DEAR KAG: 20200115 I Will Fear No Evil

Welcome to Fearless Friday at Wolf’s Pub!

The bar is open and conversation is flowing.

They aren’t going to win, you know. The fatal flaw, the deadly flaw, the flaw that assures We win, is that Evil has irrevocably separated itself from God. Evil personified is the devil and his demons. Those who carry out the designs of Evil in the end become its victims. Filled with all that “worketh and maketh a lie” (Rev. 21:27), those who indulge in evil will reap the reward of their father, the “father of lies,” as Jesus Christ calls the Evil One.

The devil devours his own. All the money, all the power, all the cosmetic surgery in the world cannot prevent the desiccation and decay of a depraved and corrupted soul. And it shows in the face. And it’s not just the Bitch, the CCP Tool and GS. That’s not just age that is ravaging those faces.

They have the whiff of sulphur about them as well as the black eyes of something otherworldly staring out at the world.

But we shall leave them to their deserved ends, both here and nearly certainly hereafter, and concentrate this fine Friday on ridding ourselves of FEAR and enjoying the delights of Frangelico, another lovely liqueur from the monks, Italian this time.

“Frangelico remains the premier hazelnut liqueur. Its origins go back over 300 years to the Christian monks who inhabited the Piedmont area of Italy. The name Frangelico is derived from one of those monks, Fra. Angelico. The bottle reflects this heritage, which looks like a glass monk, complete with a rope belt.”

And yes, Fra. Angelico is the same individual as the painter of that time! Frangelico is enjoyed neat (straight up without ice), on ice, with coffee (so stinking good you have to watch yourself), and in cocktails. You can find some really good cocktail recipes online.


You know the House Rules. Civil. Civil. Did I say civil? Keep it as kind as you can, given these times. If you really just need to vent and verbally brawl, head over to the UTree, where your inner beast can cut loose. And if you are new or need a refresher on the house rules, go here. Thank you in advance for giving our burly bouncers nothing to do.

There’s nothing like music and the Holy Scriptures to bolster our faith and keep us on track NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. We are in this for eternity, not just for the next four years.

2 Timothy 1:7, says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

The 23rd Psalm is probably the best known and loved psalm. It wasn’t originally written or sung for funerals. This evangelical pastor gives us a great Hebraic history lesson on this psalm. It is wonderful. Stick with it (just about 13 minutes) and you will be glad you did.

And here is a beautiful chant rendition of the 23rd Psalm.

“World War Three has started…This was a corrupt election, it was a coup d’etat against the American people and the government…The lockdown is part of it. Everyone wearing a mask…it is social conditioning.” Gen. McInerney


Now, it’s become quite apparent that none of us knows what the heck is going on. Theories abound. We are being bombarded from all sides with lies in this Information War, which Gen. Thomas McInerney and attorney Lin Wood are calling World War Three.

Events are speeding up as we race toward the apparent inauguration of Joe Whatshisname, aka the Usurper-in-Chief.

“Perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18

It seems the dam is breaking regarding declass and release of the stinking lying government plot to deny our duly-elected President his first term. Click the quote below to read and listen to John Solomon’s report.

A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.

Who doubts that more will be happening in the days to come? Let us gird ourselves for bearing a bit of the burden of the corruption that unnamed patriots have been shouldering for years. God give them special graces and blessings for their service.

The third and last installment of the Navarro Report has come out. The criminality of what happened to OUR VOTES AND OUR PRESIDENT cannot be refuted. They can only be hidden and denied by the propagandist media.

Project Veritas is outing that Twitter creep (look at the dead eyes and flat effect) for violating our First Amendment rights in the name of “safety”. They think they are so clever, don’t they? These kind of tyrants always end up committing crimes of violence in the end, all in the name of “safety” and “security.” Insufferable prigs.

Here’s one for the trolls who extoll the RNC and GOP and other assorted traitors to our President. Enjoy! RNC money grab

“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Ex. 14:14

That’s right. We will hold our peace.

And if you are so inclined, below is a prayer that the noted exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, P.h.D, has asked be prayed every day until January 20.

His book Introduction to the Science of Mental Health is one of the best books I have read on the subject, because he understands both the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects. He treats of the whole man.

Prayer of Command
In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature. By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they came from, if it be His Holy Will. I beseech Thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us (my family, etc.), which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit. I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction, interplay, or communications. I place N. (Person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which He shed for us. Amen

Please put your family, the United States of America and President Donald Trump as the intentions in the Prayer of Command.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Brought over from yesterday.

It just occurred to me:

There are voice recordings of Lenin.

There could be a voice recording of Nicholas II.

And there is, from 1910. (He speaks at multiple times between the brass band).

And from 1891, his father and mother, Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna (much lower quality, of course).

[Regnal dates: Alexander III 1881 – 1894, Nicholas II 1894-1917.]

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nicholas II took the curse of Queen Victoria.

Hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome. If you have a healthy X chromosome, you can be a healthy carrier……but the only people with two X chromosomes are female. If you are a male, with an X and a Y chromosome, inheriting the bad X meant you were sickly and ill throughout your (likely short) life. Alexei, the last son of the Romanovs, spent significant time in a wheelchair before he was executed at 13.

Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna were the last of the undoomed Romanovs. Nicholas II’s line wasn’t going to make it even before they were “cancel cultured.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nicholas II was fine, it was Alexandra who had it.


He was fine if he’d sired bastards. He was doomed within his marriage.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is semantics; he was safe, his children weren’t. The dynasty (him plus his children) was hosed.

Of course, another male child might have gotten Alexandra’s *good* X chromosome and there wouldn’t have been a problem with that branch.

So he wasn’t “doomed” but his odds were 50 percent and he failed the save.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Remember that he may have had several male progeny — hemophilia leads to a lot of spontaneous abortions. Only one made it to 13.

But, seriously, when Alexandra became Czarina, the Romanovs were doomed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Again, wrong.

She could have had a perfectly healthy son, who would not have spontaneously aborted, and no one would ever have known she was a carrier.

It was a 50-50 chance, not “doom.” It wasn’t doom until she only had the one hemophiliac son.

Now, she had personality defects that caused trouble, and they became worse when she began to worry about her son’s health, but again, the mere act of marrying her didn’t doom the Romanovs. You seem to be assuming ANY son of hers would be a hemophiliac; if that’s what’s going on go do some research on genetics.


I have a thorough understanding of the genetics involved, which was far beyond what was available at the time. If Alexei had had a healthy brother, he’d have been destroyed diplomatically. The sons of Nicholas II were destined to be the last Romanovs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ironically, if Alexei had lived long enough to sire children, his daughters would all have been carriers. But his son(s) (unless he too married a carrier) would have all been perfectly healthy.


I tried to find out if there were other male children, and I can find no record of any other births other than the ones we know of. Given the status of the parents, I would think other births, as well as deaths, of children would be part of the historical record.

Deplorable Patriot

That was a love match. The five they had were all that were sired.

Deplorable Patriot

It was a love match. Nicholas wasn’t going to have anyone else even if both sets of parents objected.

And they did.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Both Nicholas and Alexander III got to watch Alexander’s father, Alexander II, die after being bombed by a proto-communist group called “People’s Will.”

Alexander II had freed the serfs and instituted other reforms. Neither of his male descendants was inclined to continue the reforms.


Alexander II’s death is memorialized by the Church on Spilled Blood in Saint Petersburg. It is built over the site of the assassination.

He was actually bombed twice. The first time, it merely damaged his carriage, and he got out to remonstrate with the culprit, whereupon a second bomber killed them both.

Alexander II was known as Alexander the Liberator because he emancipated the serfs in 1861. They were now allowed to share in the misery of freemen. [Mostly kidding — it was a great step in the right direction.]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There were problems with the liberation, to be sure; it came with so many conditions it wasn’t much.

A II also did a lot to give Finland self rule; they actually call him the “Good Tsar.”


Agree – and why would Navarro keep documenting voter fraud, PR?


Right Duchess…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A Biden administration would undo all this stuff. Hmmmmmm.


It’s one of two things;

A) Trump is making them undo things that the American people would want to keep

B) Trump is not going anywhere

We shall see.

Let the bitch lose.


Exactly, it is one or the other. “A” would be such a weak and ineffective ploy it is hard to believe that is the right choice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! Let the bitch LOSE and LOSE BIGLY.


What about that Supreme Court decision recently where Executive Orders from a prior administration are given precedence?

Gail Combs

A Commie Stuffed Supreme Court can overturn an older ruling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’ll just pack the court and overturn it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This Haines chick is bad news. I can’t remember what it was, but it was BAAAAAD.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The mayor of Colorado Springs is pissed that “Trump” decided to move the US Space Command to Huntsville AL. (The decision was apparently made by the Air Force.)

He’s hoping Biden will look into it, see undue influence from Trump, and reverse the decision.

He’s going to have a long wait.

(I too am not happy with decision, but if it would take a Biden presidency to reverse it, I can live without the Space Force being headquartered here.)


The problem is, if Space Force is headquartered in Colorado, they’ll be growing zero-gravity pot on the space station in less than 6 months.

And smoking it at Headquarters.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Funny how Colorado isn’t the only state where pot is legal, and wasn’t even the only state to legalize it that year, but it gets to be the butt of ALL of the pot jokes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Went right over his head. Bwahahahaha.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It didn’t go over my head; it just wasn’t worth a response.


I thought this was a pun exchange. Sorry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t think so, either, but I’ve just gotta say….



hey…one hit AND PASS IT…

James Wanchik

Hey I lived in Thornton and went to HIGHland HIGHschool during the early 80s…Cheech and Chong was at their PEAK!



Rocky Mountain high…


I used to live out there…many many full moons ago..

I remember Owl Farm, in fact…

and Dr Gonzo…
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Cuppa Covfefe


Dave’s not here…. 🙂


You should investigate WHY this move before griping about it. Find out what is so special about Huntsville and why this is a great choice. Btw, it is also intended to provide some physical distancing of the Space Force Command from it’s overlord, the US Air Force, making it a bit more independent. Also, Huntsville needs those jobs and economic base more than Colorado Springs does.

Wolf’s “mile high quip” was hilarious, and very true. CO has become the mountain state of California.

Deplorable Patriot

Moving the US Space Force to where the rockets were built?

Makes all the sense in the world.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I understand the reasoning.

I’m well acquainted with Huntsville’s record in space. I had not heard, on the other hand, the rationale in regards to separating it from the Air Force, which is a good one–we have four geographically distinct AF installations here (though three are administratively under the same umbrella).

I do have a history in this arena and I would be greatly surprised if politics had nothing to do with it. I strongly doubt Trump involved himself in the decision (an accusation that some, including our RINO mayor, have made).

Gail Combs

LOVE Huntsville HOME of the UNDERGROUND! @ 6001 Pulaski Pike
Huntsville, AL



Just more for the Treasury to take when he is charged and found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.




soylent green farmer?





Any explaining he chooses to do should be made with a NASCAR garage door pull around his neck.


Another mass murderer who needs to be prosecuted along with Cuomo, Whitmer, Newsome, and the Pennsylvania dude.





when will these “experts” be held accountable??




That study was posted here, multiple times, back in March/April of last year.


What a good memory you have FG&C… how blessed you are.


The DemComs have to own this. They’ve incited and agitated lunatics to do these things.

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let there be justice.


Street justice will be fine. May it happen


IF we don’t prevail Wednesday…

Lots of pissed off Americans out there.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

I’m pretty sure Mrs. Stone is deaf. So if the vermin said some command to her, she couldn’t hear it anyway so the slime would think she was ignoring. .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That makes sense. Progzi Maskie on a bike vs. dog walker, maybe in the road, he calls out “LEFT!!!” and she moves left – no mask – bike commie road rage – etc.

But read this. No details on the attack, but really powerful stuff from Stone on what he thinks of these Deep Staters.



Never mind.

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It may be targeted, too. In fact, I’m almost sure. I’ve had too many incidents. Things are not good right now. Stone was in DC on 1/5 and likely 1/6. The left knows that NOW is a point where they can attack more easily.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinda cool that I can see the original and edited version in the bell notifier and it all makes sense, though!


I hadn’t seen that Pgroup had already said she was deaf. My bad.


seems almost demonic, doesn’t it?
Btw, thank you for Fr. Ripperger’s prayer. Sent it to those my email list to pray for PDJT, and the USA


No idea what type of dog she was walking, but a more intimidating canine would likely prevent such an attack.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

Malinois 👍

Gail Combs

ALREADY TRAINED. You need to be trained to handle the dog too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wondering if it was a helper dog, trained to not attack?

(Thinking of Levi, from “Sue Thomas, F. B. I. Eye )…


I am about to be in the market for a large scary dog if this shit keeps up.


Yes, she’s deaf or nearly so.


And we treasure Zoe, who is blind. I’m not getting the point here.


I think the point you missed is, if the attacker was taunting her from behind or out of view, she would have appeared to be ignoring him, thus potentially escalating the thing unintentionally. That’s all.


And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, and said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:2-4
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Valerie Curren

Historical insights, Titanic, bankers, JFK…hmmm
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source looks to be

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KNOW the REAL history of the TITANIC…it’s why we are where we are right now in HISTORY, Educate yourself….Deep State Actions
Quote Tweetcomment image
John F. Kennedy

· 14h
“Unless we assess fairly the actions of the past, we have no sound basis upon which to plan for the future.”


This is Juan O Savin’s short book. I got it on gumroad.

Valerie Curren

Do you agree w/ his view on these events?


Some of it is so out there, like it’s not really the Titanic on the ocean floor, that I don’t know what to think. On the other hand, much of it makes that seatbelt clicking sound .

Valerie Curren

Nice take 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad he got the word out, but I’m going to say this as kindly as I can.

EACH and EVERY one of us has to “Athanasius UP”.
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If the entire world is against you, you DO NOT GIVE A CRAP.

If you’re RIGHT, you’re RIGHT. If you’re WRONG, you just admit it.

The MOB has no power over you, and you do NOT. EVER. Kneel to the mob.

Harry Lime

There are a few of my acquaintances (and family members) that think I’m crazy…

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Sadly, I am in the same boat. Kindly ostracised,…but still ostracised

Gail Combs

Look at it this way. NOW you know who you real friends are.

The Mob DEPENDS on you CRAVING their acceptance to MAKE you do what you otherwise would not. So instead go your own way.


Yes, I took this lesson from President Trump, who said that he’d like to loose everything for a short time. Then he could see who his true friends really are, who is loyal and who is not. He and we are learning that right now.


Not quite. Some are in my family, who truly love me and are there for me. Only, they are still, believe it or not, naive…

But in the end, I have to follow Truth, so yeah, I HAVE to go my own way, and pray my heart out for them.


Same here.


Me too. My sibs said they are afraid of me since I said I wished I could go to the DC rally on Jan. 6th.

Last edited 4 years ago by EllieLA
Gail Combs

Afraid OF you?

Then they do not really know you. Also they are now DANGEROUS to you. Remember it was a sister who turned in the gun owner to the cops and the cops then killed him.

At this point I would keep my distance until this  💩 storm passes for your own safety.

Believe me I am speaking from experience. Cut your communication with them for the time being.

You can do the re-establishing communication and healing later, so SAVE YOUR SELF FIRST!


“NOT. EVER. Kneel to the mob.”


Unless you’re just reaching for your ankle holster… 👍😁


Amen, brother.

I would rather be a hermit in hiding with my righteousness, than a social butterfly within a demented mob.

Gail Combs

Already there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Patch is a patch full of cr@p – BLATANTLY LEFTIST…

Funny (not) how the demonrats call their fiery conflagrations “demonstrations” (OK, they got the DEMON bit right), yet they call an action they incited (breaking and entering, etc., etc.) an insurrection, blaming it on MAGA folks.

Interesting, too, is that the libturd left, Bidoons, Klintoons, Piglosis, Øbløwhøle, and all the rest engage in SEDITION (a synonym of insurrection), yet they go unmentioned, unaccused, and unpunished…

May they receive their just reward. Like Haman…

Valerie Curren

White “ATF agent” treated like crap by gestapo


Wow. I wonder if anything happened to the 2 cops that did that.


Probably not what you or I think should have happened to them.

Valerie Curren

Yes, so frustrating to watch that going on…


Not likely, go to the tweet and there are some previous vids showing actions before hand.


I enjoyed every aspect of the opening post. 😊

Valerie Curren

Panda eyes? There’s a thread too

James Wanchik

Pence in Ft . Drum on the 17th? 10th Mountain Division?

You have got to be kidding me! 🤣


Curious why he’s headed up there.

Valerie Curren

Erased from existence


Perfect comparison!


cute as a kid, creepy as an adult

Brave and Free

Yeah, what the heck happened to him? Hollywierd claims another soul…


Child rape is what happened to him.

Valerie Curren

Sadly 🙁

Valerie Curren

How normies w/ eyes open probably feel

comment image Girl On Fire DM!
Jan 13

I can’t believe what is happening right now. I can’t even think about it without wanting too cry. I’ve completely walked away from all politics, news & most all social media bc I can’t handle it.

Valerie Curren

oops typo on pic URL
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The media defines reality for WEAK BASTARDS like the Joint Chiefs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But this is not sedition, you weak bastards. My gun is my Bible that SHAMES YOU.

Valerie Curren

Pathetic. My autistic son has more balls & patriotism!!!

Gail Combs

ARCHIVED! (Remove splats)


Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail


Arizona GOP to Vote on Resolutions to Censure Cindy McCain, Jeff Flake, and Gov. Ducey

The Arizona Republican Party will vote on resolutions to censure Cindy McCain, former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, when it meets on January 23.

McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), endorsed President-elect Joe Biden over President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

On Tuesday, Arizona Central reported the text of the draft resolution to censure and “dissolve any connections” between the Republican Party and McCain:

WHEREAS, Cindy Hensley McCain, the wife of the late Arizona US Senator John McCain, has supported leftist causes such as gay marriage, growth of the administrative state, and others that run counter to Republican values, a Republican form of government, and the US Constitution;

WHEREAS, Cindy McCain has failed to support Conservative Republican candidates such as President Trump;

WHEREAS, Cindy McCain has supported globalist policies and candidates, including Democrats such as Joe Biden, in direct opposition to Republican values, the interests of the American people, and the Constitution of the United States;

WHEREAS, Cindy McCain has condemned President Trump for his criticism of her husband and erroneously placed behaviors over actual presidential results; and

On Tuesday, Republican National Committee Chairman Ronna McDaniel issued a statement opposing the censure resolution of McCain.

“Obviously we are upset that a prominent Republican would support Joe Biden whose beliefs are the opposite of what our party stands for, but the language in this resolution is abhorrent,” McDaniel said in the statement.

“My hope is that the Arizona Republican Party will not entertain it. This does nothing to grow our party or put us in a better position to win in 2022,” McDaniel added.


Ronna, your mask slipped. Time to go.


This right here.


But let’s all do the wave for Ronna and company.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they deserve a “moon” rather than the wave. Or maybe a wave using but two of ten fingers…

Looks like the rotten Ronna didn’t fall far from the crooked family tree…


the language in this resolution is abhorrent,” McDaniel said in the statement.

I’m not seeing it.

This does nothing to grow our party or put us in a better position to win in 2022,” McDaniel added.

I know Pres. Trump has seemed pleased with the job she has done, and I know she has to think in terms of winning elections, but this sounds like the same old RNC crapola that we are rebelling against. The party needs to be purged of people like Cindy McCain who do not support it in the least.


You’re not seeing it because it’s not there.


Ronna, was and always will be a POS. In the spitting image of Pierre DeLecto.

President Trump over four years has tried to work with RepubliCONs, knowing the ends justity the means. IE, tolerate RepubliCONs to both save America and allow America to flourish.


RepubliCON party is D E A D to me. Beyond redemption.

Have always voted RepubliCON. NEVER again.

After RepubliCONs walked away from President Trump. F’m!

After RepubliCONs stabbed President Trump in the back. F’m!

RepubliCONs did NOTHING to stop the stolen election. F’m!

The decent Republicans need to start their own party. Jordan, Gaetz, Stephanik…

Further, unless the election process in America is fixed, ZERO reason to vote. Can’t win when the system is rigged to the highest dollar bidder.

Valerie Curren

Planned Parenthood, sex trafficker’s staple

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Lila Rose

Jan 13

The most visited facility behind the ER for trafficking victims is Planned Parenthood:

30% of victims are taken there

They kill babies who are conceived—no questions asked—& send women back into the hands of their abusers

is a pillar of the sex trafficking industry






‘Shame, shame’: Franklin Graham compares Republicans voting for impeachment to betrayal of Christ
By Victor Morton – The Washington Times – Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Rev. Franklin Graham compared the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump to Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus to the Roman authorities.

In a Facebook post Thursday in which Mr. Graham praised Mr. Trump at length while also calling the day of the assault on the U.S. Capitol “a low point in his presidency,” the minister declared “shame, shame” on those GOP lawmakers who “joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday.”

“The House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can,” said Mr. Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal,” he said.

In Matthew’s Gospel, before the Last Supper, Judas goes to the chief Jewish priests in Jerusalem and is paid 30 pieces of silver to help hand over Jesus. Luke’s Gospel and the Book of Acts also say that the Temple authorities paid Judas without specifying an amount.


Open letter to FBI by international experts demands criminal investigation into lockdown fraud
Posted by: K. Winters|January 14, 2021

Since the Coronavirus first appeared in the United States, and began taking the lives of many, a topic of contention had been the lockdowns that came as a result. 

While some feel as though the lockdowns were necessary to “flatten the curve” or “slow the spread”, others feel the lockdowns are a heinous infringement on our fundamental rights as Americans. 

While there has been some scientific evidence to support the fact that social distancing and the wearing of masks is slowing the spread of the novel virus, the overall accuracy of the evidence can be questioned. 

Now, a group of eminent international experts, including medical, legal and military professionals, published an open letter addressed to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, setting out a scientific and legal argument for pursuing a full criminal investigation of the China Communist Party’s role in the COVID19 pandemic, Principia Scientific International reported.

The letter, which can be fully accessed here, starts off by stating that a the group is requesting a formal investigation be opened into the major policy decisions that were made in regards to lockdowns, and the scientific evidence those decisions were based on. 

The letter then goes on to state their reasoning for the request, saying:

“In the course of our work, we have identified issues of a potentially criminal nature and believe this investigation necessary to ensure the interests of the public have been properly represented by those promoting certain pandemic policies.”

The letter then goes on to discuss the topics in which they will cover, including historical and scientific evidence, along with past practice and historical handlings of pandemics, saying:

“This letter is meant to call the attention of federal authorities in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States (the “Nations”) to multiple points of evidence about the origin and historical precedent of lockdowns; the scientific literature and debate behind them; the provenance and quality of predominant COVID-19 testing protocols and models; the motivations, biases, and qualifications of certain prominent lockdown supporters; and the source of public-facing communications surrounding these policies”

The first point of interest that the letter covers, is the fact that The World Health Organization allegedly encouraged lockdowns based on an order that The General Secretary Of The Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping gave.

The group believes that the lockdown orders were given without any significant evidence or merit. 

When discussing the link to the commonly made comparison between the Spanish Flu and the Coronavirus, the group cited historical evidence, via a ruling that came down from Judge William S. Stickman, in the case of Cnty. of Butler v. Wolf.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good that they’re doing that.

The increasingly NaZi government here is discussing a COMPLETE lockdown, with public transportation (commuter trains, for one) being shut down entirely, and folks being forced to work from home.

Boy, oh boy are those construction workers gonna need long arms.

In addition to that, everything short of grocery stores and gas stations would be closed.

Maybe Merde-Kuh wants to starve us to death…..

They claim that they need this until the rate of “new cases” falls below 50 per 100,000 per week.

Yep. 0.05 PERCENT new infections; not hospitalizations, not deaths, no, infections!

Sort of like using “if 1 = 1” to control a loop…. might just as well say, “DO FOREVER”…

These globalists are from the PIT OF HELL!!!!!!!
And they can go back; immediately!!!!!!!


If “1” is a floating point number, there are ways to break the loop 😉


New York Post bans reporters from using CNN, NYT, others as sources
Last Updated Jan 14th, 2021 at 11:36 pm

The New York Post has banned its reporters and editors from using CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times for their articles.

Three New York Post journalists have said that reporters are not allowed to base their articles exclusively on any of the named outlets’ reporting. Instead, they must independently verify reporting from those outlets before writing for the Post.

The three journalists said the Post’s management did not give a reason for its decision, but added that publishing articles based on the four outlets, labeled “fake news” by President Trump, would not align with the Post’s right-leaning identity.


Oh boy … that is rich!

I can’t stop smiling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I mean, YIKES – these other outlets are LIARS and unreliable. Think about the Nick Sandmann case! It’s dangerous to listen to CNN. They’re like “prog political tabloid”.


“They’re like “prog political tabloid”.”


Or a screenwriter’s guild and actor’s studio.


“Three New York Post journalists have said that reporters are not allowed to base their articles exclusively on any of the named outlets’ reporting.”


They never should have!



“Instead, they must independently verify reporting from those outlets before writing for the Post.”


