That’s an acronym meaning Read The Flippin’ Manual, except it’s not “Flippin'” there in that word starting with F.
The manual is the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution.
Article II, Section I describes, in the 2nd-4th paragraphs, the means of choosing a President. The third paragraph was replaced by the 12th amendment, but the other two are still current. The fifth paragraph gives the qualifications (including the famous natural born citizen clause). The sixth paragraph discusses succession, but was modified by the 25th amendment.
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
US Constitution, Article II, Section 1, 2nd Paragraph
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
US Constitution, Article II, Section 2, 4th Paragraph
The second paragraph seems pretty straightforward; legislators get to determine how the electors get picked. In every case, they’ve chosen to defer to a vote of the people in a state. Each party picks a slate of electors who will vote for their nominee, when you cast your ballot for president, you’re really voting for that slate of electors. The fourth paragraph simply states that Congress gets to pick the date on which the electors are chosen, and the date on which they themselves assemble to vote.
There are grounds for complaint here about the 2020 election, since in many states the Legislature’s rules weren’t followed by the election bureaucrats. I know of less controversy regarding Paragraph 4 being violated, though some have tried to claim that with Congress having set Nov 3rd as the date last year, the selection process had to stop at midnight that night.
Congress’s rules for picking electors and when they vote.
The law that Congress passed in order to pick dates is now codified in Title 3 of the United States Code. In fact Title 3 is entirely about the Presidential Election.
Sections 1 and 2 read:
The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President.
Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.
US Code Title 3, sections 1 and 2
Section 2 appears to obviate the complaint about the count not having ended at midnight, provided that the individual state’s law allows for it.
Sections 5 and 6 are more painful, but they basically boil down to requiring the states to certify, to the federal government, the names of the electors. Section six mentions votes cast, but it’s votes cast for the electors, not the votes cast by the electors.
If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned.
Section 5
It shall be the duty of the executive of each State, as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the appointment of the electors in such State by the final ascertainment, under and in pursuance of the laws of such State providing for such ascertainment, to communicate by registered mail under the seal of the State to the Archivist of the United States a certificate of such ascertainment of the electors appointed, setting forth the names of such electors and the canvass or other ascertainment under the laws of such State of the number of votes given or cast for each person for whose appointment any and all votes have been given or cast; and it shall also thereupon be the duty of the executive of each State to deliver to the electors of such State, on or before the day on which they are required by section 7 of this title to meet, six duplicate-originals of the same certificate under the seal of the State; and if there shall have been any final determination in a State in the manner provided for by law of a controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, it shall be the duty of the executive of such State, as soon as practicable after such determination, to communicate under the seal of the State to the Archivist of the United States a certificate of such determination in form and manner as the same shall have been made; and the certificate or certificates so received by the Archivist of the United States shall be preserved by him for one year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and shall be open to public inspection; and the Archivist of the United States at the first meeting of Congress thereafter shall transmit to the two Houses of Congress copies in full of each and every such certificate so received at the National Archives and Records Administration.
Section 6
The Electors Vote
Finally, The actual vote by the electors takes place, and the results are sent to the President of the Senate, sections 7-10
The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.
Section 7
The electors shall vote for President and Vice President, respectively, in the manner directed by the Constitution.
Section 8
(This would be as specified in Amendment XII, which we’ll get to.)
The electors shall make and sign six certificates of all the votes given by them, each of which certificates shall contain two distinct lists, one of the votes for President and the other of the votes for Vice President, and shall annex to each of the certificates one of the lists of the electors which shall have been furnished to them by direction of the executive of the State.
Section 9
The electors shall seal up the certificates so made by them, and certify upon each that the lists of all the votes of such State given for President, and of all the votes given for Vice President, are contained therein.
Section 10
The electors shall dispose of the certificates so made by them and the lists attached thereto in the following manner:
First. They shall forthwith forward by registered mail one of the same to the President of the Senate at the seat of government.
Second. Two of the same shall be delivered to the secretary of state of the State, one of which shall be held subject to the order of the President of the Senate, the other to be preserved by him for one year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and shall be open to public inspection.
Third. On the day thereafter they shall forward by registered mail two of such certificates and lists to the Archivist of the United States at the seat of government, one of which shall be held subject to the order of the President of the Senate. The other shall be preserved by the Archivist of the United States for one year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and shall be open to public inspection.
Fourth. They shall forthwith cause the other of the certificates and lists to be delivered to the judge of the district in which the electors shall have assembled.
Section 11
[In case someone doesn’t realize this: The “President of the Senate” is the Vice President, at the current time that’s Mike Pence. Or is it? If it’s not him…is there any provision for who is “acting” VP until Trump can nominate, and congress approve, a successor?
UPDATE: Sylvia (she of the shovel) made a point that makes me think this is the wrong question. It’s not “acting VP” we are after, but rather “acting President of the Senate.” (That’s a description, not a formal title.) I strongly suspect that the President Pro Tem steps up when there is no President of the Senate available. As of right now, that President Pro Tem is Chuck Grassley.]
Sections 12 and 13 talk about what happens if the state’s slate of electors isn’t received by the President of the Senate by the 4th Wednesday in December; in essence he goes to the secretary of state for that state and asks him for HIS copy of the certificate; if that fails he then goes to the judge in that jurisdiction.
Section 14 basically says if the messenger doesn’t deliver, he forfeits $1000.
What I don’t see here is any sort of thing Pence had to do by some date in December to reject the certificates he had. There was an awful lot of noise about that for about two days, and whatever it was that Pence was (not) supposed to do, he didn’t do it so a lot of people got upset with him. For what, precisely?
Are some people supposedly on our side making up their own laws here to fit a narrative?
Twelfth Amendment: The Rest of the process.
The original process from Article II, Section I called for each elector to cast two distinct votes for President, neither vote carrying more weight than the other. Whoever came in first would be the next President, whoever came in second became the Vice President. However, one thing our Framers didn’t anticipate (or maybe they did but they certainly didn’t want) were political parties, and this process could, and did, lead to bitter rivals being elected President and Vice President in 1796. So the Twelfth Amendment was passed by Congress, sent to the states, and was ratified by September of 1804.
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;–the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;–The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. [And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.–]The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
Amendment XII to the United States Constitution. The bit in the brackets was superseded, in turn, by the XXth Amendment.
Essentially they now had the electors vote for President and Vice President separately, and they modified the rules slightly for what to do if no one got a majority.
Speaking of which: “The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed” would mean that the winner must get 270 votes or more to win at this point in the process. As far as I can discern, no one is disputing that 538 electors have been appointed. Maybe that dispute will be taken up on the 6th of January. And this is probably what American Thinker is imagining Pence could do on Wednesday. If he refuses to acknowledge their appointment somehow, then that reduces the aggregate number of electoral votes.
It doesn’t look, at the moment, like someone’s going to fail to get a majority, but here’s what happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 or more: and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.
In other words, the House drops what it is doing, and picks a president from the top three electoral vote winners. However, each state’s delegation casts one vote, so Wyoming has exactly as much to say as does California. At least two thirds of the states (34 or more) must have at least some of their Reps present for this to proceed (the quorum) and the winner must get the votes of at least 26 states. (Not a majority of those present, a majority of all states.)
This doesn’t seem like it would be much of a problem for Trump, provided we can get to that part of the process, because most state delegations are majority Republican. Except of course that I wouldn’t necessarily trust a bunch of RINOs to vote for him. On the other hand their other two options are Biden, and whoever comes in third in electoral votes.
I have heard nothing whatsoever about a third candidate getting any electoral votes from faithless electors. Seven or eight people switched their votes last time. (Countering this point is the claim that the electors vote by secret ballot; I don’t believe this is actually the case as 1) it’s not specified anywhere that they do this and 2) it would be impossible for those states who require the electors vote for their party’s candidate to apply that law. And I do know that some electors last time were replaced on the spot when they refused to vote for Trump or Hitlary.)
(Last time around, Colin Powell got three electoral votes and was therefore in third place. I believe someone was trying to set up an attempt to put him in the White House as a compromise choice if the election were kicked to the House–which it wasn’t.)
Who is third this time around? Is anyone third this time around? Does anyone know? The one source I have (Wikipedia) states there weren’t any. (Take that for what it’s worth.)
But in order to even get to a point where this matters, Joe Biden has to lose a bunch of electoral votes between now and Wednesday. How might this be accomplished?
Run On Legalese
Back to Title 3. Now we’re up to Section 15. And someone ought to be beaten by a rubber hose for this massive run-on pile of verbalistic schiff.
Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified. If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted, they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.
Title 3, Section 15.
At 1 PM on January Sixth, Four appointed “tellers,” two senators and two reps, in the presence of both the House and Senate, presided over by the President of the Senate, open the states’ votes in alphabetical order, and read them off. Last time around, they simply rotated; I remember one of the Senators was Klobuchar. This is normally a ritual; they were even reading from a prepared script.
The President of the Senate then accepts the vote of the state…at which point, it’s final for that state. There is no recourse.
But before that happens, objections can be made from the floor. “Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision;“
Note that all objections to a states vote must be made before the session breaks up. Once they’re done deciding, you can’t object again. You can make 25 objections before and they’re all to be considered simultaneously, but none after. So as I read this, we can’t tie this up simply by filibustering with objections to the same state, over and over. The run-on-sentence champion who wrote this law tried to ensure the process would come to an end someday.
[We will have, however, a very early indicator of how it’s going to go. You see, Arizona is one of the states rotten with fraud, and it’s quite early in the alphabet! I should expect there to be objections, we already have a senator and several house members who say they will do so. When that happens, we will see what comes of it.]
Basically the house and senate can only reject on the grounds that the slate of electors wasn’t valid or didn’t follow the process correctly. THIS IS WHERE ANY ALLEGATION OF ELECTORAL FRAUD WOULD COME INTO PLAY. (Or, if there are two competing slates, they get to pick the right one. Of course a bunch of competing Trump electors sent certificates to Washington, but those may have been rejected as invalid already–apparently the governor didn’t sign them; I’d certainly be surprised if the tellers open them up and read them; if they don’t, then the alternate certificates don’t matter since they haven’t been opened in the joint session. I don’t think anyone knows what happened to all of those alternate slates.)
The problem is, both the House and Senate must uphold the objection(s). If only one agrees, the objection(s) fail. And nothing is specified here about voting by states in the House. That only comes into play when the House selects the president-elect.
Do you expect the House, which will be a narrow Democrat minority on January 6, to uphold any objection to a Biden elector? Do you even trust the RINOs in the Senate to toe the line? The only way I can imagine it happening is if there is a lot of D/RINO absenteeism in both chambers.
I admit that I don’t see the President’s strategy here–what I can think of seems doomed to fail–but it seems pretty obvious that he thinks he has one, else why the Rally? I very earnestly hope he sees something I do not.
So let’s assume someone gets a majority of the electoral vote, or the House gets it and makes a decision in a timely manner. In that case, the person chosen becomes the President-Elect.
There is, at that point no appeal, and no remedy for the loser. As Joe Biden told an objector back in 2017 when no senator would join her objection, “it is over.”
January 6th is Wednesday. By next Friday, when I do my next daily, we will know who the President Elect is, or America will be glued to their TV screens watching Congress deal with an historic mess as we go into Day Three of Congress adjudicating the election.
I’ll close by quoting my own paragraph from five weeks ago.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, this is for all the Chips. After this, GAME OVER. If we lose this, to such blatant fraud, 2024 won’t matter. Trump won’t matter. Politically speaking, nothing on Earth will matter. There will be no recourse within the system.
A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Needs to happen, soon.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Coin of The Day
Unless I think of something…
Obligatory PSAs/Reminders
Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget any of these!!!
How not to get your ass kicked by the police. Chris Rock in 2007
Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.
Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).
So, with nothing habbening today, I was killing time with Mr. Steam Punk Wolf and we decided he’d look properly steamy and punky in a few images, so . . .

LMAO!!! Oh, these are priceless! Good show!!!
Bak you are having way too much dun with the wolfs LOL
The old aviator goggles are gold.
Reminds me of this, which is probably an expression we all better get some practice with this weekend.
Btw, Carl, being such an eclectic term I searched “steampunk wolf” in an image search.
It’s actually a “thing”!
Lots of crazy steampunk wolf masks, statues, images, etc.
Love these!
Oh carl those are fabulous! I love the Q lapel pin!
Haaa…I love these!
Great work, Carl.
Nicely done!
Carl, these are just fantastic!
No big deal, but Mike Pompeo just posted this photo and they’re all grinning like Cheshire Cats.
And he also used the #Swagger. Lmao. I love him.

was this picture from today?
No idea!
This is an interesting post from today:
Yes – VERY interesting!
I removed my post. Too early for me.
Doubtful. Ric Grenell is sitting at the table and he is no longer with the administration. It looks like a formal cabinet or subcabinet meeting and not a campaign meeting.
Unless PDJT wanted Ric back to consult or something as coothie suggested below……..
Doubtful. Ric Grennel is sitting at the table and he is no longer with the administration. It looks like a formal cabinet or subcabinet meeting and not a campaign meeting.
It’s not cabinet — it’s mostly military.
No, but subcabinet maybe? I don’t know. Just seems unlikely Ric Grenell would be there as Joe Citizen, but what do I know.
I’m thinking he’s there as former DNI. If Ratcliffe is also at the table, that might make sense. If Ratcliffe is missing, it’s more likely an old picture.
I’d buy that.
Well Good Morning Sylvia, and Happy New Year!
I’ve only been back posting for a few weeks now, and I haven’t yet had a chance to say hello!
IIRC, I’m the guy who called you a “newfag” (lol!) way back when, while giving a tutorial to other posters / readers here, on how to safely navigate the chan boards.
I hope you’ve been well, and have been enjoying the show …
Oh yeah, I remember! Because I was embarrassed I didn’t know what BEWBIES were. You were kind enough to explain!

Good to see you back! Happy New Year!
All guys know what boobies are.
Posted on twitter? I don’t see it on his twitter account…?
Never mind – I was on his personal account v. his Sec. of State account.
Yes! Just found it!
He posted a bunch of different pictures today with that same text.
That is a very interesting picture. Let’s go clockwise from VSGPOTUSDJT. We have three people that we can see clearly — surely someone recognizes them and can provide info — and the nametags are situated that they may provide clues. Then there is an empty chairs I can only go 150% zoom, so it looks like the first he has a title — and I can’t read the name.Then we have someone grinning broadly. His name card doesn’t appear to have a title, and I can’t read his name.
Then we get to Ric Grenell, who has just a hint of a smile, then another person entirely eclipsed by Kansas, whose placard it entirely edge-on to us and unreadable. Then, of course, Kansas.
We next see someone’s left arm, but not their head, which is obscured by the next guy, whose body is hidden by our faceless closest person, who seems to be “Keith Koleg”, or something. He has a very short title.
The photographer doesn’t seem to have a placard. There is a placard for General John Raymond to his left. Beyond that, is a person whose placard says something like “Jim McCateli” The last of our invisible trio is “David Gitel”. One more military person and back to POTUS.
The meeting room is the Cabinet Room in the White House. It overlooks the rose garden (behind the curtains on the left) and is two doors from the Oval Office. The door in the picture goes to the President’s Secretary.
Better than being doomed. And better than being walked through Antifa.
As a fun side note, the chairs are custom built for that space and have Cabinet Members’ names and positions on little plaques on the back. When you move on from the cabinet, you are given the option of buying your chair.
This does not apply to the President’s chair. It has a little plaque on the back that just says “The President”, without a name, and the chair back is 2 inches taller than all the others.
I love those little fun side notes! Makes history and government come alive.
And all those chairs are (I think) MADE IN AMERICA!
That’s different than the DEMONRATS and RINOs and ChiComs, who buy their chairs first
I love Ric Grennel. PDJT loves him. But why would he be at what looks like a cabinet meeting? He’s not part of the administration at this time. He’s campaign staff. I’m thinking this was not a current picture.
If one of the people you can’t see were Gen. Flynn, would that change your thoughts?
Yep. I’d figure they were called back to duty for some reason.
I spent time scrutinizing the picture because I suspect that the people we can’t see are more meaningful than those we can.
You may well be right.
I dont think this is today. Richard Grenell posted a pic from home yesterday morning, in Rancho Mirage.
is that anywhere near where PIGLOSI lives
(asking for a friend…)
No. Rancho Mirage is in the Palm Springs area in SouthernCalifornia. It is much nicer than PS and San Fran though.
so could someone, like, oh just for instance, Ric, travel to Piglosi’s house, present her with the gift of a pig’s head (wink, wink) which i believe in some remote cultures is a token of affection and make it back undetected? LOL
No. Its so cal desert. She in bay area midstate.
I knew todays OP was gonna be a screed about what will happen.
…except it leaves out what the 20th Amendment and the Congressional Research Service says. LOVED the part about “reading the flipping manual” in light of that!
Kinda a big miss. No biggie. Prolly won’t happen. Maybe.
Possibly because the order of succession is a different topic from how the election is run?
That’s not quite right, is it?
Fraud vitiates everything. And how the election is run CAN be dependent upon the order of succession.
I’ll leave out the part about you blatantly lying and saying I didn’t cite a source, when I cited both the 20th Amendment as well as the Congressional Research Service.
Oh, wait…..sorry.
I’m not looking to do that deep of a drill….can you post the CRS thing you’re referring to (I just put the 20th Amendment up).
Here’s what I got when I clicked on the link in his comment yesterday:
Hmmmm…..that seems to be a quite literary recap of the state of play when issued (2005). I didn’t see anything particularly useful in it. Let’s see if FG&C was thinking of a different CRS thing.
You can go back to the last page of yesterday.
Yes, and be sure to see where Steve claimed I had not cited any sources.
As far as this CRS paper goes…
Interesting paragraph.
But then you aren’t looking to do that deep of a drill, like you said.
The document at the link that Steve provided comes up with nothing if you search for “Constitution provides”. And, of course, saying that the Constitution provides something is far different from showing the portion of the Constitution that states this.
Is that quote from some other CRS source?
Nope. same document. Page 4. 1st sentence under “Current Arrangements”.
Heh. CTL-F only works with two spaces between “Constitution” and “provides”. Someone got happy with the typesetting.
While the document is extensively footnoted, that paragraph is not.
As a standalone paragraph, I fail to see how it it expresses more than wishful thinking. To say the “Constitution provides” something while going beyond the text of the Constitution is dubious.
I’ve got $100 that says the lawyers at the CRS who wrote that summary for Congress have a boatload of supporting documentation and law to cite in support of that paragraph. But your opinion is noted.
I don’t think I expressed an opinion. I made three substantial observations. Do you object to one?
My mistake. I thought you called something dubious. Regardless, I made my point.
From Mirriam-Webster online:
Definition of dubious1 : unsettled in opinion : doubtful I was dubious about the plan.
2 : giving rise to uncertainty: such as
a : of doubtful promise or outcome a dubious plan
b : questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality the practice is of dubious legality
I don’t think that saying something is “unsettled in opinion” is the same as expressing an opinion, but perhaps that’s just me.
It is just you. And you never used that phrase “unsettled in opinion”. You said, “is dubious”, which is a declarative statement. And btw, observations and opinions all too often are the same thing. I think you believe you were making a statement of fact. You weren’t. The CRS is Congress’ own in-house lawyers who research these very questions. Why not defer to them unless you can cite reason and source not to in this particular case?
Well, I’m unlikely to hire you on as audit staff….and you’re unlikely to hire me to fly a plane. So we’ll call it good right there.
I accept your surrender. It was a wise choice. You were getting nowhere, obviously.
Lemme cite that paragraph one more time, as it may come into play in the days ahead…
EXACTLY…fraud vitiates everything. How do you get to order of succession…if that order is created by fraud?
There have to be safeguards that prevent the Constitution from being used to destroy the Constitution.
20th Amendment:
Section 1
The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
Section 2
The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.
Section 3
If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
Section 4
The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.
Section 5
Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect on the 15th day of October following the ratification of this article.
Section 6
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.
The 21st Amendment repealed Prohibition, so I’m pretty sure this happened.
Thanks for this post.
I was going to go on and talk about what happens if the “President Elect” is dead, etc. (as discussed in Section 2), but that really only comes into play after we have a President Elect, and, by next Friday when I’m writing, we’ll know who that is–probably. Things may be *resolved* by then.
Looking through my “Q goggles” I see that things are already *resolved*, we just don’t know it yet.
I’ll tell you what, the arguments on this board are getting to be more entertaining than the show in the swamp.
how are you and your family DePat??
At this moment I’m feeling a lot of heat, but not getting much light.
Having read all the discussion under this comment, and being a simple human for whom the intricacies of all this are somewhat obscure, can I assume that what you are getting at here is this simple:
You believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will either be disqualified, arrested, or otherwise removed from consideration as President on or before January 6?
So a guy responding to Loui Gohmert’s post about not having standing in his law suit made a great point. “Millions will have standing on the 6th”.
So since they are going to attempt to block patriots on the 6th maybe it’s a good idea to set up a gun sharing program in the DC surrounding areas for visitors that get their right of assembly taken away.
On the other hand, maybe POTUS and the Q team don’t need us to do that. Just show up, is all. No guns necessary.
That’s where my money is.
Jus’ sayin’ \_
I intend to go to DC on the 6th, unarmed and unafraid.
POTUS would not call us there to watch him lose, nor leave us unprotected.
The remark is aimed in the event patriots are barred from getting into DC. I’d love to say that is still very unlikely but people are getting antsy on both sides. We’ll likely know better by the 5th. A lot will likely show up by then if allowed and a peaceful presence will likely hold from then on out.
Let’s say the DS sets off a bomb in DC….like Nashville….and further assume that the liberal media will (undoubtedly) blame this on Trump extremists (ie. white supremists)…..and the authorities declare DC closed for the protection of all concerned (as I have openly feared in these pages).
You gonna try and march, armed, into DC against that backdrop with Trump flags flying?
Just asking.
Amen. No – we are going to win on this no matter what. See my comment. You have to TRUST TRUMP on this. This is beautiful strategy. The enemies ALL know it, too.
And we have to be there, because it DESTROYS their countermoves.
Big Bombs just make it more exciting for some people. If turn out is just half of what’s expected there would be enough that would try to push their way in and if they got into some serious trouble others would likely follow. It’s not a good idea to keep people out. Making the conditions unbearable is a different story I’d think. People would put up with that to a larger extent until it wore them down and numbers dwindled except that people are aware of that and are preparing for it. Anyway, just an opinion.
I think having us all there to watch a subset of the Republicans betray us would be an excellent strategy – no matter whether Trump WINS or LOSES immediately, nor if it turns into a long-running debacle.
Hear me out. Assume Trump knows what comes next – and this is all about making US understand the LEVEL OF BETRAYAL.
Mitch McConnell TRIED to stop Hawley from objecting – in fact he tried to stop ALL of them from objecting.
Why? Because then there is no way to see Republican betrayal during voting on the OBJECTIONS.
If objections are raised, the SENATE must vote on them. This is where the chaff and the wheat are separated. McConnell was trying to PREVENT THAT.
Whether the Senate comes back with objections sustained or not won’t matter, as Steve points out, because in all cases, it will be the State Executive-supported slate of electors that is automatically approved either way.
Now – there is an entire class of ways out of this which are really astounding, and I don’t want to pin down what they individually are, but I believe many of them will work, and I think that is what is going to happen.
The key is to realize that no person who knows what happened unconstitutionally in those states under objection [an ERROR] can in good conscience allow the fraud to proceed, if by doing their duty, they commit a furtherance of that crime.
There are 1000 possible ways that explodes. Some resolve immediately – others do not.
View this thing this way – that there is ALREADY a terrible, unconstitutional error – a sneaky bug that the enemy designed in the scofflaw states. How do you STOP IT?
This is why Trump is calling it “wild” – the thrown error is KARMIC.
I believe that this whole thing is being set up to be an ERROR CONDITION, and that Trump has a HUGE multi-level CATCH statement surrounding the TRY which will be THROWN into a new error condition no matter what.
Will be forced.
To bless the fraud.
Or vacate the fraud.
There will be an error thrown that DUMPS THE FRAUD.
And Trump catches the output of the error.
Congress is being forced to marry the greased pig they gave Trump.
This is error condition programming. Even when you “lose” you WIN.
“Whether the Senate comes back with objections sustained or not won’t matter, as Steve points out, because in all cases, it will be the State Executive-supported slate of electors that is automatically approved either way.”
I said that? I *thought* I was saying that both chambers have to approve the objection. And I was saying I’d be surprised if the alternate slates of electors show up on Wednesday.
If the objection is not sustained by both the house and the Senate, then the votes stand.
Let me go back and read what I wrote. I’ll fix it if need be.
No, I’m the one being unclear, because I’m ASSUMING the House comes back NOT sustaining the objections, thus “in all cases” we get the Biden electors, since they are all going to the the “official” governor-approved electors for Biden.
OK, gotcha!
Ultimately we will loose all objections as we don’t have the votes to win them. That however is not the purpose of making the objections. We make the objections to buy time so Trump can take action, to tell the full story of the election fraud, and to sully the Biden/Harris administration in the event they end up making it into office.
And buying time is important as there are still paths to victory because fraud does vitiate everything as will foreign interference if it can be shown to have happened.
Telling the story is important too. People are going to want to understand why Trump does not surrender to Biden and why all these patriots are going to war. The story is going to provide the moral and ethical reasons for what happens should we fail to get this adjudicated properly.
And there’s no way we give up with out telling the story of the fraud as the left keeps saying this was a clean election. We know it was not and need to hammer that point into their forehead so deep it takes 4 years to pull it out. Russian collusion was proven to be a myth, this fraud clearly is not and Biden and Harris need to wear it around their necks till they are dead after which it needs to be chiseled into their tomb stones should they be afforded such.
I’m paraphrasing a LOT of what you said, and throwing in an assumption about Pelosi and the House being an automatic “no”, and not caring about the alternate electors, as much as you doubt them having any chance.
You never “pointed out” what I said explicitly, but it is a larger implication of many things you did point out. We get the governors’ Biden electors no matter what the Senate does, as you state or imply (“point out”), IMO.
Again, gotcha.
I’m also wondering whether Pence’s conundrum is whether he completely repudiates the Deep State or guarantees their certain doom.
I have no idea what is going to happen, but all I know is that no honest person can put lipstick on the pig and elect Joe Biden on clearly unconstitutional voting laws which allowed massive PROVEN fraud.
Even just RESIGNING makes sense, if one is not able to pick between forwarding a Constitutional BOMB or jumping on top of it.
Let somebody jump on it who CAN and WILL jump on it.
That makes sense. But I’m talking about being physically IN DC.
I can “watch” all that from the comfort of my recliner rather than standing outside Congress in DC freezing my ass off being outside all day with no place to take a leak (if rumors re: port-a-potties are true).
Are you suggesting that POTUS would call me to DC just so I can be doubly pissed off if he loses?
What am I missing?
If you’re male in DC, there are countless appropriate places to take a leak, so long as you hold up a “Peaceful Protest” placard while doing so.
I’ve been debating with myself about that very thing, and where I would do it. “Reserved for the Speaker” immediately comes to mind.
You win ten bonus internet points with that one.
Blatantly unfair is what it is!
OTOH, when the casinos first opened in AC and people were vying to get to the tables, never wanting to give up their spots…they used Depends.
Old hiking trick …thick Kotex pads, easier to dispose.
More like a Pee-full protest, but yeah…
Pay one’s respect to the urinalists and the deep state and Piglosi, et. al. …
He will want us there NO MATTER WHAT, because if he “loses” it will be part of the plan.
In that case, I’m formally submitting a citizen’s complaint over the lack of a Ffwd remote button for this movie so I can skip past the part where I freeze my ass off.
At least you own cold weather gear, because your employment takes you to cold places. I live in California.
I know. You must be into bondage. Buy hey, I’m not judging or anything. To each their own and all that.

