Dear KMAG: 20201227 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here

Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


It’s time to replace
a failed and CORRUPT political establishment
with a new government
controlled by you, the American People.
~ Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

First Things First

This is the time of year when many of us think about making some resolutions for the new year, even though we know that our efforts, in general, will meet with something short of success in far less time than we would have imagined.

So, what is it that we might put on our “shoot for success but miss” list for 2021? The most popular New Year’s resolutions seem to deal with something that will improve us personally: exercise more, lose weight, get organized, learn a new skill or hobby, live life to the fullest, save more money / spend less money, quit smoking, spend more time with family and friends, travel more, or read more.

Now, if we look at this situation as Christians, and we are, we would want to choose New Year’s resolutions that would benefit us in our Christian walk . . . such as work at developing more characteristics like those of the Fruit of the Spirit, read and study the Bible more, improve my prayer life, get involved in more church activities or be a better witness.

All those are well and good, but if we think of our lives as Christians, we wouldn’t want to choose resolutions that make sense to us but, rather, we’d choose resolutions that reflect what God wants for us.

Attempting to accomplish all things that God’s Word says Christians should be and do is a very large task, and it reminds me of making a list of things that we think are good things to do and then working off the items that are on the list. I don’t think this is what God wants to see from us. I think He wants, rather than us working off a list, is for us to change our hearts, so that the items on the list come naturally as a result.

So, thinking about resolutions this way, perhaps the items we need to concentrate on aren’t on a giant list of thousands, but could be summed up by the two greatest commandments: to love God with all our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

I think we’re narrowing in on our answer here. We need to concentrate on developing love in our Christian walk . . . specifically, agapé love, love that is a motivation for action that we are free to choose or reject.  Agapé is a sacrificial love that voluntarily suffers inconvenience, discomfort, and even death for the benefit of another without expecting anything in return.

So, what does that specifically mean . . . to agapé God? I think it means that we should go out of our way to do what God wants, for His glory, even though at the time we may feel that it isn’t something we necessarily want to do.

And agapé our neighbors? Agapé love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Agapé love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Agapé love never fails. This is how we should treat those around us.

But, once again, I think I’m missing something important here. Developing more agapé love in my Christian walk is undoubtedly very important, but is that what God thinks is paramount?

Well, we go to God’s Word for the answer here. What better place to go to find out what God wants. First things must come first. So . . . what’s first?

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus, although speaking about not having anxiety over even the essentials of our lives (our food, something to drink and adequate clothing), gives us a clear priority: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness . . .”

So, OK, just what is this Kingdom of God that we’re supposed to seek first? Again from God’s Word:

“For the kingdom of God is . . . a matter of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit . . .” Righteousness first, then peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Naturally, the question arises, “How do I go about getting this righteousness?” I know that it’s not inherent in me, and I’m certainly not showing righteousness by all that I do in the world today.

Back to God’s Word. “not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— ” .

The concept of faith counted as righteousness is not a new concept. Way back in Genesis, “Abram had faith in the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.”, and “For therein is revealed a righteousness of God from faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith.”

So, our righteousness comes from faith in Christ and in God. We are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding.

Christ and the Holy Spirit are within us . . . Christ our righteousness reconciles our sinful nature with God and God’s Holy Spirit works within us to change us, well, probably in every way on our giant list of thousands . . . and more.

So, for me, my New Year’s resolution is to acknowledge Him as supreme in every facet of my life and trust Him to make those changes in me that He sees fit . . . to give the things of the world in my life to God, trusting that He will ensure that “. . . all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Now, this can’t be a “state it and forget” it resolution. My part, with the proddings and support of the Holy Spirit, is to continually recognize that it is God who is in control of my life, always, in every way, and to trust Him to lead me down the proper paths.

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Ah, the start of another week. The last week of the year. How good or how bad was 2020 depends on your vantage point.


Lemme tell ya, from the ground all the way up to 45,000, it looked like crap. I’d gladly never live through it again and won’t miss it one itty bitty bit.


Amen to that!


My understanding is that there is a certain point at about 31,600 feet, where if you squint your eyes just right and turn your head at a particular angle, it merely looks like a pile of refuse. The effect is supposed to go away with another hundred feet of climb.


January 1, 2020 until about 29 February 2020 – simply IDEAL.

March 1, 2020 through today, worst year in my memory.


2020 started out fine, just as my broken arm was healing. Then in the middle of March things started going sideways fast, then the corona, bad phase to beginning of May, recovery from then to about September. Meanwhile a number of politicians have lost their mind, or maybe been listening too closely to some of the medicine-men, aka doctors.

Just as high-voltage electrical technicians tend to be exceedingly pernickety, on account of the bad things that can happen with high voltage going places it isn’t supposed to; doctors similarly have sharp and hard boundaries to their work. This transfers into a fairly strong authoritarian mode of politics. Which is not so great outside the hospital where there isn’t quite the same life-or-death conditions.

It is as if the whole society has become a huge open-air hospital, somehow. Just look at all the foofaraw about face masks. This cannot continue indefinitely, but how it ends, and whether this is a happy ending or otherwise isn’t easy to see. Considering how sudden everything turned crosswise back in March, there may be more of these sudden phase-change of sorts coming up.

Elizabeth Carter

I was praying for healing last night. I opened my Bible to this Scripture:
Mark 9:23-24   Authorized (King James) Version
23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
Your article is timely for me.
Thank you.


Thank you Carl for a Fabulous Post!!! 😘🥰


Busy day flying, but I have to say the lack of critical thinking skills on display all day in the twatterverse was breathtaking.

I think the silliest thing I saw online was from someone who wondered if the Nashville bombing was by the DS of the main node for the National Emergency Broadcasting System…trying to prevent Trump from conducting a test.

🤡 🤪

As if the main hub for such a thing wasn’t buried deep inside a HIGHLY SECURE and indestructible place like NORAD.

Nope….it’s in an undisclosed, unprotected downtown building! 😂

Easy prediction: We will probably never truly know what it was about. We’ll only know what they want us to believe.

Prediction #2: Nashville was a distraction. Something else was happening elsewhere. Someone wanted everyone looking at the same place at the same time.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

My Snowflake son in Nashville woke to it Christmas morning and felt his house shake!!! Maybe he’ll have a freakin wake-up call!!!


Breaks my heart to learn your son is a beta male, Marica.

My sincere condolences. 😞


How the F Did that happen? It does break my heart…. but… Grands help…My 5 year old grand LOVES Pwesident Trump!!!


I have one too…but he is a FIRM believer in 2A…he might be redeemed yet!


Yeah, my oldest. Sigh. Not long ago he revealed that he belongs to the “Socialist Gun Club of America.” Can’t even see the oxymoron.


Mine was sucked over to the left after he married and now I do not recognize his language.
The other day he called POTUS “Nazi who should be shot.”
I told him “if he calls Trump Nazi then he calls me a Nazi because I voted for him.” That shot him off.
He has been crawling back calling not getting off the phone like a little wimp when alone walking his dog.


I have one also  🙄 


How do you know he’s angry?

That’s an eagle’s resting face.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Not true. See? It’s spa day and homie is loving it! 😁

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Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joe M

For those who could make it in person, a Trump rally will someday be one of your most cherished memories. If not, do yourself a favor and GET TO DC ON JAN 6. Such a symbolic event will never happen again. #DCJan6 




comment image?fit=900%2C664&ssl=1

Addendum by Wolf – Current List of QTreepers Headed To DC

Aubergine & Son
Mr. MAGA Mom & Son
grandmaintexas & DH
huskerheart & Patriot Friend
Kalbo & Wife
Wolf Moon (neither confirming nor denying) 

Current Total: 12


This is the “meet at the old Mill. We ride at midnight” call we have been waiting years to answer.

Millions should go. Hopefully will.

Now is when the Silent Majority gathers in one place at one time, as hasn’t been ever seen before.

I’m going.

It’s now or never.


You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON’T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, “Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana.” 

General George S. Patton

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Can I add you to the list displayed on Aubergine’s post?

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Blessings for all of you!!!
I’ll pray for your safety and await grand tales of what it was like!!!


I hope to post from there like I did for the Mount Rushmore celebration, but we’ll see. They knocked out cell service when the President arrived there. Who knows what will happen in DC.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Me too. Sending prayers from over here, and awaiting the news. If some of y’all can post while it’s on, great; in any case, stay safe and warm, and may GOD BE WITH YOU!!!


DePat is planning a thread for it!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll just stay here and man the site. It’s my daily day and I’ll do a rally thread.


THANKS! that’d be great!

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

POTUS is still tweeting:

FOR STEVE AND ZOE: “Increase payments to the people, get rid of the “pork”.

Last edited 4 years ago by Linda
Cuppa Covfefe


Only place pork belongs is BBQ, brats, and bacon!

Valerie Curren

It must be a coincidence that China is at the apex of this chart/s I believe this is charting good/bad economic & health status of nations…hmmm


Unfortunately, that person isn’t letting us look at their tweets.

Valerie Curren

Sorry, I completely forgot that’s a locked account. It had a graph, in Spanish, w/ lower left being bad for health & bad for the economy & upper right was good for H & E. This graph was divided into quadrants.

Peru at the extreme lower left was circled (tweeter is from Peru, I believe) as the worst nation charted. There was a straight line from that lower left corner to the upper right corner where China’s flag sat in the apex position, everything was good for health & good for the economy compared to other nations, purely coincidentally of course.

The US appeared near the line dividing left from right & below the line dividing top from bottom…

Hopefully it will show here now 🙂


I wonder if this is true or if we are watching actors confuse the dems and the Deep State. I’ll grant you, we have many RINOs who are Deep State, but…

Steve and Zoe, Emerald Robinson is tweeting: “What you’re witnessing is the nasty public divorce of the GOP establishment from President Trump.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, they’d better think twice.

I had a dream last night, and in the dream, President Trump was walking ahead of me and somebody else. I could sense that President Trump was in a tough spot – and very alone in thought. I wouldn’t say troubled, but he was deep in thought. He looked like this picture.
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I sped up my pace to catch up with him, and linked my right arm with his left, as we were walking, to show him that I was 100% with him, whatever he decides to do. I smiled and patted his arm and assured him that I was with him, no matter what.

I can only wish that others could have the same dream!



I had a dream a few days ago, too.

Trump was standing over the DC swamp and their media minions like this.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That works, too!!! 😀


That’s Ali v. Liston, 1965. A little over five years later, Liston would be dead – of “heroin overdose”, with a needle in his arm…..despite a well-documented long-time dread of needles….

When he died, Sonny Liston’s record in prizefights was 54 fights, 50 wins.

And, BTW, the rules after a knockdown is for a retreat to a corner — and if the standing boxer does not, the count is suspended. Ali does not appear to be in a corner.

Valerie Curren

The powers that be weren’t already greasing the skids for Cassius Clay now that he was a Muslim & somewhat turning his back on aspects of his American roots now were they?


Gee, how ever would you get that idea?

This was a rematch after Clay v. Liston 1964. From Wikipoo: “A couple of days after the fight [1964], Clay publicly announced that he had joined the “Black Muslims”—which was widely viewed as a hate group against white people—and started going by the name Cassius X. The following month, he was renamed Muhammad Ali by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad.”

It’s a good thing that the picture certainly doesn’t look staged or anything.

Two of Liston’s four career losses were against Clay/Ali. I’m sure that any discrepancies surrounding these losses would be investigated by neutral parties and factual findings would have been welcomed by all parties.

Valerie Curren

You forgot the /s at the end of all that! 🙂


I think you should email this to him. Very cool.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t worry – there are eyes on this place, and those eyes are people who have as much faith as us! I trust in God, and I trust those who trust God!

