warning that it WILL happen again. Until I have time to move the U Tree to our new hosting, or somehow deal with the issue, “more civil” and “less civil” speech will need to bump shoulders here.

This is a battleship right now – not a Hillsdale cruise! 😉

And lest I forget, welcome to posting. 😀


[…] then there is this from our […]

Valerie Curren

On CoronaVirus PCR testing…

The guy hosting can be found here:

I don’t know that the video in the tweet is able to be found at the main site & it is likely being suppresses by the usual suspects…

This appears to be a gathering of conservative info but I’m not familiar so am sharing fyi.

Here is the pinned tweet from his twitter page

Valerie Curren

I shared some other tweets connected to a tweet video shared by DP yesterday at this link, in case anyone is digging deeply on CV…

Valerie Curren

Here’s a bit of info on navigating the video, copied from my comment to DP

around 9 mins above he discusses how there is no scientific paper/reference to document that “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS”…11 mins the NIH & CDC report “was crap” it was about killing a primate w/ a retrovirus…

This could also be why Mullis was eliminated because he exposes that the emporer has NO CLOTHES…around 12:40 it’s like he revealed why he would be offed–Just WOW!

about 16:30 explains the PCR test, “you cannot use a surrogate test to prove anything!” around 20 mins “if you amplify the virus 60 times you will have 100% positive” if you later “amplify 35 times 100% will be negative” ends around 21:30! THIS IS HUGE!!!

Spiro Skouras did this video & this is really a MUST WATCH

Hopefully that allows the vide to be watched here more easily!

Valerie Curren

Also, here is the post where the video was first shared, I believe…

Valerie Curren

I nice thing about this site, above, is that he includes links to much of what he claimed in the video. Here is one link about the death of Kary Mullis–inventor-of-the-pcr-technique–dies-66256

Wow that write up is a bit of a character assassination, imo, hmmm…trying to discredit him before clips of his sayings & his writings might be used to attempt to discredit the CV testing?

Gail Combs


December 11, 2020

Disgraced Texas AG Ken Paxton Blindsided By FBI Subpoena
“Are the Republican members of the House so dim that they do not understand by following Donald Trump, they are calling for a coup? Apparently so…. There was just one problem.

When the president asked for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to try the case before the Supreme Court, the senator agreed. Then, the trouble started.
It seems that the man who cooked this all up is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The FBI subpoenaed the Republican Texas AG Attorney when, according to” the Courthouse News site:


The October 1 letter stated:


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If you wish to read the rest you can. Sounds like shades of General Flynn’s persecution.


Wonder how much money or what “goodies”, future positions were promised to the seven signing this letter. All to predictable.


LAWFARE™ – same old Democrap tactics.

Concerned Virginian

Wow, radio stations running with this story — WOR, WLW, WRVA.
At the moment, the line is “Ken Paxton has no standing in the lawsuit because he himself is under investigation.”


The letter is dated a month before the election, with a claimed report to law enforcement. Were they using this as leverage, and AG Paxton filed anyway?

Gail Combs

DINNER!!! 😍 


DH went hunting with bow and arrow a couple of times and came home with buffalo meat. One was an older one that got turned into hamburger, and I made a lot of chili with it. It’s weird because I needed to put in twice as much chili powder for the buffalo unless I used chipotle chili powder.


Bison mean doesn’t have the fat that beef does. Fat is where the ‘taste’ is.




Update: Sixth Circuit Rules Tennessee Can Enforce Pro-Life LawBy Michelle Terry22 hrs. ago


Fighting for Free and Fair ElectionsBy Jeff Ballabon yesterday

JW in Germany

I think Timcast IRL is an increasingly important show because of the younger audience it attracts.

In this episode: TWENTY States File AGAINST Texas, Matt Braynard Joins Discussing Voter Fraud


Flu pissed off she didn’t get the the Flu Emmie.
COVID got it.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Uh…this doesn’t look good, at all:
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…………From the article:

Google, Dell, Intel and a handful of other major tech companies in the IT and cloud computing industries have banded together to tackle joint problems around security, remote work, and other enterprise issues that have only become more important during the coronavirus pandemic. The consortium these companies have formed is called the Modern Computing Alliance, and its founding members also include Box, Cirtrix, Imprivata, Okta, RingCentral, Slack, VMWare, and Zoom.

The Modern Computing Alliance will initially be focused on four areas: performance; security and identity; remote work, productivity, and collaboration; and health care. …

……………End quote, much more at link.

And health care too?


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Probably TeleMedicine.

Cuppa Covfefe



Tell me about all those Ring -1 and Ring -2 exploits, Intel…. AMT, just say no! And Meltdown, Spectre, Zombieload, RIDL, Fallout, SwapGS, LVI, Foreshadow, Snoop, Portsmash, LazyFP, BranchScope, Spoiler, NetCAT, SgxPectre, SpectreRSB, TPM-Fail, Plundervolt, Platypus… and those are just a sampling.

And what about playing it fast and easy with speculative execution (or should I say, quick and dirty?)… And logging on home to the mothership when the OS is down but the box isn’t… seems that the hackers have found that one, too… And how about all the money put into deceptive marketing, Passmark, and the earlier benchmarks (e.g. CPUmark) that suddenly showed Intel far above any competition? Oh, and how’s 10nm and 7nm going for you? Even the fanbois and girls are starting to get impatient, and no amount of marketing money can get around that…

They’re just as bad as M$, but on the hardware side. Granted, they’ve made a lot of good hardware over the years, including networking stuff, but they’ve been milking (bilking) their customers for all they’re worth during the “bulldozer drought”.

Add Gargle and Dell into the mix…. barf… wonder if there’s Red Chynee groups in the mix (or behind it) after all??? And Huawei would they be doing such a thing???

Not just Big Brother: BIG BOTHER!


Thanks, Cuppa.

Yeah, it looked ominous to me…like Big Brother was adding some more bros to be an even Bigger Big Brother.



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Toronto Star (DOH CANADA)

Yes, the mask stays on after you get vaccinated. Here’s why

While the COVID-19 vaccine will alleviate much of the need for physical distancing and masking long-term, it won’t immediately end public health measures, epidemiologists say.

Herd immunity, which refers to a large proportion of the community being immune to contracting the virus via vaccination, has to hit about 70 per cent in order for COVID-19 to be manageable, said Dr. Robyn Lee, an infectious disease expert and adjunct professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

Until we reach that threshold, public health measures need to continue.

“It’s going to take some time. And as the vaccine becomes available, we obviously have priority groups that need to be vaccinated first,” Lee said. “It’s going to be a number of months before the whole Canadian population has received a vaccine.”

The vaccine protects against symptomatic COVID-19, she said. Still unknown, however, is whether the vaccine will stop transmission entirely. At this point, it’s unclear if vaccinated people could be asymptomatic and still spread the virus to others.

“We don’t actually know whether (the vaccines) prevent somebody from becoming infected and then spreading it forward,” Lee said. What that means is that if there is a large amount of the population that isn’t yet vaccinated, they’re still at risk of potentially contracting the virus from vaccinated people.

“The key issue is that if people are vaccinated, and they can still spread it, then that’s a risk to the people who aren’t vaccinated,” she said.

While masking and physical distancing are necessary while the community builds herd immunity, this won’t last forever. As more people are vaccinated, restrictions can be reduced as potential outbreaks become easier to manage, Lee said.

Jean-Paul Soucy, a PhD student in epidemiology at Dalla Lana, agrees that once we reach the point where a majority of the population is vaccinated then governments can relax restrictions. “The ability for the virus to spread will be … much less.”

“Herd immunity is going to have a huge effect,” Soucy said. While we won’t be able to completely forget about the virus, “its control of our lives will be much less at that point.”

Concerned Virginian

Notice a couple of things in the summary above:
One, that the Canadian government’s goal is to get EVERY SINGLE Canadian vaccinated for the CCP Virus. It appears that NO objection from citizens will be “permitted”.
Two, “We don’t ACTUALLY KNOW whether [the vaccines] prevent somebody from becoming infected and then spreading it forward”, per Dr. Robyn Lee.
Three, there appears to be a HEAVY inference that “herd immunity” to the CCP Virus can ONLY occur with REPEATED (meaning at least every year) vaccinations.

Now if Dr. Lee, an infectious disease expert, KNOWS that a CCP Virus vaccine can’t prevent people from becoming infected, SO DOES THE CDC, BIG PHARMA, and DR. FAUCI.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

BS! The vaccine is supposed to stop you from catching disease, therefore, you don’t need a mask because you cannot spread. If vaccine does not prevent you from getting virus, then why get it?

P.S. Didn’t they carpet bomb POTUS for mentioning ‘herd immunity’? I thought that was a forbidden phrase. Now we are to aspire to it? 🙄 WuFlu rules are making me DIZZY!!!😵😵😵


Well the only WuFlu rule that matters is Lefists are right and everyone else is wrong, so do what the left says.

Cuppa Covfefe

They would rather be seen and not herd…
(dodges flying snowflake tissues, syringes, and excess PCR cycles)…


. . . shoes . . . don’t forget dodging shoes!

Cuppa Covfefe

And now, for a really big shoe…

(Wonder if anyone remembers the Ed Sullivan show anymore…)….


Just us OF’s.


Found on Gab:
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Had to share this alternate definition for “mansplaining”:


A sexist slur created by women to invalidate someone’s opinion based on their gender.


First read it as manspreading and thought it was funny. Now I’m not so sure.

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

The problem for the left in talking about ‘mansplaining’ or ‘manspreading’ is that they are implicitly acknowledging that there are, in fact, two biological sexes.


You are a sadist – to confused leftists.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Someone = White Men

Valerie Curren

Passing on a tweet about the NYT hiding the Hunter Biden story found this little gem


TIME magazine missed the mark, all right.

Besides – as Teagan pointed out – PRESIDENT TRUMP’S 3 Nobel Peace Prize Nominations – they missed the REAL HEROES of 2019-2020!!!!!

THESE good and selfless people put their lives on the line every day!!!

All crap Chinese communist tools Biden and Kamala did was cooperate with a horrible FRAUD campaign and FRAUD election!!!


Steve in Lewes

Charles Payne missed the mark as well! I’m very disappointed in his tweet!
He has always been very supportive of small business who has endured much more than those he lists.

BTW, many comments are from people thanking him who have been getting paid this entire time and they feel that they deserve Person of the Year!

This my fellow Qtreepers, is the reason why our glorious country is slipping slowly into a commie hell hole.

That entire tweet and replies is nothing but self-congratulatory, sniveling bullschiff. Force them to turn over 30% of their pay and see how they feel.
We can call it the “We are all in this together Surcharge”!


You have a point – maybe the real heroes are the martyrs in the NY and NJ nursing homes – killed so Cuomo, et al could run up the &^*$@! Covid numbers.

Valerie Curren

Someone found a promising resource here

& here are my tweets w/ internet archives of the material, in case deep staters try to erase


FreeThoughtProject has a habit of being hyperbolic and rather selective in their reporting, so take this with a grain of salt…

World’s Largest Vaccine Maker Suing Man for Saying COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Him

It should have already been considered a crime against humanity decades ago that law makers were lobbied (bribed) into passing legislation in which vaccine manufacturers cannot be held legally liable for any damage their products may cause. It was an act which established official protocols, such as the secret vaccine injury court to largely sweep under the rug any instances of such side effects.

But now a new lawsuit filed by the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute of India, in association with multinational pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, seeks to take this a step further — by attempting to set the precedent that vaccine manufacturers can actually sue those that may have been harmed by their faulty products.

The litigation filed in an Indian court is a countersuit to a lawsuit that has been filed against SII by one of the volunteers who participated in a trial study for the developmental Covisheild. A vaccination for SARS-CoV-2.

After participating in the trial study, the yet to be named volunteer flagged severe neurological and psychological symptoms 10 days after the first injection. Symptoms which were then diagnosed as acute neurological encephalopathy, resulting in memory loss, lapses in cognitive functions such as reasoning, and changes in personality. A legal notice had been sent to ICMR, DCGI, AstraZeneca and Oxford University to stop testing, manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. The plaintiff filed a suit after the notice failed to receive response.

SII then filed a countersuit, worth $13.5 million, for defamation after alleging that the volunteers illness had nothing to do with the vaccine trial. This is a statement which was also backed up by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) and DCGI (Drugs Controllor General of India). However, these assertions have been challenged by independent researcher Dr. Anant Bhan, the former President of the International Association of Bioethics and current professor at India’s Yenepoya Medical University. Dr. Bhan notes that both of these institutions are government entities directly affiliated with SII, and stresses that transparency should be the top priority given that the parties vested financial interests.

Speaking to Indian national news outlet Firstpost, he claims that the countersuit is totally “uncalled for”, and called for transparency, stating —

“It’s an unusual response, because the reasons for volunteers to participate are altruistic. If there is a concern that a volunteer has, it’s good to engage with them and understand what those concerns are, and to make efforts to try and address them. It’s in the interest of the sponsor, and is also a signal to other participants already in the trial, and potential participants.”

“(It) could spook a few people, if and when a vaccine becomes available. When you do get into these situations, it’s better to be open and transparent,”

“It’s quite possible that everything they’re saying is true. But that doesn’t change the fact that there’s a conflict of interest,” said Bhan. “The regulator is being paid taxpayer money to be able to provide adequate oversight in these circumstances. The expectation is for the regulator to come forward and speak on the issue.”

It has also been alleged, both by the plaintiff’s attorneys, and spokesman for the AIDAN (All India Drug Action Network), that the countersuit amounts to “an attempt of intimidation.”

In a statement released by the former participants legal team, they say —

“This is a clear attempt to intimidate our client. Why else will they file a Rs.100 crore defamation suit. Our client is merely asking for Rs.5 crore compensation for the health problems he is facing and to take care of his family.”

“Moreover, if you look at their statement it is clear that they are unwilling to even investigate what exactly happened and if the side-effects are due to the vaccine. Our client wants the manufacturing of the vaccine to be stopped because he fears others could get affected the same way,” says advocate NGR Prasad, a practicing attorney of over five decades.

Spokesman for the AIDAN also said in a press release —

“Instead of explaining why they have been silent about the reports of the SAE, Serum Institute is attempting to divert public scrutiny of its trial. Bear in mind that in Serum’s Phase 2/3 trial, safety is one of the primary endpoints in addition to immunogenicity.” explained AIDAN.

“Given that the SAE took place in October, it is of serious concern that CDSCO did not pause the trial to investigate the SAE when it was reported. The silence from the CDSCO which granted permission for the trial is deafening.”

The monumental ramifications of this cannot be understated. The world’s most lucrative and powerful vaccine manufacturer along with their government allies are attempting to set a dire precedent; that in place of transparency, investigation, and accountability they can instead overtly threaten those who are potentially harmed by their products with lifelong financial ruin as a tactic to intimidate them in to silence.

Even now, before the rollout has taken place the public is already being conditioned to accept this lack of accountability as commonplace. On October 11th, 2020, The Wall Street Journal published an article titled “People Harmed by Coronavirus Vaccines Will Have Little Recourse”. In it, they indicated that those possibly harmed by a Covid-19 vaccine will instead not have their claim heard by the NVCIP, but rather the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Fund. A program even more parsimonious than the aforementioned.

The article stated — “This year, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar said the countermeasures fund should also cover injuries from Covid-19 vaccines, giving drug companies immunity from potential liability lawsuits.”

This is particularly insidious when put into the proper context. It has been established in numerous instances that while vaccinations are largely beneficial, the human element involved in the manufacturing process are not infallible. With specific regard to our current state of affairs it has already been highlighted in a number of publications several issues arising with the development of a Covid-19 vaccine rushed through production, as noted by journalist Derrick Broze.

Even at the time of writing this, a new report has come out of yet more volunteer injuries taking place during another CV19 vaccine trial. This time resulting in facial paralysis, and including a document from the FDA which indicated 84% of participants experienced some sort of adverse reaction. And a separate report released by the FDA on the same day confirming two post-vaccine deaths in yet another trial.

But fret not, Reuters fact checked these claims and assures us there is nothing to worry about.

No causal relationship was established between the vaccine and the two deaths, which occurred in line with the normal death rate for the general population.


Four cases of Bell’s Palsy (partial facial paralysis) were also not considered to necessarily be caused by the vaccine but the symptom will be under surveillance when the vaccine is distributed.

Furthermore these concerns are compounded with the well-documented history of malfeasance by every major manufacturer involved and it’s production (see here, here, here, here, & here), specifically AstraZeneca in the case of this SII lawsuit, who is already exempt from liability of any potential damages caused by their current Covid-19 vaccine in development.

The ethical struggle to maintain bodily autonomy and freedom of choice via informed consent may be the new battle of our generation.

Concerned Virginian

Bell’s Palsy is triggered by an inflammation of the Cranial VII nerve that’s over the eyes. This nerve can be inflamed by various causes, like stress, HIV, Lyme Disease, or a VIRAL INFECTION; in other cases, it cannot be explained.
In 5% – 15% of cases of Bell’s Palsy, the symptoms DO NOT resolve or go away.
“Bell Palsy”


You are right. I have a relative with Bell’s Palsy who lost all movement on one side of his face over 60 years ago. No improvement ever. Went to law school and couldn’t get hired as a trial lawyer because his appearance would be a problem with jurors. Practices law but behind the scenes. Bell’s Palsy can be very debilitating and life altering.


My number 1 favorite Predident as a child! Always will be.

Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York, (NBC News) 11:30AM Eastern news report: The “Hail Mary lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election has no chance of success, with the Electoral College set to meet on Monday to certify that Joe Biden is the President-Elect.”


NOW the bastids are starting their standard Lawfare™ against AG Paxton!



