Yes, It’s True — Pictures Are In!!
I hinted at this in yesterday’s thread. I was there.
Why didn’t I tell anyone beforehand? Because of personal OPSEC. I’m not going to post on the internet that I am gone, just in case someone knows who I am AND doesn’t believe my disclaimers about where my coins are not located.
(Even if you don’t own valuables, thieves will steal your shit anyway, and they don’t care how much damage they do to your abode in so doing. I once got to pay hundreds of dollars to fix a car window (just under deductible) while on a road trip because some thief wanted a portable CD player that was worth maybe five bucks, tops.)
I will be posting pictures to this article overnight (I got over a thousand pictures, though many are near duplicates because my camera is fast and I took multiples at a time). No way can I finish that job before 10 PM Mountain Time, I’ve barely over an hour left right now.
I flew to a distant (from DC) city on Tuesday, rented a car, drove to a hotel outside DC that night, took the Metro in Wednesday morning, and took the Metro out Wednesday evening. Thursday was the reverse of Tuesday.
I ended up somewhere south of the Ellipse for the rally, then along with many thousands of others, walked along Constitution avenue, “behind” the big Smithsonian museums on the north side of the Mall. (American History, Natural History, etc. Air and Space is on the south side of the Mall.) We walked past the National Archives, and then, where Pennsylvania Avenue meets Constitution, we continued along Pennsylvania avenue. Thus, we ended up on the north side of the stands being built for the inauguration/installation. The pictures I saw Wolf post are from the south side. And apparently ForGodAndCountry was somewhere in the middle, in front of the stands, if I understood him correctly.
I was close enough to get CS gas (a couple of times) and tear gas (once), all in very limited quantities. (Others got it far worse.) At least I think that was what they were. What I am calling CS just made one want to cough a lot, but the “tear gas” stung, and I didn’t even realize I was near it. And hey, the covid “mask” I was carrying around might have been helpful.
On the way out, I followed Pennsylvania avenue, walked past Trump International Hotel, and found my way to the same Metro station I came in on (Metro Center). I encountered national guard starting to set up. (He ordered me to put my mask on.)
I’ll describe all of this in more detail, below, as I fill in with pictures. This is just an outline. When I change the title of this section to indicate “pictures done” then it’s over, in the meantime keep checking back for updates!
The Situation
Congress, as we know, couldn’t get through the certification process fast enough, apparently, so we now have a President Elect. Under normal conditions, that’d be the end of it; Biteme, absent some personal catastrophe, would become president at noon, January 20th.
One thing that is true, even under our abnormal conditions, is that the term we elected Trump to serve in 2016 positively ends at that moment. His successor’s term starts. Now if Biden becomes disabled, Harris as VP elect becomes President, if Harris too is disabled or doesn’t qualify (and apparently a case can be made she is not qualified to serve, being non-natural born, though that doesn’t stop ’em), it then falls to the Speaker of the House to become “Acting President” until we get a real President. And there is a long succession list after that, the President Pro Tem of the Senate coming in after the Speaker, and then running down through the Cabinet.
This could come into play if Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and whoever becomes President Pro Tem of the Senate once the Georgia Thieves assume their seats, all get arrested and convicted. And as of right now the Cabinet is full of Trump appointees, they will not have been replaced yet on the 20th!! (Though many are resigning, apparently).
[A check of Wikipedia implies that Patrick Leahy will be President Pro Tempore of the Senate now, as that POS was it the last time the Dems had the majority and he’s still (dis)serving.]
Things are very fluid. Whatever plays out will play out against that backdrop but may overshadow it totally. This will be an interesting time!
The Curious Case of Mike Pence
When Pence announced that he didn’t think he had the constitutional authority to simply reject ballots before Congress could certify them, he caught a ton of abuse from the MAGA movement. They accused him of stabbing Trump in the back and of having been a black hat all along.
But I see a couple of possible problems with this conclusion.
If Pence’s goal were to stab Trump in the back, why has he not pushed forward the 25th amendment removal process?
And more importantly, if the VP (in his role as President of the Senate) has it in his power to do this, why didn’t Algore reject the Florida votes in 2000/2001 and put himself into the White House? Given that half of the country believed (wrongly, idiots!) that the election had been stolen from Algore, he could probably have gotten away with it…if he had the power.
So I think a case can be made that Pence genuinely thought he had no choice but to play it the way he did.
But there is NO EXCUSE for the Representatives and Senators who refused to uphold the challenges, especially those who refused to do so because they were mad at Trump for the “riot” and “storming.” They not only had the authority spelled out in black and white in the Twelfth Amendment, they had the positive fucking duty to look into that and reject the obvious fraud.
And Now for the Pictures
Walking from Metro Center to the Rally. I turned a corner and saw the Washington Monument.
George would be disgusted.

Then getting closer, I saw a rally approximately six billion times as large as the biggest one our “President Elect” held. And this was the outlying crowd, not the crowd in the ellipse, which was behind me.

Ultimately I found myself wedged into the crowd. I was able to zoom in on and take pictures of the White House Under Seige.

Second Group of Pictures.

I didn’t get to see President Trump. I could understand very little of what he was saying. But by holding my camera up above peoples’ heads and using the tilt screen, I could aim at “under the banner” and get him.

Cropping away most of the picture, doing what we call a 100% crop (each pixel I uploaded was a pixel on the camera, no “reducing” the pixel density). Handheld in an awkward position with the bulletproof glass, I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with this one

I don’t know who she is or who she works for, but that’s well over $10K of cameras and lenses there, a Canon 5D series and a 1D as well. I don’t know who she works for…

But no problem reading her name even taken with my (comparatively) crappy camera.

A bunch of people left before Trump was done speaking; the march was beginning already. You can see a lot of people walking towards the left.

These next few pictures are all captures off the video I took while walking. OK, as you can see I can’t hold the thing perfectly level for half an hour while NOT paying much attention to it!

I don’t know what this building is but I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer indicates they defiled the 1st Amendment by putting it on there.

I think this next picture is from a Congressional parking lot. Who else would be allowed to park this close to the Capitol? (On the other hand, I did see some cars that were decorated MAGA, plainly not Congresspukes.)

Third Group Of Pictures
As we arrived, we heard a loud report, and people cheered, assuming it was fireworks. Turns out later that was the sound of a gas canister being launched.

Capitol Police At work.

Almost a hundred pictures after that one, I was in video mode and caught the guy with the megaphone getting pepper sprayed

At this time, people came through the plastic sheeting on the scaffolding.

At some point I got hit with a light dose of something or other. I beat a bit of a retreat but someone got to the top of the scaffolding with an American flag.

Fourth And Final Dump of Pictures
The next thing I remember, after getting close in, is a gas cartridge landing about ten feet away from me. I had already gotten light exposure twice to something that made one cough, and once to something that also stung when you inhaled it. Sticking around here would no doubt entail more than light exposure. I backed away.

When the smoke cleared, I noticed people charging up the steps. Lots of people charging up the steps. In fact I can see them in the prior picture too if I blow it up.

Someone I was talking to found this object on the ground, I think it was a gas grenade.

Meanwhile over on the scaffolding…I had seen a large crowd carry an extremely large flag up the steps.

At first they unfurled it facing the inaugural platform, but then they brought it over to our side.

Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
(We have the only national anthem that ends in a question, and even that is only if you ignore the later verses which are rarely sung.)

I soon began to notice that people were coming down the stairs.

And indeed the cops were herding people out of the capitol building so that Congress could conclude the business of selling us out.

I moved to in front of the inaugural platform, and got this shot.
A memorial to the man who did more than anyone else to create this country.
And a memorial to the last man who saved it.

When I look back on this and realize that conservatives cheered while the US Capitol was being occupied by protestors…things have changed a lot in our country, and we’ll never go completely back to the way it was. We were carrying flags with the word “fuck” on them, shouting slogans with that same word. Imagine conservatives doing this ten years ago.
We’re fed up, all right.
On the way to the Metro station, I saw this building and thought, “I know what that is…”

Sure enough!

OK, that’s it!
A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Needs to happen, soon. Like in the next eleven days.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Coin of The Day
Well, I do have an idea for this. I just don’t have time, so perhaps next week, or the week after, depending on the timing of the brown stuff hitting the ventilation device.
Standard disclaimer: I never show pictures of my coins, and in many cases don’t own anything remotely resembling the coins in these pictures. [This would be one of those cases.] Any prospective thieves should know I also collect other heavy metals–anything with a heavier nucleus would be unstable–and keep those a lot closer to me than the coins.
Public Service Announcement
Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).
How can I be first on such a momentous week?
You got in in the first microsecond?
I read the Opening
#2….or #3
My twatter account has been suspended.
I guess that means I’m in good company!
Your account, mhtx76 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically, for:
Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam.
You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter.
Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team.
That’s the same supposed reason they suspended me. Probably the same for just about everyone. If they can’t find any rule you broke, they decide you were “manipulating” the platform.
As they suppress information…what a joke!
Congratulations !
So far, I’m still alive, but I don’t have many followers. They’ll get to me eventually.
Same for me.
How nice…a postcard from Dystopia.
LOL!…. no really…. LOL!!!!!
It’s spelled….TWITLER
Seig heil!
Literal belly laugh.
The Twitler Team …. I’d recognize them anywhere. That’s Jack on his mandate. Or should I say Mendate.
Oh, Steve!!!
I suspected with that shot of out-of-focus Darwin, but I am overjoyed that you made it!
I couldn’t’ve made it, but I would have tracked you in-and-out had I known, but you seem to have done very well flying solo.
When do we get the next installment?
Tonight, I’m just going to keep updating the post.
Excellent! I may be in some of your pictures!
LOL I hope you don’t tell us which ones
Don’t worry – bakocarl will have the REAL pictures!!!
Wolfie beckoning Piglosi to ‘dinner’

Not if you were where I think you were.
I moved around a bit. We’ll see!
He’s the canid with the jet-pack.
No way I can post more than a tiny fraction of what I took. So I may have you on my hard drive, but not on the board.
It was so huge. That sea of people from the Ellipse to the Monument – TRUMPSTOCK!
So awesome. Very glad you were there, too. WHAT A DAY!
While I was at the capitol, I was having flashbacks of that picture you see of the Russian Revolution, with people running down the street.

That’s the one!
Sorry, went off and dealt with other pics. Go re-read the main post!
Funny… made me think of the Russian Revolution, too, and of the Reichstag burning. I’m rather anxious that the Trumps don’t go the way of the Romanovs. We need a big win.
MAJOR kudos to you for answering the President’s call, sir.
I’m 100% confident you feel as I do. It was worth FAR more than the efforts required to actually be there.
Felt good, didn’t it? To be among hundreds of thousand of patriots?? The silent majority, out in FORCE?
Did everybody boo and yell when you passed the DoJ during the march to Capital hill like they did when I went past?
What a glorious day. So glad you were there.
Moving rally.
I did video”tape” the march, so I won’t be posting much from that. I’m getting caught up on yesterday then it’s back to picking photos and shrinking them for posting.
We didn’t notice, but I pointed out to anyone
listening the National Archives.
From Andrew P. McIndoe, Heritage Foundation:
Hmm . . . how to respond . . .
ooh ooh ooh (Hand in the air)
FUCK YOU! and the Republitard Party.
oh ya….Your “MBA” means squat to me!
Is that Mich, Cocaine Mitch The Treasonous slime mold?
Lil’ Marco Virtue Signals to protect his gravy train
Marco Rubio Calls for ‘Honest Reflection’ in the Conservative Movement After Riots
Sorry Mr. “I started this business with Perkins Coie” but you can buzz off.
Why don’t you go take a flight with Mitt or Lindsey. I’m sure they’d appreciate some company.
Or maybe ANOTHER “Foam Party”????
“Honest reflection” in this case is about as valuable as “reimagining.”
F’n runt.
We didn’t lose anything.
In fact, we retook the House and increased our Senate majority while re-electing PDJT….as future events will soon prove and rectify.
And you, Rubio, are headed for career EXTINCTION.
He’s definitely hooked up with the wrong bunch.
“And you, Rubio, are headed for career EXTINCTION.”
He should certainly be headed for much worse than that!
You want honest reflection, Marco? If you are still on Twitter, you’re not honest.
Wake up, or go to hell.
“…but lost their majorities in all three federal houses of power in four years….”
Gee Lil’ Marco if that bothers you then maybe, just maybe YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO ELECTION FRAUD YOU [ fill in nasty description of your choice]
Lil’ Marco…has his zipper been welded shut yet?
@Marco: You mean, go back to being the limp-wristed, week-kneed, sorry bunch that you are. Back to the times where you did your kaibuki theater of opposition, day in and day out. I guess you miss “reaching across the aisle” to the group that has no respect for you and would throw you under the bus when you’re expendable to them.
You want honest reflection? Get out of that DMV bubble and realize that there are more people craving what POTUS started vs what you’re proposing. America has spoken. You just refuse to listen.
I strongly recommend making a Quod Verum account as a back-up account in case this website and Gab are unavailable. While I fully support Gab and the Gab Q Tree group (you should have a Gab account, too), the reality is that Gab was inaccessible during the Great Conservative Purge yesterday. I am not 100% confident that Gab will be accessible if the Q Tree goes down. To be fair, I’m not sure Quod Verum could survive getting slammed either, but at least this way we’ll have multiple back-up options.
Here’s my Quod Verum account if anyone wants to follow:
Sadie Slays
You have a “second”
Call the Roll.
Q Tree Roll Call (copy & paste link in browser). Will do another tomorrow night if there are any more names to add.
some less than epic hosting options may be worth considering
That link goes to an error message.
Try copy-and-pasting the entire address into a browser window. WordPress is separating the
Sadie Slays part for some reason and breaking the link, and I’m not sure how to prevent the problem. Maybe posting a full status link will work?
EDIT: No, it’s the same issue.
Sadly, I tried that and got the same message — both when I copied and pasted the entire blue link, and when I copied your entire last line ending in 571.
Sign up here (that link should definitely work). Post your screen name in a comment here on the Q Tree and I’ll find you. Alternatively, put my name in the Quod Verum search bar and try to find me.
Should there be a space between your first and last name?
No spaces. It might be easier to sign up for an account by clicking the link below (which should definitely work). Then either search for my name on Quod Verum or post your screen name here.
Use the code block control from the edit tool?
I think it’s the angle brackets…
EDIT: Thanks! I tried, but still had the formatting issue.
I followed you, Sadie.
Opened an an account there…I am @wheatie.
I followed you. Will do a roll call soon to try to connect everyone.
Sadie, I followed you – 2old2worry.
I appreciate it, but I am now BANNED from Quod Verum. They banned me for tweeting Q Tree roll calls. Please be careful over there if you intend to stay. Sorry for the trouble.
Found and followed.

Are you ‘Aubergine’ there?
Or some other handle.
Sadie, I signed up and I’m in. I’m SylviaAvery1976. I’m not sure why but I had to add a number and was going to do 1776 but I made a typo, LOL! But I’m there if anyone cares to follow me.
Bicentennial isn’t a bad look for our smoking hot shovel wielding avenger!
Well, I’m only off by a couple centuries!!!! Really liked your pics, Steve, and so happy you got to go!
Found and followed.
Thanks Aubergine! NebraskaFilly is on QV, too. She is NebraskaFilly, for those who might like to follow her. She hasn’t been using the account, but I told her some of us were joining as a back up so I expect to see her there.
Thanks! Followed.
Sadie, I followed you! 2old2worry
Thanks, Sadie, for encouraging us onto multiple platforms.
I am really digging the Quod Verum format. For some reason it is more user-friendly to me than the others. I like the multi-columns so I can see everything at once.
I signed up last night, but couldn’t figure out how to find and follow anyone. I typed some names into the TOOT box, but that didn’t do it; then typed them into the search at the top left, and still couldn’t figure it out. Anyway, I signed up as EllieLA – I guess it’s
LOL, went to Googz, typed in ‘how to’. It filled in….delete your instagram account, FB, twitch, twitter. Now just an ‘h’ brings up HOW TO DELETE YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT PERMANENTLY.
I’m deactivating mine before they ban me.
Ingraham posted earlier that their aftermarket shares were down 3%.
LET’S TANK THIS BITCH, FOR POTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This should result in the Mother Of All Shareholder-lawsuits for each of ’em.
Is ok.
Go out with that awesome Postcard from Dystopia!
I’m wondering if all of them will resurrect after POTUS and the team do their thing.
With our contingent, I’m starting to wrap my head around why we were Called.
Everyone went, got pix, had an interesting time, and is now home. But now is when it gets truly wild.
TPTB are PANICKING to shape the narrative and slip their crimes over the final hurdle. And you’re back at home with pictures saying, “Whatcha talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”
“I was there. First part was like a Trump rally, everyone upbeat and celebratory. People brought their kids. Everyone wanted to blow town before nightfall, so many left early.
Those that didn’t went to the Capitol. Some formed a prayer circle around the entire building. Others went to be seen — supposedly our Representatives were inside, it might be nice if they knew what we looked like. Some people started moving barriers and the Capitol Police just let people go through them, so people climbed up the steps and around the outside of the building. Some jackasses (probably Antifa) broke windows, but we told ’em to knock it off. Up at the doors, some people got belligerent, but the Capitol Police fell back and let ’em in.
I understand that some people got into a big scuffle in the House Chamber, and someone got shot. I further understand that some ran off to various offices and performed vandalism. A great many of us just looked around. One guy asked a guard if he could sit down and the guard said, ‘sure.’ After a bit, it started getting late, so everyone pulled out — nobody wanted to be caught in an urban s**thole after dark.
Later that night I see that hundreds of thousands of domestic terrorists rioted all over the Capitol and that caused every one of our chickens**t Congress to accept the fraudulent ballots rather than let our voices be heard or our votes be counted.”
“I was there. I saw. That’s just BS.”
….and that’s why you were Called.
And yes the storming of the Capitol was a False Flag by Antifa orchestrated by Pelosi.
One of the Antifa guys turned whistleblower and contacted authorities, who send a team of white hats to get Pelosi’s laptop, with the so-called ‘attack’ as cover.
No she is really scared. They can prove her treason.
See this vid. from General McInnery:
[video src="" /]
H/T We Are The News – QResearch:
Not for nothing, but the General needs to trim his eyebrows
If true, nimrod Nancy is up $#!+ creek without a shovel.
I’d love to be in the communications room when cell phones are activated and eavesdropping happen.
Twitter CEO releases a statement to the press…
LOL (again)
It keeps gettin better and better!
LOL! Jackoff Twitler!!!!!!
I just put this one on Twitter.
I hope it is the one that gets me banned.
How thrilling that must have been! I’m looking forward to seeing the pics.
Trump Responds to Twitter’s Permanent Account Suspension
BY MIMI NGUYEN LY January 8, 2021 Updated: January 9, 2021
President Donald Trump responded to Twitter’s move to permanently suspend his account from its platform late Friday, condemning the big tech giant and saying that it does not stand for free speech.
The president also said he anticipates a “big announcement” soon and that his team is negotiating with other sites and is also looking at building a separate platform.
“As I have been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me—and YOU, the 75,000,000 great patriots who voted for me,” Trump said in a statement.
“Twitter may be a private company, but without the government’s gift of Section 230 they would not exist for long,” he added.
“I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” he said.
“Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely,” Trump continued. “STAY TUNED!”
The statement came from the account @POTUS but the Twitter posts were gone within a few minutes.
“Using another account to try to evade a suspension is against our rules,” Twitter said in a statement to news outlets. “We have taken steps to enforce this with regard to recent Tweets from the @POTUS account.”
“For government accounts, such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, we will not suspend those accounts permanently but will take action to limit their use.”
Twitter late on Friday permanently suspended Trump’s Twitter account @realDonaldTrump, citing violation of its “Glorification of Violence” policy. It cited two of the president’s most recent posts as justification for its action.
The first post read, “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”
Subsequently, the president posted, “To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.” This was the last Twitter post before Trump’s account was removed from the platform.
Twitter said that the two posts had violated its “Glorification of Violence policy,” which aims to “prevent the glorification of violence that could inspire others to replicate violent acts.”
Its assessment determined that Trump’s last two Twitter posts are “highly likely to encourage and inspire people to replicate the criminal acts that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.” Twitter said its determination is “based on a number of factors,” including five points it listed in its statement.
The Epoch Times cannot independently verify the claims made by Twitter in its determination. The Epoch Times has reached out to Twitter asking whether it had any evidence that Trump’s statements were directly linked to any violence. Twitter did not immediately respond.
The White House and the president have on Jan. 7 both separately condemned the violence that broke out on Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, when lawmakers gathered for a joint session of Congress to count and certify electoral votes from the Nov. 3, 2020, election. The events of the day left at least five dead, three of whom died due to medical reasons, according to DC police.
“America is and must always be a nation of law and order. The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy,” Trump said. “To those who engaged in acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law, you will pay.”
Earlier in the day, Twitter suspended the accounts of former national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and lawyer Sidney Powell, citing “Coordinated Harmful Activity.” Powell told The Epoch Times that there “was no warning at all” about her account being deleted.
The account deletions suggest that Big Tech firms, including Twitter, are moving to suspend or penalize the accounts of people on their platforms who post claims of voter fraud and irregularities about the Nov. 3, 2020, election.
There have also been multiple claims by various Twitter accounts of having lost followers, sometimes in the thousands, within the past 24 hours.
Brandon Straka, the head of the conservative WalkAway movement, told The Epoch Times Friday that Facebook removed the group’s page and banned individual accounts belonging to the team.
They think they have the right to censor official government accounts. The hubris! Who elected them to decide what the people can see?
Probably translated from the official China is assho manual
Do not forget the actual people in charge of censorship @ Twatter ARE CHINESE NATIONALS! and no I am not kidding.
Hmmmmm. That would be foreign interference in the election, wouldn’t it?
We are seeing the left in all their absolute ugliness. They’ve always been that way, but they are no longer hiding it. They have no idea how absolutely repulsive they are. Quite frankly, they are in dire need of an exorcism.
Totally agree!
Before he was neutralized, Brad Pascale was talking about another social media platform. Maybe it’s ready for launch.
Via Corey’s Digs:
The Purge Just Got Real
January 8, 2021 / No Comments
A censorship storm just surged across America, taking down conservatives faster than they could share their contact information, and the biggest censorship of all, was removing a sitting President. From Twitter to Facebook, Shopify, Instagram, and everything in between, they just erased the President of the United States of America.
Millions of conservatives are being removed from all platforms and quickly jumping ship to Parler and Gab. Of course, Apple threatened to remove Parler from their phone app, and Google has done the same. Now there is talk of their internet server providers gunning for them, and Amy Peikoff, responsible for policy on Parler, just stated on the Tucker Carlson show, if their internet hosting provider takes down the servers, it’s the end of the platform. How do they not have a failover in place? Time will tell if Parler survives.
Meanwhile, Gab is having its own issues with stalling out due to so many people jumping on board.
This is the reality we live in right now. Conservatives all saw this coming and have been warning about free speech issues, and power and control structures that want to take over our very existence. People better wake up soon, because we are in the thick of it now.
More on this developing story, soon.
Right Side Broadcasting Network published a statement from the President tonight. This is his message:

“Now there is talk of their internet server providers gunning for them, and Amy Peikoff, responsible for policy on Parler, just stated on the Tucker Carlson show, if their internet hosting provider takes down the servers, it’s the end of the platform. How do they not have a failover in place? Time will tell if Parler survives.”
She sounds like a smart one.
Like telling the enemy “my secret off switch is located right here… don’t ever throw the secret off switch, or you will completely disable me“…

