Dear KAG: 20201224 Christmas Dance Party Open Thread

Let’s get this party started.

General rule of thumb, if Kevin Shipp is saying something, believe the opposite.

Lin Wood, on the other hand, is worth hearing out.

The president as well.

In the meantime, remember in this battle, not everyone is who he or she seems to be.

At this point, the surface only tells part of the story.

Wait…hold the phone…isn’t this supposed to be a party?

Some nostalgia is in order.

Recipes for all your favorite holiday goodies and beverages are welcome in the comments.


As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights…okay wrapped chocolate miniatures are fair game
  2. No running with scissors, we’re going to need them to cut wrapping paper
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

Please, check the CURRENT page, at least, of posts for the item you have to bring to the tree. It may well have been posted previously. Twinsing can’t usually be helped, but for Q-Treepers pressed for time, all efforts to keep the current page, at least, repeat free will prevent additional comments that call for the scroll wheel.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


LUKE 1:67-79

67And his father Zechari’ah was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying, 68“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people, 69and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, 70as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old, 71that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us; 72to perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant, 73the oath which he swore to our father Abraham, 74to grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, 75in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. 76And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, 77to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, 78through the tender mercy of our God, when the day shall dawn upon us from on high 79to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here as well as our families are welcome.


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For Zoe –

A Singular Christmas

Waiting for Christmas to appear
Santa Claus and his eight reindeer
Christmastime is special each year
Good will fills the atmosphere

Memories of past Christmas cheer
Memories that seem ever clear
Memories that bring families near
Memories of all that I hold dear

Riding to the lot, picking our tree
And a big wreath for others to see
Some pine needles catch in my hair
Fir, pine and spruce smell everywhere

Making cookies for the big day
All from scratch, the old-fashioned way
Butter and vanilla sure smell good
All mixed and stirred as they should

At the last minute, wrapping a few
Crinkly paper and curly bows, too
The sound of carols in the air
All spreading their joy everywhere

Open one present Christmas Eve
Hoping this day will never leave
Last quiet crackles from the warm fire
And so, at last, we must retire

Up in the morning, oh, the smell
Fresh brewed coffee, lets me sit a spell
Bacon in the pan, sizzling, too
French toast and syrup, mmmm, thank you!

Clunk, from the pots, clank from the pans
Clink from the dishes – busy, busy hands
With the promise of feast when done
Ohh, how I dream of the pies to come

Thumps from car doors, more family’s here
Stamping snow off shoes with cheer
More rustling presents under the tree
Maybe for you, and maybe for me

Crunchy, grainy or soft puffy fluff
Christmas snow – I can’t get enough
Outside in the cold, lie right down
And make snow angels on the ground

Now, that scrunch of a vacuum lid
Roasted nut smells that can’t be hid
Cold cider gurgles from a jug
Hot spiced tea scents from heavy mugs

Chairs scrape the floor, then hitch up close
Ahh, the smell of our Christmas roast
We thank God for food and His Son
For His life and the victory won

Tender roast, with mashers piled high
Gravy all over, and then the pies
Hot apple and cherry with ice cream, too
For sure, I ate enough for two

We passed out presents all around
The laughter and the joyful sounds
Make the room fill up with cheer
To honor Christmas every year

Then like in Scrooge, a little game
Blind Man’s Buff, it’s always the same
Turn ‘em around, just give ‘em a spin
It’s so easy and I always win

Chatting with Wolf’s peeps on Q Tree
And Marica, too, she’s special to me
Wishing them all lots of Christmas cheer
And all my love throughout the year

Hearing that story yet once again
The Angel, the journey, no room at the inn
The Angel host, shepherds, and manger scene
Joseph and Mary, so calm and serene

These sounds and smells brighten my days
And tastes and touches, in many ways
A different world is all around me
Affecting my life to a great degree

If you haven’t guessed, well, I’m blind
It’s just my eyes, though, not my mind
These are things that I can’t see
That make my Christmas dear to me

And one fine day that’s yet to come
As we await God’s loving Son
As lightning flashes east to west
We, His children, will be more blest

And with the shout, then we will rise
I’ll see it all with my new eyes
I’ll meet my Savior in the air
And see His face ever in His care
_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  

A very merry Christmas to Zoe,
To Wolf and the QTreep crew,
And Christmas cheer to Marica
And Marica’s Minions, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So Wolf read the poem
And read it again
And once more with feeling
He shouted AMEN!  😃    🎄      🎁  



Very Merry Christmas To You & Yours, Wolf…🐺💟

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! I love it! 

Merry Christmas!!! 😀 😎

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen Amen Amen–
I’m learning to grab the tissue before reading..
Like Wolfie I have to read twice, but its because when tears in ones eyes it is hard to read.
Bak you have done so many awesome poems thank you !!  💓 

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Thank you, Carl!
Beautifully said.
 😌  🙏 

A very Merry Christmas to you, as well.
 🎄  💖  🕯  🎄 


Merry Christmas, Bako Carl. You are the resident sage and poet here.

Thank you and God bless you.

Deplorable Patriot

I meant to put this in the body of the thread:

Sorry. Long day here. If it’s any indication of the insanity in this house and family in the last year, the one stalwart member has shingles. It’s not me.

Merry Christmas, y’all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas!  🎄 


Hoping the shingles “victim” feels better. That’s not fun.

Deplorable Patriot

No. It’s not. I just slathered cortizone cream all over the new lesions.


Shingles of any flavor isn’t pleasant. OTOH, it probably could be worse — one member of our engines club (known as “Dr. Bob” and an actual MD) got shingles in his eye.

Deplorable Patriot

This is a classic rash, and the lesions are around the middle. She says that after the gall bladder, hip replacement, knee surgery, the appendix and childbirth/labor the pain is nowhere as bad, but urgent care still gave her Tylenol with codine.


On this day, I will spare you the full Tylenol rant. [Oddly enough, there is no codeine rant.] Use as little as possible, try to find a replacement, and dispose of any remainder quickly after the necessity ends. Acetaminophen is likely the most dangerous medication in your house as long as it is there.

Valerie Curren

I’m curious about this acetaminophen info. My son w/ the liver transplant is supposed to use it for pain as he’s not supposed to use ibuprophen. He already takes a baby aspirin daily for heart issues & other meds…


*rolls eyes* Right…..

I’m not sure that it’s still true today, but for a couple of decades acetaminophen held the record for the OTC medication with the smallest gap between clinical dose (where it does something) and LD-50 (where it kills 50% of those taking this dosage). This has led many to suspect that “the fix was in” when it was approved.

It has been the #1 or #2 cause of acute liver failure in the US every year since its introduction — and the same for the UK. When pharmacists commit suicide, they tend to use acetaminophen rather than anything on their side of the counter — it is an extremely certain method (though not particularly pleasant).

Pharma has mostly laughed this off — and included it in a wide variety of places you wouldn’t necessarily look for it. For instance, Midol Complete has 500 mg per caplet; liquid Nyquil has 650 mg per 30 ml dose. Over 600 common medications contain acetaminophen. Someone with a headache and menstrual cramps, who thinks she is coming down with a head cold could easily pop 1650 mg at once.

Further, alcohol can dramatically increase the damage that acetaminophen can do. Our friend in the previous paragraph who has a couple of cocktails could be reeeeaaaaal close to the danger zone (body mass also has something to do with the toxicity, so if she’s on a diet…..).

Having had a liver transplant, I suspect your son isn’t a casual drinker. You have probably discussed most of the OTC in your home with his liver docs. If his docs say acetaminophen in the circumstances he’s in, I’m sure he’s fine. But it is NOT safe to be thrown around with gay abandon amongst the general population, who may be drinking, or may have forgotten that they just took their previous dose 20 minutes earlier. The #1 in last year’s causes of acute liver failure proves it.

If you look in your home medicine cabinet, it is very likely to be the medication with the highest body count over the previous 12 months. It’s deadly. And it’s hiding in tiny print on so many bottles you do not want to read when you’re feeling unwell.

Myself, I don’t allow it in my house. It’s impossible to double-dose when there isn’t any.

Sorry, DP….I tried to just stay with the short and friendly version.

Valerie Curren

I appreciate this info very much. & no we haven’t discussed All the OTC stuff w/ the transplant docs. For a cough he can take guaifenesin & there is one for cold/sinus, I forget which one but I wrote down detailed notes from poison control & rubberbanded them around the boxes for reference.

He barely ever gets other OTC than A & G. & he pretty much hates alcohol so will only drink a sip or two in a few months.

Thanks for your thorough explanation.

I used to insist on the package insert from the pharmacists & read & highlighted everything before letting him take another new med. But with his liver rejection situation this summer so many “new” (probably mostly/all the same meds as after the transplant in 2013) meds that they (re) started in the hospital that wasn’t really an option, especially w/ all the CV restrictions that kept me from being bedside round the clock as they’d promised before I took him in.

When I was with him virtually every time they were bringing his meds there was something wrong w/ his usual meds that needed my intervention & advocacy–sigh…

Thanks for this info & taking the time…

Merry Christmas!


You’re very welcome. I strongly believe that everyone should be more informed about this, but also don’t want to burden people with the full rant lest I sound like more of a nut than I actually am.

And, BTW, certain flavors of Mucinex contain acetaminophen. Seriously, it’s like the glasses in “They Live” [ ] — once you start seeing it, you see it everywhere.

Valerie Curren

Amazing. almost like “they” are actively trying to undermine our health or something!

When you’re Way More Informed on any topic you can run the risk of Sounding like a “nut” but the uninformed are in the position of actually Being a Nut if they don’t listen & learn!!!


Please, there is a party — we should mingle with other people and enjoy the convivial atmosphere. You really don’t want to have me do my “food pyramid causes diabetes” rant.

Ask me some other day.

Merry Christmas!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Gail Combs

<i>”…You really don’t want to have me do my “food pyramid causes diabetes” rant….”</i>

It probably echoes mine. 🤣  


We can do it together in stereo…..after Christmas.

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

I never was a good mingler 🙂

Merry Christmas to you & yours & God Bless!!!


Very grateful for this information. We are a strict aspirin when needed household but do have some mucinex hanging around.


Thanks for the acetaminophen warning. We have some locked away in emergency reserve that are laced with codeine prescribed after a surgical procedure. I will be throwing those out.

Gail Combs

Almost lost a friend to acute liver failure from acetaminophen.


Your friend is very, very, very, very, very, very lucky. Detectable liver damage to irreversible liver failure is a window the size of the eye of a needle with that poison.

Like I said, it’s what pharmacists use when they want to make sure (I recall one case where the pharmacist killed his wife and her lover and wanted to be sure he was never on trial for murder).

Gail Combs

His sister was told to hope a plane because they did not expect him to live. So yeah it was THAT CLOSE.


Oh, BTW, the baby aspirin daily for heart issues is really great, and I tried to put myself on the same regimen. (Aspirin was originally discovered in willow-bark extract, so it’s a synthesized “herbal”).

Was about a week before I seriously regretted it.

If you are prone to gout, your system is too close to its tipping point for uric acid to be flushed out of the bloodstream via the kidneys. You go just over the line, and you have an attack — where it crystallizes in your joints (the crystals are shaped like needles). Aspirin, even baby aspirin, moves you a smidge in the bad direction.

If you can go without an attack for many months, maybe a year or two, but have an attack right after starting baby aspirin….it really motivates you to NOT DO THAT.

Valerie Curren

Yikes, that sounds intense!

My son has a “heavily trabeculated left ventricle” in his heart. On the Echo it looks like fingers of tissue are protruding into the chamber. As the heart beats these fingers also have a rhythm but not as frequent as the heart beat.

Sometimes these fingers appear to close & potentially trap blood for an extra heartbeat or so. The aspirin is to reduce the clotting factor a bit to hopefully prevent any type of clotting from occurring during those strange villa like movements inside his heart.

He’s a tad overdue for his pediatric cardiology (congenital heart defects/birth defects are followed by peds cardiology, regardless of the patient’s age–a Very Different Animal than adult-onset heart disease) visit & we’ve been somewhat waiting for things to settle down to some degree of sanity here in Michigan. This is probably the longest he’s gone between visits since his second heart surgery 20 years ago, when he was 4 1/2…


I’m seeing and at first impression for this. Is this the right direction? It seems like a lot of names for things in this area have changed in the 80’s and 90’s.

Valerie Curren

I’ll have to read that stuff after some sleep for I’m fading out & it’s a couple of big days here…

Thanks for sharing, & the diagram in the 1st one looks like it could be possibly similar, especially since they used the word trabeculations. Seeing it in action on the echocardiogram was pretty interesting…


BTW, shingles in the eye basically laid him out for about 7 weeks in indescribable pain (can’t smear cortisone on your retina) where he couldn’t see anything out of that eye. For a guy who’s been retired for a while, you can just imagine.


Now THAT requires antivirals


Dr. Bob was in the biz, and we’re talking literally blocks from Stanford, and he’s highly connected. I’m sure he got the best care available. And it STILL massively sucked.


Merry Christmas DP !
Merry Christmas Treeps !


Merry Christmas Chris!


“If it’s any indication of the insanity in this house and family in the last year, the one stalwart member has shingles. It’s not me.”


Couch Commando?



DePat…I highly recommend Tea Tree Oil for shingles.

My daughter came down with a bout of shingles, which is rare for someone in their twenties.
Doctor gave her pain pills and told her to use cortisone cream.
It didn’t help.
The shingles were spreading.

I did some research and found that Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil give shingles victims relief.
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As you may know…Tea Tree Oil is an anti-viral and also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Lavender Oil has soothing properties, which also gives relief.

The Tea Tree Oil worked great for her!
Together with the Lavender, it eased her pain and the shingles stopped spreading.

I put each one in little spray bottles, so she could use them without touching the painful blisters.

A lavender-oatmeal bath soak also helped:

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Hope your shingles patient gets better real soon.
 😔  Shingles are no fun.


Great tips. Thank you.


Merry Christmas DePat!


Tagamet is an antiviral that can be used to treat herpes and shingles. Here’s an article published by Life Extension.
Merry Christmas!


Lemme just drop the obligatory ‘bah humbug’ here, in case I nod off early.



You may be an undigested bit of beef, or…or a blot of mustard, a…a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

reindeer : would you like some fruitcake ???

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santa : no !! and stop calling me fruitcake .


Gail Combs

The Fruitcake is for Breakfast! Along with the fresh dates and Orange Juice.
(My once a year indulgence. Other wise I watch my carbs except for rice.)


bah humbug to the fruitcake…



just can’t do fruitcake.

Merry Christmas, Gail ! 💟


Bad Cat hates Fruitcake …

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Haaa. 😄 

Well they’re not all bad, Smiley.
Some fruitcakes are actually quite good.
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Rum chocolate cherry fruitcake is especially good:
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Made with Cherry Rum…Yum!
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Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

oh yes…those you posted look yummy & fabulous…

I’m referring to the things called “fruitcake” that we find at drug stores, crammed with all that artificial technicolor “fruit”…mint green “cherries”…wrapped nicely in red cellophane for $6.99.

we had one in our family that got passed around year after year, still in original cellophane but Christmas wrapped as a GAG Gift….to an unsuspecting person in the family each Christmas, then that person passed it on the next year…

had a gruesome jar of pickled pigs feet that was given one year to a Dr in the family by one of his patients (ugh)…and that also got giftwrapped and joined the fruitcake as another GAG gift.

what a laff riot my family was, right ??




Yikes…pigs feet!
I don’t think I could ever be hungry enough to try those.

And yeah, those commercial grade fruitcakes are dreadful.
I hear they make good doorstops, though.


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Merry Christmas, wheatie ! 🌟


Thank you, Smiley!
{{{{Smiley}}}} *hugs*

And a very Merry Christmas to you too!
 😘  🎄  🎅  🎆 

Gail Combs

Hey, what about the chicken feet the local gas & grill sells…

And yes they have pigs feet too.   :wpds_envy: 


We had a rubber chicken in a box full of feathers that was a perpetual gag gift – until someone (maybe a new family member) was not willing to laugh any more.


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Merry Christmas, GA/FL !

another GAG idea : a beautifully wrapped Christmas box, open it, and inside is a card that says “Gift Not Included ! ”

goes over well.