From Gab:

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Silviu “SILVIEW” Costinescu

Meme Warfare
Our response to #YoutTube‘s new wave of #censorship has just been published on YouTube, where else. In an original form and shape. Can’t wait for Yt to prove us right by deleting it! Until then, please make it viral to send a signal! @a

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved! Likely too many links.


Thanks, boss.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I raised the number of allowed links to 50. I’ll explain why some other time. 😉


Wow. Cool.
That should keep people out of the bin.
 😀  👍 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. I’m looking at things in a whole new way now.


Found on Gab:
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come to timmy

Sorry about Idaho not stepping up. Looks like Beijing might’ve slipped a puppet into the governor’s mansion.


Americans Said No to Coronavirus Contact Tracing Spy Apps

When the NHS, Britain’s socialized medicine system, debuted its contact tracing app, six million eagerly rushed to download it. After a few days, 10 million had downloaded and installed the app, and after a month, around 40% of smartphone users had put a monitoring device on their phones that would trace their social interactions and could tell them to isolate at any moment.

In October, Governor Cuomo launched a New York contact tracing app based on technology from Google and Apple, and some assistance from Bloomberg’s organization.

“It’s going to not only bring contact tracing to a new level,” Cuomo boasted, while claiming that it wouldn’t violate anyone’s privacy.

Few New Yorkers seemed to believe him. Despite being available in Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Korean, Russian, Haitian Creole, and, even more unexpectedly, English, the app hasn’t taken off and Cuomo’s regime has refused to reveal the data that would actually show if it’s tracking positive cases. The lack of data transparency has been the second biggest story about Cuomo’s mismanagement of the pandemic, after the deaths of 11,000 nursing home residents when his administration forced nursing homes to accept infected patients. The numbers are likely higher, but the Cuomo administration, in its typical fashion, is refusing to release the data.

After a month, only 5% of New Yorkers have downloaded Cuomo’s spy app. That’s far short of the 60% that’s needed for contact tracing to work.

Even Europeans haven’t hit that 60% target. Few outside Communist China have.

Apple and Google claimed that they needed at least 15%. Only a few states in America hit that bar and they tend to have small populations that lean leftward. Most Americans have opted out.

. . . MOAR . . .

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Last month, they announced random, door knocking, blood sampling, tracers going around Harris County and asked for citizen participation. I no longer answer my door. PERIOD.


This is my first post and I love being here in the QTree. Love being affiliated with Patriots and love being from Texas. Stand Strong and Keep the Faith. We are winning and it looks/feels good.


Welcome, Mustang!
*waves* 👋 


good to see you posting!!!

Gail Combs

Hi Mustang

Is that the car or the horse or both? 😁 


Mustang was my mascot in high school and I have always loved the name.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Had to approve this comment for some reason! Are you logged in? Please check your spam and junk mail folder for a password reset if this continues.


Perhaps linkage to military service?

Being a “Mustang” in the military, reflects promotion from Enlisted to Officer ranks.

Very significant step in military career.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Fellow Texas Qtreepers Welcome You!!! 👋👋👋 We are many..Me, MichaelH, Grandma, FG&C, Para567, Coosmama, and I think BKR. 🤠🤠🤠



“(John) James was up by double digits when MI stopped counting on election night.
He won.”

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yes he was. I hated to see him concede so early. Perdue probably won, maybe even McSally. Gardner was toast at the outset.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Well, MOST OF AMERICA is becoming increasingly PIZZED at his idea of the ‘right thing to do’. So many Elite crimes have been allowed to slide by unprosecuted, and the FIB is downright corrupt and acting as the STAZI ARM of the Dems!!!

DOJ and FIB Coverups
Antifa and BLM running wild
Election Fraud ignored
Biden Crime Syndicate
Whistleblowers treated as criminals



I really wonder if this is the rightful governor of CA.

JohnHCox (@TheRealJohnHCox) Tweeted:
News item: CA jobless claims soared. IPO’s have too. Elite does well but workers left behind. Stop the shutdown now. Solve problems. Disney World has been open since July with no issue; Disneyland should be open so workers can feed their families. CA needs new management now.

JohnHCox (@TheRealJohnHCox) Tweeted:
Except that millions of Californians: *live nowhere near a beach
*have unsafe playgrounds due to out of control homelessness
*Can’t afford the tank of gas to get near a trailhead
*ok dogs are great, but really, Californians are being devastated & the advice is “walk your dog” ???

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I thought they were told to stay indoors and STOP WALKING??


Hes afraid of the recall. Hes also a pos who if he is recalled will be toxic and he knows it.


The rise of conservatives into the open must be so confusing for that plastic piece o’shyte. His pedigree and connections and NOW we see probably rigged voting insulated him to the notion that the citizens would ever catch on, much less do anything about it.


Hey, Cox put up a tweet about san Diego intensive care bed stats. You may want to check his twit page.

Last edited 4 years ago by gil00

Went and checked it.
Any more, with the almost overnight alleged surge after the election, I don’t know what to believe. There are so many compromised people in govt and everywhere else…is it real?
I do know that my brother was hospitalized (in Tn) a few months ago, no fever, no breathing difficulty but positive for CV. Statistically his hospital admission would also be counted as one of these cases too yet he was sent home after 2 days. It’s things like that make me suspicious of the entire thing.


Youre smart to be a skeptic.


He’s enjoying his role as king!


Indoor dining to shut down again in NYC starting Monday

NEW YORK (WABC) — Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Friday that indoor dining would be shut down in New York City starting on Monday.

Many restaurant owners have said that if forced to shut down again they aren’t sure they will be able to survive the winter.


Not Again!

Concerned Virginian

WOR among other radio stations running this story. Apparently the cartels and coyotes are telling the “migrants” that Joe Biden will be the next President that he will throw the border wide open.


This is insane.
comment image


Those kids break my heart. Look at that boy’s face.

tom f

Sad indeed.
A keeper though. Remember this?
Is the lad too young to be thinking, ‘this is f’d up’?






WOW. I marvel at the ability of the US Constitution to set forth the protection of real citizens to be valued equally under law. These claims (if accepted) will confirm the arbitrary and illegal actions taken by states from the position of ignoring the safeguards of it citizens. I don’t know how many US citizens realize the profound wisdom and privilege this provides. Nor is it apparent that many appreciate how close they are to losing it all.


Essential Facts About Covid-19 | Watts Up With That?

Given the spread of misinformation about Covid-19, Just Facts is providing a trove of rigorously documented facts about this disease and its impacts. These include some essential facts that have been absent or misreported in much of the media’s coverage of this issue.
This research also includes a groundbreaking study to determine the lethality of Covid-19 based on the most comprehensive available measure: the total years of life that it will rob from all people. This accords with the CDC’s tenet that “the allocation of health resources must consider not only the number of deaths by cause” but also the “years of potential life lost.”



Why the heck is China allowed to own a military school or any school in the USA???

Valerie Curren

This is mind boggling & almost looks personal though it preceded Trump’s presidency. Aren’t there supposed to be No coincidences?


No. There have been, are, and will continue to be coincidences.

There are, however, a number of misinformed Q fanatics who claim there are no coincidences.

Valerie Curren

Must be where I ran across the phrase. I’m Q Agnostic if we’re categorizing 🙂

Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York, 1PM Eastern news report;
There are new caravans of “migrants” on their way to the United States / Mexico border on the expectation that Joe Biden will be the next President and that he will open the border. One caravan has almost 1,000 “migrants”.


Gee, I wonder who is financing that? Good timing, right?


right when Sniff says he’ll open the borders if inaugurated.

tom f

You win.


not my brainchild…the team was nicknamed Sniff and Blow…


Every time the “migrants” come, they reinforce people’s resolve to protect our borders.


3 Things to Look For From SCOTUS Regarding TX Lawsuit – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax (


New video from Paul Joseph Watson:


ANY MOMENT: SCOTUS Action on Texas Case


Why hasn’t KY joined the TX SCOTUS lawsuit?


KY was on the first lists floating around. I’ve lost faith in the ‘lists’

Would like to see something authoritative and official.

PDJT has only acknowledged 17 so far, I believe.


Understand, Georgia – were they listed on the brief? Do you know?


AFAIK – each state files their own individual briefs.


Hmmm….symbolism again.

Valerie Curren

From that twit world conversation


POTUS ‘mistake’ ‘the instead “to” in tweet has meaning.

Related to Q post 318 of 9 Dec 2017 (3 years)
From Annon
Potus tweet mistake the omits to Q318 The vs. To everything has meaning – (We) Are The News


Eyes on anons.

Look at this last tweet from POTUS

>Now it turns out that the Democrats want the Pack the Court with 26 Justices. This would be terrible, and must be stopped. Even Justice RBG was strongly opposed!

want “the” pack the court should be

want “to” pack the court


comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Someone noticed how they made Harris look Chinese. Similar to the very terrible sculpture of Martin Luther King, Jr.

She really looks Chinese in this pic – POTUS has got to make them pay.


Looks like a preliminary sketch for Mount Douchemore.



DOJ, FIB and Congress has made an absolute mockery of “justice”.

Incredibly disolussioned with all we are witnessing. EVERYDAY.

President Trump IS our only hope to start getting this right.

Not waivering in my belief President Trump will prevail.


Agree with all of that. 🤨






Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Harrisburg, PA 12/11/20



so I’m out of jail???
what was bad about the comment I made?
couldn’t post for hours…


What was the comment? And when did we get a comment jail?


too man links…from elise stefanik…churchmouse actually posted almost the exact same thing…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are you logged in with your WordPress account or your password for this site (could be the same PW and hard to tell, but you can tell by which option you select at the login widget – TOP or BOTTOM).


i actually logged in with both…
i open my profile in the morning using cuz it’s more convenient to me to have a separate tab than to open it on the right here. but when i open the qtree, i log in with my user name and a different password…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, that is very helpful! But when you log in here, you still see the BELL notifier – correct!?

You’re a good user to get this data from! You remember the facts that I need. It helps me debug the software!


yup I can see the bell and it opens and stuff–but with the “on line” comments popping up there it’s just easier to have a separate tab

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We don’t have a comment jail, and we don’t have Axey-Meth messing with our posts. The ONLY reason I would have thought Pat would get thrown into the bin would be unconnected to having a comment binned for too many links – which I released very coincidentally at the time she got out.

Here is the deal. Pat is a member, but the question is whether was denying her entry. That is one way they can theoretically mess with us, because I’m allowing WordPress authentication.

If Pat logged in with WordPress, then they are the ones who may be responsible. If she logged in with a password on the local system, then it’s THIS SITE, more likely.




hey Wolf…did you happen to see any of my sos posts ab “posting too quickly, slow down” for several hours ?

totally blocked here…could not post or make any contact.

I cleared all my history/cookies…still happened…then all of a sudden, my posts started showing up again.

is it an error of some sort ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know – something weird going on there – still investigating.



I will bite you💓

Gail Combs

Wplfie I could not go to the next page for about an hour. Got site not available.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Pat – I just saw this. You had a comment in moderation for too many links, and I just got back online and released it. The timing HAS to be connected.

I did not THINK posting a link-binned comment would do that. The only way I *WOULD* have thought that possible, is that you posted the moderated comment from a new computer, or using a new email, etc.

Generally speaking, people post something that goes into moderation, and it does not affect their status on subsequent posts.

Is everything OK now?

WHEATIE posted something that went into the bin for exactly the same reason – a tweet copied with too many links. Let’s ask her if she was locked out. If so, then this is a problem.


yes…right after I made the comment about waiting for approval…I got the red box of death–you’re posting too fast, slow down…then I couldn’t post anything for hours…till you released me.
i think i could still like posts tho…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am not sure about this “posting too fast” crap. I sure didn’t sign up for that. That is either,, or wpDiscuz, and more likely the latter. Must track this down. That’s BULLSHIT. If it’s, we may have to turn off JetPack, sadly, or they will use that stuff against us when TSHTF (soon).


it has to be tied to the comment tho…
I went to the welcome thread yesterday and posted A LOT of welcomes and hi’s in a short time and never got flagged for illegal motion…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did you do the welcomes from WordPress or this site?


this one


does posting too fast have anything to do with something called akimet…something like that ??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a good question. We are not running Akismet, or as I call it “Axey Meth”. would love to sell it to us, but I don’t want it, because it is used for CENSORSHIP.

It is possible that is sneaking censorship into our login authentication. I am watching carefully to see if that’s the case.

Progzis cannot be trusted.


oh…so that’s what you mean by “Axey Meth”.

reason I mentioned “akismet” is b/c I tried to go online for anexplanation for that red banner “too quickly” error, and someone on that forum suggested akismet as the problem…?

totally beyond my depth & pay grade.

thanks for yr help & for listening.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – people may be seeing that garbage on WordPress now, because it’s sneaky censorship. This “too fast posting” was used as a DODGE by Twitter to accuse people of being bots and either suspending them or demanding their phone numbers to OUT the anons to the DNC and CIA. VERY EVIL.

The wokesters at or even may be trying that now.


it’s just like being BANNED…totally cut off…

at first (without knowing so many others here were experiencing it today), I actually began to think YOU had banned me b/c of my witty nutcracker witty wit remark (!).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is Silicon Valley’s backdoor social(ist)manipulation. I have warned people about this for years now. It’s PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY for SOCIAL HACKING.


i could understand that yesterday–it might have seemed like I was spamming replying to almost every post on the welcome thread–which is why i tried not posting the same welcome phrase…but not today…
were we all “jailed” for lack of a better word–at the same time??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, we have that setting! Here it goes – OFF!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for that tip!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just turned it off!!!

Brute force attack protection

Enabling brute force protection will prevent bots and hackers from attempting to log in to your website with common username and password combinations.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if it disappears now. Nobody should be getting those pop-ups or bans. If they do, I will go into the code tonight. But the server says it’s off.


and no way to communicate with Wolf or mods…or anyone…

is there a way to SAVE our comments/posts here…if necessary?


you too???
once is happenstance. twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

good deal!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I found the answer – will fix tonight!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

wow, good work there !


you need a raise…

let me buy you a drink.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grandma may have even found a faster way to turn it off in JetPack! I just turned off their “Brute Force Attack Protection”.

Valerie Curren

I replied about that red box to you on yesterday’s thread, but today so you might not have seen it…

I get that red box A Lot because of my habit of composing a comment & then going into the Bell to get caught up. If there are replies I do in the bell & then I go to Post my comment the red box appears. Usually once the red box disappears I can hit Post Comment & it goes through fine.

From my experience it is a Very Small Delay, like a few seconds. Perhaps a feature to discourage spamming or something.


In my case, it went on for hours….


mine too!

Valerie Curren

strange, I wonder what makes the difference…gonna take some wolf wisdom to solve that!


me too, all day today


and all day I had stuff to say…important stuff too…and then when i could post, I couldn’t remember what i wanted to say…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

You, as always, ROCK! Thanks for all you are doing here–amazing!


Pat, I got your comments in email as someone who “follows you”… I don’t follow anyone, including my DH. LOL. Not sure if it was Facebook (that I don’t do)…but right now it’s all a bit nuts.


I guess I should apologize then…
I thought stuff wasn’t posting!!  :wpds_sad: 


no worries…always happy to hear from you 😁

as an aside…Wolf, I really do welcome Willow Bean to the Tree, BUT I’ve now been notified at least 15 times she was a lurker and is now a poster (although I have yet to see a post from her).
This is why those green notices are 🤬🤬🤯


I couldn’t either b/c of that red banner saying “posting too quickly, slow down” and “Reply failed, try again”

for several hrs, none of my posts showed up and I couldn’t get my sos posts to show up or “save” them when I exited the screen/thread.

like being totally blocked.

what is that “posting too quickly” all about ??

is it an error ?

what triggers it ?

when it happens, it’s impossible to make any contact.


agreed–there’s no way to ask for help…


It certainly does not hurt Loeffler and instead adds to her stature.


Had a friend of mine post that why worry about covid 19 since it has a 99.9% survival rate? This is literally not true and an example of fake news going to the other extremes (as opposed to fear mongering leftists and over reaching gov). He had never looked up the #s for himself. Never even thought about. Just thought that the wuflu was all fake news from the left instead of a real issue from which many are dying that is being spun by the left, used by the left, exagerated by the left … but is actual real and deadly for far too many.

We need to be wise and cautious so that others do not dismiss covid 19 as nothing and leave themselves vulnerable.

We have had too many that we know die to not take it seriously. We have seen it spread quickly through groups of friends, much more so than a sesasonal flu, in part because it is new and none have antibodies/previous exposures.

I shared with him the following:

In the US we have had approximately 9,657, 036 cases of Covid 19 that have resolved, i.e. that are no longer sick and are settled cases v. diagnosed ongoing cases. Of those resolved cases, 301,037 have died. That is 3% of those who have been infected died v. recovered.

(These numbers are as of today –

This is drastically higher than a fraction of .01-3% of those infected with the flu dying of the flu. 
Covid 19 is much more deadly than the usual seasonal flu.   

The % of dead changes drastically by age group and the % of those dying has decreased by
a) better treatments
b) more diagnosis of more people, including non symptomatic which makes the recover rate better (non symptomatic people are obviously going to recover)

Of those who actually become ill and develop complications the death rate is higher than when counting all who have become infected included many non symptomatic and mild caes.

Do not live in fear. Live in Wisdom. But the beginning of wisdom is fear. We must understand what we are dealing with so that we can then seek knowledge, understanding and gain wisdom.  We take precautions for our health and to avoid infection that are right for us but not out of fear! We take them out of wisdom.

Covid 19 is serious. Our freedom is serious. Taking voluntary precautions against Covid 19 for ourselves, our families and our communities is vital. Taking care of our health so we are strong for whatever virus we encounter is serious. Being able to decide the balance for ourselves between precautions, safety and freedom is an absolute necessity. 

