Dear KAG: 20201229 Open Thread

Cover image: Washington’s Headquarters, artist unknown.

At this point, there is so much disinformation out there, other than the House of Representatives actually voting to override a veto – the president is making them own their over spending – who knows what’s real and what isn’t.

Just don’t let it stop you from heading to Washington on January 6 if you have plans to go.

The rest of us will hold down the fort here.

And just a little pick me up for the troops who have had long days this Holiday season.

And a reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not kids like the two boys in the family room fighting over the remote:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

Please, check the CURRENT page, at least, of posts for the item you have to bring to the tree. It may well have been posted previously. Twinsing can’t usually be helped, but for Q-Treepers pressed for time, all efforts to keep the current page, at least, repeat free will prevent additional comments that call for the scroll wheel.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 2:13-18

13Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” 14And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, 15and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt have I called my son.” 16Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men. 17Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: 18“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just had these thoughts on Disqus, on this article:

St. Louis Woman Beats Sheriff’s Deputy with Her Own Baton After She is Told to Put on a Mask

By Jim Hoft

Published December 28, 2020 at 10:15pm


Wolf Moon  25 minutes ago

The CCP-DNC mask strategy was a very cunning way to drive a wedge between law enforcement and those who have traditionally supported NORMAL law enforcement.

My advice to LE is to assume people who don’t wear masks are exercising proper judgment. Many of us are COVID recoverees, COPD patients, asthmatics, people with low O2, etc. Tell the Karens to assume that people know whether or not they should wear a mask.

As a recoveree, I’m almost certainly IMMUNE. I wear a ridiculous face shield instead of a mask, when I am forced to wear something, because shields don’t make me pass out from hypoxia, which I can MEASURE when I wear a mask. I was so happy that vaccinated gal passed out on TV – finally people can see “mask-brain” which afflicts anybody with poor oxygenation when they wear an idiot mask.

I have permanent shortness of breath now. It is CRUEL to force people like me to wear a mask. I don’t even need to wear a stupid face shield, but I do just for these socialists.

I challenge Ohio’s governor Mike DeWine to RESCIND his mandate back to voluntary. It is the ONLY WAY he won’t be primaried out the wazoo by Jim Renacci (“Ohio First”).

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Expecting rational thought from irrational people is, itself, a mental disturbance. Watch out for the slippery spots!

Said lovingly with immense appreciation for this place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True. But we are rebuilding the rational side. So we hope for some failure of that realism! 😉
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I stand modified.


I really like that state seal. Reminds me of our past when that wasn’t controversial. I’m surprised the communists haven’t tried to have it removed.


The Santa Barbara County Courthouse — a beautiful civic building — has engraved stone over its central archway that says, “Dios nos dio los campos. El arte humana edificó ciudades.”

Roughly, this is “God gave us the lands. The art of man has raised cities.”

This may seem a bit full-of-itself, but the previous courthouse had been destroyed in an earthquake in 1925 and this courthouse was built in 1929. I suspect their meaning was a bit more nuanced.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They will if they take the Governor’s office! And they’ve already had BLM do their incantations RIGHT ON THAT SEAL.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s true. Common sense is not very common. Neither is thinking or researching ahead.


I am currently visiting family in the Seattle area. A whole different vibe than Texas.

Here they are fanatical about proper placement of the muzzle. Here they count how many go in and out the grocery store and you wait if they are “at capacity.”

I thought Texas was bad because a lot of people are still wearing the mask. But a lot aren’t. And those who do, wear them under the nose, even under the chin and no one cares if you wear one except a few government offices and employees..

Mt. Rainier is awesome, though.

Could use a few prayers that my grand baby is born in the next few days. Any time now. Thank you in advance. Prayer works.


I’ll pray for you and your family’s health and safety!!

and congrats on being a grandmother again!!


Thank you, Pat. Hoping the baby comes in time for us to see him. We are leaving for DC on the 4th.

It is all the Lord’s timing.


i will keep you in my prayers!! travel safe…stay safe!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If the baby is late, don’t feel pressured to go to DC by any of us. Your staying with family may be more important in the bigger scheme of things – perhaps even in winning our fight. Do what God tells you, whatever that is!


Thank you, Wolf. I think the timing will work out, though. I just have a feeling. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! 😀 I can believe it!!!


Totally agree with your comment, Wolf. Without a face shield, I wouldn’t be able to get groceries. I would pass out in about 5 minutes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! 30 minutes of grocery shopping was impossible with the mask. Face shields are awesome. And the “dork factor” virtue signal works everywhere EXCEPT the doctor’s office, where they force the stupid masks on everybody anyway. Ultimate irony. The ONE PLACE that might get it, doesn’t!


My friend has noticed that their breathing is much worse after a shower. The steam perhaps. Anyone else notice that? Trying to put the pieces together so that they can conquer this and put it behind them.

Gail Combs

When the air is moist there is less O2 in each breath because there are additional water molecules.

….The amount of water vapor in the air also effects the density. Water vapor is a relatively light gas when compared to diatomic Oxygen and diatomic Nitrogen. Thus, when water vapor increases, the amount of Oxygen and Nitrogen decrease per unit volume and thus density decreases because mass is decreasing….

Effect on your body:

The effect of humidity on the lungs

He began by telling me about humidity. That breathing in humid air activates nerves in your lungs that narrow and tighten your airways.

He referred to humidity as water content (makes sense) and oxygen as partial pressure. (He’s an engineer. They think differently from me and you – lol.)

The amount of water content in the air has an incredible impact on the concentration of oxygen. As water content increases, it reduces the partial pressure in the air and, thus, our lungs are scrambling to find that oxygen.

But what we’re gulping is largely H20.

Pretty simple, right?

Heat on the lungs of a COPD patient

Charlie explained the effects of heat on the lungs of a COPD patient (like me).

“Extreme hot or cold conditions stress the entire body. In an effort to maintain constant body temperature (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit), you expend additional energy to warm or cool your body.”

“This additional energy also increases the amount oxygen your body is using.”

“Since you are using more oxygen, this may further deplete your blood oxygen levels and increase your sensation of shortness of breath.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Wow – thank you VERY much.
This confirms and explains my friend’s pattern of good days and bad breathing days. Tremendous thank you as very appreciative and genuinely grateful for this help to send them.

Same with humidity in warm weather, etc., I suppose.

what is hope/helpful for them to move past this stage/heal from this damage? I don’t sign in and don’t have a “bell” option on this post but will leave it open to come back to it.

China is such an A****** as STeve would say

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

Wasn’t even two weeks into the lock downs and masks that i personally witnessed an 80 plus year old women pass out due to the affects of having to wear a mask.
Times I’m not sure I will make it to the exit before I do, Yes if I think no one is around I pull it out, to get some air.
H3LL current mask protocol of even the most ardent pro-COVID mandate followers is skewed. I would bet my bottom dollar that not even 10% of the ardent pro-COVID mandate supporters comes even close to being proper, much less protective.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why my mask doesn’t fit right and I cheat the method as often as possible. Even last night at Garden Glow at the Missouri Botanical Garden it was askew. A lot of people were walking around with them pulled down including my 8-year old nephew.

I mean, we were outside and you could take it off to pose for pictures, so what’s the point?


I am shocked at the amount of people who are wearing the mask outside and in their cars. No one else around.

My only consolation is that these people will be easily led when the authority changes to patriots.

Deplorable Patriot

Hopefully. I’m not confident about that, though, given the number who are brainwashed against true patriotism.


You may be right.


Like I said elsewhere, I am one of those guilty of wearing it in the car.
Not on purpose and it ticks the H3LL out me when I realize I still have it out, When I need it the next time I usually have to go looking for it in the backseat area where I angrily tossed it.




Wolfie–Your post reminded me.(video is a hard watch. Yet people keep posting it, for which I am glad. We need to see what is actually happening out there. )
Strangely that there is hardly anything in the media if anything about these types of escalating deaths, or rather suicides, Teen suicides have more than doubled due to the virus lock downs, school shut downs and masks. Young people that should have 50 60 or even more years ahead of them.
At 71 i do feel I can say this..This part I cannot understand, nor will I ever be able to! We are sacrificing the mental and emotional health of our youth, and overwhemiingly their actual lives and . FOR WHAT.
We are supposedly trying to save our elderly, you know the ones like me and the ones even older. You know the ones that have had a full life, with many having already lived way past the 78-81 year old life span of an average American, If we the elderly are so worried about dying, then it is us that should stay in. But actually that brings up another issue, of why we are so intent on saving their lives, for a life of isolation with NO family contact. That in itself was already a killer before the pandemic crap, and now it is even worse.
Mental health cases have tripled, and suicides have more than doubled. Mental health providers and facilities are so booked up that there is an over two month waiting list in many areas. On top of that what was the emotional backup for many has been closed down Yes the pastors are still around sort of, but these same pastors knew how to read people on Sunday and take them aside to talk to them. Not any more for they are not allowed to have people sit inside the church to listen, to talk and to socialize. .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CCP and the DNC have forced INSANITY on everybody.


trying to dehumanize us while programming us into helpless infantile zombies.

100% manipulation.


Not quite everybody. Wifey & I haven’t worn masks since this started. In PA where we live, if you have a medical excuse, you can’t be forced to wear one, & stores must allow you in without a mask. At first, they would attack you, but one grocery store chain (Giant Eagle) was so bad that they now have 32 lawsuits pending. So, we have medical excuses now wherever we go. I have been accosted by shoppers though. I whip out my phone & start videoing them. That usually stops them right away. I refuse to be used as a tool for our prog Gov. (Wolf) to use against President Trump. I also carry high quality pepper spray at all times. The kind with CS added. I have a large can of bear spray in the car for Andy Tifa if necessary. Um, along with something else. We live our lives as normal as possible in this Soviet occupied state of PA. And push back, hard, at anyone who gives us a bad time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry you got caught in the bin again!


What I’ve noticed is that a lot of “elderly” people aren’t afraid of this virus at all. My 89 year old mother isn’t. I had a heck of a time talking her into taking quercetin and zinc. Nor are other older people that I know. Pneumonia can be a lot deadlier to the elderly. But they don’t walk around terrified that they’re going to get it. Nor do they hang around sick people. It’s just common sense, which we aren’t being allowed to have.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! We have not reacted RATIONALLY to the virus.

  • protect the highly at risk – let everybody else be free
  • leverage natural immunity among those least at risk
  • eliminate zinc deficiency among the vulnerable
  • eliminate vitamin D3 deficiency among the vulnerable
  • use the risky vaccine on those most at risk FIRST
  • do NOT use the vaccine on those of child-bearing age


This is the work of CCP, through their minions, the DNC.

Deplorable Patriot

The vitamin D deficiency thing I partially blame on medicine in that they’ve made so many people afraid of being in the sun. There’s no better way to get it than 15 minutes of bare skin daily from April-September. The skin is pretty efficient at synthesizing it, and it will be stored in fat for the winter.

Doggone dermatology.


Look at the food pyramid, or whatever it’s called nowadays — it’s tied in to corporate interests and responsible for the majority of diabetes in the US.

It’s not just doggone dermatology, it’s about medicine moving away from a focus on patients (because they’re no longer paying) and toward business and government interests.


Just to be on the safe side I arrange my food into a different geometrical shape at each meal. I’m covered.


you’re a breath of fresh air!

Gail Combs

Yup, my favorite food arrangement.
comment image


look a giant bug has crawled on your plate next to that delicious looking steak!

Last edited 3 years ago by patfrederick
Deplorable Patriot

My sister calls them the cockroach of the sea.


that’s what they look like to me!


Me too !

ack !


Sea bugs…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmm. I would think that title would go to shrimp, which I do sometimes call “waterbugs” especially around my taxonomy-oriented relatives.

Shrimp that is, much more commonly eaten in my family than crab (which most of us prefer to lobster anyway).

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot

They’re all scavengers. They eat trash.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



I do too !


One of my favorite meals, Gail!!!

If you have not had lobster – you will never know how great they are – Maine Lobster is the greatest!!!! Chicken of the Sea – I love it!!!


Anonymoushorse, I am loving your comments! 💕


Everyone should have a vitamin D blood test.

I spend every day in the summer outside in my garden. I take 5000 i.u. daily in summer and 10000 i.u. daily in winter, to maintain my levels. Otherwise, I am deficient.

Part of this could be how far north I live. The sun isn’t as strong, even in summer. It could be genetic. Who knows? But I get a blood test every year, and my vitamin D is right on target if I take the amounts above. Otherwise, it gets LOW.


can i get any generic vitamin D at a pharmacy??? of is there a type or brand??


There are lots of kinds. I look for vitamins manufactured in the US.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You and I are actually in latitudes that get more sun than the tropics, during the summer. But it is spread out over 14 or more hours per day, and yes, it does come through the atmosphere at a slant. On the other hand I have almost a quarter of the atmosphere below me at my elevation, which probably makes up for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Oh, I think the ANTI-SUN stuff was very intentional. VERY.


The literal insanity of this all. (saw below just as I was going to hit return that Wolfie said similar”
I am not afraid, for my Lord has his plans for me Eventually His plans will be for me to join Him, for our earthly body is just a vessel not meant to last forever.
Really floors me why so many are eating it up, and following the politicians over their cliffs. Ask them why and many answer the same, “I don’t want to see my parents or grandparents get COVID and die” Then the kicker is the age of their parents and grandparents…Most answer back with late 70s, in their 80s and some even say in their 90s. If you say anything about no one lives forever you are told you are insensitive and selfish.
Well no earthly body does live forever.


1000x agree. While being on this earth has been an interesting visit, I’m more interested in enjoying eternity.


i said the same to my children…eat right, exercise, find peace, and you still die…it’s part of life.
i couldn’t stop them from taking my 8 year grandchild to Mexico–i thought it was too risky–they decided it wasn’t.
I couldn’t stop my son from ice climbing Mount Washington in January ALONE…it was a risk he was willing to take.
suddenly because I am a diabetic ( well managed, btw) I am unable to make decisions about being around my family for Christmas…

the older people ( we are in our early 60’s) can make their own decisions–if my time is short, then allow me the dignity of choosing how i spend the remaining years.


That is how I feel…it is my life.
How many grandparents are living in isolation deprived of their families, along with creating new memories for their grandchildren.
Can’t help but think of the young children that are so lucky to have great grandparents, yet will never get the chance to create memories with them.
Great grandparents is a luxury no family should ever ignore.!


Linda…true. My church is open, and I have noticed the elderly seem to enjoy hugging and greeting w/o any fear. Perhaps it is bc many have not been around family due to fear.
I do clean up after shopping, when I get back to my car, and I do wash my hands when I get home.
I hate it that we are treated as if we cannot make common sense decisions for ourselves.


A funny thing happened at the store a week ago. A clerk inadvertently touched my hand while passing me my change.

We both looked at each other and smiled.

Human touch. It’s a GOOD THING.

Deplorable Patriot

The elderly that I know other than my parents are paranoid about it. Well, at least they’re all masked up all the time. But they aren’t cowering in their houses, either.


I am one of the elderly that isn’t afraid of dying from this flu virus.its like people are so terrified of dying they are going to extremes to live. When people are that afraid of dying it lets me know that Jesus isn’t in their life. People who push dying way down deep so they don’t have to think about their mortality will die still . I am assured by the Lord that a better place awaits those who follow Jesus,so why be afraid ? This rock is one messed up place.i have almost died several times ,I wasn’t afraid not one time ,I know where I am going . The great separation is upon us.wheat and tares,goats and sheep choose wisely.


Although I thought ;Christ was in my life, it was not really until 2005 that I really accepted Christ as my life not just into my life.It was in 2005 He became all of me
On that day I was no longer afraid of what life would have, the ups, the downs, and the really horrid craziness.. Does not mean I don’t have my times! Times I can cowering under the blanket moments. Oh they sometimes they last more than just a moment or even just a day, but then I peek out and there is His light reminding me of His everlasting love.
Truly believe that God does not mind when we have these times, especially when our faith is solidly en-grained within our heart… Sometimes i imagine Him smiling down at me at these times, knowing that He will be able to put me down so we can walk side by side again talking about my new found lesson about life and Him. Sort of like the poem Footprints.

Last edited 3 years ago by kinthenorthwest

I try not to imagine how screwed up these kids are going to be after this ordeal. /shivers at the thought


As I and many of us have said we are not fighting for ourselves necessarily, but the generations of Americans to come.
We want the future generations to still be Americans in a constitutional America. To be Fighting for Americans in the future to still live in a country called America with all the American Constitutions freedoms and rights so many generations have sacrificed and fought for!

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they will be more easily managed by fear.


Or they will be unshakably awake.

Deplorable Patriot

My 11 year old nephew was A BEAR to be around before he went back to school.

Even in my family where we tend to be independent loners for work, etc., we’re feeling it.


Hear it from too many.


I have mentioned the excess deaths in the US multiple times and by igonring them we let the fed gov off the hook for excess suicides, drug overdoses, etc.

Even the CDC admits that 1/3 of our 2020 excess deaths are Not Covid19/Covid19 related complications.

So what are the 1/3 of non covid19 related excess deaths?

From not seeking the usual medical help due to restrictions? From the shutdowns and “mitigations”? Why do we have non covid19 related excess deaths?

Besides covid19, what is killing US citizens at a higher rate that normal? Is the cure worse than the disease?


Strange that over 2020 death toll is almost the same as many years in the last couple of decades, some years 2020 death toll is even lower,


the 2020 death toll is Not lower than other years. It is decidedly higher. This has been a repeated topic here and I have provided the stats and again and again that 2020 death toll is higher than previous years.

If you have actual data (not internet/fb/twitter memes) that shows a lower death rate/lower death totals for 2020, I am interested.

Gail Combs

The CDC no longer shows deaths for 2019 and 2020.

This is from April 2020

These are weekly mortality statistics for the United States from the Centers for Disease Control:
Week                  Number of Deaths 2019          Number of Deaths 2020
1                                 58,291                                          59,087
2                                 58,351                                          59,151
3                                 58,194                                          57,616
4                                 57,837                                          57,000
5                                 58,128                                          56,426
6                                 58,492                                          56,962
7                                 57,917                                          55,981
8                                 57,858                                          55,494
9                                 57,920                                          54,834
10                                 58,490                                          54,157
11                                 57,872                                          52,198
12                                 57,087                                          51,602
13                                 56,672                                          52,285
14                                 56,595                                          49,292
15                                 55,477                                          47,574
Total                            865,181                                        819,659

NOTICE SPIKE from week 10 to 20. (something STINKS!)
comment image


Yes, CDC is still listing deaths and goes back to 2013-14 flu season. I have been comparing for months due to a “study” that was false that spread back in the spring.

Note: the death totals for 2020 will be continue to increase as some death certificates are delayed due to various reasons such as investigations, criminal or otherwise. Example: last night I updated these numbers, checking back to week 40 of 2020 and all weeks had increased by a few hundred to 1-2K. The majority of the reporting is completed 2-3 weeks after the date in question.

One of the reasons so many memes/reports and even the study released and then retracted last spring are wrong is the delay in death counts/reporting.

Example 1: If one were to see any reporting about week 51 of 2020 one ought to immediately see a red flag as the numbers simply are not yet fully, or even partially available.

Example 2: If someone posts about Dec #s at the end of Dec, Instant Big red flag. the #s are simply not available for all of Dec at the end of Dec. The majority of deaths are delayed at least 2-3 weeks from the end date of any given week.

Example 3: if one sees reporting on Jan 1, 2021 regarding death totals for 2020, immediate red flag as majority of Dec #s will not yet be avilable and therefore early 2021 comparisons of 2020 to previous years will have the 2020 death statss grossly under reported/represented.

As can be seen below, we have had excess deaths every week since week 26 (week 26 the arbitary week I began keeping tabs).

wk 26: 58,247   52,209
wk 27: 59,556   52,344
wk 28: 61,589   51,931
wk 29: 62,785   51,649
wk 30: 63,883   51,662
wk 31: 63,873   51,410
wk 32: 63,236   51,747
wk 33: 63,075   51,023
wk 34: 61,862   51,022
wk 35: 60,168   51,162
wk 36: 58,706   51,836     
wk 37: 57,432   51,633
wk 38: 57,104   51,757
wk 39: 57,936   52,757
wk 40: 57,667   52,564
wk 41: 59,097   53,090
wk 42: 57,489   54,338
wk 43: 58,833   54,049
wk 44: 59,659   54,087
wk 45: 62,697   55,699
wk 46: 63,321   55,886
wk 47: 63,941   56,199
wk 48: 62,063   55,465
wk 49: 57,807   57,303
wk 50:       57,568
wk 51:       57,424
wk 52:    58,458

Out of curiousity stirred by the now retracted spring article claiming 2020 had fewer deaths, I compared the first 8 weeks of 2020 with the same time frame in 2019 & 2018. The first 8 weeks of 2018 were part of a worse flu season and 2019 was mild so I thought it was more accurate to compare 2018/bad flu season with 2020.

