2020·12·19 KMAG Daily Thread

More On The Great Conjunction

NOTE: There is some confusion about this, and it’s MY fault for not explaining it well enough. Regardless of where you are, you should be out basically as soon as it gets fairly dark, and watch until Jupiter and Saturn set. There IS an instant of absolute closest approach between Jupiter and Saturn, but it matters so little I haven’t even bothered to look it up; for all I know it’s 3 AM my time and I won’t be able to see it. The important thing is for you to see Jupiter and Saturn before they set, and that will be at about the same time, LOCAL, anywhere, less than two hours after sunset.

(The reason I harped on 5 PM my time, which is conveniently the right time for me to start looking, is that the data I got from NASA is for that exact time (midnight UTC).)

You might remember this diagram from last week. It’s a diagram of our solar system on Monday, at 5 PM Mountain Time, minus Mars, Venus, Mercury and everything past Saturn, showing an apparent lineup of Jupiter and Saturn as seen from Earth.

In 3D the lineup is pretty good too, both Jupiter and Saturn are in fact slightly ‘inside’ your monitor and they will be 1/5 of the full moon’s width apart in the sky, or one tenth of a degree of arc.

Astronomers like to denote distances “up there” as seen from Earth as angles, because that way it doesn’t matter how far away something is. It’s easiest to measure those angles–that’s what we can directly observe. Distances are harder, sometimes much harder. I gave a link last time to the story of how the distance between the earth and sun were first measured using a Venus transit in the 1700s. Since we knew the ratios of the planets’ distances from the sun, expressing everything in AUs (astronomical units, where 1AU is the mean distance from the earth to the sun), that gave us the size of each planet’s orbit by simple multiplication. We could then use the “absolute” number giving the size of Earth’s orbit to measure the distance to the nearer stars, but that was extremely finicky measuring and didn’t get done until the mid 1800s. It’s as if measuring distances is a ladder; each method gives us results we can carry forward to measure the distances to things further and further away. (Of course doing this causes measurement errors to pile up, but they’re still far better than complete guesswork.)

Astronomers still use AUs routinely for talking about the sorts of distances you’d see within a star’s planetary system–even other stars’ planetary systems–because otherwise they’d be tossing around numbers with eight or nine zeros at the end of them.

OK, so, why is Earth at the top of the diagram? Was that some arbitrary choice I made?

Well, it’s arbitrary, but it’s not my choice. And it is handy having the diagram be taller than it is wide; if it hadn’t turned out that way when I plotted it from real position data, I’d have rotated the diagram.

The data from NASA, and therefore the diagram, are expressed in something called “Heliocentric Ecliptic Coordinates.” There are X, Y and Z values for Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, and I just plotted them. (It also gives velocity components in the X, Y, and Z directions.) This is a 3-D version of the “Cartesian” coordinates that, if/when you had algebra, was what you used to graph functions. Instead of squares on graph paper, imagine cubes.

The center of this big three-dimensional grid is the center of gravity of the Solar System (practically dead center in the Sun). But which way do the axes point? A choice had to be made. It didn’t cosmically matter which way we pointed the axes, but astronomers had to come up with a common convention. What’s fairly obvious and convenient is that the X-Y plane (where Z is zero) should be the plane of Earth’s orbit about the Sun, and the Z axis should probably run through the center of the sun with the positive end going out the Sun’s north pole (or close to it, just so it’s at a right angle to the XY plane). Those decisions come from the physical characteristics of Earth’s orbit around the sun. But we still haven’t defined which way the X and Y axes point, even if we know what plane they are in.

So here comes the arbitrary decision, made sometime centuries ago: The X axis runs in the direction in which, we on Earth, see the sun to be at the exact moment of the March equinox (which is “spring” for most people). So we are sighting through the sun to establish the X axis.

Which means that at that moment, Earth is at roughly X=-1.0 AU, the Sun of course is at X=0.0 AU, and it is Earth’s position at the beginning of (northern hemisphere) fall that is at X=+1.0 AU.

If you look at my diagram, at 3 o’clock on the diagram, on the circle of earth’s orbit, is where Earth is on the first day of autumn–straight to the right of the “origin” which is where x=1.0 ought to be on any self-respecting graph. At 12 o’clock is the winter solstice (+Y axis), at 9 o’clock is the spring equinox (-X), and at 6 o’clock is the summer solstice (-Y). You’ll notice I went around the “clock” counter-clockwise. That’s because almost everything in our solar system runs counter-clockwise. The planets rotate counter-clockwise, all of the major moons and planets orbit counter-clockwise, and so on, of course this is all as seen from over the north pole of the Sun, our viewpoint being somewhere along the +Z axis.

Here’s the same diagram with the X and Y axes superimposed.

[By the way, how did we decide which direction would be “clockwise”? We did pick a direction, we could have picked the other direction for clocks to run in. Why didn’t we? Well this time there is a reason. In Europe, the shadow on a sundial moves in that direction. If our civilization had started in the southern hemisphere, long odds are that we’d draw our maps with south at the top, our globes would be mounted with south at the top, and our clocks would run counter-clockwise. And the people in the northern hemisphere would have to endure all those jokes about being upside down.]

Returning to our coordinate system, the Y axis goes through the spot where the earth is at (northern hemisphere) winter solstice. Which is pretty much where we will be this Monday. That’s why Earth is straight “up” from the Sun in my diagram.

Which way is Z? It’s straight up out of your screen, right at you. So when I said Jupiter and Saturn were slightly inside your screen, it’s because they have very small negative Z values.

One way to draw directions into an out of the monitor, or a blackboard, which is how I learned it many, many years ago, is to use ⨯ for into the monitor and ⋅ or even ⊙ for out of it. This is meant to suggest an arrow with four tail feathers and a conical head, the dot is the point of the arrow (facing you, out from the monitor or chalkboard)–circled just shows you the entire arrowhead looking at you straight on. The ⨯ suggests the four tail feathers when the arrow is pointing into the monitor (or chalkboard).

One more thing about coordinate systems (if you haven’t gotten bored yet), the issue of “right handed” versus “left handed.” If you use your right hand to point, like a kid making a gun with his fingers, along the X axis, and your other fingers bend towards the Y axis, and your thumb points along the Z axis, it’s a right handed system. If you can’t get this to work with some coordinate system, try your left hand. If that works, you are using a left handed system.

These ecliptic coordinates I got from NASA are right-handed.

And it’s cool that this diagram just happened to lay out well without having to be rotated. Those of you who remember your algebra and “graphing things” should find a lot of this familiar.

OK that’s enough of that rather abstract stuff. Now I’m going to try to explain why all of “great conjunctioning” is happening in the southwestern sky after sunset.

First, imagine yourself somewhere on the line between sun and Earth, and you are facing towards the earth, with the Sun shining on your back.

Or, imagine my first diagram tilting away from you as shown, and you being transported to the big white X in the upper left. Then continue tilting until you are edge-on.

What do you see? Well, because it’s the winter Solstice, this is what you see.

Globe simulating Earth seen from the sun at December Solstice

Well, OK you won’t see all the labels and so forth, and especially not the big metal thing on the south pole, but the thing to notice is that the south pole is visible and the north pole is not. The earth’s axis is tilted with respect to the ecliptic (the plane we’re standing on in our little mind-experiment). It stays pointing in the same direction (almost–it moves slowly, so slowly you’ll never notice). So as it moves around its orbit, from right to left in this diagram, there are times when the north pole points away from the sun (and us) and times when it points towards the sun. This coming Monday just happens to be the day when the north pole is pointed as much away from the sun as it ever is (that’s the definition of the December solstice).

In the upper right, not very visible, is North America. The earth rotates west to east, so North America is about to go onto the far side, the dark side–it’s late in the day there. Here are some annotations and a set of axes in the lower left. Notice Z is now up, because +Y points into the picture.

Now here’s a side view. Going back to the original diagram, it’s as if we tilted it this way, instead.

But if we’re going to imagine ourselves standing on the diagram, we need to make it horizontal, like this:

So, finally, here’s a “side” view of Earth from the right.

“Side” view.

From this vantage point, the earth is moving directly away from us in its orbit. On the first diagram, we’re somewhere to the right of earth, looking toward it.

Any horizontal line on this last picture, points at the sun. And if you can imagine some Deplorable in flyover country standing in Kansas, looking at the setting sun…well, it’s not to the west. It’s south of west. Because west is actually to the left and up in the diagram, not straight to the left, as shown below. And north is kind of tilted askew because the ground that deplorable is standing on is actually tilted away from us (imagine standing where the compass rose is).

This is why the Sun is setting to the south of west at this time of year (someone asked me about that a few days ago, I hope she’s reading this).

But what about Jupiter and Saturn? Well, let’s back up a bit. Here’s the diagram “tilting” again. Notice the diagonal dashed line (I don’t know why but my graphics software turned it into a dashed line); that’s the line to Jupiter and Saturn.

So, imagine it tilting all the way…and that diagonal line becomes a line running left from Earth to Jupiter and Saturn, but it also slopes up and out of the screen!

The horizon plane for our sunset-viewing Deplorable was tilted, some, away from us, but the sun is on that plane because it’s sunset. Jupiter and Saturn are above that plane, also in the southwest, at sunset.

Which, for our Deplorable in Kansas who’s watching the sunset, means they’re still up above the horizon.

If I have been doing my job as a writer, you’ve been following me and understand this, and you can see how in three dimensions it all hangs together now. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if many here are still confused. It’s tough to do this sort of thing even with diagrams.

But at least now you should know where to look on Monday evening!

And just to put the icing on the cake, here’s a photo I took just as it was getting dark on Wednesday, facing in the general direction of sunset. The two visible “dots” in the sky are Jupiter (brighter one) and Saturn (dimmer one, above and left of Jupiter). Even after it’s dark they will be noticeably brighter than any star, particularly in that part of the sky.

Justice Must Be done.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

The Mandatory Coin

Hopefully I’ll think of something before 10 PM my time on Friday. If not, you’ll find yourself reading this.

Standard Disclaimer: These are not my notes. In this particular case, though, I will admit to owning examples of all three of the notes that were issued.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

Just two more things, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget them!!!

How Not To Find Yourself In Contention For The Darwin Award
(Nothing to do with bearded dragons)

It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.

Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.

China is Lower than Whale Shit

To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

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Sumpin’ from DePat . . .
comment image

. . . then add a little background . . . version 1 . . .
comment image

 . . . and version 2 . . .
comment image

 . . . and a cheery “Hi There” from a happy eagle . . .
comment image

Plain Jane

Test and like.

Plain Jane

Test, and happy to see your thread Steve.


I’m not liking this, but seems to elaborate more on the plan to eliminate meat production . . .
250k Hens Perish in Fire – Royal Navy to Defend Fishing Waters – “Explosive” Soybean Situation

250,000 chickens have been lost in yet another fire. The UK is set to deploy the Royal Navy to defend their protein supply in fishing waters. More analysts are calling the soybean situation “explosive,” even as meat plants are once again shutting down due to COVID-19. It seems PROTEIN is set to be the mechanism of control as the battle for control over our food supply is waged by the technocrats. Christian shares a healthy serving of data in this episode of the Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


I have been to a lot of egg layers. Some run millions of eggs per day, at one location in one county. This is a small barn. And shit happens.


250k is pretty small, unless it suddenly starts happening a lot – which is discussed more in the video. But the situation w/ soybean production nosediving and China vacuuming up foodstuffs, not to mention the war on cows is more a matter for concern.

Deplorable Patriot

They can have the soybeans. For humans, it’s phytoestrogen poison.




Here’s another one about the “cyberpandemic”

The Cyberpandemic has Begun: SolarWinds + FireEye – Anything can happen now

The WEF’s proclaimed Cyberpandemic has begun: defense, power, water, finance, and our supply chain are all vulnerable to massive disruptions after FireEye & SolarWind have unleashed weapons of mass digital destruction AND unlocked the back doors of governments, militaries, and nearly the entire Fortune 500. Christian breaks it down, and asks: “Who stands to benefits from this Cyberpandemic?” in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


Why is Klaus Schawb still drawing air in this world?

Why is Soros?

Why is Gates?

Why are ANY of these humanity-hating psychopaths still breathing, when they have attacked the entire world?


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe


Especially when you consider there are 7,500,000,000, give or take a few hundred million, and only THREE OF THEM.

OK, there are probably a few hundred to a few thousand “elite”, but WE THE PEOPLE VASTLY OUTNUMBER THEM!!!

Time for folks to, erm, get Kraken!!!


‘Global warming, global pandemic, global cyberpandemic… global problems require global solutions… no one country can save us, we need global governance and global surveillance systems to save us… yada, yada, yada…’

We don’t need any of that.

What humanity needs is to DISARM the billionaire-class.

They have proven themselves the most evil, sick, twisted *&#$ in the history of the world, they make Hitler look like a choir boy.

How do you disarm billionaires?

You seize all of their assets and all of their money, as a matter of “GLOBAL SECURITY”.

And if that means world war, then lets do it already. It would be better than living under the constant attack by the billionaire-class.

Kill all the rogue billionaires first, I have a strong hunch that would end the ‘world war’ immediately.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take their money – worse than death!

Deplorable Patriot



But how do you do that?


Freeze Bank Accounts – Seize Assets – Federal & State



Easy to say…not as easy to do.


i would think they’d be savvy enough to move to off shore accounts, swiss bank accounts…hard to reach places


My intent was not to come across flippant about seizing, but I do think it’s not nearly as easy as one might think. Lots of legal problems, if done here in the US, for one thing. We certainly cannot count on even our own Supreme Court to protect us, it appears.
In addition, of course those assets are in many locations around the world, set up in other names, corporations, hidden in ways most of us cannot begin to understand…but easily accessible to those that have them.
And, don’t discount governments in other countries that would gladly replenish whatever is taken.
If an anti- American, domestic terrorism group like BLM can raise $16+Billion (that is reported) in a matter of months, does anyone doubt there’s an seemingly endless flow of money into the Communist Reset?

Cuppa Covfefe

If they are sentenced to be “trap-door testers” or “human resistor/capacitor networks” or “amateur pincushions”, no amount of money in their hands, large, small, or infinite, will matter…

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

How many and which ones interfered with the election?

EO. Seize assets.

It is a starting point.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that an EO will help.


Hey now…our President is a billionaire.

Not all billionaires are maniacal scum-sucking control freaks with god complexes…
Just the leftist ones.


True and I believe we’ve seen a graphic in the last few weeks that showed roughly 1/3rd of America’s wealthy lined up in support of the President.


But take much of the assets of the others in case.


FLASE FLAG by Deep State, correctly called out as Cyberp(L)andemic.


hmmm…plse explain…

Gail Combs

Klaus Schawb and his Globalist Cabal buddies discuss a Cyber Pandemic and Lo and Behold soon after there is the start of a Cyber P𝗟andemic.

Realize the Deep State, as we call them, ARE GLOBALISTS working within our government to install a World Wide Totalitarian Government. So yeah, they are certainly suspect.


yes I totally understand what the deep state is and Klaus Schwab’s maniacal agenda with the great reset etc etc etc..

what I wanted to know was if eilert knew of anything specific re a false flag with this cyber attack…

it’s a real event, is it not ?

even if it is a false flag, it will have impacts.


I have to respectfully disagree…this solarwind cyber hack attack isn’t something that just happened…

it’s likely part of the election interference…and quite possibly maybe probably been in existence for a while.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually agree with you on the meat thing. They’re making it look like accidents, but given anthropological evidence….

Prior to mass agriculture, when plants were added more than just what could be gathered to the food supply, humans were on average 5’9″ for men, and a little shorter for women. Jaws were larger, and the full complement of 32 teeth were present and cavity free.

That all changed about 10,000 years ago when humans’ diet shifted. And there’s overwhelming evidence coming from a number of people who studied uncorrupted populations of indigenous people in the early 20th century who were still hunters that modern farming techniques just added to the problems. Look up Weston Price sometime. He was a dentist who studied this stuff to exhaustion.

Going with a time and location most here know, the American Civil War, people of that era were short compared to now. Women were about five feet on average. Men 5’3″-5’5″. They were small, tiny even, in many ways. Tour the churches in Europe where crypts are, and where incorrupt saints are in glass reliquaries, and you notice how small they are.

So, in the later part of the 19th century and into the 20th, we learned more and more about nutrition, and in the US, anyway, animal protein came back as a much more vital part of the diet, and the population over over a few generations got taller, and more broad. Some “scientists” called this species potential or something like that. It is more likely that we finally returned at some point to the correct foods for the species, even if not everyone has done that.

I went Paleo, for the most part, the first time when I was about 41, and the changes over about six months…it was really stunning. Even now, I’ve had to be hard core about it after sliding due to family not believing or wanting to do it with me, and it always is the solution for a number of issues any medical doctor would prescribe medicines to solve rather than find the root of the systemic issue.

That being the case, and this is just me, if the goal is depopulation, and they don’t want to be overt about it, using the lessons of the last so many genocides due to “natural” forces would be useful. We’re currently going through a redux of the 1918 Spanish flu where people were actually dying from bacterial pneumonia due to wearing face coverings. I honestly think that was part of the mask push. The thing is that medicine has advanced to the point that we can deal with most pneumonias.

Why wouldn’t they try to redo the Irish Potato Famine where the Irish were dependent on a specific strain of potato for nutrition since their land lords stole all of their meat and dairy products from them, and then when the blight came rather than replenishing the meat and dairy, the English essentially just let the people starve and what they died of for the most part in that one bad year was diseases brought on by malnutrition.

Meatless as a matter of everyone doing it? No way Jose. That’s just going to enrich the medical establishment even more, shrink the size and strength of the human population, and cause even more infertility.


For about 12 yrs now we have been a Price family who then moved into Paleo/Nurishing Traditions combo as we went grain free (for the most part – using oat flour and potato starch, for example, as we bake Christmas treats). Huge difference in our health although didn’t solve it all for us.

Son loves it as he is convinced its why he has grown taller than both of us. I used to “threaten” him/joke that if he didn’t slow down in his growing I was going to give him only cookies and cake for a month and no meat and eggs! He would laugh but never took me up on the offer as he loves the idea of being taller than us. So, reverse psych kept him on the straight and narrow of paleo/nourishing traditions as he is motivated.

Interstingly, Americans/Colonists were known for being taller than their European counter parts initially. More meat in the diet as hunting and game were plentiful, esp. in comparison to same economic peers in Europe + better sanitation.

“…find that in the nineteenth century, important determinants of height were the local availability of cattle, meat and milk as well as the local disease environment.”

“When the 13 colonies that occupied the Atlantic seaboard broke from the British Empire, adult American men were on average 3 inches taller than their counterparts in England, and they were almost that much taller than men in the Netherlands, the great economic power before Britain.

Nonetheless, Americans remained far and away the tallest people in the world throughout the 19th century, and average American heights rose quickly in the early decades of the 20th century. When the United States entered World War II, young American men averaged 5 feet 9 inches — almost 2 inches taller, on average, than the young Germans they were fighting.”

Gail Combs

Japan, with the introduction of more meat, (beef) is seeing a major increase in size too.

My Uncle said, when they entered Japan at the end of WWII, the soldiers 6ft and over marched while those under 6 ft road seated in trucks. The Americans towered over the Japanese.

