Just in case you missed it yesterday.
As we tossed ideas back and forth yesterday as to what our VSGPDJT meant by “Biden Administration”, Smiley made a suggestion that makes all sorts of sense:
smiley2 Wolverine
Reply to ladypenquin January 12, 2021 16:08
I think he means all the ppl in biden’s “administration” who have been tapped (prematurely) and the biden-harris cabal of congress.
Considering that Senator Kamala Harris, supposedly “Vice President Elect,” has yet to resign her senate seat when doing so by now is normal protocol, and the reality that there are people nominated for cabinet positions and no hearings are taking place or even scheduled, Smiley may well have the right of it.
We will have to wait and see.
But, our resident P-Rex has declared this our collective Yoda moment:
Haven’t put this one up in a while. Seems appropriate for the unchartered waters we find ourselves in and not knowing what is going on one way or the other.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
Please, check the CURRENT page, at least, of posts for the item you have to bring to the tree. It may well have been posted previously. Twinsing can’t usually be helped, but for Q-Treepers pressed for time, all efforts to keep the current page, at least, repeat free will prevent additional comments that call for the scroll wheel.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
MARK 1:29-39
29And immediately he left the synagogue, and entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 30Now Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever, and immediately they told him of her. 31And he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her; and she served them. 32That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. 33And the whole city was gathered together about the door. 34And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. 35And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed. 36And Simon and those who were with him pursued him, 37and they found him and said to him, “Every one is searching for you.” 38And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.” 39And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And please add all the legal teams as they take our fight to court.
Hello? Is anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
“Just nod if you can hear me.”
Is there anyone at home?
Completed downthread VVV
slocreekno @ 3:16.
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS NOT GOING TO ABANDON HIS SUPPORTERS OR AMERICA TO COMMUNISTS. He is not going to let a Chinese puppets/Satanic child rapists back into the White House. He is not going to abandon his family and supporters to be purged by evil. Anyone who has paid attention to this man since 2016 knows in their heart that all of the above is true. Do not despair. Do not give up. The demoralization campaign against us will end soon.
No surrender monkeys live here.
Most people here already know this in their hearts, but I had repeat this message many times elsewhere today. Just putting it out there again for anyone who needs to hear it.
C’mon now. We need to face it. It’s over. Things are not going back to the way they were. All that “hope” is wasted energy. It’s time we accepted reality.
Joe Biden will never be President of the United States.
I agree with your message, and thank you for posting it. I’m guessing that, like me, some are having trouble imagining how things might be accomplished. When election fraud cases went before courts, we had hope because we were familiar with the judicial process of courts ruling on the law (whether we agree with them or not). The same when Congress met to certify electors; we knew what a good outcome would look like. Now, all those avenues have been exhausted, and I can’t outline what the next steps might be. Yes, I know the terms Insurrection Act, martial law, national emergency, and military option, but it’s all unclear. The waiting is excruciating. That does not diminish the truth of what you and others have said, nor does it diminish my hope.
So well stated TT. Thanks!
Yes, I think that’s about where things stand right now for many of us.
I have peace in my heart through all of this. People are an impatient bunch myself included.our heavenly father is teaching us patience and dependence upon him right now. The devil’s minions are playing out in open ,not for long though.all praise and glory be to the Lord!
Yay! So true! And AMEN!
Thanks Sadie. Reblogging it at Marica’s.
It’s good to hear it. There’s no harm in putting a positive message out there for everyone to see. Keeping morale up is an important part of warfare. So appreciated!
Maybe no surrender monkeys, but plenty of us eat cheese.
sadie, thank you, thank you…totally agree.
Cannot see the President leaving as his legacy, the handing over of the USA Government to the hated chicoms.
Cannot see it.
I continue to believe that Trump will be POTUS the next 4 years, whatever path we have to go through to get there. I think one of the things that grates on me right now is hearing every day another leftist Nazi in public office or academia talk about the horrible things they’re going to do to us once Biden is inaugurated. They are exposing themselves in a most horrible way and don’t seem to realize they sound worse than the Nazis or Mao or Stalin. I’m absolutely repulsed by these demonic monsters and would bet most Americans are as well.
Completely repulsed by them, but also by those supporting them or passively letting them get away with what they’re doing. Republicans who are not standing up for Pres. Trump are enabling the “demonic monster” agenda. They don’t care about the country, or us.
Which will make it so much easier for the normies to accept what is coming from the white hats, and so much sweeter for us!
Just tune them out.
If most Americans have heard them. You won’t see it on msm.
Important we share their words to our friends and family. Even if we get blowback.
The evil has to be exposed to the normies.
I think at this point most Americans are seeing and hearing them- that’s the whole point of thier vile, traitorous “virtue” signalling- they want to be heard.
It’s been very sobering to me reading what these evil ones have in store for us.God knows there wicked plans and he will deal with them in a mighty way!
“Do not despair. Do not give up. The demoralization campaign against us will end soon.”
Sometimes it starts to feel like I’m missing out by not participating in the Great Despair-a-thon, which I am missing almost entirely because I don’t have cable TV or read enemy social media websites.
So I’m not receiving any of the digital images and scripts and play-acting the enemy has worked so hard to provide us.
But then I remember that being demoralized is a whole lot of not very much fun anyway, and being the opposite of demoralized is actually much better
If only more people were liberated from cable TV.
I can personally say it is one of the most mind-freeing things I’ve ever done in my life.
It was easier than I thought it would be.
By the time I quit, the only thing on TV I was still watching was Fox News, and the only thing Fox News ever did was make me angry.
And the cable bill reminded me every 30 days that I was actually paying somebody to make me angry all the time.
And it didn’t make sense to pay for something that only ever made me angry.
So I stopped.
And the strangest thing happened.
I wasn’t angry all the time anymore…
Yes Scott so much disinformation in the MSM and SM, hell thats all it is.
And just like that extra $$ in the monthly budget and less stress. Tell that to everyone who’s all stressed out about the news. First thing I ask is “Do you watch the News”? My response, there’s your problem. Can’t stand the people who complain about the cost of cable but won’t cut it. Who truly is controlling you then???
We don’t cable per say ,Wi-Fi for the gamers and internet but there are news channels which we avoid like the plague.
If only more people were liberated from cable TV.
I can personally say it is one of the most mind-freeing things I’ve ever done in my life.
^^^ Grandma, Perfectly stated. ^^^
Once I cut the cable, nearly ten years ago, it was an EASY transition.
Not to mention…
Bonus of sorts, BP probably went down.
when we moved here 15 years ago cable was not an option…lol…we bought a $19 antenna from walmart and it picks up about 6 or 8 channels. we RARELY watch it to be honest.
The house was wired for cable when it was built, so I just put an antenna in the attic and hooked up to the existing cable. Same here it’s never on anymore, actually wondering why I still have it in the living room???
{{whispering}} hubby is a Bills fan…he watches one game a week and is excited they’re in the playoffs.
I am sky high, and so is every other Bills fan.
Bills’ fans directed so much disrespect and hostility toward Nippleclamp Boy that he changed his mind and did not come to the playoff game. That was like winning a playoff game in itself.
(I cannot prove this, but I believe that a key element of the Bills’ success is a quiet religious belief, unspoken but understood.)
I read Two Bills Drive every day, a great Bills website, non-official. I recommend it to your husband if he is interested. The down-side is the articles linked to the Buffalo News, an old time communist propaganda organ, but it is unnecessary to read those articles, and if you do, they stand alone and only rarely purvey Fake News.
I went to the Bills’ games back in the 60’s because my best friend’s father ran the scoreboard. He still changed numbers by hand, although there was also electronic aspects to the board. I drank my first beer at a Bills’ game when I was 13. That’s how lax things were back then.
Allen might be better than Kelly. But that said, the Ravens will probably be very, very tough with their blitzing and defense in general. The key will be stopping Jackson on the run, and the Ravens’ RB on the run.
Love of the Bills around here is more intense than hatred of Cuomo, but only by a hair.
i will pass that site on to hubby–thanks! he was always an eagles fan and one year, the eagles played the bills–our son in law is a big bills fan. they went to the game together and hubby has been a bills fan ever since…
ABSOLUTELY! No TV news, or SM (never got on that bandwagon). It’s much calmer without that garbage in your life.
Scott I tossed the TV in 1976. My personal REVOLUTION! Tossed news papers in 1994 and radio in 2003.
Yesterday I went to pick up my new prescription glasses and listened to a bit of ‘News’ WHAT COMPLETE ! I wanted to reach through and grab the propaganda reader and SHAKE HIM! (Among other thing. )
I love that guys videos. Mr gil now likes them too.
Which guy would that be?
The ginger comedian who beats the yootoob algorithms.
Our son likes him too.
Silicon Valley Social(ist) Credit System
Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system
Uh-oh: Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system
In China, scoring citizens’ behavior is official government policy. U.S. companies are increasingly doing something similar, outside the law.fastcompany.com
Why not? They worked with China to design theirs in the first place. The intent was always that the CCP would use their American partners to deploy it in the United States as a spy and control tool they could manipulate from Beijing. TikTok was just the beginning. Atlantic Council obviously one of their puppets.
So practically nothing to protect the American dupe? It’s hard to recognize Our County under so much darkness & despotism!
One thing I have learned about spiritual warfare is that the evil is an IMPRESSION of darkness, oppression, fear, dread, etc.
It comes from the abyss and attempts to overcome the Children of Light. It wants to permeate our consciousness. It wants us to think that the fear and dread originates in us.
We are Children of Light. We are of the Day, not the Night. Fear and dread and despair is an IMPOSITION on our consciousness.
We stay in the Light that lights everyone who comes into the world. We cannot lose. We are living witnesses of the greatest comeback in the history of the world…the resurrection of Christ our Savior.
God has this. We win.
Amen & well said G’Ma. We gotta keep that armor on & the prayers up & encourage each other in the Lord!!!
Chy-Nah style social control will never work here.
This is one of their big mistakes. The citizens of this great nation will never be a hive of drones.
We are the Honey Badgers.
If the report of Yang running for mayor in NYC is true you know it’s coming there as well. Two test beds or will it be more, making it race. My guess is race.
Race to the bottom!
I would bet that this will be largely ignored except at the huge corporations and government orgs.
In fact, it will assist Deplorables to find and hire each other, and to form tight-knit economic communities.
We didn’t embrace the name Deplorables for nothing.
Good thinking G’ma!
We need to more fully embrace our inner Deplorable. There are probably close to 100 million of us.
We’ve got them on sheer numbers alone. Really, if we put up any type of significant resistance, we will kick their asses.
That is why they are so damned afraid right now. THEIR SIDE IS ALSO ON THE EDGE OF A KNIFE.
Just think about the daunting task of attempting to permanently corral 100 million pissed off patriots.
Hell. To. Pay.
We will NOT go quietly into the night!
I keep saying this. We need to stop feeding the cities.
That can be literal, but it can also be other things.
Don’t travel to the big town to shop. Buy from small local places owned by Conservatives only. If it’s a liberal store, don’t shop there.
Cutting the cable is great!
Band together with other Conservatives and start producing things we need. Food, sure, but what about making a sweater instead of buying it, or brewing beer, or making medicines? Get creative.
If you need a service, like a contractor, or appliance repair or whatever, discretely inquire about the political affiliation of the owner. If you can’t find out, move on until you find pro-Trump and Conservative. Trumpsters will tell you they are. Look for “signs” that they are Conservative, too. Pro-2A posters or signs, flags, etc. Get a network going so we know who we can use. I am not letting ANYONE who is not a Conservative come into MY HOME and work on anything anymore, period.
If you are a service provider, like an electrician or plumber, and a known liberal needs you, be too busy. They can’t MAKE you fix their toilet.
You have to get your kids the hell out of public school!
It’s time to fight, people. For real.
I agree on getting kids out of public schools, but the rhetoric regarding the cities is not going to get city people to be any more charitable about those who disdain us.
Not everyone in the cities are liberals. In fact, there are plenty who are not. And the number of battered conservatives who think they are liberal because that’s what “everyone is” is considerable.
Those of us in the cities are not inclined to the same lifestyle as those who live in the ‘burbs and/or more rural areas. Frankly, I don’t like the long drives to get to places, when I can walk to Church, the bank, the library, etc.
Others here have no use for the amenities the cities provide. That’s fine, live as you like, but please understand that not everyone is interested in driving great distances or not having natural gas piped into the house.
Living in cities is rapidly going to become untenable for Conservatives if Bite-me is installed. Trust me.
I know you are a city-dweller, and that is your preferred lifestyle. You will have to make some very real compromises to keep it.
If this coup succeeds, your comfortable life is over, like it or not. I know that sounds harsh, but these are harsh times.
You don’t know that anything uncomfortable is going to happen to me. In fact, in my neighborhood, probably not. The liberals might be politically flighty, but they do make sure things work to keep them and the people around them comfortable, anyway.
So long as the cities are the centers for freight transfer – and this one is one of the most pivotal in the nation for that – the rest of the country is dependent on US for a lot. We need each other to make it. And, it’s not just food. Rail and barge traffic carry the commodities and heavy products that make rural living possible – oil, vehicles, farm equipment, lumber, etc. That all passes through the cities. The precious trucking industry…the transfer complexes are right off the rail lines where the shipping containers are off loaded. One of the big ones is next to I-70 here in Earth City. From there, the trucks have access to Interstates 44, 64, 55, and a ways into Illinois, 57.
It’s not as simple as “starving” the cities because all of that actually flows through us. Not going to a destination mall is a different issue.
What the cities need is the same thing every other place in the US needs. Fixing the voting system in the cities might change things for the better. That’s been rigged for well over a hundred years.
And I’m not moving to a rural area any time soon. I lived in one at one time of my life. Not doing it again. Too much driving.
DP, I could, today, live without any goods or services delivered to me from anywhere. It would be hard, but I would eat. No city dweller can say that. I know you love your city life, and that is great when times are good. But when it hits the fan, cities are bad places to be.
You and I will never agree, I understand.
While we won’t agree, I don’t care for the way the rhetoric re cities from those who left them is presented. Especially when the city people here don’t say anything about lifestyle alternatives.
Same thing with music choices. And profession choices. We all need each other.
I may not have social credit, but I have God-credit, family-credit, and friend-credit.
So they can kiss my ass!
On this day…
Alchemy Outlawed
January 13th 1404
In 1404, English King Henry VIII passed laws outlawing English alchemists from using their knowledge to create precious metals. After anxieties about what it might do to the English economy, the “Act of Multipliers” made it a felony to use transmutation to “multiply” gold and silver. The law remained until 1689, when Robert Boyle lobbied for its repeal. Boyle is widely viewed as the first modern chemist and a pioneer of the scientific method, taking mystical practices such as alchemy out of the realm of magic and into the realm of science.
How dare those philosophers and mystics interfere with the sovereign’s exclusive right to debase currency???
Henry VIII was born in 1491. Did they have time travel back then, too?
Well, I’m ‘Enery the eighth I am …
‘There’s never been a Willie or a Sam’… ain’t never gonna be a ‘Joe’ either.
… ain’t never gonna be a ‘Joe’ either.
Dang it, those sneaky alchemists!
“… Boyle is widely viewed as the first modern chemist and a pioneer of the scientific method, taking mystical practices such as alchemy out of the realm of magic and into the realm of science…..”
And Mikey Mann is widely viewed as the first modern ClimAstrologist and a pioneer of debasing science, taking Scientific Practices such as Physics out of the realm of science and into the realm of Politcal Propaganda.
Have you seen this article about the Alabama man with truck full of guns and mason jars, ie: molotov cocktails, idk, stuff.
Weirdist thing to me about this story is how the hell did he get a parking spot? Although the article claims he had been living in his truck for a week. Just some really hinky stuff surrounding this day.
Joe M
Biden will never be president. Patriots would NEVER stand waving goodbye while China and luciferian child killers ran away with our stolen country. Trump would never spend the rest of the week sitting on all that intel and not execute on it. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER. You know that.
This is supposed to be Ben Franklin’s coin but Thomas Jefferson’s Motto, though the way it’s explained it could be the other way around. Where’s our coin guy?
I’d like silver or gold coins like that.
THEY know it’s coming…WE know it’s coming!! the anticipation is…getting to us all
So apparently this is “hate speech” (I hate that unequal protection under the law phraseology) now…
Pence’s letter to Pelosi…
Well, that last paragraph gets a huge thumbs down.
Yes exactly, since he is the one who could avoided the whole mess, by letting the 7 states sort out their election corruption, which is the only thing he was asked to do.
he played a part for sure, but I actually blame our feckless legislature here in PA…the allowed their power to be usurped by our governor and sos…THEY should have reclaimed it rightfully–not asking like little powerless children.
Yup…his white hat possibility percentage keeps shrinking. I have him at 10-15 % now…
You’re a generous gal.
Leaving room for the benefit of the doubt…doubt is seriously growing…but won’t get to 0% until POTUS weighs in…
He could be playing a part.
Possible. I don’t care. I will fight for freedom either way. Peacefully until that stops working. I have no intention of compromising with evil.
Hmm…. I’m looking at this and there is the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Ugly: The January 6th debacle is being sold as being rather worse than it was.
Bad: Inauguration of Biden is presented as a fait accompli.
Good: There are warnings here, one about the dangers of mis-using the 25th amendment, and the other is about the need for a kind of healing and uniting the country. «Work with us to lower the temperature»
Whether that last will be heeded is an open question.
It is notable, that there is the slogan «America United», which on the face of it looks like it would match this wish from Pence about unity.
So there is all sorts of things that can be interpreted as impending gloom and doom…
But hold on for another moment, disregard the specific details and possible meaning of such, and consider the intended audience of this. Was it meant for us reading and writing here in the tree? Not likely… so who’s the intended recipient? It says right there, it is the Speaker of the House.
How would she become affected by the text of this letter?
Great insights & Q’s
I was amused to find out that “Pelosi” means “the hairy one”. [ https://accordingtohoyt.com/2021/01/11/dance-to-the-line/ ] I mean, I’ve long known that “pelo” is “hair” in Spanish, but hadn’t really connected it.
And, for an added bonus….it was historically used as a euphemism for the Devil……
So apt.
She is now boxed in- anything she says or does that does not “lower the temperature” will stand out in stark relief.
to me it almost seemed like a last ditch compromise–let the deplorables alone and allow the country some healing–and I will help you usher in your biteme era…
a calculated bluff plan made with POTUS.
POTUS holds the cards…but it will ugly and bloody and this is THE last option before it all comes out–a chance to see if there is any reasonableness left in the left so to speak
Reasonable is not a word I would’ve connected with Democrats.
so true!
Lmao! My ex MIL is a card carrying commie ,reasonable would have never entered my mind regarding a liberal.she was and is still the most irrational woman I have ever met.
Last Paragraph:
“I urge you and every member of Congress to avoid actions that would further divide and inflame the passions of the moment.”
GEE, do you mean stuff like this?
Work with us to lower the temperature and unite our country as we PREPARE to inaugurate President-Elect Joe Biden as the next President of the United States. I pledge to you that I will continue to do my part to work in good faith with the INCOMING ADMINISTRATION to ensure an orderly transition of power.
This could mean two different things without being forsworn:
I will continue to do my part to work in good faith with the INCOMING ADMINISTRATION to ensure an orderly transition of power.
If you want to twist into a pretzel ‘INCOMING ADMINISTRATION ‘ could mean President Trump’s second term.
“Be careful what you wish for.” ~ President Donald J Trump, Jan 12, 2021
Yes! He’s walking the knife edge brilliantly, if he’s still a white hat or duplicitously if a black hat. We might not Actually Know until the poker game truly ends…
Crushing the Mom & Pops
Here Is The Evidence
Walmart’s profit increased by 45%.
Amazon’s profit increased by 53%.
COVID-19 government lockdowns removed the wealth from small businesses and transferred it to large corporations.
COVID-19 Evidence | Here Is The Evidence
Crowdsourcing evidence for journalists.hereistheevidence.com
So many businesses here have gone out and it is so sad. One of my favorite stores which was part of the renaissance of this part of town died over the summer. At this point, I’m just numb over the losses.
If Trump does take his 2nd term next week the economic restoration will be epic. Hopefully he’ll find a way to help resurrect so many businesses that suffered the kiss of death…
Twitter thread w/ photo evidence…
THAT is a real catch!
THAT is how they made sure their plot would work.
Glad more informed eyes are looking at this now. Always appreciate your take on events!
Wolfie, as some one with LOTS of experience with fence, I can tell you I have pulled out LOTS OF T-POSTS. If the post has just been put in (no roots anchoring it) and the ground is wet, a little 5 ft + woman can pop them out easily with no effort. No digging need and you do not need a post-popper.
On top of that we now have a VERY GOOD PHOTO of the guy so the Anons can ID him.
This is a post popper. It is heavy so I only use it if I can’t pull a post by hand. Right now it is so wet on the east coast my sheep are pushing T-posts and fence over .
Yep. I have pulled out such posts many a time. Even out of the black gumbo clay we have up here.
What kind of sheep do you keep?
Oh, this is great stuff!
Whee…I might get a pass from FG&C on this one
REALLY GREAT STUFF> If the guy can be IDed as AUNTY-FA or BLM or WORSE part of the government it BLOWS their narrative to smithereens.
BTW, yesterday’s local paper said 2 people from the area were arrested and released.
Is that a pedo symbol on the guy’s jacket?
You can see the wire cutters in his hand too.
More on that patch!
In the reply’s some one put up a picture of one that looks like an add and it has the patch on it. So I think it’s just the brand of clothing patch.
That’s a logo I’ve seen for an outfitter, but I can’t name it off the top of my head.
Oh, great catch! I thought they were those tiny scissors, like on a multi-tool, that he was cutting Zip Ties with, not actual wire…Can’t tell on the triangle myself–middle aged eyes & all
Here’s a closeup…from the below tweet. & I can’t tell from it…
Whoh, I just found this one digging deeper on twitter!
More from that twitter conversation
Here’s an archive capture of that thread
We’ve had over an inch and a half of rain today with an hour and 15 minutes yet to go (I’m on the west coast). Plus another 1-1.5 inches forecast for tonight. Yikes!
Last night the wind was howling and screaming things were flying around .waiting for light to see what the damages are. Im out west also.we are getting flood warnings since yesterday.
There simply aren’t enough of them to put 75-100 million people in detention camps.
𝗨𝗦𝗔 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗚𝘂𝗻 𝗢𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗲 = 𝟴𝟴.𝟴 𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝟭𝟬𝟬 𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦
Holding our collective breath
figuratively speaking as a non-cell phone person
(corrected URL)
Thanks Gail!
They, at last, suspended Patrick Byrnes twitter account.
He can be found here, but hasn’t posted much on this account.
Maybe he has another one somewhere else.
PatrickMichaelByrne (@PatrickByrne) | Minds
Wolf’s smoking HOT sexy.
It’s the winter coat. I’m always just stunning with the winter coat!
But I’m still a poor second next to Fox!
Ah, but then there’s blowing the coat in Spring…..
OH WOW! I wonder how that would work for shedding out my ponies!
We’ve had such a warm winter that my Anatolian blew his winter coat already.
It was a darn mess in the house for the last week.
Good advice from CodeMonkey, because he had to go through this with 8Kun.
Note to people running platforms:
Putting your platform under Cloudflare is a mistake.
An “enterprise contract” wont help much.
Make plans and backup plans now for when the inevitable happens.
Moving away from Cloudflare isnt something that can be done quickly, and they know it.
There may be a day when Cloudflare decides to drop your site, and you will be scrambling to find a replacement.
Good luck.
W – you posted some time ago alternatives to Cloudflare; could you put them up again? Also, I’ve not been able to get onto GAB for 2 days now. On the odd occasion when I do “get in” there is not content on my home page, only the header, etc. [frustrated]
I can’t get on GAB, either.
I havnt been able to get on Gab since Friday
Isn’t someone going to ask if there’s anyone at home?
You just did
«Come on, now
I hear you’re feeling down
I can ease your pain
and get you on your feet again»
And then it’s all sideways from there.
Just as long as we end up Comfortably Numb.
Giuliani says ‘big tech oligarchs’ and China are ‘key threats’ America faces | Just The News
The Dons Behind Biden
or why Biden thinks [sic] the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks” and “not competition for us”.
article link…
Thomas Donilon …obama’s Gray Man.
read all about it, at the link.
That’s about all we need to know.
a puppet master
Sydney on QuodVerum
Sidney Powell (@SidneyPowell@social.quodverum.com) – QuodVerum Forum
(Apparently she was here quite some time ago)
General Flynn also has an account, but the last message is from November.
You guys this is horrifying…I wonder what the source is?
Had a quick look around and found this, a whole bunch of videos, would take ages to go through em all so will just leave it here.
Thanks RAC. Nice catch
unapologetic badass
No vaccine for HIV after 40 years of research.
No vaccine for the common cold.
No vaccine for cancer after 100 years of research.
A virus mysteriously appears and within 1 year a vaccine is created and we’re all expected to take it.
You see why people don’t trust the system?
10:22 PM · Jan 12, 2021
talking with hubby about this…think of all the “cold” remedies there are…that drug companies make–daquil, nightquil, alka seltzer cold, mucinex, sudafed, and on and on…over the counter–so ANY smuck can get them…they make BILLIONS off this stuff. why would they make a vaccine you get once a year and LOSE BILLIONS yearly? if they could stop the cold, why don’t they? $$$$$$$$$$$
covid is a virus…lots of them floating around in cold and flu season.
And all the cold medications due is mask the symptoms until you recover. If I take them, I get a sinus infection, so I just power through, and generally recover faster than those who don’t.
Locker room losers
Oh, go to hell, Hellaldo.
Sorry about the eye bleach incident!
I can fix that!
Your favorite go-to restorative
he just puts a big ole smile on my face…LOL
I can understand that!
Cowering before the ChiNazi mob is not a good look.
No evidence justifying crackdowns…
Chi-coms calling impeachment shots, out in the open!
Absolutely amazing.
I have ZERO regrets demonstrating against that horrid ChiCom treason-bitch on January 6.
There are so many to choose from! Whitmer is in that class (along w/ Benson & Nessel) closer to my home. Where’s a convenient crack in the earth to swallow them up like Achan (I believe) in the Bible?
Insights on the Capitol attack
Beginning of that article
Covert Cadre: What I saw leading up to the US Capitol attackJanuary 13, 2021J. Michael Waller
The deadly riot at the US Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation that was planned well in advance of the January 6 joint session of Congress.
A small number of cadre used the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front of the Capitol, what appeared to be four separate cells or units:
All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor. However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it become apparent there was a prearranged plan to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulalte the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force.
More insights from another tweeter…
Haley Willis
We analyzed, minute by minute, the crucial two-hour period during which a Trump rally to stop the certification of the election results gave way to a mob that nearly came face to face with Congress. Here’s what we found: https://nyti.ms/2XyySwf
That’s the start of the thread…
& it ends here w/ NYTimes underpinnings–shock/s
Those are clearly FAKE Proud Boys! I’ve met real ones in person. Totally different demeanor and dress.
These guys look like “John Brown Gun Club” or “Socialist Rifle Association” types.
Nice catch boss!
This is a guy who really knows what to look for and his report is VERY VERY GOOD. The article is medium length and well worth the READ.