WeeK 1: 60,018 v. 58,299 v. 64,647
Week 2: 60,553 v. 58,362 v. 67,495
Week 3: 59,192 v. 58,220 v. 64,647
Week 4: 58,993 v. 57, 908 v. 62,780
Week 5: 58,658 v. 58,152 v. 60,974
Week 6: 59,223 v. 58,523 v. 61,110
Week 7: 58,657 v. 58,000 v. 59,779
Week 8: 58,704 v. 58,005 v. 57,793
2020 total for weeks 1-8: 473,998

We were having a relatively mild flu season teh first 8 weeks of 2020. Wuflu deaths were just a few hundred at week 8.

First deaths of WuFlu begin with a few and quickly climb as week 9 is end of Feb.

Week 9:  59,125 v. 58,546 v. 56,692
Week 10: 59,492 v. 58,546 v. 57,093
Week 11: 58,471 v. 57,917 v. 56,326
Week 12: 59,027 v. 57,096 v. 55,766
Week 13: 62,789 v. 56,675 v. 54,918
Week 14: 72,079 v. 56,598 v. 55,294
Week 15: 78,836 v. 55,492 v. 55,228
Week 16: 76,559 v. 54,4468 v. 54,038
Week 17: 73,658 v. 53,656 v. 53,727
Week 18: 69,093 v. 53,987 v. 53,741

Week 18 ends May 2, 2020, same as the “study” claims to end their #s)

Weeks 9-18 totals (the time period when the Wuflu deaths began in the US and the end date of the now retracted article’s claims)

2020: 669,129*
2019: 562,959
2018: 552,823

2020, weeks 1-18 total deaths: 1,143,127*

*Note: I have not been curious enough to spend time checking for updated numbers on the above 2020 week 1-18 #s. I am sure that most weeks have seen a slight increase as additional deaths are reported that had been delayed for various reasons. Not many more, but a few more.

Source for all #s here is the same link already posted above. And no promises that they are exact as I make errors all of the time! But they are close, I think to what is listed at link.


FYI–you do realize that the numbers on the CDC site have been manipulated since March.
I used them in the beginning ….yet strangely what i had in March have mysteriously changed hmmm


Mysteriously change? Probably not.

The CDC clearly states that the #s are incomplete and will increase as weeks and months go by because some states and some counties are slower than others to report. + some deaths are under investigations for medical and even criminal reasons and death certificates are delayed and therefore not included in the initial #s.

SOP for #s to increase. the #s are not final.

Where do you get your info that you trust that shows same/lower death totals for 2020?

I would like to learn more.


Why it matters:

Because something is killing US Citizens. What?

Wuflu? Then China need to be held accountable! If we deny excess deaths we deny the harmful impact of wuflu and let China off the hook for what they have done to us, the deaths and the many who have “recovered” with long term impacts to their health.

CDC says that only 2/3s of all excess deaths are from Wuflu … what?! Then what else is killing US citizens?!

Lockdowns and their negative impacts?

If we deny excess deaths we also do not see/figure out what else is killing US citizens.

I looked the #s up when the spring study was retracted/pulled from publication, wondering what was going on. I didn’t have a “side” or a point to prove. Was just curious if the study claiming lower 2020 deaths was correct or wrong.

I wasn’t attached to a preconceived outcome or conclusion. Just looked it up to learn more. And this is what I learned. Always open to learning more as the above data/#s are not “my” message … just the facts I know at this point.

If we start with the wrong data assumptions or wrong death totals we won’t ask the right questions to get to the bottom of the issue and truth will be hidden.

I have posted this info before when memes or tweets are posted claiming fewer deaths in 2020. I have then been told to f* off + other F bombs, called names, “yelled” at in all caps, called a chinese spy and a chinese shill, etc. Sad as I am just focused on facts and truth to learn more, dig deeper, and figure things out. Cancel culture if one points out that the virus is nasty or that some facts contridict others? SMH

I miss the old days when truth had no agenda and we crowd sourced for info and facts, then came to conclusions. Being attached to a narrative over facts is bewildering to me.

Sharing as I figure you are usually after data, facts and so thought you might want to see it.


I had a couple of CDC sites earmarked…They are “404” type pages now.
Saw this happening in 2008, and should know to just start putting all of this stuff on flash drives. I have so many filled word files.
Intead of numbers on the CDC sites they have stat type numbers per 1,000, but not just one category my many categories per age, race and other types of categories, There is not ONE large category anymore,


I looked them up about a month ago,,,there was two years that that were lower ,,,
If you want to believe the white wash data then go ahead,
FYI you make a lot more friends by with kinder words
I looked them up about a month ago,,,there was two years that that were lower ,,,
If you want to believe the white wash data then go ahead,
Oh wait I guess MAGA Mom considers NY post a bunch of crock too
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America via @nypost

Last edited 3 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Kinder words? I didn’t say anything personal to you in my post, much less anything unkind, to you and even asked for info, wanting to learn more if you had info/sources/links I hadn’t yet read. Just stated that I had posted the info about excess deaths repeatedly but am always interested in more info regardless if it agrees with me or not … actually, am even More interested when more info disagrees with me as I am only interested in accuracy and always open to learn more.

I have been cursed, accused of being a Chinese spy and a Chinese Shill, had f* bombs thrown at me, told to shut the F up, etc., because I have stated, with links, again and again that we have do have excess deaths in 2020.

Ok – now to the actual topic. I don’t understand that part of your reply either.

In your first comment you say: “Strange that over 2020 death toll is almost the same as many years in the last couple of decades, some years 2020 death toll is even lower”.

I asked for the source of this info – where did this conclusion/statistic/fact come from? Who/where is the reporting of lower/same #s for 2020?

You then say in reply where I am for your source so I can learn more, that I can believe the higher death totals for 2020 “If you want to believe the white wash data then go ahead”

Where do you get your data that you trust? If you don’t trust the CDC then where is your data coming from that you do trust? I would like to read it too and learn more, esp. if it contradicts the CDC data.


Thank you for the NYPost article.

Here is why it is wrong: they are comparing 7 months of Covid19 deaths of 200,000 to 177,000 deaths in 12 months of flu season, 2017-2018 to “prove” that there were not that many more deaths from Covid 19. Obviously, this does prove excess deaths even using this false comparison and it is transparent false comparison.

–The article was published Oct 17, 2020.

–The article used the 200,000 covid19 related deaths reported as of Sept 22, 2020.

–Covid19 related deaths began in the US in mid/late Feb with a handful and then became significant beginning in March.

–200,000 is from mid Feb – mid Sept, 7 months.

–to compare 7 months of covid19 related deaths that do not even include the high peak of illness typical of flu season (Dec-Feb) to a full 12 months of data is simply silly and irrelevant.

If anything the fact that there were already 200,000 dead of covid19 related deaths in the first 7 months and those months didn’t include the high mark months of Dec – Feb* is full proof that the accurate 12 month comparison will show covid19 related deaths to be much worse than a typical, or even bad, flu season.

We Already had 23K excess deaths on Sept 22, 2020 with 5 months to go for a complete 12 months for an apples to apples comparison.

If anything this article proves that, Yes, we have many 1,000s of excess deaths for 2020.

(*Feb 2020 is actually included but it had not fully spread at that point, just a few entry cases and hot spots so not an applicable comparison to a normal Feb for flu stats)

Thank you for sharing your sources. My reply is not personal – you didn’t write the article. My reply is merely a discussion of the articles facts and based on my assumption that everyone wants to know the facts and go from there.


That Gov is super creepy!! Just sayin!! Who the hell thought he was a good pick?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

John Kasich! The PUTIN OF RINOs!


His glasses ..Make him a nut job!!!


The glasses.
I’ve noticed that.
The ‘you’re in the club’ style.
They also hide the eyes.


Yup! But his daddy was a mailman…just sayin🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His daddy would have cheated in this election, too, collecting FRAUD-PREP BALLOTS at the post office, and returning them to DNC boiler room operations!

We should have known – his dad was a vote cheater, and he’s BLUE DIAPER!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

😉 Truthfully, I have no idea if his dad was a CROOKED mailman, but he was a mailman! We know this for a FACT!!!


His daddy was the milkman. Momma lied.


hey! my daddy was a milkman!


You may have a half-brother in Ohio.


hehe…my father adored my mom and was faithful to her…this is one of my unshakeable beliefs. he taught me what love is.


My dad was the same. He adored my mother, who swore to divorce him damned near every day until the day he died, whereupon he suddenly became a saint.

She never remarried. My dad taught me what unconditional love was. I hope to see him again one day.


me too!


Absolutely!!!!! You got this!!
Hey Wolfie!!! Ya goin to 1/6 0r 1/20?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe AND LOGIC!!! 😍

Trump says 1/6, so if I go, that’s when. I follow orders.


I am so struggling with 1/6!! I am definitely in for 1/20!! I like to follow orders too!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, look at it this way. If I go on 1/6, and they bring down my blog, people have to go somewhere, so if one of us is on the job, that makes sure there is some place they can go! Likewise on 1/20.


Yep! We goes together darlin!!!


If the planets align as we believe, I will got to BOFF!


I have to get off a plane and get in a rental car. This is probably our last chance to be CRAZY.


You misspelled ‘putz’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Found it really strange and interesting all the crazy stuff I found in 2016 on the so called Republicans that were trying to run for president


The most dangerous part of going to the grocery store, for me, is getting across the parking lot. I generally put the face-diaper on when I’m about 10 feet from the door because it limits peripheral vision. Our idiot government expects people to be wearing the damned things at all times — even when driving alone in your car!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Driving with a mask is DANGEROUS!!!


Walking across a parking lot with a mask is dangerous!! Shepherding a couple of tons of metal around at 60 mph is idiotic!!


most dangerous part of the store yesterday, for me, was the check-out lane…

where all the magazines are on display…

this one…
comment image

…generated a hooplah involving 5 Trump supporters literally giving hell to the one snowbird idgit with her baby blue face mask on so tight her stupid eyes were bugging out…she called PDJT a “maniac” and a “pathological liar”…

man ahead of me picked up one of those Biden magazines and waved it in her stupid face, demanding her to tell him how Biden is honest or sane…

someone behind me shouted “Obama’s man !!”, and not in a pleasant way.

I joined in with “China’s puppet !!” , and the store cashier nodded at me YES ! YES ! YES !

even the cashier was fed-up and pissed off…I glanced kinda nervously up at the store surveillance cameras overhead (I know they’re up there)…hopefully that cashier won’t lose her job ??

people were starting to stare.

quite a few people were nodding their heads up & down.

people are pissed off.

just the sight of a Joe Biden magazine cover will get the blood boiling.

those check-out lanes can get a tad tense.


Time turned into MAD so gradually we hardly noticed.


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Been lurking, enjoying all theqtree comments. Love the new site.
Covid for thee not me. Vendors in a downtown building must have their phone scanned, survey questions answered, face scanned and temp taken to receive a wrist band to work in building. Company employees enter from parking garage or street level doors and are not subject to said wrist band branding.
The kicker… office employees agreed with vendors being screened. One employee went further “those” workers (me included) don’t have good hygiene habits.


Hiya Charlie!!


thanks for commenting, Charlie.

lurk no more ! 👍


When I’m at the grocery store I deliberately walk down the aisles against the arrows on the floor. I’m waiting for someone to challenge me so that I can explain that I am doing it to confuse the coronas.

Deplorable Patriot

People don’t even drive in the direction of the arrows on the parking lots. What made the powers that be think that they would grocery shop paying any sort of attention to arrows on the floor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Masks are still de rigeur here, and we still have floor stickers reminding us about six foot separation, but “shop this way” disappeared from the walmarts months ago.


I have never had one person challenge me. I’m afraid it will be all over and I won’t have been able to make a scene for freedom. 😂


You should make a fake government “had it; immune” ID and flash it to the Karens. See what it takes to convince them.


you know…that’s a great idea.
I’ve had it.
which can mean 1) I’ve had covid….or 2) I’ve had it with this bullshit.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just put that on a t shirt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


But not my style. When I start making false IDs, you will know things are bad. It means we are at WAR.
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Warning colorful language from a qualified nurse:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that woman is GREAT. And even better is the fact that what she is saying about “crap sets off the test” matches the new paper about genetic incorporation by COVID-19, leading to expression of CRAP that matches.

So the bottom line is that there are two theories of the disease that the left will hate, and either one explains the facts nicely.

Which is correct? No such disease? Genetic incorporation to create garbage?

Doesn’t matter, IMO. End the stupidity reacting to it.


Just came over from the Clickbait Plumpit. The headline is misleading; the video does not show any violent confrontation. In fact, the video is about 25 seconds long. I will continue blocking ads over there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

sorry to hear about the ongoing breathing issues. If you come across anything that helps I know you will share so we can pass it along. So terrible to be out of breath. Friends found olive leaf tincture makes a difference for them in their post recovery with breathing issues being one of their main “leftovers”. Of course, what works for one doesn’t work for all.

The virus sucks and China is an A****** for releasing it/not containing it & lying about it.

And the gov “help” is too often harmful in ways the virus can not directly harm us.


About two weeks ago, I had to make a foray into enemy territory, and was told I had to wear, at minimum, a face shield.

It was just a quick trip in and out. I had not realized up until then how much I struggle just to breathe on a normal daily basis.

I lasted ten minutes in the shield. If I had stayed another ten, I think I would have passed out. There’s just not enough air under there.

I can’t wear anything that covers my face for very long. I have so many “deformities” in my upper respiratory system that I have just compensated for, with yoga breathing and medicine every day. I just never thought about it until this year really. I just did it and carried on. The one time I “wore a mask” before this year, I just kept pulling it off my face all the time to catch a breath. But if you do that now, they will attack you in some places, like airplanes.

I’m pretty sure I had the ‘Rona early like you did, Wolf. Maybe I have more lingering issues than I thought, and it is worse than it used to be. I tend to just compensate for stuff and keep pushing on until I fall down. My family threatens to sit on me sometimes.

This mask shit is CRUEL, not just to people who have health issues. I hate the people doing this to us. I really do. It needs to end.

Gail Combs

I tell them FINE, I will wear a mask BUT YOU had better have an EMT and an oxygen tank on standby when I do!

(The guy I said it to freaked)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. One more sign that you had it! And you’re a “long hauler”, too, like me. But people like you and I can’t be wussies about it, which the LEFT tries to FORCE US to do, with their VICTIM-CLAIM virtue signals.

Look at my response to MAGA Mom on treatment. Magnesium supplements are what saved me. It’s not much of a dosage – just insuring that I’m at the RDA and have enough (overkill for seniors) D3 that I get full intestinal absorption of bivalent metals (that is what D3 does).

Everything about this disease makes sense now, although no thanks to the FAKE NEWS.


I take magnesium daily, along with my vitamin D. And you’re right, we don’t have time to wuss-out! I do fine, so long as I am not obstructed. I have to take three different allergy meds daily, because congestion makes me way worse. But I persevere, because what else am I gonna do?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – yeah, I noticed that even face shields throw off my O2/CO2 balance, but much more slowly than masks, which cause me to “deep breathe” almost immediately. I do find that deep breathing under the face shield helps me retain balance.


I practice yoga, which teaches long slow deep breathing. I think this 25 year habit has probably kept me from much worse symptoms since Covid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – if you were a rapid, shallow breather, COVID damage would have thrown you more quickly into either or both of hypoxia and hypercapnia, and you would have likely noticed your “urge to breathe” changing in unpleasant ways. That in turn leads to further respiratory complications, IMO, because not all forms of corrective breathing (such as continuous mouth breathing) are good for your lungs.

But we endeavor to persevere! 😃

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

D pat!!! Ima late to the ballgame…everyday…merry Christmas!!!! You are a ROCK!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Someday, I’m going to post Haydn’s Christmas Oratorio. It’s actually about Christmas.


I wonder if some of those old artists left people nekkid to save money on paint?

Deplorable Patriot

Europeans weren’t – and still aren’t – as squeamish about nudity as Americans have been. The Puritans and all that.


I would bet we are pretty close to getting “herd immunity” after all this time.


Linda– I haven’t worn a mask correctly..over my nose..eveh! my daddy in nursing home–got it.. and recovered!!! It’s bullshit at this point!!!


Good for him! I’m pretty sure I had it, too. It wasn’t a picnic, but I got over it and didn’t even go to a doctor. I just took my vitamins and rode it out until it was gone. I know people with pre-existing conditions can have a hard time with it. But if the idiots would give them HCQ or Ivermectin, they’d probably be just fine in a couple of days. Better yet, make those drugs over the counter and open everything up. We’d all be a lot better off.


HCQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dad is getting the Vaccine tomorrow… It breaks my heart…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How old is your Dad? 70s or 80s? If he ain’t planning on having more kids, no problem, IMO.


He’s 86… I don’t like it..but I want to see him!!! in person.. He’s so funny!!! Even if he doesnt know me… he cracks me up! Last time he talked to me… He was in a a casino!!!🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’ll be fine – especially if he gets Pfizer. That is my favorite of the mRNA vaccines. Best results in the trials.


I love you…thanks!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But don’t let the grands get it! Lay down on the TRACKS if you have to, to stop that crazy train! And tell their parents that it’s about THEIR grandkids!


Fer sur!!!! Knock Knock grand… Loves his grandma more than anybody!! Oh yeah!! We Win!!!


Fiancee got jab #1 of Pfizer today.


willingly? or required?


A little of each. She’s currently working at a VA hospital. We’re in our late 50s, so there’s no issues with that. It’s a “yes, dear….” situation with me.


she is well, tho? no side effects?


So far.


glad to hear it!!


was he winning? LOL


I have one lung ,don’t think I’ve had the Rona, refuse to wear my dump Kate Brown mask over my nose ,won’t follow arrows on the floor which I never look at the floor to begin with since that would stupid in a crowded store and I am ready to rebel against this total bullshit.i would grab my cane in a hot second to go protest the evil mask mandate.


you’re a feisty broad (no disrespect)…I like that!

Gail Combs

<i>”…a 15% decrease in new COVID cases and deaths in America….”</i>

Yeah SURE and NO CASES of the FLU! (Yellow lumps at bottom of graph.)

(Notice the spike ended and we are headed back down.)
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This is the Spring of 2020 for comparison.
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Mario has done it again–an article and meme we take to heart!

“It must be in our hearts and on our lips. It must be preached from our pulpits and heralded by every civic, business, and legal leader who loves America. It must be the war cry coming from all 7 mountains and every profession. MAGA country must become voter integrity country.

If I sound extreme, it is because you do not realize that all of our freedoms are dependent on free and fair elections. Remove that, and you have removed government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Anyone who is okay with ignoring the compelling evidence, is part of the tyranny.”


Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry forgot the space between the title and address,

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



TY–Hey Grannie trying to be a good girl and only lurk..but just lurking is not always easier1
You all are the greatest, and you wolfie Thank you for all your hard work in giving us this haven.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!


yikes! I thought that was a lion after receiving a vaccine shot—–and Bell’s Palsy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it looked a bit GNARLY at first!!!


He is right. I told someone the other day that Pres. Trump has a duty to not allow fraud, disenfranchisement, foreign influence, and takeover of our government. He swore an oath, and his job is to protect the country. She looked a little stunned. I know she knew that what I said was correct, but political discussion stresses her, as does the threat of conflict. (Fine. She can sew flags 🇺🇸 while others fight. 😉 Not that sewing is not service; it just isn’t conflict.)

The election is not just about R vs. D. It’s about the very existence of the United States. Dems would take it over and pretend it’s the same country, but it wouldn’t be; America as founded would have been destroyed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! CCP is not going to pull this off. Au contraire, CCP is GONNA PAY.


Wolf…is this a feeling, a wish or knowledge?
i really want your positive outlook.

Gail Combs

I would put it at 95%

Remember POTUS was ASKED TO RUN!

A bit of dot connecting.

#1. 1954Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government…
It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate. LINK

#2 1958 — Eisenhower warns of the Military Industrial Complex.
Businessman and founder Robert W. Welch Jr. (1899-1985) developed an organizational infrastructure in 1958 of chapters nationwide. (wiki) Since 1958, staff and members of The John Birch Society have been busy recruiting and providing leadership to an educational army… LINK

Early 1960s G.Edward griffin video:

(worth watching)

#3. 1963Congressional Record — Appendix, pp. A34-A35 — January 10, 1963 Current Communist Goals

#4. 1976The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen June 28th 1976
#5. 2014 —  General Paul Vallely compiles List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
General Vallely’s comment:

Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn’t done this until now!

SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  I am doing my part. 

#6. Jun 16, 2015 President Trump announces run for President.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is not what many would consider a positive outlook. No more positive than 1776, 1860, or 1941.

Positive in terms of where it ends up. Not positive in terms of how much has to happen to get there.

There could be quite a few dead people between now and then. And I will almost certainly be one of them.

But on a positive note, we will prevail.

There is still time for stupid people to be less stupid.


Do believe that many tried to warn us through the years
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And then for the next 10 years after they killed him, they wiped out the Minutemen!


