This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.
We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.
Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.
In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.
Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here
Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.
It’s time to replace
a failed and CORRUPT political establishment
with a new government
controlled by you, the American People.
~ Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
As Christmas approaches, once again the prominent parts of the Christmas story take front and center: the visit of the angel Gabriel, Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, the trip to Bethlehem, nowhere to stay, the manger, the host of angels, the shepherds and their visit to the manger, Simeon and Anna, the star, the wise men, the escape to Egypt, the return to Israel and then to Nazareth.
A part of the Christmas story I think could stand a closer examination is Joseph, who comes to prominence as the husband of Mary. I think his character and actions should be front and center as a role model for a host of Christians.
The Bible doesn’t have a lot to say about Joseph, but what it does say speaks volumes.
The first is that Joseph was a righteous man. By this I take it that Joseph did all that was required, and perhaps more, by the Jewish religious law of the time. That he was righteous, to me, means his actions were from his heart . . . not just actions to satisfy some religious requirement.
Joseph obeyed God. Through dreams, God told Joseph that he should
1. Take Mary as his wife.
2. Flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt.
3. Return from Egypt.
4. Beware of Archelaus (so he went to Nazareth)
Joseph had no questions, didn’t ask for a sign, and didn’t object. He simply believed and obeyed – and that obedience involved traveling with Mary . . . to Bethlehem, to Egypt, back to Israel and then to Nazareth.
Other than those instances, Joseph worked, apparently quietly, as a carpenter, raising Jesus and his brothers and sisters and, also apparently, dying just 30 years or less later.
So, Joseph was a righteous man . . . that is a very big pole in the tent. That means Joseph was doing God’s will . . . doing what’s pleasing to God.
When we trust Jesus as our Savior, God sees our faith as righteousness.
2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
1 Corinthians 1:30 But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,
When God looks at us, He sees Christ’s righteousness . . . but that doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels. We are still called to “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) This is an impossible task for us, but it, nevertheless, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is our goal.
Joseph listened to God and then did what God said. God speaks primarily to us through His Word, and by reading God’s Word we are “listening” to Him. It is now up to us, with help from the Holy Spirit, to put what God tells us into action.
Joseph’s profession was that of a carpenter. And He, apparently, did his work in such a manner that it was pleasing to God. Our work, too, falls under God’s will.
As Bondservants in Christ, “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. ” Colossians 3:23-24
1 Corinthians 4:10-11 But we urge you, brethren, that you increase [your love] more and more; that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your own hands . . .
Strive for righteousness, read God’s Word and act on it, lead a quiet life, mind your own affairs, and do your work as to the Lord. I would say that Joseph has given us quite a role model to follow.
We should keep Joseph well in mind as we get caught up in the “Be all you can be” and even the “Be Best” of the frenetic lifestyle that is pushed our way these days.
Perhaps “Be still and know that I am God” should be first in our minds these days . . . particularly in these days.
And, never ever forget that:
1. We are passing through a temporary kingdom on the way to an eternal kingdom.
2. GOD WINS ! ! !
Beautiful Carl!!! Wishing you a Very Blessed Christmas season!!!
There once was an Author named Bak.O….(nothing rhymes with Carl!)
Who posted and made our hearts Quak-O
His poems were Magic
And Never were Tragic
He makes us All…Do A re-Take-O
“Marl” is a loose or crumbling earthy deposit (as of sand, silt, or clay) that contains a substantial amount of calcium carbonate.
now how I gonna put that … ina Carl![🤣](
don’t know, but we’re certainly not going to use gnarl with Carl least we elicit a snarl from some poetic society.
Gnarl and snarl really does Rhyme…You got the nightmare Before Christmas going on here para!!
When said with a southern accent, pearl rhymes with Carl. Both today and tomorrow(l)…![🙂](
Just like river rhymes with silver (rilver)… Silver and orange being the only two words in the English language with no true rhymes…
‘Gnarl’ can suggest old and enduring like a gnarled tree.
Climbing up on a pile of marl,
Our silver-tongued poet, bakocarl….
It’s also a type of yarn with plies of different colors.
Alternatively, you could have started with
Once was an author called bakocarl in
A blog we considered most darlin’…..
there ya go!!!! That’s a pretty awesome start!!!
There once was an author named Carl
Who once in a blue moon would snarl
But only at leftists
Who he did most detestist
That his prose would sometimes be knarled.
You way butter than me!!! Great Limerick!! Super giggling!!!![🤣](
God…yer good!!!![🤣](
Yikes, I didn’t see your creation before attempting mine in reply to Marica
There once was a post bakocarl-y
Best read with a product from barley….
With a song by our dear Marley!
Rides off on a cycle from Harley….
You suck at poetry but get an A for effort and for making me ROFLMAO!!!
I love ya Butterfly!!!! Welp… yeah ah dew!![🤣](
The Q Tree Poet Laureate
There once was a Poet named CarlBako
A Wordsmith sublime we all here do know
Contortions of thought and words he weaves
Sometimes in stitches his readers he leaves
His inspiration we believe comes from the Lord
For surely his gift is refined in the Word
Tis no easy task what Carl can bring forth
From politics to scripture subjects of worth
How can we thank him for sharing with us
What comes from his heart so freely and thus
Accolades come easy but words not so much
Our hearts and minds he manages to touch
Oh, Carl – what on earth can we say
For so many times you have made our day
Like an artist your words paint a picture so fine
They flow oh so freely as if by design
We tried so very hard to thank you dear fellow
But unlike you we fail and just seem to bellow
While pondering and perpending our words ensnarl
Please help us to untwist our trysts Oh Carl.
There once was a poet named Carl
He composed righteously, nary a snarl
His works were sublime
Just right for the time
Uplifting & joyful, give them a warl
warl is “poetic” license for whirl![🙂](
Bako-Carl is blessed of God
The Supreme Being gives his works the nod
He takes pleasure in the gift
Of one standing in the rift
Of that wall great warriors have trod
God’s love & blessings to ALL Q Treepers!
OK, Marica, I took finding a rhyme for Carl as a challenge, please forgive my presumption & sleep-deprived foolishness![😉](
There once was an author named Carl![🙂](
Whose posts were enlightening by farl
Sundays and midweek
Our thoughts he does tweak
With scriptures and wisdom; a pearl
Very good advice:
Hi! This got stuck in moderation – releasing it and one more comment now…..
If you think VSG DJT’s chances of being successfully sworn in for a 2nd term are slim, and especially that Rudy Giuliani and the legal team’s odds of finding justice in the courts are long, please remember this observation of Mohandas K. Gandhi concerning the history of his leadership of the Indian independence movement:
“First they ignore you,…
then they laugh at you,…
then they fight you,…
then you win.”
The tremendous show of support from other states, from elected leaders, and from the MAGA public at large that the Texas lawsuit garnered in such a short period of time before its dismissal may have started to wipe the grins off of the chuckleheads of the Leftist/RINO running dog coalition.
Here is the second post in moderation. We’ll get you out of moderation soon. Try LOGGING IN using the login link at the bottom of the right sidebar. Also be sure to check JUNK and SPAM for your confirmation email.
Thanks so much, Wolf!
I used the button in the Meta of Meta section to logout, then immediately log back in, using the WordPress button on the login page. If that’s not enough for you to complete your magic trick successfully, please just let me know, and I’ll be glad to take whatever more thorough action is required.
It feels great to be able to reply again!
Looks like that worked!!! I did not have to kick this out of moderation. Enjoy yourself!
Terrific! Thanks again!
I’ve been trying to follow your instructions at least every couple of days since a few days after the new site went live, but nothing I did, and no technical changes you made in administration, would make the “Post Comment” button (or the “Like” button on a comment) work for me. Until the wee hours of this morning, when I wrote that “Test” above, and “Post Comment” mysteriously worked as normal.
I’m going to be blunt – you will need to be persistent in the future, because things will get worse. Much worse.
Right now, we are integrating a lot of stuff with this “JetPack” plugin that enables notifications.
The problem is, *IS* the same wokester company that kicked CTH off their platform, and that we LEFT. They cannot be trusted. At some point, we will give them the boot. WHY, you might ask…..
Their code was already preventing our most active and technically knowledgeable posters from making posts, and I only found out that it was them because of a TIP I got from grandmaintexas – her DH figured it was JetPack. This was a very sneaky way to undermine our site. It’s plausible BULLSHIT. They are liars and sneaks.
We WILL be dumping JetPack soon – but we have to get more solid on the new commenting system.
Just hang on – the TECH WAR is coming.
Will do, Pack Leader, on demonstrating persistence in the future!
Nothing could make me stop trying to get on this site, though my IRL schedule of election integrity work has forced me to reduce screen time in recent weeks.
Side note: I can apparently Like comments now, at least from the thumbs-up button on the web page. Status of the star button when I view your reply after pressing the upper right bell button is still undetermined – will require more testing.
Funny how clicking the number of likes on someone’s comment would give me the list of those who had liked it, and “Reply” would open up a reply box to type my own comment, complete with all the new gizmos.
Even the crossed-out bell next to “Post Comment” would be there, and appear to become active if I pressed it, with the message bubble and everything. But neither “Post Comment” itself nor “Like” would do anything.
I mean, would do anything before today.
Crucial things all apparently working fine now.
The two systems of “likes” are different and disconnected. The comment page green hand likes are an internal metric of the commenting system, wpDiscuz. The bell icon notification “likes” are “JetPack”, which is handled by WordPressDotCom.
I’ve been back to no commenting and no likes on the page for about 2 days now. So, right after it started working, it failed again. It took me reading about the bell on your AMA help page to get the idea to try commenting like this, with the bell.
Be sure you’re logged in. You can use a WordPress login, or if you don’t have that, then your site login and password. Here is the URL:
The only thing wrong with Gorka is his negative attitude about Q.
What if Q is Mike Flynn? Ol’ Seb will be embarrassed!
I think Gorka is hamming it up on Q opposition. Seriously – FAKE WRESTLING!
He knows Lisa Mei in the flesh!!…Itsa…Psyop!! They know!!!
Knowing someone of another gender “in the flesh” sounds like it belongs on pornhub.
Or in the Bible, actually.
Yep, to keep POTUS ‘distanced’.![😉](
Gorka could be POed he’s not one of the team.
Who knows.
Whatever happened to the site seems fixed.
Scared me for a sec.
“whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward….for you serve the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24
![comment image](
I have the greatest job in the world.
It’s absolutely retarded that I get paid for it. The rewards so far outstrip the effort(s) and sacrifices required it is as comical as it is serious.
This gargantuan nighttime thunderstorm was invisible to the naked eye…as most nighttime thunderstorms are…
…until the lighting flashed. And then…..
Click on this picture. Take the whole thing in…side to side and top to bottom. This beast soared over 37,000 feet high, the anvil top is some 30+ miles long in total, and the core is approx. 5 miles in diameter. This thing is an absolute terror. A veritable weather mermaid….so impossibly beautiful, but to be avoided at all costs. Unusual, too, in that these things are normally embedded inside larger systems that obscure them.
Keep in mind, this is just one photo.
I’ve seen sunrises and sunsets that literally take willpower to keep from being hypnotized. I mean, you have to shake your head to snap out of it. Views of coastlines, crazy winding rivers, island chains, famous international cities both during the day and at night…from 2,000 to over 40,000 above…weather phenomena of such scale and power it must be seen to be believed. My favorite thing is skimming along the top of a cloud layer…just above it…sometimes plunging into and then right out of the occasional billowy top as we’re cruising along at .82 mach….with a hundred mile views and dark blue sky above, the sun blasting the tops into the whitest of white.
What my eyes have seen would astonish the most jaded and uncaring person in the world.
Someday I will publish a book of my photos and stories, and I will dedicate it to God’s glory and artistry. I wish I could download into your head the things I’ve witnessed from the front of an airplane.
I am posting this to publicly give thanks to God the Father for my profession on this Third Advent Sunday, for the joys I receive from it, and to share a little of it with others who don’t have the opportunities I do.
Thanks, Carl, for another fine Sunday opener and the reminders within it.
(Disclaimer: I did not take this photograph. Like Steve and his coins, I have a great many like it but this is a particularly fine specimen. It was captured over Panama City by a 767 pilot in 2016.)
Hi FG&C!! Great to see you!!!
Hi Marica. Always great to see you here. Merry Christmas!![🎄](
Merry Christmas Darlin!!![😘](
No Grand Watermelons here. You could perhaps dig something up.
Is that a WGTT’s reference perchance?![😉](
You have an ‘interesting’ mind.
Well sometimes watermelons are a code word!
went there myself…LOL
Who? Me?
Whoever mentioned “watermelons”![🙂](
Truly ….Breathtaking…..!!!![💖](
Thank you, FG&C, for bringing this here. It is, indeed, beautiful and terrible.
I’ve spent many hours looking out the side windows of planes — and, even then, you see glimpses….like the rock and ice of Greenland, the cityscape of the old Hong Kong airport, the granite wall of the Sierra Nevada, the islands of Hawaii & the Caribbean & Fiji, the implausible Las Vegas strip, and even those dumbass solar installations near the CA/AZ border.
It would obviously be so much better to have a wider view, and one of where the plane was going. One channel of the inflight entertainment should just be a view out the front.
The problem is the camera. It’s ALWAYS the damn camera.
That picture above is a good example. The camera takes one’s entire field of vision and minimizes it to a picture frame. Takes 90% of the PUNCH out of it. It’s when you see it with the naked eye, taking up your whole field of view, periphery to periphery….that’s the gut punch.
Like that “Earthrise” photo I posted a few days back. You and I can see the glory in the picture, but to be there to see it with your naked eye taking up your entire field of vision…
Sadly, it’s just not and can never be the same.
A longer lens can sometimes help. It won’t make the picture as big as your FOV but at least it won’t shrink what’s in the FOV as much, instead effectively cropping it.
Of course I can’t quite see you maneuvering a behemoth telephoto in the cockpit…
Boy is that ever true FG&C,
I have been in some very beautiful caves and wilderness and NOTHING can capture the real beauty.
For example sitting on the top of the Symmetry Spire knife edge ridge in the Tetons and looking out over row upon row of nothing but mountain tops of naked rock with no evidence of man for as far as the eye can see.
This is Symmetry Spire over 10,500 ft. The views from the top will take your breath away.
![comment image](
gail, not only the visual beauty but the sounds…or, actually the lack of them. I’ve been in places like this one and the complete silence, except for Nature, is as awesome to me as the vistas.
Does that make sense? It’s when my spiritual awareness and my place in the universe is at its strongest. I feel sorry for those who have only known the sights and sounds of the city.
So your alter-ego is Roy Batty.
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.”
I’m better looking though.![😎](
Hopefully you have more years to look forward to.
Thank you very much. Indeed I do, God willing!
Actually, the reason that Roy Batty’s soliloquy is so moving is because of experiences like FG&C’s.
You can even see some as a pedestrian CPA. Oregon has a state park, “Silver Falls State Park”, which has the “Trail of Ten Falls”. Here’s a write-up, with pictures: .
As with most things, the more you know the more you see. One of the falls you walk behind has odd holes in the ceiling. These were trees when a volcanic eruption formed the hard layer that is the ceiling over a soft layer of dirt — which is the empty space where you’re standing. After some years, the trees rotted away, then were buried by yet another volcanic eruption, which is why the holes don’t go through to the surface.
I’ve had amazing experiences hiking, and SCUBA diving, and walking through foreign cities…..and I’m an essentially boring person. I’ve never been to the Tannhauser gate, but I can sympathize with Roy’s sense of wonder.
You know what, I think I was on that trail once! Thank you for reminding me.
One of the funny reactions I had was: “I bet Disney shipped every one of his waterfall engineers up here for a couple of days to see how it’s supposed to be done.”
It’s probably the coolest state park I’ve ever been to.
But as far as city parks go, I can’t imagine it’s easy to beat Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
I’d like to get out there — it sounds cool.
There are some awesome urban parks — Griffith Park in LA, Central Park in NY, Golden Gate Park in SF….but they’re generally cool because of what was put there, rather than their innate geology.
And some of the state parks can be……quirky. Take, for instance, .
And, then, there are other places. We thought we were going to do a sub-vacation from Vegas to Bryce Canyon, Zion, and the Grand Canyon….and got stuck at Bryce Canyon. It looks like
We did two days at Bryce.
We were there more than a decade ago, just before our oldest hit puberty. We had such a great day there. Our kids had so much fun in the mountains & we were so excited to show them the region of their dad’s early life & our honeymoon (Estes Park & partially hiked the Emerald Lake, Nymph Lake, & Dream Lake trail with them, something we’d done in the 90’s before the altitude limited our hiking adventures)…Great Times!
Yeah, the altitude can certainly take you by surprise. We did a quick down and back and felt like we’d hauled a 90-pound sack of cement. It looks flat, but at the rim you’re at something like 11,000 feet.
Well I was referencing hiking in Estes Park on our Honeymoon. In Garden of the Gods I don’t remember it being too bad, but we adults got to casually stroll & wait for the kids that had to climb on practically Every rock formation so maybe we weren’t heavily exerting ourselves![🙂](
Incidentally, on the Radiator Springs Racers at Disney’s California Adventure, in Anaheim, there is a replica of Multnomah Falls.
