DEAR KAG: 20201218

The hunt is on my fellow howlers!

Red meat and red wine this day. I suggest a ruby swirl of a good French Pinot Noir to go with the veritable flood of information we are seeing. Cistercian monks cultivated the pinot noir grape, which truly is the King of Burgundy wines. A little history at the link.

That said, there are a plethora of crappy pinot noirs out there. I tend toward the French ones because they’ve been at it so much longer. However, one of the best pinot noir wines I ever tasted was in upstate New York while on a wine tour. It was glorious and memorable. Alas, I can’t remember which winery it was. It was quite the tour that day.

Now, on to the red meat.

The fake media is hanging on by their nails. It won’t be long now. The satisfaction of gnawing on the bones of their collective carcass will be delightful. I like to come at it from a clinical point of view and watch the various personalities as they react to events. Morning Joe feels the Patriot Wolf Pack breathing down his neck. His rage and fear was palpable as he gnashed his teeth at Rand Paul. It begins around 3 minutes and 50 seconds in:

It’s delicious, really.

President Trump’s pack is running down every cheater, every criminal, evil algorithm, and fraudulent ballot. The evidence is at biblical flood proportions now. There will soon come a moment when the media propagandists cannot hold back the truth. Let us begin with The Navarro Report.

This report must be read and MOST IMPORTANTLY, SHARED. The Great Election Steal of 2020 is detailed here. Peter Navarro is another patriot who will be known to history as a hero.
Gnaw on this truth from the executive summary of the Report:

“The failure to aggressively and fully investigate the six dimensions of election irregularities assessed in this report is a signal failure not just of our anti-Trump mainstream media and censoring social media but also of both our legislative and judicial branches.” (my bolds).

The Bongino Report covers it here.

Again, this is a must read and a must share. It’s about 34 pages of everything you need to know about the steal and is extremely helpful to share with low information folks and fence sitters. Easy to download PDF.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, has the Patriot Pack after him. They are sniffing around for any possible dirty deeds in his closet and they seem to be closing in. Can you smell the fear, my fine friends?

Make Government Afraid Again

Yes! Let government fear us so that there will be liberty again in our land!

And, let us give a HOWL OUT to Lin Wood, that magnificent specimen of American manhood. Next to our President, is he not unmatched with his powerful tweets?

The Supreme Court of the United States is being humiliated. That august institution is in free fall. AS IT SHOULD BE. I am out of patience with these compromised, collaborating, cowardly pieces of offal who run our nation at the behest of anyone but US citizens.

A bit of business. We stick together as a pack. Let us stop and give paws to our esteem for one another and never stick a rhetorical fang in when a tongue-licking will do. Information drops and events are happening so fast that I can’t keep up to even post in a timely manner. I will leave that to all you wonderful Qtreepers who keep this website going through information sharing, wise and sage comments, and just all-around canineraderie. This really is the best tree home ever.

If you are in the mood to bare your fangs, head over to the UTree.

Rules here if you need a refresher or are new. I must say the pub bouncers have been caught swilling beer and playing darts at the back of the bar because they have so little to do.

Well, it looks like the MO (military option) is a distinct possibility. Here’s the Insurrection Act, 1807.

Short and sweet.

[I]n all cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of any individual state or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all the pre-requisites of the law in that respect.

Insurrection Act of 1807, ch. 39, 2 Stat. 443, 443

And here’s President Trump’s EO13848, detailing “certain sanctions” for foreign interference in our elections.

Executive Order 013848

Do read it. The CCP and their collaborators will be hit so hard in the pocketbook! I’m salivating at the prospect.

Martial Law is a distinct possibility. Legal definition here:

Not fun, but at this point the surgeon needs to wound in order to heal, eh?

Be prepared. You know the drill. Plenty of food, water, fuel, puzzles, books, DVDs, etc. Always have your ID on you, and obey any curfews. Here’s hoping it will be a partial and mostly geographical-based moment in our history.

If you want to know what Martial Law is like, talk to a soldier who has imposed it. It truly is the suspension of civil law. The military will be in control. There may be checkpoints. Concealed carry licenses will probably be suspended. Search and seizure and confiscating of weapons. There may be some low-level military personnel who get a god-complex. People may be arrested without reasonable suspicion. Curfews. Looting and other forms of civil disobedience will still occur.

In short, Martial Law may be great in some areas, and hell in others. Be prepared to stick it out at home if at all possible.

I hope California is the first captive freed when the dam breaks:

Here’s Trevor Loudon on the Chinese in California and the US:

Thank the good God that we are on to them! Like here:

Our magnificent President is toying with them now. The drumbeat of the election steal is getting louder and louder. He won’t let up. God, I love him!

Our warrior princess, Sidney Powell, retweeted the President:

By the way, prayers should continue to go up for Sidney. Spiritual attacks are a bitch. She is probably sustaining incoming hits like few others, and holding her up in prayer does help. God and His angels are so much more powerful than the demons.

Now for a bit of levity. The Brits have the best sense of humor on the planet, even during the Covid tyranny. Enjoy!

Speaking of the Covid, it is now dawning on people that the MASKS HAVE TO COME OFF. We simply cannot comply. I have been turned away from places of business for not wearing one. I go, but I don’t go quietly. Here’s an interesting video that purports to show the result of a) wearing a mask too long and b) having just been vaccinated:

Peter “the demon” Stzrok is back in the news. Would love to claw that smirk off his face:

Uh, here’s an idiot who doesn’t like rural Americans:

This is what we say to him:

Now for some Christmas cheer. Two versions of A Christmas Carol:

Here’s a 25-minute beautifully animated version for kids:

God bless us, every one!

-Grandma in Texas

PS – Cheers from The Editor in the back room! -W

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Well, at least you didn’t blame the alarm clock.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re most welcome! It was a good experience. We got that out under incredible enemy fire, with strategy to spare!


I have no idea what you experienced – but – somehow I feel your pain, Texas Grandma!!!

I thank God for your Friday posts – they are most enjoyable – giggled my way through this one – so – if that is some consolation for your troubles – I pray that warms your heart.

God Bless You Real Good, TG!!!


Most welcome, Texas Grandma!!! We appreciate you!!!


love your play on words in the opening Grandma!
and Alistair Sim is my favorite Scrooge!!!


Worth the wait!


diggin your wine choice 😍😃🍷

Pinot Noir fan here…

here’s an excellent choice for under $30…
comment image


My old stomping grounds! We have a friend that brings a host gift of Oregon Pinot noirs a couple times a year. Imagine my surprise and delight when recently they came from my home town (which, of course, he had no idea)…when I was a child there the population was 719.
The area was always rural agricultural, but it was berries, string beans, corn and orchards.

Sylvia Avery

grandma, I just loved your opener! It was just great! And obviously I came along after whatever was wrong was fixed, so it was all fabulous in my eyes! Thanks for a laugh and a lot of good information.



Great work from GmaTX and Wolf! Once I realized how deep your mess was, I made like a tree and leaved you to it.



Around the sixth repetition of “well, it should be easy enough to just do…….crap,” I felt that discretion was the better part of valor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I had a hankering for some red wine the whole time, reading that copy and seeing that header pic!!!  😍 


Wow, glad you and GrandmaIT got it worked through.

I’ve noticed there are a few differences in the new system with the ‘Write’ page for composing new thread posts.

The ‘Save Draft’ and ‘Preview’ are different.

I’ve learned to open up several tabs at once, in case something screwy happens…and refresh them as I go.
That way I can get back to where I was.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Some things are FASTER and I like them. But other things – well – be careful.


Yeah, that’s something new.

Let’s hope that was a one-time glitch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So far I’ve not had trouble with tomorrow.


This is good.
Let’s hope the system behaves itself.


You, I could believe — it has your name on it. I can’t believe Wolf got through it without whisky.


We have no way to know if he used whisky as part of the solution or not.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He could be like WKRP’s Johnny Fever, who actually got faster the more drunk he was.


Hi to all. Still waiting. Almost expect to see godot prior to any action.


It’s finally Friday!


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Early Morning to you Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Hey, Pat!!! How are you? Hope and pray you got a reprieve from the snowfall!!!

God Bless Your Day, too – HUGS!!!


HUGS back to you!
took me 3 hours to shovel off our deck and ramp…
hubby plowed all afternoon, but with the height of the snow, he had to bucket more than plow…and the hairpin turn is a complete mess…so he will do some more today…if his back holds up…
i hate this much snow all at once….


Received and Appreciated!!!

Oh, poor hubby – my back hurts for him – have the same problem – got an angled shovel to ease pressure on my back.

Gee – what a pain so early in the season – muscling you both up for the struggle.

Will pray for both of you – hopefully, you can find some home remedy to help ease the discomfort.

Don’t forget to salt – we are already dealing with ice – on the sidewalks and driveway…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Gab, no source, but QUESTIONS REMAIN…….


Don’t know how one could come up with this stat as so little is known about the vacccine … and yet that is part of the problem! No one can know if this is true or not true.
But I better be careful about posting anti vaccine or vaccine caution as I have now been labeled a “shill” for posting anti vaccine.  🙄  Who would pay someone to be anti vaccine? Silly but I was accused nonetheless of this yesterday.

(we aren’t actually “anti” vaccine. we encourage everyone to be purposeful and intentional when about vaccination, whether they do or they don’t. not vaccinationg means taking on more peresonal responsibility to stay healthy, stay home when sick and to be prepared for a variety of illnesses because vaccines do stave off illnesses to an extent .. they just also come with their own downsides)


Don’t be obtuse.

You were not labeled a shill for being anti-vaccine.


Yes, you Literally said that you think I am a “shill” because I post on vaccines. I always post anti vaccine and somehow that adds to your “evidence” that I am a “shill”.

Don’t try to rewrite history or claim you “misremembered” your previous comments.

“This poster is a shill, exactly who for I have not yet determined. The constant “excess deaths” and “vaccine” drumbeat is the tell.”




Well, there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. I quote and link to her own link and she replies, in all caps, “nope”. She denies the fact of her own post, written just yesterday, that is quoted and linked.

SMH. Well at least this poster is consistent in denying what is literally laid out in front of her.


Unless Aubergine has posted an additional “shill” comment . . . the one to me is the only one I’ve seen. And it is not as you quoted. Shall I post it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Look at the last page of December 15.


Yes, true. She has had a meltdown on multiple threads, posting similiar smears adn fantacies


I quoted precisely. I deal in facts.

Why take disagreements personal? There are a variety of opinions on a variety of topics amongst commenters here. Debate, countering opinions, etc., are *good* so that we all learn and bringing facts to fake news is *good* … and certainly not peresonal.

And if yu haven’t seen all of the comments then why jump in? She has accused me of being Chinese, of being based in China, of being a Shill and used vaccine posts to support her “theory” of me being a shill.

Yeah, people pay “shills” to be anti vaccine.  🙄  Sure, a Chinese “shill” is correcting fake news about lack of excess deaths and calling for the US to hold China accountable for the excess deaths.  😂  Silly “theories” and accusations when all I do is focus on facts, regardless of who poste them.

When I post a link to the comment the link only goes to the last page of the general thread v. the specific comment. ?

Quoting it again here:

“December 17, 2020 12:30

This poster is a shill, exactly who for I have not yet determined. The constant “excess deaths” and “vaccine” drumbeat is the tell.”

12/17/2020 comment page 2 #comment629368

There are other comments that she has made to the same effect. Why? Why is disagreeing with this one thing, excess deaths, trigger such an emotional, cursing, f-bombing, yelling, smearing, name calling response? Weird. Esp. since not having excess deaths would reduce the call/demand to deal with China on this issue.  😉 

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Why don’t you re-post the smearing, cursing and name calling? That I’d like to see. What I do see is a perfectly calm, one sentence, succinct comment that references your repeated posts about excess deaths/vaccine.

You take as gospel that there even ARE excess deaths. And you ram it down everyone’s throat. But, you deal in facts – so we should all heel. Right.

And it’s always a new ESSAY, pummeling and over the top.

“Esp. since not having excess deaths would reduce the call/demand to deal with China on this issue.” What exactly does THAT mean?

Yes, there’s definitely something off here.


Lol, I am sure I have probably used some expletives in all this somewhere.

Actually, I just went back and looked. I actually did tell her to “f*ck off,” with the asterisk, at one point.

The only name I think I called her was “shill.” I still feel that is accurate, I just haven’t determined the motivation yet. But she sure is mad about it  😀 

I just simply don’t believe anything she writes. There is some hidden motivation here. You are right, something is “off.”

I have experienced bullies of this kind before. The “essays” and over-the-top steam-roller pummeling is their modus operandi. All it does is piss me off and make me come back twice as hard. But I won’t engage in the back and forth with her on facts at all anymore. It is pointless with this type; they just keep “shouting” the same information over and over with minor adjustments.


Mad about it? Nope.

Again, I have not posted in emotion – not cursed, not “yelled” in all caps, not smeared, accused anyone of being Chinese or living in China, droped mulitple f bombs, etc.

And yet you say I am “mad” about.

Do you understand that your underlying assumptions of emotion are more of a reflection or projection than based on anything I have said?

Standing by facts and standing by what I have said and standing up to being cursed, called names and being smeared do not indicate that I am “mad” or any other specific emotion … just as disagreeing with facts or even opinions does not indicate emotions or feelings or animosity. It is just disagreeing.


I was looking for the f-bombs, cursing, screaming and yelling. As in loss of control. As I suspected, it doesn’t exist.

She doesn’t present facts. She chooses something, posts it, and demands that you accept it as fact. Exactly what the other side does.


RIGHT! Which is the whole point I have been making. Thank you.


doesn’t exist? She just admitted to doing it.

I have no idea why you are joining in this “discussion” but fine …

You said she didn’t post about me being a “shill” because I post about vaccines and then I gave you the facts.

Did you apologize to me after I showed you your accusations were wrong? Nope. Sad.

Ok – for an example of the rest, to which she admitted, but you continue to deny. Why? SMH

Here are just three examples and there are many more.

12/16/2020 9:54, from Aubergine to MAGA Mom
Name calling, insults, all caps: “YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND DATA”

12/16/2020 9:54
Name calling and online “yelling”, i.e. all caps: told me I was too stupid to understand the bell notification.
(would have been nice just to have someone explain it v. yell that I was too stupid to understand. Example: “BTW, the bell symbol…” and now I looked it up for myself but will not turn it on for most comments as I as I am busy enough as it is. Why yell, call names and so forth instead of just engaging in normal converstation or even in lively debate?)

1/16/2020, 9:55
Name calling and online “yelling”, i.e. all caps: Called me a “moron” in all caps.

What triggered her meltdown? I explained that her links didn’t say what she thought they did. Even quoted to her from her own links, never yelled/all caps, named called, ridiculed, smeared, cursed, etc. And suddenly she is triggered and emotional.

Uncalled for and unproductive at best.


Look. f*uck off, shill and a sentence in caps does not constitute screaming, cursing, yelling and smearing. Those are all plural. Aside from the single f command, where’s everything else?

I notice you consistently pick and choose what you’ll respond to – and you completely avoided what I said that’s the crux of the matter. You post something, and post it again and again, and demand that people accept it as fact. That’s what the left does, and their shills. I am also done with this back and forth. Not playing your game.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I have you multiple examples from multiple posts and in those examples were cursing, name calling, smearing and all caps (online yelling) Exactly as I stated.

Not playing a “game” – just answering your posts with facts. And you are reading the facts and then denying them. SMH


Lol! Lately it’s not as hard as it used to be!


You didn’t look in the correct places and yes, she said what I said she said. I deal in facts.

12/16/2020 9:53
“I already gave you the damned links, you shill.
I know what you are, as do most here.
I can’t be any more clear. F*ck off.”

Well, I had missed her reply to my comments from several days before and instead of just saying, I posted it the last time this came up and will post it again for you” she posted the above response. 
Note: her links did not debunk or disprove excess deaths at all which makes her extreme response slightly funny but more surprising and unexpected.

And then she started asking me if I were Chinese and lived in China! Wild And with more cap lock, smears and name calling.

“December 16, 2020 10:08

You are a SHILL.”

I took the time to read her link (I am always open to learning more), then quoted from her own link that she was wrong and that her own link stated it did not support what she was saying, took the time to go to cdc and, make nice lists of the #s/facts, number crunch/add them up, etc. Tried to engage in conversation, calm, no locked caps, cursing or name calling or wild theories of her being Chinese …


Another Fbomb at me.

12/10/2020 in response to my using CDC data:

Funny part? She was posting data from the CIA. Trustworthy source?

And the data had Literally Zero to do with 2020 so was irrelevant anyway.


the fact that someone posting facts, links, stats, data, and commentary triggers you emotionally (you say it “p*** you off) is on you.

Reflect and ask why it triggers you emotionally to read a differening opinion and facts that disagree with your current understanding.


Why ask me to stop?

I was made a statement and then was told, no, what I said wasn’t true and therefore I was lying.

Why not ask those who are name calling me, cursing me, saying I am lying, etc. to stop?

Should I not stand up for myself when I am name called, smeared as a chinese operative, cursed, etc? I did None of those things to anyone.

All I did was post information. Someone posted counter info. I explained and documented that their counter info was wrong and they melted down.

I said they name called, etc., and was told that I am lying. I provide evidence that I am not lying and that they did post all of the ugly things I said they posted … and I am asked to “stop”?

The name calling, smearing and cursing ought to stop … and I am doing none of those things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have been trying to explain to people that if they want to refer to a specific comment, there is a BUG in the commenting system that is dropping comment numbers from links to this site, when it tries to “embed” them and use the title of the post.

Hopefully one of the coming add-ons fixes this, but I have been overwhelmed by other issues like grandma not being able to connect and the “emerald” kerfuffle, so that fix won’t be attempted until tonight.

In the interim, you can post a link to a specific comment by using the “link” tool in the reply box, and linking the comment URL (copy by clicking on the “chain link hover” in a comment) to some text like this:

MAGA Mom’s Comment Above


When I did that the first time it posted the whole thread. Then I tired a 2nd time an the entire thread embedded into this one. caught that before I posted or IDK how much it would have slowed down today’s page!

Still learning all of the new bells and whistles.


You sure are desperate to discredit me. One wonders why…

Still no answer to my question.


Quoting your own posts is discrediting you? Then be more careful what you post.

I literally did not say your name in my original post today. You made this personal. Just stop.

I reply to disinformation regardless who posts it.


Where’s the f-bombs and name calling?


I quoted them extensively above. read the thread.


The purpose of China’s release of this virus was not the number of deaths (and there IS NO EXCESS death from it), but FEAR. The virus was never strong enough to be a real dangerous killer, without assistance from people like Cuomo and his nursing home policies. But the FEAR, which you are assisting, can be generated from fake numbers. That is what YOU are doing.

YOU are exacerbating FEAR with your posts about phony excess death numbers. YOU are assisting China. YOU are either too dumb to know it, or you are assisting on purpose. Get it? That is why I asked, somewhat facetiously, but you still have not answered, are you Chinese? I realize you don’t appear to have a sense of humor or sarcasm (another red flag for me; liberals are SO SERIOUS), so you probably missed the “facetious” part.

You are a broken record, as someone so aptly pointed out the other day. I will NOT respond to you again, regardless of the subject matter. I WILL however, respond to others who are having the same doubts about your motives as I am, when they express them.


Your reaction to the fact that there are excess deaths, that the virus is real, it is nasty and it is kiling people &/or to hospitials literally filling up is on you.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Truth has no agenda.

Stay with facts, calm your emotions, know that “fear” is the beginning of wisdom … God created the emotion of fear as a warning sign to us to take action, learn more, develop understanding and gain wisdom on a situation.

I have no “fear” of the virus. Posting facts does not need to elicit fear … that is on the reader.

We don’t have to be triggered by facts. Only by dealing in facts can we find solutions and analyze properly.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

1) OK – on earlier threads I addressed their “sources”. I guess you didn’t see that.

Here we go again:

1) First source was listed were CIA #s of past year’s deaths.
a) Past year’s deaths are not the fake news so 1st source of total deaths for last 9 yrs is irrrelevant
b) Trusting CIA#s to dispute CDC#s? Really trust the CIA#s more? Why?

2) Second “source” is a random website that takes previous year’s death totals and Projects Expected death totals for this year, sets a computer program in place and then has a “clock” running to help people picture/imagine/grasp the Usual/Expected deaths for 2020.

At the link posted, they explain this. They also added to this years “clock” page for 2020:
“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronovarus for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

Their Own Link to “debunk” my stats and to support no excess deaths clearly states that the deaths they are reporting are Projected not real time reporting time reporting + do Not include covid19 deaths.

CDC stats that I took the time to type up and share are real live reports from the states of actual deaths from all sources.

The link was a page set up to run throughout the year before the year began and based on previous year’s totals.

Their “source” to disprove excess deaths doesn’t disprove excess deaths at all … as stated clearly by their own source!


2) Now you are “suspicious” … suspicious about what? what bad purpose could there be in correcting bad info like “no excess deaths”?

3) My “insistence on making Covid out to be terribly dangerous”. It is. In a group of 20 retirees who come down with Covid, 1 will die.

Of those who live, unknown number will have long term health issues.

Hospitals are filling. I hear it all day long (husband works from home) and have heard it since this began. I know what they are doing to prepare and what they expect.

I have been through it personally, have had family members infected, have had many friends go through it, seen them go ot the hospital and have had deaths – people who would otherwise be alive right now, including a wonderful GOP volutneer who volunteered many, many hours all summer and fall with me in this campaign.

This virus sucks and is more deadly than the flu and we have excess deaths.

And yet I am 100% against gov overreach, masks mandates, mandated vaccines, etc. We do not need to be fearful – but being unrealistically optomistic kills people as they don’t take personal responsibility or precautions.

4) Lastly, “What makes me suspicious about you is that you don’t have the same camaraderie that everyone else exhibits. And you have been around long enough to have picked it up.”

Been around as a reader/lurker since 2012 (OT) and as a commenter since I became active for President Trump early in the 2016 primary, fall of 2015.

Even at OT I rarely went on the “open” thread after they split and still scroll past most personal conversations of music, recipes and funny videos. Just too busy.

I come here to read and talk politics, some news in general, but mainly politics.

On the other hand, I have shared much, read many other’s personal posts and commented/conversated on a personal level many times over the last 5 yrs of posting.

Healthy cooking, homeschool, walking with PHC those last months, gardening, living in the city and then moving to the country, prepping, son, my own health issues, etc. Not sure why the “no camaraderie comment.

Maybe because most of the time I am juggling 5-6 balls in the air, hopping on to scan for break news/new info and then off again to homeschooling, housekeeping and GOP officer (turned into almost a full time job for the last 6-8 months and a part time job before that). Don’t have a lot of spare time to chat. IDK …


Great. You now acknowledge the cursing, the name calling the smears, and that Yes, I quoted you exactly for calling me a “shill” because I am anti vaccine & because I advocate for facts and based on those facts that we need to hold China responsible.

And, yes, I answered you multiple times about your wild theory that I am Chinese and/or live in China and am operating as a shill for China.

Thank you for posting that here as well so that others know that you are not dealing in facts or even logically –>> why would a China “shill” advocate for holding China responsible?!  🤔  🙄 

I don’t have a sense of humor? Well, I think your accusations have been pretty funny.  😂 


I scan the commentary here every day, all the time. I don’t notice you gathering many thumbs-ups, in general. And I’m not talking about this discussion. There comes a point when people change the channel.

Your MO of choosing something, posting it, repeatedly, and demanding that everyone accept it as fact, is not working here.

Actually, as I said above, that’s what the other side does.


Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

You don’t notice me gathering many thumbs up? What?!

Odd that you notice such things. For what purpose? This isn’t high school!

I literally never notice anyone else’s popularity and keep no track of my own.

I don’t post for thumbs up.

Truth doesn’t depend on popularity. This isn’t high school.

Kind of odd to even care about thumbs up and really odd to track/notice the thumbs up other people receive.

Post info and facts for people to use for MAGA. That is all.


MAGA has been temporarily pre-empted by KAG.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Without taking too much of either side in this very needed fight, I want to thank you for QUESTIONING the “excess deaths” narrative.

I always try to remind people that even if COVID were [slightly] more infective and contagious than other ILIs, and would (cue evolution) displace other ILIs at massive levels – HUGE numbers – There need not be ANY “excess deaths”. With all the chicanery going on now, I find it very hard to suppress my gut scientific intuition that what we are seeing is 95% “naming the current flu bug” and 5% “this flu bug is actually worse”, because it’s not. China was a very smart social manipulator here.

There is a guy on Twitter who we ALL need to look at – “The Ethical Skeptic” whose Twitter handle is “ethicalskeptic” (there is a “the” – it’s not him). This guy can dig truth out of superimposed curves like nobody’s business. He sees the massive scam, and can explain it well. Note that he will report POSITIVES from lockdowns honestly! A real scientist.

He has many tweets on “excess deaths” with beautiful graphics. A few of those images and tweets explained would end “excess deaths” very quickly.


I am all about “just the facts”! Have already clicked the above to another tab and will check it out.

Here is the thing … excess deaths isn’t some pet project or hot button topic with me. Until 2 weeks ago, didn’t really think about it specifically.

Saw someone post no excess deaths … thought, “How could that be? Doesn’t make sense … ” so started clicking around and saw what I saw so shared back.

