Dear KAG: 20201215 Open Thread

Are we there yet?

No, really, are we there where the BOOM BOOM BOOM is supposed to be?

Well, let’s see. Is there anything going on other than alternate Electoral College electors voting for President Trump in the state houses today?

Or rumors of Julian Assange being pardoned that turned out to be premature at best?

Or some company named SolarWinds-Orion which is used by just about all the Fortune 500 companies and a good portion of the U.S. Government being nothing more than a literal back door into computer systems?

How about the forensic audit of Dominion Voting System in Michigan publishing a conclusion that the system was set up to rig any and all elections in the states and countries using it?

Or the announcement from the White House that Attorney General Bill Barr will be resigning his position by Christmas?


Well in the midst of the fog of war, some really disturbing news has come out about the touted vaccine for the WuHan flu. From kinthenorthwest:

“Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis,” A “Rare Inflammatory Condition That Affects The Brain And Spinal Cord,” Is Second On The FDA’s List. Third Is “Transverse Myelitis,” A Neurological Disorder Which Inflames The Spinal Cord, Causing “Pain, Muscle Weakness, Paralysis, Sensory Problems, Or Bladder And Bowel Dysfunction.”
Also Listed As A Possible Outcome Of A Potential Vaccine Is “Anaphylaxis,” The Severe Allergic Reaction Which Can Lead To Anaphylactic Shock.
A “Stroke,” And “Convulsions/Seizures” Are Further Possible Side-Effects, Along With “Acute Myocardial Infarction” Or Heart Attacks, Inflammation Of The Muscles Around The Heart, And Even Death.
The U.K. Government’s Warning For The Pfizer Vaccine Says It Should Not Be Used By Pregnant Or Breast-Feeding Mothers And Children. The Document Adds That It Is As Yet Unknown What Effect The Vaccine Will Have On Fertility.

For more information on the specifics of not just this vaccine(s), but most of the schedule, this interview yours truly has been putting up for a couple days is worth the ninety minutes:

The video in this tweet is a ninety minute interview with a molecular biologist named Pamela Ackers who wrote a book for the Kolbe Institute regarding vaccines, their efficacy, and the aborted fetal tissue used to develop them.

Adding it to the information from Dr. Judy Mikovitz who Miss Ackers mentions, the now late Brandy Vaughan, and other whistleblowers, the information presented is simply devastating for the vaccine industry if taken seriously.

Yes, tissue from children killed during gestation was AND STILL IS being used to develop vaccines. Miss Ackers names the lines used for specific vaccines, what institutes they came from and even in one case the tissue type.

Vaccines, in general, are only effective only a handful of years, and apparently are less effective in older adults (the elderly).

She talks about vaccine injury and vaccine court and how there is no real way to know how many people have been injured by them. In that section, she also explains that autism coming from the MMR shot which is given at the same time as the vaccines for four other diseases is not available separated.

Also discussed is Gardisil and the sterilization effects it has, research that says people who get the childhood diseases of chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc., are less likely to get cancer, and a lot more.

And then she talks about COVID and the tests are a joke and she explains how, the Moderna vaccine is their very first product sent to market, she tells of the fetal tissue cell line used to develop one of them and all that. In short, she makes the case for not taking the vaccines…for EVERYONE refusing.

Yes, this is a video done by Catholics in regards to a Catholic entity, the Kolbe Institute, but there isn’t much in the way of Dogma here that differs in morality from the general pro-life position on killing children in the womb.

Please, at some point, take the hour and a half. The back and forth is very much in layman’s terms.

So…what do we think…ARE WE THERE YET?

And a reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And please, if you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it.


ZEPHANIAH 3:1-2, 9-13

1Woe to her that is rebellious and defiled, the oppressing city! 2She listens to no voice, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God. 9“Yea, at that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord. 10From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, the daughter of my dispersed ones, shall bring my offering. 11“On that day you shall not be put to shame because of the deeds by which you have rebelled against me; for then I will remove from your midst your proudly exultant ones, and you shall no longer be haughty in my holy mountain. 12For I will leave in the midst of you a people humble and lowly. They shall seek refuge in the name of the LORD, 13those who are left in Israel; they shall do no wrong and utter no lies, nor shall there be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue. For they shall pasture and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Welcome to theqtree

Some here on QTree are said to lurk
But as for me, that term doesn’t work
And, most certainly here, it’s not meant
But the word “lurk” carries evil intent

I was glad to see on this go-round
So many who were silent come around
To check in with a comment or two
And become part of the Q Tree crew

There’s no need to hold anything back
Just “Batter Up!” and take a good whack
Maybe you’ve got some new facts to cite
Or your own thoughts to bring to light

You might search the web, looking to find
Videos or articles that you mine
Or find some GIFs or maybe make memes
Visual humor for our MAGA dreams

If you choose to post, we’ll hear your voice
What topic and words? Well, they’re your choice
But post or not, it’s surely your call
And we’d like to say “Welcome! Welcome all!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And you’ve got an AMEN there, buddy!  😍 


I here theres Trouble in Wolfie’s new city!! But i’m Posting just fine for now!!! Carl!!! You rock!!
And DP!! Great Post!!!


Marica, is there trouble out your way? I got two separate emails from peeps on your site advertising failsafe sites, using the email I used to comment on your site. Is any of this authorized?


Sylvia is setting up a back up if we get kicked out!! We are doing stealth Reverse Whack a Mole.. She has set up Patrick Ark… in case we are Fooked!! Then we go to Bren site etc… We are hoping we are still under radar as we a bit wacky…


So both are valid?


I think so…Bren and Syl are contacting… Respond to only 1!


Er, I got a Brenda and I got a B.b.S.s.Saint … which one’s official and which one gets blacklisted?


go with BBSSsaint


Is it okay to go with the one from Brenda? That is the one I got.




love the name!




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Love it, Carl.
 😍  👍 
Well done!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Testing fonts for LISTS:

  • this is a test
  • this is a second example

Testing further

  1. this is a second test
  2. this is a second example in the second test
  3. this is a third example
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – lists are no longer tiny. I think I’ll keep this.


Yup, you fixed the font. It is good, and a welcome change, but I was specifically not bringing it up because (a) people don’t do that many lists, and (b) it was a trivial annoyance not having any relevance to the major functions of the site.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hate tiny lists. It just bugs me like chihuahua “rice teeth”.


  :wpds_lol:  Chihuahua rice teeth!


I know! LOL.


Well, it soothes your particular irritation…..and it builds ability and confidence to bend this beast to your will. And it fixes a minor user irritation. Seems well worth it to me.

But you can tell the parts I value most.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They will get done right. Just not right away.

We haven’t even had gun-cleaning night! Much more important.  😎 

Seriously, all indications are the STORM is almost here. Buckle up.


Give respect where it’s due. Chihuahua rice teeth can fucking hurt

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh yeah!!!


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Red Castle🇺🇸🦅 (@WSoldier17) Tweeted:
Incredible Patriot finds the last 24. Same people in a little web of corruption. Good news is who we have now. Maxwell under lock and key. Wouldn’t it be convenient for a surprise visit from the grave of a certain someone?


This too~~


Digicert ?!?!?!?!? OH, F—….


And we’re not done yet. Cyberwarfare conducted through economic means as in-nation infiltration.


My /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla currently contains:


How reliable is this report? Should I just deny these?


I’m sure michaelh and Wolf already know this, but the same file also has:

 Hongkong_Post_Root_CA_1.crt (seized by China)
 Hongkong_Post_Root_CA_3.crt (seized by China)

 TUBITAK_Kamu_SM_SSL_Kok_Sertifikasi_-_Surum_1.crt (Turkey)

….and that’s just a naked eye scan.

Each of these is a “certificate authority” foundation, which means there could be thousands of websites saying “trust me because you can trust this ->”.

Operating software involves an awful lot of trust….much of which is built on sand.


We are here:

Warning: one bad word.


so this all ties back to hrc???


It occurs to me that it must take a preternatural amount of energy to be so evil and corrupt. Honestly, I am exhausted just reading about it.


she was humiliated when POTUS beat her ass in 2016…she thought they had cheated enough for her to squeak in…
she wanted to humiliate him in return…
he saw thru all that bullshit in 2016…he knew…and he knew they would be coming at him hard in 2020.


And her control lers. She has been in the curcles ger entire life

Valerie Curren

There was something I saw that Lin Wood said in a tweet that made me think he Might have been alluding to Epstein not actually being dead & he listed a number of people, including Roberts, getting what’s coming to them!

Pedo power about to be publicly broken???


Lin Wood has quite clearly insinuated Epstein didn’t kill himself. Nor did anyone else.

Agree it would be a huge dent in pedo peddling in US political and high roller circles.

It would also take down huge swaths of corrupt politicians, whether they played in the evil pedo world or not.

Epstein alive would be a great Christmas gift. No, I despise Epstein. But he has the inside track to “tear the whole thing down”.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hey, why did you switch Rule #3 back to it’s original wording??? I rather liked the new and improved version you had last week that said BACON MUST BE INCLUDED IN ALL SNACKS!!!! 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓😋😋😋 🤗DP🤗

Deplorable Patriot

That’s on Thursday’s post, I think.

I just copy the one from same day the week before and change out a few things, usually.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So Bacon is only for Thursdays?? What kind of a life is that?!? 😱😱😱

Deplorable Patriot

Aren’t we expected to ration.

Or is it rasher?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That would only be in a President Sleepy/Hoe Apocalypse, which we all know WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!! 😎😎😎


Bacon. Us horders, or should I say preppers always have BACON. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I even put some in the slow cooker with the pot roast today.


just for you bfly!
bacon cinnamon rolls for breakfast!
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Deplorable Patriot

Something to go with our frittata? Although…I don’t think I would put green beans in frittata. Mushrooms, sweet peppers, onions, maybe broccoli, but not green beans.
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Frankly, I don’t see greenie beanies as being that outre, either.

Deplorable Patriot

Is that asparagus? Yeah, I don’t like asparagus.


Have you ever tried it roasted for 7-8 minutes at 500 degrees with olive oil and salt? It completely changes the flavor profile.

Deplorable Patriot

So, it doesn’t taste like grass like it does when it is steamed?


No. It caramelizes the sugars. It is delicious. I HATE steamed asparagus. Stringy mush!


looks good!
cranberry mimosas are festive…
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Be better with a crispy bacon swizzle stick.


wow you guys really ARE bacon fanatics!!


YUM. Going to search out a bacon cinnamon roll recipe.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YUMMY!!!!🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓😋😋😋😋 Perfect addition to my CovFeFe ☕☕☕ Thank You Miss Gil!!!🤗🤗😚😘😍🥰💖


I’ll pass along your thanks, but I did find the picture all on my own…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So sorry for the mixup, I’m a bit discombobulated this morning after chewing out 3 ATT people, need more ☕☕ TYSM for the Bacon Cinnamon Rolls Miss Pat!!! 🤗🤗🍌🍌🍌🥓🥓🥓🍌🍌🤗🤗😘😘💖💖


oh I hope you chewed ’em good bfly!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Sent em packing!!!🤬


my HERO!!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You — Armstrong Economics
Posted on December 14, 2020

Do You Hear the People Sing? (+ reprise) Lyrics


I figured Kammy was in this gigantic pile of treason somewhere.


Finally finished the Christmas baking to send to family. What a day around here! In between batches of this and that I was glued to my laptop. All I can say is MAGA !

This is heartbreaking and yet uplifting


i couldnt watch…and Not Cry!!!!! I love this man! And he loves us ! USAUSA!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I LOVE THIS❣❣❣❣❣❣❣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! graces us with her youthful energetic presence!!!


Hiya darlin!!!! December 21.. Can we have a date?🤣💖

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Jupiter, Saturn, Marica…the more heavenly bodies the better!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I just found out we’re overcast UNTIL that night (but not on it)

Hard to practice photographing planets!! Or even watch them get closer and closer together.


Right?! It made me teary too. PTrump and the People weren’t going to abandon him.

The Lee Greenwood and Soldiers is perfect right there. It’s awesome


Molly… This simply made me bawl… 6 feet under!!!


..and omg..the straw…. 😢 


Right? seriously.. cant breath!!!


Lee Greenwood brings a tear to my eyes every time I hear “Proud to Be An American
Then there is Ray Stevens – Dear America


South Dakota Style–Tour Bus Chuck Wagon Dinner
Wish I recorded more–300 or more in audience. Don’t think the band played 2 beats before whole audience was standing and proudly singing! No we were never asked to stand!

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

When I see these things it stuns me how effective the DemComs have been making so many despise the USA. They have no idea what freedoms they’re hoping to throw away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Rather amazing how they got that Eeyore juice to sell!


brings tears to my eyes every time!!


Welcome Pat!!!!!😘🥰


Exclusive: Gen. Flynn on the Last 4 Years: ‘The American People Saved Me’ | Pt 1


Can’t belive he survived it all
He is one strong man!!



The American people saved me.”

This choked me up.
God bless him.


For DP. Thx for working hard on the posts.
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think those marshmallows could use some 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓  :wpds_razz:   :wpds_razz: 


Ah yes….



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



OK who is pregnant…You all sounding like you all having a pregnancy craving.

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Deplorable Patriot

If I’m pregnant, call the pope.

But not Francis. The other one.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

This pope?!? He’d want a three-way.

Deplorable Patriot

Not with me, I’m sure. I actually have female parts.


You could watch and witness.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, no thanks.


I think do is an adult. So not qualified



Cuppa Covfefe

There was a place in San Francisco called Clown Alley (North Beach) that, among other crazy things, offered a “Hamburger Sundae”. One of my crowd of insane (OK, partially insane) musicians ordered it.

With Ketchup… :mrgreen:
(but no bacon… typical violinist 🙂 )…


Bacon grease makes a good bow rosin.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah – for whomever I’m auditioning against 😀
(think spy vs. spy)


OK–Freedom of choice
Not my choice.

Deplorable Patriot

There we go. Bacon on a turtle sundae.


Merry Breakfast !
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thanks again
your intelligent


I miss those big huge Bacon breakfasts we used to have on here…But not sure about bacon & marshmallows or even bacon and ice cream.  🤔  🤔 

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe not marshmallows for breakfast, but a Bloody Mary might do.


giloo you need to make about 100 or so more.. Yum
Hey Costco has an alcoholic eggnog that was so good last year..
Have check them next time I go.

Deplorable Patriot

EXCELLENT! Booze for breakfast. Can I have mine with Tanqueray and olives? Just wave the Vermouth bottle over the glass.


Gotcha. Just enough to scare it a little.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the way Churchill drank them.


Try it sometime with a splash of the olive juice instead (don’t they call it a dirty martini when it’s made that way?). And, if I’m sitting at a bar I usually ask for a salt shaker for a sprinkle. Once, after asking if by chance he had a salt shaker and more or less apologizing, he replied that lots of people do it…and I thought I was a little nuts for asking.
Funny how most of us will indulge in mimosas or bloodies during the day on vacation or special occasions and wouldn’t even think about it the rest of the year.

Deplorable Patriot

If I’m not drinking Jameson on the rocks, it’s a dry Tanqueray or Bombay martini straight. That’s it other than G&T from time to time. Although, when we’re low on olives, I’ve been known to drink ’em dirty. Just a little brine.

Sadie Slays

I want to give a quick recommendation for a Made in the USA product I recently purchased. I had to replace some serving spoons, and I really didn’t want to purchase some Made in China garbage. I found a company called Rada after some Googling. Their products are made in Iowa. The spoons I ordered are very well made, and we were well worth the wait it took to ship them here. Strongly recommended.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those little knives of theirs last forever and cut like crazy.


We’ve become quite fond of Kuhn Rikon knives. It’s a privately-held Swiss company, and they make a series of plastic-handled “picnic knives” that come in little plastic sheaths so they don’t slice their way out of paper sacks. A paring knife will run about $10.

They are wicked sharp, and you can run them through dishwashers and ChefsChoice sharpeners without blinking (*$10*), and when you’re tired of them, *bye*.

I have Global, Wusthof, Sabatier, and other knives which I hand-wash and dress with a “knife sharpener” [actually “feather aligner”] before use. But — even though they are top-notch knives — we use the Kuhn Rikons more because you don’t want to do the protocols when you get home from work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But do they work as screwdrivers, too? 😉

Seriously, you tire of and actually throw away knives? Just when they have become new tools, thanks to their first permanent battle scars? 😀


AFAIK Rada is good stuff.

Pampered Chef has been owned by Warren Buffet for some time. Quality gone down too.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s awful to hear. I have an egg separator from them I LOVE as well as glass measuring pitchers with lids where the measurements are etched in the glass. They are terrific for making batters for waffles and pancakes, among other things.


Exactly. They had good products and were making headway so Buffet snatched them up. So that prompted my wife and I to pivot toward Rada and divest from Pampered Chef where possible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could stand to replace my craptastic steak knives! Some of them have wood handles (and only a partial tang) and I’m figuring when I am cutting a block of cheese the wood will someday just crack. If I’m lucky the blade won’t fly off some weird way and slice me.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Sadie Slays

I haven’t tried out their knives, but the other utensils I received seem more durable than the average big box/Amazon Chinese garbage. If I had to replace steak knives, I’d at least look at Rada’s options again.

“Rada Cutlery products are 100% American Made — from raw materials through construction.”

Sadie Slays
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did see them.

I was looking to see if they also did silverware, and found nothing.


See if you can find a restaurant supply store in your area that also sells to the public (many do……partially because restaurants frequently send undocumented aliens to pick up “just one thing” from them and asking for credit cards or ID would be awkward). They will have nice steak knives that can run through a dishwasher on the cheap — because their customers would abandon them if they didn’t.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why my mother hasn’t gotten rid of her old Oneida flatware.

Cutco is another American knife brand where the KNIVES are made in the US, although other products aren’t. They sharpen for free and guarantee, and will replace product that fails. One of my mom’s big meat slicing knives got a crack in the steel and broke and they replaced it for free. It was not new, either.


Then, again, there’s the history of the Oneida Colony…..

Deplorable Patriot

OUr other knives are Chicago Cutlery. I’ll have to look up where their plants are.

There’s another knife brand I’ve used with a handle I like better, but I don’t remember what it is. I figured I would remember if I ever went knife shopping.


Chicago Cutlery was part of Corelle Brands, which started out as a part of Corning Consumer Products which was part of Corning Glass (based in Rosemont, IL).

Everything outside the US was sold off to Newell in November 1994. The US bit was sold to Borden in 1998.

Deplorable Patriot

All of ours are older than that. Get them sharpened at a mom & pop place on The Hill in the city where all the chefs take theirs. $5 a blade, and it’s worth every penny.


A good set of steak knives has become my favorite wedding gift to send in the past few years. Senior moment here on the brand, but it’s a French brand sold in a local gift shop and good looking enough to place on any company dinner table, yet durable enough to last several years. Also, because I mail, it’s something that ships well and doesn’t cost a fortune to package.
Agree about the Kuhn Rikon…use mine daily, especially for delicate items peeling. What I like best, small enough to fit my hand.


thanks for the recommendation. I never mind paying more for locally made or made in the USA products!


I’m all in at Wolfies!! forever!!! We are Hanging in …And have different back up plans.. cuz me and Syl are not super blog geniuses– ya think? Just so glad I can still come here..💖

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad you’re gettin’ in. Yeah, we have to have a plan if WordPress.COMMIE goes into REJECT_ALL_PATRIOTS mode! Then this site is OK after we TOSS JETPACK OVERBOARD.  😉 


😘 Will follow you …everywhere! And meet ya at the Big tree..At Donald Trump’s inauguration!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting times. Buckle up.


Yup!! on yer rollercoaster ! buckled up!!!
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hmm so that is what it looks like–My eyes are usally closed until the car stops moving.


It’s really funny — I have no problem with speed or swooping around, but I react badly to anything less than 1g. My perfect rollercoaster would use linear accelerators to continuously climb — with a long, slow escalator ride back down to ground level.


you worse than me LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that completely eliminates the concept of a lift hill, and letting gravity do the work.


I have issues with heights
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I’m all for that on general principles.

They evicted our neighbor, the OT. We changed landlords to make sure the same would not happen to us. But it’s ok for them to peer in our windows?

I suspect that there are individual plug-ins for every piece of JetPack (except for the cross-site stuff), but without the spying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably so. But now isn’t the time.

We’re gonna shoot the boxes of ChiCom ammo we’re sitting on until we run out. 😉


OK, for Steve…..

Your calculator was developed under the Qt+ framework. Instead of makefiles, it uses things like . (Found in the NewT subdirectory, natch.)

It’s in C++, whose source files end with .cpp .

Files ending with .h are header files meant to ease interfacing later.

A file ending with .doxyfile is a new dealio for creating self-documenting files. (Programmers HATE writing documentation).

mkopcmap has nothing to do with making the application — it makes an opcode map of what the calculator is supposed to understand.

Does this start to make sense of this mess? And, BTW, I git clone’d it instead of d/l — git clone pre-compresses the download and expands it when you get it, so it only cost me 32M of bandwidth.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I *work* in C++. But this is total chaos.

I can’t find anything to either run, or to cause it to build an executable. WTF do I do with this shit?


If you look at (I’m guessing short for “project”), it wants to use something other than make to create a sharedlib. I am not familiar with the engine that does this, but the quasi-makefile was made with QtCreator 2014-10-31T09:39:00, so I’m guessing it’s in the Qt framework.

I suspect the other directories also create sharedlibs.

Once you have accumulated the complete set, the directory that didn’t just create a sharedlib should use them to build the calculator.

After the tool quasi-make’s one lib, you should also be able to look at whatever the hell doxyfile contributes to anything to see if there are additional spatterings of useful information.

I’m trying to be helpful, here….but the reality is, this isn’t my quest.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, all I really wanted was a command line to build it. I’ll have to look elsewhere.

It OUGHT to be in the readme file but isn’t.

Thanks for the help!


YW. Amazing that you can recompile the fargin’ kernel using make, but someone decided that little projects should use some weird replacement.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve already put too much effort into this.


Along the way, I’ve learned a few things, so it has been worth it to me.

I last did C programming in 1983. I’ve done other little programming things since — I remember when Congress drastically changed the 1099 reporting requirements (1989???), I wrote a little program to extract the information from disbursement files (there was no way to get this report from the application at the time) — I don’t even remember the language I used. I architected a database application for doing Sarbanes-Oxley testing — the Fiancee put it together in Access.

I’ve never understood nor liked object-oriented programming. Python makes me itch — and I looked into Boost and got the same precursors without getting too far in. But that’s the world we live in, so it’s useful for me to poke around and (very) gradually get used to it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I DID find a make file finally…but it needs something called qmake to function properly, apparently, so I just said “to hell with it” (for now).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At work we use something called boost jam. but that will have a file called “Jamfile” so it’s distinct, at least to me.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Corporate communism vs. THE PEOPLE.


This is what oppression of people looks like and its going on in Europe and now these people are doing it here.
The Governors need to be recalled the whole government restructured. All those who want Marxism should be encouraged to leave and find a country they feel comfortable in. Millions of Americans did it now millions of American left wing can do it to find the promised land for them and leave us alone.

JW in Germany

This has gone beyond the recalling of politicians.




Why are people even enforcing these crazy mandates.


Sadly, there is a common human drive to be totalitarians, yet not suffer totalitarianism.