Had many family summer gatherings there…one of the hidden gems in the area.
And, since it’s that time of year….it’s also an area of the most beautiful Xmas trees, of which many are harvested by helicopter. We lived in South Florida and one year our fresh tree came from Silverton, Oregon.
Wow, I just posted that clip here…great minds!
Brings to mind the poem, High Flight
What a wonderful thing in life to be able to declare that you have the greatest job in the world.
I don’t envy many things, but that view of the world every day is something to be envied.
You have a cool job.
For some reason your comment made me think of this Blade Runner scene.
I wish we could see w/ eyes of wonder what others have seen–maybe in Heaven
Thank you for sharing your love & joy with us! Blessings!!!
So TGP has a story on DeSantis pushing back on this reporter. He’s fantastic by the way. Bongino put the video in a tweet and TGP article includes tweet. When you click on tweet it goes to a twitter BLOCK page. So do they not like Bongino, DeSantis, Rumble, or the TRUTH?? It may be TGP, as I’ve seen them do this before. TGP puts out a lot of offensive truths. GO RON!!!
So DeSantis pulled a Foghorn Leghorn?
RESPECT – DeSantis defined the narrative and did not let the reporter push disinformation.
TRUTH about Rebekah Jones – whom the left is trying to make into a martyr:
Jones is a several times felon – with multiple arrests in Leon County and in previous locations.
Jones also lied about her job – she was not the architect of the FL Dept. of Health site – she was merely a data entry person.
Jones and the media lied about her firing – she was fired for cause from the FL Dept of Health.
Jones and the media lied about her encounter with the police.
They ‘raided’ Roger Stone. This woman was not “Roger Stoned’.
I have a lot of websites bookmarked. Generally I click on the bookmark once and go immediately to the page. For the past few months when I click on POTUS’ twitter bookmark, I have to click it up to 20 times before I can get in.
Try the feed on Gab:
There’s a 20 minute police video out on this. The police were serving a search warrant on her residence. She wouldn’t answer the door, finally opened the door after 10 – 15 minutes. Police were more than polite and professional, total mischaracterization of what happened by the “reporter”.
On another note. The county sheriff called out the local “news” (One specific reported). On there smear campaign against the sheriff’s department. With the release of a interview and step by step review of the events that lead up an arrest and subsequent death. He was finally able to release the video from the jail which showed the complete event that happened. Total exoneration of any wrong doing. He’s vowed to continuously call out the media when they smear his department.
Nice to see some law and order take place.
I know this is silly but I appreciate this sentiment![🙂](
Not using the title of Dr. (outside your profession) for other than medical degrees is a long-known accepted tradition. That Jill Biden insists (and from what I read, she does) it being used is not only pretentious but silly.
But then, how many years did the media insist that Obama was a college law professor, when in fact he was a part-time lecturer? Even the U of C lied about it for a long time until they finally admitted the truth.
Any Conservative media still surviving should start calling her out and making fun of it…one thing we know is the Liberals can’t stand to be laughed at and this could be fun.
Nice. The fact that they are incapable of laughing at themselves makes it all such a tragi-comic farce. If they weren’t so incredibly destructive it might just be a fun show to watch!
Actually, from where I sit, I was corrected once by a chemistry PhD on who should be addressed as “doctor”. And Emily Post agreed with this woman when I looked it up.
MD is a professional degree, like a JD, and therefore medical doctors should be addressed as “Mister” and correspondence with the title “Mr. John Doe, M.D.” as opposed to PhDs who would be addressed as “Doctor” in the formal sense. Those who did not wish to be formal about it would invite us youngins to use a different form of address.
In this neighborhood, that was the way PhDs were addressed, formally, as there are professors from multiple universities around. The MD being addressed as “doctor” started out as kind of a professional hubris thing I would imagine.
In the end, it’s probably a matter of ego, if the person insists on it and mostly likely a matter of respect for those who chose to address someone with a title.
One might say the same for Reverend, Father, Ambassador, Senator, Judge, etc.
We have a friend who got a late term Ambassadorship to the Caribbean in the Clinton administration (in exchange for a $300,000 contribution) and to this day still uses “Ambassador” on his Xmas cards!! LOL
I have dozens of Ph.D friends that would never dream of using their degree title outside the classroom…in fact on more than one occasion I was surprised when a former student addressed them as Dr. because I didn’t know they were!
DH has a medical degree but after he retired from practice he seldom uses it, except it is part of many legal documents. And, almost all of his former patients we run across still call him Doctor, plus literally all mail is still addressed to Dr……
I personally decided years ago when I started working in the medical field that when in social settings I would call someone Jim or Joan, but once we were in a “business” setting and they were representing their profession I would respect their title and education. Worked for me.
In our circles, it was different. Formality was expected.
Of course, I was raised by people who were taught by nuns. And in grade school and HS we were addressed as Mr. Smith or Miss Jones. Heck, my one grandmother called my aunt’s mother in law Mrs. Jones for almost 50 years. Until she died.
Remember Pence would still be VP until 12h00 20 Jan 2021.
I did NOT know that, thanks!
sucking the soul out of Zuck
Feels like I should be dousing my monitor with Holy Water.
That’s one scary transformation…skin crawling…
Drugs of some kind – well, of course, Evil too, but something isn’t right with that guy.
MK’d massively???
Acting Secretary of Defense’s Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, Files a $50M Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN (
Here we go! Making the left-stream-media accountable!!!
Fight for Freedom
KT McFarland: Swalwell’s spy entanglement the ‘tip of the iceberg’
Any Austrian speakers (aka BHO LOL) who care to enlighten us English speakers. I believe he is showing a glass of cola testing positive for CV…
Here’s one w/ English subtitles…got the edit in in time![🙂](
Apparently here are links to more ingestible items testing CV positive…
I prefer Covid Cola Classic.
If true this is not appearing to be very God honoring…seems fairly commie to me…
Bleak and industrial if anything. The Grinch has stolen the Christmas and imprisoned it in a power substation.
There is a time for everything, and Advent and Nativity isn’t the place for something that, from left to right, looks like
1: a ventilation-shaft King? made of concrete sections, normally associated with the underground parts of a manhole. Or a chimney.
2: an Angel? looking like the Starbucks mermaid head atop a high-voltage feedthrough insulator.
3: The column-thing to the right of this, you can actually see the bell-and-tip mating of the sections, even correctly oriented for a vertical run. It really looks like a set of half-pipe sections, like an open gutter section of a concrete drainage pipeline, and there are some funny paw-prints inside?
4: Female figure, Maria?, though partially covered with a blanket (I have a fleece blanket with that exact same design lying around here somewhere) is otherwise similar to the stack-of-concrete-rings King on the left.
And What is that big red blob doing in the middle there? And the gray-greenish beams in the background look like posts and bars otherwise used with chain-link fencing.
This looks like it would belong in a power plant or transformer substation… places generally not open to the public for fairly obvious reasons. Heh even the fencing is evident.
Gives me rather different vibes than anything to do with Christmas, that’s for sure.
Well, thank you for that detailed description, very informative.
I thought the red blob was where Baby Jesus was supposed to be laid yet noticeably absent, like the Vatican wants to deny God on earth (the Incarnation & perhaps the substitutionary sacrificial death purchasing Freedom for all who believe) or something…hmmm…
Nothing uplifting or heavenly about that display for sure!
Maybe the AntiPope is looking at that as being a nativity scene for the birth of the (not-so-) great reset?
They’re trying to kill Christmas, Easter, and us, so it wouldn’t be much of a surprise for them to be ushering in their abomination.
Have a look at the occult ceremonies the EU did with the opening of the third bore of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the “rededication” of the Large Hadron Collider. Hmmm. I think both of them are in Switzerland or border on it (tunnel).
As is Davos, and Lucerne, where WEF will be this year (unless it’s in Singaport)…
Here’s a mock human sacrifice at CERN (or maybe it wasn’t mock?)
And the STRANGE dedication of the new bore at the Gotthard Tunnel, the world’s longest tunnel. Nothing boring about what they did, but plenty horrifying:
The hyper-elite are no longer bashful about broadcasting their Satanic views, interests, and master…
Wow, thanks for sharing those horrifying events. It’s like the Urukai (sp) the “new & improved” Orks who can come out in daylight. “There are fouler things than Orks in the deep places of the earth!”
Yep. Sauros and his Baalrogs, for one…
Believe me, Catholics are really not happy with this, and consider it an insult to the Classical world.
& an insult to anyone who appreciates good art let alone the Christian faith!
Yikes this expanded view has a spaceman style item that could be a pedo reference
Antifa cowardly attack Trump supporters again, in the evening after the March for Trump in DCProud Boys fought back – Antifa hides behind DC police.
Mass-Scale Brawls Explode Between Antifa, Trump Supporters Following DC March for TrumpThe second round of urban brawling.
Mass-Scale Brawls Explode Between Antifa, Trump Supporters Following DC March for Trump – Big League Politics
Thank You, bakocarl.
Oh carl, that was truly wonderful. What I needed to hear. Thank you.
Patriotic Passion
CBS got one right, for a change![🙂](
Highlight from Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing on Election Fraud – Two Judges Claim Trump’s Post Election Strategy Was Racist
Highlight from Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing on Election Fraud – Two Judges Claim Trump’s Post Election Strategy Was Racist (
Supply & demand!
Maybe Marine World can have their land back, then…
Wonder if they’ll be moving buildings 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. And don’t forget the swimming pool and the gym….
But no popping popcorn in the microwave ovens…
Having said that, Kalifornistan is a toxic waste dump, and a toxic environment for businesses large and small. If Elon and Larry are heading out, expect more, many more, to follow…
Would be funny if Apple, HP (heyyy, Apple nicked our Cupertino site), Intel, and AMD left. And the aerospace and tech industries in SoCal…
No tax base for NewScum and Auntie Poligrip anymore then…..
Then if Californistan wants to secede we’ll all say “good riddance” & “No Soup For You!!!”
No! California must not be handed to the CCP without a serious hot war. They have been stealing it by the inches, but it is not theirs and if they ever secure it, they will fight to take every inch between the Pacific and the Atlantic.
Shades of “Man in the High Castle” except w/ Chinese rather than Japanese overlords!
“representative” of the people???
Soros-funded DA Kim Gardner slapped down by judge… Kicked off McCloskey gun case – (We) Are The News
GOP Rep. Waltz: America ‘Flooded with Chinese Communist Money’ (
Before they flooded the zone, they STOLE it from Americans!
They got the database of every China CCP member around the world.
The Australian just published the list.
Unfortunately it is behind paywall.
One more reason I am not taking their friggin’ vaccine!
Gun toting patriot–MAGA rap song, it’s a thing. Taking back the culture![🙂](
got the edit under the wire, but here’s someone’s quote tweet to add to the ambiance!
Vive la difference!
Verse of the Day for Sunday, December 13, 2020
“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
Psalms 92:13 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
the audacity of the Obamanation
This is why, when people say Obama cannot/will not be arrested, or “the higher-ups” won’t be arrested . . . I disagree.
Well I’m not holding my breath but am occasionally praying about that!
I detest clicking on anything from that communist.
Advent Prayer Week Three: The Gift of Joy
Luke 1:14, Luke 2:10-11, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 11:1, Galatians 4:4, Luke 1:45, Romans 15:13, 2 Corinthians 9:15, Psalms 107:1
Advent Week Three Prayer – A Prayer for Joy
Heavenly Father, This third week of Advent, let us remember that the good news of Jesus’ birth has the power to bring us great joy this Christmas season. Our joy isn’t dependent on what is going on in our life, in our world, or the people that we are with. It doesn’t depend on the gifts we give or the gifts we find under the tree. No earthly thing can ever give us complete joy. Our joy comes from you. That joy that flooded the hearts of the shepherds, the angels, the wise men, the hosts of heaven, and Mary and Joseph is the joy that still has the power to overwhelm our hearts with rejoicing.
Those who gathered around the new baby were blessed because they believed that you had fulfilled your promises. Mary and Joseph believed and were able to feel the joy of holding baby Jesus in their arms. The shepherds and wise men believed the angles and the signs and experienced the great gladness of worshipping their Messiah.
Those who knew him and recognized him were overjoyed at the coming of Jesus. They saw the prophesies fulfilled and their fear was replaced with happiness as they gazed on the face of the one who would be their Savior. They trusted in your promises and their hearts were filled with gladness as they watched your loving-kindness manifested in the face of a tiny baby in a lowly manger.
Father, you offer that same joy to us now if we know you and recognize Jesus as our Savior and Lord. You gave us a reason to celebrate when you gave us the unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ. You came to dwell among us. You went to Calvary’s cross for us. You overcame death and rose from the dead for us. You forgive our sin and give us eternal life when we believe in you.
Our joy doesn’t come from our jobs, our family, our relationships, our finances, or our success. Our joy doesn’t come from what we have on earth or who we are with. Our joy is a gift. It is the gift that you gave us that first Christmas in Jesus Christ. Our joy is encompassed in our Savior, King Jesus. Flood our heart with joy this Advent season as we reflect on the good news of Jesus’ birth. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen
Now THIS is something that gives the right Christmas mood, not that industrial abomination shown higher up here.
Happy Sunday of Joy!
Beautiful Prayer Duchess.
Thank You.
Most welcome, Dora – Have a Blessed Day!!!
“Fight for your American dream” some language
Dominion debauchery
Renegade at GITMO?
That was a rumor going around about a week ago. If he hasn’t been seen, and someone else is running his twitter feed, there’s a good chance it’s true.
According to the Couch Commando, Canadian “news” outlets were reporting it and American organs were embargoed and could not.
Interesting. My son’s girlfriend is in Canada & he says there are all kinds of things he can see online & she cannot. I haven’t heard about it going the other way…hmmm
Perhaps she can post interesting stuff on Gab. Somehow clue us in on where to look.
Well, sadly I don’t think she & her family are very clued in & have swallowed an awful lot of sparkle socks swill sadly. They need alternative sources of info for sure. & they are Conservative Christians too!
Wishful thinking. Truly wish it is true. IF it were, it would have leaked out from some “outraged” lefty source.
hussein is simply sitting back manipulating his marionette doll, Beijing Biden. Zero reason for that asshoe, hussein to be more visible.
100% loath hussein.
You’re probably right. I’m right there w/ you on the loathing. At that 9/11 Memorial when he read/recited scripture it was liking hearing it from Lucifer’s lips–chilling & detestable & I LOVE God’s Word!
It was posted yesterday, but it’s worth watching again. :-
Listen to Hussein.
He is basically saying that he wish he could be the handler of the guy in the White House, so that he can practically implement his 3rd term.
Is this how he setup Sleepy and Cameltoo?
Dr. Thomas Binder coronavirus truth teller
I hope his tweet actually shows, just suppressed & not deleted as claimed…
I believe this is a tweet in the above thread & clicking like says it’s deleted, yet I was still able to retweet it so it’s suppressed or something…
I don’t know if these are comms or not be he’s tapping his left thigh a few times, seemingly deliberately. Another time to or from a chopper he was doing taps along the railing…hmmm…
Must watch video – PROOF of data manipulation on Election Night!!!
Dragon fire sale?
Shades of 9-11 and the WTC steel.
Americans did as predicted: when faced with adversity of this sort, they picked up and moved to greener pastures. Or at least the ones they think are greener.
It used to – and still does – drive my mother nuts when her liberal friends from college would wax poetic on the ghetto and trash talk living in the city or close to it and the poorer areas all while abiding in true suburbia in five bedroom houses marketed at twice what my parents’ house was at the time. In fact, one of these women said, “We all thought you were crazy buying that house.” The neighborhood looks better now than it did then. Of course, at the time, there were a lot of original owners still around, and they were all long in the tooth at that point.
We bought our suburban house 2 decades ago & it’s in a post WWII baby boom community. On our block alone there were 3 original owners that had been there 50+ years. Talk about a pretty stable neighborhood!
This neighborhood was like that for a long time. Now, it isn’t. I don’t want to go into details for doxxing reasons.
No problem. There are creeping demographic issues in our area. Nearby communities are being overrun by Arabs & Muslims, a multi-generational concern, especially with the lack of assimilation & cultural marxism that accompanies this often…
Valerie…if the Cities are Chinese assets, can they be seized?
No idea but that would be transformational!
I wonder what kind of Michigan backroom deals w/ Chi-Coms, Soros, Deep state, etc were involved in getting this racket together!
More Michigan machinations exposed
In our house, it still does.
Lights go on the tree today.
A beautiful traditional holiday – that I discovered through bread baking.
Beautiful Santa Lucia song.
Sunday 9AM Service
11:00 AM
Sunday 11AM Service
Wednesday 7PM Service
Jordan Sather @JordanSather16 hours ago
Alex Jones goes up to meet Gen Flynn who doesn’t look too impressed. Awkward.
Flynn can spot a shill a mile away.
[video src="" /]
Jordan Sather@JordanSather13 hours ago
If you can’t tell Alex Jones is a shill I feel bad for you son.