Also I read the Japanese had a really hard time keeping American prisoners alive because the rations for a Japanese man were much too small and the Americans starved to death.


Gail, see my post above about meat…so expensive now it is given as a prize instead of a trophy in golf.


A little personal observation from my experiences with Japanese friends in regards to diet. One in particular emails with photos almost daily..usually photos of what she is cooking.
Beef is a rather rare treat and an almost minuscule amount mixed with other foods. Surprisingly, not much seafood either. As with many cultures, they do not have “breakfast” foods, per se. In season, for example, they will include a green salad, often made with leaves, grasses and herbs in their tiny back garden..picked off of bushes, etc. A few days ago, they had boiled mashed daikon radish and yogurt with carrot paste on top for breakfast. Occasionally an egg and a piece of toast, although bread is a fairly recent part of a Japanese diet.
(One home where I stayed, the hostess was so proud to have bought not only bread but a small toaster in honor of my stay…but she buttered the bread before putting it into the toaster. )
It’s not uncommon to have several little dishes, a few bites each, at a meal.
Point, I’m making…these people are tiny. At 5’1” I towered over them. As you would expect they are very thin and almost underdeveloped. Shall we say that I was the center of interest when we went to Japanese baths! One elderly lady actually came over and felt my breasts!
I believe, only from observation, their diets directly affect their daily lives….very, very few athletic hobbies, for example, and rarely are they vigorous, team sports. Only one of all the male hosts I visited participated in any type of physical activities…tennis. The others wrote poetry, played chess, studied another language, do a little ornamental gardening, etc. of course, they work incredibly long hours and have very little leisure time and are probably physically tired from their 70 hour work week. I find Japanese men quite docile, complacent and somewhat emasculated…diet or culture?
Lots of other points, but just leaving you with this…….the diets also appear to possibly affect their sexuality. Topic for another time.

Gail Combs

I was thinking of the Japanese who moved here. A good friend in high school’s cam over with her family. She and her brother were normal size. I have also read articles on the subject years back.


Don’t you think that’s fairly normal, though. My brother is several inches taller than parents, DH is taller than any of the older generation in his family.

Gail Combs

I will add
Role of red meat in the diet for children and adolescents.
Red meat is very important for optimal brain growth.


Vegetarians have smaller brains
This is a really good article with multiple references. Here is a snippet. (For what it is worth the Koala suffered massive brain shrinkage over time due to change in diet.)

….Since the advent of agriculture, there has been a worrying trend as our brains have actually decreased in size. A recently updated and rigorous analysis of changes in human brain size found that our ancestors’ brain size reached its peak with the first anatomically modern humans of approximately 90,000 years ago. That then remained fairly constant for a further 60,000 years.[11] Over the next 20,000 years there was a slight decline in brain size of about 3%. Since the advent of agriculture about 10,000 years ago, however, that decline has quickened significantly, so that now our brains are a further 8% smaller. That is a total of 11% smaller than at their peak size.

This suggests some kind of recent historical deficiency in some aspect of overall human nutrition. The most obvious and far-reaching dietary change during the last 10,000 years is, of course, the enormous drop in consumption of high-energy, fat-rich foods of animal origin which formed probably over 90% of the diet, to as little as 10% today, coupled with a large rise in less energy-dense grain consumption.[12] This pattern still persists; it is even advocated today: it is the basis of our so-called ‘healthy’ diet…..

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Could explain the bizarre ideas of the Greens and the DEMONRATS…

They’re trying to get people to eat bugs over here !!!!!

Only person I know of who would do that was Cal Worthington, when he was trying to sell you a car 🙂 …..


‘The UK is set to deploy the Royal Navy to defend their protein supply in fishing waters.’

That’s for 2021 — when the Brexit transition ends — starting January 1, <b>to keep non-UK fishing boats out of our waters</b>.

Nothing to do with ‘protein’ per se. We are protecting our fish and seafood so that those who live in the UK can have it, rather than the French and Spanish.


oops..gotta inflate those numbers……..


Don’t go outside during a pandemic. Only way to be safe from COVID spreading bullets.


At the supermarket I deliberately walk the opposite way of the arrows on the floor- it confuses the crap out of the coronas.


And do it without a mask makes it even funnier. 🙂

Local supermaket, probably half those arrows and do not enter floor signs have disappeared.

Cuppa Covfefe

Put down some arrows (on the sly) pointing sideways, e.g. at the grocery racks, and watch all the libtards and Karens collide or spin trying to figure out which way to go…


That would be fun. 🙂


Excellent! This is the type of questions that need to be asked and great to know that the CDC has seperated died with covid19 from died because of Covid19

Note: TGP is slightly off in its reporting.

False: 40% of covid19 deaths were actuallly gunshot victims.

True: 2 out of 5 *Covid19 related deaths* (deaths of those who had tested positive in the last 30 days but not necessarily from Covid19) were gunshot victims. They were never reported as covid19 deaths/because of Covid 19. Different catagory.

“Colorado provides death data related to COVID-19 in two ways:

  • Deaths due to COVID-19:This is based on CDC coding of death certificates where COVID-19 is listed as the cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death.
  • Deaths among COVID-19 cases:This reflects people who died with COVID-19, but COVID-19 may not have been the cause of death listed on the death certificate.”


The CDC is taking a step in the right direction by differentiating between died because of Covid19 and died with Covid19. Reporting to catagories seperately is a step in the right direction so that part of the story is encouraging.

Is dying of an accident is not worthy of reporing as died with Covid 19/”among Covid 19 cases” or further division/clarification of the reporting is needed?

Tracking the data of all deaths of those who have tested positive for Covid19, even if they are not directly from Covid19 is helpful to detect long term symptoms and impacts of the virus and is a logical thing to do. Could long term impacts of Covid19 be part of why we see more deaths than expected based previous year’s deaths when adjusted for populartion growth? Who knows but tracking its not wrong as long as the reporting categories are clear.

But we the people need to know if the total death counts from Covid 19 are reported to us seperately or if the “died among cases” is included in the total.

When did CDC start seperating Covid19 deaths between the two categories of died because of Covid 19 and with covid 19/amonth cases of Covid 19? Are Covid19 deaths being reported a combination or only the deaths because of Covid 19?

The CO dashboard is different than other state’s dashboards as I haven’t seen the 2 different catagories on the handful of state dashboards that I follow. Would love to know when the CDC began requiring this seperation of data and if all states are doing it, exaclty what are they showing as Covid 19 deaths on their dashboards?

Excellent – County level data shows deaths seperated by died because of covid19 and died with covid 19. Significant to report the 2 seperately – something many have said the CDC should do for months.


I can only find the lump sum covid 19 death totals at the cdc and they are labeled “deaths involving covid 19” without differentiating between those that are because and those that are with/among covid 19 confirmed cases.

Does anyone know of any CDC reporting that differentiates/seperates out the 2 #s?


Interesting – Deaths because of and with Covid 19 have different codes.

So they have the info at their finger tips of died with/because of Covid 19. Death totals need to be seperated v. reporting covid 19 deaths as all deaths “involving covid 19” only which seems to combine the two categories at the national level of publicly releaed info


It’s cases vs actually ill with covid, correct? With all the fallibility of testing, the number of cases is extremely suspect.


I was looking at TheseTruths comment which is well worth reposting here:


However, I was scrolling through “tweets” associated with the link, and found that neon revolt reposted a link from Andrew Torba, and they, Gab, are looking at https://grapheneos.org/, and setting up an android phone, and it would be free of goog.


https://gab.com/NeonRevolt, that’s the link that was provided. The other link just seems to load the page, not to the comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you want to do a comment from HERE, you have to use the URL to make a link like this:

Your Comment

Copy the link by clicking the upper right-hand corner of the comment.
Type some text in your comment in the reply box.
Highlight the text.
Click the “link” item in the tools at the bottom of the reply box.
Backspace over the text in the link popup.
Paste in the link.
Hit “Enter”.

It works nicely, but it’s not as easy as just paste and go.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Found on Gab:
comment image
comment image
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This makes oodles of sense.

All these governors are WORRIED.


they outta be


I’d almost forgotten about Brexit, it’s taken so long. Evidently, it’s really happening.


I wonder if those trucks are headed to the UK…or away from it.


This video is from the UK side, showing trucks queuing for the Eurotunnel heading for France and continental Europe, away from the UK. Traffic in the other direction in the UK side would be moving to their destinations, and not lined up on the shoulder of road like this. You can see there is left-hand traffic on this motorway. France has right-hand traffic, and slightly different road markings.


Nice call on the RH/LH traffic. For someone who has driven in the UK, that slams it.


I’m not sure if there is much of a connection. These kinds of queues have appeared before. It looks more like a capacity problem than anything specifically to do with Brexit.


Yeah, everyone wants to chunnel, even if they ferried before.


Thanks, Slowcreekno.


I wouldn’t worry about it. There is probably a valid reason for the long queue.

The woman who posted it likes Obama and is most likely a Remainer and a pro-EU German.

The end of the Brexit transition period doesn’t come until December 31, 2020.


Not sure it is a sign of anything short of inefficient cargo movement.

Have not paid much attention to BREXIT since before Covid times.

Headlines I have seen show Boris Johnson may as well be a Trojan Horse. Apparently not such a hard nosed BREXIT person or is thoroughly compromised.

After all, Boris IS a politician. Expect the worst and the disappointment is not a surprise.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta send in the troops.


POTUS touting the Jan 6 protest in DC tells me to expect no real developments before then.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Many people are thinking the same. Don’t expect action BEFORE then.

I am ready – and I’m talking like 1 – 2 -3 seconds ready – for a solution to DROP and DROP HARD on the traitors.

But if it doesn’t come, it doesn’t come.

We MUST flood DC on 1/6.


gotta saddle up the horses…and draw a hard line…


Thanks Smiley!!!!!


“a man had to answer for the wicked that he done…” we need some of that answering ’round here!!

Gail Combs

I was drinking out of a plastic bottle, stopped to talk and had my pony snatch that bottle, up end it and drink it all down. 🤣
And yeah, horses love beer.


It’s like pulling the battery out of the smoke alarm in order to stop the unpleasant noise.


You can put a shower cap over it while you are burning your dinner, just remember to take it off again.


now that sounds like you’ve got some experience there and it’s a good story…lol


Remember ladies….
The smoke alarm is NOT a cook timer 🙂


Good article! It’s been rainy/cloudy all week, so I sure am hoping for some better weather!



IMF Proposes Punishing Dissidents by Lowering Their Credit Score if They Go to Bad Websitescomment image


…………From the article:

The Orwellian nightmare is taking shape.

A new white paper from the globalist International Monetary Fund (IMF) is calling for dissidents to have their credit score lowered if they view websites that are arbitrarily deemed to be harmful.

The plan is outlined in a blog written by Arnoud Boot, Peter Hoffmann, Luc Laeven and Lev Ratnovski. They are pitching the Orwellian notion as a breakthrough in financial technology (Fintech).

“Recent research documents that, once powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, these alternative data sources are often superior than traditional credit assessment methods,” they wrote, claiming that “the type of browser and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches and purchases” would determine a person’s credit score under their dystopian vision.

……………..End quote.

The Banksters lure you in with easy credit.

Then they use that to control your behavior.

The ChiComs have been engaging in economic tyranny such as this, for some time.

The control freaks of the Cabal are now doing it too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are horrible.


Countermeasure = VPN.


Countermeasure = nuking Davos during the summit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NOW we’re talkin’!  😀 


Actually, as satisfying as that would be, doing the Saudi Shakedown would be the smarter play — https://www.nbcnews.com/news/mideast/how-saudi-royal-crushed-his-rivals-shakedown-ritz-carlton-n930396 .

That’s what MbS accomplished in one little kingdom. Just imagine if the US did it to the world……


Welcome to second time in history that US National Debt was paid off! (First time was Andrew Jackson.)

Gail Combs



Bill Binney has a great point. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else mention these numbers, but pretty basic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saw a meme about this on Twitter today! It’s not adding up.


That WaPo article is lying!

They’re trying to attribute it to ‘highest turnout in over a century’.

But Bill Binney is right…there were most ‘votes’ cast than there are eligible voters.

WaPo is just trying to get ahead of the evidence of fraud that will be released.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Enemy of the People!


Jeff Bezos blog.

So WaPo is evil X 2.


Lin Wood

Our country is undergoing a massive cyberattack of its computer systems.

A foreign entity or entities can hack into our most protected national security computer systems but no way they played games with our 11/3 election & its computer systems.



Our President is still up. Don’t know how to copy a tweet but here is what he tweeted about 11 minutes ago.
“Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump https://washex.am/3nwaBCe. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”




Thanks, Evereleutheros.

Here’s the tweet:


Thank you wheatie, tried to figure out how to copy a tweet but maybe it’s too late at night, I wasn’t able to do it, idk.  🙄 


Not sure what to make of this tweet. Will be wild? What do you think?


I hope it will!
We need some ‘wild’…especially on the steps of the Supreme Court!


Hopefully we will have more clarification soon. Certainly he can’t be depending on Congress to do the right thing, can he?


Exactly! 3 minutes ago from Dan,


Look Ma, I did it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Haaa…see there.
I knew you could do it!


It is signaling 5:5
Count the number of blinks.


What is 5:5?


Military term for “heard you loud and clear”.

Or…”message received, loud and clear”.


Thank you.


Yes! Hubby just confirmed that when someone asks how do you read me, “Hear you 5by5.”

Hear you loud and clear.


That’s just weird.


Weasels are cute and cuddly by comparison.


So are mole rats.

Concerned Virginian

And we now know that Gov. KEMP was at the White House Christmas Party.
WHO exactly put him on the invitation list?
WHY was Kemp there so soon after the death (murder?) and burial of his daughter’s boyfriend?
You can bet the farm that Kemp was NOT there on a “penitential visit” to POTUS.
Kemp was there for two reasons:
One, give the middle finger to POTUS.
Two, suborn any Republican Senator / House member at the party to NOT make an objection to the Biden “win” certification on January 6.


Steve, THAT makes sense.


Just the fact that this is the coldest time of year makes it dicey.


i think you’re on to something there…no way would POTUS want to draw Americans into a potentially dangerous situation…it’s gotta mean victory…imo


Could it be a combination of celebration and DO THE RIGHT THING? Celebration because incontrovertible evidence will have been presented before the 6th, and DO THE RIGHT THING so the PTB recognize and act in accordance with the incontrovertible evidence?


They know how many of us there are – they’ve seen the numbers swell over 5 years. Backed up by actions only POTUS can do, yes. More evidence pile-on and just people showing up, they couldn’t care less.

Gail Combs

Congress officially certifies the results of the presidential election on Jan. 6

Are they going to do that with MILLIONS of Deplorables surrounding the capital and flooding DC???



In the lower right-hand corner of a tweet, there is what looks like bracket…]…but it is laying down.

Click on that.
Then select…’Copy link to Tweet’.

It has a link symbol beside it, such as this:
comment image

Then simply do a right-click on your cursor and choose ‘Paste’, to enter it into your comment box.


Aw, that’s right, thanks so much. Was having a brain fart.  :wpds_eek: 


oh is THAT what that sticker means?!!
now I know…thanks!!!


Testing with a handy TW.


So, I’ve been philosophizing (dangerous, I know….) regarding the intersection of a couple of things. To start things off, there’s some background — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten .

As many have noted, “the internet is forever”……except it really isn’t. Links go dead. Sites go offline. Search engine results rot. While The Internet Archive is helpful in that regard, it has blocked many useful long-term memories because of current legal controversies. You can be a great commenter on a blog for a decade, get banned, and have all your comments disappear.

Cancel culture can somehow dig out the tooth report you did in 3rd grade to excoriate you for favoring whiteness. But trying to get to that funny site illustrating erotic mathematical functions is increasingly difficult, year by year. It is clear that those who gather and control access to the internet’s past have made “the internet is whatever we want it to be.”

Amusingly, as the Wikipoo article notes, the US has fewer legal protections of the right to be forgotten than many European nations. I expect that would be due to the common (and increasingly questionable) assumption that the US is a Christian nation that believes in redemption and that The People will forgive. Shake the drugs, serve your sentence, avoid bad companions, and people will start allowing you opportunities.

This, of course, is completely counter to the goals of anti-Christian cancel-culture corporations currently slurping-up and monopolizing data at a furious rate today.

Google, Twitter, NBC, and CNN have attempted to weaponize our past. If you grew up on a ranch where a big black rock was referenced by a term containing six forbidden letters today, you’ll be blamed for it — where any hooker’s ass that Hunter Biden snorted blow off of more than 20 minutes ago is fading into the depths of history.

I suppose I have a personal link to such things — I once got banned (and history erased) because I reacted to a whippersnapper who did outrageous things to have me react…..then did further outrageous things to get banned and have his provocations disappear…..then came back with another disposable identity to point at my reactions as being unreasonable.

In the end, I believe it is our Faith and our compassion that should lead us forward, but we are being sorely waylaid by those who seek to rule our memories.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m leaning toward the idea that the right to be forgotten is a FALSE RIGHT, those being phony rights typically advanced by social saboteurs, communists, etc. I believe that as a false right, this one in particular is used to undermine free speech.

I understand that people may want to remove embarrassing or regretted things, and I’m OK with that, until it becomes hiding evidence. I don’t like hiding evidence, and even more don’t like destroying evidence.

This is why I’ve turned off GDPR features, but will honor requests to remove data on a case-by-case basis. I also warn people on this site that I don’t delete things – that I’m LOATH to delete things. Even in cases where I “unapprove” things, I’m LOATH to throw them out, because they are a RECORD OF TRUTH, and I am marked and sworn to the SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

People who are not comfortable with this should think twice about posting here. This is stated in the “Contact” page, too. I will NOT be goaded into deleting things. The EU can GTH.


I had noted that the Eurozone was more “government enforced forget” while the US was more “it shouldn’t matter.”

Nevertheless, our anti-US corporations and cancel-culture seem to make the current situation intolerable. Should there be a “right to be forgiven?”

Mind you, my individual view is that seizing the assets of these these corporations, razing their facilities to the ground, deporting their troves of foreign-born “employees”, and salting the earth where they stood, may be a worthwhile endeavor just to “Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out” [as the Rolling Stones phrased it]. But, however fun that might be, it would be best if there was a noble goal in mind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea of the “right to be forgiven” does parallel the Jewish and Christian *ideals* of forgiveness. It should be noted that the older America ideal of crimes being fully paid when a sentence was served has been increasingly undermined, and a prime factor in this was the confrontation between realistic sentencing and the reality of relentless recidivism by sex criminals.

Forgiveness has always been easier said than done.

Gail Combs

Forgiveness AFTER acknowledgement, repentance AND atonement.

Can There Be Forgiveness Without Repentance?

The Problem

The problem I notice is that many times Christians have ongoing difficulty in forgiving those who have wronged them. The strain may go on for many years even as they keep trying to forgive. They frequently assume that there is something wrong with them as being hardhearted and otherwise unloving. They fault themselves for not being able to forgive others. Perhaps these unforgiving Christians are trying to do something that God has not called them to do….




𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲

Overlooked in common Christian understanding of forgiveness is the necessary part of repentance by the wrongdoer. This part is implied in Jesus’ command: “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault” (Matt 18:15, NASB). The result of telling the other person what was done to us is that the brother, who may or may not have known he had done wrong, once being made aware of the fault, takes responsibility in repentance. In other words, when that person repents, forgiveness is the next step and free response of removing another’s guilt.