Nothing like seeing a president assassinated on TV to end one’s childhood. Can’t imagine what 911 did to the youth of our nation. I know what it did to me.

Gail Combs

Very much a shocker for me too.


it’s President Trump vs the UniParty

time to stop thinking in terms of “Republican vs Democrat”….because that is pure myth.

Gail Combs

Mario is so correct.
comment image


from the mouth of one of most horrid dictators.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Georgians and vote counting…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! Oh, the irony!


Wolfie… I hope yer not mad at me me for “whispering” to Bren over last nite to settle the peeps! irt the stupid bill…I still cannot figure out what went down! But… i Trust our President! I just wanted to keep Patriots together!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure what you’re talking about with Bren, but if there was something you could do to make me mad, I would surely know it, and I don’t! 😃


How do I say….I Love ya forever!!!😘💖


how’s the shoulder doing?
if you’re going to DC at ANY point, you should be well healed–never know when you’re gonna need a good right/left cross…LOL


Gettin there Pat… Therapist called me a “tough broad” so I must be doing better!🤣


I have always known this about you!!




much admiration and respect Marica!!!


Right back atcha sista!!!!😘💖


As I listened to “Semper Fidelis,” I was struck by how timeless it is. It was written in 1888 and is the official march of the U.S. Marine Corps.


Nice version with intro!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plus a really great music video at the end, showing a mountain river from a helicopter!


Really enjoying Gab TV so far. Have been watching off and on while on vacation

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For a new product, I’m impressed. Rumble’s embedding capability is CARP, but Gab’s is very close to finished, and for some people, works perfectly.


I won’t watch this sasquatch video- just the sight of Big Mike Obama upsets me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love this header image!


Consider signing this petition. I would


Awwww….it’s only got 253 signatures. I’m disappointed that there aren’t more feline fans.


It’s starting small but I think the maga crowd could push it over the line.
when obumma was Potus some fucktard did a petition for the us to annex Australia. They got enough signatures but obumma pointed out it was considered bad form to take over n ally. Only sensible thing ever from him

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think he also turned down the one to build a death star.


ironic…he IS a death star

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, way too skinny.

But the destructive potential is quite similar.


If they amended it to limit the treason to the 2020 election bet it would of had a half a million signatures by now.


Biden body count


How is he connected to Biden?


Worth knowing. Purloined from sumdunce.

Dr Paul Marik, ICU specialist, originally from South Africa, now at EVMS pioneered the HAT sepsis treatment some years ago-

A=Ascorbic acid

Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine (HAT Therapy) for the Treatment of Sepsis. Focus on Ascorbic Acid

And for Covid:

Developed and updated by Paul Marik, MD Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA
May 25th, 2020


Happy go lucky

These are great, perfect for sharing, thanks!


Specifically does not recommend HCQ or AZ. Yet, we have many, many reports from trusted MD’s (but only B.S. from Med establishment) on great successes of HCQ and with AZ and Zinc.

Gail Combs


We lost a favorite goat to antibiotic resistant sepsis.


mystery money, houses, bombs and other weirdness…

What We Know About Michelle Swing, The Woman Given Homes By Anthony Quinn Warner

article link…


LA-based 29 year old music industry exec (AEG Presents), Michelle Swing, was given 2 properties on the same street in suburban Nashville last year…

she paid nothing for them…they are valued at more than $400,000. , combined.

one of them is the house in Antioch where Warner last resided…the same house with the “quit-claim transfer”.. and where the RV had been parked.

more on this woman, some other background history on those properties, in the article.

she claims she never met Warner.


13 more things about Michelle Swing…

article link…



Interesting….So Swing was given a house in Nashville by Warner via quit claim, then gave this house to his mother via quit claim BUT she doesn’t know Warner? Huh?

In January 2019, a $160,000 house on 3724 Bakertown Road in Antioch, Nashville was given to her via a quit claim by Anthony Quinn Warner. On March 23, 2019, she gave the house back to his mother Betty Christine Lane via quit claim.


according to that NY Post article, she claims Warner just “deeded it over” to her without her knowledge and that this is how it’s done in Tennessee…??

did she even ever occupy either of those “homes” ?

there’s more to this Swing chick than meets the eye ?


One of the things frequently done when applying for some sort of financial aid is quitclaiming real estate to a trusted confederate, after which you don’t have to claim it as an asset.


there are also no warranties in a quit claim deed…very risky.

but how would Swing, as she claims, not have knowledge of the quit claim transfer ??

doesn’t the deed…any deed…incl a quit claim deed…have to be delivered to the grantee ?

and…if she transferred the property back to the mother, she’d have to “have knowledge” of it.


First, you are absolutely correct in noting that her reconveyance to the mother doesn’t just imply knowledge — it’s an indicator.

OTOH, you can do all sorts of things with a quitclaim. You can hide it in a desk drawer or safe-deposit box. It doesn’t have to be recorded, which means county tax records don’t have to be updated for it.


Let me be just a little more technical…..if I were to quitclaim to you any interest I had in Hyperborea and stuffed it into a desk drawer, it would never be an issue — you could claim that you never knew me.

But if I quitclaimed an interest in Hyperborea to you — and, four months later, you quitclaimed the same interest to someone else, that’s a PRETTY SOLID INDICATION that you knew about the first one. Mind you, if you had quitclaimed various interests in Erehwon, R’lyeh, and Atlantis during those months, the issue might be somewhat hazier….but if your only quitclaim activity was a specific bit of Hyperborea……yeah, you’re cooked.


Not to mention all your readers who are downright confused as all git out.


They are all mythical / fantasy places. When you quitclaim something, it doesn’t actually have to exist….and, if it does, you don’t have to own it.


YES! This is exactly the thought I had after reading a few articles. If she “didn’t know about” the first property, how the hell was she sued by the mother, and then signed it over to her?

There is more here than meets the eye. VERY FISHY.


These are questions the FBI should be asking. Are they?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! They asked them, I’m sure, when assessing their scheme, and whether the lies would hold up!


When you note there are no warranties to a quitclaim, and that is risky… have to note where the risks lie.

I could grant you a quitclaim deed for the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. It means simply that I release all of my claims in your favor. I do not warranty that I have any legal claims on the Brooklyn Bridge (and, indeed, to my knowledge I do not). I’m just signing over whatever there may be.

You may also find quitclaims used in the resolution of ancient liens and easements. If, for instance, there were an obscure and uncertain 1732 grant for Rancho de Cthulhu to be able to pasture shoggoths upon the workers of your land during a proclamation by the King of Spain’s Viceroy for California…..well, this sort of crud has been polluting real estate titles in California for centuries. You might track me down and have me sign away any such rights for a minimal sum and “clean up your title”.


why would Warner use it to transfer property to Michelle Swing who claims she doesn’t know him ?


She knows him.

That she reconveyed property to his mom means she knows him.

Start with that being a lie and figure it out from there.


acc/to this…she did, in fact, speak to him… over the phone before Thanksgiving…and met him “only once”.

why would she lie ? (rhetorical question)


It was an estate scam, and the mother sued to reclaim the property. Quit claiming the property made the suit go away.


Donation to blm?


his mother was still living in that house at the time and sued her to get it back…


Ohhhh that’s makes sense then. Thanks pat. 😊


you’re welcome—Im looking for the article I read about it yesterday…seems Anthony told Michelle to check out one of the houses…something about the attic and the basement…


So strange. Sounds like a CSI episode.


Yes, he did say something VERY weird:

“‘The attic has plywood and lighting, take a look,” Warner reportedly wrote, referencing one of the houses he gave to Swing. He then warned, “The basement is not normal, take a look. Woof woof Julio.”

She knew him. This is extremely weird. Did he bury Julio in the basement? Is Julio a dog?

Gail Combs


What is it with these elite and dogs?


Wag the dog?

Cuppa Covfefe

Watch out for the dwarf with the hatchet, and don’t foget to pick up the battery and the coins in the maze. And be sure to call the taxi so you can get away from the mansion before it blows up at midnight…

(sometimes XOWIM and XYZZY are of help)…


she worked at Dataflow Enterprises, Inc in Knoxville from Hanuary 2010- May 2012..

then she worked as Senior Project manager at Vendini , in San Francisco.

Vendini and Dataflow are the same thing..


and…there’s Steve Weisz

in 2014, Vendini acquired In Ticketing (based in California)…and founded in 2001 by Steve Weisz..

this Steve Weisz..

aricle link…


Ivanka is in the room..


saw that too


tsk Hanuary…January.


Ticketmaster had to sell certain ticket vending assets to, I believe, AEG during a merger. AT&T was involved. It’s in the wikis.




Thank you. Please take a look into her employer AEG, its partnerships with AT&T, links to Qwest, partnerships with MGM Resorts in Vegas, it’s partnerships in arenas like the voting venue in Detroit, and Target Center in Minneapolis, it’s print media assets,and it’s film assets….


“…partnerships with MGM RESORTS IN VEGAS…”

emphasis mine.


Also the Washington Examiner. The 🐰 hole is deep, and Ms. Schwing is a loose thread.

In some reports, she directed further questions to the FBI?!?

Antifa/FBI honeypot/talent recruiter?


honeypot/talent recruiter

too much coinky dink


NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 29, 2020, as the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket. I invite the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches and customary places of meeting with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of the life and legacy of Thomas Becket.

Deplorable Patriot

Yesterday was the Feat of the Holy Innocents which is where I got the Gospel reading.

Today’s readings are just as important, IMO.

St. Thomas Becket stood up to a monarch who was going off the rails. POTUS is doing the same with the swamp.

Interesting that he would make such a proclamation.


Very Interesting

Deplorable Patriot

Make that feast.


It’s going to be biblical?

The account of Beckett’s death puts Cathy Griffin’s “joke” in a different light, doncha think?

Deplorable Patriot

This is a succinct explanation on Becket. Although, he did have regular clashes with Henry II on more than just the state encroaching on the Church.

And…please don’t shoot the messenger.

Eric Sammons

It’s a common joke that episcopal consecration involves the removal of the spine.

St. Thomas Becket had the opposite experience: upon his consecration, he received the courage to defend the Church from the encroachments of the State. 

May this holy martyr pray for our bishops!

8:28 AM · Dec 29, 2020


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Tuesday Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!


Hey, Pat!!! How is all in snow country – had a day off – back to snowflakes falling – lol

God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you…snowing here again…sigh…missing the sun…it’s been a while


Received and Appreciated

Keep the sunshine in your heart – and I predict it will NEVER go away – when people see you – they will see the SUN!!!



GOD Bless that Patriot, PRESIDENT Donald Trump.

starting to see the weariness on his face…in his eyes.

he has seen sooo much.

GOD Help America and President Trump.


I disagree. Of all the Presidents I have seen since I was a child, he is the only one who has not seriously aged in office. To the contrary, he has apparently grown younger and more vigorous with each passing month.

I believe that God has chosen him, and it is my fervent desire that he continues to receive God’s support as he combats the wickedness and corruption in DC. But God has chosen a happy warrior, and opposition is the wind under his wings.


I agree…until I looked at that image Dora posted…in fact, that’s why the weariness struck me..

he has been so amazingly vital and energetic, all along…I’ve often commented on that to others…the Presidency usually takes such a visual toll on men…but not PDJT…

but in that photo, I can see it…the man is only human…

there is something in his eyes there…a depth…

I don’t mean it in a bad or discouraging way, either..

but the weight of all of this…

I can see it in his eyes.


How could anyone looking upon the swamp never show dismay? But each revelation inspires him to further efforts. He is our Lion.


I’m not criticizing him..

just saying, empathetically, that I can “feel” what his eyes are conveying.


it’s just an observation, on my part.


I agree…until I looked at that image Dora posted…in fact, that’s why the weariness struck me..”

That’s an old photo, Smiley.

I think it dates back to 2016.


If you look at the uncropped photo Trump appears as a calm point in the midst of chaos.

Cuppa Covfefe

That image that Dora posted is from 2017, IIRC, when the storm was just starting…


alright already.

but I’m sticking to my story, don’t care what anybody says.

Cuppa Covfefe



GOD Bless that Patriot, PRESIDENT Donald Trump.”

Yes, absolutely!

But I agree with Coothie about Pres Trump looking younger and more vigorous as his time in office has passed.

He seems to thrive on it.


That is quite an old photo…taken early in his Presidency and I have always liked it because I see bemusement…shutting out the chatter and activity around him and just taking to all in.
While my maternal grandmother was alive, the family had a summer picnic in a city park. There were at least 3 generations there and it totaled a lot of people. Often my grandmother would look out at the busy activities with the same expression… my gosh, look what I created.


we will rejuvenate him at the rallies–show him the LOVE we have for him–he will drink it in and defeat all his enemies…LOL

but EVERYONE can offer encouragement NOW…


so here it comes….


Nashville Raises FEARS…!!

watch the MSM video at the link…

“anti-government”, says Christopher Wray…with a smirk on his face…




Warner is a lone wolf, like Raz Simone is a lone wolf.


Deplorable Patriot

The more of this we see from all quarters, the more the people will wake up.



see who made the video??? or tweeted it at least??





Hmm…the BBC talking about “China’s propaganda and censorship machine”?

Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black?


IndoPacific Watch – Watching the CCP-China Threat

#China Covid-19: How state media & censorship took on coronavirus

As the year started, the #Chinese govt faced 2 major challenges; an unknown disease threatening to tear through its population & a wave of voices online telling the world what was happening
………….Text of 6 more tweets in this thread:

Replying to @IndoPacific_002

2) At the beginning of the year, it was clear something unprecedented was happening. Thousands of messages of public outrage appeared on Chinese social media, asking whether local governments were covering up another Sars-like virus.

3) While government censors routinely mute anti-government messaging on platforms like Weibo, they were of such a large volume that many remained visible.

This is because when facing major disasters, the Chinese government often scrambles to react, and censors are slow to act.

4) Blame was being pointed in all directions. In mid-January, Xi Jinping suddenly became an absent figure in China’s media. Not seen in public & his pictures vanished from traditional government outlets like People’s Daily. There was speculation that he was avoiding blame.

5) Within a week, however, things changed considerably. Blame shifted in Chinese media and social media towards Wuhan’s leadership, with papers like Beijing News writing unusually critical commentaries, asking: “Why didn’t Wuhan let the public know sooner?”

6) Now Beijing tells its own citizens that it has largely won the war over Covid & China now seeks to distance itself from its early connections to the coronavirus, and promote the idea that China’s Covid-19 success means its political model is more successful than the West’s.

Gail Combs

3) While government censors routinely mute anti-government messaging on platforms like Weibo, they were of such a large volume that many remained visible….


The videos WERE a CCP PSYOPS directed at the WEST esp the USA to scare the Schiff out of people!

Tell me where are the people dropping dead in the streets of the USA???

Where are the massive crematoriums burning bodies day and night?

WHY DID FRANCE TAKE HCQ off the Over the counter medication list January 15th?
France Banned Over the Counter Chloroquine Days Before First Western Scientific Report on Pandemic


Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Pennsylvania Certified Results Found In Error By More Than 200,000 Votes…
Posted by Kane on December 29, 2020 4:18 am


this should totally fall back on SOS Bookvar and Gov Wolf…
if they certified fraudulent results, they should be convicted of treason–or at least wolf subject to recall.


I pick Door # 1 – Convicted for Treason

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_lol: 


Apropos of nothing, I got a little electric knee warmer via Amazon from China. A DH-QN06. They probably ripped it off from someone else. $22, delivered.

It’s delightfully underpowered, so I can have it blow into the knee area of my computing area and it won’t cook the leg closest to it.

It has stickers and information all over it that it may stink during its first uses. I shouldn’t worry about this, because it was approved by RoHS. AYFKM? Like RoHS isn’t thoroughly corrupt. It’s first hour and some of operation was outside on my patio. I joked with the Fiancee that I’d know if it was never coming indoors if I went to look at it later and it was surrounded by dead birds.




Found this on Twister:
Describes for all the sheeple out there.comment image


The article in the picture is actually pushing for universal masking in the hospitals but is an honest, balanced approach, discussing pros/cons of universal masking.

It was written before the mask narrative changed to universal masking and the authors later explained that this is a pro mask article.

Sad that they later came out to adjust their article to fit new narratives. However, the article itself is a good example of a balanced approach. Masks do reduce transmission but ony a mild reduction – they help some which is true. But they also come with negatives and there are many circumstances (out of doors and 6 feet apart) where they are not necessarily. Balanced article discussing the issue from all sides v. sticking to a narrative – refreshing


Balanced article? Then it must die!


DC Harrington Hotel closes for Trump event after pressure over Proud Boys…Posted by Kane on December 29, 2020 2:43 am


article doesn’t really say what kind of pressure caused the “conservative” hotel to cave…oops…I mean “close”…

threats, maybe ?

so…who are the “fascists”, exactly…?


Just activist groups – which ones – who knows? Could very well be threats of sabotage – the fact that they caved so quickly is suspicious – where is the suspicious cat, Smiley?


Thanks, Pat!!!


my pleasure!


I was being sarcastic in my question at the end there



There it is.

Good to see it being said!

The Cabal’s media nozzles will be declaring that this is a ‘conspiracy theory’, in 5…4…3…2…1.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And wonder how long that post will stay up after Jacked-Dorknot figures out what it means…
😡 😡 😡 😡


I’ve already read on another blog that this is nothing but the latest scare rumor from RFKjr.

I’ve heard this before though from my sister-in-law who is a nurse and I believe it.

Gail Combs

The Globalist Elite want to DRASTICALLY CULL THE HUMAN HERD. That is not in dispute. Vaccines are the chosen vehicle and again that can be proved. Africa suffered an ACROSS THE BOARD drop in fertility that had no other common denominator. (I used to have the ‘Sauce’ to back that up. It was in one of the UNs own reports where the author was puzzling over the sudden drop in fertility even among the most poor which historically have a very high birth rate.)

From WUWT Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball

Overpopulation: The Fallacy Behind The Fallacy Of Global Warming

More recent:
Overpopulation – The Deadly Myth behind the Other Modern Myths
It is ALL about reducing the Human Population. Our Lord and Masters want a LOT LESS HUMANS (Ted Turner said a 95% reduction would be ideal) because they do not NEED so many people.

Also I think, as I said to Wolfie above, that the Elite DO BELIEVE a full blown Ice Age is on the way shortly and they want to massively reduce the human population NOW so there isn’t the massive disruption and OVERTHROW of the rulers (them) when it happens.

1976 CIA warned of global cooling bring drought famine social unrest.

 1974 CIA report:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”

 Pg 7

In 1972 the Intelligence Community was faced with two issues concerning climatology:

* No methodologies available to alert policymakers of adverse climatic change

* No tools to assess the economic and political impact of such a change.

“… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…

pg 9

The archaeologists and climatotologists document a rather grim history… There is considerable evidence that these empires may not have been undone by barbarian invaders but by climatic change<…. has tied several of these declines to specific global cool periods, major and minor, that affected global atmospheric circulation and brought wave upon wave of drought to formerly rich agricultural lands.

Refugees from these collapsing civilizations were often able to migrate to better lands… This would be of little comfort however,… The world is too densely populated and politically divided to accommodate mass migration.

Page 18 talks of coming glaciation.

Scientists are confident that unless man is able to effectively modify the climate, the northern regions… will again be covered with 100 to 200 feet of ice and snow. That this will occur within the nexy 2,500 years they are quite positive; that it may occur sooner is open to speculation.

page 22 states:

The climate of the 1800s was far less favorable for agriculture in most areas of the world. In the United States during that century, the midwest grain-producing areas were cooler and wetter and snow lines of the Russian steppes lasted for longer periods of time. More extended periods of drought were noted in the areas of the Soviet Union now known as the new lands. More extensive monsoon failures were common around the world, affecting in particular China, the Philippines and the Indian Subcontinent.

The Wisconsin analysis questions whether a return to these climate conditions could support a population that has grown from 1.1 billion in 1850 to 3.75 billion in 1970. The Wisconsin group predicted that the climate could not support the world’s population since technology offers no immediate solution. Further world grain reserves currently amount to less than one month; thus any delay in supplies implies mass starvation. They also contended that new crop strains could not be developed over night… Moreover they observed that agriculture would become even more energy dependent in a world of declining resources.

So Holdren (Obama’s Science Czar) and the other Malthusians from Stanford University were not alone. The US government has been behind them since BEFORE the book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions (1973) was published. The book just echoed the real thoughts of the US government of that time.

Deplorable Patriot

Let’s not invite trouble. Remember, JPII outlived Bernardin and there was public talk about what would happen at his consistory…which didn’t happen ’cause he died.


“He who goes into the Conclave a Pope comes out a Cardinal”.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good timing on my part then; I’m doing some learning on Medieval English history.


Head of Pfizer stutters and mumbles when asked if HE has taken his vaccine.

He stutters some more when asked…”When do you plan to get it?”

But he tells us to “Trust Science”.