It’s called “controlled opposition” and he’s definitely one.
Freedom Mama
2 days ago
State Troopers escorting Antifa charter busses into an area in Minnesota. I thought I had seen it all but this is just beyond mind boggling
[video src="" /]
WOW…I briefly checked my neighborhood’s normie social media (politically moderate). Neighborhood sentiment is strongly anti-vaccine. People are AWAKE in regard to the COVID vaccine. If I had posted any anti-vax stuff before the election, I would have been banned.
I’m slowly getting it through the hard Irish Spanish heads in my immediate family that vaccine makers are immune from prosecution.
They had no clue.
Karli Bonne’@Karlibonne
1 minute ago
China is ‘playing the long game’
Sky News host Paul Murray says China is playing “the long game” by using Hunter Biden as a way to get access to President-elect Joe Biden. It comes as reports of have surfaced Hunter Biden’s tax..
I have to take time out here to say , I’ve been noticing your contributions on the site.
And they are OUTSTANDING !!
Thank You, and
Carry on.
“God bless the patriots” a gentle & uplifting song
Someone here posted the Australian version of this story. Here is one British publication albeit more of a tabloid, but still, they are naming names.
Leaked files expose mass infiltration of UK firms by Chinese Communist Party including AstraZeneca, Rolls Royce, HSBC and Jaguar Land Rover
The Ratcliffe article last week about China and its influence was the best indicator of what is coming with regards to the election so far. I’m sure he knew well in advance that this database was leaked, and who was in it. By the time this is over, there may be very few people left in government who are there currently. God knows how many are compromised.
I’m thinking Ratcliffe and the POTUS and XVII team all know who leaked it, too, since it was probably them.
But we won’t know until the book is written on this effort as these guys really are good at the cone of silence thing.
Did you read DeLauzon’s thread yesterday? POTUS’ trip to Saudi was to sell them weapons in exchange for info – pedos and crooks. The ‘ORB’. I suspect the info exchange is still ongoing. In addition to NSA, another source for WE HAVE IT ALL.
I read quite a bit of what he had to say yesterday. That would make sense as the House of Saud switched sides.
Michael (or Twit) has deleted most of those tweets we were reading last night.
He probly got chastized for spilling the company secrets. So glad we got to see them. He also confirmed LV assassination attempt of Crown Prince. Yeah, that was definitely TMI for him to be spilling. Hope he doesn’t get cut off. I have always wondered how he got info before others. He’s besties w/Scavino.
The assassination attempt thing is one that even our side wants buried for now. Three years ago, it made more sense than anything else in that whole fiasco.
I hope their shoe phones aren’t bugged.
Here’s a preview of coming attractions.
(1) they form groups in their destinations, which one suddenly realizes resemble military groups (platoons, companies, battalions)
(2) the leaders who advance into management often ARE military veterans
(3) the SCOUTS who come in first and lay down the BLACKMAIL TERMS are military, but don’t look like it.
After this election, knowing what China has done, this is where I am:
![comment image](
Guess that explains how Britain got roped in!!
Part that makes me wonder the most is how the H3LL did they manage to get so many countries on the “Pandemic Train”!!
How does a culture (the Brits) go from being the Hunters (British Empire) to being the Hunted (cucks) in such a short period of time (a little over 100 years)?
“How does a culture (the Brits) go from being the Hunters (British Empire) to being the Hunted (cucks) in such a short period of time (a little over 100 years)?”
Infiltration, followed by Political-correctness (social lies and propaganda reinforcement) and Multiculturalism (the BIG social lie).
Take a look at our enemies.
Are they ‘multicultural’?
Or are they MONO cultural?
Chyna: multi-culture for thee, but not for me!
multicultural = balkanization, division, infighting, collapse from within.
It has only been obvious since the very beginning, but nobody can TALK about it or oppose it because Marxist ‘political-correctness’.
Brandy Vaughan, a Merck whistleblower who was found dead last week, said exactly the same thing.
Hi Deplorable Patriot!
I hope you’re well!
I popped in here yesterday for the first time in a LONG time, and said hello to Wheatie.
I remember that you gave me some great advice in re publishing – thanks again for that.
“Brandy Vaughan”
Did you watch the ~10 minute video she did, shortly before her death / murder, describing the stalking at her home? I hope it was posted here.
Btw, what’s with the “fox” and “wolverine” designations – a ranking system, or somesuch?
Merry Christmas!
Hi. Doing okay, thank you.
Yes, I did see the Brandy Vaughan interview and really wish she had had better security.
As for the designations, they’re set by Wolf having to do with how many comments you’ve made. I know he’s changed the thresholds, but I’m not sure what they are.
Right now:
1 Cute Chipmunk
100 Fox
1000 Wolverine
10000 Coyote
100000 Wolf
However, these are likely to change soon to some new system!
The original “badge” system was rather vanilla – Member, Active Member, Trusted Member, Noble Member, Famous Member. I decided to play!
We ALL gonna be Wolverines for a LONG LONG TIME!!![😁](
Can you add “Happy Little Microbe”? I don’t qualify for Cute Chipmunk, apparently.
LOL! You must be a “guest” account. Don’t worry – member accounts are not the “cool kids”!![😉](
“The original “badge” system was rather vanilla – Member, Active Member, Trusted Member, Noble Member, Famous Member.”
We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!![😂](
Good to see you, Emeraldstar, and very glad you were able to log in without trouble!
You’re just in time for the action.
Event the Guardian is reporting on China now.
Isn’t Protonmail Swiss? Hilarious! The ChiComs have likely been reading everybody’s “secret” email!
And so many warn about gmail.
Wonder who gave them the go ahead to run these stories now??? After DNI interview w/Catherine Herridge. After Swalwell. After Hunter. I smell a campaign. I smell a VSG battering ram. Jus sayin.![😉](
I’m wondering the same and sensing the mysterious power of the behind the scenes forces and letters to get things done.
Hoping it continues to build. This is the kind of information that will respond to.
And that it’s in MSM publications opens the door for the foreign interference report coming up.
Meticulously laid out plan indeed.
I guess it’s not just their cheese that’s full of holes.
I like their cheese. Although Baby Swiss melts better.
possible twitter work around. I shared this tweet
It has nearly 800 views right now. I’m usually lucky to have tweets seen a few dozen times. What if the Chi-Com bots aren’t as heavily censoring non-English tweets? Perhaps we can find non English & non American MAGA patriots & pass their encouragements along & get the word spread wider!
“possible twitter work around. I shared this tweet”
I’m not a techie by any means, but I think this”Translated frm Italian by google”
idea has merit. Spread the word .
Thanks Valarie
It will be interesting to see what happens when others try. I’ve had “decent’ (for me) activity on twitter notifications from that one tweet, not that I’m ever looking for that…just passing the good news & hidden bad news along as the spirit moves me!
Could also embed a message in a tweet like so: Here is my mother’s recipe for lasagna. The Democrats stole the election. Start with one pound of pasta. Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing. Also one quart of tomato sauce.
That’s an interesting & creative idea. I wonder if that is also why I see seemingly important info in replies to tweets that aren’t really connected by subject matter but may also attract a MAGA audience…
I wonder why that tweet didn’t show, it’s got more than 1500 views now
***Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Translated frm Italian by google
Lincoln used martial law to save America from the Rothschilds. Trump could do the same to thwart the ongoing coup. It’s all in Trump’s hands. It will be what Trump does to decide whether or not the world falls into the hands of the New World Order
Quote Tweet
***Cesare Sacchetti
· 20h
Lincoln per salvare l’America dai Rothschild usò la legge marziale. Trump potrebbe fare lo stesso per sventare il golpe in atto. È tutto nelle mani di Trump. Sarà quello che farà Trump a decidere se il mondo cadrà o no nelle mani del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
Remember this?
![comment image](
![comment image](
Although, this is more of the Catholic sentiment on the matter:
“Ox and ass before him bow…” Why is that one ass standing?
No clue…although more than one of the camels in our Fontanini collection stand.
Ugh. I have to unpack that sucker next weekend.
This is why the election night feed has been completely scrubbed. You can literally find 5-6-7-8-hours of TV coverage from 1980 onward. This year, nada.
Before you jump to conclusions read the caption closely.
Talk about a psychological twist:
![comment image](
Ha! Took two reads. I agree!
good one !
My sister sent me a Christmas card. I received it yesterday. The postal cancellation, “Happy Holidays”, was printed over the stamp in such a way that what I saw at first glance was “Happy Ho”
“To win is not enough; others must lose”- Gore Vidal.
Thank you again, Bakocarl. You have reminded me that I need to continue to develop my understanding of Joseph and other seemingly understated people in The Word. What a wonderful example right in front of us.
Be blessed this day.
Releasing from moderation. Are you logged in, using the login link at the end of the right sidebar? Have you answered the confirmation email, probably in JUNK or SPAM? Thanks! Both of your TradeBait accounts may be functional, but just waiting for approval emails.
I was logged in. I know the TradeBait2 received an email and was confirmed. Let’s see what happens with this post. Puzzling…
This worked fine!! No moderation. Excellent.
I logged out and logged back in before the last post and it seems to have worked.
It is interesting: God speaks to Joseph in dreams; Joseph speaks to us wordlessly.
If you are an “environmental whacko” (Rush L.), then you are a firm believer in “Mother Nature”. If “Mother Nature” created “the Environment” and everything in it to be just as it is, then she created Humans to be just as we are, i.e. critters who have figured out how to benefit from her other creations (petroleum, etc.). Ol’ Ma Nature should be very proud of us, not mad at us!
Another way to put it:
What is the ACTUAL difference between a beaver dam and a human dam?
Who wanted it there!
Ron’s at it again today:
Colorado’s version of Biden. Can’t complete a sentence, stumbles around, avoids the press, has absolutely nothing of value to offer and ran solely on his name recognition and media protection. Disgusting.
Oh, and did I mention CO uses Dominion machines?
Now I’m excited: I never guessed that I was qualified to be a Senator from Colorado!
We do actually still expect our senators to live here. We have some standards.
I think Ron is more “plugged in” than we know.
Regretfully prophetic…..
Coming from Silent Cal, that’s a War-and-Peace length epic.
Maybe it’s real:
Comes from this by FDR –
Another link –
I still remeber the classic story. A woman walks up to him and tells him “I bet my friends $20 I could get you to say more than two words to me.”
His response: “you lose.”
Beautifully written essay presented in video form at the link:
Don’t go to Parler, though. Go to GAB if you must.
This one comes to mind today:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e506e9 No.9050799![comment image](
May 6 2020 10:37:53 (EST)
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
This comment system doesn’t like the above scrambled links to YouTube.
What I do in this case I click on the link which takes me to YouTube.
I then copy the direct unscrambled link on YouTube and copy this link here:
Thank you.
I previously got the method I used this morning to work, which is the SHARE option on YT. This must be a change.
The Ballad of Sidney Powell
Nicely done. They misspelled Sidney’s name in the video text, though.
Was that photo from yesterday? I never saw actually figures…only “tens of thousands.”
Yeah, the lack of American and Trump and Gadsden flags is a dead giveaway. Good catch!
CNN: “Ten or twelve white supremacists from the Trump cult…”
Oh FB is just as bad, if not worse on Trump’s FB page! Do believe that this is the scariest part if Democrats get in the WH!! Democrats will end up totally trashing our country in so many ways!!
You have seen some of the stuff they have censored on FB and Twitter!
There is this sexual game on some idiot’s FB page. Friend put in a complaint but FB said
“Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. The post you reported was reviewed and it doesn’t violate our Community Standards. Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you. We want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone. ”
I did a screen shot of the guy’s post and posted it on twitter. (Apologize if some are offended by the Pic)
Now we just have to get a damn judge to AGREE that they have standing.
Not from this week – but, very interesting interview with DNI Ratchiffe here
DNI Ratcliffe: China is threatening US militarily, economically, technologically
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joins Maria Bartiromo with insight on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’
Good Grace Relationships | Sunday, December 13 service from First Baptist
Mass from America’s Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Advent
The next livestream will begin Sunday, December 13 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Devotions will not be livestreamed following the 12 pm Mass in order to accommodate the celebration and livestream of Mass in Spanish from the Great Upper Church at 2:30 pm ET.
There’s a Dominican who comes to help out at the parish where I attend. He had a FANTASTIC homily this morning thankfully void of politics since he tends to be a MSM consumer.
It’s 10 degrees outside. When to shovel the snow?![🤔](
I tend to agree.
Now living in a rural area, it stays unless I can’t get through it.
I used to own a corner lot in a city, and we were expected to clear the sidewalk within 24 hours. Which for me was three times as long as for anyone else. The front was short, like everyone else’s (a bit wider than theirs) and faced the residential street, and the side was quite long, on the major 4 lane street.
Behind my house was a huge, 40 acre at least vacant lot. In other words, anyone walking on my long sidewalk was going to or coming from nowhere.
Nevertheless even at 7 am someone’s footprints were in the snow along the main road, on up into the vacant land. Every time. Never did anyone walk in front of my house. Where the hell was this person going?
I finally decided it could only be a deranged morning jogger.
The Best part of waking up…Covfefe and #45!!!![☕](
Twitter didn’t put their little censor thing at the bottom of those two tweets about ‘election corruption’.
I wonder if they have stopped doing that…or did those two just slip through?
Guessing momma slept in and hasn’t woken up the little censor nazis yet.
Thank you for another inspirational Sanctuary Sunday thread, Carl.
Was listening to this earlier…thought I would share.
From the Christian group, 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 & ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕪:
Uh oh, have we lost our youtube plugin?
Trying this instead:
<iframe width=”907″ height=”380″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Well that didn’t work either.
Maybe this will work (?):
Yes…thanks, Cuppa!
OK what is up with youtube what is the secret.
Do we have to have s moderatir fix all youtube videos or???
I posted Trump’s Christmas Speech and only the address is showing.
At first I thought is was because it was a Youtube video from LifeSiteNews
I edited it so that it was another video of the speech.
Apparrently Youtube has now censored LifeSIteNews.
I think the plugin (and others elsewhere) has trouble with YouTube’s link format. I just put that format link into a new window, got a normal youtube link with all the extra crud at the end, delimited by question marks and ampersands, cleared that off, and then pasted it back into my comment.
Funny thing is, if I try to put my resultant link, even with a splat in front, into this comment, I’ll probably end up with four or five instances of the video posting![😀](
I almost wonder if youtube does that with the intent of crossing-up folks who want to forward videos, etc. ….
Every now and then I crave sweet & sour chicken and fried rice.
I need to stop that.
Truly, these people are stupid.
I can believe this…except, I’m thinking the cabal promised them – the Chinese – that if they helped eliminate the rest of us, that the Chinese would be returned to what they believe to be their proper place in the human hierarchy.
Rockefeller opened up the avenue for trade, anyway, in 1906-07. That was about the time the empire fell apart as there was not a successor who was ruthless enough to rule it after than one empress died.
Yes, I do think the cabal enlisted the one political culture with less scruples than they have to help them with their world domination plan.
![comment image](
Wonder when the YT videos stopped displaying properly?
Both those and tweets were displaying fine once the Boss purchased the add-on. Paging Wolfie…..
While I’m at it, anybody else experiencing the ‘dancing cursor’ while typing comments? Periodically, when typing, cursor moves to the front of the sentence and sometimes adds other characters/words. You backspace over them and type and it does it again and again. Happens repeatedly after hitting return on a sentence to start new paragraph.
I’m not seeing a dancing cursor, but if I put a colon in a comment, I get a dialog box with emojis that dances along as I type.
It also messes with my emojis. I’ll start clicking and then look up and they’re being placed in the front of the line instead of the end. It’s very annoying. Happens 1-2/week in Windows. Refreshing page does not clear it up. I find that adding several spaces before typing the sentence will temporarily stop it.
That ‘s pretty cool! IOS does something similar. When you type a word, it suggests a corresponding emoji. Type sleep and the Smiley w/zzz, or the bed, or the ZZZZ emojis appear for you to select. The colon suggests emojis that begin with the letter(s) typed next. Maybe a feature of one of our comment add-ons? I like it. Was looking for relieved face, but couldn’t find earlier. Colon + r + e gets me there. Thanks DP!!
It’s driving me nuts as I use a lot of colons for grammar purposes.
The nuns would be so proud.
Just keep typing, once you get 3-4 letters deep, it runs out of emojis to suggest.![😉](
I’m in
with this feature!
It’s funny because I often type colon-capital-D for my “laughing” face or colon-close-parenthesis for a smile, but NEITHER of those gets suggested.
Not getting the ‘dancing cursor’.
That sounds annoying.
But I’ve experienced the YT videos not displaying now.
I wish this system would take the embed URL’s…because as it is, or was, it would only take the regular code — which displays smaller.
Testing here – gab video URL:
[video src="" /]
A good sign.
Yes! Very good sign.
Now testing YouTube:
BOOM! Not working!
Now it’s working. Easy fix (kind of a cheat). I turned off all embeds, saved the setting, and turned them all back on.