…..and, once we’re bankrupt, we’ll have to sell our registered users list to anyone that wants to pay money for it, even if it’s a government agency that wants to track people down….
With all those nice PHONE NUMBERS LISTED….
Holy shit!
I have actually met her (though she no doubt will not remember me).
She’s the ex of Leonard Peikoff, who was Ayn Rand’s heir.
That’s it? We don’t get the rest of the story? How did you meet the ex wife of Ayn Rand’s heir???????
I used to be involved with Objectivism.
That’s a regrettably very small world.
So was Hubby.
It’s almost as if Parler was designed to fail at the most critical of moments.
And why I avoid it like the plague.
Ya think?
I have been trying and trying to get a couple of my IRL conservative friends the hell off of Parler, with no result.
Well, they’ll be calling me in a few days I think, asking what to do.
Don’t throw me in that briar patch.
“During times of Universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”
1984 George Orwell
Giuliani says time for ‘harmony’ is over and urges Trump declassification spree
by Daniel Chaitin, Breaking News Editor | | January 08, 2021 01:30 PM
Rudy Giuliani encouraged President Trump to go on a declassification spree in the final days of his administration.
With less than two weeks until President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, the former New York City mayor, who is Trump’s personal lawyer, insisted the time for “harmony” is over.
“At many times, I thought he was ready to do it, and many times it was blocked by, I have to assume, the force that we now call the ‘deep state.’ I have my suspicions where. Now, there is no longer any reason to try to create some kind of harmony, and therefore, not do it,” Giuliani told former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast on Friday.
“I think he owes it, not just to MAGA, he owes it to the American people to put it out,” he added.
Some disclosures have been made related to the Russia investigation in recent months but not everything. Trump tweeted in October that he “fully authorized the total” declassification of documents related to the “Russia hoax” and Hillary Clinton’s emails, but a top aide told a federal court that these social media missives did not amount to declassification orders.
Giuliani, a leader in Trump’s unsuccessful legal effort to contest the results of the 2020 election with claims of voter fraud, argued that there is no reason not to engage in sweeping declassifications, as he and Bannon alluded to the Ukraine impeachment and Hunter Biden laptop controversies as well as the Russia inquiry. Such a far-reaching disclosure of secret information would undoubtedly raise national security concerns and could undermine current investigations.
“I don’t know the information, and I’ve never seen any of the classified information, but I know everything that surrounds it. And having dealt with classified information for 17 years, I can pretty much read what’s been blocked out. I think I pretty much know what’s in there. And so far, there has been a lot of declassifications, and not a single piece of national security information has been contained in it,” said Giuliani, who is also a former federal prosecutor.
“What it contains is embarrassing information that will demonstrate that the prior administration engaged in, again I say, fascist tactics in order to prevent Trump from being president. And then in order to remove the rightfully elected president of the United States by clearly unlawful means. That’s what’s there,” Giuliani added.
Trump committed to an “orderly transition” of power on Jan. 20 after Congress certified Biden’s victory following a siege of the U.S. Capitol by rioters this week. As Democrats prepare for 11th-hour impeachment proceedings, Trump announced on Friday that he would not be attending Biden’s inauguration.
“Rudy Giuliani encouraged President Trump to go on a declassification spree in the final days of his FIRST administration.”
Fixed it for ya…
This quote is exactly how they validate a false narrative over and over until it becomes part of the false history. It wasn’t RIOTERS
“following a siege of the U.S. Capitol by rioters this week.”
Check this out – – – –
The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) Tweeted:
Trump Sneaks Back On Twitter By Disguising Self As PR Rep For Chinese Communist Party
Can you save this video, Michael H?
I haven’t figured out how to save twatter vids yet – maybe someone else has a tip
Try right clicking on the photo – it says copy video address. Don’t know if that helps.
I TRIED TO SAVE a link, but it did not work.
Fog and Noise
Is there a game on? Consider: What you’re seeing may not be what you think you’re seeing. If an “orderly transition to the next administration” meant what you think it means, Nancy Pelosi would not be shrieking for an insta-super-quickie impeachment. By the way, what would that look like as a procedural matter? Think: Chinese fire drill.
The New York Times’s panties are on fire, declaring a national emergency. Headline this morning: Democrats Demand Trump’s Removal. Funny… they didn’t feel this exercised when Antifa attacked congressmen and senators on the streets of Washington last summer, leaving the president’s acceptance speech at the White House. Twitter and Facebook are busy throwing overboard anybody who dares to challenge the narrative they’ve helped to craft. Something’s up now and it’s making them even more hysterical than usual.
Consider also: you and I are in that fabled fog of war, and that fog is going to hang around in the days ahead. You may see strange shapes moving around in that fog, and that’s about it. Eventually, the fog will lift and the battlefield will not look the same as it did a week ago. So, it’s hard to see right now, but I hear a lot and I’ll just report what I hear for what it’s worth. I can’t prove any of this is true right now. A lot of it may seem crazy, fantastical. What with the pitch of news media mind-fuckery we’ve been living under, there have probably never been stranger days in our America.
The game is a deadly one because there is so much at stake: careers, reputations, fortunes, lives, the climax of four years of seditious Gotcha. The “Resistance” threw everything it could at the Golden Golem of Greatness. It discommoded him in his duties, and wasted the nation’s precious time in a gathering crisis of civilization, but nothing stuck to him: RussiaGate, impeachment, not even Covid-19. The November 3rd election was the final play. Ever find, in a game of chess, that you’ve unwittingly blundered into checkmate?
Who, exactly, invaded the Capitol building on Wednesday when that mass of Trump supporters swarmed up the hallowed hill? Some Antifas and BLMs were on the scene for sure, probably in the vanguard, probably the ones smashing the windows to break in. But somebody else went in there, too, and rounded up a whole bunch of congressional laptops, including several in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, foolishly left behind when members were evacuated in a panic.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Italian job. A story circulating on the web from one Maria Zack, founder of a fair election monitoring org called Nations in Action, says that the election ballot fraud operation was run out of Italy through a set of that country’s communication satellites by a CIA team working with former Italian government officials, and one of Italy’s defense contractors. The story claims that former president Barack Obama was directly involved and that the operation was financed with dollars skimmed from the billions of dollars transferred to Iran under the terms of Mr. Obama’s No Nukes deal. Affidavits and depositions are filed. The UK’s MI6 may be involved, as they were in the RussiaGate shenanigans. Is this just another mind-fuck? Maybe. I guess we’ll have to stand by and find out. You can do that, can’t you? In the fog of the moment?
Did congress knowingly certify a fraudulent election? That will be a tantalizing question in the days ahead. Another rumor in the fog says that Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe delivered a report on foreign interference in the election to members of congress following the conclusion early Thursday morning of their electoral college business. Was that the match that set Resistance panties on fire? Mr. Ratcliffe has been missing-in-action for more than a week. His report was originally scheduled for delivery to the president November 18. It was postponed and everybody forgot about it, especially the news media.
Let’s also just step back for a moment and ask: why did so many flag-waving MAGAs turn out Wednesday on the Mall in Washington DC? Answer: because they have been served one shit sandwich after another for four years by the Democratic Party and their captive news media, and the latest one featured vote tabulations getting erased in real time at ten-plus thousand vote increments right before their eyes on the flatscreen in the wee hours of November 4. And after that, and other balloting monkeyshines, the response from their government was a mere yawn. Total institutional failure. The ballot fraud that so many witnessed was never aired or adjudicated in a proper legal forum, and they were good and goddam pissed about it.
Mr. Trump is rumored to be at an air force base in Texas, having vamoosed the White House as being unsafe for him. Is he cornered by his antagonists or does he have a planned operation underway? Who knows (not me)? He certainly had enough time to plan it, and the king-post in the whole deal may have been that he had to exhaust all the ritual avenues in disputing the election fraud before he could launch a counter-coup. If his adversaries intend to run the 25th Amendment on him, he will have to act quickly.
The president didn’t appear panicked in the speech released on Thursday, in which he promised that orderly transition to the next administration, certainly not panicked in the inflamed manner of Nancy Pelosi. In the mythology of my people, the Golem was a giant fashioned out of clay by a rabbi seeking desperately to protect his village from a pogrom. I didn’t dub Mr. Trump the Golden Golem of Greatness for nothing. For the moment all is fog and noise.
I have hopes that the panic by the Cabal is because KEY underlings are disappearing. This is certainly the time to snatch-up those who were part of the physical hands on. Dominion, ANTIFA, BLM, Standard Hotel….
YES. And they are being questioned, in preparation for detaining and interrogating the big fish.
And that is why the RUSH to remove Trump’s power!
I figure securing the ‘little fish’ who did the deeds so they can not be arkancided is the first order of business after the intel has been gathered.
I know the optics would ruin the presentation of the Big Truths that must be revealed but it’s too bad that the big fish aren’t just never seen again..ever. Never
a la Stalin and the vanishing Commissar
If removed from office either by his term expiring, or by impeachment, it becomes MUCH harder for Trump to make his moves.
So yes, they’re trying to kick him out now, no matter the price.
I believe these professional goons are three letter intelligence agents who simply call themselves whatever group they’re assigned to. BLM today, MAGA tomorrow, always CIA.
This is brilliant!
My guess is – some of those ‘rioters’ were Trump’s undercover teams pretending to be Antifa pretending to be MAGA. Bet they had a lot of fun getting suited up. Bet some of the guys in Capitol police uniform were Trump’s teams too.
That would be a thought …. and then have Pence in a role to facilitate it. But the death of the young woman who was executed was a genuine tragedy.
A slow motion of the video let you stop and take a close look.
Being as the brain uses roughly 15% of the heart’s output, and it all goes through the neck (twice), I really don’t see how a fatal neck wound doesn’t bleed like crazy.
I watched specifically for that and the mannerv in which she was handled and first aid applied. It was all very amatuerish and not according to any training I’ve ever seen. I thought the blood may have been dispensed from a tube running along her shoulder. At least I’d like to think she is fine and just played a role. She sounds like a great patriot.
Wow..this article is something’s very clear where they’re leading in regard to anyone that supports Trump but it does prove that there were military ppl involved
An Air Force Combat Veteran Breached the Senate
OK – this means that they used retired military to get Pelosi’s laptop.
Ashli Babbitt..former Air Force
Maybe they needed the deeper emergency optics of a staged death.
Maybe but in my view it serves the DS side much better to have a raging “rioter” shot during the siege.. Plus she was a single mother, not an easy one to stage a new life after staged death
Air Force could be either side, IMO. Hard to say.
She was intelligence. CIA asset?
Any idea what happened to the other lady that was shot in the chest? She was on a gurney coming out the front of the capitol near the columns. Shirt off, ems doing chest compressions. Lighter color hair, young, heavier that other lady. Both happened about the same time, came over the radio together.
Like Sadie has pointed out, already true..they’re getting a lot of mileage out of her death. The “siege”..the “damage” unfortunate “rioter shot” tsk tsk..”she should’ve never been there”
The shooting every other place in that building the hordes were practically given a red carpet but this shooter pops out of a hidey hole and blasts
This means that WE KNEW they would use ANTIFA and BLM on us, so we figured out what WE could do in the mayhem – and possibly with the assistance of some LE insiders in the CHP.
I’ve been wondering what in the hell this thing was for. Trump isn’t going to go to all this trouble so I can take mediocre pictures.
Written by Ronan Farrow. That POS.
That man is an abuse victim, so I cut him slack. Believe me when I tell you, un-dealt-with abuse of that kind makes you do crazy things.
I understand, but he’s still a POS.
I truly hope he finds salvation, he does seem to be “seeking”, he just hasn’t found the door yet.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany. He emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. He is perhaps best remembered for his postwar words,
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I always correct this.
I.e., defund the People’s police, so that political THUGS can run wild.
I wasn’t there….. just relaying what I found.
Yup! And while I was probably there, I was only one cell with half my DNA!
Mar 17, 2018 3:03:41 PM EDT
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 458
How bad is the corruption?
FBI (past/present)
+29 (16)
DOJ (past/present)
STATE (past/present)
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.
2y, 9m, 3w, 1d, 11h, 23m ago
8chan greatawakening
Looking forward to your Pics Steve
Crisp hand salute for the stealthy DC ingress/egress.
Thank You !!
Hillary emails Dropped!!!
Stock up now!
2 weeks of ?????
Hopefully it is top off a full larder time.
I didn’t see the tweet being replied to so here’s some of the backtracking info there
Sounds like its Game time!!
I would swear that came out at least a week ago.
“I would swear that came out at least a week ago.”
I remember something about that too…
Unless it’s like that black cat…
OK sorry if I’m creating a prob here. Maybe it’s just getting more attention now because of everything else that’s going on…
Not a problem, just pointing out it’s old news.
Carry on. Please!
Thanks for that graciousness. I’m about to get some sleep then actually read what sounds like an epic post you’ve created, & somewhere in there our son’s fiancée is coming over for a visit
Is this real?
There was talk earlier that Wikileaks was going to dump all there files.
I hope so, it seems like there were links provided. Some people on Twit World were saying it was old news but they struck me as leftie bot types & disinfo junkies.
Someone w/ greater skills & clues will have to give a more definitive answer
So, I’m wondering if this stuff is in place all over the nation, not just on military bases.
Could it be in courthouses, volunteer fire departments, etc.?
I think that we’ll soon find out
Lin Wood requesting prayer for POTUS.

I am praying for our president and for our country.
Lol… number 9.
Mike Adams of Natural News posted the following (excerpt, with link below)
“Trump is merely attempting to appear that he is conceding while not actually using any binding language that would legally tie him to such an outcome. To state that, “A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th” without naming the year is, of course, always a true statement. There’s a new administration coming on January 20th, of 2025, for example. There’s also a new administration coming this year if Trump dumps Pence and has a new VP at his side.
But why would Trump still be refusing to concede while trying to make people think he’s conceding? Because according to one source that has briefed me, the globalist controllers are threatening to detonate dirty bombs in every US state representing a senator who voted against the Biden slate of electors. The threat against Trump is that if he does not concede, the dirty bombs will be set off, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Yet Trump fully realizes that far more American would die under the totalitarian communist-run regime represented by Joe Biden. Trump isn’t going to be threatened into quitting.
WHOA!!!!! (that’s my response….)
Wow. Not that I put that past the globalists. They don’t care how many of us die. But do they have the capability?
And, for that matter, if POTUS knows who they are, he has the capability of sending in a few special ops teams and taking them out permanently.
A few DOTS that may substantiate the claims
Remember the missile they found in Florida?
I can not remember the actual name, but remember the mini-nukes in shipping containers?
The Chinese controlled Long Beach port up until recently and the Obama admin handed over Port Canaveral FL. to the brother of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear bomb scientist so smuggling in bombs would be easy.
IIRC just recently Mil Spec Monkey & his buddies were puzzling over why nuclear emissions detecting aircraft was low flying in certain areas.
Thanks Michael, that was the name I was trying to remember.
I see the article mentions Dr Pry. I saved his presentation to Congress under Obama but they would not harden the grid until POTUS was in office.
And we thought Las Vegas massacre was bad. We knew then that they were willing to kill Americans on our own soil…
9-11 told us that.
That’s true…and Oklahoma, Ruby Ridge..all of them I forgot
“Because according to one source that has briefed me, the globalist controllers are threatening to detonate dirty bombs in every US state representing a senator who voted against the Biden slate of electors. The threat against Trump is that if he does not concede, the dirty bombs will be set off, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.”
I don’t believe it.
And it doesn’t even matter, because you have to call that bluff regardless.
It’s better to be dead than live under the tyranny of these monsters.
Even if they had the dirty bombs, getting them in place and setting them off wouldn’t be a simple thing, some would likely fail, and a relatively small percentage of the population would die.
Then it would be all out war against every globalist and deep state slimeball on the planet, using every available resource of the United States military, until every last one of them is dead.
Old Testament style retribution, with the absolute moral authority to wipe them out.
Eradicate them from the face of the earth.
So take your best shot.
Then it’s our turn.
The Trump campaign was banned by their email service provider.
Apart from the stolen election, this persecution of Pres. Trump and his supporters cannot be allowed to stand. The Left found an excuse and latched onto it (the lie that he incited violence) and have gone hog wild to remove him from every avenue of communication with the American people — while he is president. This is unheard of. The real reason they’re doing it makes it imperative that Pres. Trump take action. These people can’t be allowed to take the reins of power. The thing they fear — the exposure of their corruption and treason — must come to pass.
They’re dead men walking.
We are in the ten days of darkness.
Detailed timeline of events
Trump Tweets From POTUS Account, Twitter Then Immediately Deletes It
Tyler Durden’s Photo
FRIDAY, JAN 08, 2021 – 20:01
Update (2100ET): At 8:29pm ET, Trump – having been suspended from his personal twitter account – decided to use the official twitter account of the US president, @POTUS, saying that “Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my accounts from their platform to silence me – and YOU, the 75,000,000 great patriots who voted for me.” Trump then said that “Twitter may be a private company, but without the government’s gift of Section 230 they would not exist for long.”
Trump, who has yet to create his own Parler account, continued: “We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future.”
“We will not be SILENCED! Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely” the president boomed.
He concluded with an all caps “STAY TUNED!”

Just moments later, twitter deleted all of the above tweets from the @POTUS account. The last remaining tweet on that account which at 33.4 million has a little over a third of Trump’s original 88 million followers, is from December 23.
The deletion was followed by a tweet from none other than Trump’s nemesis, Hillary Clinton, who gloated that Trump’s account has indeed been deleted as she urged him to do just before she lost the 2016 election to him.
Shortly after, Trump also tweeted using his campaign, @TeamTrump account. Literally 10 seconds later the account was suspended.
The deletion was confirmed by the TeamTrump social media director:
According to VOA reporter Steve Herman, a twitter spokesperson said that “As we’ve said, using another account to try to evade a suspension is against our rules. We’ve permanently suspended the @TeamTrump account.”
There was more: just before 10pm, Trump campaign digital director Gary Coby tweeted Dan Scavino to use his account for Trump… and was suspended moments later:
Trump’s son, Donald Jr., – whose twitter account has surprisingly not been banned yet – tweeted “Free Speech Is Under Attack! Censorship is happening like NEVER before! Don’t let them silence us. Sign up at DONJR.COM to stay connected!”
The night is not over yet, and as the great purge continues, nobody knows how many more voices will be silenced.
And while we wait, it appears that America’s most popular talk show host in history, terminal cancer patient and close friend of Donald Trump, did what so many others will do in the coming days, and nuked his own account.

* * *
Update (2000ET): As the purge accelerates, color us not so completely stunned that Google has just suspended Parler from its Play Store:
President Trump’s son, Don Jr, summed things up quite succinctly:
“Red Wedding” anyone?
* * *
. . . MORE . . .
I enjoyed watching the Red Dinner more.
Good discussion‘A Greater Revival Will Come to This Nation’—Interview With Pastor Brian Gibson | JOSHUA PHILIPP Crossroads
Thanks Steve, great coverage. Your account of the Obelisque (sp), reminded me of some friends from Cal. on a ski vacation in Switzerland. Aboard a horse drawn winter sleigh, they rounded the corner onto the main street and voila. Directly in front of them, at the end of the street was the Matterhorn. The wife was shocked and said, “Oh look, just like Disneyland.”
So much now is life imitating art.
US Grace Force video with Fr. Heilman, Fr. Altman( who was a successful lawyer before he became a priest) and Doug Barry.
Title: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God
From: We Are the News
Says Pelosi called General Mark Milly. Special ops mixed in with antifa and got Pelosi’s laptop so she’s terrified and needs POTUS out now – (We) Are The News
Retired General McInerney: Says they have Pelosi’s laptop and she is afraid as hell, because this proves her treason.
Post 12419203 1 hour ago • View on 8kunSays Pelosi called General Mark Milly. Special ops mixed in with antifa and got Pelosi’s laptop so she’s terrified and needs POTUS out now
can anyone grab this short video?
[video src="" /]
Oh my…thanks for posting this, Eilert!
Wow, check this out – awesome new account on Twatter everyone should follow!

I love burner #s
Here’s my 2nd “toot” at QuodVerum
Valerie Curren
I just watched this on twitter
Ann Vandersteel is asking us to all get this on ALL social media so it gets to POTUS–he needs to:
Declassify Hammer & Scorecard
Remove gag order on Dennis Montgomery, who built H & S for John Brennan
General McInerney said James Comey sold H & S to the Chinese for lots of money to interfere in US elections
Patrick Byrne said Seth Rich’s file server on Pelosi’s laptop which good guys secured during incursion on the Capitol
God Bless!
Sorry guys, I don’t know how to share those “toots” more directly yet.
Man, what is it with these Democrats?
Doesn’t a single one of them know how to secure a dang laptop?
The real problem is that they all leave them open “because all their friends have worse.”
They have people for that !
Wasn’t it Killary that had her maid doing something with her computer?
Worse, she had her maid go into the frickin’ SCIF in her home and take faxes off the super secret fax machine. Gave her the access codes and everything. I still can’t get over that.
lol..thanks I knew it was something so queen hilly-esque. Bet Nanshy is very much like that. No need for her to worry about her secret shit on the computer her flunky aides are supposed to fetch n carry
AND her maid was a FOREIGN NATIONAL!! (Latin American or Mexican I think.)
Is that a Bad thing?
Resource for diggers
There’s a twitter thread, who knows how long, including this video re: Pelosi’s laptop
The General

Awesome, thanks!
Kudos, Steve…for going and for being so stealthy about it!
Thanks for sharing your pictures…looking forward to seeing any more of them that you decide to post, too.
Continuing process. Keep checking back.
Thanks. Will do!

They’ll go into the main post, not into new places.
Cool. Gotcha.

Will keep checking.
My HS French that Vladdy said the West is controlled by Satanic Pedophiles!
Because this is in French it might survive the early chicom purges…
Vladimir Poutine: « L’Occident est contrôlé par des pédophiles sataniques »Publication le January 22, 2019
Boubaker B.Follow
chief operating officer (COO), chez ACRES ENTREPRISE
Le président russe Vladimir Poutine s’est prononcé contre l’épidémie des réseaux de pédophile qui ont pris le contrôle des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et d’autres nations Occidentales.
Malgré sa convergence récente et fructueuse avec le Président Trump, il maintient l’idée d’origine que la culture occidentale est manipulée par « des pédophiles Sataniques ». Avant sa réunion récente avec Donald Trump au dernier sommet du G20 à Hambourg, Poutine avait publié un avertissement annonçant que si les réseaux de pédophiles élitistes n’étaient pas exposés, alors il « commencerait à sortir des noms et faire des listes ».
Bien que la réunion historique ait été considérée par les deux parties comme un succès, avec des résolutions prometteuses sur le conflit syrien et les allégations de piratage informatique, la position de Poutine en matière d’élites perpétuant des abus sur mineurs est la suivante:
“L’Europe et l’Occident prospèrent grâce à une culture tolérante vis-à-vis de la pédophilie et du satanisme.”
Partageant ses prognostiques après sa réunion avec M. Trump, Poutine a dit qu’ils avaient créé les conditions d’une nouvelle ère de coopération décrivant leur conversation comme “une percée” et “un énorme pas en avant dans le combat contre l’ordre mondial pédophile satanique actuel.”
Le président Poutine a mis en évidence le satanisme et la pédophilie comme un des principaux défis contemporain faisant face au la Russie. Dans un discours limpide au Club de Discussion International Valdai, Poutine a décrit « la normalisation de pédophilie » comme un signe clair « de la dégradation morale rampante de l’Europe et de l’Occident ».
outine a également noté que “les partisans d’un libéralisme extrême, de style occidental,”oubliaient le fait que les escarmouches militaro-politiques et les conditions sociales générales empirent et qu’une grande partie du monde est en train d’oublier les valeurs essentielles en matière d’éthique et de décence humaines.
Se concentrant sur les défis proposés à la Russie dans un contexte international tant en matière de politique étrangère que sur le plan de la valeur morale, Poutine a dénoncé le satanisme dont il sait que c’est la cause du pourrissement interne des Etats-Unis d’Amérique : “Nous constatons que beaucoup de pays Euro-atlantiques rejettent en réalité leurs racines, y compris les valeurs Chrétiennes qui constituent la base de civilisation Occidentale. Ils nient les principes moraux et toutes les identités traditionnelles : nationales, culturelles, religieuses et même sexuelles. Ils mettent en œuvre des politiques qui mettent sur le même plan de grandes familles avec des partenariats de même sexe, la croyance en Dieu avec la croyance en Satan.”
GFM rapporte : Ceci est un commentaire stupéfiant venant d’un leader mondial alors que les occidentaux et les Européens en particulier sont habitués à une combinaison de propagandes simplistes, de rhétoriques politique bien lisses et de discours bateaux -« le directeur parle »- qui ne révèlent typiquement rien, mais occultent la réalité selon l’agenda.
Ne s’y laissant pas prendre Poutine ajoute: « Les excès de justesse politique ont atteint le point où les gens parlent sérieusement de promouvoir des partis politiques dont le but est de légaliser la pédophilie. » Un autre abus qui devrait résonner dans les esprits engourdis des Européens « progressistes » et des occidentaux blindés de fluor.
Combien d’autres leaders mondiaux se sont prononcés contre cette normalisation insidieuse de la pédophilie de plus en plus répandue ? Obama a-t-il ordonné des arrestations massives de pédophiles ? Les deux Clinton en ont-ils parlé ? Bush a fait ou dit quoi qui soit significatif sur l’épidémie de pédophilie? (Non. Avez-vous considéré qu’ils pourraient être trop lourdement investis dans l’omerta?)
Poutine applaudirait sans aucun doute les efforts du Président Trump dans l’organisation de l’arrestation d’environ 1,500 pédophiles sur le sol américain quelques semaines après son arrivée à la Maison Blanche. Où étaient « les progressistes » et « les libéraux » quand cela s’est effectivement produit ?
Fin 2012 (Obama était toujours en fonction), Poutine a en réalité passé une accord controversé avec le soutien empathique de la Douma pour interdire aux parents adoptifs américains d’adopter des enfants russes dans le but d’en protéger un maximum. L’interdiction d’adopter des orphelins du fait que personne ne s’inquiète pour eux, et que l’on ne peut techniquement parlant pas kidnapper un orphelin, ce qui est une tactique de pédophile avérée. L’Amérique adopte plus d’enfants russes annuellement qu’une autre nation.
Poutine a expliqué que « le pays ne sera pas responsable » des abus d’enfants russes par des pédophiles américains. Le Premier ministre russe a réitéré que l’interdiction demeurera jusqu’à ce que le Président Trump s’occupe de l’épidémie de trafic sexuel et tienne sa promesse « de drainer le marais » pédophile des élites à Washington D.C.
Il apparaît fort probable qu’un réseau de pédophiles d’élite à Washington D.C. utilisent l’adoption pour importer des enfants et les condamner au trafic d’êtres humains infantiles – ce qui n’étonne personne considérant la saturation de pédophiles dans les rouages politiques de l’Amérique. Il ne fait aucun doute que ces dirigeants veulent des migrants dociles qui leur doivent tout pour pour laisser libre court à leurs désirs démoniaques avec des personnes plus que fragiles.
Evoquant la crise de morale qui empire, Poutine a critiqué l’érosion de la religion traditionnelle ainsi que de de ses fondations morales et a noté la dérision implicite « du multiculturalisme » dont les effets insidieux sont passé sous silence: « Les gens dans beaucoup de pays européens sont embarrassés ou ont peur de parler de leurs affiliations religieuses. Les vacances sont supprimées ou même nommées différemment; leur essence est cachée, comme l’est leur fondation morale.
Les gens essayent agressivement d’exporter ce modèle dans le monde entier. Je suis convaincu que ceci ouvre un chemin direct à la décadence et au primitivisme, aboutissant à une crise démographique et morale profonde. »
« L’ours russe » a explicitement critiqué les formes contemporaines « de multiculturalisme », le qualifiant « à bien des égards de modèle transplanté, artificiel … basé en paiement du passé colonial. »
Il est méconnu que la marque inventée et obligatoire actuelle « de multiculturalisme » rabâchée à tant d’entre vous fait partie de la conception des progressistes ayant pour but d’accomplir la domination totale (renversant délibérément l’intégrité culturelle nationale des pays occidentaux et de leurs identités – le multiculturalisme est comme une sorte de cheval de Troie).
Tout aussi méconnue dans le discours de Poutine figurait une large allusion doublée d’une critique caustique du Nouvel Ordre Mondial a.k.a., un ordre du jour gouvernemental mondial, dont le prix est l’esclavage mondial, comme Poutine lui-même explique:
« Nous voyons des tentatives de ranimer d’une façon ou d’une autre un modèle normalisé de monde Unipolaire, troubler les institutions de droit international et la souveraineté nationale. Un monde à ce point unipolaire et normalisé n’exige pas d’états souverains; il exige des vassaux. Dans un sens historique cela s’élève à un rejet de sa propre identité, de la diversité donnée par Dieu au monde. »
Il est évident qu’avec la sortie d’Obama du Bureau ovale et qu’avec l’arrivée de Trump, la Russie et l’Amérique ont désormais bien plus en commun que les événements récents. Sans ce changement, nous n’aurions jamais pu nous attendre à une telle opposition (américano-russe) mutuelle manifeste aux réseaux de pédophile occultes opérant partout dans la politique occidentale et les sociétés secrètes en général.
Peut-être verrons-nous après tout le réseau « d’élite » de pédophiles et de satanistes recevoir ce qu’il mérite de notre vivant.
Via Ûhxnûé.
Yes…Putin has been saying this since about 2014.
The Left loved him until he did that.
They’ve been trying to demonize him ever since.
No wonder Trump Colluded with him then
Heh…well actually he *didn’t*, of course.
If Putin colluded with anyone, it was probably Hillary.
She sold him some of our Uranium on the sly before.
So he knows she’s corrupt and will sell out her own country.
Yes, hence the “wink”…I was just thinking those 2 Alphas were going after Satanic Pedos!!!
Here is an alternate source of the information in English.
Putin: The West is Controlled by Satanic Pedophiles
Thanks, Gail!
Oh Steve, I’m just thrilled you got to go! Awesome! Looking forward to seeing more pics.
Just reload every hour or so.
Explosion in Libya, probably nothing to see here…
While I can still put in my 2 cents (coin for Steve!) in twit world
“This is not available for you”
So much for my coin.
Sorry about that here’s the text
See new Tweets