Almost sounds like actual work…


“The three journalists said the Post’s management did not give a reason for its decision,”


Well here’s one, you idiots.

If all you’re doing is reporting on what each other says, it’s just a closed Leftist hearsay loop.


And these clowns actually get paid enough to make a living at urinalism…

Deplorable Patriot

In journalism, it is pretty standard practice to attribute information to another publication.

The NYT even has a wire service.

If the NY Post is doing this, they either got burned or there’s some information in the wind we haven’t heard yet.


Attribute information is fine, as it should be. Publishing or stating the information gives it credence. All too commonly the information is at best deceptive or an outright lie.

Journolists need to rediscover INTEGRITY.

NY Post is simply doing what all them asshoes should have been doing over the years, decades…


Journolists verifying information is a baby step in countering Nanzi’s “smear”.


“independently verify”…what a novel concept /s

Deplorable Patriot

Usually, you need multiple sources before an editor will allow a piece to be published if it’s controversial.


sounds like good journalism to me…

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…something’s going on. They must have caught wind of some scuttlebutt.

Valerie Curren

claims to be only livestream from Jan 6


In Secret Recording, Twitter CEO Promises Political Censorship Will Be ‘Much Bigger’ Than Just Trump’s Account
JANUARY 14, 2021 By Jordan Davidson

In a secret recording from Jan. 8, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that the big tech company is exploring a long-term political censorship campaign to purge and ban users the company deems unacceptable.

“The focus is certainly on this account, and how it ties to real-world violence, but also we need to think much longer-term around how these dynamics play out over time,” Dorsey said, referring in context to President Donald Trump’s account. “I don’t believe this is going away any time soon.”

In the short video, obtained and published by Project Veritas, Dorsey reportedly addressed his employees about the Silicon Valley giant’s efforts to censor, ban, and de-platform certain users such as President Donald Trump and other conservatives. In the recording, Dorsey pledged to expand Twitter’s purge in the days following President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

“We know we are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, the next few weeks, going on beyond inauguration,” Dorsey said. “We have to expect that. We have to be ready for that.”

In addition to banning the sitting president and removing more than 70,000 accounts that Twitter claimed were linked to or amplified QAnon (sic) conspiracy theories, Dorsey said the heads of the company are exploring banning more users.

“The moves that we’re making today, around, you know, QAnon (sic), for instance, is one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and going deeper on,” Dorsey said. “The team has a lot of work and a lot of focus on this particular issue, but we also need to give them the space and the support to focus on the much bigger picture because it is, it is not going away.

“The U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing up every single day. And our role is to protect the integrity of that conversation and do what we can to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that,” Dorsey concluded.


…Political Censorship Will Be ‘Much Bigger’ Than Just Trump’s Account

Pres. Trump’s account is enough. Why single out one account? Who does he think he is, to keep the POTUS from communicating with the people?


“Who does he think he is,”


That’s Jack, future federal prison inmate #09536742 👍


He’s just following the orders that obama told him and the others to do.

EU might come down on him and FB but it won’t matter.

SCOTUS will put out a milk toast statement after they hear the case in Spring and say something like, “yeah. it was stolen. Too late now though”.


“SCOTUS will put out a milk toast statement after they hear the case in Spring and say something like, “yeah. it was stolen. Too late now though”.”


4 out of 9 injustices should be in GITMO (maybe 7 out of 9) soon, so SCROTUM won’t be a factor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No way.

#09536742 is Vinny the Torch.

He’ll be #09536743.

Gail Combs

His future cell mate is Big Bubba
comment image


Even PeeWee Herman would be a threat to Jackie.


And after this, they are whinging about losing followers, visual area, income and stock valuation?

Couldn’t happen to someone more deserving….

Deplorable Patriot

In addition to banning the sitting president and removing more than 70,000 accounts that Twitter claimed were linked to or amplified QAnon (sic) conspiracy theories, Dorsey said the heads of the company are exploring banning more users.

Would they be banning it if it wasn’t true?

Valerie Curren

All 3 reports available at

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All these drops justify STOPPING THE STEAL right now.

Insurrection Act?

Valerie Curren

That would be amazing. How can a fraudulent POTUS be allowed to assume the Office?

Gail Combs

How can a fraudulent POTUS VICEROY APPOINTED BY A FOREIGN COUNTRY be allowed to assume the Office?

There, corrected it for you.

Valerie Curren

Much improved!


Beijing Biden has NOT, NOR will ever earn the title in your post.

Will NEVER use it with his name.

Valerie Curren

Agreed. I never called aka BHO the P word but usually referred to him as The Usurper!


Let the bitch lose!

Hey, you started it! Profanity makes me feel better.

Last edited 4 years ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, I need some cheer-up now. She’ll lose even bigger if they let the crime happen. The HELL born of the BIDEN CRIME will mete out justice for us.

I will never, ever “unify” with the Soviet LIES and TREASON of a Biden government. Go ahead and install your Adderall Hitler, Joint Chiefs. I will NEVER bow to him! EVER.

Valerie Curren



Downloaded. These reports are keepers.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


comment image
John Trumpfan

Lord, we know that you created the world in 6 days.
If it be thy will, Deliver President Trump within the next 6 days.
Thy Timing is Perfect.
Please grant us a Red Sea Deliverance.
In thy mercy, save our Republic.
Be glorified, magnified & exalted, in Jesus name, Amen.



Valerie Curren

cancelling cultural creations
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump has everything he needs, IMO.

This crap cannot go on.

Valerie Curren


James Wanchik

Lt. Gen. McInerney is right. WWIII.

Valerie Curren

Yep…attempted Commie Revolution, western style 🙁


comment image




Here’s John Sullivan instructing rioters how to.. er.. riot via livestream. He also mentions himself by name like a complete retard, which is super helpful. Thanks John!

[video src="" /]


John Sullivan goes by JaydenX online.


Voted the funniest line on British TV, from Dad’s Army:

German interrogator: “What is your name?”
Captain Mainerling: “Don’t answer that, Pike!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Spike Milligan i credited with writing the world’s funniest joke, as established by a study carried out at the University of Hertfordshire by Professor Richard Wiseman in 2001. [ ]

Taken from an early Goons episode of 1951, the gag centred around a man telephoning for help after discovering a body. It plays out as follows:

Michael Bentine: “I just came in and found him lying on the carpet there.”

Peter Sellers: “Oh, is he dead?”

Bentine: “I think so.”

Sellers: “Hadn’t you better make sure?”

Bentine: “All right. Just a minute.”

Sound of two gun shots.

Bentine: “He’s dead.”

And, speaking of Germans (yet trying to not think of Merde-Kuh):

Angela Merkel arrives in Greece, and passes through border control.

Imm: Name?
Merk: Angela Merkel
Imm: Nationality?
Merk: German
Imm: Occupation?
Merk: No, I am only here for a few days…..


LOL … well, as long as it is established by a study


DECLAS has begun.

A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.

John Solomon gives a 9-minute audio report at the link.

When I think about the trouble that could have been avoided if the truth had been known earlier, I wonder why it took so long to get this out. Solomon says it is a foot-high trove of docs that will be released today (Friday) or Monday. He thinks it will take several weeks to get through it. I don’t understand the timing of the release.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did Wray hide this stuff?


It looks like it. I remember Pres. Trump authorizing declassification, and then I think AG Barr did as well. I can’t point the finger because I don’t know exactly how it works or how it went down, but why didn’t Barr follow through and get the info out? For that matter, Pres. Trump could have made demands as well. I’m wondering if it was saved until now for a reason. It’s just so last-minute. I hope there is even more incriminating material in there, implicating all the suspects we have come to know and loathe.


Think of it this way: at a restaurant, the appetizer comes just before the main course.

Deplorable Patriot

Did Wray hide this stuff?

Probably, but that may well have been part of the plan. Release it too early, like the Republicans did Sarah Palin, and it will fizzle.

Release it in the middle of the events that catch people’s attention as one thing in a laundry list of revelations, and it will have more impact once the adrenaline is running.

Remember, the foot had to be in the door to get the normies to ACCEPT that what they’ve been told over the years is one lie after another. Would the people have believed it without the media running interference? Hillary’s emails may well be the least of what we’re about to see DECLAS wise.

The NY Post no longer using CNN and the NYT as sources is bigger than you can imagine. I walk through this ‘hood in the morning, and in front of EVERY house with a BLM sign in the yard is a print edition of the NYT. The van goes through here at about 5am. WE don’t have any use for the Chinese News Network or the fire-starter old gray lady, but there are those that do.

Both organs are in the process of being discredited BIG TIME to their own readers. That cannot be emphasized enough. Not all will accept it. That is their problem. But many others are going to want to forget they ever supported any of it in the first place.

Gail Combs


Nov 20 2019


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7358318 comment image

Nov 20 2019 12:24:02 (EST) image

What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?

What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [FAKE NEWS] coordination w: [D] party to conceal, shelter, and protect those criminally responsible?

Define ‘Projection’.





Jul 18 2019

What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

What happens when the FAKE NEWS MEDIA can no longer control the narrative (when disinformation is no longer swallowed and/or accepted as auto-truth)?




Mar 25 2019






Mar 6 20192982







thanks for bringing these back here Gail!

Gail Combs

Wolfie doesn’t want us to give the Opposition ideas so I thought I would just post 𝑸 and drive them nutz!

Gail Combs

Q – Crumb

Jan 13 2018


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.17 comment image

Jan 13 2018 23:16:59 (EST)


MSM coming – BIG WAY.

We see all.

We hear all.


CONSPIRACY push coming.











I read the Post everyday and it is a reliable purveyor of every Phony Narrative fabricated by the soviet media. It goes out of its way to print dramatic stories every day supporting one phony narrative or another.

The Post editorials are better, sometimes great, but always too little too late, except for the constant pointed criticism of Cuomo.

The Hunter Biden reveal almost stunned me because it was an objectively pro-Trump disclosure in the news pages.

The new policy, if it is true, is one of those very, very rare circumstances where honesty and integrity play a role.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China News Network! LOL!


Well then, Mike Adams’ podcast, citing the opinion of experts like Gen Flynn etc, opines that the military are in charge right now, and will investigate….then when all has been exposed, PDJT will be shown to be the duly elected president and reinstalled around April 30….that’s a long time away PD


I really don’t think this uncertainty can be allowed to go on for another two months, especially after the disaster of “covid19” for a year now. Q said something to the effect that it would be clean and swift.

Gail Combs

Remember the Presidential Order of Succession.

James Wanchik

The timing is because the. Military does not need this information to make its move. Bringing it earlier would have prevented the events necessary to bring us to the precipice…which allowed maximum exposure of enemies of the Republic.

Just my speculation.


“Timing is everything”- Q


Exactly correct. No speculation necessary.


Solomon has been singularly unreliable for a long time.


John Sullivan/JaydenX…did a commercial for Uber in 2016:

Found ^^this^^ in a comment on Gab, which also mentions that Sullivan has several online aliases, accounts and websites.
Including one that he calls “riot porn”.


How to Ruin Your Life, by someone who once had a lot going for him


Wonder if he ever went to college?


That man has been MK’ed.



Why ?
Maybe so the traitors can’t flee USA
US borders with Canada, Mexico to remain closed through Feb. 21

US borders with Canada, Mexico to remain closed through Feb. 21
DHS announced the U.S., Canada and Mexico have agreed to keep land borders closed through at least Feb. 21.


“Maybe so the traitors can’t flee USA”

Or maybe to keep out ChiCom operatives or Cabal operatives from flooding in to cause chaos.

James Wanchik

I’ll take C…All the above…for the win!🤣


“US borders with Canada, Mexico to remain closed through Feb. 21”


…of the year 2525…


I read a blurb yesterday that said that the identity of the shooter who shot the woman at the Capitol Bldg. has not been released yet.

But the way that it was worded…made me wonder if they are still looking for the guy.

Anyone else see that?
I can’t remember now where I saw it.

The shooter was supposedly law enforcement of some sort…like Capitol Hill PD.
But at this point, I’m wondering if he was Antifuh.


He was BLM.


Doesn’t surprise me.

The first clue was the way the cop bending over the wounded woman, raised up and made hand signals & a thumbs up to the shooter.

Gail Combs

Yeah, and the cop with the rifle next to her also made a thumbs up.

IF they still play two looks at the murder WATCH THE COPS AND FURRY HAT!!

The interview with Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha shows:
(From memory)
1. She IDs ‘Furry Hat’ as the guy who takes the hand-off of a helmet that he uses to break the window. (Notice the 4 cops in front of the door move to the wall to ALLOW ‘Furry Hat’ to break the window.)

2. A Second guy with a stick clears out the broken glass.

3. Woman climbs up into window and is shot. — Other videos show her being lifted and NO BLOOD ON TILES! Those videos also show the cops against wall with rifles right after that.

4. ‘Furry Hat’ then calmly walks past all those cops next to the wall, stops just behind them and changes his clothes/appearance.


VIDEO taken EARLIER in time:

It shows the face of ‘Furry Hat’ AND it shows him calmly walking from BEHIND THE COPS, stopping to talk to them , pat on back? as he walks TO the window before breaking it.

Anatomy of a Potential Agent Provocateur


Thanks, Gail.
Yeah…it’s all very fishy isn’t it!

Gail Combs


She was in Intel. too



Yeah, but the FIRST videos that came out showed the woman STANDING DOWN ON THE FLOOR when she was shot.

I saw them. She WAS NOT up in the window.


Wow. 😳 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brazil has a real communist problem, too. Dilma Rouseff, the “Obama of Brazil”, was a commie radical.

All making sense now.


Has anyone verified the authenticity of the Facebook account? Could be a photoshopped screen shot. Also, I don’t think the bracelets match. Just my opinion.

But the shooter wearing a bracelet is interesting. Remember the CERN photo with the bracelet?


Same news as was posted a day or two ago….I forget by whom…

…of which I said was “shockingly unshocking”.


I’ve mentioned this before, but “thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” is not unnecessary duplication.

A shepherd’s staff leads the way and designates territory. When a shepherd plants his staff, he designates anything within sight of it as safe pasture.

A shepherd’s rod determines individual behavior — it’ll stop a sheep from passing a gate and encourage another. It can drive a wayward sheep back to safe pasture. It can police limited resources like water.

The Psalmist knows whereof he speaks….The Lord provides a framework under which we may be blessed, and also individual incentives and goads toward rightful living.


OK, for anyone following the continuing saga of cthulhu’s sink….I got around to the back side to start disconnecting stuff.

The faucet underneath the deck was corroded and stiff, and wet — even after having the water shut-off for hours.

I’m going to be tearing everything out back to the stop valves, and maybe repacking those. You can imagine my excitement.

Last edited 4 years ago by cthulhu

Be still my heart! 🙃


As an inveterate do-it-yourselfer, I feel your pain, dude.


Can we laugh? At least at the profane parts?


Yes! I am following! Welcome relief from the War. Plus have very old house. But all plumbing replaced thankfully (by a plumber). Hang in there!


From Gab.

For a meme-maker, it was just too hard to resist making this one:
comment image


I love it!


The look on this guy’s face- sudden enlightenment: yes, dude, A. you’ve been played B. actions have consequences C. you’ll never be lonely again.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s epic!!!

And, playing softly in the background, the Carpenters singing “Close To You” 😆

(Why does Joe, suddenly appear, every time, you are near….)…


What a wonderful post on so many levels, GT!

Once again, you’ve covered another one of my favourite liqueurs: Frangelico. Many thanks.


hiya churchmouse!
how’s everything with you??


Hello, Pat!

Everything’s fine, thanks for asking!

Here in Blighty, we’ve been in Double Secret Lockdown again since before Christmas, probably until the latter part of February.

However, vaccines here in England are rolling out at record pace — the highest in Europe (heh, heh, EU). Scotland and Wales, having socialist devolved governments, are a bit behind for whatever reason, yet, even they cannot hold down the UK’s top placement for vaccine rollout on the Continent.

Our new status as an independent sovereign state outside the EU is going well. The biggest sticking point seems to be in Northern Ireland, which has to abide by EU rules when trading with Ireland and UK rules for the mainland. It has been reported that their supermarket shelves were empty, yet many other reports, including from Remainers, said that there were no shortages.

According to the UK government, those problems were expected and are being sorted out.

Where I live, we had our first snowfall of the year, which will probably melt by the end of the day.

Have a good weekend!


thanks for the update!
you have a good weekend too!
stay safe!!


Thank you!

I’m holed up at home. We’re only supposed to go out for essentials. For me, that means twice a week and very briefly.


we’ve got ice and crap on our driveway making it feel like an olympic luge track. we go out once a week for our mail and groceries…it’s an annual winter thing here…

stay safe!!!


‘we’ve got ice and crap on our driveway making it feel like an Olympic luge track’: Ugh. I remember US winters well.

It was a bit like that in the north of England earlier this week. The papers had a photo of a huge double decker bus that swerved across two lanes of a highway. Fortunately, there was no traffic. Bus, driver and passengers were okay, but it was dramatic.

I’m south, in God’s country (as I call it), where the weather is overall, much better.


good for you!


We need a UK Update, Church!!! Please – Thanks!!! – God Bless You!!!


God bless you too, Duchess!!

For an update, you can see my reply immediately above to Pat, reproduced below:

‘Here in Blighty, we’ve been in Double Secret Lockdown again since before Christmas, probably until the latter part of February.

‘However, vaccines here in England are rolling out at record pace — the highest in Europe (heh, heh, EU). Scotland and Wales, having socialist devolved governments, are a bit behind for whatever reason, yet, even they cannot hold down the UK’s top placement for vaccine rollout on the Continent.

‘Our new status as an independent sovereign state outside the EU is going well. The biggest sticking point seems to be in Northern Ireland, which has to abide by EU rules when trading with Ireland and UK rules for the mainland. It has been reported that their supermarket shelves were empty, yet many other reports, including from Remainers, said that there were no shortages.

‘According to the UK government, those problems were expected and are being sorted out.

‘Where I live, we had our first snowfall of the year, which will probably melt by the end of the day.’

Thanks for asking.

Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse

Thanks so much, Church!!! Sounds exciting!!! Hoping and praying everything works out for the good of all in the UK!!!

God Bless and Keep You Safe Always!!!


Thank you very much!

Now all that remains is to get Boris to change his ways on coronavirus lockdowns.


I hope and pray Boris will start making his own decisions soon – rather than going along with what others are doing – and listening to the wrong people – Lockdowns don’t work!!!




I just came across this. It’s a lot of stuff, reams of it, you will already know most, but it’s all together in one place. Very handy, providing things like the videos remain available, but there’s also PDF’s which are downloadable.


A good resource!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bad news. The movers showed up.

Movers seen at White House week ahead of Biden arrival

By Ebony Bowden

January 13, 2021 | 4:40pm | Updated

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joint Chiefs of Staff warns US troops not to join ‘sedition and insurrection’

By Lee Brown

January 13, 2021 | 1:12pm | Updated

Just read it. People like me are the bad guys. What I did was not peaceful protest, it was somehow magically “sedition” or “insurrection”.

Just read this Orwellian bargaining:

“The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection.”

Well, leaving aside “speech violence”, we know what violence is. But what are sedition and insurrection?

Sedition and insurrection are like hate crime or “harmful speech” – they’re whatever the media says they are.

Whatever. I’m going to sleep.


wait…violence is NOT ALLOWED in free speech? what about the damned riots in Portland? shootings, fires? beatings?
that sounds like violence to me…and it was ALLOWED ALL OVER AMERICA if done in the name of blm or anitfa…
storming government buildings in the west…ok.
storming government buildings in the east…bad


Go buy some antifa gear and join the fun.

The real antifa will be in MAGA gear and will try to stop and they’ll get arrested and you will be released.

Law is so screwed up right now that it just might happen?


where can I buy a viking hat?
asking for a friend

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Insurrection is decided by the media.

JW in Germany

If We the People let them decide it…their claims may become self-fulfilling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m just resigned to a Biden administration. Whatever. If this crime against humanity is not punished here, it will be punished elsewhere.

If we believe Christ, then we have to be better than this world. Let the traitors win.


I have lost all respect for the Joint Chiefs. Maybe they spent too much time as kids with rolled joints, IYKWIM.

I have lost all respect for Congress. Obviously they spent their formative years being excused and exempt from discipline and responsibility.

I have lost all respect for our Courts. Their formative years were spent hedging, arguing, weaseling their permissive parents.

I have lost all respect for our media. They have been trained in false narrative invention and fomentation – aka information warfare.

I have lost all respect for the electoral process and all confidence in our elections. It is obvious that anything goes as far as manipulation, fake ballots, ineligible, fake and dead voters – and all hell breaks loose when any of this is questioned. I may never vote again.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

As far as I know the Joint Chiefs all serve at the President’s pleasure. Can you say “BUH_BYE”?


I am right there with you.

If this isn’t fixed NOW, I am OUT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I’m re-doing that Breitbart video.

“You want to call us violent? You want to call us seditious? You want to call us insurrectionists?



The trick is how. That is not up to me. That is up to WE THE PEOPLE.


^^^ 100% ^^^

Can we add in government employees at all levels.

  • SES, GS…on down into state and county.
  • IRS, ATF, Dodge, FIB, CDC, FDA…
  • Election officials…

Anymore, I simply trust NONE of them asshoes.

Our entire system has proven themselves corrupt. corrupt on steroids.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Amen to that KK!!!


One thing I noticed, though, was that the General in charge of the Marines was in the picture of the Joint Chiefs, and he’s the one who gave Nancy Hell when she was ordering him do something. He said he only answers to President Trump.


That’s good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I still believe in the flag when held by an honest patriot. There’s always that.


dog in a wheelchair video…
I know, refresh…


we were scrutinizing box sizes yesterday…
most looked like file box sized boxes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re normal-sized moving boxes in that picture. Not the big loose clothes ones, but the smaller standard ones. I have a whole stack of ’em.


perhaps they are preparing in case there’s an insurrection–removing valuable documents, irreplaceable objects…they’re preparing for something in DC with that many troops


Didn’t Q say Pres. Trump would be safely out of the country or something to that effect? I think this moving thing is just optics.


safe on AF1?


Think so.

Gail Combs

Here is the Q crumb.

Nov 1 2017


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567928 comment image

Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.

And another Q drop I think we need.

Nov 14 2017


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: wmN+33xv No.149467638 comment image

Nov 14 2017 21:25:09 (EST)

For the coming days ahead.

Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?

Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?

Does he need money?

Does he need fame?

What does he get out of this?

Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?

Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?

Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.

Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.

Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?

Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech?

When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech?

What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash?

At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?

What about voting machines?

Who owns the voting machines?

What about voter ID laws?

Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.


Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?

What does ‘red line’ mean?

Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?

What strings were immediately cut?

Follow the money.

When does a bird sing?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He has to move no matter what.


Oh my!


Roger Stone’s Wife Hospitalized After Being Attacked By Leftist Goon While Walking Her Dog

Roger Stone’s wife was attacked by a leftist goon while walking her dog in her neighborhood on Thursday.

Nydia Stone was attacked so viciously that she was hospitalized and will require surgery.


Don’t miss Sylvia Avery’s post on Information Warfare!


thanks GA/FL!


Shockingly unshocking.


Thank You for posting The Prayer of Command.

a zillion Thank You’s.



Can We Fight the Deep State, the Hive Mind, That Rules Us?


It’s time to admit it now. Trump fought the Borg, and the Borg won. Not that he engaged the Deep State skillfully or systematically. He didn’t. Was it his fault? Not entirely.

Few Americans suspected exactly how systemic the rot was. Trump certainly didn’t. Or else he would have responded to the Russia collusion hoax by disbanding the FBI. Then building a new agency from scratch, with lawmen from small towns in the South. Chuck Schumer warned Trump that the Deep State would have its revenge, and so it did.


nah, I am not accepting the borg or whoever won…

POTUS reawakened the American spirit…American pride…
it may be in its infant stage right now…but look at the hundreds of thousands that showed up–I can’t stress this too much–ON A WEDNESDAY IN WINTER–that was unthinkable 4 years ago. we were headed down a dreary, hopeless path…and now we are righting ourselves.

we are growing stronger…the more they try to tighten their grip, the more of us will slip away…


Me either. No doom-fagging for me. Think I got that right.

Gail Combs

Doompooning too.


Thank you, Pat!

That’s right…the Borg hasn’t won jack squat!
comment image


haha…SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“nah, I am not accepting the borg or whoever won…”

This is all a series of skirmishes, in a WAR on evil, corruption…

I wll NEVER serrender or concede to the bastards.

Just as Beijing Biden will always be Beijing Biden, Pedo Joe, Dementia Joe…

NEVER EVER will Joe have an “honorific” title in my lexicon.

On a good day, Pedo Joe may rise to scum sucking POS.

Gail Combs

I call him VICEROY Joe.

What is a Viceroy?


vahys-roi ]SHOW IPA


a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign:

He was NOT ELECTED he was APPOINTED by Xi to RULE the USA, and you know what happened to the last Viceroys/Governors of Foreign powers.


^^^ Fitting.