Jesus is clearer about repentance as the necessary condition of forgiveness in Luke 17:3-4,

“If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him” (NASB).

The condition of “if he repents” follows from the imperative to “rebuke him” that is equivalent to the statement in Matthew of “show him his fault.”…

The Left TWISTS this issue insisting on FORGIVENESS WITHOUT the REBUKE and REPENTANCE.

Gail Combs

I certainly agree. the repentance must be REAL not lip service. And should include restitution if possible.

Otherwise you are a door mat.


that’s the same reason I loathe cosmetic surgery.
my body is scarred from the paths i’ve taken…but it’s an interesting roadmap…I wouldn’t change one thing to look younger or prettier. i’ve earned every stripe i’ve gotten…if that makes me sound like a soldier I guess i feel like one.
i’ve been thru hell but i’ve got awesome war stories.


Pat I wouldn’t change a thing either ! My neck is a most interesting roadmap.hubby says he loves my neck ,he says I am a warrior of life and to stop hiding behind scarves,so I did .people spend a lot of time trying to make themselves younger it’s all futility.i enjoy being old,it set me free from the mirror. I am who I am and very comfortable with that.


I’m happy for you…and me too!

Gail Combs


I have a friend after me to dye my hair. WHY should I? My white hairs gets me help when I need to lift something heavy. Although everyone thinks I am 20 years younger than I am. (Good genes, avoided sunbathing and make-up.)


so jealous!!
if i had white hair I would keep it (I know, I know how racist of me) but mine is starting to gray…silver would be nice too, but white? lucky you!!
but i have been dying my hair since i was 16…never been a redhead tho…keep teasing one day i will go red

Gail Combs

My hair is near black with translucent silver strands that sparkle in the sun. I have had more then one person say they love my hair.


my hair the same color of my dad–dirty blond. as he got older it turned a yellow gray but then finally turned a gorgeous shade of silver. if my hair shows any sign of turning silver, I’ll stop dying it…but the yellow gray is not for me


Husbands don’t count.


I had a gentleman come up to me in the grocery store one time and thank me for not dying my hair!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Natural is a good look that lasts a lifetime!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, weaponization of people’s past is the crime – not remembering it. This is the same problem with the left’s war against history. They want us to forget out history, so they WAR against it – to make us not want to think about it.


Orwell’s Memory Hole was not a conservative tactic.

Valerie Curren

Candace’s voice crying in the wilderness!


Love Candace Owens!

She will probably be having her baby soon.
In August she was at 5 months…and said that it was due in early 2021.


With that kind of parentage, the infant may be shredding Democrats before learning to walk.


IKR? 😄

Valerie Curren

Yes, a whole new adventure awaits!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Unpacked…because this is a MUST WATCH video!
😳 😬



Twitter hath decreed I can no longer see tweets. Any hints as to content?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

National Guard is going to help do INJECTIONS!!!


This seems rather unlikely.

The left is hung up on Cloward-Piven, and seems unfamiliar with the concept of triage. You can’t overload the system once people decide to ignore your BS and focus on important things.


Have read headlines NV Guard is assisting with Covid testing.

If so, they may as well be poking arms.

Me, I have nothing to do with any of it. None.


He starts out talking about how you have to get the second shot…for the long term protection.

He stresses that the second shot has to be the same vaccine as the first shot.

If your first shot was Pfizer, then your second shot should be Pfizer too.

“You can’t get Pfizer one time and then Moderna the second.”

Then it gets really interesting…

“There are very sophisticated tracking mechanisms…uh, as well as important incentives…financial incentives, for those who are providing the vaccine, to make sure they get the second vaccine into the same person.”

“They’ll be much more rewarded for the second vaccine than the first.”

He goes on to say that States will be using the National Guard…not for distribution…but to help “put needles in people’s arms”.


What wing of the NG is this? Goodness.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie!!!


IIRC, when I was a kid, periodically we, families lined up at the local public school to get vaccinations of some sort. Sometimes a needle or a “sugar cube”. Wish I could recall more details.

Of course, those days some folks had bomb shelters. We had an unfinished basement.

Valerie Curren

I remember that sugar cube stuff at school too. Captive bleating audience!


Salk polio vaccine and Sabin polio vaccine. Polio terrorized the US in the 50s.

Valerie Curren

“I heard from a good friend who spoke to a complete stranger who said she was told by her son …..”


Works for me!

Valerie Curren

Not sure. Here’s a link for more digging


A bit late to the game, but regarding the post….

Steve, are you now, or have you ever been, an Instructor?

Joking aside, you’ve got a natural gift for it. I thought tilting the graphics to shove into the globe was nicely done.


See, Steve? Told ya!!!


Sure did, Stever!!!


Thanks for the astronomy update lesson! I really enjoyed it.

Only need the clouds to disappear now…


Now you might consider a lite piece on how the ancients divined meaning from the heavenly skies when the planets changed direction. (Ancient Inida’s view on such may be the most comprehensive).

This particular event, in coming that close together, is a once in approximately 800 year event to my understanding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve deactivated the plugin add-on that we were just testing. Too many problems right now! See my statement HERE.




Again, Twitter doesn’t allow anyone outside Twitter to view a tweet since 12/15.


You used to be able to see stuff with “Legacy Twitter”. They intentionally turned it off on 12/15. Interesting timing, that….


Can you be maximally specific? Like “I can see it within the WordPress composer” or “I can see it in Brave”?

Cuppa Covfefe

Under Settings/”Social Media blocking” there’s a slider for “Allow Twitter embedded tweets” (also Farcebørk and LinkedØut).

The default, IIRC, is off, so turning it on should do the trick (OK, OK, “Should do the trick”, I heard that from TONS of programmers/support people/sales foks) (probably even Cal Worthington 🙂 )…..


It’s a short musical performance starring Anderson Cooper…and some guy I don’t recognize.

It is touting the wonderfulness of ‘The Vaccine’.

They sing

“With 2020 in the rear-view mirror…and things are looking clearer.

With a little luck…2021 might not suck!
Might not suck!

No more cutting your own hair now.
A vaccine’s on it’s way!

And it’s coming…any day!

And if things don’t run amok — 2021 might not suck!”

There is a big dancing roll of Toilet Paper.
And dancers are dressed up as Firefighters, Nurses and first responders.
There are streamers of toilet paper in the air.

It is truly…horrifying.

😧 🤪

Cuppa Covfefe

The toilet paper is apt…

Because CNN is FULL OF $#!+  💩  💩  💩  💩 
Oh, and full of  🍇  🍈  🍉  🍊  🍋  🍌  🍍  🍎  🍏  🍐  🍑  🍒  🍓  🍅 


Coothie, if I find it on Gab or Parler, I will post it.


I don’t have a twitter account and i can see tweets and go to the tweets posted and read them


It’s from running FireFox with NoScript. I generally block ALL scripts. Since about 60% of security breaches involve browser shenanigans, that makes Casa de Cthulhu substantially more secure.

Twitter used to allow people to read tweets without running scripts from twitter.com. They have made the choice to force people to run their scripts in order to read things there.

Brave will run their scripts (one reason my “daily driver” isn’t Brave).


i wouldn’t even know where to find the settings to block “scripts”…but glad you do.


i lasted 5 seconds before i clicked it off…rubbish


It is an absolute sewer, but until our President destroys it I will be there. Unless I get permanently suspended, which is a distinct possibility.

Gail Combs

Just to throw this out there….being on this site requests that my browser allow scripts from:

theqtree.com — allowed as long as Wolf is sufficiently paranoid.
doubleclick.net — hell, no
google.com — hell, no
gravatar.com — no
gstatic.com — no
twitter.com — hell, no
wp.com — no
youtube.com — limited.


From Gab:
comment image


and of course, more government RESEARCH GRANTS


To reinforce the lies…to get more taxes…and more research funding…


yup…create jobs and futures for themselves, by declaring our future is toast


President Trump calls for a peaceful protest Washington DC Rally, January 6, 2021

Yes we have had 2 DC rallies but this date is to send a message and this one is called by President Trump


Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom


That Meme was from KAGWAR:
I like their meme from 9 Dec:

Also Retweeted FRAUD OVERLOAD:

This is also good:

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

That gave me chills. The full indisputable evidence will be disclosed before January 6, and the President wants us to make sure the indisputable evidence is acted upon with justice. The President NEEDS us.


Why do you think it’s before Jan 6?


because I don’t think POTUS would put millions of Americans at risk. when all is revealed it might get ugly–he would ask us to come out to celebrate, but not put us in the line of fire…jmo


You make an important point: the President would NOT put us at risk. He is too much of a mensch.

The communists always have the psychological advantage of a willingness to do anything they can get away with and still sell as “real” to enough people. 2020 has proved how powerful that advantage can be.

Our President can be trusted to see how that advantage will be removed both by a powerful and justifiable righteousness (us) and by a justifiable fear (them) or simply by a calculation of how reduced their chances of getting away with something (them).

The psychology will be changed by January 6.


Oh, Pat, I pray so hard you are correct, because I have to go.

I vowed I would if the President called, so I have to.


I will pray for your safety and the safety of ALL who answer the call!!!


Thank you, Pat!


my pleasure!
I will be with you in spirit…large crowds terrify me!
but give POTUS my love! haha


“Why do you think it’s before Jan 6?”

To provide maximum understanding, motivation and effectiveness to the pro-Trump gathering.

I am completely convinced by the Wictor analysis, that military intelligence has recorded every moment of the election fraud since its inception, and captured it in ways which cannot be denied except by hard core communists, who always deny everything regardless of how undeniable it is for normal people. And by hard core communists, I include many, probably most, Democrat politicians.

So the target will be the McConnells and yes even the Pierre Delictos, whose very existence depends upon pretense based on ambiguity, but acknowledging undeniable reality when pressured.

And if the RINOS go hard core communist, it will be more than ample justification to use force. Even many rank and file Democrats will see that.

The precipitating and necessary premise of the massive demonstrations will be removing any ambiguity before January 6, most likely well before.


>> “more than ample justification to use force” <<


My impression is that VSGPDJT is exhausting all other options before dropping the Hammer.

There are so many agencies – of the executive branch – which are corrupted (DOJ, FBI, CIA, CDC, NIH, ATF, BLM, and so on). They’ve been given every chance to own up, to repent … and they haven’t.

There are so many legislatures – of the legislative branch, both Federal and State – which are also corrupted. We’ve all seen it, and understand that their motivations AREN’T aligned with the interest of We the People.

There are so many courts – of the judicial branch – which are corrupted (whether State, up to and including State Supreme; or Federal, whether District, Appellate, or Supreme), and given over to political bias and un-Constitutional, spurious reasoning.

Once all three branches of Gov’t are *demonstrated* to be FAILING to protect and ensure the lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness that they were CREATED to ensure, for us, We the People … then THAT is when PDJT has the maximum justification to act.

All of this is more than merely an ethical justification … it’s also a lawful justification.

Happy to see you here, Tona! I wondered whether/if you were still posting! I’m quite pleasantly surprised that so many posters whom I remember are still active here and now.



TY so much and so nice to see you!


I should note that Steve’s daily thread and the site overview thread are both in “infinitely spinning update hell” and have been for a longish while. I’m about to reset my browser.


Things got better for the moment….

Deplorable Patriot

This morning, this particular site account (I write for an online publication that also uses this platform) kicked me out after what I believe is 48 hours – the same as happens on the other account.

This is new for this site. Just sayin.


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


comment image


Be My Voice

comment image


Good Saturday Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat! More snow in the forecast? Temps low?

Icy here – gotta get more salt – * Sigh *

God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!
tomorrow maybe more snow–we haven’t gotten cleared yet of Thursday’s snow…hubby’s going to go out later this morning and bucket some more—it’s a long, long driveway and we got a bunch of snow…sigh…


Figured it was not a one day job – ask him to take it easy – frequent rests – my heart goes out to both of you – we are quiet for now – but, ya never know – have to get used to it – it will be here until end of April – unfortunately – Prayers and Hugs!!!


yep…winter hasn’t even officially started and I’m over it already


Yup. 18 out this morning. Mentioned to my better half, I’m ready for spring.


we had 5* but it’s rising fast…lol…it’s already 10*!


Oh hell. Just looked. Says 17 now. Weather guessers say we’ll get to low 50s. Warm for us this time of year.

Thankfully we have not seen single digits this year, yet.


wow…throw on some Bermuda shorts and get a suntan!


Well, sunny day is the forecast. LOL.




Another rumor that kept us distracted and makes those who repeated and shared it on social media look foolish.
SCOTUS isn’t even meeting in person, according to SCOTUS spokesperson.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

The distraction for Roberts and Beyer having a conversation (secretly recorded) that Trump will not be allowed to be re-elected?


Exactly. The rumor of them all meeting together in a closed room outside of which could be heard yelling evidently was just a rumor as they are not actually all meeting together. So what are the actual details and truth of the matter – conversation between a few, between two, in person in a room or telephone or video conference? Too many rumors flying around before facts are known.

JW in Germany

Two different events.

The recorded phone conversation is from August 2019…according to defamation lawyer Lin Wood. I do not believe Lin is so stupid to make claims that he cannot back up.

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

No…that is a separate event.


possible the aide overheard the yelling they were doing via a zoom meeting–


Right! Or a conference call.




Yes. WHY do people have such a hard time reconciling events with logic? This is how they discredit anything they don’t want us to know.

OF COURSE, the person could have heard the yelling, AND the justices were not all in the “same room.”

But all the black hats have to do is tell us a fable about how the justices aren’t all in the same room, and people fall for it. Even though the person only reported THEIR VOICES as being in the same room.


Gotcha. I didn’t hear the smiling/frowning part.


However, I’m not sure I trust them to tell the truth about whether the are meeting in person or not, either!


Well, not sure we really know much of anything.

They say, they don’t meet in person. I do NOT believe it.

Do they go into the office? If yes, do they ever greet each other? Briefly chat about a case, the daily events, how’s the family?

Meet with their staff? Have a side bar meeting?

100% they have meetings. Somewhat different than in January, yes.

And of course they have video teleconferencing when appropriate.

But they absolutely meet.

Bet they also have HCQ for those that want it.


Found on Gab:
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these are great wheatie!!
pile on Jill ones are great!!


I hope no one is planning a trip to Washington.


I think 1,000s are planning a trip to DC for 1/6/21.
We aren’t going for the museums and we can pack our own lunch.

Deplorable Patriot

I wouldn’t mind going through Air & Space just once for nostalgia purposes. I spent a lot of time there in the early 80s.

Deplorable Patriot

We took three Sundays to get through Arts & Industries which is now American History.

It’s a lot to get through, that’s for sure.


If you are going to D.C. bring a Crucifix and some Holy Water.

Deplorable Patriot

And exorcized salt.

Maybe some garlic and a few wooden stakes.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Gail Combs


Bring your own food and sleeping bags.




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Nakatomi plaza….lol


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Thanks for all these funnies, Pat!

Haaa…the milk has turned bad.
And the Die Hard gingerbread tower & peeps.
 😆  👍 


Steve Hayward (sp?) was on fire today!

Deplorable Patriot

Some of today’s are priceless. The official cake of 2020. HA!


i liked that one too!

Gail Combs

They had Hubby and I both laughing.

The yellow lab with the duck? That was our lab. She would retrieve but the animals were always alive and unharmed. It made things ‘interesting’ especially with my parents being city folks.


this is one more from powerline (link the same as others posted). maybe it’s still too early and the coffee hasn’t done its thing yet…but can someone please explain this one to me??

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Let’s see…crescent wrenches, two rows in ascending order.

Top row metric. Bottom row normal.

Sorry, Pat. I don’t see what’s funny about it, either.


i was thinking of “bad moon (crescent) rising” or something along those lines, but I am stumped…LOL


Hey, that might be it.

And then there’s that “hung the moon” phrase…for something/someone that’s wonderful.


yeah hopefully someone will see it today and say…”oh it’s …..”
cuz this will drive me nuts!


Those are adjustable wrenches! 🤣 🤣 🤣

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

okay…I am really dense…how is that funny?


Because you only need one rack of an adjustable wrench. Don’t need to have all the possible sizes displayed. ‘Cause you know you can make it all those sizes. It’s funny! 😁


thank you for explaining!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for posting it. Got a chuckle out of it.😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Those are probably wrenches for SJWs 😀
A pretty wrenching experience, indeed…
Unless you’re doing REALLY heavy duty work, a set of three or four Crescent wrenches will do almost anything short of breaking a really stuck bolt loose (and then you’re better off with WD-40 or impact wrenches or heat)…

Funny pic!

(Have a Bidoon fan in the extended fam – have to check and see if he gets it  🙃  )

Cuppa Covfefe

And now they’re trying to steel the election in washerington and elsewhere, making threads to anyone and everyone who interferes with them seizing power. But all of their mischief and plans are just empty torque; they will have to wind down their tools in shame and punishment.

In short, they’re screwed, in the long run…
Hope we can do it without a  🍔 krieg 🙂


Normally, non-adjustable wrenches, such as combination wrenches, where both ends have the same single size, would be put up in rows like these, in ascending order of size. Metric and customary (inches) in separate rows, nicely ordered from smallest to largest. But these adjustable ones, are all basically the same size, and it just looks like their jaws have been set to the spacing indicated for that position on the wall.

Now, in practice, most work is done with fixed size wrenches. Probably the most popular ones are the combination wrenches, with one end being a crescent and the other is a box-end, a closed ring with internal 6-sided or 12-sided shaping, so it will fit a hex nut or bolt precisely and allow for a large torque. The skinny profile allows access into tight spaces, of which a car has plenty.

The more bulky adjustable wrench won’t even fit in there. And even when it does, the more precise shaping of the ends of the fixed-size wrenches give a better grip on the nut or bolt. There is the real danger of the bolt or nut having the hex shape deformed into a rounded shape with the adjustable wrench.

Which is why this is so preposterous. The adjustable wrenches have a few uses, but there is no need for several dozens like this.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the explanation. I thought they were for sale…. Without my glasses I did not see the metric and SAE labels.




Specifically, a crescent wrench can be used on a wide range of nuts and hex-headed bolts, although it doesn’t get much use in the craft shop.


so what makes this meme funny?


Only need one adjustable crescent wrench – removes all kinds of ‘NUTS’!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep – but we need probably a thousand or so to get rid of all the nuts in D.C. !!! 😆


Just a duh – not a belly laugh, Pat!


it’s funnier now that i realize how dense i was being…LOL


Thank you, Steve. I have a good handle on where I should be looking on the 21st. Hoping for clear skies.


Your interest has reawakened my interest. Have my telescope picked out…it’s really for my husband, and I’m dusting off my books.

I think the grandkids and us old folks will be having some star parties in the next few months. 💫

Gail Combs

Yesterday a new proposed rule (Regulation) by the ATF banning yet another type of gun was discussed.

I commented that we need to go to the Federal Register and scream our heads off and tell them HELL NO!

The question is WHY can the ATF make NEW LAWS?

This is a very important question because it points out how the Supreme Court betrayed the American People.