Took time to look up each week’s numbers for this year, last year and some weeks for 2018 too. Typed it all up neatly. Shared. Didn’t expect Thank yous but shocked when I was attacked and also suprised that this is considered “fear porn”.

Facts are either true or they are mistakes &/or fake news. Period.

When I see something is wrong, or I am curious to trust but verify before sharing and then find out it is wrong I just naturally share to others assuming they would want to know too.

Guess I should assume.

Guess some prefer their own version of comfort and fake news that fits their narrative.

Truly shocked to see posting facts be attacked and those attacks be turned personal with name calling, smearing (Chinese agent?! really funny or pathetic, not sure which), and cursing with F bombs.

Why? Why so triggered by data and excess deaths? Comforted by saying wuflu isn’t real?

Have to deal with reality but don’t have to be fearful of it. Can take wuflu seriously and yet still (politically) fight against gov overreach, etc. IDK….


There I go again … I don’t know what that means. Please specify so I can understand. I am replying to posts. that is it.

Interestingly, I did not even realize that excess deaths posts had upset people until I was critisized for Not answering back and asked to go back and reply. So, today I am replying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The situation is complicated. The term “excess deaths” is a loaded propaganda term because it assumes math which is not actually in evidence and/or not beyond question. It also does not state exactly what the excess is in relation TO – something that varies. This is a strong propaganda technique – the “loaded term” which automatically “begs the question” by assuming unprovens to solidify bad assumptions by sleight of hand.

The whole thing is a bit like climate “facts” which are not really facts, but derive their treatment as such because political and politicized authorities put them out.

We live in an interesting time when government numbers cannot really be trusted – particularly from highly politicized state, local, and federal governments and agencies.

This is a good fight. Covid communism will not be ground down until we duke it out! Carry on. 😎


“The term “excess deaths” is a loaded propaganda term because it assumes math which is not actually in evidence and/or not beyond question. It also does not state exactly what the excess is in relation TO – something that varies. This is a strong propaganda technique – the “loaded term” which automatically “begs the question” by assuming unprovens to solidify bad assumptions by sleight of hand.”

Thank you! That is worth repeating!

I am suspicious of ALL numbers coming from the CDC. I also note that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find prior year death numbers from any source, which ALSO is suspicious.

I don’t respond well to people who make a statement as if it is fact, and insist that their assertion is absolutely correct. Any data I post here is only what I have managed to find, and as such, is of course open for further research. BUT, I reserve the absolute right to disbelieve any particular source, especially in this instance, where political machinations have overwhelmed decency. They have murdered old people in nursing homes, for God’s sake! Fudging numbers is NOTHING.

I love a good discussion, but I am out of patience for the “CDC-bots” who are all in on government propaganda. Believe me, this is not the only place I confront them.




So now you are confronting “CDC-bots” when someone questions less deaths than usual? Newest theory just because someone disagrees with you?

Grand misison label for posting links that don’t say what you say they say.

Don’t trust any CDC #s? Well, then one can no longer post that we have less deaths than usual, correct? After all, the “usual” is 100% based on previous year’s CDC #s?  🙄 

So you are essential now in the position of saying, we have no idea how many people in the US have died in all previous years as well as this year. seriously?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you. Trump bringing on Dr. Atlas and moving some of the data OUT of CDC made a huge difference in understanding the problems of testing. Think about that! Cutting off a “#Resist”-tainted government agency actually improved the SCIENCE about COVID-19 which they had been in charge of! Outrageous!

I trust CDC – to be liars, snakes, communists, plotters against Trump, and conspirators against the American people – and even against TRUTH itself. A sad situation.


THANK YOU for that thread and that twitter account. facts matter. without correct facts we can’t ask the right questions.

Favorite part? Data/fact focus and can hold multiple thoughts at once without having to subscribe to an all or nothing agreement. I agree we need to know specifically what covids tests picks up, we are overspinning the test (not a scientific way to put it but you know what I mean) and many other “right” talking points and I also believe this virus is horrible for many and it kills more than the flu.

so are the shutdown.

I kind of feel like there is a cancel culture happening if one does not agree with all of the accepted/popular narrative with some people … and so personal.

Has happened to me before on this site.

It was random that I looked up excess deaths, found something different, took several hours to look up and type up all the data and then share. Not some specific thing I cared about … but the emotion filled blow back to refusing to agree to fake news … wow!


the Natural News article has Zero to do with “excess deaths”

What are excess deaths? Deaths of all causes that total more than expected based on previous year’s totals deaths and adjusted for population growth.

A death by gunshot or by Covid is still a death and counts as 1 death toward the total deaths.

Excess deaths look at total deaths of all causes.


I went and took a look. Interesting stuff. One thing I noticed is that the number of all-cause deaths has risen every year since 2012, but varies wildly year to year. That is from this chart:

What would be interesting, and I didn’t find it in here, would be a percentage of increase of population growth against the increase in deaths each year. Do they coincide or conflict? Are all-cause deaths going up because there are more people, or are there other factors? Are those wild swings due to flu, or what?


Why do you find this interesting? #s are from the CDC… ???

So is CDC credible source or not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Very complicated. And TES never oversimplifies!

We don’t even have good numbers on deaths BY COVID-19 – in whole or in part – because there is so much fudging with flu, ILIs, pneumonia, cases, bad tests, and everything else. So jumping to the next step – “excess deaths” – is IMHO unwarranted.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. All those MUs (misunderstoods) are downstat.
No floating needles there…


What is your question that I have not answered?

One wonders why you are so upset at someone for posting proof/stats of excess deaths? Why lessen China’s harm to the US?


Since I was questioned and told I was being dishhonest about the cursing (F bomb), name calling (moron, stupid, shill), smears (shill, agent of China, Chinese, posting from China) and all caps (online yelling), i scrolled through the previous week’s posts. Had to LOL at how many posts I have posted against China, including Pompeo’s speech in GA last week.

China “shill”? Not even logical!  😂 


Why do excess deaths matter? I have posted repeatedly …

1) they matter because to downplay them is to down play what China has done and to lessen the demand to hold China accountable

2) they matter because 1/3 of them are Non Covid19 related. If we accept the fake news that there are no excess deaths, we can then not address the 1/3 of excess deaths that are none Covid19 related.

3) they matter because to accept that there are none is simply erronious and fake news

We have to have a foundation of facts so that we can go forward. Facts first.

Truth has no agenda but fake news does. Who benefits from the fake news that there are no excess deaths? China & CDC (from what are 1/3 of excess deaths from if not Covid19 – the shutdowns!).

Lastly, posting fake news here hurts this site’s credibility & effectiveness for MAGA.

Posting fake news here hurts the creditibility and effectiveness for MAGA of all who repeat what they read here without first verifying.

We let Fake News stand and then all else posted here becomes unreliable.


covid 19 doesn’t have a recovery rate of over 99%. That is comforting fake news.

3% die.
97% recover.

the hospitals in many states/regions are filling. I hear the stats every day due to husband’s work. I know the #s.

unknown how many have long term health consequences. I still pant when doing normal life. Oxygen levels fine but panting none the less and weak. fertility issues suspected in some males. etc.

to lessen wuflu is to be dangerous to those who will then not take it seriously and to less everyone’s understanding of how much this is an Attack on us by China.

And yet it is overplayed, used and spun by the left and gov over reach is wrong and must be (politically) fought and peacefully protested. I helped organize 3 such protests in TN.

We can be realistic and factual about wuflu and yet not be in fear … fear is only the beginning to wisdom. Live in wisdom!

(just like prepping doesn’t mean living in fear but living in peace by walking in widsom)

We can be realistic about wuflu and china (is an a***** as Steve always says) and still be against the media and the left on their policies for wuflu. facts do not oppose conservatism!


97% recovery is false. 99.97%.

You have missed a zero.


Literally not wrong – 97% recovery rate.

#s & facts matter. Math matters.

We have had 10,392,547 cases resolved/ended.
10,713,375 have ended in recovery.
320,828 have ended in death.

Crunch the #s and that equals 97% recovered. 3% died.

93/4% recovery rate for 65+ yrs. that means chances are out of a group of 20 friends infected friends in that age group, 1 will die. this is not the same death rate as the flu.

i have backed up my #s. Do you have any back up data for saying 97% is wrong or to support your claim of 99.97%?


Still wrong.


I have which is why husband left big pharma and we don’t do vaccines.


I trust the CDC #s of total deaths from all causes because that # is tracable back to the states.

the weekly reports of total deaths for all causes are very tracable and documented.

Their numbers for all deaths have never been questions and are supplied to the CDC by state health departments with the reporting available.


“unquestioned” because they are easily double checked.

Unquestioned not in the sense that no one has thought to double check them but no one has questioned their facticity after double checking them.

they are not in doubt, not never doubled checked.

Those numbers are easily tracable and confirmable


This has Zero to do with excess deaths.

This is a case of inflating Covid #s.

Two different issues.


FYI: I wasn’t obtuse. I simply did not refer you to by name. I was clear as a bell. As was obvious from your quick reply. Why did I not use your name? Because it isn’t Personal. Just facts. Just opinions. Just healthy discussion and/or debate. We ought not be so easily triggered by a difference of opinion, esp. when backed by facts.

This is to you… PLEASE Stop with the conspiracy theories just because someone disagrees with you. You also theorized I was Chinese and posting from China. That was the funniest one you came up with – esp. considering my family’s background that I have shared.

A “shill”? A shill for who? How would it even make any logical sense that I am a “shill” for China by pointing out that Yes, the virus is horrible and Yes, we have had excess deaths and Yes, the virus is responsible for a portion of those, and Yes, China needs to be held accountable!?!

One of my key points to Not posting fake news about low death counts or denying excess deaths is that it lets China off the hook for the damage and death they caused.

(As even the CDC recognizes, there are more excess deaths than wuflu deaths. Excess deaths are also related to the gov imposed shutdowns and we need to hold them accountable as well – another thing that ignoring &/or denying excess death makes harder to do)

Just stop. Stop creating theories, fantacies, and alt realities to explain disagreement and debate – esp. when someone backs their opinions with facts.
Why make it personal? Why curse, yell in all caps, call me names, smear me, etc, simply because I disagree with you (without any of the emotionalism mentioned post to me) on various subjects? What triggers you emotionally when someone disagrees with you?

Just move forward and focus on facts and political (legal & non violent) activism to accomplish MAGA.

Fake News, false facks and calling me names, saying things like F***, smearing, demanding to know if I am Chinese and/or from China, posting in all caps … just silly and all non productive, even counter productive, for MAGA.


Simply asking a question you have yet to answer.


What question have you asked that I have not answered?


I answered the “are you a china spy” questions before today. ws a little hard to beleive that was a serious question v. a joke

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vaccination is now going back in the hands of the people, to understand that it’s a complicated mess! Yes – we don’t know for sure – THAT is REAL SCIENCE!!! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, too, for managing this “heated discussion which probably needs to be had” on the thread.  😃  Sometimes mostly “hands off” is the best approach!


I over-and-outed and continued wrapping gifts. It is what it is.


Implied I was lying for saying she posted exactly what she posted and then left when I posted example after example of me not lying and never apologized for implying I was lying?


Seems more like she agrees with them and is joining in (she is “suspecious” of me too as she states above) than “managing”

But ok answering her question too

Not upset – just trying to answer

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I feel like quoting my mother’s survivor spirit here:

“You say ‘suspicious’ like it’s a bad thing.”

LOL! 😉

Honestly, the fact is, we all have agendas. We all “shill” for what we believe in. Only the TRUTH itself does not have an agenda. It’s better than us, quite frankly! But we can aspire to be like the Truth.

I just LOVE the idea that “The Holy Spirit” and “Spirit of Truth” are the same thing. To me, that is the core of both Judaism and Christianity – the unifier and corrector of us in the Godly religions. “Seek Truth”.


I posted above an extensive comment (and not for the first time) explaining

a) the person responding used government stats/data to reply (hers from the CIA  😂 )

b) that no, the “evidence” is not reasonable. The link provided by the upset poster did not list Any reported 2020 deaths at all. I took the time to post that before your comment that I hadn’t replied. Please read the posts before saying I haven’t replied.

Also, if we trust No Gov Data/Stats then the point of excess deaths is mute … but so is the talking point of less deaths. If all gov data is out of bounds then claiming there are less deaths is equally impossible because both are based on gov data of previous years and this year.

Logically, we either accept the data as it really stands or we conclude there is no way of knowing lower, normal or excess deaths.

the orignal poster was claiming lower deaths, based on gov data, thereby implying gov data is not out of bounds but is actually reliable – but just for their own more comforting conclusions.



My “motives”?!

Do you question everyone’s motives who disagree with others on stasts/facts/fake news?

Why are so many so attached to one particular statistic?

What would it mean to people if they accepted the fact that we have more deaths this year than usual?

If we start asking the right questions – like how many of those excess deaths are caused by shutdowns (even CDC only claims 2/3 from covid) woudn’t that be a better use of our time?


I posted this, dealing with her “sources” (not reasonable sources”) at 15:50 – 1 hour before you asked me address these issues in your comment to fish or cut bait, to put it in a way my mother taught me. No need to apologize for critizing me for doing something I had already done. Many comments and it was easy to miss.

Also, I already had done so on other threads multiple times.

(Note: I have explained to her multiple times that she has not “debunked” excess deaths with her “sources”. This is not just as I did not start a personal converstation, debate or argument with her, this has been ongoing for over a week –>> why is she so determined to deny that many more people have died this year than expected? Weird!)

Reposting here for your convenience as you missed it and then gave me a hard time for not addressing her “sources”.

“1) OK – on earlier threads I addressed their “sources”. I guess you didn’t see that.
Here we go again:

1) First source was listed were CIA #s of past year’s deaths.

a) Past year’s deaths are not the fake news so 1st source of total deaths for last 9 yrs is irrrelevant
b) Trusting CIA#s to dispute CDC#s? Really trust the CIA#s more? Why?

2) Second “source” is a random website that takes previous year’s death totals and Projects Expected death totals for this year, sets a computer program in place and then has a “clock” running to help people picture/imagine/grasp the Usual/Expected deaths for 2020.

At the link posted, they explain this. They also added to this years “clock” page for 2020:

“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronovarus for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

Their Own Link to “debunk” my stats and to support no excess deaths clearly states that the deaths they are reporting are Projected not real time reporting time reporting + do Not include covid19 deaths.

CDC stats that I took the time to type up and share are real live reports from the states of actual deaths from all sources.

The link was a page set up to run throughout the year before the year began and based on previous year’s totals.

Their “source” to disprove excess deaths doesn’t disprove excess deaths at all … as stated clearly by their own source they are not actually reporting 2020 deaths at all!”


I am not stuck on this today. I made a passing reference to being called a shill due, in part, to my vaccine posts. Didn’t even mention the person who had called me that. But she started attacking again so this time I answered.


God bless grandma! My patience is a bit low right now, and it is probably showing.


Post fake news and I reply.

Post fake news repeatedly and I reply repeatedly.

Stop posting fake news.

Why have you never responded to your sources being 100% bogus – they stated on the page you linked that they are not reporting actual death totals but are merely a site that “clocks” Projected death totals based on what is expected?


Great job on the Friday thread, Grandmaintexas!
 😀  👍 
Sorry you ran into so much trouble with it.

Woah…that video of the nurse getting dizzy and fainting, after getting the covid vaccine, is really something.
 😬  😷 
I’ll bet [They] would like to scrub that from the internet.

And Peter Strzok is a demon.
comment image
comment image

Two soul-less demons who should face capitol punishment:

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That dude is CREEPY!!!


Yep…creepy and demonic.


Demonically possessed!!! There must be a ‘legion’ of demons controlling that man – YUK!!!


There have to be levels of possession – he’s way past knee deep.


This video looks like a Saturday Night Live sketch, but scarier.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB…..
comment image


Perfect! That works for me.  😆 

Deplorable Patriot

This particular meme text is one of my favorites.


So, on the subject of web readers…..I swapped emails with the guys at w/r/t NVDA. Because they’re FOSS, they have certain patterns of development.

Part of the reply was: “THanks for your kind words and your email. To my knowledge, no-one is working on a Linux port of NVDA itself – although I think the main Linux screenreader, Orca has borrowed a couple of our features.” After a short technical aside, he continued: “At this point, we feel our energies are best spent making NVDA the best screenreader for Windows it can be, which is why we have concentrated on that ourselves.”

I took a brief look at ORCA (also FOSS). It’s almost entirely written in Python, where the bulk of NVDA is C++.

A random aside — Nvidia, the graphics chip company right up the street, is listed with the stock symbol NVDA. It makes researching anything for the screen reader annoyingly more difficult. “Do you mean where’s the lobby?”

Anyway, regarding the technical discussion….

There is a classic opening to any discussion of a programming language — run the program and have it print “Hello, World!” on your screen. In Python, this looks like:

print “Hello, World!”

You just save that in a file with the .py extension, and when you point Python at it, it’ll print on the screen. [Note that this is Python 2]

In C, the same task is performed with:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf(“Hello, World!”);
return 0;

You then compile, link, and rename that into a file Called helloworld, change its attributes so that it is runnable, and stash it somewhere your computer will look for it when you type things at the prompt. [That’s your $PATH variable.]

Why all that complicated rigmarole? Because C is a systems language. You have to tell it you’re going to want the standard printf, because you could have a printf function that prints to files, other computers, devices, disk drives, or memory……or, frankly, anything your computer can touch, even over the internet. We just want the vanilla one.

We want this to be an integrated unit, so we call it main(). It is going to return a 0 if everything goes right, and it could return a variety of other numbers if things went wrong.

Now the guts of stdio.h are going to be different for a Linux system or a Windows system. But if your program looks just like this, it’ll compile and run just fine on either a Linux or Windows system. All the differences in the “printf” functions are hidden away inside <stdio.h>.

Mind you, it is entirely possible to compile a Windows program under Linux, or a Linux program under Windows — you just have to #include the proper <stdio.h> for the system that you want to run it on (and, BTW, it won’t run right on the other system). You can compile for different processors. That’s how new hardware gets “lit up” with new operating systems and applications — it’s all compiled on OLD hardware, but with the right “libraries” it should work. So long as the program asks stdio.h for a printf, and not for a Fast Fourier Transform, things should work fine.

Now, the technical note that the guy from NVDA talked about was “a screenreader uses many operating system specific techniques to find out the information needed to pass on to the user” and he was concerned that this would be a problem “since I assume many will not have a direct corresponding feature or information source.”

I can think of no cases whatsoever where you have more freedom under Windows than under Linux. With Linux, you can touch every byte in the box — and everywhere the box can touch.

Furthermore, there is a project — — whose raison d’etre is to take random “Windows-ish” requests and turn them into Linux requests ON-THE-FLY so you can PLAY GAMES. [Wine, BTW, can convince different programs that it is their favorite flavor of Windows, moving effortlessly from one to the other.]

So I’m feeling somewhat optimistic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I wrote a fair number of cross-platform applications in my day, using different languages and extensions, and IMO Linux/Unix/etc. always gave the best results. Windows versions were always flaky compared to Linux/Unix. I think your Linux version would be SUPERIOR.


Just to be clear, I’m not looking to rewrite the complete application for Linux. But it would be handy to get the piece that figures out “where you are” running, so I can ask it, “just where do you think you are?” and trace why it might think this. I also suspect that it gets this information from the browser, and not the operating system. Mind you, if someone had already rewritten significant parts of the complete application, it’d be a lot easier to ask him/her if that was a part that was done and borrow the result.

As an example, JAWS seemed to be doing a bit of HTML deconstruction, because it kept saying “Heading:”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My kinda fighters!!!

From GAB!!!
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if this video posts. If this is right, today is big.

[video src="" /]


I’ve seen other reports like this on Gab…of NG and retired mil being called up, put on standby.

So yeah, it looks like something is about to happen.

I hope it means that our VSG is going to let the hammer down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our civil rights are being violated in these states. I am 1000% behind whatever Trump does!!!


Me too!!

Bring the pain.
comment image

Sylvia Avery

Oh most definitely!!!!


Santa baby, hurry with your hammer tonight…


I got a ‘black box’ but, I cannot play it – after refreshing the page – ???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Works great for me! What system are you on?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll do some testing.


Thank You!!! Did not mean to bring more problems for you!!!

Sylvia Avery

This ties in with something I read earlier today. It was a proposal for limited martial law in the battleground states to re-do the election. Not recount, revote.

I don’t know how they will do that with no notice, but I expect the Marines will get it done. I wonder if our people will emerge from the polling places smiling and waving aa purple ink stained thumb????

God bless and keep President Trump and his team.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! I’m behind this BIG-TIME!!!

Sylvia Avery

I’m wondering about the logistics. Can’t use the machines. No time to print ballots. Setting up polling places? Gotta make arrangements in advance, usually. And then notifying people to go. Yikes!

But again, I have a lot of confidence in our military. Look how quickly they built hospitals out of convention centers (which weren’t needed). I bet they can put together an election and make it happen. And it will undoubtedly be better than the shit storm we had on November 3.

JW in Germany

Why not have the Military observe EVERY election from here on out? Who better than those that put their lives on the line to protect our Constitutional Republic?

Let us see them make our Military stand 100 feet away from observing ballot signatures and threaten to throw them out. In fact, wireless cameras have gotten so cheap…let us demand a live stream of each precinct and each machine and table so that every American can ensure that no shenanigans are in play.

Make the software code for voting machines OPEN SOURCE! NO SECRETS…NO HIDING!


How about…No More Voting Machines.

Go back to paper ballots.

And paper ballots with distinctive paper and watermarks!

People might say, “That takes too long.”

Uh…it’s been 6 weeks since the election.
We’re in this mess because of all those ‘time-saving’ things like voting machines!

JW in Germany

Absolutely! We have a country of over 300 million people…seems to me that we can get several thousand to count and observe ballots from all sides of the political spectrum.

More votes…more people counting and observing. Duh.

Many European countries only do paper ballots. From what I understand, Germany has over 80 million citizens and only vote between like 12 noon and 8PM on election day…no problems.

Absentee ballots are a very controlled mechanism to vote that is only permitted in certain verifiable circumstances.

It is not rocket science that requires complex (CORRUPTIBLE) machines to do the counting and auditing. Again, it is very simple…more votes…add more people counting and auditing. Use cameras for live-stream public viewing.


Yes! Absolutely, JW.

Not sure about Early Voting.

It could cut down on some of the crush, on election day.

But sometimes there are ‘revelations’ that finally come out in the days leading up to election day…
And people want to change their vote!

So I’m thinking that old school all the way.
Keep it simple.

Add more polling places, if need be.

Gail Combs


You can keep the polls open from five or six in the morning until seven at night.

We are a big country so you can have MORE POLLING PLACES if things get too crowded.

Having ‘Election Month’ just makes FRAUD that much easier. The same group of people could easily vote in every single state in the union MULTIPLE TIMES with that much time. I am sure Soros would be happy to pay them.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

I’m actually for making election day a national holiday and assigning citizens a 15 minute slot during the day at their precinct. Show up during those 15 minutes, and the lines will be manageable.


15 minute slot?

Too many Americans can’t go to the bathroom in 15 minutes.
Traffic problems on the way?
Flat tires?
too much could go wrong.

Need open all day…..
ONE day.

I like the National Holiday thing though.

Deplorable Patriot

I forget not everyone can walk to their polling place. One of the perks of living where I do.

Gail Combs

Because there is a LAW that does not allow the military to take part in elections.

18 U.S. Code § 592.Troops at polls

Whoever, being an officer of the Army or Navy, or other person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, orders, brings, keeps, or has under his authority or control any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held, 𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗡𝗘𝗖𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗥𝗬 𝗧𝗢 𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗘𝗟 𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗘𝗗 𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗘𝗦 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, or trust under the United States.

This section shall not prevent any officer or member of the armed forces of the United States from exercising the right of suffrage in any election district to which he may belong, if otherwise qualified according to the laws of the State in which he offers to vote.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 719Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

So that makes it pretty clear it would be the Seizure of Evidence by the military that is going on if the rumors are true.


Seizure of Evidene or for the expected riots when other action takes place.

Or for other purposes altogether.

I hope it is for election investigation v. engaging with other countries.

Deplorable Patriot

If they’ve got the special bond paper, there’s plenty of time to print ballots.


more polling places? Throwing out an idea…in order to get a tax exemption…churches, non-profit organizations with buildings, etc. you must open your facilities as a polling location.


If you look at all the security features used on the paper with which the US Treasury prints $5 bills, the security used to print ballots is a complete joke.


I don’t see how a revote can be ordered when that is not the Constitutional process if there are problems with the Nov vote. There is a process outlined for what to do with there are problems and a revote is not part of the Constitutional process.
Curious as to how that would be possible and curious as to why one would support a non Constitutional process.

Gail Combs

Is this what you read?
comment image

Sylvia Avery

no but thanks GA……….most interesting!

JW in Germany

God Bless our Military if they are not able to spend time with their Family and Friends during Christmas. In exchange, they deliver to We the People the PRICELESS gift of protecting our Constitutional God given Rights. Thank you all!


Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

Nothing but black box …iOS 12.5 here…😕


What would be the point of a recount one and a half months after the election? How many Trump ballots have disappeared? How many fake ballots are in place?

