This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both: Keep Making America Great).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Really Slow Motion, titled ‘Save Me’:
While we are waiting for some BOOMS to happen, here are some booms to watch to tide us over:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
‘Fecund’ is an adjective…which means fertile or fruitful; productive; rapid and abundant reproduction or growth.
Used in a sentence:
In order to justify wearing a filthy mask, the vegan Covidians have come up with the Fecund Mask to grow their sprouts on.
I can’t slow this video down like I could the others. The blast happens faster in this video than others posted yesterday and earily today
I’ve been watching this video (on a different site) all day.
Notice that the CAMERA actually gets moved by the shock wave.
Also, notice that shrapnel actually damages one of the plastic traffic pylons at the corner.
I now find the theories that the primary explosion was anything but the RV unlikely. The fact that the fireball recedes to a different point has several reasonable explanations. However, I don’t rule out an alternative theory that the RV could have been parked directly over or next to the target and simply struck from above by a missile.
I do believe that the RV was cover for a real attack on ATT, and that this video shows a late explosion inside ATT.
I have not settled on either white hat or black hat theories – I just know that I don’t believe the cover story as anything but cover.
There must be a hundred other ways white hats could have accomplished whatever the objective was, without using anything so indiscriminate as a bomb, endangering the lives of civilians.
Yes – I have to admit that’s true. OTOH, what if we are in a LITERAL state of war?
What if this was meant to not only DESTROY the facility, but send a message – and that is why the Rochester fire – because they’re panicking now?
Nothing would send a message to the bad guys like bombing one of their facilities, proven to have taken part in election fraud.
The only thing more “President Wolf Moon” would have been to weld the doors shut from the outside, with the election-tampering personnel still in it, before dropping the bomb.
This may in fact have been the second clandestine action, after the one in Germany. We may be in a literal fight right now. Upping the levels of violence may be intended to send a message all the way to Beijing.
Warning was broadcast by RV
Yup. Crazy. I’ll bet the guy was absolutely convinced he was taking out 5G, too!
The warning actually came from the light posts. I figure whoever sent it, tapped into the weather warning system we have in the middle of the country for tornadoes. Those sort of broadcasts happen anytime the sirens go off.
Of course, we usually ignore them, and look at radar to find out where the storm is before actually moving.
“Yes – I have to admit that’s true. OTOH, what if we are in a LITERAL state of war?”
We certainly should be, we should have been at war four years ago. The enemy certainly has been engaged in all-out war for the last four years.
“What if this was meant to not only DESTROY the facility, but send a message – and that is why the Rochester fire – because they’re panicking now?”
If it was a Cabal facility and white hats bombed it, wouldn’t that only destroy evidence, which would help the Cabal, not the white hats?
I’ve never been able to buy into the ‘panic’ scenario. Professional CCP and other Cabal spies don’t panic, and professional CCP soldiers don’t panic, presumably because they have training and experience to avoid allowing panic to influence their critical decision-making processes.
Professional politicians and MSM don’t panic, because they’re mostly psychopaths.
The uber-wealthy don’t panic, because they believe they can buy their way out of any problem — and they believe that because they always have.
So I’m not sure who that leaves of the enemy to ‘panic’.
“Nothing would send a message to the bad guys like bombing one of their facilities, proven to have taken part in election fraud.”
To what end?
Why would Trump screw around with ‘bombing’ messages, as if this was a fight between two roughly equal adversaries, when it’s not (not even close)?
The only ‘message’ worth sending is military pre-dawn raids on all of the enemy combatants throughout the United States.
When Trump gives the order, it won’t even be a fight. It will be a thousand repeats of Roger Stone’s arrest, except actual bad guys being arrested this time, without CNN cameras present (sadly!).
“The only thing more “President Wolf Moon” would have been to weld the doors shut from the outside, with the election-tampering personnel still in it, before dropping the bomb.”
I’d like to see more creativity actually. We have Wile E. Coyote as our mentor and example for all kinds of interesting methods to bring about death.
Not to mention the examples available in countless action movies. And I wouldn’t rule out old books for ideas, the ancients were very adept at intriguing ways of killing people.
“This may in fact have been the second clandestine action, after the one in Germany. We may be in a literal fight right now. Upping the levels of violence may be intended to send a message all the way to Beijing.”
Could be, but it seems like we’re way past message-sending at this point.
Beijing and Cabal are all-in, there’s no going back for them — which means we’re all-in too.
We have always held all the cards.
We have just been afraid to play them, and the enemy, knowing that, continually upped the ante.
Now Trump is playing, and he’s about to call every bluff.
DJT represents the House, and the House always wins.
I do not think it was white hats who bombed in Nashville. I think black hat CIA are covering their tracks. Maybe covering up in more than one place. I cannot get off the feeling that CIA has been operating in this country and many of our politicians are drawn into the workings of CIA or compromised. They went off the rails when they killed JFK. Criminals are running our government . FBI is not as it used to be I believe many from CIA are infiltrated into the FBI.
They are operating like the communists regimes except they had a good front. Dirty from bush one on
9/11 gave the bad guys a reason to infiltrate disrupt servile limit our freedom. CIA operations all the way around.
I was reading (will find the link) that the “human remains” found at the explosion site were determined to be the lone suspect guy…Walker.. was that his name ?
here’s the link…
Anthony Walker perished at the scene…DNA found was his…
article link…
correction with the name there : Anthony Warner
we are watching a global game of chicken
“we are watching a global game of chicken”
I hope so.
Cabal is driving a gold-plated Mini Cooper.
Trump is driving a Mack Truck.
That looks like THIRD RED LINE!!!
Jun 04, 2020 7:49:59 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No. 9473673
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
The tweet says that the picture was from Mrs. Trump’s twitter. I have looked at both of her accounts and can’t find it. Even watched the video on Christmas in DC in case it popped up there. Can anyone link to the tweet from her account that contains the picture? Appreciat the help
The 17 domino was LONG ago. Maybe Christmas 2018? I remember it.
Oh, that explains it. I was looking in this year’s time frame.
“There must be a hundred other ways white hats could have accomplished whatever the objective was, without using anything so indiscriminate as a bomb, endangering the lives of civilians.”
Ah…but explosions are messy and lot’s of things just disappear.
An explosion gives cover for things disappearing.
The long evacuation recording resulted in civilians being cleared from the area.
Who does something like that?
someone who does not desire being remembered as a mass murderer? someone who wants to destroy a thing but not a person?
whole thing’s starting to remind me of Arlington Road
Why are you a coyote?
Leonidas comments.
LOL! I wish.
I think it’s due to loading old dailies and other posts, as part of my researches, when I cite them. The system sees them and attributes them to me. Probably works for everybody that way.
Misread “loading old dailies” as “loading old ladies”. Need another cup of tea.
Yup, spend enough time with the old ladies, and you’ll be a coyote, too.
dang! that was funny
Good thing I didn’t have any tea in my mouth.
so everybody needs to cite YOU and we can all be coyotes? LOL
my first nickname in high school was….
A member of my family has always called me this.
Seriously, just load some old dailies using the tools in the sidebar (like the calendar) to search, and I’m guessing you’ll be a coyote in no time!!!
i like being a road runner…LOL
Stay fast on your feet! MEEP-MEEP!!!
But yeah, we need Road Runner on any possible future “bird” categories!
Somehow the system has counted 10000 posts for me. It’s possible that every time I load an old article with my posts in them, the system counts them for me. That happens a lot while I’m researching.
So appreciative you aren’t smuggling illegals. Or scavenging in bins
LOL Ozzy..
ok you started it…
when I noticed Wolf’s Coyote label, first thing that came to mind…
Wiley but not Wile E. !!!
But at the Acme of your profession, nonetheless
I suspect that it is white hats, because no mass casualties. I think A Q Warner was an operative and was told to park where he did. White hats flooded the building and waited for the signal — the RV being blown up. Then they grabbed what they were supposed to, dropped timed charges, and exited rapidly. The white hats couldn’t have missiled the building because they had troops inside, so they missiled the RV.
That would explain a lot.
A “Q” Warner.
Or A Q W.
Or AQ W.
I don’t know. This whole thing is bizarre.
Do believe America passed bizarre ages ago, even what we considered norm a decade ago really was not norm.
Someone noted “Anthony Quinn” and then “Warner Brothers”. Some movie fans might be able to explain that…
(Despite having ‘SC Cinema Major roomies when I was in Uni, I’m “hollywood impaired”…sorry.., more into music)…
I went back and looked at Anthony Quinn’s films……most were 20th Century Fox. Not Warner. It’s a suspicious enough name already, but if his namesake had been in the Warner stable, it would have been over-the-top.
Ah, but he DID star in a Warner film:
“In 1941, when loaned out to other studios, he was given better roles. In Rouben Mamoulian’s Blood And Sand, for 20th Century-Fox, he played a young matador out to win Rita Hayworth from Tyrone Power, and in Raoul Walsh’s They Died With Their Boots On (1941), at Warner Brothers, he was an imposing Chief Crazy Horse. In the same year, his first child, Christopher, drowned in a swimming pool, aged three; he and Katherine went on to have four more children.”
Crazy Horse… indeed…
I used to ride with his daughter. She had a very nice Arab. Her mom was divorcing Quin and none of the other kids at the barn would give her the time of day. My Mom used to sit with her mom and talk. Again the adults were doing the silent treatment too.
They were boarding the horse at that stable until they got a barn built. Her mom insisted that she take full care of her horse. GREAT MOM!
I saw Quinn once while he was watching his daughter ride… and completely ignoring his Ex.
Would also explain the reports of gunfire before the explosion…
found the video in the tweet on youtube. slowed it down and can not get a single frame at the moment of explosion other than suddenly full fire ball. If it happen this instantly in this video how did the video showing a fire ball (and I am sure the technical/knowledgable term is not “fireball”) go slow enough that we saw fire/explosion and the RV still intact?
“First thing, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
— W. Shakespeare
If that would have fixed our problems, it would already have happened.
Lawyers are not allowed to serve in public office.
The Missing 13th Amendment: *No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office* – The Millennium Report
Hmmm. That would empty out about 90% of the congress.
I fail to see a problem with this.
Bit like what would you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the harbour?
A . A good start
A motor carriage (bus) containing 35 lawyers going to a lawyers convention went off the edge of a cliff. Driver hailed as hero, public lamentations that there were 15 empty seats.
Considering that we’re talking about lawyers, and it’s the giving time of year
A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town’s most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute.
“Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn’t you like to give back to the community in some way?”
The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, “First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?”
Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, “Um … no.”
The lawyer interrupts, “or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?”
The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.
“or that my sister’s husband died in a traffic accident,” the lawyer’s voice rising in indignation, “leaving her penniless with three children?!”
The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, “I had no idea…”
On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, “So if I don’t give any money to them, why should I give any to you?”
I have a missing trust fund. Worth millions. Maybe it’s with the missing amendment.
Me three.
My father always told me that someday I would inherit his Swiss account. Turns out he was running a cheese tab at the local deli.
“If that would have fixed our problems, it would already have happened.”
Lawyers made it illegal.
Yep. Easy peasy.
I’m sorry, but no can do the CHIA MASK!!!
This one is cool. Ill have to get one for kiddo.
If only they had Wolf Moon Chia……
Would it howl when it needed water?
The idea of making chia great again…….
they look like something that belongs on KamelHut’s whatevers.
yeah gross
The masks are beyond cultlike. I bet there are collectors already.
They’re so gross looking I bet puritanical Karens would hate them and demand “proper” masks. WIN
Sadly, the biggest flaw in the Constitution is the general lack of an “or else” clause.
For instance, the 2nd A says, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The missing part? “Any law, regulation, or mandate containing such an infringement shall be void upon issuance; and any legislator or executive constructing or supporting such infringement shall be traitorous vermin and outlaw, to be shot on sight by any member of the public without penalty by the United States, its States, or any subjurisdiction therein.”
See how much trouble this could have saved over the years? You wouldn’t have the continual spectacle of would-be totalitarians trying to tip-toe up to the line and push it just a smidgeon further.
‘Cause that is the nature of people. They get a line in front of them, and they immediately start messing with it. The only way you can get them to lay off is if you make it clear that Death is on the other side.
Is the “or else” really missing or is it that our courts are not enforcing what the constitution actually says? If something “shall not” be infringed, how do you explain cities like New York and Chicago that have such stringent gun laws? These should have been declared unconstitutional a long time ago because they most certainly do infringe on that right.
Well, lawyers do get paid by the hour. Short time cases = short paychecks.
It’s not treated as a “third-rail” it’s treated like the Pirate Code. Because there are no clear consequences.
Perhaps this famous Thos. Jefferson quote was a devolution from this point…Maybe this was Jefferson throwing his hands up in frustration after confronting the lack of Constitutional teeth for the protection of the Constitution.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.“
Yes, this should definitely be looked at.
This is exactly TYPE of news I suspected and predicted would prove to be the case.
I strongly suspect that Nashville was a distraction from something else, and it’s #1 target was Trump supporters.
Explosions are CLASSIC, time worn distractors. So much so, in fact, that one would think people nowadays would look in the opposite direction as soon as a blast went off somewhere.
Everyone spending all their time trying to figure out what was the target, who did it, etc….when all along it is a giant nothing-burger.
If true….
Played for fools, again, for a lack of critical thinking skills.
In a time of INTENSE misdirection, it is amazing people take this explosion at face value.
This particular one was awfully polite.
I’m wondering if your theory is in play and it was really a two-fer with the fire. Or that several destructive events were set to go off relatively simultaneously.
One thing’s for sure, this movie ain’t over yet despite all the BANGs.
I saw the Rochester fire, and so far I have been unable to find any reference to them printing ballots. There is another Rochester printer I found that did, but not this one.
Now, if they were fraudulently printing ballots in secret, of course I wouldn’t find anything.
there’s that weird 40 yard stare again
He looks like Johnny Cash.
(All women except one guy)
This was posted late last night by NYGuy
And it sure is weird. REMOVED equipment and then the building set on fire??
“𝗪𝗲’𝗿𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻’𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲. 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁,” 𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗱.
Yes! Thank you, Gail!
That stood out to me too.
Are the black hats cleaning up their tracks?
Or are they planning on printing up more fraudulent ballots.
One of the pictures in the following link (although not actually stated as such) purports to show the machinery, it’s not huge.
This is another printer. I found them as I searched for info about the one that burned down printing ballots. They would like have similar equipment, though.
Roberts rules of disorder
The “intelligence community” has been using Dominion, Scorecard, etc. And companies (fronts) like SCYTL for Years to manipulate ELECTIONS overseas, and to various levels here in the U.S. since at least 2006.
ALL Approved through the FISA court.
I wonder if anyone has connected that “Chief” Justice Roberts has been “Approving” this type of Election interference personally since then?
But I’m SURE he knew nothing about the election fraud using these “Exact Same Methods” during the 2020 Election
Probably came as a complete surprise
So he is completely impartial and hearing any case on the 2020 Election wouldn’t compromise any ILLEGAL overseas operations he has approved or has knowledge of
Naaah! All good
I removed a bunch of emojis from above
This is making a LOT of sense. They gave this crap the veneer of legality through compromised ruling class bastard John Roberts..
The whole idea that you can get away with fraud if it is sufficiently big and sufficiently brazen is poisonous to a republic.
Exactly. It’s gangrene. Gotta kill it, no matter how ugly that is.
FISA goes both ways.
Passionate patriot motivating others…
This guy gets it. THEY GO DOWN NOW.
The explosions video was worth it just for the phrase “Pocahontas lanky smurfs”!
Isn’t that the entire plot of “Avatar”?
There is some kind of technologically enabled appropriation subplot, but it got a pass!
After listening to the X22 report tonight……
I think he is on to something…..
He referenced an article at the American thinker…..
If this plays out as described, Pence will have 2 choices:
1) Play for Trump
2) Go to JAIL…
We will then find out what was in the envelope(s)
It’s a good article.
thomas says to read j. E . Dyer. Former intelligence. We haven’t seen Potus supporting effort yet. But we’ll know it when it happens
I think Pence will do whatever causes the game to continue toward January 20th.
Whether he’s a white hat OR a black hat.
Because it’s too early for the game to end, there’s too much time left on the clock for the enemy to make a comeback.
The interesting thing is what orders Trump has given to Pence.
Trump certainly knows whether Pence is a black hat or a white hat, and Pence certainly knows that Trump knows which hat he really wears.
If Pence is a white hat, Trump likely tells Pence to play the black hat, to allow Biden to become president-elect, to keep the uncertainty going toward January 20th.
If Pence is a black hat, then doing as Code Monkey suggests, taking decisive action on January 6th, would be a perfect way for Cabal to retake power, via Pence, in 2024. Or any time between now and then, if, God forbid, anything happens to President Trump.
But what if Trump, knowing this, orders Pence not to take decisive action?
Then Pence’s test becomes whether he obeys Trump and passes by the opportunity to retake power for Cabal in four years, or whether he disobeys Trump, and sets himself up to be president in 2024.
If Pence is a black hat, he won’t be making that decision, it’s way over his pay-grade. That decision will be made for him.
If Pence is a black hat, DJT certainly knows it, but in order ‘get him’, DJT would want to catch Pence in a compromised position which he couldn’t get out of or explain away.
January 6th presents one such opportunity for Trump to put Pence in such a position, and then see what he does.
Regardless, Trump isn’t counting on Pence. Whatever Trump’s plan is, it doesn’t hinge on Pence. Regardless of what Pence does on January 6th, Trump has a plan for either possible choice Pence makes.
The fate of the Republic will not be in Pence’s hands.
It will be in President Trump’s hands.
Do believe Pence to be a good Christian.
If Pence falters, America will be without Christianity due to censoring and banning and probably more church closures.
God is in control. If God wants it to be stronger medicine, it will be stronger medicine!
“Do believe Pence to be a good Christian.”
I certainly hope so.
But how can we know?
“If Pence falters, America will be without Christianity due to censoring and banning and probably more church closures.”
I hope Christianity itself in America is not dependent on Mike Pence. That would be quite a burden.
Pretty sure Mike Pence hopes Christianity is not dependent on him either
Is Christianity not wherever believers and followers of Christ are?
When the enemy within is exposed and defeated, separated from the levers of power, and hunted from the public square, censoring and banning will be the last things on their minds.
They will be struggling just to survive.
In hiding, meeting secretly in basements.
If they’re lucky.
Which I hope they’re not.
When this is over, things will not simply continue the way they have for the last four years, or even the last forty.
