A very Merry Christmas to everyone at the Qtree and beyond, especially our military members who are now deployed. A special greeting to our President Trump and First Lady. God bless and keep you.
And also, Merry Christmas to the true patriots who are fighting for our republic: Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Peter Navarro, Jenna Ellis, Gen. Flynn, all the podcasters, bloggers, and citizens who are standing strong against our foreign and domestic enemies.
December 25 is the first day of the Twelve Days of Christmas. The Christmas season culminates on Epiphany, January 6. Traditionally, that is the day the Magi arrived to give the Infant Jesus their precious gifts and acknowledge Him as King of the Jews. It is also considered a manifestation of Light, of divinity, of knowledge.
Epiphany 2021 is going to be wild, according to President Trump, because that is the day Americans are gathering to support his re-election and stand as witnesses to his triumph in front of Congress.

Before we get to Congress (that’s a dirty word nowadays, eh?) let us enjoy a favorite Christmas drink: Eggnog. The real kind. The kind with rum, topped with a tiny pinch of nutmeg. Just choose your favorite Eggnog (the Southern kind for me), add your favorite rum, and enjoy!
Before we get too deep into the partying, just a reminder that civility is what keeps the Qtree a place of sanctuary and intellectual inspiration. Cutting loose belongs over at the UTree, not here at the QTree. Civility reigns. Rules here if you need a refresher or are new. God bless and keep us civil this day!
Midst our feasting and festivities, remember we are in a war for truth. May God grant us a great victory in 2021 so that our next Christmas season can be celebrated in peace and merriment.
Enjoy this 8-minute podcast about a 1776 password: Victory or death.
As Gen. Douglas MacArthur said: “It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it.” General Washington knew that. We know that.
The beauty of the Christian faith is that one can experience the deepest calm in the midst of chaos. I pray we all feel the “peace that passes all understanding” during this Christmas season.
Now to that disgusting, dirty, contemptible Congress.
“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” Douglas MacArthur
Here we have an Obama/Biden appointee who worked for CCP policies to be implemented:
“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
Mark Twain
It is obvious now, that our enemies are feeling the truth closing in on them. The threats and unhinged hatred is bleeding out:
[Screen capture added by the editor to explain context of deleted tweet.]

From the article:
General Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, Col. Wilkerson, is now urging the U.S. military to recall Michael Flynn and put him on military trial for sedition. It’s the latest reminder that Donald Trump’s pardons aren’t magic wands, and the legal pushback against Trump and his co-conspirators is just beginning.
[The following return volley from Fort Flynn caused the shameful #NeverTrump tweet to be deleted. Bravo! –Wolf]
But, as we well know, everyday Americans are rising up:
The Chinese Communist Party is breathing fire and attacking Secretary Pompeo. Huffing and puffing they are now realizing that their plans, however clever, however well thought out, are backfiring. Here’s a little “holiday” music for them:
“There are not enough Chinamen in the world to stop a fully armed Marine regiment from going wherever they want to go.” – Chesty Puller
Amen, Gen. Puller!
One last thought. I’ve been struggling a bit with the fog of war. So many lies from our enemies…and the patriots. So often we are being manipulated. It hurts a little. But I found this quote from Winston Churchill, and it made me feel so much better. Love you all!
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” — Winston Churchill

The Giving
Our small house was dark, inside it was cold
Our wood floors were bare, the furnishings old
Mom was at work, her second job today
She works very hard for very little pay
I cut a small tree from back in the wood
But it looked lost in the space where it stood
We had no tinsel, ornaments, or lights –
I had to do something; this wasn’t right
I pedaled down to Don at the Church Thrift
If he’d take my bike, I’d get lights and a gift
Don looked at my bike and said to me “Son,
Your bike’s old, but I’ll see what can be done.”
“Pick out a few things, now don’t be afraid
If it’s not too much, maybe we can trade.”
I got some old lights and some other stuff
It wasn’t much, but it would be enough
When Mom got home it was very late
I heated some soup and then we both ate
I showed her my tree, all sparkly and bright
It looked beautiful, there on that dark night
I gave her a pin I got in my trade
And also a card that I had made
She gave me a hug and had a small smile
Then looked kind of sad and cried for a while
The next morning, it was on Christmas Day
It had snowed all night; it was dark and gray
I went outside to shovel the snow
When I saw a mound in the path below
There, under the snow, that dark, gray morn
Was a big box with a note from Don
A brand new bike was waiting inside
All red and shiny just for me to ride
Don’s note read:
“Those things for your Mom were a blessing to me
Because now I can give to you, you see
Christmas is special because of the giving
One thing in life that makes it worth living
As Christ gave His life and died for others
We now celebrate with gifts to our brothers
With all of our gifts we give praise to Him
For His gift to us forgave all our sin.”
I looked at Mom. She’d read the note, too
She smiled and said “Yes, this is true
I work very hard, but we’re still poor
I felt sad, because we don’t have more”
“But Christ’s gift makes us rich, for sure
And, in Him, we’re safe and secure.”
Don’s note has made me see, at last
To look at our future, not at our past.
Mom held my hand and then she prayed
Thanking God for the gift that He gave
Thanking Him for meeting all our needs
Thanking Him that we’re very rich, indeed
Amen sweet Carl!! Thank you for blessing us today!!!!

Bak Very beautiful- OK wiping away some tears..
Thank for such a beautiful poem.
In fact I have enjoyed all your poems this week!!
Thank you for the excellent job,
Merry Christmas Kin !
Merry Christmas…My the peace and love of CHRISTmas shine forth from you all year round!

Merry Christmas to you.
Oh carl. I’m all choked up. That was lovely.
Thank you, Carl.
That was absolutely beautiful!
That is beautiful! Merry Christmas Carl!
Beautiful Christmas Present, Carl!!! We thank God for your many poetic contributions!!!
God Bless You Real Good – cause Amen Goes Right There!!!
Blessings to you on this Christmas Day, Carl. You are a treasure.
Merry Christmas to Wolf & the Wolfpack!
Thought I’d clean this up . . . and use it . . .

Merry Christmas.
Be safe out there folks!

Merry Christmas bfly !
Merry Christmas Chris!!

Merry Christmas Kalbokalbs !
Merry Christmas, Carl! This was an absolutely unique Christmas Eve for me, and I really appreciate that image. Normally I get to be “me” on Christmas Eve, but this year, I was mostly “Wolf Moon” – both online and in real life. 2020. Yup!
I LOVE THIS!! ^^^^
Merry Christmas, Wolfie. Thank you again for giving us this place to be. It’s wonderful. May God bless you richly in this coming year.
Merry Christmas Sylvia !
Thank you. Thank you so so much for all you do, Sir Wolfmoon. So very grateful for this site.
Merry Christmas yambudo !
And thank you for being here! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Wolf Moon !
Brother Carl!
Thank you, so much, for a year’s worth of EXCELLENT Sunday threads. Never let yourself underestimate their importance and impact. I am grateful.
Best Christmas wishes to you, sir.
My pleasure . . . and I look to grow from them as I make them!!!
Merry Christmas F G&C !
Merry Christmas Carl!! Thank you for all the Blessings you bestow on the TreeHouse!

Merry Christmas to you too, Carl!
Merry Christmas Wheatie !
Thank you, Chris.
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Merry Christmas Carl !
speaking of China…
who here remembers Kissinger’s secret trip to Beijing in 1971…
It’s all so sinister now and we were all thinking how lovely and hopeful it was.
Everything has been lies for decades.
“we were all thinking how lovely and hopeful it was”
That just goes to show how POWERFUL the “Media” can be.
The discovering has been painful for me .I thought I was awake only to find out I was light years from being awake. The world took a dark turn didn’t it.
Yes, it did. But it has made me turn to Christ like a tired child to its Father.
For that, I am thankful. I shrink from the secular world now, seeing it in all is demonic ‘glory.’
Merry Christmas Grandmaintexas !
Sheesh. The picture shows Kissinger as a clueless nebbish being led by the chopstick into foolish decisions.
How hard would it have been for him to have some Chinese person teach him how to use chopsticks BEFORE he went there?
We don’t know how well Kissinger was handling chopsticks by that point. He might have been fine.
The person he was with (presumably the Foreign Minister of China at the time) is wielding a set of chopsticks that is much larger than those used for feeding oneself. These are typically used for cooking in a wok (along with the “wok shovel”) and for serving from communal dishes to individual plates.
Dr. K’s childish delight at having something put in his plate by a serious-looking officer would most likely be seen in China as having his being “spoon-fed” during the negotiation.
For propaganda purposes, this is a very damning picture.
Chopsticks come in sizes? Who knew? (other than Chinamen)
If you’re serving yourself from communal plates, you’re expected to reverse the sticks to use the end that hasn’t been in your mouth.
But, yes, chopsticks are very versatile.
Probably the most used utensil in a Japanese kitchen, to my surprise. I enjoyed watching them use chopsticks in so many ways…amazing what you can do with a couple of sticks!
It’s interesting to think about, isn’t it. The different ways cultures “see” the same thing.
I marvel at the evil of the CCP, their scheming and long-term planning, how they set generational goals of domination and just keep coming.
Americans are just now waking up, just a little, to what is going on, but even now many just keep bleating “Russia, Russia, Russia.”
At least Vlad Putin understands that one’s own country comes first, but you don’t have to take over the world for that to be true. A friend said to me yesterday “Putin wants a seat at the table, Xi wants to sit at the HEAD of the table.” She was 100% correct in my opinion.
I still think the Fake News paints Putin with a lot blacker brush than he deserves. No doubt to keep us from looking to closely at CHYNA.
I agree!
Naw…. it’s the China man stealing his food.
Thank God for chopsticks. If it weren’t for chopsticks I wouldn’t be able to play the piano at all.
Merry Christmas Smiley !
thank you, Chris..
and Merry Christmas to you, too !
Hab a jorry, jorry Christmas!!
Ahhahahahaha!!! And a wary hoppy New Year!
Yes. Ret your rove frow!
Dey wont to know……
Wat habbened on erection dey
Even at Christmas, Chyna is still ASSHOE!
Reminds me of an incident during my brief time in Hong Kong (on business). Surrounded by Chinese people speaking Cantonese with Chinese signs all over the place, I stagger my way into a bank to get some cash. I stand in line briefly, and walk up to the teller who is very primly dressed in a way you no longer see in the US and very evidently Chinese. I stammered out a simplified version of what I was hoping to accomplish.
And she replied in exquisite professional-class English.
Mind you, I lived (and still live now) in Silicon Valley. People become technical in their own lands, get a couple years of intensive English, and get shipped-off here to live in a shoebox and support their families back home. And this is true whether they’re from India, Bosnia, Russia, China, or Chile (and those are the legal ones). As a result, you hear a wide variety of accents in grocery stores, talking to people, or on the job.
But this young lady spoke as someone steeped in the education and culture of the British Empire. She had likely been taking English courses for at least ten years and probably spoke better English than I did. [Did old VW’s have the boot in the bonnet?] I don’t know if English people in England learn to speak that well these days.
It was jarring, and I probably looked somewhat gobsmacked, but I immediately upshifted my discussion into one discussing an accounting matter. I wanted to say something nice about having a lifeline after hours of confusing chaos outside the doors of the bank, but wisely said nothing about it. [“How nice to hear something familiar that I can understand.” “Would you prefer that I bark like a dog?”]
But it’s little things like those moments that make me terribly, terribly sad for the people of Hong Kong and the dark shadow that has passed over them this year. There won’t be the sort of schools and banks and opportunities that made that young teller possible because of all the slogans pledging loyalty to the party and rejecting bourgeois conceits like precision and clarity — much less reactionary languages like English.
Likewise, the Dell representatives in India spoke lovely British accented English the many times I had to speak with them throughout owning several Dell laptops (no more PCs for me!)
The 4-5 Philippino representatives of Centurylink phone and internet company with whom I spoke during the recent outage, had heavily to moderately accented, but understandable English.
Kiddo watched it 2x this year…laughed harder the 2nd time. I saw that in the theater when it came out. First time I ever heard a theater roar.
It’s smiling at me.
You know I bought chinee for dinner yesterday, leftovers today..
Home made Stir Fry for us today. We had T-bone stakes yesterday.
I cut up a 2.5 lb roast to make stew for mr gil. Making it in crock pot, added 1 cup merlot plus sauce to it. Then veggies in a couple hrs. Thatll do for today.
Wolf, many thanks for your help and edits. Much appreciated.
Thank you for persisting! You know what’s very cool? As we sat here tonight, working on this post which ends in a Churchill quote, on the recently cleared area in front of me, is one thing – a paperweight that says “NEVER NEVER NEVER QUIT” and in smaller letters “WINSTON CHURCHILL”. My mother gave it to me.
Greatest Generation. They STILL inspire us!
They sure do. This was my parents’ and grandparents’ generation. It becomes more precious as time goes on.
For years I have tried to find, online and without success, a letter written by a US soldier, about to embark upon the invasion of Normandy, to his parents back home.
It was exquisite.
In it, he reminisced about how they had given him the very best of everything in life, in the very best country on earth. How he had lacked for nothing, and how it had shaped him into an American man.
He told them that, no matter what happened to him, having the opportunity to take all he had become and use it to fight the greatest evil to manifest on earth was his ultimate privilege and honor…that there was no place he would rather be and no foe he would rather face. He told them if he died they should not be sad, but instead fiercely proud and glad, for through him they had helped fight the evil….that he would see them soon enough in heaven, that all life is fleeting but God’s promise is eternal.
I would pay DEARLY for a copy of that letter. It was truly extraordinary.
Did he make it?
No, he was killed. But, if I recall correctly, he won the Silver Star posthumously, which is entirely unsurprising to anyone who read his last letter home.
Was so hoping he made it back.
This letter expresses some of the same sentiments. This site has several letters from D-day.
My Darlin Daddy…In a Nursing home…Memory care…Always Quoted this to me!!! He inspires me.. even to this day Wolfie!!!! Merry Christmas Precious Warrior!!! You and the Mrs…Give me………..Strength!!! Love you both!
Hugs to you and yours, Marica! Merry Christmas!!!
Too bad that the Brits have forgotten Churchill.
The Bobbies even ARRESTED an election candidate, Paul Weston for quoting Winston Churchill!!!

Merry Christmas to all that go here!
Buckle up!
Things may get very interesting soon.
Amen! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Grandmaster Obi-Wolf-Kanobi!!!