Scary when you think that it was people like them who don’t care and don’t question just do, who helped Hitler gain his powere!!


makes me think that they’ve been so cucked over not being able to do police work the “old” way by actually taking thugs and criminals in that they like shooting fish in a barrel citing and harassing normally law abiding people.


It is people like this that are going to bring on the trains.


Good Germans


because they are misinformed

and they lack critical thinking skills

and they have been intimidated by the FEAR MACHINE

…and they were asleep during History Class.

Deplorable Patriot

And…they are being paid to do so.


so easily compromised

Deplorable Patriot

Money talks.


so does duress and coercion

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Although, there are people who get off on snitching. These jobs are perfect for them.


oh absolutely…the officious little brown-nosing turncoats…so easily bought…like Judas.



I never kept up with this assho Zero but I didn’t even know he had another brother, much less that he lived in China. None of them look anything alike.


Do believe that Obama was groomed for many many years.Only question is, did it start when Bush Sr had oil dealings with Obama’s step father and even earlier.

Deplorable Patriot

According to one of the whistleblowers I follow, it started at conception.

He really is not who he was presented to be.


Well apparently. there is a picture of Bush Sr with Obama when Obama was 8.

Harry Lime

The Globalists/Communists love to keep lists of their enemies. To this day they talk about punishing opponents… deplorables…Trump supporters…this is nothing new…that whack job out in Michigan is nothing new…same old Marxist crap and violence.


No surprise. Evil fills their hearts.

Valerie Curren

Bill Ayers aka BHO’s mentor & ghostwriter (per Jack Cashill). How Much of this type of thinking was advanced during his Usurpation???



“The “elite” are going to jail soon.”



Jail is where Aunt Bee makes you homemade meals and Barney Fife brings you a newspaper and lets you out twice a day to stretch your legs.

Prison is where Grossburger is your cellmate, and you’re not getting out, ever.

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Office Space Court Scene


So hypocritical. Seems Democrats always have an excuse.
Democrats always pointing their fingers at others.
“It was not my fault-They made me do it”

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LOL Killary’s missing shoe ! Garrison is the best




Thank You Deplorable — Good stuff even thought some is scary.

Greatest Generation
These Were Our Parents & Grandparents!
They Were Proud to Be Americans.
We must preserve what they fought for!!
(see if it works-If you can see my Uncle and Mom Title Page 1940s)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool!


TY Wolfie–Throughout this whole fiasco I haven’t been able to stop thinking about all my family members who were willing to and did give their lives for our American Constitution, America and Americans!
Haven’t stop thinking about all the great Americans who fought for our country since the Revolutionary War.
We cannot let it be in vain!!

Made promise to self taking my desk top in when I go to town tomorrow.
Get the stuff off of it and redo some videos. It doesn’t boot up. Heck its like 15 years old! I only used it like 4 times a year for editing and making my videos any way!


What kind of specs does it have?

I’ve been moving toward a very weird model of computer usage. I’ve got a few Dell Precision T5500’s — they were created by corporate leasing programs around 2010 as a desktop workstation…..and, by the time they came off-lease 2-4 years later, the category was dead. Accordingly, they became exceedingly cheap. They’re stuffed with memory and Intel processors and built like tanks (they weigh about 60 pounds).

Then, I’ve got a bunch of large-screen laptops. If I want some oomph to them, I connect ’em to the T5500’s.

And I’ve got a bazillion little Raspberry Pi’s.

But it’s also let me know about various uses for other “obsolete” desktops.


for some reason I decided to check and got it going so I’m in process of dumping it.onto flash drives.


Me, too. All my ancestors, all the way back to the Revolution. Everything they did to earn the freedom I have lived in.

It’s killing me.


Every time the Democrats support more laws that give more rights to criminals doing criminals, I just want to cry. Look at the new law Seattle wants to pass. So buy your drugs first, and then claim you cant pay rent, buy food and other necessities so you can crimes for money,

In Seattle Poverty and the crime was committed to meet an “immediate and basic need.” For example, if a defendant argued they stole merchandise to sell for cash in order to purchase food, clothes or was trying to scrape together enough money for rent. The accused could not be convicted.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Turned off the comments on the “comment bubble” and I can feel my blood-pressure going down.

I also turned on the “orange dot on the green bubble” for Guests. NICE WOLF.  😉 


I just left you a comment about that on the other thread.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It lets you know when new comments have been added to the comments field. ORANGE COMMENTS GOOD!


I clicked on the orange bubble, which had a 7 in it. It scrolled up to the first yellow (new) comment on the page. That is useful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! When that works, it works great.

I think it gets thrown if you have multiple tabs open on the site, OR if you move between those tabs, etc.


I just tried the orange bubble with the number in it. It doesn’t work for me, I just see the five gray bars at top right spinning endlessly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ha! The grey bars of “refresh the page”! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

I get that all the time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think it’s going to stay this way! Much nicer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news. Turning off the damn “reply notifications” that pop out of the “green comment bubble” improve the performance when clicking on the orange dot. Now that dot can go very high – like NINE – and it still “warps” you to a comment when you click on it. Not freezing up as much. Very nice!


Up to 18 just now and it still worked!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Awesome!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! We have a winner!  😃 


32 and counting….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Well mine currently says 155 but I need to sleep first 🙂


Suddenly hearing the Hallelujah chorus from Handel’s Messiah!


Barr speaks at the Federalist Society’s National Lawyers Convention


CONTINGENT ELECTION: Pence, GOP Senate Can Invalidate Democrat Presidential Electors In AZ, GA, MI, PA, NV
The Constitution has a process for ending a contested election, and it may be underway.
Tom Pappert by TOM PAPPERT December 14, 2020
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Directly contradicts the thread someone put out about how both houses must agree to toss contested EC ballots.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the other hand, I realized on a later comment that if the house votes by state on whether to disapprove a state’s votes then there is hope. If it’s by member, we lose. Because both the house and the senate have to vote to reject a state certified total, for it to be rejected, and the house, member-by-member would never do so.

I still half-expect a bunch of RINOs to cave and let the ballots stand, in which case it’s President Dopey Joe until Harris pushes him off a cliff.


It’s an information war, nobody is going to tell the truth even if they knew what was going to happen — which they don’t, because no two lawyers can agree on anything having to do with the Constitution or the law even on the most basic matters, much less anything as ridiculous as this.

And then after all the smoke clears, it will have turned out to be a massive misdirection ploy, while Trump spikes the ball in the end zone. 😂🤣😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did read the actual law about this four years ago. It would send English teachers scurrying, it was a gigantic run on sentence with comma splices. Not even broken down into subsections.


“I did read the actual law about this four years ago. It would send English teachers scurrying, it was a gigantic run on sentence with comma splices. Not even broken down into subsections.”


Sounds like a license to steal, or at least make it mean whatever they want it to mean.

That’s the nature of the human.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, it’s relatively clear as far as it goes, it’s just hard to read the way it’s formatted.


“Oh, it’s relatively clear as far as it goes, it’s just hard to read the way it’s formatted.”


Relatively clear to you maybe.

I’ve never seen or even heard of two lawyers from opposing sides agree about anything.

And there are thousands of lawyers involved in this chicanery.

We like to think we’re a nation of laws, that there is some objective something which everyone has to obey.

I have never found that to be true, there is only power and whoever takes it.

And it is times like these that expose that truth most clearly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect in this case the holes are in what it doesn’t specify…which is why I said “as far as it goes.”


“I suspect in this case the holes are in what it doesn’t specify…which is why I said “as far as it goes.””


That was almost certainly the first title for them, “Hole Finders”.

Their job was to examine contracts for the king, and find the ‘holes’ which would allow the king to either ignore or exploit a contract to his own maximum benefit.

Because ‘holes’ can mean whatever you want them to mean, and the more you find the more you can litigate, all the way to eternity, or until one side runs out of money, whichever comes first.

The king has the most money, and the army, so the king always wins.

Just like today.

Later on, they became known as Lawyers, but the job description hasn’t really changed. 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And most aren’t so much hole finders as holes of the ass type.


Well, we need as many good ones on the side of the Republic as possible, because the bad ones know no depth of evil they will not embrace.

One good lawyer is worth at least a hundred evil ones.

And fortunately we have some good ones on our side. 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Trump will not allow those evil commie F**ktards to assume power for a nanosecond of a nanosecond!

Valerie Curren

Neither POTUS nor the military can allow it because of Foreign & Domestic Enemies coup attempts to destroy America! They take their oaths seriously–& are All OathKeepers


a B2 is no longer stealth after its delivered its payload.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – that makes all kinds of sense. But – ONE YEAR DELTA???!!!

Deplorable Patriot

You talk about the plan being laid out in precision.

This is starting to remind me of finals in my sophomore American Lit class. Sister MB told us, “Bring an outline so you can write your paper.” What she really meant was writer out your paper, put it in outline form, and copy it when we get to the hour.

This is something along those lines.

XVII did say that events had to fall in a certain order. We still aren’t privy to that.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The new dude


The announcement really needs to be literally “massive” indictments and arrests.

Really quite DONE with “investigations”. At this point, investigations are as meaningless as Congressional hearings.


On Barr’s watch – thousands of children were saved and creeps arrested!!!


True. A great thing.

BUT, an organization with thirty or forty thousand employees can do more than one focus area.

DOJ is a bad joke on America.


Believed Barr cleaned out the DOJ – people say he did nothing – but – saving children and arresting traffickers is not something I want to forget – after all – he was the Stealth Bomber – now – no longer hidden – just think he has gotten a bad rap – when the left attacked him – he was doing something they did not like – so there is that, Kal.

Deplorable Patriot

And he was found dead before the “pandemic” hit.


Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it’s all over and Joe Biden is now officially president…
On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing… Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly.
Remember… Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing…
The votes will be opened and at that point one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector’s votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection everything changes. Everything!!
The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will be only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats 20 delegation votes.
If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.
The Democrats, the media, social networks and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.
President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!
This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don’t listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in end are on our side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s gonna be exciting!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, so. The state by state thing is NOT just for the election, but also to decide whether to uphold an objection!!!

I had known BOTH the House and the Senate had to agree to toss the state’s vote, but figured it was a regular vote of the house and figured “no way.”

That does change things a bit.


And we are hoping Pierre DeLecto, Collins and Lisa Skumski hold the line.


“And we are hoping Pierre DeLecto, Collins and Lisa Skumski hold the line.”


There’s a better chance that Lucy won’t move the football.

This time.

She promises


Concerned Virginian

So what happened to the ODNI report due on the 18th and the EO? Apparently we now look to January 6th and assume that enough people with cojones will do what’s right? Need some help understanding here, thanks.


There truly needs to be massive indictments and arrests before Barr walks out the door AND ALL HELL breaking lose from the ODNI report on the 18th.

Personally, I am fed up with “investigations”. Latter implies DOJ and FBI which I not only have no faith in, I have learned DOJ and FBI ARE THE ENEMY. Looking forward to being proved wrong.

Concerned Virginian

Jenna Ellis says above, “If this scenario runs true”, POTUS gets re-elected. Operative word is IF.


“Jenna Ellis says above, “If this scenario runs true”, POTUS gets re-elected. Operative word is IF.”


If that scenario runs ‘true’, then DJT limps into his second term, sacrificing all of the political capital from his historic LANDSLIDE victory, half the country believes he’s illegitimate (not that I care about that), and owes his presidency to some of the most corrupt people on the planet.

Does that sound anything at all like Donald Trump, or something he would do?

Or does this sound more like something Donald Trump would do:

1) at the time of his choosing, up until January 19th, Trump declassifies everything and reveals the evidence that exposes the entire 4+ year Coup attempt and Election theft

2) proves the actual vote totals, not only for himself but for all of the down-ticket Republican winners who also had their elections stolen, thereby retaking the majority in the House and expanding the GOP majority in the Senate, and proving both the magnitude of his election victory AND the pathetic vote total Pedophile Joe actually received

3) the military arrests EVERYBODY from the Biden Crime Family, the Hussein administration shadow presidency, and the Clinton Crime Syndicate, along with Soros, Gates, Comey, Wray, 100+ members of the MSM, at least 75% of Congress, half the governors, practically the entire workforce of the FIB and DoJ and C_A, and announces the C_A has been broken up and shut down. Everyone involved gets a one-way ticket to GITMO.

4) announces party at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave at 8pm, the whole country is invited, and don’t be late


I really like this scenario


Yes please!! 🤩


Oh, God, here come the vapors again! My fainting couch!


are they like hot flashes? That I can relate to! LOL


THIS is the best – THIS IS JUSTICE!!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

From your lips (keyboard) to God’s ears! This would be epic & amazing & Trump would get his Own Mountain, not just a spot on Mount Rushmore!!!


And if anyone thinks the blackmail, threats and bribes contingent isn’t going to be out in full force, they are naive. This is for the jackpot and it will be a tsunami of pressure on Congress, judges, etc.
IMO, the very best thing would be a series of arrests/indictments to show that there WILL be consequences and it’s not business as usual.
I just wish it were over…I’m finding i don’t have the stomach for all of this any longer, as I once did. At this point, if I had the freedom to travel I would book a flight to an island and go into hibernation for a month.

Sadie Slays

IMO, Ms. Ellis is simply acting as an attorney for her client and is assuming there are no executive order Ratcliffe bombshells coming to the rescue. That’s okay—the Ratcliffe report is supposed to be separate from whatever the Trump campaign legal team is up to. Just like Sidney Powell’s and Lin Wood’s efforts, these are all supposed to be distinctly separate and independent legal fights. 

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Nevermind…this might be fake.


“So what happened to the ODNI report due on the 18th and the EO? Apparently we now look to January 6th and assume that enough people with cojones will do what’s right?”


Once you understand that the goal posts have always been on wheels to make them easier to move, it all makes more sense… 👍 😁


To be honest, I doubt if the Trump attorneys know everything. They only know what they need to know to do their part. Their piece doesn’t involve the DNI report.



We COULD stop projecting and guessing, and instead ask:

Has anything like this ever happened in US history before, and, if so, how was it resolved??

A: Yes.

As usual, Thomas Wictor has done the research.

Here are the answers in 5 min….

Did you know??

The Compromise of 1877 called for the removal of all Union soldiers from the South and the end of “Reconstruction”, allowing democrats in the South to continue to viciously oppress blacks for another century prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Being racists, being democrats, and having lost the Civil War, democrats took out their anger and vengeance upon blacks for a whole century…

…even creating the KKK so they could lynch, rape, and murder blacks while being protected by a hood ie. anonymity) and their fellow democrats.

But Wictor asks a VERY potent “what if” question.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

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With all luck the alphabet soup nets will carry it live.

Can they do it in prime time?


535+ people gathering at one time?
how will covid affect this? LOL
and can it be done virtually…snicker, snicker…

seriously, watch and keep the repubs SAFE from testing till then


Please be true! And let the President deal with the reaction as it finally should be dealt with.


Some how this seems too clean and tidy. My gut expects more wrenching twists and turns (rollercoaster again?). Q said that the Nation would have to come to the very edge of the precipice to find the will to change. I don’t think we are there yet, but I pray I am wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

I’d say we’re at least halfway there.

It’s people like my one brother and his wife, and my sister and my parents who are more interested in other stuff than paying attention to politics who aren’t quite on board yet.


Was waiting for this, Eilert!!! Thanks so much for posting!!!

Joe M
So we hear John Durham is expanding his team and making excellent progress in the #FISAGate probe on the same day Barr announces he’s stepping down? If I was going to bring indictments, I’d do it with an Acting AG who hasn’t been accused for years of being in the tank for Trump.
Special Counsel John Durham expanding team, making ‘excellent progress’: source | Fox News
Special Counsel John Durham is expanding his team and making “excellent progress” on his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, a federal law…


Hmmm, I wonder how Durham can suddenly be making ‘excellent progress’ when we were told previously that his progress was being held up by the corona?


This is a Wikileaks dump:

I don’t know if this was published beforehand, but someone said they had it for a few month already.
It does contain a lot of Clinton E-Mails, but many other stuff too.

Deplorable Patriot

Steve Jobs HIV?

I think that’s the only new one for me, but I’ll believe it.


SO were does one find the Wikileaks dump or is that supposed to be a haha


Good catch Ozzy. Murray always brings interesting tidings. Might want to elevate again later if no one picks up on it.
Bryne’s talking. Pt. 1 Barr knew.

Pt. 2


… diabolical … big ears just may be the auntie crist … evil don’t gotta be smart, just diabolical .. 😑 .. 🥺🤚‼️ … 😖😫😖😫😖😫😖😫🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yes, not a wonder why the big pigs don’t hesitate to cheat and murder since anyone coming to investigate are part of the crime.
Similar to stories about calling help lines if you aware of child trafficking. Imagine using federal agencies as your private enforcement arm. Also you have to know these techniques are copied the world over in high places and low places.


Deplorable Patriot

That’s actually pretty cool.




We are living in interesting times. Potus getting ready to pounce




Want some nice, logical, reasonable, rational reassurance and shot of confidence?

As usual, Thomas Wictor provides….with bomber run video embed!

Oh, and new terminology….”frantic butt wiping”. 😂🤣😂

Usage: “Liberals are frantically butt wiping as they panic and once again buy up all the toilet paper.”

Don’t be a doomfag and frantic butt wiper.



Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen reports that the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 was instigated by a clown psy-op in order to get the people to do this:


Bison choose the highway over the back roads?!


it’s quicker…sometimes a stampede gotta get somewhere fast!

Deplorable Patriot

You haven’t lived until you’ve been in a backup in Yellowstone with a bison at the head of the line.

Yes, they do walk on asphalt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can attest to this.

On my last trip, I was on the other side of the road twice as the beast led a parade of cars. On my side, you could stop, wait for him to walk past then go. The people behind him, however, could do nothing and the line would be long enough that probably the overwhelming majority of them had no idea why they were stopped (though I suppose many of them guessed).

I didn’t get to be on the “WTF is going on?” side even once. *whew*


And you give them right of way


Custer State Park South Dakota. Had to be couple thousand bison crossing the road from one meadow to another. Full stop for ~45 minutes or so as the bison meandered across the road. Really, really cool.

Went back the next day hoping to see more bison. None.


Omg! Lol now I know where the zombie noises came from lol


Thomas keeps me sane

JW in Germany

I am in that last tectonic phase—DEMANDING ACTION! Just sayin’. 😎 



David Martin, PhD…

Linguistic Genomics

from August 2020

Valerie Curren

That was too good to not pass along. Thank you for sharing!!!


All in the family!

Valerie Curren

Bringing this over from last night because it’s that good!



 Reply to  bflyjesusgrl
 December 15, 2020 01:07

“At this point I’m thinking no one’s telling him or they’re minimizing the side effects.”
Unlike probably every president in my lifetime, Trump is accustomed to getting his own information from his own sources, in addition to the ‘official’ sources — which, considering the nature of the infiltration, even (and especially) the President’s Daily Briefing would have to be considered suspect.

So I think he knows the vaccines are BS or outright dangerous, and he has a Tweet history going back at least a decade showing that he is very much aware of the dangers of vaccines, the potential relation to autism and other issues, etc.

If so, that means he is doing it (promoting the vaccine) on purpose, even knowing the dangers, so the question is “why”?

It could just be an extension of the entire way he has played the China-virus construct, officially playing along with the Cabal WH Task Force (Fuaxi and Brix), but all the while, dropping clues and hints that he disagrees with Fauxi & Brix, almost never wearing a mask himself, bringing up multiple treatment options, letting it ‘slip’ that he was taking HCQ prophylactically, etc., etc.

He has been doing that for some good reason, and the best reason I’m aware of is Political Moonshine’s position, that Hussein added ‘pandemic preparedness’ to the presidential transition process, which created the ‘WH task force’ of Hussein embeds (Brix & Fauxi) in the ‘unlikely event’ that a global pandemic just happened to strike during DJT’s first term.

And one of the traps the Cabal set was that if Trump, who is not a doctor, contradicts two of the world’s foremost experts on virology (or so the MSM claims), that it would demonstrate DJT to be ‘incompetent’, opening the door for the Cabal to use the 25th Amendment to remove him.

Everyone may recall the time DJT insisted Fauxi come up to the podium and tell everyone that he (DJT) had accepted every recommendation of the WH Task Force, that everything the administration had done was according to Fauxi & Brix, he made them OWN every bit of it. Political Moonshine has described that as a pivotal moment that was not understood by most people at the time, but when the history of DJT’s first term is written, that’s going to be seen as one (of many) important moments.

So he plays along with the official Fauxi & Brix party line, but subtly (and sometimes NOT so subtly) also undermines it at every opportunity.

I suspect what he’s doing now is just an extension of that approach to the ‘construct’.
Political Moonshine also points out that DJT has a very predictable pattern of inviting his adversaries to live inside the creation of their own constructs, then block off all of the exits except one, and then force them toward their own destruction.

So I guess we’ll see 

found here or

JW in Germany

Great work Scott!

Valerie Curren

Yes! You should thank him directly on the link from yesterday so he knows you appreciated his insights 🙂

JW in Germany


Valerie Curren

Thanks! 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe this is where the rumor that Assange was pardoned came from:

Deplorable Patriot

Nah, REALY?!


gees–when there’s finally accountability for this…and that may take a decade who knows–it will be interesting to see HOW MUCH hospitals defrauded the government for covid admissions, cases, and treatments. government never should have monetized covid.


Absolutely…never give someone the opportunity to cheat because 99% chance they will. Let the hospitals apply for financial relief after the fact, as do most institutions.




Did they get paid 40k each and will they be fined, have to reimburse, or ceos go to jail for fraud?

Deplorable Patriot

Some sort of consequences, I’m sure.


and I wanna see THAT INFORMATION ALL OVER THE NEWS…cuz boy they sure plastered all the hype about CASES, CASES, CASES!


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Tuesday morning Duchess!
have a Blessed and quiet day!


By all means may we all have a Blessed day, but quiet? I hope not- may all Holy Fury break loose today!


I would look at THAT as a BLESSING too!!


Morning, Pat! As predicted – snow in the middle of December – not sure how much or how long this will last – but – right now it is like an afterthought – very light.

Hoping for some ‘quiet’, too – yesterday was fraught with fury – interruptions and interventions – way it goes…

God Bless Your Day, too – and may the snow be light –



HUGS back to you!!
we did our banana run yesterday while we’re out…we’re looking at quite a significant amount Wednesday thru Thursday unless the system shifts…
so we hunker down and hold onto each other…not a bad way to spend a few days!!


Received and appreciated!!!

Banana Run here is postponed until Thursday – however – these ‘flakes’ do not appear to be threatening – so will wait and see – like shopping on Wednesdays with the elderly folks – lol


stay safe!!


Will do!!! Thanks!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🦋 🦋 🌸 🌸 🌺 🌺 🌼 😍 🌼 🌺 🌺 🌸 🌸 🦋 🦋


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A Prayer for President Donald J. Trump


Almighty God, you are the ruler of nations

And in your Providence you guide the course of world events.

In your wisdom you have established civil authority

And have given us the freedom to elect our leaders.

Your Son, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords,

Has instructed us to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s

And to give to God what is God’s”.

Your Word, furthermore, instructs us to pray for all in authority,

That we may lead peaceful and tranquil lives

In all godliness and devotion.

We ask you, therefore, to bless and protect all who govern us.

