Dear KAG: 20201216 Open Thread

Are we having fun yet?

Given the sheer amount of stuff going on, we’ll just skip straight to the important stuff.

Power breakfast frittata (made this yesterday);

1 cup leftover veggies (yesterday it was sweet and bell peppers, onions and broccoli)

1 cup leftover meat cut smallish (yesterday it was chicken breast fillets with roasted garlic. Bacon is always a good alternative, just cook it first.)

6 pastured eggs


Grease a 9″ pie plate with butter

Spread the veggies and meat in the bottom

Whisk the eggs with a little Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper

Pour the eggs over the veggies and meat in the pie plate.

Bake at 350 for around 30-35 minutes until the center is solid.

Pull out of the oven and let it set before serving.

And a little John Williams:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


ISAIAH 45:6-8, 18, 21-25

6that men may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. 7I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe, I am the LORD, who do all these things. 8“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may sprout forth, and let it cause righteousness to spring up also; I the LORD have created it. 18For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it a chaos, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the LORD, and there is no other. 21Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the LORD? And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me. 22“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. 23By myself I have sworn, from my mouth has gone forth in righteousness a word that shall not return: `To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.’ 24“Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; to him shall come and be ashamed, all who were incensed against him. 25In the LORD all the offspring of Israel shall triumph and glory.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.

And please add all the legal teams as they take our fight to court.

And just for fun, in a carnivorish sort of way, now that the nation’s Honey Badger is resigning…LANGUAGE AND WILD KINGDOM WARNING:

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel day!!!

And here are Jupiter and Saturn, Tuesday Night, shortly after sunset.

If they’re visible when nothing else is, you can tell they’re pretty bright an hour or so later.
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That is a nice shot.

Sylvia Avery

It looks like it will be overcast…..I probably won’t get to see this and I am really bummed. I’ve been watching those two planets all summer. They’ve been so close and visible. I’m hoping for a little miracle involving clear sky so I can see this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was bummed yesterday because it was supposed to be solid overcast until Monday (but not ON Monday) and I badly need to work on my technique for taking planet pictures with my camera (When it works well you can actually blow it up and see a recognizable planet after cropping 99.99 percent of photo away). I had better luck with my oldest, lamest camera than this new one.

So now the forecast is better, and I was going to shoot Mars for practice (Mars is very high in the south sky, verging on being “up,” about 8PM, looks a bit orange, and is quite bright but not like Jupiter), but it’s so damn windy the camera won’t be steady.

Unfortunately the forecast for Monday is worsening, and I might have to take a road trip Monday to catch this.

Sylvia Avery

I’m afraid I’d have to drive to Colorado or something to see this! 😂😂😂😂😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We USUALLY don’t have overcast here.

When I did the solar eclipse there was a stripe of cloud situated just perfectly to block it out on the east-west highway I was following, but then finally a paved road off to the left (south), so I took it and got out from under the cloud in less than a mile.

Meanwhile I saw people in beach chairs camped out on that road, not moving. They got to see a very obscured show (the clouds weren’t completely opaque) because they wouldn’t unass themselves off their chair and MOVE.


Hope you get and post the pictures. 🙏


Oh i so love the honey badger. Lol. Never not funny.
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Just from a taxonomic viewpoint, honey badgers are mustelids — carnivores related to weasels. Groundhogs are Sciuridae — rodents related to marmots.

So, when he says “distant cousin Phil”, it’s like my “distant cousin Ayaan Hirsi Ali” — maybe a spiritual sibling, but calling in genealogists would be a waste of money.


I was just going to say that.




[snort] out loud funny.


More fun with Honey Badgers (from Wikipoo):

“Because of the toughness and looseness of their skin, honey badgers are very difficult to kill with dogs. Their skin is hard to penetrate, and its looseness allows them to twist and turn on their attackers when held. The only safe grip on a honey badger is on the back of the neck. The skin is also tough enough to resist several machete blows. The only sure way of killing them quickly is through a blow to the skull with a club or a shot to the head with a gun, as their skin is almost impervious to arrows and spears.”


Dang. Gotta get me a pair of honey badger skin boots.


Funny how they don’t mention chainsaws…..




That’s a great way to find yourself in Fort Marcy Park with a hole in your head and a suicide note in someone else’s handwriting stuffed in your shirt.

The Clinton Body Count list has over a hundred people on it, and guess what really weird thing they almost all have in common?

They announced to the world that they were ABOUT to reveal something really, really damaging to Clinton / Soros / DNC / Hussein interests.

They never, ever learn.

It’s like watching a slasher movie, after four or five horrific murders, and someone gets the bright idea to go for a walk in the woods. Alone. At night. Where the slasher is waiting.

Everybody in the movie audience is shouting “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!”

But they always do… 😂 🤣 😂


My thoughts exactly …. unless Phil knows something that no one else knows. In today’s area, no one is that stupid.  🕵   🕵 


never run towards the sound of a chainsaw in those movies…but they DO!
by that time I am cheering for them to find the chainsaw murderer…that gene pool needs thinning out…


Your pic fits this comment perfectly. If he was here and heard you say that, he’d do EXACTLY that reaction.


this is my favorite picture of him…

Deplorable Patriot


I may well be otherwise busy at that hour. Can’t wait to find out more.


Not only did they cheat, but they cheated big, obstructed justice in particular instances, and vandalized the crime scenes. To let this pass is to say that you can get away with greater crimes by burying them in even bigger ones. That way lies madness.

And you can take that from me, cthulhu.

Sylvia Avery

I agree. I’ve been saying that since they shut us down before Thanksgiving. But there’s no one to hear me. Because I’m, you know, under house arrest……

Gail Combs

I figured that out a few days ago.

As Wolfie says, 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗜𝗖.

The Cabal LOVE multipurpose tools and the CCP Corona Crud is an excellent example.

  1. People vote based on the economy so, CRASH the USA Economy and blame it on Trump.
  2. CRASH the World economy to usher in the Great Reset.
  3. SCARE People so they are easier to manipulate.
  4. CONTROL people’s movement so it is hard for them to share information and organize resistance.
  5. MANDATE a vaccine that renders 70% of future generations sterile — aka DEPOPULATION.
  6. MANDATE FREQUENT multiple vaccines so ‘Mark of the Beast’ can be ushered in.
  7. Use the Plannedemic as an excuse to CRUSH middle class small businesses  (bourgeoisie) and drive people to working for Big Business where they are controlled, their is labor exploited and TAXED.
Deplorable Patriot

Even the laundry facilities. I had to wash some king sized bedding that doesn’t fit in the machines here and went to a clean, nice one where the people can be lively and it was SILENT in there for the most part other than the machines running. Masks and all that.

Gail Combs

That is WHY the 6 foot distance. There is ZERO scientific basis for 6 ft. Actually the study shows 6 ft DOES NOT WORK!

*** Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer ***

There was also a study looking at how far viruses from sick people travel. they stopped the sampling at 6 feet and found viruses travel further than 6 feet.


Doncha get the feeling this was just business as usual with these criminals?

Maybe why they just keep moving inexorably toward a Biden “win.”

They must have some magic algo that tells them they can keep going, that the country is subdued.

Algorithms have not been their friend lately. 😁


I had posted this earlier on Carl’s thread, because it’s somewhat inspirational….

But I’m reposting it here as well because it’s also practical.

As a side note, I’m still looking into assisting Zoe with the new format.
Here’s a 2015 YouTube video of how the tool she uses “sees” websites (I sure hope they’ve improved the robot voice. Sheesh. My GPS sounds better.).

I’m in the “flail around and learn stuff” phase at the moment. JAWS seems to have a decent scripting language and a script for “reply to comment just read” would be a lovely case of instant gratification. There is also a set of access tags called ARIA that can help a tool like JAWS navigate through a site, and it wouldn’t hurt to think about implementing them as well (especially if we can find a way to implement someone else’s hard work and efforts to do so).

As for me, I was fond of Zoe before…..but I am now in awe over how much she has to keep track of in her head in order to hang out with this bunch of miscreants.


Looks like there was a BIG nice upgrade for JAWS 2020 —

— and the robo-voice is MUCH more tolerable. If Zoe reads this, I’d be interested to know if her system got the update.

….and the guy in the video is whizzing through a website. I’d have to have pages of scrawled notes to be able to keep up with how he is doing it, but that kind-of illustrates the point, doesn’t it?


His dad worked with jfk


Have we seen Byrne provide hard evidence, proof of the $18M bribe? I missed it.

Byrne is losing credibility, in my mind.

Making a lot of noise. Getting lots of attention. “Where’s the beef”?

Deplorable Patriot

Honestly, what Patrick Byrne essentially admitted to is akin to treason, or at least being a material witness to it.

Is Byrne a whistleblower or is he exercising his “Get Out of Jail Free” card by helping to expose the mafioso hold the powers that wannabe have on the government?

Honestly, the thoughts at 4 am were tumbling all over each other when it comes to this, and other mafia-esque happenings which are starting to come out.


Many people have been caught up in the web of treason. So many that the military will have to sort it out.

I hope Byrne gets a little mercy.

Deplorable Patriot

See, I think when Robert David Steele did that video in the last couple of weeks about the Wall Street guys fessing up or dying, this was in the wings. Because Byrne was one of the ones who came close to losing a business via naked short selling, supposedly.

I wonder how many more we’re going to see.


Don’t use Gmail, but oh well is any of it safe anymore??


In 2015, I had a cybersecurity incident. I could see, in real time, how he mined for personal information — BTW, if you use your regular email address for your Amazon account, they will leak your wish list, previous shipments, and the types and last four digits of every credit card you use, and their expiration dates. This is for anyone who can provide your name, address, and personal email signed-up to Amazon…..which is usually the top few lines of anyone’s resume.

I kvetched about it on Ace, and one guy was reacting strangely. During a certain conversation, I said, “Oh, so it’s you, then.” Instead of laughing it off, he went NUTS to the point where I was convinced it really was him. This got no purchase at state and Federal law enforcement or with Ace’s site management because “nothing was taken”. During some weeks afterward, as I tried to rejigger things, the same guy would post increasingly taunting comments — as he had faced no serious consequences. These later comments included personal information that he had obviously mined from my systems. I started carefully reading his posts and copying them to local storage.

One of his late-night tinyurl posts resolved to a site that served malware, and I got a keylogger. With data from it, he started pawing through my banking and investment accounts — though he never took anything, and that meant that law enforcement always gave me the cold shoulder. When I discovered this, I burned everything down to the walls. Few of the hard drives I had going at the time have been spun since (and those in forensic mode), I changed every system to Linux on new drives, I exchanged all my ISP hardware, and changed routers. I cancelled all my financial online access, reissued all my credit cards, and got RSA fobs for future online banking and investment.

It hasn’t been safe for years. The best you can do is see the risks clearly.


it was really evident in 2008 as one after another site that was exposing Obama got hacked and virsus attacked.


good tip. will change our amazon email immediately. we had someone create a fake account, buy something and have it sent to us and then we discovered it was on our credit card. the first “gift” was from the fake account. thankfully, all worked out. what a mess!

Deplorable Patriot

This is why I refuse to do online banking.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You have to wear six full-body condoms, alternating with layers of asbestos and fiberglass, to be safe on the internet.


Just to be clear, that’s alternating woven asbestos and kevlar — and it reduces your risk by 90%. You’re not safe and never will be.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I stand corrected.


Don’t that would even work–
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Ok too many typos LOL
time to take my boot off and get some sleep


I afraid to ask what a singular boot is about.


On top of everything else a injury to my foot i sustained last January is flaring up again. It has never gone away, but the fare ups were only once a week or so. In last week it has been almost constant. Nothing has worked this last year, unless I want to be popping over the counter pain medicines all the time.
I have a personal aversion in relying on any types of pain relievers for long periods.
My Podiatrist has decided to see if a boot might help1

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Never fear, I interpolated. 😀




Stupid PID algorithm in thermostat thinks that a setting of 70 degrees means that it’s perfectly fine to be blowing 69.5 degree air down my back…..$#%&#&*#*.


I’m making a note to remind me to never blow air of any kind or temp down your neck.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I worked in an office once where there was a downdraft of air down my back any time the air conditioning was on. It takes a lot to make me feel cold, but that did it.

Trying to block things with cardboard just earned me a visit from an armed security guard.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All the square aircon outlets in our patient rooms send air straight onto the head of the bed. Brilliant patient hooked up an umbrella to the outlet which diverted all the air back up

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wish I had thought of that. I’d have had to dangle a string from the ceiling (and for that I’d have needed a ladder). But then I could have hung an umbrella there and removed it at the end of the day. The thing is, there wasn’t a vent over my head. But it was equidistant from four vents and I guess the air currents just met there and went down.


I bet that is why I can’t sleep – heat is up tonight for family member with a temp and other symptoms. opening a window and trying again. thanks for the inspiration

Deplorable Patriot

Probably. It’s habit now to turn the thermostat way down in the evening so we can all sleep. It goes back up at 6ish.


opened the windows and then ate a snack. and then finally got a couple hours of sleep before up and at ’em.

A snack almost always works but I hate eating “extra” as I wish there was not as much of me to love as the saying goes. ha

Deplorable Patriot

I feel your pain.

Of late, between the Couch Commando and me, we’ve been making so much food!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been longing for radiators, actually. No forced hot air, and the place will stay much cleaner.


This (from late last night) was so good that it deserves a re-post so no one will miss it.


Reply to  trumpismine
December 15, 2020 22:52

If I did Tweeter, I would definitely be mocking that ‘warning’ with every Tweet.
If I know Tweeter is going to put “This claim about election fraud is disputed” under my text, then I’m going to put something like this at the end of my Tweets, so it shows up like this:
“Jack Dorsey and Twitter would never engage in or support election fraud!”

This claim about election fraud is disputed


HA‼️ … Do It‼️‼️ .. 🤨👍😜👍


Helpful tip: Not everyone has an account or signs in. Some of us remain “guests” which means we don’t have all of the bells and whistles including notifications when our posts receive replies.

If someone doesn’t reply after replying to another commenter, one might not want to assume it was intentional or personal. They may just not know that you commented and it may not occurr to them to go back through old threads/old pages to search their comments in case someone has left a reply and is expecting the original commenter to reply.

Remember that not everyone receives notifications might lessen hurt feelings &/or misinterpretation of not being acknowledged.


Bingo‼️ Well said MAGA, that’s me too … I just haven’t figured it out so I whistle a “happy tune” and keep going 😝🤚❤️ …


I will sometimes participate in a conversation but after its over for that time period or my coffee break is over I rarely think to go back and keep going muchless check old comments in case someone replied hours later. And I really never imagined that anyone was interpretting lack of replies to my “ignoring” them or to me having ulterior motives in not replying. Just didn’t think to go back and read old threads in case someone had replied to me at a later time. Its that simple.

I hope on to scan/scroll for info, breaking news, tidbits I can’t find elsewhere. Don’t even always read each comment after I see a thread is not on news or a topic of specific interest as I might have only a few minutes. Other times, plenty of time on my hands to chat, look at puppy videos or whatever but most times just barely time to keep up with the news.


is that a typo or have you changed your name??


While there is no way we would take the vaccination, I am impressed with how quickly it is being rolled out. President Trump’s approach with operation warp speed and funding the companies to manufacture while in testing phases so if approved its ready go …. out of the box problem solving and impressive results!


The vaccine may well cause fertility issues but when sharing that info to caution people against the vaccine we might want to be aware that the virus itself is suspected to cause fertility issues as well. Just an FYI to be aware of this issue so no one is blindsided with that arguement when discussing the vaccine.
Early stages of knowledge for the vaccine and the virus. Wouldn’t get either on purpose!


Give it to old people who are more vulnerable and less clucky


Aha, I had to look that up … makes sense 🤨👍

I’d rather … 🥃🍾 … disinfectant .. ☺️

but they can still stuff it, period too much maybe this/maybe that 🖖🥴🤚 .. yada yada … chemical stuff fluffed up entrails … old farts will drop like flys before they can get the last 2 cents in …


… 🤫 … don’t tell nikki I screwed up her name, she’s a heavy old cat and she looks at ya like she speaks English … 😳🤚

Sylvia Avery

Thanks DPat, enjoyed the opening post!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Battle Of Midway (the one that came out in the 1970s) was pretty much the last “old school” WWII movie whose purpose was to tell the story of a battle reasonably accurately, with (maybe) some embellishments for character development. Probably the slipperiest of these was the Great Escape (sorry, those American characters did not exist in fact) which was MOSTLY accurate but people that were there grouse about the inaccuracies.

(Though I am thinking something came out in the last ten years?)

WWII movies since then have taken the approach of putting a fictional story against the war as a setting. (And this happened before, too.) Those can be very powerful too. Saving Private Ryan was like this (though I think I read somewhere it was based on a true story.


Yes it was.the typist picked up that she had 4 death notifications to the same parents and same address for 4 different sons on 1 day. She sent it up the chain


I miss when American Thinker used to update around 3 am est. For those nights when I am awake for several hours, was great to get that part of my morning news reading under already done for the day.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Ephesians 4:15

“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” 

King James Version (KJV)


Be My Voice

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Good snow watch Wednesday Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! Snow dissipated yesterday – Sunshine for most of day – Dunno what today will bring – have appointment – Asking Angels to Assist!

God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you dear!!
hope your appointment goes well for you!
the coastal storm is supposed to hit this afternoon into tomorrow afternoon…we’ll see. we are supposed to get 5-8 inches (unless that’s changed) but downstate? they are anticipating 15-18 inches!
stay safe!!!!!!


Yikes, Pat!!! Well – we have to trust in God that all will be safe and survive the onslaught!!!

Received and Appreciated!!!


a friend warned me in fall…she saw a caterpillar with the orange and black bands and said–there will be a big storm early in the season, then mild weather for most of the season and then the season will end with another big storm…


When I changed over to Linux in 2015, a lot of people didn’t understand why. And, frankly, for the first few years, I found it difficult to articulate something coherent. But, here goes….

A modern operating system is comprised of thousands of parts. Some maintain the file system; some keep track of network I/O; some schedule tasks; some load the system on boot; some present a friendly face to the user after login…..

In Windows or Apple, this is all handled by a single company, and they take great pride in providing a seamless view to the user. Under Linux, EVERYTHING is a choice. When you first boot your system, you can use Grub2 (by far the most popular), rEFInd or Clover to load your kernel. You can load a generic kernel from the linux source group, or any older kernel; you can load a kernel with Ubuntu options from Ubuntu. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE SOURCE AND RECOMPILE YOUR OWN KERNEL (which I understand can be done in less than three minutes on top-of-the-line Ryzen threadrippers these days — it used to be an overnight task). The basic utilities — like cd, ls, and cat — are usually provided by GNU, though you could choose others or write your own. There are thousands and thousands of choices.

Which naturally segues into curated collections of choices. Each group professes to be a collection of software that won’t crash the rest of the collection. Debian is popular because their selection is solid — it is unlikely that a will crash b or b will crash a — and everything in their collection bears a FOSS software license. Ubuntu starts with Debian, but adds proprietary hardware interfaces, and things like codecs that are not strictly FOSS but can be distributed freely (though not modified or recompiled).

With so many curated groups, they will naturally differ based on aesthetics, and there is no end of aesthetic judgments….that’s why there appear to be 2700 varieties of Linux. Devuan, for instance, is Debian without the systemd initiator. Everything else is equal between the two.

Underlying this, however, is that each and every program in each and every collection must have proved itself to be useful and secure many times over, or the ecosystem would have dropped it like a hot rock. Apple’s “walled garden” is reputed to be tough to get into and demand security……but the thousands of eyes in FOSS-land make everything in a distribution more secure than Apple. And the word is that Google Play will let anyone with a pulse list an app — FOSS winnows that pretty quickly.

So — why Linux? I was debugging security failures, and you can see EVERYTHING in Linux, where Apple and Windows conceal the guts. When I tried to secure things, I could do it piece-by-piece in Linux, where Apple and Windows want you to purchase “solutions” where you don’t know what they do. And the available help for Linux issues dwarfs that of Windows or Apple (and you can frequently talk to the actual guy who wrote the program).

It’s never been easier to Linux, and I’d never go back.

Gail Combs

Hubby has had Linux on all our computers from the get go.


Have you seen this?

It’s from a series called ‘Utopia’.
Haven’t watched it, but apparently the ruling class has created a virus…then created a vaccine for it that sterilizes people.

Personally, I think it’s being done so that [They] can dismiss the truth.

[They] can say…”Oh, that’s from a tv show, and people think it’s real.”


I agree…

you’re not paranoid if everyone IS against you…or something like that

Deplorable Patriot

I got about 30 seconds in…yeah, it would not be outside the realm of possibilities.

One of the hardiest rumors in the conspiracy world is that John Edwards wife who died of cancer was given it via a flu shot she got in a photo op advocating for flu shots and vaccines. Essentially, it was the kill shot, supposedly, mixed up just for her.

It’s one of the “secrets” of medicine that many cancers are caused by viruses. That’s why exercise and drinking water is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It keeps the lymphatic system rolling and cleaning out all the junk – including viruses – and why the suspicion in the rise in breast cancer is that the compression garment we call a bra cuts off the flow right where a lot of lymph dumps – in the glands around the boobs.

Off my soapbox.


Wasn’t there something revealed about how CHQ can ‘kill cancer cells’?
I think there was, iirc.

This could be one of the reasons why there has been such an attempt to keep people away from it.

Deplorable Patriot


Steve in Lewes


No trying to be a smarta$$ or grammer ‘Karen’, but by CHQ do you mean Hydroxychloroquine?

