The Battle of Trenton
First off I have to burst some bubbles–any that have survived the past couple of weeks.
The Battle of Trenton did not happen on Christmas Day after a crossing of the partially frozen Delaware on Christmas Eve.
No, it happened the day after Christmas after a crossing begun on Christmas. (Christmas night in modern reckoning versus Christmas Eve(ning) in Biblical reckoning where days started at sunset, not midnight. I’d wager the subtle difference between “eve” and “evening” is where the confusion stems from.)
And we didn’t kill them in their beds. Although we had some surprise on our side, they had time to get out of bed and make several daring attempts to win the battle.
Nevertheless, I have no doubt that, to alter the popular meme, we would be willing to kill agents of tyranny in their beds on Christmas, if we had to.
Speaking of “had to,” the United States absolutely had to win the Battle of Trenton. It would, by most standards and under most circumstances be a very minor battle, hardly worth noting, but it is instead often listed as one of the battles that shaped not just American, but World history.
As of Christmas morning, the Continental Army was getting its ass kicked. And everyone knew it. Morale was at near rock bottom. Washington had been in retreat since the previous summer, having been kicked out of New York and been chased across New Jersey into Pennsylvania. The army was now encamped near Philadelphia, and many of the soldiers’ enlistments would end in January; they could go home, having fulfilled their obligations.
And many of them were certainly planning to go home believing the Revolution to be a lost cause, and in so doing, they would make it so.
Washington himself had yet to really prove himself as a commander, too. His time in the French and Indian War was no triumph (in fact many historians blame his blunders there for helping to trigger the world-wide Seven Year’s War, which qualified as a “world war” in Winston Churchill’s estimation). And, thus far his record in this war was less than stellar. The scorecard of actual battles was less than inspiring.
Fortunately, George Washington was capable of learning from his mistakes. (Which if you think about it, is not as common as it should be.)
And also fortunately, there’s a lot more to being a general than being able to win battles. You have to have the strategic vision, the grasp of the big picture, to know when to fight and when to cut your losses and run, to fight another day.
Earlier this year I chose to highlight the 1812 Overture and Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and that was a perfect example. The Russian general there, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, who had taken command after Napoleon had seized Smolensk, understood one thing: Meeting Napoleon head-to-head would be disastrous. Napoleon was very good at winning battles. But Napoleon had, as it turned out, blundered at a strategic level in invading Russia in the first place. It would only work if he could win quickly. Kutuzov could see that his job was to ensure that Napoleon did not win quickly, to not give him the head-to-head confrontation he needed, after which the Russian winter would take care of things. Not that the Russians engaged in no combat at all; they went after Napoleon’s lengthening supply lines relentlessly, and in what was perhaps the bloodiest one day battle since Hannibal annihilated five Roman legions at Cannae in the third century BCE, bloodied Napoleon at Borodino so badly that, though Napoleon won that battle, it qualified as a Pyrrhic victory. But Kutuzov mostly retreated, trading one thing Russia had in abundance–space–for strategic advantage. They even let Napoleon have Moscow, the old traditional capital of the Russian Empire, but they made sure that it was worse than useless to him.
Kutuzov was widely criticized as a do-nothing commander. And even his sovereign, Alexander I, grandson of Catherine the Great, was in some danger of being taken out in a palace coup.
But Kutuzov was right, as it turned out.
But the War of 1812 (either one) was off in the future.
In 1776, George Washington was right to retreat when he did. He still had a force to use, instead of having been annihilated and us having Queen Elizabeth’s mug on our money today, and the Declaration of Independence being such an obscure footnote in history that one would have to do serious digging on the internet to even find the text–if anyone gave a enough of a damn to even ask what was in it.
Thus the task in December of 1776 was to leverage that tiny force. To win a victory. To show potential allies that we had the stick-to-it-iveness to see this through. For example France, much as it wanted to give England a bloody nose if not a crushed windpipe, wasn’t going to risk its own existence if it thought we would fold quickly and thus allow England to bring the troops home and use them directly against the French.
But the most important reason to win a victory is that without some kind of victory the Continental Army would effectively cease to exist on 1 January 1777. Ninety percent of those who had fought in New York earlier that year were gone. Many were deserting. Washington himself wrote, to his cousin in Virginia, “I think the game is pretty near up.”
The Army was camped at Valley Forge, near Philadelphia, about 2400 men. A detachment of the Hessian Auxiliaries that had helped chase Washington was camped across the river in Trenton. This was about 1400 men in four regiments. It looked like it was a mere matter of waiting for good fighting weather in Spring, and Washington, with his depleted army, could be taken out if he hadn’t already surrendered, and it would be over.
In fact it could happen before that; Washington expected General Howe, with yet other troops, to cross the river to finish him off, once the river completely froze over.
But what if we could pull off a sneak attack? The Hessians weren’t expecting anyone to want to fight in this brutally cold weather. But they were professionals; they’d stand and fight and clobber the amateur Continental army if there were any warning at all. But caught off guard with their figurative pants down they could perhaps be beaten, proving to the world but most importantly to our own men, that we could win.
The first part of this was “intel” or intelligence gathering. One thing that we had going for us throughout the entire war was better intel than the British, and this time was no exception. I’ll just quote Wikipedia here:
George Washington had stationed a spy named John Honeyman, posing as a Tory, in Trenton. Honeyman had served with Major General James Wolfe in Quebec at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on September 13, 1759, and had no trouble establishing his credentials as a Tory. Honeyman was a butcher and bartender, who traded with the British and Hessians. This enabled him to gather intelligence and to convince the Hessians that the Continental Army was in such a low state of morale that they would not attack Trenton. Shortly before Christmas, he arranged to be captured by the Continental Army, who had orders to bring him to Washington unharmed. After being questioned by Washington, he was imprisoned in a hut to be tried as a Tory in the morning, but a small fire broke out nearby, enabling him to “escape”.
Wikipdia, Battle of Trenton
The actual plan of battle was to attack Trenton from three directions; the main force would cross the Delaware well north of Trenton and split into two forces commanded by Sullivan and Greene, while another force under Ewing would cross to the south, seize the bridge at Assunpink (another battle would be fought there a few months later) to cut off any Hessian retreat. Yet a third group under Cadwalader would launch a diversionary attack on a British garrison at Bordentown, to cut off any reinforcements.
This battle plan was not conceived overnight; Washington had been working this for weeks. He had ordered raids harassing the Hessians, and the Brits even got some indication he was planning something, they just didn’t know when. Colonel Rall, in command of the Hessians, was no dummy, he had asked for permission to place units strategically to thwart a move against his force, but his request was denied.
So it was Christmas night (as opposed to Christmas eve) that we struck.
Any movement would have to be done as stealthily as possible, which today means shut off all the electronics and move at night and hope the enemy doesn’t have night vision, but back then simply meant to move at night and hope no one noticed.
Because it would be dark, our forces needed a password in case they blundered into each other in the dark. The one chosen was “Victory or Death.”
The actual crossing of the river had mixed results. It went too slowly, in fact it didn’t end until 3AM, when the plan called for it to be done by midnight. Washington had to give up hope of a pre-dawn attack. Worse, both Cadwalader, who was supposed to attack potential British reinforcements at Bordentown, and Ewing, who was supposed to secure the Assunpink bridge, were unable to do anything on account of weather.
It looked like a mess.
Washington, however, had no choice but to press on.
I’ll quote Wikipoo again:
At 4:00 am, the soldiers began to march towards Trenton.[32] Along the way, several civilians joined as volunteers and led as guides (such as John Mott) because of their knowledge of the terrain.[33] After marching 1.5 miles (2.4 km) through winding roads into the wind, they reached Bear Tavern, where they turned right.[34] The ground was slippery, but it was level, making it easier for the horses and artillery. They began to make better time.[34] They soon reached Jacobs Creek, where, with difficulty, the Americans made it across.[35] The two groups stayed together until they reached Birmingham, where they split apart.[7] Soon after, they reached the house of Benjamin Moore, where the family offered food and drink to Washington.[36] At this point, the first signs of daylight began to appear.[36] Many of the troops did not have boots, so they were forced to wear rags around their feet. Some of the men’s feet bled, turning the snow to a dark red. Two men died on the march.[37]
As they marched, Washington rode up and down the line, encouraging the men to continue.[28] General Sullivan sent a courier to tell Washington that the weather was wetting his men’s gunpowder. Washington replied, “Tell General Sullivan to use the bayonet. I am resolved to take Trenton.”[38]
About 2 miles (3 km) outside the town, the main columns reunited with the advance parties.[39] They were startled by the sudden appearance of 50 armed men, but they were American. Led by Adam Stephen, they had not known about the plan to attack Trenton and had attacked a Hessian outpost.[40] Washington feared the Hessians would have been put on guard, and shouted at Stephen, “You sir! You Sir, may have ruined all my plans by having them put on their guard.”[40] Despite this, Washington ordered the advance continue to Trenton. In the event, Rall thought the first raid was the attack which Grant had warned him about, and that there would be no further action that day.[41]
Sheer dumb luck. Rall had actually been lulled, not alerted, by the mistaken raid, imagining that was all that Washington had planned to do. But “sheer dumb luck” often turns history, in good directions as well as bad directions.
(Sheer dumb luck gives writers of alternate history novels all sorts of job opportunities. One such, who writes under the name of Harry Turtledove, has written books predicated on the assumption we lost the Revolutionary War early, and England had nevertheless learned a lesson and given us autonomy, like they would do in Canada, Australia and South Africa, and books based on the Union not finding the Confederacy’s battle plans before Antietam–wrapped around some cigars a Confederate had dropped.)
There were skirmishes at 8 AM and the element of surprise would soon be lost. Washington sent a detachment to block the road to Princeton; when it arrived it attacked a Hessian unit, and the commander of that unit, Wierderholdt, realized what was going on; this wasn’t some dinky raid. This. Was. It.
Meanwhile at Trenton we had entered the town and the Hessians were awake and forming up. Our artillery still on the other side of the river opened up to great effect, as did the few cannon that had been brought across. The Hessians tried to take the cannon, but failed; they may have been in Trenton, but they already had lost control of the town. They made a number of attempts to take it back, all failing.
In the end, the Hessians lost 22 men killed in action, one of them Rall, who had been mortally wounded. Another 89 were wounded. Including those wounded, 896 Hessians were captured.
On our side, two men had died on the march (not the combat itself), and five wounded (no deaths) in the battle, including a near fatal wound to the wound of a soldier named James Monroe. (Yes, that Monroe, whose last name is mistakenly thought to be “Doctrine,” the last president from among the Founders.)
However, we lost enough men during the subsequent days, from exhaustion, illness, and exposure, that in reality we may have lost more men than did the Hessians.
This was, nevertheless, a tactical triumph, and that is what we needed, strategically, to stay in the war, to go on to ultimately break the British in the northern United States at Saratoga, bring the French and their navy into the war, and ultimately trap the British at Yorktown.
However many died following Trenton, their deaths were certainly not in vain, and as a result no earlier Patriot deaths were, either.
And Queen Elizabeth does not appear on our money. But George Washington, head of our military effort, and Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence that Washington and his men were fighting to make stick, do.
I could spend some time drawing parallels between our situation today and this situation back then, but I’ll just point the criticality of the situation, how there would (will) be no Summer of 1777 (or election of 2024) for America without a victory now.
It has been my custom for a number of years to deliberately fly the Betsy Ross flag overnight on this one night, December 25/26, to commemorate this event. Yes, it’s technically illegal to do so without illuminating it, and the Betsy Ross “thirteen stars in a circle” flag is probably a myth anyway, but there it is.
This year, and in this crisis, I’ve been flying Old Glory (50 stars) 24/7 with a Trump flag, and it will remain that way until this is resolved, one way or another. I’ve thus missed doing a special flag “thing” for such eminent holidays as the USMC birthday (November 10), Veteran’s Day (November 11), Pearl Harbor Day (Dec. 7), Bill of Rights Day (Dec. 15), and the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party (Dec. 16). [For this alone, Biden’s future grave deserves to be pissed on.]
But I did take down the 50 star old glory and raise Betsy Ross in its place, this time. And I got to inspect my flags in so doing. The US flag is a high quality item but is definitely fraying on the lower fly. I’ll need a new one January 21. (If Joe Biden has his way, though, I might not bother, as I’d have a strong urge to fly it upside down in distress.) The Trump flag is a cheap print, and has been disintegrating fly-hoistwards, most of the P is gone and it’s a TRUMI flag, soon to be a TRUM flag as even most of the vertical is gone.
Justice Must Be done.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
The Mandatory Coin
Unlike last week, where I simply couldn’t think of anything, I have a topic in mind.
How did the Continental Congress pay for things?
War was expensive. The materiel wasn’t so bad, not then, especially when soldiers would live off the land. But we had to pay those soldiers, and we had no “real” money of silver or gold to speak of. England had done its best to bleed us dry long before the war happened. The idea of a colony, after all, was to send money home, not have it circulate in the colony and certainly not to have the colony send any money it made to other countries!
The Brits therefore tended not to let the colonies make their own coinage.
So we largely used Spanish money instead, with perhaps some French money in the mix (that latter bit is me speculating). This led to some monetary schizophrenia; the colonists thought in terms of shillings and pence (and very occasionally entire pounds), but much of what circulated here was Spanish reales, eight of which made a crown-sized coin that we called a dollar, from German thaler, which in turn was from Joachimstaler, which in turn was from Joachimsthal, a town with a gigantic silver deposit most conveniently coined into large coins, larger than had been seen before. (Today that town is known as Jachymov, and is in Czechia–and it played a key role in the discoveries that ultimately led to the atomic bomb–so it’s the home of both the Dollar and the Bomb.)
But there just weren’t enough dollars, nor reales, nor shillings, nor pence, to pay for the war effort; the individual states often failed to send anything to the Continental Congress.
So the Congress printed money, hoping someday to be able to redeem the notes with real money.
Thus was born the Continental Currency. And they had to resort to this a lot. To the point where it inflated, and we now have the phrase “not worth a Continental” to remember it by.
It was denominated in dollars, but often today the denominations seem odd. In 1775 we issued one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight dollar notes–as well as a twenty.
The next year we dropped the twenty dollar note in exchange for a thirty dollar note, added a half dollar note…but also a third of a dollar and two thirds of a dollar. And even a sixth of a dollar.
A sixth of a dollar? Really? That’s not even a whole number of cents! But, you see, our forebears didn’t even start dividing dollars into 100 cents until 1792. But this was still odd, because they typically thought of eighths of a dollar, single reales or “bits.”
In 1777, apparently, the inflation began to bite. The smallest denomination issues was $2, and we continued with $3, $4, $6, $7 and $8. (Apparently no $5, but all these other funky numbers.)
In 1778, the lowest denomination was $5, then $6, $7, $8, $20, $30, $40, $50 and even $60. Now if this was actual silver dollars, $60 would be huge sum of money by most people’s standards. But these weren’t, they were continentals, that weren’t worth a continental.
1779 saw the return of the $1 and $2, plus the $5, $20, $30, $35, $40, $45, $55, $60, $65, $70, and $80.
The British counterfeited these notes, in spite of the leaves depicted on them though a process that Benjamin Franklin had invented as a counterfeiting deterrent.
True connoisseurs of such notes will note there are a number of different designs, with notes from the same year often looking similar, and oftentimes the name of the printer contracted to run them off was quite prominent.
I’ll just embed a link to the full table in Wikipedia, rather than muck about with downloading the pics and re-uploading them:
(Or maybe not. I still can’t embed a link properly it seems. Try copying and pasting: https : // wiki/ Continental_currency_banknotes without the spaces.)
Many of these referenced the “United Colonies,” some made no such reference, but all mention the “Congress,” which was the issuing authority. Many 1776 bills issued after July 4 1776 still referenced the “United Colonies.” The first bill to read “United States” was issued in 1777.
Here’s a not atypical example, 1/3 of a dollar from 1776, authorized in February of that year.

These aren’t ruinously expensive, and can be had in presentable condition for well under a thousand dollars. (I don’t know this series at all; for all I know there are denominations/dates that are extremely difficult to find and hence to pay for.)
Standard Disclaimer: These are not my notes. I never show my items, and I very often don’t have examples of the stuff I show. But the important thing for any criminally inclined reading this is to know I don’t keep the stuff I do have, at home.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
Just two more things, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget them!!!
How Not To Find Yourself In Contention For The Darwin Award
(Nothing to do with bearded dragons)
It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.
Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
Given the brutality of PRC prisons, maybe I should hope not.
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
Yeah. That’s right. I’m pissed!