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
whatever, et tu Brute?
Quote Tweet
· 6h
Lindsey Graham is ‘more determined than ever’ to strip tech companies of legal protections after Twitter bans Trump
See new Tweets
Lindsey Graham is ‘more determined than ever’ to strip tech companies of legal protections after Twitter bans Trump
Lindsey Graham is ‘more determined than ever’ to strip tech companies of legal protections after…
“The Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can’t.”
Lindsey going all free speech protection now–whatever!
Lindsey knows he can’t get it done. All talk. Useless idiot. Hound him into hell.
Maybe having people yelling in his face at the airport caused a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment.
All the private guards in the world won’t save you from a Mussolini Moment if people are angry enough. And remember he lives in TEXAS.
Lindsey Graham lives in Texas?
That would be news to his South Carolina constituents!
Likely more susceptible to the pressure. Needs to keep it on full blast unless and until he gives reason to moderate such..
Yes his convenient on again off again “conservatism”…gag
If he couldn’t do it last week before the staged/faux trashing of Trump’s reputation by Wednesday’s festivities, what makes him think we’re stupid enough to believe him when he claims he’s going to do it now?
(Yeah, I apologize for the multilayered structure of that sentence.)
I’m too sleep deprived to quibble…
Not a quibble, an agreement with what I was replying to.
Are you quibbling w/ my (mis) characterization of the quibble (please insert helpful Star Trek or similar Sci Fi quote here that I cannot currently conjure)
OK, I’m in the notifier and I’m lost at this point.
Sweet twinzies!
The Qurouble with Quibbles?
Epic sure looks like Q-rabble to me!!! LOL
Anyhow, I have no doubt you need sleep, though I doubt you need *beauty* sleep.
Go get some rest!!
Thanks Steve. I always enjoy “talking” w/ you. God Bless! I’m glad you’re back safely from your adventures into hostile territory, even if surrounded by allies!
Same with Pence. Useful one day, useless the next. They’re like marsh grass in the swamp on a windy day and what they wish is for you to see the wind is blowing your way.
Excellent description. Billy Graham in a Christian rock song, forget which one, “I’ve never seen the wind, I’ve seen the effects of the wind, but I’ve never seen the wind!”
I put the texts of the tweets on the page
Love the new pictures that have been added.
Very nice and the one of POTUS is so surprisingly good with all the obstacles to capture it.!
No clue but these might be a representation of various fractionings of the US body politic. My husband said some of his bible prophecy people were talking succession…
Unionist Party
conservative Bret stephens @CNN
Quote Tweet
New York Times Opinion
· 26m
“Ban him forever from office now. Let every American know that, in the age of Trump, there are some things that can never be allowed to stand, most of all Trump himself,” wrote Bret Stephens.
Here’s how that guys twitter profile looks…
Unionist Party
Party for Moderate Liberal Democrats. Love of the Union (Country) . ALABAMA
850 Following
I wanted to show the avater for the example of splitting the US, sorry you’ll see the tweet stream probably now too…
Dividing up the USA is NOT THE ANSWER!
Photojournalist for The Asahi Shimbun, Japanese publication, that’s the gal with the cameras.
UNITY: Joe Biden compares Southern Baptist Sen. Ted Cruz to a Nazi
Published on : January 8, 2021 Published by : Capstone Report
President-elect Joe Biden is healing the nation and he took a step toward that goal in a press conference Friday where the president-elect compared Texas Senator Ted Cruz to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebels. Sen. Cruz is a Southern Baptist and is a member of First Baptist Church of Houston, Texas.
According to the Dallas Morning News, Biden compared Cruz to the Nazi propaganda minister. The newspaper reported, “In extraordinarily sharp remarks Friday, President-elect Joe Biden compared Sen. Ted Cruz to Hitler’s propaganda master in the way he peddled Donald Trump’s ‘big lie’ about election fraud, though Biden stopped short of blaming Cruz for the riot by a pro-Trump mob at the Capitol as many Texas Democrats have done.”
At least he “stopped short of blaming Cruz for the riot.” How very generous of the president-elect. This is certainly a real example of healing in America.
And Biden’s attack against Cruz was directed at one of the highest elected Southern Baptists in America.
According to Baptist News Global, Cruz “attended Second Baptist High School in Houston as a teenager and went to high school at the Second Baptist School. After returning to Houston in 2008, Cruz and his wife, Heidi, began attending First Baptist Church.”
Will Southern Baptists leaders defend Ted Cruz?
Will lifelong Democrat Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) stand up against this abusive attack on a fellow Southern Baptist?
Or will he silently approve of it? We all remember how quick he rebuked President Donald Trump over mean tweets. How can we forget he demanded President Trump resign?
Watch Big Evangelicalism (Big Eva). The Big Eva celebrities’ reaction will mirror the culture.
And right now, the culture is at war with everything conservative.
Sen. Cruz and others like Sen. Josh Hawley and Sen. Tommy Tuberville are under attack for exercising their constitutional prerogative to challenge Electoral College votes. The senators an/ or their constituents believed there was good reason to suspect voter fraud occurred in certain battleground states. They had every right to object. Democrats have objected in the past.
However, now these Republicans are being targeted.
What is next? Will Woke Elites deny people access to lawyers?
Oh wait, they have already tried that.
Liberty in America is dying.
If you are a conservative, then dark days are ahead. If Joe Biden thinks Ted Cruz is like a Nazi and gets away with saying it out loud, who will he demonize next?
Southern Baptists must unite around our brother Ted Cruz. There is no place in America for this type of rhetoric.
Joe Biden owes Sen. Cruz and all of America an apology.
It’s almost as if these people have a death wish, and they don’t believe anyone will grant it to them, so they’re doing everything they can think of to make all of humanity hate them utterly… I’ve just never seen anything quite like it… most people, in at least some sense, want to be liked, or at least not detested… but not these people, it’s as if they want to share top billing with Hitler…
It’s SO over-the-top it’s like watching a 1980s or 1990s action thriller… like they’re trying to be the bad guy in Die Hard… or Goldfinger… or Lex Luthor… it’s so over the top that it’s almost self-parody… they’re caricatures of comic book bad guys… like they’re in a contest to see who can say the most outrageously hateful thing about Americans, and do it with the most sincerity.
Just incredible!
It IS isn’t it?
I am having the same reaction you are. I am incredulous. WHAT are they thinking? Is this the end result of four years of TDS? It’s pathological.
And the Repukes that are going along with it. Are they INSANE? Suicidal?
Either they legitimately think they have won to the extent that we Deplorables have no power at all, OR they are thrashing wildly around because their end is near and they have nothing left to try.
Knowing that Trump and family are in this instance the Romanovs, I know which scenario I believe.
Red-pilled former lefty Judith Rose is still standing!
for now
That is freaking perfection!
We keep praying for God to save some people from the other side to give us the inside scoop, like Abby Hoffman w/ abortion clinics & here JR that can totally connect to people who’d never give most of us here the time of day!
Mike Lindell is still standing too
James Woods returned
James Woods
Difficult to remember this now, but once upon a time Twitter was actually fun.
Creole Boy Retweeted

Edward Rami
To everyone who ever called Trump a dictator — a dictator can’t be censored.
The one doing the censoring is the dictator.
I deliberately didn’t dot those twit URLs to see how long this verboten speech stands
Tom Fitton & this other tweeter stand
Tom Fitton
In DC, restricting access to public accommodations based on political affiliation is prohibited under the DC Human Rights Act. Does Section 230 exempt @Twitter
from this and similar laws?
Chesley Dohl Retweeted

Who gave Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg more power than the President of the United States?
Think about it. If they can do it to a President, imagine what Big Tech has in line for you. From spying on you to selling your info.
Big Tech out of control!
These remarks are from 5 or 6 hours ago…usually stuff is from minutes to less than an hour ago & coming in fast…
We all know that leftists decide which laws apply to who and under what circumstances . . . including no circumstances at all.
mostly the latter…
Leftists must LOVE standards. They have at least two of them, after all.
& here I thought they kinda had None! Who could Seriously consider BIDEN a legit POTUS option nowadays. Pathetic!
1984 on hyperdrive
Sean Davis
Twitter won’t let you hashtag #1984 , a dystopian novel about an evil Big Tech government that spies on everyone, censors and manipulates speech, punishes wrong-thought, and tortures dissidents for sport.
There’s Orwellian, and then there’s banning references to Orwell Orwellian.
I know that I posted this on the previous page…but again…another post card from Dystopia…
Love it, Harry!
Thank you!
Hope you don’t mind…I posted this on Gab and Parler.
That’s epic–thanks!
I just put this on Twitter. Maybe this one will get me kicked off. I’m trying hard.
Looks like Wayne Allen Root is starting a thread…
These voices still on twitter
All of those are chillingly true ^^^^^……
“It’s become disappointingly clear that Ted Cruz is a total fraud – I guess he thinks going in front of the cameras and calling Trump supporters, terrorists, is good for his career. Words can’t express how done I am with the Republican Party- FOREVER!”
Did beloved Teddy really do that?
It’s just so out of character for a great Canadian like Ted Cruz!!!
Whoops, meant to post that under Valerie’s post
Who went down to the border to hand out Teddy Bears to illegals as a photo op with Glen Beck.
Yes we’re in that surrealistic nightmare & just can’t seem to wake up yet!
Actually, they just announced that they demand to be broken up so badly that they’re foregoing the normal DoJ lawsuit route and going straight to being carved up into independent pieces by the military

Exactly. And let me tell you – there are more than enough retired, fired, laid-off, outsourced, unemployed, marginalized, and “hate their woke bosses” tech normies out there to run all these companies much more efficiently than they are being run right now.
Alas, many of them are white males and females, but – OMG – they’re like a majority group or something anyway – what a mathematical coinkydink!
Of course, one might need to ship a few thousand Chi-Spies back home, but – well, too bad.
I’m sure that for that job, an adequately leaky boat can be found.
I didn’t hate my woke bosses, lol.
How about loathe and despise?
I’ve been trying to delete my private Instagram account. They don’t want you to leave. Had to reset password, which the Delete Page refuses to recognize now.
They make you sign in on a browser to delete. I screenshotted the procedure for anyone who is interested.
If you want to save your content you have to request to do so and it can take up to two days.
LOL! & donating all their proceeds to charity, ones for victims of sex trafficking & satanic ritualistic cults & paradise porno islands for the elite!
NO! Straight to the Treasury to lower our national debt!
I was referencing how they fund projects to appear to help their victims but end up victimizing even more people! Agree w/ your idea!!!
“NO! Straight to the Treasury to lower our national debt!”
That debt belongs to the criminal Congress and the Federal Reserve.
Let them pay it.
The only way the Fed can pay anything is by printing funny money.
The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by private individuals, and they are some of the wealthiest people on the planet.
They have plenty of assets.
And while we’re at it, since Chyna has committed 30+ years of subversive Acts of War against us, we can cancel all the U.S. Treasuries they hold.
They’re all numbered, so have Mnuchin invalidate the numbers. They can’t be traded, sold or anything else, they’re just worthless.
Seize all CCP owned property in the U.S.
Distribute the proceeds to the American People.
We should all be getting at least $5K per month for the rest of our lives — minimum, as a stipend — in compensation for the treason and acts of war perpetratated against our country and our people for the last 30+ years.
Paid in gold-backed currency.
Says it all!
China’s Secret Space Navy???
Michael Salla
Space Force just joined the intelligence community as its 18th member. Its “SF Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Enterprise” will monitor and counteract threats to US GPS system. It has its work cut out with China’s secret space navy:
Space Force stands up new office to support U.S. intelligence community – SpaceNews
The U.S. Space Force on Jan. 8 officially became the 18th member of the U.S. intelligence
They want to blind us. Threats to the GPS system are known. Gen 3 of GPS is being launched in phases now but far from complete.
Just remember NOT to be dependent on your phone or GPS for navigation! I have an ancient tool called a “road atlas” in my vehicle for just this purpose.
I have no phone, though all family members do. & I hate GPS so regularly use, & enjoy, maps
how many generations of warfare are we at w/ China yet?
Dr. Thomas Binder still telling CV truth!
Dr. Thomas Binder, MD (Parler: @ThomasBinder)
Jan 6
A common beta-corona cold virus has been inflated into a killer virus with P(C)R and must be fought with a pointless, ineffective, harmful, experimental mRNA transfection.
The greater the damage of the roof, the more beautiful the view of the stars!
Quote Tweet
Dr. Thomas Binder, MD (Parler: @ThomasBinder)
· Dec 27, 2020
“In summary: The corona crime is swine flu crime 2.0 and “Corona” mostly is Influenza 2.0: Rebranding.”
The Global Corona Crime Against Humanity: Science Against the Suicidal Death Cult…
Show this thread
Looks like Rudy & Millie Weaver survived round one of the purge
Code of Vets ™
I lost my dad. Let’s hold tight.
Praying for you, sister.
These are patriots that help others so much & likely need our prayers…
For the meme thread potentially

Another, more ominous

Senate in RECESS til Jan 19
It’s Recess Appointment Time–Just in Time!!!
Deconstruction time?
We need do some laughs in this time and age:
Here’s a great Trump “portrait”

Incredibly, Jon McNaughton survived the Great Twitter Purge.
That’s great news! Well maybe they left him up for the trolls to have a place to vent grrr!
Dumped more pictures in the main post.
Right up to but not including when I saw a breach occur.
Hope this is accurate…it “feels” right…

As far as I know this is accurate.
Though everything after the first three, I suppose, COULD have had some Rs involved.
R’s are only slightly above D’s now. At least the abolitionist history of R’s is still honorable
Attn Miss Duchess
They are off Twitler now…
He’s on Parler, too.
Thanks, Wheatie!!! On the ball – as usual – God Bless You Real Good!!!
You’re very welcome, Duchess.
Thanks, CM!!! You are a PEACH!!! God Bless You Real Good!!!
You’re welcome ma’am!
Found this on Ben’s GAB
red china springs to mind
That’s a good one!
Don’t look now, but if we’re all supposed to be demoralized after the events of the last two days, umm…
I don’t think it’s working…
Demoralized? Or angry enough to eat nails for breakfast and spit bullets all day long.
who not to do business, they’re lining up to prove how anti-American (no free speech nor equal protections) they can be–revolting!
We use firefox …
What do you all recommend instead?
We used opera at one point….???
I use it too with duckduckgo. I tried Brave before, but didn’t get used to it. May funally give dissenter a shot.
that is our combo, currently
Brave is working very well for me. On a linux machine you can also use spin-offs such as Falkon.
thanks. will share with H for his opinion as I am not the tech in our home … at all
Yes, I have Brave on a linux machine (Ubuntu) and am very happy with it.
Brave. If you’ve ever used Chrome, it has a similar feel, plus it’s compatible with Chrome extensions/add-ons.
thanks. will share with H for his opinion as I am not the tech in our home … at all
We’re gonna have to get MAGA approved/recommended lists of things soon
If you like FireFox and don’t want to leave it there are a few browsers built on the same codebase.
Waterfox Classic
Pale Moon
Highly recommends Vivaldi. Lighter and still has marvelous tools built into the browser.
Vivaldi and Brave are good browsers – major difference of course being based on Chromium rather than Mozilla
When I first looked at Brave found it too bare bones. Has no idea if it’s improved. Meanwhile same time I looked at Brave I jumped at Vivaldi. Finds things I don’t find on the big browsers. Split screens, it’s own notes., totally configurable to what view you wish, and so much more while staying light.
This video is being scrubbed from Farcebook, Twatter and Googtube.
Found on Parler:
[video src="" /]
It can be found in other places still. We listened to it earlier.
Glad you posted it. I don’t post things online thus my question to Wolf re Gab.
This is not the 52 minute audio (only) that was posted a few days ago. There is NEW critical information in this interview.
CRITICAL POINT: This affidavit was handed to the Congress/Senate on the 6th AT NOON!
THEY KNEW and yet they certified KNOWINGLY the election steal BY FOREIGN ACTORS.
Before that Louie Gohmert and Devin Nunes STAFF were alerted that the information was incoming.
SO the news of that incoming information was probably leaked and ANTIFA was bused in to ‘break-in’ to the session so the [nasty words] had an excuse to F…k over the American voter.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / AP took this ‘DRAMATIC’ photo (from CBS)
The guys with the guns are listed as Capital Police.
Thanks, Gail!
The DC Metro Police *left* the building, *left the area* right before that.
You can see them leaving…en masse…in this video here, starting at the 6:17 mark:
The affidavit being delivered doesn’t mean that all 535 of them knew about it.
In fact a corrupt leadership would conceal its existence to minimize the chances of an attack of conscience.
Please note the lack of finger discipline (which I say is the cause of the female getting shot but not by this guy).
Good catch!
Wolf in what ways do we utilize Gab?
And people can ALWAYS PM me (private message) even if I haven’t added them to the group.
I may have to start a SECOND group, too!
Gab Chat sign in not working a/o the time of this post
I’ve been a member of our Gab group for awhile and have posted at least once. Sent the pm asking for chat invite. Thank you.
I’m trying to get your handle (username, not display name) right now and Gab is totally non-responsive! What is your username? I can do it as soon as it dies down late tonight.
Thank you. I only use pc and Gab has been unavailable all day. Parler I’m having no issues with.
Gab is super-busy and needs servers!!!
Yes. While it sucks it also wakes up more folks who were unaware. I’m sorry people have to go through this, but we were warned repeatedly.
Just making sure you’re “tess” before adding you.
Yes sir, I’m Tess.
You should have an invitation under “Invitations” and also a PM waiting – your first!
Ty sir.
YW, ma’am!
I tried to post in the qtree over there but didn’t make it. ended up on my own “wall” (same terms as other social media? idk…)
Weird thing when I joined the other day … i was auto signed up to follow some specific accounts. I actually had to unfollow initially which I htought was odd
Here’s more polished stuff from Ann Vandersteel & video of the people claiming to Not be antifa that may have been involved in White Hat military operations!
This is the full video on Youtube:
WAR!!! Twitter and Facebook PURGE has Begun! Mike Smith Out Of Shadows! – YouTube
Thanks Eilert!
Thank you for that. I shared it out multiple times on twitter!
According to my mother who listens to Michael Savage’s podcast he says the “shooter” was a member of Pence’s security detail.
It certainly was NOT a regular Cop. They DO NOT WEAR SUITS and white shirts with cuffs.
Oh my, I hadn’t heard that. I’ve also see stuff here & elsewhere that supports the “shooting” being a FF faked & that she’s not really dead…
Ben Carson still up on Twitter and seems to be still with Trump:
Ben is going to learn real fast that you can’t reason like that with these communists.
They’re not actually his intended audience.
Some people you ONLY argue with for the benefit of third parties who you know are listening in.
Great point!
Steve, so glad you could go to D.C. Your pics sound beautiful.
Thank you; it’s going to be interesting as I catch up this morning (five pages already!!!) to see what others think.
Steve, so glad you went and had safe travels. Not surprised you went but delighted for you and that so many regular commenters here were there. I wondered when I didn’t see you post comments and thought to myself, I’ll bet he is there! It seems it was an impactful event for all who went.
Fun to see you pictures and wonder how close so many of us were. I looked at H & son’s pictures and wondered about the rest of the people in them, wondered if any were people I “knew” from online.
Impact you have had on this Southern, conservative girl – China is an A****** is fully ingrained in my mind and pops into my mind when discussing the subject or any and amost every time I witness impacts from Covid19 in our country. I just hope it doesn’t pop out of my mouth at an inopportune time! When I am an old lady and muttering to myself I will bet some of it will be Darn that CCP … China is such an …!
There were a lot of people at the protest wearing anti-CCP T shirts, though oddly I can’t remember the exact phrasing.
As I started to march I saw a couple of people whose clothing proclaimed them to be from Hong Kong. I said to them “Donald Trump Don’t Trust China…” and got smiles for the comment.
H & son (that is starting to sound like some king of a business ha) brought home one of their flyers. Indicitive of who they really are – people who know China don’t trust China.
I do have one green-colored flyer I took from someone during the march.
I’m sure that none of them (assuming they aren’t faking the whole thing for some nefarious reason) have any trouble with what the famous Hong Konger said.
This tweet won’t go through Julie
Valerie Curren
please hate with @TeamTrump
MUST WATCH! @RichardGrenell
Quote Tweet
Valerie Curren
· 2h
Replying to @gotmoxie2 and @JeremyPinkston9
I believe this is General McInerney mentioned in the Ann Vandersteel periscope
But this nearly identical one will…can we learn something by comparing? Julie
Please share with @POTUS
Valerie Curren
He must declassify Hammer & Scorecard. This is huge! @Jim_Jordan
#SaveDemocracy #FightBack
Quote Tweet
Valerie Curren
· 2h
Replying to @gotmoxie2 and @JeremyPinkston9
I believe this is General McInerney mentioned in the Ann Vandersteel periscope
I presented them in the order they appeared in my twit world notifications…
EDIT (in time) She just replied to me
Last and largest set of pictures added!!!
Third chapter is now up on my rally post, covering the prior rally on January 5, at which I saw General Flynn.
3. In The Cold And Rain, We Became The Storm
I was wondering who was uploading all that other media!
Oh, and I just posted the last of my pictures!
I’ll go check ’em out!!!
Now I understand where you were. I almost went that way, but started moving toward the right near the top of the West side incline, where going left would have taken me toward the North side.
I passed almost right by where FG&C was later.
Its fun to realize how close some of us were … but it also makes me a little sad that we have to be so untrusting of online “friends” that we/you all couldn’t have met in person and maybe even have experienced such a great moment in time together. If trouble, been that much stronger together. I know that would be unwise and yet it would also be nice. Wish the world wasn’t in such a state
I will tell a little more about my visit, and that will give people an indication of why we have to avoid the danger of becoming vectors for attacks on each other. In my opinion it is far less about being dangers to each other, and far more about being inadvertent vectors whereby we are both endangered.
You think of things I never would …
Maybe you could post some of your pictures, too, then we could see how close your guys were to the others.
You guys! Having followed some international patriots may be paying off! Especially w/ the major purge in the US. Someone just replied w/ this link…good stuff. I couldn’t get the whole page to translate from French but there could be some good material that isn’t (yet) being as heavily censored…
Hubby, says, that in journalism what was done in this sentence is called “The PACKAGED DEAL” (It is a version of ‘Begging the Question’)
In the truthful statement “Trump condemned the actions of the people who participated in the Capital riots” The Fake New INSERTED the UNTRUTH HIS SUPPORTERS
This is a classic example of HOW the Fake News shapes the thinking of the general public WITHOUT them even realizing it. They incorporate an ugly LIE within the truth and then endlessly repeat it.
Logical Fallacies: Begging the QuestionFallacies of Presumption
Journalists call it that?
It is a standard Objectivst term for one of the fallacies they’ve identified which many others do not (also, e.g., the “stolen concept”)
I may have stumbled on how to post a QV “toot”–please bear with me!
I’m literally hearing this lyric “We’re taking heaven by storm!” as I write this!
I hope you guys on QV will also follow me there (I don’t yet know what I’m doing & am trying to “mop up” at twitter while I still have access) so I’ll follow back ALL Q Peeps soon!
Sadie started some stuff w/ QV here!
I found that Japanese lady photographer!
Yuko KOKO Lanham ランハム裕子 (@yukolanham) • Instagram photos …
Yuko KOKO Lanham ランハム裕子 Photojournalist for The Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞: Japanese national newspaper w/daily circulation of 7 million) in Washington DC.
Space – satellites – Italy. Message ?
Very interesting account. Thanks.
God is Good & He is Blessing us in different ways even in the midst of the storm!!!
If I’m going to go down on Twitter may it be as I proclaim Jesus’ Name unashamed…
When I was finally banned at CTH & had some communications already well received censored, it was because I put overt prayers for Angel Staria & mentioned EagleDriver, at AS’ request, & passed a lighted coded message to Joe Blow. Everything was said & done in Jesus Name & Love but I was cut off & apparently they cut off my autistic son Josiah as some sort of vestigial appendage to me. It was quite sad for we’d had some major prayer support through the CTH prayer pages for a couple years & Treepers who were even directly engaged w/ J in prayer & encouragement.
Only one life will soon be past. Only what is done for Christ will last. To me to live is Christ & to die is Gain! May I/we be able to say, along with Job,
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
I love All of you guys, even those who occasionally torment. That is in My love & with the much Greater Love of the Lord. I pray we will ALL meet someday in Paradise (including some who might be later to the party than others). Blessings! <3
We love you too Miss Valerie. You’re one of our Happy Warriors!
Thanks CM for the kind words. God Bless!
Josiah is an awesome young man too – you should be proud!
Oh I am & quite blessed in his extremely unique quirkiness. His pure heart before God (he’s incapable of wearing a mask) is shattering & humbling & inspiriting! meant “inspiring” but inSpirit (Holy Spirit) ing is good too
And ironically, the word “spirit” originally derives from “breath,” so if he can’t wear a mask…
& God breathed into them the Breath of Life & Man became a living soul.
I also love how CS Lewis would have the (Christ figure) Lion Aslan breath on people. He could really capture A Lot with few words! in the Chronicles of Narnia
I think many of those Hebrew names, like Josi-ah have the -ah (or similar) as indicative of God’s presence/life/breath. Like for Josiah’s name one of the meanings is “God will heal & protect”. That -ah is, I believe, representative of the breath of God, whereas the -el, like our oldest Nathani-el, whose name means “Gift of God” has the -el more for the Lordship of God…
That’s off the top of my head so probably loosely “correct”, but knowing you you’ll be able to nudge those explanations closer to the narrow path of truth & accuracy–ironically!
I really need to sleep since I’m getting loopy for the -el reminds me of my grandpa’s given names Elzine Munger, a mouthful he hated so he went by EM, El, Al, or even Lefty. I believe that he was named after his maternal grandfather Leroy Zolvin Munger, who went by LZ Munger & Elzine sounds A Lot like LZ. Of course that’s all completely speculative on my part but my genealogical excursions into family history have lead me to that supposition or perhaps insight
leaving as is so please forgive my errors above, thanks
Go get your darn sleep!!
LOL brushing teeth now
Can you give me the email address that sent your QuodVerum confirmation mail. My email service is eating it before I can see it (not in spam folder) Want to whitelist their sending email.
Mastodon: Confirmation instructions for
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You have created an account on with this email address. You are one click away from activating it. If this wasn’t you, please ignore this email.
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Please also check out the rules of the instance and our terms of service.
Mastodon hosted on
Change e-mail preferences
Hope this helps
I was able to guess enough to get it whitelisted.
Great. I only just saw your message minutes ago…Please follow me there if you figure out how to do so. I’ll be following back all Q Treepers when I figure that process out too
Amy Mek has put together a List of how many times Stacey Abrams and the Leftists have stormed and occupied State Buildings:
…………..From the article:
While Kamala Harris and her radical colleages advertise bail funds for Antifa thugs, and the mainstream media and big tech distort themselves into pretzels justifying violent Black Lives Matter riots, Republicans are bending over backwards to apologize for patriots who entered the Capitol building on Wednesday in their quest to demand an audit of the 2020 presidential election.

……………..End quote.
Much more at link where she goes on to list them.
Guess who’s on Gab now?
Jim Watkins
It’s time!
Warning Warning!
Studio B for the Story behind the story!
Is his son, Ron/CodeMonkeyZ, on Gab too?
I searched using that name, but he didn’t turn up
Yes. Ron @codemonkey on Gab.
Doesn’t Jim Watkins live in the Philipines?
I think he has a farm there.
He came a looong way to be there at the DC Rally!
Yes. THAT is very cool.
But I will also bet it was a business trip of some kind.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 9, 2021
“So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;”
Proverbs 2:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!
Morning, Pat!!! Did you get your ‘Like’ Button fixed?
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels watching over you – Hugs!!!
maybe…still spotty…lol…
HUGS back to you
Normal for you, Pat!!!
* Received and Appreciated *
From GAB!!!

I saw that!
Andrew Torba posted it. Hah!
Love it…it’s perfect, isn’t it.
Yes. And now NORMIES will be convinced of it!
Andrew Torba reposted

It’s happening!
From GAB!!!

Andrew Torba
Gab is performing well, we’ve spun up some additional servers and have more on the way. Special thank you to the Gab devs behind the scenes who are working tirelessly right now. This train has NO BRAKES!
Total picture of POTUS statement

Thanks, Gail!!! You are so helpful – in many ways – God Bless You!!!
my “like” thumb isn’t working or is so painfully slow I’m not seeing it, so please consider this my blanket LIKE you all today!
Mine did that too a little bit ago. Closed window and opened a new one…all okay now. Think content was being added to the site and that may have caused the ripple in the force…
Andrew Torba reposted
Roosh V
Twitter’s banning of Donald Trump was a blessing. Sleepy conservatives have been jolted awake to the severity of authoritarianism that is coming for them, because if the President of the United States isn’t safe, neither are they. The breach of the Capitol building by patriots proved they still possess sufficient strength and willpower. They now have the justification, motivation, and righteous anger to fight back in all ways small and big against the corrupt establishment. Buckle your seat belts and choose your battles wisely. There will be good days and bad days, but those on the side of truth and God will prevail.
Excellent Report, Mr. Steve! Thank you for all your hard work and skill putting this together for us!
No problemo, carry on!
Best image on Gab right now!!!