Since I’m a daily user of Hydroxy (for RA) it’s nice to know another possible benefit!


Yes! Thank you, Steve!


Shifting that Overton window


Um….for the last hour and 40 something minutes, I’ve been listening to

My favorite comment on the video: “Yes, Your math, science, and English teacher are in a band together. And your guidance counselor is their lead singer.”


Mmm…I think that might sound better to me, if I were on some really good drugs.


Turn to the Prog Side — odd time signatures, keys, and meters. Soon, you’ll be experiencing

…..and cookies!!!!



Herd of camels. What? Herd of camels. What? HERD OF CAMELS!! Of course I’ve heard of camels, I’m not ignorant!


Hump day


now trending on that bag of sh*t twitter,
Donald Trump could be the first former president to face prosecution


They will go after his family too. Evil. Praying for them all.


The hashtag ‘Tucker Carlson’ is trending on twatter.

The Dembots are apparently freaking out about this:



Deplorable Patriot

He’s just now realizing this?



What’s remarkable is that it made it through the Foxuckers’ censors.

Steve in Lewes

TC – “On those rare occasions when Soros was criticized for subverting our democracy he and his allies in the news media screamed ‘bigotry!’

Hey TC, look no further than your own network who did just that to Newt on the midday 5 chick and a dude show.

I’m sure you know that, so are your trolling or just being a pansy for not calling them out.
I’m sure it’s the latter, which is another reason I stop watching you, Sean the Tick-tocker, and Laura the squish..thanks for playing smuga$$!


It’s fun when they try to win back their cred. Let him do it for a full year and we might consider, considering another look. Internet views don’t count 😉


BTW Tucker likely has permission to do this now, only because Soros won’t care as he sees himself secure now. Tucker gets no credit for this. See above comment.



Someone needs to let Franklin know, the next chapter in President Trump’s life is a second term.






republicans are too used to rolling over and playing dead!!!


Might just have been an epic troll. If so I’d lay money that Potus put him up to it








exactly right…every state that has a governor with a lockdown should have all their political affiliates–from Congress down thru governor and state reps AND THEIR STAFF-lose paychecks!


” if the lockdowns worked the first time, why are we having another? if the lockdowns didn’t work the first time, why are we having another? “


Chris, it’s for the same reason the fools keep trying socialism/communism – it wasn’t done properly before which is why it didn’t work. We’ll get it right this time. Promise. Just give us your guns.


Randy Quaid is pissed off like the rest of us:


Gail Combs

Mark is not pulling any punches.


Thanks, Gail!!!

Gail Combs

A couple more goodies:






the replies to that tweet are disheartening. so many sheep…”at restaurants you don’t wear a mask…”
too many people think that little cloth mask they wear are like armor.
and masked people get sick too…they just refuse to believe it i guess…




BardsFM Livestream, 20201215 – De oppresso liber


“New Chinese Study Confirms Covid-19 Attacks Testicles”…?

The ChiComs wouldn’t lie to us…right?


The young are freaked out enough – Now this?


[They] are desperate to get people to accept the vaccines.

I wonder what’s next?

— A ‘study’ that shows the vaccine reduces fat cells?


Next it will be an anti-aging benefit…”makes you look and feel 10 years younger!”


It increases breast size…but only in females.   :wpds_lol: 

Deplorable Patriot

Just go paleo. They’ll get bigger. Trust me.

Of course, it resets your hormones, and many women who were previously infertile suddenly get pregnant.


is that where they have to get the shot then?


Heh…I don’t think so.


how are your allergies today??


Little better, thanks.


good to hear!



And with a SQUARE needle.



Gail Combs

Perhaps men who have recovered from COVID-19 should have their sperm counts tested?….

Perhaps Wolfie and Qtreepers with family/friends who had the CCP Crud could run a small experiment.

It maybe due to oxygen levels and when the lungs return to normal may clear up.

Or due to depleted Anti-oxidant levels from fighting the virus and the damage that was caused.

Vitamin C Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

…..Vitamin C is also an important physiological antioxidant [3] and has been shown to regenerate other antioxidants within the body, including alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) [4]. Ongoing research is examining whether vitamin C, by limiting the damaging effects of free radicals through its antioxidant activity, might help prevent or delay the development of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases in which oxidative stress plays a causal role. In addition to its biosynthetic and antioxidant functions, vitamin C plays an important role in immune function [4] and improves the absorption of nonheme iron [5], the form of iron present in plant-based foods…..

Reactive oxygen species and sperm cells


There is a dynamic interplay between pro- and anti-oxidant substances in human ejaculate. Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation can overwhelm protective mechanism and initiate changes in lipid and/or protein layers of sperm plasma membranes. Additionally, changes in DNA can be induced. The essential steps of lipid peroxidation have been listed as well as antioxidant substances of semen. A variety of detection techniques of lipid peroxidation have been summarized together with the lipid components of sperm membranes that can be subjected to stress. It is unsolved, a threshold for ROS levels that may induce functional sperm ability or may lead to male infertility.

Comparison of Oxidative Stress/DNA Damage in Semen and Blood of Fertile and Infertile Men


US researchers began saying same in early/mid Nov.

As I posted earlier today, be ready for this arguement and here it comes from China. They are predictable, arn’t they?

Now, it may well mess with fertility because the China virus is nasty and ugly and probably engineered. So, this all the more reason to nip the virus in the bud with immidiate treatment (which is not happening in TN) and to 100% blame China and hold them responsible. If early treatment works for most people then why a vaccine that brings its own problems?

So, my opinion based on medical evidence so far is that yes virus is nasty but that should drive early treatment for all v. vaccine.

Link to the US study that began to examine the issue and propose this may be a long term problem of the virus (similar to other viruses such as mumps)


Sean Davis


Twitter Bans Video Of United Airlines Kicking Off Toddler Crying Over Mask

This is the video:


Ahhh…hasn’t United heard of the “Terrible Twos”?
it’s a pretty pathetic commentary on where we are now.

Gail Combs

To be expected after Grope-N-Fly was accepted by the American Public.




For anyone interested the Anons have now translated the whole CCP member list translated into English:
The entire CCP list is finally translated!! – (We) Are The News


Hopefully these guys will be one of the defendants at Nuremberg Tribunal 2.0 for ‘Crimes against Humanity’


A MYSTERY! Who are the people in this photo that Dan Scavino posted on FB?


Sorry – first cup of coffee.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Really, what is the point in a tweet like this?

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like maybe Jared Kushner with the computer on his lap, and the new Secretary of Defense standing behind the other couch. Dan Scavino, I think, is sitting by himself to the right. That’s just a guess, and probably off.

The other three…no clue.


SecDef still has hair –

Maybe the new AG or Deputy AG?


This image?
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Here is Scavino’s FB address –

I’m not a member – so can’t read/see his posts.


Me either.

But found this there:


Well, that didn’t work.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

Not trying to be a smart aleck, but I don’t think Lincoln suspended the Constitution, but was enforcing it, exactly as the President (I hope) will be doing.


I hope he does too !!
President Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus.
Here is a very informative and interesting up to date(post 9/11 summary.

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution


and THAT is exactly what POTUS can do with his Prerogative Power

suspending Habeas Corpus…

please watch the 16 minute vid I posted below by The Wide Angle for a discussion of this.


discussion on Trump’s Prerogative Powers as an option begins halfway thru the 5:18 mark in that video.


the orange arrow shooting to Lincoln’s portrait from lower left of photo…with the red box around it…

those 3 black portfolio-looking items, on that table with the lamp…

are those executive orders ?


Is it possible that the President invoked the order at signing, and began a phased implementation immediately, and we just don’t know it?

Why would he declare an emergency and then wait to implement?

I sense some type of managerial scenario in play, and I suspect that the agency hacks are either an inside job by the criminals, or a controlled test of the system to identify risk.

Anyone else ever work in an organization that utilized scenarios to figure out what was going on within an organization?


I really do believe POTUS has known from the very beginning what was in-store…he ran for POTUS specifically to save America from the deep state, and he KNEW what that would entail…none of this comes as a surprise to him..which could be why he always is so calm, cool & collected…so : yes, to your first question…certainly possible…maybe even probable. (imo)



The view out the windows is likely a false green screen. See the tail end of an SUV – well – no automobile parks outside those windows – Because there is no driveway and that’s the Rose Garden! So we do not know when the photo was taken.
We can recognize Scavino, PDJT, VP Pence – but the others haven’t been identified.
Maybe Kushner and one of his aides on the end of the left hand sofa.
The bald guy on the right in the lavender tie looks familiar.
Someone said that may be Bowditch and someone else said it was a deputy press officer on the other sofa.


I’ve compared a couple of other photos of the view from the Oval Office to this photo. I think this is the real view. From a video I watched of the layout of the White House and grounds, and from this graphic, I think there IS a drive or something the SUV could be on:

Those windows behind the President don’t overlook the Rose Garden. It would be on the left if you were facing the windows.

This old photo shows a corner of what looks like some kind of drive or path there:


Well, fine then. Damned computers.


Instead of hitting ‘Paste’, try hitting ‘Paste in plain text’ for posting images.


Let’s see if this works:
comment image


Bless you, Wheatie! I will try to find the “plain text” thingie!


You are right – and I am wrong.
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Well, these photos are such a puzzle! Why they post them, what is there and what is missing, the whole thing.

It’s like one of those “what’s wrong with this picture” games!


Aubergine, someone has pointed out that the trees out the window are in full leaf.
Unlikely in DC in December.


Yes, I am sure the photo is not current. But Scavino only states that something important was happening, so who knows when it was taken?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought that was a hedge. I don’t seen an SUV there.

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought right before I realized the leaves on the trees are green. That had to have been taken months ago.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw no sign of anything more than a sidewalk in the outside photo either. ANd the architectural plan someone posted cuts off right outside the oval office.


Scavino posted this photo just before the Oval Office photo

Deplorable Patriot

Now that the “prepare for the mattresses” pull out my bed and clean under it is done, I can look closely.

Look out the windows. There are GREEN LEAVES on the trees.

This pic was taken at least months ago.


I agree, and do note the use of the word “was”.


yes Jamcooker..I agree! …Scavino said “was”….so it happened “a while ago”…..


Like Q – Scavino has been giving us clues/hints in photos and videos…. very cryptic…but more frequently than usual.


I’m beginning to get that “Groundhog Day” feeling.

Deplorable Patriot



Georgia I have speculated for some time now that Dan may be part of the plural Cue…

What I find curious about the photo in Oval Office is Dan directly states that his son is there. And he is seated on the sofa beside his Dad, with open laptop. Also, the group is practicing social distancing, so definitely NOT 2018 and the EO as one commented wrt the tweet.

I don’t do FB… do you know anything about Daniel Jr.? I tried searching and Dan Scavino, Jr comes up as WH connection, in other words, Dad. Curious as to whether or not DANIEL is connected to WH.


GA/FL… I pulled up AslanWarrior’s tweet and clicked on it for comments…

there are some interesting ones there… connects dots between two photos (previous one of Marine 1)


Dan Scavino IS also Jr. “Daniel Scavino Jr. (born January 15, 1976)” from wikip.


She even looks beautiful wearing her mask.


now that is just plain wrong…

covering up that face…that gorgeous smile.


agreed…but her smile shows thru her eyes…her beauty cannot be hidden!


From Gab:


Liberalism is really piecemeal socialism, and socialism always attacks three basic social institutions: religion, the family, and private property. Religion, because it offers a rival authority to the state; the family, because it means a rival loyalty to the state; and property, because it means material independence of the state. Joseph Sabran


I believe the correct spelling is Sobran.


From the Sidney Powell tweet: What Is the Insurrection Act? – HISTORY
Were States citizens Civil Rights violated with massive fraud in our recent election?
In what other recent circumstances was the Insurrection act employed?
Why was it employed?
What is the 14th Amendment?
Did President Lincoln also use it ?
..another good read for context.

Stay Vigilant.



McConnell got some campaign contributions from Dominion it seems…


FLASHBACK: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security…”

McConnell killed a voting security act that would have hammered Dominion, after receiving *thousands* from the foreign company’s lobbyists. 🤔 🔻

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 15, 2020

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Recieved Money From Dominion, Squashed 2 Voter Security Bills

— Chief America 1st Trumpster (President Elect) (@ChiefTrumpster) December 15, 2020

Gail Combs

NEWS WEEK: Mitch McConnell Received Donations from Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections “as we sit here.”

McConnell said he wouldn’t allow a vote on the bills because they were “so partisan,” but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country….

The plans would likely burden the two largest electronic voting machine vendors in the United States, Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, with new regulations and financial burdens. Together, the companies make up about 80 percent of all voting machines used in the country and both have far-reaching lobbying arms in Washington D.C. Many of those lobbyists have contributed to the McConnell campaign

So it was BOTH voting machine manufacturers who have been linked to voter fraud.

“….For nearly 40 years, Election Systems & Software (ES&S) has helped election officials run successful and secure elections….”

1980… Isn’t that about the time the USA really started to go down the tubes? When government increased like a cancer and really started abusing We the People?

Election Systems & Software :

Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50

Kentucky : Switched : 8,129 Lost Votes : 23,849

Arkansas : Switched : 3,664 Lost Votes : 20,748

South Carolina : Switched : 2,779 Lost Votes : 2,119

Montana : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 1,276

South Dakota : Switched : 1,347 Lost Votes : 1

North Dakota : Switched : 234 Lost Votes : 681

Maryland : Switched : 203 Lost Votes : 0

North Carolina : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 15

District of Columbia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0

Gail Combs

SolarWinds Completes Take-Private Acquisition by Silver Lake and Thoma Bravo AUSTIN, Texas – February 5, 2016 – SolarWinds, Inc., a leading provider of powerful and affordable hybrid IT management software, today announced that it has completed its acquisition by affiliates of Silver Lake Partners and Thoma Bravo, LLC.

David Harris Jr.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process

SolarWinds have been raided according to some sources. They are being blamed for a major information hack. They are used by several government agencies who have been told to disable the application immediately. Dominion has been accused of using SolarWinds but company officials deny any connection to the company.

SolarWinds have some mighty suspicious ties so that their connection with Dominion would be problematic. There are two owners of SolarWinds. Silver Lake and Thoma Bravo, owned by Puerto Rican billionaire, Orlando Bravo. Bravo contributed $100,000 to Hillary in 2016. he also contributed a quarter of a million dollars to the Democrat PAC Vote for Vets, a far leftwing group….


.[lots of very important tweets such one containing as this.]

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Thoma Bravo also purchased DigiCert in 2015.  DigiCert and Entrust verify the elections for at least half of the states in the US. Entrust is also closely related to a firm by the name of ‘Live Ramp’ which is located in Shanghai.




From The Gateway Pundit

In summary, Thoma Brava is one of the owners of SolarWinds and it also is connected to the firms that validate elections for at least half the states in the US.

Silver Lake

Dr. Quigley also has done some work on Silver Lake Partners (SLP). SLP Co-founder Glenn Hutchins the other firm that owns SolarWinds. Hutchins is on the Board of ATT and is related to Brookings and is a former advisor to Bill Clinton and is currently on the board of the Obama Foundation:




The owners of SolarWinds are closely related to Obama and the Clintons. The they also are heavily in the election business and have relations with companies and individuals in China and Hong Kong.

The more we look at this election, the more sure I am that something smells rotten in Denmark. It seems that Dominion voting has a lot of ties to the far left if all of these statements are true. It is worth looking into. We need to know in order to assure that future elections cannot be fixed in favor of the far left.

It is inconceivable to me that someone who couldn’t get 2 dozen people to attend one of his rallies got 12 million more votes than Barack Obama, who was genuinely popular. His online audiences were extremely small compared to Trump’s. Something just doesn’t add up.

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Anyone know who Fire Eye is exactly? Are they the IT provider to all of the agencies running Solar Wind? Was the back door to these agencies opened at Fire Eye? Fire Eye called it a supply chain hack.


no, was wondering myself…heard of FIVE eyes, but not FIRE eye


thanks Mary!!

Gail Combs

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Thanks, Gail!!!

Deplorable Patriot

The Lodge again.




Now I’m having trouble even commenting attop of page. To Wolf, cthulhu and whoever interested–my version of JAWS is Very old, like 2012 updated in 2014 and I will not be buying or subscribing to a new one. I have nvda free software on new computer, it has issues with this site, too. Old computer will cdie eventually. Thank you for all your kind words and interest. Hope this posts as I tried once and cannot find that comment, though it may have posted. Soory for any repetition.


new comments always post at the top of the page and then, after you refresh, they move into their place at the bottom…if you don’t refresh the page, newer comments than yours will simply push your post down a few…it can be very confusing trying to find your post–is it at the top or the bottom?
so i refresh my page often…newer posts should be at the bottom after you refresh…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But then you lose the orange/pink highlighting…

decisions, decisions.



“McConnell’s marriage into the Chao family dynasty has coincided with a trajectory of ever-increasing personal profit for McConnell and the Chaos, as well as Chinese state business interests.”

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 16, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

ToRE claims McConnell is the new McNoName.



This a SHOCKING admission from the Fulton County GA Elections Director.

They adjudicated 94% of ballots. A voter panel then determines “voter intent”, meaning they can CHANGE the votes.

Forensic analysis now shows there is NO audit trail for the adjudication process.

— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) December 15, 2020

Gail Combs

Then ALL of those adjudicated votes need to be 𝗧𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗗 𝗢𝗨𝗧.

I very much doubt a ‘panel’ including a Republican was any where near that process. It was probably some fraudster dumping them all into a computer file and updating them en-mass.




Adjudicated ballots tossed into a shredder. Perhaps the shredded ballots Sidney has held up?


We just heard that same story in another state (no audit trail of adjudicated ballots). Funny how that happens.


Mayor Pete’s experience in the field of transportation includes overseeing the repaving of a small segment of road in front of his house and the implementation of a bike-share program.

— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) December 16, 2020


But, he’s GAY….and it’s all about optics with the Dims….remember, Harris was selected because she’s a “woman of color.”
BYW, notice they McConnell referred to her as the first African-American woman ….someone should tell him she’s NOT African-American. But, we all know that forever more that is how she will be in any history books, etc. I guess if your skin is slightly colored these days it automatically makes you African-American, regardless of bloodlines.

Gail Combs

What is hysterical is I can legitamately claim to be ‘African American’ My Grand father immigrated from Syria. He was Druze

….The Druze are a unique people who originated in Egypt, but have since spread all over the world, with more concentrated numbers in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Jordan.

Druze follow the teachings of al-Hakim bi-Amrih Alla

In 1009, near Cairo, Egypt, al-Hakim bi-Amrih Alla declared himself to be an earthly incarnation of God. While most of the Shi’a Muslims living nearby vehemently rejected his holiness, small groups of followers began to follow him, giving rise to the first Druze….

In fear of retribution, Druze hid for 6 years after their leader’s death. When they began to reemerge, it was in remote mountainous regions in Lebanon, Syria, and what is today Israel. While they eventually returned to public life, they largely still kept their faith private…. [They headed for the hills! 🤣


What is interesting is the genetics.

Study Confirms: Druze Gene Pool Remained Unchanged Since 11th Century

I know the genetics is strong. I, my cousins and their offspring look exactly like the Lebanon Druze I ran into at a county fair.

So from now on I am going to claim ‘African-American’ as my Race. snicker  🤓 


Heavens, you might get a lot of government goodies, if you play your cards right!


Found on Gab:
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i believe the rinos are complicit in the election fraud because they KNOW if we had fair and honest elections, they’d be out of jobs.

Gail Combs

𝑩𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑶! got it in one.


The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”

Quote from Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton. 


Tragedy and Hope = one of THE best accounts of how they operate & function that I ever came across.

it’s out of print now, IIRC…so if anyone happens upon a copy of it somewhere, GRAB it.


Political Theology Livestream – 20201215


#2020Election #PresidentTrump #JoeBiden
14 Attempts to Undermine Trump Revealed | Declassified | Gina Shakespeare


Wheatie! Here’s a word for you – or have you already used it?

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Good one!

I’m trying to remember if I’ve used that one.

Doesn’t matter…it’s a good one to remember!


Great word GA/FL! Sent it to my mother who has heard of every word. Hoping this is one she hasn’t. It’s a little email game we play.


Where’s Hunter? Sources say he’s planning his first solo Art Show.

Sources tell Page Six that Hunter is inking a deal as an artist to be represented by New York’s Georges Bergès Gallery. An announcement and exhibition of his work is being planned for next year.

The 50-year-old revealed earlier this year how his art — making blown ink abstractions on paper — has helped him battle addiction and cope with media attention.


while I agree Hunter should be hung for everyone’s enjoyment, I don’t agree it should be in a gallery…LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Blown ink?

Isn’t that Kamala’s Oeuvre?


that’s a wad of ink…LOL


You’re such a dirty girl.




“…blown ink abstractions on paper”

Could be a money laundering scheme.

People give him thousands of dollars for some ink splats on paper?
Doesn’t make sense…but it’s legal.

It’s a legal way for people to give him payola.


Hes just recycling his old crack pipes and clearing them out.
Art is an excellent way to hide money, embezzle, and travel with crates claimingvto be full of “art”….


Money laundering!


‘…I guess it’s important that wounded men of a certain age and privileged background have the opportunity to find themselves creatively… it’s just too bad that everyone else is expected to pay attention.”’

‘…It seems like he’s trying to occupy his mind, and three of the four you see kind of read as trying to fill up the empty space and to make some structure out of a mess—so pretty allegorical in terms of where he finds himself.”’