Just when I was wondering if anyone else could see this post.
Christmas night, most sane people have either gone to bed or they’re off hunting Hessians.
I have never claimed to be sane!
Insanity is my raison d’etre.
My house smells like freshly baked bread at what is 10:15 PST. I must be nuts. I wasn’t planning on making bread today, but I had some leftover pumpkin from a small pie I did make, and decided to make bread. So, in addition to my regular duties, I baked today as we are getting together tomorrow- Boxing day- (or today for some). Merry Christmas!
Nope, not sane.
That was a thoroughly enjoying and interesting read about Trenton.
LOL! I had not realized he was in that battle and nearly died. Wiki says he suffered a severed artery. He is shown in this painting:
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776, by John Trumbull,
In the center of the painting, American General George Washington is focusing his attention on the needs of the mortally wounded Hessian Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall. Rall is being helped by American Major William Stephens Smith, aide-de-camp to General John Sullivan. Washington orders Smith to “call our best surgeons to his assistance, and let us save his life if possible.”[5] During the battle, Rall had been shot twice and needed to be carried into his headquarters, where he died that night.[11] Behind Washington, on horseback, are his aides, Colonel Robert Hanson Harrisonand Captain Tench Tilghman.[1][2][12][13]
To the left and behind Rall, severely wounded American Lieutenant James Monroe is attended to by Dr. John Riker. He saved Monroe’s life by quickly clamping the damaged artery to stop the heavy bleeding.[14] On the far left, dressed in white, is American Colonel Josiah Parker. He had the honor to receive Rall’s sword of surrender and he alone holds a sword in the painting.[15][16] Next to him are Colonels Edward Wigglesworth and William Shepard.[12]
American Major General Nathanael Greene is shown on the right on a light-colored horse, facing Washington. Behind Greene are American Generals John Sullivan, Henry Knox, Philemon Dickinson, John Glover, and George Weedon. Standing to the right of Greene is Captain William Washington, who was wounded in his hand during the battle.[12][13]
In the foreground, a fallen Hessian flag is shown. Washington was later presented one as a war trophy.[17]
I literally added that “Doctrine” phrase at about 9:55 (my time) as I was reading the thing over and making tiny fixes. Perhaps not as punchy as my “diaper” comment from two weeks ago.
The “diaper” one is not ringing a bell. As long as you’re not punch-drunk…
The diaper comment drew this diaper-hunter out from his place of concealment for a good laugh!
I laughed about the Doctrine surname and thought…”that was very clever, Steve!”
So interesting…I’m planning to read your tale aloud to DH over hot morning drinks here a bit later. Thanks for the history lesson and reminder of the sacrifices others made for us. Our turn now.
What hasn’t changed since 1776 is that after a successful victory, the mostly political Generals and Colonels ‘rush’ to the front to get photographed/painted for future political endeavors…ahh the more things change the more they remain the same…..seems to have worked for two Presidents anyway…hehehe!
The paintings happen MUCH later and generally the artists “rush” them to the front for inclusion, even if they did not or weren’t even really there.
Lots of fiction in painting; one example leaps to my mind right now but if I were to name it I’d be hounded off this board.
In a way, we have our own “history painter” ..JonMcNaughton …who has been quite prolific with lots of symbolism, such as you see in these old paintings (note the Dove of Peace flying between the two horses),
Haven’t seen anything new in several months, but always looked forward to his latest messages.
Not sane here. No. Not at all.
Such a good post im going to read again in the am.
Hubby read it before I did and loved it. (I was busy reading the comments from last night that I missed.)
Thanks for the post, Steve. You brought back fond memories of US History class!
Except, at least in my history classes, we learned the date, facts and action but never the strategy or outlier factors. That’s why I enjoy revisiting all of this through adult eyes…as well as minds that aren’t interested in merely knowing enough to regurgitate to pass an exam but to understand the conditions and reasons of decisions.
I’ll lay money most of your history teachers were hoping you’d develop an interest and go after it on your own.
Unfortunately the way history is usually taught, this won’t happen. Also true of science at the elementary/junior high school level. One week you’re studying gravity, the next is a unit on the parts of an atom, and no way to see how it hangs together–it’s nothing more than trivia to memorize.
Went to a tiny rural high school of less than 200. Most teachers were fresh out of college because the Board couldn’t afford experienced ones. They were only about 4 years older than us! LOL. I doubt if there were any deep thinkers among them…they were education majors that were assigned to teach empty slots.
But, I do get your point and I did have an older civics/history teacher that inspired my choice of education.
Yes, excellent post both about the Battle of Trenton and the continental dollars. I learned a lot from both. Thank you, Steve.
Enjoyed greatly, but I feel cold and wet!
So do I since it dipped to 19F and all we have is space heaters since our CHYNESE made heat exchangers crapped out seven years ago. Our neighbors replaced one @ $5000 and we need two, one for each floor.
I think I will wait until Trump is re-elected and manufacturers start making them here in the USA again. I am really sick of buy Chynese crud and having it last for just a few years.
Same here. I avoid as much as I can. You typically have to buy the most expensive of just about any appliance in order to get it to last at all.
A lot of them are made in Mexico too. Cheaply made and made to break!
Twitter is at a new low.
You’ve heard of people being banned for being retweeted by Trump.
Now, somebody was banned for having a tweet LIKED by Trump.

There are a bunch of white-headed dinosaur descendants getting very pissed off.
And many are either vets, active military, hunters, gun owners, retired LEOs, Secret Service….
We would probably lose because of CHYNA but I would not want to be a lilly-livered Polly-tish-um or a Urinal-list if it goes hot.
I meant eagles, but it was figurative obviously; an actual wild bird knows nothing of our politics.
Lots of PATRIOTS pissed of, as you point out.
From GAB!!!

Things are getting nasty, as predicted. RED1 is coming!
QAnon and the Great Awakening
New “warning label” on Trump’s tweets.
The shift in tactics is notable. It went from “This claim about election fraud is disputed” to “Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election.”
Which election officials? How about some names, twitface?
Where’s the little blurb that says, “I’m Jack Dorsey, and I approve this message”?
Found in the comments:
Counter to @jack:
Don Jr. tweeted this article out earlier today. I *knew* something was up with Ossoff. Gut feeling, after Franklin Leonard kept promoting him, just like he did with Buttigieg so long ago.
It’s the China connection!
>Jon Ossoff rose to fame as an “up-and-coming local politician” who ran in a special election in Georgia. He claimed he had an intelligence clearance and was in the know, having worked for members of Congress. Hollywood money flowed in and he became a media darling. Though Ossoff lost, he had so much money still in his coffers, the media constantly talked about his future.
>Then a curious thing happened.
>Ossoff started receiving money from an anti-democracy media company in China. The money flowed through Ossoff’s “documentary film” company that supposedly made documentaries about government corruption.
>The Chinese media company, based in Hong Kong, had become stridently opposed to the Hong Kong freedom protest movement and, it turns out, was backed by the Chinese Communist Party.
>In fact, earlier this year, Ossoff refused to even disclose his financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and only after Republican Senator David Perdue kept raising the issue did Ossoff amend his financial filings.
>This all fits China’s pattern.
>They found an up-and-coming political figure “who had the potential to make it big on the national stage” and they started funding his career and rise through third-party companies indisputably tied to the Chinese Communist Party.
Is Jon Ossoff Compromised By China?
If you live in Georgia or care about the integrity of the Senate, you need to thoughtfully consider this report from Axios on China’s intelligence operations. One…
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Fuck Fatass Erickson!
Remember…..he disinvited President Trump to his CPAC type gathering?
Stopped Clock Erickson! Right once a month!
He’s worse than a stopped clock. He’s a clock that loses five minutes a day. Will only be right one time in 120 days (and that’s if the clock doesn’t indicate AM/PM)…
Neon Revolt NAILS two more CIA (Chinazis In America).
I replied that this made all kinds of sense, as the racial crap is classic Maoist stuff. China is using RACE as a way to safely inject cultural Marxist memes directly into Hollywood.
I think I finally figured it out.
Previous Hypothesis: Franklin Leonard was some kind of asset, set in place to gatekeep Hollywood – ie, boost narratives that were degenerate, promoting cultural Marxism, and divisive to the national character, and keep writers with trad/western/Christian values out.
Lots of evidence to support that theory, but that ultimately didn’t explain who he was working for. But now, in the face of new evidence, I have a new theory.
Hypothesis: Franklin Leonard is working for the Communist Chinese.
I had a hunch for a long time, but now I’m so close to actual proof:
He formed a partnership with the Chinese-owned Meridian Entertainment a couple years ago.
Underlying Theory: Jennifer Dong, the founder of Meridian Entertainment, is a CCP agent.
If I can prove that Jennifer Dong is actually a CCP agent – I can then prove that Franklin Leonard is colluding with a foreign government to undermine the nation.
Game on, #Rentboy.
Hubby had a couple long talks over the last couple days with a Musician friend who is in Hollyweird. He said they are ALL Crooked.
He is now in his 70s and if I named him you would know him. BTW I passed on all the nutritional info I got from here since he has arthritis. I hope it works as well for him as it has for me.
“If I can prove that Jennifer Dong is actually a CCP agent…”
Is she Chinese? Does she have any family member or person she cares about in China?
If so, she’s an agent. They all are; it’s in the handbook.
Your second point is right-on. The CCP really keeps tabs on CIA (Chinese In America). Their goons will harass Chinese who get too “churchy”, etc. Nasty business.
I know many who have at least one relative where that sort of threat wouldn’t work.
There are no coincidences.
And even if there was, we would have to assume it wasn’t.
Check this out!

From anons, earlier today (and I find the text explanation to be plausible ATM):
“Here’s a take on the Nashville Bombing…
18 USC 2332 & 2332a Criminal Charges
(18 USC Chapter 133B Terrorism)
Whomever did the bombing is a Domestic not a foreign terrorist.
No terrorist would take the time to produce a a large bomb and then go to extremes to safeguard life, that what they have done, the more death the greater the victory against Evil America.
Whomever did this was well aware of 18 USC 2332 and the difference between doing 20 years or facing execution if one American Citizen died if the plan failed or the actors were later discovered & arrested.
They are not stupid.
So a building was blown up, but did anyone die?
Look at the time the explosion occurred.
Look at the date, most if not all businesses were closed because of Christmas. This means minimal casualties.
The only danger lay with those who lived in the immediate area, hence the gunshots followed by loud recording identifying the RV with the explosives. Who is not going to wake up with gunshots at O Dark 30?
What terrorist organization, which hates the US, takes these extreme precautions to save lives, who does this?
None! That’s who! Why would they save lives? It’s ridiculous!
It’s domestic rat bastards who did this.
This explosion was not to scare Americans, or kill Americans or motivate Americans towards an “enemy”, this explosion was the secondary result of something greater that happened we just don’t know yet.
The target was so important, that a huge bomb had to be used to destroy what this group believed was important to them, enough to risk exposure.
The bomb was simply the ends to a means by serving as a distraction from the real event, a carefully engineered event taking into account preserving human life by alerting the public with the recorded warnings.
Let’s see what happens. Keep an open mind Anons!”

This is curious too, links to video source.

The FIB knows they have zero credibility, so they don’t even bother trying to lie about false flag events anymore.
Like the Las Vegas shooting.
They just moved on.
We weren’t even worthy of a credible (or even plausible) explanation for the shooting of nearly a thousand Americans, with 58 dead and “867 people [were] injured, 411 of them with gunshot wounds or shrapnel injuries”.
It’s a great article heralding another flood of information coming in. The battle of information looks to be almost fully enjoined.
I’m going to need to re-read it tomorrow or the next day, I’m “brain-fried” so to speak.
I would note that I consider there to have been one large world war between the British and French Empires, and that the 1744-1748 War of the Austrian Succession, the 1746-1763 Carnatic Wars (India), the 1754-1756 French & Indian War (North America), the 1756-1763 Seven Years War, the 1778-1783 Anglo-French War, and the 1780-1784 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War were merely phases. Note that, subsequent to that last one, France itself experienced the French Revolution (1789) and decided that they had problems of their own.
At least they had enough guillotines.
The last person to be guillotined in France was September 10, 1977. Just, y’know, maintaining skills…..
Maintaining skills can be a pain in the neck.
Ahhh, but any way you slice it, they’re a cut above the rest…
…After which point there were the Napoleonic Wars, where pretty much the ONLY permanent, consistent enemy France had, was Britain.
It is tradition for them for many centuries now.
Not for nothing did Monty Python include the French castle in the Holy Grail movie.
And the Brits have been trying to retake the USA ever since.
Never again will the Brits conquer anything. They are too busy surrendering to the muzzies. As is much of Europe.
Ah but the British Islamic Kingdom might decide to give it a whirl.
From Gab – ANTIFA behind derailment? This one REMEMBERS!!!
Click the green “gab” if it doesn’t start for you!

Well past time to dispute TWITTER.
You can right click and open image in new tab to look at this more closely.
Looking at the T, the A S X 7 2 9 I would say at MAX two different people or someone changing their hand writing a bit on purpose. It certainly needs to have a look see by a professional.