Cuppa Covfefe


II Chronicles 7:14:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Valerie Curren

This seems rather important but cryptic to me…is this one of those scenarios where someone on the good guys side does a drive-by tweet then deletes it so others can run with the info?

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***Praying Medic

Furniture Brat.

I wish to understand what the significance of this might be but was unable to access the twit world discussion due to the “deleted ” status.

Anyone care to elaborate? Thanks!

Valerie Curren

I wonder if anyone can make those images appear from above. I know to remove stuff after DOT jpg but not sure how to do those from twitter 🙁


You have to delete everything after jpg (or png if that is the format of the image)
and replace ‘?format” with a “.” (dot)
(Tip!! If you want to copy an image from Twitter as link, use ‘Copy image link’ (or equivalent for your Browser) (do not use ‘Copy as image’) and paste here as plain text. Then you can edit the text as described above)
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Valerie Curren

Thanks so much Eilert. Blessings!


I would be totally unsurprised if those were conference rooms in some Silicon Valley company. It’s a local style. At one, the conference rooms were named after currencies — dollar, euro, pound, yen, and renmimbi. At another, they were named after colors of the rainbow — red, yellow, green, blue, violet. At another, they were named after scientists — Maxwell, Bell, Howe, Watt, Fulton….(note that this is also used for N/S street names in Sacramento).


Servers on internal networks have the same quirky pattern. Any random group can serve as a “nickname” regardless of contents. I’m sure there are internal networks that use “Dopey, Sneezy, Grumpy, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Sleepy”, just as there are using “Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Opal”. The routers on my internal networks also share a naming pattern, which I will not disclose here.

Valerie Curren

Funny but those remind me of names of many of the Northern Michigan oil & gas sites when my husband worked w/ that industry in the ’90’s…

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks. I wonder why this would be fairly quickly deleted either by the tweeter or by twit world? My initial typo created “fairlicky” hmmm 🙂


Following up on the smallest part of Carl’s OP…

A few tips on resolutions:

Do start with the end goal in mind.

Then, deconstruct how you will arrive there.

CRITICAL: Create EASY, attainable interim goals and focus exclusively one each in sucession. DO celebrate the achievement of each one. If you think of it like a bean bag toss, you want to place the hole you are trying to toss the bag through at your feet, not 100 yards away. Mind you, your end goal may BE 100 yards away. That’s ok. But if you try to make it in one toss, you will almost assuredly fail.

Instead, create goals that are a simple 3 foot toss. One EASY step at a time. Celebrating each one will help prevent backsliding and reinforce the direction and ultimate goal you have set for yourself. More…..if you do backslide, you haven’t lost much ground.

Example….you want your entire back yard to be a garden paradise. DON’T try to do it all at once. Pick out a small part. Bring it to where you want it to be. Get used to tending to it and caring for it. Then move to the next small part. Repeat the process.

The REAL trick is to A) be patient with yourself and the process, and B) recognize the important part is the journey, NOT the destination.

Somehow, I think this all fits into Carl’s Sunday post.

Deplorable Patriot

Another trick for achievement of a larger goal is to divide the larger goal into daily smaller steps. Example: the summer I was…11 turning 12, IIRC…I earned a Red Cross swimming patch that I still have. It was for swimming 50 miles over the course of the summer. I swam at practice and then in the afternoon would get back in and swim a mile on my own. It took WEEKS, but it happened.

Same thing with writing a novel or editing. Commit to writing 1500-2000 words a day, or editing two chapters a day. The mental sharpness is usually gone after that anyway, but in smaller chunks like that, it’s much easier to make it happen.

Cramming or the project equivalent of it just invites frustration and heartache.

Good luck to everyone making resolutions.


take one mountain at a time.


I prefer waiting until it’s overwhelming and then going to war over it. Like the dishwashing chore. 🙃

Deplorable Patriot


While my tea water is boiling in the morning, I empty the dishwasher and start loading what’s laying around, and then run it again if necessary. I do this all day long, especially when the kids are here. It’s kind of a joke in this clan where members of it with XY chromosome combinations don’t close cabinet doors.


Very good advice. The garden analogy is particularly resonant for me. Everyone loves my garden, but it took ten years to make it what it is, and it is only about 50′ x 50′. And I’m still not finished.


One falls, 1000 rise.

Patriots… everyone of us is a target. It is only a matter of time before Twitter removed the account. Truth is the most dangerous of weapons, for it shreds the fabric of lies and leaves no prisoners. I have always said, I will stay on the battlefield. That I promise you. I am going to take a few days and refit for the next level of battle.

Podcasts continue on YouTube, Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify. I will be here on Parler and on as well.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we must trust in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.”
~Psalm 20: 7- 8.

We are the remnant. Never give up. Never stop. Never bow to evil.

Fighting it everything.


Thats his response not mine…


I am not on Twitter. What we should do is every time one of us is taken down someone who is not on Twitter take that persons place?
It will be impossible for them to delet all of us? One the other hand why bother and make money for them. Let it be Twitter’s loss.


I guess not signnup for it but if youre already there continue and take up the banner.

Valerie Curren

Sidney looks tired here & surely could use our prayers. In this brief video (great if someone can break it out for Steve etc) she refers to the Internet & flash drive issues that invalidate votes in numerous locales…


very good interview/discussion between Greg Hunter (USAWatchdog) and Investment Adviser and former Assistant Sec’y of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts…

the “reset” is here : and that means the old system has to be destroyed…including Christians and our churches…

video…about 47 minutes…



host article…

Governed By demonic spirit Or Divine Intelligence


CAF 12-19-20


“the “reset” is here : and that means the old system has to be destroyed…including Christians and our churches…”


Well that’s simply not going to happen.

Not even close.

The ‘old system’ that gets destroyed is the Cabal and Central Banking system, not Christians and churches.

I wouldn’t even let the idea of destroying Christians and churches to enter one’s consciousness, to do so is to give the idea more credibility than it deserves.

It’s just letting the enemy get inside your head.

It will not come to pass that Christians and churches will be destroyed from our land.

So be of good cheer 👍 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

hi scott…

I hear you and I understand where you’re coming from : stay positive !


in defense of CAF, she is not saying the reset has actually won…yet.

or that it has actually taken us over…yet.

but she is correct : it is here.

that is exactly what we are witnessing each day, playing out, in its early stages.

she is simply and astutely a voice in the wilderness warning us of the spiritual dynamic of this battle for our nation…our freedoms…and our inalienable rights.

but the enemy…the minions of lies and deceit…do not recognize or bow to GOD Almighty…they bow to something else…

and that is the sinister evil force behind the reset and the attempted coup and destruction of America.

Christianity…and our churches and congregations…our spiritual gatherings …are being forced to shut down…we are being gagged and censored…slowly but surely being “erased” from the New Norm…not entirely…but it’s starting…

the financial sector will be next.

it comes in waves…

with each new “crisis”…worse than ever before !! …comes more fear, more panic, more willingness to OBEY…until as many as possible are forced thru that diabolical sieve and come out with a NEW DNA as a NEW Cardholder in The Great Reset ..

that is the agenda afoot.

just like the voices in that infamous German wilderness who tried to warn of the impending doom as that Reich took hold and began its rise.

“it won’t happen here…its not happening here..we are a cultured nation.”

being informed and being observant and having discernment , and being willing to see what is actually happening…and having the courage & conviction to warn others about it…is not “letting the enemy get inside your head”.

it is not “giving up” or giving in..

it’s called : Wisdom.


and I might add..

Archbishop Vigano (Italy) is another one of those voices who is courageously speaking the truth about this diabolical reset , counter to the pope, and putting himself at grave personal risk in so doing.


All excellent points smiley!

I understand this is what the enemy wants to do.

But certainly it will never happen under the leadership of Donald J. Trump.

And I have yet to discern any reason why Trump would surrender the nation to a known CCP puppet regime and criminal Joe Biden.

And therefore I have no reason to think DJT will not be victorious and sworn in on January 20th (or later, who knows what the lawyers will come up with).

If something happens to change that equation, if we go through a wormhole and come out in an alternate universe, and the criminal Pedo Joe Biden is sworn in as president, then naturally my level of concern would go from the current ‘0’ to DEFCON 99 🙂

As it stands, Trump holds all the cards.

He can declass at any time, and unleash the military (or the citizenry) (or both) to hunt down every Cabal agent in the United States, and send special forces after those who try to run.

There is nowhere in the world they can hide.

And it appears to make the most sense to let this play out until very near January 20th, because each passing day the enemies of our nation expose themselves more and more.

The courts, the judges, the governors, the medical industrial complex, the members of the House and Senate (state and national), and on and on.

Soros cannot live much longer, so he has nothing to lose by going all-in, and Beijing has nothing to lose at this point, so they will go all-in.

Soros is presumably out of the country, and the CCP is in Chyna, so they don’t care how much chaos is created here, the more the better from their perspective.

The criminals and traitors who ARE here are either true believers (e.g., Gates) or CCP / Soros / Deep State controlled assets (Big Tech, MSM, 90% of the political-class, etc.), so they have no real choice in the matter. Cabal has a gun to their heads, so they’re all-in.

So there is no emergency brake, there is no cause or mechanism, self-preservation or otherwise, that will stop the enemy from going for broke. They have nothing left to lose at this point, so they will certainly “let it ride”.

And Trump has no incentive (that I can see at this point) to make his move early.

The Constitution provides a deadline of January 20th, and every day between now and then the enemy only digs their own hole deeper, so it appears that Trump has every reason to “let it ride” too, because the more the Cabal exposes itself, the easier the mop-up will be when DJT holds a national televised address to the nation, declassifying everything and announcing that hundreds of big name arrests are being made as he speaks.

So neither side has an incentive to end the game early, and both sides have good cause to ‘let it ride’ all the way to around January 19th.

Which means WE are in for a wild ride between now and then, but Trump’s victory is not in doubt.

Lord willing 🙂

And Trump’s victory nullifies the Cabal’s ‘reset’ — along with nullifying the Cabal itself. 👍


I suspect that Trump will make his move before Jan 6, for the sake of the safety of all those who will heed his call to come to D.C.




I also believe there will be plenty of “special” people among the crowd keeping them safe.


I am so hoping you are correct!


would POTUS put any American-especially Patriots responding to his call–at risk?


From your hand to God’s ear, please!


Thank you for this thoughtful opening post, Carl.

my New Year’s resolution is to acknowledge Him as supreme in every facet of my life and trust Him to make those changes in me that He sees fit 

It reminds me of “Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.


New short video published at Political Moonshine:

President Pelosi (Video)
December 26, 2020

“PRESIDENT PELOSI: (2:17) Nancy Pelosi told us their plan in July. Were you listening? The long-range plan to insert Nancy Pelosi as President by leveraging inauguration day against a contested election and relative to continuity of government protocols.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

POTUS burns reptilian Soros A.G.!!!

JW in Germany

This is not a tweet born from fear…quite the contrary.

President Trump is using his social media as public record and exposure for what is about to come. He is giving them every chance to come clean and all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Who do you think had a better Christmas? Family Trump? Or…the traitorous swamp rats?

We the People will be Victorious!


The thought also occurred to me that Trump’s tweets and statements of late have been a matter of getting it all “on the record”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP! Good call!


Shes a very angry lesbian.


I don’t think she’s Lesbian, she looks Syrian to me.


Lol! *Snort*




I think that’s called Resting Bitch Face.



Cuppa Covfefe

She’s Syria’s-ly twisted…

Cuppa Covfefe

Is there any other kind?


Not usually, but i suppose that, since Richard Grenell isnt a simpering fool along with others, there must be a cadre of nonleftist lesbians who dont act like her.