Here is a bit of history that documents the Progress to an Administrative State
Quoting: From Administrative State to Constitutional Government
(It is over an hour read)

 “The administrative state is an assault on constitutional principles—government by consent, the separation of powers, and the rights of individuals—that liberals and conservatives hold dear. The key to reform is that it be grounded in a proper understanding of these principles, not in the hope of immediate short-term gain or narrow self-interest. If we begin from constitutional principles and can communicate those principles and their relevance to the public in a clear manner, the reforms envisioned in this report are not too far from our grasp. It is high time that Americans work together to forge an alternative to the administrative state so that we preserve our constitutional principles for future generations.

“Over the past 100 years, our government has been transformed from a limited, constitutional, federal republic to a centralized administrative state that for the most part exists outside the structure of the Constitution and wields nearly unlimited power. This administrative state has been constructed as a result of a massive expansion of the national government’s power…..”

“….Typical agencies such as the FTC, as Lawson explains, make substantive rules carrying the force of law; investigate, prosecute, and enforce violations of these rules; and have administrative law judges and hearing officers empowered to decide controversies based on agency rules.

The Supreme Court has given such profound violations of the separation of powers a free pass by saying that agencies’ powers are“quasi-legislative” and“quasi-judicial” as well as executive. [26] But this judicial sleight of hand merely conceals the damage that these administrative agencies do to the separation of powers. Whether we call agency rules“laws” or not, they still carry the force of law, and whether we call agency adjudications“judicial” or not, they still resolve controversies much as the judicial process is designed to do. As law professor Bernard Schwartz once wrote:

[I]t has become wholly illogical to grant the fact of the legislative power of the commissions and still to deny the name. When the Supreme Court in 1952 upholds an indictment of a trucker for violation of a regulation promulgated by the Interstate Commerce Commission prescribing certain compulsory safety precautions for trucks transporting inflammables or explosives, perhaps the ICC regulation is only a quasi-law. But when the trucker is convicted of violating such regulations, we may be certain that they do not incarcerate him in a quasi-cell. [27]

“Regardless of what the Supreme Court has said, these agencies exercise legislative, executive, and judicial powers. People who are adversely affected by agencies’ decisions can eventually appeal to an independent“Article III” court, but only after all administrative appeals have been exhausted. [28] In cases where an administrative law judge makes an initial judicial decision (called an“adjudication”), the losing party can usually appeal to the agency itself to be heard by the heads of the agency. In other words, the initial appeal in most cases is from the agency’s administrative law judge to the agency itself.

2. Delegation Run Riot”Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution declares that“all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress.” The Constitution therefore requires that legislative powers granted in our founding document be exercised by Congress and by Congress only. Congress cannot rightfully delegate its legislative powers to another authority. The administrative state violates this principle of non-delegation by placing legislative powers in the hands of unelected bureaucrats

“The principle of non-delegation reflects the Framers’ commitment to the idea that sovereignty resides in the people alone and cannot be placed elsewhere. The people are the only source of political authority, and government rightfully possesses only the power that the people consent to give it. Governments, as the Declaration of Independence says, derive“their just powers from the consent of the governed.” In coming together to form a government, the people never relinquish their power; their natural rights are“unalienable.” They merely vest power in the hands of trustees…..”
“….For over one hundred years following the ratification of the Constitution, there was widespread agreement that legislative power could not be delegated to the other branches of government. As Chief Justice John Marshall matter-of-factly declared in the 1825 case of Wayman v. Southard ,“It will not be contended that Congress can delegate to the Courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative.” [32] As late as 1892, the Supreme Court declared in Field v. Clark ,“[t]hat Congress cannot delegate legislative power to the President is a principle universally recognized as vital to the integrity and maintenance of the system of government ordained by the constitution.” [33]

“Yet by 1916, Elihu Root (Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and winner of the 1912 Nobel Peace Prize) famously observed that“the old doctrine prohibiting the delegation of legislative power has virtually retired from the field and given up the fight.”

“…The Supreme Court has not invalidated any laws that delegate legislative power since 1935 and is unlikely to do so anytime soon…..”


Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Now on to the Federal Register.

The Supreme Court was well aware of the Unconstitutional nature of the Administrative state so they tossed a bone to all the Constitutionalists who were trying to get rid of it. That bone was the Federal Register. This supposedly got rid of the argument that the ‘People’ were not represented by the unelected bureauRats.

Of Course that traitorous president FDR was behind the birth of the Administrative State, just like he was behind the Confiscation of Americans gold to prop-up the Federal Reserve.

From the Federal Register: HISTORY

(I was trying to find a different article on the Supreme Court case but no luck)

The Federal Register is the legacy of a “perfect storm” of events that peaked as a public policy concern in December 1934. In response to those events, the Federal Register Act was approved on July 26, 1935, and the first issue of the Federal Register was published on March 16, 1936. Throughout the remainder of the 20th Century, the Federal Register system expanded and evolved as the nation’s leaders gained experience using the system to conduct the business of government….

On December 10, 1934, at the Supreme Court, the Assistant Attorney General of the United States had been grilled during oral arguments in the first case to reach the Court challenging the constitutionality of the centerpiece of President Roosevelt’s “New Deal” — the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). The critical constitutional issues at stake were mostly ignored that day while the Justices focused on the fact that the defendants, two Texas oil companies, had been charged with violating a provision of regulations that technically did not exist at the time the companies were charged. The defects in the case highlighted a fundamental problem facing a democratic government that was exploding with new agencies and new regulations. Amidst the ferment of orders and codes issuing from agencies, even individuals working at the highest levels of government found it difficult or impossible to keep track of all of them. And for the regulated public, this new body of “executive legislation” was inaccessible and virtually hidden. [NO SHIT! – GC]

The next day, at the White House, where the great men of the New Deal had been arguing over the value of publishing a gazette containing the orders issued by Executive Branch officers, President Roosevelt laid aside his misgivings about possible misuse of the publication for propagandistic purposes and appointed a committee of the National Emergency Council to make a special study of the idea.

Meanwhile, behind-the-scenes maneuvering by lawmakers and influential legal minds, including Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, culminated in the publication on December 11, 1934 of a Harvard Law Review article by, Ervin Griswold entitled “Government in Ignorance of the Law – A Plea for Better Publication of Executive Legislation.” The arguments Griswold made for orderly publication of the official actions of the Executive Branch were underlined when the Supreme Court issued its opinion in the Panama Oil case and forced the hand of the committee studying the issue for President Roosevelt. Congress passed legislation to create the Federal Register, and the President signed it into law (Pub. L. 74-220, July 26, 1935)….


Gail Combs

And now the Final Piece of the Administrative State where Congress also screws over the American people.

In this case WIKI actually has a decent write-up about The Administrative Procedure Act.

Historical background

Beginning in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic Congress enacted several statutes that created new federal agencies as part of the New Deal legislative plan, established to guide the United States through the social and economic hardship caused by the Great Depression. However, the Congress became concerned about the expanding powers that these autonomous federal agencies now possessed, resulting in the enactment of the APA to regulate, standardize and oversee these federal agencies.[1]

The APA was born in a contentious political environment.[8] Professor George Shepard claims that Roosevelt’s opponents and supporters fought over passage of the APA “in a pitched political battle for the life of the New Deal” itself.[9] Shepard notes, however, that a legislative balance was struck with the APA, expressing “the nation’s decision to permit extensive government, but to avoid dictatorship and central planning.”[10]

A 1946 House of Representatives report discusses the 10-year period of “painstaking and detailed study and drafting” that went into the APA.[11] Because of rapid growth in the administrative regulation of private conduct, Roosevelt ordered several studies of administrative methods and conduct during the early part of his four-term presidency.[11] Based on one study, Roosevelt commented that the practice of creating administrative agencies with the authority to perform both legislative and judicial work “threatens to develop a fourth branch of government for which there is no sanction in the Constitution.”

In 1939, Roosevelt requested for Attorney General Frank Murphy to form a committee to investigate practices and procedures in American administrative law and suggest improvements. That committee’s report, the Final Report of Attorney General’s Committee on Administrative Procedure, contained detailed information about the development and procedures of the federal agencies.[12]

The Final Report defined a federal agency as a governmental unit with “the power to determine… private rights and obligations” by rulemaking or adjudication.[12] The report applied that definition to the largest units of the federal government, and identified “nine executive departments and eighteen independent agencies.”[12] Overall, 51 federal agencies were identified in the report after including various subdivisions within the larger units. In reviewing the history of federal agencies, the Final Report noted that almost all agencies had undergone changes in name and political function.

Of the 51 federal agencies discussed in the Final Report, 11 were created by statute before the American Civil War. From 1865 to 1900, six new agencies were created, notably the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887 in response to widespread criticism of the railroad industry. From 1900 to 1930, seventeen agencies were created by statute, and eighteen more had been created since. The Final Report made several recommendations about standardizing administrative procedures, but Congress delayed action as the US entered World War II.

Since 2005, the House Judiciary Committee has been undertaking an Administrative Law, Process and Procedure Project to consider changes to the Administrative Procedure Act…


Gail Combs

I am going to toss up from my old notes a discussion I had with a liberal since it has a lot of baring on this subject and what we are now fighting.

a.libertarian2 asks

Do you have a natural right to a successful business? Do you have a natural right to sell your products to your neighbors at a higher price than they would like to pay, who would rather buy their stuff from companies with lower prices resulting from economy of scale, both materially and financially?


The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution supposedly grant me

…..certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,…..

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [Try getting a trial. The government can decide whether to prosecute or not – Heartland vs Peter Gleick is a classic example.]

 He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. [ bureaucracies and unconstitutional regulations ]

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our law…. [The UN, Agenda 21, World Trade Organization…]

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: [Fractional Reserve Banking and wage devaluation]

 For  depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury : [See: http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/lenr-tests-claiming-positive/#comment-49848%5D

 For abolishing the free System of English Laws…[FDA’s statement we have No Right to Contract]

 For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments….[ The Commerce Clause: Route to Omnipotent Government ]

GEE, I am seeing most of those complaints taking on new life. Imagine that. /sarc

First why the heck should you care if another business niche is killed as so many others have been killed over the years. One reason is as each different niche is picked off it means less and less people able to support themselves. You now have only two options, Work for a corporation or welfare. (Or join the ever increasing shadow economy.)

For example, my husband worked as a contractor writing technical manuals. Laws changed and he could no longer work for himself but had to work through an agency. Instead of $60 to $100/hr as a private contractor he now got $10/hr, no health benefits and no tax write offs and no guarantee of work next month. Kelly Temps however still hires him out at $100/hr.

Then there was the idiotic Child Care Abuse Cases. Again there was a witch hunt like in the Food Borne illness scares, and the innocent were accused and laws were written. Only now years latter when those laws are firmly entrenched does it come out it was a witch hunt. Of course the prosecutor in the case, Scott Harshbarger, launched a very nice political career while his victims rotted in jail.
That site is no longer as good as it was because they now have a book to sell.


Elizabeth Loftus is a cognitive psychologist and a foremost expert on human memory — particularly false memory: http://www.apologeticsindex.org/f15.html

(The families of the eight children who testified in the child abuse cases and eight who did not were awarded $20 million in civil settlements.) Sure makes it tough to turn around and then state you lied doesn’t it?

So what is the upshot? Another niche market is regulated out of existence. In the UK it is so bad that two women, one on night shift and one on day shift who swapped looking after each others kids are up on charges.


TY for posting this Gail!

It’s a staggering account of exactly how our Founding Fathers’ wishes (codified into supreme law) have been subverted throughout many years.

It’s been a “boiling frog” scenario for many generations, and I’m just glad that PDJT has been leading us to jump OUT of the slowly, but steadily, increasing temperature of the water.

I must admit that I’ve changed my opinion (from that of my youth) in re FDR, and I still haven’t found out, definitively, how the Senate Resolution of 1871 plays into all this.

Did Lincoln mortgage all Americans’ future labor, to the Redshields, to finance the war? Was the Civil War about slavery – or, was that the excuse (like muh “Covid”) to reap financial gain from the South?

Skip to 1913 +/-, with Jekyll Island, and the banksters goading President Wilson to create income tax, and the “Federal” (non-federal) Reserve – further debasing the equity of Americans in our own country.

And then of course, in the 1930’s, there was FDR – “A chicken in every pot!” is a socialist / communist appeal, along with Social Security (loss of freedom), and the continued decimation of our country’s seminal principles.

Has America been bankrupt for generations, and has this putative bankruptcy been re-tooled twice, with the last one occurring in 1999?

The f***ery (an anon coinage – I like it!) has been going on for far too long.

Enter President Donald J. Trump!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s high time the DEMONRATS and other communists learn that f***ery will get you nowhere…

(same thing for Red Chinese spies)…

Gail Combs

Oh, he was definitely a Socialist just lying as usual. No real libertarian would be in favor of more laws. Especially laws restricting commerce.


she’s gorgeous even in a tuxedo!! First Couple’s official Christmas portrait

comment image


Yes, she is stunning…as usual.
They both look great.

Can’t help but wonder…Why the tuxedo?

She often communicates something with her wardrobe choices.
Is there a message here?

I’m scratching my head on this one.


dunno…she’s not wearing a tie…no tie…no tie
but hey, I couldn’t figure out an ADJUSTABLE wrench earlier…

Cuppa Covfefe

Could that be a movie reference???


whatcha thinking?

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m not (need more covfefe, but it’s late here). I just think there’s something being put out as a message, and right now my senior mind can’t pin it down. Something’s in the back of my mind, but there’s a lotta empty space in there to bounce around 🙂

(Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most 🙂 )…
– Ashleigh Brilliant

Concerned Virginian

And take a look at the portrait on the stairs behind them: looks like Harry S Truman. What was he most famous for?


Harry Truman “the buck stops here” and dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hat tip from someone who posted here yesterday.


The message occurs when you open the shot wider. Portrait on the wall above (oops you can see it in this one)
Harry Truman the buck stops here, dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hat tip from someone who posted here yesterday.


so, the Christmas greeting would be “INCOMING!!! or Merry Christmas ya filthy animal”?


#Stzrok #FBI #Trump
BREAKING: More Strzok Texts Revealed


Wonderful post, Steve. It’s so nice that you can “see” the Heavens and the majesty in God’s Universe.

Scavino’s tweet of the eagle from last night. Hubby says it’s a “menacing Eagle” – “I see you and I’m coming for you.” Notice the beak enlarges.


Katie Hopkins asks…

Why are medical professionals complicit in this vaccine fraud?”

[video src="https://video.parler.com/ab/hY/abhYUGF5LQ8F.mp4" /]

Deplorable Patriot

I’m pretty convinced those are crisis actors. The masks make it convenient in slowing down the anons from identifying them.


That’s what mr. wheatie thinks, too.
Even the fainting nurse…he’s sure he has seen her before, somewhere.

But why would they stage that fainting, since it makes the vaccine look bad.

Deplorable Patriot

To push the second shot. That’s the story…she had the second shot and is now fine.


Ah! That’s got to be it.


hurray! day saved!!

where’s the darned sarcasm sticker?


But I thought the second shot was 2/3 weeks out? I did read that they gave the guy who got the empty syringe his “actual” dose the next day.

That whole thing was literally the twilight zone. HOW can the person giving the injection not see or feel that the plunger is depressed, and choose to continue with the charade on live TV?

Gail Combs

Good grief, we inoculate our sheep and goats and you ALWAYS hold the syringe needle up, tap to make sure all the air goes to the top and then expel the air.


That’s what I mean. Like the person doesn’t FEEL that it’s already been depressed? And stop immediately?

Deplorable Patriot

More from the rumor and eagle wing of the Twitterverse:


Heard a RUMOR that all air force pilots on leave have been called back.
Can anybody confirm this rumor?

Replying to 

Could be for warp speed. Although Dan Scavino posted an Eagle at 2am last night. He always promised to post an Eagle when the Storm was here. Also why was he up at 2am

8:37 AM · Dec 19, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

This is in the replies:

Dale Grant
Replying to 

That is TRUE I’m a prior Air Force crew chief for F-15E models. I was stationed out of Seymour Johnson AFB in NC. What I’m hearing boggles the mind.

8:36 AM · Dec 19, 2020


I wish this guy would say a few more words- I would truly love to have my mind boggled about now (before I lose it).


Yes! Boggle me. Please!


Know what you mean….I prefer to have my mind boggled than lost!

Deplorable Patriot

Uh, yeah. The psy op photo ops aren’t working any more.

Gail Combs

NOTICE THE CARD!!! That worries me. Will we now have to show the card to be able to go into a store to shop, to go to work, to go to church, ride a bus, a train, a plane?


hubby’s fear as well


What kind of info is on the hand written card anyway? More psy-ops.

Cuppa Covfefe

Get out of Gitmo Free???



Things that make you go…hmm.

From ‘The Liberty Daily’:
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Not surprised – man shows his true colors every time he opens his mouth!!!



Sorry – Try, again


Russians? The same way Russians hacked DNC?  😳 I do not think soooooooooooo

Gail Combs


They have their hacking army and I am SURE they have the Vault Seven and other stuff that allows them to mimic a Russian hack.


Pompeo said we had a cyberattack from Russia – his Tweet



Perhaps there is some mis-directon by Pompeo.

Perhaps China made it look like Russia. (Vauly Seven stuff mentioned in Gail’s post.)

China IS the biggest threat.


Absolutely they are both enemies. Along with NK, Iran…

D-Rats, fake news always seems to latch on to Russia. Almost as if they are in bed with China to a greater degree.

Cuppa Covfefe

But we were always at war with Oceania… 😀


could be mis-info.


China didn’t do the virus on its own, they had help from Globalist. No matter who looks to be behind the electronic steal or if it’s not found out my money is on WEF being behind it all!


Cuppa Covfefe

Probably also rejected Space Cadet…. as in Tom Corbett, Space Cadet…

Heyyyy…. who nicked my Tom Corbett lunchbox… sandwich is probably a bit stale by now… but the Twinkie is still just fine 😀

Gail Combs

A picture is worth a thousand words…


Hmmm…sides in conflict?
Title from the article linked below:
Pentagon Pause With Biden Team Was Mutually Agreed Upon: Defense SecretaryBiden team disputes Miller’s statement: ‘No mutually agreed-upon holiday break’


Last edited 4 years ago by geneticallycatholic

“In a statement to Axios, Miller said: “After the mutually agreed upon holiday pause, which begins tomorrow, we will continue with the transition and rescheduled meetings from today.”



If there are any “but why is Trump pushing this” questions remaining, remember
1. Trump is making this voluntary.
2. Trump expects you to do your own research. Then pick (Traditional vacc vs. R or D modified vacc or just Wait and See or Never and a day).
3. For some this may help but most should stay away.
4. Trump also has so many monkeys on his back and this is a PR fight he’d have a hard time fighting the narrative with in combination with all other attacks.



BardsFM Livestream, 20201218 – Defiance begins with NO




This guy made a statistical analysis of all the counties in the country and found discrepancies’ for counties using Dominion and Hart machines. 5% too high for Biden for Dominion and 6% for Hart.

See Thread:

He also made a video explaining this:

2020 Election shows Joe Biden over-performs in 72% of counties using Dominion Voting Systems (rumble.com)
For further information, the full report is available online here: https://gofile.io/d/WtDVhe

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Gail Combs

Very nice analysis. He also does a pretty good job of explaining the statistics.



