Linda shared this yesterday from Lin Wood’s GAB feed. It’s too good not to share even if I really don’t get poetry, much to a number of nuns’ dismay. This one, though, is in cuplets that even I get. (Edited for stanza clarity.)
Twas the weekend before covfefe, and all thru the land,
The lefties were trembling at the cards in Trump’s hand.
The patriots were nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of perp walks danced in their heads.The laptops recovered in a raid days ago,
Shed new light on the crimes of our treasonous foe.
When up on the web there arose such a clatter,
Big tech blocking accounts like free speech didn’t matter.Impeachment was threatened, amendment 25,
“The Trump administration must not survive!”
They screamed from the rooftops, on every news show.
“This bad bad bad orange man has just got to go!”But Donald J Trump had a card up his sleeve,
a card so glorious no one could believe.
You see, he had caught them. He set a big trap.
He knew they would try this election fraud crap.He watched them all do it, all in real time.
He was sure that Mike Pence would certify their crime.
His intel had told him they’d planned a false flag,
To make sure Trump’s destruction was all in the bag.The Dems told Antifa “Show up in disguise.”
“Wear your MAGA hats backwards so no one will get wise.”
“When we start the debate, you all storm inside.
Don’t worry, the police will open doors wide.”“We will blame all your damage on Trump and his fans,
So never again will Trump thwart all our plans.”
Trump knew Dems would do this, he sent special ops,
They dressed like Antifa and grabbed the laptops.Upon them was evidence of aggregious crimes.
The Deep State had done this crap so many times.
Straight to the military the evidence went.
Charges of treason were now imminent.No screaming or crying would stop what was to come.
Resignation and prison, and Gitmo for some.
Military tribunals will convict all these traitors.
Who stole an election because they were haters.When the trials are done and the votes are done right.
Crimes done in the darkness have come to the light…
Trump will be sworn in to finish his eight.
And we will continue to make America great.
Call me a glutton for punishment, but there is hope in all of this. Just hang on. President Trump and his people would not have come this far to just let it all go in a stolen election.
Are we there yet?
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Normally, in this space, a reading from the day’s Mass is featured. Today, the readings simply do not fit our situation. However, a passage from Ecclesiasticus, a book commonly called Sirach for it’s author, does somewhat fit. This book is part of the Greek or Helenistic Canon of the Old Testament that was removed from the Septuagint in the 300 years or so following Christ’s time on Earth, and is one of the seven books not in protestant bibles.
Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 10
A wise judge shall judge his people, and the government of a prudent man shall be steady. [2] As the judge of the people is himself, so also are his ministers: and what manner of man the ruler of a city is, such also are they that dwell therein. [3] An unwise king shall be the ruin of his people: and cities shall be inhabited through the prudence of the rulers. [4] The power of the earth is in the hand of God, and in his time he will raise up a profitable ruler over it. [5] The prosperity of man is in the hand of God, and upon the person of the scribe he shall lay his honour.
[6] Remember not any injury done thee by thy neighbour, and do thou nothing by deeds of injury. [7] Pride is hateful before God and men: and all iniquity of nations is execrable. [8] A kingdom is translated from one people to another, because of injustices, and wrongs, and injuries, and divers deceits. [9] But nothing is more wicked than the covetous man. Why is earth and ashes proud? [10] There is not a more wicked thing than to love money: for such a one setteth even his own soul to sale: because while he liveth he hath cast away his bowels.
[11] All power is of short life. A long sickness is troublesome to the physician. [12] The physician cutteth off a short sickness: so also a king is today, and tomorrow he shall die. [13] For when a man shall die, he shall inherit serpents, and beasts, and worms. [14] The beginning of the pride of man, is to fall off from God: [15] Because his heart is departed from him that made him: for pride is the beginning of all sin: he that holdeth it, shall be filled with maledictions, and it shall ruin him in the end.
[16] Therefore hath the Lord disgraced the assemblies of the wicked, and hath utterly destroyed them. [17] God hath overturned the thrones of proud princes, and hath set up the meek in their stead. [18] God hath made the roots of proud nations to wither, and hath planted the humble of these nations. [19] The Lord hath overthrown the lands of the Gentiles, and hath destroyed them even to the foundation. [20] He hath made some of them to wither away, and hath destroyed them, and hath made the memory of them to cease from the earth.
[21] God hath abolished the memory of the proud, and hath preserved the memory of them that are humble in mind. [22] Pride was not made for men: nor wrath for the race of women. [23] That seed of men shall be honoured, which feareth God: but that seed shall be dishonoured, which transgresseth the commandments of the Lord. [24] In the midst of brethren their chief is honourable: so shall they that fear the Lord, be in his eyes. [25] The fear of God is the glory of the rich, and of the honourable, and of the poor:
[26] Despise not a just man that is poor, and do not magnify a sinful man that is rich. [27] The great man, and the judge, and the mighty is in honour: and there is none greater than he that feareth God. [28] They that are free shall serve a servant that is wise: and a man that is prudent and well instructed will not murmur when he is reproved; and he that is ignorant, shall not be honoured. [29] Extol not thyself in doing thy work, and linger not in the time of distress: [30] Better is he that laboureth, and aboundeth in all things, than he that boasteth himself and wanteth bread.
[31] My son, keep thy soul in meekness, and give it honour according to its desert. [32] Who will justify him that sinneth against his own soul? and who will honour him that dishonoureth his own soul? [33] The poor man is glorified by his discipline and fear: and there is a man that is honoured for his wealth. [34] But he that is glorified in poverty, how much more in wealth? and he that is glorified in wealth, let him fear poverty.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

oh happy day
oh unhappy day
your choice
Happy! Best 4 years of my life. I’m a bit greedy though. I so much do want to visit that guys Presidential Library, check book is ready, but if I have to wait another 4 years, I’ll just have to wait.
As a diversion of sorts today, watched The Last of the Mohicans today. Great movie.
Maybe Patriot tomorrow.
Very good choice!
Both those films have been on a continous loop at our house. Along with LOTR.
Nice fantasy. Never gonna happen.
Batman doesn’t lose
Sink update — last hose off. had to put a socket wrench on the sink tool. Corroded completely green. Also too freakin’ short, stiff as a board, and twisted like a corkscrew. Hose shopping for supple new extra-long hoses tomorrow.
This really could have been a trivial job if the bathroom were twice as wide, but when I have to lay myself down in “the slot” to work on things, it’s ugly. And, of course, one has to be mindful not to lift oneself up on a towel bar or tug on a shower door, lest one add broken glass or bent towel bars to the mix.
As long as you can sleep comfortably the next time around….
Yeah, the thing that I kludged together worked all night, but when I took it off it fell into two pieces. I’ll probably see if I can do a better kludge later in the week.
One year, I took my stuff in to my apnea doctor and he was astounded that I had replaced a clever plastic snap-together fitting in my then-current mask by threading the hole and inserting a stainless screw, Frankenmask-style. Some stupid little nub of a snap-fitting breaks off and I’m supposed to trash a $200 mask?
Sure you are, otherwise they cant charge a higher rate for the “new model” ….new being just a different logo or cheaper materials.
Here’s my sink story.
Santa brought me a new sink, faucet, and disposal for Christmas. He even sent me a Plumber to install it all. Butterfly is one Happy Camper!!!

It’s a beauty!!!
Her’s is nice. And simple, which is another kind of nice by itself.
Well coothie, I admire your persistence in fixing your sink. Myself? I’d have taken that sucker and hammered it into smithereens and then gone out and bought a whole new one feeling strangely serene.

Yeah, see my remarks about homeowners and pros from some days back. Pros start with Matthew 18:9 demo. Homeowners start with “I want this to be a little thing.”
As my great uncle used to say regarding DIY projects, “there are no small jobs.”
I’ve done enough of these projects to be able to empathize with your sink project and (sorry coothie) giggle gleefully that it isn’t MY problem to solve!!!
My brother particularly loathes plumbing projects, so I have enjoyed tormenting him by reading him the latest installments of the sink tale.
I’m putting the tale out here, warts and all, in hopes to amuse and enlighten.
You’ve succeeded nicely!
Thank you from my open kitchen, Miss Sylvia!!

Yeah, some problems you intentionally purchase and have to pay extra for.
Our kitchen sink is a Kohler Executive Chef. It’s deeper than yours, and is undermounted, so everything is squashed vertically.
Garbage disposals are offered at 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, and 1HP. I’d guess yours is 3/4, which is respectable. Mine’s a 1 HP. Runs cooler if I ever have to push some of Warden’s shock troops into a sanitation line. Incidentally… one time, any garbage disposal for sale in the US was made in one of two places, regardless of nameplate.
We actually have a manifold on our cold water line — straight through for the sink, one line for the water filter, and one (now permanently off) for the DW because they all want hot water now. Similarly, the hot has a stopcock for the DW and one for the sink. There may be one more because there was supposed to be (by code) a thingie to stop water hammer — liquid concrete froze it in months.
Most modern DWs have internal air gaps. Ours does. But we couldn’t pass city inspection in 2004 if we didn’t have an external air gap. I had to use one of the Executive sink holes for that.
We have four electric plugs under the sink — two that are on one breaker, and two on another. When working on the garbage disposal, I can both kill it at the breaker and unplug it under the sink — which is about the only way you can get me to reach into a garbage disposal. One of the other plugs would be for an “instant-hot” if we ever got one (we didn’t). The other might be for a light for working.
Our filter system (mounted on left wall) has a charcoal cartridge and a resin cartridge. its output tees off to the refrigerator (which also has its own one-cartridge filter), and to a “filtered water” spigot, from which I make my tea.
I have to wonder about the difference in height between your two stopcocks — how old is the house?
And there is some evidence of old flooding in the ripple near the back wall of the cabinet. It happens. Breaks my heart when it happens here (especially when I’ve tried to prevent it and my efforts were circumvented).
I should also note that all of your wastewater plumbing is big and solid. If you look under my sink, it’s a wild mix of stuff as nice as yours with stuff apparently made by PlayMobil, along with some wild kludges (I have a copper pipe L with hose clamps where my dishwasher outflow goes into the garbage grinder — it helped it fit in the space).
I had it built 23yrs ago. Yes flooding, the disposal went south and the original cast iron was coming apart around it and the faucet, I had no idea! Caught it just before the whole ruined!
Plumber also re-plumbed all piping. New sink requires the disposal in the rear, which I like, it gives me better usable cabinet space underneath.
Incidentally, my uncle was a plumber and my cousin owns the best plumbing outfit in northern LA County.
I follow three rules with plumbing
hot’s on the left
cold’s on the right
shifft only runs downhill
Wastewater generally flows downhill. Sometimes it just sits. If you just pulled the winning ticket on the unlucky game, it flows uphill.
Had a toilet that was a chronic clog problem, many decades ago.
I was in my crawl space and noticed one of the big white PVC 4 inch pipes that was sagging–and it always had been since I had bought the house, so it didn’t look wrong to me in my ignorance–really was supposed to be supported by a strap that had come undone. I lifted up on it (taking the sag out) and heard a huge rushing of water, and the pipe became notably lighter as it cleared out. I looked again–sure enough, it came from that toilet. Once I re-attached that strap, no problems ever again.
That was my very first lesson in home improvement
There is so much that is common sense — but you must be willing to “go there” and “do something.” So many youngsters show no interest in any of that.
I ultimately ended up doing most of the work in building my current house.
Of course, building is one thing, fixing later can often be a lot harder.
Having done “Remodels” my entire life, I was happy to finally “Build” one from the ground up when I was 30. I have built 5 since then. My current one is now 2 years old. I thought it might be my last, but now I have to build another one for my daughter.
There’s no way I have another house in me.
A lot of people say “I’m building a house” and mean they are being the general. I literally did the vast majority of the work myself, hiring out things like the foundation and sheetrock mudding (after I proved myself not competent enough at it in the garage).
Believe me when I tell you….. I “Built” the house.
Grade the ground, Dig the footing, place the rebar, Place the Concrete Block foundation, Install the plumbing lines, backfill and compact the fill, pour and finish the concrete, Frame the walls, run the electrical and plumbing above the slab, Installed both Water heater tanks and Tankless systems, Sheetrock hanging and finishing, Install doors and closet shelving (Built in Dressers in closets) Trim work with crown mouldings, built the cabinetry, painting, tile both floors and showers and kitchen backsplash. Have even done roofing and metal facia and vinyl siding. Insulated walls and ceilings, built stairs and banisters. Pretty much ALL of it at one time or another. HVAC – contracted out.
So ya… I’ve been there.
I was pretty sure you understood me the first time and weren’t talking about being the genera. I was largely talking to others.
Once was enough, and with a full time job it took almost a decade (I did have to hire out the earthwork, too).
I’ve almost never had to fix anything…so far.
Yep.. added benefit of doing things yourself. Usually done right the first time (or corrected soon after).
Quality workmanship needs little repair.
Learning at the same time sometimes means it isn’t so quality. There are two major boo boos and one minor one that I know about.
Benefits of having to help my dad remodel houses while I was growing up. saw and made many “mistakes” along the way. Learned from them and NOT repeating them
When I started, my standard joke goes, I didn’t know which end of the hammer was for hitting the thumb with.
Every time I did that… (after the cuss words), I would say: “Wrong nail!!!
Then I bought Nail GUNS
I smacked myself hard enough to bleed once.
MANY of those times for me……
Ever shot yourself with a nailgun?
Learn quick – keep your hands and fingers away from the back side of the wood where the nail comes through
I’ve had a “full-time” job my entire life….. Did the building after work and on weekend/vacation time. Often past midnight.
A friend of mine who acted as mentor was unemployed and it took him two years.
My first “Build from the ground up” house took me and my dad 2 years too. This present house was done in 9 months (granted I hired out a lot more than usual, but still oversaw EVERY phase of the work). i.e. didn”t lay the Block or brick and did NOT do the framing or roof
Gotta keep a sharp eye on the framers! Everything else depends on that structure being square.
Yep…. Footings and Blocks too.
Foundations are everything
I was terribly afraid that pipe was going to empty out on you, so I’m glad for the happy ending!
Yes, being a toilet drain……
That could have ended shitty!
I suppose the pipe could have cracked, but it was just bowed downward and I lifted up on the bow to straighten it.
All’s well that ends well!!!!
It was really minor, and that was the point. Chronically clogged toilet fixed by application of a hammer and nail, cost, whatever one nail sold for.
And because you’re smart enough to figure it out.
Well, I blundered into it.
“Maybe I should push up on that pipe.” (Sound of running water). “Yeah I should nail that strap on the floor back up.”
I had an apartment in Isla Vista when I was in the University of Casual Sun Bathing. Spring break, everyone left for two weeks. The first one back to the apartment noticed that the windows were black.
This was from flies. The wastewater line had clogged below our apartment and everything from the upper floors was coming out our kitchen sink.
Apartment management remedied the issue and did a cleanup. It was only about as musty as a regular student apartment by the time the rest of us came back.
“It looks like a garbage disposal” – Big Trouble (2002)
“What is this thing?” -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (2019)
“hey man, you know the thing.” ~ joe biten (2020 ?)
So, another odd observation — bfly seems to be using Corian as a countertop — it’s a good choice, we’re using it as a backsplash (Matterhorn). Our actual countertop is a green/black swirly granite. A piece of advice from a granite countertop maker: “a year after installation, nobody ever complains that their counters are too exciting.”
It shares a problem that I have, however.
Next to the sink, there’s a stainless steel perforated can to round up brushes. Tea brushes, vegetable brushes, thermos brushes….. It’s perforated along its sides and bottom because used brushes are typically wet and should dry quickly.
A little farther along is a solid marble container of similar dimension for scissors — potager garden scissors ( ), mincing scissors (
), cooking scissors (
), and regular scissors to cut packaging and tags off of things. It is solid because scissors should be put away dry and clean, and if they contact the counter they might scratch it.
Finding a scissor in the brush bin is an instant spike to my blood pressure.
Gee, I really did not expect to have pictures imported.
Love love love my Corian!! If it ever was to stain, which is rare, or get scratched, you take a razor blade scraper to it and finely remove. Method works especially great for the candle wax mess I occassionally make. All countertops and island are corian. Back splash Tile everywhere else has black diamond accents and I have black appliances. Didn’t want a black sink at 1st, thought it would be too much, but finally changed my mind and so happy I did.
I have white corian. Love it, too. Looks great after four years of heavy abuse.
You can’t kill it!!
I’m on 23yrs and it still looks great everywhere!!
I’m so glad we chose it. I agonized. Couldn’t be happier with it.
Granite and marble muck up easily, and STAIN badly. My niece has granite counters, house is less than 10 years old, already need replacing, SAD.
I used to want granite so very badly. Glad that enough time passed that I could benefit from others’ experiences.
Hubby does epoxy counters they are simply beautiful and come in any color mix you can think of. He can make a granite or marble or even a scene if your into that. They are tough and won’t mar or scratch . And each one is an original. He does a lot of kitchen and bathrooms.
LOL! My nephew took that course and wanted to do my driveway. I said no. HOA would’ve had my behind! Then he wanted to do my Corian, and I said HELL NO!!! I would’ve had his behind!!
About Granite counter tops. I have them in my house too.
Don’t forget to periodically “Seal” them to keep the “stuff” out of the pores.
Quick easy job. Spray on, let set a while. Then wipe off (pretty much like a regular cleaning).
TY! Took me forever to pick out. It’s a 60/40 and I adore it. EVERYTHING fits in the 60 side, and I mean EVERYTHING!! I was silly, after he finished, I started dragging out all my huge dishes and placing them in the 60 side, Turkey Roaster, check, baking pans, check. Everytime they fit, I did

!! Late delivery of faucet made me go to store and find one 3″ shorter which made me 

. And you can barely hear the disposal!! Finally enjoyable, Been doing a lot of dishes on pupose lately!! 

One more thing, the drain in the 40 is da bomb! Just push down to engage the stopper, push down again to release water. No more twisting and turning til it holds. Why didn’t someone think of that years ago???
Jealous of that!!!!!

IKR? Was going to get black drains, but kept reading where the paint was peeling off after a while, so I nixed and went with drains that cames with sink saving another $100. The GERMANS thunk it up!!! Sink is a KRAUS.
Granite composite, sealed w/anti-bacterial something or other, takes over 600 degrees of heat. We’ll see how long it holds up. 
My sink is a Kraus, too! Stainless farm sink. Great minds.
I got a great deal online four years ago.
We done good G-Ma. Knowledgeable trusty Plumber said he had a Kraus too. HA!
Santa Rob installed my new front door last night! After the horrid snowstorm of 2019 we had so much damage to the house and property that little things like the front door and broken dining room window had to wait.but now we have a nice heavy door with keyless entry .Our plumbing issue will have to be resolved by a plumber. We have a new carport that won’t collapse in snow ,a new sliding door to replace the window with, storm door to install and porch steps to fix and then the repairs to house should be done. I hope it never snows like that again!
There’s always something on the need to fix list. Weather damage just piles on. Debating on whether to re-stain or replace my front door that the sun beat the coating off of.
I am so glad to see copper pipes replaced with “Pex” tubing. Fittings are so much easier to connect and flexible to boot. Drain lines are still PVC and easy enough.
Cramped quarters to work in will sadly never go away
Nice. He left enough room there for an asteroid made of salt.
They all have!
“I have no doubt we will very soon be fighting side-by-side together once more.”
We’ll see what happens.
NYT claiming that Bannon got a pardon.
Bannon has always been a part of the Show.
The occult posturing is pathetic.
WTH is she holding in her right hand there ?
what a slob.
And POTUS takes the football on the plane tomorrow morning. So when we’re transferred to military power at noon, where’s the activated football?
There’s actually an interesting article about this. The public plan is to fly it back from Florida to DC and then deactivate President Trump’s codes at noon.
So there’s a period of time when it’s not in the physical possession of Trump or Biden. There’s the new handoff point.
Yes I saw that, at the the cue notables site.
Betting there is NO gap in “football” coverage. Really not that hard to do.
Codes expire at noon. New codes active at noon.
There is more than one “football”. One active at a time.
More than one football carrier.
My understanding is the insurrection act was signed on the 11th of January, a military governance began to transition at that moment, though I may be wrong.
This is a first for all of us.
No one is alone with questions , You’re in good wolfpack company..We’ll all sort it out.
That would have been perfect timing. Thanks!
Pardon and Commutation list:
No pardon for Julian Assange.
seeing a lot of shock about that..
this sums it up…
· 50m
Replying to @CassandraRules
Reading a lot of comments of exhausted + pissed off MAGA. If he doesnt pardon Assange, the “Patriot Party” is gonna limp out of the gate + he’ll just get screwed by Turtle anyway. If he’s wimping out, I hope it’s 2nite, bc still time to see how disastrous it is and correct course
No hints. He’s playing cool. Four more years to take care of that.
Sucks, IMO. JA getting a pardon is key to transparency.
Wictor thread from a couple days ago. I am bring it here because he is usually informative when it comes to the military. Otherwise not so much.
“Why did Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller personally visit the commanders of the National Nuclear Security Administration in Oak Ridge, Tennessee;
the Tennessee National Guard;
U.S. Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska;
and U.S. Space Command and U.S. Northern Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado?
He also visited Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Home of the 101st Airborne and the Night Stalkers–the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR).
Miller is an absolute master of confusing the hell out of questioners in such a way that they’re too embarrassed to ask him to clarify, so they shut up.
Try and figure out what the hell he was talking about here.
Having studied Trump’s speech patterns, I can tell you SOME of what Miller said:
1. Like Trump, he’s given subordinate commanders the authority to make decisions normally reserved for the SecDef.
2. He had face-to-face meetings with all the above commanders to “make sure they were “synched.”
All pull out some quotes:
About delegating authority:
“Some people, some of the lawyers were like, oh my gosh, don’t do it, I’m like no, we trust our people, you gotta have them have what they need to move faster.”
About personal meetings:
“I needed to look the commander in the eye, because, you know, the president, SecDef, me… I wanted to look the guy in the eye and get a sense for his soul and I think he probably needed to do that for me as well. So, you know, that was why I really felt it important to go out and sit down and have a cup of coffee with him, talk about it, small group, think through it, make sure we, kinda, had that mind meld.”
Why does Miller need to meet personally with such heavy hitters if it’s all going to end on January 20?
There’s only one answer.
If you want, here’s a half-hour interview with the My Pillow guy, who SAYS that Trump is in the dark.
I’ll summarize it.
Trump had no idea about any of the information the My Pillow guy was presenting, because–to cut through the hemming and hawing–Trump doesn’t know how to do his job.
But everything the My Pillow guy talked about is elementary information that even a child would’ve known.
The assumption made–as always–is that Trump is passive and waits for others to tell him how to think and what to do.
And the solutions are another trap:
Trump seized power illegally.
[Wictor doesn’t seem to recognize deliberate Dis-info by the ‘My Pillow guy’ Mike Lindell, — CG]
Almost everyone HERE is the victim of narratives.
So don’t tell me that false narratives don’t matter.
People able to start out from scratch–ignoring ALL narratives–are more rare than goose teeth.
Humans are herd animals. It’s in our DNA.
I’ve been an outside since I was four years old, so I’m not influenced by narratives.
The reality is that NOBODY out there is giving Trump useful information.
HE came up with his own idea,and then he had experts figure out how to do it.
[AND POTUS is well aware of that so he has a select few, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Guliani, Mike Lindell, General Flynn… confusing the Enemy. — GC]
I feel silly having to remind everyone, but it was TRUMP’S idea to create vaccines from scratch and get it out there in less than a year.
And the vaccines have far fewer adverse effects than vaccines that took decades to perfect. [AND those vaccines are STILL CRAP — GC]
So whatever Trump has planned is his own idea.
Obviously Pence, Miller, and Pompeo are in on it.
Oh, I forgot the ventilator crisis that Trump effortlessly resolved.
HIS idea.
But it makes no difference to most of the country.
[Seems Wictor forgot 3/4 of the country voted Trump, not to mention the Trump Rallies –GC]
Even Trump’s supporters think he sits around picking his nose, waiting for others to tell him what to think and what to do.
I no longer care.
People are determined to never have faith in Trump, so now they get to go crazy.
They brought it on themselves.
Lack of critical thinking.
The wheat is being separated from the chaff.
I wish them well.
[He is in an echo chamber. There are a lot of people who have faith in POTUS however they ALSO discuss 𝑸. One of the goals of 𝑸 was to keep people from freaking out when things got tough. — GC]
Wouldn’t stopped reading half way through with out your comments Gail.
I am reading some more of Wictor.
OH! Brother.
He ‘read’ The Sicilian Defense – D5 by Monkey Werxus (Who is Retired military BTW) and goes on a rant about 𝑸.
He takes this
Completely out of context.
Good grief, given what happen on the 6th, and the fact you have a power struggle, I can certainly see the possibility of blood being shed. After all these are the SAME PEOPLE who were responsible for the mass shootings at Los Vegas and the killings of innocents at other false flags.
From my point of view 𝑸 has PREVENTED blood shed.
Also what in Hades does Wictor think is going to happen? Does he think the Cabal will just say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, you won we will go away?’ These people have to be arrested and tried. Given their sense of entitlement and the crimes they have committed, you can bet they are going to fight like the cornered rats they are!
The hatred of 𝑸 is really over the top which is a shame.
Wictor is going to get slammed with the censor ban hammer himself getting unhinged like that.
That is only a very small portion of his rant. Monkey werxus wrote a decent article and references both 𝑸 And POTUS in his analysis.
I certainly do not see any other options but two:
We let a Chinese Viceroy control this country.
We arrest and try the Cabal members and servants for the multiple crimes they have committed.
I for one am very sick of our two tiered Justice system and I am sure many others are. For the health of our nation and our judicial system these Criminals MUST be brought to justice.
All Monkey werxus is saying is it is going to take the military and he expects the Cabal, who have the millions to hire mercenaries/body guards, to fight back.
“We let a Chinese Viceroy control this country.
We arrest and try the Cabal members and servants for the multiple crimes they have committed.”
According to BardsFM (and to a certain extent, Mike Adams), there may be a hybrid scenario, where [JB] becomes the Viceroy of D.C. and nothing else besides D.C., and is then arrested with everybody else.
I posted a long comment about it above (or below, wherever it shows up!)
Wictor overreacted. Badly.
I am astounded that Wictor went full gonzo on the article.
Either part of the psyop or he can’t stand that Monkey makes perfect sense with the cue scenario.
His judgment on this is so far off that it makes me question his judgment on other things.
I don’t know what’s in his mind and heart, but it looks like an all-too-common rivalry or jealousy between “influencers.” We’re all on the same side, or should be, but we have people shooting their own. This is what Pres. Trump has been going through for the past five years.
That is the big difference between the conservatives and the Commies.
The commies all sing the same note.
Conservatives shoot AT EACH OTHER and not at the actual enemy. I notices there is/was a lot of fighting among the ‘Climate Deniers’ some of it instigated by ‘trolls’ Now I am seeing the same here.
Perfectly stated.
Pride and fear are terrible infections.
We all struggle with them.
Sorry, but IMO, Wictor IS and HAS ALWAYS BEEN a FRUITCAKE!!!
This is getting comical. After trashing Monkey Werxus for indicating the US military is going to deal with the Coup by the Commies, Wictor posts this a day later.
[The information is Good which is why I bother to read Wictor.]
Yeah, we get it, too bad, due to your blind hatred of Q, you didn’t understand that Monkey Werxus was saying something similar.
Wictor has a genetic aversion to ‘conspiracy theories’. It is his greatest weakness.
Yet he frequently traffics in them. Who can forget it all started as a psyop between Susan Rice and General Flynn?? What a crock!!
There are a lot of people like that. They categorically reject anything that sounds like a “conspiracy theory.” These are the same people who cite Occam’s razor as if it were an undisputed principle of physics.
Their fundamental motive is good, to reject nonsense. But there is something both close-minded and contrived about this approach, similar to virtue-signaling.
Well said.
Shakespeare also said it well, “There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. ”
From Hamlet.
“Oh, I forgot the ventilator crisis that Trump effortlessly resolved.”
Never did figure out what the ventilators were for, since they were a red herring from the beginning.
If I understand correctly, the problem CV (China virus) causes is hypoxia, an inability to oxygenate the blood. It’s not a lung problem. So pumping air into the lungs with a ventilator doesn’t do anything to help the actual problem (i.e., the blood can’t absorb the oxygen, no matter how much oxygen you pump into the lungs).
All it does is add stress to the patient (sedated, intubated) with an immune system that is already under attack, making the patient vulnerable to infection (hence the Azithromycin antibiotic component of HCQ+Azithromycin+Zinc) and scars the lung tissue.
So a ventilator is not only useless to solve the patient’s medical crisis, it actually makes things worse.
But we have a *&^%load of ventilators now, at something like $50K each.
It’s like having a problem with a broken valve stem on your tire, and trying to fix it by putting new air compressors on every street corner in America. Great, but you still can’t get the air into the tire because the valve stem is broken.
But we have lots of ventilators now, so in the words of Carl Spackler, at least we have that going for us

