DEAR KAG: 20210205: Sun Tzu—Attack by Stratagem

“In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.”

(Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Chapter Three, Attack By Stratagem)

Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub! It’s Fight Back Better Friday, and bouncing off Deplorable Patriot’s Sun Tzu mention, it’s time to go all in.

The Reds in our government, whether it’s Red Raggedy or Red Chinese tools like Joe Biden (who didn’t win) or the globalist tools like Queenie Liz Cheney, are going to be defeated. We the People are invincible.

One with God is a majority. And we have 85 million “ones” with God. The communists and the globalists are fighting against that which they cannot overcome.

Right makes Might. You can bank on it.

She ain’t no queen…

We are going to take back that which is ours by right. They will topple and fall. That Liz Cheney had to retain her position by a secret vote speaks volumes. They had to vote IN SECRET. They are afraid of us. And they should be. UNITED, we cannot be defeated.

We will take back our political parties, entire. We follow our President Trump. He is confident we can conquer the Republican Party and take it back from the UniParty.
We the People can do this.
The states are awakening. North Dakota and Florida and Texas and others are not going to put up with unconstitutional pronouncements from the fakers in D.C. Those people in the Pretender administration are so desperately unserious and unqualified that it is embarrassing.

“Knowledge of the enemy’s dispositions can only be obtained from other men.”

The Art of War, Chapter 13, The Use of Spies Sun Tzu

I say this holding my nose, but one way to serve our cause is to get involved in the local Republican organization in your community, if only for reconnaissance. Getting involved gets you information that you can’t get if you are on the outside of the SYSTEM. And the local and state organizations are the SYSTEM up close and personal.

Who wants a cocktail before we go further? Honest to God, thinking about attending local political party meetings makes me thirsty as hell. Today’s special is the SINGAPORE SLING. A lovely and potent concoction of gin, cherry brandy, Cointreau, Benedictine, grenadine, pineapple juice and lime juice.
According to legend, the Singapore Sling was invented at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore in 1915 by the bartender. It was supposed to be a drink that ladies could sip at the hotel and not bring scandal upon themselves. Uh, I bet a lot of scandal was happening. Just saying. A little history here and a video here:


The bartenders are dressed as Japanese ninjas today, so watch out. The Japanese word ninja means to persevere, conceal, move stealthily.
Let us be civil with one another. If you need to do some Kung fu fighting, head over to the Utree, which our fearless Wolf has provided for those who like the martial arts. Otherwise, here’s the Rules to review and keep in mind as the day moves on to whatever God has in store for us.

“Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.”

The Art of War, Chapter 13, The Use of Spies Sun Tzu

I don’t know about you, but my nature is not one of deception. But I can and do attend local meetings. I know the local officials. I know who you have to apply to if you want to run for office. I know who has a line to the state capitol. I know who works and who pretends to work. I know who puts on a good show, and who is really committed to serving our community.

Unfortunately, my community is not well served. It’s a CLUB. It’s the SYSTEM. They talk a good game, but they are as committed to keeping their power as Mitch McConnell or Liz Cheney. And they are also China tools without even knowing it. They haven’t a clue.

“…What enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.”

The Art of War, Chapter 13, The Use of Spies Sun Tzu

If we don’t know the enemy, if we aren’t knowledgeable of the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of their plans and actions, then we cannot overcome them. How well do you know the SYSTEM? We see it from the outside, but knowing its guts is vital.

“Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy’s purpose.”

The Art of War, Chapter 11, The Nine Situations Sun Tzu

You might be surprised to know, but the SYSTEM is really good at training up CLUB members. The local and state organizations have many resources to show you how to get along in the SYSTEM. And especially in smaller locales, they are eager to have new people come in and relieve them of some of the burden of attending training sessions, cocktail parties, conventions, conferences, and so on.

It’s true.

Let them show you how to defeat them.

“Spies are a most important element in warfare, because on them depends an army’s ability to move.”

The Art of War, Chapter 13, The Use of Spies Sun Tzu

How is the MAGA Army to move if we don’t have MAGA people in every locale learning the ropes, soaking up information, methods, and contacts? I know there are MAGA people in my locale. They stay quiet, though. They are the ones who are volunteering right now, not the ones in office. It is important to know who is MAGA and who isn’t.

“We cannot enter into an alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs.”

The Art of War, Chapter 11, The Nine Situations Sun Tzu

Right now, MAGA is small in numbers in the SYSTEM. That’s why it is up to us in our own communities to step up. The least you can do is spy. All that takes is sitting through the meetings, chatting up people, learning who is allied with whom, who is weak and who is strong, who will help and who will hinder the MAGA Movement.

I had occasion to listen to an elected county official the other evening. After a number of jokes (used to disarm an unusually large group) he spoke on every subject except the one he was supposed to speak about, and which everyone had come out to hear him speak.

When reminded about it by an audience member he spouted off for a moment and then was conveniently cut off by the facilitator who apologized for cutting the talk short, but it was late and all, doncha know. This is how the SYSTEM works. The CLUB protects their own. They have each other’s backs even if they hate each other.


“Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Chapter Three, Attack By Stratagem

We know the effects of the UniParty. We’ve been dealing with their treachery for a long while now. It is time to know them INSIDE and OUT. We have the numbers, we have the momentum. They are SMALL IN NUMBER, though they currently hold the power.


“To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Chapter Four, Tactical Dispositions

The UniParty is revealed. They can no longer hide. The SYSTEM is betraying itself. In their efforts to retain power, the UniParty is showing us their weaknesses.


Peruse history to see what happens when an empire, a power of any type, grows too large. They cannot hold the center. This is the way of things. The Great Resetters and their Chinese attack dogs have bit off more than they can chew.

I hope they choke on it.

I PRAY they choke on it.


We win.

Forever and ever, Amen.

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Well, when they’re up against Texas grannies who quote Sun-Tzu, they’re several points behind at the beginning.


And that is why we’ll let you slide for not putting Biden didn’t win in the title of this piece. But try a little harder next time, okay?



“Lay that wisdom down, lo!
Turn them hoe-cakes ’round.
Sun-Tzu quotin’ Granny,
Lay that wisdom down!


And on yet another side quest……

I started thinking about a little ditty to the tune of “Pistol-packin’ mama” with the lyric “Sun-Tzu quotin’ Granny”, and thought I’d look up the original lyric — especially to clarify the “hoe-cakes” bit.

The song was penned by Al Dexter in 1943, and was a hit for Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters the same year. As was usual, the Andrews Sisters version had different lyrics than the Bing version, and those lyrics were different from Dexter’s version…..but none of the versions’ lyrics had any hoe-cakes.

There was a throwaway reference to Louis Jordan singing a “hillbilly rendition” of the song at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles in November 1943, which got laughs….

But it finally came to me. The song’s tune had been lifted from an OLD American folk tune (that originated from slaves from Niger) called “Bile ‘Em Cabbage Down”. It references a breakfast of cabbage soup and corn cakes literally cooked on the blade of a hoe over an open fire — and the original tune had been played by the Smothers Brothers, Pete Seeger, and Sam Hinton…..which would put it in the right era for me to have heard as a youngster.

It should be noted that cabbage soup and hoe-cakes would fit well in an American version of the Four Yorkshiremen skit “…and if you tell that to the young people today, they won’t believe you…”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an incredible insight, and it explains some things:

  • why swing states are critical to the scam
  • why Dominion / Smartmatic for “baseline correction” is so necessary
  • why big vote flips are needed for “baseline correction”
  • why Dominion / Smartmatic is defended so vigorously
  • why Perkins Coie / Marc Elias is hedging by arguing a vote cheating case the other way – for “50/50 credibility”
  • why both parties continuously pull off “aw, shucks” losses
  • example: MTG vote close enough that it’s hard to blame the bulk of the GOP for the thin loss, but enough to GET HER
  • allows GOP to censure own using the Dems as hired thugs

Yeah, this fits in with so much that I’ve believed. UniParty has evolved to the optimal scam job.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The reason is I had most of it but was missing a piece. I didn’t understand that 50/50 was not merely something they leveraged when it happened – it’s something they gamed the whole system to keep in play.

I knew they used the 50/50 scam, such as with McCain, and all those “aw, shucks” losses under Rat Ryan, but it never occurred to me that they were engineering things to KEEP the 50/50 scam going.

They balance “safe” districts, groom and promote swing regions, and if needed, they can pump a RINO or a DINO into the seat as an “unfortunate” circumstance to balance the scales, but on average, they can keep a kind of balance that ALWAYS forces the progressive option to push things “forward”, no matter how unpopular.

And this HIDES the commie monster from view – exactly where it wants to be.


Seems perfectly obvious as you outline it, but it had never previously occurred to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s actually beautiful and fully in accord with evolution. The system evolves toward balanced irresponsibility and mutually assured retention.

Trump threatened the SYSTEM and the SYSTEM ejected him.


I love it – ‘balanced irresponsibility’ – so true

Gail Combs

It goes back to that old Rasmussen poll.

In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic BallotRasmussen Reports

in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows
“Democrats attracting 36% of the vote.
The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%,
and Republicans finish third at 18%.
Another 22% are undecided….”

So that is
D-Rats = 36% NOT 50%
Conservatives = 41%

And will not commit = 22%

If you split that 22% 50/50 that gives you
41%+11% = 52%
36% + 11% = 47%

And there is the 5% they play with. It is also why the DemonRats desperately want the ILLEGALS VOTING.

Gail Combs

I am sure they would if the Re Boobs actually did things FOR the country instead of FOR their pockets.

Deplorable Patriot

It didn’t?

It’s been a balancing act for them for a long time. Reagan exposed it for the sham it was.

The biggest problem, IMO, is the fair weather fans who refuse to vote AGAINST and insist on only voting FOR. That’s how the other side succeeds.

But, I’m just one little girl in the Midwest observing things, not an “expert” in any political sense.


Close (s)elections are easy to win with little cheating…..

“Landslides” are tough to STEAL…

They MUST…. massively CHEAT!
This exposes them to getting caught.

ala 2020.

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

It used to be thought that the rings of Saturn had formed about 100,000 years ago, and would eventually disappear on a similar time scale. Arthur C. Clarke once expressed the idea, based on this theory, that we (the current human race) was lucky in a way to live at this time so that we could see them.

Then space probes; bigger, better telescopes; and image processing technologies led to the discovery of rings around Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune. Iirc correctly, the rings were discovered in that order.

So now no one thinks Saturn’s rings formed a fairly short time ago and will only last for a fairly short period. It would be too big a coincidence that 4 out of 4 giant planets in our solar system would exhibit ring systems all at the same time, if ring systems were temporary like that. So ring systems seem to be natural accompaniments of gas giants and ice giants, at least of giants with distances from the central star and temperature profiles found in a solar system like ours.

More-or-less tight elections between a Leftist party or coalition and a more conservative party or coalition keep showing up not just in the USA, but in Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia, Israel, India, Brazil, South Korea, and Japan as well. This over the course of generations in which semifree societies around the world lurched in a Leftward direction towards greater top-down centralization, increased public indebtedness, overall friendliness to bankster globalization, and cultural/governmental attacks on bourgeois social values.

(I don’t mean to suggest by this juxtaposition of topics that the tight elections are necessarily a permanent feature of semifree nations’ political systems. Only that the phenomenon cries out for study and explanation beyond the bounds of any one society.)

So the 50/50 game seems to go beyond reliance on Dominion, Smartmatic, Hart Intercivic, etc., voting systems, since Canada and some others still count paper ballots by hand. Though technical manipulation has certainly been a major factor in at least some jurisdictions, maybe most, where such systems have seen use.

Could the players be strategically manipulating the Left/conservative voter ratio by the speed with which the Left leadership pushes change, and the fecklessness with which the conservative parties attempt to put the brake on it? If the ratio starts to get too close to 55/45 in any polity, do the respective Pelosis, AOCs, Trudeaus, Macrons, etc. take that as a sign to hit the gas pedal until 1 or 2 percent of their more recent, less solid supporters are hurled off the bandwagon by centrifugal force?

I’m not sure how the tight partisan dynamics work. I think we need much thinking on this. Hopefully it will be an ongoing topic of research, inter-branch, and even inter-tree.

We need to map it and understand it even to begin to design effective countermeasures. The scope is vast. The sky is the limit on the potential upside for us to get our heads around this. 🚀 ✨ 💫 ✨


That actually dovetails with something I had noticed… seems that there are certain government actions that have no obvious purpose save to just annoy people — diamond lanes, for instance, or the 55 mph speed limit, or limits to alcohol sales on Sundays.

If the populace is simmering along nicely at a controllable level of annoyance, we seem to get more of these….and if people start coming together in groups to do something about them, they seem to be eased off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There has to be some feedback that WE THE PEOPLE can “Gamestop” – but I am under no illusions that they’ll allow it more than once. And now is even worse, because Scofflaw SCOTUS can ignore whatever it wants to kill for The Big Club.


I HOPE someone still on Twitter or at Town Hall will tell Schlichter all this!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I used to comment where he could see my stuff on Twitter, before being suspended, but maybe better on Gab, actually. Not sure how much attention he pays his account there – I think he has one.


I am totally in favor of anyone who wants to get the word out to the conservative journalists and punditocracy. If you can get a word in, wake them up. They need to hear from the grassroots too.

Don’t let me discourage anyone or rain on their parade – but I think the professional right classes are not going to pivot and tell the truth. They are paid to write opinions. The monetary exchange is for content that can be published, not necessarily advancing our insights or cause. Even the most conservative outlets prioritize essays more appropriate for English courses in college over hard hitting, truth telling opinions. They are paid for CONTENT, and filtered on opinions, especially on the right. American Thinker was a fearless exception to this – even posting pro-17 material and linking references to Qtree – but come down on them like a meteor from outer space with a multibillion dollar lawsuit threat and free speech dies.

QTree: More important now than ever.


I like what he says, but he’s wrong that we are a 50/50 nation. We are a 60/40 nation or better. …”


Spot on, Gran! Absolutely right!

[They] are terrified of the fact that we outnumber them.

So [They] have pulled out all the stops to gaslight the public to try to give the illusion that we are just a ‘small group’.

Deplorable Patriot

I like what he says, but he’s wrong that we are a 50/50 nation. We are a 60/40 nation or better. The UniParty desires we believe the nation is 50/50 so they can cheat like hell and never get caught.

It’s closer to 70/30, IMO, with about 40% who aren’t usually active participants.

That’s how the cheating is successful.


The problem with the GOP is you need a platform to take back the GOP. This is one of the advantages that the Tea Party movement had, being grassroots and not a “third party” it could engage more from the outside. That’s why the GOPe was in terror of it. They did not want a massive and angry grassroots caucus threatening them.