I made it through all of 2020 — pandemic and all — wearing cargo shorts. I don’t see that being viable in most of the country (and, mind you, many people think it’s crazy here).
many people think it’s crazy here
^^^ “Crazy”? More like NOTHING short of batshit crazy. California, that is.
There is no doubt. Batshit crazy is a charitable assessment of CA.
California Granola. A bunch of fruits and nuts, but mostly flakes… – Frank Zappa
He had it right, despite naming his children Moon Unit and Dweezle…
Don’t be a fair weather patriot!
Me? Shoot, my license plate is “DPLRBLE”.
Some perspective on this war vs. the Revolution.
supposed to be in the 50’s in DC this week i believe
The weather, or patfrederick?
weather. I like 55F as a ‘perfect temp.’
I can’t see that: too much potential for emotions to spiral out of control into something BAD.
Thank you for this comment, even though you don’t name specifics about what might happen!
I have considered this, as well, and the possibility that we might not have an outright win on the 6th. I think people need to be prepared for this, and for anything, and not to assume they know the plan or what “must” happen.
Excellent point about McConnell not wanting to expose Repub betrayal. Also about people [knowingly] furthering the fraud, which would be a crime. So they might be boxed into a corner, especially if irrefutable evidence is presented for all to see (though I don’t know if there will be a venue for that).
Your comment merits several readings.
It’s even barely possible that some dems would chicken out. Barely, of course, meaning a chance in a thousand.
But then on the other hand some Dems in the senate did vote to uphold the veto, so strange stuff does happen.
TL;DR – Trump is the MASTER of covering the downside. He just played this whole thing into a region where he plays LIKE A BOSS and others do not.
That comment IMMEDIATELY brings to mind all the OT posters sarcastic comments about PDJT and “67D chess” back in ‘17-‘18.
Nobody does contingency like Trump. This should be so obvious by now.
“Buh-buh-buh-but MUH EEYORE DOLL!!!”
LOL. Sorry. This FRAUD will not stand.
OT has become the valley of the shills.
You’re not kidding.
Sad, but true. When they went to the new site I did an experiment. I merely liked a comment. I was blocked again forthwith.
Excellent thinking, Wolf.
>> “having us all there to watch” <<
Yup. To leverage the full power of WE THE PEOPLE, one (and all) must do it IN PERSON.
No matter how many letters are written to the Congress Critters, no matter how many phone calls are made … a massive HORDE of people showing up gets the message across best!
Good point, Emerald…we all know that most the phone calls, emails and letters never are viewed by the Congressman…their staffs admit that. They “make a note” or keep a tally that may or may not be seen. Congressional parasites (and, sadly that’s how I’m beginning to think if them) never hear the frustration, the anger, the passion, the lack of trust in the voices of the very people they are there to represent and serve. Once they enter the bubble of DC, they are untouchable.
However, to your point, Emerald…how many In Congress will actually BE in DC on the 6th? That’s the problem with all these million March demonstrations….the very people who are the target of We The People leave town. Obama was famous for that, btw. They might be in danger, you know.
Congress members should be required to stand on the steps of the Capitol and face the Americans they represent! Much, much too cowardly…they only parade around, gavel in hand, when they pass bills in the middle of the night.
>> “the very people who are the target of We The People leave town” <<
We haven’t any need for them to be there, physically. They’ll see what happened, and become justifiably afeared of what the NEXT STEP may be.
We aren’t trying to tar and feather them … YET. But with the demonstration of us physically BEING THERE … they’ll figure out the end-game, and take steps to avoid it.
That is, they’ll be forced to PAY ATTENTION. Their games will only last for so long … and their time is running out, FAST!
>> “face the Americans they represent!” <<
This is the end-game they fear.
For them, fear is the greatest motivator.
For us, it’s TRUTH.
Take heart!
I think having us all there to watch a subset of the Republicans betray us would be an excellent strategy – no matter whether Trump WINS or LOSES immediately, nor if it turns into a long-running debacle.
Post NOT a reply to Wolf. Rather the thought. It is apparent in other posts also.
At this point, being a very slow guy, I do NOT need a lesson on the level of betrayal levied on Americans, by RepubliCONs.
In the past two months alone:
No. FUCK NO. I DON’T need to better understand or grasp the level of corruption across every level of government. I DON’T need proof the Uniparty is real, evil and work in their personal self interest.
65 years of believing in and cherishing our system will be irrevocably shattered beyond repair if this goes for the criminals.
I am NOT going to DC to watch President Trump lose, concede or watch America slip over the precipice of NO RETURN.
Great post!
The biggest thing here is that McConnell is trying to keep the illusion going not wanting to admit that the audience already knows that the hat has a false bottom, and the coin has the same image on both sides.
POTUS is not just letting them own it, he’s giving them the rope to a-dope themselves.
There literally will be no way to put the genie back in the bottle after what ever goes down this week happens.
The beauty of the “OTHERWISE” clause
A GOTO that the deep state can’t compute… (and we can say Yourdon(e) to them…)….
What I am going to say may sound ridiculous because it is ridiculous, but I am going to say it anyway: what you are saying is over my head, but I think you are absolutely correct.
I even looked at a site which describes error conditions, and they too are over my head, but I also believe somewhere in there is the category or categories you propose (metaphorically).
At this point it is good enough for me that our President called in the troops for January 6, and I am going with that. Serenity interrupted with bouts of anxiety.
It is so wonderful to have a spouse (and friends, too) who understand what is going on.
My wife and I again watched the Bobulinski interview repeated by Tucker last night, and because we love each other we can put on our tinfoil hats and gloriously speculate with each other. We wound up hoping that the arrest of Joe Biden, or at least Hunter and James Biden, along with incontrovertible evidence of what rational people already KNOW to be true, would be the sort of galvanizing event which puts things on the right track.
nonetheless, please be vigilant and careful!
To which I would add: POTUS would not call us to DC to be a live audience for the latest episode of a soap opera, only to send us home to watch the story line continue unresolved ad infinitum from the comfort of our easy chairs. Something DEFINITIVE happens on or before the 6th.
Excellent explanation. I also am stymied by the President’s actions regarding the election.
I cannot fathom his thinking, which is no doubt for the best.
I will say one thing, Lin Wood has livened things up. And I for one am grateful.
I agree with all of this. I have no idea what might happen and don’t see viable ways to win. But I’m relying on Pres. Trump’s word and these Q posts:
4944 – Are you ready to finish what we started?
‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ is not just a catch-phrase.
4945 – Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?
4946 – Are you ready to take back control of this Country?
And 4942 – This is not about R v D.
This is about preserving our way of life.
If America falls, the World falls.
Patriots on guard.
Still lots of time prior to the 6th. Afterwards, too….to the 20th.
An eternity in politics.
Emergency rulings.
State legislative actions.
Executive action(s).
Some combination of all of the above.

is that a real roller coaster…..
Someone’s going to have to recognize it. It’s only a partial view of an “out and back” coaster about 120′ tall, against forest. There are zillions of these out there. Coasters don’t start to get noteworthy until they are twice that height.
And after a couple of people have fallen to their deaths. That makes it noteworthy and more valuable (because the sickos want to ride the ‘death’ coaster).
In the amusement park industry, there is a saying, “It’s not fun if somebody dies.” This drives self-regulation, hence why there are so few fatalities which are 99.99% of the time ruled “rider error” after it is demonstrated the rider got out of the restraints or was otherwise fooling around.
I responded above, thinking I was responding to you. It’s in Canada.
Looks like Nitro at Six Flags/NJ. Another B&M great!
Looks like you’ll have to click.
It looks like that is in Canada at a park called “Wonderland”. The name is Behemoth.
Heh. Yup, that looks like it.
And I totally goofed the height estimate, even though I ran it twice, once by people height in the cars and the second time by counting cross-supports and figuring they were at 18″. The people are sitting pretty low to the track, and the cross supports are more like three feet apart. It is, in fact, the second-tallest coaster in Canada at 230′ (the tallest is in the same park).
And my lunch is probably somewhere, uh, below….
Have fun on that ride, though!
Seriously – what does this JOKE of a plot against Trump and AMERICA deserve?
No better time to go Animal House on them, than a JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS.
I couldn’t agree more.
Personally, I hope I can see some perp walks. Any spittle reaching them would be a bonus.
PAY FOR VIEW…we could clean up the debt fast!
I would like to see something like this (warning – graphic):
GOT – Walk of Shame
If not spittle perhaps some other bodily fluid it sounds like they wont let us dispose of properly……….
You adrenaline junkie! Things were too dull before???????
(I’m losing my mind, personally.)
Glad to see you, with or without your mind.
I came here to read hoping I’d find it!
Happy New Year, coothie!
Happy New Year, Sylvia!!!
LOL. If I wasn’t laughing I’d be screaming.
I hear you, grandma!
Just don’t let go of your shovel.
I’ve got a death grip o the handle right now!
WOW—What a Meme
That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing.
I have no idea what’s going to happen on the 6th and whether anything good will come out of congress (they don’t have a great track record). But let’s not forget that there is a wild card in all this – we are under a declared national emergency. And that gives the president all kinds of extra powers he doesn’t normally have. Whether any of those include something that will fix this mess, I don’t know. But having other countries butting into our election is obviously a national security issue that should not stand. To say nothing of the fact that Joe Biden himself is a security threat by virtue of his relationship with China.
Rumors that D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is making all businesses close down between 5th and 7th, particularly hotels, restraurants and any place you can buy snacks.
Tyranny. It hearkens back to Revolutionary days when it was the opposite: they had to quarter redcoats in their homes and businesses.
This may be the source of that rumor:
(I haven’t verified it, yet it seems quite likely, especially with the airlines coordinating against the event as well…)
For those traveling to DC on Jan. 6th
Mayor Does Not Welcome Patriots
I watched that video by Catherine Austin Fitts yesterday.
The elites fear exposure and they fear us.
I say the DC trip is worth that alone.
They damned well better fear us.
I hope and pray that they have at least TEN MILLION reasons to fear us in Washington, D.C. on the 6th January. I’ll be there in spirit and prayer!
And may GOD put down the deep state and the evil that is being fomented by the globalists all over the world!
Great job, Steve, of bringing together a bunch of the parts.
I’ve seen some noise about US Code Title 3, section 15 not reading the same as it did a couple of weeks ago. Were all of your sources contemporary internet ones, or did you have any references that were on paper or on media you control?
I was all set to have the little fish say “new year, same justice”.
I don’t recall when the fish’s next turn is up.
(I just rotate through the five I’ve got right now.)
Unfortunately my sources are online.
I saw that same noise. I had a tab open to that law from before the noise, but when I went to look it reloaded, so if something was different, it went up in a puff of bits.
It’s based, I think on someone remembering a two hour time limit being specified “before,” and “now” it isn’t. I have no real idea.
Yes, that was me. I did a post on it over a week ago when looking at the link provided in a Pence Card story. It clearly said 2hrs and it mentioned 5 minutes of debate time. Neither of those words are there now and the rest of section 15 is highly intelligible. It looks like soup. Also I’m not the only one on the internet that is aware of the 2hr debate clause for objections. So where did every one else get that. My contention is the code pertaining to that section has been altered. You might say that is crazy but then with all the effort they went through to steal the election that would be a minor thing. Also it could be played off very easily with a shrug and a question “hackers?”.
I’m not making any claim what’s right here; I just know I couldn’t confirm it.
Yes, and I’m just owning that it was there and noting that others on the internet are also talking about 2hrs and no one is using the code to refute such. If I went back and searched I posted about it that night I saw the dubious Pence Card story as the link they gave went to the code. At the time I was looking for how Pence had that power and I didn’t see it, but did see what section 15 said and posted about how that’s what people should be concentrating on.
I’d love to find a hard copy.
It’s possible that the site is on the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine so if saved multiple times comparisons could be made.
Actually, I think I saw it somewhere else. Unfortunately, nobody’s been able to produce a smoking-gun to prove it one way or the other.
It really doesn’t matter. 2hrs debate time seems accepted and why call attention to something that is phony. This is just to keep the numbers down on something that could actually make a difference. This is my stance on it. Nothing needs to end on the 6th. The 6th as Steve points out is just the last day to get your objections in. But even that can have sly work arounds if the objection is based on something a bit broad, like one of the recent briefs that was not heard. Technically everything is covered in most of these briefs and sliding new information on it from with in a debate would be hard to shut down. IMO.
I’d better clarify this. Let’s say they get to Arizona and there are two objections. They stop right then and go debate Arizona and come back.
It’s now something like 4PM. When they get to Georgia, there are objections again, and they go off and debate.
It could slip into the 7th and they haven’t even gotten to Pennsylvania yet.
What I meant to convey is when they get to a state, ALL objections must be gathered together and debated simultaneously. Not that that had to be on the 6th; if the process draws out so they’re still tabulating on the 7th, or 8th…then it draws out.
I think though when people imagine this being a long process they’re usually imagining the next phase (if it happens), where the House picks the president. THAT could take a long time if it’s a three way race (which this isn’t). If it is two way, I could see a deadlock if neither candidate gets 26 states to vote for him. At that point, the house is required to just keep trying, as near as I can tell.
Okay, that’s fine. They have 140 house members ready to make objections. Back to the previous point from last night. If the 140 all make the same objection we have what you describe. If they make different objections then we have a whole series of 2 hour debates, potentially 240 hours worth if they do it right (they won’t). Then we move on to the next state. Works for me unless your saying all 140 congressman can be satisfied in one afternoon.
That said though GWP put out an article a day or so back that said the Witch and the Warlock were both going to come up with rules that would make it more difficult to give objections. I’ve not heard more on that, but it would be par for the course as everything is supposed to magically flow in Biden’s favor. No matter what though I’m willing to bet this last more than a few days if not a couple weeks.
Where do you get that from what I wrote? If I wrote that then I was certainly unclear.
ALL objections to that state must be considered simultaneously. Then that state is settled, and they move on to the next state.
140 people can object to Arizona, but they’ll all be handled in the same debate. Then 140 people object to Georgia, all handled in one debate about Georgia.
I’m not worried about the 2 hours.
I’m worried about what we DIDN’T notice ALSO changing, if indeed this turns out to be the case.
Rx…remember the snark reply from someone “on the social media team” of Walmart to Hawley’s announcement of plan to object? The cute little snowflake mentioned Hawley’s 2 hours of fame. You remember correctly.
Sad to think that Walmart feels the need to side with Great Reset crowd (WEF) and not maintain their own independence. It’s when all these giants begin to team up, is when we have to worry.
I’d assume we’ve not heard heard if that person was fired? The statement, taking back the talk just doesn’t seem enough.
Lord forgive me, I really really am trying not to laugh’
Leftists Throw Blood on Nancy Pelosi’s House, Pig’s Head Left on Her Drivewayhttps://rfangle.com/politics/nancy-pelosi-vandalized/?fbclid=IwAR3wETEKkZ6_62z09XCGk7Tj7b5n5yGx6y7npeWIR8E0YggZS0Ww8f8lHhQ
And piss-poor-perv-Patch-newsletter is trying to pin it on conservatives and MAGA folks, but they’re getting SHREDDED in the comments…
Meanwhile, all the stores, etc., here are pushing VEGANUARY…..
SoyBoys and toys, anyone????? Europe will be free for the taking; it there’s anything left worth taking…
Europe will be saved too, Cuppa.
Next-to-last, methinks – ’cause Israel will be last.
America comes FIRST, yes?
And, there’s plenty in Europe worth saving …
Veganism, OTOH, isn’t worth saving at all!
Bill Announcement
Issued on: January 1, 2021
On Friday, January 1, 2021, the President signed into law:
S. 3418, the “Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Act” or the “STORM Act,” which authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide capitalization grants to States to establish revolving funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to reduce risks from disasters and natural hazards.
The White House
Does that include progressivism??
Asking for Kalifornia and other natural states of disaster.
From GAB (deplorableleelee)…..