I appreciate and thank you for all you do for us
Hey, you’re posting on here no problem! AWOOOOOOOO!!!
Getting you ready for New Years or Maybe the 6th
Merry Christmas, Cartwheels!
Merry Christmas, Syl!
Merry Christmas Shovels

Leave the gun, take the Kanobi.
TY Boss
Merry merry to you!
TY Buddy
Merry Christmas, Rayzor!
TY neighbor
Merry Christmas, razorback
TY smiley
Merry Christmas Rayz!!

You too Butterfly
From your lips to the Manger.
Merry Christmas My dear and patriotic Friends!!!! What a Fabulous Christmas post Grandma!!! God Wins Today……Gotta smile on my heart!!!! I love you guys forever!!!
Yer song Grandma…
One of my favorites!
Same JC!!!!

What child of this??
Why, Händel answered that question this way…
Merry merry, Marica!
Oh Darlin!! Merry Christmas, FG&C!!!

Handel’s Messiah… My Favorite!!!!
They always sing this at my church at Christmas. I always bring kleneex, because after all these years I’ve given up trying to get through it without them.
FG%C… Me too!!! I play This during our Christmas Eve dinner!!! And literally… Wipe away tears as we eat!!! Kids make fun of me!!! Then …. to Troll me… They do dishes …to … this song!
I know why they make fun of you, LOLZ!!!

I’ll see your Dominick and raise you a Grandma!

LOL!! Merry Christmas Butterfly!!!
My kids LOVED this and would sing it a lot at Christmas time!
I still haven’t figured out how an Easter Oratorio got so popular at Christmas.
At any rate, having sung the whole thing a few times, the Hallelujah Chorus is always raucous when you get the trumpets and timpani going. One time I sang it, I don’t remember who was conducting, and nobody in the chorus looked at the music for that particular number. We all really did have it memorized.
One opinion here, DP!!!
Our Choir Director in HS used this powerful piece to bring former choir members back to the fold – traditionally sung every year at out Christmas Concert – former choir members from the audience were asked to join in singing – still gives me goosebumples today.
She was one in a million, DP – and now sings in the Heavenly Choir!
I actually find the Amen chorus more moving.
Maybe it’s because I’ve memorized the lyrics.
And he shall purify and the triple chorus at the beginning of Part 2 are the rough parts. The amen is the big sigh of its over. Well for the chorus anyway.
Handel Messiah (Christmas Portion) – Robert Shaw and Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
Reminds of Christmas ’67 spent Christmas Eve at Midnight Mass in a Houston Convent.
The nuns seemed to almost float as they walked in signing. To me I felt like I was seeing and hearing a provessional of angels even though I was only 18.
That’s one of my favorites
And HE shall Reign FOREVER and EVER!
Thank you for this song, it was my Momma’s favorite, God rest her soul. Merry Christmas Sweet Marica, Luv U!

Darlin Butterfly!!! I dearly love you!!! merry Christmas!!! To one of my Favorite Sistas!!!

Merry Christmas, Marica!
Merry Christmas Wheatie!!!! Smuchas darlin!!!

MARICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas, Daaaalin!!!
Hope God has patched you up and wrapped you in love this Christmas!!!
I have to say the authors on your site are stupendous!!! What lovely visit I had on my break!!!
God Bless You Real Good – for opening that glorious respite of a site!!!
Now – if someone can help Kea come here to join us – that would be another great Christmas present – I would if I could – but, I am not ‘puter savvy – * Sigh *
Smooches and Huggles for you, Dear Lady!!!
I’m mending just fine sweet Duchess!!! Kea is determined to get back here! So have no fears!!! Smuchas dear sista!!!!

Good to hear – I know – from experience – it is a long way back to normal – and having a little one to motivate you – it’s a good thing!!!
Happy and Blessed Day I pray for you!!!
Merry Christmas and blessings on all!
Chesty Puller, what a Marine. I read his biography while our son was in MOS – IT stuff- and when he was posted, sent it with him to read. A true Marine’s Marine.
The fog of war, yes it’s there, but I turn to our Lord, He always provides a light.
Merry Christmas JC!!!
Like my Bacon Canes? 
Merry CHRISTmas To all my Q Tree Family
Just as Christmas will always be, as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand. so will America be!
Love it!!!
God Bless…
Still Christmas Eve…
Merry Christmas
In several paintings, it looks like they’re poling across the river instead of rowing. Does anyone have sufficient experience on the Delaware to know if this is possible?
From what I understand it was winter time, and the Delaware River was 1/2 frozen. On top of that it was a snowstorm.
Could see them poling it it was mostly frozen.
My understanding* is that a lot of navigation in the Atlantic Coastal Plain (the essentially flat area between the sea and the “fall line”) was by poling. The rivers were wide and shallow with gentle flow and muddy bottoms, and barges could pull themselves upstream by anchoring into the mud and pushing the barge forward against such anchorage.
I hadn’t previously heard of anyone associating poling with ice.
*Mind you, I am painfully aware that my California knowledge of the Southern experience is similar to a Martian’s view of a tropical rain forest. I try to study, and expect to learn quickly, but realize that I’ll look like a goofball for a while.
OMG!!!! I successfully did an edit!!! [Close paren after “fall line”.]
I am amazeballs!!!! Wolf, this one is GREAT!!!
You have to catch it prior to anyone hitting the thumbs up
I’m not a boater. Only rowed a boat a couple of times and that was back at summer camps when I was a teen.
To me regardless of the depth of the water, if the river was partly frozen oars would probably be pretty much useless Using poles to move on the ice and navigate around the chunks of ice just makes sense to me.
Maybe because the picture in my head is spring time around here when the ice on the river is just melting and waters from the mountains are making the smaller rivers rushing rivers and breaking the ice on top into chunks. Happened where i live at least twp springs that I can think of!
In that pic, the woman is pulling an oar in an oarlock; the guy in the forward port position is using an oar (you can see the blade) to lever off ice (but not in the oarlock right in front of him), but the guy in front with his leg over the front is showing more handle than forward port and I don’t see a blade.
Picked that one mainly because you could see how chunky I think it was.
I know in Washington’s biography “Washington The Man” Washington did not paint a very nice picture of it all.
Provisions were really low, lots of diseases, and they could not afford to clothe all of the men. If I rememember it was a long slow crossing and not becasue it was dark, but die to the 1/2 frozen waters .
This painting also shows the several limitations that rowing across would have faced. That’s what makes me curious.
“Washington the Man” is a great biography. 1500 pages or ??? Very detailed.
Interesting part was some of the verbiage, or rather words. About every other page had strange words. Of course I figured them out if context. However, in looking them up later they were from the 18th century. Have a feeling the author immersed himself in Washington’s writings before writing the book .
Do think the officers and Washington has better quarters, but the conditions. It is a miracle that they had the stamina to fight. Could you imagine walking miles on frozen or snow covered ground with just some cloth wrapped around you feet.
Hey that’s an idea. Put some of the cry baby snowflakes out in the wilderness for a few weeks with only the type of provisions people had in 1700s.
I have long believed that abducting whiny unrealistic woke idiots at 3AM, allowing them only a bathrobe, then dropping them into places like the upper Amazon, New Guinea, or sub-Equatorial Africa would be quick and effective cure for whatever is afflicting them.
Were they to be dropped into such locations, they’d be reasonable, skilled, and wise individuals when they made it back to civilization*.
*and if they didn’t, they would provide vital nutrients to the global ecosystem.
FYI probably not a woman….man with long hair in long coat???
There was a recent analysis piece where it showed the symbolism of all the people in the boat, and she was definitely a woman…..and I’m inclined to believe it.
Ahhh….Do know there were women, but usually disguised as men. Same with Civil War
The particular painting under scrutiny is a bit of an allegory. The people in it are symbolic of various walks of life supporting the Revolution, including Polish, French, farmers, craftsmen, etc. It would not be reasonable to find all of these actually in the same boat with Washington doing the crossing.
Ahhh–But there were women soldiers…just that they did not reveal they were women.
That puts to rest the propaganda that all we need to do to achieve peace in the world is put women in charge.
Photo – deadly icy Delaware river – !

Not a river one would row across much less pole across very easily
Looking back, seeing their hardships make it all the more important that we save the America they envisioned for their family’s future, and the America we know every American deserves to live in.
A new John Wayne video for me-Says what I was trying to say so well. (In God there are no coincidences only purposes)
John Wayne’s Describes America In Only A Way That He Himself Could Do. What does America mean to you? One Of The Most Patriotic Things You Will Ever See!
The oars were very long and looked like poles.
Durham boat

STORY by Mount Vernon’s own George Washington historians of the Delaware River night crossing – there was rain, sleet, snow and hurricane force winds!
….and only one group of troops made it.
…and it wasn’t easy on the other side of the river either….
Every year, there is a reenactment at the site of the crossing – but – during the daytime and good weather! I have been told that Princess Grace Kelly’s brother was the one who played General Washington for many years.
What I think is happening is this;
Some people are rowing, while others are using poles to push ice floes and chunks away from the boat.
That is what makes sense to me. The ice would impede the forward progress made by the rowers.
And thus was born (in Washington) the expression, “never trust the polls”
Here’s to a Happy Christmas and may the only ice that needs to be stirred be in a nice beverage
LOL! Here’s to it!
I made it up to President Taylor in my attempt t =o read an autobiography of the presidents, I think the reason I stopped is lack of what looked like decent biographies for Filmore.
Wow TY for all that information
That kind of history was why I wanted to drive up the eastern seaboard for a couple of weeks or so,
Yes! And I’m pretty sure they would have at least one and better two sounding poles aboard.
Makes me want to take up cross stitch.
It just so beautiful…Kind of how I see Wolfie and his crew around St Nick….
I could spit nails right about now.
Calm down. It’s been advanced on the calendar since then.
What’s the new date? I’m not finding anything online!
I haven’t seen anything either and i searched the SC Docket for it…Docket # 20-845…
if it’s been expedited, the site hasn’t been updated that i can see.
I resemble that remark.

The date after the inauguration, as I understand it, was a placeholder. I can’t cite the article, but it has been rescheduled, I believe, to on or before 6 Jan.
Ok. Whew.
“The date after the inauguration, as I understand it, was a placeholder. I can’t cite the article, but it has been rescheduled, I believe, to on or before 6 Jan.”
I was hoping the (not)Supreme Court was so brazen as to schedule it for the 22nd!
That would be one less “Lucy with the football” hope-crushing routine we would have to go through.
But the (not)Supreme Court is far too wicked and vile to miss an opportunity to crush the hopes of Trump supporters at least one more time, so I fully expect them to take the case and THEN rule against President Trump.
One more shot to the gut for the American People. And probably a few more, just for good measure.
Because they can.
But none of it matters, because DJT is not counting on any of our corrupt institutions to save our Republic from Chi-Com Joe.
He’s counting on himself and the United States military.
So let the traitors at the (not)Supreme Court do as they will.
It doesn’t matter.
They don’t matter.
Military is by far the best solution.
And as I think we will all see, the military is the only real solution there ever was.
Merry Christmas, scott !

In Texas and Smiley pics, BIGGER IS BETTER!!!

too much Paul Newman is never enuff ??

And I like his dressing too!!
Merry Christmas Smiley!
Exactly—NOT Supreme Court!
Like President Trump talking about the “elites” at rallies. If they are elite…then We the People are SUPER elite!
We the People are the ULTIMATE Supreme Court—and we have found the Deep State GUILTY of treason!
Strange how “elite” actually means “fallen”.
Yes. Military only atm.
Merry Christmas to you and them.
I can think of several ways the Court is Supreme:
Supremely inept.
Supremely cowardly.
Supremely incompetent.
Supremely useless.
It’s all in the word, it’s just how it’s used!
Bet Roberts played a HUGE part in that.
Can it still be turned with Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin, along with maybe Arizona,
My MOAB I am envision (hoping) goes something like this:
On 6 Jan a GOP Rep. and a Senator object to certain electors.
Pence declares dispute.
2 Hour debate for electors starts. Within this debate, election fraud is shown.
The big MOAB immerges: the recorded conversation between Roberts and Beyers is played in front of everybody and the Propaganda MSM is forced to show it to the whole world
Roberts and Beyers resign.
AM I Too Hopeful for this ?!
Of course. But go with it anyway.
Something just so sinister in what he is and has done.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
merry Christmas Dear Elizabeth!! Great to see you!!!!

It is great to see you also.
Merry Christmas Liz!
And a happy New Year to us all… each and every one
Things are finally coming together. 2021 will be great.
God Bless Us Everyone.
Elizabeth–Thank you for sharing your find! Interesting the picture I had of some that I didn’t realize were Godly men..Thank you for sharing. Merry CHRISTmas!!
To think that 244 years ago Washington and his soldiers were crossing the 1/2 frozen Delaware River in the dead of night, during a driving snowstorm!
What so many, particularly our youth don’t realize was how outnumbered and out armed the Continental Army was.
On top of that the clothing of many of the soldiers were pretty much just rags, hanging on them. For shoes many soldiers only had rags wrapped around their feet as they walked upon frozen and snow-covered grounds.
Need to remember this was winter time with snow upon the ground temps between 37 and 41.
The pathological lying is just breathtaking.
We Know.. and always have!!! My 86 yo dad Tested Positive …ina Nursing home!! He’s good!! This is bullshit!!
Same happened with my friend’s mom. Eighty-seven and positive…for two weeks in a row. No symptoms.
It’s bullshit GM!! And they wanna give him that fu***ing vaccine!!
Nooooo!!!! We should have the right to refuse!!!!
In my opinion we have a right to refuse mRNA and DNA vaccines for the next 75 years.
“In my opinion we have a right to refuse mRNA and DNA vaccines for the next 75 years.”
75 x 7…
Do nursing homes get extra money for COVID patients like hospitals do.
A friend of mine was really sick for two days, and was scared,!! When her temp was gone, she bounced back like she have be rejuvenated.
After more than 3 months she was still testing positive. Had no signs, temp or cough since maybe a week after she got it. She finally had to get a doctor to sign off so she could go back to work.
If they run enough passes of the test, even a brick will test positive. The fellow (RIP) who invented the test said as much, and that the test was not intended for diagnostic purposes. A few weeks later he was “offed”… Probably a WHO “Arkancide”…
A Corona-type virus appears in 20-30 percent of the common cold, and IIRC, there are at least five strains extant. And, like other virii, they mutate, and usually get weaker, not stronger. So the only thing REALLY motivating these people is the payola from the powers that be, who are using this to further their agenda… and to line their pockets…
I was actually surprised that she was so anti-COVID, anti-mask after having been so sick. Oh she gave me an ear full. FYI she is a nurse practitioner, in fact most of her family is medical.
Marica, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas…and thank you for guiding me here to the Q Tree—a sanctuary of sanity.
Merry Christmas James!!! So Happy you came to Wolfie’s awesome site!!!!