We pray not only that they will walk in the way of salvation,

But that their decisions and policies

May protect us, our nation, our families, and our future.

In particular, bless our duly-elected President, Donald J. Trump.

Give him holy wisdom,

Surround him with your angels of protection,

And provide him the strength to carry out his duties each day.

Enable him to fulfill his oath

To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Grant that by his decisions,

He may protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Thank you for all the good you have accomplished through his service.

Confirm him in his intention

To eliminate corruption from the seat of power in Washington DC,

To secure the borders and strengthen the military of our nation,

To frustrate those who plan terrorist attacks on our homeland,

To foster law and order in our communities,

To protect our citizens from the current pandemic,

To restore and strengthen our economy,

To promote honesty and fairness in our trade agreements,

To appoint to our courts judges who will faithfully apply our Constitution and laws as they are written,

To defend the lives of the unborn from the violence of abortion,

To improve our healthcare system,

To properly care for our veterans,

To defend the sacred heritage and safety of Israel, and the good of all our allies, and

To promote and defend the freedom of all citizens in the United States and throughout the world to live according to their religious beliefs.

Lord, send your Spirit to our President,

That he may glorify you in every success,

And find consolation from you in every sorrow.

Protect his family,

Guide his advisors,

And enable his Administration to accomplish today

Those things that will secure the physical and moral strength of our nation

For our children and grandchildren.

Father, we trust in Your Providence,

Which from its Founding has guided and blessed

The United States of America.

Grant that this trust may grow and be rewarded

As we live our calling

To be good citizens on earth

And faithful citizens of your heavenly Kingdom.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.



Valerie Curren

Thank you for passing on this beautiful prayer! I shared that in twit world & discovered I could add an image to a tweet w/ right click copy/paste. Still learning how to drive apparently 🙂


Good morning to all. Wonder what interesting surprises await us today. I am not one for watching movies or tv in general but hubby has been watching a show called helix and I was reading stuff when he said hey, this show is almost all about what you have been telling me about our DNA being changed wow! Is this the predictive programming stuff your always talking about? I said yes and did a happy dance in my head! Hubby may grump and grouch at me for constantly talking about vax,the coup and the infiltration of the country and everything else but he does retain what I’ve been saying all these years. The man isn’t a talker so when does talk I listen. I am thankful that he is more awake than I thought.


mine patiently listens to my “lectures” as he calls them. I simply call them “real news updates”…LOL
but when he was talking with our children over the weekend, I could tell by what he as saying, I was getting to him…(insert Cheshire Cat grin here…lol)
comment image


Lol I have been accused of giving lectures too! I was on my 3rd stock up just in case rant hubby calls them my end of the world scenarios, I set my stubborn meter to high and head for the car. He’s fortunate he has me as I am fortunate to have him.the man is perfect for an apocalypse, zombie or otherwise.


dear hubby always listens (at least i think he’s listening…LOL).
he’s not political at all…but I tell him he’s the only one I can talk to about this stuff…you guys here already KNOW this stuff and the kids are liberals…LOL


We inflict the greatest pain on those who we love


hubby would agree with you…LOL


He gets rewarded with impromptu dances.


yes, yes he does…LOL
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

A mink in Utah? Really?


well if you can get applesauce and cola to test positive…

Deplorable Patriot

I was more thinking about the presence of mink in Utah, and were there any more who tested positive, and if there’s no cure for them, maybe something wearable…but then the animal rights people would throw paint on me.


during late summer, we had a mink show up at the pond…the springs coming off the mountain had dried up due to minimal rainfall for months. this black slinky creature came down the waterfall path and went right to the edge of the pond and came back night after night for about a week…then he disappeared back up the mountain and we haven’t seen him since. we went thru all our wildlife identifier books and determined it was a mink.

didn’t they have to slaughter a bunch of them overseas somewhere due to covid? maybe you could find a discounted coat…they look so soft…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m more likely to find one in a consignment shop.

Really, though, around here, fur isn’t as much of a hot button issue as it is in other places. I know a number of women who have GORGEOUS coats that only come out for Christmas and when it’s REALLY cold. They never have any issues.


if you would have been happy with a raccoon coat, we could’ve hooked you up with half a dozen skins this past spring…lol


Probably another own goal from peta


Madame HYPOCRITE! mail in voting is fine for the President, but for the Speaker…in-person is REQUIRED…
But now, when Pelosi’s Speakership is on the line, the vote-by-mail queen is reversing course and demanding that Democrats show up to vote for her in person.
And GOP House Minority Leader and California colleague Kevin McCarthy is calling her out.
“Pelosi is fine with House Democrats skipping work if the votes are about legislation, but in January she will demand every Democrat show up—in person—to vote for her for Speaker,” McCarthy said. “Her message is clear: her power is more important than anything else.”


Piglosi wants 100% D-Rat presence in January for Electoral College purposes.

Valerie Curren

This one w/ Steve & Darwin in mind 😉

Valerie Curren

& perhaps William Shatner in the Twilight Zone too 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only twilight zone I’ve seen with Shatner in it was the one where he got addicted to reading what some fortune dispensing machine was saying. It was odd seeing someone I can’t help thinking of as Captain Kirk in that role.

There was, however, an episode of Outer Limits where he played an astronaut freshly returned from Venus. (He was practically Captain Kirk in that one, though that character didn’t even exist yet at the time.) I could at least see some connection there.

Full disclosure: I’ve only watched three and a fraction seasons of TZ so far.

Valerie Curren

In the episode being referenced he’s a recovering mental/nervous breakdown patient taking a plane ride & “hallucinating” a bigfoot style creature out on the wing that no one else can see. At the end there is proof shown that what he saw was really there.

This episode must have entered the cultural lexicon pretty well. We were watching an episode of Steve Harvey’s Family Feud & there was a question of what you might see on the airplane’s wing. Someone answered “William Shatner” & that was one of the answers. The crazy person that mentioned “the food cart” still gets quoted around here, in addition to being highly mocked by SH 🙂

Hope this clip works:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just wiki’d…yes, “Nightmare at 20000 feet” in the fifth season.

Which tells you something right there. Airliners only flew at 20K back in the early sixties?

It was 30K in the 80s and 90s and I think lately they do about 39 thousand feet, at least domestically.

Valerie Curren

Trust you to expand on the facts–awesome! I bet you kill the competition in Trivial Pursuit, assuming anyone even plays that anymore.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did used to in four of the six categories. I sucked wind at movies from the thirties and sports. Actually I had a non-zero probability of getting a sports question right.

My aunt is good at the movies, and better at the four I’m good at than I am with the movies, so we make a killer team.

The biggest hazard today is some of the science questions are out of date now. I don’t know if there’s one about how many planets there are, for instance but for the game the correct answer would be ‘nine’ but the current answer is ‘eight.’

Valerie Curren

Sorry Pluto never gets demoted chez Moi 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

i can actually understand the reasoning, and in a way, it’s not a demotion. It’s now the prototype for a totally new kind of thing.

It really is different from the other eight in many, many ways, and only the first of probably thousands like it.

Even the other eight can be grouped into two or three categories, and maybe the word planet (which originally also included the Sun and Moon) should just be dropped altogether.

Valerie Curren

Party pooper. Tradition in Rep Tevye’s booming voice 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes.

“Money is the world’s curse.”

“May the Lord smite ME with it!”

Valerie Curren

Nice. That movie was made by someone named Jewison, who was a Christian, & Christensen, who was a Jew, I believe.

We’ve missed that curse around here…my husband’s mom was disinherited from that JJ Hagerman (silver miner, etc I mentioned the other day) family fortune, for ironically & in part, marrying a Jew (from her German rooted clan).

Around here we have what money can’t buy! & we have been very blessed by the Lord in so many ways. My dad joked when my husband & I got married that we “were living on love”…that’s seen us through plenty over the nearly 3 decades we’ve been together so far!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I couldn’t figure out the relevance until I scrolled down. (What I found was a guy trying to escape law enforcement on the wing of an airliner.)

That looks like a gecko of some kind (leopard gecko, leaf tail gecko), also popular as pets.

Valerie Curren

Sorry for the confusion but glad you saw it! When sharing it I actually forgot that it was a tweet replying to something else, which might also show. No clue on the airplane significance, but thanks for the gecko info! I do like a lot of creepy crawlies 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Speaking of which mine is quite active today, which usually means he’s about to have a…movement.

Deplorable Patriot

Are you lighting candles and looking for a clothespin for your nose?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Looking for clothespins.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just went and looked, and Sure Enough!!!

OK, got some cleanup to do. Fortunately he hit the tile with no overflow onto the mat.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s always a good thing. Ying, who is 14 today, managed to hit my mother’s imported Turkish rug over the summer. I ended up scrubbing it in the back yard.

Valerie Curren

Oh joy! Parenting is such fun 🙁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, after cleaning up poo and weighing him he is not losing weight!

(I can pretty much only judge by weighing after he poops, because otherwise he’d be gaining/losing 10 of his weight.)

Right now he’s actually actively exploring in my study.

Valerie Curren

I hope he’s at least a creature that does poop & pee together, like a bird, so there’s only one thing to clean up…& I’m guessing no other humans live there, or you confine his wanderings to one room–eww.

Three in diapers for 4+ years (& I’m NO Baby person) gave me enough poop cleanup to last a lifetime!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, he spends most time in a cage, and I am letting him out now because it IS safe right now.

And yes very birdlike in that regard. White stuff and brown stuff. Though I’ve known him to do white only.

Valerie Curren

Size, color, frequency–I believe that’s from Jim Carey in Liar, Liar describing why he hated talking to his mom who expounded on his dad’s bathroom details. Glad Darwin’s doing OK 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By all appearances.

Today’s wasn’t quite as stinky as usual. Still horrid, but not as horrid.

Valerie Curren

I hope that is a good sign.

My husband read me some of his guy text conversation w/ his hunting buddy who’s gotten CV recently. (un)Fortunately his poop don’t stink no more–well, not that he can tell anyway! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


there are times a sense of smell is no bonus.

But of course if it saves you from eating food that has gone bad, it’s not truly a bad thing.

Valerie Curren

Or tracking something you’ve stepped in through the house.

This young family in our old church had a new puppy & a roomba that cleaned up when everyone was sleeping. Apparently puppy poop can pretty much coat the entire floor surface of a family home!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Egad!!!! Yeah, time to deactivate the roomba!!!

Valerie Curren

Or at least corral the puppy!

Deplorable Patriot

I wish we didn’t have so much furniture, heirloom or not. I’d have a Roomba in a heartbeat.


Interesting day at McCarran, as in McCarran airport Vegas?

Happy ending as the dumb ass went splat on the tarmac.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Yes, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay Only in Vegas!


i see wheatie liking posts…
was gonna ask if she’s okay…

you ok wheatie???


Hi, Pat!
Yeah, I’m okay…thanks for asking, sweetie.
 😘  💖 
My allergies have been hitting me between the eyes lately.
So I’ve been dragging a bit.
That’s all.


I will pray for a speedy recovery!!
please take good care of yourself!!!
sending warm hugs, good thoughts, and healing wishes!!


Thanks, Pat.
😌 🥰 ❤️


any time!!
need our wheatie warrior STRONG!!!


Sidney Powell Reveals She’s Been Building a Massive RICO Case Against Dominion, Smartmatic

comment image?crop=622:350,smart&width=622&height=350&format=jpeg&quality=60&fit=crop

By Jack Davis 
Published December 13, 2020 at 3:30pm


BOOM – WE GOT A JUDGE willing to open his COURT – and look at EVIDENCE!!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

Lighthearted thought that applies to RINOs & Never Trumpers too



Valerie Curren

what a sweet picture!!

Valerie Curren






Valerie Curren

It turns out that wild horses CAN drag me away!!!


And wild mermaids COULDN’T coax me away.

Valerie Curren

LOL are there truly any Tame mermaids? 😉


Ones that are in the twilight of their lives?


Ha! They’re mouth breathers, I could watch them all day … 🙂🤚❤️

Valerie Curren

Love it 🙂



Valerie Curren

Yes! glad you enjoyed that “horse” 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

So, the whistleblowers are publicly confessing.

At this rate, priests won’t need to spend hours in the box as they call the confessional.

Deplorable Patriot

Byrne claims that what he did was part of a Brennan-Obama operation and that Obama would be the power behind the scenes of a Hillary, now Biden presidency.

I don’t buy it. Obama is somebody’s puppet. So is Brennan, but Brennan is the smarter, and more powerful character.

Is Obama a henchman? Probably, but one thing Byrne says about one of the federal agents who came to see him is that this person said, “There’s billionaires walking around that we made, and we can do the same for you.” His company was one of the ones that was supposedly negatively impacted by naked short selling that Robert David Steele told us Wall Street made $100 Trillion off of. I’d like to know more about that and how it fits in if he was used by the other side five years ago.

Also, these whistleblowers are important, and other than one specific one, maybe two, I’m not sure how many of them are in the XVII loop. I have an idea several of them are being facilitated in the effort to great effect – and as a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

BUT, if things really did go down as Byrne says – that he facilitated a bribe to Hillary from Turkey and then one from another country to trap her in a Brennan-Obama snow globe (which I don’t exactly believe, either, that they are on different teams unless we consider them as one would the five mafia families of New York) – then the message from @Johnheretohelp from over the weekend when he says people in the FBI are scared makes more sense.

The people who were part of it all, and material witnesses, would be subject to the clean up crews.

And just how many of them were double crossed.

This is just getting deeper and deeper.

Deplorable Patriot

Mafia families….

That might be the key.

At the top, there have always been rumored to be wings of the “ruling families.” The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds primarily. Ultimately, they are all on the same side and would eat each other to get to the top of the mountain, BUT they need each other to get to that point.

So, we’ve got the Military Industrial Complex on one side. (Unless I miss my guess, Rockefeller. Maybe) And the central bank people on the other. (Absolutely Rothschild with the others kowtowing here and there.)

Obama was a creation of one side.

The Clintons were a creation of the other.

The Bushes probably bridged the middle.

Ultimately, though, they have the same goals so they have to work together.

And they didn’t care who they used to get there.

High school girls do the same thing.


I know how to make them equal.
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Agree that Obama is merely a carefully crafted, not terribly smart puppet…tightly managed and controlled by Valerie with Michelle’s cooperation, $$$ is a powerful motivator in her case…somewhat like Jackie Kennedy.
I wasn’t aware the Rockefeller’s (like the Kennedy’s) are still that powerful.,,ambition and the drive for power diluted over time. I think that’s why arranged marriages were so effective …kept everything concentrated and controlled.


Arranged marriages ensured that power remained in the control of those who could handle it.


By “her” you mean Valerie, not Mike, right?


No, in this case I was referring too Michelle. Valerie’s has had plenty of wealth and power plus ideology would be her greatest motivation, IMO. For Michelle, it’s all about the $$$ and the lifestyle.
Remember the photos of her as a student? For most of us, our young college years were the time of our lives when we looked our best…Michelle was downright ugly. (And, of course, some of that outward ugliness was in defiance of Capitalism!). But, once she had unlimited access to cosmetic surgeons, make up artists, a plethora of wigs and hair extensions, wardrobe advisors (finally!), etc. and then started her love affair with the camera….there was no going back. It’s all about the money, baby! JMO
I would bet she never makes an appearance or does any hint of charity work without being paid handsomely for it.


the Globalist cabal use the commies to do their dirty work…in the streets, in politics…the commies are obsessed with their “progressive” notion of some sort of utopian future where everybody derives his/her existence from The State, and they use chaos, crisis and Revolution ! to manipulate that…and everyone must be loyal to The Party...fighting the good fight, as they like to put it…for the common good..the Globalists provide the funding, the propaganda, the media, the false flags..

the Globalists, however, are more into world tyranny…and ridding the world of as many humans as possible…thru wars, famines, and now “pandemics”, and related “vaccines”, euthenasia, etc… “sustainable medicine”…The UN The World Economic Forum EUGENICS …Transhumanism…and The Occult…just to name a few…also the manipulation of global finance…does The Club of Rome still exist ? the British Royal family also figures heavily in that power cluster..

and The Bilderberg group…

they manipulate the world.

…from the deep shadows…

the commies are the ones out front.


Gail Combs

Karl Marx manufactured the biggest hoax on mankind with the express purpose of bring the peasants back under the control of the Aristocracy.

“The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, callous ‘cash payment.’ It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom—Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation. ― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

 Marxism is the Brainchild of the Banksters and Aristocracy. The Federal Reserve: An Astounding Exposure 1934 shows the US Banksters FUNDED the Bolshevik Revolution. Heck The Bronx Home News was more straightforward with their headline: BRONX MAN LEADS RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Also see My old comment on the Karl Marx

SxyxS @ RealClimateScience added this several years ago:

Well,of course it was the middle class Marx was against.

Marx secretary Pieper was at the same time employed the Rothschild. When the Rothschild left Frankfurt they went to Paris (the first place Marx lived in Exile) and London(the second exile home of Marx).

Marx was never about freeing people, but to turn all human beings except that at the top to the lowest common level = the proletarian.

A system where only 3 classes exist:

The very few at the top: Stalin/Lenin(Rockfeller/Rothschild)

Their well paid servants = Stasi/Apparatchicks to controle and indoctrinate

and the rest(95%) that is controlled and killed by the Stasi.

They have exchanged Stalin/Lenin for Obama/Hilary.

Their well paid serves are the presstitutes,Anchormen & Hollywood actors and presstitutes all talking the same shit ((except James Woods and Rob Schneider))

And the rest is supposed to become pussyfied boys,bitchie girls,ooh-ooh Party Whores on drugs, ”I-shop;therefore i am” idiots doing everything tv tells them.

Communism was and is the “hotel california” of all ideologies=you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Were communists aware that their system won’t be accepted by the people?? — 100%!!

That”s why they knew that they had to fight conter-revolutions from the beginning and force people to stay in their countries. Before communism even started taking over countries they had a masterplan in how to controle people-that’s why they”d been able to take and keep power.

And even after they failed with their revolution in 1905 in Russia, the Jacob Schiff&Kuhn/Loeb bank(co owners of the FED) paid Japan to make war on Russia to weaken the country for the second revolution.

And if you take a closer look at the chinese communist revolution you’ll find out that the people who were destroying china with the Opium Wars (and created HSBC bank for drug money laundering) belonged to the very same group the non-chinese communists belonged to.

Ideologies are mind prisons created by few smart people for the many dumb and communism is the king of them all, as communism has the perfect camouflage. Disguised as good doer. So perfect that it was the first ideologie to be able to kill the own people & culture of a country on an epic scale and getting away with it

A gift that keeps on killing-

They just exchanged God for “The central state” made Karl Marx the Messiah and Lenin/Stalin etc the apostels.”




obama’s an operative…he directs things…he’s connected.


Hopefully, like Guam, it will soon “tip over and capsize”.


Where wold be without old Hank Johnson.  :wpds_silly: 

Gail Combs

Byrne would not know who was at the top of the food chain.

I have always been of the opinion that the Bilderburg, CFR, Davos, Aspen… are meetings of TRUSTED LTs and NOT the people who are really at the top.

Deplorable Patriot

You have a valid point with that assertion.


What is interesting is that at no point were the FBI in this story working as legitimate law enforcers. As you say they are part of the mob. Someones private henchmen and if it’s happening at the Federal level then it’s happening at the State and local level as well. This brings home the reports about calling to a Help line to report child abductions and learning that the call went back to number in the Clinton Foundation. If you need a reason to not pay your taxes this is it. They are perpetuating a fraud on the American Tax payers. They want to say it’s just a conspiracy theory then you ask if it’s been investigated and adjudicated. They say no, tell them to get back to you when it has, in the mean time you can not turn a blind eye to it nor lend it support.


he shares v. going through legal chanels because FBI/DOJ don’t care and it will never see the light of day. They cover up v. prosecute and reveal. Dearly look forward to their reform and change of past patterns

Roger Stone’s arrest with cameras present and so much drama … for something we Know others have done with Zero consequence?! Too much for me and a game changer. No explaining that one away

Deplorable Patriot

For the moment, I’m holding fire on the DoJ and FBI. I get the idea that they’re sitting on the information until the time is right.

It’s not yet.


I hope you are correct.

JW in Germany

Said it many times…if the FBI and DOJ ever wanted to restore their reputation…they would be the ones conducting the biggest sting operation in history.



68% in one place and one city had over 80% fraudulent votes!!!


Instead of mailing out ballots, wouldn’t it have been more efficient to just mail out “I Voted” stickers?

Brave and Free

Question about the orange dot with #’s. I’ve not had this feature before because I post as a guest. Looks like it takes me to the newest post, is that correct?


Yes, that’s what it does.

However, as the thread grows and has multiple pages…it doesn’t work very well for me.
Not sure if it’s the same for everybody, though.


Me neither. Love when it works and when new comments are highlighted in yellow.


yeah me either…


It does the same to me as well. If the newer comments are on a different page, it just keeps buffering…


Yep, same here, CM.

It works great until a 2nd page is generated.
But after that, it doesn’t.


and we can be a chatty bunch!

well not me, of course, I mostly lurk…unless I have truly insightful and noteworthy comments to make…


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


When did you start that ‘mostly lurk’ stuff? Must have been overnight.


oh man!
did my sarcasm tag wander off my post…LOL


Yup. Had me laughing. The “shy” lurking gal. 🙂


see? you get me!


Yes, but what’s disorienting is when a new comment (not reply) is posted at the top of the thread, and the entire page jumps to the comment. Everything moves around by itself, a lot, for me. 😀

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That jumping only seems to be a problem on some systems (Macs). I sure hope that gets fixed.

The top is the wrong place for comments to go, and we need page numbers at the top and bottom both; and wolf knows all of that and it’s on his list.


Yup, MacBook here, desktop also. It really isn’t a big deal. I got the GREATEST fix last night from NEaster/Wolf about the spinning circle. One click in Safari Preferences took care of that. 👍🏻



More times than not, doesn’t work.

I actually think the person that wrote the software created the orange dot as a joke.

  • Folks to click on the shiny thing.
  • Sometimes it works.
  • Mostly, folks WAIT for it to work…and keep on waiting.
  • AND keep on clicking on it.

Have placed the orange dot on IGNORE.

Valerie Curren

Hanukkah honored/celebrated in Dubai!


BREAKING: @PatrickByrne, former CEO of, claims that he was complicit in facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton in the amount of $18M [on behalf of the FBI] in January, 2016. The bribe, which she accepted, was then going to be used by members of the Obama

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 15, 2020

2/ administration against Hillary after she was elected. As it was later explained to him, “President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy at this point, but especially at the Department of Justice. Hillary Clinton is going to be President for 8 years and nothing

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 15, 2020


3/ is going to change that, but think of there being a Bunsen burner within the DOJ. That evidence about the [2] bribes you were a part of gathering is going to be sitting on the Bunsen burner. The hand sitting on the burner is going to be one of Barack Obama’s people.

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 15, 2020

4/ If Hillary is a “good girl” and defends Obamacare, that flame stays low. If she’s a “bad girl” and thinks for herself, that flame is going to get turned up high. That way Barack Obama is going to manage Hillary Clinton for the 8 years she’s President, and then

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 15, 2020


5/ when she steps down, Michelle is going to run.” Claims it was called “Operation Snowglobe” [dubbed by Obama + Brennan] so that once Hillary stepped into it, they would be able to “shake her up” at any time during her Presidency, if needed. Says that Durham and Barr were aware

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 15, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I posted the video above.