The change to our living environment, to our freedom from oppression in countless ways, will be radical.
That doesn’t mean we’ll perceive it right away.
And as we do begin to perceive it, it will take some time to acclimate to it.
We have all been subject to the greatest onslaught of psychological warfare ever unleashed on a civilian population.
When that suddenly stops, it’s going to feel weird for a while.
Like someone who has been in prison for a long time, suddenly and unexpectedly being set free.
Fortunately that will be a very good thing to get used to
Don’t think Christianity is dependent on Pence.
But the ability of Christians to worship freely and openly together in America will probably be at stake if the Democrats steal this round.
“IF” Democrats lose are exposed then ALL Americans will overall be safer.
However, all one has to do is look at how much Obama had already destroyed one’s religious rights in America under the guise of PC. It became very obvious that it was not just Christianity that was under attack but any type of religion, except Islam! Even during the lock downs, it became quite clear especially in NY, that people of the Islamic faith were exempt to many of the mandates.
Unless one is blind, one can’t but realize that the church has been purposefully singled out during the Pandemic Hoax (My words). Just look at the states with the heavy-duty mandates when casinos, bars and other gathering places have been allowed to open, often the churches were barred from opening.
“IF” Biden is allowed to complete the steal by being sworn in, the stealing of the First and Second will be continued. Look around at the current censoring, and church closures. Both Biden and Harris have threatened the 2nd with the use of executive orders. Do believe that the Harris/Biden plan on overusing and over abusing presidential executive orders. My use of Harris/Biden in the manner is on purpose, for Biden is only a puppet!
JMHO-or Grannie’s Incomplete Two Cents of Ranting!!
Very much agreed with everything you said
If Biden is allowed to steal the presidency, all bets are off, and no doubt it will be far worse than even what you described.
I am very, very confident that DJT is not going to allow the criminal Joe Biden to steal the presidency
Scary ain’t it…
On one point I have confidence: Even if every church were welded shut and then burned to the ground and the grounds salted with radioactive fallout, it would not kill Christianity.
Nothing will ever kill our faith, but we all end up underground as it is in many other tyrannical countries,
“On one point I have confidence: Even if every church were welded shut and then burned to the ground and the grounds salted with radioactive fallout, it would not kill Christianity.”
It would make it stronger, as persecution always does.
It weeds out the non-committal — purifies, strengthens.
Your Pence theory is way too “Vizinni” for me……
I had to search Vizinni to see who that was
I’ve never seen that movie, but I’m familiar with the part about “You keep using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means…”
It’s not a theory really, I have no way of knowing whether Pence is a white hat or a black hat, and there has been enough information (or disinformation) put out there to think either way.
Mostly, my point was that regardless what Pence does, everything will be fine, because Trump’s plan to save the Republic does not rest in anyone’s hands but his own.
For good reason.
If Pence is seen as betraying Trump on Jan 6 with maybe a million or more Trump supporters in DC, bad things could happen. Trump will not put the people at risk like this.
Who said freedom was free, or without risk?
I can’t see POTUS calling everyone to DC on the 6th if he’s asking Pence to let this go till the 20th.
POTUS would not be that cruel.
He wouldn’t do it to be cruel. If it happens, he will have done it to get more Americans invested in the taking back of our country.
Every person who went would have a powerful experience of betrayal to share with everyone he or she knows.
Eyewitnesses to the attempted theft and overthrow of the Republic.
The kind of testimony and spreading of the word that money can’t buy.
It would be a very powerful and important thing, for the future of the Republic, for as many Americans as possible to see it firsthand.
Not to be cruel, but to strengthen resolve and galvanize public opinion.
no, I have to disagree with you here.
I can’t see POTUS calling people to DC only to anger them about election fraud–we see it–he has been exposing it. His rally on the 4th in Georgia might be a venue for that but not the DC rally…
we’ll see who’s right…but I can’t see POTUS doing that.
Are you assuming he already knows exactly what will happen, with so many people involved, most of whom are not under his direct control or even on his side?
I’m just saying hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
If you are prepared, psychologically, for the thing you don’t want to happen, then if it does happen, it is not a shock to the system, and it does not demoralize you in the way an unexpected crushing defeat often can.
Also, unless DJT can see the future, how can he know for certain how January 6th will go?
This is why contingency plans are necessary and made well in advance.
In other words, if this happens, then we execute plan ‘A’, and if that happens, then we execute plan ‘B’.
Both plans lead to the same ultimate objective (victory), they just take different routes.
Plans ‘C’ thru ‘G’ or more better exist too, constantly branching into new ‘Plan A, B, C, D, E, etc.” based on decisions made by parties who are not under your control.
A super-computer, or a quantum computer, starting with the end objective, and then working backwards, with continuously updated data as decisions are made and events transpire which affect the plan, a sort of iterative process, would be very helpful to diagram a dynamic and flexible broad overall plan from start to finish.
I am certain both sides are doing this, because why wouldn’t they?
You would have to expect your enemy to do so, which means if you are not also utilizing the best available technology, then you would be at a huge disadvantage.
So both sides would be using it.
A battle of the quantum computers, with living beings carrying out actions in real time based on probabilities of success and anticipated outcomes, the result of which in turn creates new data to be fed into the computer for analysis and calculation of the best possible ‘next move’.
It would be fascinating to work in the data center, both to know the reality of the incoming data, and to see the AI generated suggested responses regarding how best to proceed in order to reach the desired objective
I’m suggesting in NO universe would POTUS endanger Americans.
Scott, I have to disagree somewhat here.
It is taking every resource I have, quite literally, to be able to make it to DC. I am going all in. And so many problems have arisen I still may not make it. I’m not complaining. But this has been a real struggle.
I can’t imagine how I will feel if January 6 I am standing in DC and Joe Biden is declared President elect by the Congress. But I can tell you that devastated is not a strong enough word. Not nearly strong enough. I don’t think devastated people make good witnesses.
But they make an excellent mob, and I don’t think that Trump is calling for a mob- I suspect it will be more like a massive mosh pit if all goes well.
“Scott, I have to disagree somewhat here.”
That is always good. Like proof-reading, it is very difficult to test your own work, which is why testing it in the ‘marketplace of ideas’ is so valuable.
“It is taking every resource I have, quite literally, to be able to make it to DC. I am going all in. And so many problems have arisen I still may not make it. I’m not complaining. But this has been a real struggle.”
I understand that this is not an easy thing, especially for those who are far away from D.C., and I’m sure the President understands that too.
And if it becomes too much, for health reasons, or financially, or other reasons, that’s okay, there is no reason to feel bad if it turns out that you are unable to make it.
“I can’t imagine how I will feel if January 6 I am standing in DC and Joe Biden is declared President elect by the Congress. But I can tell you that devastated is not a strong enough word. Not nearly strong enough. I don’t think devastated people make good witnesses.”
This is exactly why I’m glad we’re talking about it.
Will you not be far stronger, and resilient, and undeterred, if you have already thought through the possibilities and prepared yourself, mentally, for the outcome you do not want?
To hope for the best, but brace yourself for the worst?
And to comfort yourself knowing that even if the thing you don’t want happens, DJT anticipated it and was prepared for either outcome, and the victory is still assured?
Imagine yourself, right there at Capitol Hill, with hundreds of thousands of people, maybe a million or more people. And you and everyone around you are hopeful and optimistic, but also, knowing that Trump is going to win no matter what happens, daring the criminals in Congress to do the wrong thing, instead of giving them control over your hopes.
If the criminal Congress does the wrong thing, that knowledge will sweep through the crowd in a flash.
Will everyone be devastated, broken, mentally defeated?
Or will people smile the smile of a predator awaiting his chance to strike, laughing at the brazen yet naked would-be emperors, who have finally shown their hand for all to see, and have chosen to stand with the enemies of our Republic against We the People?
Knowing that they have sealed their own doom in the process…
Knowing that they had their chance, that Trump and We the People gave them every opportunity to do the right thing — and they made their choice, to stand with the enemy against America.
And now they are going to pay…
Contrast that frame of mind, that mental outlook, with one that leaves us vulnerable, even to the extent that “devastated is not a strong enough word“.
You have the freedom to choose either one.
Which one is better for your well being?
Which one empowers you, and puts you in a position of control, and which one leaves you vulnerable to the actions of others which are beyond your control?
I hope that you have an amazing time, and that things go as we hope they will, to the extent that we even know how to hope they will turn out.
Is it better for Pence to accept one slate of electors and deny the other in the contested fraud states, or is it better for Pence to reject both slates, in which case (apparently) DJT wins 232 to 222?
Is Pence going to do as instructed, or is he a mole who will be activated at this precise moment in history when he can (attempt to) make a difference?
Is it even desirable that Trump wins at all in this manner, as opposed to having the true enormity of his actual vote tally revealed to the public?
There are so many variables (many more than just the few outlined above) in play that it is not possible to have any degree of certainty about the outcome of January 6th.
But we can be sure that Trump and his team have anticipated all of the possible outcomes, and are prepared to continue toward victory, regardless of what happens on January 6th.
So how much better is it to be prepared with the knowledge and understanding, that even if things don’t go as we hope on January 6th, victory is still assured?
If things go in a way that seems good, so much the better.
But if they do not, we are not devastated or in a frame of mind that ‘all is lost’.
Because we know, and are sure, that all is not lost, that victory is only pushed back another 2 weeks, at most.
So I do not mean to discourage you in any way.
Quite the opposite!
What I hope is that everyone who is able to attend, does so with a mental preparation and understanding that if things do not go as hoped, that this is not our last stand.
Far from it!
We shall be victorious, no matter what happens on January 6th
I like this 1000X!
Thank you Scott, for the pep talk. It is hard sometimes for me to see past a perceived “deadline” and realize that such things are sometimes (usually) imaginary. And January 6 IS an imaginary deadline, isn’t it?
I do think it will be hard if things don’t go well on the 6th, just because so many of us (me included) have put hopes into it. But you are correct, Trump will not have put all of his eggs in one basket, no matter who that basket is. I hope most Americans will understand that and not give up if things take longer than we thought.
Thank you for your kind response to my comment. Your belief in our ultimate victory has never wavered. You are a rock!
“I like this 1000X!
Thank you Scott, for the pep talk.”
You are most welcome
“It is hard sometimes for me to see past a perceived “deadline” and realize that such things are sometimes (usually) imaginary.”
For me too, they ‘got me’ several times in a row, until I recognized the pattern and understood why there was a good reason for that pattern to continue.
That doesn’t necessarily mean I will be ‘right’ the next time, but considering that the enemy’s objective is always to demoralize us, it is very useful to anticipate Lucy yanking the football away at the last moment, rather than to be surprised by it over (and over) again.
If you anticipate it, the ‘demoralization’ effect is neutralized — especially when you know your team wins in the end
Imagine that your team is in the Super Bowl, but you can’t watch it, so you record it, and you do everything you can to avoid finding out who won.
But then you overhear someone talking about the incredible finish and your team won in the last seconds of the game.
So now you go home to watch the game. On the one hand, it’s not as exciting as it would have been if you didn’t already know who won.
On the other hand, when the other team is up by 6 points and intercepts the ball with 30 seconds to play, your HEART doesn’t sink through the FLOOR either… because you already know that somehow, your team pulled off the win.
So the excitement is in seeing how they did it, not whether they did it
This is like that. We know Trump is going to win, we’re just not exactly sure how yet. He has many options, and he is a notorious showman, so I’m expecting it to be pretty exciting
“And January 6 IS an imaginary deadline, isn’t it?”
I think so, in the sense that no matter what happens on January 6th, it’s not over till it’s over, and it’s not over until January 20th.
Even if Biden is declared President-elect on January 6th, Trump still holds ‘declass’ over the entire proceedings, like a giant Sword of Damocles.
And the inscription on the blade reads:
~ Fraudis vitiates omnia ~
Fraud Vitiates Everything
~ Fraudis vitiates omnia ~ © ® ™
After Trump wins, I’m makin’ T-shirts, key-chains, head bands, belts, socks, boxer shorts, jackets, handbags, flags, posters, you name it…
Fraudis vitiates omnia, baby!
Fraud vitiates everything!
I REALLY like your football game analogy!
I am going to work very hard to ensure they don’t “get me” again.
“I do think it will be hard if things don’t go well on the 6th, just because so many of us (me included) have put hopes into it.”
What if Donald J. Trump needs to ‘lose’ on January 6th, in order to win on January 20th?
I’m not saying he does need to lose on January 6th, it’s just a hypothetical.
But what if he does need to lose that battle, in order to win the entire war?
What if that is part of the plan?
It changes the whole perspective, doesn’t it?
In that case, would it be any less exciting, or any less worth seeing, to witness this historic event, if you knew Biden had to ‘win’ on January 6th, in order to seal his fate and give Trump and America total victory on January 20th?
You see what I mean?
When you know your team wins in the end, is there any reason to be upset, if the other team is ahead by 6 points and intercepts the ball with 30 seconds to play?
The important thing isn’t that the opponent intercepted the ball.
The important thing is that you’re about to see the greatest comeback in history, and the ending wouldn’t be that great, if the interception hadn’t happened
What if this is like that?
“Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” – Donald J. Trump
Very true!
“But you are correct, Trump will not have put all of his eggs in one basket, no matter who that basket is. I hope most Americans will understand that and not give up if things take longer than we thought.”
And we can help spread the word, to prevent MAGA Trump supporters from being demoralized, by reminding them constantly that Trump still has ‘declass’, and ‘declass’ proves fraud, and fraud vitiates everything!
I don’t know what the plan is… but…
If the plan is for Biden to be declared president-elect on January 6th, then I suspect Q will have something to say about this very soon.
I might suggest that Q point out that turning the government over to [JB], a known asset of the Chinese Communist Party, would be an act of High Treason.
And obviously President Trump is no traitor.
That would help calm the nerves of the American People, because the people who read and follow the Q posts would spread that word far and wide.
And then Q might remind everyone that ‘declass’ is the ultimate Trump card, in every sense of the word.
Now it makes sense why ‘declass’ didn’t happen this past summer, or last year.
If DJT had played the ‘declass’ card then, the Cabal and MSM would have had all this time to minimize it, pick it apart, twist it, negate it and memory-hole it.
But by saving it for the last play — of the final hand — he preserved all the power of ‘declass’.
And he will now focus the attention of the entire world on it, when that attention is needed most… for total victory
“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is.” – Donald J. Trump
DJT must be having the time of his life, right now.
I hope Trump is having the time of his life! He is my President, and I will not accept any other.
I think you have something with the declas.
Biden was in the shit up to his eyeballs, and I have seen that Camel-Uh was included as a player in the China dealings, so they are both screwed.
“Thank you for your kind response to my comment.”
“Your belief in our ultimate victory has never wavered.
You are a rock!”
I’m actually about 60% water… or so they say…
But I do rock
That’s what people (the majority of those who will be on the street on 1/6) have BEEN doing, for the past 4 years.
POTUS would not set these people up to be betrayed so they can “spread the word”. That’s what the rallies did.
Agreed. Beyond agreed. I literally cannot imagine what would occur on the streets of DC when upwards of a million people – who have been tried to their personal breaking point for a year, and witnessed a rolling coup since 2016 – are betrayed by Mike Pence. That can’t be the plan.
“POTUS would not set these people up to be betrayed so they can “spread the word”.”
“Agreed. Beyond agreed. I literally cannot imagine what would occur on the streets of DC when upwards of a million people – who have been tried to their personal breaking point for a year, and witnessed a rolling coup since 2016 – are betrayed by Mike Pence. That can’t be the plan.”
And that’s the danger.
If you can’t imagine it, then it is a blind spot the size of all your hopes and dreams.
And you are charging into battle with your blind spot facing forward.
This seems not good
There is a theme emerging, that people are prepared to blame President Trump if things don’t go as they hope, because they can’t imagine that he would do such a thing as letting them down.
This is a very fluid and dynamic situation we are in, and potentially very dangerous, considering the fate of the Republic is at stake, which I think many people still haven’t actually grasped.
We’re not being asked to attend a taping of the Howdy Doody show, with a pat on the head and a lollipop for being a good boy or girl.
This isn’t a victory celebration, or a rally in any traditional sense.
This is a war, and in this war, this is an opportunity for We the People to make our presence known and felt.
That is important, for us, for posterity, for the Republic, in countless ways.
But we cannot be so naive as to think that our presence will sway a single vote in the criminal Congress.
These are not rubes who are wavering or vacillating between two choices. These are professionals, killers, nearly all of whom have a gun (literal or metaphorical) to their heads, and while they can’t be sure what the American People will do, they have no doubt whatsoever what their overlords will do to them, if they don’t obey.
This is not a game.
I mean it is, and we often talk about it in that context, but it is also very real, with real life and death consequences on the table.
And our feelings, our hopes, are not relevant to the decisions being made by the criminals.
Understand that, and we will not be caught off-guard or demoralized when they do what they always do.
Our victory is certain.
What is being determined on January 6th is the severity of the enemy’s punishment.
I don’t believe they are capable of choosing wisely, I think they’re too far gone.
I am certainly willing to be pleasantly surprised.
But I’m sure not counting on it
So much that I agree with.
I don’t think our presence matters to the enemy, they don’t give a rat’s behind apart from salivating over making us pay.
I have no doubt that POTUS has the next 4 years. So . . .
He has a plan(s), if Pence caves.
Pence fired Flynn, and maybe that was planned. But he brought in Fauci, and that was just grabbing the government hack. Not sure about Pence – nobody seems to be.
When you say this is war – that’s my concern. Are the masses of people going to be provided some actual protection – a show of strength that’s actually allowed to do the job and protect? Supporters have been sitting ducks too many times in dem cities. This cannot happen 1/6.
I don’t know what it is you’re trying to say. Everyone knows it isn’t a game, and that it’s the fork in the road for this nation. Certainly everyone that’s in DC knows that.
Direction is needed from POTUS.
“When you say this is war – that’s my concern. Are the masses of people going to be provided some actual protection – a show of strength that’s actually allowed to do the job and protect? Supporters have been sitting ducks too many times in dem cities. This cannot happen 1/6.”
I think supporters will be very safe on January 6th, they may be the safest people anywhere in the country.
Any BLM or panti-fa who dared to show up would be outnumbered a thousand to one. If they start anything, or attempt to intimidate anyone at all, they will be swarmed (citizens arrest), hog-tied and left for police to pick up after the event is over.
If they’re lucky.
There are not anywhere near enough police to control a crowd of million people, or even half that many, so the Trump Crowd will be their own protection, the biggest and baddest gang in the city.