The “guaranteed” fix is to uninstall the add-on and reinstall, and the even more guaranteed fix is to uninstall all of the plugin and add-ons and reinstall them all in order, but like I said, I’m lazy, because if the error is partially handled by the code, the full fix is often unnecessary.
Refresh your page and listen to the music!
I may have to re-activate some plugins. We upgraded to WordPress 5.6 last night.
Cool, that will remove the annoying message in IOS to ‘tell the admin that WP new version is available’.![🙂](
Yeah, they don’t have to deal with the downsides of these upgrades. I totally get Trump’s frustration with “magic upside recommendation” thinkers.
But this new version clearly throws the commenting system for a loop. I may be doing some reinstallations. We’ll see how much is needed.
Somebody tell iOS to allow JetPack, instead of censoring us and hitting us with FAKE CRAPPLE NEWS!![😉](
BRB, Placing a call to Tim Apple now……
LOL! “Call your platformcritter NOW!”
WOLFIE!!!! It’s an IOS Display issue!! On mobile devices. Katie says the Bell works on her IMAC, Super Duper Large Screen ‘desktop’. iPhone – no Bell, IPad & MacBooks – spinning Bells. I’ve shrunk text size to smallest, set zoom to 50 or 300(not sure if zoom in or out, tested both) no change…yet.
AND!!!! I found a way to comment inside the Reader!!! I knew I’ve seen it before, but can’t remember how I got there. I’ve found another way. Go to reader, click on bell, select a comment and click on it. Takes you to all comments on the Post. You can like, reply, write new. Shows x number of comments on page, have to click to load more. Reader Back Door!
YES! I ran into this last night!
There’s still another way. I’ve done so much testing, can’t remember how I did it or which box I was on!
I’m hoping to upgrade to Windows 95 soon. Wish me luck!
I really did stick with Windows 3.1 until Windows 98 came out.
Now you may laugh at that but with Windows 3.1 you could unplug your hard drive, stick it into a new computer, turn it on, and have it work. Every version of windows since then goes into a tailspin because it has drivers for the motherboard(!!!) that don’t work any more. And there’s no obvious way to tell it “go find the right drivers, like you did when I effing installed you, and quit bitching at me.”)
Windows 95 was a horrible transition from 3.1.
Windows 3.1 made sense, I understood it.
Nothing since ever has (to me).
Right now I’m using Windows 7 on an airgapped machine for those things I absolutely cannot do on Linux. I’ve zero interest in mucking about with Windows 10, which is one gigantic piece of spyware (and I thought Google Chrome was bad…)
Don’t do it!
I remember when Win95 came out, it made no sense compared to Windows 3.1 which I was very familiar with!
I am now missing my black bar. It was here this morning, and I am still logged into WordPress. What did I do?
Weird things are happening – possibly related to our upgrade to WordPress 5.6, but possibly not. JW in Germany is seeing YouTube videos going back to links on WhatsApp. We are seeing inconsistent behavior of both tweets and YouTube videos.
I will likely reinstall stuff late tonight, just in case.
You may need to log out and back in using your WordPress account. That worked for a few people.
Duchess is missing her black bar, too. I have a range of theories.
Aubergine…mine went missing for a while, too…I could do nothing: no commenting, no bell, no nothin’.
Then for no reason, it came back.
I did nothing to provoke this…changed nothing at all…
Truly mystifying!!!
Working now! Refresh your page!
Thank You Wolfie-Wan-Kenobi!!![😍](
Think he wears what amounts to a monk’s cowl and carries a light saber along side his blaster?
Uh huh, Yeppurs, Most Certainly!
Unbelievable. He admitted that he doesn’t need a third term; he can just feed lines to someone from the basement. At least that’s what he “wishes” he could do.
This guy is such a dunce- Satan is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
You even captured Dictator Brown…Figures.
As expected, shit for brains Sisolak included.
duchess, When Pompeo gave his talk to the Governors, there were 3 categories in which the hated chicoms placed these Governors with respect to CCP plans/activity.
“Favorable” was indeed one of them.
There WERE a LOT of Govs on that here Favorable list.
And Pompeo was up front ab such knowledge.
I remember the (3) Categories about which you speak – and the chart – these pictures were offered by the ‘poster’ – from where they came – I have no idea – the Chinese categorized them, too – IRCC – and yes Pompeo knew all about it – however – without the ‘list’ ‘friendlies’ have been identified in the conservative news – quite a few of them of late, too.
IRCC – NJ purchased PPE from Korea – and testing packets were ordered from overseas, too – not sure which one of the traitors did that – but, all of this makes me ill, Piper.
duchess…yep: nauseating.
Calling Gail to saddle up the horses – and pack the bullwhips – we have a roundup to attend!!! (lol)
duchess, at one point she offered space in her Jeep to us.
Maybe it’s time to take her up on it, ha!
Yes – will let you know when I hear from her!!!
It’s time to RAIN HELL on the wicked CCP.
It’s Habbenin!!
bfly, Isn’t his report/analysis due this coming Friday?
At least we need not worry ab him waffling!
Rods of God?
I know a place in Beijing that could use some structural remodeling.
Screwing with our election is license to take out the garbage, IMO. We just need to do it in a way that lasts.
Most definitely, Wolf!!!
Wonder how that list corresponds to the information that Pompeo has?
Seems the Red ChiComs are going to have a lot of coal in their stockings this year… could be a flood of bad news for them, especially if they’re three-gorging on their demonic dastardly deeds.
Rather sure Pompeo’s ;list is a subset of the major US list. Also a subset of the global list.
cuppa, their current climatic/flooding situation is an apt metaphor!
Is this the video where the list is in Chinese?
Man, now I’m craving pot stickers. Good thing the Couch Commando is making Gumbo for lunch.
Don’t throw the dim sum out with the bathwater!
So, maybe it wasn’t a spike, BUT that exchange between Graham and Kavanaugh at the confirmation hearing bears fruit.
So many implications including that surveillance or not, not all of the conservative justices are compromised. They just want the cases to go to the proper places.
Or, they kicked the can to the military.
This one needs some time to age before we know the full truth, methinks.
Fruit hangs from trees.
“Fruit hangs from trees.”
Just like traitors.
Is there a reason why none of the Twitter posts are visible, unless you click the link, which opens a new tab?
I thought the new website didn’t have a problem slowing down with videos, Tweets, etc.?
I do not have any trouble posting them or seeing them, Scott!!! Ask the boss – Mkay?
I’ll take a look. We may need to reinstall the plugins. That could be nasty, and take a while.
I did a MINOR WordPress upgrade last night.
May need to crop this for a header image.
![comment image](
I just hate seeing masks on all those young people.
I agree. But at least it looks like some sense has prevailed and they are one ply of jersey rather than a stack of broadcloth which can be a much closer weave.
Crochet would be better.
I can do that.
I’m a crocheter, actually.
Well, you know the rules; if you bring crocheted masks, bring enough for everyone.
Looks like the advice on “prepare for big stuff soon” was accurate:
爆料革命 The Whistleblower Movement
From @Milesguo
>“Yesterday, the Supreme Court rejected Texas’s lawsuit. It’s a gift from the heavens! I promise to you guys that within 72 hours, you will see a series of actions from President Trump – actions 1, 2, 3, and 4, believe it or not. Thundering actions — it’s called thundering laws. In addition to that, I think – I mean I guess – that he has changed his mind from using years to take down the CCP, within his terms, to something like ASAP. It is as amazing as it is! In English, it means a shorter time, shorter time, shorter time. Do you believe me? Yesterday, when I was chatting with you guys, the world had changed fundamentally. You will be able to verify this within 2 weeks. So it is still the same saying: Shen County and Yang-Gu County, let’s see who will be the last one standing.
[video src="" /]
00:00 / 01:44
Our VSG just may have the CCP confessing by Christmas Eve!![😉](
Man O Man, feel like a kid waiting for Santa!!!
I’ve seen Christmas Eve come up as the day more than once. Plus there’s this:
![comment image](
Are we going to do it again?????
Symbolism will be their downfall.
It also goes both ways.
One minor nit–that event was the night of Dec 25/26, not Dec 24/25.
I deliberately fly the Betsy Ross flag overnight in the dark that night, in commemoration.
Yes, I know. Still… it’s all the same Holy Day, er, holiday.![😉](
Well, certainly Christmas in involved…but it’s not Christmas Eve.
If we expect “stuff” to happen this Christmas Eve, it’s a day before the anniversary of the Battle of Trenton, or actually two if you’re looking at the daytimes rather than the overnights. So the parallel you’d like to draw looks a bit tenuous to me.
Such a nit picker.
Hey, if symbolism is important…
And using Sun Tzu against the Chinese.
Although, just thinking about doing it on Christmas Eve/Christmas given American history is making my scalp tingle.
“Looks like the advice on “prepare for big stuff soon” was accurate:”
Yeah, well if you predict big stuff SOON every day for 4+ years straight, you’re bound to be right eventually
SOON!!! (day 1,460)…
Don’t worry, SOON will be SOON, or if not, then NOT SOON, because that was the plan!![😉](
I hope all this is true, and expect the President to do something.
But this sort of language has become tedious and dreary.
media wants commies to prevail & declares it openly
Do they really hate America, or are they blackmailed and scared to death?
I’m sure it differs by person.
I’m also sure almost all of them have at best very mixed feelings about America, if not outright hatred. This could be leveraged by a clever operative into getting them into a blackmail situation.
AND logic!
“Do they really hate America, or are they blackmailed and scared to death?”
They really hate us.
Think about it.
Even if they are being blackmailed, over time, the only way they can rationalize their treason, is to identify with their blackmailers (a form of Stockholm syndrome) and grow to hate the people they are betraying.
Because if they don’t hate us, they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves, for what they are doing to us.
To whom?
For whom?
We’re getting a rare snowfall here in OK today.
It sure is pretty!
![comment image](
Where did you get the map?
Just rain here (West Central Arkansas).
From ‘Mike’s Weather Page’:
Thanks….. we’ll see![🙂](
The freeze line dipped down below us here, so it was 32 degrees for awhile.
We quickly got about 3 inches.
But now it’s back up to 33 degrees and starting to melt off.
That’s the best kind of snow! LOL
The first winter we moved here we had a fairly rare snowfall, maybe 2-3”, and after a couple decades in the semi-tropics it was a treat. We quickly ran out and scraped enough snow to make about a 12” snowman….and in a few hours it was all gone.
I never lived in an area where I had to drive on snow or ice and consider myself a menace on the roads in those conditions so never voluntarily drive.
Starting to get some snow mixed in the rain here.
Yup. Light snow and rain northern NV. Should get above freezing within an hour or two.
It’s almost 70 degrees here in the Raleigh-Durham area today. Lots of rain coming in tonight with colder temperatures for the next several days (they call anything 40 degrees and below around here “very cold”. Heck, in Pittsburgh where I grew up, 40 degrees in the winter was just about ‘bathing suit” weather, lol).
Yes, 4 pm here in western SC and I just got back from my hills walk…in shorts…and I worked up a sweat.
The deciduous trees are at their peak colors right now…a blaze of Fall colors and just glorious to see. We’ll enjoy it while we can…winter just around the corner here.
Cleaned out the gutters from property we just bought (for our sons). The day was chilly but sunny, which is just beautiful. A very slight breeze now and then was a reminder of the cold as the cleaning went on. It is always pleasant when the warmth generated by work makes the body comfortable. The first snows are always beautiful, and the older I get, the more I think to myself: the first snow means Spring is not too far away.
Good news!
DoD Chris Miller and his people aren’t going to brief Beijing Biden’s people.
Intimidate? Jennifer needs to get a grip.
Beijing Biden rates nothing from Pentagon.
Never, ever support an ongoing coup.! NEVER.
AMEN, KalboKalbs!!
I dunno.
I could see walking into the briefing, and briefing THEM on the coup as if they weren’t the leaders of it, just to troll their sorry asses.
(Obviously not telling them anything that isn’t public knowledge already.)
“Mr. VIce President, we’re continuing to investigate the stolen election…”
“Mr. Vice President, thank you for attending the briefing today, I want to bring you up to speed on the latest developments in our ongoing coup and election steal investigation, and as you know, our lead suspects, obviously, are you and Camel-uh Harris.
Thanks again, look forward to seeing you tomorrow… unless you’re in Cuba tomorrow, Sir.”
Oh, no, the irony would be much thicker if they never, ever said “you.”
Briefing Dopey Joe and Hoe as if they were totally different people.
They’d still break out in a cold sweat.
^^^ In the perfect world, this would happen. Such as easy way for the “Law” to coral the guilty bastards.
Gee, now WHY would Elliot Ness BRIEF AL Capone? LOL
The same reason Wray would brief Biden…
his name is in the Chinese ledger!
That ledger is being posted as we SPEAK.
Luv the comment juxtaposition between white hat Emerald Robinson and black hat Jennifer Griffin. Keep up your excavating FOX News…
Prediction: Jennifer Treason soon to “relocate” for “reporting reasons”.
Geeks trying to save the world!
Wolf – just an update for the IOS users. Last night we tried to figure out why the bell notification doesn’t work on my iPad or my iPhone. That is still the case, but the good news is this morning, I am on my desktop iMac and the bell notification works perfectly.
So whatever this issue is, it’s the mobile version of IOS. If that helps at all with your amazing detective work skills.
hmmm, IMAC….Super Duper LARGE Display![🤔](
We did testing last night, Still having same issues on IPhone and IPad. Would like to hear from some Mac users. GA/FL, Duchess does your Notification Bell work??
As far as I know – it does – sometimes, it loads and loads – sometimes – it takes me directly to the news posts, Bfly
The Bell on the black bar at the top right of the screen, it works on your MAC laptop, correct? Shows you replies and likes? Or does it spin when you select Bell?
No – I have to go to my WP Account to read answered posts – from the ‘ball’ at the top –
The ‘orange ball’ at the bottom – doesn’t work well – it should take me to new posts – but the ‘loader’ – top right – just keeps loading – only goes away when I refresh.
Ok thanks, that’s what I needed to know.
You are most welcome, Bfly! Hope this can be fixed – Thanks!!!
We’re trying Duchess!
Mine doesn’t work here – I check at old homestead. MacBook Pro.![😀](
Thank you!
My bell notification no longer works (iPad) …it’s all nuts…but at this point…meh.
Thanks! This is good news – that means it’s ALL on iOS and not MacOS!!!
To the rescue!
I’m going to try posting this tweet (which appears only as a link to me) and see what that does:
Lots of Tweets disappeared and left only links, Wolf!!!
Yes. This MAY be our software, or it MAY be WordPress, or it MAY be YouTube and Twitter.
The idea that all of Silicon Valley might have online trouble on the day that a list of CCP assets in western corporations leaks – well, let’s just say I’m not surprised.
Good Point!!! None of us should be surprised – after all – their only defense is to ‘mix it up’ – and it appears that is just what they did – Dang!!!
Yup. It’s very strange. I will do a “best practices” fix tonight, when most people are OFF THE SITE. After that, it’s up to the people “out there” to fix their stuff.
Whether or not this was an ‘intervention’ remains to be seem – but, for all of this to go whacko at once – that is a control problem – same thing happened with the WP overlord who kept dumping everyone into the spam bin – by some sort of ‘buzz’ word or phrase – this is going to get messier the closer we get to inauguration day – imho – information warfare is a cutthroat business – there are trillions of dollars at stake (h/t sd) – and they do not want us sharing and talking – people are getting angry about a lot of things – not just the election – but, the ability to make a living and feed their families comes to mind.
I just saw it as a link in the black bell notifier. I clicked on it & it opened into another tab![🙂](
LIVE: “Keep Christmas” Rally & Celebration from Washington, D.C
Testing really…
I get the black bar with avatar and bell notification…
However, avatar does not show in comments…….
Am connected to jetpack… so flummoxed…
Am in Retreat, lurking… but not posting for awhile.
Hope all are well…
Good to see you back! We will get your situation fixed. You may need to be logged in (use login link at bottom of right sidebar) – and you have TWO accounts.
Ohh my… two huh… such a chatty kathy
I am… !
I figured it out. Your “37” account needs the OTHER (newer) email. Your “not 37” account uses THIS email.
Ohhh, that’s good to know… Thanks Wolfie! All us low-tech treepers have got you working overtime… we appreciate all the help you give.
Perfect! This did NOT go into moderation!
You da bomb!!!
Welcome back![😁](
Ohhh, I enjoyed that show sooo much… thanks for posting the song!
I enjoyed it too, haven’t heard it in a long time![😁](
HIYA Phonenix…you’ve been MISSED!
hope you are well!
Hi Miss Pat ! Miss y’all too… trying to do some “centering” time… quiet Retreat time. Be back soon…
just glad you’re okay!!
doing fine thanks…
good to hear!
Phoenix…I’ve really been concerned about you….glad to learn you are in retreat and not ill. Thought I was going to have to send a drone out looking for you the woods.![😉](
Nice to be missed…![😉](
Tru dat.
Hi Pgroup2…
Yay!!! You’re back!!!!
Hi Steve… Opening yesterday was OUTSTANDING… so much info… you are one smart cookie.