I’m thinking this might be his “get out of jail free” card.


I can’t watch the video–but all this has me scratching my head–can you believe anyone could control Ma Kankles??? least of all a little asswipe like obama?
in the hierarchy of evil, I’d put her way over him…

Deplorable Patriot

Posted a couple things on speculation.

I have a feeling they answer to two different masters who need each other to get the evil deeds accomplished.


your mafia families makes the most sense to me…

Deplorable Patriot

I wish I had thought of that sooner.


Her record far outweighs his perceived ability. He is also too attogant and doesn’t get his hands dirty like her.
But, i absolutely see he wants total control…that puppet master interview he gave fits right in here.


i don’t know that it’s control he wants…he craves the spotlight and the accolades…but he’s too lazy to control things.


Another false perception of his narcissism, ultimately.


the one distinction I would award him without hesitation…
most smackable smirk


Makes me want to buy a tennis racquet, and I don’t play tennis.


how about a cricket bat?comment image


he just wants to be relevant…like a star…

he’s so flattered that he was tapped to be one of The Great Performers…for the cause….

but he’s just The Great Pretender…and the only cause he actually cares about is his own image…his star quality…he is playing a part..

but when he is in a position of power, he will wield it, like a good actor, and that will go to his self-centered, self-obsessed head like an intoxicating substance that he gets addicted to…

that Power…that applause…that attention…

and the Machiavellian side to his madness will reak havoc.


I think Mediocre Pretender is more accurate.


They are both fools and tools.


Evil doesn’t equate with Smart.


This reminds me of Larry Nichols and his stories that never came to anything.


look squirrel things??


I prefer Larry Fine; at least he was funny.


Merry Christmas, my friends. Try not to tear up.


A beautiful balm for this moment.


Thank you Grandma. Needed that.

Deplorable Patriot

I have to get moving, but Roscoe has a thread…for some reason, when I read this, the name P Tech of the 9-11 whistleblowers come to mind. I mean, as all the information has come out, that’s been my thoughts. P Tech, the see all software. Whistleblower is Indira Singh.

Articles are linked in the thread.

Question did @TuckerCarlson or @seanhannity or @IngrahamAngle even mention or dedicate a news block to what is quite possibly on of the largest hacks in US History? 

This hack involves our financial infrastructure our Military Defense systems including our only dual nuclear AFB at Kirkland.

What the hell is going on with the blackout of even mentioning it outside of Digital media outlets? 

FireEye got compromised first & haven’t explicitly stated it, but the timing ain’t a coincidence. Based on the “highly sophisticated, manual supply chain attack”, it sounds like they had someone inside slipping something extra into their patches.

SolarWinds confirmed in a security advisory issued late Sunday night that it experienced a manual supply chain attack on versions of Orion released between March and June of this year. MSC traces found on the server say mid April.

FireEye says it was SolarWINDS & vise versa, so no one is owning it just blaming the other. Bottom line this falls at the feet of a complacent DHS/CISA. Krebs was fired far too late. 

We won’t know the far reaching impact until all of those companies start doing audits.

Step one is stopping the vulnerability, step 2 will be forensics to see if anything got exfiltrated/compromised. 

Also depends on the intent of the controller. With it being currently designated as nation-state, it’s a big unknown. They could have had a specific target in mind (like FireEye), or they could just be seeing what they could get. 

What’s this mean for the average Joe?

Unknown what the exposure is yet.

I would suggest to keep a close eye on your finances for a bit until this is nailed down, because the financial infrastructure was hit hard.

Expect telecommunication patches soon.

Pretty much, the threat actors cycles have probably run and they got everything they needed. But this was a extremely effective supply chain attack that probably allowed them to monitor email accounts for months.

Will take a long time to understand the extent of the information that they got. But if they were in the treasury and commerce departments, it’s a fair bet they’re trying to do something bigger than just steal random data from companies. 

Likely looking to manipulate the value of currency or a particular commodity, or looking for leverage into the current & new administration.

The DOD targets affected are far more scary. DOD is recommending all devices be rebuilt. This means routers, core switches & firewalls 

For commercial infrastructure you’re looking more at modifying various credential sets.

The companies out there who were lax with internal security protocols are feeling the heat because of how this compromise is operating, and how long of a window this thing has had to operate. 

Another interesting read, seems attackers were able to bypass MFAs.

Bottom line folks just keep an eye on your finances and if your banking institution has unusual activity filters be sure you have them turned up and active. Cheap protection insurance might not be a bad idea for a few months. Lotta deals out there with 90 day free trials.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that I’m back from…well, it doesn’t matter:

I would suggest to keep a close eye on your finances for a bit until this is nailed down, because the financial infrastructure was hit hard.

Interesting – and true. Both the Couch Commando and I noticed that the regional bank where we do business changed the rules on our checking accounts. We both probably got notice of it and just weren’t paying attention, but in the last couple months, things have reverted to Obama era fees, etc.

Valerie Curren

Dogs of biowar

Valerie Curren



Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2020

68% error rate in Michigan Voting Machines. Should be, by law, a tiny percentage of one percent. Did Michigan Secretary of State break the law? Stay tuned!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2020


Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton skewer Barr for his inaction.

“The President is a crime victim and the Justice Department has done nothing about it.”
~ Tom Fitton


Too many “egos” in government, and I’m not talking about the politicians…

Too much concern about legacy, etc.

Not enough concern about saving the Country…


Exactly! Too much worry about the integrity of muh institutions. The same rotten institutions stealing our republic from us.


Honestly, what the hell is “legacy” but a delusion. Ozymandias comes to mind.


Exactly Anon… and how can one “protect the reputation” of an institution which no longer has one? Another delusion…

Valerie Curren

SCOTUS was never part of The Plan. I think they were quietly told to stay out of it.

Deplorable Patriot

I can agree with this.

Valerie Curren

I’m hoping that Trump’s THREE appointees won’t All be Betrayers!

Gail Combs


I love it! 🤣


Documented Covid 19 caes, US:

resolved (ended in either death or recovery):

resolved because the patient recovered:

resolved because the patient died:

3% of the resolved cases of US Covid 19 died
(Note: this is much higher than annual flu and we have documented excess deaths despite fake news circulating that we don’t.)
(Note: 3% of all “cases” including the many who are non symptomatic … so Not of those who are actually sick with symptoms and certainly not 3% of those who are admitted to the hospitcal with complications)

Current known infected cases:

Expected deaths will be less than 3% of the current cases due to improved treatments.

(Death rate is going down do to better treatments and protecting the most vulnerable {v. high death rate from nursing homes in Dem states}. Death rate is also going down because so many who are not symptomatic are also included in the “cases” tested/confirmed v. only including those who are actually symptomatic.)

The bad news? Deaths will continue in large numbers even as the death rate of those infected goes down and the media/Dems will play it up Big to their advantage and to their goals. In some cities, states and regions of states, hospitals will become filled to capacity and will be strained so expect those stories and realities.

Other bad news – the virus is real, it can be a horrible flu like virus for many, Very touch for some and deadly for 3+% of those who are actually sick (inflected & symptomatic), 6+% of those 65 yrs and older so be careful and be prepared so that if you do become infected you have items on hand to nip it in the bud to avoid becoming very ill + to avoid long term health issues. I hate this virus as it is really awfull for so many.

Good news? 
~roughly 5% of the US has now been documented to have already had or currently have the infection. Expect this number to be at 30% of the US population (conservative estimate and may be more) by March as total cases will continue to skyrocket over the next 3 months. (Currently averaging 200K new cases per day with no expectation of a slow down significantly during the rest of Dec, January & February.)

Why is that good news? 

Because the number of infected is growing very quickly (as is natural and expected for Nov – March), we will reach a point that a large minority of the US will have been documented to have had the infection and this most vulnerable &/or who want the vaccine will have it. PPE and policies will be in place for the most vulnerable and even the left will have a hard time justifying continued “protections for our own good”, i.e. extreme gov overreach. 

That is the good news about vaccines – they are take away excuses for gov overreach.  
Suspected bad news is that Covid19 has mutated and it seems that immunity to one strain is not immunity to all strains. Might be around for a long time in various forms just like the flu. Ugh.

(Not that my family would touch the vaccines with a 10 foot pole but everyone must make that choice for themselves and we already choose to not vaccinate for other viruses based on sound medical research & DH has a medical scientist background from top US university and worked in big pharma so, no, not interested in that discussion as we made informed, intentional choices on all vaccines)


for #s I was counting US population at ~330,000,000


If we have fewer non symptomic “cases” of Covid 19 due to extremely high repititions during the testing process (and I suspect that to be true) then the death rate of the remaining cases will be higher. False positives from testing methods would actually bring down the # of non symptomic cases Much more than it would bring down the cases of very ill people being misdiagnosed.

I see too many people dealing with the left’s deceptions around Covid 19 by going to the opposite extreme. Truth is somewhere in the middle – terrible virus despite the many lies and twisting of truth by the left + China


Well, I could have saved myself the time I spent crunch the numbers and thinking about if I had just read this article. Oh well.
Confirms that even Dr. fakey agrees we will reach heard immunity by spring.

I am staying on my toes on social media to redirect blame for the increases #s of cases, hospitalizations and deaths back to China where it belongs. Rising cases and deaths were always going to be the case after China lied and refused help to contain the outbreak. And the shutdown was always meant to prepare our healthcare system for the inevitable spread not to prevent the spread from ever happening. But left is using this to blame President Trump for China’s evil and to pretend they could have magically prevented US deaths – and we know they fought against the Trump admin’s early actions to stop/slow the spread. such hypocrites!


Executive Order on Increasing Economic and Geographic Mobility


  Issued on: December 14, 2020

[this EO covers regulations… you’ll like it /phoenix]

Valerie Curren

faith-based equality, might be important



President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts

Issued on: December 14, 2020


PR – Thanks for this reminder – Do you have anything from the Senate Cloakroom?


Hi Duchess…
just getting ready to post on Senate, thank you for inquiring…

Mitch was busy yesterday setting up cloture votes for three more judges:

Thomas L. Kirsch II to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit;

Joseph Dawson III to be U.S. District Judge for the District of South Carolina.

Charles Edward Atchley, Jr. to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

I assume these three will come up for confirmation vote today…

Also the following:

Senate Cloakroom
Military Promotions confirmed by unanimous consent: Executive Calendar #915 -#929 and all nominations on the Secretary’s Desk in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Space Force.
Senate Cloakroom
Coast Guard Promotions confirmed by unanimous consent: Executive Calendar #907 .


Hmmm…very interesting – appreciate the update – wondered if they were curbing activity in light of the election fiasco – happy to see things are moving right along.

Wondering if we are in for another contested election on the 5th of January – hearing Schumer cackle like HRC is making me ill – reminds me of ChiDiFi when she was sitting next to PT all giddy – thinking he was going to ban assault weapons – can still see her evil face!!!


I’m sure we will have to suffer through a lot of their “pretense” that they have control, they have won. But in the end, I am confident that Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated once again on January 20th… we will have the
last word!


Agree, PR – just concerned about that Senate race – then, again – I will leave it in God’s hands – and wait on the Lord!


Yes Duchess…


Gut feeling: the Senate race is irrelevant, a red herring.


Totally agree… I still think Doug Collins won that race!


Amen goes right there, PR!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Was this Before or After he congratulated Sleepy for his 270 vote win?? 🙄


After … his ego is large… working on his LEGACY of course… If we checked KY’s Dominion machines we might find Mitch got some help in November… obviously in the primary 😉

I’m thinking if we rid the Capitol of all the crooks, the House AND the Senate would be almost empty. We would need another election.


you say that like it’s a bad thing…


I don’t mean it that way… just saying that he picks and chooses what he will do for POTUS, and confirming judges is okay, while confirming cabinet members is NOT. His job as Majority Leader is one of compromise actually, in order to get anything done. Being eGOP or Uniparty only assures he is going to compromise even more


I actually meant this part…

I’m thinking if we rid the Capitol of all the crooks, the House AND the Senate would be almost empty. We would need another election.

time to clean house!!!!


Oh, I agree… and I’m thinking that’s one thing that will definitely impact who is inaugurated on Jan 20th (Donald J. Trump, of course)… it is my belief (and hope of course) that many DIMs will be arrested and indicted and lose their seats BEFORE Jan 2nd and some will simply “resign” to be with family, after having “made a deal”


yup…that resigning for family reasons excuse is gonna be number one with a bullet!


The 270some attribute to Beijing Biden IS A MIRAGE.

Nothing is official. Joe will FAIL miserably. The coup will fail miserably.



Another day of Erick Erickson being stupid – creating a phony problem just to pretend to solve it. . .

Yes, This Is God’s Sovereign Will
A shallow Christianity reveals its ignorance of God’s will

A whole lot of people, including many self-described Christians, have decided to make controversy out of a tweet of mine that reflects basic 101 level Christianity.

Scripture clearly indicates that no leader comes to power except through God’s will.

To be clear, there are two wills of God: (1) His sovereign will and (2) His moral or permissive will.

Erick, your problem is with premise B.

Joe Biden will never be elected President, BARR divine intervention which HAS NOT happened.





Thanks, Wheatie!!!


You are very welcome, Duchess.



Valerie Curren

Chi-Coms are evil enough to have this be more than just a rumor…


Daughn posted about this.

They want all the water for themselves.

Choking off other countries is just a bonus.

That’s why the STOLE the entire Tibetan plateau – and the international community just let them get away with it.

Western China is all stolen land in one form or another.

There are FIVE major Asian river systems that start in Tibet that affect virtually every Asian nation, including Pakistan and India.

Valerie Curren

Wow that is a level of genocidal evil that’s hard to comprehend!


If they even start to divert/choke off the water supply it will be considered an act of war.

But down the road that’s a lot of leverage over other Asian nations.

Valerie Curren

Yes but can anyone, but perhaps US, survive “a land war in Asia” (in Vizzini’s voice)?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Countries IN Asia of course can survive a land war. I mean, one of them will win the war and the other will lose.

It’s just inconceivable that someone from outside Asia would do well.


Valerie Curren

& Australia is “entirely peopled by criminalsss!” 😉


China is big, crafty and stupid. Stupid prevails in the end.


Sabotage the damns so they can’t function.

OK, someone will yammer about, it’ll flood. Uh, it already floods all the time with Chinee damns.

Sabotage the damns so they can’t function.

DESTROY the ChiCom play book.


Another brilliant piece of Daughn research:
20200722: Focus on Tibet

Valerie Curren

Thanks Michael!


Certainly how they can control Hong Kong that currently gets all their water from mainland. Too bad they did’t build desalination facilities years ago when they were flush with money.

Valerie Curren

Yes, desalination seems like a no-brainer & “trusting” the Chi-coms is letting the enemy control your life & deal out death–sick!


Dr BabyDubhCards ❤️ (@BeauCards) Tweeted:
@DonnaWR8 China owns the US Governors


i thought NY was gone years ago when the Corning Museum of Glass had display signs in both English and Chinese…and that was a while ago. hubby told me about Cornell University a while back too.

Gail Combs

♫ High above Cayuga’s waters,
There’s an awful Smell,
Some say it’s Cayuga’s waters,
Others say Cornell

Flush the toilets,
Flush the toilets,
Flush them all to hell!
Twenty-thousand SOBs
Call themselves Cornell.

Verse 2:
Oh, the odor. Oh, the odor.
Oh, that awful smell
Before I’d go to Cornell;
I’d rather go to hell.

Verse 3:
High above Cayuga’s waters
Some poor bastard fell
Finals make me think of Gorges
jump for joy Cornell

Verse 4:
Far above Cayuga’s waters
Stand the gates of hell.
There five thousand sons of Belial
Call themselves Cornell.,153265

(My Mom used to sing this.)


LMAO…honestly? got to pass this along to hubby!!


China (CCP) is f**ked. It’s all over except for the shouting. Trust Trump.

Valerie Curren

Texans at the driving range–Gov Abbot’s “Christmas card” per one tweeter 🙂


^^^ That’s awesome funny!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Solar Winds in Vault 7

Deplorable Patriot

Well, whatdya know.

No kidding.

I bet if enough rocks get kicked over the clowns will be behind a lot of the vote shenanigans.

Valerie Curren

Clowns In Action?

Deplorable Patriot

Essentially, but they are not very funny.

Valerie Curren

scientism & scientific groupthink

Valerie Curren

Moderna vax #2 has near 20% adverse reactions

Deplorable Patriot

This is Moderna’s first product to hit the market.

May it be their last if this is what it does to people.

Valerie Curren

It’s amazing. Hard to believe how easily the masses can be deceived!


Valerie Curren

Schmucky is a sicko–sorry there’s language in that stuff

Valerie Curren

Cruz & Israeli Consulate to live stream

Valerie Curren

Maricopa Co, AZ Dominion systems being seized!


Big Eva begins shilling for Big Pharma COVID vaccine
comment image

After spending several months arguing that church isn’t really essential and that face masks are an act of loving your neighbor, the abuse of the second greatest commandment of God’s law continues with the argument that Christians have a moral imperative to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Hershael York is the Dean of Theology of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He tweeted this:

I find the eisegesis from a Dean of Theology disturbing. To break this down quickly, the Isrealites who who struck with venom had no other means of rescue than the miracle that God provided. There are zero parallels between this and the current COVID-19 situation, whether we are talking about masks or vaccination, a disease with an exceedingly low IFR, one we have to be tested to know if we have, is hardly comparable to deadly snake venom.

But The Gospel Coalition likewise commenced its descent down this path of forthcoming articles. Paul Carter after writing that Christians should wear masks and social distance if they set out to protest lockdowns, now writes that getting the vaccine is loving your neighbor.

More obviously related to the question of whether or not to get the vaccine would be the many biblical injunctions to love our neighbour as ourselves. The Apostle Paul said, “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10 ESV).

As Christians we should strive not to be known as the people whose refusal to take a vaccine (should our family doctors recommend that we do so) delayed our progress as a society against this virus. If our family doctor advises us to take the vaccine there is no compelling biblical reason for us not to and a great number of obvious biblical principles suggesting that we should.

Imagine being so naiive that you think this goes away when we take the vaccine. The media is even telling you that is not the case. COVID-19 will go away when we stop testing for it. Since there are now at least three strains, (four according to the Baltimore Ravens) the ever mutating virus will continue showing up for years to come and positive PCR tests with it.

. . . MORE . . .



This conversation is just beginning and it will not be a very logical debate, packed with Scripture. Instead it will take the words of Jesus out of context and misapply them in our current situation.


the great falling away…the apostasy of the end times…it’s been written to happen.


SBTS Dean of Theology Compares Taking COVID Vaccine to Salvation of Christ

Hopefully, this is only a joke. Even so, it’s ridiculously poor taste. But the Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has found a way to equate taking the COVID-19 vaccine with the salvation of Christ.

comment image

Of course, what he’s referring to in this tweet is Moses, who, in the wilderness, received a command from God to fashion a bronze serpent to heal people from the onslaught of bites from the venomous snakes that were sent by God as a punishment for their sins.

. . . MORE . . .

Valerie Curren

Q clue, someone who’s a follower will have to evaluate & expound–thanks 🙂


Hi Valerie –

Thanks for the up-votes / likes! I’ve just started posting again, after a long absence, and positive feedback is great to receive.

The Q-clock is an extraordinary effort to decode the Q-posts; however, although somewhat of the analysis produces results, in toto the clockfags (using the Anons’ nomenclature) have more noise than signal – by a significant margin.

From what I understand about decryption, the clockfags haven’t incorporated the full import of the NEWS on the whole cipher. (“Future proves past.”)

I’m somewhat miffed at myself for not applying my (amateur, yet incisive) decoding skills to this worthy cause … and unfortunately I’m too late to begin now.

Because of the substantive lack of integration, of news-to-Qposts, the clockfags / autists have missed the boat. Not entirely, of course, but enough to reject their suppositions and conclusions as being fragile and tentative, at best.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that Emerald. I’ve been enjoying your tweets for a while & was so surprised & pleased to see you here on the Q-Tree–Welcome!

I really appreciate that explanation you provided which is somewhat above my head 🙂 I’m a Q agnostic & one of the reasons that I won’t be an overt Q follower is because of the entity’s acknowledged dissemination of Dis-information, in addition to the highly coded info. I appreciate the game & the hunt for the Truth, but am not equipped to chase all those rabbit trails directly myself. Many here provide great & balancing insights on much that’s shared by “anons”, which is such a blessing!

I’m not an “autist” myself, but as the parent of someone on the autism spectrum & with a family filled w/ ADHD I can truly appreciate the unique talents in the “neuro-biological atypicality community”.

I appreciate the Q-niverse, as encountered here on the Q-Tree & on Twitter where I follow many people who are part of the Q community. Being agnostic doesn’t make me at all hostile to Q or the followers.

Actually so many of these people are strong Patriots, MAGA, & passionate about Freedom in America & around the world. Oh, I’m also drawn by the strong thread of faith so many express!

Being here at the Q Tree is such a blessing & a privilege that I never feel that I deserve. I regularly tell my family that here on the Q-Tree I’m Never the smartest kid in the room & that is both a humbling & enlightening place for me to be (for a change, compared to my real-world experiences).

Again thanks for those great insights you shared & for all the wisdom & perspective you impart here at the Q-Tree & on Twitter. God Bless you & your ongoing adventures battling for Truth, Justice, & Freedom!!!


How Close was WI to Flipping? Can the Senate Overturn the Election? Dominion Demystified


Just Heard on Bannon that McConnell congratulated Biden President and Harris VP.
McConnel is as sleezy as they come. I wonder if he is one who benefitted from the voting machines set perfect for him?


i saw that too…
sigh…if all of this is window dressing so the dems don’t expect the kick to the groin they’re gonna get any day now, I would appreciate being let in on the secret!

Gail Combs

It is a closely held secret because of necessity. We will not know until the trap is fully sprung and even then we will only know parts of it.

(I doubt satanic child sac-rifice & can-nibble-izm will be revealed to the Sheeple.)


I would congratulate them too. Makes their comeuppance even more delicious


No doubt in my mind, Sing! His Chinese connections make one question his loyalty to America, too!!!


This was posted about 45 minutes ago on 8-kun – ostensibly an update from an ItalianAnon in re the restrictions on the way …

“Italy anon here. For weeks now, I have been watching things unfold in the US, and watching the virus-bullshit ebb and flow here in Europe … and it has been clear all along that the two are DIRECTLY connected.
When it seemed likely to “Them” that Biden would get in, the alleged virus-statistics in Italy immediately plummeted overnight, and things loosened up. When it became evident that POTUS will remain in the WHouse, the stats magically soared and the Italian govt started screaming and locking everyone down again.
(BTW there is no fucking virus here, nobody’s sick beyond the usual seasonal flu, hospitals are empty.)
What George Papadopoulos has said from the start about Italian-govt involvement in the plot to take down POTUS simply MUST be true, based only on the way “They” are acting/reacting. The Italian swamp-politicians (which is all of them, except for Salvini) are shitting bricks right now.
Anyway, TODAY the govt announced that they are contemplating a Christmas lockdown nationwide that GET THIS!would bar EVERYONE FROM LEAVING THEIR HOMES for Christmas. Even in the hysteria of this past spring, nothing was ever close to this drastic.
Anons, “They” are terrified. Something is coming soon and “They” seem to know it will trigger a mass uprising of some kind”


Mussolini treatment for them then.