A similar quasi-party is needed right now. If Trump provided legitimacy to it – say, like the threatening of primaries that has already been floated – then it would have much more authority. Ideally it could outmaneuver the GOPe and wrestle them out of power.

But there’s another possibility: The GOP completely IMPLODES. So much so that it is not viable. A third party option is not merely possible, it is a necessity.

Keep in mind too, if the Democrat party implodes, it creates more room to maneuver on the right. A Dem party in tatters and total disrepute raises the possibility for massive realignments on the right as well.

We’ve kicked out the Whigs before – in the 1850s. It’s time to evict them again.

With that, I would also like to note, if present election laws were ahem “reformed” or eliminated, it could make third party systems viable in the United States. At first probably not for the Presidency, but certainly for the Congressional, State, and Local races.


MUST FIX THE ELECTION SYSTEM & LAWS FIRST! Otherwise, all the party manipulations in the universe will be wasted efforts.


Some states may need to be infiltrated in order to accomplish that.


Grandmaintexas, call your agent.


Some states may need to be infiltrated in order to accomplish that.

^^^ Actively contemplating TX and OK.

ZERO chance I’m available to infiltrate CA, OR, WA, IL, NY, NJ, CT…


I believe, when sleepy’s administration is exposed as a fraud and DJT resumes office his new national mandate will be voting integrity.
Whoever does not agree on cementing the best damn system in the world
after what our Country has just gone through is automatically unqualified,
disqualified and probably compromised.
And HE will get EVERYTHING WE DESERVE. National Voter ID.


We can’t fix the election system and laws from the outside

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I wanted to do science, but now I’m watching science descend into some Biden-Harris hell-hole (upcoming post) of government control.


Yep – WHO, CDC, Medicine, Psychology are all ‘Political Science’ now.


I do not know why I thought that was funny, Georgia!!!

Unfortunately, everything is getting to be political.


It’s MASH humor – kinda like Pat Frederick’s memes.


True – had not thought of it that way, Georgia

Gail Combs

The ‘Hard’ sciences like Chemistry and Physics were the last to go but GO THEY WENT. (Big kerfuffle over at WUWT at the time.)

Now they are working on the Engineers.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Meanwhile – our side is getting hoaxed, scammed, manipulated by every little straw and gleam of hope. …some manufactured for clicks and cash….or intentional disinformation to distract, divert, misguide, humiliate us.


They couldn’t leave the nerds alone. They had to use us as pawns to get control of the chess board.


Agreed. I never wanted or aimed for or worked toward the situation/reponsibilities I now have. Not ambitious for a role in politics …. not even a little bit. I would much rather spend my time as a housewife and homeschool mom only. (plus gardening)
It is truly a sacrifice for my country. Not something I want to do or even enjoy doing but if we want the results we gotta get ‘er done.
I go back to my great, great, great grandmothers who probably didn’t want their families involved in the Rev War or would have preferred to skip over the hardships of pioneering … what I am doing and have done since the ’16 primary isn’t really that big of a sacrifice in comparison after all

When I leave home for the day to go to Nashville, when I am on the phone for hours in the middle of homeschooling or that take up the evening when my family is eating & doing things together without me, when I have people to meet and errands to run locally for several hours in the afternoon … I count the cost of what I am missing in my real, preferred life.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

That the message from POTUS45 – working on 2022 election? Nothing he does, or we do from the outside, is going to create honest outcomes in 2022 – unless the election fraud is exposed and excised.

For me, the question, and maybe it will still be answered, why didn’t President Trump pull the trigger when he was in power? He had power while in office – out of office he has none for dealing with law enforcement, prosecution.
STOPPING a crime in progress should have been done – why with all his presidential power didn’t he make the moves that would not have left us in this position?

Perhaps my spirit will rest when those questions are answered.

Last edited 4 years ago by ladypenquin

One problem is that good, old fashioned election fraud is hidden within certain communities which are impervious to governance, where it has become an industry made possible by low community standards.


And low community participation in the process, too, Tona




Thanks, GMT. Gives me hope.


Dominion has to go, IF we are ever to fairly COUNT votes.

Voter roles NEVER truly cleaned up has to change.

Mass mail ballot mailing has to end.

Mandatory motor voter at DMVs has to end.

The list goes on and on…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dominion is being very pro-active by suing everybody. Maybe some disenfranchisement counter-suits are needed.


“…why didn’t President Trump pull the trigger when he was in power?”

I have wondered this too, LadyP.

The only thing that makes sense to me is…he was being threatened with something catastrophic that would have killed thousands, maybe millions, of lives.

I have no proof of this, though.
It’s just a guess.


Grandma, if I were a billionaire I would produce a hundred part movie series which was utterly faithful to this marvelous book, so none of the wonderful details got lost. But the fact that a great “abridged” movie can be made shows how powerful a story it is.


True, that’s a possibility. But they could do it anyway – whether he “cooperated” with them or not. What’s to keep them from carrying out a threat as long as he is engaged with trying to save America?

He would have had intelligence on this – if they were going to do it – then clearly that’s an act of war against America.

Saving a city or thousands… only to lose the country to being enslaved and destroyed – like death by a thousand cuts.

I’m still praying and hoping for a resolution that saves America and the world.


i’ve thought that too…
they could forever blackmail him into perpetuity…
do not run again or we will…
do not donate to … or we will…
leave the country…or we will…

you do not negotiate with terrorists.


I think your prayers are being answered, Lady P.


Because the military must provide evidence of urgent need, and ask him for permission to pull the trigger? (See posts below.)

If the military provided evidence of an urgent need, do you think he said no to pulling the trigger?


Go to 1:45 in the Mike Lindell video posted. Claims the imagery is realtime mapping of the vote hacking/switching produced by US govt Intel on surveillance systems setup before the election.


that’s the only thing that makes sense to me, too, wheatie.

I can’t stop wondering about it.

he was so badly betrayed…and they, too, were probably threatened.

👉 but : the fight’s not over yet..

and President Donald J Trump is far from being down for the count…

…because the idiot BIDEN DIDN’T WIN.


Nobody is telling us anything. All we know is that whatever we are being told is not the truth. This has been going on for a long time.

I for one, for example, would like to know who Obama really is. He did not become president based on his mediocre intellect and abilities.

In the meanwhile, we know them by their fruits, the best we can do, and good enough under the circumstances.

And we can be grateful that many, many millions finally understand that they are being told lies.


He may have called an “audible” due to something coming up that made it too risky to go with the planned operation.

The only thing which comes close to terrorizing me is this opening the border horseshit.They are already pouring in and catch&release is in full swing.


2 Iranians were caught recently, sneaking across into Arizona.

who knew ? /S/


Lady P, at University a long time ago, I took a political science course that showed how many checks and balances the US federal system of government had, versus the Canadian one. Essentially, the Canadian PM has no checks…he can do what ever he wants. The American president is bound by many checks and balances…as we have seen. Unfortunately, the checks and balances are all corrupt…so I don’t think PDJT could do much.

I do believe the Americans are waking up…heck even some of the Canadians who hated Trump are waking up to the peril the world is in.

I continue to believe that we will have to go to the edge of the precipice, before we are pulled back. As a Catholic, I believe Our Lady, when she said “My Immaculate Heart will Triump”…as a good mother does, she warned us about Communism. We didn’t listen.

Deplorable Patriot

The problem with the GOP is you need a platform to take back the GOP. This is one of the advantages that the Tea Party movement had, being grassroots and not a “third party” it could engage more from the outside. That’s why the GOPe was in terror of it. They did not want a massive and angry grassroots caucus threatening them.

Precisely. The difference this time is that the people are far more awake, and more are waking every day.


The Great Resetters and their Chinese attack dogs have bit off more than they can chew.

I pray that you are right.

“To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”

Repubs are too weak or too corrupt to separate themselves from the enemy and fight. We have to do it. Studying Sun Tzu would be a good start.


One of the main problems is a matter of false consciousness. Our side is too ready to accept the idea that the other side has overplayed their hand, not understanding that what appears to us as overplaying has an entirely different purpose to them from the ostensible purpose. Wolf (and others) are constantly pointing this out in different contexts. Our enemies are quite brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m bringing this over from yesterday, since The Gateway Pundit is set to release video today (Friday).

We Got It! TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit! …Update: OH BOY! Our Report WILL SHAKE the Political World!

Excerpts from the article:

As we previously reported, on November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan by over 100,000 votes. The ballot counting in Detroit on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall. 

This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.

At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.

And until now, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.

The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!

The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video. 

We requested two hours of video.

This week we were sent the requested video.

And after our initial review of the TCF security video, we can assure you — We have evidence of illicit and likely criminal activity and we have it on video.

We hope to release our first report of many on Friday.

The part I find *interesting* is that no one bothered to look at this video until now.


It’s been plenty of time to videoshop the vid. Hopefully it isn’t an altered video and hopefully the date & time can be verified as correct.


You are 100% right on!

My Suspicious Cat is also on high alert after I caught some of the Online Gurus – claiming to be conservative and Christians – using Outdated and/or Shopped Images as evidence!


When I’ve got time – I’ll try to point out some of the falsehoods. It will take some time and care.


My default position is to disbelieve everything GWP says.


That’s pretty harsh. Is it justified, though?


Probably not justified. Maybe too harsh. Sometime ago on some “bombshell” I just told myself that this guy wastes my time, and his use of language means he and I have two entirely different understandings of what many words mean.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good timing, too.

I think now that what they’re going to try to do is DISTRACT from their own impeachment, if they think that Trump has a chance of turning things around.

This is interesting – very interesting.


One of the fascinating details from Byrne is how actual human beings conducted surveillance in Antrim county and witnessed vehicles arriving during the early morning hours at the venue where fraud was suspected. This is what led to the famous discovery of 6000 votes being switched from Trump to Biden. I would love to know more details.

Last edited 4 years ago by Tonawanda

Actors – Fake blood and more, in this youtube video called:
Everything Wrong With The Capital Shooting in 21 minutes or less.
You may need to slow it down and watch it again, he goes fast, but points out all the characters and what each one is doing as she gets shot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. I’ve been calling this thing phony as hell from the first analyzed video I watched, and I’m sure this will just throw fuel on the orchestrated dumpster fire.


This video was just posted yesterday, the 4th.

GoogTube will probably delete it.
So I hope it gets posted on Rumble, Bitchute or Gab!


Can I get a splatted link? I’m not showing a still.

Also, you might be interested in


Here’s the link, Coothie…splats don’t disable links sometimes, so I put a space in it:

ht tps://


I actually just got done watching, after searching the entire title. Searching keywords doesn’t do squat. TY. I tried looking at video d/l add-ons to Firefox, but they all want to get their hands in your shorts.


It is, BTW, a lovely take-down of an obviously contrived dramatic presentation.

Gail Combs

Yes it is very good. I watched it at 1/2 speed.

The real tell IS THE BLOOD!

Anyone who has cut an artery KNOWS there is a LOT OF BLOOD.

Also the actions of the ‘Cops’ make the Keystone Cops look good.




WHY DID THE COP STEP IN THE CRIME SCENE? (At that point the cops should NOT have known that the shooting was ‘Justified’ )

Hollywierd scripted by those who know NOTHING of actual police work.

I can not find much on the make-up of SWAT teams since they vary wisely, however given they deal with ‘high risk’ situations a MEDIC or at least someone well trained in first aid would be expected.

h ttps://


someone OT is asking about the black band around her waist as she is being carried past the camera…??


@38:04 – the guy in the red hat sure looks like the DC Vlogger and St. Louis Arch video guy or guys.

St Louis arch video kea brought to Marica’s yesterday –

Video tour of DC made on 2/1/21 that I found and posted here yesterday –

Could be all old white guys with white goatees look alike.

Deplorable Patriot

Last time I was up in the Arch…1980-something. I think.



Street theatre has ALWAYS been an essential part of the leftist show.

Has anyone ever looked into Kent State?


Kent State was a false flag that killed 4 people. It was intended to set up the end of the Vietnam War. The shootings screwed up the whole thing.


The thing never made much sense to me, but I accepted it at face value at the time. It certainly energized a lot of people, and I can still hear the words “four dead in Ohio” from the song, which I now wonder about also.

Gail Combs

They were dead but the Elite did not want people to KNOW WHY. So it was covered up by saying it was a Vietnam WAR Protest when it was actually a protest against the town not allowing WAR VETERANS on the GI Bill to VOTE.

A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ISSUE that would have turned public opinion AGAINST the GOVERNMENT instead of AGAINST the students.


I never knew that, Gail (before my time) – TY!

Makes a lotta sense.


Very interesting!

Gail Combs

STRAIGHT from an eye witness but you will NEVER see that history written.


As I have stated before, I have personal experience with history being erased when inconsistent with The Narrative. It has been going on for a long time.


Artist Robert Smithson created a work at Kent State shortly before it happened. The work was one of his last, completed shortly before his fatal plane crash.


Interesting. I am walking out the door but will look at that later.

Gail Combs

I have a friend who was there. The News stories were ALL WRONG!

The ISSUE was the town NOT ALLOWING VETERANS TO VOTE!!! He was 27, married with two kids. his wife was working and he was going to school on the GI bill. OBVIOUSLY that town was HIS HOME since he was long separated from his parents. His wife was ALLOWED TO VOTE, but this AND OTHER Vietnam Veterans WERE NOT. Remember at the time the voting age was TWENTY-ONE so the town was disenfranchising ADULTS not kids whose primary address was with their parents.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is some food for thought!  😎 



Dave of X22 Report quoted PDJT in The Art of the Deal:

“My philosophy has always been that if you ever catch someone stealing, you have to go after him very hard, even if it costs you ten times more than he stole. Stealing is the worst.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a really good episode.

THIS Q drop is important:


Mar 04, 2019 4:13:05 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 461c8a No. 5505190 
>>5505069 (/pb)

Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the front DOOR?
‘War-like’ Posture Activated?
Thank you for playing.


Voter fraud has just been opened up.


Yes. I considered posting it too, and am glad you did. It does look as if they have opened the door.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, the stuff in that Byrne post:

is explosive. No way can a defamation suit by Dominion or Smartmatic win with affadavits like that.


Yep, another thing guaranteed to get me jumping up and down….

The way this is SUPPOSED to work is that a software thingie (could be a system, could be a component, could be almost anything) has a weakness. It’s registered on the CVE list silently and secretly, but the CVE list serves as a private forum for the affected organization and the weakness discoverer to communicate.

So Joe Blow, security researcher, finds a way to break WordPress. He goes on CVE and gets a number and puts all of his data on there about when he saw it break. Then he tells WP. If WP is nice, they’ll verify the problem and pay him a “bug bounty.”