Deplorable Patriot

Hence why the bars (taverns), churches, and all that could not be allowed to operate. This is the sort of information that gets exchanged on the church steps, in the choir lofts, across the table after rehearsal, etc.

The alternative media has become the tavern.

Group report coming when I get caught up.


Was responding to this and then got “rolled…again’” and lost it. Grrr..
point was that it’s a control technique of isolation…used throughout the world, but basically unknown here until now. Question is…will we cave and allow it to happen. Time will tell.


Anyone seen this.
Nurse collapses 17 minutes after receiving COVID vaccine:

Nurse Collapses On Live TV During Press Conference Soon After Getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine | GreatGameIndia

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Deplorable Patriot

I hadn’t seen it, but my brother told me all about it.


Ya…. Give me some of that SHIT! …. NOT!


There is not a chance in hell I am taking this vaccine against a virus that my own immune system has a 99.97% chance of defeating! NO CHANCE!


Yes. We have cures and preventives, that WORK. I literally cannot wrap my head around this, at all. It’s like a parallel universe.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I can’t understand why people have bought the government KoolAid about covid. Nonexistent “excess deaths,” masks are “preventative,” a vaccine will “save us” from a 99.97% survivable illness.

It’s all B.S. but many people have just slurped it up. It’s crazy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just goes to show P.T. Barnum was right. One born every minute (I daresay, quite a few more than that)… Sheeple and Karens…
Incipient Stasi…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I’m wondering where that $2.00 kit they have in India is going to show up in the USA (and maybe here, via Doc Morris or something)…

No need for a basically untested, DANGEROUS vaccine when there are a number of cures available. Especially when the overblown number of cases (retests/multiple tests of the same person count as multiple caes) and the horridly insensitive/poor selectivity PCR test is used as some sort of a gold standard, when, in point of fact, it’s fools gold. The inventor of the test said much the same thing (no diagnostic value, just an indicator of possibility) before he was murdered.

C enter for
D isaster
C reation

Faux-Xi, et al.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demonic Demonrats in IC refuse to speak ill of CHICOMS!!!


I wish he would just go ahead and release what he’s got so far!

He could say there is “more coming”…and release that as Report 2.

Sylvia Avery

Me, too, Wheatie!


Something is awry – imho – Timing – Maybe – Lack of cooperation from other agencies – Maybe – Some Signal – or Revelation comes first?


Maybe CIA refused to admit ChiComs or any other Commies involved at all — which, from a legal point of view, is the whole ball of wax for triggering The Storm.


As DNI, Radcliffe can order them to comply and fire them if they don’t.

I would imagine that he has his own evidence which shows that the ChiComs were involved.

A lot of it is already out there, open sourced.
So this ‘refusal’ by the CIA just looks like an admission of guilt.


So this ‘refusal’ by the CIA just looks like an admission of guilt.




There is something more to this, IMO.

The E.O. says this:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

The report itself is strictly from the DNI. He “consults” with other agencies, but the “assessment” is his to make. He should not be “signing off” on anything. It is HIS REPORT.

Somehow, I think this is smoke and mirrors. The actions we are seeing, and the news reports we are getting DO NOT JIVE with the language of the E.O.


Yes, you’re right, Aubergine.
Something is up.

There really is no reason for Radcliffe to delay.


It’s not nice to speak ill of your boss, Wolf.

JW in Germany

No worries. We already knew that the “17 intelligence agencies” were corrupted. These shenanigans were to be expected. No doubt the WH has predicted this and has alternative plans.

President Trump is making his Deep State list and checking it twice…finding out who has been naughty or ni….oh damn…they are all naughty.  🎅 

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany
Deplorable Patriot

17 just keeps coming up.


Gma noted above that the Insurrection Act of 1807 is “short and sweet”. It is, but it also reflects something VERY TRUE about legislatures.

They’re supposed to legislate EVERY YEAR and are sent to Washington to do so. So, the first year (1789), they slap up the 10 Commandments, a bunch of stuff about “trial by jury” from the English, next year’s budget, and open some post offices. Great job, guys! You’ve enacted about 80% of all the laws the country needs.

The next year (1790), they show up and approve the next year’s budget, open new post offices, put in some weights and measures and patent stuff (from their allowable topics in Article I, section 8), and spend the rest of the year making grandiose speeches and having hearings (It IS and election year). They now have about 90% of the Federal laws the nation actually needs.

The next year (1791) they have a bunch of pomp and ceremony to pass the time, approve next year’s budget, twiddle tariffs and naturalization, pass a couple of laws, open some post offices. Despite trying to milk it for time as hard as they can, they end the year with about 95% of the useful and necessary Federal laws the nation can use.

By 1807, they’re getting into the weeds with the Insurrection Act, but we’re over 200 years beyond that. Congress is now regularly passing unnecessary and unconstitutional laws and regulations that do not benefit the nation, to avoid being mistaken for other statuary in the Capitol. And those laws are left vague and confused as long as possible in order to solicit bribes for “clarification”.

And, BTW, has anyone else noticed that the ONE continuing function when every good, just, and righteous law is on the books — passing a budget — has been punted since before the Obamanation’s first term?


yup, just CR’s to avoid shutdowns…


And to keep that 8% cost-of-living yearly increase. This means that the budget actually has increased 88% since the last budget vote.


notice, how they can always vote to give themselves raises


A little extra chump change. That’s all the salary is to them.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Probably pales in comparison to the salary they get from Satan Soros and Red China…
😡 😡 😡


So, I finally got around to tracking Gma’s Pinot link…..

Let’s start by observing that winemaking has been subject to a lot of secrecy and deflection for centuries. Only recently, organizations such as the Robert Mondavi Center at UC Davis have applied scientific tools to the process.

Let’s start with the easy stuff — when the Romans owned the Mediterranean, they circled it with fast-and-easy-growing, easy-harvesting wine grapes. Tempranillo in Spain, Sangiovese in Italy, Zinfandel in Croatia (only recently confirmed via DNA analysis)… Each could be harvested, pressed, fermented (quickly), and bottled and ranged from very nice to acceptable. Various “blenders” were also available (Grenache, Canaiolo, Malvasia bianca), but the bulk of everyday wines arose from the basic Roman varieties.

These wines are seldom so far “out-of-spec” to be undrinkable.

Gail Combs

Make sure you thin the vines so they get lots of air and sunshine.

Natural remedies:

Chemical remedies:


our grapes 2 yrs ago got back rot…the dew overnight wasn’t drying on the grapes because of the trees obstructing the sunlight in the early morning. we cut a few of them down and it wasn’t a problem this past year–this year the deer found a way into the fenced in area and stripped all the tasty leaves off the plants.

lol…but we enjoy (trying to) grow them anyway

hubby uses wine kits to brew his wines…he produces a nice pinto noir and a riesling every year…30 bottles of each–so we have quite a collection in the wine cellar (basement)


..that’s proper prepping Pat !


grandma…I once defeated a fungal infection on apples with a low viscosity mineral oil.
Registered for use on food.

Does not adversely affect insects, and is safe to handle.
Please investigate availability.
Perfect for scale also.
Method of effectiveness is simply smothering.
No toxins.
Wonderful products!!!

JW in Germany

Starting at 59min28sec President Trump on 31 October at a rally in Pennsylvania warns about the SCOTUS decision to allow the election to extend beyond 3 November.

HE KNEW THE ENTIRE TIME! Everything he predicted has happened! This tells me that President Trump is AHEAD of them!


Wine Tasting: An excellent Finger Lakes Pinot Noir from Ravines
Updated Jan 02, 2019; Posted Jul 02, 2017

Gail Combs

A friend of mine in the Finger Lakes region was an amateur wine maker. He actually won a first prize at the state fair with his wine. I tasted several bottles over the years and they were very good.

One year the wine stopped fermenting so he bottled it. Then it started fermenting again so he had to get rid of it FAST before it exploded. That was some really nice wine.


My mother told of my little Irish grandmother making beer in the basement for her friends during prohibition (grandma didn’t touch a drop herself). Every now and then upstairs they would hear a bottle explode. Grandma must have made a mean brew!

Gail Combs

We made cider (NOT apple juice) from our home grown apples. I like cider still fizzy, but exploding bottles are a problem.

The UK pubs have some mean hard cider. I got tipsy on one mug of it. We had been caving all day and I was very thirsty and had not eaten… OOPS!

Brave and Free

The wine tours around the Finger Lakes are a great way to take in the scenic region. And of course try some wine too 🤗, might want to have a DD though. Some nice brew pubs too around there too.


there are so many wineries around the Finger Lakes…and at the top of one of the lakes is a pretty castle that’s a hotel too…my kids have stayed there many times..Belhurst Castle

Brave and Free

Beluhurst is nice been there many times, head south down Seneca lake takes you to Watkins Glen. The State park there is nice also and the race track is in the hills above the park.


many summers and falls we drove thru Watkins Glen and the Finger Lakes…beautiful area…
Miles Winery has its own ghost–and great stories of the underground railroad…


Now you’ve made me want to take that trip…sounds like a perfect summer vacation. We’ve sampled several wine areas but never NY…bucket list!
If I wanted to fly there and rent a car…where do you suggest?


STAY HOME till Cuomo’s gone…that would be my recommendation.

I would seriously recommend the Castle–they have rooms in the castle to stay (each comes with a “wine key” which allows you to access a wine dispenser of sorts of house wines I think- and they also have more modern rooms available in the guest house behind the castle. they have fire pits lit at night where people gather–and other amenities. But my kids loved that they could drive around the lakes, sampling at many wineries—each having its own personality.
and then the Glen is there for hiking, and the town of Watkins Glen is quaint–altho usually crowded–at least it USED to be crowded when crowds were allowed.
hubby’s former boss built a brewery on the lake–where he brews craft beers and has an eatery overlooking the lake–music too…there is a lot to experience there. (AGAIN–there used to be…)


Definitely will be post-Cuomo. But where would we fly into?


There’s a newer airport –Corning/Elmira Regional Airport–about 25 miles from the Finger Lakes hubby says.



Lots of Air B&B options, many lake front.

Excellent fishing too.


it’s a lovely location, even if you don’t drink, like me…lol


did you stay in one of the castle rooms???


LOL…it’s a lovely, truly scenic area

Brave and Free

I also lived around the area GT.

JW in Germany

Hat tip from Karen Karasaki
Update around the World.

I dont know If you in the States get the news.

In Portugal, the pcr test has already been ruled useless, and declaring lockdowns illegal.

In Norway, the use of face mask has been declared harmful to health, and the use of them is no longer recommended and mass testing is a waste of time with PCR.

In Switzerland, vaccination of the entire population has been deemed unnecessary, as the low death rate cannot categorize corona as a pandemic.

In Australia, vaccination has been temporarily stopped as HIV-positive people are tested.
False HIV is alleged there.

In the Netherlands, 87,000 nurses refuse to be vaccinated against corona on the grounds that they will not be guinea pigs

A little from the outside world ..


Hey JW!

Thanks for putting these facts into a bundle – I’d heard about a few, but not all.

THIS is the type of stuff I use to teach the normies (well, at first it confounds them!).

If you have the time, would you provide the links (“sauce”) to these items?

As an aside, it feels to me like Scotty is telling Kirk “Captain, she’s ready to blow!”, and Kirk replies “MORE POWER!!!”

Truly an amazing time …

JW in Germany

I too had heard these incidences separately…the hat tip goes to Karen Karasaki. I will see if I can verify these individually.

I should know better to provide sauce especially when the opposition is doing their best to discredit Our Movement.


>> “I should know better” <<

Don’t give it a thought!

I’ve been scraping the 8-kun breads for the past couple months, both for memes and for info / text nuggets.

I probably should have copied / archived offline the few articles I came across re Europe … I’m over 250 pages of posts, and many hundreds of photos / memes, but I still feel that I’m behind the 8-ball!

Gail Combs

BOY ain’t that the TRUTH.

As Sidney Powell said it is like getting information from a fire hose.


I’m ready for POTUS to swap out the dilithium chrystals.


Operation “Warp Speed”???

JW in Germany

Okay, a bit of Portuguese sauce:

Covid PCR test reliability doubtful – Portugal judges
Excerpts from the article (note: for what it is worth, medical experts have opposed this finding):
The PCR test “is unable to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, that a positive result corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus”, said the Lisbon Court of Appeal.
“Thus, with so many scientific doubts, expressed by experts in the field, which are the ones that matter here, as to the reliability of such tests, ignoring the parameters of their performance and there being no diagnosis made by a doctor, in the sense of existence of infection and risk, it would never be possible for this court to determine that C … had the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor that A., B … and D … had high risk exposure,” concluded the judgement in relation to the case which has ultimately calls into question the reliability of the tests.


JW, link?
Karen Karasaki yields nothing.
This is SO encouraging, would like to share.

JW in Germany

HI Piper…it is from her FB page linked below.


Heh. Someone gave Linus Torvalds a big Ryzen (maybe THE big one, Ryzen 9 5950X [list price $799] which handles up to 64G RAM). He wrote a blog post that he couldn’t recompile the Linux kernel and take a leak without it being done before he got back. Now they’re out-of-stock everywhere and street price is $1400.

Used to be, everyone would compile a kernel and wait for five hours for it to complete.


Melissa Red Pill the World – A Different Perspective

DECEMBER 17, 2020
What’s Next? Subpoenas, Congress, Kim Clement, Aquarius is Next! 12 17 20


It doesn’t matter what rights you have under the Constitution, if the government can punish you for exercising those rights. And it doesn’t matter what limits the Constitution puts on government officials’ power, if they can exceed those limits without any adverse consequences.

— Thomas Sowell (@ThomasSowell) December 17, 2020

JW in Germany

2nd Amendment—the ultimate adverse consequence!


this is weird…look at the plunger…

JW in Germany

Without a doubt…EMPTY! In fact, the needle may not have been inserted into the arm

Deplorable Patriot

Pure theater psy-op photo ops.

So, how many people out there believe their lying eyes.


The question remains, IF these are actual medical personnel (not crisis actors) …why would they participate in a fake vaccine? DH and I just cannot wrap our minds around such deliberate deception on what going on…including Congress, federal agencies, etc.

Deplorable Patriot



Probably right. We both grew up in VERY poor circumstances but thank goodness had hard-working,honest parents who passed along their values and sense of self-respect and pride.
To this day, neither of us would dream of cheating, even though we have experienced all sorts of it from even friends, and in DH’s case patients. Not trying to come across as angels, it’s just in our DNA and that’s why we often have such problems accepting the realities.
At one time, I ran an orthodontic national lab and I was so naive that I didn’t realize salesmen and others were trying to subtly bribe me. It was only after some kind soul took me aside and told me “the facts of life” about how cut-throat business was done (at the time in the NE, home of same) that I started seeing it. As others post…once you see it, you cannot UN-see it.


This really is the million dollar question, isn’t it.

What the hell is wrong with SO MANY PEOPLE?

We hear all the time how a conspiracy that big would have to leak. But we can see it with our own eyes. We know it is happening.

How do they do it?


Now they’re CYA saying he was re-vaccinated on Wednesday. Right.

Deplorable Patriot

When the out of the blue stuff like this surfaces, I always keep it as a data point. Not splashy, not gossipy, just pure information.

Lessons from working for and around the donor class. The truth of malfeasance, fraud, and the rest that falls under the umbrella of corruption is rarely sexy.


I remember reading once somewhere that Evil is banal. We expect horns hooves and sulpher, but it ain’t so.


I HATE the UN!


Climate summit: UN chief tells all countries to declare a climate emergency or face ‘catastrophic’ results

World leaders pledged to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at a virtual UN climate meeting on Saturday.


NOW? can we tell them NOW to hit the road?

Gail Combs

comment image



Deplorable Patriot

Eminent domain, baby. They’re squatting on one really valuable piece of real estate.


right…and who knows REAL ESTATE better than POTUS? lol


Isn’t it about time for another TRUMP Tower?

Deplorable Patriot

I was actually thinking Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, but sure.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First floor: Video library of leftist meltdowns.

Deplorable Patriot

Played on wall type screens on a continuous loop.

Sadie Slays

In regard to Grandmaintexas’s post, the reason why I haven’t been posting as much is because I’m focusing on prepping right now. I’m spending the bulk of my time updating my survival knowledge, plans, and gear for the current situation. Strongly recommend everyone here do the same. IMO, this isn’t ending without martial law, violence, and severe disruption. 


I have to confess ,I was born into a poor family oldest of 6 siblings,we prepped all year round. It is life being prepped. Lots of people strive for the best if everything cars,trips,grand homes and all that and usually not prepping for a bad week or month leaning on the government for help. I learned to be content no matter where I was in life and that was not easy.the Lord has me right where he wants me, out of town in an old manufactured home on a piece of land with a water supply .
Our Father in heaven provides wonderfully even if don’t see it. I used to desire the fancy trappings of life but Jesus knew right where I needed to be and it’s right where I am at this very moment. I am so glad I grew up poor working on a farm .It has given me a skill set that has served me well throughout my 60 some years here.remember this ,the wolf is always at the door and you will always be prepared. Country folks always survive it’s in our DNA.


nothing to “confess”!
my Pop had to quit school at 14 to find work to support his family. his mom and dad both came down with influenza and couldn’t function. he found work in a pants factory and when my grandparents recovered, he never went back to school. he worked in that factory for years–met my mom there many years later. (she got a job there to support her family–a family of 17!)
my Pop later got a job at a dairy–he was a milkman–when that later closed, he worked as a laborer in construction and every winter he got laid off. then my mom would find work in factories–where she walked miles to work–third shift while Pop stayed home with us kids.
he eventually found year round work at a big newspaper-working in the warehouse.
we were never rich, or well off…mom taught how to stock up when things were better to ward off hurting when times were bad. Pop taught us no work was menial if it meant supporting the ones you love.
we are the backbone of America…her spirit and her determination!


Thank you pat!


My mother grew up in a very large family (something like 12 children born…9 lived to adults)…she was next to youngest. Her father worked on a ranch in Texas…made practically nothing. He never learned to read or write, which limited his opportunities. Now we know he probably had severe dyslexia. I don’t think they even had electricity for many years.
Most of her older brothers either dropped out of school (grade school!) to work or went into the service. Her mother, of course, made all their clothes, by hand, at night when everyone was in bed..sewing by lantern light. (BTW, she lived to 100! Perfect example of survival of the fittest).
Mom often told us that Xmas gifts were usually empty spools of thread to play with…the original Legos …and some pecans gathered from local trees. IF it was a good year, they got a fresh orange, as well.
Yes, indeed, backbone of America!


Thank you for sharing! My grandma made all of our clothes,even our under garments.and they would go down to Oroville once a year and bring us kids oranges.her and gramps came on Sundays and took us to church in an old wood building .I still love that old church it’s still there.good memories.


Definitely can relate, Suzy! Not only are we survivors but we will probably end up helping other survive, as well. DNA, baby!
I lived and worked in Third World countries and always felt perfectly comfortable…maybe because of my childhood.


If I can help I surely will.Lord of Heaven has placed us here for a purpose now I know why finally lol


Yes, I am one like you.

I learned at my grandma’s knee. She lived through the Great Depression. I am old school mountain hillbilly stock. I can, freeze, dry, pickle, and preserve. I grow a lot of what we have. I am never without basic food to last at least a couple of months, and “normal” food to last at least the first couple before that.

Country folks will survive, indeed. City folks will be out of food in a week. It’s scary to think about what will happen to them if it crashes and burns. Food riots are no joke.


I am from last house at the end of the road lol my great grandmothers place. Grandma taught us all so much. I don’t think much of money except as a tool.the food riots are what scares me,nothing is more dangerous than a hungry mob. My husband is who I stand behind he is my protector and our pit bulls. The man is we may be just country folk but we ain’t stupid!!

Sadie Slays

It feels like the prepping final exam is coming up, and this is the absolute last chance to make sure my preps are order. I don’t mean to sound dramatic about it, but I strongly feel like God is calling me to do this right now. And to be honest, it’s the best coping mechanism I’ve found since Election Day. I can’t control the infuriating news, but I can control whether my flashlights have fresh batteries in case of an extended power outage. It’s giving some peace of mind.


I think it’s my coping tool also .I’ve been a nervous Nellie my whole life and gardening,cooking and food stocking is soothing to my soul.


from The American Thinker

comment image

JW in Germany

Yogi! Back when baseball truly was America’s sport.

Deplorable Patriot

The pride of The Hill. There’s a park in that neighborhood named for a relative of his.



I am very disappointed in the United States Supreme Court, and so is our great country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 18, 2020


Sidney said she is sure that Doug Collins won the Georgia senate seat even though Loeffler is now in a runoff for the seat and she said that John James definitely won the Michigan senate race.

— 🌸 AngelOfTruth 🌸 (@AngelMedium26) December 17, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I was wondering about Collins. Depending on the fraud outcome, there may be a number of races overturned.





JW in Germany

Regardless of fake or real…President Trump’s tweet from 2018 is a strong reminder that HE IS AWARE!

No way…NO WAY…that President Trump did not prepare for this election. Too much to lose for him not to have insurance…all of his tweets, msm interviews, and rallies going back many years PROVE that he has known for a very long time the scope of the corruption that he is up against.

Even a great man like Donald J. Trump does not dare to take on such a machine without SERIOUS backup—United States of America Military bolstered by the patriotic might of tens of millions of Deplorables.


Cari Kelemen

Wherever you are at 4:45 pm Eastern, please Pause to Pray for one minute with me and many others for our president and our nation, knowing that for that minute, we are unified in prayer. My alarm is set!


awesome…will do!!!


Here are those images:
comment image
comment image
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Thanks, Wheatie!!! Appreciate the Assist!!!


What Can We Do ?

article link…


author presents 12 good ideas.

because We The American People must do something…

we must fight in the spirit of 1776.

Deplorable Patriot

because We The American People must do something…

Action is part of the national psyche. Letting things play out is not one of our strong suits.


I am utterly disgusted at SCOTUS…first they refuse to hear the case from Texas about other states corrupting the constitutional power of state legislatures to make election laws…now they refuse to hear the Kansas case where the state legislature enacted a law in 2011 (iirc) to required proof of citizenship to REGISTER to vote. what happened to STATE’S rights in this case?


The shocking part is that No other state requires proof of citizenship to register to vote. Kansas was the only state (some of laws on the books but they do not enforce them – again, going around their legislatures to enact defacto law via administrative bureaucracy, which is usually to the left of the legislatures. The uniqueness of Kansas requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote played a role in SCOTUS refusal to hear the case.

States require a driver’s liscense but not proof of citizenship.

If we are shocked, stunned or surprised that Kansas can’t do this, then that comes from a place of not realizing that No other states do it at this time.

I was very bothered that TN doesn’t and researched what is required to register to vote.
Social Security # is required but not additonal paperwork such as birth certificate or passport.

“Kansas had been the only state to require people to show a physical document such as a birth certificate or passport when applying to register to vote. The issue is distinct from state laws that call for people to produce driver licenses or other photo IDs to cast a vote in person.”

The link is a “fact check”/biased presentation of President Trump saying:
“Most Americans would also be shocked to learn that no state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections,” Trump said in his 46-minute speech overflowing with falsehoods about voter fraud. “This is a national disgrace.”

This is a true statement but the article tries to make it false by explaining what states do – check social security data bases and driver’s licenses, etc. Problems with this include stolen ID of ss#s and fake drriver’s licenses and states that give illegal aliens driver’s licenses etc.

While the article is attempting to “debunk” President Trump’s above statement, it does lay out what is and isn’t done on the state level and President Trump, as usual, is 100% correct.

Funny – the article uses the laws against lying on the registration form as “proof” that the states “require” only citizens to vote.  🙄


From the link:

“Four states have laws on the books that require additional proof of citizenship to register at the time of application, but only Arizona’s is actually in effect, said Dale Ho, director of the voting rights project at the ACLU.

In Arizona, applicants using the state registration form must provide proof of citizenship to be a “full ballot” voter to cast votes in local, state and federal races. That proof can be a state-issued ID such as a driver’s license, as long as they obtained it while they were citizens, or other forms such as naturalization documents, birth certificate or passport. If the applicant provides a driver’s license number, election officials will verify their citizenship using state motor vehicle records.
If applicants attest that they are citizens but provide no proof and the state can’t verify their citizenship, those applicants can vote in federal races only. About 25,000 of the state’s 4.2 million voters are “federal only” voters.

Kansas, Alabama and Georgia also have laws requiring documentary proof, but none is in effect. Kansas’ law was struck down in federal court in April; Alabama and Georgia never enforced their laws.  

A spokesperson for the Kansas secretary of state told us that they don’t independently verify proof of citizenship.”

Federal Only?!!!!

So AZ sends people to the polls to vote in federal elections that they suspect are not citizens?!!!

SCOTUS refusals to hear the case is disappointing but the lack of verification, other than SS#, in All 50 states is what is actually schocking.

President Trump discussed this in his 45 min. speach from several weeks ago.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Can aliens get a Texas D/L? If so then certified copy doesn’t matter.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I dunno, but this is the FIX. If they got one previously, they WON’T be able to renew it. It may take a while to clean up, but we’re halting future fraud. GET ILLEGALS THE HELL OUT! DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re forgetting about the third category, legal resident aliens.

Presumably they can get a driver’s license, yet they are not citizens.