Trump is nuking Congress with truth. Check this out. If this keeps up, failure to object will be almost CRIMINAL by January 6.
EXCLUSIVE: Fraudulent Georgia Ballots Were Addressed to Elections Consultant Dwight Brower – The Same Guy Who Reported the Fake Water Main Break and Then Terminated Election Whistleblower
By Joe Hoft

Published January 1, 2021 at 10:06pm
You know, I think it might be real swell to “assist the deplorables coming to DC” with several battalions of “emergency personnel” who [COUGH] could then deal with Congress after they COMPLETE THE CRIME on January 6. Or Congress could object to their own FARCE and go home and not DIRECTLY TO JAIL.
and DO NOT collect $200,000!!
Of 17…
(I know, I know, making 2+2 into 22)……
With regards to this, I found some stuff this morning, which I emailed as a tip to Gateway Pundit. This is the email I sent:
“Runbeck Election Services is the return address printed on those pallets of ballots. They partnered with DOMINION to provide mail-in ballots for the June primary in GA:
NOTE that the BAR CODE is missing from these ballots.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, Runbeck ships ballots ALREADY IN ENVELOPES! They have special equipment designed just for that purpose:
“And there it was: a Winkler+Dünnebier BB700-S2 inserter, the thing without which nothing else works. It was 20 feet long and L-shaped, tended by four women in T-shirts. A commercial-grade printer can produce 50,000 ballots an hour, but the process of putting them into envelopes is slower, more intricate. About 14,000 packaged ballots come off the inserter every hour. On the side closest to us, bright-yellow envelopes, stacked in a clear plastic chute, were being sucked down onto a belt with the speed and rhythm of a superfast blackjack dealer. A camera scanned the barcode on the envelope, which was linked to a specific voter-registration file. The computer looked at the file and told the inserter what to put in the envelope, and, like a car chassis traveling the assembly line getting doors and windows and wheels, the envelope traveled down the inserter getting what it needed: the right ballot for the right party for the right election, directions to the right polling place, an instruction sheet for the local races. Octavia Morales, Sacramento County, Republican, Precinct 13453.”
This is MORE evidence that these are fraudulent ballots, meant to be filled out by nefarious actors.”
The link at the end, in California Sunday Magazine, is worth reading in full. There is a lot of info in there. This connection to Dominion of Runbeck is noted:
“Runbeck got a contract with Georgia this year because a tabulation company called Dominion Voting Systems won the bid and reeled them in.”
GP is onto something BIG here.
From the anons … love it!
If there were even the slightest bit of history taught in schools today, the Second Amendment’s plain meaning would be crystal clear and unarguable:
“Having just won our freedom from tyranny by dint of arms, we resolve that our citizens shall never be disarmed.” Instead, our Founders tried to make nice so that peaceful relations with the UK might be eventually resumed. And the revised wording has been litigated ever since.
Yep. It only applies to militias!!! (Sarc)
I know people who think that was deliberate sabotage by the Founders/Framers.
….and weapons in existence in 1791.
Mind you, Washington’s army was equipped with personally-owned cannon.
True. A bit bulky for carry, but definitely true.
Agree 100%.
I live in (er, am TRAPPED in!) a deep blue state, and so many people with whom I’ve brought up the subject think that arms are merely for defending ones home.
So, they mistakenly think, there isn’t any need for high-powered rifles, or high-capacity magazines, etc., to protect a residence.
The POINT of the 2nd Amendment is to protect us against the GOV’T!!!
Btw, these same ill-informed people also wear masks EVERYWHERE.
“Guns BAD, masks GOOD.” It’s absolutely crazy …
Point them to the Third Amendment, which is a large part of the REASON for the Second, but is never discussed anymore:
“No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”
How do you keep the government out of your house? Guns.
That’s a good reminder, Aubergine.
We must not only keep them out of the general People’s House (Gov’t), but also out of each individual’s house / home.
All (beginning) politics is local!
Glad to see you here, Aubergine. I keep seeing SO MANY people / posters from 18 months ago and beyond! It’s almost as though I never left …
I’m still waiting to catch NY Guy when he’s posting here (I’ve heard that he did, recently) so that I may respond; and the same goes for Marica, Felice, and I’m sure a few others whom I haven’t seen yet, nor seen referenced.
Happy New Year to you!
And a very Happy New Year to you, as well! Glad you are here!
I looked through all of Mike Pompeo’s tweets from today. In one, he references his copy of the Federalist Papers from West Point and says, “I return to it often.” Could that possibly be a message for us to look at a copy? Perhaps the answers we are seeking about what might happen on January 6th, can be answered there? I haven’t read them, but thought it curious that he tweeted about returning to them.
Great hint! I think you may be right. There may be a KEY PASSAGE in there which sheds light on this situation – probably MANY.
Lin Wood, in one of his tweets today, said to read, very carefully, all of Mike Pompeo’s many tweets from today (1/1/21). That’s why I read all of them and caught his reference to the Federalist Papers.
I think it’s a good lead, and hopefully our group will have run it down before I wake up later today.
Might I suggest No. 68, wherein Hamilton expounded upon ”the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.”
If I were so inclined, I would start there.
or something in The Federalist? maybe someone’s article nailed it.
If you zoom in on that tweet picture of his Federalist Papers, you see an author name of “Clinton ——-” – couldn’t make out the surname, but I found it interesting that the Clinton name was in the picture.
My copy–pretty much the “standard” edition you could buy in bookstores in the 80s and probably a good deal earlier–has at the bottom “Introduction by CLINTON ROSSITER”
It’s the 17th printing and copyrighted 1961, so likely nothing to do with old Slick and Hitlary.
Steve, nice post. Thanks for trying to make this understandable.
I’m not sure how many more of these rumors I can handle. I’d sort of like to sleep until 1/6, or maybe even 1/7 when it is all over.
One of the things to keep in mind is that Congress (….and the Deep State, BIRM) are a bunch of complete snakes who dearly love every opportunity to do whatever they please free of Constitutional limits, and will do everything they can to “wave and nod” things along. What they will attempt in the next six days is unknown, and likely unbound by the citations that Steve laid down.
Think of this post as more of a programme for the drama — a little booklet to help explain the action, without actually restating it. If we want to see the play, we have to keep watching the stage.
If there are videos of the 2017 vote count, those might be useful too, as an example of a “normal” run of this (except for there being tons of failed objections from the House).
2 new tweets from POTUS….
“The counterfeit Fulton County Georgia ballots recorded in the 2020 election were identified before the corrupt gang of Georgia officials picked them up and shredded them. Samples were also taken. The Georgia election gang has some major explaining to do.
Patrick Byrne, Founder of Overstock.com and now member of the Trump team who is attempting to prove the massive fraud across the country released some shocking news moments ago in a series of tweets…..”
Hmmmmmm. Interesting new TFR “for VIP Movement” in the dead of night. I’ve been watching for anything developing over DC that is more restrictive than what already exists.
I thought DC was a no-fly zone. Doesn’t get much more restrictive than that.
Isn’t PDJT coming to GA Monday? BTW, PDK is very close to our home.
Three patriots!!!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 2, 2021
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”
Matthew 24:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed Saturday!
Morning, Pat!!! Looks like a crazy day weatherize for us – rain has turned to snow – but – temps are above freezing – what’s happening where you are?
God Bless Your Saturday, too – Hugs!!!
temps are about 38*…we had ice overnight and now it’s starting to rain–but the ice is too thick to melt…so the water is just laying on top and will refreeze later…sigh…
hubby’s planning on running the tractor up and down the driveway to try to break up some of the ice…but I can’t even see a clear path to the tractor…
HUGS back to you!!
Oh, my – ICE!!! Well – the snow is piling up here – did not see any in the forecast – but, it is wet snow – for now – if the temps tumble – I have to be careful I don’t – tumble, that is.
Received and Appreciated!!!
Founder’s Wisdom, incredibly relevant to these troubled & turbulent times…
J Michael Waller
A Happy New Year message to all. From my favorite Founding Father.

Andy Ngo under direct threat from a psychopath
A stalker?
Hmm…didn’t our VSG POTUS just sign a new EO about ‘Stalking’?
Nice catch!
Poison arrow frog?
We know they will try to blame this on the MAGA crowd.
Someone noted in the (scathing) comments on Patch that the black graffiti, which is REALLY hard to clean off, seems to have been masked to just the garage door, and not on the bricks; the garage door being easier to clean. Says it looks like a profi job, which makes me wonder if it’s a false-flag kind of vandalism. Wouldn’t put it past Piglosi and her ilk…
Watch for PETA screaming bloody murder of an innocent pig…
The Still Report…
ANTIFA Will Wear MAGA Gear At Jan 6 Rally !
of particular concern…
possibly breaching the entry points nearest The House of Reps.
the Tweet…

Well, that could be disinformation in and of itself (that Antifa operative could be a double, or could have been turned after falling into a canary trap), or maybe we are just meant to think it’s disinformation. Enough to make one’s head hurt.
Seriously, one of us is announcing we have an “Antifa operative in Portland” and (if that is true) is putting that person at risk of exposure. I have no idea what Antifa does to people who betray them.
or : it is what it is.
and/or : they “leaked” it , on purpose.
Yeah, that’s sort of what I am driving at. How many levels of deception are there? Remember the Sicilian in Princess Bride talking through which cup he should take?
they marry them
we will know them by their stench
we will know them by their actions…and their antagonism…and their violence…and their mayhem.
should be easy to spot…the ones who look like meth addicts..
What was that song….Lola… “well girls will be boys and boys will be girls”…
Time to cut off their soy supply (and their hemp supply)…
Note to self – Must…leave…NY….
or … Note to self – Must … not … strangle … guv
We left 8 years ago when they were wrenching down on gun ownership.
Texas is a nice place to land.
While you can still get out!!!
I would crawl out of here tomorrow with a pack on my back, but my mom is here so until she isn’t I’m stuck. My dream is to get far far away from the Great Lakes. I am tired of the associated weather system.

Yes, you gotta take care of your mom’s needs too. Every winter my husband goes into some version of SAD in addition to cabin fever. The heavy iron overcast skies are discouraging in the Detroit area too
I grew on the East Side. I try to explain to people who have always lived around the lakes, that it’s not like this in other areas. You get to see the sun in the winter. It has been weeks here. I think this climate is very healthy in all ways. And yet here I am. Makes me SAD!
When we lived in Northern Michigan, an hour south of the Tip of the Mitt it seemed like there were more sunny days in Winter compared to the Detroit area.
I remember post 9-11 with flights grounded that the skies were clearer than usual. I wonder how much Con Trails contribute to weather patterns in heavily populated/travelled areas?
People on Gab were talking about this yesterday…
What’s up with the creepy pedo symbols on Mrs. DeBlasio’s mask:

A couple of years ago when Q was giving us crumbs about elitist pedophiles…some Anons dug up some stuff on Pence…
Some stuff in Indiana about Pence being a pedo.
Someone even made a youtube video about it.
I didn’t want to believe it…and still don’t.
Pence is a squish who has done some questionable things, but a pedophile?
My brain just didn’t want to know about it.
But with all this latest stuff about Pence ‘resigning’ and saying he is leaving politics…I kept thinking…’why?’
Then this mask that DeBlasio’s wife is wearing — what’s up with that?
She has to know that those are pedo symbols on that mask.
How could she not know?
Out of all the various designs there are, on other masks that she could have worn…why did she wear that one?
Was her wearing that mask some sort of communication?
It was certainly very public.
Was it a warning?
A warning that the elitist pedos are about to be exposed…and made very public?
That first image is another still shot of the DeBlasios dancing on New Years Eve, showing her mask.
I dunno why it’s not showing.
WOWOWOW! An already creepy photo becomes even creepier.
Trying again with a different jpg of that image that wouldn’t show:

The same symbol as on Sheila Jackson Lee’s ring!
Here’s an expanded photo (I suspect it’ll show up quite large …)
Thanks, Emstar!
And yeah, same symbol as SJL’s ring!
Have a good look at the designs on the bottles of bubbly – in particular the rainbow design…
The “elite” are daring us to take them down.
Haman did the same thing… and remember the fate of Herod, when the people said he spoke as a god…
Of all the things we have seen this year from the elites ignoring their own stupid covid edicts and rubbing our faces in it, this one is the most startling to me.
No celebration in Times Square, but DeNausio and his pedo-advertising wife are dancing the night away there?
This is deliberate. This is antagonistic. But worse, New Yorkers are just sitting there in their over-priced homes and apartments and letting it happen!
What is happening to America? I just can’t comprehend it anymore. I feel like I am living in a Twilight Zone episode.
CrowdStrike’s Crimes compound!