Such an embarrassment on America.




it’s a good article, opinion piece, and points out some TRUTHS.

bureaucracy obeys

it is defeatist a bit, for all those against the doombottery or whatever it’s called…

doom & gloom crowd…

so if you can just ignore the defeatism, it’s an intelligent piece.


….to all but Q followers.

DP hit the nail on the head (below).

Deplorable Patriot

Few Americans suspected exactly how systemic the rot was. Trump certainly didn’t. 

Trump knew and he knew like few other people did. He rubbed elbows with the cabal and their minions for DECADES before coming down the escalator. That’s why he agreed to run in the first place even if, I get the idea, that he said he would do it over 20 years before he did.

Gail Combs

Feb 16 2018


!UW.yye1fxo ID: 732b35 No.402538 

Feb 16 2018 20:05:17 (EST)

Clown Agency>No Such Agency.

𝗥𝗜𝗣 𝗝𝗙𝗞 – 𝘄𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱.

Pyramid will collapse.

Think shell.


Apr 19 2018


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 No.1105360 

Apr 19 2018 17:09:22 (EST)



Push to DIVIDE is strong.

Think pre vs post 2016 election.




We, the PEOPLE.



Apr 8 2018


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a0205a No.952914 

Apr 8 2018 13:15:14 (EST)



Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.



This is stupid. Is the ‘systemic’ DS going to just passively watch one of its assets being dismembered?

I detest hypocritical fantasies.


Have any here experienced the urgent need to pray during the last couple of nights?


there’s always an urgent need to pray–for family, friends, the country…we pray every night…

Brave and Free

Every night as a matter of fact.



I’m not making myself clear.

Have been awakened from sleep feeling that you being “pressed” to pray?

I’m thinking it’s for PT, but I’m not sure?


God knows just pray. I join you.I pray each time a prayer comes to me.
Our life is a prayer 🙂


Amen goes right there, Sing!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Not during the night, but in the day, yes.


h/t chamomile from OT

A guy goes into a bar in California where there is a robot bartender.
The robot asks, “What will you have?”
The guy replies, “Whiskey.”
The robot brings back his drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “168.”
The robot continues to talk about physics, space exploration, and medical technology.
After the guy leaves, the more he thinks about it, the more curious he gets, so he decides to go back.
The robot asks, “What’s your drink?”
The guy answers, “Whiskey.”
The robot returns with his drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
The man replies,“100.”
The robot talks about Nascar, Budweiser, the Lions, and LSU.
The man finishes his drink, leaves, but is so interested in his “experiment” that he decides to try again.
He enters the bar and, as usual, the robot asks him what he want to drink.
The man replies, “Whiskey.”
The robot brings the drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”
The man answers, “35”.
The robot leans in real close and asks, “So . . . Do you folks really think you’re going to impeach Donald Trump


If Republicans don’t embrace articles of impeachment for Biden and Harris for pushing the Fine People Hoax at the same time as encouraging violent riots all summer, no one should ever vote Republican again. There would be no point to it.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 14, 2021


he stands to profit 6 ways to Sunday for the corona crud…vaccines, lockdowns forcing people out of jobs to give up their homes, properties–selling them cheap…and HE STARTED IT…he probably funded the development of the virus as well…so tired of this man!


Maybe he’ll be the first arrest!


you just made my heart flutter!



Deplorable Patriot

That thought crossed my mind.

Gail Combs

‘First Arrested’ = TEN THOUSAND OF THE ELITE???

Now that would be a jaw dropper?

Deplorable Patriot

Extrapolate that out to producing GMO food, and all the chemicals and all that.

But, if his assets are confiscated….


Please, Mr. President…Declas it all!

[video src="" /]

All of it — the elitist pedo stuff too.

Then…OOOPS! Dump the contents of the Weiner Laptop.
Uh oh.
How’d that happen.

Do it. Please. All of it!




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


comment image



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morning Duchess
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! Hope and pray all is peaceful and quiet!

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You! – Hugs!


HUGS back to you…
gonna try our banana run today in front of the incoming weather this weekend

  • Received and Appreciated *

Expecting a snow event? Didn’t you go on Wednesday? Or are you going in advance?

Sending more Angels to Assist!!!


we’ve been stocked up…only going to the little grocery store/gas station/ live bait place for milk, bread, etc if we need.
but twice a month (less if we can) we’ve been making the real runs–to restock–in case of bad weather…
today turned out to be the best day to do this…hubby is working longer hours to finsih year end reports, etc…

thank you for the Angels! always appreciated!


Good advance planning on your part – understand perfectly

Just checked the forecast – snow all around us – but – we will be spared the onslaught – less than 6″ – maybe

Thank You, Jesus!!!

Looks like the NE will get slammed – not sure of totals – weird weather pattern.


yeah…we’re hoping to get out ahead of it…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bananas again?

You look radiant!


comment image


well said!


California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock is wearing a mask that reads “This mask is as useless as our governor”

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) January 13, 2021


Cancel Us At Your Own Risk



they over-played their hand.

…and they are playing with fire.

excellent article/analysis

Gail Combs

It is time to tell American Stinker to go screw a goat.


I liked that article.




whatever…that particular article is worth reading.

Deplorable Patriot

Way too many platitudes and information that’s now out of date. In the last 12 hours the standard narrative was turned on its head.

That article was probably set to publish sometime yesterday afternoon.


There are COMMENTS on that article.


they got emails and emails complaining about their new policy, so they reverted…


Thanks, Miss Pat!


you’re welcome!


American Thinker caves
We received a lengthy letter from Dominion’s defamation lawyers explaining why they believe that their client has been the victim of defamatory statements. Have considered the full import of the letter, we have agreed to their request that we publish the following statement:
American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.
These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.
It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.



sounds just like Winston in 1984.

2+2 = 5

Gail Combs

Not weird at all.

THE GOPe is just now realizing they are hemorrhaging voters because the voters KNOW POTUS WON. Then the voters SEE the GOPe Re-BOOBs would not even LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE and sided with Chyna Joe.

Therefore the only possible way out of the mess is to DENY THE VOTER FRAUD and hope the Sheeple go back to sleep.



We should celebrate this time.

Long-hidden, duplicitous, self-serving people….who held themselves out as being anything but, including and perhaps especially as patriots….are being exposed for who they really are.

All part of the plan. 😎


Part of the Great Awakening.

Brave and Free

Just what PDJT wanted to do expose all the Rhinos hiding in the weeds. Even the newly elected ones, that the DS probably “LET ” win.

Gail Combs


You can continue to read there but be very aware of the possible POISON inside the fluff.

Now that most people think the Fake News STINKS, the Controlled Opposition has become more and more important.

Some research from 2016

 From WIKI:

Clear Channel Communications. — In 2008 it was taken private by Bain Capital, LLC and Thomas H. Lee Partners through a leveraged buyout

In 1998 it made its first move outside of the United States when it acquired the leading UK outdoor advertising company More Group plc, which was led by Roger Parry; Clear Channel went on to buy many other outdoor advertising, radio broadcasting, and live events companies around the world, which were then re-branded Clear Channel International. These included a 51% stake in Clear Media Ltd. in China.”


Who owns Clear Channel?

July 2008 – Bain, together with Thomas H. Lee Partners, acquired Clear Channel Communications

Bain Capital is a global investment firm. “Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by partners Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss, Romney initially had the titles of president. He was also the sole shareholder of the firm. Early investors included members of elite Salvadoran families and other wealthy Latin Americans invested $9 million primarily through offshore companies registered in Panama.”

I’d add that Mitt Romney’s partner in Bain Capital T. Coleman Andrews, III attempted to run for Lt. Gov of VA (but family issues caused him to drop out) and John Hager won and John Hager’s son married Jenna Bush daughter of George W. Bush. They’re all in bed together literally and figuratively.

 𝗕𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 — 𝗠𝗶𝘁𝘁 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗻𝗲𝘆’𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆:

AMC Theaters, Brookstore, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Canada Goose, Domino’s Pizza, Double Click, Dunkin’ Donuts, D & M Holdings, iHeart media, Sealy, Hospital Corporation of America, Guitar Center, Sport Authority, Staples, Toys “R” us, Warner Music Group, Fingerhut, The Weather Channel, Apple Leisure Group, including Apple Vacation and A M Resorts.

The biggest radio broadcaster in the US with nearly 850 radio stations, iHeartMedia, formerly called Clear Channel Communications – which was acquired by private equity firms Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners in a leveraged buyout…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they want our money, but I think they went along the last four years just to stay in power thinking they would eek out of the Trump years alive politically.

When XVII said trust no one…my guess is the VAST majority of the GOPe had NO CLUE what POTUS actually had in store. They did try to slow roll his agenda, and went along with the stop in the last year.

And they’re about to pay the price.


Andvthey should.bit should be such a yuge steep price that no one EVER EVER becomes this way or does these things again.
If many traditional businesses and institutions ofvthe gooe and dimms go its ok…including the CoC.

Gail Combs

I am not surprised at all. American Stinker helped get me kicked off DISCUS and Google when I supported Candidate Trump in 2015/2016.

They are GOPe.

Deplorable Patriot


Steve in Lewes

Funny this comes out now since for some reason they stopped their comment yesterday. Their reason makes no sense to me.

And now this dumb statement today:

Which if you go there to read, is accepting comments..they have lost it and the comments are not kind to AT.

Per Gail – American Stinker is spot on!




I guess I have a useless bookmark now.
Normally you could go there, find a story that matches what you wish to address and address it. That was the only reason to go. With that gone, they are gone.

Deplorable Patriot

AT caved a long time ago.

Sad, but they did what they thought they had to to survive.


AFAIK: Kamalass has not resigned her Senate seat- what’s up with that?


hedging her bets…


this too

Deplorable Patriot

I’m gonna go with Pat on this one.


I have a THEORY on this. See, is there not some odd law, rule, whatewver, that protects SITTING Congress critters from being charged with a crime during a session?

I believe there is. Were Kamalah (misspelled on purpose) to RESIGN BEFORE inaugurated (via fraud) she would be a CITIZEN, not a Senator, and therefore would ANSWER for her crimes QUICKER.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There might be such a rule, but I doubt it.

Rostenkowski was arrested for post office fraud while still in office, and the arrest wasn’t even enough to get him booted out of office (though he lost his committee assignments), In fact, he damn near got reelected even though he was under indictment.


I read it somewhere, just cannot remember where. Supposedly they are protected WHILE in session.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that would make some sense, they busted Rosty off the floor if memory serves.



A senate seat offers legal and media protection not afforded to a private citizen. Like 99.9% of all leftists, she is a conniving, sniveling coward with a giant mouth.


”legal and media protection”
ergo, 87 year old Diane declaring for another run at her Senate seat…good lord. 🙄


BINGO, sorry FGC did not see your post before I posted, but you are exactly right!

Steve in Lewes

Keeps her gravy train intact. Food for dogs!

comment image


To vote for impeachment conviction….and hedging

….realsauce, same as the new Sauce

Last edited 4 years ago by realsauce

Meet the new Sauce, same as the old Sauce.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My guess? Why give up the income before she has to?


They are paid monthly, she ALREADY got her pay for Jan.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, one thing is for certain.

At a godzillion dollars a year, Senators certainly aren’t paid weakly.

😀 😀


LOL, nor is humility or self awareness their strong points!


setting the table…

Biden’s Inauguration Rehearsal Postponed…Security Concerns…

dark side link…


FBI director Wray saying that FBI is looking into individuals who could possibly threaten the safety of the inauguration.

was scheduled for Sunday…now moved to Monday.


move cameltoe in early you mean? and blame Trump supporters?


the recent Capitol false flag set the stage


same thing has crossed my mind…very same thing…

2 birds, one stone…



”Assassinate” Biden to have Kamala…who we all know they really want…but blame the murder on Trump supporters?

And set up the narrative beforehand?

That is entirely in keeping with these people’s modus operandi.


Yeah, that’s already happening and Q supporters are at the top of the list.
Hour and half hour spots on the radio keep reminding me. Message is clear. Q people have got to go.
Doesn’t matter that Q is peaceful movement.
They research and thus they have to go.

Deplorable Patriot

And if XVII and the supporters were so deluded, and not seeking out truth, why would we be?


And THIS is the scariest scenario I have read all year.

God help us all.


If such would happen (Bidden going bye bye) it would likely not be an end point.


UMMM, ONE small problem. Biden has to BE inaugurated FIRST. Assassinating BEFORE he takes the oath means there is NO President.


cameltoe gets sworn in first tho…


Does she now…WINK.


half an hour iirc…


You did not get it. How about this…WILL SHE?


oh sorry…I meant historically, the vp is sworn in half an hour before the President…

here’s a question…does she HAVE TO resign her senate seat before being sworn in as VP–cuz then there will be a moment of vulnerability–one chance–like the Death Star in Star Wars…LOL


I will have to look, but I would guess YES, she cannot BE both the President of the Senate AND a Senator. That would be TWO votes


so that might be a good TRIGGER point…LOL



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She’d have to quit the senate for sure if she’s installed as either VEEP or POTUS. She probably plans to resign just before being sworn in.


Question…WHY? Going through recent precedent, it seems like MOST, resigned at the latest on the 9th. WHY so late? WHY “wait”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damn if I know.

I know I do NOT consider this evidence that she knows she will never be Veep.

Anything, at this point, that could abort her inauguration would be enough to lose the senate seat too, so she’s not hanging on to it “just in case.”


I know we do NOT know, but it is STRANGE is it not. “unprecedented”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is odd, true.


LOTS of ODD stuff, too ODD to NOT be something, it MAY not be a FIRE (yet) but there sure is a HELL of a lot of SMOKE, and Is that a fire engine I see is red, and it has a spotted dog in front.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope because the the president elect dies, the VP elect becomes president at noon Jan 20. Amendment XX, Section 3.


IF they both make it…that is. SHE would need to be inaugurated first as protocol. Question, can one BE inaugurated first if one is in custody? Asking for a friend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, if she dies too before the inauguration, then we end up with an “Acting President” off the succession list. After getting past Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tem, it’s all cabinet people, and it’d be TRUMP’s cabinet since they will not have been replaced yet.

As for whether being incarcerated disqualifies someone…well, it should, but that doesn’t mean it does.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One more thing: The 20th amendment specifically says “If… the President-Elect shall have died” and the implication would be that that’s the only way those provisions get invoked–even grave illness, going into a coma, etc., wouldn’t necessarily cause anything to happen.

On the other hand, if the oath was never administered to the POTUS elect but s/he is still breathing…what then? I don’t know.

Even if the answer is “go to the next person down” (which, as I said I don’t know), that’s not necessarily much help since they could well be administered their oath while in jail!

Now, the 12th does go on to say, if no one was selected to be president, then…but in this case Biden *has* been selected. Similarly with “qualified.” No one, though, is disputing Biden’s constitutional qualifications (e.g., he’s old enough and an NBC) though questions have been raised about Harris.

One could go on to point out that Biden’s selection is invalid because of the fraud, but then, that is legally not the case until a competent authority rules there has been fraud–that hasn’t happened, which is why so many MAGA heads have gotten acquainted with walls the past two months. But even if a miracle occurs and he’s deemed disqualified (or not to have been selected)–something which would nail Harris too–between now and Wednesday, we’d still go down the succession list, and end up with an Acting President Pelosi/Leahy/Pompeo…It wouldn’t be Trump, not until someone rules he was the real winner of the election.

At least that’s how I see it based on the 20th amendment and our current situation. Take it for what it’s worth, maybe about two hundred times what you paid for it (and you got it for free).


How ’bout they just cancel it altogether? 😁


There was more violence at Trumps inauguration also attacking Trump supporters in DC and very little protection.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1



listen to this…

Biden’s Cabinet Secrets : Marching Toward The Great Reset

from Glenn Beck..



the partnership between government and corporations…and…


more specifically..

👉 👉 Black Rock Investments



right, right…but listen to what he is actually talking about re Black Rock etc


CONTROL is what he’s talking about.


It would be nice to get some proof of this claim about ‘250K Chinese’ at our borders.

I have seen this claim before.
People keep repeating it as though it is true.
But I haven’t seen any proof yet.

It would be kind of hard for 250K Chinese to hide.
So…where are the pictures?


IF that were true; that wouldn’t be nice at all.

That would be a very bad thing.


Did I say it would be a nice thing?

No…I don’t think I did, Henry.

I said it would be nice to get some proof, some verification of whether it’s true or not.


I didn’t,make my sentence clear.

It would not be a nice thing if there were proof that they were that many Chinese across the border.


Agree, Wheatie – 2nd time I have heard/read about this possibility – same with the Insurrection Act – did he or did he not invoke? No verification – just speculation.

We are at war – and we know Sparkle Sox colludes with the Chis – we are also aware there may be bad guys in Mexico and Central America – possibly Panama, too – it is all very disconcerting – but – unproven y-t-d – remember the ISIS scare?

Pictures? None yet – but, hey – we are short of pictures on many fronts – no surprise there.

Thanks for your thoughts – most appreciated, Wheatie. God Bless!!!


Yes, really. We certainly can get pictures, and the info would not be out there.


Even if true…..and that’s one GIANT, BIG “if”…..

250,000 vs. 200 million (as such an invasion would INSTANTLY add 1/3 of all Americans to the right)??

That seems a tad overly optimistic to me.Might want to tamp down those expectations a bit.


Agree – no verification – no proof – but, hey – we are at war with them – they are everywhere – and supported by too many in Congress – sleeper cells – who knows?

Thanks for your input – keeps us grounded – FG&C

JW in Germany

Would make a great script for Red Dawn III!  😂 


Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

NO need for Chinee to mass at the border. They are hiding in LAIN sight.

More likely millions among us as students, workers with H1B visas…

Simply waiting for orders to do whatever Xi orders them to do.


Yippee, Yahoo!, Thank goodness that damn Pence on my Trump Pence hat is GONE.

Pence. SPIT!


I noticed that, Kalbo.
Haaaa.  😄 

And it is changed everywhere, too.
All of your previous posts have the red hat now.


awesome color on you kal!


Looks good! Glad you got it working.



Guessing the software simply had to “cycle” a few times to fully update the avatar.


I was just gonna say…you got the hat you wanted, finally.👍


Well, if they are reading this now: I’d like an order of mu shu pork and a pupu platter for two- no msg.


Unfortunately, Kal – I have to agree with you – I hope and pray the deployment was organized for that purpose – God Help Us!!!


anyone else thinking it’s ironic that “for congress and the incoming (cough, cough) administration (cough, cough)” there’s enough security to resemble a PRISON? guards (troops)? un-scalable barbed wire perimeter?
keeping people out? or preventing those in FROM GETTING OUT?


Praying God had blinded them, as the bible often mentions and has been referenced here many times.


FG&C you are a good guy to ask this, I thought military was not allowed to control civilian American citizens? Did I get something wrong?
The whole summer we heard the military rejected POTUS call to bring peace in cities that military cannot be diploid?
What am I missing? They discredited POTUS all the time and now it is ok to turn DC into a fortress?

Deplorable Patriot

Excellent questions.


The ULTIMATE trap…


wow…can you say the most feared man in leftist’s minds?

Democratic Congresswoman Nikema Williams introduced a bill to ban President Trump from entering the U.S. Capitol building for the rest of his life.Introduced January 13th, the concurrent resolution seeks to “direct the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the United States Capitol Police to prohibit President Donald John Trump from entering the United States Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as President.”

Since its announcement, the resolution has been referred to the House Committee on House Administration.
The 2-page bill has one section entitled “prohibits President Trumo from entering United States Capitol.”


That is about as useless as that order given that no Nazis could work for the federal government and we know the CIA followed that order.


Higher order thinking is not their strong suit.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bill of attainder?


i have no idea what that is

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s a law that singles someone out, names him by name.

The constitutions specifically prohibits that.

Of course they could go around it by *describing* Trump in such a way that only he fits the description, e.g., “Any individual who is president at the time of passage of this law is forbidden…”


oh…thanks for explaining!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Article I section 9. That also bans any ex post facto law (making something illegal retroactively).


True. But do we have a Supreme Court that will uphold the Constitution?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now there you go bringing up awkward facts.



To save his own bacon? Instigator cowards…yep usually how they roll. Cotrol over all bc of their fear….just like every dimm.


Not allowed to like or retweet now.


let’s be fair…that mall was always gonna be empty when they installed their candidate–no one wanted to see him campaigning–think they’d turn up now? and THAT would be a national EMBARRASSMENT biteme would not outlive.
the troops are there because congresspeople pee themselves when they see constituents visiting–they know what they’ve done.
as for the rest…mama always said…winners NEVER cheat and cheaters NEVER win. we’ll see…


I disagree wrt why troops are there Pat.

While it’s true the Mayor wanted the NG there, she never requested the ‘additional’ troops the Sec of Defense sent in. The enemy is intent on damaging the Capitol and the White House… Remember, they are calling for armed Marches, not just in D.C., but in every state capital.


do you believe there will big shows of armed people in the capitols?

POTUS can draw crowds–but this is not that–


They know Trump supporters will not be there, they also know we are not violent… look at all the evidence coming out that Capitol riot was staged, by Auntie Fay and BLM, etc. They are planning violence, and they will again attempt to have it appear that it is Trump Supporters. jes say’


violence against whom exactly?
who do you think the target is?
POTUS? he’s too smart to be accessible.
congress? are they even gonna be there Sunday?
the buildings themselves?


See the thread up above for a very scary theory.

They may well assassinate Biden themselves, blame it on Trump supporters, and install Camel-Uh.

Terrifying thought, but I am spreading it around now, in hopes that it may give them a second thought if we’ve already seen their plans.


makes sense hiding behind the theory that all the capitols will be targets


It’s all virtual. They could put anything on the screen. He’s “wounded” and out of commission and she slides in.

What ever it is, it’s all for naught.


the buildings themselves…


Remember, the leftist loon Mayor of DC INSISTED the troops be UNARMED. There are MOST DEFINATELY armed troops there, and NOT just NG either. It looks like a BIG TRAP to me.


Agree PRex… a BIG ONE



Working with FIB is a good way to have enough evidence removed to make the accusations meaningless in court of law.


Yes… first thing we do is… dismantle FIB…

Deplorable Patriot

If true, he’s in the same league as the unibomber.


A REVEAL that it was ANTIFA, and NOT MAGA, ALL enabled by the Dems and the MSM (setup) in the Capitol “riots” last week, and USING it to impeach a sitting President, with further attempts at the 25th, and other things like trying to limit his access to the web, TV, and the nuclear codes, would SURE sound a LOT like a Coup, might even lead to ARRESTS, and executions for TREASON.

IF they have proof that Antifa did it, and coordinated WITH the dems, it is GAME OVER. It sure sounds like they have at LEAST one cooperating witness, ALL dems arrested, ALL known or affiliated Antifa.


OH, and it SURE would then CALL for a thorough investigation of the election fraud to boot!


OOPS forgot, it also would dovetail NICELY with the SAME people involved in Russiagate,, spy gate, and shampeachment. NO ONE would deny, taken WITH evidence, that this was a SERIES of coups, by the SAME people. It would REQUIORE Capitol (misspelled on purpose) punishment for ALL involved. It would almost be DEMANDED by we the people!


Nah… Ted Kaczynski was smart. He already had all this stuff figured out and more. (yeah knows you mean you to confine it to the crime, your right!)


Oh his brother did it. Thats brave of him.

Deplorable Patriot

Just heard on Bannon’s podcast that he was formally charged in federal court.


Makes you wonder if the dropping of CNN embedded reporter vid was some sort of pay back for the charges against him. I’ve only seen the Veritas vid without explanation to it’s source (not questioning the veracity, it speaks for it self). Might be out there now or I’ve missed it.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Always thinking out the box, you are! and I’m so glad…


Just so we are clear:

Susan in NC –
“President Trump is not being impeached for “inciting an insurrection”.

He is being impeached because Democrats were caught red-handed rigging and stealing the 2020 election.”

Deplorable Patriot

Both political parties want to distract the American people away from auditing and investigating the 2020 election.


BOTH sides rigged, IMO. And I am DARN SURE the primaries in my state were. Otherwise how on earth did we get some of the losers back into office.


I’d be willing to bet Doug Collins actually beat Cockeyed Barbie in the primary too.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure of that.


She has a giant mao painting innher house…i mean obviously loyalty and morality issue.


Did not know that. Glad we are rid of her then.


And I bet she has a Confederate flag hung up in her garage, too.


I think that’s right. they did impeachment so fast–bypassing the usual procedure, why?-not because he’s leaving office and they wanted to do it before hand–they are ready to commit to pursuing this when he’s a private citizen–so what’s the rush about? distraction.


Laura Loomer Detained (and Questioned) By DHS..

at Customs…

video at the link…


Biden inauguration rehearsal postponed due to ongoing security threats


The FBI has warned about the potential for armed protests.


A rehearsal for incoming Democratic president Joe Biden’s inauguration slated for Sunday has been postponed due to security threats, according to news reports.



DC is a fortress with 20,000 troops, thousands of police…and they can’t do a rehearsal?

Just how incompetent are these asshoes running the “show”?

JW in Germany

They cannot do the rehearsal because the delivery of zip ties was late.  😎 


More likely. SOME on their side are beginning to REALIZE that this looks an awful lot like a PRISON and it would happen during THE MOST PUBLIC event, so it would HAVE to be covered.