Developers Of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied To UK Eugenics Movement



On April 30, 2020, AstraZeneca & Oxford announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine ….

…and less than a month later, their partnership was awarded a contract from the US government as part of Operation Warp Speed, the public-private COVID-19 vaccine effort “dominated by the US military and US intelligence.”

article highlights numerous ensuing scandals and controversies surrounding the clinical trials of this “vaccine”…

…including but not limited to : death of participants.

“While controversies ultimately undermined it’s previous frontrunner status, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine remains heavily promoted as the vaccine of choice for the developing world, as it is cheaper and has a much less storage requirement than it’s main competitors, Pfizer and Moderna.”


“…investigations into the vaccine’s developers and the realities of their no-profit pledge reveals a very different story than that being spun… by corporate press releases.”

article expounds on that.

…and “most troubling” is…

“…the direct link of the vaccine’s developers to The Wellcome Trust….and The Galton Institute …” , both who have “longstanding ties to the UK Eugenics Movement .”

in fact, The Galton Institute is named for “the father of eugenices”, none other than Francis Galton.

article continues with additional, relevant information with related references to Adrian Hill..

and an in-depth look at GlaxoSmithKline and The Jenner Institute.

important “vaccine” reporting in the article…recommended reading…



edit/correction : …”the father of eugenics”…


Sidney Powell’s Legal Team Has Binder of Documents She Says Establish the 2020 Election was a Fraud
PDF: Sidney Powell’s Legal Team 2020 ‘Election Fraud’ Document Binder (

Link to Pdf of Sidney’s documents of the binder:
*h ttps://
(edit ‘*h ttps’ above to ‘https’ to get the correct link)


hope she doesn’t UPS it to anyone…


President Trump’s attorney Jenna Ellis tweeted this American Thinker article that shows the legal path to victory over the third attempted coup against our constitution, president, and election.  

“It’s for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All”
Link –

“On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection “out of order” or “denied.” His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on “certified” electors, or he can uphold the law.”

I believe Vice President Mike Pence has a spine of steel, good conscience and solid integrity and will do the right and constitutional thing – which is to reject the electors of the states that flagrantly violated the law in an attempt to steal the election.


January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany – when the kings of the east followed the bright star westward to seek, worship and bring gifts to the Christ Child.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

In other words, the overwhelming mass of evidence has and will continue to come to light, will continue to be presented to the American people whether or not the courts and Congress will do the right thing. 

Darkness to light.  


Amen. 🙏


I have my doubts about this scenario, it seems too pat, too predictable, too “Hollywood”.


BUT – it’s the way the Constitution decrees.


What people are missing about this is that the Vice President wasn’t originally chosen by the Presidential candidate, but by the PEOPLE.

The VP was the person with the second-most Electoral College votes, and so may not have been particularly inclined to like the President.

Thus, the VP was the person who could run the show in the way shown in the Constitution. He was NOT supposed to be partisan to the interests of the President. He was American’s second choice in the election.

I think this is where we are headed. Will Pence stand with us? I believe he most likely will.

Last edited 4 years ago by Aubergine

This is his moment….


exactly correct…if he does nothing else…this could be his legacy


I am still taken that Haspel spoke to Barr and then to McConnell after the election.
Barr turned his back on POTUS and McConnell also.
Are the visit from Haspel connected to the two man who hold so much power to support POTUS in their hands in DC?
What does Haspel have on them and why is the CIA involved in our election. Are they our shadow government and pulling strings for whome. Someone captured our CIA that is supposed to work for our current President. Who is controlling the CIA ? To whom are they loyal too?
This is Evil fighting Good. Evil against Christ. For us to survive we need to get back into Christ’s Church.
I hope new church leaders are raised up to lead us.
Home church has to do for now not TV church.

Linda Harrison

According to “Inside Trumps White House” written by presidential historian Doug Wead, in the section Choosing Mike Pence: The Real Story by Eric Trump, page 91: PDJT and Eric were in Westfield, In., campaigning and when their plane landed there the tire was cut by a piece of metal on the runway. After the rally the campaign booked them into the Conrad Hotel in Indianapolis, Mike & Karen Pence invited them to dinner. PDJT & Eric went out into the hallway and Eric was asked to get Don, Jared and Ivanka on the next plane out there. Had it not been for the metal on the runway, Pence probably would never have been considered.

Valerie Curren

Antrim County Michigan report starts on p 94 here dot pdf

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***Anne Elizabeth

BREAKING: Attorney Sidney Powell has released a 270 Page Document on massive 2020 Election Fraud involving Foreign Interfere
8:01 PM · Dec 26, 2020·Hootsuite Inc.

Foreign Interference*

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***Jennie Kradel

Replying to @AnneElizabethUS
and @lsferguson
Here’s a link to that 270-page document.…

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‘Taqiyya’,’Bread & Circuses’,It don’t hurt until it hits home,once one wakes up & learns about the deceptive masonic luciferian/jesuit oath/cult hidden-hand in plain sight,then one starts seeing the bigger picture alot more clearer.


Thank you, Carl, for another uplifting and inspirational post.
 😌  🙏  💓 




Have you seen this? No explanation given of what this is:



Don’t ask me … 

I do NOT know.

Several replies say it was another Space X launch.
This could be true…it definitely looks like some type of launch.


For Zoe and Steve:

It shows a fireball going up in the night sky, which starts discharging a lot of smoke/exhaust.
Then it splits in two, with one half spinning and discharging more smoke/exhaust.
The other half appears to continue upward.


any idea where this is???


Nope, sorry…she didn’t say.

People in replies say Vandenberg, so that would be California.
But no confirmation.


So she could say where she got the video…thatd help.




I cant tell based on a fwy if thats Vandenberg, but the fwys up there arent designed quite like that.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Sunday Morning Duchess!
Hope it’s a pleasant an Blessed Day!


Morning, Pat!!! From my igloo to yours – Sending Love

God Bless Your Sunday, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!!!


Received and Appreciated!!!

JW in Germany

How to break it to Liberales that they maybe are the brainwashed and not the 75 Millions, who voted for Trump:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!

Valerie Curren

Like a lion!

Valerie Curren

Somehow that posted w/out me clicking on it…hmmm

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Donald J. Trump

Dec 25

Thank you!
Quote Tweet
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D͎a͎v͎i͎d͎ K͎y͎a͎l͎o͎ M͎u͎s͎y͎o͎k͎a͎ |
· Dec 25
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
This Man @realDonaldTrump has the courage of a lion, the vision of a giraffe and the stamina & endurance of a zebra! He left his comfort to fight for Americans!

Merry Christmas Mr. President! To you and your Family! Say hi to @FLOTUS Amazing First Lady with a heart of gold!


Make clear to any of the GOP Rep’s and Senator, that Trump is the reason why they ere elected and not the RINOs:

Good Thread setting this out:

Valerie Curren

FLOTUS Fashion…hope pic shows

more images here:


Wow! She’s stunning. They are both looking good!


respectfully–she’s lookin’ badass!!!!
I could never pull off a look like that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know how she walks on heels that high. Unreal!

JW in Germany

I am guilty.

I clicked after reading “sleek leather thigh high boots”. 😘  😎 

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I’m too old for this, but what the hell.


gees Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh for crying out loud …!!


Same old FBI story….


AG Dana Nessel ensnared herself: “You know if you will have your name attached to it, & you have made intentional misrepresentations of facts to the court, I absolutely believe that you ought to be held accountable,” Nessel said.”

I agree. Nessel must be held accountable.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 27, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please send Madame REPTAR to JAIL!!!
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Happy Feast of the Holy Family, Dora – Have a Blessed Day!!!


December 27, 2020
The Lockdown ChristmasBy Clarice Feldman

My desk overlooks an intersection. Looking out on it, Christmas Eve was gloomy and depressing. No lights, no people, virtually no cars. Just dark and cold and rain. I have no greater expectations for New Year’s Eve.

The morning after I saw a fat grey squirrel racing up the tall holly at the corner of my front lawn, picking up in its mouth huge dried leaves blown there from the sycamore tree, scampering across the gutter on the garage and disappearing from my view. I stepped out to see where the nest was being built, and there it was, a huge house of sycamore leaves in the crotch of an even taller holly tree, high above the house. (Both hollies had long been stripped of berries — first by blue jays, then by robins and chickadees and finally by squirrels. The trees, once covered in red, have not a single berry on them.) The nest builder knows somehow that a cold winter is coming and is preparing to keep her family warm and safe. We will have to do the same.


Part II of General FLYNNs interview with American Thought Leaders:

Exclusive: Gen. Michael Flynn—Will the American Republic Survive? | Pt 2 | American Thought Leaders



December 27, 2020
Losing our religion… history… and freedomBy Eric Utter

The U.S. has, simultaneously, come unmoored from its Judeo-Christian origins, eschewed its shared history and traditions, and lost its MoJo, its Johnson, its testosterone. (The latter may seem incongruous with the former, but it is not.) We have been so accommodating to everyone and everything but ourselves and our way of life that we have forgotten who we are. We do not want to offend those who wash up on our shores, so we subject ourselves to extremes of political correctness and identity politics, even as we give them money and a chance. In doing so, we have lost our shared identity, our cohesiveness, our religiosity… and our soul.

Deplorable Patriot

We’ve also, to a great extent, lost our civility, and charitable manners, the sort that dictated that we not inconvenience or offend others. Yes, we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and souls, but we are also to love one another as Christ loves us, and treat others as we would like to be treated.

Just getting guys to take off ball caps when they walk indoors is a chore. And that’s a minor issue in the larger scheme of things.



…all for the common good.


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NOT !!


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where is this?
unless it’s China…it’s OFFENSIVE


Quite Offensive, Pat! An INSULT!!!


shouldn’t we tear it down?


Nah – Leave it up as a reminder of who has caused us pain!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Perhaps, but it needs some user comments! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that is one statue that needs to come down!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a plot twist none of us will see coming, I would imagine.



Sunday 9AM Service
11:00 AM
Sunday 11AM Service
Wednesday 7PM Service


I have thought this from the start.



Mass from America’s Catholic Church

Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

The next livestream will begin Sunday, December 27 at 12:00 p.m. ET


there was a photo posted this morning (warning label–it’s disturbing)

it’s supposedly of schiff at buck’s hotel…
he’s dressed as a little girl–with a short frilly dress, his panties exposed and a pacifier in his mouth.

it is purported to be the reason he was in with the fbi for so long–and many pictures like this will be coming out to “ruin” him…

bizarre…in a year full of bizarre…


That looks really fake.


maybe that’s the point–it’s so disturbing to us, we assume it’s not real. but maybe it is…
more on it in this story…
“Apparently, Schiff was tipped off by long time former FBI friend who now works at Charles Schwab that the FBI may have seized video footage and pictures of Schiff that could “ruin” his life. Rumors of Schiff dressed like an Egyptian God, as well as other guests going to Ed Buck’s home have been circling the internet. Our sources tell us that his affinity for dress up parties isn’t the source of his stress. The alleged video depicts Schiff engaging in horrid acts with Buck, Bob Corker, other politicians, and prominent figures at the Standard Hotel.”


No doubt he is depraved. Plain on his face, obvious in his manner and behavior. I dont know any history on Bob corker though. These people have been doing “things” for so long…..

Deplorable Patriot

Beware the morphing narrative.

The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States Eagle

Now the official story is that the Nashville blast that melted cars was a suicide attempt. Personally I don’t believe it.

7:36 AM · Dec 27, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States Eagle

Same time Nashville bomb or whatever it was went off a cyberattack on a Air Force Base.

7:48 AM · Dec 27, 2020



As if they care.