Is the driver’s license marked in some way as to citizenship?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I dunno, but would think they would be. That way when they try to put TDL in machine at Voting desk, they’ll be rejected.


So does Kansas (for unrestricted license) . So the need for this law seems strange unless there is some thing in the voting laws currently that allow citizens not to show this form of ID which they are trying correct but perhaps doing it the wrong way?


A birth certificate is NOT proof of US citizenship. It is proof of US birth.

The best method of proving citizenship at this time (after warning that a false swearing is a felony) is to take an oath at the registrar’s office that one is a US citizen. Yup, the whole shebang – raise your right hand and swear or affirm that you are a US citizen while face-to-face with the registrar’s deputy.

Few people will falsely swear.

JW in Germany

Lt. General McInerney & Maj. General Vallely on Secession, Civil War, Insurrection Act or Surrender?

JW in Germany

Really loving General McInerney! “Crush antifa!” protests.

Gail Combs


They sometimes have on Dr Vincent Pry TOO! 😍 

JW in Germany

The Generals does not mince words…I LOVE IT!

Paraphrasing the Generals: If the US courts are compromised, military tribunals MUST take over! Retired officers should run the tribunals…leaving current officers to command the action on the ground.

 💥  💥  💥  💥 

Gail Combs

I had been wondering how POTUS was going to get around OH!Bummer’s embeds in JAG.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree that they CAN do it.

Do they WANT to do it?

JW in Germany

Exactly the point of the Generals! Too many have been compromised in our civilian government. Not that there are not any true patriots in our government…simply they are outnumbered…so emergency actions are necessary. They are Constitutional.


planting seeds and leading up to future action





exactly–you don’t conduct an audit using INSIDERS…



Yes, get him on record! (Never will happen, of course)



I’ve thought all along that the whole “Russia Russia” thing was done as a way to Cover UP the spying on Trump…that the Hussein crew had been doing for years.


One lastthought before I have to start my chores ,today is bread making day.
This whole mess is like a tangled ball of string.Q has led us through the maze of treachery, lies ,corruption, satanic worship ,the levels of debauchery the corrupt indulge in ,the treason in our system all of It! My best advice for anyone confused at the unfolding events is to go here and start at the 1st post .Go on a journey of a lifetime. Q has has shown us the road just start walking!


This has gotten little attention, imo.

Hans Mahncke posted a portion of the email string not long ago…discussion of Kurt Volker making introductions for Blue Star Strategies to the McCain Institute for leadership training of Ukrainian prosecutors, sponsored by Burisma.

Yovanovich and M. Carpenter are included in a version the thread.

Brave and Free
Last edited 4 years ago by Brave and Free

AMA has been Lefty a long time, like many of our other professional organizations.


Looks real…but we don’t know what was in that syringe.


could be a B12 shot or whatever the happy B vitamin is…

Steve in Lewes

Happy B vitamin = Bourbon!




HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…found OT h/t Winston

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Intel Hosts Beautiful Drone Light Show


Lets see, stay on as failing hated mayor of l.a. or take a do nothing federal job…. yeah not his choice.

Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) Tweeted: This wasn’t his choice.

Gail Combs

Sounds like he has doubt that there WILL BE a Biden Presidency.


I think so. As arrogant as he is….


At this point…he should have had it in public. Me no trust….

Make L.A Great Again 🇺🇸 (@lalovestrump) Tweeted: Vice President Pence receives COVID-19 vaccine via @nypost

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He did, I just watched the video.


Ok. I still wont do it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Me either.


He did have it live for public viewing. Do you mean with a live audience to be public?

I don’t care who has it in public, its not for me. But I am glad it is here as many want it and takes away excuses of Dems for lockdowns (doesn’t calling it “lockdowns” and “shutdowns” sound like punishment?)


There have been fake injections so yes to all.


I don’t think Pence would knowingly deceive (but I have been surprised by who is swamp/dishonest before) so I believe that he received the vaccine live in the video (or at least thinks he did, IDK).

However, me saying that yes, he received it “publicly” (via live video) does not mean that I promote/support the vaccine or will receive it myself.

Just to clarify that Pence receiving the vaccine live does not mean I support the vaccine. One thing can be true without me agreeing with their point.


If you think Secret Service would allow this, you’re dreaming.


Respectfully, Mr, VP, vaccines are a hard “NO” for me.

On the other hand, if this removes the unnecessary lockdowns, so be it. My only concern (and I do hope that it’s an unwarranted concern) is that the vaccines may usher in a different type of control. Will mandatory vaccines be used as a bargaining chip to resume normal activities?

Last edited 4 years ago by MysticRose80
Gail Combs

That is my fear also. No Vaccine means HOUSE ARREST. (Think Californicate)


Yes and even then you are agreeing to total control of YOUR BODY by someone else.
Now they will say you must have a permit to have a child and a gmo one at that. Nazi redux.
No they cannot have control.


Pence aged the last four years. He was and is a busy VP and took on a load of responsibility.
That he is getting the vaccine at the WH I am not to concerned maybe he gets a better dose than is available to us? He also has good doctors available to him.


You noticed the aging, as well? Most of the inner circle in the WH do…lots of demands and stress on many. Ironically, POTUS doesn’t appear to have aged a great deal. Nor has Melania and she probably has had more stress than any First Lady in history.


POTUS thrives on stress some people do others do not. An A personality might be the secret.
I one time read POTUSmoves on from day to day so does my husband they do not linger on the day past and therefore are refreshed each day. Then there is a person who worries cannot let go and one can see it on them.
Hope Pence is feeling well after his vaccine.


DH is definitely an A (more like a AAA!) personality but it’s probably his Sicilian genes…he does not and cannot “let go” and actually loses sleep worrying about things totally out of his control.
IMO, the great leaders can compartmentalize (is that even a verb?) problems and go on to work on the next one.


Haha! I’m the same way.


.@senatemajldr and Republican Senators have to get tougher, or you won’t have a Republican Party anymore. We won the Presidential Election, by a lot. FIGHT FOR IT. Don’t let them take it away!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 18, 2020


Governor @BrianKempGA of Georgia still has not called a Special Session. So easy to do, why is he not doing it? It will give us the State. MUST ACT NOW!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 18, 2020


Grandmaintexas 5 Dec 2019 at 05:15
The Christmas Spirit is alive and well.

Christmas Spirit

Christmas spirit is a wonderful thing
Faith, family, friends . . . all the joy it brings
The sights, sounds and smells bring back memories
Of Christmas past, and gatherings, and ease

Yule logs crackling in a bright, glowing fire
The country church with the cross on the spire
Christmas Eve service with candle in hand
Beautiful light displays, simple or grand

A single bell ringing, with a black pot
For a collection for those who have naught
Billowy, white waves of new fallen snow
Sparkling, surreal in the moon’s soft, pale glow

Listening for bells on a horse drawn sleigh
Clip-clopping on the road, passing this way
Red candles and cards set around the room
The heady smell of pine, nature’s perfume

Gaily wrapped presents, all under the tree
Mostly for you, but a few there for me
Grandma’s snow globe with the small village scene
Hand carved nativity wood figurines

Stockings on the mantel, stuffed, hanging down
Outside, carolers from our little town
Tinsel and garland, brightly glowing lights
Lost in a reverie where all feels so right

These fond memories, in so many ways
Transport us away from our real world days
To Christmas season, the best of the year
A peaceful world full of holiday cheer

All these aspects are wonderful, you see
But, in the end, I think you’ll agree
They’re not required, though we’re totally awed
‘Cause the real Christmas Spirit is our God


Wonderfully expressed, BakoCarl – I can see it – smell it – and feel it!!!

God Bless You Real Good for sharing your Gift from God with us!!!


Thank you, Carl.
 😌  💖 
That’s beautiful.


I had forgotten that toilet paper rolls used to be wider.
  :wpds_unamused: *puts hands on hips*

Been prepping for a long time…and looked into a bin of paper goods that I had put up in prepping for the ‘Great 2012 Mayan Apocalypse’.
I think I put it together in 2010.

No need to rotate anything in there; it’s all paper stuff…TP, paper towels, paper plates.

But I pulled out one of the packages of TP — and the rolls are bigger.
They’re about a half inch wider than they are now!

I showed it to mr. wheatie and he said:
“Maybe we should put it on Ebay…it’s a collectors item now.”



It’s how they raise prices without raising them.

Cereal boxes are another great example. The “face” of the box never changes size. But the “thickness” of the box diminishes.

Sneaky bastards.


Yep…I’ve noticed.

Keebler crackers, for example…
Same size box, but now it’s only 2/3 full.


I made a batch of seasoned salt the other day. The recipe starts with a 28 oz box of salt…as the boxes always were. But, I happened to check and the new salt boxes are now 26 oz. of course, this throws the entire recipe off, so I had to add 2 oz from another box to make it right.
I’ve thought for quite some time about the traditional recipes…good example is the 8 oz block of cream cheese used in thousands of recipes. I keep waiting for it to repackaged as 6 oz and really screw us ip.
DH who loves ice cream, fusses constantly how a “half-gallon” is far from it these days.

Linda Harrison

The “size” of the box needs to stay the same size, otherwise the grocery stores would be constantly “resetting” the aisle.

Paper rollers also change the size of the inner cardboard tube.

Deplorable Patriot

Ground report of sorts:

Last night I had a rehearsal at the Church where I sing from time to time for Christmas Eve. In previous years, we’ve had 10-12 singers, a string quartet and brass instruments for this particular Mass. This year, it is the organist, a baritone, me and a violin. That’s it. That’s what one of the Churches where the tourists and ball game goers attend Mass can afford this year. No baseball or hockey games, no tourism, no conventions, and the $$ dries up.

That’s one reality.

Here’s the other: no rehearsals, no going out for a drink after rehearsal, no parish contact, and a lot of us are out of the loop, big time. As the organist and the baritone were talking, the organist found out a parishoner died over the summer much to his shock. Then we were talking after we were finished and I relayed how sick I was in both December and March and my suspicions on which bug was actually COVID, and that I think the testing is just not right at all. Didn’t bring up the conspiracy stuff, but used my own experiences and observations.

Of course, it wasn’t until the masks came off to sing that we conversed freely.
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The lockdowns are really truly about keeping the truth suppressed, I am quite sure.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

One of the things the organist said last night about the string quartet he usually uses for Christmas Eve is that they are starving. There is literally no work for them. And he is sick about it.

What this guy has to say is the God’s honest truth, and more and more the Joe the Plumbers are going to come out of the woodwork to say similar things:


This is just heartbreaking.
And…infuriating too!

I hope he is right about people fighting back.
Because it’s time!

Gail Combs

If us old ‘grannys’ are ready to fight, you better believe the Young Bucks who are worried about feeding their families, are raring to go!

I think one of the purposes of Q was to keep the lid on the unrest from the Right. However one word from POTUS and there WILL be a massive uprising.


>> “keep the lid on the unrest” <<

This is my thinking also.

To prevent a Ukrainian-style “Maidan” event, wherein two contingents clash, only to have a THIRD party – on the rooftops, sniping – light the spark for a Color Revolution.

Knowledge is power.


the young bucks who were prospering before covid hit–POTUS gave this country a much needed injection of pride–in our country, in providing for our families–in just being Americans. now it’s all being stripped away…damn right they’ll fight–

if I can’t shoot well enough, I can always reload for the guy who can!

Gail Combs

Exactly my point of View.

To shoot I have to find the correct point on the target to aim for… That is the NEXT TARGET OVER FROM THE ONE I PLAN TO HIT! 🤓 

And no I am not kidding. My astigmatism is that bad.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are worse things than astigmatism for shooting, believe me.

One of my favorite iron-sighted rifles has a rear sight peephole that becomes a vertical ellipse in front of my eye (actually, it’s a vertical “racetrack” shape). I’ve learned I just have to use the bottom curve of the thing to aim with, rather than trying to center the front sight vertically.


That’s why RPGs were invented. Accuracy desired but certainly not required.



When people get desperate even calming people down does not work. Christmas is the turning point for Christians. When people cannot feed their family not able to give gifts to their children even small once the hell breaks loose.


Not to mention being told not to get together!


He’s got a point. I’m starting to see somewhat of a shift in attitudes toward these lockdowns… my blue as hell area. While I highly doubt that they’ll have the balls to partake in civil disobedience, they may, at the very least, refrain from going full Karen should there be a mass rebellion.

This is why I’m cautiously optimistic that this foolishness will end sooner than expected.


We can take the country back if all Christians flood the churches without mask they cannot arrest everyone.
I still remember the DDR they protested in all the churches and then they spilled out to the marketplaces all over the country. They were not able to shoot everyone. They did this for weeks until freedom came. The world was watching could not kill unarmed women children old and young men.
This could work here also if Pastors and Priest grow a pair.


Agreed. Has to be in masses and not a handful of people. To a degree, I can understand some of the fear that prevents people from defying the mandates. However, I think mass resistance will prove a little more challenging to stop.

Personally, I feel that the lack of rampant civil disobedience has contributed to emboldening these corrupt governors into ramping up the mandates/lockdowns.


The resistance has to have happen right away and it is harder the longer time goes on but can be done. Mass organized through churches is going to be hard to shoot a bunch of Christians in the US.


singing, my church has been open since March 21st…and the visitors have been steadily increasing as more and more people are saying We’re going to church this Sunday!
We are normally ab 230-240 regular attendees, and last Sunday, we had over 300 people with us!
People ARE getting fed up.


That is good new people are pushing back 🙂


I learned yesterday that a local restaaurant had closed. It had great food, and I had gotten take-out there a couple of months ago. Some of the stores do not have the selection of goods that they used to have, either. These things affect people up and down the supply lines. Many are losing their jobs and even their businesses. I see this as a coup.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s really funny. Here the City of St. Louis is not in the county, and the mayor there is not running for re-election. So, she has the city open saying the restaurants is not how things are spread.

The county executive, who has an MD behind his name, OTOH, has the county locked up like a virgin on prom night.


A couple of days ago I was at the bank. The teller with a mask spoke to me and I gave her an empty stare not responding. She pulled her mask down so did I smiling and she repeated her question to me. Still smiling with mask pulled down I wished her a Merry Christmas. She forgot to pull her mask up and smiled back.
I have a new method to fight this mask madness my way  😎 


I always suspected there was a crafty German lady hidden away! 😂
Although I avoid mask-requiring places, if I do encounter it I just keep saying, “I can’t understand you” until they pull the mask down. Of course, I realize they are just confirming to Nazi orders by even wearing one, so I say it with a smile. I figure it gives them a little mask break, too.


We women know how to get around the mask without creating a scene 🙂


Kenny Webster (@KenWebsterII) Tweeted: True but she’s always sweating


The Immaculate Deception : Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities


Peter Navarro’s Report Is Must-Reading To Understand The Election




Re: Solar Winds contracts with USG:

Now, let’s do FireEye, the company that allegedly discovered the hack, appears to be leading the”investigation”, and making Russia, Russia, Russia claims:

Asking again, is FireEye the IT provider of Solar Winds to the hacked USG agencies? Did they open the door by providing the key?


I am curous as to the reasoning, the logic, behind those who support a revote in the most obviously compromised states that are playing a key role in the 2020 election (I think we have issues of election security in many states, if not all, that are not in focus because they are not in play right now – CA for one example).

A “revote” for 2020 is not a Constitutional process and goes Against the process involved. We have a Constitutional process when there are issues with a POTUS election in a particular state. How can conservatives support a non Constitutional process that supplants the actual process/resolution perscribed in the Constitution?

What am I missing as I am 100% against a revote as that is not the resolution process laid out in the Constitution.

The only reason to do a “revote” versus follow the Constitutional process/steps in this situation would be to avoid riots, keep the peace with Dems and to seem “fair” in the media coverage – all of which are fool’s errands as a revote will not accomplish any of the three. To choose to not follow the Constitution to avoid riots is no different than the Robert’s rumors of why SCOTUS didn’t take up TX lawsuits.

Gail Combs

No revote. Just do a REAL GOOD forensic audit. If the information has been destroyed (Like envelopes with signatures) then TOSS THOSE VOTES! And arrest and convict those responsible.

Ayything that was not done according to the laws passed by the state legislatures ALSO GETS TOSSED.

OR you can go straight to the heart of the matter.

𝗙𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗱 𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗹𝘀) 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗯𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗶𝘁.

That means if extensive & deliberate fraud is proved, ALL DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES LOSE in that state and any other states where they cheated. 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗗!

I think this is the actual plan and that is why POTUS is allowing the US Courts and state legislatures to make fools of themselves. Riots by BLM and Aunty Fa are not a problem because of the Insurrection Act. The military, under the guise of distributing the vaccine, are already in place.


this is what makes sense to me.

No revote.

Thorough, credible investigation, throughout results from fraud riddled states and go from there through the Constitutional options – legislatures appointed EC and House voting


1000% like!




From Gab:

Jordan Sather


YO – if this is true, what’s about to pop off!?


Scoop: Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings
comment image

………..From the article:

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.

Behind the scenes: A top Biden official was unaware of the directive. Administration officials left open the possibility cooperation would resume after a holiday pause. The officials were unsure what prompted Miller’s action, or whether President Trump approved.

Why it matters: Miller’s move, which stunned officials throughout the Pentagon, was the biggest eruption yet of animus and mistrust toward the Biden team from the top level of the Trump administration.

What happened: Meetings between President Trump’s team and the Biden team are going on throughout the government, after a delayed start as the administration dragged its feet on officially recognizing Biden as president-elect.

  • Then on Thursday night, Miller — who was appointed Nov. 9, when Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper right after the election — ordered officials throughout the building to cancel scheduled transition meetings.

Pentagon official response: A senior Defense Department official sought to downplay the move, calling it “a simple delay of the last few scheduled meetings until after the new year.”

  • “We had fewer than two dozen remaining meetings on the schedule today and next week,” the official said, adding that “the DoD staff working the meetings were overwhelmed by the number of meetings.”
  • “These same senior leaders needed to do their day jobs and were being consumed by transition activities. … With the holidays we are taking a knee for two weeks. We are still committed to a productive transition.”

…………..End quoted text.


Is this ‘nothing to see here’…or are they using the Holidays for a reason to cut off the intel briefings?


they don’t know that we know that they know that we know they are crooks…so why show our hand anymore when we can use the holiday break as a good cover?


Yep…that’s what I was thinking too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m glad you said that, because until you did, I did not know that they didn’t know that we know that they know that we know that they are crooks.

I had been under the misimpression that they did know that we know that they know that we know they are crooks.

Thank you for the clarification!  😆 

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Praying Medic retweeted Ric Grennell saying this is false and more briefings have been given than the POTUS team received in 2016.


“Look! Squirrel!


Well, the press release stated that the meetings were being “re-scheduled” because of the holiday. But “re-scheduled” means “already on the calendar and cancelled.”

Did someone have to remind them it was Christmas next week? Seriously? They didn’t KNOW there was a holiday?

I call bullshit. They are pretending for whatever reason. But we know the truth.


Gee, that’s a nice job / company you have there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.”

😡 😡 😡

Economic coercion and blackmail, by the left (naturally).

Larry Fink’s Blackrock Doubles Down on Woke Capitalism


“The retirement savings and investment accounts of millions of Americans are being used to pressure corporate Americans into adopting the left’s climate agenda and divisive racial politics.

Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager, has been moving steadily leftward for years and has been putting pressure on public companies to comply with a set of “principles” that read like they were written by Green New Deal and Black Lives Matter activists.

Not surprisingly, Blackrock chief Fink was a major backer of Joe Biden’s campaign for the White House. And Blackrock is sending people from its offices into the administration.

Blackrock, which controls $7.8 trillion of assets 😳 😮 , holds hundreds of meetings with corporate leaders in which executives are grilled on how they are complying with the asset manager’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” agenda.

Where we believe companies are not moving with sufficient speed and urgency, our most frequent course of action will be to hold directors accountable by voting against their re-election,” Blackrock wrote in its 2021 Stewardship Expectations report.

When Blackrock speaks, companies tend to listen. In its Expectations report, Blackrock even brags about how it has pressured boards of companies into adopting racial quotas: “41% of companies where we voted against directors for diversity reasons in 2019 increased their board diversity in the following year.”

Blackrock is also promising to monitor the political activities of public companies to make sure they are not supporting conservative political positions on climate regulation or race-based policies.

We will now seek confirmation from companies, through engagement or disclosure, that their corporate political activities are consistent with their public statements on material and strategic policy issues. Moreover, we expect companies to monitor the positions taken by trade associations of which they are active members on such issues for consistency on major policy positions and to provide an explanation where inconsistencies exist.


Leftists, drunk with power, can be a horrifying thing to behold.
comment image

And I don’t like Breitbart’s calling this “Woke Capitalism”.

Capitalism is a meritocracy.

You are right to call it what it is, FG&C…this is economic coercion and blackmail!

Gail Combs

This goes back to what I was saying about the CONTROL of the international aka Transnational Corporations.

The Network of Global Corporate Control


The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability…. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie structure and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.




Concentration of Control

…….. In principle, one could expect inequality of control to be comparable to inequality of income across households and firms, since shares of most corporations are publicly accessible in stock markets. In contrast, we find that only  top holders accumulate  of the control over the value of all TNCs (see also the list of the top  holders in Table S1 of Appendix S1). The corresponding level of concentration is , to be compared with  for operating revenue. Other sensible comparisons include: income distribution in developed countries with  [22] and corporate revenue in Fortune1000 (  in 2009). This means that network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth. In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth.… 

When this paper first came out in October 26, 2011, I pointed out that the Control was so much larger because of MUTUAL FUNDS.

What Is a Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers, who allocate the fund’s assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income for the fund’s investors…..

Understanding Mutual Funds

Mutual funds pool money from the investing public and use that money to buy other securities, usually stocks and bonds. The value of the mutual fund company depends on the performance of the securities it decides to buy. So, when you buy a unit or share of a mutual fund, you are buying the performance of its portfolio or, more precisely, a part of the portfolio’s value. Investing in a share of a mutual fund is different from investing in shares of stock. 𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗰𝗸, 𝗺𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀. A share of a mutual fund represents investments in many different stocks (or other securities) instead of just one holding….

In other words, if you did not BUY STOCK but instead invest in a mutual fund YOU GAVE THEM CONTROL of the stocks YOUR MONEY is buying. This is why our publicly traded corporations have taken a hard turn left. Those that CONTROL Mutual Funds and Pension Funds CONTROL THOUSANDS OF CORPORATIONS!

BLACKROCK is a MUTUAL FUND among other things.


It’s political-economic war.

This is communism intentionally corrupting capitalism to achieve political ends.

Gail Combs


It also ties into the Federal Reserve and Banksters who are actually behind the push for Communism.

If these Oligarchs were NOT in favor of Communism, do you think it would still be alive?

Communism is nothing more that putting lipstick and a fresh new dress on FEUDALISM to convince the peasants they want to give up their freedom and property rights and become serfs again.

Cartoon by Robert Minor (a communist) in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1911). Karl Marx surrounded by an appreciative audience of Wall Street financiers: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. (Pontifex Maximus) Morgan, (Pontifex Maximus), John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Gail they always have been behind communism Nazism because they benefit of the misery of the deplorable. Most common people do not go in for those extreme systems because they always loose freedom.

Deplorable Patriot

We now call the Post-Dispatch the Post-Disgrace. Once the Pulitzers were no longer in the picture, the paper tanked all the way around.

Gail Combs

I could not edit so this is the portion with all the links which are actually formulas and numbers.

Concentration of Control

…….. In principle, one could expect inequality of control to be comparable to inequality of income across households and firms, since shares of most corporations are publicly accessible in stock markets. In contrast, we find that only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs (see also the list of the top 50 holders in Table S1 of Appendix S1). The corresponding level of concentration is n1 = 0.61% , to be compared with n2 = 3.45% for operating revenue. Other sensible comparisons include: income distribution in developed countries with n3 ~ 5% — 10% [22] and corporate revenue in Fortune1000 ( n4 ~ 30% in 2009). This means that network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth. In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth.… 



Gail Combs

Yes, WOW!

That is why I post this study when ever I get a chance.

“….only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs…”

 The article Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class lists the top companies AND the officers running these corporations.

…In this study, we decided to identify in detail the people on the boards of directors of the top ten asset management firms and the top ten most centralized corporations in the world. Because of overlaps, there is a total of thirteen firms, which collectively have 161 directors on their boards. We think that this group of 161 individuals represents the financial core of the world’s transnational capitalist class. They collectively manage $23.91 trillion in funds and operate in nearly every country in the world. They are the center of the financial capital that powers the global economic system. Western governments and international policy bodies work in the interests of this financial core to protect the free flow of capital investment anywhere in the world….



I was excited for the vaccine to roll out so that those who wanted it could have it and then we could move past the lockdowns/shutdowns.

Doesn’t look like that will happen. large medical system has vaccine and is giving it to their front line workers first. Not mentioning much to the public because of expected public demand.

Explained to employees that vacine will not stop you from getting virus. With vaccine will still get virus, still be contagious and still need to quarentine of sick and will still get sick. Virus is just supposed to be less likely to be deadly with the specific vaccine they have and are using and be less likely to go into complications (heart, pneumonia, etc. – the many complications that people go into from wuflu and then die from the wuflu created/triggered complications).

