Ok! Here we are, at least for now, in Beijing Biden and Camel-Uh hell.
So how do we fight back?
Companies like Kohl’s and Bed, Bath & Beyond are dropping Patriot companies like MyPillow. Will I EVER spend another dime in either store? HELL NO!!!
This is a place, for now, to drop the names of companies, like the Loew’s hotel chain, that discriminate against Conservatives IN ANY WAY.
Maybe later on, there will be a different place on the Q Tree where they are gathered, but let’s get our list started NOW.
Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google…who else? Bring them here so we can begin the process of bankrupting them out of existence!
If they won’t respect our votes, maybe they will respect our WALLETS!
Time to FIGHT!

Welp, there is no formatting because I had to log in and out several times just to get this up here, but well, I endeavor to persevere!
Word Unimpressed continues to be a pain in my ass.
Good enough. This cannon shot surely dropped a few loads in enemy territory, and even more among our “allies”!
Just woke up. Haven’t even read it, yet. But I’m a HAPPY WOLF!!!
Thanks for persisting through this crap. Showing SPIRIT against these bastards is what we need. Until our fellow Americans stand up to American Sovietism and its CHINESE ALLIES, we will be forced to endure continuous small demoralizations. The targeting of authors here by disconnecting them is very obvious. Every small work-around helps, no matter how “brute force” it is.
Yeah, well, FUCK them and their petty bullshit. I’m smart, and I’m not just gonna take it.
o7 *salutes*
Amazon (Online Retail)
Penzey’s Spices
Excellent! I hadn’t heard about Penzey’s Spices.
I use The Spice House instead:
It’s the same family, but the guy who does Penzey’s Spices is a radical leftist nutjob who isn’t connected with The Spice House. He’s known to post leftist screeds in his email newsletters, and doesn’t care if he loses customers.
The Spice House, on the other hand, avoids getting political
I can testify to Penzey’s / Spice House. Ixnay on the Enzeyspay.
Nike I know (One nephew and one godchild who are Ducks, one niece a Beaver (and likely the smartest of the three and who is making good money NOW because of it [pharmacist]).
Gillette had that transgender shaving thing that was just disgusting.
Amazon is almost too busy to be too woke, but AWS is a cesspool, deplatforming people right-and-left. This is peculiar because you can look at the financials and the only consistent profit in the business is AWS…..and soon, nobody will be able to get business interruption insurance if any part of their operations runs on AWS.
Oh, sorry….but I missed the problems with “Le Boutique Target” and Kellogg’s. Can anyone clue me in?
Target is deep in trans land
Kellogg’s was the target of a Brietbart boycott sometime back. They give a lot to the big left wing foundations – especially the Kellogg Foundation. I think they are tied in with Tides and all the other nasties.
Oh, that’s right — they were leading contenders for trans dressing rooms and bathrooms. Sorry, brain fart.
As a lame excuse, I have never once been tempted to buy clothing at a Target and really can’t think of any part of any market that someone else doesn’t already cover better.
The problem with Penzey’s, for me, anyway, is that there is a local company that’s comparable, but I know the owners, and they’re flaming liberals themselves.
2nd Vote generates reports on companies and their corporate activism:
Here’s the blog link:
Mobile app:
Cool! Good info!
Oh, now THAT is an app that sounds quite cool.
This is what happened to Gab. Note that there are plenty of leftist political apps allowed on Apple, but not these folks.
No more Apple for me. I’m done with those bastards. And I used to spend a lot of money on their stuff.
Note the irony.
Apple and Google Play demonetize apps.
An app that holds companies accountable for how they leverage their influence and money.
Liberal Privilege at work. Do as we say not as we do.
The more I look at it, Google’s path to HELL began when they dropped their very wise ultimate rule: DON’T BE EVIL.
That was actually a brilliant encapsulation of the most basic idea of law. When they departed from it, they lost everything good.
This is a list from Conservapedia
Probably needs more vetting.
At some point someone posted a list of companies with ties or investments by George Soros, but it’s been a while since I saw it.
Awesome! Thanks!
It needs A LOT of vetting.
Investments by any holding company would be problematic. One company says Berkshire Hathaway on it. That’s Warren Buffett. He’s part of the club.
I know these are not companies, per se, but:
Republican National Committee.
Your local and state GOP.
RINOs in your state.
They were the first ones to get “unsubscribed” today – right along with Eric Holder and his Obama radical email list people (yeah, that Obama speech years ago cost me OFA emails, which morphed into HOLDER emails!)