WP gets to figure out what caused this problem and in the CVE system assign it a “how bad?” score and maybe leak some details (this may be of the form, “versions 1, 3, and 5 are affected — versions 2 & 4 are immune”). All this while the actual problem is not fully disclosed.

WP then can figure out a “patch” and release a fix or new version. Once this is released, the CVE file is opened-up for public access.

Here’s the thing, though……what if you don’t hear about the fix? Then you have a system with a very nicely documented security weakness. And any attackers who watch the CVE database like vultures know about it before you do.

Of the 2,675 weaknesses listed, the great majority have been fixed in the most recent version of WordPress (which our Wolf recently insisted that we update to). So long as we continue to promptly apply patches and upgrades, we should be fine.


Now for the flip side….I checked one of my Linux systems a while back, and it told me that I had in excess of 65,000 “packages”.

[A “package” is a bit of the system that can be individually updated. It can be all the sprawling parts of the Firefox browser, or just a weird little twiddle that manages something obscure.]

The packagers for these packages would be responsible for ensuring that any CVEs applying to the components in the package were addressed promptly. This is the value that the folks at Ubuntu and Debian provide when they maintain “repos” [collections of packages].

Websites run on a “LAMP stack” — which is Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. WordPress engages each part of this stack to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a website. Even if WordPress itself is up-to-date, there is no guarantee that the PHP, MySQL, Apache, and Linux components are up-to-date.

Good WordPress running on a blown Apache is just as insecure as a blown WordPress.

And, again, 65,000 packages…..fortunately, there are automated tools to check for updates and apply them. Some are really good. None are perfect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. Exactly. And most of those are through the plugins, which is why you have to minimize the number of them, and insist on the quality. This is why I used NO plugins at the old site, other than those that WP included for FREE.


I should note that you were using the plugins that were including for free, and not the ones that supplies for free.

And I’m not real stoked on how trustworthy is….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. But it was all on their plate.

And remember – I provide this site “as is”. Like the rest of the internet, it’s a piece of crap, built from pieces of crap, which are built from pieces of crap. All security is meaningless, because all state-level actors have tools that make “security” as civilians see it, utterly meaningless.

People can beg to differ, but they would be wrong. And it’s even worse. We use JetPack, from WokeProgs(dot)com. More ugliness.

Anybody riding this piece of crap rides knowing that the DNC and CCP can do anything it wants to this site. The only reason they don’t, is to keep that secret.


I only read the first paragraph. I’ll go back and read the rest. I think I saw video of his testimony at the time?


Had some time to read this. They map the locations that used the SSL certificate (whatever that is). One location maps to Denver and has “QWEST” in it’s identifier.

Remember AEG, the employer of the the women that landed title to the Nashville bombers properties, and close relationally to various mass casualty events?

Yep, QWest was a telecommunications company founded by AEG founder Philip Anschutz. It’s been defunct since 2011. It was headquartered in Denver.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

INTERESTING. Very much so. AEG is deeply embedded in this mess, and that may very well be one of the orgs that was “bragged up” in the Time article admission of a “conspiracy of common interest” to “get Trump out”.


Excellent points, Grandma! Infiltration can work. Your article reminded me of a factual story that I heard as a young teen from friends of my parents. The couple lived in a mixed rural and suburban community, which tended to be more conservative. They were Republicans, and the wife got involved with the local politics. There was some bureaucrat position she took offense to, and thought it was a waste of taxpayer money. She worked herself (infiltrated) into that position, and managed to to get the position eliminated. She was quite proud of doing that too.


On a completely different subject……


So, when it came down to it, I elected not to flush out the waterlines into a bucket. I figured I could always just take the strainer/aerator out and run stuff out into the sink — that way, I’d only have to connect the water lines once.

I got down on my friend, the thick towel, to save my knees, reached under the sink, and started the water connections to the stopcocks by feel. Using 30″ hoses instead of 20″ hoses was a HUGE improvement — and the hoses being 20 years more supple was also a plus. I then took the changeable cube out of the sink wrench and used it to tighten the hoses further.

After resting a bit, went back and turned on the stopcocks. I turned on the cold, and got air, a cough, then water that was completely brown and opaque. This slowed to a trickle, then stopped. I then turned off the cold and took a swearing break. When I returned, I turned on the hot and got the same result. So I turned it off and started feeling around the strainer/aerator to get it off. There was no obvious way to remove it. So, I took another swearing break, after which I cogitated a bit.

“Why”, I reasoned, “did the hot ever work if the gunk from the cold had completely clogged the strainer?” So, I went back and started turning the water on from the hot and cold taps alternately until they were both running clear…..then continued until they were both running freely. “Remind me never to drink this crud”, I told myself (not for the first time). Should have purged things into a bucket…..why didn’t I think of that?

Having worked through Yet. Another. Crisis. on this project, it was time to start wrapping up. However, in the world that I live in, wrapping up a plumbing project involves laying a leak trap and giving it a day to mess with me. It has now been about five hours, and there have been a couple of drops under the hot side and nothing under the cold — which means I can sleep easy, knowing it won’t flood [You may recall that during the time there were no hoses connected, the basin underneath would catch about 1/2″/day]. Tomorrow, I can assess things further and possibly tighten the hot side just a smidge more (after I determine if it’s on the faucet side or the stopcock side [or, *shudder* if it’s the stopcock]).

Sylvia Avery

Well done, coothie!

Now. I have this toilet where I flush and the handle stays down leaving the valve open and the water running. I have to manually lift the handle to make it stop flushing. Do you make house calls???

Seriously, you have done a wonderful job of making your plumbing job entertaining. I have enjoyed it very much.


A frequent cause of that is when the chain between the flapper and the lever from the handle gets twisted. Take the top off the tank and flush it a couple of times, just watching — there’s a certain rhythm and process to what happens during a flush, and you should be able to see the difference betweeen a good one and one where the flapper gets stuck upwards.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have to link to comments using text like THIS.

Otherwise, the comment part of the URL gets wiped out during creation of the WordPress embed.



I copied it below.


Evidence of election theft…

See Patrick Byrne Chapter 2: CAUI EXORD

…”I am retired from the US Army where I worked as an Air Cavalry Officer, a Psychological Operations Officer, and Information Operations Officer. I specifically conducted Special Technical Operations, analyzed and applied All-Source Intelligence to operational requirements. With a specialized team of military members, I helped author the Joint Urgency of Needs Statement for the CAUI EXORD (Countering Adversary Use of the Internet) and stood up the first two special category cyber-enabled operations under a unique Secretary of Defense authority. “…


Interesting unsourced claim about Chris Miller:

Last edited 4 years ago by marymorse

…”He ignited a Warfighter Senior Integration Group (SIG). Literally :)”…

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

Admiral Rogers on CAUI EXORD:

…”19. Senator PERDUE: Admiral Rogers, to what extent are overly restrictive limitations or the lack of clear policy guidance from the Obama Administration impeding your ability to utilize cyber on the battlefield?

Admiral ROGERS: Cyber has been successfully used on the battlefield in support of and in executing primary military objectives; we are getting better at delivering cyber effects to support our National objectives every day. That said, it is a complex domain that requires a better coordinated whole-of-government approach and allocation of commensurate resources so that the speed at which cyber effects can be delivered meet the timing and tempo required on the battlefield. Currently, outside of existing authorities granted under the Countering Adversary Use of the Internet (CAUI) EXORD, operations that will create a cyber effect must be approved by the President (PPD–20)”…

Must be approved by the PRESIDENT.


DODD 5000.71(D) CE-02
Rapid Fulfillment of Combatant Commander Urgent Operational Needs

Active, Most Current

Organization: DODD

Publication Date: 29 May 2020

Status: Active

Page Count: 14


29 May 2020 is the day George Floyd died.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is from the witness’ stated credentials.

The CAUI EXORD, JUON, Warfighter SIG refers to military protocol/process to instigate and support an action. Military drafts a Statement of Urgency of Need. Warfighter Senior Integration Group provides support for an operational response. Counteracting Adversarial Use of Internet Executive Order requires Presidential approval for certain actions.

My best guess. Please correct me if I’m mistaken. Documents describing this are easily found. Some links provided.


The witness:

…” I helped author the Joint Urgency of Needs Statement for the CAUI EXORD (Countering Adversary Use of the Internet) and stood up the first two special category cyber-enabled operations under a unique Secretary of Defense authority.”…

When did he do that?


Which Urgency of Needs Statement?


What two SPECIAL CATEGORY cyber-enabled operations under a UNIQUE Secretary of Defense authority? And when?


You mean Rudy?


Lol! I understood “passed on” in the other sense. Not gave, but declined to pursue.

But both senses are true, Rudy passed on the stuff Byrne passed on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



From TOP 20 TWEETS –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So Myanmar and China can watch their borders, but we can’t?

What insanity is this? We voted and WON the opposite.


Democrats are crazy and evil.


I very much like that term “assumed the presidency.” That’s exactly what happened.

Gail Combs

I prefer Viceroy installed by Chyna.


The petty tyrants have been creeping up on us.
comment image

Valerie Curren

DJT just posted on gab?

comment image
Matt Couch

The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump has officially made his first post on Gab…

The game has just changed 🙂


That Gab account has been mirroring/reposting PDJT’s tweets since 2016.

I don’t think it is RealPOTUS’s official account.

Valerie Curren

That’s why I put a Question Mark there for there were obviously gabs/tweets from earlier & I couldn’t tell what makes the most recent one get that tweeter’s claim of DJT on gab now…

Thanks for your insightful observations, for I can share stuff that may amount to rumors because there are savvy people here that will catch the baby before tossing that cold bathwater!!! (& I know many people here are Way more qualified than me to pick out the gold flakes from the pan…I get fooled by that pyrite sparkle, don’t you know!)


Andrew Torba archived all of Trump’s tweets before Twitter suspended him.

I don’t think Torba would allow a check mark + a Pro account to be fake – especially Donald Trump’s.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

That’s a really good point, GA/FL.

Because yeah…that acct has the blue checkmark.


I was replying to this part of your comment, which I don’t see now:

I don’t think Torba would allow a check mark + a Pro account to be fake – especially Donald Trump’s.”

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

In the cold light of day – I ain’t as sure and issued an apology. Wheatie, my heart is broken over the mess the Democrats and Republicans have made of our government – even our Supreme court – it’s now a criminal enterprise and a clown circus.


Anyone got the skills to check this out?


Intriguing, but I do not have the bandwidth at present.


I see what they’re talking about, but it’s not clear that that’s what it means.

    (a) In General.--Section 3 of the Presidential Transition Act of 
1963 (3 U.S.C. 102 note) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>>  in the matter preceding 
                paragraph (1), by striking upon request,'' and all 
                that follows through including'' and inserting upon 
                request, to each President-elect, each Vice-President-
                elect, and, for up to 60 days after the date of the 
                inauguration of the President-elect and Vice-President-
                elect, each President and Vice President, for use in 
                connection with the preparations for the assumption of 
                official duties as President or Vice President necessary 
                services and facilities, including''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) by inserting , or an employee of a 
                      committee of either House of Congress, a joint 
                      committee of the Congress, or an individual Member 
                      of Congress,'' after any branch of the 
                      Government''; and
                          (ii) by inserting , or in the case of an 
                      employee in a position in the legislative branch, 
                      with the consent of the supervising Member of 
                      Congress'' after with the consent of the head of 
                      the agency'';
            (2) by striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:

    (b) The Administrator shall expend funds for the provision of 
services and facilities under this section--
            (1) <<NOTE: Time period.>>  in connection with any 
        obligation incurred by the President-elect or Vice-President-
        elect, or after the inauguration of the President-elect as 
        President and the inauguration of the Vice-President-elect as 
        Vice President incurred by the President or Vice President, 
        during the period--
                    (A) beginning on the day after the date of the 
                general elections held to determine the electors of the 
                President and Vice President under section 1 or 2 of 
                title 3, United States Code; and

[[Page 134 STAT. 139]]

                    (B) ending on the date that is 60 days after the 
                date of such inauguration; and
Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

On its face, it makes zero sense.

Betting, another rabbit hole.


Thanks, Kalbo K

Valerie Curren

Freedom from tyranny, boardwalk & beach edition 🙂

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Oh Thank you for another rousing Friday Wolf’s Pub edition of the Q-Tree. I literally ordered up The Art of War from my library the other day!!!

Valerie Curren

Excellent then you can re-read & mark up & highlight to your heart’s content!!!


I love it, too, but am appalled that this is happening in America.

Gail Combs

Most people are FOLLOWERS.

Same goes for any ‘herd’ mammal. If EVERYONE had an ALPHA MALE personality, we would not have civilization. You get maybe one out of ten to one out of a hundred who are TRUE LEADERS. (I never could find any true estimate.) AND the Globalist Elite are busy killing those off via all of the wars.

So do not be upset that “… so many go along to get along” because it ALSO MEANS when the ‘Script’ is flip you will find a heck of a lot of the population is FOR POTUS and HIS AMERICA FIRST POLICIES.


Total number of Registered voters is 213+ million. That includes all the multiple registrations for the same person and all the illegals and dead people.

“…66.7 percent of the eligible voting population in the United States voted in the 2020 presidential election…” = 142+ million voted.

If POTUS got over 100 million of the votes, that means more than TWO THIRDS of the USA supports him already. HOWEVER they have jobs and families to feed. so many have to be careful about voicing support.

Of course that means Project Veritas has LOTS of potential spies.  😋 


𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Not even close!


From Gab.

At the 1:30 mark, there is a Soros quote from at least 3 years ago, at Davos when PTrump had gone there:

“The 2020 U.S. election will determine the fate of the whole world.”
~ George Soros

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


He was right.



That didn’t show so well so here’s a C/P

Lin Wood
Observation: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney’s Michigan election case, and my Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

There are no coincidences.

Who knows what they will do? We shall see. Be patient.

I do know this: (1) We are still a nation of laws and the buck stops with the United States Supreme Court; (2) Laws on federal elections conducted by a state can ONLY be set by the state legislature (not the Secretary of State in a consent agreement with the Democratic Party, Brad Raffensperger); and (3) the biggie (under existing federal law) – the ONLY votes in a Presidential election that can be lawfully counted are the ballots cast ON Election Day (you cannot open absentee ballots early, Brad – GA state law passed by legislature ONLY allows absentee ballots to be opened ON Election Day).

I have believed in the rule of law for 43 years. I hope that after the final decisions are made in the 3 cases above, my belief will be vindicated.

February promises to be a very interesting month.



“I do know this: (1) We are still a nation of laws and the buck stops with the United States Supreme Court;”



I love you Lucy, but I’m not playing that game anymore.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree completely. ZERO hopium smoked here.