Gail Combs


JW in Germany

Hi Emeraldstar! I can confirm for Central Europe—Germany.

TOMORROW Germany goes into lockdown. During Christmas, only one household in the house plus 4 people who must be close family.


Nice to see you’re still here, fighting the good fight, JW!

If it’s any consolation, I live – unfortunately – in a deep, deep blue state here in the USA, and now, even people with breathing ailments are barred from buying food at the grocery store without wearing the UN-healthy mask.

The enemy has “All assets deployed” – and yet, the normies / logo’s / karens still obey these unconstitutional, and unconscionable, restrictions on freedom the Guvna has mandated (unlawfully, I say).

I encountered one of these karens today – she didn’t even know that legislatures create laws, and that a Guvna’s “order” isn’t LAW.

I find it tremendously disheartening that adults in my State cannot even discern the difference between the powers of the Executive branch, and the Legislative branch.

So many sheep! Ignorant … and yet ARROGANT about it at the same time.

Dumb squared!

JW in Germany

I wish I were living stateside and could be a lot more active! I feel useless over here.



I believe it! People are likely rethinking some of the dirty deeds they did… probably didn’t expect to get all this scrutiny. After all, they’d been doing the same thing for years. Then we have the good guys who will step up these days – in the Era Of Trump. We’re not so cowed as we were during the years of Obama.

Last edited 4 years ago by ladypenquin

HeydonMusicPage/”JUST MORE NEWS” ho ho ho 12.15.2020


Good Morning, Duchess!

I’m glad you’re still here, and posting your signature prayers. Very uplifting!

Here’s a meme posted on 8-kun – is it “hopium”? Kek …

(I hope the meme posts as a meme, rather than as just text – still learning the new posting protocol!)

comment image

Deplorable Patriot





Thank you kindly!

I thought you might like it (er, “LOVE IT”)!

Quick question – is NebraskaFilly still around? I haven’t seen her post anything for the past three days of general threads.


haven’t seen her here yet!

hoping to tho!!


Thanks Pat!

>> hoping to tho!! <<

Me too!

Was she actively posting before the move (~3 weeks ago)?

There are SO many posters here that I remember from before, so it’s a bit difficult to count “absences” …

I do remember you, though – glad to see ya still here!


glad to see you here too!
there were issues a long while ago and she hasn’t posted in a long time…but when wolf opened this site, he said he would welcome back EVERYONE…so hopefully she will decide to rejoin us!!


>> “issues a long while ago” <<
>> “hasn’t posted in a long time” <<

Ya don’t say!



>> “said he would welcome back EVERYONE” <<

I find that his deeds have proven his words – without my even being aware of his statements.

Wolf, you are a GOOD man. Happy to be back!


he is…and we are blessed to be here!


she posts as an author at Marica’s Place… link in the sidebar…


She may be at Marica’s Place, Star – there is a link to Marica’s Place in the sidebar – let us know if you find her – Please – Thanks!!!


interesting idea!



Johnny Fever (@dcpduke) Tweeted: @ArtValley818_ Gavin Newsome’s new Executive Order declares that nobody else can use hairspray or hair gel on Thursdays anymore to ensure he has enough to make himself look like Sonic The Hedgehog.




Greg Kelly seems to enjoy his job at Newsmax.

“Don’t count out Pres Trump.”


President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man. He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially “Republicans.”

He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 15, 2020


Let the record reflect that @realDonaldTrump did everything in his power to be merciful. He issued multiple warnings to current + former gov’t officials, the media & corrupt third party actors.

He gave them EVERY opportunity to come clean & do the right thing. They chose poorly.

— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) December 14, 2020


One can take Lin Wood’s words “to the Bank” so to speak…

The man knows the LAW…


I would like to see their rendition videos….


All eyes are on January 6.

I suspect there will be a little bit of debate and discourse in the Congress as we go through the process of certifying the electors.

There is evidence that still needs to be considered.

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) December 15, 2020



she must read here–that’s a word of the day!!

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s fairly common legalese.


i really need to start labeling my posts…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was one of the few of wheatie’s words I actually knew about beforehand.


Yes it is… I’ve seen it all over the twittersphere…


theres our word of the day. From the other day. So….homework or test



Hint: After auditing the adjudicated ballots and corresponding AuditMarks, you may discover Trump got 200k more votes than previously reported in Arizona.

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020

Every adjudicated ballot has an “auditmark” stamped on it which shows exactly which votes were changed to which candidates.

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020


FYI Georgia Update

-Georgia SOS to switch parties after January 5. Will become Democrat, per local reports.

Well, that explains a lot.

Switching parties didn’t work out too well for Charlie Crist and Arlen Spector.

— ⚡ Mαχιмυs 🔥 Uηceηѕoяed ⚡ (@Maximus_4EVR) December 15, 2020


Looking for protection with his fealty.


If the election cheating can stand and Judges even Supreme court falters all elections will be suspect from now on. I look at McConnell and wonder if the voting machines reelected him not the people of KY. Or Graham if the machines did it not people from SC.
They are all suspect Republicans or Democrats. How did they all get million of $ on their salary? How come his wives father can do business with CCP?
Ia am so miffed at Wisconsin GOP and GA we need another party.


Brava SingingSoul… I share your thoughts/questions…

Linda Harrison

I called the board of elections today, for my county in NY and requested a form to unregister to vote. I also asked for one to change party affiliation. Perhaps PDJT will start the Lion Party. I am trying to decide if I should mail my current voter registration card to the Supreme Court or the RNC since I won’t be using it anymore. /s


The criminals have broken the trust.
Not act with emotion I do here but because I trust this group. Lets see what POTUS does. Yes letting our elected officials know how we see think and know the truth.


Actions speak louder than the letter behind your name.
He’s been a DEM all along!



Welcome back… so happy to see you here again.

Agree with you… btw.


Good by me. Kemp going to make it official, D-Rat that is?

Wonder if it matter is GA SoS and Kemp are D-Rat or RepubliCON, when they are IN PRISON.


Coming up at 1:00pm EST: Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos will testify before a Michigan State Oversight Committee Hearing.

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) December 15, 2020


My head is going to explode!


Not being a Republican I find McConnell vile. I do not understand how he keeps being over and voted in. Yes he voted for Judges not for us but for himself for his cronies.Funny how supposed our Judges failed us. I bed they do well for the establishment.
POTUS is the only one who carers about we the people the establishment stinks.


Perhaps if the Dominion voting machines in KY are examined closely, we will find that Mitch benefited (and always has) from the programming…?

jes sayin


I agree cannot imagine that people in KY keep this jerk. I know many people in KY many who are conservative and Trumpsers they do not like the man and if they vote for him is because of President Trump.


Epic troll


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All great Pat… as always, you make me smile.

About the HIV vaccine… POTUS as much as told us over a year ago that there is one… and he hinted cure for some cancers… (I didn’t just dream this or have a “winner” dinner… I heard him with my own lying ears 😎 )

Esp. loved the one about “Circle 1” and someone did!!!

Reminds me of late Hubby who, when having to fill out forms asking “Sex F or M” he would always write out “Yes, I love it” rather than state his gender.
(He always made me laugh too… thank you, for the laughter and the memories)


he sounds like he was lots of fun!
whenever it asks “race?” I put human.

I liked the circle 1 too…LOL


I do that about “race” too !!! There is only ONE… see, you and I are related ! Hi Sista!


love all my Sistas here!!!


Yes, he was LOTS of fun… good memories.


AG Barr Steps Down (or Is Fired by Trump)—Ace
Earlier, the media claimed that Barr disparaged Trump.
I’m not sure he did. Check out this claim:

Barr “cannot be intimidated” by Trump and thinks the president’s attacks are a “deposed king ranting,” a source told CNN. The relationship between Trump and Barr is reportedly like a “cold war.”

Note that those aren’t Barr’s (alleged) words, as most of the Twitter Idiots claimed. Those are the words of a “source close to Barr.”
And this is a CNN source. And we know how they turn out.
Trump tweeted about Barr’s refusal to confirm the Hunter Biden investigation until after the election.
RedState’s Nick Arama says Barr did confirm the investigation, but the media buried the news.
Arama quotes CNN, noting that the DOJ confirmed a Hunter Biden investigation in October.

Sinclair Broadcast Group reported in October that the FBI had opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. CNN has learned new details about the scope of the probe, including that it is focused on China.

Well, maybe. It certainly wasn’t a prominent confirmation.
Whatever the truth is, Trump must have began to suspect that Barr was just like many other Deep Staters who’d “served” him, telling him to his face that “wheels were in motion” about his various agenda items, while meanwhile working hand-in-glove with the bureaucracy to make sure nothing Trump wanted actually got done.

I had believed Barr was one of the good guys, but I have to agree with those skeptical of him:
Barr talked a good game, but he never delivered much.
Maybe never delivering much isn’t just bad luck. Maybe it was always the plan.
Oh right — “Durham is still out there.”
A source I have who is familiar with both Trump’s and Barr’s thinking seems to think that the given reason for Barr’s resignation — to be with his family more for the holidays — is in fact the real reason.
But that seems preposterous to me. It’s a critical time for Trump. Leaving helps the narrative that Trump has lost and even his top captains know it.
One recent story that I just remembered: Supposedly, Trump wanted a special counsel appointed in the case of the corrupt accused pedophile Hunter Biden, but Barr was resisting.
Perhaps that’s why he’s now gone.
Continue reading

Posted by Ace at 06:45 PM Comments


Another shout-out to Wolfie ………………..

Discovered another gem about new platform…

when one cuts and pastes, it picks up the LINKS, for embedded quotes, etc.

WHAT A TREAT! I’ve been wishing for that for so long… saves me tons of time when I bring something here. I posted the link to Ace’s piece, but I didn’t have to… it came along anyway…

WAHOOOOOOO Wolfie… you da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, that’s a nice new feature.

In fact, it was picking up so many links that Wolf had to raise the ‘link limit’ to 50…instead of the previous 9 link limit.

I had ended up in the bin a couple of times because of the hidden links in a couple of posts.

But now, with a limit of 50…it is unlikely that people will end up in the bin.


Oh thanks for that info Wheatie… I am loving our new home… surprises everywhere…


Looks like Google is putting up a warning screen for Vox Day’s site now. ( I get this big red thing from what it says is Google Safe Browsing warning about bad code or ads on the page…

Preposterous rubbish…

I can click through and he’s on the case, big time.


The Goog is evil.


Been some time since their «Do no harm» slogan was retired, if that was ever to be taken seriously.


Either we are delusionally optimistic, or <<<They>>> are stupid to a degree we cannot comprehend.


Deblasio says he will ride the subway to show it’s safe…altho he has yet to do it since March

There is “a cascade of scientific reporting that shows transit is not a vector for the spread of respiratory diseases, and there has been no serious evidence worldwide connecting transit routes and spread of this virus,” MTA rep Meredith Daniels told Gothamist earlier this month.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo rode the subway when the city’s reopening started in June. At the time, de Blasio said he intended to take his own transit jaunt.
Six months later, the SUV-loving mayor — whose ride of choice since March 2019 has actually been a $45,000 Chrysler minivan hybrid — has yet to ride the train.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he should ride underneath it… 🙂

“Riding the rods” was what hobos called that…


what he really deserves used to be called riding the lightning!


A 32-year-old Black Lives Matter leader who was honored by the Boston Red Sox during an August “Hats off to Heroes” ceremony, normally used to honor members of the military, was arrested Saturday in Swampscott, Massachusetts for punching an 80-year-old female Trump supporter in the chest.

Our friends at Turtle Boy Daily News have been tracking Ernst Jean-Jacques Jr. and all that he’s been up to since such an honor was bestowed upon him. Turtle Boy noticed the Red Sox honoree was hit with assault and battery on a person 60 years or older, according to The Daily Item newspaper in Lynn, Massachusetts.

Jacques Jr., who was released on $550 bail, can be seen in a video posted by Trump supporter Dianna Ploss unloading a right to the 80-year-old woman.


Nice to know what the Boston Red Sox stand for.

Gail Combs

That’s why I talked Hubby into leaving Boston 25 years ago. We lost money doing so but gained a heck of a lot in health living and piece of mind.


Been meaning to ask, if you care to divulge it . . .

I grew up in Rowley . . . your husband anywhere near?

Gail Combs



if i were a rich person, I would buy advertising outside their stadium and put this out there for all to see…


Interesting too in that the punch thrown was a coordinated in event in that the assailant had a loud speaker attached to his body and the alarm from another loudspeaker went off and the individual holding that loudspeaker moved up and stuck it close to another persons ear before shuffling off too as the cop stood their with his hands in his pockets.


Good catch. Disgusting theater to rile the rabid others.


And they wonder why they’re not getting daily Presidential Transition Briefings 😂 🤣 😂

Might as well invite ALL of our enemies to them, if The Traitor, Pedophile Joe Biden is there.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Looks as though eliminating Biden’s double chin was part of his cosmetic surgery!


Wow, you’re right. Vain asshoe

Sylvia Avery

Good catch! And he looks so YOUTHFUL now! *eye roll*


Have y’all considered “Mitch” is probably now a clone, as are most of these pols?

I’ve expressed my belief that human clones exist, and I realize that many don’t share this belief or even want to talk about it…

I also believe it will be just ONE of the things peeps will have to struggle with in the coming months.


This is good news. Would be great news if it wasn’t 42 days after the crime.

Gail Combs

GACK! I am trying to catch up! 😛 (puff puff puff)

Late last night. duchess01 had this 29 minute video:


With the resignation of A.G. Barr, the new acting Attorney General will be Jeffrey A. Rosen. Rosen has a solid background in the Founding Fathers and their interpretation of Foreign Interference. Imagine the timing of such a changing of the guard…nothing is by chance….


Rosen’s Remarks do not leave me with the warm fuzzies.

He talked about WWII and the NAZI attempted interference and how the MSM did not fall for it…. BUT HE LEFT OUT the NYT and Walter Duranty’s covering the Soviet atrocities that led to the USA ACKNOWLEDGING the Soviet Union as a LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT!

He completely glossed over China BUYING the Clinton presidency and inferred there was NO DIRECT foreign influence in our elections just dis-information via the internet. This DESPITE the LONG KNOWN problem with the Dominion machines.

He did NOT highlight Johnny Chung, John Huang, and Charlie Trie funneling Chinese $$$ to the Clinton Campaign in return for selling China our US military technology including “….machine tools, defense electronics, and even a communications system for the Chinese Air Force.”

Bernard Schwartz and Michael Armstrong, the CEOs of Loral and Hughes, each donated over one million dollars to Clinton’s re-election campaign. These companies had an interest in seeing China develop reliable missiles to loft their satellites into orbit. Clinton arranged direct talks between Bernard Schwartz and a Chinese general to improve China’s rocket technology. Michael Armstrong was made head of the Export Advisory Council. Both companies were allowed to upgrade the launching and guidance of China’s missiles.

Clinton even involved the Department of Energy, caretaker of our nuclear weapons, in his fundraising schemes. In 1994 and ’95 then Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary accompanied Johnny Chung, John Huang, Charlie Trie, and Bernard Schwartz on trade missions to China. Shortly afterward the DOE relaxed security at US weapons labs. Wen Ho Lee, an ethnic Chinese physicist assigned to Los Alamos, illegally transferred data on nuclear warheads to his private computer files.

In June of 1995, the CIA learned that China had stolen the crown jewels of our nuclear arsenal, including the neutron bomb and the W-88 miniaturized warhead

This solid evidence was not mentioned but he did mention ‘Russian interference’ via the internet during 2016.

….The alleged interference contained two internet components. The big one was hacking…. [We now know that was Seth Rich]

The second and smaller component of the alleged Russian interference was purported IRA (a St. Petersburg troll farm) activity on social media. It mostly consisted of a purchase of $100k of Facebook ads. Sounds like chump change for Russian intelligence. Worse, about half these ads ran after the elections. Almost all the other ads ran more than four months before the elections and not in the battleground states. But the biggest mistake that Ivan made was paying for the ads in rubles!

Can any sane person believe that this was part of a Russian intelligence operation? The congressional Democrats believe it. The MSM believes it. All this is nonsense, but Democrats use this nonsense to pressure Google, Facebook, and Twitter to deplatform conservatives, and analysis of “Russian social media activity” became a cottage industry. [By Chinese embeds]

Many people who don’t believe in any Trump/Russia collusion still believe in the Russian interference from which Trump benefited. Because this position is only half-true, it is hard to defend.….

So either this guy is denser that lead, a Deep State Player or playing a part in POTUS’s Chess Game.
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Well hello Gail!

I’ve always been impressed by your posts, both for context (opinion) and text (sauce). It’s as true now as it was 2 years ago.

I’ve been away for a while, but am re-engaging now.

>> “Rosen’s Remarks do not leave me with the warm fuzzies.” <<

Nor me.

I believe the true power will be with Donoghue, the new DAG.

Set-up after set-up AFTER SET-UP, by VSGPDJT!

>> denser that lead, a Deep State Player <<

That’s my guess.

Musical chairs, in re positions held, is a game PDJT knows well. One more sting for the books, while Donoghue sets the stage, from behind the curtains.

“Scaramooch, Scaramooch, can you do the Fandango?” may be the theme here.

I’m VERY happy to see you still posting here.

God bless you, and I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!

Sylvia Avery

Welcome back! 😊😊😊

Gail Combs

Nice to see you posting again Emerald.


I do not believe in POTUS chess playing until I see results. In 4 years this chess theory did not materialized.
If this all is a chess play and it is a foolish one because there is going to be a winner and I am not holding my breath. Only divine intervention a miracle can save us and POTUS.
Keep praying and it is all in God’s Hands. The Judicial system has failed God will be the ultimate Judge.


OH I think President Trump IS playing chess. Problem is DOJ players are SITTING ON THEIR HANDS supporting criminals.


Maybe they are compromised also?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed, but it’s an old video. I suspect he was NOT deeply read in at that time. Seems like he’s not very clued in.

The question is NOW – how is he reacting to the current cheating that is so incredibly obvious. If he’s still an MSM-head and a doufus, his days will be short and numbered, IMO.

Anybody who is not getting a wake-up call on widespread, uneven but deep, machine-related, precinct-related, Facebook-related, commie-related, UNEVEN BUT MASSIVE AND NATION-WIDE CHEATING – is not qualified to hold any office.

DOMINION LITMUS TEST. Anybody not getting the message needs to be thrown out of office and investigated later.


Tom Fitton on that last Lou Dobbs vid back a page or two mentioned at the end of the vid he doubts Rosen will be any better.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Deplorable Patriot

And early, too.


can you imagine this guy with a condom?

Deplorable Patriot

I can’t imagine there would be enough interest for him to use one.



too funny!!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Full body… 🙂




Probably gives himself an atomic wedgie every morning when he puts his underwear on too…

Deplorable Patriot

He doesn’t do that very often, does he?


Heheh…doesn’t look like it.

But who knows, maybe he goes through that every time he puts one on.


Could it be more obvious, MANDATED MASKS are for peons.

That fool has never put a mask on n his life.


these are GREAT! Thanks for posting!!
the kitties were so cute, and YODA surprised me, but man, that Husky has got some pipes!!


You’re welcome.

I wish I knew why the other tweets didn’t open up.
I deleted a bunch of them that were really good, but they didn’t open up.


the little kitty noses…


My dogs were for 4 days in the spa on the farm in KY. They love it there but also happy to come home. They were so tired last evening. This morning they sang for me for no reason except to tell me how happy they are to be back home.
They get a refresher on training and see deer and sometimes they take a long walk through the woods and play with their friends. Before they come home they get a bath .
I wonder sometimes how dirty they get because their blankets are washed their collar is washed and of course they are bathed and smell nice and look shiny.


they sing for you? how sweet!!!

Concerned Virginian

The Husky sounds like he’s doing a dog version of Brunnhilde’s Battle Cry from Die Walkure.

Deplorable Patriot

HA! My mother always wanted me to sing that part. Me, the one who really excelled at Susanna from Le Nozze di Figaro. I’m about a foot too short. I mean, I heard Debbie Voight sing it, and, yeah, no. I’m not Wagnerian at all.

Wearing a Viking helmet would be fun, though.


The dog and the deer…..😂🤣😂🤣

Rodney L Short

When Kimi comes home from work all 18 of our dogs howl for about 5 minutes, her niece thinks it’s cute I don’t lol they just won’t stop.


Question. Does activation (correct term?) of the 2018 EO hinge on Ratcliffe and his report on Friday? (45 days) Or can POTUS do what needs to be done regardless?


Lin Wood@LLinWood

Mitch McConnell @senatemajldr
 is NOT a Patriot. Ask his wife. She knows.

McConnell just wants power, influence, & money. He is willing to sell America to get what he wants. McConnell is a traitor to American Patriots.

His day of judgment is coming.

Lin Wood@LLinWood
I don’t believe @GOPChairwoman is with you, Ashley@AshleyWeis4
. Her disloyalty will be revealed soon. The People of @GOP who supported
@realDonaldTrump are with you. The leadership of GOP is not.

I guarantee you that @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @DanScavino
 ARE with you.

Elizabeth Carter

Carl, McConnell’s wife was just moved to a much lesser position. I am so glad. Chao in charge of infrastructure never seemed like a good idea. Our infrastructure was falling apart under her leadership.
I never trusted McConnell. The thing that concerns me most is that he might be installing Communist leaning judges. So many have been installed under his leadership.
Any thoughts on that?


Politics these days are so convoluted, complex and corrupt . . . both parties . . . that I have little hope of even remotely understanding the variety of incidents that occur that we are aware of . . . and we’re probably only scratching the surface of awareness with what we THINK we know.

Deplorable Patriot

Our infrastructure was falling apart long before her “leadership”.

Truthfully, it’s the states, for the most part, responsible for the upkeep.


Mitch McSellout


Revolver News assembled a very good statistical analysis team to analyze the voting pattern of every county in the country. They build a very robust model based on past demographic and other factors affecting voting pattern. This model was then used to predict the outcome of the 2020 election.
Their results show that this model closely tracks most states except the currently contested swing states, where Trump under performs:

Steve Bannon had an interview about this in his last episode of WarRoom:
Interview begins at set Time Stamp – (1:37)

Statistical Model Indicates Trump Actually Won Majorities in Five Disputed States and 49.68 Pecent of the Vote in a Sixth – Revolver


We report a simple yet powerful statistical model of county-level voter behavior in the November 2020 presidential election using two main types of data:  

County-specific voting data from the five previous presidential elections.

Selected demographic variables (race and education) plotting how different national voter groups voted differently in 2020 overall.  

These two types of predictors allow us to explain over 95% of the variation in county-level votes, and therefore allow us identify which counties (and consequently, states) look substantially anomalous in the 2020 election.  

The model provides substantial support for the allegation that the outcome of the election was affected by fraud in multiple states. Specifically, the model’s predictions match the reported results in all other states, i.e. states where no fraud has been alleged, but predicts Trump won majorities in five disputed states (AZ, GA, NV, PA and WI) and 49.68% of the vote in the sixth (MI).  

In other words, the reported Biden margin of victory in at least five of the six contested states cannot be explained by any patterns in voter preference consistent with national demographic trends. 