It’s like potato chips — FauXi can’t bear to just have one lie.
And all he ever does is Cheet-o…
DC mayor declared the 24th Dr. Fauci Day….
Interesting the reponse to KEPR posting it..Very few, even pro-Biden people were not happy
One of the best times one can have is go to a USO WWII nostalgia dance. They are getting much harder to find these days, but they are glorious, because only people who love and appreciate those times/music attend…young and old alike.
Lots of shopping, shopping, cooking, cleaning, baking…. Everyone got 17 cookies in their box.
Funny how that worked out

Merry Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Love Y’all

No laundry or cleaning tomorrow!
Are you like me after Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner cleanup,
From that time until the day after, one fended for themselves and cleaned up for themselves. If my kids or grandkids for that matter asked what was for breakfast lunch or dinner, I just pointed at the kitchen . Heck usually I was so tired that I couldn’t move, and on top of that there were usully enough left overs to find a few armies.
Im at that point. I bought chinese food yesterday bc mr gils suster was over and he wanted restaurant food. I put everything on the table and silverware and then they expected me to serve them. I flat out said no you get to do that yourself.
Today i am making a beef stew and cooking up kiddos bacon but otherwise its paper plates and im not doing anything else.
Hey we deserve our time off LOL>
Merry Christmas, Butterfly!
Aww, thank you Miss Wheatie!! I’ll take em all, I love doggies!! Merry Christmas.

“General Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, Col. Wilkerson, is now urging the U.S. military to recall Michael Flynn and put him on military trial for sedition. It’s the latest reminder that Donald Trump’s pardons aren’t magic wands, and the legal pushback against Trump and his co-conspirators is just beginning.”
These people, the enemies of our Republic, should really read about Haman.
It’s as if they’ve never cracked open a Bible before.
Build that gallows high, Col. Wilkerson.
And save a spot for Colon.
Joseph Flynn’s tweet you posted is most likely a reply to the video on MSNBC where Wilkerson was giving his opinion.
They are accusing Gen Flynn of what they are guilty of and freaking out.
It was a tweet from the author of the linked article. It was deleted. I bet the ratio was brutal.
I just looked at the link that Wolf added, WOW what a crock of liberal bull hockey, and a tweet from the toad from Georgia underneath the article. Gag.
I’m sure you’re right about the ratio.
I agree – the neocon toads were shut up so fast by the responses – likely a ratio from hell – that one can only think their guilt goes well beyond Iraq, and includes 9/11, which still of course hangs over all their heads from a LEGAL standpoint.
There were many motivations behind the 9/11 plot – one for each participant, if you get right down to it – and I think I could even make a case in court for “why”, although the MONEY some made or saved on the deal looks VERY BAD, to say nothing of all the innocent lives. The rationale is a bit Stalinesque, and that is the problem. Stalin just never looks good, except to Stalinists.
Once I realized that the reasons for the 9/11 deception were not all entirely mercenary, I could not only come to terms with it – I could see why so many nominally good people signed on. The problem, however, is that deception which benefits corrupt people, eventually corrupts everybody involved. Even the best of the “good guys” could not escape that aspect.
Hey Wolfie as I said 911 the one hardest for me, but a gentle wind and I over there.
I remember in 2008 when Hillary’s big name endorsers were switching on her!! Most of us were like WTH. It became very obvious after the convention and Obama’s swearing in.
Do believe they used blackmail and bribery, some both and some one or the other
Those that they felt were not needed and had used bribery where just tossed aside. Some, the Obama people let the bribery informaton slip out on purpose, so those pople would not be believed as whistle blowers.
Others like Hilary and Caroline Kenney were given lucrative positions. With Caroline though, I’m thinking it was more her fleeing to Japan as a place of safety after what they did to her brother,
Just part of my crazy two cents.
Things are really messy at those levels! Think ROMAN EMPIRE!!! Very little is unbelievable in that context.
During the initial shut down I did a lot of documentaries on Vikings, Celts and Romans. Back then they all intertwined some what. Scary people, who really didn’t seem to have any type of soul. The ones that did, didn’t last long.
When the riots began I had probably watched couple of dozen at least. shows and series! It was then I was like, “hey my ancestors weren’t so bad after all”
Hey I truly thought we as a people nationwide and even world wide had be come more civilized and humane. Guess not.
Yep – PDJT may have been thinking of becoming President before 9/11 – but likely that cinched it!!! He knew damn well two planes, even full of fuel would not bring down all those buildings clean to the ground….like a demolition crew.
Bet he had the ash tested and his own investigation.
I’m pretty sure “We Have It All” – or at least parts of it – knew the full story.
There are multiple massive intrigues we’re not allowed to know about. The problem is that SELECTIVE knowledge of those intrigues can be used to deceive good people in high positions into doing or going along with bad things or wrong things.
Where do I go, aside from the Judy Wood videos, to read/watch info re 9/11? I’ve been so occupied with the current situation that everything else has kind of gone to the back burner. Thanks, and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
I will tell you soon, but I want to make sure I have downloaded and copied all my sources before I talk about them. The web has gotten really nasty now, and unless sources reside in the safest of places, they are likely to be deleted by the commies.
Funny how that works…when lies prevail we’re all tainted.
I’m still not getting past the status of guest so my likes no longer communicate who I am…
Do you have a WordPress account? If you do, and you log in that way, by logging out and logging back in using the LOG IN / LOG OUT link at the bottom of the sidebar, you can get likes back (2 kinds, actually, that don’t communicate with each other).
I do see notification about your replies, though!
Do believe that the Left is past BAT SHIT CRAZY and passed that the day Hillary lost.
We were too busy watching Hillary blow, while the rest’s mental stability totally collapsed.
Hillary when she is not adding to her body count..
Oh, c’mon, that picture is a ridiculous photoshop. Everyone knows that ugly dogs don’t need to have technicolor eyes — https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-winner-scamp-tramp
When Hillary goes on one of her tantrum rants that and the cat picture come to mind. I know I should not be mean like that on Christmas…
Hey I will say at least the picture I get of Hillary when she is on a rant is much prettier than that of Michelle.
This is probably a photoshop of Sam, a three-times champion of “Ugliest Dog” (note dentition).
Bet our Commander in Chief will ream this bastid a new one.
Lauren Daigle’s newest “Light of the World
Susan Boyle’s :Miracle Hymn” from the movie “The Christmas Candle” Really great movie. The men in my ministry request it every year. During the last forth or so of the movie I see many tearing up or wiping a few tears from their eyes, No ministry this year due to COVID.
Light of The World – Lauren Daigle
He is Messiah
The Prince of Peace
Has come, He has come, Emmanuel
Susan Boyle ~ Miracle Hymn
When the light has dawned on Christmas Day we will say
There are miracles all around
miracles here to be found
Hid in every heart is an answered prayer
Like a candle’s flame, hope will lead us there
all my den frens. May you find yourself in good company, good food, and glad tidings today wherever you are, and remember you’re not alone, ever.

Looks sort of like my Norwegian Cousins.The Kransekake Norwegian Cake is sort of like big almond cookies layered, Pictures of most of their places at Christmas time show Gnomes all over,

Merry Christmas! I hope you got to enjoy some krum kake and lefse.
the cake I made a small one but the rest will have to wait for a Sons of Norway meeting. I need to pay more attention when they do demonstrations.
I wish….no where nearby makes anything this wonderful. We made cookies et al this year. I am hoping to find a bakery close who can make it eventually.
Hi Giloo. I have an electric Krum Kake iron that cooks 2 at a time and 2 wooden cone shaped dowels to form them and have made them the last few Christmases, but haven’t gotten around to it this Christmas. I plan to make them for New Years. They are my favorite! I think you may be the nearest Treeper to me. Perhaps I can make some for you, sometime.
Ha. Well i used to order from Solvang but the prices are outrageous. There was a danish bakery in Carlsbad but it closed.
Homemade sounds good!
I believe they call their Christmas gnomes “tomtin”.
«Tomter» is the Swedish term for the small gnomes. «Jultomten» is the Swedish name for Santa Claus.
«Nisser» is the Norwegian (and Danish) term. Similarly, «Julenissen» is Santa Claus there.
The small gnomes exist all year, but they are more prevalent around Christmas time. In many stories they were a representatiive or reincarnation of the first man who cleared out the farm, and they are powerful but ornery. If not treated right they may bring bad luck.
Yipes! They sound like leprechauns with a hangover.
Sometimes worse…LOL
Some are supposedly the reason for the hot springs and any trembles and volcanoes that created the Fjords.
Yep. Word has it that this was the origin of the ad campaign, “Have you driven a Fjord, lately”…
(OK, OK, at least I didn’t say “Fjord rein, Bundesbahn heim”
I love the stories of them and would like to get more.
It was the one thing I did learn from the classes. Still have not attempted a huge one like some have,
Danish goodies are my favorite. They seem to have the right combos of flavors and textures.
Birkholm’s, in Solvang… there’s a couple of others there, too…
Reminds me of the Christmas cards from Lisi Martin (they had TONS of them in Solvang, and, of course, over here):

P.S. Happy Christmas!
They still know how to honor and celebrate CHRISTmas in most of the European countries.
Wow thank you for sharing.
First pic didn’t work, here’s another try (all of her cards are precious, but the dog singing reminds me of my Dachshund Ludwig

I just posted this in yesterday’s ‘open’ thread by accident.
One of my favorites since I was little, probably from one of the (then new) children’s Christmas TV specials.
The 1965 version of The Little Drummer Boy, by the Harry Simeone Chorale:
And the slightly slower paced December 20th, 1959 performance by the Harry Simeone Chorale, live on The Ed Sullivan Show
It’s possible that I was sitting in what we called the “parlor” (not living room) as a three year old watching this when it was first broadcast. My family would sooner have missed Mass than miss the Ed Sullivan Show!
I think my great grandparents had a room they called the parlor.
And I’m sure my Grandma called the couch a ‘davenport’
And the evening meal was called ‘supper’, not ‘dinner’.
And the basement wasn’t called a basement, it was called a cellar
An interesting article.
Grandmaintexas, another terrific opening post. I’m sorry they are technically difficult to create, but I sure enjoy them!
Merry Christmas to everyone at the QTree. I lurk more than I post, but I try to always keep an eye one things here.
God bless you all.
Great to see you, Sylvia! Merry Christmas and a Wolf Hug!!!
Merry Christmas Sylvia!
always happy to see you post!
give my best to all at Marica’s!!
I keep thinking POTUS will either take a break or let hellfire reign down and then things will calm down and i can go and visit your site and catch up…sigh…hopefully in the NEW YEAR!!!
my best to all!!
Thank you, Sylvia. Merry Christmas!

A quick note about the SIDEBAR and the KEY POSTS and Q DROPS lists.
I got some work done today on the Key Posts section, and invite people to discuss any more items they think should be there. I’m looking for things that several people go “YES YES YES!” about. Also if you have any sources of Q drops or Q “stuff” that are not in the current list, please mention them. I want to keep a good solid list of alternative sites.
Still sacred to go over to that one daily thread with the video LOL!!
Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz both voted against the outrageous, disgraceful $3T+ spending bill w/ $600 relief checks, but Devin Nunes voted for it, as did swamp creature Kevin McCarthy and Ben Crenshaw (who is NOT who he claims to be). So did Doug Collins, Steve Scalise, and of course Liz Ceney
I went looking to see how my rep voted…Bill Flores (R-TX) also voted ”yea”.
I am going to give him and his office an earful every single day next week.
Please join me in action if your’s did too. You can see the votes here…
My Congressman was one of FOUR FLORIDA ‘NO VOTES’
I just wrote him a brief email expressing my displeasure.
i already did!
A quick Merry Christmas to all before it gets hectic here…..family coming for brunch soon. Yes it is that time alreadyover here! Power Frittata ready for the oven–thank you DP
–and bacon-wrapped dates in the pan, among other goodies. But the best is:
“Earth’s hopes awaken
Christ life has taken.
Praise Him, Oh praise Him on every side!”
Although I prefer how it is said in the language we use here:
“World went astray,
Christ born today…”
Blessings to all of you!
Merry Christmas Grammy!!
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas TIM!!!!
Merry merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! May the Lord’s grace shine upon us and our nation.
Amen CM!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to yoooouuu.
Merry Christmas !