No one is going to confront a crowd that size.
“I don’t know what it is you’re trying to say. Everyone knows it isn’t a game, and that it’s the fork in the road for this nation. Certainly everyone that’s in DC knows that.”
I’m just saying that the ‘game’ does not officially end until January 20th, so I will be surprised if it is ended early on January 6th.
That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, it just means I don’t expect it.
Whether it’s China virus, Flynn/Sullivan, impeachment, the election, the election aftermath, every so-called ‘deadline’ has been passed.
January 6th is another apparent ‘deadline’, so why wouldn’t this one be passed also?
Apparently the only deadline that is actually a deadline is January 20th (and I’m even beginning to doubt that )… all the others are merely potential deadlines, but based on prior experience, not really deadlines at all.
So January 6th approaches. What are the two most likely outcomes?
1) Trump is declared president-elect
2) Biden is declared president-elect
If Trump is declared president-elect, there will be great celebration by We the People, but everything that was depending on a Biden victory (political-class, MSM, Hollywierd, Snowflake Nation, Wall Street, CoC, Cabal) are going to go haywire.
Because they absolutely believe Biden is going to be the next President, so to have that entire worldview flipped on its head by Pence is going to be hilarious comeuppance.
But it also leaves them with two full weeks to use the MSM to drum-beat an illegitimacy narrative and to mount some kind of giant FF which they certainly have planned for as a last resort, a type of ‘suicide mission’, i.e., if they can’t win, nobody will.
The amount of chaos the Left and Cabal could create in those two weeks is off the charts.
It’s like scoring a touchdown to take the lead with 5 minutes still left on the clock, and the other team now gets the ball and has all of their time-outs.
Rather than score early and leave the other team 5 minutes to make a comeback, it would be better for the good guys to run out the clock, and score on the final play of the game.
So for these reasons, and to continue lulling the enemy into a false sense of assurance, it would make sense (from Trump’s perspective) for Pence to allow Biden to prevail on January 6th.
And that’s if Pence is a white hat.
If Pence is a black hat, it would also make sense that Biden prevails on January 6th.
Offense always wants the ball, and if Biden prevails on January 6th, to continue the football analogy, they control the ball, they go on offense.
So there are two good reasons, one for each side, for Biden to prevail on January 6th.
I’m not saying that’s going to happen, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m just gaming out the possibilities as I see them, and why.
If Trump is declared president-elect on January 6th, I expect him to move very quickly and forcefully to prevent Team Cabal from wrecking the country between then and the 20th.
And I’m sure DJT has plans in place to do just that.
If Biden prevails on January 6th, I expect a full-court press from the MSM, talking endlessly that Pence had ‘plenary power’ as President of the Senate, that the Constitution declares his ‘ruling’ is FINAL, blah, blah, blah…
Meanwhile, the CRIME will finally be COMPLETE.
Remember, until or unless Biden is declared president-elect (by someone who counts, i.e., not the MSM), it’s like a bank robbery in progress.
It’s not until the robbers exit the bank with the money that the crime is complete.
So there are many good reasons for Trump to allow Biden to be declared president-elect, including strategic and legal reasons.
And it would set the table for Trump to hold a nationally televised address, at the time of his choosing (likely around January 19th), declassifying everything, and announcing the immediate arrests of ALL coup participants.
But what about the Constitution? What about Pence’s ‘plenary power’, his decision is final, yada, yada, yada?
Just remember you heard it here first (you didn’t really hear it here first, but it’s fun to say it just the same ):
“FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”— United States Supreme Court* “Vitiates” in a legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates
“Fraud vitiates everything. That enduring opinion was the crux of the landmark decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the above referenced case of the United States versus Throckmorton.”
“The U.S. Supreme Court has set a loud and clear precedent ruling that “fraud vitiates everything”.
The President’s attorneys and all involved law firms need to be acutely aware of this SCOTUS decision that was handed down in the landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 1878); and which emphatically stated that “fraud vitiates everything”.
So… we win!
So by all coup participants, you mean everybody from 2017 forward (the rolling coup). Not solely the election fraudsters.
Without a full stop, with complete declassification and mass arrests I don’t see how we move forward. It will just be 4 more years of the same mess from the left, coupled with the constant drumbeat of Trump stole the election.
The whole filthy story has got to be presented to the citizenry, not by media. Address the nation every night for 90 minutes, for a week straight. With a carefully chosen team.
Then a full stop / reset with covid.
I am just rambling, from stress and anger.
Just one closing thought. Fraud vitiates everything – does that mean California will be looked at? Races that were very close in any state?
“So by all coup participants, you mean everybody from 2017 forward (the rolling coup). Not solely the election fraudsters.”
None of the enemy can be left on the battlefield to continue hostile activities.
Everybody goes down at once.
Hussein, Clinton, Soros, Gates, Fauxi & Brix, all the money people, all the lawfare people, all the strategists, all the active participants, hundreds of MSM, all the ideologues and ‘big picture’ people, everybody.
Members of ‘allied’ intelligence services who participated in the Treason will be demanded to be handed over, and considering the leverage the United States has, they will be handed over.
I expect governments to fall all around the world as the global ‘Dominion’ voting fraud is challenged everywhere it was used, all just waiting on Trump to set the example.
“Without a full stop, with complete declassification and mass arrests I don’t see how we move forward. It will just be 4 more years of the same mess from the left, coupled with the constant drumbeat of Trump stole the election.”
Which is exactly why it must be a ‘full stop’, a decapitation of the enemy.
There is no single individual or even small group of official leaders who could negotiate a surrender, so they all have to be neutralized individually, and the best way to do that is (practically) simultaneously.
That way you don’t give them an opportunity to regroup or counterstrike.
With the exception of China, Iran and several other 3rd rate has-been nations, we’re not dealing with nation-states, we’re dealing with hyper-wealthy psychopaths, and they won’t be a problem when they are in custody and their assets seized.
China will be isolated economically and left to economic implosion, which may be prevented by popular uprising by the Chinese People to overthrow the brutal Xi Jin-ping CCP dictatorship.
They will be far too busy trying to maintain control of their own country and saving their own lives to engage in a kinetic war with the United States (and the rest of the world), and if they do try anything so foolish, they will lose.
Once the world sees that Trump is re-elected, the crackpot nations (Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.) involved in this Act of War against our country will be dealt with too. Hopefully in a way that does not punish the people of these nations, but eliminates the Communist tyrants who ruthlessly run them.
“The whole filthy story has got to be presented to the citizenry, not by media. Address the nation every night for 90 minutes, for a week straight. With a carefully chosen team.”
I hope and expect something very much like that.
Truth is the way out of this mess. The whole truth, out in the open, for the whole world to see.
The MSM, as we know it, should no longer exist. They were (currently still are) not any kind of ‘free press’, they are clearly an arm of the CCP / Cabal engaged in outright psychological warfare against the civilian population and played a critical role in the attempt to overthrow the Republic.
Lots of MSM heads should be separated from their shoulders for High Treason.
Broadcast licenses revoked, corporations disbanded, assets seized, board members, presidents, CEO’s imprisoned.
It’s a global Mafia.
When you take it down, you take it ALL down.
Or you never even engage the fight.
We’re certainly in the fight
So it all has to come down.
“Then a full stop / reset with covid.”
Yes, the whole Covid BS psy-op would be exposed and summarily ended, and with the exposure of the people behind it being the same people behind the 4+ year Coup and the election fraud, the People (of the entire WORLD!) will eagerly turn on the monsters who have done this to us… to the whole WORLD.
They will not be able to walk the streets… any streets, anywhere in the world.
The safest place the enemy will have to be is either in federal custody, or six feet underground.
“I am just rambling, from stress and anger. Just one closing thought. Fraud vitiates everything – does that mean California will be looked at? Races that were very close in any state?”
It means that to me!
Why wouldn’t Trump do that? There won’t be anyone to oppose him, at that point, anyone standing up for the Great Treason will be arrested for complicity IN the Great Treason.
Everything gets examined and overturned.
The will of the People to set things right and eradicate the corruption will be overwhelming, once they feel safe that the coast is clear and they can speak out without being hectored by the CCP embeds and PC police.
Freedom is going to be great.
I’ve read a lot about it… I have never actually experienced it myself… but I’m very much looking forward to it
All this brings to mind that one statement from the 2016 campaign: Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people . . . our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
So how do the Dominion goons and the Ruby Freemans get what is coming to them. Their sorry, corrupt asses need to be rounded up at the same time. Every once in awhile some little blurb passes by that she has flipped, but I don’t buy it. These people are arrogant, and will remain so.
Thanks Scott for you time and insight.
I think DJT is going to get them all…
2) Go to JAIL…
DO NOT FORGET THE ENVELOPE 2nd Lady Pence received @ the Bush Funeral. That maybe the LEASH POTUS HAS ON PENCE.
That is what I was getting at
wheatie, you kinda outdid yourself today…maybe it’s just me: I love BIG explosions…and the Very slow motion? The perfect antidote.
The sprout-growing mask kinda topped it all off.
Yup. Nothin’ like some Jean-Claude VAN-DAMMAGE!
You’re very welcome, Piper.
I’m so glad you like it!
Great Jordan Sather video. He thinks that the Nashville op feels like a big TIME WASTER with only days to low weeks left to fix this ELECTION FRAUD.
Tends to agree. Whatever happened in the bombing were not going to get the truth to because FIB is investigating.
Bar some court turn around or the President taking some sort of military action, which he should, he should just steal the election right back from them and tell them to pound sand. But lets get him some cover to do that.
Jan 6 is the next logical chance for a rightful airing of the fraud. Given the make up of House, it’s lost a lot of dems but you still end up with a dem majority. Given the make up of the Senate we’ve lost seats there and RINO’s will spoil it for us.
That said though this is still the place where we can move the ball forward. All eyes will be on 6 Jan because this event will crown Biden king. If this gets held up everyone and their mom is going to be paying attention.
So what happens on 6 Jan. The states submit their electoral votes to be counted. If there is an objection by a house member and a Senator member the objection automatically sparks a 2 hour hearing in both the Senate and House where five minutes are granted for any one wishing to address the objection. Then it goes to a vote.
This doesn’t look too promising on the outset however if the Republicans are smart they will make a full series of objections and do them in a proper order. One against each fraud state covering multiple aspects of the election fraud preferably beginning with pre- election, election itself and post election. One fraud state should see as many as 10 or more objections.
The key is each objection gets two hours of debate. If the objections are coordinated properly they can tell the fraud story from start to finish. Since there are multiple fraud states they can tell this story multiple times as they go through these 2 hour debates for each state.
None of this can be stopped as it is what is called for in para 15 of the code. Pence should make sure it happens. Tell the story properly to the American People and then when the President takes action, which we all agree he will likely do, it will give him cover as it will be made plain that fraud at a massive scale, by multiple methods, took place.
The more objections the better. Objections that key in on certain types of fraud. Tell it properly from start to finish covering all forms of fraud, to include the voting machines and foreign involvement and then people should demand action. Courts might be forced to go back and re-listen to evidence and or demand audits or allow search of previous evidence not allowed to be looked for earlier. The fraud will no longer be hidden by the media as they will be forced to cover this. This should take days, not hours, maybe weeks.
para15 of [USC02] 3 USC Ch 1 is in this link.;jsessionid=F8901BC6C2C6D239293FF3A484C439ED?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title3-chapter1&saved=%7CZ3JhbnVsZWlkOlVTQy1wcmVsaW0tdGl0bGUzLXNlY3Rpb245%7C%7C%7C0%7Cfalse%7Cprelim&edition=prelim
sounds logical…and I appreciate your breaking it down so well.
but…things rarely go as planned in war.
Objections that focus in on the massive fraud, laid out from start to finish…that is a brilliant plan…
if they are all coordinated properly.
let us pray in earnest that it actually goes according to plan.
As I see it happening…….
Either Trump emerges Victorious by whatever means.
Or, Look for the Rapture and/or the AntiChrist to show his face.
totally agree…except : not quite time for the A-C yet…but it’s gettin there…certain things have yet to unfold before that arrives on the scene…but I’ll betcha it’s already lurking somewhere….waiting…waiting…
Every generation going back to year 1 has been convinced that it was the end.
does seem that way…
but these days we can actually begin to see , first-hand, how certain prophetic aspects of The Last Days are starting to align, take shape and play out.
He wants us to “eagerly await” His return…we do not know the day or the hour…but we are told to WATCH and prepare…and BE READY…
we are also warned to not become complacent or to assume He will continue to “tarry” just because we’ve been waiting and anticipating for such a long time.
1000 years to Him is like a day.
Bwahahahah. Me too
Were they in a Russian hotel?
Where’s Mueller? Somebody call Mueller…
I’m wondering about the drunk rats….
A man is out fishin’ at a favorite spot, sitting on a log in amongst the reeds. He feels a bit of twitching against his leg, looks down, and sees a large water moccasin with a frog in its mouth. He freezes. He looks at the snake. The snake looks at him. It’s not going to bite him with the frog in its mouth, but it seems to be waiting for something.
So, he reaches down and takes the frog, then pulls out his hip flask and pours into the snake’s upturned mouth. He sees the snake swallow, then slither away.
He pops the frog onto a hook and does a cast, and in just a couple of minutes he has landed one of the biggest bass he has ever seen. He’s amazed at his good fortune and starts packing stuff away, when he feels a twitch against his leg.
Then looks down and sees the snake with TWO frogs in its mouth.
Love these Bible stories!
I think it’s one of e-Sot’s fables.
You mean bibit (as in “to drink.”)
Imbible Stories! LOL!
Or maybe Imbibable!
“It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.”
“What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?”
“You ask a glass of water.”
–Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
That is why none of this makes sense.
Keep asking myself when will give us back control , or do we need to turn them off and take contol..
Demorats are controling transmission yet too many are following like sheep who are hypnotized by Democratic fear tactic
Kind of sad that the “youf” of today don’t have the “pleasure” of seeing those various patterns and problems on a Tube TV set (in black and white, no less), or going to Thrifty (or wherever) to test the tubes in said set (having proberly labeled them beforehand “you DID label them, right?”…..
Horizontal Hold, Vertical Hold, Horizonal Output Tube, Flyback Transformer, terms lost now to the dust of history. And that’s no yoke
Just leaving this here
Shared from my 94 year old Auntie’s FB page
Not to mention demons everywhere…in plain sight…
Think Wolfie said it – “This is so Bizarre” Yet what is Norm any more??? When was the last time that America was normal…
“When was the last time that America was normal…”
For me it was probably around 1974, but that’s mostly because I was young enough not to know any better or different.
For people who were older, I’m sure 1974 was anything but normal
If I had to guess, I would guess that America hasn’t been ‘normal’ since around late 1963 to the present.
A liberal friend of mine who is finally waking up a little, mostly due to the voter fraud, asked me the other day who I thought was the last “legitimately elected” President.
I told her Kennedy. Her jaw dropped a mile, just like when I say that to anybody else.
Everyone says “but Reagan!?”
I truly believe the C_A allowed Reagan in and used him to “end” the Cold War. They also used him for shenanigans in South America. He was a great President, don’t get me wrong, but he was allowed in and used, all the same.
They probably made him take BushieBoy in order to let him in…
And the assassination attempt was a warning, to keep him in line.
Same thing happened to Schäuble over here. Seems like the deep state was saying to him, “next time, we won’t miss”… Schäuble changed after that, a lot…
They very much used Reagan to COMPLETELY DESTROY American owned businesses. Calling it ‘Capitalism’ they used LEVERAGED (aka bank loans using the target company as collateral) BUYOUTS to transfer the wealth built up in American Companies TO the elite.
I worked for a company with ZERO DEBT! The B@$tards BANKRUPTED THAT COMPANY with their d@mn hostile takeover attempts. When that did not work the President died suddenly of a heart attack in his office. The new president gave in and the company was taken over, dismantled and destroyed.
At one time this company ranked #194 in FORTUNE 500’s list of America’s largest corporations. Now it no longer exists except as a despised brand name.
I think that America has not been “Normal” since at least the “War between the states”. But for me, I was awakened on 9-11-01. That clusterfuck showed me that “America” is not as I thought it was.
seems like I opened up a Pandora’s box — as the saying goes.
I’m keep thinking back to the 60s when so much innocence was lost for so many.Seeing the assassination of JFK on TV still haunts many. Haunts me even more because I saw him on his way to the Rice Hotel to give a speech. Little did Americans know in 63 that there would be more prominent Assassinations that decade! Always felt that was the decade the innocence of America was lost, but now really so much more. Could not understand why Texans where blaming one of their own esteemed men LBJ for the assassination,
Take it the right way, but damn wish I was that innocent crazy kid, thinking that the horrors of WWII and Hitler were over and could never happen in America.
Keeping this short cause it is just too hard emotionally right now.
In my heart and soul, along with all the knowledge I have now
I do believe that it all started shortly before the 50s, or maybe even during WWII. Gut is now telling me that the evils we thought were Hitler were not destroyed but covered for a while until they felt safe Part of me even thinks that Soros is the one behind continuing the Hitler horrors and wanting the continuation of them in the guise of NWO,
Grannie out for now..
Certainly had to be before 11/22/63…nothing normal after that.
Perhaps it was all an illusion after all. The birth of the C_A was the death of normalcy and Operation Paperclip was the Deep State’s Fond embrace of totalitarianism.
Perhaps in the Eisenhower years…they were the “innocent” years for most.
And to think that so many people, and the (CIA)media painted him as a dull, clueless golf-loving duffer in a perpetual state of grey.
Seems they missed his speech on the Military-Industrial Complex, and the dangers of the Academia-Political (technocracy) alliance…
From :
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
In a technocracy the citizens don’t really have a put option—they are stuck with bad policy ideas, like it or not, since those in charge are not elected. Technocrats therefore have a strong incentive to keep on implementing policy ideas, even if they are bad policy ideas since their authority and legitimacy depends on them being viewed as the experts, and the rules allow them to ignore popular pressure to deliver better outcomes. In this case, the put option cannot be exercised and the bad ideas persist.
That led to an interesting essay here (skeptic of the green raw deal, but not conservative, unfortunatly, nonetheless revealing)…
I remember those years. They were anything but gray. God, Country, Community until the Committee for Economic Development decided to destroy American communities.
