The ARRESTS Are Here. And It’s US Who Will Be Arrested. Are You Seeing It Now?

Start dumping the information in here.

White House launches ‘comprehensive threat assessment’ on domestic extremism

The assessment comes on the heels of a deadly riot at the Capitol staged by right-wing extremists earlier this month.


01/22/2021 02:39 PM EST

President Joe Biden has asked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to conduct a “comprehensive threat assessment” of domestic extremism following the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by a violent mob that left five people dead.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced on Friday that Biden decided to ask for the review, which will be coordinated with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, because “clearly more needs to be done” to address the rising threat posed by violent extremists across the country.

“The January 6th assault on the capitol and the tragic deaths and destruction that occurred underscored what we have long known: The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat,” Psaki said. “The Biden administration will confront this threat with the necessary resources and resolve.”


To me, it’s very clear what the commies plan to do. “First they came…” is starting to roll.

BIDENAZIS, the American Bolsheviks under #FakePresident, are showing their true colors.

These criminals are a DISGRACE.

WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 06: State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki attends a joint news conference with European Union High Representative Lady Catherine Ashton and Secretary of State John Kerry in the Treaty Room at the State Department May 6, 2014 in Washington, DC. The two leaders spoke about the ongoing conflicts in South Sudan, Syria and Ukraine. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)


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Here’s one about Dr. Simone Gold being arrested. Read it! They let her in, she stayed within the designated velvet rope area and had no idea of the violence happening in the other part of the building.

But they go after her.


Yes. I just got a text from someone I know who was talking about how maybe the Democrats set up the “Q people.” She is a normie. If the normies are getting it, then there is hope.


As a psyop, it was extremely successful in unhinging Dems and MCM.

That makes me happy.

That and I got a pretty tree picture out of the deal.

Gail Combs

Q also kept Conservatives from going off 1/2 cocked after the election steal.

THINK — The only real violence was either self-defense OR agents PRETENDING to be MAGA.

Jussie Smollett was the classic example. Charlottesville was another.


The only thing I can see they got out of it if it was a psyop on their end was the tired canard of conspiracy nuts.

On the other side (ours) it massively inspired people to stay focused and look for ourselves. The Left’s method is encouraging total ignorance. MSM tells the lies in teeny tiny bites but on every channel, in every online article and the idols that they worship, celebrities/sports ppl…they tell them what to think.


The world is tilting. There is no sure ground at this point. The cynical, the believers, the skeptics, the scared…we are all in the same boat.

The only reason I am standing is because I believe in Christ Jesus. The storm is here, but so is He.


I need to pray more. Prayer WORKS. I have seen it so many times.



Steve in Lewes

Dr. Gold is a two-fer….

1) She appears and talks common sense, assuming somewhat conservative.
2) She speaks the truth about the WuFlu virus.


Yes. She is a thorn in the side of the Fauci idiots.


I’m sure that’s what they think.

But right now she’s pretty high profile and this will backfire.

They will try to intimidate her, but all that will do is make her a hero and a martyr.



Yes. And this will be repeated THOUSANDS of times. Patriots are GOOD people. They are nonviolent, patriotic, normal folks. Hauling them off will cause an uproar that they know will not be tamped down.


In any movement there are unstable people. I believe that some of the Sanders people also move to our side. The fringe elements are easy manipulated through psyop. While most are not falling for it even though find it interesting what is being offered. Many still have enough of an emotional balance and stability not to fallow a crowed no matter how edge on to fallow the agitators into what happened at the Capitol.
What is explainable how average Trump supporters who are stable were let into the Capitol by police and they took a tour. To me that was a trap to catch Trump supporters and make sure they were caught in the Capitol even though they did not break the law.

Then there was Antifa and other violent groups who were there to cause trouble. I now see it was not a trap for us it was a for POTUS to impeach.
Who was in on it could be CIA FBI Turtle or a Pelosi operation.


She would have known to much and also the police who shot himself.


Dr Simone Gold IS a hero, in my eyes. Speaks the truth. Sorta like, America First.