Merry Christmas Sadie!
Merry Christmas everybody.
Merry Christmas Eilert!
Merry Christmas, eilert !
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, to everyone here in the Tree!
We had the Christmas celebration service outside the church this year, because of the corona. But everyone standing and singing the familiar songs outside in front of the building, with requisite spacing of course, didn’t impede the message and meaning. Just slightly unusual yet all the familiar elements remained: the reading from the Gospel of Luke, and the birth of Jesus Christ and all that.
Another church not far from here has a large, like 1:1 scale, Nativity scene set up right by the side of the road. First time I saw it many years ago, I thought, «what a strange place for a bus shelter», but then looking closer at who were inside, and correlating it to the time of year — mid-December — it was clearly no mere bus shelter, mysterious or otherwise; rather, it was a manifestation of another older divine and wonderful mystery.
Merry Christmas to you slowcreekno!
Im glad no one let it be canceled.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas RAC!
thanks for posting that!
in the one shot it looks like a giant eagle on fire coming thru the clouds!!
Thats very cool. Thanks, merry Christmas!
From Babylon Bee.
(I only wish it would be that easy to identify those weasels.)
Congress Members To Wear Barcodes So Lobbyists Can Scan Prices, Self-Checkout | The Babylon Bee
Grandma in Texas – Thanks for the uplifting Christmas Day open thread!
Wolfie – thank you for all the hard work building this new QTree and for your most gracious hosting !!!
Adding my wishes to all for a lovely Christmas celebration and my thanks and great appreciation to all that make this QTree (currently looking very much like a Christmas version) such an interesting, educational and welcoming place.
I often refer to “my friend in St. Louis” or say “you know, that great researcher in NC…the one with all the ponies” as I read some of your posts to my DH…because you are so real to me. It’s been a pleasure to spend the past year with all of you.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!
Merry Christmas Teagan!
(I do the same…)
Happy joy joy Christmas to you.
and to you GA/FL!!!
we made it thru all those CATs !
I hate sand…but Smiley? that’s beautiful!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, kiddo
I’m 60…and you’re calling me kiddo?
I think i love you!!
LOL you make me smile!!!
everybody’s younger than I am, lol.
<3 <3 <3
Really, Smiley? Dunno anyone here who is older than dirt – and I am sure you are not!!! Silly Smiley!!!
tough Old Broad
Oh, one of them – are you? Good to hear!!!
can’t you tell ?
Bad Cat
The great thing about the times we are living in is that I, too, (an old guy) can declare myself a ‘tough old broad”. But I think I’ll wait until ladies two-for-one-night at my local watering hole.
Old Geezer !!
Merry Christmas to our Q Tree Weather and Art Laureate Extraordinaire!
ditto back atcha
Merry Christmas!

what about us “Foxes”?
….and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL the foxes and the chipmunks and the lurking guests!!!
Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas, Miss Gil!!!
Verse of the Day for Friday, December 25, 2020
“Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,”
Psalms 17:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Merry Christmas Duchess!
Have a Blessed day!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Patty!!!
God Bless Your Day with many Sweet Surprises!!!
HUGS back to you!
hope you didn’t get flooded!!!
Received and Appreciated!!!
Nope – we got rain – gave us our grass back – lol
How about you? Did it get warmer? Rain?
Hope you are not slushing down the driveway!!!
we got some downpours…and then cold winds…looks icy out there…
now it’s snowing lightly…
but we don’t have plans to go out …hubby may take the plow out tomorrow and sees what’s what.
What a mess, Pat!!! Easy as you go – good you are staying in today!!!
Looks like it is going to be a challenging winter, eh? More hugs for you both!!!
sadly yes…mild winters mean ice here
True – Mild winters here mean floods!!!
And – swimming in the back yard without a pool!!!
yeah, we have several deep grooves in the snow where it looks like flowing water ran thru overnight…
BUT…on a brighter note…the waterfall is working again…LOL
Always a good side to the horrors that befall us, eh Pat!!! Glad to see you are keeping positive about all of this – as for election fraud – we need to keep PRAYING!!!
in my nightly prayers Duchess!!
Merry Christmas…
Merry Christmas to you, too, Gil!!! Have a blessed and intriguing day – looks like it has already started!!!
The Christmas Ship In Old New York
ca 1928
N.C.Wyeth (1882-1945) , American Illustrator
Merry Christmas
if you left-click on that image, it will enlarge so you can really see it .
My prayer answered!!! Smiley gives us ART to appreciate!!!
God Bless You Real Good, Smiley!!!
thanks, duchess…glad you appreciate.
have a Blessed Christmas.
Thanks, Smiley!!! So miss the contributions you and Dora made OT – I love ART – and learning about ART!!!
Most appreciated, Smiley!!!
Why do a lot of critics dislike Wyeth? Ive never seen this one and I dont think I’ve seen any I dislike.
they said he was “too illustrative” and, therefore, somehow less “relevant”…same thing with Norman Rockwell’s illustrations…
which is total bunk propagated by artsy snobs..
a lot of the art world tries to push the avant garde while ridiculing the much more wholesome and beautiful works of American illustrators.
there is a cabal within the art world, too.
Oh that cabal is yuge.. ambrovic and pals are just the recent ones im sure.
Too illustrative…sounds like bs to me too.
oh yeah…Marina A is considered cutting edge avant garde now…she uses her own body in her conceptual & performance art works..Serbian, b.1946…

the promotion of SHOCK and even REVULSION thru the use of ugliness and discord…
just another type of Revolution !
on jarring display in the glossy galleries and museums instead of in the streets.
‘avant garbage’ – fixed it for you.
This year’s Christmas star
God Bless All Y’all Real Good!!!
Merry Christmas to you too! Thank you for our daily prayers and videos you put up.
Most welcome, CM!!! My pleasure to serve!!!
Merry and blessed Christmas Grandmaintexas and all! I pray that before this day is out President Trump will “interrupt” our holiday (one can wish)!
Wouldn’t that be something?!
still waiting to see if Schiff has been released yet…bwahahaha…
Merry Christmas anonymoushorse…..
Maybe the Schiff has sunk…
(or is sunk)…
Merry Christmas, everybody!

Love you all…and my best wishes to you for a Wonderful Christmas Day.
warm wishes, wheatie
To you as well, Smiley!
Merry Christmas wheatie!!!
Merry Christmas, Pat!

HUGS back to you!!!
Merry Christmas to you…..

Make sure you get lots of rest today!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
May your day be blessed with friends and family.
We will battle on in the days ahead.
Merry Christmas Brave and Free!!!
so true…enjoy the day!
You too pat!
God is great!
So glad this wrong, the perscution was corrected. Just awful and she will never get those 10 long years back for merely doing her job.
Merry Christmas from Dan or is that from our favorite 17th letter:
(17 second video)
Oh…I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the video is 17 seconds long.
you beat me to it!
Dan is making it ever more obvious. How many coincidences before they can no longer be considered coincidences?
Merry Christmas from Germany to all Q-Treepers and We the People of the World!
Merry Christmas, JW !
Merry Christmas Smiley!
Merry Christmas and a gesegnete Weihnachten to you and yours, JW!
and some bubbly for New Years’
And the sky above the shepherds was filled with endless numbers of heavenly angels singing PEACE ON EARTH to all men – of good will!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone here at the Q tree
Merry Christmas suzy!!!
Merry Christmas from FLORIDA!
wonder who got the suit on him?
Most Floridians are certified in gator wrestling.
Lol. Kiddo will like that. Dunno why but he asked for an alligator stuffy for Christmas. I got him a puppet one. Hopefully he’ll like it
Santagator says: “Wanna cancel Christmas? Go ahead, make my day!”
Merry Christmas to all…!
Merry Christmas Nor’easter!!
U2 patf !
YW !

Since this Christmas falls on Fido-day:

so cute!!!!
wut ??

my son’s cat endures a Halloween costume every year and he even poses in it…and my granddaughter’s cat endures her putting him in a baby stroller and pushing him around…LOL
2 very patient felines to be sure…
Good Morning, Jesus, on this Christmas Day
So much for which to be thankful we are
As we awaken from darkness You light our way
Blessings poured out are so many by far
We gather here in this Tree of refuge
Our concerns weigh heavy upon our hearts
At times overwhelmed by the mere deluge
The players and problems and restarts
Today we come to You, Sweet Savior
It is You who are our HOPE within this maze
Sincerely we seek Your aid and favor
Help us keep our minds and spirits ablaze
With fervor to fight for our liberty
From oppression and obsessive control
Release us Dear Lord from captivity
Slaves no more to live not on the dole
We know it is You who control the world
Each of us individually in every place
The chaos and suffering to be unfurled
By Your power and might and glorious GRACE
Bestow upon us Your Heavenly Host
Bless all throughout the world today
In every country all who need the most
By every possible means and way
Humbly we come and ask this of You
Baby Jesus please give us HOPE
Bless us Father and see us through
Lift up our spirits and help us cope
Instead of foreboding send us Your JOY
To every man woman girl and boy
Give us Your PEACE that justly surpasses
Shelter the downtrodden and the masses
By Your LOVE we ask You to sustain us
From all the evil in the world today
From this heaviness please refrain us
By Your power and might show us the way
Let Your TRUTH shine forth ever so brightly
Through Your Son on this Holy Christmas Day
Boldly his countenance though ever so slightly
For He is the Truth, the Light, and the Way!!!
Blessings and Love from me to all QTreepers!!!
Their neighbors didn’t have the heart to tell them that these aren’t really reindeer:
but cats still rule
don’t ever forget it
One never OWNS a cat – they OWN YOU!!!
“Dogs have masters, cats have staff”.

Oh yes…figured out why Gracie was staring me down last night or rather early this morning, Was posting on here past midnight ‘
Gracie wanted her midnight treats and she usually gets them just before we are settled in. LOL
Gracie wanted me to go to bed so she could get her treats LOL
CEO of BioNTech says virus will be with us for a decade–and we’ll need more vaccines…HOW CONVENIENT and self-serving for you. then obviously YOUR vaccine isn’t worth getting now is it? I don’t remember needing a measles vaccine every year…or every 2 months…
AND–he says he read an article on Jan 24th about the Wuhan outbreak and he knew then it would be a pandemic and by February his company had already produced 20 versions of messenger RNA that triggered responses in animals. can he see the future???
AND–China has a big investment in BioNTech…
UPDATE 12/24/20 2000 EST Ugur Sahin, CEO of Germany’s BioNTech which developed the Pfizer vaccine said the virus will be with us for a decade…
“The virus will stay with us for the next 10 years,” Sahin said during a Tuesday press conference, adding “We need to get used to the fact that there’ll be more outbreaks.”
“If the virus becomes more efficient…we might need a higher uptake of the vaccine for life to return to normal.”
These are very self-serving statements to say the least…
According to data provided by the WHO, it wasn’t clear that this was going to be a pandemic until at least the second week in March. But BioNTech already knew by January that this was going to be a pandemic after the Wuhan outbreak. That’s pretty prescient I’d say. In mid-March, China’s Fosun already announced that they had invested over $150mn in BioNTech.
The tissue of lies is wearing quite thin…
As my Daddy used to say when he was pizzed, HORSESHIT AND POTATO SALAD!!!

It appears that all of the enemy’s pretense is being dropped, and they are going ‘all in’, not even hiding their tyranny, to see just how far they can push the population before the population openly revolts.
I have thought this for a long time, but it’s accelerating now.
What I’m not quite sure of, is the motivation, or the end goal, because I’m not sure how it benefits the enemy if they succeed in provoking open revolt.
Because the targets of any such revolt will be the agitators, nobody else.
And Trump isn’t going to allow any of it, so the enemy’s entire narrative construct depends on Biden becoming president, which DJT will never allow to happen.
So I guess we just sit back and wait for the collision, because the Cabal is driving a Mini Cooper and they’re playing chicken with a Mack Truck

Said it many places, the vaccines will be an endless cycle.
What is scary how will each new vaccine change. OK I know I have watch too much Sci Fi in the past.
I watch this…every…day:
[video src="https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/060/990/691/original/88b66da178d21cb2.mp4" /]
Do you know who the band is?
No, I don’t. Sorry.
I tracked it down, Gil.
The song is ‘Beast’ by Nico Vega:
Awesome. Thanks Wheatie.
In the comments it says she is married to the lead singer of Inagine Dragons…which broke up a few months ago cause he doesnt want to be part of the cabal.
I like that guy…good for him!
He writes some really good songs.
‘Radioactive’ was brilliant.
Yep. Imagine dragons is a good band
Not that I have much confidence in our not-so-Supreme Court, but….
Color me skeptical.
Could be WORSE than useless if they find NO FRAUD.
“Could be WORSE than useless if they find NO FRAUD.”
Which is exactly what I expect
The corrupted institutions will not allow the opportunity to kick us in the gut one more time to pass by.
Two or three more times, if they can manage it.
They will never stop punishing, hurting, abusing, tormenting… until someone stops them.
And someone will.
Between now and January 20th.
Christmas Brunch??
Needs some Bacon Canes!

there’s some bacon on that meat platter…
You know me, I gotta have MOAR

here ya go…Bacon Candy canes…LOL
What you need is a BACON MEME of those dishes Gail posted, BFLY!!!
Then – you can look at it each morning and drool!!!
Hahahahaha!!! You happy, yet, BFLY?
bacon lip balm…for when you want the flavor without the calories…LOL
My Christmas is COMPLETE!
Long time ago i bought a bubble gun for the beagles, with bacon scented bubble soap so theyd pop them.
Miss Pat, MY HERO!!!

I WUB U SOO MUCH!!! Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Butterfly!!!!
Yum. Kiddo just woke up….its only 645….he has to wait until 8….wish he had slept in a bit!
If I upgraded to high speed internet I might be able to suck all that through my monitor!
BACK OFF MY BACON!!! Get yer own!!
P.S. I’m getting 1000 Gigabit next month, I’ll let you know if it works
A little much for just the 2 of us! LOL
I made an 9×13” overnight tortilla bake for our breakfast and, of course, we ate a fraction. DH said he guessed we would be having it for a week. Thank goodness we have several single friends that are always happy to get meals on wheels.
The photo that Kin shared was so beautiful with all the detailed baking…hours and hours of not only the baking but setting the presentation up, as well.
bfly, I could be wrong, but I think the maker of that vid is a group or individual calling themselves Red Tie.
A Very Merry Christmas to all the wonderful people who gather here!
And a special Christmas Thank You to the inestimable Wolfm00n, our host and guide; and to all the authors who contribute such great openers!
Merry Christmas CV!
have a wonderful day!
Merry Christmas CV!!!

“Politicians: The leading cause of death in America.”
Yep – and poverty and moral depravity and grief and discouragement and needless war and mass deception.
I maintain that “Death” itself is our nations #1 Killer
On right now is War Room Pandemic doing a Revolutionary War Christmas show:
“intentional act”…explosion in downtown Nashville this morning
At least two of the three names of the perp were Mohammed…..
Or Strzok and Page and Brennan and Comey and that little rat woman, what’s her name, Jarrett, and Suzie Rice, and Ben Rhodes, and little Benny Wittes, and Clapper, and Hitlery, and Hussein, and Georgie Boy, and on and on and on.
The most notorious outlaws in the history of our Republic, and because they own the MSM and the institutions of government, not a single “WANTED” poster with their names and faces to be found, anywhere in the land.
Ho ho ho mutha f’ker …
Merry Christmas, Hans.
“ATF, FBI and other agencies involved
in investigation.”____________
There, I fixed it for ya
No records of COVID-19 virus, being scientifically isolated in a lab, exist according to Irelands HSE after FOIA request.
HSE Finally Admit That Covid19 Has Not Been Scientifically Proven To Exist
lots riding on just someone’s “best guess”
Where is the link to this video?
I would like to forward it to others, but I can’t find the source to copy and paste.
Thank you!
scott..yes! v frustrating!
Outstanding video!
I thought this is from Babilon Bee, but this really happened and was reported on Red State.
Biden Throwing a Conniption That Twitter Wouldn’t Transfer Trump’s Followers to Him (redstate.com)
yup…he thinks he “inherits” the President’s followers…he doesn’t get that they follow the White House to follow Donald Trump…smh…steal and take are democrat tactics…never EARN anything.
Twitter/FB/etc has and will continue to puff Biden’s and Kamala’s follower numbers.
they almost HAVE TO! LOL
Psalms 107:17
“Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.”
King James Version (KJV)
IF this is real – PDJT has a Chief of Staff in denial of the fraud and the motivation to fight.
Would not be surprised, Georgia!!! Can’t like and/or trust that man!!! He needs to go!!!
At this point, I think we need to assume disinformation. Be patient (from someone who doesn’t know the meaning of the word), and above all: TRUST TRUMP!
Yes, it’s so ridiculously ham-handed as to not ring true to anyone paying attention.
Remember what GrandMainTexas posted:
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” — Winston Churchill
And WAR IT IS, should that CHINESE SPY be put in the White House.
Yup. I will allow peaceful processes their due process. I will allow the CRIMINAL TRAITORS to withdraw their assault on this country. But the moment that the TRAITOR Joe Biden is sworn into office, then a grave crime has been committed against this Nation, its People, and our Constitution.
I will act accordingly.
This is old. It is from 19 November 2020. If you read the article Marc Meadows actually was not really saying whether it was the end Trumps term.
This was more like gaslighting by Business Insider.
Sorry – thanks for clearing that up. Now I’ll consider Business Insider part of the fake news brigade!!!
Oh, “Business Insider” is the perfect name for those COMMIE EMBEDS. I have spotted them gaslighting for communism from the moment they were foisted on us by American Sell-Out Corporate Socialism.
Several messages in one. So pleased to see Teagan’s message on here. Merry Christmas to Marica, ForGodand Country, Butterfly and Sylvia and Wolfie and everyone else, oh, and Razorbak. Just a few I haven’t spoken with lately, but you all know it’s meant for you, too.
Merry Christmas Zoe!
Merry Christmas to you too
Merry Christmas, Zoe!!!
Merry Christmas Miss Zoe!!!! God Bless and Keep You Sweet Lady!!! Sending lots of Love, Hugs, and Kisses Your Way.