And yet denying the dangers of Covid 19 out of concern for our freedoms and not wanting to bow to the politicized/weaponized fear generated for specific purposes by the media/Dems is harmful to ourselves and our loved ones. Balance and truth, heavenly, God given wisdom, guidance and understanding are desperately needed!

Understanding China is responsible and that President Trump and his admin have done a tremendous job is vital. Understanding that the media and dems have politicized the virus is vital. Being able to sort through the jumble of “advice” concerning mitigations, prevention, treatment, recovery and vaccines … a matter of life and death.

The media is biased and untrustworthy, the gov sources can not be fully trusted, the virus is real and is more contagious + more deadly than the flu, we must maintain our freedoms, we must protect ourselves from Covid + know about treatments in case of infections … Understanding that all of these things can be true at once is rising above the politics and using our own God given intelligence!


I am not obsessed with CCP virus. I am not going to allow it to dominate my life. Chinese win if I allow them to put fear into my life. China lost we know what they did and the truth is setting us free.  😀 
As my son said as a health professional a Doctor he thinks all schools schould open all kids should play sports his do they go to school and no one has gotten the China curse.
Democrats have tried to indstil fear in us for control. People like me have seen many things have lived through many things have heard first hand accounts of many things are not fearful. Should I get the virus I deal with it but I am not going to be crippled by it.
God Bless America, President Trump and all the people of the United States.


China wins if you die.

Fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Realizing the reality of covid begins our walk in wisdom to protect our health. We don’t fear the disease but we do take it seriously, use widsom for our own health, walk cautiously to reduce chances of infection in the balance that is right for us (still active in politics, for example, speaking to literlaly mulitple 1,000s this summer and fall but nearly all out of doors).

It is real, it is China’s fault and it kills.
Life goes on and we all need to find that balance of caution, prevention, freedom and living our life fully that is right for us … but through knowledge and intention v. ignoring the virus and being anti gov forced mitigations.


Fear is the beginning of wisdom.

It’s not fear alone that is the beginning of wisdom.

Proverbs 9:10 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.


Also should be pointed out that the use of the word “fear” in the context of this verse is NOT the Webster Dictionary’s definition of the word “fear”…

…as studied Christians well know.

Otherwise, it would read “A fear of the Lord…”


“”Honer the Lord with all your heart and mind.”


Exactly. Fear is the beginning of slavery.


I dispute the numbers you are choosing to use.

FACT: It is not possible to know how many cases there have been vs # that have recovered or died. The tests are flawed. For another, we know for a fact that there are a great many deaths that are being attributed to COVID that had nothing to do with COVID, and this includes deaths of people who actually had COVID but died of something else.

Want wisdom?

COVID is an intentionally created crisis in order to justify and enact a great many freedom-killing measures and decrees….all in the name of “safety”.

It is a bio-weapon, created in a lab, and was intentionally released. It’s spread cannot be stopped. Moreover…

We know, beyond doubt, the purposes behind the release of this bio-weapon. Specifically, to attack and dismantle the individual freedoms and Constitutional rights of the individual and be used to usher in a new age of totalitarian gov’t control.

The loss of even 100,000,000 lives are not enough to justify the abrogation of our Constitutional rights and liberties. In fact, our enemies would LOVE nothing better than for us to place a number (or target) upon this question, so that they could they work towards hitting that number and get folks to say “Enough. I surrender.”

As pointed out using any number of real life truths…

Masks do not prevent it’s spread. “Social distancing“ does not prevent it’s spread. In truth, one can follow ALL the blue state mandated health decrees and STILL contract the virus.

Every person alive today will, at some point, contract COVID.

The path forward is THROUGH the fire, not trying to avoid it.

We are at war. Reread that.

There will be unavoidable, infuriating losses.

Our Constitutional freedoms and liberties should not be one of them. No matter how many may die.



Every once in awhile you pop off with a genius level argument. This is one of them. ThanQ.

JW in Germany

“The loss of even 100,000,000 lives are not enough to justify the abrogation of our Constitutional rights and liberties. In fact, our enemies would LOVE nothing better than for us to place a number (or target) upon this question, so that they could they work towards hitting that number and get folks to say “Enough. I surrender.””

BRILLIANT! Too many simply cannot comprehend the level of evil behind using a virus as a weapon of control, profit, and power. Accepting that Truth may cause some to lose themselves.



^^^ Folks need to embrace this fundamental reality regarding the lunacy we are living through.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.

There are more nefarious objectives with the unleashing of this narrative, and they are crimes against humanity, not just the destruction of our freedoms.

Is there a virus? Yes, but the Influenza A strain that was around last winter – spring and now this fall is much worse.


Amen to the 10th power, FG&C!


we all need to find that balance of caution, prevention, freedom and living our life fully that is right for us … but through knowledge and intention v. ignoring the virus and being anti gov forced mitigations.

Is there some part of singingsoul’s post that makes you think she is not cautious, preventative, living her life fully as is right for her, and even wise? Do you think she is “ignoring the virus”? Because if you do, then it appears you are reading through your own filters; hence the apparent need to keep repeating things that we all know and have said, ourselves.


So true. I take precautions wash my hands more than normal were gloves when handling shopping cards. I take my vitamins drink my green tea .
Awareness is the key. I also could be run over by a truck or have some other thing happen to me. I am 75 and I will be (…) if i am going to sit at home 24/7 because of a Chinese manufactured virus.
I am preparing for Christmas baked two Christmas Stollen will bake two more as gifts. The raising bathing in rum that go into the Stollen taste wonderful  😁  Life is good .


…but through knowledge and intention v. ignoring the virus and being anti gov forced mitigations.

Please share what government-forced mitigations you are in favor of.


God doesn’t want us to be fearful! Fear is NOT the beginning of wisdom. We do not accept salvation because we are fearful, we accept it in joy and love. If you fear something, you are a slave to it. God does not want us to be slaves.


Well put SS.. It seems like we also should factor in the initial psy op that has molded some of the fear. Remember the videos coming from China? People supposedly dropping dead on sidewalks. Soldiers welding tenants in apt buildings. Alleged ghost towns from it wiping out inhabitants. The newly built hospitals allegedly with crematoriums to deal with the stacks of corpses. Supposed hospitals with locks on doors to prevent them leaving. China’s contribution to the perception is to be viewed as suspect, imo.

Then the hysteria over “not enough hospital beds” here. The hospital ships sent to help, never utilized. The beds and units set up around the USA, never needed. Yet here we are again with the same hysteria. I’ve never heard of anyone saying that their family had been devastated by multiple deaths as it has been in previous real pandemics.


Still waiting to see someone keel over on the street after all these months!


Yes, never for a second, were the hospitals running out of beds. Let’s not forget the Army Corps retro-ing the Javits Center to serve as a hospital. Empty. And poor Franklin Graham setting up in Central Park thinking he was needed. Needed? They shunned him. What a joke.

tom f

Agreed, I refuse to live in fear.
HCQ is the cure, let’s stop fkg around.


HCQ or Ivermectin. Soon as you show any symptoms, never mind a test. Simple, effective and cheap. But God forbid we use common sense. Gotta drive those stats.

I’ve been on HCQ, prophylactic one pill a week, since the beginning of May. Zinc every day, C, D, A and a multi. Went to see Dr. Alieta Eck in Piscataway yesterday. She’s using mostly Ivermectin at this point – knocks it out in 2 days. It was such a pleasure to talk to a courageous, informed doc. Anyone in NJ or NEast PA, there’s your contact should you need it! (Dr. Z is up there as well of course.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
  1. You are correct that both our health and our freedom are important.
  2. I don’t know whether the source of your information is accurate. As you point out, WuFlu has been politicized, and I suspect that lots of people, like me, look skeptically at offiicial sources.
  3. Yes, it can be deadly. I haven’t seen anyone here deny that. I also see hope that proven treatments can enable us to go about our lives in a normal manner. It is up to each individual to decide how much exposure they are willing to incur.
  4. There have been umpteen posts here about how to stay healthy (rest, supplements, sanitizers, etc.) and how to treat WuFlu if contracted. The people here are highly aware on multiple fronts.
  5. I think that, even if someone here says the death rate is no higher than that of the flu, they are speaking in the context of all of the above, knowing there are supplements that promote health, knowing there are therapeutics to treat it, and knowing that life is full of risks and we have to use judgment and wisdom.
  6. “Understanding China is responsible and that President Trump and his admin have done a tremendous job is vital. Understanding that the media and dems have politicized the virus is vital. Being able to sort through the jumble of “advice” concerning mitigations, prevention, treatment, recovery and vaccines … a matter of life and death.” 

I think people here do know and understand this information, and I have no doubt that when they talk with others, they include these facts. What is it that you think we need to know, that we don’t already know and aren’t already doing?


What is the survival rate for covid? Break it down by age group if you like.

AND when you post those stats, be SURE to bear in mind that the CDC and the entire government health care borg has done everything in its power to AVOID treating cases with meds, meds that are effective, on an outpatient basis, from the GET GO. THAT HAS DRIVEN YOUR STATS.

My husband’s 85-year-old stubborn Italian uncle has now tested positive. Hanging around with hunting buddies, one of whom also became ill. He’s on an inhaler, Ivermectin and something else – probably a steroid. Because his doc can think straight. Not hospitalized.

KNOWING about treatments is a joke. People that researched and were not driven by TDS have KNOWN about treatments from the beginning and have made it their business to acquire the meds. What you have to KNOW if you get sick is the right doctor.

Because the whole covid operation was about producing those stats, by any means necessary.


Many don’t know about the treatments. In my county in TN, NO ONE is offered ANY treatment until they become very ill. There is no treatment at the time of diagnosis or even becoming ill with symptoms. Not until one begins to have complications are they taken to the hospital and given actual treatments.

Different outcomes for those who go to Nashville hospitals from those who go to rural county hospitals.


If many don’t know about the treatments, then one solution is to get the word out about therapeutics, not to impose restrictions on people’s freedom. The focus should be on the media’s failures and on educating the people about treatments as well as the corruption of government officials.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Perhaps I have something out of context.

Random comments in no particular order.

Covid is real. Am I skeered? Hell NO. Wash may hands, use wipes when I am out and about, yada yada.

I’m not a quack. No medical training. Believe near NOTHING the feds or my idiot state, NV says about Covid. THEY LIE EVERYDAY.

Feds and state governments primary focus is:

  • Skeering folks.
  • Destroying the economy.
  • Destroy the middle class.
  • Get rid of President Trump.
  • Go socialist ASAP.
  • Embrace Green New Deal.
  • Get rid of 2A.
  • Destroy Free Speech.
  • Destroy Freedom.

Believe Covid is 99.9% treatable, successful treatable.

Break it down bay age group and percentages shift, of course. Toss in folks with serious issues like diabetes, lungs and things are NOT so rosy.

It is ALL PERSPECTIVE. VAST majority of Americans are NOT seriously threatened by Covid. Can we catch Covid? Sure. Probably will. CAN’T STOP COVID, IMO.

Treatment in your world seems like a problem.

  • The real problem is your county and or TN medical weenies not allowing or smart enough to treat Covid ASAP.

We can get HCQ ourselves and other meds if we want.

Oh yea, along with Feds and state maroons that I no longer trust, the ENTIRE CDC, FDA, and too many medical weenies ARE enabling the Covid ignorance on steroids.

Then we have the complicit fake news and big tech.
Yea, I have an attitude. Another QTreeper acknowledged having an attitude.

Mine started somewhere in Baby Bush years in office. Attitude went on steroids when hussein was in office.

Got better a whole lot with President Trump leading us. Always pissed about the “resist” cabal.

Now the NWO the globalists are pushing. The ongoing attempted coup….

Apologize for the rant of sorts.


That’s what I just said. The entire “official” response, from the GET GO, was stay home until you’re sick enough to go into the hospital. Cheap, effective, outpatient treatment was NEVER the focus. HCQ was discovered to be amazingly effective very early on, and was ridiculed. Literally ridiculed and smeared as unsafe. Funny how people with lupus or RA take it daily, for years – with nary a side effect. But somehow if you take it for a week for covid it will kill you. The smear campaign was truly masterful.
I recall early on when HCQ was first being mentioned there were discussions with docs talking about how they weren’t seeing lupus patients coming down with the virus. And this is at the beginning, when it was more virulent. Because they all take Plaquenil – brand name HCQ. That stat got buried very quickly.

My point is – the “official” response and demonization of docs trying to treat patients with proven meds DROVE the epidemic, and made it much worse than it should have been. Which I believe is what the evil in charge wanted to do.


No mention in the associated article that he was even sick with China virus, or even tested positive.

So he must have died from a Covid-lightning strike… came out of nowhere… died instantly?


Solomon’s tweet shows the speaker. Very much an older man, slightly heavy, bald, and wearing a mask at a podium. One comment seemed enlightening if true. “Should have taken the hydroxachloroquin remedy instead of campaigning against it. Probably still be alive.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Sad to say, but being “masked up” like that could very well have killed him, either because of CO² rebreathing, or lack of O². Could also be bacteria, virii (not just COVID), or Staph infection (happened to someone over here). If he has breathing or lung issues (COPD, etc.) the last thing he needs is something reducing the flow of “clean air”, especially considering he’s up there pretty much WAY out of the way of anyone else. Lack of proper information can be a killer.

Condolences to his family and loved ones. This is probably a death that could have been avoided, either by proper, timely treatment, or a timely diagnois…


“One comment seemed enlightening if true. “Should have taken the hydroxachloroquin remedy instead of campaigning against it. Probably still be alive.””


If someone in a position to get the best healthcare possible refused the known cure, all the way unto death did he part… then he must have been suffering from a new and highly dangerous strain of TDS…

Sounds like TDS was his primary comorbidity.

DJT should start tweeting about a vaccine for TDS… just to mock the entire corrupt, politicized medical establishment 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

UPMC will NOT force their employees to take the new vaccines…
That’s right. This huge conglomerate of health care professionals and experts will not be required to get the Rona vaccine because it’s so new that there’s no way of telling if it’s safe in the medium to long term.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely agreed. These vaccines should not be given to anybody of reproductive age, IMO.


Moreover, these vaccines should not be required for anyone who does not CHOOSE to take one.


“These vaccines should not be given to anybody of reproductive age, IMO.”


Or anyone allergic to Bell’s Palsy.
Or anyone allergic to death by other side effects from this week’s episode of Vaccines Gone Wild.
But for everybody else it should be fine 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Excellent vaccine for snowflakes and Soy boys with TDS.


Key word. R E Q U I R E D.

In a Free country, no one should be REQUITRED to take any vaccine.

Personally don’t care if UPMC employees are REQUIRED to take the vaccine.

I would care IF UPMC REQUIRED their employees get vaccinated.

FREEDOM matters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lurker comment:

Please insert page number at top of postings too; rather than having to scroll down to find out–like old “older comments” and “newer comments” feature. Thank you.”


Yes, it’s coming, but not right away. This change will require us to tinker with the actual code of the commenting system plugin in a secure and responsible way. That can’t be done right away – sorry!

Jane Sullard

Thank you very much for replying! I join multitudes in appreciation for your work. I am a fan/lurker but tell others of this website when I can.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome! 😀 Thanks for spreading the word!


Cuppa Covfefe

It’s the Grauniad, so no surprise… but those are from September and October… wonder if there’s a tad of racism in there, being that Ivanka is Jewish, and Mahdawi is Arab (but not Moslem, according to her site). She’s also a lesbian, and very much anti-American… perfect DEMONRAT qualifications…


the party of “tolerance” is at it again…death threats against Grenell…
The campaign by staff and students at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University to dump visiting scholar and former Trump administration Cabinet member Richard Grenell turned ugly last month when an “assassination” threat was lobbed at him on social media.
Sources following the case said that President Trump’s former acting intelligence czar and former ambassador to Germany was targeted by two female students in now deleted tweets. One suggested killing Grenell, and another offered to help, said the sources.
Campus and county police investigated the threat and determined that neither of the students had dangerous weapons.
A CMU spokesman refused to comment on the details of the investigation but did tell us, “CMU investigates alleged incidents like this and contacts interested parties as part of such investigations.”


You know what? I don’t care if they had any weapons and were just mouthing off. They should still be given some time to sit in jail and think about their stupidity. The fact that they said it could encourage many other nut jobs to finish what they started.



Cuppa Covfefe

Plus, in the cases of Kavanaugh and Goresuch (IIRC), “intent” was every bit as bad as actually carrying out a crime, at least according to the DEMONRATS…..

Gail Combs

Actually they should be tossed out of school PERMANENTLY as well as spending time in prison. A prison record would do them good.


Campus and county police investigated the threat and determined that neither of the students had dangerous weapons.

WTF does that have to do with it?!


My apologies for posting anything from WaPo, but this is the only place I found this. If true, it’s a big boom.


Two things.

First …

the law also exempts some entities from the disclosure requirements

This completely nullifies the true purpose of the bill….the backdoor they always leave in.


This bill is 100% designed to get GOPers onboard to create a veto-proof majority.

Nothing more. See the backdoor they left in it (poison pill).


he’d have MY vote!!! LOL


GREAT! Indict Hoe also.


Santa taking a hit this year…NHS runs an ad with Santa dying of covid…getting help in the hospital…critics not liking it tho.
Respondents to the video didn’t find it heartwarming at all.
“Disgusting video and one any children should not be seeing. Totally politicising COVID with Santa. What were you thinking. Complained to Ofcom already,” said one.
“If anyone thinks that this ad is either clever or funny or poignant they are sadly deluded,” said another.
“Should have shown the reality: A nurse passing the infection to a patient, discharging a Covid POS patient to a care home,” commented another.