H/T Citizen Free Press…which has the original video too, if you want to see it:


he is probably one of those “noble” fellows who will let others go first…
you know…to save humanity…
cough, cough

Gail Combs

Or take a SALINE ‘Vaccine’ in front of the camera.

Deplorable Patriot

RTed by Bobby Piton.

He says:

I do believe the music in this video is SPOT ON! That said… Once President Trump is officially certified as the winner… Our Work only begins… We have to take every Precinct, County, and State Back from everyone that betrayed US throughout society!


we must think of it as the STARTING point, not the end point

Deplorable Patriot

I get the feeling this may be exactly correct.

Nurse Deplorable Flag of United States

Replying to 
For every one brainwashed, vax-shaming, dancing nurse there are ten that have their heads down and mouths shut so they don’t lose their jobs for speaking out against it all.

2:16 PM · Dec 28, 2020


Nurses used to be common sense. Those that became managers tend to be very liberal. Lots of education first, not as much hands on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Times were hospitals and medicine in general were to help and cure people.

Now the medical INDUSTRY is a for-profit monstrosity.

Gotta keep that revenue stream coming in…..

Some tests on my son, years ago, returned an erroneous result of a rare condition which coincidentally provided an uplift on any services (something like 30% or so) which would be paid, without question, by the health insurance.

It has been an almost interminable struggle to get that diagnosis off his record, despite three world-renowned specialists calling BS on the original diagnosis (which involved a “healthy” degree of wagon-circling by the doc and lab that screwed up).

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


Perfect Scripture.


Wow…. when i started seei g hospitals becoming franchises and companies traded on the stock market i knew traditional medicine was in a death spiral .




CDC reports record-low positive flu tests
The positivity rate has sharply declined this calendar year as only 0.10% of tests taken this year came back positive. The five-year average is 15.80% positive.




Deplorable Patriot


Comments reminding us to watch the water.

Are there still carrier groups off the coasts?

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

also comments of:

they are running

WE are coming

seal team (?)

Deplorable Patriot

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Daily Caller


These Are The House Republicans Who Voted With Trump On Both The NDAA Veto And $2,000 Stimulus Checks


Several of Trump’s allies broke with him on the House floor, voting against the president’s veto, such as Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green, Montana Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte, Mississippi Republican Rep. Trent Kelly, Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, and Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw.


Kentucky Rep. James Comer

Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart

Texas Rep. Michael Burgess

Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins

New York Rep. Chris Jacobs

West Virginia Rep. David McKinley

Indiana Rep. Greg Pence

New York Rep. Tom Reed

Missouri Rep. Jason Smith

New York Rep. Lee Zeldin

New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew


the article on Michelle Swing…a letter came with the deed…the FBI has it now…for whatever reasons she is trying to cover her online footprint…more on her at the link

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However, the US Sun has said that Warner also sent her a letter when he transferred the deed, one now reportedly in the hands of the FBI.
In it, he warned her that the basement was “not normal” and said he “intended to travel on Christmas Eve to spend a few weeks in the woods with his dogs,” the report said.
“The attic has plywood and lighting, take a look. The basement is not normal, take a look. Woof woof Julio,” he wrote. The identity of “Julio” is unclear.
It is also unclear if Swing has ever set foot inside either house, and she reportedly told investigators she never even met the bomber, the report said.
With so little known about Warner — he had no social media presence, and did not appear to express a political motivation — the spotlight, in part, has turned on Swing and any potential insight she may have.
But as well as refusing to discuss her ties, Swing is now hiding her own online footprint, deleting social media, including Facebook and LinkedIn.


Hmmmm very interesting. I have’t read much about her, but I wonder if this bizarro story isn’t a distraction designed to take the focus off what was destroyed?

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

could very well be.


more than one lone wolf was involved…

and An’on Q WARNer was probably already dead when they put him in the RV.


I blow to pieces


woof woof Julio


don’t know if that song’s Julio is a reference to Warner’s woof woof…

but when I read that same article earlier this morning, before posting the link, first thing I thought of with Julio was that song…

so I just now listened to it (again, after all these years)…and…all things considered, the lyrics do sound quite spooky, in this Warner context.

listen to them.

just sayin


even the “woof woof” in the background


one thing niggles at the back of my brain concerning VP Pence doing the right thing. his wife (iirc) got one of those ENVELOPES at the funeral…we never found out what that was about…
now, it could be harmless for sure…but…


Did she have any noticable reaction when she saw the envelope? Like Laura and Jeb?

Deplorable Patriot

Please see my response to this.

And yes, Mrs. Pence did react. So did Mrs. Biden.


Ahhh thanks. I didn’t know that about the note from GWB. I wonder if we will ever know the contents of the envelopes.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, she did. The ones we saw were Mrs. Pence, Obama, Clinton and Biden. Word at the time was that there were others in the crowd.

Contrary to the narrative, if you watch the video closely, President GWB wrote something on his program and handed it to Laura. She did not get an envelope. Whatever she saw that stunned her and JEB! was a hand written message from GWB. At the time, word was he flipped to save his family.

We’ll see how this all shakes out. As far as I am concerned all options are on the table until the tribunals and hangings are over.



Timely, Duchess. 😀


He’d be an utter fool to count on the House or Senate for justice! Them’s mostly POSs.


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Thanks, Pat!!! I need some laughter to start my week!!!

Deplorable Patriot

When was the last time I heard a blonde joke. HA!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They left out those tribesman in the Andaman islands who kill outsiders who try to contact them.

They probably have no idea this is going on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Commies!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



BardsFM Livestream, 20201228 – The Enemy Within



Who took a knee for blantifa lives matter, and said multiple arsons set by balantifa was disinformation that should not be spread.


LawFARE… right? This is not LawFARE…

Concerned Virginian

Biden still can’t read a script fluently enough to make it look like normal speech patterns and flow. Had his eyes glued to the monitor that was feeding him the lines.



If you are wondering what is taking so long for POTUS to act, you’ve already been told.

You don’t arrest bank robbers BEFORE they rob the bank. You do it after the crime has been committed.

And just because you know they intend to rob the bank and you know they have put their plan into action doesn’t mean the actual crime has been committed yet.

What follows is THE #1 CONSIDERATION at hand in this moment in history:

The prosecution’s case has to be airtight. The prosecution will only get ONE (1) go at this. There will be no redo. No 2nd try.

Q: Does Pence have any legal jeopardy in knowingly allowing a fraudulent vote to go forward? Do congressional representatives and senators who vote to accept a fraudulent vote have any legal jeopardy??


Oh, btw and hypothetically speaking…. just because Pence allows Congress to vote to accept the fraudulent elector ballots doesn’t make Biden the President. There is a full 14 days between Jan. 6 and Jan. 20….two weeks….an eternity in politics.

Q: If a President-elect is indicted for treason BEFORE being sworn into office, can he/she be sworn into office??

A: No. Absolutely not.


There is a reason the whore Kamala Harris hasn’t given up her senate seat, which she MUST do BEFORE accepting the office of the VP. WATCH THIS CAREFULLY. No, just because Newsom has selected a replacement doesn’t mean Harris has formally relinquished her seat.

Critical thinking skills, people.

PDJT wins. God wins. We win.

Have a nice day.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
I’ve obtained an opinion from the Legislative Counsel’s Office that “casts doubt” on Gov. Newsom’s legal authority to appoint Alex Padilla to complete Kamala Harris’ term without an election.


Today, I voted to defend President @realDonaldTrump‘s veto of the NDAA because it serves foreign interests, not American interests.

President Trump has always been a staunch advocate of our troops, and sadly, this bill does not prioritize them or our nation’s future.

— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) December 28, 2020

The NDAA was hijacked by the forever war lobby and their bought and paid for allies in the United States Congress.

President @realDonaldTrump took a principled stand against this unprincipled legislation by vetoing it.

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) December 28, 2020

Today I will be voting NO on the override of @realDonaldTrump‘s veto of the NDAA.

Here’s why:

The act fails to terminate Section 230 and is a gift to our enemies like communist China!

— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) December 28, 2020


really good visual of the covid relief bill–shows America getting $174Billion…the rest of the world $726 Billion


What? They’ve frozen out Greenland?

Gail Combs

It has been frozen for all of the Holocene except around the edges.

Gail Combs

AND most of the $174 Billion goes to bailing out Demonrat states and cities and funding idiotic projects used to LAUNDER MONEY into ‘Donors’ pockets.


A thought occurred to me. Normally when that happens I lie down until it goes away, but this one is kind of interesting. One of the great enduring ‘conspiracy theories’ out there is that the Government can control the weather. If the weather in D.C. on Jan 6 is unusually mild and pleasant, maybe we should take a look at this.


The gov’t cannot control the weather.

I wish I had a dime for every time I have to debunk this tired claim.

It is the modern day alchemy (making gold) of conspiracy theory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This theory will never go away. It is TOO useful.

Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree.

A lot of people here seem to think someone is controlling the hurricanes.

Utter bullshit.

Gail Combs

The SUN controls the weather along with the earth’s orbit around the sun. You can also toss in the Milky Way Spiral Arm Passages.

….One mechanism which can give rise to a notable solar/climate link was suggested by the late Edward Ney of the U. of Minnesota, in 1959. He suggested that any climatic sensitivity to the density of tropospheric ions would immediately link solar activity to climate. This is because the solar wind modulates the flux of high-energy particles coming from outside the solar system. These particles, the cosmic rays, are the dominant source of ionization in the troposphere. Thus, a more active sun which accelerates a stronger solar wind, would imply that as cosmic rays diffuse from the outskirts of the solar system to its center, they lose more energy. Consequently, a lower tropospheric ionization rate results. Over the 11-yr solar cycle and the long term variations in solar activity, these variations amount to typically a 10% change in this ionization rate. Moreover, it now appears that there is a climatic variable sensitive to the amount of tropospheric ionization – clouds. Thus, the emerging picture is as described in figure 1.

h ttp://

Figure 2 – An artist rendition of the spiral structure of the Milky Way’s spiral structure. Illustration Credit: R. Hurt (SSC), JPL-Caltech, NASA.

If this is true, then one should expect climatic variations while we roam the galaxy. This is because the density of cosmic ray sources in the galaxy is not uniform. In fact, it is concentrated in the galactic spiral arms (it arises from supernovae, which in our galaxy are predominantly the end product of massive stars, which in turn form and die primarily in spiral arms). Thus, each time we cross a galactic arm, we should expect a colder climate. Current data for the spiral arm passages gives a crossing once every 135 ± 25 Million years. (See fig. 2 on the left. Note also that the spiral arms are density waves which propagate at a different speed than the stars, that is, nothing moves at their rotation speed).

A record of the long term variations of the galactic cosmic ray flux can be extracted from Iron meteorites….

h ttp://

Interesting that they will not allow those jpg illustrations to show no matter what I do.

Remove the space or go to the article.

Duck Duck go ALSO had the article displayed on a dark gray background so it was close to impossible to read. I had to go to Dr Nir Shaviv‘s blog and use the search to find the article in readable form.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve (unavoidably) vastly oversimplified a highly complex mess, but nowhere in that complex mess is there some dude pulling levers to create and send hurricanes, whenever and to wherever he wants.


Someone is.

His name is God.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I meant human agency.


I knew that. I was being something. I’m not sure what I was being, but something 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Something about sagacious and donkeys or units of land measurement, perhaps. 🙂


After lying for four years, Gallup FINALLY tells the truth… Donald J Trump beat Zero’s claim to fame with his election in 2016. What 12 year run? (They lie about everything, don’t they.)


Trump at 18% (ahead of Obunglehead) and Bydan, who supposedly won by record 81 Million, at 6%.
No one honestly can say this guy won anything.
You are either corrupt or brainwashed if you do.


the SUN came out…even if it doesn’t last…I am happy dancing in the beam!!!!


Sun? Sun?? What is this that you speak of? 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by holly



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Now I remember! Thanks duchess! 😎




Me too – except you can’t help thinking of Teletubbies. 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

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Richard Grenell


h/t @ExDemLatina

“Are there any countries that tax their citizens and send some of it to Americans?”





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, said a guy named YURI.


Might be an explaination …

Now, what helps these symptoms/this condition?

Olive leaf tincture is working for friends of mine but who knows why and what it is specificially doing. What else is working for others?


“There is one study from Germany that showed that up to 70% of people who recovered from Covid can actually have changes in their heart, and we don’t know if it’s reversible or permanent.”

Post infection complications do not seem to be 100% based on the intensity of the illness when going through the initial infection. In one study only 7% with post infection complications even had a fever when going through it.

I have told my husband that it seems this virus has its initial stage and then in the week or so following has a tail that whips around and stings when the more complicated symptoms set in. I have seen people go through the initial fever/low temp “sick” stage, think it was over and that they are just tired v. still sick. But then they start going down hill to the complications of breathing and heart issues. And some don’t seem to realize they are actually still sick until they really get into trouble and head off to the hospital.

It seems the “tail”, or the long term complications, can stick around for a long time.

Does this mean the virus is still active/present but just in low amounts? Or that it did damage in the initial infection that then has a cascade effect of results from the damage? Is it the HIV part of the virus doing long term damage or remaining in the indiviual long term and thus continuing the illness/damage?

Its this complicated aspect that has my husband convinced is 100% engineered.

FYI: not “fear mongering” – trying to crowdsource ideas about the issues and practical solutions. If dealing with nasty China virus head on scares you or upsets you, then just scroll. In our home, we both view the virus as nasty and China as culpable & view gov interventions as overreach and wrong, the media as liars, the dems, media and deep state as using it as a front/excuse to move their agenda/narrative forward + use it for anti Trump purposes both in the election and in the public narrative. Its a nasty virus and we still have to deal with it. Hoping for others input on post initial infection conditions.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

Thinking about fear, fear mongering, terrorism and the virus.

If dealing with the virus head on and in practical ways and calling China out for the nasty virus raises fear in one’s heart … then the CCP, deep state/media/dems have won as fear is the emotion intended and is impacting reaction and thus actions as intended.

Knowing that people are dying of this virus, that it is nasty and that is has long term impacts on the health of those infected ought not cause fear.

Knowldge of the realities of wuflu ought to cause feeligns of determination, motivation, cold anger fueled research & political action … all yes!

Fear? No. Fear is of the unknown. Know this virus and take actions based on wisdom that comes from knowledge, from seeking understanding and from the Word.

Fear should not cause anyone to shy away from dealing with the virus, neither fear of the virus nor fear/concern over appearing to agree with Dems.

Intentionally learning about the virus and dealing with it does not equate to agreeing on Dem policies regarding public health “mitigations”, shutdowns, etc., or to agreeing that a vaccine is good.


A friend of mine from Louisville KY told me she had in June bacterial influenza. She had to be Hospitalized and it took her four months to recover. She still does not feel 100% because it took a drag on her whole body.
Now I wonder how many people had bacterial influenza that was falsely called covid?
So bacterial influenza seems to be going around at the same time of Covid ?


Ups, I forgot to say my friend works and has to wear a mask. Maybe she got the bacterial pneumonia from wearing the mask?
She had pneumonia not influenza. Made a mistake on previous post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO – which I held starting back in spring, based on both my own case, and now matching what others are saying – “long hauler” was never the C19 virus hanging on – it is post-COVID lung damage, showing up as symptom recurrence (including hypoxia) whenever there is any kind of assault on the lungs, be that allergies, a cold, bacterial, asthmatic, etc. Nasty business.

My “cure” for my case was MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS.

Magnesium is a vasodilator and very mild nervous sedative. The combination opens up pulmonary capillaries and relaxes breathing. It’s extremely effective. It made my breathing become normal again.

When I do get a virus, I immediately go to ZINC supplements and green tea – poor man’s HCQ/Zn/AZT, to get things back under control.

But the long-term fix is magnesium. I want to thank the “vent doc”, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, for the biochemical insight on this. I found that Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc-D3 supplements worked better than Zinc, and I had no idea why. When I realized that Zinc was only working on spurious viral infections, and only to a limited degree (matching the scientific literature), I figured it was likely Magnesium (D3 helps absorption of all of these metals – it’s important, too, but it’s about the metals). Researching the medical literature clicked on exactly why Magnesium works. I actually had some on hand for other reasons – the doctor had recommended I try it for something else.

Dr. CKS explained that vents had to be restrategized based on the observation that C19 hypoxia was more like high-altitude sickness and less like ARDS. Digging deeper, he pointed out that capillary damage by C19 was related to endothelial destabilization. THIS is where Magnesium comes in. Capillary damage restricts blood flow in the lungs, throwing off proper O2 / CO2 balance. Magnesium dilates the remaining and the damaged capillaries, providing long-term relief. Because it is simply a nutrient with this effect, it’s not likely to have many contraindications, unlike most synthetic vasodilator drugs, which have a slew of potential interactions with other drugs.

Yes, magnesium can have digestive effects, but not much is needed here, and pill form seems to be far less problematic.

Niacin is also a natural vasodilator, but causes flushing in many people. THAT is an alternative, if Magnesium does not work.

It does not take much Magnesium. I simply max out my RDA, which surprisingly I was not getting earlier. I take roughly 400 mg total Mg per day, along with Calcium, Zinc, and D3, with LOTS of D3 (>2000 iu) to make sure I’m getting good absorption of the metals.


I while back, I suspected I was low in magnesium, so I tried a supplement. Unfortunately, my digestion did not approve (“colonoscopy prep”), and I haven’t worked up the nerve to try again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have no idea why Magnesium seems to have absolutely no effect on me that way.


searching old threads for advice on “long haulers”

Somehow I had missed this when posted.

Will pass the info. Thank you.

Hopefully this will be new to them and will help.


Several of Trump’s allies broke with him on the House floor, voting against the president’s veto, such as Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green, Montana Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte, Mississippi Republican Rep. Trent Kelly, Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, and Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw.


  • Kentucky Rep. James Comer
  • Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
  • Texas Rep. Michael Burgess
  • Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins
  • New York Rep. Chris Jacobs
  • West Virginia Rep. David McKinley
  • Indiana Rep. Greg Pence
  • New York Rep. Tom Reed
  • Missouri Rep. Jason Smith
  • New York Rep. Lee Zeldin
  • New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew

There’s our guy Jeff. 👍🏻


That crenshaw meme changing him into no name will be handy. Crenshaw is untrustworthy.


Lots of Black hats being exposed Gil…


He is the perfect replacement.


Very untrustworthy. Active military folks despise him. All you need to know.


I didnt know that.


Note that Greg Pence voted with POTUS.



Concerned Virginian

Wouldn’t at all be surprised if Crenshaw is building up “street cred” with the DeepState / RINO Establishment, .looking forward to a possible 2024 Oval Office / VP try.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They need a new war somewhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Professional warriors are more or less out of what they would consider meaningful work with VSGPDJT as POTUS.

War is what they know how to do.


Both he and Nikki Haley keep getting pushed forward for 2024. Barf.


grandma…I find it encouraging that the youngsters on thedonald think both Nikki and Crenshaw are snakes of the First Order.


Yes. They see through the old paradigm of fake Republicans much easier than us older folks.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This phony “election” cannot stand.


A delegation from a Chinese Communist Party-run think tank identified by the U.S. government as carrying out “undercover intelligence gathering” operations and seeking to coerce foreign actors into backing the Chinese Communist Party’s “preferred policies” met with Hillary Clinton and a host of high-level military leaders during the Obama-Biden administration, The National Pulse can reveal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! This is awesome!

Watch Twitter BAN HIM!


Twitter banned Ali a day or so ago………….



I like this guy, but not unless he switches parties.


A rose by any other name is still a rose.


Thought he already switched to Republican.


I don’t know. His wiki says D.


Someone might have already posted this article by Ted Noel, but I just saw it and include the link for any who may have missed it. If things happen as Noel describes, it will be the right outcome.

As Noel points out, chaos and anger will engulf the country, but we are far beyond letting chaos and anger prevent the right thing from being done:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent article! Everybody needs to read that. Even more so, those going to Washington on January 6, because this describes exactly what Pence has to do – the choice he has to make.

There is a reason we need to be there!!!

Been wondering where Ted Noel has been. This is a great piece! Smart guy.


Hoping we have a jumbo tron on the mall for our 6 January festival of sorts.

Carry “live” from inside the Capitol. VP Pence leading the joint session of congress.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is exactly why Xi said (according to Chinese whistleblowers) that Trump needs to be STOPPED before January 6. It’s OVER on January 6. Their plot ENDS.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



But this is where we are. Race trumps EVERYTHING.

We have allowed this to happen, by being passive when attacked for being white. We haven’t “banded together” like people of other races do. We aren’t allowed.

There are black awards, hispanic organizations, job advantages for all other races, but not if you are white.

I grew up believing I should be color blind, but I am changing my mind about that. They see us as the enemy simply because we were born white. I am coming to see them as the enemy, too. It makes me sad, but it is real.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Totally agreed.