‘They Want to Cancel Our Culture, Our History, Our Liberty’: Goya CEOBY GARY DU January 16, 2021 Updated: January 17, 2021
Robert Unanue, Goya Foods President and CEO, said on Friday the political left has weaponized the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus to take away God, culture, history, and liberty from the people of the United States.
“The problem is it’s a political year. They weaponized coronavirus. Unfortunately, they shut down this economy. The worst thing we could do is shut down our economy, kill our spirit. We need a reason to get up in the morning: God, family, work. And they are taking away our spirit, they’re taking away our ability to work,” Unanue told Fox News on Jan. 15.
“We’re one nation under God. We’re not one nation under Twitter. We’re not one nation under big media and or under central government. We’re trying to have media, Big Tech control our lives, the government control our lives,” he said.
“They want to cancel God. They want to cancel our speech. They want to cancel our culture, our history, our liberty. They want to control us, the few controlling the many like a bunch of sheep. None of these people care about us, we can not move away from God. We need to love and to build, not hate and destroy,” he added.
Unanue said Goya experienced its most successful year in 2020 after leftists tried to boycott his products.
Unanue made sympathetic remarks about Trump earlier in 2020, comparing the president’s entrepreneurialism to that of his grandfather’s. His remarks sparked ire among Trump’s critics, with celebrities and politicians, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and former Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro, denouncing the brand or calling for Goya boycotts.
Ocasio-Cortez was nominated “employee of the month” in December by Goya after her call to boycott Goya stimulated a 10-fold growth in sales, Unanue told The Michael Berry Show.
Unanue further criticized the left, saying that their handling of the CCP virus pandemic was done for political gain.
“They essentially declared martial law. … It’s the worst thing we could have done, just for political gain. I think it’s criminal, I think it’s immoral to shut down this economy for this basically political reasons,” he said.
Unanue called on people to get closer to God during this difficult time.
“We need to not move away from God. We need to move closer to God,” he said.
Mike Lindell on Cancel Culture: ‘We Have to Make a Stand and Not Back Down’BY GRACE COULTER AND LI HAI January 19, 2021 Updated: January 20, 2021
Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of MyPillow, told NTD on Tuesday that some groups are forcing retailers to delist his products and that Americans “have to stand up” against cancel culture.
Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Wayfair recently notified Lindell that they won’t continue carrying his products. He said the actions came after groups such as Sleeping Giant pushed companies to stop doing business with him.
“These are groups that were hired to attack and crush my companies to cancel MyPillow out. And they’re attacking these people, like Bed Bath & Beyond,” Lindell said. “They succumb to the pressure. And you know, that’s their choice. But you know what, this is the time we all have to stand up against this.”
Sleeping Giants, a leftist activist group, has ongoing campaigns to pressure companies to drop conservative and right-leaning websites, such as Breitbart News and Fox News. On Twitter, it trumpeted the news that Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s dropped MyPillow, claiming Lindell played a part in motivating the breach of the Capitol by questioning the results of the 2020 election.
Lindell, who says his products are in the top three in box stores across the country, said that companies are afraid their business will suffer and have therefore tried to distance themselves from him and his company.
“I’m not backing down. Our country’s at stake here. I grew up in this country with the American dream. And I’m the American Dream on steroids,” said Lindell, who created the MyPillow in 2004 and built the business in Chaska, Minnesota. “We’re the greatest country in the world.”
Bed Bath & Beyond told The Epoch Times via email that their decision to stop carrying MyPillow is “data-driven, customer-inspired and are delivering substantial growth in our key destination categories.”
“We are continually improving our product assortment, which includes plans to offer an array of unique and exclusive Owned Brands from Spring 2021. As previously announced, we have been rationalizing our assortment to discontinue a number of underperforming items and brands. This includes the MyPillow product line. Our decisions are data-driven, customer-inspired and are delivering substantial growth in our key destination categories,” a spokesperson said.
Lindell called on Americans to stand up to “cancel culture.”
“This is the time we have to make a stand. We have to make a stand and not back down to media and cancel culture,” he said. “We can’t live in fear this time. We got to all stand together. And I’m not talking politics. I’m talking people.”
Good. I will tell my wife – she will gladly stop shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Listen to that crap. All EUPHEMISMS for surrender to a paltry few activist gays and communist blacks on their boards or in their management, who shake their genitals and bang their skin drums at upper management!