Yes, I’m back, briefly… Retreating at the moment… working on quiet time! But atm (this one!) trying to get my avatar to post.
Ol’ brain cells just don’t want to work!
Merry Christmas everyone! Since the Trumps moved into the White House, HGTV does everything it can to suppress enjoying the annual White House Christmas show.
1) They barely advertise it all. 2) They only show it once (I remember the years of Moosehell showing reruns dozens of times in the season – gag). And 3) they don’t air it in prime time.
It’s on today at 6 pm ET, 4 pm MT. Not sure about the other zones, but you can find the info at the link here. I really hate giving them the views, but I’d rather see the beautiful decorations so will suck it up for the team.
Continue to be grateful that the cable was cut a long time ago.
DVR set, Thank you for the heads up.![🥰](
Christmas Spirit of generosity in Florida
Interesting insight
Uh, perhaps we ought to recall the traitors right here in America that enabled the muh Russia fiasco.
100% ChiComs are a very active enemy. I contend the shitheads I listed above are equally enemies.
TRULY, President Trump is our ONLY hope.
True, after the Lord, of course (for your last line)…
Dutch youtube censorship?
Trying to see if the Chi-com censors at twit world let stuff through easier w/ foreign language tweets…
from Dutch conversation
hope the Bill Gates video shows here if not above
Washington state already under commie control!
H3LL Inslee doesnt give a crap about Washingtonians especially if they are Americans.
I think the same could be said of Whitmer here in Michigan (of Michiganders)!
If the flag was touching the ground, or was allowed to, that would be a problem.
(Then again, for the idiot leftists, they’re protected under “free speech” if they burn it. Go figure…)…. Some folks might have trouble with the stripes on the shoes, not sure. It’s been more than 50 years since I had flag rules training, so my senior-moments memory may be off a bit…
Somehow I doubt it was patriotic fervor & flag protocol that lead to that decision!
See if Wolfie got it fixed yet—With all that is going on I am teary eyed now listening to this. — OK I have to step away–it seems to work.
For the last three decades at least.
Sadly, I wonder if that was legitimately voted in or they just perfected the “creeping blue state” voter fraud that’s been recently been revealed?
Beautiful Christmas Speech By Our President
Moderators — How come when you share a youtube video only the address shows up now..
Weird, that one didn’t parse … maybe needed some accompanying text:
For some reason, when I copy a post from four or five weeks before (as is my usual practice prepping for the Saturday daily), the China is Asshoe video url doesn’t come through right; it gets a junk character added to the end that I have to remove.
The “How not to get your ass kicked by the police” video comes through fine.
Of course this problem will go away once we’ve been here long enough that I’m copying the December 5 post to create the January 2 post, because the Dec 5 post originated here.
Shades of someone copying into an uninitialized variable, with the crud being left out at the end. Or maybe a type mismatch, where the copy is made wordwise, and if it aligns OK, no problem, but if there are slack bytes… Murphy appears…
(Slack bytes, or slack bites at Taco Bell? Or slack bights, a knotty problem? Quick, to the copylibs…)….
Anyhow, I know how to fix it the next two timesz…after which no problemo.
Trying to re-post the link:
EDIT – this does not work:
But what about this one, which uses the “full” YouTube address?
NOPE. Let’s try a variant:
Not seeing it on my screen, just the https web address.
Something very flaky is going on with embeds, but it’s bigger than just us. JW is seeing the same problem on WhatsApp.
I recently posted a youtube video of the Welcome Back, Kotter! theme song, in reply to phoenixrising.
When I posted it originally, the video showed up just fine in the thread.
Phoenixrising ‘liked’ my post, so I clicked on the link (in my email) to check for any reply, and now my Welcome Back, Kotter! theme music video is just a link, not a visible youtube video like it was before.
Yup. It may be on our end, but it may be on their end.
K – must be something NEW – DP said she CLICKS SHARE – and that is how she posts videos – however
When I did that on this – it did not work – first – it gave me a new link – but did not post video – then it gave me YOUR LINK – and still did not post
Same thing happened to me this AM – used DP’s instructions and it posted –
Must be something wrong with the link – OR – something else is going on here, K
Sorry – I tried – WOLF!!!
FLOTUS wearing large black and white hounds tooth, beautiful — AND perhaps sending another “signal”?
Maybe those “elite” who have taken to having monochrome header images on their tweets and profiles are going to end up behind bars?
OK – let me try reposting this one:
This may not be a local problem. The same thing has been happening with YT videos I have posted in WhatsApp…it shows the link…but not the preview.
Good. That’s what I was thinking. Something big is going on. Twitter, too – it’s very random which ones embed and which ones don’t.
Yes…something big is going on. It must…even if President Trump wanted to concede, he could not concede. Not just for the country…
SELF-PRESERVATION! They will go after the entire Trump family to make sure that this never happens again.
I think we are beyond the point of no return. BUCKLE UP!
I can see duchess’ video above, ‘President Trump’s Christmas message 2020″![👍](
Wolfie just fixed this an hour ago, did it break again?
Dunno, Bfly! How can we test it?
We did, by posting videos. He posted some, so did I. Sounds like it broke again, Boss not gonna like that!
Hey, is your Notification Bell working or does it just spin? You’re on a MAC laptop correct?
Searched and used a different link – IT POSTED!!!
As I said else where I thought it was because I was sharing it with the LifeSiteNews Youtube–
They are in a month long sanction again DAMN
President Trump thanks God for sending His son to redeem the world via @YouTube
Tried all 3 ways OH well
Seems weird – like it broke again!
Wolf, I think it it the ‘LINK’ – where the YouTube is separated – I searched for another video – with YouTube – and it posted – link does not work but, YouTube does – See?
This is working sometimes for me but not always. Some videos work – others do not.
Something WEIRD is going on with ALL embeds.
(1) There are no moderators – only me. There is no moderation code – only login errors. `The number of links that throw people into moderation has now been raised to 50 or more.
(2) The YouTube thing MAY be fixed now. Let me repost these videos and see if that works.
Recall the other day our discussions about tv and ads using their medium to change color/cultural perceptions… saw this and spent some time verifying. It’s genuine and on the army ranger site. Is it too much to assume a young white couple would actually have a child that is their biological baby that looks like them?
Now that one is kind of out of the box–Way Way out of the box.
Uh…i dont think some young guy with a young wife is going to adopt, so yeah, thats not too far off.
Right?!… I mean sure we could do all kinds of mental gymnastics and wonder if that’s his sister and her baby or maybe it’s the nanny and his real wife is taking the picture or he’s having an affair with a chick that already has a baby… LOL…it’s ridiculous pandering
Hey I dated a marine…Two of his kids took over 10 almost 11 months to be born after he deployed..
Oh yea he would get back from a year deployment and there was this one month old baby go figure–He got a divorce after the second time. Back in the 60s there was no DNA. At least they were Caucasian, but do believe someone screwed up with that commercial.
Good grief, it sounds like one of those Bart Simpson calling the bar gags!
Troll Monkey?
Does Emerald read here?![😁](
The storm is coming
near the end of the video there is an image of US “Covid 19 detention camps”…I’d heard about them in Canada but not here. Does anyone have sources on that info?
Valerie, do you have the link to the Corvid detention camps in Canada? I haven’t heard of them here in Canada…
Not off the top of my head. If you’re on twitter you could do searches for key word. I can look later as our son just came over for watching a Christmas movie. There are people in Parliament (is that the right word?) discussing it on video I’ve seen on twitter.
I’m not on twitter….but will look up CPAC which follows the discussions on Parliament. If you find it, please post it.
Here’s a few I found:
I hope these show OK
Here are a few more
The last one has a video of a governmental official questioning these happenings I believe.
Back some months there was a report of one in Ohio but I don’t recall the details. Maybe it was fake but I do remember it
This is a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem!
Chi-Com Bahamas base?
O’Biden crap
General Flynn says their evidence is at
Giggle, remember when we all on nov 4th ot 5th were discussing HOW to determine a fraud ballot, and I and others were saying watermarks, special ink, special paper, and people said, there were NO watermarks, and then I brought up the QR code on EACH ballot, regarless of state? WELLLL…looks like I was right.
THIS IS HUGE: “It’s a Real Simple Fact to Prove that There Was Massive Fraud in This Election” – Inventor of QR Code Can Prove It (
The man that INVENTED the QR code breaks it ALL down. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.
Says that FTA: …We can take the physical ballot, the image scan of the ballot in the machine, the CVR file in the machine, and I can even take a shredded bag of ballots and do what we do. I want everybody to understand these physical ballots from the election, when they go into the machine, it basically makes a duplicate copy. That’s your property as an American citizen. We own it for 22 months after the election. And so when these courts started saying, well you can’t look at it, I realized it was all technical smoke and mirrors, to fool judges, to fool lawyers, to say oh we can’t really do it. So let me tell you how easy it is…
BOOM. THAT eliminates ALL the fraud mailins, with of course VIDEO evidence like GA, and then the Watnick boys with Powell eliminate the DOMINION fraud.
BYE JOE. “caught in a trap”
Powell? Who is that?
Oh – Sidney Powell, of course.
WOW, this guy is LITTERALLY saying EVERYTHING WE said here. from the “pristine” ballots, the INK in the ovals, Qr code, and MACHINE code. WOW> THIS guy needs to BE on team Trump. He explains it SIMPLY…ANYONE can understand. JUST enough technical data. THAT as he explains is WHY they will NOT let ANYONE examine the ballots. ANY examination means GAME OVER.
THE key line. This is the SAME system used BILLIONS of times a day…IF you went to a grocery store and bought a 3 dollar gallon of milk, aqnd the register rang up 3000 for a transmission change, you would go APE…WHY do we NOT have the same standards as a GROCERY STORE on our election ballots?
KABOOM. He says also EVEN IF the grocery was ONLY skimming a PENNY a product, that is FRAUD and they WOULD go to JAIL.
AMEN. We have been conditioned to accept DNC fraud.
ENOUGH. DNC Fraud = CCP Fraud = TREASON. Lock ’em up. THIS was their last stolen election.
The guy even SAYS that they are working on a solution so that THIS NEVER happens AGAIN.
The guy is quite litterally a GENIUS, a flaky one, but a GENIUS none the less. He DOES explain it all in simple terms though!
WAIT, I was wrong, he is NOT even TALKING about the QR…It is EVEN SIMPLER…I JUST finished the video, apologies. IT IS EASY to tell IF a ballot is REALLY a MAIL IN.
WATCH this video.
As far as the “watermark”…he mentions that each printer has its own unique identification code that is printed onto each sheet invisible to the naked eye!
JM that is the machine code I and others were discussing on Nov 5th. EVERY printer since the 1980’s has a unique machine code. lists times, dates, location, EXACT printer, even numbers printed if set up.
WHEN those numbers on the PHONY ballots do NOT match the printed lots, by SPECIAL printering shops, there is BIG trouble. There ARE exact ammounts listed in the original batch runs. There ARE records.
They do NOT want ANY scrutiny of those ballots in those six locales because they KNOW they WILL be proven PHONY.
And this guy says his machines can check MILLIONS of ballots in a very short period of time.
And HE woukld KNOW. Listen to him, he basically INVENTED the optical scan technology that is used from Groceries to toll booths. I think team Truump KNOWS and has PROOF od all of this. The Military use bar codes too!…
Also, every copier has a hard drive in it.
ALL photocopies are also copied to the hard drive.
Well, not necessarily a HDD. but RAM and ROM, or an SSD. ALL leave copies, and ALL, even if deleted can be retrieved in most cases.
This inventor needs 24/7 armed security, STAT.
WATCH the video.
This guy is fantastic!
Remember Sidney Powell said she had bags of shredded ballots? Well, this guy can determine if they are real or not.
This twenty minute video is MUST WATCH. I hate videos, I like to read, but I was engrossed!
I really hope this guy is working with our teams!
Me too. He is a SUPERE nerd, but explains the things in LAYMENS terms. EASY for ALL to understand, I have a FEELING we will be seeing MORE of him.
Pocket of patriotism in Washington State!
Not saying these two are vectors but I’m willing to bet the medical mob won’t pass up the chance to send some in. Only way to guard against such is prophylactics.
from that thread, paging Martial Law hmmm…
This is good.
Please meet your party at Gate 45 …
I’m quite ready for that party.
Emergency food for close to a month here, and non-emergency food would of course get eaten first.
At the Ronald Reagan Airport, no less…
And the DC metro STILL hasn’t changed the name of that stop.
Brickman’s practical joke, but I approve!
I like where Brickman stood up by a brick wall, to wind up his Uber driver
Funny thing was, the bricks were pretty much the same color and pattern as his suit…
Wow this translated from Italian tweet has nearly 1400 views–our conjecture that twitter is not as actively suppressing foreign language tweets Might be true!
however there was another one, from more recently in Dutch that’s less than 100 so no Real conclusions can be drawn from my limited data set
from an hour ago
Arizona info this is A Lot of fraud!!!
Some interesting tidbits in that twitter conversation
This seems to sort of go along w/ that Ramsland TX fraud video expose
More from that twitter conversation
If this is True…….. WOW!
It will SHOCK many, many people.
My brother the Couch Commando has been telling me about this for about a week.
Hope it’s TRUE![🙂](
From Nov 30th. And he has been spouting off still, so to me fake news.
Good, a healthy level of skepticism.
I really wish this were true but here’s Obama accepting an award at the PEN America Virtual Gala on Dec. 8. Maybe taken earlier? He’s at 1:10:16 if you want to torture yourself.
I’ll take your word for it![🙂](
It’s a Zoom session though I think, so who knows. I’m at the point where I don’t know who or what to believe any more. Maybe I’ll just sit back and watch the show.
Wise Lady![🙂](
i like your new avatar!
Thanks pat! I wanted something pretty and pink and joyful here in Cuomo-istan.![😁](
it’s lovely!!
it’s so YOU!
I’m glad you like the new look! I hope I can keep it up.
it’s exhausting being glamorous…guys don’t have a clue!
Oh really?…![🙂](
Did you see my BOAT?
haha…I have. it’s smokin’ hot…
and FAST too![🙂](
Fast is good when talking about a boat…not so good with talking about women…
lol….. “Young” men would disagree![🙂](
I just checked the Conservative Beaver webpage (first time I’ve heard of it), and there is nothing about Hussein being arrested…
ok … thanks for the info
I think I see the problem, the video was posted on 11/30/20, so two weeks ago.
There must not have been any confirmation in the days following the video, otherwise it would be at the top of their web-page, and every other web-page on the planet by now.
There is no way news like that could be kept a secret from the U.S. population, while Canada and Spain (or whoever he mentioned) are reporting openly about it.
TOTALLY off topic, but does anybody know a quick home remedy for pine needle pricks? Just put 700 lights on the tree and my forearms are coated in them.
My recommendation would be hydrocortisone cream.
Hey, there’s a tube of that on my desk. Thanks. I will give it a try.
Just wait until the next conclave when they burn tires to let us know the vote did not yield a new pope.
Now THAT is funny!
Did you see the billowing black smoke the last time. OMG.
I think I followed the selection of Benedict far more closely than of the new guy.
oh no…I didn’t study!
is it multiple choice???
do I need a #2 pencil?
is it open book??
I PASSED!!!![🦋](
STHU Gates.
Lara Trump to Newsmax TV: President Is ‘Made for This Time’
This is a good example of the success of the messages that POTUS sends through the digital army. None of us would know anything about the situation if all we had was MSM
we just got back from an incredibly bizarre holiday gathering. we stayed overnight with our daughter and family–which she agreed to because they had to quarantine 3 weeks ago and came out fine–no sickness–no symptoms–so they figured we were safe to stay there.
my son and his fiancee refused to come into the house tho. so they showed up (wearing masks) and we attempted a ransom exchange of gifts. they approached the patio table and laid their gifts down and backed away.
we then approached the table (NOT wearing masks) took our gifts, left theirs, and then backed away.
my daughter and her family came out–(wearing masks)–and we stood in the cold in 3 little, but separate groups.
after talking a few minutes, my son produced a flask and began self medicating–scotch i believe. LOL after a few “doses” he stripped off the mask but refused to go inside.
my daughter and her family, then removed their masks too but we all stood outside in the freezing cold whereupon the wiseass in me had to ask…wouldn’t it be ironic if THIS (gesturing to the group of us OUTSIDE in the freezing weather) made me sick??
When they get here, my brother and his two boys will be moving in for two weeks. He’s on blood thinners for an artificial heart valve, so he and all the people in the clinic where he goes for all the regular treatment stuff have not had one case of the WuHan flu yet.
Oh man…it’s kooky eh?
My SIL is dreading yet so excited to be “allowed” to go see their only grandkids at Christmas BUT my niece and husband are 100% Libtard and have instituted the outside rules. Masks, visiting outside, no close hugging the kids..the whole nine yards….in Chicago. Sounds soooo fun. They should play Baby it’s cold out there on a loop
Baby it WAS cold outside…
always admire a class A wiseass !
Me too
Sometimes I even resemble that remark![😁](
I can only aspire to YOUR Level!