david veitch
Replying to @KillAuDeepState
and @Johnheretohelp
Yep, that’s ex FBI and Crowdstrike Shawn Henry!
I wonder where this Shawn Henry guy is…now.
Was he there during the firefight that happened in Germany when the server was retrieved?
Good Questions…& is he connected more directly to Pence or just “happens” to be in a photo with him?
This is where the photo originated. Notice Shawn Henry is cut out of it here:
Interesting–nice catch!
Intriguing tweet from conversation
We know this is coming.
He can eff off. Outright medical tyranny.
Thanks for the funnies, Pat!
These are great.
the Tom Selleck one cracked me up!!
Haaa…me too!
And also the one with a woman swimming with a mask on.
to quote Bugs Bunny…
Thank you, Pat!
You must be scouring the entire “inter-webs” to find these!
Obviously, you’re using inventor Al Gore’s super-crypto-key-link …
Well done …
nah…POWERLINE has a great post of them Saturday mornings…LOL
The Patriot Post has theirs on a Monday morning
and Whatfinger showcases The Burning Platform’s collection–but these are random–every few days…
I can copy and paste with the best of them…but you guys CREATE! which is awesome!
Thanks for all the laughs…this one is Really Pertinent in Michigan…my husband’s band has seen a number of their concert venues in bars likely closed permanently!
that’s so sad!!!
No finger discipline.
Lock-down luciferians
Tiffany FitzHenry
They want you locked in your house eating 3D-printed fake meat while they dine on Chateaubriand and dance in time square.
Yes, this is communism.
Yes, it’s tyranny.
But above all, it is demonic.
They’re the toast of the town
OMG, those poor dogs!!!!
If someone tells you “this is how it will go down the next few days or weeks,” don’t listen to them. We are in the fog of war and there is disinformation on both sides. You can speculate all you want but we have no idea how this will all go down. The Democrats, media and Big Tech are not acting like winners right now. They know what is coming they just don’t know when. There is a lot going on behind scenes we are not seeing. Patriots are in control!
Brad Johnson: Rome, Satellites, Servers: an UpdateTalks about the election fraud being run from the US Embassy in Romes, together with MI6. Some of the guys are identified. They were apparently communicating through an old Military Sattelite.
If this is true, I am sure POTUS knows it and has the needed info.
Hmmm. Wonder if that was the one that did an “unplanned exit” the other day?????
copied from OT
January 2, 2021 1:50 am
Rumors abound of hotels turning people away from DC. I dunno how true that is since I can still book for that date at multiple places online.
As I live in the area, I have a guest room that I am holding back for a couple people depending on if they choose to take it and who does so first.
In addition, a lovely couch in the living room I sleep on most nights since I just like sleeping on couches. And a pullout futon thing in the basement. Then floor space between the living room and the basement (all carpeted), could contain 20 people. 1 on the couch, 2 on a futon, 17 on the floors.
If you need it, let me know. I will need a lot of proof that you are clean and trustworthy, and it will be for the night of the 5th and the 6th only. And no guarantees. My wife has the final say, and she is more picky than me.
I’d try booking a hotel first. I think the rumors about hotels aren’t true, I can see tons of them on travel sites available in the general area.
I can provide transport only for 3. So don’t depend on that.
January 2, 2021 1:50 am
Reply to Keln
send inquiries to nukingpolitics@gmail.com
You pay for your own food, I cannot feed 20 people.
Gohmert’s lawsuit against Pence tossed, but can be reframed and appealed…
U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy Kernodle, a Trump appointee based in Tyler, Texas, said the suit couldn’t be brought by an individual member of Congress, since it alleged an injury that would apply to the entire House and Senate.
Gohmert had asked the court to declare that Pence, who is constitutionally required to preside over the Jan. 6 session of Congress to certify the results of the 2020 election, had the sole authority to decide whether some of Biden’s electoral votes should be rejected — and whether alternative slates of Trump votes could be introduced instead. But Kernodle said Gohmert’s argument relied on entirely speculative circumstances.
“Congressman Gohmert’s alleged injury requires a series of hypothetical—but by no means certain—events,” the judge wrote in his 13-page ruling issued Friday evening. “Plaintiffs presuppose what the Vice President will do on January 6, which electoral votes the Vice President will count or reject from contested states, whether a Representative and a Senator will object under Section 15 of the Electoral Count Act, how each member of the House and Senate will vote on any such objections, and how each state delegation in the House would potentially vote under the Twelfth Amendment absent a majority electoral vote.”
Kernodle’s decision did not completely slam the door on the possibility that Gohmert or the would-be electors might be able to get some relief in court. The judge dismissed the case without prejudice, meaning that Gohmert’s lawyers could try to reframe the suit so it will pass legal muster. Gohmert, who filed the suit on Sunday, had asked for a final ruling from Kernodle by Jan. 4 in order to have time for potential appeals.
wonder if these prices will change depending upon WHO is being sworn in? LOL
The Best Is Yet To Come – Trump 2020stormisuponus Published October 19, 2020
1776 – Revival | TRUMP2020
Another inspiring video I had to pass along to POTUS via tweet–God Bless!!!
* Smiling *
This was Awesome, had to include in a tweet reply to POTUS…hope he sees or has seen this epic video! Thanks for sharing
Most welcome, Val – thanks for doing your part to share with PT. God Bless!!!
YW, God Bless you too, today & always Duchess!
American Thinker has links to info about the DC Rally…
Link to tips written by a patriot who lives in D.C. and has attended other protests includes information about travel, accommodations, restrooms, safety, cell phone service (don’t count on it), and maps: here.
Link to March for Trump website that appears to be organizing buses: here.
Link to Stop the Steal website that has information about protests in all of the states in question. There will also be events in numerous other states (perhaps almost all of them), but the organization is focusing on these states for the obvious reason. They also have links to make it easy to contact elected officials. All information can be found: here.
The weather report
As of this writing, the weather looks like it will be good, if not a bit cold given the time of year. Please pray that the weather holds and patriots gathering in D.C. are not subjected to additional burdens.
THAT same article references the House’s historical website and mentions the 2 HOUR aspect some were discussing earlier in the thread…
Here’s an excerpt from The U.S. House of Representatives historical website:
…During the Joint Session, lawmakers may object to individual electoral votes or to state returns as a whole. An objection must be declared in writing and signed by at least one Representative and one Senator. In the case of an objection, the Joint Session recesses and each chamber considers the objection separately for no more than two hours; each Member may speak for five minutes or less. After each house votes on whether to accept the objection, the Joint Session reconvenes and both chambers disclose their decisions. If both chambers agree to the objection, the electoral votes in question are not counted. If either chamber opposes the objection, the votes are counted.
“… cell phone service (don’t count on it)”
If someone tampers with cell phone service in the DC area…then that’s going to piss people off — on both sides!
It’s also probably a federal offense.
DC is the seat of our government.
The Military and all agencies rely on cell phone service.
So it also affects national security…and could be declared an act of terrorism.
can’t say as to the “why” of that statement–does having millions of users in one area overwhlem the system all on its own? dunno…
nobody “messes” with our cellphone service–but some days it works, some days it doesn’t. the mountains, the lack of towers…whatever…so, not sure WHY that statement might be true.
System overwhelmed…maybe, I dunno.
I just don’t remember any reports of it happening during other big gatherings in DC.
And there have been a lot of them.
cell phone jammers??
I am totally cell phone ignorant…
Jammers…yeah, I think there are such things.
Deep state operatives would probably have access to something like that.
Yep, there are such devices, and they emultate cellphone towers undetectably as a man-in-the-middle attack. Having said that, the military and the US government probably have their own, secure networks…
I’m fairly certain they do it when the President is around.
When I went to the Mount Rushmore celebration, I had NO problems getting messages out and internet service, until about half an hour before Trump arrived. Then it was out until the event ended and he left.
Thanks, Aubergine.
That’s for his security, no doubt.
So in that way…it’s kind of cool.
A pain in the ass for all the Trump fans…because it’s punishing the good guys for what the bad guys might do…but it’s good to know that they are doing everything they can to protect him.
That’s exactly what happens.
A large crowd on the mall for a rally basically means if you’re in that mob, you’ll be lucky to be able to make phone calls.
>> “DC is the seat of our government.” <<
I believe that this is true only in the “de facto” sense, since the 1871 Senate Resolution, which created the DC zone as an extra-national entity – that is, a sovereign city-state, wholly outside the *united* States of America.
But NOT in the “de jure” sense (Constitution *for* the uSA, rather than the Constitution *of* the USA – caps and lower cases intentional).
I would say that DC is one of the three seats of THEIR government.
Yet, we’re in a “de facto” environment, and with that as context, what you said (text) is true.
Does it depend on what the definition of “is” is?
Betcha it does …
In my best “Clinton speak”, yes, it depends on what the definition of seat is.
How about “DC is the butt of our government.”?
Works for me, bako!
Perhaps an “extra” butt, though?
And who on Earth needs TWO butts … lol!
Happy New Year!
Article says stay away from BLM plaza.
Personally NOT DC savvy having not been there in ten years or so.
BLM plaza? Where on the Mall might that be? Or it is nearby.
Wiki says…
The plaza is a two-block-long section of 16th Street NW, south of K St NW, extending through I St, and north of H Street NW on the north side of President’s Park on the south side of the Downtown neighborhood in Northwest D.C..[18][19][20][21] Vehicular entry is blocked by barricades on the right-hand side of the street, though emergency vehicles have access on the left side. Cross-traffic is uninterrupted on K and I streets.
^^^ So, I am figuring entire area near Lafayette Park is No Go zone. Will plan Metro stops accordingly.
RSBN Radio By Maximus Ep 004: Martial Law v The Insurrection Act of 1807
RSBN Radio by Maximus Ep 003: New Years Special ~ Rejecting Electoral Votes
Deeper dive, not more important than other things happening so feel free to pass by.
At 7:35 “Every objection triggers a two hour debate”. an he’s talking in reference to 140 objectors saying that will be a lot of objections and every objection triggers a two hour debate . Might want to track this down as he said he’s covered these things in two previous shows his episode 1 & 2. Also 3 USC 1 Sec 15 does not use the words two hours as written now. Very strange.
Just read a long piece written in May about contested election that centered around 3 USC chap 1 sec 15 and I did not find anything about 2hr debate. This is beginning to look like dare I say it Time Travel stuff. Okay, likely a better explanation somewhere else, just has yet to find it.
The only thing anyone seems to agree is that the text in 3 USC Chap 1 sec 15 is impenetrable and there are arguments made thru history that it is unconstitutional.
https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/law/students/publications/llj/pdfs/vol-51/issue-2/7_Foley%20(309-362).pdf Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election: An Exercise in Election Risk Assessment and Management Edward B. Foley* May 2020
He’s also saying the objections should be against each elector (same as number of electoral votes) in order to drag out the debate and cover the totality of the fraud for each state. In effect making the entire debate into a filibuster.
I’ve based everything I’ve been saying about the “how much debate” issue on my reading of Chapter 3, Section 15 (in the main post). Please, just read it for yourself and let me know what you think it says.
I do note that you hold out the possibility of debates still happening by your next posting which would be the 8th if I have that correct so we are obviously in the same ball park and you may even have better seats as you mentioned objections based on the slate of electors where the guy up top in vid also does that (I forgot to mention) as well as against the electors themselves (which suits me better as it is more wieldy and apt to telling the full fraud story, a strategy the guy above independent of me believes should be done for fairly the same purpose).
Perhaps you found the sec 15 less penetrable than I, for without my strange earlier reading and remembrance of sec 15, I’d of likely never of gotten to the notions I have reading the text as is.
Also I’d note you caught that only one state starting with A and progressing would be dealt with at any one time. Truthfully I missed that, but its from one of your comments I was led to believe that debate could end in relatively short order. Me I can’t see that if each objection, when unique, constitutes a debate. I’m not sure but I felt you were of the camp that it could all be lumped as one, dealt with and then the next letter would be dealt with.
I can see that happening only because the Witch and Warlock have both said they were going to be looking at ways to shorten the sec 15 processes which would include these debates.
Yipes… has to cut this short… called to wash dishes and then its exercise and reading time, but doesn’t think we’re far apart at all on this and sees where you think this could go on for a while longer than the 6th. Regardless we both seem to understand there’s no vote to be gained here. But I’ve been looking at the debates as more of a stalling tactic for something better to arrive. Where as I have the feeling your of the opinion the debates will likely be short, making them fruitless and then it’s finished. Anyway, I’m sure I misread you somewhere in there but has to run as the next the call will be so much intense than the first.
The latest rumors are that Trump and/or his team will present a bunch of evidence…much of which we’ve not heard before, and the congresscritters will be under a LOT of pressure at that point to uphold the objections. Yes, a lot of hopium!
There must be a point to all of this (from our standpoint) or no reason to call upon us to go.
I’d keep that simple, the purpose being to raise expectations and thus apply the pressure. Trump will do his best to make something happen while hopefully bringing something decisive to the table. Regardless it’s a great age and DC on the 6th will be a great vantage point from which to witness it.
Meanwhile there’s still the recent conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter (this one in my understanding not seen as happening so close for over 800 years) and in ages past these events normally foretold great shifts in world events foretelling greater or lesser chaos in the world. Would have a better guess on which way we are going after this election. That’s not to say I subscribe to such but I’d be hesitant to call the ancients into question.
It was 2003, I think, that Mars made its closest approach to Earth in some ridiculous number of years (tens of thousands of them). The thing about astronomical events is there’s usually a “big one” coming up, there’s just so many *kinds* of them to choose from. For example eclipses, which used to really freak people out before we understood them.
The Ancients could therefore often find something cool and say “oh, THAT was a portent of THIS king dying (or whatever).”
The fact of the matter is those sorts of events are predictable *centuries* or even millennia in advance.
There are other sorts of astronomical events that are unpredictable or only vaguely predictable; comets, for instance. A “one time” comet is unpredictable until we see it coming, and we won’t see it coming until it’s close to the inner solar system. Even periodic comets are fuzzy because when the comet is close to the sun, it actually heats up, ejects gas and changes its orbit!
Supernovas are a big deal and fundamentally unpredictable. (If I were a god wanting to send portents, I’d blow a star up.) We had a couple of them in our galaxy just before the invention of the telescope, NONE since (driving astronomers nuts with the sheer murphy-factor of the timing). In 1987 there was one in a satellite galaxy to our own (so it was visible to the naked eye) and it was very useful but astronomers would love to have one even closer. And it could happen tomorrow, or it could wait until sometime after we are both dead.
Thanks, Para – your post is most appreciated and helpful – God Bless!!!
Education Secretary DeVos: Stop Teaching 1619 Project to Our Kids
In an opinion piece published Tuesday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos lauded the Trump administration’s efforts to combat the “insidious lies” in the New York Times’ 1619 Project, a revisionist version of U.S. history taught in many American schools. Wrote DeVos,
But he’s running out of time!
8 Things You Should Know About the Korean War
The End Of The Korean War Cease-Fire – Does It Matter?
From Radio Free Europe
The second point is Congress DID DECLARE a WAR on TERRORISM!
popular title: Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
Congress Declared War [on terror] on Sept. 14, 2001
So we have the fact of US troops continued presence in S. Korea, a Cease Fire N Korea canceled and the Chinese presence in N Korea. Aka the Korean war is NOT over and the combatants are the USA and Chyna.
We have a Congressional Declared ‘War on Terror’
We have the Congressional (and UN) acknowledgement that a Bio-weapon is a Weapon of Terrorism.
We have (no proof yet) Covid-19 as a Bio-weapon created in Chyna with the help of individuals here in the USA.
We have (no proof yet) Foreign Interference in a US Election.
If POTUS has the PROOF, then yeah things are going to indeed be WILD on the 6th.
And yeah Military tribunals (state of war) are very much in play.
Steve and scholarly smart people reading here,
I am reading in so many places that POTUS (or his designated hitter?) is planning on revealing copious amounts of voter fraud during this joint session of congress. What allows him to do so? anything??
can the President request a chance to address the session??
I don’t even come close to qualifying as scholary smart
but I read this in the Epoch Times….
It comes as Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and about 40 House GOP lawmakers have announced they would challenge the Electoral College votes during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress due to alleged fraud and irregularities during the Nov. 3 election. The challenge could lead to several hours of debate during the session.
So perhaps during the debate the information comes out?
you are scholarly smart!
YES!!! Holley is also an ‘All Things NY’ Reporter, too, Pat!!!
There are (3) additional reporters – Dora, Tonawanda, and NYGuy!!!
Hoping to some day be a NY Ex Pat and move south for a slower simpler life.
I find living here exhausting.
Praying for you, Holley – but, please do not count the fact that you are under God’s Protection – Mkay?
Remember to read Proverbs 3:5-7 – Please – it will both help and inspire you daily.
God Bless!!!
Thank you duchess! Your prayers are very much appreciated, as is the proverb. It’s a comfort to know we are not alone. I tend to forget that.
No – you are not alone – just found out Mary is somewhere in NY, too – I have family there, too – and my brother said they decided not to celebrate – said it was smart – have no idea about what he was talking – can only imagine – Angels watching over all of you, Holley!!!
And blessing to you as well.
Thanks, Holley!!!
Forgot one…fourth generation upstate.
Oh? Well – looking forward to your ‘upstate opines’, Mary!!! God Bless!!!
>> “I don’t even come close to qualifying as scholary smart” <<
That’s your STRENGTH, Holley!
Just look at all the so-called “experts”, forever locked in their ivory towers, who are oblivious to their own self-deceptions.
They aren’t “elite” – they’re SELF-elite. They measure themselves according to their own *subjective* standards … while somehow (mental illness) believing that these standards are “objective”.
I’m glad you included TWO emojis – one sad, one laughing its ass off – to represent your perspective. You’ve got the right order …
God bless you, Holley! You have an ethical rudder … and FAR too many “scholarly” people don’t. It’s their capital flaw … and they don’t even get it! They’re blind.
Happy to see you still here and posting, after my long absence … and
Ahhh many thanks Emeraldstar!! I never thought of my ‘less’ as being ‘more’. God Bless and Happy New Year to you as well! WWG1WGA.
Great comment, Emerald. Unfortunately, I know some very smart people who are blinded by their insufferable pride of education and position. Very blind.
Thank you, Grandma.
I seem to remember, when I was posting before, that you perceived (and posted) that many people with very high IQ’s were/are on the “spectrum” – whether autism, or Asperger’s, or whatnot.
My experience has been the same.
Here’s a hot take:
I thank GOD that I’m only a minimum genius – the very bottom! Because if I were any smarter, I’d be twice as stupid!
Hahaha …
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you! And I happen to think that moral and emotional genius often trumps intellectual genius.
Thank you kindly, Grandma.
I believe you’re right.
A good rule of thumb I’ve found:
The autonomic system (called “reptilian”?) is FIRST.
The emotional system is NEXT.
The intellectual system is LAST.
When the Intellect believes that it controls the Emotional … that’s when the Emotional FULLY CAPTURES the Intellectual.
In the order of the “mind”, the Intellect comes last.
One cannot “decide” how one feels.
What one DOES about that, though, is the purview of the intellect. Unless, of course, the intellect has succumbed into believing that its place is first.
Am I making “sense”?
Perfect sense. I see this in action every day.
Here’s that full image:

and psst …Epstein didn’t kill himself.
I don’t know how to bring tweets I read here, but this one talks about Lin Wood having his twitter as LLin. Then the tweeter shows a Q post with a mis-spelling, “Focus on Military Intellingence”. Notice the “llin” in the mis-spelling. Just thought this was interesting.
ThreadSee new Tweets

stormypatriotjoe https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/26a1.svg
Ice Qued’17 https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Is this a confirmation from Q that Lin is leaking declassified intelligence to the public? I believe so. If
didn’t approve of what
is doing he would have let us know a lonnnnnng time ago. I’ve always wondered why Lin’s Twitter handle started with “LLin”
7:00 PM · Jan 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Pictures are often meaningless, but…
Jeepers…never seen this one before. Wonder what the occassion was and who’s that in the middle with Pence?
think it was the Super Bowl (forget the year) when they asked Bush to toss the coin
Thanks pat!
any time you want vague info…I’m your go-to…LOL
LOL you were right! Found the story on the DM. It was in 2017 and they were in the executive box at the game. Lots of pics of Bush. He looked really odd at that point.
* https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4196012/George-H-W-Bush-tosses-coin-Super-Bowl.html
Which was preferable to him tossing his cookies in Japan.
I think that’s Pence’s daughter.
Thanks Sylvia. Searched for pictures and you’re right. They look like such a nice, normal family. I don’t know what to think anymore.
Yes. Truth or disinformation? Impossible for us to know at this point.
more questions..oh wise ones:
after they get one Senator and one Rep to object and the respective chambers go to debate…are these televised or not?
wouldn’t it be delicious to see the debates–and the info presented? and wouldn’t it be all the more tasty if during these info displays, we got to see the evidence of EACH congressional member’s blackmail file???
VP Pence presides over the ‘Procedure’ – It is also his job to ‘count’ the Electoral Votes – I think the objections will come prior to him counting the votes for the ‘contested states’ – whether or not VP Pence recognizes these objections remains to be seen – what he will or will not do – I have no idea – but, I expect he will follow the Constitution – and not the Statute – no matter how many times I roll this around in my mind – read analyses of his options – and consider what VP Pence might do – I still come to the same conclusion – he will do what is right!!!
All explained in the post, I believe. Was it unclear?
No, Steve – just reiterating the obvious in case someone did not read your Masterpiece – Mkay?
Surely something as important as that will be live streamed, I took it as a given.
If so, well, there would be two things to watch simultaneously, because the House and Senate are each debating separately.
that’s what i thought too…thanks Steve!
Trump’s paths to victory – Christina Bobb – OANN – a Marine, former JAG officer and worked at DHS.
Okay, now it’s like [they] are testing to see what they can make the sheep do.
then I saw it was CNN
they ain’t never been right
I know…but since CNN is Pro-Vaccine, why would they lie about something that would make guys less likely to take it?
to separate out the masochists to recruit as interns?
If this was real, it would be to get the “vaccine” closer to the real target (gonads).
wow…for a moment I thought you were gonna say assholes…
I cannot think of injectable viagra and not think of Harvey Weinstein!
well yeah, swine, sausage…all goes together…LOL
Searches not finding this are telling me it’s a joke. Looks like Viagra injection directions and some doc pic merged with a CNN header.
Dic pic, doc pic, prick pic, figure out which is witch.
Thanks, boss.
I wonder where Catturd got it?
What’s weird is that this page has gone wonky for me ever since I posted that tweet.
Right now, it is showing this tweet as the ‘first comment’ on this page.
IIRC, there were some comments on this page before I posted that.
I have refreshed a dozen times…clicked off the site…came back.
It’s still showing as the Catturd tweet as the first comment.
It’s weird.
You’re on page 2?
Here you’re asking why your comment appears on top no matter how often you reload it. It’s the comment at the top of page 2, as of when I replied to you. Sometimes, it’s not obvious that’s what happened because there’s no indication of what page you’re on at the top of the comments.
What you described later on, below, though, is just weird.
But when I posted this Catturd tweet, there were already some other comments on this page.
It’s wasn’t like I posted it on Page 1 and then it caused a Page 2 to be generated…which is what happens when your comment happens to be the one that triggers a next page.
It wasn’t like that.
There were already some other comments at the top of this page.
Then all that other weirdness happened with the long string of comments off of Para’s comment.
All in orange.
When they were several hours old…and were also on Page 1 at the same time as they were on this page.
After refreshing and refreshing didn’t do anything, I kept clicking off the site and coming back.
That long string of comments was gone.
But the Catturd tweet was at the top.
The whole episode was just really weird.
OK, I misunderstood you then.
Even when this thing is working normally, I don’t like the multi-page behavior.
My general strategy is to open a new tab on each page. I can scroll back and spot new replies that way.
But any new top-level comment shows up at the top of EVERY tab, not just the one for the page currently being “filled.”
Just remember, we’re still on WordPiss. Improved WordPiss but some things don’t change.
Yes – upper reply box goes into the top section / first comment, and first comment goes to the end by a complicated model that is a compromise between Discus and WordPress. It makes no sense to us because we STAY on the site and comment a lot. The Discus model is designed for DRIVE-BY POSTING, where people don’t notice the rearrangement of comments.
I plan to unravel all that and return it to the WordPress model when I dig into that code. Wish me luck!
Good luck!
The worst part is the bug where a new comment is “off page” and the new comment bubble can’t take you there, and simply kicks up the rolling bars icon. USELESS.
Several possible fixes for that.
(1) go to proper page in the same tab
(2) go to proper page in a new tab
(3) offer a choice
(4) explain failure
(5) do nothing and stop rolling bars
(6) something I haven’t thought of yet
Good luck, boss!
And thank you!
It would be nice if it is possible to do:
7) set new comment notification totals to be only for each page, not the whole thread.
But I will understand if that’s not possible.
(7) get rid of the new comment bubble.
As long as you keep the yellow highlighting of new comments (or better yet, have them persist through a reload, which might be very difficult to do), people can find new comments by scrolling. Of course, you want to turn them back to white/gray when they hover with the mouse, like now. Anyhow as long as you do that the orange bubble is superfluous.
(8) Only have it turn orange if the comment is on the same page. That does put the burden on people to open tabs for every page.
The question is: “Willie?”
JUST SO YOU KNOW – The DemocRATS objected to the Electoral College certification of the last 3 Republican Presidents!!!
“2 great people”????
Better than the alternative, Pat!!!
He’s not calling them Republicans. Isn’t THAT interesting.
Looks like something weird is going on with the comments…
There is a long stream of comments from Page 1, showing up in the middle of this page…and most of them are orange, like they are ‘new comments’.
But the comments were made several hours ago.
Maybe it’s just me, I dunno.
Anyone else seeing this?
no, not seeing that…
but i refresh the page often because the orange dot lies. LOL…on the second page it becomes worthless…
I’m seeing a long string of comments that were made from 1:00 am to 2 – 3:00 am, on Page 1…that are on this page and they are orange.
All of them are orange.
Like they were all made at the same time.
These same comments are also on Page 1 where they should be.
But they are here too.
I refresh page…and they’re still there.
It’s weird.
The count is off, too – how can there be 50 ‘new’ comments when only about 5 people are posting? Then, if you CLICK on the ‘orange circle’ – it rolls and rolls unless there is a low number of allegedly ‘new’ comments, Wheatie!!!
Thanks, Duchess…yeah, it’s messed up.
Most welcome, Wheatie!!!
The orange dot is useless; it’s only saving grace is that orange is my favorite color.
Yep…well, it’s useful until a 2nd Page is generated.
After that it’s kind of annoying, because it doesn’t work anymore…and it takes over the bigger green dot.
I know it’s only supposed to count new comments, but can it be counting new likes as well??
No idea. Sorry.
It’s complicated – I’ll explain briefly.
Whole circle goes orange to get your attention and then “settles back” to the small orange dot on the green dot.
Posts stay orange if you didn’t see them yet. If you were gone from the page and hundreds of new posts added, then welcome back – they’re all orange, and remain so until you mouse over them.
Starting to make sense?
In many cases people didn’t see this behavior b/c of page refreshes of the whole page.
It’s a great feature…in theory.
The down side is that it totals up *all* the new comments from all the pages.
So the comment-locator function ceases to work well after a 2nd page has been created.
It would be cool if it just did a total of each page…on that page.
That way, perhaps the locator function would still work on each page — like it does when there is only a Page One.
Yup. Needs a code rewrite, IMO, including adding that pager widget at the top, too!
A project for during the second Trump administration!
Absolutely, boss…later.
It’s not an ‘urgent fix’ that needs doing right now.
I suspect Trump will be too busy; you might have to do it.
Did we buy this dot from Dominion?
YES!! If I try, it goes right to the top of another post, on a totally different day! Grrrr then I have to literally start over with today’s thread and scroll until I find the last post.
Tried twice to comment on the screen shot of the ballots from Arizona being sent to Georgia.
The question…WHO in Arizona sent them and by what authority? A lot of pre-planned coordination going on. Find that answer and you’ll have lots of arrests.
Also, was Arizona the point of origin….or, did those same ballots make the round from other state? Remember the whistleblower truck driver’s testimony about the missing truck he drove filled with ballots.
The depth of planned fraud is truly mind-blowing…and THIS is what needs to be exposed and people imprisoned.
The mind-blowingness of the depth of the fraud is only exceeded by the stupidity of the fraudsters.
I just refreshed several times and it has only gotten worse.
Now…the first comment showing on this page is the one from Para59r made at 1:05.
It’s orange.
And there is a string of 30 or so replies/comments to that one comment.
They’re all orange.
Here is the comment.
I even cursor’d over all of them to make them turn white.
They’re all orange, again.
You can’t do links to comments this way, wheatie! You have to do them as links on other text.
There are two ways we get back the easy comment stuff:
(1) everybody agrees it’s OK to “doxx” (really, doxx-lite) their WordPress usernames (@whatever, like I’m
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy), or
(2) I get time to rewrite the code on that plugin, which is a multi-day job, no time for it now.
The problem is that many people have usernames related to their emails, such as their name is Mary Shingles and their username is mshingl or shinglesmary or mshingles530635 or whatever. It’s the “bad username problem”.
Note that the way my name showed up was typing “(at)wolfmoon1776” which then used a WORDPRESS feature to call me “(at)Wolf Moon”. That feature is actually in the OLD system but most people didn’t realize it – they just found the @ character to be annoying while typing on SOME platforms.
Complicated business we have hidden from.
Any ideas on how to get the bell working again?
Can’t help right now, but maybe this afternoon. Notifications fail differently on every platform / browser / settings combination!
Are you not getting notifications, or is the bell not getting an orange dot?
Not getting notifications. I’ll leave a message on GAB.
Gotta run! TTYL!
If you leave a massive description of the problem including all details of operating system, device type, browser, symptoms, observations, etc. either here or on Gab, I may be able to detail a fix methodology.
Im ok.
Sounds like it’s just me that sees this.
Hmm…it was all good until I posted that Catturd tweet with CNN’s dick picture.

…that picture was as significant as CNN is…too tiny to care about
HeydonMusicPage/”Breaking News/JUST 4 MORE DAYS!”2021
Great civics lesson Steve. Thank you!
Yep…felt as though I was back in a poli sci class…except it was all abstract theory then! Good job, Steve, wading through it.
Hmmm. “Kaiser” Wilhem (De Blowmeo’s real name) following his mentor Hitler’s (patron demon’s) Nazi strategy… Death Trains…
While I don’t dislike your comment, Cuomo is the Gov.
Oops. Good point. Senior moment there (they’re both rotters, but yep, Commieuomo was the perp in this case)…
Send them both off to Gitmo…
(runs off for more covfefe…sorry)…
It’s okay, I think we’re all suffering from “fog of war” at times – there’s so much info, and dis-info, it’s easy to miss things!!!
Patrick Byrne speculates about Herman Munster De Niro. Open the pic.