Gail Combs

MORE Q Crumbs. I was looking through some of them and saw some of interest.

Think about that idiot, John Sullivan. He was being TRAINED as an Olympic skater. WHO would have plenty of access to him?

Breaking — FBI arrests left-wing Anarchist leader John Sullivan for inciting riot in Capitol siege…
Anarchist John Sullivan was just arrested by FBI/DOJ for inciting a riot inside the U.S. Capitol. Evidence shows him agitating the crowd and encouraging violence.

Now read these Q drops.
Jan 7 2019


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 82bacc No.4639875 comment image

Jan 7 2019 00:24:44 (EST) image

Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] ‘tangent’ agency?

Covert funding?

Animals > Humans

Humans 1988

71% avg success rate.

Targeted (mental) ‘criteria’ designated as [ , ].

Mental institutions & therapists > ‘program-specialists’…..

Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]

Hint: image

WIA military personnel targets of the program?


Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)

Something out of a movie?


The hole is deep.


Mar 3 2018832
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 85cc02 No.544304 

Mar 3 2018 23:23:13 (EST)

A demonstration was made today in front of the WH.

It showed they can control ‘innocents’.

It was a direct THREAT.

This is not a game.

The MSM is creating emotional conflict.

This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.

What you SEE is 2%.

The WAR is REAL.

These people are SICK.

Watch the news this week.



As the legacy of #BeBest comes to a close at the @WhiteHouse, we must continue to give a voice to our Nation’s children & the issues that impact their lives. It’s the values & spirit of the American people that inspired Be Best & it’s those values that will carry on its mission.

— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) January 15, 2021


Again, language that can be read different ways, for instance, FLOTUS will be initiating a new program for the second term. Be Best has been launched and now will be independent of the WH. Nowhere in this text do I see FLOTUS indicating that she is leaving the WH.


Peace Be Still – 20210115


Fishers Of Men – 20210114


Modified Special Forces Prayer in this video – Beautiful and Inspiring!!!


Storm Dispatch – 20210115-1


I hadn’t heard this new twist…

Leftist Max Blumenthal is claiming that John Sullivan/JaydenX is actually a conservative who had infiltrated BLM…to sabotage it.

Here is a thread that Blumenthal did about it:

If you prefer, you can click on this tweet and read through the thread that way:


Backwards Liberal Think

Gail Combs

Demon Rat covering  💩 .

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, and if that somehow becomes established wisdom, we can wait for the claim that he’s not a double agent, but a triple agent: Convincing Side A that he’s a double agent spying for them while pretending to be working for Side B, when in reality, he’s really working for Side B in the first place, and Side B is laughing its ass off at Side A thinking he’s a double agent for them.

We can follow that chain forever; remember the iocaine battle of wits out of Princess Bride. Clearly, I cannot drink the one in front of me; but knowing that, you may have switched the drinks, so I clearly can’t drink the one in front of you.


Fantastic comparison!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How many times are we invited to go down that Iocaine Battle of Wits road, in dealing with who is a whte/black hat questions?


In the end, we judge a tree by its fruit. Before we see the fruit we can speculate about what kind of tree it is ’till the cows come home.

Gail Combs

Unless you are very, very good at IDing.  😎 

I can ID poison ivy in the dead of winter with no leaves from several feet away. (I am very allergic to the stuff!)

We need to become ‘allergic’ to EVIL so we can ID it like I can poison ivy. Some people here have that type of ‘6th sense’


Too often, and with more questions than answers.


Smoke and mirrors. At this point only those who are gasping for a chance to be deceived will be.


Wow, the backstory. Were the kids abandoned, or is he actually related to them?


I dunno…I don’t think that was mentioned, just that the two brothers are adopted.


Hmm…an Illuminati tattoo?

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Can’t resist….


JW in Germany

Blocked in Germany…what is the video about?


Final scene, and line, from Dune (1984)…

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am reminded of a lot of people who (jokingly) called Trump the “God Emperor” (also a Dune reference) and a lot of people got very upset at that.


Rep. Greene To Submit Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

article link…


newly-elected Georgia Congresswoman, Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-GA) introducing Articles of Impeachment against Biden for abuse of power…and withholding foreign aid to Ukraine..and pressuring deal with Hunter Biden.

on January 21, 2021.

more, at the link.


Right on cue… predicted….



The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelations 13:15-17

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

The british douche stating this loves his control.


I do remember that. I know you have to get everything, unfortunately. I havent been on a plane for 12 years. Did you see that deathscare being linkedvto vaccine in Norway? The elites demand vaccine and if you die it doesn’t matter, theres always another plebe for them.


Not yet I don’t. Nor will I. Ever.

Keep my job at the cost of my soul?

The very idea is laughable.


Good for you! A job is temporary, hell is forever.


And I’m not about to take the risk.

One either believes, or does not.

There is no “try”.


Well, good then.


Honestly, how did the Brits ever achieve Empire- they are the most cuckified people on the planet.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, see, most of Europe…the people with get up and go, got up and left and ended up here.


Just now seeing this…

😂 😂

Gail Combs

What happens every time the ‘restless’ with get up and go, got up and left? The IQ and ‘get up and go’ INCREASES.

Think industrial revolution.


Q: how did the Brits ever achieve Empire?

A: They didn’t. Only their egos achieved it.

Proof of same was delivered by a rag-tag, malnourished, diseased-ridden, under-funded, under-armed, out-numbered bunch of unprofessional militias mostly made up of citizen-farmers who defeated the professional armies/navies of the then and still vastly, ridiculously overrated British.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

thank, God Wray is arresting all these white supremacists.


The guy with the beard, sounds like and looks similar to the guy at one of the earlier blm antifa protests that was durecting black guys to destroy stuff and was caught paying them. Now with extra long beard, longer hair.
I cannot find that video. On a duck duck go search for white guy paying people at blm protest, everything came up anti Trump and bad white people….

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. I put this on Wolf’s other post today. It IS the same guy. Martin Weissgerber.

Same people bankrolled the two operations.


Ok….thats great in this sense. I did not look for or see the comparison anywhere. Im good with those recognition things, just didnt say it.

JW in Germany

Knew I recognized him!


Found on Gab:
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yep, and that’s the Trump train!

Note: that meme has been posted here many times already, first by PR (I believe).

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Steve Bannon’s WAR ROOM…Friday (now)…



watch him LIVE at that link


As usual, the punditry get this exactly wrong.

Has nothing to do with COVID but rather everything to do with knowing what would be coming with Dem control of DC….


Deplorable Patriot

Not just the threat of a Biden administration, but many people quit buying Chinese junk. Amazon DID take a boycott hit. Many Americans don’t have the same level of disposable income right not. It’s probably a combination of all of the above.


Intold mr gil thisvwould happen way back in August when Christmas stuff was being put in some stores. He didnt believe me. Ill show him that today. 😎

Deplorable Patriot
JW in Germany

Is this real?

comment image


Define real……..

The image exists as a file and is displayed on our monitors, in that sense, Yes, it is real.

ABSOLUTELY nothing else about it, be it being an unaltered image or the actual message being conveyed is real for us….for some audience, I suppose it is

JW in Germany

Okay…let me rephrase. Do we know if it has been doctored?


No. By 2024 Trump will have served 8 years as POTUS and will be retiring to Mar-a-Lago.


#dennisprager #freespeech #trump
‘We’re Living in a Gigantic Lie’—Dennis Prager Talks Free Speech | American Thought Leaders



$50 million is nothing to these people.

$1 billion….per instance….


perhaps it’s 50 mil PER incidence of censorship?


HMMM. First Mexico, now Poland. I bet Japan and India come on and SA. Seems like a Trump “coalition: beginning does it not.


Hear, Hear!


Publicly talking about how to “deprogram” ie re-eductate people.

None other than one of the key people responsible for the failed “1619 Project” fabrication.

MSNBC: How Do We ‘Deprogram’ Millions of Racist, Violent Trump Supporters?
Kristine Marsh
January 12th, 2021 11:44 AM

Nikole Hannah-Jones, of the NYT’s 1619 Project, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday, to join the panel in attacking Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, as well as the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump this past election as evil racists akin to the KKK. Panelist Eugene Robinson from The Washington Post even demanded “millions” of Americans needed to be “deprogrammed.”

The disgusting segment began with co-host Joe Scarborough posing to Hannah Jones that Trump supporters were actually well-educated and wealthy Americans (such as these two Senators), and not blue collar rubes, as the narrative goes. This led to an obnoxious condescending sermon from Hannah Jones:

It has been a soothing narrative for us to believe that only disaffected people, only those who have some economic anxiety, only those who are too ignorant to know better would support somebody like Trump. I think we needed to believe that in a sense that intelligent people, powerful people, that thinking people, would know better.

She went on to say that there weren’t enough poor whites to get Trump elected and rich white Republicans had used the poor whites to stoke violence and get their agenda across. She compared Trump supporters to the Klan and Republicans in Congress to klan-condoning white citizens councils in the South during Jim Crow:

I mentioned in the tweet thread, the white citizens councils. What those councils did, those were the most economically advantaged, most powerful citizens in the South. And they kind of pulled the strings behind the scenes. They worked up lower class white Americans. They have stoked that racial divide in order to get their larger agenda. They tried to manage the violence. I think what we saw on Wednesday is what also happened in the South during Jim Crow. 

MSNBC political analyst and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson loved that gross comparison and stoked the hateful rhetoric some more, asking how they could “deprogram” the “millions” who supported the President:

It’s absolutely true the differences between the white citizens councils and the Klan back, even in the days of Jim Crow. The klan was lower income, the white citizens councils were the Josh Hawleys and Ted Cruzes of their day. Here’s the situation, though. We have — there are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. They’re–it’s as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process? [chuckling] Much less complete it?

Following this, co-host Joe Scarborough laughably claimed that tax cuts, deregulation and Trump’s economic policies actually “screwed over” working class Americans and only helped the rich.


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Ideological Critical Race Theory is an intolerant belief system that cannot abide competition or questioning.

Pumping into education, anything that is traditional is deemed WRONG THINK.


Under Minnesota law, the state’s Department of Education promulgates standards for K-12 public schools in a number of categories. The benchmarks for each category are revised by committee every ten years. This year, the Social Studies standard is being revised. The committee undertaking the revision, as you would expect in the Tim Walz administration, is hard left.

The first draft of the new standards was published for public comment a couple of weeks ago. A policy fellow at Center of the American Experiment reviewed the draft and found that it was shocking. You can see some of the details at the web site we set up to drive opposition to the proposed new benchmarks, Raise Our Standards MN. Here are some of the things that will no longer be covered in the public school curriculum:

* World War I
* World War II
* The Holocaust
* The Civil War
* The American Revolution
* Communism
* Notable Americans like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

You may ask, what in God’s name do the standards cover? The usual:

* Systemic racism in the U.S., rooted in our founding
* How freedom and democracy have included or excluded certain groups throughout our history
* Developing a “respectful awareness” of the LGBTQ+ community
* The Reconstruction period, specifically successful efforts to disenfranchise newly freed Black Americans and connecting this history to persistent discrimination and inequity in the present
* An analysis of the ideology of Manifest Destiny and its relationship to whiteness, Christianity, and capitalism

Also, there are an extraordinary number of benchmarks devoted to the history of Native Americans, who comprise between one and two percent of Minnesota’s population.

So, under the Walz administration and for years to come, school children will be kept in ignorance of our history, and taught to hate America.

Despite the short time available for public comments, thousands of normal Minnesotans registered their opposition to this hijacking of American history. More than 5,000 used Raise Our Standards MN to send a letter to the committee, objecting to these anti-American features of the draft standards. As it turned out, this represented more than 80 percent of the comments the committee received.

On Monday, the Standards Review Committee held an all-day virtual public meeting, ostensibly to discuss public feedback on the first draft of the proposed Social Studies revisions, more than 80 percent of which came from Raise Our Standards MN. As my colleague Catrin Wigfall reports, that did not happen. There was no substantive discussion of the objections raised by members of the public. Rather, there were absurd slurs directed at Center of the American Experiment. Catrin writes:

Instead of discussing the specific concerns the letter identified and the specific changes the letter suggested, Director of Academic Standards Doug Paulson dismissed the voices of real Minnesotans by labeling their concerns in the letter as “white supremacy language.” No parts of the letter were referenced or quoted to support what the supposed “white supremacy language” was.

This is a recording of the committee chairman making his absurd charge of “white supremacy”:


Another committee member, Danyika Leonard, suggested that the committee should just delete all the comments submitted by members of the public:


This is a classic of leftist bureaucratic arrogance: they undertake to promulgate a new set of benchmarks pursuant to a statute, they solicit public comments per the statutory requirement, and then ignore the public’s views and proceed with their far-left agenda. We see this pattern constantly.

The Raise Our Standards MN letter that more than 5,000 Minnesotans submitted is embedded below. As you will see, there is nothing in it that could rationally be described as “white supremacist.” That is just an ignorant epithet used by liberals who are out of ammo.

. . . MORE . . .


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What should we all do now?
January 15, 2021

Conservatives are suddenly living a political nightmare similar to the aftermath of the Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933. Following that arson on the German Parliament building, several thousand political opponents were jailed and the entire country was officially stripped of virtually every civil liberty. Those developments cemented the continued rise of Hitler and the Nazis. We all know what horrors followed.

The incident last week at the U.S. Capitol is minuscule in comparison to the extreme violence, deaths, and billions of dollars of damage brought on across America by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots. Moreover, the breach of the Capitol was clearly organized and led by Antifa types, according to eyewitnesses and counter-terrorism experts we’ve talked to personally and startling accounts we’ve read and seen.

Like the Reichstag fire, the event is being used as an excuse by government, corporations, and the media to inflame an unprecedented war against conservatives. People who even dare to question the election results are being fired from their jobs across America. Conservative groups of all stripes are being denied service by technology companies. Banks are stopping service to Trump companies and others. The media has become a non-stop propaganda machine, attacking facts they don’t like as “lies.” Biden’s people are preparing even more extreme measures, including Second Amendment challenges and even gun confiscations. The FBI is now engaged against conservatives in one of the biggest phony “investigations” of its history. And we’re seeing the total militarization of D.C. – possibly to fuel fear of “patriots.” 

The mainstream conservative and Republican reaction to all this is disturbing. The general message we’re getting has been to back off, “go gray,” and try not to attract any more attention from the hysterical Leftist mob. Don’t provoke them. Hide and hope they’ll leave you alone. The American Thinker site, for example, has announced it has turned off its comments section for that reason. Will this strategy work – or just make things worse? Unfortunately, experience shows that cowering only emboldens the mob.

And it’s worse in Washington, DC. As we’ve seen this week, Republicans in Congress are surrendering in droves, abandoning their constituents, and some even jumping on board with the Democrats. At the impeachment “debate” on Jan. 13, there was no real pushback against the narrative that “Trump supporters” were behind the Jan. 6 riots. Is that an intelligent strategy?

Where is this going, if we don’t stand up and speak out boldly? A little history is in order.

Testimony from a survivor
In 2005, our MassResistance Banquet featured Stephan Ross as the keynote speaker. Ross was a Jew born in Poland. He was a survivor of ten Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz. He was a great supporter of our organization, a personal friend of MR Director Brian Camenker, and was eager to share his wisdom.

He said that when the Nazis first came to power, people didn’t take it seriously. They thought it would “blow over.” As the situation worsened, the Jewish community was encouraged to pray about it, he said. By the time they realized how bad it was, there was nothing they could do. Ross’s entire extended family, except for a brother, was murdered by the Nazis.

He implored our group not to give up our aggressive activism. He said that the kinds of things that we were fighting at the time – violations of the constitution, graphic sex education, the LGBT agenda in the schools, “gay” marriage, abortion – were just the beginning of worse things to come. He said that if good people don’t stand up when they can, early on, the time will come when they can’t anymore.

In America we can still rise up, though it’s becoming difficult with the increasing unlawfulness, censorship, and demonization by the Left. The Left is oppressive but not murderous – yet. We must ignore our fears and charge forward, or that will surely follow.

Like Martin Luther King’s organization in Birmingham, a group of fearless people can take down a seemingly unbeatable, overwhelming combination of government, business, and media – if they refuse to give up.

Mr. Ross passed away last year. We got to know him very well, and he left an indelible mark on our psyche – and inspired us to carry on no matter the odds.

How MassResistance is reacting to this threat
Because of all this, MassResistance is compelled to expand the normal scope of our 25-year pro-family, activism to stand up to this threat. Trust us, there are a lot of very effective things that determined groups of citizens can do (which we will describe in future posts)! And we will do them! People are hungering for bold speech and principled action.

Here’s an inspiring example of courageous leadership. At least one GOP member of Congress is doing the right thing. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a former MassResistance activist, has announced that she will be filing Articles of Impeachment against Biden on Jan. 21! The point is to keep the truth alive and fight for what is right! This is how to construct the foundation for a future victory.

We invite good people to join the fight. Despite what they want you to believe, there are more of us than there are of them. As we tell our activists, when you take on the Left, you may get their vicious personal abuse, threats to your job, etc. – at least at first until they realize that we fight back. (Deep down, they are pretty much all cowards.) And a lot of your friends will also be cowards. But the alternative is much worse. And the spiritual benefits are immense. Join the real resistance!



it’s the truth.

I also posted an article about Rep. Marjorie Greene, earlier on this thread…upthread.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

VIDEO: Lefty Journalists Demand Censorship, ‘Deprogramming’ for Conservatives
Bill D’Agostino
January 14th, 2021 12:36 PM

Left-leaning TV news networks have been making some alarmingly anti-free speech proclamations, despite their own livelihoods depending on the protection of that right. Over the past week, journalists on these networks have compared conservative social media circles to ISIS terror cells, demanded a reckoning for right-leaning news sources like Fox News and OANN, and even called for the “deprogramming” of anyone who voted for Donald Trump in the most recent election.

CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy on Sunday’s Reliable Sources was particularly adamant that conservatives ought to have their speech curtailed:

There are a lot of people profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories, and I don’t really see how things get better, how we move on as a country, until this informational environment is cleaned up.

Food for thought: when Twitter banned the New York Post for breaking the now-verified story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, were they just cleaning up the informational environment?

It’s probably hard to imagine that journalists, of all people, would be advocating for censorship. Fortunately, readers need not imagine; watch the video below, and let the media explain it themselves:

On NBC’s Sunday Today, host Willie Geist remarked that according to “some,” the recent banning of conservatives for posting dubious information on Twitter was “too little too late.” ABC’s Rebecca Jarvis repeated that characterization in a report on Tuesday, adding: “Many have been calling on the tech titans to do more.”

Also on Tuesday, CNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto and media reporter Brian Stelter compared the move to banning radical Islamist groups. “ISIS is the only parallel,” Stelter stated with exaggerated concern.

After Amazon suspended Parler — a pro-free speech alternative to Twitter — from its web hosting service, CNN business reporter Donie O’Sullivan gave a series of alarmist reports about the site, in which he framed Amazon’s move as a step in the right direction. In one such segment, he complained that sites like Parler “have no rules at all, and they are just rabbit holes of misinformation and hate speech.”

At long last, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said explicitly what his colleagues only had dared to imply: conservatives needed to be re-educated. On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, Robinson opined with a smile: “There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed.” Robinson then asked of 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones, “Do you have any idea how we start that process, much less complete it?”

Members of the leftwing media have always swapped between playing reporters and activists. But now their own political advocacy is aimed at eroding the free speech that they depend on as reporters. Perhaps they figure it won’t be an issue as long as only the conservatives are silenced.


Lefty Journalists”

that’s an oxymoron, right?


Like an unnecessary repetition?


Like there are no journalists… only activitists ?

Gail Combs

URINAL-ists. They Piss all over their readers and tell them it is the truth. That is why they are called Yellow Stream Urinalist.


Yes Gail… do you think the Slime Media will be FIRST to be taken down in the days to come. I have this fantasy that it will, and something similar to what Pres Lincoln did with newspapers will occur, with the addition of Comms coming from a NEW platform…

Gail Combs

I am hoping they unseal 10,000 indictments all at one.  🤗 

Remember these things are into abusing children and worse.


Yes, I believe all will be unsealed at once… and I know it’s about the children esp., but I’m talking about the first entity to collapse. I can’t see how the ops (mostly RICO I’m sure) can be so inclusive and expansive without shutting down the megaphone of LIES…


The Fascist Left will probably just go ahead and make it illegal to be conservative.

They’re nearly there already.


In all their talking about “deprogramming” trying to figure out how to do it they never talk about:

Classical Rhetoric (ethos, pathos, logos)
The nature of Truth (vs, say, moral and epistemic relativism)
Basic Epistemology – how do we know?
Basic Metaphysics – which would undermine BLM’s CRT claims
Critical Thinking
Research Methods
Psychological Abuse Techniques / PsyOps techniques
Propaganda, Emotional Manipulation, and marketing techniques
Emphasis on timeless knowledge versus transient knowledge (Coming up Next: Stay tuned!)
Forensic Debate
Public Policy

They talk about how anyone who disagrees with them is a “cult” but they have NO IDEA how cult mind control operates
They think that independent thought is cult behavior, and that group-think is clear-headed thought
They want to be the cult priest-class who has exclusive right to tell the creation narrative (ie, that everything we know is the result of systemic racism)

Of course, the real reason they don’t talk about this is that radicalism is a competing worldview that has postured itself militantly against Western tradition (Pompeo: An idea, not a place) and reality itself.

They don’t want people to “think” – they want people to OBEY.

That’s the whole point of so-called “deprogramming” and “reeducation”.


OK, so WE will just call ourselves Trumpians. See, how that works. Ever watch the movie the last Castle? The inmates at a military prison are not permitted to salute a imprisoned officer, so they simply look like a salute, and run their hands through their hair.

“Our arrows will blot out the sun!” “Then WE will fight in the SHADE.”


Pssst: ain’t gonna happen- crazy little thing called TRUMP.


Via the Bee:

Smoke Signal For ‘RIGGED ELECTION!’ Seen Rising From White House Lawn

U.S.—With Trump cut off from his primary means of communication on Twitter, he has been forced to find creative ways to communicate with his supporters. Yesterday, people in D.C. reported seeing a column of black smoke rising from the white house lawn in a distinctive morse code pattern. The pattern was later translated to mean “RIGGED ELECTION!”

“Trump is a man of the people, and nothing will stop him from talking to them,” said Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany in a statement written on a paper towel with a marker and delivered via carrier pigeon. “He continues to believe this election was unfair and will continue to bring that message to th—” The message ended abruptly, seemingly because the Press Secretary had run out of space on the paper towel. 

Elders from the Cherokee Nation forcefully condemned Trump’s communication method as an egregious act of cultural appropriation. National Guard troops were then dispatched to confiscate Trump’s firewood and wet horse blanket and silence the President once again.

Not to be deterred, Trump has announced he will be hiring thousands of town criers to walk through towns across America shouting “RIGGED ELECTION!” 


Calls To Retire Marvel’s ‘The Punisher’ Escalate After Capitol Hill Rioters Seen Wearing Iconic Symbol


Marvel’s iconic character “The Punisher” has fallen subject to a cancel campaign after Capitol Hill rioters were seen wearing his famous skull symbol last week.


more cancel STALINISTIC of them. Hey lets just ERASE Trump…so let it be written, so let it be done…oops that did NOT work out well for Pharaoh Ramses the first OR second.


January 15, 2021 at 12:03 pm

Almost forgot……spread this around…I’ve already twatted Sd, and spread around to some others……..

This is a handy little “link tree” that one of muh rowdy friends put together of some of the stuff declassed last night.

I have already archived, even had some previously of these links, and stored off-line just in case. Also, fyi some of these auto-download to your device, some are links to other places.


forgot to say BigMama posted this at Marica’s Place


FBI Ignoring The Perps With Minds Made Up That It Is The Innocent Who Are Guilty
Judi McLeod image
By Judi McLeod —— Bio and Archives–January 15, 2021

While the Keystone Cop-like FBI continues its useless investigation into WHO was really behind last week’s Siege of the Capitol, video proof exists that it was CNN-NPR ‘Photo-Journalist’ Jade Sacker, embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan, who loudly cheered: “We did it!”

“Moments after Sullivan (camera) captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!” “You were right! We did it,” she boasts.(Gateway Pundit, Jan. 14, 2021)

Why isn’t the FBI commenting on this but instead continuing an investigation trying to blame “Trump supporters”?

Surely it’s not because having pointed the finger of blame on the hated Trump and his supporters, they’re parking their investigation right there?

Arrogant Sullivan laid out clues for the FBI, proving that anyone can dress like a Trump supporter and get away with an activist-structured insurrection:

“While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a “big # camera” at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.” (Gateway Pundit)

It worked like a charm!

We live in a world that’s been flipped upside down by a conglomerate of Democrats, Media and Intel agencies.

Problem is most of us are too busy trying to hang on without taking the time to look back.

. . . MORE . . .



Well, they have to let blm/antifa get MAGA gear for the coronation.


awesome, POTUS’s second term will HIT THE GROUND RUNNING!