This article is well sourced with 38 references (over ten pages of the article)
boy, you got that right.
even everyday people…folks…out and about seem to be unusually awful lately.
got an alert on my phone that 911 was still down in a neighboring county. 30 min ago or so … maybe 45. anyway, I jumped up thinking it might be a tornado warning from our weather radio. sure, that doesn’t make much sense but middle of the night alarm I wasn’t thinking about time of year/weather conditions etc.
how much sense does it make to send out an alarm in the middle of the night for that? wake us all up to tell us no 911?
and how idiotic is it to have a system to vulnerable, so dependent on 1 location? No 911 almost 3 full days later?!
Well we had tornado warnings a few days a go. So yeah, it is possible this time of year.
When we lived in RTP, warmer weather and knew they were more common. Didn’t realize that about here. Thanks! Good think we keep the radio on for tornados all year long as I wasn’t even paying attention at this point in the year.
Weather’s been unsettled this past week. You’re in TN right? Seems like a middle of the night alarm is very possible.
Tennessee is also known for a characteristic that stands out in annual tornado counts: its freakishly high percentage of nighttime tornadoes.
Two dozen tornadoes ripped through Middle Tennessee on Jan. 30, 2013 — all between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. — causing many injuries and substantial damage.
Well, even More glad we have a weather radio as shows how much I am not a weather expert. But the weather forecast is all sunny and and very cold so still not figuring on it being tornado weather right now.
Aggrivated that they woke us up in the night to tell us that 911 is still out. If they wanted to alert that it was back on or it had just gone out, I would understand that. But to wake us up to say that nothing had chanced at 1 something in the morning…ugh!
And to top it off, I don’t even live in that county! Its in my region yes, but I don’t live in that county and have a nashville based cell phone. Who all did they send that too in the middle of the night?
they are from the gov and here to help …
Being awoken in the night during these tumultuous times made me think of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride.
Leads to another theory on Nashville then. A warning to the President that if he tries to use the EBS then they will shut it down and won’t be particular to as what time of day.
The Gray Curtain Descends, Part 1
article link…
It was strange, she thought, to obtain news by means of nothing but denials, as if existence had ceased, facts had vanished,and only the frantic negatives uttered by officials and columnists gave any clue to the reality they were denying. ~ Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, 1957
the close contest between which “officially approved” story is more plausible : coronavirus as the scourge of humanity vs America’s free and fair election..
the former enabled the latter.
an opinion piece.
Part 2, next week.
personal info re Anthony Quinn Walker..
oops…I keep saying Walker…
my bad.
Anthony Quinn Warner
As in… this episode is a WARN er
Brent Cates has a thread that is worth reading.
So some are bailing out on the January 6 trip to DC because PDJT signed the Omnibus Bill with legal provisions and requirements?
MUST-READ – Sylvia Avery’s timely reminder about Gideon’s pared-down army –
From We Are the News (QResearch)
Anon/halfchan opine re: Impoundment of Control Act of 1974 – (We) Are The News
BRAVO – eilert – !
POTUS Red lining: What do any of these have to do with the virus? – (We) Are The News
I swear I remember Boehner or Ryan promising an end to earmarks, so this crap wouldn’t happen anymore.
I think I need a cognitive dissonance test.
REMINDER: Gov’t Shutdown at 12:01AM Tuesday December 29,2020 if Congress fails – (We) Are The News
Thanks for bringing this over.
Anyone have an opinion on whether this is accurate re: the govt shutting down at 12.01?
Well, to start with, this is talking about the govt not having funding on 12/29.
Continuing…..these shenanigans expose everyone in DC as being liars. The simplistic method in the Constitution (which, BTW, assumes that the Federal Gov’t is no big deal) is that funding is done under budget rules by the legislature.
I don’t know if I can remember the last time the Feds had a budget.
In the meantime, “essential functions” have some sort of passport to money that completely bypasses partisan struggles.
To put a nice gloss on this, the legislature is fond of saying that the administration is absolutely forbidden to spend money in ways that previous money allocations allowed, even if there’s money left in the previous allocation.
We’ll see this sort of chaos until someone gets stomped.
The last time there was a budget was before 2010.
Bush’s last year in office I think…
It’s finally raining here. It was supposed to blow in around 2:00 pm yesterday…..and it’s 2:15 am now.
I should also note that I heard it while grabbing a beer from the garage, but when I looked out onto the patio it was wet but nothing was splashing. We joke about how the north and south side of the house have microclimates….
I don’t know why, but this post reminds me of a William Carlos Williams poem. Really have to make another cup of tea now.
Which one? Perhaps:
“so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Exactly. Although I think your reference to beer significantly improves it.
Dan Scavino posted this last night on FB:
The poster, ‘EQ’, corrected herself on the timestamp in a subsequent tweet:
“Replying to @EOnstott
I got too excited. Didn’t add the three hours. Posted at 22:10 EST.”
That would make it 10:10 PM EST.
Interesting clip…a downburst of rain that looks like an enormous bucket has been overturned.
I hope it means we will see something Major happening this week!
I recognized this clip because it has been circulating for awhile…and I think I may have even posted it here, just because it’s awesome.
MAGA Trump vs the UniParty
11 solid points…plus Comments
A MUST READ reminder that echoes SD’s positions from years back, although we now know that JEB! was never meant to win in 2016. “Not another Bush” would have come into play getting Hillary elected in 2016.
Except…along came the TEA Party movement, which I am now wondering if it wasn’t part of the larger “PLAN” from the white hats given how it started with a demonstration on a “news” program that reminded Americans of the roots of the Revolution.
We were Taxed Enough Already. It was time to revolt again. The American people understood and responded with a fog of war sort of election in 2010 that allowed the white hats to insert a few people who are now working in the open.
What is interesting, is that a few years later, around the 2012 election, there was a site out of Washington titled DC Insider. The guy who did it was an Irishman who interviewed insiders and posted the interviews. One insider was a Democrat operative who talked about the day that 2 million Americans showed up in Washington to protest higher tax rates. He said that demonstration scared the $#!+ out of EVERYONE in Washington. Both sides of the establishment.
All of a sudden they realized that the people really were awakening, and they tried to put us back to sleep.
Then along came Trump, and I’m believing it was right there in the white hat script all along.
February 19, 2009
Luv Rick Santelli.
“Delingpole: German Economist Says ‘Great Reset Will Cause a Crash Worse than 1930s’ ”
No doubt it would, and is designed to do exactly that, and it may happen in Europe no matter what happens here.
But it would only happen here if Biden is the next president.
And that’s not happening.
With Trump as President, the Cabal’s ‘great reset’ is D.O.A.
Well, before I gave up I counted 50 of those little critters.
What no one seems to have noticed, they’re all carrying the same kind of stick.
50 sticks EXACTLY the same, come on, what’s the chances ?
Truth of the matter is there’s probably less than a dozen of them.
Circling round behind the camera, and going round again.
Fake news
Radio Host Release Recordings Of Man Claiming To Be DOD Official With Sworn Affidavits Where He Allegedly Admits Plane Offloaded Illegal Ballots In AZ | Red State Nation
There is supposedly video too as few pictures of the airplane surfaced recently:
[video src="" /]
Kayleigh is praising Ron DeSantis! We have the Best Governor – right Flep?
BTW – Rebekah Jones is a multiple arrest, multiple felon who was FIRED for cause by the FL Dept of Health. She even lied saying she designed the FL Covid page – but she was merely a data entry person trying to push the nefarious leftist agenda – so she was fired.
330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus – CDC says Number Who Died “From” Coronavirus Is Much Less, Around 6 Percent
now Gates has gotten the go ahead to blot out our sun…this man needs to be stopped
However, while you may have been paying attention to his efforts on vaccination and lockdowns, you may not have noticed that one of Gates’ most controversial causes just got a go-ahead: A project that would help block out the sun.
According to Reuters, a Harvard University project plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun’s rays.
The project represents one of the most controversial aspects of what’s known as “geoengineering” — the idea that, to tackle issues like climate change, massive aspects of our ecosystem can be played with or changed. In this case, it would involve reflecting some of the sun’s rays to stop them from reaching Earth.
“Open-air research into spraying tiny, sun-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, to offset global warming, has been stalled for years by controversies – including that it could discourage needed cuts in greenhouse gas emissions,” Reuters reported.
Bill Gates has a bad case of megalomania.
more money than brains
He’s also a Globalist Ghoul who should be hanged for his crimes against humanity.
Yep, that would be perfect going into a triple header Ice age….might be enough to make it permanent…
this man has the worst god complex I’ve ever heard of!
he’s more like the spirit of darkness …
…who loathes The Light.
so true!!!
I think y’all are being overly kind. Just sayin’.
And now we’re going to see the movie “Highlander 2” in motion? Really?
never saw it…
GEE, And just in time to boot the coming Landscheidt minimum into a FULL BLOWN ICE ACE What a deal!
For those who may want it, here is a ‘brief?’ look at the data gathered that refuting ‘Gore Bull Schiff Warming’ aka the ‘Green House’ and showing we are on the brink of either the ‘Ice House’ or the ‘Mad House’ (Bumping along between to interglacial peaks of a ‘double precession-cycle’ interglacial.) Geologically the ‘Green House’ is NOT on the table.
Dr. Robert Brown (physicist) of Duke (comments at WUTT) looks at the climate from the view point of Chaos Theroy and suggests:
In another comment he goes further.
Historic, looking at the Holocene From ChiefIO: Of Time and Temperatures a look at bond and 1/2 bond events through history.
A look at temperature through the Holocene: 8.2 Kiloyear Event and You
D.O. Ride My See-Saw, Mr. Bond
That is the look at the problem from the human history perspective.
Geologist William McClenney looked at it from the perspective of geology in a series of posts at WUWT. His posts are gathered together HERE:
The End Holocene?
He used multiple papers from geologists such as this:
” The operative quotation being found in the landmark paper by Lisiecki and Raymo (“A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records”, Paleoceanography, Vol. 20, PA1003, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071, 2005) being:”
Note the Loutre and Berger model looked at orbital mechanics and model results (They played around with computers instead of getting off their butts.) While Lisieki and Raymo took an exhaustive look at 57 globally distributed deep Ocean Drilling Project (and other) cores In other words they looked at real data not models.
Dr Evans, Jo Nova’s Hubby looks at it from the point of view of the sun’s variability.
𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗰𝗵-𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟳
The theory was initially introduced to the world in a series of blog posts on Joanne’s blog in 2014:
From Jo’s blog:
(For what it is worth, we have not seen the hot summers here in NC that we saw a decade ago. (Sustained 95F -100+F thru the summer.)
Dr Evans’ links to the Jo Nova blog posts and his papers are here:
Thanks, Gail…you’re amazing!
And yeah, we’ve had milder summers here in OK too, for the last few years.
Some where in my extensive reading I came across a geologist who said it was NOT cold winters that caused glaciation, it was COOL SUMMERS! Actually you need relatively ‘warm’ winters to get the massive snow fall needed because really cold air contains little moisture.
My understanding is the wavy ( the Meridional Jet Streams we are now seeing) suck warm MOIST tropical air up north. At the boundary with the cold polar air you have MASSIVE dumps of snow. Then during the cool summers there is too much snow to completely melt. (See figure one)
The authors of several papers simply state that most glaciers likely didn’t exist 6,000 years ago, and the highest period of glacial growth has been in the past 600 years. This is hardly surprising with ~9% less (~120 kW/m² less) solar energy. Also the Holocene Highstand (highest sea levels) was 5,000 to 6,000 years ago.
During Ice Age glaciation glaciers form in two main areas, the eastern half of the USA and the western half of Eurasia. (Scotland and Scandinavia) So what happened there?
From my 10 pages of notes for winters 2013 – 2015
In Norway they were forced to remove excessive snow from ski slopes – “During the last two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together,” says Vegar Sårheim. “I had never believed we would experience this.”
Almost 300 “snow patches” remained in the Highland mountains in 2014
Glacier-like hazards found on Ben Nevis in 2014
Better description:
August 27, 2015 — Massive Increase in Scottish Snow Patches
See Figure two:
And last is Tony Heller’s sarcastic Shocking Polar Vortex From 20,000 Years Ago
See last two figures.
Figure one:
Figure two
20,000 years ago, Kentucky had glaciers while much of Alaska was ice free.
Look familiar?
Reminder the version from Q:
Hmmm…is the before he became President? Don Jr looks to be with his ex
That looks like Ivanna, his mother, standing beside him.
And yeah, I think this is before PJDT became President.
I vaguely recall Dee being neutral at best in regards to PDJTs Presidency….could be wrong on that
If Dee is the ex-wife, i remember her saying she couldn’t face the constant scrutiny and limelight of all of it. Perfectly understandable, IMO. And although finances wouldn’t be a problem, I seem to recall she was also wealthy. Except for once or twice (Easter egg roll at WH), I do not remember seeing her at any events so she got her desires…especially since Kimberly came into the picture.
“Dee” is the name of the singer, Teagan.
Dee Snider, of the group Twisted Sister.
Sorry…through the conversation was about Trump, Jr! Geez…I messed up on that one.
Don’s oldest daughter is older than that now, she’s younger in this video. So agreed, it looks like before PJDT became president.
This was shown on Newsmax recently:
Verse of the Day for Monday, December 28, 2020
“Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.”
Psalms 27:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Morning Duchess!
hope you have a quiet, peaceful, Blessed day!
Morning, Pat!!! Is it Spring yet? Sure feels like it!!! I see grass!!!
God Bless Your Day with peace and love – Hugs!!!
get out!
we had another inch or so last night…lol
HUGS back to you dear!!!
Awww…I think it is just temporary – wind is kicking up – which means a change is coming!!!
Received and Appreciated!!!
Oh, Wheatie!!! * Still laughing * – FECUND SPROUT MASKS – Hahahaha!!!
I’ll just leave this right here …
may I “borrow” it?
Sure, why not? I did…
A meme isn’t a meme until it’s stolen … kek!
(I wish the Anon who devised it had proofed it [two “can”s])
Who’s murdering all the COVID scientists?.
Doctors, scientists and other medical experts involved with research into the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are mysteriously turning up dead all around the world in what appears to be a mass culling of people who know too much truth about the plandemic.
A comment of interest from the Natural News article:
hris • 7 hours ago • edited
The Paper:
SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
PDF of full paper HERE.
While I continue to believe there is a strong possibility that Nashville was a distraction, I do have to throw this crumb into the bread mix….
Yesterday we flew from Houston to DC. Below is a pic of what normal ATC routing (SANS BAD WEATHER) for this flight looks like. It is the most direct (time + fuel efficient). Note how one flies to Memphis, then from Memphis it is a straight line to DC….that passes directly over… Nashville (see red arrows). How about that? No biggie. This is the route we FILED (ie. requested) to fly.
However, our flight plan was amended and we were RE-ROUTED by ATC. This is the route we actually flew (yellow line below) . Note how the route AVOIDS Nashville by directing us over Birmingham, AL, then turn NE towards DC, keeping us 100 NM to the SW of Nashville.
Now, ATC routes aren’t set in stone. You can ask for shortcuts when they give you a re-route like this and avoiding bad weather isn’t a factor. Which, of course, we did because there was no bad weather to avoid. As did dozens of other flights with similar routings (going in either direction). The answer?
“Unable due to frequency outages near Nashville.”
Which is a lie, because ATC facilities were most definitely NOT affected by the explosion in Nashville. And you can take that fact to the bank. For whatever reason, they were limiting commercial air traffic over Nashville yesterday, and they were lying as to why.
forgive me if this is a dumb question, cuz I really don’t know…would aircraft flying over Nashville be able to see a “crater” or whatever of the bombed area? something someone definitely doesn’t want anyone to see yet?
I doubt it. It was (is) something else. But it wasn’t bad weather, that is certain.
>> “For whatever reason” <<
Perhaps to prevent any aerial (top-down) photos / videos of the roofs, et al.
Psyched to see you still posting, FG&C!
Thank you.
I honestly don’t think that’s it.
The TFR over the area only goes to 3,000 feet above ground level…which is nothing.
Obviously, the “they” here is the FAA, but who is in control of them these days?
I find such ugliness disturbing.
I do too, Dora
chaotic stress + anxiety.
nothing natural
nothing growing
polluted “air”
Author of the original article is a Malthusian misanthrope from the Grauniad, not the most accurate exposition or analysis of science. I think that freeway complex is in China (have seen similar “hyperpasses” there) if it exists at all…
Green Propaganda methinks…
I’m waiting for the day we start building bases on the Moon, and the green freaks start wailing about how we are destroying the Moon’s environment.
Yep. And then the Red Chinese will start complaining about the Lunar Warming occurring on the dark side (how apropos) and claiming as a “developing land” they should be entitled to “benefits”…
The main point of the vax, IMO, is to cull the “herd” (US!!!)
A couple anon posts in re the “vaccine” …
“To protect their fertility, men who want to have children in the future may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to covid-19 vaccination.
A reply:
“So not only do these vaccines sterilise women, it sterilises men too?
“Should we be surprised by the population control communists? 50%+ falls in western countries predicted by 2025 ( but the Chinese population drops by a fraction of that..
“They have the population to repopulate the western counties with their own people..”
More replies:
“May also sterilize offspring, tho not retroactively.”
“That’s an assumption.
No one actually knows for sure, it is unknown, which of course means that regardless of outcome injecting this into billions of people is insane.
And that article even says they are doing a study. It’s not a finished study.”
I said this before…it’s a brilliant plan–even if it does not affect men’s fertility. by claiming that it MIGHT–men will save their sperm (and they can’t just pop it into their own freezer now can they?) no, they have to store it someplace. and guess who will (likely) have access to that stored sperm? think they can only sterilize you one way? they can inject something into that sperm while you think it’s safely stored, they’re changing the DNA in it…or they can just force a power outage–climate changes, dontcha know? and all the frozen sperm goes sour…
I know it’s tinfoil hat stuff…but I won’t ever trust these people again.
>> “it’s tinfoil hat stuff” <<
The main point of “game theory” is to figure out the possible consequences of one decision or the other. One needn’t decide first … but instead one should decide LAST.
The consequences of trusting the Big Medical establishment (comped), or of trusting the Big Gov’t establishment (also comped), are so dire, and so permanent, that one is forced, by logic, to DISTRUST them.
Also, of course, one should use the lining of empty Dorito’s bags, instead of tinfoil. It’s an undeniable FACT (hehehe …).
LOL…okay now you made me hungry for doritos and it’s only 9:30 in the morning…LOL
Bill Gates is a Wanker.
Sorry for the comment attached to the Tweet.
Didn’t notice.
why be sorry.
the fucking shoe fits the fucking piece of shit.
how’s that ?
Why does he look so much older than he is?