That’s disgusting. Covid has been woven into every aspect of Western country’s psyche..on purpose. The fear must prevail. Do not let up. If it’s not fear of not having enough masks, it’s fear of not enough hospital beds and let’s not even concern ourselves that millions of children are getting sub sub standard education, now for almost a year…and counting.
So it’s not enough to isolate and instill insecurity in kids about playmates, family, teachers, doctors..but start attacking their cherished characters like good old Santa. Who’s next…Superman, Bible story people


I now know of three people who contracted covid. One person was mid 20 one 55 and another 90. All three recovered non went into hospital all three are fine and well.
All were from one family.
Two of my kids one scientist works with viruses one Chemist both seem to be fear full both have become the last 5 years brainwashed liberals. I am thinking the fear seems most with liberals.


Can’t knock off Santa that easy. Disgusting as it is it will show kids that Santa is immortal and the government lies. Meanwhile some people at the NHS need to take a permanent leave of absence with out pay for even trying to harm a hair on Santa’s head.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Just seeing sick and gaunt Santa on the gurney has traumatized me. His rosy cheeks all hollow. His fluffy beard limp and straggly. His giddy up..gone. I’m blocking it all out. May have to go hot toddy or spiked egg nog to totally be right again.


i could sing to you…

Have a holly jolly Christmas
it’s the best time of the year… 😇 

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like the NHS wants to sing “Santa got run over by a Reindeer…”….

Spiked egg nog sounds good about now… hmm… no nog, but I do have the brandy 😀 hic…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One unintended consequence of moving the “online” notifications to the upper right is that now a flood of them (like I get just after I sit down in front of the computer) can cover the notifier.

I’m getting the distinct impression that the only person who actually likes this “feature” is our host.


I don’t know about that, but I vote against the feature altogether….if legitimate votes count, anyway.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, you were rather forceful about it yesterday. 😀

Although I have seen people praise the ability to know who’s online, you get that from the simple Online and Offline rectangles by their names, so from their point of view this “get in your face” notification feature is probably superfluous.


And we are the guests  😂 
The host wins  😉 


Get rid of the online and new comment notifications. SON OF A BITCH!!! Even as I was typing this two notifications double-teamed me and covered up half the screen! If this shit continues, I am out of here!


Looks like he/she already trotted off. 😄


I do not know about letting those notifications ruining my community experience here.
I am practicing gratefulness and I am grateful for Wolf who put this site together for us.
Just my way of gratefulness living one gains new perspective and patience.
Hope to see you soon back.  😉 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just got FIVE of the goddamned things at the same time!!!


What sort of device do you use? Phone, tablet, laptop/notebook or desk top?

I mostly use a desktop, and the things people don’t like don’t obscure the screen as they will do if I’m using my tablet.

It would help Wolf to let him know what sort of device you are mostly using.


It is also starting to have other consequences for me. Now when one of them pops up, the whole page jumps and moves. So then I have to wait for the popups to leave and find my place again. I’m with you, Steve, I find them very annoying and distracting.


Another thing. Now when I press the green button, it no longer moves me up to the comment box. The thing in the upper corner just keeps spinning. So I have to scroll up to find the box.

Valerie Curren

Q followers may be excited by this 🙂



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why assume that Kemp, et. al., would come to heel if McConnell asked them to? He has zero authority over them.


The Party…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Party discipline is lacking in the GOP, and even if it were present, what hold does the majority leader of the Senate have over the governor of some state? He could conceivably have something to say to a US senator, but Kemp isn’t a Senator.


Kemp is bought and paid for.

Is McConnell also a China pawn?


Exactly. Particularly if they have sold their sold to China and are now subject to blackmail for either that or other reasons.


A: Because Mitch is Mr. McBought McDouchebag


He must be UNIPARTY more than PATRIOT.

Cuppa Covfefe


See how we do without all those judges.

One note…


How do we know he hasn’t called ? With their China business deals and the yet to be explained in any detail whatsoever death of Harrison Deal…maybe they don’t want to bow to anyone but China ?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why would he call?

Kemp is a governor, and it’s simply not a Senator’s place to tell a governor what to do.


My meaning is, regardless of of who might call, possibly being a team player isn’t important if they may believe harm could come to them.


Hi is part of the swamp?


THE LATEST on States that have filed amicus briefs to the TEXAS SCOTUS SUIT.


So….WTF happened with AG Yost and OHIO?


From yesterday…

Ohio Republican Attorney General Dave Yost on Dec. 10 filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court arguing against the relief sought by the state of Texas in an election lawsuit against four battleground states.

In a motion to file a brief “in support of neither party,” Yost argued that the court should resolve the fundamental question posed by Texas—whether the Constitution permits state courts and state officials to alter election rules enacted by their respective legislatures.

“The people need an answer, too,” Yost said. “Until they get one, elections will continue to be plagued by doubts regarding whether the President was chosen in the constitutionally prescribed manner.”

The Ohio attorney general said he agrees with the interpretation of the Constitution’s Electors Clause as it is written—specifically, that the power to set election rules rests solely with state legislatures. But, he argued, that interpretation should extend to the Supreme Court, which should not be allowed to grant Texas the relief it seeks.

The Lone Star State asked the court to enjoin the defendant states from appointing electors or, in the case of states that have already done so, to order the states to choose new electors in accordance with the Constitution.

“Texas seeks a ‘remand to the State legislatures to allocate electors in a manner consistent with the Constitution,’” Yost said.

“Such an order would violate, not honor, the Electors Clause. Federal courts, just like state courts, lack authority to change the legislatively chosen method for appointing presidential electors. And so federal courts, just like state courts, lack authority to order legislatures to appoint electors without regard to the results of an already-completed election,” he continued.

The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton did not return a request for comment.


This makes no sense to me!!! Twisting the law to fit the need?

It is up to the Supreme Court to INTERPRET the Law of the Land – the Constitution – not an AG who is in no position to do so.


Here, maybe this will help explain Yost for you. He’s an ass wipe Never Trumper.


Fear can not coexist with Faith & Freedom.

Concerned Virginian

At the risk of walking on the “third rail”, what if any avenue is open to POTUS and/or Texas and the other states supporting the Texas lawsuit if the Supreme Court refuses the case? Not doing “fear porn” here, sincerely asking for information.


“At the risk of walking on the “third rail”, what if any avenue is open to POTUS and/or Texas and the other states supporting the Texas lawsuit if the Supreme Court refuses the case?”


I camped out on that 3rd rail a couple days ago, danced on it, had some lunch, no danger at all 😁 👍

I’m pretty sure it would be good if the (not)Supreme Court either refuses the case, or better yet, this process smokes out another mole on the Court by forcing another one to reveal himself by voting against the Texas lawsuit, and by extension, against the President.

I don’t think relying on the corrupt SC or the corrupt House of Repulsives was ever part of DJT’s plan.

I continue to hope and expect that he’s waiting for the right moment to hold a national press conference and finally drop the big one, exposing all 😁

That route keeps total control in DJT’s hands.

These other routes (SC, House of Reps) put DJT’s fate and the fate of the nation in some of the most corrupt hands on the planet.

I can’t think of a single reason why DJT would rely on either the SC or the House as part of any plan, and as Linda pointed out, he couldn’t have known that he would have a 5-4 court when the plan was created anyway, because he couldn’t have known when Ginsburg would kick-off.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

WATCH: Mark Levin on Sean Hannity tonight!


Carol Concert 2020 | The Salvation Army



Will the Kings College Choir do their traditional Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve this year?

It was begun in 1878 – and continued through the darkest days of WWI and WWII.

Will the modern British wussies give it up for the Chinese Communist Coronavirus?

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

An Advent Prayer for Peace
Lord, in a season when every heart should be happy and light, many of us are struggling with the heaviness of life—burdens that steal the joy right out of our stockings. Tragedy arrives as innocent victims suffer, and an inner voice whispers, “Be afraid!” We need your peace, Jesus. We confess that our hearts are too often filled with wonder of a different kind: wondering when the bills will be paid, when the terror will stop, when rest will come. Will it ever? Is the message still true? In a world where worry, not peace, prevails, stir up that good news again. 

This Advent, make it real in our hearts. Never have we needed Your joy and peace more than now. Thank You for the gift of Jesus, our Immanuel, the Word made flesh. We not only need Your peace and joy; Lord, we crave it. You’ve promised rest for the weary, victory for the battle-scarred, peace for the anxious, and acceptance for the broken hearted—not just at Advent, but every day of every year. Your name is still called “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “The Mighty God,” “The Everlasting Father,” and “The Prince of Peace.” We know that peace on earth can only come when hearts find peace with You. You are still our Joy. You are still our Peace. You are no longer a babe in the manger. You are Lord of lords and King of kings. And we still celebrate You as Lord—this Christmas and always.

~Edited from Rebecca Barlow Jordan’s “A Prayer for Peace & Joy at Christmas


Alaska is Here is Alaska’s formal notice joining the amicus curiae states in the Texas SCOTUS election lawsuit.

— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) December 11, 2020

on board


If SCOTUS Says “Your Election was Illegal,” What Will States Do?

Deplorable Patriot

This year of COVID crap is starting to remind me of 9-11 in the “how many objectives can be achieved with this” department.

  1. Create fear and panic to get Americans to give up yet MORE of their freedoms
  2. Reduce the battle of good vs. evil by keeping those on the good side of the supernatural fight from worshiping the entity (God) on their side
  3. Isolate people via masks, social distancing and guest limits to keep them from talking. Same with work from home, no school, no social events
  4. Get the population used to prisonesque measures that tend to control people forced to comply with them
  5. Use propaganda to suppress an affordable and truly safe cure while touting the only way out of this mess is a vaccine/vaccines rushed to market and shown to produce debilitating side effects and the elimination of future generations.
  6. Kill entrepreneurship and small business ownership
  7. Push all commerce to large chains for enrichment, and getting the people used to tolerating cheap crap for all consumer goods
  8. Bankrupt as many people as possible thus forcing them to the dole and the beginning of dependence on government

To wit:

Man, I’d love to see the executive summary of this diabolical plan currently being tried.

Deplorable Patriot

Not to take anything away from Grandma’s excellent thread here, but I pulled a few things out of yesterday’s and today’s dailies that really should not be missed and put them in a separate post just for reading purposes:

The Michelle Malkin thread is especially important re the vaccine issue.


thanks DePat!!


.@MikeKellyPA and @SeanParnellUSA just filed a petition for writ of certiorari in their case! ⬇️

cc: @tedcruz 🔥

— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) December 11, 2020


Today @SidneyPowell1 said: “We know $400M came into Smartmatic from China only a few weeks before the election.”

“There are George Soros connections to the entire endeavor. Lord Malloch-Brown was part of it….”

“We have evidence on how they flipped the votes.”

— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 11, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Well, well, well

Hadn’t thought of this, but it makes sense:

Deplorable Patriot

Saint Vincent is a volcanic island in the Caribbean. It is the largest island of the country Saint Vincent and the Grenadines island chain. It is located in the Caribbean Sea, between Saint Lucia and Grenada.

St. Kitts is British and was once ruled by the Rothschilds. It might still be. Beautiful rain forest, though. I hiked in it over 20 years ago.

Jersey Island is in the English Channel.

Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom,[15] and has an international identity separate from that of the UK,[16] but the UK is constitutionally responsible for the defence of Jersey.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The inter-relationships between England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and places like the Isle of Man and Jersey and Guernsey, to say nothing of the commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia and other members that are even republics, is like a nesting set of matryoshka dolls, the smaller the doll the closer the ties.

Queen Elizabeth, though is sovereign over everything but those republics.

Deplorable Patriot

And still the island is being used as a place to stash cash away from the eyes of the US Government, and probably the British one, too.

Cuppa Covfefe

If you’re speaking of Jersey, Amazon has been using that loophole, too. Seems the EU tax authorities are none to happy about it, either…

(don’t care one way or the other, but in some cases it causes problems ordering things here from…

Deplorable Patriot

This is interesting as “natural law” is a BIG DEAL in Catholic philosophy and teaching:


Deplorable Patriot

Cuppa Covfefe

Not surprising considering that these DEMONRAT people are the ones who support killing their own children…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wolf, Warning!

My post for tonight won’t autosave (or rather, it is perpetually trying to; the “saving” cloud is pulsating forever), and the preview is also taking forever to load, it has been ten minutes now and it’s still playing with itself drawing the logo with the words “Generating Preview” below. I suspect it’s going to get trashed.

I’ve copied and pasted the text onto my computer as a precaution.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot

And I just got the commenting too quickly thing.


can you still post?

Deplorable Patriot

Let’s see.


yeah I can see it…but lost the entire site for a little while…strange goings on


Me, too, Pat!!! And the worst part is Steve is a FOX!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d say the same (but I wouldn’t complain about it) regarding you, but it says “Wolverine” so I must be wrong about that!

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You just did – lol

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Foxy duches01” would be preferable to “Wolverine Duchess01” if I had my druthers.


 😂  😅  😘 


not sure which is worse? the site going down or Steve is a fox…LOL


Ha ha ha funny….!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like they scrammed when I got back online.


$5 says Wolf is screwing around with things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not now – just getting back online now. I think WordPress is screwing with things.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, it was pretty bad, wondering what was going to happen to my carefully-crafted post.

But it is now scheduled.

(And I do mean carefully-crafted–I created two diagrams myself off of NASA data.)

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OT’s new wp site was fine…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except for one big thing…it’s still full of Eeyore and run by Ban Hammer Crazy people.


yes…that’s the same…lol
just refreshed the page there a few times and didn’t have trouble like I did here…


I dislike say it but I have no problems.
I do not know what sites people visit and maybe some cookies screw up the site for you? I am not sure how it works since I am a computer idiot. 🙄 
My computer works fine. I use Firerfox .


me too!
(use firefox)


singing, I also am a computer idiot, but it seems to me that a majority of our issues are found to be on Apple devices, and the fact people use mobile devices or iPads, perhaps in addition to laptops or desktops.
I have only one laptop, am on the dreaded Microsloth, and use ddg…and never had had one issue. I just followed the directions so generously supplied by our Host!


I have an old MacPro and a new LG lap top an old iPad and a new iPhone.
I tied out my iPhone the other day and it worked I was able to post. I need to check my Mac how that works. I do feel for people who have problems I have been there and can be frustrating.
I miss KEA she has problems posting. I wish I could help her


singing, oh, I sympathize with All who are having problems…I was just commenting on something I seem to have noticed.
If I were cut off from you all, and could not get notifications for example, I would be kinda frantic.
I have to say, Wolfie is just a Dear, helping individuals as he does; such patience!


How many days that you’re not counting has it been now?  😆 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and you are a wolverine too, now…


wow I am…


That’s a lot of posting!


I can be chatty…lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s why you were targeted! Same with Smiley, Val, Wheatie, and all the others who get the “Red Banner of ChiCom Death”. You’re the NEWSBRINGERS – essential for the health of the site – critical to get around the fake news. But notice that cthulhu is NOT a prolific poster, but he was targeted. Why? Because he’s encouraging TECHNICAL INDEPENDENCE from



Can’t believe they targeted a harmless little chipmunk. Lol.

Cuppa Covfefe


(Like Alvin and the Chipmunks)…


That is what it is the news bringers are attract. That makes sense.


Not so sure. It hit me too this morning for a bit and I’m not a prolific poster or techie. It went away after lunch though…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So you got the “red box warning”? Or were you just slowed down?


Both, this morning. I posted a bit, with everything fine, this morning before work. Then it went sideways for a few hours. the daily was very laggy and I had the slow down on the comments bar as well. Went away after lunchtime for me though.

Cuppa Covfefe

Next step up is Honey Badger 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We know who runs this place!! 😎


just got a red box of death flash, but then the comment to Steve posted…no links in it at all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Sounds like I may have to get into the code tonight.


it just flashed then let me post the comment anyway…
but the site went down, and when he came back up I logged into this site (not my first) and then when i tried liking De Pat’s new thread, it made me log into…
do the dual log ins trigger something???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure. This is definitely a “code battle” now.


k…if you figure out that one procedure works better than another, just let me know!


I had the same thing happen to me earlier, right after she posted. It only happened that once though.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not now – just getting back online now. I think WordPress is screwing with things.

That explained it.

You stopped pedaling.

You have to keep pedaling. 24/7.


so we have hamsters on here too??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, those live under the hood of my car, and I wish they’d run a little harder sometimes.

Cuppa Covfefe

You need green eggs, too…

Green eggs and hamsters…

(Or hamsters in a big green egg [barbeque]… ouch)….

Cuppa Covfefe

And honey badgers 😆


hmmm…the left gets honey POTS and we have honey badgers?


Wolfie, two things. I’m having problems posting as others have this afternoon/evening. Also another note to you–Gary says he probably can’t chat with you Monday morning as he is going to go over NVDA speech program so he fully understands how it works and won’t be able to get to anything much beyond. I will let you know further on that later, whether another future Monday. With Christmas coming, not sure. Thank you again. Don’t want you to have to get up early when not necessary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Very much appreciated!

Also, some good and bad news. We will be keeping the notifications on replies, that say whether the person is on or offline. But the pop-ups that say when people are coming back online are going to have to be turned off to improve performance.


Well, Wolfie, I think those are both good things. Thanks for explaining. I do wonder if the site was down for a little while. Seemed like it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The notification pop-ups on “lurkers” are a BIG drain on resources. Turning off those notification pop-ups resulted in INSTANT improvement in performance. Pretty sure it’s because there are so many notifications on lurkers – knowledge of who is there not being a priority anyway, IMO.