the “Houston” and the “T” in Texas all look the same to me…
Every N is capitalized. The mix of capitals and lower-case letters throughout is stunning, and the same every time. Like Fannette – NNE then ending with a lower case e.
yeah, I’m no expert either–but that stuck out like a sore thumb…I would’ve flagged them all!
Another Incoming Congresswoman Announces Objection To Electoral College Votes
December 24, 2020, 11:15am
by ProTrumpNews Staff
She’s the pistol-packin’ mama, isn’t she?
Yep, she’s from our own “Western Slope” and I actually sent her money.
She (used to) run a restaurant that encouraged open carry, even giving you ten percent off if you did so.
Rifle, CO? Wife and I had looked been looking at property on Zillow and found it.
The last time I tried to “stop in” on a trip west (it’s quite a ways from here, about 3 hours one way), the restaurant wasn’t there–some other restaurant was in its place, but I keep reading stuff indicating that it’s in business. Possibly she rebranded it, then unrebranded it.
“And Queen Elizabeth does not appear on our money.”
But she does appear on Canadia’s, Australia’s and New Zealand’s, which is how you know England never ‘gave’ autonomy to anyone.
What they ‘gave’ was the appearance of autonomy.
False autonomy.
England retains all the benefits of ownership without the appearance of ownership.
Because in the infamous ghetto-speak of Susie Rice, nobody gave nuthin’ (especially autonomy) to nobody.
If you read the oath of office for Canada, Australia and New Zealand, they ALL essentially pledge their souls in boot-licking humiliation to the Queen.
People like to claim it’s only symbolic.
Pull my other finger.
When power and money are at stake, it’s not a game — nobody gives nuthin’ to nobody.
But the appearance of independence has been very profitable for the Queen.
Just watch this.
It’s sickening.
If any American said what the ballerina Trupdope says here, that American would be guilty of High Treason:
“I, Justin ‘PJ” Trudeau, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.”
Queen of what?!?
Queen of Canada…
Did he swear to be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Canadian People who elected him?
Or to the Queen of England, and her ‘heirs and successors’?
So help me what?
So help me God.
And that’s just the first oath taken by Princess Trudeau, a.k.a. the Lord of the Dance:
Next comes the oath to the ‘Privy Counsel’, and no, that’s not a counsel that meets in an outdoor toilet:
“I, Justin ‘PJ’ Trudeau, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I shall be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, as a member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council for Canada.”
Impressive specificity. Is he swearing to be a true and faithful servant to the Canadian People who elected him, or to the sovereign power of England, by name and title?
And as a member of whose council?
Why her ‘Majesty’s’ privy council for Canada, of course.
Not even ‘of’ Canada. It’s a council she made for Canada, whether Canada wanted it or not (and you can be sure she never asked!).
I was waiting for the woman holding the oath to produce one of the Queens dirty boots for ‘PJ’ to lick in fealty.
“I, Justin ‘PJ’ Trudope, do hereby lick the Queen’s filthy boot in which the Royal smelly foot once dwelt, in a public display of fealty to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.”
Just try to imagine any American saying the words of either of these oaths.
“I will in all things to be treated, debated and resolved in Privy Council, faithfully,
honestly and truly declare my mind and my opinion. I shall keep secret all matters committed and revealed to me in this capacity, or that shall be secretly treated of in Council.”
Secret from whom?
The Canadian People, naturally.
Is any of this sounding like Canada is a sovereign nation, or a subject nation of England’s?
“Generally, in all things I shall do as a faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty. So help me God.”
It’s repulsive.
It makes my skin crawl, just watching him say the words.
But he’s giddy about it.
The leader of Canada is literally an avowed servant and subject of a sovereign leader of another country.
By public oath and declaration.
The Canadian People don’t even merit a mention, he has no allegiance to them whatsoever.
And the oaths of New Zealand and Australia are nearly identical, if not exactly identical.
They’re subject to the queen.
They’re not subject to the UK parliament.
That’s a key distinction even if you don’t want to acknowledge that. There are many instances in European history where two totally distinct countries could have the same monarch, but yet otherwise be quite seprate.
At first our major gripe with England was that the Parliament was trying to make law for the colonies. If they had backed off from that, and let our own colonial legislatures handle that, we might very well never have revolted against the King.
“They’re subject to the queen.
They’re not subject to the UK parliament.
That’s a key distinction even if you don’t want to acknowledge that.”
Are they still de facto British colonies or aren’t they?
In a world where we’re learning day by day that the entire political structure of Western governments all over the world are wholly corrupted — and very clearly by the same ultimate source(s) — is the UK parliament, or the Canadian parliament, any more of a representative body or legitimate independent governing authority than our own Congress?
Who’s in charge, really?
It’s not Adam Schiff, or Pelosi, or Schumer, or Cocaine Mitch. They’re clearly puppets serving some kind of practical overlord. Are their equivalents in Canada or the UK any different?
Who is above them?
Who is in really in control?
Who is pulling the strings?
In this world, who is above the SOVEREIGN?
sovereign(ˈsɒvrɪn) n
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person exercising supreme authority, esp a monarch
“They’re subject to the queen.
They’re not subject to the UK parliament.
That’s a key distinction even if you don’t want to acknowledge that.”
How is that not a distinction without a difference?
Did the Royal Lawyers come up with these oaths on a lark?
What is the direct evidence?
What do the oaths actually say?
Do those words not have meaning?
The lawyers who wrote them and the Queen who approved them certain hope and expect that those words have meaning, don’t they?
Otherwise, why go through the exercise?
Is the Prime Minister the leader of the government, or does he serve at the pleasure of someone else?
Does he essentially have the power and authority of a leader of the country, effectively the Canadian equivalent of the President of the United States?
He certainly presents to the world in that capacity.
But is he essentially a vassal to a higher authority?
If his allegiance is to the Queen of another country, how are the ramifications of that reality not enormous?
Imagine for a moment, an American President making the same oath of fealty to the monarch of another nation.
Would anyone try to claim that the President is subject to the Queen of another country but the Congress is independent, and that’s a key distinction which makes it all hunky dory?
Who has more power and authority?
The Prime Minister of Canada?
Or some guy in Parliament from Saskatoon?
Here is Wiki’s explanation of Canadian Parliament:
“The Parliament of Canada (French: Parlement du Canada) is the federal legislature of Canada, seated at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and is composed of three parts: the Monarch, the Senate, and the House of Commons.”
So Parliament consists of three parts, and the first (primary, honored with precedence prominence before others) is the Monarch of another country…
“By constitutional convention, the House of Commons is dominant, with the Senate rarely opposing its will.”
It sounds like the House of Commons is in charge…
“The Senate reviews legislation from a less partisan standpoint and may initiate certain bills. The monarch or her representative, normally the governor general, provides royal assent to make bills into law.”
So the House of Commons is dominant, but bills don’t become law without the assent of the Queen, or her representative — not the People’s representatives, the Queen’s representative.
It’s certainly an interesting definition of the word ‘dominant’.
“The governor general, on behalf of the monarch, summons and appoints the 105 senators on the advice of the prime minister,”
So on behalf of the Queen, the governor general, who represents the Queen, appoints the 105 senators… on the advice of the Prime Minister… who swore a boot-licking oath of fealty to the Queen…
So the Queen controls (is represented by) the governor general, and the Queen controls the Prime Minister — so the Queen tells the Prime Minister who to select and the Queen tells the governor general to then appoint those people whom the Queen told the Prime Minister to select.
This con is a thing of almost elemental beauty…
It really is beautiful… the circular nature of this, the 3-card Monte-esque nature of this circular power structure, all revolving around the Queen of another country, would make even a hardened Mafia Godfather blush… but the Queen, she pulls it off with panache…
“…while the 338 members of the House of Commons—called members of Parliament (MPs)—each represent an electoral district, commonly referred to as a riding, and are directly elected by Canadian voters.”
It’s very nice that the Canadian voters are allowed to have a part in this scheme. So the Queen is the monarch (first of the 3 legs of parliament), and the 2nd leg of parliament, the members of the Senate, owe their position to the governor general and to the Prime Minister, both of whom are controlled by the 1st leg (the monarch, the Queen).
As my good friend Meatloaf used to say, two out of three ain’t bad
So the Queen controls herself, and the senate, and the governor general, and the Prime Minister.
So that’s one, two, three, four… that’s FOUR entities beholden to or representing or working directly for the Queen, versus one entity (House of Commons) working for the people. A four-to-one power sharing arrangement… I wonder who wins all those fights?
And let us not forget that her Majesty is also the Queen of Canada, which would make her the sovereign of Canada.
It almost seems like the deck is being stacked in the Queen’s favor…
But wait… as I read ahead (I couldn’t help myself), it appears to get even better. I would say for whom it gets even better, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise or the suspense just yet
Okay, I’ll give you a hint, but only a small one.
It begins with “Qu” and it ends with “een“.
I probably shouldn’t have given a hint… but you’ll figure it out soon anyway, if you didn’t already. I’m sensing a pattern here…
“In his own right, the governor general also summons and calls together the House of Commons, on behalf of the monarch, while either the monarch or governor general, the latter as ex officio viceroy, can prorogue or dissolve Parliament, in order to either end a parliamentary session or call a general election.”
So the governor general — who we learned earlier represents the Queen — summons and calls together the House of Commons, and possesses the power and authority to dissolve Parliament.
And not even on behalf of the People, but on behalf of the Queen… of a different country. But also on behalf of the Queen of Canada, as we learned earlier.
So the Queen, via the governor general, controls when the House of Commons even gets to show up, to play their role in this scheme, and the Queen, via the governor general, can dissolve the whole government if she doesn’t like what they’re up to.
And the governor general is a viceroy. That’s an interesting word, essentially a synonym for representative, if the person being represented happens to be a monarch:
Definition of viceroy1 : the governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of a king or sovereign
And there’s that word ‘sovereign‘ again… it keeps popping up… over and over (and over) again… almost like it might be important somehow, in this whole mix.
“Either will read the Throne Speech.”
Ah yes, the Throne Speech.
What good is representative government, without a Throne Speech?
I remember several of those from GoT.
They were always very important.
Further down the Wiki page on Canadian Parliament, we learn more about the role of the Throne in Parliament:
“The new parliamentary session is marked by the opening of Parliament, a ceremony where a range of topics can be addressed in a Speech From the Throne given by the monarch, the governor general, or a royal delegate.
The usher of the Black Rod invites MPs to these events, knocking on the doors of the lower house that have been slammed shut — a symbolic arrangement designed to illustrate the Commons’ right to deny entry to anyone, including even the monarch (but with an exception for royal messengers).”
Hence the word ‘symbolic‘, because it certainly isn’t an actual right, if the Queen has provided herself a ‘royal messenger’ loophole, who could be anyone she chooses, including the Queen’s Governor General, or her Prime Minister
“Once the MPs are gathered behind the Bar of the Senate — save for the prime minister, the only MP permitted into the Senate proper to sit near the throne dais — ”
So the members of the House of Commons, the representatives of the People, they’re not even permitted to sit groveling at the feet of the Monarch on her throne dais?
They can’t even go near the glory and the power of her Majesty?
That doesn’t seem very sporting of her, but what are you gonna do?
She’s clearly in charge… you can’t even sit at her sovereign smelly feet
” — the House of Commons speaker presents to the monarch or governor general, and formally claims the rights and privileges of the House of Commons;”
Unlike a free man, who doesn’t have to explain or justify himself to anyone.
“and then the speaker of the Senate, on behalf of the Crown, replies in acknowledgement after the sovereign or viceroy takes their seat on the throne.”
It could just be me… it’s probably nothing… but I’m kinda sorta sensing a very lopsided power distribution within this whole arrangement…
Wow. I’m blown away. I had no idea. I thought it was all ceremonial and the Canadians were basically acknowledging ties of common ancestry and tradition.
As a fellow American, who is descended from the English (as well as the French and Germans), I share your healthy disdain for the English Monarchy.
As a Catholic, I desire one King and Sovereign, Christus Rex.
“Wow. I’m blown away. I had no idea.”
Well, it may be that my understanding, based on a healthy skepticism and the integrity of Wikipedia, is not wholly accurate…
But on the other hand, it does look pretty bad to me too…
It seems pretty clear to me…
The Queen of England OWNS all the land in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. You do not get a deed of LAND OWNERSHIP.
Sorry I do not have the ‘sauce’ as it came up when farmers were fighting the National Animal Identification System AND PREMISES ID a couple decades ago.
NOTE the RECORDS for the Premises ID were/are? kept IN CANADA and they were getting little 4-H kids to register their parents property in order to be able to show in 4-H shows. The parents of course were never notified.
The little bit I can still find on the subject on the internet. (I lost files in moving to the new computer)
NAIS – a coerced AND hidden attempt to steal all US farmland as collateral on the bailoutBy Marti Oakley Posted by Linn Cohen-Cole
[Remember Chyna and Russia were tossing hissy fits because the USD ($$) was backed by NOTHING. So right after OH!Bummer’s election, Hitlary hustled her butt over to Chyna and after that Chyna backed off. Farmers think OUR LAND was put up as the backing for the dollar… Think of the ports, corporations, Smithfield and ALL those pig farms, and such NOW OWNED/CONTROLLED by Chyna. MAY 28, 2019 Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners. ]
In the UK, the PM and Cabinet of the dominant party in government (currently, the Conservatives) are known formally as Her Majesty’s Government.
You ask who is in charge? The Queen rubber stamps whatever the PM presents her with. There hasn’t been any political involvement from a monarch since 1688, The Glorious Revolution, a peaceful one on the mainland, less so in Ireland:
‘Since 1689, government under a system of constitutional monarchy in England, and later the United Kingdom, has been uninterrupted. Since then, Parliament’s power has steadily increased while the Crown’s has steadily declined … the events more closely resemble a coup d’état than a social revolution.[e]‘
Didn’t you learn in school that the British monarch, whilst head of state, is essentially a figurehead?
“In the UK, the PM and Cabinet of the dominant party in government (currently, the Conservatives) are known formally as Her Majesty’s Government.”
Well naturally.
If I wanted to present the appearance of a figurehead, while maintaining the practical reality of power, I would require that whichever side of the UK Uni-Party was ‘dominant’ was formally (legally) known as the royal ‘Mine‘ too.
When everything always redounds to the benefit of one person (or group, or party), how many times do we have to notice, before we realize it’s not coincidence?
“You ask who is in charge? The Queen rubber stamps whatever the PM presents her with.”
I know that’s the narrative, but how does anyone really know that?
How does anyone know whether the Queen (and her royal counselors, whose entire purpose in life is to defend and protect the Sovereign in all things, including perpetuity of the Sovereign line via royal heirs) isn’t running the show, and ‘rubber stamping’ her own policies as presented to her by the parliament which she controls?
It’s certainly not beyond the capability of a human being to construct such a system.
And it would certainly be very beneficial to construct such a system, for many reasons.
And coincidentally, the same people seem to benefit from the system, always, in perpetuity.
“There hasn’t been any political involvement from a monarch since 1688, The Glorious Revolution, a peaceful one on the mainland, less so in Ireland:
Follow the MONEY.
Always follow the money.
How much money does the Monarch rake in every year from her subjects?
“The finances of the British royal family come from a number of sources.”
Truer words may have never been spoken…
And here’s a nice perk of Sovereignty:
“TaxationThe Crown has a legal tax-exempt status because certain Acts of Parliament do not apply to it.”
If Parliament doesn’t apply to ‘the Crown’, the by definition, ‘the Crown’ is above the Parliament, and therefore above the Law.
Sovereigns always are, just ask any King (or Queen).
“Crown bodies such as The Duchy of Lancaster are not subject to legislation concerning income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax.”
Unlike us little people, money is always a very sensitive issue for Sovereigns. Almost as if money is power. It’s probably nothing we serfs ought to concern ourselves about… just trust in the elites… after all, they must know what’s best for us… because they certainly know what’s best for them. They never get that part wrong… I just hope there’s never a conflict of interest… if there (ever) was, I wonder how the little people would fare…
“Furthermore, the Sovereign has no legal liability to pay such taxes. The Duchy of Cornwall has a Crown exemption and the Prince of Wales is not legally liable to pay income tax on Duchy revenues.”
As noted earlier, they are above the law. If you are above the law in matters of money, then you are effectively above the law in everything else, because everything having to do with power and control in this world is about money.
‘Since 1689, government under a system of constitutional monarchy in England, and later the United Kingdom, has been uninterrupted. Since then, Parliament’s power has steadily increased while the Crown’s has steadily declined … the events more closely resemble a coup d’état than a social revolution.‘
I think that’s a lovely story, exactly the kind of fable I would require to be taught, if I wanted to maintain the appearance of a harmless elderly grandmother, while maintaining power and control behind the facade of a puppet government.
“Didn’t you learn in school that the British monarch, whilst head of state, is essentially a figurehead?”
Absolutely I did! Don’t think for an instant that I was not force-fed the finest propaganda and indoctrination that public education could disseminate.
I have just noticed over the years that much of what I was taught has turned out to be complete and utter bull$%#!
Lies stacked on top of lies, an ocean of lies, lies so thick that nearly everyone appears to believe them, especially during the time before the Interwebs, when independent inquiry was much more difficult.
Most of the lies that I was taught as a child were not with malicious intent. I think my teachers believed most of them, and my parents and grandparents did too. But grandparents less so, I remember… and great grandparents even less, like something happened back then that nobody wanted to talk about.
If people questioned much about how things were, and all the many instances of seeing that same cat walk by twice, they never spoke much about it that I recall.
Unless you asked point-blank. And nobody ever seemed to like that, it made people uncomfortable, which means they had their own doubts, they didn’t have the answers, and just like everyone here, they sensed that somehow an awful lot about this world just isn’t right.
They just didn’t have a convenient forum to talk about it with other people who noticed the same kinds of things.
Like we do
Well, we’re each going to have our respective perspectives on this, so to each his own.
The same thing I eventually say to the members of the mask cult.
Is it really so different?

I’m not a member of the mask cult, thanks very much.
“I’m not a member of the mask cult, thanks very much.”
Nor was I suggesting you were!
Okay, thanks.
I love history. My forebears, almost all of them that I can find, have been here since the early 1600s. I haven’t found a Mayflower, yet, but I will one day, because some man in my family almost had to have married a descendant of one. I’m still looking.
Anyway, my study of their history makes me despise the very IDEA of a monarch. Good grief, all my ancestors fled that bullshit, and then fought like hell to rid us of it.
One old lady across the ocean from you should NOT control what happens in your country.
Well, a few decades back, the Falkland Islanders were quite happy that they were part of the Crown hierarchy. Just saying.
The Bahamas were so eager to break away from Britain at the time and almost financially collapsed afterwards. We had an American medical doctor friend that had a home there and we went regularly, and through him became acquainted with the PM and spent one NYE in his home. Got quite an earful of that period in their independence move.
IF Canada, New Zealand and Australia had any integrity and pride in their countries they’d tell the Queen to fuck off, clearly stating their independence.
Well, we know Canada and New Zealand are spineless. Australia I would guess “thinks” the, hey Queen fuck off we are independent. Maybe someday Australia will grow another so they have a pair.
They always claim it’s ‘bigger than we can imagine’, and then it always turns out to be much less.
Like that worthless scooter, the “Segway”.
I remember the lead up to that product debut.
It was going to revolutionize human transportation. It used technology no one had ever experienced before. It was the kind of thing that would change the world as we know it.
I remember lots of people were speculating about Star Trek type ‘transporters’, there was no shortage of imagination…

There was no shortage of the LETDOWN either, when it was finally revealed that the big to-do was over a rechargeable scooter whose principal design objective appeared to be to make Americans even lazier and fatter than they already were.
So EVERY time the supposed ‘insiders’ say something is ‘so much bigger than we can imagine’, either they’re stupid or they think we’re stupid, and I’m not even sure which one’s worse.
But they should stop it.
Because whatever it is, there’s not even a remote chance it is going to be bigger than our imagination.
Not even the Imagineers could pull that off.
It’s just manipulative propaganda.
Yeah, I can imagine a LOT.
Channeling Han Solo?
Don’t ever tell her the odds…. – Jan 6th, DC
Text JAN6 to 86184
I enjoyed your post Steve. Hope you had a nice Christmas.
I did, and I hope you won’t ruin it in retrospect by telling me you didn’t!
Here is the article It All Makes Sense Now Doesn’t It? Lin Wood linked to.
^^^ Lin Wood, “Adam Schiff not having a good Christmas”.
Hmmmm. We saw posts about Schiff saying he was escorted out of a LA airport, at an FBI building, arrested…
Wonder if shitty was brought in for questioning.
We rely on Lin Wood integrity as a defamation lawyer to not lie. Perhaps there is some truth to shitty being questioned.
Well, I continue to hope justice will shit all over shitty.
I stringently object to Lin Wood calling our VP Mike Pence a traitor!!!!
I’m REALLY puzzled by this. I hope others will chime in.
L.Lin Wood is a DEFAMATION Lawyer. He would not make statements that could get him sued now would he???