For those who follow X22 Report. He is banned on Twitter.
This is his Parler account:
@X22ReportOfficial – X22ReportOfficial (
This is Praying Medic on Parler:
@DaveHayes – Praying Medic (
Here is his Gab account…
Andrew Torba
Gab is a digital Noah’s Ark. When we launched Gab in 2016, people called us crazy. They laughed. They mocked us. Then we started growing. Then they tried to destroy us. They tore the ark down, but we built it back up stronger than before. God had a plan.
Gab was made for this moment. The storm has arrived.
Andrew Torba
Gab is cool and all, but wait until you guys see the Gab Phone.
OMG – its REAL!!!
Andrew Torba
I have the beta version of the Gab smartphone in my hand right now. Soon.
Looks like there was a plan why I haven’t gotten a new phone yet.
Verison made me get a new phone (3g ==> 4g)
Yeah, I was thinking the SAME THING. Apple bans Parler, and I tell myself “Never again”. Then Torba just nukes them.
They’ve been working it for years, finally coming to fruition.
There are several. But we can’t really do a roundup in a tiny corner of a wonderful free-range post with 1300 comments.
I’m having trouble with their email support people being so swamped that I forgeot what I wanted by the time they reply with a less than helpful email a day or two later. I really want to like them.
Yeah, they definitely are swamped right now!
And that’s likely to only get worse once more people realize they need that product.
But, you can check out their website for some details (though they tend to assume some LInux knowledge) and there is also a forum you can get to from “support” under their website.
This image has to scare the heck out of somebody.
Andrew Torba reposted
This guy is still fighting – and obviously I have a talent of taking pics of myself at the WORST angles.
Regardless, we worked hard to get a lot done today.
She doesn’t get the respect she deserves. She and Millie Weaver and Bergy.
Yes. Those three carry a LOT of secrets, and they really confirmed so many of my suspicions. ShadowGate was critical knowledge!
Who is that with Rudy?
At her parler, with this same pic, ToRE is stating that Ali Akbar (Stop the Steal) is the main player in the capitol event and that they have all the evidence. Yes, Ali “Alexander” that so many people here were standing up for the other day. Common thug.
He was revealed here as being an Agent Provocateur of the left, and a convicted criminal to boot.
Yes, I was one of those people posting the info.
If true, awesome!
Comms with Pelosi or one of her aides would seal the deal on that.
If true (and why not??) 100% MSM ALL-IN MEDIA BLACKOUT.
They’re already dead men walking, fully committed.
THOSE my friends were STAGED photo ops. PERIOD.
That burning mannone…lolol
Well, THAT would be quick.
but fun to watch
How are you today?
k…just got back from a road trip thru middle PA…lol…need FOOD!
So did Darwin this morning!! He survived reasonably well my being absent, methinks!
sounds like a great trip you had..want to go back and see if you posted more pictures!
Not since early in the AM.
If you saw the pictures of Trump international, those are the last ones.
forgot…GREAT to hear about Darwin!!!
give him a cuddle for me!
If you concentrated on the head, its thought organs, and its communicable arms, it certainly would be, unfortunately conservative thought leaders tend to totally denounce violence.
An excellent post, Steve. If I could have given it more than 5 stars, I would have.
Your photos are out of this world. Many thanks also for your commentary on Pence.
Pence: Can’t see him as the “final backstab” others are imagining him as, for those reasons.
I don’t know. General Tom McInerney does not view Pence favourably.
I’d trust the General over the VP.
The General spoke to a small group of patriots at the Willard Hotel after January 6’s events. He had a lot to say, and only a small portion had to do with Pence. The main part had to do with the run up to the 2020 election in Europe:
I would be interested in your take after listening to his insights.
Thanks for all the great pics Steve. Wife and I had lunch at the Trump Hotel a few years ago when she renewed her Philippine passport. Like the Kekistan flag too. I have a similar morale patch on my “go bag” right along side my “Meme War Veteran” and “Deplorable” patches.
Tell your wife I said she looks absolutely deplorable.
Or you can do so on your own behalf if that would maximize domestic tranquility.
Just did a quick scan of Wikipoo re: the show, and it appears that Ginger refused to do any of the reunion movies (apparently she felt the show had killled her career as a “serious” actress), but did show up for a cast reunion.
Wow Steve those pictures are superb! Thanks for sharing.
It is dangerous when various voices stir up the dander and testosterone of young and middle aged conservative patriot guys talking 1776 and Revolution!
Without honesty, integrity, peace and good will, no reformation can take place.
We have a perfectly good Constitution, a strong set of values, freedoms and traditions – we just need good people in place in elected offices, on court benches to support and defend our law, order, values – and a strong police and military to enforce them all.
sounds good–I’d vote for you!
But see, GA, we DON’T. The Constitution is being SHREDED more and more EACH day, wait till the usurpers get in. Trump JUST proved it to us ALL, were you ASLEEP? We literally CANNOT count on Congress. We LITERALLY cannot count on the courts, including SCOTUS, we will LITERALLY not be able to count on the Executive branch after Jan 20th. Our votes can LITERALLY be STOLEN by the MILLIONS, and we cannot WIN. Our local officials, politicians, and Mayors and Governors are STILL oppressing most of us via Covid mandates, so we CANNOT count on them.
ALL we HAVE LEFT is US, and, trust me, they have SHOWN us, if you were paying attention, PEACEFUL, does NOT influence them ONE BIT.
Revolution will be the ONLY way IF Trump continues to let this go. Speeches are fine, laws too, the Constitution as well, but ALL meaningless to those evil that are USURPING power. The rule of law, decorum, civility mean NOTHING to them. They PROVED it already. I WATCHED my city BURN, and good men did NOTHING but token condemnations. WORDS mean NOTHING. I am afraid that ACTION is all that is left.
Chamberlain in England had WORDS, and Hitler wiped his ASS on that “agreement” while Chamberlain kept APPEASING. ONLY WE and Churchill, by ACTION, ended the EVIL.
WORDS come AFTER the action. The time for TALK, is OVER.
ProgRex – I’m too sleep deprived to respond right now – but I believe we need restoration of our great system, maybe an overthrow of those who have taken/usurped/defiled it.
EXACTLY. Ga, this FRAUD can NOT stand. The Tree of LIBERTY MUIST be refreshed with the blood of patriots and TYRANTS from time to time. As Reagan said, Freedom is NOT FREE. It is never more than one or two generations away from extinction. It MUIST be FOUGHT for. WORDS wit these people, wit so much EVIL and NO compunction for MORALS, laws, rules, or what is right, MUST be STOPPED, stopped NOW, HERE and NO further.
My father FOUGHT for this country, it NEARLY killed him MANY times. He FOUGHTT evil, and did NOT capitulate.
ACTIONS speak LOUDER than WORDS. ALL these EVIL people understand is FORCE. We MUST show them. IF Trump fails, it is LITERALLY JUST us vs THEM. WORDS will NOT save us.
Yep – I agree we need action – these people enforcement, prosecution and punishment for their treason/treachery!!!
so dangerous and scary–enough to impeach POTUS…but they’re letting the scary protestors go without charging them?
Only the privileged criminals of BLM/Antifa.
He was at the scene of the shooting with his camera.
Next to the guy in the light blue giants hoodie. See video at rudy’s common sense. Can’t see mister blm in the video, but he shows up in stills.
Looking for a good browser that isnt microsoft or mozilla….
Any suggestions?
sorry, i use firefox
I switched to that last month but sounds like Mozilla is going fascistic (I know they always were) like the rest
when they kick me off they do I guess…
they all are to some extent…and i am not tech savvy like some here to bypass this or that…
All have blockers and built in Social Media blockers, especially Dissenter.
All are chromium based.
Thanks, I’ll give dissenter a try
Dissenter works great for me.
I switched from Firefox to Opera a year and a half ago. I like it, except it doesn’t work well here. I have to used MS Edge to access The Q Tree.
I looked at Opera but found out it was CCP owned
PHC was the one who got me to switch. He knew the guy that developed it. I questioned him about it being sold to the CCP and he gave me an explanation as to why Opera was still safe but I don’t remember the explanation……..

Vivaldi, light and packed with built in tools with excellent support.
There’s a lot to be said for just running firefox in a separate virtual machine or docker container. That way, you can load up things like “system type: Forstbort Linux 6.2”, “location: Tycho Under, Luna”, and “last page visited:” for the data miners to choke on.
I’m not giving completely up on him yet. Maybe he’s another Sessions of politics.
Still hoping he’s doing a role play for PDJT right now.
I’ll join you on the fence. Not quite ready to definitively call him a traitor.
Now the Congress critters, OTOH…..
Pretty much where I’m at (I wrote about it in the main post, if you missed it).
Yep. Saw that part regarding Pence and you brought up some good points.
Also, thanks for sharing the pics of the rally!
great pictures Steve!
by the way…
you could make them part of your Saturday thread if you didn’t want to post them all at once…
That’s what I did do.
Here, have some caffeine.
She was likely thrown off because there wasn’t an eagle at the top.
Good point.
And by the way, the TANJ fish wouldn’t have been the one this week.
….and, logically, it could have been a “special report”, from our reporter on the ground, Les Nessman….I mean Steve Nessman….I mean Steve, from CO….
That’s OK, maybe by the time the TANJ fish makes it, Justice will have been served — at which point, it’s “goodbye fish.”
I meant, though didn’t express it very well, as part of your ON GOING Saturday THREADS…
every Saturday post some more…you’ve got hundreds or thousands? I’d love to see them all!
Huge numbers of them are near duplicates, because I’d simply hammer that shutter button repeatedly at times. You got probably a third to a half of the completely unique stuff here.
they’re good!
I like the ones with captions…
I am one of those people who enjoy other people’s vacation pictures and stories…LOL
OMG, you must be the reason the slide projector was invented then. I always thought it was a modern torture device.
as long as there’s bathroom and snack breaks, it’s better than most movies!
oh yeah…for as “angry a mob” as they were apparently in the Capitol–not one statue was overturned or defaced…MOST inside the Capitol were respectful it’s being reported…hmmm…then why exactly the overreacting by congress?
not buying it…they can’t legislate, they can’t function and they certainly can’t act…
It was ALL a LIE by HYPOCRITS in Congress, and the MSM who called REAL riots and REAL anarchists “peaceful protestors”
They set up their plumbing emergency. And the fraud was just whisked away, never to be spoken of again.
so THEY think. I want to remind them ALL. Trump was NOT just keeping THEM from US, he was keeping US from THEM.
So little being said about the two pipe bombs at political HQs, and the photo of the suspect.
Well worth the read:
The Capitol: So Much Suspicious Evidence
just read that…good article!
Is that on YouTube or a competitor?
When they have problems with YouTube – they go to BitChute – it’s safer – many Conservative posters go to BitChute and Rumble – some have set up their own ‘private servers’ on their websites – one can join but, must pay a monthly charge.
The Chinese Communist/fascist/nazi/socialist way.
Probably feel free to help themselves to a kidney, embryo, your bank account/retirement pension too!!!
Lying bastards.
CCP TikTok was DIRECTLY TARGETING YOUTH to radicalize them to join antifa and other organizations.
It was a giant weaponized propaganda system.
Apple Store, Google Play, they were all in on it.
They allowed this to happen.
They knew it was designed to propagandize, recruit, and TRAIN radicalism!!!
They vet every single app (so they say!)
While they block Gab and bully Parler!!!
And this says NOTHING of the SPY CAPABILITIES that CCP embeded in the TikTok app and that Apple+Goog turned a BLIND EYE to
Just ONE example of Apple and Google conspiring against We the People, with CCP, against the United States, to allow foreign interference of an election.
They’ll soon be GONE, with the wind.
“Chinese Company” and “Misinformation Policy”
Something not quite right here. Let me go ponder what that might be.
Some footage from the march…
They Did It for America
Twitter has purged our Butterfly’s account
as well as Linda’s
Going to keeo going. They’re removing biggest and loudest first then eventually all.
You keep on keepin’ on Gil…
New Account – pls follow
IFB All Patriots
Thanks Michael
A number of people on the internet are wondering why Trump called for a rally if he wasn’t planning a big reveal or something. Anyone see this article? Very interesting theory!
President Trump issued a vague call for a rally in order to bait the traitors into planning a false flag. Please read the analysis below…..
Maybe there were several purposes…. Was evacuation of the Capitol to gather evidence another one?
He certainly paid a huge price for this.
However, one sometimes must sacrifice the queen to do a checkmate.
Is Taylor Marshall the same man who writes the Marshall Report?
No, Georgia – Dianne Marshall
Currently it’s a divided government and since the government was taken by deceit the constitution they’ll site seems hollow and not mine.
Isn’t there (2) Constitutions, Para?
Apparently so, the one we understand and the one they make up as they go along.
Exactomundo, Para!!!
My latest for those interested. This is it folks, either the trap is sprung, and it happens, or it was all a lie. There is NO tomorrow folks…NOW, or NEVER.
Definitely BOTTOM to TOP………….. reading now!
TY, HOPE i am right, for if not, we are screwed.
Thank you Rex. I hope you are right too.
Great analysis… thank you for posting, and esp for resolving the matter of order of events!
Highly recommend y’all read…
Good summary and appeal. Done in 30 for “good” is what I want.
As do we ALL, at least the patriots among us!
Excellent. And great catch. That Q-post makes sense in your theory in a way it didn’t before.
PRAYING I am right Aubergine, for if not, America is LOST, and or in for a BAD time of revolution.
A gem, and you ARE right. Just change one phrase – it’s all sizzle and no steak.
Or we wanted to believe the lie what ever it was or is.
No we did NOT want to believe a lie, we wanted our COUNTRY back from people like Obama, NOT worse.
Obama set the stage for worse he is bad.
What if i told you Obama NEVER left.
Was someone under the impression he had? LD
I know he never left. He was the shadow government and the military should have removed him.
It was way too shot through with his embeds for that to have happened.
He spread his poison every where.
Great piece, and the bottom to top, spot on!
Phenomenal Post, Steve!!!
For those of us who could not be there – your pictures are such a Blessing!!!
Thanks so much for giving us the ‘experience’ of being there with you!!!
God Bless You Real Good for your tenacity and perseverance!!!
From gab. Saying the same as everyone else is
One look at Pence that is all to confirm what I think of the man.
Candace Owens Retweeted

Candace Owens
In ONE YEAR, the Left has normalized:
Shutting down businesses
Shutting down churches
Force masking citizens
Censoring private citizens and now, WORLD LEADERS.
· Trump campaign is now blocked from emailing their millions of supporters after being suspended by their email service provider. The suspension comes shortly after President Donald Trump and his campaign were permanently banned from Twitter. The email service, Campaign Monitor, confirmed the suspension…
Okay… I was afraid of this… the commies are blocking email platforms
I think Gab is getting overloaded with new users right now.
It’s running a bit s-l-o-w.
But found these:

these are great!!
Nye County, Nevada GOP Chairman letter to Trump supporters. He is arguing for four more years of Trump.
Sums it all up. But you SHOULD click the link and read the entire thing.
thanks for the recommendation!!
Here’s the latest McInerney video that’s being spoken about. 12 min.
OK, so someone filmed it in landscape, embedded it in portrait mode, then uploaded it to BoobTube so that they could embed it back in landscape.
Someone wasn’t thinking, fortunately McInerny IS thinking.
Oh my, I apologize for not don’t knowing the significance of what you’re saying. I assume it’s more than just cosmetic? I’m curious as to where you think they are. I still have to listen to the whole thing, only got through half.
It’s just how it worked out so that the actual PICTURE of him is this dinky little rectangle; they could have just uploaded it properly and it would have filled the youtube screen.
Those are professional photogs standing there…pre-positioned to record the fake Trump supporters.

I saw quite a number of people who had better photographic gear there than I did. I was a bit surprised; most people just settle for their cell phones.
(I have better gear than I brought, I left it at home because of bulk.)
Oh, for good, decent photo gear says the shutter bug.
My gear wasn’t bad, believe me. It’s probably better than I merit. (And as I said I have stuff near the top end too, it just wasn’t with me.)
But there are probably six or seven levels of gear and what I had with me was probably third level up from the bottom.
I cannot get citizen free press to load.even here at 8 am. Anyone know whats going on there?
Same thing happened to me yesterday, Gil – when it finally loaded – I think I read they were moving to a new server – but, am not sure – however – there is definitely something going on there that is preventing them from communicating with us.
Keep trying – I will – how I finally got in yesterday – but, will not load today, either.
I just went over and it loaded. Maybe the transfer plus all the purge traffic overloaded it.
I think so – I just keep trying yesterday – and it finally loaded – people are searching for answers – in their frustration – too many places are ‘closed for business’ – overloaded for sure.
my bookmarked site doesn’t load so I will try a duck duck go search and if it loads, I’ll create a new bookmark
Mine does not work, either – but, I found – if I keep trying – it eventually loads.
Hmm…yeah, I tried just now and got an Error message.
Fishers of Men – 20210108
No wonder Gab is running slow.
Andrew Torba
13 million visits in 24 hours (and growing!)
Wolf has named Gab as his preferred recipient for charitable donations.
If you appreciate the work that Wolf has done with The QTree in the last two and half years, please consider supporting Gab!

Or well
Alex Plitsas
I was born in January of 1985 so you can imagine my surprise to find myself living in 1984
I made a meme:
No. Purge the GOP of RINOs.
how can anyone pan on taking over, or starting anything, w/o actual, honest elections being restored?
seems to me we have the cart before the horse here.
Or perhaps they were assuming that and moving on to the next step.
Might have to slice through the disinfo in this piece . . .
Twitter banned Trump because he’s not worth $2B to the brand anymore
by Tiana Lowe, Commentary Writer | | January 08, 2021 08:09 PM
. . . Interesting to note here. Buried is what is, presumably, insight into Twatter’s internal operations . . .
Is it true visibility? Or deflection to try to take blame off @Jack? TBD.
I hope Twatter’s stock crashes on Monday!
Juxtapositional POTUS
and this!
I filled in a paper ballot, but it was (mis?)counted electronically.
Is that an “electronic voting machine”? And if so how does Colorado (which ain’t red, but roll with me here) switch to paper ballots, when that’s what we’re already using?
Missouri too.
In fact, all the “recounts” and counting were with paper ballots counted by machines. If it were electronic, what was it they were pulling boxes of, from under the tables after they kicked Republican observers outr?
So when someone says they want to ditch electronic “voting machines” what do they mean? Are they really saying they want to get rid of the counting machines?
Are we prepared for the manpower it would take to hand count every single ballot?
Sorry if I’m repeating anything…Click Farm!
Captain Justin Luo
Replying to @P8R1OT
Look at Biden’s followers.
See new Tweets
RΞ4L ✪
Ever heard of a “Click Farm” before?
No? Hmmm, ok…
RΞ4L ✪
Replying to @P8R1OT
Make sure you search for pictures too.
10:36 AM · Jan 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Bill M
Replying to @P8R1OT
Wow! Kinda goes along with all the propaganda and I’d guess pushing the liberal narrative to more people.
Captain Justin Luo
You can tell when Biden or his team uses Click farms to look popular.
Biden doesn’t have 22 million followers. He has click farms.

slightly more on Biden’s fake popularity–shocked, shocked I say!
James Ross
Replying to @P8R1OT
Notice when you get a troll gang on ur ass and they all sync up? This is them.
A click farm is a form of click fraud, where a large group of low-paid workers are hired to click on paid advertising links for the click fraudster.
getting the word out!
Captain Justin Luo
Finally we are having this discussion about how China can manufacture popularity to make a person or an idea look accepted or popular. I have been sharing this for months about Biden’s followers.

BardsFM, 300 – 20210108
“The Storming of the Capitol”: America’s Reichstag Fire? – OffGuardian (
(Link from – very good replacement of Drudge)
1.9.21: Demonic FORCES fully EXPOSED! We knew it was coming! PRAY!
Hmmm…Trying to clean up my web presence….
logged in on Dissenter, back to my original handle “Sauce”
Cant seem to get Dissenter to see my gravitar avatar
January 9, 2021
The breach of the Capitol was an obvious set-up
By Patricia McCarthy
What happened at the Capitol building on Wednesday obviously was a stratagem to destroy the President’s popularity and support and overshadow the challenges to the Electoral College vote, to my eyes. The building was breached at the beginning of that process and, of course, riveted the media news feeds. Members of Congress were evacuated with hoods over their heads as if they were in grave danger.
As a group of protesters approached the building, a policeman removed the barricade and appeared to invite them in.
That group entered the rotunda peacefully and stayed behind the rope line. Those who observed this noted that there were several instigators embedded among the crowd. They were using bullhorns to agitate and move people. A couple of them set off flash bangs.
We now know that several known Antifa activists were among the agitators. As they broke windows, Trump supporters tried to stop them. But the distraction worked, frightened the pathetically spineless Republicans who were set to challenge the stolen election. They quickly capitulated and Biden was certified. The Republicans, even the ones we thought had grit, got rolled.
There were tragic deaths, about which the leftists who planned this could not care less, any more than they cared about all those who died in the riots they so embraced over the summer.
As the plan was rolled out, the media dutifully began blaming Trump for inciting a riot, an enormous lie. Even the hapless Kelly Loeffler changed her mind about supporting the challenge. Talk about a fair-weather friend! She was a weak candidate. Trump did his best for her and she tossed him aside the minute things got rocky.
We do not need any more weathervane Republicans in Congress. We need more people like Matt Gaetz, Ron Johnson, and Jim Jordan. Even Ted Cruz, who was stepping up to the plate, had caved by the next day and was blaming Trump’s rhetoric for the clash. Et tu, Ted?
Josh Hawley did not stand down and has lost a book contract for his courage. Will his valor hold? Time will tell. But one thing is very clear: Trump supporters, conservatives who love this country as founded, now know exactly who among their elected officials actually strive to represent their constituents and those who behave like craven wimps who want to be welcome in the swamp.
Now we all know just how corrupt the swamp truly is; it is much, much worse than we knew. We can thank President Trump for shining the light on who these people really are; self-interested cowards. They are more concerned about their benevolent acceptance in the swamp than the fact that the 2020 election was the most fraudulent in US history.
Now the nation faces some dark days ahead, as Biden put it. He was talking about the virus, but he virus is the least of our problems with what is to come. The stock market is up because the big corporations are dominated by leftists who know they can manipulate Biden as easily as China can and does. But the economy for the rest of us likely will crash, especially if the blue state lockdowns continue, which they likely will. Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker are wallowing gloriously in their newfound tyrannical power. So what, if thousands of small businesses close, stranding millions of middle-class people in debt and poverty. They do not care. Biden does not care.
Among the ruling class, only Trump cares. That is why they hate him so much. Despite his wealth, he is one of us. They see us as a different species they want nothing to do with, nor should they. We are the worker bees who produce the luxuries they take for granted and to which they believe they are uniquely entitled.
We are on our own. Oh, they will offer a mere six-hundred dollars as they send billions off to other nations and we should accept our lot and be quiet. Watch CNN for five minutes and you will grasp the depth of their loathing for all conservatives. Rick Klein of ABC wants us all purged from society. Soon, we may all be forced to hang a picture of Biden over our beds.
Is there a more venal woman than Nancy Pelosi? She is so terrified of Trump she wants to impeach him before his term is up in eleven days! She wants to make certain he cannot run again. Or is she afraid of something else, perhaps the revelation of more treason among her side of the aisle? Was she in on planning the Capitol chaos? Can we rule it out? She would do anything to hang on to her power and ill-gotten wealth.
One can imagine how offended she and her pals are at the sight of half a million or more Trump supporters in her neighborhood. She, too, defended the summer riots, the looting, the arson, the destruction of statues; “People will do what they do” was her offhand comment when asked about the destruction of historical figures.
There is little doubt in the minds of most watchers of Democrat skullduggery that what happened at the Capitol on Wednesday was a false flag operation as surely as the tragedy in Charlottesville was a set-up and as certainly as the election was stolen. The left learned their Alinsky lessons well; their desired ends justify any and all means. From the moment Trump won in 2016, the left decided he would be dispatched with quickly, but he prevailed despite all their misguided attempts to get rid of him. They became more and more desperate over the last four years and more and more careless. Their election fraud was as blatant and obvious as the Capitol chaos plan. They thought we would all forget how they defended and supported the riots this past year. They still think we are all stupid.
Now Apple, Google and Twitter are collaborating to censor every conservative voice they can. Democrats are thrilled. They seem to have forgotten all about the First Amendment, but then they haven’t liked that pesky Bill of Rights for decades, anyway. China’s CCP is still on Twitter as are the mullahs of Iran; they tweet “death to America.” That’s just fine with Jack Dorsey.
We need new representation in Congress. We need leaders with strength of character that is sorely lacking in that body now.
Jack-boot & chi-com minions & masters fear the Word of God so deleted this…
Chris Stigall
We don’t know what will happen, be we have all we need to prepare. We need not fear. We need not understand to be secure about the future. “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.”
John 14: 15-31 for a “pick me up” today
38 minutes ago
Good morning!
Does the day seem surreal to you? Do you feel the revelation of truth occurring? Does it confuse you as you struggle to ascertain truth from lies? Are you impatient in wanting answers? Do you know who you can trust?
Do you have an intense desire to see justice done?
Change is difficult, painful, & demanding. The greater the change, the greater are all of those emotions.
Our country and our world are undergoing changes. Big changes.
So stay steady at the helm as you navigate through turbulent waters. It will be worth it when you get to the other side.
I believe America’s best days lie ahead for all of us. Keep the faith. Trust God.
Actually, I DO feel something momentous happening, and have faith it will be good.
Also on Parler – LinWood has called for Pence in front of firing squad.
I do not trust Lin Wood any farther than I can spit into a hurricane wind.
He is a disinformation manure spreader…..he has a purpose.
…….He’s the shit in the storm.
….Hes’ blinding them with……….EXCREMENT!
If thumbs down were an option you’d be looking at at.
Here you go

This is a good fight, because I am totally uncertain of where in the heck Mike Pence really is on the scales! Maximum confusion right now!
All will be revealed, but possibly not here!
This makes more sense to me. There is something ‘off’ about LW. There was something weird about him at the Atlanta event with Sidney Powell.
No L Wood is NOT calling to shoot Pence.
He is saying to try him in court/tribunal and then execute him for treason among other things.
IMO this is some of the best kabuki EVER, but I could be wrong about that, which makes it even BETTER kabuki.

That’s REALLY how literal you are in your take on this? So I guess POTUS’ order last fall regarding firing squads means he intends for someone to be shot and is itching to do it. Please.
That was genius provocation of the enemy!
I agree that something is off, but it may be intentionally off. We have – IMHO – been in a psy-op from the beginning of the Q operation. That op has now gone silent and has been replaced with confusion.
Lin Wood is helping the Dems and RINOs become even crazier in their threats against us. This is a TRUMP technique.
Who exactly has been STABILIZED to Trust Trump by various means? Q psy-op followers. That’s a good thing. Yes, these people include a lot of “good people”, but they’re a RISK because they’re the crowd most easily manipulated by the enemy. .mil needed them to TRUST THE PLAN – whatever that plan is. All we know is that the people who back that plan are also backers of IN GOD WE TRUST. To me, that is absolutely all the bona fides I need.
If Lin knows that Pence actually betrayed Trump, or weaseled out on him, due to briefings (directly or through Trump), then I can see him being off the handle as part of the psy-op. That is Trump technique – speak a future truth while it is unbelievable. This is a huge persuasion buyer. But by the same token, if Lin is WRONG and just being a bit of a hothead and a crackpot, that can be very useful as chaff – just let him go and duck behind his tornado. Same reason they use crazy people to pull off things like assassinations. They are an extremely credible diversion. “AND logic” on “he’s nuts” and “it helps” escapes most people on such a tactic.
I am ignoring a HUGE amount of DEFINITE CHAFF right now, and a lot of MAYBE CHAFF is swirling, exactly where THE PLAN wants it, IMO.
Thanks, Wolfie. You are so sweet to try to explain/help me understand what is going on. I’ve got too many issues to handle all this. I need to be quiet, watch and listen.
AMEN! That is a good strategy right now. Stick to the core.
We need PRAYER more than anything. I have been praying for DP and her family, right along with prayers for this Nation.
I will even pray for those who committed crimes! May they be proven innocent of that for which they are innocent, and may they be sentenced justly for the rest.
Good man! We are all so grateful to you.
Thanks, DP
Thinking that there is massive disinformation going on. If it’s confusing to us, it’s also confusing to THEM. I’m just saying.
POTUS said before that he does not telegraph his moves. Four years in and some still don’t get how this man operates.
Ironically, the DS seems to have a little more understanding that POTUS is unpredictable. Look at what they’ve been doing.
The DS public position is that Trump is erratic and unpredictable.
The DS private position is that Trump is cunning and unpredictable.
control/command/space on my MacBook. You don’t get it.
Lin Wood is playing his part. What part that is we will not know until the end of the ‘movie’
Absolutely. If POTUS wanted Lin Wood to shut his trap, at any juncture along the line, it would have happened in a nanosecond.
Check this out, everybody. This was Lin Wood being “paranoid” on January 5. Linda brought it here back on 1/5 in this comment:
January 5, 2021 20:37
This is a disturbing tweet. If already posted, please forgive. I’ve been out all day with some emergency stuff. However, if what Lin Wood says is true, then POTUS knows this. Maybe he has it in his back pocket and will execute it during his speech tomorrow morning.
Enemy is now going back and re-reading stuff like this and the panic is just greater. Lin sounded paranoid then. He sounds CRAFTY now.
And yet, Lin sounds desperate and flaky on Pence. Is Pence good? Is Pence bad? Does Lin want to come out of this “flaky on Pence” if Pence is proven to be a hero – as the price of victory? “I was wrong” is always a payable price for a smaller piece on a hidden hero.
I don’t see that as paranoid…
He predicted what would happen, and it did.
He was crafty to ‘suggest’ POTUS would be unaware…
I tire of Lin Wood being attacked…
It’s the same old “Let’s shoot the Messenger”
In my opinion he has been disclosing.
Fact: Pence, ALONG with most of Congress – CERTIFIED BIDEN. How can he be excused while the others are accused of Treason.
Cognitive Dissonance?
Lin WANTS to be attacked, IMO.
Lifelong Southern Baptist on Russell Moore: “This man does not represent me!”