Gail Combs

With Dominion doing the voting for us WE do not MATTER any more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Minor update.

With Dominion doing the voting for the highest bidder, WE do not MATTER any more.


let them eat…bugs? The war on what we eat continues with the advance of bug filled pet foods–now hoping to replace OUR love of meats.
Nestle’s Purina brand is releasing a new line of pet food that uses insects as its key protein ingredients as part of its efforts to incorporate environmentally sustainable protein sources into its products. Your Golden Retriever or Shih Tzu could now be munching on black soldier fly larvae in the bowl of Purina Beyond Nature’s Protein. Nestle joins several other smaller brands, such as Yora and InsectDog, in offering insect-based and livestock-free foods. The goal is to explore new proteins amid limited natural resources and sliding meat consumption across Europe.The World Economic Forum was ebullient over the news, writing that if maggots and cicadas are “good enough for the four-legged members of the family, would you be prepared to give it a go?”
“Cats and dogs aren’t the only animals that can thrive on an insect diet – their owners can too. Many people around the world already eat insects ranging from beetles to locusts and moths, both as daily staples and sought-after delicacies,” WEF stated.




Our guide in China told us her mother used to give them grasshoppers to eat for protein…both parents were doctors in NE China.


hmmmm…no thanks…did you try them while you were they?


Not knowing! LOL


honestly…were they ok?


Combat survival training: Yes grasshopper (better fried); several types of ants (the red ones are spicy!); don’t ask about earthworms; and … skinned, skewered iguana is quite tasty – kinda like chicken as is several types of snake! 😉


The anti-meat freaks have been pushing this for years.

I can’t believe that Nestle’s has caved in to them!


The thing is…meat production is not hard to do.
And think of all the Jobs that are created from meat — from the farms & ranches, to the grocers and steak houses.

The leftist idiots can eat bugs if they want to…but there are millions of us who will never give up eating real meat!




They want us to commit bugicide? Bugs are people too!


must be that insectionality thing I’ve been hearing about…

Cuppa Covfefe

To the greens, it’s not a bug, it’s a future…

Gail Combs

Meat production utilizes land that is too steep or too rocky to grow crops…. IF done correctly instead of using Animal Confinement Operations and Taxpayer Subsidized Grain. The farm bill pays for GRAIN production not fruits and veggies and those $$ goes straight to the bottom line of places like Monsanto, Cargill, ADM, Tyson and Smithfield now owned by CHYNA.
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For years one could buy ants covered in chocolate. That was supposed to be a delicacy. Have not seen them for years.
One could always eat snails and frog legs? People eat them my father liked them.
We all could go fishing fish for Aal ( Eal? )do not know what its called in English. I used to eat them smoked 🙂
In my neck of the woods people hunt all kind of small animals. As a kid there was a women who paid kids a couple of pennies for a dead starling she ate. Kids used sling shots to kill them.
There is a way and we could grow chicken and Rabbits the way Europe did after WWII. Everyone had them even in cities.


I will say this til I die….just cause you CAN eat something does NOT mean you SHOULD.


True unless one was and is starving one can be choosy.
Today eat almost anything except bugs , humans but all vegetables, fruit and ,eat all kind of fish from herring to sardines to salmon and wild caught other fish . If I had to go back eat vegetarian the way I had for 15 years I know how.
I used to eat organ meat and blood wurst as kid. Today I do not need to eat that anymore because I have choices and money to eat different.



Deplorable Patriot

Snails and frog legs are a staple in a number of diets. I mean, escargot (found in all fine French restaurants) is steamed snails. In Ireland, they are called periwinkles. And in the south, fried frog legs are a thing.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Gail Combs

Aal = eel?? (My grandfather liked them)
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And I like spicy roasted eel.
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I did not know one can buy them in a can? I need to look 🙂

Gail Combs

Unfortunately they are Chinese but a favorite for lunch when I worked. nice and spicy but not too hot.


My Japanese friends love eels…and when they are in Tokyo taking mom out to dinner, it’s always her choice of a restaurant.

Deplorable Patriot

They are determined to make us into the people of the past who were small and sickly.


Uh, those ‘past people’ crossed a frozen river and kicked ass on the enemy. Not too sickly to get the job done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And they didn’t do it on a stomach full of BUGS!

Deplorable Patriot

They were from the coasts where fish were available, not in the middle of the continent.

The explorers, also, were not peasants in general, but were men from families where eating real food was part of life. The peasants were smaller.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Deliberate mis-spell in line 4: we n instead of win. WE KNOW



i do love to watch POTUS dance!!!


wow…in a continuation of DISGUST-ME Day…create your own human meat steaks–from your own cheek cells and someone else’s expired donated blood—YUCK! it’s cannibalism no matter how you spin it…

In a term coined by Steve Quayle, “Techno-cannibalism” isn’t just ripping flesh of your neighbor for a midnight munchie, but rather lab-grown human meat. Now a company is working to mass produce Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits where people can use their own human cells to create miniature “human meat steaks.”
Note: For the record, this is not satire, nor a parody and we triple checked to be sure this is not a hoax either. 
New York Post, Techno Times, MSN News and many, many others have addressed this “DIY meal kit,” which was named one of Beazley designs of the year in 2020, the story was just buried under an avalanche of other news.
Below is the description over at Design Museum:

 Ouroboros Steak is a DIY meal kit for growing gourmet steaks from of one’s own cells. It comes as a starter kit of tools, ingredients and instructions that enable users to culture their own cells into mini steaks, without causing harm to animals.

This “product” is not yet available to buy, but the goal is to mass produce these kits to be sold around the world.
Via the New York Post:

Growing an Ouroboros Steak would take about three months using cells taken from inside your cheek, the magazine reported. For the collection of sample steaks on display in the museum, the team used human cell cultures purchased from the American Tissue Culture Collection and grew them with donated blood that expired and would have otherwise been destroyed. They preserved the final products in resin.

“Expired human blood is a waste material in the medical system and is cheaper and more sustainable than FBS, but culturally less accepted,” Knight told Dezeen.


From one YUCKY to another, Pat!!! I need * Giggles * – Got any to post?

Please – Thanks!!!


I’m looking hard–but all I’m finding are these kinds of things…sigh

Cuppa Covfefe

Next up, YouTubes of “Eating Raoul” and “Soylent Green”…

Stay tuned for tonight’s double feature of “What’s Eating You?” :mrgreen:  🙃   :wpds_envy:  😀


I saw that movie–what’s eating Gilbert Grape?

Cuppa Covfefe

I wouldn’t want to Welch on that one…

(Dodges flying Grape, Raspberry, Grapefruit, and Strawberry sodas, Tommyburgers, and untouched El Rey Garbage Burritos :mrgreen: )…




Humans develop a disease called ‘Kuru’ when they eat human tissue.

I doubt that it being ‘lab-grown’ makes a difference.

Question is…Why are these people advocating this?
Seems demonic to me.


does to me too—only they are selling it as “safe way ” to get protein–you know exactly where it comes from–
it’s still cannibalism.


Similar to introducing the concept of pedophilia, and trying to drop the legal age between a man and a child…it’s a seed planted. Most “social justice” and perversion starts with very subtle drops…lyrics in popular songs, scenes in a movie, ads in magazines and on TV, etc.
of course it helps when you have all our current social media controlling and banning any opposition, have clergy supporting it, teachers promoting it in the classroom, etc.

Gail Combs

Following the Fabian/ Huxley template to change society.

Didn’t take them long did it?


Talk about gross out, after WWI there was a butcher in Hanover Germany who had a trap door in his shop. Some people would disappear and in time the police caught the guy he preserved people and then sold them in his butcher shop.
Children would sing a song about the gruesome crime and therefore the story was
passed on.
Depravity seems to raise its ugly head every so often in human history. We who have an ethical compass need to correct the sick practice of depravity.
I believe that normally these practices only happen in time of direr starvation.
Are the Marxists preparing us for starvation?

Gail Combs

Did cannibalism kill Anasazi civilization?
(They call it half-baked)

more recent
Cowboy Wash: The Mystery of the 7 Cannibalized Victims in an Abandoned Anasazi Village
The Native American community of course is fighting these findings tooth and nail because it destroys the myth of the ‘noble native American’


So a very good theory on this is that as bloody canjibal groups were forced out of mexico they fled north and found the Anasazi. They started over, forcing them to adhere to all the Mexican blood rituals. They got scared and fled in small groups ubtil for some reason fought back, and likely killed all the cannibal leaders then abandoned all anasazi areas after that.


Well there went thoughts of pumpkin pie right out the window.
I will not eat sausage or hamburger from fast food chains I believe we are fed tainted meat if you know what I mean.
Was just reading about comet ping pong pizza serving human meat on the pizzas. What sick people



Gail Combs

And I thought the cat meat served at the Chinese Restaurant in Rochester NY was bad…

(Health dept shut them down while I was in College)

Cuppa Covfefe

Had a similar thing happen at El Ray Taqueria at Vermont and Jefferson by U$C. They had a very large Burrito, with all the fixin’s, for one dollar. It was called the Garbage Burrito.

Apt name, as it turned out. Health department found out it contained cat food…

Unfortunately, that was after some of us had tried them. At least we were sharing, so none of us ate a whole one…barf…

Gail Combs

I do not know which is worse eating the cat or eating catfood.


Neither do I  😀 

Gail Combs

THIS is to get us used to CANNIBALISM.

It was Aldous Huxley who came up with the idea of gradually introducing the SHOCKING in order to move the general population into finally accepting what our grandparents would consider UNTHINKABLE.

We can see it in so many things. Desecrating the American flag, ‘aborting’ full term babies even as the mother goes into labor, demanding churches shutdown for close to a year….

The United Nations and the Origins of “The Great Reset”

…After the foundation of UNESCO in 1945, the English evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and declared globalist Julian Huxley (the brother of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World) became its first director.

At the launch of the organization,  Huxley called for a “scientific world humanism, global in extent” (p. 8) and asked to manipulate human evolution to a “desirable” end….

In 1945, Huxley (p. 21) noted that it is too early to propose outright a eugenic depopulation program but advised that it will be important for the organization “to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”…

Also see Fabian Socialist Aldous Huxley, The Dictatorship of the Future


Its in your face.
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Green drinks have grasses and other greens in them. This is in powder for. I makes shakes out of it. As a kid I ate nettle and other grasses my parents cooked. One can live nicely off the land but one needs to know what one can choose to eat. To me it is not all to strange.


Theres living off the land and starving, but 8n modern times now with more knowledge and farming skills, our options based on desperation only have greatly improved. That knowledge though of plants and other things is invaluable though.


singing soul…you likely know this, but Stinging Nettle has the second highest nutritional profile available , as a % of 100g of dried material, as any other plant material…#1 is alfalfa.
Nettles: good choice!

Gail Combs

Vit C, B12, Stinging Nettle & Licorice Root (4 X a day) seem to be clearing up my asthma/pneumonia with out that dreaded trip to the doctor.


Traditionally, nettle is used topically on wounds and it looks like science backs this up. Nettle demonstrated strong antimicrobial activity against a wide spectrum of bacteria according to a 2018 review.


I did not know that. Thank you 🙂

Gail Combs

you are welcome.

The crowd sourcing here has been fantastic. CHIEFIO has done quite a bit too.


Oh this is truly depraved. We dont use human waste as fertilizer for a reason abdcwe dontveat each other for many reasons.
This is a should not be allowed anywhere ever situation.


agreed…and the whole using expired blood seems too gross to even think about.
it’s “medical” waste and we must lessen waste…really?????


Gack….so are they going to drink pee and fry a turd up? Cmon man….


they really hate us don’t they?

Gail Combs

THINK Californicate is now allowing those with Aids and who knows what else to donate blood for $$$.