There you have it.
Good Morning, Michael!
You summed it up perfectly – a pithy one-liner of only six words!
Excellent! It should be a meme …
I suspect the truth is that docs today practice medicine mainly by using flowcharts with go/nogo paths. If there is an oxygen blood problem, their first choice is to get more oxygen into the lungs. That is with a ventilator unless you’re allowed to think out of the box in which case it is a CPAP machine with an oxy tee fitting.
And there’s extra money for using a ventilator, I bet.
Now the insurance company and the hospital corporate board are actually making the decisions NOT your doctor! Welcome to socialized medicine.
Yep, charts totally authored by Insurance Companies. *spit*
I have puzzled over the ventilators, too.
It almost seemed like they made an impossible demand on PDJT “We need 100k vents right away or we’re all going to die!” thinking they would stump him and make him look bad with this stuff. Instead, he gives them more than they asked for in no time at all, thus totally embarrassing them because, er, they didn’t really need them.
Jobs. It created jobs during a terrible time for workers.
Yes, it did do that and was a tremendous confidence builder in that old fashioned American can-do spirit!
And hospital beds by the thousands if not tens of thousands demanded, and made available. Extra beds not used.
EVERYTHING the “experts” said and demanded was WRONG.
Fake media has yet to report this. Yea, it isn’t part of the narrative to get rid of President Trump.
Oh yeah. Built hospitals faster than anything imaginable. Never used them.
JMO, but I think POTUS went overboard to fix a minor/imaginary/potential problem that the hyenas were screaming about. Same situation with vaccines, spend BILLIONS for them, rather they work or not or many people don’t even want. At least he did something(very impressive) to solve/help people and to shut the jackals up! $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ and red tape removal stopped the ‘no vaccine club’ they would’ve hammered him over the head with for the next 4,6,8,10 years.
Wictor needs a vacation.
Love that you captured that poem, DP.
My statement on where I am with all this!!!
I really don’t get poetry, but that was good.
“while visions of perp walks danced in their heads” cracked me up.
Still hope for Assange?
Four more years? If so, then yes.
Could a Qtreeper post the link to the EO PDJT proclaimed about the sanctity of life, both born and unborn? Mike Adams speaks of this which takes effect on Jan 27, 2021.
Don’t know where to find it….please help. I want to send it to my Canadian colleagues
I think this is what you want.
Thank you Sylvia.
Much appreciated!
Him and his family no pardon.
Rudy no pardon.
There has to be a reason.
We don’t know what we don’t know about this or just about anything else.
President Wolf Moon is calling me from just over the horizon!

Another Durham boat
Next to last Q drop
I do not know who is running this account, but it is still going on
General Hyten – Telegram
General Hyten
Stay updated @greatawakeningenhyt
This channel will be gone soon.
January 20
General Hyten
People are awake and see what is happening.
They call giving truth to people SCAM?
[DS] They are PANIC.
We need you here: @greatawakeningenhyt
General Hyten
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. [Great Awakening]
Some of the messages of yesterday are deleted, but have been transferred to this account, which he links to:
Great Awakening. – Telegram
Todays messages on this account up to now are:
Great Awakening.
We fight for truth.
Great Awakening.
Operations underway.
Great Awakening.
Something is happening at Capitol.
Great Awakening.
Disinformation is real.
Great Awakening.
No Violence.
Great Awakening.
Dark to LIGHT.
Great Awakening.
24 hours.
Great Awakening.
Great Awakening.
Chess Move.
Great Awakening.
It is already happening.
I do not know what to make of this, or whether this actually real.
There is also an account which may or may not be Melania’s
Melania Trump – Telegram
The last message is the farewell message from the First Lady:
Melania Trump
Forwarded from
Donald Trump √
Media is too big
“You will be in my heart forever.”
Farewell Message from First Lady Melania Trump
This was linked from Team Trump Telegram account, which looks authentic:
Donald Trump √ – Telegram
(Two messages from today)
Donald Trump √
President Trump Declassifies ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Documents on Eve of Biden Inauguration –
January 20
Donald Trump √
President Trump has decided to pardon his former chief strategist Steve Bannon in a last-minute decision made only hours before he is scheduled to depart the White House for a final time.
Bannon has been working for PT all along.
Those accounts are LARPS.
role playing…?
is that good or bad ?
FIB paid for the dossier?
CIA Director-Elect John Galt
Documents being declassified. This one wasn’t properly redacted and shows the FBI paid for the dossier.
Septic monkey
Beijing Joe is always accompanied buy his Chinese handler .
1 comment
….and his imaginary friends.
Surprised he didn’t have a stairlift installed….
By the way… how did that broken foot heal so quick?
Raheem Kassam
Pro-Trump Terrorist In Stolen Humvee Leads Police On 50 State Chase
I think someone stole that from this site.
I have listened to the 3 most recent BardsFM youtube shows (but not the one just uploaded about 1.5 hours ago yet).
The first one (38:00) teased an interview with Mike Pugh that Dutchess posted (on yesterday’s open thread, IIRC).
The second one (16:59) was more of an update.
The third one (1:16:11) had the Jim Pugh interview:
According to Jim Pugh (and BardFM author, Scott Kesterson seems to enthusiastically agree), what is happening is not exactly what we think is happening.
There was a post here a couple days ago which I replied to, going over the basics (as I remembered from studying the subject about 10 years ago) of the ‘Sovereign citizen’ movement.
Essentially that’s what Jim Pugh is describing, having to do with the end of the 1871 Banking Act, end of the Federal Reserve (‘folded into the Treasury’ which already took place).
Basically, it sounds like the following:
1) DJT is leaving as the 45th and last President of the United States corporation, and effectively, the corporation is disolved
2) DJT will be either the 1st president of the restored Republic, or whatever number President it would be after the president in 1871 when the Banking Act was treasonously passed
3) the temporary new capitol will be Mar-A-Lago
4) the U.S. military, apparently, will maintain control along with FEMA, which is authorized to establish the new (i.e., old, original, Constitutional) Common Law court system, and the original Constitution is being restored, implying the Constitution for the united states of America, in which the ‘for’ replaces “of” and the ‘u’ for united and ‘s’ for states is properly lower case
5) apparently the financial end is already accomplished, there will be a new ‘asset’ backed currency (gold + other), and no need for concern about your bank deposits, 401Ks or any other investments, provided those investments are within the united states of America, or (presumably) legitimate investments outside America (e.g., real estate, stocks or mutual funds with shares of foreign companies, etc., etc.)
The new (gold backed) currency will exist side by side with the current Federal Reserve notes for some period of time, and will be exchanged 1 for 1. So whatever you have cash, you will still have, and whatever investments you have will simply be converted to the new system, so if you had $5,000 in IBM stock, you still have $5,000 in IBM stock, and when you sell it, you will receive the new gold-backed currency, if you took cash payment, which of course isn’t usually what happens. The funds in any account simply convert to the new currency on a 1 for 1 basis.
If you have cash stuffed under the mattress or buried in a Mason jar in the back yard, that will have to be exchanged during the exchange period, but no one will lose anything during the switch from the fiat currency system to the gold-backed system.
This is why Trump was encouraging corporations to repatriate their overseas U.S. cash reserves at reduced tax rates, because at some point, those dollars will become worthless paper if they are not repatriated (brought back within the new system)
This will eliminate billions of ill-gotten gains, cash from human trafficking, drug smuggling, etc., from around the world, for which no paper trail exists, because that cash will not be allowed into the new system.
The really interesting part is difficult to describe, and I’ll certainly get the details wrong because I only heard it once so far, and I wouldn’t understand it at all, if I did not already have some understanding in this area from my study about 10 years ago.
I’m sure to lose a lot of people on this part, for various reasons, but I’m just trying to convey what was said in the video.
The reason D.C. is fenced has to do with D.C. being a foreign corporation (related to the Banking Act of 1871), so it is a foreign sovereign state, comparable to the Vatican, for the best analogy.
And apparently it (the D.C. corporation) is run by the Vatican, with London, or at least the square mile of London that is the banking capital of the world.
By surrounding the foreign territory, enclosing it with the fence and surrounding it with troops, we have effectively either defeated it or limited its influence strictly to inside the perimeter of the fencing (unclear on that point).
It’s symbolic in the sense that D.C. doesn’t have its own military anyway, but there is a real-word or factual requirement to physically erect a fence and station troops as proof of concept, for lack of a better way to say it.
If I understood correctly, it seems that [JB] may be allowed to be sworn in later this morning, but it won’t mean anything, either because he (and just about everyone else in D.C. government) is going to be arrested immediately, OR because [JB] won’t have any power or authority outside the fenced area (i.e., no power or authority in the other 99.99% of America) so he and the politicians trapped inside the city-state of D.C. are irrelevant.
DJT is (or will be) President of the rest of America, for another 4 year term, which he will be proven to have won.
The implications of all of this are of course enormous, 100% positive, 0% negative and still sounds almost too good to be true, which is how it sounded some 10 years ago when I first learned about this subject matter.
It sounds great, there is plenty of law and logic to support it, the problem has always been that the current corrupt system simply failed to recognize it.
And since the current corrupt system ultimately had power by force (armed alphabet agencies and ultimately the military), the corrupt legal system simply rejected the claims of Sovereign citizens (a slightly contradictory term acknowledged by some who use a different self-description which I don’t recall at the moment).
Just as the current corrupt legal system rejected the evidence of election fraud presented by the President of the United States. If they won’t hear evidence from the POTUS, if POTUS “does not have standing”, then you can imagine how regular Americans were simply laughed out of court.
Apparently the laughing STOPS today.
They didn’t say this in the video, but logically, I suspect ‘declass’ will happen shortly after [JB] is sworn in as President of the surrounded city-state Washington, D.C. (and president of nothing else).
When ‘declass’ happens, the entire world will know the depth of criminality and depravity of these people, delegitimizing them completely. They can stomp their feet in fury or cower behind the fence, it won’t matter, because they are finished.
They have no military, and any D.C. police who decide to remain ‘loyal’ to the Vatican-owned corporation of D.C. don’t stand a chance against 20+ thousand troops.
Oh, and apparently DJT took the bust of Lincoln, and likely some other important historical artifacts, with him to the new capitol at Mar-A-Lago
So, I have no idea if this is how it plays out, just relaying the BardsFM message, and they seem very upbeat and thoroughly convinced about it.
They warned that whatever we see playing out in D.C. today, regarding the inauguration, claims of power or authority, and claims about new policies (e.g., confiscating guns, raising taxes, eliminating DJT’s executive orders, all of it) are nothing but Kabuki theater, none of it has any power or force of law, outside the fencing around the foreign city-state of Washington D.C.
And, if the military is with Trump (and with the restoration of the original Constitution), there would not be a single thing a new [JB] administration could do about it.
He would just be the president of D.C.
Completely surrounded by American troops.
And as the evidence for all the crimes he and the rest of the political class have commited are revealed, and their indictments unsealed, they will be arrested and prosecuted and convicted.
Just something to keep in mind, depending on how things go this morning.
It could be a complete head-fake disinfo campaign, or it could actually be something, won’t know for sure until it happens
AND that might explain the need for 2,000 Special Duty US Marshals. (courtesy of Wictor)
Yes, that would seem to give those 2,000 US Marshals the authority to go into the foreign city-state of Washington, D.C., inside the fence, and arrest everyone.
And also arrest anyone outside the fence, or outside D.C., like soon-to-be former Gov. Cuomo who decided to skip the inauguration
An amazing theory and well-stated summary. Thank you for that!
It takes a lot of things into account, including why Hiden might be allowed to be sworn in.
As I think about it, it takes a while for aspects of it to sink in; yet I am a little more familiar with these subjects than some people who don’t follow them. So the “average person” would not understand at first and would probably consider it a military coup by Pres. Trump. It would take educating the public. DECLAS might help, but it couldn’t just be revelations that some people perjured themselves before Congress — especially people no one has heard of. It would need to be ironclad evidence of lying, cheating, sedition, treason, human trafficking, murder, and the like. I’m hoping those things come out sooner rather than later, anyway.
If D.C. becomes a city-state, the few conservatives there will need to get out, pronto — just as Pres. Trump and his family have.
Thinking about Q: “nothing can stop what is coming,” “they won’t be able to walk the streets,” “we have it all,” etc. I can’t wait. (But we’ve all been waiting forever, it seems!
Decals, full disclosure, with EBS – Emergency Broadcast can EDUCATE the public. Doable.
We’ll see.
EBS…followed by a documentary!
Yea. documentary on loop.
What coulda. Woulda. Shoulda.
None of that is going to happen.
Now, back to reality.
we’ll see how this plays out. It looks like the conspiracy world is finally out of the shadows.
And hopefully not a “Theory” anymore.
This was so well written and well reasoned Scott that I’ve read it a few times now out of pure enjoyment. I hope you don’t mind, but I copied it and pasted it at Marica’s Place, attributed to you of course.
I remain skeptical about the warmed over Sovereign Citizen theory that is EVERYWHERE these days and is used to explain everything. But we’ll see. What do I know?
Meanwhile, you have explained it so well. But then, I always admire your comments. Thanks Scott!!!
The bit about Mar-A-Lago is intriguing given its history.
I’m wondering if POTUS owning it was folded into the plan as it was in development.
That being said, the new currency thing almost EXACTLY follows what we were seeing three years ago on the Great Awakening board and in a few other places.
Yes. The Southern White House…
Superb post. Hope our “government” has the integrity to save the Union. We’ll see as the day unfolds.
Civility clause suspended momentarily in deference to ultimate truth.

Well isn’t this great.
The reason for the Tweet:
The tweet from the DemonRat: (Remember he is talking about ISIS terrorists.)

I’m ready for it.
Jordan Sather asks the right questions on GAB…..
Jordan Sather
Final minute moves:
– DECLAS of documents, much related to SpyGate
– Unsealing of documents in the Ghislaine Maxwell case
– 150 pardons coming
– Biden oddly cries his eyes out
– Trump drops a “farewell” video, only references a “new administration” being next, doesn’t mention Biden’s name once
– Key R’s not going to Trump’s farewell send off but going to inauguration (even Trump’s own VP)
– Gina Haspel steps down from CIA Director
– Chris Miller installs patriot as NSA’s top lawyer
– MSM/FBI cronies desperate to “vet” the National Guard troops
– WaPo desperate to discredit Q with “FBI Intelligence briefing” bullshit story
– Biden DNI pick desperate to discredit Q at confirmation hearings
Even if there is a show put on at this inauguration tomorrow, Biden gets sworn in and takes the oath essentially finalizing the mass treason election steal, what in the absolute hell is going to happen in the next 24-72 hours?
“Even if there is a show put on at this inauguration tomorrow, Biden gets sworn in and takes the oath essentially finalizing the mass treason election steal, what in the absolute hell is going to happen in the next 24-72 hours?”
I don’t like this business of now we are all supposed to accept that Biden is going to be sworn in, and we just have to like it or lump it as my mother used to say until, well, who knows when.
This notion is everywhere. We must accept Biden will be sworn in to complete the crime, say all the internet celebs and social media influencers.
Whatever happened to the idea that if there was foreign intervention in the election PDJT wins by default? Why do we need to “complete the crime,” which is something no one ever used to talk about?
I feel like I’m being set up to hang on to hope for another 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, forever. I’m feeling uneasy and suspicious of manipulation or betrayal. And grumpy.
I don’t disagree.
Four years of getting jerked off, only to see…four more years of getting jerked off waiting for the “inevitable” removal of Biden? Well, we’ve got eight hours left to avoid that scenario.
How many times over the past four years has everyone believed the storm was imminent, then you start hearing the voices saying, well, it really needs to wait until after some upcoming event (midterm elections, a funeral, blah blah blah) and then suddenly everyone’s saying that…and the cycle then repeats.
Very true.
Oh, there is not “hanging on hope” for me.
I flushed and burned all my “hopium”. If Q has this, great. If not, then I accept that Q was just sparks, and WE WERE THE TINDER.
Now, we’re KINDLING. Soon, we’re LOGS and TREES and FORESTS on FIRE.
No more being strung along for the Wolf. Biden gets in, I will TAKE THE LUMPS and begin FIGHTING BACK.
Don’t hang on hope. Become a PROUD REVOLUTIONARY against SOVIET SLIME.
Vive la Resistance!
I’ll just sharpen my shovel, in case……
I just cracked a fortune cookie and the little slip inside read, “BEWARE OF IRRITATED WOMAN BEARING SHOVEL.”
No idea what this portends, but I’m sharing it here.
LOL! So true!!!
Yeah, the whole “Biden needs to be sworn in to complete the crime” argument sounds about as logical to me as “we need to let the murderer to actually kill someone to stop him.” I’m not buying it, but I guess we’ll find out for sure in six hours.
Well, unfortunately that is how the law often works.
“We can’t protect you unless you get attacked” sort of thing.
They have plenty of legal ways to stop someone who is considered a serious threat to society. There’s just no political will to do it unless it threatens the narrative or someone who is politically connected. And, I for one, don’t believe that the military would risk letting a Chinese puppet be Commander-in-Chief even for a minute, but we’ll see what happens.
I agree with you on that.
Did the Bank Robber rob the bank going in? or coming out?
We were fed and bought into “delay justice” narrative. Gotta complete the crime.
^^^I accepted all of that, knowing I didn’t know better AND it made little sense.
What has never made sense, court cases tossed based on:
IKR, It’s like they’re just glossing over ‘Conspiracy to Commit’. That’s a crime too!!!
Right? And they must have enough for espionage.
The only thing I’ve been thinking is that CtoC has a lesser sentence than actual TREASON. If Jo and Ho go through w/swearing in, they can HANG!?!
Mmmm…….doesn’t get much sweeter than that!
Jo & Ho’s future job:
Rope testers
“Complete the crime” is absolute nonsense, an explanation for nothing, and it is puzzling why this meaningless idea appeals to so many people.
Pacify law and order folks when DOJ, FIB and all are failing. False hope.
There is a MUCH stronger argument to be made that if anything is to be done it MUST be done before the swearing.
Did the Bank Robber rob the bank going in?
Or coming out with the cash?
Said respectfully, but the situations are not analogous whatsoever, either legally or practically.
Robbery requires an actual taking, in addition to the use of force and intent. Plus, the robber does not walk out as the Police Commissioner.
What we are talking about in the election fraud might include inchoate crimes, but they are not the gist of the wrongdoing.
Maybe he was the “Police commissioner” going in?
Will NEVER accept Joe N Hoe as anything but installed criminals.
You can’t un-redpill a nation.
5 years of anti-Trump gaslighting with lies and false narratives…and with the snap of his finger…President Trump hosts 100s of thousands of Deplorables in Swamp HQ on a cold January work day!
Beautiful Steele Dossier infographic to keep track of the players.
From GAB!!!
Click – it’s BIG!!!

Reminds me of the Epoch Times graphic, which they have distributed to many in the US in their free sample issue.
Camel day!!!!
I may have to come up with a new theme. Finding new pics of camels….
You can always re-use them.
But if unable, do what you feel is right.
BIDENAZIS! Compare and contrast!!!
Scott Free
Stop The Steal
It sure is.
This made my stomach ache when I saw it this morning. But now looking at the historical photograph, Biden’s flag and light display is even more like the Nuremberg rallies than I remembered from seeing it on the HIstory Channel (when it used to show history). What kind of nincompoops are running his public relations???? Have they never cracked a book?????
Occult ones.
This depicts (besides historical relevance) pretend people at a pretend inauguration for a pretend president who is about to put the boot on real Americans.
Here is another goodie from Wictor’s feed
Apelbaum explains the politicization of the ADL!!!
Communism is a pustule that needs draining. It frigging infects everything if not popped quickly.
We have to start treating the commies like what they are.
Seems Hitlery and Nasty the Pig louse have made SURE POTUS goes after them.

2021 is going to be special.
Even the left is starting to dump on them for Russia Russia Russia.
9-11 commission? Half the people on the panel were in on setting the stage for it.
Two most corrupt conscienceless women in US history blathering about hurting more people.
Still wasting peoples time with this. Wow!
OH, this is GOOD!!!
Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Donald Trump
Does TTT post here anymore?
I’m still catching up on the roster I knew from many wolf-moons ago …
T3 is now Gudthoughts here. WP issues forced a new moniker. Still T3 on Gab.
Gudthots = TTT !!!
Yes, but I think I get all my best memes from The Q Tree!
Coast Guard closes Potomac and Anacostia rivers as a precaution
That’s a lot of fire power for rivers that are usually fairly deserted.
I read last night that the anons found a photo, zoomed in and enlarged to be barely legible, of Nanxi’s writing on a small pad, saying “block tunnels”.
It was dated 1/6 …
DUUUUUDES! I just scored some MAJOR hopium, man!
Deplorable Lee Lee reposted
Jordan Sather
Q proof level: metal.
[video src="" /]
I love it, but here’s some cold water…so sorry! I have no personal knowledge, but Mike Pugh says, in the Bards of War video that scott467 wrote about above, that the patch is on the wrong side (I can’t remebver if left or right), indicating it is a veteran who was in that division, not a current member. But I don’t know…
What we do know is that guy is a combat vet. He could be active or NG.
As a former Army wife, I will say those guys looked active duty. All respect to the NG, but they usually don’t look as ‘active’ as those guys.
Combat Patches have the position of honor on the right shoulder of the soldier.
So looked at the vid. This guy is wearing the 10th Mountain on the right sleeve. If it was the left sleeve he’d be active duty.
Standard operating procedure?
I don’t know, I thought stopping them in the first place was a good thing.
Just have to wait for enlightenment.
From GAB:

and those real live patriots aren’t cheap little flags made in china flapping in the DC breeze.

….Has never been said/shouted/typed to another.

Even OANN chick is cryptic. POTUS leaving the WH, ‘for now’.
Some low-fat, high-protein HOPIUM…..
Food for thought.
The US Marshalls have a huge hangar at the main airport in Oklahoma City, Will Rogers World Airport.
Not sure if it’s their aviation headquarters…but it’s a major hub of their prisoner transport operations.
WRWA is kind of a unique airport.
It has so many pumping oil wells of it’s own, that it could shut down all commercial operations and still be profitable.
In a lot of these theories & predictions…there has been a little blurb about how ‘The first arrest will be in OKC’.
Which is kind of odd.
So I thought I would just add this FYI to it.
In chess, pawns don’t move “backwards”.
It could be that “back away your pawns” was meant as “back away FROM your pawns”.
Best I can guess – having never heard of this maneuver (even following a few chess sites) – is that one destroys the opponent’s flank on one side, via piece-for-pawn sacrifices – and then the path is cleared for ones own pawns to march to queening.
It would be a very delicate timing play, to invite a mating attack which takes too long, when compared to a pawn (or pawns) queening, and then having tremendous queen-speed to counter-attack BEFORE the opponent’s attack could succeed.
Queening of Pawns is a VERY good play.
I’ve used it many times.
Praying Medic
Into the storm we go….