Merry Christmas to all!
I just want to say that this site has been a great gift to me, all year long! I love and appreciate you all so much. I can’t imagine surviving this year without you.
The past few weeks have been especially trying, so I am even more thankful to have been here with you through them. When I need encouragement, I can always find it here.
Special thanks to Wolfmoon and all the authors who maintain our refuge on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. You rock!
Blessings to everyone from your resident eggplant!
Merry Christmas Aubergine!!
You’re the only Eggplant I like!! Merry Christmas Aubergine!!

Thanks! Lol!
Merry Christmas!
Buckle up, patriots. We shall not go gently into communism’s evil night.
Thinking of you, Aubergine, and praying your trip to DC is safe and secure!!!
Thank you so much Duchess! I am hoping and praying for good weather for the whole country for a couple of weeks!
I am, too, Auber – hopefully, the January thaw will arrive early – because right now – there are blizzards everywhere – so as long as you take the southern route and traverse up the east coast – it just might be a pleasant and enjoyable trip – PRAYING!!!
Thank you for any and all prayers!
Most welcome, Auber!!! Those of us who cannot be there are praying for those who will be there –
for Smiley
On the bright side, she’s not getting BRUSSELS SPROUTS!
Hey the broiled ones with spicy soy on them are freakin good!
Yes! I also like the oily ones with crushed black pepper. Mmmmmmmmm.
You would have to go and spoil Christmas Wolfie. Haven’t eaten those disgusting things since I was 12. (Mom gave up on that one fight.)
Hey, you MUST try the modern ones. I despised them as a kid. Had them tonight in a great soup with cracked black pepper
– bitter aftertaste bred out of them
– modern cooking keeps them crunchy, not soggy and limp
– oil, butter, soy sauce, frying, lighter and faster cooking all preserve crispness and add flavor
– pepper, spice, soy sauce, butter, garlic all add flavor
I am a total convert to them. They borrow aspects of iceberg wedges, Asian-style green beans, dumplings / gyoza – just so tasty now.
My mother’s Brussels sprouts were NASTY! I refused them – would sit at the table alone for HOURS rather than eat them. But these ain’t yo mama’s sprouts!
I refuse the old, overcooked, stinky ones. Only the ones that just look yummy will do!
lots of replies thinking meth lab explosion…shrug? dunno
RV meth lab ‘breaking bad’ in Nashville? Why not? It would be on par for 2020.
No. Honey oil maybe but i dont think it was a drug lab. That severe had a lot of energy…a lot.
i’ve never heard of honey oil…
If it’s anything like a honeypot, it’s VERY dangerous.
lol…now THOSE I’ve heard of!
Marijuana extract.
is that why bees always have their “buzz” on?
Hah…. its super explosive. We have enough mj geows and honey oil stuff around CA to see them routinely in the news.
Meth lab wouldn’t have a broadcast message saying to evacuate the area and then a 15 min. countdown message broadcasted.
The warning to leave to minimize life loss is really odd.
Whose MO is that?
wow! that IS weird!
Look for a Turban…..
Or maybe a pristine drivers license?
I really doubt it was a “Meth Lab”.
Way too much damage.
seeing suggestions of car bomb too
FIB taking the “Lead” in the “investigation.
We’ll never know the TRUTH
This is crazy. Just spent morning with son and husband and facetime guests as we opened our presents and ate Christmas buffet. Just took a minute to glance at headlines … shocking!
710WOR New York news report LAST NIGHT said that various Islamic Jihad terrorist groups called for “attacking Christians outside of churches” because of so many church closures due to the pandemic.
Melissa Red Pill the World – A Different Perspective
DECEMBER 24, 2020
Merry Christmas 2020!
FOX News Is STILL Hemorrhaging Viewers – CNN and MSNBC Trouncing the Former Pro-Trump Network
You Can’t Take My Joy
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by owns Pfizer, producer of the COVID-19 vaccine.
ahhhhh the memories!!
12.25.20: A Christmas SURPRISE? The MESSAGES are AMAZING!
Found on Gab…this is from somewhere in Germany:
[video src="https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/060/970/189/original/348d209802fbc4d3.mp4" /]
this may be nothing–but gees–this man can’t seem to get anything right!!
Dr. Fauci go vaccinated on live TV.
He was clearly seen being vaccinated in his left arm.
It is also known that Dr. Fauci wears a watch on his left arm (like most of us).
So we know that the video wasn’t “reversed.”
During a TV interview AFTER the vaccination, Dr. Fauci claimed that his RIGHT arm was sore.
Is “phantom soreness” a side effect?
Not that we’ve heard of.
Or did he forget which arm he received the vaccine with?
Who knows…..
He is a LIAR!
he looks more clownish every day
Looks….. and sounds like one of the Pid family….
More precisely….. first name: STU
Funny thing about that. I was also thinking that all these DSers were likely availing themselves of the revolutionary “saline vaccine”…I’ll take some of that!
Angela Lansbury is amazing.
I wasn’t sure if she was still with us…so I looked it up.
Yes, she is 95!
Born in 1925, this was taken in 1950:

Her first film role was in Gaslight in 1944.
Loved her in the Court Jester!
I don’t think I’ve seen that.
Is is a movie?
Danny Kaye. Hilarious comedy.
Ah, okay…I haven’t seen it.
She played a princess:
I’ll keep an eye out for it!
BTW…Great Job on the thread post, Grandmaintexas!

Merry Christmas to you too, Grandmaintexas!

Merry PHP Latest Version Christmas, You Darn Geeks!
Seriously, I was shocked to learn that we were NOT on the latest version.
Fixed, and went directly to sleep, with no direct “observational evidence” that the site was still running until now.
But over 400 posts prove it!
Merry Christmas! It’s a wonderful morning!
Merry Christmas!
and, as usual, I understood very little of what you said…lol
Well, good to know I am in good company.
Not being able to follow occurs often enough, I casually move on.
The techies get to talkin their stuff and, it’s scroll on time.
LOL…i figure it’s not being directed at me, but it seems rude to ignore our gracious host…{{whispering}} even if he is taking gibberish…
A stocking stuffer for the I.T. gang!
I suspect it’s a good thing, Pat – then, again – what do I know?
Important info.
Twieet from Susan St. James
I did quite of bit of research on Bobby today.
Go midway down this PDF to Write Up: Absolutely breathtaking systematic Fraud …
Also Mike Adams interview. His is the best of the interviews because he is a scientist.
(Interview video near bottom)
He mentioned yesterday that he is now working on California because he thinks we can also win the House if the fraud there is proven.
Linda he is now asking for VOLUNTEERS to do the data crunching for EACH STATE!
This means we can FINALLY HELP in a VERY REAL WAY!
Thread is HERE (take out the space after the h.)
h ttps://twitter.com/BobbyPiton3/status/1342381773762736128
Twitter has blocked him, and looks like he’s been being blocked maybe off and on for quite a while. I dd-goed his name, and there were a lot of articles about him, several of them about him being banned.
Here is Bobby’s Contact at his financial website:
Merry Christmas, boss!
It all seems to be doing fine…thanks to your foresight.

Hilarious! Yes, we’re OK for now….. thankfully!
Vigilance is the eternal price of liberty!
It’s nothing an electrified cage wouldn’t fix…
Merry Christmas!

LMAO! Now THAT is not an old bromide!
Or as they said on the Simpsons, RD R R
Is the rest of your LAMP stack also up-to-date?
Great question!
Loudspeaker? That’s interesting.
I wonder if the bomber did that somehow?
Watching some news..yeah the warning was coming from the van.
Guess the motive wasn’t primarily killing people.. a statement of some kind?
It was coming from the van…the van that blew up?
If so, then yeah, sounds like they didn’t want to hurt anybody.
So yeah, making a statement.
But what statement were they making, I wonder.
Don’t know but it’s giving the FIB the glowing praise they haven’t had in a long time. Gives me a weird feeling but I’m cynical that way
Yep. The thought of a FF is not far from my mind. Almost like the way the IRA tried not to injure “civilians”…
Wonder if they’ll try to pin it on “right-wing extremists”? (or part of a “vast, right-wing conspiracy”?…
Maybe it was the “Booze Brothers”…
Bubba Brothers
Haaa…there is a poll on Gab right now about that, Cuppa.
So far, 67% think it will be blamed on “right wing extremists”.