But HOW we make White “OK” again matters. The ChiNazis and their Cabal “masters” (not for long) want us to reassert ourselves in a way that fits into their evil plans, by assuming “white identity”. We must not fall for it. It’s a trap. WWG1WGA is the key.

We attack them as divisionist – as ChiNazis, ChiComs, ChiCom stooges, Bolshevik stooges of the ChiComs (which burns the Americommies when they realize THEY’RE the useful idiots), and whatever.

BLM are not nasty because they’re black – they’re nasty because they’re idiots fighting for communist goals, who were puppeted on their own RACISM. They’re racist scum and eventually they will be informed of that fact in ways I cannot say here because I don’t feed Treasonous FIB what they need. Ultimately, we have to deal with them harshly, but not because they’re black – because they’re violent communists guilty of ethnic intimidation, and they HANG on that HAMAN GALLOWS OF BLAME they meant for us. They are RACISTS – and they need to be called out for it. SHAME AND BLAME racist BLM, and the white idiots who support them.

It’s going to be ugly – very ugly – but COMMON SENSE will take hold, and it will take hold FAST when it gets ugly.

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Doesn’t matter who becomes President. The ChiComs are going down in America, and it will be ugly. If the idiots try to make a Biden presidency happen, or throw the Senate to the commies, it will be FAR UGLIER FASTER.

We turn the civil war that the ChiComs tried to create between black and white in America against THEM and their pawns. And it will be UGLY. The masks of shame and collaboration will come off quickly soon enough.


I really hope so.

The problem I see is, broad swathes of blacks and other minorities have been convinced of their victim status for decades. They BELIEVE they deserve more, and that WE have taken it from them. That is how they allow themselves to be used, as they have been used in this election, for example. That kind of mentality is a lot of inertia to overcome. Add that to the fact that they have been deliberately under-educated as a whole (communist teacher’s unions made sure of that), so that you are dealing with huge groups of people with very little knowledge, and what you have is mindlessly rioting mobs without the discernment to understand that they are destroying their own neighborhoods.

I’ve been watching this for so long. I had hoped that people like Candace Owen and C.J. Pearson and all the others were reaching really big groups of blacks, but even though Trump got a higher percentage of minority votes than Republicans have in many decades, it still didn’t top 15%. They appear incapable of surmounting their indoctrination. Not that I blame them. Look at what has happened all over the world for centuries to subjugated groups of people. There is an inertia that takes hold. Frogs in water, slowly coming to a boil.

I don’t know what will happen, but I don’t hold out a lot of hope that minorities will be any help for our side. BLM is NOT nasty because they are black,but BLM is black because they are the easiest for the bad guys to dupe and control with lies. And white people join in because they have been taught to hate themselves because they are white. It’s depressing.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I missed this one yesterday.

The music is from Aaron Copeland’s ballet Rodeo. We know it as “beef, it’s what’s for dinner…BOM BOM BOM”. But, it’s technically the Hoe-Down, or the last movement from the master work.

From wiki:

Rodeo is a ballet composed by Aaron Copland and choreographed by Agnes de Mille, which premiered in 1942. Subtitled “The Courting at Burnt Ranch”, the ballet consists of five sections: “Buckaroo Holiday”, “Corral Nocturne”, “Ranch House Party,” “Saturday Night Waltz”, and “Hoe-Down”. 

And then this morning, Scavino posted this (bringing forward from the last page).

Something’s up.


I gave you an article about carriers in pacific and atlantic. They are out there.


USNI ship tracker Dec 28 shows nothing off Atlantic coast.

Carrier somewhere between Hawaii and CA/WA.

NO significant Fleet operations off EITHER coast.


Dunno if splat is still required.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Hmmm.. maybe those 2 carriers were delayed again?


It’s a Black and white film, yet at the 17 second mark there is a red jet ski. Stormypatriotjoe’s twitter connects this with a 17 post #3439 that links to a twitter status that has the name ”Crimson Jet”. 17″s response says, “Outside the standard deviation? -Q” Not sure of the meaning, because I haven’t read the Crimson Jet linked Twitter status from that post. But it may have to do with “Watch CA”. Perhaps voter fraud soon to be exposed?

Deplorable Patriot

Tweet is unavailable.

Jul 17, 2019 10:14:49 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8a344a No. 7074281;

Outside of the standard deviation? 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that video is GREAT.

NOW – we have to be on the lookout for a Scavino tweet that goes to the FOURTH red line. Also, look backwards for FIRST red line.

We have 2 and 3:
comment image

RED4 could come at any time.
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Look for anything with RED LINES or RED STRIPES – either total number or something pointing to one of them.

Deplorable Patriot

And those headed to the swamp next week might want to consider wearing red.


Gail Combs

Geat find!

I SOOOooo want to see Perkins Coie ripped to shreds in a military tribunal and then cast to the four winds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! Perkins Coie is an INTERNATIONAL law firm where “international” = CHINA and TAIWAN. They are NOT an “American” law firm. Not any more.

Perkins Coie is an international law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and founded in 1912. Recognized as an Am Law 50 firm[2], it is the largest law firm headquartered in the Pacific Northwest and has 20 offices across the United States and in China and Taiwan


Perkins Coie is counsel of record for the Democratic National CommitteeDemocratic Leadership Council, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Other political clients include nearly all Democratic members of the United States Congress. It has also represented several presidential campaigns, including those of John Kerry,[7] Barack Obama,[8] and Hillary Clinton.[7] The group’s Political Law practice was for many years headed by Robert Bauer and is now chaired by Marc Elias.[9]


The firm was founded in 1912 and has represented the Boeing Company since the founding of the aerospace company in 1916. Perkins Coie has been named one of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” for 18 consecutive years and recently ranked #40 on the list.[6]


Through all the tension and stress we are going through, I’m so glad to see you continue to post the Montana Moments.

They are always beautiful and calming.

Thank You Dutchess.


Most welcome, Dora – we do need a break from the constant barrage of booms!!!


They are very nice. I appreciate them, even though I live here.

P.S. Buffalo are scary.


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I would love to see every single chinese owned property on CA be seized. I think people if they saw how much is owned would be furious.

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY with the very high rents they pay.


Well then, of course, the US has to be prepared for the very same…we have LOTS of property overseas.

Gail Combs

USA has CHINA virus and CCP interference in our elections.



They are NOT AMERICAN! They only ‘claim’ to be American so they can donate to our political campaigns and as PR advertising.


This. ☝


Mega dittos. And remember chinee repatriated some of our US corporate factories at the beginning of wuflu…

Lookin at you 3M


My head continues to believe that PTrump has got this . . .
but my gut still harbors a flock of flutterbys.


Rolaids might spell Relief – but, Target Practice gets the willies out!!!  :wpds_wink: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At the very least, Bore Sighting! 😃

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take a look at the Ted Noel article on American Thinker and then ask why we’re supposed to be in DC on 1/6. The thought is calming.


NOTHING to gain by “flutterbys”. I refuse to go there. So, I suggest blow them off.

President Trump has stacked the deck in his, our favor.

There is no way he’d invite everyone, quite consistently to be on the Mall 6 January.

Deplorable Patriot


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s phony. I knew this series well as a kid, and it’s actually good enough even on an adult level I sought out the hard to find ones.

No such thing as Tintin in Wuhan.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. This is new to me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was almost unknown in the States back then, but some more recent efforts have been made to market it.

It often reminds me of Indiana Jones…or rather the other way around, to be honest. Many of the stories were actually written in the 20s and 30s, in fact.

After the first couple of ones, the author would spend about half of his time researching, trying to find photographs of the places he was sending Tintin to, so he’d get every detail of the scenes right. (Imagine being in Belgium trying to find lots of street pictures of Shanghai long before the internet!)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and they actually came out with a movie a few years ago. (All of the stories got animated at some point long ago, this movie was new.) It was all CGI, and the characters had much more detail than they had been drawn with originally. The movie opens with Tintin getting his portrait done by an artist at a flea market (though I don’t think they call them that in Europe); you get to see the portrait and it is how he appears in the comic…then you see the artist, and it’s Herge making a cameo appearance. The movie turns out to be a sort of combination of two or three of the original stories. If you know any kids they might enjoy it; come to think of it I should lend mine to some kids I know.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here in Germany we have Flohmärkte …. pretty much the same thing… even the occasional garage sale… and then there’s “Bares für Rares” that my wife watches – I call it “Cash for Trash” which somehow she doesn’t find funny 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Someone posted a still of a series I actually recognized; I guess it’s set in a pawn shop.

I recognized it because I saw a YouTube video of a fairly prominent coin dealer bringing a Gobrecht dollar (!!) to him, though they never called it a “Gobrecht dollar” but rather just “an 1836 dollar.” Guy quoted him something like $20K for it which would be about right.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. What they do is have the various hopefuls (there’s a screening process up front) show up and present their ware(s)(z 🙂 ) to the hosts of the show, who do a once-over with an expert (sometimes two) specializing in whatever field the (usually) antique is from, estimating the value of said item, then letting the aspiring millionaire decide whether or not to go on. If they do, they end up presenting their item(s) to a panel of collectors/agents/dealers who then bid and (hopefully) counter-bid for the item(s) in question. Sometimes there are surprises, rarely HUGE surprises, other times there are disappointments (again, the occasional HUGE disappointment, e.g. something is discovered to be a (very good) reproduction, or even a FAKE). Some folks find it interesting…

The days of Strads in attics are pretty much gone, considering how much they cost now, and how good modern instruments are. I knew someone who owned a strad cello, had sold it, and let the insurance lapse FOR JUST ONE DAY. He said the drive to the buyer’s house (only a couple of miles) was the longest drive he’d ever made in his life. And, he almost got hit… but fortunately not…

Now if they had some good Lionel Postwar kit, especially the motorized accessories or the 250v transformers, I might be interested… 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Though it still seems people open a drawer in some desk and find a “new” Mozart symphony every couple of years.

There was once a point where he was believed to have written 41 symphonies. They were placed in chronological order and given numbers. Then it turned out he hadn’t written #2 and #3, and had only written the intro to #3, for a symphony written by someone else…since his name appeared on the manuscript, but the other composer’s did not, the whole thing had been credited to him.

And more and more very early symphonies appeared, for a time they were numbered (now out of sequence) as 42 on up to even a #55. After that they seem to have just stopped putting numbers on them, though they still assign Kochel numbers (K. 551, e.g., the number given to the chronologically last symphony Mozart wrote), adding letters afterwards so that the K numbers could be preserved (e.g., wedging K. 167a and 167b between K. 167 and K. 168).

Deplorable Patriot

Each of us has our interests, and it’s lucky for all of us that they are diverse. Otherwise, many of us would be lost.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re available in German as “Tim und Struppi”. I’m looking for that one right now. My son has a few from a while back, but I don’t remember this one…
(I don’t think they’re available in the USA because of Disney or some copyright issue)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t see the original tweet, but is it in reference to Tintin and the Blue Lotus?

That’s pretty much the only one that’s set in China.


Here’s the image, Steve:
comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Phony, methinks.

Nevermind “methinks.”

Absof*ckinglutely phoney.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thanks for looking Cuppa… would like to know if they’ve been doctored…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s doctored.

I know that series well from childhood. No such thing as Tintin in Wuhan.

Anyone doubting me can look it up on Wikipedia.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

thanks Steve…………….

Cuppa Covfefe

I looked it up on Carlsen’s site, and, both had the blue lotus (I’d rather have a Shelby), but neither had wuhan… didn’t look on any French sites…

Remember that Rin Tin Tin had a grossly overweight brother…
Rin Tin Ton… 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You won’t find it. Save yourself the effort.

Cuppa Covfefe

I know – my son has the whole set (in German)…

He also has all of the Lucky Luke series, and all of Asterix and Obelix (including one in Swäbisch)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now THAT is market penetration, doing dialects!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And it’s all but incomprehensible to anyone but a Schwob… they also have Bayerisch, Hessisch, and other dialects, as well as Latin, and English. The one where they’re in Switzerland is really funny, as is the one where they’re in England (of course, Miraculix and tea…). Sometimes the translations are very clever, even better than the original – one character gained the name “Dogmatix” in English, which fit them better than whatever the original name was…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am told (I don’t speak Walloon or even standard French) that much got lost in translation of the Tintin books; but I imagine some things could get added, too, just like “Dogmatix”

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The one with all the versions is Asterix and Obelix, originally in French (Goscinny and Udzero). The translator for the English editions who passed not too long ago was known to be a brilliant translator, and occasionally added clever things, such as Dogmatix, that worked better in English than the original, sort of a Bon Mot thing, as it were…

Asterix in Switzerland is great because of the battle they have with Fondue, etc. If you ever want to wind people up, put 250g of Mozzarella (maybe not sooo much) into your Fondue pot while you’re making it. Your victims will never be able to roll the cheese sauce enough to break the strand… fork fights will ensue 😀

To paraphrase Yogi Berra, if you come to a fork in the Fondue, take it 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe



I wondered ’bout that………..


I found it yesterday and it just seemed too good.


APA history:

I’m curious about what’s in the planning documents related to any existing plans for the future of the 2nd St. area in Nashville.

Bet there are several, going back to before urban renewal.


A possible motive?

Gentrification in Nashville… Build back better?

FBI? Calling the FBI….

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse

Good article on worthless lockdowns.



Not just a hotel. Dc angry lesbian mayor shut down indoor dining and isnt allowing portapotties.

Ali 🟧 #StopTheSteal (@ali) Tweeted:
Everyone must come to DC now. Civil Rights. Bring a tent and a sleeping bag too. They are shutting US down. #JAN6


language warning…

Gail Combs

Syphilitic rat-faced BITCH!


okay then…
I like your version better!!


He’s really fired up!
Love it.

Maybe POTUS can overrule that commie DC Mayor and do something…like send in some flatbeds of porta potties.
For you know, public health reasons.

I always thought that the reason that there is no governor of DC, is because the President is the defacto ‘governor’ of the District of Columbia.

Maybe send in some National Guard forces to provide protection and keep order…
And set up some food tents…with big outdoor grills.


Pres Trump invited his peeps to come to DC.
It would be unlike him to do nothing to help them out when they get there.


Makes me more determined to come. Have tents will travel.


President Trump WILL fix this. VERY publicly.

Deplorable Patriot

I really wish people wouldn’t wear Rosaries around their necks without being in physical duress when you have to put it there to keep from losing it.


That one wouldn’t really fit in a pocket anyway!


I occasionally wear one under my clothing.


Yea, I am not very smart. An example.

IF the Mall is Federal property, how can that syphilitic rat-faced bitch ban porta potties?
(ht Gail. 🙂

Guessing the Mall is Federal property managed by NPS. Call it protest support.

Rather sure President Trump can. Will do so if he has to.

Hell, not really house broken, can tinkle most anywhere. But my better half will be livid if I bring here into an environment with some sort of potty facilities.

May have to leave her in the hotel if this doesn’t get worked out. Or leave her in Texas with daughter. Driving 1,500 miles, Texas to DC, without facilities. My normally calm 5 foot, 105 lb bride will be PISSED. (pun intended) Sunday, 3 Jan will have to decide if she attends or stays in Texas. I AM ATTENDING.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

She can go. Get a work bucket frim home depot and a camping potty seat that fits on top. She can hide it and herself just about anywhere.


My bet is President Trump or someone on his team will unscrew this.


Did you know both Smartmatic International and Dominion Voting Systems International were both registered to the same street in Barbados as recent as 2016?

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 29, 2020


Good video. 👍


Republicans in The House who voted to keep Section 230, rename military bases, and fund more endless wars need to be aggressively primaried in 2 years. You’re fired!

— The TRUMP PAGE 🇺🇸 🦅 (@MichaelDeLauzon) December 29, 2020


great tweet- love that it contains the voting record.
Just contacted Mark Green – disappointed and look forward to a reply/explanation

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So Schmucky just asked for Unanimous Consent in Senate to pass the $2,000 standalone bill. RINO DECEPTICON TURTLE OBJECTED!

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


 😠  😡 
*insert a long stream of cusswords right here*

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe the “And for other purposes”… noted earlier were poison pills of some sort…

Deplorable Patriot

I take it Mitch didn’t return POTUS’s call the other day?


WHOA… don’t be too quick here to judge Mitch…

There are some machinations going on with BOTH sides of the aisle…

Schumer wants to hurry up and get to the vote to override POTUS’ veto… Mitch is trying to stall that… Mitch is telling Chad that the President for THREE things… I think the House voted to increase the check to Americans, in other words BOOST the amount, not a standalone bill…

Give Mitch’s actions a little time please… let’s see what is going on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep! Forty-Eight hour rule.

There was “And for other purposes”… mentioned with regard to the $2K bill. Perhaps there are some poison pills/poisoned pork attached… The DEMONRATS are incapable of doing anything useful…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

House passed standalone bill yesterday, increasing $600 to $2000. I watched Schumer ask for unanimous consent and McConnell objected. The only reason to object is if they put extra garbage in there, BUT I don’t think they did. POTUS endorsed this. Watch to see if McConnell even brings bill forward to vote on, if he doesn’t then WOE be unto him!🤬🤬🤬
If he does put forth and RINOS oppose, Bernie says he’ll fillibuster. Sanders now saying he’ll fillibuster NDAA override if COVID increase is NOT put forth for a vote. A BernieBox!! Never thought I’d agree w/BernisBro on anything. POTUS tweeted same yesterday.


My understanding is that House INCREASED the amount in the Omnibus Bill, that the House vote is NOT a standalone bill.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They did BOTH. First they added an ammendment to original bill, that went nowhere. Then they did a standalone $2,000 bill.


Chad Pergram
Dec 28
Schumer on Trump/GOPers saying there was “pork” in the bill: It’s an excuse so they don’t have to vote for the COVID relief, plain and simple. It’s a budget they all supported and voted for all but six or seven Republicans in the Senate, both parties together

Apparently the StandAlone bill has PORK.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pork flied lies…

Courtesy of the Red CCP…


When the DIMs are for the people, we better check it out!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

NO PORK in this version of standalone.

NOTE** – This is/was proposed language for Bill. ACTUAL language has NOT been posted with Bill on govt website so there is NO Telling what is actually in it.


Thanks Butterfly…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Not trying to argue with you. Just making sure we get ALL THE FACTS. Both sides are spinning, RINOs are betraying, FAKE NEWS working overtime… just sick of all of em! Love you PR!!😘🤗💞💞


Love you too Butterfly… didn’t think we were arguing… just giving info. Who knows how it will wash out, right.

Concerned Virginian

Here’s the daily dose of DemCommunism being forced onto the citizens of Virginia:
Yessir, on January 1, 2021, thanks to the DemCommunist Governor of Virginia, Ralph (“I allow newborn babies to die if they make it through an abortion and I’m a doctor”) NORTHAM, plus the DemCommunist-controlled state legislature, ILLEGAL ALIENS can apply for the new “Virginia Driver Privilege Card”.
Applicants must bring proof of their SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.
How is this possible? “Only non-citizens authorized to work in the U.S are eligible for a Social Security number.” Doesn’t this mean the people who have the H1B visa or similar visas? The hordes of illegals who sneak into the United States most likely don’t have these visas, right? (, “How Non-US Citizens Can Get a Social Security Number”)

Concerned Virginian

And, to compound the mayhem on the roads in Virginia next year with thousands of illegals driving with their “Virginia Driver Privilege Card[s]”, Gov. Ralph (“I’m taking away your Second Amendment rights piecemeal and I want a job in a Biden White House”) NORTHAM is “all of a sudden” putting his weight behind the upcoming push in the state legislature to permit RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA USE in Virginia.
Yessir, Northam and the DemCommuninst-controlled legislature are likely going to pass this into law in 2021. The push is based on — wait for it — RACISM in marijuana arrests!
A “study” reported that Black people in Virginia are 3 1/2 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession, sale, and/or use, than White people. Can’t have THAT, says Northam and the legislature.
“Northam backs effort to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Virginia”


More on Chinese investments (as daughnworks247 explained last spring) and actions being taken by the Trump admin to protect US citizens


Nice interview of Pompeo. Nothing earth shaking but he stays on point concering Trump Admin committment to religious liberty and American leadership abroad


RAC posted an image on yesterday’s daily…


…and I would like to re-post it here.


But it showed up Really BIG…


…so I’m going to post it over here, in hopes that it will show up smaller:
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Afternoon – WHATEVER! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🍸 🍷 🍺 🍹 🥃 🥂 🍻 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓

Deplorable Patriot

Given the situation in this house today…please pray for my mom, and her extended family as her closest cousin is in ICU in real trouble, and another is in the hospital with heart issues, and mom’s not exactly well right now herself…the martini glass means a lot.


I will pray for your entire household DePat!!!
sorry to hear about your troubles!!



Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up, DP, for you and your family. GOD be with you and yours.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Prayers up for you and your family! 🙏❤❤

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Nothing like a Gin and Tonic with bacon 😀  🐖  🐷  (where’s the BACON SMILEY?????) (OK, you nicked all of them 😀 )…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Early riser, here! 5 AM somewhere! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Still morning here.