Will the diseases transfer?


i know when i donate, they can “spin out” my meds or something and my blood can be used…hopefully there is a process–or only given to those with aids? dunno…beyond my ken


Hmmmm, a whole lotta 17 goin’ on!


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thanks for the laffs, kiddo ! 👍😂


el arroyo always has some good ones!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, those are hilarious!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like Rob is pretty Lowe 😀
(Trying to turn his Home into a Depot, methinks 🙂 )…..


shrewd! LOL






Yes the CCP is the biggest Facist party ever.

My contender for the second biggest after NSDAP (the original Nazi Party) the
DemonKKKRat party of 2020.


My father told me that in 1957. He warned us children what was coming and going to dominate the world. He knew and would not be shocked.


Your father was warned by this voice saying, “We will bury you.” –


I am sure .


Exam Indicates Georgia Tabulating Machine Sent Results to China – The Thinking Conservative

Concerned Virginian

Well, if this is at all true, then KEMP and RAFFENSPERGER knew about it.
Maybe HARRISON DEAL suspected something.



BREAKING: Cobb County, GA Voting Facilities Found Wide Open, Unlocked, No One In Building – CD Media (

A source who wishes to remain anonymous has provided CD

Media photos of the voting facility at 4400 Lower Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA, taken 30 minutes ago, in Cobb County.

The building was unlocked, with no personnel to be found on the premises. Voting machines were available to be tampered with.

This information is shocking as the Nov 3rd election has not been settled in GA with evidence of massive election fraud still coming out. This is also prior to the Jan 5th runoff election for two U.S. Senate seats from GA.

It seems Georgia election officials want to provide more opportunity for election fraud.


Guest Pulpit, Kevin Batista, Live Service From First Baptist Dallas


I don’t know what the Main Image from Ezra Cohen was, but in this image I see a hint of Pepes.
What say you.×200

Deplorable Patriot

WHOA! Looks like Lin Wood and ToRE called it.

The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States Eagle

Best you do the right thing 
@senatemajldr or you will regret it bigtime. Now return Trump’s call. Do it now!
comment image


Looks as though more and more GOP Congressional members are piling on against Trump. I find it very sad! This is why the Dim will never be destroyed…at least their members (as mentally incompetent as they are) fully support the Party whereas GOP does not. It’s very evident right now.

Deplorable Patriot

RV? Really? I wonder when this was.

𝕄𝔾 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨
Trump: “I may have to buy one of those things, drive around town. Maybe I’ll drive back to New York with our first lady in a trailer. What do they call that? An RV, an RV.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this was back during “Keep those plants in America!” days.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s two.

AwakenedOutlawHammer and pick
Man down!  Face with symbols over mouth  

The nights of the long knives continues unabated.

And don’t kid yourself – they’re coming for us all.

Replying to 
Qtah as well.

Deplorable Patriot

And we have a resurrection.


Once known as Q . Tah Smiling face with sunglasses

10:24 AM · Dec 27, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

What got into Rubio, or did he take a deal?

Marco Rubio

Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March 

Dr. Fauci has been distorting the level of vaccination needed for herd immunity

It isn’t just him

Many in elite bubbles believe the American public doesn’t know “what’s good for them” so they need to be tricked into “doing the right thing”

10:45 AM · Dec 27, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

And JP Sears gets high profile recognition.

The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States Eagle
Instagram‘s New Terms of Service – Not Sketchy at All!

*He’s a Trump Supporter and he’s telling the truth so all you Instagram peeps listen up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FaceBorg! Shut it down! Not going to be allowed on this site!



Anyone want to speculate about this 17 second dog comms. video:


Maybe it is in the lyrics of the song in the video:

17 second video
Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?
It’s only right that you should
Play the way you feel it

Fleetwood Mac ‘Dreams’
Album: Rumours March 24 1977

Scavino Dog comms – (We) Are The News

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Yes, seems a continuous refrain from the President. You want this you need to stand up. It would be dangerous for him to come out and say such plainly. If we melt away he’s lost. If he melts away we are lost. It has to be us. Q had been doing the same in some of his messaging as well. The administration can’t do this alone, it needs our help. Fine by me. It just needs to happen before inauguration day and the sooner the better.

Last Q post.


Might suggest you write your congress critters and tell them if they don’t have ready on 6 January, objections to the slate of electors from the fraud states they may as well get out your state as they’ve picked their side and its not the side of freedom that this nation was founded on and has fought to protect and maintain these past two centuries and two score plus years.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

already have!

Deplorable Patriot

There was another tweet this am from Michael DeLauzon directly to Senate Majority Leader asking him to return the president’s call. If McConnell doesn’t, it’s not going to end well, according to MD.

This might be a message that this a last chance before the excrement hits the oscillator.


There is already a petition at to oust Mitch begging for signatures. Think I signed that one. So many to sign can’t remember. Your going to have to hit “Load More” to get the petitions that are of interest to us at the moment.


thanks para! SIGNED


There won’t be a Biden administration. And if you’re entertaining a Biden administration, it’s ridiculous to think there will be a chance of doing ANYTHING in a COURT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


They cheated a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, for G_d’s sake.

This. Does. Not. Stand.



We were with 2 other strong Trump supporters a few nights ago and every one has resigned themselves to a Biden win. Speaking for myself…it’s VERY difficult to be optimistic right now…SO MANY barriers, constantly thwarting even an honest count, and SO MANY people advising concession. It’s very, very discouraging.


Correction…2 other couples, so 4 who have given up any hope.


Teagan. Donald J Trump is NOT going to hand the USA, the last bastion of Freedom on The Planet, to Communism.
He has understood our plight, and the paths of our Traitors for decades…and publicly announced his views.
I do not think he would EVER allow the surrendering of our Great Country to Communism to be his lasting Legacy.

Secondly, the President has never given us ANY impression he is one to put all his eggs in one basket…So, I do not believe his Election hangs on one vote by VP Pence. Makes no sense.
These comments allow me to rest in not knowing precisely HOW he will win, but I am confident he will be inaugurated on January 21st.

Gail Combs

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7355985 comment image
Nov 15 2019 13:38:28 (EST)

What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook? image

𝗘𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is only one way to save the country – and that is to push for the Truth until the LIES have to fold – however that happens.

I see what Trump is doing now – he is BATTLING and MAKING THEM LOSE – inch by inch – day by day.

He will not stop. BUCKLE UP. When the earth trembles – when the ground and pavement heaves up – the REAL FIGHT is beginning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is playing NUCLEAR MISSILE CHICKEN with the other side. He’s not giving up. One way or the other, the Biden FRAUD will not go into the White House. How much destruction of the other side is THEIR CHOICE.


I hope with all my heart it will turn out okay…we certainly are putting the burden on basically a very few people to make the right decisions at exactly the right time…when so many things are out of their control. Buildings bombed, manufacturing plants burned, ballot paper printing company destroyed… where does it stop?
I also worry about who can be trusted among his advisors, and how he can be betrayed.
I know he will not ever willingly hand over the USA, but that doesn’t mean he will have no other choice. I’m not sure any of us completely understand what lengths the evil forces will go to to make it happen. It is an epic battle we are witnessing.


Full Video (at link, hopefully)

Officers Involved In Evacuations Before Nashville Explosion Speak To Media

vid link…



audio seems to start at about 5:16




we are rewatching The Black List…and we are on season 2. lo and behold…a fanatic and his wife get a hold of the plague and weaponize it to destroy the world–because there are too many people—Bill & Melinda anyone? they set forth to infect the world by infecting their followers and set them on planes to infect the world. (They fooled their followers into thinking they too inhaled the virus–but they did NOT) Destroy the world so they alone could enjoy it…


Here is another thread by Bobby Piton that is a followup on the one I posted yesterday about the impossible voter last name spread in Pennsylvania. Now he ties it to Georgia and shows direct correlation. Now Georgia has more last names than should exist. This is from the first tweet:

“The Honorable @POTUS@realDonaldTrump
Please have someone check all of my work immediately regarding PA and GA. Based on my findings a sophisticated State Actor was able to optimize a desired outcome for both the State of Georgia and the State of Pennsylvania.”

Here is the thread reader of the whole thread:

Gail Combs

Here is the newest Bobby Piton thread

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am fairly certain he’s WRONG. All states are strongly displaced relative to the national averages of “common names”.

Take Smith:
comment image

Note that Northern states tend to underperform on common ENGLISH names, but Southern states OVERPERFORM.

Common SPANISH names will have their own favored and disfavored states. Etc.

I believe this guy simply rediscovered name differences between states.

CHAFF laced with HOPIUM.

Gail Combs

I do not think Bobby expressed what he is doing well. (He doesn’t) A couple days ago I listened to his testimony and two long interviews. He uses ACTUAL DATA! He places it in a matrix and analyses it.

This is what is missing from that thread.

I have some absolutely Stunning News to report regarding PA. I examined just over 9,008,753 records and have identified 521,879 unique Last Names. 245,033 or just under 47% of the total Last Names in PA only belong to 1 and only 1 person!

I build an almost 500 megabyte excel file outlining which Last Names were Destroyed in Each of the 67 Counties for the TOP 1,000 Names. @POTUS have someone from the White House contact me and I will gladly hand over the file. Thank you Sir! You WON BIG! #BidenCheated

I would need to actually look at what records he was using and the math, but the guy is a chartered financial analyst and uses records and statistics to make his living beating the professional stock market didlers.

His testimony:

Chartered Financial Analyst, Robert Piton, Testifies On Voter Record Data Anomalies In Phoenix, Arizona Hearing; Says “Biggest Fraud In History”

The best interview is here since Mike Adams is a scientist and asks good questions:

Shocking interview: Bobby Piton reveals PHANTOM voters, “zombie” voters and how Dems have rigged nearly every election for decades
IIRC he says he uses census records among others.

One of his tweets:

My fellow Americans that want to help. I will outline more in the AM but this is what I am requesting first. I will need to identify a minimum of 313 people to assist me across all 50 States in gathering data files. I know how we can get them, I need Constitutional #MilitiaMen and #MilitiaWomen to help contact the individuals that identify that are co-patriots. Please respond in one of the 10 spots below which county, state you are from and if you are available to help over the next 13 days.



We will help gather data from various candidates across the Nation that a team I will assemble where I live will attempt to analyze the entire Nation and identify #PhantomSleeperVoters After that step is complete. I will want to build teams to canvass the Nation and get Affidavits signed and show the Nation and the World how much voter Fraud took place in 2020. We need to make a bulletproof case for the American people and prove beyond a reasonable doubt #TrumpWon #BidenCheated

A PDF write up of some of what he has done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – now the NATURAL NEWS work is definitely good. Something is very wrong with those “U” voters in Arizona.

Everybody should watch this. I may make it a post.

Gail Combs

Glad you took the time to watch that.

I would really really like to see exactly what he has done. That is why I went looking for more info.

I know from the experience of being on the other side, that the numbers and facts can be very very clear to YOU but putting it into words so others understand can be a real exercise in frustration.



Lin Wood (@LLinWood) Tweeted:
TRUTH. It is NOW or never.


Great video! Open your businesses and live your life. They can’t stop all of us.


so there’ll be less staff witnessing the take down of the corrupt government? awesome!

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

Don’t they all still get paid? Can do just as much damage on their computers at home, I’m thinking. Maybe their access to certain things could be denied until returned to work.





Someone is lying. 17% is too high for politicians.

Gail Combs

IIRC I saw it at 14% during OH!Bummer’s years.


I think as long as reboobs and DemonRats are BOTH shipped to GITMO for trials, most people will be cheering.


just marveling at how often 17 comes up 😉


Guess this one wanted to get caught. Need to refine a narrative?