Excellent. Appreciate the link. Art people aren’t impressed. 😀


… and neither are we.

Deplorable Patriot

The old “everybody’s doing it” excuse…doesn’t mean it’s okay.

Deplorable Patriot

And that includes a whole lot of things most people don’t think twice about.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or even once 😆

(actually 🙁 )

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

it didn’t work for us as kids…

kid: I want a (insert absolutely ANYTHING here–phone, car, tattoo, unicorn)…everybody’s getting one!
parent: if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Exactly. What’s fashionable and popular is not always right.

I fear there is a whole generation that didn’t hear that. At least part of one, and then their kids, and now grandkids.


Gee….shades of my mother! LOL
Reminds me of my college roommate who still wears her hair as she did in high school. Friends have begged her to change it for decades but her excuse was that her husband liked it that way. Said husband walked out of the marriage about 8 years ago, and she still has the same hair style.
I once asked her, if Hubby told you he liked fat women, would you stop your weight obsession and gain 100 pounds? LOL

Gail Combs

“…. if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?”

Well sure, as long as a rope and a rack were involved.  🙃 
comment image

This is a repel rack. you weave the rope through it to control your speed. And yes I have repelled of bridges, and roofs and down stair cases….



Cuppa Covfefe

Argumentum ad populum…


He ain’t black.

Deplorable Patriot

This happened yesterday. Did they kick out more bad actors?

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Did they kick out more bad actors?”

Let’s hope so!


So that Ron tweet was about this?

Deplorable Patriot


No one ever said the Great Awakening would be pretty, or free of profanity.

Hopefully, though, when we get to the other side of the tunnel (if that light in the distance is not another train coming at us), everything will taste so much better for the freedom that comes with having lived through it.


Dave Portnoy is not what you’d call a ‘conservative’ voice.

Looks like the tide is turning on this WuFlu madness.
People in the middle…and some on the left…are getting fed up with it.

It’s time to start hammering the fact that:

China did this.
China did this to destroy our economy..and the Dems are in league with them.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess I have to take his word for it. In the meantime, the laundry isn’t going to wash itself.


I just sent an email to the White House…offering my encouragement to the President. telling him WE, the American People, are behind him in this effort–beside him in this fight–and in front of him if necessary to protect our country!!
I encourage all of you to offer your support too…
just cuz he makes it look easy, doesn’t mean it is.


Just did. Thanks for the reminder.


I sent one, too. Thanks for reminding me.



Deplorable Patriot

I’ll just park this here.


That was good and easy to understand.

Deplorable Patriot

Park. Too much on my mind.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, I’m the author. I can actually fix this.

Deplorable Patriot

And part becomes park

Deplorable Patriot

OMG…it really really does!!!


Yes absolutely…ick.


Kathrin Jansen
Kathrin U. Jansen is Head of Vaccine Research and Development at Pfizer. She previously led the development of the HPV vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine, and is working with BioNTech to create a COVID-19 vaccine.Wikipedia
Ute Kathrin Jansen, 1958 (age 61–62), East Germany
VaxGen, Pfizer, University of Pennsylvania, Merck & Co, GlaxoSmithKline, Cornell University, Wyeth
Alma mater:
University of Marburg
Die Assimilation von Kohlenstoff durch Desulfovibrio barsii, ein Formiat-oxidierendes, Sulfat-reduzierendes Bakterium (1984)
George Paul Hess


… pud …


OMG !!

uncanny  :wpds_mad: 


my offering this morning…carrot cake…but like any family…it contains nuts…so be warned!

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*wheatie paws at the screen*

Looks yumptuous!
🤩 🤤


i brought plenty…want coffee and a slice?


Thanks…got coffee.
Will take a slice, though!

Gail Combs

Keep the coffee, I have tea and I haven’t eaten yet today so make it a LARGE slice.  🤗 


got plenty!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can’t get Darwin to eat blueberries.

But would he butt his nose on the monitor trying to get at this?

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Butterfly shouts ‘Look, Squirrel!!!’, swoops in, flies off with cake, while everyone’s distracted 😁 😋 😋 😋 🦋 🦋 🦋

Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

A good carrot cake is hard to find, but once located is the most scrumptious and coveted dessert in my world!

Cuppa Covfefe

I imagine that it’s hard to find not too long after you’ve found it 😀


Disappears real quick!


i have an awesome recipe using a butter yellow cake mix and 3 cups grated carrots–it’s fast to whip up!


Will Trump’s Executive Power Solve The Issue ? America’s 4 Major Crises

from The Wide Angle….

(this is Part 2 of a double episode)


POTUS’ Porogative Power…

among other things, he could suspend habeas corpus. ..

excellent 16 minute discussion in the above video.

well worth watching !

lays it all out very very clearly.


edit: Prerogative 


discussion on Prerogative Power/Trump’s option begins halfway into the 5:18 mark in vid.


China infiltration, financial conflict of interest exposed

DUBLIN, Ireland ( – Irish bishops are blackmailing Catholics into taking the COVID-19 vaccine despite explosive revelations of Chinese infiltration of top vaccine manufacturers, scientific journals questioning the efficacy of the vaccine and financial conflicts of interest.

“Refusal to accept a vaccine could contribute to significant loss of life in the community and especially among those who are most vulnerable,” the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ICBC) threatened in a statement issued Wednesday.

Deplorable Patriot

How low they have fallen. Many bishops and bioethics priests are now on the no vaccine side for just about everything, not just COVID given the way the vaccines are made with aborted fetal tissue.


found these at digital mom blog by digital molly

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  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Deplorable Patriot

Most of you are getting science text books. Ha!

Gail Combs



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11:30AM EST – The President holds a cabinet meeting.

H/T – **

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Good morning to everyone except Mitch McConnell.

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) December 16, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



daughter and her family dressed up as Dorothy and the wizard of oz…their labrador wore a black yarn mane to be the cowardly lion–it was cute!
but that looks like it’s own hair??


He can live where the hell he wants. It’s no one’s business!


NYMag is straight up lying…




NY Mag is a communist rag – propounding Communist PROPAGANDA.


Kinda figured that considering all the boat parades. All the many, many, huge and glorious boat parades   :wpds_wink: 


There was also a 70K vehicle auto parade in S FL!


This is a bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian cult.

It’s not about vaccines or protecting people’s lives—it is instead profoundly anti-science, and is only focused on absolute govt control of every aspect of our lives.

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 16, 2020


anyone watching the Homeland Security Oversight Committee hearing on the election?
apparently Ron Johnson opened with it by saying it would be the last hearing he chairs as committe chairman…
thinking it’s all for show and not worth a watch…only Senator who might ask Krebs any tough questions would be Rand Paul and I can wait for clips…


Kayleigh McEnany Gives the Democrat-Media Complex a Dressing Down for the Ages—Ace
So good. So, so good.


WHOA…. what happened… ?????????

Yesterday new platform picked up the embed, today?

Well, just click on the blue and the video will come up (I think)


yeay! It does…

oh I am so loving this new platform!!!


That makes one of you loving the platform.


Ohh goodness… Pgroup…

you mean there’s MORE than one of me…? I don’t think the world is ready for THAT…. 😉


Amistad Project report on Election Fraud – TODAY!


I’ll be back later. From REX:
1. For those who are down, always keep in mind the famous saying ‘a week is a long time in politics’.
Actually – forget a week.
This entire situation can change dramatically in an HOUR.
Everyone is panicking. Maybe I’m not seeing things right, but I am totally zen.
Trump holds all the cards.
2. ClintonGate, EpsteinGate, ObamaGate, SpyGate, BidenGate, ElectionGate.
God knows what else.
POTUS Trump knows everything. Again, of course he does.
And Trump is Trump
Who knows what Trump has planned. Just one or two indictments can shatter the enemy’s will.
That reassuring feeling of victory can be changed to dread in an instant.
The dread of imminent defeat.
History proves this, time and time again. Sport, war, politics
3. Look, I would kind of get the pessimism if Trump had used his weapons (see above).
But he hasn’t used even one.
And there’s more than a month until the Pretend President China Joe hopes to be inaugurated.
Presumably in a carpark, with 5 people attending.
A month is an ETERNITY in the great game of power.
And like I said, Trump only needs an hour or two to shatter the dynamic at play.
When you tune out the FakeNews and shrieking of the panicked, things become much clearer.
4. Pure logic takes over.
Think like Trump.
Was the election stolen ? Yes.
Is China involved? Yes.
Can it be proven? Yes.
Has this been going on for years? Yes.
Is it a national security issue? YESm
Is America under threat?
End of story.
Trump will therefore execute his constitutional obligations as POTUS & citizen.
Don’t forget – China Joe is just a citizen.
Biden has zero immunity from prosecution.
Neither do Jill Biden, Hunter Biden or Jim Biden.
IMO that Hunter laptop brings down the entire Biden Crime Family. At least.
Including China Joe.
Trump knows that he won 400+ electoral colleges and that the vast majority of the population back him.
All I am saying is, don’t be surprised if the entire Biden crew are arrested. Yes, including Joe himself.
No Special Counsel needed.
Trump thinks BIG.
Trump will choose the exact moment to apply the precise pressure, to bring the whole operation.
Being the CCP backed Obama/Biden/Clinton crime syndicate. Plus the remnants of the RINO-GOP.
It’s like an unravelling.
They won’t be able to prevent it, once it starts.
Watch, learn, etc.
Slight correction to root 6 – Bring DOWN the entire operation. Damn! My apology for the error.


4. Pure logic takes over.—got to me for I’m like what logic. I came to the conclusion years ago that for some reason we seem to be generating a generation of young adults that don’t even seem to know the meaning of the word logic. I’m to the point that I feel that if you told and proved to them that 2+2 = 4, the response back would be “not according ??? person, or media.”
Trying to lay out anything logically to some people is so fruitless, that you might as well just scream it the middle of some empty desert with no one around for 100s of miles, cause you will get the same result.


Has to be one two punch to the gut to the media in there to knock them off their game.


Was trying to catch up on the blog. In the background was Burt Wolf Travels & Traditions Travel & The Danger of RF Radiation! ” So in the background I hear “exposure to playing violent video games results in more aggressive and less caring kids.”.
We have all head this for years if not for over a decade about how technology can be beneficial but also has some crazy side effects, especially on our young people. Just food for thought, but think about. I will make a bet that way over 50% of our youth are into the war craft type video games, and probably a much higher % of the youth that are a part of the Terrorist Protestors.
Here is the whole show! At around the 6:50 or so mark is where he starts talking about technology’s affect on kids.


This article wasn’t as crappy as I expected it to be based on the title. It goes into some of the radicalism of BLM and news media in their anti-family stances, even touches on jaundiced readings of Kant. There is also critique of David Brooks.
My paraphrase, THE COMMUNISTS actually HATE the so-called “nuclear family” precisely because it is a RIVAL to their utopian vision of communitarianism. Whenever the left talks about “community” you can guarantee that they do not mean to make space for marriage, families, churches, civic organizations, etc. They want everything crushed that stands opposed to the communist end.
This is important to recognize – they are crafty about hiding their true intentions.

The problem is, without marriage and without the nuclear family, there is no community beyond the family. It is precisely this “rival” construct (straight out of neo-marxist ideology) that is wrong.

The attacks on the nuclear family are half-rightBy Timothy P. Carney, Senior Columnist |   | December 16, 2020 09:31 AM

“Disrupt the nuclear family structure” and “the nuclear family was a mistake,” however, both imply that the nuclear family is the problem and is at odds with strong communities. This is false. In truth, the nuclear family is a necessary but insufficient condition for the good life. People need mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and so on. (For what it’s worth, I don’t think David Brooks disagrees with me.)

But the nuclear family, contrary to some of the pro-“village” rhetoric, isn’t a rival to strong communities or strong extended families. A strong nuclear family is a necessary building block of strong communities.

. . .

Marriage implies permanence, dedication, and commitment. Communities need those things. Less marriage means weaker communities.

Raj Chetty’s research, in fact, suggests that having many households with two married parents is the best way to guarantee the upward mobility of children.

It takes a village to raise a child because it takes a village to support a nuclear family, and it takes a nuclear family to build a village.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s great so long as the nuclear family is functional. Both of my SILs came from broken homes, and the longer we know them and their parents we understand why.


Yeah for some strange reason the Commies prefer dysfunctional everything.

As in, demoralization strategy.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, these people aren’t commies. Just self centered. And nutz. DO NOT know how to be good parents.

My one brother’s father in law is the exception. The rest of them…talk about pieces of work.


From REX:
1. For those who are down, always keep in mind the famous saying ‘a week is a long time in politics’.
Actually – forget a week.
This entire situation can change dramatically in an HOUR.
Everyone is panicking. Maybe I’m not seeing things right, but I am totally zen.
Trump holds all the cards.
2. ClintonGate, EpsteinGate, ObamaGate, SpyGate, BidenGate, ElectionGate.
God knows what else.
POTUS Trump knows everything. Again, of course he does.
And Trump is Trump
Who knows what Trump has planned. Just one or two indictments can shatter the enemy’s will.
That reassuring feeling of victory can be changed to dread in an instant.
The dread of imminent defeat.
History proves this, time and time again. Sport, war, politics
3. Look, I would kind of get the pessimism if Trump had used his weapons (see above).
But he hasn’t used even one.
And there’s more than a month until the Pretend President China Joe hopes to be inaugurated.
Presumably in a carpark, with 5 people attending.
A month is an ETERNITY in the great game of power.
And like I said, Trump only needs an hour or two to shatter the dynamic at play.
When you tune out the FakeNews and shrieking of the panicked, things become much clearer.
4. Pure logic takes over.
Think like Trump.
Was the election stolen ? Yes.
Is China involved? Yes.
Can it be proven? Yes.
Has this been going on for years? Yes.
Is it a national security issue? YESm
Is America under threat?
End of story.
Trump will therefore execute his constitutional obligations as POTUS & citizen.
Don’t forget – China Joe is just a citizen.
Biden has zero immunity from prosecution.
Neither do Jill Biden, Hunter Biden or Jim Biden.
IMO that Hunter laptop brings down the entire Biden Crime Family. At least.
Including China Joe.
Trump knows that he won 400+ electoral colleges and that the vast majority of the population back him.
All I am saying is, don’t be surprised if the entire Biden crew are arrested. Yes, including Joe himself.
No Special Counsel needed.
Trump thinks BIG.
Trump will choose the exact moment to apply the precise pressure, to bring the whole operation.
Being the CCP backed Obama/Biden/Clinton crime syndicate. Plus the remnants of the RINO-GOP.
It’s like an unravelling.
They won’t be able to prevent it, once it starts.
Watch, learn, etc.
Slight correction to root 6 – Bring DOWN the entire operation. Damn! My apology for the error.


This mascot choice will be sure to turn heads
Kristol promoting a new “centrist” party with an owl mascot


So who’s the other guy who joined his party?

Cuppa Covfefe

Owl Jolson 🙂

[ducks behind the Gramophone, just in case…]….


His boy frend.

Deplorable Patriot

Man, I wish they’d quit picking on owls. They’re a necessary link in the food chain.


They will hold the convention at the Bohemian Grove.
Perform the “Cremation of care” ritual before their mascot MOLLACH!
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Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

From Gab:
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And Andrew Torba, Gab CEO/founder, just posted this:

comment image


Hey it didnt show.



didn’t show because you left the “mobile” in there


Voting Machines And Clerks’ Communications Just Subpoenaed In Michigan

— Major Patriot (@MajorPatriot) December 16, 2020


Why did the two major owners of SolarWinds sell $286 million in stock on December 7th – just a few days before the hack was revealed?

— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 16, 2020


Yes Pat,

inquiring minds want to know 🙄🙄


well, now the emojis don’t post for me


i see 2 emojis…how many did you post?


2 … I think the prob is on my end… I’m still not 100% logged in… avatar doesn’t show up… it does at Marica’s Place. So, going to tinker w/ my settings some more (create even more probs! ) thank you Pat


that’s one of my favorite verbs…tinker!


aww… late Hubby LOVED to “tinker” …


my Pop too!!


As was my Dad, but I think a lot of the “tinker” mentality and skills were because of location (very rural, in my case) and it was much more of an independent, DIY culture both by choice and necessity..
Dad’s garage was a nightmare…think of the photo of Einstein’s desk the date he died. But, he knew exactly where every little nut and bolt or gadget was and could immediately lay hand on it.
In our FR I have a dish of agates he found and tumbled to beautiful stones resting in a lovely hand-turned wood dish he made. He really was willing to try anything…a true Jack of all trades but master of none.
Think I may have gotten those genes! 😁


he sounds like an awesome Dad!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sylvia – when you log out and then log back in, be SURE to use the TOP of this form, which SHOULD show your WordPressDotCom avatar, like on Marica’s:
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You want to click on the BLUE BAND – “Log in with” – do NOT click on EITHER of the other two options.


I do Wolfie…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Phoenix – it is WEIRD – your “likes” show up with your WordPress avatar, but your replies show up without it.

Do I have your permission to delete your two local accounts here? I think that may “fix” your problem – then you can only log in using, and it will likely give you back your avatar.

You will go into moderation, but I will get you out – I promise.

Just say “when” and I will delete those accounts and you will come right in the front door, IMO.


Of course you have my permission… “when” !!!

sorry I was away with real life for a while, back now

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here we go – I’m doing it now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – now log out and log back in with WordPress!


It worked! Avatar is back… thank you Wolfie… you be da man! I’m so happy…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL – I just realized I called you Sylvia! Sorry! LOL.

I was just in a huge conversation with Sylvia on the other thread.  😆 


NP… I’m quite flattered actually 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s the shovel! Every Trump Lady has one! 😉
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Exactly! I’m so thrilled… beautiful! Can’t wait to use it…


I have one of those fancy, engraved ones from a hospital ground-breaking ceremony…now used to plant flowers in our garden. Guess I could get it out to use with a pitchfork if I run out of bullets! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pitchforks and Shovels go well with DEMOCRAT WORD SALAD! 😀


I’m wondering if the emoji problem is due to operating system. I used to be able to see emojis, but now they display as gray outlines or not at all. I can see them displayed in the emoji box below, but not when posted in a reply. It’s been this way for a quite a while, before the move, and I finally looked it up, and found that emojis don’t display properly for Windows 7 as they are not supported any longer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am going to be forced to “upgrade” my windows 7 system soon on account of the software that will process RAW files from my newest camera will not install on it.


Son has warned me that I might need to upgrade just because of the lack of support for various items. I’m debating about what to do, I might look at newegg and some of the refurbished machines or just build a new one. I keep one off the web, except once a year, it’s the “tax” machine.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wouldn’t necessarily be buying a new machine, just installing the software.


That’s what I’d like to do with my tax machine, but I need to check the specs. I’m afraid it’s not up to snuff as I’ve had it quite a while.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be honest, I don’t even understand which of two different processors is better than the other. The names no longer make any damn sense.


Intel i7 is better than i5 which is all I know. And windoze 10 needs 16 GB RAM to really come close to working properly.


Funny… My 8GB Laptop runs Windows 10 Pro just fine.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ryzen 3600 right now is the best bang for the buck (soon 5600 will be). Mid-range, doesn’t get hot, runs fast though. And since the new generation is out, it’s getting cheaper. For lappies, pretty much the same thing. Just got a new HP laptop for my wife, and the proci is 15w (the old one was 45w) (!) but it’s way, way faster. Amazing what they can do now. Only problem is windoze 1 0, which is punishment and then some. I could probably make it run win7 (some people have), but then I’d have a continuous support gig (honey-do list) if M$ tried to force win10 on us again…

Then again, there’s the Thelio Major from System76, with the AMD Threadripper 39xx and tons of power and options. Looks good, too:
comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, that’s good info…I doubt that motherboard comes close to that.

Gail Combs

We bought two refurbished HP computers (not new) and we love them. We paid a couple hundred each.


I just bought a refurb Dell optiplex 9010 Desktop with 16G Ram, 256M SSD and Windows 10 Pro for less than a seat of Windows 10 Pro software.


Alrighty Ms Jamcooker… I am on Windows 7 – not to anxious to upgrade!!! What a smart cookie you are…


I like my win7 machine, son helped me with building it, and I’ve had it a long time. Won’t be giving it up anytime soon!


I hear ya!


Because they knee they were gonna need the money for upcoming legal defense expenses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For a moment, I thought you were talking about all the GOP fundraising on Georgia!


It wasn’t just December. They were selling three months prior. Look up the NASDAQ symbol SWI and then find the insider trading information. More and more of them started slowly easing out the closer they got to the election. December was grab all they dare too month.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r



this could be the option…
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note : limited Martial Law

POTUS’ prerogative power.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am so on board with this stuff, you would not believe it!



I’ve thought this all along.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For me, contemplating the alternatives – up to and including CIVIL WAR and WORLD WAR WITH CHINA *AND* with anybody stupid enough to ally with that BEAST…..

Such thoughts have made it much easier to think YES – a re-vote conducted by the military is a wonderful and PEACEFUL solution!


I had also contemplated the use of the standing militia….but “problems” could arise from that.

and who knows if certain states even have a standing militia these days…?

Cuppa Covfefe

In some states they’re probably kneeling, like Kalifornistan 😡


And Masshole-achusetts.

Nice to see you’re still here, Cuppa!

I just started posting again, and got a reply yesterday from JW. Are you still there as well?

I hope you’ve been weathering the situation, with your usual aplomb!


Cuppa Covfefe

Hi Emeraldstar, good to see you, too!

Yep, I’m still here in Beautiful Downtown Deutschland (to paraphrase Johnny Carson).