That will improve my mental performance on the site, which may or may not be a help to anyone but me.  😜 


you know we love you Wolfie —-
Except wish you guys could have told me the Supreme Court decision is a hoax.
Truly believe our Lord has his plans
2 Chronicles 7:14KJV

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool! Thank you!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What happened wolfie–Looks like the one I screwed up on last night..
Mine above is screwed up but at least you can tap on it to see it in another tab. Wish it had worked for I found it just for you Wolfie.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I won’t even bet five Zimbabwe dollars on that.

Deplorable Patriot

Are you sure you aren’t a moonlighting bookie?


Is anyone else seeing some serious site slowness today? It’s taking forever for pages to load. And I can’t get likes to work a lot of the time.


Yes, just noticed it in the last 20 minutes or so. The ‘hourglass’ icon shows up in the open tab in my web browser, and it just sits there for about 5 minutes (website doesn’t even ‘time out’ like normal).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re trying to force us back into allowing JetPack to lock people out for posting too much. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

I have a NASTY article about WORDPRESS DOT COM that will be appearing tonight. We caught them in backdoor censorship – trying to crush this site.

They may be shut out – I may have to turn off JetPack if they keep this up.


“They may be shut out – I may have to turn off JetPack if they keep this up.”


If it looks anything like this, be careful about exactly when and where you shut it off 👍 😂 🤣 😂

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People here depend on JetPack for notification of replies GLOBALLY. That is our main weakness.


Well I’m not getting hardly any notifications, and haven’t been, since the new website started.

I get notifications when new articles are posted here.

I sometimes get a notification when someone has replied to my post (as I did when you replied to this one), but many times I don’t.

And many times I get a notification someone has ‘liked’ a post of mine, but when I click the link to bring me here to see if they replied to something I wrote, I either have ‘zero’ likes, or if I have likes, I wasn’t notified of them and the person’s ‘like’ which DID result in an email notification does not show up when I hover the cursor over the number next to the ‘thumbs up’ icon.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JetPack (notification system) “likes” and comment page like (“the green thumb”) are two completely different systems! They do not talk to each other – they just talk about the same comments.


I am, therefore, completely confused 😁


As an example of my confusion, according to my email, you just ‘liked’ my post above, where I said “I am, therefore, completely confused.”

But when I clicked the email link to come back here, to see if you wrote a reply or not, there is no ‘green thumb’, it’s grayed out, with ‘0’ likes.

If you did NOT click the ‘like’ icon, then how did I get email notification that you did?

And if you DID click the ‘like’ icon, which triggered the email notification, then why doesn’t it show a ‘green’ thumb icon, with your screen name visible if I hover the cursor over the number, which should be ‘1’ now instead of ‘0’?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So be it if necessary.


”likes”:works about 50% and only with multiple efforts.


Seems like it’s working normally again now. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just turned off the “who is back online” notification pop-ups.


Your popularity quotient just went up 5 points. Keep it up.


No problems here  🤔 


It looks as if there’s a lot of traffic that’s slowing things down. Don’t know if it has to do with servers, hosting or whatever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I may turn off the “back online” popups soon, and that will lessen the load.


They are distracting and ANNOYING.
Besides…. it shows if your online next to your name.

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Once they seemed tied to slow performance, they had to be GONE!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

What do you want to bet there’s a single-threaded mutex buried deep in the code at the bottom of that 🙂 or 😡

I had a case (not my code) where a major software package had accidentally left a compiler directive that enabled symbolic debugging enabled ($CONTROL SYMDEBUG). Very handy in testing, a royal pain in production, and a disaster for “general release” code. And the more users running the application on a (HUGE MAINFRAME), the slower it got.

Major egg on the face; I was able to “cure” their problem so they didn’t have to take the very busy box down; of course, in privmode sysdebug, one typo can ruin your whole day 🙂 [Or your career, depending]…

Not the only time that test code made it into production… even M$ does it. Every release of Windoze 1 0 😆


I recognized egg on the face…the rest looks like another language…lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m already experiencing far better page performance!

Concerned Virginian

Well, the Cuomo / De Blasio tactics are here in North Carolina —

At 5PM today, a “modified lockdown” of the entire states of North Carolina began. DemCommunist Gov. COOPER and state director of health Dr. MANDY COHEN. It was Cooper who signed the orders.
MANDATORY STAY AT HOME ORDER for all persons from 10PM – 5AM unless they are an “essential worker”.
Most businesses must close at 10PM.
No alcohol can be purchased or consumed after 9PM in establishments that serve food or alcohol.
The Stay at Home order is ALSO applicable to FAMILY gatherings of any type. Family gatherings MUST END at 10PM and family members who don’t live under the same roof MUST leave to go back to their own residences or places to stay (hotels, etc.) at 10PM.
Mandatory mask wearing at public indoor gatherings if there are non-family members present.
Homeless persons are EXEMPT from the order.
Businesses must post an employee at each entrance to “enforce” mask wearing.
Persons who refuse to leave a business after being asked to leave due to refusing to wear a mask inside the business will be liable to CRIMINAL TRESPASS PROSECUTION.
The orders will be enforced by STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT.
The orders are in place until AT LEAST January 8, 2021.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Only the homeless can celebrate New Years.


What makes the homeless exempted?

Concerned Virginian

Don’t know. I didn’t see anything in the order explaining this one.
Maybe Cooper considers the homeless to be “essential” — “essential” to the ongoing DemCommunist meme that “POTUS and Republicans are heartless, soulless capitalists who don’t care about the homeless”?


Too many to throw in jail?

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

Calling it out. Discriminaion against property owners and renters and their invited guests.


I don’t know why anyone complies with any of it.

It’s like we’re all little children, and some imaginary bogeyman is threatening all sorts of terrible things, but it’s only scary if you believe in the bogeyman.

If everyone ignored the lawless decrees, they would get the exact amount of compliance they deserve.

Deplorable Patriot

No alcohol can be purchased or consumed after 9PM in establishments that serve food or alcohol.

This is why I live in Missouri. Such rules don’t exist…although nothing is open after 10 pm these days. Not even IHOP.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK I am having EXTREME trouble accessing this site right now.

The editor has been loading for 15 minutes now with a white page.

Page FOUR (this page) just took five minutes to load.

If I can’t get into the editor to schedule the damn post, please, someone, make sure it posts at one minute after midnight (it’s in pretty good shape, apparently–but the preview took 20 minutes to load).

There ain’t going to be a coin of the week, folks. Sorry about that. (You’ll be lucky to get a post the way things are acting up.)


Same issues.


getting better as we speak for me


Same here.


ok seem to be posting ok now

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well I finally got the editor to load–it seems to be more responsive now.

Hard to publish if those damn balloons keep popping up over the “publish” button though!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Same here, but it should be good now except that I can’t see what I’m typing because three damn “Notification” popups just covered this box.

Oh, good they’re gone now.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think site was down for a bit

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. Not me. Somebody getting evidence off?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Gail Combs

I tried to refresh the page late this afternoon and was given site not available. Before that the ‘reload page’ icon just constantly whirled and the page never loaded.


It was absolutely down for me about 15 min


Me as well.



comment image


All my peeps are commies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My state legislators are NOT commies, but heavily outnumbered by commies.


The only elected person I voted for that’s okay is our sheriff. He’s MAGA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I should hasten to add that even if they’re not commies they’re likely either RINOs or consigned to powerlessness by the RINO GOP leadership here. (A difference of degree, not of kind.)


Very familiar with that here too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

My peeps submitted the suit!! 🦋🤸‍♀️🦋

Sylvia Avery

Report the site was down Just testing………..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And WITH a SCOTUS decision, we’ll have other election issues.

They’ll just come up with new ways to cheat, and we’ll just have to keep prosecuting and (upon due process finding of guilt) hanging them.

Eternal vigilance means eternal vigilance. It won’t end in our lifetimes.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

once we develop a backbone, standing up for ourselves will get easier!


I think that once we start hanging them, this will stop pretty fast.


I like your plan!


Exactly, Linda. Consequences have to be Unforgetably Severe.


Love it !



DANG…Supreme Court says NO


‘Dang’ means ‘good’, right?

😁👍 (in this case, I think it does!)


no…not feeling your optimism right now…
I will be happy if you prove me wrong!



comment image


Did we expose a previously unknown corrupt SC justice in the process?

I think this is good news regardless, Trump’s plan could never have relied on these corrupt branches of government to save our Republic…

It’s like asking Lucy to hold the football for field goal practice!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

WTF?? SC denies Texas suit, no standing. Declares other moot.

Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Oh noes!

What to do!

I’m losing the internal battle to resist shouting I TOLD YOU SO!!! at the whole world…

😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Sadie Slays

SCOTUS declined to hear the case. About what I expected. Q warned us for years that it would take the military to fix this.


“Q warned us for years that it would take the military to fix this.”



Any other path is a red herring at best, or a demoralization trap (or worse).


So they know that we could get into a shooting war over this.
People arent going to roll over.
Thats not a future i want for my son.


We’re going to be fine.

DJT never counted, was never counting, and would never count on any of these government creeps to save his presidency OR our Republic. 👍


Insurrection act?


Part of the post.
Military involvement answers the last 2 questions. We’re not quite there.

How do you ‘show’ the public the truth?
How do you ‘safeguard’ US elections post-POTUS?
How do you ‘remove’ foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


“Supposely there could still be SCOTUS avenues (lesser) but TRUMP CAN NOW TAKE POLITICAL ROUTE.”


What is the ‘political route’, and why would he ever want to take it?


What is the ‘political route’, and why would he ever want to take it?

^^^ Ya. What is President trump going to do ‘political wise”?

Call a press conference or put the evidenece on the Internet. Fake news would ignore it and big tech censor the truth.
Shame the D-Rats, deep state, anyone? They have no morals.
Average everyday Americans are simply in a novel concept, non-existant for conservatives. “Law & Order“.

I suppose EBS could get the word out.


I suppose DOJ could indict Beijing Biden for his criminal actions. Yea, not going to happen.

Concerned Virginian

The Supreme Court has rejected the Texas lawsuit.
Per the New York Times a couple minutes ago.


Exactly the same for me, Scott. I do get occasional email notifications of comments to my comments, which I am glad to get.

Elizabeth Carter

I still can’t post an image.

Last edited 4 years ago by Elizabeth Carter
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

type the following in a comment box but change the (punctuation) to what it is.


which will turn into:
comment image


LIVE NOW: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

IT’s NOT OVER!!! We still have suits in PA, GA, and MI.


since PA filed an Amicus brief…can we take over the SCOTUS case? we DO have standing

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Court dismissed all related cases, so no. Dershowitz saying SC rejected because they don’t want to get involved. SMDH. Also, PA has the strongest case, they win on the law, but not sure if the numbers are there. That’s IF they decide to take the case. They had to take the TX case. But can choose not to take the others. They need COURAGE!


“Court dismissed all related cases, so no. Dershowitz saying SC rejected because they don’t want to get involved.”


And Alan Dershowitz is the enemy.

Where is his talking head talking now?

On Fox News?

They are the enemy too…


He is on Newsmax right now, Scott!!! He is an idiot – imho


Like I said above…..
About had enough of Douche-o-wits


Courage isnt what theyll get if the country goes to war. Why dont they see that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe we need war.


I thought PA had THE case–the SOS and the PA Supreme Court changed election law ILLEGALLY…
I keep emailing my Rep to grow a pair and TAKE the power BACK. it’s THEIR POWER to begin with!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They do. But will the Court take it up? AND are the numbers big enough to change outcome?


given that Alito’s first ruling–all mail in ballots set aside that were received AFTER the 8pm election night deadline (that’s required in our law by overruled by our supreme court) was not followed–I think they should–how do you ignore a SCOTUS ruling?


Well at this point, its being made clear its our power and uh, I have no faith in any system. So next step is what?


Two major prayer and free speech assemblies in DC tomorrow. Gen Flynn will be speaking as part of events. It’s time to get loud over our grievances and simultaneously cry to the heavens.


I saw it on newsmax. Itll be good.




“They need COURAGE!”


They are corrupt.

I’m sorry.

I feel like I’m telling someone that Santa Claus isn’t real.

I just hate to see people putting themselves through this abuse, to keep getting their hopes up that these horrible people will ever do anything other than crush your hopes.

It’s all they will ever do, because they are horrible people.

They are so far beyond corrupt, that when the truth finally comes out, we are going to need a new word to describe what these people are.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

“IT’s NOT OVER!!! We still have suits in PA, GA, and MI.”


Charlie Brown clears his throat, and says… “Lucy! Come on back! I’m gonna trust you to hold the ball again while I try to kick another field goal!”



It’s almost as if we have some kind of internal NEED for the abuse, a need to keep putting our faith and hope in things which never, ever come through for us.

Like a child continually seeking approval from a psychologically absent parent.

That must be part of it, because there is no rational or external reason to keep putting hope or expectations in these failed and corrupt institutions…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Concerned Virginian

So what happens now? Does POTUS turn it over to the military before the Electoral College meets on Monday?


“So what happens now? Does POTUS turn it over to the military before the Electoral College meets on Monday?”


That was the subject of another comment I posted at Political Moonshine, about a week ago:


 December 3, 2020 at 12:42 am

“The problem I am having and I’m seeing it more and more in those I follow is our red pills are turning black. If some really big stuff doesn’t start happening and happening quickly I fear this country may already be lost.”


We should prepare to ride this roller coaster all the way to the end.
Wouldn’t this ‘game’ go on forever (as it has for the past 4 years) without a legitimate deadline?

What if the only legitimate ‘deadline’ is January 20th (inauguration day)?
What if each side (Team Trump and Team Cabal) are waiting for the other to commit to a decisive action, and neither one wants to go first, to essentially ‘show their hand’ and give the other party the opportunity to counter strike?

In that scenario, things would essentially go on in perpetuity, just as they have for the last four years.

But January 20th is a ‘hard’ deadline, something which cannot be delayed or bypassed.

Which side can wait it out, and which has to either make a decisive move or provoke the other to make a decisive move?

Trump holds all the cards:

A) DJT has the truth on his side, so as long as he commits to it and stands on the truth, he can’t lose; he won the election in a landslide, and presumably the NSA (or Military Intelligence) can prove it. Meanwhile, Biden has to explain/prove the impossible, i.e., how he obtained more votes than there are registered voters in multiple battleground counties and states. There is no way to prove that. The fraud is obvious on its face, and it would be dereliction of duty and a violation of Trump’s oath of office to surrender the presidency to someone who did not win the election, much less someone who is an agent of our most dangerous adversary.

B) DJT has the military power and the lawful Authority (obligation, actually) to use it, to save the Republic from falling into the hands of a man (Joe Biden, and by extension, his handlers) who is clearly a Chinese Communist ‘asset’

C) DJT can declassify everything and expose EVERYTHING, at the time of his choosing, but he wouldn’t want to play that card until the last possible moment, when the enemy has no “time on the clock” left for a counter move

Team Cabal knows this too, so they must find a way to provoke Trump into taking decisive action, to expend their ammo early enough so that there is still time on the clock for Cabal to counter.

Absent some horrific crime (FF) which gives DJT the moral imperative to stop the game and unleash the military to wipe out / decapitate the Cabal, Trump’s best play may be to wait until there are only seconds left on the clock before he ‘scores’, leaving no time on the clock for the enemy.

This also fits the “allow them to complete the crime” concept.

In that scenario, we blow right past December 14th, Biden is ‘certified’ and ‘prepares’ to take office by ‘force’ (that would be the narrative), and the pressure ratchets up each day as we race toward January 20th.
THAT is the kind of thing that would get the attention of everyone, everywhere. It would force a ‘Great Awakening’ as people would actually have to come to terms with what a Biden / CCP presidency really means (i.e., the end of the Republic).

That scenario would not conclude until around January 18 or 19th, when Trump reveals all, exposes everything and everyone associated with the attempted coup and the election fraud. Maybe a surprise evening broadcast, which is cut off by all MSM a minute or two into the presentation, and is concluded on the Emergency Broadcast System and the WH website.

The coup participants and election fraud participants (certainly including the entire Biden Crime Family) are then arrested overnight, or better yet, during the speech.

It would be a nail-biter for us, but the outcome would never be in doubt from Trump’s perspective.

Because he holds all the cards.

No matter what Team Cabal does, so long as Trump doesn’t give up, Trump wins.

And since Cabal won’t quit or give up either, they will play it out to the very last card in the deck, all the way to January 20th if need be.

Because why wouldn’t they?

No doubt I have it wrong in many ways, but if we mentally prepare to go all the way to January 20th before the big reveal, then we won’t fall apart between now and then, every time we’re faced with a new obstacle or perceived set-back. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great thoughts. Seldon crisis! Trump wins!


It’s not a civil war it’s the second American Revolution where we throw off the chains that are enslaving us.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We also have suits in AZ and NV.


Dershowitz on newsmax is saying its over.
“Trump should concede”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Dersh can suck eggs. Probably feeling homesick for Paedo Island…..


So we are a banana republic now where strong man and cheater can steel an election and the Judges are all in on it. Are they all bought by China? Looks like it.
I am really ticked off.   :wpds_mad: 


“I am really ticked off.”


We’re supposed to be enraged.

Well, not ‘us’ specifically, we’re awake and have been for a long time.

But I expect things to get much worse, because they have to, before the comatose public is fearful enough to finally WAKE UP.

It’s entirely possible that we will have a string of defeats, that Biden will become ‘president-elect’, that the MSM will be exuberant with talk of forcing Trump out and arresting him, ratcheting up the fear every day between now and January 20th.

If that happens, then the MSM will also start talking about all their NWO plans, they won’t be able to help themselves, with everything possible being done to scare the daylights out of Comatose Joe Public.

And then, on or about January 19th, DJT does the big reveal, and all the arrests finally take place.

That’s the general outline that I’m expecting at this point.

So there’s really not much need for ‘us’ to be ticked off… but I sure hope the general public who pays little attention to anything is (finally) getting ticked off… or better yet, scared.