If you folks on the east coast would just stop pretending it’s two hours (or even three) ahead of the proper time, we’d all be better off.



Deplorable Patriot

I saw a rumor I don’t want to repeat.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Goes it start with a G and end with a MO?😁

Deplorable Patriot

No, actually. More permanent than that, but it’s just a rumor.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Supp hes 86.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well if it’s so I hope they had notice they were about to have that done to them, so that they could “savor” their comeuppance.


I saw that, too.


Willy D_A. Believe is was debunked last week.


I hope they expose some big time traitors.


Wishful thoughts. Perhaps Chanel and Christina have been fed truly “breaking news” that’ll prove criminal actions showing wide spread election fraud.

The usual suspects from faux news, Soloman, Griffen have been rather quiet recently.

maybe leaks are going to OAN and Newsmax for timely release.


ACLJ Needed Now More Than Ever


I stopped listening halfway through.

If these guys think they only need to get back to ‘Obama resistance’, which gave them a huge amount street cred with conservatives, with the “Biden Administration’ then they totally lack any comprehension of what really is happening.

An election has been stolen and they worry about old conservative pet projects.

What about fixing the election now. When that is done, fixing the election system from bottom to top and exposing all the treasonous corruptocrats and help putting them into jail.

JW in Germany

Exactly! Let us just forget that the election was stolen in broad daylight…and pretend that we can correct the problem later without a fighter like President Trump.

Any other candidate will be a puppet to establishment money. It is now or never!


Their focus has been on various other constitutional challenges – there are others who are busy fighting election fraud – they are well aware of what is going on right now – and it is not their focus.


Looks like a wise and valiant warrior all right!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! Thanks!!! 😍


We have yet to find out, but its a good piece!

Is Nothing Happening? Or is Trump Channeling Sun Tzu?

Read more:
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Here’s a string of tweets y’all may find interesting… read them BOTTOM to TOP for correct time sequence (I didn’t want to take the time to individually cut”n paste ’em)

comment image
Chad Pergram


McConnell on Trump’s reservations about signing coronavirus/gov’t funding bill: Those are the three important subjects, the President has linked together. This week the Senate will begin a process to bring these three priorities into focus.


Dem MA Sen Markey on the flr on push for $2,000 direct payments as Senate preps to override defense bill veto. “My Republican colleagues seem more interested in funding defense than funding the defenseless.”


McConnell blocks Sanders request for $2,000 checks on the flr


On the $2,000 direct payment checks, Sanders says the House “did the right thing” and “now time for the senate to step up to the plate.”


In contrast to McConnell saying the veto override on the defense bill will be tomorrow, Schumer says there will not be. By the book, if McConnell has to file cloture to end debate on the veto override, the override vote would fall on December 31


Schumer on the flr. Trying to get Senate to agree on the spot to $2,000 direct and payments. Needs unanimous consent. Is blocked by McConnell. Sanders now on the flr


Are they just running out the clock on purpose?


Well, this Congress is DONE on Jan 3rd…


Could be Gil…

They do it in Basketball all the time… 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Football, too. Quarterback takes the snap, and then kneels…

Wusses. Just like kneeling at the National Anthem. I hate both of those…

Cuppa Covfefe has been detailing this for years, with articles on Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Mily Cyrus, Madonna, Taylor Swift, and a host of others.

Here’s their music industry category page:

The Illuminati ARE real, and ARE in control of the music business, and business in general. The Dutch financier Ronald Bernard gave an interview a few years back that detailed all the evil in very high finance, including international money-laundering and meetings where there were CHILD SACRIFICES!

FINALLY, this is coming out. A lot of this is probably what Cue was talking about that people would have trouble accepting or understanding that such stuff exists…

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s an exceprt from a comment I made last year. Still scary what these folks do. And pray for Ronald Bernard, and the potential victims!

Look at the video of Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard, and how he finally could take no more when he was invited to a meeting where there would be a child sacrifice!

When all this starts getting prosecuted (and needs air-tight cases), no (or few) other investigations or prosecutions will be needed, as most of D.C., royalty, many government and top power figures, as well as probably all of Hollywood will be taken down. “Randy Andy” of the British Royal family is known for his escapades: how many more are there?

Here is a description of the “power” behind the “power” of the elites. It also explains the DEMONcRATS support of abortion and other murder. The Cult of Moloch/Baal still exists, and is practiced at the highest levels of government (e.g. the Klintoons) and business (cf the video contained in this link).

[I can’t get away from the fact that this fellow looks like Tim Allen. He seems to have gone through hell and back. GOD forgive and help us all. Ephesians 6:10-18 explains quite clearly what we’re up against.]

The whole video (very informative and well worth watching) is at .

It’s in Dutch, but the English subtitles are excellent, and accurate. The part which clearly describes what the elite are up to, and what power they worship, it here (hope I got this right. The whole video explains money-laundering and that whole decrepit misanthropic world.


Yes, that was a very enlightening video. As horrifying and disgusting as this all is, I’m glad to see it getting out. Dark to light.

Gail Combs

Can not stop what you do not know about. So yeah, we NEED to KNOW!

Cuppa Covfefe

Two sites that I really like, that have been harping about this for years are and (and to some degree,

Kind of ironic that not so long ago, these sites were looked at as “conspiracy theory” sites, or perhaps looney-bin sites. Seems that they were right (even if a little over-the-top).

When at U$C I had a close friend whose father was an architect, designed and in a few cases (that he sometimes regretted) was general contractor on, built some of those imposing houses hanging on the hills of Hollyweird and thereabouts. Those people (not him) were filthy rich, but in my book, downright filthy. They were demanding, and, one might say, demon-ding.
One of the houses had a swimming pool suspended/cantilevered over the hill! If the gunite (or whatever it is) had let go, whoever was in the pool at the time would have been bodysurfing all the way down 🙂 Needless to say, there was a TON of safety construction to make sure that didn’t happen…
(even though I helped out with the concrete…)…..

Gail Combs

Well, over Christmas, Hubby’s friend who was in the Music Industry for years said they are ALL crooked/criminals. He is in his seventies.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. If you don’t smoke their dope and toke their coke, you don’t get the gig. Had a lot of classmates, friends, and some relatives as studio musicians. It wasn’t an easy life, but it paid well… But what they had to pay…


Yes, but saying out loud that they’ve sold their soul to Satan????

Cuppa Covfefe

As Satanists, they are supposed to reveal their allegience. Maybe not so bluntly, but unmistakably, no less. Vigilant Citizen has articles on it…

The Entertainment industry has been dark for a long time, probably even back to the Roman “Circuses”… My wife’s grand-nieces are into the Disney “Frozen” trash. I had wondered why the two main, female characters are so close (or so it seems). Now it appears there is going to be a female “love interest” for one or the both of the Frozen leads. And “Duck Tales” is no better.

What kind ot “family” does Disney. et. al. have in mind?????

A friend and former colleague of mine went to college with one of the Disney family. I asked him to mention/ask about/discuss the book “Disney And The Bible” with this person. I can only say (without doxxing anyone) that the person agreed that things were going down the drain, but the family was taking steps to “straighten” things out. I have to say this was a long time ago, and it appears that the “recovery” didn’t take place…

Uncle Walt, despite his faults, is probably rolling in his grave (or freezer, if one believes the rumors)…

Gail Combs

Cuppa he refused to do the dope. You would recognize his stage name.

Cuppa Covfefe

Thank God for that. Very hard to do, and I imagine all the harder to do nowadays..

(Oddly enough, most of us in my family are allergic to “hemp” and its derivatives, which made some parties back in the 60s/70s pretty much no-go zones for us…)….


Very true.



Oopsey – Sorry TIM – should know better and leave it up to you –   :wpds_unamused: 


Another POTUS promise kept.


Cuppa Covfefe

Note the source: the (un)Washed Poo.

Considering how hard the DEMONRATS are pushing the supposedly “clean” bill, I rather suspect that the bill is neither clean, nor of any real benefit to “WE THE PEOPLE”.

Also note that McConnell is a MASTER of parliamentary procedure, so there are likely a number of chess pieces in play, no matter how many dimensions…

Just buckle up and pray. Prayer shouldn’t be our last resort; it should be our FIRST RESORT…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am willing to let things play out. But NOT to a Biden presidency, or a stolen Senate and House. FIX IT ALL, OR WE WILL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same here. I didn’t mean to wimp out, by any means.

I’m hoping and praying that 10 Million, or a 100 Million MAGA patriots show up in Washington DC on the 6th January, Epiphany, and show the entirety of that city, the USA, and the WORLD who’s BOSS.



Gail Combs

Look at the THIRD meaning…

  • n.A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi, traditionally observed on January 6.
  • n.A revelatory manifestation of a divine being.
  • n.A sudden insight or intuitive understanding:

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks Gail. That’s the one I meant, along with the Holiday (Twelth Night or Drei-Könige over here; I don’t remember it being any big deal in America)…

I’m hoping and praying that the understanding, and the DARK TO LIGHT dawns on people, and that the evil and persons of the deep state become absolutely clear, and reprehensible in the minds of the people of the USA such that they are determined that this abomination of our great nation NEVER happens again.

And that stocks and bonds are some of the tools used; NOT meaning wall street, of course…


Amen goes right there, Cuppa!


Brian has a THREAD… no Reader as yet…

I don’t like what he is saying… NOT at all…

comment image
Brian The Great

Replying to @BrianTh37895972
If the Courts won’t follow the Constitutional process or even look at the massive evidence there was federal election fraud, and the Congress won’t act to overturn fraudulent election results, and the state legislatures won’t do so either…

…people who took oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and the national security of this country will be forced to reveal evidence they would rather not at this point.

They are giving the process time to work through the proper channels.

If the process fails?

They cannot let a family that is compromised by hostile foreign regimes assume power on the basis of federal election fraud. Their oaths do not permit it.

Now, making all the evidence public before Jan. 20 means blowing up any potential prosecutions.

They’d do it anyway.

Nobody would go to prison, because the evidence would have been made public through unofficial channels. Every ongoing investigation would be blown. Trump may be forced to issue pardons to all involved.

It would be a tradeoff.

It would be the last card to play.

Of course, Trump and men who’s pictures I just showed you are really hoping it doesn’t come to military intelligence having to drop the evidence in public view outside the channels of the courts or the DOJ.

But what has to be done will be done, if it comes to that.

It is 8 days to January 6.

It is 22 days to January 20.

People who take their oaths to defend the national security of this country stand ready to act if they must.

Let’s hope they don’t have to.


ADDENDUM: For those asking about military trials:

There would be no prosecutions, either from DOJ or military.

People don’t understand the tradeoff here. You trade one thing for another thing.

You trade Biden being forced to concede for what is in effect presidential pardons.


SomeDunce, is that you?


Brian’s thesis is TOTALLY unacceptable to me…

Gail Combs

Brian is followed by many people. He writes for the Epoch Times. I wonder if he might have gotten a ‘nudge.’ and is putting out some DIS-INFO…


I don’t know… the entire thread is so unlike anything he has ever written… ‘fatalistic’ almost. Frankly I’m at a loss anymore trying to figure out anything… my closets need cleaning, think I’ll give that a shot !

Gail Combs

Yes it is and that is why I am wondering.


1) Zero substance, zero foundation, zero citations.

2) 100% fear porn.

1 + 2 = enemy, or the favorite excuse, his account was ‘hacked’


“Brian is followed by many people.”


Then at least one of those people ought to call his ass out on this BS, because it’s a heapin’ load of ‘where’s the beef’ 😂🤣😂

Pure innuendo and veiled threat with zero substance or explanation.

It’s fear porn.

He’s sick, doing this to Patriots.

He should have ZERO followers by tomorrow for pulling a stunt like this.


“Brian’s thesis is TOTALLY unacceptable to me…”


Even worse, it’s totally incomprehensible.

And it’s clearly designed to crank people up, and nothing else.


“People don’t understand the tradeoff here.” Only Brian the Great understands the tradeoff here . . . certainly not us lowly, ignorant, mentally challenged peons.


Really getting tired of these self-appointed wizards and their oh-so-grand future pronouncements.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same here.

Controlled opposition, Debbie Downers, RINOs, ChynaBots, DEMONRATS, it’s always the same doom and gloom.

Praise the LORD and pass the ammunition would be somewhat better… and pray that it doesn’t come to that, despite Jefferson’s admonition about the Tree of Liberty…


Unfortunately as of today he is more right then wrong. The entire swamp is not helping PT. This includes the military brass. There still maybe a hail mary out there but I still don’t see it.

Gail Combs

AND that is why POTUS fired and switched out some of the brass.

 Lieutenant General McInerney and General Vallely suggested using RETIRED Jag people for the Military Tribunals. You know the ones OH!Bummer purged.

People like  Col Richard H. Black  (ret.), JAG Corps. He was a career Judge Advocate officer and former chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, at the Pentagon.


The flip side of The Devil and Daniel Webster.

The devil called up a bunch of long-past brigands and pirates for the jury. So DJT should do the same with ‘long-past’ patriots.

Gail Combs

Because they have not been brainwashed by the DemonRats now in the education system.


Sorry, there will be ZERO military tribunals.

Gail Combs

Then Why Sen. Lindsey Graham’s curious questions to Judge Kavanaugh on military tribunals for U.S. citizens
Then WHY Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code.

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States….




𝗜 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗯𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁.


Maybe he signed it thinking the swamp would do something between 2018 and now. Based on the election results to date, they did nothing.

But, if the plan is to wait to the penultimate minute to spring the trap to start arrests and certify the election for PT then great. But as of right now, I don’t see it.


“Maybe he signed it thinking the swamp would do something between 2018 and now. Based on the election results to date, they did nothing.”


It ain’t over till it’s over.

And it ain’t over yet 😂🤣😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Wouldn’t you be happier OT?


I suppose I could just shut up and join in the rah rah chorus about how everything is going to work out and the swamp gets crushed and we live happily ever after. If that is what you want this blog to be then let Wolf know and I’ll abide his wishes.

So far all I have seen is hopes and wishes of the cavalry coming to the rescue at the last minute. Meanwhile, the swamp from the Legislatures of the States, to the Congress, the Courts, to the DOJ/FBI are in full anti-Trump mode. And if you think the military brass cares, they don’t. Biden will get them back in the war business.

As I have said. If PT has a hail mary I hope it works. I just don’t see it.


Yo Sundance, that you?


  :wpds_cool:  Hood sense of humor !


Why do you have two screen names? I find it curious.


Depends if I log in on my phone or my PC.


Maybe it is good we do not know that way the opposition does not know either?


“I suppose I could just shut up and join in the rah rah chorus about how everything is going to work out and the swamp gets crushed and we live happily ever after. If that is what you want this blog to be then let Wolf know and I’ll abide his wishes.”


Well don’t pout, make an argument!

Here are a couple things we know:

1) to turn the government of the United States over to a criminal (Joe Biden) who is also a national security threat (compromised by the CCP) would be an overt act of Treason

2) Donald J. Trump is not a traitor


That’s not a smartass comment, I mean reconcile it.

How do those two facts reconcile?


“As I have said. If PT has a hail mary I hope it works. I just don’t see it.”


What kind of plan, decades in the making, or even just years in the making (since 2016), would rely on a Hail Mary pass?

What kind of leader would put himself in a position where his only hope was a Hail Mary pass?

Does that sound anything at all like Donald J. Trump?


And are these two different people? (rf121 and rf121 says . . .).


Cuppa ya got that right

PS: W – my iOS phone is still not working for the site; although, I have signed in. Totally not picking up my avitar or anything else – also seeing the same behavior here. 🙄

Gail Combs

RedLeg, I am seeing your avitar just fine.

(I am on a desktop with Ubunto and Brave)


I think you got off at the wrong exit- Eyoreville is a few miles down the road.


Be happy when you prove me wrong.


“Be happy when you prove me wrong.”


And so will we all be 👍

But why should it happen until shortly before January 20th?

Why should Trump play his Ace early, instead of waiting to play it on the last hand?

When is the last hand played?

When does the game end, according to the Constitution?

January 20th?


“Sorry, there will be ZERO military tribunals.”


Is that by the power and authority vested in you?


We are not meant to see it.

We don’t have anything like enough information to be ABLE to see it.

You think, like many I suppose, that the public will know when things happen, such as the report from the DNI, the due-date of which has come and gone. Have you read/heard/seen ONE WORD from Trump bitching about that? NO.

You know why? Because the E.O. doesn’t call for a PUBLIC report. It was a report to the President. And whatever was in it, he can act on it without your say-so, or mine.

I am holding my breath just like everybody else, but I know one thing; don’t bet against Trump. Look at the history of his Presidency and you will see it is a loser bet.


I didn’t see a single thing he was right about.

What did I miss?


“The entire swamp is not helping PT.”


And never has, and why would they?

Nothing new about that.


“This includes the military brass.”


Does that include Chris Miller, former Army special forces officer and Acting Secretary of Defense?

Or Nakasone at NSA / Cyber Command?

Or Ezra Cohen-Watnick?

Does that include these guys?

Ghosts of Spygate: Force shift in Washington continues as more Defense officials leave By J.E. DyerNovember 11, 2020


“There still maybe a hail mary out there but I still don’t see it.”


Here’s one, and it’s not even a Hail Mary, it’s just a good old tried-and-true run up the middle, stuffing it right down their throats, because there’s not a thing they can do to stop him.

Trump waits until around January 19th, and then gives a nationally televised address, declassifying everything and exposing everything.

The 4+ year coup attempt, all of the former administration members and their part in it, and the participants in Congress (Gang of Eight, SSCI, etc.).

All of the former and current members of the judiciary who are corrupt, starting with the (not)Supreme Court, and the Chief Injustice’s role in the FISA Court Star Chamber.

All of the fraud involved with China virus, and how the Traitors have weaponized it, and why.

All of the fraud involved with the 2020 election, and the people involved, from the very top (former administration) all the way down to the county level.

And all the financiers (Soros, Gates and lots of other lesser known traitors).

And how they are ALL the SAME group of PEOPLE.

And how they are all being arrested, hopefully before the end of the POTUS’ national address.

Trump can play the ‘declass’ card at any time, declass proves fraud, and fraud vitiates everything.

Game, set, match and tournament.


How did we come to the point where people can assert that the only meaningful courts are star-chambers which exclude public knowledge?

It’s like saying that bank robbers can’t be prosecuted for a bank robbery committed on live TV because investigators can’t interview witnesses to establish the facts of a case without some “taint”.


How has the DOJ/FBI been operating for the past 30 years or so.


It’s a distortion of due process, based on the compulsive testimony that is ajob requirement cannot be used in court against them (Fifth Amendment).


bullshit. that is all.


Exactly 😂 🤣 😂 👍

Gail Combs

Good Grief,

At this point there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE all you have to do is RESERVE PART OF IT for the use in trials.

Do not forget:

  • HUNGARY wants George Soros hide nailed to a wall.
  • The Ukraine wants the Biden to stand trial
  • The Egyptian government has charged President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with being accessories to terrorism.

Ain’t that the truth.


and our super secret special ops guys haven’t delivered these criminals right to ther doorsteps because….???????

Gail Combs

On the 20th

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

You trade Biden being forced to concede for what is in effect presidential pardons.

The idea that people who have committed crimes might have to go unpunished doesn’t make sense to me. Just taking Biden as an example, if he can be proved to be guilty of election fraud, not to mention selling us out to Ukraine, etc., then he is a traitor to this country and a concession is not acceptable or enough. The people will not stand for this.

Gail Combs

What if part of that pardon depends not only on a concession but ALSO ratting out your handler AND turning state’s evidence ALONG with your SON and BROTHER?

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court….


Why would [JB] ever get a pardon?

What does he have to bargain with, besides nothing?


“The idea that people who have committed crimes might have to go unpunished doesn’t make sense to me. ”


That’s because it doesn’t make sense.

Whoever this ‘Brian’ guy is, he’s full of Gerbil pellets.


Once again, CRITICAL THINKING blows this BS piece to smithereens.


Because as POTUS, with the Stafford Act enacted and via multiple EOs, Trump has ENORMOUS powers he has not yet used.

Here is Brian the Weak’s opener…

If the Courts won’t follow the Constitutional process or even look at the massive evidence there was federal election fraud, and the Congress won’t act to overturn fraudulent election results, and the state legislatures won’t do so either…

…people who took oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and the national security of this country will be forced to reveal evidence they would rather not at this point.

Not one word about POTUS’s powers of ability to act independently.

And not one word of this FACT from MULTIPLE posters here.

It pisses me off, because you people are NOT that fucking stupid, but instead of simply shooting down this horse shit like I just did you actually debate it!


The questions every person should have asked is…

”Are the assumptions Brian makes in this rant true? If not why not? Is the Executive branch unable to respond to a crisis where both the legislative and judicial branches refuse to intercede??”

BOOM. Critical thinking QUICKLY destroys the assumptions and follow-on contentions in this piece.