1. Our model explains 96% of county-level variance in Trump’s two-party vote share with four demographic variables (non-college white, college-educated white, black and hispanic) and one historical variable (the average of county-level GOP two-party presidential vote share, 2004-2016). All five variables are highly significant. This reinforces the conclusion that the model is generally a very strong predictor of vote shares, and so deviations from it should be considered surprising.

2. Under conservative assumptions, regression analysis shows Trump ought to have won AZ, GA, NV, PA, WI.

[See the end of the article for the full table.]

3. Every one of the contested states shows a larger predicted vote share for Trump than what he actually received. This is surprising, because in any set of observations, random chance might expect some predictions to favor Biden, but none do. In Georgia and Arizona, the model does not predict a narrow race, but a decisive Trump victory; the size of the anomaly is (much) larger than the reported margin of victory.

4. The model also performs well in battleground states that have not been contested, and thus where the election was presumably clean. Every one of these is correctly predicted, including both battleground states that voted for Trump (e.g. Ohio, Florida) and those that voted for Biden (e.g. New Hampshire). Indeed, there are no states that Trump won which the model predicts should have been won by Biden. Meanwhile, the errors in the model are constructed to average to zero, so the model cannot favor one candidate over the other. Instead, it reveals the places where actual outcomes differ the most from our predictions. 

5. The model is robust to alternative specifications of the regression formula and weighting.

6. The model places the burden of proof on fraud skeptics to explain why nearly all the states where fraud has been alleged, and only those states, have results inconsistent with statistical trends in the rest of the country. 

7. Our model highlights the importance of a systematic comparison of all counties in the US when trying to understand whether the contested states are actually unusual. Simply picking isolated comparison cities, or one-off comparisons to past elections, is a very inferior way of doing the comparison. This model takes this base intuition (which is actually good), but greatly improves it by making the comparison systematic. The fact that the contested states are mostly predicted to have been won by Trump using simple but powerful demographic models further adds weight to the existing evidence that these outcomes may have been altered by fraud.



This analysis has made formal an intuition that many people have had on an informal basis — namely, the contested states where Biden narrowly won showed strange voting patterns relative to what one might generally expect for those states, and relative to what one might expect on the basis of the final results in other key swing states (or plausibly even a sufficiently large number of “swing counties”). Our results show that this intuition can be made concrete — in the contested states of PA, WI, GA, AZ, and NV Biden’s vote share is implausible relative to both historical voting patterns in counties in those states, and with demographic trends in the 2020 election. 

When a few simple rules suffice to explain almost all of the behavior of large numbers of people over enormous areas, when exceptions to the rules are too infrequent and small to leave any doubt about their operation, and various tweaks or additions to the rules don’t do much to improve, or even fundamentally change, the explanation (in other words: when a model is parsimonious, powerful, general, significant, and robust), then you can be confident in your results. The evidence presented here is very strong; not (by itself) overwhelming, but strong enough that with further corroboration of the statistical claims by evidence about particular counties and states, it must become overwhelming. Either the inhabitants of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and (to a lesser extent) the three other contested swing states are totally unlike other Americans, and exempt from the statistical regularities that bind them, or rogue elements in the Democratic party have committed fraud on a scale that will permanently destroy America’s faith in elections unless their crime is quickly reversed and the guilty parties punished.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Note that DC’s predicted vote share for Trump was NEGATIVE.

No way DC will ever vote republican. If there’s ever an electoral college shutout it will have to be by a dem.

Also note that according to this only 40000 people voted in DC…yet those turds get three electoral votes. Whatever number amendment that was, it should be repealed.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When did DC get electoral college votes? Only states get electoral college votes. That is in the constitution, which is why they keep harping for DC statehood.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, we passed an amendment giving them the same EVs they would have if they were a state. 23rd amendment from the early 60s.


You are correct 🙂
it gave them:
3 Reps
0 Sinators

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Uh, no, they don’t have three reps. They ONLY have 3 electoral votes, which is what they’d have if they were a state (one hypothetical rep and two hypothetical senators). There is a non-voting “delegate” in the House of Representatives.


I’m noticing that Trump’s actual vote share is less than predicted in almost every single state. That would pretty much prove what Sidney Powell was saying about votes being shaved off Trump’s totals in every state.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY – there is that, too. AND – and this is huge – if you look at the CURVES for the data over time on election night in DOMINION counties, you can see how it was hidden in a LINEAR function.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I will never believe the Biden result, and I will treat his administration as a SOFT POWER INVASION BY CHINA.

I would rather die in a hail of TREASONOUS FIB bullets, than ever accept a communist occupation government elected by DECEIT.


There won’t be an administration. 👍🏻



OT is reporting that Pelosi called a 4:00 pm meeting with Schumer, McCarthy, and McConnell and there’s lots of speculation what it’s about…could be covid relief, but the wildest theories are, POTUS is gonna do Insurrection Act–(would he notify Congress???) or it’s about election fraud…

🚨 NEW On a Senate R call just now, @senatemajldr, @RoyBlunt & @SenJohnThune all pleaded with Senate Rs to NOT object to the election results Jan. 6.

MCCONNEL: it’s a “terrible vote” for the GOP. They’d have to vote it down, which makes it seem like they are anti Trump, he said

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) December 15, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True, if even so much as two senators defect on this, it loses.

If McConnel, Blunt and Thune all say they will vote no, then we’re basically boned.




McConnell got from POTUS what he wanted in the 4 years a book and all the Judges that suit his agenda. Has anyone wondered why Judges did not take the election fraught cases? Why did the three Trump appointed Judges on Supreem court not do thei job ubhold the constitution? No one ask the to choose POTUS.
I think the GOP and RNC played us and we do not well being played at least I do not.
I now understand the dream I had several months ago and was in denial because how could they not fallow POTUS to four more years?
I am getting cynical and think they all were in on the voter scam.
Has anyone wondered why it is only Trump loyalist busting their chops getting to the bottom of fraught? The other once let the clock run out like Barr he did his job run the clock out.
This all is so Banana republic not America .


This all is so Banana republic not America .

^^^ About 2AM I sent an email telling my NV state rep. He had finally replied to my four emails just after the 3 November election. In thos emails I wanted to know what the R NV state legislators were doing to ensure only legal ballots counted.

He replied yesterday, nothing they can do as D-Rats run the legislature, guvner office…

Mt email told him, IMO, Nevada has achieved banana state status.

  • NV rammed through mass mail voing with zero checks and balances to prevent fraud.
  • NV has motor voter where every applicant for anything at NV DMV is asked to register to vote.
  • NV uses Dominion to tabulate votes.

Rather sure I won’t here from that asshoe again.


The grass roots are the only one who can change what is going on


“True, if even so much as two senators defect on this, it loses.
If McConnel, Blunt and Thune all say they will vote no, then we’re basically boned.”


Knew it before Charlie Brown ever picked Lucy to hold the football 😂🤣😂

What is DJT’s favorite poem?

He KNOWS they are snakes, so he will NEVER take them in 👍

Lucky for us, DJT doesn’t thrive on abuse.

He thrives on WINNING, and winning means NEVER putting your fate in the hands of DIRTBAGS like the Uni-Party.


Pelosi called the meeting.

  • 100% the meeting is IS to SCREW OVER President Trump with 100% FAUX, CAN’T WE ALL GET ALONG.
  • Uniparty is gonna do what they do best, play Gumby and bend with the prevailing winds they feel.

Insurrection Act IS most appropriate in my view.

This election as it stands now MUST be STOPPED.

Concerned Virginian

Agreed 100%.


Hiya CV…head doing okay???

Concerned Virginian

Thanks, you are very kind.
It appears that I’m well into the recovery process. Learned a lot about mTBI (mild Traumatic Brain Injury) from the concussion experience — the biggest thing is that, while the skull injury heals quite well and rather quickly, the “interior” injuries to the brain resolve over a completely different “time frame”, the length of which is apparently a mystery to medical science. So the dizziness, balance issues, vertigo, vision issues, etc. that heal quickly in one patient, can take longer with another patient. But at least they do ultimately resolve.


well please take good care of yourself!!!
you’ll stay in my prayers!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re freaking out because of the Dominion results.


^^^ Like.

Turtle best not be giving anything away to the D-Rats.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re on the same team.

But we peasants aren’t supposed to recognize that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China getting everybody over a barrel to CHINA was a rather amazing exercise in “soft power”.


“Turtle best not be giving anything away to the D-Rats.”


But… but… but that’s what turtle does. 😂🤣😂


If this ISN’T cause for the Insurrection Act, what would be? It’s that bad.



President IS dealing with it.


It compliments the delauzon ones that were posted and then deleted early Mon AM.

Deplorable Patriot

That twitter thread was almost verbatim Q from late Oct 2017.


Yes, it was.


LIVE: Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill





🚨 MCCONNELL: “We’re not leaving here without a covid package. It’s not going to happen. .. no matter how long it takes, we’ll be here”

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) December 15, 2020


Smacks of Turtle caving on bailing out NY, CA….

If ths happens, veto needs to happen.


I can smell it all the way here in Carolina…


What ever happened to POTUS chief of staff? I know he had covid but I never see him on the news or defend POTUS or the election?


He was at the Army Navy game. Thought I saw him shadowing POTUS at another function too.


Thank you


His twitter account is active… he has been posting wrt lack of passage of stimulus pkg and DIM footdragging, as well as new vaccine

Here’s link… remember to remove the splat


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Israel – now first among BOLSHEVIK nations!


They stand with Biden, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bibi helped legitimize him.


Israel has been a socialist nation from it’s 1948 founding. A lot of strange history there.

Deplorable Patriot

I was going to try not to go there yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



anyone watching watching dominion live testimony? Limited time for me today + very dry and I am not able to follow with just jumping in here and there.
Anyone know of a twitter account live tweeting important bits?


Why? What is the point of these vaccines?


Then what is the point of the fucking vaccine?!

Geez. 🤨

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The answer is in the second to last word of the question, and you’re the one it’s being done to.

Deplorable Patriot



FG&C. Wondering here. Are domestic airlines going to mandate vaccines for employees? Guessing the unions will stomp all over that. As they should.


Some are starting to send out pink slips, lay off notices. Don’t think, and you need to take the vaccine, is going to go over well at all.


No vaccine in the cards for this fool.

Simply inquiring about commercial pilots.

Coupl eweeks ago, Quantas or some Aussie airline was yammering about mandatory vaccines. IIRC.

FG&C commented at the time. Just wondering if there is more chatter in his professional pilot realm.


My wife rides in the back of a 737 for work. No talk of vaccines. Yet.




Shut up, peasant.


Equilibrium was a fun movie.


Yeah but Equilibrium was a box office flop. Cost 20 mil to make; brought in 1.4 mil box office. So actually, hardly anybody saw the movie.


A San Francisco school district is planning to rename nearly one-third of its 125 schools named after allegedly controversial figures including Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, and Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building.

Lincoln’s policies also “proved to be detrimental to Native Americans.”

Herbert Hoover Middle School is set to be renamed over Hoover’s role in redlining while serving as Secretary of Commerce.

Roosevelt Middle School similarly faces a rebranding over its namesake’s “opposition to civil rights and black suffrage for black people.”

But even Democrats and apolitical figures were targetted by the committee.
Senator Feinstein, a former San Francisco Mayor, will have her name removed from Dianne Feinstein Elementary because she allowed the Confederate flag to fly in front of San Francisco City Hall and oversaw the eviction of the Filipino neighborhood Manilatown, ‘allow[ing] police dogs to attack Filipino veteran elders,”

Thomas Edison will be removed from Thomas Edison Charter Academy due to his “fondness for electrocuting animals.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


(The R is for “repeatedly”)


When I did inspections at Oakland schools across the Bay they would rename schools all the time. When a school was failing for more than a few years in a row they would rename it. They then became a “new” school so the failing status would be reset. This just kills two birds with one stone.

Deplorable Patriot

Ten bucks says he gets a saline injection.


and I encourage him to dd what HE CHOOSES to do…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to be the pickiest customer EXCEPT FOR YOU!  😉 


I do not yet see a scenario where I would choose to take any of these vaccines…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. And I am willing to take one, but not one of them has reached anywhere near making me want to roll up my sleeve.


and I’m only dropping my pants to moon them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Been a long time since I mooned anybody!
And it’s not like I can forget that verb! Sheesh! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Seriously, I think he’ll get the real thing – and I would in his shoes. He’s 78 years old and a polio survivor – that’s 1 comorbidity right there, and I’d bet money he has two more.

He’s not having any more kids, and by the time any mRNA oncogenesis or other risks would be apparent, THAT is more survivable than COVID for a high-risk patient.

He’s doing the math right for an elderly patient who doesn’t know his immunity status on coronas.


Horse wormer medicine and/or malaria medicine obviate the ‘death threat’ from covid.

He’s not doing the right thing but I bet he’ll feel politically correct.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would love to see the ENTIRE Fake News media in jail, just so that everybody who wanted HCQ could get it.

Deplorable Patriot

For someone who has been as used and abused as you, you’re awfully trusting.


right??? that surprises me most of all

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I trust very carefully – meaning I distrust almost everything, and choose between things that are not fully trusted.

Life is full of horrible “Sophie” choices between greater and lesser evils, and it is when I don’t listen to my gut, that I pick the wrong one.

That is why you see me “enthusiastic” about lesser evils as correct options.

I seriously doubt I could survive another lung infection like COVID. I am just barely at the point where I don’t breath through my mouth, and can keep my lungs properly conditioned by breathing through my nose. I don’t care one bit if my vaccine turns every [ WHOEVER THEY WANT TO KILL ] into a mule-producing spay or neuter. I’m done with kids. I don’t care if it gives me cancer in 20 years I’ll never make it to. I don’t care if it’s as bad or even 10 times as bad as the worst of HUNDREDS of vaccines I’ve gotten in the past.

All I care about is not getting the next COVID-XX when my current immunity runs out, likely in a few years.

I do the NASTY MATH very well.

I was raised on this stuff. Sometimes you trust a stranger and not your relatives. From before I can remember, I would dream of getting out of lines and running when the guards were not looking. Of SENSING when to take the chance, and when not to. It’s in my blood.

I cannot afford to be unrealistic about vaccines. The great truths and the horrible truths are somewhere in the middle, and that is why REALISM survives and PC of any kind kills.


I can understand not caring about risks that don’t apply. What I wonder is will it work?

Now hearing about a new strain, need for multiple jabs, Russia is saying no drinking for 2 months after …things that make me wonder if these are just covers for when it doesn’t work.

And then there’s this bizarre tweet.

Deplorable Patriot


This is fishy…and you’re not supposed to eat fish when pregnant, either, I understand. This is what women who have had kids in the last 30 years tell me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good link – thanks for that. This requires levels of interpretation that approach reading the news in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

This doctor has to back any government bullshit about travel, so he states government-approved bullshit there. It’s crap. The vaccines will have some optimal level of effect, be it 50% or 90% protection. Two shots and you’re done, but this dude cannot speak that old truth. They want people to take the vaccine for compliance, but then they want compliance to continue on BEHAVIOR in obeying government mandates.

“New strain” is garbage fake news – they tried this before a few times and it’s BS.
Very early on they discovered exactly how much mutation this thing undergoes, and it is fairly well boxed in. There have been MILLIONS of “new strains” on non-conserved, non-essential parts of the sequences – not a problem. There is a reason these companies are releasing only ONE VACCINE.

So much BS. The reports on the trials tell us everything that’s needed to know – particularly Phase 2.


It IS so much BS. I know it’s real, but all the nonsense swirling around has made it unreal. It’s been subverted. btw the Russian vaccine is called Sputnick V 😁


That’s a good soviet name. Is it the start of USSR 2.0?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I have the feeling Chinese and their partners are going to release a new strain every time we concur one virus to break us so we become compliant? Americans are like a wild horse we do not easily give in because we want to be free.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump and .mil and half of America knows this now. Don’t worry – I have always said that if the ChiNazis are smart, COVID-19 was the last one, and if they’re not smart, the next one is the last one.


So what’s the big picture with all this though? Every year another required COVID vaccine for whatever they send our way? I’ve never even had a flu shot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I hear you.

If it’s Biden – yes. China and the Cabal will control us more and more through managed reality – phony crises that manipulate us.


True but after awhile there won’t be any need for phony stuff..a dictate will suffice


Fuck you, Mitch McDoushie.

Deplorable Patriot

Um…you need vinegar for that, not saline.


I’ve got some spare bleach, unscented. 🙂


Polio vaccine actually was a curse also. Once they had success with it, then every solution to a medical problem was a vaccine or drug.


a tale of 2 houses…

“There will be a president sworn in on January 20. But let’s let this legal process play itself out.”

Joe Biden is not the #PresidentElect as legal battles over #ElectionResults are still ongoing, says House Minority Whip @SteveScalise.

— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) December 15, 2020


And that is EXACTLY what the Democrats and their accomplices in the media would say, if it were the other way around!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


copied this from OT—is this true????? I am not watching the hearing…

December 15, 2020 3:20 pm

Dominion CEO asked why his employess would be in michigan TCF center.
he reponds to clean the damn glass on scanner. ARE YOU SEEING THIS BS?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I actually believe him.

Precautions must be taken, or a Biden vote might, through malfunction caused by dirty glass, be accidentally counted for Trump.

Deplorable Patriot

Like they can’t give a child some Windex and make it happen?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

thanks bfly!




My husband said “yes they are cleaning the machines alright.” Cleaning the screens but my husband said” a good forensic expert will find the remnant one cannot wipe everything.”

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

This goes with that.


Where is POTUS going? Do we know?


Q told us he would be aboard AF1 when “it begins”


Thank you for reminding me.
Ah Yes interesting . Good I went shopping and stocked up.
My husband went to Kroger and said ” much of food is out they are not well stocked specially on vegetables.
I still have salad in the garden and Russian Kale.
Something is going on.

Deplorable Patriot

For two days I’ve come home with extra meat for the freezer and my brother has been, “You weren’t kidding about having two weeks worth of food.”

Gail Combs

Aside from fresh milk and fruit, we are good for at least a couple months. Two freezers well stocked and I just restocked the paper goods today.

Deplorable Patriot

I hesitate to start on the daily for tomorrow before the next round of grenades are thrown.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I sense that the spices are out of the lazy Susan and the caps are off.

Deplorable Patriot

If you mean the pot roast is in the Crock Pot and I decided to steam the veggies, yes.

Actually the paprika – some Hungarian and some smoked Spanish – went right back in the rack.


Jan Jekielek
BREAKING: “Big 4” accounting companies have employed more than 2000 #ChineseCommunistParty (#CCP) members including at least 1 PARTNER in EVERY FIRM. Includes: ~400 KPMG ~800 Ernst & Young EY ~800 Deloitte “Some senior staff” in Pw

Deplorable Patriot


Although none of the people I know who work for those firms are Chinese.

Deplorable Patriot

So, uh, the AGs, etc., so far have been set up men?

As a member of Cardinal Nation, this has been one of the ugliest starter-bullpen efforts out there.

And I watched Game 7 of the 2011 World Series. Went to bed on Game 6 which was actually the more apt comparison.

Deplorable Patriot

Here we go. This is what “sometimes you have to SHOW people” is all about.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a woman?

As an actual woman with WGTTs, someone should inform this…person…that anyone with shoulders like that should not be wearing shoulder pads while not in a football uniform.



Deplorable Patriot



oh yeah…the nose, the chin…screams dude

Deplorable Patriot


Until you’ve gone anemic at the top of the cycle, you just can’t be part of the club.

Hot flashes induced by hormone injections don’t count.


Oh yeah! wiki says trans. Also lists her occupation as activitist, writer and soldier. The picture is scary.




Ugh..with that bio *if* Biden takes the seat and she takes over anything to do with American schools…it’s going to be 50x worse than it is now


Even Pedo Joe knows not to sniff that stuff. Eewww.

Concerned Virginian

So this Charlotte Clymer is a transgender who “came out” in 2017. He/She is also a honcho for the Human Rights Campaign and a huge LGBTQetc. proponent.
God Forbid, if this person ever gets near being Sec. of Education, you can bet the farm you’ll be looking all kinds of “inclusive” LGBTQetc. policies in our schools, like “All-Gender” bathrooms and showers / “inclusive” sex education starting in Kindergarten / abortion on demand for any pregnant student under age 18 without the parents’ or knowledge or consent / ditto with children getting “sex assignment” surgery / ditto with children getting “sexual orientation counseling”, and more.
Title IX will be “expanded” to force all the above for anybody attending a school in the U.S., Kindergarten through college. Also to include “All-Gender Inclusive” sports. And would be extended to include any faith-based school that gets any Federal monies (but betcha the Madrassas will be “exempted”).


You can thank Øbastard for getting the T off the list of psychological pathologies.

It is a disorder and disorientation always will be – just like L G and B.

None of those are normal.



Cobb County? That’s not where the big problems were. I thought it was Fulton and Gwinnett.


Yes, Cobb County is a red herring. Anyone heralding the move should be immediately dropped in the traitor bucket and require permissions to come out.

Deplorable Patriot

Found @Jack’s place.

Plague of Deplorables.
comment image


You got that right, sir.

Been waiting for that signal for 4 years.

Deplorable Patriot

WARMINGTON: Top Ontario doctors’ hot mic moment spreading fast

What they didn’t realize is the microphones were already turned on and their private conversation was anything but.

“I don’t know why I bring all these papers, I never look at them,” teased Yaffe.

At that point, Williams talks about what is believed to be the COVID-19 numbers and asks did she “really say that?”

Yaffe chuckles and then says, “I just say whatever they write down for me.”

They both laugh and it sounds like Williams agrees.


Deplorable Patriot



New post at Political Moonshine:

The Fear of the Unknown (Video)
December 15, 2020



Glenn Greenwald Eviscerates CNN/MSNBC Over Their Fake Vaccine Coverage

. . .

Greenwald’s final point – that these corrupt media outlets, not QAnon or WikiLeaks or leakers like Edward Snowden – are the nation’s “greatest disinformation threat”, echoes the point I’ve been making here for years that the corrupt news media is a clear and present danger to the survival of the American Republic.

Never has this been more blatantly true than it has been with the media’s incessant fakery of the news related to COVID-19, a virus that has been used by governors of both parties to exert authoritarian power over the people of their states and to damage the national economy for years to come. An honest, truly functioning national news media

establishment could have by and large prevented this tragic outcome by holding those in power accountable for their actions.

Instead, these parrots have acted in unison to enable the subversion of our freedoms and ability to make a living, all with the goal of influencing a presidential election.

A pox on all their houses. Or perhaps a virus. Either way works for me.

That is all.


Has this been posted here and I just missed it? Just stunned …
I sit here picturing the faces of those who have passed away in our group of friends, all fo the tears and grief as spouces and families go through each day without their loved ones … China is an a… but so is fake news, deep state/fed gov employees loyal to the leftist/globalist platform over what is good for the US and her citizens and so are the Dems and all of their followers … and the GOPe/RINOs

After interferring into doctor’s private practice of medicine for Months, prohibiting a proven, inexpensive perscription for Covid 19, and holding President Trump up as “lying” (another fake news trick) for saying this drug holds promise to help, the AMA is Now reversing their standing on HCQ as an effective medicine when persribed early, soon after diagnosis of Covid 19.