The replies on this are delicious. Will 80 tune in? Did Sleepy just quicken POTUS’ next move?
Oh, Lord, Bfly! Is he going to announce a FINAL COUNT? This is totally insane!!!
So first Ole Joe is going to give a “speech” about the Electoral College from his basement tomorrow, then an “address to the nation” at 8PM tomorrow night? This last presumably after the Electoral College “certifies” his “win”?
CV – too many people have no idea what is going on with respect to the election – they think it has all been settled – and PT is on his way out – these activities just might be planned to keep up the facade – we are surrounded by brainwashed robots who are more interested in gender pronouns and a false flag virus than they are in the fate of our nation – and – they know nothing about the Biden Family corruption – the ignorance is unconscionable!!!
Oh, Pat – We missed you this AM – not much funny in the thread –![🙂](
coming back from a family gathering…posted above–weird!!!
Is that top one (Snoopy) you?![😆](
Great memes… especially Gargoyle Gates and the one below it, which could describe my SIL over here, who has all but self-quarantined herself from everyone… now Merde-Kuh is trying to do that to ALL of us…
oh yeah!
“Me making all my friends fake Covid vaccine cards..”
Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure the cards will have all of the security measures they didn’t want to see on ballots. Including a scanable code like on your driver’s license.
fingerprint id?
Dunno, but I can see a scan code that brings up a picture on the scanner device so you can validate the certificate belongs to the mug you’re looking at.
But those measures ARE on the ballots, just no court (yet) wants to SEE it.
Please note precisely how I phrased it. Not that they weren’t there, but that they didn’t WANT them to be there.
I did. The point still stands, NO ourt YET want to see it…I suspect that CHANGES soon.
You’re right in the first case–“no standing” basically means, “don’t even show us”, and I hope you’re right in the second.
I am. In the article I posted yesterday, the reasoning for NO standing to Texas ET AL was NO HARM (think Electoral College vote) had YET been done.
Biden was NOT yet, despite the MSM pronouncements, PEOTUS. TOMORROW he WILL be..VIA FRAUD, which disenfranchises (IE HARMS) 19 states worth of voters by deligitimizing their votes in favor of FRAUDS.
Now, I KNOW that is STUPID, but it IS legal. The SCOTUS basically said, other states are allowed to conduct and certify FRAUDULENMT elections and electors, but they did NOT say ANYTHING on the MERITS.
Just that Texas had not, (yet) been HARMED, and therefore hads NO standing.
WERE they after tomorrow, to ALLOW the FRAUD to stand, and NOT give Texas et al standing, the Constitution, equal protection, and the States compact all become MOOT.
I do NOT believe they will allow that. I speculated the three Trump appointees punted and used a technicality to appear NON BIASED to the man that appointed them, NOT a rubber stamp.
Now, you, me, and mom and pop America do NOT give two RIPS about appearences of propriety, WE just want the FRAUD removed.
The SCOTUS has to. For if they DO NOT, well, then, Trump has LITTLE choice now does he than to present the evidence HIMSELF to the American people, who are ALREADY demanding JUSTICE. The ONLY way to then GET it is via insurrection act. ROUND UP all the fraud and fraudsters via military, THEN give them a fair military tribunal, and WHEN the evidence is VERIFIED, ALL the fraudsters, AND their enablers are in BIG trouble.
Remember, Lincoln ARRESTED and imprisioned sitting Federal judges, Newspaper editors, AND EVEN a SCOTUS justice. He ALSO suspended Habeus Corpus.
There IS precedent. The US of A, and the Constitution are FAR more important to the WORLD than Joe Biden, the fraudsters, China, and the other enablers.
The WORLD will do JUST FINE with ALl of them from Biden to Zuckerberg in prison or executed, and NOT skip a beat.
I am sorry, but THIS is the Rubicon. It IS now or NEVER.
IF Trump for “appearences” or “to do the right thing” or “for the good of the country” allows this FRAUD to STAND, there will NEVER be another fair election..EVER UNLESS we have a civil war and revolution.
Better TRUMP to do it to the Cabal via the military and kill thousands of traitors in the process (perhaps) and be THOUGHT a bad man, than to roll over and WATCH as MILLIONS die in the coming WAR for America. JMHO.
And, watermarks!
A watermark alone would foil a copy machine faker, because they don’t copy…unless they have access to the same stock of paper.
In fact I know on some checks if you copy them you can see “non negotiable” show up. Similar trick could be used.
Well, when it was clear they were expecting “precautions” to last long enough they cancelled stuff in August clear back during the original 15 days….
the Zodiac Killer’s 340 message decoded…an Aussie Math buff figured it out 50 yrs later…no clue to the identity yet…
The message was written in capital letters, without any punctuation and included the misspelling of “paradise”.
The TV show the message refers to was The Jim Dunbar Show, a Bay Area television talk show at the time, CNN reported.
Jim Dunbar, on Channel 7 ABC TV, and also on KGO Radio 81 (810). A VERY popular host back in the day, one of the Bay Area greats…
Amazing image from OT:
![comment image](
never mind…LOL
ok here’s the tweets…LOL…
why are PA County Execs meeting with Chinese Consuls?
Now tell me again..WHERE are we getting ALL this Chinese contact info? WHERE are we getting photos of ballots in GA in a Wharehouse, shipped from AZ? HJOW did the know WHERE to LOOK…MILITARY, and EMBEDS.
WOW! Lin Wood Releases Photos of Alleged Georgia Mail-In Ballots in Fulton Warehouse (
That is the other thing that really galls me with the Democrats. They not only throw money around like water, but flaunt it in our faces. Someone tried saying that Trump was holding up stimulus money from Americans. Someone says go talk to Pelosi about that on! After a few comments Pelosi’s ice cream fiasco came up.. Yes we all know that Trump has Billions, but there is a big difference between knowing then what Pelosi did in the interview. She was laughing and giggling about her expensive gourmet food while many in America barely had a pot to piss in as the saying goes.
Pelosi’s saloon mess came up too. Come on guys if she does not know what is legal or not, then what the H3LL is she doing being Speaker of the House.
Here’s an image since Twitter is kinda hiding the juicy stuff.
![comment image](
Wow. I knew DEMONRATS were Fugly, but whoa, Nellie…..
Has anyone cataloged all these recent dog communications?
Also does anyone have a good theory on what they mean?
IPOT1776 did a series entitle ‘A VERY GOOD BOY’ where he analyzed all of these ‘dog communications’ – allegedly it has ‘meaning’ for those in ‘the club’ – some sort of code – I think, Gil!!!
Hmmm…how the hockey sticks can they even can keep up…
If you know what you’re watching for you can.
A friend in one of my tweeter groups have been trying to teach us a code of some sort and then post in code.
Not for me…Its like why–
I was going to say, “they can’t be Sirius, can they” (punning on the Dog Star), but then I realized something that could be much darker, and would figure, in the case of the DEMONRATS…
“Dog” is GOD, spelled backwards… would fit with their upside-down evil, AntiChristian world….
Very True, Cuppa!!!
“This is Jill Biden’s former longtime WH personal assistant. The Chinese communists paid this woman’s family $6 million for no apparent reason. Her husband, in a recorded phone call, begged Tony Bobulinski not to go public.”
Hussein O’Traitor: “Not even a smidgen of corruption.”
Here is the flaming gas bag from Kenya:
WORKED – Logged Out – and Logged Back In – Thanks!!!
Problem is – you have to Log Out from Comment Box – because the entire right side is BLANK – so you cannot log out from there – why I went to the other thread – and contacted you.
Right side stuff is NEAR THE TOP.
Yes – but it was ALL BLANK!!! Just weird – now my Tweets and YouTubes are not showing – x-ing out and looking again.
Jet Pack is going nuts. We’re also getting other problems. I will be rebuilding everything tonight, I think.
O Coffee! My Coffee! Our long trip’s begun
Our blog is befouled when we thought we’d won
Our goal is near, though ‘twill take smart coding
I enjoin this task with fear and foreboding
But O heart. Heart! Heart!
Our blog leaks big drops of red.
Lying still in cyberspace
Once alive but now dead.
Thanks for the * Giggle Break * , CarlBako
We’ve been working so hard don’t you know
One problem after another did estoppel
Call in the lawyers before we topple
In the nick of time a coffee break
Too bad someone did not bring steak
Onward and upward we trod toward the goal
We’re getting those DemonRats under control!!!
I made 25 loaves of banana bread todsy. Fudge 3 days ago. You should see the pile of cookie stuff ive got to do next weekend… 7/8 different kinds plus pumpkin bread…
It’s a lot of work, but I hope you have fun at the same time!
I enjoy it. I usually give it away.
That is a lot of work. I made 4 Christmas Stollen and also the candy fruit that goes in it. The I made a rye Swedish Limpa bread . Today I made Plum butter. I am in the Christmas spirit. This is so relaxing and take the mind away from all the trouble we experience as Country.
Now that is work, detailed work.
have a fudge recipe you can share???
This is my favorite fudge recipe. It is a cooked fudge, no marshmallow recipe. You don’t have to use whipping cream, but the whipping cream makes the BEST fudge.
Chocolate Fudge
3 c cane sugar
1/4 tsp (or a bit less) salt
3 squares unsweetened chocolate (shaved, but broken up works okay too)
1 c whipping cream
2 TBS corn syrup
3 TBS butter
1 1/2 tsp vanilla, the real stuff
Lightly butter an 8″ square pan. In a 3 qt saucepan, mix the sugar, salt, chocolate, cream and corn syrup. Cook over med heat stirring until sugar dissolves. Cook to softball stage, 234 degrees, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, and add butter but do not stir. Let cool to lukewarm or 110 degrees, and add vanilla. Beat with wood spoon until it’s creamy and loses its gloss. Pour into pan and cool. You can put it in the fridge or leave in on the counter to finish cooling. Cut with sharp knife into squares.
It’s just a basic cooked fudge recipe made with whipping cream.
I use that one too even though sometimes it gets crumbly sort of. We all are chocoholics , especially fudge, that nobody cares
One year I decided to make it with whipping cream, probably because I ran into a real deal. I’ve never looked back, and when I make it now, always use cream.
Would it be okay to substitute maple syrup for corn syrup?
Probably not as corn syrup helps to prevent crystallization in the candy. This recipe doesn’t use as much corn syrup as some recipes do. Recipes that are made with marshmallow or marshmallow creme get the corn syrup via the marshmallow.
You could try without the corn syrup, but make sure to only use cane sugar, and physically check for the soft ball stage as sometimes the temperature gauge isn’t always accurate for various reasons, including altitude. Make sure it’s not a super humid day as well. I’d go ahead and use the corn syrup, fudge isn’t something one eats on a regular basis!
Will do ! I have lots of other uses for maple syrup anyway
sounds yummy!!!
thanks for sharing…I will DEFINITELY being trying it.
I ave a favorite fudge recipe, gees from high school home ec class–but it’s a peanut butter/ chocolate fudge. and sometimes I just want chocolate.
I love vanilla fudge as well, but some are too sweet, some are just waxy…but I keep researching and trying all I can find…LOL
Mr gil wanted the basic tollhouse chocolate fudge recipe. Easy peasy.
I used my le crueset heavy pot and boiled for 9 minutes.
Giloo, I remember those days! LOL. Sure makes the entire house smell wonderful!
I’ve made various token gifts for friends, mainly my bridge ladies that I am with the most, every year. Sometimes it’s homemade vanilla, or dried lemon slices in a pretty container. One year I made body lotion.
This weekend I made several batches of seasoned salt and seasoned pepper that I use in my own kitchen.
Because it’s DH’s birthday next week, I’ve been making some of his favorite things….tonight it was a decades-old recipe for raisin pie with rum raisin ice cream on top.
But, his surprise, already made and hidden away, is a gum drop cake. Again, an old recipe my mother used to make and takes the place of traditional fruit cake (which no one in our family liked) with oversized gum drops instead of the fruit. It makes a huge tube cake (weighs several pounds).
One year about this time, I was hiking and mountain climbing in Kenya, gone for a few weeks, and the annual gum drop cake arrived from Mom. By the time I returned, he sheepishly confessed he ate the entire thing!
I don’t make it every year, in fact it’s been 2 or 3 so this is his birthday surprise.
Lol. A gum drop cake! Its like concentrated fruity sugar with some flour to hold it together. Do you booze it up?
Well, it does have pecans, chopped dates, golden raisins and dried cherries as well as the gum drops. No, liquor…got to cut back somewhere!![😉](
The closest i can get to eating that is a bread my Grandma used to make. Its called Gift of the Magi bread. Look it up, recipe at taste of home. Youd prob like it.
I like that you make your own seasoning. I make my Montreal steak seasoning. Much better that way.
How Sweet of You, Gil!!! We have to take care of the BOSS!!! – Yes, we do.
Indeed… and our calories dont count!
giloo hope you sharing …
if not my feelings hurt.
Always sharing…
Testing YouTube again:
Thus, it’s now working when posted as this address:
It worked with my John Wayne video this page or last doing it the usual way.
“Gag Order Failed! Receipts for Antrim Co 22 Dominion Voting Machines Forensic Analysis LEAKED! Says General Flynn
has the info. Error ballots sent to Spain & Germany to be adjudicated. INVOLVES MANY VOTES!”
YES. Patriots need to keep releasing the TRUTH. EXPOSE the “steal”.
Wolfie, I just replied to Steve in the notifications bar… when I checked on it, there was no indication I had posted… also, the business wrt two accounts, I have only one wordpress account and the only way I got that was to create a gmail account, which I never use. Now, google is insisting I am giving incorrect password and/or user name. I will try to work it through later, maybe tomorrow, so don’t worry about it… your plate is full !
Two accounts are fine – you just need to keep them straight, so that emails go to the right one. And it looks like they just changed.
phoenixrising is now on gmail.
phoenixrising37 is now on yahoo
Both are LOCAL accounts, and will have the password emails going to the respective email accounts. All you need to do is make sure you know the passwords, and you will have THREE ways to log in – the two “local” accounts and your WordPress account.
Thanks Wolfie… you’re a gentleman and a scholar!
Ah, the Third Way… Been working on that at my “Retreat”![😉](
Great to see ya PR!
And you Kal… you’ve been posting some great comments… have enjoyed reading them…
phoenix!!!! Very happy to see you
Marica has been watching for you!
Sending you love and a hug.
Backatcha Sweet Lady… am having a little “time out”… “Retreat” some may name it. Getting ready for the bumps in the road. be back more often soon. Regards to Lil Sis…
Good thinking! And I sure will!
P R !!!!!!!!!!!!![❤](
Praise GOD, we were so worried about you!!!
You got some SPLAININ to do!!!![🥰](
Oh Butterfly…
I didn’t mean to worry anyone… did leave a note once or twice that I was going offline, resting up… but what is a note or two among thousands, right?
Promise I’ll not do that again… instead if I go on “Retreat” again I will check in every day…
Wolfie knew. He told us. But you were gone longer than we expected and given some of the challenges of transferring to a new platform we worried you couldn’t get in at all.
We love you, phoenix.
I love you all too…
We were praying and counting days. Last I saw you you were waiting on a login with strikes left. Ha Ha, I crossed the rubicon, after 3 strikes, it only locks you out for 20minutes before you can try again. We’ve praying and counting days. MichaelH last saw you on the 2nd. 11 DAMMED DAYS MIA from both sites!!! I been counting. You can Retreat all you want, but you gotta at least let an author or 2 or Marica know. What a relief, I tell ya, Praise God!!!![❣](
We Love You PR
Oh Butterfly, I had no idea it has been that long! Wonderful idea to let an author know… I just posted a comment or two that only a few saw… I hear ya Butterfly.
I was starting to get worried you couldn’t log in at all. Happy you’ve checked in.
Hi Sweet Lady…
I apologize for not checking in before now…
Have lurked some and see that your Gov is probably going to be “Recalled” …
Wouldn’t that be grand?
Indeed. He has hired a lobbyist to revamp his image. Hes so loathsome i cannot believe he thinks people will forget.
NOTHING he can do will make us forget his loathsome smarm and his edicts and his hypocrisy
Nope. His staff bailing on him already is telling.
Id love for him to decide to take them all down too bc he is going to be recalled.
Arrogance! He and his family have it in spades… People will never forget!
Just came back online to post this….Sidney Powell says PDJT could trigger 2018 EO on foreign interference. The EO is old news for us Qtreepers by now…but time is getting short….
Very, very short.
If the EC balloting happens in accordance with the alleged results, the issue becomes MORE tangled, not less.
It is for this reason that there are those of us who find it difficult to sleep at night.
What if there IS no plan? Or they can outsmart it?
Wolfie–Not your issue–Just an FYI Something that can make you got WTH.if you like me.
I am one of those who does not work with the my internet window full screen I like to have access, along with easily being able to flip back and forth to other apps like Word, Mush, power and some other apps.
If your internet window is too small you will end up with all the side notes on the bottom instead –You know, like the green bubble, Fresh Fruit on The Q Tree list, and the other items usually on the side.This happened after my video clinch earlier. I had logged off to see it that would help with the video. Boy I thought the site was really screwed up until I widen my window a bit more. All fixed.