No disagreement with Pompeo (Secretary of State) and Mnuchin (Secretary of Treasury) about report regarding EO38848 from 12 Sep 2018comment image


Gail Combs

What was interesting with the data analysis by the statistician is he found that Dominion BUMPED Biden up FIVE PERCENT. IIRC from 2016, 5% is what SD and other said was the maximum that the Demonrats could steal.


that was on OLD voting machines… I was told by my Congressman at the time (1970s), 5% max…. apparently they improved on that number


Gail Combs

I think it was CHYNA!

Remember Vault Seven had info that the CIA could mimic the ‘finger prints’ of a Russian hack. I am sure the Chinese also have that information (Thanks Hitlery)


WEF with multiple international surrogates, China likely chief, but Pompeo is saying okay if you want to believe it was Russia, then Russia but no matter it was foreign.


Agree,…but, WHEN is the trigger going to be pulled!? We Patriot Warriors need a little help….please!


food for thought…


Rumors are magic. The Hessians in Trenton had so many rumors of attack, that they had given up on it. So even though they were warned Washington was coming. They were not prepared and were defeated. Even a little victory is a victory and rumors can serve a purpose. pic.twitter.com/Vv30M9toOr

— @RQueeninc Jim (@RQueeninc) December 19, 2020


I hope that means that all the reports about our side contesting the fraud, having more evidence, and still fighting, mean that another Trrenton is coming.

Because the river was icy and the weather severe, the crossing proved dangerous. Two detachments were unable to cross the river, leaving Washington with only 2,400 men under his command in the assault, 3,000 fewer than planned. The army marched 9 miles (14.5 km) south to Trenton. The Hessians had lowered their guard, thinking they were safe from the Americans’ army, and had no long-distance outposts or patrols. Washington’s forces caught them off guard, and after a short but fierce resistance, most of the Hessians surrendered and were captured, with just over a third escaping across Assunpink Creek.


comment image

The plan of attack under Washington. General John Sullivan was to advance from the south, and cut off the Hessian escape, while Greene was to surround the other side of the Hessians. From by Richard W. Stewart.

Deplorable Patriot

Rumors are magic. The Hessians in Trenton had so many rumors of attack, that they had given up on it. So even though they were warned Washington was coming. They were not prepared celebrated Christmas a little too much, got drunk and passed out, and were defeated. 

There. Fixed it.



Funny because all the Biden voters think they have a pact with the Dems. WEF is going to say, yeah, but you don’t have a pact with us suckers.



Gail Combs

So President Trump also thinks the Cyber attack came from Chyna. Do not forget that Chinese have crossed the border into Russia and now occupy some of Russia.
Chinese in the Russian Far East: a geopolitical time bomb?

Gail Combs

True. The Russians and Chinese are certainly cooperating.

Valerie Curren

Lou & Flynn on the cyber attack




but also : FOREIGN ALLIES willing to provide proof…!

Gail Combs

AND President Trump now has that PROOF!
comment image

Valerie Curren

Yes!!! Trump & a free America represent the last bastion of Freedom here on earth!


The Wide Angle…with Brendon Fallon…

2 things discussed in this segment from yesterday 12-18…

DNI John Ratcliff’s report delayed til January 2021 (was due yesterday 12-18) re : foreign interference, specifically China’s interference …an alleged “serious dispute” within the Intelligence community regarding China…and how that delayed report is crucial for PDJT’s ability to use EO’s to investigate further…


the rumors circulating about the Dec 14 death of James O’Sullivan



correction : John Ratcliffe

Gail Combs

I hope POTUS keeps FIRING and promoting people until he finally comes up with patriots.


it’s certainly a tough job…

but somebody’s got to do it….!


smiley…here is another one of Brendon’s excellent broadcasts, which may help clarify the sequence of possible actions by the President.



he’s very very good.


Ratclifee either has or should deliver the report to President Trump as it is today. If one agency, say Gina is stalling, call it out and move forward.

No more playing the waiting game.

Rather sure President Trump and Ratcliffe RAE moving forward.


Yes, publish the raw data if they must and attach a twitter statement to it. People will understand that one right away.

Gail Combs

POTUS & Ratcliffe maybe playing “appear weak when you are strong”

I certainly hope so.


I talked to one of my Redneck neighbors. They are of a similar mood as we.


John James launches legal defense fund as he contests Michigan election results https://t.co/S7kKufSygY

— Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) December 19, 2020

Gail Combs

OH GOOD, I am glad he did not concede.


I remember an article (Yah – I know!) that said he DID concede …

Didi you come across that, too? I was paying pretty good attention to his race – like PDJT, he was winning, right up until the overnight fraud.


John James did concede. Good he is now contesting. He’ll be proven to be the true winner.


People all around the world want President Trump to keep fighting.



Blessed is the child approaching his fourth birthday. His life has been lived entirely in the Age of Trump; he has no knowledge of the Obamanation through which we all suffered.


Members of the US Space Force will now be called ‘Guardians


H/t Lisa M. Crowley: Q 2624 from 2018:

mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No.4282020 
Dec 12 2018 19:19:33 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a51b93 No.4281684 

Dec 12 2018 19:13:52 (EST)


Q, please tell us who or what the Wizards and Warlocks are.

Guardians‘ of intelligence.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

BLM info deleted? Hope original tweet shows

Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

It just keeps getting better & better–thanks!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

If only LOL


BardsFM 🇺🇸 (@BardsFM) Tweeted:
Full war.

We The People stand or humanity falls. Our Nation, the United States of America, is no long isolated from the NWO attacks around the world.

Our will and conviction to GOD, the Constitution and the Republic will define the destiny of Humanity.

Liberty or death.


Cuppa Covfefe

On the YSM/MCM here is “news” that a new strain has been found in Africa.

Hmmm. Trying to kill two birds with one stone, are they?

Because of the HCQ for Malaria they get in Africa, COVID-19 is a non-issue for them. By saying there’s a NEW strain, which affects them in Africa, they throw shade on HCQ, the lack of COVID-19 in Africa, and a host of other issues…..

These people (Soros, Gates, Fauci, Birx, DEMONRATS, Big Pharma, etc.) are Satanic. Time for them to BURN for their evil sins. 🔥  👹 


Wow….i saw some twit about plans for covid 21 in france…more severe, more elite control.

Valerie Curren

Thanks. I would guess that Whitmer in MI is operating from something similar! Evil

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Praying for POTUS

Valerie Curren

They were even using their trash to prevent Rep poll watchers from observing the steal in Detroit…



Kennedy is so right.
Nuremberg again….

BardsFM 🇺🇸 (@BardsFM) Tweeted:
Question @realDonaldTrump??

Are you going to allow this vaxx program to continue and allow a medical police state to become you legacy?

You don’t win by making a Faustian Bargain.

We will not comply.
We will fight and win or die fighting.

LIBERTY or death.



WHY, we are we rolling with this vaccine nonsense, when the meds are there – for cure and prevention? Does POTUS imagine that this is the only way to ease the fear? His base is not afraid, and the other side won’t come around – ever. Or is this a temporary measure until all can be revealed with regard to the virus? The other side won’t believe that either.

Gail Combs

Using the military to distribute the vaccine is cover for something else.

I wonder if some of the Elite will have a really violent reaction to the vaccine…

Gail Combs

Man after my own heart.

Cuppa Covfefe

Needle dissolves before the plunger is all the way down… 😀

The DEMONRATS will probably spontaneously combust…


It has gone one for too long, without the slate being wiped clean.

Fauci/Birx gone, new docs in place for communication with the public, real docs with meds/treatments and success stories being put front and center. Real docs treating patients (Zelenko, the frontline docs and others) have been pushed to the sideline and maligned by the media, never promoted by POTUS, and they come away looking like a fringe element – when THEY are the ones healing people.

I realize he can’t tell the full story, the who/when/how of the virus, until his 2nd term is in place — and that HAS to be done. But running with this vaccine is the wrong way to go.

Gail Combs

POTUS has to pick his battles. This was a lose – lose situation since he is not a doctor or researcher. Luckily the Qanon Army picked up the slack so the truth got out.

All I care is that it is VOLUNTARY. If the Socialists and Commies want to take it, that is up to them.

Believe me the info gets passed around to the normies who are not socialists. Doing children’s entertainment I get a pretty good gage of what normal people know. The information is out there.


Yes, voluntary is the key. And that the truth of this is revealed for all to see, and believe if they so choose.


That’s my point. Unless the truth is revealed about this virus, the who/what/how – we will never move on from it. The truth being out gives businesses the go ahead to throw it off as well.

He’s putting the truth out there about everything else. It will happen with covid.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

You have to remember that POTUS is making this voluntary. Like Q, POTUS expects you to do your own research. Like Wolf has said, some may stand to be helped by the more traditional versions of the vacc. Stay away from the R & D NA versions or just wait a year or two to make a choice if your not a straight up anti vaccer, especially with the prophylactics and treatments available. Meanwhile POTUS has enough to combat with all the monkeys on his back and this would be an additional PR battle that would be hard to fight.
POTUS accepted early on the possibility a vaccine could help and developed operation warp speed to see that we got one early. But in throwing open that door he had to put it out for all companies to come up with their own versions. Granted if Biden gets in the go to vaccine will be of the Bill Gates type and others will get discredited.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Not afraid? Mask compliance is easily 95% in all the States I travel in. So barely any civil disobedience. So either fear of virus or fear of gubmint.


Wearing a mask to be able to shop for groceries, or walk to your table in a restaurant, without further aggravation, isn’t the same thing as being fearful. It’s just picking your battle. Had a great conversation in the ladies room of said restaurant last night. No one is afraid except pathological lefties, and everyone’s over it.

We just need the whole truth, which will trigger the end of it all.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I don’t wear a mask at the grocery store. If everyone did the same this would be over.


As I said in another comment, where the signs have disclaimers I don’t wear a mask. I have asthma, completely controlled – but I carry an inhaler with me at all times. I’ve been taking HCQ prophylactic dose since May 3rd. I’m good.

There will be a moment where everyone with the right mindset just throws it all off, automatically. After the inauguration, and the $hit is cleaned off the fan.


well some of the governors were saying they wouldn’t fully reopen their states without a vaccine in place. now there is not one but two. when they capitulate, and they will and already are, POTUS will remind them of their lies.

I saw an article that a protest march occurred in Arizona–thru the Target and/or Walmart (iirc) about NOT complying with the masks anymore…
no one got arrested, but the Karens pointed out how selfish every protestor was.

the left started with the white guilt shit to soften the public up–trying to get us to feel guilty about EVERYTHING…then they reinforce that with accusations of selfishness when we try to fight back…


What I’m saying is there has to be a moment where the switch is flipped. POTUS’ second term and the truth coming out about this bio-weapon is the switch. People will throw up the one finger salute en masse.

You mentioned Target. They have a small print “health” disclaimer about masks on their signs (NJ). So I don’t wear one there, but everyone else does.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Oh yes, I’ve been attacked twice in our local newspaper with the guilt, selfish and love thy neighbor thing.


Love they neighbor? When has the left EVER loved their neighbor? They can lay that guilt trip on their Antifa/BLM brownshirts!


You have to remember that POTUS is making this voluntary. Like Q, POTUS expects you to do your own research. Like Wolf has said, some may stand to be helped by the more traditional versions of the vacc. Stay away from the R & D NA versions or just wait a year or two to make a choice if your not a straight up anti vaccer, especially with the prophylactics and treatments available. Meanwhile POTUS has enough to combat with all the monkeys on his back and this would be an additional PR battle that would be hard to fight.


For the stand alone person it’s voluntary — is that universal regardless of occupation. Can a hospital require it? It’s all nebulous.


POTUS is not advocating for anyone to make it compolsary. Already said it will not be mandatory for the military. Private business and I’m willing to bet when enough vaxx become available, some states will likely try to make it mandatory. Also you just have to know Biden will do the same. WEF’s end game will be to trash the traditional vaccines in favor of the Gates like stuff.


Ty very mooch…

Valerie Curren

The typical Biden/Harris, Whitmer, Coumo, Newsome voter discovered LOL!!!


Cuppa Covfefe

Actually that’s a pretty good metaphor for how dirty a mask is after a few hours of being worn. The amount of virii, bacteria (including strep, staph, and other nasties), along with CO² and other waste gasses is disgusting, just as disgusting as this. It’s not without reason that people who REALLY DO need to wear masks in professional environments change them regularly, and have strict protocols about how to use and wear them…

These little blue paper “sheeple flags” are as useless as our congress critters…

Valerie Curren

Yes Cuppa, well expressed!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Patriot pulling back the curtain on deep state machinations, twitter style

Gail Combs

What is a #PhantomSleeperVoter ?

1). Someone who is listed as existing in a “physical location” that simply never existed (i.e simply created with no trace of ever have existed in society physically)

2). Someone who was split into multiple people (Bobby Piton at one location.

Bob Piton at another. Yet Rob Piton at another. Scattered across different Counties making it hard to check for or even across State lines)

3) Someone who once lived at an address; Moved out of State or to a different County and then voila was “reactivated” even though they are No longer associated with that address.

4). Older Children that moved out from parents home decades ago but now live with parents yet again without parents even realizing they are back living with them.

5). Someone who is no longer here anymore (they passed away) yet pertinent information about them is the basis of creating a new digital identity that creates illusion they are still alive (added mailing lists, etc)

I’ve identified between 454,200 to over 1 million in just 2 States (AZ and PA)

Patriots, there is 1 elected official for about 47,000 Americans, please email, call, send this information to then ASAP. Once I get to over 1 million impressions, I will explain how to thread the links. Thank you in advance for helping spread the Truth. Peace be with all of you


There is so much fraud and evidence of fraud it is unreal.

Valerie Curren

That’s amazing. Thank you for sharing!

Valerie Curren

Cultural marxism revealed


Any teacher that goes along with this is a criminal. School board and curriculum departments need to be arrested. I am sick of this….the black community thinks they are entitled to everything and we just allow it to happen..thanks, Obama and Holder.

Gail Combs

They keep forgetting they are 17% of the nation. Whites are 70%. Do they REALLY want to get us FIGHTING MAD???


Weak, fatherless, easily possessed. And completely comfortable with lawlessness. Not 100%, nothing is an absolute. But true for the most part.

Don’t want it anywhere around me. Sorry if that’s too blunt.


Remember when blm 1st came into the forefront they said that they wanted to make white people uncomfortable…it’s decidedly more violent now. I can see why the DemComs spent 5 yrs pounding it into the public that Trump is a racist even though his life history proves that a lie. Branding his supporters racist too set the narrative that enables this anti- whitism speech to become mainstream.

Valerie Curren

It’s like a wholesale continuation of the aka BHO administration’s tearing the country apart by race & significantly elevating blacks based on skin color alone–the Opposite of meritocracy.

that video was horrifying racist BS


what utter bullshit.


It comes straight from the pit of hell.




This is a paper written by Robin West, *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_West, professor at Georgetown U, in 1992. It appears, merely because it is almost identical in content, to be a source of all the garbage being spewed out by the Seattle public schools.


Cuppa Covfefe

And she(?) appears to be a flaming WHITE SJW Snowflake Libturd…


No kidding, and been warping minds for a long time, unfortunately.

Valerie Curren

Nice catch JC!


I have a theory too that the demise of so many small businesses because of the scamdemic will end up allowing the millions and millions of Cares $$$$ to be allotted to minority only businesses after it’s over. The ‘equitable transfer of wealth’ ya know.


The people who propose this kind of stuff should have the extreme need to hire armed security and I’d hope they’d be late in getting it or not enough of it.

Valerie Curren

Waking that sleeping tiger rarely works well 😉


comment image

Valerie Curren

This sounds a lot like the notifications I got from Pinterest, before being banned, where they are the arbiters of “acceptable” “facts/truth”–Communism no longer fears the Light!

Valerie Curren

Trump is dancing in time to David Meece’s Love Conquers All (I’m listening to ClassicChristian247.com) serendipitously! “the proud shall stumble, the mighty will fall” Pray that the Lord would set us free…


Valerie Curren

Deep State tries to hobble Lin Wood


Well, life sure can change fast!

Saw POTUS tweet ~4am. Told husband ~7am. By 7:30 am we had made plans to go to DC! Husband will return to work for 1 day and then off to DC. So close to Christmas this will be a short trip just for the rally. 1 day up, 1 day protest, 1 day home. Museums are closed anyway.

Haven’t gone to the other DC protests but POTUS is calling this one. We will find a way to work it out.

Husband at Nashville Stop the Steal protest now.


stay safe!!
want to hear all about it when you get back!


I don’t get to go due to health issues. 🙁

But 100% fully supportive of our family being there and being represented + they will have just gotten back from traveling for Christmas.

Valerie Curren

Reagan’s words & Trump’s battle

Valerie Curren

17 in Chi-Com war w/ US?

Gail Combs

So time to OPEN OUR MINES!!!

The only reason that China has these weapons to wield is because of the EPA and the United Nations Heritage Site designations.

Interior Releases 2018’s Final List of 35 Minerals Deemed Critical to U.S. National Security and the Economy
“…..Under the Executive Order, these commodities qualify as “critical minerals” because  each has been identified as  a non-fuel mineral or mineral material that is essential to the economic and national security of the United States, that has a supply chain vulnerable to disruption, and that serves an essential function in the manufacturing of a product, the absence of which would have significant consequences for the economy or national security…..”

There is a list of the mineral and uses. You can click on the name of the mineral and go to a separate page.

For example

Beryllium Statistics and Information

Beryllium (Be) is one of the lightest of all metals and has one of the highest melting points of any light metal.  Beryllium metal is used principally in aerospace and defense applications because of its stiffness, light weight, and dimensional stability over a wide temperature range.  Beryllium-copper alloys are used in a wide variety of applications because of their electrical and thermal conductivity, high strength and hardness, good corrosion and fatigue resistance, and nonmagnetic properties.  Beryllium oxide is an excellent heat conductor, with high strength and hardness, and acts as an electrical insulator in some applications.  The United States, one of only three countries that process beryllium ores and concentrates into beryllium products, supplies most of the rest of the world with these products.

So being on the list does not mean we have to panic about the availability. (I did not go through all 35 minerals.)

Gail Combs

Steve, if worse came to worse there is always the ocean and all the dissolved and deposited minerals.


Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe we should send all the libtards off looking for “shelium”… 🙂

That should keep them busy for a while, and out of our way…

What in the world did we do before 1972??? We used to mine a lot of these minerals ourselves, and had other sources. Single-sourcing ANYTHING is a risky proposition at best… (even in the computer/electronics industry)(or perhaps, especially so – it almost killed Data General before they got their MV10000 out the door)…..

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail. This is great!!!

Valerie Curren

Meme thread candidate

Valerie Curren

Purely fyi for our natural healing geniuses to consider…


Gail Combs

Good to know. I use curcumin in making moussaka and take a Turmeric-Curcumin with ginger supplement daily for arthritis pain relief. (Hemp oil is my other daily pain relief with Boron glycinate + Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Hyaluronic Acid for rebuilding the cartilage in my joints.)