Cowardly boards that can’t stand up to racist Democrats with their woke politics is exactly what this sounds like to me.
Bed, Bath & Beyond is on the brink of bankruptcy anyway. They closed 200 stores in June, and another 43 in January. Probably more in between there, but that’s what I found with quick search.
Woke must already be making them broke.
Remember Linens and Things?
Good riddance, if they go out of business!
Their clearance section used to be da BOMB in the closest one here, and suddenly it went away.
Happy for BB&B misery. Never liked them anyway. Wife drug me into a couple of them over the years. Over priced and cluttered.
Wife learned to leave me home, in the truck or at a coffee shop.
I despise that store..BB&B…way over-priced , at least in this town…funny how some stores just have a certain vibe the minute you walk in…
that’s BB&B…after only about 5 minutes inside one of those, I race to get outa there.
Me too smiley.
I can’t find good towels that aren’t all linty – that are absorbent – and that last a long time.
I order hotel towels, washcloths, hand towels for bath and kitchen – by the dozen – from a FL company.
The Imperiale and Signature lines are the best and softest. But I like white towels to be able to bleach and sanitize them. Always soak new towels in vinegar and then wash for fluffiest towels.
Passing that info on to my wife
…funny how some stores just have a certain vibe the minute you walk in…
^^ Yuppy, “fu-fu”…vomit.
See my response to Michael here. I’m smelling big money to influence this.
Yes! This is also a good place to advertise companies that SUPPORT our side!
From the “About” page:
They have one heck of a slick website for “a small, family owned, non-profit business.” Copyright is 2019, so they haven’t been around long to have any sort of influence like this without some help.
I smell funding from some deep pockets.
No top search results for ZULL Financial on two different search engines.
Via B.b.S.s.Saint:
ICYMI, Mike Lindell started this Patriot Product or the USA Made product store to help patriots to market their products. There is quite the variety and more coming each day
MyStore (mypillow.com)
We get through these 10 days of darkness and we rebuild as Grandma in TX says from the grass-root level on up. This is bigger than DJT.
PGA to Strip Trump Bedminster of 2022 PGA Championship
By Pamela Geller – on January 11, 2021
They learned nothing from the crash of other sports enterprises who committed the same suicide.
Related: NBA Christmas Day Ratings Tank ‘Massively’
As NFL Ratings Crash, Networks Consider Giving Ad Space Away For Free
Report: PGA to Strip Trump Bedminster of 2022 PGA Championship
The Professional Golfers’ Association has decided to move forward with a plan to strip the Trump National Golf Course at Bedminster of its 2022 PGA Championship.
“The odds that ’22’s PGA Championship will happen as scheduled in New Jersey are about as good as the chances of you or I winning it,” Golfweek’s Eamon Lynch wrote on Saturday. “Moving its major from Trump National has been debated internally at the PGA for more than two years, but executives have been reluctant to antagonize a famously vindictive man who controls the Internal Revenue Service. Such concerns melt away in 10 days, if not sooner.”
Let us not forget our “good buddies” at AARP — cheerleaders for Obamacare and Progressive BS.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
Progressive Insurance – the name says it all
GEICO — stands for Government Employee Insurance Co.
Yes, it was always a private company, they started with the idea of insuring government employees and USAA wouldn’t change their business model. But they’ve always had the pro-gov mindset.
There is one card left to play to save America; but it is a trump card. President Trump, as a private citizen is the most powerful man in America. He retains a committed following of 74 million patriots; who are also 74 million consumers. On his word, they will do whatever he
ask. If he ask them to close their Amazon accounts, they will do so, and stop buying at Amazon. The same holds true for Apple, or any other company in the U.S. President Trump and his 74 million patriots/consumers can destroy any company, on his word. This is unimaginable,
unlimited, economic and financial power. This power, or leverage, can be used as political pressure against the liberal establishment and Democrat party, which gets their money from all of these big companies, who are globalists, against middle- and working-class citizens, and
anti-American. The very U.S. companies that 74 million patriotic citizens buy from, are supporting the Democrat party with their big money, as they strive to fundamentally transform America into a socialist or communist country. Now do you get the picture? You want to stop the
Democrats from destroying the Constitution and America? Then you must cut off the money; and Donald Trump, backed up by you, can cut it off, until they relent, and stop trying to destroy this country, for their own corporate and personal profit. These big companies own and
control almost all of the politicians in congress, and state legislatures. This is why the elected representatives ignore your will. This applies to Democrats and Republicans in office. In effect, the money you spend is being used to destroy America. Know this; they will not
stop, until we start to cut off the money. The politicians are corrupt because they take the money, and sell out America; that means, middle- and working-class citizens; that means, 97% of the citizens. Some may think this is playing hardball. Well, they have declared war on
you, and your families. Do you want to save the country from government tyranny, and ultimately, your enslavement under socialism? Do you want to stop their plan to overrun you and your families, and the country, with foreign cheap labor, through their open borders policy?