Hahahah!!!!! Fun!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Smiley is MY FREN! 🥰🥰
Fruitcake, ICKY DO 🤮
Merry Christmas!😍🎄🎄


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Merry Christmas, kiddo !


Beautifully Perfect for Butterfly, Smiley!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Deplorable Patriot


My brother the retired Marine had to deal with Mongolia at one point. That year, a box arrived around Christmas with packages of cashmere garments in it each with the name of a different family member printed on them. Talk about WARM. I mean, my name was on a lovely pink cashmere turtleneck that only gets worn for outdoor parades and marches in January it’s that WARM. They know how to make WARM garments in Mongolia.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Nobody has gotten a better Christmas gift.

Deplorable Patriot

Usually, around Christmas, we get a box from them from where ever they are loaded with local stuff. This year, they are in Germany, and we’re not expecting anything. When they are at home in Hawaii, OTOH, the Macademia nuts alone are worth the box they send.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!


They fucking need to. Otherwise they’d be extinct

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aussies, on the other hand, must have really really good glue on the soles of their shoes, or they’d fall off the Earth. 😀


Unless your one of these three.


This family went through hell for you… God Bless them.

Close in picture of Barron, Donald and Melania Trump walking somewhere in the dark. Donald and Melania are holding hands. Donald in his dark trench coat looks a bit worn but holding up well. Melania seems a bit frayed but also holding up well and stunning as usual in white blouse, grey sweater with thick white arrow barbs pointed up. Seems though it’s Barron who really stands out in this picture. Taller than his father by several inches now, he seems to have filled out also (that’s new). He’s looking right into the camera in this photo, no smile, but seems quite comfortable and self assured. I don’t think his father ever had a photo looking this good, but that’s IMQ.

Has no idea who Jordan is but this has 61.7K views and numbers were still climbing as I wrote.


Didn’t see Melania’s white leather boots until I posted. Wow! very high, up to the knee I’d guess, high heeled as are most of her shoes and boots and very white.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! They walked into the fire to save this nation, and now it’s OUR TURN!!!

Gail Combs

WOW! Barron must be close to 6’6″ by now. Looks like he is going to be taller than Eric.


I’m sure that Eric and Don, jr. know more about running businesses, hotels and casinos, and developing land…..but Barron likely has some Kwisatch Haderach stuff going on in his noggin when it comes to DC.


That must be an older picture, he’s more like 6’14” by now.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I dissent. It’s 14’6” at least



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

6’8″ is the critical height. Above that you need to duck going through most residential doorways.


Yep. That’s pretty damn cool. Must be about 10 below.

But the cat is dope fo ‘sho!


“But the cat is dope fo ‘sho!”


Easy on the pilot lingo, we’re not all aviators here.

Valerie Curren

I was about to call on Barbara Billingsley to translate jive 😉




That must be one really full leopard… 😂🤣😂

Gail Combs

From the size of that herd in the background, I expect he eats very well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was actually surprised to see that they do live in Mongolia. I had thought their range was limited to the Himalayas and immediately surrounding areas (like the Tien Shan).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A movie about the New World Order, available as a free video. Let’s see if this posts. From GAB.—THE-RISE-(FULL-MOVIE):d?r=DqNvYhsRtwcHCD7hXnnWRZPNJdF6uWgK

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Both links work for me!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just changed the second one into an embedding!


Our Christmas eve is definitely different this year – DH has a PT appointment in the late afternoon, a “first” for him as all the others have been at home. Our oldest had already scheduled dinner with us for that evening, not anything fancy however. So, what to do? Hot dogs and tater tots! LOL I know we’ve NEVER done anything like that before…… Both men like hot dogs and tater tots, but I don’t think I’ve ever served them in the same meal!!! SonIL apparently thinks this is a good combo…..

You know what though, I’m actually okay with this all, it’s a big step forward for DH and I know we probably won’t be home until 5 or maybe later, and he’ll be tired.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happy to hear your DH is progressing – that’s real Christmas cheer! And I would steal that dinner combo (two things I love), except we’re committed to savory leftovers!  😉  [Actually, some really good *expensive* leftovers AND some nice fresh stuff, too!]

Hot dogs are a real pleasure. Five Guys hot dogs are really amazing. But we have some even better places. CLASSIFIED.  😅 


Our left overs will be after boxing day….. It’s looking like it might be Italian themed food this year!


Throw in onion rings as well and I’d call it haute cuisine!

Gail Combs

NOW your talking!

Have you ever had a blooming onion?
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Addictive. I had to slap my own hand away the last time I was sharing one.


I want to make the bacon-wrapped onion rings shown up above! Man, that looks awesome!


Woohoo!!! Check out all the sparkling lights and festive decor!!!

Deplorable Patriot

So very very beautiful Deplorable.
In January I end up regret putting up a tree and decorations all over, because it seems to take forever to put them away.
Can’t imagine how much time it takes to put up those decorations, much less take them down..

Deplorable Patriot

De-decking the halls…packing it all up takes forever, it seems.


Is it just me or does it seem to go up easier and faster then it come down,


That’s what I’m talkin’ about!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That Seth Holehouse video is completely awesome.

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, those are AWESOME!!! 😀




Did you get the one with the door plaque and the hat? It got subbed-out pretty quickly.

Deplorable Patriot

A Marine Christmas Poem

”Merry Christmas, My Friend”

Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of plaster & stone.
I had come down the chimney, with presents to give
and to see just who in this home did live

As I looked all about, a strange sight I did see,
no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.
On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.

With medals and badges, awards of all kind,
a sobering thought soon came to my mind.
For this house was different, unlike any I’d seen.
This was the home of a U.S. Marine.

I’d heard stories about them, I had to see more,
so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home.

He seemed so gentle, his face so serene,
Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.
Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?

His head was clean-shaven, his weathered face tan.
I soon understood, this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night,
owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.

Soon around the Nation, the children would play,
And grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,
because of Marines like this one lying here.

I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas Eve, in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.
I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.

He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,
“Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choice
I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more.
My life is my God, my country, my Corps.”

With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still.
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.

So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.
Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,
with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.

And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him so quiet in the night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.

But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,
said “Carry on, Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all secure.”
One look at my watch and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.

About this poem:

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

TY, sharing with son, former Marine.


All proper respects to a marine’s mother…you should know…

There is no such thing as a “former” marine. Once one EARNS the privilege and honor of wearing the Globe and Anchor, one is always and forever a marine…

…unless it is taken away via dishonorable discharge, that is.

Once a marine, ALWAYS a marine.

Semper Fidelis – “Always faithful”

To the Republic, the Corp, and their fellow marines (and they to him).

Only the SpecOps community has bonds that compare.


Very true. I’ve been told not to say ex- marine, but former is to indicate that they are not currently in service.

His current job is an outcome of that philosophy. He chose it as a way to support active duty peeps. I couldn’t be prouder of his achievements.


Nice! Sounds very much like a son to be proud of.

I humbly and respectfully suggest you simply say “my son, a marine.” And if you feel it necessary, you can always add “who is no longer on active duty.”


Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

It’s my understanding that Marine is always capitalized.


Yes – and some Marines, Delta Force and other Special Ops (not currently officially enlisted) are still on duty, defending the USA as circumstances call.

Twitter – @1st_praetorian

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

I might confine my baking to one pie, mincemeat cake, and one batch of cookies. Just one batch of cookies – my children will never believe it! Looks like we’re going to do some Italian style cooking, chicken parm and stuffed shells. There will probably be some traditional sides mixed in though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was looking for “MMMMMMMMMM” but this said it without words!


It also shows the TOO MUCH aspect of which I am guilty. But it only happens once a year!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Only a few more day of holidays! 😉


You shut your dirty little mouth. 🤡😜

Tis the time of unlimited and guilt-free feasting, snacking, and desserts! Starts on Thanksgiving and ends Jan. 1.

Still lots of time left!

Think I’ll have some more ice cream.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be careful not to blow the max takeoff weight on the aircraft.

Anything less than that is allowed.


As an aside, for chicky parm and other recipes where you apply bread crumbs and fry….

Prep the chicken, egg it, and wrap with paper-thin prosciutto….then egg it again and do the crumbs. First had that at Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney (California) and my brain said, “I need to remember this.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Watching GabTV on TV!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Does not play for me here (on this qtree page) with Brave or Dissenter!


Doesn’t work with Chrome either.


Even hen you click on the gab icon?


If I click the Gab icon….. it goes to Gab (and works there)


I think this is going to happen. All the right people are terrified.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Dominion sends thousands to prison. THOUSANDS.


Dominion calls into question the legitimacy of every one of those sleazeball scumsuckers elected in a Dominion election. And if they won because someone paid Dominion for them to win, it taints the legitimacy of every act they ever performed in that office.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s the “too big to jail them all” crime. People will deny, deny, deny.


I vaguely recall something from some movie or TV show……”kill them all; God will know his own.”

Maybe everyone elected in a Dominion election should go to Guantanamo until we’re certain they’re not crooked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems like a plan!  😃 


It’s the “too big to jail them all” crime.”


Then we just need bigger prisons.

We can do that.

We don’t even need a reason 👍

Valerie Curren

Escape From New York provides a pretty good template. Lock DeBlasio/Wilhelm & the Cuomo’s in there & blow all the bridges & tunnels. Drop in new inmates by parachute along w/ occasional supplies & let nature take its course!

Gail Combs

Just herd them all into Long Island and blow the bridge and any boats.

Actually I prefer Kiska Island.


Kiska (Aleut: Qisxa, Russian: Кыска) is an island in the Rat Islands group of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.It is about 22 miles (35 km) long and varies in width from 1.5 to 6 miles (2.4 to 9.7 km).It is part of Aleutian Islands Wilderness and as such, special permissions are required to visit it. The island has no permanent population.

Nicely placed in the middle of the ocean…
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Valerie Curren

I think they could see (mother) Russia from there so they might feel right at home!


I was thinking something more like St-Laurent-du-Maroni, the prison in the penal colony in French Guiana, featured in the movie Papillon.

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Stick your head out the hole, Hussein. You too, Hitlery. Nancy, if you want to eat, stick your head out of the hole. Brennan, you in there? Stick your head out of the hole or we send in the extraction team.

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Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Yikes, looks Very Apropos!


More gallows. Simples


SSSSSSsssssshhhhhh! Focus groups say that “misplaced during prisoner transfers” is much more popular…..

Gail Combs


Gail Combs

“….A Carlsbad, Calif., construction firm has been awarded a $23 million to $27 million contract to do work on the infrastructure of a pop-up tent city site that could, in the event of a migrant crisis, hold up to 30,000 people intercepted at sea not far from Guantanamo’s lone functioning airfield….”

Funny that is right near GITMO where in 2018 “…The Pentagon’s plans to expand the “expeditionary legal complex”…”

Not to mention “a 150-prisoner jail, with campus, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state for troops and airmen accused of crimes….”

Not to mention the original 800 prisoner capacity (or more) of GITMO. So that is 31,000 prisoners we KNOW about.  😋 


“Dominion sends thousands to prison. THOUSANDS.”


I hear thousands, do I hear ten thousand?


I hear ten thousand, do we have twenty?

“20,000 here.”

Ladies and gentlemen we have twenty thousand, do I hear thirty?

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Tough to find out exactly how many prison beds at GITMO.

2018/03/28 Military (DOT) Com– When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief

….a new 848-troop barracks across the street from the McDonald’s and commissary to consolidate enlisted prison staff under one roof….

….Congress did not fund a new $69 million prison for the 15 high-value detainees at Guantanamo, called Camp 7. It does however devote $66 million to a 150-prisoner jail, with campus, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state for troops and airmen accused of crimes….

…Separately, the Pentagon has three other major building projects approved or underway in 2018:

 ….it found $14 million to expand the Top Secret trailer park portion of the war court complex at Camp Justice — called the Expeditionary Legal Complex — and accommodate more prefabricated office space and secure work stations.

— A Carlsbad, Calif., construction firm has been awarded a $23 million to $27 million contract to do work on the infrastructure of a pop-up tent city site that could, in the event of a migrant crisis, hold up to 30,000 people intercepted at sea not far from Guantanamo’s lone functioning airfield. The U.S. military has spent millions of dollars since 2007 building the site on the leeward side of the base for the Department of Homeland Security because the original infrastructure was taken over by the Detention Center Zone for war-on-terror prisoners….

Money for the $14 million war court expansion was drawn from earlier U.S. military construction projects that came in under budget.

For example, in 2015 Congress budgeted $11.8 million to build a new health clinic for some two dozen Guantanamo prisoners in a former cellblock at the Camp 5 prison….

The original Expeditionary Legal Complex was built in 2007 and cost $12 million, using mobilized engineers to construct it.

It has the Pentagon’s Top Secret eavesdrop-proof war court chamber for former CIA captives, where the public hears proceedings on a 40-second delay. The expansion phase does not provide for a second courtroom sought by the chief judge, just secure office spaces. It is more expensive because this time the Pentagon is hiring outside contractors to pave, put in utilities hookups, build more security fences and add perimeter lights.

Separately, the Pentagon is spending $235,156 on six prefab legal meeting rooms inside the Detention Center Zone for lawyers to meet with captives, ostensibly with confidentiality, after a microphone was found in a meeting room especially set up for the alleged USS Cole bomber, a former CIA captive, to meet with his lawyers in 2014.

…Guantánamo today has 40 prisoners and a staff of 1,800 troops and civilians. With the maximum-security Camp 5 prison just reopened, after a cellblock was remade into a clinic and mental health ward, the detention center can now take in another 40 men….

Only 80 People??? but 1800 troops?

 February 1, 2018 — Inside Defence (dot) com — Pentagon to expand GITMO after Trump orders it remain open

The Defense Department intends to transfer $14 million in existing funds to expand the controversial U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a new document released by the Pentagon comptroller’s office….

The Pentagon’s plans to expand the “expeditionary legal complex” is detailed in a reprogramming document notifying Congress of the funding shift. It was signed Jan. 19 by Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist.

“The project expansion will include a secure compound with utilities connectivity for the positioning of required prefabricated structures, construction of security fencing, perimeter lighting, vehicle gates, pedestrian gates, pavement, electrical and utility connections,” according to the document.

In a justification portion of the document, DOD states the “current trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel on the capital defense and prosecution teams and do not provide secure evidence storage.”

The $14 million is being reprogrammed for the expansion as it is a “strategically critical time-sensitive expansion project” required to support prosecution and defense teams.

Today, the facility houses 41 prisoners, down from a high of nearly 800,…


Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Hmmmmm indeed. Sounds like far too many military peeps for the number of slimeballs in custody.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Arrest them all and let Sidney sort them out! 😀


Christmas wishes. 🙏


Sidney Powell with the power of DOJ subpoena and a grand jury??

Oh be still my heart!! ❤️

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Has there ever been a special counsel in the entire history of unordinary counsels that ever accomplished anything resembling justice?

Isn’t a functioning DoJ more than adequate to issue subpoenas and convene grand juries?

And if the DoJ is not functioning, then shouldn’t that problem be addressed first?

Seems like that would eliminate the need for one of those fancy counsels.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

BUT think of Sidney’s MASSIVE ‘Dislike’ for the lawyers like Andrew Weissman. Also Client – Attorney privilege went out the window with the searching of Mike Cohen’s office.


if Sidney is named Special Council…”covid” will suicide many, many layers of underlings…


“BUT think of Sidney’s MASSIVE ‘Dislike’ for the lawyers like Andrew Weissman. ”


Why not make Sidney Powell the Attorney General, and let her bring the full force and power of the entire DoJ down on these scumbags, instead of a ‘special counsel’ with limited budget and resources?

If the DoJ doesn’t actually do anything it’s supposed to do, then let’s just close it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I recall Giuliani stating that if he only had the power of a prosecutor he could bring this stuff to trial right now. And that was the big Giuiliani/Powell press conference early on in this whole rigamarole.


“The corporate media is really worried about Sidney Powell being named special counsel. That tells you everything you need to know.”


Not quite everything…

For example, how do you know ‘corporate media’ is really worried?

That would be good to know… 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Bright shining star of optimism…


I’m very optimistic, there is not even a tiny chance that Trump, a yuuuuge patriot, is going to commit an act of High Treason by turning the government over to a Chinese Communist Party pupped regime (and organized crime family).