In her speeches, she easily could have trashed President Trump, but she chose to focus on Covid treatment and exposing the Covid fraud.

Purposely avoided politics and political parties


Come and take it ya commie bastrds !!


It’s my American 2ndA default position after a good side eye.. 😉 
Also why I’ve had and keep a sublime confidence the future is bright.
No doom faggery on the front line .  😎 


If the cameras are rolling, be sure to give them the Pueblo salute:
comment image
comment image


Is this like six degrees of separation?

If they get Kevin Bacon, we’re all goners.


Just be ready to film or have someone else film. Get any arrests out in the public and share with everyone, everywhere, all the time.



They are hoping that this will push everyone underground. They are hoping we give up. Must silence the dissenters. So, yeah, I agree, expose them all, and let’s just get louder!!


First off…let’s clarify those deaths. They constantly push the narrative of 5 deaths.

1) a LEO who died later. Details have changed several times.
2) Ashli Babbitt murdered by an unidentified LEO
3) 3 others from medical emergencies

Any gathering of that size is going to have medical emergencies so they shouldn’t exploit that .
Babbitt should never have been shot. No other protesters have ever been shot with lethal bullets. For that matter, blm/anitifa protests have demanded x amount of warnings must be given before use of any deterrent. I’m not even sure if the cop gave a warning before firing..not sure on that.

The LEO death…too many changing stories on him.

The facts matter and at least 3 of these deaths were not due to their participation in a siege.

Last but not least, from a cnn article….. DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services transported people to area hospitals with injuries ranging from cardiac arrest to multiple fractures after falling from scaffolding on the West front of the Capitol building.

Uh yes, for sure we saw one of those “falls” when the LEO literally pushed the person off the side


Patriot Act 2.0?
Seriously folks. I keep repeating that this is the same thing they did in the 90’s to the Militia movement. Just go look up old articles from the 90’s. Make anyone who even thinks or talks about Constitutional issues an extremists.
Here is one for an example:


So what’s gonna be our Timothy McVeigh scenario? What Government building are they gonna hit?


In what building are they hiding crimes? Maybe FBI building? Just spit balling here. Just about can guarantee they need more than these 5 deaths. They need something much bigger.

mollypitcher5’re right. They aren’t keeping their optics force in DC for nothing


None in DC.  😎 
DC police showed their traitorous/corrupt allegiance.
..consequently the district became the first to be occupied.
DC police sidelined, the area sealed off, secured, pocketed.

Stay Vigilant
It’s just common sense to maintain a high level
of situational awareness in these times.  😉 


The word x.t.r.e.m.s.t is total B.S.

The LEFT has been abusing that for decades. It always means the Left’s political enemies. Always.

It never means anything meaningful or concrete outside that context.

It’s not just a smear word. It’s got tentacles throughout the IC, law enforcement, and academic grants.

You wanna know how the Left infiltrated the churches? DiFi and SSCI grants via the FBI and CIA to the AAR and ETS for “anti-x.t.r.e.m.s.m” in the seminaries.

Now the churches are flooded with all these radicalized Marxist pastors engaged in hostile takeovers of the churches, seminaries, mission boards . . .


Being in Texas, I have Baptist friends. 🙂 Many, many of them are meeting in homes. They are done with the crap.




Truth be told, many Catholics are, too.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true.


Meeting in homes = original People of the Way.


This probably isn’t the right thread for this but it sure looks/feels like demon influence. I know the conduits are doing it to achieve Marxism . so many of them (political ppl) seem possessed by evil.


Would that be like the tree that Christ struck dead?


That’s what I thought.
But, I’ve been Bitched out more than once here for bringing up “Theological” ideas.
One “author” in particular stated:
“This is NOT a “Theological” site!

I digress.

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Thanks 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Now the churches are flooded with all these radicalized Marxist pastors engaged in hostile takeovers of the churches, seminaries, mission boards . .