This fight to save America, that was being waged by President Trump, on our behalf, can be won, but you have to be willing to use the collective economic power in our hands, as the weapon to win this war they have declared on you, and our nation.
American men and women who wore our nation’s uniform, have given their lives, so that we can live free in this evil world. “The cost of freedom is high; but Americans have always paid it.” [John F. Kennedy] We, now, to save the republic, to preserve the Constitution, and liberty,
must now enjoin the war, declared upon us, by this homegrown, domestic enemy of the Constitution, and American people. By the grace of God, we have the means to win this fight, and save this great country. I believe I can say with confidence to President Trump, that 74 million
American patriots are prepared to back you up, with our collective economic and buying power, to save the republic. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., succeeded in the Montgomery bus boycott, not because he appealed to the city’s moral conscience; for they had none. He inflicted
unbearable pain, where it hurt the most; in the city’s pocketbook. President Donald Trump, and his 74 million patriots, have this economic power in unlimited measure. We must use it to stop the liberal, socialist, global, establishment, from destroying America, our Constitution,
our families, and way of life. As you know, I do not have a big following. Some of you have huge Twitter and social media followings. In this respect, I hope you will retweet, and post this message, so it will get to all patriots, and President Trump. To God be the glory. Amen ~
Looks like we’re all seeing it!
Amazon Prime.
HBO Max.
Disney Plus.
All MCM news.
All TV entertainment
All print news, including the big “local” newspapers (Dallas Morning News) or “conservative” (WSJ)
Home Depot
Ben & Jerry’s
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Victoria’s Secret
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Most I recognize.
TikTok — outright Chinese
Starbuck’s — hipster racist virtue signalling
Ben & Jerry’s Vermont — leftism-named ice cream
Pinterest — banhammer on conservatives
Twitter — just bad news
Facebook — just bad news
Bank of America — haven’t used since I got an account at the Isla Vista branch that students burned down and discovered why.
Chase — not a fan.
Spotify — another worthless social media Pspy-op.
Youtube — banning conservatives
Victoria’s Secret — had heard but don’t remember
Wayfair — sounds familiar
Dick’s Sporting Goods — oh, yeah. How’s biz since you banned guns at your stores?
Patagonia — had heard but don’t remember.
Home Depot?
Wells Fargo?
Home Depot has had a woke history, though I had seen them backing off on that.
Wells Fargo is a steaming pile – search “SEC wells fargo” – they also have a woke history besides their mortgage fraud issues.
If I remember correctly, Home Depot has been supportive of POTUS.
They also hire vets.
And… https://themilitarywallet.com/home-depot-lowes-10-military-discount/
It really, really pains me to have to ask this. Really it does.
Which POTUS have they been supportive of?
I’m aware of Wells being a steaming pile SEC-wise, and with “sharp” business practices (that clearly went over the lines). I don’t know about their wokeness….I mean, beyond the mealy-mouthed kumbaya BS that are in their ads.
I do not buy at any of the places.
While I totally agree with this, I am wondering if we should start with the companies that PDJT honored for “Made in America” and expand out from there as companies are vetted. There are some of these companies I have been boycotting so long I no longer remember why. (GE, Goodyear, BofA (them I remember because they offered bank accounts, loans and credit cards to illegals so it would be easier for them to stay here).
If you boycott Home Depot and people wind up at Lowe’s, Lowe’s only sells GE lightbulbs. If you boycott the motels listed in the Liberal’s Boycott link and they are sending you to Motel 6, they are owned by Blackstone who sells their products through Walmart. Mars also sells dog food. There are only about 5 manufacturers of laundry soap. If we boycott Disney and products – James Woods is a big investor there, he has been able to get Disney to reverse some of their decisions because of the stock he owns.