I am of the same opinion.
I think Lin Wood is disappointed Pence didn’t use the Pence card, but this was not necessary, since he (his office) was sued by the Amistad project for the fraudulent certified electors, making this whole Pence card mute. Pence can always point to this law suite, on Jan 6, to reject the fraudulent electors, especially after the GOP Reps. and Senators object too.
The body language for both Pence and Miller in this clip is interesting.
It seemed to be a very awkward moment.
^^^ It was odd. A very clear Miller thanking VP Pence. With little if any acknowledgement by VP Pence.
It was as if, Miller was indirectly acknowledging what was forbidden to acknowledge. VP Pence is key to a massive “sting”.
I remain strongly with VP Pence, as President Trump is. The ding list on VP Pence is noteworthy.
So long as President Trump is good with VP Pence, so am I. It’s a Trump Train thing. MAGA.
What a faker the FRAUDCIST really is.
He is pointing to the wrong arm, claiming it is a little bit ackee, while he was ‘vaccinated’ in the other arm.
Like McCain’s “traveling boot?”
THAT was funny too!
They know they actually effed up.
This is a new video pointing to the correct side:
he’s getting too old to keep his lies straight…LOL
WOW, nothing like CONFIRMING you LIED!
Good going FauXi!
Thank you, Steve in CO, for another fascinating, well-researched history post!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 26, 2020
“The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.”
Proverbs 10:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!
Morning, Pat!!! Got Snow? We do – ~ 4″ overnight – more to come – but, thankfully – it is not wet, heavy snow.
God Bless Your Day, too, with warmth and love – Hugs!!!
got a coating…not sure what’s in store for today…lol
HUGS back to you!!!!
Not sure how long this will last – lake effect has stops and starts – forecast changes quickly – but – did not expect this today – missed it entirely.
Received and Appreciated!!!
stay safe!!
stay warm!!
Will do – you do the same – Mkay?
It looks like the return of the Confederacy!
“Need only one from each chamber” yes to open a 2 hour debate in each chamber on the stated objection to the slate of state electors (5 mins from each side for just 2hrs gives you 1hr of talking time). What we need are multiple and separate objections for multiple debates until our side has had a chance to be heard. Less is not good.
What was mentioned yesterday.
Indeed. It’s going to take more than lean towards and more than six to make Jan 6 an event to favor the President. As many as possible must step forward in both houses each with separate objection to be heard. Not an objection that is the same for if same they will be treated as one and as one they will only have 2 hrs of debate after which an up or down vote will occur.
What needs to happen is a host of separate objections that can be strung together that will tell the whole story to the American people while demanding action Remember these objections will be subject to only 2 hours of debate in each respective house and each senator in the senate will have 5 mins and each house member in the House will have 5 mins and it stops for a vote after 2hrs.
Therefore we need as many of these two hour objections as possible and they must be coordinated well enough that they tell the whole story and leave noting out while emphasizing the most salient points.
Although our numbers will increase in the House and decrease in the Senate it’s likely that the objections will not be sustained but if voices are strong enough it will certainly justify the President in taking action or open up another avenue short of war.
I’d strongly encourage the people to act if things are not going as we wish. We are 80 million or more disenfranchised voters at this point and time and a lot of us are just not going to take it.;jsessionid=F8901BC6C2C6D239293FF3A484C439ED?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title3-chapter1&saved=%7CZ3JhbnVsZWlkOlVTQy1wcmVsaW0tdGl0bGUzLXNlY3Rpb245%7C%7C%7C0%7Cfalse%7Cprelim&edition=prelim
Lastly if war is the last option left I’d say we need a declaration of war prior to Ingratiation date to provide some legal cover for patriots.
One that states that we the people are not going to accept the fraud since it has not been properly investigated.
I think a conditional one can be made now and put in the form of a petition and hopefully put up on the white house petition page.
Thank-you, Steve. Our history never fails to inspire me.
And, Biden’s bid for the presidency isn’t worth a Continental.
My mother used to say “I don’t give a continental damn!”- I never heard anyone else say this.
Where was your mother from? I’ve never heard that expression, either, but some that our parents and grandparents often said did come from moments in history.
I used to say that, many moons ago. I think I picked it up in history class or from a movie.
I heard that one when I was a kid! I even used it, not knowing exactly what it meant. I grew up in Georgia.
In a better world, this guy’s the Pope.
I wonder what is his source of information?
Besides God, I would say the White Hats. I thinks he’s the White Hat arm of the religious contingent.
Archbp Vigano = extremely courageous for speaking up, and putting himself at personal risk.
reminds me of Dietrich Bonheoffer in that regard.
Yes! That’s a good comparison!
Spent wonderful time with friends yesterday. Politics came up again and again from all different angles as did the nash attack/explosion. We received phone alerts and checked our phones several times due to attack. Great visit but people are Aware and Angry.
Great news is seeing our children and knowing how they are being raised. Listening to them … if others are doing the same in their homes to raise their children, we have a good long term future. Just concerned about the world they will walk into in the next 2-6 yrs.
Thank you Mr. Wood for all you are doing.
Remember the quote from Mark Twain?
“There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there’s statistics!”
From the anons, here’s one way hospital numbers (statistics) are gamed …
“Hospitals are only at a fraction of capacity due to Covid proptcols.
One patient per room reduces double occupancy to 50%
THEN every other room, on either side of the Covid room, must be vacated further reducing capacity by another 66%.
ITS A NUMBERS/Profit SCAM when compared to the reimbursement of other ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes.
Nurses $100/Hr.
Covid room $7,500/dy
Ventilator in room $35,000/dy
Keeping your POS for-profit hospital solvent & shareholders happy, PRICELESS.”
Good Morning Steve!
Glad you survived the raid on Nakatomi Plaza!
I think the point of the meme you mention is that we won’t stay cozy in our Christmas gatherings–you may think we WOULD–but no–American Patriots will fight when necessary–even if they have to BEGIN on Christmas.
that was my take on the meme anyway…
You’ll note that I said we would, if we had to!
Good Morning treepers. Checking in as yesterday was pretty busy. Had a wonderful prime rib dinner, family dropping in ,lots of hugs and conversation. No masks no 6 ft. whatever. Neighbors dropped by ,had a nice day very low key. I believe we are seeing a mask rebellion here in oregon .people are done with it. People will comply so far then the stubbornness sets in. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
sounds wonderful suzy!!!
We had a nice quiet Christmas yesterday. Baked ham, lasagne, salmon…picked my Mom up to eat with us, then went to a cousins across the road for Christmas evening with their extended family. Enjoyed the snow we got Christmas Eve and flurries on Christmas.
sounds like a feast!
It was! Had the whole food coma thing going on by the end of the day. Wife made a carrot cake and some strawberry shortcakes. I had been losing weight…
sounds scrumptious!!!
Bidens = LOLOL
Sure. In gold, it would fit.
Takes 25 percent of your money and gives two percent of it back?
If only…! They take 25 percent of your money, borrow about 10 percentage points, and give you two percentage points of THAT.
The reason every congresspuke can brag he sends more money home than home sends to DC (making himself sound like he’s ripping the rest of the US off on your behalf) is that they BORROW enough money that everyone can send home more than his district sent to DC in taxes.
Our President fights for this Republic!
That was fun, Pat!!! Thanks for the * Giggles * !!!
it’s about to get real, real soon…we need to remember to laugh to relieve stress!
Amen goes right there, Pat!!!
Boy, ain’t that the truth!!!
Hubby approves of that last one.
Surprising fact: The pyramids were not built by slave labor.
What would happen is they’d be worked on during flood season, when the farmers had nothing to do, and they were paid for their labor.
Still, if I were one of those farmers, I’d hate for the credit to go to illegal aliens, much less space aliens.
Whoa. I’d hate to be parked under that…
But you are!
The earliest known martyr.
Thanks, Steve, for that insightful account of the Battle of Trenton and the importance of it in the Revolutionary War.
I always figured that crossing the Delaware was just the beginning of it…so for me, the meme about willing to sneak up on our enemy at night, on Christmas, is still a good one.
I agree!
you underestimate an American Patriot at your own peril!
It always chokes me up to think of the hardships that our ancestors endured, to fight for our freedom.
Marching in the snow with no boots…bleeding feet.

May we be worthy of their sacrifices and fight as hard against our enemies today.

whenever i watch The Patriot and they get to the scene in the “field hospital” (and that’s a generous term) where they amputated limbs without anesthesia! it just rocks me to the core! they gave so much!!!
Those people were tough in ways that we can’t begin to imagine.
I read actual accounts from our early history sometimes that just blow me away.
We live in such luxury, even the poorest American does, by comparison.
The poorest American lives in a luxury that third worlders would LOVE! I knew a couple of Africans here for education and they had nothing but contempt for American Blacks. Lazy good for nothing was their kindest words.
Ever see THIS on American streets?
NO we don’t.
It hadn’t been seen for a while in Venezuela, either.
And time for me to switch flags back.
Defiant Illinois business owner: ‘If everybody would open up, they would have to give in’
And if (when?!!) everyone would ditch their masks, the same would hold true.
sigh…maybe…but the Karens are enjoying their snitching power too much to go along with everyone else…
We outnumber the Karens and Kens, though.
So fk’em.
Mornin’ Wheatie!
(You too, Pat!)
We also have truth on our side.
Has it been mentioned here that the 6′ “social distancing rule” came from a study from Europe, wherein the risk of infection is only present when the two parties are within that distance for 10, 20, or 30 minutes? (There was debate on this time period)? All the Guvnas somehow omitted this (Quelle surprise!).
Was it ever posted that an epidemiologist, studying the cause of death for the Spanish Flu epidemic (WWI, 1917-18), found that the vast majority of deaths were from bacterial pneumonia? Caused by WEARING MASKS!
Guess who the author of this scholarly essay was … wait for it … DR. FAUCI!
I remember reading that the CDC put out a statement a couple months back, saying “We never said that wearing a mask protects the WEARER.” [emphasis / caps added]
And in this case, the rationale for requiring everyone to wear a mask – to protect OTHERS – is self contradictory. I.e., Does it make any sense that every individual must risk / sacrifice their own health … to “protect” everyone else’s health, yet everyone else is risking their own?
Everyone must sacrifice their health … to protect everyone else who is sacrificing their own health. It’s nutso! Complete tapioca …
Morning, Emstar!
And YES…it’s all a big scam.
[They] want us to be weakened and sickly from wearing masks.
The social isolation and distancing wears on people too.
Back during the Victorian era, some prisons made their prisoners wear masks and keep a distance from each other.

They learned that this made the prisoners more docile and easier to control.
Over time, though, it made so many prisoners depressed and suicidal that they discontinued the practice.
The worst thing…is making children wear masks and distance themselves from each other!
>> “The worst thing…is making children wear masks” <<
Last I checked, the survival rate for those 19 years or younger is 99.997%. So only THREE out of a *hundred thousand* die from coronavirus, and that’s only AFTER being hospitalized!
How many more get somewhat sick, but then recover on their own? These numbers aren’t included in the statistics.
And, growing children need as much oxygen as possible for their developing brain, and wearing masks can cause PERMANENT neurological damage. And facial skin damage, and dental damage, and psychological damage, etc.
Crimes Against Humanity, I say. And the guilty are subject to execution …
they’re trying to play on our compassion…”do it for others”…
you’re not protecting yourself–you’re protecting your neighbors, your loved ones, strangers…
{{raising my hand}} my name is Pat and I’m a hugger and a smiler. I firmly believe in the power of a hug, the warmth of a smile.
Dolly Parton said, if you see someone without a smile, give them yours.
I totally do.
There needs to be a signal for this to be done en masse. Immediately, on January 20th.
Joshua Philipp of The Epoch Times with Curtis Bowers..
A Socialist Agenda Is Underway
wow…in-your-face abuse! DOT employees abusing their travel cards–buying things in close proximity to their homes (so not travel related), buying cruises (not job related) or just $40,000 in gifts for themselves!
“The Federal Travel Regulation states that travelers may not use travel cards for personal reasons while on official travel,” the report said. “Contrary to this regulation, we found that a TCH (Travel Card Holder) made an unauthorized $217 purchase at a Costco warehouse located near their residence.
“We also reviewed this TCH’s transactions in the universe and identified $2,351 in additional unauthorized purchases at restaurants and grocery stores that were located in close proximity to the TCH’s residence. These purchases occurred before the TCH’s authorized trip and while they were on break.”
The episode was hardly isolated. The IG estimated nearly 10% of all charges made on DOT employees’ travel credit cards were improper.
“We found that TCHs did not follow prescribed policies and procedures for an estimated $18.6 million in purchases of a universe totaling $193.6 million,” the report concluded.
While the shopping spree by the vacationing employee was shocking, it wasn’t even the worst example uncovered by the DOT inspector general investigators.
Another employee ran up about $40,000 in charges on a government credit card — including for a cruise — without ever traveling for official business.
“We found a TCH without authorized official travel who made personal purchases on their travel card. These purchases — totaling approximately $40,000 — included payments for cruises, for airline tickets, to a utility company, and at a supermarket in close proximity to the TCH’s residence,” the report lamented.
V for Vigano!
Posted on Gab by Mel Q:

Larry Schweikart thread on another war and another military hero…Nimitz.
He says Nimitz was a great Admiral and had the lowest casualty of US soldiers per enemy kill in WWII.
Besides being a cool MAGA twitter warrior – Schweikart is a retired PhD professor of history –
More about Nimitz –
Earlier – Historian Larry Schweikart described General George Washington’s TWO BATTLES one on each side of the Delaware river – that marked the turn of the Revolutionary War!!!
I like that VP Pence has the last word om January 6th. There are NO APPEALS–SCOTUS doesn’t get to weigh in, Congress doesn’t get to weigh in. His judgment is final. If he chooses to refuse BOTH sets of electors from contested states (which he can) then they tally the votes from the rest of the states and whoever has the most votes is President–according to The American Thinker.
On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection “out of order” or “denied.” His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on “certified” electors, or he can uphold the law.
If the votes of all seven contested states are registered as zero, President Trump will have 232 votes, and Joe Biden will have 222. The 12th Amendment says, “[T]he votes shall then be counted[.] … The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President[.]”
In plain language, Donald Trump will be re-elected, since he has a majority of the actual electoral votes. There will be no need to involve the House of Representatives to resolve a contingent election.
I’ve heard the rumors about Pence for years. Now a trial lawyer essentially goes on the record listing him as one of the swamp creatures. There are those here who are not going to accept that Pence is a plant all that readily. But, the rumors persist.
Lin Wood
Pence is NOT to be trusted for 1/6. Pose questions about him to people who know him. Is he arrogant & condescending to others? Is he focused on Pence 2024? Is he besties with Paul Ryan? Why does wife attend all dinners with other women? What is he hiding?
We deserve answers.
Quote Tweet
ReleasetheKrakenKelly T
· 13h
Replying to @LLinWood
If this whole thing is based off of Pense doing the right thing in January and he doesn’t, where does that leave the American people??
Lin Wood
And this is just the TIP of the iceberg.
We The People now demand TRUTH.
We The People now demand ACCOUNTABILITY for wrongdoing.
This is OUR country. It is time for American Patriots to prepare to take it back from the criminals & perverts who threaten our freedom.
Quote Tweet
Lin Wood
· 13h
It is time to shine red hot light of truth on Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Stephen Breyer, Joe Biden, Obama, Clintons, Bill Gates, VP Mike Pence, Mark Meadows, Pat Cippoloni, Bush 41 & 43, George Soros, Cocaine Mitch, etc.
Man, where is Jeffrey Epstein when you need him?
well, IF Pence is focused on 2024, he will NOT betray 80 million Americans in January–or he will not have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting anywhere near the White House.
Yep. That is the one thing that makes me hope. Unless he is content to have always been “Number Two” (pun intended), he had better step up on the sixth.
he would be a hero and we would not forget that in 2024…
or he can be a rat…his choice
Will the rat care if a big chunk of cheese is dangled in front of him?
and we won’t forget if he chooses rat either!
Remembering or forgetting, at that point, will be irrelevant. We save the country here and now, or it’s over.
If Fake elections are not stopped NOW we become the new Venezuela.
We also have Eastern Europe as example. It is near impossible to reverse communism and oppression.
OR, is he promised $$$ and a Supreme Court appointment?
Even if he’s compromised, he’s screwed if he doesn’t support how we the people voted. If he wants a chance at a turn in the oval office, the only way he has forward is through supporting Trump. What he doesn’t know is how much he pales in comparison and yes, we notice.
If we do not straiten out our voting system that is flowed with corruption what makes us think that our votes will count in the
Someone is going to decide who will be President and it will not be us.
If I say if Pence is an agent of the other site than he will get his promised chance with us or without us and that is the sad truth.
I always believed Pence was more in the Chris Christie and Ryan Bush mold than Tea Party or even conservative. What is his history how did he vote as Senator?
We’re living in a time of absolutes. Is Lin Wood a crackpot, or not. There’s no other choice. I don’t think he is.
The third choice is CHAFF.