This has to be related to the Crowdstrike FIBBER hacking the election from the CIA annex at the Rome embassy.

Potential Biden US/Iran Engagement Plan Could Irreparably Damage International Relations
New York Post
Alarming number of US health care workers are refusing COVID-19 vaccine
U.S. health care workers are first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine — but an alarming number across the country are refusing to do so.
Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine disclosed that about 60 percent of the nursing home workers in his state have so far chosen not to get vaccinated.
More than half of New York City’s EMS workers have shown skepticism, The Post reported last month.
And now California and Texas are experiencing a high rate of health care worker refusals, according to reports.
An estimated 50 percent of frontline workers in Riverside County in the Golden State opted against the drug, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing public health officials.
More than half of the hospital workers at California’s St. Elizabeth Community Hospital that were eligible to receive the vaccine did not, the newspaper.
And in the Lone Star State, a doctor at Houston Memorial Medical Center told NPR earlier this month that half the nurses in the facility would not get the vaccine, citing political reasons.
The excuse shared by the Texas nurses was echoed in a recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey that found 29 percent of health workers were “vaccine hesitant,” the Times reported.
#ElectoralCollegeVote #January6th #MikePence
What Is Pence’s Game Plan for January 6th? | Declassified with Gina Shakespeare
Cari Kelemen Retweeted

Donald J. Trump
Will be in Georgia on Monday night, 9:00 P.M. to RALLY for two GREAT people, @sendavidperdue
& @KLoeffler
The Great Reset: Deep State Globalists Taking Over the World and You!
Globalists’ “Great Reset,” which is being pushed as part of the COVID scare, gives new meaning to “Don’t worry, be happy.” Under it, government owns all and provides all.
gosh…who else was just posting pictures of foxes phoenix??
Not awake yet Pat! late night at Marica’s and here! Making the coffee now… I recall you “LOVED” the fox but ol’ brain only sees a little… help me please!
yeah I remember it too…but I will go looking…
Thank you Sweet Lady… I could “see” the fox… but not the post! You are kind to take the time to find. Sloooww morn, slept in and brain not working yet!
it would have niggled at my brain all day if i hadn’t…LOL
Jan 1
Happy New Years y’all… I was going to take a little nap until morning but that can wait https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f605.svg
So much has bothered me but nothing more than how everything has been manufactured, everything… We are literally living in an illusion…
I’ve posted this “concept” before……
Notice Wolf has me classified as a “Fox”
There was a fox avatar on a couple of tweets…
But I don’t remember any other pics of foxes.
#January6 #MikePence #ElectoralCollege
Pence Asks Judge to Reject Ghomert Lawsuit; House Doesn’t Want VP Powers Clarified | Facts Matter
Any sightings of Mike Pence recently?
Asking for millions of POTUS supporters.
Steve Bannon is reporting that a dozen senators are in talks to join Sen. Josh Hawley in his objection to the electors!
But is that a good thing or bad? I assume they are a lynch mob.
OH! Sorry! I missed the “to join” Hawley. That’s a good thing!
Replying to
Senators joining Hawley’s in objecting
Sen. Cruz
Sen. Johnson
Sen. Lankford
Sen. Daines
Sen. Kennedy
Sen. Blackburn
Sen. Braun
Senator-Elect Lummis
Senator-Elect Marshall
Senator-Elect Hagerty
Senator-Elect Tuberville
12:35 PM · Jan 2, 2021
And DePat here wants to know how Hawley snuck past the Missouri GOP machine. They usually have a thing for toeing the line.
Thank you for the list. Cruz is making up for Cornyn in TX.
Bout damn time.
Wonder if Turtle is stewing over a few supporting President Trump.
Click on the link,GREAT STUFF!
They want an emergency 10-day audit of the votes.
UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election – Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit Takes Place
This happened before (as he states), but back then the inauguration was on March 4th.
To do this now, the commission would probably start on the 7th and finish its work on the 17th. The affected states then have three days to hold their elections. With new machines. We probably can’t get new machines ready between now ant the 17th, and no one would start the process today anyway.
So what would happen is we’d have an “Acting President” in accordance with the 12th amendment, until we managed to actually hold those elections, sometime after the 20th of January. Consult that, and the 20th amendment, and the presidential succession law (all things I didn’t touch on), to see who would be the “acting president.” A certain very annoying person would have to be out of the running by then (she isn’t now), to not be at the top of that list.
It would have been nice if senators had gotten together on, say, November 10th to demand this. But I realize that the depth of the fraud was just beginning to be revealed then.
Back then the Senate would have ignored those demands, and if not the Senate, then the House.
On January 6 (et. seq., if required), the House and Senate *cannot* ignore this issue.
Well, Daines is on the list, so maybe my constant phone calls and emails had some effect!
Yeah, he was planning to do it all along but almost changed his mind thanks to you.
(You know I’m just kidding, right?)
Lol. Yes.
Amazing … Q is more relevant today than ever.
Just thinking: who might Sean Connery be in real life? Seems like it would have to be a member of the CCP, or their allied party in America. But a member of the CCP makes most sense, and would be in a position to know everything.
1.2.21: GAME. ON. Offensive maneuvers initiated! HOLD the LINE PATRIOTS!
Found on Gab…
This is a screencap of a Parler comment that is interesting:
From Gab…
This is from a Sidney Powell post on her Telegram account:
Bren at Marica’s Place posted wrt SWAGGER hashtag… Pompeo was posting every 30 mins… started again this morn at 8:30 according to others there… so far, NO image of Pence in the photos… in fact, he has been removed from the last photo in Sidney’s collection
Bren also did a goog search and first thing to pop up is “Swagger Software” (which I find interesting)
Also, note Pompeo’s phrase “The US no longer leads from behind …”
I’m trying to find the place i saw it on line…
the original picture was POTUS, VP, and Pompeo…but in the next, VP is not in the following picture and it says “in order to from a more perfect union…”
Yes, I think Marica’s Place last night had both versions… maybe Bren posted?
found this from the first
Does this look as if Pampeo is going to be VP a team? They look as if they are running for office?
“In talks”- pardon my French, but WTF does that mean? Does anyone need “talks” to stand against fraud and treason?
Giving the benefit of the doubt, it might literally mean talks, as in strategizing how it will work, what each senator will do, etc. I doubt it means they are trying to decide whether to join Hawley. It could be just the way that it was reported, but I don’t know.
I’ll go with that for now.
Nearly posted like thoughts.
These ass wipe RepubliCONs are simply posturing to “look good” for political reasons.
Jason D. Meister https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
#Evidence: Election officials accepted unprecedented infusions of cash from an org funded by $350,000,000 from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. That money came with “clawback” provisions requiring recipients to conduct elections according to strict terms dictated by Zuckerberg.
funny i don’t remember anyone electing Zuckerberg to have any authority
Fuckerberg hasn’t been “elected” to anything.
I believe that he was HANDED the code to Farcebook as it used to be “Lifelog”….
Yep… it is a Clowns in America concoction.
A Data Gathering operation and part of Project Mockingbird.
Totally agree….
Nail meet Hammer!
You are SO on POINT Razor…
Blind squirrel and all that
Yes… but I know you are not surprised at the peeps who do NOT know this… and those that know, but don’t BELIEVE, right?
Why would they choose such an uncharismatic pos that a cat wouldn’t be bothered burying?
Exactly Pat… Hopefully the little Bot is going to have some “lil ol’ fashioned karma comin’ down” ……….. Soon
There’s just a little fashioned karma coming down
Just a little old-fashioned justice going ’round
A little bit of sowing and a little bit of reaping
A little bit of laughing and a little bit of weeping… More
It’s not coming down fast enough.
FB shutting fundraising pages for BOTH REPUBLICAN SENATE RUNOFF CAMPAIGNS in Georgia..
It’s still happening
I agree Molly…
Timing is everything… they say…
Another example of KNOWN big tech influence but our elected pols do NOTHING
LOL..DO NOT turn on volume if flamin hot spicy language is offensive
It’s DeBlasio getting some choice words while walking down the street
Guy sounds like the Jerky Boys and just as funny.
BardsFM Live Stream, 20210101 – Betrayal and Awakening
Not sure we should be condoning vandalism, but this is fixable in the larger scheme of home improvement.
BUT, the message, hopefully, is being brought home, pun a happy accident.
JUST IN – Louisville home of @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell vandalized with ‘WERES MY MONEY’, just one day after Speaker Pelosi’s home was vandalized with a pig’s head, fake blood, and graffiti, according to @WDRBNews.
the vandal took it literally when his cohorts said…let’s get the H*** out of here…LOL
These leaders need to look up political assassination. Not condoning, just pointing out from the insurrection playbook of history. Probably one of the more effective means of getting the point across. Looting, vandalism of public buildings will not phase them. Or their homes. A few of them getting knocked of will get their attention. They do not understand the anger and frustration that is out in the country.
The most effective political assassination is to vote them out of office.
Not to fall for yes he she is a Rino but we need a republican. We settle with an Rino over and over because our leaders ask us too how foolish is that. I tell you I felt very foolish voting for rino here is OH because he was the better choice.
We would never marry a guy or a woman choosing from too the better choice we want the choice that lasts.
That is why the Republican party is the problem. They control the election to get who they want. We just keep showing up and going along.
The typical party-line or straight-ticket voter doesn’t necessarily love their party…but they hate the other party.
Both parties have used that fact to nominate dog-poo candidates their voters would love to reject…but the leadership can count on their voters to vote for those candidates anyway because they know their voters fear the other party more than they hate the candidate.
And this is also why a third party can never get traction. I worked with a third party once; if I had a nickel for every time I heard “I agree with you guys but I don’t dare vote for you because then the Dems (Repubs) might win!”…
2 parties or 3 or 10….reality says it doesn’t matter . Our elections are compromised and no future vote will be guaranteed legit because no action or consequences have been taken for this election with indisputable evidence of fraud.
You’re right; I’m talking about the past.
What I’m about to say is assuming an honest election system. Take it as either useless moping, or my expectations of what it will be like once fixed, and suggestions for further reform.
Our system encourages a two party system. If one party goes bad, it’s hard to punish that party as a consequence. There are a number of reforms that could give 3rd parties a chance, including instant runoff voting and approval voting–basically mechanisms that allow you to vote for a favorite third party but showing that of the two big ones, you like (or least hate) one of them, and you can’t elect, say a D by voting for a third party.
Approval voting is the simplest of the two I just mentioned. You vote for everyone you’d not mind being in office. So if there are two major party candidates, and three minor party candidates, and you like one of those third parties (but don’t think they can win), you vote for your “default” major party AND for the minor party candidate you like. The winner is still who gets the most votes, but now there can be more votes than voters.
Instant Runoff means you rank the candidates in your order of preference; all the first place votes are counted. If no one gets a majority, the bottom vote getter is dropped; whoever voted for him, now has their second choices counted. If still, no one gets a majority, you drop the bottom candidate again, and go down the list of each of the people who voted for them and reassign their votes. So what you’re saying in the voting booth is “I really like minor party candidate A, but if he doesn’t make it even with my vote, switch my vote to Major Party Candidate B.”
Putting “None of the Above” on a ballot and forcing a new election with new candidates if None of the Above wins would be another cute thing to see happen to the establishment.
“now there can be more votes than voters.”??????
Don’t like that idea.
Not more ballots than voters, but more votes than voters, since you would select all of the candidates you could live with.
I prefer Instant Runoff Voting to Preferential Voting, but IRV is more complex.
Yes we do and we even donate. We need to donate to our guys and girls not Rinos
My latest for those interested. This is it.
Sobering post. Thanks Rex.
How can ANY citizen vote for a person who doesn’t even hide his racism with PC buzzwords…
There’s a lot of Ruby Freemans out there.
Kyle Bass
The Chinese have just acquired Bird Cay in the Bahamas. Strategically, it’s at the north end of the deepest passageway where the US Navy conducts some of its most important nuclear submarine navigation/drills. I recently walked this small island that now has 1/2
……..Text of second tweet in thread:
Replying to @Jkylebass
Enormous earth moving equipment cutting a road/runway the entire length of the island. The size of the equipment is not commensurate with the stated ambition of the Chinese owner who says he wants a few small resort cabins on the property for rent. We need to monitor this island.

Edited to add full image:
They have (allegedly) troops training in Canada and will need a southern invasion port
LIVE: March For Trump Bus Tour Rally in Little Rock, AR 1/2/21
Shown again to remind us to keep icing our cold anger…
Because we have a corrupted DoJ ! Barr didn’t tell ya though, did he?
It’s outrageous that for 4 years the Muh Russia influence hoax was 24/7, impeachment and all of that and THIS is ignored. Not dismissed with a lame explanation but simply ignored.
There’s a huge disturbance in the universe in the area of moral fortitude. How did so many become okay with lawlessness? We might say..oh they’re being blackmailed but the attitude is in every sector of life. Not everyone is threatened,,they’ve become unaffected by wrongdoing. There’s no answer that makes sense .
The Cabal, or as Ms Fitts labels them, Mr. Global, controls… well, the ‘globe’
Then there’s the fact that those in D.C. live in a bubble, and they BELIEVE Biden is going to be in the Oval office, and since most are Uniparty anyway, they have moved to where they get their pockets filled.
Makes complete sense to me. Most of those in Congress have been there awhile (too long) and intend to stay even longer, getting their fill at the trough.
As for “LEOs” ………… Barr was a gatekeeper for Bush/Cabal… not that many want to admit that. But not only did he do NOTHING to help POTUS fight the swamp, he did nothing to clean up the Bureau, No. One, removing Wray. (Please DON’T say POTUS wanted Wray to stay! PLEASE)
I certainly won’t!
Barr actually did talk a good game for a while there. So perhaps that redpilled five or six people. (And that’s more than Sessions did.)
But no delivery. As usual.
Chris Wray came up from GEORGIA to be Dir of FBI… note: GEORGIA
Private law practice
Wray joined King & Spalding in 2005 as a litigation partner in the firm’s Washington, D.C., and Atlanta offices. Wray represented several Fortune 100 companies and chaired the King & Spalding Special Matters and Government Investigations Practice Group.[citation needed] During his time at King & Spalding, Wray acted as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s personal attorney during the Bridgegate scandal.[23][24]
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (2017–present)
Wray being sworn in as FBI Director by Attorney General Sessions.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Wray announce charges against Chinese government hackers, December 20, 2018
On June 7, 2017, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Wray to be the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, replacing James Comey, who was dismissed by Trump on May 9, 2017.[25] Trump interviewed Wray for the vacant FBI Director job on May 30, 2017, according to then Press Secretary Sean Spicer.[15] Wray’s Senate confirmation hearing commenced on July 12, 2017.[26] Among other testimony, when asked if he believed that the investigation into Russian 2016 election interference and possible links to Trump’s campaign is a “witch hunt,” he stated that he did not.[2
Chris Christie suggested Wray to POTUS. Wray had been Christie’s lawyer when he had the problem with the Bridge gate. At least that is what I read at the time.
Did I forget to post wiki para on that Singingsoul? You are correct. Now we have a glimpse into why FBI did NOT response to any calls from Georgia wrt to irregular goings on…
Christie is swamp and he mislead POTUS from the beginning. POTUS was to kind to him trusting him because he had no friends in DC.
Spicer was he no also establishment?
Sorry I just read your post to finish I had just skipped to last paragraph. Bad me
No, not bad you! I was posting from the notifications bar and suddenly didn’t remember the “copy” op from wiki! No prob Singing… you are very helpful, always. I admire your ability to recall so much about the last 4/5 years… it’s slipping away from me
My husband comes to me concerning kids birthday . He always says that I never forget anything. It is a blessing and a curse.
The things I should remember I just let slide.
I USED to be like that… did genealogy for decades, could rattle off names, b-days etc
Now I’m good if I know what day it is!
I am getting there . A week ago I turned 76 a year seems nothing
Friday. No, Saturday…um…Sunday?
At this time of day I can’t even blame the timezone.
Please yourself…
I simply choose to believe what my lying eyes tell me, and they say Barr should have fired Wray…
Uh…I was trying to express my agreement with what you wrote. You said “dont tell me” and I said “I wont!” (paraphrasing both of us.)
Sorry Steve, I realized that right after I hit the “send” button in notification bar! I am very tired, long day yesterday and even though I slept in, brain is really fuzzy… I apologize, my warrior is dying to get out!
We’re always Buds, even when I’m ornery, right?
Oh, I think we’re both ornery from time to time.
Yeah, we’re good!
Obviously we’re human! Thank you friend!
I have to say the ease with which these people lie has been unnerving to me.
The comfort level of lying to the people, with such EASE, is from the devil.
Because people know that to complain accomplishes nothing. They are the “little people” and don’t matter to the “big people.”
At some point people do become cynical. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it certainly does rhyme.
It appears that it was a self inflicted wound. We were complacent too long. We didn’t notice things or if we did, we were placated that things would be taken care of by the “big people”.
That said..guess now is the time to not backdown. It’s them or us.
agree Molly… unfortunately there are still folks who don’t realize that the futures of our children and our Republic depend on Trump returning to the Oval Office on Jan 20, 2021… my baby sister for one, and I find myself totally unable to forgive her for not only voting for the SOB, but praying for him… working for him as a digital soldier, etc. I feel as our ancestors did during the Civil War when many families split forever…
[sorry for the personal stuff… feeling overloaded these days with sorrow over “blindness”]
No apology necessary..I hear ya AND understand you about the CW era..
Anymore I barely spend time trying to figure out what clever way or thing to say to get my family members or friends to consider the consequences. I feel like i’m in self preservation mode. If they can’t see it..they’re willfully blind. It’s a shame but I get it.
I have a neighbor who I believe would be the type to turn us in for having the wrong opinions, for not wearing a mask, etc.
But this neighbor is “on our side.” I have never been as distrustful of people in my life, and it pisses me off to no end.
I hear ya!
Very understandable.
I have a relative who is such a damn socialist I’m trying to figure out how to make sure they never get their hands on my money after I pass. Problem is there’s no other logical heir in that generation.
I get along with them fine whenever the subject is NOT politics.
Leave everything to Jay Sekulow | American Center for Law and Justice or
Hillsdale college or such. They have BIG lawyers with nasty teeth.
Yeah, I’m looking at options.
The problem is the people in my generation, I wouldn’t mind inheriting the money. But I wouldn’t expect them to survive me long (if at all) and the Socialist is in their wills. I wouldn’t mind if the Socialist’s kids got the money either. I can’t figure out how to get the money to skip over the Socialist.
Talk to Randy Corporon. He’s an attorney in Colorado plus he does am radio show.
He’s a member of Tea Party Patriots.
I’m first going to do some self edumucating, but even then, all it will do is give me a first suggestion for a lawyer to tell me what’s wrong with (and maybe, help him see what I’m trying to do). I do have some ideas already.
Couldn’t you make a trust, that pays out some amount yearly to only certain relatives, even including the Socialist’s kids? When they die, the payments to them stop. If it wasn’t an astronomical amount of money, surely they would spend it, not save it. The Socialist doesn’t get anything.
That’s one option. Though I’d really, really hate to give it to them before they’ve grown up. I’ve known too many “trust fund babies.”
Make it age-specific. Not until they are 25. That can be done.
Doomfagger that I am..my thought is..IF they get the socialist utopia they want any inheritance will eventually go to their beloved masters…bad way to wake up but wake up they will
Cruz speaks.
Take that, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer.
He says, “There are no disputed states.” So if a Republican disputes the election process, that doesn’t count? Of course there are disputed states. The way to resolve it is to investigate. If everything is on the up and up, no problem. And it’s not “sedition” to investigate.
So he, an individual Democrat, can call for the arrest of 10 U.S. senators, but those same senators can’t do their duty and dispute the election. There is no logic in this, of course. He’s just mad that someone is pushing back against their plans to get rid of Pres. Trump and take over the country. It is a little surprising, though, that he’s not being smarter about it.
These people are stupid.
Tweet is part of a thread
EyesonBolen ™https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2b50.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2b50.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2b50.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f2.svg
Potential News via @RudyGiuliani
: President Trump, is three or four votes away from having the State legislatures DECERTIFIED votes and switch them to, President Trump, in the State Georiga.
Source: #WarRoomPandemic
11:05 AM · Jan 2, 2021
oops, forgot H/T …….. KYBlue at Marica’s Place … a fount of info!
Holy smokes, Twitter seems to be working for me now!!!
But (ugh) I don’t see a full thread there. Two posts.
Good for you.
I think WordPress cut me off from Marica’s Place and/or Goog gave that stupid message again “took too long to connect”
it was fine all morn, then suddenly wouldn’t let me “like” then dropped the site… that happened for about a week with all sites and I couldn’t stream on Britbox, etc. until last night…
Well, I’ve now tried every link there. Twitter shows me something, but for example the linke to War Room Pandemic points me to someone whose last tweet was on the 28th.
Yes, shadowbanning I guess? too low tech to speculate… I just feel we’re being messed with
This would be a new form of it. Instead of just not passing tweets to your followers, this is showing you an incomplete/stripped down version of the person’s page.
They’re truly wicked… going to read your Opening now… just had a bite to eat and beginning to feel awake!
now that they’re working for you…get them to stop censoring conservatives!!
Not sure it IS *actually* working.
LOL, I’m waking up now. Good one. No, Twitter wasn’t working for me as in “being employees of mine.”
LOL..love it
Well ….I went and got myself locked out of my twit account. Who knew that saying tar and feather would be breaking the rules. Gab still loves me lol
we love you too!
LOL sorry to hear that BUT if you had only somehow thrown in that it was a sexual fetish they’d probably allow it!
As I’m not sorry just mad I had to be forced to delete tweet. But I bet a lot of people saw it lol .twit allows the worst of the worst for sure
Political Theology Live Stream – 20210102
Yeah! Worrying about the “Hate Groups” (lefty speak for: “Any group that opposes us”)
D.C. Officials Slam Pro-Trump Rally Planned to Oppose Biden’s Election (breitbart.com)
We cannot allow people to label us and worse of all accept it.
We decide what label we accept not media or politicians or spin masters.
In my life I reject when people try to label me and believe me there were plenty.
Maybe Proud Boys should change their name to Fraidy Cats. That would certainly confuse the Stupids.
The name seems the trigger for the left. They do not want anyone to be proud. They are not only white but inclusive so where is the hang up?
FFS………… Suuure he’s petrified.
it’s so scary to imagine blm signs being torn off of fences .
Racine needs to worry more about the soaring murder rate in his area and if he wants to get all race minded about things..take a look at who is getting murdered and by whom
WTF is wrong with these idiots? Most of the Proud Boys have skin dark enough to get hiring preferences.
Bad case of ‘Backwards Liberal Speak – Fool!!!
h/t KyBlue (her senator, poor thing… much like me with Ms Lindsey!)
Well, things get real once the people have been pushed to the limit.all I can say is you done pushed that button way to hard. And as our bonus piss off we are watching the great betrayal play out in full view now.no more hiding mitch.
I’m sure he’s got cameras. Just like Pelosi. We’ll see what the cameras show, or will we?
Doubt it… wife will have both the house and the info cleaned I’m sure
Might not be our deep state that is blackmailing him!
Roberts is a Phucking BUSH appointee!
Occupying the CapitOl would mean storming the actual building. Do we want to advocate that?
I suspect this is an agent provocateur.
[If they meant “Washington DC” then they should have written “Capital”]
You are such an engineer.
Read the ad. It’s an all 50 state Capitols effort. Or capitulate or capsize…your choice.
He is supposed to be one of the bad guys.
He’s one of the bad guys according to Lin Wood.
Has anyone else independently fingered him?
This is a crime that Judges feel it is not their duty or job to enforce the law when it come to presidential election?
This country is ripe for criminals to take the country and enslave its people and judges just shrug their shoulders. One the criminals have the country they have the military and everything guns to fight are useless in my opinion because they can blow us away. Look the bio weapon Chinise used? Were that truly only . weapon what about Fauci who dumped millions of our tax money into Whu Han. Was that a US Chinese project or only Chinese? Never figured it out but my suspicion is both.
No more rule of law. Rule by men.
By corrupt men and women
My suspicion is that it was a Global/Chinese collaboration since it has ushered in draconian measures in all Western countries.
Nobody seems to notice that the Chinese are celebrating the New Year shoulder to shoulder with no vaccinations, no mutant deadly scary new virus strain. No more welded doors, no more people dropping dead on sidewalks, back to eating bats
I have Molly…
The Cabal intends for CCP to become the World Leader…
“The best intentions of mice and men…”
Trump as POTUS will bring that little house of cards down during his second term
We are still locked up if we let them. Where I live restaurants are open to sit in. We have gone a couple of times just to be with other people hearing a friendly voice and seeing a friendly face.
No one in the McKinley Park it a little subsection of town has had covid and everyone visits parents grand kids friends and has parties. I am not sure what is happening in nursing homes?
My plumber had it his kid in thirties gave it to him and to grandma 95 who lives with them.
Count yourselves lucky that you can see people without masks and that people actually visit each other.
Small communities seem different specially when everyone knows each other and many are related.
The flip side is, if someone moves there…to, say, try to get away from the big cities, he’s an outsider forever, his kids are still outsiders, and maybe even the grandkids.
That is true I am an outsider and an accent on top.
I do not mind I have been and outsider all my life. Was an outsider in Germany because I was a refugee and also never fit in.
There are accents and there are accents.
Some accents I think are pretty cool, especially if they’re not particularly strong. (On the other hand some strong accents I enjoy.) Some other accents just never seem anything other than thuggish to me.
I didn’t name names there because I’m sure all is in the ears of the beholder.
Of course, if you have a New England accent you’ll probably never be fully accepted in the South, and vice versa.
I remember one time at work in the cafeteria, listening to some New Yorker rant on, loudly, about how the definition of “Ostracized” was coming to Colorado with a New York accent. No, sir, I’m sure THAT wasn’t the issue…
My husband lost his NY accent I still have a Continental accent.
I had a heck of a time understanding southerners when I left NYC.
I was in a very foreign country once where I was dealing with some English speakers–people who had learned it as adults and dealt with tourists like me. They complained that they couldn’t understand Australians at all, but Americans (likely including Canadians; I doubt a foreigner would see much difference there) and Brits, no problem.
I speak high German but people living in Southern Germany have a harder time with English . My mother in law was from Saxon and her English and accent was unbearable. She also spoke half English switching into German in mid sentence.
That is why we decided when time came not to put her into a Nursing facility she would have been a stranger and lost. She lived with us until her passing. A women lived in a facility she was 98 at the time spoke no English had lived on a farm and in age lost her English.
What a story!
BTW, switching in mid sentence without realizing it is something linguists call “code switching.”
I have avoided that..
I enjoy speaking English more than German hope it stays that way otherwise I am in trouble
Good point, well made.
That’s not the case for most people, though. I live in a small community. Not many people are related to each other outside of their own household.
Where I live many Welsh and Scots immigrated they are a little clannish.
My son married a Girls from W Virginia and we found out later her Grandfather grew up only 3 miles from us.
That’s fascinating. Their family histories must be interesting going back through the centuries.
Yes they do and their English is little different.
Only one hour from here we find a different culture. The people kept much of their culture alive here in Appalachia. Men are men and most join military and firs fighters.
Appalachia: Thanks. It’s all come together for me. I understand. (I went through a great swathe of it in my childhood on a car trip, and not the touristy part of it, either.)
Maybe they could have a swim party…
C’mon, Three Gorges!!!
Typical. Those “in charge” of eliminating something are the perps. Say, Klintoons, do the names Haiti, Epstein, Rich (both), Brown, or Whitewater mean anything to you?
CPS are also big perps in trafficking…
Hill-the-BEAST is going to get whacked by her Satanic Witch’s broom before long…..
By my reckoning that would be RED3.5
From the left (visible red stripes) it’s between 3 and 4.
4 and 5, you missed the one at the bottom and the small part at the top.
Allow me to explain.
The American flag as now constituted includes SEVEN red lines. FOUR shorter ones end at the blue field. THREE are below.