Thanks for that ringing endorsement! No revisionist history here!!!
More on election fraud
Good work! Here is the PDF URL itself.
This is HIGHLY worthwhile – very easy to understand – it’s a BRIEFING!!!
Thanks Wolf! Awesome. I don’t always dig through all the details of what I share at the Q-Tree. A LOT of Q-Treepers are better equipped to analyze this stuff, so I’m very thankful that you can find the gold amidst the pyrite!!!
IMO this is coherent enough to justify whatever plan is needed to fix it.
Thanks for that insight!!!
It’s a powerpoint with talking points more than anything.
Walls of text…
SIDNEY POWELL published a lot too:
Part I
Part II
22 pages of summary of election
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e80e0d236405d1c7b8eaec9/t/5ff77c775e3f021e813fcfe7/1610054775550/SUMMARY+12232020 DOT pdf
2 pages talking points & EO summary
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e80e0d236405d1c7b8eaec9/t/5ff77c6fba488466ca7daeaa/1610054768293/OUTLINE+ON+EO+12232020 DOT pdf
2 page timeline from October 2006 to December 2020 on election interference
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e80e0d236405d1c7b8eaec9/t/5ff77c66a33db86713b807dd/1610054759044/TIMELINE+12232020 DOT pdf
Thanks GA/FL for gathering this important material!
This PDF *briefing* on the election fraud is why Nancy is scared!
Source page;
Just perused it. Wow. All right there in easy to understand prose and colorful graphics.
When Did DNI Ratcliffe hand over the report to Congress? It was just before the vote to certify, right?
Oh the irony.
Yes, very ironic.
I think that (the DNI report) is what this is, and before the vote was when it was handed over. However, I’m not even assuming that this is actually the DNI product, or “a” DNI product, or even that it has any “authority” at all.
It could be just “some guy on the internet”. That’s good enough.
To me, it is simply compellingly reasonable, and if it was produced by ANYBODY, frankly, I think it’s good enough to force the issue.
Imagine the level of detail, the excruciating facts, the evidence that was handed to Congress…and then they went ahead anyway and voted to certify a Usurper.
… just sayin’ …
I think so. Everybody was in bed with China, and China has the pictures, the receipts, and the recordings.
And yet, all they have to do is walk away. But they CAN’T.
It’s easier to frame Trump and his supporters than it is to simply admit they were WRONG ON CHINA.
I don’t think this is the DNI report. The “The End” last page is just “off” for that to be the case.
But some guy on the internet is good enough for me.
Exactly. When SGOTI is more of a truth-teller than Jim Comey, Jack Dorsey, and Sheryl Sandberg, I’ll choose SGOTI.
666 rite, maybe?
Another reason for going after telegram w/ a possible FF on “right wing terrorists”?
Telegram has surpassed Twitter in number of active users.
Telegram have confirmed they now have 500 million active users.
[ FYI my TG handle & TG channel was posted a few days ago on my TL if you want to follow there.
Angel here is helping point out the discrepancies!!!
What happened to all the cops in yellow if there was a breach ? You don’t see them in the building. You never see them again outside of the building. Interesting https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f914.svg
Quote Tweet
Haley Willis
· 15h
At 1:12 p.m. Trump’s speech ends with another call for his supporters to march on the Capitol. There, rioters continue to clash with officers, including Metropolitan Police who have now arrived on scene. The clashes will continue for another hour before the building is breached.
Show this thread
Barnes v Dersh on vaccines.
Took my son to the new Doc today he inquired about CV vaccine interest but said he wasn’t recommending it as it was unproven/unknown (don’t recall his exact words). He was pressing on the flu shot, my son’s gotten every year but 2019 & 2020, especially since it’s danger when mixed w/ CV, or so I understand. Dr hadn’t heard of that but said he had also had CV…
More “useless eaters” to be buried. Satanic cabal rejoices (presumably)
The first Nazi who forcibly jams a needle in someone’s arm starts a War that ends with a lot of dead Nazis.
That is all.
Seems like Cuomo Might be vying for that honor per reporting of more death nursing home residents…don’t know if it was “forcibly” done yet though
Can we decide what kind of box for this party, my choice a Gitmo “presidential” suite!
This is just precious.
how bout a pine box.
just sayin.
Why waste a perfectly good box?
Throw him in a ditch face down.
So he can continue telling the world to kiss his ass?
“The only bit of crumpet I saw down the street today had big melons but an even bigger muffin top.”
Speaking of which, I saw these recently … cute …
acting class?
Freedom is a FARCE! Kevin Greeson Ashli Babbitt
You have to be careful we don’t know who is lying anymore Trump could be the lead actor https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f44e.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f600.svg
Quote Tweet
Sara A. Carter
· 6h
Goodnight and pray for our nation. I will too.
Commonsense CV concepts
Bye-done cadministration
What happened to Jussie Smollett?
He in the Biden administration yet?
Christine Saenz
ICU bed graphic from german tweet
Am I seeing that the virus has pooped out and therefore they won’t be able to hold the covid line much longer?
I surely hope so…or it gets to disappear in time for Bye-Done to get credit!
100% Covid will fade quickly IF Joe N Hoe take the oath.
We have known Covid danger is massively over hyped.
So, of course, Covid WILL fade from the headlines and states WILL OPEN.
Even Fredo’s bro said NY has to open.
It’s all poorly scripted for those paying attention.
Winter starts winding down. Flu winds down. Faux Covid numbers fade…
Crisis solved.
I have my doubts on this. Yes, the fading would help out the economy, but if the goal is to kill off all small businesses, opening back up would work counter to that goal.
In addition, if the objective is to “vaccinate” all the peasants, the fear porn and doom-fagging would have to continue.
Plus, the gulag solution – mask us all infinitum so as to put us in a prison-like mentality – would be off the table.
I simply don’t agree that COVID goes away with Joe and Hoe.
Covid will be used to move Deplorables into concentration camps WITHOUT scaring the Sheeple.
Cuomo has ALREADY started the ‘legal’ process.
Yep, Biden needs his extendable 100 days for the crack down. So while the rest of the world may breathe easier expects this to continue here.
These tweets are full of typos- can’t read ’em.
hmmm…perhaps a technique to outsmart german twit censors?
Punisher in peril
Don’t worry, he has a forever home with the Deplorables.
Demmunist Demagoguery
A Chinese propaganda rag is distributed daily to Congress members’ offices.
We the People are paying for it to be distributed.
Good God.
aka BHO “legalized” propaganda to be used against Americans, so why not their purported leaders? Spit!
I have seen a lot of speculation online and IRL that there will be a big round up at the Inaugural Corral. At first it seem just too “Hollywood” to me, but now I’m beginning to wonder. Could this be the way it goes down?
“I have seen a lot of speculation online and IRL that there will be a big round up at the Inaugural Corral. At first it seem just too “Hollywood” to me, but now I’m beginning to wonder. Could this be the way it goes down?”
Even if it doesn’t, it makes for great psychological warfare against the Nazi-class between now and January 20th.
Just imagine how jumpy they’ll be.
Sneak up behind Nan and yell “BOO!” and watch her teeth fly across the room
first opportunity I get, I’m trying this!!
this should be the next “challenge”…remember the ice bucket challenge? the cinnamon challenge? this would be the denture challenge!!!
Well, they would be all in one place, and the MSM cameras will be rolling live.
I guess we’ll find out.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 13, 2021
“Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.”
Psalms 150:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Happy Wednesday duchess!
have a Blessed day!
Morning, Pat!!! Hope and pray all is well with you!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!!
* Received and Appreciated *
POWER OUTAGE…Pacific Northwest..
almost 700,000 …
map link here…
apparently due to a widespread wind storm in that area…
according to this…
We had 2 power surges here last night. The wind was screaming. Tree limbs everywhere this morning.we have been getting flood warnings since yesterday. Our creek is running at the top.much more rain it will go into lower field.
I am in Oregon
Hope Gab CEO sent a TW to President Trump followers, President Trump’s “home” on Gab. Dunno if that is possible as it is, was ~80mmillion or some crazy number of followers.
Such a coup over TW censorship!
Wonder if Gab CEO rescued any other folks censored / deleted by TW Nazi’s. Flynn, Sidney, Lin Wood, Rudy, Rush (yea he quit TW voluntarily)… Dunno who TW actually trashed as I don’t TW.
On May 30, 2017, Trump tweeted “covfefe” and MSM mocked him, depicting it as a misspelling of “coffee.” Well, turns out COVFEFE is a 2017 act called: ‘‘Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 6 2017’’ which requires preservation of Presidential social media accounts.
Good Luck To Every Single One Of Them.
Wish American businesses would do this – open up for business and flip off government minders at all levels.
Oh, how far the Democrat Party has fallen. They have become the purveyors of inequality that they had at one time fought against.
“The heart of the question is whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities; whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated.”
-John F. Kennedy
the party of “tolerance” is the least tolerant of all
I was just going to post this.
Social credit scores and all that.
If these mentalities actually take control, there WILL be a Civil War, and the left is going to find out just how conservatives cling to guns.
if this ignorance actually starts to take place in America (it is actually starting, as we speak), we will have to confront it and nip it square in the bud.
we have been far too complacent…and polite…about the left, for far too long, imo.
they are better organized for street fights and sabotage and intimidating, like barnyard bullies, en masse.
and it has gone to their collective heads.
if we have to fight them, so be it.
It’s funny, yesterday, I was out for my walk sans mask as always. And some woman with her kid and their dogs was on the other side of a street that’s two lanes both ways with a shoulder and a 12 foot median in between. We’re talking more than 50 feet away. She puts her mask on and says VERY LOUDLY, “I hate white people. I can’t wait for the re-education camps” and she was white.
I was trying not to laugh at her. If it comes to any sort of “camp” where the deplorables are actually rounded up (good luck with that considering how many actually know hand to hand combat) and we’re all together, there won’t be anyone to virtue signal to with a frickin’ mask.
These people are irrational, and don’t realize that they are very much deluded.
Of course, we could blame it on the oxygen deprivation from all the mask wearing, but these people are not convinced that is an issue.
You should have given her two thumbs up and shouted “Yeah, me too!” Just to f**k with her head.
I would have told her to be careful what she wishes for….it might not be the re-education she has in mind….or for whom.
I would have answered OH YES! AND WE NEED TO START WITH YOU!
What is appalling is the lack of adherence to Constitutional principles. So many people think they have a right, once in power, to deprive others of their rights.
here is an excellent article I’d like to share…on the subject..
Democrats Launch Their Assault On Red State America
seeing that after pence said no to invoking the 25th amendment, the House voted to “pressure him” into doing so. (it was an epoch times article and I can’t read those…)
the 25th is an Executive Branch act–how can the house pressure him? are they that drunk with power?
Maybe just drunk.
well Nanzi obviously…LOL
sigh…Dems introduce bill to amend Constitution–abolishing electoral college
Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”
Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.
Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”
“The development of mass media and the internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world,” the bill also notes.
Right off jump street and they are plotting how to steal the next election through large population centers. With social credit system this will be a snap.
yup, they wanted the states to join in that compact thing, but now that the cheat worked, they can bypass that all together…
There have been over 700 attempts to abolish the Electoral College.
It’s going to work this time, you know.
[please tell me this doesn’t need a /s]
no, but they are hitting the ground running…while they can…hehe
Except that they’re filtering and censoring what information the plebeians can receive through mass media and the internet. So they are grabbing for complete power. That’s not how America works.
Those people swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. The electoral process is part of the Constitution. They need to all be removed from office. It’s time we stood up.
it is past time we stood up.
we have underestimated the degree to which the anti-American Left will go to erase us, suppress us, oppress us and rob us of our inalienable rights…and our duly elected President.
There’s a procedure for amending the Constitution, ratification by the States (2/3) is involved iirc……………..
This House is CRAZY
Two-thirds of each house of Congress and three-quarters of the states.
Thanks for correction on States Pgroup…
Yes, and this is the first step. First Congress has to pass the amendment.
What an evil witch!
Yes! Evil.
Q posted that video footage of Nasty Nan a couple of years ago.
It’s good to see it again.
Abp. Vigano is America’s pope.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Democrats, the media, and the entire cast repeat that Biden is president-elect and that Trump should step aside. Because, in the kingdom of lies, if reality does not correspond to the narrative, it is reality that must be corrected and censured.
Hillary Clinton: GOP, Conservative Media Can ‘Begin the Healing’ by Stating Biden Was ‘Duly Elected President’
Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday offered advice on how Republicans and the conservative media, specifically, can “begin the healing and unifying process,” demanding that they state that Joe Biden “was duly elected president in a free and fair election.”
“Here’s how elected Republicans and conservative media can begin the healing and unifying process: Accurately state that Joe Biden was duly elected president in a free and fair election,” Clinton said in a Tuesday tweet to her 30 million Twitter followers.
“Urge Trump supporters to refrain from further violence. For a start,” she added:
Clinton’s remark comes as Democrats pursue another impeachment effort against President Trump. They are slated to meet on Wednesday to consider articles of impeachment against President Trump, accusing him of inciting the protests that occurred at the Capitol last week.
“President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transfer of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government,” the single article of impeachment, introduced by Reps. David Cicilline (RI), Ted Lieu (CA), and Jamie Raskin (MD), said.
“He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States,” it adds.
Not once did President Trump urge supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol, nor did Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) or Josh Hawley (R-MO) — two senators who face increasing calls from Democrat colleagues to resign for stating their clear intention to object to electoral votes in disputed states prior to January 6th.
In a Washington Post editorial published Monday, Clinton asserted that impeachment alone will not “remove white supremacy from America.”
Last week, Clinton celebrated Twitter permanently banning President Trump’s personal account from the platform:
Interesting how HRC is upset and demands to “accurately state” . . . all the crafted intentional messaging is clearly amplifying the crazy.
Make them go CRAZY ~ Sun Tzu, Paraphrased
the RINOs are ready to regain control of the GOP, control they lost in the primary of 2016. They have hated that they needed Trump endorsementts to win. They have hated having to at least pretend to agree with the voting base.
The void left by retreating numbers of participation in the GOP will gladly and willingly be filled with GOPe.
Disgusting. We have seen some party leaders quit, some remainers but are privately adding “but if Trump…”. When conservatives quit, and I am having that experience, GOPe are available to fill in and that will Change the party back to “moderate” and open the doors for GOPe. Ugh! Literally fighting that right now. What is effective v. what we want to do in the heat of the moment.
Most people are upset about specific people but are not abandoning the party in general but instead are more determined than ever.
Key issue is informed voting base and Primaries. Even during the MAGA primaries, compare the #s who voted in the primaries to the #s of (R) votes in the general. that is how we end up with RINOs.
IDK if Dr. Sethi in TN would have voted differently but I do know that Dr. Sethi had overwhelming support at every event I witnesses. The Vast majority of those I know who are involved in the party were Dr. Sethi supporters. And yet Hagerty won by a surprising (to those of us involved) majority. Key was President Trump’s endorsement – if we support President Trump then we need to support those he endorses to give him that political leverage and power. However, many did not know the issues and the candidates and did not even bother to vote in the primary to choose Hagerty or Sethi. Sad.
There is much more work to be done to educate the voting base and to make them aware that the primaries are Critical to the future of our party and our nation. We elected President Trump through winning the primaries + fighting at the grassroots, local levesl across this country and that is where our key to the future of the GOP rests. Grassroots, local level – who will be the party leaders in counties of every state? Depends on who shows up to vote!
Do all of the educating of the voting base you want…nothing will change when they can insert their RINOs through assorted forms of fraud.
Ask Sanders….ask President Trump.
It’s not like the GOPe hasn’t been inserting its people for a couple decades at least. I’m thinking it goes back longer than we can imagine.
And at this point RINO, IMO, is a misnomer. The party hasn’t been “for the people” other than in name for at least 50 years.
MAGA have inserted their people successfully over the last 4 yrs and a retreat now would be to accept defeat v. supporting those MAGA in place and continuing to advance. That is why the RNC Strongly supported President Trump at last week’s conference – filled with MAGA members.
I have been in touch with 1 of TN’s members and she is coming to speak to our county party so our local members and voters can learn more, understand and be more effective.
Did you see how quickly those numbers dwindled to single digits after the ‘insurrection’?
How many have stabbed President Trump after riding his coattails?
4 years? MAGA? Not around here. They get run out on a rail, and the primaries are rigged to not even get them to the general election.
Jack Danforth, liberal conservative if there ever was one, was my Senator decades ago. His family is one of the controlling arms of the Missouri GOP, along with members of the Bush clan. One of the other “leaders” for a while, and this was longer ago than four years, was a man by the name of Sam Fox who was Ambassador of Belgium under GWB. Fox left the party, but I would imagine still belongs to the same country club as the others where you need four sponsors to get in.
GOPe has been going on A LOT longer than that and they are RUTHLESS when a TEA Party person gets through. Witness my governor, Eric Greitens, being run out of Jeff City on a lie, and the installation of a GOPe stooge who went along with all the COVID crap. They don’t care what the people want, or what our real needs are. They just don’t.
I notice you are talking about elected politicians v. your party leadership, officers and their actions to MAGA or to undermine MAGA. I am sure they are the most visible GOP in the state and there is an obvious, strong relationship between the party and the elected politicians … but they ar actually not one and the same – or at least shouldn’t be.
Who are your county party leaders and are they MAGA? Did the one’s you voted for win your county leadership?
Who represents you on Missouri Republican State Committee? Do you like them? Are they the candidates you suported or are they GOPe?
I have wondered about Kay Hofflander after she won the party election 2 yrs ago. Has she been MAGA or GOPe? What tone, as seen through her actions as well as her released statements and speeches, as she set for the party?
What about Meyers? Sometimes the Vice Chairs are an indication of where the party is going as they are more the up and coming leader, the next leader.
I have checked on our RNC members and I am sure everyone reading here is curioius about their RNC members. whose RNC members voterd for Trump’s endorsed leaders and who voted for the GOPe leaders? Thankfully, Trump’s endorsed leaders/MAGA leaders won the RNC election but not all members voted for the Trump endorsed/MAGA co-chair.
Where do Missouri’s RNC members stand on MAGA and support of MAGA leadership at the RNC last week?
The party is going to die because they have betrayed the people they supposedly represent.
Why anyone is trying to pump blood into this turnip is beyond me.
It gets paid to try and gaslight us?
How do I get that gig?
So a discussion and conversation about state GOP, county orgs and RNC members turns into smears and attacks? Why? For what purpose?
YO..hey…MAGA Mouth…
listen & learn…
Took me a bit to realize this was a one-woman show.
Who would benefit from a discussion about state parties? Who would pay me to discuss and encourage MAGA involvement in the GOP?
the GOPe wants the Opposite of MAGA involvment!!!!
Could the “gaslighting” be from the GOPe who want MAGA out? Where is the logic in the way this “conversation” went? the facts? the purpose in wild conspiracy theories and smears?
Referring to me as “it”? Seriously ugly and completely unproductive.
How is discussing the RNC, state GOPs and the county GOPs “gaslighting”?
Literally, what would be the “gaslighting”? What is untrue? What are you talking about?
This could be a productive conversation about what is happening on the ground in county and state GOP orgs across the nation, where MAGA has succeeded and how to proceed.
Why hijack the thread into a smear campaign? Doesn’t make sense.
You’re a stitch!
You misspelled *bitch*.
Well that too.
You really think we are that naive? State party decides who to fund, who to push in primaries, in well populated counties. They don’t bother much with lower populated areas for obvious reasons.
This is Literally Not True.
the parties do not fund Anyone in the primary
Do you have any proof of this claim?
So if the party endorses a primary candidate, who pays for the ads on radio saying so?
Do you have any proof of this claim?
Here go look it up your self this time.
These were not donations during the primary. Double check the dates.
The state GOPs and the RNC donate to candidates Post Primary. They do NOT donate during the primaries. Check the dates.
You do understand that the RNC spent Millions upon Millions to elect President Trump and donated Nothing to primary candidates? Look at the dates, dig deeper, learn more and please get involved to MAGA
What we need to watch out for is former GOPe infiltrating the MAGA movement. Need clear-cut platform and transparency so clear you could fly an unwitting bird into it.
You have a point.
SMH … I post under the delusion of a discussion, exchange of idea, excited to learn from someone who is there what is happening in the state of MO’s GOP and instead just get nothing substintial in return.
Do you know the answers to the above or are you not actually engaged in your state’s GOP and have no clue what the answers are?
Why? Because, as of right now, the GOP is the Party of President Trump. Period.
no factual replies … just juvenile attacks
bothers ya, doesn’t it.
probably pisses you off.
you’re a fraud.
I’ll be happy to provide you with a few more “descriptors” if you need them.
So could middle schoolers … but as a grown women I don’t pay much attention to such antics.
Bothers me? Upsets me? Nope.
Disappointments me to see the treehouse devolve to this but nope, doesn’t “bother” more or p**** me off.
Just because others are enotiona does not mean I am emotional.
I am disappointed, bemused, occassionally amused, occassionally bewildered and surprised but upset or angery? No, I am a grown adult, busy woman who does not get upset by strangers being ridiculous on the internet.
And the level of emotion being triggered by factual posts, differing opinions and attempts at open discussion are pathic coming from grown men and women.
is that a word ?
occassionally is also not a word…
it’s occasionally.
is that a word ?
oh no…you’re not upset /s/
yeah right.
Reverted to name calling I see.
*SIGH* every time someone replies to IT, I just have to scroll and scoll- finger is getting worn out.
Do you really think party leadership at the state and local levels plays no part in selecting candidates? REALLY? Do you think party leadership plays no part in who to fund? I have seen good conservative candidates at the state level only get token, and I do mean token, support from the state funds.
IKR? They are tied at the hip. One feeds the other. Two-headed hydra.
They don’t fund during the primaries. factually untrue and uninformed
Well, they sure do push who their picks are. They endorse via the party or party operatives every single time. If the party endorses a particular candidate in the primaries and it’s so advertised, I wonder who provided the funding for the ad?
Campaign ads are funded by the candidates which is why they raise money.
They do, but the gope pushes their selected candidates. They get money indirectly from the gop and monied people and entities within the gop and if you can’t see that, you’ve got your head buried in the sand. It’s REAL easy to see where the funds come from.
“…MAGA have inserted their people successfully over the last 4 yrs….”
And Oh yeah we get played by a few who stand up and say SEE I support you 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 𝗜𝗧 𝗗𝗢𝗘𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥!!
The Baby Fuckers play us time and time again. They take turns shoving the knife in our backs. Come election time or if a state is in question they are ‘ALL FOR THE VOTER’ but once elected they go back to fucking us over and collecting $$$$.
The RNC filed multiple lawsuits. The TN GOP paid for many volunteeres in Ga. The TN SEC is working hard, meeting and voting to change our bylaws to prevent RHINOs like what happened in Knoxville this last election.
Many are working hard but emotional responses to elected GOP politicians are so strong that no one is actually asking questions that want answered or are willing to listen to answers.
change the record
change the script
change the skreed
you’re starting to skip, scratch, skip…
And yet your bring nothing to the table for the conversation … just repeated attacks
there is no “conversation”.
and you know it.
just your passive-aggressive monotonous one-note narrative of scripted talking points.
I’m not giving you anything.
just pure snark.
and you just can’t handle it.
want more snark ?
sarcasm is one of my many gifts…just for trolls like you.
Sad you waste so much time on childish antics when you could be engaging in debate and discussion on going forward and being effective for MAGA.
Gifts are from God and they do not include sarcasm. Humor, wit, cleverness, etc. – yes, gifts from God. Using you gifts to attack, divide and in sarcasm … I have not seen sarcasm in the Word, have you?
Be Best
I see it took you well over 4 hrs to concoct that sanctimonious screed, as you try to save face…
and, in your determination to come off as self-righteous and holier…suddenly…than anyone else at the table here, you missed the sarcasm !
sarcasm is one of my many gifts
you took it seriously..LOL
and proceeded to wax holy with your self-righteous pretense.
going forward , as you put it…when you return to the table here, is there any chance that YOU could bring something to the table other than descending upon it like a squawking parrot dropping turds of monotonous gibberish on everybody’s plate, marching back & forth across the table, squawking meaningless rhetoric in our faces, careless and mindless of how obnoxious and unwanted you are.
good riddance to you.
Took me 4 hours … Nope … I just don’t sit by the computer to type instant replies … despite wild conspiracy theories being pushed
And now that time has passed … look at who was correct … GOP elections have taken place across the nation … did you contribute to MAGA GOP being elected?
Really? Where?
What MAGA Mom REFUSES TO SEE is that the ReBOOBlicans are the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Therefore there is ZERO CHANCE OF REFORMING THAT PARTY. The Tea Party tried and failed.
For FIVE DECADES, the Globalist Elite have been in control of BOTH PARTIES.
In 1936, Congressman McFadden was killed on the third assassination attempt (poisoned by not called that)
JFK was assassinated in 1963.
March 21, 1981, Assassination attempt of the new president Ronald Reagan.
The Quote is from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.
About the book from AMAZON
Closer Look ==> Lobbying Congress’s
1986: $61 million spent, Avg $𝟭𝟭𝟯,𝟳𝟬𝟬 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘄𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿
2016: $3.1 billion spent, Avg $𝟱.𝟴 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘄𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿
We with WGTTs are offended, I tell you! Just shocked! /s
thye look about as real as her lips…LOL
Isn’t spandex wonderful?
WGTT = WeaponsGradeTahTahs
Uh … no. Those are WGSB.
Weapons Grade Silicone Bags
Yep – exaclty what I was posting on the blog post by Wolf Moon. How do we politically fight going forward? Seems to me the #1 issue is voter and election integrity. And how do we do that? Federalizing federal elections is one suggestion I am seeing from party members but I recoil at that thought. What else? how else?
one key – we must address it as a large group, not a weakend splintered MAGA. A RINO GOPe controlled Republican party will not address it. Who will control the future of the party? and how will we address election integrity?
Without election integrity, how do we get them out of power to vote on election integrity? They will not undermine their own power.
That is why many of us still have hope that President Trump is aware of this and must do something about it now. Otherwise, we never win an election again. How? They are not going to put themselves out of power by doing the right thing.
We are getting a very close look at what tyranny in the USA would look like.
AND we see open talk of re-education camps.
Placing Deplorables in Ghettos
Firing people for their political beliefs
Removing Children from parents for ‘Wrong- Think’
She is dead serious!
When they send us to the camp will they let us make ‘smores?
Are sure hope that’s marshmallow in the middle!
You’re so cynical, I’m sure they stole the election only this time, and that all future elections will be clean. /s
MAGA will not move until President Trump sets a direction.
Imagine federalizing elections with the Demonazis and RINOs in charge.
Exactly why I do not like that option. Those proposing it as a solutions envision TN rules or better being universally applied. I envision Dem/GA or CA rules being universally applied.
So who is this person CONDEMNING the Republicans???
Is it the Deep State plan to allow the machines to elect Pence in 2024 as compensation for his dirty deeds? What better way to ‘prove’ that the GOP does not belong to Trump?
if he believes this, he’s dumber than all of congress combined–and THAT’S saying something
They will still want to hold the illusion that we have a choice. Feasible?
not to 80 million of us.
seeing a lot of dangerous theories out there lately–that POTUS has to allow biteme to be sworn in before he can act–but at that point, he has no power…wtf?