Fear is an excellent motivator.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Yes it is for some people.


And there is demoralization agent, Pedo Alan Dershowitz, doing exactly what his role is to do.

He ingratiated himself with conservatives by going on Fox News all the time, pretending to support Trump, and now when Trump supporters are (presumably) dejected, Alan pops up to kick us while we’re down and demoralize us into submission.

I can’t wait to see him hang for Treason and pedophile sexual abuse!

What I don’t know, is why anyone listens to him…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Was just watching him on Newsmax and I did not hear him say that. He said we keep on fighting, but you have to base things on reality. You need cases that have numbers, have evidence, have judicial standing. It may be a Hail Mary but sometimes Hail Mary’s win. He did not say it was over.


He said that the advise ahod be given to him by his attorneys.
I prob shouldnt have put quotes…i didnt want to look as if I was saying it.


NEVER concede!

We KNOW the election IS an ongoing COUP.


President Trump will NOT concede.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. We must never concede to this travesty.

I have hopes to exit this peacefully, but I have little illusion that this is likely.


He will be imprisoned. His children and grandkids will be hounded and threatened for the remainder of their lives. I cannot imagine that he has not planned for this.


Yea. I hear the imprisoned thing.

Imprisoned for, what?

Deep state will simply create more lies and they’ll stick?

Concerned Virginian

Am I correct in assuming that this clears the way for the Electoral College to meet next Monday and declare that Joe Biden “won” the election?
The rabid MSM jerks are going to be all over this like JACKALS on their prey.
Ditto the DeepState / NeverTrumpers.
Looks to me like we’re at the Third Rail.
What options are left to POTUS and/or the states?


Looks like it the path for Biden and China is cleared by the Supreme Court.
“They do not want to get involved.”
Sounds like they chickend out and take the easy road just like Barr and all the other GOP weenies.


“Sounds like they chickend out and take the easy road just like Barr and all the other GOP weenies.”


They did exactly what they were told to do, by their masters, in Beijing.




“What options are left to POTUS and/or the states?”


The military option, of course.

The only real option there ever was.

All the others were just mirages, fantasies, wishful thinking. 👍


The only way I see the Military angle working is…….
Trump dumps all the evidence out in the open……
Exposing the Politicians, C_A, FIB, JUDGES….. and the MSM.
For ALL to see.
Then use the Military to make arrests and keep the PEACE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I strongly suspect that declassification is part of the plan.


He ALREADY “declassified” it ALL>
Nobody has followed that order.
Guess he has to find a way to do it HIMSELF.


There is no “find a way” all he has to do is just do it. I think along with Wolf that the failsafe is what W described: soon, very soon, it will all come out – ev




Law in this country is dead even Supreme Court failed the people and the Constitution.

Concerned Virginian

Apparently Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and BARRETT agreed with the reliable DemCommunist justices (Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer) to throw the case out.


“Apparently Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and BARRETT agreed with the reliable DemCommunist justices (Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer) to throw the case out.”


I’m shocked.

Like Capt. Renault finding out there was gambling going on, in Casablanca… 😂🤣😂


“Enjoy the show, eh?”


Not much, or at least not yet, actually!

But I’m much less stressed out than I would be otherwise, because I never put any faith, hope or trust in the (not)Supreme Court or the House of Reprobates.

Trump has had this from the beginning, and whatever his plan is, it never depended on the House or the SC, which are beyond his control.

Any plan that depended on the House or the SC to save the Republic was not any kind of plan at all.


When will Juan O Savin show up?


“When will Juan O Savin show up?”


I don’t know that reference, so I don’t know how to answer.

It made me think of Geraldo Rivera for some reason… and then I needed to find some brain bleach… 😂


They were not the trouble to get them to the Supreme Court.


Not worth the trouble is right. Do you feel sorry for Brett & Amy right about now?


I meant about the crap they went through. I don’t.


I do not know?


“Apparently Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and BARRETT agreed with the reliable DemCommunist justices (Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer) to throw the case out.”



If there’s no recourse after this they can scooch over for the the next 20 Justices to make sure they never have to defend the Constitution again


There is no evidence that they did that. The only thing we know is that at least five justices agreed that there was no standing.


Rather cowardly of the court to reject on a late friday so they could run home.

Cuppa Covfefe

This “lack of standing” malarky seems to be the DEMONRAT “get out of jail free” card for all occasions.

There should be a few million patriots STANDING in Washington D.C. to show who is REALLY in control of the USA (or should be).

It’s also high time to take out the Soros’s, the Roths, Klaus Schwab, and all the other Billionaires Club malevolent misanthropes. Seven and a half BILLION of us, a few hundred of them. Should be a short fight. We win. They can go find another place. Say, Hell, for one…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Big march starting tomorrow, lasts all weekend.


Looks like MOST of the supreme just uses…..
FAILED the electoral college final exam.



“They do not want to get involved.”

More like treason? The coup IS obvious. Supreme Court caved, walked away.

U F B.


I can’t listen to this person.


after a couple minutes is does get stale, but I like her resolve to keep up the fight!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She is correct.


I wanted to hear from some experts/lawyers.

This is more millennials sitting in their cars spewing and ranting ….It reminds me of the left.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Would be nice to hear from someone like Ristvan (hope he and his fam are doing OK)…

One thing that was mentioned way, waaaaayyy back was that by appointing strict constitutionalists/originalists, there may be some decisions that won’t go the way we want, because of this. In the need to eliminate judicial activism, this is sometimes a result.

Another thing I think folks should do, in addition to listening to Tracy Beanz’ tweet (in spite of her grating voice – I’ve heard MUCH worse) is consider the other cases going on, AND the fact that putting all your eggs in one basket isn’t wise… I’m almost wondering if this was some kind of shiny object while something else is going on, or perhaps a tossing of a proverbial bone before the hammer comes down from on high.

I don’t think that VSGPDJT is so disingenuous that he would only have or seek one path to victory…

And to that, a quote from Thomas Jefferson and a Garrison graphic:
comment image
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Concerned Virginian

Tracy Beanz, IIRC, lost her house in a fire a couple of weeks ago that I strongly suspect was the work of “Benny the Torch” paid by an “un-friend”. Maybe that’s why she’s talking from her car parked in a dark parking lot?


I was/am still sorry about her house.


Probably. In spite of that, she has not folded, it has just steeled her resolve if anything.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s not like they can burn her house down again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s right. However, I continue to warn people that the confederation of evil interests in the ruling class will do whatever they CAN DO to prevent us from getting out of their evil trap..




Video posted up thread has a Trump lawyer, IIRC, Jay Sekulow saying the CS case was maybe 50/50. As if he already knew this was a long shot.


tom f

Out of the other 10 or so states that also joined; does any of em have this ‘standing’ stuff?


NOBODY….. has “standing”……
It is a CROCK!


Lets hope the Texas case was a agreed to diversionary case that would give the Trump appointees cover by giving them something to vote against POTUS’s interests.

Lets see if they come through if and when the indivigual state cases make it to high court.

…not much we can do other than prepare to hunker down.

……Chin up folks, what choice to we have

Last edited 4 years ago by realsauce

The choice of patriots whove been pushed into a corner. Standing or on your knees.
Unless theres something else.


I posted Trump’s immediate response on Twitter on this thread. He was obviously ready for SCOTUS to do this.

His strategic response will come in the next days/weeks.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



What if Pelosi won’t allow it.


A lot of hurdles ahead


He’s likely talking about special minutes when the House in not in session.


No idea what special minutes are.

What good are they IF the House is not in session?


It’s when they seem to be talking to an empty chamber. A lot of good has come from such talks in the past. Enough people tune in and listen and ideas are shared, amplified, and it sets a tone that becomes echoed.


Damn — time to Get ready for a big hug mess
WIsh I was posting rumors.

Supreme Court Rejects Texas Bid to Overturn Election ResultsBy
Greg Stohr
December 11, 2020, 6:36 PM EST Updated on December 11, 2020, 7:24 PM EST

  • Two-paragraph order ends case Trump called ‘the big one’
  • Texas lacks legal interest in other states’ voting, court says

Supreme Court Rejects Texas Bid to Overturn Election Results

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


^^^ Kerik did NOT list WI.

Perhaps he knows something special about NV, beyond NV IS a banana state.

  • NV – D-Rat guvner, majority D-Rat senate and assembly, D-Rat AG, corrupt (D-Rat) courts.


Sidney has stated a number of times the “key dates” where states certify their vote and name electors, 8 and 14 December are NOT deal breakers or “point of no return” for us.

So, presumably we are OK until at least first week of January. More time to develop evidence.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

There MAY be other courses……
But I don’t think ANYONE in the WORLD has “STANDING”
before the (Less than) supreme kangaroo court.


Yeah, I find that hard to believe. Every state in this country is materially affected by a fraudulent election.


I agree…..
WE ALL are affected and DO have “standing”…..
But the “courts” say we don’t.


They’re all supposed to serve at our pleasure, pretty much, consent of the governed and all that. The problem is , we’ve strayed so far from that, for so long, that it’s not even recognized anymore.


SCOTUS 101: Standing

This is the first in a series of “explainers” about the U.S. v Texas immigration case the Supreme Court agreed to take up in 2015. They will explain important legal terms in ways that we hope you will find understandable. Today we will explain the issue of “standing.”

STANDING: What it is and why it matters to the Supreme Court and to us

When the Supreme Court hears arguments on the immigration executive action case, the first question the Justices will have to decide is whether Texas and the other states on this lawsuit even have the right to sue. That’s called “standing.”

And, it’s important because not every disagreement has the right to be aired out in a federal court, just because one party is upset.

Standing is a legal term which determines whether the party bringing the lawsuit has the right to do so. Standing is not about the issues, it’s about who is bringing the lawsuit and whether they a legal right to sue. Key to understanding standing is that federal courts have specific jurisdiction over certain issues. As a general rule, federal courts only have authority to hear actual controversies, a term that does not include “political questions.”

Linda Greenhouse, the noted Supreme Court reporter for the New York Times, wrote about the issue of standing and the Supreme Court last fall:

The classic rationale for a robust doctrine of standing is that it protects the constitutional separation of powers. In 1993, before he became a judge, John G. Roberts Jr. expressed this view in an article published in the Duke Law Journal. “By properly contenting itself with the decision of actual cases or controversies at the instance of someone suffering distinct and palpable injury,” the future chief justice wrote, “the judiciary leaves for the political branches the generalized grievances that are their responsibility under the Constitution.” He further observed: “Separation of powers is a zero-sum game. If one branch unconstitutionally aggrandizes itself, it is at the expense of the other branches.” (Justice Antonin Scalia, then a federal appeals court judge, wrote a law review article in 1983 titled “The Doctrine of Standing as an Essential Element of the Separation of Powers.”)comment image




What is the plan?

Nobody ever asks that question… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

It’s a secret, Scott!!! Not going to let our enemies in on ‘the plan’ – you know that!!!


As been suggested before on this tree and often, now would be another good time to send your support to the President.




Here is something we should keep in mind about all this: the ODNI report is due in 6 days. If Ratcliffe shows there was tons of foreign interference in the election, then it certainly cannot stand. That may bring the military into it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point!


He’s going to have to provide something solid then yes. If not solid enough then addresses in the report respond back in Mar or April. At this point I trust Ratcliffe more than I do anyone else.

In the meantime I’d hope the President starts to declass everything.


I’ll be amazed if the ‘report’ ever surfaces, and if it does, that it shows anything.

I’ve already played the ‘wait for the report, it’ll be devastating!’ game for 4+ years now.

Pull my other finger… 😂 🤣 😂


The report will surface. By law (first time ever) it’s the 16th of the month I believe. Do we get to see it? Don’t know.


It MUST be unclassified, or immediately declassified.


ASSUMING ODNI does NOT do what the Feds love to do, CLASSIFY WHAT needs to be public information.



I don’t know how true this is, just throwing it into the mix.


Or, he could issue an Ex Parte Mulligan for a do-over!


One thing about that, all the Left asshos that move to conservative areas and bring their crappy ideas with them can move to the blue and live happily ever after


Can you say Colorado???


I moved to CO with 3 other conservative votes. Did my part. Out Dominioned.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this decision is a gateway to secession! If states cannot harm other states by criminal and unconstitutional behavior in an agreed process – actually WRITTEN INTO the Constitution, then states cannot harm other states by secession..

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. I have something to post on Steve’s daily regarding this. It seems it is part of the OTHER SIDE’s plan.

So the question is who’s side is Ken Paxton on?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIB doesn’t like him! That’s a point in his favor. But Texas may be standing firm against socialism.

Deplorable Patriot

I do want to know who voted how–or is it a Big Secret?


If I’m reading correctly I think only Alito and Thomas wanted to hear the case. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

Concerned Virginian

That is also my understanding. Apparently every other justice voted to throw the case out. Apparently also the order was unsigned.



^^^ Seven f@cking cowards. At least Alito and Thomas went on record.


No, you’re right. Only those two. They were in agreement on a previous state against state maybe 2-3 yrs ago.

The problem I’ve thought all along is that SCOTUS doesn’t want to be the law enforcement branch of government – telling states they committed felonies isn’t in their purview.

It falls to POTUS to protect the country, the Constitution and enforce the law. The criminals have to be picked up. POTUS has talked about TREASON and COUPs for years – this is it.


Why not?

IIRC, SCOTUS tells states they create crappy laws. Correct?

SCOTUS is spineless and PART of the problem.

So incredibly disappointed with EVERY level of government in America’s election process.


You’re right, but it’s clear that they’re afraid of something this big. Besides that, they like to make law, which violates the Constitution.

So the fact that they weren’t willing to take a stand to defend the country and the Constitution moves them to irrelevance. Now they’ll be nothing more than a rubber stamp for whatever Communist China shoves into the country.


“You’re right, but it’s clear that they’re afraid of something this big.”


Then they should explain that in their denial, and explain why Alito and Thomas are wrong.

Which they won’t.

Because they’re corrupt.


“Why not?
IIRC, SCOTUS tells states they create crappy laws. Correct?”


Yep, Chief Injustice Roberts even writes laws, right there from the bench!


You are correct, Para. Thank you.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Rudy saying that Electors and the President do have standing. They would have to file in District Courts in each state, and go back up the chain to the SC. POTUS and team are looking at that and other options. THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN UP AND NEITHER SHOULD WE!!!!


“Rudy saying that Electors and the President do have standing. They would have to file in District Courts in each state, and go back up the chain to the SC. POTUS and team are looking at that and other options. ”


If so, there is not even a tiny chance they didn’t know all that before the Texas case was filed.

The President’s team is not a bunch of first year law students.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think everybody was hoping that SCOTUS would treat “fellow states” as having standing, since one CHEATER affects all participants DIRECTLY in a presidential election. To see the STANDING, one must SEE THE CRIME and WHO IS HARMED.

Such reasoning appears to be beyond the court, except for two elders.

I no longer trust SCOTUS to have the vision necessary to bring justice. Even if we bring the case by another route, there is not sufficient understanding of who is harmed to guarantee that SCOTUS will yield a just verdict at any point, IMO.

I cannot see how the SCOTUS cannot see that all parties to an agreed procedure have standing when one of them, let alone four of them, CHEATS on the deal.

The Constitution is a CONTRACT to which we all promise to abide. Four states cheated – purposely. The other states do not have standing? This boggles the mind.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to get this off my chest, so here goes:


Fuck them all, except for Alito and Thomas, who can come into our foxhole. I hope the rest are the first casualties if this comes to Civil War, which it appears it might. The hell with these cowardly bastards. They don’t deserve the right to be where they are, elevated there by centuries of blood spilled by patriots here and abroad.

If the branch of the government that was devised to rule on disputes between states avoids doing so, then they are useless. USELESS. This is the ONE TIME the assholes can hear actual evidence, as opposed to sitting in their ivory towers and affirming or striking down other judge’s decisions, and they won’t do it.



Spicy is the right temperature right now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf concurs!

And in the same sense that “elections have consequences”….

Judicial cowardice has consequences.

Because THEY do not have the courage to defend the Constitution, and even more basic common law, men and women of courage will die, to settle the most basic matters elsewise.

comment image


I see I made it to “Fox.” I didn’t notice before, but I am truly gratified if the above comment was the one that did it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Didn’t think I would be retiring my Notorious ACB T-shirt this quickly, but as George Lindell so wonderfully reminds us, “Reality hits you hard, bro!” 😉


Right!? I mean, damn, I think she broke the record for disappointing appointment!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I woke up a bit less “judge-mental” on this, but still – they are ruling class, and we need to expect ruling-class rulings.

More later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the few benefits of our current mixed commenting and notification system is that I got to like your comment twice! 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of Gordian knots, it appears the conundrum here is that in order to show standing, i.e. that harm has taken place, evidence has to be produced to show said harm was done. The evidence, however, cannot be presented without the case being heard, which cannot happen without the aggrieved parties having standing.

Judicial deadlock. A holds semaphore n, waiting for semaphore m. B holds semaphore m, waiting for semaphore n. Classic database deadlock. And, lacking the judicial equivalent of the tool “UNDEDLOK”, the only option is to back out and try again, either by finding a new plaintiff, or some other avenue of pursuing justice.



“I no longer trust SCOTUS to have the vision necessary to bring justice.”


I never did… 😁


” Even if we bring the case by another route, there is not sufficient understanding of who is harmed to guarantee that SCOTUS will yield a just verdict at any point, IMO.”


Now where has my auto-poster gotten off too again… oh, here it is:

It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which could be the result of malice or guile.” – Aubergine’s Razor
Those aren’t rookies or novices on the (not)Supreme Court, they’re killers. Some of the best at their profession.

Their ‘understanding’ is full and complete.