And no, we are NOT going to have to let the criminals go free in order to save our Republic. THAT would only be kicking the can of the ruination of our Republic down the road, as THE RULE OF LAW would NOT be re-established in such a scenario.

Thankfully, Brian’s piece is total dung, and as such should not be given the attention he wants.


Agreed. It almost seems if HE is brokering some sort of DEAL. I smell FEAR and the Cabal are using him to FLOAT this lead balloon. More likely Trump blows it ALL up, cause ONLY he has the BALLS to do so. I think Team Cabal REALIZES just how IN THE NOOSE their necks ARE. Seems Nashville was a SIGNAL…YOU ALL ARE FUCKED.

One thing is CERTAIN, they are not at ALL confident or ACTING like victors. There MUST be a reason for it.

Gail Combs

OR Brian is tossing Chaff upon request.

I say that because I see a lot of chaff being tossed by otherwise intelligent reliable people.


This sounds increasingly plausible.


Well said! 👍


Why do people say things like this, except to piss people off?

“Now, making all the evidence public before Jan. 20 means blowing up any potential prosecutions.”


So if I have a VIDEO of Hussein O’Traitor murdering someone, and I show the video to the public, he can’t be prosecuted or convicted of the crime?

It’s so *&^%ing stupid there aren’t even words for it.


Brian (whoever that is): “Nobody would go to prison, because the evidence would have been made public through unofficial channels. Every ongoing investigation would be blown. Trump may be forced to issue pardons to all involved. ”



I’m calling BULLSHIT on that whole heap of bullshit, Brian 😂 🤣 😂

What a load of BULLSHIT!

Let’s break it down, shall we, Bri?

Brian: “Nobody would go to prison, because the evidence would have been made public through unofficial channels.”


So if anyone commits a crime, all they have to do is self-publish the evidence, and they can’t be prosecuted, because the evidence was made public through unofficial channels?

Did you get dropped on your head when you were a child, Bri?


“Every ongoing investigation would be blown.”


Oh noes, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!

Why would “every ongoing investigation” be “blown”, Bri?

Go ahead, explain that one to us.

Suppose I have a year’s worth of evidence from an investigation in a related matter, and you publish a video or other evidence implicating someone who is also one of the suspects in my investigation.

How does that invalidate all the investigation I’ve done, Bri?

What is the magic law to which you appeal, wherein bad guys all go free if even a single piece of evidence gets out into the public?

It sounds like something Geraldo Rivera would say.

Is this a Rivera-ism?


“Trump may be forced to issue pardons to all involved. ”


Oh really?

The President of the United States, would be FORCED to issue pardons to “all involved”?

How much crack did you smoke today, Bri?

To what standard of law do you appeal, wherein if even the tiniest piece of evidence gets into the public via unofficial channels, that not only do all the guilty NOT get prosecuted — not for rape, not for murder, not for High Treason — but the POTUS will be forced to grant pardons to people who haven’t even been prosecuted, in this fairy world of make believe you envision?

Can you name a SINGLE EXAMPLE in the history of the WORLD, where any leader of any nation, going back to Adam, was ever forced to pardon anyone?

Just one example would be fine, Bri.

You can provide ONE example, can’t you?

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Brian (whoever that is): “ADDENDUM: For those asking about military trials:
There would be no prosecutions, either from DOJ or military.
People don’t understand the tradeoff here.”


That’s only because you didn’t explain it, and you didn’t explain it because there is no explanation for it, because it’s bullshit, Bri.


Brian (whoever that is): “You trade one thing for another thing.”


Is that supposed to make you sound smart, or stupid?

Because I’m thinking it makes you sound stupid.

What does revealing evidence have to do with trading anything, Bri?

If you’ve got it, then show it.

That’s a one-party decision, not a transaction.

No ‘trade’ involved.


Brian (whoever that is): “You trade Biden being forced to concede for what is in effect presidential pardons.”


Who’s ‘you’?

Who is this clown?

How does this magic work, Bri?

Go ahead, explain how anyone ‘forces’ Biden to do anything.

What’s the logic here, Bri?

Go ahead, explain it.

Give us the ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’.

Real simple for us.

Nothing you’ve said makes any sense, at all.

It’s just incoherent bullshit 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

We seem to be guided from one hope to another and one uncertainty to another. This seems as if we are jerked around not only by the left also by the right.
I for one dig deep within and rely by my instinct that were there from the beginning when I entered this trip my President.

Gail Combs

From President Trump’s favorite author. Sun Tzu
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Our hope is in the Lord, Sing – we cannot rely on man to resolve problems larger than they are – we know they have ulterior motives – that are in stark contrast with the will of the people – they have shown us numerous times what is important to them – and it is not us.


I wondered about that, too.


Well. he appears to be going to Saudi Arabia and Poland, among other locations. If he’s going to fold, those places could be difficult visits. On the other hand, if he doesn’t accept crooked EC votes, his visits could be the start of a new chapter in the Trump admin.

I suppose there’s only about a thousand scenarios here . . .

Gail Combs

We already know about Saudi Arabia and the Orb.

Poland? The Ukraine?
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Cuppa Covfefe

Poland, Ukraine: very strong MAGA (OK, MPGA and MUGA) countries in their own right. And I believe those two are the only hope for our side ot the pond.

There probably will be a great reset or two the derp state is not expecting. All the more reason for the plethora of smoke and mirrors and flotsam and jetsam…


“We already know about Saudi Arabia and the Orb.”


For the record, I never did find out what the ‘orb’ was all about.

If anyone has a link that explains it, that would be much appreciated 👍


Wouldn’t we think that Saudi Arabia and Poland would be safe havens for the guy who just royally f’d the whole cabal in one fell swoop? That they would protect him while giving the military time to put a lid on the whole thing? Because if Pence really does save the world on Jan 6, he is gonna go from zero to target in about 4.5 seconds.


His trip to Israel has been cancelled – whether or not he is going elsewhere remains to be seen.


don’t miss tonight’s full moon !

The Moon After Yule..or…


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December 29, 2020




Deplorable Patriot

We’re overcast here tonight, but last night the moon was stunning.

Gail Combs

It is very bright here in NC


Gateway Pundit is talking about how courageous it would be for VPPence to not accept the EVs from cheating states. Well, it would be if his and his family’s lives have been credulously threatened (they very well may have). What is needed is integrity. If VPPence folds, he has certainly tossed out any bit of integrity left clinging to him.


He has yet to be tested in all the ways POTUS has. We shall see.


OK, excuse me, but VP is part of the executive branch. The EB is headed by who? PDJT. Works for PDJT.

Askin’ for a friend …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He technically works for PDJT, but he was appointed by us, in the voting booth, and I don’t believe PDJT has the authority to fire him.



That would be incredible…

I would do it.

Completely dead-pan.

And Pence is perfect for that.

Dead-pan is the only expression I can recall ever seeing on his face 😁

Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, it has been brought to my attention that a water main has busted, so I’m going to have to ask everyone to evacuate.

I will stay here, and count the votes.”

And then sit down, and wait.

What are they going to do?

If they OBJECT, like any normal person would, then they are admitting the actions in Philly and GA and elsewhere were a farce, ludicrous and lawless.

So put them in that position.

Force them to reveal their true inner hypocrite.

Force them to object to the exact same thing they won’t even consider looking at with regard to the bogus vote counting in the fraud states.

That would be some must-see TV 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

“Gateway Pundit is talking about how courageous it would be for VPPence to not accept the EVs from cheating states. Well, it would be if his and his family’s lives have been credulously threatened (they very well may have). What is needed is integrity. If VPPence folds, he has certainly tossed out any bit of integrity left clinging to him.”


He’s not sweating it either way, and the decision was made long ago.

If Pence is a black hat, then he’s going to do exactly what his overlords have told him to do.

And if Pence is a white hat, he’s going to do exactly what POTUS tells him to do, and that could mean Trump is declared president-elect, or it could mean Biden is declared president-elect.

Either way, the decision is way above Pence’s pay grade.

He is going to do exactly what he is told to do.

The only question is to whom is he loyal.

IMO, it works out better for DJT if Biden is declared president-elect, for both legal and strategic reasons, setting up the big reveal around January 19th.

So if that’s how Pence’s part plays out on January 6th, that doesn’t mean Pence is a black hat.

It could mean he’s a black hat… or it could mean he isn’t

We won’t know for sure until Don Meredith and the Fat Lady start singing 😁

Gail Combs

They are quite intelligent. ….the intelligence of elephants is on a par – in a general way – with the intelligence of dolphins and chimpanzees. 

Quoted from the article. (They are a bit towards the left in equating elephant intelligence as being on a par with humans. That was the whole goal of PETA, to reduce humans to the level of animals.)

Elephants not only imitate human gestures, but also the sounds of their environment. This is a skill that experts have only seen in cetaceans, primates, bats, and birds.

Another curious and prominent ability of elephants is the ability to understand games. For example, researches have observed African pachyderms playing with water or other objects from their habitat on several occasions.

Problem solvingPerhaps one of the most remarkable indications of intelligence in elephants is the ability to solve problems. For example, in their natural habitat, these mammals can radically change their behavior to deal with adverse situations.

Studies and testsIn 2010, some elephants participated in an interesting study. The task was to simultaneously grasp both ends of a rope to win a prize.

The objective was to observe cooperative ability and the ability to work together. The results placed elephants at the same level as chimpanzees in terms of cooperative capacity. However, some accidental events also demonstrated their ability to deal with new challenges.


Many years ago, I did a lot of adventure travel with elephants and have the utmost respect for them. One of the places we traveled almost exclusively on elephants was Bhutan, at the time very few miles of roads in the entire country. We crossed rivers and made our way through forests, with our elephants literally uprooting small trees in our paths. It would have been almost impossible to travel within the country without elephants.
But, to your point, Gail, towards the end of this particular adventure we were in southern India hoping to see tigers in the wild. And, indeed, we were incredibly fortunate to come across a mother and two young tigers. We were told not to make a sound because our “foreign” voices would disturb the tigers, yet the Indians could converse very quietly and it didn’t seem to bother them.
I had a camera with large lens at the time and when I lifted it up to grab a shot, the lens knocked my Australian-style bush hat off and it fell to the ground. I was horrified, thinking I may have frightened the tigers. Without missing a beat, the elephant reached down with it’s trunk, grabbed the hat and gave it to the mahout (owner/handler). Impressed the heck out of me!

Gail Combs

You are so lucky to have had the chance to interact with them. I have ridden camels, mules and of course horses And I have traveled by foot and mule in Mexico.

I had hoped to do a lot of traveling once I retired but instead I have a farm.


A farm is nice also 🙂


Yes, life has a way of getting in the way of dreams and wishes sometimes! 😉


Teagan, Wow, impresses the heck out of me, too!
What a nifty little anecdote.


Gail, I lived/worked in San Diego for a few yrs, decades ago.
I went to Animal Park frequently, as I was a member of the SD Zoological Society.
Once, a group of Feeders and Handlers constructed a huge framework, as someone had access to a huge mirror. A decision was made to install this combo out w the elephants.
The Big Day arrived, and with suitable equipment off they all went. As they unpacked their surprise, an audience assembled.

When the mirror was properly and sturdily framed, the men drove off a distance, and filmed.
The first elephant who went to look in the mirror, stood looking at his own reflection for a few minutes, while he swung his trunk, lifted this leg and that. He then walked around the entire framework, inspecting it w great interest.
I remember seeing the film, and thus became quite interested in what we do not know ab animals.


Schmucky Schumer…Mr. Madam President…Where am I…staffer pops up and points to where. 🤣🤣🤣


Just trying this out….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll try the embed code, using the { } tool.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=”″+(arguments[1].video?’.’+arguments[1].video:”)+”/?url=”+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+”&args=”+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, “script”, “Rumble”); Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”v9nbhr”,”div”:”rumble_v9nbhr”});

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. No good.




Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on another court victory for religious liberty:

On December 28, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Orthodox Jewish group Agudath Israel in their attempts to overturn the tyrannical edicts of Governor Andrew Cuomo: he loves to impose occupancy limits on houses of worship. For those keeping score at home, this is Cuomo’s third defeat in court



And yet the Episcopal Diocese of CNY has shut down all in-person worship for its 85 congregations.


There’s no one there anyway. They could probably combine into 8 churches.


The churches failed .
By the way I was married in the “Little Church Around the Corner” in NYC.






I thought the PA excess was ridiculous. As in they sent out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and counted 2.5 million – the 700,000 differential first reported.


True – and this needs to be taken into consideration – obviously, these crooks think we are stupid – they got caught.

Valerie Curren

This is concerning

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Doug Stafford


My wife just got a text thanking her for voting in the Georgia Senate election, and asking her to get her friends to vote. That’s interesting since she’s been a VA registered voters for 15 years and has never lived in GA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have 22 days to fix this stuff, before I become somebody who I really don’t want to be.


Ummmmm …. along with me … thought I’d left that behind … not the training … I. Will. Never. Give. Up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

This watching, waiting, & praying, while passing the truth along & encouraging each other is very trying…


We’re watching the movie right now. Powerful.


I am still listening to Christmas music but these two are nice background music as well – relaxing, jazzy, fun, mood music for this week



Supreme Court enables Trump to exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census count

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated two lower court decisions that blocked the government from excluding illegal aliens during the process of allotting congressional seats…

While the Supreme Court’s Dec. 18 decision will allow the Trump administration to pursue the policy of excluding illegal aliens from the apportionment base, the ruling stated: “Consistent with our determination that standing has not been shown and that the case is not ripe, we express no view on the merits of the constitutional and related statutory claims presented. We hold only that they are not suitable for adjudication at this time.”

President Trump in a July memorandum laid out a policy against including illegal aliens in the apportionment base following the 2020 census. “States adopting policies that encourage illegal aliens to enter this country and that hobble Federal efforts to enforce the immigration laws passed by the Congress should not be rewarded with greater representation in the House of Representatives,” the memorandum stated.

Who knew that a case before SCOTUS had to be “ripe”?


well…all of DC SMELLS ripe…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s the President’s CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to protect the USA from invasion, no matter what form. And his duty to protect the USA from influence from foreign powers.

The US Supreme Court has become the US Supreme Corpse. They are DEAD to truth, justice, the US Constitution, and Natural and GOD’S LAWS…

SCOTUS, grow a pair (or the distaff equivalent) OR GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

SCOTUS has been compromised since FDR or before. I’ll spare you my list of UNCONSTITUTIONAL rulings that have severely harmed our Republic.


Wickard v. Filburn *spit*.

Gail Combs

Among others but that one was real nasty.

How they could say wheat grown AND consumed on a guy’s farm was INTERSTATE COMMERCE defies a two year old’s logic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Naah, they merely claimed it affected interstate commerce (because the farmer didn’t have to go buy his food in a grocery store).

The interstate commerce clause was a ticking time bomb in the Constitution. The claimed intent was for it to prevent the states from erecting tariff barriers and otherwise discriminating against other states’ goods, in other words to make the US a free trade zone. Laudable, but if that was why, then why did they not just say that instead of giving Congress a power that could be construed as a regulatory power over everything?

I know there are people out there who think the Constitution was actually DELIBERATELY designed to fail to restrain the fedgov; full of loopholes for the feds to exploit. THIS is, I have to, and hate to, say it, good evidence in favor of that, even though I don’t agree with them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

President Wolf Moon needs some POSITIVES for his platform – in addition to all the scary and shocking negatives. Fixing these Constitutional landmines would be one of the more positive “promises” to be made and kept.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

That is one if my most fervent wishes.

We really can not fix the USA until we undo the damage done by the Supreme Court.
Commerce Clause
Anchor Babies
Trial by Jury instead of judges
Laws made by bureauRats…

Are just the start.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You could also modify the Tenth Amendment to start with “The powers not EXPRESSLY delegated to the United States by the Constitution…”

And watch an honest SCOTUS strike down 3/4s of all federal spending.

But be prepared to deal with the screaming whan that 3/4s includes the (very roughly) half of all federal spending that is for social security and medicare/medicaid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can deal with it. The bankrupt system can be paid out to the REAL investors.

Mmmmmm. I’m liking this already. FAIRNESS. It’s possible.

Gail Combs

I understand what you are saying BUT, the Supremes are supposed to ALSO look at the Constitution from the point of view of 1776 and the Federalist papers in order to interpret it correctly.

In 1776 almost EVERYONE raised their own food. In 1790 Farmers made up about 90% of labor force according to the site

Also in 1776 there would be very little transport of food out of a state. (Think whiskey rebellion and WHY whiskey and NOT grain was transported.)

So that decision was completely bogus. It resulted from FDR threatening to pack the court and NOT from correct interpretation of the Constitution.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree it was bogus.

But do you really want them to look at everything from a 1776 context (realistically, you probably mean 1787) forever?

There was no internet in 1776. Nor was there TV or Radio. Therefore, 1st amendment doesn’t apply, because it’s not “press.” Similarly for the second amendment (the gun grabbers have already tried that bullshit, in fact).


POTUS put 3 Judges into SCOTUS who are they are they fraught? Who suggested them and why?


Especially Barrett. I’ve said it before, she’s been there two months and her entire tenure has been defined. Same with the other two, but it’s more shocking with her. Bunch of weasels.

And I really wanted Clarence Thomas to have his opportunity.


12.29.20: The ENEMY stronghold will be DEMOLISHED! You can RUN but CAN’T HIDE!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Please, I wouldn’t ask if this wasn’t important.

We got some devastating news this afternoon. I ask for prayers for the W clan, five kids in my generation, who lost their mom today, a year and two days after they lost their dad. My own mother is distraught…I’ve never seen her like this. NEVER. And that relative is not the only one in the hospital, either. Both had beaten tough stuff before. The one, not this time.

I’m really beginning to be wary of the Christmas season. That’s three relatives over the years this week.


So sorry to hear that, DePat. Prayers for you and your family.


I’m very sorry for you and your family and am offering prayers for you all. May God’s peace and comfort sustain you. 🙏


Yes, so sorry to hear this, and will pray for your family. God Bless and comfort all of you. 🙏 


The W clan will be in my daily rosary, DP. My Mom is still hanging in…we are with in her shifts 24/7. Lots of time for me to pray the rosary.
God bless

Deplorable Patriot

Mom knew this morning when one of my cousins texted to say that all the kids had been called to the ICU. It’s just that this is her closest cousin in age, etc. They pretty much grew up together. The next few days are going to be rough.


May Christ the Healer comfort you and your family today
and the Year to come.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Prayers going up that our gracious Lord hold all of the family in His comforting healing hands!!


May they find comfort and solace in the Power of the Almighty. May he sustain them through these times and smooth their path.


Thank You for letting us know, DP – we are family here – and this family prays!!!

Sending Comfort Angels to all of you – Be still and know that God is with you!!!

Gail Combs

I am so sorry to hear that D-Pat. It is horrible to lose a loved one and even worse when it is during the Christmas holidays.

My thoughts are with you and yours.

Please take good care of your Mom. Make sure she rests and eats right. The stress can be very bad for those who are older.

Brave and Free

So sorry DP, will be praying for the family. No other words to say I’ll be praying.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. As it turns out the other cousin was sent home today. She has a heart valve issue that is fixable. I don’t think my mother could handle losing two so close together.


Sorry to read of your family’s loss. Take strength and comfort from each other and the memories all share.

When the patriarchs and matriarchs begin to take leave it’s very hard. Our family had several brothers who married sisters and had huge families..the next gen didn’t have big families and losing the elders took a real toll.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not so much that, but the people you grow up with leaving us. The cousins on my mom’s side are REALLY close. The aunts and uncles have been gone for a while, actually.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

All the people I grew up with are gone. There’s only 1 left that grew up with me. Hold tight, love and cherish them while you can. 🙏❤🙏


Almost like brothers and sisters then. SonIL’s family is like that, not so large, but the extended family is large, and it has been rough when various members of his extended family have gone home. May the Lord comfort you and your family, and provide spiritual sustenance.

Concerned Virginian

I’m so sorry to hear of this. The stress and the effects it can have on body, mind, and spirit, are awful.
Please take care of your mother and also yourself.


Im very sorry DP. I think the whole year of stress is likely playing into this death. My former uncle by marriage was found dead on Christmas eve.
Not a great year for many reasons.
I hope that, having such a large family, you are able to weather it together. And hopefully find the extra strength with church and your congregation.


So sorry you and your family are going through another loss.

Deplorable Patriot

There are MANY blessings to having a big family.

There are also many pitfalls.

At this point, I’m just glad the other cousin is doing better. Collectively, I don’t know if the cousins could handle two at once.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prayers for sure, and please go to Gab, so we can discuss giving you some schedule relief as needed.

Deplorable Patriot

I sent an answer. Thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got it!! Thanks!!!


Praying now.


Losing a loved this time a year is extra hard to endure and all holidays like Thanksgiving and especially Christmas that come every year to remember.
So sorry for your loss 👃 


Prayers for you all. 🙏🏻


God Bless you DP – we’re praying


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Prayers going out to you and your family DP.