How many lives could this drug have saved if all who were diagnosed received this drug early before the onset of severe symptoms and/or complications?! Of course not all but every life that could have been saved via early, inexpensive treatment is tragic.

Remember this the next time “experts” “fact check” President Trump + other doctors on network “news” and label &/or freeze accounts because of differences of opinion from the currently sanctioned narrative. Remember this the next time someone screams “settled science”. Fake News is the enemy of the people – more concerned with being against President Trump than reporting facts. And shame on the AMA as well.

For more information and to see the oringal documents:…/nov20-handbook-addendum.pdf


From what I have read, the entire document that contains the rescinding was released on Friday, 10/30. As close to the election as possible to fly it under the radar.

In other words, if the government did not push the “stay at home if you have symptoms” message, and had instead gone full out with HCQ both as an early outpatient treatment and prophylactically for the high-risk groups – thousands of lives would have been saved. No matter what you believe about the number of cases and/or deaths – the fact remains,
this virus is THAT manageable.


facilitated crisis, expensive drugs, MILLIONS to drug companies for vaccines, shutdowns with Billions in economic damage and mail in voting + a Huge talking point of Covid “mishandling” by POTUS when he tried to tell the world about this back in the spring. Fake News and Dems + China are A** H****!!! A big FU to them all!

Real people are dead (who were not at deaths door otherwise), real people have been through a hellish virus and many have damaged health from shutdowns.

Yes – I am upset. Lost too many to this virus and have many who will be recovering for a long time/long term health issues + recovering from economic hell

How different would election have been without Covid 19 being as severe, if it was considered easily treatable for most? Still lots of testing to identify cases early but the rest would be so different.


I see it made gateway pundit while I was ranting and raving here

I first saw it as a simple post with no references on facebook so I looked it up to know if it was true and immediately began posting on social media and here. Word is getting out quickly and people will be just as livid as I am


Link does not work.

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

For those of you who live in Texas, what sort of snake is this? As soon as I assume Copperhead, it’s something else.


That’s a Copperhead. They are in TX too.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. I realize copperheads are in Texas. The markings look so much like an Osage Copperhead, one of the species we have in Missouri, is really rather interesting.

I didn’t see a rattle, so I kind of figured, but you can never be too sure.


My wife grew up near Poplar Bluff and she has a sixth sense for snakes.

Deplorable Patriot

This is an Osage Copperhead.
comment image

I was on a float trip once, and one of these swam across the surface of the river right behind me. Wasn’t interested in us at all, just getting to the other side.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Looks like a Copperhead, hourglass pattern. If the head is wide, that confirms. Took me forever to find, had to blow up and stare.

Just like this picture. I was taking a picture of the locked gate. When I got home and zoomed in on my phone, you can see a baby one at the very bottom, and his eye. Part of his body is also inside the black loop. I almost grabbed the lock, Thank God I didn’t!!
comment image

P.S. This area is definitely Copperhead central. When I was little I was sitting on a big rock watching my Grandma use her metal detector and dig for treasure. She moved so I picked up my rock to relocate with her. SCREAM!!!!I had been sitting on a Copperhead the whole time! Grandpa!!!


Gmail is down again. I wonder what nefarious things Google is up to this time. These outages are looking awfully suspicious.

michaelh is having problems.

The website is currently suffering service disruption…

Testing it on my end and it looks like it’s responding…

Need an alternative to Google’s Mail?

Deplorable Patriot

I didn’t see an issue, either.


If you look at the outage map, it’s all over the west coast and parts of the east coast and midwest. Also Australia and Great Britain.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, there is a dot over us. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I’m still getting mail.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, on one account.


I’m trying to email someone on a gmail account.


I have Spectrum and theyve beennout all day.


So, we’re supposed to believe the CEO of the company that sells the voting machines from H3LL… who was not sworn in ? Try the other leg… oops, that one’s not buying either


Depends on how many legs one has. Remember – two legs good; four legs bad.


And spiders have eight legs because God wanted the insects to stay in their place.


well, sometimes need my cane (for bopping smartalecks on the head) but otherwise, I only have two legs 😉


I did a double take when I saw this tweet, then noticed it’s from 2012.  😀 


Official (stealth) announcement of 2016 campaign?


Why Trump Electors Casted Provisional Votes in PA – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax


Key Impeachment Player’s ALARMING Secret Known to Speaker Pelosi & Rep. Schiff


The Senate just voted to confirm Thomas Kirsch to replace Amy Coney Barrett on the 7th circuit. He is Trump’s 230th judge.


So Im taking kiddo to the Dr. Who check us in, then proceed to put stickers on us denoting level of health out of 4 versions. Then bc i dont have a mask over my nose tell me they refuse to see my son…after theyd checked us in.
They said we can have a visit over the phone…but he is here for his lungs.

When I confronted them they had no answers except “Its not fair to the other patients.” Then got nasty and said wear masks or you cant see the dr.

Nazi tactics. I decided to show kiddo a couple nazi juden star videos while we wait.


they’re wearing a mask, so they should feel protected (they aren’t of course, and they don’t feel protected)

when you do get in to see the doc… consider telling him what you encountered in his office… consider telling him you and he both KNOW they don’t work…


This was specialty and she knows im common sense, no nonsense but they never understand about front office behavior.
I even pointed out that if i put my sweater over my face it does the same thing.
They dont care…their minds are closed.
The office mgr was a bish. Wagged her finger at me.
Then, we were made to go in the back so that we didnt go by the front desk.


They also are enjoying the control aspect… lil Nazis everywhere 😉 who would’ve thunk, right?


You know it. Kiddo knows it too.


I keep tellin’ you… you’re a great Mom…


Comprehension and retention. And im not giving up Santa, he can have that as long as he wants!


Right… children need some mystery, some imaginings …

Sadie Slays

I got mask Karen’d today, too, for the first time in months. I was at the liquor store with a scarf pulled up over my mouth. Employee tells me that “I need a real mask,” which is straight up wrong because the state health mandate only says “face covering.” I told him that I’m not obstructing my breathing for medical reasons, and then he let it go.  


This ol’ lady never wears one… when queried… if by some bouncer-type hired to accost folks at the entrance I simply walk on by… if told my a manager or other employee “you need a mask” I ask “more than my business?” they don’t say anything. Once a waitress met me at the door insisted I needed one, and I told her I would eat elsewhere.

I went into a local shop that sells vacuum cleaners, sewing machines to get bags for the vacuum… manager and sales gal were maskless… lone customer was all covered up. I’m mentally recording the level of stupidity in this small town. My driving will become even more “defensive” …………………


Yep…theyre getting real ahole about it.

Deplorable Patriot

The Couch Commando is LIT tonight over this.

Seriously, my siblings are all hyper in one way or another, but this is another level.


Cabal has destroyed many a scientist and many a physician over counter dogma.

Physicians independently were afraid to speak out for this reason. Recently 22 scientists challenged the Covid “test” saying in essence it is and was BS. Now comes the AMA, finally. They have never been known for their bravery. When my daughter was pregnant with youngest grandson, I drove to FL twice, false labor pains… then decided to go and stay. Meanwhile went to work for one the of the very first pain management clinics (they began in FL in the mid 90s) where I learned that medical colleges don’t teach physicians about “pain” … they don’t acknowledge it (bet y’all thought medicine had advanced past that…). Some smart cookies thought that was criminal (it is)… and set about to do something about it.

Barely 20 years later and you think the AMA has progressed, grown a set? Nah


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Ron Coleman

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Adam Housley

Keep an eye on the DNI

1:28 PM · Dec 15, 2020 from Montclair, NJ

Replying to 

As of right now, no one really cares about the covid money fraud. They care about the Durham investigation.


NOW THAT PEOPLE HAVE DIED in Democrap States forbidding HCQ….

There is much more literature proving HCQ efficacy for Tx CV-19 than Remdisivir and the Vaccines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are we back?


from where?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never mind – thank you, Pat, for being one of the people who proved the site was not down – something ELSE was down.

People may be pulling their Solar Hurricane equipment around the country.



Sylvia Avery

Must be. At least I can see you. Couple peeps came to Marica’s asking if you were down and a several people said it had been really slow, so I thought I’d come see what’s going on.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sylvia Avery

everything was normal from my view…


page refresh didn’t work, which I thought odd, so I opened a new window, new page, and recent posts were there. I was concerned and even checked to see if a new thread had been posted. Just very momentary for my experience.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – there was some kind of internet outage, IMO, with regional effects. The site was up and everything nominal – in the green – well under red lines. This was not the site. Michael and I suspected the apache web server was down, but not even an error on the site. Even bigger, some people were commenting here right through the problems.

Sylvia Avery

Yesterday was horrible, not here that I noticed, but for me and some others at Marica’s and a few other WP sites, and of course You Tube and some email systems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I’ll bet it’s the reaction to the Solar Wind stuff. Hardware and software getting examined, pulled, and replaced everywhere.

Sylvia Avery



I was one that experience the outage….. I was here, but seemed locked up for a while.
I went to the Gab site on another tab as per SHTF instructions. (Left you a comment there)
Came back to this tab and all we ok.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The plan actually worked. I checked both the Gab group and the chats – we got on it quick to assess. This was good practice.

Deplorable Patriot

Where did we go?


site was unreachable.
Maybe all who were online didn’t notice it.


I was online…… Site would not refresh or post comments
(For a few minutes)
I went to gab on a new tab to check in there.
Came back when the loading circle went away…..
all good now


Me too, gab is the place to go in times of trouble


That is the way I understand it.


Same here, but it didn’t last very long, maybe 2 – 5 minutes.


yep….. not real long…. but DID happen
Wolf knows

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For some people, nowhere. For others, might as well have been on the moon.

Very odd. For a few of us, there was a big, long service outage – no connection to the site for about 20 minutes. For others – NO PROBLEMS.


I couldn’t even get the site to load … perpetual spinning ball when I typed in the address.

then I could come to the site but it was very slow and then couldn’t reply.

Seems back to normal now

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And for some people, it was normal the whole time. At the host, the site had no idea there was a problem.

I believe that this is downstream effects of the Solar Wind stuff. People are swapping out hardware and software all over the internet.




Biden doesn’t have a Senate seat to give up – LOL


He must’ve bought into that “re-imagining” thing that the climate people were selling.


Nah, he’s just trying to appear even more infirm.


He doesn’t know what day it is!


A ruse – IMHO – PR – why – all of a sudden can he speak with some clarity?

Concerned Virginian

Behold the man who thinks he’s the next President of the United States.
Can’t even remember that his last “job” was VICE PRESIDENT.


Who knew Dementia Joe has multiple personalities living in his decaying brain.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love this guy! He GETS IT!!!


He gets out a little bit too far than POTUS may want him too (cause POTUS has to deal with the jerks) but yes he does get it.


The Naked Communist, published 1957. Get it; read it; and realize how little has been done to prevent our takeover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This seems significant.



The Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) is “a system of interconnected computer networks used by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of State to transmit classified information (up to and including information classified SECRET) by packet switching over the ‘completely secure’ environment”. It also provides services such as hypertext document access and electronic mail. As such, SIPRNet is the DoD’s classified version of the civilian Internet.

SIPRNet is the SECRET component of the Defense Information Systems Network.[1] Other components handle communications with other security needs, such as the NIPRNet, which is used for nonsecure communications, and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), which is used for Top Secret communications.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I read one reply that said it sounds like bad actors, possibly on the inside, were setting up a FF to blame Russia.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a lot of VERY weird stuff going on with the Russian side of this.

All I know is that CHINA and DEMOCRATS (who were turned by SOVIETS and CHICOMS) committed a MORTAL SIN with this fake election.

NO LIMITS to what needs to be done to right this. NONE. I’m THROUGH with the DNC and the CCP.

I wanted to beat Xi to death with my future oxygen tank after I barely recovered from COVID hypoxia. That is NOT a fun experience. Now, I’m not so hot angry, but I will fly whatever Enola Gay is needed to right this stuff.

They tried to steal the White House. I take the oath to fix this. PERIOD.


Just saw these. Have these been here awhile?

Yea. B-29s pretty cool stuff.


Great minds 😉

Not too long! It was all I could do to pull away from reading the article about recovering airframes from China Lake. So much interest in these old birds.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The few MSM that are discussing are already blaming Russia w/o any proof, of course. At today’s presser, Fox’s Kristen Fisher blamed Russia and asked Kayleigh what would POTUS do to retaliate. SSDD🙄


Not surprising for Kristen; both her parents are space cadets.


I hope they can tie something like this to international fraud in the election to further justify military solutions.


Yes, hopefully they’ve got what they need before they flush China out of the system.


The stats and people swearing that covid killed their loved ones is now as unreliable as the election results.


And who exactly believes this is something they’ve decided to do going FORWARD? Hello, MAGAMom? They’ve been doing it all along.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Most of us knew that for sure but the ones we tried to tell were never quite able to grasp that, always returning to the CV numbers for “proof” and spinning the deadly covid wheel.
All to blame trump and give the boost to socialism or or we skipping straight to communism?

Concerned Virginian

Skipping straight to Communism.


The death #s I reported were total mortality, regarded of how listed, that showed excess deaths and memes claiming we didn’t have excess deaths to be wrong.

last week I pointed out PIC deaths and total deaths. I also linked to PIC deaths. this is not new information

Covid deaths and flu deaths are Also being tracked seperately.


the combining has been done on 1 chart and on that same chart it also breaks the deaths down to flu and Covid 19. All other flu reporting systems remain the same. Covid 19 is being tracked via the flu surveillance so, yes, some graphs include Covid 19 as they are tasked with tracking this. However, flu is still being tracked seperately as always.

–>>This page lists total deaths per week since the 2013-2014 flu year
–>>It also lists influenza on its own/influenza only deaths/influenza outside of Covid19
Flu and Pneumonia are often listed and tracked together because many pneumonia deaths are actually flu related deaths – pneumonia developing as a complication of the flu.

Again, influenza Is Still being tracked seperately, without Covid 19 added.
See the usual flu tacking map here, same as every year:

Yet another example that, Yes, Flu is being tracked on its own the Same as Always. So far, 230K+ tests and about 500 positive. Notice the graphs and the tracking of specific strains of influenza … just like always

The same departments are supposed to be tracking covid 19 and combining some graphs for reporting and communications purposes is hardly newsworthy. Many more issues with what they are doing but this really isn’t one of them.


My point was that they have been playing fast and loose using covid as the cause of death for months. $$$ I’ve seen too many videos from the relatives, the docs, and even the funeral directors. None of this was specifically flu/pneumonia.

The weakened version of COVID that we have now is not sufficient to drive the stats. So now it’s PIC. Did you READ RFK’s tweet – they’re calling it all covid. I’m done going back and forth with this. I think what I think.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

agreed. No doubt we have deaths listed incorrectly. We also have deaths listed as *because* of wuflu v. *with* wuflu.

However, I have never posted to the contrary.

I merely posted that
a) we do have excess deaths
b) many are from wuflu as wuflu is killing more people than the flu and than would usually die this year
c) cdc is listing and tacking flu

When we get past the fake news, such as no excess deaths, we can focus on the real questions such as where did it come from and why, who is responsible for not protecting the vulnerable, for locking down the healthy, for supressing a cheap and effective treatment, etc.

Too many important questions to be distracted by fake news such as no excess deaths, fake news survival rates of 99.9%, etc.

Wuflu is dangerous and is being used by the left and is made more dangerous by the left’s policies.

Interesting to me that even the CDC admits that wuflu and wuflu complications are only responsible for 2/3 of the excess deaths. What? We have 1/3 of excess deaths from something else? What is the cause of the other 1/3?

We have to ask the right questions …


As I said, I’m done with the back and forth. But your whole focus has been the NUMBER of deaths attributed to covid — and the point is the numbers are deliberately inflated. Done, once again. Please don’t take offense when I don’t respond.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

It’s inconceivable to me to trust any stat, any number, any claim of an entity (cabal/globalists) that have proved that their goal is to enslave us. WHY in that area only would it be factual? Logic says that it wouldn’t, truth is not in their playbook


Not to mention they purposefully spread this stuff around.


The number is important because:
–>> to deny excess deaths is fake news
–>> to deny excess deaths creates a distraction for factual analysis that will have us asking the questions they don’t want to answer such as Why were the vulnerable not proected? Why else is killing Americans if the CDC says only 2/3 of the excess deaths are covid or covid related complications? How do they explain the other 1/3 of the excess deaths?
–>> to deny excess deaths denies the murderous nature of wuflu and therefore relieves China of the blood on their hands.

Brave and Free

The fact is the MSM claims them all as COVID, no matter where they fall in the stats or charts or graph or where you want them to go. The sheep see only COVID deaths. That’s by design.




Link to article with stats disproving excess deaths?

If we deny excess deaths then we are not holding China accountable for excess deaths.

If we deny excess deaths then we are not asking the CDC who/what is responsible for the 1/3 of the excess deaths they say are not from wuflu or wuflu related complications.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She posted something either yesterday or the day before.


Anyone know how does one search for one person’s comments to save time over going back page after page?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s on page 3. Then search for Aubergine.

She had posted that link once prior to that, a few days before, and as you will see when you go there was rather snarky about how you never responded to her.

I took a damn beating for sticking up for you that day, on page 2, because you dropped a bunch of bombs and then left for a couple of days.

No more.

(PS: for some reason you can’t link to a specific page of comments or even to a specific comment any more, until someone replies to it, then their comment will have a link to yours.)

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thank you. Unfortunately, I didn’t see this post as I just searched every page of every thread for the last several days until I found it. But I did because I am only interested in facts and if excess deaths have been “disproven” I would want to know.

Conversations on facts are not personal and I am surprised each and every time people get upset with me when I post facts that don’t match what they believe or want to believe. Shocked when I read comments stating that, well, dispite the facts, they will believe what they want and what they feel to be true.

No, excess deaths have not been “disproven”.

From the link posted to “disprove” excess deaths:

“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronavirus section for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

The link is Not a count of actually deaths. The link takes previous year’s deaths and projects expected deaths for this year. Your link literally states that the numbers are not real, actual deaths but are projected/expected deaths. This is not a list of facts but of expected deaths based on pevious years.

SMH … Facts matter.

If this is a trusted, here is there Covid 19 data which only addresses wuflu deaths and not excess deaths.

It is not fear porn to correct informatiod presented or to present correct info in the first place.

Facts are the basis of correct analysis


I don’t always go back to read old pages. I will do so more often in the future. I don’t get notifications as I have not signed up for an account. I was not purposefully ignoring anyone. Just didn’t happen to go old pages and search for my posts to answer comments on my posts.

Any idea why some people take counter opinions so personally?

If I posted something in good faith, someone else said, No, that isn’t right and then shared a link, I wouldn’t get mad or upset. I would simply click on the link to learn more and then be glad to have learned more or search further to confirm the other peron was correct.

Why are disproving excess deaths so important to some? I don’t get it

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately, dropping a post like that then not sticking around for the responses or at least checking back the same day gives a lot of people excuse to accuse you of cowardice or just being a dump-and-run troll.

As for people wedded to certain preconceptions, I run into the same phenomenon in, shall we say, very different surroundings (like atheist forums). I got into a discussion on “gun violence” with someone who simply could (would) not see my point that he was comparing apples to oranges. Even very leftist others on that forum were starting to say he was being deliberately blind. He was a moderator on that site and ultimately threatened me; either concede or…

He was gone within hours as I simply reported him one level up. The man had had a honey badger tenacity with arguments (the sort where you imagine spittle coming out of the computer screen) and boy I was happy he was gone.


I already gave you the damned links, you shill.

I know what you are, as do most here.

I can’t be any more clear. F*ck off.


I patiently explained why your links clearly do not disprove that we do have excess deaths.

what I am? You turned this into an argument when all it is pure data. Why cling to the “no excess deaths” talking point? weird.

So many other issue to address .. smh

Why be emotional and curse? sad to see someone emotionally attached to fake news.




Your links prove I am correct and that you are spreading fake news.

Calm down and go read your own links.


Every Single week of 2020 has shown excess deaths since the end of Feb, 2020.

1) First set of #s:
WeeK 1: 60,018 v. 58,299 v. 64,647
Week 2: 60,553 v. 58,362 v. 67,495
Week 3: 59,192 v. 58,220 v. 64,647
Week 4: 58,993 v. 57, 908 v. 62,780
Week 5: 58,658 v. 58,152 v. 60,974
Week 6: 59,223 v. 58,523 v. 61,110
Week 7: 58,657 v. 58,000 v. 59,779
Week 8: 58,704 v. 58,005 v. 57,793
2020 total for weeks 1-8: 473,998

(First deaths of WuFlu begin with a few and quickly climb as week 9 is end of Feb)

Week 9:  59,125 v. 58,546 v. 56,692
Week 10: 59,492 v. 58,546 v. 57,093
Week 11: 58,471 v. 57,917 v. 56,326
Week 12: 59,027 v. 57,096 v. 55,766
Week 13: 62,789 v. 56,675 v. 54,918
Week 14: 72,079 v. 56,598 v. 55,294
Week 15: 78,836 v. 55,492 v. 55,228
Week 16: 76,559 v. 54,4468 v. 54,038
Week 17: 73,658 v. 53,656 v. 53,727
Week 18: 69,093 v. 53,987 v. 53,741

(Week 18 ends May 2, 2020, same as the “study” claims to end their #s)

Weeks 9-18 totals (the time period when the Wuflu deaths began in the US and the end date of the article’s claims)
2020: 669,129
2019: 562,959
2018: 552,823

2) Second set of #s:
2020/2019 deaths for specific weeks. Roughly late June – 3rd week of November as the rest of the #s are incomplete/still being compiled. The #s for the last week of Nov and first 2 weeks of Dec are not yet complete/still being compiled/unavailable. There is always a 3-4 week lag in the reporting of these #s.

2020 first, 2019 second
wk 26: 58,247   52,209
wk 27: 59,556   52,344
wk 28: 61,589   51,931
wk 29: 62,785   51,649
wk 30: 63,883   51,662
wk 31: 63,873   51,410
wk 32: 63,236   51,747
wk 33: 63,075   51,023
wk 34: 61,862   51,022
wk 35: 60,168   51,162
wk 36: 58,706   51,836     
wk 37: 57,432   51,633
wk 38: 57,104   51,757
wk 39: 57,936   52,757
wk 40: 56,814   52,564
wk 41: 58,233   53,090
wk 42: 56,628   54,338
wk 43: 57,608   54,049
wk 44: 57,483   54,087
wk 45: 58,384   55,699
wk 46: 59,815  55,886
wk 47: 56,091  56,199

all of the above #s are easily available at this link:

Maybe in the next several days I will complete the year’s data by adding in weeks 18-26.

Point: We have had excess deaths EVERY weeks. This is in the data of total deaths and easily comparable to previous year’s data.

There are Many things on which to question the narrative. The fact that we have had excess deaths is not one of them.

Question Why we have had excess deaths, for example.

No excess deaths is fake news.




You link is 100% fake and you are not clicking, reading the site that you linked or dealing with the issues.

My data comes straight from the CDC and is accurate and I have provided links.

What about my data is “fake” and why do you cling to this issue? It is odd to see someone so emotionally attached to fake news.

Address your link that you are using and its flaws – ie it is not actual 2020 data and the site itself says that!


“My data comes straight from the CDC and is accurate and I have provided links. ”

And there’s your problem. Shill.


You have no data to back up your claim there are no excess deaths.