Kanzlerin Merde-Kuh (Merkel) is doing everything she can to make life miserable for all of us proles, but people are starting (slowly) to wake up.

My wife has been working at red-pilling her Women’s Bible Study group (while they sill could meet), and my son is also pro Trump (although neither of us could register in time to vote this year because Passport renewal was shut down due to Corona…grrrr).

Latest is we’re shut down until January 10th. Curfew between 8PM and 5AM, and the ubiquitous masks are required almost everywhere.

Leaving one’s house is only allowed with good reason, among these being (food) shopping and meeting of at most five people from at most two households. After 8PM the exceptions are stricter. Visits from friends and family after 8PM are only allowed between the 23rd and 27th December.

These are the restrictions for the lockdown in Baden-Württemberg:

  • work
  • school and daycare
  • college and Uni
  • doctors appoinments
  • vet’s appointments
  • accompanying minors
  • accompanying people who require help (e.g. disabled)
  • accompanying those near death
  • caring for animals (e.g. “walkies”)

These also apply during the daytime, i.e. you can’t just go outside for any reason… (!!!!!) The “trigger” number for this is 50 “new” infections per 100,000 people within a week. Seems pretty low, to me, wayyyyyy too strict.

At Christmas and between the 23rd and 27th December, a maximum of ten people are allowed to meet, with no restriction on the number of households.

At New Year’s. a maximum of five people from not more than two households are allowed to meet (not sure if they’d want to celebrate 🙁 )…

Still, it beats what’s become of my original home, Kalifornistan 🙂

Never thought moving over in the early 1980s that it would come to this. But there are still lots of good things here, and of course my family 🙂


I went to an independent grocery store today, without a mask (I think I’m the only one in my town who hasn’t yet worn one, for ANY reason), and right inside the entrance was a karen.

“You need to wear a mask!” she said.

Not wanting to cause a commotion, I abstained from correcting her (I have no such need, and she was out of her depth in pretending to claim authority on MY needs: it was SHE, who had the need [want]), and politely said that wearing a mask is unhealthy for me.

No go.

“State law!” she said, totally ignorant of the fact that legislatures create laws, not executives (Guv’na’s).

She allowed me to shop, but said that the next time I would have to wear a face SHIELD.

I’ll be in touch with the owner before I visit that store again. Perhaps he is old enough to remember how wars are. We’ll see …

Again – the problem is “karens”, people who decide that they’ll adopt the role of law enforcement, BEYOND what their employer requires, or what their simple customer-status entails.

As long as she stated the store policy, all of her – and her employer’s – liabilities are covered.


She had to pretend that she’s a junior G-man, a self-appointed deppudy-dawg.

Sickening. It ain’t her role!

I find that the problem has little to do with intellect, but much to do with “feelz” psychology (self-importance, etc.).

Thanks for the reply, and the detailed update!

The whole enchilada is about to blow up – and as for me, I can hardly wait.


check out the Wide Angle video discussion I posted earlier, upthread…

he begins discussing and explaining PDJT’s Prerogative Power and ALL of this at the middle of the 5:18 mark…


That was an excellent video. Everyone should watch it.


The fed constitution does not authorize this plan.


his executive order does

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am TOTALLY on board with this idea.

CHINA does not control our elections.
FAKE NEWS does not control our elections.
SOCIAL[IST] MEDIA does not control our elections.
MARK ZUCKERBERG does not control our elections.
JACK DORSEY does not control our elections.
PHILADELPHIA does not control our elections.
DETROIT does not control our elections.
BLM ACTIVISTS do not control our elections.
ANTIFA EMBEDS do not control our elections.
DOMINION LIARS do not control our elections.
SCOTUS SCOFFLAWS do not control our elections.

WE THE PEOPLE – RULE OF LAW – controls our elections.


Interesting this is coming up more and more…seed planted?


The Six Million Dollar Man of the Biden Cartel isn’t Col. Steve Austin…it’s Rob Walker.

The Chinese Communist Party paid Rob that vast sum in 2017 for his influence with “big guy” Joe Biden. Plus, guess who’s Mrs. Walker’s boss? Jill Biden.#ChalkTalk#TenPercentForTheBigGuy

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) December 16, 2020


That sounds like the CCP was preparing for a Biden presidency which means the Dem party slate of candidates was nothing more than kabuki theater. They sure learned from the Clinton loss..cheat until you win

Gail Combs

Info on Rob Walker.

Senate Republicans issued a supplement Thursday to their recent report on Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings — and said $6 million in wire transfers further ties the son of President-elect Joe Biden to China’s communist government.

The five-page addendum focuses on former federal official John Robinson “Rob” Walker, who’s described as a “longtime business associate” of Hunter Biden.

Walker has also been accused of warning Tony Bobulinski, who was formerly a business partner of both Walker and Hunter Biden, not to go public with information about their commercial affairs.

“Ah, Tony, you’re just going to bury all of us, man,” Walker said, according to Bobulinski.

Walker, who held jobs under then-presidents Bill Clinton — for whom he was also a key campaign aide — and George W. Bush, is the sole owner of Robinson Walker LLC, according to Thursday’s report, which cites a May 21, 2017, WhatsApp message provided by Bobulinski.

The report also says confidential records allegedly show that a pair of $3 million wire transfers were deposited in a Robinson Walker bank account on Feb. 23, 2017, and March 1, 2017, by Shanghai-based State Energy HK Ltd….

Has much more. (The NY Post is a LOT better then the Washington Compost or NY Slimes.)


Bet not many of you know what happened today almost 250 years ago, actually 247 years ago.
247 years ago today colonists decided it was time tell King George where to stick it.

The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773.[1] The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. American Patriots strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. Demonstrators

Damn, will America that they envisioned back then be around on its 250th anniversary H3LL I think most of us including me have realized, we have already lost a large amount of our freedoms and rights that our forefathers fought for in the Revolutionary War.

So how many remember School House Rock!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I remember School House Rock.


Most of it was good little lessons.


thanks for the reminder.
Treehouse comments make me look so smart on social media!
Always scanning for what I can share and usually find good stuff that makes me look cutting edge &/or at the top of my history/civics game to others and our local GOP! Ha


Don’t thank me thank Alexa LOL
Asked about the weather and told me what happened in history


Well, now its up on our GOP page and we look the better for it. 🙂

I missed Bill of Rights day. Oops! Will hopefully catch it next year.


Well with what is happening right now I just felt It was a good share.

Gail Combs

 the British East India Company….

OCT 23, 2020

How the East India Company Became the World’s Most Powerful Monopoly

The massive British corporation was founded under Queen Elizabeth I and rose to exploit overseas trade and become a dominating global player.




The exploits of the East India Company didn’t end in India. In one of its darkest chapters, the Company smuggled opium into China in exchange for the country’s most prized trade good: tea. China only traded tea for silver, but that was hard to come by in England, so the Company flouted China’s opium ban through a black market of Indian opium growers and smugglers. As tea flowed into London, the Company’s investors grew rich and millions of Chinese men wasted away in opium dens.

When China cracked down on the opium trade, the British government sent warships, triggering the Opium War of 1840. The humiliating Chinese defeat handed the British control of Hong Kong, but the conflict shed further light on the East India Company’s dark dealings in the name of profit.

Unfortunately the UK embroiled the USA in the mess and China HATES BOTH the USA and the UK! See:  Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation
The European Banksters involved the USA in the atrocities the Japanese visited upon China as well.

To put it very bluntly Xi HATES the USA. SEE:
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh

The Communist view point:


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come to timmy

Because I reside in the boonies and seldom go to town I have been spared the mask and lockdown insanity from this kung flu bs. HOWEVER, my primary enjoyments feature guitar playing/messing around with my portable 8-track recorder, writing poetry/fiction, etc, etc… and now thanks to the massive election fraud and the revelations of so many elected officials being no more than puppet-bitches of Communist China, becoming alarmingly aware of how extensive the rot has spread… which further research enlightened me about this they call the Great Reset which threatens to ruin all of our lives… all this has more or less contributed to suspending energies in these enjoyments, just because of the waiting, wondering, staying perpetually glued, tuned-in, for what will happen next. This is enough to cause this normally non-violent gent to feel pretty sure I could shoot every single one of those motherfuckers myself.


who knows? you could be the next Bob Dylan (I think i got the right name)
write, play, record!!!!

come to timmy

Well neither Bob or I could be considered ‘singers’ so we have that much in common  😀 


all I’m saying is never let ANYONE take away your bliss…it might be your salvation in trying times!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you! I find it very helpful to REDIRECT any urges to FIRE A GUN into something very real and coming soon – the idea that you will SUPPORT LEGAL GUNS – that you will support any PATRIOTIC SOLUTION. Meaning that if Trump “rolls the tanks” to deal with this crap, you will SUPPORT IT TO THE MAX.

I certainly will, and I make no bones about it. And if needed, I WILL HELP – and that includes KEEPING AND BEARING ARMS – or whatever else I’m called upon to do.

come to timmy

I keep thinking of a Clint Eastwood movie (forget which one) where he’s in a diner trying to drink a cup of coffee and a fight breaks out, but he ignores it… he just wants to enjoy his coffee. Finally they bump him, making him spill his coffee… now he’s pissed off and they are fucked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the general problem of pushing peaceful and rule-abiding people too far! There are memes about this, and they are VERY TRUE.

The ChiComs know this, and the treasonous FIB knows this, too. It’s all a bit of a game – a very deadly one. Fortunately, our side is playing well.

Always remember – you can’t call back your bullets – so an UNFIRED GUN has more power than a fired gun, which limits your future. And it is guns DISTRIBUTED IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE that have power over Mao’s guns, which have been reduced to the hands of the ruling LIARS.

come to timmy

Well it seems they were able to push this far precisely BECAUSE most of us don’t want problems, just want to get along… seems to be their favored (and apparently effective) tactic: push or propose x, a lot of people are not comfortable with it, but apparently the other half of the country is in favor (or so we thought, before being awakened to the extensive fraudulence in elections for who-knows how many years (decades?)). So we bend, tolerate, accommodate… until the next push. Now we’re looking at them boldly intending to install transgenders as Education Czars…. and with straight faces telling us that it’s acceptable to let kids choose their genders, etc… No. No no no no no. No way in hell can anyone convince me that a majority of Americans are okay with this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY!!! No further! This FAKE ELECTION gets fixed, or it’s WAR – up to and including CINDERIZING CCP (which may kill a few innocent Chinese, sorry) and everybody else who deserves it.

Gail Combs

They are busy pushing us towards the last ‘Box’

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗮𝗽 𝗕𝗼𝘅 — Removed via censorship and masks and commie distancing and lockdowns.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗕𝗼𝘅 — Stolen via FRAUD.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗝𝘂𝗿𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝘅 — Stolen via Commie DAs & Judges and ESPECIALLY STOLEN via a series of treasonous Supreme Courts.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗺𝗺𝗼 𝗕𝗼𝘅 — WE still have control of that.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Mao knew – the PEOPLE might overthrow the PHONY SOCIALISM that alleges FALSELY to represent the PEOPLE.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hitler knew it too… that’s why we’re stuck with Merde-Kuh and her band(s) of clowns…


I hear ya Wolfie… there’s still plenty of fight in this ol’ gal… I fully support the Press Release today from We the People…

ditto your comment…


It has been decided in our household that we will do whatever is necessary to assist the rightful President of the United States to overcome the takeover of America by unlawful forces.

Whatever it takes. By any means necessary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

o7 *salutes*

I am telling EVERYBODY the same thing. When they say “what can we do?”, I respond:

SUPPORT THE PATRIOTIC SOLUTION – because it’s coming. STAND UP for it. Don’t listen to fake news – turn it off – prepare to stand firm with TRUTH and TRUMP. Prepare to do whatever is needed to support the restoration of honest government and to stop this FRAUD from going forward.


I think you all know that I was once one of those who would never ever have a gun. H3LL if you had told me prior to Obama becoming president that I would not only have a CWP, carry a gun 24/7 and have two others in various places on in my house I would have said you were a lunatic.
My prayer is that the only times I shoot my gun is when I am target practicing. However, if I do have to use my gun in a life and death situation, may I shoot well and on target, especially if the lives of others are involved.The issue now is ammunition. Have been told that I will probably won’t have to ever use what I call my bedroom gun. Seems when criminals see that red dot they run as fast as they can. My bedroom gun has a laser.
Now comes the issue, seems ammunition is even harder to get than TP. So I no longer do my monthly target practices, cause I can’t replace what i use for target.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if you can dry-fire – it’s always good practice, especially drawing, pointing, aiming, and (don’t let the neighbors hear) verbalizing! 😎


I said sort of the same thing a few months ago, talking about the hope that after PTrump was elected again that we could stop the need to incessantly watch the pipeline for threats to the Republic and to the Constitution, to the schools, to us,…all of it. The bad guys were selling us out and we didn’t know we know. The only thing left is to fight back however we’re able.

I love the friends made here and elsewhere and would love for life to return to a less paranoid status BUT until it does I’ll try and do what I can to share with others that don’t follow social media and many now aren’t even watching tv now that Fox went rogue.


Yup. Just so very frustrated, fed up, furious, etc etc. The “Left” literally has no bottom to its evil demands & machinations. Not our choice but we have to fight back!!!


Oh, good, text got in. fwiw I am on ipad. Admit to being techno dunce, but seriously this computer crap gets me so frustrated because it wastes so much of my time, is frequently a hiding to nothing. And then to see what google does to spy on boring old me is outrageous when Deputy Barney Fife has to get a warrant. You have no idea. (Wolfie ignore this rant, it can’t be the site imo though logging in at that blue line thingy is impossible for me mysteriously.)
However I add: we are having beautiful white snow in Amish Ohio right now…does that make it a racist Christmas?? We MUST hold our damn line or some clowns will be paid tax dollars to dye the snowfalls! GRRRRRRRR
PS SO grateful for you ALL!!!!

come to timmy

Well it’s privileged snow don’t’cha know….

Deplorable Patriot

Holy Schnikies. If this is true…..


well crap!
which court does THAT lawsuit belong in???

Deplorable Patriot

Take your pick. Maybe class action with all states participating, except SCOTUS ain’t touching anything regarding the election.


re: SCOTUS. The three justices’ entire tenure is now DEFINED, and they’ll never shake it. Just like Roberts and Obamacare.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Concerned Virginian

If true, it would then be arguable that BOTH Gov. KEMP and SoS RAFFENSPERGER knew about the “lapse date” and LET it happen — banking (figuratively and perhaps literally) that it would NOT be discovered until AFTER a “Harris/Biden Inauguration”.
Perhaps THIS is something that Harrison Deal was gong to talk about — until he wasn’t alive to talk about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – that is an excellent theory. And it makes so much sense. The BF of the DD (dear daughter) was likely a bit of a starry-eyed fool. He KNEW stuff, but he wasn’t CORRUPT. He may have been TALKING to people. BFofDD was likely telling DD things – DD was spilling some of it to KEMP. DS (Deep State) was LISTENING IN.

DS kills BF of DD to keep DEAR FATHER and LOEFFLER in line with THEIR PLAN.


I have searched for more information regarding the above tweets beyond this one person’s statements of his opinion (he includes no links to back up what he is talking about). I have not found anything to back up what he is saying.

Does anyone else know of back up for what he is talking about? I would like to share this but with no info except his statements I won’t share it.

All I found contradicts what he is saying.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s not going to be any “back up” on the internet if the information is something that was to remain hidden.

This is coming from the whistleblowers who I have ZERO doubt are under the protection of private security at this point.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The upshot of THAT is that anyone can post any sensationalistic rumor on the internet that they want, and when someone complains there is no backing, they can just say Twitter/Facebook/Google/Youtube suppressed it.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true.


If the order in GA was not renewed that would be public record and yet the public record shows it was renewed. I am just trying to figure this out before I share it as I am careful to only share what I can verify.


FYI: I don’t care either way on the story. I found it interesting as I scrolled through the page and clicked on the tweets expecting to find a link in his thread or comments and then I planned to share it on social media as an election update, etc.

When I didn’t find confirmation of what he was saying easily, I searched. Then couldn’t find anything other than an article saying the opposite so I asked as now I was skeptical (not initially skiptical – I was trusting but verifying) so I asked for info from others here.

I wasn’t trying to be rude or argue. Just hoping to find more info before I forgot about it and moved on or confirmed it and shared.

Just thinking of the facts and not at all who posted it or commented it on it.


It’s good to verify in these trying times. Lots of misinformation out there.

JW in Germany

This was discussed on Bannon’s War Room episode 588 just about an hour ago…and appears to be true.

Starting at 27min. the conversation with Michael Patrick Leahy.


Wonder if it wasn’t just sloth that made them forget. It may of been an extra hurdle to jump through that they didn’t want to try to do if it involved the state legislature. In that case they were likely thinking better to ask for forgiveness than to be told no.

Deplorable Patriot

That might be the excuse they cling to in court to which – as a former executive assistant who knows how to use a tickler system – I would shake my head and ask who wasn’t organized and paying attention. That’s one heck of a deadline to miss.


Probably posted already . . . Gateway Pundit is saying that Assange has requested a pardon. 👍🏻

Deplorable Patriot


JW in Germany

This is an example of why they REALLY do not want a full fledged inauguration day for Biden…it would expose the already obvious lie of 80 million votes to a ridiculous extent.


Au contraire, if Biden tried to hold a live inauguration it is highly likely he would draw a crowd of 80 million.

JW in Germany

Point well taken. I agree.

come to timmy

That’s a hell of a lot of hecklers.


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

I think they are worried about the flatbed semis hauling these:
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come to timmy

Destination… Georgia? Michigan? Pennsylvania? Perchance?

JW in Germany


..and in the’ Stealers’ colors..

Cuppa Covfefe


I still remember (and mourn) “the immaculate reception”…
Stolen from the Raiders…

Deplorable Patriot

Screencap posted on Gab:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I think it may have been a GOOD THING that his ASS WAS FIRED.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a difference between making a PR statement and perjury. Under oath, these guys are going to change their tunes ’cause they ain’t going down for something someone else did or ordered.


Solarwind is blowing his story all around.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like the accreditation for the voting machines we used in 2020 expired in 2017 making the 2018 election illegitimate as well.

What the implications of THAT are is mind blowing, and probably why Senator Johnson is so hot today.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_shock: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The communists have been doing EVERYTHING to stay in power.

FAKE NEWS is going to DIE when it loses its communist brigade in the House and Senate.


Also means a whole slew of Governors, SoS are ILLEGAL…

Lookin’ at you there in Michigan!


Oh WOW! If this is really the case, there are big BOOMs on the way.

This, along with the expired order in Georgia making absentee ballots void. and maybe vitiating that whole State’s election.

What kinds of reactions can fix this? Court proceedings for finding and penalizing the actors can take years… and with the uncertified machines, looks like the only correct way forward will have to be a whole new fresh election. Throw out all the existing rubbish and start fresh.

And that impeachment thing — used to be a big deal without factual merit and now it is shown to be a priori illegal?! The perpetrators here will have to be kicked out and forced to remain out of any government-level positions forever. I’ve seen some wording to that effect recently, somewhere in the US code.

Gail Combs

That is why we need a National Emergency with POTUS assuming his full powers NOT just limited powers. The problem is way too pervasive and complicated. Full powers means MILITARY TRIBUNALS and not some wimpy Special Council that has to try people in the District of Criminals with CCP installed judges and a fully DemonRat jury.

Leftists Suggest “Re-education Camps,” “Firing Squads,” Banning Talk Radio to “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters

Sen. Lindsey Graham’s curious questions to Judge Kavanaugh on military tribunals for U.S. citizens

And yes I do agree we need do over elections from Dog Catcher up.

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Concerned Virginian

I saved the images above just in case they’re “disappeared” off the internet. Never can tell now.


I got a nice amount of HCQ and Azithromycin on indiamart, back in August. 👍🏻

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Was this in addition to the telemedicine, or to fulfill that prescription?


No in addition. The telemed fills all the Rx’s out of a pharmacy in Florida.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Very helpful!


I did take the India stuff to my doc to check out. And it’s fine. All blister-packed. I forgot, I could have edited the first comment. 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So many meds are made there! Most are perfectly fine, although some of their generics (including in particular the ones that Beelzebubba Clinton had ties to via the Clinton Foundation) were scandalized by weak and defective products.


Hmm. I have that stuff squirreled away just in case. I have enough from the telemed to get through March, once a week. It’s Mylan – pills are marked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mylan is good stuff!


I actually have a script for HCQ from a local doctor, but found it a challenge to get filled at our local pharmacies. Is there a way to send it off for direct filling or do I have to go through telemedicine – a different doc to get a script taken care of?


Wow, now that is something. The pharmacy is refusing to fill it? The telemed I went through is the same one affiliated with the frontline docs/Zelenko/Jerome Corsi (from WAY back) – On their home page the pharmacy is listed, with a number. Perhaps you could call them directly. 👍🏻


Ok, thank you. Well, I tried to 2 pharmacies back in May, and they wanted a letter from the doc that he’d monitor. Well I wasn’t going to bother my doctor friend on that. So I got the Zinc filled but still have HCQ to fill.

I’ll check in with the pharmacy directly. TY.


The Rx might be expired at this point. 🙄


How and what was prescribed?


No Rx needed, it’s India.


Wow. I went to the Rx India link and it asked for downloading of prescription. I’ll check your source. Indiamart. TY.