We are guessing systems, which do NOT have to be consistent. From top, from bottom, totals, pointers.
I believe that RED2 was POTUS pointing, counted from the top, and RED3 was based on a TOTAL.

I have explained my reasoning in detail to P. rex.
Now, let’s look at that flag behind these guys.

Yes, the flag behind Trump and Scavino shows a total of roughly 4 and a half red stripes, with the last one barely showing. There is a fringe at the bottom.
Notice anything biblical? Like a BIBLE POINTER?

IMO, the TASSEL is functioning as a YAD. It is pointing either to 3.5 or 4.5, depending upon the reckoning.

I do not believe we are to 4 yet, based on the news, but if an arrest is imminent, I would expect the conditions (riots) that are a prerequisite for 4 to make 4 possible.
That’s my reasoning. YMMV.
ThanQ Wolfie, that makes sense.
Could RED4 be coming on Jan 6? Protections for us?
I think THAT would be an excellent idea. And, in fact, I think that idea already scares the hell out of the other side.
Stop The Steal rally today. Two weeks after massive BLM shenanigans, which seemed coordinated and fomented with sly sabotage of state highway patrol policy, which allowed BLM to disrupt our rally.
Yeah, it was cold, but something else was up. I think they are on a “suppress but ignore” strategy right now, to AVOID any boots on the ground.
His hand, on the papers on the desk are 4.
Yes – I think RED4 is coming. When it’s about to happen, I suspect that a BLATANT 4 may appear!!!
I think RED4.
I think we’re close. My reasoning is below!!!
OK – above!
See? You GOTTA fix the upside-downness before it drives us all batty!!!

I know exactly what I need to do, and how to do it right. But I need to do some big things first:
(1) upgrade our hosting solution investment from “Gravel Plan” to “Zinc Plan”
(2) create a legitimate test site
I think I can do THAT plus make the new layout in about a week. Probably won’t happen until there is either CLARITY in Washington, or a period of KNOWN uncertainty, in which I can “sit tight and do something other than posting or worrying.”
I’m hoping that EITHER ONE is soon.
I’m not trying to pressure you, just teasing.
I know! I laughed before answering seriously. But I figured it was an opportune time to mention those things, because I am SURE that others are wondering!!!
Seriously, this feels just like the old days, when I had a plan. I’m actually itching to do it. Enacting my own minor wish list is part of that itch.
Agree, Wolf – things are breaking so fast lately – it is mind boggling – and hard to keep up – so thankful for all here – who are able to fill in the blanks – and discuss the possibilities – feel sorry for those who have not followed Cue – they must be totally lost!!!
This made me laugh. But it’s probably not funny if it happens to you.
My daughter and her husband have live in a house surroundet by woods.
When they moved in there were squirrels who pounded against their front door.
I do not know if the previous owner fed them or what but they were very aggressive.
My son in law hunts there is that.
Personally I think squirrels are cute. We have one who come true the backyard and on the front lawn and it is gutsy. The little critter seems to know how to tease the dogs and how far it can go without being caught.
We have woods across the street where they live.
We have a red squirrel family I like to watch scramble around at the bird feeders. Though fiesty, they are tolerated by the birds, grey squirrels, chipmunks, and the occassional rabbit. A peaceable kingdom.
My cats entertainment are the bird feeders with birds and squirrels.
For the moment …
The grey squirrels will attack or breed with the red squirrels. Grey genes are dominant.
I didn’t know that churchmouse. Perhaps it’s already happened. That would explain why some of the reds have this weird grey striping of slightly longer fur on their backs and sides. The reds and the greys don’t pay any attention to each other…at the feeders….maybe later in the nearby pines.
If the greys are dominant, that could explain why the red squirrels are so “squirrely”? For survival. Thanks for this information. Will be looking more closely today.
Yes, what you describe is the grey taking over.
Older Britons — over 60s — remember seeing lots of red squirrels when they were children. Now all they see are grey squirrels.
Keep us posted on what you see in the weeks and months ahead. It would be interesting (and sad) to find out if the number of red squirrels decreases.
I am not surprised. City squirrels and birds are dependent on the food scraps from humans. Now that we have had ‘Covid’ Lockdown for close to a year, and fewer people eating out, fewer people on the sidewalks (eating and dropping scraps) fewer people in the parks, that food source has dried up. Now it is winter and the hungry squirrels are ‘PUNISHING’ the humans for not feeding them.
I see this in horses and it is why I never feed treats. ALL food goes in the feed bowl none is fed by hand.
The city
that I knew relied on
bulbs. They ate very well one year.
Do not let them find a way into your home. That city squirrel became a country
yes on the food supply..my daughter’s obscenely wealthy boss pays for his daughter’s swank NYC apartment..big $$ and it’s got a very nasty rat problem and they think it’s because there’s hardly any street pickings so they’re invading any place they can
I was also thinking rats. Not much restaurant garbage to snack on.
Squirrels will scavenge where they can. This part of town has A LOT of oak trees. You have to be careful walking when the acorns are out. Squirrels are MESSY eaters.
Why is it that people who a year ago were talking about how great UBI (Universal Basic Income) could be are today opposed to the CV relief checks?
In case it’s needed Wednesday

Love it!!!
BTW of update, I received an unexpected deposit notice from “Federal Benefit Payment”.
I was running the numbers, which I’m not going to post here, but I’m in shock when I compare my 2020 Federal Withholdings against the numbers from the CV relief payments.
Trump achieved a MASSIVE middle class tax cut in 2020 while nobody was looking!
Cannot find the thread reader but, this looks like the ‘Italian Job’ here
Bill Gates paid $30.8 million for this book 25 years ago—here’s why it still inspires him today
Published Tue, Apr 2 20191:33 PM EDTUpdated Tue, Apr 2 20192:50 PM EDT
This guy has known criminal associates.

Why am I not surprised?
Agree – he keeps popping up here and there in photos with well-known criminals.
1/1/2021 – Pence! Pompeo! Pope! Power Punches!
hmmm…she seems to a missed a few things we even know… The pic above more than likely not last night and his dog with a “wuhan the poo” chew toy, not making the china connection
Pence is NOT at the table
Nope – and I wonder who is sitting to the left of Pompeo – all we can see is his arm, PR.
Agree, Real – however – I think this video was made hastily – and was not meant to be all encompassing – but, hey – that is just me speculating…
Collective Soul.
Soul collector, as in Satanic soul collector?
I was thinking socialist unity — we’re all one soul, one collective soul.
This is from New Year’s Eve… the Nazi mayor and his wife dancing remember?
Well, someone zoomed in… (frankly she’s ugly and I didn’t want to see any closer, and I think she should wear a mask or a burka the rest of her life (yes, I’m sometimes mean!)
But lookie, lookie what someone found…
The funeral envelopes. Unverified, but plausible.
THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. I’M SORRY, printed on Former Pres. of the U.S. letterhead (legit?) and signed by George H.W. Bush.
Forward to near the end at 6:49 to see the picture.
Plausible, but I don’t buy it.
Not even plausible, but funny.
Not disagreeing, but I do need some explanation as to the reactions of those reading the envelopes.
Look at Jeb’s reaction. It was immediate. He did not read the note, he looked at it, and reacted immediately.
IIRC there was no thought process reflected on the faces of those who saw the note.
My totally speculative and baseless guess is that the notes contained a “disgusting” image which evoked an immediate, involuntary response.
Interesting how steely Hillary was in her response, especially given Jeb’s reaction.
Have noticed a change/problem in my posting here.
I click on the “like” button and it turns green, shows my user name in the “number” of likes. I come back later, and my “like” is gone…
Also, I’m not seeing any likes to my posts… fortunately I’m not thinking I’m unloved !!!
Replies to my posts show up on site and on my Notification bar…
however only likes from Marica’s site show on Notification bar…
A small thing, and you need not spend any time thinking on it…just wondering if anyone else is experiencing same.
Also, did the edit button disappear while I was focused on all the bad guys?
i see few likes on my posts either…
as for liking others’ posts…I can like them and if I leave the page–like to see what a tweet is and come back the last few have always disappeared…and sometimes i click like and it takes forever to show up…
YES! same pattern here Pat… I try to like as many posts with info as possible, and go back later and they’ve disappeared.
we should just make a blanket “i like everybody” post first thing when we get on…LOL
Works for me…!
I know that as near as I can tell, a notifier like isn’t visible on the main page.
Two different “like” systems.
If I understood correctly, Wolf explained a couple of weeks ago that you see one set of likes if someone responds with a like and you pick up that response from the bell. The like will be included.
Otherwise, the likes accumulate here and you can see them only if you return to your comment.
Presumably you have access to the bell? I have both liked and responded to your comment. You should be able to see both.
Yes, you’re right the bell normally shows likes. I had forgotten that, because I shut that off when I do dailies; I’d rather see peoples actual comments there and they get buried.
When I like a post its shows up as “guest”
Yes. People must log in – either using their WordPress ID or by being registered on this site itself, for their identity to show up.
Pat you have to refresh the page to see the likes show. OR just place the curser over the number abd the current number will show.
Another dead 40ish year-old Republican politician. Someone should start a list of Republican public figures who have died since Election Day.
One with heart problems one with brain aneurysm. Can that be faked by CIA?
I am certain of it.
Andrew Breitbart died of a heart attack at 43. I don’t believe it was natural. Some theorize that someone slipped some drugs into his drink at a bar he attended immediately before his sudden death. There are also rumors of “heart attack guns.”
They are cleaning up if covid does not get them something else will. Were they all conservative or Rino republicans?
Aerosol prussic acid. Just sayin’ …
Late Hubby’s Mom died of same his first year in college…
It happens.
OTOH, it’s PA… he’s Republican… and
R – Luke Letgo, Congressman-elect from Louisana. Dies from heart attack after procedure treating him for Covid.
Oh Hey Now…
Where’s our Gail…? statistically speaking, IT AIN’T NATURAL… nope…
You would have to get the statistics of Republican office holders and deaths for the general population for that age group.
Wiki gives you 3,859 republican state legislators
So you are looking at around one death per thousand.
Death rate: 867.8 deaths per 100,000 population
This gif shows by age brackets: (remove space after h)
h ttps://www.cdc.gov/nchs/images/databriefs/351-400/db355_fig3.gif
35- 44 = 195 per 100,000 population
45 – 54 = 400 per 100,000 population
Say 300 per 100,000 or 3 per 1,000
So no it is not statistically significant as far as I can tell. Cthulhu or Steve need to check my math and reasoning.
Thank you Gail!
If you took 4000 randomly selected men in the requisite age bracket, how many of them died of any natural cause since the election, where the source of the natural cause was not known before the election?
7000 Americans die every day of all causes. How many are recently elected Republican officials? How many are Demokrats?
You are correct. that is deaths per year so you need to divide by 365 and multiply by the number of days since election.
So you are talking roughly 0.25/1000 per month.
So yes 4 deaths would be unusual in 3,859 republican state legislators.
Thanks for giving me a kick Tonawanda. I thought the number was too high but I could not see the mistake at first. That is why I wanted someone to look at it.
Yeah, I tried and failed. Sorry!!
Were they all vocal, America first MAGA candidates ? ..and who/where did they represent? Upon who’s district might they make a Gope uncomfortable?
Turtles attack on the Tea Party movement is the first thing that comes to my mind
in todays environment.
..but that’s just me..
I won’t do a confidence interval on that (I’d have to look up how), but I think you’re righjt.
As a check, how many Dems from the corresponding group have died, but we didn’t post anything about it?
Another thing, is if these three had something else in particular in common (e.g., they are members of a group of ten that know where the Deep State hides its Reeses Peanut Butter Cups), then we might have something.
I spent an hour looking up politicians from all parties who have died since Election Day. The full list is in the comments below. My tally:
Aside from the sheriff, the dead child (politician-adjacent), and possibly the judge, I could not find a single active Democrat politician who died since Election Day. Compare to the eight dead Republicans, two of whom died in their 40s and one died in a car accident. I don’t need to do statistics to know something stinks about this.
Yeah, I realized later I was messed up.
For a month you are looking at 2 to 3 deaths for 10,000 people in the 35 to 54 age bracket. Or 5 in two months Nov third to January second. So that looks like at LEAST twice as many as you would expect.
There are 3,859 Republican State legislators. I do not know what other offices you included so 10,000 should cover it.
This very much looks like the the lead-up to a “conspiracy theory” propaganda campaign, where the actual event comes pre-“debunked” by slander.
Found this posted @Jack’s place.

11 Republican Senators sign statement challenging the obviously fraudulent election….with rumors of more to come.
great picture!
11 Senators . . . 11 eagles. Nah! There should be 11 vultures.
Oops! I missed the 12th eagle. Sentiment still stands, though.
Maybe Trump is showing them how to be eagles instead of vultures.
THREAD – Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville on the election.
Any objection in House and Senate leads to debate, then a vote?
An objection must be made by at least one Senator AND at least one Representative, or nothing happens. But yes, then debate and a vote.
Para59 and I are disagreeing over exactly how that works. As I read it, everyone who wants to object to a state’s ballots has to get their objection out there, and then the debate occurs over ALL of the objections for that state. Others apparently don’t read it that way and think there will be a separate debate for each objection, and we could thereby filibuster this. I quoted the relevant paragraph in the main post, so you can judge for yourself.
Well, if there are seven states, and each state gets 2 hours of debate, that’s fourteen hours of evidence to be presented.
If, as I believe, Trump has the Scytl server from Germany, and the DNI’s report of four-five foreign countries having a DIRECT connection to that server, and if Trump lets them ALL know that he is declassifying said evidence to also be presented to the American people, then you can bet there will be Demoncrats as well as Republicans voting to reject those states.
Otherwise, there may be lynch mobs at their doorsteps on January 7.
Swamp will only go along with the appearance of debate, showing evidence. There will be none in the House. If PT has anything, just show it on the jumbotron at the rally.
You remind me of this:
I’m sorry. Everything is going to be fine. The swamp loves PT and will totally toss the election results and re-elect him for a second term. Fixed it.
The radiation from Jumbotrons is known to cause brain cancer.
But it is sort of like the George Carlin joke. Saliva has been found to cause stomach cancer. But only when taken in small doses over a long period of time.
I admit I don’t see it going his way…but I also admit there’s a lot I don’t know going on behind the scenes too.
If it goes past the counting procedure, it gets uglier. MUCH uglier.
Agreed. Still waiting on the hail Mary. Without it, swamp wins this battle. But the Japanese won Pearl Harbor too. Did’nt end well for them.
No, it certainly did not.
Still the only time nukes were used in anger, 75 years later.
Psst: Hail, Mary. It’s a quote from the Archangel Gabriel we use in a prayer.
I’m thinking more in football terms. No offense to Gabe intended.
GA, love this pic!
Smuchas to you!
With Josh Hawley who was first to take a stand – that makes 12 – so far.
I posted this over at Marica’s. Not sure if the tweets will show here. There is a reader thread.
Gets more interesting by the minute. New nuggets. Our side has some real smart folks! Here is the reader thread, and some of the tweets from within the thread…
These are the first couple of tweets in the thread. Well worth reading the thread.
Great read… thanks for posting Lady P
You’re welcome. I found it quite interesting. There’s a lot of confidence surrounding Jan 6th. I’ve decided we won’t be surprised at what goes down, but we will be shocked. All our speculations might have been red herrings!
Nobody said that the first arrest that shocked the world would be a single person. The world would be watching…and THAT WOULD shock the world!
Interesting speculation!!
What’s Really happening here? & who’s behind it?
Replying to @MajorPatriot
and @ohboywhatashot
The 3rd Republican, young, no comorbidities dies from a completely survivable virus in less than a handful of days!!! Not, I repeat NOT a coincidence!!!
He was overweight. Obesity is a comorbidity.
Obesity usually comes with high blood sugars &/or high blood pressure by age of 60 yrs old. We do not know if he had either that I can find in the public articles about his death.
the virus is a spreading quickly with many more cases than before (exponential growth – see case growth curve) so we have more people dying in every profession. The percentage dying now in the political profession is no higher now than it was in the spring nor out of proportion to other professions.
We have 1,000s dying of the virus and its complications. Having several politicians die from the virus is not unreasonable.
TN has about reached 10% of its population having been infected. On track to have 20% infected in short time. Looking forward to herd immunity and a natural slow down of the spread.
TN is 4th for cases per million but still 22nd for deaths per million. 1 reason is most of our infections are coming after treatments have been found that help decrease death rate. Another, on a sadder note, is large portion of our infections have been in the last 4-6 weeks and are yet to be resolved in death/recovery.
thanks for sharing these insights MAGA mom…
Presidential Veto Message to the United States Senate for S. 906
Issued on: January 1, 2021
1000 words!