From the Desk of Nikki Haley:

SUBJECT: I’m just getting started

OK you’re JUST NOW getting started?!?

Where were you when there was a fight to be won?

Oh yeah, slacking and pimping a new book.

Not standing with the President, to be sure.

You love to tell about that last meeting in the Oval Office, but you have done zip since then except be a thorn in the side of millions of Trump supporters and fundraise money to yourself and away from legitimate missions.

Yeah, we know. You’ve been PARKED on the sidelines, and now you’re just getting started to line your pockets again.

Don’t think we didn’t notice.


Help me out… didn’t she send this crap out about a new group she was forming (see upthread) in 2018… or did she send to S Carolina voters only?

This Carolina Girl has NEVAH trusted her.


The “STAND FOR AMERICA PAC” is her political donation sinkhole.


PSST, Nikki, you and your never Trumper, RINO, conservative wolves in sheep’s clothing self and your brethren needn’t BOTHER. We are ON TO YOU. You could NOT win local dog catcher now, and you will get ZERO money.


Romanian immigrant and Chicago pastor, Cristian Ionescu, talks with Joshua Phillipp/Crossroads..

explains very clearly how America is following a path to Marxism…

VIDEO at the link…


Pastor Ionesca fled Communist Romania as a religious refugee.

he knows what he is talking about.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

All people who have been exposed to communism know what it looks like.
We are being taken over and the republican lawmakers let them so is the military.

Prager said something in the video above that i appreciate, he said paraphrased, ” he has a greater understanding now why Germans and Russians did not speak up under Nazi and Stalin.”
People today are facing loss of job being conservative or having been in DC on the January 6. In communist countries they send you to reeducation cams and under Hitler Stalin even worse. Today people need their jobs and are intimidated and fear of loosing it. People today are loosing their jobs they are being doxed.
This is not going to get better. I truly believe even we who are retired will feel it do not know how but it is coming.


and it’s happening so very very fast.


This is Biblical – the Rod of God – Moses & the Red Sea 1-13-21
RedpillTheWorld Published  January 13, 2021


Groveling and pandering to blacks for disenfranchising their votes. What about our votes?


Too much political BS to distract from DECLAS.


American Thought Leaders

Video: Dennis Prager—‘This Is the Reichstag Fire, Relived’
BY JAN JEKIELEK January 14, 2021 Updated: January 14, 2021

On the heels of the breach of the U.S. Capitol, Big Tech companies have swiftly censored the President, the emerging social media platform Parler was effectively shut down, and there are growing calls for no-fly lists.

Does the assault on the Capitol warrant such a response?

“We’re living in a gigantic lie that is reminiscent of the Reichstag fire,” argues talk show host Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University.

This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek.


Valerie Curren

Vaccine passports
comment image

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Llama™ —Proudly hated by Biden-voting Latinxs


you know many countries actually require certain vaccines to enter, right?

Quote Tweetcomment image
Kathryn S
· 12h
Yeah, we’re all “conspiracy theorists”. Holy moly. Here it is …your vaccine passport. To my kids: I am so sorry

Valerie Curren



here’s the article for that…reposting the link from that tweet..


note : Rockefeller-funded Covid passports.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Smiley!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m waiting IMPATIENTLY for the black market to spring up for counterfeits. YOu know it’s coming.


Of course.

Owning the black market too is part of ROI.

Deplorable Patriot

You have a point. After all, in this state, to keep points off of your drivers license for a speeding ticket, you can pay what amounts to a bribe.


Good people won’t use the black market.

Criminals won’t have any qualms about it.

And there’s a lot that can be done with a criminal gang if you hold the levers of power (think MS-13).

“Bootleggers and Baptists” . . .


Mostly, yea.

Have never used black market in America.

Have used the black market in the Philippines. It’s a way of life there. I actually believe it is very common here in the States, we just don’t commonly see it. Politicians do it all the time. Some businessman…To get approvals or access.

IF the vaccine is madantory for access to anything, I am good with a faux vaccination certificate.

That may make be a bad person. But I’ll get over it.


That program is going to be a lot more difficult to roll out from prison than they think it will be…. 😂🤣😂

Gail Combs

Especially with NO funds to even hire a decent lawyer.

I wonder what unlucky wet behind the ears public defender is going to get saddled with Hitlery?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Your Honor, the defendant isn’t here because she was so infuriating I throttled her during our last conference.”


The horse of course 😉 


Can you say class action lawsuit? This cannot be constitutional, can it? This sounds like it’s made for Justice Roberts to sign on to.

Valerie Curren

If he can discover his constitutional conscience somewhere!


I’ll be in the market for a black market vaccination certificate.


well if one of us does come across something like that, I hope that they would report it here so that we could…ah…all avoid going there…of course…LOL



Yea, that was what I meant, so I could avoid a faux vaccination certificate.


right…and I wanna “avoid” one too…LOL

Valerie Curren



Despicable but it’s almost a worthless virtue signal effort because no action was taken seriously on the well documented fraud in 2020.
They already have the freedom to win all future elections by cheating.

Valerie Curren

If it’s allowed to stand then we are/were only living in a shadow of false freedom. God help us!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is what they have planned for the rest of the USA.

Which is why we MUST win this now. Otherwise there will BE NO 2024.


That was my point in a recent post. So the indisputable fraud info is out, and the declass. is happening. And? There is no forum where anyone is held accountable at this juncture unless Trump prevails. He stops the conveyor belt or it’s over. Unless I’m missing something, which I would love for someone to explain to me.

Not dooming — I cannot imagine him opening this nasty manhole cover and then walking away knowing the consequences.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t see it as dooming to say “If X doesn’t happen, we’re screwed” unless you accompany it with “Oh, and X won;t happen, *therefore* we’re screwed.”

If it fires one up to do their best to help X happen, it’s not dooming, it’s actually help.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren



CA has already assured D-Rat rule in perpetuity.

Valerie Curren

Tragically it appears so!


Complete with a journalist/camera person along to document

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is exactly right.



The Library

Paul Sperry

DEVELOPING: Sources on Hill say Pelosi coordinated the “snap impeachment” of Trump with Russia “collusion” hoaxer Schiff in part to distract from forthcoming damning revelations from declassified bombshell FBI docs exposing the Russiagate probe of Trump as…



Harold Wren



Seems like her timing was a bit off- the impeachment was so yesterday, the declass is so today.




We now have definitive proof the existence of Black Holes- a massive one has been discovered and designated CTH.




gloom and doom there…BIG TIME…


Ahh, of course.

I haven’t been reading there 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep and we can see it because of all the Eeyores who orbit it.

Same way we can see the one at the center of the galaxy–we can see stars orbit it.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the event whorizon…


“We now have definitive proof the existence of Black Holes- a massive one has been discovered and designated CTH.”


It’s perfect, actually.

Rename the website “Doom Hole” and change the header to an enormous black hole in deep space, with little symbols of hopes and dreams (and Eeyore) crossing the Event Horizon 😂 🤣 😂 😂 🤣

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We gotta come up with a way to convey spaghettification.
(And no, I’m not making that up.)

Gail Combs

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comment image
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

We gotta come up with a way to convey spaghettification.

(And no, I’m not making that up.)

Just find an aerial shot of the I-75 interchanges in downtown Atlanta. That should do it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s a “spaghetti bowl” in Chicago, too, but this is a reference to something quite different!

Cuppa Covfefe

Pin the fail on the Donkey….


And Doompoonies! Don’t forget the doompoonies!


The Library

Note: the picture on the wall of that Congressmen’s home is of Moa Zedong- founder of Communist china dictator who murdered 30 million chinese people, & entered the Korean war on the side of North Korea.

Thats who this congressman reveres so much he out a portrait of him in his living room.

Are you starting to see it yet?

Rising serpent
I don’t care what the explanation is. This juxtaposition of the caption with the wall art may the most perfect representation of the current state of affairs I’ve seen so far.



Harold Wren



Mousey Dung.


Transmits Hantavirus.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

His successors transmitted the Mexican Beer Virus, so the pattern continues.

Gail Combs


(Darn I can not find the sound…)


I loves it… 😉


Political Theology – 20210115

Valerie Curren

Another planned “Covid Crisis”

comment image
Darren of Plymouth

Next week there will be a ‘Planned Covid Crisis.’

US nurse speaks out about the corruption in American hospitals.

Remember this is happening simultaneously across the planet.


And there it is folks.

Valerie Curren



but how can that be? isn’t savior joe being sworn at? i mean…sworn in?


You had it right the first time, Pat!!! LOL


Just incredible…

These videos are GREAT for waking up normies… 👍

Nobody likes being fooled, and considering the harm done to the economy, to peoples’ jobs, to family members passing away without being allowed to have a funeral service, to a thousand other things… everybody with their own personal and very negative experiences…

All because of nothing but corrupt democrat politics…

Americans are going to be as livid about this as they will be about anything.

The people who did this and who participated in this are going to beg to be arrested, for their own protection.

This is gonna be amazing… normies are gonna flip their lids… people think BLM and panti-fa are dangerous?

Just wait until 300 million normies suddenly realize Covid was a democrat fraud😂 🤣 😂

😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I really hope your optimistic take on things is borne out 🙂


“I really hope your optimistic take on things is borne out”


Suppose we tripped and fell into an alternate universe where a pedophile asset of the Chinese Communist Party somehow became president.

Even then, how long would they be able to keep up the Covid ruse?

6 more months?

A year at most?

Then what are they going to do?

What are THEY going to do, when 330 million people want to kill them…



Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I hope the white hats of Q Team will be coming through Very Soon!


It might be because according to reports, elderly and Canadians flocking to Fl to get vaccinated. Are they expecting the inevitable bad reactions?


From left field. Please indulge a minute or two.

Today, spoke with a niece, visiting in Egypt via, video on Messenger. She wanted to introduce her Egyptian fiance to me. His English crisply clear. His major in college finance and employed in that field.

We bantered about pleasantries and I ensured he knew, what a fine catch my niece is. THEN…to my pleasant surprise…

He brought up Covid. He and his circle of friends KNOW Covid is real, BUT Covid is NOT the danger governments hype Covid to be. Masks are nonsense. Shutdowns nonsense. Very survivable. Governments are “controlling” the people and destroying economies.

Just figured I share we are not alone in knowing the Covid “skeer” IS government BS!

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Thanks KBK that is encouraing!

Valerie Curren


comment image

Replying to @1foreverseeking
and @RichHiggins_DC
Barr and Sessions belonged to George HW.

Wray, Rosenstein, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh belonged to George W.

As an aside, Amy Coney Barrett worked on the Gore v. Bush case, and John Roberts belonged to George HW.


I’m shocked, just shocked that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett voted with the traitor Roberts and the Leftists.

If it turns out they’re really traitors, we’ll have to revisit the video of ACB with President Trump at the WH.

She looked extremely uncomfortable, but I chalked it up to not being used to being in the spotlight.

Imagine if she knew that she was about to betray her country. The shame of it. The fear of it.

That would explain her very uncomfortable look too.

That look you get, when everyone is congratulating you and cheering for you, and you know you’re about to stick a knife in their backs…

We’ll see.

Hope I’m wrong.

Valerie Curren

The Pro-Life head fake to cover treason…maybe!

Gail Combs

The Elite don’t care what the Serfs want and never did.



Brave and Free

Thats a given they NEVER care about little people. Just another distraction to keep us playing Wack A mo


just going to drop this here and then catch up with the comments…
a lot less TRUMP flags flying this week…more American flags flying upside down.

sigh…I admit I almost caused an accident…hubby was driving, but as we drove along the highway, I saw a truck parked in front of a trailer with the words F*CK TRUMP on it…as we got closer I screamed…YEP SCREAMED…for hubby to pullover which surprised him and he jammed on the brakes and the guy behind us almost hit us. I got a better look at the trailer on the lot and it was a repeat of the words on the truck on the front of the trailer…it was done in tape –all straight letters was a give-away.

I was so angry I wanted to storm the trailer and beat up anybody and everybody living there…hubby grabbed my seat belt to restrain me and drove off.

biteme will never be a president…and i will never accept him as such. but this kind of display is uncivilized and disrespectful imo and i am sorry i missed the opportunity to teach manners to some pos.


Cabaret: “Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loves me…” Everyone wants to be seen on the winning side. There’s an old Chinese (ironically) saying to the effect that people will line up to add a flower to a beautiful bouquet, but no one will drop a lump of coal in an empty scuttle.


so does that mean you’re offering to help or not?
LOL jk

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Only if I can borrow Sylvia’s shovel.


It might be in use… hold on.

Yep.. still in use.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

you gotta ask her…LOL

Gail Combs

You can borrow one of my pitchforks.

Actually one lady with a shovel and another with a pitchfork makes a wonderful team.

Hit them in the center with the shovel and when they bend over gab him in the hinny with the fork.

Then the rest of the ladies can apply the tar and feathers.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a couple old goose down comforters to add to the cause.

Can’t boil the tar, though. That smell makes me nauseous.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The “tar” they used to use was pine tar, not road/roof tar.

Of course you may be talking about the smell of pine tar (which I am unfamiliar with), if so, never mind.

Gail Combs

You can buy pine tar. It is used on horse hooves.
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’m allergic to pine, actually. Makes Christmas a snotty experience.


Interesting thread


Too bad Wray would have to arrest himself for justice.


WHERE is Wray anyway? PNIG. Proof not in Gitmo.. anyone EEN him? Should HE not be FRONT and CENTER on all the Capitol, stuff?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I was noticing that!

Has something changed now; they’re actually arresting leftists?


STRANGE THAT NEITHER Wray nor the new acting AG have been SEEN or heard from. One would THINK they would be front and center with all the MSM groupies’ on the Capitol stuff, especially when trying to FRAME Trump supporters. CURIOUS is it not?


One of the best thread readers ever.
He gets it all in one place, connections & names. Blown away by the 2 in Proud Boys and one BLM


How many times has Q said “these people are stupid”?


Unfortunately, the thread seems blocked. I can’t access it. If others have the same issue, could you post the entire thread?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try this archive:


Well that didn’t post right. Comment by patfrederick, copied from Wolf’s post is what I was after…..

Patfrederick’s comment….

“The adoptive father of BLM Capital Hill riot agitator John Sullivan was disciplined by the U.S. Air Force for sending nuclear weapons parts to Taiwan, the Republic of China.
Maj. General Kevin J. Sullivan retired from the Air Force after the incident.
Saying he could not ignore the “breaches of trust that occurred on their watch,” Acting Air Force Secretary Michael Donley laid out what in some cases were career-ending punishments Thursday for six Air Force generals, reported NBC News in 2008.
The officers are mainly in logistical jobs and were involved to some degree in the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four electrical fuses for ballistic missile nuclear warheads in 2006. The error did not become known until this past March.

[USAF Chief of Staff} Schwartz, who met with each of the Air Force generals personally, said that while the officers were not accused of any intentional wrongdoing, they “did not do enough to carry out their leadership responsibilities for nuclear oversight. “For that they must be held accountable.”
He became an associate at joined Dayton Aerospace, a defense industry and Pentagon consulting firm, as an associate the next year.

Last edited 4 years ago by Volgarian8301
Gail Combs

If you look closely the cop is standing next to a DOOR that opens AWAY FROM HIM!


Hell I saw the FULL video, he basically LEADS Antifa in, then gives play by play to WHERE they are located. Not ONCE does he PHYSICALLY try to stop them, not ONCE.

Gail Combs

Prog, I saw the whole film too. However that open door at the beginning is really damning on top of the rest of the video.


Yep, well how about the “follow me arm waving…” ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This thing is amazing – and it’s been archived:

Gail Combs

Did you archieve or save off-line the video?

CHIEFIO’s instructions:

I am computer illiterate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Use firefox and download by right-clicking on the video. It’s an MP4 file (.mp4)


something like this and other things on a thumb stick thing almost need to be protected as if it was the last Bible on earth

Gail Combs

Yes, and it needs to be saved by multiple people.

Valerie Curren

Passing along the good news–thanks!

Sadie Slays

What I like about this thread is that it straight up calls these provocateurs what they are—intelligence and military agents. One my pet peeves since January 6th is people claiming the provocateurs are ANTIFA and BLM. No, they are paid provocateurs who LARP as whatever group they are assigned to. Equating this obvious inside job involving military and intelligence agents with the drug-addicted nutjobs knocking down statues in Portland is an insult to the gravity of this situation. People should be doing what this guy did and start naming them as the military industrial complex agents that they are. People need to know that our own intelligence agencies, military, and government are the ones planning and carrying out these false flags.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Gail Combs

That explains the Ashli Babbitt Shooting. She was FORMER INTELLIGENCE!

Given the NO BLOOD on the floor, it certainly SMELLS STAGED.


From an article on her.

After high school, she enlisted in the Air Force and worked as an enlisted security forces controller. Her primary role was to guard gates at Air Force bases and she was soon deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. 

Which matches her job after the Air Force as a security guard at a nuke power plant.

Not sure where you get former intelligence.


Intelligence rarely shows up on an ‘official’ military bio. IOW, the bio is the cover story for covert agents.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2
Sadie Slays

It’s awfully curious how mentioning Ashli Babbitt’s high-level security clearance and military connections brings out quick response from the naysayers. This has happened here several times since January 6th. What is so triggering about stating an objective fact?

Babbitt’s husband told KUSI she was a 14-year veteran who served four tours with USAF in the Middle East as a ‘high level security official,’

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

She was an MP, security guard. They have clearances because they patrol facilities that require them. They also provide security for things like nuke weapons. Security clearance required. Not everyone in the military is James Bond.


Careful there, Skippy, you’re giving yourself away.


I know, reality can really suck.

Sadie Slays

MUST WATCH video shows how this the Ashli Babbitt “shooting” was staged:


Hmm. as you know I’ve been fully in the Ashli really was killed camp although it appeared to be the needed death of a rioter to cement the narrative………but this vid shows a couple of things that seem way off.

1) none of the military people there seem to hop into action to save her with any authority whatsoever..even if it was to create a perimeter around her.
2) the lack of blood..ok, internal injury maybe but seems like there should’ve been more

3)they pick her up which goes against all the normal advice that even a dummy like me knows and then they don’t wait for medical help nor is it treated like a crime scene.

4) where are all the vids of her being carried down the steps and to wherever she ended up at while waiting or getting EMT attention
Everybody simultaneously stopped caring about getting this one i a million footage of a bleeding woman being carried around like a sack of potatoes

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – all these points and more.

The STAGED shooting explains it all. The shooter even fired the BLANK off to the side so it would not puff her and leave any evidence. However, if it’s real, doesn’t really change the story.

Girl may be an MK asset. Texas AF mental case shooter (another WHOOPS on getting his gun by FBI, just like Nikolas Cruz and Dylann Roof) was probably an MK.

Shooter is a DILMISTA from Brazil – that’s the same as an Obamabot here. Air Force is the home of more CIA infiltration than any branch, because of certain shared interests. MIC-related embeds in leftist groups are the rest (including JaydenX and back-pack-change-artist guy).

ALL determined to stop Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree. Nobody is actually doing what needs to be done for a shooting victim and crowd of onlookers.

They are doing what needs to be done for propaganda.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the whole thing smells OFF.

JW in Germany

Mike Pompeo
Censorship, wokeness, political correctness, it all points in one direction – authoritarianism, cloaked as moral righteousness. It’s not who we are as Americans. It’s time that we simply put woke-ism to sleep.

Let’s get it done!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want to yell “You and what weak, Biden-suck-up, joint chiefs?”

If this election is not fixed, there will never be another honest one.


Still does NOT sould like a man preparing to LEAVE in 5 days.

Gail Combs

He sure has been very VISIBLE….


I think he’s next in line for succession, assuming other positions are vacated.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. Vacate POTUS, VP, speaker of the house and senate president pro tem….and he’s next up.

And he will still be secretary of state at 12:00:01 on Wednesday, since his “repacement” by His Fraudulency hasn’t been confirmed.


Time we put ‘woke-ism to sleep’?!?

How about we murder it — over and over again?

Contests to see who can come up with the most gruesome way to murder ‘woke-ism’.

Create a new holiday to celebrate the dismemberment and burning of ‘woke-ism’ 👍

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
JW in Germany

Scott! Your comments…especially lately…COME SO ON TIME! Thanks Brother!


Someone will have to fill me in as to what I’m missing, because I’m obviously missing it. I realize Navarro’s report is out there, and the long-awaited information is being declassified. The truth is the truth, WE know that. The courts and congress’s refusal to hear it is irrelevant. But how does any information dump translate into action? It’s like the tree falling in the forest.

From my little vantage point, we are living in an increasingly lawless dystopia and nothing will even put us on the PATH toward righting it apart from martial law and arrests. I just don’t see it any other way.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

yeah I don’t understand the mechanism going forward…so I will wait like everybody else…


If it is not stopped, here and now, MAGA/Trump will become nothing more than a cherished memory that people hold within themselves. Not doomfagging. I said months ago that I would welcome martial law.


I predict that if it’s not stopped the extreme Left DS brainwash machine will rewrite history that blm/antifa violence was historic in restoring the world and they’ll use the thousands of vids compiled to show them fighting “fascism”..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Soviet America is here. Joint Chiefs bow to BREZHNEV AND MAO.



What was the purpose of Sessions, Tillerson, Barr, Haspel and Wray? Huber? Does Durham exist? Evidence pile-on at this juncture is pointless, there is no place to present the evidence. All eyes are on the conveyor belt that must stop. People will not look back kindly having been dragged through hell, with so many lives ruined, only to be dropped off in the next level of hell — if ANY stone has been left unturned.

That being said, POTUS walking away is completely illogical.

So we sit, with this feeling we can’t shake, that’s like nothing we’ve ever felt before. We’re on the brink.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I might be wrong but from the ones that I know..they don’t understand about Q. Never cared about Q so they had no expectations on a lot of things. They all figure PTrump gave his all and then some and the f’n swamp was too big and putrid to drain.


“They all figure PTrump gave his all and then some and the f’n swamp was too big and putrid to drain.”


Which of course overlooks the obvious, that if he just walks away now, then he clearly didn’t give it his all, or even a little, because there were about a thousand things he could have done, starting the day he became president, that he didn’t even try.

He could have put down the coup on his first day, but he didn’t.

Four years later, he just leaves, and the coup effectively succeeds, and proceeds to undo everything he did?

Does that sound anything like Donald J. Trump?


If only there was some way… some kind of judicial body that wasn’t corrupt, who would hear the evidence… 😂🤣😂


But if it’s military court, does POTUS as CIC select the people in charge? I asked this question before, a few days ago I think.

Or has it already been done, and he’s going to hand over the keys to SOMEBODY and get on the special plane?

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

“But if it’s military court, does POTUS as CIC select the people in charge? I asked this question before, a few days ago I think.”


I don’t know enough about military courts to give a good answer.

I have heard/read several times that Sidney Powell is or has been a military lawyer of some kind.


Yes, now I remember seeing a blurb or reading that re Sidney P.


See THAT is exactly WHY i believe something IS happening behind the scenes. It makes NO sense to go through ALL Trump did, and ALL the work put in, and to then have it OBVIOUSLY stolen, and then say oh well, MAGA was a good thing while I was here, now its over. WHY bother. WWHY go through the Russia hoax, Mueller, shampeachment, all the threats, lost money, lost time, stress, and the like to GIVE UP now. It makes ZERO sense knowing Trump, the MASTER of Tsun Tzu, who did NOTHING but BEAT them for 5 years, and NOW to say so long. WIYTHOUT a REAL fight. Letting them get AWAY with it ALL, and then abandoning ALL he built and US.

Makes NO sense at all, unless there is MORE than meets the eye. We SURE ARE getting a LOT of stuff going on now. They sure were in a HUGE hurry to get Trump out via the 25th or another impeachment. WHY. Their ACTIOJNS tell us they are SCARED of SOMETHING, and it is NOT Trump running again in 2024.

Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



WE do not have to understand, all we have to do is SEE the END. I do not care if it happens at 11:59 59 on the 20th, so long as it HAPPENS.


They’ve overloaded the system.

If one wanted such to be acted on, one would have to freeze time, or instead of attacking the military which really isn’t smart, peacefully set up a some new Chad Zones, really big ones that cut across a major highway and train track that include a Walmart or COSTCO or such and then broadcast demands from there and if there’s any leftist useless stuff in there use it for fire wood.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And they will call US insurrection and send in the troops.

Not for the left. Only for the right.


I’d assume anyone doing such would one, set up in a friendly area, two make their demands known, i.e. not about rebellion or insurrection but about demanding fair and equitable treatment in the courts, a full accountability of the election which means full trials, demands on vote reform… etc.. three, not use arms to occupy but allow persons coming in and allowed to do commerce there to freely carry their arms. Then be prepared to float your occupation to a later time and location after being booked out of jail?

Perhaps done with the thinking of: Nothing ventured. Nothing gained.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Yup. And then they will call US insurrection and send in the troops.
Not for the left. Only for the right. 👍


Nope! Lunch would be over before the troops could get there. 👁 


GM. at the END of a good movie, ALL plot lines are TIED together, to REVEAL the BIG ENDING.