SCOFFLAW SCOTUS will double, triple, quadruple down on their LIES.

They will cover up their DERELICTION OF DUTY with more lies.

And oh, yeah, just for the record.

(1) Joe Biden didn’t win.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Although it would be funny to see them TRY – desperately TRY – to walk back all their crimes NOW, at the last minute.

“Oh, Mr. Wolf, we’re sorry we didn’t listen to that case when we could have prevented all this.”

Yeah. Enjoy your future. You condemned us. You get the future you chose. Whatever happens, eventually, to all these people, it will be the future they deserved.

They all conspired to lie about Trump. They all pretended he didn’t win. And NOW they get the future they deserve.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s sad, but they chose the Biden Lie. Now the lie with it.


Well, that is true. We know it, they know it, the whole world knows it. Right now it appears that the world is down the drain.

POTUS45 knew this – he said in December, 2020, “I just want to stop the world from killing itself.”

Maybe there is still an answer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time is running out. Biden has some “We’re allies with China” speech today.



Pravda Propaganda.


Yes I have just read two other pieces from the globalist side, the same story, admitting they stole the election but attempting to twist it into a virtuous thing in claiming they “saved” the country.
Why would they publish stuff like that? I see it as laying the foundations for an attempted defense, they know it’s not over.
Forewarned is forearmed.

Last edited 4 years ago by RAC

They have been pompously, arrogantly acting on “saving” the country from PDJT since before he became PDJT. It certainly won’t wash now, especially with more people waking up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this means that THEY THINK THEY GOT AWAY CLEAN.

That’s really something. They’re GLOATING.


they’re marginalizing

Sylvia Avery

Awesome, grandmaintexas!
Sip on your Singapore Sling, or take
a nip from the flask in your Coach bag,
if that’s what it takes, but
we can’t ignore realpolitik.

Why the hell should
we yield a political party to those corrupt
scumbuckets??? Let’s rip in from their greedy
grasping claws and make it ours!


Thank you, Syl…totally agree.
 😌  👍 

A third party would be gift to the forces of darkness right now, because it would split the conservative vote.
And that’s IF we could even get it on the Ballot in every state.

We have to do a hostile takeover of the R-party.

It has actually already happened, I think.

That’s why the odious RINO squishes have gotten in league with the Demoncrats to fight us.
The RINOs see the millions of Trump voters and are freaking out about it.

And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

Sylvia Avery

I know it isn’t a real popular notion and it is DEFINITELY not emotionally satisfying. But I say we kick every Liz Cheney wannabe in the behind and keep kicking until they are out of the party. Fill it up with MAGA peeps.


Hear, here!


You don’t think that would be emotionally satisfying? 😉

Sylvia Avery

Right now, the mood I’m in, if their is ass kicking involved I find that very satisfying! But I need to be sure I’m kicking the right asses, LOL!


Liz Cheney wannabe in the behind and keep kicking until they are out of the party.

Didn’t “we” just try that?
How did it work out?


No, that was GOPe congresscritters failing to do it. (Many of whom may have owed their primary and general election victories to Scorecard.)


In case you all missed it last night.


I think we all kicked these creeps to the curb a long time ago. What’s left?
Maybe a car will break down in their drive thru window today.
I think they’d help out and call a tow truck if they knew there was no cell phone with the car. Yeah, but the car would likely restart when the tow truck showed up. Those things have been known to happen.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I’m an extremely strong supporter of Donald J. Trump, Martin Luther King, Jr., and a bunch of dead white guys and dead Indians. I’m a political extremist! OH, NOES!!!!


The 11 Republicans voting with Democrats to remove Rep. Greene from her committee assignments:

– Kim (CA)

– Kinzinger (IL)

– Malliotakis (NY)

– Jacobs (NY)

– Smith (NJ)

– Fitzpatrick (PA)

– Upton (MI)

– Diaz-Balart (FL)

– Salazar (FL)

– Gimenez (FL)

– Katko (NY)

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 5, 2021

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinzinger has ISIS-murder blood on his hands. And he wants to lecture us about political extremism?


McShame, Kintzinger,….. AND…. Ms. Lindseed Gramnesty!


MTG’s response to losing her committee seats…”Dems are helping me”…
she’s got a plan…
“I’m going to push the party to the right of which is where they need to be. And hold these people accountable and help people all over the country hold them accountable. Because that’s what needs to happen,” she said.
“They need to deliver. The Republicans have been promising a lot of things for a long time, and they haven’t delivered. And, you know, we’re at $28 trillion in debt. Now, we have Joe Biden in the White House and Nancy Pelosi at 80 million years old as speaker, and we’ve got a Senate that we don’t control anymore, with, you know, Mr. Big Turtle in charge up there just just losing gracefully, losing gracefully. And everybody’s trying to bend over backwards in unity to Joe Biden, who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on whatsoever. And the world is upside down, and it shouldn’t be. There’s no reason for America to be losing, but we’re losing because Republicans will not fight,” said Greene.
“I’m going to hammer that message and make sure that the American people’s voices are heard. So I’ll be a very loud, vocal voice, and I’ll take it all over the country. And I’ll visit, and I’ll go all over my district and talk to people as much as I possibly can. So then, it’s giving me more time, and it’s really gonna come back to bite them,” she added.

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: “Nancy Pelosi at 80 million years old…”


Love it!

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a treasure!


she is!
there’s an opinion piece about her and why the left hates her…she tells us in a speech to put on the armor of God and fight…it’s a great speech…and it scares them all

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



She really is 80, LOL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

80 myo puts Pelosi in the Cretinaceous Period with T. rex!


Between Speaker D’Alessandro and T. Rex, which is scarier?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Somebody” would have those puny DINO arms flailing helplessly at the edge of the quicksand before you can say “impeachment”!!! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



An old Barney Miller clip raises the question: Who’s the crazy one now?

— we would, and still do, laugh at the character Jeffrey Tambor played, but the hidden truth in the message, we understand now.


Great clip! 👍 

Yes…this is what [They] do.

[They] put the 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 out there — but they frame it as though it is ‘crazy conspiracy theory’ and show people ridiculing it.

That way, when we hear it again we are pre-programmed to dismiss it.
It’s diabolical.

[They] have been doing this to us for decades.

These people are evil.

And…ᴊᴏᴇ ʙɪᴅᴇɴ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴡɪɴ.


I see your point. Make sure the well is poisoned prior to anyone drinking from it.


Wow, it’s like the bits out of the Simpsons that appear to come true.


so Homer Simpson is “Q”?






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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Oh, that’s beautiful!


Nice we can ID the twerp, and Christine nails it as this did not work. Wasn’t what he was talking about (election fraud) when he was shut out. Didn’t even come close.



I LOVE my Gov…

but what’s “mother-in-law appeal”…?

Ron DeSantis has lots & lots of appeal.


what about fathers-in-law ?

Gail Combs

what’s “mother-in-law appeal”…?

MiL are KNOWN for being Very hostile to any one who would marry their baby. So a person that is approved by a MiL has the highest stamp of approval.


It astounds me that whenever PT issued an EO, they were immediately challenged by whatever wingnut obama loving judge they could find.

joho has issued 40+ and NOT ONE Republican poli in or from any state has bothered to sue?

I read last week that some state AGs were talking about doing that but not yet…..

WTH is wrong with these elected asshats?


“WTH is wrong with these elected asshats?”

They are owned lock, stock, and barrel by china. they are doing what the infiltrators tell them to do. its really that simple.


Judiciary Democrats Appear To Make Fun Of Gaetz’s Request To Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Hearings On Hot Mic


because they don’t know the words


Yes, you can trust anyone who wants to be a marine these days…..

10 pounds of explosives missing from California Marine base

Marine Corps officials said Thursday about 10 pounds of explosives have gone
missing from Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif.

ABC 10 News in San Diego and the Marine Corps Times reported that officials were seeking several pounds of Composition C-4, a high-powered manufactured explosive, which disappeared during a long training exercise two weeks ago

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Oh, noes, now we have to find all the political extremists quickly, VERY QUICKLY, OH NOES!!!”


FF in the making?

Last edited 4 years ago by Tonawanda

First thing that came to my mind.




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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morning duchess!
we’re getting more snow this morning…sigh…
how long till spring?
have a safe and Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! The wind is shifting – no doubt in preparation for more snow over the weekend – cannot complain – we have had it easy thus far – concerned about March and the ice, tho’

Spring? Phil says (6) more weeks of winter – so am thinking about the middle of March – unfortunately, Spring does not arrive here until the end of April – so I do not pay much attention to Phil – can still see us wearing coats to Easter Sunday Service – but, hopefully without masks!!!

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


Hugs back to you!!!

seeing peeks of sunshine and blue skies…hoping they stay all day…


* Received and Appreciated *

It was a gorgeous day here yesterday – the animals were acting like it was Spring – enjoying themselves in the warmth and sunshine – it was great to see.

Enjoy the sunshine – hopefully, it will remain – at least for a little while.

Angels Smiling Bigly!!!


we were surprised to see deer tracks straight across the pond. it’s frozen for sure, but usually they are wary of it anyway and yesterday it was nearly 40 here…
sigh…if one cracks the ice and falls thru, there might not be a lot we can do about it…we’ll keep watch tho.


Oh, My!!! That would be an awful development – I wonder if they test, first – how they would know instinctively to avoid – maybe, the birds will warn them.

Sending ‘Protective Angels’ for the dear deer!!!


i appreciate those Angels!!
they must listen…because there are many times the tracks go a little ways out, then retreat…


Good – so maybe, there is an instinct to avoid – Angels are God’s Gift to us to help us on our way – I hate to see them sitting around doing nothing – so I send them out every chance I get – 🙂


Dinner on ice.




Good morning to you all! we had a light dusting of snow and it melted and the sun came out briefly then the drizzle started lol. just a normal winter day here. hope everyone is well and happy, warm and tummies full.
Paul tells us to be content in all circumstances we find ourselves, I am striving to do just that! May we all find peace of the Lord in our hearts this day!


morning suzy!!


Mornin Pat!. Sitting here laughing ,watching Hee Haw. 😛  hubby just found it on Roku. talk about an oldie. my parents watched Hee Haw every week. its much better then watching the local weatherman get the weather wrong yet again. I tell hubby just look out the window for real time weather !lol


you need to make him a weather rock…LOL

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LMAO! love it


freakin’ weasels!!!!!!!!!!
like amazon isn’t making enough money–they are stealing tips from drivers…$62 MILLION

“Rather than passing along 100 percent of customers’ tips to drivers, as it had promised to do, Amazon used the money itself,” said Daniel Kaufman, the acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

Drivers in the “Flex” program were told they could make $18-$25 an hour for their services, and that they would “pass to you 100% of tips you earn.” Amazon also told customers that “100% of your tips are passed on to your courier.”
But Amazon quietly enabled a new algorithm that would change how much a driver earned by counting the tips toward the driver’s wages. While the drivers thought they’d be getting $18-$25 an hour plus tips, Amazon would dock their pay depending on what a tip was.
Say you worked an hour and earned $18. If you had no tips, Amazon would pay the $18. If you got $7 in tips, however, Amazon would subtract that and only pay you $11 from their coffers, technically giving you $18 in the shadiest way possible.


Amazon is evil.

They have been a predator on our country from the get-go.
Their predatory practices put countless mom & pop businesses out of business.

They lured people in with lower prices and the lie of “free shipping”.
There is no such thing as ‘free shipping’…it is added into the price you pay, so you are still paying for shipping.

Their low prices are still unaffordable to people who don’t have a job.
And Amazon has killed hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Amazon is evil.


it is!
and the “pandemic” killed 2 day shipping you got with your prime membership…
what a joke–all for corporate money at the expense of little guys…


I’m not sure who suggested it here, but someone suggested going to the product’s own website instead of purchasing from amazon. i did that and was surprised the price was cheaper than amazon (they were having a sale) and the company offered a reward program for loyal customers which will make the savings in the future even greater. because i bought several of the item, i qualified for free shipping and it arrived within a week…i can live with that!
so whoever suggested that…A BIG THANK YOU!!!


Yes…you can usually find whatever Amazon has, somewhere else.

I refuse to use Amazon, even if I have to pay more.


Wheatie, hope not to seem too high and mighty, but I truly am astonished when people on our side say they use Amazon, Facebook or Google. There are alternatives.


Yes, Tona…a lot of alternatives.


I recently wanted handles and knobs and called the manufacturer himself. He was an extremely pleasant man (North Carolina). He said he was trying to improve direct sales, but Amazon was necessary to stay alive. But he loved that people dealt directly.

I did the same thing for hinges and have a very nice, personal phone relationship with the company itself, trying to figure out what can replace the old hinges (harder than I thought, which is why it is so nice to deal direct).


Oh My!


Excellent post. As is obvious from many past posts and my own work, I 100% agree and have been doing this already for the last 4 yrs. Really great to see the tone and approach change here with this great post! Encouraging and energizing to read first thing in the morning!

Does this mean that if I agree and encourage the exact same thing as described in this post I am no longer a “shill”, a Chinese Spy, etc?  😂 

In all seriousness, this is exactly what many of the MAGA voters have done over the last 4 yrs. The primaries of ’10, 1’2 & ’14 woke us up and we got involved by or during the ’16 primary and never looked back, using the Trump Admin years to build the participation of Trump suppoters/MAGA voters and now we see them across the country standing up to the GOPe.

Abandoning the GOP to the GOPe would only be forfeiting the game to the Uniparty and they would be Delighted to see us all go. Nope! Not going to happen. We stay and fight (politically) for our conservative party.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

I very well could be wrong, and I say this respectfully, but the reaction might have been more to the presentation than anything else. Mine was. Timing and tone matter a lot, and for those it is important to understand where the audience is at.


Shrug … reactions are on the reader and say more about those reacting than those sharing the info.

Time to fight (politically), not time to wait around for people to work through their feelings and emotions, calm down, and be emotionally ready to proceed.

No excuse to attack someone who brings truth that everyone is accepting today without cursing and fbombs and calling the author a chinese spy and a shill. If people needed time, ok … NEVER occurred to me to “need time” to adjust to reality and get to work.

What a toddlerish fit some throw! Plus, just ugly and very, Very silly!
(Chinese spy!  😂  Shill!  😂  😂  😂 )

I spoke truth … up to the readers to be ready to handle it or not.

Do I have time to post “get involved with local GOP and make a difference” with a bunch of pictures and ninja references and drink recipes? No.

Glad someone else does as it is a Great post and seems to work for those who needed time to process their feelings and adjust to the reality of what needs to be done going forward.

Should grown adults need pictures and stories to deal with reality of what we need to do next?  🙄 

Same thing I said 4 weeks ago … could be 4 weeks ahead if some didn’t need “timing”. Glad the rest caught up and are now emotionally ready to get busy against the GOPe in our local and state GOPs.