I am still using Facebook because it is the easiest way for me to drop love notes to the likes of McConnell, Katko, Pelosi, Biden, etc. The good news with that is I am in good company and their own supporters get to see our comments. Just sayin’.
If we are going to start a boycott list, the companies need to know that is what we are doing and why. We would also need to find a way to get the other 70 million to do the same thing. I have been boycotting NFL since the first knee dropped (because I support the police), but look how long it took people to come on board with that.
June 18, 2020
How to Fight the Woke…and Win
By Damian Max
The Woke are everywhere. They’re in our schools, in government, and at our places of work. More importantly, the Woke are on the move. They are coming for you, for me, and for anyone else who does not subscribe to their quasi-religion. Don’t fool yourself — you are not safe. The Woke are at war with anyone who opposes them, and it does not matter if you just want to be left alone. You will have to bend the knee or fight.
1. Adopt the right mindset and take action. As mentioned, we are in a cultural and political war, whether we want to be or not. So adopt an appropriate mindset. Get mentally tough. Get ready for battle. Remember that the Woke are not your friends. They despise you. Realize that they will lie about you, not play fair, and try to crush you into submission. Accept that family and friends may turn on you once you show your opposition to the Woke agenda. And understand that some of your own “leaders” and “allies” will happily betray you to virtue-signal to the Woke. So watch your back and take action yourself, for it is action that matters, not words.
2. Become anti-fragile. In war, you must always secure your supply lines. One of the Woke’s most powerful weapons is economic pressure, so take that away from them as much as possible. Grow some of your own food, start a side business, or form a self-supporting tribe (like a church group that financially supports itself in case one member gets fired by the Woke). Being anti-fragile will allow you to stand firm when you need to speak the truth, which brings us to Point 3.
3. Speak the truth. In our age of Woke emotionalism, truth-telling is the truly revolutionary act. So speak the truth, and do so boldly. This does not mean doing so in every situation, but if pressed, you cannot let the Woke steamroll you into silent submission. Moreover, wear that MAGA hat. Be proud. Display your beliefs through symbols. The fact is that boldness and visible symbolism build morale, and they will likely inspire others to speak up as well.
4. Never apologize, and never quit. The Woke view an apology as a confession, not as a chance at reconciliation. As such, never apologize. You will only be made to grovel further or surrender completely. At the same time, never quit. That is what your spineless employer will want you to do to save him the trouble of firing you. Don’t do it. Make them fire you, then move to Point 5.
5. Use lawfare. If you have the means, then use lawfare against the Woke at any and every opportunity (which is one reason why electing President Trump and getting good judges is important). For instance, if your employer fires you to appease the Woke mob, then make him pay for it. Don’t go quietly. Instead, hit him with the hardest legal counterpunch that you can. It won’t always work, but it will sometimes, and that matters.
6. Arm yourself. Exercise your God-given rights and arm yourself thoroughly. After all, a sheep is much easier to cage than a lion.
7. Starve the Woke while feeding your allies. Stop giving money or time to any Woke-supporting group. Stop supporting Woke universities or businesses. Stop watching Netflix and the NFL. Just stop. Starve them to the greatest extent possible. And push to defund any such groups that receive public funds. Just as importantly, support any ally that has started his own platform or business to compete with such organizations. Donate to them. Spread the word about them. Write good reviews about them. Such support is easy to do and pays dividends.
8. Vote in everything. Vote in school council elections, city elections, etc. Vote in everything. Granted, voting will not defeat the Woke, but it will provide our side with some temporary victories, and it will buy time for the ultimate solution to this problem (see Point 12).
9. Use your power. Get into any position of political, business, and/or cultural power, then keep your sphere of influence anti-Woke. And yes, this means mercilessly purging any Wokester from the domain that you control. Remember, we are at war, and they would do the same to you in a heartbeat. In fact, they already have. And since they made the new rules, it’s only fair that we abide by them.
10. Use the Woke’s tactics against them. We may not wish to, but it is time to use the Woke’s tactics against them. Establish gun sanctuary zones. Disinvite Woke speakers. Tear down statues of Woke heroes who were flawed in some way. If the Woke want “cancel culture,” then it is time to cancel the Woke wherever and whenever we can.
11. Have children, and don’t send them to Woke schools. Children are the future, and if the culture war against the Woke turns out to be a 700-year Reconquista rather than a short skirmish, then having children is vital. So have many kids, but do not let them be indoctrinated in Woke schools. (If you are young, and don’t want the Woke to have leverage against you, then hold off on children. However, when you get anti-fragile, have many.)
