More wpDiscuz Features Coming This Week on

A quick note.

Please expect more new commenting features from wpDiscuz add-ons to appear rapidly during the next week.

wpDiscuz Add-ons

Addons Support Forum

All wpDiscuz addons are being developed by wpDiscuz developers at gVectors Team. These addons help us to keep top level development of the free wpDiscuz plugin. All essential and even dozens of extra-cool features are already available for free in the core wpDiscuz plugin. There are not any limits, any pro and paid versions of wpDiscuz. We have another dozens of awesome features in our to-do list which will be added for free in the future releases.

Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
gVectors Team 

The full package of add-ons which was purchased for this site includes 18 add-ons, each of which has a full page of features. We have only added 4 of these add-ons. We probably don’t want ALL 18 of them, based on feedback from users here, but we definitely want MORE OF THEM, because some features in some of the add-ons appear to answer requests and complaints from users.

I say “appear to”, because some of these bells and whistles are ANNOYING. Some are “less so”.

Sometimes we have to TRY SOMETHING OUT to see if we like it.

I don’t THINK that top page numbering of comments is possible through these features, but we don’t really know positively until we’ve dug into them. wpDiscuz is full of interesting surprises.

My plan is to – as quickly as possible – install more of the add-ons and tweak the features ON or OFF, etc., to obtain a STABLE commenting system. It is after THAT system is obtained, that I will begin making slower code changes – securely and according to design – that will address any desires not fixable through the add-ons themselves.

Please use this thread as much as possible to register your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and observations regarding the new features as they roll out. I will sticky this intermittently as I add new features, so that people can find it easily. Don’t be afraid to speak up.



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Here’s to a better commenting experience!


If it’s just me I prefer to pull it.

But keep in mind just d/c it isn’t “displayed” doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact usernames are super-trivial to figure out – not displaying isn’t any more secure at all. Weakness in WP design IMO.


(1) Any accessibility features for readers?, and (2) can you link to those 18 add-ons, so we might help with prioritization?


Apologies…wrong thread. Moving over to the daily.

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

More features. Oh good. Soon I hope for features that will allow my refrigerator to schedule my dentist appointments and take out my trash.


  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_grin: 


Great! I hope there’s a feature that moves the comment box down to the bottom.


I don’t know if you have ever observed the commenting at this site, JoNova in Australia, but I have always liked it for the ability to leave and go back to where I left off reading. The articles are good, too.

Corruption is like acid to democracy: the phase change a High Trust Nation risks « JoNova (


Hey, I’m able to “like” articles again! 👍



I received an email saying “You’ve been mentioned in a comment”… never seen THAT before… 😂

What is “nic”?

When I hovered my cursor over my screen name (in your post above), it shows “Posts: 0 Comments: 378”

Never saw that before either.

Shouldn’t I have more comments than that, if I’m a wolferine?


No, I think that’s a good feature! If someone mentions you in a post, that’s certainly worth checking out. So far it has always been positive when I stumble across them, but who knows how many I’ve missed?

Deplorable Patriot



Who is Susie Soprano?

Asking for a friend 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

If you need to delete it, or if DP wants it deleted, that’s fine 😁

I can’t do it anymore, or I would.

I was guessing it was a Twitter thing. I’m not really familiar with Twitter, but when I searched for it with duckduckgo, it didn’t bring anything up besides an unrelated instagram account (which I know nothing about).

I checked the string after my screen name too, and didn’t come up with any hits there either. I don’t know if that’s a way to contact me by Twitter or not, I don’t even think that’s one of my Twitter names.

I’ve had to open multiple accounts because I’m suspended immediately, as soon as I confront anyone or speak the plain truth about anything, and I can’t get back on after my suspension because I don’t have any way to receive their text message code so I can unlock my account.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

“People just often have different user names and display names.”


So we can call her Susie now?

Probably safer to stick with Ms. Soprano… 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

wasn’t the Sopranos about a mafia family? you might want to show MORE RESPECT Scott…wink, wink


“You could change your display name to “Deplorable Scott”, or even “Irredeemable Scott”, or whatever you want!”


Pierre Delecto?


Deplorable Patriot

Can we get rid of the @XYZ thing please?


I believe that the entire bundle of 18 plugins is here:

Plain Jane

I love a lot of things about the new site, Having a small list of issues now. Am trying to go it alone until my list is done please know I am still here, but mainly lurking.

Love you all.

Plain Jane


Plain Jane

Can’t like the publishers thread. Have a bell, but it just goes in circles.

Plain Jane

Yep the new one son just brought to us today. No page jumping.:-)
Yesterday and since the new WP I also had to sign in every time Iwent toa new page.

Plain Jane

Test for bell

Plain Jane

No worky. Circle is making me dizzy. 🙂

Plain Jane

Will try now otherwise will email son tomorrow. Thank you.

will i have to sign in whenever I go to a new page or thread, or go to another website and come back here? Or will I be permanently logged in?

I just saw the little bell icon next to the post comment. I xed out the slash through on it. Hope that takes caare of the bell issues.

Plain Jane

TY Wolfie. I’m starting to fade. The cancer has me sleeping a LOT. will still look for Prevent Cross Site thing.

Plain Jane

It worked Wolfie. I am replying from my bell button as opposed to my bellybutton….hahaha!

Plain Jane

Black bar on top of pade. Yes, responding via the bell button.

Plain Jane

Yes. I still am not able to like the author’s thread.

Plain Jane

I went to maricas and have the bar, but not at the qtree now.
So I am responding from maricas site.

I stupidly clare my history from today and came back her to make sure I wouldnt have to sign in again.

How do I get my black bar…bell back.

Plain Jane

No problem. I was fading an hour ago.
Night night and God bless you and yours.