They know.

And they did it anyway.

So either they are corrupt, or they are in on the plan and playing along with the 54D Chess routine.

There is another razor around here somewhere, it’s not as good as Aubergine’s and I don’t use it nearly as often as Aubergine’s… hang on a second… here it is, let me get the lint off first:

“The simplest explanation is usually the right one.” — Occam’s Razor

So I’m going with “corrupt😁


Cowards would work too, or corrupt cowards if its more to the liking. And if they like they can always prove us wrong.


“I cannot see how the SCOTUS cannot see that all parties to an agreed procedure have standing when one of them, let along four of them, CHEATS on the deal.”


We mere peasants shouldn’t trouble ourselves about understanding the arcane and mystical nature of complicated matters like the Law… it is the province of wizards and seers and tarrot card readers 😁


“The Constitution is a CONTRACT to which we all promise to abide. Four states cheated – purposely. The other states do not have standing? This boggles the mind.”


Exactly as Marxist subversion and corruption is intended to do.

There is a movie I’ve learned about recently that I am looking forward to seeing. It takes place in a former Soviet Bloc country, and portrays the insanity of Communism, by people who lived through it.

The descriptions by the reviewer remind me very much of what we’re going through right now.


Blurb: “In eastern Ukraine, society begins to degrade as the effects of propaganda and manipulation begin to surface in this post-truth era.”

Review (boldface emphasis mine):
“If you have already seen Sergei Loznitsa’s latest film, Donbass, and your take on it is that it is about an unjust war, you have completely missed its point. I am sorry, I have to be blunt because this is actually a popular take, and because some of the coverage that the film has received in the West and supports it is in fact embarrassingly poor. Though, to be fair, this isn’t exactly a surprising development because we are living in an era when narratives are far more important than facts. Naturally, unorthodox eye-openers, like Donbass, have to be ‘explained’ and promoted to the public in a way that supports the ‘right’ narrative.

The action is set in Eastern Ukraine where Ukrainian ‘patriots’ and Russian-backed ‘separatists’ are engaged in a bizarre clash for superiority. This isn’t a war — as most mainstream reviews of the film insist — but a carefully controlled circus whose architects are not even in the area. Of course, virtually all outsiders, like the German reporter and his cameraman that enter the circus early into the film, do not see the strings behind the rivaling sides, so they are completely overwhelmed by the dangerous chaos. However, this is how everything is supposed to be — because the chaos is exactly the type of environment in which the local population can be divided into ‘patriots’ and ‘separatists’, and the global news networks need to push their manufactured narrative.

The political statements that are bounced around by the two rivaling sides are predictably idiotic. The fighters immediately label anyone that they dislike ‘fascist’ — sound familiar? — and then proceed to deliver justice the way they understand it. Feelings are always superior to facts and the truth is anything the most senior guy with a machine gun in his hands wants it to be. There isn’t a shortage of brainwashed puppets amomgst the civilian population either, and they are ready to defend the Motherland from the ‘enemy’ just like their fathers and grandfathers did decades ago.

Predictably, the chaos is great for business. While the bombs are falling on the ‘battlefield’, which is any place someone with the authority to greenlight an attack on the other side wants it to be, the local leaders of the two sides and their lackeys are delivering and selling everything the black market needs — from spicy salami and powdered milk to the services of experienced prostitutes. A rogue commander has even figured out a way to ‘recover’ luxury automobiles and then sell them back to their owners. (The entire sequence where a clueless businessman is informed that his imported SUV has been recovered and is then summoned to reclaim it for a fair price can make old-school commies blush. The practice is straight out of the beloved Party manual).

Also predictable is the price that ordinary people are paying to have the circus in their country, which is total misery. Some are barely staying alive, but many more are dying of hunger and freezing to death. Not surprisingly, however, even amongst them there are many believers — brainwashed beyond repair to believe that there is a ‘war’ that needs to be won so that their country becomes normal again.

Loznitsa has Donbass structured as a collage of segments whose one and only common element is the madness that is underway in a large region of the country. The film does not have central characters, and rightfully so, because this is the only way in which it could have been made to look legit.

The big picture that so many people are missing about the ‘war’ in Ukraine is that it is an extension of various opposing powerplays made by global strategists. Contrary to the fake narrative that the Western media has been working hard to legitimize, there isn’t a ‘right’ side in it. (Anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of Crimea, for instance, can instantly see through the narrative). The two sides are simply facades masking an ongoing trend to reestablish local zones of influence in a post-Cold War world that is rapidly being redrawn again.”


The other film I read about, but probably won’t have a chance to see (it’s more expensive than I’m willing to pay), is called Der Autovampir. (a.k.a. Ferat Vampire)

“You have probably noticed already that I have not revealed much about the plot, and this is entirely intentional, but I wish to mention a couple of things that prove just how special this film is.

There is very little in the action footage — which is everything from the rally footage to the nighttime footage where Dr. Marek’s resilience is tested — that is staged.

It is communist reality merging with horror reality for a special blend of thrills. As seen in the film, the Ferat is one hundred percent real. It was a cool prototype for Skoda, the jewel of the Czechoslovakian auto industry.”

“…I thought that Ferat Vampire was the spookiest film to emerge from the former Soviet bloc, and I have not changed my mind yet. Its very dark sense of humor may seem a bit off to some viewers now, but this is only because they don’t realize how accurate its depiction of communist absurdity is.”


About had enough of Douche-o-wits


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Soon, Grandma, you hit a thousand!

(Lest that be misunderstood–1000 comments!)

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

So that makes her a GRAND Grandma 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I will get the LAST WORD on this tonight.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Go take a look, the new Daily.


Lol I’ll bet it hits at least 2,000. Argh, what a week and day!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It won’t. It’s an hour and four minutes to midnight and we’d need over 900 posts in that time.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

She’s right. The Texas case came from out of the blue and sounded really good. But the Trump team already had plans in motion before it appeared. Now that it’s been denied, they shift focus. There’s still suits in 5 states and Legislature action in WI. DNI report is coming.

Please, NO EEYORES. It’s just a setback, but IT’S NOT OVER. DO NOT listen to the MSM, they’ll be gloating. KEEP FIGHTING FOR POTUS!!!



I recovered from the shock  😀 


I heard the SC update from my dad. I hadn’t had the chance to get caught up on the daily events. It was like a sucker punch to my gut!


I do believe to us all it was a huge punch actually slam to my gut.

Worse of all I have been watching neighbors going after neigbors due to the new lock downs. and mandates. People are blaming everyone but the government leaders for the new mandates and lock downs, which is equate to blaming their neighbors.


Yes it can be hard. Roller coaster is the right analogy. I dislike Roller coasters.
We will get past this we have too.


It’s like climbing a twisting, insanely high staircase. You see a landing above and think you’re almost done climbing. You get to the landing only to realize that you’re not even halfway up.

As an old disabled vet I’m irritated enough and ready to kick some serious ass.

But as an older wiser woman, I’m also able to look back on my life and realize I had to reach each of those staircase landings to learn things.

I trust Trump, God and we patriots.

It’s going to continue to be a painful climb, but this country was founded by faithful believers. Our ancestors dealt with trying times and succeeded, so shall we and our president!


lmao, I’m a cute chipmunk…how did you know that????  😊 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

General principles.


“lmao, I’m a cute chipmunk…how did you know that????”  😊 


We all knew 😁


^^^ I’m ready. Been ready. The anticipation is nerve wracking. Really tired of waking from a dead sleep near daily between 2AM and 4 AM, with this election n my mind.


I remember Wolf writing at OT concerning Roller Coaster or something like that. We need it posted here.
Wolf you remember the post you made at OT concerning ups and downs?
We need to read it again please  🤗 


I think I vaguely recall that post, reposted here QTree.

Would really like to read it again.


Posted under singingsoul’s request, just above.


Me too


Here you go:

“Well, I don’t really have to do any holding together, now that I figured out what Trump is up to. He is shaking things out, but counting on Trump gravity to pull things back together as he moves along.
He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.
You and I will be anti-Trump trolls one day and MAGA heroes the next. Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.
I was explaining this to my wife. This is a roller-coaster now. Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.
Trump is no longer playing only with evil and cunning players who are still predictable, easily beatable dopes, like Hillary. He is playing against killers, with his own team of killers, and all the while he has scheming creeps like Hillary, BGI, SPLC, and the neocons gunning for him. Snake Ryan ready to bite when nobody is looking. “Warhead” McCain screaming for Russian blood. Psycho Kim and Samoa Obama plotting some kind of intrigue to take him down. And THOSE are the lightweights.
This is the majors now. Trump has to outwit world-class adversaries and “frenemies” by defining the deals that they will agree to. One minute they will think Trump is their friend – the next minute, a cunning, bitter foe.
And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.
Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.
And people will trash you, and they will trash me. Get used to it. I’ve already caught plenty of people mocking me. Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.
Trump will not find perfect solutions. He will find OPTIMAL solutions. We cannot ask for more. Trump has stood by and watched Perfect murder Good for 8 years – maybe longer. He’s not gonna do it. He’s going to deliver the best outcome possible, and he’s not waiting for us to feel relaxed about it.
Best presidency ever! Just hang on. More winning is coming, but a lot of people are going to scream that it’s all over at EVERY turn.
The best way through this is to define viewpoints, not people, because people will shift as they change position and velocity in Trump gravity. Bash the neocon, warmonger, and dopey globalist positions – not the people who are going to hold them one moment and come loose from them later.
Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.
I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.
In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!


Wow thanks 🙂


Aubergine you are a treasure. 😘  Thank you so much


Of course! I needed to read it again, too.

This has been a bit demoralizing, to say the least. But we will prevail.

I’m not quitting until President Trump quits!


Completely agree! Needed to read it again and I’m not quitting.

I have to remind myself that evil prevails when it is able to beat us down and keep us down.

Sylvia Avery

And THAT has aged very nicely.
Our Wolfie is one sharp dude.


Yes he is!


Me too…work up like 3 times last night–hate to say it, but that Johnson video got to me.
I believe if she had been the only Democratic politician saying things like that I think it would not have hit me so hard. H3LL Harris even said some similar things about revenge on Trump people and supporters just prior to the election. I even thought that those comments probably lost her some votes, guess not.
Keep thinking that probably worse than that is happening in the back rooms that we are not hearing about.
Time for us all to up our prayers…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


I thought that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett were supposed to be on OUR side?


Or with the constitution…
I do believe they were ruling as they felt they needed to by the constitution.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. That was brought up before the first nomination (Gorsuch). WIth strict originalists, which are better in the long run, sometimes things will go against our wishes, simply because they are doing what we want them to do, but just not against us ( 🙂 )…..

The question should be: who has standing, and can they (quickly) bring a case directly to SCOTUS? Or, what are the other avenues being pursued? Having said that, maybe it’s in our best interest(s) that the “other side” doesn’t really see what’s going on, at least in terms of having time to react… confound and confuse, and pray that GOD shines HIS light on their evil deeds, confounds them, and provides a way for restitution of what is rightfully ours, that is, a victory for VSGPDJT and another four years of MAGA, with the coup plotters found, tried, and punished appropriately.


New Social Media are rising up to take the place of Twitter and YouTube:

Anna K Hait is going to cover the Trump March in DC tomorrow on one of the new media:


Is this in addition to GAB

Do believe that if we spread out into too many social medias then we will it will be worse than staying with twitter and FB.


Yes, in addition to GAB. Gab’s owner is also a Christian. https://gab.com


There is also Quodverum.

Three isn’t too many.

Parler has turned out to be a dud.

Harry Lime

I’m sure this article from the Political Moonshine has probably been posted here recently (Scott467 usually posts PM articles here)…but you should take a look at Scott467’s response in the comment section. It’s a tad long but only because he methodically addresses each point made by the author…the point being that Trump’s got this…and he’s always had this from the very beginning…that there are bigger things to come…and no way in HELL that our President is going to let a bunch of filthy communists steal our country…JUST…NO…F-ing…WAY! He would never leave the fate of the country he/we love in the hands of a bunch of corrupt politicians and judges!

If you wonder why Scott467 is not panicking (and neither am I…thanks, Scott467!) take a look at the comment section…and, as General Flynn just tweeted out, take a deep breath.



I also replied to the comment after my initial post, on December 10th, but it still says “Your comment is awaiting moderation“, so I don’t know if anyone else can see it besides the person who posted the comment (me). Because if everyone else can see it, then how is it awaiting moderation?

This is the post:

scott467Your comment is awaiting moderation. December 10, 2020 at 12:30 pm

indy0704 wrote: “41 days left to prove the “he has it all” theory/fantasy.”

Why wouldn’t he have it all?

Wouldn’t you?

If you had access to the NSA and/or military intelligence, wouldn’t you have them monitor the incoming election results in real time?

Considering the capabilities of the military (and NSA), and the crude low-tech software used on the voting machines, and that it’s all connected to the Internet, wouldn’t you have it monitored in real time, and record anything?

I would.

Knowing, for certain, that the Left was going to cheat massively (they didn’t even pretend like Biden was a serious candidate, so what else could they do but cheat?), and having observed their methods during the 2018 midterms, why wouldn’t you not only monitor and document everything, but also set up a massive sting operation?

Wouldn’t you?

I would.

As for all the rest of the Cabal activities, does anyone deny that FISA goes both ways?

Isn’t that a perfect explanation why the FISA star chamber hasn’t been shut down, because Trump is using it to lawfully do what the enemy used it lawlessly to do?

And FISA isn’t the only means of surveillance, just one among many. You know the enemy also uses HAM radios to communicate, so you scan and record all HAM radio traffic 24/7. You know they use PC online game platforms to communicate, so you monitor and record all of those. You are flipping at least some of the enemy and getting more information that way.

Why wouldn’t you do all of these things, and a whole lot more besides, if your job as President is to protect and defend the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and you actually take your job seriously?

They know about all of the child-trafficking rings (and have taken down many already), they have everything from Epstein Island (and who knows how many other honey-pot islands around the world that aren’t as famous as Epstein’s).

They know about the Gang of 8, the SSCI, Di-Fi-Chi-Spy, basketcase Pelosi, the entire Biden Crime Family, Kerry’s step-son, the Clinton Foundation, Georgie Boy Soros and his entire organization, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg/Pichai/Dorsey, the Tommy Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, etc., etc., etc.

They know all about Ben Wittes and the lawfare blog operation running all the interference for Hussein’s shadow presidency. They have the Scytl servers from Germany and/or Barcelona, the Clinton servers, they have Wiener’s laptop.

They have all of the Biden Crime Family’s syndicate of quid-pro-quo pay to play which was almost certainly modeled directly from the Clinton operation, and it’s not possible that Biden playing Goldfinger behind Hussein’s back for 8 years without Hussein knowing and approving everything Biden was doing — and taking is own cut of the pie.

Hussein authorized everything. Trump also has Hussein’s actual birth records and college records by this point, as well as data proving that the election-fraud system used in 2020, developed by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in the late 1990s and used all over the world ever since, was certainly used to fraudulently insert Hussein not once but twice.

And there’s no reason to stop going up the food chain after you get to Soros. Patriots do a lot of speculating about the Rothschilds and the other 11 or 12 families who run the world, the involvement of the Vatican, the British monarchy, the Central Bank network, etc., but it’s not speculation to the military and the NSA. They know what’s real and what isn’t, and who is involved, and who isn’t.

The global Cabal discuss all their big plans to be James Bond Villains and take over the world every year at Davos and Bohemian Grove and the other psychopath retreats, certainly Trump knows many people in those circles and has infiltrated their lunatic soirees long ago.

Trump’s people know how charities and foundations, from the Red Cross to the Clinton Foundation and everything in between, are just giant slush funds for peddling influence and laundering drug, arms and human trafficking money, and they know everyone associated and attached to them.

Trump’s people know all about Cabal’s plan to use MS-13 as shock troops (and have mitigated that threat), they know the U.N. and all of the other global scam organizations and NGOs only exist to further hostile actions and/or take advantage of the United States.
They know all about the islamic infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood into our government, Hussein seeding Minnesota with Somalian terror cells, that the islamic invasion of Europe was the planned result of Hillary Clinton’s overthrow of Qaddafi (“We came, we saw, he died… cackle cackle laugh laugh” — Hillary Rodham Clinton, chief ghoul).

They know about the massive Chinese Communist infiltration into our universities and government and big business, and how the Chinese Communist Party has bought off nearly the entire political-class and big business — not only in America, but in every other Western nation on the planet.

And they did it with the West’s money. When the Soviet Union fell, the CCP stepped in to take their place. NAFTA and Most Favored Trade status destroyed the industrial base of America and Europe, and transferred all of it to China, who used the resulting fortune to subvert, blackmail, bribe and infiltrate every Western government on earth.

Xi Jinping hates the West. He wants revenge against the round eyes for the Opium Wars, part of the reason he floods America with Fentanyl. And naturally, as a Communist dictator, his mission is to take over the world for Communism. And where he can’t do that by direct military confrontation, he does it by all the means of unrestricted warfare, which is what we are experiencing now (and have been experiencing, for decades).

We know Trump knows all of these things because I am aware of all of these things (and a lot more) without even needing to consult any notes, and you and everyone else reading here probably knows too (and a lot more than I do besides). So imagine how much more Trump’s people must know, that we don’t know?

And what has the missing element always been?

Not being in a position to do anything about it, which is why Goldfinger, Scaramanga, Dr. No, Lex Luthor, Solomon Grundy and the rest of the Hall of Doom got fat and lazy and careless over the decades.

Suddenly Trump is in a position to do something about it, and he has been talking about some of these very un-PC issues for decades, so we know for certain that he is aware, and that he detests these monsters.

For the first time, an incredibly capable and skilled professional, a patriot, is in a position to make a difference, to do something about it.