Moussaka BTW is great for traveling since it can be eaten cold. The recipe is no longer on the internet so here it is from memory. (I cook it all the time)

 Turkish Moussaka
2 to 3 eggplants sliced ¼ inch thick.
Place in a large boll and cover with salted water (I use KCl aka NoSalt.) This removes bitterness and the eggplant does not soak up as much olive oil.
You can either saute in olive oil. It take a LOT of oil or bake (@350F) on a greased cookie sheet. Brush the cookie sheet with olive oil. Arrange the slices and brush the top of the slices with oil. Keep a close eye on the eggplant so it does not over cook and stick to the sheet.
Set aside.

2 lbs Ground meat (Beef, lamb, goat, venison)
1 large onion
1 blanched tomato (remove skin & chop up)
1 can chick peas.

Saute ground meat & onion in olive oil.
Add tomato and stir until cooked then chick peas to warm up.

In Pyrex baking dishes layer the eggplant then filling then eggplant. Before the last layer (eggplant) liberally sprinkle the top of the meat filling with a combination of 1/3 cinnamon, 1/3 allspice, 1/3 turmeric. I keep a spice jar full of the mix so I cant give the measurements (About 1 tablespoon each I think) I pretty much cover the filling with the mix so do not be stingy.

Linda Harrison

If you use male eggplants they are sweeter and less likely to be bitter, therefore no salting is needed and there are almost no seeds by comparison.

Males have small round smooth end, females have irregular (elongated) and less smooth ends.


Um, this convo is getting weird for me 😉

Linda Harrison

Ha Ha Ha! Most people don’t realize they come in male/female but it really does make a difference in taste and the slices falling apart because of all the seeds.

Valerie Curren

Sounds awesome Gail!

Valerie Curren

Older news, but still awesome!


she is a fighter!

Valerie Curren

Reply to tweet where I shared Wolf’s image of CodeMonkey’s deleted tweet 🙁


Dr. Carol Swain, conservative, former Nashville mayoral candidate, author, speaker and activist. She has been speaking up on a number of conservative issues and focuses on issues of race esp. Critical Race Theory. She was on Fox this morning and OAN this week discussing many issues and her appointment to the 1776 Commission.



Still haven’t found the OANN interview Wolfmoon mentioned. Not yet posted put hope it will be.


As with Sessions I hope there is an untold/behind the scenes story but from outward appearances, public statements + actions and resutls while in office, Barr underperformed my expectations on a number of issues.


Great family 👍

Joe Biden’s niece Caroline gets no jail time after DUI guilty plea https://t.co/PoNgButLxU via @nypost

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) December 19, 2020


Thanks prex. Nicely done.





I doubt his first wife would feel honored that he and his second wife used her grave as a photo-op.


Agree on that thought ^

He should go to the grave of the man he and the press maligned for years as a drunk driver and ask for forgiveness

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. LYIN’ JOE BIDEN and his STOLEN BRIDE are a perfect fit for SATANIC CHINESE COMMUNISM. Every action of the man tells us who he really is.



Especially considering that second wife was the back door ho during first marriage.


wasn’t Jill nanny for Joe and 1st wife.? and married to Stephenson?
Jill was a college student, took care of boys and worked for first Mrs Biden…

First Mrs. Biden ran a stop sign, with daughter and at least one son in the car. Mother and daughter did not survive…

Rumors are Mrs B was upset when she left the house…

Gail Combs

Rumors are that Jill may have paid to have the Truck driver take the First Mrs. Biden out after Joe won his senate seat.

Here is one version of the story.

And another.


The daughter of the truck driver said her father was a Christian family man who didn’t drink, loved his wife, children.



Thanks Gail.


“…took care of boys… ”

Was the nanny as I understand it.

And Where’s Hunter hasn’t been normal since.

Pedo Joe and IMO, pedo Jill. A Family Affair, so to speak.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Steve, really enjoyed the visuals and the tutorial…the time you put into it is very evident. . I can hardly wait to see it on Monday…just hope the skies will cooperate. We have a wonderful planetarium nearby and in today’s paper it announced 2 hours (??) for 2 nights on the roof top with the huge telescope. But, I Imagine the lines will be massive outside to enter and your time viewing with the scope very brief, so as much as I would really love to see it that way, I will pass.


If the clouds are thin, you might still see it. Those two are pretty bright and I’ve seen them through thin clouds.


If you are lucky to get photos, please post them here….I’m looking forward to trying the see the planets on Monday, … thank you for this very informative post. Much appreciated!



What I will NEVER understand is why people are just allowing this to happen.

Are most people really just “good Germans” at heart? They just go along with the government edicts destroying people’s lives until the camps start?


We’ve been conditioned that somebody will fix it instead of hell no we’re not going to take it. That’s why I really like that Bards of War tweet down below. We trust there is a plan but if that fails I do believe there will be revolt of some kind. How it will end ? IDK


People WILL rise up and take back their world – after the SHTF and POTUS is set, the truths can be rolled out. Flipping that switch will empower people, in an instant. The anger people are holding within is indescribable.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

“justice” reforms….


Gascon is a dumpster fire, but the voters were warned. Recall has begun but the stupid voters should be recalled too.


Very much appreciate the article. Clear writing style melds nicely with simple to understand graphics. A number of “ah ha” moments for me. A couple that were counter to what I had assumed. Granted, never really thought about much of this stuff.

Need to go through the article a couple more times. But that is me, not the article.

Forecast here has improved with likely clear skies Monday evening.



As H.L. Mecken said:

“Democracy is the notion that voters know what they want, and they deserve to get it GOOD AND HARD.” (emphasis mine)

What should be done at this point (in fact, a long time ago) is to FORCE Kalifornians to LIVE in the shitty cesspool they voted for, instead of allowing rich liberals to flee the state.


We can’t trust that who “they voted for” statement anymore.
Those days are gone baby gone.

Gail Combs

FG&C, I am all for allowing rich liberals to move… STRAIGHT TO GITMO!

Sylvia Avery

Steve, you’re a good teacher.
😘 😘 😘

Sylvia Avery

I’m tempted to post pizza girl in the tub for you, but I don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t know if Wolfie allows such frivolity here since the U-Tree split off thingy.

Sylvia Avery



As long as her WGTT aren’t fully exposed, it should be cool.

Sylvia Avery

She skillfully balances her pizza box on her shelf, It moves around a lot, but she never manages to lose it entirely. The box preserves her modesty. Somehow.


I hope this talking head just isn’t hearing an echo of himself


I hope this means that soon Trump is gonna be kraken some heads, otherwise it’s just a lot of calamari.




lot of calamari nice thought.

Brave and Free



This generation is screwed.


Looks to me they prepare people to life in space on Mars or something ?
This is not life on earth do not be fooled. I think we know now what this is all about ?
Maybe I smelled my Eierliquor to much  😂 


I don’t bother with unembedded tweets. If posters won’t take the time to separate them out, then they really aren’t interested in others seeing them.

Gail Combs

Not everyone is computer literate plus this is a site with different techniques needed.


Nice to see you are still a dick.



I don’t take the Gateway Plumpit too seriously.

Gail Combs

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Since you posted the cat, he’s got a big article about the “meeting” OT – but from NYT not GP.


GP gets a lot wrong, rushing to post things before all the facts are in.





I agree.

BardsFM 🇺🇸 (@BardsFM) Tweeted:
Dangerous times.
Dangerous games.

Don’t wait too long @realDonaldTrump and don’t over play Patriots. We stand with you, but there is a limit to patience and games of deception.

We want our country back, without masks or vaxx.

Non negotiable.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. This TREASONOUS election must not stand.


I love how people think they can tell PDJT what he should and shouldn’t do.

There is no limit to the amount of patience or deception true patriots are willing to tolerate to defend, protect, and preserve our Republic, the Constitution, our rights, and our liberties.

Anyone who says there is a limit is not a true patriot and is talking straight from their ass.

This is NOT a fucking game. This is real, lives are on the line, and people need to cowboy the fuck up and stop fucking whining about “PDJT needs to do this or that”.


I dont believe theyre threatening POTUS. Patriots only have patience before they take control themselves instead of waiting on supreme court or failing lawsuits. The issue is cat and mouse games.
Its not a game, you are so correct, and patience to watch those games is worn.
I believe that like Scott, the final day is Inauguration day.
Tension is high. Depending on local issues too, they could be at 212 already.


48 hrs is an eternity in politics, much less a few weeks.

People need to take a deep breath and stay calm.

PDJT has got this.


I believe, actually I’m speaking for myself, that people are looking for a change of tone in the tweets. Not giving anything away, as to what is coming. Just a subtle change of tone, a hardness creeping in. A contained ruthlessness. because nothing less will suffice.



Do you support a limited martial law?
Yes 92%
No 8%
77,950 votes
17 hours left

One way or the other this book (Ingersol Lockwood’s “The Last President”) continues to connect in new ways.

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Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will bet HALF of the 8% NO are because LIMITED ain’t enough.

Gail Combs

I want Nuremberg style trials at Gitmo by Military Tribunals. Generals McInerney and Vallely  suggested reactivating OLD JAG judges. I agree. No using OH!Bummer embeds for this important task.

Gail Combs

Need to strike FAST and scoop them all up before they go jetting off to New Zealand to plot their next try.


Yes, people are looking for a full stop.


Trump Won By Millions And Broke The Left’s Algorithm


What I would love to know is who gave the order for the counting to stop, simultaneously.


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I like paste; sort of tastes like wintergreen.




Does Pringles count as a vegetable?


hell yeah


But bring along a good supply of bug spray.

Gail Combs

And a goat to carry your supplies.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds Anti-Christian to me.

No surprise, as WEF, the Deep State, the DEMONRATS, and their minions are Satanic…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And then TREASON JACK says “(!) This claim about election fraud is disputed”

REALLY? How does he know? Is is simply because Trump tweeted it?

I’m done with these RINOs. They are GARBAGE. HUMAN GARBAGE.

They support CRIMINALS. They stand in the way of JUSTICE.

Gail Combs

I am hoping a lot of RINOs will be joining the DemonRats in GITMO for trial. Pierre Delecto, I am talking about you as well as others.


but i wanna see pictures of them there..i don’t want “retirements” or “keeping out of the public eye” stories…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I’m hoping the traitors have a Sparkylicious time, as they’re ventilated while testing trapdoors and sampling the strength of “hemp”…..

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Yup…wearing the uniform!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This immediately reminds me of the TREASON of the CHINA OUTSOURCERS – no matter where they send the business with the EXPRESS INTENTION to WEAKEN AMERICA.


Gail Combs

I wish my children could understand my fight is not for myself because it does not matter anymore. My fight is for my grandchildren whose whole future is ahead and what country they will live in.


Thanks for the information on the rare Convergence – hope QTreepers are able to see it and take photos for people in the cities and flatlands with tall trees. Here, we have too much light pollution and tall trees to the Southwest.

Gail Combs

It is bright enough that even with light pollution we were able to see it. (We have four security lights put in by the electric company.)


I’ll try to look.

Gail Combs

Good luck. I could see it easily once the sun had set but it was still twilight.

Gail Combs

We are lucky the weather forecast is for clear skies.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trying to paste from GWP:

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In WSJ Interview AG Barr Says “No CIA Misconduct” in Trump Russia Spying

December 18, 2020, 7:33pmby Jim Hoft 1211 Comments


Was Barr not once part of the CIA ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, he was. And it’s clear now, to whom he is loyal.


That is such a huge lie! Brennan was right in the middle of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Unreal.


Turns out he was Bagpipe Barr, just a bag of hot air and deception.

Turning Durham into a SC is also likely a cover-up and time delay maneuver.

We can no longer trust in the Durham investigation.


Former Wisconsin judge Troupis: court system deeply intimidated by the left


Nooooo. Ya don’t say! Who knew?


Intel Expert: “Evidence that Comes Forward in Next Few Days Will Drastically Change Playing Field”

Brave and Free

Wake me when it happens, like a previous post said it’s been six weeks of theses kind of statements from the “Experts “. At this point it’s just click bait. I am waiting till I see the whites of their eyes.


LIVE: Stop The Steal Arizona State Capitol Protest 12/19/20

Concerned Virginian

“Covid: Italy latest European country to order Christmas lockdown”

Well, it appears that Italy has joined the CCP Virus lockdown over the Christmas / New Year’s holidays. This was ordered by Italian PM Conte after “experts” warned about a possible spike of infections due to the holidays.
From 24 – 27 December: 10PM – 5AM curfew; only ONE person per household may leave to buy food or get medicines; ALL travel outside of Italy’s regions is banned; households are “allowed” only two guests (not counting persons under age 14); ALL bars and restaurants are closed; religious services MUST be over by the 10PM curfew; during curfew hours, persons “may” leave their homes ONLY for “essential” jobs or for an emergency.
The lockdown is “relaxed” between 28 – 30 December. However, from 31 December – 3 January 2021, the full lockdown is re-imposed. This lockdown is “relaxed” on 4 January 2021. During the “relaxed” periods, persons “may leave” their houses BUT bars and restaurants will remain closed.
Conte stated that the Italian police “would not go into people’s homes” to make sure the lockdowns are being followed; he urged Italians to “act responsibly”.


wait…it’s bad enough for a strict lockdown, BUT for 3 days it’s “relaxed”???
so the disease takes a break for those 3 days?? and then returns strong for a few days, then needs another break??
transparent abuse of power…


You don’t get it- they are trying to confuse the coronas.


With the lock downs I reverted on making all the German foods and drink. Will cook all German food or Holidays and am playing German Christmas songs.
It is funny but that gives me comfort and puts me closer to the expectation and awaiting of Christ child at Christmas.
I am sure you all reach back to your childhood Christmas specially this year when families are so scattered like mine.
I think all Christians around the world need to do what ever it takes not to feel depressed.
My husband blames Clergy of all denomination who have no spine to do what is right for their congregations.
We will have a Christmas celebration and worship at home with communion.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (I call him Strohm-ausfall), head of the EKD here in Germany, is no leader, most definitely NOT a Christian; he’s merely a politician, and a poor one at that. The churches here, and most everywhere, have failed at their primary mission; and are basically promoting the very same “liberation theology” the pope-a-dope Francis is.

Strohm-ausfall is also advocating bringing in more refauxgees (99.999 percent Moslems) for Christmas… as an act of Christmas charity. Hmmm. How about some charity for the millions without work because of the fake plague??? Or our own homeless and poor, who actually paid into the system and society at some point???

In any case, have a gesegnetes und frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! 🙂  🎄  🎄  🍺  🍾 


Same happened thin the Thirties the church rolled over .
“Frohe Weihnachetn and ein Gutes Neue Jahr”


The Italian elections were fixed. The left fraudulently took control.

Gail Combs

I had been thinking the same thing. They had a conservative who was running who seemed very popular.

I imagine most if not all the EU elections are rigged as was Canada’s.


Mateo Salvini was a pro-Trump pol who should have won. All polls had him winning. Then….


Gail Combs

Thanks, I could not remember his name, only that he sounded like the person Italy needed.


These same cabal members are popping up right and left as part of the pretend Placeholder administration. Exile them all…or exit them all ..or something because their plans were merely interrupted, not stopped



Exile no. Thats like leaving a placeholder for the next coup.
Obviously its been too long and the left has taken over education for people to remember Nuremberg .


Yes, I agree. When I said exile or exit them my hope is that it’s permanent. Finish them, by their own terms, by any means necessary.




I actually agree and I am not for executions in principle.


Its not an easy thing, but for far too long, the no consequences behavior has been ruling. “Its going to be Biblical” includes Old Testament punishment to end it for good.

Gail Combs


It is the only way to STOMP OUT EVIL!

For those that need to have their spine stiffened:

The CEO of StemExpress admitted in court Thursday that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.

She also admitted at the preliminary hearing of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress that the baby’s head could be procured attached to the baby’s body or “could be torn away.”

That is an especially gruesome admission, but it begs the question: how did they get these fully intact human children?” says Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which is representing Daleiden at the hearing.


Remember CamelToes ALLOWED these people to SUE and WIN against the whistleblowers.

South Korea….
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Articles are archived:

Reza Aslan eats human brain on CNN



CANNIBAL CLUB (California)


When I see this kind of stuff (the Seoul Times especially) it rocks my belief system big time.

come to timmy

At this point it seems pretty obvious to me that ‘virus’ is their code word for freedom, independence, individualism. That is what they intend to ‘stamp out’.

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy
come to timmy

No wonder the trolls have to say that Trump rallies are super-spreaders. Indeed.

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy

If they have their way, the actual people that demand freedom, independence and individualism will be stamped out.The rest they can control with boogey man viruses



JMO, The inauguration Speech was every bit as good as the “Our Movement” speech Steve adds to his Saturday post.
..maybe even better because of all the empty suits behind him.


Great job on Conjunction update Steve !
I know you had your doubt’s your work would even load last evening, but it sure paid off in spades .
Your best !



Someone posted earlier a couple of tweets from this thread on the 5% advantage the Dominion/Hart machines gave to Biden. But you really need to read the whole thread. It is really damning. Here are the first couple of tweets and the thread reader version for the whole thing:

“An unbiased by-county analysis of over 3000 U.S. counties shows Joe Biden received 5.6 % more votes in counties using Dominion Voting Systems. “If a network system of computers was used to fraudulently affect vote counts…the results would look exactly like this.”

2/ This Dominion advantage was observed regardless of the county’s majority political party affiliation nor urban, suburban, or rural-area demographics. Biden over-performed our estimates in “democratic strongholds” – by the same amount he over-performed in “Trump” counties.”


Gail Combs

The video was up on the first page and was also very good.

(What can I say, I like statistics.)


I think this is the interview of which Wolfmooon spoke last night?

Gail Combs

Most of the DemonRat Blacks are in urban areas. Wildcat truck drivers can take care of the problem fairly easily… Along with the Snowflake Whites.


Why, that’s no problem at all! We’ll just go ahead a prescribe anti-HIV medications for you to take for the rest of your life, along with the flu shots you’ll be taking for the rest of your life. Easy Peasy!!!


wow…more liberal nonsense…because of systemic racism, black votes should be counted TWICE. since it’s a secret vote…how would anyone KNOW who’s vote was cast by a black american?
But there’s another way to undo the damage of the Electoral College and other structurally racist political institutions: We can implement vote reparations by double-counting ballots cast by all Black residents. The poisonous legacy of slavery applies to Black people regardless of when we or our ancestors arrived in this country. Vote reparations should also extend to Native Americans. Slavery is rightly called America’s original sin, but so too was the United States’ genocidal seizure of land from its original inhabitants. Various legal forms of disenfranchisement have applied to them. It wasn’t until 1962 that all Native Americans were allowed to vote, and even then they faced—and still face—electoral obstacles. These are not the only examples of American oppression; we should include in vote reparations others who have suffered similar disenfranchisement.



Pass the bong.  :wpds_envy: 

come to timmy



Some historical FACT:

democrats were the slave owners
democrats declared war on America (Civil War) and fired the first shot

Did you know?

Democrats tried to steal the election of 1876. It all culminated with the Compromise of 1877.

From Wikipedia:

The Compromise of 1877 was an unwritten deal, informally arranged among U.S. Congressmen, that settled the intensely disputed 1876 presidential election. It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, and ending the Reconstruction Era

The outgoing president, Republican Ulysses S. Grant, removed the soldiers from Florida, and as president, Hayes removed the remaining troops from South Carolina and Louisiana. As soon as the troops left, many white Republicans also left, and the “Redeemer” Democrats, who already dominated other state governments in the South, took control. 