We’re always being told that the enemy is ‘panicking’ or ‘really worried’ or ‘frightened’, etc.

How is anybody verifying that?

Or is that just goofy feel-good propaganda?

Inquiring minds want to know! 😁


“The corporate media is really worried about Sidney Powell being named special counsel. That tells you everything you need to know.”


I need to know more, Emerald…

You’re not the gatekeeper of what I need to know!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FYI – seems that some group has set up blogs to target QAnon followers on Gab – possibly (IMO) to gather IP data on QAnon accounts.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More experiments with Gab TV – trying a different block:

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This works for me (meaning plays here) on Dissenter!


No modern Christmas would be compete without the Griswolds!


right after Die Hard…it’s the first Christmas movie we watch every season…

provides the perfect description of DC too
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Valerie Curren

Probably just wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas 😁


Oh, yeah — I’m sure that’s it. 😉

Valerie Curren

That’s the ticket

Valerie Curren

SCOTUS to here Trump’s PA case

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I mean BQQM!!!

Valerie Curren

hear–oops 🙂


Let me guess… they were all wearing Lucy masks when they agreed to hear the lawsuit?

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Valerie Curren

I’m laughing but it’s not Really very funny grrr

Gail Combs

Yeah, sounds like a last ditch effort to say ‘Nothing to see here’
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Charlie is a dumb mass……
I told him years ago:
“Kick the bitch in the head next time” !!!


Appears this might refer to the case being docketed. Meanwhile nothing in the news.

Valerie Curren

& Scott reminded us of Lucy & the football, for perspective…

Valerie Curren

Encouraging messages

this last one if fyi, I didn’t watch it yet

God Bless ALL Q Treepers & Merry Christmas

Jesus is Lord

Valerie Curren

In reference to the 1st 2 videos above, I believe


If ever a Rubicon was begging to be crossed… this one’s it…


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Look, bigass suspension bridges for your convenience…

Valerie Curren

a squirrel gif for these times 🙂

Valerie Curren

Love the President too, of course

Valerie Curren

Lin’s view, hope & peace in the Lord

& steely eyed resolve & passionate pursuit of Truth!


“& steely eyed resolve & passionate pursuit of Truth!”


And steely firearms… stainless, blued, parkerized, nickel-plated, or otherwise 👍😁

Valerie Curren

So glad you’re on the side of the good guys!!!

Valerie Curren

is Wisconsin going to rightfully be called for Trump now?

Valerie Curren

Code Monkey on WI

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Congress trying to do the IMF’s dirty work?


Well, it’s very unfortunate that bankers are bribing the leadership of every nation on the planet.

And it appears there is only one sure way to handle it.

Unless there are any good bankers who come forward PDQ to identify all the bad bankers, what choice do we (humanity) have, besides kill all the bankers?

I mean, it’s the only way to be sure…


We could follow the example of Iceland.

After the big financial meltdown of 2008, bankers everywhere demanded bailouts. The US, the UK, the EU paid.

Iceland, however, has had experience with paying the Danegeld. Their response was slightly different.

Valerie Curren

1st let’s kill all the (fill in the blank) so many choices…Shakespearian, I think 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

It’s actually kill all the lawyers, but we can adapt on this pretty easily.


Like Santa, I’m making a list….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lawyers, bankers, politicians, bureaucrats, lying crapweasel salesmen…

Valerie Curren

yes, an all purpose clause fitting for the deep state!

Valerie Curren

mask “mandate”


While I applaud the sentiment, I’ll feel more certain of the result when a certain Governor Half-Whitmer is enjoying an extended Caribbean vacation.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely! Are you a prisoner of Jack-booted Witchmer too? She gets about the same level of fawning/clueless press coverage at her propaganda fests as does Bye-Done!


No, I have been inflicted with Governor Random Nuisance.

All I can say is that if a couple of glowing strangers tell me to get as far as possible from the San Francisco Bay area and not look back, I do not intend to be a pillar of salt.

Valerie Curren


One of my old roommates lived in Riverside & I went there w/ her on a couple of college breaks. She was always proud of being “an hour from anything” ocean, mountains, snow, Disneyland 🙂

Gail Combs


I can say the same for the Piedmont of NC except for the Disenyland option. However we have
Love Valley Wild West Town
Gem Mining

and many more.


I think I am going to have to borrow a neighbor’s kid and visit some of these places. 😊 

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

And you can develop more. In SoCal, you’d be doing “studies” for a decade or two.

Valerie Curren

Sweet! Sounds like potentially very special times, especially post CV lockdown & commies destroying the world as we know it!

Valerie Curren

Gitmo for grinchy Gretch?


“RT if you’re NOT going to comply with @JoeBiden‘s 100 day mask mandate.”


I don’t comply with anyone’s mask mandate now

Why would I make an exception for Pedo Joe?

Valerie Curren



Amen, brother!

Although, I may not have much choice on my jaunt to DC. Gotta pee sometime, and some places just won’t let you in. It’s too cold for a tree this time of year!

I am just going to imagine myself as a 007-type infiltrator into enemy territory, and behave accordingly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rest stops…if they are clean. A big IF.


I like big truck stops better. More people, better lighting, food and drink available.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Flynn’s B-day near our Savior’s…hmmm


her first Live radio performance…

the one and only Judy Garland….1944…

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 🎄🌴💞🎶🔔

Christmas Blessings from me to all of you…

love, smiley 🐱


Merry Christmas Smiley!!


thanks, pat !

and A Merry Merry Christmas & Holiday Season to you and yours, as well. 💋

Valerie Curren

Maggie should be used to these early calls by now, especially the 4am Mockingbird ones.

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Re: 4AM calls, 😀
“Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you”…..


trigger the rod stewart earworm!


LOL. Good one. 😄

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Or learn to code”


Those shitweasels would probably never learn to code well (if they had brains they would hold real jobs) and I’d have to debug their crap.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Some things are hard to let go of

Valerie Curren

Joyful tears for Trump love


Verse of the Day for Thursday, December 24, 2020

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” 

1 John 4:11 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Merry Christmas Eve Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Merry Christmas, duchess 🔔💒🌟

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

Merry Christmas to you, too, Smiley!!!

Valerie Curren

Congress is truly contemptable!!! My husband’s last raise was 7 years ago


the pork was predictable…but giving themselves a raise when so many families are facing eviction, loss of livelihoods–that just shows how removed they are from the general population. they are not one of us–think believe they are above us and show their contempt of us in this action.

I sent emails to every congressperson from PA…showing my contempt right back!!!!!!!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Awesome Pat, put those politicos in their place!

Valerie Curren

In other Israel friendly news


Ric is a treasure. Whenever he is dropped into a scene by VSGPOTUSDJT, he walks in and says, “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum.”

Back at the Oval Office, on the Resolute Desk, is a stack of bubblegum from the times Ric has been assigned. “OK, now turn out your pockets…..”

Valerie Curren



The Fraudcist has his 80th birthday today.
Anyone celebrating here?
YEA didn’t think so.
Will be celebrating when he is in front of Nuremberg 2.0.


On the other hand celebrating the Peoples General today:
I think we are all in.
Happy Birthday General FLYNN!


Season’s nonGreetings to you, Fauci…and may your runny covid nose be bright…

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Will that bright red shiny nose stop or disrupt facial recognition? Asking for some friends.


oh don’t worry : it’s totally fake



I was thinking more along the lines of giving him the Baghdad Bob Award and declaring national Fauxi ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive’ day.


He’s eighty and rotten. Isn’t he past his expiration date yet?



DJT’s version of wining & dining ’em.


Could this mean they are in the air, but gone radio silent? THAT would mean something!


From 31:00 sounds like Rudy is giving the last chance for them to come clean.


to kill the hydra, you have to get ALL the heads, at once.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I recall, cauterizing immediately after amputation was what allowed Hercules to finally do the “original” hydra in.

JW in Germany

WOOOOAH! Rudy is telling them straight up…come clean! LAST CHANCE!

Even tells them he has military experts!


White House Tells Trump Staff to STOP Packing Up: “Updated information will be shared in the coming days” (

Valerie Curren

1st message in the tweet above from ethnic Chinese potentially & “coincidentally”?

Cuppa Covfefe

I had the exact same thought.

Saw tha name and immediately: Red Chinese commie…

Time for the CCP to be crushed and eliminated, all over the world; as well as the rest of the Deep State and their Satanic masters (of whom Satan Soros is only a figurehead, himself a puppet)….

Valerie Curren



Gail Combs

FILED but no court date. District of Criminals Judge can toss it or delay it.



WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden’s Texas Campaign Political Director Implicated In Massive Voter Fraud Operation


ALL ACROSS AMERICA – a massive Whistleblower Orchestra – playing the Election Fraud Symphony!!!!


Hey…Ho Ho Yo Yo Yo…

Merry Christmas to ALL the Bad Cats out there 🐱

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I know I’m not the only one.


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🐱 🎄


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🐱 🎄


This is why the Wife and I don’t have Christmas trees…2 cats and a dog who would most likely join in…lol!

Gail Combs

That is why my two cats live OUTSIDE. (Not to mention the fact I am violently allergic to cats.)


Are they barn cats?

I have a friend in SoCal who has a horse with pet kitties. With barn cats all around, there are kittens he gathers in his stall. When it’s cold, they all come together in one spot and he keeps them warm with his breath. He dotes over them constantly.


that’s the sweetest thing i’ve read in a long time!
thanks for sharing!


It’s a weird family tendency that manifests in different ways. “Uncle Horse” has his kitties. “Niece Horse” wants to be Queen of the goats next door. One time she managed to break out and visit with them, and she’s convinced.


LOL…gonna share that story with my granddaughter who has her own flock of goats…

Gail Combs

My goats breakout all the time and visit the pomies.

My ‘barn cats’ have a small dogloo on the porch. I put it on a ‘wooden floor’ to insulate it from the concrete and then put in a cat bed. They love it. My old cat is turning 23 so I want to keep a sharp eye on him.

When I lived up north the barn cats would perch on top of an old blanketed horse for the night. We could tell how cold it was by the number of cats.


we’ve often talked about getting an outside cat–we have mice and chipmunks everywhere…but how does one do that? I mean we don’t have a barn–just a metal carport sort of thing we store our firewood in. I don’t want an indoor cat–but getting a kitten and leaving it outside without anyone to teach it seems cruel…


My neighbor left a outdoor cat when she moved. The cat moved into our old rabbit hutch my husband had build some years ago. We like the house because it looked so nice. We fed the cat and it got its shots.
When it got real cold the cat would come into the house and had a space in the basement.
She was very feisty. We found a male cat about 6 month old who liked to go in and out. Both cats stayed around the house.
Though Socrates only went out for a couple of hours a day.
My other cats even though they are rescues do not want to go out and roam.
Personally would not put a cat out to leave out but that is me and I do not have a barn.
I even get upset when people tie their dog on a 6 foot chain on the dog house if the dog is lucky and leave them out all winter.
My one neighbor a doctor had his dog out as it grew up without a dog house all year because the dog scratched his woof floor. The poor dog would cry when it was freezing and snowing because he had no shelter.
I swore I would never let him tread me if I wound up in the hospital. We have no humane society otherwise I would have called them.


that’s the part that’s holding me back…I would hate to see the cat outside in the cold–but I am not a cat person and wouldn’t want it in the house. (cat scratched my face once–never trusted them since.)


My husband was not an cat or dog person before we married. You should see him doting over them and adorers them. One needs to know how comfortable one is with animals.
I was all my life for comfortable with animals than people. I trust them more than people.


i really want a dog–and both hubby and I agree that IF we get one, it will be a large dog…then I started advocating for 2 smaller ones instead–so they would have company…
he countered with–we have tons of deer, bear, squirrels and other creatures–make do with those for now…sigh…I overplayed my hand


wait…wut ???🐱


i don’t want an indoor kittie–but an outdoor one would certainly handle the mice and chipmunk populations…but I couldn’t see one outside in the cold either…and we don’t have a proper barn


well alrighty then…
I won’t bite you.


thank you!

btw, I snuggle both my children’s cats when we visit…I just can’t see me owing one…


How unbelievably CUTE! Horses are adorable.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why we don’t have cats.

Well, aside from being allergic to them.




Here is the full 14 minute statement on Election Fraud from Pres Trump.

He goes into some specifics that were lost in the short version that has been circulating.


Thank you for posting this. I took the time to watch, and I’d have to say……

I’m not inspired. I knew all of this going in.

It got buried in the media, so it didn’t convince anybody.

So, I have to ask……why did this speech get made? It was made to our enemies who are actually engaged and knowledgeable, without the intent of persuading or informing anyone.

I suspect it was made to flush them from cover. It said, “we know this is what is happening — make a deal, or go down with the ship.”

….and that makes me happy.


I disagree about it being inspiring, Coothie.

It was good to hear his resolve and the certainty in his voice, letting us know that he knows full well about all the details/evidence of the election-stealing operation.

While I agree that this was also aimed at the bad guys…it serves as a rally-the-troops type of statement as well.


The thing is…..he knows, and we know, and the core Team MAGA in the WH know, but just us telling each other doesn’t get us anywhere. We need to convert people or bludgeon them.

And, really, thank you for getting the full vid out of whatever hell it had been consigned in a format I can read.


Oh, Carl, tears of joy running down my face, you are amazing, and you even got Marica and bacon in there, and the roast my sis is making for Christmas breakfast.. All the sounds and smells and tastes, and most of all the joy of God’s precious son, and someday we who are in Him will have new perfect bodies, and how I treasure my dear friends at the q-tree. Love you all so very much. Carl you are so unique and talented, one of the Lord’s finest creations. Going to make my morning coffee now. I have know words left.


It was my pleasure and my honor.


I just found this from the anons…

Although it sounds very good, I’m unsure how the Amistad lawsuit will affect this – but I’m posting it anyway, and there’s sauce at the bottom.

Merry Christmas everyone – to you and yours!

“Chapter 1 Title 3 (Article 3) Electoral Votes in a Presidential Election. The Pence Card trumps the Trump Card. Activating VP Pence

December 23rd 2020 was the deadline to present the electors to Vice President Pence , President of the Senate. .

December 23: Deadline for Certificates of States’ Electoral Votes to be Received
The aforementioned certificates—each including the names of electors, the electors’ votes, and the state’s certified election results—must be delivered to all relevant parties by the fourth Wednesday in December, or December 23 in 2020. Should the certificates not arrive by this date, the President of the Senate or U.S. Archivist shall request a copy “by the most expeditious method available” from the relevant state’s secretary of state.

After certificates are NOT delivered on December 23, VP Pence sends a demand to each states Secretary of State. If the demand is not met:
Congressional Demand for Certificates

If no certificates of votes or lists have been received by the President of the Senate or the
Archivist from electors by the fourth Wednesday in December (December 23, 2020), then the
President of the Senate (or the Archivist if the President of the Senate is not available) is directed
by law to request the state’s secretary of state to immediately forward the certificates and lists
held by the secretary of state, and to send a special messenger to the local federal district judge to
transmit the lists that are to be held by that judge (3 U.S.C. §§12-13)

These people are stupid. Potus Geotus just won the election legally. Merry Christmas Anons.


Merry Christmas Emeraldstar!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋


LOL   :wpds_wink: 


They all look so good. I don’t know which one to pick.


Since we rarely have a “typical” breakfast, last night I made applesauce pancakes and LOTS of bacon with frozen peaches for dinner. It was such a treat, we decided to do it more often!

Gail Combs


𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖚!

OH and I forgot the potatoes

Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potatocomment image

and Bacon-Wrapped Onion Stuffed Potatoescomment image


wow…the crazy train is leaving the station…

Gail Combs

That was for the purists. 🤣  


hubby was looking over my shoulder while i scrolled thru the pictures–had to change my shirt–soaking wet from the droolin’


You left out my favorite- bacon-wrapped bacon.

Gail Combs

It is the third one down.


Oh, thank God!

Gail Combs

…..   :wpds_lol: 


One of y’all posted a pic of lasagne a while back. DW saw it and promptly informed me that we would have it for Christmas. I have now been informed that we will be having the bacon wrapped asparagus for New Year.


The bacon wrapped asparagus us what caught my eye, too!


Bacon-wrapped lasagna with bacon-wrapped asparagus.