Probably missed his baby’s-blood injection…
Mike Pence holds the Trump Card.
Read Attorney J. DeMaio’s open Letter to the U.S. Vice President urging him to use the Trump Card:
HeydonMusicPage/BREAKING NEWS/”It’s Time to Stand Up for Freedom” 12.28.20
Perhaps this info is merely a small part of the reasons that PTrump seems confident of a favorable outcome. Certainly, this release and the info itself was known and anticipated by PTrump.
The press conference was three days ago and we are just hearing about it now. Will the “normies” ever hear about it?
>> “Will the “normies” ever hear about it?” <<
Not likely, IMO.
They’re too reliant on being spoon-fed their info / news – like accepting passively their Gerber strained peas, as babies do, from the corporate-media propaganda, and then regurgitating it for their echo-chamber comrades.
I think the “4-6% lost” estimate is woefully short …
If there were one single thing that I suspect the Cue-team have underestimated, it is this.
“4-6% lost” is the die-hard COMMUNISTS who actually KNOW what is happening and hope to be part of the new elite.
It is the Socialist-lite and asleep Sheeple that will be SHOCKED awake.
The ‘Q Army’ are the group who are ‘recruited’ to help explain reality to the shocked awake sheeple. We were never meant to be 95% of the nation.
The video itself is older, and perhaps mention of it was talked about recently. There are several comments with links showing that the video is older.
Holy Mother of God.
Apparently the U.S. Treasury Department AND DemCommunist Senators tried to sanction the information from coming out but Ukraine said NYET and held the press conference.
Apparently the Biden family had the money coming to it from the oil and gas deals (that would be via Hunter Biden, right?) through everything up to and including LAUNDROMATS.
Apparently “the highest levels” of the U.S. government was involved.
The Ukraine government wants ALL of the money back in order to give it back to the people of Ukraine.
Bets are now open as to POTUS knew in advance that this press conference was going to take place — and also knew ALL of the pertinent information that the Ukraine government has. Add this to the trap he sprang on Congress regarding the massive cleanup that he’s forcing them to get done —- today — regarding the garbagepork bill.
Uh…… “God” has no “mother”.
He ALWAYS was, IS and will Always be.
Agreed. That’s an old Irish phrase in my birth family.
I think it refers to the mother of Jesus. AKA the mother of God made man.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
And then there’s the one that references a sidecar.
OMG, I need that one. I’ve only got the bicycle!
Oh my.
Theological disputes do not serve us at this moment.
My comment was not a “theological dispute”.
Have you really never heard Holy Mother of God, as an exclamation? It’s completely harmless.
I have heard it….
and I STILL don’t like it for it is FALSE
I also do not like it when someone “exclaims”:
“Jesus Christ” as a reply. These “exclamations” are anything but “Harmless”.
Jesus Christ has a rude, coarse feel, whereas Good Lord is harmless. Guess we disagree.
This is not a theological forum.
Do you not see Dutchess’ Daily religios scroll? Or Doras Tradical Catholic posts? Or Carls Mid week musings and Sancuary Sunday articles? There are MANY Q Treepers that post “Theological” comments.
Don’t bring up “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” It’s just not a place you want to go even during the Christmas season.
Am I on some kind of choke chain here? What’s the deal? The boss is giggling about the sidecar, and you’re on my case. Whatever it is I’m about over it. Capisce?
I’ve been on enough online forums in the last 19 years where breaching the pro-TEST-ant tenets is akin to beating your head on a wall to know to not go there.
I’m not even considering this in “whose team are you on” terms. It’s just coarse and ugly vs. innocuous to me, as I said to rayzor. End of the story.
Certainly came across that way…it’s a “saying”!
It’s actually from the Ave Maria, or the Hail Mary.
You have no clue.
You get it. All sides are right here (in some sense or way), while Satan withdraws and chuckles at the conflict.
Rayzorback’s POV is to always state his true belief on religious items no matter the inconveniences of the moment, or the potential to provoke conflict. This is a necessary virtue signal [to God] for many Christians. Know this, accept it, let it wash off, and Satan is disarmed, plus we walk away enlightened by all sides.
That’s my approach. May not work for everybody, but worth a try, IMO.
I personally find these conflicts enlightening, but I think we’re close to the limit of light before heat, so I tolerate but don’t encourage. DP gets this, too. She bites her tongue routinely, which I find admirable.
How people prioritize ideas to understand God will vary – thus a natural part of our finite human understandings – but allowing God’s infinite patience in the back door can put out any fire, IMO.
And just to keep the peace, many of us don’t correct the record when we see our beliefs and theological Dogma trashed in this space. Just like in this case where I had to stop myself from correcting someone using SCRIPTURE. Cause, see, “Mother of God” is actually, Holy Mary Mother of God, and comes straight out of one of the oldest Christian prayers in existence.
I find a particular question very useful in creating harmony on the topic of Mary. “To whom does one entrust Christ?” Many choose not to focus on that, but I find it helpful to remind myself that this is a choice.
Exactly, to an extent. See the first chapter of the Gospel According to St. Luke for a full explanation.
Really, I’m finding that it is taught like some other things at the knee during childhood and getting through that barrier is like red-pilling Americans on 9-11. There’s a cognitive dissonance that just will not be breached. It’s best to wait until the curious come asking.
Actually, there is a book compiled from the various approved apparitions to the mystics about the Blessed Mother. She AND St. Joseph were chosen to be the earthly parents by the Almighty, but that is not explicitly spelled out in Scripture. There’s a lot that was not included in the Gospels at Mary’s request as she did not want her son’s message to be distorted. Hence, why her last words are at the Wedding at Cana.
Put 100 sincere, devout Christians of good will in a room and you will get 100 different understandings of Christianity. I think we are all best served to not attempt to force our understanding of the faith on each other.
Yes, and the best word in English to use to describe this is “unfortunate.” No, no one should “force” an explanation as an adult, at the same time, many of us know our theology, and almost all heresies were dealt with before the Canon of the Bible was closed. By a Catholic bishop.
It’s an older video.
I thought it looked familiar. It’s good it’s being noticed again though.
Pat: This Bud’s for You!!!
There’s a point to this.
Yep. Crazy. And that Über-Karen was wearing one of these with a MASK UNDERNEATH!!!
Those who sought to dumb-down America (Dewey, Mann, etc.) and the rest of the world must be laughing in their (fiery) graves, or laughing on the way to the bank…
And the Nazi “you’re doing it for your fellow man/woman/small furry animal”??? Since when were people so altruistic? Any hint of Christian Charity was killed off by Satan Soros, &Øblowhole, and the Klintoons and their Coven long ago. Totally perverting acts of charity by making them forced acts for the state…
>> “Totally perverting acts of charity by making them forced acts for the state…” <<
Indeed, Cuppa.
Charity, by definition, is VOLUNTARY.
But REQUIRING one to sacrifice oneself, for others, is … COMMUNISM.
It’s the virtue-signaling, yet virtue-bereft, crowd, who falls for this canard.
One must take care of oneself, FIRST, in order to be able to take care of others. I consider this to be a central tenet of American individualism, of the American ethos.
>> “HOW CAN […]” <<
To protect ones specious “Muh self-identity”.
I use the prefix “self-” here because that’s all their identity is – their self-identity. Others see a quite different identity.
Just like the “elite” are only “self-elite”, because the only yardstick they use is the one where they excel.
I wish PDJT would use this clarification in one of his rallies! WE know the difference between wrong and right … and THIS is why they AREN’T superior. Again, they’re SELF-superior, according only to their subjective belief.
They’re absolutely OBLIVIOUS to there being a greater yardstick … they believe their judgments are “objective”, yet these opinions are the EPITOME of subjectivity.
IMO, they’re insane.
Immediately disqualifying for those who wish to be leading our entire SPECIES.
At this point, I care not why they believe this of themselves – that’s THEIR PROBLEM.
And we’ve got ours, in realizing that promoting “dialogue” is wasted effort, for now.
Let’s win FIRST … and then AFTER that, I’m happy to engage in “dialogue”.
Timing is key!
“…One must take care of oneself, FIRST, in order to be able to take care of others. I consider this to be a central tenet of American individualism, of the American ethos….”
That is so very true and so is the perversion of the word charity.
Love your neighbor AS you love yourself…
Love the one you can see so that you can love God whom you can’t see…
For some reason this reminds me of the oxygen mask on planes, get it on yourself first Then assist others needing help
thank you!!
did you see them all shrinking away from a HEALTHY person like she was the plague…smh…
It’s like this episode of the Twilight Zone.
Eeeeeewwww – I think I saw that one – as a child – this series was repeated.
That episode always terrified me. There’s a lot of interesting messages in it though.
The creep reciting….a single approach, a single entity of people, a single virtue, a single morality, a single philosophy of government…
Yes!!! Same thing happened to me at the Beauty Salon – one had her face so covered all I could see was her curly hair and eyes – she backed off like I had the plague – wanted to say ‘BOO’ but refrained myself – my hairdresser said the ‘young’ are so frightened they cannot function – told her about my experience with the nail technician – that girl has a ‘compromised immune system’ – so I told her to build it back up – she was distressed because she had ‘mono’ – told her – so did I in college – and I am still kicking – Good Grief – these people are so brainwashed and SKEERT!!!
I have a friend ( liberal, masker) who goes to a hair dresser who insists on her customers wearing a mask while in the chair and carefully pulls one side just enough away, THEN TAPES IT TO HER FACE!, to be able to cut that area and then pulls it back in place.
Who is more brainwashed…the hair dresser OR the customer that meekly allows it?
I haven’t been in almost a year. Our guy…he lost his wife 2-3 years ago, and is paranoid about all sorts of things. Type II diabetic, which is not a surprise given he’s over 6′ tall and eats like crap.
Anyway, my sister tells tales….
And my ends are so split, I may start cutting them myself.
You need a cut, just for your mental perk at least.
I need about five inches taken off. The weight is hanging out the natural curls.
That’s the one nice thing about having long hair and no bangs (grew them out in 1985-86). Putting it up is always an option.
After i had my son my thick hair was gone. Ive got fine hair and had to start taking 10k mcg of biotin daily. I also had to cut it to shoulder length.
If you get desperate maybe someone can just chop 3 inches straight across down your back. Wont be the best cut but itll get the splits off.
Go ahead and cut it yourself or have a friend trim it for you. Or look and see if there is a free lance black market hair stylist available.
My hair is long and I have been trimming it myself for years. I wear it in braids so slightly uneven lengths do not matter.
my hairdresser was not a believer in masks till they told her her son tested positive. (history: every year since I’ve been going there, her son develops strep throat) Son thought it was strep again, went to school nurse, nope it’s covid. he’s quarantined. mom dons mask and tends to him. he gets better in a matter of days–NOT EVEN TAKING A TLYENOL OR ANYTHING. mom never gets covid–therefore MASKS WORK! (it can’t be that he never HAD covid–mind you–it’s that masks work.)
therefore from now on, everyone required to wear masks…
Well i dont want to be mean to hairdressers, but most, not all, arent academically inclined to put it nicely.
Not really – they are doing what they must do to work and support their families just like everyone else – my hairdresser is older – and lets me drop the mask and breathe – no one pays attention to what we are doing – we both do it – and just ignore the others.
It must be a CA thing. My current one is pretty informed but far too many are just in for the party after work and oblivious.
Did you hear the one about the elephants in the park?
Man strolling through the park, comes upon a young boy tearing up sheets of paper and scattering them about.
Man asks him why he’s doing that.
Boy says, to keep the elephants out of the park.
Man says, but there are no elephants around here.
Boy says, it works good huh.
Tom Lehrer seems to have done much the same, only for pigeons
Here’s one that ended up in Cameron Macintosh’s “Tomfoolery”.
Some may remember Lehrer as the composer for “That Was The Week That Was”… and “Sociology” to the tune of “Choreography” from “White Christmas”… lotsa good tunes and great lyrics…
A favorite of Hubby & his mom. I hear lots of Lehrer songs.
this is his favorite (He sings it.)
Yep. That’s a great one. And, at the end, Havaaad and Discavaaad
He also has the Derivative song and a few others on his recent DVD and on his YouTube Channel…
An alternate version, where you see actual samples of most of the elements. The ones that you can’t practically see samples of (e.g., anything past amercium, and a few before it) he’s a bit more fanciful with (pictures of what they are named after, a bit of ore that might hold one atom of the element in question, etc).
Love it!
I’m reminded of an old Vincent Price zombie movie where he is the only one who escaped zombification. At the end of the movie when they are closing in on him he’s screaming to them that he is the only normal one and they are all freaks.
I can relate.
This video also showed up at, and right below it is the one from OT – the restaurant owner’s talk. You click the headline and it brings you to the CTH link . . . and the little description says :
swampy site but vid is good.
Just came back from my local 711. For security reasons, before I can enter the store I have to take off my hood (it’s cold!); for covid reasons, before I can enter the store I have to put on my mask.
It wasn’t that long ago…that if you put on a mask and entered a 711, the clerk would call the cops.
We’re in bizarro world now.
Family gathering at Xmas smoking weed. Who woulda thunk the gathering would be the illegal part
Let’s not forget the totally acceptable practice of holding a (temperature) gun to someone’s head. The world has gone effing mad.
More about POTUS signing the COVID Omnibus bill:
Incoming 3.0…
FYI Budget Update
-President Trump just invoked the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 while signing the COVID bill, allowing him to redline areas that must be addressed.
-This sends it back to Congress forcing them to 1) repeal 230, 2) cut out the wasteful spending, 3) add $2k.
-This is a virtually unknown law and has taken Congress by surprise.
-It also signals his intent to invoke *other* laws in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned.
-PER FOX: The Senate will start the process that increases checks to $2k, repeals Section 230, starts an investigation into voter fraud, per President Trump’s redlines under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (which Nixon signed).
-RINOs & Ds are furious.
• • •
RINOs & Ds are furious…
so are WE!!!
tell them to get in line!!!!!!!!!!!
DH just said “Good!”
The Act itself doesn’t force Congress to change the bill in the way he wants. Other factors may, but not the Act itself.
Cunning potus
Uh, yeah, no.
No one likes her, no one.
She’s a super-spreader.
Of both communism, and – you know – the THING.
‘Dougs’, typo- should be ‘Drugs’.
Well, she haz skillz.
Isn’t it the willie browns that really got things going for her?
Max Radio Ep 001: The Role of the Vice President in Counting Electoral Votes 12/23/20
Max Radio Ep 002: The Role of the Vice President in Counting Electoral Votes Part 2 — Beyond Jan 6th
Should we all wear red on Jan 6?
More to add to the puzzle.
Something weird is definitely going on.
Some of the more ardent Nashville conspiracy posters should, perhaps, consider:
a. Doubling up on your Thorium
b. Starting your posts with “Once upon a time”
c. Stopping playing with Schrödinger’s cat
d. Starting to work for a milliner
e. Apologizing to Dan Brown
f. More than one, but not all of the above
g. All of the above
LOL – So many great ideas for a satirical look at 2020 – Book in the offing, Carl?
Given the totality of everything I’ve seen in the last 3-4 days, I’m now leaning toward the RV being a black hat operation that was thwarted by the white hats with a projectile from above, and allowing a white hat data transfer of information that was due to be destroyed in a multi-location destruction event of evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. IOW, the explosion was used as cover for another operation.
There’s too many things going on to discount any and/or all contingencies.
Those switch stations don’t store data.
That those not in the IC know of. There could be another storage facility near there. We just don’t know.
The surface is just that. What’s under it?
POTUS hasn’t tweeted about this and air space was closed over Nashville…the narrative is not anywhere close to the truth on this one.
Can’t hide data centers. Power requirements are too high. Been to plenty. They hide who is running them, and within the facility there are very secure areas that are not accessible to those that do not operate those servers. And security can be Fort Knox level. But those old AT&T switch buildings don’t handle much. They were designed for large amounts of old technology that was replaced with equipment that takes up 10% of the space.
Found on Citizen Free Press:
This one is in Michigan.
Seen this? Twatter is deleting this video each time it’s posted.
Oh, and she’s in Nashville.
Nashville sure is in the news lately.
Another keeper …
This is a thread on Alec Baldwins wife “Hilaria”, who isnt Soanish, is actually white, is also Hillary, and apparently a fraud. Super wierd to be this way too.
Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) Tweeted: I’m just catching up on this stuff but my hot take is… so she’s like every other basic white girl from the rich Boston suburbs whose parents are professors, who has zero experience with real life. Got it. Knew way too many of them during my BU days.
Umm…actual Spaniards, from Spain, are white. Where is she supposed to be from?
Shes from Massachusetts. I understand that. I used to work with someone from Spain. Hilaria is faking. No accent, not from Spain, theres an interview with her mother who is white, American. Etc.
if i’m reading this and the replies correctly, she’s a white girl (possible spanish descent somewhere) from the whitest part of Boston. her parents were professors and yet she acts very Latino…speaking, etc…and yet there are videos of her speaking without the accent and her heavy handed attempts to identify as “spanish”, are making people angry. they are conflating her Rachel Doleeze or whatever her name was…
Thats how I read it also.
According to one Wiki site she was born on Majorca which is owned by Spain, and she does have a southern Spain look to her. My family was from the north, and we’re more Celt looking. Well, some of us. I mean, my great great grandparents on one side had the same coloring this woman does.
It looks like her dad may be of Anglo descent and mom not. I does look like she grew up upper middle class anyway. According to other reports she did spend time with family in Spain.
Why this is an issue I don’t get.
cultural appropriation done by a hypocritical hollyweird person
Some people have too much time on their hands.
the right is attacking the left–partly because they’re frauds and partly because she’s married to alec baldwin who repeatedly jabs at POTUS
I dont either. I think its a public persona thing. Pretending to be jenny from the block doesnt sit well with many people.
They need to get over themselves, IMO.
This woman’s mother is Spanish. If she’s like my mom, after speaking to the relatives in Spanish or the family parlance, it takes a while to get out of it. Same thing after being in south for some of us.
more sauce…from Hillary herself
Hilaria Baldwin, meanwhile, has a CAA speaker page and IMDb bio that both say she was born in Mallorca, Spain. She’s appeared on the cover of Hola! magazine, based out of Madrid, where she was identified as Spanish. She also told the podcast “Motherhood, Marriage & Miscarriages” in April that she didn’t move to the U.S. until she was 19 to attend New York University: “I came for school and I never, ever left.”
On Sunday, she admitted that her name is Hillary and she was born in Boston.