You just made my point.


Since I can’t believe what I see from someone supposedly on our side, I am pausing to speak up.

Do I have time to post “get involved with local GOP and make a difference” with a bunch of pictures and ninja references and drink recipes? No. 

Glad someone else does as it is a Great post and seems to work for those who needed time to process their feelings and adjust to the reality of what needs to be done going forward. 

Should grown adults need pictures and stories to deal with reality of what we need to do next?   🙄 

This is exactly why you get “fits” from people. I highly doubt you are so unself-aware that you can’t see how that comes across as throwing people under the bus, disguised behind the words “glad” and “great post.” You made a not-so-subtle jab at the author of this post, at people who need time to regroup, and at everyone here. A leader doesn’t undermine people and blame them, indirectly or subtly. There is no reason to say what you said here. None.

Notice that I am not calling you names, and I am not throwing a fit. I am saying straight up that I’m heartily sick of the jabs at, and judgment of, people here whom you know next to nothing about — as well as the superior attitude.

Same thing I said 4 weeks ago … could be 4 weeks ahead if some didn’t need “timing”. Glad the rest caught up and are now emotionally ready to get busy against the GOPe in our local and state GOPs.

So people had to “catch up” with you because they were emotional? Insulting people while exalting yourself is not the way to persuade.

I spoke truth … up to the readers to be ready to handle it or not.

I speak truth, and I will continue to do so. Handling it is up to you.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Maybe we do need re-education camps. Run by Dale Carnegie.



Agreed. Look back at when I posted the exact same thing 4 weeks ago (to get involved in the local GOP) and see the unpeople skilled (also unkined and unChristian) comments that included explosive anger, cursing, fbombs, all caps, bold, accusations and smears of me (Chinese spy and paid shill, etc.).

Not people skilled and not very nice … and now here they are posting the same thing with bar drink recipes, pictures and stories and were received with calm acceptence.


And I suppose their mothers wear army boots, too?


I am sorry but I don’t get the reference/question.

I am merely saying how many reacted to when I posted that we should work within the GOP to win the GOP for the MAGA wing of the party (which is much bigger than the GOPe/RINO wing).

I don’t judge them or hold a grudge. water off a duck’s back. strangers on the internet. but its how they reacted nontheless. Including this blog post’s author.

When I commented the RNC elections in Jan. were a good outcome for MAGA GOP as they were the people President Trump endorsed I was accused of being GOPe. What? For posting that the RNC elected President Trump’s endorsed candidates? How does that even make sense? Wild accusation/smear at best.

Reply to MAGA Mom
January 10, 2021 21:30

Got your angle now, girl.

6 (up votes/likes)


The author of the post was nasty to me for saying exactly what she said in this post.

Glad she wrote the post in a way that works for most people. Not a lie or a jab. Truly excellent, well written and creative.

Ironic that it was written and so well accepted mere weeks after I said the same message and meltdowns occurred.

Shrug … Whatever works … same goal – to MAGA.

some people need time, some people need stories, pictures and bar recipes to get a simple message. Glad there are those who have the skill to reach such people.

Handling it is up to me … true … and I handle it by reading and not an ounce of anger nor upset nor calling you names nor calling you a shill nor cursing nor fbombs nor calling you a chinese spy … etc.

Just read, think, comment, agree or disagree, post responses, discuss, etc. No fits or emotional reactions.

Glad they caught up … how is that incorrect? I said same thing 4 weeks ago and received a very negative reaction. Now, what I said 4 weeks ago is being posted and the commenters are accepting it. How does that not mean they are now in the same place I was 4 weeks ago? ie caught up to where I was 4 weeks ago? Is this wrong? Or just so obvious that I oughtn’t say it?

Were they not explosively emotional 4 weeks ago? Was the use of bold, of all caps, of multiple explanation marks, of name calling, of cursing, of fbombs, of exagerated statements, dreaming up conspiracy theories to explain why I was encouraging others to get involved in their local GOP (that I was posting from China and/or a Chinese spy and/or that I was a paid “shill”, for some examples) as well as their Own statements concernging their admitted emotional states (anger being the most dominate) not proof positive that people were emotional 4 weeks ago?

How is that statement wrong of me to say that commenters were emotional and have now calmed down, thought about it logically, made a plan and are now in the same place I was 4 weeks ago?

Is it true but just not to be said outloud now that they have processed and moved on?


I say this with sincerity and respect. You keep missing the point.

Try to formulate it this way. Just as an experiment, just for the sake of argument, if things here were your “fault,” why would you say that was true? What is it about your approach would cause people to react the way they did?

I am not saying it is your “fault.” I am just saying, try to imagine it was your “fault,” and why.

Or put it another way: can you repeat back what people are trying to tell you?


Glad they caught up … how is that incorrect?

I didn’t say anything about correctness or incorrectness. I was very clear in saying that your words appear to throw people under the bus, that the words can come across as blaming, and they appear to exalt yourself at the expense of others. Rather than drawing people in, that turns people off.

The theme of your posts is that the way forward is to do exactly what you do, because you know best, and you know the only way, and those who haven’t “seen” it yet are behind you. In other words, they are inferior and you are superior.

How is that statement wrong of me to say that commenters were emotional and have now calmed down, thought about it logically, made a plan and are now in the same place I was 4 weeks ago?

I don’t know that people “are now in the same place you were 4 weeks ago.” The fact that that seems to be the only filter through which you view things is part of the issue here.

Is it true but just not to be said outloud now that they have processed and moved on?

People almost always process and move on after these kinds of events. What you appear to be saying is, “Look at me; I didn’t need that time. I knew all along what was best, and now the little people can finally see it my way and know that I was right.” That is why people react to you the way they do. And your only response to that, instead of showing some self-reflection, is to cheerfully note how unemotional you are and how far ahead of everyone else you are.

There is no “catching up” to you. Do you understand that? These are very nuanced issues, with multi-pronged approaches. Not everyone is suited to do what you do, and that doesn’t make them inferior. A post like this one, complete with pictures and “recipes,” is useful in many ways that you apparently can’t see. Your undermining people’s “need” for it makes me wonder if you can see the value in this site altogether, since it has multiple such posts and approaches. But you appear to look upon people here as having to be spoon-fed so they can catch up to your superior ways. And if that’s not the way you really feel, then you could monitor the things you say and reflect on how they might be vviewed by others.

Wolf has said his policy is not to criticize other patriots, and I respect that. At the same time, I see a great deal of criticism of other patriots and their efforts in your posts. It’s done with cheerful, backhanded compliments and an attitude of superiority that undermines the very movement you claim to be so supportive of.

Whatever work you’re doing, great. However, that work is not the only way forward; many don’t trust the people who foster it; the organization(s) you work with have stabbed us (and Pres. Trump) in the back multiple times; and just because people are saying we should not form a third party does not mean they believe the RNC, as structured and composed, is the way to go right now. So no, some people have not come around to your way of thinking, nor have they “caught up” with you. Their approaches might be similar to yours in some ways and different in others.

You say people were…

dreaming up conspiracy theories to explain why I was encouraging others to get involved in their local GOP (that I was posting from China and/or a Chinese spy and/or that I was a paid “shill”, for some examples)

Have you considered how some of your posts might be viewed by others? And have you done that without blaming them, but by looking solely at yourself and your contribution to it? Tonawanda’s post is excellent, and I recommend it.


Another thought about your being accused of posting as a spy or some such.

Some things you say raise red flags. This site has a general consensus of what happened and why, and a general point of view about things moving forward. “Joe Biden didn’t win” is not only the truth, but it is vital for everyone to keep imprinting that into the consciousness of America. It is a rallying cry for our side. Yet you asserted that he DID win, if only by cheating, and that we must change the way we talk about that.

I can’t express in strong enough terms how offensive it is for people to say Joe Biden won, even with a caveat attached. I will not do it. To me, watering down the phrase is exactly what the Left and the media want us to do. It is the first step to acceptance and moving on within the party structure. It’s back to the status quo, allowing the country to be stolen while we look toward the next primary. It is letting the Left get away with murder.

Many people here feel this way, and yet, instead of recognizing that and realizing the reasons and what we are accomplishing and hope to accomplish by saying “JBDW,” you tried to change it. It makes people suspicious.


I know I’m stating the obvious, and I’ve read the Sun Tzu quote in Gran’s opening paragraph a couple dozen times, but it hit like a rake hitting Sideshow Bob (Krusty’s side kick clown friend in the Simpsons) in the face….

The CCP (go figure) have played that out on the brink of victory. Basically laying the groundwork to take over the US (literally as we have come to learn recently) without firing a shot.

..and there is the rub with the difficult task PDJT and Team has had to over come, his Sun Tzu 4D chess match to this point has been fought on the defensive, with one arm tied behind his back….Not to mention its a 3 front war (CCP, Global Cabal, Internal DS) all at various stages of battle…. yes they are all related and intertwined but each has its own strategy for victory.

Ok, maybe I just need to write that out…..This ends the Qtree for Dummies tutorial 😉

Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce
Deplorable Patriot

Not to mention its a 3 front war (CCP, Global Cabal, Internal DS) all at various stages of battle

Plus, the war is global, not just here in the US. Yeah, the election mess has to be straightened out, but in order for PDJT to really make a move, he had to shed the swamp guardians.

The only thing that is certain at this point, IMO, is that the show is going on, and whatever is REALLY happening we won’t know until it is all over.

The cone of silence is real. Frustrating for people used to being spoonfed “news,” but real.




Haaa…I love this one:

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I don’t know if it was photoshopped or not — and don’t even care.
It’s hilarious!


I liked it too!!!

Gail Combs

I had to show that one to Hubby!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red Jen is a good name for a dog!


Red Rover



Gail Combs

No Dog Bitch deserves that name, but people bitches on the other hand…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Raggedy Jen is pretty brutal – and I love it! 😉


Red Hen Jen

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Turns out that picture is from a different protest in the Wisconsin Capitol, yes, by Democrats….


There WERE Kavanaugh protests in the capitol with arrests by the CHP, not by the FBI.



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Busted Tweet (looks like she deleted it):

The entire hallway is in tears. We are at a moment in history where women have to repeat their trauma to the masses to literally beg Senators to vote with moral clarity. #StopKavanaugh #BelieveSurvivors #BeAHero
— Helen Brosnan (@HelenBrosnan) September 24, 2018

Surviving Tweet:



thanks…I never would have known


Off-road, off-grid: the modern nomads wandering America’s back country

“If the Great Recession was a crack in the system, Covid and climate change will be the chasm,” says Bob Wells, 65, the nomad who plays himself in the film Nomadland, an early Oscar contender starring Frances McDormand. Bob helped April to adopt the nomad way of life and change her life in the process.

Today, he lives exclusively on public lands in his GMC Savana fitted with 400 watts of solar power and a 12-volt refrigerator. His life mission is to promote nomadic tribalism in a car, van or RV as a way to prevent homelessness and live more sustainably.

— I think they should be labeled Fauchi Effect.


Who is Fauchi, Henry? I heard he was a total FRAUD!!!



 😝  Gag!

They’re trying to make Creepy Joe look hip & cool.
What a crock!


He can barely walk, let alone pull off a ‘swagger’!

And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


they say swagger…I say STAGGER


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Oh, Lord, Smiley – Another one for the trash bin!!!

Gail Combs

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Wheatie: it appears they keep trying to make him appear ‘normal’ – which he is not

Just goes to show you – nobody knows which one is ‘joe schmo’ – ‘Where’s Joe?’

Will the real ‘Joe’ please stand up – Remember this program?


HTH can you swagger when you need a hurri_ cane, walker and a hover round?


is this satire ?

it has to be satire, right ?

Biden singing it’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood, Mr Rogers

and he “thinks” he’s singin about Roy.

yee haw🎶🙌

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

wait…wut ?
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UGH, Smiley!!! I thought I had erased any semblance of prior crooks from may memory – while I realize there are current crooks – but, O?

I will never be able to see him as normal – cause he is evil to the core – just recently I saw a picture of him dressed in evil regalia – that was bad enough – but, this makes him appear human – which he will never be to me – and that goes for his ‘drag queen’ ‘wife’ as well.

Remember – satan can appear as an ‘angel of light’, too!!!


I don’t think his legs have that much flesh on them.


I won’t be watching but I certainly hope Gooddell lets them do the halftime show and have access to the stadium and broadcast speakers.

Goodell is the worst thing that has ever happened to the NFL.

Woke Protesters Going To Super Bowl To Demonstrate Against KC Chiefs’ Name


yeah nfl is dead to us too…


Oh. OH. Guessing KC Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl?

NFL is rightfully D E A D to me. Died nearly ten years ago in my home. 100% DNR.

Along with NBA, MLB…


Charles Goodell is all you need to know. His spawn were born to the inner sanctum.


february 4, 2021 the marshall report

With all the positive excitement of attending a Trump Event to have their voices heard, in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, Trump supporters filled the designated space to listen to their President. He was late getting started and went a little longer than expected and all of the people waiting for instructions on where to go next, of which the President told them all to follow the secret service to the Capitol Building, and he would meet them over there and tell them all the list of proof he had pertaining to voter fraud. That was the plan. So as the people followed behind the secret service they heard some “booms” and sirens, and noticed emergency vehicles headed toward the capitol. 


Just read this. I wondered about POTUS telling everyone to go home in peace, now i think that was why.


I also think he KNEW what the Dims were gonna do, too, SuzyQ!!! He tried to avoid MAGA being blamed – but, they contorted it just fine anyway.


That’s a convincing argument.
What are the booms that are mentioned I haven’t seen anything about that previously.


Dunno, RAC – but, I have a feeling we are going to see and hear many BOOMS this month!!!



I took a little time to read the comments to that tweet and story about the store…
OMG! leftists are ASSHOLES…cannot say it enough.
they assume the store is only just doing this—when another tweeter says this has been like this since forever, he is ignored. so there is no super-spreader bs happening there. but a lot of hateful people hoping they all die at the store–their insurance should FORCE them to mask up or take their property…calling out the store because there’s only WHITE people in the video–therefore they all should die–be denied vaccines if they want them, be denied healthcare if they need it…Florida should be walled off from the rest of the country…and on and on…
they are selfish, the left screams…but when confronted with if it SCARES YOU, you could wear a mask in there…SILENCE…
YOU have to conform, because I AM SCARED…is their attitude.


^^^ BEST news of the day!

Maybe goofs in NY, NJ and CT will be too skeered to move to Florida.


Great one Kal!