Next it’s the world!
After Toppling Trump, Biden and Big Tech Will Now Target Nationalism Overseas
“Someone, somewhere in the West puts his country first — this cannot stand!” appears to be the new attitude in Washington. That is, the incoming Joe Biden administration, not content to transition from “America First” to “America is worst,” now is targeting foreign patriotism for destruction. And the two countries reportedly in its crosshairs are Poland and Hungary, which Biden and other leftists have called “totalitarian.”
The Great Resetters are positioning themselves…for a great boot in the butt.
Freedom Posse
Trump 2020
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” – Mark Twain
Good morning, Wheatie!
Good morning, GnTx!
Empty “Magwell”???
No ammo loaded?
From Gab:

So, you believe Biden will be in the White House?
I don’t want to believe that, but I don’t see how he can be stopped.
I’d say that’s a yes.
Think what would happen if the NG was to make any move to arrest or stop this “sacred installation” of St.HoeJoe:
riot order would be given across the nation.
Bowser would bark like a bish in heat and all the feral utes would come running for free shoes and weapons.
If NGs with ammo cut loose – it’s a blood bath and it’s Trump and his supporters fault.
While STL, Den, NYC, OK, LA, SFC, OKL, etc;, are burning, NanXi accepts help for China and they cross in from the North.
Mexico’s Northern border gets run over with immigrants in convoy AC busses.
Biden’s 11m new citizens run amok with the freebies in smashed windowless stores.
Trump supporters will get identified via facial recognition SW from all the videos from rallies and will summarily be arrested, have their weapons and whatever else they have, seized.
They are all NAZIs who have gone full Stalin.
The only way I can see that this doesn’t happen is getting Trump people in the military , FBI and Intell fields that can remove all obama loyalists
and that should’ve happened back on day one but thanks to Trump’s personal lawyer group… didn’t.
This America I do not think that will happen. I do not know why I think so just do.
I am numb from trying to guess the unguessable. I have resigned to live with whatever He has chosen for us.
I am still actively praying that JoBi and KaHa will not be long in the WH, if at all.
I believe that True POTUS must be separated optically from what is about to happen, so it will appear as a military action and not a political action.
Whenever that operation is finished and evidence of the true election results are released, then True POTUS… POTUSVSG… will be asked and reinstated in the WH
I do not believe that all that cannot happen in a day and still maintain some resemblance of a peaceful transition to a new admin.
A study of CONTRAST, if ever there was one …
polar extremes.
in every way shape and form..
not just those two individuals but the trash heap that’s referred to as the Left…
compared to and contrasted with the patriots of America.
it’s not just a matter of physical “looks”…it’s what you see in the eyes, in the mind-sets…and the quality of standards.
the quality of character.
On day one, Biden plans to reinstate rule allowing transgender students to use bathroom, locker room of choice
Trump revoked the guidance in 2017
Reminds me of how on the very first day Klinton went from forbidding gays in the military to “don’t ask don’t tell.”
That was the most important thing, that had to be done first…
Who gave piglosi the power to order the FBI to vet and remove NG troops who didn’t pass her flavored type of politics?
How come no NG commander didn’t stop this violation?
Why the hell didn’t the GOP stand up for the troops?
Oh wait. I forgot NanXi’s got every member’s balls in her desk drawer and only lows the previous owner to see his once a year.
I really do stand in awe of piglosi.
She has shown how worthless Ryan and Boehner aka ‘cryin’ john’ really were.
RSBN in Florida. LIVE: President Donald Trump Sendoff Ceremony at Joint Base Andrews/Arrival in FL 1/20/21 – YouTube
No civilians there, but they are playing the rally music.
then…who are all the ppl gathered there..?
They walked out after I typed that.
People are at Andrews AFB waiting for POTUS.
“..natl guard troops removed from inauguration security..” ~ ticker tape
So there isn’t going to be anyone to protect the 200,000 Flags???
What on Earth are they thinking …
Wouldn’t look good when contrasted to POTUS’s Andrew A.F.B ceremony.
Seems the ticker may of just been talking about just two and maybe a handful of others being removed.
At least two members of the U.S. Army National Guard have been removed after the FBI’s vetting of the estimated 25,000 troops deployed in Washington, DC, to secure the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
they should have vetted the poll workers with the same rigor
FLOTUS looks nervous there.
He’s trying his best to hide it, but he seems to be on edge.
not much protection there..
and his tone is sounding a little past tense …?
being sooo gracious to the “new administration”
Marine One is at the White House. POTUS hasn’t walked out yet.
LOTS of excitement from media sorts. [gag]
leaving the WH…LIVE..
Rotors are rolling
Great home, honor of a lifetime, ROTORS, thank you very much
what is the other smaller flag waving above the American flag at the Capitol ?
PO and FLO just left WH. Gave brief statement, but inaudible on OANN. His speech is scheduled to start at Andrews at 8:30EST.
Melania, beautiful as ever, hair up, all in black!
She looked very Jackie O.
Yes – as she did four years ago at the inauguration.
So no saving the Country? No insurrection act? No nothing?
It’s not even 8:30 eastern. Hang on.
Still must leave and take the kiddo for school. Argh.
8:30AM and my phone hasn’t made EMS broadcast #FWP
The Couch Commando is calling shenanigans on it.
What part of the crime has to be complete first isn’t sinking in?
iirc cue always says POTUS will be safe on AF1
if something was gonna happen, I would look to that time
I was thinking the same thing. In the next few hours, I would imagine.
Any ideas re Melania’s wardrobe choice today?

All business.
or state funerals
Melania looks thinner…?
Jackie O.
Jackie X a zillion
Melania Trump outclasses Jackie Kennedy, imo.
and that’s saying something.
She always speaks with her clothes.
the way he called her “Honey…”
She’s been wearing black and white since the election. Her updo and her the cut of her outfit reminds me of how she looked last inauguration.
Book ends?
That powder blue Ralph Lauren suit was just stunning.
And the gloves.
Yes, I forgot the gloves! Excellent point!
I had the same thoughts!
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 20, 2021
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”
2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
morning duchess
got your game face on?
have a Blessed day
Morning, Pat!!! Not big on games – and certainly have no intention of watching the satanic ritual at the WH – or wherever they are holding this mockery of our beloved country – still hoping and praying they arrest these evil witches and warlocks.
God Bless Your Day with Hope, Peace, and Love – Angels watching over you – Hugs!!!
I WAS a Child, now I’m part of a untested biological substance some people calla vaccine….
RSBN and Michelle Malkin were suspended from Twitter this morning.
I guess holding 85% of the media wasn’t enough for them. Trump was still crushing them so they had to take out another 7 1/2% – 10% with all these bannings.
The fakebook commie on xinn said to take everyone out. His idea is in play.
The REAL Deal:

At the podium after a gun salute.
“We love you” exchanged.
Thanking people.
First lady: an honor. God Bless
Fishers of Men – 20210119
Hey GA/FL –
What’s with the fringe on the flags behind PDJT?
Had to point it out …
The yellow fringe is only found on military flags, and the gold-fringed American flag is a military flag that represents Martial Law which is not subject to the Constitution. The one without is known as the peace flag of the United States and it symbolizes that the Constitution and the United States is alive and well.
Gold-Fringed American Flags –
Well at least we’re all honing in on the truth.
From what I’ve read, the “Stars and Stripes” is the wartime flag, the military flag, the admiralty / maritime flag
And the “Stars and Bars” is the peacetime flag, the civilian flag, the constitutional / common-law flag.
It isn’t the gold-fringe which designates the difference, but the horizontal v. vertical which does. (Also, IIRC, in the peacetime flag the field is white, and the stars are blue!)
Lotta disinfo around (and yes, I’m susceptible too), even with so many so-called “authoritative” sources.
150 years (since the Stars-and-Bars) is a LONG time for f***ery to infiltrate …
“The constitutional United States flag signifies common-law jurisdiction. The gold-fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag or martial law…Others have been tempted to persuade the judiciary that fringe on an American flag denotes a court of admiralty…”
There’s more patriots. Hold on…
This from
“It has been claimed that such fringe is without proper authorization, that it is symbolic of the end of the gold standard as the basis for United States currency, or that IT INDICATES THE SUBSTITUTION OF ADMIRALTY COURTS AND MARTIAL LAW FOR COMMON LAW COURTS PROCEDURES…”
I hadn’t heard of the “gold standard” thingy, as explanation for the adulteration (fringe) of the flag – that’s a new one!
Just look at how many conflicting “authoritative-sources” there are!
Even reading Scott467’s tremendous post the other day, I find ANOTHER inconsistency: is it “usA”, or “uSA”?
I’d read that the word “States” was capitalized, for the initial letter; yet Scott’s source presents the “real” phrase as having lower-case, for the word “states” without any capitalization at all.
Assuming that the CRW-fags (lol!) are presenting some truth (not the *whole* truth, mind you!), the “substitution” supplants the original Constitution / common law rules.
Again I say, my hypothesis is that ANY “substitution” constitutes a CAPTURE of the real, Title 4 US Flag (no fringe).
And so, the subversion of the original Constitution (common law) into the “dupe” document.
BAD Flag = bad Constitution; GOOD Flag = good Constitution.
Details, details!
But for now, I hold to my hypothesis …
(I was very good at solving ciphers, a long time ago!)
A more rational explanation of gold trim flag.
Gold fringe is used on the National flag as an honorable enrichment only. It is not regarded as an integral part of the flag and its use does not constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statutes.
Records of the Department of the Army indicate that fringe was used on the National flag as early as 1835 and its official use by the Army dates from 1895. There is no record of an Act of Congress or Executive Order which either prescribes or prohibits the addition of fringe, nor is there any indication that any symbolism was ever associated with it. The use of fringe is optional with the person or organization displaying the flag.
>> “A more rational explanation” <<
Well thank you for self-adopting for yourself the self-role of optimum “rationality”.
I note no quotation marks delimiting your statements, and no sources provided to back up your opinion.
My goodness – you don’t even couch what you say as being even in the slightest way debatable.
How lucky we are to have the FINAL authority – in YOU.
A simple search of the web comes up with plenty of links that reflect the same info. Try it some time.
>> “Try it some time.” <<
On YOUR advice???
Well, that explains a lot.
Remember when they raise your taxes, I told you so.
First thing we need to do is pay our respects to all the people we lost to WuFlu.
Wish new Admin luck. We have left a good foundation.
Economic rocket ships waiting to happen.
We will be back in some form.
I will always fight for you, I will be watching, I will be listening.
Have a good life we will see you soon.
“Have a good life we will see you soon.”
say in March? maybe the 4th?
Treat this like your team’s down a touchdown and two point conversion will tie the game with 2 minutes left (and know that WE HAVE IT when if gets to overtime)…..Are ya gonna bitch about the missed opportunities while there is still a chance? We can bitch for 4 + years if this fails, theirs nothing we can do in the next 6 hours to change anything.
Until then, Pray, watch the game and STFU with doom dishing. ENJOY THE SHOW and pray for the happy ending.
Wise words!
And we’ll make OUR OWN happy ending!
I remember you from early on, yes? Do I have the “Sauce, or the “Realsauce”? Lol, I’m happy to see you still here, by whatever handle …
Yea, always have been Sauce going back to my first real job in the late, late 80’s.
I was Sauce at OT, then something happened at the old Qtree early on and I had to switch to realsauce and just stuck with it. When we switched to here I figured time to change back
He’s fighting back tears. Talking about the future without naming names. “We will be back in some form.”
17 Flags!

8:20 AM EST
President Donald J. Trump Departure Ceremony
Joint Base Andrews, MD
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless America <3
“WE WILL BE BACK IN SOME FORM” – President Trump – 01/20/2021
Nice. “Promises Made Promises Kept”
Well, now it’s the waiting game. How soon until the Insurrection Act is rescinded? And every EO?
I just can’t wrap my head around the plan being stupefyingly elaborate but bogus. The speed bump of Trump getting elected, his struggle over the past 4 years, the corruption on display, his galvanizing the people . . . it obviously COULD have played out without the roadmap and everything happening behind the scenes.
But it does not seem likely. As I said, it’s the waiting game.
I really just dont believe he would let us fall into their hands. We have done everything peacefully and legally. But no happnin yet. Ahhhh!
january 20, 2021 the marshall report
While mainstream fake news wants you to believe all is bottomed out for the Commander in Chief….it has not been as they have said.
It has been as President Trump has said…THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
The Lord is watching all things.
Numbers 6:22-27
22And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
23“Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:
24“The Lord bless you and keep you;
25The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
27“So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”
The feelz in this picture.
Never fear…
is FLOTUS wearing military buttons, AGAIN…?
Looked like it to me, too, PR
That is what I saw, first thing. Very military jacket.
My wife is crying now. I told her not to give up hope, and not to give up.
I’ve been crying for three days. Just stress relief really. It builds and builds and then has to come out.
Just trying to hang on for the end of the ride. Whatever that is.
17 AMERICAN FLAGS behind our President!
RSBN guy is doing a good job describing President Trump’s tenure.
RSBN sounds cheerful.
I still do not believe Biden will be allowed into the WH or near the nuclear football!
THIS is how this scene had to play out. If what we hope to happen does, PDJT CANNOT be seen as either an instigator of this or having an inkling of prior knowledge.
…just sayin
And you know, maybe he really DOESN’T KNOW.
That sounds insane, but what if? What if they convinced him it couldn’t be proven? No prior knowledge. He will be as shocked as anyone else.
Wheels up…..
Loves the way they hanged in till the plane went out of sight. So did the crowd.
link to EO 13770, which President Trump revoked yesterday
Anyone have the sauce for Sauce on this one?
heh…sorry for speaking in the 3rd person…..that really isnt like me
Looks like it effects non career, administration type bureaucrats setting a variety of 5 and 2 year restrictions on their ability to lobby after leaving the administration. To some extent some of this may have been already in the revoked order and this is further tightening of that order. Falls under the banner of “Promises Made, Promises Kept”. That would be my best read, but I’m not the smartest guy in the house, far from it.
Why did he do that?
Because their employment terminates today?
@Praying-Medic3 a.m.
THIS is interesting since on any given day, let alone Inauguration Day, the Washington Metro is amazingly alive and full of humans.
today is a federal holiday for all worker bees in dc isn’t it?
Could be, but there are plenty of other businesses there. And Friendship Heights is on the Maryland side near Bethesda. I’ve been through that station more than once.
Is DC under a ‘lockdown’?
thought it was
With the DC lock down, rather positive, Feds have been on administrative leave – paid for sitting at home, the beach…anything but working.
Yeah, it this was taken today, then it is interesting.
Hmm…someone mentioned on Gab that today’s date is a Palindrome.
That’s true, if it’s written as month-day-year.
So it’s all reversible!
Trump: “I wish the new administration great luck and great success. I think they’ll have great success. They have the foundation to do something really spectacular.”
Need to find the transcript for his last few sentences, talking about the plaque (wuflu) being the worst we’ve endured since the PLAGUE of 1917! The Spanish flu was in 1918.
WHAT CHANGED in 1917 – I believe under Woodrow Wilson?
Spanish Flu was 1918 here. It started in 1917.
1917 – Russia fell, Fatima (even if many here don’t believe in it)
JFK was born that year as well. May 29 at 3 pm, the hour of Divine Mercy. Interesting.
I guess it started in 1917:
“It began in the summer of 1917 and lasted through the winter of 1920.”
Biden and Harris…now subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice?
Uhh…not going to speculate live on the internet, but, uhh….
Emerald Robinson Latin cross
The bloodbath continues at @Foxnews: DC managing editor & prominent NeverTrumper Bill Sammon is “retiring” soon. Sammon made the ultimate decision to call Arizona early on election night, apparently.
This is bad news for Chris Wallace.
9:29 AM · Jan 20, 2021
I would imagine Sammon is either cutting a deal or going to jail. I feel bad for his kids. He’s got something like five, I think.
Well he shouldve thought about them and not himself.
Why would he think of them except as bargaining chips to be traded to the Pedos for favors?
My observation is these elites have multiple and choose 1 to dispense. Usually not the 1st born.
Disgusting Never Trumper, finally comeuppance!
The Liz Cheney of Chuck Todds
Ugh. More dead eyes. Looks like he trolls the internet for filth.
And the Dumb Phuc Chris Stirewalt has been FIRED!
REPORT: Trump Discusses New ‘Patriot Party’ As Republicans Capitulate
President Trump reportedly discussed forming a new political party – the Patriot Party – after “feuding” with the Republican establishment.
From the article:
The Patriot Party is the Re-BOOBS biggest nightmare:
in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows…
After four years of POTUS, the blatant BETRAYAL by the Re-BOOBs, all POTUS has to do is whistle and we would come running.
and it scares them shitless
It surely does!
I certainly hope POTUS does start a new party. If the Conservatives in 2009 were ~ 41% with 22% undecided, I would not be surprised to find POTUS could grab over 40% after a few months of Viceroy Bite-me.
OH, and for everyone’s information going forward,
POTUS is President Donald J. Trump our REAL president
Viceroy is the impostor.
It makes NO sense to start a new party. We have gained in numbers, but they were allowed to cheat, and not just for President, and now have the country in a stranglehold. Has the last 4 years faded from your memory? That was a struggle WHILE having power. What we are left with now is a bullseye on our back. Apart from some podunk city council person (maybe), we will never have another legit election.
so why crawl back into bed with the very rinos that back stabbed POTUS in the first place…remember the snake poem?
you knew I was a snake when you invited me in.
From my understanding, it is almost impossible to create a new party, by design. There’s so many rules/laws and procedures and money and paperwork involved that is CONTROLLED by the existing parties and individual States. They thwart newcomers at every turn. Best thing to do is a takeover and gut the RINOS.
impossible is POTUS’s starting point
Trying to take over the Re-BOOBs was already tried by the Tea Party over a decade ago. All that happened is we got SCAMMED and FLEECED.
POTUS has the savvy, lawyers and can pull in the $$$ and ground troops to GET HER DONE!
Yep. It isn’t as fun to talk about, but it’s realistic. We were practically there! I’d love to toss out the scumbags, take it over, and give it a good scrubbin’…..
Gut the RINO’s?
How’s that worked for DECADES?
Time to Bail.
Trump…. and US…. can do this in a NEW Party…
Almost overnight!
My point was that it’s all moot. If they can cheat to overcome the numbers that just turned out, and this is allowed to stand – you can form whatever you want. It doesn’t matter.
true, but remember how POTUS campaigned for “fellow” repubs because they were repubs? and then they voted FOR impeachment? hard to trust that bunch ever again.
Actually I changed registration to INDEPENDENT. I already told the ReBOOBS to F..CKOFF!
Actually I doubt if I will ever bother to vote again unless we get the fraud fixed.
Republitards are DONE!
We can NOT TRUST any of them anymore.
They… are NOT “us”…
WE… are NOT “Them” (anymore).
There MUST be a NEW… REAL… American Patriot Party.
You didn’t read what I said. Starting a new party is a moot point. Even the semblance of free elections is done. If it isn’t stopped now, there is nothing left but to deal with what life will become.
NEVER give up!
If the ccp through vote fraud of historical proportions is allowed to take over the country then a new party or anything else isn’t worth having a conversation about because it won’t happen. Are we really ready to become serfs again? Slaves to demons? Have we really sat down and thought about how our lives will be utterly changed if this happens? I am looking at the possibility with eyes wide open.and if our POTUS isn’t our warrior ,defender then who is? The man is a fighter,I do not see him letting us down like this . I am pissed about the whole q thing since a couple of my kids think I’m an utter fool ,well they have thought I am a loony a lot over the years.ah well …life has a way of surprising us does it not?
Suspect some didn’t read your posts through. Nor did I at first pass.
Totally FUBAR.
It seems you have to have “standing” here to have standing.
May be more like so many, me included are LIVID with anything RepubliCON.
Plus the election process broke at all levels.
As is our government.
All of that leads to quicker replies than may normally happen.
Short of trump led something, can’t see any of this being fixed.
It makes NO sense to start a new party.
^^^ More like it makes no sense to be a RepubliCON.
Sadly, it makes NO sense to vote. Our election system is broken at EVERY level of government. Totally FUBAR.
Can’t imagine it getting fixed.
True. Traditional third party analysis does not seem to apply to the present circumstances.
Third Parties don’t typically have a MAJORITY right from the start.
This time is DIFFERENT
Republitards WILL be the Whigs of 2022 and beyond
New Joe M from Telegraph via @Jack’s place.

The worst crime is for everyone to know that you got away with it and will never be charged for it.
I get the impression that the swearing in has to happen before maximum penalties are on the table.
We’ll see.
The real swearing in has already happened, I understand…
explain please
They’re sworn in privately before the ceremony, in case something goes amiss. Even if it’s something as trivial as the ceremony running a few minutes late even, it doesn’t matter, the new guy becomes president at noon, having already been sworn in. They don’t want to leave the office vacant for even a second if they can avoid it.
In fact, sometimes when the 20th is a Sunday they wait until Monday to hold the ceremony. It’s a dog and pony show.
Someone posted that the “real” private swearing in happens at 9 am. I never verified that being the exact time, but I do know it happens early.
so for a brief time we actually have 2 presidents?
Nope, it’s just that the new guy has taken the oath, so when the current term ends, he becomes president instantly, without having to wait for the oath to be administered.
The problem is, once the swearing in takes place, criminal liability arises from any actions taken to remove the president. And whoever is sworn in, IS president, with all the power that entails. Two separate concerns.
JMO, but the “completion” argument is nonsense and dangerous nonsense.
I agree.
The only way it could maybe work, is if the “real” swear-in is early and the takedown happens after that but before noon. But even then I could imagine arguments made that it’s illegal.
I think this circles back around to fraud vitiates everything. Swearing an Oath to protect the Constitution as President…but did as much as possible to undermine the Constitution to become President.
This cannot be legal. The question is what will be done about it?
The problem is, fraud does not vitiate everything. First, fraud must be proven, not alleged. Second, whether fraud vitiates anything depends on the fraud and the circumstances.
BO was a fraudulent president IMO, but I disagree with people who argue that everything he did is thereby illegal and void.
The present Fraud in office can start a war right now with the power he has.
Wow. Glad i work for myself.
World of NC
So my manager has just advised me and given me the paperwork today to access an online counselling service after my decision to decline the vaccine…
So you can’t be of sound mind if you’re not following the government narrative now!?!
6:31 AM · Jan 20, 2021
At least it wasn’t her walking papers. I am sure that is next.
once she is certified, then she will be a threat to the company, THEN she gets her walking papers.
Hope she has the brains to ask the NAME and address of the online consultant FIRST.
THEN ask if the consultant want to take on ALL LIABILITY for anything that happens because of the vaccine since the Vaccine companies do not trust the product enough to provide liability coverage for adverse effects. That is the consultant will guarantee to pay $830,000 for non-economic damages and $2,000,000 for death. That promise must be IN WRITING signed and notarized.
If the Consultant is NOT willing to take on ALL LIABILITY for adverse reactions for the amounts above, then the Consultant has no faith that the vaccine will not harm me and therefore has no business in trying to influence MY decisions on my individual situation.
Flags projecting the conservatives that piglosi wants slaughtered for molech.
So classy…throughout all of this.
He was robbed!
We were robbed!
And the thieves who did this should all hang!
^^^ D&D? WTF is that? Implyin,g Dungeons and Dragons?
^^^ Leaves game room? As in a board game
Surely i have missed something.
If I am not simply flying off the handle, actually I’m quite quite calm and reflecting this morning. Fox IS more fucked up than I suspected.
Someone please do educate me, on where I incorrectly interpret Fox’s chyron or whatever that is called.
About those ships off the coast of Long Beach….
Spookd Blog
Looks like the West Coastline is in a a major cargo ship traffic jam.
Seems those 40’ containers from Chyna were rigged to fire SSMs – triggered by satellite.
It may be time to fire a warning shot across China’s bow, and sink 3 of their aircraft carriers.
2:30 PM · Jan 19, 2021
Spookd Blog
Each ship has a target pasted on it, by DEW satellite.
9:49 AM · Jan 20, 2021
Confirmation bias at its finest.
A sad article. I remember driving through clouds of these in the Central Valley of California, back in the ’70s. So many that traffic had to slow down due to being unable to see the road.
Lot’s of big BOOMS going off this morning at the nearby Military base. ???
21 gun salute?
Lot more than 21…..
more like 21 every couple of minutes.
I love to travel, but if this is going to be the norm….
Bannon’s telling everyone to hammer this, mock them. Where’s the 80million????
What a FRAUD!!!
POTUS’s voters would have stood outside the gates clamoring our support regardless of the fences…
They’re showing side by sides of 2016 and this. POTUS was PACKED! Jack P announced Rasmussen report poll – 32% likely voters to watch, 23% total likely to watch – PATHETIC!!!

HECK if you have not cut the cable DO IT NOW!
Not watching, but recording, JIC there’s an arrest scene to replay.
GOOD, if we have ONE in our group who watches that is all that is necessary.
I just now tuned in for…oh..maybe 3 seconds..the clown sounds drunk, slurring cotton mouth words spewing “unity & luv” bullshit..
that’s it for me…wretched waste of time and brain cells.
Don’t feel like watching a Chinese viceroy being installed.
I can’t watch. I feel nothing but utter disgust at what is going on, and sadness and anger for the country. I can watch videos later of anything significant that leans toward justice.
This place is a refuge of sanity and hope. I will stay here.
Did not and would never watch Beijing Biden show today. F’him and his masters.
Uh, weren’t we told to stay home, and not by Steve Bannon.
i meant if POTUS had won and they locked down DC…we would have gone anyway…biteme’s supporters are not there because they are non existent, not because they were told to stay home.
I misunderstood.
no problem
We were told to stay home when BITE-ME was inaugurated. If it was POTUS there would be no NEED for fences and DC would be over run.
I understand – mis-understood the meme.
Damn right!!!!!

The only one’s there are reporters!! And WHERE ARE THE CIRCLES?!?!

I understand he’s lit — and that people need the release of someone speaking without a filter, like real men talk. But without what we thought was coming, it’s hollow. Just me.
They were going live to the ceremony itself. I turned off the audio. I’d rather listen to Bannon and Rudy mock the whole thing.
Sweden which did little intervention for covid had total deaths just a little over 2015. But not by much.
Comment posting is flaky this morning.
Yeah, I’ve had the keyboard takeover again all morning, where it keeps inserting whatever it wants when I type and won’t let me type what I want.