Conservative Southern Baptists were outraged Friday as lifelong Democrat Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) demanded President Donald Trump resign. However, conservative reaction to liberal Russell Moore was uniform—the Democrat must go! There were over 5,700 comments on Todd Starnes’ story about the deranged Dr. Moore tweet and most were demanding a leadership change in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Pam Lea Hitt said, “I’m withdrawing any support until he is removed from SBC.”
Mike Dorough, a top fan of Todd Starnes, said, “I have BEEN calling on Russell Moore to resign. He does NOT represent the vast majority of southern Baptists.”
Shannon J. Knight said, “The SBC needs new leadership. I believe many on here will agree with me.”
Sharon Leaf said, “Raised a southern Baptist, this man does not represent me. I do not call myself a SB. I’m a born-again Christian. Period.”
David Zimlin said, “More proof of how the Communist have taken over leadership of our religious groups!”
Anna Lee Polk said, “I am Southern Baptist I call on Russell More to resign. He is a liberal.”
Tami Toccoli Werenka said, “Yep Not surprising you have been bought and paid by the deep state to push their agenda.”
Ida Sue Cumbie said, “It’s been a sad day for the Southern Baptist Convention/Organization for many years now!! And this is simply one display of their error.”
Mark Rector said, “It is not the convention that I grew up in anymore! They are falling lockstep with the fake Christian groups like Presbytery USA and leaning ultra left.”
Earl Winter said, “It is Russell Moore who should resign from the Southern Baptist Convention.”
Tony Pierce said, “Moore has needed to resign for a long time. His silence when progressives encouraged the riots and destruction of our cities, only shows his hypocrisy. The SBC needs to remove him…he does not speak for the SBC…he speaks for Russell Moore.”
Paul Wilcoxen said, “He does not speak for all Southern Baptists, especially this one.”
And the comments go on and on by the thousands like this.
SBC Insiders take note: The people in the pews are mad. Push them further and their money will find actual conservative ministries to support.
If Russell Moore does not resign or is not forced out, then you will experience conservative Christians finding other ministries than their local church to support. Our tithes and offerings must no longer be used to support Democrat campaign propaganda. Russell Moore must go!
If it were not for my personal experience for years of knowing otherwise intelligent people holding confused and “brainwashed” ideas, always with close to zero actual knowledge, I would believe that many people were simply malignant infiltrators.
Amen! The ChiComs understand this much better than we do. Soft social attack to brainwash is often far superior to individual targeting, and the best attack is BOTH.
Best cartoon I ever seen!
Stole it!
Thou shalt not steal, Dora – but, you can SHARE!!!
The GOP is also guilty of allowing China to interfere with our elections, economy, and now our loss of freedoms.
Delta kicked people off the plane for having a private conversation supporting President Trump.
They are scared, a good thing.
This is one of those stories that I wish there was something that was being left they were throwing drinks or some other disagreeable conduct…but a conversation???
Will they post the flight conduct rules on their website or the ticket counters & gates outlining what passengers may talk about?
Our taxes bail these clown out.
This is freaking outrageous.
The way to test it it BLACKFACE.
Two blacks meet on a plane in the 1960s and talk about the civil rights movement and get kicked off a plane.
Yeah. Great stuff.
Typically when these happen it is an ego driven flight attendant on a power trip. And they do have the power. I have to fly for work at times. In the early days of covid we were flying without masks. Once the masks started up I had my run in with a few of them but was just not worth it. I just take my seat, headphones in, and read.
I wear black masks and make tiny little holes right around the mouth and nostril area. Works great!
What a good idea,I’m lung comprised and can’t hardly get around the store without feeling faint.most stores don’t say anything when I go maskless but there’s a couple that are not nice about it.indeed we have lost our freedoms but I do see us regaining them back shortly!
i made mine. Patterned off the muslim niqab, that face veil. (ya want me in a burka, buster, i’ll give ya burka! lol). It is like a face curtain. Rectangle about 11 or 12 inches wide by 17 inches long. Made a placket at top, sewed elastic anchored each end, then sewed ties to edges to tie around head. you can breathe so so much better. It is so big (& utterly ridiculous like a curtain on your face) that I have not had problems. You can also make one with a bandana, same process. I did that for husband & he also has not been questioned. But the ability to breathe in this absurd contraption is unsurpassed. Fwiw.
I actually get compliments some times what a great mask it is. Seriously how nutso is that, lol?!
It seems the Pilot In Charge – PIC wanted the passengers tossed.
U F B – the flight attendant, pilot and Delta asshoes.
Why is that a surprise to anyone? This is a foreshadowing was is going to come. Biden is not even in office and the corporations are jumping the shark. Communism looks like that totalitarianism looks like that. Those who have lived it understand it.
Many Vets understand it also. We have been protected so long that is why its shocking. I have know evil like this as long as i remember. I was taught what evil looks like how to spot it from little on.
Actually do not like the little town i live in and now I think God Blessed me to put me here.
there will be a massive purge, if the communist Left gets it’s way in this nation.
starting with the Christians…they no longer refer to our beliefs as “Judeo-Christian”…they are referring to us as “conspiracy theorists” and “white supremacists”…not as “Christians”….we are considered subversive terrorists.
and they will denounce and come for all Trump supporters.
they will shut down our churches, meeting places, and ostracize us from our workplaces and communities.
like dissenters against the state.
I hope to GOD it doesn’t happen.
It has already started. They just used covid as a ruse to limit places where people were going to meet and talk. Now we are home and online, they take that means of communication. Very well played by them so far.
rf121, There WILL be groups who gather, and I suspect this will continue w/o fanfare.
My church has been open since May, and is packed every Sunday…and we have socializing/food/coffee after our Service.
One of my favorite restaurants is having tailgate parties in the parking lot. Our church is letting people come and socialize…w sack lunches…and sponsoring Bible study groups, and men’s Breakfasts.
Local Home Schooling groups are meeting in homes for tutorials…and neighbors are fine w it.
Several local sm businesses are fine w loitering/visiting after take-out.
And I am in commie WA State.
Elon Musk should see the opportunity here. Screw the rockets, purchase the assets of these doomed airlines and run with it.
Thats a good idea.
Freedom Air.
He can do both the rockets and the airliners.
OMG would I love to see it.
Biblical is goingbto be everything burned to ash. But the people who do this, the every day people who revel in what they do, arent going to have consequences.
I think the avrage person with TDS who is enjoying all of this will suffer in the end.when all of there idols are smashed to dust,when all the wicked ones evil deeds are brought to light we who knew and tried to talk about it will not have anything to do with such average people.its going to be lonely out there for a lot of believers of the LIE.
That is why in totalitarian system people look around before they whisper what they think.
They turn on the radio real low in the night sit in the dark to get real news . I sat mnay nights with my grandmother as she was fed a taste of freedom real news.
There will be more stories like he Delta . We are waking up to reality.
When I came here 1964 I tasted real freedom. I was drunk on freedom US was providing. I remember how blown away I was one could say anything on the street of all places and shout anything one wanted. Even though I grew up in W Germany and thought I was free compared to the East I did not know what ear freedom was until I came here.
I was blown away anyone could be anything they wanted. I could go on and on.
This country can bring out the best in people on many levels.
Now we see the worse.
And hopefully, we will see the better as well.
What’s most painful is to be careful in front of your kids. They don’t know, they repeat things, pick up your attitude.
It separates you from them, at least till they get old enough. And then you really have to worry.
Wish there was video of the Delta maroons telling the passengers they were being ejected from the plan for being a Trump supporter. I assume they were ejected from the plane at a location that was NOT there origin.
Free Speech IS dying.
i think it’s being MURDERED!
This breaks my heart.
He has to go through the motions. Carefully worded.
Anyone notice the tweetstorm Kansas has been on?
He seems to mention things like Italy and China…. coms?
His personal or SecState acct?
USG acct. Examples:
Notice mottos on flags;
Notice the highlighted text. There’s more if you keep looking….
For those who can’t see the flags in the first post:
Iowa=”Our Liberties We Prize And Our Rights We Will Maintain”
SD= “Under GOD The People Rule
Illinois= “State Sovereignty National Union”
Please….. and Thank You
Take a good look at Pence sitting in the Oval? Funny how evil eats the soul and it shows in the face. DC does that to some people one becomes corrupted.
I just have to say, American communist Democrats – GO TO HELL.
I want to package them up and ship them all to CHYNA with a NO RETURN TO SENDER label.
Let’s re-write that old song with new lyrics, as sung by DJT:
“I got friends in southern places …”
Looks like Flep has closed his twitter account and his blog is now private. I requested to join – but no response in a couple of weeks.
I do hope he and his family are doing well.
Why did he disappear like that?
Hopefully, it was by his choice.
Rather than *being* disappeared.
He was so upbeat and positive going into the election. Maybe the result and aftermath just got him really down in the dumps.
Flep was very good at economics, but his record calling elections is actually not good.
Of course this time the fraud would have made him “wrong” even if he were actually right.
Exactly. I think he was burned by the fraud. We all were. NOBODY among us “low-level patriots” were aware of the Dominion-Scytyl-Smartmatic stuff.
Also burned by SCOTUS.
The list is growing by the day.
Methinks we’ve been burned at EVERY level of government.
I am simply stunned, numbed by it all.
My resolve has strengthened.
Trump Train for me!
Why should they?
CONgress does all of the “Investigating” these days /s
This …all of this is what POTUS was hired for! Do we now understand? We, us not just the sleeping normies…… us ,we had to shown too.i thought I was awake but I wasn’t . I was seeing the top layer not the 2nd or 3rd layer. It is shocking that the whole of government local ,state,and federal have left us to the chyna wolves.and have done it right under our weary noses. So my resolve has hardened. I am with President Trump!
He was working the numbers furiously, and in the end, it didn’t matter, all of his great analysis was completely undermined, because everything was rigged, and (so far!) the bad guys won.
He did a great job, the best it was possible to do with the available information, and he was right, but it didn’t matter that he was right, because of the most massive fraud in election history.
But it did matter that he was right.
It mattered because it gave everyone hope and confidence that we were going to win, inspired people to vote, and we did.
We had confidence, we did vote, and we DID win.
And Trump is going to be president for the next 4 years as a result, we’re just taking a sight-seeing tour to January 20th

Hopefully Flep is just taking some time off to R&R, and regroup.
I sure hope he’s back in time to celebrate with us when DJT is sworn in
Fantastic comment
Scott – you just won the internet!!
Boy I hope Flep is lurking and sees this comment! Good job!
The blog I call “home” is not USA-based. Our foreign friends are devastated. But, stolen election? Sure, that’s tragic, but that’s all too familiar to them.
Believe me, they know they’re losing the greatest leader in the world. PTrump is THEIR leader, too. And they’re closer to the sharp side than we are.
But I’m barking mad, ready to BITE anyone who suggests – however gently – that I come to terms with this loss.
I slide over to the CTH, maybe a little ray of hope?
Nope, just exquisite analysis, a roadmap to our impending doom. Prayer sounds like a dirge, just too funereal.
Some crazy-cowboy talk: “We’ve got nothing left to lose”.
NO. We have everything to GAIN.
I’m here at Q-Tree for the upside of the down.
Yucki, I’m glad I saw your post!
We’re gonna win, and we’re gonna keep winning, and we’re going to win so much that some people are going to say ‘can we please stop winning?‘ and the answer is no, we’re just going to keep on winning
Trump is not going anywhere!
Think about this.
Biden is an international criminal and a Chinese Communist puppet.
It would be an act of Treason for President Trump to turn the government over to Joe Biden.
President Trump is not a traitor.
Those statements are each true, and there is no way to reconcile those statements where it ends up that Joe Biden is president.
Trump holds all the cards.
He is still Commander in Chief of the military until January 20th, and if he has to use the military to save the Republic, he certainly will.
But he needs (wants) to exhaust every possible option before using the military.
He still has DECLASS (declassification, i.e., exposing all the criminal acts of the Deep State, and the people behind the 4+ year long coup attempt, and the election fraud), he saved that for LAST, it’s his best card, and he hasn’t even played it yet!
He could also prove massive election fraud in a military court, very quickly (much less than 11 days), and a military court already has jurisdiction, because John Ratcliffe’s DNI report shows foreign (Chinese) interference in the 2020 election. That’s a national security matter, which is military court jurisdiction.
Once fraud is proven in a military court, everything that resulted from that fraud is UNDONE!
The legal term is Fraus omnia vitiat
Fraud vitiates everything!
* “Vitiates” in a legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates
“Fraud vitiates everything.” That enduring opinion was the crux of the landmark decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the above referenced case of the United States versus Throckmorton.
~ ty ~
Pompeo’s announcement of the new US policy on Taiwan fuels optimism – if you let it!
It also sends the right message to our friends in the neighborhood. We all need it.
He works for the NY school system. He can not AFFORD to be seen as a Trump supporter at this time.
Ah, perhaps youre right.
Im just going to delete all the gone twit bookmarks. I wont be on parler. Gab and quidverum
Not funny–yet!

That was definitely created and posted by a COMMIE
True, gallows humor at best, but the left has stolen everything else, sense of humor next?
Peace Be Still – 20210109
Brandon Straka data
Brandon Straka
I’ve lost over 63,000 followers in 3 days. The picture on the left shows what was typical follower activity on my account for years up until mid Nov. 2020. The 2nd pic is from this week.

Our accounts are being systematically destroyed. It’s time for us to organize a mass exodus.
Creative destruction
Certainly not naturally organic changes!
Ill be curioys to see the stock market Monday am on every single tech company
Someone’s going to make a TON of money short-selling . . .
Bobby Piton..
If you see anything pls post!
wild ride based on so many lies!
Swamp bowl

I wonder how much control the ChiComs have over all these sites:

I’m sure it’s not just one bad player behind everything that goes on.
Does it really matter which POS is behind a particular act?
i almost…ALMOST…feel sorry for their stupid asses.
when POTUS points to a NEW SITE…there will be a vacuum in those other sites…they will NEVER recover.
The should disappear dt to this. Tainted and rotten.
Update Graphic to show Platforms Trump is Banning or Restricting
A lot.
“I expect a military operation to take place in D.C. by Monday. I do not believe President Trump, Melania and Barron are at The White House. I expect there will be many arrests. Democrats are destroying themselves and the country at breakneck speeds. They’ve got to be stopped.”
“To be clear, I don’t have any facts. No one does! Trump isn’t going to tell anyone about their plans. There are no “scoops”. Fake News unless you get it from President Trump or Dan Scavino. Best to avoid TV news.”
** – @MichaelDeLauzon/
“There are no scoops”
Why he he writing wishful thinking and then we wonder if some people storm the capitol?
MichaelDeLauzon needs to stop this giving people false hope. We have been pumped up on false hope for a long time.
The only hope I rely on is my faith in God
So – Will Trump just give up and allow the communist/socialist theft of our elections and takeover of our country without any recourse or fight?
We see and saw what happens when people storm the Capital.
What can we do write about hoping things were otherwise? We are now in the reality that is Biden and his ilk will be in power January 20. Unless we the people raise up which I do not propose nothing will change.
Unless we protest in peace around the country in every town and City nothing else we can do without breaking the law.
POTUS has been in the forefront fighting and look what they are trying to do to him?
Wait what will happen to him out of office and to his family. We cannot let that happen.
It is not breaking the law to overthrow a government that has gone rogue…IT IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY.
we stopped today to ask directions…this guy was outside with his chainsaw carving something. we approached and saw what it was…he was carving TRUMP COUNTRY into the log.
we got to talking, he showed us one he had finished…it was really cool. once carved, he paints the background blue and the lettering indents white. it then gets fastened between 2 stumps.
he said he can’t fill the orders FAST ENOUGH…and they are shipping all over–not a CHEAP feat. but people want them.
things are gonna play out how they do. but until they do, I am not counting POTUS or US out.
If he takes it to that level then he would have to know one thing absolutely. That the military was 100% behind him. Lets say they use 82nd Airborne to execute the plan, make arrests etc. But the other side has five times more troops lined up to counter this move. That will not end well for Trump and family. I don’t think it is that simple of a decision to make.
The military has not shown 100% support. We have leftists aplenty in the military, politics, media and our churches. Are they stupid? Do they think they are going to enjoy a tyrannical government? Or are they evil and think they will be in the powerful few in their coming communist oligarchy and enjoy tormenting and stealing from others?
But for the Pentagon brass, Biden is a warmonger compared to Trump. So I see a whole lot of them happy for the transition.
And actually, the military is run as a tyrannical, socialist organization. That is just the nature of how a military has to operate. Yes, it has some of the social justice warrior touchy feely stuff going on. But that is just more for show.
Uh, IF I were back in uniform, I’d 100% support President Trump.
Ending endless wars.
If we have learned nothing else in the past four years, war is not necessary to achieve America’s strategic goals.
Yes, I know MIC is alive and well. Rank and file are not stoopid.
People have this impression that military loves to fight. Well, maybe some do, but most are only willing to fight and would rather not if they don’t need to.
For my money the most successful policy is one where our military is so damn intimidating no one dares to fuck with them. That’s keeping the peace. But too many people don’t understand that to ensure peace one must prepare for war and regard it as a waste of money.
When your military is “so damn intimidating” you get exactly what you have got now. Game theory “sayz” that, if you can’t beat them, “join” them and change them from within. In other words, corrupt your enemy.
Well, America has been so successfully corrupted, with such stunning speed that I am still trying to fully grasp the scope of it.
So military might is NOT the answer. The answer is to “join” your enemies and “save” them from themselves. Only the TRUTH has that power.
When you have saved the world in this manner, the military becomes redundant.
Unfortunately, America does not serve the truth, it serves money and power.
Yup. President Trump has applied the right policy to minimize military engagement. And, disengage. Four years of success.
Come on people, If ya wanna call it Hopium go ahead, but I for one am rooting for the good guys to prevail and with the help of God almighty if it is HIS WILL….. they will!!
Whats the alternative? Waiting fro the sky to fall for the next week and a half?
So EVERYBODY, pop your self a square yard of popcorn, take a hit on the pipe when it comes around and ENJOY THE SHOW.
…ya gotta watch it regardless
just another hit ~
CLICK on highlighted box to read all – I cannot seem to pull it out without being asked if I want to go to an unrecognizable website (PBS)
I don’t know or trust Vox or Voxday so I would not go there. If I find myself on a leftist site, I immediately remove the cookies from my Safari page.
I did not go there – just left it in the tweet and posted the tweet, Georgia.
Vox Day, the author of anti-PC books and youtube video guy?
I can’t even find his own youtube channel, it looks like lots of other people post his videos.
I’m not real familiar with him, but when I have come across his videos during various searches and listen to him, he’s very interesting.
Is Vox Day and Michael DeLauzon the same person?
I saved the image in case it disappears from Twitter – very likely.

This makes an incredible amount of sense.
This massive censorship has been planned since long before the election and the steal, IMO. I will post about how they tried to frame Gab starting back in December. They KNEW they would try to control the public narrative.
Buckle up.
WOlfie, I do not think POTUS has to ‘hand-off’ the Presidency at all.
We have ZERO idea of what type of trials have been going on since November 3rd. We are used to the very slow civilian trials. If low level types have ALREADY been tried and flipped, the higher level trials may go very very FAST.
Now that there is a daydream worth repeating.
I have seen that before, or something similar. It mostly makes sense, except the part about turning the government over to the military.
It’s the kind of thing that sounds plausible (maybe) at first, but I’m not aware of any Constitutional basis for doing so, and considering DJT has done everything so far (at great and potentially unnecessary expense) to adhere to the Constitution, why would he abandon the Constitution NOW and turn power and control over to the military?
And considering the state of corruption of the upper levels of military, thanks to Hussein’s purges and replacements with Leftist boot-licking toadies, how could DJT every trust that power to do what is right, once it is out of his hands and in someone else’s?
Even in the best of times, no president has ever trusted or turned the country over to military control.
And these are far from the best of times!
The entire Dark Side is desperately looking for ANY avenue to attack.
How ripe would the pickings be, at the uppermost levels of the military bureaucracy, absent the command and leadership of DJT?
Scott, I agree. That was my first thought when I read it. I am glad you posted this. Your explanation is very good.
We report – you decide!
Fair and Balanced?
No way! I will never be “fair and balanced” with LIES! Zero compromise with lies. ZERO!!!
The Devil’s oldest trick is compromise between good and evil.
Even compromise with a half-truth is a quarter-lie. Only compromise with an alternative honest view of a difficult truth. That is how we arrive at greater truth and greater understanding. Knitting TRUTH to TRUTH reveals EVEN MORE TRUTH!!!
So True.
LOL! Love it!
You can’t make peace with people who just want you dead.
I reckon so.
I have no idea what he will do, specifically.
What are the specifics of a “military tribunal”? (Like a jury is 12 people.). And how is it set up? Who selects those who make it up?
From WIKI:
Comparison of Rights in Military Commission Trials and Trials in Federal Criminal Court
It is about OH!Bummer era but this is useful
….In addition to “traditional principles of federal prosecution,” the protocol identifies three broad categories of factors to be taken into consideration:
* Strength of interest, namely, the nature and gravity of offenses or underlying conduct; identity of victims; location of offense; location and context in which individual was apprehended; and the conduct of the investigation.
* Efficiency, namely, protection of intelligence source and methods; venue; number of defendants; foreign policy concerns; legal or evidentiary problems; efficiency and resource concerns.
* Other prosecution considerations, namely, the extent to which the forum and offenses that can be tried there permit a full presentation of the wrongful conduct, and the available sentence upon conviction.
Thanks, but I was specifically wondering how they get selected and by whom. As in, does POTUS select them, to be able to protect the country and himself.
Scott, I agree wholeheartedly.
The POTUS is a lot of power to just “hand over” to anyone and then to expect it to be handed back? Um…….who other than George Washington in the history of the world has voluntarily relinquished great power like that????? No, no, a thousand times no.
okay, since you posted this…let me ask.
what MECHANISM triggers this “hand-off”?
is it something POTUS just ANNOUNCES?
where in the Constitution is this procedure laid out and what ensures that the swamp will ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN??
won’t they use it to further their impeachment proceedings???
I’m seeing a noticeable likelihood of the Turkish model playing out.
I’d better explain that. After WWI, Kemal Ataturk stitched Turkey together and ejected the allies (who were going to partition it; they had already done so to the rest of the Ottoman Empire). He essentially kicked the allies out and founded modern Turkey.
The constitution he handed down was actually secular (i.e., neutral towards religion) but every once in a while some Muslim fundamentalist tries to steer Turkey away from that. And the military stages a coup, deposing the clown. Then they re-instate the Constitution and step down. They see it as their duty to do this. The last coup attempt a few years ago was one of these, but it failed.
Are we going to see a scenario where someone stages a coup, removes the corrupt, then steps aside and restores Constitutional government in a sort of “pretend this coup never happened and carry on, this time with good people” moment?
That’s interesting. Thanks.
AND some of the military is NOT to be trusted…what if he hands it over and THEY ARREST HIM?
this seems like a great idea, but damn it can go so wrong too
My response would be to “Trust The Plan”.
I almost fell for that in the backseat of a car in high school…now i need details FIRST…LOL
No doubt there’s some guy kicking himself to this day…
I still get a card every birthday…LOL
I almost fell for that in the backseat of a car in high school…now i need details FIRST…LOL”
You just reminded me of a song by Meatloaf, I probably heard it (or at least, saw the video) for the first time on MTV in the early 1980s.
I remember cracking up, when they got to this line in the song, and it always made me laugh ever since:
“So now I’m praying for the end of time,
To hurry up man arrive,
‘Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don’t think that I could really survive
I’ll never break my promise or forget my vows
But God only knows what I could do right now
I’m paying for the end of time
It’s all that I can do…
Praying for the end of time
So I can end…
With… you… ”
will you love me forever?
can I sleep on it?
Meatloaf was a genius. And Karla De Vito was the ultimate hottie.
This Michael DeLauzon is the guy who has seemed to be tied in to Dan Scavino.
I am on the fence about him, but I am at least 50/50.
it’s a RACE to the finish that;s for sure!
For them the finish line is whether they can impeach and remove him before he strikes.
what do YOU think?
who gets the first strike?
Dunno. I believe time is NOT on PDJT’s side right now. Once he strikes, there’s time to clean up, but he needs to strike.
if they file Monday, he ought to strike tomorrow…
Strike….. Fast and HARD!
Keep on striking….
Don’t give them a chance to breathe.
I read last night that, for the first time since DJT became president, Cocaine Mitch has recessed the Congress, and won’t reconvene until January 20th (or later, I forget exactly).
Which should mean two things, maybe three:
1) DJT can make recess appointments for the first time in his presidency
2) Congress can’t invoke the 25th Amendment or Impeach if Congress is out of session
3) Cocaine Mitch could be a white hat again, but don’t draw a deep breath on that, because 30 seconds from now we’ll have good reason to believe he’s a black hat again
If he drives us nuts trying to figure it out, perhaps he’s having the same effect elsewhere.
Mitch has to prove to the DNC that they don’t own him!
That’s the CoC’s job.
Wow I hope that is correct
Me too. Not sure how to even confirm it.
Here’s a Wictor post from a couple of hours ago on QuodVerum. I don’t know anything about any of this, but maybe the information helps. Or not.
“McConnell’s memo emphasized that point, noting it would ‘require the consent of all 100 Senators to conduct any business of any kind during the scheduled pro forma sessions prior to January 19, and therefore the consent of all 100 Senators to begin acting on any articles of impeachment during those sessions.'”
So, based on ^^^, guessing.
Impeachment talk IS DOA.
Notifying Senate of any insurrection action IS moot. Green light for declaring limited Insurrection Act?
Thank you Holley!
Two pro forma sessions, 12th and 15th so still in session.
I totally agree…
It has to happen BEFORE Monday.
The DIMs plan to impeach him on Monday… won’t happen because it can’t happen.
They could do it in a few hours, they have the votes… and they KNOW the Military is comin’
“I expect a military operation to take place in D.C. by Monday.”
My guess is either today (Sunday) or next weekend (16th/17th).
The 17th would be ideal
Weekends are when the most people are home and out of harm’s way, and since DJT actually cares about We the People, that could be a consideration.
But the enemy would certainly be aware of that, so my next best guess is any day except a weekend…

“So clearly, I cannot pick the one in front of me!!!” (from memory, perhaps not an exact quote).
If it looks like Congress is about to remove him from office, the deadline gets closer. Fraudulent or not his ability to do things would become *severely* constrained after that happens. He’d have to rely on the military doing it anyway even though Pence isn’t ordering them to.
I don’t believe DJT is going to allow a scenario where he is caught with his pants down.
We are so hyper-focused on procedure, i.e., if this happens then that happens, but this is a war for the Republic, not a legal game.
The enemy isn’t playing by the rule of law, and if the enemy does something that causes the Republic to fail if POTUS doesn’t act to stop it, then POTUS will act to stop it, and it won’t matter what the law is, because the law cannot be used lawfully to cause the Republic to fail.
Just like the Constitution, the law is not a suicide pact.
And plenty of laws are suspended during a time of war, which this certainly is.
And other laws (executive orders) are enacted which we don’t even know about.
Congress is already an outlaw renegade treasonous body, what they do is irrelevant between now and when this is over.
Same with the Judicial Branch.
They’re done. Their part in this is passed. They had their chance.
What is happening now is between DJT and the United States military, and the powers that have usurped our Judiciary and our Congress.
In other words, what is taking place now is well over either of the two corrupted branch’s heads.
So they can do what they want, and the MSM can cover it however they want, and it’s just a kabuki theater show for their own entertainment.
I no longer remember what I was replying to when I tried to quote princess bride, but vaguely, it was something where you were wondering whether something was the right option or wrong option, and trying to account for the fact that the opponent is trying to trick you.
Testing…sorry for the multiple user and browser posts over the last day, trying to stream line my web presence, it was a mess
Political Theology – 20210109
Can someone with the keys turn on my new account “Sauce” so I can close out and delete Firefox and Edge?
Please and thankk you
Not sure if this is true – but, it is thought-provoking…
I also expect “Something” to happen before Monday.
The “house” will vote to impeach on Monday.
They already have the “articles” drawn up.
A few arrests before monday could delay that tactic.
They need to gather together, Ray – do whatever they are going to do – makes it easier to arrest them – lol – doncha think?
Yep… it is a very good strategy.
(gather them together)
7 foot wall will work in both directions
with an alligator filled moat on THEIR side
Here is the image – again – saved from Twitter in case it gets lost (IT WILL).