And will need multiple, ongoing doses.

They are not even claiming vaccine will work to prevent one from becoming sick – only will make it less severe – ie nothing changes on “mitigations”!!! UGH! When will this stop?!

Nasty virus and I urge caution but that is Much different than gov imposed “caution”.


Was a huge eye opener (probably equal to a “red pill”) for husband who was med school trained when he looked deeper, starting with inserts, then realizing the scanty testing (as compared to drugs), lack of longitudinal studies, then researching ingredients, dosage, and finally schedule. Then we went on to side effects and efficacy. HUGE wake up for him! and we stopped all vaccines for son and, thankfully, did few to begin with as he started on that wake up journey while I was pregnant.


Another step I forgot to mention was the dangerous of the virus/disease against which the vaccine is supposed to protect. With today’s modern medicine readily avialable in the US, most common complications are easily addressed, such as dehydration, which kill in 3rd world countries. So we take our chances with the diseases v. vaccines. But intentionally and prepared with stuff on hand for the worse of the diseaes.

Gail Combs

“…such as dehydration, which kill in 3rd world countries. “

They have found that rice water helps in treating Cholera. I can’t find the study (I switched to a new computer and lost my book marks)

I did capture this in my notes

 leaky gut rice

…I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong with respect to resistant starch and SIBO. It’s not as simple as “giving bacteria food to ferment”- first of all, resistant starch selectively feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut, and the fermentation process does not happen until the starch reaches the colon. Since the RS is not used as an energy source by bacteria in the small intestine, it does not contribute to SIBO (standing for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Not only does it not feed the bacteria in the small intestine, but many strains of pathogenic and all tested strains of beneficial bacteria that I have seen have shown to adhere to the starch, thus carrying them out of the small intestine and into the large intestine where they can be excreted in feces. So it reduces levels of pathogens, is selectively used by beneficial bacteria, reduces levels of bacteria in the small intestine, increases butyrate production, and restores the integrity of tight junctions (if leaky gut develops from your SIBO, which is likely). Additionally, the SCFA (short-chain fatty acids) produced by RS digestion increases the frequency of peristaltic contractions of the ileum, which would again probably aid in the expulsion of bacteria from the small intestine. For some reason, it seems that everybody “knows” that RS is bad for SIBO, and yet I have yet to find a single scrap of information to support this clam, and plenty to think that such a claim might not be true at all. Notice that all the sites that uses as references simply advocate a FODMAPS diet, which actually does not contraindicate starches at all!

Again, to recap: RS removes bacteria from the small intestine and selectively feeds beneficial bacteria which results in butyrate production and proper function of tight junctions (thus relief from leaky gut).


Sources: (For actual photograph taken of bacteria adhering to resistant starch)


I got most of these studies from Tim Steele and some from Dr. BG over at Check out their stuff to learn way more information than you will ever need to know about SIBO and resistant starch. They also give some awesome dietary recommendations that got rid of my SIBO problems in less than a week (after an unsuccessful VLC intervention for over 2 months)

I use yogurt (replenish good bacteria) ginger and rice if I have digestive system problems. Getting off the OTC pain killers has done wonders too.


You are always a wealth of information and seemingly all at your finger tips!

We use very thin rice “soup” when ill – long tradition when ill in my husbands family. We use bone broth for extra nutrition. seems like this is based on real results with science to now back it up! 🙂

Gail Combs

 “…We use bone broth for extra nutrition….”

We are about to have that for lunch (Turkey neck soup.)

I now make ALL my own soups. I save the bones from poultry, pork, beef, goat, sheep… in the freezer and then make the bone broths in the winter. Pork makes a great broth for lentil or 15 bean soups. (A rare treat since I try to stay away from starches except for rice.)


Sheep broth?! We don’t buy much lamb since we buy beef bulk and so lamb is always so expensive in comparison.

Wow! I love deer broth and elk – we ordered bones special for me as I love them so. But expensive so a rare treat. Turkey broth – I look forward to the broth in the days after Thanksgiving more than the turkey itself! ha

We incorporate broth throughout the year but esp. in winter.


If you don’t have one I highly recommend getting a vac-seal machine…worth every penny. I vac-seal so much for the freezer because we are only 2, but I still like to buy in bulk.
But, I’m really into vac-sealing quart jars of soups, broths, pasta sauces, etc. for the garage fridge. I probably have a dozen quarts in there right now, including 2 of the French onion soup I made a few days ago.
They are perfect for days when I don’t feel like cooking or am too busy, and then of course I have another empty jar to fill. We currently have a friend in serious condition in hospital and his wife is exhausted, so easy to pull out a jar of homemade soup to send over to help them out when he is released to go home.

Gail Combs

I have about twenty ewes. The rams end up in the freezer and I keep the Ewe lambs.

I also have about fifteen goat does. The bucklings also head for the freezer.


I use chicken soup made from bone broth and little rice in it.
When I grew up if one was sick they gave us whipped egg white little sweetened.(raw eggs).

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Agreed about getting off OTC pain killers. I used some Ibuprofen for a few days right after the concussion (I keep a small bottle here for emergency use only). You’ll love this — my insurance was charged $6 for the ONE Ibuprofen tablet I took while in the ER on the day of the accident because the head pain was terrible.
I believe it’s probably not a good idea to mix using aspirin and other types of painkillers, OTC or prescription — or to mix using a “chemical” pain killer along with using an herbal pain remedy, unless it’s under MD supervision Possibly also telling one’s MD if using a CBD product may be a good idea.
My personal regime for headache is Valerian Root Salve; and for body aches, pure hemp cream plus moist heat pads.


As a former hospital administrator I have to jump in to remind that $6 for a pill pays for a dozen other things…salary of the person giving it to, the pharmacy that got it to the nurse, the location where you received it plus the utilities, maintenance of the facility, the parking lot where you kept your car, the billing and insurance personnel, etc, etc. Think of that $6 as a service charge or handling fee…don’t get hung up on the pill.
Okay, off my soap box.

Concerned Virginian

Understood, it was just an eye-opener when I read through the bill.


Believe me, in my 20+ years I heard it countless times! In reality, it’s the state insurance commission that sets the prices, not the hospital at all.


Ferments – whey or any dairy ferment does not do well with my husband and son so we don’t do yogurt (used to and made it from scratch – yum!). Now our favorite frements are carrots, cabbage and beets, adding various herbs (dill, thyme), garlic, onions sometimes and sometimes plain. Also do radishes. Have tried summer squash and cuccumbers. Never get them right and are too squishy.

Every day ferments – esp. in winter. Very good for gut health and great recommendation.


Have you ever tried fermenting red cabbage? That is so good 🙂


yep. just made a jar yesterday and will be ready in 10 weeks. we let cabbage go min. 10 wks and the rest min. of 2 weeks.

have 5 jars we keep in rotation.

tomatoes are great – natural tang makes them kind of like salsa. don’t know why we don’t do more tomatoes


Never did Tomatoes .


My Peri is sensitive to foods I give her Prosynbiotic pill from Standard Process.
Sometimes I cook rice with beef for her if she has trouble. I have not had to do this since I give her the pill with her food twice a day.
I eat Yogurt and also ferment my own sauerkraut. Ginger is also good and I use ginger in tea.


Rice water commonly used in Japan for babies and small children…something I learned from my friend there. She also makes her own yogurt and they have it every day for breakfast.


work associate got vaccine … and ID card showing she got her vaccine.  😱 

(having fun being able to use emojis! ha)

Concerned Virginian

Click on the “thedonald” link. Then click on the top message that has the headline.
Then click on comment by fRY7dly5 12/18/20 (Fri) 05:28:54 No.297316239. The comment has a tiny image of the flight logs pdf.
I saved copies of the pdf.

The links didn’t work for me — got a “404 Error” for them.


I looked at the comments farther down, and it appears it is not new.


It needed an l on the end htm. This’ll work….


From 8-kun, about an hour ago:

comment image

Anon said:

“Healthcare workers end up in ICU after taking Pfizer vaccine..
Makes total sense to get Vaccinated for something that has not been proven to exist..″

>> “has not been proven to exist” <<

IIRC, on July 13, 2020, the CDC’s website said – in the fine print – that the C-19 virus hadn’t been isolated. Meaning, I believe, that all tests are simply tests for generic coronavirus (and/or perhaps Rhinovirus, et al.).

It is ASSUMED that positive test results (even ignoring the massive false-positives) are ALL the dreaded Covid-19.

The fraud is daisy-chained, with one assumption piled on to another, then to another, and so on.

False diagnoses, inflated test results, false causes of death, false (re-)action by the comp’d Guvna’s, false reactions from lo-fo norms and karens.

The concatenation of lies is staggering!


>> “Insanity.” <<

Indeed. At first, I wanted to add “and Evil”, but after pausing, I realized that evil is, indeed, a form of insanity.

A few days ago, one anon relayed an experience with a police officer, who told the anon that confiscating guns was the officer’s “red line”, and would quit the department if (when) it comes to that.

My question is: “Why wait?

We all know where this leads – but instead of nipping it in the bud, as they SHOULD, the medical and law enforcement line-workers figure that they’ll wait until MORE damage to “We the People” is done???

Nice to see you here, grandma! I’m pleasantly surprised at the proportion of posters I remember from 18 months ago (I took a sabbatical, hmm…) who are still active.


Or, perhaps, insanity is a form of evil . . .


Okay, bakocarl, you just HAD to make me THINK moar!

Aristotelean syllogism formats:

ALL Evil is Insane.
NOT ALL Insanity is evil.

Ever heard the olde-tyme phrase “touched by the sun”?

People used to revere those with innocuous (no harm to others) mental afflictions, and judged that those who spoke what they believed to be the truth – societal norms be damned – were directly blessed by God.

The origin of the “Truth-to-power” idea?


Here’s a link to the instructions for use of the Rheonix Covid 19 PCR test:

FTD, pg.2:

…”Results are for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA is generally detectable in saliva and respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status.

The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.

Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all results to the appropriate public health authorities.”…


The rules are so fascistic that one could cry or (…) what ever.

Valerie Curren

Another Patriot family needs prayer, along w/ continuing prayers for POTUS, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy, Jenna, & all the legal eagles fighting to stop the steal!

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

I think that maybe mis-direction since the Military, BY LAW can not have anything to do with elections.

18 U.S. Code § 592.Troops at polls

Whoever, being an officer of the Army or Navy, or other person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, orders, brings, keeps, or has under his authority or control any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held, unless such force be necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, or trust under the United States.

This section shall not prevent any officer or member of the armed forces of the United States from exercising the right of suffrage in any election district to which he may belong, if otherwise qualified according to the laws of the State in which he offers to vote.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail. You’ve always got the goods & supporting documents.


From Gab:

Polish Owl 🇵🇱 🦉
Polish Owl

comment image

Valerie Curren

Call to action, per Michael Flynn, fyi

Valerie Curren

Code Monkey…notice Bye-done is double masked–is that level of hypoxia good w/ “dementia”???


I can explain that one…
he heard the Chinese Puppets’ masks were slipping and he wanted to be sure HIS was firmly in place…

Valerie Curren



>> “is that level of hypoxia good” <<

Of course not!

Wearing a mask is unhealthy for EVERYONE who wears one, especially for long periods of time.

Bidan (spelling intentional – he’s a doppleganger, IMO) is all-in, and I think that he knows death is coming for him, very soon.

All his cares are cast to the wind…

Btw, thanks for your reply to me a day or two ago. I don’t use Twister, though – is there someone who has my handle? Oh Noes! lol

Valerie Curren

OK, now that is interesting. I just saw “you” share several things on twitter, let me share a few with you here…

Um, I might have been in error & just saw “emerald” & made some assumptions–blush emoji big time!

Calling That Emerald a Q-Treeper is my error too–uh oh…

Emerald Robinson
It’s Friday, December 18 and Joe Biden is still not the President of the United States.
Donna M Freeman
Replying to
Will you follow me and promote my page to follow..? Enjoy your posts daily. Doing lots of work and Twitter diminishing followers daily! Thank you.
10:19 AM · Dec 18, 2020·Twitter for Android
Valerie Curren
*** Valerie Curren
Replying to
Donna, if you would UNLOCK Your Account then we could RETWEET what you share. You are saying A Lot of Great Things, but it’s Very Hard to pass them along!

I guess I’m having Humble Pie for dessert today!

Thanks for letting me know!!!

Curious on your doppleganger thoughts if you’d care to share!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

comment image

Valerie Curren

LOL Unfortunately my birthstone is Amethyst though plenty of relatives have Emeralds. In my case, since purple is my favorite color, things have worked out just fine 🙂


>> “Humble Pie for dessert” <<

Don’t worry – it’s a simple mistake!

And, I was inoculated almost 18 months ago against this virus …

I understand that the name “Emerald” is most always understood as a female name; yet, I chose the handle because (among other reasons) the rarest color of visible star is emerald.

I use “Emeraldstar” because I differentiate between reflected light (green) and emitted light (emerald). It’s from my astronomy courses, from college days.

Let it be known, from deep-root to leaf-tip here on “theqtree”, that I am male – just a regular guy! NO SOY! lol

>> doppleganger thoughts” <<

VSGPDJT has tweeted multiple times about “Bidan” (“he’s not the same guy” etc.), and the comparative photos of him display a *marked* difference in his appearance … not to mention a vastly different mentality.

Remember HRC’s body-double, just an hour or two after she was thrown into the van, on the 9/11 anniversary? Body-doubles have been around for quite a while … and now, we have CGI to augment the deception.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

*scratching my head*

I’d love to know of an example of an emerald star.

Obviously something is going on there beyond standard “black body” radiation (which [for others reading this] runs red->orange->yellow->white->blue as temperature increases).

Which of course would be why it’s rare. 🙂


Unless the Harvard-proper professor, who charitably taught Harvard Extension School courses (open to the public), was MASSIVELY in error; and unless my memory for singular assertions by teachers has run amok; there DO exist green-color (emerald) stars.

I believe I remember him giving an example – AND – it was on the mid-term exam (very tough) to explain WHY there are such stars.

Because there are blue stars (“sapphire”, to my nomenclature), and red stars (“ruby”, again according to my nomenclature), it’s eminently believable that green stars (“emerald”) must exist.

I didn’t know at the time that it would be best to have documented his statement – and his example, and explanation – for future use. At the time, I didn’t even know what color “magenta” is.

Steve, I believe it falls well within your acumen and expertise to FIND such an example. I would welcome it very much – to demonstrate that I do, in (believed) fact, know whereof I speak.

Up to you …

Valerie Curren

I would guess that Steve is up to that task if anyone is!

By your explanation here you describe yourself as a rare but nonfictional entity–nice.

Based on a motto gifted to me in college I was (& perhaps still am) perceived differently–“Out of touch unicorn unaware that it is a myth!”

Being mythical isn’t necessarily a bad place to be 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s why I had asked…I had never heard of such a thing and was hoping you had an example.

My very quick searches had turned up nothing. So I guess a deeper dive is called for.

This really is an odd thing to hear of, no less crazy than a pink and turquoise striped swan. (Notice I didn’t say black swan.)

As such, you being the one to assert such a thing exists, you should come up with the example.

I’ll continue looking, though–but what I’m finding is not encouraging.

Here’s the closest I have come:

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

“And, I was inoculated almost 18 months ago against this virus …”

The virus of presumption, embarrassment, CV, “female logic”–do tell what you Really mean please 🙂 

Thanks for the Emerald Star explanation. I wish I’d had astronomy classes, they sound fascinating. I was bogged down w/ pre-med, Biomedical Chemistry, & there were almost no electives available & w/ a very heavy major course load when I did get some electives chose the psychology route, ironically.

Let it be known, from deep-root to leaf-tip here on “theqtree”, that I am male – just a regular guy! NO SOY! lol”

I don’t think Wolf’s vetting system would let in soy boys or beta males (or females for that matter)–Thank God, literally!!!!

I’ve missed that “bidan” aspect of POTUS’ communications–thanks. Yes I recall the HRC fiasco & have seen some pretty amazing CGI explanations & videos online. I’m suspicious enough to suspect many people. In fact w/ the Mike Pence CV shot video it made me wonder if that was even the “real” Pence & if that was even a dose delivered given the little contraption on the end of the needle…

Thanks for sharing these insights. Glad to see you here at the Q-Tree & sorry for my Emerald errors  😳  Blessings!


Have been thinking Biden has a double to fill in for him when needed. Something is not right.


God.People who are afraid of dying wear two masks.
Maybe they have good reason to avoid standing before God

Valerie Curren

No doubt!


Valerie Curren

I was just about to share that tweet–great minds 😉




 😂  😍 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THAT was freaking hilarious.

Valerie Curren

Georgia chain of custody issues exposed further


the medicine cabinet? the liquor cabinet? certainly doesn’t sound like a SAFE to me…

Valerie Curren

LOL they probably guard both of those better than the legitimate legal votes there!

Valerie Curren

Emerald engaged in the fray! Wolf pack rages 🙂

Valerie Curren

Michael Flynn expounds on Some of POTUS’ options & notes martial law has been declared 64 times previously…


So, this is promoting a revote in certain states and the military running the revote?

Or the military run the next elections?

how are either of these Constitutional? And, for those who like the idea, what are the “pros” to these ideas v. following the Constitutional process? I don’t get this at all. Need help to understand wanting a “redo” with or without military help.

Could we use the military for fraud investigations and seizing machines, evidence, etc? That sounds good and is within the Constitution, I think


it’s for LIMITED Martial Law…by virtue of POTUS’ prerogative power thru EO’s…national emergency…foreign interference.


I am reposting this FYI…the discussion about POTUS’ prerogative power option begins midway thru the 5:18 mark…but the whole discussion before that is also relevent..

Valerie Curren

I believe Flynn was expounding on multiple options, all presumably legal & constitutional, available to POTUS to deal with the election situation (& breach of national security). When referencing “the constitutional process” it seemed like he was referring to less stringent measures being allowed to play out before more drastic but legal & constitutional measures are employed.

It would probably help to see the entire interview for greater context.


How is a revote unconstitutional? I’m not challenging you, just asking a serious question. The Constitution does not address it, nor does it address voting machines, votes being counted in foreign countries, early voting, absentee voting, etc.

What is the Constitutional process when the fraud is so massive that we have international interference and judges are ruling unjustly and not allowing evidence to be examined or adjudicated? What if we follow the Constitutional process and the corruption runs so deep that we can’t get to the bottom of it and they allow the fraud to stand and the country to be taken over by her enemies (i.e., destroyed)? I think that’s about where we are now, or where we are heading.

Gail Combs

How is a revote unconstitutional? 

It is having the MILITARY involved that is against the law. I cited the law above.

I do not think a revote is required. I think POTUS has the information on what the REAL vote was.



impressive. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



wuflu does not have a cure rate of 99.7%.

3% of those infected whose cases have resolved have ended in death in the US.

For the younger infected cases that number is a 99+% “cure rate”. For the oldest group it is 93/4% “cure rate”.

For all known infections in the US the death rate of those infected is 3%. I expect the # will lower as treatments improve + as people Demand early treatment.

And, yes, I agree that it has been overhyped to the least vulnerable and has been used in Multiple ways for political purposes.

Gail Combs

“….For the oldest group it is 93/4% “cure rate”….”

Due to the FRAUD that is encouraged by $$$ given to hospitals per each death LABEL as Covid-19…


A test method that results in MANY MANY False positives…

The deaths via Covid is actually unknown. All we really know is the oldest group has a cure rate that is BETTER THAN 93 – 4%.

And that is DESPITE the witholding of curitives like HCQ + Zinc + an antibiotic OR Ivermectin.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

“Most Important Tweet of my Life”: Attorney Lin Wood Unleashes on Justice John Roberts, Calls For HIs Resignation

On Thursday, pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood unleashed on Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, calling for his immediate resignation.

“This may be most important tweet of my life,” Wood started. “Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately. They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

POTUS meeting w/ Acting SECDEF Chris Miller today  Nor'easter:30.


it’s worst than we thought?

Digital Pearl Harbor is NOT limited to just the SolarWinds hack!

“CISA has evidence of additional initial access vectors, other than the SolarWinds Orion platform; however, these are still being investigated.”

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 18, 2020


Was it not exposed earlier that the Clowns In America had Hacking tools that made them look like they were from “RUSSIA!”?

And now we are hearing AGAIN:
“Russia, Russia, Russia”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is very likely that the entire socialist and “ex-socialist” conglomerate – Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, CIA, GloboNazis, Atlantic Whatever, etc. (some of which are just dupe controlled opposition like McMuffinoids) were all part of this.




The big lie / hoodwink was that communism died with the USSR and we had nothing to fear from China.

Gail Combs

Vault Seven detailed those hacking tools.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s far worse than anybody knows. Solar Winds is more like the invasion of the Philippines. Digital Pearl Harbor happened in the 1990s, under Bill Clinton.

Gail Combs

BOY did it ever!!!

Chasing the Dragon: Clinton’s China Policy Documents a lot of the transfer of US military intel to China in return for $$$ put into Clinton’s re-election campaign.

He SHOULD have been IMPEACHED and CONVICTED but the Republicans had their hands out for Chinese $$$ too. The only losers were We the People who were sold down the river.

Valerie Curren

issuing a correction Emerald Star on the Q Tree is NOT Emerald Robinson on twitter! That assumption was my own mistaken leap–oops  😚   😅   🙃  I don’t speak emoji so hopefully I’m not inadvertently sending the wrong message (blush=embarrassment, sweat=nervous but glad it was caught, upside down=still happy but need to re-orient)


I think that our Emeraldstar is a dude, Valerie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What in the hell is going on here? I just woke up.


Good morning, boss!
I hope you slept well.

Uh…what’s going on?


best I can guess is Valerie mistakenly thought Emeraldstar was Emerald Robinson…???

Valerie Curren

Awesome! Thanks Wheatie 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie, I am asking you nicely to give me a screen capture or copy-and-paste of whatever tweet THIS is in response to. Thank you.

Valerie Curren

OK Wolf here in order are the tweets from that conversation:

This next person’s account is locked

my reply to the above, I believe

Donna M Freeman is followed by Catturd & me so I see what she shares but because her account is locked (presumably) I can’t retweet her stuff & when attempting to share one of her gems here at the Q tree I replied to her & then copied the link to my reply to post here at Q-Tree.

When my comment posted it didn’t also show her tweet. I went back to twitter to copy the Text of her tweet, which was in reply to Dan Bongino on something, I think her guesses as to who might be part of “Q”. Anyway, twitter had already disappeared the tweet so lost to the ether, I guess…

Let me know if you need more than this. Sorry for any hassle this is creating for you 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I need more.

Because YOU CAN SEE whatever it was that you replied to and involved this blog, I need you to show me what is in this tweet:

I know that you cannot retweet this person, but you WERE able to respond to them. You responded to something. I need to see what you were responding to, because it appears to involve this blog and third parties.

We can do this privately by PMTW (see below) if need be.

I understand how Twitter works, and that this person doesn’t allow people outside the conversation to see their tweets, nor can you retweet them. I think that sensitivity may be part of the problem itself. However, YOU are in the conversation, and CAN see the tweets, and they appear to involve this site.

I regard this as a security risk.

You can just copy and paste the text, or you can give me a screen capture. If you find the content needing privacy (likely), you can send it to me using PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO_WLOF (spelled correctly), which will send it into moderation.

I am not doing this for no reason. This is what I regard as a “security” matter. Thank you.

Valerie Curren

OK Wolf I’d prefer to keep things out in the open. I have nothing to hide & this conversation can be helpful to other’s potentially. Here is the tweet you asked about & who She was replying to, for context.

Emerald Robinson 

It’s Friday, December 18 and Joe Biden is still not the President of the United States.




Donna M Freeman


Replying to ***@EmeraldRobinson
Will you follow me and promote my page to follow..? Enjoy your posts daily. Doing lots of work and Twitter diminishing followers daily! Thank you.
10:19 AM · Dec 18, 2020·Twitter for Android

I removed both of their avatars & a huge cross symbol from Emerald’s tweet & added the asterisks to reduce the URL loading issue, everything else is I see it on twitter.

my 3 attempting to be helpful tweets are here…

This one was before the other 2 replies per the times listed

That’s it for the conversation & there is NOTHING Else at the original Donna Freeman tweet, that I can see, at least.

Here is DF’s self description:

Donna M Freeman

Retired Critical Care Nurse for children, trained Counselor, College Health Instructor and devote Christian, Trump and Q follower and activist.
478 Following

Followed by Catturd ™, American Conservative, and 15 others you follow

I removed some avatar images above & below & added the asterisks above & below & removed the cross icon again from ER  like that one

Here is Emerald Robinson’s info also fyi

Emerald Robinson 

White House Correspondent. “Politics is downstream of culture & culture is downstream of religion.” 510M Twitter impressions in 2020.
12.6K Following

Followed by Let’s Get Kraken!, Swalwell Public Image Consultant Cousin Pookie, and 998 others you follow

That’s everything from that DM tweet. Let me know if you need more.

I’m sorry for inadvertently creating ANY Sort of Problem for You &/or the Q Tree. Apparently humble pie comes with some type of side of crow 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problem – just trying to understand the risks here. I think I see all of it. I’m assuming somebody OTHER than this DF person I cannot see informed you that our “es” is not Emerald Robinson. I appreciate that you publicized this – sunlight is helpful.