I’m liking the round up at the inauguration idea, but the fraud would have to be proven first.
I’m thinking all eyes should be on the 19th. Something is going to go down.
From Julians Rum from yesterdays open thread
This is a followup comment from T Hunt on ConservativesPoliticalForm on his original post of Julians GAB post
Well well, look what else cld now be scheduled for the 19th…
Wow. Never seen those scumbags “work” so fast in my life.
What a waste of air, resources, money, effort, and time.
Send them all up…
This is a very dangerous time.
If not for God and Trump, it would be. We’re covered.
Where is Julian posting from?
For me, either what we have all been waiting for, or a bottle of cheap gin (I don’t have any cheap gin).
“Fraud vitiates everything”. Something about an 1877(?) SCOTUS ruling. Sorry, don’t have the sauce, just off the top of my head.
Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”. — SOTN Resident Legal Counsel
Thanks Gail!
Your very welcome.
I understand the concept…but consider… POTUS waits till biteme is installed…then what? somehow gets someone to declare fraud? till it is all settled…who is in charge of the country? third in line—it can’t be POTUS or pence, can’t be biteme or cameltoe…it will be piglosi. are we witnessing HER COUP to the presidency???
They have her laptop. President Pro Tempore of the Senate Chuck Grassly…then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
i hope so…but under what mechanism is my question?
they have to arrest her…but whom?
I make a terrible movie goer (which is why we don’t go…LOL)
I’m always screaming at the screen–don’t go in there! shoot that m*therf*cker!!! it’s the BUTLER!!!
January 13, 2021
The Morning Report – 1/13/21 [J.J. Sefton]—Open Blogger
I read somewhere this morning that she resigned her leadership post. Will try to find confirmation.
Thanks for looking…
It looks like that may well be false information.
A lot of that is going on.
I recall reading that Andy Biggs asked her to step down… perhaps that is what you saw?
Could be.
Rosendale did as well…
“When Representative Cheney came out for impeachment today, she failed to consult with the Conference, failed to abide by the spirit of the rules of the Republican Conference, and ignored the preferences of Republican voters,” Rosendale said in a statement. “She is weakening our conference at a key moment for personal political gain and is unfit to lead. She must step down as Conference Chair.”
Uh. am I missing something here? Didn’t the entire GOP just ignore the preference of the Republican voters? Feeble attempt to score worthless points when there’s no risk involved.
Just another coward.
in their mind, they can still feel good about themselves if they don’t vote for impeachment…surrender, but don’t stab
And we know the leadership is still pristine.
I can not say on here what I would like to do to this woman. And NO I did not vote for her this round in the primary or the general. I am hearing this morning on the radio there are allot of pissed off people here in Wyoming. I guess our Governor was right, we are knuckleheads.
No… they rigged the election for whom they wanted… otherwise we wouldn’t have crooks like Pelosi, Schumer, MAx, in for 30 years!
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^. A lot of other elections have been rigged for years. Seeing it done so blatantly with all the old methods of cheating combined with the newer forms, it’s really hard to unsee it in the past.
hiya wyoming!
(seems disrespectful to say hiya knucklehead)
HeHe I guess your right, I didn’t think of that one. But hello to you as well.
4 million.
Average American won’t be watching. They will get the spoonful bias fed to them by their personal MSM preference.
Credibility? Swallowswell. That answers that question.
NanXi and Turtle-Han won’t give PT any chance to respond to the charge against him. They will be too scared that he might send a “sekrit mushage” to his supporters.
AFA whether or not you/we ever vote Republican again?
They already have your vote counted for the next 10 or so generations.
I read Turley’s piece regarding the DC Attorney General saying he might arrest POTUS and others for the riots.
he notes the words in POTUS’s speech about “PEACEFULLY” marching to the Capitol…which is our right. he says, that POTUS never used words calling for violence.
but he also stated that he doesn’t believe the theory on not being able to arrest a sitting president has been settled.
he dances a fine line if you ask me…
The more I learn of Jonathan Turley, the more I consider him to be a slimy weasel.
A lawyer?
and they changed the House rules AGAIN…this time allowing members to openly criticize POTUS on the floor…and added a $2,500 fine for any member not wearing a mask. AND they added metal detectors to enter the chamber.
Remember during the first impeachment – they changed the rules while Jordan or Collins was asking questions?
Think it was Collins? Seem to remember him looking stunned at Nader…..
And also during Lewandowski’s testimony, too; I think?
NanXi’s rules rule……
She has shown that only about 5 House Republicans have balls.
Care to bet that some dumbocrat moves to censor and/or expel Boebert before that day is over?
Since Demoncratrs are in charge and none of them can be trusted to say anything intelligent, I’m guessing the mask rule is here to stay as a sign of their incompetence.
…. … …. … …
… yes … bwahahahahaha …
When “truth” becomes opinions &/or emotional reactions to facts, documented events, etc. “truth” is not longer Truth.
From Telegram
Just walked into the Capitol to find literally hundreds of troops napping and lining up in the Congressional Visitor Center— as streets around here are largely blocked.
Many are cuddling their firearms, fatigues over their heads to block light, and riot gear in neat piles.
https://mail.google.com/mail/e/1f517 Nathaniel Reed
COPY LINK w/o parenthesis – OPEN in new window – and you will see PIX
Whoa – it posted – who knew?
I saw that earlier. Not sure I’m buying that this isn’t staged.
We’ll see.
Tremendous ground report from 1/6.
PS: my son has many memories from 1/6 but one he has talked about again and again was the guy in a batman or superman costume posing and carrying on from on top of the port o potties. What?! Of course, that got his attention and just the silliness of it … why was the guy there? what was he doing other than attention seeking? And he carried on, constantly going into different poses, etc. Funny what children remember but highlights the typical, high spiritied, excited but Happy, upbeat and positive atmosphere of the rally/protest.
Son just informed me it was Batman at the rally and how could I not remember/know the difference? Glad whoever it was who dressed up did so as it provided comedy relief to all, esp. younger conservatives
I’m sure he took pictures, why don’t you post some?
notice how you get zero response to your post…?
Of course. That was the point
Mommykins is a fraudster
Honestly, I’m beginning to think AI. It just doesn’t ‘feel right’.
More “feels” from a flake who is no longer active here.
Think about that … flash in the pan that contributed no impactful input, no suggestions for MAGA and who is not around any more but attacked me frequently
Good to see the patterns
So foolish – do you really think you can demand personal pictures?
Why would I provide pictures that can be used as evidence for all of those investigating Trump supporters there that day? Do you not read what Wolf writes?
De Pat,
Bren brought this image to Marica’s Place this a.m.
Immediately thought of you and Wednesday Openings… you may want to add to your collection… or Not!
That is one well-groomed camel!
And a little eye candy for the guys…
Noe of my comments have appeared.
I have seen them…
I had to refresh my page to see the ones I made
Lemme look. I’ve seen a few.
by the way…i love the eyelashes on your camel today!!
I did think of you when I saw that.
I refreshed. I only had a page one and no comments.
Then refreshed a second time and had TWO pages and my comments were on page one.
Looks like I caught the system as it was uploading a second page and that is why I had zero comments showing when I did a [ctrl] [f] find to see if I needed to reply to anyone replying to me.
Sorry for the confusion.
I’m not seeing anything from you that hasn’t published in the usual places.
Feinstein files to run AGAIN in 2024…they cannot let go of power once they have it
Dianne Feinstein, according to documents that have been filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), is already set to run for another term in the Senate. The form titled Statement of Candidacy designates her for Senate. A LAmag article revealed that Feinstein’s election campaign committee started fundraising in May, 2019. Already 87, Feinstein is the oldest sitting US Senator and will turn 91 years of age in 2024, making her 97 when that term ends should she win her re-election. “I don’t feel my cognitive abilities have diminished. Do I forget something sometimes? Quite possibly. We do get things done and we do pass bills. You do get older, that’s true. But I have been productive,” she told the Los Angeles Times last month.
Yeah traitor Feinstein you certainly have been productive, betraying our country,keeping your pet spy around 20 years.
DiFi: Get a life.
It would not surprise me if the people voted her in again. Therein lies the problem.
It would not surprise me if the VOTING MACHINES WERE RIGGED TO INSTALL HER again.
There, fixed it for you.
Thanks. I have to do this for DH all the time. Machines are more of a problem than voters.
Fat corrupt pos.
Yes Gil… been at the trough too long.
Born with a familial silver spoon this big:
heehee! Now that’s a big spoon! Good morning to you.
Good Morning to you.
Goin’ to steal that… and have another cup of coffee. Great one Gil, thanks.
I’m sure Sylvia could repurpose it into something useful
Yes indeed Cuppa… would make a great shovel! Hope you are doing well… stay safe.
.. well he can definitely STUFF that …. bwahahahahaha
… no whoppie cushion or preparation H either …
to help fill the state budget deficit……
AKA union pensions.
Illinois is still as corrupt as ever I see
How much more evidence do people need? Destroy small businesses to be bought up by Big Corporations…welcome to the Great Reset.
Amen James.
Same thing happening here in BDD. And even medium-sized businesses. It looks like the clothing chain “Adler” is going under. And parts of Conti, the auto parts supplier (greens will be happy to hear that, no doubt).
And the RED Chinese, aka Satan, Incorporated, will be scooping up intellectual and real property, employees, trademarks and names, etc., for pennies on the Euro…..
Just saw in the Bild Zeitung that a woman was forced by the Polizei to close her restaurant after she opened it despite the shutdown. She is losing everything.
We are getting to that place here. I always though Germany could overreach and now it is don here.
So sad CC
And this is one single outrage. How many of these do we see daily? THIS is why Rex wrote that if Trump does not prevail he will have left the swamp stronger. No more trying to hide, or burying what they really want in some bill. They get what they want, AND get a charge out of rubbing our noses in it.
Puzzled, again.
Changed my avatar on WP login, profile…
It shows KAG hat in my profile and where I “like” an authors article.
Have logged out of WP and shut down laptop, rebooted, logged in…
But posts still show Trump Pence hat.
here I see your usual hat…but when i go to my wp account profile tab that i use for notifications, I see your red KAG hat…???
Thanks. Trying to shift to red KAG hat.
Done with Pence until he vindicates his actions. Not holding my breath for Pence to confirm he is MAGA.
Are you using the Gravatar app? It brings your profile avatar forward to use in WP apps. Check your application settings in your profile to see if it’s enabled.
Yes using Gravatar. That is where I changed the avatar to a red KAG hat.
Do you have a black bar across the top of your view of this site, Kalbo?
If so…your avatar for here should appear there, beside the Bell.
Which avatar pic is showing there?
Yup. Black bar.
Right side shows Red KAG hat and bell to the right of it.
Left side My Site and Reader.
The Red KAG hat is showing up in my bell notifications, too.
Click on ‘My Sites’…and see if you are shown two WP sites for the Qtree.
It’s sort of like we have two WP accounts now, since the move.
Only one QTree under the My Site.
I do recall we have two WP accounts of sorts. Never really understood it, as I am techie challenged.
Link to the othe, WP log in, please.
When I click on ‘My Sites’…the top clicky says:
When I click on that, it takes me to a page that asks me to ‘Select a Site’.
And it shows the old Qtree, as:
It also shows the new Qtree, as:
You may need to change your avatar on both of them…?
It’s the durndest thing.
Went to both links in your reply. They both show red KAG hat. Profile thing shows Gravatar to manage avatars.
Gotta run to an appointment. Thank you for helping me work through this.
Back at it later today.
Delete Gravatar app. Update avatar on WP profile. Re-add Gravatar app.
Gravatar deleted. Now when I click on Gravatar, I get a blank screen.
Gonna look back wherever the Jetpack thing is and reload it. Used to see Jetpack on one of my screens.
Things seem to be working backwards at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York. Vaccinating people is supposed to reduce or end coronavirus deaths. Right? But, at The Commons, such deaths are reported to have occurred only after residents began receiving coronavirus vaccinations.
VERY scary excerpts from that article: (the link is the same; the original article, source to Ron Paul’s article is here *https://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/01/covid-19-outbreak-at-auburn-nursing-home-infects-137-residents-kills-24.html )…
Wait until the SECOND vaccination!
Can we get 50% dead??? Hey, why not go for 100% DEAD!
Remember that person who after the 2nd vaccination had a temp of 104+
My Hubby went comatose with a temperature of over 103F. He called the doctor in the morning who said do not worry. I had a party I had to do and I came home to find him almost dead and friends and I carried him to my vehicle and rushed him to the hospital.
I had scarlet fever as a child…not fun then…cannot imagine it now
My son and wife who took first shot are being checked every two days by the health system from the University . My son said he trusts Pfizer and it is better than the other vaccine.
Make L.A Great Again https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg (@lalovestrump) Tweeted: From Greece ? Tom Hanks To Host Biden/Harris Inaugural TV Special On Jan. 20; Multiple Networks & Streamers To Air https://t.co/ACYwDM5bd6 via @Deadline
Peonouncing pedos are full steam ahead. Human trafficking bigger and better than ever.
i like to think he’s in exile there…LOL
Makes perfect sense… to have a fellow criminal praise another.
Ain’t gonna happen…!
Biden will never be inaugurated.
This is Deep State demoralization campaign at full steam! Rubbing their asses in our faces!
The first ‘TV Inauguration’?
Yeah see, I think DePat is right about them keeping the ChiComVirus-Fear going for awhile.
It is still very useful to them.
Heck, they might keep it around forever.
When Covid-19 plays out…they’ll probably release another one.
Rubbing our faces in it. Absolutely disgusting.
In my view, the House’s rush to impeach a president who is, according to their narrative, a week away from exiting office is
evidence they do not themselves believe their own narrative… they KNOW they lost, they KNOW the attempted to Steal a landslide election, they KNOWINGLY certified a fraudalent result and hope to seat an illegal president, all the while charging the 80+ voters who supported the sitting president for re-election with Sedition… a crime for which they themselves are guilty multiple times over.
Take a look back in history… President Lincoln experienced a similar script: an attempt to use mail-in ballots in an effort to defeat him, a hostile press and a disinformation war.
Seems the Cabal is recycling old scripts.
President Trump is not alone. There is a world-wide effort ongoing to defeat not just the Deep State, but the global cabal. Timing is essential. The Revolution will not be televised.
Im seeing people very quietly stocking up. I heard a neighbor who i dont talk to say the great awakening, but she was talking to her husband and doesnt know what that means. People are anticipating war, salvation, or both.
Hope y’all don’t misunderstand my comment, however, I feel actions by the White Hats have to come close to the 20th in order for peeps to experience how evil and destructive it would be to humanity to allow a Biden Administration to happen.
“The Revolution will not be televised.”
What??? Not even PPV???
Stay safe James…
Could you imagine if it was a PPV event!!!! We’d clear up the National Debt! And then a PPV to watch your favorite perp walk!!!! Oh my, who would I pay to watch…. Oh, yeah Brennan! Oh then Yates!!! For sure Pelosi… hummm Adam Schiff, He’ll yeah! Comey, Clapper, ha! HRC! I’d PPV those—- paying my fair share!
MAGA elected politicians standing up to the GOPe – so good to see!
so Jayapal was NOT wearing a mask in the ensuing chaos of the capitol breach. but when she tested positive for covid, it was because REPUBLICANS were not wearing their masks…bwahahahahaha. seems the dems are now openly competing for dumbass of the year award–and the competition is fierce!
Democratic Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal called out Republican lawmakers for not wearing masks while pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, however, a video shows Jayapal was not wearing a mask for several minutes while sitting in the House gallery with other members of Congress and staff.
Jayapal announced Tuesday that she tested positive for COVD-19, citing Republicans’ refusal to not wear a mask in a lengthy statement, saying the GOP created a “superspreader event” and endangered lives. A video released by CBS News on Jan. 6, the day of the riot, shows Jayapal not wearing a mask for at least two and a half minutes, the entirety of the video.
Hint. Masks don’t stop the spread of the virus, in both directions.
found OT…h/t joe fine
GOD help me – I H8 the Demon Rats and Repugnant Cons in Congress with the heat of 10 TRILLION SUNS!!!!!!
WHEATIE – Help me to think up some new names and descriptors for these fecaliths.
I am currently in total contempt of both Congress and the Courts – for what they have done to our good President.
My utter contempt for the media, social media and their agents – is so complete that I will never knowingly spend a dime on their services, magazines, or any product or event they promote.
Listen to Bannon we have to call Senator and let them know if they vote for impeachment they will be voted out. Same with the house.
Jason Miller is with Bannon.
They are trying to impeach POTUS even after he is out of office because they start January 19. They want to strip him of secret service, that he cannot have a library and wipe out his last 4 years. We have lots of work to do to pressure our representatives.
Miller said this is very serious.
By the way we are on target who these people are very vile and in the senate we have weak republicans.
i think they want to start impeachment on the 19th precisely because they KNOW HE WON’T BE OUT OF OFFICE ON THE 20th.
The way I heard is they want to process the impeachment in abstention when Biden is in. The charges are is insurrection. This is very dangerous since some republicans have joined.
i’m not sure they can impeach a private citizen and if biteme is installed he is just that.
once he is a private citizen, he may be more susceptible to DA’s who want to pursue criminal charges tho.
Yes, they would spend the rest of his life on one lawfare case after another until he was bankrupt. But he knows that.
One if there is a fair trial he’d be acquitted. (Not sure we believe there will be a fair trial).
Two, how can they try him in abstention? He’ll certainly send a lawyer to represent himself.
Three if they try to carry this through it’s their face they sell. The amount of bad karma they are building up for this nation is very hefty and since they ripped out the foundations of this nation it’s not going to take much for it fall apart.
As far as I’m concerned Trump was the worlds last chance before the second coming, almost like God said, “Hold on Son, let me give this another try”.
It’s not going to happen- Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled.
Rudy said the FBI let the guy go from BLM who organized the storming. on the Capitol.
Please call your representatives concerning this impeachment. Put pressure on them.
I believe POTUS lawyer Rudy and Miller.
This impeachment will be when Trump is out of office and Schumer is leading in Senate and POTUS has no more power.
By not believing we become complacent. We cannot be complacent if we truly care about POTUS and our country.
Hopefully many of them will soon be out of office!
After they stabbed us in the back, I will never again vote for Blackburn or Haggerty.
‘Perfidious’ comes to mind.
‘Perfidy’ is listed as a War Crime by the Geneva Convention.
‘Loathsome’ describes them as well!
How about dead bodies walking?
you misspelled that last one…
it’s executable…
Excrementable. Sort of goes with fecalith.
good one!
ALL GOOD words, descriptors!
Woke up this morning in a state of serenity. The rollercoaster has leveled out. My energy now is directed to scanning the horizon for signs that The Plan has gone kinetic. There are no more “what if”s for me.
I am sure this is nothing…just coincidence.
Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump
The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!
Scrolling around on Bitchute and happened to see this from OAN. Complete breakdown of the CDC stats, with their numbers and images.
Honestly, two deaths among my circles in the last two weeks were officially labeled, “Due to complications of COVID-19.” One was a woman who had pneumonia and a heart damaged over a year earlier from something else. She was 78, and had cheated death before, but the pneumonia was too much. The other, a 93 year old man, with COVID, who had a stroke and then a massive heart attack.
But both are being labeled COVID deaths.
It’s just unreal.
we are merely cash cows to the medical community
Oh, believe me, I realize that.
I suggwest people read J.R. Nyquist’s articles. He has a blog or I think they are posted at WorldViewTimes, Brannon Howse’s news site. He has info on a Russian operative wanted in Ukraine for fomenting revolution there who was spotted at the Jan. 6 riots at the capitol. He was talking with someone from the q movement, maybe a planted fake q supporter (my idea).
J.R. Nyquist’s articles:
Thank you, Gail.
I haven’t been on LIFELOG lately
Sounds like accusations of “whataboutism” are really a big thing right now.
It would be comical if it weren’t so tragically wrong.
The matter at hand is about JUSTICE versus FAVORITISM.
It is about JUDGING MANY based on the LIES of few, and TURNING A BLIND EYE TO EVIL.
This isn’t some LIFELOG discussion – turning a BLIND EYE to EVIL and turning a DEAF EAR to TRUTH have REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES.
Not “whataboutism” – CONSEQUENCES. These are CONSEQUENTIAL matters.
The June riots were allowed to continue and DESTROYED PEOPLE – widespread destruction, people victimized, and people killed. A complicit news media not reporting on the destruction but repeating the LIE of “mostly peaceful protests”. Not reporting on the “rent-a-mob” that this was not simply organic. Social media also carrying their water and doing nothing to block the radicalism of the left’s voices – but rather amplifying them.
Meanwhile, the MCM is 100% on MANUFACTURING OUTRAGE over the acts of another(!) rent-a-mob – dutifully lying about who started it. They are amplifying the acts of a few beyond all proportion and sticking ordinary people with PUNISHING RETALIATION. Widespread censorship. Demanding politicians resign. Demanding CEOs resign. Making lists of people to “UNPERSON”. Going after people’s JOBS and getting them FIRED. Forcing companies to DISCRIMINATE against ordinary citizens and deny services for WRONG-THINK. Blocking ordinary citizen’s access to fundraising tools, monetization platforms, or payment processing systems. Putting ordinary citizens on no-fly lists and watch lists. Lying about them by calling them evil and malicious. Forcing ordinary people like conservative op-ed writers to issues “apologies” for things they never did wrong (so it can be held against them perpetually for all time) or “denounce” others for things they never did wrong (to divide people and amplify the effects of Cancel Culture by drawing the right into it).
“Whataboutism” from the left in the face of WIDESPREAD INJUSTICE is a powerful PSYOP when normal thinking people know this isn’t just about hypocriticalism or having double standards . . .
“Whataboutism” is one of the favorite tactics of the left:
1. When they engage in “Whataboutism” of their own, it is to DISTRACT from a legitimate point or argument. They are masters at “reframing” or saying “this argument lacks context” which is just a way of saying that the argument doesn’t say what they want it to say. In their mind there isn’t truth, just rhetoric.
2. When they ACCUSE others of “Whataboutism” it’s to SHUT DOWN a legitimate point or argument. It’s to DISMISS a valid point of unfairness, favoritism, injustice, liberal privilege, or inequality. They don’t case about countering the arguement or double-standards: Double standards are a FEATURE not a BUG to them.
They want two standards b/c in their twisted moral universe, anything that keeps them from winning is bad and anything that allows others to win is evil. They WANT that tilted playing field. They want the goalposts moved so only they can score goals and no one else can. They want the LIBERAL PRIVILEGE enforced of “heads left wins, tails right loses”. They do not care about RIGHT or WRONG or TRUTH. To the LEFT, the only “JUSTICE” is when the LEFT advances and the RIGHT retreats.
Communism, Nazism, Fascism and Maonism.
This is evil what is happening with the left and calling them left is to kind.
Republican Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert walked around a newly installed magnetometer inside the Capitol on his way to vote, telling the Capitol Police that he cannot be stopped.
The House installed the new magnetometers Tuesday and requires all members of Congress to walk through them before entering the House of Representatives chamber after rioters supporting Trump stormed the U.S. capitol Wednesday, committing acts of vandalism and violence. As a result of the riot, the electoral college certification process was postponed and members of Congress were forced to evacuate the building.
“The House Sergeant at Arms has decided that magnetometers will be set up outside of the press gallery office space to screen everyone going in to the House Chamber beginning at 6:00 PM today. Will stay in effect for every day the House is in session for the foreseeable future,” Sarah Wire, the chair on the Standing Committee of Correspondents said in an email to members and staffers.
Gohmert, however, did not follow those new rules.
On Gohmert’s way to vote he said: “You can’t stop me; I’m on my way to a vote,” as he passed the police officers.
“The metal detector policy for the House floor is unnecessary, unconstitutional, and endangers members. I did not comply tonight. I will not comply in the future,” Roy said in a statement.
In a statement to the Daily Caller, Gohmert said: “Article 1, Section 6 of the U.S. Constitution contains specific language prohibiting Members of Congress from being impeded on the way to a session of the House or to a vote. This is harassment. We need protection from the Speaker, not each other.”
Can’t say the words that are in my mind right now!
Going to the brink. I think Gail is right about the Trump-Romanov parallel. I would throw in the House of Bourbon in France as they were eliminated for the same reason, actually. King Louis XVI didn’t want a central bank after a previous disaster.
It all comes down to that: control of the money supply.
better make sure those contracts aren’t ironclad or NYC will be even more bankrupt when POTUS is thru with them…
Trump is human not God. What they are doing to him is outrageous.
I am not going to minimize the gravity.
I hope we are all there when the bottom hits when he and his family needs it because no one else will.
before he was president, he was a businessman…and a good one.
contracts are his bread and butter.
it ain’t over till the fat lady sings…don’t give up hope!
In the completely random other news category!
I always suspected that.
I don’t think you can be Secretary of State and Vice President at the same time.
No goodbyes, no thank you’s, no well wishes for the new administration.
It’s normal for the left to be sore winners, show bad sportsmanship and showboat.
Pompeo, however, is the United States highest ranking diplomat, a man of the highest caliber of class and respect.
The left will read this, take it at face value and celebrate.
To the right, there is a strong sense that something is OFF.
Is his title changing?
That’s one possibility.
I just don’t buy that they are all going to take the first boat out of the swamp after coming this far and signing peace deals, and various other agreements.
yeah I was thinking that too…changing to VP? LOL
My mind went there, too.
Acting President while military courts clear out the fraud.
He is the first person on the post 1/20 succession list I’d want to see have that role. (Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Leahy, Pompeo.)
He said very explicitly, very publicly “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration”. It was clearly stated at a time where he was acting in his capacity as Secretary of State, not on his own behalf.
Nowhere have I found where he has clarified this, backed down from it, been questioned on it, or otherwise changed course.
That is NOT the action of a Secretary of State as the Diplomatic representative of the United States.
In fact, making such a statement should have triggered Congressional censure, denunciation, and legal action.
Why has it been allowed to stand?
Why haven’t Congressman of both parties stood up and admonished the SoS for his statement?
Try and read the message without any of the climate of disinformation.
It is quite straight forward.
One week from today is 1/20… the end of Trump’s first administration and the beginning of his second.
“I will be stepping aside as Sec of State”
President Trump has stated he will have a new Administration… which implies some changes in his Cabinet at least, and the announcement of new members awaiting confirmation or not. Again ROUTINE.
“This account will be archived”
A routine matter.
“Be sure to follow me @mikepompeo”
Which is his personal acc’t, whereby he will keep you apprised of HIS movements and the new account for SoS… courtesy on his part
“Go do it now.”
Before you forget the addy and are unable to access info.
Entire message is straightforward.
No word from Mnuchin or Ross on movement?
Those are the two that have been there from the beginning.
And Ben Carson.
Big Corporate Uses Capitol Riots To Push Communist-Style Social Credit System On Americans
It appears that global oligarchs have decided to not only collude with China’s totalitarian control over its society, but to export it to formerly free nations such as the United States.
China’s Social Credit SystemWe appear to be at the beginning of a massive crackdown on people who have supported Donald Trump, led by big tech and big media. These entities are making Trump into an example of their power to frighten the half of America that supported him in November. We cannot allow them to intimidate us.