Ah…is this coming to fruition too?

Enthéos (@EntheosShines) Tweeted:
We’re All About To Witness Something We’ve Never Seen In Our Lifetime. We Were Right All Along. Scary Days Ahead But We Will Get Through It

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Terry McAwful is AWFUL!!! Clinton BAG-MAN as governor of a state, who enabled the Charlottesville HOAX. Shameful!


Valerie Curren

I thought it looked a lot like the Star Trek logo 🙂
comment image
comment image
comment image

Maybe we Are watching a movie…so do we extras get hazard pay???
comment image

This below link has many sub-group star trek logos to scroll through in the right column
comment image&exph=500&expw=500&q=star+trek+logo&simid=608047114816129580&ck=187A7F85949269EAC40330478AB3FA16&selectedIndex=29&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. That is more like it. The Nazi connection is WEAK, WRONG, and NASTY.


Valerie Curren

That was put out by a “prophecy” guy…

Cuppa Covfefe

The Star Trek logo is actually a hat tip to the ORIGINAL space force logo, which has been around since the late 1950s IIRC, as a part of the Air Force, then later NASA.

Someone (Gail?) noted that a few months back (maybe last year?).

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks Cuppa, news to me, like so much here 🙂


So do our stealth bombers. We need to see the evil that is hidden not the Space Force logo. Maybe people need to look today at the Chinese concentration camps and not villafy
our Space Force.
When seeing only evil from the past we miss evil of today.

Cuppa Covfefe

No no no. The space force logo has been around in some form or other since the 1950s. The last thing Americans of the 1950s would want to do is honor the Nazis in some way. It was a MUCH different country back then (having been through a TON of “duck and cover” drills and all the rest…


Good to know !

Valerie Curren

I wonder if she is referring to the 2 (at least) guys that were supposedly dead but were living under new identities because they’d had their minds wiped, iirc, either from Bengazi or Seal Team 6???

comment image

They LIED about #Benghazi maybe at the INAUGURATION @realDonaldTrump
can have some special guests.
Quote Tweet
comment image

· 23h
FBI is going to lie about Nashville, which means it’ll be Looney Toons on Twitter as “researchers” fill the vacuum.

above was text copy of tweet…for Steve, etc.

This was one of the guys that is claimed to be living alive in Colorado under a different name, apparently Michael Hoffman, per reddit below, which jogged my memory too…
comment image?ve=1
comment image

Tik Tok guy/ Aaron Vaughn / theory:
by in conspiracy

comment image?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=dc0a6dfd63d22b441fd79f5c8d4a96f90f3bf30d

Mystery TikTok user very much appears to be a slightly older Aaron Vaughn from Seal Team 6 who was killed August 6, 2011, and the username has odd links to covid.
by u/General_lee12 in conspiracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting, although ANY of the Benghazi people are like kryptonite to the DNC cabal.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somewhere Aaron Vaughn’s mother posted EMPHATICALLY that that was NOT her son pictured (as having survived)…

Lots of chaff, flotsam, and jetsam floating around, probably to distract or to de-focus and discourage…

Valerie Curren

l saw that about the mother & I saw some comments saying that if it Were him that’s exactly what she’d Have to say…shrug…like so much it will be wait & see I guess 🙂


periscope LIVE feed…

white truck…Lebanon Tennessee…


Highway 231S shut down


Putting fires out here and there – take minds off of election fraud?

Gail Combs

That is EXACTLY what occurred to me.

As we head towards January 6th and then January 20th, expect to see more and more ‘Unrest’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Phony TREASONOUS FIB and their CIA, CCP, DS, and UN allies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And don’t forget DNC and MSM.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy








Concerned Virginian

There’s a “sign-up” wall at the Epoch Times link.
Is this the “clean” bill, or is it the original garbage-pork-filled bill with $600 changed to $2,000?


President Trump has asked for a ‘clean’ bill without the ‘pork’ – from the tweet above – i got the impression it is ONLY for American Stimulus Bill.

But alas, I am not sure – any way we can find out, DP?

They are meeting tomorrow – the House has not passed it, yet!!!




Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like a-fib… not good… especially for the early “target groups”…


Any DOCTOR taking this garbage should have their head examined…


Finally it is time for President Trump to go to the real people of America. Have you noticed he’s not asked us to do anything with him until now, leading up to January 6th? Nothing of importance. 

DJT and his team have done everything. POTUS has asked us for money, which I don’t have. POTUS has asked some of us in particular states to vote for certain candidates. Some of those are dubious, not MAGA. What have Republicans done for Trump?

Now I’ve heard that the nation won’t wake up until we’re all staring into the precipice. Aw man, I’ve been looking ever-steeper downhill since Jimmy Carter. But now we’re at Mao’s and Stalin’s police state, and civil war to spread worldwide. 

There’s a core of MAGA Trumpian Republicans inside every State. Does DJT know who they are? Will he authorize these local MAGAs to run a slate of ONE candidate for every State, County, and Local office? Will President Trump, either as Leader of the Party or as sitting President, ask us the people to vote these slates against every incumbent in both parties?

Will Donald Trump do the thing that actually works? Every two years we can have a completely new House Of Representatives!! (Yes, maybe there’s a dozen keepers.) 

Why didn’t Donald Trump stop protecting the Uniparty Republicans This Election Cycle?
Maybe there’s a good reason, I don’t know. Today, the Uniparty is still protected by him. DJT must be leader of the people, for us to take decisive action against incumbents.

Freedom is where each person has liberty to choose to do the right thing. Lord Jesus Christ, save a people for yourself, O Lord. 


You mean 100M+ – don’t you Carl – I think they have the numbers – before the fraud occurred – and we might be pleasantly surprised.

One man cannot do it all – however – a leader directs his flock in the right direction – makes the assignments according to the ‘talents’ – and watches the movement grow.

He asked the American people to assemble in DC – demonstrate to whom Congress answers – demand an accounting – and be heard!

PS Imagine if you were surrounded by evil at every turn – to whom would you go for help – for whom are you fighting – through whom will you experience victory? GOD

Don’t touch my anointed!!!


He said it will be wild – would you have him reveal his strategy to our enemies?

Our President is a positive-thinking man – I believe he is telling us it will be well worth the trip – I get the impression it will be a celebration like no other, Carl!!!

I also think this gathering is a reminder to Congress WHO it is they serve.

We are the Silent Majority – Silent No More!!!


i’m imagining a dozen jumbotrons broadcasting the election stealing videos…larger than life…
I’m imagining blackmail videos exposing McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer and the like…
I’m imagining the ties to China being exposed larger than life…
I’m imagining the covid fraud being exposed on those jumbotrons…

it’s gonna be wild alright!

Cuppa Covfefe

What I would like to see are the data from the machine(s) in FFM, with traffic indicators showing the injected votes and the sources thereof.

Incontrovertible proof of election theft.

And then Federal Marshals hauling off the perps, topped off by the forcible escort of Bidoon, Heels-Up, the Klintoons, Piglosi, Schiff-head, and all the other cabal-cade of Klowns to camp Gitmo…

Gail Combs

  :wpds_beg:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_beg: 


That’s why I suspect Trump will make his big move before the 6th. As it stands now, the 6th in DC is just too amorphous and open ended. Potentially very dangerous.


In my thinking and hoping, before the 6th all will be clear.


Call as many elected Republican officials as you can. Maximus Uncensored put together a master list of the office numbers for every single Republican member of the House and Senate. At the risk of repeating something that was posted already, here it is



It was 3 or 4 weeks before I got my sense of taste and smell back. But thankfully, I didn’t start smelling weird smells afterward, like these people. The worst lingering effect for me is the occasional breathing difficulties and dizziness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!!! More comments later…. (possibly elsewhere)

Cuppa Covfefe

Fish burning and sulphur?

Sounds like Hill-the-BEAST…





I hear you loud and clear, Carl!!! For the first time in a long time, the American people are wise to the taxpayer dollar theft by the Congress – for some – that was an eye-opener – the fact that they are willing to give millions of dollars to foreign governments – and next to nothing to Americans – we will never forget that – thanks to PT literally pointing that out.

In addition, we (Patriots) have known about the RINOs and Never-Trumpers – about the constant pushback PT suffers on a daily basis – so we should not be surprised they have their heads in the sand now. Look what happened to the alleged GOP Governor in Georgia – his China ties went right into the mix – so we know where his loyalties lie.

However, I have this strange feeling in my soul, Carl – when their ties to China result in convictions – there will be vacancies in every blue state – at all levels.

Call me crazy, Carl – but when the poop hits the fan – it is going to be BIBLICAL!!!


This is going to be the biggest shake up since Eve went shopping for fruit.


Totally agree, Carl. I really hate it when they claim they don’t like Trump because of the way he speaks, or that he is “vulgar.” But they don’t seem to be bothered by Hillary and others who would make a sailor blush with the language they use. You’re right. Those are just excuses. What they really don’t like about POTUS is that he is fighting their disgusting thievery and treason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Every Christmas (if memory serves) I posted a link to my favorite Christmas song (the Holly and the Ivy) and wrote an explication from my pov. With the pre-occupying feeling of impending destiny facing our country, I was not moved to post the song until now, but for whatever reason now I want to:

I will skip the personal explication except to say the beautiful images in the song always move me deeply in many ways.

I have two personal Christian beliefs which are mine alone as far as I am aware. The first is that the body of Christmas music is as divinely inspired as scripture. No one is obligated to agree, and my belief is merely a gift from God to me, or to anyone who wants to share the belief.

The second belief is that the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus and records His Resurrection. Again, this is a gift of God to me, or to anyone who shares this belief. I have studied the Shroud as intensely as I have “studied” Christmas music, and I thank Jesus for both.

(I am fully familiar with the objections to both beliefs and do not wish to dispute them with anyone.)

Alison Krauss has an angelic voice, and I put this carol here for whatever it is worth.

And The Coventry Carol, a foreshadowing of an age where abortion is enshrined as a fundamental right and sacred rite:

I am reading A Fatal Discord about Erasmus and Luther, a brilliant historical book worth contemplating from the pov of our personal relationship with Jesus (“it’s personal” as a wise man once told Wolf). What is essential? What does Jesus mean?

A Christian friend and I talked yesterday and he told me about a preacher from the Reformed Calvinist tradition who has recently caused controversy with some of his sermons about Christianity. He apparently asked, rhetorically, why the Ten Commandments were in the courthouse and not the Sermon on the Mount.

God became man and shared our sufferings. This was no ordinary man, it was Jesus.


Lovely, Tonawanda!!! Thanks for sharing!!! God Bless Your Christmas!!!


I also believe in the Shroud. I’ve been reading about it for years.

Here is an interesting site that might give you more information.


TY! The evidence is overwhelming, but it takes some time to absorb it. Just understanding the faulty carbon-14 tests is a challenge. But the Shroud is a gift for those who wish to accept it.

Deplorable Patriot


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very glad you stopped to post these thoughts! I know exactly what you’re saying – my feeling of “this is Christmas” has been smeared out over days, now. It feels strange. I don’t know if this is something the enemies of Christmas PLANNED, or if it was our inspired reaction to what they did to us in 2020, but either way, it simply IS to me now. It is STILL Christmas.

Love the voice of Alison Krauss, and this song. Oddly more affecting NOW than a few days ago. So there’s that too.

Just the description is enlightening!

We can’t say it too much. Merry Christmas!


Sounds like an excellent book. I might buy it even though I learned much of the history of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. We learned much in school and has been drilled into us 🙂
My husband was Lutheran and his mother strong Lutheran typical Saxon 🙂


The answer to the preacher’s query about the 10 Commandments versus the Sermon on the Mount is that the 10 commandments is in the “Old Testament” (which is under the Law) and the Sermon on the Mount is in the “New Testament” (which is under Grace or soon will be after the Resurrection).