While this is just my personal opinion, and nothing more, I have found it wise not to try to convince people to “lower their security” regarding retweets, visibility, follows, etc. I just let it be. It has saved me grief. Yes, it is frustrating when people can’t be retweeted, but that is their wish, so I simply respect it.

Also, a word of caution which IS something of a demand. Our “es” is a very private person, and does not like to see their identity thrown around or revealed publicly, for reasons that I back 100000%. They are AT RISK for their public opinion. Therefore, I am kindly asking you never to quote or mention that person off this blog. I hope you understand this fully. Just act like they don’t even exist on Twitter, and you will do fine.

Thank you for explaining everything to me – that is why I explained everything to you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

People HERE told her ES was not ER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Thank you!

Valerie Curren

ES himself told me here that he wasn’t on twitter based on some reply from me previously where I said I followed “her” aka ER on twitter. I’m the one who ran off w/ somehow thinking Our Emerald & ER were the same person hence these tweets we’ve been discussing…

Thanks Wolf. It was ALL ME here. My misreading of Our Emerald & ASSUMING somehow that he & Emerald Robinson were the same person (probably was sleep deprived). I was excited that we had a real journalist out in the open that was also on the Q Tree, assuming ER is a real person using their own identity.

All the problem is mine. I would Never deliberately reveal anyone’s actual identity who is keeping it private. For instance I had multiple email interactions w/ “Menagerie” of the Q-Tree, so know/knew her real name & email but Never shared that info anywhere. They were private communications…

I’ll keep my tail between my legs now & be more judicious in the future…

Each of my 3 tweets to DF has been seen less than 50 times. It’s possible that someone random could come to Q-Tree & search for an “Emerald” here to read their/his comments based on what I’ve shared. But they would not be finding Emerald Robinson, who I claimed was here then disclaimed in the follow-up tweet.

I hope this is the end of the matter & that there are no negative repercussions. That sounds more harsh than it’s meant. I’m happy to discuss further, if needed. I also provided some clarification to Our ES, but if more is warranted I’m happy to follow through on it, just give the word 🙂

Thanks for the advice on the “locked” accounts. DF hasn’t replied to my suggestion for the unlock. I guess since she was wanting Emerald Robinson to promote her twitter “page” (don’t know the correct terms here) it seemed she wanted more exposure. It just made sense (to me) that if she wants more followers & all her work that she’s doing to get out she might want to make it more easily sharable. Obviously it’s none of my business one way or another so I will stay out of it further.

Valerie Curren

“Menagerie” of CTH–yikes…missed the edit button…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks and all good! Let’s move on! Plenty of patriot work to do! 😀

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wolf! I appreciate you Diligently Protecting the Wolf Pack, Den, & Territory!!!

God continue to guide & direct & protect you in these & your many other endeavors!
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Valerie Curren

Isn’t it just the lefties that thing their potentially hurt feelings should overrule the Freedom of Speech? This used to be common sense. “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your Right to say it!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. I wonder if that includes offending Mozzies (or Pakis, as they seem to dislike)???

Valerie Curren

We all know the answer to that!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. I wonder if that includes offending Mozzies (or Pakis, as they seem to dislike)???

Valerie Curren

You would be particularly aware of that being under Merkel’s jack-boot! Yes we see that suppression in Metro Detroit, for obvious reasons, too!


This came from my brother and he got it from a friend. I tried to find the source but have no idea where it came from. Completely Unverified. It is interesting reading and lot of stuff is true. Thought you might find this as interesting as I did. Stay Strong Patriots. We are winning this fight. Enjoy the read.

Right now Trump is sitting on a stack of Trump cards or maybe Uno Wild Draw 4 (more years) that he just waiting to lay down like a fricking royal flush. He has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court & thanks to TX case he now know how to file it under article 3 not 2 that will force them to hear it. He has the DNI report on Friday. Barr steps down 23rd (can now be a witness—he did his job). Durham is a special counsel (can prosecute in any state). He’s letting civil, criminal, federal courts fail to handle the situation properly so he can use military tribunals. He has the data (all of it) from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, (probably a couple others we haven’t heard about yet, too). He has the dueling electors from 7 states legislatures. He has VP Pence as final arbiter of which ballots to accept. He has the insurrection act. The NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swear affidavits by the 1000, the QR code scan guy who just needs access to some real ballots & he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases & printing items using his scanner technology, he has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup, he has RICO, he has the crimes against humanity videos, Wikileaks just dropped a ton & Assange will be pardoned so he can talk about Seth Rich. Now that the governors and secretary of states certified & Biden accepted, they committed and knowingly agreed to treason. Solar Winds just raided & Dominion closing up shop. Same with politicians & media. He has the C_A servers used to change dominion machines, he will soon have access to the machines too. He baited them to staying in DC so they can be inaugurated, oops arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money nor has Kamala given up her seat. The military has infiltrated Antifa & BLM & he has the financials. He knows which politicians took Chinese & Soros money. He put in Miller & Watnick. He also just reduced dumb regulations. And wrote an EO in the military line of succession. He is defunding the C_A. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board with his loyalists. The military has been flying more planes over America. The navy just parked huge fleets on both coasts. The 82nd is preparing for an operation (same group of Flynn & Donoghue). Things are falling into place. He has it all. He is just laying out the case, building the narrative. He knows he won & they cheated. He gave them the chance to fix things. They chose not to. Now they all go down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post! Sorry it got caught in moderation. Be sure that you’re logged in!


Thanks Wolf, Still learning the ropes around here.. Great Website. Love it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Check your email (may be spam or junk) for a password reset. That will help you post without falling into moderation every time.


I’m not sure that this is new info, but was to me.

ASOG Dominion Report, Review Part 2 | Musings from the Chiefio (

Here, in Part 2, I’m picking up where I left off in the first posting:
This is where the Tech Talk gets thicker as it is “process” stuff. It starts off with the “chain of custody” head end. Where you went, what you got.

Cuppa Covfefe

That, and the first article of the pair, are VERY good dives into the almost unbelievable crookedness involved in the Antrim county, indeed all DOMINION machines, election.

Anyone interested in computer security will be appalled, gobsmacked, disgusted, whatever…


This isn’t true. The current Pentagon team has given more transition meetings than were given in 2016.

These anonymous sources have political agendas and it’s definitely not about sharing facts.

This is click bait reporting.

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) December 18, 2020


Has anyone considered that the adverse reactions to the vaccines may be on purpose to discredit POTUS ? If the fear of the vaccines, which he touted becomes louder then ‘they’ can use it to halt vaccines and continue the shutdowns with renewed resolve. Is it part of their ‘Trump is killing Americans with his CV policies’ ?

The nurse that fainted in the televised vaccination now claims that it was normal for her to faint when feeling pain. I guess everyone’s pain threshold is different but a shot is fairly quick pain event. Why choose someone with this known trait?


hmmm…that’s an interesting thought


Pat, I’m telling ya everything around CV and the vaccines is chaos. Chaos and mistrust is hallmarks of the DemComs.

Valerie Curren

& deception & agenda too



Was POTUS in the lab creating the vaccines himself?


If the vaccines are jacked up then THAT is on the manufacturers, not PDJT.

All POTUS did is give them a shitload of money clear regulatory hurdles for them.

Anything WONG with the vaccines is on the makers, not PDJT.


Absolutely all true ^^. The plot against PDJT is vast and I have noticed an uptick in Biden/Harris and others about the ‘failures of Trumps CV response’. It all feels like the beginning of a smear campaign to me.


Anything against Trump is a go. Doesn’t have to be true or make sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I think the ultimate goal is to maneuver us onto Bill Gates type vaccines. Whatever it takes they will keep this alive until they get us there.


The uptick in internet trolling and gaslighting to sow division is escalating. It won’t work. WWG1,WGA. 😀


Yes, I have noticed it BIGLY in the last 2-3 days. Epoch Times and Gateway Pundit are getting SLAMMED by trolls in the comments. But a week or two ago it was crickets.

Criminals gittin’ skeered.


Found on Gab:
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Oh, man, the trans one! I am dying!


#Stzrok #FBI #Trump
BREAKING: More Strzok Texts Revealed


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correction : COVID-19



Retweeted by Sidney P….

All of this is theatre. All of it. We live in a fake world.



Wobble that needle much????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This went into moderation, as did the next comment. Approving them both – please keep commenting until we get you out of moderation.

Deplorable Patriot

Can you check the pending folder? One regular person ended up in there on yesterday’s thread and I want to be sure it’s her before approving.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks – just a second…..

Deplorable Patriot

Is this the one where the plunger was pushed in all the way?


“This person got on to the intel committee. Did somebody lobby for him? And in his first year, his committee was overseeing the CIA? And then at the same time, he ran for president,” McCarthy said.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 18, 2020


this is interesting…

The @WhiteHouse media pool was summoned to gather and then was dismissed with no explanation.

— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) December 18, 2020

“After being called to gather at about 11:30am, the pool was told a few minutes later that it was a false alarm and that there was no longer a need for us,” notes print pooler @Brett_Samuels27.

— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) December 18, 2020


Was there ever a need for them?


not sure you’re old enough to remember the Tootsie Roll Lollipop commercial…an enterprising young journalist asks an owl how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie roll lollipop? the owl takes 3 licks (counting aloud, btw) and then bites the lollipop…the owl announces 3 is the answer.
the would be young journalist took his word for it and we haven’t neeeded them ever since.
the end

Deplorable Patriot

This is the complete version.

Ahh…the memories…..


LOL…thanks DePat…it’s been a long while since I saw it…


A hand recount in Michigan confirms that Trump actually won Antrim County by 4000 votes

On Election night, they lied and said Biden won by 3000 votes

We demand recounts across the country. What else are they hiding behind Dominion voting machines?

— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) December 18, 2020


Exactly. How many down ballot races were lost due to this in states other than the ones being scrutinized right now?

Gail Combs

ALL the states that use election tabulation equipment. Seems most or all are CORRUPTED.


JW in Germany

Grandma in Texas! Thank you so much for the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol!

I had seen several versions…but always skipped over that one. Finally, I have seen it……I have something in my eyes….excuse me.

Merry Christmas!

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

nice to see an honest Cardinal

Italian Archbishop…and Pope Francis foe …Carlo Maria Vigano…he certainly gets it ..


Top Ranking Catholic Cardinal Says COVID-19 Used To Advance “Godless and Murderous Agenda”, Usher in “Great Reset”



warned POTUS back in November in a letter, evidently.

I like his choice of words : HEALTH DICTATORSHIP. 👍👏

(I am stealing that)

more, at the link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We used to joke about the HEALTH NAZIS back in the 1970s.

Who knew we would get HEALTH COMMIES!


Remember James Fixx? The “jogging” guru who wanted us all to “jog” for the sake of our health. He keeled over dead of a heart attack at a relatively young age.


And now my uncle Mario comes to mind. My whole life memory of him is his having a pot belly and a cigar stuck in his face. He lived into his 90s.

Gail Combs

Not to mention what jogging on pavement or concrete does to your knees and hips.

USA Today: Nearly 1 million knee replacement procedures are performed in the U.S. each year…”

Brave and Free

Knew a guy who was a jogging fanatic, same thing keeled over dead one day of heart attack. Only in his late forties.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, Vigano is in hiding at this point. He’s spoken out enough that his life really is in danger.

Valerie Curren

In the heart-warming category 🙂


This dog make a face like my Woodford except he is brindle and white.
Mine has hound in him mixed with Staff. They are very lovable and smooches.
Every evening when I go to bed I have to ask him how his day was and I count up
all the good things he exsperiencend in the day.
Then he puts his head on my shoulder and looks just as content as this dog. I had his DNA taken so people do not confuse him with a Pitt Bull


My dalmatian does that too! Same sweet face. She’s little though for her breed, so she puts her face on my knee.


Sounds like my cattle dog she likes her belly rubbed but not smooch much . This is in her temperament of breed but very loyal.

Valerie Curren

He sounds like a lovely & loving companion 🙂


Yes he is and is my husbands dog except when it comes to snuggling he comes to me 🙂

Valerie Curren

What a blessing for you both!


Political Theology Livestream – 20201218


New Zuckerborg rules. I have always been able to read the pages of local businesses without having a Facebook account.

As of today when I go to those pages, I get a Log into Facebook screen. I’ve tried getting on the pages via the FB links on the business websites, but get a Log In or Sign Up screen.


Twitter killed off “Legacy Twitter” on the 15th. I can no longer see tweets.



The media: @realDonaldTrump declaring martial law for free and fair elections in 6 states makes him a dictator!!!!

Also the media: You must listen to health authorities. You must listen to your governors and other elected officials.

State officials: Shutdown everything now!!

— Derek Utley (@realDerekUtley) December 18, 2020


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JW in Germany

Hey! Keep the whiskey out of this! (As I take a sip of some delicious Elijah Craig barrel strength Kentucky bourbon) 😇 

Deplorable Patriot

HEAR HEAR! Leave whiskey AND whisky out of this.

(W-H-I-S-K-E-Y spelling is reserved for the best, I mean the Irish.  😁  ☘ )

JW in Germany

I did not know that so many Irish migrated to Kentucky! 😂😎

Gail Combs

Kentucky is HORSE COUNTRY so of COURSE that is where the Irish headed!

JW in Germany

I must say that I do enjoy a sip of Bushmill’s 10 year old from time to time.

Deplorable Patriot

Jamie on the rocks is my go to.

Powers neat on special occasions. Nothing that spectacular should be adulterated.


I am not a whiskey fan, but I’ll tell you what, I’d walk a mile uphill barefoot in the snow for Blanton’s.

That stuff is the nectar of the gods.

Deplorable Patriot

Bourbon… sweet booze just doesn’t work for me.


Ah. I see.

Deplorable Patriot

NOthing personal. I can’t even stomach sherry and Moscato. It’s pretty much Chardonnay for me…and not much. Wine gives me heartburn.


Lol! No offense. All tastes are personal choice. I can hardly drink anything anymore. I think it’s my hypoglycemia. It makes me feel terrible.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s unfortunate. I have a friend who is in the same spot.


Okay, a little story about Bushmill’s. Many years ago four of us went to Ireland to play golf for a couple of weeks. The guys were also in a big international tournament sponsored by Bushmill’s. on a couple of courses in the far north…..Giant’s Causeway area.
We two ladies were invited to play in the female one-day tournament at the course where the Bushmill’s distillery is located. You can actually see the coast of Scotland from there. It was June, but cold, rainy and blustery.
When my friend and I registered (being the only Americans signed up), we asked if we could get a “trolly”..a pull cart. A bit of a hesitation, then the Captain assured us he thought they could provide one for each of us.
We arrived the next morning, dressed in long silk underwear, turtlenecks, cashmere sweaters, wind breakers and pants, wool stocking caps and gloves. We got our trolley that were literally put together with baling wire with wheels, probably cobbled together that night. That was our first clue.
We were told a local member would be our playing hostess.., living right at the entrance into the course.
A most delightful woman comes walking up, carrying her golf bag as did everyone else…dressed in a short sleeve shirt and bare head! We looked at each other and said…”oops.”
We were embarrassed at our “whimpiness” and felt we failed American women everywhere!
The tour of the distillery and sampling afterwards made up for it, though. Think I remember reading a few years ago it was either sold or closed. We still always have a bottle of Bushmill’s in our liquor cabinet, just in honor of the occasion.

JW in Germany

I would love to do a distillery tour. Definitely on my list when all of this lock-down idiocy is finally over.


A Prayer for President Donald Trump
Dear Lord, 

We thank you that no matter who is in office you are sovereign over all. We thank you for the system of leadership and governing we have in the United States, and we pray for wisdom in the upcoming primaries and elections. But we pray specifically today for our current president; we pray that President Trump would draw near to you—that he would seek you above all other things. We pray that you would be an undeniable presence in his life, and we pray for godly leadership over our country. 

Lord, please pour your grace over the people in this country. May the people President Trump governs learn to love each other more; may we listen to each other even when there are many differences. May we stand up for what is right and stand against what is wrong according to what you have made clear in Scripture. Give us bold spirits and tongues that proclaim grace and truth, spoken in love. We pray this same attitude for our president that he might ignore the impulse and temptation for harsh responses and choose compassionate ones instead. 

God our Father, you know how we are all tempted daily and that we sin against you every day; we thank you that Christ has died for our past, present, and future sins. Holy Spirit please protect President Trump against the many temptations that come his way; make null the temptations of power and pride and help him to focus on you when he is struggling with decisions and responses. We pray spiritual protection over the president’s marriage that he and his wife might continue to grow together in your love and remember the covenant promise they made to each other. 

Jesus, we pray for the safety of our president and his family. Prevent those who disagree with him from taking sinful and unlawful actions against him or his family. Please surround him with security teams that regardless of politics, will keep their pledge to protect the elected leader of the US. Keep close to the president those who offer godly counsel and wisdom according to your Word. Give him a listening ear and an open heart that is receptive. 

We also pray for open communication between President Donald Trump and the legislative and judicial branches of government. Holy Spirit please work among the people in our government to allow them to work together for the glory of God; help them to put people first and to put away differences that delay the work that is needed. Please give our leaders the energy they need to do the work you have set before them.

Lord, we pray that President Trump would trust you and we pray that he would encourage others to do the same. May the president acknowledge that the race you have set before him, is far greater than any other race. On this Presidents’ Day, we pray for godly counsel for our president, we pray for godly leadership over this country, and we pray for Christ-centered compassionate hearts for those who rule and those who are governed. Father, we thank you for your mercy, your love, and your sovereign rule over us all. May we look to you in all circumstances God, in your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, amen. 




If they want to save themselves they must go to war against their own government.

MaReQ⭐⭐⭐ (@Mareq16) Tweeted: Brazilian supreme court decides all Brazilians are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Those who fail to prove they have been vaccinated may have their rights, such as welfare payments, public school enrolment or entry to certain places, curtailed


Disappointing come from (supposedly) the South American Trump

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

President Bolsonaro probably has as much control over his supreme court as POTUS does over ours.

I.e., not much.


Yes i think thats the case. And i guarantee the elites wont be first.


The ruling was from the Supreme Court, not Bolsinaro. Here is what the article says:

“The ruling is a blow to President Jair Bolsonaro, who has said he will not be vaccinated and nobody should be forced to.”


thanks for clarification


The court did it..


I obviously misunderstood and glad I was wrong! that makes more sense and glad it wasn’t him as I have heard only good things until now.


It’s their Supreme Court, not their President. He is against forcing it on the people.


Hmmm. Did the Supreme Court get the message?

SCOTUS Throws Out Challenge to President Trump’s Bid to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Being Counted in Determining Congressional Seats


Good, misread that at first and started getting that twitch in my index finger…lol.

Last edited 4 years ago by CMinTN

I think you all are reading this wrong. Here is what the article says:

“The court said the challengers, a coalition of states led by New York and immigrant rights groups, did not have the legal injury necessary to bring the case because the government has not yet announced which individuals it seeks to exclude.

The three liberal justices dissented from the opinion, and the issue is likely to return at a later date.

Friday’s ruling is a narrow victory for Trump as it wipes away a lower court opinion that went against him, but he still has upcoming hurdles. Census officials have indicated that they are having difficulties processing census responses in time to produce the final count by an end of the year deadline.”


Yeah, at first glance, I got it backwards.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We now know, as the COMMUNISTS did all along, that the SCOTUS is a SOCIAL GROUP and is subject to the psychological manipulations of the spotlight, even down to THREATS that they might be “responsible” for violent reactions by the left.

The manipulations were formerly by (IMO) CIA asset RBG, and now being carried out amateurishly by the “Obama Grlz”. Kagan in particular has a clerk-coven that is filled to the brim with DIAPER.


Well, then the “Trump Boyz” need to feel around under their robes, find their damned balls, and stand up to them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama Grlz and Trump Boyz need somebody to whip they’s azz into shape. SOMEBODY needs to STEP UP past “Confused Compromised MK Boy” and set a new tone! 😉
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Amen! She’s got lots of kids, she should be great at it.



12.18.20: SPARKS are FLYING! The #FightBack is starting to UNFOLD! Hold the Line!


Are we still in the USA ? It’s beginning to feel like we’re in a 3rd world country.


That tells you right there that they are guilty as sin.


I wonder what Cindy McCain has on them?


Where is Sheriff Joe–Wish he was still managing the sheriff’s office, I do believe Joe had the right answer to jails.
I am so sick of what is going on with Oregon prisoners. Prisoners who were evacuated during the fires are suing because they were crammed in areas that were not sleeping quarters, along with often getting sack lunches instead of 3 hot meals. When I saw that I as was like give me break. There were 100s who lost everything they had and were sleeping in school gyms for many weeks.
Sorry I know a little off topic. But I country it going to H3LL in a hand basket right now.


How can they ignore that. can tThe machines be seized?


They are saying that this is from the Trump administration…Hmmm(Just Sharing cause I am wondering myself)Some States Balk After C.D.C. Asks for Personal Data of Those VaccinatedThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is instructing states to sign so-called data use agreements that commit them for the first time to sharing personal information in existing registries with the federal government. Some states, such as New York, are pushing back, either refusing to sign or signing while refusing to share the information.

Cuppa Covfefe

The unhappy HIPAA will soon be on a rampage!


This whole mess is so crazy.
My first thoughts were that it is not probably Trump but the CDC under the guise of Fauci, Gates, and NWO. Since Gates can’t get us chipped, and Fauci can’t make us carry around medical id cards they have resorted to this.


Why Sidney Powell’s case before the SCOTUS is a gamechanger

Everything up until now has been like the pre-game warmups for the judiciary. Now, it’s game time as Sidney Powell’s case heads to the Supreme Court.
by JD Rucker December 17, 2020

A week before Christmas, many Trump supporters have resigned themselves to the notion that this is their last holiday with a duly elected president in the Oval Office. Former Vice President Joe Biden is going to win, they think, because everyone from mainstream media to Big Tech has said it will be so. Even many in conservative media have thrown in the towel.

What the left and some on the right don’t want you to know is there’s still time to make things right. The Supreme Court verified that today by docketing attorney Sidney Powell’s case on voter fraud in Michigan. They do not take cases that have no potential of making a difference.

Now, some will say that since the previous Obama-appointed judge who heard the case dismissed it with insults and vitriol, the case is already dead in the water. That’s the narrative you’ll hear from nearly everyone. After all, the Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear a case from the state of Texas. Why would they take a case seriously when a judge labeled it “an amalgamation of theories, conjecture, and speculation”?

The answer lies in what Powell, many pundits, and I have said is the most important information the Supreme Court needs to hear. As “CulturalHusbandry” noted on Twitter, the lawsuit has the forensic audit.

It contains the forensic audit done in Michigan that proves systemic voter fraud occurred through the Dominion Voting System tabulation. It also has proof of at least 200,000 FRAUDULANT VOTES casted in the election.

This is what Powell has affectionately referred to as “The Kraken.” The information found on the Dominion Voting Systems servers details clear evidence of massive voter fraud, the type that is capable of flipping an election if allowed to proceed unimpeded. This audit shines a bright spotlight on what every contested state in the nation (and technically every state, period) should be addressing in a hurry, namely the technological side of 2020 election fraud.

Smells like FREEDOM. Order Founders Blend Organic Coffee from Freedom First Coffee. Use “NOQ” as the promo code for 10% off!

With this information before the Supreme Court, we have an opportunity to see how they will treat complex vote-count manipulation issues. Unlike other cases, this one does not dwell on suspicious changes to election protocols or constitutional challenges to COVID-19 lockdown prompts. It deals with hard evidence, and the Supreme Court is much more likely to address an issue of blatant voter-count tampering than whether or not mail-in ballots are fair.

Many have lost faith in the Supreme Court because they declined to hear the last two cases, but those cases had challenges from the start. As I detailed in episodes of the NOQ Report before those ruling came down, I had zero confidence in either of them yielding fruit. The Kraken, on the other hand, will challenge the Supreme Court to make a decision on merits. Sidney Powell’s case has unambiguous merits, particularly as it pertains to Dominion Voting Systems.

Some Trump supporters have little hope that the Supreme Court will act based on the last two cases. But Sidney Powell’s case is 100% different. Unlike the last two, this case has hard evidence of Dominion Voting Systems fraud. Prayers up, folks.



Yes, but isn’t this the one that the Supreme Court gave the state until Jan. 17th to respond?


I think so . . . it’s hard to search for info . . . even on Duck Duck Go. But, in consideration of the enormous emergency powers granted to the President, and in consideration of his unknown strategy, I don’t know if that late response date is truly problematic. On the surface it would seem so, but . . . TRUMP!


Linda, I believe that the Supreme Court gave the state until Jan 14th.

“Lawyer Sidney Powell tweets out today that the Supreme Court has rejected two cases of election fraud against Wisconsin and Arizona; and has accepted two cases against Michigan and Georgia. The high court has given GA/MI until January 14, 2021”

Gail Combs

The January 14th date was AFTER the date when Congress will count the electoral votes (Putting Biden in as President. A challenge ONLY leads to a debate and we KNOW the Turtle will direct out going RINOs to vote FOR Biden.)

It is also ONLY 6 days before Biden will be inaugurated.

It is more or less GAME SET MATCH with the TRAITORS WINING.