But they sure are trying, and on some, they will succeed. They are using the excuse of an unrepresentative group of fools criminally ransacking U.S. Capitol offices with a lighter touch than many of this summer’s often unpunished Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters. Remember: Some of those rioters got away with murder, attacking public buildings including in state capitols, arson, and stopping ambulances from bringing wounded police into hospitals for treatment. They were bailed out with the help of the incoming Democrat vice president.
Now we are being told that an unorganized group of stupid people knocking down doors and throwing Nancy Pelosi’s desk papers on the floor are “seditionists” aiming for the “overthrow of the U.S. government”? Please. That’s giving them credit that they don’t at all deserve.
But they have provided a useful pretext for much darker strategic actions from much better-funded and better-coordinated powers. On the assumption with an excellent track record that Republicans have lost all power and wouldn’t intelligently use any power they have anyway, Twitter has banned Trump permanently and suspended Mike Flynn. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat also banned Trump.
Google and Apple banned the Twitter alternative Parler from their app stores, claiming it’s because right-wing agitators have used it to organize, although the same is true of left-wing agitators, mass-murdering foreign dictators, and apolitical criminals on Twitter. Amazon defenestrated Parler from its servers Sunday.
One of the Trump campaign’s email service providers suspended the campaign’s account, according to Financial Times reporter Dave Lee. Shopify also banned Trump’s official stores from the platform.
The purge wasn’t at all limited to Trump himself. It’s also pursuing his supporters. YouTube banned all videos discussing voter fraud. Reddit shut down its Donald Trump subreddit. On Jan. 8, Facebook shut down the Walkaway campaign that shared the stories of people who left the Democratic Party to vote for Trump, and banned every one of the group’s owners from using Facebook. The publisher of a forthcoming book by Sen. Josh Hawley cut ties with him over his support for proving to the American people that our elections are free and fair.
. . . MORE . . .
Wear the persecution like a badge of honor. Keep your head up and high. Walk on, and don’t get addicted to the adrenaline of fear porn and doom-fagging.
If those places don’t want your business, take it elsewhere.
He must be punished and made an example of….
Breaking: NYC is canceling contracts with Trump’s business because of the Capitol riot, the mayor said.
The contracts are for ice skating rinks, the Central Park Carousel and the Trump Golf Links in the Bronx.
By @emmagf https://t.co/w980iiLsId
— Cliff Levy (@cliffordlevy) January 13, 2021
damned evil mofos
It really does seem that they are provoking a reaction from MAGA. They want violence.
President Trump keeps saying over and over….NO VIOLENCE!
They are not acting like people who won an election with a record 80 million votes. Just stating the obvious……..
Either late last night or early this morning lamecherry put out an article entitled Citizen Trump, laying out exactly what’s in store for this family should he fail.
Food for thought:
That food for thought is finger lickin’ good!
hang on…anything even remotely touched by piglosi cannot be described as finger lickin’ good…yuck! nope, not going there…
well you brought it up…LOL
Are we sure her lap top was taken by good guys?
We believe this why? Because some retired general said so ?
I am to the point I question everything and only believe what i hear from Rudy and closest to POTUS and POTUS of course.
There was lots of stirring up emotions concerning the election and Lin Woods was out of control. I have seen those who were fighting for POTUS they were strong worked their hearts out but not out of control. Where is Sidney Powell? Where are those people 24/7 on TV? All those with the podcast telling us fables.
POTUS cannot do this alone in my opinion the other site has 4 years to perfect the craft and now we know the whole intel was in on the scam including tech giants working against us and Trump. Some governors and other state officials.
Now I is not question the Judicial system was also in on it. I believe also the republican establishment want their power back.
We also see the guys we supported in Congress backing off except a handful of good people. They all can pretend to be Christians they do not have the heart of Christ they are bought by dark forces greed.
Singingsoul, I can actually feel the fear and dread in your latest posts.
I understand. I am fearful, too. But we will be ok. Trump did not come this far to leave like this, I can’t believe that. He knows what will happen if he does. He has his family to think of.
Take some time and do something fun or interesting, that has nothing to do with politics.
No fear just questioning. I am fine have seen this before
Hello to QTree occupants….just checking in for a very brief moment to let anyone interested that I am well but for my stress level have backed away from news and forums for awhile. I haven’t read anything here since January 6th fiasco…just not ready to go there yet. Last night was my first decent sleep in a week and I need to focus on my well-being.
Doing lots of purging and cleaning in our house, reading escape books, cooking up a storm and attempting not to get too depressed about the future of our nation.
Will eventually return (hopefully soon) to enjoy everyone’s knowledge and take on current happenings….until then stay well.
hiya teagan!
thanks for checking in…we’re a worrisome lot!
Take care of yourself and the homefront. Recharge your batteries. We will be here when you are able to return.
Very wise of you.
Many here lack the self-discipline you demonstrate.
But some of us here have a well-stocked liquor cabinet.
I have two well stocked freezers. The wine just went in the beef stroganoff for lunch.
I love this!!! Thanks for the laugh!!
“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and every manner of thing shall be well”- Julian of Norwich.
One of many reasons why despair just seems misplaced.
Common sense would dictate that the answer is “of course not.” Impeachment and conviction is a remedy with the purpose of removing someone from office.
However, one can find a lawyer to argue whatever is expedient. And so it is no problem at all to find legal backing for the preposterous claim that, even though there simply isn’t enough time left in Trump’s term to have a Senate trial to remove him, it can still be done later:
—- there is no escape from a crooked lawyer
“Law” and “Justice” really have nothing to do with each other.
Doomfaggotry is always misplaced and is never helpful.
Fear is an enemy that should be RUTHLESSLY dealt with.
Doomfaggotry is priceless to the enemy.
Yeah, I’m going to ‘consider’ going on a diet after I devour this cheese cake.
But they told Biden to never concede.
uh huh…
Reviewing the beginning of Cue drops, I ran across this Drop 521 for Jan 13, 2018
“Q !UW.yye1fxo No.9
Jan 13 2018 22:18:18 (EST)
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
Note: “Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?”
In Bottom Right of the drop is a bar ANSWERS, when one clicks, this appears:
I searched for the videos and found the first one of the series, link is below, for those interested.
I meant to add that the drops of that day (Jan 13, 2018) are quite interesting.
Link to Cue drops: Chttps://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/?q=17
Click on Left top, downward arrow to “reorder drops”, then scroll down to to Jan 13, 2018
Is there a way to find out which episode aired that night?
I can’t find one! Have looked…
Remember the Epoch Times video of the interview of the Japanese reporter. She had video of the guy who BROKE THE WINDOW. He was the guy in the Russian hat who was handed a helmet as the instrument. I mentioned that the COPS did NOTHING to grab the guy as he calmly walked past them and stood just be hind them to change clothes.
Well here is another look at that guy.
Anatomy of a Potential Agent Provocateur
the video
It was really windy last night. I just got a report about broken trees, limbs, etc and going to go look. SYL
The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
Oh, don’t let it kill you baby, don’t let it get to you
Don’t let ’em kill you baby, don’t let ’em get to you
I’ll be your breathin’ heart, I’ll be your cryin’ fool
Don’t let this go too far, don’t let it get to you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
Yeah, the waiting is the hardest part
Is the hardest part
Is the hardest part
You hit the nail on the head with this one.
Out of so many great ones, this is…perhaps… his very bestest.
Aside from the message, the opening notes are INSTANTLY recognizable and unforgettable.
i’m partial to I won’t back down myself
A brief ground report.
The emergency sirens in our community have not been successfully tested for two months.
This weekend I happened to drive past where an out of state utility truck was engaged in making repairs. About half an hour later that siren sounded for about a second.
Yesterday I heard again where the sirens were running for about five seconds. Obviously this is outside the normal test schedule.
I don’t think we’ve gone a single month without a test or the real thing in…at least 20 years.
Of course, around here, when it’s not test time and the sirens go off, the first thing you do is check your phone or the internet to see where the issue is.
We dont even have those.
It’s one of the features of living in tornado alley. 11 am first Monday of the month expect the test.
One time, I was the cantor at a funeral and right when the ceremony began it went off.
Ahhhhh! Not cool while youre singing…but it wouldve maybe been a funny video, uf ut wasnt a funeral.
Setting the record straight
Entirely believable, and to be expected.
As Steyn said today, has the air of rambunctious college kids at a football game.
Treason out & proud in the open
I am surprised that Jack has not been banned from twitter.
LOL I thought you meant @ Jack-boot censoring himself!!! We could all wish
WHY IN HADES do they play music over the voices?
Is it to keep the AI from hearing what is being said?
Good Q
My hearing sucks. Any video with music playing “in the background” while some one is speaking is useless to me. Please dump the “production values”.
Same here, those with music & conversation together drive me mad.
I click straight out, if their message had any value it wouldn’t need any extras.
Just like a visual watermark, it’s an audio watermark.
And yes, they are AWEFUL.
That’s why James O’Keefe videos often overlay piano music – makes it harder for someone to re-edit his video evidence.
But he also ALWAYS puts easy to read captions directly on the video.
Which I really love, the captions that is.
Thanks for the explanation.
How can this happen but the enemy in the WH
Owned & controlled…grrr…
EXC: Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies
Thomas Zimmerman, who will serve as a Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel under Joe Biden, formerly served as a visiting scholar at what the FBI has called a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment,” The National Pulse can reveal.
While at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, Zimmerman also served as a fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, flagged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for its close ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s top spy agency, the Ministry of State Security.
The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), which the FBI views as a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment,” was involved in a 2019 criminal case involving a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative selling classified U.S. defense documents to China.
The operative, Kevin Mallory, was contacted by a SASS official via LinkedIn to begin the relationship that culminated in a 20-year prison sentence for Mallory.
The FBI has described the Chinese Communist Party as relying on SASS employees as “spotters and assessors” of potential Western spies. Ministry of State Security officers – described by the FBI as keen on “influencing the foreign policy of other countries” – have also “used SASS affiliation as cover identities,” according to the FBI.
A Homeland Security Today article describes Zimmerman’s association with the think tank as a “visiting scholar” focusing “on Afghanistan, Somalia, and Chinese regional policy.”
Zimmerman has also “hosted an academic salon” alongside Chinese Communist Party adviser Li Lifan on “topics concerning counter-terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, security issues in Central Asia, the US perspective on the One Belt One Road initiative, and security issues in South Asia” at the Shanghai Institute of American Studies (SIAS).
SIAS is funded by the Chinese Communist Party and “provide[s] advisory services to the central government as well as local decision-makers” in China.
Also a Deputy Lead for National Security Personnel on the Biden-Harris Transition team, Zimmerman’s bio on the transition site omits any mention of his involvement with the Chinese think tank.
Thanks for all that damning detail!
(Ret.) Lt. Gen McInerny…WWIII has started!
The General was on Two Mikes this morning and gives an update on the current situation…to include…this small tidbit of information. WWIII has started and it is a hybrid war. Please listen for more details.
(Personal note: I am trying to check myself for confirmation bias. I lend the General credibility not only because of his credentials…and the fact that he is retired and does not really need this. What would be his motivation to lie to us?
Seeing him say that we have NanZi’s laptop while standing in the White House helps suppress any doubts.
BUT, I also WANT him to be right. At the moment, nothing has really been shown to be ironclad proven about the events that he has claimed since the election.
But WHY come out and ruin his legacy by spreading false narratives? Putting this all together with other events just screams to me that something is indeed happening cloaked in the thick fog of war.)
The intentional release of a bio-weapon was a key inflection point in this war.
Ans make no mistake….it was pre-meditated and intentional.
The public disclosure of incontrovertible proof of this….and why….will upend the present situation.
People need to see who facilitated it from here – from Fauci’s NIH $$$ onward.
Fauci just turned 80. How much time does he have left in this world? What does he think he is gaining?
Gain of function funding was banned in 2014. The ban was lifted in late 2017 once a framework for evaluation and oversight was implemented, that applied to research going forward.
The Wuhan lab had NIH funding from 2014-2020. Who had oversight of the research that continued despite the ban, until the ban was lifted in 2017? Was there any oversight at all?
Honestly, at the beginning of this “pandemic” I felt that something was ‘off’. No one I knew was sick, people were not keeling over dead in the streets. Anyone I pointed this out to looked at me like I had two heads.
Yeah, definitely confirmation bias.
We actually determined back in March/April this is WWIV, not WWIII
The Hybrid Wor is obvious due to the rampant disinformation campaign being fought in multiple domains.
Information/Propaganda Wor
Massive Cyberwor Ongoing
Bio Worfare
Diplomatic Worfare
Political Worfare
Space Worfare
Keeping the real war out of sight and just beyond the public’s perceptions is the key to hybrid worfare.
We also know from Pompeo’s call-outs the last few days the key actors in this. “Know your enemy.”
At some point, we’ve gone way beyond simply dismissing years of strange experiences as merely “confirmation bias.”
Sprinkle a little salt on it for now. The only General I am listening to is Flynn.
I get it. That said…McInerny and Flynn were interviewed together shortly after the pardon. They claimed to be friends.
General McInerny was also interviewed earlier with General Vallely
This is an important 33 minute video.
We need to share near and wide
Excellent! I joined MeWe to get this!
I did too. Downloaded and cancelled account.
HA! I’m not sure if I’m going to spend much time there, but they may be good. We’ll see.
Article over on Gateway Pundit about JFK asking FBI to investigate Pelosi’s father for mob ties.
and that is Classified, right ?
Don’t get your point?
Here is another video with Lt Gen McInerny that I had sent from a friend. This is about the election interference and problems around that.
I hope this tape is real because anything can be faked even on tape even when someone speaks.
I feel as if we are jerked around for what purpose do not know.
This might just me affect like this but I trust nothing unless it comes from POTUS of his lawyers and then I question.
By the way should Biden begin his 4 years I will totally shot his crap off or his cabal. ai hope we continue have refugee here?
Pastor Jeffress Says ‘Absolutely’ No Regrets for Support of Trump
. . . In a Tuesday tweet, Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said he was asked by a reporter if he regretted his support of Trump — and replied “Absolutely not!”
“Most pro-life and religious liberty President and VP in history!” Jeffress wrote, saying he just had talks with both leaders. . .
Well isn’t that special.
There are people with the knives out for Jeffress, to put it mildly.
I commented because he appears weak. Compare his song & dance to anything by Vigano.
Maybe Vigano has more information than this other guy?
See my comment to michael above.
Jeffress is a waste. Did you read the quote? He called POTUS and Biden “The most pro-life and religious freedom President and VP in history.” Really? So that’s what he feels he has to say to keep his gravy train running. Sucked up to Trump while it was safe, and now Biden is the most pro-life and religious freedom VP in history. What a sorry sack of crap.
Ah, I see.
I know nothing about this man, what are you thinking?
hypocritical oath
You can’t spell “leftist” without “hypocrite”.
This is FULL SOVIET LEVEL 100% BREZHNEV CLUB! I have not seen this stuff since the Soviet Union! It’s almost unbelievable, but yes – that is what we had back then. Imperious BS anti-reality and hypocrisy EXACTLY like that.
aka BHO opens the floodgates of hell w/ “legalizing’ propaganda to be used on US soil against US!
And you still sit in that chair ignoring the elephant in the living room.
Rev. Graham: America is in ‘Spiritual Crisis,’ We’ve ‘Turned Our Back on Our Creator’
In remarks about the current state of America, Christian leader Franklin Graham said he has never seen such hatred in the country and added that we are in a “spiritual crisis” because so much of the country has turned its back on God.
“I don’t think I have ever seen the level of hatred we are seeing around us today,” said Rev. Graham in a Jan. 12 post on Facebook. “It’s chilling. Where does this hate come from? It comes from the human heart.”
“America has a spiritual crisis,” said Graham. “We have turned our back on our Creator, the Author of our freedom, and the One who has bestowed on us the bounty of this land that we enjoy.”
“As you look around, just because other people’s hearts are filled with hate, don’t let hate fill yours,” he said. “Let God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, give you the strength, the joy, the fulfillment, and the peace that only He can. Jesus Himself instructs us to love our enemies, and the Bible challenges us.”
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
Man o’ man…..do I struggle with this!
Just being honest. As always.
Kinda hard not to hate people who would do this. Even WORSE are the people here in the USA who support these people taking over our country via their viceroy Biden.
A human baby is being made into soup for sexual power in China.
I hate bringing this here but I am really get sick and tired of hearing the pacifism and ‘Love thy neighbor’ stuff when WE ARE FIGHTING PURE EVIL.
As far as I am concerned, you can pray for their souls AFTER they have been caught and convicted and on death row. Right now first things first. We have a WAR TO WIN.
How we love our neighbor is important! Smart love, not stupid love!
We are called to hate injustice and hate evil, but not our neighbors themselves, who can be saved! It is deceitful communists and Satanists who have distorted ALL religions to make their followers chumps of Satan! We can win them back! We MUST win them back!
Once you’re eating babies, it’s above my pay grade.
That is my point.
It is one thing to forgive people. It is another thing to forgive MONSTERS and those who INVITE MONSTERS TO TAKE OVER OUR COUNTRY.
And I can think of nothing that would disgust God more than the aborting of little babies and then EATING THEM.
Ezekiel 18:21-23
𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘 is the key to forgiveness.
“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Mark 1:14-15)
I do not think these people are repenting or asking for God’s forgiveness.
‘Come Dance With the Devil’: Hundreds Turn Out for Satanic Statue in Detroit
That explains much about Detroit why it is such a dump and not recovering.
Well they have certainly invited in EVIL.
Christianity has taken on a false understanding of Christ Jesus. I call him Nice Jesus.
Nice Jesus is preached in churches all over this nation. It is an emasculated, socialistic idea of the Lord of the Universe.
Don’t get me going….
Let us do our best to understand the gospel of Jesus, knowing that in the end, Jesus will triumph despite our “understanding” or lack thereof. All else is up to God.
AMEN X 1000 !!!
I have a sort of different approach to this.
I believe in “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
But if you REALLY think about that, what does it mean?
I am a very moral person. If I were doing something terribly immoral, would I expect and want others to treat me well, or badly?
I really do expect and want others to treat me exactly as I deserve to be treated based on my ACTIONS, and I behave accordingly.
Deliver the saving bitch-slap, if THAT is what is needed! Not kidding. As a youth, I received such correction that saved me from bad futures.
Oh My God
I am sorry but we really do need to SEE the EVIL so we are not wishy washy about fighting it.
And yes it is here in the USA too.
Yes. God will sort us in the end, but allowing each other to be murdered for the sake of appearances is foolish. That is weakness and cowardice. Our fight is a response to evil. Ifvtheres no fight now it will be the lives of the children who will suffer in the future.
Thank you, Gail. We cannot look away. We must know what we are dealing with.
We have to welcome our enemy to TURN our enemy! They will come to our side, when the Soviet lies of the other side are too much!
Love Freedom
Hate Lies
Love Their Slaves
Make Them Our Freed Men!
We have to love even the dupey virtue-signaling theologians who get snookered by the other side. It’s the only way to bring them back!
Or a two-by-four upside…… nevermind.
I count showing them the 2×4, shaking our heads, and walking away, as loving our neighbors!
We can strive to do what needs to be done dispassionately. That’s the theory, anyway. I can’t vouch from personal experience.
Yes, dispassionately. Krishna’s advice to Arjuna before the start of the Kurukshetra War according to the Mahabharata in the Bhagavad Gita.
But the average ‘Joe’ does not have Krishna whispering in his ear.
Rev. Graham
Thanks be to God.
I’ve read that Rev. Graham is one of the ones telling POTUS to concede.
Thank you for that information.
Franklin Graham obviously has never heard of possession.
Or those Who fully embrace Evil and/or Worship Satan.
I just do not see them repenting and turning to God when they think they have won.
They are the center of their world. And incapable of understanding anything greater, let alone to turn or repent.
Definition of Evil, or psychotic for the secular world.
I doubt that.
Screams on the roller coaster! MOAR! MOAR! MOAR!
I don’t like roller coasters . . .
Not a fan, myself, but I’ve conquered far worse fears. LOGICAL THINKING was what did it!
Had an MRI once, got stuffed into the tube, claustrophobia- logical thinking wasn’t much help.
I center pray when in a tube.
I get a injection in my eye every 6 weeks and I meditate through it . Works for me, For me face fear as reality and then center..
The more one fights the worse it gets. At least that is how I deal with it. .
I hear you. Grace, and accepting Grace.
I’m not afraid of them, but they sure do make me puke!
Those are great!
That second one makes me crave a shot of Blantons.
This is on julians rum at gab. Fir your repertoire.lol.
I firmly believe that Trump and Q are authentic patriots who will prevent the coup at the final moment in order to ensure maximum effect.
You Doompooners and Soroshills hold no sway. Return to your core skillset: fantasizing about Jerry Nadler when you bang shampoo bottles.
Oh man, Doomfagger just got some competition!
LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!
Ikr? Lol.
Very poetic.
Can someone post Adagio For Strings by Samuel Barber? I think it will be a good leitmotif for the next few days.
Yeah, no.
Thinking of the build up to the climax and then the peaceful ending. Diff’rent strokes… Per Q: we are watching a movie; enjoy the show.
A little John Williams. Much more appropriate.
Exquisite. This for when Trumpus Victor rides forth over the crushed bones of his enemies!
It’s actually from the 1996 Olympics.
another found OT
Connected ?
Hard to say… Italian government tends to have crises every now and then for whatever reason. Could be this, could be some local thing. Could be both.
I would like to find encouragement in this, but “crisis mode” is default mode for the Italian Government.
Translation: It’s Wednesday.
Does anyone know if Nanzi Gambini was at the hearing today?
posted 52 minutes ago
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opens debate on President Trump’s second impeachment hearing. She argues the rioters were sent to Capitol Hill by the president and that the move to impeach, in light of the possible incitement of violence, is “not motivated by partisanship.” “We took an oath to protect the Constitution,” Pelosi said.
Thank you pat! I was clicking around and couldn’t find her. Was hoping she was “indisposed” as rumors claimed.
“We took an oath to protect the Constitution,” Pelosi said. THOSE words will come back to HAUNT her and her merry band of TRAITORS.
Art of War?
I be happy if I never hear about -Sun Tzu
Not sure if “interesting times” or “Sun Tzu” is the greater curse!
Think: Trump Tzu.
We all can hope.
I thought DJT was a master, hence his “Art of the Deal” book
I have read his book. I believe i hears a story before that POTUS lost a bid on property and he walked away. He does loose and he does walk.
He is human I keep that in mind.
overall I do think he is a genius and wind most of the time. In this election we are dealing with satanic forges and when one cannot count on those who are profess to be on the right site then who knows ?
Yes. I’m trusting God & hoping that DJT pulls off an epic victory!
Sorry, Nobel prize is shit. The times call for the Trump Prize, the first recipient of which will be- TRUMP!
Trump team hasn’t lost all comms, good news at least
This is now my theory of what is going on. Trump is going to let Biden and Harris push America over the cliff! And WOLF APPROVES! Be peaceful, and let DEMS BE THEIR OWN UNDOING!
89% want a peaceful transition to Chyna Viceroy BIDEN??? Are they out of their skulls?
Maybe Mankind truly deserves the following ten thousand years of darkness and slavery.
If you believe that garbage… I’ve gone some swampland to sell ya!
(I know you don’t Gail.)
Trump is teaching Sun Tzu a lesson.
Trump Tzu versus Joe Isuzu
Read it as: 89% of those who think it can’t be prevented want it to be peaceful. Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense either.
EVERYBODY has to come to the brink. EVERYBODY.
To the brink, not over it.
If they can go over it in slow motion and beg to be sucked back, even better!
All Paths win …. that is a Trump thing to say as I have ever seen from anyone besides President Trump!
He always sees the upside from every set back/negative/downside adn the silver linine.
Think of Wile E. Coyote, when he goes too far, off the cliff, and into “toon space”, where he stays there, suspended in time and space, until he looks down, and, were he in Santa Monica or somewhere in Florida, he’d realize…
When you’re out of slats, you’re out of pier…..
[off to grab a Burgie, or a Hamms, or a Michelob] [if only they had them here…] [OK, the beer here’s better, but I want to go for the gusto of years and tears and beers gone by ] [Cue: There’s A Tear In My Beer ]….
This is NOT just about America… it’s about humanity…
No way will he allow that.
I know what Trump is doing, and it’s beautiful. ALL PATHS WIN.
Not understanding what you are getting at?
JuliansRum sees it. Everybody has to come to the edge and look down, to accept the solution. He likened it to a movie, where people are literally sphinctering out at the edge of their seats when the crisis resolves.
Just trust Trump. Whatever solves this, it’s going to be OK. But it very likely is NOT exactly what you think it is.
Still mystified.
When he said he would drain the swamp he meant it.
Promises Made.
Promises Kept.
We are smelling the stench of the Swamp now, but not everybody is getting a strong enough whiff!
For those who lived in the Silly-Con Valley back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the memory of Milpitas wafts by, like the Lorelei gone far beyond their stale date
N.B. I grew up in Newark, CA, which had some of the richest, clay soil I’ve ever encountered, anywhere. Vegetables would grow to outlandish sizes (documented in “Two Years Before The Mast, and other books of that period) and, save for the drainage problem (more, later) produced wonderful produce, and some radically twisted Eucalyptus trees.
Speaking of drainage, Newark was, sadly, a prime Cauliflower farming area. And when the Cauliflower was picked, the farmers left the remains (in the late fall) to rot, and then be turned under as fertilizer for the following years’ crop.
But, the Cauliflower left an unmistakeable reminder of its passing… much (mush?) like the swamp…..
DH was being somewhat “realistic” as he calls it, and then he said something interesting as we were debating whether anything would happen. He said if it were to happen after inauguration, and not far after either, then they would all be caught.
So, are they at the point where they are taking the bait and running with it?
Could be. Could very well be.
I am resolved that Trump has this, and all we have to do is:
Trust Trump
Visibly support him
Defend him against attackers
Follow his orders
That’s it. And he says:
No violence.
No lawbreaking (presumably includes NVCD).
No vandalism.
He did not even say “don’t go to a protest this weekend”! THAT is very interesting.
So whatever happens, happens.
Trump would not tell us these things if we were in danger by such a low-key approach.
So I’m just going to let it happen. WHATEVER.
Look at those results. Honestly. Everybody. Tell me what you see.
What should Trump do?
I see disinformation… garbage.
The space between doomfaggery and victory is infinitely small. Only those who can think in infinities intuitively can see this. Trump is playing the most incredible game ever. He positioned everything to SOLVE ITSELF. This makes Asimov’s ideas of the Seldon Crisis and The Mule look like shadows of the reality. This is GOD. This is AMAZING.
The Q team are brilliant, too. It’s EXACTLY what Q said. EVERYBODY has to come to the brink. EVERYBODY. And I’m going to HELP!
This is about assigned responsibility. It is the ULTIMATE in Trump Doctrine. And I will follow Trump in whatever he does, because he sees the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel!
I agree with this… the problem I have (and only recently) is understanding your “cryptic” posts (they are RARE, but when they occur,I’m thrown. For instance (can’t quote and in notifications bar), saying Trump is going to allow Biden to take America over the brink” …………….