Courthouses are about the law so it makes perfect sense that the first God-written set of laws should be in the courthouse.


The explanation and analogy are perfect!


Love Wexford Carol. 🇮🇪 But I prefer the tune unadorned, no pop ornaments, so the ancient rings clear. We always sang it 4-part unaccompanied. Thanks for the post. 👍🏻


RUDY GUILIANi gives an excellent summary of the ways fraud was committed in those 5 swing states.


When these traitors are brought to Justice, “swing state” may acquire a new meaning.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting that the young woman to who the supposed perp quit-claimed a couple of properties is named “Swing”.

As in Swing states?

Swinging from a yard-arm?

Gail Combs

You are on a roll today. 🤣


With cream cheese.


Hang ’em high.


I haven’t checked this yet, taking it at its word.


No coincidences, thanks for the extra work to confirm


Employees like Paul Kieffer are wondering what they are going to come back to after Christmas now that their building and everything inside of it is a complete loss.
“First I cried. Obviously,” said Kieffer. “There are no words for it. We expected burned up building maybe a small fire but it’s just gone.”
Kieffer said seeing what is left of the place he has worked at for over 15 years is shocking.
“We’re just baffled we can’t find one piece of equipment that was in there. There should be stuff there, and there’s not,” he said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would not doubt this. I think the CHEAT COUP is RUNNING SCARED.

Is Sidney Powell coming?


This is what the fire looked like. Pretty intense

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the thought of HCQ or Ivermectin ever crossed their minds?

Nah. Didn’t think so. Leaves too much money on the table.

Shades of Vioxx…..


Damn those grass roots and their inherent authority to boss themselves around.


Arthur Fiedler & The Boston Pops ~ Christmas Album

Gail Combs

Thanks! Speaking of spreading out Christmas…


12 Days of Christmas


#Pentatonix #12DaysOfChristmas #WeNeedALittleChristmas
[OFFICIAL VIDEO] 12 Days of Christmas – Pentatonix


[OFFICIAL VIDEO] You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch – Pentatonix

Deplorable Patriot

Considering a post titled, “Adieu, 2020, and Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out.” This would be the musical selection:

I mean “they” tried to redo The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the Great Depression all at the same time.

Among other crappy experiences.

Cuppa Covfefe

But but but… Bell-bottoms and platform shoes!!!!


RALLY in Georgia – JAN 4!!


I’m not going back to yesterday’s Republican Party.


— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) December 27, 2020


You go, Gaetz!


2.27.20: WHAT STORM Mr. President? You’ll FIND OUT! Almost there!




I wish I could go. I am there is spirit.



This guy was a waste of carbon. So of course hollywierd had to make a movie about him with actors with suspicion in their backgrounds..

Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) Tweeted: Convicted murderer and drug addict Michale Alig has died of a heroin overdose. He’s kind of the gay community’s George Floyd. Surely he, too, will be martyrized in a leftist movement of violence and insanity. Only the very lowest standards for minorities!


I have to disappoint Fauci one has to earn respect to be heard.
He does not have my respect.


He’s nothing more than a DemCom party hack.
Isn’t one of Placeholder Elect’s talking points is POTUS “downplaying” CV and how awful he is? Sounds like their medical svengali has said that’s exactly what he’s done.


Evil man never should be in the position he is in


Given free reign to experiment, he seems exactly the type to conduct “experiments” on “subjects” who may not be volunteers.
The arrogance, deception, and power lust are all there.


And Pence ushered him right in, along with the scarf queen. I can’t let that go.


Bill Gates is now best known as a philanthropist, not the guy who started Microsoft or was the avatar for everyone’s annoyance with Windows 95.
He’s also known for wanting to save us from ourselves.
Now, apparently, he wants to save us from the sun.

Gail Combs

Landscheidt Minimum” I am glad someone else has the name correct. 🤣 And you are correct. Expect wild and woolly weather and gradually getting colder as the sun goes into a minimum and the jet stream goes from zonal, to Meridional aka wavy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Dim Sun, a poisonous and fatal dish for (against) humanity…

These idiots who encourage geo-engineering, e.g. iron particles in the atmosphere, etc., have NO CLUE about follow-on effects, just as they have no clue about climate and chaotic systems…

And just like that, fuel prices shoot up as the deep cold sets in. Almost like they knew it ahead of time… (Need a cartoon by Josh for this…)….


Gates wants to play God he has a God complex

Cuppa Covfefe

The rotten apple (he’d hate that expression) doesn’t fall far from the tree. William Gates Sr. was a prime mover in Planned Parenthood and their Satanic Eugenics movement, indeed genocide aimed at the black community.

Looking back, I don’t think his success in the software world was an accident. It was the result of hard work. But not his. Rather his handlers, and his connections. Most of his products were either “lifted”, or the result of starving out the competition. or outright purchasing them when that didn’t work out.

At the end, they killed of MSDN and TechNet, both of which helped developers and techies to develop and support the Micro$oft Morass of Mediocre Software. Now, all that’s left is Windoze 1 0 (Windows10), which is a perpetual alpha-test foisted upon helpless, hapless, hopeless, and unsuspecting users…


I dislike Microsoft. Used to have an Apple ProBook still do is old. The LG is a nice computer but Microsoft drives me nuts.

Gail Combs

See if you can get someone to install Ubuntu (free) for you.

We have used it for at least the last two decades on more than one computer.


Thank you I look into it.
My daughters husband is a computer consultant he will do it for me.


It should be noted that there are a bunch of Ubuntu derivatives.

First, there are the official Ubuntu ones —

Then there are the Mint flavors — Mint (Cinnamon, the “regular one”), Mint MATE, and Mint Xfce.

Another one I’ve used several times is Peppermint (unrelated to Mint).

The most obvious differences between all of these is the amount of computer resources devoted to the User Interface.

If your computer is older, try Ubuntu MATE. That’ll even run on a Raspberry Pi. If your computer is weaker than that, you can try Peppermint.

Gail Combs

Sorry, no Josh…
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Cuppa Covfefe

Bill-ious Gates…

The (in)human Clippy… only MORE annoying…


He should be trying to save us from the ballooning size of his head, which threatens to end all life on planet earth 😂🤣😂


Lone wolf….motive will never be known…that’s good enough for the sheeple


Mr gil just will not go past that. I dont get it. He said my talking about the fbi taking immediate control is a conspiracy theory.

Gail Combs

You need a suspicious mind AND remembering that the FBI was ACTIVELY behind using the FAKE Russia-gate to oust a sitting president.

Would they do something to KEEP him from being re-elected AND tossing a LOT of them in prison for a very long time?



I know. And you know he should know better. There are so many informative people here and he just believes the aggregate is too incredible. He likes breitbart and asks me about some updates on what i read but just will not take the step into looking for referenced material himself.


Most of the time those of us who have had years of really looking at this stuff can’t adequately
get them to comprehend the scope of corruption and more to the point how the masters of the evil direct these events.
They can often agree that they’ve participated in taking down foreign countries but won’t look at this country being sold out.

My guy gets it but gets lost in the minutia and I give up trying to explain. Sometimes you have to see the years worth of FF’s and everything else with your own eyes.


I think its that a lot. He has a set mind to how this should be vs how things are and yeah you have to lift the curtain.


Set the curtain on fire?


That is very true. I have read and seen so MUCH, and I can’t adequately explain it all very succinctly. There is so much background in my instant recognition of false flag bullshit.



Happy go lucky

Sleeping Whales: Photographer reveals what whales look like when they snooze.



Wow.. ty for posting that. Ive never seen anything like that.

Gail Combs

I wonder if they do like horses.

My ponies will all lie down and dose or stretch out flat and sleep but one ALWAYS stands guard.
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Horses know how to avoid problems. My question is, how do they choose which one gets guard duty?


Draw straws?


clever.  😆 


The “intelligence community” has been using Dominion, Scorecard, etc. And companies (fronts) like SCYTL for Years to manipulate ELECTIONS overseas, and to various levels here in the U.S. since at least 2006. ALL Approved through the FISA court.


…..since 2006


What the absolute f? 🚨 (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
CONFIRMED – H.R. 133 signed without any changes.


The comments on citizen free press are scorching him if true.



We just canceled our trip to the DC rally.

(For example…..)


People need to keep their powder dry. There is always another shoe to drop. He signed it for a reason, which I think we will find out.


Indeed we will find out. I was hoping for the shutdown and herevwe go again. More games there. It needs clarity fast.


This might not be accurate: I thought I read once that Pres. Trump can allocate many of the funds in the ways he sees fit, not necessarily how they are configured in the bilil. I hope that’s the case, but again, I can’t vouch for it.


Its just like the other pork bill. Its all the same bs over and over. The whole city , every damn porklitician, we go scorched earth and start fresh.


Tweet by Pres. Trump:
“Good news on Covid Relief Bill. Information to follow!”

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths


Excellent thank you !


I knew there was more to it! Thank you.


Let’s hope it’s true


This is a thing of hilarity, from OT:

After Promises from House and Senate, President Trump Signs COVID-19 Relief and Omnibus Spending Bill
Posted on December 27, 2020

According to released press reports, President Trump is signing the bill with rescission requests demanding that portions of the bill be struck from final implementation by the Senate.”


Okay, first off, ‘request’ and ‘demand’ are contradictory words. A ‘request’ is not a ‘demand’, and a ‘demand’ is not a ‘request’, so you cannot, at least in the English language, make ‘demand requests’ or ‘request demands’.


The President is redlining the bill and providing line-by-line instructions to congress on the provisions within the bill that need to be modified and removed.”


Sounds very much like a “Line Item Veto” which, to my knowledge, should, but does not actually, exist.


“The signing of the bill carries a statement from President Trump: “As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child.”
The statement continues: “The senate will start the process for a vote that will increase checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts and investigation into voter fraud.”


Very confusing, in a very entertaining way, because whatever DJT is doing, I don’t think the criminal House or the criminal Senate has seen it either 😂🤣😂


Is that fake?


Its being picked up all over.i got that at citizen free press.


24 hour rule.


Yes sir i know it. Its just stunning.

Gail Combs

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Double down…. ok.


It’s not a budget. Therefore, the “appropriations” are merely suggestions of Congress.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
We have a picture.




That new strain is deadly stuff… 🙃 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. If you don’t wear a mask, terrible things could happen 😮  🕵 


Lol… know it.


By 2028 the dems should have most of the fossil fuel power plants shut down. What could go wrong?


We may end up desiring a man made greenhouse effect!


So how would you prep for that? What would happen to the US?


“So how would you prep for that? What would happen to the US?”


Everyone moves to Miami?




Except, it will be Canadians invading us. Pictures of that Laurentide ice sheet show it covering all of Canada.


We could give them safe passage to Mexico… 😂🤣😂


It sounds like everyone needs to INCREASE their carbon footprint by at least a million times.

Let’s warm this globe up!

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

oh wow! this happened????
the official statement on the signing:
As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683.


Saw that all over but can’t find anything about what is in it
If it is slightly similar to the old one, then I will be disapointed


Trying to post from Parler.


-This is a virtually unknown law and has taken Congress by surprise.

-It also signals his intent to invoke *other* laws in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned.


Credit @maximus4evr

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s what they get for not reading anything. They let the lobbyists and pork-barrel-polishing elites write their bills and tell them what to think, say, and do, and now they’re caught by surprise.

Fire them all!!!