Target acquired!
Hope this isn’t a duplicate
General Flynn
Exceptional presentation by a statistical genius on the election outcome @SKeshel
offers PureTalk w/ host @RealDougWade
In 21 Minutes, you’ll understand why @realDonaldTrump
won the election.
https://youtu.be/xXMW9VNMPT4 via @YouTube
PureTalk – Doug Wade Interviews Seth Keshel
PureSocialTV – Doug Wade Interview Seth Keshel, former Army Intelligence Captain. Discusses political trends with the states.youtube.com
Found in comments

“mountain of ballot data”
Richard Paul
Replying to @GenFlynn
and 5 others
Excellent summary. Can Seth build a comparative model with this data versus actual ballot data?
Audience: #1 @SCOTUSblog
#2 every office holder in the country registered as a Republican or independent.
A mountain of ballot data is located @va_shiva
and @BobbyPiton3
Same story w/o the twitter.
Thanks Para!
Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2020 with 42.7 Million Killed
Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.
Did you see that picture the other day, I think it was Venezuela, that got the green light for abortion? The crowds were in ectasy.
I believe it was Argentina, Molly!!!
Ah..thanks..I knew it was down there somewhere
So sad, Molly, they celebrate this – God is not happy, either – of that – I am certain.
That was because it was voted on and they won.
They were very happy, joyous that their votes counted and now they can get rid of those pesky kids they managed to conceive
Perhaps Dominion voting machines “helped”…..
Did’nt say you had to like it. At least they voted on the issue and made their decision. Something that has never happened here at the Federal level.
Never happened? Declaring absolutes is always risky.
That is a safe bet. The Congress will never vote to ban abortion. Senators would never commit to that vote except on the campaign trail, very quietly.
Yes, women joyously dancing in the streets over the right to murder their unborn children. The focal point of all women’s politics is abortion, and always has been. Hideous isn’t it?
Exposing Roberts more
DONNA WARREN https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2b50.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f31f.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2b50.svg
Dec 30, 2020
Looks like this is about to become even more IMPORTANT very soon.
Whistleblower from Federal Circuit Court told agents a nation state has been BLACKMAILING Chief Justice John Roberts since prior to his nomination to #SCOTUS.
intriguing reply to above tweet…
Greg Bond
Replying to @DonnaWR8
and @annvandersteel
Involved in Project Hammer (9-11) with the Bush family. Became very rich.
8:00 PM · Dec 31, 2020·Twitter Web App
Speaking of hammer….
@ 8revolt
We elected a spotlight in a sense, a spotlight that has been shining for 4 years on the Deep State, for all of the world to see.
We knew change had to happen, we just didn’t know how bad/infiltrated it really was.
Trump was the spotlight we needed before we could use a hammer.
Hammer keeps turning up alot. I wonder who’s Really keeping Score(card)
The Hammer, Dennis Montgomery created a machine that So powerful ,so many unlawfully abused, the mere mention of it terrifies DS.
It’s their “Precious”.
Are we talking Harold Wren in Person of Interest?
American ingenuity & attitude!
Bill Gates Begins His Second Genocide
If the title of this blog post seems like an exaggeration, I will prove it through secular hyperlinks below, all of which you can follow for confirmation.
Lefties on meltdown!
& Oh my gosh!!! This is absolutely Epic–no translation required!!!
Fucking hilarious
The only thing missing is that bucket swinging around and knocking those two into next year. It is amazing how fast it can move.
I was waiting to see that happen.
I suspect the bucket operator was willing to smash a car but not assault people. Even in Russia, the legal system is a concern. (It sounded like Russian, anyway; could have been some other Slavic language.)
“A group of GOP senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz . . .”
I give great credit to Josh Hawley for stating his intent, several days ago, to object to EVs from contested states.
However, Ted Cruz (played by Steve Reeves), with only 5 days before the EV count, and after months of hard data and many sworn affidavits from eye witnesses, and videotaped evidence, heroically emerges from his position of silence to take the lead in formally objecting to the fraudulent, contested EVs.
And this, after some as to be yet fully exposed, but apparently important meetings between PTrump and VPPence . . . and who knows what else that may influence this situation.
It just seems to me that Senators, with capable and large staffs, should have been able to come out against the fraudulent EVs weeks and weeks ago. But now, seeing that the Trump Train has got this, they’re running down the platform trying to get aboard before it totally leaves the station without them.
I don’t know what influence Terrible Ted and the Terrific Ten have or will have in establishing an investigative electoral commission, but if past demands by Senators for this or that run true, they might as well be asking for a dozen dancing pink unicorns with choreographed flights of blue butterflies.
Sounds like stepped outside, licked the finger, held it up to see which way the wind was blowing, Then decided to jump on board. Leading from behind aka BHO style. The Finger is the one we call the FICA finger but is always associated with some F word to the universe
Yeah, I’ve been wondering why Ted Cruz is suddenly getting all the credit when it was Josh Hawley standing all alone and taking all the flak before any of these people stepped up.
Absolutely. Like Cruz decided to grace everyone with his presence. I will never completely trust that guy.
Josh Hawley is a lawyer too and was “ 42nd Missouri Attorney General from 2017 to 2019. At age 41, he is the youngest current U.S. senator.[1]‘
Hawley graduated from Stanford University and Yale Law School. Before becoming Attorney General of Missouri, he was an associate professor at the University of Missouri School of Law and worked as an appellate litigator….” — WIKI
I do not think Cruz likes being upstaged by a youngster. I think he has his eyes on a Supreme Court seat. I would prefer Josh Hawley.
WIKI has a pretty go BIO
Cruz probably wouldn’t be the worst president we could have, either…if he were qualified. Which he isn’t, so nevermind.
I agree, cruz is being ‘upstaged’ by a young Lawyer from the ‘show me state’
Josh Hawley is showing how it’s supposed to be done. And with no drama pkg.
This comment from OT sums it up:
Mr. Cruz:
The world is watching. History can be made. You have the power to decide when your career ends . . . or really begins. The truth isn’t difficult.
Perfect explanation of the ‘Senate Situation Room’, Carl!!!
It should not be funny in the slightest – but, you lightened the load immeasurably
Don’t forget Cruz has seniority – so the Junior Senator has to step aside – Bully!
That only applies to the senators within a state.
True, P – but, everyone should be paying attention right now – what a mess!!!
I will forever credit Josh Hawley for being first, as will history.
It is a well-known function of group psychology that members of the group will wait on another member to act in any situation before acting themselves. Everyone is reluctant to be first.
Having understood this long ago, I resolved to live my life being “first.” It is really hard to overcome the instinct to “wait” for someone else to do something. Planning ahead to always just do it helps with that.
Josh Hawley put his ass on the line. Now others will follow. But HE had to be first. God bless him.
Agreed!!! Did we not see the same happen in the house? Once one person went for it, it was like the floodgates opened!
Oh and as for crediting Josh Hawley for being first, that’s your privilege. After all, it fits very well with the fact that he was first.
I remember that last one from years ago…absolutely classic, thanks for posting it!!
I’m so glad you could see it! YW–great post trying to lay down the Constitutional parameters, & meanings, for us. I greatly appreciate your tremendous efforts!!!
Obermouth is still at it – we need accountability – and liability!!!
WOW!! PDJT Tells it
WOW is right!!! Powerful speech, RAC – Thanks for posting!!!
List of Republican deaths since Election Day:
Nov 2. – WY State Rep Roy Edwards – Dead at 66 (COVID) (close enough to Election Day that I’m counting it)
Dec 5. – GA Governor’s future son-in-law Harrison Deal – Dead at 20 (suspicious car accident)
Dec 9 – NH Speaker of House Dick Hinch – Dead at 71 (COVID)
Dec. 18 – MN State Senator Jerry Relph – Dead at 76 (COVID)
Dec. 18 – MI Republican operative Bill Bullard – Dead at 77 (COVID)
Dec. 29 – LA US Rep. Luke Letlow – Dead at 41 (COVID)
Dec. 31 – Former PA Gov + Former US Attorney General Dick Thornburgh – Dead at 88 (undisclosed cause)
Jan. 1 – PA State Rep. Mike Reeese – Dead at 42 (brain aneurysm)
Jan. 1 – VA State Sen. Ben Chafin – Dead at 60 (COVID)
Honorable Mentions:
Dec. 2 – Former French President – Dead at 94 (COVID)
Dec. 7 – El Paso, TX Judge Lillian Blancas (party unknown) – Dead at 47 (COVID)
Dec. 11 – Former IL State Inspector General + US Attorney Jim Burtns (Democrat)- Dead at 75 (undisclosed “unexpected death”)
Dec. 17 – Wayne County MI Sheriff Benny Napoleon (Democrat) – Dead at 65 (COVID)
Dec. 17 – “Prominent Ukrainian politician” Gennady Kernes – Dead at 61 (COVID)
Dec. 18 – Devon Dalio, son of billionaire and a hedge fund manager – Dead at 42 (car accident)
Dec. 31 – Son of US Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) – Dead at 25 (undisclosed cause)
Former Politicians Who Died: [NOTE: Many of the deceased have children who are still active in politics]
Dec. 4 – Former AL State Senator Larry Dixon (Republican) – Dead at 77 (COVID)
Dec. 5 – Former IL State Rep. Martin Sandoval (Democrat) – Dead at 56 (COVID)
Dec. 7 – Former MD US Rep Paul Sarbanes (Democrat) – Dead at 87 (cancer)
Dec. 14 – Former FL US Rep Earl Hutto – Dead at 94 (undisclosed cause)
Dec. 16 – SC Democrat Operative Don Fowler (Democrat) – Dead at 85 (cancer/COVID)
Dec. 18 – Former MS Governor William Winter – Dead at 97 (undisclosed cause)
Dec. 19 – Former WI Supreme Court Justice Shirley Abrahamson – Dead at 87 (cancer)
Dec. 22 – Former CT State Senator Ed Gomes – Dead at 84 (car accident)
Dec. 22 – Former Las Vegas Mayor ron Lurie (Democrat) – Dead at 79 (COVID)
Dec. 25 – Former Buffalo, NY politician (Democrat) – Dead at 87 (undisclosed illness)
Dec. 28 – Former NC State Senate leader Marc Basnight – Dead at 73 (ALS)
Dec. 31 – Former Nevada State Senator Joe Neal – Dead at 85 (undisclosed illness)
Bonus Suspicious Stories:
Dec. 11 – Woman murdered at a horse farm owned by a former Democrat Senator:
Dec. 17 – Mother of NY State Senator rescued from a synagogue fire
wow – Covid 19 sucks and China should be held accountable! Look at how many lives it has taken prematurely. Nasty virus.
Dick Hinch was 71 (high risk for Covid Death), obese + other comorbidities. A group of GOP lawmakers tested positive for Covid about the same time. 1 who was 71 yrs old + obese died. Not suspcious or unusual for Covid19 for 1 out of a group to die. Notice: most GOP who contracted covid lived.
A cluster of lawmakers tested positive for covid 19. 76 yrs old – high risk.
Former AG of PA – 88 yrs old and already in fraile health, living in a nursing home. Suspicious or normal? 2 94 yr olds on the list – death at 94 yrs old “suspicous”? Look at the age of most on the list, their known health prior to death and think that these deaths are not “suspicous”.
This is a list of deaths over the Nov and Dec from a group of current and former elected officials, both Dem and GOP, at all levels of government of which there must 20-50,000, at least.
Counting all living current & former city, county, state and federal office holders (note that the list includes former mayors) and political “operatives” current and former/retired –>> that is a HUGE pool from which to find people who have died.
And the list includes a 94 yr old former French elected politician. If we go to the world wide group of all former elected politicians the group would be tremendously large. I am suspecious there aren’t more deaths, speaking from a statistical perspective.
What are normal death rates of this pool/group of people in these age groups? Remember that politicians tend to be older group as a whole and we are included all former politicians which would be comprised of an even older average age.
SMH … enough to really pay attention to, actual suspicious deaths like the boyfriend of GA Gov’s daughter.
What I think would be REALLY interesting is this.
ANALYZE THE EXISTING FOUR CORONAS and see if they are, and have been, just as bad as COVID-19. I suspect that is the case. I suspect that what we really have here is a kind of social MK effect – where we are made AWARE of something that has basically always been here, and now that we are aware of it, it looks like a monster.
COVID-19 is basically weak coronavirus number 5. The thing is, I had TWO major non-flu “cruds” in my life, that I am either positive or almost certain were two of the OTHER coronas. They were really BAD, too. I’m sure they killed MANY people.
One swept through our university in college. I went to the campus clinic – it was FILLED with people. I told the doc that it was like the worst flu I had ever had – and it had turned into a sinus infection. She told me that they had never seen anything like this at the time. She told me exactly what to expect in terms of length of recovery. It was NOT the flu – they knew that much – but what it was, the didn’t know. It was knocking out universities everywhere.
THAT, I believe, may have been one of the four others.
The other I had about 10 years ago. The symptoms were almost identical to COVID-19, but WORSE in general. That one also had “lung-ravaging” capabilities similar to C-19, but my lungs were younger and in better shape at the time. It theoretically could have been SARS or a variant, but the non-tin-foil-non-ChiNazi-bio-attack explanation would simply be another of the four prior coronas.
One of the great ploys of Fauci-world would have been to recognize that society didn’t really KNOW about coronaviruses – all that was needed was a slightly new one, and the Dems could gain controls over society they had always wanted, but could not quite get otherwise.
Good questions … and we are lacking in good questions right now!
How many usually die of even just our current officials in a given winter and is their death rate comparable to the general population death rate given same variables?
Being made aware of something already happening or that is not as out of the norm as it is made to seem.
this reminds me of the X # of days of Katrina disaster and yet we have not seen similar counts for other disasters that have drug out. How many days now has nuke waste been flowing into the sea from Japan disaster, for example. How many dead in Middle East during Bush years and yet that disappeared during Obama years.
I created the list to see if there truly were more Republican politicians than Democrats who died in November and December. The final tally of politicians who died while in office during that time period:
The Democrats have plenty old and infirm politicians still in office. Why aren’t they dying in same numbers as Republicans? How come the only 40ish year-old politicians to die were Republican? How come the only Democrat to die (compared to the eight Republican deaths) in office during this time period just happened to be the sheriff of a county that was an epicenter of voter fraud?
trumpismine…seems as if every new poll I see shows more and more Americans are convinced that Biden did not win this election.
Wonder how much longer the Twitts are going to keep attaching this particular notice to true statements.
They are beginning to look silly.
Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was staged. And I suspect the vandalism at Mitch’s house was staged, too. Both have way too much security to allow random vandals to get that close to the door.
If it wasn’t staged…. she’ll have to remember her own words…. headline on Fox…………..
Pelosi on Christopher Columbus statue destruction: ‘People will do what they do’
They said it was an accident, but we all know how much they LIE
Accident my A$$
Facebook Shuts Down Page for GOP Senate Campaigns Just Before Georgia Runoffs
by Mike Adams, Natural News
Whatever gets presented, Trump believes it will change the outcome of the vote on January 6th. That means it would have to be truly historic, because Democrats aren’t going to vote for Trump in a contested election unless they are absolutely forced to.
We’ve even speculated that some members of Congress might resign on the spot after seeing this evidence. Others might face arrest for their complicity in the crimes that have been committed against America.
Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update podcast: (Interesting)
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
That goes for a LOT of states!
Hmmm. Maybe Pence is getting a wee bit concerned about what Lin Wood and others are saying about him.
Pence will do what he can. He has to for 2024 and he knows it. Problem is what people think he can do versus what he will be allowed to do ain’t the same. And yes, that means the House/Senate will over ride whatever he does. Even by the book. They know the courts will back them. Swamp is deep.
Promising development in the what color hat is Pence Really Wearing dept…
Kyle Becker
ELECTORAL COLLEGE.https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svg
BREAKING: Statement from VP Pence’s Chief of Staff.
“The Vice President *WELCOMES* the efforts of members of the House & Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise *OBJECTIONS* & bring forward *EVIDENCE* … on January 6th.”
Show this thread
The best he could do huh?
And that from a spokesperson?
Where is he I wonder…………….
Hiding in the basement?
I noticed that when the going gets tough, Pence disappears.
Gail Combs
Maybe Mike Pence and Joe Biden are hiding in adjoining basements?
Somewhere that even CHINA and the CABAL cannot find, lest they prevent Mike Pence from doing his duty on January 6.
Let’s say this again:
Any sightings of Mike Pence lately?
Notice also the ** enclosures and all caps of the salient words in his CoS’s message.
Smells to me like the letter sent to the one person you don’t want to invite to dinner.
hmmm…what if Pence’s letter at HW’s funeral was to make him Appear to be compromised, the Ultimate Double Agent whose True Loyalty is to God & “King”? It remains a mind-numbing party game for all the marbles!
“So clearly, I can’t choose the glass in front of me. But you, knowing that, would have switched the glasses, so clearly, I can’t choose the glass in front of you…”
(Or something like that.)
I do not think that word is spelled the way you think it is.
spelled with a lisp
When death is on the line!
This party game is making me lose my marbles.
This remains an awesome declaration of truth by a proud patriot!
Valerie, Thanks for this post!
God Bless this man…
YW, yes this is an epic declaration of freedom & historical perspective–awesome!!!
Hope the image will be large enough to clearly read…
DARN! I would really like to be able to read that!
I am seeing Devon Archer and PrivateBank and Burisma but I can not read the connections.
Now you are just the person who could see the connections & expound on so many of the implications!
Going to bed soon bursting with confidence. God bless us everyone, and especially our courageous President.
The truth will prevail.
Yes, I feel a bit better now than I did this time yesterday.
Which is a low bar to be sure, but we’ve seen good news.
Beauty & the Beast!
I do not see the presidential limousine in the picture, so where is the beast?
No beast in sight because there are no DemonRats.
I only see a hero and his beautiful smart courageous wife..
LOL King of the Jungle
Things are moving–let’s be Praying Patriots!
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/26a1.svg Mαχιмυs https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f525.svg Uηceηѕoяed https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/26a1.svg
FYI Election Update 5
-More House Republicans coming on board.
-My gut tells me they get to 200, leading to full rebellion of GOP (shades of Election 1876).
-IMO Pelosi Speakership could be in jeopardy (GOP 5-6 D votes shy of blocking her). Make deals!
Quote Tweet
Mo Brooks
· 1h
Our fight for honest & accurate elections gains momentum!
@Jim_Jordan & I co-lead conference call w 50+ Congressmen who join & fight for America’s Republic!
Conf. call began 6PM ET. Now 715PM & continuing.
President Trump & CoS Mark Meadows speaking.
Morale is HIGH! FIGHT!
Political beasts are feeling the undercurrents. They best know to move with the tide or or be seen floundering about at sea.
under(world) tow?
Maybe that too!
We still need help from The Boss!
Watters’ World 1/2/21| FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS January2,21
Prayer for deliverance
John Trumpfan
Lord, Please turn the tables on those who hate America.
Put them in slippery places. Bring their evil schemes to naught. Prevent them from destroying the Foundations upon which our Republic was built.
Grant President Trump a Red Sea Deliverance.
Rescue us.
In Jesus name, Amen.
& Amen!
Indictments incoming?
RΞ4L ✪
Indictments are in the pipeline.
RΞ4L ✪
3 unnamed CIA agents
RΞ4L ✪
Yes. More will follow every day until 1/20/21

language & laughter warning
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg Tiff https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
My tweet about Michelle Obama’s balls got reported. If it was by him, I’d say fuck off and grow a pair, but oh, wait!
Catturd on the prowl LOL
Catturd ™
FYI … I’ve been on the phone for 2 hours with my reliable inside Washington D.C. source – and he assured me with 100% certainty that Mitt Romney is still a dick.
& more from Tiff
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg Tiff https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Fang Fang is trending because of traitorous butt queef, Eric Swalwell. He bang bang Chinese spy for four years—knowingly betrayed his wife and his country
Donna M Freeman
Well…now wife knows why he came home smelling like Won Ton Soup.
OK, but that’s not anything anyone didn’t know!!
Right but it’s still hilarious
Wanton, indeed
Thank you! Good stuff!!!
Ah, that’s where it came from.
9AM, the Ellipse (just south of the White House).
Be there or be non-elliptical!
It would be inconthievable not to, even if ellipse….
Genocide charges to gum up the gravy & graft train?
Thanks for this, Valerie!
It is my hope that this creep is held to some form of justice.And those standing with him include. Tony Fauci, Bill & M.Gates, Dr.Theresa Tam.
Amen HH!!!
Fox News alternatives, with links!
Thank you.
Have bookmarked.
Bain of Romney’s existence? Timely reminder
And there’s a bit more — from 2012:
Text reads:
‘Romney’s Bain Capital Tied To Surveillance Push In China:
‘The Bain-owned company Uniview Technologies, produces what it calls “ infrared antiriot” cameras & software that enable police officials in different jurisdictions to share images thru Internet’
That’s seriously alarming!
Yes, it is.
Huawei would he do a thing like that?
Canadians under siege & resisting tyranny. My son has yet to in-person meet his girlfriend because the border has been closed since before they began “dating” online…
Communism. Kill it until it’s DEAD.
You bring that stakes, I’ll bring the frigging sledgehammer.
LOL One of my son’s nicknames is “The Hammer” as a kid he did knuckle pushups–on cement!
Tough time to be dating.
Yes & I keep trying to get him to get her & her family across the border so they can be relatively safer here. He’s been researching possibilities.
Have them change their last name to Perez.
Ironically they are originally from South America & the dad used to work in the US & loves it here.
So the SS has arrived in Canada? That is how it is don neighbors rat out neighbor friends rat out friend family rats out family. What a wonderful system.
We cannot allow it in America tyranny is poison to the soul.
Absolutely SS (no pun intended) we were made Free by God but keeping our freedom from tyrants bent on global dominance & destruction is getting more & more challenging…& dangerous!
This thread is a cautionary personal tale of woe for airline issues & minors travelling alone…
Why would she wait 6 hours for a phone call? I call bs. Either the mother is an idiot or this is a fake story. I would have xalked the police, way before then.
Not sure about total bs but many parts don’t add up What 14 year does not have a cell.
passive vs active personality? Tracy Beanz claims it’s her personal friend’s story but who really knows!
Thanks very much, Duchess.
There were two more segments, one with Lara Trump and the other with Doug Collins:
Thanks for posting these, Church – did not want to ‘hog the blog’ – and even those the Good Judge does not get ALL of the particulars – her guests are able to fill in the blanks – I am concerned about her, Church – she must be under so much pressure to keep her job – it appears she skips over some rather obvious points – but, hey – that is JMHO.
She’s got the producer talking into her earpiece …
I wouldn’t worry about ‘hogging the blog’. The more news the better.
FYI, I haven’t watched but may have some good info for Jan 6
This looks suspicious…Bush Whacked?