I said in another comment that perhaps he’s disinfo. Or maybe Pence getting an envelope was disinfo as well.
Nothing would surprise me.
Have to sneak another reply in here. Has Pence been part of the plan from the jump? So his/her receiving an envelope with the others was by design? But that long list of questionables w/ regard to Pence that someone posted here can’t be ignored. Has Lin Wood lost his marbles, or is he disinfo now? And he keeps mentioning Epstein.
Stuff is happening and whizzing by so fast, and you can’t wrap your head around it. Just speaking for myself.
Personally, I’m not to convinced that we need to just wait ’til the last minute for a politician to save our bacon from the fire. We have been let down by them far too much for far to long. We the People are going to have to do this ourselves, I think.
So, when the 6th comes and goes with no rescue, we’ll be told “Just wait for fireworks on inauguration day.” We do need to be prepared for the possibility that we have been played and pacified the whole time. Not giving up hope, but preparing for other outcomes. Like I said a week or so ago, people have been target practicing a lot more than usual lately. We will not just roll over and hand the country over to communists. If it comes to it, we will fight and it will be anything but civil.
and you may be right…
I am just praying there is a way out of this that doesn’t include unnecessary bloodshed.
Me too, it is all unnecessary. We are being pushed into having to take drastic measures that we would never contemplate if our govt actually served its intended purpose. These people must be held accountable. Examples have to be made. This should never take place in our country again. We just want to live our lives in peace and be left alone.
I wouldn’t credit whoever wrote this with ANY grasp of, or willingness to tell the truth.
His “quote” of the 12th amendment is incorrect.
Go look it up for yourself, but the correct quote goes on to say “…if such number be a majority of the electors appointed.” In other words, an absolute majority is needed.
This guy is a LIAR.
hmmmm…i thought higher of The American Thinker
This piece of crap has been posted a few times here and there in the last few days and I am fed up with it.
thanks for alerting me
He says that some states don’t get appointed electors so the pool shrinks.
I’d say the electors are appointed. They don’t become un-appointed because Congress rejects them, that’s two different acts. It’d be like claiming your car hadn’t been properly maintained because it got totaled in an accident.
And of course that’s all predicated on the assumption that Congress will actually have the testicular fortitude to reject them, anyway.
Our election is a laughingstock around the world specially since we preached the virtue of American electoral system and pride our self as democratic Republic.
The elections need to be fixed and honest.
sigh…AGREE 1000%
LOL I’m sure you didn’t mean it this way, but “fixed” and “honest” could be taken as opposites.
Yes you are right thought about it after posting I realized one could take it wrong . Fixed sounds so dishonest and corrupt.
Our elections need to be corrected into an honest counting and tabulating of votes.
HeydonMusicPage/BREAKING” Rudy & Friends DROP A BOMBSCHELL”
Amazing Polly posted this yesterday:
i will withhold judgement until the impeachment of Schiff where he can PROVE it…LOL
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one!
This is not a confirmation.
Guess – that means you need a pix of him in cuffs – eh, FG&C?
CLICK ON ‘View Results’
This could be from years ago, and is not an official CA gov website.
Not confirmation, unfortunately.
Picky, Picky – don’t blame you – all here-say!
I checked LA County inmate search. Adam Schiff was NOT in the system.
Maybe, he did not pass GO – collect $200 – and went straight to GITMO
Oh yea. Never know. We have far too many LE Agencies. FIB, US Marshall’s…could have been picked up by a myriad of LE agencies.
Even LA County and they simply did NOT enter the arrest in their system. Politicians get most favored status.
Cool post, Steve! As you might know, right up my alley!
Interesting thing about the new American government not having money is how they paid their soldiers. They didn’t have money, but they sure had plenty of land to give away!
I have pay indents for quite a few of my ancestors, but I don’t really know if they ever got actual money. A lot of them got land, though. Bounty land was how they were paid.
Long after the war, on 7 June 1832, the Congress passed an act broadly granting pensions. There were pensions granted before that, but only to soldiers rendered completely unable to work. The Act in 1832 even provided for widows of soldiers who had served two years or more.
Those pension applications are a goldmine of historical information. Since my family is mostly Southern, a whole bunch of their apps are found here:
Some are very short, like one page, and some are many pages long, with family information, all the battles the person fought in, who their commanders were, and personal war stories. Some of my ancestors who fought didn’t even apply for pensions, though. Maybe they thought they just owed the country their service without compensation, or maybe they were too busy surviving to apply. Who knows?
Bookmarked! Very cool, and oddly typical of a lot of the genealogy sites my parents used to use, in terms of format and typography. “Age of America Online” – Early Web Era – late 90s and early 2000s.
It’s pretty basic, but there is so much information there it’s amazing.
TY Sending link off to family member who’s interested in genealogy.
And, supposedly the Republicans are blocking it? Must be some good reason to incur the wrath of their base…will be interesting to read and hear the “spin.” Supposedly, it’s a one issue bill…no hidden pork.
I thought that pelosi sought only to INCREASE the $600 to $2,000 without decreasing any of the pork…I may be mistaken…
Nope, this is exactly correct. Teagan is mistaken….the relief funds ($600 checks) are not a stand alone bill.
Never said the $600 was a stand alone…thought the effort to increase $2000 was.
Probably pushed by POTUS knowing it wouldn’t fly, but a populist move…as Steve noted it’s a lot of money; but there’s also an obscene amount of pork Congress is trying to include (as tradition! This just draws attention to it because the media has to cover it now. And, it apparently creates a possible government shutdown situation….more behind the scenes maneuvering. Politics, as usual.
One other point, the bills says to most Americans…not everyone qualifies.
No, a stand-alone bill has been offered, as I read. Not sure how, since I thought Congress is in recess for holidays.
So much going on and so many conflicting stories, hard to keep track.
Sure would love to hear more about Bill Clinton…wonder if Nashville is a “look, squirrel “ diversion.
could be a diversion–after all. they can’t have the funeral proceedings tooo early–it has to interrupt the January 6th happenings…
I need a scorecard!!
or at least a whiteboard to keep track of it all!
Then cite your sauce.
I’m thinking there is a lot of Pelosi smoke and mirrors on this, too. “Rumors” of standalone serve the LIARS, so I expect them.
I read it on one of the many news sources get daily…if I run across it again, I’ll cite it. Could have even been in a POTUS tweet today.
As reported by AP, “Repub. shot down a Dem. Bid on Thursday to pass Trump’s long-shot, end-of-session demand for a $2000 direct payment to most Americans before signing a long-overdue COVID relief bill.” Munchin negotiated on behalf of Trump.
That was the first and only citation I looked up…you can see if there are others. I’m not here to prove a point.
The AP quote was somewhat vague…a change in the amount in the 5000+ page bill or a stand-alone up or down?
I read many in the GOP think we can’t afford it (but strangely are silent on the foreign give away billions.)
Two thousand bucks times 300 million people is 600 billion dollars…that’s a lot more than the foreign aid.
Of course, that’s per household, but you’re probably still looking at 200 billion dollars.
Actually it is ONLY 255,200,373 adults.
And not everyone is eligible to receive a check.
Rumor Slick Willy croaked has been debunked.
About that new eagle pic…







these are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are they yours?? may I “borrow” them???
All my memes are free use. Fire at will.
Small correction on the last one….
these are great!
You can make your own here now!
This is from July, but it is still relevant:
Short, sweet and to the point.
Happy Boxing Day!
Boxing Day History: The True Origins Of Why We Celebrate Boxing Day
To many parts of the world, Boxing Day is a big deal, but in others, it hasn’t caught on quite like it did in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, and Australia. Contrary to what you might think, Boxing Day has less to do with throwing punches than charitable giving, so why is it called Boxing Day? What is Boxing Day, exactly?
Democrats wouldn’t fit in most boxes.
However, this is a feature not a bug as they can always be cut down to size…
Exquisitely demented.
I have ancestry that ought to scare the crap out of people.
This morning – I took Lin Wood off my list of links.
The moon will be way over there in the east, Mars will be roughly overhead (a bit to the south of overhead), and of course Jupiter and Saturn in the southwest.
This was true over the last week, except that the moon wasn’t way over there, it was closer to the planets.
So I’m not at all sure why Mark Tarello decided to hype this now, rather than any time earlier.
Humbly suggest you go back and re-add the mass disinformation point to your Lin Wood post above that you took out in the edit.
I did not take out anything.
RIP Francesca
CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski’s nine-month-old daughter Francesca dies on Christmas Eve after cancer battle
so sad to lose a little one..I don’t care which side you’re on
Steve, Greatly appreciate the American history lesson. Never a scholar, American history is a favorite of mine.
our beautiful FLOTUS!

The Nutcracker – Russian State Ballet and Opera House
I love it! Thank you.
Most welcome, Dora!!! A Christmas Tradition!!!
Will watch it later, TY for posting.
I am 1/2 way through. The curtain closed so I am taking a break
Privileged to have seen Russian, British and American versions…all so different, costumes especially but also the way they presented it. The Russian version was far more athletic and my favorite.
Last performance we saw was a Saturday afternoon matinee and the number of aspiring ballerinas in costume, of course, in the audience was delightful. The ensemble cast were in the lobby afterwards thrilling the little ones.
An absolutely spot on Op Ed from Newt Gingrich….who they tried to shut down when he mentioned George Soros….
Have a taste…
in PA it was outrageous–the governor tried pressuring the legislature to lawfully extend ballot submission by 3 days–they refused. so he went to the PA SCOTUS and they CHANGED the law…unconstitutional as hell. and it only got worse from there. every provision the legislature put in place to try to safeguard mail in ballots was changed unlawfully by UNELECTED officials–
of course, the ACT that even allowed mail in ballots was ALSO passed illegally–we have a procedure in our constitution that lays out the procedure and it was not followed…
sigh…PA needs EXTREME HELP…
Absolutely agreed. And if these bastards think America will accept this crapola, they have another thing coming.
president asterisk at his finest…LOL
TOLDYA: “Vaccine” against common seasonal cold coercively pushed by Totalitarian Malthusian Eugenicist Madman now comes with a warning for men to “consider freezing their sperm”.
.Sooooo… yeah. No shock. You could see this whole CoronaScam had and has mass involuntary sterilization as a primary objective from the beginning. Bill and Melinda Gates are obsessed with destroying the human race.
isn’t this brilliant?
get men to freeze their sperm–and you can’t just store it in your own freezer–so they can access it at will to alter it OR destroy it in some “random” attacks on the buildings next door…
Question of the day from the 8-year old with the developmental issues:
He just came in from a quick trip to the park, and his dad said, “Let’s go back outside.”
Kid comes back with, “I won’t. I will turn into a human popsicle.”
Found on Gab:

what is the ATT&T one about??
Lord of the Rings…that’s the all-seeing Eye of Sauron, the evil overlord of Mordor who tried to take over the world.
ahhh,,,never read it…should i?
You haven’t seen the movies?
no…hubby doesn’t enjoy fantasy themed movies…
he slept thru star wars…LOL…
‘My Preshus’!!!
Lord/King Aragorn – HUBBA HUBBA

Even Legolus, Boramir ain’t too shabby!
Where ya been Miss Pat?!?
just now?
having…ah…I mean, hubby and I were…ah…
oh you mean in the last few years? lol
“having…ah…I mean, hubby and I were…ah…”
{{blush}} VERY good!
A happy Pat Frederick is a good thing.
Is that anything like makin bacon? Asking for a friend.
well a certain amount of heat was generated…LOL
She doesn’t actually like bacon.
Yes, I guess no one is perfect.

My thought bubble was more along the line of “lucky bastard!”
It’s 3 books long, so it’s a long read. I remember when they were issued as paperbacks in the late ’60s. I was buying them one by one, and my dad, a stress engineer, started reading them, and he could hardly wait for me to finish the last part!
If you like LOTS of action, they might not be your cup of tea. There is a lot of description as well. One section is very slow moving, but is a necessary part of the story. It is a very richly written story.
Reading the books 1st really helped me when watching the movies. I’m such a nerd, I pause the movie and pull out the maps for reference to get a sense of where things are happening all around Middle Earth, where the sea is, where the armies were coming from for the Battle of Rohan, the Elve’s evac plan, etc…

You think you’re a nerd? Lemme tell ya.
When the first LOTR movie came out, our movie theater here planned a costume contest. I went ALL OUT. I make clothes, so I made a Galadriel costume for the first one, found a long blond wig, made the crown, etc. I won first prize. For the second one, I went as Gandalf. I asked my ophthalmologist for gray contact lenses for that one. Second place. For the third contest, I went as Legolas, bow, quiver, clothing and all. Second again, although that one almost caused a fight among the voting committee! It was a church group, too! They were so passionate about it, they were hilarious. Different ones kept coming up to tell me they thought I should have won.
Then, the movie theater owner commissioned oil paintings by a well-known local artist, from scenes from each film, plus one more for a total of four. They had a very limited edition series of prints made of the paintings, 100 of each. I am the only person who got a series all with the same numbers, because the theater owner thought it was fantastic that I was so enthusiastic about the whole thing he saved it for me! Those prints, in very fancy frames, hang in a group in my house to this day.
Yeah, I am a LOTR nerd all right.
I’m not worthy, Queen Aubergine!!!
*Butterfly bows and flutters away* 

Lol! Describing oneself as a dork is not exactly queenly behavior! It was meant as self-deprecating, for sure.
Loved the books. I read them in high school and I still have them. Hubby has a copies too.
The books so far surpass the movies…themselves very good…as to be incomparable
Tolkein’s Lord of The Rings is a widely acknowledged literary masterpiece….the greatest work of fiction in.history.
Interestingly sometime in, I think, the 1960s the World Science Fiction convention, which votes for the Hugo awards (the SF/Fantasy equivalent of the Oscars), had a special vote–a vote for the best *series* ever written. It was CLEARLY the intent to give an award to Lord of the Rings.
Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy instead took the prize.
Both are good but I like The Lord of the Rings better. I did make it to a World Con, just not that one.
That’s why I refer to evil George as Sauron.
so the movies instead of the books?????
The movies are, perhaps, a bit more accessible, but they are all quite lengthy; watching them is a marathon (especially with the sets sold today that include a lot of footage that was cut in the theaters). Definitely worthwhile, and there’s no reason not to also read the books. I’d say give them a try and if (like some) you just can’t get “into” the books, do the movies, either way, do the movies.
Thanks, we never saw them.
Absolute purists will bitch at inconsistencies, but I haven’t been shown anything that wasn’t a justifiable change due to different medium.
Our family pretty much always watches the extended release version of the movies. In fact my husband has been tweaking his man-cave & discovered a projector that can be hooked up to one of our PlayStation devices so you can watch DVD’s, use the Internet connected stuff, & of course play video games.
We watched “The Fellowship” about a month ago on what was roughly an 8′ X10′ screen. Oh & he put together a serious surround system down there too. Talk about a home theater (on a budget)–that was quite fun!
Yep. I have the projector now, I just need the pull-down screen.
He improvised with a white fabric he’s figured out how to tack to the trim strip on the perimeter of the ceiling. He has several options of what fabric hangs there, white for viewing, & he’s got this intriguing forest scene that he has intriguingly illuminated with a multi-colored light device. He demonstrated how the mood of that picture can be completely changed by the color of the light used &/or where it’s aimed on the pic. He’s a moody guy so he’s able to create almost any vibe he might want to choose by pushing a couple buttons.
With all the lockdown depredations here in Michigan our hunters have made mental & physical escapes by going to the woods for the hunt, wood duty, hiking/camping “Alone” style, & also fellowship w/ family &/or friends. It’s been a real life/psyche saver around here. Having a woodsy theme down there reminds him of where he’d rather be & also provides a great environment when he hosts a small “men’s accountability group” that’s been meeting intermittently in the last few months.
Our white “sheet” (no holes in it either!) works quite well, probably not as crisp as an actual screen would be, but it’s actually better/clearer than an old hand-me-down projection TV one of his co-workers gave us years ago.
The wall I’m planning to use has to have something opaque, because there are windows in it. I pretty much need a pull-down, though they range in price from <300 to thousands depending on how whiz-bang they are.
The wall his “screen” is against has a door in it to a storage/closet or else his man cave would be the entire width of our house. He’s covered over the windows down there for privacy & temperature control. Oh & he’s got ridiculous (to me) amounts of lighting options so he can create many different atmospheres, depending on what is preferred. This is highly versatile & suits his eclectic & creative personality. ?
As for speakers, many, many years ago I got a screaming deal on a pair of used B&W 808s. Those suckers are so heavy I can lean against them and they won’t budge. And the only thing you might need a subwoofer for is for explosions and the like.
I don’t know the names etc of the good stuff. Sub woofers around here are Not Optional as my husband is a bass player!
We had a pair of homemade speaker cabinets a friend gave us years ago, worthy of use on stage in my husband’s Christian Rock concerts. I think they were 4-5 feet high & roughly half as wide & deep. He eventually pirated the inner workings into more manageable sized cabinets but me (being a saver/pack rat) was sad to see those big cabinets go!
That’s approximately the size of the 808s.
They don’t look like much in pictures, because, of course, you don’t get scale.
Ah, thanks!
Those were $8000 a pair when they first came out in the 70s.
Many times the audiophiles (with a ton of money) would sell them and get something four times the price…and regret it later.
I got them for under $2K. When I saw them for sale I nearly tore my pants trying to get to my wallet quickly. Like I said no real need for a subwoofer, at least for music.
Wow! Sounds like you got an amazing deal!!!
They had been discontinued by the time I got these.
And I’ve had to move them three times (including from the store to where I was living at the time). What a pain!
They probably can’t be put into a regular car so mini-van, pickup, or hatchback perhaps?
Absolutely needed the bed of a pickup!