Deplorable Patriot

Like this?


YES, at least I hope so. Stocking up on popcorn JUST IN CASE.


one of my favorites!


“GM. at the END of a good movie, ALL plot lines are TIED together, to REVEAL the BIG ENDING.”


Actually, that’s how most Scooby-Doo cartoons end.

Good movies are hopefully a little more subtle 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

The most obvious and simple mechanism is…

Whoops, almost forgot, we’re supposed to let the bitch lose. 😁

Sylvia Avery

grandmaintexas, another superb opening post today! I look forward to them so much. All that goodness, and Frangelico too!!!!!


I just can’t do humor at this point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Battlefield humor is all that’s working for me right now. 😎

Deplorable Patriot

The Couch Commando is openly asking when the perp walks will be happening.

I played him this from our youth. (Honestly, no one in this house can stand this song. It is the epitome of STL Jesuits crap that was foisted on the Church 45+ years ago.) I won’t type what we call it in this house.


In a VERY tense movie, a little humor injection helps to BREAK the stress, and makes the END more palpable!

Deplorable Patriot

Hence Shakespeare’s “beast with two backs” and all that.




“In a VERY tense movie, a little humor injection helps to BREAK the stress, and makes the END more palpable!”


Or we could inject a little more humor, and go for the Monty Python ending 😁


As long as Biden ends up like Lancelot in the Holy Grail.


I was thinking of the Bridge Keeper 😁

Valerie Curren

understand…such a weight & sword of Damocles seemingly hanging over the thinnest thread of the republic!


Would be more accurate if they showed someone bringing the Goalposts to him while he stands around gazing in awe.

Valerie Curren



Yes gotta keep up the appearances there… to whatever extent anyone who cares will even be anywhere near.

Before looking I’d thought this was some kind of offical building or other structure, but it is only the paint on the pavement.

Calling that section of street a Plaza, well maybe it techically could be, but it looks like stolen valor.

Last edited 4 years ago by slowcreekno

Armed Black Panthers in the Capitol, 50 years on

It’s largely forgotten now, but 50 years ago, it created a national sensation. It even caused the National Rifle Association and Ronald Reagan to back a gun-control bill authored by a Republican.

Tuesday is the 50th anniversary of the May 2, 1967 “invasion” of the state Capitol by two dozen gun-toting Black Panthers. Carrying rifles, pistols and shotguns, and wearing dark glasses, leather jackets and berets, they marched up the front steps and into the Capitol to demonstrate their opposition to an anti-gun bill by Oakland Republican Don Mulford (1915-2000).

Unlike today, there were no airport-style security checkpoints at Capitol entrances — visitors could come and go freely.

When they arrived, Ronald Reagan, then near the beginning of his eight years as governor, was on the Capitol lawn, hosting a gathering of eighth-graders.

“CAPITOL IS INVADED” blared the huge front-page headline in the May 2 then- afternoon Sacramento Bee. Associated Press photographer Walt Zeboski’s dramatic pictures ran in newspapers across the nation. The Panthers had also alerted television stations to their upcoming demonstration.

It all came about as a result of an American racial divide that existed 50 years ago and in some measure continues today. On the eve of the Summer of Love in San Francisco, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense began in 1966 as a small community organization across the bay in Oakland. The founders were Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.

. . . MORE . . .

Valerie Curren

Suppressing dissent & controlling the minds of the masses

Valerie Curren

John Sullivan arrested


That guy’s eyes have the “look”.

Sylvia Avery

Yep. He’s got the crazy eyes.

Valerie Curren



“That guy’s eyes have the “look”.”


He’ll turn the music on you
You won’t have to think twice
He’s pure as New York snow
He’s got Evelyn Farkas eyes

And he’ll tease you
He’ll unease you
All the better just to please you

He’s precocious, and he knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
He got Greta Garbo’s standoff sighs
He’s got…
Evelyn Farkas eyes…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Gee, something “fishy” NO Trumpers arrested (framed) ALL leftists, ANTIFA leftists. does anyone else find that OMINUS. NOTICE the MSM is NOT covering it. could THIS be the reason?

One last time King!


Well, it is VERY interesting, I will say that.

What it means, I am not sure. Just as I am not sure what the point of declas is five days from the inauguration. Just as I am not sure of the point of 25,000 troops with fences and barbed wire to guard a “virtual” inauguration. Just as I am not sure what it means the Camel-Uh has not vacated her Senate seat.

Uncertainty is making me VERY uncomfortable I must say.


“Uncertainty is making me VERY uncomfortable I must say.”


All of it is making me smile, because there must be a hundred different things wrong with this picture 😁

If it was all making sense, if it was setting up like a normal inauguration and the dims and MSM weren’t freaking out like a bunch of teens trapped in a slasher movie, that would be a very bad sign 😂 🤣 😂

But this?

I have no idea what this is, but it’s definitely not normal.

This is the kind of reaction I might expect if they were preparing to reveal that space aliens are about to land 😁 👍

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467


Thanks for that. It is very WRONG, isn’t it?

Maybe it IS aliens!


Heels Up staying as a Senator so she keeps all of the protections that a Senator gets. Protection from slander etc. This just keeps her protected through next week.


Sorry, not buying that at all.

If that were the case, ALL incoming VPs who were Senators would do it.

They DON’T.


I am way behind today.we spent the morning signing land sale docs and running errands. I bought the kid by the road and it’s very well done. I don’t have but a general idea of things going on and those things are iffy. Deception is swirling all around blowing smoke over the world right now, I know that our Father in heaven has this battle as it is his not ours. Sometimes we need to just sit and listen . The enemy will not have there way this time. Our part in this movie has been accomplished, now we wait for the will be a most spectacular ending too! Hope this makes sense to everyone!




Valerie Curren

well said

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Steve Deace


So based on yesterday’s arrest of an Antifa antagonist, and what we already know about Hunter Biden, it appears Trump got impeached the first time for something the Bidens actually did and then he got impeached the second time for something Antifa at least helped to happen.

Deplorable Patriot

More or less. Yep. Projection.

This was all done so much more professionally before David Rockefeller and Zeb Brzenenski died.

Gail Combs

Certainly does look like they lost the real brains doesn’t it?

I have seen it several times. Old Man dies and the kids run the business into the ground within a few years.Usually with the help of some over educated idiot with a HAAAaaavard Business Degree. (THEY walk away with a golden parachute to ruin another business.)

Valerie Curren

FYI, maybe increase hope & resolve
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Chesley Dohl

A summation of the Wake The F Up Movement…
Quote Tweetcomment image
· 3h
Replying to @chesleydohl
Due to massive Disinfo and censorship- I created a short “summary” to get the info out to all citizens to help them when the Storm arrives. This idea came from when a couple co workers (who voted for Biden) asked me about CUE.

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The Patriot Party NY

I have been telling everyone. The storm is upon you. Every patriot needs to be prepared, for this day is near. The rebirth of America
Quote Tweetcomment image
Chesley Dohl
· 3h
A summation of the Wake The F Up Movement……


One of the comments:

If you need tens of thousands of armed guards to protect you at your inauguration then you probably weren’t elected by the people !

Gail Combs


Patriots are not VIOLENT like Aunty-Fa and Burn, Loot, Murder.

Valerie Curren



Thank you Valerie, much appreciated.

Valerie Curren

You’re welcome, GM–Blessings!

JW in Germany

With each passing day, it seems that the Cabal is rubbing their asses in our faces at an ever increasing rate. Their tyranny in overdrive as if they have 100% free rein across the globe.

We see moving trucks at the White House, purging of any thought not authorized by the Ministry of Truth, Republicans stabbing President Trump in the back any chance they get…etc…I could go on, but you get the picture.

Maybe that is all happening and more…maybe…

HOWEVER, I go back 4 years ago to what my own thoughts were about how all of this corruption would be defeated. Back then…before Q…I always thought it would have to be a major military operation of historic proportions. I did not need a Lt. Gen. McInerney to tell me that we were in WWIII. I have stated countless times since that ‘we are at WAR’.

What has changed that would change my early assertions? Not much…in fact, almost everything I have experienced since confirms my early assertions.

If there was any action at all…it was ALWAYS GOING TO BE A MILITARY ACTION.

If I accept that as truth…then what we are seeing now is also something I would EXPECT TO SEE during the largest military sting operation of all time and probably ever!

The President moving out of the White House during such an event? Well no shit Sherlock! DC will be GROUND ZERO! Not exactly a place you would want the Commander-in-Chief and his family as a sitting duck facing a well-funded and well-planned counter attack. Strategically and tactfully thinking, I would have him moved to a secret command headquarters.

Remember who the enemy is…this is WWIII! Would you leave the President in the White House with the enemy inside the perimeter? Hell no!

Same thing with all of the other events taking place…people resigning…backstabbing…some playing roles as Black Hats or vice versa…speeches making it sound as if it is all over (but somehow not quite)…”it was good while it lasted, be proud”…etc…

EXACTLY what I would expect to see from the most BRILLIANT plan ever conceived!

Of course, I may be wrong…but it would be how I would plan it and expect to see it. Similar to what I wrote in some posts OT back in early to mid 2017. Somebody OT(cannot remember who it was) told me a had a good imagination.

This was all pre-Q era.

Was it just my imagination…all fantasy? I have asked this question before: How would the BIGGEST STING OF ALL TIME look??? The Great Awakening? Would it look any different?

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

Bravo James, Bravo… agree totally.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope for what you say, but I prepare for otherwise.

JW in Germany

You know it Wolf! Hope for the best…prepare for the worst!

Believe me Wolf…I am experiencing a torturous roller coaster like many here are.

But I just take time to zoom out sometimes and regather…nothing has changed from my early assertions. I just realize that I would have pulled the trigger on the operation WAY TOO EARLY.  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We aren’t at the brink yet. Not quite.


THEY are…wink.


Same thinking we had back in Feb/Mar/Apr when the Corona happened.

Like when you get on a roller coaster, you always buckle your safety belt.

Deplorable Patriot

Prepare for the worst….

I need to make another booze run.

Seriously, though, in this case, it’s best to sit back and enjoy the show. Don’t have any expectations. The book hasn’t been written on the final outcome yet.



Fire Mission, Grid….


1.14.21: The BATTLE is REAL! PANIC everywhere. Stay prayed up!
And We Know Published  January 14, 2021

Valerie Curren

What does this mean?

Valerie Curren

OK thanks G’ma! Great post & God Bless!!!

Valerie Curren

Eye witness at DC event 1-6. Those other people had another agenda!

Valerie Curren

Easier to see & hear 2nd video above

JW in Germany

Okay. I do not mean to cause anybody false hope…but I have to report what I see and hear.

The man speaking in the video below starts off talking about something he heard from an Air Force buddy. The President will be in AF1 and send out 7 messages WORLD WIDE blah…blah…blah…I stopped listening. I asked myself if this is even possible…at least for American citizens abroad?

Then I just thought about a call I received today from the US Government on my USG IPhone, my private cell, AND my privater landline in Germany. It was a COVID message about vaccines.

The point is that was the first time ever that I received a call on my landline at home! All 3 simultaneously were ringing! Was this a practice run? I know it sounds off the wall.

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

For some reason the link does not appear.
*https:// http://www.facebook. com/ TheTruth0777/ videos/ 424796622291465

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

Not off the wall.

First of all, I believe whatever happens will be WORLDWIDE… as the Cabal is ww…

Don’t apologize for any thoughts you have… we’re entering a scenario never before experienced…

JW in Germany

Thanks Phoenix. I get brainstorming sometimes……


It must be difficult for you being so far away from home… always remember we are here for you!

JW in Germany

You are all my anchor to sanity! LOL!


As we are for each other here… WWG1WGA !!


JM. They have the capability under the EBS to not only ring phones, they can actually broadcast on devices like TV’s and cell phones that are “off” I suspect that works on the internet connected devices like Alexa, xbox PS 5, etc. I was IN on a test like that at my previous job. Phones and comms devices, even “off” were “activated” and were broadcasting…and you could NOT “turn it off…i suppose you COULD pull the battery..but my point is YES there are capabilities.

I think someone mentioned it on Charlie Wards show the other day, project Odin or something of the like.

JW in Germany

Yes…Project Odin.

Deplorable Patriot

I have paying gigs next week. Naturally. If this is the case, I hope this happens. Everybody will have to leave their phones in the car, though.

Brave and Free

I got the message from PDJT on Wednesday @ 2:11 in a text.

Statement from the President:

“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence,
NO lawbreaking and No vandalism of any kind.

That is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers.
Thank you ”

Which I thought was odd.

JW in Germany

Test run.


Did the caller, uh, happen to say anything resembling “Follow the white rabbit”?


Valerie Curren

Family Feuding
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Deplorable Patriot

Melania. None of their women are that stunning or anywhere close to as well dressed.

JW in Germany

You got that right! 😍 

Valerie Curren

Yes & how the lefties hate her for it!


Envy – those bruisers haven’t seen a 21″ waste in years or if ever.
One of the seven deadly sins.


If you’re in the DC area get over to the Goodwill closest to the WH, you may score a few of Melania’s frocks- no doubt she’ll be donating them before she leaves. /s

Valerie Curren

Finding peace in the Lord!
comment image


Beautiful… and very uplifting…

thank you Valerie…

Valerie Curren

YW & thanks PR. God’s still got this & us in the palm of His hand <3



Sadie Slays

POTUS is having an event at Andrews Air Force Base on Inauguration Day. What a convenient venue.

President Donald Trump now plans to leave Washington to hold a farewell event on the morning of Inauguration Day, after considering leaving a day earlier, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters Friday. Trump, who announced on Jan. 8 that he would not attend Democrat Joe Biden’s inauguration, is planning to hold his event at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where Air Force One is headquartered, the source said.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

Thank you Sadie.

JW in Germany

And Pence at Ft. Drum (10th Mountain Division) on Sunday the 17th.

The President nice and close to AF1….naaaaaa couldn’t be….

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany
Sadie Slays

Very convenient venue to drop the proverbial mic in front of the cameras, hop on AF1, and let the military sort the mess out in DC while President Trump is in the air and protected (as predicted by Q).


Y’all have to read the news article… falling out of my chair laughing!


<i>”President Donald Trump now plans to leave Washington to hold a farewell event on the morning of Inauguration Day, after considering leaving a day earlier, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters Friday.

Trump, who announced on Jan. 8 that he would not attend Democrat Joe Biden’s inauguration, is planning to hold his event at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where Air Force One is headquartered, the source said.

The departure ceremony under consideration could be an elaborate event with the feel of a state visit, The Associated Press reported, citing an unnamed person familiar with the planning who spoke on condition of anonymity because Trump’s plans have not been formally announced. The plan under consideration could involve a red carpet, color guard, military band, and 21-gun salute, AP reports.”</i>

more at link

Sadie Slays

I literally LOL’d when I first read that article, too.

JW in Germany



What about finger sandwiches?


Now, WHY. BOTH at MILITARY bases on the SAME day at the SAME time, which just happens to be the “inauguration” of a usurper that is going to be SURROUNDED by 20K of soldiers and a REINFOORCED 10′ fence. ALL for an “inauguration” that NO ONE will attend, ad was supposed to be “virtual” Someone TELL me this is not all the makings of a HUGE trap…complete with cheese, and a passle of CATS guarding the exits.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, if it takes cats to herd cats, sure.

Interesting turn of events, though.

And the March for Life is on Friday the 22nd. Well, usually, anyway. That might be off the table this year.


OR it might be even BIGGER and have MORE importance. Wink.

JW in Germany

I wonder how many of them will feel something is not right. Come down with COVID and cancel their appearance…head for the airports….?


“I wonder how many of them will feel something is not right.”


All of them… for sure😂 🤣 😂


They will TRY, but I bet we are locked up TIGHT, and WATCHING.


“ALL for an “inauguration” that NO ONE will attend, ad was supposed to be “virtual” Someone TELL me this is not all the makings of a HUGE trap…complete with cheese, and a passle of CATS guarding the exits.”


Except they have to know it’s a trap, or at least suspect it, because it’s being presented as a trap.

I even heard or read (I think on BardsFM) that the gates to the 10′ reinforced fence were installed backwards, so all the locks and handles are on the outside, and the doors open inwards 😂 🤣 😂

Even if that’s not true, those are the kinds of rumors circulating, and MAGA patriots are loving it 👍

The bad guys?

Not so much…

It all has to be part of the continuing psychological warfare by Team Trump, making the dims as jumpy as mice in a snake terrarium. 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

OR it IS a trap. Akoms Razor. See Trump is USING their OWN HUBRIS against them. They THIONK they are UNTOUCHABLE. They THINK they “won”. They THINK people LOVE them. They THINK all the measures are really protection FROM us.

Question. Are they going to leave that up FOREVER? Cause IF we EVER decide to “get them,” they will NEVER see it coming.


GEE, how prescient!… alm,ost like it was PLANNED that way. WHY be THERE? WINK.


Proof as to whether the plan is legit hinges on these two drops. And I’d rather see him on the special plane.

JW in Germany
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

May it be so!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and there’s Lauren Boebert again!

I am suspecting she’s our version of AOC–getting all the media attention and considered a leader and someone that had to be heeded by the leadership the moment she stepped in.


hubby was chuckling earlier and asked ME if i ever heard of tucker carlson. I said sure…why? he called AOC the Kim Kardashian of congress…and he thought that was hysterical…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I’m absolutely NOT insulting Boebert, I’m just noticing she’s getting a lot of attention for a freshman Rep, as did AOC. In Boebert’s case I’m happy about it,


I think she’s been great. Greene from GA also. Someone has to stand up in D.C.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If Greene is the one who wants to impeach His Fraudulency, then I’ll second that!

Cuppa Covfefe

Butt…. butt…. butt….

(To quote Weird Al, “when I walk out, to get my mail, it measures on, the Richter Scale” …. )….


I understand and am pleased – but who’s going to take the ball and run with it? Again, I’m wearing the dunce cap. Or is it so incontrovertible as to justify immediate arrests, hence holding off to the last second?


IF Trump is still present, the bad actors may hold back.

JW in Germany

It will be one fell swoop. I can see this as a strategic and tactful decision.

For many civilians, I also understand how torturous this would be to watch. I am a veteran…but even for me, I have been on a rollercoaster. I completely understand how you feel.


“It will be one fell swoop. I can see this as a strategic and tactful decision.”


I don’t know… I thought so for a long time… but there is so much information that I don’t know how you drop it all at once, unless you do a presentation of the main points and then point people to a government website where the public can dig through everything at their own pace, with a very user-friendly organizational structure and interface.

The other thing that argues for a limited reveal is that is how DJT always plays it, to retain leverage.

If you drop everything at once, it’s a relatively short story, lasting a week or less.

If you draw it out, with a few (actual) ‘booms’ each week, or even each day, there are enough ‘booms’ to last months.

And if there are any enemy players remaining on the board, retaining some juicy revelations retains leverage over those remaining enemy players, until they are captured.

That is how he has played it up to now. He has threatened declass for years now, and shown us practically nothing🤬 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

“For many civilians, I also understand how torturous this would be to watch.”


I’m loving every second of it… I can hardly stop smiling 😁

What an amazing time to be alive… there’s electricity in the air… a sense that something incredible is about to happen… I’m almost to the point where I’m not sure I want it to end…


JW in Germany

This helps give me hope that something is going to be done:


“I understand and am pleased – but who’s going to take the ball and run with it?”


He would love to tell us… but… you know how the saying goes… 😁


“Reports that President Trump is about to drop mass declassification.”


He can threaten this every day, just to test the enemy’s response 😂 🤣 😂


And this is why Heritage Foundation is in the doghouse . . .

(I’d use stronger language but not sure what I would say.)

On 1st Anniversary, China Phase One Trade Deal Has Not Aged Well
Tori K. Smith / @toriksmith / January 15, 2021

Jan. 15 marks one year since the U.S. and China signed a bilateral agreement, known as the Phase One deal, establishing new rules on trade.

After a full year, and as a new administration and Congress assume power, it’s important to evaluate the effectiveness of the deal at achieving its goals.

It’s not a pretty picture.

The dispute between the U.S. and China came with a hefty price tag. Americans have paid tens of billions in extra taxes to trade with China since 2018, as well as billions of dollars in subsidies to farmers. At the same time, it did nothing to further U.S. strategic objectives.

The incoming Biden administration will be tasked with setting the future course for trade with China. First steps should undoubtedly focus on the elimination of tariffs imposed on $360 billion in imports from China and retaliatory tariffs China has imposed on U.S. goods.

Cutting tariffs will help businesses to keep essential employees and help to keep prices down. Both things help families stretch each dollar a little further.

. . .

Yeah, BS.

I think we all know who butters the bread at HF.

Gail Combs

It would be interesting to have a look see at their ACTUAL donations…



Gail Combs

F..K off No-Name suck-up!


Oh boy. A great disservice. Really throwing caution to the wind there Linz.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

The bravest senator who ever lived… 😂


It’s Magic! Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Now Says Restaurants Must Reopen ‘As Quickly As Possible’
Brittany M. Hughes , @RealBrittHughes
January. 15. 2021

Lightfoot, who in tangent with Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, has kept bars and restaurants in her city largely closed for in-person dining since the outbreak of the coronavirus, now says those businesses must be allowed to reopen “as quickly as possible.”

According to CBS Chicago, “Lightfoot said she plans to have a conversation with Gov. JB Pritzker about how to begin rolling back virus mitigation efforts ASAP.”

“They’ve gone above and beyond to put in mitigation controls inside of the restaurants,” Lightfoot said. “I feel very strongly that we are very close to a point when we should be talking about opening up our bars and restaurants.”

Hilariously, after keeping restaurants closed to the point where many have shut their doors for good, Lightfoot now says that well-regulated dining establishments are “one of the safer places” for the public.

“If we have people and give them an outlet for entertainment in the restaurant space, in the bar space, we have much more of an opportunity, in my view, to be able to regulate and control that environment,” Lightfoot said. “People are engaging in risky behavior that is not only putting themselves at risk, but putting their families, their co-workers, and other ones at risk. Let’s bring it out of the shadows. Let’s allow them to have some recreation in restaurants, in bars, where we can actually work with responsible owners and managers to regulate and protect people from COVID-19.”

Democrat governing officials are now scrambling to create reopening plans for their local economies despite the slow and largely bungled rollout of the COVID vaccine. The about-face comes after these same leaders slammed President Donald Trump repeatedly for his calls to reopen America and allow people to go back to work while saving small businesses that can’t survive prolonged shutdowns. Cuomo’s and Lightfoot’s calls to reopen display all-too-coincidental timing, as President-elect Joe Biden is set to take over the White House next Wednesday and will inherent a country largely crippled by draconian COVID restrictions.

Gail Combs

DARN IT! They are gathering where we can not spy on them. Let’s bring it out of the shadows. Let’s allow them to have some recreation in restaurants, in bars, where we can actually work with responsible owners and managers to regulate and protect SPY on people.


Maybe they want to unrestrict things in advance of inauguration to allow the fringe elements maximum freedom to operate.

Concerned Virginian

Notice Lightfoot’s exact words:
“Let’s ALLOW THEM to have some recreation in restaurants, in bars, where we can /// REGULATE AND PROTECT people.” (emphases mine)
Yessir, just like Hitler ALLOWED the Jews to be outside, as long as they wore their “JUDE” armbands, stepped off the sidewalk into the street when an SS OFFICER came by, and had their papers on them AT ALL TIMES for “inspection”.

Concerned Virginian

In reality, one suspects that Lightfoot was shown some economic figures proving that Chicago was going the down tubes financially due to her dictatorship. Nothing like perhaps getting ready to run for re-election, is there?


‘Calm before the storm’: Uneasy quiet descends on DC and Congress ahead of inauguration
by Zachary Halaschak, Breaking News Reporter |  | January 15, 2021 06:45 AM

An uneasy peace has settled in Washington, D.C., with a week to go before Inauguration Day and a week after deadly violence tore through Capitol Hill.

Congress is out of session until President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated next week, buildings are boarded up across the city, the National Guard has descended upon the district, and President Trump no longer has an outlet (Twitter) to feed into the insatiable news cycle.

One of the White House press pool reports from Thursday bore the simple subject line: “No news.”

The constant talk of elections, fraud, protests, and the Electoral College has given way to an eerie calm after the events of Jan. 6, events which have left a poignant mark on the capital and will undoubtedly shape changes (some that are already being felt) in the weeks and months to come.

. . . MOAR . . .

Deplorable Patriot

Calm before the storm.

Where have we heard that before?


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 No.320057
Feb 9 2018 21:17:44 (EST)
[Next week]
[Next week]
[Next week]
Suicide weekend? 


Q !CbboFOtcZs No.96
May 20 2018 17:05:34 (EST)
comment image
comment image
comment image

Those who are loudest…
Suicide weekend?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2a2c4f No.2743167
Aug 26 2018 10:46:38 (EST)

Suicide weekend?
Hands up?
We are in control.
BIG week ahead.



EXACTLY. It is kind of like ALL sides KNOW something is COMING. The suspense is PALPABLE.