All deaths at the CDC are counts are tracable back to the states.

The debate isn’t whether their are excess deaths or not (to those dealing in facts) but is Why are there excess deaths + who and what are responsible for the excess deaths.

Think, use facts, use logic and ask the right questions … and let go of the fake news that their are no excess deaths as you literally have Nothing to back up your claim.


CDC again.



Silly, immature response to name call when your sourcs and therefore your conclusions are proven wrong.

I realize that you are embarassed but man up, admit it and move on to important questions.

Excess deaths isn’t a one of them





You are a SHILL.


Also, your style of speaking and argument labels you for exactly what you are.



My style of speaking? Leftist?

you are just getting rediculous now.

So you refuse to review your own links?


If you are referening your links from several days ago see the reply posted again here for your convenience.

From your link:

“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronavirus section for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

–>Your link is Not a count of actually deaths. Your link takes previous year’s deaths and projects expected deaths for this year.

–>Your link literally states that the numbers are not real, actual deaths but are projected/expected deaths.

–>This is not a list of facts but of expected deaths based on pevious years.

SMH … Facts matter and that is now what these posts are.

If this is a source you trust, here is there Covid 19 data which only addresses wuflu deaths and not excess deaths.

It is not fear porn to correct information. I often wonder about why people get so upset when 1 set of facts is corrected. Yes, we have excess deaths. So why is that so earthshaking for anyone? Can we not move past that and onto asking what else is killing Americans, how to hold China responsible, etc.? How is focusing on fake news of no excess deaths helpful v. focusing on the many real issues?




A shill?  😂 

because I disagree with you, point out your “facts” are fake and have facts to back up what I am saying?

Try harder, dig deeper, deal in facts, calm down, be best


Shill, shill, shill.

Are you based in China?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to call you a shill, but the CDC data is crap. Just about everything published by a “reputable” outlet on the entire fear porn plague is crap.

Sorry, but there it is.

And for the record, just about everyone here who had the NASTY bug with the high fever up front and it messes with the blood, etc., was labelled Influenza A before the “tests” were available. In fact, someone known to be tested positive for Influenza A with that particular bug.

I don’t believe any of it since I think I had the REAL COVID-19 a year ago, and recovered just fine.


You are caught cold using a “source” that is Not what you claimed it was while I list actual data w/link to check it for yourself.

When caught you blame me, curse and call me names. Pathetic response.

Truth has no agenda and sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Why is it so important to you that we have no excess deaths, so important that you refuse to face that your source is did not prove me wrong or “debunk” me?

Why are 10,000 other issues that are true not worthy of your focus?





You didn’t answer.

Are you Chinese?


“you didn’t answer”

Remember, I don’t get notifications and I hadn’t refreshed so hadn’t seen this questions. Careful in your assuptions.

To answer:

You mean you weren’t just calling names but think I am an actual shill and perhaps Chinese v. American? Of course not! That is hilarious and so silly. Or is it just a pathetic demonstration of a propensity to jump to conclusions, let your immagination run wild and finding it easier to fantasize than deal in facts?

Why would a chinese shill point out that lessening the impact of wuflu is letting china off the hook? SMH … use logic!

FACTS: Your source to “debunk” my stats was Literally not a source of 2020 deaths.

Why are you so attached to this idea of no excess deaths?


You are good at it, but you are a shill.

I am attached to the truth, not Chinese lies.


If you are “attached to the truth” then why are you just yelling (all caps), name calling and refusing to read your own links that do not disprove me much less prove there are no excess deaths?



Still no answer.

And you are behaving EXACTLY like all the other infiltrators on all the comment threads at conservative website.

I’ve got your number.



This is my last response to you. If you post fake information, I will continue to dispute it.

Still no answer. Chinese?

And you are behaving EXACTLY like all the other infiltrators on all the comment threads at conservative website.

I’ve got your number.


Better question:

Why are you do determined to convince people here that there are excess deaths due to covid?

My data is correct. It comes from sources both prior to and post covid. But not from Fauxi’s CDC.



Reread your own links – it Literally says that the 2020 deaths are Not actual deaths but are projected deaths based on info from previous years. To prove no excess deaths with “death” data that is projected v. real/recorded deaths is Literally not proving real/recorded death totals “wrong” .
Read your own links!

Calling me names every post? Weak. Be best. Can’t you keep the conversation fact based v. silly middle school name calling?


I proved you wrong. And you just CAN’T STAND IT.


You didn’t prove me wrong. Read your source. It is literally not actual deaths of 2020 but is projectd 2020 deaths. SMH

Do you have any other sources for 2020 death totals?


where did you prove me wrong? Read your own links!! They don’s say what you think they say.


EVERYTHING about Covid death counts is 100% FRAUD.

Has been from the start and is today.

Personally I will NOT consider whatever dumb ass Covid death number anyone presents.

Covid deaths are simply UNKNOWABLE given the BS way of determining a Covid death…and how it has changed over the past ten months…toss in corrupt medical weenies snatching Covid $$$ by linking a death to Covid.

Determining Covid death numbers is as ACCURATE as determining TRU Covid positive tests.

ALL OF THIS IS A FOOLS ERRAND. Not YOU Maga Mom. Any effort to determine Covid deaths, TRUE Covid positive tests… Totally goofy at best.


Not a glitch, it’s a feature. Confusion, distortion, fear, lying about treatments…it’s all part of the theater.

SUCH AS……………….

he LA teachers union – has a few demands before they will even consider heading back to the classroom.

“No matter the scenario in August, it’s clear that it will not be a ‘normal’ school year. But when ‘normal’ means deep race and class fissures that result in increased infection and death rates in Black, Brown, and high-poverty communities; when ‘normal’ means increasing police budgets even as schools, libraries, and public health face catastrophic cuts; when ‘normal’ means corporations receiving trillions in bailout funds as federal commitments to support special education and high-poverty students remain unfulfilled; when ‘normal’ means working families lining up for miles for food banks while US billionaires increased their wealth by over $584 billion — it is clear that going back to normal is not an option. This crisis presents an opportunity to create a new normal that supports all students,” the union said in their demand.


With Covid, it’s never been about the truth.

Feer. STeal the election. NWO – Global Reset.


Here is Kennedy’s whole post if I can get it to show:

comment image


flu is distinguished from Covid 19 even on the PIC graphic that is updated weekly


This works too, lol


Well… isn’t that special … 😂🤣😂


Thanks !


This is how hospitals will increase their profits since covid admissions pay a YUGE bonus.


We’ll cross that bridge when it collapses …. lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m ready to go “Mythbusters” on it and MAKE IT WORK!!!  🤔 


DO IT!!!


Ep. 2354a – Trump Pushes On With Deregulating, [CB] Pushes For Darkness
X22 Report Published  December 15, 2020


Ep. 2354b – The Case Is Being Built, Crime Of The Century, The Eagle Has Landed
X22 Report Published  December 15, 2020

Elizabeth Carter

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋@NeonRevolt 5h·
Aaaaaand there it is.

comment image
Home / Gab Social


This is pathetic. Turtle’s wife is from Republic of China (Taiwan). Playing on people’s lack of specific knowledge by simply saying “China” (knowing that most people will take a quick look and read “commie China”) is disgusting.


Fox News will probably cave, but hopefully the other 2 won’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great way to get a lot of Ron’s stuff into legal proceedings.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OANN and NewsMax need to stand tough and file counter-charges. Smartmatic will go down.


comment image



Red 1

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s ON. We will have several gun-cleaning nights before then.


Wolf, is there a way to turn on the Tweets so we can see them?

All I see is links, but I don’t know if it’s that way on purpose, or if it’s just my screwy browser settings.


The tweets show for me. win7, desktop, brave.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know that to see tweets, your browser and your privacy software need to “allow embedded tweets” and also allow almost every single bit of software that has “twitter” in its name or its URL.

I don’t know if Firefox has a tweet setting, but I know that Ghostery blocks a lot of Twitter stuff. You would likely have to suspend your privacy software, or at least allow all objects from Twitter, to see tweets fully.


I went to the Ghostery pop-up box and selected ‘Disable Ghostery for this Site’, and refreshed the screen, and all the Tweets show up now.

Thank you! 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome! There we go!

I knew my very early experiences with Ghostery would be useful someday!!! 😀


Guessing TW will ban President Trump January 21, 2025.

WE have another four years.



“Does anybody know why McConnell would do something like that?”


Ummm… okay, I’ll bite.

What is “Because he’s a bad guy, and he’s always been a bad guy?”


It’s all about the Benjamins

Brave and Free

Will the Turtle be the first arrest????


You get the BIG PRIZE, Scott!!! KUDOS!!!



Well, at least it was not “password”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey OANN and NewsMax! I think you might want to countersue for every last bit of Dominion and Smartmatic!


Bring it on!!! Cannot wait!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This just shows right here that the guy is a bald-faced LIAR.


Who knew? We did!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So they wanted there to be no scrutiny.

Anybody who supports this election is a TRAITOR.

Concerned Virginian

Which apparently may include Mitch McConnell.



Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Brave and Free

Big surprise right…… So how many of the judges he gleefully pushed through are compromised by him/China? This will be biblical when it happens, and I still believe it will. There’s not going to be anything left but aches.


Yep, it never made any sense that Cocaine Mitch was helping DJT get judges confirmed, while opposing DJT in every other possible way imaginable.

And if the judges are dirty, then so is the ‘conservative’ group that was recommending all the judges.


There are only two parties now, Patriot and traitor.

I am done. Friend, family member, whoever, I don’t give a shit.

If you are on the wrong side of this one, you are dead to me.

America is 331 million people. Our rights are being destroyed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to agree. Those who side with China are the enemy to me now.

My advice to everybody – don’t be a collaborator. Not any more.

I stood up to the bastards for years, stuck in a nest of them, learning how to fight them – how to SEE the way they operate.

We are now experiencing the greatest Wheat-Chaff sorter ever – a clearly FRAUDULENT ELECTION.

Man up. Woman up. Now is a time for COURAGE.
comment image

Brave and Free

Yup if y’all don’t think we’re in a war you’re badly mistaken.


Amen goes right there, Wolf!!!


…………and here we go~


This is how it begins and soon after we get rid of the National Anthem and only play the other because its the right thing to do. All that for unity and racial sensitivity (S).


Yup, yup..that’s the playbook. White culture, white pride, white history (whether it’s good or bad ) is being eradicated.


Soon they will want to replace Christmas with Kawanza, the other phony black scam.


I would not stand and would walk out while it was playing if possible. They could call me whatever names they want. We have only one national anthem and, IMO, standing for some other “anthem” dishonors it.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Maybe we could kneel  😃 


Kneeling is their thing. Turning our backs would be fine after totally disrupting the session, which would be my first choice.


I like it! The firestorm would be glorious.  😄 


Wow, that was horrible, those chicks should never sing again!

Glad that’s not OUR national anthem!



^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^


Here is the link that was improperly posted on previous page.

I have tried to stop thinking about this but ever since 3:30 this afternoon when I saw the first reference on social media and checked for myself I could not stop thinking about it. LIke a gut punch Every time I think about it.

Keep think about the statement, something to the effect of “they will not be able to walk the streets”


It certainly doesn’t rise to class action suit but it’s evil to have forced every man, woman and child ( and yes even 2 yr olds per the family that’s banned for life from flights on United because the toddler wouldn’t keep it on) to wear masks eliminating our human design to develop natural immunity to anything out there. People are destroying that by being forced to comply.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Note that part of the “natural immunity cycle” is the ingestion of dead and weakened viruses by children playing in dirt and with each other. We are limiting natural immunity – a BAD idea. Science is not so far ahead that we can substitute rationally or anywhere near completely for natural exposures.


Right and one more small crab about it…people who claim to be devoted religious of any persuasion should remember that belief that humans are made in God’s image , unique in design, and that’s an important part of the design.

Cleanliness and common sense regarding being around sick people is also part of the God given intellect by this time in history.


Many of them make themselves gods, instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Common sense not being allowed by Dems or their media. Interesting how they got rid of common sense using media-driven “expert culture”.


It’s easy to cancel common sense.

Nanzi’s “SMEAR” works every time when folks never ask critical probing questions.


When you OWN the media, every bit of psychological warfare is easy.

You literally don’t even have to try. You can sit at home and just think up stupid crap, and decide whatever you like, and then turn it on like a million fire hydrants at once.

And for some reason, that works on at least half the population.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just because they SAY it’s true does not MAKE it true.

Life is not so dear as to put up with the lies any more. JUSTICE needs its day.

REAL justice.


Street Justice, since apparently all other forms no longer work.





If I did Tweeter, I would definitely be mocking that ‘warning’ with every Tweet.

If I know Tweeter is going to put “This claim about election fraud is disputed” under my text, then I’m going to put something like this at the end of my Tweets, so it shows up like this:


“Jack Dorsey and Twitter would never engage in or support election fraud!”

This claim about election fraud is disputed


Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

There’s a very good reason why you are in my favorites folder – you are so good you should be illegal.


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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This was happened back in early Oct. Not breaking news now.

However, why didn’t more people read about it in early Oct? Censorship and supression and fake news fake “fact checkers”


No, Sean Davis’ article in Oct revealed Brennan’s notes WITH redactions…
Bobo from Texas is tweeting that Ratcliffe DECLASSIFIED and RELEASED the notes Tuesday, today. The notes have not been tweeted out as yet, at least I haven’t seen them. THAT is the breaking news.


The link in the tweet goes to the article from Oct 6.
Read the full tweet and see the article being tweeted.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Right… Bobo made a BooBoo… no breaking news


right… I think DNI Director was Dan Coats… ol’ codger never released the docs… so he prob left some redaction on them. The Federalist is saying Ratcliffe released them TODAY…


This story was Highly suppressed prior to the election. Now it can be tweeted and not receive fact checking labels. yet another example of active intereference by social media and fake fact checkers into the 2020 election


Dear ProtonMail user,
Starting at around 4:30PM New York (10:30PM Zurich), Gmail suffered a global outage.
A catastrophic failure at Gmail is causing emails sent to Gmail to permanently fail and bounce back. The error message from Gmail is the following:
550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.
This is a global issue, and it impacts all email providers trying to send email to Gmail, not just ProtonMail.
Because Gmail is sending a permanent failure, our mail servers will not automatically retry sending these messages (this is standard practice at all email services for handling permanent failures).
We are closely monitoring the situation. At this time, little can be done until Google fixes the problem. We recommend attempting to resend the messages to Gmail users when Google has fixed the problem. You can find the latest status from Google’s status page:
Best Regards,
The ProtonMail Team
P.S. You might also consider asking your contacts who are still using Gmail to switch to ProtonMail for more private communications


It’s finally back up here. But not long ago I saw that California and a lot of the east coast is still down.


Another swamp rat?


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So he has a reason to be removed. Now…batter up the real new interim AG, Richard Donoghue


He looks like the one doesn’t he?


If we need a second reason, found this in the responses.

Replying to @paulsperry_
Jeff Rosen a Kirkland & Ellis Partner the same Kirkland & Ellis that represents Dominion


Geez….biggest circle jerk ever.


“BREAKING: Interim AG Jeff Rosen–the ex-COO of DOJ–has been fingered as the reason Durham probe has been on a slow boil. A Bushie,Rosen supported Rubio’s 2016 run over Trump(Rubio was first to hire Simpson/FusionGPS). ”


If that is true…

A) we know, for sure, that DJT knows this about Jeff Rosen.

B) we know, for sure, that anyone who supports Rubio is either a traitor (like Rubio) or suffers from severely diminished mental capacity / early onset TDS

C) therefore, by arranging for Rosen to be in this position at this specific moment in time, DJT wanted to make sure that the DoJ does nothing to stop the Cabal from completing their crime, after which, DJT is going to declassify and expose everything

That means we have a green light for the military solution 👍


Waiting till the movie gets to the weird part
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Catching up.

What was the result of the Piglosi meeting today 4PM EST? The so called Covid relief package? The one that excludes everyday Americans?


Your likely more caught up than me at this point, but my understanding is that in part Senator Dear Leader has now set is chair up on the left side of the fence.


I shared a similar picture with the words “Let Freedom Ring”!
A friend turned me onto the song “Let Freedom Ring” by .The Gaither Vocal Band A really an awesome song especially at this time. ..

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‘Let Freedom Ring’ – The Gaither Vocal Band.Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
We can be free and we can sing — let freedom ring
God built freedom into every fiber of creation
And He meant for us to all be free and whole
When my Lord bought freedom with the blood of His redemption
His cross stamped pardon on my very soul


The Gospel Coalition: If You Don’t Take the Vaccine you Can’t Effectively Share the Gospel
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new article by The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has taken a precipitous step closer towards the eventual and inevitable narrative that taking the COVID-19 vaccine is a “gospel issue” by arguing that Christians can’t effectively witness or share the gospel if they don’t take it, due to the negative impact it will have on their witness.

TGC writer Pastor Paul Carter sets up the story by writing off the notion of the vaccine as being in some way the mark of the beast, says that Christian should consult their family doctor about whether or not they should take it, and then writes:

“More obviously related to the question of whether or not to get the vaccine would be the many biblical injunctions to love our neighbor as ourselves. The Apostle Paul said, “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10 ESV).

What about loving one’s neighbor?

As Christians, we should strive not to be known as the people whose refusal to take a vaccine (should our family doctors recommend that we do so) delayed our progress as a society against this virus. If our family doctor advises us to take the vaccine there is no compelling biblical reason for us not to and a great number of obvious biblical principles suggesting that we should…

The Scriptures to which we are bound to commend an awareness of what is respected and valued by our friends and neighbors. The Apostle Paul in Romans 12 said: ‘take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.’ (Romans 12:17 NRSV)

So if our neighbors value the efficacy and importance of the vaccine, our refusal to show it equal deference and inject it into our bodies right away shows a lack of love on our part, which they will remember next time it comes time to witness.

. . . MORE . . .


People can even twist Scripture verses into a pretzel,


Are they also going to argue that taking the Mark of the Beast is a gospel issue?


This guy is a fraud.

He’s not even a wolf in sheep’s clothing, he’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing. 😂🤣😂


Livid over this one.

We ALL, perhaps most of us, certainly many KNOW HCQ should have ALWAYS been available as a preventive.

Queue the asshoes in CDC, FDA, AMA, D-Rats, TDS maniacs…getting HCQ largely banned as a preventive and treatment for Covid.

Just saw this on TGP.

American Medical Association Votes on Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order, Keeps it in Place — How Many People Have Died Because of These Soulless Hacks?

Previously, the AMA had issued a statement in March that was highly critical of HCQ in regards to its use as a proposed treatment by some physicians in the early stages of COVID-19. In addition to discouraging doctors from ordering the medication in bulk for “off-label” use – HCQ is typically used to treat diseases such as malaria – they also claimed that there was no proof that it was effective in treating COVID, and that its use could be harmful in some instances.

However, on page 18 of a recent AMA memo, issued on October 30, (resolution 509, page 3) the organization officially reversed its stance on HCQ, stating that its potential for good currently may supersede the threat of any potentially harmful side effects.


Imagine the millions of Americans that have caught Covid which would NOT have caught Covid IF the had HCQ as a preventive?

Perhaps tens of thousands of Americans would NOT have died from Covid.

All the unnecessary lockdowns where Governors and mayors claimed Covid out of control.


Worth repeating . . .

Dr. Zev Zelenko@zev_dr
Families of victims from Covid-19 mass murder-PLEASE organize and seek justice and wage legal war against these genocidal animals. No Mercy. This was intentional mass murder and genocide of the elderly and vulnerable.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely agreed. And that explains the “vaccines”. They created a “problem” that leads to their solution. Of a different problem.



Uh, seriously, that IS how the government works, VERY intentionally.

Create a problem. Create a solution, that by design ALWAYS FALLS SHORT.

^^^ Rinse. Repeat.



Robert Patrick Lewis (@RobertPLewis) Tweeted: Patriots: if you haven’t already, begin prep for OP WOLVERINES

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m hearing elsewhere that things get interesting 12/18-12-24.


Inquiring minds are wondering… 🙂

ODNI reports out Friday, 18 December.

Barr punches out the 23rd. I think.


I hope we have enough prep…but its never enough.


“Patriots: if you haven’t already, begin prep for OP WOLVERINES”


I trust the OP WOLVERINES implicitly, just like I ‘trust the plan’.

The fact that I don’t know what either of them is… is a minor point…



If true. Just UGH.


Because what else would he do?

If there are any white hats in the Senate, or anyone who isn’t compromised, who would it be?


Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted: SCOTUS.⚖️ The Supreme Court has rejected an attempt by Kansas GOP to require voters to present a passport, birth certificate, or other proof of citizenship. Americans are *NOT ALLOWED* to have sovereignty over their own laws or elections? This is infuriating and dangerous.


In other words…any person who may or may not look of voting age can now vote?

At this rate DemComs won’t need to pack the court. Seems that the ones seated will serve up progressive rulings every time.


Cannot count on courts. Either scared or compromised.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Pardon my dark mood tonight. The stuff of nightmares.


Anymore it’s best not to look away. Bad people create bad things


Since Tonya Harding whacked Nancy Kerrigan in the knee they have been quite successful in getting most everyone to look away.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Jupiter and Saturn in the southwestern sky shortly after sunset. They were maybe 30 degrees above the horizon.
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Thats not too hard to see! Will they appear much closer or brighter next week?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They will appear MUCH, MUCH closer.


Ohh neat. What am i seeing super bright southeast at night?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What time? Are we talking about stars (or things that look like stars)?

Directly east is Orion. A bright star “below” and a bit to the right Orion when it is in the east would be Sirius the brightest star in the night sky.


Prob sirus. Its around 830 to 11pm. Super yuge and brightm

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It should look like it’s to the left of Orion, and down a bit from the bottom two stars in Orion (in the northern hemisphere that is, in case Ozzy is reading), when Orion is high in the sky.

Not many dot-like things brighter than Sirius, and they’re all planets (Jupiter, Venus, sometimes Mars).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not sure Sirius is up by 830 yet. Will check tonight.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just verified, Sirius rose at about 8PM here yesterday (the 16th).


Oh. Then its sirius. Thanks for checking.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If they can be seen when the sky is this bright, they will be pretty obvious even when the stars are out.


Will post in Wednesday’s daily.

Change of pace folks.

IMO, this stuff is FASCINATING.
B-29s.  Last two flying B-29s are highlighted in this video. ~Seven minute video. 

  • One of the Original Rosey Riveters helped restore one or both. She said of one of the B-29s, ALL but seven of the original rivets were intact. 


  • For a few decades these two B-29s were sitting on a China Lake bombing range. Apparently never targeted. Thankfully. 

A guy on a gun blog clued me into the B-29, Doc he helped rescue from China Lake bombing range. Back in 1990. He and a group of as he put it, two hundred volunteers towed Doc from the bombing range, across the desert to Inyokern Podunk airport. 38 miles. 


Way cool! One of my grandmothers was a Rosy the Riveter, but she worked in the shipyards, not on planes.


NICE. Maybe she built some of the Liberty ships.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m guessing DePat has been detained.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yowza, I’m up to wolverine!

Deplorable Patriot

She crashed early.
Hang on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That was my guess but I wanted a word to cover more possibilities. 😀

Deplorable Patriot

I was tired all day yesterday for some reason. After dinner….ZONK.

Deplorable Patriot