I bogged down in the Hobbit, so I could likely understand someone bogging down in LOTR.
I figured when Jackson “did” the Hobbit, I’d give it another go and see the movie.
When I realized he was blowing up the relatively short book into THREE MOVIES, I had the rebellion of someone who feels he’s being too obviously set up for milking, said “F*ck it” and haven’t messed with the franchise since other than occasionally rewatching LOTR which I own copies of.
As a general rule books are always better. Nothing ever gives you a better taste for the story then visualizing it in your own mind. As “The Lord of the Rings” is a three set trilogy that has a prequel called “The Hobbit”, a very good and must read before hand story, I’d suggest that and then decide whether you wish to read the whole trilogy or go straight to the movies or skip them entirely.
Now as to “should I”. The books are not really a predictor of our time but in general messaging of good vs. evil, despots vs freedom lovers sort of thing and the lengths they’ll go to keep their freedoms, but you can get that sort of thing any where if you’ve been paying attention (hint your already there
). They are however part of our national make up in that many have read them at a younger age, found them quite stimulating and will refer to them in conversation.
I tried to read the Hobbit many years ago and simply got bored with it. About 20 years later I did successfully get through the LOTR (a substantially longer work) at about the same time as the movies came out.
I’ve left off on watching the movie LOTR. The images from the book were just to good to ruin. The only movie I’ve seen that was as good as the book was Salem’s Lot, by King. King as on the creep list, by the way. If it wasn’t from 20 years ago I’ll have nothing to do with it/him from the date they cross over. Same goes with many others that once caught my attentions. Previous works okay, new ones, won’t touch.
I’m not familiar with that. But among the movie/book pairs I am familiar with the LOTR movies are by far the most faithful.
Starship Troopers, on the other hand, has a movie that can at best be considered a silly satire of the book.
Definitely extra embellishments in Starship Troopers movie compared to the book. Might be one of the reasons I never bothered watching LOTR. Other would be I saw the Hobbit and it did not do the book justice.
The movie had so little to do with Starship Troopers, other than offhand references to the whole notion of having to serve to be a citizen…that I call it a parody.
The book Starship Troopers WAS NOT about a bunch of guys running around in powersuits killing aliens.
The Hobbit (book) was a one volume children’s story set in the LOTR universe. It showed Bilbo’s journey from Bilbo’s POV, and deliberately glossed over the depths of the history of Middle Earth. Expanding it to three movies was a wild exercise of “milking the material” — and, with things like Radagast’s bunnies and the dwarves riding mountain goats — borders on parody.
The original three LOTR movies — and even the extended versions — are beautiful depictions of that universe……as financed, perhaps, by the New Zealand Tourism Board. They stay reasonably true to the source material and capture much of the majesty and depth of Tolkien’s creation.
Red moon rising over the company contracted to do the audits of the voting machines and site of the explosion in Nashville yesterday.
Possible connection:
A TV show “For All Mankind” and an episode titled “Red Moon” or the other way around. Anyway, this is the storyline from IMDB:
Could be something else, though.
I *strongly* suspect this is a photoshop; it’s certainly not a very recent picture (the moon is still before “full” and certainly not being eclipsed).
Deep State is desperate for their Fake Election to make it to the finish line on January 20, 2021.
I saw a theory…not sure if it was here or where…but that the white hats actually detonated the bomb before it was delivered to its ultimate destination, which is/was most likely the warehouse where the voting machines AT&T was contracted to audit would be.
Somebody @Jack’s place claims the RV was in that spot where it exploded for 36 hours before it blew.
We’ll being hearing more about this incident in the larger scheme of things, I’m sure.
And there’s another tweet, sayings it’s been over 24hrs and VSGPOTUS has not tweeted a word about it!?!

He always tweets about big accidents/disasters. 
That isn’t like him.
The cat looks full of wisdom . Beautiful car
Looks just like our feral cat!
This popped up @Jack’s place.

From GAB!

iirc didn’t someone develop a mobile cleaning system for offices using leds???
I think it was for planes…not sure though.
maybe you’re right…i honestly forget…
I do remember hearing about something like that. Can’t recall either.
Operating rooms in hospitals?
There was that, and also a system which used extremely fine fiber tendrils to project UV light down into the lungs… don’t know what happened to that – not sure if it was US or India on that one…
And yep UV kills COVID. There are portable disinfecting devices that are used to disinfect rooms commercially… not sure why we’re not hearing more about them, except for the fact that Big Pharma wants to keep us sick so we keep buying their overpriced wares…

That and they need to keep the idea alive that cv is so wily and dangerous that normal precautions and disinfectants aren’t enough.
When they’ve mastered convincing people that a virus can be spread in wide open spaces by people half a football field away they can convince them of anything
What really gives me the willies is that normal soap and water, or oil, or greasecutter will destroy the virus (double-lipid-ring structure). No need for antibacterials or antibiotics in uncomplicated infections.
All of the excessive use of antibacterial hand cleaners, etc., will more than likely cause resistance problems, and make things “buggier” than before…
Yet again killing flies with cannon. Big and Little Pharma must be laughing all the way to the bank. They control both the vertical and horizontal markets, from the farm to the graveyard, and just about everything in between… The Outer Limits, indeed…
As far as I know most hand sanitizers contain sterilizing alcohol, something they can’t develop a resistance to (like iodine). Though correct me if I’m wrong.
Over here they have other cr@p in them, though we don’t have any (won’t buy it). We use alcohol pads (70%). There is also Sterillium, which comes either as 99% ethanol (a tad hazardous to store) or some other propanol-related compounds. Finally there are the other disinfectants at ALDI, et. al., which remind me of the old PhisoHex, but don’t have hexachlorophene (ine?) in them…
Point being, simple soap will do the trick. Even alcohol is a tad too much with its drying effect and killing off of the “good bacteria”, etc. on the skin.
Bald-faced greed on the part of the pharma industry, be it OTC or other…
The advantage to the sanitizers is that I can keep a bottle in my car. But I agree, soap and water is preferable.
I keep a bottle of soapy water in my car in addition to hand sanitizer. When I get back in my car, I rub my hands with the soapy water.
PhisoHex…haven’t heard that name in decades! Wasn’t that popular for acne back in the 50’s/60’s?
Yep. There was also Cuticura soap, and something by DuBarry (sp?) that was pulled off of the market because it was dangerous… Ahh, the good old days…
Back when men were men, women were women, and small furry animals were small furry animals (to quote Douglas Adams…)….
Wasn’t that brought up by POTUS early in and the media fell all over themselves making fun of it? Later there was a video about the procedure (overseas.) And no, I don’t the “the sauce” so don’t ask.
Yep, the media killed the idea, though knowing what can be done with catheters (ablation, angioplasty, etc.) it’s not a stretch to think that they could do something similar with UV over plastic fibers, using a UV led.
I have a pink LED from a kit that is actually UV, with a coating over it to make it fluoresce in a pink tint. Now if I could only find it….
Now that I think of it, I have a hand-held UV LED device I used on my ankle area following the Mohs Biopsy to promote faster healing because of the area. It’s “medical grade” (stronger) rather than cosmetic because doctor prescribed it.
Not sure how it could be used for anything else,, but your point is well taken on what the possibilities are.
UV lights are used in hospitals, to clean ambulances, barber/beauty /nail salon tools.
I have lots of links.
thanks GA/FL!!
My son has a Hearing Aid cleaning device (Hadeo Drybox?) that gently heats his HA and douses it with UV, and a bigger one that he uses for his CI unit (pretty much the same electronics and size). They’re really effective, and better to use than the older disinfectants…
Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be required in large carrier public transportation…planes, buses, trains….anything over a certain number of seats.
Amen, Teagan!
I wrote PDJT with sources, about the efficacy of UV-C and Far UV-C lights against CV19.
The airlines and cruise lines should have them in their air systems and to clean the planes and cruise ship rooms.
One of the most revealing responses to this whole pandemic thing was the New York subway system: “What, we’re supposed to clean this weekly?!?!?”
UV lights are available for AC units too.
GA/FL has been telling them that for almost a year now!!
Makes sense. Maybe also why there seems to be more infection now, in the winter when there is a lot less natural UV from the sun?
YUP!!! And Vitamin D figures into this too. It’s all a like of meshed evolutionary explanation.
From Citizen Free Press:
What Could This Be — Unknown projectile launches seconds before explosion…

See the yellow circled area in this still shot:
They talk about it here in this video and also show pics of the extent of the damage…and witness accounts of the gunfire:
Sounds like there was quite a firefight, if what is reported here is true.
It really sounds to me like they were trying to breach the building and destroy evidence. That theory is really working for me. The RV then used as both forensic and psychological cover. Controlled FIB investigates and deep-sixes the evidence of what really took place.
This video was from yesterday afternoon.
So it predates some of the stuff that has come out since then…like the video that shows that the RV did not explode.
They don’t talk about the ‘projectile’ but at about the 4:40 mark, they show the part of the video that shows it.
Which I hadn’t seen anything about yet.
Wheatie – I stepped through the footage. It’s a freaking DRONE STRIKE.
Yep…that wouldn’t surprise me.
I’m starting a new thread now!!!
Good idea.
We can round up the various videos & info and repost it there.
Coming momentarily.
It’s up!
Do you happen to remember where that video is that showed the explosion happening *across from* the RV?
It was posted in yesterday’s daily.
Last night while stalking twitter I ran across that one with twats mentioning that the acct it came from was started this other tweets and other strange things. I’ll see if I can find that again.
Maybe you saw it?
Yes…it was posted on the last page of yesterday’s daily.
I already re-posted it on Wolf’s new thread.

haha..great because after a 20min search I couldn’t find it again.
The white hats intervened?
CIA-FBI-MIC coordinated attack on something in the building on the opposite side of the street from the RV.
Short mask ground report from San Diego…Christmas Eve I went to an outdoor church service in the late after noon. There was an onstage band and a preacher, all masks. Many , including me, in the audience without masks. Never saw any Karen behavior.
One other thing that caught my attention, thankfully there wasn’t one word about covid in the sermon. I get sick of every conversation somehow going to covid
Just want to say…..
Is anybody else tired of getting those money-pleading, guilt-dripping GOP texts and emails of “WHY HAVEN’T YOU WISHED TRUMP A MERRY CHRISTMAS???” – when you were one of the FIRST PEOPLE to do it?
Thank you for this bitchy moment!
Yes! I get those too!
They are annoying, aren’t they.
Hey boss…you’re a ‘Coyote’ now?
Holy CRAP! 10,000 posts? No way I got them that fast. The software must be analyzing prior posts or something.
Still waiting to become a microbe.
You’re a guest! No worries!
You’re not a bug; you’re a FEATURE!
I get them also moved them into spam.
LOL..I feel your pain. I used to get them all day long before the election. Stupid and irritating jabs..stupid..”Don’t you care that President Trump hasn’t heard from you”..
They must’ve given up on my wallet. Not one text since the election
Whoever is in charge of this needs to be canned!
I have a 4 letter word for that.

Oh yeah ! Maybe I finally did do that.
Thankfully, the GOP, etc. money pleas get routed into my junk mail file. I don’t see them until I clean out/delete them. I have no intention of donating to any PAC or to the RNC.
Have blocked all email and text from “so called” Trump 2020…really RNC whining for money.
One call got through today. Granted the gal is just someone making a pay check, but I unloaded on her and RNC anyway. Felt better. Then blocked that number also.
This is about the truth of it.
anonymous patriot
“Take the vaccine!”
“Ok, can I travel?”
“Can I take off the mask?”
“Can I visit my family?”
“So why do I need to get the vaccine?”
“Comply conspiracy theorist!”
Conversations in 2020.
12:10 PM · Dec 26, 2020
There’s cheers and smiles all over the MSM because the VACCINE has arrived! It’s like there’s gonna be unicorns and rainbows next from what it looks like…
I’ve had the ‘Rona already and with the list of side effects being even worse than what I went through, I’ll definitely hold off on this.
Let’s see how the smiles and unicorns and what-all else are doing after 72 hours… I’m here and waiting and I ain’t goin nowhere.
We were with another couple Xmas Eve and she announced she could hardly wait to take the vaccine, I was shocked! This is a woman who was in the hospital 3 times, on an IV drip, for anaphylactic shock from a medication within the past year…and she can hardly wait to be injected with an unknown substance? Not a dumb person and a strong Conservative. DH said, you know you were very lucky the last time to get an ambulance so quickly…meaning you might not be as lucky the next episode.
But today while cutting a 9lb ham off the bone, it dawned on me…she lives and breathes traveling…3-4 cruises a year with at least 5-6 planned for and deposits made for the next few years. I know she’s convinced she won’t be able to fly, take a cruise or even go with a tour company unless she’s vaccinated…so, she’s willing to take the gamble.
This screencap was posted on Gab…with comment about “Ron speaking Q”:

One of the replies says that this tweet has been deleted.
Great! Let’s start collecting this stuff on the NEW THREAD!
This election was STOLEN from President Donald Trump!
The Chinese Spy With Ties to House Intelligence Committee – Sekulow TV Ep. 583
Rogue Governors’ Attacks on Religion Rebuffed at Supreme Court – Sekulow TV Ep. 582
Didn’t watch but the first part but this decision seems fly in the face of the one word reason the Supreme Court gave for not granting standing on the Texas case.
Gorsuh gave a one word reason for not granting standing. It was “COVID”.
So did not COVID bear large in the case above? Of course it did, but here (and I’m assuming the rest for not having listened to the full vid) they are saying COVID can not be a reason for preempting rights granted under the Constitution.
This is like the Supreme’s are rubbing their earlier decision in the face of our President.
Zero Respect.
It is my understanding COVID does not usurp the Constitution, Para! So – I am confused that Gorsuch would even mention COVID at all.
And yet he did. I’m not sure many people even seen that press release. It was here I think the night of the decision or morning after but didn’t get any replay. Paraphrasing but he said “many people are questioning our decision not to grant standing and the answer is simple, COVID. End of discussion.”
Pffft, Para!!! If they had their way, they will totally dissolve the Constitution for any crazy reason that comes into their minda – this was all planned well in advance to destroy what we, as Americans, hold dear!!! * Sigh *
Scott is a Patriot.
Has been sticking this in at other sites when finding the chance.
On 6 Jan, one objection by a house member and seconded by a senator will get us 2 hrs of debate in both the House and the Senate where each speaker (dem and repub) is allotted 5 mins. Urge your congressman to bring up separate issues for each of the fraud state’s slate of electors to make sure the whole story is told in a string of 2 hour debates. Don’t let it just be a couple of two hour debates or we loose this too. The important thing is to get the story of the steal out and further justify the presidents need to take action. This needs to last days, not hours.
seeing reports now that people who got cosmetic facial fillers are experiencing side effects…
So if you stuff your face WITHOUT EATING, you could have problems.
so the BOTOX Queen…pelosi should be having SEVERE side effects…
I think they’re talking about silicone for lip implants, etc., a la Angeline Jolie, not botox.
Those always looked ridiculous to me because the center of the upper lip *won’t* puff up; you end up with fat lips divided in two.
the photo in the story shows a woman getting ans injection just under her eye above her cheek…that’s why i thought botox.
I agree on the lips thing…LOL…
Yeah, the one Angeline Jolie movie I saw, it was so distracting her other assets failed to make up for it (even imagining they weren’t as artificial).
I like Mr & Mrs Smith…
who’s your daddy now? lol
Migraine, is my guess in that area.
Sorry, Steve…replied before I read your response.
Remember the Goldie Hawn movie with the lip injections? LOL
Maybe the reason she got a saline injection? LOL
On the other hand, I have 2 casual acquaintances that get Botox injections for severe migraine headaches, so it’s not all cosmetic.
Botox isn’t really a “filler” but rather a substance that “paralyzes”, there are other products that fill-in lines in forehead, around mouth, etc. They may be the ones ..,haven’t read the article but wonder what triggers problems with those when there are so many things also injected…like the “gel injections” in your knees, etc.
CD Media??? anyway they are reporting–an anonynous source, of course, found a wide open facility with voting machines in Cobb County Georgia.
A source who wishes to remain anonymous has provided CDMedia photos of the voting facility at 4400 Lower Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA, taken 30 minutes ago, in Cobb County.
The building was unlocked, with no personal to be found on the premises. Voting machines were available to be tampered with.
This information is shocking as the Nov 3rd election has still not been settled in GA with evidence of massive election fraud still coming out. This is also prior to the Jan 5th runoff election for two U.S. Senate seats from GA.
It seems Georgia election officials want to provide more opportunity for election fraud.
HalfWhitmer almost giving a Nazi salute there.
It’s close to what some in the “dark arts” call the hand of fatima, except it’s missing the tattoed or painted “evil eye”. Hill-the-BEAST has also used that hand gesture. Would not surprise me if Gretched is also a witch.
What a great post, Steve. Thanks so much!
Here’s a bit of Christmas cheer!
Which I can’t see, as twitter is TOTALLY non-functional for me.
I can’t click on the links, either; I just get a blank page that never finishes loading.
Thank you, though!!
It’s the cutest little girl, perhaps Ivanka’s youngest, with a red MAGA hat on & a declaration of “My Grandpa is the President of the United States!” Just looking at her makes me smile.
Actually, Chloe is one of Don Jr.’s kids. Ivanka’s daughter is her oldest.
Thanks DP! I wonder if anyone is able to break out the pic so Steve (& others) could see it.
you’re welcome!
I must have caught you in a VERY good mood for some reason…
yup…some reason…
Thanks so much for that Pat!
my pleasure
Max Radio Ep 002: The Role of the Vice President in Counting Electoral Votes Part 2 — Beyond Jan 6th
I left a comment – let’s see if it shows up!
As did I just for fun.
CTH trashed my very polite congrats to SD and the team.
Almost CTH preaches all the cool stuff, yet acts like petulant D-Rats.
Unfortunately…I am not surprised in the least.
Petulant is their middle name over there.
That calls for a knock-knock joke
Knock, knock…
Who’s there?
Petulant who?
The petulant me has turned into a monster…
(ducks and runs from cans of Alpo, XXXXXL-sized MilkBone Biscuits, and used flea-collars
Where? OT?
Yes! But I’m pretty sure it just went into moderation.
I went over there to post scripture after waiting for (2) weeks – it posted without going into moderation – all you need is your avatar and an e-mail addy – unfortunately – for each post – I get a confirmation I have subscribed – no likes at all – it is definitely still messed up – but, people are posting – some of the regulars – but, many are still missing – go figure.
Did you post on the Open Thread? Easy enough to check.
I posted on the latest CTH 2.0 post – told SD it was lookin’ good!
You are a real peach, Wolf!!! Thanks!!!
The one thing he made sure to bring over was the fucking ban list.
I just liked a couple of comments, though!
I honestly doubt that Pence has the power to unilaterally void electoral votes.
Do you think if the Veep had this power, someone in the past wouldn’t have used it to make sure they won the election that they themselves were in, either as the veep candidate or the presidential one? Mondale in 1981? Nixon in 1961?
There have been many occasions where the vice president had to preside over his own loss when counting the votes.
Another, Gore as VP running against Baby Bush in 2000, I think it was.
I surely dunno how this is going to play out. But, President Trump is sure banking on January 6 going our way. We’ll see what transpires between now and sunset January 6th.
How in hell did I forget that?
Must be bacon deprivation.
Here’s some help Mr. Steve!

Your right. It’s not in the Constitution nor in the code that governs this. Only way is paragraph 15.;jsessionid=F8901BC6C2C6D239293FF3A484C439ED?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title3-chapter1&saved=%7CZ3JhbnVsZWlkOlVTQy1wcmVsaW0tdGl0bGUzLXNlY3Rpb245%7C%7C%7C0%7Cfalse%7Cprelim&edition=prelim
And yet we’ve had a run of people being quoted here condemning Pence as a traitor–for not doing what he is apparently unable to do.
Not going to blame the people with so much information flying around right now making it hard to decide. Does know Pence has never given me comfortable feeling, its always wait and see what comes next. Meanwhile it all comes down to is he, are we, going to accept the massive fraud only because were not allowed to present the case against it. I’d say no and damn the consequence as this will be the last chance at keeping the Republic as we know it.
Mondale lost in a landslide, Nixon contested but it went nowhere, the 1982 Consent Agreement was signed by Reagan – no further contested elections allowed by Republicans for 36 years. Judge Debevoise after he retired, appeared every year to renew the 1982 order. He died in August of 2015 and with no one to renew the order if finally expired. This is the first year that the Republicans can contest any election. (Gore running against Bush fell inside the 36 years.)
As para59 points out, there’s simply nothing in the laws allowing Pence to do this.
In other words this was hopium inspired bullshit. And no one here bothered to check, including me, and I should have because it didn’t smell right to me.;jsessionid=F8901BC6C2C6D239293FF3A484C439ED?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title3-chapter1&saved=%7CZ3JhbnVsZWlkOlVTQy1wcmVsaW0tdGl0bGUzLXNlY3Rpb245%7C%7C%7C0%7Cfalse%7Cprelim&edition=prelim
Thank you. I was just trying to point out that I didn’t think it had ever happened before at least over the past 40 years or so that I remember.
I think the only way it can happen is if there are competing slates of votes from states. He can declare all of THOSE void, because they are disputed. Has that happened before? If not, there wouldn’t have been an opportunity for it to be tried.
I don’t believe HE can declare anything void. That’s what I don’t get! Where is this repeated and totally unsubstantiated assertion that Pence can declare ANYTHING void coming from?
It must be done by vote of Congress. And they don’t have the balls to do it.
Donald J Trump
The “Justice” Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on January 6th.
This poor woman & her family could use our prayers.
this lady too
***Author – Carol D. Mitchell
I want to thank all #patriots and our great President, @realDonaldTrump
earlier today I was thinking about taking my life. A couple hours ago, #TrumpSupporters Literally, saved my life. I am good now. I use a walker now and was depressed family didn’t call. Thanks.
for Steve, what the tweet above said…missed the edit window
Blixa G.
My Father died last night, a week after my Mother.
This is my grand finale for 2020.
Passing along strange death or murder…
ChiComs are getting very nasty now.
fraud & treason food for thought
*** 3Days3Nights
Why the Voter Fraud Sting?
Congressman do NOT have to forfeit their seat if indicted or convicted of a FELONY.
1 exception. TREASON.
If 70% were arrested for corruption, problem isn’t solved.
But if 70% were arrested for Voter Fraud Treason after 1/6 vote, problem is solved.
text of tweet for Steve
Thank you for putting in the text.
(I suspect others will benefit from it too.)
personally I appreciate text rather than clicking on the tweet or whatever and waiting for whatever to load…
You’re welcome…I’ll try to get better about it, if possible. Sadly my brain is mostly a sieve lately
This is ridiculous – not only do they want to tear down statutes – destroy the beauty of the Nativity art – but, now – they want to tell us what we can and cannot say – cause it’s racist
Right up your alley, hence no surprise!
Chinese Media Chief threatens SOS Pompeo
I would love to know what he knows and what he has in mind.
My guess is that if you knew what he knows, you could probably figure out what he has in mind.
It’s almost like he’s preparing us for something big to happen…

No doubt in my mind, Scott!!!
TIM – There are two other parts to this tweet – when I tried to capture them all (4) it posted only the two you posted above – ???
The FBI is going to cover up the Nashville bombing just like they covered up the Las Vegas shooting. FBI doesn’t respond to the scene of explosions. As a journalist who has worked with numerous FBI agents as sources throughout my investigations, they will tell you the same thing. ATF & bomb squad respond to explosions. Then, once an investigation occurs, FBI is later called in If it’s suspected a crime could be terrorism. The FBI is only the first on scene if they 1. Know of a terror threat ahead of time 2. They have intel that a terrorist will carry out their attack at a specific time & place 3. FBI is running a covert operation with their informants and have agents nearby in case the bust goes awry or for reinforcement if a criminal or terrorist is successfully intercepted. FBI was immediately on the scene after the bomb in Nashville went off which means they knew this bombing was going to happen & they know who did it. The FBI is lying to the public about this bombing.
— Laura Loomer LauraLoomer Saturday, December 26, 2020
by Mike Adams, Natural News
In addition to the declassification option, the Insurrection Act and the military re-vote options to secure his second term victory, President Trump has the “militia option” to save the republic.
Militias are specifically mentioned as necessary guardians of our constitutional republic in both the Second Amendment and the Insurrection Act. Most modern militia groups consist of military veterans, former law enforcement, concealed carry holders and other law-abiding citizens who are passionate about liberty and defending America against enemies, both foreign and domestic.
by Kipp Jones, Western Journal
A doctor in Northern California has been fired from his job after he co-authored a letter that questioned the science behind his county’s lockdown order.
Dr. Michael deBoisblanc was working as the trauma medical director for John Muir Health in Contra Costa County, California, until last Friday, after he questioned the scientific basis for again locking down citizens of the area.
KNTV reported that deBoisblanc wrote a letter to the county health director and board of supervisors voicing his concern regarding the continued lockdown policies prior to his dismissal.
thepianoguys #pianocello
Carol of the Bells (for 12 cellos) – The Piano Guys
#thepianoguys #pianocello
O come, O come, Emmanuel – (Piano/Cello) – The Piano Guys
Dear Qtreepers, may I ask your prayers for my Mom – she has a few days-maybe- to live. We have been taking turns with to be at her side 24/7 since Christmas eve. I am on the night shift and will be leaving shortly. She received the last rites on Christmas eve.
We love her immensely, and it will be a great loss…but I thank God for the gift of faith. …
Just looked at my subscribed feed, and this is what popped up….won’t have a chance to watch it…I hope it is good news.
Belated Merry Christmas, and all best wishes for the New Year!
I’m so sorry geneticallycatholic!
I will keep you, your mother, and your family in my prayers…for comfort and peace!!
Of course, Catholic – with you in spirit – and in prayer – be grateful you can be with her before she leaves and goes home – it is a blessing you will relish for years to come.
God go with you – Sending Comfort Angels to assist – Peace Be With You!!!
The best gift yoy are giving right now is the attention, care, and comfort that she needs.
May you find peace and strength through this time.
We are with you, as you are with her!!!
Mothers are difficult, and mine was about as abrupt as yours appears to be. We had a few days’ warning.
You’re going to be going through a lot, both before she passes, and after.
May God wrap his loving arms around your Mom, you, and your family and give you the courage, comfort, and strength you need to get through the days to come. Peace be unto you GC, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I pray for comfort for you and your family, and for a peaceful passing for your mom. What a blessing to both her and you that she has loving family keeping vigil with her. I agree that faith is a precious gift, and I know it will sustain you.
John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Just remember…..and hold onto this like you do the Lord himself….
This isn’t good-bye. It’s ONLY “See you later.” <—- reread that.
And where she is headed is an IMMEASURABLY better place than here, where she undoubtedly has other family and friends to see and be with. Like her own parents and grandparents who she longs to see (and they her).
Don’t be sad as much as envious!!
It is simply her time. Nothing more.
Love never, ever dies and you WILL most certainly and surely be with her again. And the next time will be forever…in perfect joy, happiness, and gratitude.
”The sorrow of parting is necessary if we want to experience the joys of reunion. The former is nothing when compared to the latter.”
Look to the reunion that lies ahead, when you will see her in perfect health, youth, and stunning beauty. In reality, it is not that far off, even if 100 years from now.
God bless you and your family. I know he already has, he is now, and he will continue to do so.
Oh, I am sorry. Losing a family member at this time of year, and in these circumstances…. You will be in my prayers.
I just returned after the night shift. Thank you all for your beautiful compassionate replies. We did the 24/7 vigil for our Dad when he died years ago. Mom was praying for him (her husband) as he crossed over to eternity. It was an exhausting but blessed time. So, we children are functioning as a team, doing the same for her all
I will cherish this Christmas more than any one that has gone before: Birth of our Savior, born to die in order to purchase and offer us eternal life. Death of a beloved, who took Him up on His offer in her lifetime, and is now going to her true home. Grief and joy intermingled
G.C., so sorry about your mother and I know it is so hard, went through losing mine some years back. Prayers for you and family. Hugs.
Well today has been perhaps the slowest Saturday since the migration.
Can’t complain. There’s either a lot going on we can’t see, or there isn’t, but there’s certainly a lot of sound and fury, hopefully not signifying nothing.
Yeah, not sure what’s up, but I suspect there is a lot of cleanup in people’s lives going on today.
But as for me, I’m with your last statement. Sound and fury abundant – hopefully meaningful.
I take down some decorations today plus pick up and organize. Its also time to purge the unused and worn out things around here, plus all my regular chores, and I had a migraine. Im sure most eveyone is busy.
On a completely different note for Wolf —
Another —
Wolf, I think this site is worth checking out. The fallen digital soldier memorial. It sounds hokey but a base to find everyone that disappeared from platforms you might want to find again.
A Safe Place for Rational Thinking (@aspfrt) Tweeted:
The Fallen Digital Soldier Memorial
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President Elect ModSquad (@Designsage) Tweeted:
@zerosum24 Rockford, Illinois is a drug-infested, dangerous crumbling town. I bet anything it’s drug related.
dr. efanzor (Parler: drefanzor) (@drefanzor) Tweeted:
New Years gift to America revealed
(by @drefanzor and @DavarEchad)
Read parts of the letter here….
IMHO Verbiage like this is not at all to enlighten Mellissa Carone, but to gaslight the public, who they know will be reading it…
“You gained international infamy earlier this month as Rudy Giuliani’s so-called ‘star witness’ who could supposedly corroborate outlandish accusations that Dominion has somehow rigged or otherwise improperly influenced the outcome of the Nov. 2020 U.S. presidential election,”
““We write to you now because you have positioned yourself as a prominent leader of the ongoing misinformation campaign by pretending to have some sort of ‘insider’s knowledge’ regarding Dominion’s business activities, when in reality you were hired through a staffing agency for one day to clean glass on machines and complete other menial tasks,”
Sounds more like it was written by a sulky teenager.
It does sound like a sulky teen…as do the prolific anti MAGA tweeters, entertainers, antifa, blm, all the big mouth Dems…arrested development is a hallmark of them all
This is seriously very weird.
I think I see it. This is a way to make the mail-out ballot cheat EASIER to pull off.
It’s LAZY. It’s not as efficient as finding real people who won’t vote – probably because in an election like this, predicting which real voters won’t vote is HARDER, and can lead to getting caught.
So what they did was TAKE BALLOTS from real voters with common names (where it’s easy to allege a GLITCH – e.g. – duplicate names) and instead mail ballots to uniquely named fake people who were NOT THERE. THOSE ballots would be EASY TO COLLECT at the POST OFFICE!
Wow. Such a brilliant scam!
Even deeper evil beauty here. The Post Office can direct personnel to collect the bogusly addressed ballots, claiming it’s FIGHTING the fraud, when in fact collecting those ballots is PART OF THE FRAUD.
BUT WAIT – see above – I think he made an error. I’m not assuming he really knew the expected numbers of a given name. I’m from Missouri – SHOW ME!
Linda – I think this guy may have made an error. I don’t trust that he knew the expected numbers of names in states – that is not an easy number to predict.
Look at “Smith” by state:
I think he used averages and rediscovered state discrepancies.
Eeyore over at CTH looks like he’s throwing in the towel.
“Ultimately ‘stop the steal‘ should rest upon the ability of We The People to counteract the intransigent and corrupt intent of an entitled political class. However, we are in this weird space where destroying a constitutional republic in order to save it has a larger appeal.
It seems unusual to say, and perhaps it is counter-intuitive in a traditional political sense, but President Trump could ultimately be stronger leading a 100 million person army from outside DC, against this corrupt system, than he can be while waging a war -all alone- inside a system that wants to see him destroyed. ”
Laying the psychological groundwork for acceptance for DJT to concede.
Pretending like it might be better to have private citizen Trump to lead 100 million Americans against the Deep State from the outside, with Pedo Joe in control of the government (and the military!), as opposed to Trump fighting from the highest seat of power in the land and himself having control over the United States military.
It’s times like this when it’s impossible not to believe that SD is controlled by the black hats.
He is absolutely preparing his readers to accept defeat.
If I could still post over there, I would rip him a new one, and then immediately get banned all over again… because no challenge to the management’s dogma can be tolerated…