Deplorable Patriot

Where’s Alfred Hitchcock when you need him?


I think we have his BFAM in Donald Hitchcock. This is VERY much written like a CLASSIC Tsun Tzu plan. EERIE.


I’m not sure who’s side he would be on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Something’s coming… who knows… WSS, 1961:


I think we ALL need this message of HOPE right now. Yes I love me some King. Listen to this and take heart!


Look at January 14 and 15

President Donald Trump – Public Schedule Calendar


I can’t pull it up Duchess… is link broken? should there be a period betweent factba and se?


Nope, PR – I just CLICKED on it – and it came up – ???


January 15

President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.
The White House

10:00 AM
Pool Call Time
Property Owned by Donald Trump
Political Rally
Travel Outside U.S.
In-House Pool Call Time
The White House

Same for January 14

Deplorable Patriot

Daily affirmations with Morpheus:

Morpheus 78

By today’s standard a “conspiracy theorist” is someone crazy enough to read and research on their own.

4:25 PM · Jan 15, 2021


Hogan is a Republican… does he support POTUS… or CCP? Anyone know?

Also, hasn’t POTUS already declared a State of Emergency for the Nation?

Conflict here, or support with POTUS?

Deplorable Patriot

Hogan is GOPe, I understand.


any thoughts about his action?

Deplorable Patriot

Not at this time.


POTUS announced an event on the 20th at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland


Yes… see above…


So, is the Md Gov going to pull a Mil action at the AF Base do you think? A fool if he does.


It is a Federal facility. Even Hogan has to get permission to drive on.


no…I think he’s trying to prevent the same size crowd showing up in Maryland…lol


Luv the way you think Pat


imagine how it would look…no one at biteme’s thing, and a million show up to POTUS’s shindig…LOL…how embarrassing…snicker, snicker


Hogan is UNIPARTY. Just another POS politician.


Bet he has a sealed indictment with his name on it!


IF Dominion is in MD, great bet. How else does RepubliCON get elected in a VERY left state like MD.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could just as well be Colonel Hogan (Hogan, Dahling) 😀
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s a ChiCom.


Thanks Wolfie…


Hogan is a swamp thing…




I found this old post from 1944 that seems relevant today:

“June 1st, 1944;

Geez, are we really gonna let these Nazis keep Europe?!?! What’s next, twiddle our thumbs while they take over the world?!?! I am so sick of waiting for things to happen! Our feckless leaders don’t do anything! Why don’t we just attack! I can’t believe we let them get this far. Why don’t we just arrest Hitler!?!?! Where is the justice? We are DONE as a nation! I don’t see how we can come back from this! Should I start learning German?!?! I will NEVER vote for another Democrat as long as I live! I hope my grandkids don’t blame me for letting this all happen!

signed, doompornstar “

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The future sounds like fun! I’ll shake your hand when we get there.

-Вольфганг Луна, Stalingrad, August 15, 1942 😉

Not disagreeing with the outcome. Just where we are.


Return to Republic. USA 1871 – 19th President will be Trump.
Posted on January 15, 2021

USA 1871 – 19th President


Latest Update! Trust the Plan!


Wouldn’t that be something… if all the stuff many of us have read about turned out to be more or less true

Her expression at 1:38 is perfect🙂👍


Oh, I agree, Scott!!! Would be wonderful!!!


Lou Dobbs:


Found another good one…


BINGO!!! God Wins!!!


It’s either this – or our country is lost and gone – perhaps forever.

If this isn’t done – the Constitution won’t mean anything, laws won’t mean anything, courts won’t mean anything, elections won’t mean anything.

Will he or won’t he?


There is one bone of contention from me.

From the reader app:

. Pelosi and all other members of Congress are NO LONGER members of Congress, they’ve forfeited their rights and offices by committing an act of TREASON.

I don’t think that is true. Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes, among many others, in no way, shape or form have committed treason.

Determination of who will have charges of treason, sedition, etc. made against them will most likely be based on indictments. I’m guessing that remaining unindicted members of Congress would go into recess until everything is sorted out based on there not being enough members for a quorum.


I believe, if this scenario actually comes to fruition, that ALL member of Congress will have to be tried, and found innocent or guilty.

I could be wrong.

Last edited 4 years ago by Aubergine

LOL..walking it back now because their provokers are being outed and need to be released before they start naming names?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, once they know their little leftists are on the line, it’s gonna be “muh poor babies!”


Don’t you find it interesting that, even though we are supposed to believe that Bye-Done won and is about to be inaugurated, and even though the Congress impeached the President, and all the scum-suckers who would want to remain in the DC swamp are “in charge” of these investigations, only LEFTISTS are being arrested?

One might almost think people are trying to appease TRUMP.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are shifting, but if you look at the documents coming out of DOJ and FBI right now, there are still a mix of arrests and charges being made. A LOT of MAGA are getting charged. It looks like ANY MAGA who walked into the building complex – even under direction and invitation of the Capitol Hill Police and DC police, are being charged – especially if they did social media posts about it. They are using internal security cameras and social media posts to go after them.

I think the leftists are being charged as JUDAS GOATS to show phony fairness – they will get let off by Obama judges and their bail and fines paid by leftists, but the MAGA are being charged for MEDIA PURPOSES. It is only OUR WORK on the leftists, by crowdsourcers and real investigative journalists, that is having any effect for us. The biggest thing was identifying the CNN reporter girl with JaydenX – THAT was a huge break, and has these bastards on the run. Combine that with the Japanese reporter figuring out that JaydenX and the others are tied to an influence op on the Ashli Babbit / White Rabbit shooting (whether real or fake, and my money is on FAKE now), and we can see what was really going on.

This was a DESPERATE move to stop Trump. I think it’s enough to pull the Insurrection Act on all this shit. And that is exactly why the conspirators are calling US “insurrectionists”.

We are in the RIGHT here. And now we understand how badly they are in the wrong.

I am prepared for both outcomes. Either way, LET THE BITCH LOSE.


I did catch their constant reference to us as “insurrectionists” as though they could stave Trump off by turning it around. And of course we know that whatever they accuse us of being, they ARE.

I suppose you are right that, if Bye-Done gets in, the leftists will get off and the Conservatives will be prosecuted.

I am still praying for our miracle, but yes, preparing either way.

Let the BITCH lose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Let the bitch lose. May it be so!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is precisely because their little CNN propagandist bitch “Jade Helm” or whatever her name is GOT CAUGHT.
comment image


Outrageous and true.

The Demon Rats and Repugnant Cons have no respect for our country and its people. They only care about their political agenda, power, profits.


Ep. 2379a – MSM Wants Businesses To Open, [CB] Begins Process Of Destroying Economy, Fail
X22 Report  Published  January 15, 2021


Ep. 2379b – Declass, MEMO Is Just The Beginning, Warning Storm Ahead
X22 Report  Published  January 15, 2021


hah! It’s probably some kind of MK control ../s.. Cue the twilight zone.. for a morale boost ?


Crossfire docs were released today…

da agents bees in pain…

probably more than a few traitors drinking themselves into a stupor.


Anti-climactic…. old news. The only people surprised by this are the perps. Everyone else has known it these past 4 years. i got tired of hearing the media spin so I stopped listening to them 4 yrs ago.


Yes Hoofy… there are still tons of people out there who don’t know… and these docs are unclassified…


You are probably right PR. But I can’t imagine how they “missed” this info. It only means something to those who denied the IG Report and initiated Muelleur’s fiasco. Their ignorance has been met with the same underlying truths at every turn. And now releasing this unclassified info only means something to those who will not be convinced anyway. “Giving truth to him who loves it not is only to provide more multiplied reasons for misinterpretation” George McDonald


I agree with you… am estranged from my youngest sister because she not only doesn’t see what’s happening, she supported Joe…

Gail Combs

She should be very happy you are her sister and not I.

On the other hand I have not spoken to my Ex-brother in over forty years. Well, actually the last confrontation, he had me cornered and was screaming at me as his wife and kids carried of much of my inheritance after Dad’s funeral. He is 6’6” and over 300 lbs so I was literally cornered.


Sorry to hear that. Makes you think of all the families that were ripped apart during the Civil War.


She sounds like my Sissy… heartache isn’t it… speechless here too.


Sorry to hear PR, my family is also split. And good for you to stand in humility and truth to say what needs to be said. Our job is not to convince anyone. It is to speak the truth in honesty respecting those who do not agree. The battle belongs to God. ” For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also the Greek” Rom. 1:16


She’s a Christian Hoofy… that’s why I don’t understand her…


I understand …. mine also.All the more motivation for not trying to argue them or to convince them that we are right and they are wrong. Love them enough to say what needs saying and then let God do the rest!! Against showing His love there is no defense.


Thank you.


The heck of it is, adults, family or not, ARE accountable for their actions. Integrity, right Vs wrong, yada, yada… matters bigly. No need to sacrifice or betray our beliefs.

Me, one of six children. The other five flaming liberals, living in liberal utopia – l shit holes. Over the decades communication dwindled to zero zip nada. Cliche’s aside, it is, what it is. Content with reality.


“probably more than a few traitors drinking themselves into a stupor.”


Or preparing for promotions and measuring for drapes in their new offices… apparently it all depends on which reality we choose to believe 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually it depends more on which reality THEY believe.

If they think they’ve won, they’re measuring for drapes.

And I suspect quite a few of them at lower levels do think they’ve won, regardless of the truth of the matter.



I don’t know if it occurred to the people who produce these things, but it really, really undercuts the intended seriousness and gravity of the presentation, when the host (Rudy) takes a break to do a cigar smoking commercial for Famous Smoke Shop

I mean…

WTF is that ?!?

Things are serious, but not so serious that we can’t squeeze in a 1970s Ed McMahon type TV commercial?

Ladies and gentlemen, the situation is dangerous, the stakes have never been higher… the Republic is hanging by a thread the thickness of a human hair…

And now, a quick message from our sponsors… at Famous Smoke Shop… ? 🤣 😂 🤣

This can’t even possibly be real… we’re being played… 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I mean, imagine if Churchill interrupted his great speech to the British people, for a commercial — narrated by himself — that if by some miracle you happen to survive the war, to be sure and get your cigars at Famous Smoke Shop

And now back to our regularly scheduled war…

😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

It’s tough to remain with as much sincerity as it demands when being interupted by a cigar for the elite. I hope it does not diminish his message for he is a loyal and important servant.


Or maybe it just looks like the Republic is hanging by a thread the thickness of a human hair…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually, it’s much thinner than that.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
JW in Germany

It is too early in the morning for me to be laughing like this! I can’t drink my coffee! 😂 

But I do want to try one of those cigars! 😎 


Rudy Giuliani (ending quote): “And as Abraham Lincoln would say, if you don’t understand the values of an American, then you’re not an American.”


Wait… what?

I’m not familiar with that quote…

Neither is Duckduckgo…

Neither is Gurgle…

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Well, he didn’t say Lincoln did say. He say would say.

Maybe he was only channeling Lincoln.

Gail Combs

I think
“And as Abraham Lincoln would say, if you don’t understand the values of an American, then you’re not an American.”

Is actually a paraphrase ‘each side reads the same Bible and prayed to the same God.’

ANGELO CODEVILLA in July of 2010 expressed it this way in America’s Ruling Class And the perils of revolution.

….The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners — nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.” By contrast, while most Americans pray to the God “who created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity.

Our classes’ clash is over “whose country” America is, over what way of life will prevail, over who is to defer to whom about what. The gravity of such divisions points us, as it did Lincoln, to Mark’s Gospel: “if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”…

It is not well expressed but I can see what he is trying to say.


Thank you Gail.

And the first time I read “our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity. ”

I read it as ‘impoverers‘, which is infinitely more accurate.

Which is not bad, for a made-up word 👍

JW in Germany

Hahaha! You all are killing me here this morning! Channeling Lincoln. 😂 


NRA files for bankruptcy, says it will reincorporate in Texas

  •  The National Rifle Association filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a restructuring plan aimed at moving the influential gun rights group to Texas.
  • The filing comes six months New York state’s attorney general filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the NRA for allegedly misappropriating funds.political and regulatory environment in New York,” where it is currently registered.
  • AG General Letitia James accuses the organization’s leadership of diverting millions for their own personal use, resulting in a $64 million loss to the NRA.

WASHINGTON – The National Rifle Association on Friday filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a restructuring plan aimed at moving the influential gun rights group to Texas.

The filing comes six months after New York state’s attorney general filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the NRA for allegedly misappropriating funds.

The advocacy group said that it would restructure as a Texas nonprofit to exit from what it described as “a corrupt political and regulatory environment in New York,” where it is currently registered

The NRA, which said it was not financially broke, filed for protection under Chapter 11 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Dallas.

In its filing, the group said it has assets of between $100 million and $500 million, and liabilities in the same dollar range.

The NRA’s largest unsecured creditor was its former ad agency Ackerman McQueen, which is owed $1.27 million, according to the filing. The gun group and the ad company have filed contentious lawsuits against one another.

“The plan can be summed up quite simply: We are DUMPING New York, and we are pursuing plans to reincorporate the NRA in Texas,” wrote NRA CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre in a statement Friday announing the filing.

He added that “no major changes are expected to the NRA’s operations or workforce.”

LaPierre also said that the NRA is not insolvent and the move to Texas would make the organization stronger. “We are as financially strong as we have been in years,” he said.

He added that the organization has no plans at this time to move the NRA headquarters from Fairfax, Virginia.

The NRA said it expected to emerge from bankruptcy within six months, and in a letter to its vendors said it will “propose a plan providing payment in full of all valid creditors’ claims.”

“The NRA will move quickly through the restructuring process. Its day-to-day operations, training programs, and Second Amendment advocacy will continue as usual, which means the NRA will continue to rely on the service of its valued vendors,” the letter said.

New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement that the state will review the NRA’s filing, but added: “We will not allow the NRA to use this or any other tactic to evade accountability and my office’s oversight.”

“The NRA’s claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt,” she added.

James’s lawsuit accuses the NRA’s leadership of diverting millions for their own personal use, resulting in a $64 million loss to the organization.


We’ll see.

As for the NY AG’s politically motivated persecution of the NRA, that’s another matter. . .


Bankruptcy “stops the clock” on a variety of enforcement actions. It’s not unusual for a company to file bankruptcy because of timing issues — everyone wants them to pay immediately, but they’ve got a large amount owed to them.


…not to diminish the need for such protection but surely a court would require that they provide a more accurate reporting of their assets. The difference between $100M and $500M leaves much room for shennanigans. As a moral suipporter of the second amend. and the NRA, I am curious about the logic of having such assets. Why is it necessary to possess so much cash in a non profit?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Their fights are EPISODIC under Democrat lawfare. There are things like Parkland – money-spending and money-generating events for both sides – that define the organization. Huge initial outlays in the days after Dems activate, followed by huge LAGGING receipts from new memberships, donations, etc.

It’s very sick, but that’s the way it is. MILLIONS have to be on hand and ready to spend overnight – to WIN.


I could see the need for having a prudent reserve to initiate defense from the attacks of those wishing to take away the second amend., but any time a not for profit or charity organization amasses assets, the door is opened for discension and manipulation. They become more vulnerable than they were when they were broke, having to raise support on an as needed basis. .


‘It’s all fallen apart’: Newsom scrambles to save California — and his career
01/11/2021 04:30 AM EST

LOS ANGELES — California is running so low on oxygen that officials are telling emergency crews to conserve supplies. Ambulances in Los Angeles are backed up outside emergency rooms, sometimes for hours. And the coronavirus vaccine distribution remains so disjointed that a freezer failure that forced immediate inoculations of hundreds of people in Northern California — inmates, older people, and some people on the street — was hailed as an improvement.

Californians are frustrated, tired and sick. And in the midst of the unfolding catastrophe, Gov. Gavin Newsom — confronting a burgeoning recall effort, on top of a year of wildfires and civil unrest — is under siege.

. . . Against that backdrop, the push to recall Newsom has been gaining steam. Though recall efforts are mounted routinely against governors and rarely qualify for the ballot, proponents of the anti-Newsom effort said Tuesday that they had surpassed 1 million signatures — about two-thirds of the number they need to force an election later this year — in part by soliciting signatures by mail from Republicans and independent voters. The effort drew a $500,000 donation recently from an Orange County donor who objected to Newsom’s orders limiting religious gatherings due to the coronavirus.

Dave Gilliard, the Republican strategist who helped orchestrate Davis’ recall in 2003 and is advising the Newsom recall effort, put the odds of qualifying for the ballot at about 80 to 85 percent.

“It’s really taken off in the last couple of months,” he said, attributing the increase to what he called “the French Laundry surge.”

. . . MOAR . . .


The problem is HOSPITALS ARE REQUIRED TO QUARANTINE the O2 Equipment fir 3 DAYS after use.
Period. Per government mandates

Gail Combs

I guess they never heard of STERILIZATION.  🤔 


They do it. Its a govt rule bc of covid. Doesnt matter about sterilized equipment. Its likely another way to kill people.


If they hurry they can be his special inauguration audience..



Inner City Press

Breaking: Just now John Earle Sullivan, on January 6 charges, was released without bail by Utah Federal Court, which said DOJ (which didn’t file a detention memo) hadn’t met the threshold to get a detention hearing- story soon, thread here


fibdoj strikes again!



With intention.

Purposeful, malicious, criminal.

In our faces.

It’s beginning to look like the strategy is to let Biden win, and do every other thing imaginable, to provoke We the People to the point where the American People just say &^%$ it, and kill everybody in government.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

WELLlllll… I have been rooting for Kim Jong-un  to drop a nice tidy MOAB on DC and save us the expense of trials.


Thats not an isolated opinion….at all.


“Incompetent Department of Justice”



If it was you or me, they wouldn’t have let US go.

So it’s not incompetence, it’s INTENTIONAL.

Why is it that our ‘side’ can never admit that?

All it does is make me suspect ‘chiffinois @ chillum’ is an enemy operative.

When someone is stabbing you in the face, repeatedly, it’s not an accident (or incompetence), you dumbass…


Storm Dispatch – 20210115-2


Greatest President since George Washington.


A short list of accomplishments in the Trump Administration


ONLY, 33 pages. Pasted in a Word doc for future reference.





CNN Forced to Make Embarrassing Correction to Capitol Story
By Kipp Jones
Published January 14, 2021 at 5:16pm

CNN was forced to issue an embarrassing correction to a story Thursday that falsely claimed Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California “grabbed a crowbar” during the Capitol incursion last week, when he actually grabbed a ProBar, an organic plant-based meal bar.

. . . The network originally committed a blinding error, though, which could have led readers to believe that the congressman was bravely attempting to ward off those who breached the Capitol building, when he was actually just in need of a snack.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well now!


“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.”

H/T –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wyoming GOP: ‘Consensus Is Clear,’ Liz Cheney’s Impeachment Vote Has Sparked Unprecedented Outcry

The Wyoming Republican Party on Wednesday published a list of criticisms it received from constituents about House Republican Conference chair Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) vote to impeach President Donald Trump over last week’s deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol.

“There has not been a time during our tenure when we have seen this type of an outcry from our fellow Republicans, with the anger and frustration being palpable in the comments we have received. Our telephone has not stopped ringing, our email is filling up, and our website has seen more traffic than at any previous time,” the Wyoming GOP said in a statement. “The consensus is clear that those who are reaching out to the Party vehemently disagree with Representative Cheney’s decision and actions.”

The Wyoming GOP released comments accusing Cheney of refusing to allow President Trump due process during the House’s impeachment efforts and siding with radical progressives.

“By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the ‘evidence’ before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made,” the statement reads. “Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the ‘worst thing ever in our history’ (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.”

. . . Cheney’s vote prompted calls for her resignation from her House GOP leadership post from Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).


Thanks for posting the article Michael.

Ms Cheney is done… right?


The wench ought a be primaried with ease.


Yes Kal… or run out of town on a rail…


As far as I’m concerned, yes.

She could still run as a Democrat.

The GOPe might still prop her up, too.


Michael, I don’t believe things are going to be the same after the days ahead… the GOPe is destroyed… most will be in prison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Didn’t the House Repub leadership already turn down requests to replace her a few days ago?

At this point I do not think it matters. IT IS TOO LATE. They might have recovered when Nunes and others wanted her removed, but not at this point. 🤓  🙃 

Gail Combs

House Republican Conference chair Liz Cheney”

OK exactly what is she the chair person of?

House Republican Conference

The organizational body for all GOP Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the House Republican Conference is responsible for electing the House Republican leadership, approving GOP Member committee assignments, managing leadership-driven floor debates, and executing a communications strategy that is executed within the party and is conveyed to constituents through the media.

Internally, the Conference provides a wide variety of services to Members….

Externally, the House Republican Conference coordinates media availability for leadership events, schedules GOP Members to participate in TV and radio interviews, and 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗡 𝗠𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗣𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗖.

Oh Boy, no wonder the Republicans are freaking out! Nothing like having someone who HATES President Trump AND SHOWS IT, represent you to YOUR REALLY,REALLY PISSED OFF REPUBLICAN VOTING BASE.


The Republicans Really Really want to completely kill their party Don’t they?


Clearly we need to get rid of Cheney. She wholly represents the GOPe and has far too much power to influence leadership to GOPe ends.


There’s no GOP. No voters, no dollars. Catturd: “The backstabbing Republican Party believing they actually have any voters left, is the most out-of-touch delusion I’ve ever seen in politics.”


Can’t imagine conservatives voting for 99% of the RepubliCONs.

A few, Jordan, Gaetz, Gohmer…are the only ones worth a vote.

NO MORE benefit of the doubt voting “Rs”.

The good guys really need to start a new political party.

74+ million Trump voters WILL NEVER forget!!!


There is no hope of a new party without Trump in power and at the helm. Otherwise it’s a bunch of people shouting from the bleachers. While they are able to.


Agree. It would take Trump to lead a new party. He won’t run for President again.

RepubliCON party is truly dead, in that they’ll NEVER enjoy a majority in the Senate, House or win the WH.

RepubliCON’s stabbed THEMSELVES IN THE BACK when they betrayed President Trump. AND betrayed 74+ million voters.

Gail Combs

If, we actually get Voter ID and CLEAN elections, The ReBoob-Cons are as dead as the Whigs.

Liz Cheney as CHAIRMAN of the House Republicans just rubbed salt in a gaping wound. She turned the Conservative Voter Rage on a scale of 1 to 10 to 15.comment image


There will never be another legitimate election without Trump’s 2nd term. We don’t even know how long it’s been since we’ve had one.


True. I am sure Colorado got turned with the machines. And a bunch of the contested States with rep legislatures and rep governors who did nothing. Hard to fix when “our side” did nothing.


There can never be a healing on the horizontal plain between left and right, until there is a vertical healing between God and man.


True dat, which is why even discussing any next election cycle is idiocy.

Gail Combs


Elizabeth Lynne Cheney[1] (/ˈtʃeɪni/ CHAY-nee; born July 28, 1966)[2] is an American attorney serving as the U.S. Representative for Wyoming’s at-large congressional district since 2017. Cheney is the House Republican Conference Chair, the third-highest position in the House Republican leadership. 

So she is a FRESHMAN who was awarded that Chairmanship because Her Daddy was VP and  “she holds the seat that was held by her father from 1979 to 1989.”


Says a lot doesn’t it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She is not a freshman.

This is her third term.

However, that is unusually junior to be holding such a position


Odds are, her last.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


But her constituents have two years to forget. So she’s probably holding out hope, even though I personally doubt any of them will forget.


I read the response from the Rep party in Wyoming a day or so ago. Not happy. Wrong State to turn rhino. Actually confess rhino as she has always been one. In the DNA.


So she is a FRESHMAN who was awarded that Chairmanship because Her Daddy was VP”


I get the impression that the Modern Global Mafia is very much a ‘what have you done for me lately‘ type of demon cult.

So while Daddy Cheney may have an honorary statue in the Hall of Doom, is Dick Cheney still a high ranking member in the GOPe, with the ability to insert his little demon on the fast-track to the presidency?

Or was it awarded the chairmanship for personal attributes of ruthlessness and hate?


An Urgent Message: What I Learned in Prayer and Fasting Yesterday.


The need to prayer together in community.
Prayer walking to ask for protection, changing atmospheres.


Amen goes right there, T3!!!


January 14, 2021
A Flawed Impeachment for ‘Incitement’
By Walter Block–incitement-/

President Donald Trump was hastily impeached by the House for a second time on Wednesday for “inciting insurrection.” 

Legislators accused Trump of egging on, instigating, and inciting his supporters to engage in insurrection and overthrow the U.S. government, starting with a violent attack on Congress. Uttering phrases such as, “You will never take back our country with weakness,” during his speech on Jan 6, 2021, Trump encouraged his supporters “to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” at the Capitol building. 

There are major factual errors in the House’s decision. We know now that the riots started well before Trump’s speech ended, so it’s wrong to strongly or even weakly imply that the subsequent events were a reaction to his speech. Furthermore, after the impeachment Wednesday, CNN reported that the FBI is examining evidence that the attack on the U.S. Capitol was planned, with the rioters stashing equipment in advance. 