there’s a thread from Nov too…
I read that some time ago. If I remember rightly, I saw it OT.
Shortly after 9/11, one of France’s top newspapers, Le Monde, carried a report saying that members of the bin Laden family had been flown back to the Middle East at Bush II’s request. Everything had been arranged, and they were ready to go.
I also meant to add that I personally read Le Monde‘s report in 2011 and didn’t get that part third hand, as it were.
Absolutely insane!
Q Tree candidates
Mine was just the opposite… when I got to the Judge, he asked me why I was going 5 in a 55 mph zone… I told him I had a drunk in my hand, and I didn’t want to spill it!
Quote Tweet
Forgotten man
· 53m
Late one night I got a speeding ticket. When the judge asked me why I was going 120 in a 55 mph zone, calmly I explained the old girl wouldn’t go 121. He replied, “baliff!”
My grandfather drove tour buses for years. Shortly after the “55” MPH went into effect one of the drivers got in hot water for getting caught driving 78 MPH!
The dispatcher demanded “Is there any reason you were doing SEVENTY EIGHT MILES PER HOUR?”
“Well it wouldn’t go any faster!”
Dispatcher threw up his hands and gave up. Nothing ever happened to the driver
My dad told the story of one of his buddies, I believe, who along w/ a couple friends decided to prove a point after 55 went into effect in Michigan. These 3 guys got on I-75 & lined their vehicles up in parallel then set their speed controls to 55 & drove like 100 miles in that formation. Apparently traffic was massively tied up for hours. My dad’s telling of the tale is epic & hilarious
What could Possibly go wrong w/ funding FEMA camps???/s
Helping the pack break through barriers
This keeps making the rounds & it’s very good!
For putting this world through THE HOAX, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and all the principals at Perkins Coie need to be in prison for a long, long time.
And that’s not counting all the people who carried out the crime for them.
would prefer tried & executed, if found guilty, after a brief opportunity to meet w/ a spiritual advisor so they can “make their peace with God” before they meet Him face-to-face!
On the other hand Peter the Great kept the priest from meeting with the people about to be executed, and said “Let them Go to Hell!!”
“I Don’t See How Any Good Christian Can Certify a Fraudulent Election” – Sidney Powell on Next Steps in 2020 Election
By Joe Hoft
Published January 2, 2021 at 7:15am
Attorney Sidney Powell was on Flashpoint Friday evening and she shared the next steps for the country in the prevention of the election steal going on right now.
According to Flashpoint:
Powell encouraged all churches to open on Sunday and to pray for our country.
We’ll see what happens with Pence and what actions will be taken on Wednesday soon.
Let me fix that:
‘I Don’t See How Any Good Man or Woman Can Certify a Fraudulent Election’
Ain’t exclusive to Christians.
Excellent post, Steve.
If I could, I would have given it more than five stars.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Point being, Sidney is calling out Pence to “walk the walk”, not just “talk the talk”.
It’s not just avoiding unaccompanied lunches, etc., with a woman who’s not your wife… (or a female relative, etc.).
Ah, if that comment is aimed at Pence, then she did say exactly the right thing. For the rest of us though my correction stands.
I surely hope Pence isn’t of the mentality that thinks only Christians can be moral, but if he is, then he is.
Change of pace.
Humans do this, too!
So THAT explains all those dog biscuits I got for betting on “EZ Money” in the third…
So this Ali guy with stop the steal had a sexual relationship with Carl Rove?
Hes been arrested more than once.
He is shopping sex tapes with Rove?
Anyone else seeing this?
And people give me shit for being pessimistic and skeptical. Which is why if your source is the internet, be careful.
Concerning the Ali fellow, who does benefit to besmirch him at this time?
I know i cannot trust everything posted on the Internet.
Why now why not a week ago or a month ago?
Don’t know the guy other then his very positive MAGA stuff. Anything else just seems to be to smear him.
Twitter banned him just as Stop the Steal got started…
So now, he can’t even defend himself…
CJ tweeted this
Nothing wrong w stop the steal itself of course. When total strangers pop up and cant or wont be vetted, maybe bc of time or fog of war, bad things can happen.
Controlling the opposition is a great way to gain intelligence.
His motive may have been entirely for personal gain but it doesn’t tarnish the Stop The Steal event
Being for McCain in 2008 isn’t the worst crime in the world. We knew so little then.
Maybe it’s Dems doing the smearing.
Why wouldn’t they? It could only help damage PDJT’s base. Just look at the reactions here.
I think our best path is to judge him on what he is doing now – which is VERY MAGA and has all seemed on the up and up.
Just gotta be as careful as possible, no matter who it is.
YUP. No, I appreciate the intelligence.
I had LOTS of “frenemies” in Shallow State. I mean, it was a freaking MESS. The only way to play that game is to know the downsides of the players – who they will stay loyal to when the chips are down. Who’s pretending – who’s not – and you never really know for sure.
What are the effects? Cui bono? Who wins the round? Beyond all the acting and phoniness, THAT tells you a LOT.
This guy brought in the troops fast and made it happen. Even if CIA is monitoring his every move, he got it started. And you never know which side of CIA is keeping the other side closer on this one!
I hate the concept of frenemies but it is too true. Double dealing et al. Dunno, maybe he wants out maybe he wants in…it could just be about money either way you slice it.
Tell ya what tho…i put up with hunter biden videos but ill be damned if im going to watch roves junk.
Didn’t George W call him “turd blossom”? Maybe he plays the other side.
Lol. Heck if i know…
I can believe the Rove stuff, but – OMG.
But yeah, that would sure keep him in line, wouldn’t it?
I stopped at the first five seconds of the second Hunter video, when it was still at the “Macy’s ad teen model” stage. Nowhere good that could go.
And that could be his angle. Get dirt or create dirt. Kinda links the McCain and Rove things. Very “Halper”.
Stay careful. That’s the best policy – particularly in “interesting times”.
A hustler doesnt really reform they rebrand. I hope he’s at least aware that this isnt 2008.
“A hustler doesnt really reform they rebrand.”
Not without finding God – and then believing that God is STILL giving you the omniscient side-eye 24/7!
Absolutely. I watched one of their press conferences. He did a great job. I’ve got no problem with the man.
Same. Means nothing regardless of source. Guys solid when it comes to Conservatism.
Good question.
Jessica Bourque
Replying to
What’s the point of this? To keep people from attending the rally? Let’s not forget he isn’t the only one behind this rally and all who can go should if you support Trump!
One point is to spread the truth about this fraudster so that no one donates anything to him. He spends the donations on high-class hotel rooms and expensive meals with his friends.
Always be careful which is why im wondering where the info is coming from.
Here i dont know…im not posting the graphic she posted, and theres no links either
is recycling your sex tapes when you guys were a thing. It’s graphic. #Shameless
Bad vibes here:

I think it was LENIN who advocated leading the opposition.
Don’t know about the Rove thing but the article seems fairly straight up facts. People who are hustlers can latch onto anything to gain fame or make a buck
So the accusation is he’s using stop the steal as a way to personally fundraise. How/where is he supposedly selling sex tapes? It’s all pretty skeevie.
Evidently he did some jail time for either burglary or shoplifting in 2006/07. And he goes from that to plotting voter fraud for McCain?
Guess he was in particular circles and was looking for money.
LOL..when there’s a printed book about your exploits I’m gonna believe that where there’s smoke there’s a raging fire.
I know nothing about this guy.Is part of his current persona contrite about his past or is it just now tumbling out?
There are so many people. Half of fox sleeps with each other, have affairs etc…we dont know until people speak up.
Aint that the truth. Lately I feel like we’re drowning in people, info, disinfo, sensational crap and completely crazy interpretations about what can happen. Reee
Yikes! Where did you see this? Personally, I can’t imagine anyone having a sexual relationship with Carl Rove, but that’s just me.
Tore and here https://bigleaguepolitics.com/supposed-stop-the-steal-organizer-ali-akbar-is-a-convicted-fraudster-accused-of-plotting-voter-fraud-as-mccain-operative-in-2008/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
That’s the same article I read. So I assume that Alexander is complete BS, article states that Ali Abdul Razak Akbar is his real name. Great.
Dont give him money but support the cause…
Ali Akbar?????
Might as well be Aloha Snackbar.
Don’t believe a word of it. And IIRC, Grenell sleeps with a man…
What does Ric Grenell being gay have to do with this? If this guy, Ali Abdul Razak Akbar, is fundraising and skimming money under the Stop The Steal umbrella, he needs to go. He was convicted of credit card theft in 2007, and served time – so it’s completely possible he’s stealing again.
Again, I don’t care what gay rumors/affairs are out there about him. Stealing funds from an important effort that’s associated with POTUS is the problem. Again, why diss Grenell?
There are people here who seem to care very much about the gay; by pointing out Rick Grenell is gay, Cuppa is telling them it isn’t important.
As I said, whatever he did or did not have going on with Karl Rove isn’t the issue. (Although it just reinforces how untouchable they think they are.) It’s the fundraising and skimming off the top – and the association with POTUS. You can’t be shrieking about “the steal” while stealing. We don’t need people with that kind of baggage. If he’s dirty he needs to be untied and allowed to float away.
It was just the odd, “sleeps with a man”, that I was taken aback by.
I never trusted this man, or any other social media personality that hasn’t been deplatformed by now.
Good call.
I absolutely do NOT believe this!
Ali is good friends with CJ Pearson
I just read an article that said he’s been friends with O’Keefe for at least 7 years. I trust O’Keefe’s BS radar.
Ali with Stop the Steal is ALI ALEXANDER
I don’t know, never heard of dude named Ali Akbur!
Gil, get the names straight please. Akbur is NOT associated with Stop the Steal
His full name is Ali Akbar Alexander.
Just search Ali Akbar Alexander. It’s the same guy.
The first image is nasty, but the attached are his mug shots, and his real name is not Alexander.
@TweetWordz https://t.co/QBDeZALIFm https://twitter.com/hummingbirdJKL/status/1345526426750103553?s=20
Yeah, O’Keefe is a good reference!
Maybe he’s a double agent type..sometimes you have to use a bad guy to catch the bad guys ? Maybe?
I’m just going to ignore the old stuff and concentrate on his “new leaf”, which shows no blemish or rot. He’s been stand-up MAGA so far.
I mean, for any sins of excess and illicit zeal, he was supporting lesser traitor McCain, while I voted for greater traitor Obama in 2008. Not throwing anything from my champagne-glass house there!
I saw it. Not sure if it’s just a story, but Rove being a switch hitter is not outside of the realm of possibilities.
Some Very Interesting stats–Does not look like the states with the most mandates did that well..Seems that most states with the least of mandates, overall did better overall.
Coronavirus cases around the U.S. are surging—and so are hospitalizations https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-19-hospitalizations-us/ via @bbgvisualdata
Impossible to believe in the stats anymore.
One of several of these stories in replies
Tried it with my dad in August. Was in hospital. Gave him a test everyday for the last 4 days of his life. Was negative everytime. Still tried to put it on death certificate, because he showed symptoms. He had lung cancer, copd and sepsis.. Arseholes
Happening all over our country.
This is our usual flu season not COVID.
Got to keep us locked up so they can complete their takeover.
The more dependent that Americans become on the government the easier it will be for them to get Americans to bend to their demands. Sad watching so many who are following along, not realizing what they are giving up For the small crumbs they are giving us.
Yep. Looks like they want the rest of us on the plantation, too…..
They both need investigating and brought to justice.
Yes, and flu has miraculously vanished.
It is now PIC–Pneumonia, Influenza and COVID, Yet if you die of any of them it is always labeled as COVID!
Yes, we have the same tabulation and death labelling in the UK.
Stories over here abound about how surprisingly low the number of flu cases are and HOW WONDERFUL THE FLU VACCINE IS DOING KEEPING THEM DOWN!!!!!
Never let a fake crisis go to waste.
And I know all about “uplifts” for illnesses that actually don’t present, except at “the bank” as it were. My son was erroneously diagnosed with an incredibly rare condition which meant all of the treatments, appointments, etc., got a 30% uplift (fees paid from healthplan) from that point on. Took an enormous amount of time, effort, and experts to get that diagnosis pulled.
Seems money is more important to them than truth, or a correct diagnosis. The lure of easy money is too much for them, I guess… Another thing they do here is what some call “match and patch”. If some of the symptoms match, they, erm, add some more to make it into a known syndrome. Could say that takes all the worry out of being close (to the right diagnosis).
Since the art and practice of curing people has become a for-profit HUGE INDUSTRY, the Hippocratic Oath has become more of a Hypocritical Oath (as in swearing or expletive). Sad. Especially for the patients, and the honest, hard-working folks who are pressured to conform to the greed and malign practices surrounding them…..
And never let the fake lack of one (flu season) go to waste either, apparently.
That’s happening in the UK as well.
My deepest sympathies, mollypitcher5, on the loss of your father, especially during such troubled times. May he live on as a blessed memory to you and your family.
Thank you Churchmouse but that was another person’s tweet about her father.
We’ve had our share of loved ones passing here at the Qtree lately . I’m grateful that this wasn’t my situation. It was a kind thing to say.
That’s a relief, for sure.
I thought the person in the tweet had lost her father-in-law and that you had lost your father, from your comment.
My mistake for misreading — and my apologies.
Guess it’s time for bed soon as it’s very late here across the pond.
No apology necessary at all
^ ^ ^ I certainly hope the folks that hype about stats and excess deaths all the time here are seeing this. ^ ^ ^
A quote from Upton Sinclair seems appropriate on that count:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
I don’t believe Bloomberg at all…
hospitals are empty… everywhere
Reason they are interesting is that they are defeating the message of lock downs and masks. Whether true or not! Take a look at the states that have VERY little improvement and you will notice with the most stringent mandates.
It’s not just Bloomberg, though.
As I replied to K above, we have the same mysterious situation in England. NHS health trusts are supposedly panicking, including the ambulance services. One woman in Gloucestershire got arrested before the New Year for filming inside an empty hospital. Go figure …
We have the same in the UK: a sudden explosion of cases because of the new variant, which has reached California from our shores.
Our local area was green. Now, a fortnight later, it’s in deep purple or blue, depending on the map. We went from Tier 2 to Tier 4 really quickly.
It might tie in with the Christmas-New Year holiday season.
It still seems odd.
Agree that the places with the most mandates do not do any better than those with fewer restrictions.
Simple answer. Medical cabal types thrive better in dem states where they can employ all their vile as well as sham tactics at will.
FRAUD ALERT: Analysis of 3,000 Counties Reveals Joe Biden Received 5.6% More Votes in Counties Using Dominion Voting Machines
January 2, 2021, 9:04pmby Jim Hoft 70 Comments
You have GOT to read this summary.
A recent video posted on Rumble by BasedMedia and DonaldWon.com revealed Joe Biden was given a 5% advantage over President Trump in counties using Dominion Voting Machines.
According to the video —
Oh, I LUVVVVV that!
And the next study will be how to fly off roofs under Sharia Law…
And that’s that.
My data limit just got hit and the bandwidth restriction came down on my like a friggin’ hammer.
Basically crippled until the 7th. Yes, the SEVENTH.
Pay up. Too much going on.
Can’t without permanent doubling of my bill.
Dont you just get a surcharge for xGB over your plan?
That was the old plan, and they’d do everything they could to push me over the line and collect $15/GB.
This one doesn’t charge extra but it throttles you.
Ironically, this is now the best time to download system updates. They can be downloading at 3AM and won’t come out of my allowance. Six, seven hours while I sleep.
Do you have AT&T by chance.Could not go on vacation without spending an extra 20 to $0 for overage.
That was why I left them. Now $50 for Tmobile unlimited.
No, that WAS Verizon. I’m with AT&T now.
The problem is any “upgrade” on my part involves changing to their new plans, all of which would be hugely disadvantageous to me–and I could never switch back.
That was why I quit AT&T TMobile coverage not the greatest, but same or better than AT&T coverage.
$40 cheaper, and overall better customer service.
When an At&T rep literally called me stupid, next day I switched
Get a pay-as-you-go TMobile plan to supplement your AT&T plan. Only use it when AT&T chokes you.
I suppose I should look into Tmobile but my past experiences (as someone trying to call someone on it) have been really, really bad.
My cell bill is like a car payment but we need it for work plus all this crap while traveling.
Just exactly WHAT are you running from your computer
Here’s hoping you get a better and cheaper provider!
I saw this somewhere, can’t find it again.
Video that says 9 AM, the Ellipse (which is just south of the White House).
Be there or be square (not elliptical).
Great Memory Molly. Remembers this. Glad to see this again. I think we can make a full hall of these sort of memories as part of the Presidents Library next to MEMES hall, all off shoots of other important parts. Just four years and all this. No way we abandon this guy.
Trust the Lord, have faith in the Lord..but don’t think I could take America being ruled by the people who are threatening and taking away our rights.
It has become very clear that IF they complete the steal..things will not get better but probably worse.
H3LL even with Biden supposedly winning Antifa is still looting and burning Portland. Seems that Portland was not the only place that has some interesting events over the New Years weekend and the weekend is not over yet.
If Biden gets in, only a coup d’etat will unseat him; if that doesn’t happen quickly, we’re basically DONE. No way will “they” ever not “win” an election ever again.
All one has to do is look at all the new Executive orders by governors of blue states to see what the plan for America is.
Kinda strange sad when the older generation says fight and much of the younger generation looks on in askance. Needs to over come this.
This may be here already. Simon Parkes’ latest, talks about 200K indictments. Nice and short.
And now, for something completely different.
Some of you may remember how I got a 20 pound “desperation turkey” from our local supermarket, when they realized they were all going to go out of date before they sold half. As a result, I paid about $10 for it and cooked it on Christmas.
Well, we’re all officially tired of turkey, with or without feast fixin’s (stuffing, gravy, cranberry), or pesto and cheese. So I got out the ol’ crock-pot and did a quick soup.
I started with a “proto-soup” — about a cup of water, about a cup of unsalted chicken stock, about a cup of dry white cooking wine. I took one of the kiddie-lunch packs of pre-cleaned and peeled carrots, cut ’em into thirds, and tossed ’em in. I’ve got frozen tricolor pepper strips in a bag in the freezer, so I took about the same amount as the carrots and cut ’em into about the same size and tossed that in. I took a whole white onion and chopped up the nice parts and tossed it in. I also added some granulated garlic, black pepper, about a teaspoon of mustard powder, and cleaned out my thyme — I had purchased a new baggie, but still had some of the old left. One half of a quarter of butter, and a nice drizzle of EVOO, and it was ready for its first cook. Set it on “high” for one hour.
When I got around to looking at it again (about two hours later and after my dinner — crock pots go into “keep warm” after their cooking cycle), I pulled the baggies of turkey and started sorting. I was looking to make things into pieces whose long dimension was no longer than 1″ and had no skin or oddities to distract from the soup. After I’d gotten all that in there, I decided to re-season it. I completed the Scarborough Faire and added some savory. Savory, IMHO, is an underrated (and hard to find) herb that makes things savory. I did another hour cook and stashed it (still in the crock) in the back fridge for overnight.
It smells nice, but it is a bit monochrome for visual appeal. I’m hoping to throw in some red lentils and veggie pasta before I do another hour on high, then it’ll be tomorrow’s dinner.
I agree with you about savory.
I have to get mine from McCormick Culinary at a local restaurant supply in ginormous 5 oz. containers.
A proto soup or a primordial soup?
Well, I’m treating in a way that I hope will inhibit the spontaneous generation of life, so…..
I prefer my turkey soup with extra oddities.