Cuppa Covfefe

A lot easier to do than asparagus-wrapped bacon 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Be still my Tummy!!! 😋😋
Is there such a thing as a Bacon COMA??😜Merry Christmas Miss Gail!🎄🎄🥰🥰

Gail Combs

And a very Merry Christmas to you Butterfly, and to all the rest of the QTreepers!  😘 

🎄 🦋  


Gail, ooooo, that asparagus looks yummy!!
Thanks for the inspiration!!


Santa Baby, hurry with the bacon tonight!


Since this is my dog’s first Christmas, she is getting a pound of turkey bacon in her stocking.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

As long as the peeps get the REAL BACON, I’m fine with that.😁 Merry Christmas Miss Gil. 🎄🎅


Mr Gil does. Kiddo is like me, no beef or pork but he loves turkey bacon every day.


Merry Christmas!


When Tucker mentioned this last night I thought it was a joke!


Same ‘mayor’ declared the street in front of the White House – BLM Square.

Can’t wait until that bovine excrement group is exposed and the street writing removed.


Heheh…”Fauci of the Branch Covidians”.

We have a new word!



I bet if he saud so, people would follow the final covidian order.


I wish that there were a better way to share this.

I normally keep five sets of Firefoxes open in my desktop, and each Firefox has a bunch of tabs. If I’m engaged (for instance, here), I can lock on a particular tab, but when things get slow I can riffle through others.

So, the top of one of the Firefoxes says,
“Gah. Your tab just crashed.
We can help!
Choose Restore This Tab or Restore All Crashed Tabs to reload the page/pages.”

It’s been that way for a while, but I haven’t needed that Firefox, so I’ve just let it sit. I’m rummaging around now, so I look at it and see what it was looking at when it crashed.





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Gail Combs

This one needs intruders changed to polly-tish-uns
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Shoot, Shovel, Shut up.


#Christmasmusic #Choralmusic #Choral
A Choral Christmas


Eric Coomer, Krebs and others claim to be targeted with death thread.
Is this a False Flag run through Iran?

FBI accuses Iran of threatening US election officials

(CNN)Iranian cyber actors were behind online death threats targeting US election officials, the FBI announced on Wednesday.

Officials said individuals associated with the Iranian regime operated multiple websites following the election, including one titled “enemiesofthepeople,” which contained personal information and photos of government and private sector officials involved in managing the 2020 US election.

Among those targeted online were Christopher Krebs, the former head of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, a person familiar with the FBI’s investigation told CNN.

Krebs made news in the aftermath of the 2020 election by publicly refuting false claims by President Donald Trump and other Republican officials that there was mass voter fraud associated with the election. After fact checking conspiracy theories being pushed by Trump, Krebs was fired from his position at the Department of Homeland Security.

The online targeting of Krebs by Iranian cyber actors was first reported by The Washington Post, which also identified FBI Director Christopher Wray as one of the US government officials targeted online.

An FBI spokesperson declined to comment on the identities of US election officials threatened by Iran.


Apparently they want us to have sympathy for the devils.


#christmassongs #christmasmusic #christmassongsandcarols
Christmas Music Playlist Best Christmas Songs and Carols 2020


BREAKING: President Trump grants full pardons to Paul Manafort, Charles Kushner, and Roger Stone (CNBC).

— The Bias News (@thebias_news) December 24, 2020


Poke in the eye, middle finger to Øbastard, Hillrotten, Holder, Chris Christie, Fake Judge Sullivan, et al.


Weissmann, the dirty prosecutor, pissed at POTUS for pardoning Manaford.
Already cooking up another dirty scheme to put Manford in front of Grand Jury and when he supposedly lies he will be indicated again, presumably under another dirty prosecutor like himself, as well as a dirty Judge like Solomon.

Hi Weissmann you dirty tricks will help you nothing, ones you are put in front a real Judge prosecuted by a real prosecutor.

Weissmann Lashes Out at Trump Over Manafort, Stone Pardons – Cooks Up New Plot to Prosecute Them for Perjury and Obstruction (


Unless we win, it will NEVER end. These people a evil, and a cancer on the world. A pox on all their houses.


God will take care of the ‘pox’, Auber!!!

JW in Germany


Shit bird should have included President Trump’s second term will eclipse every President since President Washington.


Gail Combs

Full thread (No thread reader yet):


thanks Gail!


I truly H8, abhor, loathe the $#!+&%@! LBGTQXYZ agenda.

It’s all propaganda and lies from the pit of hell invented to promote and normalize abnormalities, disorders, disorientations, mistaken identities, false identities, deceptions….

Gail Combs

My parents and grandparents would be HORRIFIED by what is going on in schools today. Actually I would LOVE to turn lose my maternal grandma, the Latin teacher, on these idiots. She terrified my 6’6” brother!

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

I think you got a double dose of her guts and gumption!!!

Gail Combs

I only wish!

Gail Combs

GAK!! 😯  😖 

Hubby just read me the weather forecast for today:
Strong Thunder Storms

I asked if he was serious and he said yes and showed me the forecast on his computer. (He has Wunderground on his computer but I do not have it on mine.)



we have a snowy driveway–even tho it’s plowed–it’s a gravel driveway. today we are expecting heavy downpours and then freezing cold air to move in and maybe snow tomorrow…
our driveway will be a luge track by tomorrow afternoon…

stay safe Gail!!!

Gail Combs

Pat, you just reminded me of WHY I left the Boston MA area!

Stay safe and hunker down until that drive gets better. Hope you do not lose electric.


yeah…we got extra kerosene to keep the basement warm if need be–and have the wood stove as well. we have a generator if all else fails, but we got propane to grill…we should be good for a couple of weeks if need be.
if not, we ride the tractor down and into town…it’s got large spikes on the chains…

Gail Combs

Sounds like you are good to go. Glad to hear it.


Dang! You sound like the carbon criminals of the year!


oh yeah!


Too much weather for me. Its windy and gloomy and cold here. Hasnt rained in months. We may get rain next week.

Gail Combs

Gil, you can have some of ours.


Rain please. Tired of having to run the sprinklers.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s 21 degrees here. Not used to this at all.

Gail Combs

It is WARM here, 55F


Yes…crazy thing is that it’s also forecasted to be 68 (!) here today!!

Gail Combs

And 35F tomorrow!


Gail, we are somewhat in the same area and have dire weather forecast, as well. wind force a 5! Yet at 8:30 there’s not even a leaf moving.
The bad weather will probably move in tonight when we drive to a countryside inn with friends for dinner!

Gail Combs

Yeah, it sounds like we have a warm front (Now) clashing with a cold front.

I just asked Hubby, and I was correct. Freezing at dawn with high of 35F for tomorrow. BRRrrrr


We were maybe going to get snow last night and this morning. I woke several times in the night to see the snow – just like an excited child. No snow; just lots of rain. 🙁

Stay safe. We lots electricty at least 1x a year due to ice storms, hurricans, strong storms, etc. when we lived in RTP. I am sure you have a weather radio for alerts. Be careful and stay safe.

Gail Combs

We have a stocked larder and no where we have to go.


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Gail Combs

Make it 10 million Liberals. We will send teachers, college profs and politicians for FREE!

Heck let’s make it all 30+ million Commies. I am sure the Pakistanis can find something (like slave labor) to do with them.


LOL…decide for yourself…as I am not knowledgeable about these things–whether the photos are real, doctored, or just deceiving…
Did Pelosi get the vaccine…or not???

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Nope – the top of the syringe is depressed already before the needle goes in!!!


the story shows pictures of needles…and how the left says the one thing, and the right says another…just a little intrigue…LOL

Gail Combs

It could also be just saline solution.


Right. After pretending completely they have to get something now. The fact that they are doing it on camera means they really really need people to be afraid.



Celebrities paying $25,000 a pop to skip line for COVID-19 vaccines

………….From the article:

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Hollywood celebrities, Silicon Valley tech executives, and other high rollers are trying to bribe their personal concierge doctors to put them at the front of the line for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination once the jabs become available.

Dr. Ehsan Ali, who runs Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor, told the paper his office is getting “hundreds of calls every single day” from clients who want VIP access to COVID-19 vaccines – meaning they want to cut to the front of the line ahead of hospital workers and the elderly.

“This is the first time where I have not been able to get something for my patients,” Ali is quoted as saying, noting that his high-profile client list includes celebrity names like Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber.

In California, healthcare workers and nursing home residents are the top priority for vaccination, followed by essential workers and those with chronic health conditions. After that, everyone else will have access to COVID-19 vaccines.

Those who appear on television and in movies, however, apparently consider themselves to be more essential than everyone else, and want to be moved to the front of the line because they see themselves as most important.

…………….End quote, more at link.

Hey, I think all those Hollywood wankers should get the vaccine.

Let them be the guinea pigs!


i dunno…hollyweird people are dumb…but i don’t know if they’re THAT dumb…and they’re tooooooo narcissistic to take anything that might deprive the WORLD of their talents…LOL


Heh…no they *are* that dumb.

The liberal ones, that is.

The conservative ones are probably like, “Oh that’s okay, I’ll wait.”
And would rather take their chances with taking the therapeutics if they catch it.

Gail Combs

hollyweird people are picked for their compliance to the commie cult and NOT for talent or brains. Their handlers tell them to get the vaccine, they will get the vaccine.


That’s right.

It’s their JOB to lie, and to speak what is written for them.

Marlon Brando said as much, decades ago.

They ACT like people, yet are empty inside.

Fully programmed, and entirely controlled, NPC’s …

Same as the Big Media talking heads!

Gail Combs

As a friend from Hollyweird said —
Real is faked on four sides.




If you do nothing else over the next few days of celebration, VIEW the two man in America videos DP posted above and that Trump has tweeted. 18 minutes explains it ALL.

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Rex!
looking forward to getting to read your articles after the Christmas craziness subsides!!


Yes, and have been VERY busy. I need some down and writing time! Merry Christmas to you and yours..keep the faith!


Yes, links when posted always appreciated.

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!


Yes…those are really good.

Except for the part where he recommends Parler.


ABT…Anything but Twitter…for NOW.


Ah, well that’s true.

Merry Christmas, P-rex!
 😊  🎄  🎅 


Merry Christmas Wheatie!



He certainly gets it…

I respect that man.

I am not Catholic but I do respect Vigano…and…he is not a fan of the current Pope Francis.


Dora, wow. Just wow. What a blast of truth.
SO courageous is this man.
Thanks for posting this!


Hmmm. ANOTHER not so subtle HINT from a NEWLY pardoned Paul Manafort tweet to Trump.

You truly did “Make America Great Again.” God Bless you & your family. I wish you a Merry Christmas & many good wishes for the coming years.”

“coming years” Meaning 4 MORE Mr Manafort? ICWYD


Manafort really should have included “four more years”.

If nothing else, piss off Weismann some more.


LOL ever see “Trading Places” well, soon Weismann will be where Manafort WAS, and NO ONE to pardon him.


Dan Scavino tweeted this. I translate this as two things. One “Not so FAST Cabal” Two, DARK, to LIGHT.


You nearly had it here, Duchess.

The problem was the comma…it should be a period.


Spastic Finger Syndrome, Wheatie!!!

Gail Combs

I think you have to do the changes in a different tab and then copy and past.

Let’s try
First change in this comment box:

Then change in different tab and copy and paste. (Do not forget to remove the ? too.)
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

I messed up, Gail – did the right thing until I posted – then – it all went awry – Thank God – I need not fret – helpers are everywhere here – * Smiling *


Prog, I tried – just will not materialize – Sorry!!! Nice picture, tho’


TY. Must be something on the new platform.


I don’t think so, P-rex…it’s the same old problem with getting twitter images to post on WP.

You have to take off all the stuff after the “?” question mark.
Including the question mark.

Then add back dot jpg — “.jpg”


Nope – nothing wrong here, Prog – it is the ‘operator’ who defaulted – lol


comment image


Thanks, Wheatie with the magic fingers –   :wpds_wink: 


You’re very welcome, Duchess.

You are getting there…just remember to use “.jpg” after you take off all the stuff from the question mark — on.


I corrected that, Wheatie – but, messed up in completing the process – Thanks!!!


Deplorable Patriot

I can honestly say before this year, I’ve never heard of fasting on Christmas Eve.

Of course, my family won’t fast or abstain outside of Lent. It’s not the easiest place to be.




Schiff is a royal jerk – talking about the pardons – says PT was bribed!!!


You’re being far to kind to that vicious rat-weasel, Duchess.

He’s a lying deep state knob:
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And isn’t his district…Hollywood?
I think it is.
We can thank the Hollywood crowd for inflicting us with this rat-weasel.

Gail Combs

I SOOOoooo want to see Adam Shitty Schiff in GITMO!


Me too, Gail!


Or the fraudulent machines. Maybe and/or.


AGREE, Wheatie – so many from CA – hard to keep track of them all!!!


I hope he had a nice sleep wherever he is, Wheatie!!!

Gail Combs

I think what we are seeing is Chaff and Disinfo galore to confuse the enemy.


Dang…ANOTHER subtle message…this time from Flynn.


THE ABANDONED FLOCK: Archbishop Viganò’s Reaction to the Atrocious Vatican Nativity Scene

Let’s just say it clearly: that thing is not a Nativity scene.

Gail Combs

Boy, is he correct! It is not even ‘art’


For the keks – the “gift” that keeps on giving!

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From ZH:


  • Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t.
  • Masks didn’t work until they did, then they did not.
  • There is asymptomatic transmission, except there isn’t.
  • Lockdowns work to control the virus except they do not.
  • All these people are sick without symptoms until, whoops, PCR tests are wildly inaccurate because they were never intended to be diagnostic tools.
  • Everyone is in danger of the virus except they aren’t.
  • It spreads in schools except it doesn’t.


yup, sounds about right…

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

There are several bills happening at the same time. One is covid relief which was stuffed full of pork and waste and the other is a 9 month spending bill which would naturally include normal salaries and appropriations. And is there a 3rd bill that is military funding and that is the one vetoed because of section 230?

I am not clear in this issue of the multiple $ bills at the same time and which contains which pork + regular spending. Been extra busy with Christmas and not keeping up.

I think this is the regular spending bill that is financing government not wuflu relief. regular spending also full of pork but I don’t think the salaries of congress are part of the pork (except for all of the possible comments and/or jokes about the problems of congress). I don’t have time to check this but I think it is fake news.


DP, Wolf, Wheatie, Carl and everyone — all best wishes for a very merry Christmas!


And Happy Christmas to you, and to your loved ones!

I only started posting a couple weeks ago (after a LONG absence) – I’m glad you’re still here, churchmouse!


Thank you very much, Emeraldstar — much appreciated!

Thank you for your kind words. I’m delighted that you’re back — a great relief. When I don’t see certain names, I get concerned. Glad all is well with you!


Merry Christmas churchmouse!!


Thank you very much, Pat!!


Thank you, Churchmouse.
*hugs*  🤗 

Wishing you a very merry and Happy Christmas as well!


Thank you very much, Wheatie! Greatly appreciated! Hugs to you, too! <3


Best wishes, Merry Christmas, GOD’s Peace and all blessings to you, Churchmouse!!!


Thank you very much, GA/FL! Greatly appreciated!

It would be great to get together and chat about the failings of our denomination, which used to be marvellous. Sure, we had flaky bishops, but no one paid them much attention. Now most of the clergy are like that. So sad.


The powers that be on earth seem to be conspiring to prevent travel and fellowship between our two countries. It would be a joy to have a reunion of QTreepers and Christian conservatives….but it seems more unlikely every season.


It does indeed.

Thank heavens for the Q Tree!


Merry Christmas Churchmouse since you’re 8 hours ahead of me. And Boris and Khan can eat a bag of coal.😁


Thank you very much, gil00! Much appreciated! 🙂

Why single out Boris, though?

Today was Brexmas and, after 4 1/2 years, a very merry one it was, too! We are out with a deal, probably the best possible for both sides. Even Nigel Farage is mostly happy.

Brexit was Boris’s baby, his main project, the one he won an election on on December 12, 2019.

A departure deal was finalised on December 24 with the European Union for the end of the transition period on December 31. What a relief!

We Leavers waited with bated breath as the day went on. The British negotiating team were ‘tough’, so said the EU President Ursula von der Leyen and the EU negotiator Michel Barnier in their afternoon press conference. Barnier has been dealing with the UK since 2017.