We have mercury thermometers from india as we find the digital are rarely on target and one can not buy the old fashioned thermometers here in the US. We ordered 5 while we were placing an order. Glad we did as several were defective upon arrrival so out of 5 we had 2 working thermometers. Good to have on hand, esp. when temp is climbing fast and getting into the danger zone and precision matters.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
Gail Combs

I still have the one from when I was a kid. It must be fifty years old and works just fine. I also have an animal mercury thermometer for horses.


Yes! 😀 

[video src="" /]

Deplorable Patriot


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Useful idiots. They were just fine with it when commies were in control – now they want to hobble Trump’s cleanup of the crooks – but for “good” reasons.

I don’t like the Patriot Act – which was nasty stuff – but we now have to ask very legitimate questions about how it’s working on CHINESE INFLUENCE OPERATIONS.

Maybe a NEW ACT would be better. One that does not TAR the word “patriot” by being purposed in such an Orwellian way to SPY ON PATRIOTS.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Something off there. Go slow approach.

Concerned Virginian

My opinion: Thomas Massie is a loose cannon.
Tulsi Gabbard is doing this to bolster her “street cred” to try for the DemCommunist / UniParty / DeepState Presidential nomination in 2024 — if she doesn’t “switch parties” before then to try for the “Republican” party nomination.
Watch for more ploys of Gabbard establishing more street cred.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

This meme is an oldie-but-goodie:
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But it is still going on today.

For example, it was BLM who was doing the stabbing here…but the Daily Mail doesn’t say that:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist Fake News. There ought to be a law.


Yes…there really should be a law.

An you know me; I am loathe to advocate more laws.

But there really should be an ‘Accuracy In Media’ law, against publishing lies and misleading propaganda.


>> “should be an ‘Accuracy In Media’ law” <<

There was one, Wheatie.

The Smith-Mundt Act, from the 1940’s.

It was “reworked” under Obozo (2013, IIRC?), to mean the exact opposite of its original intention. I seem to recall that this re-work was part of the NDAA renewal at that time.

Both Big Media, and Big Gov’t, have had a “license to lie” since then.


‘Course, The Daily Mail is UK, and yet I spoke of the USA.

Derp, derp – I feel like I belong in “Tard Jail” for a spell.

You’ve seen the meme on 8kun, yes?



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Deplorable Patriot

Stashing the first tweet of this thread so I don’t lose it.


Arrrgh. This is not good.
😬 😖

Gail Combs

Monsanto had the patent if I recall correctly.

They STOLE the genetics from kid’s 4-H projects. TO be able to show your animals you had to ‘DONATE’ the animals DNA to a bank. This is the same as they did with plants.

(I have notes on the crap.)

Deplorable Patriot

And I have to pass the place on a fairly regular basis. [BLECH]

Cuppa Covfefe

Now if were only for pork (and pork products/derivatives) going to Red China…..

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, what a mess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My money says SCOFFLAW SCOTUS won’t take the cases!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am now in SHAME THE SCOTUS mode.


 😶  SCOTUS was just to good to be true.

Valerie Curren

Hillary directly implicated in Bengazi, per this whistleblower…interesting thread!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

I believe this is claiming that Glen Doherty & Tyrone Woods, who were supposedly killed at Bengazi, & were both part of Seal Team Six, are still alive?

This makes them look connected to those HWB funeral “notes”



The gist of the article is the mayor resigned because of threats, etc. The city council will be looking for somebody within their own to fill the spot. All about how she just wanted the best for the people. NOTHING about the city residents kicking the mask requirement to the curb. I would bet there are also mandates about businesses that aren’t discussed in the article.

The beginning of these people won’t be able to walk the streets?


A second Joe Biden Electoral College voter in Wisconsin likely committed election fraud by falsely claiming to be indefinitely confined to her home. This means that a full 20 percent of Wisconsin’s Biden electors violated the state’s election laws.

— Dan O’Donnell (@DanODonnellShow) December 16, 2020


LOL these people are stupid!

Propaganda video for getting the vaccine doesn’t actually have a needle on the syringe.


No needle seen.

Concerned Virginian

Well, here’s an example of what our “new” Police Departments have been ordered to do when confronted with arresting a VIOLENT criminal —

Charlottesville police were called to arrest a Black man, TAYVEON LARIC BROWN, on Tuesday morning. Brown was wanted on multiple warrants and HAD BEEN RELEASED FROM CUSTODY on the previous Sunday night AFTER he had been arrested for BRANDISHING A WEAPON at another person.
Brown was “uncooperative” and refused to obey police commands on Tuesday when the police came to arrest him. He had his HANDS IN HIS POCKETS and was moving his hands as if he had a gun in his pocket. The officers believed that Brown was armed.
So, what did the police do? They fired “multiple” BEAN BAGS at Brown and then took him into custody.

This is what will happen all over the country if BLM / Antifa / DemCommunists have their way.
Bean bags. “Social workers”. “Crisis Intervention personnel”. These are what police will be told they can use — even if THEY believe their lives are in danger when they arrive on the scene. LET ALONE if the police believe OTHER lives are in danger.


BTW, if anyone is confused (or even cares) about what’s up with Rod Dreher, and why he’s making stupid comments, it can be summed up quite succinctly:

He’s trying to sell his book.



LIVE: U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Election Fraud Hearing


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. The LAWLESS UNIPARTY RINOS are the ones pushing this phony runoff as a way of:

DISTRACTING us from the FRAUD of November 3
DRAGGING IT OUT to a Biden inauguration
LEGITIMIZING the bogus voting machines
HIDING EVIDENCE by reusing the tainted machines
LOSING THE SENATE if Trump should somehow win

This entire thing is a TRAVESTY.





betcha THAT SLOB will be Kamel Hut’s VP pick


Mellow guitar music to help counter chaotic times.

“Slow Dancing In a Burning Room” ~ Mike Dawes


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So much for “Only a fool fights in a burning house.” (Commander Kang, Day of The Dove, Star Trek (the original series)).


Two very different worlds.

In the case where the couple (male/female) are intimately dancing, it’s along the lines of:

“In the world of me and you,
All is forgotten when we’re inside”
J. Hayward


Top Twenty Secret Sins of 2020 AmericaLinda HarveyDecember 15, 2020

Had enough of 2020? Time to move on? There’s one “great reset” we may all welcome, and that’s the need to get this miserable year behind us.

But first, let’s shine a bright light into the tunnels, alleyways, and shadows of 2020.

Sin breeds secrets. “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” Hosea 4:6 tells us, and why? We all choose what authorities we consult, yet some sources are deceitful. Those in positions of power have an increased responsibility not to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18).

In 2020, an avalanche of secret sins in America managed our destinies through private deals and backroom corruption. Let’s open the curtain and examine the most egregious sins of the past year.

20. China spying. Penetrating the highest levels of U.S. government and commerce, China’s negative influence on American intelligence, national security, our public health, and even the 2020 election is a developing story. It’s unlikely Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-California) was the only Chinese target among our elected leaders.

19. Gender insanity. Boys are not girls and never can be, but gender anarchists keep working hard to conceal biology from our sons and daughters, so the number of gender confused youth has exploded. Science, it turns out, is real, yet the mutilation of young bodies continues in “gender clinics” at children’s hospitals throughout the country with risks usually withheld from the young patient or the parents. Why? Preventing suicide is the rationale for validating these delusions. But in what fantasy land is a child in danger by retaining a nascent, healthy body? While the U.S. continues on the dark road of gender violation, in the UK, a recent court case shows that in London, people are waking up.

18. Trump smears. In apparent collusion, the mainstream media gave Trump no accolades, regardless of his stellar accomplishments for our country. He’s clearly a “racist,” we are told. Yet the economy under Trump yielded the lowest unemployment for African-Americans in recent history, a story the major networks refused to tell, nor would they cover Trump’s assistance to historically black colleges. Why did 6% more black males vote for Trump in 2020? How about his majority Cuban-American vote in Florida? In the Middle East, he brokered the most sweeping peace deal in fifty years, but the mainstream media buried this milestone. He was nominated four times for a Nobel peace prize. Yet on NBC, CBS, CNN—crickets.

. . . MORE . . .


This is the law I’ve been wondering about. Where was the Protection of our civil rights – including the right to vote in an honestly run election. It’s been taken from us.


And what about all the rights that have been taken from us in this Scamdemic?


This…..right fucking here




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If this is true, then it’s time to bring down the whole rotten thing.


I quibble with the necessity of it being true being a necessary precondition of the latter part of your statement, sir. 🤨


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’ve always had suspicions about Virginia and Rhode Island. POTUS was ahead in both late into the night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ken Starr is a “survivor” – he knows that somebody’s goose is COOKED, and it AIN’T TRUMP’S.


Brave and Free

If Gillium had gotten elected in 18 we’d been so screwed in Florida! Must not had the machines dialed in enough in 18. Sounds kind of familiar to 2020……..Florida would have gone blue this election if Gillium had won and this would be worse than what it is now.


Video from InfoWars/Alex Jones…yeah, I know…but the first half is pretty good.

Let’s see if this will post, it’s from Banned Video:

He starts his commercial at the 3:29 mark, so I turned it off there.


Let’s see if this link works:

<div class=”ifw-player” data-video-id=”5fda49535b426104ced5dd42″></div><script src=”” async></script>

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo
Gail Combs

There were some confused about this and others who said United States versus Throckmorton does not apply. Therefore I am posting this from a lawyer.

SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

Posted this on November 8th. It is from their Resident Legal Counsel

Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

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“𝗙𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗱 𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴.”  That enduring opinion was the crux of the landmark decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the above referenced case of the United States versus Throckmorton.

Ipso facto, the outcome of a POTUS election that is rife with one-sided fraud and criminality is rendered null and void.  Especially any result which saw the winner attain his or her victory through fraudulent means and/or criminal conduct is automatically canceled and invalid under the law.

The same U.S. Supreme Court ruling also determined that fraud vitiates contracts. An election is essentially a binding contract between the electorate and the elected. This indispensable social contract is irreparably broken through voter fraud and election cyber-crimes as the public trust is profoundly violated. The transparent Democrat-directed election theft of 2020 has rent asunder the sacred covenant between the elected and the electors. Hence, Joe Biden’s illicitly declared victory is illegitimate and therefore annulled forthwith.




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Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
One, is the real reason why the current Supreme Court threw out the Texas case, apparently WITHOUT looking at any of the evidence presented, that they didn’t want to have to cite Throckmorton?
Two, is the Throckmorton decision viable today even if the current Supreme Court doesn’t want to cite it?
Three, and possibly the most important: Does the current Supreme Court, by throwing out the Texas case, infer that, as opposed to Throckmorton, an election IS NOT a binding contract between the electorate (We, The People) and the elected — with the sole “exception” of the Electoral College?
Am not a lawyer and do not play one anywhere.


But, Gail, the real question that you have avoided here is “Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn Express?” . . . for which inquiring minds want to know . . . “with whom?”

Gail Combs

“Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn Express?”

Actually I camp. I do not like hotels and motels.

With whom? The last time was with Hubby and a pair of Saddlebred mares. My mare lay down across the entrance of the tent and guarded it. Shocked the heck out of me.

Gail Combs

The Supreme Court tossed the case because Texas did not have ‘Standing’ that is NO HARM was done to them AT THAT TIME. (Electoral Votes had not been cast.)

With DNI Ratcliffe’s report on election fraud by a FOREIGN entity PLUS the electors now being selected (and Biden wins) Texas and other cases may have standing because HARM WAS DONE NOW. This is especially true if the DNI report shows Trump won BEFORE the foreign interference.

(I am not a lawyer, just a chemist.)

I am hoping for a state of emergency and military tribunals but the Supreme Court involvement does not negate that possibility.


That town isnt a ranching hub for the Valley like it was. Without tourists it is dead. Good for them. Btw they were once a beautiful town and its not the same as when i was a child but this is good for them.
Santa Barbara ie liberal hell and the county seat, wont be pleased.

Cuppa Covfefe

After the Chumash Casino was put in a few miles down Highway 246, the traffic increased, including heavy trucks, and the number of people stoppin in Solvang decreased. I talked to the owner of the Jule Hus (years ago) and she said that she feared that that was the beginning of the end, and certainly the end of the “old ways”.

Good that Solvang sees the ChiComKorona Fraud (and Newscum) for what they are.
It still is a nice little city, there are still a core of Danish (-descent) folks there…

Couldn’t care less about Santa Barbara…if they were any further left, they’d be under water… Would be a great place if it weren’t for the libs…


Totally agree. Santa ynez is still beautiful. Went to Solvang last summer and was so disappointed. Overly tourist, lots of shops were empty…really empty. It didnt feel the same, and i spent easter and summer there all the time growing up bc Grandma lived nearby.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s also Los Olivos, and Ballard, which has a Little Red Schoolhouse that might well be still in operation more than 100 years after it was built. There’s a little booklet (50-60 pages) put out by “The Book Loft” which details the history of Solvang.

We used to go there a lot on the way to LA (Andersen’s as well). Then I would go there on the way to Uni every month or so, then now, when we visit the states, we stop over in Solvang… so we’ve seen the slow decline which I really think the Casino accelerated… too much traffic that doesn’t stop, and too many shops. The Elverhoj Museum (if it’s still there) was really good…

And Birkholm’s…. I owe quite a few pounds to them (and Round Table Pizza 🙂 )….


Birkholms was so great…back in the day. A lot of them just arent full of things like they used to be. They all do online too. I love Mortensens.
Abelskivers and Andersens(which has changed also) . We can talk about it for hours…


LAist (@LAist) Tweeted: From Burbank to Manhattan Beach, from Temecula to Solvang, restaurants in Southern California pushing back hard against the state’s outdoor dining ban.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am confident that TRUMP will rise to these HISTORIC TIMES.

The question is WHO ELSE WILL STAND?

JW in Germany

I know all of the QTreepers will stand!

Cuppa Covfefe


(Even if some of us are standing a bit far away 🙂 )…

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of this:

Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Even those Qtreepers who are not American Citizens….

JW in Germany

All of the We the People of the World!


Exactly! People who cherish freedom!




I am confident that TRUMP will rise to these HISTORIC TIMES.

As sure as the sun in the east every morning.



Fuget any notion of going down. Or going down swinging.

President Trump WILL prevail. It’s in President Trump’s DNA.


President Trump is in the RIGHT. He WON.


Don’t DIE for your Ideas, liberties and Freedom…..
Make THOSE Mutherfuckes DIE for theirs!


The most important will stand…’We the people…’


Interesting quote … and yes, this one really is an accurate quote by Lincoln.

“We must not disturb slavery in the states where it exists, because the Constitution, and the peace of the country both forbid us — We must not withhold an efficient fugitive slave law, because the constitution demands it —

But we must, by a national policy, prevent the spread of slavery into new territories, or free states, because the constitution does not forbid us, and the general welfare does demand such prevention — We must prevent the revival of the African slave trade, because the constitution does not forbid us, and the general welfare does require the prevention — We must prevent these things being done, by either congresses or courts — The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it —”


How can a Special Counsel sort this out by the Inauguration? Impossible.

It seems it’s down to PDJT to act, as usual. That would enable Sidney Powell, Lin Wood et al to meet with him, security-related departments, etc.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – those are the COMMS. I will bet that this MAFIA CODE can be BUSTED BIG.


“water pipe break” = algorithm failed due to overwhelming pro-Trump vote

= stop counting

= manual fake ballot (ie. physical ballots) insertion required

”John has a long mustache.”

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Thinking of “The Farm” and State… The Deep State Farm… pwned by the ChiComs…



“Witnesses should be 60 feet away while Pence counts the Electoral College votes.”

— President Elect Enduro Skills (@Enduroskills) December 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In this video, a DOMINION WHISTLEBLOWER explains how the CEO of DOMINION LIED to the hearing to protect the workers who were RE-RUNNING batches of BIDEN BALLOTS.

Valerie Curren

Well, this is provocative…any thoughts/clarifications?

He mentions Joe Biden & Hillary being directly involved in Ambassador Stevens death…hmmm…by a poison shot?


The only problem is he seems to say they were there physically, Biden and Hillary. With an injection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That sounds like discreditational JUNK. No way.



Valerie Curren

Yes that seems unlikely, but perhaps it’s a cultural thing, like somebody does something at the behest of someone else so the top dog that ordered the event is given credit for the deed. Like Trump is building the Wall. He’s making it get built but not literally assembling the pieces along the border.

Valerie Curren

Interesting finds in the comment/replies


“Why is our DOJ, FBI or CIA not ever going after the known people when they’re criminals?”


Because the DOJ, FIB and C_A are the criminals.

Valerie Curren

It certainly appears that way. It was encouraging news in Maricopa Co, AZ, I believe, that the US Marshalls were overseeing the securing of the voting machines. There are still Some good guys left!


Are you sure?

Valerie Curren

I was pulling from my memory of tweets I’d read, but this might be erroneous. I remember re-tweeting something that I thought was about US Marshals being present as Maricopa machines were taken into custody but I’ve not been able to find that tweet on my timeline or searching twit world w/ key words. So memory is faulty, or twit is suppressing…

There were US Marshals as part of a raid on Solar Winds in Austin, TX…I’ll search some more but I’m having computer probs so need to shut down 1st. I’ve tried to reply to you 3X & it always disappears before finished composing…hmmm…

Valerie Curren

I was pulling from my memory of tweets I’d read, but this might be erroneous. I remember re-tweeting something that I thought was about US Marshals being present as Maricopa machines were taken into custody but I’ve not been able to find that tweet on my timeline or searching twit world w/ key words. So memory is faulty, or twit is suppressing…

Weird, I thought this comment posted before the computer shut down, but I guess not so I’ll try to augment the info a bit more.

Ironically this CTH item came up w/ a dif search, w/ FBI not necessarily being the good guys, sadly…

Well to directly answer your question, I’m Not sure, I stated my prior comment w/ “I believe” not “I Know” & without documentation it Appears I was/am in error–sorry 🙁


Those U.S. Marshals… did they have American names, or Chinese names?

Asking for a friend… 😁

Valerie Curren

Scott I went looking for “proof” of my statement & couldn’t find it see my reply to rf121 nearby. My memory may have been faulty or twitter may be suppressing things now. I also saw that Marshals were part of a raid on Solar Winds

so maybe I mixed up the tales w/ some wishful thinking…Sorry if it’s a bum steer…

American names like Fang Fang? 😉


I was approaching it from a different angle, i.e., just because they’re Texas Rangers or US Marshals, what is that supposed to mean?

It’s supposed to mean they have instant credibility.

But they’re hanging out with the FIB, so unless they arrest the FIB agents, then they’re with the FIB agents.

And the FIB agents have zero credibility.

It’s not possible to ‘trust’ anyone in government. If it ever was possible, it certainly isn’t now.

Especially the ones who are usually most trusted.

Dark > Light.
Those you are taught to trust most….

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Yes sadly. It’s hard to even watch shows where the alphabet soup are supposed to be the good guys, sadly….

Who to trust also impacts church situations. My husband attends a church w/ a lot of young leadership. They &/or their spouses bought into a lot of BLM propaganda in the summer & as a result a cop & his wife Had to leave, for reasons of conscience. Their teen son, a musician like my husband, chose to stay but remains somewhat conflicted.

Our old church is 100% enforcing mask “mandates”. If leadership can be so profoundly lead into deception & tyranny now, how can that leadership be trusted later? I’m so thankful for John McArthur’s example in CA on these matters. There are a few churches we know of in our area that leave masks up to people’s individual discretion, which seems “reasonable” in these times…

There is So Much Deception swirling about & it’s impossible for some of us to play along with the lies!

Human nature is Fallen! Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely! Thankfully our Founders recognized these challenges & put in checks & balances to try to slow the march of tyranny, though the skids have been greased for quite a while now 🙁

Valerie Curren

Here’s the link to the info in reply to rf121 Sedition, fyi

Valerie Curren

A little more stuff from that twitter conversation, I have no opinion as much of this is “above my pay grade” & maybe it’s a distraction or maybe it’s important info in the hands of the right people…so sharing this stuff FYI


At this time I am very skeptic what i read on Internet. I am asking why now at this moment when hearings happen when the whole election fraught is uncovered to get more light on the cheating is so much of this out there?
I understand curiosity and excitement for findings .
Why are they pushed out at this time?
My mind at the moment is how POTUS gets 4 more years and how to deal with conflicted GOP not just DC but also swing states. How to deal with McConnell the traitor.
Yesterday I had a phone call from the RNC wanted to pick up and let loose but my husband thought better he picked up and disconnected 🙂
This is a uncertain time a unnerving time. Christmas is a time of Hope I remind myself of that.

Valerie Curren

Our hope can never be in things of this world. At the same time the Hope that burns Eternally with Light, Love, & Truth can’t so insulate us from troubles down here that we ignore them. It’s such a challenging balance to strike.

These are such dark days & there is so much deception & despotism (I’m under Whitmer’s jackboot in MI) trying to get us to give in to despair…

A couple days back my son & I prayed together & I felt such power & ability to shed the darkness. Another day I spent time in worship & prayer & these dark things were beaten back, at least inside of me, by the Light of Christ.

Every day is a challenge & every day we need that Armor of God to withstand the fiery darts of the evil one! Hang in there & hang on to Jesus!!!



Valerie Curren

God Bless & Uplift you, & us all, Singing!



Deplorable Patriot

That guy is the falconer who surfaced a few months back. He had some stunning inside information from having worked for the powers that wannabe.


Hmm. That falconer looked like a guy in his 60s to me. Also, when he spoke about how long he’s been around . . .


Just looked again – you’re right. That guy at the top in the turban looks like him.

Valerie Curren

Thanks DP, fascinating!


Look! Squirrel!