I believe Trump is going to allow the silence with regard to any action on our side to go until Saturday, just before Auntie Fay is having an armed march on Sunday on all the Capitols) .
I have absolute in Trump… no doomfaggery here…
On the other hand, the stress is increasing my dementia (couldn’t even recall name of the armed group a min ago, and I am finding that I am reading too quickly and reacting too quickly…)
Going to nap, hope there are a few neurons left to synapse when I return!
Take care of yourself!
Some people will need to retire from the fight and just say “Trump’s got this”.
I do this, too. Between “agitating” and “back-stiffening” and “peacemaking”, I take a needed rest.
Some like me are going to STOKE all these things – patriotic resolve – peacefulness – and doomfaggery – to bring people to the brink.
The left has NEVER been so fully unmasked. I want MORE and LOUDER.
The RINOs and weaklings are cracking. I want MORE and DEEPER.
Everybody has to see the COSTS of this LIE. The real costs. How everybody has been trapped in a socialist movie where everything is OK, and it’s NOT. And it’s NOT going to all be OK, no matter what.
Something will have to be done – OR ELSE. The normies need to see this, and we have to admit that they need to see it.
So ironic that the Q people are the prepared ones.
We are showing HOLOCAUST MOVIES in 1933. We’re showing snuff films of roller coaster disasters and train wrecks, and THEN we get on the ride.
Buckle up.
Trump does not bluff. Think about that, world. You want to fix this? Fix it.
Sometimes reading Wolf is like reading an extended haiku.
I reckon so.
Ah hah…..thats good.
As opposed to a hai coup…
(or, high coup, or Hai (shark) Kuh (cow)… now that would be a fearsome thing out on the Wiesn (meadow)…)….
I tell everyone I see to take their dang mask off, and start fighting. That, and wave my cane about in case they get any ideas that I’m vulnerable
I am going to have to see about getting a cane and adding more white to my hair.
Unfortunately everyone thinks Hubby is my Dad and I am in my fifties and not seventy.
Good genes and good living.
Something like this?
They were one sale over here a few weeks ago
(Helps, with all of our “guests”, aka refauxgees)…
Oh Cuppa, I like that!
I am with ya, I see normies waking up more now as they realize that bitme and sniff me might get in. And I keep telling them it’s not over yet hold on. Going to be glorious when they realize we’re right.
People overseas are waking up – it’s just awesome. Taiwan – Japan – Australia – England – they’re all seeing it now. They’re doing explainers that are straight out of Q. I was just shocked when I saw how massively red-pilled yet mainstream some of these new experts are. These people caught on to our stuff VERY fast. They don’t trust China – it was very easy.
When whatever happens, happens, they will be able to explain it to their mystified countrymen. They KNOW their CNN-fed media are LIES now. And they are FAR HARSHER on China’s responsibility than we are. China really shot themselves in the foot with this steal. They’ll be hobblin’ for a LONG time.
Hopefully the CCP will be shot in more than the foot and the Chinese People can then join the rest of the world. Hong Kong can help.
Hopefully the CCP *IS* the foot that is shot!
Same here! May they experience their “inner Wormer”…
I have a good, longtime friend from HK. I have never mentioned Q to him. He is rapidly red-pilling HIMSELF over the last few weeks. I am shocked, and still have not told him about Q.
Yes, right now my closest friends are ready to have me committed. I REALLY am looking forward to laughing in their puzzled faces.
You can nap? There is hope!
Only when sleep deprived! Still hoping…
I use 10 mg of Melatonin and a silly romance novel to shut down my brain.
I use melatonin. Can you recommend a good silly romance novel?
DP writes them!
I design homes from the 60s in my head before I know it I’m asleep
For me it’s now or never; it’s Trump or no one. That is how I understand what you are saying.
YUP. Trump has revealed his greatest power. Doing nothing. Suddenly, everybody ELSE’S gravity matters. People are going to get REAL very fast.
Brilliant observation.
I almost understand this, but it sounds like astrophysics; is Michio Kaku in the room?
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with that guy! I love that he puts edgy but not crackpot science on the table, but at the same time he really clutters the table to the point that nobody knows what’s still core and solid.
When I was younger, physics was so conservative, I had teachers who thought quarks were total BS, and both antimatter and general relativity were regarded as “still somewhat dubious – need more confirmation”. OTOH, we didn’t have Global Scamming, Climate Loose Change, and Soot-Based Economy, either, which I believe are a byproduct of the power-grab, financially corrupted “Fake Science” we now have – in part due to controlled science popularizers.
So EYES ON Professor Kaku!!!
I agree and disagree.
YES Trump is letting them literally take us to the precipice.
I disagree that he will let them by doing nothing. I think he will ACT, because the WORLD on the brink, will LITERALLY BEG him to act, and THAT is his plan.
LET the people see the EVIL, in all its nakedness, let them FREAK, and by people I mean the WORLD.
Then swoop in just as the WORLD BEGSS him to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to stop it.
I suspect we will see, in the coming days, more and MORE info come out on ALL the EVIL, graft, fraud, theft, and the EVIL they have planned. ALL from Trump “loyalists”
The WORLD will have a collective MELTDOWN, and ONLY Trump, just as I said CANM stop it. But in stopping it, jhe must “do things” which are “terrible, and not politically correct, and even HARSH, like the insurrection act.
He will HAVE to because WE (the WORLD) BEGGED him to, he “really didn’t WANT to” GET IT.
BRILLIANT. Trump, by letting the left have a collective orgasm, and overreach, like never before, is getting JUSTIFICATION to do “what must be done” and it is US that will BEG him to do it, NOT political “revenge, but an act because we BEGGED him to, he REALLY does not WANT to.
Enjoy The Show!
First Trump says “OK, you win. You can have the package.”
Then they hear it ticking.
I AM, LOTS of popcorn!
Trump truly is the very last chance for HUMANITY AS WE KNOW IT. We saw that with the Election Hijacking by FOREIGN INTERESTS.
We have HEARD what our ‘MASTERS’ want. DEATH for most of us and SLAVERY for those not killed for THIS generation.
Trans-humanism where they make genetically modified humans with no will of their own is now ready to be rolled out. (These are only the stories that made it into the main stream)
World’s first genetically altered babies born in China
China awaits third genetically modified baby
With the Human Gemome Project they have ALREADY ID the genes that control personality.
2002 — Genotype–phenotype correlations with personality traits of healthcare professionals: a new use for the Human Genome Project
2016 — Personality Traits and Psychiatric Disorders Linked to Specific Genomic Locations
In the end, God Will Not Be Mocked. Truly, they are stupid.
With great power comes great responsibility. Not seeing it in ChiCom hubris!
They are tying AGAIN to say the MAJORITY are OK with the Chinese Viceroy Joe Biden sitting in the White House.
Do you think ANYONE in to days climate would answer that loaded question truthfully?
“…OH Yes Yes DOX ME as a Trump Supporter so I can lose my job, insurance, credit cards…”
Thank goodness for you Gail… nothing but word salad coming out of my mouth these days!
I try. And I do love your wisdom.
The majority want a stupid impossible result. This is the work of socialism.
“Let the baby drive the car across the country. We voted and the baby won.”
REALITY has to bitch-slap everybody. We’ve got a few days.
Reality has to exceed everybody’s phony narrative. We have to save ourselves by being HONEST.
There are multiple ways this resolves, and I don’t know enough to know what it’s going to be, and that is what we’ve been given.
Trump has just hand-cuffed the homing beacon for every missile in the world to Pelosi’s leg, and Congress is chained to her. “You want a peaceful transition to Joe Biden? You’ve got it. I can go there. Can you?”
I am monitoring what is going on around the world. People understand what’s going on with China. Red pills are multiplying everywhere. There is exponential awakening right now.
Biden did not win, and everybody has to realize that this lie condemns the world. Doomfaggery? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I want people FREAKING OUT. They need to freak out – to accept an honest fix.
Or remain COOL AS A CUCUMBER – if they ride with Trump, and TRUST him.
Yes… I think America has to experience the distress of seeing/hearing what these globalists (Commies, Nazis, whatever!) will do… down to destroying our Constitution and our Republic, our way of life, our freedoms, our livlihoods… so that they NEVER allow it to happen again.
We need reformation in every respect… not just with elections. Most of all we need to be INVOLVED all during our lives… or we will lose it all.
Thanks for the clarity Wolfie… I’m with ya!
Good – you see it. Just close your eyes and cover your ears when the coaster lifts off the tracks, under the gravity of the Biden black hole approaching. When everybody sees that Trump is standing by the ONE DOOR OUT, then our work is done!
I like your analogy… good one Wolfie.
“Biden black hole”- that says it all.
Please tell me if I am reading you correctly, Wolf. Under this much stress I feel my analytical abilities crack a bit.
Trump is waiting very quietly, letting the demons run amock, calling for concentration camps, the removal of children from conservative parents, ending free speech, behaving like the tyrants they are, until people wake up and plead with him NOT TO LEAVE?
Do I have it?
And do you think part of it will be to drop more information about how China did all of this to us, with the virus and the cheat election? The more they know, the more they don’t WANT him to leave?
Something like this.
You get it most of all. Trump’s uncertainty here is MIND-BOGGLING.
That is how I see it!
It’s either that, or he’s doing nothing and throwing us to the wolves, and Joe Biden becomes President, and all of us who protested there peacefully will be arrested as “terrorists” and put on no-fly lists and …. and…. and….
But that may need to happen.
I just listened to Trump’s latest speech, where it sounds like he has denounced his supporters who went to the Capitol – even like me. I know how “they” will read it. RED MEAT. He VERY clearly called out the upcoming planned protests as needing to be non-violent, but did NOT say “don’t go”. What’s up with that? Even the head of our STS rallies said “don’t go – false flag – no rallies planned”.
Then I heard Jim Jordan. He basically is as confused as we are. He has no idea where this goes.
And now Nancy Pelosi thanking the National Guard, lined up, outside the Capitol, which horrified my wife. She said “Communism!”
Ultimate confusion. So even though I thought maybe he was going to fight, it SURE looks like he’s not. It is SO convincing, I cannot distinguish what he is doing from giving up.
Superman is beaten! Batman is finished. Even WE are being shown that. Impeachment passed, Mitch says he’s not sure what he’ll do.
BUT NOW….. Consider…..
I am listening on TV, and people are PISSED at impeachment. New Rep. Lauren Boebert (Q-CO) refused to go through a metal-detector that Pelosi put on the House chamber.
We have 7 more days.
Trump is saying “No violence, no law-breaking, no vandalism.” But I expect ANTIFA to go over-board. They will want even MORE troops in Washington.
Something is up. Or nothing is up. I have no idea.
I will support Trump, no matter what. Even if he denounces the peaceful MAGA outside the House and lets us go to a Biden administration.
Complicated business.
I totally get why you’re saying “withdraw”, because yup, I need a break, too.
Hmm… will any trouble during these upcoming planned protests be part of a scheme to do a kind of Sun Tzu- flip of FBI, to get them to follow or get out of the way?
And/or a solid warrant for the insurrection act?
Maybe this thing is going to be more along the lines of the story of Paul who denied Jesus three times, and still got onboard.
Or even like Jesus himself who went all the way to the realm of death and came back; problem with that one is that there are certain irreversible actions.
Besides all this, there are too many things about various characters’ behavior that don’t make sense. Mostly Biden and his incoming — where is their own business at? All we hear is about how they want to knock down Trump and his followers.
But this is war, and dissemination of information has to be controlled, so there is a lot of propaganda, disinformation, deception, and diversions («Look! Squirrel!»).
Yeah, this is really wild stuff.
Thank you. I understand.
Hence when Q told us to be prepare for a time when we would be called upon to comfort those who would be confounded and distressed.
Yep. I had to begin pondering what would happen if Biden was actually “inaugurated.”
Oh, and Kamala not resigning her Senate seat is not going to save her.
They are ALL about to be F’D. They did it to themselves. Mom used to say something about counting chickens BEFORE they hatch!
I liked one explanation I heard, that we are all George Bailey now, from “It’s a Wonderful Life”. We are all being given the gift of being able to see what these evil people had in store for us. We get to have a close up view of Pottersville/BidenGlobalistville. And just when we are standing on the bridge and ready to jump, we call out to God for help, and good people come to the rescue. It has to be this way, so that people never let this happen again. There are more good people than bad.
Yes, that is a GREAT explanation.
That’s why they’re all scared.
But they need to be MORE SCARED. Of the future they themselves are trying to create. That it does NOT go the way they think.
Everybody who is rationalizing in any way, needs their Apple-cart upturned. They need to BEG Trump to stop it.
Every RINO who tries to “go along to get along” is either in denial or bargaining. They need to see that THEY, TOO are destined for horror.
I want every RINO and GOPe to sleep on that thought.
No, they should not sleep until they repent.
AMEN, I got it!
They can buy me off with daily free delivery of dim sum, no msg. I’m easy.
Add, Ants Climbing Tree, eggplant in garlic sauce and Mongolian BBQ and I will join you. I can even eat with chop sticks as easily as I can with a knife and fork.
Anything with black bean- I’m lost.
Honestly, I’m not sure what I’m seeing . . .
Cognitive dissonance. People are seeing 2 and 2 and wanting 5. They can’t have 5. Not really. NONE OF US CAN.
Except for large values of 2 (common rotten-to-the-core math, doncha know)…..
Prominent Baptist University Professor Calls for Impeachment of Russell Moore of the ERLC
Dr. Robert Gagnon, a Presbyterian pastor and professor of New Testament Theology at Houston Baptist University, and former associate professor of the New Testament at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, has called for the impeachment of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission head, Russell Moore, for “dereliction of duty.”
Reformation Charlotte, along with other conservative Christian outlets, has been calling on Southern Baptists to remove the liberal Democrat from office and for churches to stop funding his leftist causes for years. Russell Moore is one of the heads of the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), a front group for the George Soros-funded National Immigration Forum (NIF) which calls for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. The fact that the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission head, Russell Moore, has never had to explain his association with George Soros is telling of the direction the denomination has gone. The Southern Baptist Convention is now primarily an outlet to propagandize semi-conservative pew-sitters with left-wing politics.
The following was written by Dr. Robert Gagnon and originally appeared on his Facebook page.
I say: Impeach Russell Moore for dereliction of duty. Russell Moore has written a pathetic article (link in comments section) calling for Trump’s removal from office by impeachment or application of the 25th Amendment if he does not resign. This call from Moore is hardly surprising because it exhibits the same “Never-Trump” tunnel vision, hatred, and dearth of documentation that we have come to expect from him in politics.
The article is short on facts and long on bluster. His whole argument is predicated on the claim that Trump incited violence and insurrection, which he clearly did not. There is no reasonable way to conclude that Trump incited either if one gave a careful read of the entire transcript of Trump’s speech.
Even what happened by the wrongdoers in the Capitol doesn’t remotely approach the 30+ dead and $2 billion worth of damage in the 7-month-long race riots involving much larger numbers this past year, stoked and incited by Dems, during which time Moore did not call for a single Dem to be removed from office. While he judges the race riots by the best in the movement he judges Trump supporters by the tiniest and most extreme elements.
Trump has legitimate grounds for believing that the election was stolen. Nowhere was there any attempt to do signature matches in areas where there were unbelievable high voting rates, areas where there were no safeguards for insuring that significant fraud did not occur.
The real threat to the Republic and to its Constitution is coming from the Dem Party but Moore is too blind, for whatever reason, to see it. He has done his best to insure that the Party that poses the greatest threat to religious liberty by far would get elected.
That’s why he shouldn’t be President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Impeach Russell Moore.
Good Trouble!!! GET THE [REDS] OUT!
Gagnon is one of my heroes! Stood strong theologically against the LBGTPQXYZ lies and propaganda.
Been a fan of Gagnon for years
Presbyterian conservative
A fine faith-filled theologian. Those are rare as hen’s teeth!
Yes so true
Ah, I am a ‘bare bones’ Christian- I detest theology.
Create your own!
We need a bigger alphabet.
Going to have to start to adding version numbers once we go trans human.
Unmasking the California Chi-Com collusion!
Great stuff!!! This is why they took down Tom Fitton! The ChiCom-protecting BASTARDS! They knew he was onto the TRUTH!!!
Have we figured out what happened with TF since Lin Wood called out?
The Original owner of Judicial Watch Larry Klayman, also is not happy with Tom Fitton.
IIRC he was very upset when the changed direction when they ONLY sued via the Freedom of Information Act .
Top 15 facts you need to know about Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch!
By Larry Klayman
United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit.
Plaintiff-Appellant Larry Klayman, an attorney proceeding pro se, filed this defamation suit against the organization he founded, Judicial Watch, Inc.1
Yeah that’s what I’ve seen. Fitton is Mr. FOIA, only has one tool in the toolbox.
Nice but not very useful.
I really didn’t want him to be controlled opposition!
I listened to Mike Adams’ broadcast yesterday entitled: Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 – Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?
Link below.
Basically, he says his sources are divided into two camps:
1) Biden will be inaugurated as president – PDJT’s term is over. This is the minority of his sources who are saying this.
2) PDJT has not given up. Only he is surrounded by very scared people who are afraid they will be tried for treason if the new administration comes in. However, Mike Adam says the majority of his sources say that PDJT has come this far and will not give up. He knows what is at stake. The Cabal have threatened to explode bombs in various cities; it makes sense that Trump has invoked FEMA for disaster relief.
I agree with the second camp. Am praying fervently for PDJT’s success.
He’s surrounded by very scared people? At this juncture? I’m praying for success too but damn, that’s cringeworthy.
According to Mike Adams it is highly likely that they- including Trump- have been threatened with family members being kidnapped and tortured if they don’t comply. I can believe it, as what is happening is pure evil. I pray that I will be a “Macabee”
PDJT is very smart, and knows that it the evil people will do it anyway, to make sure that ‘his kind’ don’t rise again. This is truly a hill worth dying on. Praying, praying for President Trump, his family, and for you true American patriots.
Trump is not a Macabee. If Trump had been there, the Macabees would have ground the enemy into dust. The Holy Spirit is on, in, and around Trump. It’s all over except for the shouting.
He is our HAMMER.
Yes, he literally has no choice but to win. He will be ruined financially and personally, and fending off prosecution for the remainder of his life. His entire family will be threatened and ruined. The country as we know it is done. He needs to leave NO STONE UNTURNED. I hope he senses how hardened people are, now that we have all gone through the year from hell. People are prepared to fight.
My WIFE is ready to fight. But yet – we are both not willing to leave non-violence. But if asked to legitimately defend freedom, both of us would!
They would be stupid not to be scared given what they are going up against.
That does not mean they will not do the correct thing.
In their own words:
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/061/844/038/original/7f565bb8e6d0191b.mp4" /]
Statement from the President
Issued on: January 13, 2021
In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.
No wonder it looked off…
The LAZY path is the one of least resistance.
What is their obsession with Lady Liberty’s armpit?
Must be the smell
Smells like home. Dirty clothes and underwear.
Pentagrams! BOOOOO!
“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
IOW, detachment. A gift of the Holy Spirit, not available ‘on demand’.
Embrace with love what ever it is then say” I love but my destiny id different from you” breath out. Works for me.
Centering prayer also (contemplation)
I don’t think it shows on this tweet but there was a thread somewhere with a copy of the letter they sent him. The Social credit system isn’t coming, it’s here already.
I dont want to hear social credit, thought leader, or any cutesy name .
Everything….Everything is a snippet of tyranny.
It is tyranny.
Bizarro world, the opposite of light, faith, dignity, and humanity.
This is evil, corporatized.
They are going all in.
They will go out in a million pieces.
Funny thing about going ALL IN with Jack high, you almost ALWAYS lose cause REAL players CALL your bluff.
Kenny Rodgers. ” You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away, and no when to RUN. You never count your money when your sittin at the table, there’ll be time enough for countin, when the dealins done.”
I hope so.
You can bet that they will never lose another election.
Chinese Communist Social Score™ TYRANNY in action.
They going to have problems with me.
Right now I need to live until my pets are gone because I do not want to leave them to be put into a kennel.
They are like my babies. Yes crazy I am eccentric.
I can live with all the crap coming my way and will not miss a beat.
I’ll take that bet.
The current one isn’t over yet.
Truly hope you win.
Beauty from the Song of Solomon–a balm to the soul
Tim Gradous
Jan 11
Replying to @tgradous
and 33 others
#KeepLookiingUP during the wintry blast of life.
The God of new beginnings, renews our heart with His joy.
Revives our lives with His love.
Brings springtime from the dreary seasons of our experience.
Helps us to look up. Showers our path with blessings.
I tried to find a version of a song based on these verse I love but no “luck” so far…
Here you go:
Song titles for this passage usually begin with “Arise My Love, My Fair One.”
Well, it’s not Adagio for Strings, but it’s better than nothing.
We have arguments over whether this is a wedding or a funeral piece.
I’m just kidding, really. Just a difference of taste, and my taste is mostly in my mouth.
Depends on the in-laws
(or out-laws)…..
Here’s one that could also be considered funereal,Vivali’s Chaconne… but it’s an immortal performance by Zino Francescatti
(his Bach Chaconne in d is brilliant, as well):
And here’s the Vitali for cello:
(alternate version with sheet music is www youtube com/watch?v=m0DJ65xbR4s (put the dots where they belong )
And, for Hauser fans (heyy, I’ll take Sol Gabetta or Ofra Harnoy)…
(at 1:02:47 if I didn’t get it right)…..
His Adagio is actually the second movement of his Op. 11 String Quartet. I’ve played both. Interesting to hear the Adagio (second movement) in context,,,
Kind of funny, the Wackypedia article whinges about the fact that Toscanini returned the score to Barber, rather than keeping it. What the folks at Wacky don’t know (or care) about is that Toscanini had a photographic memory, and could read through a score ONCE and know it. He could also reduce a 25-stave score at sight. I’ve done eight-stave choral reductions, but 25-stave, with transposing instruments, is both daunting and somewhat horrifying. Glad I didn’t have him for conducting class…
(Reading the article on that brought back memories of Barber, Menotti, and Schippers that I’d rather not have come back.. even though I like Menotti’s music… )….
Reminds me of “Go Lovely Rose”, by Halsey Stevens. Most groups take this too fast, some, far to fast. This is CSU LB (Cal State University, Long Beach).
We sang this at USC, with Halsey Stevens himself giving advice and comments… He was a great man, as well as a great composer…
The one I’m thinking of begins with “Arise my darling, my beautiful one & run (or come) away.” that repeats then “For behold the winter is past, the rain is over & gone, the flowers have appeared in our land” not sure of exact words then “fruit in the vine”…Thanks for the suggestion though!
While Scanning For Accounts That Incite Violence, Twitter Algorithm Mistakenly Bans Planned Parenthood
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Planned Parenthood representatives are outraged after Twitter suspended their account for “inciting violence.” According to experts, Planned Parenthood is America’s premier provider of violence for hire against innocent unborn children, and they have been promoting this activity on Twitter for years.
“Ew– that sounds pretty violent. I can’t believe they let Planned Parenthood incite that stuff online,” said local man Buggs Billings after being told how Planned Parenthood is a racial eugenics organization that incites gruesome violence towards thousands of babies every year.
Planned Parenthood contested the suspension, reminding Twitter that what they do isn’t actually violence, but “healthcare,” because they changed the word. Furthermore, the victims aren’t babies, they are “fetuses,” which is a weird word that makes the babies seem less human, and therefore they probably aren’t.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey apologized for the suspension and donated 100 million dollars to help Planned Parenthood build more abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods.
Oh, the irony.
Unintended, I’m sure.
Finally Twitter gets something right!
Blind squirrel finds nut. OR as Rush says, “random act of “journalism”
Yep. Jack Dorkey…
I read that to Hubby and he thought it was real.
Testing…red KAG hat or blue Trump
It’s still blue.
Thanks for feedback. Simple things are a challenge to me.
Will fiddle with it later.
It’s red in the notifications, blue on the thread.
Yes. Odd to this non techie.
Another test…
I cringe at the thought of Pence remaining in my avatar.
Maybe it auto update later. Part of the avatar loaded. Section for “like” an article. Disabled avatar. Restarted laptop. Enabled avatar. Maybe the system simply needs to cycle awhile.
And the Trump/Pence shall sound…
Takes a while for it to update.
Got it. Thanks.
WP made me log in again. Thought I was logged in.
It does periodic log-outs – more frequent if you use the site’s login rather than through WP.com.
Via SMS:
Statement from the President:
“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.
That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”
Trump Calls on Americans to Help Ensure Peaceful Transition: ‘NO Violence’ and ‘NO Lawbreaking’
BY JACK PHILLIPS January 13, 2021 Updated: January 13, 2021
President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on all Americans to not engage in any violent demonstrations, vandalism, or lawbreaking ahead of the Jan. 20 inauguration.
“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO vandalism of any kind,” Trump said. “That is not what I stand for and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”
The Epoch Times reached out to the White House for comment. Trump’s statement will go out as an email from the White House press office and the White House will post the statement through the president’s social media accounts. The report also cited an advisor as saying that the president wants Big Tech companies to assist in disseminating his message of non-violence.
It came after the president was suspended from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other tech platforms.
Other Republicans and Trump surrogates have called for no violence following the U.S. Capitol breach.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel stated Wednesday that “violence has no place in our politics. Period.”
“I wholly condemned last week’s senseless acts of violence, and I strongly reiterate the calls to remain peaceful in the weeks ahead,” McDaniel remarked. “Those who partook in the assault on our nation’s Capitol and those who continue to threaten violence should be found, held accountable, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
She added: “Let me be clear: Anyone who has malicious intent is not welcome in Washington, D.C. or in any other state capitol. The peaceful transition of power is one of our nation’s founding principles and is necessary for our country to move forward.”
The breach occurred during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress as members were counting to certify the results of the Nov. 3 election. Critics have said Trump incited violence with his rhetoric during a speech to supporters, leading to House Democrats introducing articles of impeachment this week. A vote on impeachment is scheduled for later this week, although it’s unclear when the Senate might take it up.
McDaniel noted that “now is the time to come together as one nation, united in the peaceful pursuit of our common democratic purpose.”
Trump attorney Jenna Ellis said that “it is possible (and correct) to support election integrity, the Constitution, and free speech and also condemn violence,” adding: “We are a nation under the rule of law.”
Ellis remarked that some leftists and media outlets are attempting to create a narrative that the Trump team’s support for election integrity is supporting “violence” against and “disdain for the Constitution.”
“Some on the right are trying to build a false narrative that support for the Constitution is condemning election integrity,” Ellis remarked.
Via Ronna McDaniel, RNC Chairwoman
What I’m about to tell you is of the utmost importance.
Violence has no place in our politics. Period. I wholly condemned last week’s senseless acts of violence, and I strongly reiterate the calls to remain peaceful in the weeks ahead.
Those who partook in the assault on our nation’s Capitol and those who continue to threaten violence should be found, held accountable, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Let me be clear: Anyone who has malicious intent is not welcome in Washington, D.C. or in any other State Capitol Building.
The peaceful transition of power is one of our nation’s founding principles and is necessary for our country to move forward. Now is the time to come together as one nation, united in the peaceful pursuit of our common democratic purpose.