Convents. Seriously, some of the most dedicated leftists in the Catholic Church tend to be sisters. Not nuns, as they are cloistered and are fairly conservative, but the sisters who were once the mighty teaching and nursing orders. The most liberal women I’ve known (and some of the most obnoxious) are ex-sisters. They seriously drank the Kool-aid.


Agree. On one side of our family we had the Franciscans priests and nuns and on the other, Dominican nuns. 2 of those went completely rabid SJW and influenced all of those nieces & nephews (my cousins) to the point of irrationality . No conversation doesn’t end up in some weird slanted political garbage.


OMG! Husband and I sitting here in our office, talking, me typing. Sheriff just drove in our driveway. Didn’t stop, just drove in, turned around and left. Talk about some woo, woo vibes.


If not, I strongly suggest going down and getting to know them. This is vital. You have to know where you stand on the LOCAL level.


^^^ THIS is a great suggestion.


No, husband has had some interactions with some Deputies recently, he said they were ok. Wanted to take a deer carcass off the road as bate for coyotes, lol. We live in a Red county, Republican Sheriff ran unopposed.
Been living here 21 years and 2 out 3 interactions with Sheriffs deputies, were not good experiences. 1 being held at gunpoint, in our driveway, sitting in our car, as we had just pulled in. Being yelled at to put our hands up, don’t move, because my car looked like one that had just been stolen. Except for the fact that my car had a big smiley face sticker in the back window, FFS. It was crazy. We were afraid they were going to shoot our dog because she was ready to kill. The second being a call for the squad because husband had kidney stones, but they thought he was on drugs, another FFS. So as he was rolling on the floor wreathing in pain, he was being interrogated. Third was a call about someones lost goat.
So, Barney Fifes, overly aggressive behavior, and not much common sense so far.
We’re all good though, and in good standing, I think.  😉 


They are going to lose.

Gail Combs

2) Ashli Babbitt murdered by an unidentified LEO

Skuttlebutt was that LEO was a Burn, Loot, Murder member BUT unlike with the leos who killed Blacks WITH justification this guy remains UNNAMED as far as I can tell.

Gail Combs

Yes, it was in a comment made here. The commenter’s article mentioned he was the cop that ALLOWED the guy to shot so many republicans.


Not being Eeyore. Thinking potential collateral issues for anyone arrested for being inside the Capitol Building without a “mother may I” pass..

Those arrested, ultimately found guilty not guilty.

  1. Potentially placed on No Fly list. As I understand it, folks are placed on the no fly list with no notice – NOT informed until they try to board a flight. Rationale for being placed on the No Fly list mired in bureaucratic BS. IE, however some bureaucratic hack chooses to interpret VAUGUE guideance.
  2. 2A. May have difficulty with our BS federal background check when purchasing a gun.
  3. 2A. Concealed Carry (CC) new and renewal complications.

Short of a felony conviction, don’t see weapon confiscation / mandatory sell or give weapons away potentially coming into play. Really no insights into this stuff. Just raising the issue for future consideration.


Oh yea. I don’t believe anything the bastards are saying.

But, it is a full on frontal assault on Free Speech and 2A continue.

^^^ Required by Beijing Biden’s handlers and deep state to join NWO.

Standing by for “enhanced” Patriot Act squashing Rights and giving jackboots more power. US joining or mirroring UN BS edicts…reset…NWO.


That first Patriot Act was my first red pill.


I read that as “Hillary’s Germany” . . . took me a minute to figure out I read that wrong


They already put James O’Keefe on one of those firearm restriction lists. He did a video on it.

And it happens A LOT.


I do not have a firearm neither my husband. I am on no list not even a traffic ticket, My husband was on a riffle team in College an excellent shooter. If we need too we can get a riffle to defend ourselves. We would have no problems I do not think..

Deplorable Patriot



Ha,ha, ’tis so true. Already been on their list, and probably never been off it.


Don’t know if I could’ve flown or not because I never did but being as I was the Secretary for the Ohio Unorganized Militia back then I suppose things would’ve been the same. Good times! Remember his bony finger pointing at us…what a MF’er he was and is.