OTOH, I hope and pray that VSGPDJT has a whole bunch more “surprises” for them. Some more lumps of coal for their stalkings…


Breaking — Trump signs Covid relief bill with $600 payments, and loaded with pork…
Posted by Kane on December 27, 2020

President Trump: “As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child. As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974.”


Very interesting…


President Trump: “The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683.

I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed.”


Apparently the pocket veto option fell through?

It would be great to know if DJT’s sudden signing took the criminal political-class by surprise.

President Trump: I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill. I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more.”


I can’t imagine why the Cabal-owned Congress would ever, in a million lifetimes, go along with such requests…


President Trump: On Monday the House will vote to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000. Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200.


Whoa… $5,200 is almost starting to seem like real money… why not cut out ALL of the insane hundreds of billions targeted for foreign countries in typical Congressional kick-back schemes, and give every American $100K?

For starters. A small down payment.

Next comes reparations for the past year of our lives, with treble damages for intentionally inflicted physical and psychological suffering 😁

That seems more fair.


President Trump: “Additionally, Congress has promised that Section 230, which so unfairly benefits Big Tech at the expense of the American people, will be reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed.


Wait, Congress promised?!?

Like pinky-swear?

Step on a crack, break your mother’s back, no crossed-fingers OR toes promised?

Even DJT had to be laughing out loud when he wrote that… Congress promised😂 🤣 😂


President Trump: “Likewise, the House and Senate have agreed to focus strongly on the very substantial voter fraud which took place in the November 3 Presidential election.”


Now we know he’s pranking us for sure…

They’d sooner give themselves a root canal with a Black & Decker circular saw than look at voter fraud… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

President Trump: “The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.”


Or what?

😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


President Trump: “Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230! Voter Fraud must be fixed! Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!


Whatever he’s up to, this is gonna be hilarious 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Something is so weird the bill and signing…
H3LL what has been normal in the last several months anyway..

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Nothing is weird…

Da Boss is telling the crooks what they’re going to do………………….

Donald Trump has not even begun to show those commies what they are in for…………


Yes indeed…if i dont stick to 24 to 48 hr rule ill waste a lot of time being angry.


It seems there are stimlations to Trump’s signing of the bill, line by line stimulation,
Trump issues statement after signing Coronavirus billHe also claims to be demanding “many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974” before going on to say: “I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.”

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Cuppa Covfefe


(They will certainly stimulate the DEMONRATS into enormous hissy fits once [if] they realize the Gordian knot with which they’re tied, so to speak…)…..


Statement from the President


  Issued on: December 27, 2020

As President of the United States it is my responsibility to protect the people of our country from the economic devastation and hardship that was caused by the China Virus.
I understand that many small businesses have been forced to close as a result of harsh actions by Democrat-run states. Many people are back to work, but my job is not done until everyone is back to work.

Fortunately, as a result of my work with Congress in passing the CARES Act earlier this year, we avoided another Great Depression. Under my leadership, Project Warp Speed has been a tremendous success, my Administration and I developed a vaccine many years ahead of wildest expectations, and we are distributing these vaccines, and others soon coming, to millions of people.

As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child.

As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683.

I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.

I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more.

On Monday the House will vote to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000. Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200. Additionally, Congress has promised that Section 230, which so unfairly benefits Big Tech at the expense of the American people, will be reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed.

Likewise, the House and Senate have agreed to focus strongly on the very substantial voter fraud which took place in the November 3 Presidential election.

The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.

Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230!

Voter Fraud must be fixed!

Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!


I am not going to go all Eeyore like the sycophants over at CTH and freak out about Trump signing the stimulus.

My goodness, those people! The hair tearing and gnashing of teeth, the lamentations and drama!

It’s like a seventies disaster movie. Airport 75 or The Poseiden Adventure or something.

Forty eight hours. It’s a solid policy, and I’m sticking to it.


I have problems getting interested what most people say at CTH.
Sadly they are disrespectful to some long timers who are decent intelligent people.


I’m beginning to perceive these as they happen.

“Hey, I’d like to put a small dirt track across a little corner of your property so I can get to the little creek.” “You will not.” (negotiations x 10 where other party works self into frenzy) “Hell will freeze over before I allow you to set foot on my property!”

“Sorry that you feel that way.” *purchases property with creek, builds gate*

There is a fundamental issue, and that is the tech giants becoming a rival power center to DC. “Hey, I’d like to see some alterations made to Section 230.” “We insist it stays exactly the same.” (negotiations x 10 where other party works self into frenzy) “Hell will freeze over before I allow you to change one word in Section 230!”

“Sorry that you feel that way.” *seizes tech giants for foreign interference in elections, auctions them off in pieces*


I love the way you think, cthulhu!   :wpds_lol: 


If this is correct, then President Trump pulled off a brilliant maneuver. Obviously he thinks he’s going to be President after January 20th.


Yes, President Trump absolutely behaves like a man who isn’t going anywhere! I know he knows many things we don’t, so I trust that.



Bill Announcement


  Issued on: December 27, 2020

On Sunday, December 27, 2020, the President signed into law:
H.R. 133, an Act making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, providing coronavirus emergency response and relief, and for other purposes.


There will be NO MORE Omnibus bills…………………

There will be a BUDGET Next Year……………… take that to the bank.

A real live line item budget …………………..


December 26, 2020
It’s for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at AllBy Ted Noel

Valerie Curren

Another prayer need from twitter

sorry the tweet disappeared before I could copy the text too…


 🙄 Posting inaccurte data claiming that we have not had excess deaths again? Seriously? Why bring this up again and again? What purpose does posting the same fake news over and over again serve?  🤔 

This is 100% fake news.

This is Not the Actual death rate in the US for 2020.

This is Literally the *Projected* death rate for the US in 2020 based on previous years and they did not know to include a pandemic when they projected those numbers Months ago.

The numbers are Not based on actual deaths. This was projected BEFORE 2020 and is Not recording 2020 deaths nor converting them to the actual, literal death rate of 2020.

How do I know this? Because the article that the tweet author/twitter account holder lists as his sources clearly explains this fact.

FYI: this is the same source that I debunked Numerous times several weeks ago.

From the article listed/linked as the source for his data:
–>>”NOTE: All 2020 and later data are UN **projections** and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus.”<<–

They project deaths through 2100 – are we going to take the projects for 2021-2100 as literal truth that they are reading the future? These #s were published *BEFORE* this year. PROJECTIONS, not reporting facts.


And the tweet with its “facts”/projects he claims are real numbers and uses them to suite his own purposes, is torn up in the replies with some being upset that they retweet without double checking him and now they look stupid because it is NOT real #s.

Do not be like Matthew Stewart. Do not believe fake news. Trust be verify.
Do not use projects, as been done here by some again and again while calling me a names and cursing me, to prove actual totals.

Projects from last year and even several years ago are Literally not the same things as the actual #s being reported.


Whoa! Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today. If I offend you, please don’t read my comments or accuse me of posting fake news. This is a data point, not the whole story, as I said.


Offended? Nope. Its not personal. Its about facts, accuracy and truth.

I take nothing here personally – which is why I still laugh about the names I was called for explaining this Exact thing several weeks ago and being personally attacked for doing so. Chinese spy?!  😂 

I explicitly rolled my eyes at such a thing being posted after the Exact same source and info has been thoroughly debunked already. Eye rolling does not indicate that anyone offended me. Bemused and amused to see such a thing posted after it is been explained, but not offended.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like your CDC “data”, eh?

Valerie Curren

A Q proof  🤗 .

Valerie Curren

How so?

Valerie Curren

another prayer need from a twitter patriot

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Pastor Henry and his daughter have been kidnapped in Haiti. They were both hospital employees. Kidnappers are asking for 5M dollars for their release. Please pray for them although they are not from the US.
1:25 PM · Dec 27, 2020·Twitter for Android


Ep. 2363b – [DS] Builds The [FF] Narrative, Patriots At The Ready, Countermeasures In Place
X22 Report Published  December 27, 2020


My twitter feed is going nuts.

Valerie Curren


Go President Trump !


Thats wierd. Your post wasnt there and now when i posted it was.


Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 🦅 (@DanScavino) Tweeted:

Last edited 4 years ago by gil00
Elizabeth Carter

PR How long would they shut down? Liz


FWIW, the current Congress expires on January 3rd:

116th United States Congress
The 116th United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It convened in Washington, D.C., on January 3, 2019, and will end on January 3, 2021, during the final two years of Donald Trump’s presidency.”

Elizabeth Carter

Scott, They would not get a 6000 page bill revised in that length of time. They could not even read it in that length of time. What am I missing? Do they have to do a budget now?


No idea!

Congress never reads the bills they vote for, and as SD frequently reminds us, Congress doesn’t write the bills either.

The whole thing is a fraud, and has been, for decades.

I’m pretty sure DJT just dropped a live hand grenade in their lap though, so that makes me feel especially good 😂 🤣 😂

Hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in bribery and kick-backs was about to be sent out, and the recipients were counting on that money.

Now that money is being delayed, which means whatever (or whomever) that money was intended to buy or bribe is not currently bought or bribed.

I suspect this poison pill DJT just injected is designed to expose just how corrupt Congress is, in a way that even sleepy John Q. Public Coma won’t be able to miss it.

I mean, look at Trump’s ‘demands’, they are everything the Left and the Never-Trump RINOs oppose.

It’s like asking the head of Planned Parenthood to become pro-Life.

So there is no chance, at all, that Congress is even considering meeting Trump’s ‘demands’.

So what are their options?

They can’t override the President’s veto because he didn’t veto it, he signed the bill.

But he signed it conditionally, which I’ve never seen done before 😂 🤣 😂

A maneuver based on some Act passed in 1974.

I’m guessing that Trump’s leverage is that Congress must need those funds for bribes and payoffs to get to their destination on time, so if the criminals in Congress want those bribes and payoffs to make it to the intended recipients, they can either play ball and pretend to give Trump what he wants, or they can fight him in court, or try to impeach him again, or something.

Fighting him in court or trying to impeach him again would probably take longer than they have (January 3rd).

So they have to play ball, because this giant spending bill, like ALL the bills Congress passes, is about sending American taxpayer money to members of the International Crime Syndicate — Americans never see any of that money, not even a dollar — but how can they?

There must be a lot of reasons why the criminals in Congress (and their overlords) don’t want that kind of injection of buying power ($5,200 for a family of four) in the hands of the American People, considering they have done everything in their power to bankrupt the American People, every single day, for the last 11+ months.

And there’s zero chance that Congress is going to ‘focus’ on election fraud… election fraud is how most of them got their seats in the first place, and if they ‘focus’ on the massive 2020 election fraud, it will invalidate their Chinese puppet’s election ‘win’.

And the last thing Congress is going to do is muzzle Big Tech, because the same CCP that owns Big Tech also owns Congress.

So none of Trump’s ‘requests’ can possibly be met, each one is a Poison Pill — not that the criminals in Congress would seriously consider any of them anyway.

And yet they have to do something.

The amount of time they have to do it is very short, just 7 days including today. And they just found out about this little ‘problem’ a few hours ago.

Whatever Congress decides to do, they have to do it in a way that doesn’t make it obvious that they are the exact back-stabbing America-hating Traitors they really are, and that usually takes time, to set up false narratives and play both ends against the middle.

They absolutely can’t do what the President has ‘requested’, and yet their handlers / owners all over the world are expecting to receive hundreds of billions in pork and bribe money from this bogus bill.

What to do… what to do?!?

Not my problem!

I’m just here for the fireworks and popcorn… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Elizabeth Carter

Thank for the explanation. You covered it very well.

Cuppa Covfefe

the final two years of Donald Trump’s presidency” my hiney…

That will be 2023 and 2024, and really should be 2027 and 2028 because the DEMONRATS did everything they could to ruin VSGPDJT’s first term!