Our Founding Fathers established a Nation of laws, not a Nation of anarchy. And, the Republican Party is the Party of individual freedom, liberty, entrepreneurship, innovation, and the American Dream, not the hateful violence we witnessed last week.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
Thank you,
Ronna McDaniel
Republican National Committee
and I strongly reiterate the call for you and your inbred uncle to resign!
Guess she hasn’t watched much video, neither does she understand the timeline. Earning her $600K. But let’s give a cheer for that RNC baby.
“and those who continue to threaten violence”
Who gets to decide what constitutes a threat of violence Ronna? When a politician says, you have to fight for your rights, is that a threat of violence? Problem we have now is who is defining what free speech is. She’s supposedly a Republican and she’s seems to be okay with going after people for protected speech. Or what use to be protected speech.
A pox on her, and her whole stinkin’ family.
If that’s true, why hasn’t John Sullivan AKA Jaydenx been arrested and charged ?
USDA Report Projects Reduction in 2020/21 Rice Exports, Leveling with Prior Year
By Peter Bachmann
WASHINGTON, DC – Despite near-record demand for U.S.-grown rice in 2020, yesterday’s U.S. Department of Agriculture’s World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) Report lowered U.S. rice export projections for the 2020/21 marketing year. The estimated international shipments reflect a nearly 5 percent reduction from the June 2020 WASDE Report at 3.14 million metric tons (MT) to 2.99 million MT.
In-person promotion in Korea last year with social distancing and masks
While the projected export levels for 2020/21 are even with that of the 2019/20 marketing year, they fall far short of where they could be given the significant increase in the 2020 harvested acres following hundreds of thousands of rice acres being prevented from planting in 2019.
On a calendar year basis, 2020 falls even further behind 2019 figures. U.S. Census Bureau trade data shows 3.25 million MT of U.S. rice exported between January and November in 2019, compared to 2.84 million MT for the same period in 2020.
“This drop in overall exports for the calendar and marketing year can be attributed to a variety of factors, beginning with price, which was higher than normal the first nine months of the year because of the tight supply,” said Sarah Moran, USA Rice vice president, international.
Once harvest hit, prices started to level out, but the U.S. missed some key business amid the global panic for staple foods resulting from COVID-19.
“In addition to the price factor, some key long grain markets like Iraq, Haiti, and Mexico have underperformed this year,” said Moran. “All of our primary markets were impacted differently by COVID-19, driving demand for retail but also reducing liquid capital to make purchases. We are optimistic that we’ll see demand pick up in those markets and we’ll be able to regain some ground.”
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. rice exporters have continued to ship safe, high-quality rice throughout the world with limited logistical snags. USA Rice also has continued to conduct effective international promotions through outdoor and social media outlets, and as safety allows, in-person. USA Rice plans to reinitiate more in-person promotional activities in 2021, including participation in trade shows, trade missions, and in-store demonstrations.
Really? Rice was one of the first foods to completely disappear from the shelves here back in March and April.
I have forty pounds a years supply. I just finished moving a 20# bag into my storage containers.
We just got a 50# bag. We eat a lot of rice, but it will last for longer than the 25 # bags we usually get.
What’s available at the tail of the supply chain is always limited. Staple food demand is strong but fairly consistent and predictable. When demand spikes like it did in March/April it messes everything up badly.
The upstream supply of rice was totally fine, but the downstream supply was vacuumed up and it took a while before the upstream supply could ramp up to downstream demand.
I have the same problem with my hot water heater. Takes forever before the shower comes up to temp.
Also remember produced rice goes into a TON of products, only a small amount shows up bagged at the grocery as white rice.
never heard of this site before…”article” claims to help explain the cue movement and what to expect..
Moves and Countermoves – Understanding the Q Movement and What is Happening does a decent job of summing up the current situation. It is fairly short so I recommend reading it and book marking it to give to people without the time to delve deep.
Thanks for posting it.
you’re welcome!
guess this is Trump’s fault, too?
obvious GOP supporters
Where the hell is an interpreter? Someone needs to excel in Rage-speak.
I guess there’s no doubt where all of this is heading~~~
Pelosi said the other day…………… House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that pro-Trump rioters who breached the Capitol on Wednesday “chose their Whiteness over Democracy.”
Yet if someone had the balls to read verbatim the things these 2 said the case could be made that on Jan 6 the crowd did exactly as our wise leaders told us
Booker called for those who attended his speech to go to Capitol Hill and “get up in the face of some congresspeople.””That’s my call to action here,” Booker said. “Please, don’t just come here today and go home, go to the Hill today. Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople.”
19 January 2021 National Popcorn Day.
the moment we allowed the term hate speech we were doomed.
If it was applied equally it might have some value but not a damn thing that comes from the golden halls of our Capitol does and there’s not a thing we can do about it.
We were really DOOMED when the DOJ actually investigated people for ‘Hate Speech’…
“Since 9/11, we’ve had a thousand investigations into acts of anti-Muslim hatred, including rhetoric and bigoted actions, with over 45 prosecutions.” — AG Loretta Lynch Remarks at Muslim Event
Notice it is for acts AGAINST mussies nad not against Whites.
Selective enforcement, sign of tyranny right there.
From Gab
Epic! Twitter Competitor Gab Backed Up Trump’s Twitter Account and Recreated It on Their Platform
Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, a free-speech alternative to Twitter, backed up President Trump’s entire account before it was deleted, and recreated it on Gab.
Gab is currently experiencing bandwidth issues over a surge in new users and attacks from liberal groups.
If Trump is looking to find a new social media platform, Torba seems to be nudging Trump to go to Gab, though it is not clear whether that is the reason behind the recreation of Trump’s Twitter account on the platform. The account has “Pro” status and states that the account was created in August 2016. The account does not follow any other accounts but has 1.2 million followers.
If Big Tech Can Ban Certain Political Views So Easily, Why is **** **** Rife on Their Platforms?
If big tech can so easily wipe a political view from the internet in hours, how is it that **** **** is allowed to flourish on their platforms?
. . . Another point comes up when seeing just how easily these companies were able to take down dissenting opinions from the web. They did so quite literally overnight and no one was able to stop them. This makes us ask the question: if big tech can so easily wipe a political view from the internet, how is it that **** **** is allowed to flourish on their platforms?
. . . According to the SEC, it is none other than Facebook who is responsible for facilitating 94% of the **** **** **** material reported online. Imagine that — more than 15.8 million reports stem from Facebook and its platforms, including Messenger and Instagram.
These numbers were an increase from previous years highlighting the fact that the media giant seems unconcerned about the exploitation of ****. Perhaps if Facebook cared more about protecting **** and less about silencing its political opposition, this increase would not be a reality.
From Gab, what better stage cold there be to bring everyone to the edge?
Via the crAP:
Majority of House members vote for 2nd impeachment of TrumpBy LISA MASCARO, MARY CLARE JALONICK, JONATHAN LEMIRE and ALAN FRAM
WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of the U.S. House has voted to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time, just a week after he encouraged loyalists to “fight like hell” against election results — a speech that was followed by a mob of his supporters storming the U.S. Capitol. The House vote on an article of impeachment for “incitement of insurrection” was still underway Wednesday afternoon.
During debate before the vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Republicans and Democrats to “search their souls.” Trump would be the first American president to be impeached twice.
Trump “must go,” Pelosi said. “He is a clear and present danger to the nation we all love.”
Actual removal seems unlikely before the Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Republican leader would not agree to bring the chamber back immediately, all but ensuring a Senate trial could not begin at least until Jan. 19.
Still, McConnell did not rule out voting to convict Trump in the event of a trial. In a note to his fellow Republican senators just before the House was to begin voting, he said he is undecided.
“While the press has been full of speculation, I have not made a final decision on how I will vote and I intend to listen to the legal arguments when they are presented to the Senate,” McConnell wrote.
. . . MOAR . . .
Apologies if this was already posted, but I want to get the word out. Some Anon found the source of the January 17th false flag poster.
Here’s the Black Civics tweet to confirm it’s real:
thanks Sadie!
good sleuthing!!
Some other Anon found it first and made the graphic. I only tracked down the link to the tweet to confirm before posting.
So that’s the reason for the military being there in such numbers.
Symbolism will be their downfall, looks like a coded message to me…….
Things got heated on the House floor today when a full blown screaming match broke out after Rep. Matt Gaetz accused Democrats of encouraging lighting cities on fire during the BLM riots. WATCH Matt Gaetz trigger a Dem MELTDOWN when he exposes their double standards on riots
Way to go Matt!
Wow. I think of him as a slicky boy. Well, he’s our slicky boy.
Good stuff. Pity it doesn’t have any impact on shameless, evil people.
Women who call for violence aren’t “gentle” nor are they ladies.
My one quibble.
Interesting had to go to the old site to come to this site
The Internet is playing.
Interesting and Thought-Provoking
BardsFM, The Power of Silence – 20210112
It was COVER for the release of the Chyna Corona Crud.
I wonder what they are trying to COVER for this time?
That they’re installing a ChiCom puppet in the WH ?
Perhaps THIS time it is the impetus for The insurrection act. I THINK the fools thought that an impeached Trump would NOT be able to ACT. WRONG. NOW he has even MORE reason TO act.
Another day, another Democrat impeachment of Trump.
Trump will leave office with the record for most failed impeachment attempts in history.
In 2025.
Badge of honor…
Of course they are..it’s laughable at this point. Will some patsy just so happen to sneak by thousands of troops in his RV or ice cream van…but never fear the agency that has done nothing for years will save the day
Hmmm, something THIS “important” SHOULD have been announced by Wray himself, where is old Chris? WINK.
Prog, you might be interested in this 2 minute ‘Fake News’ sound bite. Seems they Capitol Police KNEW ahead of time and WERE DENIED ASSISTANCE! Also the FBI and Capitol police KNEW what was going to happen. (35 sec)
She is IRANIAN “Foreign Policy, Nat’l Sec/MidEast Expert, TV/Radio, Fmr. Fox News Contributor, Iranian”
Heshmat Alevi, the Iran Lobby:
National Iranian American Council (NIAC)Discover the Networks latest update, Jan. 6, 2021
She went Muslim ==> Christian ==> Muslim. (I like Heshmat Alevi)
They are just a sick joke now.
Just checking in….
How goes the doomfagging?
Anyone have any hair left or has it all been pulled out / burnt off?
No doomfaggiging allowed in the Rex house!
Got any new articles for us to read?
I have had my fill of doomfagging.
(I am not talking about the QTree just elsewhere.)
On the positive side, today.
I saw, a handful of guys wearing MAGA hats, three trump flags in immediate neighborhood and a handful of Trump bumper stickers as I went about errands.
One bumper sticker recently updated:
PENCEPENCEwas totally blacked out. Which is where my thinking is until and IF Pence redeems his traitorous behavior. Would like to be wrong onPENCE.I don’t give a stuff about Pence now. I hope he enjoys a nice retirement in Indiana (no criticism against Indiana, which is a fine state).
He probably thought the VP position would be an easy ride. It usually is (barring an unfortunate event, as we have seen throughout history).
However, the past four years have shown that being VP wouldn’t be easy under PDJT, with all of the Left’s attacks. Even the VP needs to stand up for what is right. Sadly, he was incapable of so doing.
^^^ That’s my position. ^^^ Would like to be wrong.
But I’d also like to be wrong about my total disdain for Dodge and FIB. Not likely to be proven wrong.
Maybe FIB found Nancy’s podium and returned it.
Read my reply to Wolf, an what Trump is REALLY doing, I will be writing an article on it soon!
Good to hear.
Write now- GO!
Not here. Doomfagging that is. Hair recovered after taking a hit with the flu in March.
Long nails, OTOH, bitten off as I’ve been typing. Can’t type when they’re getting stuck int he keys.
GORGEOUS sunset tonight.
We’re going to need a whole new genre of music to do justice what is about to happen.
Haven’t you heard – nothing is going to happen! (just scroll around )
So John Cage’s 4’33 will be fine for that then
I left out the s/.
Well I figured that a «musical piece» consisting of about four-and-a-half minutes of silence would be a good accompaniment to nothing happening.
Or one of John Adams’s minimalist pieces (OK, he’s a nice guy, good conducter and teacher, but, minimalist music………..)…
Obviously I’m sleep deprived, per the usual, so I really thought of Gomez Adams’ minimalist finger snapping at the opening of that show!
Addams Family theme would be suitable for a Biden Administration.
If one were ever to actually occur, shudder.
Sight-reading John Adams is an adventure. The music sucks, but it makes you a better musician.
I know the title. Silence is much preferred to all that 12-tone stuff that can only express despair.
Frank Zappa wrote a 12-tone fugue; and the theme song to one of the Rocky-and Bullwinkle segments of their show is also 12-tone (can’t find a snippet of it, but it sounds really zany, and Rocky is flying back and forth during it)…
But, yep, most ultra-modern and atonal music is either irritating, depressing, or both. Someone did a research project back in the days where everyone was saying that classical music (or gentle talk) makes plants grow better. Some wise guy tried some really dissonant Schopenhaur or something, as well as other stuff like that.
Killed the plants (not joking). Don’t know if they had any *cough* help…
That reminds me of this classic Christian rock song!
The Houseplant SongAudio Adrenaline
Album Underdog
And this is what it said
“If your music has a beat
Then you’re gonna wind up dead.”
It doesn’t really matter
If it’s CHRISTIAN or not
If it’s syncopated rhythm
Then your soul is gonna rot!
And this book was called
“HA, You’re gonna BURN!”
And in the second chapter
I went on to learn…
Take two houseplants
And put ’em to the test
Set ’em both in front of speakers
To let the music do the rest
First one you play Mozart
Or something lovely like that
Second one you play that Petra or that Megadeth!
Doesn’t really matter WHAT kinda rock it is
So I took my two houseplants
And I put them to the test
Set ’em both in front of speakers
To let the music do the rest
I powered up my Pioneers to let the music roar
But twenty minutes later, someone’s knocking at my door
I opened up my door
And there my neighbor stood
He said, “Man, I’d like to get some sleep
If you think I could.”
I said, “Man, can’t you see here
I have got this moral dilemma I have got to get clear
He said, “What kind of moral dilemma can you have at this time of night
That could make me so angry I JUST WANNA FIGHT!”
So I pointed to the page
In that opened book
That had a picture of a potted plant, and I said
“Go have a look.”
And he read:
Take two houseplants
And put ’em to the test
Set ’em both in front of speakers
To let the music do the rest
First one you play Mozart
Or something lovely like that
Second one you play that Petra or that Megadeth!
Doesn’t really matter WHAT kinda rock it is
“First of all,” he said
“That’s Wagner that you’re playin’
I’ve never heard of Petra
And isn’t Megadeth all dead?”
And secondly, emphatically
He asked me, “What’s the sense
Of hanging out with houseplants
When, hey, I live right across the fence?”
And I thought to myself
Y’know, that’s a good point
So I took my two houseplants
And I put ’em both back outside
And me and my neighbor
Well, we went out for a ride
We talked about all the things
That really matter most
Like life n’ love n’ happiness
And then the Holy Ghost.”
Now my two houseplants
Can sit out in the sun
And as for my neighbor
Well, our friendship has become
A meaningful relationship
That’s headed straight to heaven
But as for now
We like to sit around and listen to
Audio Adrenaline, CRANKED TO ELEVEN!
I couldn’t find the band in concert so that video is someone’s creation using the song1
That might be a Back to the Future reference there at the end
Whole new genre…or just teach Americans about they’ve been listening to on television commercials without knowing what it is?
This one…a BLAST to sing. I was on the moving chromatics when I sang it.
Latin TextDies irae
dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sybilla.
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando judex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
Dies irae
dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sybilla
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quatdo judex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
Quantus tremor est futurus
Dies irae, dies illa
Quantus tremor est futurus
Dies irae, dies illa
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando judex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus
Cuncta stricte
Cuncta stricte
Stricte discussurus
Cuncta stricte
Cuncta stricte
Stricte discussurus!
English Translation (Literal) Day of wrath
that day
Earth will be in ashes:
As David and Sybil witness.
How great the tremors will be
When the judge comes
To examine everything strictly!
Day of wrath
that day
Earth will be in ashes:
As David and Sybil witness.
How great the tremors will be
When the judge comes
To examine everything strictly!
How great the tremors will be
That day is a day of wrath
How great the tremors will be
That day is a day of wrath
How great the tremors will be
How great the tremors will be
When the judge comes
To examine everything strictly!
To examine everything strictly!
To examine everything strictly!
To examine everything strictly!
To examine everything strictly!
Have sung it only twice. Once in my youth, once with hubby conducting. There’s no point in even trying to describe this experience. And we all remember this . .
Bring back the Leonard Bernstein Young People’s Concerts….
Doomfagging? I find myself laughing my ass off every time I scan the “news”- this is so f’ing fun!
I thought after reading the news about the second impeachment that I would have caved to doomfagging.
Instead, I’m becoming more and more convinced, every day, that some major shit is going to go down. No longer “if it’s going to go down” but rather “when and to what extent”.
Honestly, it’s like their actions are last ditch efforts to prevent something…and it goes beyond shutting POTUS up.
This may sound completely off the wall, but it’s like rope is being given to them to hang themselves in plain view. I don’t know what else to make of their insane actions, at this point. I expect that there will be calls for the arrest of POTUS. It’s just that wild…and surreal.
It is completely friggin’ crazy, isn’t it?
I’ve never seen anything like it, anywhere. Not just in American politics. I’ve never seen people attempting to self-immolate like this in ANY capacity.
And I still keep going back to the DNI report, and the foreign interference we KNOW happened in the election. How could Trump EVER leave office with that on the table? The answer is, he couldn’t.
So something is coming. We just don’t know what.
It’s absolutely incredible. This is geopolitical poker at the most amazing levels.
Bluff? No bluff? We know that Trump doesn’t bluff, but…. REALLY?
There was a freaking impeachment and I didn’t even KNOW.
Trump is acting obtuse yet honest.
Whatever. I’m good with whatever happens now.
China’s deadline to “take care of Trump” (Jan 6) has passed. Trump appears to have conceded to the House scam which would have answered that demand.
Just listen to Trump. That’s all I say. Listen to Trump. No violence, no law-breaking (even non-violent civil disobedience), no vandalism. That was for us. The rest of it – a mystery.
I am staying home. Montana has a LOT of militia, which I think may not be listening to warnings. Who knows? I couldn’t possibly do a bit of good by showing up to a rally at this point. That time came and went, and I was made not to go.
Good plan
I would love to know how much some of the higher-ups on the Left know, what they expect, and what they are afraid of.
They have LOTS of guilty secrets. Potus made some last minute changes in the military in November and now they are waiting for the other shoe to drop.
As Felice used to say, that revolver on the bed stand is calling.
Positive until the end.
Mrs Rex just pointed this out to me. I do not know if you all have seen it or if it has been posted here before, but it is SPECTACULAR.
I REFUSE to believe the man that said and did ALL this, is just rolling over NOW.
^^^ Great, timely message.
That’s great!
I know right!
Here’s the biggie, IMO. Gnews (Chinese opposition) said Xi had *demanded* that the Dems “take care of Trump” by January 6. That appears to have happened.
Stock up on popcorn and DEPENDS.
And then POTUS drops the Amended E.O. taking another swipe at Xi’s privates.
ChiComs deserve far worse than they’re gonna get…. but who knows – that situation could be corrected!
Added to tomorrow’s daily.
That is enough for me to say:
I’m ALL IN (with Trump….. as I have been all along)
Just like Jesus himself….
He’s either a LIAR….
Or he is the REAL DEAL.
Just want folks on this site to know how much respect they deserve. There is no site I visit where people’s personalities come across with such distinct variety and individuality, despite the shared values and perspectives.
These are the times which try men’s souls, and it is wonderful to have a place where the eventual glorious triumph will be celebrated with distinct but kindred souls.
“There is no site I visit where people’s personalities come across with such distinct variety and individuality,”
Oh yes, don’t I know it!
I’ve got big moosels as well. They come in real handy when moving around bulky furniture, taking out heavy bags of garbage and in removing stuck jar lids.
Even the most reluctant of lids are loosened up by the powers of my persuasion. **raises eyebrows** (twice)
Hey, itswoot, want to come over and help move all those 50 lb feed sacks? (Just bought another 800# of feed and Hubby should not move them.)
Feed for the hubby or for the sheep?
Sheep, goats, ponies and a small bag (20#) for the cats. The 20# bags of rice are for Hubby and I. No poultry anymore.
How about Bonnie and Clyde?
The trucks get diesel.
I’m too tuckered out just now. On the way home from an errand today, I stopped along the roadside and wrestled in about a half dozen Covadonga lb log sections into my van. Through about a foot of snow. I’m running short on firewood this winter.
In the next day or two I will be driving to the other side of my state to do more physical labor at some property I own.
“Gone are the days when I could bounce right back…”
Tell me about it. The bags are now nicely stacked and the cats are dinning on more mice and rats.
You got it!
New video message from POTUS:
Law and Order President making it clear that any lawbreakers are not true supporters of his. No lawbreaking of any kind. He is not calling for Any type of lawbreaking, attacks, etc. This is not a speach of a man calling for a “hot”/physical civil war.
He is wanting to ease tensions – not increase tensions.
Wish he had spoken for/to the 100,000s who were there on 1/6, peacefully protesting and broke no laws.
Asking for us to move forward united.
He did speak to them on January 6th.
That was why we vacated the grounds. Somebody bull-horned up Trump’s voice through speakers, and we spread the word. Everybody left except ANTIFA.
Let me clarify – I know he spoke to protesters on 1/6 as I was watching and H & son were there, got there early in the am and stayed until he finished.
I meant I wish that in tonight’s video he had spoken to/about the many protesters that were there on 1/6 who did Nothing wrong – the Majority of rally/protest goers to give them encouragement and counter that the talking point that is letting the actions of a few (and many antifa/plants etc.) overshadow/become the dominent narrative for the entire day.
We really don’t need you to TELL us what POTUS said in this clip. We can actually watch it for ourselves. /smh
Yes, it’s a 5 minute clip for God’s sake.
My broken record: Please don’t feed the trolls!
You just attack and snark at almost every comment I write? Why? How does this comment further the conversation, deepen understanding or help MAGA?
Did you listen to what President Trump ask us to do?
Hint: you aren’t doing it. Try harder, be best.
Sounds like he’s going to make sure the arrest will be swiftly carried out.
Are we done yet? Nothing is going to happen. It’s over.
No matter what happens on the 20th,,,it is not over. Or do you seriously believe that tens of millions of people who believe the election was stolen simply say,”Better luck next time.”?
This gets very nasty if President Trump does not take action. Just for that reason alone…I still believe that President Trump really means what he has constantly said about Law and Order….including taking care of a fraudulent election.
There is zero option via force. What’s your target? If you capture your target then what?
The State and Federal gubmints have enough paramilitary forces to stop any violent attack. That’s before the military gets put to use.
The only option is political. If either the GOP can be over run by MAGA people, I don’t think so, or a 3rd party gets going although time is short. Both D and R’s can probably stomp on a strong 3rd party from getting going. Especially now they can rig the elections in key States.
If you want to go nasty it will be short and sweet and will just lead to the dems stomping on 2nd amendment rights. I live in CA for 30+ years, so I have already been down this road.
You are just so perfect and prescient and we’re so lucky to have you hanging with us.
You’re welcome.
I do not think you understand sarcasm very well.
One trick pony = obtuse. But only until one of the high-T guys shows up and takes care it.
Us obtuse people are like that.
I don’t think he understands anything very well, except being morose….
Dumb Fuck….
I trust TRUMP!
” I live in CA for 30+ years…”
Nuf said …
Half that time serving my country. So pound sand.
and now you GIVE UP?
What a puss.
Give up what? You got some facts that show the cavalry is coming I am all ears. Otherwise I am just expecting the change per President Trumps latest messages. Better then all the wild speculation.
Is your real name Ben Dickt?
Well, I was born in England. Maybe a distant relative.
I did too.
So I moved away from Sodom by the Bay…
But I won’t let that hellhole influence or ruin my life. And GOD can (and WILL) change people and places in the twinkling of an eye.. if HE SO CHOOSES…
Do vets generally refer to the Guard as “those weekend warriors”, in a derisive way? Lot bubbling under the surface it seems. I’m going to have to put it in reverse and ease on out.
Let’s take out the “derisive” for a moment. I’ll try to explain.
Historically, Reservists and NG referred to as Weekend Warriors. Reason is they “drill” or train on one weekend a month. Hence “Weekend Warrior”.. They also train for two weeks each year.
^^^ Generally quite peaceful and uneventful.
Fast forward a bit to more CURRENTLY. Say since we engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan on a MASSIVE SCALE and LONG TERM ENGAGEMENT changed many folks thoughts regrading Reservists and NG.
“Weekend Warrior” tasking shifted mightily to SIGNIFICANT “OPTEMPO” – Operational Tempo.
Reservists and NG normally didn’t have to deal with.
EXTENDED deployments and DIRECT engagement in combat operations…
^^^ Serious sacrifices on the scale of regular Active Duty. Unlike 20+ years ago.
^^^ Hope that makes sense. ^^^
While I have used Weekend Warrior term in my past, have NOT since the huge mobilization demands Reservists and NG have been ORDERED to fill. They rate respect for their Service and sacrifice.
Great explanation. And the use of reservists varied between the services with some being used more then others. Army and Marines impacted more for example.
I call Marines Jar Heads also if you are keeping track.
Trust God, trust Trump- in that order. ‘Nuff said.
JW – “No matter what happens on the 20th …”
Two things: the 19th is before the 20th … and, It’s national popcorn day!!!!!!!!
… just sayin” …
Oh I know…corn will be a-poppin’! Melted butter and salt….mmmmmm!
20,000 troops are being stationed in DC for the Inauguration. That’s the same amount that was in Afghanistan in 2004. You don’t station the equivalent of a military division for “nothing.”
They are National Guard, aka weekend warriors. They are probably happy for the two weeks pay, especially those that have been out of work. But I am sure they would have rather done their two week annual drill in Florida.
Many of those “weekend warriors” did full terms of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don’t disrespect them.
We got some folks around here that are way too flippant. Anonymity fosters that. Really lowers the bar.
Reality is an excellent remedy.
I also worked in the largest Reserve Readiness Center on the West Coast, where we handled the recall of reservists to active duty for Desert Shield.
I am fully aware of the capabilities of “weekend warriors”. It is called readiness. And while all reservists, NG, have their military skill sets they are not always used in real life. If you’re a civilian pilot and a military pilot you’re good. If you a machine gun operator in the military but a stock broker as a civilian then not so much.
These guys will be sitting on their ass in DC for two weeks baby sitting tourists. They will do their assigned mission but it ain’t the 82nd airborne.
You obviously don’t get it or simply enjoy being obtuse. As I said in another comment, anonymity fosters this. It’s the dismissive term, but I assume you know that and use it anyway.
But don’t worry . . . nothing’s going to happen.
No. The inauguration is going to happen. The President has actually mentioned it. I know people are hanging on for the last minute cavalry charge by someone. It just is not there.
At some point we have to stop feeding the trolls ….