EVERYONE….. is on their “list”.
Some with more “flags” than others….
But “WE” are ALL….. on “The List”.
Think No Such Agency.


Petition Calls for Franklin Graham’s Firing Over “Complicity” in Capitol Riots
By Jesse T. Jackson

Faithful America, which claims to be the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice, has posted an online petition calling for the firing of Franklin Graham from Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).

The petition, which has garnered more than 24,500 signatures, claims that Graham has betrayed the mission of both groups by spreading “discredited election conspiracy theories” and “white nationalist terrorism,” which it says led to the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“As long as Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association stand by Franklin Graham, it must be said that these once-vaunted organizations have forgotten their original Christian missions, abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are complicit in the spread of dishonest, discredited election conspiracy theories and the deadly, unpatriotic, white-nationalist terrorism at the U.S. Capitol incited by those lies,” the petition states.

The petition’s initial goal was 20,000 signatures, but organizers have raised the bar to 25,000.

This isn’t the first time Faithful America has asked Samaritan’s Purse board members to remove Franklin Graham. Last August, the group posted a similar petition that garnered over 14,000 signatures. The petition listed the group’s grievances with Graham due to his support of President Donald Trump and Graham’s prayer at the Republican National Convention, which thanked God for the “many blessings” of Trump’s presidency.

. . . MORE . . .


And here I was thinking Mr. Graham did not believe in the election fraud and thought President Trump caused the (fake) breaking/entry into the Capitol building.

Sounds like Faithful America is the church’s Lincoln Project. Spit.


Is Jesse T Jackson that druggie son of ‘Rev.’ Jesse Sr.?

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

GA/ LA If the Bio picture at the bottom of the article is an indicator
I’d say no.  😄 


He’s not with Faithful America group – but with some other looks like an online church.


They have to discredit the influential Evangelical voice.


Well, Mr, Graham, let this be a lesson for you.

This is why you never, ever try to reason with…..heal with…..negotiate with….pure evil!

Last edited 4 years ago by MysticRose80



Faithful America is the opposite of its name. It’s a pro-LBGTXYZ – Episcopalian led group. Blu-aghhh!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Those with petition I would not call faithful Christians I call them Pharisees,.


I’m glad….really glad….that this post is made for this reason:

Kills the “we can come back in 2022 and/or 2024” narrative, once and for all!


Yes it does Molly! Thank you Wolf. I think it is now abundantly clear what we are up against at this point.


True. The solution is rather simple. But crude. You assinate the political opposition. It gets their attention rather quickly.


It is truly unbelievable to me that we have come to this.

I didn’t make it to the Capitol, but I encouraged everyone to go. I have alerted friends and family to the idea that the feds could show up on the doorstep. I don’t really know what else I can do. I don’t have money for attorneys, that’s for sure.

I guess if it comes, it comes.


Incredible to watch..even with Trump out of office, the masks continue to drop
DC is secured, .. lets wait n see how many State gubmints are willing to go full insurrection and deny citizens their constitutional rights.
Go ahead, jump in the boiling pot…. get on OUR list.  😄 

Gail Combs

If you know anyone who went to the rally, tell them to get rid of their guns NOW!!!

They should also be very careful of their dogs. LEOs LOVE TO SHOOT DOGS! It is the first thing they do when forcefully entering a house.

Gail Combs

I am only talking about STORING your guns (or most of them) at a friends home so they do not get confiscated. It saves you the hassle of trying to extract them from the cops later.


Good point! But if you didn’t have any violent rhetoric posts I don’t believe they would have grounds to do that.


Na they will not care we are harmless 🙂

Gail Combs


We are no longer a nation under the Rule of Law. So we must act accordingly. If you went to DC BE PREPARED TO BE ARRESTED PERIOD.

That means NO GUNS in your home.
Scrap up bail money & a Bail Bondsman NOW!

If possible talk to that lawyer NOW. You might want to write out a complete affidavit of your movements when you were in DC and leave ANY VIDEOS you have with him.