Valerie Curren

Very Well could be… 🙂



Personally, I refrain from posting spam I “have no opinion on and/or is above my pay grade”. I wish others did, too, if only to be considerate of others and keep from clogging up the page load time.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Valerie Curren

Sorry for the hassle FG&C…different strokes & all 🙂


Study confirming advice Gail Combs gave us in Jan/Feb. And the study was at NC State so that is fitting.

The ony thing that confuses me or that I take with caution is the chocolate as that is also listed as a NoNo for preventing the immune system “storms”.

Valerie Curren

Anything out of NCState & Johns Hopkins having to do w/ CV would need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. They are deeply involved w/ the Wuhan research &/or Event 201 & JH is actively promoting the CV #s that appear extremely overinflated (though I believe you agree w/ reported #s by & large) which feeds the panic & promotes the tyranny…



It worked ! Avatar is back… I responded in notification bar, can’t find it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal – AGAIN!!!

Try another!


2nd comment…

you da man Wolfie! Thanks sooo much

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND – if you want to CHANGE your email to the yahoo one, just do this:

Click on your AVATAR next to the bell.
Click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS in the blue menu.
Do whatever it asks you next – save, confirm, whatever.


I’ll think about it… don’t want to risk having it all working again!

Have I told you how much I like the bells and Whistles, and the home? Kudos, you doing a great job… esp trying to please everyone, we’re such an assertive group!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK no problem. But I can assure you that people have changed that email in WordPress and it is almost always smooth as silk! You should be able to recover that gmail anyway, if you do a lost password on it, and it goes back to yahoo.


Thanks… I’ll do it before the end of the day…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just be patient if it throws you into moderation again – I will approve the posts and that is it.


Money from Zucker-borg used to undermine election.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg’s $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and improperly influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will not rest until this horrible man is ARRESTED.


Not sure he is a (hu)man… transhumanism (think of the Borg, via “Star Trek”) maybe? clone?

His wife appears to be a handler…

Space Cadet here, signing off 😌

Cuppa Covfefe

Data’s evil twin brother???


Could be Cuppa… Could be

Deplorable Patriot

Has he been taking the Gates vaccines?


Zuckerberg , Gates, Bizzo and Soro they are megalomaniacs. I am sure there are more.

Deplorable Patriot

And this is how the Biden camp intends to fake its way through the lack of crowds at Joe’s mythical inauguration.


Meaningless drivel.

There will be no Biden inauguration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are good at PRETENDING EN MASSE.


The ONLY thing Biden will be inaugurated in is punk protocols at Club Gitmo!

Deplorable Patriot

I know that, but people like my dad don’t.


You should tell him! 👍

Deplorable Patriot

Oh that is excellent news!


AHH the inevitable OOPPS turn is coming…TOO late Fox. Whats that smell…FEAR!


God I love this woman.

She is on par with Sidney P.

Utterly fearless true patriot.


And, Elizabeth McDonald!


Intel source.

Fox is getting out in front of the DNI report.

We are coming to it. Be ready.


DNI report MUST be fully unclassified and 100% released to the public.

They can skip their totally BS sources and methods alibi to keep America dumb down.




It WILL be, by Trump himself.


BINGO! Trying NOW to give the true stories as a mea culpa..TOO LATE. Ther’s a BIG reveal coming, and a SHIT storm a brewing…Fox an d the GOOPe CHOSE, no backsies NOW. Just PAIN.


KARMA! I was in the kitchen a lot today (classic French onion soup…lots of prep), and I was thinking about karma.
For example…remember when Ivanka first moved to DC and joined a woman’s gym in her neighborhood and then was told by the owner she wasn’t welcome…wonder if she’s even in business now.
Remember the little restaurant (Red Hen, or something like that) that harassed Sara Huckabee and family to the lint they left, with the owner’s blessing? Wonder if they are shut down?
Suspect that there will be a lot of KARMA (or PAIN) in Trump’s second term…so sad.


Report due by Friday, correct? Is POTUS’ EO tied to this report, as in he cannot go forward with the EO/Insurrection without it? I asked that question a couple of days ago, but there’s so much flying around here, I’m sure it was lost in the shuffle.


I am not certain that declaration of the Insurrection Act or any specific action is directly tied to the report, other than what is spelled out in it. It states “the report shall also include updates and recommendations, when appropriate, regarding remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government, other than the sanctions described in sections 2 and 3 of this order.”

What those “remedial” actions might be, well….


I’m asking because now we’re starting to hear rumblings about senior intelligence not meeting the deadline. The EO needs to go forward.


Betting Ratcliffe WILL deliver on time.

Stonewalling will NOT be accepted.


“Betting Ratcliffe WILL deliver on time.”



I got a glimpse behind his mask, and though my angle wasn’t great, it sure looked a lot like Lucy… you know, from Peanuts… 😁

These are career GOVERNMENT people… there aren’t any GOOD ones!

Anyone GOOD gets weeded out before they get anywhere CLOSE to national office 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467



I posted this on twitter,,,maybe to harsh but still audio seems edited and blurred Maria = FAKE IMHO

That……is the worst bit of video fakery I’ve seen…We are all stupider for having taken the time to watch it. Why does our side pass on and on and on obvious fake garbage?


Don’t you think she would immediately correct the record, if not correct?


NO ONE else on faux news has the courage and integrity to make this statement.

BET, Maria would walk IF faux news tried to stymie her reporting and four plus years of pursing the scoundrels in our government.


After all, she is the original money honey. That’s gotta count for something.


Today’s Wictor

The legal system has too many problems. Problems like judges.

The legal system was never the answer. All that matters is The Constitution.


Thanks for posting this.

Wictor is essential and one of the best perspectives to follow.

Gail Combs

I just commented something similar on the last page.

  1. Judicial system sucks rocks
  2. Military Tribunals are the way to go.
  3. ALL elections down to the dog catcher need a redo. (IF military Intel did not catch true vote) AND the military needs to conduct those elections under martial law.


12.16.20: AMAZING courage DISPLAYED throughout the NATION! Coming in for LANDING!


Chris Krebs was totally excoriated and proven wrong at the Senate Hearing on the Fraudulent 2020 Election. Massive FRAUD took place with machines, people voting from out of state, illegals, dead people, no signatures—and so much more!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gee, was this FOOL under OATH. Lets put some of the M SM, dems, and state election officials under oath, I bet MANY tunes CHANGE, and they all will beging to SING like Ethel Merman!

Gail Combs

The War Room had an excerpt of Krebs testimony at the very end of the 2 hours. Some simpering idiot Demoness gave him the last couple minutes of her time to make a statement and it was vomit worthy. He even said time to move on so the nation can ‘heal’ Guess he thinks we are browbeaten cowards who have been taught our place.


Josh Hawley ” 74 MILLION Americans are NOT just going to LET this FRAUD go.”

Trump has it ALL, he is IMHO, TOYING with them. WHEN does he DROP the hammer, and just HOOW much. I hope it is EVERYTHING. DAMN the torpedos, FULL STEAM AHEAD!.


Nah ! Heal rhymes with Kneel , not us.


Did anyone watch the hearings….just couldn’t muster up the interest. But wonder what, if any, response Krebs had to these accusations.
Hope someone is looking into his bank accounts.


Has anyone heard about status of investigation into horrible death of Harrison Deal, boyfriend of @BrianKempGA’s daughter??? Nothing in MSM.

I heard engine block landed 60 feet from wreckage & car chassis was melted into a twisted mess.

Is that true? Who is investigating?

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 16, 2020


When something does not make sense to me, alarms go off to search deeper for the truth.@RepDougCollins refusal to help @realDonaldTrump & his refusal to demand investigation into GA election fraud continues to puzzle me.

Something ain’t right.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something STINKS in Georgia.

Brave and Free

Yeah i wonder if the daughter was the target?

Last edited 4 years ago by Brave and Free
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think the daughter was the target, because killing her could have had the wrong effect. Generating ANGER and OUTRAGE in Kemp is not what they want. The FEAR is what they want. That’s why I am certain it was intended to send a message.

They want Kemp and Loeffler to BEND when the time comes.

If my experiences are typical, most of the people who carry out the acts in America are not ChiComs. All of these acts on behalf of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM are carried out by a mixed bag that looks a lot like America. Mostly white, some blacks and Asians. It includes people from many countries.

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t that part of the genius of The Wall, to stop the flow of the Deep State’s hit squad, like MS-13?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those are not the real pros – those are the “deniable by who they are” low-end thugs. Yeah, we need to keep them out, and that worked. But the professional assassins never left. They’ve been here right through Obama.

The high-end assassins are extremely good at making HITS look like something else, and they are not cheap thugs like MS-13 and Antifa. And that is the problem – their methodology of extreme plausibility doesn’t really scale.

Seth Rich worked using MS-13, but then they had to take out the two thugs using pros. So that’s not really scalable.

The two Antifa HITS that we saw – the guy in Portland and the guy in Denver – HUGE backfires due to crowdsourcing. The problem now is that Bolshevik social media knows they have to kill crowdsourcing. Without crowdsourcing, those kinds of murders can scale, but they will quickly lead to shooting pack at progs, and then pre-emptive attacks based on suspicions – basically civil war, right-wind death squads, etc.

Gotta do something. Facebook and Twitter are now literally attacking America. We’re done with them.

Valerie Curren

So the car thing was a Pro job? I mean that wasn’t even close to subtle or explainable by normal car issues/crashes was it? Wouldn’t that be bringing too much attention, or was that the point? Is it a Chi-Com hit meant as a message for Kemp & other bought politicos that No One is safe once you’re in bed with China?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO it was likely done not by China but by her American Deep State allies. Rogue CIA – professional assassins – corrupted ex-military – mafia – etc. I suspect connected to ShadowGate types. People involved in 9/11, etc. People who need Trump to lose. People who need to push Trump as far toward illegitimacy as they can.

High on my list of suspects would be the Chertoff-Hayden gang. Brennan – Morell – those people. The people who I consider most likely to be behind both Las Vegas and two of the attempts to take me out. FIB just lets them operate – “see no evil”.

Valerie Curren

Wow. I trust your instincts on this. What’s ShadowGate, in a nutshell, if you don’t mind?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The rogue IC craptastic traitors who turned online weapons supposedly to be used against terror on us. The thing was, they created the terrorists so that they could make the weapons so that they could use them on us.

It’s complicated.

I would call it the “military-CIA-industrial-cyber-9/11-intelligence-treason complex”.

Valerie Curren

Thank you. Way before I was as informed as I am now (nothing compared to most here at Q-Tree) I basically started paying attention to national & international stuff post 9-11, which was a huge wake up call.

Well even my very uninformed self back then thought the Patriot Act was super dangerous. At that time I thought GWB was a good guy (makes me sick now) but I was imagining the PA in the hands of a Clinton type, never being imaginative enough to conjure the Hussein Usurpation or what Hillary’s reign w/could portend.

Getting shivers just thinking of the grotesqueness of it all!

Kind of funny, but about a decade back, an old friend from college, a guy, called me out of the blue (I don’t think he’d Ever called me before even in college & I don’t know how he would have known my married name). He claimed he worked for the FBI as a chaplain & was just checking up & saying “hi”. I wondered if I was digging into things online too much then but I wasn’t on Any social media at the time. It was quite strange, but then I don’t automatically think paranoia is a character flaw 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting report there. Honestly don’t know what to make of it! But VERY interesting.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know either. I made him give me call back numbers & his address, which I wrote on some scrap paper that is/was buried in my “paperwork nightmare” unless one of my do-good family members pitched it trying to “clean” up my mess, which throws me off as an “organized messy”–as in I know where stuff is in My mess. Living w/ other people who move stuff constantly, not so much 🙂


Remember, Lin Wood tweeted that SOON Kemp and his RAT Sec of State will BOTH be in JAIL, and Trump retweeted. FORESHADOWING.





Why should Collins help POTUS ? POTUS supported Lofler what I never understood in essence threw Collins under the Bus. Collins did an excellent job for POTUS in the house and defended POTUS.
I do not understand the dynamics between the men.


Why should Collins help POTUS ?

^^^ Well that is an easy one.

  • The BIG picture is NOT President Trump or Doug Collins.
  • President Trump KNOWS this.

Doug Collins had a secure seat in the House. Like Kelly could hold her seat in the Senate. Two R seats to work WITH President Trump. Easy peasy.

Early on President Trump signaled Collins to NOT run against Kelly. IIRC, even before Collins formally announced his run against Kelly.

NOW, we find ourselves in a fricken disaster on two levels.

  • President Trump IS the rightful winner for President.
  • Does Collins need a BETTER reason to support President Trump? Support America?
  • GA is a self made disaster 100% created by RepubliCONs.
  • Kemp and SoS essentially threw the election. All quite illegally. They have supported illegal elecction processes. They have NOT enforced legal election processes.
  • Doug Collins EGO and self importance has gotten the best of him in stoopidly deciding to run against Kelly.

DP is very god about posting our Oath. Some of us believe this Oath is a LIFE LONG COMMITMENT. Personally I took the Oath formally three times as Enlisted and four times as an Officer. Have administered the Oath at re-enlistments.

The Oath.

I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.


I took that oath also when becoming a citizen.
I believe in it .
Collins needs to get over his feelings hurt . One wonders what his reason was to run against Kelly. He was in the conservative wing. We do not know what his reasoning was.




Is this true?

Doug Collins is no longer working to help President Trump prevail?


could be optics…I’m watching the same movie you are…??


A really, really bad movie we are forced to iwatch, in part anyway.




Good question. I check every couple of days and haven’t seen any explanation


URGENT. This photo was taken moments ago by a poll watcher at the Congress Center in GA for the “signature audit”

This is his vantage point. He cannot see anything and they are being kept corralled behind these barriers.

How is this any different than before? #StopTheSteaI

— LJ 🇺🇸 (@beyouonlybetter) December 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This crap is the final outrage. Kemp and Rabblesporker need to be in CHAINS.

Maybe they’re HOPING to be arrested, rather than being killed by DERP STATE and TREASONOUS FIB.


Rabblesporker is changing parties after January 5th – LT of AND WE KNOW

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



well….I don’t know if prison is safer….remember, Epstein did not kill himself…


SOON all good things. Trump HAS them, hence the LEAK to Bartiromo. Also CURIOUS that Assange has FORMALY requested a pardon. Gee, WHAT does Julian know…perhaps Seth was killed because he FOUND OUT that Dominion was used to cheat Bernie in the primaries. The MORE you know..WINK.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – I think that Dominion and election cheating – FAKE ELECTIONS – was the secret worth killing for.

Hillary’s win in Ohio over Bernie coincided with Kasich’s win over Trump. I thought the latter was dirty, but the FORMER was definitely fraud. Bernie was VERY popular in Ohio – Hillary was NOT.

I think mucho fraud. Do we know where Dominion and Smartmatic were used in Ohio?


In 2017-2018, Ohio was switching over to Dominion. This is a pdf from January of 2018 listing approved voting systems:

No Dominion.

It looks like their machines and equipment were pretty outdated and were mostly replaced for 2020. There are lots of articles about it, here is one:

I don’t think it would have been hard to cheat if the equipment was as out-dated as the articles say.


Checking the Senate’s Twitter account today… Mitch appears to be moving POTUS’ nominees to confirmation, including at least one ambassador. However, still nothing out of Committee to the floor on para 230 and problems with Tech… assume Big Tech has donated too much money to members of Committee as well as Senate PERIOD, to get it out. Will be less confusing to read tweets top to bottom – I was too lazy to cut ‘n paste individually /phoenix


comment image
Senate Cloakroom


NOW VOTING: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #933 Joseph Dawson III to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.

comment image
Senate Cloakroom


Vote Update: Under the regular order, at approximately 2:45pm, the Senate will proceed to 2 votes on the following:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #933 Joseph Dawson III to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.

Invoked, 56-39*: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #933 Joseph Dawson III to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.


2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #934 Charles Edward Atchley, Jr. to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

Please note, further votes are expected during today’s session of the Senate.


NOW VOTING: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #933 Joseph Dawson III to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.


Confirmed, 48-47: Executive Calendar #932 Katherine A. Crytzer to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.


NOW VOTING: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #932 Katherine A. Crytzer to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.


2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #933 , Joseph Dawson III to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.

Further votes are expected during Wednesday’s session of the Senate.


Votes Scheduled: At 11:30 am, on Wednesday, December 16th, the Senate will proceed to 2 votes on the following:
1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #932 , Katherine A. Crytzer, of Tennessee, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.


Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #881 Jonathan Pratt, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Djibouti.


Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #875 Julie D. Fisher, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Belarus.


Invoked, 48-47: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #932 Katherine A. Crytzer to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.


NOW VOTING: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #932 Katherine A. Crytzer to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.


Confirmed, 51-44: Executive Calendar #931 Thomas L. Kirsch II to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit.*


NOW VOTING: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #931 Thomas L. Kirsch II to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit.

*Note: Linda reported on this last night… Kirsch will fill the position vacated by Amy Barrett when she was confirmed SCOTUS Associate Justice


Thanks, PR!!! Take care and rest when you can – Mkay?


Thanks Duchess … will do… appreciate the concern


Copied this from a tweet posted below …

Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) Tweeted:
Mitch McConnell is married to Elaine Chao.
Elaine Chao’s sister is Angela Chao.
Angela Chao is married to billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer.

Jim Breyer is very close with the CCP chairman Xi Jinping.


Wow… the Chao Sisters have done very well for themselves, both of them, financially and power-wise.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, organic, naturally occurring.

It happens to LOTS of sisters…

As long as their name CHAO!

😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Hi Nikki! They’re all gettin’ rich and richer… at the trough, right?


They are humans without a clue, it’s not about 💵💸💴💳💰 .. so basically they are SOL ..

Mark 8:3636 For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul

They may think money and power makes them relevant, they don’t get it.


… and a swift kick in the arse sounds about right, miserable harridans.



Amazing Polly says Fauci’s wife isn’t related to Gislaine Maxwell –

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Deplorable Patriot

Another arranged marriage?

Seriously, who are the marriage brokers in Washington. Hannah Mandelbaum in Crossing Delancy, and Michelene O’Flynn in The Quiet Man did a much better job.

Cuppa Covfefe

Even Yentl, in Fiddler On The Roof: “With the way he sees, and the way she looks, it’s a perfect match! ” 😀

Deplorable Patriot


I was in that show in HS.

Cuppa Covfefe

YEP, you’re right. Senior moment here. Sorry, I was thinking of Yentl and my “Lentil” pun…

I was in it too in HS… in the orchestra, was a great group for that age…

Deplorable Patriot

I was actually in the chorus as a mama, BUT I sang every number where the chorus was needed. In the dream scene, I was behind a curtain being one of about three people in the cast who could nail the high notes.

Good times.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That was a fun show. I was a “guest artist” (wandering minstrel cellist) so I wasn’t in the full setup – they had a world history class coupled with the show such that everyone learned about the plight of the Jews in Russia. I doubt they’d do a class like that now, sad to say. Even during rehearsals which included the pit, they’d stop and explain something, or go deeper into what the characters were dealing with.

I have a CD of Jan Peerce singing some of the songs in Yiddish – interesting to hear how close that is to German… there are other songs on that CD about WWII and those trying times, too.

Cuppa Covfefe

I liked the dream sequence…

A blessing on your head,
(Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov)

then, at the end

We haven’t got the man
(Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov)
We had when we began
(Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov)
But since your grandma came
She’ll marry… what’s his name?

The tailor, Motel Camzoil…


Anyone ever consider whether Cocaine Mitch’s marriage was arranged with a spy/handler?

IIRC, the ‘story’ is that Elaine Chao’s family is from Tiawan, avowed enemies of the CCP.

What a perfect cover that would be for a spy.

If Elaine Chao isn’t a CCP spy, she must be the only Asian in D.C. who isn’t…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467


Memorandum on the National Strategy for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion (Space Policy Directive-6)


  Issued on: December 16, 2020


Wolfie, I made the email change … but comment did NOT give message “In Moderation”

Am I still good?


. @DNI_Ratcliffe is standing up for career analysts who want their views to be accurately reflected. In other words, fighting to keep intelligence from being politicized.

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) December 16, 2020


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Jack Posobiec


Replying to @JackPosobiec
Raw intel includes indications Chinese networks amplified messaging that painted Trump as a white supremacist




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Jack Posobiec


A senior national security official tells @OANN

“This is a big deal. Ratcliffe has drawn a line in the sand on China and not backing down. Even some of the careers agree with him that the ‘Russia Russia Russia’ crowd is downplaying the China threat.”

Click on tweet for thread, no Reader… lots of comments… “Senior Analysts” are attempting to override the Dir DNI…


Senior Traitors, more like.

Burn it down.


I think the Deep State is trying to get our ahead of the DNI report. It’s gonna be a bombshell.

When the report shows massive interference from foreign actors, the 2018 E.O. is triggered. That’s when the shit hits the fan.




Jack Posobiec Retweeted
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Matt Gaetz


Quote Tweet
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Jack Posobiec

· 13m
Textbook Wrap-Up Smear tactics being used against @DanCrenshawTX right now. Pelsoi taught them how it’s done. Hit them with a smear, get friendlies to write up the smear, have progressive groups to promote the smear.

Valerie Curren

Always have and still boggles me why we never saw any of the Benghazi survivors. Why were they not even given some WH ceremony or ??? It is like they all just disappeared and when poof.
What is really heartbreaking is not one of them came forward, for I have a feeling a bunch of them know the real truth.
Do believe that is why we lost some very high ranking military people, like generals and admirals. If I remember right Obama fired or made about 4retire because they spoke out against his step down orders when they wanted to send in people to help,

At first I thought, Benghazi was further inside the country of Libya.which still did not excuse step down orders from Obama. When I realized that Benghazi was even more acessible on the coast, I was even more ticked.