As I said just an FYI, especially for those on small screens or don’t keep their internet window wide open.
That makes sense.
The code is written to be “smart” enough not to let a narrow screen be a problem, which unfortunately means it outsmarts US!![😀](
So Wolfie, Jetpack is going nuts. Maybe that’s why I can’t post in a reply box under anyone’s comments at alll. I end up back on my desktop, I mean I guess it flips me up to the top. It’s weird. I never log out.
Yup. There are problems both on this site and out on the internet. I will be rebuilding tonight after midnight sometime.
An Administrator’s work is never done.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Where can I reach you Monday at 2 an EST?
Probably here, IF you can comment. If not, just wait.
Testing YouTube link again:
Worked: https(colon)//youtu(dot)be/TCFAzPl1QmE
WH Christmas decoration special on HGTV NOW. Don’t need cable.
Channels list –
THANK YOU bfly!!!!
You can also watch OANN from this link!![😁](
LOL! That’s what the world needs more of!!!![😘](
I should have known better. They’re devoting more time to past years decorations than this year’s White House. I’ve seen the Wookie more times than the beautiful Melania.
Tried to post a pic. Gibberish, had to delete.
Yeah, that sucked!
for those still on fb here is a graphic that was startling to me.
“did you know google’s grpahic processor is named Adrno and their web browser is called chrome?” and then breaks down their symbol into (3) 6s … 666
I am not one for conspiracy theories but after so many of these coincidences … SMH
Nothing has changed.
I’m getting some serious cognitive dissonance with POTUS touting these vaccines and hearing about all the very serious problems with them.
Just an example:
He’s an “all-lockdown-all-the-time” guy, according to the article. Side eye. Although I don’t know how to take this messaging either. I do know it’s no vaccine for me though.
Trust Trump.
B I N G O !
“Another French doctor expresses shock at the high incidence of adverse reactions to this COVID vaccine.”
It must be Dr. Captain Renault!![😂](
Ambivalent about most everything Covid. Tired of it ALL. Short of washing my hands and staying away from those that cough and sneeze, don’t do anything for Covid.
Vaccine? NOT for me. Folks can do as they wish.
So long as Covid is 99.9% treatable, really don’t understand why the vaccine is logically necessary. I do understand why they went “warp speed” to develop it.
My preference is they released HCQ to everyone who wants it. Of course the HCQ+Zpak+Zinc treatment. Iver… and Regener….whatever President Trump took.
The preventive AND aggressive treatment seems like the obvious way to go for Americans.
Big Pharma and population control freaks of course think otherwise.
Today’s Wictor.
The only fixed day in the U.S. Constitution is the inauguration of the President on January 20 at noon.
The election of 1876 was not resolved until two days before the inauguration.
And other interesting historical info.
I’ve been playing with the Shanghai Database – it is MASSIVE.
Here is a description:
CTH did an article about it:
Have you found a good translation? The last list I saw was in Chinese.
I’m just picking out random entries and hitting them with Google Translate.
Any juicy ones we don’t know about?
Nothing yet. I was looking for some old colleagues and hoping to get lucky, but they’ve done a pretty good job of obscuring who these people are – one has to know the suspect and work backwards into the database.
Here is a good description. Apparently the DM has had it long enough to do some digging.
Yes. I posted that this morning. I think it’s on page 2.
Frankly, I think this needs a full article, the next time some big stuff comes out on it – especially if it comes closer to home.
Okay. If I can swing it. BUSY three weeks coming up.
But if Barr goes to GITMO, that takes priority!
Well, of course.
Love the optimism! Would that be Barr as an inmate or assist Military Prosecutors?
I’m ambivalent. There is an Anon theory that Barr has to stay neutral until he gets massive dump from a US Attorney’s office, but I’m not so sure – the latter sounds like “hopium smoke” to me.
“But if Barr goes to GITMO, that takes priority!”
Is Barr going to be participating in waterboard testing techniques?
You know what? I’m not finding stuff that should be in this list if it’s complete. Large known infestation with plenty of “Shanghai” on it – searching with a few key words for that or similar infestations. An entire class of known targets just MISSING. I’m not sure I’m hitting the right tells, but still. This whole database may be a kind of “limited hang out” to throw suspicion away from the nastiest infestations. If so, then perhaps they peppered it with BIG PHARMA to make the conspiracy stuff all jump on our own vaccines to discredit the Western companies.
In any case, still very interesting. I may need to dig deeper to find what I’m looking for. It was just a cursory examination.
If I remember correctly, almost all of the 1.95 million names on the list are people in Shanghai (Lady from Shanghai?).
‘Only’ 79,000 are members of foreign governments (ours and every other nation on the planet) and leaders of multinational companies.
If my mathculator is working correctly, that’s ‘only’ 3.95%
They could own all 535 members of Congress, half the governors, and still have 78,440 CCP spies left over for the other 193 countries in the world, which works out to 406 for every country on earth.
Yup. And like I said, this list is clearly highly incomplete. If they have branches named for Pfizer, they have branches named for a lot of other sector targets which are NOT listed.
wolfie, someone on the donald says this list is 4 yrs old…discussion was ab timing, like the Seth Rich/FBI thingy just coming out…also 4 yrs. old info.
Of course I have no way to verify this, but, if true, could that be why you are not seeing certain entities??
Actually, my personal knowledge is pretty old now, so it would be more likely to match old data. But I think this right here is just a lucky leak of some marginal routine data. I think these are “less critical” CCP operatives. The stuff that’s NOT HERE because the people are more critical and secret – THAT STUFF is way more damaging.
These people are more like assets, IMO, and not necessarily seasoned and highly trained operatives.
wolfie…thanks for your perspectives.
What’s the best way/place to ask you ab a function of the new site…I’ll b happy to wait a while for your answer.
I’m going to do a post tomorrow asking for questions and information from everybody – it would be the perfect place and time!!!
wolfie, thanks! will do.
And by tomorrow I mean late this morning
Remember the links to the Peking University School of Transnational Law and it’s inaugural dean? …
Posted OT:
…”Decent write up from the NY Post:
FTA, of note:
…”New York University also appears with 71 members attached to a branch named East China Normal University Shanghai New York University Faculty and Labor Party Branch. “…
Regarding East China Normal University and NYU Shanghai:
…”New York University Shanghai (NYU Shanghai) is China’s first Sino-US research university and the third degree-granting campus of the NYU Global Network.[1] Jointly established by New York University and East China Normal University with the support of the city of Shanghai in 2012, it was the first US university to receive independent registration from China’s Ministry of Education.[2]”…
NYU Shanghai’s Vice Chancellor is an American, and a former short tenured President of the “Big Red”:
Is he on the list?”…
Is he?
Off topic, but related?
Was Fauci involved in any of this exploitative research in his early days at the NIH Clinical Lab, still wet behind the ears from his days at Big Red Med/NY Presbyterian?
(Gates with Big Red President after Lehman, and heart surgeon, Dr. David Skorton, at the dedication of Gates Hall.)
There is some good stuff now appearing on Gab. The ChiComs hid all the Western names in Chinese characters so that we would not know they were embedded, but LeGoog is translating them properly until the commies there “fix” things.
e.g., “辉瑞投资有限公司第一党支部” = “First Party Branch of Pfizer Investment Co., Ltd.”
This confirms a Gab image:
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Which comes from a database image:
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The top entry is one of the suspect ones, so I searched for the CCP ID number:
Which took me right to the correct line number:
This is a woman (“女”) named 贾四花 (“Jia Sihua”).
Cutting down the Pfizer name to the core gives 辉瑞 – searching on THAT gives 69 entries.
So that means that Shanghai CCP groups have 69 embeds in Pfizer.
That would be enough to make a huge genocide strike against non-Chinese through second-generation sterilization, provided the technological aspects were conducted secretly in China.
It looks like FISA vaccine Co. is well represented
LMAO. Hilarious. That’s exactly how Chinese say Pfizer!
Yeah, Trump too
I know he’s from NY, but it sure sounded like he was intentionally (and repeatedly) saying FISA instead of Pfizer in that recent TV address.
So, are these people considered spies or business people with contacts?
Depends on how well you know them.
The big point for me is that it confirms what I observed – that they basically set up military structures inside parasitized companies.
Check out where Comey was – with SIX HUNDRED PAIRS OF CCP EYES watching him.
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That you just said that…militarized within a company….systematic control…just like everything else they do.
MORE company assets to seize.![🙂](
And of course either arrest the ChiCom bastards or boot them out of the USA.
I try to avoid material greed, but there is a lot of justice here, too!
In the case of the chicoms, I think it comes under the heading of “recovering” stolen goods or the equivalent.
They had CCP members at Boeing, what about Lockheed?
They had to. Track Comey – HSBC and Lockheed. He would have been opening doors for them. We know CCP has 600 players in HSBC.
How many did Comey get into FIB?
Spies, 100%.
As even the news lady in Wolf’s post mentioned (IIRC), any member of the CCP is obligated (I think she said ‘obliged’) to provide the CCP with whatever information they ask for.
2 million plus….
“123 party loyalists are employed at pharmaceutical giants Pfizer & AstraZeneca (both firms are developing coronavirus vaccines), according to the Daily Mail.”
As if we needed even moar reason to not inject that crap into peoples’ bodies.
Honestly…I wouldn’t count on SCOTUS for much in this mess. Military tribunals are probably more the way it’s going to go.
But what do I know. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV.
Inquiring minds, well mine ayway.
Those ballots in a GA warehouse, have the ballots been opened, counted?
Some how me thinks Lin Wood knows the answers.
Being raised in the Midwest where one does not extol one’s own virtues…usually…I find the touting uncomfortable, but yeah.
Tweets posting OK now – hmmmmmmm.
I know what you mean DP, I also think that is a Catholic thing, not to tout one’s own virtues….but then also, speaking the truth is really an act of humility, and Jim Jordan speaks the truth about the speed in which America went from flying a plane to putting a man on the moon.
Personal freedom is essential, which is why God gave us free will. We can go to great heights if we use it correctly.
And in that time China figured out that we don’t like msg.
Unfortunately, all that stuff was a long time ago.
Ep. 2352a – The Economy Continues To Improve, [CB] Pushes Fear
X22 Report Published December 13, 2020
Ep. 2352b – Art Of The Deal, SC Just Gave Trump The Answer, 2018 EO On Deck, Blackout Coming
X22 Report Published December 13, 2020
I think it’s pretty clear now why the treasonous MSM reacted so severely to POTUS calling the “China Virus” the “China Virus”.
It was all about the election.
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Look Mom, you’re little girl grew up to be a Chinese Communist spy!
And a vicious, hateful shrew to boot!![😁](
From Gab:
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Wolfie grannie did a boo sort of–
I have two computers–One I use mostly for games…
As I was posting on here with what I can my game computer I noticed I was not a “fox”. but do have it on this computer — My non-game computer.
did I screw up or ??
Not a screw-up – just a fact. You got on as a “guest” on the computer “without Fox”. You are logged into your account here when you have the Fox badge!
Here’s a better one for that witch:
This would be my choice.
Cuomo accused of sexual abuse by more than one woman.
Wonder if she was smart enough to record it. Really quite easy to do these days.
Good Question, Kal!!!
Bill Barr, like Jill Biden, is Ruling Class. Once you figure out how it really works, it all makes sense.
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Interesting ANON theory from GAB:
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“Imagine if the FBI just started arresting arresting Dems in droves. It would certainly look like a coup.”
This is insanity programming.
The Left doesn’t suffer from this kind of dementia. They don’t care, at all, what other people think about their naked lust for power.
But our side, we can’t even arrest people who are not only engaged in a 4+ year long coup against the president, they are actively, right now, attempting to STEAL the 2020 election to overthrow the Republic.
But we can’t arrest them, because it might look like a ‘coup’…
So they are allowed to COMMIT an ACTUAL COUP, but we’re not allowed to STOP them, because it might LOOK like a coup…
This is insanity programming.
Our side is better at creating no-win scenarios than anyone on earth.
Exactly. The FBI is PART OF THE COUP.
The FBI – or I mean FIB – is PART OF THE LIES.
The FIB strikes me as the enforcer of these ops. They shield the info, the players, the origins and then by no action it cements the idea that nothing would be wrong because if it was the esteemed premier LE agency would be all over it…LOL about a 100 times. They legitimize the stink
YUP. Just like BARR saying “no evidence”.
Bill Gates is truly EVIL. Don’t trust any vaccine he’s involved with.
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Why have those two clowns a right to decide who should close their businesses and who do not. Just look at Gates smirk the man is a psychopath.
Ha! I can just hear the left howling in rage if this happened and every democrat politician quivering in the corner.
In what world would most of us EVER trust one of these machines again anyway ?
Except to my knowledge there has NEVER been a ‘special prosecutor’ that wasn’t just kabuki theater.
We don’t need ‘special’ prosecutors, Barr is plenty special enough… he even plays the BAGPIPES.
We just need an AG who will do his JOB.
Hmm. What sort of “problem”? Have they figured out We the People are not interested in voluntarily participating in the destruction they have planned for us?
IMO “opening up nursing homes” with the vaccines would do more to sell them than anything else. And that also puts the vaccines to use precisely where they are most needed and SAFEST – people who are beyond reproductive age, and unlikely to suffer MORE long-term cancer or allergy than they are already at risk of.
Opening up nursing homes with the vaccines is a massive PR MOVE that sells them to the right audience, and silently diverts them from the WRONG AUDIENCE – children.
CALL US DeweyCheatum and Howe 1800 Cheating
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Quote Tweet
· 7h
Ten years from now we’ll see commercials that say ‘if you took the COVID-19 vaccine in 2020/2021 you may be entitled to compensation’
What is the compensation for NO GRANDCHILDREN?
Good point
More elderly loneliness!
Bill Gates has no problem with that, as long as it’s not HIM!
Then you might want to circle back around and look at the studies showing lowered fertility in cell phone users. Especially the ones that show DNA damage to the OVARIES of female babies IN THE WOMB from radiation from their MOTHER’s cell phone. The other studies that show DNA damage and outright drops in sperm count of men carrying cell phones might be more reversable.
We have to be honest about safety here. The LONG-TERM RISKS of the vaccines have not been studied. Likewise, the whistleblower leaks on sterilizing adulterants are too serious to ignore.
The best and safest course of action is to PROHIBIT the vaccines for children, and to make them LESS and LESS advised for YOUNGER recipients, or those planning to have kids.
Who was Brandy Vaughan? Anti-vaxxer who founded non-profit Learn the Risk discovered dead by 9-year-old sonVaughan was an activist who founded Learn the Risk in 2015, which is known for its billboard campaigns, asserting vaccines are responsible for a large number of deaths of young children
An anti-vaxxer activist Brandy Vaughan, who founded Learn the Risk, has been found dead by her nine-year-old son. The exact date of her death is presently unknown as the news of her passing has been circulating since Tuesday, December 8.
Health Nut News was the first outlet to report that Vaughan was found dead. The editor added in a note at the top of the article, “I have known this information for several hours, but did not go public until after I saw Dr. Shannon Kroner write a public announcement about it after she had hung up with Brandy’s only child, her surviving son who is a minor.”
Vaughan was an activist who founded California non-profit Learn the Risk in 2015, which is known for its billboard campaigns asserting vaccines are responsible for a large number of deaths of young children. As a branch of an organization, she also founded, the Council for Vaccine Safety. Vaughan led both groups as the executive director. She described herself as a “former pharmaceutical insider on a mission to create a healthier world one person at a time by educating on the real risks of pharma drugs and vaccines”.
I strongly suspect this is the work of the same globally sanctioned BS that set the FBI and CIA against Trump. They have, as part of their secret globalist agenda, a human depopulation mission, and they will do anything to carry it out. Mandated vaccines are how they plan to incrementally neuter and spay humanity. It’s too easy – too workable – too in keeping with their happy-face lies.
I have no doubt. Covid is their whole ball of wax. It seems that they happy face lies are being altered lately…people are getting antsy about the lockdowns so they’re encouraging patience and faith that by 2022 for sure this thing will be whipped. A year isn’t too long to save lives, right?
By then a lot of people will be in poverty class due to no jobs Middle class shrunk. Bucking the system is harder when you’re worried about your family
Yup. The COVID plan is a lot like Joe Biden – losing it visibly as we speak.
Gotta shut this crap down.
I’m ready for war.
Funny kid eleven does not pay taxes is totally dependent on parents for upkeep shelter and so on but parents have no right to know if the kid takes a vaccine? Something is screwed up here. Parents need to boot these criminal child abusers out of office. We pay their wages.
If they don’t need consent for contraception and in some States, abortion, getting a vaccine probably no big deal.
~~~~While no state requires parental consent for contraception, the abortion laws for teens vary greatly by state. Some states require parental notification, others require consent, and some states don’t require any type of parental involvement.~~~
Blows my mind
That’s easy to figure out. They were allowed to take over manufacture of nearly every widget, clothes, tech, etc etc
The thieving, lying communists exported the poverty of socialism to the United States.