I to not think they are interested in us because we are harmless. They go after organizers charismatic people who can attract groups. Maybe people with certain skills.
This is America and we are not intimidated and have no fear.
Sometimes sitting back and wait and be ready when need .
Today on the Rubin Report there was a guy who said form groups of like mindet people and lay low. Get involved in community with like minded people . That is good advice no action lay low observe be in private groups be careful what you say on open forums.
We have a group here to support and share.


It can be anything though..such as telling your doctor that you’re sad or depressed. Any small thing logged in their chart.


I know I dislike those questions at the doctor office. They also ask if we have guns and if I am abused. The day I went to the doctor my husband and I had a vigorous discussion.
I teased him coming back and said to him “they ask me if I am abused and with a grin on my face I was tempted to say yes.”
He did not think my joke was cool 🙂


EXACTLY. Better majority of the guns are safely stored away from LE confiscation. Includes ammo.

Once LE take guns and ammo, it can take years to maybe get the guns back. Even AFTER charges dropped or beaten down, I read about good citizens that spend a lot of money trying to recover guns from LE. Some NEVER get their guns back.

Holding onto a couple weapons and an amount of defense ammo is prudent.


I’m alright. I’m just baffled by how I and others here are suddenly in this place of insanity.

I feel like I woke up in a Twilight Zone episode.


You have a Constitutional right to own guns, unless you’re a felon, so no, you don’t need to get rid of your guns. Being careful to keep you dogs away, YES, but I don’t think they are going to be doing any forceful entry at this time. Totally agree with Wolf Moon’s post below. Don’t panic! We had to calm a friend down recently who wanted to build a moveable shack so he could bug out in the woods. Took a few days to get him to realize, wouldn’t you rather be at home sleeping in your nice cozy bed before confronting it. Didn’t Cruz have a face mask on that said “Come and Take It”, during the fake inauguration?


Good advice since we never know who wants to be the rally Karen.


The amazing thing is, I don’t! Except for people here.

We are so far west and the weather is so unpredictable people just don’t travel all that much in the winter.


It does not matter how much money one has they will break a person and take all the money. Flynn spend five million or more on defense. Not many people have that kind of money. They will even drain POTUS if they get a chance we see.


Aubergine & EVERYBODY,

Not a lawyer and no plans to stay at Holiday Inn Express, anytime soon.

A couple thoughts.


100% can’t see LE visiting you over the DC thing. You did not go there. Suggesting others go, is 100% NOT a crime by any stretch of the imagination. NONE.

Whether DC related or ANYTHING else, NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.

Can’t afford a lawyer, demand a lawyer be provided. In any case, SAY NOTHING.


YT video. Lawyer says, “NEVER SPEAK TO THE POLICE“. 46 minutes.
^^^ Well worth listening to. VERY entertaining and INFORMATIVE.
^^^ First half of video is the lawyer. Second half a police officer…:-)

^^^ Nearly ELEVEN million views.

Within the video he gives eight superb reason to NEVER talk to the police.

Police officer splains how he gets people to unwittingly confess.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

Just a note, do not take the 5th. You are asserting your right to attorney in questioning, which is 4th amendment imo. 5th is where you won’t answer question in court because it would incriminate you, (i.e. you are guilty but State still must prove guilt). So 4th is different from 5th. Main thing do not use legal terms just plain English &I agree do not talk without lawyer. A key question is “am I free to leave this conversation?” If yes then leave. If no then say you want an attorney and shut up. These are my dim recollections from Criminal Procedure in the late 1970’s fwiw.


Watched bits of vid, the cop’s part. Will add: this is geared to felons. We are law-abiding citizens. If you are concerned for yourself then make appt with attorney & discuss. That invokes attorney-client priviledge to the conversation. It could well put you at ease. Also probably not much money. The media is fanning flames of every. Single thing in our society so our fear level is very high.


Suggest go back and watch the first part, the lawyer. It’s the MOST valuable part of the video – the lawyer..

Part of the deal is, even innocent people get convicted…BECAUSE THEY STOOPIDLY talked. Yet they are innocent.

  • The innocent convicted.

Lawyer give numerous examples of innocent people that were convicted.