On point 11 — “The Future will belong to those who show up for it.”
The same is true for “democracy”!
Point 10 is something we need to do more of. The Left doesn’t care what people think. We need to be bold.
The problem is that the GOP has bamboozled conservatives into playing by the rules and being gentleman.
Mass Resistance does more aggressive counter-left tactics – but it’s the Faux Conservatives that got them labeled as an x.t.r.e.m b/c they didn’t like that they were effective.
CPAC blocked them from running a booth, to cite just one example.
Where is point 12? Point 8 says to see point 12.
I left off point 12, for a reason. That’s off the table.
Wolf would approve.
I don’t approve of their language, but there is a certain underlying thread that is supportable. This was never supposed to be a “top-down” nation — as Jackson put it in his bank veto speech: “Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves — in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.” [emph added]
That said, there came a day when some hotheads in, IIRC, South Carolina were gyrating about some matter of states rights [“Nullification Crisis”] and Jackson took strong public measures to suppress them. I also very much suspect that he got some people into a room at the White House and told them, “Gentlemen, if you continue on your present path, I swear upon my honor that I will f*** you up.”
This, coming from a man known for defeating British redcoats in New Orleans in 1812 using a combination of semi-professional US Army, tradesmen, and pirates….not to mention publicly killing two men for private quarrels….. would likely weigh upon their minds.
The Jackson vault at the Hermitage (near Nashville), is worthy of a visit. Over his wife’s memorial is inscribed an anguished love letter for the ages. Over his memorial is merely his name, dates, and “General” — his two terms as POTUS (and other government service) are not mentioned.
Any body know anything about speed queen? My washing machine bit the dust today, and fortunately I had my Dad’s old maytag in the garage, so I’m in the laundry business again. I don’t know how old it is though, but it’s old. My old maytag that we gave to our daughter lasted 33 years. But being that the machine is who knows how old, I’ve been thinking about looking into a new or newer one, I’m not opposed to buying used. I’ve heard speed queen is pretty reliable.
What part of it died?
Slight on-point digression — any appliance that uses water has been systematically made into garbage since the 1970s by (1) government regulations on water use, (2) government regulations on detergent composition, and (3) outsourcing all the new replacements to China. It’s why our current dishwashers require three hour cycles to make dishes less clean than a 30-minute cycle did in 1971.
If you buy a new replacement for anything vintage, it’ll run longer and perform worse than what you used to run…..so fixing the vintage ones makes a LOT of sense.
Incidentally, some people have told me that adding about 1/8 tsp (teaspoon) of TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) to a dishwasher load will bring back the sparkling glasses of your childhood. Be careful not to mess that up, because adding a T (tablespoon) of TSP to your dishwasher can actually fog your glasses by partially etching them.
TSP is normally found in the paint department of a hardware store. It is used to really seriously clean old paint so that you can paint over it.
Phosphate was banned in dishwasher detergent on a Federal level because it’s the same phosphate as in 16-16-16 fertilizer and flushing it into streams and rivers will cause algae blooms. That said, I know of no one who is dumping dishwasher outflow directly into streams and rivers.
Oh, yeah….what part of it died, and why do you think that part is at fault?
Mind you, this one’s a goner….
BIL had a machine like that, and while it didn’t go bonkers like that, it did die, and that chunk of concrete at the bottom of the machine had broken loose.
What will an eighth of a tsp of TSP do to a septic tank, though?
Nothing, unless your septic system is located near to a stream AND it is failing.
Near a stream–now that’s a laugh, but of course you don’t know where I live.
But it is a strong chemical, and I’d be dumping it into a vat full of micro-critters hard at work. The mention of algae blooms makes me wonder if it also harms beneficial bacteria (beneficial in a septic, that is). Which would cause my septic to fail.
Well, I would think it wouldn’t hurt it, especially since we’re not talking about large amounts, and it was used for many years when septic systems were used, and not as “sophisticated” as they are now.
I just checked with DH, and he said only if it were in very large amounts, just like bleach or draino (lye). You don’t want to dump a whole lot of caustic agents into the system all at once.
OK, will give it a shot.
The machine that died was a 10 year old G.E., and wouldn’t spin any more. The spin cycle has been getting louder and louder for about a year – almost to the point of needing earplugs, plus the device for shutting the water level off for a particular level was out of whack. No extra large loads as it would over fill. I could put extra water in manually, which I did do a few times. I figured it wasn’t worth the time or money to fix it. Tearing into it to just fix the water level looked to be a lot more work than I wanted to do.