Black Republicans felt betrayed as they lost power, being subject to discrimination and harassment to suppress their voting, and by 1905, virtually all black men were effectively disenfranchised by state legislatures in every Southern state.

After attempting to steal the 1876 election, democrats successfully negotiated the removal of federal troops from the south, which condemned back people in the south to a century of misery, KKK murder, and democrat racism.



Pt, I’m amazed that you would waste time on this dribble. No clicks for The Nation from me.


I never heard of the website before…and i wondered who could be spouting such nonsense…lesson learned!


For the first time since the morning of 11/4, I feel a total serenity that the election will go to the man who won, our President.

And the malignant phoniness of the fabricated communist “reality” seems to be brittle and ready for destruction.

However it happens, it will not be with a whimper.


The wicked will see it and be vexed,
(They) will gnash (their) teeth and melt away;
The desire of the wicked will perish.
Psalms 112:10


Concerned Virginian

December 19, 2020
“Army Leaders Join Gen. Milley and Release Statement Saying There is “No Role” for US Army in Martial Law in Determining Elections”
Sec. of the Army Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville released the statement yesterday making it clear that “they will not participate in a martial law order following the stolen election”.
They added: “There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election.”

Looking for enlightenment here.

Gail Combs

OH!Bummer embeds have just outed themselves.


Interesting that the first page of search results was all about a soldier’s duty to DIS-OBEY AN UNLAWFUL ORDER… (Are we a bit worried GOOGLE?/Duck Duck go?)

Remember that unlike OH!BUMMER, POTUS has been very very careful to stay strictly within the law.

Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice is “Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation” (Written or stated)….

Article 92 reads: “Any person subject to this chapter who—

(1) violates any lawful general order or regulation;

(2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces and fails to obey the order; or

(3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”


(1) Violation of a lawful general order or regulation.

(a) That there was in effect a certain lawful general order or regulation;

(b) That the accused had a duty to obey it; and….

10 U.S. Code § 892 – Art. 92. Failure to obey order or regulation


All officers serve at the pleasure of the Commander in Chief.

As Gail said, these are Obama embeds.

They can be relieved of their commands instantly, and without any cause whatsoever….much less insubordination to the POTUS.


Arrested if they refuse an order or obstruct in any way.

Miley and his fools really don’t want to join the ongoing coup.


The Army will do as ordered by the Commander In Chief, President Trump. INCLUDING Martial Law, limited or not.

Miley and his fools can be both canned on a moments notice and BY PASSED. Now is NOT the time. They are harmless.

Recall the “Continuity of Command” for nuclear a week or so ago, Miley was NO longer in it. Miley has been MARGINALIZED.

We have a new SecDef.

Also forgot the guys name that has Special Forces DIRECTLY under him.

  • Special Forces are as dedicated as it gets.
  • Marines ALWAYS faithful.
  • Army will perform when ordered to do so.

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That is a powerful video! It needs to be broadcast far and wide.


When the election chaos began, I vowed that come what may, if the President said “come” I would.

Well, last night he said it.

Planning has commenced. My DH can’t accompany, but my son is going to. Should be interesting with his dreadlocked hippie self in a MAGA crowd with me! He is quite conservative politically, but you’d NEVER know it by looks.

The car is getting new tires this week for the trip, and a good going over mechanically.

I have no real idea how I’m going to pull it off, but I’m going. It’s a 2300 mile trip one way.

Any suggestions you all have for the trip, I’d love to hear. I plan to pack a big cooler with food and snacks for the drive, take several kinds of masks to force myself to wear if and where I have to (that’s going to require some real psychological effort), and comfy clothes and shoes. I will carry a backpack into the crowd with water and snacks.

I don’t plan to wear MAGA gear so I can remain somewhat inconspicuous when I am not surrounded by other MAGA people. I can make lots of noise in safety, and be incognito when not. The plan is to only be in D.C. for the daylight hours, and to be safely out by twilight.

I have not traveled much at all since February, outside of going to South Dakota, so any of you who have, please let me know what to expect.

Gail Combs

I have a recipe for my favorite travel food, moussaka, here:


For washing I use the flow restrictor insets in Realemon bottles put into soda bottles. you can flip them out of the neck of the bottle with a poultry skewer or nail. One small size bottle with soupy water and a couple of big bottles for rinse water should do nicely. Also bring a roll of paper towels and toilet paper and tissues. Sanitary facilities are probably going to be short on these supplies.

You can make masks of very thin cotton so you can breath. Flour sack towels are cheap and slightly thicker than gauze.
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Awesome! I already noted your moussaka recipe! I love it.

The washing water bottles is a great tip. As are paper goods. I wouldn’t have thought about it, but you are right. Shortage!

Mask wear will be a challenge. Making some thin ones is a good idea. I am taking medical ones if I run into real Nazis.

Gail Combs

If they fit fairly loosely you can breath better. I have asthma so cutting down my O2 is NOT a good idea. Therefore I have gotten creative for wen I absolutely HAVE to wear a mask.


Be sure to take some flares and blankets/sleeping bags just in case. God go with you!


Thanks! We are putting together an emergency kit. Flares are a good idea.

Gail Combs

OH, and dress in layers. I use a man’s sleeveless under shirt, then a long sleeved turtleneck followed by a knit vee-necked vest and then a flannel shirt and/or jacket.


Oooh, good idea on the sleeveless tee underneath. And thin layers can be stowed in a backpack. Thanks!


Should be interesting with his dreadlocked hippie self in a MAGA crowd with me!

^^^ Have been to three Trump Rallies. Every walk of life in America, supported Candidate Trump and now, President Trump.

Absolutely the MOST WELCOMING folks I have ever been around. EVERYONE fits in at Trump Rallies. EVERYONE.

MAGA hat for the rally should be OK. Before and after rally, MAGA hat in back pack and wear some bland hat of sorts. Maybe a knit hat.
Traveled twice since Covid.. NV > AZ, NM, and TX and back. Two round trips. Only a couple hard core wear a mask or leave. Both in TX. Waco and El Paso. The couple times I put the mask on, it was on my chin. 🙂 Sit down eating almost nonexistent. We mostly did drive through to simplify things.

Suggest make hotel reservations now. Most every chain allows cancellations 24 hours in advance. If not, pick another hotel. I’d be getting a hotel in VA for two nights. One day before and day of event.

Being where I think you live, you already know how to dress warm and deal with “weather”.

IF you or your son are carrying, check the laws closely. DC is a 100% NO NO. MD is as bad as NJ for 2A as I understand it. I’d leave weapon in hotel. Sign on my room, Do Not Disturb. .

Definitely off the streets before twilight.

Apologies if this is more than requested.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Thank you! Great information, all of it. I know you travel some, so I am happy to hear from you.

We will both have weapons, but will not carry in D.C.

Gonna be doing some car camping on the way. And probably will drive fairly far out of D.C. to stay. Hotels there are outrageously expensive.

His Dad lives in Wisconsin, and we are planning to stop there for a couple of days on the way back.

Every Trump event I have been to has been great, and filled with kindness. I just think it’ll be funny to see him there.


Pardon the add on.

Have crossed I-80 PA-OH-IN-IL during winter storm. Went through lots of wiper washer fluid. Maybe carry an extra gallon or so. Wiper blades if they are starting to streak. I saw you are getting the vehicle tires…

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Very good idea! New wiper blades!

True story:

My daughter and I drove across Montana in the winter for a concert. Beautiful day on the way over, but overnight, there was a storm.

The week before we went, I had the oil changed. They had drained the wiper fluid, and didn’t replace it!

It was a Sunday, we were in the middle of nowhere Montana when I realized it, and the trucks passing us were throwing GALLONS of filthy water onto my windshield. All we had in the car were some big bottles of water, so when a truck passed, my daughter would roll down the window and throw water out onto the windshield!

We finally found a store open and got some wiper fluid, but that was a scary few hours.


Laughing at myself.

It was the same winter storm I cited above that I learned to always carry a gallon of -20 wiper fluid and top off the fluid before winter trips.

Them trucks as you say throwing so much muck into traffic, and I did run out of fluid. We did stop many times to clear the windshield a bit until we got to a truck stop.

Safe travels. Wish I could join you and your son. For now, planning a January 20 DC visit.


Whoo-hoo! Inauguration day for Trump!


Aubergine ,
Expect Cold weather.Cold Northern air often flows from Pittsburgh Region, south/east, thru Mountain passes and along the Potomac River.Warm heavy coats to protect the body.Bring Extreme weather gear if possible.Better to have it and not need it than..
The Appalachian trail/Blue Ridge Mountain Range is not far west of DC. Parking in DC is always a challenge.A good plan would be to lodge within an hour drive outside the Beltway. Utilize Metro rail in and out of the city.Get(internet prints) a couple DC Metro area Maps,one for each of you, Both of you should carry cell phones should you get separated.
Research Metro rail access station locations..Arlington National Cemetery is across the river (South) from the Mall/Museums.Get acquainted with the area map somewhat , before arrival, for landmark waypoints, you both will recognize on the drive in.
Can’t hardly miss the Washington Monument. Keep it in sight, you should be good once in the area. Weather can change quickly,It is winter after all. I hope it’s a 55 degree Sunny Beautiful Day ! 😎 


Thanks Chris! Good idea about the Metro rail. I had wondered about that. I will look into the best place to leave the car/stay overnight.

We live in Montana, so heavy duty winter gear is de rigueur. You haven’t been cold until you’ve been under-dressed at 20 below!

I think we are going to drive the cross-country part as far south as possible, even if it makes the trip a couple of hundred miles longer.


Oh, yeah!

Deplorable Patriot

We take cheese slices, lunchmeat, but no bread. Frittata and a true Spanish tortilla will keep in a cooler. We’ve been known to eat them cold since it’s eggs, veggies and meat.



Thanks, DP. Good reminder on the fruit. Good travel food. And quiche and frittata do travel well.

Deplorable Patriot

A friend takes hard boiled eggs.


Good idea! My son loves them.

Deplorable Patriot

One thing to remember about the Washington area, it RARELY gets extreme temperatures. However, because it’s surrounded by water, both the Potomac and the Chesapeake Bay, there is wind, and the the air tends to be humid year round. It can be bone chilling. That was one thing I remember was different living about an hour away.

Someone recommends using the Metro for transportation. I agree. Also, if DC has the on again off again tourism buses, those are good too. I’ve done that in Europe. You pay for the day and can get on and off where you want. The Mall will definitely be on any route.

Safe travels.


Buses are a great idea, especially the day pass ones. It might be a quick way to safety if things got squirrely. I had also wondered about tour companies, like to all the monuments. My kiddo wants to spend the day before the rally site-seeing.

I warned him about the humid cold yesterday. Here in Montana, it gets brutally cold, but it is really dry. Totally different.

I spent a winter on the Marine base in Quantico. The wet cold is worse.

Deplorable Patriot

Wet cold SUCKS. We lived on the peninsula SSE of Washington with the Potomac on one side, the Patuxant and the Chesapeake Bay on the other. The wind in January and Feb was just brutal.

While you’re there, taking the time is a great idea. If the Parks Service is doing tours of the Capitol building, it’s worth the time, IMO. Back in the 80s the FBI and the Mint were interesting.

I would research and pick what you want to see, ’cause one day just in not enough.


I know! Wish we could spend a week.


Good thought.


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come to timmy

Once upon a not-too-long-a-time ago I was one of those who rolled skeptical eyes when hearing/reading about many a ‘conspiracy theory’. But now… since the morning of November 4… it would come as no surprise to learn that this is as real as real can be.


Let’s see if I really learned a new trick earlier today.

Battle of Athens posted a few times recently. Hell, probably today. Trailer for the movie below.

Surprised the hell out of myself.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Looks like you did!





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gotta change the 666 posts


This is where we are at. Don’t ignore.

Serbian Warning: What Happened When Their Elections Were Stolen in 2000

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

We cannot let them steal our elections our votes.
Interesting the military behaves as if they are distend from it. They fight for free elections and freedom in other countries but not in ours? They will even die for it.
The government institutions turned on us and that is reality even SCOTUS.
Eastern Europe knows what happens.

Gail Combs

Remember that OH!Bummer promoted boot lickers and purged patriots. What you are hearing from are the treasonous bootlickers. It is all PSY-OPS by the Fake News and Deep State.

Remember the welcome POTUS got during the Army-Navy game.

And for what it is worth. Some officers in Vietnam were shot in the back by their own troops. My Ex had a friend who was a mortician in ‘Nam so that is who gave us the info. Also one of his training officers in OCS had been shot twice by his own troops. Once each during two different tours in ‘Nam.


The enemy within.


Anecdotal observance to that. I came into the 82nd a few years after Nam and some of the NCO’s were still schooling select troops to take out the platoon leader. At this time we were using the Multiple Integrated Laser System (MILES) to engage each other in field exercises. Lieutenants often never made it across objectives because they were sniped and later it was common for them to take their battery out of their Miles harness.

Additional thought I’m willing to bet NCO’s right now have their officers on edge in most combat units. They are often more outspoken and have the real control of the lower enlisted. Any talk of supporting an uprising against a new administration likely has them worried.


So, here in Pahrump at 2700 ft, clear as a bell, and there’s a big ol’ bright Jupiter with the little dot of Saturn almost directly above it. Great vis.


Dayton 4,400 ft. Clouds have rolled in obscuring view lower elevations. Moon fuzzy, but bright.

Setting cell phone alarm to remind me to do a look see tomorrow and Monday. Hourly weather forecast looks promising.


I’m a little out of the loop. Is the time an hour after sunset in the low southwest?


Steve reports 5PM Mountain Time. Southwest is my understanding. .

In the article above, Steve in CO posted a pic showing Jupiter and relative angle above horizon.

If I mucked this up, someone please correct me.


That’s 7 for me – nasa.gov is where I saw the “hour after sunset” info. But 5PM mountain would be right for him.


So 5 PM IS the time!

Gail Combs

Go out and enjoy the sunset and then you will not miss it.


What I found best was when the sun had just set but the moon was due south and very high in the sky. Jupiter/Saturn is about half as high in the sky and pretty much southwest.


It will be exactly a half moon on the 21st, I think.


That answers my question of why our local planetarium is only using the telescope from 5:30-7:30, starting tomorrow night! Aha moment!


Okay, and did get a look. The two were aligned one above the other. Crossing soon!



Gosh, they shouldn’t be worried at all. With Pedo Joe as “the Big Guy”, he can just have his AG fire the Special Counsel . . . no probs!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We approach the moment of testing.

Some FAIL already.
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Gail Combs



Nov. 12, 2020, 2:01 PM EST / Updated Nov. 12, 2020, 6:38 PM EST

By Corky Siemaszko

Faced with skyrocketing numbers of new Covid-19 cases in his state, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has risked antagonizing his own Republican Party by reimposing a statewide mask mandate and bolstering it with some additional tougher guidelines…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was political. I will explain tonight. CHINA MIKE is using COVID to suppress ORGANIZED opposition.


The recall?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that, too, but not directly. It’s mostly the Stop The Steal movement to support Trump that he’s targeting. The media is helping him on impeachment – that commie Mollie Jong-Fast was tweeting in his defense – all you need to know there. Have not paid attention to the recall effort – don’t know how that will work.


The recall will not work if to many owe him .
My husband never thought the guy was dumb and thought he was cunning. Comes across as harmless like McConnell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He plays innocent well.

I had assumed that the HCQ ban was NOT his doing, and actually an attack on him, but now I have my doubts. We will see what happens with the Stop The Steal rallies.

I tell you this – I believe the BLM commies are working to help the murderous “event” people create a GUNPLAY incident – likely in cahoots with Treasonous FIB. I will explain why I believe this later.


I think so too. BLM Antifa are the enforcers what the left wants to achieve.


God help me if I ever see this MFer out in public.


Still trying to find the number of people who got the flu or died from the flu this year, oh wait CDC has combined Flu, Pneumonia and COVID all into one category.


Except, Pedo Joe will NEVER be President.


You mean Biden won’t be able to make his wife Surgeon General like Whoopi Goldberg wants! No wonder so many Americans are so screwed up!!

come to timmy

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is now officially ridiculous.


It was ridiculous when Whoopi said it..Still can NOT believe that she is that ignorant,

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
come to timmy

Bet they keep close tabs on anyone with a mouthpiece or microphone or access to keyboard & blog to make sure they’ve got their stories straight or someone doesn’t let slip anything that veers from what must be a hastily constructed script. Bad time to ad-lib or improvise. But that would make sense, because ad-libbing requires vivid awareness of freedom. Because, you know, the slightest mistake may be costly. From apparently several sides, no less.


When I saw that I was like you mean Whoppi is that stupid….Yes I said it and usually don’t name call people.

come to timmy

Whoopi must’ve not gotten the update memo.
Heck, even 70-80some million deplorable Amercians know this Mrs. Biden isn’t a real doctor. Sheesh!


Hey I will admit I did not know about the PHD, but knew her degree was in education. H3LL her having a PHD and married to Biden, really makes one wonder what cracker jack box she found her diploma.

come to timmy

I will also admit I learned of this very recently. I normally don’t keep up with political/world news. Now thanks to the election corruption it’s pretty impossible to keep up with anything else.


It is so out there—Hey I knew she was NO medical doctor at least.

come to timmy

Once upon a time it was possible to watch movies or Johnny Carson or late night music shows without being lectured about the climate or identity politics or the evils of capitalism and America being such a cruel terrible place.


Looking back at some of the shows of the 50s and 60s, especially late night is like oh my. If they ran today I can’t help but wonder what would have happened to some of our greatest. stars.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, what a clownshow.


I think it should be re-tweeted on Whopi’s site daily

Debra Niese

That makes my brain hurt, its so stupid… i

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too!!!


Yes but they should relax. Normally a special council will have been agreed to by both Democrats and Republicans, one that is supposedly impartial as they search for the facts. However in current climate there will be no one person found to be that way nor need one be looked for as the facts which charges would stem from have largely been found. Thus she may feel free to act as the prosecutor and they will have an opportunity even in military tribunal to have a defense lawyer. Sucks though that they will have to see evidence presented against them (finally, fingers crossed).


Got a good peep at Jupiter + Saturn.


well, decided to risk experimenting logging out of WordPress to see if I could reply to comments, but it didn’t make nay difference. Feel it may relate to my Not using a mouse.


Zoe glad you are here  😀 


I hope this is resolved for you very soon…


WIth my game computer, I am not logged in and i lose my title LOL
I’m not a wolverine LOL

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Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Valerie Curren

Awesome American Spirit!!!


American Patriots have only just begun to fight–

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Valerie Curren

Awesome Kin, Thanks for sharing these!


You welcome==My homemade WWII video has a slew of the WWII posters in it. It was actually my very first video,

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Valerie Curren

Is that the one w/ an uncle & mother in the beginning? If so that was very moving.


Yes…I am so proud of my family

Valerie Curren

Yes what a rich heritage of faith & fervor. Thanks for sharing them with us 🙂


sadly I can’t say that about most of the ones that follow me, like my own children..

Valerie Curren

I’m sorry to hear that. Our four kids seem to have their heads on straight & their hearts in the right place. We gave them a pretty strong Christian family with a blending of Truth & Fun. Somehow that worked out.