They will serve with honor. And they will complete their mission.
Unlike the doomfags.
The are not all NG… There are Marines there also.
We have several recipes for preparing crow…
some here have had occasion to partake…
including myself
To opine is fine…
Dogmatism should be resisted…
This is OUR Republic, our planet and humanity we are all concerned for….
Your future and welfare is at stake … WWG1WGA
Yeah, my Ex went from 12 years active duty to “weekend warrior” as a Colonel
Exactly. He’s disrespecting our NG.
I was discussing military readiness and how it impacts reserves/NG. Keep digging.
I know exactly what you were doing.
I’m not gonna dig, I’m just gonna tell ya; you are a doomfag and a doompoon.
Trump is playing this beautifully. I was almost doomfagging and doompooning when I saw his latest video.
My advice.
Via Whistleblowers.
Deadline to Dems.
Xi personally.
“Stop Trump by Jan 6!”
They “did”.
Ooooh. So it really IS foreign interference.
I am ready for the big reveal!
I know people who actually read the last chapter of a book before they start at the beginning. This must be utter hell for them!
Trump is a master. I’m just trusting him.
Have you read Pale Fire? Strange book, by the time that you get to about the middle, you’ve read the entire book.
I have not, but I will look for it!
Getting an inkling.
China played right into PT’s hands with that recent offer of peacekeepers, I think.
Doompoon, that’s a good one.
That one hurt.
LOOK at the patch insignias, they are NOT National guard.
Yep. I know a National Guardsman who was in Afghanistan a few years ago.
Thankfully, he returned home safe and sound.
Did you actually take the time to LOOK at the insignias on the uniforms? I thought not. They are NOT National guard. But what ever helps you wallow in your misery. Oh and 20k National guard in ONE spot? for a NON event. Remember it is a virtual inauguration.
Oh and ALSO the NG were supposed to be UNARMED. I saw one HELL of a lot of FIREPOWER there.
Oh and for your above post. Not even the military, short of an AIRSTRIKE could stop @even 100000 armed people from storming the Capitol. For that to happen they would have to be STAGED. Hell it took them SIX HOURS to come in THIS time. Six hours is a LIFETIME. It would be ALL over before they even GOT there.
But please continue the doomfaggory, Shelprock. Wowsey wowsey woo woo.
You simply DO NOT go all out as Pelosi has attempted this week on a guy who is “supposedly” LEAVING in a week, you point and LAUGH. Oh, and do not go with the “so he can never run again BS. WITHOUT a CONVICTION in the SENATE, which they will NOT get, there is literally NO CRIME, it is JUST an allegation. People are ACCUSED in court ALL the time, but WITHOUT a conviction, it ALL GOES AWAY.
Those that REFUSE to see, do not WANT to see/
Impeachment is not a court case. It is a political act where those in charge make the rules as they go. We have already seen that their interpretation of the Constitution does not exactly match ours. As in the VP’s power to count electors etc.
So when the dems take over the Senate next week are you sure there won’t be a trial?
Can’t wait for the 27th. That will give a week for everyone to vent on why nothing happened and apparently blame Trump for not doing anything.
Are you this dense or did you just stay at a Holiday Inn Express?
The Conviction is a TRIAL by the SENATE, a VERY legal process. We JUST went through this a YEAR ago. SAME result…a big NOTHING.
Impeachment means NOTHING without a CONVICTION in the SENATE. Which takes SIXTY SEVEN votes. 67. The Senate will soon be 50 50 with a potential VP Harris as the “majority”
50 is NOT 67. NOT CLOSE. Where are you going to get SEVENTEEN Reps to vote to convict? LOL
Then there is this from Allen Dershowitz. You CANNOT impeach or convict a PRIVATE citizen out of office. SO, IF Trump is GONE next Wed (NOT the 27th….SMH) He will NOT hold public office to BE removed from, rendering the point MOOT>
Oh, and this is ALL Constitutional, laid out EXPLICITLY, NO ambiguity like Pence and electors.
Oh, and AGAIN, WHY go to ALL this TROUBLE for a guy who is SUPPOSEDLY GONE in a WEEK. Or IS he?
Face it, there is STILL some risk that Pelosi et all are scared SHITLESS over. WHAT could THAT be IF Trump is LEAVING?
LOL tic toc.
When have democrats fallowed the constitution?
Technically, every chance they get. Look up ‘fallowed’ vs. ‘followed’.
Got it.
Lousy English why do you people not speak the way you write
Yes, at least German was not too hard to spell even if I murdered the pronunciation.
The Germans laughed with me over my pronunciation when I lived in Germany. The French turned up their noses and were very angry when I yanked out a pad and pencil and used that to communicate.
You communicate just fine so do not stop because of some spelling Nazi.
(I butcher English too according to Hubby.)
Why Can’t the English…
Learn… To… Speak (from My Fair Lady):
Here’s a little story from Arno Backhaus, a hilarious author, counselor, and speaker.
For Singingsoul, Kea (and her Mom), and anyone who has had to endure learning a second (or more) language, it should ring true [Kind of like, “I called the Tinnitus help line, but no one answered: it just kept ringing”…]…
Bonus points if you can figure out what the original words are
Eine Geschichte die das Leben schrieb
Two stangers meet in London. They start a conversation but they have to use their dictionary quite often.
Hallo, Sir, how goes it you?
Oh, thank you for the afterquestion.
Are you already long here? Can you tell me about this town?
No, first a pair days. I am not out London. You overasked me!
Thunderweather, that overrushed me. You see but so out.
That can yes beforecome. But now what other: My hairs stood to mountain as I the traffic saw. So much cars gives it here.
You are on the woodway if you believe that in London horsedroveworks go.
Will we now beer drink go? My throat is outdried. But look, there is a guesthouse, let us man there go in!
That is a good think! Equal goes it loose. I will only my shoeband close.
I must have my earlypiece! Okay, I shall pay it, yesterday I got my gostop over meadows.
Here we are. Make me please the door open.
But there is a beforehangingcastle Auf Wiedersehen!
Nanu sie sind Deutscher ?
Ja, sie auch? Das wundert mich aber.
Ihr Englisch ist so hervorragend, dass ich es gar nicht bemerkt hätte. And then they made them me nothing you nothing out of the dust…….
-Arno Backhaus
Thank you for your delightful story
Cuppa that remind me of a time when I met a Professor colleague from my husband. We both spoke English to one another until my husband interjected and said to him “my wife is German both of you can speak in German” The Professor looked astounded and said” but she has no accent?”
My husband broke out laughing two that he did not noticed that I had an accent.
I forgot to say that the Professor was German but he had a big accent and I knew he was German
Ha! My wife and I were working at the site of a Dutch colleague, who was relating a hilarious story to us, in German. An American colleague came over and asked what was so funny; could he please repeat the story in English.
My Dutch colleague DID repeat the story, but again, in German. My American colleague, of course, didn’t understand a word of it, and his shocked/puzzled expression was almost as funny as the story.
Turns out the Dutch learn multiple languages in school, and our friend was fluent in them to the point that he could go back and forth in them, sometime losing track which one he was in
[Kind of like Professor Berlitz of the language courses from so long ago ]…
Done that when translating and conversation goes so fast that I loose track if I am speaking German or English.
I was speaking to a Belgium lady/shop keeper. She spoke no English and I was trying to speak French and kept mixing in German. We were both in stitches. I can REALLY mangle foreign languages but we had fun and I bought the stuff I wanted.
When I was in High School, I took a Speech class, third year High-School Spanish and first year college German simultaneously.
Seriously damaged my language parser and to this day (40 years later) a first pass at understanding something sometimes blorps out garbage.
Hmm …
Many languages borrow terms from others. Sometimes reluctantly (French is famous for trying to have its own word for any concept it encounters — they have a government commission for it); sometimes pragmatically…..and then there’s English — which habitually finds ways to lure foreigners into small rooms, douses the lights, and riffles through their pockets for extra vocabulary.
It’s why our spelling seems so nonsensical — and why we are sometimes unsure of how to spell our own word (e.g. ketchup and catsup — because the original word has three radically different guesses for an origin. It could have been stolen from the Chinese 茄汁 “keh jup”, the Malay kicap “ke chap”, or the Arabic Kabees (anglicized to “cavesh”).
When it suits (helps) THEM against US.
That is what evil does
Constitutional? We’re the Democrats- we don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution!
LOL ok remember that when Nancy’s OWN words about their DUTY to DEFENMD the Constitution come back to HAUNT her and the dems..BIGLY.
Say he makes it to a second term in a completely legal, constitutional manner. For example, Biden cops a plea, and in exchange for leniency, steps down before the inauguration.
Kamalalalala retains her Senate seat. They continue with the Senate impeachment trial. It’s their last hope…Pres. Pence.
This is where all of the evidence drops.
Which may explain the dem push for the rushed impeachment because they want to have that in their back pocket. Just in case.
Amazing how many attacked those who turned out to be correct
And those who were attacked have adjusted and moved on to productive MAGA activities while those expecting a miracle on 1/20 are still adjusting, still being nasty, still name calling and still attacking
Ah, my friend, you have just definitively outed yourself. Are you a paid shill, or just a useful idiot?
You know, you legit don’t HAVE to be here.
Unless you are getting paid. In which case I guess your communist employer requires you to post.
5 cents a post.
Might do better picking up cans and bottles.
Rim shot sound here.
Shhhhh, you’re upsetting the shills.
Sorry for this, but F the shills. I have NO time for children’s GAMES. This is DEADLY serious, and should be approached as such.
Shills gonna shill, but this is NOT a “normal” time, things are VERY MUCH too real and SERIOUS.
It’s far more serious than anybody realizes.
That is very true and with their control of all the media platforms very difficult to get information out to the masses.
When necessary, EBS GETS the message out across the platforms without issue.
IF EBS is used, it’ll obvious why it was used and stop the asshoes in their tracks.
IF EBS is employed, it can be used judiciously or extensively to both ensure widest dissemination and control.
What I’m guessing is coming, WILL require EBS. IMO.
Americans will NEED to know WHAt is happening and WHY it is happening. STRAIGHT TALK.
I’m thinking there is a series of recordings already “in the can”.
You fall in line nicely.
I’m trying my best.
Like the pathological disrupter in a classroom. They just want the attention, negative attention – all good. Whereas positive attention takes work, and patience.
Not me, I FULLY realize it.
The NT has taken over.
NT being Next Troll.
LOL they must pass it off like a baton, too much “stress” for just ONE.
I dunno, maybe you and MAGA Mom should hook up? Lonely hearts club kinda thing?
Maybe on the 20th we can move on from this. But then again.
Oh they are hooked up and have been.
Tweedledum and tweedledumbass.
Dammit, Sadie, now I want a big assed burger!
Yeah, I am drooling too. But I thin that isn’t hamburger I think that is comprised of a whole lot of boneless roasts…. DROOOoooool
Kardashian-size me
Rump Roast?
We already know you’ve mastered cut & paste.
First time I typed that one. Been holding back. Just figured after watching the President’s video it was time.
No problem. If that is truly how you feel, logically, there is no reason for you to be wasting your time here. Go in peace. If you persist here, we can only conclude that you are a shill.
Conclude all you want. I can’t wait to read all the posts next Wednesday.
That’s one HELL of an admission at this point in the conversation.
I think Wolf needs to see this.
And take some action as far as you are comcerned.
Is this what we have here?
“While some degree of schadenfreude is part of the normal continuum of human experience, frequent schadenfreude can indicate a mental health condition. People with personality diagnoses such as antisocial personality may delight in the pain of others and have little regard for others’ well-being.”
Not good.
This is a measure of the effectiveness of Trump’s game. He’s throwing in the towel, and nobody can tell if it’s real or fake. Trump’s effectiveness is a measure of the seriousness of the situation. Only one thing matches that seriousness. It’s Biblical.
Doomfags are great cover. I’m OK with it. Let’s not spoil the movie.
I don’t need popcorn. I need one of grandma’s drinks to relax.
Ah ha!!
Cue the scene from Aliens with Bill Paxton‘s character, Pvt. Hudson, crying,
”Well that’s great! That’s just f’n great, man. Now what the f are we supposed t’ do?! We’re in some real pretty shit now, man!”
Heh heh.
Love Bill Paxton there & in Mr. & Mrs. Smith–a favorite fun twisted marriage metaphor chez moi
I do believe, however, you are overlooking the fact that this is not mere disagreement.
As Aubergine pointed out in reply to 121…
Ms. Mamies Special Recipe?
We need Doomfags….prefer they not be here but maybe this is precisely where they need to be…
Sometimes I think that everyone trying to figure out whats going on COULD be unraveling the plan, exposing it…etc, etc..
No answer to that, its human nature to want to know…
Perhaps we make it a audience participation movie, we can just ALL be Doomspoons and try out doom each other all the while believing what we do to help sell the PLAN…….
See? We’re all just dealing with it. Even the Damn DemComs, as they fight it, are just dealing with it. In their own, illegal, immoral, criminal, and reprehensible way!
Enjoy the show. That’s my plan.
Coming right up.
One more thing. Those who love crying shill are no better then the Twitter, Facebook crowd banning people off their platform for content they don’t like. If you are adverse to people with differing opinions then I would say you have bigger issues to deal with then me.
No, you are different.
You just admitted that you gleefully look forward to reading people’s misery if your doomfagging prediction comes true.
That, sir, is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish.
Sick bastard.
One would think you would be adding a “hope I’m wrong” to your doomfaggotry, but that’s not the case.
You are more interested in being RIGHT…at the cost of other’s misery. And you look forward to it.
Time for you to go.
Actually it has been sad reading people pushing the cavalry is coming for weeks based on nothing. Getting peoples hopes up, despite clear statements from the Trump and Pence over the past week regarding the transition (I know, its a diversion).
So I feel sad for those whose expectations are not going to be met. But I do look forward to reading the excuses why things did not playout the way some of you have been pushing things.
You may just as well be an ANTIFA plant with this crap.
I think he and one other ARE plants. They showed up about the time the Chinese started paying undue attention to our little Tree.
Been around since the move from the Treehouse. But nice try.
I believe differing opinions is why most of us were kicked out of there. Any now we got a bunch here wanting to do the same. Almost ironic.
Actually I think I remember you from the Climate Wars.
That would be a battle for around 2028.
Yep. Watts Up With That… similar…
Suggestion: go back OT where you’d be welcomed with open [arms] and, of course, by eyore …
Differing opinions is NOT why you should be removed. But nice try.
But you don’t have any differing opinions. You’re the most predictable poster here.
Bookends, they’re called.
Take turns moving the Overton Window…
If only you did feel sad and weren’t some sick, pathetic loser who shills for a living.
Did you not hear SOS Pompeo say that there would be a very smooth transition between the first Trump Administration and the second?!
He has used administrations, plural, twice of late.
I agree.
No one here gives a rip what you think. And many of us had you pegged a good while ago.
But keep playing.
“Saith the…Lord?”
Bwahahahahahahahahah …. [deep breath] …. bwahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahha … [gagging from laughing] … bwahahahahah …. please go back OT … they NEED you …
Wouldn’t stand out over there. And needs the attention, bad.
That IS the problem, isn’t it?
If something were going to happen, it would look EXACTLY like it would if nothing were going to happen.
You might as well argue over whether the top card in a freshly shuffled deck is a red card or a black card. It’s certainly one or the other, but you have no real evidence one way or the other.
True. So all I am going with is where we are today and the Presidents statements. That on it’s surface is more factually then all the speculation.
Schrodinger’s Apocalypse
What did I just read through?
It’s too early in the morning for this.
Andrew Bostom @andrewbostom
Has a nice summary of the 6th.
1/ Crucial questions remain unanswered about Capitol siege: “This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended?”
[Attack began 20 MINUTES before the end of POYUS speech]
2/ A senior intelligence official told Just the News he has found no evidence that the president, the White House or the National Security Council was alerted in formal intelligence briefings to the pre-warnings or suspicions of violence the FBI and NYPD [That should be Capitol Police] and have admitted they had.
[ElijahSchaffer confirms via his sources inside Capitol Police]
3/ What did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the other leaders in Congress know — and when did they know it — about the possibility for violence and the Pentagon’s pre-attack offer to send National Guardsmen to reinforce the Capitol Police?
[BowWowzer turned the help down]
4/ The U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned after the attack, told The Washington Post that security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early request to call in the National Guard ahead of a protest.
5/ Were there facilitators inside the Capitol and outside it who instigated or enabled the attack to be carried out?
6/ video taken contemporaneously shows officers and other people opening doors to rushing rioters and some people — purported by the filming cameramen to be LEFTIST ANARCHISTS (OR COMMUNISTS) —smashing windows and urging protesters to jump into the Capitol
It is truly an oppressive feeling to know these reasonable questions will be ignored, or treated as a “conspiracy theory.” But the pretense of not knowing or acknowledging is part of the fabricated reality created by truly evil people.
Daily, I am absolutely stunned fake news 100% refuses to investigate anything or ask probing questions.
RepubliCONs (RNC, GOP, eGOP) have nearly all rolled over trashing President Trump. McConnell, McCarthy…all them bastards.
Short of a few, perhaps Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes…are all that have shown some integrity and leadership.
Having been weaned from the fake news for decades I was truly shocked at the crap I heard at the optometrist’s yesterday. Completely different ‘reality’
Ironic that your vision is clearer than your optometrist.
Yeah, and he just told me I have cataracts.
The station actually plays decent music but the news SUCKS!
Why are you stunned? You seem to understand exactly what is happening!
I do understand what is happening.
I also understand how things should work.
3 November election. Fraud at every level.
– Motor voter registration – checks on applicants to vote.
– Mass mail voting, NV, created in special session by D-Rats with no checks on ballots mailed or returned.
– Dominion in ~30 states. Nevada all 17 counties.
– Emailed NV state RepubliCONs daily for a while. What are they doing to ensure only legal votes counted. Crickets.
– Governors and state courts did as they wish regarding changing voting laws and regulation. Legislature responsibility.
– State courts ignored or dismissed case submitted regarding voter fraud.
– Federal courts through NOT Supreme Court ignore, delay or dismiss cases without looking at the merits.
– Fake news and big tech censors Free Speech. Promotes lies.
– RepubliCONs did NOT in mass object to Electoral Votes from NV, AZ, NM, GA, PA, MI and WI.
The ENTIRE system F A I L E D !
NO ONE. Absolutely No One could have predicted this DEBACLE a year ago.
We, USA, IS a banana republic. The stuff we looked at other countries and laughed or sneered at their corruption.
We are them. Also hypocrites for talking bad to other countries for their corruption.
So, yea, I am stunned at how CORRUPT our country IS.
^^^ Above reply created and posted before looking at my earlier post.
Yea, also stunned at the near absolute corrupt RepubliCONs…turning on President Trump over utter nonsense. Unsubstantiated nonsense IF they looked at the facts.
Can’t imagine voting for any of those asshoes if I am in the same district, state…
^^^ Voting for the lesser of the two evil, or shitty politicians NO LONGER in play for me. They, the politicians all hate us everyday folks.
The COMPLETE Corruption of the courts and legal system is what is really mind blowing.
YES. The courts are what really throws me for a loop.
Justice is blind.
Justice is also deaf, dumb and CORRUPT as hell.
All three branches of our government, plus foreign governments/actors, plus corrupt state and local governments, aided and abetted by the media on a global scale.
“…poor bastards.”
I’ve read different articles the past year warning that Soros was strategically providing the financial backing to elect judges in seats throughout the country. In hindsight, it makes sense. A coup of our legal system ensures they maintain political power.
I will never vote again if this is not fixed. I mean it.
Better half and I have agreed on your point.
Gotta be fixed at all levels or it is simply a waste of time and hope.
The Left want you to lose all heart in voting so that they can deprive you of your one public voice.
Wait for it. They will try to do it. They might succeed.
Votes MUST be legally counted.
This is NOT the case this election. Probably for a decade or more.
IF the bad guys can manipulate the vote count to yield their candidate wins, what is the point in voting.
GOTTA FIX THE VOTE, or regular folks are gonna say, NO.
Have voted in every election since 1974. I don’t take missing an opportunity to vote lightly.
Oh, I totally understand.
That said, election fraud is a ruse to get honest people to stop voting.
The Left want you to do that so that they can rearrange voting eligiblity.
Wait for it.
Why are you surprised? Fake news is Democrat-Pravda they invent but they do not investigate their own.
I agree with ya SS I am not surprised at all with the corruption. Have seen it for years, local. State and fed. level. Then again living in NY you don’t tend to look at things threw rose colored glasses.
It’s in TX just as much as NY. I’ve lived in both states. Pretty similar.
Candidates selected and moved through the ranks by their loyalty to the moneyed interests.
They are nothing more than props for the audience, us.
At the risk of being misunderstood, this does not interest me. What happened on the 6th is exactly what I expected, only a more mild version. I am looking forward to the endgame, not plowing over old ground (even though ‘old’ is just a few days!).
I like mysteries so I want to know what actually happened and what evidence there is.
Also what happened on the 6th has a lot to do with what happens next I think.
For example ChiefIO pointed out the 20 minute delay in the start of POTUS speech. This threw off the TIMING of The Instigators & Agent Provocateurs.
Was this intentional on the part of POTUS??
There were the pipe bombs too.
Were some of the TLAs the good guys? Did they grab a bunch of Laptops??
Remember Wasserman-Schultz freaking out about the laptop the Awans stashed in an old telephone closet in a building on Capitol Hill?
Is this ‘Take II’ ?
Good Stuff.
I’ve never said much about him publicly, but I have always thought Kushner is sort of an enigma. He seems almost autistic or something. I don’t think he understands the President’s relationship to us at all.
Kushner family is in to some shady stuff, and Jared himself owns 666 Fifth Avenue. I never trusted the man, but POTUS obviously sees a reason to allow his family close to him.
Somewhere today there was a post about Jared being the reason Trump is holding back.
Didn’t,give it much credence when I read it but now….IDK.?
Trust Trump, spread the bullshit on your garden.
EDIT: Moved to new comment.
It’s hard not to indulge.
I agree.
Yeah, well, Kushner married Ivanka.
It’s a credit to PDJT that he treats Kushner like a son.
Kushner couldn’t give a damn about us.
Kushner has been working for POTUS behind the scenes.
Did you forget the Abraham Accords? Saudi Arabia…As the Son-in-law of POTUS he has a LOT more prestige than a senior diplomat.
Special Advisor to US President Donald Trump Jared Kushner speaks alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jerusalem, December 21, 2020 LINK
I did not forget.
But I also realize that Jared doesn’t seem to “get” the relationship the President has to the people. He seems cold and calculating to me.
“Seems” to you. Ponder this.
I seem cold to a lot of people too. Often that is because of personal trauma. As I said Jared’s Dad was sent to prison and he had to drop out of college to take over the business… IN NYC, that means he had to swim with NASTY SHARKS with little guidance. I would expect the guy to have MAJOR trust issues after that.
Jared’s extraordinary.
Middle East potentates trust families far more than politicians. They won’t negotiate via public forum. You’ll only know what happens when it’s concluded and announced in ARABIC. (That’s an Arab thing.)
Jared’s developed a relationship with MbZ (UAE). MbZ acts as a sort of mentor to MbS (who seems to need one). The King of Morocco deals with Jared by preference. Bahrain does nothing without Saudi permission.
El-Sisi and Bibi “congradulated” the Pretender at about the same time. They have domestic pressures that can’t be caught in Armerican limbo. Egypt would be facing an MB POTUS, Israel facing Titus Redux.
It was necessary for the pending expansion of the Abraham Accords. This is the signature foreign policy of PTrump’s first term. It’s the best news out of the Sandbox in decades. Astonishing, in fact.
No doubt – whatsoever – they conferred with PTrump and/or his son-in-law before they congratulated the thieving ‘Rats.
The Gulf, Egypt, and Israel are facing a nightmare if they have to contend with 0’s third term. (India, Japan, and Taewan, too.)
These are my own observations from close reading of the region for many years. As well, I keep up with various analysts across the cultural divide.
He really is extra-ordinary.
We have a lot of heroes coming out of these four years. Some of them we get a glimpse of others we may never know about.
Every time I think I want to drop kick the Republican party I remember that Trumpism made those heroes. Hopefully they can hold the reigns of our remade party (after we get rid of the turncoats). The party of Trump is not going away.
Jared and the ENTIRE Trump family have served America extraordinarily well for, four years.
They get NO PAY. It IS volunteer – unpaid positions.
NO other President’s family has so generously worked for their country, as the Trump’s have.
America has yet to recognize Trump Family Service to America.
The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Maybe PDJT thinks he has saved Jared from his father, who is serving time. PDJT is now is surrogate dad.
VSGPOTUSDJT sprung Jared’s dad in an act of clemency.
Thanks for the reminder.
Sorry, Gail.
I plugged in my reply before I saw your post.
No problem.
He’s so much better than the rest of us.
Yeah, right!
It is ‘useful’ to have POTUS least in sight right now.
Keeps the enemy wondering.
Yeah, I’m really tired of the “Javonka is controlling the president” nonsense. Nobody controls Trump. He’s his own man. He may listen to his advisers, but he will do what HE decides to do WHEN he decides to do it.
Shhh, truth upsets some people.
Jared was the real campaign manager in 2016, and does behind the scenes stuff.
I can’t see POTUS trusting someone shady with those tasks.
Jared understands a lot of things about us – much more than people realize. Jared is a big factor in the MASSIVE VICTORY that was STOLEN from President Trump.
I trust Jared to have only VALID concerns. If he has concerns, they are real and have to be worked out.
Yah, Trump is such a wimp. /s
He will need a reason to use the EBS. He needs it for all to hear his messages. If he joins Gab, he has a platform for his followers to hear him, but not the rest of America.
Good point.
What Gail said.
Trump will do what he needs to do when he needs to do it to save the Republic. Trump ain’t dainty.
Ten days of darkness could mean ten days of blackout by MSM and big tech.
We’ll survive.
Every time I see Kushner he looks so much like one of my brothers when he was that age. Same mannerism it is creepy to me My brother is brilliant .
So is Kushner. IIRC, he had to drop out of college to take over his Dad’s business when his Dad was sent to jail. That is something that makes you grow up FAST.
I thought he had a Gab account.
About45th President of the United States of Americahttps://gab.com/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg Uncensored Posts From @realdonaldtrump Feed
Member since August 2016
Am I missing something ?
That Gab account was created by someone to re-post and save all his Tweets.
Thanks Ellie !
(how can one tell the difference ?)
Like EllieLa said, it’s a placeholder account created by Gab management that used to automatically show new tweets from the President. Now it serves as a tweet archive/placeholder account for the President if he ever wants to join Gab.
Thanks Sadie !
(I guess the “blue checkmark” threw me off !)
Do we KNOW that Kushner did NOT contact President Trump regarding Gab access?
President Trump may NOT want to be on Gab.
I am open minded on this one.
At this time might not be prudent for POTUS to be active on Gab.
With all that is going on I do not blame him.
THANK YOU! Well said!
I would love to see POTUS on Gab, but that should not be a rash move, IMO.
Parler was so ultra-normie, it lacked that researchy “zing” that Twitter had before censorship, that made it so useful, but the Dems purposely killed that, and strangled their golden goose to stop Trump. BAD MOVE, JACK.