Want to trigger grannie, bring up Benghazi, Abortion or Illegals. One of these days that all 3 are in too many conversations I will probably have a stroke. I have had to step away because that has happen in just a few hours.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, Kin. I passed along Grannie’s tweet too. These are very sobering things that should never be swept under the rug…


That is one of my homemade memes!
One day about 4 or so years ago I looked down at what I tweeted and realized how much it really expressed my sentiments and those of others. Others were saying that they felt that same too,
Actually made the meme for two reasons,
1)Those words use up almost all the allotted letters you are allowed on twitter.and actually more. Got tired of trying to figure out what words I could leave out like “the” or shorten like using “8” instead of “eight”!
2)in posting it  sometimes I would either forget and omit words! There were times I would screw up the way in which I typed it out, particularly since I was already triggered by other posts, especially those by crazed liberals.

You know if Obama had not lied about the filmmaker for such a long time, was 2 or more I think. I do believe that more would not be so triggered as I am over Obama’s actions and inaction with Benghazi.
After it happened and even to this day, Obama and Hillary sheep still keep trying to excuse Obama as they do with all things Obama.
Many would say but what about all the other Embassy attacks under so many other presidents that presidents did not send in troops.. Did some research over 90% if not all of the past attacks where people lost their lives were bombings! Never been in a bombing and pray to God I’m not, but they last like 30 seconds if that long. Don’t have to have been military to know that it is no longer a rescue but sadly cleanup. when buildings are bombed.

When the F….will those brain dead uncaring sheep wake up to all the Democratic lies and terroristic fear mongering?.(Damn I’m still triggered, sorry guys).

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Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing those details & this new meme which I will try to tweet out here:

At least we were both subtle/s 😉

God Bless YOU Kin & send His Comfort to those areas of wounding in your heart…


Like I said..Triggers
Benghazi just does not add up how ever you slice it!

Valerie Curren

There is little in aka BHO’s usurpation that measures up to detailed & objective scrutiny!


When it comes to human life I really cringe. when looks like murdercomment image

Valerie Curren

Amen. I shared some tweets about the recent pro-life actions of Alex Azar, I believe. Some clueless lib trying to discount everything said “the fetus isn’t human”. Sad.

My mom, who is an RN, often uses the term “fetus” which is practically a “trigger” word for me, given the excessive abortion advocacy in our society (mom’s pro-life). My understanding is that “fetus” = young life, or a gestational stage more closely specified. My mom Loves to use technical terms in medical speak, which can be off-putting to lay people (I usually “translate” the medical terms I use when describing my son’s special needs adventures).

Me, I’m calling it a Baby to humanize him/her while still pre-born. ALL life is worthy of protection, womb to the tomb.

When they murdered Terri Schiavo I couldn’t stop crying. We were literally on the road to the University of Michigan hospital, likely for an appointment for my son Josiah, when I heard about her death on the radio.

Then the “Liverpool Care Pathway” was publicized where they were literally starving & dehydrating people to death in the UK, & not just the elderly. Evil doesn’t protect life & seems to rejoice, & justify, it’s destruction.

What’s coming down the pike w/ these CV vaccines is likely to be another form of genocide. God have mercy on us, & especially the little ones!

Deplorable Patriot

This is not the first time I’ve seen a lot of what you posted re Team 6, etc.

What the real truth is we haven’t seen yet, IMO.

BUT Vincent Kennedy and a few other accounts being them with other names…definitely possible if no one opened those caskets when they got to the homefront. I mean, how would you know if you didn’t see the deceased in the casket?

Valerie Curren

I have no idea but it would be amazing if someone was able to spare those heroes that ignoble death, being betrayed by their “leaders”…so many mysteries…

If there ever is a True History written of Trump Time & Q it will be beyond fascinating to read!




The judiciary didn’t really ‘collapse’, more like it was acquired by Chyna CCP in a merger.

Gail Combs



That wasn’t Trump’s speech Nancy tore up, it was what Americans have left of the American constitution when Democrats rule..


FYI Arizona Update

~TWO subpoenas have now been issued in Maricopa County by the Senate Judiciary Committee, per @MarkFinchem.

~1) Calls for full forensic audit of all Dominion machines, and 2) collection of digital images of all mail in ballots.

Results due 12/18.

— ⚡ Mαχιмυs 🔥 Uηceηѕoяed ⚡ (@Maximus_4EVR) December 16, 2020

Cuppa Covfefe

12/18. Same day as DNI report. Time to get more popcorn and nachos, methinks.

(And WHY, oh WHY is Corona Beer so popular over here? I thought Germans were’t so hot on satire…)…

Valerie Curren

Twitter has a notice from ODNI saying that career officials will Not be meeting that 12-18 deadline now…


Corona Beer always puts me in mind of the old joke — how is Corona like making love in a canoe?

They’re both ****ing close to water.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of like Lucky Lager (which we used to buy at Fedco in the 24-packs)…

You’re lucky if there’s any alcohol in it at all… “green beer” we called it… but it was cheap, an important metric for starving students…


“TWO subpoenas have now been issued in Maricopa County by the Senate Judiciary Committee, per @MarkFinchem.”


If they are anything like U.S. Congress subpoenas, they’re really just for looking at and talking about in the lobby of the Kabuki Theater during intermission, they don’t actually have any force of law.


BREAKING: President Trump will withhold $200 million in Medicaid funds from California until it stops forcing Christians to fund abortions.

— (@LifeNewsHQ) December 16, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t bother with the video in the tweet, and let me assure everyone here that the Secretary of Transportation…I’m still trying to figure out what that department does given that MODOT is responsible for maintaining the interstates that go through this state, as well as the bridges over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, inspections every year and all.


Don’t even want to know how that dept “reinforces” racial crap.
He should say no to the appointment because he’s a vile white man. Put his money where his mouth is.


I heard members of the Welsh Senedd (Senate, devolved Assembly) say that last week. Transport discriminates, but building back better will resolve those inequalities.

Not a joke.

Gail Combs

Rosa Koire explains it THE POST SUSTAINABLE FUTURE If we are ALL serfs there are no  inequalities.

….The pretty pastel vision of life in a Smart Growth development is a manipulation, a mask. In fact these plans are designed to restrict your freedom of movement and choice.  

Transit villages (formerly known as cities) will be restricted to having only the population that can be supported by food grown within a 100 mile radius (called a ‘food shed’). Food sheds will dictate where you can live and when you can change your residence. Calculations, such as those done recently at Cornell University, will determine how much food can be grown within that area and then the Transit Village population will be limited to the number of people who can be fed by that land (click on the blue to go to the Cornell website). It is reasonable to expect rationing based on this mode.  If you want to move to that village you will have to apply and wait for an opening.  

The recent crash/depression is world-wide and was engineered to destroy expectations of long-term economic employment. If people have no expectation of long-term employment they cannot plan for the future, and cannot comfortably buy a home and contract for a 30 year mortgage. They cannot create community with long-term neighbors. With long-term employment plummeting there is a shift to a more transient life-style which is more conducive to living in Smart Growth Transit Villages: condominiums and apartments. Private property ownership and financial security will be phased out through excessive regulations and land use restrictions.

Do you see? According to ICLEI, if you only have one car or no car your disposable income will be at least 20% higher. Does this mean that you will have 20% more money to spend? No. It means that corporations can lower your wages by 20% and still sell you the same number of goods. A compression of the economy with a more efficient outcome for big business. Concentrating populations into urban areas where they can be easily monitored, where their usage of energy can be regulated, and where their consumption of goods can be restricted, is a goal of UN Agenda 21…. 


Makes me want to hurl……………..a b*mb in their think tanks and secret clubhouses


Yep. The Great Reset: ‘You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy’. (Pull the other one.)

Brought to us by the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman:


At my age I would be happy not owning anything I would not have to clean so many rooms and all the stuff I have.
My husband would be miserable. We are not what we own but it should be our choice not the governments.

Cuppa Covfefe

My (German) wife feels the same way…

The Greens, Die Linke, and the SPD are warming up to the concept of Enteignung… so far, the FDP, CDU/CSU and of course the AfD (our MGGA folks) are against it…


‘We are not what we own but it should be our choice not the government’s.’ Couldn’t agree more.

I’m with your husband. Owning your own home is much better than renting.

If you have too many things to clean, why not donate them to a charity shop or sell them at auction or to a second hand shop?

If you have enough items for auction, some auction companies will pick them up then send you the cheque when they’re sold (minus commission). We had a whole load of things picked up many years ago. We got a cheque three weeks later.


That sounds like a good solution. We combined part of my husbands mother’s stuff with ours when she lived with us. I gave lots away already and my one son and his wife want some furniture items.


Good. Keep things in the family when you can.

We are blessed to have contents from seven family households, when things were built to last.


I too like that idea. Most items I know where they came from. Friends in NY moved into nursing homes and family did not want some furniture’s I got them. I have some very nice antiques because of them.


I bet you do!

Count your blessings. 🙂


Be more like Europe.
The problem is we do not have the transportation infrastructure that Europe has where one does not really need a car or one care is plenty. If one has no care one is stranded the car is a necessity.


“Be more like Europe.”


We should never be more like Europe, in any thing, under any circumstances… 😂 🤣 😂


We do not want that but the hidden people behind the curtain pulling the strings want that I am afraid.


“We do not want that but the hidden people behind the curtain pulling the strings want that I am afraid.”


Your standard garden variety flamethrower will fix the hidden people behind the curtain.

Or just a squirt bottle of charcoal lighter fluid and a blow-torch, if you want to do it the old fashioned way 😁


Hell no.

I wanna be like, America, American, Free…

Have been in probably twenty countries. Live din three of those for years in each. Nice places to live, visit, even extended visits. No chance I want America to be like those countries.

AND, I LIKE MY TRANSPORATION – Ram, Jeep and quad ATV. Don’t care about any stinking rapid transit anythings like…subways, buses, yada, yada.


I’m so sick of leftist word salad.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Gail calls it Bafflegab 🙂


In his case, it’s called Bafflegag.

Gail Combs

Actually it was Dr Scott Armstrong from President Trump’s Alma Mater

Bafflegab Pays

Document Type

Journal Article

Date of this Version

May 1980


“If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” Simply put, this is the advice that J. Scott Armstrong, a marketing professor at the Wharton School, coolly gives his fellow academics these days. It is based on his studies confirming what he calls the Dr. Fox hypothesis: “An unintelligible communication from a legitimate source in the recipient’s area of expertise will increase the recipient’s rating of the author’s competence.”

At one time the full paper was available and it was great.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of like that old IT adage,

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance,
Baffle them with bull$hit…




Ten states launch antitrust lawsuit against google…
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) announced Wednesday that he’s spearheading a 10-state lawsuit against Google, claiming that the foremost search engine was illegally quashing competitors and running an online advertising monopoly, in violation of federal antitrust laws. Additionally, the suit claims that online giant had reached an improper auction-rigging deal with Facebook to maintain its dominance, according to the lawsuit. Joining the Lone Star State in the case are the attorneys general from the states of Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah. The states are asking the court for “structural, behavioral, and monetary relief” to stop Google from abusing monopoly power, according to the suit.



Kalifournya won’t care about $200 million being withheld, they’ll just set another forest on fire and have Piglosi send $200 BILLION in disaster relief.

Medicaid will get maybe 10 cents of that, and all the rest will go where federal funds always go, in the pockets of the Kalifournya criminal political-class.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I hope you’re wrong but I fear you aren’t.





The Epoch Times calls on Trump to take decisive action to save the republic by invoking the Insurrection Act

The country is in dire straits, the Democrat-aligned leftist deep state put us here, and it’ll take bold, decisive leadership coupled with unconventional political warfare (and, perhaps, actual warfare) to restore it.

That’s the conclusion of The Epoch Times’ editorial board earlier this week.


This is a good thread on the court case in Nevada:

Here is the thread reader version:


Was this from Ron Johnson hearings today?



Sadie Slays

Is anyone having trouble accessing CTH, or is it just my computer? I can see the text over there, but the formatting is horrible. The entire website is maroon. Anyone having similar issues?


It looks fine to me, Sadie.

Sadie Slays

Thanks! It turned out to be an issue with uBlock Origin, which is a popular browser plugin I use and recommend. I fixed it by going to dashboard and disabling cosmetic filtering. Hope that helps anyone who is experiencing a similar problem.



Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Something is very seriously wrong at the Supreme Court.


“Something is very seriously wrong at the Supreme Court.”


As long as we get video footage of special forces attacking the (not)Supreme Court building and bringing everyone who survives out with black bags over their heads, putting them on a military bus with a sign that says “GITMO or Bust!”, everything will be good. 😁

Gail Combs

I have been wanting to see that for YEARS!

The  (not)Supreme Court has been eroding the Constitution since FDR threatened to pack the court.

I’ll spare you guys my tirade about the  (not)Supreme Court and it’s trashing of our liberties and RIGHTS. 😜 


Found on Twitter:

comment image

Valerie Curren

& passed along to twitter again 🙂


I am no fan of kissinger but this is a fake quote. He did not make a speech on that date much less say the above.

Valerie Curren

Thanks MM, I’ve sent out an updated tweet here:

I appreciate the heads up…Blessings!


Is there audio, or any way to prove the NWO nutbag said this?

Valerie Curren

There’s a couple sources in this tweet discuss “proof” or lack thereof. I like the nofakenews take…


These should be printed up by the thousands and put on car windshields in every supermarket, shopping mall and stuffed up the wahoo of every corrupt government evil traitor before they are shot/hung …


Awww sugar .. 😣☹️

just read next comment 🤭 … ignore me 🙄😑😐

Valerie Curren

nofakenews link has an interesting take on it


On the COVID-19 madness, most everyone will have heard of the couple who got thrown off a UNITED flight a few days ago because their two-year-old daughter would not wear a mask. (Good girl!)

Here’s the video of what happened to them on that UNITED flight. Appalling:

Did I mention this was on UNITED?


The parents need to sue the Arline. A two year old does not understand a mask and it is stressful enough for them to be in a airplane.

On a good note I had my diver listens renewed and used to have on it that I donate my organs in case I am in an deadly accident. I had it removed to donate and to my surprise there were other people who came in to have the donating removed even one guy who was black. I wondered if the election had affected the other people also.
Right now I do not feel to charitable maybe when the dust settles I feel different about it.


Agree with you on both points.

WHO advice says that no child under six years of age should be wearing a mask. Above that, to age 13, if I remember rightly, it is up to the parents to make that decision — not anyone else.

Yes, that couple should sue United. I haven’t flown with them since the 1980s — the staff were like the steward in the video (plain nasty) — and never will again.

We have the same arrangement re death and organ donations in the UK. You have to opt out. A lot of people here are doing just that.

You are spot on with your last point on that topic: not feeling charitable. Too right.


Ep. 2355a – [CB]s To Handle The Pandemic Vaccine, People Must See It To Believe It
X22 Report Published  December 16, 2020


Ep. 2355b – We Have The Source, Assange On Deck, Zuckerberg Election Interference
X22 Report Published  December 16, 2020

Sadie Slays

I don’t even know why I’m surprised by this.


The DNI is NOT waiting on “career intelligence officials in the IC ommunity to “meet” the Deec 18th deadline. The DNI ALREADY has the intel on the election, and it came from the DIA, Cyber Command, and Watnicks special opperators.

I smell FEAR.

Remember, the DNI has to BRIEF the President by Friday, NOT BE briefed by the IC. THIS is the DEATH knell of the IC meaning CIA, NSC, NSA, etc.

The FAIL this time, thir DOOM and FATE is SEALED.

My bet, the DNI has ALREADY briefed Trump, and the Sec of Defense, Treasury, and the NEW AG.


Hope Barr was / is excluded from ALL DNI briefings on election matters.

Concerned Virginian

Time for “All is Safely Gathered In” as regards personal preparedness in my opinion.


18 Dec is a hard date. No excuse not to produce a product. Sounds like they want to hold back and respond to the DNI’s report instead of contribute to it. All part of the fraud as it obviously continues.

Gail Combs

Beat me to it. I was about to say the same thing but not as politely.

DNI Ratcliffe to the Deep State TRAITORS…
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Posobiec said on War Room that the Rusha Rusha Rusha people are fighting the CHYNA people about what’s going in the report. And yes, Ratcliffe knows.


It’s not an optional thing, it has the force of law by Executive Order. Not more than 45 days from the election, the report SHALL be delivered.

So little Miss Amanda can fire herself, and her replacement can deliver the report.

And if Little Miss Amanda’s replacement won’t deliver the report, the United States Marine Corps can go to their office and TAKE IT.

That is all. 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m putting a lot of stock in this. Twitter was using extraordinary amounts of BS to hide the researchers on this. The replies have found two obituaries.


The obit is legit. The guy worked in Region 5 of the GBI, which includes Chatham County where Deal was killed.

This is very, very bad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Yes, this is getting nasty.

Concerned Virginian

Yup. It appears the Obituary is for real. My opinion: this was a professional hit arranged and paid for by the same people who took out Harrison Deal. Question is: are the “same people” perhaps ones who sit in / work in, the Georgia governor’s and SoS offices? Disagree with “This is getting crazy again”. More like “getting too close to the truth, shut them down”. That’s not “crazy”. That’s criminal.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

Georgia mafia? Chinese mafia? DNC mafia? Are they all one and the same?
Why are not more in GA helping POTUS? Maybe they want to keep their families safe?

Concerned Virginian

With apologies to Shakespeare:
“Something is rotten in Georgia.” 😠 

Valerie Curren


On the contrary, they’re celebrating him as a budding artist. I wonder if his paintings include textures? M&Ms perhaps.


Musta missed the Vanity Fair articles on General Flynn’s and Papa D’s hobbies /s


It’s all about the M&Ms reference. 🙄


Just neighbor made a bad decision to let a meth head sublet his place while he was deployed. Practically every square inch inside was graffitied. Dopers are “artistic”.

I’m actually glad for him if he’s been able to tamp his addictions down but he still committed incest and other nasty stuff while under the influence AND crimes so a big yawn on the public relations rehab. Lock him up.


I didn’t post that for any other reason than the M&Ms tag. 🤢

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This information was out in public before that LYING CEO testified. The fact that he did not admit they HAD PREVIOUSLY used the products was beyond “lacking transparency” and “lacking candor” – it was HIDING EVIDENCE.


Because he lied to congress, I wonder if we will see the same style of arrest w/network cameras present that we saw for Stone? Not a Stone fan but that scene was disgusting

Gail Combs

Especially his poor wife

Roger Stone told Judge Napolitano in a FOX Nation interview that his 72-year-old wife was also forced to stand outside barefoot and in her nightgown.




I was wearing a pair of shorts but I was bare-footed. They said who else was in the house. I said my wife. They said, “Who else?” I said, “My wife. That’s it.” You sure? I said, “I’m positive plus two dogs and three cats.” I’m a dog lover. I’m an animal lover. You can read my activities on animal welfare on Daily Caller. I was afraid they would go upstairs and my wife was not complying with an order she cannot hear.




Judge Napolitano: Did they take your wife out of the house, Roger?

Roger Stone: They did. I was made to stand in the street, handcuffed and in bare feet. They brought my wife out in her nightgown and also in bare feet to stand next to me even though she’s not accused of any crime….


The truth is powerful more so than lying and cheating.
This guy is assume.


ELECTION 2020: The Plot to Steal America
ManInAmerica Published  December 7, 2020


That POTUS tweet “Benghazi was a massive coverup” is everywhere today. Perhaps that was one of the letters at the funeral.


Sure would have been a good one for hildabeast.

Wonder what was in the bushies…Jeb, Laura and Aby Bushie…their faces prove they could never win in poker.

Did hussein and Big Mike get one?



I’m interested in why Pence got one too.


As am I. Thought he had one. Wasn’t sure so I let it go. His could be a planned ruse, lookie here. If so, Pence was aware of the envelopes ahead of time.




Wow… good thing I’m already liberated from masks.

I had to go to the post office today, and it was CROWDED for a small post office. Had to wait in line for about 20 minutes.

About 12 people ahead of me, and another 7 or 8 came in after me, along with two postal workers behind the counter.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the building was wearing a mask.

Except me, of course.

And nobody said a WORD!!!

It’s like I’m Superman 😁

Just me.

Nobody else, they are all slaves to the Hall of Doom, but I am FREE 😂🤣😂


There in the post office line!

It’s a bird!

It’s a plane!

Nah, it’s just me, without a mask 🙋‍♂️😁

Cuppa Covfefe

And tomorrow, your picture will be on the wall 😆


“And tomorrow, your picture will be on the wall”


I’m sure my picture is already on LOTS of walls 😁👍

Cuppa Covfefe

In the middle of concentric numbered circles, perhaps some beer stains on the board 🙂
(wait – a TON-80??? Again!!! )…


That would be cool 👍

I was thinking of “Most Wanted” photos, on the walls of the FIB, DOJ, NSA, TSA, FHA, SEC, FCC, LMNOP… 😁


As long as they aren’t public restroom walls, it’s cool.


Same crap everywhere I go in NV. Rarely am I asked about a mask. A direct, I have a medical, and I am left alone.

Absolutely BIZARRE, folks so willingly COMPLY…wear a mask…


Simply can’t figure out what is wrong with folks that willingly surrender freedoms.

Cuppa Covfefe

Do it here at a train station, and you’re on the wrong end of a €150.00 fine. And there are police patrolling to make sure.