“I spent some of my childhood in Boston, some of my childhood in Spain, my family, my brother, my parents, my nephew, everybody is over there in Spain now, I’m here,” she said on Instagram. “When I was growing up, in this country I would use the name Hillary, and in Spain I would use Hilaria and my family, my parents, call me Hilaria.”
Hilaria added that she grew up speaking both English and Spanish, and is trying to raise her children to be bilingual. She said she’ll “enunciate” for work as a social media influencer and TV personality, but will sometimes mix the two languages when speaking especially when nervous or upset: “It’s not something I’m playing at … I want that to be very, very clear.”
“Yes I am a white girl, my family is white,” she said. “Europe has a lot of white people in them. Ethnically I am a mix of many, many things.”
she lied, got caught.
Ah, the old days – when AOC was Sandy from the block.
And now she’s trying to be Eva Peron! LOL
“Why this is an issue I don’t get.”
I think it’s a byproduct of the ‘white guilt’ thing.
The Left has totally bought into the white guilt thing.
To them…it’s not okay to be white.
You must be ashamed of it and do penance.
So how do they live with it?
Well…there are exemptions.
Marrying someone who is ‘ethnic’, that’s one way.
“Hey, I’m not a bigot, I am married to a _________.”
Another way is to reach back into your ancestry and embrace some small percentage of ethnicity.
“Hey, I’m not a white Anglo, I’m Spanish.”
I’m thinking that this is what is going on here.
Wonder why the outrage doesn’t extend over to Baldwin…he’s the one married to her
I just read the quote…somebody is letting a grudge from college out on the internet.
Not worth the bandwidth.
Pretty words, but he came from a family of corrupt grifters.
>> “a family of corrupt grifters” <<
Yes, AH. The patriarch (Ol’ Joe) was certainly a criminal (bootlegger, and more).
IMO, it’s our lot to discern truth – even when said by a liar.
To paint every act, by a sinner (aren’t we all…), as being evil, is a fallacy of logic.
To be sure, sometimes those “fallacies” aren’t quite 100% applicable (no guarantees, and all) … but IMO one must judge the truth by the text (what he said, as quoted above) AND by the context.
Remember the aphorism “One mustn’t judge a book by its cover.”?
I find it better to believe that one mustn’t judge a book ONLY by its cover. The cover is part of the book.
I believe that RFK spoke the truth here – whatever his background, and whatever backgrounds those around him had, evil or no.
Same as JFK, btw.
Neither of them lived long enough to prove themselves out.
So my county “voted” and went for Biden. We are and always have been conservative.
Well I found out that the Sheriff’s department has always transferred the ballots on election night to the main county office. We are a huge county, the size of new jersey.
For the first time EVER, the Sheriff’s dept DID NOT transfer the ballots this year. No one knows why and no one knows who did.
My county DID NOT vote for biden.
doesn’t there need to be a chain of custody for ballots?
Yes. And they violated it for some excuse…local paper is lefty so no one asked.
Allow me to point out that the mere act of dropping a ballot into a mailbox breaks the chain of custody.
As far as I’m concerned, failure to do signature checks on those ballots renders them void.
Can’t that information be uncovered? Certainly is “interesting”, isn’t it?
I think so. No one seems to be challenging it.
Rupali Chadha, M.D.Stethoscope
The rate of hospital employees declining the new vaccines is higher than expected.
5:54 PM · Dec 26, 2020
Emerald Robinson Latin cross
There’s no asymptomatic spread of COVID, according to researchers at the University of Florida.
10:09 PM · Dec 27, 2020
Isnt that special?
Ethal Merman (@MermanEthal) Tweeted:
Selective Covid strikes again!
Um yeah…this one gets the full side-eye.
Oh yeah.
Yeah….and why is this special?
If he had special information, prove it.
This isn’t a defense of Hitlery…’s a stand against gullibility and believing ANYTHING that fits a preferred narrative.
This place is turning into a spam depot.
Its not spam and its not up to me personally to prove if he did or did not have information. He shared a cell with epstein, a major figure in crime for over a decade. Now this guy is dead just like many people associated with her highness in one way or another. Its notable for that alone.
Also, in the midst of this horrible covid ‘pandemic’ how many of us know of someone who actually died of covid19? Yeah, I thought so.
So a lot of people are testing positive on purpose to get out of work, being Christmas. Some places are paying employees even if they “feel” sick. While so many others have nithing.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 13,580 people in the 45 to 54 age bracket died of Covid.
COVID-19 Deaths by Age
Updated December 16, 2020
45 to 54 are born 1966 to 1975 or Gen X (1965 -1980) by Brookings or 2/3 * 19.9% of the population or 13% of 331 million or 44 million people.
So only 13,580 out of 44,000,000 people died… AND that is taking it those Covid cases are real.
Is that the Real H or a double?
Here is another take on this by Annon on this:
Thank you! Now I understand the concept.
I have been reading here long enough to know that this imagery is satanic. More than the fact of foreign influence. What the heck is going on in our state and fed gov?!
I wouldn’t worry too much about this Mom. The article starts with ‘A well placed source’
The imagery is distrubing. That is what got my attention. Ugh!
The implication is that Pakistan is Satanic, with their flag placed between the horns of Baphomet. Considering that “Allah” is completely anti-Christian, it would follow that Pakistan (and other Moslem-controlled/majority nations) are satanic as well.
Agree with Holley, though – unnamed sources are rarely reliable…
Though what happened with the Awans…..
Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI (
Was interrupting air traffic on the red line list?
In the replies:
CyberTrump 2077 PagerBattery
Replying to
Also today at work (airport) we’ve been receiving alerts for potential delays for nearly every flight but they first started popping up for DCA
12:23 PM · Dec 28, 2020
Maybe a lot of military flights?
I’m getting ready to work another flight to DC (again) and there are no delays (at present, anyway).
I really wish people would start being a little skeptical with so much disinformation flying around out there (no pun intended).
The question is answered. Is this for real. The answer is no.
Thank you.
2020 at the end of the line
Yep…twitter has been full of videos of dancing healthcare workers, doing ‘dance-offs’ in the empty hallways of hospitals.
There were a lot of them last Spring.
And now they are doing them again…even moreso.
Old gameshow reference here –
“The password is “Cringe” …”
Hospitals are nearly empty so their capacity is significantly diminished w/ staff cut-backs…
We drove by the local hospital twice yesterday & parking lots looked like partial staffing & minimal patients/visitors…
We took our son to emergency yesterday (since that’s the only way to get care right now as everything’s shut after 8PM) and the hospital was practically deserted. (He’s OK, just needed a check on a possible infection… wonder how much the health insurance got billed… side note, Germany’s “guests”, the “Fluchtlinge” from the Middle East and Africa routinely go to emergency to get treated, and often push their way to the front [in front of us, the kuffir]- so many of the personnel on duty had German as a second or even third language – kind of wonder if speaking English to them would’ve worked better )…..
Thanks to Merde-Kuh’s and pretty-boy Drosten’s restrictions, everyone has to wear masks, and NO VISITORS or accompanying people are allowed (though my wife could go in because my son is practically deaf)(though the CI is working quite well, he needs one on the other side).
Parking lot empty (almost froze to death, I couldn’t go in), lobby empty, and ICUs, etc., all but empty. And what many media-mushified people don’t realize is that hospitals need their ICUs and beds filled, otherwise they lose money, and start firing or laying off people, which has happened here…
The KommieKoronaLie is destroying people and countries left and right. Time to make the elites and deep state start feeling sick….
I still wonder if it’s not (at least partially) to create a fire sale opportunity for Chi-Coms & other globalists to take over health care (& other industries) that they don’t wholly “own” yet. Thanks for the ground report–so tragic on many levels. Glad your son is doing OK!!!
I need to get my son to the peds cardiologist & have been hoping for the insanity to die down here in MI but probably after the 1st of the year, or potentially after the inauguration, we’ll make an appointment & just deal with whatever we have to to get him seen, he’s already about a half year late…
Well clearly, people are dying of covid19 so fast that there is just not enough time to get them to the hospitals.
Makes me think of Weird Al and his “Like A Surgeon” video, which is basically a beat-by-beat, note-for-note parody of Madonna’s “Like A Virgin” (and her idea, no less).
Here’s LSU’s Med School Class of 2014 doing it (or part of it):
Yes, because those hospitals are so desperately OVERCROWDED – with all those CASES and DEATHS that keep being referenced here. They’re all working doubles and make videos to stay awake. How little self-awareness must these people have not to realize that this was never appropriate.
I’m wondering whether the dancing doctor and nurse videos is their way of showing that the hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid patients?
I sure hope it’s something like that…
Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Issued on: December 27, 2020
Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
In accordance with section 6(a) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133; the “Act”), I hereby designate as emergency requirements all funding (including the rescission of funds) so designated by the Congress in the Act pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as outlined in the enclosed list of accounts.
The details of this action are set forth in the enclosed memorandum from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Trying to understand this rationale for signing, this looks fruitless even today. What else us there to this? I am reading all over at different sites people are not going on 1/6. Certainly intentionally trying to get people to give up but its also got truth.
Agreements to look into things are not actions. This looks very very weak, whether it is or not.
“Congress has 45 days to respond – if no legislation on his proposed cuts, then there is no change to the bill.
“Enhancing the President’s authority to rescind funds by requiring the Congress to vote on his proposed rescissions. Currently, the Congress can ignore the President’s request, which allows the funds to be spent.”
The bill already carried a large veto-proof majority by those in the House and Senate who loaded it up with special interest spending. It will likely not be changed. A veto-proof bill will not be modified by Congress.”
None of your quoted points mean anything… (My comment is not directed at you personally Gil, but to the others and to the situation of course)
This Congress EXPIRES on January 3rd.
Obama never followed an Omnibus Bill, which is what this one and previous ones have been. Excess funds to foreign countries and other pork CAN BE WITHHELD by POTUS. The Bill is NOT a Budget, but a dang WISH list.
And if Congress doesn’t act by 12:01 a.m. tonight, the government shuts down.
Brilliant move from Donald J. Trump… as always.
Da Boss is taking the helm and the Cabal won’t know left from right… not that it has ever mattered anyway… left and right all a smokescreen of course. And remember… give it at least 24 hours (48 is better) before you get your undies in a wad.
As what sage Anon has stated, if you don’t trust POTUS by now, you don’t trust POTUS… and if one thinks one is smarter than POTUS and he has made a dumb move, well, I’ve got a couple of bridges to sell ya!
There is SO much drama on the internet (and this forum is not immune)… proof enough that it is just a movie… enjoy the popcorn… clean your closet, take down the tree… and remember to pray…
God bless all of you here and beyond… much love and hugs to you. Remember to pray… often. It is my heartfelt belief that our consciousness, our WILL which we were created with, will determine the coming events. God has given us the freedom to choose, let us choose wisely and bravely.
Ok i have a question. On the technical withholding he is using, there is the word bugetary(i think) more than once. Cannot that be twisted easily to mean it must be done only to an actual budget? Not applicable to a porkulus?
I’m very analytical by nature… overso in fact. However, when it comes to our VSG, I just OBSERVE… watch his moves and try not to pay too much attention to the Cabal-controlled monkeys.
I simply accept that if POTUS made this play… it is important, whether as a BLOCK, or simply as a smokescreen for something else.
In short, I have discontinued trying to figure out what he’s doing… it’s way above my pay grade so to speak.
“it’s way above my pay grade so to speak.” Mine, too . . . and has been for quite some time . . . probably since the inauguration, since I lack both the information he has and the depth of his mental acuity.
I look very askance at any number of chuckleheads that think they’ve got PTrump all dialed in.
Not to mention he has some VERY GOOD lawyers he uses. Given POTUS often cites a law when he makes a controversial move, I think he knows what he is doing even if we do not.
Ah well i understand that. I have a “why” tic that wont let me quit on top of the analytical side. You have achieved something i havent yet.
well Sweet Girl, I have a few decades on you!
Lol…i know.
Growing up, there was a hall closet that my mother would fret about: “I’ve gotta clean that closet out, I’ve gotta clean that closet out…” My mother is long gone from this world and the house was torn down- the closet is long gone too. Only my memory of her dismay lingers on.
Whiny, crybaby pussies gonna whiny, crybaby pussy.
”He signed the bill so I’m not going!”
So impossibly pathetic. Like they know even 1/2 of what POTUS knows. And that’s just for starters.
Makes me sick.
It’s exactly this attitude that has gotten us where we are today. Peeps have been TOO complacent, have not even bothered to monitor what their gov’t is doing… instead have denigrated those who have been trying to wake them for decades as conspiracy theorists. Now that they are paying attention, they think they know best, know more than a man who has been watchful for decades and MADE A PLAN. Of course their Monday morning quarterbacking is right on… what could be wrong?
Andvtheres so many. They have completely given up based on this without thev24-48 hours needed.
The other side wants you to THINK other patriots have completely given up.
It is ALL part of the Commie Elites MIND F…K of American patriots.
Yep. Theres a real widespread give up patriots commentary across all the forums so a large % must be what you said.
“Whiny, crybaby pussies gonna whiny, crybaby pussy.” = CHYNA BOTS and Soros paid Dis-info Idiots.
Just like Faux News expect the undercover traitors to be deployed when they will do the most good.
What this means to me is that the Elite are really worried about that Jan 6th gathering of patriots.
Twitter: China’s Bot Army Was 150 Times Larger Than Russia’s
The cherry on top of the Russiagate conspiracy cake.
Correct the Record
The attitude you describe is endemic in this population. About more than politics, too.
I’m guessing your are talking about an extreme minority of “Trump supporters”.
It’s ALL about being on the Trump Train, or not.
My guesstimate is, we’ll have lots and lots of folks to banter with on the Mall.
going to be a great day!
if congress shuts down…what happens to unemployment benefits?
Unemployment benefits are STATE RUN.
And nothing happens to Social Security.
When OH!Bummer threatenned SS, I found this very interesting report:
Shutdown of the Federal Government: Causes, Processes, and Effect by Clinton T. Brass, Analyst in Government Organization and Management.
He states:
Airport and Airway Trust Fund ……………………… 7,045
Deposit Insurance Fund ……………………………….37,441
Employees Life Insurance Fund ……………………. 37,605
Exchange Stabili-zation Fund ………………………. 20,436
Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund…… 187,222 down from 207,932
Federal employees retirement funds…………….. 785,988
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund ………… 279,475
Federal Housing Administration ……………………. 4,194
Fed.Old-Age & Survivors Ins. Trust Fund… 2,399,111
Fed. Savings & Loan Corp., Resolution Fund………. 3,388
Fed. Supplementary Medical Ins. Trust Fund…….. 70,982
Highway Trust Fund ………………………………….. 24,455
National Service Life Insurance Fund ……………….. 8,161
Postal Service Fund …………………………………….. 1,142
Railroad Retirement Account ……………………………. 506
Unemployment Trust Fund …………………………… 18,703
Other ……………………………………………………. 759,426
[rewritten to fit vertical instead of horizontal]
Is there an Interstate bridge replacement trust fund? We in Missouri would like to know given what we’ve spent in bridge replacement and repair in the last 13+ years.
I think that everything goes in limbo?
No, Critical stuff remains financed/running. The non-essential get furlough. Unfortunately all it means is a vacation with the pay deferred until latter. The do not actually lose a CENT!
I would LOVE to see a ‘government shut down’ for a couple years to clean out all the ‘non-essential’ deadwood.
Thx for clarification. I would too.
Indictments unsealed
Hope it shows…I removed a “?” & everything after & replaced w/ .jpg
You did it right, Valerie!
Less hand-holding for me going forward now!!!
& less work for you & other generous souls here too
In addition to the OTC meds and supplements listd above, olive leaf tincture has been found to be critical by a friend who didn’t have access to meds. This in addition to the other OTC listed in the protocols and recommended here by various posters like Gail and to what is in the tweet.
Homemade from potato vodka & olive leaf. They had to use so much and for long term use that they have been making it as they go as tincture made months ago was quickly used. The less it has aged the more they use as a dosage. Diluted with water and sweetened with maple syrup or straight. They say it is not pleasant tasting. Every time they thought they would stop the olive leaf, relapse, esp. with breathing issues.
I do not know how olive leaf works regarding the “storms” associated with wuflu so a warning on that but here is an article about antiviral properties of olive leaf. It is also known for helping with inflamatory issues such as high blood sugars and high blood pressure.
If you have high blood sugars, pressure you have a crappy diet. Fix that before worrying about potions.
I don’t have either and my diet is excellent and neither do my friends dealing with this. (Mostly) Paleo/Nourishing Traditions, mostly organic, (almost) all homecooked from scratch and they are similarly healthy minded/oriented.
Lowering blood sugar and high bloodpressure are just additional things olive leaf addresses as stated in the post above, almost as an after thought: “It is also known for helping with inflamatory issues such as high blood sugars and high blood pressure.”
They are using olive leaf successfully for its anti virual properties which is what the majority of the post is about. They used quercetin, zinc, EGCG, other antioxidents, Vit C & D, plus more on a daily basis, still were infected and were pretty sick (although did not have to go to the hospital).
Olive leaf tincture, along with other natural remedies to address both symptoms and other anti virals (like melissa essential oil, etc.), helped them greatly and they still continue to use the olive leaf as they recover. Been about 2 months for them now and they are still getting stronger and taking the olive leaf.
Just thought I would pass along what is working for them as it was a huge help to them and might help someone else. They are in their early 50s and survived, but are now dealing with long term issues/slow recovery.
China is an a****** and need to be held accountable!
High Blood pressure is also a chronic inflammatory problem
High Blood Pressure Linked to Inflammation
Patriot Nurse commented about that almost a year ago in a vid. So Asthma, High Blood Pressure and Arthritis ALL respond to treating the chronic inflammation. When I had a severe Asthma attack and they gave me prednisone, a corticosteroid, and my BP dropped like a rock.
And yes, high (or low) blood sugars, pressure also respond well to a change in diet aka kick the sugars, starches and NaCl salt. BTDT and am not on BP medicine as a result.
Good stuff.
in the fight–pray for our patriots!
Ali is such a true patriot and warrior. Please pray for him
Quote Tweet
Ali #StopTheSteal
· 39m
Y’all it’s a slugfest behind the scenes. One step forward, one step back. Fighting big (R) power. We are not giving in. Our entire Stop the Steal coalition is using every contact, favor and argument to get justice for the American voter and Trump. Election is a sham #NeverConcede
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
· 19h
On behalf of two GREAT Senators, @sendavidperdue & @KLoeffler, I will be going to Georgia on Monday night, January 4th., to have a big and wonderful RALLY. So important for our Country that they win!