If the bags are not opened and we actually see the thing or whatever it is, I’m calling this props. Been in theater way too long to not demand that.
If this is today, Has to be traveling with POTUS to Florida.
EXACTLY. Check out what I just posted.
Note the time stamp.
Did POTUS leave the football behind? Or are those props.
Someone posted a story yesterday saying they’ll just deactivate Trumps foot ball when the time comes.
They were going to deactivate his codes is what I read. I thought it was supposed to travel back from Palm Beach once the oath was administered.
I still want to know what’s REALLY in the bags.
It used to be one bag for the silos. Wonder if the second goes to satellites? Anyway, wild guess.
Near instant encrypted connectivity.
Ability to order select launches. Including stand down orders.
Available weapons, location, weapon capabilities…
Scenarios for various countries…
Back up system or two.
The Eighties electronics in the inspection station are impressive.
Rudy on Bannon re the empty mall today: it’s appropriate for a man who is a crook.
Peace Be Still – 20210120
Storm Dispatch- 20210120-1
Political Theology – 20210120
Is it just me…or could KaHa be The Joker?
She’s got the laugh, the hair, the eyes and the psycho personality…she just needs to wear the makeup 24/7
The ‘new’ admin…for as long as it lasts… could be known as the JoKa
JoKa = The Joke or Joker’s JOBAMA…with the lying liar Susan Rice behind the curtain, giving the orders to camel hut.
No waiting at the security checkpoints.

What a pathetic scene for the United States of America. It’s a mockery in front of the entire world.
Yeah. Deck chairs on the Titanic Lie.
And just like that, Q was really about biden….
Guess it’s one way to trap traitors?
get one believer to flip identity of others?
I’m not clear about what you’re saying.
Bannon’s reporter says that there’s about 100-200 people at the Capitol for the festivities. The Couch Commando just asked how much they are being paid.
Wow…private security 2500 per visitor.
can’t get safer than that……
With guns? I thought they didn’t like guns…
Executive Order on the Revocation of Executive Order 13770
Issued on: January 20, 2021
Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency
Issued on: January 20, 2021
Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
Issued on: January 19, 2021
Text of a Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Issued on: January 19, 2021
Symbolism for sure.
Not just symbolism, but smug IN YOUR FACE trolling.
Bannon reporter in Palm Beach says the streets are lined for POTUS’s return.
I wish he would have taken off for parts unknown. If he shows up there, it’s perhaps time for reassessment.
for now I think he needs to feel the LOVE from us…it seems to recharge him.
Ok then.
At work so I cant mathis pretty…copied form Conservatie political forum
Quote from: Trisha007 on Today at 07:26:26 AM
And this,
This was a response to Trisha007 courtesy of Possum
who exactly brings it?
who has standing?
POTUS who was denied his real place as POTUS?
or the voters whose votes were fraudulently canceled?
We can’t get jack past a treasonous SCOTUS. Nobody has “standing” against the UniParty (China Jr.) if they say we don’t have standing.
This is ALL hopium, IMO.
what exactly was your expectation for today then?
Hard to say.
this didn’t happen according to how many different people’s opinion of WHEN it will go down…if it goes down. so those people didn’t know the real time line. that’s a good thing imo
doesn’t mean it won’t.
Yup. I’m willing to wait and see what happens.
But the court is compromised like everything else in government.
so true
I’m back, what’s going on?
Kamala is wearing purple.
Hillary’s wearing purple, too.
Purple is a nice color for a pig.
And don’t insult pigs.
Pigs are much more intelligent and CLEANER than the filth occupying OUR capital.
Color revolution. Two hags in purple rags.
Make it at least three.
Mooch is the 3rd pic? Ugh
look like vampires
and you can see how awkward harriss and bamma are in dress-up clothing
harrisssess coat doesn’t quite fit properly…
and, once again, bamma has something…odd…at the crotch there ?
They are disgusting. I noticed that Jill Biteme is also wearing purple. They’re all traitoress colluders.
It’s fitting. Purple is the color of mourning.
That’s a lovely color for a camel.
Has the oath of office been taken?
Has there been any news on DJT’s plan of action?
Andy declass?
Or are things still proceeding “as would be expected” if everything was normal so far?
Don’t insult camels.
They’re going through the motions as far as I can tell not really watching it, just refreshing my Twitter feed which is full of doomfagging and insults to the anon community today.
Thank you DP. So is there somewhere we’re supposed to be checking for news in reality, or about DJT at the moment?
Or are we just supposed to be watching the great spectacle of fraud unfold first?
Don’t know.
Looks like Pence is full traitor.
Could be. Wouldn’t put it past him.
He told us himself on the 6th.
Not surprised, but you can’t know who is a double-agent and who isn’t until it’s over.
That has been the problem from day one.
True there were to many in Trumps cabinet.
21 minutes to go. I’m not watching it, just looked at the time.
The masks let them all look pathetic.
They don’t seem happy.
They don’t, do they.
And the purple looks like costumes.
Color revolution.
it’s about as joyful as the Soviets invading Prague in 68.
So, good times, then?

Anyone heard about this
General Hyten Telegram account
(I haven’t decide yet if this a real account, but this account and the one he is linking to make it look like some operation is going on):
General Hyten
@greatawakeningenhyt stay updated.
that’s one way to clear out the culprits, one building at a time
Hey, the Marines used the same tactic in Fallujah, Iraq.
If it worked on islamic terrorist it will surely work on chinese traitors…..
especially the head traitor who can’t remember where he is at any given time.
AND they might NOT be allowed to enter again until things have cleared
a good way to “herd” people into specific areas, no?
I saw that on Twitter this morning.
All clear given.
BREAKING: NBC and CNN reporting that US Supreme Court is Evacuated due to a Bomb Threat.
With all the military security in DC? I think this is fake to cover up the no show for Biden.
Great Awakening.
Great Awakening.
Emergency Broadcasting System.
My Comment
ESB at noon.
Great Awakening.
Time to start.
Great Awakening.
The last hours and the world will know the truth.[EBS]
Great Awakening.
Keep watching the news. It is coming.
Who is this, really?
still at it ?
the Kraken ?
or something.
This is starting to take on the feel of the Sarlacc Pit scene in Return of the Jedi.
So this religious guy is on the Dark Side, making a mockery of God:
I think it was the cardinal who sat next to Hitlery at the roast with DJT about 4 years ago.
That was Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. He’s a go along to get along sort. The Archbishop of Washington is Wilton Gregory, AKA the African Queen according to the grapevine. I’m not watching so I have no idea who is there.
The church joined Hitler also in Germany therefore no surprise the church giving credence to a fake President.
The church in many instances is not on the site of truth, people and God.
What, no portable heaters this year?
Isn’t that hilarious?
Is there a better feed for watching?
I’m watching this one:
And, if nothing “happens”, who exactly is going to take THAT ball and run with it? No doomfagging involved, just purely reasonable thinking.
I don’t know, at this point we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The fact that Trump flew off to FL and actually landed there is not a good sign.
We have been inundated with fake information for months.
4 years, actually.
“The fact that Trump flew off to FL and actually landed there is not a good sign.”
But better than flying to FL and not landing…

I was hoping he was going to be on the special protection plane while things happened. Oh well. I have no standing here, so it’s time to shut my trap.
No one’s really got a clue.

Except about this…
So where are they?
If there is one game I’m sick of as any other, it’s the hide-the-documents game.
Outgoing statement from Stephen Miller.
The traitor Pence standing proudly with the enemies of our nation.
Made sure the flag was correct for today.
You seem as proud as they are. Literally. I know, f me.
So you don’t know what flying the flag like that means. Got it.
It’s a distress signal.
People who were taught what that Flag stands for know what it means.
anyone seen or knows if there’s an upside down flag emoji?
would be cool to use while JoHo’s in office.
What does an Upside Down American Flag Mean?
Posted on
September 28, 2017
Collins Flags 6×229.jpg
Have you ever seen an upside down American flag? We certainly hope not, but it is possible that you have. If you have spotted this at some point in your life, did you understand the symbolism?
In general, members of the United States Military would be most likely to recognize this signal. Nonetheless, allow us to explain with a little help from the United States Flag Code.
8. Respect for Flag
Quick interpretation: “Dire distress and extreme danger to life or property” should not be taken lightly here. These instances do not include moments of personal dissatisfaction or times of protest.
While it is legal to express yourself in whatever way you so chose, it is illegal to fly an American flag upside down unless you are in a life or death situation. People have faced legal charges for flying an American flag upside down. Stores have also been forced to remove upside down American flags on clothing.
If you have any additional questions or concerns on how to fly your American flag, please refer to our flag etiquette page.
Credit: US Flag Code
Life and death.
I understand it’s an SOS. I doubt many folks driving by do. To most it just appears perverse.
There has been an upside-down flag at an RV campground (one of the permanent residents) I drive by for…well, I don’t know how long. I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago.
If it becomes a common practice now, people will catch on.
Have flown Old Glory proudly 24/7 for years.
Won’ fly Old Glory upside down. Not saying America is NOT in distress.
Never thought I’d lower Old Glory, except to fly at “half mast” or hoist fresh Colors.
WILL lower Old Glory at sunset, ~5:05PM PST.
NOT proud of reality these days.
That will be mine too for the next 4 years if the steal is allowed to stand. Didn’t fly it at all under Bush or Zero.
Looks like Pedo Joe’s bagman, Hunter has been found… he was at the ceremony?
Nothing to fear. The day has to come when these people do fear.
Where’s Hunter has enjoyed 24/7 DOJ and FIB legal protection for twelve plus years. Perhaps decades.
Now, Where’s Hunter enjoys 24/7 SS personal protection and interruption free movement / travel.
As it should be! Where’s Hunter is in the upper level of, of our two tier justice system. (sarc)
Whatyda y’all think…cover image for tomorrow’s daily?

Excellent! Yes!
But, but, where’s the 200,000 flags?
Such an embarrassment all of this is.
His very first words are a foul hydrant of lies.
Well it’s high noon. That’s a wrap.
Just remember where you were when the Thief-in-Chief got his prize.
Lowering my Trump and US flags.
His Fraudulency is now the 46th President of the United States.
Yup. My Trump Flag was down at noon, EST. Old Glory will be at sunset, ~5:05PM EST.
I won’t be home until after dark.
Actually I was shoveling horse
I figured that was a good ‘celebration’
The feed just went blank in the middle of JB speech, and then went to a commercial…
Now it’s back.
Globocrats is a good description.
Mexican have called out BOTH censorship and Globalist drive to curb population via Covid.
Hope this becomes contagious.
Again, AMAZING. Have NOTS can see what IS playing out before our lying eyes.
But not fake news, big tech…
I’m not throwing in the towel yet….gonna let the day play out.
Accepting this shit right away aint making me a better person, more sane, feel any better, etc., etc.
Me too. I don’t care if people think I’m Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin on Halloween night. All the XVII cheerleader accounts on Twitter have gone silent. All that military. The ships just off the coasts.
Something is in the air. Maybe it’s just me, but something is in the air.
Me three! God has not abandoned us and neither has President Trump!
God does not take sites. That was taught to me a long time ago. I have seen soccer teams pray for a win each site did the same but one was a winner one lost.
I ask myself what lesson are we supposed to learn from this day from the false hope?
The Internet has been full of false flags and one did not know what is psyop and what is not. Maybe my past has conditioned me to never rely on false flags because I am not sure if it is real or not.
My hope is God Christ and Holy Spirit and I am sure of that.
God’s Blessing on the QTree and all my Trump friends here.
Me four. Ridicule away.
Just remember……he who laughs last, laughs best.
I don’t think anyone here is laughing.
You’re not alone. Something just feels off…and the air just seems way too calm and eerie.
At this point, this goes way beyond President Trump.
One thing that may help people to stop feeling despair when x/y/z doesn’t happen is dependency on time/timetables. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve seen “well…x/y/z needs to happen at x/y/z timeline…otherwise…”
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again: The other side monitors our communication just as much as we do. If we keep throwing out these time/timetables, do you honestly think that the other side is just going to wait?
I’ll still stand by the “something is going to go down”; I’m just not placing importance on a time/timetable.
Sorry, not sorry.
Hey, my stimulus check just got here.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s suddenly a GREAT DAY.
We did not receive a stimulus check either time; from the beginning of the fakedemic and the most recent……however I have completed my preliminary run at our 2020 taxes and lo and behold we get a $3,300 tax credit because we got neither.
We also did the first PPP and got a $21,000 forgiveness which is also tax free.
Very good point. Thank you!
Absolutely. This is all out of whack! Just weird. The speeches, the tweets…just seemed to be so many oddities. During the last 48 hours, even a couple of non-Q people saying that they now believe something will happen.
Yes. If anything, the possibility of something happening seemed to increase.
Everything we’ve been seeing to date… was just for show? Not buying it….and this is not hopium talking. This is genuine suspicion.
I will wait 24 hours. After that i wont be nice anymore.
sounds like a plan.
Lame Cherry (I know LC is too slummy and erratic) has said it exactly right. At least for this particular moment.
Donald Trump and Edward Snowden have everything in common, right now. And in the accompanying article she wrote something that I cannot even bear to contemplate . . . if the cases against him are quietly dropped, and he is permitted to hold onto businesses, you will know that a deal was struck.
Was Barron with the rest of the family today?
No deal with Donald Trump was struck.
It’s not over. IT’S BEGINNING.
I can’t imagine it either. Just passing it on.
I’m hoping we can keep the negative down
I am hanging by a thread.
THINK Smiley… things are happening, white hats are still working with optics… FAITH…
I guess that means me. Rush Limbaugh just said Trump is now gone, they have vanquished orange man. Is he CCP too?
DON’T FLATTER YOURSELF. I’ve got three tabs open with different platforms all dishing the same doomfagging CRAP.
I don’t listen to Rush and haven’t for YEARS. He’s no more on the inside than I am. The inside is locked tighter than the vault containing the crown jewels. We don’t know what we don’t know.
At this point, it’s FG&C’s info from over the weekend that he was so excited about and couldn’t share that has me hanging on more than anything else. That and the fence around the Capitol Building.
I so pray for justice for Trump!
No need to jump down my throat. I’m at the same point as you, I can’t reconcile it either. Trump walking away after the last 5 years, combined with the stupefying intricacy and brilliance of the plan – it’s like the twilight zone.
But when does the point come where we have to consider that we are in the twilight zone going forward?
Again, nothing I’m saying deserves a catty response.
I’ve been holding it back all day, actually.
I didn’t address you in the original comment here. YOU RESPONDED assuming I was addressing you when I wasn’t.
Well, we all see which comments are adjacent to each other.
This is Gen Hyten’s telegram account…
Were those posts were from yesterday or older still?
Has any one been able to verify if they are genuinely from Gen Hyten?
He seems very high ranking to be putting himself out on a limb. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but am getting shy of vague speech.
Everyone is angry.
Expect to draw fire.
I’m not angry. I think very clearly.
Wish I could tell you what it was. Something that has not happened since 2006….and only the 2nd time since 9/11.
Birds grounded, maybe. Don’t answer, can’t give it away..
THE ONLY TIME I ever remember birds being grounded, as in US Continental Airspace closed, was 48 hours or so after all the planes were put on the ground on 9-11.
That being said, FG&C being who he is, something aviation related would be a good guess.
And you cannot tell because?
Is the subject classified?
Did someone tell you a secret, that you can’t share. If so, prolly that they should not have. Likely TS, code word, yada, yada.
Not being saracstic, quite serious.
Since January 6,
Penceis appropriate.Thanks FG&C.
I’m tuning out the “doomfags”.
Not just the 48 hour rule, but forever
Right with you, sir.
There is ALWAYS hope. The Good Lord saw to that.
The Commander and Thief has just commandeered
did it sing yet ?

As an operatic soprano, I beg everyone to wait for the curtain to fall.
One day…..some day….I am going to have the high privilege of hearing you sing…
….and I am going to have tears of joy and pride in my eyes.
Ditto here FG&C
I do have video, but my face is in it as it was a performance in Venice YEARS ago.
And…Ying and I did a duet in the bathroom of the Queen of the Night, but she’s got distinctive markings, so, even if I’m not in the shot, anybody can look at her and go, “OH, HEY, THAT’S [INSERT DOG’S REAL NAME HERE]. SHE BELONGS TO….”
Someday it will happen. I’ll get audio of something,
I figure we can all meet at Joe Dan’s annual bash in the fall. Our table is the one headed by:
Dear American Qtreepers, I share your despondency – but as DP said, if that’s what it takes, I too will be a Linus in the pumpkin patch waiting…evil like this cannot prevail.
Mark Steyn (I am subscribed to his newsletter) explains why Julian Assange was not pardoned. Excerpt with link to Steyn:
Last night Tucker reported something fairly astonishing even by the standards of the last fortnight: He said that Mitch McConnell told President Trump that if he pardoned Wikileaks founder Julian Assange he would be convicted by the Senate in his reimpeachment trial.
So, for whatever reason, Assange goes unpardoned. An Australian resident in London, he has had his life ruined for the crime of embarrassing the Deep State. Here is what Tucker and I had to say two years ago, and I stand by every word of it: if the most bloated “intelligence community” on the planet cannot keep its secrets, it has no claim upon a foreigner who owes it no allegiance. Click below to watch:
Y’all tune in to Gen Hyten’s telegram account… he’s talking to US
he says to keep watching the news.
Have the “dignitaries” left the Capitol grounds yet?
iirc there is a luncheon after the swearing-in, is it in the Capitol?
Great Awakening.
Please stay at home.
[DS] won’t let go that easily.
Luncheon cancelled this year.
Dang, they didn’t have a Convention, chose candidates in a smoke-filled backroom, didn’t campaign, no parties, no nuttin’ ……….. nothing to celebrate, huh!
I know! Their big celebration looks like a joyless flop.
You know Sylvia they look and act like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar… they KNOW they’ve been caught out and are afraid the ceiling may collapse in on them anytime.
Yes, they do. They all look guilty and anxious.
Hi Phoenix! Please excuse my ignorance…I am brand new to telegram. How do we know that this is Gen Hyten? Is there something of substance in the history of the account that would indicate it is the General?
I’m familiar with Telegram – Harold Wren started it… have followed him for about 5 yrs. Two or three days ago Gen Hyten started an account there… Gen Flynn posted on Telegram same time. Diggers showed photo of military behind POTUS in Oval Office, all numbered, Gen Hyten was shown along with the others. Some Anons have been directing to him. Eilert posted earlier today at QTree…
Thanks for bringing me up to speed!
Not anything in particular that I can point to…but something deep in my gut tells me this is not over!
My gut shares your feelin’
I think the roundup has been ongoing with the small fry (hopefully the Aunty Fa crowd and other thugs) for days, possibly since Jan 1 as some have speculated. When they start pickin’ up congress critters is when the you know what hits the fan imho… and I strongly believe these ops are happening all over the globe… (yes, Mary Sunshine here!)
I wish one little ray of encouraging information would break through. Just a little something.
pleased to meet you Mary
“Not anything in particular that I can point to…but something deep in my gut tells me this is not over!”
Me too… though the feeling is closer to the back of my throat…