It was a cause for celebration. I couldn’t sleep last night. At least Christmas Eve will be an easy Brexmas anniversary to remember.


I am glad to hear directly from you about Brexit and that all in all it should be ok. Hopefully room to grow a steel pair with the next PM and clear the chaff of it all.


Yes. Millions of us are optimistic about the new year with regard to Brexit.

‘Hopefully room to grow a steel pair with the next PM …’ Boris is the best we’re going to get by a country mile.

I loath his handling of the coronavirus crisis, but, in all other respects he’s done what he said he would do during last year’s election campaign. The Conservatives are keeping to their party agenda.


Ok. The CV stuff I read is foreboding but you have good things too!


Yes, we do.

Hate the coronavirus policies and they do cause concern.

However, most of us who dislike the coronavirus policies are looking forward to Brexit. There will be hiccups at first, but, overall, the big picture looks good.

Hope you and your family are having a good Christmas and that the weather is pleasant! Maybe Newsom will be recalled next year …


We will know if there are enough signatures in march. I hope so too.
Happy new year and merry Christmas!


Thank you, gil00!

A very happy New Year to you and your family!

Deplorable Patriot

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine causing more allergic reactions than expectedBy Yaron Steinbuch
December 24, 2020 | 7:42am |

The chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed said the frequency of allergic reactions to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine is higher than what would be expected for other jabs, according to a report.

Dr. Moncef Slaoui said the last time he was updated on allergic reactions was Tuesday, when there were six cases, and added that the data on COVID-19 immunizations is lagging behind the actual numbers, CNN reported.

“That frequency, as it stood yesterday, is superior to what one would expect with other vaccines,” he said.

Slaoui said discussions are underway between the vaccine makers and the National Institutes of Health to consider holding clinical trials of vaccines in very allergic populations, such as people who always have to carry an EpiPen anti-allergy medication.

On Monday, a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases official said the US is looking at why some people have suffered from severe allergic reactions shortly after receiving the Pfizer shot.




I see that you’re working the “droll” angle this morning, Pat! Too funny …

And Merry Christmas to you, too!




 🙄  Oh yeah, blame it on people’s allergies.

In other words…if you have an adverse reaction, it’s Your Fault, not the vaccine.



Yeah. And I’m allergic to strychnine, too.


>> “clinical trials of vaccines in very allergic populations” <<

“Yes, yes!” (Cue the evil Simpsons character …)

Let us “scientists” target the most vulnerable, death and disability be damned, so that we may increase our knowledge!

Sure sounds like Sauron (Tolkien character) to me.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! And eat you fill!

(I hadn’t heard of “fasting” for Christmas ever before …)


Political Theology Livestream – 20201223


Mr. President, Merry Christmas! May God bless you and your beautiful, patriotic family. Thank you for all you have done for our Nation in the first four years of your Presidency. Thank you for all you will be doing for us in the next four years of your Presidency. I have one request to make of you: from this moment on, show no mercy; take no prisoners.

Gail Combs


Our country can not afford to leave even one crapweasel free.


>> “crapweasel” <<


Merry Christmas, Gail!

Gail Combs

I stole it from another treeper. It seems to fits these unhuman monstrosities so well.


LIkes that, will add to the front of it “What our friends are saying” and send it to POTUS.


Ho ho ho….

The writing is on the wall…in 10 FOOT NEON LETTERS!

China, Iran, Russia – have the Democraps firmly in their pockets.


If there is no other reason – Christ’s birth is plenty reason to rejoice!!!


Even better – Robert Shaw!!!!

Gail Combs

I played this earlier this morning and now it is GONE!!!


Weird – It was grayed out, but I clicked on it anyway and it played!



Deplorable Patriot

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Last three paragraphs from his Wikipedia page.

Among his non-governmental and private sector roles, Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic, in 2014.[53][54] He has also served as chair of the Royal African Society[55] and as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group.[56] In July 2014, he became co-chair of the Board of Trustees of the latter organisation.[57]
In December 2020, Malloch Brown was announced as succeeding Patrick Gaspard as president of Open Society Foundations on 1 January 2021.[58]
Personal life[edit]Malloch Brown is an only child. He has four children with his wife.[1] He is a close friend of billionaire speculator George Soros, with the two having worked together in their roles at the UN and Open Society Foundations, and he rented an apartment owned by Soros while living with his family in New York working on UN assignments.[59]

Deplorable Patriot

All these pardons…thanking members of the team?

It’s a thought.


POTUS sleight of hand…make the enemy believe you are preparing for the END of your term? pysche out

Deplorable Patriot

That’s part of it, I’m sure.

Gail Combs

Chaff and misdirection…

Deplorable Patriot


WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture below is FRIGHTENING!!!
(it may not show) Big Mike and his wife kayaking in Hawaii–you know, staying home for the holidays like the rest of us are supposed to…

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If those aren’t implants on a man’s chest, I’m an astronaut.

Gail Combs

If you can actually FIND earlier picts of MOO-Shell you can see ‘she’ was quite flat chested.

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Which one?


Boat hides a lot.



Cuppa Covfefe

Sharks won’t even touch it…

“Fool poisoning”…


Truthfully, I’ve never bought into the Michelle is a male tale, and certainly “he” couldn’t disguise any “equipment” in this swim suit. I’d be more suspicious if there was a wrap or skirt.
Nevertheless….U G L Y!! Michelle looks more manly than Barry does…..wonder if that bothers him! LOL


I don’t kayak but those that do have said you put the powerhouse in the front?? which in this case makes perfect sense…lol


At Gab someone posted a link to at least 10 images of this outing – in the India Times Post. Boat pics, and then a couple close-ups of Barry walking up the beach. None of Mike, none out of the boat and certainly no full body swim suit close-ups. There’s a reason. 😏

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Guess you did not see the vid of ‘Floppy’ getting into the car, Tea.


Yes, I’ve seen all or most of those photos, (intriguing but certain fabrics do crazy things so I’m giving benefit of doubt), but a yellow swim suit doesn’t hide much…precisely why mine are black!
I’m only sorry we weren’t treated to a big butt shot! Meow…😹


Treated? After 8 years of being told that Big Mike was a fashion icon – do not need to see anymore of that thing, Tea!!!


Search “man’s penis hiding underwear” if you don’t think it can be hidden in a swimsuit.

Eye bleach highly recommended.


OMG….the things one learns here!




I think I’d prefer not to be on that particular list.


Lol! Can you imagine?


Early, early in el Bozo’s reign, there was a picture of him (jogging?) on the beach with some comment about how great his pecs were.

Them’s MOOBS, man, even when he’s fairly skinny.

Deplorable Patriot

Things that happen in the night.


WEASELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POTUS hoping they change this date…but for now? the response date for his SCOTUS case is January 22
The Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared to shun President Trump’s Pennsylvania election challenge by setting the date for the state’s response to Jan. 22 — two days after President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Trump, who filed the suit on Monday, requested that the court expedite the case’s proceedings and require Pennsylvania to respond by today. In a petition filed to the court, Trump’s lawyers wrote that speeding up the timeline is essential “because once candidates have taken office, it will be impossible to repair election results tainted by illegally and belatedly cast or absentee and mail ballots.”
“Without expedited review, petitioner’s appellate rights-and this court’s power to resolve the important constitutional and legal questions presented for this election may be irrevocably lost,” wrote John Eastman, Trump’s attorney in the case.
Eastman told the Washington Examiner that he expects the court to expedite the case and move up the response date.


Arrgh…what is this crap:

“— two days after President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

Washington Examiner has some Trump-hating squishes writing for them.
This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed them making some anti-Trump noises.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

Morning, Wheatie!

Merry Christmas! Hope you’re cookin’! lol

>> “anti-Trump” <<

I’m continually reminded of Cue’s post (#1828) in re the media collusion. I’ve seen quite a few FreeB articles cited by anons, who somehow seem to have forgotten what they said (Free Beacon, rather than Wash Examiner, but the point is the same):

Aug 9 2018 21:27:00 (EST)
[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]
[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA – play/reveal TT) ^^
[DNI [JC]] ^^
^^^^^ ^^
[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*
[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]
[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]
[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^
[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^
*Tarmac (final meeting – no charges/drop = supreme court)
*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)
Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)
FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist – feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)
They NEVER thought she would lose.


Thank you, Emstar.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too!
 😀  🎄  🎅  🎁 

And yeah, good memory…Free Beacon is another one that gets the side-eye.
There are some anti-Trump squishes writing for them, too.

Gail Combs

They THINK they know which side their bread is buttered on.

I hope they ALL go bankrupt — at minimum.


I read somewhere that the thirty-day date they set is automatic. The court can change it.


yes I just read that at another site too!
hope that’s the case…
I just want someone to do something POSITIVE for our side for a change…
we SEE the fraud…but they refuse to


It’s maddening, isn’t it?

This is gaslighting on a massive scale. I feel completely CRAZY some days. I can SEE so clearly what so many are claiming is NOT REAL.


it’s like those Halloween slasher movies–you KNOW who the killer is…and yet the busty, beautiful bimbos go into his house anyway…while you’re screaming at the screen–HE’S THE MURDERER YOU TWIT…
sigh…I am banned from several movie theaters should they ever reopen…



Gail Combs

I really hate watching twits…

Oh well Darwin Award in Action.

I just hope it doesn’t apply to our nation.

JW in Germany

Always remember that it is all by design to make you feel like you are the outsider in the minority. Like the media…it is FAKE.

We are the majority…and the vast majority of us know what is happening despite their best efforts.


Looks SCOTUS sold out to the Marxist. They betray the Nation and their position of upholding the Constitution and law.
Very sad


We cannot put all of our eggs in one basket, Sing – and – it can be fixed/changed.

I read this will not be settled in the courts – although I believe Sidney Powell has a strong case – and STANDING – what will be settled in the courts are the criminal charges – imho – and there are many who fall into that category.

God can fix anything – I asked Him – I am praying – and I believe He is in control!!!


Anyone seen this elsewhere:
Hope this is true.


Saw this somewhere yesterday. Believe it when you see it.

Gail Combs

Why should the power mad step away from power?


Do not believe he would ‘step away’ – think he may be forced to resign.


I’ve seen it elsewhere too, Eilert.

But like Anonhorse says…we should probably do a wait-&-see on it.


May be false alarm….liberal fake news garbage.


Much like the person about whom he is writing…


This morning when I was taking a walk I passed a fenced-in yard in which there was a german shepherd. He became agitated as I passed and started barking at me. There was a woman (his “mommy”) in the yard with him. I smiled at her and said “Merry Christmas!” She did not respond. At all. Interestingly, this property sported two Biden signs leading up to the election.


Might be a man-hating feminazi living there, since she had the creepy Joe signs.


Yeah. The irony of preferring a groping pedo rapist…



Well I guess the feminazis are willing to ignore groping Joe…in order to get Kuhmala.




They’re miserable people in every way.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s making them own it.


I liked that he put a lot of it out there in that speech–not that people aren’t digging for it on their own…
but it’s not just repubs OR dems hurting because of the shutdowns–it’s both–and there should be more accountability in congress going forward–and POTUS is making the need for it OBVIOUS!

Gail Combs

I am ALSO hoping that an omnibus law does allow the President to re-allocate funds. But I doubt the DemonRats would allow it.

Gail Combs

I just wish he had waited until midnight of the tenth day.

What the Constitution SaysThe U.S. Constitution provides for the pocket veto in Article I, Section 7, which states:
“If any bill shall not be returned by the President within 10 days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it.” In other words, according to House of Representatives archives:

The pocket veto is an absolute veto that cannot be overridden. The veto becomes effective when the president fails to sign a bill after Congress has adjourned and is unable to override the veto.


Can someone explain the orange dot to me? Sometimes when I click on it, it takes me to new comments. Sometimes (like now) it just looks at me like I’m an idiot.


sometimes a new comment appears on a previous page and one on the current page–the orange dot gets confused and can’t make a decision which to choose.


Thanks, now I’m more sympathetic toward the orange dot.


YUM! Thanks, Pat! Merry Christmas – and Happy MAGA New Year!!!

Come January 20 – a TRUMP KAG INAUGURATION!!!


Merry Christmas GA/FL!!!
oh yeah…we’ll be partying for days!!!


My mother made those egg penguin things one year. She put them in the fridge. I had no idea. I opened the fridge and almost keeled over from shock.




The little penguins!!!!


i thought they were cute!


“Canine Officer Stephanie Mohr ‘Grateful’ for Trump Pardon”Read the story, this lady got shocking injustice.


The Washington Post should be sued.


Hey, Georgia – it could happen!!!


This poll was done 3-6 Dec 2020 and they already had 47%.
I wonder what is by now.


voice vote on $2,000 fails…needed unanimous consent??

Pelosi KNEW using unanimous consent meant a SINGLE objection from ANYONE in the house would mean the new bill for $2,000 checks WOULD NOT PASS before Christmas.. she KNEW… I am so fucking disgusted! She could’ve summoned the house back & used the roll call vote to make it pass

— iamrogerb 🦚 ✊🏽 🌹 (@iamrogerb_) December 24, 2020


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Chad Pergram


Pelosi: On Monday, I will bring the House back to session where we will hold a recorded vote on our stand-alone bill to increase economic impact payments to $2,000.  To vote against this bill is to deny the financial hardship that families face


This $2K is a stand alone bill, right?



Reading Chad’s twitter stream, one would get the impression POTUS hates Americans, GOP opposes payment above $600 to Americans… etc. His quotes are coming from DIMs and Sasse ONLY.


this doesn’t include getting rid of any of the pork in the other bill tho, right?
so it further increases spending…they didn’t hear that part of the President’s request



and there’s this:

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Chad Pergram


Sanders: Now that Senator Schumer, Speaker Pelosi and President Trump have all indicated strong support for a $2,000 direct payment the ball is in Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s court..Let the Senate vote immediately on a stand-alone bill to provide a $2,000 direct payment


Chad Pergram


A) Blockage of both the Dem proposal for $2,000 checks on the Hse flr & the GOP proposal to re-open the State/Foreign Ops appropriations bill was baked ahead of time.
9:32 AM · Dec 24, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

B) Hse precedent allows ldrs of either side to object to unanimous consent requests of this nature on the flr, offstage in a pro forma session. That’s what happened today. The clearance to approve such unanimous consent requests must be ok’d by both sides in advance.

C) That’s why we will have a roll call vote on Monday in the Hse on the Dems $2,000 direct payment proposal.


A quick read of the tweets from Senate GOP on the Covid Relief bill as they are referencing it, won’t give you any comfort, although that’s what these grifters are trying to sell…………………… COMFORT!

They point to the package as being GREAT… makes me ill to read the stream.

*https://twitter.*com/SenateGOP remember to remove the splats (hopefully this new platform doesn’t post the whole account!


Another last minute deal:
UK and EU Brexit deal announced.
Wonder what really is it?


“Wonder what really is it?” ~ Eilert

Horse manure………………… Boris is cabal-controlled… exactly the same as his predecessors… all hat and no cattle as they say in Tejas


I call it Texas….since the reconquistas want it changed to Tejas.


Thanks. Appreciated. /s

Well, Nigel Farage was satisfied.

It’s a relief this is largely behind the UK. We Leavers have been waiting 4 1/2 years for this moment.

I’m just going to say, ‘Merry Brexmas!’


oh Churchmouse… do you really think it is behind? Do you think the UK will be leaving?
I commented based on what I have heard… particularly from Dave at X22 Report, whose opinion I have come to trust. I pray that you are right… the wait has been long indeed.


Yes, it has. Millions of us have been chomping at the bit since June 23, 2016, the day we won the referendum.

I hope that Dave at X22 Report has watched as many House of Commons sessions on BBC Parliament as I have over the past two years. 😉

Reasons why we will be leaving:

1/ Brexit was always going to go down to the wire. Even the best of Conservative MPs who had served in Theresa May’s Cabinet then resigned in 2018 believed that and said so again a few days ago.

2/ Boris has a majority of 80 because of his Brexit pledge in the December 12, 2019 election: Get Brexit Done. As such, he made serious gains from Labour in the north of England and parts of the Midlands where some constituencies had never before elected a Conservative MP.