They should put up another poll
How many think FIB did it?
{{shooting my hand in the air}}
At this point the FIB has zero credibility so it doesn’t matter what they come up with. Many are going to assume they were some how involved because it’s likely true.
Exactly. Some kind of controlled opposition action, to give the Biden FBI license to come after all of us.
In reply to both you and Cuppa. My thoughts exactly but didn’t want to say it.
Their license to do so is inauguration under false pretense. What more do they need?
consent from 80 million gun-toting, Trump-loving Patriots!!!
and we ain’t in a consenting mood!!!!!
No maam we aint.
Amen. I believe in the core principles of the Constitution, battered as it may be by these nasty progs and the ChiCom enemy, their master and ally.
They have committed many crimes and have evaded justice repeatedly. But I myself will wait until they have committed the FINAL TREASON.
At that point, if nobody else does something, I WILL. And if somebody legitimate raises an ARMY TO FIGHT, then I will join that army.
There is something very ODD about this.
I am studying the site on Google Maps. The building it happened in front of is ENORMOUS. It is supposedly an AT&T building. The rest of the area seems to be bars, restaurants, and shops.
At 5:30 am, the area should be mostly deserted. Even still, the story isn’t adding up.
This is from CNN, but I have seen the exact information everywhere:
“According to police, officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department were responding to a call of shots fired around 5:30 a.m. CT Friday when they came upon an RV parked in front of an AT&T transmission building at 166 2nd Avenue North.” (The actual address of the AT&T building is 185 2nd. Ave. N. 166 is across the street).
Then, there is the report that the van had a twenty-minute “evacuate” warning, and then a fifteen-minute countdown warning. SOMEBODY had to have heard it, surely, and called somebody. But the police just “came upon” it? Bullshit.
I did find this. The bottom windows of the AT&T building are an art installation:
“The 2nd Avenue Art Wall features female abstract artists in Nashville. Artists include: Jade Carter, Cassidy Cole, Tess Erlenborn, Beth Inglish, Elise Kendrick, Erin Elise Laughlin, Emily Leonard, Catron Wallace. The art chosen for the 2nd Avenue Art Wall follows a theme of positivity, playfulness and cheerfulness.
The 2nd Avenue Art Wall is a partnership between AT&T, Nashville Downtown Partnership, Metro Arts Commission, The DISTRICT and The Studio 208.”
What if this turns out to be some loser loner with a hard-on for an ex-girlfriend who is one of the artists?
The “countdown message” and other aspects of this are very fishy. It reads like a video game or movie scene, not like terrorism.
Guessing first of many of these in the coming weeks.
Wonder if this was a run of the mill fertilizer, diesel fuel and some sort of ignition device.
Only designed to intimidate and skeer folks.
It’s an Antifa thing. Methinks.
Now they can park a vehicle, any type of vehicle, anywhere. Vehicles can be stolen. Park where crowds are. Have a recording play over speakers. Some blow up. Some don’t blow up. Some technical stuff to figure out. But it is quite simple. Cookie cutter operation.
Terrorism, for the sake of terror.
Faceless enemy. Destabilizing.
Odds are they will screw up. Get caught on video. Some dummy will be texting, TW, FB…something leaks.
This is starting to make more sense.
The huge building that was targeted was an AT&T server farm. Speculation on Twitter is that the alphabets “rent” space on the servers.
This was an attack on INFORMATION. What kind is a guess. Were they trying to cause widespread phone outages, or damage the three-letter agencies?
Now seeing people say there is a relationship to Dominion and/or Smartmatic.
Oh gosh..just got home from a truly nice Christmas Eve and morning to see this. Very strange.
Thank Heavens for the quick action from the local LEOs
The city that probably has the most patriots ,,Damn
love it and of course I shared.
TWJ Exclusive: Bombshell New Legal Memo Giving Trump Supporters Hope on Christmas Eve
The Western Journal is presenting this memorandum, written by two prominent conservative legal scholars, essentially verbatim, with only enough editing to format it for the Op-Ed section of our website. This is the second memo by Messrs. Olson and McSweeney to be published exclusively by The Western Journal, and it, like the first, outlines a possible legal strategy for the Trump campaign to follow in the coming weeks. Prior to its publication here, it was sent to President Trump. — Ed. note
A demorcat doesnt care about lives or property,
Some people laugh when they are emotionally overloaded. It’s a default reaction, according to some psychologists.
If you are that nervous and that high ranking, you go take a break.
I have done that when I have gotten really nervous. However if I was a mayor or ?? I pray i would be able to swallow it, or step away.
Will say once it did happen where I knew I would be totally ridiculed! I put my brain into the saddest incident I could think of, I was then holding back tears.
What’d he say?! “The broken water main added a certain drama…” there’s a reoccurring theme here with broken water mains.
Bio says a harvard and vanderbilt democrat who’s brother is the state Rep for the area.
This guy needs another job, stat.
He bumbled and BS’d around on the video clip.
more info + videos on this morning’s explosion in downtown Nashville…
CCTV Footage Appears To Capture Ominous “Evacuation” Warning Before Nashville Explosion
article link..
a lot of visuals in article…FBI investigating…
seems to have come from a parked vehicle on 2d Ave…?
I just watched the video and heard the police chief. Vehicle blares out a warning then explodes, thankfully no serious causalities.
What can be the purpose of that?
Now any vehicle blaring out a warning will be seen as a potential bomb, and the areas will be cleared. See what I’m thinking, way to wreck a get together ?
Hope the police are combing the streets from now on looking for planted stolen vehicles and watching for stolen vehicles being driven in and double checking people who claim that their vehicle was stolen.
seems False Flag-ish to me…?
slow day, holiday, not much going on…no “mass casualties”….not intended as a terrorist attack…
causes a distraction ?
whoever did it probably stayed in the vicinity for awhile so as not to be caught on camera, fleeing.
watch & see if any more start happening.
/s/ not BLM/Antifa bc there’s no looting /s/
and…how many days til Jan 6 ?
oh and the FBI is asking for help with this.
wonder if any passports have been found nearby yet…?
Something in my gut says they will come up with the bomber supposedly being a Trump supporter.
If the Nashville PD has any sense they’ll comb through Jihadi websites looking for “vows to kill Christians” and the like. 710WOR New York reported last night that Jihadist groups were “ordered” to “attack Christians outside of churches” over the Christmas holiday since so many places of worship are closed due to the CCP Virus.
This is why so many love Trump!!
It is not out there any place, only more fake stories about Trump Hotels overchanging for their rooms. Seems the 600 a night is actually $600 for many rooms for the Security,
The President spent the holiday weekend at his famous Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida, and in an unprecedented move, he had the kitchen staff prepare enough meals for every one of the police, Secret Service members, and military personnel who were there ensuring his safety.While presidents feeding their protective details may not sound like anything new, what makes this particular instance special is the fact that President Trump didn’t charge taxpayers for the meals, but instead paid for it out of his own pocket.
How can you not love this guy?
IKR? Our President is a very gracious host.
I think he’s been doing that all along, during his trips to Mar-a-Lago.
Probably–Yet the media try to insinuate Trump Hotels is using the government, If what Trump Jr is saying is true, then it sounds more like government using and abusing Trump hotels …if it even 600 for even just 3 people than that is cheap, It is probably even more people though,
Would be interesting to see what cost of putting up security during the Obama years was. Heard that during the GW years there was a compound build on GW’s ranch, which probably paid for its construction in the long run Yet now it belongs to GW.
Eric Trump fires back at ‘disgusting’ WaPo story alleging steep Secret Service charges by Trump Org https://www.foxnews.com/media/eric-trump-secret-service-charges-washington-post-report #FoxNews
Yeah he didnt buy 60k of pizza and hot dogs.
I rather expect it wasn’t food that Øbozo bought… probably chicken too, and not KFC, Popeye’s or Chick-Fil-A either…
Shame on me and you LOL but….You probably right.,,
Just responded to a friends post my laughing pic…You can see his response to the “The hills are alive with the sound of treason!” video I had shared from her! “Its Christmas and we so bad LOL LOL”
Yep. That’s the Wong and the short of it…
(gets me coat…)….
Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!
Hi Junebug – Welcome!!! From whence have you come? I hope and pray you are who I think you are – if not – that’s okay, too –
I probably am who you think I am. Not talking so much but lurk every day
Happy Lurking, Junebug!!! Good to see and hear from you occasionally – God Bless!!!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!
I use the Narnia video for God’s Not Dead–It my troll pre-block post
After getting to meet them 2 years ago, trully feel the Newsboys would approve,
God’s not dead, surely alive
He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion
Roaring, He’s roaring, He’s roaring like a lion
So, this is what YouTube popped up in place of the video. Censorship much???
This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. Learn more…
Turns out the uploader requested the age restriction… at least according to YouTube…
Give me a break. Its PG at best.
And how many states want to teach about transgenders, and homosexuality as being normal to kindergartner classes.
If anyone but Trump is sworn in not only is America screwed by the future of human beings.
I know at least one internet “filter” classifies THIS site as “pornography” and not one of our Adorable Deplorables has even posted a self portrait, much less a semi-nude one.
Get ready!
Situation Update Dec. 25th – Americans prepare for January WAR
Merry Christmas to all our readers and supporters. This is no ordinary Christmas, as you well know. This Christmas, Americans are preparing for a January war.
In today’s Situation Update for December 26th, I cover the likely timing of that war and how it’s going to begin based on what happens January 6th.
From the article:
I don’t thiink blanket statements like this are useful, and they could even cause harm. I know of at least one person who I firmly believe would not be alive if not for chemo. It depends on the situation.
I didn’t listen to the podcast. Maybe he expounds on these ideas in it.
Explanation of possible happenings.
The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline – Liberty Unyielding
Wishing a Warm and Merry Christmas to ALL of you !!
Here was our cat peeking over the table. He was always very polite, never got up on the table, and would sit behind me in the chair. (Crossing my fingers on the picture.)
i don’t see a cat and I haven’t gotten into the eggnog
He is sitting on the chair. You can just see his head.
I don’t even see the picture…LOL
see ?
bad Cat Karma…
ahhhhh…I refreshed the page and there he is!!!
I see him sitting like a True Gent on the chair at the table setting there…
what is his name ?
plse post more !
TY! He was a very cool cat, but he’s been gone about 3 years now. Had him for about 17 years. I still miss him.
Our current cat is a nice cat, he’s an “our” cat, not this person’s or that person’s cat. He’s not a snuggly kitty, but he came up and definitely wanted some stroking, and I could tell he was bigger because I still have muscle memory about how long a stroke it took to pet B.C.
oh no…sorry to hear about your Cool Cat.

(Looks Like my oldest boy only we have a Santa hat he wears too.)
Merry Christmas Gail!
thanks Gail!!
HUGS back to you!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, Gail!
May your Wassail never fail
Happy New Year, CC
“lean toward”?
Exactly the same thought that struck me. Is there a really good reason there aren’t dozens of Reps and Sens making public promises to support PTrump? The depth and breadth of Repub corruption is staggering. How can they be counted on to be “for the people” . . . ever?
That is what kept me from being a republican. After Trump became President I wanted to join the republican party but when I saw Ryan and some others working against POTUS I was turned off. I have not seen much that I would become a member of an organization support it financially when it is not 100 behind POTUS. Trump brought me to engage in poetics. I always was interested but not like this.
Truly does does not matter what organization one joints church include if they do not see you as one of them no matter what you do one will never be one of them. We see it with POTUS was ok for him to donate work for them to be elected but when it counts they turn their back. Unless they change I will never support them in any way or shape.
To the RNC this is your test and if you fail guess what?
By the way Winstrup OH did vote for that bogus $600 Covid bill. He is in my district never going to get another vote from me. He failed the test with Portman.
I think I need to pray for charity have plenty except for the DC rats.
Indeed. It’s going to take more than lean towards and more than six to make Jan 6 an event to favor the President. As many as possible must step forward in both houses each with separate objection to be heard. Not an objection that is the same for if same they will be treated as one and as one they will only have 2 hrs of debate after which an up or down vote will occur.
What needs to happen is a host of separate objections that can be strung together that will tell the whole story to the American people while demanding action Remember these objections will be subject to only 2 hours of debate in each respective house and each senator in the senate will have 5 mins and each house member in the House will have 5 mins and it stops for a vote after 2hrs.
Therefore we need as many of these two hour objections as possible and they must be coordinated well enough that they tell the whole story and leave noting out while emphasizing the most salient points.
Although our numbers will increase in the House and decrease in the Senate it’s likely that the objections will not be sustained but if voices are strong enough it will certainly justify the President in taking action or open up another avenue short of war.
I’d strongly encourage the people to act if things are not going as we wish. We are 80 million or more disenfranchised voters at this point and time and a lot of us are just not going to take it.
Paragraph 15 from the 3 US Code 1 is what 6 Jan will be the focus of. Might be good to read it.
Lastly if war is the last option left I’d say we need a declaration of war prior to Ingratiation date to provide some legal cover for patriots.
One that states that we the people are not going to accept the fraud since it has not been properly investigated.
I think a conditional one can be made now and put in the form of a petition and hopefully put up on the white house petition page.
Nasty thought on the vehicle bombing in Tenn….
WHAT is happening in just a few days???
The Trump Deplorables gathering in DC.
ANY BETS there will be MORE explosions so that DC will be LOCKED DOWN and NO January 6th gathering allowed??
my thought too
Americans are not intimidated.
I am in the US since 1964 and never have I seen Americans not go on with life or whatever no matter what.
DC will be full of Patriots and security is going to be top. No one in security will want the wrath of God come upon them if they were not vigilant protecting the deplorable.
If this bomb can intimidate people than God help us.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself” who said that?
FDR who I rate as being as bad as OH!Bummer…. Or maybe even worse.
‘… never have I seen Americans not go on with life or whatever no matter what’: What about coronavirus lockdowns in various states? Meant only as an observation.
Where I live nothing has changed. They have birthday parties . People go to work they seem mom and dad have family gatherings.
Yes in other counties closer to Columbus other states some people freak out.
First time since 1964.
‘First time since 1964’: I accept that.
Thanks for the clarification — much appreciated.
Hope that you and yours have enjoyed a merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours !
Thank you very much, singingsoul — greatly appreciated!
We had a lovely Christmas: champagne, roast goose with all the traditional trimmings, topped off with Opera cake for dessert. All made from scratch and, oh, so tasty.
I am grateful for the leftovers and three large jars of goose fat for roast potatoes for 2021.
God is good! He sent His only begotten Son to undeserving sinners, has given us our eternal salvation and, along with that, many daily blessings as well as a superb Christmas dinner.
I should have come for dinner at your house
Love goose did not make one this year because I like a fresh organic one. Like goose fat even on bread with salt. My grandmother used goose fat for red cabbage.
I am glad you had a blessed Christmas.
We did too in our home made a ham without the bad additives from free rage pigs. My husband ordered it way to big for two people. We be eating left over and make soup with the bone.
Peace and Joy
Thank you so much. You would have loved our dinner. Over the past decade, I have been perfecting goose fat extraction during roasting, leaving the meat tender and succulent.
The day before, I cut the fat on the surface and salt it well, then leave the bird to air dry in the kitchen (ours is cool) overnight on a rack on a roasting tray.
I was very happy to find around a pound of fat in the neck area when I opened the bag with the bird. I rendered the fat on Christmas Eve, which took a few hours.
We had the sautéed liver on homemade bread (toast points) on Christmas Eve as a side with our dinner.
For stock, I cooked the wings, giblets and neck. The strained stock helped make a fantastic orange-Port sauce for the roast goose.
I then thinly sliced the giblets and shredded the neck meat. All of that will go into Cajun ‘dirty rice’ early next week. Can hardly wait.
I really enjoyed reading about your grandmother’s liking for goose fat and your ham this year. Thank you for sharing.
Anything with goose fat is excellent!
Compliments to your husband for ordering a free range ham that is too large for two people. One can never have enough ham! Enjoy!
You are wonderful
Oh, gosh, thank you!
Well, thank you kindly.
So are you. Your husband, children and extended family must love you dearly. And so they should.
Husband does grand kids do kids not so sure their spouses feel intimidated. I am not a treat to them I just move out of the way
I always feel embarrassed at how much we throw away. The local supermarket had a “desperation sale”, so I got a 20 lb. Foster Farms turkey for $10. Pulled the neck and giblets and discarded. Roasted. Discarded the drippings. Stripped off slabs of meat — discarded the pickin’s. Didn’t make stock.
There’s only the two of us, and we don’t have any space in the pantry or either fridge. And we have a tiny kitchen where I can’t really even boil the bones for stock and can it — even though you can use stock all the time.
After throwing all that away, I made dressing with store-bought unsalted chicken stock. (It says 1-1/2 cups water & half a stick of butter, boil, kill heat and throw in their stuff, cover. What I actually do is 1 cup stock, 1/2 cup white wine, butter, 1t powdered rosemary, 1t powdered sage, little pile of parsley, thyme (thus competing a “Scarborough Fair”), shake of white pepper, smidge of mustard powder, about 1t granulated garlic, and a couple of shakes of savory. When it boils, it should smell vaguely like soup. Then toss in their stuff and stir.)
If I had space to stretch out, I could do more of the country farmhouse thing and really get my money’s worth. I could even look into getting local turkeys instead of ones in a bag. *sigh*
The day before, I just sauté the giblets, neck and wings in a large pot, pour water over them, bring to the boil, then simmer for a couple of hours until the water reduces by about 1/5 to 1/4. That’s only one burner used.
That, added to drippings and a bit of flour makes splendid jus.
I’ve had tiny kitchens, too, but I have managed to make stock. Whatever doesn’t go into the gravy I put in a large-ish mayonnaise jar or two in the fridge then use it as some of the cooking liquid (along with extra water) for vegetables, rice or pasta.
The stock one gets from wings (or from boiling a ham) often turns into aspic. Imagine the nutrients therein.
My apologies, but I’m struggling to see why having a small kitchen or being a household of two would discourage one from making stock or using the drippings.
Yup. Same in this area. Folks daily behavior in the neighborhood, normal.
That said, the sheep are wearing masks. I think the mask wearing is a combination to wfactors. Ignorance as they believe masks are the law. And, the goofy “go along to get along”.
This works two ways. They can use it to TAKE OUT A WITNESS (cough) in Washington.
A theory.
So where are the bodies?
Swept up. Very common in SpecOps actions.
Exactly. Doesn’t know “ArtOfWar” from a hole in the ground.
If they found it they would have either disabled it or moved the van.
Just saw that video at wearethene.ws – repeated warning to evacuate followed by the explosion. Eerie.
Posted elsewhere. Methinks Antifa in play here. Not towel heads.. Lots more of this coming our way. While some technical stuff to work through, which they obviously have, this is a cookie cutter operation.
Have we read about the explosives. Wondering if it the standard fertilizer, diesel and an ignition source of sorts.
DC, our Jnauary 6th festival could be shielded by banning cars on two main drags, Independence and Constitution. Along with cross streets.
Jan 6th is a work day.
But yea, interfering with Jan 6th is a possibility.
Bombs reminds me of the sixties. A school friend of my husband blew himself up in a brownstone in NYC, The whole house blew up.
Was it not the weather underground group? Some are still around and maybe now we have the second generation wanna be using the tactics of the past? This tyranny and our idiot intel and FBI are busy looking at conservative groups since the Antifa BLM is only an idea,
We all know these people fail us have failed us for a while we just did not know it.
The Weather Underground group are now teaching College — I kid you not!
Back in the sixties Abby Hoffman’s, “Anarchists Cookbook” was quite popular with kids who didn’t really care about anarchy as much as they did want to learn about making bombs.
Hell, when I was a derelict teenager, I bought a book that splained how to make various bombs. Interesting reading. Never did any of that crap, but interesting.
Bought it mainly cuz I didn’t believe it would really explain how to make bombs. It did. Complete with pics and diagrams.
The Man and The Birds
A Christmas Story…from the late Paul Harvey
brought to you by Pastor Marty.
this is the first time I’ve heard this…and I got choked up.
well worth it.
Oh, Thank You smiley!!!
I heard this on the way home from church, had heard it before and was hoping to hear it again this year.
AND, I was planning on asking some here to see if they could find it!!!
it’s SO good.
I, too, choke up when hearing it.
” Dan Scavino Tweet Has The Whitehouse in a snow globe. There’s a shake-up happening. Merry Christmas Pedes!!”
Love the reply after
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
Storm’s a brewin’…
If you all passed this by (the entire THREAD that is), you missed a gem…
Duchess posted an interesting tweet… comments and someone’s digging will make you smile
If this was as important as PR says it is I will never know.
Twitter is now totally unreadable by me. It doesn’t embed, and following the links just gives me a blank page that never loads.
Is there an unroll somewhere?
I think you want
Here is Dan’s but not very useful
Here is a list of the twitter threads I often follow.
Occasionally follow since linked to by Treepers.
(FIB agent) https://threadreaderapp.com/user/SirAaron_
(BadKitty) https://threadreaderapp.com/user/pepesgrandma
Looks like everything there (at least on your first and second links) is older than ten days.
So unfortunately, I don’t know what PR is talking about. But thank you!!!
You are welcome.
I guess, Steve – will call Gail – she is great at unrolling – alas – I am not – * Sigh *
Somali snowbirds???
Cousin Eddy with Wray driving?
Dang. They blew up a perfectly good retirement home.
For whom, P?
Lonestar and Barf’s?
Am starting to see online twitter reports from Nashville PD that “human remains have been found” related to the RV.
Saw that, too, CV – wonder if there will be enough left to identify whoever got hit.
These campers have likely been used as control stations to get out the Biden vote all around the country.
They should ask Biden if he’s missing one.
LOL – perhaps that is from where the PSA came, Para!!!
Leave it to a Golden to find a way to have fun in the snow.
Precious, they are, Gail!!!
He loves doing it too LOL
Yes, yes he does, K!!!
Verification needed
well if things are going to “explode”, the dems are gonna need a BIG distraction and DELAY tactic…a state funeral would do it…and it would have to be a dem–the dems wouldn’t give a fig if a repub died…so they wouldn’t have the delay.
Probably would schedule state funeral for January 6.
Great. We’ll just substitute 6 Jan with a Declaration of War!
On the contrary, they’d give a great deal about whatever Repub died so conveniently for them. They’d make themselves care.
Now, I have no idea what the original tweet was about as I can see none of them (not even if I follow the link).
the rumor tweet is that Bill Clinton is dead…and it will be revealed to the press soon
Damn shame if he is, he won’t be executed.
some of the replies believe he was…at gitmo…
OK, that would work for me.
As long as they took video.
Merry Christmas Steve!
(i wouldn’t watch the video, but the confirmation would be nice.)
True – however – if this is just wishful thinking – we are going nowhere – imho
He was not looking good in the past years and I don’t think it was just his weight loss,’
Nope – could have been all of the dope he ingested – we will never know, K
Granddaughter holding old glory and USMC flag…interesting.
JamCooker mentioned Bobby Piton had been blocked although he does not seem to be.
Any way here is Bobby’s Contact at his financial website: (We really need to organize and help the guy.)
Just in case Twatter kills his tweets…
I would love to do this. But I can only do one, DC or research. So I hope other people jump on to help him.
That is why I posted it here and at Chiefio’s. Also had Hubby send it to a group of conservative college profs/professionals. (Our Friday Morning Breakfast Club)
Just so we understand what Mr Pitton is driving towards. Looks doable and viable IMO.