Thread w/ info on military detention of civilians
Gaggle refused access to the website.
Let me see if I can at least get the images…
So twit world had an “unsafe link” disclaimer to jump through to access the googly page…
Here’s the actual page link, I hope! DOT pdf
13 pages to review there…
Original tweets here:
See new Tweets
World War Ky3w
18 USC 4001a Military Detention of U.S. Citizens.
As Commander in Chief The President has authority to detain enemy combatants regardless of citizenship. The enemy combatant does not have to be caught with weapons, uniforms or even caught in the act.
World War Ky3w
Unlawful belligerents or Unlawful combatants can be punished through military tribunals. Those are enemy combatants not wearing a uniform. Winking face
Timely reminder of traitors’ end in this world, worse in the world to come
continuing on a theme
Oh No! Not the NY Post too!
The Post says: Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation’s
Yeah, they’ve always been controlled opposition at best.
Murdoch owned righr?
Time to change the name to NY Pest.
No place for comments? Wonder what they are afraid of?
anyone know anything about “Sunset”?
To date, I’ve never heard of it, and would like to know more.
sounds promising…
Broke down Bye-Done!
International brotherhood
THREAD – click on tweet timestamp
Judicial branch is worthless anymore
Slight correction – if it was worthless it could do no harm. It is doing harm; therefore it is worth something.
It has negative worth at this time.
Too soon is ‘ripeness’ and too late is ‘laches’. Both are judicial court rules/doctrines that are intended to discourage dilatory tactics and/or fact speculation made necessary due to insufficient evidence.
That the constitution fails to control these court rules/doctrines is the height of absurdity. IOW, the rules exist outside of the constitutional authority to create the courts that make the rules.
FYI, all federal courts (except the Supreme Court) are statutory courts created by Congress AND they have no direct constitutional origin. Some serious constitutional scholars argue that the fed district courts have no or limited jurisdiction over fed constitutional questions. I’m of two minds on this.
tweetin 20 hoursDonald J. Trump Retweeted
It’s not election fraud, it’s treason!
When POTUS goes silent, you know there’s stuff going on…sort of like when the kids are quiet and you walk into a room and find that they’ve dumped an entire bottle of baby powder on the couch and are jumping on it.
True story. My twin brothers and the girl their age who lived next door.
Brian makes a great point we need to keep in mind going forward – POTUS has all kinds of additional powers simply because we are in a national emergency – including reallocating funds.
I believe that POTUS also renewed the national emergency for corruption and human trafficking. And that one may end up being a big one to bite the cabal with in the near future.
Here is a Nice LONG Military Strategy Thread….
A very good read. I think there’s more planning and background than he’s speculating, but he brings in some very good points.
Absolutely Astounding Thread, Georgia!!! Fascinating to the Max!!!
Thanks for posting!!!
VERY good read.
Any chance of a threadreader version? I can’t read individual tweets.
YES – There are several.
Not again.
Why not ? Nothing is ever done . Apparently private citizens can now pay for elections.
I replied to this comment, but I see it did not post… iirc, Wolfie said posts no longer go the “bin” … assume it’s in the ether!
2nd try… Zuck, who is among other things either a Bot or a Clone, was GIFTED FB by the C_ A, who developed “LifeLog” as an inducement to have peeps share their data and all their little secrets. Believing peeps would not like the idea that CIA was behind the endeavor, they “loaned” it to Zuck and rebranded it FB. Just as they surmised, peeps can tell all fast enough.
So, is Zuck really rich beyond vulgar, or
is it (Zuck that is) a puppet, given direction to fund all things GEORGIA by Soros, who is a member of and directed by the Cabal? Inquiring minds want to know, of course.
Same with JackBoot, who also does what he is told.
Definitely programmed and controlled – look at his eyes – black as coal, PR
Gil, you may be esp interested in this EO
Homeschool costs!!!! How do i get this…it doesnt say.
oops… PM adds clarity…
I dont think it matters here in CA. Still no in oerson , charter schools were defunded by force closure and no new enrollment, and newsom confiscated all home school funding that wexare supposed to get.
Good grief, you are living in Venezuela!
Thank God the sherriff’s in socal wont enforce the mandates.
Gil, listen to first part of Dave’s X22Report … he’s saying this money is following the STUDENT, not going directly to the State… give him a listen
The funding follows the STUDENT – if the schools do not open – they get NO MONEY – Dave of the X22 Report clarified what this means.
Yes, I posted it earlier wrt Dave… thanks
Saw after I posted – sorry
No need to be sorry Duchess… lots to read!
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is my favorite gardening month of the year. I sit here in the living room, all cozy and happy in front of the tree, house is almost silent, and I seed shop, draw diagrams, make lists, calendar plan, make charts, take inventory of seeds left from previous years + seeds we saved from favorites &/or fabulous producers … full of plans and day dreams.
No bugs, no sun beating down on me, no bugs flying around, no grumbling from the other parties involved, no oppressive humidity, no insect or disease infestations on the plants & Every seed sprouts & every plant produces … in my post winter gardening daydreams!
Favorite part of gardening!
MI Gardener, Grow Organic & American Meadows are my sources this year + a few things from vendor through amazon I can’t find elsewhere. Planning and ordering for spring, summer and fall plantings at once this year as seeds sold out last year + shutdowns through off shipping schedules.
Check out Southern Exposure seeds sometime. The seeds are grown in the south and adapted to America’s southern climate (IIRC, you’re somewhere in the south). I’m a big fan of regionally-adapted seed, and the Southern Exposure company in general.
Wish you hadn’t told me about this as I now have to rethink my plan! ha
We grew cushows for first time last year and they preformed extremely well. saved seeds and will do again. 1 reason we like them was squash bugs seemed to stay off them.
Squash bugs are my #1 enemy (and the deep state + China! ha). Hate those dern things and can not fully keep up with them in by early/mid august.
(they are also in our house and I still find multiple every day and am always chasing after them with the hand held vac. Hated them ever since I got a chemical burn by sitting on one and bit into one that had landed in my popcorn, both incidents within a short time of each other. Son would tease me and roll his eyese until about 3 weeks ago when one was in a sock he put on and he got a chemical burn on his leg by his ankle. Now he is more sympathetic to my feelings about them! hate those things)
if you are in the South as well – any recommendations of what squash at the link you posted are least favorite/most resistent to squash bugs? We use essential oil and Diatomaceous earth but really only thing that seems to work is vigilance in keeping seeds picked off by hand and catching as many that hatched as early as possible. gets to a certain point and we can’t keep up.
One strategy has been to start winter squash very early inside so by the time the squash bugs are here in overwhelming #s are squash are ready to be harvested anyway.
Another strategy last year was to have summer squash ready to go into the ground for a late planting as soon as the infestation cleared and we had ripped up the infested plants. New planting of small plants then had time to grow and yeild harvest in sept and early Oct.
Don’t know what else to do about them
I’ve heard the Tromboncino variety recommended for squash bug resistance, but I’ve never actually tried it myself. Most of my garden space goes to tomatoes, peppers, and herbs, so I don’t have as much experience with squash, sorry.
I grew a tomato plant in a pot last summer- I’m still exhausted.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
thanks Gail.
We have tried it all but the traps and the chemicals.
Problem is that it only takes a few missed eggs and then suddenly the garden is overrun. Just can’t find them all.
standing up to the brute beast!
Found @Jack’s place. Oh, dear.
And remember – this is talking about risks due to PRIMARY DAMAGE. This is not connected to SECONDARY DAMAGE to the NEXT GENERATION – even by vaccination of CHILDREN (meaning THEIR offspring) by upload of malicious programming (accidental or intentional) into THEIR parental reproductive systems to create sterility in THEIR OFFSPRING.
Notice what these companies are doing? They got their foot in the door on mRNA and DNA technologies, but now they’re covering themselves in FUTURE COURT CASES.
And the EVIL CCP just LAUGHS.
I knew it. I knew this was bad.
The second-gen attack is incredibly nasty. This is CCP brilliance, IMO. They LET us think we’re leading the way on DNA and mRNA, but I believe they (and the cabal, including “heavenly friends”) already understood how to off-load the sterilization attack into the future where people won’t see it. America is clearly where to target the chumps.
When China was dumb and chaotic due to early communism, they thought they had to deal negatively with their own population to deal with the future. Hence, 1-child families.
They’re much smarter now.
Big question for me now is how Israel (which has smartly vaccinated the OLD FIRST) handles this. EYES ON, including WHO backs WHAT, and which vaccines they’re using. Israel is NUMBER ONE in vaccination. Are they using mRNA or protein?
Foolish people.
The Soviets and now the CCP/Cabal have been extremely successful selling the FEAR of human overpopulation, but they are ultimate hypocrites and now clearly FRAUDSTERS on it, by pushing global actions which WORSEN IT.
It goes back to the late 1960s and the global cooling ‘scare’ and Shackleton’s finding confirmation of the Milankovitch theory. The ELITE KNEW AT THAT TIME THE HOLOCENE WAS ENDING AND WE COULD NOT FEED THE PRESENT POPULATION!
At the time there was real worry about running out of food.
This led to the CIA document dated 1974 “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
Meanwhile in 1972 you had Environmentalism and “Global Warming” promoted by TPTB in the First Earth Summit chaired by Maurice Strong.
Heck, It seems “Global COOLING” was on the agenda at the June 2010 Bilderberg Conference.
Now for the tinfoil. We next need to look at what happen BEFORE the items mentioned above.
First Gleissberg (1939 & 1971) identified an 88 yr cycle in the weather patterns
Gleissberg’s work meant you could predict the next warming spell. What was interesting was that in 1972 the world was STILL in a cool phase and would not start warming for another couple of years! So how come Maurice Strong was already hyping “Global Warming” in 1972? Were they using Gleissberg’s work to fool people?
The second really interesting point was the timing of the confirmation of the Milankovitch Cycles that predict Ice Ages.
Milankovitch published “Astronomical Methods for Investigating Earth’s Historical Climate” in 1938. His work was of great interest especially during the 1963 International Geophysical Year.
Hays, Imbrie and Shackleton
This is the work that was published in 1976.
Sami Solanki, Professor at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland, says the Sun has been burning more brightly over the last 60 years than over the previous 1090 years.,000-year_high.html?cid=3990930
this was confirmed by Usokin’s
A History of Solar Activity over Millennia
(A very good paper well worth reading)
I hope that is not too confusing.
I am firmly convince that the Global Cooling scare is what triggered the Elite to tighten their grip on the human population and when they determined to ‘cull the herd’ If you look the 1970s was the point when everything changed.
Wolfie did you see the paper I posted earlier today?
SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
PDF of Full paper
YUGE – YUGE – absolutely YUGE – proves that our concerns are well-founded – so well-founded as to suggest others KNEW that the vaccines could be used as weapons against humans.
There are already shills LYING about it and trying to demand that the paper be removed! Hilarious.
It has already been archived!
I’m sure on the 29th day everything will be fine, nothing to worry about.
The boys in the lab – sure, they’re hard drinkers. But they’re pros.
This is a big deal. Nevada sent voter information to CHINA via PAKISTAN.
[video src="" /]
so has the theory that there are 2 different RV’s been debunked yet?
alternate striping pattern seen in photos..
Wolfie debunked it yesterday in the bombing thread. Basically, that top stripe on the one picture is a shadow of a protruding edge caused by the time of day the picture was taken.
I could be wrong but on the entry side of caravans there is an extra ‘stripe’ or strip to attach an annex. As we can’t see the other side it’s unknown if one stripe or two stripes are on both sides.
i hope I’m not covering old ground
I’ll check it out later!
This is definitely one of the more subtle yet repeatedly identity-soluble picture difference problems I’ve yet encountered! This one is excellent practice for digital warriors!
Different grill
Wolf Counters with Yu-Gi-Oh FLASH! – lighting effect from headlights – resolved under high-res on screen to see past brightness.
something about an exhaust vent as well
I’m beginning to suspect that this may be a look squirrel .
The employer of the women that received the quit claim deed, AEG, deserves attention:
(Sorry for the link to OT. I’m struggling with cut/paste on the new sites.)
Bottom line, AEG was the promoter of Seattle’s Bumbershoot () music festival. Raz Simone was a headline in 2015.
AEG also partners with MGM Resorts in Las Vegas. Founder of AEG also founded telecom Qwest. And is a partner of AT&T in promotion of it’s music festivals.
Did AT&T blowup its own building and it’s neighbors, while sending a donation to Blantifa Lives Matter? Will AT&T and CHAZ be sponsors of Build Back Better Nashville?
Darn. Trying again.
Nope didn’t work.
Search Bumbershoot Raz Simone for a link to the event poster featuring Raz, posted by Raz on his FB page.
Remember the DJ/chinese logistics guy that was setting fires in the median in Washington state this summer?
He livestreamed his arrest? Jeff Accord ? (He has a music connection too, although I didn’t find a connection to AEG.)
And AEG books Taylor Swift’s tours thru a partnership.
you should post this stuff on the current thread so it gets noticed Mary!
And the guy that shot the patriot and then was shot by marshals was wearing a hat in one of the photos that linked to the local indie music scene…
Food for thought.
J.R. Oppen
People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.
4:50 PM · Dec 28, 2020
Yeah, I think that’s what we call ‘confirmation bias’ these days.
Or comes from a sorce that does not post anything pro Trump
Generally doesn’t have to be always!
The trick is that if one’s own beliefs explain many existing facts well, there is little reason to abandon them when a new one does not, but rather to question the new “facts” not thoroughly in evidence.
The left LOVES to build up our REFUTATION BIAS – every bit as deadly as confirmation bias. The left ONLY attacks as “confirmation bias” what resists its “new truths”. It never even admits that “refutation bias” is a thing – a thing which they have built into their sabotaged definition of science, which I call “Fake Science”.
Not all confirmation is equal.
Wolfed Saganism:
Extraordinary overturning of extraordinarily well-grounded beliefs demands extraordinarily well-established “facts”.
Refutation bias is at the heart of Marxism, and this is why Marxists try to instill it as a core value in science.
If you have several data points that fit a theory and another data point comes along refuting that theory, you should examine the new data point very carefully.
I have certainly changed/modified my position on any number of topics as new data has emerged BUT not without examining the new data points carefully.
9,10,11 days- when did that become an eternity?
When you are waiting for the rabbit to die.
Oh, wait….
If you mean THAT “rabbit”, I agree. Been there.
Ok, I need help here- if I open and heat up a can of soup, I can smell the aroma of the soup for a short time. On the other hand, if open an envelope of, say, Liptons dry onion soup and cook it according to instructions, my apartment stinks for hours? Q never addressed this.
You’re supposed to mix Lipton’s French Onion Soup mix in sour cream and call it French Onion Soup dip.
Right now I am about to finish making about 3 gallons of turkey/celery/onion soup. It is just about to go into containers for the freezer. That turkey was 25+ lbs. A real monster.
Meanwhile the house smells like Thanksgiving/Christmas. (Most of the meat is already in the freezer for summer salads and sandwiches and stir fry.)
Seriously, our old childhood babysitter came with us to play Trivia Night one time and at the table mixed sour cream and Lipton’s French Onion Soup Mix to make dip. And she was so serious about it. I mean, I love her as my second mom, but the woman CANNOT cook.
Hey, Lipton’s French Onion Soup Mix & Cream Cheese & Milk to make a dip was a staple for our college parties. If we were feeling REALLY REALLY WEALTHY we might add a can of clams – minced.
A staple for young students and even new graduates/newly marrieds! Perhaps more common than boards and blocks for bookcases and coffee tables in my crowd. Dip and chips on the boards and blocks coffee tables eaten while in the bean bag chairs.
Now my third-cousins have nice condos their parents buy and furnish for them while they go to college!
I have absolutely no sauce or info on this. It is CLAIMED this was filmed over W. VA a day or two ago.
I make no representation of any kind, other than whatever it is, it is MASSIVE in size.
Was my mom’s cousin T cooking again?
A wide range of comments too. Real/ not? Burning satellite to absurd, one noted that the landing was NOT recorded.
Someone said sharks with lasers…Sharknado, anyone?
Too bad the vid ended early… maybe ran out of space for their CGI?
Or an ET made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stop at Hillbilly Hot Dogs? (and ate too much chili )…..
Well, it is not breaking apart, so if it is a satellite or a meteor, it is BIG. Notice there is a fire trail, but no “steam” so it is not a comet. My bet, someone JUST lost a spy satellite, and that is why there is no mention of it.
YUP. I will bet money it was a Chinese, Russian, or “somebody’s” satellite that was receiving election data.
Or something worse.
Speaking of something worse….
According to Corso, the US-Russian nuclear brinksmanship was cover for amassing enough firepower to destroy non-negotiated “pencilneck” landings anywhere on the planet – to gain a quick-and-dirty exclusionary ability. Thus the need for ICBMs – able to take them out anywhere.
Star Wars was then cover for development and deployment of DEWs (directed energy weapons), including lasers, masers and particle beams, as more efficient and selective.
Who knows? Complicated business.
Kind of what I had in mind. Like you said, Who knows?
Great Awakening!
The Corso presentation of mutual opposition to an ET threat is one of the most stunning aspects of his book. Open mind is needed to think about it.
Yes – an open mind was needed for me to get where I am – combined with trying to see the situation from all sides (including the heavenly one, in both secular and divine senses while minimizing the distance between those senses). This has led me to some profound insights into how God grants authority via natural law, and how divine inspiration works as designed.
Bottom line for me is that the Bible is much truer than we thought it was, particularly as an historical record – the problem has been that we fell for the forces who wanted the spiritual-real to all be shifted to a spiritual-fantastical, while as the same time training materialists to treat everything with the idea “it’s just physical”, so that the powerful reality of the metaphysical, which leads to where we are, but on more of a basis of logical realism, was stolen from them.
“They want you divided.” Clearly. And clearly to serve the purposes of a [controlled] opposition to ultimate authority.
I consider myself infinitely fortunate to have lived long enough to understand what knowledge God has granted me to understand. I deserved none of it.
Wonderful insights.
We have specific anti satellite missiles ya know..grin. OR we could have just hacked the damn thing and brought into low orbit and let gravity take over.
And IIRC *cough* anti-satellite satellites…. Not quite Maxwell Smart’s Anti-anti-anti-missle missle, but they’ll do…
Having said that, the Red Chyyyneeese are none too careful about maintaining their orbiting junks, the Russkies too, so maybe (ha) it’s just a coincidental orbital degradation… more of Hill-the-beasts magnets perhaps
Ø, I wønder whø wøuld dø a thing like that ? ØØØØh, Barky…
Note that bringing down a spy satellite “Nashville style” (minimal casualties) would look exactly like that.