Wonder where they all were when the Mozzie gangs were raising hell… oops, can’t mention that around Merde-Kuh’s folks…..

[With a medical attest, you can avoid it, but then you’ll probably be first in line for the vaccine 😡 ]…


These people are terrifying but we not be terrified. Never nothing can take our liberty the alternative we cannot contemplate.


Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

“One aspect of narcopaths (narcissistic sociopaths) that is important to remember is that they live in their own little world in which their desires and bizarre dysfunctions are normalized. They believe themselves superior to most people because they are predatory, and don’t suffer from annoying hang-ups like empathy and conscience. They generally tend to believe they have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes the majority of the time. They think that you are a submissive idiot, and that when they bark an order, you will simply jump to attention because you “believe”.

Almost every aspect of the globalists and their behavior indicates they are a club or cult of narcopaths. Their obsessive need to control as well as to corrupt and destroy in order to get what they want is not an extension of mere greed, it is a deep-seated aspect of who they are as beings. It is a defining mechanism at the core of their character. They are real world monsters, like vampires attempting to blend into an unsuspecting population.

In their arrogance, then tend to expect they can drain the public dry at will without being resisted or exposed. The problem is, as soon as they start to feed and destroy they draw attention to themselves. Eventually, they will attract the suspicions of the public, along with some vampire hunters. Unless they find a way to hide a stake through the heart is inevitable.”


The elites see us as subhuman and when one goes that route and devalues others then it is not a far step to go down the slope of doing the unmentionable.
That is why I believe that poverty itself is not the greatest burden but not being respected is much worse. In my life I make a point to respect and tread persons kindley regardless of place in society . “Treading others how we like to be treated” still rings true today.

Gail Combs

Very true. I have also found that the ‘outcasts’ in society often make the best of friends.

Cuppa Covfefe

Very true. They’re able to detect BS, and have often endured hardships and trickery that would make most folks blanch…

Valerie Curren

My people!


So true they need not to pretend.

Cuppa Covfefe


George Bernard Shaw wrote Pygmalion, which was later made into the musical “My Fair Lady”. His elitist attitude shows in the character Henry Higgins, a speech therapist (voice and diction coach, as well). From the song “Why Can’t The English (learn to speak)”:

Look at her, a prisoner of the gutter
Condemned by every syllable she utters
By right she should be taken out and hung
For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue

[ELIZA, spoken]

Heavens, what a noise!
This is what the British population
Calls an elementary education
[end excerpt]

A prisoner of the gutter, indeed. And that’s where they want ALL of us…

Valerie Curren

Isn’t GB Shaw connected w/ some extreme leftie/commie ideologies that he promoted? Whenever I’d see his name I’d think playwright or theater (perhaps incorrectly) but never destructive philosopher–funny how things change the more your eyes are opened!

Cuppa Covfefe

Fabian Socialists… Gail’s written about them a few times here…

His writings are THEIR message…

Valerie Curren

Thanks Cuppa. I can’t keep all the bad actors straight!


“In my life I make a point to respect and tread persons kindley regardless of place in society . “Treading others how we like to be treated” still rings true today.”


My favorite part is when they pause and their face lights up, because whoever it is, they weren’t expecting to be treated kindly. It’s a very human thing, in that moment of recognition and simple human kindness. 🙂

I had to be polite to everyone growing up, especially anyone older than I was, hold the door for others, etc., or I would be grounded for week if I didn’t 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

You had parents who had values and pass them on to you 🙂


Grandparents, aunts, uncles too… it was a team effort… all of them against the kids 😁😂


Love it and it was a different time where family raised the children !
Today parents tell grand parents to mind their own business 🙂


“Today parents tell grand parents to mind their own business”


Unfortunately so.

And the ones who will suffer most from that are the grandchildren.



Gail Combs


My brother is one. He is brilliant (IQ over 200) and he could never believe that my parents figured out his lies. It was always my fault for blabbing according to him and I had to be punished for it. I ended up a battered child as a result but never knew it until I was in my thirties.

Valerie Curren

I’m sorry for your sufferings, Gail. Perhaps they are part of why you are exceptionally strong, powerful, & resilient now. “What Satan meant for evil God meant for good”…


“They are real world monsters, like vampires attempting to blend into an unsuspecting population.”


I refer to them as ‘monsters’ all the time 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Gail Combs

The thread has been archived here:

This is the @KanekoaTheGreat thread that shows some of the evidence as well as explaining the EO

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Thanks, Gail!!!


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OMG I’m sorry this is so huge. 🙄

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Cuppa Covfefe

Looks good here… and a great meme…

But liberals and logic don’t mix. There was a website that had something like “lessons in liberal logic”…

They’re now talking about keeping our lockdown here in Germany on until Easter. Funny (not) how these Satanic elite are using Christian Holidays are their reference points. Too bad they don’t understand what the Holidays REALLY reference…


It’s readable! Saw it earlier and the writing was too tiny; tried blowing it up and all I got was fuzzy!


Thanks for posting. As Jamcooker posted, the little was was all blurry when I tried blowing it up.


Has anyone seen this!?

This is comms, for sure:


One of them is a glass house. Those in glass houses “shouldn’t throw stones?”

The other is supposedly a code. There is a “key” on the cookie, which changes that houses name from Kryptos to “Zryptos” it looks like.

This is weird stuff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope a lot of them end up in the Big House!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s very interesting. Agree it’s comms – but deniable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m almost bleary-eyed trying to get the “ciphertext” copied out onto paper to make sure I’m reading it right. I may start a post later, or at least a subthread in the daily.


Well, it seems to repeat. I copied for a while and realized it. But maybe the repeat is a headfake. Maybe it changes somewhere and that is the key?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting! Yes – there is room for chicanery in the places that can’t be seen.

Likewise, what if the keys are for the two pages, or the two different repeats (1LVP and 2LVP)? Two highly different plaintexts colliding to the same or almost same ciphertext would be very cute.

But whatever. I think it’s a distraction. One code jock at NSA will figure it out immediately, using AI and a standard pack of algos, and I’m sure the white hats already have this figured out!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – working on it – more in a bit (too tired).


Does anyone follow/read ToRE @Tweetwordz on Twitter? She has some interesting threads.

She posted this today:

Only those ELECTED in 2016 are ACTUALLY elected. In fact Donald Trump
is THE LAST PRESIDENT elected – elections 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 are INVALID due to violations of HAVA ACT 2002. Therefore Speaker Pelosi
you are not legitimate.

She claims that voting machines haven’t been certified since 2016 election.

Who knows what’s really going on?


Gail Combs

I can not find anything on the timing of the required up date for re-certification.

Here is the Act from the Dept of Justice.

On October 29, 2002, President Bush signed the “Help America Vote Act of 2002,” (HAVA), Pub. L. No. 107-252, 116 Stat. 1666 (2002) into law. The HAVA is codified at 52 U.S.C. 20901 to 21145. After the House of Representatives, on December 12, 2001, and the Senate on April 11, 2002, passed differing versions of H.R. 3295, joint conferees were named to reconcile the differences and adopted a conference report on October 8, 2002, which was then passed by the House and Senate without amendment.

The Help America Vote Act of 2002

creating a new federal agency to serve as a clearinghouse for election administration information;

providing funds to states to improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems; and

creating minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration.


The United States has enforced HAVA through both litigation and by informing jurisdictions of the Department’s views on the Act’s requirements.

The Department of Justice has released a guide to improving accessibility of polling places for disabled voters.

             ADA Checklist for Polling Places

Help America Vote Act – FAQ’s


Department of Health and Human Services


Election Assistance Commission


National Institute of Standards and Technology 

Updated September 11, 2020

This is the law:

From Cornell Law:
52 U.S. Code Part B—Testing, Certification, Decertification, and Recertification of Voting System Hardware and Software
52 U.S. Code § 20971.Certification and testing of voting systems

(a)Certification and testing

(1)In general

The Commission shall provide for the testing, certification, decertification, and recertification of voting system hardware and software by accredited laboratories.

(2)Optional use by States

At the option of a State, the State may provide for the testing, certification, decertification, or recertification of its voting system hardware and software by the laboratories accredited by the Commission under this section.

(b)Laboratory accreditation

(1)Recommendations by National Institute of Standards and Technology

Not later than 6 months after the Commission first adopts voluntary voting system guidelines under subpart 3 of part A of this subchapter, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall conduct an evaluation of independent, non-Federal laboratories and shall submit to the Commission a list of those laboratories the Director proposes to be accredited to carry out the testing, certification, decertification, and recertification provided for under this section.

(2)Approval by Commission

(A)In general

The Commission shall vote on the accreditation of any laboratory under this section, taking into consideration the list submitted under paragraph (1), and no laboratory may be accredited for purposes of this section unless its accreditation is approved by a vote of the Commission.

(B)Accreditation of laboratories not on Director list

The Commission shall publish an explanation for the accreditation of any laboratory not included on the list submitted by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology under paragraph (1).

(c)Continuing review by National Institute of Standards and Technology

(1)In general

In cooperation with the Commission and in consultation with the Standards Board and the Board of Advisors, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall monitor and review, on an ongoing basis, the performance of the laboratories accredited by the Commission under this section, and shall make such recommendations to the Commission as it considers appropriate with respect to the continuing accreditation of such laboratories, including recommendations to revoke the accreditation of any such laboratory.

(2)Approval by Commission required for revocation

The accreditation of a laboratory for purposes of this section may not be revoked unless the revocation is approved by a vote of the Commission.


Until such time as the Commission provides for the testing, certification, decertification, and recertification of voting system hardware and software by accredited laboratories under this section, the accreditation of laboratories and the procedure for the testing, certification, decertification, and recertification of voting system hardware and software used as of October 29, 2002, shall remain in effect.


Thank you for posting this. I appreciate your doing so.


Do know for a fact that 2012 was screwed around with too.
One of the forums I was in at the time was going WTF. At first people were posting about 100% turnouts in some districts, which is next to impossible but could happen. Then we were seeing districts with 110%, 120% and I think there a couple even higher. H3LL one would have to be an idiot not to know that anything above 100% is not even possible
Seems as soon as those reports were being discovered, Romney conceded and Obama was declared the winner.
Do believe that something fishy has been going on since 2008. I can’t put my finger on it really but it started with the Democratic primaries. Although many Democrats were complaining about how the DNC was handling the primary, the DNC told us Democrats that they could put anyone they wanted on the ticket, regardless of how Democrats voted. (We have seen this twice with their dismissal of Sanders twice)!
Through some forums I know several of the 2008 delegates for Hillary! In good ole Democratic Mafia fashion these and many other delegates and their families were threatened! They were threatened with financial ruin and bodily harm. The ones that dared go to the Convention were barred from the Convention floor.
Now these are the people we are supposed to trust? NOT me.


Dan Greenfield says what’s been bugging us all along:

Protect Election Integrity – Censor Anyone Who Questions the Election

“Last week, Google’s YouTube announced that “supporting the integrity” of the election required it to censor anyone alleging that “widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of a historical U.S. Presidential election”.”

“Election integrity traditionally meant verifying the integrity of the process, but is now being used to mean silencing anyone who questions the integrity of the election.”

“The oligarchy has spent every minute since the election crying that contesting an election is illegitimate, a threat to what it calls “democracy”, and must be stopped to save our country.

Free countries aren’t that fragile. Unfree ones are very fragile.

Every time you hear another media screed about the threat posed by “disinformation”, you’re hearing an admission that their rule over this country is totalitarian and very fragile. And when you hear them lecture about the need to protect “election integrity” by suppressing critics, you’re hearing an admission that they rig elections whenever they can and are afraid you’ll find out.

Any faction that spends this much time protesting its integrity, doesn’t have any to protest.”

Link –


You all have seen the Time magazine picture of Biden and Harris. Well I posted the Trump one and it is flying all over FB. Knock on wood no one is slamming the post just sharing it with positive results.
Hey i snagged it off someone in a group I’m in.
Caption reads “This is better Flood FB with this. Let’s make it go viral”

Usually most of us ignore the share or make it go viral posts.
OVER 55 shares & I only have like 250 friends on what i use as my FB political account, Oh and people are sharing from the 55 too.

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Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!!!


Hey it over 60 now–seems people love sharing it.


This is on FB–When I do a search the only current addie is Sundance’s page.
Think any one that wants to see it know how to get to the tree house

JUST IN: Director of National Intelligence
DNI Ratcliffe says “There was foreign election interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year.”


Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Big news out of San Diego, where a judge will allow restaurants to reopen with safety protocols after failing to see evidence linking restaurants to #COVID19 surges & ICU capacity.



A few words about this incident…


1. By federal law and regulation, the Pilot-In-Command (ie. the Captain) is the FINAL authority ON BOARD any aircraft.

2. The flight attendants, the gate agents, and even the First Officer DO NOT HAVE the FINAL AUTHORITY ON BOARD an aircraft. ONLY the Captain.

Read those 2 again.

Now re-read it once more.

3. Any OTHER airline employee asking or telling you to do something ON BOARD the aircraft is doing so only WITH the authority of the PIC (pronounced “pee-eye-see”…ie. Pilot-In-Command….ie. the Captain).

All too often, things like this happen WITHOUT THE CAPTAIN EVEN KNOWING ABOUT IT.

4. Many flight attendant are morons. They can also be on power trips. Usually the two go hand in hand.

5. Many flight attendants (ie. the cabin crew) are hard core democrats. Conversely and by comparison, most flight crew (ie. the pilots) are conservatives.

These unfortunate souls met with a moron on a power trip who lacks empathy of any kind. Had this couple known they could do so, they could have APPEALED to the Captain…the FINAL AUTHORITY. They could have politely asked to speak directly with the Captain, who VERY LIKELY would have empathized….in every way…with this couple and would have allowed them to stay on board.

Guess what? There isn’t anything the flight attendant could do about it. Re-read #1 above.

If you find yourself dealing with an unreasonable flight attendant (FA), ask (politely) to speak with the Captain. Insist upon it if the FA says no, and tell the FA you are well aware of who…by law… the FINAL AUTHORITY ON BOARD.

It is NOT the FA.

And the FA well knows it, too.


Advice like this comes with caveats.

Most often a Captain WILL have the time to come speak with you prior to a departure, But not always. Many things….usually a combination of things….can be taking up all of his time prior to closing the doors and pushing back from the gate. Also, if there is less than 10 minutes to scheduled departure…be aware….10 minutes to pushback is a BIGGIE to the gate agents and the company.

If you make the Captain come talk to you when he is super busy…or there is less than 10 minutes to pushback….he is not going to be as likely to be very empathetic to your issue as he otherwise might be if had the available time to come talk with you. Be sensitive to both his time and the scheduled departure time.

No matter what….
Stay CALM. Do not be verbally or visibly angry or upset. Use conversational tones. Watch your body language. No pointing or wild gestures.

If any when you DO get to speak with the Captain….Keep it simple. No long story, no justifications why you are right and the FA is wrong. Just the facts and why you are appealing to him directly.

Know that going in you are going to be asking the Captain to over-ride the decision(s) of the flight attendant(s). He is not going to want to do that as a matter of practicality. However, every Captain worth his/her salt knows what I just shared about FA’s. Moreover, you might get lucky in that your situation is just the issue he was hoping for in order to put his foot down on a unruly FA who has been causing problems during their assigned trip. It happens.

If the Captain agrees with the FA, that’s it. You’re done. No more arguing. Interference with the crew in the performance of their duties is a federal felony. Trust me….you DO NOT want to go there. Arguing with the Captain of a commercial airline ON BOARD his/her aircraft is about the dumbest thing one could possibly do, and it is NOT going to end well for the person who does so.

Use good judgement, stay calm, and always remember that the Captain is the FINAL AUTHORITY ON BOARD.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

My take this is to first take a deep breathe and step back in your head so you are out of your emotional zone. Just do as you are told politely and without argument. It does not mean you can’t politely ask question. If you can hit the record button on your cell phone. do so immediately! Then see someone who know law and complain to the authorities.
The more you make yourself a pain, the more any type of case will go against you.


I’m speaking, informally, as the Captain of a major airline with several decades of experience. Do with it as you will.

Caveat emptor.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Hey all I am saying is it you lose your temper, even if the airline employee is out of line and being really nasty it will not look good in the long and most likely go against you.
Remember, even if you do or do not hit your record button, in today’s world there will probably be 1 half dozen or more taping the incident too.
Like you said don’t make the captain come back, especially if it means more delays.


That’s not at all what I just said….with the exception of keeping cool.


Sorry that is my take or would you rather i say opinion on the airline debacles going on.
For that matter for any similar type incident that happens like that.
Taking the chance of losing your temper by standing your ground by arguing with the stewardess, police officer teacher, store clerk or whomever it might be will usually end up with it falling down against you.
So unless you are being instructed to do something that might Jeopardize yours or someone else’s life just follow the request and take the matter up at a later time with the appropriate authorities. .

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Yup. Has to be that way, even if you’re Captain Bligh in command of a lifeboat.


I can confirm. Once when I worked for FedEx I had used our jump seat to go to Tn. On the way back I was using standby on a commercial airline. I had been bumped a few times and was exhausted after about 12 hrs. Finally one flight had one seat in 1st class and the FA said no , can’t be seated there. The Captain happened to be at the desk. He heard the exchange and said “let her on”. The FA was really hot about it. Yay! I’ll never forget that man. Very grateful for him.


Good Captains will never let an opportunity to remind a power-tripped FA who is the boss pass by.

Remember, many FA’s are ignorant….which means they are democrats….which means they love to have power over other people. It’s one of the prime reasons they wanted their shitty, under-paid job to begin with.


It seems to be getting worse. I used to fly a lot . In the last years and my latest flight during covid. Damn they were downright lazy and bitchy. They commandeered the bulkhead seats and literally played on their phones except when they begrudgingly threw some tiny packets of crackers and a cup of water.

Because of muh broken knee I was allowed in bulkhead. One guy about 7′ tall had paid extra to board 1st in hopes of getting one of those seats. No. they wouldn’t budge even though they weren’t using all 6.


I would have been afraid of something noxious ending up in my mimosa. Good for you!


Hahaha..I was so tired didn’t want anything except to I could go to work that night.
The rest of the story. These obnoxious guys plow on, into 1st class. I knew they were some band but couldn’t place them in my head. One of them kept yelling “let’s get this party started” over and over. OMG. Finally I asked the one sitting next to me who they were. He says like ‘what you don’t know us?’ was Brett Michaels and Poison. LOL..all I could say was..that’s cool..I’m tired !..Must’ve been a brief ego bruise for him.

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very useful information. Thank you! This makes tons of sense.

I can now see when this might have greatest effect – when the FA is clearly being unreasonable and lacks “logical cover” – and the captain has TIME to deal with it, and to enforce a reasonable solution.

More likely, under these circumstances, it would seem to me that a scheming FA may realize that the last thing they want is a reasonable passenger talking to a reasonable pilot, and thus they will try to “back down while scoring some phony self-esteem points on exit to retain the appearance of power”.


For all of the trust the plan folks, we are down to about 35 days or so. If it does not work out I hope you have a therapy plan worked out. Alcohol, drugs excluded. I hope PT nukes them. Still waiting. The swamp is deep. And corrupt. We the people let it get that way over the decades.


I have seen exactly ZERO evidence that it will NOT work out.

On the contrary…

Every plot and plan of the DS vs. Donald Trump has lost.

Let that sink in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Think about it. We are literally at the point where President Trump had these bastards on FAKE ELECTIONS and a concerted plot to cover them up.


Half of the other half KNOWS IT’S TRUE.

The way I look at this is an analogy.

Lucy Pelosi pulled the football again – not on Charlie Brown – on CHUCK NORRIS.

Think Chuck can’t KICK LUCY IN THE HEAD – knowing on every STEP she would pull the ball?

I’d say he’s going to kick the head and make it land in CHINA.


Uh, we’ll be fine. President Trump WILL prevail.


“For all of the trust the plan folks, we are down to about 35 days or so. If it does not work out I hope you have a therapy plan worked out.”


Nobody ever said what ‘the plan’ was, so as a logical consequence, it’s not possible to ‘trust’ it.

I do trust DJT to do the right thing though.

Because he loves our country, because it would be an act of Treason to hand the country over to a CCP asset (Pedophile Joe), and because if he does, he won’t have any protection from the enemy, the moment he’s out of power, and they’re in power.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
come to timmy

found on Gab:
comment image

come to timmy

And they’ve only ramped it up. Except I don’t really watch any of these, except maybe for clips others share. Don’t know who half of them are. So it’s better to say they probably have ramped it up and will keep doing so, even when the dam finally busts open. Wow that’ll be something to see won’t it? Might start watching them on youtube. It’ll be a long time before anything like this happens again.

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy

So many queers in that group pic.


Yup. Self-obsessed, arrogant, and not very bright. And when your sexuality is your identity, there’s a problem.


Now that you mention it, I think all of them are 😂 🤣 😂


What a bunch of miserable fugly pukes 🤮‼️

come to timmy

Just saw something on Gab about that Ruby Freeman flipping. Is in witness protection.


Can’t be. That mentality is taught from birth. And you know what happens to snitches.


Plus it’s not just her, her daughter was the other one with blond braids. She’s not going to rat her out too.


We see you .. bwahahahahaha .. ‼️ 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

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miserable putz traitor …

behold, seditious traitors of the United States of America … rope allergies are bad … for you

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


come to timmy

Lin Wood was asking about it is all. ????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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… 🤨👍‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️ .. 🖖😎🤚