THAT is why the SCOTUS agreed to hear the case BUT set the response date so close to the inauguration.


How POTUS handles this I do not know. But I am sure he has a plan.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

AND we need three states tossed to get Beijing Biden below 270.

SCOTUS is wasting time. Once upon a time we thoughts courts knew there is an imperative in these types of cases.

SCOTUS IS scuttling opportunities to stop the steal.

The courts at ALL levels have proven themselves a combination of corrupt and spinless. Unwilling to enforce Laws.

Elections officials at ALL levels have proven themselves to be 100% corrupt.

At this point, the only way out of this is Martial Law, Military Tribunals.

Wish I were wrong, but we can’t capitulate to a stolen election. Future elections are NOT a viable solution for America.

Deplorable Patriot

How’s this for a header image?
comment image


And Rino’s. 😀


nice touch!


gets my vote!


. . . and with the addition of a little background . . .
comment image


Regarding the video of the nurse whose televised vaccination clearly showed that the plunger was all the way down before/during the alleged injection~~~~

Notice the hospital never addressed that but said that the nurse received another dose to “eliminate doubt”….this thing is getting very weird.

Update: Questions raised over vaccine injection at UMC event; UMC says nurse received second shot to eliminate doubt over vaccination


receiving 2 shots within 2 days? is that safe?
so why does everybody else need to wait 2 weeks????


Cuz she never got the 1st one!
And id never believe anything about her.
Man, people should cituzen journalist the hell out of people like this. At this point they are public figures. Canal connections should be discovered.


This is another one. Not the female nurse in Tn, this is a male in Tx


Same same to me…


Don’t ask questions..just believe. /s of course


Reading some of today’s posts be like 🤣🤣🤣



Cuppa Covfefe

I like the one where he smashes the clock 😀


GalacticRedPill (@GalacticRedPill) Tweeted:
Adam is an enemy of the People. His alliance with a treasonous McCain clan, and his role in backdoor coup attempt, proves that.

Fuck Adam and everything he stands for.


I just spent some time watching Wictor’s videos on what is happening. He deliberately is not explicit about his opinion, but the key is an article posted here a while back and discussed somewhat:

Another key Wictor uses is the election of 1876, where the Democrats as usual cheated to win, but lacking definitive proof the Republicans had to compromise and agree to end Reconstruction in order for the real votes to count. Wictor asks: what if the Republicans could have revealed incontrovertible evidence of the Democrat fraud?

Wictor implicitly states that the President (and others, like Powell and Wood) have been preparing the public for the ultimate revelation, which is incontrovertible evidence of the fraud, committed with the help of foreign countries.

Now, it has been my educated guess that the bad guys have been legally surveilled for several years now, 24/7, and their every movement recorded. So it was easy for me to accept Wictor’s pov that military intelligence has been specifically keeping minute track of the election fraud for a couple years now, including the associated movements, writings and speakings of the criminals involved.

Wictor believes that when the moment arrives, the evidence will be incontrovertible, and not allow anything but the right result.

Folks here probably have discussed this scenario before, and I apologize for repeating it – – the premise just never fully registered with me until I looked more carefully at what Wictor was presenting. The Wictor scenario certainly resolves a lot of seemingly mysterious things (including Q). And it is very reasonable.

I hope it is true, and have full confidence that it is exactly what our VSG would do.


Valerie Curren

Is there perhaps an “Athens” in the Q drops? Just curious 🙂

Gail Combs

Either Wictor or Q or one of the Cates brothers brought it up recently.

I know I posted the story within the last few weeks.

Armed Citizens’ Gun Battle Against Voter Fraud in Athens, TennesseeBy Gary Spina –
November 23, 2020

Valerie Curren

You know practically everything!!! & you rock too 🙂

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail, I didn’t see this when you shared it previously 🙂


Ep. 2357a – Confirmed, The Gov/Mayors Are Waiting For Their Payoffs
X22 Report Published  December 18, 2020


Ep. 2357b – Senate Was The Target, Lexington, Concord, The Shot Heard Around The World
X22 Report Published  December 18, 2020


John Cardillo (@johncardillo) Tweeted: .@RepSwalwell is a Chinese Intel asset. He must be kicked off the Intel Committee today @SpeakerPelosi. Pass it on.


So too says
Kevin McCarthy


I had a briefing from the FBI today to learn more about Eric Swalwell’s ties to a reported-spy from China, and one thing is now crystal clear:

Swalwell should no longer be on the Intel Committee.

Me. If its bad enough to kick him off the intel committee then he should by pass congress too and be bought straight to jail.








McCarthy finishes briefing w/Pelosi on China & Swalwell. Says DNI Ratcliffe delivered the briefing.


Space Force personnel will be called “Guardians”




Tweet unavailable – went to gateway pundit for story to share!!!


Seriously playing catch up today. To be clear.

DNI delivered a briefing on Swalwell.

The election brief the President is supposed to get today is held up by one or more IC agencies.


Me thinks it is time for President Trump to demand IC heads and DNI give him a brief TODAY on what they have.

Then start firing asshoe IC heads that are not performing as required.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Isn’t the slow guy always playing catch up? Inquiring minds (although feeble) want to know.


Yea. Yes I am. Usually get caught up about time for a new daily. 🙂



Been buckled up. Believe we all have been.

Let the MOABs go off soon. REAL SOON.


Yes. Been buckled up for some time now. Waiting to pull some really heavy g’s!!!


More disappearing flu.


Yeah, they’re definitely cooking the books. Here is her second tweet in case you can’t read the numbers in the graphs.


My my, seems everything is COVID. Who would’ve thought. 🙄




I posted the State Dept link above but did not have time at that moment to provide additional info as to what it was.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
Gail Combs

Here it is:

It sounds like the first of a One Two punch at crooked Venezuelan voting machines.

The United States has sanctioned Ex-Cle Soluciones Biométricas C.A. (Ex-Cle C.A.) for their support of the illegitimate Maduro regime’s fraudulent December 6 legislative elections. The Treasury Department action also targets Guillermo Carlos San Agustin and Marcos Javier Machado Requena for having acted for or on behalf of Ex-Cle C.A. San Augustin, a dual Argentine and Italian national, is a co-director, the administrator, a majority shareholder, and ultimate beneficial owner of Ex-Cle C.A. Machado, a Venezuelan national, is a co-director, the president, and a minority shareholder of Ex-Cle C.A.

Ex-Cle C.A. has millions of dollars of contracts with the illegitimate Maduro regime, providing electoral hardware and software to regime-aligned government agencies. Ex-Cle C.A. was aware of and involved in the regime’s efforts to rig the fraudulent December 6 elections, thereby undermining democracy and suppressing the voices of the Venezuelan people. Ex-Cle C.A. also helped Maduro’s coopted National Electoral Council to purchase thousands of voting machines from China, routing payments thru the Russian financial system. They shipped the voting machines through Iran using rogue airlines Mahan Air and Conviasa, both previously targeted by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.

Those who seek to undermine free and fair elections in Venezuela must be held accountable. Maduro’s reliance on companies like Ex-Cle C.A., as well as recently-sanctioned PRC tech firm CEIEC, to rig the electoral processes should leave no doubt that the December 6 legislative elections were fraudulent and do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. We urge all countries committed to democracy to condemn the fraudulent December 6 elections and the illegitimate regime’s continuing efforts to destroy democracy in Venezuela.


Cuomo gets it wrong again.

Nursing home residents hospitalized for covid must leave when they no longer require hospital-level care. If they still test positive they are now sent to a covid only nursing home.

Then after a negative test they are sent back to their original nursing home. The residents of the covid only building are shipped out to other nursing homes.

Those poor people. Imagine the upheaval. Completely at the mercy of the government.




Pergram previously tweeted that the briefing was about Swalwell and China. Apparently, it was not given by the FBI, but by DNI.

— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) December 18, 2020


That’s a big BOOM!


This is what The Orb is about. Among other things. Military Intel talking to Military Intel.

With zero leaks.



That is one gorgeous picture! They both look amazing 😍


What an awesome looking couple,,,

Concerned Virginian

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a portrait of Harry S Truman on the stairs behind POTUS and FLOTUS — you know, the President who gave the order to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


And, The Buck Stops Here.

Deplorable Patriot

DO NOT care for women dressing this way. Maybe it’s just me, but we are meant to be complementary to men, not try to be like them.


Wow, I didn’t realize these people were republicans. They must be honchos of Cindy McCain.


Damn and this is the Drug Company we are supposed to trust millions of lives with.
Press Release
Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History
WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together “Pfizer“) have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health … or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. Under the provisions …
Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli at Pfizer Settlement Press Conference
… the Department, to announce a historic settlement with Pfizer Inc., the pharmaceutical manufacturer, arising out of civil and criminal allegations relating to Pfizer’s allegedly illegal promotion of certain drugs, most … In a combination of civil and criminal settlements, Pfizer has agreed to pay $2.3 billion – the largest health …
October 21, 2011Press Release
Pfizer to Pay $14.5 Million for Illegal Marketing of Drug Detrol
WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. has agreed to pay $14.5 million to resolve False … 2009 as part of the government’s global resolution with Pfizer, under which the company agreed to pay $2.3 billion … The current settlement addresses allegations that Pfizer illegally marketed Detrol, a drug for the treatment of …
December 12, 2012Press Release
Pfizer Agrees to Pay $55 Million for IllegallyPromoting Protonix for Off-Label Use
Pfizer Inc. will pay $55 million plus interest to resolve … by this agreement are allegations only, allegations which Pfizer denies; there has been no determination of liability. Pfizer acquired Wyeth in October 2009. Since August 2009, …
August 7, 2012Press Release
Pfizer H.C.P. Corp. Agrees to Pay $15 Million Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Investigation
WASHINGTON – Pfizer H.C.P. Corporation, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., has agreed to pay a $15 million penalty to … Field Office announced today. In a related matter, Pfizer Inc. and Wyeth LLC reached settlements today with the …
April 27, 2016Press Release
Wyeth and Pfizer Agree to Pay $784.6 Million to Resolve Lawsuit Alleging That Wyeth Underpaid Drug Rebates to Medicaid
… announced today that pharmaceutical companies Wyeth and Pfizer Inc. have agreed to pay $784.6 million to resolve … inhibitor (PPI) drugs, Protonix Oral and Protonix IV. Pfizer, which is headquartered in New York City, acquired New … nationwide. As part of the settlement, Wyeth and Pfizer do not deny the government’s allegations. According …
May 24, 2018Press Release
Drug Maker Pfizer Agrees to Pay $23.85 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Liability for Paying Kickbacks
Pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. (Pfizer), based in New York, NY, has agreed to pay $23.85 … to pay the copays of Medicare patients taking three Pfizer drugs, in violation of the False Claims Act, the …
July 30, 2013Press Release
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Agrees to Pay $490.9 Million for Marketing the Prescription Drug Rapamune for Unapproved Uses
… Pharmaceuticals Inc., a pharmaceutical company acquired by Pfizer, Inc. in 2009, has agreed to pay $490.9 million to … law enforcement counterparts to protect public health.” Pfizer is currently subject to a Corporate Integrity … employees who now perform sales and marketing functions at Pfizer. Under the CIA, Pfizer is subject to exclusion from …
September 29, 2015Press Release
Settlement Will Provide Nearly $194 Million for Cleanup Work at the Superfund Site in Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
… announced that Wyeth Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of the Pfizer Corporation, will perform nearly $194 million worth of … announced that Wyeth Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of the Pfizer Corporation, will perform nearly $194 million worth of …
July 17, 2014Press Release
Illinois Man Sentenced for Smuggling Counterfeit Goods and Drugs into the U.S.
… to both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pfizer, Viagra’s manufacturer, for analysis. Both the FDA and Pfizer identified the tablets as counterfeit and misbranded …
June 28, 2013Press Release
United States and Tennessee Reach Agreement with King Pharmaceuticals LLC to Resolve Allegations of Clean Air Act Violations
… at the Bristol facility in 1993. King was acquired by Pfizer Inc. in 2011, becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer. On May 29, 2013, UPM Pharmaceuticals announced that …
January 6, 2009Press Release
Settlement Clears Way for Continued Funding of New Jersey Superfund Cleanup
… Inc., Warner-Lambert Company doing business as Pfizer, the Colgate-Palmolive Company as a successor to The …
November 22, 2010Press Release
Department of Justice Recovers $3 Billion in False Claims Cases in Fiscal Year 2010
… types of health care fraud. A $2.3 billion settlement with Pfizer Inc. marked the largest health care fraud settlement … billion in settlements, including the $669 million from Pfizer Inc., $302 million from AstraZeneca, and $192.7 from …
January 31, 2012Press Release
Justice Department Celebrates 25th Anniversary of False Claims Act Amendments of 1986
… criminal and state civil recoveries: $2.3 billion – Pfizer Inc. (2010); $1.7 billion – Columbia/HCA I & II …
December 16, 2010Press Release
Attorney General Holder and Secretary Sebelius Team up at Health Care Fraud Prevention Summit in Boston
… past two years, including the $2.3 billion settlement with Pfizer Inc. in September 2009 – the largest health care …
December 14, 2016Press Release
Justice Department Recovers Over $4.7 Billion From False Claims Act Cases in Fiscal Year 2016
… medical device industry. Drug manufacturers Wyeth and Pfizer Inc. paid $784.6 million to resolve federal and state … government alleged that Wyeth (before it was acquired by Pfizer) failed to report deep discounts available to …
December 21, 2018Press Release
Justice Department Recovers Over $2.8 Billion from False Claims Act Cases in Fiscal Year 2018
… . In addition, the drug manufacturer Pfizer paid approximately $23.85 million to resolve claims … a conduit to pay the co-pays of Medicare patients taking Pfizer drugs. The government alleged that Pfizer raised the price of one of those drugs by 40 percent …
November 2, 2011Speech
Assistant Attorney General Tony West Speaks at the 12th Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress
… marketing of Trileptal were resolved for $422 million; or Pfizer and Pharmacia & Upjohn’s 2009 $2.3 billion …
December 7, 2016Speech
Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer of the Civil Division Delivers Remarks at the Food and Drug Law Institute’s Enforcement, Litigation and Compliance Conference
… give just one example—the drug manufacturers Wyeth and Pfizer Inc., which paid $784.6 million to resolve federal and … The government alleged Wyeth (before it was acquired by Pfizer) violated its Medicaid agreements with the government …
September 28, 2016Speech
U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade for the Eastern District of Michigan Testifies Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight at a Hearing on Healthcare Fraud Investigations
… pharmaceutical companies, in this fiscal year, Wyeth and Pfizer Inc. agreed to pay $784.6 million to resolve FCA …
January 28, 2019Speech
Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Advanced Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement
… the company’s drugs. We settled a similar case with Pfizer for $23.85 million to settle allegations that it was …
October 27, 2010Press Release
Attorney General Holder Recognizes DOJ Employees and Others for Their Service at Annual Awards Ceremony
… fraud settlement ever obtained by the department involving Pfizer Inc., and the investigation and prosecution of those … and prosecution of off-label promotion and kickbacks by Pfizer Inc. and its employees. The $2.3 billion civil and …
May 25, 2010Speech
Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary G. Grindler Speaks at the 2010 Compliance Week Conference
… in civil health care fraud recoveries. Last fall, Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company …


Good grief! But I would bet it’s the same for all the Big Pharma companies.


Might be but no reason to let them skirt FDA laws.
Right now it seems that a lot of our medical systems is wrapped up with the drug industry, similar to our politicians and lobbyists.
Crazy crazy world we live in now,

Deplorable Patriot

Hence why I’m pretty much drug free…well, other than knowing pharmacists who won’t take anything themselves.


I take what I call a water pill, a multi vitamin, potassium, and vitamin C.
I have a wacko system when it come to meds
…and try to maintain staying away from drugs. Right now I’m driving my foot doctor wacko, cause even though a foot nerve injury is bad, I refuse to be on even over the counter crap long term.


How’d we miss this (AF1 Fly over Arizona May 1 2020). Oh twelve views. Still must of been somewhere else or are we or me just forgetting. Does seem to remember something though the more it’s thought about.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r


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Valerie Curren

Ruby on deck


Hope Ruby is in protective custody. Otherwise, she’s liable to commit suicide tonight, home burn down….

IF Stacey finds Ruby, Stacie WILL sit on Ruby.

Valerie Curren

last line LOL

come to timmy

Saw a Lin Wood tweet a couple days ago asking about this. Verification?

Valerie Curren

Found this in the comments w/ Gateway Pundit story…

& this one

I didn’t follow these leads just sharing them. Hope this helps a bit 🙂


Wood acknowledged being aware but that is as close as he came to it other than to say it needed follow up (not a qoute)

Valerie Curren

Rudy resource!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Possibly BQQM!!!


That is just it, it was all out there in 2019—Yet they did nothing.
Guess too many DC swamp people needed their asses covered
 (hopefully that was not too many sites, I got even more)

Interview files with fired Ukraine prosecutor show he was axed because of Joe Biden via @BIZPACReview

Biden-Ukraine Scandal: A Timeline of Democratic Corruption and International Intrigue via @WestrnFreePress

Inside Ukraine’s ‘Audit’ of Hunter Biden Company Investigation

Powerful Politicos Implicated in “Ukraine-Gate:” Eight and Counting. Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals.

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Chinatized FIB!!!

Valerie Curren



What about Nancy and group in 2019
Despite Potential Logan Act Violations, Pelosi and Schiff Discuss Syria in Jordan

Pelosi and Schiff’s trip to Jordan violates the Logan Act?

Pelosi and Schiff Travel to Jordan to Undermine President Trump in Shadow Diplomacy — Violate Logan Act — Should Be Immediately Arrested Upon Returned

Valerie Curren

Are they Dems? Above the Law. Didn’t Kerry try to undermine Trump w/ Iranians in Paris w/ no repercussions, iirc? Whatever!


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Valerie Curren



Sorry–took the Sabbath off, at least for today. My ministry is for 7th day–I was invited to worship with them today, so I decided to honor the Sabbath for todayl

Valerie Curren

That’s beautiful Kin

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump has everything he needs right here to send in the troops, IMO.

Valerie Curren

Merry Christmas Patriots!!!

Valerie Curren

I very much hope so!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



COVID was a lab-created bio-weapon intentionally released upon the world with dozens of objectives…

….in particular artificially crashing the US economy in a presidential election year in order to elect the leftist challenger, usher in a global DNA and vaccine database via virus testing and mandatory vaccination, socially condition mass global populations to loss of liberties and restrictions of movement, and psychologically break down resistance to more intrusive and centralized gov’t (read: Big Corporate and communist) control.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

In other words, it was everything we here collectively suspected it was approx. 2-3 weeks into the outbreak.

Brave and Free

Oh I totally agree with you on that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I hope he does it as a Christmas present and then all the lock-downs have to disappear immediately!

Valerie Curren

That would be awesome!!! I’m the one that thought he’d reveal the Truth & we’d be free before Easter this year. Oh I also thought we’d have regular football seasons, including college. Apparently my hopes/instincts have been way off so far 🙁

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Seriously, I think Daughn’s article spotlighting this – a key post (still need to get them up) the “China Hustle” – was partially responsible for lifting this up into being an actionable issue!!!

Valerie Curren

I forgot about that. Nice catch boss!!!

Gail Combs

Anyone who has a pension or a mutual fund needs to be very aware of the ‘China Hustle’ All those Calif government employee pension funds are in Chinese Companies thanks to a  chief investment officer, Yu “Ben” Meng.

He was the highest paid state employee too.

“Yu Ben Meng served as CIO of the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) for less than two years. He received approximately $1.5 million in pay and $215,000 in benefits in 2019….”

Valerie Curren

Are these going to turn in Bernie Madoff style investments? Scary stuff…


“All those Calif government employee pension funds are in Chinese Companies thanks to a  chief investment officer, Yu “Ben” Meng.”


Ben bin vawy, vawy wong.

And vawy, vawy bad.


Ain’t multiculturalism grand?


Her loss from our community was and will always be massive.

She should still be here.

And I will always be pissed off about what happened, though not at you. Intervening in any cat fight is always a losing proposition.


There were more people here who liked Daughn and appreciated her than not.
I did get irritated though that those of us who supported her had no chance to be heard by her even begging her to stay. Personally I felt she discarded us like a worn out show and that is why I did not fallow her.
When a group of people with different personalities interact =it is normal that people might disagree. One needs to get over it and it takes character to respect each others unique personalities and get over an disagrement.
I miss daughn also and would embrace her if she comes back but not everyone can do that.

Gail Combs

Actually I think having us ‘scatter’ is in some ways a GOOD THING. It makes us harder to take out.

And Yes I very much miss Daughn and also Nebraska Filly.


Ja that seems true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I blame China, frankly.

Part of my recovery from COVID was psychological. Watching my lung function crater was the beginning of victimhood. This was running in the opposite direction from where Trump was taking us, but I had to recover physically, then emotionally, then psychologically. Trying to process that was very difficult for me, but I had to talk back to the world – and even MYSELF – on what was happening. The whole thing was a massive psychological attack.

Once I was “unhypnotized”, I could see how we were ALL hypnotized. I was reminded about this today by a meme of mine that came up in a search:
comment image

It’s dated the 8th of May. That was when I was waking up – giving myself a PATTON SLAP.

I didn’t realize how badly COVID-centrism was messing with us until that moment.

I had been forced to “kill” my own COVID victimhood. I realized that we had to kill COVID-centrism on the site. It was not an immediate realization – not one that I could put into words. But we had to do it – or we would not be where we are today.

Daughn is still an author here. She’s still a member. But I leave that up to her, whether she wants to post here. However, this place will always be a bit like the military. At the security level – as I define security – it’s not a voting place, and it’s not a business, either.

And now that I’m a “wounded warrior”, it will always be just a little bit more “boot camp”. There are things we have to do, that we will not like. Because this REALLY is war.
comment image


Understood. And that all makes great sense. It wasn’t your fault, my brother.

I repeat….attempting to intervene in a cat fight is ALWAYS a losing proposition. One is CERTAIN to get at least some blame by one or both of the felines involved and leave with claw marks.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Au contraire. You will get blame from both of them…plus many others.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was reminded about this today, on the subject of “suspicion”. My mother taught me that suspicion is GOOD. Survival drilled it into her, and she drilled it into me without even knowing it.

Shortly before she died, for a few weeks (but not at the end), she became suspicious of ME – which took me a while to understand. She could not trust my wife with certain things (family matters, heirlooms, grandkids, etc.), and she could not trust that I was understanding of those things. But yet she had trained me well enough, that I did not bear any ill will toward those suspicions, which were indeed well-founded.

AND logic. Both women right. Both women opposed. Both advocating positions sensible from their perspectives. Man in the middle has to make decisions based on additional data, and takes whatever losses that entails.

Same thing can happen to a woman in the middle, but in that case, it’s often two men arguing over HER!  😆 

Ironic that feminism doesn’t “allow” talk about this reality, which is simply an expected outcome of information theory!


W – my take:
Wolf how did I survive colon cancer?
My positive attitude … nothing else.
Think about that … just sayin’ … -;)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Important to remember!

Interesting universe! 😎


I appreciate this perspective about recovering as it helps me to understand DH’s process of dealing with his situation. It’s different because it’s not covid, but part of your journey to get well I see in him as well. TY


I don’t think we can be anything-centric, and be effective.

This war we are in requires that we change gears and jump from battle to battle across the internet, social media, mass media, etc. constantly.

If we get hung up on one issue, we might win that small battle but lose on another front while we aren’t even paying attention.

Not gonna lie, it’s exhausting just keeping up these days.

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – very exhausting.

The BIG LIE from the criminals is that we didn’t need to care – that we didn’t need to fight – that we could just relax.


Well, the President has now called.

I said I would go if he called. I have no idea in the world how I am going to pull it off, but I don’t think I can live with myself if I don’t do it. I am terrified of going into that crowd, but I have to overcome it.

God help me. I need it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. OK. I guess it’s on.


“She should still be here.”i

This – Miss Daughn is missed more than you can imagine … 😉


Most informative, insightful, and original article. We remember well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It made a difference. It really broke the SPELL that China was casting over all of us.

So they released another.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Saw an amazing interview by Chanel Rion on OAN just now – with a black lady prof who’s involved with the President’s 1776 Commission, I believe. This lady prof is a HUGE patriot.

Anyway, she had a quote that totally obliterates the leftist narrative at its foundation.

“White people don’t own the Founding Fathers.”

That is such a huge idea. It just cuts through the ChiCom conditioning and propaganda at the lowest possible level.


Powerful, fact-based counter-narrative.

Here’s another….

It is grossly unfair and completely unrealistic….bordering on insane….to judge the Founding Fathers by 21st century standards of sensibility and “political correctness”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Second that!



Make that a million.


“…bordering on insane….to judge the Founding Fathers by 21st century standards of sensibility and “political correctness”.”


21st century standards of sensibility and ‘political correctness’ are insane.

By design.

The idea that standards ‘evolve’ is kind of insane too.

Right and wrong don’t change.

So if we perceive that right and wrong are changing, then somebody is doing something they shouldn’t be.


did you catch her name? Dr. Swain? looking for it on OANN’s youtube and facebook and can’t find

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, I missed her name and university entirely. But it’s likely going to be in Chanel Rion’s timelines very soon!