3/ The EU were always going to make this difficult to discourage other member states from leaving. We already have 50+ trade deals with other countries ready to go on January 1. If we carry things out properly in 2021, we will set the example for other EU member countries to leave, too.

3/ Dave should watch yesterday’s press conferences. The one from the EU in Brussels was sombre. Boris, on the other hand, was positively jubilant back in London.

4/ The biggest sticking point yesterday was fish. Yesterday, we had been expecting an early morning press conference saying that a deal had been done. (Negotiations had continued throughout the night from Dec 23-Dec 24.) The discussions about UK fish went on for the rest of the day into the late afternoon. France and Spain want our fish for their restaurants. Their own waters are over-fished.

5/ There has been too much uncertainty for business (never mind coronavirus, which has been equally bad) for us not to leave on schedule.

6/ This deal is good not only for fishing but also for Northern Ireland, which had been a sticking point ever since Theresa May put forward her notional deal (said to have been co-created by the Germans) in 2018. It got so bad for her in 2019, with Conservatives and Opposition MPs opposing it that she had to resign. We got Boris as party leader, hence PM, in the summer of 2019. He brought back a better deal — Withdrawal Agreement (WA) — from Brussels that October. The new WA took away much of the uncertainty surrounding Northern Ireland’s position as Ireland’s neighbour and being part of Britain. (Too long to explain right now.) Labour and the other opposition parties were still opposing Boris, saying he was unelected. (Odd that they didn’t mind when Labour’s Gordon Brown served as PM for a few years without an election.) He proposed a vote to hold a general election, which took place in December 2019. He won hugely. That meant that he re-entered Parliament as PM with not only a clear mandate but also a clear majority.

So, contrary to what detractors say, yes, for all these reasons and more, I am sure we will be leaving at 00:59 Brussels time on December 31.


Thank you Churchmouse… and please, my apologies for my crass and uninformed comment. Great news, looking forward to Jan 1st and Brexit!


No need to apologise but it was gracious of you to do so. Many thanks.

I’ll let everyone know what is happening as and when.

Hope you had a good Christmas!

Gail Combs

From ChiefIO




The UK were tough. The EU were tough. Why else would it have taken this long to negotiate the end of the transition going forward?

This is the best — albeit not perfect — that it’s going to be for now.

I am over the moon about BREXMAS, Christmas Eve no less!

I don’t know why people here are criticising a deal about which they know nothing.

Anyway, this is not a time for disputes. Enjoy your Christmas!


Looking forward to more ‘particulars’ from you, Church – as you know – many of us are angry at Bork for congratulating Biden – so our view of this new deal is skewed by that – maybe.

We need FACTS, Church – please forgive us if we are wary of anything Bork does – after all – he locked you down, again – and we are not in favor of lockdowns – you know.


Re lockdown, we operate at a national level for coronavirus policy.

We have slightly different policies depending on the four nations — England and the three devolved nations: Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each is taking a slightly different approach to lockdown, yet, they are all pretty similar and the UK’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, is in touch with the three devolved nations’ health ministers on a regular basis (at least weekly).

Our nations are too small for county-wide policy in this area. Ditto across the rest of Europe, with the exception of Germany. The lander (states) there seem to be taking similar lines on restrictions. JW in Germany can confirm or not.

English counties are not autonomous in those things, although the big city mayors — Manchester, especially — will be the ones to watch in the years to come. The mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham — a former Labour Secretary of State for Health — didn’t want to move into a higher tier several weeks ago. It didn’t matter; he and Manchester are there. Whatever, the UK government is shelling out extra £££ to every county that is in a higher tier. As Labour love getting extra cash, that should be no problem for Burnham. He’s been rather quiet lately, possibly for that reason.

The fact that counties in high tiers are getting extra £££ for being in lockdown makes me apprehensive about restrictions being lifted any time soon. Ugh!


What a mess, Church!!! Much the same here in our errant dictatorial states with their narcissistic governors – it is always about money and greed and power and control – people are tired of getting pushed around – this has to end pronto!!!


Agree 110%, Duchess.

This is a diabolical international experiment being run in Western countries.


True, Church – and it has not been fun, either!


Not at all!


Parliament will receive the text — 500 pages long — first.

Both houses — Commons and the Lords — will vote on it next week, probably Wednesday.

I watched the news from dawn to dusk on Brexmas Day, December 24. It sounds really good. It will never be perfect. Even Nigel Farage was reasonably happy.


If I understand it correctly, when President Trump vetoes this pork bill, it IS dead. No over ride possible.

Saw Piglosi sabotaged the $2K checks. She truly hates America. SO much like that vile asshoe, Harry Reed.

Just saw down below, the $2K may not be dead.

Betting the Defense bill remains dead. No over ride.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Well, it’s time to play the Christmas Music Playlist Miss Duchess posted earlier. Need to start my portion of house cleaning for tomorrow. DW has me steaming 40-50 year+ old glue off the hardwood floor in our pantry/3rd bedroom. Someone decided years ago to put down laminate tile on top of the wood. It had carpet, when I bought the place. Lots of work, but after doing a 3rd of it, it looks great! I will re-sand them all one day, but just cleaning and a bit of polish has made a world of difference!

Using a steam cleaner that is meant for coats and such. It is small, so it takes a while. One flooring strip at a time, 2 if my scrubbing arm is feeling ambitious.


oh CM! it’s to weep!!
covering wood floors with laminate!!!

I’m sure it’s going to be lovely when finished!!!!


Sharyl Attkisson has put out an article this morning on the WuFlu Vaccines:

CDC: More than 5,000 COVID-19 vaccine recipients have reportedly suffered “health impact event”.
comment image

She has researched all the data so far and gives a good report on the side effects of both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines.

It’s a good article and a fairly quick read.

Something that stood out to me, was this part about how long the vaccines are effective:


Pfizer studies found effectiveness for two months.

Moderna studies found effectiveness (reduced risk) of confirmed coronavirus for at least 14 days after the second dose (as of December 17).

CDC notes that “observed outcome of vaccine efficacy at two months does not directly inform vaccine efficacy for any duration longer than two months.” In other words, there is no way to know whether the vaccine is effective for any period longer than the time period it has been given to patients.

…………………..End quote.

Not sure if I’m reading this right.

Is this saying that these vaccines only last for a couple of months?



Too much risk for so little return. Therapeutics seem a safer way to go. Wife and I continue to take our supplements and have been fine for the most part.


All of the side effects listed are the immediate ones.

There is no way of knowing what the Long Term Side Effects might be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These are the first mRNA and DNA vaccines used in people. We have no idea what kind of long-term problems resulting from reverse transcription – surreptitious or unintentional – there might be. Given that these people (including vaccine martinet Adam Schiff) are massive LIARS who committed a HOAX on America and the world, there is no reason to believe them about anything where they can conceivably get away with a lie.


Nazi medical experiments. Mengele would be jealous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is human experimentation. It’s frankly shocking that they would go to this level of deception to bypass all that and motivate people. This is why I’m fairly certain that this is mostly about population reduction.

Sad that such deception rules the world, but we were warned.

Deplorable Patriot


Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if men freeze their sperm, won’t it make their balls unbearably cold?


Ever hear of a “willie warmer”?


Is that anything like a wife? Asking for a friend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. And the article has been archived.

IMO this has several purposes:

(1) evasion of responsibility if any effects of first-gen sterilization are found

(2) diversion study, too early, because it may take time for the auto-immune effects to degrade fertility in any first-gen sterilization, and

(3) diversion study, because if it’s a SECOND GENERATION sterility vaccine, using genetic upload of mutant genes by reverse transcription, then there will be no observed effects in the men or women who receive it – only in their OFFSPRING, who will be sterile, the gender depending on which gene is uploaded.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always remember – the fastest and easiest way to accomplish phony satanic “eugenics” – the ALLEGED improvement of humanity – is to cheat by killing off those who are undesirable by the phony standards of what is a desirable life. They can’t ACTUALLY make humanity better, so they choose to eliminate what they THINK is bad.

Thus, we find at the biological level, just like Hitler killed people to allegedly improve humanity, these jokers are actually uploading BAD GENES ON PURPOSE to “help” humanity.

The idea is a deception at all levels. It’s a satanic trick. They’re not here to help.


Yep, infinite risk + zero return = bad deal.

Every time!



husband in health care industry. the staff are being told that it doesn’t protect them from getting sick, only protects them (mostly) from becoming real sick/complications/death. And that the maintence scheduled for “boosters” will be ongoing.

Its not just pros/cons or risks/rewards for 1 shot but shot.


USAF Band WWII Holiday Flashback (DOD 102926914)


Hope those support columns are strong… and the guardrail isn’t made in Chyna!


Nah – by now they have been reinforced – much like the parts in our airplanes have – imho – Scott!!!


not a big surprise as Barr had it as well


Pres Trump has given new Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen permission to use classified information for indictments.

Go time.

— Tricia Flanagan (R-NJ) For U.S. Senate (@NewDayForNJ) December 24, 2020


House Minority Leaders Caught On Call Urging House Reps to Kill Trump’s $2000 Check Demand
First no response from the Republicans on the most obvious and corrupt election in world history and now Congressional Republicans want to stop the President’s wishes for providing more in COVID payments to the people.

Joe Biden manufactured 20 million or more votes in the 2020 election in November to steal the race away from record setter President Trump and the Republicans in the House and Senate say nothing. Now this same group wants to prevent Americans from receiving more than $600 in payments in a COVID package? These individuals are not for the people.


Noted !


Never did trust these poufy-hair guys . . . McCarthy, Wray.


What if there’s not a single good one, not even one, out of all 535?

Or maybe just two or three good ones, out of the whole lot?

It’s a very real possibility.

Rep. Jim Jordan seems like a patriot, and Devin Nunes. Nobody else really comes to mind.

And I can’t think of a single member of the Senate who isn’t outright corrupt or dubious at best, including Rand Paul.


Sodom and Gomorrah?


I read an article a couple of days ago wherein Devin Nunes said he needed to see more evidence of voter fraud to be convinced.

I’ve lost faith in them all. I trust Trump.


one of the main reasons POTUS vetoed the NDAA…trying to limit the Command-in-Chief’s ability to bring troops home.
Finally, the president claimed that the NDAA restricts his ability to bring American troops home from overseas.
“Numerous provisions of the Act directly contradict my Administration’s foreign policy, particularly my efforts to bring our troops home,” Trump explained. “I oppose endless wars, as does the American public. Over bipartisan objections, however, this Act purports to restrict the President’s ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea.”
“Not only is this bad policy, but it is unconstitutional,” the president argued. “Article II of the Constitution makes the President the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and vests in him the executive power. Therefore, the decision regarding how many troops to deploy and where, including in Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea, rests with him. The Congress may not arrogate this authority to itself directly or indirectly as purported spending restrictions.”
This seems to be the most serious of Trump’s objections. If the president has rightly characterized these provisions, they may indeed be unconstitutional.


Wolf, if you see this, please check Gab chat. Heading off for a bit. Will check later. Thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will do!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Advice is in a PM. Aubergine solved the same problem.


Thank you!


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Chief Injustice Roberts sold out long before 2020…


Guess it just became evident this year….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s the gift that keeps on…selling out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Brandon Tatum says…”People are pissed off.”

And that people are not going to put up with Biden being installed.


What is interesting is that majority of Trump people are military, LEOs, and active practicing gun owners. Saying 1/3 of the Biden Democrats know how to handle a gun would be a stretch.

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Gail Combs

What the Urinalists and Polly-tish-ums do not realize is the target will NOT be some soyboys or snowflakes or Burn, Loot, Murder thugs or Aunt Fa wusses….

The ‘Let’s You and He Figh’t while we sit back and laugh isn’t going to work this time.


“What the Urinalists and Polly-tish-ums do not realize is the target will NOT be some soyboys or snowflakes or Burn, Loot, Murder thugs or Aunt Fa wusses….
The ‘Let’s You and He Figh’t while we sit back and laugh isn’t going to work this time.”


All we need to know is where they are.

(warning for f-bomb at the very end)


Vasquez (the girl in the red bandana) was my favorite character 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Hey vasquez! Anyone ever mistake you for a man?”

“No. Anyone ever mistake you for one?”


She’s awesome… a perfect reply! 😂🤣😂

Gail Combs

Here it is Gil
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Ty gail.

Cuppa Covfefe

Must be Schumer’s place…

Chuck E. Sleaze…


Q drop coming today?

Would be a gift.


With close up photos of the minute people are arrested.


After listening to Pres. Trump’s complete speech on election fraud, I feel it was mainly addressing every-day Americans who either suspect something is very wrong but did not have all the details or those who simply had no understanding of how the American people have been defrauded, and the Soviet main-stream press was determined the people would not have an opportunity to hear the whole speech in its entirrity.

Gail Combs

Zoe the fact the press would not air the whole speech tells you they are scared to let out the information. However it is getting out anyway.


Mugger (@mugger124) Tweeted:
@Mareq16 It’s like climate science all over again

Gail Combs

Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’


I found this quite interesting ,so I thought I would post it.


Look no further than the Antarctic Treaty, Operation Dominic, and Operation Fishbowl



Check out the gravestone of NASA's head rocket scientist and Nazi, Wernher Von Braun!

— ItsTommyDee (@ItsTommyDee1) March 30, 2020

Cuppa Covfefe

Von Braun repented and was a Born-again Christian…

Gail Combs

Hubby knew his daughter.

Concerned Virginian

Merry Christmas to one and all!
It’s pounding down rain here in central NC with heavy thunderstorms coming in this evening.
It’s going to be almost 70 degrees today!
The wind is picking up and looking for 50+ mph gusts tonight — temperatures to drop into the lower 20’s. I’ve never seen anything like this on Christmas Eve (certainly never in Pennsylvania and not even in Virginia).

Here are a couple of items from an old cookbook I have that has “receipts” dating back to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and other plantations of that era:

Hot Christmas Rum Punch:
6 oranges
1/2 gallon sweet cider
1 bottle Jamaica rum, best quality
Sugar to taste
Whole cloves
Ground cinnamon and nutmeg

Stick the oranges full of cloves and bake them until they soften. Place oranges in a large punch bowl, pour over them the rum and sugar to taste. Set fire to the rum and in a few minutes add the cider slowly to extinguish the flame. Stir in the cinnamon and nutmeg. Keep the punch hot.

“Christmas Nut Cakes”
“One pound pulverized sugar, one pound meats of hickory nuts, and whites of six eggs. Beat eggs for half an hour, then add sugar and nuts last. Bake on buttered papers in a slow oven.”


Merry Christmas CV!!!

stay safe!!


Hot Christmas Rum Punch:

While the cloved oranges are baking, start heating the cider, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.

While you’re waiting, drink the rum.

Gail Combs
Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Concerned Virginian

And I just got finished cleaning up the MESS left in the fireplace here and the living room floor from the latest storms and wind — even with a chimney cap and the damper closed, water ran down the chimney, into the fireplace, over the hearth, and onto the living room floor.
I told my son that I won’t be able to come to his house today and the goal now is for Christmas morning.


stay safe!!!

Gail Combs

You just made me happy we did not put in the fireplace (stove) I wanted!


Simon Parkes, 12/24.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

this may not be anything…but it sure is making me smile!!!

I’m currently at Los Angeles international Airport (LAX) and Congressman Adam Schiff was just being escorted back out of a terminal with about 15 LAPD/Airport police!?

— PatriotRhonda ❤️ 🤍 💙 (@MelaniasRhonda) December 24, 2020


they probably mistook him for a pedo…

trying to leave the country………….


Can’t find anything on it, except for an article that refers back to the tweet as unconfirmed
…seems strange that they aren’t several dozen cell phone pics.


I’m still picturing it…LOL


seems that maybe TMZ would have it–or have they stopped covering the airport due to COVID

Gail Combs

I am still GRINNING from ear to ear. I sure hope it is true.


Devin Nunes: We Now Have Clear Evidence The FBI Was Lying….This Is Really, Really Bad

New text messages showcase a compromised state agency, if they were lying about this, then what else are they lying about?


“New text messages showcase a compromised state agency, if they were lying about this, then what else are they lying about?”


What is everything?

Once an institution becomes corrupt, what is the limit on what they will do or say to protect themselves and their agendas?