I saw a twit saying confirmed he isnt in tx. Tht milspecops guy.
Smoke and mirrors on location, IMO. Notice that Abilene, Texas was misspelled. Looks stupid.
There will be chaff everywhere on what is going on.
Even if he IS not in Texas, does that mean he WASN’T in Texas a short while ago?
Yup. We will have no idea where he is, IMO.
Yup. He might be in that CO big facility, there was a drop saying that, but again who knows? All we care about is that he and his family are safe.
AMEN!!! Pray for POTUS and his family!
Yes, have and will!
Well – we know where he is this weekend – and no matter what these ‘posts’ say – there are clues everywhere the Military will be involved.
No one knows exactly what is ‘planned’ or when it will happen – we are not supposed to know – because if we know – they know.
However – The Storm is Upon Us – ‘they’ played their cards – and now it is time for the Trump Card!!!
Yes bc even when i asked ti find out if we were allowed to greet potus at the afb once since they did for obummer, i was really shut down.
Seems paragraph #5 makes Pence a good guy as he closed the trap on them regarding the steal.
The contents of that post are very interesting, it sounds excellent. It also reminds me of something that could have been written by the Sovereign Citizen movement (or associated groups, some of whom recognize the obvious contradiction between being ‘sovereign’ and a ‘citizen’).
I have read many compelling arguments from that perspective, with plenty of legal and lawful (including but not limited to Common Law) citations.
The problem, as always, is getting a corrupt judiciary to honestly evaluate the cases and rule against the Cabal legal system, which they never do.
Instead, the people who spend a great deal of time and effort researching these things, about restoring our Republic and our rights, are, like always, ridiculed as conspiracy theorists.
“He dismantled the Banking Act of 1871 from England. We are going back to a Republic and Trump will be the first President of the new Republic with the Constitution fully intact which includes a start date of the new President of March 4th.”
If even a small part of the above referenced post is right, it would validate everything the ‘Sovereignty’ movement has been fighting for, for decades.
And this:
“President Trump won’t get a 2nd term. Because this was the last recorded term of a President who served in the America Corporation.”
It has been a long time since I read up on this stuff, so I will undoubtedly get the details wrong, but going by memory, essentially, the argument or theory covers much of the following:
America has not been a Constitutional Republic since the Civil War (or maybe longer).
We have been in a declared ‘State of Emergency’ ever since the Civil War, i.e., the ‘State of Emergency’ never ended.
Somewhere along the line, the Constitution was changed, omitting the part about preventing lawyers from being in government (missing part of the 13th Amendment, IIRC), and changing it from the Constitution for the united states of America to the Constitution of the United States of America. (note also, lower case ‘united’ and ‘states’ became capitalized ‘United’ and ‘States’).
The words ‘of’ and ‘for’ have different meanings obviously, particularly in matters of Law.
Likewise there is a difference (for example) between being “a citizen of Texas” (being a citizen “of” something signifies that the individual is subservient to the State) and a Texas citizen.
It is also claimed that there have been several national bankruptcies, and unlike the 7 year period after a personal bankruptcy, on a national scale there is a 70 year period.
These 70 year cycles are the period of time allotted to get our house in order, which it never is, so bankruptcy is declared again, and new collateral (land, taxes, human chattel in the form of ‘birth certificates’ where the British monarchy or Cabal or whomever holds title to us, i.e., Americans, personally, via birth certificate, i.e., they have title, we have certificate of title).
The 70 year national bankruptcy cycles coincide with important national events, and of course those dates can be made to look interesting, i.e., the Constitution was ratified in 1789 but due to Revolutionary War debt we immediately declared bankruptcy (1790), and 70 years later is 1860, which when bankruptcy terms could not be reached, resulted in the Civil War.
Other important dates and events include the War of 1812, 1913 (establishment of the Federal Reserve and Income Tax Act), 1933 gold confiscation by the government (Executive Order 6102), 1971 going off the gold standard, lots more, and all of it ties together.
At each national bankruptcy we were re-incorporated as some variation of the original ‘name’, so something along the lines of the united States of America –> the United States of America –> The United States of America –> THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA –> THE UNITED STATES.
Each variation, each name change, is a new corporation, it’s not our Republic. We’re not functioning as a Republic and haven’t been for at least a hundred years and maybe more than two hundred. We are functioning as a corporation that is insolvent, in bankruptcy, indebted to CREDITORS.
There is also much about the encroachment and takeover of the “Law of the Sea” (a.k.a. Merchant Law, Mercantile Law, Commercial Law, Uniform Commercial Code) displacing the Law of the Land (Common Law).
Also the invention of ‘corporations’ allowing individuals to escape personal responsibility and accountability, the use of ‘persons’ (derived from persona, a mask, or a token like a Monopoly game piece, a.k.a. your ‘Straw Man’ vs. the flesh and blood real ‘man’ or ‘woman’), etc.
And how the government identifies us by our ‘corporation’ names, which we never agreed or consented to (e.g., all government mail sent to you identifies you in ALL CAPS, as corporations are identified in official documents, referring to your ‘Straw Man’, not to you, the human flesh and blood man or woman).
There is lots more, amazing how many bits and pieces are coming back to me as I think about it.
Basically it all more or less explains how our nation was subverted and overtaken by bankers and special interests, almost from the very beginning, and we have lived with this secretive parasite, preying on us, almost since the beginning of our nation.
The amount of law and legal cases to back these positions is daunting and will make your eyes glaze over.
It reminds me of the scene in the first Terminator movie, when the psychologist (Dr. Silberman) had finished interviewing Reese (the man sent back in time to rescue John Connor from the Terminator) and described his findings this way:
SILBERMAN: “This is great stuff. I could make a career out of this guy. You see how clever this part is…how it doesn’t require a shred of proof. Most paranoid delusions are intricate…but this is brilliant.”
I think someone here at the Qtree posted the following video a while back, it is a United States military veteran explaining some of it, while incorporating (no pun meant) other potentially related subjects like Free Masonry and the global system of control, if I remember correctly:
(Surprised I could find it, I searched “military guy explains law of the sea” and found it in the search results)
So as I said at the beginning, particularly the two parts about the ‘America Corporation’ and going back to a Constitutional Republic sounded very much like concepts from the ‘Sovereignty’ movement.
It would be great (IMO) if this is really happening, and it turns out that the Sovereignty movement has been right all along, and DJT is on the verge of truly repairing and restoring our Republic.
I’m just pointing out that some of the language very definitely stood out to me as being related to the Sovereignty movement.
Absotutalutely, Scott!!! All compliment the Sovereignty Movement – this is the second time I have heard about his stepping down – even though this has many of the buzz words – it lends itself to going back to the ‘original’ – Trump steps down – and we elect a ‘new’ President of the Republic.
What you pointed out is important to note – whether it has any relevance to what will happen in the coming weeks remains to be seen. Thanks, Scott!!!
I would really like to see the entire video, or all of the multiple parts, if it was done in segments. The one I posted above looks like it is heavily edited, and the subject matter requires a lot more than 13 minutes.
When I watched it a while back, I remember thinking that if I had not already been generally familiar with the core concepts, it would have been very difficult (or impossible) to understand what he was talking about.
I was able to follow it, mostly because of my previous basic understanding.
True, Scott – it seems like eons ago when we visited this possibility – then, again – I understand C signed Nesara – and put it in the drawer – never implemented it – could that be why we are hearing of it, again now?
I don’t know, I’m going to have to read up on Nesara now, just found it on Wiki
Great synopsis. I remember looking into it, probably because I saw in on 8 chan a couple of years ago, had forgotten what it was called. I was telling my daughter about it today. It’s interesting, that’s for sure, but whether there’s actual basis, ??
As always, California leads the way.
It sounds like CA dims are tattling on people whose views they don’t like, notifying all the usual suspects (FB, youtube, Tweeter and the lesser ones) who, in turn, censor the ‘offender’.
Sounds like a good way to drive every normal human being away from the Big Tech oligarchy and into the open arms of places like Gab.
Gab couldn’t care less what C.O.W. (California Office of Wojak) says.
Even worse, the goofs analyzing Internet traffic really have no idea EXACTLY where folks are.
Okay, I have not scanned page 2 yet, but I’ve been thinking about the Gen. McInerney video, the missing laptops, the sniffer planes, and the article from Mike Adams that GeneticallyCatholic posted last night.
Our President DOES have Titanium balls.
1. The threat of dirty bombs by the Chinese/cabal if Trump doesn’t concede or if he can’t be gotten rid of by the traitors in our capital.
Evidence – the sniffer planes that were noticed all over the place.
Number 2. Pelosi’s over reaction to only the laptops. McInerny basically confirmed the supposition that laptops were taken. The over reaction has been bothering me. I could see them going for impeachment in order to avoid prosecution under UCMJ, but why the insistence upon declaring him “incompetent”? She and all the rest of them figured he would cave to the threat of dirty bombs and therefore in their mindset, he’s unbalanced.
They are unable to understand that the Chinks will come for a lot of them too. They think that they would be “safe”. Trump is looking at the bigger picture, if he caves, ALL and more that voted for him would eventually be disposed of. That is what communists regimes do. So he has to weigh the possibility of hundreds of thousands dying vs millions.
The military has been looking for bombs, and maybe Nashville had something to do with all that. Our President and the military are doing their best to protect the country and our citizens, but I believe he’s already made the hard decision. As a Christian, I KNOW what commies do to True Believers, and I support the hard decision. I know where I will be when the Lord takes me home, whenever it is time.
you can’t negotiate with terrorists.
or allow the chinese, or the deocrats, or whoever, to hold us hostage.
trying to blackmail POTUS with our lives…
you can never regain the upper hand if you give in the first time
ChiComs know that if a nuke goes off in the US, they are toast. Not by firing back immediately – by USING THE UNFIRED GUN OF RIGHTEOUS RETURN. MORAL POWER IS PRECIOUS and Trump understands this. China knows that, too.
China is all about ALINSKY FEARS. One has to ignore those fears, by having the power to turn any reality of them into boomerang DEFEAT.
The muzzies don’t care, and I think they are the ones most likely to try something like that. I sincerely hope that there are no more bombs, but I do think they have been used as blackmail. If there’s information about locations on laptops, those that had the laptops are going to have a date with the executioner.
just got home…needed rope and handles for the wood stove…anyway…LOTS OF PRO TRUMP signs in middle PA!
my favorites:
TRUMP 2020…the SEQUEL!
TRUMP 2020…cuz liberals SUCK
TRUMP 2020…make liberals CRY
we passed a LOT of farms and the some farmers utilized those big hay bales wrapped in white plastic to make TRUMP signs…saw a few stop the steal ones…saw one that said we’re peaceful, but you’re PISSING US OFF!! one said if you’re a Christian, you can’t vote democrat!
and one WOLF SUCKS!!!
Do you ever get a tad schizophrenic having to listen people condemn someone else by the same name?
OMG -you don’t know the half of it!!!
And then there’s the wolf whistle.
It’s not summoning you to dinner.
Let’s just say that’s a difficult weapon to handle properly, especially on quality game!
underrated comment
Arrived Albuquerque this afternoon.
The number of Trump signs, including billboards along I-40 is heart warming. For me, anyway. Lots of Trump bumper stickers out there still.
OK rest area today. Saw a long hair unkempt looking dude. Wreaked of MJ. The kind of guy I normally keep my eyes on, and be wary of.
I smelled pot a few times during the rally.
I commented, someone commented it was a lovely smell.
It always smelled to me halfway like someone had run over a skunk.
Perfect analogy for MJ stench, skunk like.
Depends on the ‘brand’ of weed. Skunk weed is no better than getting sprayed. Acapulco Gold (back in the day) was served at Hollywood invite-only parties.
so cool!
there are so many TRUMP signs everywhere STILL…but in our meanderings yesterday we didn’t see a SINGLE biteme sign…not one!
Dr. TexLex (JD) (@TexLex) Tweeted:
@KenPaxtonTX @Apple
As we enter the Biden era?
Where is his head at?
The era where we are done with biden our time.
I guess he wanted to see something say something.
This is outrageous….
Impeachment Articles were released yesterday by Pelosi – because President Trump had the courage and honesty to say that he won by a landslide.
Our elected* bastids and beeches won’t allow the evidence to be presented in either courts or Congress – OR THE MEDIA. That’s why they are silencing all talk and removing all persons who present evidence of fraud.
I am so disgusted.
*(We can’t be sure now who is duly elected or fraudulently elected)
At this point…..
I consider MOST ALL of them are COMPLICIT.
“Good” ones I can count on my hands.
Weird…. I read that as one finger…
Kind of like the story of Abraham and Lot……
Can you find just 10 “Just” Men/Women?
I deleted my twit tired I was of being super careful how to say things and having 2 strikes against me for “inciting violence” I decided to heck with it,most all I followed were taken down last night.besides all that why do I want to be on a platform that loathes patriots? So I am now on Gab permanent. Left utube awhile ago. I like rumble Gabtv and bitchute . My circle of web surfing has shrunk down to only a few places lol… the best part of the Qtree though is all of you guys,my first stop every morning is here. I am housebound most of the time which really is a good thing,i would be galavanting all over town if my hubby didnnt use the car for work. So i hang around here and Gab enjoying the banter .life is good
thank you Wolf for providing a safe haven for us.and thank you depat, grandma, Steve, backo, wheatie and everyone who helps keep our place interesting and enjoyable. Love ya all!
love you back!!!
Suzy, don’t forget to sign up at
That’s another back-up, in case we get shut down here and Gab’s servers are overloaded because everyone on the planet is trying to get on there at once
Im over there. Just tried to see if anyone else followed me but it doesn’t want to load. Would you follow me pls? Gil00
Itll be a load off, and do what Scott suggested!
I just looked and the only Gil00 that shows up is Gil00006, I followed because, why not?
Lol. Lowercase gil and then two zeros. gil00
tried that too. Still only Gil00006 shows with a search.
Hmmmm…ill check on it.
I am there. What did you choose as you name?
Found you, followed, and now we’re good.
ȺղցҽӀ Ⱥմɾą (@11angelaura11) Tweeted:
Nobody under 40 will understand that.
Im not but its funny. I gave kiddo 1 and 2 fir Christmas. He loved them.
Am i late on this? I. Kap py COMMS
Curious Patriot (@curiouspatriot7) Tweeted:

Three days before Kappy died, they made a post:…
First letter of each line is the password Lin Wood sent out.
“ has issued protections on this matter”
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
Is this what it refers to…….
could be
Signed by William J. Lynn. This guy?
Roger Stone
2 hours ago
Yesterday I signed the acceptance of my presidential pardon. Hey Adam Schiff go f*ck yourself you seditious bug- eyed freak #rogerstonedidnothingwrong
Wow. He needs to quit holding back on Schiff.
He needs to tell us how he really feels!
Whoa. @Forbes chief content officer warns against hiring @kayleighmcenany or other prominent Trump flacks: “Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.”
Not much to bother with commies and fascists.
We are at the absolute extreme.
I do not believe they will do anything adverse in a gradual way if they have power.
Their final solution with begin immediately given the chance.
Agreed. They will arrest all the “leaders” and put us in prison.
We will see sexual deviancy like never before, public humiliation, execution, the worst of it all. Bc “its only conservatives ” at first, these historically ignorant fools will not realize theyll eventually make the list.
They’ve always got their CV play in their pocket. Somehow it’ll be used.
Yup !
Warn against hiring the chief content officer of Forbes, or Patriots will assume everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.
Never buy F-Robes again!
I have a hard time letting go of magazines — part of the hoarder in me — but there came a time when I just dumpsterized multiple file boxes of Forbes. I could no longer conceive of any circumstances where I might want to listen to that blather.
And, BTW, I’m open for someone taking multiple years of Wired off my hands….cheap.
Wired was good for a long time. But now it’s time to put away childish things.
It seems like I read some time ago that Chyna bought Forbes. Might be a connection.
After this, the end of the cabal must be total. White Rabbit News ❼ (@WhiteRabbitNN) Tweeted:
Great photos, Steve. Gives a good idea of the rally/protest.
Yes, we are effing done with the traitors in our political class that have sold us out.
shouldn’t they consult with the people who patronize the business instead of the people who work there?
My dear friend..the people who patronize have been unpersoned so technically not people anymore to them and all their pronouns.
No shame anymore about blatant discrimination, labeling, bullying, threatening. Their hate can now be put into action. Good times
This afternoon the boy was asking to watch The Sound of Music.
So proud of him
We just watched the scene at the festival where Cap’n sang Edelweiss.
Incredible every time.
Good for him! My favorite movie of all time.
The manufactured riot, all the media propaganda, and the social media censorship are TO STOP THE EVIDENCE OF ELECTION FRAUD from being presented legally COURT, lawfully in CONGRESS and the MEDIA.
President Trump has been denied his constitutional rights of legal hearing for the election being stolen from him!
Now YouTube has taken down Rudy Guiliani’s presentation of evidence that the riot was Antifa and not Trump people.
Quod Verum update. Unfortunately, I have some bad news to report on this front. Despite only tweeting roll calls and literally nothing else, I got yelled at by the Quod Verum admin and received a few insults for “spreading conspiracy theories.” Gab remains the far superior off-site option. I only created a Quod Verum account as a contingency back-up to Gab (a back-up of a back-up). Given that the mere name “Q Tree” triggers people on Quod Verum, be careful if you post there.
I suggested making Quod Verum accounts last night after being unable to access Gab for an entire day. It seemed like a prudent idea at the time to have a Gab back up. I didn’t realize until now that Quod Verum had strict content restrictions. I sincerely apologize for leading people into hostile territory. To be completely blunt, the stuff Wictor, Rex, and Cates regularly post are considered “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream, so for the community over there to snub their nose at “conspiracy theorists” comes off as confusing, snobbish, and hypocritical.
On a positive note, I learned that we have far more lurkers here than I realized. Please, lurkers, feel free to comment here more often. We’re friendly! We don’t bite!
I just signed up over there as a place to read Wictor.
Hmm. Well i refuse parler bc they are as twitter…intrusive and data mining from the get go. Ill stay here and GAB as long as we can. QPERS- KEEP A QUOD VERUM if youve done so as emergency backup.
I suggest quodverum as RECON ONLY AND DIRECT MSG ONLY.
I am banned from Quod Verum for the sole offense of tweeting Q Tree roll calls. If anyone intends to stay, use for lurking and DMs only.
That blows. And yes a dm back up!
What agensb has to say, and also the bearded guy, since, I think, they are merely users, can and should be ignored. Debradelai, however . . . is she in an administrative capacity over there? . . . her words would be interesting if she is admin. Would you care to enlighten?
I am now banned from Quod Verum and unable to even look at Debradelai’s profile, so I am unable to confirm, but yes, it is my understanding this person is the site admin.
Well, fuck ’em, I say!
What the hell is wrong with people anymore? Does NOBODY understand the concept of FREE SPEECH?
Could someone please get me out of purgatory?
Hey! Guy in purgatory here! Wolf, DP, Wheatie, Steve?
Best I can do. Might have to flap arms around again.
Since the subject was brought up about possible Dirty Bombs as a threat to POTUS:
CLUB K — Bring in the Sniffer
MilSpecOp Monkey’s write up with pictures does a good job.
Frank – [DS] Panic,The Moment Has Arrived ,The Precipice Of Destruction Has Been Reached
Posted on January 9, 2021
Please look into whether “Sauce” is really “RealSauce” and let them out if they are. She/he is getting frantic and annoyed.
Frantic….nah, Annoyed, not really, I talk to myself all the time
But thanks for the heads up to Wolf….
…and I will Identify as Sauce from this day on
Parler requires a telephone number to register.
No it does not.
I didn’t have to give mine.
Here is what I just got:
Please enter your email and password to proceed
Email *
Mobile Phone *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Use eight or more characters with at least one capital letter, lowercase letter, number, and special character.
We conservatives are so funny.
They are asking for something they have no right to, in order to give YOU something you have every right to.
We always play by the rules, but it really doesn’t always serve us well.
I’ve got about 800 fake numbers I can use; every effing spam caller.
There you go!
I attempted that. They require verification. Repeatedly tried. I gave up.
That’s weird. They actually CALL you?
No they text and email codes so they let you in. And, the rules stipulate they have access to your phone. I even tried from my computer.Still wanted a number.
Hmmm. Landline?
No landline. And amazon is taking down parler tomorrow night!
It is possible Parler will get its act together and be back up in a week or two.
If some website requires a phone number, I usually use something that fits the requirement and sends a clear message that my number is none of their business.
Something like 012-345-6789
And if it says something like “We do not recognize that area code”, then give them a real area code followed by 123-4567.
867-5309 works
Anything with 555 a la Hollywood, too.
Tommy Tutone
Have to admit — the thought did not occur to me.
But the thought of not playing by the rules has been occurring to me a lot, lately.
I’m not a very “rules bound” person generally. I usually don’t break big rules with scary consequences. But what could Parler do to me if I was caught, take away my account? Big friggin deal.
You’re the sort who goes out the entrance of BassPro and Cabelas, when you haven’t bought anything.
Lol! Yep!
they asked for mine, but I did not give it, and was still registered.
However that was back in the spring. May have tightened up by now.
Good to hear. I tried a couple months ago and they required a telephone number. Glad to hear they changed.
I know to get verified you have to provide a bunch of personal info. I don’t even see a spot for it in my profile.
Just went to Parler and they asked for a phone number. Maybe it was not required, but merely made to look like it was required.
I wont do that so i said nope. They also datamine your number.
Geeze that other stuff was bad enough. Wish I could unsee it. I’m not looking this time.
True story!!!!
I really don’t think a number of us will be deeply disturbed from the Hunter stuff. We already have been told that rape and murder of juveniles is part of the initiation to the “big boys” world club . . . and we’ve known about snuff films for years . . . and we know that almost-term babies can be pulled apart in an abortion process . . . and we know of countries that send kids ahead of the troops in case of mines . . . and cannibalism is not unknown in certain evil circles . . . and throwing gays off rooftops . . . and stoning women accused, but not proven, of certain offenses . . . and torture to death to get people to talk.
There are other specifics I haven’t covered here, but “deeply disturbed”? . . . uh, no . . . at least no more than we are now.
And, no, I’m not going to watch any Hunter videos, no matter what!!!
Ive cursory read some bad things. That is when deliverance from evil is goingvto be needed by the masses. Your choice to know.
All of this, “get ready”, a drop is coming needs to fricken stop.
All these folks “in the know” need to free ALL the information. I am done being jerked around by “Breaking News” is incoming…
It’s getting old isn’t it.
Tick tock, tick tock?
Yes. Ive been sick of it for about a year. Fan fiction looking for attention. I understand if some have info that maybe got changed or mistaken but honestly if someone on twits knows something time to prove it.
Rasmussen: Trump’s Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests
Friday, 08 January 2021 10:42 PM
The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate polls of the 2020 election, finds President Trump’s approval is actually rising after Wednesday‘s protests.
As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.
A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.
Trump’s approval has been up overall, jumping from 45% just before Christmas.
“Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing,” our source says, “But they still like Trump.”
48% of Americans can discern where the blame lies.
The problem is, 52% apparently cannot and *must* be educated in the very near future.
And you trust polls???
Rasmussen used to be good. then it got bought out and later Rasmussen got kicked off the board over a dispute on how they were ‘run.
Wiki Rasmussen Reports, was founded in 2003 by Scott Rasmussen, who served as the company’s president from its founding until July 2013, when he left… Rasmussen Research, was bought by
Scott Rasmussen, the founder of conservative-leaning polling outlet Rasmussen Reports, left the firm last month over a dispute with the board of directors about the direction of the company.
I could not find TownPagesNet. I did find the Majority owner is
Noson Lawen Partners. they are buyout specialists going after smal media companies.
Please don’t focus on the precise numbers.
There’s some percentage, a dismayingly large one even if it’s only 30 percent not 52 percent, that has been kept clueless by the media. They need to be shown the truth, and we need to be prepared for some really UGLY reactions when they realize how they’ve been had.
Yes, we should be prepared to direct their ugly reactions at the SOURCE(S) of the very intentional deception.
Ties in nicely with 17’s comment that “they [Cabal] won’t be able to walk the streets”.
While ‘I chat with myself in the void, anyone have any luck with the messaging features in Gab or Parler? I had no luck even sending a message to Wolf to escape my current limbo
Sorry for the multiple identities today
Has your identity been feeling a tad dissociative lately?
No problem! All that matters is getting you back posting without my need to approve posts! If that takes 20 accounts, so be it!
One of the first to get Unpersoned. Did any Repubs rally around? No.
Funny, Ive felt unpersoned all day;-)
WHOA! Let me go through here and approve stuff and see if that frees you!
Glad your back!
Chase bank? On what grounds?
WARNING – some creep is putting out crazy fake news on a fake Parler account claiming to be Code Monkey Z – Ron Watkins.
Ron Watkins is only on Gab –
Catturd has said there are many fake accounts on Parler.
At this point Parler is not very useful. too many strikes against it.
I am ONLY on Gab. Any other account on any other website is FAKE.
I am just gonna say right now that, while I have an account on Parler, I won’t be using it unless forced.
Parler sucks.
Me to. Have Parler. Never used it thus far.
Waiting for whatever platform, TW, FB, YT…that, Trump Inc.may create.
If they do anything, they’ll GO BIG. Challenge all them TW, FB, YT asshoes.
I will give that all my support if it happens! I would pay a monthly fee!
Me to.
But I suspect it would be a super popular from its launch. Advertisers will flock to it.
Just took the proactive step of deleting my parler account.

Just took the proactive step of deleting my Parler account.

Looks good
Did you settle on a specific personality or is that why Wolf had to do MASS approvals . . . to make sure he got ’em all?
I AM WHO I (currently) AM
This just posted without my help – right?
Yep….I’M FREE!
Certainly without mine.
Uh-oh . . . shades of Ex 3:14.
Had the same thought.
Ok you did it.