Gail Combs

Generally a quick consultation is around $50 to $100 the last I checked a couple decades ago.

If you go with a written copy of your movements at the DC rally, plus any video or audio evidence, it should be a very quick consultation. The money means you have Attorney Client Privilege.


“Attorney-Client Priviledge” ???

Did “They” not do away with that in the Mueller scandal?
(Roger Stone, Popadop, Manafort or someone)
They RAIDED an attorneys office somewhere?
A locker somewhere?


They raided Cohen’s office a lawyer for Trump.


Thank you.

Am I free to go? Yes, leave. No. I want a lawyer. Excellent advice.

Yup. I screwed up the fifth stuff.


You didn’t screw up anything. I thought it a helpful post. Agree with you.




Et tu Brute?

“This is the quote.
“The president threw us under the bus. And when I say ‘us,’ I don’t mean only us political appointees or only us Republicans. He threw America under the bus. He caused a lot of damage to the fabric of this country. Did he go and storm the Capitol himself? No. But he, I believe, had an opportunity to tamp things down and he chose not to. And that’s really the fatal flaw. I mean, he’s in charge. And when you’re in charge, you’re responsible for what goes wrong.” Ezra Cohen”

comment image


Thanks, Wolfie. I’m sorry if I fell for a hoax yet again.

Gail Combs

A very much doubt that is an accurate quote of Ezra’s REAL THOUGHTS.

Right now he is in a very important position….


I vote for disinfo.


Just discovered where this quote/photo came from. Why would a spy – supposedly brilliant – give an interview to Vanity Fair? Hope it’s part of the plan and this guy isn’t a traitor.


An interview is not necessarily done by the rag that prints it. Playboy was notorious for this back in the 70s and 80s. They would buy a finished product from an independent journalist and print it as “Playboy interviews” so-and-so.


So ECW may not have known where the interview would end up and who would do the final edit – or if he would be able to see and approve it before it was published?

Doesn’t sound like the brilliant super-spy we have heard about for 4-5 years from Wictor and others.


Thought just came to me – maybe ECW is trying to stay in place by denigrating President Trump. Hmmm.


Unless I missed something, Quodverum has been on my, if not many of our watch list for reliability. Think it is the same place Wictor posts. Some other clown also. A week or two ago deleted Quodverum from book marks.

Will be interesting to learn if Ezra actually said this.

Lots of alledgedly good guys scurrying from daylight, joining some aspect of the the dark side.

Zero chance President Trump threw us under the bus.


This was posted today at a Michigan based news website. The man being detained is currently facing a 20 year felony for one charge, and possibly other charges later on.

Article headline:

<b>Judge jails Michigan man in Capitol insurrection over guns, Facebook statements</b>

“GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A Michigan man who allegedly entered the U.S. Capitol Building during the Jan. 6 insurrection will stay locked up pending transfer to Washington, D.C., to face charges.
Karl Dresch, 40, is charged with obstructing an official proceeding, a 20-year felony, and misdemeanors of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Marteen Vermaat was concerned about firearms and ammunition Dresch had in his Calumet home in the Upper Peninsula and statements he made on Facebook, both while in Washington and after he returned home.

The FBI recovered an SKS rifle with an unattached bayonet, a shotgun and a .40-caliber Glock handgun, along with ammunition for the firearms, in a search of his home. Dresch, with a 2013 felony conviction for fleeing and eluding police in Wisconsin, was not allowed to possess firearms.”


“Beth LaCosse, an assistant federal defender, acknowledged that Dresch “does have some strong political views,” but said he should be released on bond. He has a child and other family members in the area and has stayed out of trouble. She said he could be released on electronic tether and would travel to Washington when required by the court there.

She said there was no evidence that her client had guns at the Capitol Building. He took photos but there was no evidence he was disruptive, either, she said.”




Wonder what his felony was for? I mean the article says something about a police chase but nothing else. I find it strange that many of these people have previous records, don’t you? FIB anyone?

Sylvia Avery

Tips on avoiding arrest, and a reminder to have the phone number of a good lawyer.