Turning the United States government over to a known criminal and asset of the Chinese Communist Party would be an absolute act of High Treason.
Donald J. Trump is no traitor.
As you know, SomeDunce pisses me off no end. I don’t often agree with his take on politics. Financials, sure, but not politics. He can’t read those tea leaves well at all.
Given he once tried to assert the social security tax was being collected twice over–an assertion I disproved in about five minutes, and which he never repeated, I am not too impressed with his financial acumen either.
He seemed to shine at analyzing the deep state–until he started playing the game of filling in redacts with whatever name he wanted to pull out of his rectal database.
Phony. Faker.
Yeah, the fill-in-the-blanks with no regard for font size and type made me nuts! I could disprove those in minutes. I think he’s in love with his own opinion.
I never even thought to test them, and I skipped a lot of them, because he got into the habit of merging new articles with (always lengthy) old articles halfway through, at which point I moved on to the next article.
If his guesses didn’t even fit available spacing, that casts doubt on everything he’s written about since his spastic overreaction to Q.
I remember there was more than a little speculation at the time that CTH was compromised.
If Drudge could be compromised, then certainly so could CTH.
I am a font and handwriting geek.
I used Photoshop to prove that one of my ancestors was a Revolutionary War veteran. There was a notation by his name on the 1840 census that was illegible. I was able to finally decipher it by using Photoshop. I used it again to play with SDs fill-in-the-blanks to see if I could prove it. The names he put in just didn’t fit.
That’s amazing, in multiple ways!
Of course I’m curious… what did you determine the notation by his name was, on the 1840 census?
So, it had been thought by some researchers that my ancestor Edward Williams was a Revolutionary War soldier, but nobody could prove it. There was even a newspaper article from about 60 years after his death in about 1845 that talked about it, but there were a lot of disbelievers. “Professional genealogists,” paid thousands of dollars, came up dry, so people accepted that. Family stories are like that, people are skeptical with good reason.
The problem with finding Rev War records for him was his name was so common, there were about five guys, same name serving in the same state.
There was a column on the 1840 census asking for Rev War Pensioner status. There was a notation there for Edward, but nobody knew what it said, and people thought it was meaningless. He was 102 years old, that part was legible. His name was readable, but there was a notation after it that was illegible.
I started looking around at other people on the same census, taken by and written by the same enumerator, who had something in that column. I found the words “under pay” by a few, which appeared to be PART OF what was by Edward’s name. This was not enough to convince the nay-sayers, because of the rest being unknown.
I eventually found individual letters in names on the census to compare to what was left of the phrase. I eventually figured out that it read in full “Edward Williams not under pay 102.”
So Edward never got a pension, but had to have served in the War, otherwise he would not have been listed as “not under pay.” After I figured that out, we knew that some of the pay records for all the Edwards belonged to him. My co-author, who had researched him for years, figured out which one he was by finding the pay records of other men who we proved he traveled and lived with over the course of his life. The families intermarried and such. There were four men, and they all served in the same unit, were all taken prisoner at Charleston, and were all found on the prisoner list of the prison ship Jersey. The accounts of that ship are some of the most horrible things I have ever read.
So there you have it. Lots of description for one question, but it really was a big deal. Edward Williams was recognized as a Patriot by the DAR as a result of the work done by my co-author.
“There was a notation there for Edward, but nobody knew what it said, and people thought it was meaningless. He was 102 years old, that part was legible. His name was readable, but there was a notation after it that was illegible.”
Before I read the rest, I wouldn’t have thought it was meaningless at all.
If there were multiple people with his name in the same state, he was more aware of that than anyone, and as a pensioner, he would have been aware of the need to distinguish himself somehow from the others with the same name.
People with common names deal with this problem all the time, and by age 102, I’m sure he learned some tricks
So I’m going to guess the illegible part was his regiment or his unit number, or the initials for his unit’s name.
Now I’ll read the rest…
That is fascinating!
What I was thinking (in my other post) would have been too easy
Great work, Aubergine!
Thanks! *Blushes*
I could see when he pulled that stunt (at least twice that I saw) that his font didn’t match. That was enough for me. I didn’t feel the need to do the legwork he should have done for himself to demonstrate that he was absolutely wrong, because as far as I was concerned by making an error like that he had failed to make any argument whatsoever that anyone needed to pay a moment’s additional attention to.
Whenever we ought to have encouragement, he always finds a way to drag his readers down.
He’s remarkably consistent.
It’s the opposite of leadership.
He may not want to be a leader, and if so, I can understand that. But when you have spent 10+ years developing a readership of 500,000+ people, you’re a leader whether you want to be, or not.
This kind of behavior is demoralizing. I would far rather be encouraged than Eeyore’d, even if it turns bad in the end.
Especially now, when the President is asking us for help. Demoralized people don’t travel 1000s of miles to protest in the winter cold.
Maybe we should send him a copy of Tea Leaf Reading for Dummies.
I think Sundance is saying the same thing we are – he’s just pussy-footing around how radical it’s going to be.
SD is just saying it VEWY VEWY GENTWY like Tweety Bird.
“SD is just saying it VEWY VEWY GENTWY like Tweety Bird.”
When did timidity ever win the day?
Or encourage anyone to victory?
Timid: “Consider mildly rebuking those self-propelled oblong objects.”
Not timid: “Damn the Torpedoes!”
Yes. This statement…
…completely ignores Pres. Trump’s duty — as the commander in chief and as the president who swore to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution — to protect this country from fraud, infiltration, tyranny, treason, and all enemies. The election is not about which political party gets in office. The war is upon us, and Pres. Trump knows he has a duty to act now. I believe he knows a lot more than that and has much more planned, as well.
Read carefully between Sundance’s lines. I think he’s saying this.
Well that’s just it.
He has what, half a million or a million readers?
On the eve of D-Day, we shouldn’t have to guess or read between the lines of anything.
You don’t sow doubt in the minds of the People at the precipice of victory.
If that’s the best he’s going to do, it would be better if he didn’t say anything at all.
He should have been much blunter, IMO.
That occurred to me, but I don’t see the need to say it the way he did. I don’t agree with his prior sentence:
I do not see people trying to save the republic by destroying it. I only see people trying to save it Constitutionally, and others trying to destroy it extra-Constitutionally. The latter care nothing for the Constitution or the republic.
Patriots are doing everything possible NOT to destroy the country and would take drastic measures only as a last resort. We are not, IMO, in the “weird space” he alludes to.
You may disagree with SD’s wording RE “destroying to save” – and I do as well – but not all of us see going to increasingly non-civilian options as strictly “Constitutional”, so I simply make an allowance for this disagreement of viewpoint and terminology, and then everything he is saying makes sense as being what I would expect from MAGA.
I personally agree with him that we are in a very weird space, but I (like you) disagree with him that it is “destroying a Constitutional republic”. That’s really an academic argument, however, IMO.
The left certainly knows that they want to PAINT anything Trump does that they don’t like as un-Constitutional. Methinks they may have battered SD a bit with this line of attack over time, and he suffers an “Alinsky fear” of moving to next steps.
I don’t think of the non-civilian options as Constitutional, because the Constitution itself doesn’t say it’s OK to overthrow the civil authorities by violence, even if they got there via corrupt mechanisms.
It is, however, in keeping with the Declaration of Independence, which states we have a right and duty to abolish the government when it no longer serves the ends for which a government is intended.
The problem is going to be a lot of people in the military whose oaths are to the Constitution, not the DOI.
YUP. I think you have stated the fundamental problem right there. Being between the Insurrection Act and the Second Amendment is pretty much near the exit procedure of the program, if not actually IN IT.
It sounds like you and Steve are both painting yourselves into a legalistic corner, and I don’t know why.
“In 1861, Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus after declaring a state of martial law, arguing that the [then] unprecedented measure was necessary to help the Union Army win the Civil War.”
Lincoln did that in a war that was against fellow Americans.
And the Union Army certainly didn’t desert him over it!
How much more so might Lincoln have done, if we had been under invasion by a foreign adversary, rather than a domestic one?
In the War of 1812, did the British defeat themselves?
Did the townspeople defeat the British?
Or did the United States military, on U.S. soil, defeat the invading British?
What is different now, except the enemy is China (plus a multitude of traitors and enemy combatants within and without), and instead of landing on the beaches, they came in through airports with travel visas and embedded themselves in society before attempting to overthrow the United States?
How many Acts of War does China and the Deep State have to commit, before it’s okay to defend ourselves?
Are we not myopically debating over the letter of the Constitution — as opposed to the spirit and purpose of the Constitution — while the Republic — for which it was written to protect — is in danger of being lost?
To borrow an old expression, is that not Fiddling whilst Rome burns?
OK. THAT makes sense.
Maybe I’m getting better, the longer I work at it…

“The problem is going to be a lot of people in the military whose oaths are to the Constitution, not the DOI.”
The military knows better than anyone the Treason of the Deep State and the criminality of Joe Biden.
Is the C_A giving the President reliable information?
Is the FIB giving the President reliable information?
Are ANY of the civilian intelligence agencies giving the President reliable information?
We know that the military, despite Hussein’s best efforts, has not been compromised.
So it is military intelligence that is giving the President reliable information.
Ergo, the President doesn’t have to persuade the military with regard to who the enemy is, or what needs to be done to save the Republic.
The military knew it before the President did.
The military is briefing the President, not the other way around!
“I don’t think of the non-civilian options as Constitutional, because the Constitution itself doesn’t say it’s OK to overthrow the civil authorities by violence, even if they got there via corrupt mechanisms.”
Does the President not have a Constitutional duty to protect and defend the United States?
If the CCP army storms the beaches of Florida and California, does the President not have an obligation and a duty to utilize the military to defend and protect our country from invasion?
Isn’t that obvious and undeniable?
Then how much more so is the President authorized and obligated to utilize the military to save the Republic, if the enemy is ALREADY inside the gates?
I truly don’t understand why this concept is so difficult to comprehend.
The only way it makes sense is if people ascribe God-like attributes to the Constitution, but only to the LETTER and not at all to the SPIRIT or even the PURPOSE.
It’s purpose is to protect our Rights (Bill of Rights), to establish a national civil government to serve US, and to protect and defend the the Union, the United States.
If it is no longer doing that, if the nation has been infiltrated like the occupants of a Trojan Horse, and now enemy combatants have embedded themselves throughout the Republic, should we just surrender because the Constitution doesn’t explicitly say the CiC can use the military to restore order (and save the Republic in the process)?!?
Is that the bar set by the Constitution, i.e., that if the enemy can just figure out a way to get inside our borders, then it’s olly olly in-come-free, the game is over, and the enemy wins?
In such a scenario, does the Constitution prevent the Commander in Chief from confronting the enemy, thereby rewarding the enemy with uncontested victory for their ingenuity and duplicity?
Isn’t that patently absurd?
“You may disagree with SD’s wording RE “destroying to save” – and I do as well – but not all of us see going to increasingly non-civilian options as strictly “Constitutional” ”
This is exactly the crux of the problem that so many either don’t want to address, or do address without thinking through the consequences.
Everyone wants to preserve the Constitution, if that is possible.
So here is a hypothetical.
IF we get to a point where we can save the Constitution OR we can save the Republic, but we CAN’T save both, then which do we choose to save?
The answer is simple, unless we never thought it through.
A Republic without a Constitution can create a new one.
A Constitution without a Republic, can’t.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
It was not written to box us into a position where we lose the Republic and/or we all die.
If the Constitution is ever manipulated in such a way that we are boxed into a position where if we follow it, we lose the Republic and/or we all die, then by definition, the Constitution is no longer binding.
Our obligation is to save the Republic at all costs.
If the Republic is lost, then what good is the Constitution, without the Republic for which it stood?
Good reasoning!
Thank you!

SD repeats several times that we’re not going to accept a Biden presidency. He just avoids saying it as explicitly as I am right now.
Then he should have said THAT instead
I’ve always seen SD as a poor writer with good information.
SD twists simple information into Gordian Knots. I’ve always tried to read what he wrote, but then gone to the comments to unravel it. Combining the insights of the commenters is where I came to understanding. I think he is trying to sound “smart.” That’s an impediment to clarity, IMO.
It reminds me of the book “The Bridges of Madison County.” The story was SO GOOD, but it was so badly written, it was atrocious. When turned into a film, it was award-winning.
YES!!! Amen!
Yep, that nails him pretty well. Unfortunately to people who really do know what his two dollar words mean and their usual connotations, he just comes off sounding like someone parodying a person with an advanced education.
As far as having good information, if he had good information, why fake it with his “fill in the black rectangle” stupid tricks?
I don’t think he necessarily had good information either–or at least not nearly as much as he claimed to.
This is an interesting point to ponder along with all the other irregularities in this election.
The democrats took over US strategic entry to our country and sold us out?
Knew there was something strange bout that rv.
SirWilliamScott (@SirWilliamScot5) Tweeted:
@PepeMatter #WarnerDidntKillHimself
Some of us here on Q-tree are twisted and demented. And funny.
If only the bomber had been creative enough to make his van look like Epstein’s Temple!
That kind of in-your-face mockery would have done far more damage to the Deep State narrative than the bomb itself ever could.
Once again proving that violence is the last resort of the incompetent!
Or stated differently:
“Never blow yourself or your target up, before mocking them with the Epstein Van.”
“Once again proving that violence is the last resort of the incompetent!”
But it’s the first resort of government 3-letter agencies.
Because it’s very effective, and they don’t have to worry about being prosecuted.
“Never blow yourself or your target up, before mocking them with the Epstein Van.”
Almost like a proverb
Harris celebrating/congratulating people on Kwanza but video ends w/ this website
BuildBackBetter DOT gov
Isn’t .gov only for Official Government business? So who is using the world dominion phrase as US gov business?
I wonder if she knows Kwanza was culturally appropriated from an FBI asset?
So Heels-High Harris is celebrating a holiday that was invented and promoted by an FBI stooge in the 1960s when the FBI was infiltrating radical black terrorist groups.
Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You By the FBI
Posted: Dec 24, 2019
Ann Coulter (excerpt): “Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves.
In what was ultimately a foolish gambit, during the madness of the ’60s, the FBI encouraged the most extreme black nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the group, the better. (It’s the same function MSNBC serves today.)
By that criterion, Karenga’s United Slaves was perfect.
Despite modern perceptions that blend all the black activists of the ’60s, the Black Panthers did not hate whites. Although some of their most high-profile leaders were drug dealers and murderers, they did not seek armed revolution.
Those were the precepts of Karenga’s United Slaves. The United Slaves were proto-fascists, walking around in dashikis, gunning down Black Panthers and adopting invented “African” names. (I will not be shooting any Black Panthers this week because I am Kwanzaa-reform, and we are not that observant.)
It’s as if David Duke invented a holiday called “Anglika,” which he based on the philosophy of “Mein Kampf” — and clueless public schoolteachers began celebrating the made-up, racist holiday.”
LOL…I knew it was a fake made up holiday but didn’t know the FIB ties–pathetic!
I didn’t think Kwanzaa actually went back even that far. It seemed to come out of nowhere during the Klinton years or perhaps just a bit before.
Looks like doggy “nose”
for Steve, silly meme w a dog’s nose close up covered w/ sprinkles feigning innocence
& not knowing where the Christmas cookies went
De-platformed for sharing doctors & scientists calming CV fears
***Ian Lyne
Dec 24
My previous channel was also deleted, after I uploaded a video of two whistleblowers from OSHA, speaking out about the negative health effects of face masks.
Here’s a clip from the video that “broke the camel’s back” this time.
Please RT
There is a 2 minute video that ends w/ copies of the justification for removal for violating community standards (very similar to the notice I got from Pinterest, which I haven’t yet attempted to appeal)…
2 min clip of a Trump Rally in Japan!!!
If you don’t think the HOLE WORLD knows what’s at stake with our election, I give you a Trump Rally …. IN JAPAN! Seriously, they know it, YOU and I know it, this is an EPIC battle between Good vs Evil. What an AWESOME time to be alive
I removed a couple emojis also…
Pompeo comms? Looks like panda faces to me on the perimeter of the cloth…
Second Corinthians – 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2017 Australian red wine!
Amen! Liberty for me AND for thee!!!
Gotta tell you, reading 2 Corinthians 2, I almost have to think that Bezmenov was deeply studied to create the Q op.
How so?
One of Bezmenov’s key counteractions to Marxism was religion, and as a specific example Christianity, although Falun Gong works, too.
Recall that the Q op cited Corinthians frequently.
Here is the end of 2 Cor 2. 17 is especially noteworthy.
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task? 17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.
17! Thanks Wolf
God Bless You!!!