That would explain the ‘no on the ground’ information. Getting it scooped up fast and disposed of would be part of the OP.
Notice it is going down in West Virginia which is sparsely inhabited for the east coast.
Ah…those are liberal dreams returning to Earth and burning up in our deplorable atmoshere…they should make impact and be reduced to dust sometime on January 6th, 2021…
I’m all in on this study.
GOP Lawmaker Sues to Give Pence ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Overturn Election ResultsRep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the presidential election results, asking a court to give Pence “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted.
My only problem with this theory is if it was really a thing, then the democrats would have done it decades ago.
Reason for my comment of Interesting,
But on the other hand, due to all the laws that Democrats have been breaking, I have a feeling that many of them don’t really have a good sense of the law. Too many of the laws they have broken, I’ve seen this Oh I didn’t know type attitude. Too often it seems that if it sounds good democrats just do it without seeing felicity or legalness of what they are doing!
Oh yes a lot of the Democrats illegal acts are due to Democrats believing that they are above the law.
is this way of poking at Roberts? LOL
Looks like Lin Wood is following my train of thought on Epstein/Roberts!
(Remember he wanted the teen who turned 18 & escaped to Australia to have a baby according to her.)
Jab, jab, jab.
Methinks Lin Wood is perhaps channeling Joe Louis?
certainly picking at a scab that needs to come off…
Fuck yeah!I’d sign this!
Whoa! For those who didn’t click, it is a petition to: “Allow “Death by Lions” for federal executions of persons found guilty of treason against the United States of America.”
Here is the text:
“For the crime of treason against the United States of America, we ask that the federal government allow as a means of execution, the feeding of any guilty persons to lions in a coliseum of classical Roman architecture, which may be named the Donald Trump Freedom Coliseum of Final Accountability, and which must seat no less than 100,000 people. Visitor access shall follow existing legislature for federally owned and operated public buildings. Events may be televised.”
GA Sec. of State Warns Out of State Voters
Georgia Protecting Election Integrity Two Months AFTER Presidential Election
This is so annoying that these safety steps to ensure a fair election was not undertaken for POTUS.
I have this ugly suspicion that there was a deal between some people to cheat the election from under Trump and let the two Rinos win the Senate and correct the cheating. I am not a happy camper. What else should one think concerning the motives cheating us out of our votes?
Oh yeah! A letter of marque. I could really cut loose with that. And the wolf pack here. (There is a precedent for wolf packs at sea-U boats)
IMO. Duterte is VERY popular in the Philippines. Commonly sucks up to Chyna. Also commonly, goes out of his way to piss of US Government.
He also admitted to drug fueled homo orgies didnt he? Quality guy…
But a letter of marque permits you to be a free range pirate. You sink em no one knows who you attacked
Ground report.
On the road, ultimately arrive DC area 5 January for the 6 January festival.
Absolute stoopidest State department of Tranpostation sign EVER.
AZ DOT signs along highways alerting or important message for motorists on Interstates / highway.
^^^ Saw at least a dozen of these signs.
NV, AZ & NM.
Have been in a dozen or so eateries, fast food, gas, truck stop and a couple hotels.
No ONE bothered to suggest or ask me to wear a mask.
Nearly everyone wearing masks. Two exception a supermarket in AZ, probably 1/4 NOT wearing a mask. AZ truck stop eatery area half dozen without masks.
Truck stops quite busy. Highways, light traffic.
thanks for the ground report!
Have a safe trip. Wish i could go.
TY k!
If you are going to the East Coast via I-20 and need a place to stay in western SC, welcome mat is out, Kal!
Very generous Teagan. Thanks.
Southern route, I-10. Visit daughter in Iowa Colony, SSW Houston. Then head to DC via LA, MS, TN and VA in a few days.
FOX Business News…”today the House passed a Stand Alone Bill to raise the Covid relief checks from $600 to $2000.”
Absolutely. But that won’t stop them. That’s not why they want everyone to be vaccinated.
Was just browsing around on – the zinc/doxy/ivermectin kits are available. As is HCQ.
Thanks… do you have a link for the kits?
Thanks Pgroup!
no, you just have to go to IIRC you have to create an account to shop. Today, even though I purchased HCQ/Zpak from them, they texted me a 4-digit code to use to get my messages. I just typed in ivermectin and the kit came up.
Pretty please?
If I’m offline, I don’t see messages.
Here is some additional info. There are many vendors, I went through Heartberry Pharmaceutical.
Check my reply to PR.
Good news for the country. We should lose the people in the piwer seats too.
Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) Tweeted: An exodus sparked by high taxes, coronavirus lockdowns, and regulations has driven California’s population growth rate to a record low. It’s projected to cost the state a seat in Congress and an electoral vote.
If Kalifornistan sent back all the illegal aliens, they’d lose probably TEN seats and as many electoral votes, if not more…
Sounds like Newscum’s socialist/communist/Marxist gravy train has run out of track…
I hope so!
Ep. 2364a – Trump Puts The Breaks On Money Laundering, Think National Emergency
X22 Report Published December 28, 2020
Ep. 2364b – Jan 6th Comes Into Focus, Patriots Prepare To Make Their Move
X22 Report Published December 28, 2020
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted: NEW: Governor Newsom says it’s “likely” that stay at home orders for our Southern California region will be extended further now that the first 3 week order is almost expired. Not many people have been following the order, and local Sheriffs are not enforcing it. @FOXLA
Scott “Aut cum scuto aut in scuto” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted: So this is the bill title… this will not be a “clean” bill…. H.R. 9051 — “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase recovery rebate amounts to $2,000 for individuals, and for other purposes.”
Hmmm. “And for other purposes”…
It’s always “and for other purposes”…
Sounds like Kamel-HuhHO in her past profession… “Hey Sailor, wanna date?”
Always a little bit more…
The whole lot of them can burn in HE!! unless they learn and turn and repent of their whoredum. The Whorehouse of (non-)Representatives…
Maps comparing flu rates for 2019 and 2020. The one on the left is 2020, showing minimal flu all over the country. The one on the right is 2019, which shows a completely different story.
Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted: Don’t you love these Republicans standing so strong for Trump?
“The [DS] plan to launder money to special interest groups has been blocked by Trump, he used the Impoundment control act of 1974 to pause the funds from going overseas. We need to remember that we are still in a national emergency and Trump does have the ability to reallocate these funds. The patriots are now preparing for Jan 6. Pence card has been put out there, but there are other paths to victory. Trump and the patriots are pushing all plans, following the constitution. No matter which one he chooses the [DS]/MSM will attack him and push their agenda. Trump and the patriots know this, they know their playbook. All is going according to plan, the constitution will bring down the [DS] and the MSM. This is not just election interference this is treason.”
EconChick/IntelChick (@MikayesFiona) Tweeted: Fuck off. Your ring of idiots have been doing damage for weeks. Go fuck yourself. Everyone has awakened to the bullshit.
Moxie (@Moxiesmg) Tweeted: @K12Lioness @Suzie47906 @MikayesFiona It really bothers me how @GenFlynn promotes her. It made me not want to read his tweets because he puts her in the thread. I have my blood currently serving in the military. We all are fighting.We all are doing something and never ask for money. We are the army. Wake up Flynn
EconChick/IntelChick (@MikayesFiona) Tweeted: That’s why I kept my mouth shut and quietly informed a Flynn family member this hatred toward Tracy for stealing people’s pensions would eventually bubble up. Sure enough someone came to my feed today and unloaded ALL of it. Then others offloaded. Couldn’t be kept secret anymore
Does anyone know what she’s referring to with the pension theft? Isn’t that the person whose house was torched?
Yes.. sd didnt like beanz and shes set up a go fund me, even though her insurance is covering it. Also continues to ask for money.
So, it’s just a matter of Beanz being crooked/weak and seeing an opportunity to rip some people off? And for this, at this crucial moment in time she decides to go berserk about it? Putting on a show, cursing at the Flynn crew in front of thousands of people. What a complete fool. The fate of the nation is looming . . . but she’s got standards you see.
Thats kind of what im seeing. Maybe she feels that he is needed and being made a fool by beanz.
Fiona used her “submerged pissed-off-ness” to good effect for a long time, but she’s been letting it surface too much. I hope her inner “Hotep Jesus” and her inner “Scott Adams” both get her into a better place. HJ never goes too far. Scott always plays long game through patience. She needs both!
I’m not on twitter so I never see or hear any of this unless someone points me to it. Whatever her issues are, they are. My problem is her timing.
EXACTLY. Sometimes we just have to love our frenemies NOW for everybody’s sake!
Yes, it’s all about the size of the fish to be fried.
Yep. The DEMONRATS seem to ALWAYS stick together when they need a vote or a (criminal) helping hand…
We have a lot to learn there, about sticking together… and sticking together to fight evil (i.e. don’t lend any criminal helping hands)…
Or from out in left field, maybe someone’s trying to stir the pot… (rather than smoking it)…
“…even though her insurance is covering it….”
15 home insurance myths to stop believing nowFind out what your home insurance does and doesn’t cover
Depending on the fine print, there may be a heck of a lot of ‘uninsured’ expenses. Insurance companies will weasel out of as much as they can and you will probably have to fight them in court.
I see nothing about her work except she is an ‘Independent Journalist’ and ‘Former Talk Show Host’ for ‘TD Uncensored With Tracy Diaz’ according to Heavy. I will extrapolate to Tracy having invested in some high quality equipment that would be considered BUSINESS EQUIPMENT and unless she has BUSINESS insurance IS NOT COVERED.
She also has two kids.
The insurance will pay the cost to REBUILD so how fast can they rebuild and where do they live in the mean time?
Bottom line this sounds like SHEAR JEALOUSY — MEOW!
On mfionas feed there is mentioning ofvtaking money in 2017 and multiple accounts set up to get money. Theres something not right, it also is an angry feed on cates and others who are q or who are maga but using it to make money.
Fiona is a purist. No paytriots are ok with her.
The Cates brothers & Praying Medic are journalist/authors. All three make their living writing stuff we enjoy reading and find useful.
People pay $1,300 a year for the News & Observer (7 day full price) so what is the difference?
Not everyone can write for free and if we had the excess cash there are several people I would donate to.
Can you say CAPITALISM??? Why should we EXPECT this information/analysis for FREE???
I dont know. Its been an issue for many years even more since que.
I really wish she would learn to love the people who take the RISKS of going the “paytriot” route. Money is dangerous, and those of us who shun it are taking the easy road. RESPECT for those like POTUS who have embraced the danger of money and danced with it.
Learning to neither envy nor hate the rich was one of the greatest gifts I ever received!
“Learning to neither envy nor hate the rich was one of the greatest gifts I ever received!”
Instead of trying to tear other people down we should try to better ourselves.
It’s hard to better oneself when the mirror says you’re already perfect.
“Yes.. sd didnt like beanz and shes set up a go fund me, even though her insurance is covering it. Also continues to ask for money.”
But I don’t think Beanz set up that go-fund-me.
I was lurking and watching that unfold, when her house burned.
Beanz said she wasn’t going to set up a go-fund-me.
But then one of her friends set one up for her anyway.
Fiona alludes to fraud with it. I dont know all of it….
The accuser (Lady in YouTube video posted by others repeatedly on Fiona’s timeline – HINT, HINT) is talking about the fact that TB/TD takes donations from boomers. That’s ALL.
Calling that “pension theft” is a cute attack, as is calling Praying Medic a “Q grifter”, but frankly it’s irresponsible. The lady in the YouTube video is toxic. Known a few like her.
People donate to personalities online. Deal. We want it – we pay for it.
I like to hear what Chick/Chick has to say, but frankly she is easy to discredit and I think somebody professional has done an excellent job of mind-fracking her into a state of continuing self-discreditation. She needs to get some serious self-control going, or she will lose what she built.
Thats what some have said to her. Control it or lose it.
And another Deep Cover asset revealed???
Go read all her twitter for the last 2 hours. Whoa….
Just have to weigh in on Liptin onion soup mix. I have to agree with DP. It’s awful, no matter how you try to disguise it, though admit Gail adding cream cheese, Etc.. would help a lot. I’m also horrified to remember some of the things I ate in college like Spaghettios out of the can. Wonder how I survived. Lol. Gail’s dip sounds like heaven compared to That. was going to mention another topic, but I forgot it.
I buy the laura scudders green onion dip mix. Never ever eat the lipton.
I now make all my own homemade (Just ate the turkey soup & I think I want another bowl!)
The only thing I buy is the Herb-Ox Sodium Free Bouillon that I use to flavor rice or drink if I have leg cramps. (Quick up take of needed potassium.)
Don’t forget the LIMITED choices in those years…both availability and $$$.
Yes. Cup o noodles a lot.
Ramen Noodles…
The last refuge for people with expensive hobbies, where a very-hard-to-find item can turn up when you’re not quite prepared to pay for it.
Ask me how I know this…
Gil00, thank you. Going to look for that. Sounds good to me.
Its in a little packet usually hanging in the chip aisle. 1 packet makes 8 ounces. Make sure you get green onion not french onion.
Cream of mushroom soup warmed over three carbide (acetylene) cave lamps til lukewarm was the worst. I still can not face mushroom soup and I LOVE mushrooms.
LOL, Gail. When I was first starting school, someone gave my parents a case of tuna fish…and that’s what I had in my sack lunch until it was gone, it was YEARS before I could look at another tuna fish sandwich.
While living in Venezuela, again was gifted with a case of Spam….cannot abide it still today.
I envy you the Turkey items in your freezer,…just can’t stuff another thing in ours. That’s one reason I’ve gone to sealed quart jars for a lot of things. Of course, in this cold winter weather we can store lots of things just in a cold garage where the temperatures are lower than a fridge.
I now have TWO, one chest freezer in the garage and the other an upright freezer in the kitchen.I really love being able to buy sales, make large quantities and freeze for later use. I do most of my cooking in the winter so there is a variety of ‘warm & go’ for the hot summer months.
Since I can not eat salt I now have to do mostly home cooking.
Oh, Gail, if I’m understanding you, you mean not diluteed with milk. Yuck. I cannot face that can of cream of mushroom ever since a woman insisted on sharing her lunch with me, and it was cold cream of mushroom soup spread on bread. I tried so hard to decline it, but I couldn’t figure out how without hurting her feelings, and I had a hard time getting it down without obvious gagging. I found quick as possible was the only way. It happened 40 years ago and I never got over it. Gil00, thank you for the info on the green onion dip. I am going to look for Scudders.
I read somewhere long ago (probably from another starving student) that, for a REAL TREAT, use Vegetable Soup mix rather than onion soup mix…
Maybe it’s a ruse “cooked up” by our parents to “encourage” us to get out of starving student mode and into productive earning mode as quickly as possible
Hmmm. Fried potatoes and chocolate milk, anyone? (barf…. never again….)…..
Ha ha ha! I think she should do it. It would be a real clown show.
Oh that would be a beautiful fight. Especially given that AOC is actually “Schumer-class” – she simply is forced to derive her power (allegedly) from the lower NYC classes. More likely, she’s a “Dominion girl”.
I can’t do memes on my pad , but I think you’ll get a visual out of this cartoon…that I found hilarious.
Nancy Pelosi is talking to someone saying…”of course we didn’t withhold checks until after the election!”
The other person says..”how can you say that with a straight face?”
Pelosi replies…”Botox!” LOL
True Patriot POTUS!
Love that image!!!
obviously No Connection to the (fake) pandemic/S
Steve Krakauer
There were 36 positive flu tests reported by the CDC last week.
Last year in the same week there were 7,703 positive flu tests, and no year in the last 5 had fewer than 320 positive tests.
Where’s the media coverage of this statistical anomaly?!
Quote Tweet
Phil Kerpen
· 9h
Influenza testing, week 51.
CDC flu view.…
Five-year average: 15.80% positive
This year: 0.10%…
Show this thread
Wikileaks dumping EVERYTHING right now. WHY?
Maybe, when the indictments are unsealed, the charges are levied, and the offenders are identified – there will be no question as to ‘why’.
Pardon coming? Witness testimony?
who is digging into them to know what is in there? Any twitter accounts/threads I can follow to read what others are finding?
Sorry – I’ve been totally off that, and the accounts on Gab are NOT the best WL followers. (I’m no longer on Twitter.)
Wow you quit twit? Good for you.
I quit, but then they suspended me later!
Is that anything like closing the barn door AFTER the horses got out?
YUP! And I’m damn glad I could not get back into the TWIT-BARN!
Nashville Christmas Bomb body-cam footage…
From GAB…..
Oh, that is just KILLER MEMAGE!!!
And what was the end result?
A: The Compromise of 1877…
…which called for the US to pull all of it’s troops out of the South, effectively ending the post-Civil War Reconstruction era, and leaving southern blacks completely unprotected from white southern democrats for another 100 years. This opened the door to all the Jim Crow laws, segregation, and the creation of the Klu Klux Klan…each and every one instituted, run, and propagated by democrats.
Fucking racist democrat filth…the same that pushes identity politics today. Exactly and precisely no different than their ideological forebears.
Hmmm. The dem governors and teachers unions are going to be up in arms over this.
All this, and he’s going to win the presidency, too!
My deal is, we in CA are all disadvantaged bc the governor is keeping schools closed and stole our homeschool funds. Just bc I am not on welfare does not mean my kid shouldnt get the help too.
That should actually be a guiding principle, that no government handout unrelated to alleviating the poverty per se should FAVOR those who rely on the state.
GAB – join the NIGHT SHIFT.
I see what you did there.
Top kek!
Wheatie!!! you make me.. Smile!!!
Sorry i didn’t think it would turn out that big, you never can tell.
That’s really cool, RAC!
And yeah, it’s big…I don’t know why some things show up so big.
It happens. Don’t worry about it.
I wouldn’t mind but I copied the location and did a trial one on a new tab and it was small, in fact could hardly read the smaller bits, computer has a mind of it’s own.
There is a way to make it show up smaller…
If you don’t mind…I will repost it on today’s daily thread, and demonstrate what I mean.
Sec Def Chris Miller is just another clown, or worse. He’s already sabotaged military intelligence with a Marxist Trojan horse. Xi Jinping is pleased with the opportunity the CCP is granted by this folly. Xi knows this is a Good Plan – for China!
Very interesting link!!!