Appreciate these Memes, Pat!!! Cannot read anything having to do with anyone in that illegitimate administration – however – many a truth is said in jest!!!


he’s right…

Ron Paul Issues Urgent Message To Libertarians About Biden’s War On The Constitution

article link…

“…take it seriously…”

yours truly is a Libertarian, but reg’d as Republican for President Donald J Trump and Gov DeSantis



Ron Paul’s National Blog


Campaign For Liberty…Restore & Reclaim the Republic and The Constitution




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And…Jᴏᴇ Bɪᴅᴇɴ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴡɪɴ.


““Persons who are vomiting should remove the mask until vomiting ceases,” the order states.”

Deplorable Patriot

Good Lord.

I have a purchase that I need to make, but really don’t want to have to mask up to go into that particular store as the new product smells are nauseating as it is.


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And…JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.


DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
water (thank God) sprayed all over the keyboard…
GOOD ONE WHEATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so gross


  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_shutmouth: 


from gab
Andrew Torba


This is releasing on Gab TV shortly.


‘It’s the most important movie in history’: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell will release a three-hour FILM called ‘Absolute Proof’ Friday claiming Chinese cyber attack stole the election from Trump


The “utility” of “smart” phones keeps growing (/s) …

Anon: “The new heart attack gun”


“Cardiologists at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit say they discovered that the iPhone 12 has the ability to deactivate implantable cardiac devices when held too close to a person’s chest.

Apple’s iPhone 12 series features a strong magnet to help maximize charging, which can cause issues with cardiac devices, according to a press release from Henry Ford.

The health system says the phone’s magnet can turn off heart defibrillators and can cause a pacemaker to deliver electrical impulses that could drive heartbeats out of sync.

More than 300,000 people in the U.S. get one of these devices implanted every year, according to Henry Ford.

When we brought the iPhone close to the patient’s chest the defibrillator was deactivated,” said Dr. Gurjit Singh, Henry Ford Heart & Vascular Institute cardiologist, in a press release. “We saw on the external defibrillator programmer that the functions of the device were suspended and remained suspended. When we took the phone away from the patient’s chest, the defibrillator immediately returned to its normal function.””


I’ll bet Apple 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜.

How could they not know?

And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


I wonder what the count is, in re the ways in which WE THE PEOPLE have been harmed through the years.

I’m reminded of that evil summary (~2-3 pages, IIRC) of their plots and plans, laid out years ago, to accomplish their infernal mission …

Deplorable Patriot

This is not good.


Our technology has FAR outpaced our ethics about its use.

I remember some sci-fi movies / shows that pointed this out – like the Star Trek episode with Ricardo Montalban.

“How little MAN has changed!” is the quote I remember his character saying, when reflecting on tech advances compared to our species’ growth (lack thereof).


Here’s the scene (if it posts!) –


Sorry – THIS is the scene containing the quote (I missed the word “himself”), although the first clip touches on the subject as well:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Andrew Weissmann in Space!



I noticed that as well.

Improving oneself isn’t, in itself, a bad thing – but when the only measures are “mentally, physically” (omitting spiritually / morally), then one sides with evil.

Although Nichelle Nichols rightly said that Gene Roddenberry was creating “morality plays”, still the “utopia” presented by the series (in all iterations) is decidedly communist.

I’m also reminded of the movie “The Devil’s Advocate”, in which Pacino (the Devil) proclaims “I’m a humanist!”

A similar theme is presented in “The Witches of Eastwick”, in which Nicholson (the Devil) proposes building up his “immune system” (self-glorification) to counter women in general, and the three witches in specific.

In all three examples, ethics / morals / spirituality is omitted.

On *purpose*, IMO.

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

Weisman wishes he had some of that fine corithian leather….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I could never watch Montalban and not remember that line!!!

He was born for that Khan role. I am so glad he got the part in the movie. Same with the last few parts that Martin Landau got, or Leslie Nielsen. It’s great when character actors finally get their perfect parts and shine like stars. That’s the good side of Hollywood.


Not unthinkable, Emstar! Remember, they are 20 years ahead of us technologically.


I think we should start counting in dog-years, Duchess!

Multiply by seven … because that is what it’ll feel like!

There is SO much tech that’s been withheld from us (and, used AGAINST us!).


Amen goes right there, Emstar!!!


has Rodney been spotted lately?
I know he has a birthday coming up and I wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Deplorable Patriot

He’s hanging out over at Marica’s.


Is Ozzy over there too?


ozzy’s been missed too!!

Deplorable Patriot

She has been. I haven’t seen her the last couple of days.




Saw him post yesterday or day before.


 Fox Sports talk show host Marcellus Wiley called for a separate division for transgender athletes, and he drew a sharp rebuke from SBNation Outsports, which wants the floodgates opened wide for transgenders in women’s sports. 

SBNation Outsports Karleigh Webb called Wiley’s comments “ginned-up, farcical dystopia about transgender girls and women playing for their high school or college team leading to the ‘domination” of cisgender girls and women.’ “

— You see, it’s the normal girls and women who can’t out perform the mutilated ones
that have the problem..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Truth is revolutionary to the Biden regime of China-imposed lies.

Gail Combs

The USA is right back to where we were in the 1950s except there are now NO WOMEN’s SPORTS TEAMS just Team A and Team B (the also rans who call themselves women.)

Girls/parents will quit sports completely except for things like horseback riding where women can compete on an equal ground with men.

I should add the FASTER girls/parents QUIT this idiocy about sports the faster it DIES.

Churches can step in and have REAL girls sports teams if needed.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

I’m dying to see one of these guys actually get up on a balance beam.

Gail Combs

Yes, I think there are other possible sports where a woman has the advantage. Horseman ship is just the one I know of.

The major point is DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME!!


How about putting their feet behind their heads. Doubt many freaks can do that. And how many of them can sashay down the street like women do when they walk naturally?


eye bleach

Deplorable Patriot

More like get a mop.


I am quite surprised where they allow guys to compete in women’s sports, the women have NOT simply refused to participate.

Gail Combs

Yes, that is the correct response. Get together with the rest of the girls and coordinate walking off the field leaving the guy ‘competing’ alone.

The ONLY way to tackle this type of crap is NOT to play their game AND to do so IN THE MOST PUBLIC WAY POSSIBLE.


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Tim Young


I’m really out of shape right now… but I’m going to find a girls sport I’d still be superior at just because of my male body, declare myself a woman and kick the shit out of some chicks to feel better about myself.

It’s the progressive thing to do.


A propos of views to the East, what are your thoughts about the Thirty Tyrants?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All comments here yesterday were quite positive. It was also noted that Flynn telegrammed the link.

Tablet always has excellent stuff. Judaism cannot afford to be a day late on current events, if “never again” is to be meaningful. Tablet is part of that awareness.

The article is an accurate assessment, IMO. The American elite and the CCP elite have more common interest than the American elite have with the “deplorables”. They’ve just been unmasked, and had to make their alliance with China explicit.

More generally, in my opinion, communism is simply the eternal elite’s phony ant-poison version of populism – a sabotage version of popular government, including any and all popular and republican forms, designed to cede power back to the elite. Chinese communism serves the global elite, who are willing to make Beijing the next Washington, and Washington the next London. America’s upper crust are all happy with the arrangement, although I’m sure they look forward to removing the jackboots from their gated community capitol after such grave threats like me are in prison.

Thus, we can call them Bidenistas on the left, and Bidenazis for their minions on the right, but the American elite imposed the Bidenites and evicted Trump to shore up their decadent delusional alliance with China.

Greatest crime in American history. They deserve whatever befalls them. It will be interesting to see if Scofflaw SCOTUS wets their panties enough to make a vain attempt to cover their tracks, but based on the Time Magazine article GLOATING about the conspiracy of common interest against Trump, I doubt they will do more than a bit of window dressing on the steal. A bit like the JFK win. “Yeah, he stole it, but he’s still President – let’s move on.”

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Lee Smith has been writing for Tablet from its inception. Check back issues for great stuff on Iran in Europe, the Iran Lobby-USA. The media industrial complex. He “previews” his books as in-depth series pieces in Tablet.

Israel has been subjected to the media-DS calumny since at least 1967. Just like PTrump. The monstrous “zionist entity”, irredeemable, unfit for a place in the community of nations.

Antisemitic tropes going back thousands of years have been heaped on the Nation State of the Jewish people. Lies and damned lies. Swallowed whole by most of the West.

Lee Smith recognized these same tactics deployed against PT. He’s been writing about it for years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for that information about Lee Smith – did not know that!

I’m watching Biden like a hawk, because he’s walking back so much that Trump did. I think he’s being careful, but IMO ***OBAMA*** is behind everything Biden is doing, and that means the IRAN agenda goes straight back in place, but likely in STEALTHY WAYS this time. Expect major interference in Israel’s elections.

This is Obama’s third term – make no mistake. Biden is the senile Medvedev of Barack Hussein Putin Obama.


Neutrino, thanks for bringing this to the attention of our tree.
Lengthy but very coherent run-down re China strategy and tactics wrt USA.


Thanks for the link. Lee Smith is always worth reading.


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That’s right — 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐭𝟒𝟓.

And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never back down on Q. The Q psy-op woke America up to the creepy media-imposed Empire of Delusions, and we will not go back to sleep.

Global hoaxing is the real danger.


And it is way worse then I thought it was, and I already thought it was bad.


Mike Lindell has released his Documentary on proof of the election fraud:


Mike is in Palm Beach at an exclusive club 🙂


POTUS mentioned, admiringly that ML is all over the TV “the most recognizable face”.


This is the first Gateway Pundit video. They are dropping their fraud info today as well. It’s the TCF Center (Detroit) security cam footage of the 3AM fake ballot drop, that coincides with the witness testimonies. They use these testimonies as narration.

I guess we just go back and forth between this and Lindell today.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

can’t watch, but would really appreciate your insights if you do


The description above is exactly what it is. The video of the boxes being unloaded from the van two different times corresponds to what the people inside describe coming in at the same corresponding times.;






ML Documentary – Chy Nah was the only foreigner stealing votes in Colorado!




Doug Billings has an interview with Gen. Flynn, as well.

Embarrassment of riches, today.




Situation Update…Feb 4…Mike Adams..~ 1 hr:40 min

2 topics..

👉 (fiat) economic collapse..”parabolic blowout of fiat currency system”..

think : Venezuela…

👉 war with Russia…EMP ?

and…who controls the aftermath

video here…


both happening at the same time, unfolding in real time…a double dose…

👉 holding dollars (cash, accounts etc) means we are losing value at about 20% per year at current rate, and it’s excelerating..

think : Weimar Republic

therefore, Adams suggests exchange (fiat) dollars NOW for things of value.

the future of fiat dollars = 0 (zero)


👉 WHY are we over there ??

Russia’s western front …

B1 Bombers have been deployed to Norway with an eye on Russia + 2 destroyers + troops…for “joint exercises”…

is Biden’s Pentagon gearing up for war with Russia ??

Russia’s EMP capabilities could destroy the US grid.

we are at a disadvantage !

+ Pakistan’s launching of surface ballistic missiles + India’s nukes + Iran (thanks obama)…

👉 Israel…will be forced to strike Iran …(obama’s brilliant deal + money laundered and funding Iran)…

more about all that in his presentation.

walking through the valley of The Shadow of Death.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

If any of that come to pass, then on behalf of America and the entire world, I would like to thank the United States military for their complete and total dereliction of duty, allowing the Republic to be stolen by the CCP without even so much as a Marquess of Queensberry objection.

Nice job grunts, sailahs, fly-boys, Muh-rines, Sea-otters, Delts, Rangos, et al.

Your surrender — should you choose to do so — will forever live in infamy.


IN THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY – after sleeping on it – I’m not sure the Gab account is really President Trump’s.  

I’m not 100% sure the 45Office site is really officially PDJT’s either.

I’m pretty sure the YouTube account going active is real.

It is likely that I was overly-excited and overly-hopeful about EVERYTHING that I posted yesterday and last night.

Lately – I’m grasping at any hopeful sign that our country won’t be in the hands of Biden/Obama, China, Iran, heathen, communists….. 

Right now it is very hard to discern truth from lie, real hope from false hope.

Truth tellers from the opposite.

I am very sorry. 

I sincerely apologize and hope you all can forgive me.


not a big deal GA/FL!!
we are all looking for signs and trying to figure out the truth and what’s happening…
it happens…don’t beat yourself up!


Unfortunately, I think we have have to deal with NO COMMS…

POTUS is laying low…

We cannot trust anyone at this point and as impatient as we are, we must WAIT.

If we go with the info that the Insurrection Act was signed on Jan 5th, then we have to accept that the Military is in control…

FAITH is needed… prayer and faith.




It’s all good, GA/FL.
 😘  🤗 
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Fundamentally you are an endless source of great news, AND positive vibes…fun.

We all want good news. But, any more, I am giving stink eye to most “apparant” good news. We are absolutely on defense, or so I think.

As for Trump on Gab, YT…my guess is he’ll confirm it in a big way we won’t miss. I DO suspect, we’ll hear NOTHING of this until AFTER shampeachment 2.0.

Too many touchy fealy Uniparty (RepubliCONs) looking for a BS excuse to treat Trump badly next week.

We’ll all get through this together. A few bumps coming our way. But we will prevail. The alternative is wholly unacceptable.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

We sure do need YOUR level-headed comments, observations and analysis!


Echoing Kalbo’s comment.., just bob, weave, duck and roll
..we catch it and sling it right back’em..
We’ll all get through this together, because individually we all know we’re stronger together.We’ll do whatever it takes.


Trump would never put a website live with “Lorem Ipsum”. Just sayin’.


Thanks, Michael.


It was not PDJT’s site at least initially.
Somebody set it up to collect all the tweets from Twitter. That is why all the old tweets are available.
It was then intended to be handed over to PDJT, as was rumored at the time, when he was taken off twitter.


GAB set it up in the hope Trump comes in. It contains the archive of all his tweets also. GAB probably posted the memo. Trump won’t do anything until the impeachment joke is over.


Thanks, RF121. 🙂


I’ve spent some time on this and some people agree with you. One thing I’ve seen is Mr., Torba is trying to verify it one way or another.

Last edited 4 years ago by trumpismine

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And…𝙅𝙤𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙣.


With more first-hand reports like that coming out…I’m thinking that there are a lot more of them.

They are not telling us how many people are having bad reactions to the vaccine.

The Demonrats and the enemedia turned ‘T͙h͙e͙ V͙a͙c͙c͙i͙n͙e͙’ into this big McGuffin that had to be found before we could stop the lockdowns.

They backed themselves into a corner with it.

And it’s all so pointless since the virus is 99% survivable!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. DO NOT get the mRNA vaccine for sure. Keep an eye on the others.

Hilarious that the Russian vaccine is looking safer, but I’m still thinking Novavax will be the winner.