Gab is now finding its new roots. It’s much more normie, and Trump would INCREASE THAT tremendously.
There is some chance that Gab would turn into a freer, “right-hip” Twitter, if Trump joined. Much cultural winning possible there. Think about all angles on that!!!
Good point
Don Jr. tweeted out several days ago that a new platform is coming…
Perhaps that is why Jared stopped the move. It might sound strange, but as Jared is family, do you think he might actually know something about POTUS’ future comms WE don’t? Or, if Kushner is being contrary, wouldn’t Eric and/or Don Jr. take care of it?
Some folks might want to get offline a bit, clean out the garage or the closets, make some chili?
Good Idea I am baking sourdough bread for my water and bread fasting
Thank you. A voice of sanity.
Sounds yummy. I loved the German bake goods when I was in Germany.
The breads were really good.
The bake goods are not to sweet. The bread I am making tomorrow only has rye flour some wheat and bread flour and water.
Sometimes I add molasses coffee and coco,
Makes good bread good crust and one can only one slice and if full.
I’m trying to teach myself the art of Sourdough bread.
It is easy and look on the Internet there are many different videos.
We’ve got excess Amish Friendship Bread going on here.
I don’t enjoy the kitchen much but yesterday involved making lasagna & a cheese soufflé (technically strata) for today. I’ve had bone broth going for days too, trying to decide how best to use it…
I like my kitchen. I designed it to my needs and enjoyment. We had it totally gutted when we moved in this old house.
I should rephrase, I Like my kitchen, I just don’t like doing kitchen stuff. My husband & daughter enjoy cooking way more than I do!
I LUV sourdough bread!
Made chili 12 hours ago, thank you.
I think that may be right!!!
“New Platform” better not be Parler/AOL dopey, or that will slow-tarnish Trump’s brand even worse than an unforeseen Gab debacle. I always thought that Parler insistence was a mistake by Parscale. Gab wasn’t right THEN, but it’s a lot closer to right NOW. Gab has inherited a lot of goodness from Twitter refugees. Trump could push it over the good edge into Twitter replacement in tech.
Whatever they decide, I’ll open an account!!!
Jared has been busy, quietly as usual.
He was a crucial presence in the Saudi-Qatari reconciliation, just prior to the GCC conference. Whether it will hold or not is up to them.
He was in Morocco for the formal [re]-opening of Morocco-Israel diplomatic relations.
Those who talk trash about him simply don’t know, he’s just a screen for their dirty projections.
All people are saying is that Jared mixes fine with the elite, less so with the, er, deplorables.
Ivanka can at least fake it.
Jared may have problems with the out pouring of emotions from all the Deplorables. It may make him very uncomfortable.
That’s a really charitable point of view, and I mean that sincerely, without sarcasm.
I haven’t changed my mind.
There are people who can do great good for the world without giving a jot for the average person.
Jared was present at some of the hayseed rallies I went to in 2016 and 2018, and I felt nothing but good vibes in person. How does he get this stuff done? By being a good person who people trust.
The only bad personal report I ever read about him was in an article written by a guy (Jewish) who was trying to sell him on some left-wing policy on Israel, and who felt immediate negativity from Jared on it. Well, DUH. Come at me with blatantly anti-Constitutional ideas and watch my jaw clench! Most recent time I went that way was a BLM guy with intelligence-gathering agenda and a very dishonest sales pitch!
OK, as one of the people who pushes Gab very openly as THE robust free speech social medium – the ONLY one which is PROVEN anti-fragile – let me say this.
Gab used to be filled with the NASTIEST antisemites – many of them being organic – but many others actually being operatives, phony leftist ADL Judas goats, Kessler occupy types, bots for Bolsheviks looking to groom Nazi dopes into shooters, etc.
Now – that has CHANGED a lot, since so many NORMIE MAGA have flooded the site. I rarely see the major antisemites any more, because they’ve been extremely diluted.
BUT WAIT, there’s more.
Twitter was used for the Q team games. We all know that. Much as I love Gab, it may not be conducive to Q-team comms, although I suspect it’s not a problem. Much more of a problem is that Gab is going to have a completely different spectrum of people replying, and it will be mostly nice but the negative replies will be FROM THE FAR RIGHT, they will be in large part vicious antisemites, and they will tend to feed leftist narratives. Gab does not have exactly the same tools as Twitter to block people, and I don’t know how “clean” the Trump time-line could be made. The world would be watching.
On the other hand, I believe that free speech will drastically reduce the number of loud antisemites over time, as we go back to the sanity of the past by putting PC to bed.
I think Jared and Torba need to cut a DEAL that protects Trump’s good name while still upholding free speech standards. I don’t know what all the concerns are, but I think Gab is the best choice, technologically, politically, and strategically. NOW may or may not be the best time to join, but that gives time to think about how to do it right.
There is also MeWe, which is run by a libertarian named Weinstein. Supposedly very pro-free-speech, it has a TOS and surrounding text which honors PC-demanded boilerplate and then says “we don’t censor politics”. Not sure if that is suitable, either, but I will bet that it’s not as robust as Gab against deplatforming or pressures to censor.
Jared is a very smart guy, he is actually very sensitive which is why he can make deals, and he is also highly protective of PDJT. I may vouch for Gab, but I trust him to look out for President Trump. Gab is worthy and proven, IMO, but it needs to be done RIGHT.
There is no stronger statement about Free Speech than joining Gab.
view of the rally 1-6-21 from Chiefio.
The Non-Incitement & The Instigators | Musings from the Chiefio (wordpress.com)
Just checked it myself and Gab was actually able to load.
I have no problem in the middle of the night. Daytime is a different matter.
Ep. 2377a – The Entire Global Economic System All Depends On What Trump Does Next
X22 Report Published January 13, 2021
Ep. 2377b – Checkmate, [Zero Day] Approaches, Sometimes A Good Movie Can Reveal A Lot Of Truth
X22 Report Published January 13, 2021
From Gab:
Old Mechanic@Strnj1
US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS! (Exclusive Evidence)
Well damn….. that is shockingly unshocking news indeed.
Is that Murder I or Murder II? Seems premeditated.
Because he made prior claims as a BLM member AND made prior threats to kill, it makes BLM criminally liable as an accessory while it is murder one for him with likely civil rights criminal charges as well.
Now if only he actually gets charged and convicted. That is if the murder was real.
BOY, if that was staged it really messes stuff up unless he commits Arkancide.
Now if only he actually gets charged and convicted. That is if the murder was real.”
And if the DoJ is real!
Could be the murder is real, but the DoJ isn’t…
Or maybe they’re both fake…
Decisions, decisions…. How about they are ALL CORRUPT?
I thought the “Babbit” “shooter” was female, at least per the video by that leftist agitator guy who just happened to be there & happened to catch all on film, including someone placing something into “Babbit’s” hand almost as soon as she fell!
I just can’t believe that a foreigner and BLM member can be hired to protect our legislators at our Capitol, especially after having made threats. Considering that, I think it is very wise that that new congresswoman carries a gun at the Capitol for protection!
Caution. Sarcasm follows.
NO WORRIES. The Capitol Guard endured an EXTENSIVE background check by LE. Some combination of NAC – National Agency Check, FIB, local LE…yada, yada…
An officer by that name was one of the 2 that stopped the shooter at the Congressional baseball game. Same one?
Here is that David Bailey.
She’s good. Filing articles of impeachment on the 21st against Joebama.
Better impeach Camel-Uh too, or she’s just helping the Globalists and CCP to expedite the transition from Harris-Biden to Clinton-Harris.
That’s good, but it will go exactly nowhere as long as the Dems have the House. I applaud her because we have to stand up, but Biden will not be held accountable in that way.
True. But throwing it back in the face is very anti GOP.
Psst: it’s pronounced Roh (as in rowing a boat)-DREE-guez. Yes, the spelling is Rodriguez, but Spanish vowels are pure, what we would call long, and the second to last syllable gets the stress.
Being of a quarter Spanish descent, that drives me NUTS.
Now THAT, boys and girls, is big hat, all cattle.
Psst: It’s only ROH-dree-gues in Castilian spanish. And the lisping inherent in that form of spanish drives ME nuts. Gimme Mexican spanish any day and twice on Sundays.
Ahh, but then you’ll be spending your time in the Barc-e-lona…
My family actually speaks a dialect spoken in the north. It has a very distinct accent in English, too.
And the lisp is in honor of a beloved king who had a speech impediment.
Thanks. I can pronounce Spanish names.
Never mind that. O’Keefe is on fire. Excellent video.
Shouldn’t it only drive you 25% nuts?
Passed that video along. Thanks for sharing it!!!
Bushie Boy gets his comeuppance.
The comments…
OUCH! He is taking a whole lot of bitch slaps.
Good luck in ‘22, Danny boy. You’re gonna need it…and a lot of fake votes.
Maybe he can be the first man to run for office on the Gallows platform.
You owe me a keyboard for that one. I wasn’t expecting it.
I’m getting real tired with Dan.
So much potential, only to be an ass.
“So much potential, only to be an ass.”
Much worse than that, he’s Team Cabal.
Even if just a pet.
Start sending him patches for his other eye.
Yep…. Blind as a bat
One of the Dumb Masses I think.
There’s been a noticeable uptick in drive-by one-sentence insults and provocations over the past two hours. As I’ve warned about since January 6th, I recommend demanding counter-arguments and calling out of the one-sentence drive-by nastiness. Genuine people who have genuine disagreement engage in civil discussion. People who are only interested in causing trouble stick to low effort, one sentence attacks.
Disagreement is to be expected in thinking, conservative circles. Good debate is enjoyable. I come here to learn. I click through to articles to Learn … and sometimes I learn that I disagree with the articles or that they are just flat wrong. But why be upset about someone else disagreeing? And why do people read emotions into disagreements &/or debate &/or conversations with questions and exchange of info?
I have dear friends with whom, on particular subjects, we agree to disagree. And we leave it at that. No emotions of anger or irritation.
Anyway …. Agreed.
We’re all upset right now. Emotions are running high.
We’ll get through this.
We are family, even if only online.
Sometimes I miss the good old days when andyocoregon was wishing he would win a million dollars
I forgot all about him …
Actually, I miss NF. Andy, not so much. No, make that, Andy, not at all.
I miss Nebraska Filly too. I completely forgot Andy’s name.
DumbFucks are easy to forget.
I’ve wondered if he’s still here under a different name. Some of the trolling feels familiar.
It’s not him. Trust me, I’m on the watchtower on that. And many of the 1-liners are jokes that take a while to figure out. But I’ll keep my eyes open.
I kinda got the same feeling about anonymoushorse … thought maybe andy with the pink hat was back
Not me.
Are you using one of those little click counters to keep track?
Wolf –
Speaking to Sadie’s comment above, something upthread needs your eyeballs. Disagreements are one thing….this is another whole different thing altogether.
Commence the purge!
I’m with FG & C. Sometimes enough is enough. This shit is hard enough as it is, without a friggin’ snake in the grass.
So all I am saying is there is no indication of a “plan” and Joebama gets inaugurated next Wednesday. Along with about 90% of the country. My main evidence of that was statements by President Trump and VP Pence in the past week.
And then we have the majority here who think the “plan”, details pending, will execute sometime before then.
But I am a snake in the grass for pointing that out. Alrighty then.
And a doomfag, and an doompoon, too, don’t forget!
LOL! I love that word!
It does have a certain “je ne sais quoi” to it.
Unnatural. An attraction to doom and gloom. Eeyore’s gay cousin.
Maybe Wheatie can work those words in a Monday article. Complete with examples.
No, you said you couldn’t wait to read comments by people who are devastated if your “prediction” is accurate.
That is disgusting. You are disgusting. FG & C is right. There is something sick in you. People are hurting and trying to remain optimistic. If we are wrong, our country has died right in front of us.
And YOU are excited. That is sick.
Exactly so.
It’s NOT about a difference of opinion. Not at all.
He’s a casualty. We are ALL casualties right now. Each of us has a different pathology under crisis, but there you go.
It’s OK. This is MILLENNIAL. Maybe BIMILLENNIAL. This is going to be so huge. And yet, it looks like nothing is going to happen.
We are ALL BARGAINING or IN DENIAL. Every one of us.
This is so big, that the whole congressional drama was a TOY on the battlefield.
Have faith in what Q told us. Have faith in Trump. This is like so man things rolled together, it’s nearly unbelievable.
Trust Kansas.
I disagree.
I’m not bargaining or in denial.
One has to have experienced loss, first.
We haven’t lost, yet. Moreover, we have a PLETHORA of reasons to remain optimistic. How many times have you watched a great comeback in sports, for example?
Still LOTS of time on the clock, and the head coach is a proverbial wizard.
I’m reminded of that great US Marine, Gen. “Chesty” Puller’s quip….”All right. They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides…. They can’t get away now!”
I advise not trying to rationalize the doomfaggery. Especially not doomfaggery that ADMITS looking forward to being right so the doomfag can wallow in other’s misery and not feel all alone anymore.
Yes, but you (and I) can be “more at peace” with the human flotsam and jetsam that is being tossed like rag dolls in the hurricane on Jupiter of what is about to happen. We have been prepared. THEY have not. Only the people who truly and deeply trust the more general points Q made are even close to prepared.
This is so ####### huge. It’s so huge. Nobody knows exactly how it’s going to break, but it’s going to break, and it will break with AWE.
We are dealing with absolutely titanic forces. “Nothing can stop what’s coming.”
And yet the surface of the water is calm as glass. Something bubbles up at the House on January 6, and then it dies down in a flurry of commotion on the surface, but what is it?
I think HUGE stuff is going on. HUGE. Right under the water. “But nothing’s happening.”
Those of us who are prepared have to be more forgiving of those who are not prepared. Bring out your inner pilot. Talk them into getting back in their seats.
I know things that now make sense. I don’t know which of them takes priority – I don’t know what is truly happening with this stuff RIGHT NOW. Mostly because we’re not supposed to.
People want this to be a regular election, even if it’s a normal “the other guys won”. It can never be that.
Play along with Trump, and trust that it will be OK. He leaves enough room in what he says that people hear what they need to hear. That’s intentional.
Ah. My inner pilot, you say? See, that’s a common misperception.
A pilot’s inner pilot will always say…
Get in. Sit down. Strap in. Shut the fuck up. And hang on!
That sounds somewhat like I used to say to my kids….a little less flowery ( har! ) but very close!
See? There you go. Done.
Hubby’s Father ‘The Captain’ said you had three choices in bad weather on board ship.
“Nobody knows exactly how it’s going to break…”
Like the wind…
Arrrrrrr! We sails upon the briny interwebz, accompanied only by rum, doomfaggotry, and the lash!
And the Kraken. Don’t forget the Kraken!
“Arrrrrrr! We sails upon the briny interwebz, accompanied only by rum, doomfaggotry, and the lash!”
What, no womens?
I didn’t sign up for no sausage cruise
Sorry, ‘wenches’.
My sea-going lingo is a little rusty…
Doomfaggotry knows no gender!
Yes, the very reason Q describes what is about to happen as “Biblical”.
“Each of us has a different pathology under crisis, but there you go.”
Like most people here, I’ve experienced plenty of crises — but this is the first one that ever inspired confidence and optimism
You’re clearly a special case!
Yeah, I’m special all right…
I’ll maintain faith in God & the Rock that is Christ Jesus!
I Hope that Trump as got this & I do trust him & will wait & see how this plays out. I also hope that Q is all good guys & accurate, as far as I can understand it (& that’s from afar, as a Q-Agnostic but Not Q-Antagonistic–waking up people to do research, pass truth & facts along, & armor up in the Lord are All Good!!!).
Pompeo seems like a white hat & stalwart.
That leaves praying, hoping, & encouraging others as we weather the Storm that swirls about us.
In God We Trust!!!
God Bless you Wolf & keep giving You His Peace, Strength, Wisdom, Favor, Joy, Light, & Love–in Jesus’ Name!
“We are ALL BARGAINING or IN DENIAL. Every one of us.”
We see the denial as we read back through the comments and so many were attacked who were just adjusting to the reality and moving on, moving on to plan B (or C or D), moving on because we need to specific outcomes to remain true and continue onward.
battles are won and battles are lost but the war for freedom continues
Winning in 2016 was just winning 1 battle.
Loosing to fraud in 2020 was just loosing 1 battle.
I see the denial of reality by SO many as I look at threads from post 2020 election and see how those who were grounded in reality (as has been proven by events since the comments) had adjusted and yet those in denial called them names and attacked at every possibility.
I see now that speaking reality to those in denial was an intrussion for which they just weren’t ready.
now, many of those same people are finally accepting what some of us accepted months ago … and are still attacking those of us who have moved on and are not in the same stage of grief as they are. We are out of sync in stage of grief and that is angering to some so they lash out at us…people who have/had Nothing to do with the fraud and failures and who are already working on new fronts, already fighting new battles.
That was not my point. But believe what you want.
Trump and Pence continuously make somewhat noncommittal statements that Biden will be inaugurated, and those who state otherwise (including me) rely on subtleties and the unobvious (and Q) to get out of it.
You are NOT an idiot to think what you do, IMO.
But you will take heat for it, so expect some pushback.
We’ll see what happens.
Disclosure: I am hopeful PDJT will ride this out somehow.
BUT I personally defend everyone’s right to voice his/her views, even if I disagree.
Hear! Hear!
Haven’t we all been moaning about the restriction of 1A on social media?
Let people speak, for goodness sake.
I have no doubt that Wolf knows what is going on and has his own plan.
I do. I know people will be uncomfortable with this, but I need that discomfort and uncertainty during the next week!
“I do. I know people will be uncomfortable with this, but I need that discomfort and uncertainty during the next week!”
I am unsure what to be uncomfortable about, so I’ll just carry on as usual
You show everybody the way out of Doompoon Manors!
I have to figure out what in the world a ‘doompoon’ is first
I think it’s related to “poondang”!
Fully agree.
Just a tech note – comment links do not work any more – you have to make a link on some random text like this.
january 13, 2021 | the marshall report
I this.
So true!!
JUST IN – Executive order from @POTUS
amending EO 13959, which went into effect today at 9:30am ET.
Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order taking further steps to deal with the threat posed by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) increasing exploitation of United States capital to resource and to enable the development and modernization of its military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses which continue to allow the PRC to directly threaten the United States homeland and United States forces overseas, including by developing and deploying weapons of mass destruction, advanced conventional weapons, and malicious cyber-enabled actions against the United States and its people.
Through the national strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, the PRC increases the size of the country’s military-industrial complex by compelling civilian Chinese companies to support its military and intelligence activities. Those companies, though remaining ostensibly private and civilian, directly support the PRC’s military, intelligence, and security apparatuses and aid in their development and modernization. At the same time, they raise capital by selling securities to United States investors that trade on public exchanges both here and abroad, lobbying United States index providers and funds to include these securities in market offerings, and engaging in other acts to ensure access to United States capital. In that way, the PRC exploits United States investors to finance the development and modernization of its military.
To deal with that threat, I signed Executive Order 13959 on November 12, 2020. Executive Order 13959 prohibits certain purchases involving publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company. Those companies are ones the Department of Defense has listed, or will list, pursuant to section 1237 of Public Law 105-261, as amended, or are identified as Communist Chinese military companies or their subsidiaries by the Secretary of the Treasury using similar criteria.
Today, I signed an Executive Order amending Executive Order 13959. The amendments prohibit certain sales as well as purchases of publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company. They also prohibit possession of such securities by United States persons 1 year after a company is determined to be a Communist Chinese military company. And, finally, they allow the Secretary of Defense publicly to list whether a company is a Communist Chinese military company using the criteria in section 1237(b)(4)(B) of Public Law 105-261, as amended by section 1233 of Public Law 106-398 and section 1222 of Public Law 108‑375, regardless of whether the Secretary must report that determination under section 1237(b)(2).
I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order I have issued.
Saw this on twitter from RSBN Network and is also on whitehouse.gov.
Just for verification that it is real.
China is in for a rough 4 years.
Damn. Be a shame if that happened. A reeeeeal pity.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of asshoes.
Raise my glass in a toast: Down with the CCP! Hear, hear!
The first shoe dropped. Tomorrow the dems will scramble to safe face. The repubs will feel like schmucks but we know who they are and we can primary them.
Investigators pursuing signs US Capitol riot was planned
Breakdown of article H/T Solar at ConservativePoliticalForm
“Among the thousands of tips the FBI received are some that appear to show members of Congress with people who later showed up at the Capitol riot, two law enforcement officials said.”
The Capitol Police either commissioner or captain who resigned said that the whole thing appeared to him to be planned and organized. I can’t remember where I read it, but I’ve seen it multiple times.
That seems to be the latest DemCom projection. AOC and a couple others now accusing R’s of being “co-conspirators” by leading Trump white supremacist’s on a tour through the Capitol on the 5th .
Yup. They have to project their own guilt quickly, because it’s all coming out.
If AOC feels comfortable calling us white supremacists then I feel comfortable calling her CCP Mao shill.
Can one sue her for defamation?
LOL.. She’d probably take that a compliment
I’m getting close to embracing being a white supremacist. It means nothing anymore except as a description for anyone white.
Dem Rep. Mikie Sherrill claims she saw GOP colleagues doing Capitol ‘reconnaissance’ with future rioters on January 5 … is this her proof? [pic]
Well, I should keep it to myself that I stumbled upon this video from earlier this evening. It’s 3 minutes. Robert David Steele talking about having dinner with Juan O Savin. And what he, and Juan, believe is coming on 1/20. And one other interesting revelation. Obviously it could all be BS, as with anything else.
FWIW, 𝑸 said JFK jr is dead when he was asked on the boards.
(Can’t find that crumb.)
I understand that. My husband is a Jr., but does go by that name.
What I meant to say is my husband is a junior, but has never gone by “junior”.
I am going to add, that when I did a quick look for the JFK jr Q drop, I pulled up a lot of JFK drops.
Feb 16 2018
It certainly looks like the deaths of the Kennedy’s was a STRONG motivator.
Disinformation is necessary.
If XVII had confirmed he was alive, every one and their brother would have gone looking for him, and he would be in more danger than he already is if he really is still with us.
Ok. I’ll bite just for farts and giggles.
Whose ring is that supposed to be?
One is his, and one is Juan O Savin’s. It’s in all of his interviews as an identifier as he is never on camera. The watch is always in his videos as well.
Who is “Juan” supposed to be?
Please don’t bite my head off, I am just the messenger but I believe some believe Juan is actually JFK Jr.
Yes, I too have heard that.
You? And risk your shovel? Perhaps even one of the ones I gave you?!?
The very idea is reprehensible.
For now, anyway.
And that’s dasting, but….
How….and why…..would Jr. know all these details? There is such a thing as “need to know”, and I don’t see how Jr. needs to know.
Assuming he is alive, of course.
Funny how no one ever asks that question, isn’t it? At least not that I have seen.
I believe part of the JFK Jr story per the internet is that he and PDJT are BFF’s.
I don’t know. People have their ideas. Listen to some of his interviews. He’s been doing them from what I’m sure is the Trump Post Office Hotel in DC of late. The view of the Washington Monument, the heavy woodwork and the drapes are the same pattern as was shown in interviews with Sidney Powell, right after the election. Except his room is black or blue, and Sidney had gold.
Here is one from 1/6.
Excellent. Good stuff, but about 5 minutes of news spread over 40 minutes.
Yup, he rambles.
I think all these video people do. I’m sooo impatient I just want the facts so I can move on but they all have to ramble.
That’s what drives me NUTS about videos!!!
Even long essay posts are faster!!!
Yes, exactly!
If that is Juan O Savin, his voice sounds exactly like Randy Quaid.
Maybe I should say it immediately reminded me of Randy Quaid. He was the first person I thought of when I heard Juan’s voice, and it’s not like I’m a huge Randy Quaid follower who would recognize his voice anywhere…
And Randy Quaid has done a lot of pro-Trump political videos over the past year, like this one:
When he says “Bull f*&^ing shit!” (3:22), that sounds exactly like Randy Quaid…
Those are the same curtains/drapes that were behind Patrick Byrne when he did his little videos.
And that isn’t JFK Jr.’s voice unless he’s taken up cigar smoking.
Oh wow. I never noticed his drapes. The heavy wood in the room, plus the pattern of the drapes just reminded me of Sidney’s backdrop.
His audio in these later videos is gravelly, like altered. The calls with Field McConnell in 2019 don’t sound that way at ll.
Not buying it. Can you imagine the effect dragging this out several months would have on all aspects of our lives and in fact the world?
Although I have heard the March 4th date spoken about before — and not Corsi. Inauguration Day used to be that date.
I hadn’t heard anything about Corsi recently, either.
March 4…IF, and this is a big IF the Banking Act of 1871 was no longer in effect, and the CORPORATION of the United States was no longer in place as has been floated in more than one quarter, then Amendments 16-27 would be null.
However, that would put the March 4 date in context.
I just don’t want to have to wear a mask that long.
Yes, I haven’t kept track of Corsi since he was having the docs on every day. He did link up Zelenko with that telemed that was already established, so some serious credit to him there.
“However, that would put the March 4 date in context.
I just don’t want to have to wear a mask that long.”
No reason you would have to, in that scenario all the nonsense should end almost immediately, the bad guys are done and being rounded up, the truth exposed, and any corrupt medical personnel (of which there seems to be a LOT, at least a large majority) can go to GITMO with the traitors.
Mask Nazis and other Karens would be in hiding.
those dealing with longhauers – tips from my friend (not medical advice)
-was having trouble during and after showers due to humidity in the air. keeping fan on, heat up and doors open. showers no longer triggering panting and pain
-herbal tea mix that been a great help: 2 T bilberry leaf, 2 t licorice root powder, 1 t linden leaf, 1 t raspberry leaf; mason jar -> boiling water -> steep at least a few hours with lid on, overnight even better. they have been drinking many other herbal teas throughout and prior but this mix seems to have made an immediate difference with panting and pain related to breathing hard. Noticable difference when drinking this combo. Might be one or two or all or the combo. They just looked up teas specific teas for lungs and breathing etc. sharing in case it helps
-they used a c-pap machine at random times when they are panting and trying to get enoguh air and their lungs to settle down. They don’t usually use one and it belongs to another family member for help breathing and getting more air
Good Gracious this virus stinks!
Still almost the same symptoms! Slight improvement in breathing, very slight and worsening fatigue.
Just started some new treatments, have xrays about 3 wks ago showing lung issues and to get a benchmark to make sure lungs are worsening, researching another new treatment.
Hope friend improves soon as hot, humid summer is coming fast.
China & Deep State are *ssholes!
Here’s that bill in NY that seeks to remove people for disease…
Wow, now I’m really pi$$ed! Among the 10 Republicans, who voted to impeach the President today, was one of the newly sworn in congressmen from CA – David Valadao.
Those ten republi-cons just ended their own careers, and the traitors don’t even know it yet.
Maybe the best scalp we got out of the ten was that nasty piece of work, Liz Cheney
there are others that, even though they didn’t vote to impeach, they condemned or blamed PDJT for the peaceful protest…the latest was Kevin McCarthy.
Once this is all said and done, I believe PDJT will bury his ass…Bigly!
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