Wolf was actually approving Catholic services.
Wolf ~~ This may have been asked and answered before and I missed it …. is there any way to have the Post Comment box at the bottom of the thread instead of the top?
It would be easier to find at the bottom……
You can click the green circle (bottom right)….
and it should take you to the comment box.
Hope that helps
It only works if there’s no small orange bubble and that means you have to refresh to get that off, find your way back to the only green circle OR just scroll up yerseff!! I’m lazy like that and don’t want to .
A note about the scroll wheel…..
Press the wheel and it goes to “Autoscroll”.
Move the mouse up or down and it goes slow or fast.
Saves wear and tear on the wheel too.
I do a search for the word “log” to get to the top (because that’s where it tells you to log in). And to get to the bottom, I search for the words “previous” or “next.”
He’s working that, putting the page links at the top as well as the bottom, and hopefully the whole upside-down way this works–you’re by no means the first to ask, so I want to reassure you!
Great news! So glad to hear it. Not the end of the world if it can’t be done though.
So why dont my photo links just show up?
Dunno – I opened the link in a new window and copied the image – but, all I got was a long Google link – think maybe it has something to do with being a part of a group of images – but, am just guessing here – Sauce
Tried to help – maybe someone else knows and can help – Hope so – Sorry
It opened for me… in another window…
Great photo
That my best shot I think, have a few more good ones
Me too.
I owe you an apology, sir/madam; I have seen your posts all day but wasn’t absolutely certain of your bona fides so I passed the buck to Wolf–I had to sort of “kick” him with a PRIVATE MESSAGE TO WOLF (but with underscores) and hopefully either that helped, or he finally noticed you anyway.
No worries, I figured that I may of raised some red flags with the multiple login so it would be a wolf fix..
…and yea, I’m a dude
but still a Cute Chipmunk
Yes, you are. But one day soon you’ll be a FOX.
Your image shows what looks like a real name. Was that intentional?
What Phoenix said and had to click it again to another view so “save” was allowed and did.
Great photo!
january 9, 2021 the marshall report
I am officially banned from Quod Verum.
My offense over there was mentioning the Q tree. I only tweeted Q Tree roll calls. An admin yelled at me for this offense, I politely explained the situation—that we’re a spin-off CTH community who just wanted to connect with friends and other QV personalities like Wictor, and we’re not looking to cause trouble. After that exchange, I was banned. I tweeted literally nothing else. If you have a Quod Verum account and intend to stay, be extremely careful about what you post.
So not much better than TWATTER…
Twitter at least let the wrongthinkers stay on their platform for more than 24 hours. I’m really shocked and disappointed by the hostility over there. I’m so sorry to everyone here for suggesting that we make back-up Quod Verum accounts in case of emergency. I had no idea they were that bad.
You only tried to HELP.
WHO… can fault you for that?
Thanks for your effort(s).
Thank you. I appreciate this.
There’s nothing you did that was wrong . . . so there’s certainly no forgiveness needed!!!
Thank you. I really appreciate this.
Ditto to what rayzorback said. What I am impressed by is how we all wanted to make sure that we could still be in contact with each other should sites be taken down. We are family. Thank you for your efforts to keep us together
Well now we know right? Better sooner than later. I like to read Wicker, so it’s all good on my end. Thanks for trying Sadie.
They may have noticed an influx of newbies and got hyper interested in what it was about. The fear of their own site getting censored also could be why…the taint of Q and Trump could get them slapped too maybe?
I’m sorry they gave you the hammer.
The first thing I posted on my brand new account was, “Hi Q Tree!,” and, within minutes, people over there responded by calling me a “Q-tard” and accusing me of “spreading conspiracy theories.” They could have easily said, “Hey, please don’t mention Q here,” but no, it was straight to insults and attacks. I understand why admins might be cautious about new accounts, but the community in general was foul from the start.
Again, I say fuck ’em!
Free speech or no speech from me. They chose.
What I find absurd about the whole situation is that the content Wictor, Rex, and Cates post are considered “conspiracy theory” to the mainstream. The community complaining about “conspiracy theories” is itself considered “conspiracy theory” to the general public. The hypocrisy and snobbish attitudes over are astounding.
This experience really put into perspective and gave me new appreciation for our Q Tree community and Gab. Thank you, Wolfmoon! Thank you, Q Tree, for not being snobs!
You know, everybody LOVES free speech when it is THEIR SPEECH.
They are no better than the leftists if they don’t.
Sorry you had to learn it for us. Took one for the team. Thank you for that. I have an account now, I guess, but I won’t waste my time on it.
We’re too cool for them, anyway.
Just a place to read Wictor.
Ah you said it. Only for the cool kuds…who aren’t so cool.
I concur. They suck big time.
You said exactly what I was thinking.
Yikes… That sux
I’m seeing quite a few regular Joes & Janes that are getting death threats, businesses targeted..the whole nine yards for just going to DC.
Once the little restraint they had was unleashed once they saw the blatant discrimination by the tech lords was not going to be’s open season on us
NOT a good idea. Sooner or later people will turn on bullies.
As this article shows, we are NOT the minority, we actually have FAR GREATER NUMBERS than they have. THIS is why they are frightened out of their skulls. If we ever get fed-up enough, they are DEAD MEAT! Only the fact we are mostly Christians has saved their hides so far.
America’s Ruling Class
And the perils of revolution.
(If you have not read this PLEASE do it is long but very very good.)
It sounds like the so-called ‘ruling class’ are just Godless Marxists who are too ignorant to realize they’re Godless Marxists.
Asshats who think their shit don’t stink. Living in Boston and working in a research company full of PhDs I got a belly full of them.
I just LOVE you! Telling the truth in living color.
Agrees. Need to start chopping at the head, quickest way, and all closely connected. No need to wait to be getting ready. Doesn’t care about mil support. Far out numbered and many will likely not comply when they can. Also pushed they’ll give you their stuff.
Once started, ruthless, don’t look back, lots of dispassion doing what ya got to because ya know less will prolong your pain and you ain’t wrong and don’t want to be caught right doing nothing.
Dumb people never learn.
Regular folks learn from experience.
Good people learn from their experience, and share.
Smart people learn from the experience of others.
Doesn’t get that. Not saying it’s not so. But there are so many Q groups there. Is it infiltration or do you need to get into group to speak freely or combination of both? Was only there last night. Trusts your view more than my own.
IMO, it’s a nasty clique mentality over there. They don’t appear to have any problem with Brian Cates being a Q supporter.
Being there but one night is why I’d defer to your trusted judgement. Time’s precious and will return if situation dictates, meanwhile too much to chew on elsewhere.. Thanks Sadie!
We all try Sadie. Quod Verum exposed themselves. So, it’s on Quod Verum for being douche bags. Unless I missed something..
Nobody died or lost any limbs so it’s all good.
You also can’t talk about Q that got me in trouble I don’t go on there very often.
i signed up a couple of months ago but was never able to post. No matter, I just visit to catch Rex and Wictor sometimes. I don’t know how that site works anyway. Just navigating here is challenging enough.
Yes, it is confusing over there, which is why I was tweeting roll calls of Q Treepers so that we could all find each other. Apparently this is a bannable offense.
If you can navigate NoVa roads, you can navigate anywhere.
Just wow. What is the objection?
Saying the name “Q Tree” is considered the equivalent of “spreading conspiracy theories,” and is therefore a bannable offense.
Is Quod Verum Latin for “Closed Minded” maybe?
Quod Verum is a strange name for a site that’s so adverse to the letter Q!
Can’t get any more lame than that…irony seems to have escaped them!
It turns out they are as anti-Q as SD.
Hey Sadie, I’m not doubting that you’re banned at Quod Verum, but you still show up as an address with the followed symbol.
Here’s the Quod Verum statement of rules –
QuodVerum is an Open Forum designed to promote the freest exchange of ideas, in the American tradition. We do not find words nor ideas offensive, and strongly believe that any attempt to portray words as violence is, in itself a violence against words. However, there are a few limits that in order to maintain civility we feel compelled to establish, and those have to do with the sometimes subtle but generally quite discernible line between words and action, to wit: Calls to violence of any kind, the overthrow of the government of the US,promotion of bigotry or hatred against ANY group of individuals or illegal activity will be immediately removed from this forum. Likewise, the promotion of terrorist ideology will not be tolerated. Reports of any such incident will be handled by people, not algorithms, and will be viewed in context. Repeated attempts to falsely report accounts out of context will lead to termination of the accuser. Three is a charm. Otherwise, we expect our users to use their good judgment and, if need be, the BLOCK or MUTE buttons. This is not a collective. We each take care of our own gardens.
According to the email they sent, my “data will remain intact, but [I] cannot perform any actions.”

Thanks. Well, I’m certainly gone from QV, even though I hardly ever, if ever, talk about Qs prognostications or veracity.
Again, apologies for suggesting making an account over there in the first place. I had no idea.
If anyone should be apologizing, it’s QV.
Just amazing how they reacted in unison, like we stepped on some spider web strand in the Matrix.
The knee-jerk compulsion to immediately expose themselves as some sort of virtue-signalling, Q-hating lunatic asylum was just bizarre…

Yes. They really want to be liked.
Quit beating yourself up over this.
Your intentions were pure and righteous.
I for one am glad you were looking out for us.
I’ll second this. Sadie, you are BLAMELESS and have nothing to apologize for.
Carry on with being Sadie.
Thank you! I really appreciate the reassurance.
Thank you! That genuinely made me feel better.
If you saw him in the notifier, I also replied to him (and you wouldn’t have seen it) in the same vein.
Thank you for the head’s up! I appreciate it!
YOU….are too valuable here.
Thanks for all you do.
Thank you!
“According to the email they sent, my “data will remain intact, but [I] cannot perform any actions.””
So they put you in a Quod Verum Coma?!?
You’re still sentient, you just can’t move?
They must really hate people who use the letter Q!
The good thing about this is that everyone can look at my very short Quod Verum post history and decide for themselves if I violated the rules that you and Bako quoted. This is what is considered ban-worthy on Quod Verum.
Sadie Slays
(Copy and paste link into browser. Clicking the link doesn’t work).
Here, I fixed it for them:
QuodVerum is an Open Forum (but not open to your kind) designed to promote the freest exchange of ideas (except your ideas), in the American tradition (of silencing dissent).
We do not find words nor ideas offensive (except for those we find offensive), and strongly believe that any attempt to portray words as violence is, in itself a violence against words (unless it’s the letter Q, which we hate violently and with utter abandon).
However, there are a few limits that in order to maintain civility we feel compelled to establish, and those have to do with the sometimes subtle but generally quite discernible line between words and action, to wit:
Calls to violence of any kind (unless it’s against people who read Q), the overthrow of the government of the US (so no discussion of Founding Documents like the Declaration of Independence is allowed), promotion of bigotry (unless it’s bigotry against Q or people who read Q posts) or hatred against ANY group of individuals (besides people who read Q posts) or illegal activity (like reading or especially talking about Q posts) will be immediately removed from this forum.
Likewise, the promotion of terrorist ideology will not be tolerated (unless our members want to harass or terrorize people who read Q posts, which is both encouraged and rewarded).
Reports of any such incident will be handled by people, not algorithms, and will be viewed in context. Repeated attempts to falsely report accounts out of context will lead to termination of the accuser (not termination of the account, but termination of the accuser…
Three is a charm (unless it’s three Q’s). Otherwise, we expect our users to use their good judgment and, if need be, the BLOCK or MUTE buttons.
This is not a collective (it’s a Wojak hive, a completely different thing). We each take care of our own gardens (but rooting out any Q weeds is a collective group activity).
It’s like a Monty Python routine that writes itself…
This makes me question Wictor and that Saul fellow. I never did like the latter.
We are all fallible. Wictor has written good stuff and so has Rex so I will cut them some slack.
Also there may be some behind the scenes stuff going on.
Finally Q maybe considered too ‘cult like’ and they want to reach a wider audience. After all the Q people do not need to be educated like the normies do.
Well, that sounds like a nice aspiration. Too bad they didn’t tell the asshats.
Well, you saved me wasting my time with them, then.
I saw Saul Montes’ welcome message, with the Q warning tossed in, as if we’re some Q cult and we don’t talk about anything else.
Q hasn’t even posted anything since December 8th (just checked), so there hasn’t really been anything Q-related to talk about, even if we wanted to, for over a month.
What is the weirdness about discussing a subject that can not be proven or disproven?
First CTH, and now Quod Verum.
I was going to ask him a short version of my Q proof, i.e., if it can’t be a friendly psy-op and it can’t be a hostile psy-op, then what other option does that leave except being what it claims to be, but if their minds are shut like a bear trap, I’m not sure there’s any point.
They can’t even handle the name “Q Tree” without being triggered like the Leftists they mock. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Yes, the hypocrisy is exactly right.
To refer us to their Quod Verum ‘Statement of Rules’ extolling their virtues of inclusion and free expression, with the founder warning us in the same breath that no talk of Q will be tolerated, is a cartoonish level of hypocrisy…
Saul Montes to all of the new members: “Welcome, and I sincerely hope you read our rules.
Simple. No trolls, no bots, no ads, no illegal activities, no conspiracy theories.
Yes, that means no Q.
Please refrain from promoting that larp.”
And the people here are some of the smartest best people around.
Some don’t even believe in Q or are skeptical. And Q is often not even mentioned.
What a crock of hypocritical shit Saul is.
He’s probably a very nice person, and I don’t get the sense that it’s a Lefty website at all.
Rex and Wictor are both long-time and/or early members, I used to read Rex there when he quit (or was suspended by) Twitter, or wherever he used to post before Quod Verum.
There is just something about ‘Q’ that freaks some people out, and I have no idea what it is.
It’s like some kind of irrational fear.
Since they don’t understand it, it has to be ‘canceled’, it has to be ‘verboten’, it has to be ‘negated’.
The cognitive dissonance presented by Q, at least to certain personality types, is apparently something they literally cannot handle, so they shut down (or shut out) psychologically.
It was the same thing with SD.
He couldn’t handle it.
He reacted to it like it was ‘X-Files’ or ‘woo-woo’ stuff

And that’s what QV is doing. They (apparently) can’t wrap their mind around it, can’t explain it, so they choose to live in denial of its existence, in denial of the phenomenon itself, to the extent that’s possible.
Which to any normal, curious, inquisitive, intelligent person, is just a weird thing to see.
The intellectual equivalent of closing your eyes, sticking your thumbs in your ears, and saying “Nah-na nah-na nah-na nah-na”…
It’s embarrassing to see otherwise obviously intelligent people reduce themselves to that level, to the point where the normal response is “What’s wrong with them?”
But I like x files stuff man!
and the woo woo just sends my imagination off in a gazillion directions.
It’s annoying as hell. I want to slap some sense into them.
IOW, Q is so 2020. Talk about living in the past!
Yep. Time to move on to R.
I just popped in over there and what’s funny, is the first post I saw was from Brian Cates (Draw and Strike), so I guess they don’t know he is Q related.
It really is absurd, isn’t it?
TRUMP – DO YOU HEAR ME RUNNING by Justin Bellucci (mirror)
I have tried to get into the Gab Chat and believe I managed that. At least chat is a selection on the left side now. I am baffled on how to send a PM to Wolf, or to anyone else. Or how to use Chat usefully.
Cool, or not cool, glad I’m not the only one
Are you TheBarkBitesBack on Gab?
I can’t even get onto Gab today and not for lack of trying.
But Patriots are the problem ?
The foxv5 guy the video came from is a lefty. The replies in his twit are almost all social lists.
Even bill melugin retwit a lefty. They are looking to maim and murder. Mark my words, if Pres Trump and the military do not stop this it will devolve immediately on inauguration day.
It’s unraveling by the minute.
I expect formerly mostly levelheaded tv people to be scared to death to stay neutral.
“Mark my words, if Pres Trump and the military do not stop this it will devolve immediately on inauguration day.”
He’s going to stop it.
Or We the People will do it for him.
Die standing or die on your knees. They have certainly made that clear over the last few months.
The fact that CHYNA fell comfortable enough that they suggested sending 1/4 MILLION TROOPS into OUR capitol tells you all you need to know.
That was a spiteful move on their part, and quite unwise.
Especially since they were talking about BEFORE Biden was inaugurated to make sure there was a ‘peaceful’ transition.
“The fact that CHYNA fell comfortable enough that they suggested sending 1/4 MILLION TROOPS into OUR capitol tells you all you need to know.”
I hadn’t even heard about that.
All DJT has to do is turn We the People loose.
It is only the memory of what passes for the rule of Law (and those of us who still observe its ghost) that provides protection to the lunatic Left and Cabal elements in the U.S.A.
Remove the restraint, give us the green light, and We the People descend on this Nazi scum like the Riff descended on the Rogues at the end of The Warriors.
Thats fo sho.
&%$ing Nazi animals.
If a bus drove through there and killed them all, the world would be a better place.
What if many of those in the Capitol were Special Forces? Where did those laptops go?
Maybe General McInerny can tell us.
Get the popcorn! Enjoy the show!
My apologies if this has already been posted…I did not see it while scrolling through.
I did earlier, but it was a tiny cell phone screen copy. Thanks for the nw one!
The entire show.
The video on YouTube
Watters’ World 1/9/21| FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS January 9,21
Sorry Jesse, watched the show … your (or your master’s) weasel words were stark … you’re dead to us now …
Nothing new – curious what they were covering – this appears to be a repeat with the date changed…
Sounded too familiar, Gail – like it was a prior broadcast – seems like they are trying to get back in our good graces using Watters.
Brian Cates says according to the White House Press Pool, Pres. Trump will be in Harlingen, TX on Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 1 p.m.
Perfect time to declassify. 7 days of tumult up to the “Inauguration” which never takes place.
They had a 55% vote swing this election
Whole Rio Grande Valley nearly went RED
Zapata county DID go RED
They LOVE LOVE LOVE Trump down there!
TX Dems are in a TOTAL PANIC as “Blue Texas” dreams evaporate!

Ground Reports saw the Air Force heavy lift plane fly over very low this morning, already preparing… Trump’s advance team. Some also saw the aircraft at the airport.
GALLERY: Air Force plane at Harlingen airport preparing for presidential visit
Posted: Jan 9, 2021 / 05:15 PM CST / Updated: Jan 9, 2021 / 05:15 PM CST
HARLINGEN, Texas (KVEO) — A U.S. Air Force aircraft was spotted at the Valley International Airport on Saturday as the airport prepares for President Donald Trump’s visit to the Rio Grande Valley on Tuesday.

michael, someone said the completion ceremony of 500 miles of Border Wall???
The Wall is More than you know . . .
michael…I do so hope so!
So Michael, do we have ‘disclosure’ coming?
Good to see you yucki
Always happy to see a cute chipmunk….
#USCapitol #DCParade #CapitolBreach
Confirmed: At Least One BLM Activist Was In US Capitol Breach; Cabinet Members Resign | Facts Matter
What Happened on Capitol Hill? An Eyewitness Account
Published by larry on January 9, 2021
Two days after the events on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Fixed Point Foundation executive director Larry Alex Taunton sat down with a couple that participated in the rally. Was it an “insurrection” as media has characterized it? Or is there more to the story?
On Wednesday January 6th, supporters of President Donald Trump gathered on the Washington Mall. Attendees to this latest “Trump Rally” came from all over the United States. Before the day was over, these same “patriots,” as they often call themselves, would be labeled “insurrectionists” hellbent on the overthrow of the government of the United States.
Were they?
And who are they?
Among the assembled were Simon and Angela, a couple from Birmingham, Alabama. Frustrated by media reports in the aftermath of the rally, the two contacted me. They wanted to tell their story. I sat across from them in a cramped restaurant booth, Angela clutching her phone, flipping through photos and videos she had taken of that day’s events. Simon did the same. Occasionally each would turn the face of these devices to me to offer photographic evidence of their narrative.
In a sense, both are typical Trump supporters. At 63, Simon has enjoyed a successful career in sales while Angela, 60, has kept herself busy with an online business she started once their children were grown. Evangelical Christians, they have unsurprisingly strong convictions on faith and family, free speech and free markets. Raised in an era where American youth were taught to love their country and the God who, they believed, had blessed those who populated it with unparalleled wealth and opportunity, they were likewise taught to cherish their country’s traditions, its founding documents, and the sacrifices of those who had made bequeathed it to them.
It isn’t so much that they are dedicated to Trump. It is, rather, that they feel that he and he alone, stands between them and the radical Leftist mob that makes no secret of their desire to obliterate all that people like Simon and Angela hold dear.
Let me be clear from the beginning what this article is not. It is not a defense of violence. It is not a defense of Trump supporters per se. Those responsible for the violence on Capitol Hill—be they Trump supporters or those who fill the ranks of Black Lives Matter or Antifa—must be apprehended and tried just as the perpetrators of similar events in a dozen U.S. cities must also be apprehended and tried. Nor is this the sort of article of which there are already too many in circulation where the logic goes something like this:
Your side did this at Portland, Kenosha, New York, Chicago, Ferguson, et al., so you can’t complain even if we did storm the Capitol Building!
Wrong. The hypocrisy of the Left, their total disregard for the rule of law, and their contempt for the people of this nation are well-established facts that need no commentary here even if one finds little about them in, say, The New York Times or, for that matter, National Review. Even the radical Left, dishonest as they are, know this to be true. No, this column is an attempt to understand, if only from a very limited perspective, what happened in our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021.
While I ate a chicken sandwich, Simon and Angela ordered nothing, their minds too preoccupied with a story they simply had to tell.
“Why did you go to the rally?” I began.
“We think the election was stolen,” Angela said passionately. “We wanted to do something. We couldn’t sit by and do nothing. We could never face our grandchildren.”
Simon nodded his agreement. This is a consistent theme among Trump supporters. You can dismiss it as nonsense. You can call them crank conspiracy theorists or the tinfoil hat crowd. But you cannot dismiss their genuine moral conviction that their country is being stolen from them and that they, like their forebears, must fight to prevent it from becoming yet another banana republic.
“Had you ever been to a Trump Rally before?”
“Yes, we went to ‘The Return’ in D.C. in September.”
“What was it like?”
“Friendly. You see a lot of families, children, even dogs—”
“—no cats,” Simon added with a grin.
Angela, amused, continued. “You see people who are mostly our age, but there are some younger ones, too.”
“Was this rally like the one in September?”
“If anything, it was friendlier,” she said.
“So, what happened?”
Together they described Rudy Giuliani’s speech, the cold, gray weather, and the long wait for Trump’s appearance on the Mall. Some stood for hours waiting.
“The clouds broke for a moment as he appeared,” Simon said. “His speech was just his typical stump speech.”
Afterward, cold, they walked back to their hotel to warm up. A half hour later they returned to the Mall to join the crowd going to the steps of the Capitol Building.
“Were there any signs of violence?”
“None,” Simon said. “It was peaceful.”
Angela agreed. “No, nothing. It remained very friendly. Standing on the steps, some were singing things like ‘God Bless America’ while others chanted ‘We the People!’ or something like that. But there was no sign of violence.”
At this point, let me say that I have known Simon and Angela for many years. We are not close, and we don’t do much socializing. But we might have had we attended the same churches or our children the same schools. As it is, we share a number of social acquaintances and we have done business together. I have even been abroad with Simon who was, as I recall, a lively travel companion game for just about any adventure. I find them credible witnesses who have, like any thoughtful person I have ever known, strong convictions. But I never sensed that it compromised their testimony.
“When did you think things were going sideways?” I asked.
Angela looked pensive. “I probably thought it before Simon did.”
“She has a better sense of smell,” he put in.
“Smell?” I was confused. Gunpowder, I wondered?
“Yes, smell,” she said. “Somebody with a loudspeaker on a tower was encouraging people to come up the stairs, so we did. We thought it was okay. I was standing next to a schoolteacher, a woman, who was going up just ahead of me. A man helped us up as there were a lot of people. Like others, he was an older guy, probably from Kansas or Missouri or something, and when we reached the top, we took some pictures. I wanted a video of the crowd singing. I thought it was neat. I felt totally safe.”
“But the smell? The violence? When did it go sideways?” I was trying to piece it all together.
She showed me a video and pointed to a doorway. “See that? Right in there something was happening. We couldn’t really tell. But I could smell tear gas.”
“How did you know it was tear gas?”
“It burned my nose!”
“Then some guys in full riot gear, big guys, twentysomethings, pushed through the crowd right past us going back down the steps,” Simon said. “They had been ‘maced.’ We had seen them going up earlier shouting ‘Fu*k Antifa!’ But now they seemed like they were fleeing a crime scene.”
“You think they were Antifa?” I was discerning the direction of his thoughts.
“Yes, I do. They didn’t fit the demographic at all.”
“Yes, I mean, how hard is it to infiltrate a rally like this? Put on a MAGA hat and done! These aren’t violent people, I don’t care what they say.”
“But could it have been actual Trump supporters?”
Simon thought for a moment. “Yes, it could have been. Could some trucker get pissed that his vote didn’t count and decide he wants to punch somebody? Sure. There is no way for us to know for certain. But she’s right, it’s not what these crowds are like.”
Angela nodded. “People pray, sing, and just enjoy being with other people who share their feeling that something is very wrong with this country.”
“If there was a plan to storm the Capitol Building,” Simon said with eyebrows raised, “the crowd was not in on it. People just stood there.”
“I had this feeling we should leave,” Angela said.
“Did others?”
“No. I don’t think people realized something had happened.”
She handed me her phone with photos of this moment. They offered a view not visible to all in the crowd at the top of the Capitol steps. Some people were snapping selfies, others were laughing or talking with those next to them, and all seemed completely unaware of what was going on only yards from them at the entrance.
“It was then that our son sent us a text linking a story that someone, a young woman and Trump supporter, had been shot inside. We couldn’t believe it.”
“Did you hear gunshots?”
“Nothing. And on the other side of the building they were actually letting people in.”
She swiped the screen of her phone to a video showing exactly that: Capitol Hill Police standing aside as a crowd casually strolled into the Capitol Building. It had the appearance of a group tour. No one rushed, pushed, or showed the slighted inclination to violence or destruction of property. It even looked respectful.
“So, you left?”
“We did.”
They described how they stood at a distance and watched, but there remained no sign of violence. It was an odd moment. People still standing on the steps with their families singing and praying without any idea that inside the building shots had been fired.
“How did you feel when you saw media reports? Did they seem accurate?”
Angela didn’t hesitate. “We were angry. It was a total mischaracterization of that crowd. These weren’t violent people trying to overthrow the government. They just wanted to be heard.”
I had to think about that. Trump supporters, mostly from so-called “red states,” revere the Constitution, and revere no amendment more than the Second Amendment for the simple reason that they believe all the other amendments hang on that one. Had they insurrection in mind—it has been done before in this country, you know—they are certainly armed to do it. Whatever this was, it wasn’t an “insurrection” as the media so rapidly labeled it.
So, what actually happened?
“We aren’t sure, but we think it wasn’t done by people who represent what the people at that rally are about.”
We may never know what happened, but the idea that it was a mass of violent Trump supporters seems an exaggeration at the very least.
Some will find the idea of Antifa infiltrating the crowd too conspiratorial. You shouldn’t. History is full of examples of tyrants who either used or manufactured tragedies to justify the seizure of power. I am thinking of the Reichstag fire in 1933, which Hitler used as a pretext for annihilating his opposition in government, and the assassination of Sergei Kirov in 1934, which Stalin used to begin his murderous purges. But, really, you need look no further than the massive government overreach in some states during the pandemic. This phenomenon is not unique to the German and Russian experiences.
It’s American now.
Indeed, Democrats have wasted no time in capitalizing on these events, and Big Tech, emboldened to utterly dismiss anti-trust law and plain decency, have joined them in advancing their radical agenda, suppressing all dissent with an efficiency Hitler and Stalin would envy. This is only the beginning. It will get worse if the American people allow it as they have allowed the burning of their cities, the rigging of their elections, and the censorship of their speech.
We chatted a bit longer, but with their story told, Simon and Angela were ready to move on with their lives and to other topics if only for a while. It is good people like this that elitists have long discriminated against or altogether dismissed as irrelevant nonentities. And those elitists are found not only on the Left; the Never Trump mafia is full of them. These are the smug types who, for what I believe to be reasons that are more sociological than political, simply don’t want to be associated with what they regard as the hairy unwashed masses in middle America.
But the Left ignores them, suppresses them, and bullies them—no less than 74 million strong—at their own peril. Throughout history, stupid governments and their useful idiots have been characterized by just the sort of behavior we are now seeing and will undoubtedly see more of in the months and years to come. The end is always the same as if such policy violates a law of history itself, provoking an inevitable and equally dangerous response. As George Kennan once observed:
“Wrong a person … deny him all redress, exile him … if he complains, gag him if he cries out, strike him in the face if he struggles, and at last he will stab and throw bombs.”
America is on the brink. May God help us.
This is a message I have received from a dear, close friend. As far as the actual message’s source, I have no idea who the people, org, paster, etc. are, much less the varasity of the info.
Him being in Texas … rumors he is already there … the devasting stress of what they are doing to him, in the media, after simply having a protest against voter fraud, all they plan to do to he and his family post 1/20 … IDK
No matter what, being reminded to stop and pray for him some extra is Always a good idea. If he is feeling fine, only helps him be better!
“Prayer request I just received this from a friend… URGENT PRAYER-from Gateway – from Mary Jo Pierce Gateway Prayer Pastor. She is in a circle of prayer for the president. I just have received a prayer request for President Trump. They have had serious threats. Also President Trump is not feeling well. It is believed all the stress has affected him. We were asked to pray and ask other intercessors to pray. Please pass this onto others who will faithfully intercede.”
And so also did Presidents F.D. Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower have to live with terrible stress, much more than can ever be imagined. And they made the decisions that had to be made and followed through on them. The one who succumbed, Roosevelt, was already plagued with hypertension and cardiovascular issues.
Donald Trump has prepared for almost his entire life to be strong enough to be President of the United States. While it is always good to pray for his health and resolve, it is my belief that he is strong enough to keep the Communist Chinese from taking over our country.
I think so too. However, he is facing and dealing with so much – doesn’t hurt to stop and pray for him either way. I would rather post and get him extra prayer than regret not doing so later.
Lin Wood made a prayer request earlier today for POTUS, too.

I have never bothered to login/create an account. Figured it was just one more business that had my info if I did create an account.
I can comment here just fine without having a login so what are the advantages? Since most people seem to go that route there must be advantages … ?
Thanks for the info/advice/insight
You’re going to see more of this… | Trish Regan
I know this has been posted BUT General McInerny starts speaking at about 35 minutes with some really explosive stuff…
At about 54 minutes he comes straight out and says that he believes VP Pence has committed TREASON! This would substantiate some of Lin Wood’s claims in recent days!!!
I should have read down the page some James…
Just posted it!!! Yes, I agree w/ the General… Pence certified (along with most of Congress) Biden as President Elect… If it’s Treason for the others, it’s dang sure Treason for him.
It is probably better that you posted it from Rumble anyway.
Take care! I need some sleep after 2AM here.
Thank you… stay safe.
I’m a grandma again! Grandson almost 9 pounds.
Shove him back in, Biden still hasn’t conceded.
Seriously, congratulations!
LOL! Reminds me of James Herriot describing having to reposition a cow’s prolapsed uterus. She didn’t want him shoving that thing back in either!
WooHoo!!! Yippie!!! * Doing a Happy Dance * Congratulations, Grandma!!!
“A child is God’s way of telling us the world will go on!!!”
What a bruiser!!! Congrats to you all
Yay! Glad the baby finally arrived and is healthy!
That’s wonderful! Congratulations and please tell the same to mother and baby!
What a wonderful blessing from the Lord. I hope mother, baby, AND Grandmother are all doing just fine! May the Lord’s hand be mightily on this precious little one!
Congratulations Grandma. Big boy!
Congratulations, G’ma!!! And congratulations to the mother as well!
I have a cousin who was over 10. His mother’s third (and final) natural delivery.
I hear it’s a bad sign when the OB/GYN slaps ’em to get ’em breathing…….and the baby slaps the doc back.
OTOH, if the babe delivers a solid left for the KO….
Grandma Congrats!
(Have they bought his football jerseys yet?)
Those overdue babies spend that extra time in an accelerated growth environment! Our son was overdue by about 10 days, and just a hair over 9 lbs. Today he’s 5’5”.
I had one 4/11lbs and today is 6’4″
Congratulations Grandma!!!