Harold Wren publishes on Telegram under group called The Library… y’all have seen many posts during the past year from him… right?
When the Gen started the account his photo was in the profile/avatar… I see it has changed… no matter… you can see name in addy… “genhyt” last six characters.
Is there any way to verify his account?
Lots of claims that it’s a false account, a psy-op, you know, the usual…
Harold Wren was thrown off of twitter about nine times (not recent purge, but at least 18 mos ago… he started this platform… I don’t think he would have allowed a psy-op on it… also, it should be obvious to all that Telegram is below the radar for most… which is where one would want to be. I trust the account. Each of you have to make up your own mind… I understand Cue is a psy-op according to some dudes and dudettes… choose to whom you listen. I’m just trying to give what I think is a reputable site… I ain’t signing in blood or anything
don’t ask me.
Thank you phoenix, just trying to get a handle on what to me is a new platform
I’ve been refreshing the screen on the genhyt account, he has been posting every 5 minutes:
Lin Wood is also on telegram
Do you have an account on Telegram? If that’s where the people to follow are, it’s worth a look.
jes my two cents…
Assange would NOT be safe if he were free now (while Biden is free)
The round up is occurring… did you think it would be televised?
Just think… if the internet had existed on D-Day WWII, we would all be speaking German if some of you had been around.
PR, you’re being brutal again.
I know… can’t help myself!
“The round up is occurring… did you think it would be televised?”
Ummm….. what is yes?
perhaps in a remake of America’s Most Wanted
Live PD
even better!
the ratings would be off the charts
Anything that has happened recently is akin to those fake paratrooper dolls being dropped behind german lines, using those inflatable tanks, and running a faux attack on the northern part of the French coastline.
Right now we are waiting on a better weather forecast and………..
Maximus Donald’s command to:
“Just think… if the internet had existed on D-Day WWII, we would all be speaking German if some of you had been around.”
I suspect that if the internet had existed on D-Day in WWII, it would have been played very much as this has been played, so that nobody knows what’s actually going on.
What’s different is that the big guns made it impossible to not recognize when it finally started.
Not sure how we’ll recognize when this D-Day finally starts.
I agree on Assange. I dont have the happiest opinion on the other rn.
Alright, I admit I was wrong. I didn’t think they’d let him take the oath. They did. I’m not going to doomfag when we haven’t even hit 1 pm EST yet, but my heart is heavy right now.
I wasn’t let in on the plan…shrug…doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
And I would imagine many Americans and people worldwide are praying atm.
We’ll see what happens.
POTUS would want to avoid blood shed, or harm of any kind to come to us…
and they would want to pick up as many as possible w/o alerting the rest and/or the media
Angst is contagious… don’t need to be cheerful, just don’t need to speculate on the negative… for 24 hrs. anyway.
The minute Biden is cuffed, thugs will be in the streets across America.
has POTUS landed yet ?
maybe that will be the green light..?
Yes, he landed, entered The Beast… along with the nuclear football.
I was on the phone with my sister at 11:55 when I rec’d a buzz alarm sound… no message.
PR, I respect and admire your optimism and wisdom. Question… how would this still be a possibility since the. FRAUDUS has now been sworn in and is the CIC? Would it only be possible if President Trump had in fact signed the IA prior?
I believe so… and I believe he signed. Also, I saw the fella carrying the two briefcases (or whatever kind of case) and we were told that was what they were… from Marine 1 to AF1,
I can only assume they were handed off to the Military entity commanding the ops and set to ‘run the gov’t’ in the interim. (I don’t have any contact to verify, assumptions on my part…)
Of course they let him take the oath! These are psychopaths.
I thought they’d be too smart to actually take the oath.
Then I realized we once again we are dealing with moral idiots.
He looks like a bag lady. Raves like one too.
Mike Adams’ podcast – published before the traitor was sworn in. ….He’s upbeat…
Good stuff!
Save’n that hit off the hopium pipe for the ride home!!
I have a 9000 watt generator waiting to be picked up after work, just so I have it to keep my gas furnace and fridge running in the event of wheels coming off
If nobody else has backbone, we will need to have it. At some point, you’ll need that generator.
From: Nikki Haley
Subject:I’m just getting started
Oh, gee thanks.
I’m glad you’re JUST NOW getting started.
And you have the gall to ask me for money??
Haley / Pence 2024
feelz the burn..
gp big DC elites. We are so behind you…..with tar, bats, clubs
The GOPe has no idea how fed up we are.
I don’t believe that they care. The order is restored in their world. Placating us is their forte’. No more Trump breathing on their necks to do something.
^^^This. It cannot stand. I don’t think a lot of people are seeing the picture clearly (and I don’t mean people here). They STOLE a presidential election. The GOPe either helped or stood by and let them do it, or both; put roadblocks in the way of getting to the truth; and is now asking for our support. They are traitors, literally. Traitors need to be punished. They cannot go back to what they consider normal, with their power, money, and cocktail parties. Many of them should be in jail, or run out of town on a rail.
Get the MAIL IN instructions for your state. If it is a form, PRINT LOTS! Then hand them out to every republican you know and ask them to change Registration to INDEPENDENT!
Remember it is TWO years until the next election and you can always change again before the primaries. BUT we need to put FEAR IN THE Re – BOOB PARTY!
Understand and thanks to DJT a lot of us became engaged and active but from here until >> no election can be considered fair and untainted so…why bother?
So we can defiantly show them our numbers and spend years forming a big united front at the ballot box and watch the numbers vanish before our own eyes..or maybe by the next lection they’ll decide that it’s not in our best interest to watch live returns. THEY will tell us who won and thats that.
This will be the case unless something is done.
Fear? Repubs just helped dems pull off the biggest fraud in our history and somehow there will ever be a fair legal election again?? There never be an election again lol it appears we are now owned by chyna. They bought this country with hammer and scorecard. I may get disowned by many but by damn it’s the truth. And why would fgac tell us he has good news but he can’t tell us? Why say anything at all unless you can let us know what the wonderful news is? I’ve had one to many tokes from the hoping pipe and am now mad as F that I fell for all this bullshite. We really stood on precipice for 8 long miserable years with the traitorous son of bitch O .We have suffered through 4 years of the misery the ds put us and POTUS through just to keep us from finding out there evil secrets. I am very angry and apologize in advance for my outburst . Going to go eat an edible now and contemplate the shit were all in now.whoo hoo.
Honestly, once they realize how fedup we are I wouldnt be surprised if the Rinos and the socialist wing of the Dems merged in some fashion, cutting bait from the marxist commies leaving them as the fringe with whatever we become being either their masters (if this take down happens as we hope) or their token opposition until they put us all in camps
What a C word, guess she thinks she is heir apparent because she “believes” (Hopes) hope is lost and doors open for her….FFFFFFFF that
That was quick.
Very quickly. Says something, perhaps?
This is a test from Chinese now lets see whose site Biden is on. Is he on the site of American citizen or China who made him wealthy?
They’re also providing COVER for Biden to falsely deny them.
China Joe will always be China Joe. He’s a LIAR if he denies China. Just like any SPY who works for China and denies it.
he’s a dead man if he ever denies china…
in fact, he’s kinda like a dead man walking…
…on borrowed time.
I don’t think so. They own him and most of Congress probably.
This was spite. They know it ain’t over.
China sanctions on Trump, Pompeo…
Uh, doubt if they have business in Chyna, accounts ion a Chyna bank, plan to travel there.
Sort of like, they wouldn’t have anything to do with Iran.
Seems like a fake news, big tech NOTHING BURGER.
Likely Trump, Pompeo and all those sanctioned are LAUGHING at Chyna.
What did I miss?
China probably knows this. Just sending a message. Lets see if Bitme has a response.
You mean other than cackling with glee?
They could have at least waited until tomorrow.
His Fraudulency is going to sign 17 executive orders undoing Trump EOs sometime this afternoon (he may have done so already).
From the standpoint of the Ruling Class, Trump did incalculable damage and it must be reversed immediately.
And the hate is so bad, it does not matter how beneficial Trump’s EO was.
None of them were beneficial.
To THEM, that is.
I would say not beneficial on a political level even if they did help them and their families personally. Would never admit it though.
I would say seriously pissed off and unable to restrain spite.
Which is telling.
Did not watch this fraud on the American people, I will not ever regard ole joe as anything but a fraud.
We are now officially an Banana Republic.
Very sad day for America.
Banana republic in transition to a chinese communist proxy.
It’s literally criminal. They stole an election. They broke laws, and they can’t be allowed to get away with it, or we don’t have a country.
We put the ball back in their court now by refusing to accept the fraud.
This is what they are most scared of.
We DON’T have our country, as it was founded, anymore. And they don’t give a rat’s ass what we think about it. It doesn’t matter if nobody votes, ever again. They can just keep manufacturing ballots and counting them.
Yes, but until WE somehow restore justice, the FIRST BATTLE is not to accept the BIDEN LIE.
They are MOST SCARED of this. That is behind all the talk about “reeducation” and “deprogramming” and now actually FIRING people from jobs for saying the election was stolen.
This is where we can destroy them. DO NOT ACCEPT THE BIDEN LIE.
Anybody who accepts the BIDEN LIE is a TRAITOR.
Congress critters, Pence, judges, law enforcement…
And fight back with your money and support!
ANY business that supports this bullshit is OFF LIMITS for me. I will shop elsewhere.
If your church supports it, find a new one. Individuals who support Biden are anathema to me now.
Not a DIME to anybody who supports the STEAL in any way, shape or form.
I don’t accept it. I just don’t think it matters at this point.
Nobody thought that Marcos could be brought down, but PEOPLE POWER did it.
Filipinos literally defied Marcos IRON FIST rule in the Philippines. Filipinos stopped taking Marcos’ shit. Filipinos took to the streets. NOT ONE SHOT fired
Marcos fell from power February 25, 1986. USS Enterprise was at Subic Bay. Was there.
Marcos fled from the Philippines, via Clark AB, to Hickam, AFB, HI.
AMEN! You were part of history! I was so impressed.
This is the advantage of FIGHTING FROM THE DOWNSIDE. We now have it. We need to USE IT.
This is a good sentiment. We need to be RESOLVED to stand firm that Biden is illegitimate and that those who support him are traitors.
We need to get everyone to start referring to him as the CCP VICEROY since he was installed by CHYNA.
Yes CCP victory is true.
I like it!
Anything that promotes the ILLEGITIMACY of the USURPER BIDEN is our weapon.
Have adopted viceroy. At least when I don’t invoke Beijing bided, Deentia Joe, Pedo Joe…
ALWAYS with total disrespect intended.
The Chinese Viceroy
The Cheater-in-chief
The Mandarin Puppet
And so on…
Commander in Thief with his Anthiefa followers
Those who stood by and allowed this are, too.
My test of people is now whether they think Biden really won. If they do, they’re on the other side. Maybe a traitor, maybe a quisling, but they’re on the other side.
Or just effing clueless. But they will act on the other side in that case as well, so makes no damn difference.
For the general public, “clueless” might be an excuse, but not when it comes to people in positions of power in the government. There is no excuse for them. They know better, and are traitors. I can’t believe how brazen they are, thinking they will not have to answer for it. And their betrayal of Pres. Trump on a personal level disgusts me.
I’m in the notifier and don’t have the context, but if I recall I was replying to a comment from Wolf that I interepreted to be about everyone, officeholders, government workers, general public, you-name-it.
But yes anyone above a certain level would have to know, so if they actually didn’t know they’d be culpably ignorant.
I’m not even giving the general public a pass.
EVERYONE has the same opportunity to educate themselves about anything the same as I do. ANYONE can.
If they chose ignorance, they get no quarter from me.
They hate Trump so much that they HAVE to believe that Biteme won. Say it, think it, hear it enough makes it TRUTH to them.
Hat is diabolic. I do not even know how to hate believe i tried. I do not hat Biden or his cohorts but I disagree with everything they stand for.
I do not know how they can put hate of a man above the country and his supporters?
I know there have been other illegitimate elections, but this one was so in-your-face, with coverups from higher-ups, that it is stunningly true to say he is not our president. We have mountains of evidence to back it up, but no one will hear our evidence. Maybe the military will.
I do think that, if there had been drama at the inauguration today, it would have been a stain on our history, and I say that knowing the huge stain we already have from the election. Pres. Trump would have been called a sore loser and much worse. I suppose the timing was not right for that to happen. The trouble I think we’re all having is that the timing never seems to be right for us to get justice. I’m ready, now!
Do you mean those in government? There are some millions of ignorant Americans…
Treat accordingly. For example, if I had a Democrat coworker who doubted that Biden won legitimately, I would tell them I respected that admission.
This is the LIE that we position ourselves on, and fight around. The BIDEN LIE is a “pole plant”. It’s a FLAG. It’s a MEASURE. If people ignorantly believe it, then treat them as ignorant. If they believe it maliciously, they believe it maliciously. If they believe it to keep their job, but admit privately that they think China Joe lost, give them a pat on the back, tell them you’ll keep the secret – that they can trust you – and recruit them as an insider against the illegitimate regime.
Everybody is useful in the WAR. Those who pretend fealty toward the regime but disrespect it at heart are useful as spies and insiders. Those who defy it openly are useful as encouraging resistance to the lies.
No politician who says Biden won legitimately will ever get a DIME from me.
toss as much sand in the machine as you can, every little chance you get.
like Burt in The Train.
Gotta start watching that one again!
Off topic, but I got a subscribe email from the Qtree. Is it because I’ve been using Brave today and had to sign back in?
My laptop makes me re-log in frequently; my desktop lets me stay on forever.
My desktop uses Brave, but if you switch from one browser to another, the new one will generally be clueless, so you’ll have to log in that time.
The good news is it probably won’t bother you again after the first time, based on my experiences with Brave.
Interesting! Yup – I’ll bet that every sign-in is offering a subscription.
I have decided not to watch anything Biden nor his administration. I will skip over it not to poison my mind. The evil will invade us if we read fake news watch fake news read psyop on Internet. We become what we expose ourselves too.
I made the exact same decision. I hope to avoid any pictures of the PedoPrez, too, so as not to risk horrific nightmares.
I told my wife to turn off the fake news – don’t even watch the brain poison.
Biden won by cheating. DO NOT ACCEPT THE BIDEN LIE.
he didn’t win anything…all due respect.
he’s been installed.
just like obama…but it was easier for them with obama.
True. Even saying he “won by cheating” is a bridge too far.
winning-by-cheating is an oxymoron.
a contradiction in terms.
another little psy-op.
it seems we have all been duped, one way or another, by way too many psy-ops lately.
word salad
clever tongue twisters
cryptic puzzles
secret codes
and far too many podcasts, videos and tweets.
Biological men “winning” women’s athletic competitions.
Cheating, to my mind, has too mild a connotation, I prefer to call it fraud.
I’ll see your FRAUD and raise you a
The “illegitimate usurper”, feel free to translate that
Ain’t no way he’s legit!
From goggle translator:
Illegitimate Usurper
Fēifǎ cuànduó
Taking candy from a baby.
They just rolled over us.
I will not watch any of it. I also will not go to some of the sites I used to frequent for headlines if they report on him as legitimate, or seemed resigned that we must accept this.
I agree. I turned off Obominable every time, and I will turn off Biden the same.
Yep, I made the same decision.
It just burns a hole in my stomach. Why marinate in acid?
Why the the poison invade us and cause destruction? I like my peaceful state and Biden Harris are not going to take me out of it.
He is the CCP VICEROY installed to rule over the former USA.
Over DC not the rest of the states. We find out how many states have been poison by communism. See who is strong and see how many people are willing to take back their communities their counties and states. If we can do that then we can take back DC. I am talking lawfully under the Constitution.
I keep thinking of The Princess Bride–the “we know that they know that we know that they know we know” stuff…
if cue was just a psyops, I’m okay with that. it sustained me thru some tough stuff happening AND gave the other side something to focus on, like a good magic trick should.
i was not let in on the plan, but i still believe there is one.
Yes Pat…
For my sanity I’m going to have to let it be a surprise if there is some plan besides the previous plan.
The things and rabbit holes that actually led to damning info were real so there’s that even though bad guys/gals weren’t taken down they were exposed.
Exactly. We are in the position to totally delegitimize the Biden REGIME in the eyes of the People.
Click the link… you’ll smile
I don’t care if someone says he didn’t leave it. I LUV it.
HA! Love it!
This is our STANDARD. This is our FLAG.
Joe Biden won by cheating. Say it until they have to FIRE US and JAIL US to try to stop it. Say it until they SCREAM for “reeducation camps”. Say it until they BLEED FROM THEIR EYES.
… or wherever.
i put up with 4 years of “not my president” from the left…turn about is fair play
To be sure many of us refused to accept Obola, so they probably thought it was fair play turnabout.
Tolerated Carter and hussein. Bite Me has my total RESIST. F’him and his handlers.
More than turnabout. TRUTH is on our side. CHINA is on the other. It’ not just “he’s not MY president”. He’s not ANYBODY’S president.
It’s a LIE, and we call it a lie until they literally have to JAIL US for saying it.
stashing bail money for this moment
Good idea.
This is where they’re out over their skis – the DEMAND that we believe the biggest lie of all – that Biden really won.
Don’t try to PROVE IT to them – that’s not possible, because they will not abandon their lie. Just insist that we don’t believe it, and that those who believe it or say they believe it are either traitors or quislings. THAT will enrage them, and they will destroy themselves.
they will force us to conform…
…or else.
we are the dissenters…
“the white supremacist terrorists”
we pose a grave threat to their …unity.
We do not have to conform they do not know what we think they do not know our heart?
True I would be standing in the front and not hold back because I have no fear .
They cannot call me terorist I have not even gotten a ticked ever. I never even protested in public ever because my husband was afraid with my big mouth I would be shot
The only unity I shall have is with those who do not believe Biden won. They may have to admit it PRIVATELY, but that’s OK.
unity is nothing but revised newspeak bullshit for hope & change.
anyone with half a brain knows full well that Biden is a soft drooling tool for China…so is the entire Democrat party.
they “won” nothing.
they can’t even compete .
they rig, blackmail, coerce, threaten, lie, steal, murder, defraud, conspire and cheat their way thru politricks like pigs at a trough.
in their collective hypocrisy, they accuse.
they point fingers at the real winners, despising them for the qualities they will never possess.
they tap a demented crook and a whore to parade in front of us, and install that refuse in our White House, thumbing their running noses at us, as if they’ve pulled something off.
and it’s looking like they did pull it off.
and I am in shock over it.
Communism plays dirty.
expect more of the same..
“The only unity I shall have is with those who do not believe Biden won. They may have to admit it PRIVATELY, but that’s OK.”
I do not believe the pedophile Joe Biden won anything, he is a lawless traitor who falsely occupies a seat, and because he occupies it falsely, he is illegitimate and without power.
Amen. And anybody who says he got there legitimately is an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.
Whatever happened to “consent of the governed”? If it took 20k military, the DC, MD and VA police to install him we obviously did not consent. I guess I need to think of a better way to word it.
VIceroy INSTALLED by Chyna.
“they will force us to conform…
…or else.”
Not me…

If they can arrest you for holding the opinion that Biden is not president, don’t count on them granting bail.
For 4 years we heard “Trump is not my President.”
Double standard by the CCP regime ?
Oh, absolutely!!
The Left, contrary to rumor, LOVES to maintain standards. They love standards so much they have two of them.
But my main point is jailing us for thinking Biden isn’t the president and saying so would violate our 1st Amendment Rights, so having done that, they’ll no doubt not have any problem with denying us our eighth amendment right to bail.
We know what they did to Gen Flynn and Stone and all the others.
Let us hope they do not go after President Trump because they are truly evil.
Oh, I expect they will.
For starters.
There needs to be a sustained campaign of mockery, defunding their political machines, and exposing their corruption.
These are things we can do on a local as well as national level.
Roll up your sleeves!
Right now is the time to see who in the GOP will risk being kicked off Twitter by saying it was a fraud, to be forced to go to Gab. WHEAT ONLY.
IMO the Q deniable psy-op was a raging success. Look at the start. Look at the finish. What changed? For all those things, evaluate gains and losses. IMO the gains were massive and all in our favor.
We forced the other side to commit blatant crimes to regain power, and the PEOPLE know it.
So what now? Patience. Follow Trump’s last orders for now.
No violence.
No law-breaking.
No vandalism.
In addition, I think staying home will be a good idea for at least today and tonight, just in case. Maybe longer. We’ll see.
Yep. It just seems that the outcome will be determined by them (the planners) or by us, the people.
Regardless, the walking dead calling himself the “president” will not have a honeymoon. No justice, no peace…right
He’s dead to me . His title is worthless. I’m not going to spend any time trying to persuade anyone of his illegitimacy. He better concentrate on staying alive. Harris didn’t “break that glass ceiling” to be 2nd banana.
Politics is a cesspool. Social media is a cesspool. One of the things that made it fun was the legion of autists/anons and many of them are black pilled now.
Yes, im with you. The black
has been taken and theres no coming back from it in a public forum. It will be a private battle.
I’m kind of dense here but can you explain the black-pill aspect please
“One of the things that made it fun was the legion of autists/anons and many of them are black pilled now.”
I cannot stay home and hide, but go out as needed, besides no lockdowns have been lifted. Im going to need to disconnect from even go to certain sites, looking at twitter, and other things.
Hell I tried to cancel my kohls account and they wont do it. Removed credit card but nothing else.
We slipped out for lunch. Somber. Few out.
Lots of traffic cops everywhere.
One thing that cue did state is that “Disinformation is Necessary”. Yes, that would include much of the info that we’re digesting.
I think enough info was provided to let people know that there is a plan; however just as much disinformation was mixed in as to not give too much away.
Again, information on the internet is not just limited to us. Why on earth would the entire plan be revealed in plain sight……for “them” to see?
Plan aside, I also think this a test for the American people in general…..those who do not accept this fraud. Are they willing to just roll over…..or are they willing to fight/resist for the sake of this country?
The disinformation is necessary thing…on the various videos with people claiming to have information sent to them…more than one, the person putting out the video is reading from an email. I have an idea THOSE people were putting out the disinformation on the future. The stuff they had to say about the past, OTOH, helped connect dots.
Well over half the country is not going to accept the fraud. Where we go from here is another story.
Good point regarding info on the past! I should have specified disinformation as it relates to future actions (the how, when, and where).
The vote count was fraudulent. Pres. Trump got many more than 70m votes, and Hiden got way less than reported. Hiden’s support is much less than we’re being led to believe. I think way more than half the country voted for Trump.
Exactly. It’s a FRAUD, and we NEVER stop saying it.
Make their “victory” the HOLLOW lie that it is.
My nickname for the currently (dis)serving Potus is “His Fraudulency.” A bit of a play on “His Accidency” that was applied to POTUS Tyler after William Henry Harrison died in office, though Tyler was legit, at least.
I think in the actual legitimate votes Trump got like 2 votes for every vote for Biden. that info out of Italy &/or the video Louie Gohmert was on a few weeks back said that Trump got 410 electoral votes & even California went for Trump before the fraud efforts were applied…
Correct Valerie, and I’ve heard POTUS got 80% of the vote…
Thanks PR. We know the truth, but will it set us free this time?
Of course it will… FAITH !
I guess I have to re-watch Prince Bride, Stat, because I don’t remember that bit (but the battle of wits with the cups is a similar sort of deal).
Get Smart was very enamored of “Yes, but do they know that we know that we know that they know?” jokes.
you’re right as always…that was paraphrased that way in an episode of chuck…
So will you now quit denying it when I call you “Smokin’ Hot Pat,” Smokin’ Hot Pat?
More seriously, I think i *will* watch Princess Bride soon.
hardly…you need glasses…
LOL beauty is in the eye of the beholder & True Beauty is Way more than what can be seen w/ the natural eye! You’re Gorgeous!!!
you’re a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day!
I understand the kind of beauty of which I speak! Some of my loved ones even see me with that godly lens–what a blessing!
Great Awakening.
This is the only reliable profile on Telegram about what is happening with [DS] at this point. You have to be with us, more people have to find out about us! ~ genhyt
The second profile on the truth.
I am on the White House email list. I just got my first one from Hiden and promptly unsubscribed.
We KNOW that this enrages them!
Me too.
When it took me to the unsubscribe page, it asked why, with a list of choices.
I checked “Inappropriate Content”
thanks for the smile scott
wow…I too am on the list…well was.
apparently all my allusions to the duckfart elect in my last emails to POTUS shut that down quickly.
Wonder if FOIA request can get number of folks on WH email list 19 January 2021 and say 19 February 2021.
Bet it IS a dramatic drop.
IF I get a WH email, I’ll follow Scitt’s lead. Unsubscribe with reason, innapropriate content.
too funny.
Sent my first letter to the Commander n Thief. Told him the Steel Ceremony was a flop. Zero enthusiasm from all and how it was the worse production in our nations history.
I wonder if they will red line me for that like they did Laura Loomer.
Trumps letter to Biden on Lin Woods Telegram:
(You have to go to the link to read it. I can’t post images from Telegram)
Haha priceless, epic and perfect!
Pricess,epic and perfect!
Sure you can.
1. Copy the image to your device
2. upload to
3. Copy image url ending in .jpg
4. Paste .jpg link into comment box
5. Hit “post comment”

As the message is true, I hope is an image of the letter.
setting the record straight in twit world
So, will it be the military in concert with those 410 electoral votes? Is that how this ends?
Apparently the military is now on the hot seat.
Either the military steps up to save the Republic, or they don’t.
Whichever they choose will reverberate throughout history.
Of all places, Turkey followed this model several times, the Turkish military overthrowing presidents who broke their secular, de-Islamified constitution (put forth by Kemal Ataturk)–then stepping down, having restored the Constitution.
The coup that failed a few years ago would likely have been another such.
Chile and Pinochet, similar.
IIRC, A few years back Egypt tossed a BS president.
So we are looking at coups to overthrow the system, and coups to restore it.
Some might cavil at calling the second category a coup, but the tactics of pulling it off are identical.
I don’t understand how it works when PDJT is (supposedly) no longer in command of the military. I don’t know if there has been some kind of a handoff that no one is aware of, or if that is even possible.
i have never understood the mechanism that triggers “who” exactly in the military to take action–if we were waiting for the shoplifter to leave the store with the unpaid merchandise, that has happened.
and i can’t see it as POTUS having made a deal–leave quietly and no impeachment, because it seems turtle and schmuck are steaming full speed ahead into that…
so what exactly ARE “they” waiting for?
It seems to me the nuclear football would be the mechanism, PDJT took it to Florida with him. It was supposed to be passed off and ride back to DC on AF1.
There’s probably a spare football. His Fraudulency could have one in his possession at the same time Trump did, they just ignore comms from which one is with the person not in office at the moment.
My understanding.
Football was with President Trump until noon. Then, the codes changed.
Another football is with Beijing Biden. Codes activated at noon.
No lapse.
There are multiple footballs. ONLY ONE active at a time.
Just as there are more than one person that carries the football.
And there is more than one “Air Force One” plane. (It’s not technically AF1 unless POTUS is on board, but I’m talking about the equipment fitted out to be able to serve as a fully operational AF1.)
“I don’t understand how it works when PDJT is (supposedly) no longer in command of the military.”
I don’t know why DJT simply left, but I expect we’ll find out soon.
I don’t think it was due to any threat or blackmail, those threats and blackmail are 100% more likely to be carried out if he acquiesced to them, so that’s not what happened.
I don’t know why the ‘declass’ card was not played, so it must be that it is being held even now for leverage.
I suspect (and hope) that DJT’s balls are bigger than the planets themselves…
In which case he is letting the China-Left fully and completely expose themselves in a way that could only happen if they were allowed to have power after being fully exposed.
The military has a higher allegiance to the Constitution than to the CiC.
If the CiC is a fraud, the military has an obligation to oppose him.
They didn’t during Hussein’s treasonocracy.
And IMO, that was to their shame.
Will they save the Republic now?
Waiting to see.
According to BardsFM’s latest, I don’t know what to think.
He’s talking about continuing the fight at the local level, which makes no sense to me.
He says to continue to promote the truth, but who is going to listen when those who have given hope to others have — at least so far this day — been shown to be wrong?
They put themselves ‘out there’, and so far, received no back up when it counted most. So far.
We’ll see if that changes!
And he says we’re essentially babies if we thought DJT or anyone else would ‘save us’.
Well, I appreciate the ‘keep up the fighting spirit’ talk, but we were counseled and instructed, both by Q psy-op and by POTUS to NOT take action.
So we did not.
And now we’re being chastised for thinking anyone else would take action, and we have to take action ourselves, personally, individually?
This is a form of mental abuse, where you can’t win no matter what you do.
People like BardsFM would have a lot more credibility if they were ever actually ahead of the curve, instead of driving with their rearview mirror and blaming patriots for doing what POTUS instructed us to do.
I’m not down on BardsFM at all, I just get a very bad sense when we get blamed for doing what we were supposed to do.
A lot of those videos I do not watch. I look at them once or twice and then say to myself if they know what they know and tell us then the opposition knows it also. I am not a believer that we are the only one listening. The more clicks they get the more money they make.
I find it abuse of Trump supporters to keep giving false hope.
They do not know more than we do. OK we all can speculate but to sell something as fact when they do not know is unconscionable.
Just the way I roll
ok…give me a name…a title…
we talk about the military like it is one person…
I wanna know WHO makes the decision that the duckfart cannot be trusted with the codes, that he’s an imposter–a fraud and action must be taken.
is it a group? one man? do they decide that after they have to wipe biteme’s drool off his jacket for the 4th time in a hour, that maybe he’s not competent enough to serve–that just triggers cameltoe…
so who shows them the evidence of fraud? cuz between me and 80 million friends, we wanna get this party started.
No idea who.
Should be a general or Joint Chiefs, unless compromised.
We’re way past showing anyone evidence, military intelligence is who has been briefing Trump everyday for 4+ years (it certainly wasn’t any of the 17 compromised regular government intelligence agencies).
So the military knows exactly what’s going on, and who the traitors are.
And, we’re supposed to believe, it was the military who recruited Trump, and brought this whole multi-decade plan (since 1963 at least) to fruition.
So we’ll see.
Put up or shut up time.
We voted DJT in the first time, and even bigger the second time.
We did our part, they wouldn’t let us do more.
We’re ALL in the hot seat.
The military is in the DRIVER’S seat.
Fasten seatbelts and hang on!
Nope. Scratch that.
We’re not Chile or Turkey. The DNA of the USA is civilian command over the military.
……..Full stop……..
It’s corporate global together with China. An unnatural mating that won’t be sustainable. Though they have taken this round.
We can do ~ He’s not my president ~
Till we come to terms with the mess we’re in.
And then get to work. Ourselves. No deus ex machina.
We’ve learned a lot, we figure out what’s next.
Justice. Just us.
Honestly I have no idea how this ends. I cannot imagine it ends w/ DJT’s tail tucked as the commies take over America. Still popping popcorn & keeping powder dry…
I literally just ate some
LOL don’t sprinkle that dry powder on your popcorn w/out your dentist’s supervision
In my mind it is over Biden is President. Trump fraught a good fight I assume put lot of his own money in the fight and he was betrayed by GOP in states and Judges and many more.
The GOP establishment worked with the democrats for their own power grab or for China? To be betrayed by your own is worse than by the people one does not support.
No my President did not put his tail between his legs he fallowed the law respected the constitution it was others who are corrupt and do not fallow the law. I do not expect anything less.
He was on a winning track and was taken down by his own.
I dislike saying it but are they so stupid not to realize if we become puppets of China so do they? They are naive or in their world view stupid.
I like your perspective but I’ll still maintain a jury is out perspective for a while longer (past March 5 potentially). Seems like surrounding Trump nearly Everyone was Brutus!
Lin Wood seems like a loose cannon to me. Maybe it is all theatrics I can buy that. He knows politics in GA and knows the bad guys. This might help to clean up what is going on in GA with the GOP there. It needs to be cleaned up.
GA & GOP need power-washing, if they can be cleaned at all instead of reconstituted.
Zuckerberg has mated with Red China.
China’s President ‘turned down offer to name Mark Zuckerberg’s child’
McConnell has mated with “One China”-Taiwan.
The whole rotten lot of them.
Thanks I did not know that.
I would imagine that’s silk.
Orange hexagons….hmmm
sunshine state?
Purple to white.
Dark to light.
Color revolution to….
purple to orange…orange gradually overtaking the purple and being all orange at the end
Orange man…
Wow. Trolling level eleven.
Perfect last word to the msm!
Purple (Revolution)
What a perfect F… U to the Deep State and a message of hope to us.
There’s the ray I have been waiting for!!
And that dress looks so comfortable.
She is a stunning woman, that’s for sure.
I’d feel better if the purple began at the hem and went upwards vs. from the shoulders down.
The diamond/crosses I get. The hexagons not so much.
they could also be seen as three dimensional cubes…
looked up symbolism of the hexagon–strength, the building blocks of nature, martyrdom and heroism in the Jewish community
glad someone got it…
There is a God thing here which I should not explain. Just trust me that it’s there. Multiple symbols beyond the crosses. I’m kinda shocked.
Excuse me, but God damn it.
I want to know. This has been bugging me for hours.
Consider how odd it would be for all those symbols to have appeared to me in separate but weirdly related contexts years ago – most of that being unknown to anybody else, and what WAS known to others, only to a few people.
And the message of ALL those old contexts was exactly the message I need to hear RIGHT NOW – even though there is no way anybody could know any of that.
I simply see this as an “act of God”. It’s extremely cool. It’s a shimmer in the universe – a wink that says “God’s got this”. Yes, I can explain parts of it as this or that, and of course we see what we want to see, but there is something more here. There is a FEEDBACK in the universe and how we see it repeatedly that is utterly beautiful and defies simple explanation. I am left not with guessy answers, but rather with a beautiful question. The determinant of which may just be that remainder in Pandora’s box.
My faith is restored!
Purple the color of a satanic cult ? The color of power?
Now we will see what color ties our Congress critters will wear and we will see who is in that cult.
Yes, the orange is on top of the purple.
Orange for the Satanists is a comm it means the sun is setting ,on a person,a plan or a coup perhaps.
She is wearing her hair in the style of inauguration day in 2017.
It’s a twist updo that’s amazingly hard to pull off.
reminding me a bit of Audrey Hepburn today…the hair, the sunglasses, the long neck.
Hexagon info:
Extra nice. Killed several birds with one stone.
Cubes and hexagons are Saturn symbolism. A hexagon is a 2-D representation of a cube, and a cross is a cube that has been unfolded. The first thing I thought of when I saw this dress, however, was tabletop wargaming, which uses hexagon grids.