Daughter, the one with the puppy, lives next door, and their old machine (my old maytag, bought in ’88) died about 10 days ago, so they have done a couple of loads over here. They have access to a free used machine, which they will probably go get this weekend. It sounds like that machine’s pump has failed as well as maybe the motor. SIL is not mechanically inclined either. Apparently there was some smoke involved.
Washing machines are surprisingly easy to work on and there are sites online that not only sell all the parts, they have excellent videos to guide you through the steps so you know which jobs to do yourself and which to hire for. And as C. points out the new ones are worse than horrible.
I clean my diswasher with a big tablet I get at Lows to clean dishwashers. My dishes are very clean. I use a rinse my water is very hard.
The one problem is my dishwasher has a 2 hour chicle. I used to have a Swedish dishwasher I loved but no one fixes it in my place where I live.
I bought top of the line top load Speed Queen washer and dryer – about 5 years ago – when my 15 year old Maytag Neptune died. Haven’t had any problems with them at all.
They are durable, lifetime machines – and allow you to be able to customize the cycle, soak your clothes a while, add clothes, add whatever. I love the second rinse.
The knit cycle is a bit noisy, but it works and works right.
The dryer lint holder is a bit shallow, but it’s easy to empty.
I couldn’t find any other machines that were durable and affordable.
TY! Good info. I’ve also heard that sometimes you have to wait for a particular appliance, and that would not be a good condition for us to be in currently.
Incoming MOAB (Mother of all Boycott lists): I found this in my inbox. They do include a few links to non-wokey establishments. Caveat: this lefty disease has claimed just about every facet of our lives. But you already know that. Opportunities abound.
OMG, that is a FANTASTIC list! Complete with EXPLANATIONS.
Thank you, Wolf. Overwhelming, for sure, but helpful, too. It’s a great reference as I pivot my consumption to the friendly companies. Reversing this tide will be a long haul, but our side does everything better so the outcome looks good from here. It can be done, and it must be done, for the sake of future generations.
Now added to the sidebar as the “Boycott Thread”!!!
That’s awesome! Thanks!
Not surprisingly, Amazon cleaned up a lot of listings once, you know, people caught on to their B.S. . .
‘Kill All Republicans’: Amazon Sells 204 Items Promoting Violence, Hate
Corinne Weaver and Alec Schemmel
January 14th, 2021 10:47 AM
Amazon terminated its contract with free speech platform Parler for “violent content on your website.” But Amazon itself deals with merchandise that advocates the death of all Republicans or specifically targets President Donald Trump.
The Media Research Center found at least 204 examples of merchandise sold on Amazon that promoted violence, either toward President Donald Trump, Republicans or members of the police force. Riot gear, including tasers, brass knuckles and stun sticks were also sold. Some of these violent products included a flag with a graphic image of Trump blowing his brains out, a mug with the slogan “Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him?” and a black T-shirt with a red slogan, “Kill All Republicans.” The shirt that urged the death of Republicans was even a sponsored listing on Amazon.
Amazon accused Parler of “potential hate speech,” while it is selling actual Nazi memoribilia and jewelry covered with swastikas. And while Americans were outraged at the death of police officer Brian D. Sicknick who was struck with a fire extinguisher at the Capitol riot, Amazon sells at least 130 pieces that condone that kind of violence with the hateful slogan, ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). That ACAB term is popular with rioting members of Antifa.
The Amazon Terms of Service states, “Amazon does not allow products that promote, incite or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views. We’ll also remove listings that graphically portray violence or victims of violence.” These terms of service do not apply to media. Therefore, the Media Research Center did not examine music, books, television or movies.
Examples of products that promote violence and hatred are even listed in the Amazon Terms of Service. Some of the categories listed include, “Products that promote, incite, or glorify hate or violence towards any person or group. This includes products that contain violent or offensive material that has no historical significance.”
Amazon is good at policing outside sites it doesn’t like. It doesn’t apply the same standards to itself. The company removed QAnon products from its website on Jan. 11, according to NBC News. The news outlet warned, “Amazon said vendors who attempt to continue to sell such products could be banned from its site.”
‘Kill All Republicans’ As a Sponsored Listing
The vendor named Florence & Partner sells a black T-shirt with a red slogan, “Kill All Republicans.” This product was sponsored by Amazon, which means the vendor paid to have the product advertised on the platform.