“You might expect such people to live flamboyant lives, engaging in guerrilla theater, attending riotous demonstrations, taunting the police, and reviling the establishment. Nothing could be further from the truth.

They led studiously inconspicuous lives. They didn’t want to be “known to the police” or to be silhouetted against the social skyline. Come the revolution, they would not be rounded up in preemptive 3 a.m. raids. They made no public mention of weapons or ammunition. They did not threaten or indulge in idle talk. They eschewed bravado and hyperbole. Their low profile kept them off the radar. They took pride in having clean criminal records. All this was before every phone call, keystroke, and computer click was tracked…”

Sylvia Avery

Apart from resistance techniques for flying under the radar, it was a fascinating article about Commie cells in America not so very long ago.

Sylvia Avery

And very timely, now.


IT’S JUST NOT RIGHT to vilify conservative Christian people and Trump supporters!

The majority of
-violent, rioting, looting, destroying groups – are leftist Democrat groups.
-violent, high crime cities – are leftist Democrat-run cities.
-violent, criminal individuals – are leftist Democrats.


Hi Wolf. I keep getting kicked out of our chat, if you wonder what is up. I keep trying.


Respone is simple. Fuck you. Sold my guns. Have a nice day.


Depending on the state, can be significantly more complicated.


Damn, they are working fast aren’t they? Guess we’re about to see what the military is really made of.


I think they are making a few High profile arrests quickly to shock and scare people. They want us all frightened and hiding in our homes. They also want us scared to communicate with others who are like-minded. Be brave like our President Trump – NO FEAR!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

News Flash!!!!!

Joe Biden Didn’t Win.


I’ve posted the link to this article a few times over the years, both here and at the Conservative Treehouse. It was first published in Spring 2012.

Its main focus is on Obama’s Executive Order 13603. We need to become familiar with it. It’s a Liberty killing plan to seize control of our economy and our lives.

Even if President Trump has rescinded EO 13603, Biden would likely reinstate it through his own EO.



Here’s the official PDF of Executive Order 13603.


When Pres Trump went to Saudi Arabia in May 2017, one of the things he accomplished was to get the Saudis to go after their own terrorists.

It was a part of our VSG’s policy to get us out of the Mideast and bring our troops home.

To their credit, and under the leadership of Prince MBS, the Saudis did this.

I noticed however…that they used the word “extremists” instead of “terrorists” to refer to the terrorists.

So ‘extremist’ became the same thing as ‘terrorist’, in the KSA.

What’s interesting is that this Occupation Regime that has stolen power here, is using the word ‘extremist’ in the same way.

And…Joe Biden didn’t win.


We are under Occupation right now, Wolf.

We have to conduct ourselves accordingly.
comment image


That’s right…Foreign Occupation.

The US is now under foreign occupation.

Gail Combs

𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕪 𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔻𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕎𝕚𝕟… ℍ𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕒!

What is a Viceroy?

He is an official INSTALLED by a foreign country to GOVERN a conquered territory!!


Spanish Empire[edit]

The title was originally used by the Crown of Aragon, where, beginning in the 14th century, it referred to the Spanish governors of Sardinia and Corsica. After the unification, at the end of the 15th century, later kings of Spain came to appoint numerous viceroys to rule over various parts of the increasingly vast Spanish Empire in Europe, the Americas, and overseas elsewhere.

In Spanish ruled Europe

In Europe, until the 18th century, the Habsburg crown appointed viceroys of AragonValenciaCataloniaNavarrePortugalSardiniaSicily, and Naples


Germany’s worst Covid rule breakers will be held in detention centres under new proposals being drawn up by a number of state governments.

The move forms part of the country’s efforts to stop the spread of the more contagious mutant strain of the virus detected in the UK last month.

In the eastern state of Saxony, people who ignore lockdown measures will be held in a cordoned-off part of a refugee camp being built next week.

— wonder if they’ll recycle their old welcoming signs, too?

Arbeit macht frei 


I feel sorry for the people of Saxony because they suffered so much under Russians and now this.