There is no limit.


I’ll throw in a couple of 🎶 goodies today. Everyone knows all the Rutter greats, and the Vaughan Williams Hodie. So here’s (the great) Tabernacle Organist Richard Elliott with his own “Good King Wenceslas”. He combines the carol tune with The Nutcracker. This piece is difficult, trust me! Available at This is worth the 3 minutes.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Gingersmom, this makes my brain hurt…cannot imagine the coordination needed to pull this off…
Just marvelous!


This is my 2nd Christmas not stressed out over music – 40+ years is more than enough. But there’s a hint of sadness for the hubby and myself for what it all was. You can only play stuff like this on a big, well-maintained, willing instrument in a big reverberant space. Those were the days. 😊

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

My cousin (who got my share of musical talent) used to play organ for a church in NYC… at age 12.

He went to Julliard but unfortunately did not have the personality to go with his talent.


Sounds like there’s a lot more to that story. 😂

Gail Combs

Horrible parenting unfortunately.

Valerie Curren

Funny, but last night our daughter got asked to lead worship on Sunday, the first time ever, because the regular leader is sick. Most of us are planning to attend our old church to support her in this!


Here is an interview of Ivan Raiklin by Dave of the X22 Report. Raiklin is a lawyer and former Green Beret who explains all the scenarios that can play out on and around Jan. 6th and how Pence didn’t have to act on Dec. 23rd. It seems complicated. I can see why Pres. Trump wants a huge show of support in Washington.


Daily reminder….

Patriots are in control.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Enjoy the show.

Gail Combs

Thanks, we need to be reminded. The next month is going to be nerve racking.



My nerves are shot. It’s good to be reminded. And it motivates me to do what I need to do to be in DC for the “Big Reveal.”


Sen Diane Feinstein’s ID was stolen to obtain unemployment benefits…
According to a newly-unsealed federal criminal complaint, a former employee for California’s Employment Development Department (EDD), the state’s unemployment agency, allegedly engaged in fraud.
Andrea Gervais, the former employee, allegedly used Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) name to apply for unemployment benefits through the EDD, POLITICO reported.


How about a nice, fat BOOM for your Christmas eve?

Here you go….


Deplorable Patriot

Does this mean they go into federal witness protection? For some of them, that’s the only thing that will keep them alive.


This bill prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who report criminal antitrust violations to the federal government.”

Think Dominion, SmartMatic, Election boards, state goverment, etc, etc.

Deplorable Patriot

Of course, being criminals, the vertical integrators have other ways of “retaliating” and some of them don’t care that murder and blackmail are illegal.

The big issue would be proving it, though.


Then Google needs to rehire that guy who blew the whistle on them. Or he should sue them for a bundle.


i like option 2!!!! sue them into oblivion!


It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just the usual kabuki theater show by the criminal political-class.


“The Grassley/Leahy Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2019 is now law It protects whistleblowers who bring forth criminal antitrust law violations ”


Great, if none of the other laws to protect whistleblowers actually worked, why would this one?

Either arrest somebody or GTFO.

You’ve been there for 40 years Chuck.


And Leahy is one of the most filthy vile traitors in the entire Senate.

What are the chances that anything Leahy is a part of has any good in it, at all?

What is zero?



Oh, look! Scrooge dropped in.

What are the chances he actually read and studied this law before he weighed in with his usual doomfagging pessimism?

What are the chances he actually knows, as a matter of fact, it won’t make any difference?

What is zero?

Poor Scrooge.

Maybe the ghost of Christmas Present will drop in and cheer him up, but I doubt even that would do the trick.


Oh, look! Scrooge dropped in.”


Looks like I touched a nerve… very sensitive about your senators… 😂🤣😂


“What are the chances he actually read and studied this law…”


Since I’m sure you’ve read it (and studied it), why don’t you tell us all about it, and how it’s different from all the other laws passed to protect whistleblowers?


“…before he weighed in with his usual doomfagging pessimism?”


I don’t speak your gay subculture lingo, but who’s pessimistic?

I’ve been saying Trump has this in the bag since before November 3rd, and practically every day since.

How could anyone be more optimistic, certain even, that Trump will be sworn in on January 20th, and that Biden will never be president, than I have been?


“What are the chances he actually knows, as a matter of fact, it won’t make any difference? What is zero? Poor Scrooge.”


Well, let’s think about it for a second… how much difference have any of the other whistleblower laws made?

And who passed those laws?

Grassley has been there for 40 years, and Leahy has been there for 45 years… so your BFFs Leahy and Grassley were certainly involved with all the other whistleblower laws.

If any of the whistleblower laws they’ve passed before had worked, why would we need this one? What is different about this one?

Did they work extra hard on this one?

Did they forget important stuff the last several whistleblower laws they passed?

If so, what did they forget this time?

How hard can it possibly be?

Since I’m sure you’ve read it (and studied it), why don’t you just tell us?


“Maybe the ghost of Christmas Present will drop in and cheer him up, but I doubt even that would do the trick.”


Who could cheer me up more than you do?

When I say you’re one of my favorites, I’m not just kidding, you know… 😂🤣😂

Merry Christmas! 😁


so Joe’s team thinks that when POTUS is no longer POTUS, Joe should automatically get POTUS’s number of followers…as if they only follow POTUS because he’s POTUS–not because he’s TRUMP!

President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team has criticized Twitter’s decision to not allow the millions of followers of the White House Twitter accounts to be automatically retained when the accounts are handed over to the new administration.

“Twitter’s reluctance to transfer millions of followers from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration unnecessarily politicizes what otherwise should be a routine transfer of communication from one administration to the next,” Biden-Harris transition spokesperson Cameron French told CNN in a statement on Wednesday.


Pedo Joe will never be President, but it would have been interesting to see all but three of PTrump’s Twitter followers bail on Joe . . . and that’s because all three died but their accounts were not cancelled.

Gail Combs

OR they are Chyna Bots


he’s just trying to ward off being totally humiliated–but wait till January 20th…he will HUMILIATED EVEN MORE…LOL


If that happenes—That will be one accout that will lose 1,000s of followers and not due to tweeter games.


it would be glorious!
but he doesn’t have to worry about that…in 4 yrs it will be someone else’s problem


Whatever would they do about me? Pedo Joe and Camel-Uh are BLOCKED from my Twitter.




Merry CHRISTmas Eve All My Qtree Family Friends

God gave us that ray of with the Star of Bethlehem shining across the land when His only begotten son Christ was born!

“That baby who was born to Mary was more than just another man—He was God in human flesh. He came into the world for one reason: to make it possible for our sins to be forgiven, so we could become part of God’s family forever.” Billy Graham

When a Child is Born – Susan Boyle & Johnny Mathis
A ray of hope flickers in the sky
A tiny star lights up way up high
All across the land, dawns a brand new morn
This comes to pass when a child is born


Merry Christmas Kin!!


Wow was getting the weirdest message.
About something missing, Had to log in and out.
For the part of just found this version so had to share,



Forget? Hah! Corrupt milquetoasts.


I think you spelled “quislings” incorrectly….


Yeah. Milquetoasts have too many redeeming characteristics. Stinking traitor, however, works very nicely.


Merry Christmas to all here at this wonderful sanctuary Wolfie has provided for us…

God bless you one and all…


Merry Christmas to you phoenix!!!!
God Bless you as well!


(((Pat))) Stay warm!


thank you!!

JW in Germany

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

Merry Christmas JW!!!


comment image


Just as long as your Weihnachten doesn’t get too Frohzen.


Hahaha!!! Merry Christmas up there. Hope you and the fiancee have a nice night tonight and merry merry tomorrow…

JW in Germany


In case this hasn’t been posted yet, there is a new (short) video up at Political Moonshine:

Overthrow (Video)December 24, 2020

OVERTHROW: (4:50) Over before you realize it, this ripping summary delineates how the CCP infiltrated the US to install a puppet in the White House.


Ep. 2362a – Congress Responds To The People, Judy Shelton Sends A Message
X22 Report Published  December 24, 2020


Ep. 2362b – Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes
X22 Report Published  December 24, 2020


Roger Stone goes scorched earth…
The terms of my pardon allow me to sue the Department of Justice, Robert Mueller, James Comey, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, Jonathan Kravis, Aaron “Fat Ass” Zelinsky, Jeanie Rhee and Michael Morando.
My lawyers will be filing formal complaints for prosecutorial misconduct with DOJ office of professional responsibility at the same time I file a $25 million lawsuit against the DOJ and each of these individuals personally.
In fact I am going to add Bill Barr to the lawsuit and I will handle his cross-examination personally.

Gail Combs


Bill Barr TOO?

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like he’s going to get paid by the piper…


Go, Roger! Everyone who was persecuted by the corrupt special counsel should do the very same thing. Especially Gen. Flynn!




Not just scorched earth … salted, too.

JW in Germany

The Smartest Man in the World – IQ 200 – Is Convinced The U.S. Election Was Stolen.


of course, Donald Trump thinks it was stolen! LOL

Gail Combs

My brother’s IQ was over 200…


My DH was tested as a young man at over 200, too. He is very interesting to live with.

Gail Combs

You are blessed but they can be a bit trying because their minds work so fast.


“The Smartest Man in the World – IQ 200 – Is Convinced The U.S. Election Was Stolen.”


Welcome to the end of the thought process Chris, glad you could make it… 😂🤣😂

JW in Germany

Join the crowd! LOL!



This is an interesting article:
Overcoming the Court’s Abdication in Texas v. Pennsylvania

They argue that the United States itself could bring the same suit Texas brought to the court and there is no way they could argue that the country doesn’t have standing if the constitution has been violated. I don’t know if there’s enough time, but that smug smirk needs to be wiped off Roberts’ face for good.


Gorsuch gave a one word reply as to why the SC decided to do what it did and that word was “COVID”. Look as you might you won’t find COVID or even the word Pandemic in the Constitution. If COVID was the reason for States to change laws they should of been changed to accommodate the Constitution and not disregard it the way they did. These states tossed out all the safe guards for the sake of COVID and the result was predictable. Justices should hang.


No more legal coulda woulda shoulda hopium for me 😁

There are limitless things we could do, and there are limitless countermoves the enemy would do in response.

It’s Lucy with a football.

Or a revolving door — the only thing that ever changes is how fast it spins.

This is who I’m counting on.

comment image


How can I be so confident?

Because there are no lawyers in that photo, and no politicians in that photo 👍😁





He’s pranking us, or more specifically, he’s pranking the enemy.

There has never been a ‘strong, fast and fair Special Counsel’ in the history of special counsels, and he knows it!

It’s a Unicorn… 😂 🤣 😂

He’s probably just baiting the MSM into opposing a new Special Counsel, so he can take that off the table and go straight to the military option.

Whatever he’s doing, the last thing he would do is reveal what he actually intends to do, before he does it.

So fortunately, it looks like there won’t be any new ‘special counsel’. 😁


Oh, I have to disagree with you there, Scott – about there will not be one – do agree he is pranking the loony liberals.

Guess we shall see how Sidney Powell does at the SC – attacking the machine makers – then, perhaps – she will tackle the Election Fraud – after all – she has it all!!!

BTW – who is going to prosecute the Election Fraudsters, Scott? Got any ideas?


The DoJ?

I keep thinking the Department of Justice must serve some function in our government besides sucking in hundreds of billions of dollars every year for nothing, but if it doesn’t, then DJT should shut it down completely.

When you have a Dept. of Justice, utilizing a ‘special counsel’ is like a professional racing team hiring Lefty McKibben to drive your race car, and telling him that he gets the 3rd rate pit crew and has to work from an office that’s a 100 miles from the race track.

When you have AJ Foyt, Mario Andretti and Graham Hill in your stable of race drivers and an office at the infield of the race track.

Who is Lefty McKibben?


You have one of the most powerful agencies in government, unlimited resources, unlimited agents, unlimited lawyers, unlimited money, all right there at your fingertips, in the DoJ.

If DoJ can’t handle the prosecution of cases this easy, this open-and-shut (as Sidney Powell says, 90% of the people in prison today were convicted with far less evidence than she already has), then CLOSE IT DOWN.

Why would you use a ‘special counsel’, with limited resources, limited funds, limited authority (how is a special counsel going to force cooperation from the DoJ or FiB or anyone else?), limited number of attorneys, etc.?

In the history of ‘special counsels’, has it ever been an effective means for achieving justice of any kind?

Or has it always been a political ruse, a diversionary tactic, a way to kick the can down the road until the American People lose interest OR to play ‘hide the crime’ so the target (e.g., Clinton) gets a slap on the wrist (perjury) by an insider (Ken Starr Chamber)?

If there has ever been a single successful ‘special counsel’ in the history of appointing ‘special counsels’, who was it?

And if it has never happened before, then why would it be any different this time?

These are basic questions, and no one has an answer. It’s like we’re just stuck on a wheel that goes round and round and round, and we keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

I don’t.

Or it’s like Lucy and the football.

What does anyone think is going to be different the tenth time, or the hundredth time, or the 500th time?

Is it going to be different on the 501st time?

Does it even makes sense to try it that many times to find out? Or do you try something different — like beat the snot out of that #*&^$% and get someone else to hold the football?

I don’t expect a different result. Not from Lucy, and not from yet another 3-card monte ‘special counsel’.

So I wouldn’t do it.

Knowing, from experience and from history, that it doesn’t work, I wouldn’t do it.

And I guess that’s why I’m different.

If you can’t make the machine (DoJ) do it’s job because it is filled with corrupt people, then fire everybody and start over.

If you can’t fire everybody because the machine (DoJ) has protected itself by making everyone unfireable, and if the ‘special counsel’ route is a failed experiment many times over, then the system is bankrupt, we need another option.

And it just so happens that we have one.

The best in the world.

The United States Military.

They know how to run an investigation, and they know how to run a trial, or a tribunal.

And they know how to carry out the sentence.

Not 30 years from now.

At dawn.


Of course, Scott – nothing can change from past experience – and nothing will if the same players are there doing nothing – there is a mountain of dirt that must be removed before progress can be made – I agree.

Our experience with past Special Counsels has not been encouraging for sure – the obstacles are too great – but, if we do not change how we operate – for sure nothing will change – and yet – look what Grenell did in the short time he was in position just acting.

Tell me – what can the Military do? Clean house? Arrest everyone?

Apparently you have never worked in government – it is full of couch potatoes who only move to cash a paycheck – mounds of paperwork are produced to chronicle daily proposals that go nowhere but in massive piles of files – and nobody gets fired – agencies are so bloated with extraneous employees it is unconscionable.

So Master Sergeant – what can the Military do without creating more lawsuits in other government agencies?


“So Master Sergeant – what can the Military do without creating more lawsuits in other government agencies?”


Arrest the enemy combatant lawyers and the MSM along with all the other Coup participants and Chinazi spies.

That solves the ‘lawsuits’ problem and the ongoing ‘control of narrative’ problem.

Anyone who files a lawsuit in support of the enemy within identifies himself as part of the enemy within and is immediately arrested. That will definitely have the anticipated chilling effect on treasonous lawyers filing lawfare suits.

The most recent stoppage of a Coup that I’m aware of, which had any broad TV coverage, was in Turkey a few years ago.

Whether it was set up by the islamic psychopath who runs Turkey or not is beside the point (at least beside this particular point)… it was a very effective demonstration of how the military can take control of a situation, and arrest everybody who is even hinted at being associated with the attempted Coup.

The only reason any of the chaos is ongoing is because the power of the Gun has not yet made an appearance or been brought to bear on the proceedings.

And the result is a demonstration that with enough money and enough lawyers, an entire government can be subverted, tying itself in knots at the behest of a foreign adversary.

The military is the one institution which can slice through that knot like a hot knife through butter, separating the foreign adversary from the levers of civil government control.

The enemy will never cease, until he is stopped.

That stoppage, whether done by We the People or by our Military, will necessarily be achieved by the use of the Gun.

The Gun, the power which the Gun represents, is foundational to everything.

In the absence of the Gun, might makes right, the biggest and strongest physically dominate the smaller and the weaker.

With the introduction of the Gun, the smaller and the weaker can drop the bigger and the stronger like a water buffalo on the Serengeti Plain.

Hence the old term for the Gun, the ‘Equalizer’.