Congratulations on the new addition
#uscapitol #politics #marymiller
Rep. Mary Miller on US Capitol Breach & Teaching Our Children Good & Evil | American Thought Leaders
Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward with Nicholas Veniamin. It’s long but covers everything, I’m halfway through now.
Adds to Italy story, money transfers observed from Vatican
several laptops scooped up 1/6
talks about the dissolution of the USA corp., POTUS of a new nation
Satanic forces vs. the light
As I said, it’s all there.
Short and informative. Near the end…
Lt Gen thinks Pence committed Treason (so do I)
The General has seen Pelosi’s laptop. Amazing times!
Wow. He said that Comey sold Hammer and Scorecard to the chicoms.
Yes’m…………….. “Nothing can stop…”
“Lt Gen thinks Pence committed Treason….”
I don’t like Pence but maybe maybe not. He could have just invited them into the TRAP.
ALSO Pence as VP does not vote. The rest of the traitors did.
News reports say over and over HE certified… didn’t he sign something as President of the Senate?
I am not sure of the exact procedure but I found this:
I think the roll is largely ceremonial. Basically because there is no way the legislature is going to let the VP (executive branch) tell them what to do.
Thomas Jefferson did ExACTLY what it was hoped Pence would do, and he did it according to the Constitution.
The language in the article is incorrect. The VP would not be CHANGING the votes, he would be counting only the votes of electors selected by State Legislatures, NOT by State Gov or SofS, which is illegal.
The election would then have gone to the House, where each State would have had ONE vote, and Trump would have won.
My interest is in the actual record that went into the Congressional Record, wherein SOMEONE’s signature, President of the Senate I would expect, is affixed to the Certification of Biden. If Pence, he signed Knowingly! that the election was a Steal, that the Electors for several states were frauds.
Thomas Jefferson was doing it before the 12th Amendment was passed.
Posted by Tore
8 hours ago ·
@ toresays
We have all the planners of this RIOT to paint AMERICANS and Trump Supporters Violent – DEAD to RIGHTS. We are coming for you!
8 hours ago ·
@ toresays
Who was responsible for the CAPITOL BREECH?
Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar and HE is going to OWN what he did. He did a DRY RUN in Georgia… while he lied and collected your money. He is the reason the President is being treated like this! They paid him to do it!
Read less
I have to believe that Nanzi had her skeletor hands in this. There is no reasonable explanation for her SIL to be in a snapshot with viking man..on that day..on the Capitol grounds
Molly, what if some pics are on the laptop picked up by White Hats on Wednesday?
That would be insane on her part but she thinks she’s bullet proof so certainly wouldn’t surprise me, you?
It always appears that these protesters can’t resist seeing themselves at every stage of their event. Why Pelosi’s SIL would consent to a picture defies logic and he didn’t look happy to be in it so maybe it was random or a wee bit o insurance ?
Nanzi’s father was mafia… in Baltimore, when she was growing up, then he moved the “family” to CA…
atm her’s is one of the four Mafia families in CA… her nephew is Gov
she thinks she is untouchable
Thank you so much for sharing your DC story! The pictures really do tell the tale from your vantage point. Extremely nice & perceptive catch on the woman w/ $10,000 in lenses. It begs the question if she has connections to China.
I hope you have no negative lingering effects from whatever chemicals you were exposed to. Did you have impressions about the “tone” of the crowd you were around? The F-bombs you mentioned above, do you think that was MAGA or Fake MAGA trying to whip up the crowd? Did you directly observe or sense “suspicious” people, like BLM/antifa disguised as MAGA as has been suggested? Was there any prohibition on backpacks or anything else you encountered? Did you have to go through some sort of security checkpoint to get as close to POTUS or the Capitol as you did?
Thanks so much for the Boots on the Ground Report!!! You Rock!
The woman is JAPANESE working for a Japanese paper so I doubt she is working for the Chinese
Well, there are many Americans working for the Chynese, so citing ethnicity/”nationality” as an indicator of internal belief systems is flawed reasoning – this is what the left does.
I believe that you know this already, just thought I’d butt in to clarify ,,,,
Thanks Gail!
No security checkpoint. I *wasn’t* close, but 200mm and 32 megapixels on an APS-C sensor lets me do some things.
No comprendo camera tech speak…but hubby learned dark room photo development back in HS!
I was under the Mis-impression that no one was permitted to carry backpacks so close to POTUS so was using the backpacks as kind of markers to watch…my bad, again,
We weren’t close to POTUS, though, that was my point.
There may well have been tighter security inside the Ellipse, for instance.
OK, thanks Steve. Could that “may have been” also apply to the Capitol so my backpack supposition Could have some small degree of merit?
I have no idea.
I never went through any kind of security checkpoint. I know in some cases I might have been forced to give up my camera if I had. (They don’t let anything bigger than a point-and-shoot into the White House tours, for instance.)
Thanks. You definitely need that camera for the picture tells a thousand words tsunami version of the MAGA historical encyclopedia, publication date TBA!
I got copious video too but no idea whether it can be uploaded.
You might want to research safe video hosting sites where you could archive them as backup. It would be great to see, especially with your insights included!
Disclaimer: another unverified rumor
Another friend (yes, multiple real life friends who send me lots of rumors) sent me a message that President Trump was going to speak tonight from Texas and would be on the conservative news networks, specifically RSBN.
I went to their facebook, their youtube to try to confirm/learn more.
I also tried their website. I can’t get their website to load. Have they been taken down? Or do I have the wrong website? Anyone else hearing rumors of him giving a speach?
I still can’t get their web site to come up
Speech is Tuesday in Texas.
Sorry if this has been posted, Rudy has a website up.
Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense (
Lin Wood is warning people to have their preps ready.
So when the orange circle shows 5 new posts, is there a way to just show those unread posts?
Unfortunately not. you have to scroll thru. My right hand is NOT happy about all thegoing up and down through a thread but at least with the yellow color I can now do it fairly fast.
Sometimes when I click on it when there are a few posts, it scrolls the page up to the first one. Then I can scroll down and they will show up. When there are a lot of unread ones, though, it doesn’t do it, or it takes longer than I want to wait.
Once you are past page one, there could be comments on older pages so the program gets confused.
2 messages right now from friends – newsmax reporting President Trump will speak soon….trying to confirm
Its not on their twitter and one would think they would post that
so tired of all of the rumors
I have 2 friends who say they heard it on newsmax that he will speak soon or that we will be hearing from him … IDK
Oh please let’s dew this
I want to believe.
New Lin Wood. He’s hinting that Big Tech “will fall hard in a few days.” Perhaps this lawsuit is what Lin is hinting at?

My dear Deplorables … I watched Judge J tonight at 9p EST. In her “open” in the very first part her mask completely drops off … let’s put it this way … I am beyond glad that she wasn’t around in 1776 … also this guy (Senator) who was on later is disgusting. They have no idea … I’m really tired of hearing “Trump Supporters are at fault.” OMG …
Hopefully we’ll have a video soon
Not going to watch it.
“Because Parler cannot comply with our terms of service and poses a very real risk to public safety, we plan to suspend Parler’s account effective Sunday, January 10th, at 11:59PM PST.”
FOLLOW ME ON GAB OR TELEGRAM. Or go to jordansather(dot)com to sign up for my direct newsletter.
Parler’s time is over. I wonder if the controlled op will bite the bullet and finally acknowledge Gab’s existence.
…and Gab is currently down for maintenance. Must be getting slammed by Parler refugees.
I read they bought 12 servers. Need to get installed. Will be slow for awhile.
Gab’s doing their best given the extraordinary circumstances handed to them. If anyone has the spare cash and finds value in Gab’s service, now is a critical time to donate or purchase Gab merchandise. They’re gonna need a lot more than 12 servers at this rate.
I find the lack of foresight and critical thinking demonstrated by this very disturbing. We’ve known this time was coming for over a year, with ever-increasing signs and indications it was coming true.
There’s “knowing” knowing, and “put money on the table” knowing. Especially when that money might be borrowed at interest, so stuff better get used immediately.
Having worked in the industry, every company I’ve done business with always thinks this can’t happen to them. They almost always put all their eggs in one basket.
To be fair, I’ve been in boardrooms, and I’ve been in the trenches, I’ve been in management, and I’ve been in the meetings where strategic decisions were made.
It’s very possible that the possibility of something like this happening has crossed the minds of senior management. There may even be a couple of pages of notes in case the worst happens.
If there’s a common mistake made, it’s usually assuming that “our guys” can do something better and faster…..while “those putzes across town couldn’t find their *ss with both hands.” Mind you, from the trenches that looks very much like the Company, as a whole, is clueless — upper management doesn’t generally do “pep talks” that say “our competition is hiring people smarter than you guys.”
Where I see it most is when we develop a formal BC/DR plan but they don’t want to pay to develop the WARM or HOT standby. Even a multi-cloud failover is seen as a cost center.
Hot or warm standby’s can be very expensive, and tend to be more complicated and possibly fragile. Hot standby’s are particularly vulnerable to ransomware because the standby can be contaminated. The question is whether they have a COLD standby — recovery in about a week.
Very little of the whoop-dee-doo technical stuff happens if nobody pays for it.
There is an interesting wrinkle that is very recent — what if an outage allows you to fundraise to cure it?
For those outside the biz — BC/DR = Business Continuation / Disaster Recovery.
HOT standby is a “hiccup” — maybe a 10-minute cutover. No transactions get dropped — if you got a confirmation in the live system, it’s valid in the standby.
WARM standby is where there is identified hardware and storage available at a moment’s notice….but it isn’t in “constant update” mode. If a disaster happens, it needs to be “lit up”, then data reloaded from the last “save point” to bring it “current”, then provided to the public.
COLD standby isn’t very WARM.
BACKUP ONLY means you have to recover data from your offsite backup and acquire storage/processing to deal with it. Your management needs to develop a plan to assess and continue with what you have and can get.
Important to remember that Gab has been targeted by the Deep State since the 2018 false flag, and they’ve been deplatformed from payment processors. They’ve had to do this with a massive target on their back while financially handicapped. I think they’ve done the best they could in these hostile conditions, and am sure they would have prepared better if they had the resources to do so.
Yeah the AWS dependency wasn’t a good idea.
Hopefully they can get spun back up in Digital Ocean in jiffy.
John Matze
37 minutes ago ·
@ John
Sunday (tomorrow) at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet. There is the possibility Parler will be unavailable on the internet for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch. We prepared for events like this by never relying on amazons proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.
We will try our best to move to a new provider right now as we have many competing for our business, however Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this as a coordinated effort knowing our options would be limited and knowing this would inflict the most damage right as President Trump was banned from the tech companies.
This was a coordinated attack by the tech giants to kill competition in the market place. We were too successful too fast. You can expect the war on competition and free speech to continue, but don’t count us out.
Parler just announcing that Amazon (AWS) will be shutting down Parler servers tomorrow night. Expected to be down for a week.
Utter shitshow.
Sadly this was predictable.
Hopefully they have a modicum of DevOps to spin this back up.
I sure hope that the last sentence about the lawsuit means his lawyers have the private communications.
Novel…will be thrown out of court.
Optics for the normies?
Apparently not just Trump, but Clarence Thomas should be impeached too . . .
Leftists Target Justice Thomas After Wife’s Alleged Posts on Capitol Protest
Left-wing voices are going after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, for alleged Facebook posts Ginni Thomas made prior to the Capitol incursion Wednesday.
Slate staff writer Mark Joseph Stern brought attention to the alleged posts on the latter Thomas’ account, triggering swift scrutiny of both her and her husband.
According to Stern, Thomas indicated that she was in support of the protests in Washington, D.C., Wednesday morning, which later developed into a riot as people stormed Capitol Hill.
“On the morning of Jan. 6, Ginni Thomas — wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — endorsed the protest demanding that Congress overturn the election, then sent her ‘LOVE’ to the demonstrators, who violently overtook the Capitol several hours later. She has not posted since.”
By Friday, it appeared her Facebook page, along with the posts in question, had been taken down.
People quickly took note and immediately demanded Justice Thomas be punished for his wife’s alleged comments:
Though Ginni Thomas reportedly posted in the morning to show support for the rally and those protesting for election integrity, there was absolutely no indication she showed support for the violence and rioting that began later in the day.
It should go without saying that the personal views of a public figure’s spouse do not necessarily warrant a public figure to be removed from their position.
Of course, as the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice, one can hope that Ginny Thomas has respect for the United States’ democratic institutions and is likely heartbroken at the chaos that occurred Wednesday.
Seeing as it appears she made no actual indication that she supported the poorly executed political uprising on Wednesday, the attempt to lump Thomas and her husband in with the disgusting political violence that took place this week seems to be nothing more than a desperate smear campaign to get a conservative off the Supreme Court.
“seems to be”
Just saying, can’t find a blue check marked Ginni Thomas on twitter. Are they hiding her?
No telling!
Federal Prosecutor Opens Excessive Force Investigation Into the Death of Ashli Babbitt: Report
BY SAMUEL ALLEGRI January 9, 2021 Updated: January 9, 2021biggersmaller
Michael Sherwin, acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said that his office has started a federal, excessive force investigation over the shooting and killing of former U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Sherwin confirmed the investigation with CBS News.
His civil rights section will lead the prosecution, which is being investigated by D.C. police and the FBI.
The Epoch Times hasn’t been able to independently verify the investigation.
Brian Hudak, Acting Civil Chief of the U.S. Attorney Office of District of Columbia, the FBI, and The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) didn’t respond to a request for comment.
. . . MORE . . .
Well if the FBI is involved, we know what kind of investigation it will be.
Parler responds.
Important …
Mozilla Threatens To Go Beyond Deplatforming In Creepy Statement
The newly defined goals of the company include exposing who advertisers are; and revealing networks of people who are guilty of wrongthink.
Mitchell Baker also wants to make default across his systems the amplification of corporate news voices over third party or entry-level providers.
Their full list of changes to made includes:
Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.
Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.
Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.
Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.
The company which claims its “core values are openness and inclusion” is now openly advocating for going beyond “de-platforming.”
The psychopaths are salivating..
anyone know Brennan’s shirt collar size?
askin for a couple of men in military uniform
I’d rather hear they were in camo face and a gilly suit
well, I had to be careful, didn’t want Wolfies new platform to get …
But I prefer your ‘rather’
Nooses are one-size fits all.
Jus’ sayin’
Thanks FG&C…
I’m sure they’d have needed a special noose for Jabba the Hut…if it had ever come to that.
That was my thought.
Forgive me for saying this, but if there is one person who deserves the firing squad, it’s this evil bastard.
Actually, he deserves something horrifying and medieval — but it’d be a shame if he were spared even a firing squad.
Once Brennan is fatally shot and bleeding out, drawing and quartering while covered in fire ants just to be sure all bases are covered.
Some days I don’t want to know anything else. They love their criminals and it’s getting so much worse. They crucify anyone that loves the USA and vow to open prisons and already shrug their shoulders at minority thuggery and worse
Molly, listen to the vid I posted a bit ago… will uplift you… esp. when you learn the voters on nov 3 gave Trump 49 states (Biden won NY)…
2/3 voters in CA went for Trump!
I’ll give it a look
oops… hit send too soon
it’s an illusion that this country is split…
just like the masks, a handful of peeps are treating us like sheep, herding us along to THINK what they want us to think.
First the muzzies and then the chicoms. Goodbye caucasians.
Kalergi Plan
Hadn’t heard of that before. Just looked it up.
But we’re the crazy ones for trying to sound the alarm on growing Chinese imperialism.
It won’t stop with Europe either.
BardsFM, Learn to Read the Map – 20210109
The next 2 weeks (at the least) are going to be very difficult…
Reliable information will be scarce. <—— Reread that.
Rumor-mongering is a very great enemy to personal morale. <——- Reread that.
In times such as these, rumors run like rodents in garbage piled on top of sewers.
It is natural for people to want to deliver news….good or bad. But with this truth comes another…..the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The WWII phrase…..”Loose lips sink ships.”……was NOT just about enemy spies learning the timing and location(s) of allied convoys. It was ALSO about protecting and preserving public MORALE.
During times like that we have now entered, it is CRUCIAL to be self-disciplined in YOUR personal mgmt of rumors….
…both what you allow yourself to hear, and what you allow yourself to repeat to others.
Please…..protect yourself and others….
And yes, I am PARTICULARLY looking at you naturally chatty ladies. I am fully aware that this goes against everything you hold dear and is likely to ruffle your feathers in singling you out, but it is plain biological and societal fact that you ladies are the very worst offenders when it comes to gossip and rumors. AND YOU KNOW IT, TOO.
I can tell you right now, with 100% certainty, there are some here who should take a vacation from this space. This is a time for LESS posting, not more.
So I repeat…..Please…..protect yourself and others.
The fog of war is real. Shooting at shadows (ie. rumor-mongering) causes fratricide FAR more often than it does in causing enemy casualties.
DON’T be the person that gets everyone’s hopes up only to disappoint, or conversely casts what turns out to be an unnecessary pall over the group.
This is one reason why you see me posting less and less as we have come into this time period. I am not TELLING or ORDERING you to do something. I am asking you…please….
….understand this time for what it is…
…CONTROL YOUR FEELINGS…don’t let them control you (ladies).
BEFORE sharing a rumor, ask….if people believe this and it is untrue, what harm and/or damage will it cause?? (A: more than you think!!
So batten down those hatches. The storm is here. Close all water-tight doors and rig for silent running….when it comes to RUMORS. Talk about other topics, by all means, but keep a watchful eye out for rumors. Rumors (good OR bad) are NOT our friend(s)…nor anyone else’s.
If you are feeling down or fearful….remember…
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Patriots are in control.
These people are stupid.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
You are watching a movie.
Enjoy the show.
Thank you for your careful consideration and cooperation, in advance.
(NOTE to the inevitably ruffled feathers contingent:
No, this is NOT an attempt to silence or censor anyone. It is a historically fact-supported attempt to protect and preserve the morale and emotional well-being of this community.
ANY inference, accusation, or claim otherwise is false. If YOUR feelings are, in any way, negatively impacted by this post, it is your feelings that are the problem, not this post.
Thank you.)
I hope the ladies can see this for what it is: condescending
. LOL! I’m just going to assume it’s intentional parody. 
Your deflection from the main message, as well as your hypocrisy, is noted.
You could have delivered the main message without calling out a section of this site (in a group rather than by name), and then telling them that if their feelings are negatively impacted in any way, it’s all their fault. So any lady who wants to post an objection to your comment is automatically labeled as the problem. It’s a clever trap. Outrageous, but clever…
Yup, ID a group and identify the wrong-think of said group
Agree with him = good
Disagree = wrongthink
Outrageous, you say. Some may say it is diabolical. Regardless, this is what the left is doing to the right on social media right now, and it is inside this forum ….
Yes, I don’t see value in singling out a portion of the forum, calling them out, and telling them if their feelings are negatively impacted, it’s their fault. There are ways to encourage people to do things or not to do things without doing that.
Some of us choose not to buy into the “woke”, politically correct culture that likes to virtue signal. Like you apparently do.
That an honorable thing to say. And what you say I have experienced, personally, knowing that intent makes a difference between hurtful manipulation to mansplaining.
Actually, it’s a very leftist thing to say.
Well im not seeing left or right on your post, its man and woman and emotion and logic. Im looking at entirety. I know your intent.
Citing well-known, widely acknowledged, psychological fact is not a “trap”.
Your attempt to be politically correct, along with your hypocrisy, is noted.
And, as you have shown, the “ruffled feathers contingent” isn’t necessarily female.
I don’t have a beef with you; I know you’re a patriot and you bring a great deal to this forum. But when I see something that strikes me as that post did, I feel compelled to comment. If it affects you negatively, maybe it’s
Your initial reply proves the lie to this comment.
No biggie.
Well hurumph. I’m going shopping and will be back when I get back < get your own sammich too!
As a lady who is having to talk another female of the family off the ledge on a regular basis, I don’t find this condescending at all. Just common sense.
thank you
psst ! could be 3+ weeks… PRex’s latest article on Cue’s drop on all things Red speculates that Jan 1 might have been start date for “done in 30” both Cue and Flynn (yesterday morn ?(can’t keep up anymore) refer to… Just trying to suggest we not want to have high expectations about “when” it’s done..
Thank you, PR, for taking this post with the intent with which it was posted. Some here won’t have that ability.
And you are are quite right.
You’re welcome FG&C..
Im not offended. Mr gil is literally telling me “i think we’re done. With all the people that have leaked or fled from Trump I cant believe he’s going to swoop in with some master plan. I just dont believe it.”
I attempted to talk about the insurrection act for which I was pooh poohd.
I said what, do you want is a spray n pray fight to the death?
He just believes that the idea of arrests and execution post trial is good but doesnt believe anything positive.
So its kinda hard for me not to clam up because im living it.
Battered conservative syndrome is real.
70%+ of this war is psychological.
“Don’t let the bastards get you down” is a saying that goes WAY back and is as true today as it was then.
I have great empathy for your situation. The walking wounded among us are legion.
Indeed. I thats why im here. Tell you what though, its nice to find some people now and again in public who talk. Now no one wants to, but the flags are out.
I hear a lot of that too. Funny thing though, the people that matter the most haven’t fled..that’s US. He has been loyal to us while taking their relentless crap, making peace, lowering taxes, etc etc
Until it’s final done …I’m in . Isn’t it insane that they keep going harder & harder full tilt commie tactics when they KNOW how many of us there are?
Bullies with a big microphone.
FWIW, I understand the dilemma you’re in. One of the few supporters I know IRL has somewhat resigned herself to a Biden presidency. While she respects my viewpoint of possible intervention, she’s not 100% convinced that Biden will not be sworn in.
That is…until recently (as in today), as she started watching more videos that made inferences regarding the Plan. Since they were from people she considered reputable, she was not so quick to be dismissive.
I won’t say that she’s completely changed her tune, but I sense that a seed has been planted.
Mr. Gil could also have that same “hmmmmm” moment as well
. Hang in there.
Our son is like that. DH used to be somewhat that way, but as he’s gotten older is less so, and he likes the bits of news I tell him. I keep sending son little bits of info. He just doesn’t think things will change and I keep thinking I will have the last laugh.
I hope we both do.
Given with the best intent I’m sure.
Shall we also look forward to which rumors you approve or disapprove or are we still going to hash it out here? A stamp of some sort seems called for to lessen our burden if this is the way we are to go. Better if you could signal out anyone who might be most susceptible of falling pray to rumors as some might not suspect themselves of this weakness or suspecting just need a confirmation. Best not to beat around the bush with this sort of thing, I know how you hate when people are not direct with you. If neither I guess it’s business as usual the same policy of steeling yourselves for what may come next still applies (actually we need work in this area). Minus the dictates, good post, good advice, right information, lousy approach, but I for one will take what I can get. Approves!
No ruffled feathers here. It’s the same gruff tone and message that I’ve come to expect and appreciate from you, FG&C.
“When I want a message to stick, I give it to ‘em good and hard.”
Gen. George Patton
Many of his fellow Americans hated Patton.
The germans (our enemies), however, were absolutely terrified of him. For a host of damn good reasons.
I would gladly accept this contrast, as he did.
Glad to see you recovered so quickly! Didn’t expect to see you here posting after your statement regarding DC. Good to see you feeling so much better and so strong.
Duly noted. Will be cleaning out closets and cabinets with the lady of the family who tends to go to the worst possible conclusion first this week. It drives me insane.
Lifting Self-Imposed Restrictions on the U.S.-Taiwan RelationshipPRESS STATEMENT
JANUARY 9, 2021
Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and reliable partner of the United States, and yet for several decades the State Department has created complex internal restrictions to regulate our diplomats, servicemembers, and other officials’ interactions with their Taiwanese counterparts. The United States government took these actions unilaterally, in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing. No more.
Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions. Executive branch agencies should consider all “contact guidelines” regarding relations with Taiwan previously issued by the Department of State under authorities delegated to the Secretary of State to be null and void.
A very good sign that Pompeo in no way expects to be leaving office.
Or is setting up Biden as appeaser. Made comments above. Either way, good move, applauds.
It’s important that we have a strong SoS who is sending clear, unequivocal messages despite the confusion and disinfo war.
He’s got a non-zero chance of ending up as acting president!
Certainly changes the dynamic between the three countries. US, Taiwan, and China.
China could use it as excuse to attack. With a Trump Admin China would have to think long and hard on that. With a Biden Admin not so much. Biden would likely do a feeble protest at best. Meanwhile if no attack and a Biden Admin you can expect the agreement to resume and eventually China gobbles up Taiwan. Meanwhile Biden Admin looks weak and is the appeaser in either scenario, though they’ll blame Trump no matter the outcome, but patriots will see through it. Taiwan might seem like a pawn in all this, but they are players too. They did not go to Formosa with out good reason. Good Trump card.
Agree – leads one to believe this administration is going nowhere – and Biden will have no chance to mess this up and allow China to do its worst – take that China – there is more from where that is coming!!! Pompeo is a hero – what Presidential honor can we give him?
I think he already has that honor. Getting to serve with the best President Ever! Best thing is he knows it.
Agree, Para!!!
I’ve been thinking about this possibility for a while. I don’t know exactly what a blackout means, and I don’t know what role Lin Wood is playing, but we need to be prepared for all contingencies because this is war. I stocked up on some things today.
I was a Girl Scout… programmed to “Be Prepared” … yes, it is war
If you get a minute watch this little vid. How did antifa have a prearranged hidden hiding place for these things? It isn’t a door. It isn’t a closet. It isn’t a window. HOW would they know where to hide a bag of stuff?
NEW VIDEO: Antifa Hands Out Weapons from Bag During Storming of US Capitol

Worth noting that there was (is?) a massive blackout at the Vatican tonight. No idea if it was fixed or not.
It’s not like the Church doesn’t have its fair share of candles. They’re supposed to be beeswax, and thus expensive, but why stint, right?
Ive been trying to load gab but i cannot get groups or timeline at all. The story feed sort 9f came up and i saw 2 posts on this. Dont do updates.
This is from Lin Wood’s Parler account. I’ve had on-and-off luck with Gab today. Sometimes I can get through, sometimes not. Keep trying.
Big Brother Tech needs to be smashed into bits
^^^ THIS! ^^^
I just got a notice from Apple about an update to my phone tonight…bastards…
Citizen free press hates q and anyone who talks about it. Article posted ot about alex jones having a hissy fit. Comments are nasty.
I saw that. I don’t volunteer any info about Q there, partly because I don’t think the site owner wants Q discussion. But Alex Jones is in his own league! He once said he had talked to Q, and then he got burned. Some say he is controlled opposition. I don’t know what he is. He has presented a lot of useful information, with some junk mixed in, and his demeanor is offputting to a lot of people.
Thats a good summary of how i see him too. Hes just not my cup o tea
“Citizen free press hates q and anyone who talks about it.”
They should meet Monte Saul, over at Quod Verum.
Like a match made in irrational hateland

Peak Communist Crazy….. Digital replacement lolol
They are making Pres. Trump an outcast. Alinsky rules for radicals:
We are next, and it has already begun.
I tend to think that VSGPOTUSDJT is better at Rule 8 than they are. We’re all rolling our eyes and thinking “SSDD”.
Alinsky is the American left. After all, he was Hillbomb’s mentor.
Sure, but we can do it right back to them, and just like with memes, we’re infinitely better at it

It’s really the best they can do.
DJT is the leader of the free world, and they’re working on old pizza commercials.
It’s sad really…
It’s so easy (and fun) to mock these idiots, instead of letting them get to you!
You guys, I don’t know if someone else shared this, so forgive me if it’s a duplicate. This is an extremely alarming development reminiscent of yellow stars of David…denial of equal access to public transportation for political views!
Chills running down my spine…this is just the beginning.
Quote Tweet
The Dirty Truth (Josh)
· 11h
Delta airline landed a plane to remove these people because they was having a private conversation about supporting President Trump.
Replying to @AKA_RealDirty
I was on that flight and have videos. Direct message me or somehow get in touch and I’ll send them to you. One guy said a little loudly, trump 2020 and a few people cheered. That was it. We had not taken off yet but they escorted them off as disrupters…
The last one is the video address…
People being put off the plane because they support President Trump
Conservative voices are being purged all over. Finding a platform to communicate is getting harder and will get worse over the coming weeks. This place needs to be safe haven. So before taking the usual barbs at someone, remember that no one is perfect. And for now, we need all the friends and support we can muster.
Thanks Friend.
I don’t know if this is true or not
Been catching up, Steve. I attended the most depressing family funeral ever yesterday. It should have been full of laughter and love like the woman who died and instead was stilted and uncomfortable due to all the restrictions. So, I’m late to the party, but thank you for the photos and personal account of your adventures in Washington. Definitely better than professional “journalists” provided.
Well, Steve, I answered critics back as you recommended. Didn’t go well.
You need to change your name in the comments from “MAGA” back to “MAGA Mom” – they’re all dumping into the bin!
Shift change….
No, it didn’t. But at least you’re aware of them. You seemed oblivious to them before.