He has means, motive and opportunity.

But he would not be plotting any crime, quite the opposite, his objectives are entirely righteous and lawful. The ultimate white-hat.

And he loves it, like he was born for this, and all of his experience has prepared him perfectly for this moment in history.

That moment, which DJT has been planning and waiting for — for decades — is finally almost here. Some time between now and January 20th.

Will he just let it pass?

Will he simply walk away?

And if so, to what?

Where would he go, to escape them?

Cabal has made it clear that once Trump is out of power, they will destroy him and his family utterly, to make sure no one like him ever rises again, as David Plouffe said.

Plouffe: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

What would you do, if you were in Trump’s position, knowing what he must certainly know, and having access to all of the assets at his disposal?

Would you let the moment pass?

Would you just walk away?

Or would you wait just a little longer, until the perfect moment arrived, and then tip that first domino over, watching them all fall down?

Whether you would do it or not…

What do you think Trump is going to do?


Gail Combs

As I said several days ago. I think this has been decades in the planning. When true patriots saw what the Left did to Congressman Joe McCarthy in the 1950s and to Congressman McFadden before him they went underground to counter the Bankster/Commie  Axis of Evil.

President Trump would never have gone into this, knowing what he does of these VERY EVIL people without a plan and a LOT of BACKUP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It has to be the way it’s going to be.

Harry Lime

Thanks for posting this, Scott. It was not visible on the Political Moonshine comment section. Hmm…I wonder why they would leave that in moderation.


Thank you for reading, I know they’re not short posts 😁

It probably went into moderation because it had multiple links, which apparently didn’t transfer when I coped and pasted it above. I included a video link to Hitlery saying “We came, We saw, he died”, along with a link to CTH where the David Plouffe quote was found, and a link to the David Plouffe tweet:



comment image



As for why it is still in moderation, I suspect it’s just an oversight. The comments section at PM is not usually very active, and the website owner may not even be aware of my post being in moderation.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Harry Lime

The comments section at PM should be more active…I certainly don’t want to insinuate motive to why I couldn’t see that follow-up post although I know that’s how it came across. I should have worded that differently. I like the content at that site and appreciate when you post the articles here. I bookmarked them weeks ago and have become a regular reader.


Scott this is so timely. Thank you for sharing your insights.


Scott, you always make me feel better. That is the definition of a good friend. Thanks for being there, buddy. You rock.

Sylvia Avery

Scott, Harry Lime was talking about this and how good it was. I had a request to reblog it at Marica is a Honey Badger so I did. Hope you don’t mind, buddy.   :wpds_smile: 


You make me wanna be a better Patriot Scott!!!


Really trying to take a deep breath, but there are too many democrats like the MI Democrat Johnson out there making threaths, some even higher up than her.
Sadly that is not the route I want to see America go, much less most of the free world

Gail Combs

Think of it this way….


This coup took a LOT of coordination AND A LOT OF MONEY and I do not think they learned from the Hillary e-mail ‘problem’ Also their ARROGANCE means they were sure they would WIN so they were not super careful to cover their tracks. After all they had  Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) Chris Krebs and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper in place to take care of things.

As 𝑸 said ‘These People are STUPID’ That means there is a trail a mile wide documenting their misdeeds.

Jan 23 2018 17:36:34

…You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?

We have it all.

Coming soon to a theater near you.



Apr 21 2018 12:00:56 (EST)

Think public & private Twitter accounts.

They all have them.

These people are stupid.

We have it all.


(And several more.)

Cuppa Covfefe

She will (or should be) getting a “courtesy call” from the Secret Service. Such threats are not without consequences or penalties. Incitement is one of the possible charges; legal-beagle folks here will chime in, I hope.


One of the major positives of this situation is that all of the corruption is being exposed, these (I refuse to call them human) evil beings like Johnson are taking off their masks and showing themselves and our patriot spines are hardening.

We are going to need that hardness and strength.

Anddd we patriots are uniting!


Agree. NOT panicking here.

But I am hyper pissed off at our government at all levels NOT enforcing Law & order.

Yes, President Trump WILL prevail. But it shouldn’t be this damn hard or frustrating.

100%, I remain committed to the Trump Train.

My Trump Train tickets is valid until 20 January 2025.


what is CJ saying ? DJT’s tweet clearly says that this is the big one and we need a victory. How can what happened be interpreted as some sneak move?


This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!

^^^ For whatever reason, when I saw, “This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!”

Smacked of odd, I thought then. Today, I’ll take it as a head fake.


Note that he said, “INTERVENING” in caps – I thought that was odd…

Something else going on, and POTUS has moves behind the scenes. Though disappointed, I’m still of the notion that the court stuff is on the surface, and the other stuff is behind the scenes.

He said that we would be shocked at what will be revealed – he wasn’t talking about the ballot stuffing or even the machines – bet they have the comms between the Dems and our enemies, foreign and domestic.


He said that we would be shocked at what will be revealed – he wasn’t talking about the ballot stuffing or even the machines – bet they have the comms between the Dems and our enemies, foreign and domestic.

^^^ Agree. They have EVERYTHING.

And, EVERYTHING will be released.


That would be too great. He did that with the phone call..he let them go on and on and then whipped out the audio


You’re right, he gets a lot of joy out of watching them weave their own nooses.


Dangling from those nooses should be pretty good, too.


Well here’s just a small example. We feel sucker punched and it sucks. But the idiots are cheering and gloating thinking they won a major win. And what timing, the weekend!

Make a big deal over a crumb of bread that’s not a major deal then throw that crumb of “victory” to your enemy. They will be rolling around like pigs in their mud pen while the real loaf of bread is baking.


I do not believe this case is OVER – the question is – in what manner of INTERVENTION is PT participating –

Someone posted a tweet wherein Texas can proceed – by filing a motion of some sort – not sure how that works –

Standing is ‘sticky’ – many cases have been refused due to ‘lack of standing’.

If Texas does not have ‘standing’ – who does? Who is the injured party? PT?


exactly, who is the injured party ? We The People are the injured ones , imo. Our votes were stolen


Can somebody file a class action suit for “We The People?” Like, literally everyone? Who would hear that case?


That’s what I think. If they don’t give a shit about the States , what about us?


Q said class action lawsuits are very effective, Auber!!!


Can we call Lin Wood?

I just saw on Twitter that Sidney Powell just filed with the Supreme Court for GA and MI, with AZ and WI soon to follow:

I hope that works. This is getting ridiculous. What the hell has happened to our country? I feel like this year has been an episode of the Twilight Zone.


Twilight Zone with endless tornados. God bless Trump for putting up with this bs!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If this doesn’t work, I am preparing for the alternatives.


Sidney Powell already did!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Not Texas. The Electors and The President have standing. They would have to file suits in each of the District Courts in WI,PA,GA,MI. They would have to get denied and appeal all the way up to the SC. Takes too much time.


I read somewhere PT and VPP have already filed a lawsuit in WI!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We had 5. Sidney just filed more, w/more to come. Time is of the essence!


Some good news.

L. Lin Wood’s Georgia case has now been docketed with SCOTUS:


Lin Wood’s is a fighter. I really like him.


Can someone help – this is a great thread – but, I do not know how to link the thread


Gail Combs

Thanks, Gail!!! Was hoping you would be here to help – Appreciate the assist!!!


Great refresher.



“….God Bless the WORLD”


Why would POTUS say that he never did before?


Trying to STOP the NWO – global reset.

Posted way up thread….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If anybody is still getting (as of RIGHT NOW – basically 10 PM Eastern, 12/11/20) the RED POP-UPS that say “you are posting too fast, please slow down”, please let me know.

You may be getting that pop-up from an OLD PAGE, but be that as it may, it has been several hours since I made changes which should have ended the problem.


Lookin’ good, here — and, BTW, the entire site is much “peppier”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I noticed an IMMEDIATE improvement when I turned off the “So-And-So is online” notification pop-ups, which were in fact largely for LURKERS!

The red pop-ups were probably due to the JetPack anti-brute-force Grandma’s DH surmised. I think they were seeing site slow-down from the “online monitoring pop-ups” dragging on user machines, and then JetPack proceeded to call everything a “nail” – as in “HEY YOU, NEAR THE TIME OF THE CRIME – SLOW DOWN YOUR POSTING!!!”

Dumb. Really dumb. But now that this is turned off…..

I also increased the number of forbidden links to 50. Thus, 49 will be OK. We’re in a new era. This will be fine!

Brave and Free

So I just got home and saw this SC decision. What’s the course of action now? Hang by a thread on the Lin Wood case in GA?

Gail Combs

DNI Ratcliffe.

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
Then Military Tribunals.

Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866)

Primary Holding

It is unconstitutional to try civilians by military tribunals unless there is no civilian court available.

The US courts are busy proving they are beyond corrupt so at this point there is no civilian court available.”

ALSO there is Sen. Lindsey Graham’s curious questions to Judge Kavanaugh on military tribunals for U.S. citizens

Graham: Let’s talk about the law and war. Is there a body of law called the law of armed conflict?

Kavanaugh: There is such a body, senator.




Graham: Isn’t there also a long settled law that goes back to the Eisentrager case (I can’t remember the name of it)….

Kavanaugh: Johnson v. Eisentrager.

Graham: Right, that American citizens who collaborate with the enemy are considered enemy combatants?

Kavanaugh: They can be, they’re often, sometimes criminally prosecuted, sometimes treated in the military.

Graham: Let’s talk about can be. I think there’s a Supreme Court decision that said that American citizens who collaborated with Nazi saboteurs were tried by the military, is that correct?

Kavanaugh: That is correct…


Gail you with your antithetical mind bring things into perspective. We have several on this forum with the ability and that is why the QTree is so informative.
Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.

All I am doing is stringing together info that others have brought to this forum.


You do it well 🙂



Gail Combs

I should add all the Dog & Pony shows in front of the state legislatures are to wake-up the Sheeple so the reveals by Ratcliffe are not such a shock.

There is a darn good reason why the Fake Fifth Column News has been screech POTUS is a hitler for four years. They want that embedded in the Sheeple’s brains when he releases the KRAKEN.

I think one of the duties of 𝑸 was to keep this mess from turning into a HOT WAR before everything was played out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said, and agreed.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


BINGO!!! – Sidney represents We the People!!! Thanks, BFLY, for the reminder!!!


“Our plaintiffs have #standing#WeThePeople will not allow #rigged elections”


Then it appears we will have to do something about the rigged courts, before we can do anything about the rigged elections. 👍

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

More options in case all law suits fail. We already have Mo Brooks in the House, we just need one Couragous Patriotic Senator.


“Last Constitutional remedy for Trump remains Congress not certifying electors from contested states when they convene on January 6.”


If so, then that practically guarantees Congress will certify the electors from contested states on January 6th.

That’s how this game works, in case we haven’t noticed yet.

We have to blow right past every last off ramp, every last fail-safe, every last supposed ‘remedy’.

We have to expose all of it as corrupt, demonstrate that the system is BROKEN beyond recognition, get it ALL of it out the way, and then we can do what is necessary to fix it.

But what Barnes referenced is not the “Last Constitutional remedy”, he only says that because he’s a lawyer.

It is entirely Constitutional (and a remedy) for the President to wait until the last moment, declassify everything, prove all of the crimes in a national address, and arrest all of the traitors and perpetrators.

In fact, as the Commander in Chief, he has a duty and obligation to do so.

And he will 😁


Ted Cruz, perhaps joined by Chuck Grassley


“More options in case all law suits fail. We already have Mo Brooks in the House, we just need one Couragous Patriotic Senator.”


I certainly wouldn’t count on a courageous or patriotic senator.

But one willing to grandstand and make it all about himself, to bask in the spotlight of national attention?

We might be able to find one of those… 😂🤣😂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just so freaking outrageous, that my entire worldview is changing.

I sure hope Bill Barr has a plan that does not involve Americans putting up with this shit, because we WILL NOT.

Gail Combs


DNI RATCLIFFE and EZRA COHEN-WATNICK are a much better bet.

By now there should be so much evidence that 90% of the DNC and 50% of the RNC should be feeding the sharks off the GITMO coast.


I saw the creepiest sight today. We were on the way to the grocery store, 2 lane road, when a small school bus coming down the other lane put on its caution lights. We stopped and watched as the school bus stopped and let a child out at her house.

We sat looking at the masked school bus driver and a bus full of masked children. I said to my husband…God help these poor children, they are going to be so warped by the time these assholes in charge are done screwing with them.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe how far we’ve fallen, for lack of a better word.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, the mask thing is nasty. Chinese communism is very ugly.


Believe it. We stopped by our local shop to pick up supplies today and the place was crazy busy.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thank you bfjg! Needed that! Hugs and  ❤ 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Yeah, the ODNI reports in 6 days, and then the military and Trump’s EO come into play.


Nicely said, Grandmaintx.
 😌  👍 

Right there with ya!

Defiance is in our DNA.
We will never give up!

If all avenues fail us in the courts…then we can console ourselves with declaring open season on stupid people.
Open season…no limit.


BTW…great work on today’s thread.
Love it!


Well said and bah, you made me tear up. But I feel better than when we first heard about the sc decision earlier.  ❤ 


“Feel better” . . . yeah, me too.


Love you and our close knit community. God meant for us to be here for each other. He knew we’d need each other to get through this!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

 🇺🇲  🇺🇲  🇺🇲  🇺🇲  🇺🇲  🇺🇲  🇺🇲 

come to timmy

Is there a way to save or bookmark this? It’s sheer awesomeness.
All my People stepped on these shores no later than 1750something. Earliest settled in Long Island in 1630s or ’40s. Little bit of everything. Teetotalers & drunkards, laborers, farmers, a few local bankers… farmers, small townsmen & hill-jacks, polite, clean-spoken & uncouth, profane… farmers, a few farmers… oh and many farmers. Ended up setling in Ohio, not too deep into the 19th century, one half on the eastern side in the Akron/Canton area; mills, steel, factories; and the other more to the west, about fifty or so miles northwest of Columbus. A lot of great cooks. They helped build this place. And it turned out pretty damn good. The best. Can’t for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to tear it all down. Reaching life-controlling hands into peoples’ minds and souls. No, they can’t win. Can’t no way have it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By contrast mine came over anytime between the 1880s and the 1930s. Some of their kids weren’t all that loyal, alas. And my niece is a socialist piece of shit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. We will not let them down.


Perfectly stated Grandma. Very timely.

By the way, awesome article / intro to this day. Thank you!


Does anyone have a quick status of the PA lawsuit?


American Thought Leaders interviews the founder/national organizer of “Stop the Steal”…protests will take place across America this Saturday


Listening to while reading. Time 11:36 quote…I know Biden didn’t get more votes than Obama. My husband and I both lol at that comment. Good video. Thank you!


“Time 11:36 quote…I know Biden didn’t get more votes than Obama.”



But what many people haven’t considered, is that Hussein didn’t get more votes than McCain, and Hussein didn’t get more votes than Mittens.

The software developed by Hugo Chavez and then used all over the world had already existed for at least 8 years by the time Hussein was selected.

Is there even a tiny chance Hussein didn’t use it?

How did he beat Hitlery?

How did Hitlery beat Bernie?

How did Biden try to beat Trump?

The Hugo Chavez way 😁


Oh to have been a fly on the wall as the crooks were paying coders to increase the percentage algorithms.

Hitlery: “Damnit where did all those bernie bros come from? Here’s another million in cash, flip me more votes!”

Hussein: “Hah, I’m smarter than the witch, here’s many millions in advance, make sure I’m always the clear winner that night!”

Pure evil!


Wonder if those coders are still living.

Valerie Curren

Twitter is actively suppressing this conversation so I’m guessing it’s over the target!


Yes…he did say “FISA vaccine”.

But that could be explained away as his ‘accent’.
However, he is not from the South where they drop their R’s.

So I dunno.

It’s interdasting.
 😉  😏 


I was wondering why I keep finding all these r’s on the floor around the house!  😊 

Valerie Curren

I thought twit world would like conspiracy theorists 😉 to pump out their “lunatic” theories & be discredited by their own words. Why would Jack be so suppressive of “lies”? 🙂


Perhaps “telling”, President Trump has FISA on his mind.

Maybe active FISA’s on bad guys discussed just prior to this video.

Could be a slip up saying FISA, or intentional to get bad guys to react.


He said it 3 times.
So I’m thinking it was intentional.

I guess we could go back through clips to find out if he pronounced it “Phi-zer” at other times.
But I think we would’ve noticed it, if he had.


Thanks, LadyP.

Valerie Curren

5D Chess–Always!


Pessimist update. 7th inning. We are losing in the courts. Things don’t look good. If PT has the home run hit then that may still be available. If the military is used it will be a small elite group. Pentagon brass are political hacks.

Other then that standing by to fight and die for my President and the future of my kids. Have a great weekend.


President Trump WILL prevail.


Indeed. This corruption has been going on for decades, it’s not going to end without a fight and a lot of pain.


To do it. He has to break the Constitution. I hope you are ready.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think it’s broken – but it will not be what people were expecting to happen.


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Next daily IS up and I even included a paper money essay in lieu of a coin. With two minutes to spare!


Governor Kate Brown has announced that she will open Oregon back up when 75% of Oregonians are vaccinated.
One commentator mention that “At 10,000 people a day it will take 10 months for single dose for 3 million people (75% of Oregon). The vaccine is a double dose and no one knows the availability so looking like 2022 at this point before reopen and that’s doubtful to get 75% because 40% of whites and 60% of minorities do not trust the vaccine.Basically you have killed Oregon small businesses today.”
If Biden is sworn in then I have a feeling Biden people will make the same mandate, with or without Congressional approval.
Thank God, I’m allergic to so many many meds, cause that means I can probably get legally exempted.