Plain Jane

The miracle! You are a gem Wolfie

Plain Jane


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s counterintuitive. Why would just a number sign followed by a six digit number become a link? Whatever, glad it works!

Now I’m just going to type in a number directly.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Holy smokes! I don’t even have to copy and paste, just number-sign and the digits typed in.

But will this ever get broken if I, say, type some number and a number sign, like, “Gee, she looks out for #1?”

Apparently not, but what about on its own line?


Perhaps its smart enough to realize there is no comment #1. Or it’s got a time window outside of which it won’t work. Or it has to be on the beginning of a line which we can check with #631301 .

Apparently it needs to be at the beginning of a line.

#631301 what if it’s got stupid inane stuff after it?

Beginning of a line by itself it is, then.


No, that did not work.





Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


It doesn’t work consistently.


Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The most important thing for ANY new ‘bell & whistle’ is the ability of the individual commenter to shut it off if desired. The less of ‘one size fits all’ the better.


I logged in to WordPress because it baited me with, “We will link your account to theQtree.” I was asked to log in by my email or user name. I thought Zorro_rides might be my user name but WP said that name does not exist. So I entered my real life email address. The screen flashed and burped once, and I was here. ‘Here’ has a black band on top with a bell, a little circle, the word ‘Reader’, an icon of a page, an icon of a W, and the word ‘My Sites’.

Hmm. Now I wonder, is my username ‘zorrorides’? I hope I don’t get turned into Susie Soprano. I heard that happens sometimes.


Oh! I see I got named  zorrorides . ‘Online’ right now as a ‘Cute Chipmunk’. Now Chipmunk I know, but what do I do with an @sign in front?- have I become twittered?


There is information put into registration — or brought over from prior registrations that is meant to be kept private, between the site owner and the user. Subsequent disclosure of private data is tantamount to doxxing, IMHO. And, as site owner, there’s at least one possible method of running this new toy without changing a lick of code and without disclosing private data.

Change the data.

Do something like, “on database with field reg_secret, make new field reg_shadow”, “copy everything from field reg_secret to reg_shadow”, “copy everything from field reg_public to reg_secret”. Turn on the plugin again.

Although I have to say, this plugin made me very glad I’d never registered.


I sympathize with where you find yourself. Once showed themselves to be evil, you immediately and successfully dismounted, found another host, and got up and rolling. More and more, I’m suspecting JetPack was a poison pill on the way out the door — bearing the original taint of But you have handled it with skill and discernment and I expect you will continue to do so.

I feel sorry for all the sites that have yet to clue in.

Deplorable Patriot

You have to understand, this is about my 6th or 7th WP account in the last 10-11 years. There’s stuff connected up, I’m sure, from sites I never use any more.


It’s a shame to have to give up the comment-mentioning features…those were good.

But I totally understand about the scary doxing features.
Those were not good.


I trained one of my audit staff to manage the corporate website without ever learning PHP myself — it’s not difficult, but it is time-consuming, and I had other things to do. I really feel for Wolf at this point — he needs an intern or a nephew he can shove the time-consuming parts off on to while focusing his efforts on what is important.

Wolf’s greatest triumph has been to take his fate into his own hands, and he has done this very adroitly. Unfortunately, he now needs about seven hands.

If he lives near a college, he might be able to sucker some kid into doing the grind work provide an opportunity for some youngster to gain experience to cite on a resume.

Gail Combs

I very much like the new comments appearing with a yellow background. I can quickly page down and find any new comments without having to re-read or try to go to the side bar and click on the pointer to each comment.

It is a real time saver.

Gail Combs

I prefer HTML to having to highlight and then go down to the bottom of the comment to pick out bold or whatever. On the other hand I do not mess up the close.

I just have to mark as I write instead of going back and marking after.

The blockquote is the worse. I have to change screen size to highlight a large block of text sometimes.

The HTML means I make more goofs, this way sometimes take more time for a long comment.



I finally got around to doing what CPAs do…..building a spreadsheet. I’m trying to figure out the successfully implemented features, and which one was the problematic one.

I’m thinking that the four good ones are:
Media Uploader

And that the one that you were trying to “light-up” was “User & Comment Mentioning”.

I’ve already identified seven as being highly questionable. If I knew the status of the five, there’d only be seven that I might read-up on (the six remaining, and the one now withdrawn).


Interesting. NoScript just threw a cross-site scripting problem on widgets. Probably from JetPack. I’m going to have to build another spreadsheet on JetPack — I suspect that every part of it is available elsewhere in a less tainted way.

OK, need to dig a bit, but my wpDiscuz spreadsheet is good for now.


So, on my second pass, I’m looking at the very concept of “Private Comments”, and I’m thinking:

“Wolf pays for the bandwidth for commenters to share private messages? No potential for abuse there.”

And I’m curious about the way “Widgets” are implemented. They’re clearly coming from JetPack, because you haven’t done the wpDiscuz ones — but you have the wpDiscuz ones available. Can you run a diff on the two?


I was going to try to csv you my spreadsheet as it got more populated, but I figured I’d save some time.

You have four working, and most people (including me) seem to like them.

I zonked the following (details available upon request):
Ads Manager
Comment Translation
Frontend Moderation
Google reCAPTCHA
myCRED Integration
Subscription Manager
Syntax Highlighter

If, for some horrible reason, you have any interest in pursuing the above, let me know and I’ll try to come up with a rational argument. They didn’t seem like they had anything to do with this site.

This leaves me with:
Comment Author Info — likely dangerous, much research needed
Comment Search — sounds innocuous
Media Uploader — sounds handy
Report and Flagging — errrrrr….

And two under a cloud:
User & Comment Mentioning — because it too freely shares what it can see
Widgets — because it might, or might not, be a less compromised version of something JetPack already provides.