And TRAITORS like Bill Gates helped.
Now that it’s playing video again…
New article at Political Moonshine:
The Shadow Government
December 13, 2020
For those who are looking for information on vaccine efficacy and the use of aborted children to produce vaccines, the video at this tweet is very informative. Yes, it is from a Catholic moral perspective regarding life and the use of fetal tissue for vaccines and other research, but on life issues like this, we’re all pretty much on the same page. I’m 35 minutes in and it’s pretty mind blowing.
Really, this is a PHENOMENAL interview. An hour into it, she says the World Health Organism dropped the word “pandemic” from its lexicon. It’s manipulative to use.
I’m not catholic, DP, but for this reason alone, I would never take this vaccine. And there are 99 other reasons as well.
First off TY Deplorable
Just saying that if you are against, murder by abortions this article might be a hard read. Seems tissue cells from fetuses is very likely a part of these vaccines.
The woman interviewed in the video actually names the tissue lines used for not just the COVID vaccines, but the rubella portion of the MMR vaccine, and several others.
In fact, the only vaccine she names that actually works and does not seem to have tissue from aborted children in it is the rabies vaccine.
It’s really worth a listen to learn a lot in layman’s terms.
One crazy person – one MK session – thousands of churches scared from opening again.
Social psy-ops WORK.
This is socialist insanity.
But not everywhere!!!
Dr.Trumps PA Army (@FightingBackPa) Tweeted: @BardsFM @wkchild I got you!
Note the checkerboard design that Bidumb is standing on.
That’s no accident.
Look at for info on MK and Illuminati checkerboard designs. Another symbol of their “power plays”…
Correct meif I’m wrong,but didn’t I read somewhere on theQ Tree that HILLARY CLINTON got herself onto the Electoral College? If that’s so, betcha her goons arare even now suborning / intimidating other Electors to fall in line and vote to “certify” a Biden “win” tomorrow.
Sorry about the typos. Can’t stand this phone keyboard.
More worrisome to me is that she’ll get just a couple of them to vote for HER.
If she comes in in third place, guess what? She’s in third place and WILL be on the ballot if the House has to choose the next president.
No Now, not possible. She’s only an Elector for the State of New York, assigned some, not all votes. We aren’t counting on NY anyway! Don’t know if she can cast her votes for herself or not, but that would mean less for Sleepy if she did. Not happening!
We go the EC route for uncontested states. All these states are still in play – PA,WI,MI,GA,AZ, and NV. If any of the lawsuits prevail and disqualify fraudulent votes, POTUS wins and gets their Elector votes. Any 3 combo of the 5 gets him to 270.
If we lose lawsuits, State Legislators can still reject the certified Electors and cast the votes for Electors themselves(do the right thing). That’s one of the reasons for the hearings, to show them fraud, and convince them to blow off certified fraudulent electors and do it themselves (for POTUS).
In the event there’s no path to 270 for either candidate with the EC, then the vote goes to the House. If the House votes, it’s 1 vote per state, not the Full House. There are 30 red states and 20 blue states. POTUS wins.
SHe only needs to convince two or three NY electors to vote for her instead of Biden. Biden can spare those votes, right, because he won by such a margin?
That would put her in third place in the electoral vote.
And you trust the RINOs in the house to vote for Trump?
Maybe they’d take him over Biden and Hitlary…but imagine if, say, some reasonably respectable but RINO general like…Mattis or Colin Powell got a few votes.
Could you at least imagine RINO people saying to hell with Trump he’s caused nothing but a ruckus, let’s get back to normal, and voting for the RINO?
WATCH who gets faithless electors this time around, THAT is whom someone will plot to stick in the Oval Office if it ends up in Congress. It was Colin Powell last time.
re5iGaM (@re5iGam) Tweeted: Something to do with this perhaps
These are clearly RED LINES – 1-6.
We should expect these to happen, IMO.
Someone said this means “Emergency Action Message.” It is for Loyalists.
The Loyalists in the Revolution were the Colonists who remained loyal to King George. They were the opposite of Patriots.
I’m not sure if this decode is correct or not.
As an FYI. Does NOT appear to be related to above.
EAM in military Nuke weapons world includes, Emergency Action Message.
Regarding nuclear capable commands. Folks that authenticate nuke related messages. Including employment.
So this Q message would likely be sent out to try to cut through any future “fog of war” games in the event of contested chain of command.
President Trump is surely covering all bases. Including this election process could get drug out longer than any of us wish. Messier, to say the least if deep state persists. Including the Tree of Liberty…
IMO, validates most likely scenario is Military enforced, Military Tribunals…
IF things go this route, ^^^, should remain confined to DC and military bases. Unless D-Rats stir up their constituents with media and big tech supporting role. EBS should put a damper and control media and big tech if necessary. EBS can play greatly in supporting President Trump taking action against the coup plotters.
All the more reason for folks to maintain high levels of personal prep.
Emergency alert message i think?
New article from P-Rex:
Freudian slip, or prophecy of what is to come?
Great read. Have spammed the link and a nugget out.
I like this, and I can flesh out the vaccine part A LOT.
P-rex says that they HAD the antidote – and YES – I think that is true. There is even EVIDENCE for this.
I can explain that a bit, because I read quite a bit (mostly in C&EN) on the new vaccines and how they work DIFFERENTLY from prior vaccines to beat immune enhancement (where a vaccine not only doesn’t prevent the disease, but does the OPPOSITE and makes the disease WORSE).
When the China virus was released, people in Western universities and companies were basically READY to create a vaccine based on the new and fundamental understanding of the origin of the immune enhancement problem, which I’ve described elsewhere. The researchers had a working strategy READY for a pandemic – they just needed a pandemic. This situation was orchestrated, IMO.
IMO the people who publicly solved the problem were the “useful idiot” front researchers who provide plausible deniability. Behind the scenes, in SECRET labs, their work had already been carried out, and working vaccines – tested and proven effective – had been made using the exact same principles. Those vaccines may have been ready MONTHS or even YEARS earlier – because the plotters KNEW what they were going to do, and prepared.
There IS a reason that these vaccines are fundamentally more effective – and that reason, based on knowing HOW prior vaccines failed, is a real thing. BUT it was MANAGED in such a way that this phony event was timed to try to get rid of Trump.
NOW – here is the deal. If “FISA was working both ways”, then we were following THE PLOT. And THAT is why Q understood that this virus was really about the election, and not only that – exactly HOW it was going to be about the election – with the “mail-out ballot fraud”.
Whether the vaccine really is 90% or 95% effective is immaterial. Most people simply don’t NEED this stupid vaccine – but that is not the point. This is a complex event, designed to craft NEW REALITIES in the future. Vaccination was – IMO – decided as the “ultimate eugenics vehicle” LONG AGO. There are reasons for WHY this was understood long ago that I don’t want to get into, but just trust me – vaccination was chosen as the way to groom humanity. It’s a eugenicist’s DREAM METHOD. This is why all these people who are “in on it” are so adamant on vaccine mandates – their plot doesn’t WORK if they can’t force the “right people” to be sterilized – or more truthfully – THEIR CHILDREN.
The whistleblower who pointed out how second-generation sterilization works has completely convinced me that this is what they are up to. Until there are massive arrests and confessions, and trust is restored, I would advise people who MAY have children in their future – including children – not to take ANY vaccines. It’s too easy – too feasible – and nobody is looking out for us – not with a communist pope who has Alinsky fears of all the right commie totems like population, “climate”, and all the rest. He’s a dupe. He will allow the greatest genocide this planet has ever seen.
NOPE. We are at a crossroads. Trust must be restored.
This is NOT just another 4-year election. This is the Great Awakening.
This is the Great Awakening.
^^^ True for America. True for the world community. ^^^
Covid. Check.
Election integrity. Check.
China is beyond evil. Check.
Negate NWO – Great Reset. Check.
Great connecting of the dots… Thanks for posting the link Scott…
Dave at X22 Report also believes “warp speed” is not a reference to the “vaccine”
and Dave also mentions the involvement of Chinese in the “research and development” of the vaccine by Pfizer (and 2nd company, starts with an A…can’t recall)
and I concur with the thrust of his piece, Pfizer vs FISA… yes, POTUS is sending a message.
Sidney Powell on American Thought Leaders
Exclusive: Sidney Powell on 2020 Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court Decision & Gen. Michael Flynn Case…Also great list of links to peruse ….
heads up on head fake
Great to know. A electors preferences are sealed until January 6th.
This guy is surelt getting a civics lesson.
Me too![🙂](
this looks promising
PTrump’s line in the sand is not the same as Ozero’s..heads up to them
I hope he arrests every one that certifies. A good use of the Military, IMO. Round em all up!
AMEN. It’s time to put an end to this crap, and I will help in any way that I can.
VERY ironically, Trump is being “as fair as Bill Barr” here. Lin Wood carried the warning forward first.
It’s going to be military. These bastards better get the FEAR OF GOD in themselves RIGHT QUICK.
I hope it’s real & not just shiny object, squirrel, smoke & mirrors stuff!
Playful perspective![🙂](
Oh, I love that!
Bill Nye(t) the “Science” Guy LOL
I’m curious. Has anyone heard anything about the Three Gorges Dam in China in the last few weeks? A month ago we were hearing apocalyptic stories about it being ready to go, and lately we’ve heard nothing.
Guessing the Three Gorges Dam water has receded greatly.
Dunno about China monsoon season. Philippines should be over for the year.
I searched a few weeks ago, still info blackout by ASSHOES.
I hope MAGA Mom sees this as she keeps promoting “excess deaths” due to CV
Looks to me like COVID-19 is displacing other ILIs as the Grim Reaper.
Yes, politicizing what (aside from the Chi-com/globullist aspects) is a “normal” seasonal flu-ish…
Population increase will also play a part in the overall change in numbers.
I was also wondering about that, like express the info in deaths per 100,000 or something for apples to apples comparisons![🙂](
I am not “promoting” excess deaths. I am reporting accurrate stats.
The stats in this tweet are inaccurate. Always a red flag when someone tweets stats with no links to back up their stats/facts.
Imagine that…
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has added more than $74 billion to his net worth since the start of 2020…Bill Gates 18+ billion..Michael Bloomberg 6.9 billion
US billionaires’ wealth grew by $845 billion during the first six months of the pandemic
NRA Christmas, great stuff!!!
Very cool. Thanks for posting.
Glad you liked it. Patriots Rock & Roll!!!
HIs reporting from Peru is good, vaccines not so much![🙂](
I posted a tweet with a video on Sunday evening and will be posting it on the daily on Monday and maybe even in the body of the daily on Tuesday. Restoring the Faith did an hour and a half of an interview with a woman who studied vaccines and wrote a book in layman’s terms regarding vaccines, which aborted child tissue lines were used to develop the various ones, vaccine injury, and more.
Sounds like Vital Info for these crazy times!
HYVE (@HYVEE7) Tweeted: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you… The full CCP list. Added some screen shots in here. Have at it. Link provided with the .csv file.
“The second branch committee of the Shanghai Quiet Resettlement Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. of the Communist Party of China”
“Quiet resettlement”? Interesting.
I put this here for you, to make it easier.
I think there will be many many rabbit holes.
I’m still seeing a lot of pregnant culturally Chinese women in larger cities (anchor babies). They’ve got a lot of new American “citizens” through that method.
Doesn’t appear to be what was advertised. Red Herring?
It was, got taken down then back up. Checkvthe account.
There is ZERO reason to ever accept Beijing Biden as the winner. NONE. Can’t happen. Won’t condone fraud.
Before 20 January gets here, Beijing Biden will be cast aside as just another failed useful idiot.
Hopefully it’ll happen soon. Like this coming week. One thing for sure, President Trump WILL deliver the solution at the right time.
Until then, we simply see more and more of our corrupt inept government exposed.
Would be great to have things known For Sure Before Christmas, for peace of mind & passing info on to the “normies”![🙂](
Okay, so I really want to get onboard with the whole Civil War narrative that everybody loves so much.
So when I grab ol’ Bessie and charge out into the street and start firing randomly, is there anyone in particular I should aim at?
Or is the idea in this Civil War to just shoot anything that moves?
Probably anything that moves to take your, or someone else’s, freedom…at this point that is more metaphorical than actual, or so it seems to me!
“Probably anything that moves to take your, or someone else’s, freedom…”
In that case, wouldn’t we be better off inside our homes, using our home for cover?
Peering out the windows, watching for freedom-takers through a rifle scope?
Assuming of course that we know what freedom-takers look like, and can distinguish them from friendlies?
That seems like a better strategy than wandering around the street, especially if other civil warriors are wandering around the street too, and nobody knows whose side anybody is on — because there are no defined sides, and nobody has a uniform.
Or if nobody else is wandering around out in the street, and you are, then you’re a pretty easy target for all the other people secured in their homes, watching you through a rifle scope.
This civil warrin’ stuff is hard…![😁](
I’m not Advocating the “civil war” per se, though I do believe we have been in an Ideological “civil war” for generations.
We are now in a near overt war with our Chi-Com owned politicos & “pillars” of society like media, academia, corporations, etc.
We are in an asymmetrical war with China, & it is being revealed how many Domestic Enemies we actually have within our gates.
So far most of us are staying in the battlefield of “the pen is mightier than the sword” & there are plenty of us who will never pick up our 2nd amendment weaponry to turn that into a battlefield soaked with Literal blood. We are soaking a different battlefield w/ the blood (sweat & tears) of patriots & tyrants!
Let us pray that the battlefields remain largely w/in the realms of a “peaceable” society. That being said that doesn’t include acquiescing to tyranny & unconstitutional governance. We are walking a fine line w/ prayerful “patience” as we Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition!
Yes, I agree with you very much, but many people are talking about an inevitable ‘civil war’ and they mean exactly that, taking up arms and fighting… somebody… and I just keep wondering exactly how that would work, and nobody can explain it to me![😁](
There can’t be a physical separation like North vs. South now as we are too intermixed but there could be Free America zones, like SD & certain counties/communities refusing to “enforce” unlawful, unconstitutional, “color of law” tyrannical edicts. It leaves patriots in deep blue regions of despotism (like here in Michigan) in a tough spot though!
“There can’t be a physical separation like North vs. South now as we are too intermixed”
Yep, that’s definitely one of the problems. There is no line (like a Mason-Dixon line) dividing the sides, so no land to take, and no land to defend.
And no uniforms, so you have no way of knowing who is a friend and who is a foe.
And no leaders, or supply lines, or any of the other obvious necessities of war (civil or otherwise).
But many people are apparently stressed out of their minds, and getting themselves all worked up about the inevitability of a ‘civil war’, and I keep trying to understand how that would look, how it could happen, and I just don’t see it.
There are local pockets of battle zones, like when Antifa &/or BLM comes to town & if they migrate from destroyed already “urban” areas into suburban or rural zones…We’ve still gotta keep our powder dry & mostly use the rifles from home, like you stated earlier.
HIV here
If that “molecular clamp” is a euphemism for a reverse transcriptase used for INTENTIONAL GENETIC INCORPORATION, OR if it’s a euphemism for the HIV-like segments of the spike protein which everybody in Fauci-land was DENYING……
We need to press them for the EXACT CONTENTS.
I’ll take your word for it! someone else said that in questioning their doctors about risks on vaccines the doctors hadn’t read the package inserts w/ detailed risk factors spelled out (assuming that they’d actually include the info)…hmmm!
There are MANY good reasons to either take or not take the vaccine. People need to be INFORMED and SKEPTICAL.
Yes. perhaps you want to re-visit your vaccine post & update it w/ new info & your most recent thinking on the vaccine, especially if you have specific info/concerns on the ones being passed around in the states. Pfizer &/or Moderna I believe.
Yes, my thinking has changed since learning about the whistleblower in Moderna.
I’m sure we’d all appreciate your insights!!!
And it needs to be shouted from the rooftops that this is the very first product of any sort Moderna has taken to market.
This is all such a…there’s gotta be a word for this. Hoax, Trojan Horse, killing machine all rolled into one. It’s really holocaustic in the base meaning of the word “the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale” before it became a historic event.
Declass on Brennan…
A quick site question…I notice notifications for replies to a comment pop off no matter where I am online, meaning when I’m not here at QTree. How does it do that?
You’ve given the site (or wordpress) permission to use your Browser for “offline” notifications. You can go into your Browser settings and change permissions to block them.
Oh man..Browser settings, change permission. Okay will try and thank you very much. I still haven’t been able to stop the email notifications but guess I’ll live with it
I regret that this is not a simple process for you to remove these annoyances.
where have all the [cut] Chipmunks gone…long time passing
Where have all the chipmunks gone…long time ago…
….When will they ever learn? When will they e…ever learn…
Seriously though….no more cute chipmunk category? Every chipmunk now a fox?
It only takes 100 comments to become a fox.
so the chipmunk category is still there?
Let’s see.
Well this is a surprise. No way I made 100 comments already?
yes. Look at people that infrequently post or “newbies”.
Fr. Altman reflects on election results: ‘Don’t give up’
Barr is out.
Gone before Christmas.
Door. Ass.
Proof Barr was cabal, imho.