Doesnt J&J have one coming out soon? Supposedly can be shipped and stored with standard refrigeration.

I prefer the Merk vaccine, which is just to go out and get the virus 😉


>>”I prefer the Mer[c]k vaccine, which is just to go out and get the virus”<<

Absolutely CLASSIC!

I hope some memes are made from this …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yes, that’s the one I took! 😉


omg…so awful…very very sorry to hear that.


Yes so young too and so sick. Wonder how many people find out later what damage the vaccine has done.


I wonder what shot he got? Was it Pfizer?
My son got his second shot last Saturday he called Sunday. Normally he calls several times during the week. I wonder if he still feels run down.


My son chose Pfizer but said Moderna was good also. There are two more he did not like.
I am not taking his word as gospel because he gets more info understands the scientific information but also is influenced by the science.
I pray for your friends son and all those who are being vaccinated.


What we need is not 80 million awake Trump supporters. We need a bigger boat. We need 140 million awake Trump supporters. Then we CAN overcome their voting ‘irregularities’ AND have the numbers to make their phones light up and make meaningful peaceful marches on whatever building or group that is needed, State or Fed.

I am seeing that REALPOTUS may have had to step away due to lack of support…from the awakened, or more correctly, not enough awake. If there were enough awake, things like Cheney’s WY instate censor would be more common, and swift. But we are seeing her skate in Congress with little pushback from The People. Similar (but opposite) with MTG, she isn’t getting the support needed from The People so The Swamp marginalizes her. She’s a fighter, so let’s work to keep her there.

Our goal should be to continue to awaken those that are still asleep. (((THEY))) are helping with their rules and policies that are anti-American. The sheeple ARE slowly awakening. It may take some time. Maybe a thread on ways to make that happen for each of us to ‘grow’ our ‘flock’ of normies and sheeple who we interact with.

It is a scary time right now. Things look bad. Almost like a [scare] event….;)

….and biden didnt f-ing win!


BardsFM,The Double Squeeze – 20210204

Reclaiming LIBERTY will not come without pain.


Storm Dispatch – 20210205-1

Federalist paper #13.

Newsletter sign-up:

FREE Federalist Papers 11-20:


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“Reclaiming LIBERTY will not come without pain.”


Yeah, but at some point there has to be pain for the enemy, or we’re just losing and calling it winning.

And if the well-being of American Patriots are being sacrificed in the name of sensitivity to the Wojaks — as always and forever appears to be the case — then who do the white-hats think is going to be around to thank them when this is over?

It sure won’t be the Leftist dummies they were so concerned about not upsetting.

We need a thousand percent less social engineering theory, and a thousand percent more direct action.

Against the enemy, not against patriots, in case that wasn’t clear to the goofs who are running this #@$%-show.


Waiting is the hard part, Scott!!! Remember the enemy runs far and wide – deep and lofty – when a small group holds all of the power – it is difficult to disband – and – there are so many corporate enemies with octopus tentacles that reach around the globe.

Our President had the courage of a lion to take on this monstrously enormous network who – by an means necessary – will fight to keep their power.

PT moved mountains for the American people – the traitors and liars could care less about us – it is all about them.

Only the mighty hand of God could take these crooks and liars and pedos down – and send them back from whence they came – I look forward to that!!!


Saw this on GAB…..

Not hiding from what they did, just worded in a pretty lil package for the masses
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of course, the left comes off as benevolent overlords…saving democracy instead of stealing it


Remember – Democracy to them is MOB RULE!!! That is really what they are protecting – the Corporate Constitution – not the Constitution of the Republic!


It’s an admission of guilt!

But they’re trying to glorify it like they did a ‘noble’ thing.

It’s sort of like the wife-beaters excuse:

“We had to, because you made us do it.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Admitting, now that they think they’re totally safe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s hilarious is that they think this was some kind of secret. We were saying that they were doing this all along, but they had to kick us off media and social media to HIDE THE TRUTH until Trump was gone.

RATS. Nasty, diseased, RATS.


I have a large supply of TomKat bricks, thats how you get rid of RATS


That is the article I was referring too on another post I made. The author is spelling out and bragging how they stole the election under the pretense of saving the country. Evil people evil system, evil oligarchs, evil corporations, evil union leaders.


Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof link

Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce

  :wpds_smile: You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.  :wpds_grin: 

no …not 1984…



Biden’s Race To The Bottom With The Great Reset



Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.

Klaus Schwab is a bold-faced liar.

of course, the COVID FEAR/CONTROL figures heavily into this..


“…the real transition to global governance will be engendered by climate change .”

👉 a climate emergency.

more, at the link.


And the reason Klaus ‘Goof’ Schwab is still drawing breath in this world is?

Question directed to the skirts in the U.S. military.

At some point the men whose careers are built on killing people and breaking things have to take responsibility for doing absolutely nothing, when the whole freakin’ planet knows who the Lex Luthors are.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Bringing this from Marica’s Place, posted by Big Mama Tea


February 5, 2021 at 12:02 pm

Platforms are removing Mike’s move… he set up this site…….

Approx 2 hours long….MAKE SURE YOU WATCH BEFORE M’peach begins on Monday.


Today is a must to watch Bannon War Room. The whole election was rigged not only by the oligarchs also by our institutions and our labor leaders and Business. All worked together the same who hand out money to the House and Senate.
I think we all knew this but it is really shocking to hear it.

Apparently there is a good article in NY Time Magazine.
The way I understand we need to build the same type of network the left has build. Just my opinion reflecting what I am hearing is we cannot stay inactive even though it looks hopeless we are stronger than that. Trowing in the towel is not the right thing. I also was discouraged and did not wanted to vote again but I am not going to let this traitors win. They have to fight me I am not giving up. I did not come to the US to be a wimp. Many ways of fighting peacefully for me. By only US made or those countries who are our friends not owned by China. Bought shoes made in Hungary. Clothe made in US. I pay more good quality last long. Going to support MAGA people who are real Americans not sell outs. Cannot believe how many Americans sell out the country I am shocked. These people are generation Americans born here.

We need to stay strong this is war spiritual war. I am now seeing how some people try to keep us passive. I am not speaking violence but one can be proactive without violence and still not passive. Passive is sit back and let other do what need to be done. I believe we will find direction when Trump is back . We might have more leaders come up.
I heard that the people who took over are not America first they are into globalism and tight to China. We knew that also.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1



I find this prayer by Kierkegaard an example of a humble and contrite heart. It is all the more precious and valuable because, in my experience, it is rare. I believe this prayer worth keeping close by when uncertainty and anxiety come in like a flood, as they most surely will. The times we live in guarantee such things.



“Father in heaven! You loved us first. Help us never to forget that you are love, so that this full conviction might be victorious in our hearts over the world’s allurement, the mind’s unrest, the anxieties over the future, the horrors of the past, the needs of the moment. O grant also that this conviction might form our minds so that our hearts become constant and true in love to them whom you bid us to love as ourselves.”—JP III 3394 (Pap. IV B 171) n.d., 1842–44(?)[1]


[1] Søren Kierkegaard, Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses, ed. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, vol. V, Kierkegaard’s Writings (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), 425.


Trump knew it but had to work against the whole political establishment and institutions.
Mr Evil Fauci what about Pence where does he fit in? Preparing for his Presidential run in 2024. That man should never be in the WH.


WOLFMOON – Burma Shave made the Doug Ross daily compilation today!!!

That one – and the Buffalo Jump were stellar pieces – deserving of recognition!

In the past, Doug Ross has taken a couple of Daughn’s, Sylvia’s too.

BTW – they do a nightly top 20 tweets as well as the daily Larwyn’s Linx and of course, Bad Blue, which was started when Drudge went over to the dark side.


“There is always a desire by some to use a moral panic to achieve broad powers they could not otherwise rationally convince the people of the United States to countenance. This current maelstrom is only the latest such example.”

How Not to Address Our Domestic Terrorism Problem
We should reject calls by elites who have conducted a largely inept campaign of international counterterrorism to now use those tools on their domestic opponents.
By Kyle Shideler
February 3, 2021

After ignoring an entire summer of rampant political violence—where more than 30 people were killed, and America’s urban areas reportedly have suffered upwards of $2 billion in damages—we are now suddenly inundated with experts who wish to offer solutions to the problem of “domestic terrorism.”

Or, rather, some domestic terrorism. It is only after the disreputable and ugly events of January 6 that we are being treated to solutions, which look more like the smashing and insulting of political enemies than serious proposals for ensuring domestic tranquility.
Consider Kevin Carroll, who served as senior counsel to the secretary of homeland security (2017-2018), even more formerly of the CIA, but much more recently part of Republicans and Independents for the Biden Coalition (an affiliate of the now much-embattled Lincoln Project).

Carroll proposes in the pages of the Washington Examiner a five-step program for taking on “the fascist thugs who attacked our democracy” in the same way “we defeated al-Qaeda.” Leaving aside the dubious efficacy of our program to defeat al-Qaeda, what does Carroll propose?

Carroll leans heavily into the notion that the rioting on the U.S. Capitol grounds constituted an “attempted coup d’etat.” Never mind that of the five deaths that occurred that day, three were from medical emergencies among the supposed “putschists.” Only two homicides were alleged, one being the result of the police shooting of an unarmed woman. This is not to minimize the criminality of the violence that did occur. But surely in Rangoon they watched with curiosity the extreme tameness of a supposed “coup” that consisted more of selfie-sticks than of tanks.

. . . MORE . . .


As somone said today in the War Room “where are the ex Intel people speaking out against the insane trying to round up Patriots and labeling them as bad as ISIS?
Where are ec Military brass speaking out and where is the RNC and GOP whose voters we are.


Great question!


Another “Where are they really?” pic to analyze
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce

aren OAN, TGP and other conservative media there?


Asshoes in the WH press corps (rabid lefties), tossed OAN – Chanel. OAN – Chanel attended the final six months of President Trump at the invitation of Kayleigh.

There is a better name for it, but TGP, my understanding just posts other people/organization work. THEN, TGP in my opinion add a “click bait” feathure to hook readers. TGP, borderline tabloid, methinks.


Regardless, I would like the know if conservative media are there so that the location could be verified.

that is not the WHCA room unless it’s been moved to a new location.


It’s what it is.
*ht tps://

*ht tps://

You can see the fencing in the first photo and the building in the second. The lighting makes the outside washed out in almost all the photos I looked at.

remove the 2 spaces in ht tp

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker
Gail Combs

The new Biden press room looks like it has a crappy tenement bldg in the background. The grass looks weird like it is painted on a board and hung up outside the window.


Quite true


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And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.


We still can fight and rebuild better and bead them at their own game.
What makes me sad is the Military rolled over why?


What makes you think the Military rolled over, Sing?

Please explain – Thanks!!!


1. 60 day stand down to deal with white supremacists ie MAGA voters.

2. NG in DC until March. Military refused to use NG when Trump asked them to.

3. Military brass supports Biden because they will get their wars back.


RF: If the Military was in charge before the Fake Inauguration – none of this would matter – the Military Brass has no say – and Miller is still in charge – the Pentagon refuses to give any intel to ‘Biden did not win’.

What you have presented sounds entirely logical and reasonable IF the Military was not in charge LONG BEFORE any of this happened – Mayor cannot call up the NG – neither can Congress – so who called them up – Trump – before he left – imho

Military does not take orders from Biden and/or Military Brass – they take orders from the Sec of Defense – who has not changed no matter what they say – we are in a State of Emergency – that means FEMA takes over, too – why I asked, RF


I just don’t believe any of that which is why I responded.


Who ordered a 60-day stand down? NG is not under the control of the Mayor of DC – and she allegedly ordered them disarmed? Why would she do that?

None of this makes any sense – if the Military is the only way – and the current government is illegitimate – fenced in – and unable to operate legally – no matter how many EOs idiot writes – a Press Room and White House that do not even look like they are in DC – so how can anyone claim those orders are legit?

They claim the NG are protecting them from MAGA people – and yet – no MAGA people have shown up in DC since January 6th.


The military has never been the way. The brass is in full support of Biden. They have clearly stated that.

The new SecDef order the stand down so when that happens maybe you will be convinced.


I understand that theory about the Military Brass being in support of Biden because they want WAR not PEACE. I also read what the NEW SecDef ordered and stated – however – somehow in my heart of hearts – I do not believe these people have any power – why would the Pentagon refuse intel briefings for Biden if these people are truly in charge?

I also read (or heard on video) the Military and FEMA have been in control for some time – before the inauguration – something is truly not quite right – who is really on first, RF?


Biden. Congress certified the election. It’s over for now. Swamp won this round.

All the guys posting videos saying it is fake are blowing smoke to keep the plan going. Andngetting clicks. They can’t prove otherwise.

All we can do is focus on 2022 and hope we can make a dent in the election but without election reform not loking good. Our side does not count the votes.


I understand what you are saying about the ‘alleged’ certification – however – if Congress is illegitimate and the prez is illegitimate – then, why would we want to vote in any more people to the Corporation of the US? That is the part that makes no sense to me, RF.


Corporation does not exist. Congress is legit. Swamp is real. They won this round. The guys you keep listening to will keep moving the goal posts. Not reliable sources of info. Got to look forward to the next round. Not back.


Oh, I understand from where you are coming – it has nothing to do with whomever I listen – the research is out there – it is not a fairytale at all – the corporation does exist – there are two presidents – there are two governments – and two constitutions – but, you do not believe that – question – is our government a democracy or a constitutional republic?


The objective is not to win or lose but maintain. Sort of like healthcare. No money to be made if you heal the patient.

Then when the brass retire they get their cozy defense contractor gig.


I go by what is not happening and see what Biden is doing.


What should be happening? Why would anyone think what Biden is doing is legal? Why did they have to fake an inauguration – if Biden is a legitimate prez? Why do they have to fake anything? Now it appears the Press Conference is not broadcast from DC – we do not even know from where it is coming.

None of this is remotely normal, Sing!


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The Babylon Bee


AOC Claims She Was Killed In The Capitol Riots And Is Now A Ghost

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oh my…don’t give her any ideas…giggle


AOC: “I shilled in the Capitol riots and I am now toast”


Found this comment at GWP (I almost always like the comments, there and elsewhere, over the stories themselves):

“I had the FBI at my door once due to my pro trump posts I told them come back when you have a warrant you are 200 feet onto PRIVATE property what part of the HUGE ring buzzer do not enter private property did you miss or not understand?

By the way please smile on the way out you are being videoed and MY videos come with sound. and then closed the door in their faces.

They never returned, good thing to because I was going to meet them with my Kal tec, if they walked to my door and forgot to ring the buzzer at my gate.