Now I know why- browser is blocking. I got a message about it when I looked at the above link.
Got my Christmas Snow–Its snowing.
Now my Christmas is perfect
Got my eggnog, my Christmas Snow, and of course my Christmas Wolf Family
It is a Merry CHRISTMAS!!!
It started snowing yesterday evening and we have 3″ snow. Looks beautiful and so timely
Tomorrow we get are first day of freezing weather so I am going to cook a turkey. (Thawing it out tonight.)
We do not have snow. Generally it is cloudly/raining/warm or clear & cold so snow is rare. Maybe once every five years.
If this is true..guess the “suspicious” van wasn’t suspicious enough to get PD’s attention before
Ashley Renner
He’s been calling them trying to help, but hasn’t gotten through. I told him Twitter might be able to help
People used to comment OT that the FIB didn’t want to know. The school shooting in Florida, to name one instance where people called days ahead of time saying that something dangerous was about to happen at that high school.
Someone OT replied at the time that calls to FIB go to a central location in the US. Most of the time FIB are not interested, especially if a major incident is about to take place.
We have consistently heard FIB ignoring valid calls from the public.
FIB “screeners” have terrible instincts and or their guidance totally sucks. Beaucrats at their worst.
They’re awful. I’d love to know what goes on at the call centre every day.
This thread is very interesting – but, dunno how to unroll or post thread reader – Help!!!
Here is the thread reader.
can you make thread readers for other tweets Gail???
there is A DOOOOOOOZY concerning the First Couple
I am not on Twatter. I am just very good at searching.
I used
h ttps://threadreaderapp.com/user/ Eyconik
with a space before the twitter handle and DuckDuck go fills in the rest.
Then I just hope someone else made a thread reader.
thanks i just posted the whole thread
Thanks, Gail!!! Appreciate the assist!!!
From day POTUS came down the escelater I lived from Hope to Hope. Now given the whole election into god’s Hands and wait.
The best we can do, Sing! I would rather leave it up to God than up to most of the shady characters in government.
“Final” Christmas Portrait???
the portrait was of the First Couple in tuxedos? remember that and we were wondering what was the significance–FLOTUS always has a meaning!
Tuxedo is a transaction software owned by AT&T!!!!!
Nope – just wondered why they used the word “FINAL”
the PRESS dubbed it their final portrait in their coverage of it that’s all…it’s the press…they’re dogmeat
Oh – so true!!! Or Chopped Liver – can’t like liver –
Chopped Liver slightly decayed makes good FISH bait. esp. catfish. (I’ll spare you the images)
Chopped liver is too good to waste on fish.
Liver from an old billy goat???
(I still have some saved for fishing in the freezer.)
Now chicken or turkey livers get sauteed with bacon and onions in butter and eaten for breakfast.
You hadn’t specified …
LOL – was sure you would find a good use for it, Gail – after all – you are so resourceful!!!
You’d love my chicken liver pate.
I have converted more than one liver hater. I sent some home with them. They ate it on the way home, it was that good.
Not bragging, just pointing out that when food is prepared well, everyone will love it.
I like liver
Good for you! Your European side never left you!
No it did not but I indulge not often.
My husbands mother was German and his father from Romania but German born under the Austrian Hungarian Empire.
Therefore he likes my German cooking when I do. Often though I cook German specially on holidays.
My husband speaks more German than I do even though he was born in NYC. People always think he is German and I am Swedish , British , Danish or Australian
That’s something. Life’s a funny thing, isn’t it?
Glad you still make German recipes for your husband.
Good animal fat is what is missing from our diets these days — and we could do without the carbs. My grandmothers ate very few carbohydrates, including sugar (hardly any desserts), but enjoyed fat and protein.
My grandmothers did the same,
I eat some carbs never in the evening meal. Little sugar not much deserts. Since I mill my own flour and bake my bread there are no fillers in the bread but all the nutrition is in it. I never have more than one slice is super filling and many times 1/2 is enough.
Excellent. I recognise the routine.
Good for you.
You are fortunate you can mill your own flour. Homemade bread is a lot more filling — and nutritious — than commercial bread, even from a bakery.
There is a milling attachment for KitchenAid stand mixers. I haz one. You start milling all sorts of things….
Where do you get the raw materials to put in the mill, though?
Oh, I agree, Church – much like with Lima Beans as a child – I cannot get past the gag reflect – know what I mean?
Not really. Sorry.
My food nemesis is the butter bean, but I’ll eat them if they’re on the plate. No gag reflex, I just don’t like the texture or the taste.
Agree there, Church – texture and taste are part of the enjoyment – however – I do not care how one dresses up lima beans – I will not partake – lol
Of course they are – do not waste an opportunity to put their little ‘digs’ in for effect – I hope they eat their just desserts along with their buddies in the Dim Party.
AT&T was what was hit today in Nashville. Hmmm.
At this point, we are well aware – there are NO coincidences – imho
tuxedo. AT&T in DC. Nashville boming in front of AT&T building.
Rather sure it is all a coincidence.
Can any of you IT Guys/Gals explain what this means – Please – Thanks!!!
We just found a way to get rid of the Klintoons, the Øbozos, the Satanic Soroses, and the rest of the deep state, without leaving a trace. They can eat Schrödinger’s Cat’s food…
OR, somebody discovered a new cartoon from Rodrigues from Stereo Review
Actually, if it indeed WERE teleportation as the title breathily suggests, they wouldn’t need fibre-optic cable to help transmit the qubits…
It think it’s a PR (please send more money) announcement; yes, they’re making progress, but it’s a loooooongggg way to market at present…
LOL – far-fetched – but, funny, Cuppa!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours too, duchess!
We’re still waiting for snow here – cars are frozen over, but someone’s hidden the snow (maybe it was teleported away
)… then again, there’s nothing to shovel, so there is a bright side to it…
The paper seems to indicate they’ve made progress, but there’s more to be done (“forward compatibility” always scares me: how do they know?)…
Hmmm…all Greek to me, Cuppa – however – if you are looking for snow – I can teleport some to you – if you want!!!
You really loved the movie Looper, didn’t you?
Oh, Cuppa – you are precious – you not only have a way with words and concepts – but you can also see the humor in it all.
God bless your comically creative heart!!!
It likely means that China is going to have sustained high fidelity quantum teleportation soon if Biden gets into office.
Precisely. Our socialist dupes don’t get what is actually going on. They are deluded into thinking that our traitors are “sharing information with China” to level the playing field for everybody. What is really happening is that China seeks to obtain DOMINANCE over the rest of the world – including the dupes and traitors, for whom China will have no used eventually. They are being USED by China.
China does this by forcing BAD SCIENCE back on us. It’s ingenious how this works.
What a mess they have created, Para!!!
Instead of “1 or 0”, or “yes or no”, something you might call “definite maybes” (quantum states) seem to be the next big thing in computing, and the further you can send them, the more likely they will be a big thing!
This is not actually about teleportation of matter – it’s about teleporting (sending) INFORMATION. It’s about sending the very specific “definite maybe” information over a sizable distance and having it not degrade or get lost.
Wow, Wolf!!! Now that makes perfect sense to me – mathematically speaking – however – if we are sending ‘maybes’ – does that mean we will never again have reliable definitive answers?
Perfect technology for politicians and used-car dealers
LOL – Unfortunately, Cuppa, being a big silly in this case makes sense, too!!!
Now THAT is the beauty of “definite maybes” – they are used to EVENTUALLY get “yes” or “no”, but in the meanwhile, they allow complicated conditionals to be communicated closer to what they are. Not always a huge advantage, but the fact is that nature is full of complicated conditionals – particularly at the quantum level. Quantum computing allows for – in some cases – superior representation of problems as something “more like” those problems. Moreover, there are some security weaknesses that can in principle be solved by communications which SHOW THEY HAVE BEEN BROKEN.
All that said, there is some hype attached to quantum computing, and I am pleased to see that there are more and more principles which are being used to get all Grumpy Cat on the Woo-Woo excess. Nevertheless, everybody sees this as a place where there are good things. At some level, IMO, “relics” probably led us to certainty of that conclusion.
Lots of possibilities, Wolf – sounds exciting and intriguing at the same time.
They’re talking about 90% fidelity.
It’s the missing 10% that worries me. Also the fact that they have to rely upon another media connection (in this case fiber) to insure that it works (remote sensing?).
The seemingly eternal quest for higher bandwidth and the concommitant flood of information which must then be parsed, qualified, and categorized in order to be of any use has me scratching my head’s version of a sparse matrix, namely is there a true benefit that can be effected without enabling a total-surveillance state? Or everyone being microwaved (as it were) in their own homes?
I’ve been skeptical of these sorts of things since I read “The Naked Society”, by Vance Packard, back in the early 1960s… Seems he was wayyy ahead of his time (his other books are good, too)…
“Pence is a traitor to We The People.”
Is Lin Wood perhaps warning WE, THE PEOPLE about January 6th, 2021?
I have never trusted Pence.
I have had the same feeling, but he’s been a heartbeat away from the Presidency for four years now.
I remember the Flynn Pence interaction.
Lin taking the side of Flynn?
Is Lin Woods being psy op? By whom?
Have I missed something about Pence? Could this be because he didn’t take action on Dec. 23rd? I don’t think he absolutely had to. It is explained in this interview by Dave of X22 Report with Ivan Raiklin.
Lin Wood is also a lawyer and therefore should know all the ropes. I have no idea what is going on at this point.
Lin at this moment sounds like a loose cannon?
I am not sure what is going on but how successful were teams Pence was leading ?
What is Pence connection with Bush?
Maybe Lin Woods knows something I do not maybe Flynn does?
I had the same thoughts. But if Pence betrays Pres. Trump, there are no words for what would ensue — by patriots, not the turncoats in power, unless the military were involved.
Found OT…
Q said the first indictment would shock everyone.
A Pence indictment would shock just about everyone.
very true.
Note that Pence was running the Covid FIASCO too.
I was just about to post that!
There’s a whole lotta stink on Pence that has been ignored over the past four years.
Not listed above issues with Pence. IIRC, Pence had a “leaker” in his office. Perhaps a wife or husband of a Pence staffer.
Stink on Pence, we have largely ignored because President Trump has stood by him solidly.
Interesting that POTUS bashed AG Sessions (Who I still think is a good guy) but praised Pence.
Is he confusing the heck out of his enemies?
Can’t really dwell on Pence. Until President Trump jettisons VP Pence, he remains a good guy.
As I’ve posted a few times, the FIRST MOMENT President Trump’s memoirs go on advanced sales, I ordering.
The behind the scenes story stuff President Trump weaves through has got to be absolutely eye popping “who’d a thunk” real life bomb shells.
Honestly, the only indictment that could shock me at this point would be a Trump family member. Everybody else is suspect.
Ain’t that the truth!
Pence would be a shock to me because Pres. Trump has repeatedly expressed confidence in him and has praised him. He put him in charge of the WuFlu task force, but that could have been punishment, LOL. Pence looked excessively fatigued during that time.
“Pence would be a shock to me because Pres. Trump has repeatedly expressed confidence in him and has praised him.”
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Pence a mole whose every word and movement were being spied on by the white hats, collecting mountains of evidence about enemies of MAGA…the stuff of spy novels. But it could happen.
“A Pence indictment would shock just about everyone.”
Not me.
Just sayin’…
Agreed Scott, definitely a shocker to the sheep. Personally I wouldn’t be.
Oh Lord would that be the ultimate shocker!
Who gets to be VP then?
Could be why (if indeed Pence were bad) VSGPDJT is reluctant to jettison him…
If Pence were arrested or stepped down, PDJT would appoint a new VP that would have to be approved by both the Senate and Congress. VP Spiro Agnew was forced to step down because of income tax, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford. Nixon eventually stepped down and Ford became president.
Since the RNC usually picks the running mate of the president, perhaps Trump decided to keep Pence as a place holder until the need arose for a new VP. He could then select his own. He may have also been counting on winning the house & senate.
Maybe he’s just not that competent out of his sphere: being a state governor and hosting talk radio shows.
Well he certainly struck me is very light weight in the credential area. aka typical politician.
Most politicians are like him. That’s the problem.
something is wrong on many levels unless it is all psy op makes no sense. Lin needs prayers he is in pain no one should be like he is.
Remember that Lin Wood is a defamation lawyer. He therefore would not say anything unless he had proof. TRUTH is the absolute defense in a defamation lawsuit.
That is why I am taking him seriously. (Although it certainly could be chaff to confuse the enemy.)
“Chaff” privately understood President Trump, VP Pence and a couple tightly held strategists.
The VP Pence dig by Lin Wood IS inline with the other WH gossip the past three or four days. The latter commonly associated with Byrne.
There certainly have been wild rumors floating around. And as I said, because of Lin Woods reputation, he would certainly be taken seriously making him the perfect vehicle.
(I still do not like Pence.)
Some of his posts are puzzling. By the way I like the man he seems to be a good person.
For many of us, Pence gives off not wholesome vibes. I can’t put my finger on it, but really don’t trust him.
At this point, I reserve my trust and distrust for just damn near everyone.
WHAT….. was in the ENVELOPE(s)?????
The envelopes are a mystery. If Pence were a real MAGA guy, then he should not have gotten the envelope that the traitors got unless it was a ruse to throw them off.
If Pence were a — pardon the expression — wolf
in sheep’s clothing, then he should not have gotten the same envelope the traitors got, either, because that would have shown the traitors that Pres. Trump knew who Pence really was. And it would have shown Pence that Pres. Trump was onto him. The Pences getting an envelope doesn’t make sense to me, but Karen Pence did get one.
Publisher’s Clearinghouse?
I think the need for smoke and mirrors is extremely high right now to keep the other side on their back foot, so to speak. And when the envelopes were handed out, it was another crisis period (seems to be a continuous one, (no)thanks to the derp state)… VP Pence almost seems “too good to be true” which brings out the skeptic in anyone, I’d think. I guess that could also be worded, “too good to be good”… (or any good)… But it would be the ultimate deception… lots of roles, lots of feints and bobs and weaves and misdirection… rather stressful movie right now, and we’re not even in the cast (but we’re paying for it)…
Probably a conspiracy theory but I saw something on fb that had photos of seal team 6 in the envelopes. I can’t remember who put it out or I would go back and get the photos. Interesting thought though.
Steve threadreader:
(sorry this is not in it.)
WTH is going on?
Nashville, Cincinnati …
How about UniPartyDeepState + CAIR + Muslim Brotherhood + paid gullible patsy’s.
How about “warnings” of various types to any Republican Senator / House member who’s talked about “a challenge” on January 6th.
NOT a single point of failure for us.
Guaranteed the data has been mirrored in multiple locations. Including hardware controlled by President Trump’s Team.
For Steve + Zoe
“WHO will be our PRESIDENT?”
The same guy who is our president now, of course.
I didn’t get to Die Hard yesterday; impromptu Xmas gathering.
Tomorrow’s daily is in the can, so off I go.
Now I have a machine gun. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris.
welcome to the party pal
I bought mr gil the bluray of all of them. It was sold out almost everywhere!
RedPill78-What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guards System,The Best Is Yet To Come
X22 Report Published December 25, 2020
I’m liking Lin Wood more and more each day