However, the product violates Amazon’s sponsored product guidelines, which prohibit “Content that promotes hate, incites violence or intolerance, or advocates or discriminates against a protected group, whether based on race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or another category.”
Amazon’s sponsored product guidelines also prohibit “Content related to campaigns, elections, or political issues of public debate; that advocates for or against a politician or a political party; or that personally attacks a political figure.”
The Media Research Center was unable to find any products that advocated for the death of all Democrats.
Other forms of violent merchandise included a T-shirt that featured the slogan, “Hospitalize Your Local Fascist.” A knife with a red drop of blood formed part of the graphic on the front of the shirt. The brand FUNKI SHOP sold several items of clothing with similar messages, including “Punch TERFs,” and “Goodnight Alt-Right.” TERF is a hateful leftist term that stands for trans exlusionary radical feminist. Journalist Meghan Murphy argued that the term TERF was hate speech. She wrote, “Men with large platforms who are publicly associated with Antifa and groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have amplified the ‘punch TERFs’ and ‘TERFs get the guillotine’ message proudly, with the support of their comrades.”
Guillotines, a popular symbol among Democratic Socialists, are also bought and sold on Amazon. The slogan “Fuck Around and Find Out” was juxtaposed on a T-shirt over a picture of a guillotine. Another shirt had the slogan, “Be the guillotine you want to see in the world.”
Historical memorabilia has a place in the world. Amazon recognizes that statement in its Terms of Service, saying, “Amazon reserves the right to make a determination on the historical value of the item.” However, even among the Nazi stamps and the coins with swastikas, some modern pieces of jewelry with swastikas on them are being sold. A ring covered in swastikas and a skull ring with a large swastika on the top are sold. Even though the skull ring is captioned as Buddhist, the symbol is not the same as the Buddhist symbol.
Disturbing Anti-Trump Merchandise
Regardless of how one’s politics may lie, to wish for or advocate for the violent death of a politician is wrong. Yet several pieces sold by Amazon seem to delight in fantasies of Trump blowing his brains out, Trump being shot (albeit with Nerf guns), or Trump’s head being stabbed with knives.
The “Donald Trump Knife Rack,” marketed as the “Perfect Gift,” features the head of Trump filled with steak knives. It is also labeled as an “Exceptional Conversation Starter.” A mug asking the whereabouts of President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, is also available for purchase on the platform.
The brand Partner & Alana sells several pieces, from flags to T-shirts, featuring a gory drawing of Trump blowing his brains out. Blood and body parts are scattered across the front of the shirt. The product description says, “The Only Walls We Build are Walls of Death.”
130 Examples of ACAB Merchandise
The liberal Anti-Defamation League defines ACAB as “a slogan of long standing in the skinhead subculture.” It is classified as a “hate slogan.” The magazine GQ described it: “ACAB has proven flexible, and not always in good ways: it’s embodied ideas of varied nuance and intensity, from a casual expression of rebellion to nuanced anarchist thought to more ominous skinhead ideology.”
But none of these warning signs from the left have stopped Amazon from selling merchandise that features police officers depicted as pigs, burning police cars, and a Simpsons police character with a knife protruding from his head. The gory images on all these products were emblazoned with the slogan ACAB.
One product, a refrigerator magnet, featured a dead pig’s head wearing a policeman’s cap. A knife was stuck through the head and blood was drawn coming out of the head. The product description boasted, “EASY to place on a car and even easier to remove, these are a great alternative to bumper stickers.”
Another decal was a sketch of a cat throwing a Molotov cocktail (a homemade bomb). The bottle said “ACAB” on it. One Amazon customer left a review remarking, “People are literally dying and instead of signing petitions or donating you try to turn their death and pain into a stupid a$$ sticker.”
Just saw this over on Gab…
Mike Lindell
Here is the official list of every business that has dropped MyPillow:
Dollar General
Mattress Firm
Bed Bath & Beyond
TSC/The Shopping Channel
Kinney Drugs
Colony Brands
Made in America soaps:
copied from a daily thread (2/13/21)
Gardeners who want to buy American-made supplies, take note!

kate @kateusa reposted
I’m trying to build up American made commerce on gab. My business is English garden style plant supports, border edging, and supplies! All American made!! Even American grown tea!! Check it out on http://EnglishGardenSupplies.com
Is there a better way to highlight businesses?