. . . of course: by any standard, President Trump did not incite the mob on Jan. 6, let alone aid and abet them.

P.S. Does anyone notice the wildly different treatment of this right-wing riot compared to the much more devastating ones put on by left-wing “peaceful” marches and mayhems organized by BLM and Antifa? I don’t think it is politically correct to even mention this disparity. So, fughedaboudit, as we say in Brooklyn. 

P.P.S. Is it possible that there was a false flag operation in effect here? That BLM and Antifa snuck into the confused melee, with the goal of undermining President Trump’s authority? Enquiring minds want to know.



January 13, 2021
Preparing Your Kids for the ‘Re-education Camps’
By Annie Holmquist–re-education-camps-/

In an interview with the undercover journalists at Project Veritas, Beller loosened up and advanced the need for “re-education camps”—or the more friendly-sounding “enlightenment camps”—for the children of Donald Trump supporters, arguing that they will “be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people—horrible kids.”

Clearly recorded before the election, Beller lays out his plan: “Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away. What do you think about that? … And we’ll put them [Trump supporters’ children] into re-education camps.”

If chills just ran down your back reading that, then take heart, for Beller doesn’t intend to mistreat these relocated children. Instead, they will have the best of care, watching PBS and learning in classrooms filled with Sesame Street characters. What could be better?

. . . Writing in The Communist Manifesto, Marx noted that the destruction of the family, particularly the separation of children and parents, was a main goal of communism.

“Abolition of the family!” Marx prescribed, noting that “Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.” Yet this was the goal, for Marx believed the traditional family was built “On capital, on private gain” and would “vanish with the vanishing of capital.”

The father of Communism takes direct aim at the parent-child relationship in his next words: “Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.”

Marx embraces the idea of “destroy[ing] the most hallowed of relations,” replacing the education of children in the home with a social form of the same, noting how Communists seek to co-opt schools as a means of intervention and indoctrination toward their way of thinking.

Is such a plan resurfacing under those who advance a new totalitarian government? Sure, Beller no longer works for PBS, but seeing as he flippantly passes off his opinions, it’s hard to imagine that he thinks his views are not socially acceptable in his circles. Thus, those who will not submit willingly to the new “woke” totalitarian way of thinking must be made to conform to the mold, and if not themselves, then most certainly their children.

So what do we do? Do we sit back and wait for the inevitable? Do we fight to the death to keep our children and train them in our values and beliefs?

Most of us would surely do the latter. But what if even that fails? How do we prepare our children for the time when—God forbid—they may be forcibly separated from us and indoctrinated with ideologies that we can’t and won’t accept?

Two answers to that question are offered in the concluding paragraphs of W. Cleon Skousen’s 1958 book, The Naked Communist:

If the challenge to our youth today is a war of ideologies, then it is time for us to take the offensive. We should not sit back and wait for our boys and girls to be indoctrinated with materialistic dogma and thereby make themselves vulnerable to a Communist conversion when they are approached by the agents of force and fear who come from across the sea. For two generations an important phase of American life has been disintegrating. As parents and teachers we need to recognize that if this pillar of our culture collapses, our own children will be the casualties. This disintegration must stop. …


Of course, we must do more than merely teach correct principles—certainly we must practice them. I therefore close with the words of Francis Bacon who said: ‘It is not what you eat, but what you digest that makes you strong. It is not what you earn, but what you save that makes you rich. It is not what you preach, but what you practice that makes you a Christian!’ 

Teach and do. Simple words, but incredibly challenging to put into practice. The challenge is worth it, however.

So teach your children history. Train them to value things like truth, family, and morality. Take them to church and instill Scriptural principles in their hearts. But don’t just impress such things upon them. Personally adopting these practices and modeling them for your children will go much further in helping them stand strong in the possible event that one day, they may be brought under the influence of those whose values are in direct opposition to yours.



GAB has them all




True. Gab, CEO Torba I guess is his name has been trying to get President Trump to start Gabbing.

Sadie Slays

Here it is. It’s a placeholder account / tweet archive set up by Gab management. This is not the President’s actual account (although maybe one day!)


The Gab account that was developed for POTUS to use if he ever left TW has a backup, not sure how far back it goes

Sadie Slays

Under federal law, President Trump’s tweets must be saved forever by the federal government as part of the Presidential Record. And yeah, yeah, we all know that laws don’t apply to Democrats, but the point here is that, at least right now, Twitter has no control over his archived tweets.

This changed, however, after Richard Nixon’s presidency. Congress created the Presidential Records Act of 1978 out of concern that former president Nixon would destroy the tapes that led to his resignation.

The PRA sets strict rules for presidential records created during a president’s term. They include material related to “constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” This includes records created on electronic platforms like email, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. There is a narrow exception that things like diaries, journals or other personal notes don’t need to be opened for review.

Under the law, the federal government must maintain ownership and control of all presidential records, including records created by the president’s staff. Once a president leaves office, all presidential records must be transferred to the archivist of the United States, who makes them available to the public over time.

A U.S. National Archives spokesperson has said that posted tweets are considered presidential records. The National Archives has since requested that the White House save deleted or altered tweets, but has not stated a position on whether they are definitely presidential records. I believe the Presidential Records Act should apply, for several reasons.

The PRA does not allow the president to get rid of any presidential records without the written permission of the archivist. And presidential records that have “administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value,” cannot be destroyed at all.

Here’s a really nice searchable Trump Twitter archive that I use for research:

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

Thank you Sadie

Gail Combs

The VICTOR writes the history.
comment image


But… but… muh Constitution says we gotta lose!

We just have to!

(or something) 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467


Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President TrumpJOHN NOLTE15 Jan 2021

On January 5, President Trump’s job approval rating with Rasmussen was 47 percent. Today, the president’s job approval is 48 percent.

The attack on Capitol Hill took place on January 6. Since then, there has been more than a week of 24/7, highly-coordinated media hysteria attacking the president as a traitor, as guilty of sedition, of being criminally liable for leading a violent coup against the United States of America … and his job approval rating is up a point.

Don’t pay any attention to media pollsters. Please don’t. They’re all crap. All liars. All proven liars who have been deceiving and lying to you for at least three election cycles. Rasmussen is one of the few pollsters you can trust, so when Rasmussen tells us Trump’s support has not slipped, you can not only believe it, you are offered the opportunity to wonder why.

The main reason why is that corporate media no longer have the power to sway public opinion. Look at what’s going on out there right now. You not only have the fake media accusing Trump of sedition and of starting a riot, you have all of Hollywood climbing on board and the Democrat Party impeaching him (again).

Trump was just impeached a second time, and his job approval rating hasn’t budged.

In other words, the media and Democrats and Hollywood are only talking amongst themselves. No one else is even listening. These institutions have turned it up to 11 for the past ten or so days, and have persuaded no one NO ONE to drop their support for Trump.

Nobody’s listening to these idiots anymore. Their hysteria is echoing only throughout their own echo chamber. The rest of us are numb to it, don’t trust it, and know when we’re being hustled and lied to.

After all, why would anyone listen to the corporate media? All they do is lie. For four years, most especially throughout the last nine months, the media and Democrats have been openly encouraging political violence — riots, arson, looting, assaults — including violence against the police, including political terrorism against Capitol buildings, and now they’re offended?

For four years the media and Hollywood and Democrats attacked the integrity of a legal presidential election and then launched insurrection after insurrection in the form of the Russia Collusion Hoax and the Impeachment Hoax, and now they’re offended?

Oh, look, here’s something we were told wouldn’t happen.

The only people who listen to these media idiots anymore are the same idiots. Nothing the media do widens their circle of influence. All they can do is preach to the same choir.

Do these media/Democrat/Hollywood idiots honestly believe they can accuse the president of leading an insurrection while hiding that part of his January 6 speech where he specifically asked everyone to remain peaceful and respectful?

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

Sorry, it’s not 2006 anymore.

These double standards, this raging hypocrisy, these lies of commission and omission, might have worked 15 years ago, might have bamboozled the public once upon a time, but not anymore. The shamelessly dishonest corporate media no longer have the power to move the public opinion needle — not even by a point.

So all this hysteria and pomposity and outrage happening right now… It’s all a show these liars are putting on for themselves as the smart American people keep on keeping and pay no attention to the small, angry, serial liar behind the red curtain.


Rasmussen wouldn’t show DJT above 50% approval even if he cured cancer while creating free energy devices and gifting them to mankind 😂🤣😂




DW has a friend in the NW who is married to a retired Navy Officer who has a friend whose cousin married a nurse whose daughter is dating an AF Pilot. Well, the AF Pilot says that the world-wide pickup of corrupt bad guys is going to go down either Sun or Mon.

Now, this is REALLY BIG NEWS so I took the time to meticulously trace the info to its source so you can absolutely believe it and tell everyone you know.


I guess it’s pretty serious

Harry Lime

Hey…that’s Kristy Swanson (aka Buffy the Vampire Slayer)…she’s a big Trump supporter.



If we weren’t at the point of absolutes, with our country and life as we know it in the balance . . . it might be clever, even funny. As it stands, no.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Well i better go stock more and get to the laudronat. 🙏 for the good guys.


Interesting read….

Trump continues to take the enemy into deep waters
“It will require a communications medium completely outside of the current CCP-controlled systems. It’s no secret the Trump administration has been putting satellites into space, and there’s been plenty of evidence they’ve been working on a new satellite-based internet system. “


Wanna bet they name it SkyNet?


It’s no secret the Trump administration has been putting satellites into space, and there’s been plenty of evidence they’ve been working on a new satellite-based internet system. “


Well… it was a secret from me…

But not anymore! 😂 🤣 😂

Gail Combs

More kids, esp college kids need that treatment for real.

Actually they need to be tossed out to stand on their own two feet. If they had to WORK to pay for the college education instead of getting loans or having Daddy pay they would grow up a lot sooner.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

“Actually they need to be tossed out to stand on their own two feet. If they had to WORK to pay for the college education instead of getting loans or having Daddy pay they would grow up a lot sooner.”


I know what you mean, but they would die.

Or become sex workers, then drug addicts, and then die.

They don’t have any skills, at all.

The education system didn’t just teach them nothing, it destroyed their minds, their capacity to think.

I know some young people who are in the public education system, and some who are recently out of high school.

The things I hear about what school is like today is like something from another planet, and I know from conversation (when they can be pried away from their handheld tracking device for a moment) that they don’t have any idea about what’s going on.

About anything.

They have not been taught anything.

When any kind of controversy (e.g., politics) comes up, they leave the room. They cannot engage the discussion.

They don’t have enough understanding, they don’t have the capacity to formulate an argument, they can’t defend what they think or believe in any way besides an outburst of emotion, or running away.

And I’m not talking about kids in inner city schools, these are ‘good’ schools.

They can’t stand on their own two feet.

They can barely sit straight.

To toss them out would be like tossing a newly hatched chick out of the nest.

It would just fall to its death.

I have no answer to this problem, I don’t even know how to fix it, except to have them take school all over again, at least grades 6 through 12, and graduate from high school a second time in their mid 20s.

And even that would be useless, unless the schools are R A D I C A L L Y reformed.

The entire administration fired, most of the teachers fired, and run by the military, until teachers are taught how to be teachers again, where the children don’t run the asylum, and teachers are not afraid of (or worse, enabling and encouraging) insane Leftist parents.

It’s the Marxism, the intentional destruction of everything, culture, religion, economy, history, family, and most certainly education.

They succeeded, at least with regard to education.

It is destroyed.

It is worse today than no education at all.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Top SBC Leader Says If He Were Senator, He Would Vote to Impeach and Convict Donald Trump

Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission — a George Soros-linked front group for the Evangelical left — is arguably the most controversial figure in the American Church. That Moore, who spends denominational resources fighting for open borders, amnesty, and lobbying governments to build Islamic mosques, has somehow managed to hang on to this top leadership position despite calls from multiple angles for his resignation.

In a recent email communication, Russell Moore called for the impeachment of Donald Trump. But he didn’t stop there, he said that if he were a senator, he’d impeach Trump and vote to convict him — and that he’d be willing to risk losing his Senate seat to do so.

After making a ridiculous and unfounded case that, somehow, the president — who called unarguably called for peaceful protesting — incited a “violent” “insurrection,” he writes,

You don’t have to agree with me. I might be wrong. I don’t speak for anyone else, only myself. But you deserve to hear from me what I honestly think. If I were the President, I would resign. If I were the Vice President, I would assemble the cabinet in accordance with the 25th Amendment. If I were a Member of Congress, I would vote to impeach. And if I were a United States senator, I would vote to convict. And I would be willing, if necessary, to lose my seat to do so. As a matter of fact, I am willing, if necessary, to lose this seat. 

Russell Moore is the primary cause of division in the Southern Baptist Convention. Had it not been for Moore’s divisive and continuous rhetoric against conservatives in the denomination, we would not see such animosity toward each other. Before Trump’s election in 2016, Moore continuously railed against the president prompting a response from the then presidential candidate,

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If Trump has been wrong about everything else, he is absolutely right about this — Russell Moore does not represent truly conservative Evangelicals. Russell Moore is a divisive man, he needs to be purged. Earlier, one prominent seminary professor called on him to be removed. The entire Southern Baptist Convention needs to stand with him in this call.



Federal prosecutors walk back sensational allegation of plot to kill lawmakers during Capitol siege
Acting U.S. attorney in D.C. walks back charges filed in Arizona suggesting a plot to kill lawmakers.

The acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin announced on Friday that there is no “direct evidence” indicating that the crowd of people who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 had any intention of killing or kidnapping members of Congress. 

He told reporters, “We don’t have any direct evidence of kill-capture teams,” which seemed to contradict federal prosecutors in Arizona who had alleged on Thursday in a court filing that there was evidence rioters wanted “to capture and assassinate elected officials.”

Reuters reported that Sherwin was attempting to “walk back” the claims filed in Arizona, which were about Jacob Chansey, the so-called “Qanon shaman” who was shirtless and wearing horns in the Senate chamber. He allegedly left a note saying, “it’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.”

Sherwin said that his office in D.C. is taking the lead on prosecuting crimes related to the breach of the Capitol, adding that there may have been a “disconnect” with other offices on some of the evidence. 

“The cases are all being charged here in D.C., and with our law enforcement partners, and what makes this case in particular unprecedented and unusual and extremely complex is the fact that, after the event, obviously thousands of people went back to their home districts,” said Sherwin. “And that has complicated things.” 


Again, thank you Michael for posting the articles…

Been online too long today…

Going to watch a silly movie and then bed…

Light and blessings to all…
lots of hugs too

Praying for our President Donald J. Trump, for his safety and his leadership

and for the mission(s) ongoing and to come…

Elizabeth Carter

I wonder how this space policy directive 7 will impact Google Earth and GPS software.


Thank you Liz, that’s an interesting ‘wonder’ …


Antifa punk in Jan 6th staged riot getting the typical DOJ treatment.


Contrary to what his atty claimed..that he was there along with scores of other..blah blah..there’s a video of HIS that shows that he was in the building out on the veranda AS the crowd was streaming toward the building. He’s yelling at them to come in. He was already inside before the throng.

If I can find it I’ll link it ( or if anyone else has it ,could bring it)

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

I saw that. And yet DOJ could not present enough evidence to require bail. Swamp in action.


I don’t know why this crap still infuriates me. We expect the govt to fail The People and it does every time.

Here’s the write up about the previous revolt he led where another person was killed. Upstanding guy.

~~~~~~~~~~~ “As a protest organizer John Sullivan is heard and seen as he is promoting protesters to block roadways, keeping motorists from traveling lawfully and freely.”
Sullivan was also captured on video threatening to beat a woman in an SUV, according to the affidavit, and then kicking her door, leaving a dent.
Sullivan was seen with Jesse Taggart — the man charged with shooting the motorist — throughout the protest, the affidavit states.
“As a protest organizer, John Sullivan is heard talking about seeing the shooting, looking at the gun and seeing smoke coming from it. John did not condemn the attempted murder nor attempt to stop it nor aide in its investigation by police.”


The Woke Movement is Leninism 4.0: Political Commentator Dr. James Lindsay
BY GARY DU AND JAN JEKIELEK January 15, 2021 Updated: January 15, 2021
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Dr. James Lindsay, an American-born author and political commentator, called the “woke” movement promoted by Black Lives Matter and other left-wing activists Leninism 4.0.

“Now we have the attempt to apply Leninism to the American context, using corporations as part of the toolset, for example. And so we call this movement the ‘woke’ movement. We talked about woke capital with all the corporations … the woke movement is Leninism 4.0,” Lindsay told Jan Jekielek, host of The Epoch Times’ American Thoughts Leaders program on Jan. 13.

Lindsay explained that the first 3 versions or flavors of Leninism through Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, each tried to fix the problems from the previous version.

The “woke” movement that has evolved today focuses on the issues of social and racial justice and has become a catchword used by Black Lives Matter activists on the streets.

Lindsay described the movement as “the idea is that you have some enlightened party of people who are probably part of what Marx would have identified as the bourgeoisie, who understand the problem of the proletariat better than the proletariat does and is going to shepherd them through the revolution that they need to have that’s for the greater good or in their best interest.”

For people on the left, being “woke” means siding with social justice advocates focused on contemporary political concerns, but for people on the right, it is often interpreted as an aspect of “political correctness” or “cancel culture.”

Lindsay said he’s been studying “woke” culture and its historical and philosophical antecedents for a number of years.

“At present, what’s happening in the United States [is] we have ‘repressive tolerance’ at the end of a narrative, which is a significant difference [of] 4.0 versus 1.0. So we should point that out, at least for the moment, that the way that they are, you know, Lenin went around and killed dissidents, they are instead canceling dissidents here,” he said.

But he noted that there are some encouraging positive developments.

“We’ve had attorneys general already file antitrust suits against these big tech companies. We’ve seen people pushing back in big legal ways that might have a significant impact to scare these big tech companies into rethinking the way that they’re operating,” Lindsay added.

The Jan. 6 Incident
Lindsay said the people who broke into the Capitol building on Jan. 6 might have had the “intention of some kind of insurrection,” but that video footage showed that they were “wandering around being interviewed by journalists” and didn’t have a plan of action. He doesn’t think President Donald Trump incited violence there and that the narrative that he did doesn’t add up.

He warned against the “consensus view” built up on what happened at the Capitol and a “pseudo-reality” that misleads people. “Why is everything so fractured? Why is everything so polarized? We actually live in a world, at the moment, where we have two consensus views,” Lindsay said.

Lindsay also called out hypocrisy from the left as they try to get “sharp prison sentences threatened on these people [who broke into the Capitol]” and make them unemployable, even calling on Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) to be removed from their offices.

“You see Cori Bush calling for them to be removed and then we compare that to what we saw with Kamala Harris saying: here’s the link to bail people out of jail for the riots in June. We see AOC saying repeatedly that the riots are necessary,” he said.

Lindsay offered advice to people who may feel confused about the current rapidly-changing narratives surrounding politics: “take a bit of a step back from the news.”

“Try to regain your perspective. Try to regain your calm and then start asking questions. Be more skeptical. Start to perceive that maybe the thing you’re being shown is something that people want you to see rather than something that is,” he said.

Lindsay, author of six books on subjects ranging from religion, the philosophy of science, and postmodern theory, said he’s not a Trump fan or right-wing, but strives to uphold liberty.

Gail Combs

Lindsay offered advice to people who may feel confused about the current rapidly-changing narratives surrounding politics: “take a bit of a step back from the news.”

“Try to regain your perspective. Try to regain your calm and then start asking questions. Be more skeptical. Start to perceive that maybe the thing you’re being shown is something that people want you to see rather than something that is,” he said.

Lindsay is an enabler. I wonder if he would have offered the same advice to the people in Hitler’s Germany right after the Reichstag fire. Note he has published “six books on subjects ranging from religion, the philosophy of science, and postmodern theory”

Wiki says:

 Lindsay received his B.S. in physics from Tennessee Technological University in 2001 and his M.S. in mathematics from the same institution in 2003, and his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Tennessee in 2010. 

It looks like his profession is writer. I can find no other work references.

(And yeah, he says he voted for President Trump.)


Trump Receives Morocco’s Highest Award for Middle East Work: Official
BY REUTERS January 15, 2021 Updated: January 15, 2021

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on Friday received Morocco’s highest award for his work in advancing a normalization deal between Israel and Morocco, a senior administration official told Reuters.

In a private Oval Office ceremony, Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui, who is Morocco’s ambassador to the United States, gave Trump the Order of Muhammad, an award given only to heads of state. It was a gift from Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz received other awards for their work on the Israel-Morocco deal, which was reached in December.

The United States in the last five months helped broker deals between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. The agreements are aimed at normalizing relations and opening economic ties.

The Kushner team had been working on reaching more agreements between Israel and the Arab world. But time has run out and no more are expected before Trump leaves office on Wednesday.


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Did Leonidas lose his shades???


BardsFM, Q&A – 20210115


Can’t tell if this from the BBC is factual reporting, satire, or disinfo . . .

If it was from the Bee I’d just call it satire 😉

Russian government resigns as Vladimir Putin plans future
Published15 January 2020

Russia’s government has resigned, hours after President Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping constitutional changes that could prolong his stay in power.

If approved by the public, the proposals would transfer power from the presidency to parliament.

Mr Putin is due to step down in 2024 when his fourth term of office comes to an end.

But there is speculation he could seek a new role or hold on to power behind the scenes.

Mr Putin put forward his plans in his annual state of the nation address to lawmakers. Later, in an unexpected move, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that the government was resigning to help facilitate the changes.

. . . MOAR . . .


Tooth Implant update. I had this done last week. I had asked here about it and most had not had one so here are the basics. I did get the IV, as my wife says, you’re a pussy.

I had a tooth pulled last year, old crown root canaled tooth that cracked and started to absys at the gum. It got yanked so I needed to replace it. Spent the money on an implant versus bridge. Not sure how much insurance will cover but about $2000 so far. But they asked if I wanted IV to sleep for $200, I said sold.

Procedure was about 40 minutes. They open the gum, drill a hole in the jaw and press in the titanium implant. They stitch the gum closed with about 3 dissolving stitches. The last of which fell out tonight. So the implant sits below the gum line. This will heal for 6-8 weeks. You have to not eat around it while it fuses with the bone.

Then you get checked and once ok you go to your regular dentist who will make the tooth which will be screwed to the implant post. Pain was minor but then my tooth was root canaled so no nerve to really get irritated. I got a script for oxycodone. 5 pills which I did not use. Out of pocket expense for that, 95 cents. Why is there an opioid crisis, right here.

Lesson is for young folk, no sugar and keep your teeth. Proper low carb diet and the teeth will be fine. Luckily the last of my old silver fillings are gone. Dentistry has come a long way and some of their new toys are really cool. And if you hate your dentist, remember in Russia they don’t use anesthesia.


Vast majority of tooth decay is due to mouth breathing while sleeping. The teeth dry out which allows the bacteria to go hog wild. Saliva is a natural anti-bacterial.

Once a person is an adult, it is virtually impossible to re-train him/her to nose breathe. Most people learn to mouth breathe due to deviated septum restricting the amount of air that can enter with each breath.

Next thing to watch for is apnea. A male with a 16 inch neck or larger almost always needs to use a CPAP machine at night. Anybody who snores needs a CPAP machine to prevent dying during sleep. .


Weston Price, a dentist did a study back in the 1930’s of native tribes in multiple continents. All had perfect teeth. Straight, no cavities. A Western diet ( high carb) will destroy your teeth. Sugar (any processed food has some form of sugar).

Apnea is the result of a crap diet with carbs. Mouth breathing is garbage, fix your diet. Lose the carbs then no need for most meds, cpap etc. Fix the root cause, don’t use tools to address symptoms.


BREAKING: Mike Lindell Visits Trump in White House – Then Media Captures Pictures of His Notes to President Referring to Crimes and Insurrection Act

Portions of the article:

Mike Lindell was at the White House on Friday for a meeting with President Trump. When he left the premises he ensured the faithful that President Trump would be President for four more years.
The Washington Times reports:

As of early Friday, the businessman and activist was still insisting President Trump will serve a second term in office.

“Keep the faith everyone,” Mr. Lindell 9″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”>posted on his Facebook page. “We will have our president Donald Trump 4 more years!”

Today after Mike Lindell, a devoted Christian, spoke to America he was seen leaving the Oval Office. Lindell was carrying a coffee and notes. At least one photographer took a picture of Lindell’s notes and increased what was captured in size so you could read the notes.

The New York Times claimed the notes included a suggestion about invoking the Insurrection Act, by which a President can deploy active military troops into the streets, among other moves.

The picture of the notes that we share below do not mention the Insurrection Act but do share much more. They included wording suggesting that someone should be named to an Acting National Security position and something about Fort Mead. There also is mention about the assault on the [possibly Constitution] and martial law if necessary at the first hint [of likely violence]. There is also a note of moving Kash Patel to CIA Acting. Finally there is wording of China and Iran interfering in our election and using domestic actors in their effort.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe she thought she was A Rapper Hoe (or, in Piglosi terms, A Wrapper Hoe) 🙂

JW in Germany

THAT is funny! 😂  😂  😂