He is a real fire-breather! I could certainly see him as a fiery preacher.
Don’t have to worry about Epstein anymore. One way or the other Bill Barr took care of that problem.
Speaking ofcourse, there’s another investigation that needs to be redone.
Any “Adam Schiff Sightings” today?
After the couple Schiff posts yesterday, been hoping for confirmation, all day.
Yesterday and today, Googled looking for anything related to Schiff being picked up by cops yesterday, FIB building. NOTHING found.
You might try Lin Woods twits
a contact of mine told me
Lin tweet said Adam shiffty was having a bad day today.
But I have not looked.
One of the psosts said Shitty was arrested by LA cops.
An hour ago, checked LA County inmate search. Nothing showed for Shitty.
That is not proof either way. He could be held “on ice” off the record. Don’t believe that. Just floating it.
Could also be being held by FIB, US Marshall’s or who knows what LE organization.
At this point I am not buying into Shitty being picked up. Something would have leaked. Be it LE, snitches, fake news including TMZ or paranoid D-rats skeered.
Hmmm….don’t know what to think.
Follow The White Rabbit
(@WhereIsTruth4) Tweeted:
A Operations.

This @DanScavino tweet has a timestamp of 1:29
directing us to Q129
It’s the Closing Act
The Swamp is impossible to clean by any means
other than N
It could also be read this way:
C_A dismantled.
(Because) it was impossible to clean (too corrupt).
Control over legitimate (C_A) operations shifted to No Such Agency.
That would be a good change.
re5iGaM (@re5iGam) Tweeted:
“The CIA pays AT&T more than $10 million a year to provide phone records with possible links to suspected terrorists. The arrangement is voluntary and there is no court order requiring the company to cooperate with the Central Intelligence Agency” https://t.co/2G2gDnhd1a
““The CIA pays AT&T more than $10 million a year to provide phone records with possible links to suspected terrorists.”
And yet somehow, the only phone records C_A is interested in are the records of American conservative patriots.
That’s really weird…
The arrangement is voluntary and there is no court order requiring the company to cooperate with the Central Intelligence Agency” https://t.co/2G2
..who then promptly hand that info to fib , who now don’t need to go thru a fisa court.
Place your bets.
And that is why they all supported BLM and FUNDED BIDEN.
For Steve and Zoe
[QUOTE to bottom]
Leaked Files Expose Mass Infiltration of UK Firms By Chinese Communist Party Including AstraZeneca, Rolls Royce, HSBC and Jaguar Land Rover –
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Christmas Spirit Balding 大老板
· Dec 12
Another great data leak by the IPAC team on CCP members in UK companies and government institutions. A couple of important things about this database are important to note 1/n
No Chinese citizen can resist a demand to spy.
Fang Fang was in contact with a diplomat suspected to be a Ministry of State Security agent, based in SF Consulate.
Thé SF consulate even harbored fugitive Tang Juan, wanted by FBI.
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Password Hunter02
· Jul 23
Tang Juan, who has been hiding in the Chinazi Consulate in SF is an officer of the PLA Air Force. FBI found a photograph of Tang in military uniform & references to Tang’s employment at the Air Force Military Medical University.
In July, the State Dept ordered the closure of China’s Houston Consulate.
Pompeo said the facility was a ‘hub of spying & IP theft’:
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Password Hunter02
· Jul 24
Thé Chinazi consulate in Houston is one of 25 known locations across the US where China installed undercover operatives to spy on the US govt, US businesses, & academic research institutions.
It targeted over 50 Houston area researchers, professors & academic re the Talent Plans
M F implicated in election fraud met with CCP member:
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Password Hunter02
· Oct 2
Also implicated in ballot harvesting is Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
Here’s the pic of Ellis met with Chinazi Communist Party member Xi Erwin & Texas State Rep. Gene Wu:
How many Chinese spies have infiltrated NYPD & other US law enforcement agencies?
“Let them [superiors in Beijing] know you have recruited one in the police department.” Officer Baimadaijie Angwang allegedly told one Chinazi govt official
FBI arrests NYPD officer who helped China spy on Tibetan community- https://nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/nypd-officer-helped-china-spy-tibetan-community-feds-say-n1240651
𝗨𝗦 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗖𝗣!
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f635.svg https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f635.svg https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f635.svg
Hundreds of Chinese Communist Party members are embedded in Chinese divisions of major US corporations-
70% of foreign businesses In China have a Party unit.
Leaked Database Reveals Leading US Firms House CCP Units
The first step in eliminating a cancer is identifying it.
The second step is booting ALL CHINESE OUT OF THE USA!
That includes CHINESE ANCHOR BABIES who were raised in China and have ‘dual citizenship’
We also need to get rid of dual citizenship. Divided loyalties is a big fat NOT GOOD.
And while we are at it toss the foreign worker programs AND STOP IMMIGRATION PERIOD.
We also need to take a good hard look at the Mussies. If they are on welfare or are criminals BOOT THEM, citizenship or not.
Time to get touch and clean the place up.
Very short search and just skimming off the top.
Pick a story, any story and dig in. If we had an honest media this would be common knowledge. Although these are all leading conservative outlets the truth is still being withheld from the American people.
Sweet of you, Gail – Am sure they appreciated your extra effort! God Bless!
“Each student is a potential agent cuz all r under legal compulsion to commit espionage against thé US.”
Pretty simple answer to that problem.
All Chinese students must leave the United States, until or unless the CCP removes any ‘legal compulsion’ for students (or any other Chinese national) to commit espionage.
And since the CCP could obviously never be trusted even if they did ‘officially’ remove the legal compulsion, all Chinese students — and all other Chinese nationals — must leave the United States until the CCP is no longer in charge of China.
Thank you very much.
I know I make it look easy, but that’s only because it *is*!!!
Seems obvious to me, too, Scott – /s
This is the thread reader for that twitter user. (This thread is not yet up)
Any office-holder who can be conclusively shown to have won office by fraudulent, corrupt vote is NOT a legitimate office holder…
….even if they have been sworn into and “holding” that office for years.
No, being “sworn in” doesn’t nullify the fraud and confer legitimacy.
Now…..assuming the SCOTUS does not act prior to Jan. 6, then what happens?
This will be a series of posts. For now, chew on the reminder and consider the implications.
Correct, once fraud is proven, people have lost their seats.
Well that’s interesting. If anyone really investigates the last few years, or decades, congress could be completely cleaned out of all demonrats and never Trumpers for good. I hope someone is working on this. A good way to drain that part of the swamp.
I think Bobby Piton maybe working on it. That is why he was trying to amass a citizen ‘army’ to help him.
suggestion to Gail and Wolfie. Gail just posted on this page a helpful list of thread unrolls, threads frequently posted here. I would like to save it but don’t have a way. could it be posted on what to me looks like bottom m of the page but may be the side-bar all the time for our reference? That would be so helpful. Gail posted it for Steve, but many of us can use it. Thank you for doing that, Gail. For the last couple of days I have had trouble with my keyboard when typping in this space. Hope this is readable.
It is fine Zoe.
I am happy to hear you can read the thread readers.
Thank you, Gail. It would really be a help to some of us if we could look at those thread reader links any time. Not sure if that is possible
Merry Christmas, Zoe! Thank you for your message in an earlier post. Blessings to and upon you and your’s.
Zuckerberg looks like a man without a soul. What did they do to him?
He sold his soul – he chose what he would do to achieve power and control, Sing – the dark eyes do not even look normal – programmed?
He had an encounter with a psychic vampire or dementor. Considering the human sacrifices and other Satanic rites going on at the elites’ meetings, the riff-raff of the occult world show up there as well. Likely had his soul sucked out of him (cf. cuttingedge.org and crossroad.to, explanations of occult in current novels – dementors and “bogarts” are rather informative and harrowing)…
Oh, I know, Cuppa – it is disgusting – all of it!
He looks programmed and not happy. He has all the money but has nothing that gives life.
True, Sing!!!
LoGeRobZ (@LoGeRobZ) Tweeted:
I transposed the images and aligned them to prove that it was opposite! https://t.co/oY4gldn7t7
@re5iGam IT WASNT THE RV!! #NashvilleExplosion #NashvilleBombing –
Yeah, if this is connected to FAKE ELECTIONS, that would explain a LOT. The people behind FAKE ELECTIONS seem to like to use explosives, be that on the boyfriend of a governor’s daughter, or on a data center.
I found this short address extraordinary, albeit unsurprising.
Name a US President who has been as adamant, as definitive, and as emphatic about Jesus Christ, God Almighty, and His role with and upon the USA…
I doubt there has been another. At least in the last 150 years.
Except perhaps for Reagan and Coolidge.
WIKI says of Coolidge
Woman Makes Announcement From Home Giving Safety Measures Against Coronavirus
Good. Let’s get this show on the road.
YES!!! We want to SEE and HEAR the earth-shattering KA-BOOM!!! Give us the KA-BOOM! PLEASE!!!
Loved it–in the corner was Clark Gable and Loretta Yong… Was not the scandal that came to mind but “Gone with The Wind” Instead of “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” Wish I could fix it so Rhett say “Frankly,Democrats, I don’t give a damn”
TY Bak—You’re the greatest…
It’s been 17 days since Q posted.
Merry Christmas Everybody!!! I love you ALL!!!