If it’s Dr. Carol Swain, I think she’s with Vanderbilt University.


Yes, she is awesome!!! Have had the Privledge of meeting and working with her here in middle tn politics. Lade of Excellence

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! That’s pretty cool.


Can’t use the edit button on the comment for some reason

Lady of Excellence

Weird – edit worked on this comment.

Anyway, yes, being near a big city even though we are a small pond has been a blessing.

She was one of many to whom I reached out for the recent rallies but she was already booked for all the dates. She is in high demand.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s because I responded! No problem – it’s obvious!


Oh, ok. Can’t edit after a response. Got it. Still learning the details of the new site


Dr. Carol Swain? She is on from time to time as well.


That was my first thought too. TN has some outstanding GOP right now! 🙂

And our GOP voters are more conservative than ever and speaking out

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

FYI – Knoxville tomorrow.
Andy Ogles is up and coming. Mayor of Maury County (Columbia) and very outspoken and conservative. Wonder if Mayor Jacobs will be there? Odd that he isn’t on the scheduled since its in Knoxville.
Anyway, thought you might want to know.




Anyway, she had a quote that totally obliterates the leftist narrative at its foundation.
“White people don’t own the Founding Fathers.”


My immediate reaction to that statement is not at all positive.

As always, it assumes a negative about white people as it’s starting point, casts white people in a negative light, and at the same time it seeks to deny the reality that white people and white CULTURE founded this country.

If white people say anything negative about Indian heritage, or Asian heritage, or black heritage, they’re unanimously condemned, called the most filthy vile terms imaginable — but when any or all of the above condemn white heritage, it’s a cum-by-ya moment for everyone but white people, who are supposed to hate themselves or something.

I reject all of that garbage.

It’s sick.

And the people who do it are sick.

Racial obsession and hatred toward white people is a mental illness.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you about that initial feeling, but I find that QUESTIONING MY FEELING is more useful than questioning her motivation.

I’ve always been a big fan of MLKJ, and I’m very protective of him, despite his flaws. And what she says is like a hallelujah statement for me.

Black people don’t own Martin Luther King Jr. He is THE GUY who said that the RIGHTS in the Constitution belong to ALL OF US. To me it’s like HELL YES! I can like this guy and it’s NOT about race – it’s about NOT-RACE.

I don’t know – maybe that doesn’t seem awesome to others, but it does to me. 😀

Valerie Curren

he probably meant Bye-done but oh well…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Talk about a “target-rich environment”! That would be CHINACRATS.


Did you see the Trevor Noah video with him, from just recently? He admits he got away with not being born here. I will try to find it.

Gail Combs


Hubby said, That would mean that OH!Bummer was NOT the president so BIDEN would have been president AND HAS ALREADY SERVED TWO TERMS!

Therefore he could not run for president.

Valerie Curren

No I didn’t see that. Amazing how dems think chatting w/ comedians equals a serious interview!


or, what’s said to a comedian doesn’t count.

Valerie Curren

Yes! The law only matters to beat & restrict their opponents with not as any type of check on their totalitarianism!


Here’s Obama with Trevor Noah, admitting he got away with not being born here. Start at 25 seconds.

Valerie Curren

Thanks GM!

Valerie Curren

Slick Nil-ly. Not really a laughing matter. What an ongoing anti-American!

Valerie Curren

KL is a true Conservative/s

Concerned Virginian

Hmmm, what got into Loeffler? Maybe a Lin Wood sighting in her environs? She thinks she can create a conservative CYA?

Valerie Curren

Right LOL!

Valerie Curren

Roberts got a few deep staters playing Duck & Cover!


Kelly, name one ‘special prosecutor’ that has ever accomplished anything, besides a political kabuki theater side-show.

We don’t need a ‘special prosecutor’.

We need a *&^%ing Attorney General who will do his $%^&ing job.

Valerie Curren

I really hope we learn that BB Was doing his job once he’s left it! & that Durham, or whoever, will rain down those 100+ indictments ASAP!

Valerie Curren


Linda Harrison

I found this on facebook and it states that this is Justice Roberts with Ghislane. I can get it to post on e-mail but not here. Sorry, it says bad url.

Last edited 4 years ago by Linda Harrison

Looks like Roberts is getting burned or ???


comment image

Linda Harrison

Thank you Kinthenorthwest – that is the photo I was trying to post.


Finding a photo of him with a teeth smile is almost impossible. This is the best one I could find on this article. What do you think?


It doesnt look like him. But the clothing, hair, and facial expressions are so different. Also we need to know about what year it was taken and compare his age then.


The ears don’t look right, and Roberts hair is very straight, the guy in the photo with Maxwell looks to have somewhat curly hair.


That was the tipoff for me.


Yeah, he’s sunburned a little, hair not slicked down after a day on the beach, lol, the cruise clothes…hard to tell


Needs a facial recognition comparison done stat.


Plus..he’s ( whoever it is) probably high or buzzed….in vacay mode

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That photo, though, looks just like the bedrooms on Epstein Island!


It does!


In this picture, he has a very slight dimple in his chin that shows up when he smiles. I don’t see that in the picture with Maxwell.


Yes, no dimple. Hairline, and hair texture is wrong. But the pic with Clinton and the other guys in the ocean does look like him.


I didn’t think his profile fits, and if I recall, that person was id-ed a few years ago. I remember that picture was one of several that the anons were researching then, and I was watching the boards then. Just don’t remember who all every one was, but I think they were all south american types.


LOL..that one I do think it looks like him..I suck at these picture things


Did mine come through or not.
Sometimes it shows and sometimes now ???

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Is Roberts married?


Jean Luc Brunel.



Gail Combs

comment image

Jean-Luc Brunel a French model scout and former modeling agency manager who vanished.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Wasn’t just arrested this week?


Thank you.


I’d imagine given Maxwell’s penchant for leaving messages the magazine/paper on the table might give a hint. Looks maybe euro but that’s about as far as I get with it.


Lets start with don’t believe everything that is on the internet.


I believe I’m in that ball park.


Doesn’t look like Roberts to me.

Valerie Curren

President Trump retweeted this post about mask mandates


You can’t fight Leftist / Globalist nonsense insanity with logic or reason.

It’s like punching at a shadow, you’re always missing the target.

You can encourage the insanity to the point where it becomes a parody of itself, and dies of mockery, e.g., when they say we need face shields, we up the ante and say and hazmat suits too.

And then do it. Start wearing full body protective suits everywhere you go, push the absurdity until it breaks through the narrative.

Or you can put the insane people in a rubber room, where they are no longer a danger to themselves or anyone else, and let them be insane.

They won’t be insane for long, because the ‘insanity’ is all an act. So when you forcibly remove them and put them in a rubber room, they will drop the insanity act.

What is always missing is the resolve to forcibly remove the bad actors.

And I don’t know why.




Why not HCQ instead?

It’s cheaper, it’s safer, it’s proven effective, and has nothing to do with Cabal.


In the What Else was on those Pages You Posted From Department.

Elf sized girl in Santa attire.

The dogs are turning the tables. Dog knocks out cat with a round house.


He really did it, a roundhouse!

Hit the pause button, and then double-click the pause button to basically go frame-by-frame so you can see it in slow motion 😂🤣😂


President Trump tweeted:

Link to article in tweet – Harsh on Cheney!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I’m in another situation where it’s perpetually telling me my post for tomorrow is “saving.” This happened last week, and eventually it did save.

Hopefully it is actually saving it this time!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I took a big chance.

I forced the edit page to reload. It warned me I might lose some changes. (How many? says the worried voice inside my skull.)

It lost the very last thing I did (centering a picture) so I just redid that. Done.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I actually lost a tiny bit of writing, but I fixed it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually if you can highlight and copy (to a plain text file) lots of text THEN force the page to reload, if you lose your writing you at least have a head start on getting it back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes, that’s probably the safest thing.

Though I find myself tweaking my phrasing constantly, when I go back and realize what I wrote wasn’t as clear as it could be (that will be a BIG issue tonight).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well the whole process is very much about trying.


And, you ALL do absolutely GREAT! mere thanks is not adequate for the creative efforts, thought and time you put into your work. It’s not unnoticed and very much appreciated…even, I’m sure by the “lurkers.”
I attempt, in my own way, to engage with posters, to write little personal adventures and memories to “mix it up” and to offer some light-hearted variety to the overall board conversation.
But, I could never author …and therefore am very thankful,to all of you that take on the responsibility.

Deplorable Patriot

For safety purposes, copying the whole thing before you reload has worked for me. Just paste it in once the page is reloaded.

I’ve also been known to copy and then open a new post window and paste in what I’ve got just to clear out old junk that’s preventing a save.


Somehow I am really dreading the day some big piece of research hits me, and I have to try to author an article. You guys are really working hard!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aside from it being balky at times, I’ve pretty much gotten used to the big differences now.

Which reminds me I should check it for the China Is Asshoe video not showing.


Please do. It is a staple of Saturday’s, and we never want to forget, China Is Asshoe.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aside from it being balky at times, I’ve pretty much gotten used to the big differences now.

Which reminds me I should check it for the China Is Asshoe video not showing.

…Yep, sure enough it was gone again, but I fixed it. I should only have to fix that one more time, when I copy my last old tree post to make up next week’s.


United States Space Force (@SpaceForceDoD) Tweeted: Today, after a yearlong process that produced hundreds of submissions and research involving space professionals and members of the general public, we can finally share with you the name by which we will be known: Guardians.


How incredibly, amazingly original. (rolleyes 🙄)

comment image


But it’s cool anyway, right?

If I was 18 years old again, all I would want in the world was to be in Space Force.

Semper Supra!


Yes.. and in comic theyve made starlord bi.
What happened to comics?

Gail Combs

The Liberals took them over like everything else.


“What happened to comics?”


Chi-com Marxist infiltration / perversion / subversion, like everything else.



john jackson (@pvtjokerus) Tweeted: This mfer.


Why don’t we just start then by redistributing your wealth, then? Huh?


Yes… kuck him out of Gracie mansion. Redistribute that first.


Clearly I need to scroll down further before posting 😁

Gail Combs


Redistribute it FROM the Peasants TO THE CABAL.

Amazing how they never ever add that bit of truth.


Redistribute wealth to whom? The way it is in a communist country those who have the power take the wealth of others and everyone is poor except they.
I mean redistribute the way they gave his wife $500000 and she lost it?


Silly question why do I have numbers after my name?


I could make a snarky joke about secret messages but I won’t.


Well, he apparently has done a pretty good job of distributing it to his wife!


And no accountability for it either.


How about we redistribute his body for scientific experiments? While he’s still using it.


DE BLASIO: “I’d like to say very bluntly: our mission is to redistribute wealth.”


Let’s start with yours.



There is a sickness in this country and it is called fascists.
Not only want these deranged people kill babies now they want to kill old people you knows who do not contribute to society any longer. Where did I hear that last oh yes in the former DDR if one was old not contribute to the workforce well then one can die.
We cannot let Biden and Harries into the WH because these people will be in charge.


See my thoughts above. These people are truly evil.


Yes they are

Gail Combs


However I am ALL for the Democrats keeping that vaccine ALL to themselves.

Here is what George Bernard Shaw, co-founder of the Fabian Society said on the subject.


“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”

Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.

“Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.”

George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928, pg. 470

Sure sounds like the way a farmer treats his livestock.  

Shaw BTW was a fan of Hitler.


If Hitler knew that, he’d have been offended.

Gail Combs

snicker 🙃 


My daughter had an interesting viewpoint on this- being that the vaccine is questionable, it might be to the advantage of older “white” people not to receive it. If the vaccine is being pushed on one group vs another, whatever age or ethnicity, I am suspicious of some form of eugenics.


Good point


All leftists should be required to get the vaccine and get them before conservatives.

No exceptions.


In that case, I am the lily-est of lily white, like the driven snow! Keep your vaccine for a person with “color.”

I don’t even tan  😁 

Valerie Curren

why would twit word delete a pic of POTUS?


It’s still there on Scavino’s account.

Valerie Curren

Interesting for it says it’s deleted when trying to like &/or retweet, but it allows a “quote tweet”…hmmm…


where is he that he wonders if the wifi is strong enough to send out the tweet?

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if that is the message there. It had A Lot of retweets & then the claim of being deleted. I was speculating that it might be some type of comms…no clue to reply to your Q 🙂

Gail Combs

I had to replace my old flip phone by the end of the month since Verison is going from 3G to 4G LTE as a step towards 5G. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Where the heck are you that you’re just getting 4G LTE? I’ve had 4G LTE for at least 2 years with Verizon here in the rural area of Puget Sound WA. They are rolling out 5G as we speak, across western WA.

Gail Combs

In the middle of the boonies in central North Carolina.


Wow. I figured with I-95 running through the state that y’all would be firstest with the mostest. I learn something new every day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not all of NC is anywhere near I-95. Nor is it near I-40, at least within cell tower range.

But if I had to guess, she’s probably had 4G in her area for ages, but they are pulling the plug on 3G so they will be able to install 5G.

Valerie Curren

Hmmm. Isn’t 5G supposed to have/cause a lot of issues? It’s like everywhere you look there is some type of battleground…


I just saw on the X22 Report….
Someone zoomed in a flag around the President…..
In the creases it says:
and below that:


Valerie Curren

Thanks Rayzor. that makes sense given the 20K or so re-tweets at the time I saw it 🙂

Valerie Curren

Stacey Abrams & Bilderberg’s


Without a doubt, a very important Ozero protege’

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

I don’t get it, at all…

Valerie Curren

Prayers needed for a Patriot

Valerie Curren

More on that Marine



He should be ready to blow fascists’ brains out, not his own.

Valerie Curren

Yes. But that despair can weigh so heavy on people that they cannot think straight. I hope Code of Vets & people around him can shore him up, along w/ the prayers of the saints.




Could we at least have his first name to personalize our prayers?

Valerie Curren

I don’t know it. The Code of Vets group is caring for the needs of vets that are struggling. If you are on Twitter you could ask them. If not let me know & I’ll see if they might do a Direct Message & ask on your behalf.


Tell him that his unit needs him for the upcoming combat. Tell him he is irreplaceable and the unit cannot function without him.

Gail Combs

THAT is an excellent idea.

Valerie Curren

That’s great PG I’ll try to pass that along now!


He just needs someone to take it out on.

Release the list of globalists and coup plotters, wanted dead or alive.

The only reason they’re alive right now is because the government protects them from us.

Valerie Curren

If only it were that simple. I doubt that warriors are accustomed to the level of impotence & hopelessness that civilians deal with to survive in this dysfunctional society. Bounty hunting the bad guys would be a welcome stress relief valve!

Valerie Curren

This is a relatable perspective!


Yeah, no.

We keep everything, they get nothing but the bills and expenses.


Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you, sunshine soldier.

Valerie Curren

I relate to the RINO’s are worthless perspective. MAGA Patriots & Conservatives are completely different animals!


Stole from a friend

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Valerie Curren

This message (image) seems tailor made for these times


So is Podesta arrested?

Gail Combs

Podesta & Military Coup?

by  Martin Armstrong

 Aug 19, 2020

…..There was a group of former top government officials in which they called themselves the Transition Integrity Project where they played a game as they did at EVENT 201 for this virus. They had four possible scenarios, which even include one that looked like 2016 where they would lose the Electoral College. Mr. Podesta played Mr. Biden, and he responded that his party wouldn’t let him concede as Hillary had done alleging voter suppression. Podesta then persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College to change the vote.

They also played out a scenario where a Trump victory would lead to California, Oregon, and Washington moving to secede from the United States. He also played that if the Electoral College could not make a decision because of the delays from the mail-in votes, then the House leader, Pelosi, would name Mr. Biden president. The Senate and White House would reject that and support Mr. Trump. At that point, Podesta would turn to the military to remove Trump.

Never in the history of any election, has there ever been such a political war game played. This warns what our computer has been forecasting about the rise in civil unrest and the risk that this will prove to be the most corrupt election in American history….

So Podesta may very well be on POTUS’ list.


Maybe. But to date, nothing.

Valerie Curren

No clue here, I can’t keep up!

Valerie Curren

Armed & ready (also a Classic Christian song by Sweet Comfort Band, I believe)


Fuck that.


Valerie Curren

Is that a standard AR accessory pack, Johnny West style? 😉

Valerie Curren


come to timmy

A door-to-door salesman might just make a little fortune right about now.

Valerie Curren

I think you’re right!!!!


OK, we now have a new “feature” — there’s an (@address) behind our nics when we comment. In my case, it keeps changing with a six digit number in the X’s — (@guestXXXXXX).

Let me start by saying I’m not a fan. It may, however, be a necessary thing to accomplish something useful.


Heh. Evidently the XXXXXX is the comment number.


I just clicked on your number. A green box showed up at the top right, as follows:
Copied to clipboard!

I don’t know if this has been discussed, but I’m guessing it’s a way to embed links to comments.

EDIT: It didn’t take me to your comment when I clicked on the link. 😞

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have to chop it down to #xxxxxx on this site. Use the full link on other sites!


I see that the person’s name that you are replying to, is now a link to that person’s comment.

That’s new too, isn’t it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! I think that is part of the new add-on – both comments (using #) and people (using @) are now more “linky”.

This solves comment citation. Your comment is:


Let’s see if that works…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hold your mouse over it!


Very cool!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I love hover-peek citations – that is a winner, IMO.

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Hah…that’s cool!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that makes the “chain link in the corner” double valuable. Copy the full link to put it on other sites or in an email. Cut it down to #comment for THIS site to have a hoverable citation!


I like it.👍
Thanks, boss!

Deplorable Patriot

Totally agree. Don’t care for it at all.


What’s a ‘nics’?

Valerie Curren

Sundance is exactly correct here. D’souza is wrong.

Conservative party USA ftw!


RepubliCON party is DEAD to me.

Prior to November 3rd, I tolerated the RepubliCONs as lesser of two evils. Posted as much several times.

Since November 3rd, what I have witnessed RepubliCONs do, and RepubliCONs NOT do, I will NEVER vote any Uniparty person.

Once integrity is LOST, integrity is NOT recoverable.


After Ptresident Trump officially prevails and we get past 20 January, 100% believe President Trump will spearhead, or endorse someone spearheading Conservative Party or whatever they choose to call it.

Gail Combs

Do a Hostile Take over of the Rebooblican party. It is right up Trump’s alley. 😉 


California i think.
💩  :wpds_chuckle: 

MG Show (@intheMatrixxx) Tweeted: Yes. Patriots, it’s still WWG1WGA.


^^^ That’s precious! ^^^ Couldn’t make that one up. ^^^

Gil, Yea, I realize so many homes look alike. In fact ARE alike. Had a few paper routes as a kid. Home just like this on the paper route or stomping grounds where I grew up. I swear, I have seen that house. Very close to Park Ave and Shasta/Hanchett Ave, San Jose. Older neighborhood. Uncanny.

This area is really quite close to the Rose Garden area, cthulhu has posted on a few months back..


Spanish style house, palm tree, power lines….cA!


Kudos to her for picking up after her dog. And if she didn’t have these little bags that are common around here, she uses her mask. So far so good.

Now why anyone would use a face mask in that situation is not obvious at all. Outdoors and far enough away from anyone else, including the photographer, for distance not to be an issue. But there is no way in this or any alternate universe that it makes sense to put the dogshite-contaminated mask back on afterwards. Just no and never. Makes one wonder about the oxygen level being depleted because of the face mask.


That is why the old fashion grocery bags–they made the best pooper bags…The ones you but are a bit on the small side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good chance this is a phony hip-hop video for monetizing. I’ve seen far too many of those. Amateur acting for view cash. Once you’re onto the scam,they’re easier to spot.


Good to know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t remember what the first one was, but somebody pointed one out and I thought wow. Yeah, could be fake.

The next time I saw one was really obvious – some workman allegedly pulls up to do some house job and gets sent away by the lady at the door on film, and in the last frame he drives off and has a big confederate flag trailing his pick-up – totally ridiculous – obviously staged.

One more after that, and now this. It’s a thing, IMO.


Hmmm… i didnt lnow that was a thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I would have never suspected without having been told. Nobody wants to rain on the scam, which I find very interesting. “Anything for the clicks” culture.


Of course.

To an honest conservative judge, the fair and equitable application of the law as commonly understood is paramount.

To a leftist judge, the interpretation and application of the law to further the leftist agenda is paramount.


What law–One is not safe in LA or Seatte with their laws.

In Seattle if you can claim you did your crime cause you broke, its OK.

Here’s a list of crimes on LA’s new DA’s do-not-prosecute list #FoxNews


I see headline after headline about justice being denied and also attempts to take down the good guys like this. I see no hope at all for Pres. Trump and the country’s case in the courts. It is hard to think that our country is that far gone. The military option has to be viable.


The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) Tweeted: BREAKING: California appeals court blocks San Diego County restaurant openings

Gail Combs

REMEMBER a proposed regulation has to go through the Federal Register where WE The People can comment.

The grassroots farmers managed to castrate the proposed National Animal ID regulations by flooding the Federal register with negative comments.

The first step is to FIND the regulation. Then spread it around so people have time to comment.


How about we go back to the “Legislature(s)” make the LAWS……
Instead of bureaucrats?


Just a thought…….
When someone is in a “court” case against the government……
THEY have UNLIMITED $$$$$…..
“WE” have little.
I think maybe the Government should pick up the Bill for “our” Legal costs?

Seems like most of the time….
“Their” ploy is just to Bankrupt us…..
See Michael Flynn.


Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Just imagine how the lawfare “people” will game that…..

They will use YOUR tax dollars to bankrupt you.


Put the lawfare people on ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive’ posters.

Let them try to ‘game’ that.


«The process is the punishment» The treatment of General Flynn can be considered a reference case of this.

And then combine this with the stalinesque «Give me a man and I will find the crime»

And then the underlying politicalization of everything resulting in selective enforcement. An indicator of tyrants operating.

There is something seriously rotten here. As if the whole judicial system has turned into some kind of business with growth expectations. In parallel with the ever-growing mass of legislation, another set of growth expectations. Visions of kudzu…

Clean-up is needed. Then redesign, where effective limits on growth are in place and selective enforcement is not possible.

One could outlaw lawfare, but that is asking the law to enforce limits on itself. Too self-referential.

Last edited 4 years ago by slowcreekno



Yeah, that’s a real hmmmm.


Is it too much to hope that someone pulled him aside and told him to stop being a stooge for the ChiComs?


Twilight zone.


100% Kemp was calibrated during his visit at the WH. Perhaps shown some evidence of wrong doing in GA. Perhaps stuff directly tied to Kemp.

Sadie Slays

No clue if this has been mentioned here or not, but it appears this year’s “Event 201” is Cyber Polygon 2020. Hosted by World Economic Forum (yeah, those Great Reset a-holes), this year’s disaster “simulation” was a “digital pandemic” of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. Obviously, this already started with the news about the Solar Winds hack. I’ve wondered for awhile now if “Dark Winter” is reference to evil plans to deliberately turn off the electricity in order to cause the necessary mass chaos for their Great Reset (I don’t think President Trump would allow a long-term shut off, but short-term outages to recover from attacks? Seems plausible).

Prep accordingly.


That would massively kill a lot of people.

Sadie Slays

That’s probably the point. Depopulation agenda + gotta break people down enough to make them beg for the Great Reset. I don’t think President Trump or Americans patriots will let it get that bad, but I’m expecting and preparing for short-term disruptions.


I want to see Klaus Schwab cry.


There’s a “test” you can take, and I think it’s a test to look at your computer, to obtain various sorts of information. Did I take it? H3ll no.


ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE is being remade.
Bc hollywood must destroy what we hold dear, especially a movie focused on family and a beloved original film.
They have cast this disgusting garbage human as George Bailey.
Snl pete davidson.

comment image

Sadie Slays

They won’t stop until every American symbol and piece of culture has been ruined. It’s part of their psychological warfare.


Have no idea how credible this source is, so use caution.


^^^ “Marines have already been recalled…”, simply has to be bogus. There is NO shortage of Active forces available, literally on couple hours notice, including airlift.

“Recalling” is a time consuming process.

No comment on the rest of it.


Would POTUS announce what his move is or is this a false flag to weed out a snitch?


Something like the post above, the earliest we’d know about it is when the military is ready to engage, not deploy. Or so I guess. give the enemy, bad guys as little notice as possible. Don’t let the bastards react first.


Test. Mac.

Last edited 4 years ago by WSB

From Gab, jholmes551, found on Neon Revolt:

Ratcliffe met with the President at the Army/Navy game and hand-delivered the 13848 report.

Then Monday the Treasury gets hacked (that is who was trying to receive the report — they were trying to get it.)

Then Tuesday the Pentagon gets hacked (that is where the report originates, again trying to get it).

Then Wednesday the Homeland Committee met. (They are one of the entities that need to act.)

Now, Biden is cut off from Pentagon briefings.

Yep. Lock step with EO 13848.

H/t anons.


Unity or diversity or something…

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Thanks, grandmaintexas, for an excellent post.

I have bookmarked the beef diagram. Very useful. Our cuts in the UK are different, so this will help when watching US food shows.

I also admire your discourses on drinks — gin (previously) and wine. Keep ’em coming!



‘Wolf added the diagram and it was brilliant.’ Thanks to both of you!