But we also had a pretty brutal crucible of Special Needs issues & they learned & practiced Forgiveness A Lot growing up…

Some of my brothers’ kids have rather faltered in their walks of faith which saddens me. Some of them were homeschooled in a pretty sheltered Christian environment.

But then the Bible does say “train up a child in the way he should go & when he is OLD he will not depart from it” There was no guarantee of not wandering from the narrow way in youth…

Well God bless you & let you see your offspring & others who follow you grow in grace & wisdom & return or come to the Lord before you go someday to your own reward!


I did a couple of return to senders….One of them decided to do a rant again…So NO I don’t want crap from her.

Valerie Curren

I truly cannot imagine. Hang in there!!!


Very good friend of mine in Calif husband had to be admitted. We have been waiting for it sort of.
Called a daughter to see about Calif florist…Said “If not for COVID I would be on first plane to help her.” got a 30 min rant on politics and COVID. Finally hung up.
My friends husband died..No funeral until ??? Just have a memorial some day.

Valerie Curren

So tragic & dehumanizing. So sorry 🙁


That was final straw…for she did it when Trump won and a few times in between.
When we swear in Trump in 2021, I do not want her rant againl

Valerie Curren

Sounds like someone who only consumes “mainstream” news so doesn’t Really know what’s going on, especially with POTUS. Perhaps later you can gently help open her eyes, after some de-programming 🙂


Never thought i raised such……..children!!

Valerie Curren

Yes, lefties Are children, as in immature adults. Does it go with not accepting responsibility for their lives (said generically not for your family per se)? People are such funny creatures.


They are in their late 40s==oh well….

Valerie Curren

Interesting. I’m less than a decade older than that. I was thinking that they might have grown up in the 70’s. Now if they went to college they probably got the earlier version of leftie indoctrination to set them on a darker path, so sorry.


One is/was very anti abortion….oh I asked in the beginning if she still was. Teach me.

Valerie Curren

I’ve been Pro-Life forever, but wonder if I was sucked into the abortion BS as a teen, I don’t remember. I was pretty into woman’s Lib stuff for a while & can imagine my young self being convinced of the unfairness of pregnancy for a short season.

My parents used to get me Ranger Rick magazines & I petitioned to “save the baby harp seals” who were being clubbed to death way Up North. Another time I raised money for UNICEF, but all that stuff was no later than junior high. Funny the twisting paths of life’s journey!


Oh yes==My sister got me into Civil Rights sit downs during the 60s when I was 15/16, The second time I came home asking what a few foul words I’d been called by the police meant, my mother forbade my sister from taking me to any more.
Haight Asbury and protests, in the mid 60s until I got married in 68. Found out at one of the protests I’d been nicknamed big mama. Remember at 5’3″ and 100 lbs I was like ??? when I found out. Well I was the girl with the gall to tell off anyone that dare disrespect our people in uniform. So when there was a protest I joined, seems they would start whispering “there’s Big Mama, be on best behavior” Oh besides being small, I barely looked like I was 13 or 14. LOL
Yes those were the crazy days.
As with you, I felt differently about abortion. I’d think about girls/women who were abused or raped. It was in the late 80/90s that I flipped, especially after finding out that rapes, and incest were way less than 4% of the millions plus yearly murders by abortion in America. On top of that I saw a movie on a developing baby in the womb, and later an abortion on film. . Did you know that NY and Calif often report their numbers. Up until about 5 or so years ago, i used to volunteer at homeless shelters, abuse shelters & help monitor women’s discussion groups. Women who had abortions who were now in their 60s and 70s would still have major depression for weeks or longer right, usually about the their child would be having a birthday
OK sorry I should not have rambled…but I have had an interesting life that I would never exchange.

Valerie Curren

“OK sorry I should not have rambled” disagree here. I love what you are sharing, what a beautiful path to shape you into the extraordinary person you are now!!!

I truly have to enjoy this interchange in the moment because the way my memory is getting I might forget what you’ve said or that those tales apply to you. Please forgive, in advance, those shortcomings…

I attended a pro-life event in Tulsa in the 80’s & saw how it was completely misrepresented by the news reporting of that rally to which I was eye-witness & participant in. That was in the heart of the Bible Belt where “Christianity” was the cultural norm. It’s made me highly suspicious of “news” reporting ever since, just that one taste of the lies & distortion from decades ago.

Oh, when my twins were born I witnessed what I believe to be a “post-birth abortion” & that was in ’95. I was in the NICU in the middle of the night to nurse Brandon & hold Josiah while he was gavage fed. At one point a nurse brought in a baby girl & laid her naked upon a tray under a warming light. I observed this baby, left alone there with no staff attending to her & no leads or diaper or anything & she started turning purple & gasping for breath. I called to the staff to do something & was told they “were doing all that they could do for her” & they were doing nothing except the warming light (this baby appeared to have a hole between nose & mouth which I presumed was a cleft palate, which is immanently survivable & correctable w/ surgery).

Anyway I watched this baby gasp her last breath & a staff person eventually come over & confirm death w/ a stethoscope. Then she was enclosed in a receiving blanket, like a shroud, & presumably taken to the morgue.

How I’ve despaired that I didn’t have the gumption & at least hold & rock & sing over that precious little girl as she passed from this life to the next. I believe I was praying for her but don’t remember that part. If I hadn’t been in that room ostensibly nursing–Brandon had fallen asleep by then but being still latched on appeared to be eating–I was able to remain a mostly silent witness to that horror unfolding.

My daughter was inspired to write a song about this experience & every time I hear it it makes me cry. I’ll try to share those lyrics later, when she gets up…


There are so many types of birth control beside abstinence that they is no reason that so many women are using it as birth control
On top of that sex is not essential to one being able to live to a ripe old age. One can survive quite well without sex, just look at the large % of nuns who die virgins in their late 80s or in their 90s or even older

Valerie Curren

Well with all the pandemic paranoia perhaps abstinence will be making a comeback!


Right now NY and Calif often don’t report.
But there have 837,010 Murders by abortion since 1/1/2020!…….

Valerie Curren

Horrifying. Is that an uptick? Lots of people are probably terrified to bring any new life into this insane world!


It is usually over 1 million but since Calif and NY don’ often report it is probably at least a 100,000 to 200,000 more.
Sick as it sounds there are clubs of women who get pregnant just to get an abortion.

Valerie Curren

That last sounds demonic. There are always new “lows” w/ lefties. God Help Us–literally!


I have what I call my twitter post and the number is always up dated. In 2008 I stopped posting the numbers the first week of December, even though it was a hot and heavy topic with many in the threads I was on.
Got this message, why no numbers Grannie? Told I just couldn’t to it, it had hit 1 million and going up quite a bit day. Don’t ask me why but I was OK until that day it hit 1 million ..after a few of of us prayed, we realized that was my calling in that area, for it did wake up people who did not realize how many.
Here is my usual post but I update the numbers.
29 States & DC Allow Murder by Abortion of Viable Full-Term Babies
•One baby murdered by abortions every 26 seconds
•137 babies murdered by abortions every hour
837,129 Babies were murdered by abortions since 1/1/2020 in US
Less than 4% of Abortions are due to Rape and/or Incest
OVER 2/3s of Women who have Abortions have long term mental health issues.

Valerie Curren

Thank you Kin/Lynda. These heartbreaking truths Must be told!


I do eliminate what ever lines are needed so it fits, and what ever picture I have in my stash. The one on @nicovega was because of what she was trying to indicate about Trump when it is her party that have been spreading hate and murder, especially in this last year.

Valerie Curren

I admire your ability to compile so much original material. Mostly I pass on things of interest that others have created. Just lately I’ve added some images or videos but never made a meme. We’ve all parts to play.


Started collecting in 2008–one thing i got out being an idiot democrat–or as I say What I have to thank Hillary for, research and keep.
In 2008 you wouldn’t believe all the sites that were getting white washed so the real Obama would not be discovered. Usually right after found. Do believe they had trolls on all sites.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating. I wonder what the source of that whitewashing was. aka BHO seemed more affiliated w/ Muslims & commies than Chi-coms…


Black Panthers did some white washing, cause Obama was all over their site!
Wright’s church changed their creed.
There were others top. Forums like this one got jacked up all kinds of ways. Heck it cost me $100 to get rid of a virus from NOquarter. which was one of the best sights back then.

Valerie Curren

Weren’t the Black Panthers the ones who did that election intimidation in Philly that Holder refused to prosecute because they were black?

Wright & his “church” should have been an albatross around aka BHO’s neck!

Valerie Curren

Here’s a link to where I posted my daughter’s song about that NICU “post birth abortion”, fyi


Valerie Curren

I sure hope so.



Seems too many political leaders, politicians and American citizens have forgotten that the President, Courts and Congress work for Americans.

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln

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Well they didn’t take it down but they FB finally put a disclaimer on the “Person of the Year Post” It has only bee shared by 255 People! There is NOT one lie on the post!! Only took them 4.5 days to put a disclaimer on it.

You can see the disclaimer and post if you have FB probably
For those that don;t FB said Y”our Post Is Missing Context
Your post contains the same information as a post checked by independent fact-checkers. It may have small differences.
Independent fact-checkers at USA TODAY say information in your post is missing context and could mislead people. We’ve added a notice to your post.
comment image%3Fwidth%3D2359%26height%3D1333%26fit%3Dcrop%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp&cfs=1&sx=667&sy=0&sw=1333&sh=1333&_nc_cb=1&_nc_hash=AQEfZ124L5yWlD2e
Fact check: Trump was Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2016; Biden and Harris honored in 2020
Donald Trump’s presidency is coming to an end, but some say he still has honors to receive. One post uses a Time cover from 2016 to make that point.
All fact-checkers who partner with Facebook must be signatories of the International Fact-Checking Network and follow their Code of Principles.
Learn more about how Facebook works with independent fact-checkers to stop the spread of false information”

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Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

You mean like ABC taking Daigle off the New Year’s Eve program, because she is a Christian who voted Trump,
Lauren Daigle Says She’s ‘Saddened’ by New Year’s Eve Performance Controversy but Would Be ‘Honored’ to Perform if Allowedhttps://newsla.localad.com/2020/12/19/lauren-daigle-says-shes-saddened-by-new-years-eve-performance-controversy-but-would-be-honored-to-perform-if-allowed/

Will have to say that this song is such a great Christian fighting song

O’ Lord by Lauren Daigle
I will stand my ground
Where hope can be found
Oh! O’ Lord, o’ Lord, I know You hear my cry
Your love is lifting me above all the lies
No matter what I face this I know in time
You’ll take all that is wrong and make it right

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t one of her songs on that powerful rescuing the kids from the pedo monsters video?


Are you talking about this one….. Look up Child

Lauren Daigle ~ Look Up Child
You’re not threatened by the war
You’re not shaken by the storm
I know You’re in control
Even in our suffering
Even when it can’t be seen
I know You’re in control

Oh I, I-I-I, I hear You say
I hear You say
Look up child, hey
Look up child, hey

Valerie Curren

I’m not sure, usually too busy being overwhelmed by the images of soldiers rescuing those brutalized babies…

Valerie Curren

Prayer for missing 20 year old needed…no update I could find…



Remember the Greatest gift we can give President Donald Trump, Vice President Pence their families, administration and America are our unending prayers.
God Forever Bless President Donald Trump, Vice President Pence, their administration, their families, America and all Patriotic Americans.

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Valerie Curren

That is the perfect prayer for these times!


It is my pinned twitter ..think about changing…but nope
Thank you –stole some of the words form one of our writers.

Valerie Curren

Great choice!

Valerie Curren

Dr. Z’s best medicine!

Interesting take on the 10 Commandments, it removes #3 “thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images” & stretches #10 “thou shalt not covet” into 2 commandments by splitting some from the list that we shouldn’t covet.



Today’s sermon was on the Ten Commandments…Yes today! I was at the church I do prison ministry for which is 7th day Adventist.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for that service to society & the body of Christ. Years back my dad used to do prison ministry in Jackson Prison in MI. Later he did some ministry work with Detroit Rescue Mission, preaching to some street people before they’d get a meal. My husband used to speak pretty regularly at our old church’s Shelter Ministry (for women & kids from a local homeless shelter), I’d help in the prayer ministry side at times too.


There are many reason I do not want to know their crimes, but that is between Christ and them.
Studies have show that knowing that there are people who do care, makes a HUGE difference in the making a better life and becoming a good citizen when they release.

Valerie Curren

My dad’s college friend used to use his dental skills to treat inmates in an Upper Peninsula prison & he said he never wanted to know the crimes of his patients either. He didn’t want to think of them as murderers or rapists just as the person he saw in front of him.


You have a great family—God Bless them.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Kin. There is a good foundation of faith but plenty of feet of clay & wounds of the soul to still wrestle with over the decades…God Bless YOU & Yours too!


Hey I am far from perfect but I trylll

Valerie Curren

Sometimes I barely try at all 😉 Oh not because I’m so perfect, but sometimes I’m so indifferent, sadly…


Just posted this on twitter

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know that song & haven’t seen the Gaither Vocal Band in many years (though being married to a Christian rocker we usually listen to different genres of music). With more than 17 million views of that video it’s obviously ministering to many people.


I listen to all kinds…I’m a lyric person and love the lyrics of songs and their message.

Valerie Curren

Some of the best is like powerful poetry.

I love scripture set to music as a form of worship, but apparently that makes me quite out of step with “modern” church music 🙂


Me Too!!!

Valerie Curren

Yes I understand that but it’s concerning to leave one commandment entirely out. I believe the Jews start w/ what (most?) Christians consider a preamble “Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord”…that’s from memory so may be inaccurate.

For an “atheist” I am amazed at the depth & breadth of your knowledge of faith topics! Have you ever read CS Lewis’ Surprised By Joy, his chronicle from atheism to Christianity in a gentle ah ha moment?

Valerie Curren

I like to overuse punctuation & some part of me has hope that some day you will truly see The Light 🙂 Also with your vast insights & intellect it seems unlikely that you wholeheartedly believe that everything is absolute random chance & meaningless. Also you appear to have a strong moral center which makes no sense without having a Standard by which to measure thoughts & behaviors against. From my perspective you’re already more than half way there.

Valerie Curren

I guess I probably think that few people are truly Atheist, but more likely Agnostic (not saying this applies to you). Or perhaps even believe in God but are so angry with Him for the unexplainable (at least not easily explainable) horrors in this world, the evil. How can a Good God allow Evil to exist? If He is all powerful how did He not stop the Holocaust? Things like that.

It’s very said that people of faith would reject a loved one for a difference of opinion on these matters. One of my oldest son’s close friends is a claimed atheist. He stood up in my son’s wedding & has said that knowing & being friends with my son has drawn him closer to believing in God than anything else in his life.

My kids are more distressed by peers of faith who are pretty much brain-washed libs. They find it hard to tolerate people who grew up with some degree of a biblical world view but are lacking in common sense & swallow leftist bilge without even blinking.

I think all of my kids would welcome friendship with an atheist. But each, in their own way, may seek to nudge these friends closer to considering God as a reality & a refuge.

Christians have probably turned many people off from the Lord, especially the self-righteous, hypocritical ones. We are all sinners saved by grace, having done Nothing to deserve it except to accept the free gift.

So no offence was meant, I hope none was felt 🙂

Where do you think morality comes from?

Valerie Curren

Hey no problem on that answer. We’ll get around to it another time, God Willing 😉

I never did get around to that detailed conversation you were having w/ MichaelH, I believe, at the old Q Tree a while back. I had opened the relevant points in different tabs but before getting to them I had a shut down that “erased” everything I had open…

So many things to read, so little time, & even less brain power to make sense of it all! Thanks for sharing what you have, I really value your opinion & your insights! God Bless YOU, & I sincerely mean that 🙂

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that tip! & correction. Your memory (& mind) are light years ahead of me 🙂

Valerie Curren

Uh oh. I might need a map to get involved in that conversation now!

It’s possible that he forgot or was distracted. You guys are so famous for compartmentalized thinking w/ that “brain damage” (burned out corpus callosum joining the left & right hemispheres of the brain), or so I’ve heard.

Scott doesn’t strike me as someone afraid to dodge the tough Q’s 🙂 I think that’s not stated accurately. Scott’s not afraid of the tough Q’s, or so it seems to me!

Valerie Curren

Now I’ve literally bookmarked it so “when the Spirit moves” that might be a fun convo to jump into, late (as almost always). Thanks Steve!


When I was much younger, I held myself out to be an atheist, in the classic form of “a-” (lack of) (as in anhydrous) and “theist” (believer in theos — any god).

As I grew older and less concerned about being intellectual and rebellious, I came around to the realization that such a statement implied a level of knowledge I did not have, and was thus a statement of faith in itself.

So went back to the Greek and figured I should be an “a-” (same as above) “gnostic” (knowledge). Confessing that I did not know removed faith from the equation.

Deplorable Patriot

In essentials, though, the Ten Commandments are the same. They are numbered differently in some cases.

But still, without the 5-10, civilization is not easy to achieve.


With all due respect, I would never in a million years do my own “take” on a portion of Scripture, that involves removing part of it and adding something else while still presenting it as the original passage. I doubt that is okay for Hasidic Jews, either.

The first commandment is “I am the Lord your God.” I can’t imagine changing what the Lord has said. It is akin to misquoting someone, only on the biggest possible scale, to misquote the God of the universe.

I wish Dr. Shiva well, just disagree about doing this.

Valerie Curren

I don’t think the Commandments are numbered in scripture so there is some leeway perhaps. Here’s the NIV version from Bible Gateway

Exodus 20: 1-17
New International Version
The Ten Commandments
20 And God spoke all these words:

2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

“The Ten Commandments” is a heading & not part of scripture, just a navigation tool.


My quibble is the idea of his having his own “take” on that portion of Scripture. it’s not about numbering the commandments; he removed one of the commandments, which is pretty horrifying to me:

Interesting take on the 10 Commandments, it removes #3 “thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images” & stretches #10 “thou shalt not covet” into 2 commandments by splitting some from the list that we shouldn’t covet.

Valerie Curren

It is possible that he just passed on a 10 Commandments meme someone else made that he didn’t read completely…but Someone did that deed, sadly…

Valerie Curren

All the better to engineer bio weapons with


Yep.. read that.. was going to bring it forward but lost the link. So much happening.


Fabulous Post Steve!!!!!
I.m going to DC on 1/6… Anyone wanna join me?

Valerie Curren

Great look with two great presidents.


It’s on Grandma!! It’s on!!!


Yeah. It sure is. 😁


How do we win…If we don’t show up? We can bitch..But We gotta actually..Do something!!! Go to DC!!! Fight!!!!

Valerie Curren

Pope, alleged leader of the Catholic church abandons Christmas???


he’s awful!!! I am waiting on the Great Awakening…

Valerie Curren

I’m not Catholic so quite removed from all of that. From my perch nothing about him seems to be godly or anointed. A very tragic further sign of these desperate & troubled times.


We keep…Fighting!!! Dont give up peeps!!! For Steve..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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It says 12/19 here.

Valerie Curren

Why would this non-offensive tweet be deleted, I don’t get Jack or his Chi-com minions & overlords…

Valerie Curren

There was a short video of a black lab playing w/ an animated Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer plush toy whose nose lighted up & head turned…