The Gun is the projection of deadly force, up close or at a distance, which can be carried and effectively wielded by both a trained military and the common man.

A small force of trained military can control a large population of unarmed men.

But a large enough population of armed citizens can overwhelm even a trained military force, because there are not enough military to be everywhere at once.

We have a large enough population of armed citizens to overwhelm the military if that ever became necessary, but fortunately the military is our ally.

Our target is much, much softer, and lightly armed.

Our target is very simply the enemy within, those who have been allowed to operate above the Law and with the protection of law enforcement, protecting the enemy within from us.

The Gun is the one thing that changes the equation.

It is because this is so, that the enemy within is always trying to confiscate the Gun.

In this case, it will be the Military who wields the Gun against the enemy within.

As soon as the CiC gives the order.

The 4+ year long Coup will end very quickly, as soon as that order is given.

Until then, chaos and lawlessness will continue to reign.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Well, Scott – that settles that – Call in the Boyz and let’s get the show on the road – start with P, S, Sch, and Stinky – then, we can go after Mc, Gr, and Di to name a few – on our way to GITMO – we can pick up Ryan – i suspect the other culprits are already there – but, hey – that is just me.


I think DJT is waiting until the last possible moment, to expose as much of the enemy within as possible, before the order is given. 👍


The Trump Card?


Norad Santa Tracker. Just checked and he is over Spain.
Aholes put a face diaper on him!!!
That really bummed out kiddo.


must they politicize EVERYTHING???


I was in Chicago O’Hare the other day. The idiots had even put a face diaper on the skull of the giant brontosaurus skeleton in the C terminal building, and THAT took some effort.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

shame that they don’t put that energy to good use!

come to timmy

they seem to know nothing else.

Thesaurus Update
politicize: ruin


I guess they must…career govt employees.



I got a minor Christmas wish. Its raining and really cold. If it keeps up, a few years ago we had a little bit of snow. If we got that for tomorrow it would be fantastic.


Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2020


yes, Patricia, there IS a Santa Claus

Gail Combs

Sure hope it is true.

come to timmy

Can’t help but wonder if he had a ticket to Beijing.


probably right…

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been patting him down since 10:00 and he doesn’t want them to stop…

Standard Hotel stuff and all…


Merry Christmas Cuppa!!




The public needs(ed) to see the corruption before POTUS can (could) act.
It has to be this way.

Critically important.

And what do you think is the #1 topic on everyone’s lips this holiday??

If you answered “corruption in DC”, give yourself a 2nd helping of dessert.


Just ran into a neighbor who lives down the road who I haven’t seen in many months. After holiday greetings and the usual inquiries as to family well-beings, he promptly launched right into the above. Confessed to me this is all anyone in his circles is talking about.

Wish I had a dollar for every time this conversation has happened to me in the past few weeks.



No President the Congress does not know how Communism starts they are to far up (…)
They have a to cushy job and lulled themselves into the illusion that Communism is not 🎄 for them only for the deplorable.

I had 1/2 glass of my German homemade egg liquor Merry Christmas to All have a
Joy filled Christmas.

PS it is snowing kind of wet though 


Merry Christmas singingsoul!!!


Merry Christmas Pat Peace and Joy 🙂


thanks singingsoul!



comment image


Linda posted this and it wound up at the bottom of the previous page.

Reposting for the 2nd confirmation, hope, and good cheer….😁



well, gee look what might be happening when you get a new AG!


A positively delicious thought.

And a Merry Christmas to you, PR.


Merry Christmas to you & yours FG&C …


Someone in the replies said he was on the hill this AM – should be easy enough to prove. Or not.


Best gift EVER, if true!!


Make it so!


I think #6 was supposed to be “6 Triggered Trannies” 😁👍


LOL – Looking forward to your LIST, Scott!!!


I just have no idea what ‘Triggered Trigglies’ are, so I suspect Ben meant ‘Trannies’ (going by the drawing) but for fear of the backlash by Leftist Gay Mafia, he used a nonsense alliterative word that would suggest ‘trannies’ without actually saying it.


edit / correction: I just searched “Trigglies” and apparently that’s a word now, another one I’m not familiar with, like attaching the word ‘fag’ or ‘fagging’ to everything 😁

I won’t be adopting the bastardization of our language!

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

No, best not to be a bastardizationfag.


Exactly… I couldn’t have said it better myself 😁😂🤣😂


I think he is referring to “Triggly Puff”, an “it” that had 15 seconds of fame a couple of years ago- he’s a little behind the curve.


Quite possible, Scott – Ben is a treasure – but how he gets away with some of his musing – I will never know – LOL




original picture/post in case you want to share on fb


weird … when I try to post the link to the original the link is not showing up here

oringal link in the twitter thread at the above account

just trying to save some clicks for others



we won’t either

Gail Combs

OUCH!!! Nothing like a right out there and in the open THREAT.

If the ReBOOBs abandon POTUS they are DONE FOR! (This is WHY even if the install Biden they MUST DESTROY POTUS.)

December 2009:

 ….a new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows “Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.”

These reports, in combination with other data such as an October poll showing the vast majority of Republicans believing that GOP politicians are out of touch with the GOP base, are sending a none-too-subtle message to Republican leadership:

The Democrats’ overreaching is offering Republicans an enormous electoral opportunity. But so far, the Republicans are not even reaching for the brass ring, leaving conservative and libertarian-leaning voters hungry for a party we can affirmatively support rather than asking us to hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils, a strategy which failed spectacularly in the 2008 elections….


“The Democrats’ overreaching is offering Republicans an enormous electoral opportunity. But so far, the Republicans are not even reaching for the brass ring,”


That’s because the professional republi-cons are on the SAME SIDE as the professional dems.

Their OWN side.

It’s NEVER the case that the republicans couldn’t take the side of the American People and FIGHT and WIN.

It’s ALWAYS the case that they don’t WANT to!

It explains and reconciles EVERYTHING.


It has occurred to me by analogy: the NBA finals- the winning team goes home to their money, mansions and sex toys; the losing team goes home to their money, mansions and sex toys. Other than bragging rights, what’s the difference?


“Now they (almost all) sit back and watch me fight against a crooked and vicious foe, the Radical Left Democrats. I will NEVER FORGET!”


We always knew they were crooked, Sir! 👍

If there’s a good one in the whole bunch, it will be a shock.


HE always knew they were crooked.


Good point, I’ve only known since the Clinton era. 👍


I think there is more to this tweet than there seems to be on the surface. Does POTUS mean that he “saved” them by campaigning for them, or by short circuiting the fake votes that would have cost them their elections?


This is from kea
December 24, 2020 at 4:12 pm

Could someone who can actually log into the Q tree send them my Christmas Greetings  😄  Thanks.

From me: Merry Christmas Blessings to all the Patriot Warriors here! May you all have a blessed season with your loved ones and knowing that POTUS is still our President!


Please let KEA know I miss her. Marry Christmas .


I will, she is having technical difficulties and can’t get logged in over here. Heading back over there and will carry your message with me.  😉 

Cuppa Covfefe

Say Howdy and Merry Christmas from me too  🎄  🎄  🎄  Also good to see you here, and Happy Christmas too!

(Still waiting for snow here in Süddeutschland – supposed to start snowing tonight – time to watch “White Christmas” 😉 )…

Gail Combs

Merry Christmas to you both and to your families.


Thank you, Gail.  😊 


Merry Christmas Brenda!!!! and to your whole family!!
Wish Kea the best of holidays too!!!!


Thank you, You and your dear hubby have a blessed time!


you as well!!




No corresponding story that I see from @OANN.
Let me know if I’m missing it.


Linda…this would be great,
I read somewhere last night that the Court normally schedules Cases out 30 days, which is where the original, too late date came from…that automatic scheduling


Is she sending that Bogus Bill packed with Covid Relief back to PT? I thought he asked for just a Covid Relief Bill


Twitter is really messing with me today. Every time I try to like a tweet, I get the message that the tweet has been deleted. But if I click on the tweet, it comes up in its own page and I can like it. @jackboot has to go!


I have Trump’s Twitter bookmarked; I have to click on the bookmark 15-30 times before I get in. This has been going on for months.



And which are the ‘protocols’ that ‘do work’?!?

This sounds like the same old game.

They push everything they’ve got, throw everything at the wall to see what sticks.

Then after fighting and pushing back, some bogus court throws 3/4s of it out, and the People celebrate a ‘victory’ of only having to jump through 25 hoops instead of 100.

Meanwhile, TPTB smile and laugh at how easy it was to get We the People to comply with 25% of their lawless idiocy.


Huge Federal Court Victory for Life & Major Blow to Abortion Funding – Sekulow TV Ep. 581

Cuppa Covfefe

Just wanted to wish everyone here at the Qtree a Blessed and Happy Christmas, with plenty of bacon 🙂 and everything else with all the trimmings! And snow for folks who like it, and dry chimneys and hearths, and may there be many more presents than receipts (in other words, let the in voices be just singing…)…

Here’s an interesting (at least to me 😉 version of “I Wonder As I Wander” by Anne Sofie von Otter, with cello and percussion, from her Album “Home For Christmas” which is a really eclectic pastiche of Christmas Carols and Holiday tunes. Hope you like it!


Merry merry Christmas Cuppa!


Thank you that was beautiful 🙂
Merry Christmas



Sending wishes for peace and happiness


Merry Christmas, Molly!

Many blessings to you and yours!


Thank you very much GA/FL


Merry Christmas…..
Hoping you dont have to cook, clean or do laundry for at least 24 hours!
comment image


Merry Christmas Molly !




Linda, I just want to thank you for so many great posts and wish you a very very merry Christmas. I always look k forward to reading what you post. I learn from you and respect you so much.


Thank you, Zoe, and Merry Christmas! I think we all learn from each other here. Between all of us, we figure things out pretty well and find all the news the Fake Media is hiding.


Congress Used New Stimulus Bill to Aid Selected Projects, Taking Money from Struggling Americans

Valerie Curren

Looks like Twitter deleted it.

Valerie Curren

I believe that he was stating they were dealing w/ vote fraud in GA & then going to look into CA where they thought overturned fraud might mean 8 more R seats in the House!


Come, Lord Jesus.




Merry Christmas, kids. May all your fondest hopes, dreams, and wishes come true. 🎄

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Beautiful music!
Merry Christmas !

Valerie Curren

Another prayer need

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Hussein is, was and always will be a fraud.

And a traitor.

Valerie Curren



#StimulusChecks #Pelosi #SpecialCounsel
Major update on $2,000 stimulus checks; EU, UK reach trade deal; China probes Alibaba | NTD Business



For a vaccine that may be effective for two months? This simply cannot be allowed to stand.


From the article: “Major General John Harris said members of the Ohio National Guard will begin receiving doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, clearing the way for them to assist in vaccinating all Ohioans. There is not yet a concrete plan for how to use the Guard in distributing the vaccine. Gov. Mike DeWine said Monday he foresees using the Guard to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to under-served and hard-to-reach parts of Ohio.”


They really have no idea how hard it would be to reach me 😂 🤣 😂


America is in the process of slipping into a black hole, and ‘we the people’ are simply standing by and watching it happen. No one is rising up, no one is standing against this tyranny, and because of that, the Democrats and Republicans are raiding the store, plundering the vaults, and stripping Lady Liberty as bare as the branches of a tree in winter. Correction, as bare as the branches of a tree in dark winter.”


No one is rising up BECAUSE Trump doesn’t want us to.

ALL he has to do is give the word.

All he has to do is publish a list of enemies, and say that no one will be interfered with or prosecuted for bringing in the people on the list, DEAD or ALIVE.

It is the government that is protecting the enemy from US.

STOP protecting the enemy, pull back the blanket of protection afforded by law enforcement to the enemies of our country, turn US loose, and the American People will ‘rise up’ immediately, and this will all be over very quickly.

But until or unless Trump stops the government from protecting the enemy, until We the People are no longer threatened by government law enforcement when we DO ‘rise up’, then Trump obviously doesn’t want us to participate.

If DJT wants our help, he knows exactly how to get in touch with us.

All he needs to do is order law enforcement to STAND DOWN, to get out of our way, and give us a list.

And law enforcement knows exactly how to do that, they’re PROS at standing down, whenever Trump supporters are being attacked.


#election #amistadproject #facebook
Phill Kline: New Amistad Project Election Lawsuit; $500 Mil to Increase Votes in Dem Strongholds?

Rodney L Short

Just wanted to stop in and say Merry Christmas Y’all.
Your open was awesome DP, Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas, Rod,

Rodney L Short

Merry Christmas Carl.


Merry Christmas Rodney!

Rodney L Short

Merry Christmas Scott

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Merry Christmas Rodney!😍

Rodney L Short

Merry Christmas bflyjesusgrl


In the last hour of Christmas Eve for the site, I wanted to stand up and say that I appreciate each and every one of you — this is not an echo chamber, by any means.

I want to thank our Proprietor for providing this play space — and moving it to safety when it was threatened.

I want to thank all the Posters for their amusing and informative Posts.

I want to thank all the Commenters for all that you bring here.

Tomorrow, we celebrate God’s Plan to bring Salvation to an erring world. The amazing Grace that can turn things around when all seems lost. And as we feast and socialize, laugh and sing, let us not forget the reason for this merriment.

And then have a very Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, CT


Merry Christmas to you and Cthulhu both, brother Carl.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

God Bless You Coothie, Merry Christmas!🎅🎄🎅


According to this thread, Congress had to get the whole Porkulus bill to POTUS by December 23 to avoid the prospect of a pocket veto. He still doesn’t have it all, so he can easily make it go away. Click the tweet for the whole thread:


Grim? Don’t make me laugh.

DC govt (fed and district) shuts down every Friday night and reopens on Monday morning. Two inches of snow? DC govt shuts down, along with schools.

Grim? Bwahahahaha.


Well, since Chad is a Faux news myth writer, he, of course, must make the possible consequences of any Orange Man (BAD) decision look dire and irresponsible.


Quite frankly, I hope they do shut down for awhile. All they do is make things worse. And, who knows, that might fit right in with POTUS’ plans.


Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.
“Now they are all on their knees”,
an elder said as we sat in a flock,
by the embers in hearthside ease.

We pictured the meek, mild creatures where
they dwelt in their strawy pen.
Nor did it occur to one of us there to doubt they were kneeling then.

So fair a fancy few would weave in these years,
yet I feel if someone said on Christmas Eve,
“Come, see the oxen kneel in the lowly barton
by yonder coomb our childhood used to know,”
I should go with him in the gloom,
hoping it might be so.

Here is the baritone solo “The Oxen” from Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Hodie. At my last midnight Mass, we ended the prelude with this solo. Myself, a couple of strings and the choral guy at the university where my husband taught for 30 years. Then the 12 chimes at midnight followed by the David Willcocks “O Come All Ye Faithful”.

This recording is one of the best of all time, John Shirley-Quirk from 1965. Merry Christmas and God bless everyone here.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I should note that barton is an antique term for farmyard, while a coomb is a rounded valley. To clarify “rounded valley” a bit, another word is “cirque” — and it’s like a cul-de-sac in a suburban subdivision. There may be multiple ways in, but there is only one way out — and the landscape wasn’t carved by water, but by glacial ice.


It’s Thomas Hardy 😊


Merry Christmas Everyone!! God Bless all of you and your loved ones, and God Bless President Trump and his family!!


One of my favorites since I was little, probably from one of the (then new) children’s Christmas specials.

The 1965 version of Little Drummer Boy, by the Harry Simeone Chorale 🙂


And the December 20th, 1959 performance by the Harry Simeone Chorale, live on the Ed Sullivan Show 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow, that’s great. Seeing the choir for the first time since 60 years ago! Puts faces to the voices (even if far away)…

We had the double-album set with “Sing We Now Of Christmas” (also available as a score/songbook now) and a second album with Pipe Organ and Bells doing carols. The first album is still available as a CD; really beautiful, especially with the way Harry Simeone put segues between the sets of Carols.

Have a Merry Christmas Scott!


Merry Christmas, Cuppa!


Had a nice Christmas dinner with my old friend downstairs. He cooked a duck. Just the two of us. All the friends of yesteryear who would have been there are either too old or sick. ” In this world we have no lasting city”.


Merry Christmas, anonymoushorse!