If Trump gets back in, he’ll be the 47th POTUS.
Which means, just like Grover Cleveland (who was 22nd and 24th POTUS) his name and picture appear twice on lists of presidents.
Now THAT would be a troll!!
Let’s assume this is true.
Q: Can PDJT (note: he will ALWAYS be PDJT) then serve another 2 terms, since he would not have served 2 consecutive terms?
I’m embarrassed not knowing this.
Good to know
What is good to know? That I couldn’t recall a bit of knowledge in the moment?
That he President Trump can run for two terms if elected in 2024.
No, because 2024 would be his second term. (Unless that’s what you meant.) The Constitution allows for two terms, whether or not they are consecutive doesn’t matter.
Learn something every day.
22nd Amendment:
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.
Section 2. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states by the Congress.[2]
Was this ratified?
As far as I know, yes.
So, two terms is the limit and they do not have to be consecutive is my understanding.
I was being lazy. Should have simply looked it up.
Left myself open to ridicule.
Live and learn.
Ridicule? Hope that doesn’t happen.
Good natured kinddin is OK at times.
We all, or I assume all, ask for info at times. Even though we could have Googled it ourselves. Average bear doesn’t worry about such simple stuff.
Who’s ridiculing?
Sometimes you’re busy.
Cockpit Resource Management.
Thought this posted earlier.
Ridicule? Because someone asked a question? We all do that. I assume all, anyway.
Yea, we ask, when we could easily Google it, but asking is harmless in my way of thinking.
Asking is normal.
Notice that it states ‘elected’.
DP replied, but the upshot is he might serve up to two and a half. Non-consecutive isn’t a factor, but if he somehow serves two years or less of THIS current term (because some other person was elected president), he can then do another full term. (Do we want to wait until 2023 to restore him?)
Of course if we maintain (justifiably) that he was elected for this term, then that goes out the window (since we, as conservatives, can’t have it both ways like a Leftist can) and he only gets two terms, since he’s no longer in the position of having acted as president for a term where someone else was elected. Whether he gets a partial term to make up for the time he was denied office, is an interesting question.
I think President Trump will be a King maker for 2024. I also think he will be in charge of the republican party.
We the people are the party not the handful of American haters who parade as republicans.
I agree with this, but it’s not enough (and this is not criticism of Pres. Trump). That is not draining the swamp. That is not “nothing can stop what is coming” and “they won’t be able to walk the streets.” I know those quotes are from Q and not PDJT, but we have to clean things out. And the banking system is a factor that several bloggers are commenting on. There is much more going on than we realize, I believe.
True. If the plan is to try again in 2024 (and that’s assuming that enough damage has not been done to make that a feasible option), then wouldn’t that be “business as usual”?
‘Whatever draining needs to be occur must happen during this period, not 2024. Now or never.
Agreed. And if the election systems are not fixed then those smug GOPe types will be done for through the fraud that will be turned on them.
The Ma̴yor of Ohio
(@mayorofohio420) Tweeted:
Replying to
He’s dreaming of all the girls Biden’s going to trafficking for him. You know all the kids in cages that won’t be let out only to be traffic. Too soon?
Quite a pic. Pence in front of the Clintons and next to the Bushes.
Pence and his wife are Bushi. In his VP home they had a table full of Bush pictures.
And they all look ridiculous in the extreme with those masks on.
Billy Jeff got oxygen deprivation from that stupid mask. Nodded him right off.
^^^ Slick Willy, wondering how to get Hoe, to play Monica.
It’s been real, y’all. I’ll be back. I still have to put together tomorrow’s daily, BUT I need to step away for a bit. At least until the EBS activates…which I’m still wondering is a head fake while we all wait for the Great Pumpkin.
Where’s my thumb and security blanket?
Linus: “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.”
Does the Military control this?
Also, has it occurred to anyone else that we might have seen a “tape” on Slime Media running as “Live” Inauguration…?
Does anyone have current tweets on Biden Inauguration?
Mark Knoller who covered PDJT for CBS has zero, so maybe he is not covering incoming fraudus?
yes, I know… I need to sleep.
Whois Info:
Note that the details of registration are private.
Jan 20 2021 – showing redirect
Jan 14 2021 – showing redirect
June 2020 – showing content
Jan 30 2020 – domain for sale
Could be anybody/anything. But clearly they love Biden.
Must be friends in FBI……they are that stupid and arrogant
think they’re all at their last supper right now
I love it!
Not original of course…
purloined it from a poster at Marica’s Place
Cool!? He is a Catholic who does not practice the tenets of the faith or of Christianity in general. Who is that person?
He also supports killing babies what kind of Catholic and human being is he? Same with Church members of all types supporting people like that.
I am surprised that the Bible did not go up in flames. Maybe the bible burned into his soul lets see.
Pretty cool that the biggest Treason in the history of the world was concluded with a Douay-Rheims Bible?
Not sure I’d be using this as a commercial to promote Douay-Rheims…

To me the symbolism may be unintentional.
That Bible has lost the covering over most of it’s spine.
Just received my WH email. Unsubscribed. Clicked on inappropriate content.
Me too.
Me too!
Thank You President Trump
If you do not want to hear soundbites about Biden – or his agenda – skip those parts
Schumer contends they are going to continue with the impeachment scam to stop President Trump from running again – they are still afraid of him?
You cannot impeach a President who is no longer in office – however – if they are not abiding by the original Constitution – matter of jurisdiction and impeaching a private citizen – proves they do not adhere to the tenets of the Constitution.
Hmm so no agreement on pardons/impeachment or they didn’t hold up their end of the bargain or there was never any extortion deal to begin with ?
Speaking of this travesty where was Nanzi ? Back in her office watching her aides put together the articles of impeachment, calling her brown shirts for their next performance because the ‘white national domestic terror’ campaign needs another installment
Trump may have made an agreement with the Turtle. Don’t think Shumer will care and ultimately nor will Turtle. 20 something Repubs up in 2022 that will so even if they proceed with the clown show I don’t think they will be that stupid. Hang on, don’t quote me on that.
More and more, we talk about how “they don’t abide by the Constitution anyway.” Something has to happen to restore the rule of law in this country. I have read on many blogs that it will take the military since all our systems are corrupt. It will also require removing the bad actors.
Via Gideon Knox Group:
Your banned news update for January 20, 2021
(Hopefully this comes through)
Proof of the devil quoting Scripture….
Whatever political party sounds like THIS will get my money. NOT A DIME to “Stolen Election Deniers”, “Dominion Deniers”, and others who accept the STEAL.
“A Fake Candidate Who Didn’t Actually Run a Campaign – No Way He Got 81 Million Votes. It’s a Fraud!” – EPIC! Former GOP Spox Goes Off on Joe Biden Charade (VIDEO)
January 20, 2021, 8:42amby Jim Hoft 1109 Comments
I’m cynical. They are trying to rehab the GOP.
Don’t fall for it.
Yup. I need fighters – at the top – who call Biden a FRAUD and a USURPER from word go.
If they get kicked off Twitter, SO THE FUCK WHAT? TAKE A RISK, COWARDS.
I got kicked off Twitter. JOIN ME.
Im not giving any money to anyone ever. In fact im probably never going to assume any election is anything but fraud. What a fool youd have to be to see dominion machines in nearly every state, a stolen federal election and actually think a vote now will make a difference?
The idea of honest elections is a ruse, been proven a ruse, and despite evidence is still stolen.
There is only 1 way to fix it and the military, so far, has not done so.
Now if there was still the possibility of a military correction id take it, but voting is over. There will be mass retirements over the next 2 years and only uniparty , if not solid 1 party ,will survive in most areas. Good people will run, in nondominion andbivertly corrupt places they might win, if dominion isnt installed by then.
Im not going to be put back to sleep by being wrapped up in media, entertainment, and politics(as a traditional form) again.
And I am not directing my cynicism at you or anyone here Wolf.
I think this is smart. I need bona fides for political donations. Amen.
They’ll LIE for support. They’ll LIE for money.
Elections ARE a farce until Dominion and Smartmatic are DEAD.
I’ll not vote again. Not unless and until the election system is fixed. There is no point.
I hear you. Wasting time and money on politics makes less sense now, than using the energy to destroy the corrupt institutions.
OMG, that’s hilarious!
A short but interesting post on how the fake news went to work rewriting history for the election:
“Now, wiki has this blockchain feature where you can go back in time and review every edit that was ever made to an article. See the “View history” button at the top right? Click on that, and it will show line by line every edit. Scroll down and click the link at bottom left that says “oldest.”
Via Grassroots America We The People – Texas action:
Fellow patriots, we are all heartbroken and furious. There are really no words to adequately describe the stolen election and the miserable traitors to the Constitution in state legislatures, Congress, law enforcement, and in the Courts. These traitors reside in both parties. The most difficult thing is knowing that even the circle closest to President Trump betrayed him and all of us. If you listen to the accounts of patriots who spent huge sums of money to hire data analysts and investigators, a common complaint is that those closest to the President would not give serious consideration to anything put in front of them!
On top of that, we are expected to somehow be pacified by a group of legal “experts” who say that most of the activity was not “against the law.” How is it that we live in the United States of America where there is a law to govern almost every aspect of a citizen’s life, but there are not sufficient laws to prosecute election fraud?
I don’t know about you, but I have stopped believing 95% of the “experts.” I take comfort in knowing that one day, the traitors and workers of iniquity will all be judged by Sovereign God who sees all and knows all.
What are we to do now?
Go to the battle right in front of us – saving Texas from the leftists in DC. We start in Austin.
Election reform legislation that defines election and voter fraud as crimes with real penalties and enforcement is absolutely crucial to pass. Republicans killed our election integrity bills in 2019. We are counting on you to make sure they know you are WATCHING like hawks this time!
The same goes for securing our gun rights, religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, protecting children, and our historical monuments – plus cutting off the taxpayer cash to lobbyists!
Finally, we MUST pass legislation that will end the executive power grab by the Governor to single-handedly determine which businesses and jobs are essential. He helped Big Business trample all over “Mom and Pop” local businesses. We must put an end to that kind of tyranny, which crushes hopes, dreams, investments, and life savings! The abuse of the COVID-19 crisis set a precedent that a governor can declare an “emergency” and set about changing laws and restricting freedom – all without the legislature. How long will it be before a declared emergency comes after law-abiding gun owners?
. . . MORE . . .
Need to subscribe to this newsletter and get involved.
Intended. I am already involved on the local level, where corruption seems abundant.
We have our work cut out for us.
Do you have a link to this group? I’m all in.
Thank you!

not sure which one in the picture turns my stomach more
I’ll take Xi. I know he is a dictatorial thug and what he is all about. Biteme pretends to be something he is not. A fraud, cheat, pedo etc. Hiding behind his media protectors. I hate fakes.
Here we go. WHO worried about false positives. This will allow Bitme to have the PCR test results adjusted down by dropping the false positive rates. Surprise. The virus is going away.
i’m glad they’re doing this now. also hope to see economy open up and masks go out the window, and fascist finally admit it’s “over”. then the REAL POTUS will have no roadblocks…they cannot say he is denying science…
I’ll take the opening up but still pissed they have known this for months. And if people keep dying from the vaccine maybe that will get them to back off the vaccine required to do anything routine.
They will blame our VSGPDJT for it.
But didn’t the Fraudulent one state that he will push for 100 days of mask-wearing? Or is this no longer going to be a thing now?
the economy needs to open up so joe can be the savior–they are competing with POTUS’s economy and they will look stupid and flaccid if they can’t get it roaring right out of the gate.
that’s why cuomo was screaming it’s time to open up…he got the memo…
yep and they can bring it back anytime they choose…mutant strains and all
China has a really powerful 4GW weapon with Zoom and that damn virus.
I still don’t wear one … 3 times since the crappola started… medical all 3…
And I tell others they should take the face diaper off…
when you in your 80s and waving a cane, you can say anything you want.
Why? Everyone else is wearing one… if they worked, why haven’t we (seniors anyway) worn one during flu season? We are still touching currency thousands of people have touched… etc. Not lucky, feisty as heck maybe, but not Lucky…
Lol, you got that right! Just ask my family
I’m in my 60s and have no filter at all and very nice cane
Hi Suzy… good on you!
God bless and keep you feisty for the next 20 years.

Bless you Grandma… still lovin’ having a bar in the QTree…
But the Chinese viceroy and his Handymaiden want us in masks for 100 days.
i think he’s gonna try appeasement…
all due respect…I think you’re dreaming…giving the louse far more credit than he’s capable of.
first thing on the agenda is to get rid of him.
maybe you’re right…but the left has seen the crowds POTUS can draw…that’s a lot of pissed off people…at some point i think they’re gonna try appeasement…jmo.
I really have no idea whatsoever if I’m right…or wrong…
totally burnt out on the whole hot mess, frankly.
but they will have to rid themselves of biden the liability rather quickly, I would think.
would a date and method pool be in bad taste?
what is a date & method pool ?
maybe I need a glass of wine or something…
you’re thinking they’re gonna get rid of duckfart…so we create a pool…like a football pool…only instead of a score and winning team, we pick the day and the “method” of getting rid of him…
think of the game CLUE…wife, in the bedroom, with poison on Thursday 1/21/21
or cameltoe, in the hall, with a wrench, Thursday 1/21/21
you’re the best…first time I’ve actually laughed since about 4 am.
we’ll be better tomorrow…
in the men’s room
k…pick a date
let’s see…when are The Ides of March ?
the 17th ?
Oh, wrong kind of date.
ok that made me laugh
You let slip your age; you’re not all that much older than me.
Not at all.
Right Smiley…
Enough of this talk like they’re gonna be there…
The Pentagon is not giving US Intel to a Chyna Puppet!
the Jan 24 date is only 4 days off…
but I am not going to be spending every waking hour reading tea leaves trying to guess or speculate about what may or may not be going on.
or dwelling on cryptic coded Q posts…like waiting for godot..
I do not think the real POTUS would just abandon us and fade into the Florida sunset…or abandon America, just like that, under these horrendous treasonous conditions.
remains to be seen what, if anything, transpires to unseat and hold accountable these frauds & criminals.
right now, I’m in a kind of “shock”…but will bounce back in no time.
seem to have lost faith in mankind.
but tomorrow’s another day.
I’m a survivor.
…and a patriot.
…and a tuff old broad.
Yes you are! I’m going to clean out my closet shortly… watch a Brit period movie…
Life goes on… we will know whatever, whenever.
you, too, are the best.
smart, too.
Will emphatically second what Smiley said.
Aww thank you Steve… hope you are coping with all this… (if so, tell the rest of us your secret!)
I didn’t really expect it.
I was hoping, but I wasn’t expecting it.
So I’m not surprised, nor even really disappointed (in the sense of an expectation not being fulfilled–of course I’m bummed). Of course if it had come to pass, I would have been very happy.
what drives me to hold on to Mil Op for a bit longer is the Chyna connection… I can’t handle the idea of our Country becoming communist, my two great grands growing up communist. I won’t be here to see it happen, but…
The sheer number of NG troops activated and the NG troops sworn in as US Marshals… that was NOT theatre. I am giving it at least 24, possibly 48 hours for something more.
I can’t yet accept that we have been brought this far to fail now. I still hope God has bigger plans for this country
. I will say if this is the “scare event”, it’s working.
Amen Vol…
ever watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ?
highly recommend it.
Yes… but at this point I recall very little… Will watch again now, if I can find. You re-charge, do something fun… don’t lose that “smile” … it’s what gets us through this journey called life, right? !
the movie starring Gary Oldman as George Smiley…Alec Guinness was the perfect cast in the old BBC series..but Oldman did a fine job in the movie.
will ck Britbox… thanks again.
it’s very important to regroup & refresh…so we don’t die of thirst, two feet from the well.
Yes… and you made me ‘smile’ … thank you.
God, I love you.

I agree with this, but it’s tricky. Presidents don’t interfere with new administrations under normal circumstances, unless they are acting like cads. And yes, these are not normal circumstances; PDJT’s absence at the inauguration attests to that. Also, he has told us the best is yet to come and he will not abandon us.
There is nothing they can do to “appease” me. If Biden leaves office, we have Kamala. The Communistic takeover of America will still take place. The borders will open. Appeasement sounds like compromise.
i didn’t say it would work…lol…
but he’s stupid enough to try…
I have no plans to change my current practice. I wear when the place I go into for work requires it. Wear it on the plane, not in the airport. Any stores and shops I only put it on if asked to by an employee. Don’t read signs anymore.
And as the seasonal flu season winds down soon, Covid (really the flu) will evaporate.
Declassified! Trump’s Strategy to Stop China | China Uncensored
THIS ^^^^ is what?
Shoot this down.
10 days of darkness.
Started today.
Hmmmm intriguing thought…..
Its possible. Of course it is. I only ask very politely, when do you or I fully recognize the goal keeps changing? I understand strategy can change so timing can be affected, but if you keep getting strung along, when do you cut the cord and say no more?
Think of it as “Need to Know” (Military term)
We have NOT been strung along… we have been inspired, cheered on, given disinformation when necessary in order to defeat the enemy… etc etc
Ask the remaining Brits who went through 4/5 year of WWII on their soil…
But at some point, pick the time frame, if nothing happens as many expected, then I would think a reality check would say it is over. At that point it maybe worth while to have the discussion about what the plan was all about, accomplished etc.
This is fair and right too.
Haven’t we here debated this very question for years?
For one thing, the GOPe has been revealed, it’s mask ripped off. And that’s just for starters.
Agreed. A lot was revealed and a lot of suspicions confirmed. The bigger disappointments will be the lack of declas, arrests and accountability for the swamp monsters. Really just a case of a corrupt system that people think will police itself. Obviously it can’t or won’t.
You’re right that we have to distinguish hopium from hope – realism from the doom choom.
The challenge is how to fight and in a way that gets the results we need. Problem also is to identify the enemy that is within the wire.
Yup. Not going to be easy. CULTURE WAR is the winner, IMO. Make the purveyors of the Biden lie look like what they are.
That last one, the enemy within the wire, is the tough one . From here on out, speaking for myself only, plain words, clear objectives is what will motivate me.
I will not be tangled in the bushes with disinfo is good info is backward info or somebody has the info but won’t reveal til the moon is red…..I can’t do it anymore.
Me either, Molly.
Enemy within the wire:
Corrupt Congress
Corrupt DOJ
Corrupt Judiciary
Corrupt FBI
OK to start?
Great start.
It would be easier to identify who is NOT the enemy: PDJT, his family, and a handful of people in Congress. Maybe the military, but who is commanding them now? That’s what we’re up against.
I haven’t reached that bridge yet rf121… and frankly, I don’t expect to… ymmv
For your own health and sanity I hope you can. But there is no rush.
My wife is not into all this but she came into my office this morning crying. She had just watched the President and Melania’s fair well. She said she never thought it would affect her that way. So all of us have to deal with this in our own way and at our own pace.
I hear your concern, and I appreciate it. And I understand comment about your wife. Clarity needed tho’ with regard to rest of post. Do you think I have been or am insensitive to others’ reactions, that I am dismissing their opinion? That is not my intent at all. And I apologize if I have come across in that manner.
However, I will say that there is NO proof that the Military has not taken over… (opposite is also true), and as that was/is the only option left… I am inclined to suggest negativity be limited… that is not denial by any stretch of the word.
don’t underst
Yes, its hard. Im having covid stress bc i have to go to a funeral next week and the other parent doesnt want us in the house for 2 weeks after that so i dont have the resources to do some of the work. Ive been having high bp, and having tingling in both arms today. Too much from each direction without help at home.
Ill get through it. Thank you for the hug.
Good thing is my hairstylist is workingbinvognito and i can get a haircut tomorrow. First 1 since june!
my condolences!
please take care of yourself!
I have to see the dr. Had my mammo and they expect to see me.
It was a former extended family member, but i have to go. So does kiddo. But ill pass on the condolences. Thx Pat!
prayers then for your good health!
If it’s any inspiration , taking the says off from school probably won’t put little Gil behind because yall have had wonderful alternate schooling. My grandkids are literally wasting time, learning little, the teachers are barely engaged with the students or the parents. My daughter sends raving emails but…gets no real responses back. “Doing the best we can” BS.
So 1/2 yr gone last year, 1/2 yr so far this year. They would’ve been much better off with a home school set up but when you actually still work full time and you believe the string along info from the district that likely we will open next month, oh month.
. You have done a terrific job!
I think that it will be manageable. I can do some other things asvhe is doing his worksheets.
As someone who homeschooled for over a decade, I can just tell you that you can make up for months in a few short weeks.
The school system has convinced us that learning is somehow a process that is done in a certain way that involves teachers, a set curriculum, many students and copious amounts of time.
Nope. We NEVER did more than two hours of school a day unless it involved field trips and learning lines for a Shakespeare play.
Both my homsechoolers graduated college.
That is a very fair question, and I deeply appreciate how you asked it. Thank you.
Perhaps this might suffice in answer…

The rightful president, Donald Trump, is SEEMINGLY walking away meekly, quietly, without argument or defiance.
THAT is NOT the PDJT I know.
I will wait…patiently and optimistically….until the 1st. That is 10 days from now.
After that, all bets are off. And I will eat crow.
That is a fair last run on 10 days of darkness. Ok, ill play.
Actually the 1st is twelve days from now (20 + 10 = 30 jan, then the 31st and into the 1st)…but go ahead and take the twelve days.
Ok thanks. A day or two more wouldn’t make a difference, I guess.
End date is the 12th……………………………………………………of never
Yes – and WE can CHANGE THE WORLD in 10 days.
Trump goes silent. WE DON’T.
I agree with Giloo, one last shot at ten days of darkness. I’m in.
At that point I give up and accept some hard truths.
No crow. We are all doing the best we can with what we know and believe. Sometimes we are just wrong. We’ll see.
Amen. The goalposts are changing, but there is a REASON. To get US to change them ourselves. WE have to be the ones who move the ball AND push the goalposts.
We simply have to stop depending on other people. Others will only MAN UP or WOMAN UP when they see US taking the lead.
I’m with you…
Reminder: POTUS call for National Emergency in D.C. extends until Jan. 24th
Well, y’know…..the traditional time of waiting is three days….
I’m on the road to Emmaus.
I’ll buy that.
Great Awakening.
The best is ahead. Be prepared, because if something goes wrong, help is here.
This doesn’t look very good in Gen. Hyten’s telegram string of posts:
Great Awakening.
We need your support.
Pay Great Awakening using PayPal.Me
Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it’s easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Soliciting funds?
I guess that’s how it happened on D-Day in WWII.
The soldiers stormed the beaches.
Then halfway into the fight, they stopped, took out their cell phones, set up a Paypal account, and asked everybody for money before continuing on…
Not. A. F-in’. Penny.
That does cast this account in serious doubt. Have they been commandeered? Or just larping from the start. It was entertaining while it lasted. I will watch to see where it goes but…..NAFP!
It’s actually almost humorous….
“we’ve been planning this action for 4 years, but we just need money for a website to save the world!”
I’ve been in doubt about that account since I first saw it. It seems to just regurgitate Q sayings. I think it’s a LARP (live-action role-play), and I can’t imagine any general having it. And now asking for funds…no way.
Great Awakening.
Last 2 hours. Help us create a new website before it’s too late.
I guess that’s what the emergency Paypal funds are for, so we can create a new website before it’s too late.
The Republic depends on this.
No, seriously…
Great Awakening.
[DS] is coming. We need to be in touch.
Good plan, General!
Great Awakening.
33.8K views16:13
Great Awakening.
In few hours.
Yep, just need some $$$ to set up a website (military planning at its finest?) and then we’ll get EBS.
Just a few more hours.
Send money now!
Love it! Our side needs a HOPIUM BITCHSLAP.
Stop believing in FANTASY SAVIORS. They’re all humans. WEAK. WORTHLESS. Signed over to BIDEN and CHINA.
Trust God. Trust Trump. Trust YOURSELF. FIGHT.
HOPE we can believe in!
Are they Nigerian princes?
OMG, you guys are all amazing!!!
Americans are the BEST!!!
I saw that a min ago and got sidetracked… feel the same, but note the bottom right corner, shows 1.0K and post above shows 70+K… is it possible the acc’t’s been hacked?
If not hacked, then I’m with you… it stinks
Are there any parties planned for tonight?
Does Jill have to change? Will she be allowed in the White House?
I bet they don’t sleep there tonight…
they will have to have it swept first.
it would be ironic and hysterical if POTUS left some little listening posts in there…
biteme should be paranoid right about now–knowing what they left for POTUS
I hope Melania and Co. left some “surprises” for them. Plastic snakes and spiders in unexpected places, whoopie cushions in chairs, etc. Just to screw with them.
LOL, but too classy for that.
I’m hoping for “gold” in the walls
h/t Marica’s Place
Already done, Biden can’t get access to the Pentagon!
We The Media, [20.01.21 12:36]

“January 20, 2021, 1:00 pm
[Forwarded from Truth By Basya Channel (TruthByBasya)]
The Pentagon blocked members of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration from gaining access to critical information about current operations, including the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, upcoming special operations missions in Africa and the Covid-19 vaccine distribution program, according to new details provided by transition and defense officials.
The effort to obstruct the Biden team, led by senior White House appointees at the Pentagon, is unprecedented in modern presidential transitions and will hobble the new administration on key national security matters as it takes over positions in the Defense Department on Wednesday, the officials said.”
“The effort to obstruct the Biden team, led by senior White House appointees at the Pentagon, is unprecedented in modern presidential transitions…”
Really! unprecedented….LMAO!
This is called the history on NOW!
Ignore what happened the last four years to PDJT….seems to me spying on your opponent’s campaign and then your inbred s from Obama admin obstructed for 4 years was unprecedented before your claim!
Sure. Who cares? Figure it out , send the troops back, call Fauxi, do whatever you please and stop the whiny crap
PS~ wasn’t it the Obama team that was either giving DJT false intel or different intel than they received?
Been following this Telegram dude supposed to Be Gen. Hyten recommended here by someone…
Latest posts:
Great Awakening.
It will all start in 2 hours.
Great Awakening.
Great Awakening.
Be prepared.
Great Awakening.
We need your help to create the website.
Great Awakening.
[DS] is coming. We need to be in touch.
Great Awakening.
Great Awakening.
In few hours.
Great Awakening.
We need your help to create new website.
Pay Great Awakening using PayPal.Me
Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it’s easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Great Awakening.
If I lose contact with you, please help me create a new website.
Help him create a new website? PayPal?
Patriots are not PAYtriots
A prayer for today (1/20/2021)
Heavenly Father, we thank you for who you are. We acknowledge you as Almighty God who is an all powerful, all seeing and knows all things. You have done so many amazing things we have read in the Bible and you have done some amazing things these past 4 years.
This is a very difficult day for all of us because we have been holding the line for a while. We have sacrificed a lot financially, relationship wise, health wise and many other things to fight for truth and this nation that was founded upon your principles. This is your country and it has been overtaken by very evil people in nefarious ways where we have not been able to take control. We know you hear our prayers and cries for this country and we know you have put people in charge to take this country back for you these past 4 years.
Today’s inauguration makes no sense to the Christian Patriots and we thought that “the Plan” was the way we would take this country back. Many of us still believe “the Plan” is still intact but I want to turn this plan totally over to you. Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts and your ways are higher than our ways.
We are truly at a tipping point within this country and we ask you to intervene and move in a supernatural way that only you can move on. We will see this move and give you glory at the end of the day.
Strengthen those who continue to fight for this country and the Constitution. Help to take care of our families as we continue to fight for righteousness. Give us understanding and wisdom this day. Help us to know how to proceed forward. We ask these things in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
I’m already feeling it.