Sadie Slays

Sending positive thoughts your way. I’m sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your family’s loss, DP. Your mom is probably emotionally run down from stress, and so her normal coping is broken, poor thing. I’ve been seeing it a lot recently. Part of the effect of this terrible year.

Of course I will send prayers your way.


I am sorry for your family’s loss, DePat.
This is sad news, indeed.

I pray the Almighty grants your mom, you and your family, the strength to endure this sorrow…and helps you to find peace.
 😔  🙏  💓 



This is great. But I shudder to think what would happen to it if dems are ever allowed into the presidency again.


I shudder to think what would happen to it if dems are ever allowed into the presidency again.

Me too. That’s why this corruption has to be completely cleaned out, as much as possible, here and even worldwide. Four more years of Pres. Trump, followed by politics as usual, will only revert us back to where we were, only worse because the Left no longer hides their agenda. Some even want us dead. 😱

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

I shudder to think what would happen to it if dems are ever allowed into the presidency again.”

Yeah. THEIR website would be a special order catalog.

Cuppa Covfefe

It would probably go something like this, (no) thanks to Bidoon’s and Kamel-Huh-HO’s hands-on leadership:

We are proud to announce a new whole-of-government human trafficking website with federal resources for buyers, current funding and “packaging” opportunities, assured privacy and training efforts and information on grooming leadership.


Cuppa Covfefe

That happened in Kaliforniastan…

But it looks like Kalifornistan is about to implode. More people moving out than in, businesses departing as fast as they can, and the populus bifurcating into the ultra-rich elite in their walled enclaves and McMansions, and the hopeless, hapless, homeless poor, living in tent communes and filth on the excrement and drug-paraphenalia-ridden sidewalks…

Gail Combs

Devolving into a typical third world country like all Commie countries do.


Same guy also called in to Shawn Hannity. If the guy was real then we are in trouble because these people are dangerous and psychopaths.

Gail Combs

Singing, they have ALWAYS been dangerous psychopaths. Now they are finally coming out of the closet and revealing it to the Sheeple.
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That actor also plays a great zombie. He’s got the mannerisms DOWN!

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

I am going to have nightmares   :wpds_shock: 

Gail Combs

Sing, THAT was his ‘pretty face’

Don’t ever watch ‘Men in Black’ if that bothers you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I cannot take movies like that.

Gail Combs

Neither can I. I sort of stumbled into watching it while working with a construction crew.

Cuppa Covfefe

Recent COVID-19 vaccine recipient…

Gail Combs

snicker… 😋 


So, he admits the lies and frauds openly.

Typical liberal arrogance.

But I think it was fear in this case. They are so desperate to believe in their fantasy.

Just look at every election since 2008. America is REJECTING leftism.

Reality is going to slap the living shit out of such fucktards as this drooling idiot.


(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update for Dec. 29th covers the new outpouring of extensive evidence of foreign interference in the US election.

The November 3rd election, it turns out, was actually an act of cyber warfare initiated by foreign aggressors against the United States. That’s why the election outcome is null and void and will eventually be halted.

As Creative Destruction Media reports, Dominion voting machines sent ballots for adjudication to at least four countries on election night and over subsequent days:

  • The Dominion Voting system is owned and controlled by foreign entities. We lose control of the data when it goes to a foreign country.
  • The electronic information went to Germany, Barcelona, Serbia, and Canada.
  • Dominion Voting Systems and related companies are owned or heavily controlled and influenced by foreign agents, countries, and interests. The forensic report prepared by experts found that “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
  • The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors…The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.”
  • The report found the election management system to be wrought with unacceptable and unlawful vulnerabilities—including access to the internet— probable cause to find evidence of fraud, and numerous malicious actions.

read the rest at the link provided above if interested…


How are you, Catholic? Praying for you and your family!!!


Thank you so much for your prayers, Duchess. Mom died peacefully at 12:30a.m today; we were with her, holding her hand, and praying. God bless,


I am so sorry, Catholic – but, we both know God decides when – will keep praying for you and your family – sending Comfort Angels.


Sorry, GC. I didn’t see your post before I posted this below. (I need to remember to read what is at the top before posting).





(!) Election officials have wrongly certified FALSE and FRAUDULENT election results – thus any declaration of Biden as winner of the US Presidential election is null and void. (!)

(!) Any denial of the clear and abundant evidence of election and voter fraud in the 2020 Election is partisan political activism. (!)


well well

Gail Combs

A Commission to STUDY voter Fraud…
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repeal of section 230 is something to be happy about

I am uneasy (I daren’t say “concerned”) about the focus of a fraud investigation. Seems if President Trump is elected that would be a given.

Gail Combs

A ‘commission to STUDY’ is where politicians stick things they want to just go away but want the sheeple to think they have ‘done something.’ It is a total mind-F..k of the general voter.


It’ll give them something to do in their copious free time.

Gail Combs


Especially since they never write legislation as they are directed to by the Constitution.


Good & True but it won’t effect this election even if passed into law.


Update with link to the Mitch Move


McConnell included removing/reforming Section 230 – and – Election Fraud Investigation Commission.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s what POTUS wanted, but Turtle knows it’s going NOWHERE with the Dems. So, that means no to $2,000, which is what the Republicans wanted to begin with. I 👀 you 🐢 and your RINO games!


Ep. 2365a – Trump Turns The Spotlight On The Economic Swamp, No Escape
X22 Report Published  December 29, 2020


Ep. 2365b – What Is About To Unfold Will Be Earth Shattering, Birth Of A New Nation, Checkmate
X22 Report Published  December 29, 2020



Nooooo. Ya don’t say?

Fauci is a communist and lying runt.

But I repeat myself.

Gail Combs


Remember he, through the NIH, funded the research at UNC, and when that was closed down, funded the continuing research in Wuhan. That research resulted in the BIO-Weapon that was released in order to screw the 2020 election, Crash the world economy AND FORCE the Great Reset.

So Yeah, let’s try him, find him guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, and then feed him to the lions.



When can we stop referring to the “leftwing media” as media and instead call them “democrat spokespersons” from XYZ propaganda outfit??

Asking for Reality.

Gail Combs

How about the US Pravda?

Cuppa Covfefe


They’ve sold themselves to the highest bidder for a long time….

Gail Combs

I generally used Urinalists. They are peeing on us and trying to say it is news.


Peeing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.



Senator Melissa Melendez (@senatormelendez) Tweeted:
The campaign to #RecallGavinNewsom has now achieved the 60% threshold, having collected 911,000 signatures.

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This article is about Californians and Chinese buying up property in Washington State (2015)…Newsom’s destruction in Ca 2020 is most likely giving Chinese plenty of real estate opportunities in Ca.


In the FB group “leaving Calif” it has been brought up quite often. Even some of the realator’s helping Californians with questions on selling have noticed. Most of the sales to people that are Chinese pay all cash too.


They’re aggressive and flout the areas traditional neighborhoods. They are landlords primarily only for other Chinese.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If anybody remembers Antiqueiron from the early days of this blog – also known as Maxx Power over on CTH, please stop by the “Round ‘Em Up” thread and wish him well! He just dropped in to say hi today!

Antiqueiron Comment Here


Mercury Rising (@RealestAhole) Tweeted:
Find Harold at the Library. He’ll be back. You can thank @MikayesFiona for this.


Mike Adams talks about the many different types of foreign interference in the election in today’s update. He then summarizes how this can be used:

“As more of this type of evidence surfaces, it activates three pathways of nullifying the election:

  1. It provides DNI John Ratcliffe more details for his upcoming report of foreign interference in the US election.
  2. It gives members of congress justification to object to the Biden slate of electors on January 6th and elect the Trump slate instead.
  3. It provides President Trump the executive justification he needs to declare the election to be an act of warfare against the United States, triggering a whole series of national defense actions, including invoking military authority to nullify the rigged election.”

I like the sounds of #3 and hope we see some of that. The whole article and video is here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

#3 is a good alternative to what happens if that ChiCom sell-out is allowed into the White House.


OT, but I saw the Wolf Moon tonight. Gosh, is it bright.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – by some reckonings, we get TWO Wolf Moons this winter, if we don’t count the Halloween Blue Moon as one of the fall moons.

But Three Wolf Moons – THAT would be something! 😉
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He has to do this before the new congress is seated, since they were elected by the same fraudulent election.


You Won’t Believe Who The Judge Is That Ordered Georgia Voters Who Moved Out of State Must Be Allowed to Vote in Senate Runoff Election 

December 29, 2020  Constitutional Nobody

[And if that didn’t burn your bagel, this information will scorch it into ashes. The judge who made the ruling that came late Monday from a US District Court was Judge Leslie A Gardener who is the sister of the fantasy Georgia governor and voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams.]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Blackommies get away with whatever they want “because black”. It’s ridiculous.


Guess not always – she has reversed her decision – someone red the riot act to her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



A judge is not the legislature; therefore the judge cannot change election law.

SCOTUS – here we come again.

Gail Combs

Note it was ‘Decided’ so close to the election that any appeal will likely be heard AFTER the election per usual.


Impressed with their own importance – she reversed her decision.


Is she a fat, greasy, disgusting, gap-toothed, gas-bag like her vile sister Stacey is?

Asking for


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Cuppa Covfefe

Jabba-ettes the Hut…

“Equal Opportunity Candidates”…

Anyone remember the Bakke decision (UC Davis med school)…


Nope – what happened, Cuppa.


They just ooze that particular persona that no one wants anywhere near them.


Just wanted to let folks know, we’re back from travels, safe and sound.

Thankfully we were nowhere near Nashville . . .


Welcome back 🙂 Hope you and your family had a good time 😀 


Michelle Swing’s employer, AEG, is developing an entertainment district within blocks of the 2nd Ave. bombing site.

How convenient, and what a coincidence.


It’s like something out of a movie, isn’t it?


You sound like one of those Q weirdos.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If anybody is thinking about going to DC, but is holding back because of lack of funds, we have somebody who would like to help fund you with a gift card. I can’t be certain how much, but it may help cover gas or lodging.

Please reply to this comment if you’re seriously interested!


What about paypal links? Folks could just toss in as they are able. Not anonymous though. 🤔

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Teagan’s idea of connecting on Gab chat is the best. She’s on there as Teagan2. People who want to connect can just leave their Gab handles here, and if they’re familiar faces around here, they may hear something from her.

But you’re right. Even if I took money, I prefer more anonymity.


Will do. 👍🏻


Whoever it is, thats awfully nice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Critical thinking exercise….

If VP Pence has plenary power on Jan. 6 in Congress, do you think….as a career politician….he will act in a way that causes him to lose his office and harm his chances of becoming POTUS in 2024??

The question answers itself, doesn’t it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That depends on what sort of carrot and stick the other side is holding out on him.

If he credibly believes his family will be killed if he doesn’t go along (or, very very unlikely in his case, granted: there’s blackmail info on him), he may reason he’d rather just retire and be left alone, or take whatever the carrot is–perhaps a reasonably lucrative but meaningless job; they may even have “promised” to “let” him be governor again.


Actually, no, it doesn’t “depend“ upon that.

Critical think skills dictate that while that MIGHT BE a consideration, it most certainly DOESN’T depend exclusively upon what sort of carrot and/or stick the other side is holding out on him. There are a number of other considerations to take into account in that particular math, like his sense of honor and integrity, both of which have nothing to do with the other side.

But I appreciate your response. I should have included “all other considerations aside” in my question above, which would have made it even more self evident than it already was.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My point being, when the topic is “what will Pence do,” you cannot leave all those other considerations aside.

There is, no argument between us I think, a clearly “right thing to do here” and Pence should do it even without considering the effect on his career. In other words, he shouldn’t even be considering how it will affect his presidential prospects in 2024, though you brought that up in your original comment to strengthen your case that he *will* do the right thing–he’ll do it, you claim, because it is the right thing to do AND because of how it will affect his future career.

But as soon as you opened the door to considerations OUTSIDE of pure integrity, I had to point out that there might be other such considerations that COULD push him the other way. I can think of quite a few more.

So far from being at all confident that he will do the right thing–when absolutely no one else with decision making power in the process (judges, state legislatures, SCOTUS) has done so to date–I have no confidence that he won’t cave under the pressure. It’s a coin toss to me, since I don’t know everything that is running through his mind.

He could do the wrong thing for a variety of different reasons


Way to ignore my specifically stating the qualifier “all other considerations aside” in order to continue your argument.

You do not debate in good faith.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You DIDN’T state it the first time around.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And, furthermore, those “other considerations” are KEY. You want to sweep them under the rug.


I agree if he is not all in for MAGA he is toast for 2024. However, his role in the Senate is largely cerimonial. I see no way where the legislative branch folds to anything the VP may do.


I am pretty sure that the Founders and the Framers didn’t put their lives, property, and sacred honor at risk, just to create a ceremonial position. I find nothing in the constitution that is anything but a hard & fast duty/authority.


Uniparty does not give a shit about the Constitution. Most have not read it.


You need to go back and study some history.

The original role of the VP was quite different than it is now, Constitutionally.

The VP wasn’t chosen by the person running for President as a companion to their politics. The VP was the second-runner-up in the Electoral College. They might have completely OPPOSITE ideology of the President who got elected.

The VP was NOT a ceremonial role, at all. If the Constitution is followed, he RULES the day. Period.


The uniparty does not give two shits about the Constituition, nor the Judiciary. You are assuming the opposition will follow the rules. They understand this is about winning by any means necessary. Meanwhile we role over and take it.


What are they gonna do? Pence won’t count the votes from contested states. HE is the counter. That’s the law. They can piss and moan, but that’s it.


You make a valid point. I’m looking at it with no expectations, though. I’ve seen too many times where we thought something had to happen for justice to be done, for things to make sense, for the sake of the country, etc. — and that thing did not happen.

Some conservative bloggers say that Pence doesn’t have to discount electors and that he can let the House decide. And some say that that option would be less disruptive to the country. I’m not saying I agree; just that there are other ideas, and even options to keep Pres. Trump in office, out there. There could be a reason for Pence not to do this that we are not aware of.

Not having expectations has served me well many times when others have *known* something *had* to happen. I do not know what the plan is, and I’m sure many contingencies are being taken into consideration. If Pence doesn’t do what we expect, I will consider it either political suicide, as you suggest, or part of the plan that hasn’t been revealed yet. In any case, I am steeling myself for whatever happens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I read it, if Pence refuses to open the envelopes as American Thinker suggests he will do, those votes don’t count toward the total, but if Congress decides to junk the votes after they have been opened, they DO count as certified votes–because they were certified by the state that sent them–even if Congress rejects them.

If they count as certified, the winner has to have 270 votes and neither Trump nor Pence will have that. If Pence refuses to even open the envelopes, then there isn’t a base of 538 electoral votes any more, and the winner needs an absolute majority of some smaller number, e.g., 260 votes if PA (and only PA) gets rejected by Pence (he’d obviously have to do more than that, but the math is easy in this example with PA having 20 votes).

So it matters whether Pence does it or congress does it.

Besides, for Congress to reject the votes, the Senate must reject them by majority vote AND the House must do so as will (simple majority vote, NOT voting by state). I doubt the Rs in the Senate would have the testicular fortitude to do so, and the House being controlled by Dems, absolutely will not do so.

It MUST be Pence that rejects.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs


I have been trying to figure out where I saw the reference to THE TRIADS. It is the final piece to a puzzle.


True – and most do not even know about them, either.


D.P., prayers for you and your mum and the W. clan. So very sorry for your loss. Hope you see this, only just t saw about this.


No, that didn’t post either.

The link comes from a UK political site.


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Cuppa Covfefe

Hands-On Joe and HOe-HOe-HOe…


PDJT takes over from O as most popular American male — 2020 Gallup poll:

O had a 12-year run, now it PDJT’s turn.

Tell me he didn’t win the election!?!?


Every words of this is true.

See: past 20 years of Senate history


Sad – this needs to be stopped.





For you PR, sorry if it’s already been post
From anonymous Conservative
Rumor on 4chan
Believe me or not it doesn’t matter. The 6 January elector ‘ballot’ count is going to go down as the greatest troll of all time.
You may or may not know, but the Vice President gets to count the electors. That’s the one thing the Constitution makes crystal clear. Apparently the plan is for Mike Pence to roll in a Dominion voting machine (or a knock off that looks like one). He’s then going to pull out a USB drive, update the software just before the count, and use the machine to count the elector ballots.
Remember, this will be on national television. The count will not only come out fractional, but it will result in more votes than actual electors AND result in Trump winning more electors than Biden.
The chamber is expected erupt in chaos. Obviously the count will be challenged. Pence will then conduct a ‘recount,’ but he will use the machine to print the recount ballots and then hand count those. The recounted number will be similar to the original count, only changing by a couple votes, but it will result in Trump winning by even more than before.
Dems are expected to cry “fraud” and Pence will object and call for order. He will tell them that it’s too late to challenge because it’s already done. The count is finished. He will then deliberately wipe the machine’s software.
This is a rough sketch of what is being planned. I don’t know the exact details, but Trump wants to fill DC because this is going to be, as he said, “wild.”
I don’t know if Pence ultimately throws it to the House after the chaos or fully certifies Trump’s win in this manner. My source wasn’t sure (I think they’re still working out details).
I hope you’re ready for the salt to flow. Trump is a showman first and foremost, and he’s putting everything into this.  😂 


Thanks Chris… POTUS said 1/6 would be “wild”

If you haven’t listened to this gal (friend of Sidney Powell), this is her second video (first went viral) and well worth the time


Just finished it. And watched the first.
She’s my kind’a Gal
Absolutely love her positive optimistic Trump MAGA Energy
Glad she’s on our side!  😅 


Why would Trump show his cards before Jan 6? Just asking for a friend


He wouldn’t. And that is just the sort of thing that raises expectations. People who believe that, or anything close to it, are in for disappointment. The march on Washington could turn out to be “just” a rally — granted, the most important show of patriot strength and support since America’s founding, but without stunts, arrests, or drama. I know that, whatever happens, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime event that people will recount through the years.


That would be hilarious



But anyone who really believes this is a lost cause.


This woman is an incredible source of information – talk about connecting the dots – Wow!!! – I heard her first video – and was impressed – but, this one is jam packed!!!

Thanks for posting, PR!!!


Please, Please folks, do not scroll pass this video, ^^^, if you have not listened to Leigh Dundas.
Chrystal clear info.

Sadie Slays

This is exactly why I spent the past month getting my preps in order. I strongly recommend others do the same ASAP. We’ve got domestic terrorists already targeting infrastructure, the World Economic Forum forecasting cyber attacks and a “digital pandemic” on critical infrastructure, and the media memeing “Dark Winter” like they expect the lights to go out. Something in my gut says utilities are their next vector of attack. Prepare accordingly.



An isolated incident that affected the mostly democrat enclave of uber-wealthy Aspen, CO.

I’m far more inclined to applaud rather than be concerned. Liberals bringing misery to liberals is something I support wholeheartedly. Let them eat each other.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Since you brought up DW. Was thinking the reason for some of high profiled leftists suddenly adopting black and white photo headers on twitter about a month or so back may actually have something to do with Dark Winter. A vote for or show of solidarity with. At that time they did that Dark Winter was still something we were not aware of.





They really have no fear whatsoever. The only, and I mean only, solution is arrests.


No better deterrent, true.


They are already talking about jailing @RudyGiuliani as well!

And they would do it, while we wait for the wheels of justice to turn, with corrupt judges at the helm. We have to have justice and people serving time for their crimes against this country, or we won’t have a country. People who would jail Giuliani, who has done nothing wrong, are our enemies.


I do not see this happening, Truths.


Sadie Slays


Sadie Slays

December 9th: “Congressman-elect Letlow on plans for confronting China”
He looks healthy in the video. Hard to believe he died from COVID less than a month later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Murder. And it’s going to get worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.”


Yahoo! 😏 Kinda hard to “connect” or have a “community experience” without commenting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. They’re Soviet scum. That’s why they act like it.


““Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.


It’s a written forum.

People are physically separated from each other, by hundreds, thousands, possibly more than 10,000 miles…

Think of it like a telephone.

You’re pretty safe on the end of a telephone line… but still, you might hear a tone of voice that could send you right under the bed, shaking like a Chihuahua.

Who hasn’t had that experience, am I right?

Seems like every other day…

But on the interwebs, you’re sheltered from even hearing an unpleasant tone of voice.

How much ‘safer’ can one be? 😂🤣😂


I wonder if they pumped him full of Ivermectin, HCQ, Az, Zinc, C and D3, etc., while he was home? Sure like to know what the home treatment was.


Of all the recent cases in my extended family – the ONLY one who was given Ivermectin was my husband’s uncle, who’s 85. And his doc is a hunting buddy. The rest ages 34-67 got zip, apart from the 67-year old being prescribed a steroid and an antibiotic late in the illness.

I’ll bet this guy just languished at home, with no meds.


Hosea 4:6 – My people perish from lack of knowledge.