The dress is Gucci – The pattern goes from dark to light, the orange figure (man) growing bigger in the light.
It is also the University of Florida school colors.
That is a GREAT tweet!
Who is the blond hooker?
Gag refelx. not a fan. Just the name says she should have had the decency to change her name.
It’s not like she had that name and was too lazy/stupid to change it.
She changed her name TO that.
When she was younger…

I do not know what people ever saw on Gaga but she looks stupid. Sorry she looks like a bimbo.
EVIL always degenerates into blind arrogance into folly.
This is truth!
Emerald Robinson
President Trump was like a flashlight: suddenly you see clearly all the things hiding in the dark.
Just look at all the corruption you see now: WHO, CDC, FBI, DOJ, CIA … the list goes on & on.
All the dirty secrets of our corrupt establishment.
You’re wide awake now.
Seen on twiitter…any explanations?
That is the transport trailer for a USAF ballistic missile (ICBM?). It loads BM’s into vertical launching tubes. It is NOT a mobile launcher, although it is angled to LOOK like a mobile launcher.
Reportedly, this pic was taken in KY. Date unknown, although claimed to be today.
Thanks F G & C
No leaves on the trees. It is winter where ever it is.
I already got 3 emails from the Biden White House – to which I unsubscribed and let them know what I think about the fraudulent election.
You are all a lot faster than me, so maybe this was mentioned. Saw a Praying Medic tweet, reposted on a GAB, that said, “If the disciples of Jesus had invoked the 72 hour rule, they could have saved themselves a lot of disappointment.”
According to the accounts, it was actually less than 48 hours. (Sometime Friday after sunup – Sunday at dawn.) The reason people talk about “three days” was Friday was the first day, Saturday the second day, and Sunday the third day. They literally counted differently from the way we do, because they had no zero.
(This is also why a “fifth” in music is actually four tones over; the base is counted as one key over from itself.)
Like this guy.
We’re Not Gonna Take It Video
USSkeptic Published December 11, 2020
So I just got my “The RNC Needs Your Help” email and of course told them Hell No, you didn’t help the President why should I help you and then provided them with a list of demands and grievances.
Purge your party of the RINOs.
If they voted to impeach the president get rid of them.
If they did not vote for Section 230 to stop the muzzling of conservative voices, get rid of them.
If they did not vote for the COVID money but instead allowed Biden to use that money to bait voters in G.A. get rid of them.
If they did not stand up and fight against the fraudulent election, they are useless, get rid of them.
If they mealy mouthed our President and didn’t fight for his objectives, get rid of them.
More things that must be done.
The evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming. Stand back up and fight against this illegitimate president and never stop. He does not deserve to be there. Put the person who does, back. Find a way.
The evidence against Biden on Burisma and China bribe taking is overwhelming. Go after him any way you can and get him the hell out of office.
The evidence of Russian Collusion was bogus and there’s been more than enough evidence to warrant convictions. Make it happen.
The betrayals and failures of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other departments are appalling, get it fixed.
Moving forward on elections without serious reform is a non starter. Fix it in state or further talks are meaningless because elections in too many stats are currently meaningless.
Allowing Big Tech and Big Media to run ramrod over your constituents is despicable. Enact your own laws in state and fight.
The calls to go after MAGA and Qanon people is pure bull, one sees the errors and wants justice and the other is a non violent community that does independent research and analysis then comes to their own conclusions. Deep State wants them removed because of the attention that is drawn onto them from these free thinkers. To think differently means you don’t know your base or complicit in its destruction. Stand up and denounce it. These movements are the cumulative results of your collective cronyism over decades of greed and graft. Fix the greed and graft and get your houses in order.
You just allowed the most tyrannical party this nation has ever known the levers of power. Levers you have already witnessed misused, whether from IRS Gate, to Iran Gate or Russia Gate or this past two election cycles and all in between. A party willing to misuse in any way it can, the constitution to achieve their one world objectives and one that is sponsored by the World Economic Forum and the CCP in order to reestablish the same kind of aristocracies we escaped from when we quit those teaming shores centuries ago. Knock it off, we’ve had our taste of freedom and we are not going back. Quit with the falling in with these useless accords that suck our wealth out of the nation and into the hands of the few under the undeserving guise of helping the many. We know how it works, we are awake. Wake up too.
This list of demands and grievances is hardly inclusive, but if you want support from the people you better start addressing all of it.
Get your houses in order, then find a way to grab the one person with enough foresight to fix this mess and drag him back to WA where he deserves to be and to get it done.
In the meantime I expect heavy donations from the RNC and individual donations from our political class to the Trump Library whenever such shall be announced.
Well said.
But the RINO officeholders are only the symptom; the real problem is the party leadership at every level–the people behind the scenes who run the party machinery–are also largely Effing RINOs and they must be got rid of too.
I did mention ditch Mitch, get rid of Chuck Roy and tell John Cornyn to stay home but sees you are looking well beyond those. Likely the uni party rulers with the Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Wall Street, Atlantic Council types, Chamber of Commerce creeps and the such most of which would be involved with WEF. Your right we need more work in ways to pressure our politicians concerning them while also pressuring them. Right now they hold all the power and squash any of us like a bug. Any ideas?
Get ghisselle’s little black book.
Party organizations have too much power to determine who the nominee is, basically, and when a seat opens up midterm, they basically get to choose the replacement provided the governor is of the same party, he’ll defer to them.
Of course once the next election rolls around the RINO stuffed into the empty hole is now the incumbent and hard to primary for that reason.
I don’t have a detailed answer to this, but just an operating principle: find some way to cut them out of the selection process.
We need patriots to step up and challenge these RINOs in the primary. Even if the incumbent has the party support, they won’t have popular MAGA support.
Just look how Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert got elected. I’d bet they weren’t supported much by the GOP party crooks! Use them as a blueprint
Boebert ended up in the hole with her campagin so I should send her some more money.
As far as I am concerned, she’s speaking for me on that floor even if I don’t live in her district.
Bravo, Para59r!
I just turned this into a post. Everybody please take their thoughts THERE, for our “betters” to see.
Melania fashion thread on twit world…
Cringe-worthy apparent truism
I have to lean left for this.
I seem to remember that everytime Trump changed an obasshole EO, he had a lawsuit stopping him.
joho executes 17 on day one and not a peep from the GOP cucks.
catturd calls it out
/qresearch/ is barely functional right now. No idea what’s going on over there.
For our Resistance meme thread!
I’m beginning a fast.
I will be going “dark” for the next 10 days, until this time on the 31st.
I should have started today, with my last post last night. Wish I had thought of this before now. Oh well.
Every time I feel like making a post, I will pray…as appropriate (fear, hope, gratitude)… instead.
I am NOT quitting you or this space. I am letting you know what I am doing in advance so you don’t wonder or worry.
I do this in humble offering and supplication to God, because Lord knows (as do all of you) that I have a big mouth….and this will be a big lift for me.
God bless and preserve you all and our beloved Republic.
See you on the other side.
I earnestly hope you come back a lot quicker because there is good news.
Looking forward to your return.
But the palindromes end with the 29th – I thought that was the 10 days.
Vaya con Dios.
[…] My HELMET is off to para59r for this statement. […]
For a chuckle, the lighter side of news:
Recent news headline here …. Covid claims 5 more lives in home meth lab explosion.
Someone got “covert” mixed up with “covid”
What’s wrong with the ones who didn’t turn their back?
Glad they identified themselves.
Problem is it is a UCMJ violation to not render honors when required to certain ranks and dignitaries. So all of those with their backs turned could face punishment if it was determined it was intentional.
Maybe those that turned their backs know something…..
Or, maybe they were supposed to be looking in that direction for the “white supremacy terrorists”. Rolls eyes!
And certainly the ones who didn’t turn their back alerted them, so it’ll be shown to be intentional.
Very gutsy move.
True. Unlikely to lead to anything as it will look vindictive.
Never forget. Before he was Sleepy Joe he Pervy Joe
That’s just SICK
Yes, but then she denied everything.
He should have licked her forehead.
Let her try to deny that.
I’m signing off with this comment as well. Isn’t the military oath to the Constitution and not the President?
Yes but the President is the Commander in Chief.
The vetting that was and maybe will continue seems like it could foster deep distrust within units. If there is stigma attached to merely voting for Trump or worse writing praise of him on SM would you feel completely 100% sure that commanders or fellow troops that can beam with pride that they voted “right” have your back in an event ?
Exactly. Just like the old Soviet Union.
Via cathy fox blog:
Inauguration Day
That kayleigh pic in the thread?
pretty sure she wrote Ecc as in Eccliastes 3:11
/qresearch/ is basically gone. All threads deleted except for one stickied anti-Q post.
WARNING: Child porn is now being posted on /qresearch/.
One new bread is being baked now, properly numbered as 16140. the previous 16139 are missing at this time. Didn’t see any child porn. I’m gonna self-administer hopium for ten days, maybe longer, however dark the days might appear.
I kinda feel like going out for a howl at the moon.
Sadie, what is this ‘Tor’ thingie where qresearch might go?
Some are back up. I just saw this post (excuse the language – not mine):
Here is a rundown of what happened.
A traitor board vol went full fuckin Benedict Arnold rouge. They go by the name Pillow. They got zapped off the board forever but not before they deleted literally the entire Qresearch catalog.
They were banning mother fuckers as fast as possible but I got em.
Feel free to start the breads back up.
I am not a Q follower but free speech has nothing to do with that.
We all are saddened when a person goes rouge. No matter how nice the lipstick, the pig becomes dangerous and not worth the bacon.
Rouge is a terrible fate.
We all are saddened when a person goes rouge. No matter how nice the lipstick, the pig becomes dangerous and is not worth the bacon.
It’s OK now.
It’s back up now.
Storm Dispatch – 20210120-2
Duck egg blue is a favorite of Prince Charles’ wife (Diana’s predecessor & usurper)…perhaps some type of cabal signal?

& this person’s reply was deleted…suppression continues…
You are kidding? Right?
That blue thing looks like a Kmart bedspread.
It’s straight from a Chinese sweat shop
LOL A downgrade from Scarlett’s curtains to impress Rhett!
I laugh when I read these “fashion” descriptions. The authors project their own opinions onto the wearer, or make stuff up, or both. (Just reference some of the descriptions of Michelle O’s outfits, or the side panels of TMZ.)
IMO, Jill Biden looks nice but does not move with grace. The outfit doesn’t say anything to me except that she knew the world would be watching and she wanted to dress for the weather and the eyes of everyone, and history. End of story. Projecting stability? No.
Kamala and Hillary, OTOH, are so blatantly sending a message with their “costumes” that it is undeniable.
Mao pantsuit for Hildabeast? What’s K’s message?
By the way, I despise K, but if she actually is the (de facto) VP should fashion really be what is most discussed? Seems cliché & demeaning to a woman of substance (not saying K is other than a power-hungry commie though)…
That sure is no comparison to Melania
No doubt!
The traitors should all be hung with purple ropes.
Soros upside down.
Traitor’s end!
They aren’t even waiting until darkness these days.
I am going to laugh like hell every time some antifa pukes fuck up something Democrat. So well-deserved.
I’m joining antifa just so I can trash Democrat crap with impunity.
Hahah..I used to hang out at place waay back, like Trayvon days…and one guy who fancied himself well versed on commie stuff ALWAYS said…just day all of us, blm,antifa,occupy and us will be on the same team. Maybe he was right
Now that’s a cheering thought!
Oh, I can pretty much guarantee they’ll get busted for this.
LOL you and me both. Sooner or later BLM will feel the need to be “heard” also. It’s going to be glorious
We’ll giggle while they twist in the wind.
Why are they doing this?
They do not consider themselves useful tools.
they won’t stop until theyare crushed.
democrat do not know history.
Just got my new flag.
You only THINK you voted for Trump!!
Best flag I saw. Got a better one let me know. I rotate them regularly.
Nope, it’s a pretty good one.
The Trump flag I bought back before the “election” has frayed all the way down to the right hand bar of the M being half gone. So it’s a TRUM flag.
I need to inspect my Old Glory, but it is made of MUCH sterner stuff than those cheapass Trump Flags (which were never meant to be flown 24/7 for roughly 100 days).
I bought two Trump 2020 flags expecting one to get stolen but never did.
Polyester (cloth) is the best bet for UV stability. (It is better than nylon too. I used to do weather-o-meter and fade-o-meter on fibers way back when.)
I think the US flag is indeed the polyester type.
Colorado wind is hell on flags.
Polyester is fairly strong too. I use a lot of polyester rope & cord around the farm.
FWIW, I have lived here for 27 years. We have frontage on a river and it was so wet this year my mildew is molding. BUT we have NO Mosquitoes! It is too windy. Forget spray painting outside. It is NOT going to happen!
You can paint the whole upwind side of your house by dipping a paintbrush into the bucket then holding it up in the air.
I just laugh when someone calls Chicago the “Windy City.” Those putzes have no idea what wind is.
First thing I do in the morning is open the shades to look at the wind meter on my weather station.
One blizzard that blew through moved my barbeque from the porch to my fence. A good 10 feet. A slight breeze indeed.
There was once a howling storm in Greenland.
The last reading from the anemometer before it broke was 207 MPH.
That’s like the old one about the 1924 test apparatus at the Bronx Zoo: “Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds.” … she tore the test apparatus off the wall.
And, like so many things Science doesn’t want to be bothered with as they prophesy global warming and watch shrimp running on treadmills, this is said to be “discredited”.
Additionally, it is odd that she was “going by the name of Suzette”. What was the name on her Driver’s License? Her Voter ID card? Was this her “stage name”?
He was identifying as Suzette so don’t question anything.
Ted Nugent wrote Joe Biden a letter via Facebook moments ago and it is going viral fast. Just in case it is censored, here it is in it’s entirety.
Dear Vice President Biden,
Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.
I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trump’s campaign. I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump’s beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump. I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party. Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous. You belong in prison along with the rest of the Swamp.
Ted Nugent
“””Everyone keep this going””” Please!!!
All I can say is AMEN.
The only greater justice than a military coup to remove all these criminals, would be an ASTEROID on Washington, beating weak human justice by a day.
I wanted Kim Jung-Un to lob that nuke on to DC.
Are there ten good people left? I mean, once the Trump people have cleared out…..
It’s a much bigger place than Soddom and/or Gomorrah, so just maybe on sheer percentages.
I’d hate to lose all the stuff that’s in the Smithsonian though!
(I won’t be waitin’ for no astroid !)

God may see that bet and raise you a comet fragment!

“I know not what course comets may take, but as for me…”

I’m going full. ULTRA Q
Hi Nor’easter… great find… (you’re going to post at Marica’s Place I hope
Hi ((( PR ))) !

( TY for always “holdin’ the line” !)
and you (((Nor’easter))) !
From Mike Adams. These are his bullet points and my BOLD.
Today’s Situation Update for Jan 20th lays out more details of what we’re witnessing:
Yup it’s all down hill from here now. Zero 2.0 is going to play out. Go back to 2008 and start over on steroids that’s in America’s future.
Yes, open up and go to the cabinet. Scary stuff. I know no one wants to and we have to see what shakes out first, but its a good place to go to start getting the drop on the slime balls that have their hands on all the levers of power.
I noticed a very different demeanor from the press corps, as compared to anyone aligned with PDJT.
To be expected.
Also, I don’t know if anybody from OAN was present (of course, if they were, they would not be called on).
OAN did not air the press conference.
If I recall the White House press corps kept them out. They were only there by invite of Press Secretary.
They are partners in crime, Nor!!!
Yup !
Latest Common Sense from Fearless Rudy. Well worth the watch and bonus RANT on Chyna Joe
just click on the link for Free Speech
J.R. Nyquist view of this day.
Inauguration Day: Utopia Limited or the Flowers of Regression
Yeah, FARCE is a good description if the ramifications for my beloved country were not so dire.
Instead of a laugh it’s a howling hyena.
Good description of the Hoe although hyenas are prettier.

They critiqued POTUS Trump about his behavior.
Harris is not refined. Her laugh is vulgar.
President Trump at least had NYC class and style.
It’s a brittle thing, isn’t it?
Not a real person. A golem?
I swear she’s The Joker
…same laugh, same eyes, same hair, same psychopathic behavior.
just look at the pic and imagine Joker makeup
Updated: Vatican intervened to spike US bishops’ Biden statement release
A Pillar Post special editionThe Pillar
8 hr ago

At this point……. I am still all in but……… like G/F said I’ll go 10 days of darkness from here….. then
No disrespect, but who are these people and why should we believe them?
Military Code 11.3
Sorry I do not have the photo saved. It was displayed here within the last few days.
I tried to search for it but it will not come up.
I posted this a couple days ago. Here is what you are looking for:
DOD War Manual: Section 11.3
I had to look. Why anyone thinks this would apply to the military occupying the U.S is nuts.
Not the “Military” occupying…..
The BITE-Me administration taken by FRAUD!
I know that. But certified by Congress. No court support. I just don’t see the military moving when the swamp has essentially approved it. Remember, Congress funds the military.
CONgress is ALSO….. CORRUPT (and Fraudulent)
I know. But the swamp won this round. Hopefully they just won a battle and not the war.
FEMA, Ray? A Reverse Coup? Provisional Government?
In charge until the criminal usurpers working with a foreign entity are removed?
Could be.
Aren’t we still in a State of Emergency due to the China virus?
FEMA has the power to handle that – and coordinate with the DOD to do what it must do – in this case – remove an illegitimate government.
I still have Faith
Oh, me, too – Please read The Marshall Report – Thanks!!!
On it now
So General Smith moves in with 10th Mountain to run the country. Then General Jones shows up with the 1st Army in support of Biden. Then what?
The assumption has always been full military support against the corrupt election. My read is the military says, not our issue. It is a civilian function that was certified by the process.
DOD War Manual: Section 11.3
Page 811
(Link in my other reply)
The military coming in to save the day for him has always been a canard. Whatever units came in to save the day would have to know that no other units would come in to save Biden. As I have said before, the upper Pentagon brass loves Biden because they will get their wars back.
Like it or not, the Congress certified the election. Any military action against Biden would be treated as sedition. So unless you know you have all the military behind you to back you, you may find yourself at the end of the rope.
The problem with your position is that if what you are saying is true, then our military is as treasonous as the Biden crime family.
Yeah, that would be pretty bad. . .

Pentagon brass is swamp. True. Their position would simply be the election was certified by Congress per the Constitution. We know it is garbage etc, but “legally” they just say not their issue.
Never liked him. He was in over his head,echoing the loudest voices and became a Fauci puppet.
Hmmm…very interesting, Para!!!
A racist move on Biden’s part?
please tell us how you really feel.
benedict arnold is jubilant now that someone else has become more vile and hated than him.
And I hope he is there in Dante’s Ninth Circle ready to greet this new crop of treasonous slime mold.
Little McCommie (McCarthy)

You actually make me wish I had a photo of bearded dragon poop.
As soon as you get one, be sure to post it. For educational purposes.
And name it McCommie.
It doesn’t look like much but holyfuckingshit it STINKS!!!
Turtle has no problem working with Biden and Harris but was in Trump’s way at least the first year. What a discussing human being.
Turtle helped with judges because it suited his agenda. Everything else not so much.
So true I noticed that .
Now I’m not so sure of his judges.
Yep. Good point.
From Gab:
Ep. 2383a – [CB] China Have Rigged The Economic System
X22 Report Published January 20, 2021
Ep. 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone
X22 Report Published January 20, 2021
A shame.
Our country needs that voice, our friends abroad need it even more.
Well, upon reflection, I will follow FG&C, and will be devoting the next 9 days to prayer…and fasting – from the Q tree, and from being online in general. I’ll try my best not to lurk here…but will be back on January 29 – after my 9 day novena, praying for Canada and the USA.
The Conservative Party of Canada is corrupt. They used the Dominion system for the leadership race, and the counting of the ballots was delayed by several hours due to glitches…. this was before the US election… sound familiar ?- it rang a bell when the various states shut down their ballot counting.
Just today, the caucus voted to expel the Christian pro-life CPC member who ran for the leadership race. They want us ‘social conservative’ delegates to drop out and not attend the party convention where we vote on principles. We have our own uni-party…O’Toole the current leader played dirty pool to get the 2 other pro-life contenders booted from the leadership race.
Sick of politics right now.
B-4 the killers of free speech seen it:
YouTube has removed all of the Trump White House videos, turning the YouTube channel over to the Biden Administration.
YouTube archived all Obama White House videos which remain on the “Obama White House” channel, but not for Trump.
They’re gone.
YT’s loss.
Here’s an explanation from an anon (yes, the board’s back up), I found it reasonable – there are still WAY too many people asleep …
“Everything (well not really everything) will come into light. The main thing is that if everything came into light with Trump in office the MSM (The #1 enemy) could control the sheep (Trump Bad) and the sheep would baaaaa and not care.
Their forced hatred of Trump is just to great. It has totally blinded them ( What is a spell. Who is asleep).
Now with Biden as president and all the crimes being put into light, MSM loses their Trump hate (Trump Card) over the sheep. They will still play it but it will not be nearly as successful. The Dems control (With Q pulling strings)everything except the supreme court which is critical.
Think logically. We have all tried to red pill family and friends. For me these are good intelligent people I have known for over 50 years. I debate them and provide them obvious logic and proof but they go into their “Trump Bad” shell and the debate is over.
It has to be this way means these friends and family won’t wake up while Trump is in office. They just won’t. With Trump gone MSM is losing their main weapon to control the masses.
There was just no way our fellow brothers and sisters would ever wake up while Trump is there. That’s the key now.”
I’m afraid anon’s right.
It had to come to this.
We’ll get through it, more will join us.
The media is just too powerful – and for too many people, the TV is the only means of getting “information”.
And whom do we see on TV?
Hollywood, Corporate News, and Politicians …
And when I watched I think back to shows like 60 minutes and wonder now how much of it was really true? They have been lying for decades.
It is not their “only way” of getting information. They are too DAMNED LAZY to go looking for better information.
Even then, what too believe? In all of my favorite topics, politics, climate change, nutrition, fitness the gubmint and experts have all been wrong. Pretty sad.
Discernment. People have learn how to filter information and make decisions on their own.
Most people lack the intellectual curiosity or the passion for truth necessary to question everything they hear.
I have a large library of books I bought while I was in my mid-20s seeking the truth on so many topics. I literally considered no domain of knowledge off-limits to try to figure out. It’s made for very eclectic reading. If anybody asks I could point them to so much good stuff – pre-woke material – but honestly, nobody wants facts or to dig into books anymore.
Yes, they are our biggest enemy. They control the information.
“The media is just too powerful – and for too many people, the TV is the only means of getting “information”.”
And the media is the easiest of all to take down.
DJT could have done it his first day in office.
Revoke their licenses, seize their enemy operations centers, arrest the traitors.
One of the first things any military does when invading a hostile territory is to take over communications.
I know, some will say that if Trump had done that, imagine how the Left would have reacted.
Do better than that.
Come up with a thousand bad things that might have happened, and then add a thousand more.
Then add it all up.
Whatever the total is, is it worse than turning the Republic over to the Chinese Communist Party?
Then wiping out enemy media on day 1 of the Trump administration was the better plan.
It didn’t have to come to this, if anon is right, then this plan was conceived by a Women’s Studies professor at Berkeley

I am REALLY TIRED of stupid, ignorant people.
I honestly just don’t care about them and their “feelings” anymore.
If it is necessary to corral them somewhere until they can cry it out, lose their minds, or whatever they need to do to get over it, I am fine with that.
The Constitution of the United States is more important than the damned tantrums of a bunch of whiny little children who don’t understand the document, anyway.
So am I, Aubergine.
There simply isn’t ANY way to get through to them – other than if they see it on the boob-tube …
Our forefathers started the war without them.
And WON it in spite of them!
“Everything (well not really everything) will come into light.”
Assertion without substantiation; nothing more than a positive affirmation, like a new-age mantra.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t true, just that it’s meaningless in this context. It added absolutely nothing to the author’s comments, and actually detracted from them.
What follows is rationalization, like a battered spouse trying to explain to themselves why they deserve to be beaten, in order to justify the beatings.
“The main thing is that if everything came into light with Trump in office the MSM (The #1 enemy) could control the sheep (Trump Bad) and the sheep would baaaaa and not care.”
I don’t care if the sheep don’t care, the sheep are not relevant to this situation and never have been. The clue is in their descriptor; they’re SHEEP.
“Their forced hatred of Trump is just to great. It has totally blinded them ( What is a spell. Who is asleep).”
Who cares?
Hussein was hated even more, with true justification, and the dims didn’t stop what they were doing to focus on the needs of the patriots.
Why should anyone focus on the needs of the willfully clueless now?
“Now with Biden as president and all the crimes being put into light,”
Which crimes are being put to light?
Another report? (thanks Durham, thanks Huber, lol!)
The sheep didn’t pay attention when DJT was head of the nation. Are they going to pay attention now, with a Chinese Communist in the WH and Chinese Communists running the MSM, hiding whatever might ‘come to light’?
So that the only people who might ever see it are people like us, and not the Sheep?
“MSM loses their Trump hate (Trump Card) over the sheep. They will still play it but it will not be nearly as successful. The Dems control (With Q pulling strings)everything except the supreme court which is critical.”
So now a psy-op is pulling strings inside the Pedo administration?
And we’re supposed to believe the (not)Supreme Court isn’t corrupt?
The (not)Supreme Court is part of the ongoing sting operation, and Barret/Kavanaugh/Gorsuch went along with Roberts and the Leftists as part of a long-game plan to enable a successful stolen election, transfer of power to a CCP puppet, so (presumably) a deus ex machina can occur?
Sorry, they’re not that good…

“Think logically.”
I am, but to you, that’s just a slogan, a calling card to credibility.
“We have all tried to red pill family and friends. For me these are good intelligent people I have known for over 50 years.”
Are they good, intelligent people?
How do you know?
“I debate them and provide them obvious logic and proof but they go into their “Trump Bad” shell and the debate is over.”
That certainly answers the question about whether they’re “intelligent”, what do you have for the part about them being ‘good’?
“It has to be this way means”
…means whatever you can reverse engineer it to mean in order to rationalize your current fact set.
And when the fact set changes, you will come up with a new reason why “It has to be this way”.
“…these friends and family won’t wake up while Trump is in office.”
This incessant ‘caring’ about the willfully clueless is reminiscent of flower children in the 1960s. If they won’t wake up, the answer is not to turn the nation over to the Chinese Communist Party in the hopes that maybe that will wake them up.
The answer is to stop caring whether they wake up.
Because if the price of their waking up is losing the Republic, then frankly, they can stay asleep

“They just won’t.”
Their loss.
Why should their loss (willful) become the loss of everyone?
I won’t be holding my breath for an answer from any of the flower children to that one.
“With Trump gone MSM is losing their main weapon to control the masses.”
Just stop.
They controlled the masses for 50 years without Trump.
“There was just no way our fellow brothers and sisters would ever wake up while Trump is there. That’s the key now.”
So how will we know when these people wake up?
What’s the signal?
What’s the sign?
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
What kind of &^%$head retard came up with a plan that includes turning the entire nation over to the CCP in order to wake up the willfully ignorant?
THIS sounds a lot more likely compared to the stuff about the ‘Corporation of the USA founded in 1871.
Give the foreign (Chyna & Iran & EU) interference in our election to get Biden installed AND the BRIBES that the Biden’s have taken, it is as plain as the nose on the Hoes face that this was a TAKE-OVER of the USA by foreign actors and NOT a true election.
Yep, a dear friend of mine [and ours] sent this to me privately. And it makes sense to me.
But (you knew it was coming) the enemy also get a vote in this battle. What do you think they’re doing behind the scenes? Working overtime to prevent what is in this memo, that’s what.
From a military standpoint, how best to quickly defeat an enemy? You decapitate it’s leadership. Quickly.
Let’s watch and see what moves BitME makes on the existing military.
I get waking folks up, but we already have more than 74 million awake and engaged:
Let’s Roll …
Yep, a dear friend of mine [and ours] sent this to me privately. And it makes sense to me.”
I saw it over at Vox Day, so it must be everywhere by now.
Posted at 8:24pm today:
Praying Medic
Joe will try to run his operation inside a military compound.
That makes him either an ambassador of a foreign nation operating inside a hostile country…
Or an inmate who doesn’t know it yet.
I wish someone would explain, in explicit terms, exactly how this works. For example, how could the military be in charge without Hiden knowing it? Who is in charge of said military operation? How might it proceed? At this point, we need answers, not speculation.
One hell of a mystery being cooked up, IMO. There’s a whole lot of posts today that make little sense to me. Some, no sense to me.
Admittedly, I am a S L O W guy.
Going back to monitor mode.
ck out Razor’s link above Kal…
You’re not slow, stop saying that
The Military monitored the Nov 3, 2000 election. They know Biden lost. Swearing in Biden today created an illegitimate president. An illegitimate president working in conjunction with a foreign government triggered 11.3 of the Military Code…
listen to Dave’s episode.
I suggest watching the 20 minute X22 Report episode for today.
Thanks. I always listen to X22 and will tune in.
Explains a lot about today’s events
“I wish someone would explain, in explicit terms, exactly how this works. For example, how could the military be in charge without Hiden knowing it? Who is in charge of said military operation? How might it proceed? At this point, we need answers, not speculation.”
No way for us to know, all we can do is speculate.
If this was the case, certainly JB and the Traitors (that’s the name of his traveling band) know very well by now that the military is not responding to JB’s orders.
I’m sure they knew that before he was sworn in, and that hasn’t changed.
To a large extent, JB (and the Traitors), even though they are horrible people in their own right, effectively they are also CCP puppets, doing exactly what they are told to do.
So (still speculating…) the U.S. military was at war with CCP from the moment it was known by military intelligence that CCP interfered with the election, if not years earlier (hopefully they knew years earlier).
And presumably the U.S. military is still at war with the CCP.
All that has changed is that a fraudulent public transfer of power has occurred, but if the military is not responding to orders from JB, then no actual transfer of power happened.
Ultimately, power comes from the end of a gun. There are lots of steps before that, in order to prevent the need to actually resort to the gun, but if all other steps fail, the gun is what ultimately backs up power. And by ‘gun’ I mean ‘force’, whatever weapon that might be.
It could easily be that the U.S. military is in direct communication with the CCP, the CCP is threatening some kind of dirty bomb attack inside the U.S., the U.S. military is threatening to annihilate China, and what is going on in front of the TV cameras (or who moves into the WH) is of little actual concern to the U.S. military, who has more important things to deal with at the moment.
Who knows?
The only thing we can be sure of, it’s not us…

Very astute
Sounds like Praying Medic is on the “D.C. is a foreign corporation” surrounded by U.S. troops idea, which ties back to the Banking Act of 1871 theory.
Not theory, Scott – FACT – Read the Marshall Report – explains it all!!!
I sure hope so! I’ll read it now, thanks duchess!
Here is some information…
The Act of 1871 – The 2 Constitutions – Corporate America
The Organic Act of 1871.
The Land that Americans live on, except the people of D.C., happens to be a corporation. Our country went broke over 100 years ago sold out and now the majority of “Corporate America” is owned by foreign interests. We just happen to have a membership in the corporation when you signed your social security card as little kid. That social security account is attached to a trust, everything Harvey Dent said was true. I tried it, years ago. Your SS card has a letter in front of the numbers, that letter is attached to a Fed Reserve branch in the US. For about a year, there was a glitch to where people were able to pay rent with and buy goods from certain outlets using your social as the account number & the routing number attached the Reserve that your social is tied to. All your social information gets stored in London, the financial capital. There’s a reason when lawyers pass the BAR(British Accreditation Registry) they’re called “Esquires”, which is directly underneath of being “Knighted” by the Queen. That shows you right there who has the power!!! But most will scoff it off as hodge podge even though it has “Britain” written all over it!
1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for
the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.
With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of
government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see,
Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).
The act — passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in
the aftermath of the Civil War — was a strategic move by foreign interests
(international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the
coffers and neck of America. Congress cut a deal with the international bankers
(specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because
the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without
serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the
United States.
The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The
corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original
Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was
defaced — in effect vandalized and sabotage — when the title was capitalized
and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title.
the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic
capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the
Republic. It does is not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring
to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact
on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing
the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the
government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This
newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits
only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely
outside the original (organic) Constitution.
Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic
Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One
example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed
(under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to
be licensed. (Passports) By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed
TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees
of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.
“Not theory, Scott – FACT – Read the Marshall Report – explains it all!!!”
Well I hope it is, but I haven’t heard anyone talk about it besides all the people who led everyone to believe that [JB] would never be sworn in (Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, BardsFM, Mike Adams, and now apparently Praying Medic and Marshall).
And evidence is never presented, it’s only ever narrative.
I know the narrative, and I know there are at least some facts to support it, but in the recent explosion of references to this old concept, I never see any evidence.
“In 1871 a sedious act was performed by the Government. [evidence?]
A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitals, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation. [where is a photo of original Constitution and photo of Constitution from 1871?]
“When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C.. ” [evidence, case law, Supreme Court decisions, etc. to support this contention?]
“This action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states.” [evidence, case law, etc.?]
“It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, [evidence? any?] and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process [evidence, case law, etc.?]. No one realized this.”
“When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican [where is the documentary evidence?], they did so via the Bank of London [records of proof?]. At that time, they transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign corporation. (See BACK STORY below in this article) [I’d rather see back evidence, than back story…].”
“President Donald J. Trump has moved out permanently for he cannot be president over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what the White House and Capitol are. President Trump was voted in by We The People. Not the Corporation.” [and yet was he not president of a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, for the last 4 years, if this story is true?]
You see, practically every sentence is telling a story, a narrative, but there is not a single legal or historical citation in the whole thing, and there never is.
That’s a really big problem.
There ARE citations for some of these claims, but at least so far, the people presenting this narrative appear to have done ZERO homework, there is NO SAUCE, only hopium.
The stakes are WAY TOO HIGH for this not to have been fleshed out a whole lot more than it has been (which is none).
What’s going on here?
Are these people all leading us to a slaughter?
The ‘evidence’ is there – but, we are not going to see it – someone has these documents – of that I am certain – it has been a long time since I researched this situation – and – I do not blame you for asking the ‘obvious’ questions.
The reason these ‘guys’ talk so casually about this situation is because they have done the research – perhaps, they have seen the documents – I have no idea.
I have a contact who may be able to shed some light on this subject – I will ask him about the documents – see what he says – and get back to you.
Oh – and – No – these people are not leading us to the slaughter – if anyone is going to get slaughtered – it is the evil entities who have usurped the government – not once – but, twice.
This is a long story, Scott – and – what you have read thus far is only the tip of the iceberg – hang on.
“The reason these ‘guys’ talk so casually about this situation is because they have done the research – perhaps, they have seen the documents – I have no idea.”
They need to share that research pronto, Trapper John!
If this is real, there needs to be an overwhelming case presented for it, laid out with legal citations, Supreme Court cases, evidentiary documents, proof for ALL of it, and someone in an official Trump administration capacity (Trump, Pompeo, Mnuchin, Navarro, Ross?) vouching for it or at least making direct reference to it, or all we have is a really good story.
And if that’s all there is, we’re going to get laughed out of the room, like always.
Millions of people are placing their hopes on this concept, maybe their last hopes, and if it turns out to be bull^%$t, it’s the people who have been making money by lying to Trump supporters who won’t be able to walk the streets.
This is not some kind of game.
People are desperate for truth, and all they get is whipsawed from one day to the next with buckets full of unsubstantiated BS.
And I’m not sure which side is worse about it, theirs or ours.
I understand the frustration quite well – many have gone through this for years – and have tried to explain it to others, too – the reason it has been on the back burner is because we did not have a ‘leader’ who was willing to take on this monstrous task of separating the Republic from the Corporation – the same thing has to happen with our financial system – and you are not going to like this one bit – our financial system is managed by a private corporation – not the US Treasury – as it should be – so we have to extricate ourselves from the private financial corporation – and dissolve the IRS that is attached to it at the hip.
Now that you are totally confused – I will go back to my room and contemplate gathering the evidence for you – TTFN
I understand the theories, I’m not confused by the story, I get it, it’s plausible enough.
But there has to be a whole lot more to it than what the video gurus are pushing out.
Something credible and serious that can withstand critical scrutiny.
Something similar to this:
Living Free of the System
A Guide to Private Banking in Lawful Money
The truth about the income tax.
This course is the seminal, authoritative and conclusive presentation on the subject of the federal personal income tax. The internet and book stores are full of pages on the subject of taxation: is it legal, is it constitutional, is it voluntary, what is it, and do I need to pay it? In almost every case, the information presented is opinionated, biased, incomplete or incorrect and has the potential to get you into serious trouble with the IRS.
Living Free of the System, in contrast, is a complete and correct assessment of money and the income tax, how they work together, and how one can earn a living and bank properly to lawfully avoid federal income tax obligation.
By presenting nothing but sources of authority (Organic Laws, Supreme Court decisions, Congressional Records, Statutes at Large, and publications of the Treasury, Federal Reserve and IRS), we dispel the tax myths and the tax protestors’ myths alike to reveal exactly what the income tax is, how one becomes liable for the income tax, and how one is not liable for the income tax.
Opinions, theories, dogma and conjecture have no place in this course. We concern ourselves only with what’s demonstrably true, and we demonstrate what’s true without need for reliance on anything but original, authoritative source material.
We take a neutral stance without opinion, we do not offer tax advice, we lay out the law, we let you see the truth for what it is, and we show you how we work and bank without income tax obligation. There’s no need to take our word for anything and no need for a leap of faith since everything we present is direct from the most authoritative sources on the subject.
Are you a taxpayer required to pay income tax this year? Probably not. Can you prove it? Yes. One letter to the IRS is all it has taken for us to zero out alleged tax debt, provided the proper steps were taken during the year in question. When the right course of action is followed and the truth comes out, there is no valid rebuttal by the IRS, and they know it, and they don’t even try. They just zero the balance and withdraw their claim.
This course is about setting up right for a future without federal income tax obligation and without fear of invasive IRS claims, audits, liens and levies. It is the comprehensive, lawful solution to the income tax. The principles, once fully understood, are simple and easily applied, but the remedy is forward-looking in terms of its application. In other words, this is not necessarily a solution for past tax issues and may or may not help with alleged tax obligations from previous years.
If the IRS claims you presently owe a tax, they could be right. However, their present claims can be their last bite at the apple for a lifetime of tax freedom from this point forward.
The 85 members who participated in the initial live presentations of this course were asked this simple question in a survey at the end of the second presentation, which delivered the bulk of the source material: “In your informed opinion, are you a taxpayer?” Based on what they had learned, 100% of respondents said “No”.
This course is for anyone who wants to learn to bank without entering the federal forum jurisdiction, work without a legal income tax obligation and live without compromising your assets and freedom. This information is applicable to any natural person, whether a private trust or an individual, and you do not need to have studied with us in the past to understand this material.
Understand money:
Currency (elastic and inelastic)
Legal tender
Federal Reserve Notes
Lawful money
Coin money
Understand the income tax:
The 16th Amendment – did it expand the government’s power of taxation?
Supreme Court rulings – the nature of the income tax
What is the basis for income tax liability?
The truth about the income tax
Bank in lawful money (income tax non-obligated):
Deposit checks
Write checks
Withdraw cash
Spend cash
Pay bills
Block bank accounts from attachment by other parties
Trust accounts
Special deposits
Get paid in lawful money (income tax non-obligated):
Employment without using an SSN
Sample employment forms (I-9, W-4, job applications, etc.)
This course is presented in 13 hours of streaming videos that you can go through at your own pace and downloadable documentation of all the cited source materials, sample forms and sample documents presented in the videos.
It is the equivalent of a college level course–on a subject no college will ever teach. It’s life changing. The understanding will benefit you for a lifetime and benefit your family for generations. Registration includes one year of membership to
Thanks, Scott!!! Much to consider here!!!
Oh my God…..look at this socialst magazine cover,,,
That’s blasphemous.
Mad Moh.
Every jihadi in D.C. would turn out to shahid itself.
The Pope and Sec Gen. of the UN would authorize Paki nukes.
One, that is the UGLIEST depiction of Jesus Christ ever in the history of art.
Two, when is the lightning going to strike this guy already?
Can you imagine them making it Mohammad?
lol ok
Justice Sotomayor Accidentally Makes ‘Racist’ Move While Swearing Kamala In
Is Sonia Sotomayor a racist?
If you’re using leftist logic from only a few months ago, that seems to be the case.
In the past, conservatives who mistakenly pronounced Harris’ first name as something other than “Comma-la” were said to be engaging in “racist” behavior, according to numerous leftist outlets.
That argument will likely be soon forgotten as of Wednesday, given the fact that Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor made that error during the Biden-Harris inauguration ceremony, mistakenly emphasizing the second syllable in the vice president’s first name.
I have a great idea!
Let’s all just call her BITCH to avoid confusion! Anyone can pronounce that!
I prefer “the Ho-in-thief”, myself.
qué mala
I thought it was pronounced Camel-Uh, which could be animalist, but not rayciss.
Total Shock! Awsome to the 10th degree! So much here already, it will take you 4yrs to go through it all. Now we know where the whitehouseyoutube channel went. He took it with him and has them all there for you see. Full twitter account, Instant gram and much more.
Can’t find a way to contact here, but this thing can grow exponentially if RSBN donates the rallys, Or what I’d hope for and that they collect & sequence all the memes associated with his four years. This could be huger still if blog sites were asked to donate the last four years of their history. Okay some of that might be far fetched, but rallys and memes would be great. Got to find a way to make a push for those.
It takes some poking around to find the stuff but once you do there’s nothing missing and if there is we’ll have to find a way to get it included.
Pathway to find most of this is Home>Research>Ordering Photos & Video. and your there all free for the taking.
This is a Book Mark moment.
Had something here that seems to have gone poof. Hate to think I deleted, I was editing, but will retype in tomorrow’s thread. Important.
I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing weirdness on the internet just now.
I’m unable to get certain sites from here in the UK. First noticed it when I couldn’t get back on here. Thought something wrong with machine, started trying different sites at random some worked some didn’t. tried it with two other descktops, both had same results
One of my favourite pol sites was unobtainable but cth was still available, yandex unavailable.and an assortment of others cannot be got.
On tails now, didn’t expect it to work, took a long time to start up, but previously unobtainable sites are working on this. that makes me think my ISP or something else is blocking them.
Sadie said shes having problems, so i bet you are both at the same places.
Yes it seems obvious that it’s being messed with, nothing happens it just times out, but using this I’m straight here. Can’t imagine any fault that would do that on only certain sites, it has to be deliberate.
Nanny knows best what’s good for us, the bastards.
Military turns their backs on Hiden
Gutsy move. He’s their boss now.
I disagree… he’s an illegitimate president… Military Code 11.3 has been triggered…
My money says he has already been arrested.
Well, THEY’ve been told he’s their boss by their superiors…so as far as they know, he is.
I remember some of the police did the same thing to Duh-Blazio, and maybe some others.
And they certainly knew he was their highest local official.
I guess the difference is, the cops have union protection

I will also be doing the FG&C 10 day challenge to cleanse my mind and spirit….
…I will occasionally check my GAB account, would say to message me there if needed for whatever reason, but I have yet to successfully message anyone there.
Only 0.1% of the population tuned in to the WH YT vid.
Also, look at all the thumbs-down votes!
19743 dislikes
should prove who WON the election.
january 20, 2021 the marshall report
D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.
Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assets are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand the nature of the battle we are in.
AZ leadership. Governor who certified a fraudulent election. Funny that.
The nation’s most important ritual is about to become hanging government traitors convicted of High Treason.
Start locally and work the way up. When when we first got to CO, we attended the local GOP caucus. My first thought was what archaic BS was this. Never went back. And they wonder why we have issues with them.b
No, no, no, no — Trump’s EO allows firing squads!
Wonder why all those 80M voters aren’t following their president and his wife on twt… They aren’t banned, you would think they would be flocking in droves to the shiny new official gov accounts of their hero…..
He has 4.4M
She has 1.1M
The VP acct has 7M
POTUS had nearly 89M
Yep. Funny that.

Big Brother can help with those numbers
That’ll kick in soon.
Can’t follow some people even after multiple clicks
Can’t unfollow some people no matter how hard you try
“Big Brother can help with those numbers”
Big Brother/CCP is already helping, by the millions.
The real numbers for the Traitors, not counting immediate family, are zero

Swampy in GA.
I’m watching a vid with Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes. Ward just said that he got the video at 7 this morning Spain time. That means it was recorded and released about 12 hours before the proper time!
It would be nice to have a link?
Here you go:
I just finished watching Rayzor… Charlie Ward got it 7;00 this a.m., Spanish time
I also very early today posted my own query as to might the Inauguration be a tape the networks were showing? Just a thought I had.
Sorry, rayzor, I was in a rush when I posted and totally forgot the link.
These Truths has it below, or you can go to Bit Chute:
Early Christian evidence
HotAir has the headline, “Biden: Trump left me a “very generous” letter but I can’t tell you what it said”.
Which makes me think it said, “the only bathroom in this entire building that is worth a s**t (literally) is the one adjacent to the Oval Office. This is the key.”
Dan’s back
Hiding in plain sight
Lots of places do this as it turns out. . .
user@kraken:~$ curl -kIL
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 04:36:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 162
Connection: keep-alive
X-ac: 1.sfo _sfo
HTTP/2 200
server: nginx
date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 04:36:05 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
vary: Accept-Encoding
vary: Cookie
x-hacker: If you’re reading this, you should visit and apply to join the fun, mention this header.
link: <>; rel=shortlink
x-ac: 1.sfo _sfo
strict-transport-security: max-age=15552000
Thanks…that’s outside my skill set but appreciate what it reveals!
Ironically, Automattic wouldn’t pay me well. They want the young smart kids that think $45k is a lot of money.
Which it may be for many people, but not what they’re worth. They just don’t have the experience to know better.
nice…if we have to ask what you’re worth we can’t afford you!
Correction: They want the “bright” but not “smart” and certainly not “wise” kids — who may not be American citizens — who are willing to work ridiculous hours (like 80 hrs/wk) for $45K.
I’ve seen that sort of thing in a number of places.
A tough day. Bitme is President.
I hope everyone finds their way to deal with it on their own terms and time. He will never be my President. What to do for 2022? I wait for guidance from President Trump. In the meantime I focus on what I can control. My health and fitness so I am ready for whatever the future brings. All the best to everyone.
I’ve made peace with the present situation.
Four years ago I had no expectation that Trump was going to be a dramatic pivot in American decline. He has preformed well beyond my expectations.
The fact that he has provided substantive hope that our situation could improve dramatically has earned him a great deal of trust and support.
The last four years have been a wild ride – it’s that crazy Trump Gravity.
Remember what Flynn said: I’m not done yet.
Fact is, we’re not done yet.
Another Proud Boy arrested today. Judge ordered mental health and substance abuse evaluations, as well as any treatment deemed necessary.
I never want to hear that song again, “…where at least I know I’m free”, SPIT!
I can see me in the evaluation.
1st ammendment. Patriot. Fuck you.
And that is on a loop until the shrink leaves.
LOL, I hear ya. Problem for this guy is, he actually has some drug issues, according to the article, if, big if, it is to be believed. Imagine if they did this with the Antifa freaks. Most of them look like meth heads.
His sins will find him still!
They mentioned 17 flags!
The good Lord kept me busy today, which is just as well as it kept me off the roller coaster. Our washing machine gave up the ghost today, but I had my dad’s old maytag in the garage. Daughter and SIL helped me get the machines moved. I got them all ready to move, hoses taken care of, etc. Those old maytags lasted a long time. Daughter had my old maytag that lasted 33 years, and I don’t know exactly how old my dad’s is. We’ve had it stored in the garage for a few years, but it’s working like a champ.
Daughter has a new border collie puppy, 7 weeks old, full of piss and vinegar! Smart as a whip too.
After looking through the comments, especially concerning fema, etc. I feel more at ease about things. I was pretty sure hyden would get sworn in, as the crime needed completion. About the one comment concerning the timetable from a military aspect (can’t remember now who posted it) and the timetable taking a little longer than expected, well I asked DH about timetables and military, and he said, yeah sometimes they have their own “timetable”. I’m not sure they’ve finished setting up, there were a lot of huge generators, probably large tents, and those are things that don’t get set up for a weekend event. They want to be fully prepared before they pull the plug.
Those little borders are total ‘dorbs and just the cutest….and are at their most unguarded stage to turn into monsters. Highly intelligent monsters. On a ranch with several, pack justice will keep things in line, but in an urban setting alone….there’s one around the corner who — as a pup, would take her leash in her mouth while walking. All of a sudden, the owner’s “commands” became “suggestions”, and the door was opened to an actual tug-of-war over “control”.
Sage, around the corner, seems to be doing better now (years later). But a dog that smart that is not properly socialized is just as much a potential problem as a powerful dog not properly socialized.
I hope the daughter either has done this before or is getting a lot of help.
Their previous dog was a border collie. We had dobes for many years, all throughout their childhood. All our children learned a lot about dogs as they all worked in our business. That little cutie is all ready used to a leash, understands no, drop it, name, and go outside, all within 5 days.
They are scary smart….but the best companions and the best helpers. And beautiful and joyful as well.
It’s the urban n00bs who get one without understanding…..or even a yard…..
She knows how to let a dog know who is leader of the pack. That dog won’t be taking anyone for a drag.