My sign now says “ring buzzer DO NOT enter to knock on my door this is private property and you take a BIG chance on being shot Civilian or LEO” This sign is large enough that even a semi blind person can see it from 10 feet away, good vision at least 30 feet away, Then about 20 feet apart completely around my one acre hovel.”Trespassers will be shot you have been warned”

I love my States private property laws”



Romney never was just because he says he is does not make him so. We need to choose people what they do not what they say. Romney is a snake plain and simple.


I think Romney might run for office again. Hope Rona kicks him in the butt.


That’ll be a big hit in the Mormon community . Keep those Utah voters happy

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

Mormon church is a big influence in State gubmint and candidates.


David French is a committed Never Trumper, yet people are still trying to make excuses for listening to his non-sense.

David French on Christian Nationalism and Evangelicals’ Existential Angst
By Yonat Shimron

Editorial Note: David French is a conservative evangelical writer, but for the past four to five years, has been the target of vitriol by his own tribe for his “Never Trump” stance. Yet we have found his insights to be keen, even if at times, they’ve been unwelcome. Below is a recent interview between French and Yonat Shimron of Religion News Service.

There is a certain class of people to which David French plays to that are eager to believe his “keen insights” – but a large swath of conservatives recognize his posturing and self-affirming narrative for what it is.

The only value from this article is noting the latest shifting-sands of the weaksauce Never Trump positon, always changing but never settling in a fixed point.

For example: Polarization. Never does he mention or recognize the blame of the MCM and socialist media which is causing the present polarization. People are waking up to the fake narratives, but telling the truth is “divisive” and in the Never-Trumper mind it is more important to go back to sleep. Rampant censorship is one of the prime drivers of polarization – the dividing of people into protective bubbles where some voices cannot be heard.


Least favorite TN “conservative”.

One of my top fav moments of the 2nd half of 2015? When he had to admit that Middle TN is Trump Country … and he lives right here in the middle of it!  😂 

FYI: if you live in Williamson County, get involved in the local party as the GOPe is trying to make a come back and oust/stop very active MAGA conservatives who are currently in leadership. Williamson County chair is a great Trumper and worked hard last year. For some strange reason David French reminds me of the upcoming Williamson County TN GOP elections.

Deplorable Patriot

I know what I think after listening to one of his frequent guests, Juan O. Savin, in an interview from yesterday and one from maybe a week ago: Charlie Ward probably doesn’t know the precise time, either. (Of course, with my luck, as soon as I post this, it will actually happen. Good thing the Blues aren’t playing tonight.)

I have no doubt it will happen sooner or later, but from what I understand, the two sides – Cabal/Swamp and Military/PDJT – weren’t done playing out the hand.

it’s all happening behind the scenes, but things are happening, and the people like General Flynn and Patrick Byrne and a few others here, even, who are, as Juan put it, “butt-hurt” because their advice and take on things weren’t heeded simply didn’t have all the information necessary to make a recommendation. None of us do if we have no idea what is going on at the classified level and above.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Here you go:


It seems foolish to reveal plans in advance. If there was a time & place why the hell broadcast it ? Gives “them” time to throw an obstacle, create a FF, whatever it takes to divert the plan or put blame on the white hats.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. And that’s one thing about the Juan character, he doesn’t give specifics on timing. Never has.


Cheers and Godspeed to the plan and hope it happens whenever, hopefully ASAP


I’ll place my bet that the odds of this happening is zero.


^^^ Garbage.

IIRC, same TW fool that is predicting this 6PM military take over media by force, has a TW or something earlier today that said President Trump lead the military for 60 days.


OK, now can someone explain to me why they would wait until Friday at 6PM EST to do this?

It’s ok, I can wait.

Deplorable Patriot

Wreck the weekend plans of the news anchors?

Friday afternoon information dump.

Timing is everything. There must be a reason.


which would be funny since Time released that story…they all would want to be out there sharing accolades of saving us all—


Nothing happened.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, two hours and ten minutes before THIS bit of hopium goes down in flames.

Deplorable Patriot

Precise timing is never going to be pre-released. But, I do think it will happen.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In this particular case, someone has alleged precise timing.

So either they’re making it up out of whole cloth and deserve to be discredited, or that really is the plan and someone leaked the precise timing.

If you are correct, the only logical conclusion is that this person is making shit up.

Deplorable Patriot

Most likely. When it comes to Charlie Ward, I’m more apt to give credence to what he says happened in the past, not what is happening in the future.


Whateves. why do some people think we are going to jump on the hopium wagon with there every announcement?


Self-promotion is what’s going on. Excuse me while I yawn as wide as my cat does.

Deplorable Patriot

Really. Man, am I glad the NFL doesn’t like us here.


Desperate to fill those seats…


Innoculation as a spectator sport???

Deplorable Patriot

More witnesses for side effects.


That’s what I was thinking for the spectator bit….

“Oh, look, the guy in the beige jacket who got jabbed about 10 minutes ago is having some kind of seizure!”

“I think the woman about four before him has passed-out cold.”

“One of the teachers that shoved her way into the line is still sitting, 20 minutes later. I think her mind is gone.”


Can we sue when the vaccine lands us into the hospital or worse?
NFL is not exempt from law suits since they allow vaccination on their property.


I’m reminded – OFTEN – of XVII’s admonition to us all not to let them DRIVE us …

“Russia Russia Russia”
“Impeach Impeach Impeach”
“Covid Covid Covid”
“Mask Mask Mask”
“Vax Vax Vax”

Post 2604

Dec 12 2018 17:52:23 (EST)
SESSIONS’ forced release of name [HUBER] to House created another variable.
Use Logic.
Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?
You are witnessing, first-hand, the demise of those in power [OLD GUARD].
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.
Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.
[Avoided Z]
We, the PEOPLE.
Do you think all these attacks on ‘Q’ (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Research for yourself.
Be in control of yourself.
NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.
Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.”
[signed per usual]

Gail Combs

Just found out my neighbors (and elderly relatives) took the vaccine. Since she works for the local hospital SHE Knows better than I.

I will see if there is adverse reactions down the road

Gail Combs

Let’s just say there is NO WAY I would EVER GO to the hospital where she works. She is not medically trained just brainwashed. She is in some sort of admin position I think. We are not friends. I just know the family and have know her husband since he was a teen.


At what cost commissioner? Will they take a knee each morning before injecting?


why admit this now?


imo? because it’s all coming out soon and they are trying to get ahead of things–make themselves look like saviors instead of sinners…

so when the SHTF, they can yawn and say…oh we already covered that…move on…nothing to see here…

Deplorable Patriot

Getting ahead of it…

It’s coming.


Why now? Simple they are seeing where Biden’s regime is moving too. Concision. love for Country, love for children and grand kids.

Deplorable Patriot

They may well be out of moves.


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Mike Lindell’s Absolute Truth On Election Fraud
february 5, 2021 the marshall report

Thank you to patriots like Mike Lindell who pushed past through the miry clay (swamp bogs) and continued on to present evidence. In spite of all the suppression and in our face media lies, and all the treason we witnessed in our faces, truth is exposed once again to be heard.

Will the people hear it? So many are talking of those who refuse to see and many still have faith that many will open their eyes and take a look. Whatever happens one thing is sure. Truth shall prevail even in the days of the blinded!


Rumble — Removed by Vimeo 3 hours after it was posted/released on February 5, 2021. PLEASE SHARE THIS! More resources:

JW in Germany

Mike Lindell’s Absolute Truth On Election Fraud
Watch on OAN

Feb 5, 2021

  • 10am EST
  • 1pm EST
  • 4pm EST
  • 7pm EST
  • 11:59 EST

Feb 6, 2021

  • 8am EST
  • 11am EST
  • 3pm EST
  • 7pm EST

Feb 7, 2021

  • 1am EST
  • 4am EST
  • 8am EST
  • 11am EST
  • 3pm EST
  • 7pm EST

Feb 8, 2021

  • 1am EST
  • 3am EST

Thanks, JW!!!

JW in Germany

You’re always welcome, Duchess!


Glad you are with us here, JW!!!


Mike’s film was well done. I watched some I listened to part of it while making dinner.
He truly is a Patriot.


One of the things caught my attention was that huge list giving minute details of all the hacks even down to the number of votes each one stole.
Who or what organization would be in a position to gather all that kind of information.
FBI, DOJ, SCOTUS & barr didn’t come out of it very well, nor that dana somebody woman threatening the lawyer. Scum all of them.


MIL Intel, RAC?


OMG! I just saw this at Awakened Outlaw’s GAB, so I clicked on it and it is a rumble recording of an interrogation of James Clapper. It is identicle to the Lin Wood interrogation of the whistleblower. James Clapper is the LW whistleblower.


Perhaps Charlie Ward is right and communications will be turned off by 6:00 tonight. If Clapper’s admissions are now public – it has begun.

Deplorable Patriot

The cadence is similar to other recordings of Clapper, but if it really is him his voice has aged in the last year.

Not sure I’m on board with this. It would turn some black hat/white hat assumptions on their head – and I’m the one claiming that we have no idea who the spies are at the top of the food chain.


True, and it could be a deep fake. I wish there was video to go with it. When I saw the LW video, I couldn’t tell who it was, as the face was blurred. This sound recording sounds like they speeded up the LW recording and it does sound like Clapper.

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, the cadence is similar, and there’s some other quirks that are the same. CNN may have used sound engineering to clean up his voice.

Anything is possible, including a “get out of jail free” card for going public.

More data points.


Oh, I didn’t know this was from CNN. I hope it’s not a get out of jail free card. If it is him, I hope he gets his due punishment. He could be lying too, and pointing the finger in the wrong direction – he’s such a weasel.

Deplorable Patriot

No, this is not from CNN. Clapper is a contributor there. I pulled up a number of videos from CNN and there’s no “fog” on his voice, like there is in the Lin Wood video. It’s like it was cleaned up.


I see.


This rumble recording is identicle in what is said, but the voice recording is faster and clearer.


This rumble recording of Clapper is now also posted on Steve Pieczenik’s twitter.

Deplorable Patriot

Now THAT is an interesting development.

Gail Combs

It was posted yesterday. I really, really wanted to use that roll of duct tape on Alex!! He never really allowed Dr Pieczenik to finish a thought without interrupting.


I hope Clapper is in protective custody

JW in Germany

Dr. Steve Pieczenik returns to The Alex Jones Show after Trump left office to face the music of the bet he made with Alex after his last appearance.


Sun Zu Granny! i just love that. Anyways today has been off to a rousing start. 3 stir crazy dogs wanting outside, get them out now there crying to come in cause cold… next up is son and friend playing bass guitars while i was trying watch a rumble video.
Hubby the hoarder in case of the Zombie apocalypse has brought home 4 trailer loads of bricks for the out door oven he is going to build in future sometime.
And last but not least one of the boys just blew the microwave up, it caught on fire after they left the kitchen and i was getting in the shower I smelt smoke and jumped out of the shower grabbed the fire extinguisher got things under control gave up and got dressed and inquired of the boys what happened to the microwave and of course no one knows a thing. My guess it was a piece of junk from chyna and deserved its fiery death. Now I’m hungry be back after lunch!


Qualified fire fighter. 🚒🚒🚒


LOL. I have put out many a stove or oven fire that I think I am qualified also! 😂 


wow…I just got done cleaning my bathroom and when i came out into the hallway, a light bulb burst in there…glass everywhere…had to reclean everything…
what’s going on?

glad no one got hurt in your fire!
outdoor oven sounds cool!!!


Yikes Pat! hang on i have to go hit the wall a mouse is in there gotta find my tomkat bricks So its lightbulbs and microwaves today.
Hubby has built the BBQ part and its sweet to cook on, and he figures if we have to live off grid awhile we have a place to cook and make bread or smoke meat.
.hope you didn’t step on any glass! i have had that happen once when we had a power surge glass all over.


we used the tomcat pellets for a little while…lots of mice by the woodpile…but the chipmunks were stealing it…and then the squirrels and the raccoons thought it was tasty…smh…

we’ve got a generator and a grill…but I think I’m gonna look for a camp type coffee maker for hubby…


Gas is up 70c up since election in my neck of the woods.


Up 40c Northern NV, since January 1.


My husband predicts next year gas will be up $4,50

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The elite need handouts ($0.30) and skim ($0.10).


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Special cold mind control!



dammnnnn. Biden knows nothing, she knows nothing but day after day, new EOs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Osatan Shadow Government is BACK IN POWER.



I believe Bassin was mentioned often enough in the Times Great Gloat Lie piece.


comment imageRelentless Truth

In case you may have forgotten…


We were recruited by General Flynn and took the same exact oath to protect the constitution against ALL enemies. That doesn’t mean quit when it gets hard. The future of humanity is at stake.


This was never going to be clean.

This was never going to be easy.

This was never going to happen the way you hoped it would.

This isn’t a game. Digital warfare is complex beyond comprehension and ever-changing.

Pay attention to the many signs telling you what you know to be true.

Never forget that our military is obligated to take care of this situation and return stolen power back to the people. They have zero obligation to take orders of any importance from a captured administration. We all know the evidence is there. We want justice and that’s certainly understandable. However we let our emotions get the best of us, which is why NOBODY saw this coming. We created fantasies of mass arrests on or before inauguration day, yet we were never told that would happen. We don’t have the right to feel betrayed by Q or Trump just because our decodes didn’t pan out. We were warned not to make guesses on specific dates and events for this very reason. This cannot seem like a plan that came from Trump. It has to happen organically. The people have to be shown. IT HAS TO BE THIS WAY.

Take a deep breath. Re-focus and rekindle your faith. This is far from over.

It may only be just beginning…

WE THE PEOPLE are WIDE awake and we don’t plan on going ANYWHERE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Amen Amen 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

So, some senator asks an actual medical doctor to wear a mask when he would know whether or not it’s necessary? You can’t make this up.

Gail Combs

Rand Paul HAD Covid. HE IS IMMUNE!


(He also has damaged lungs. so a mask is NOT a good idea.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

And he’s a board certified physician. You’d think he would be able to make educated decisions for himself.


How predictable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

George Soros is a conspiracy theory! He’s not real!


Anyone seen him lately?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



His son is still around.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bet we’ll see more of the evil spawn!


Absolutely. No doubt about it.

He lives in Berkeley, IIRC.


This thread kept going. Interesting info on the Mercers. Very swampy.


We knew some time ago OT.

Several commented against the family.


Good question. He did respond on his blog. Have not watched.

Gail Combs

Bongino ran for the U.S. House of Representatives seat from Maryland’s 6th Congressional District in the 2014.
Bongino works for FOX.

Pied Piper???


3:07 Pacific time here, and my TV is still showing programming.


Why wouldn’t it?


The post by Charlie Ward.


Just came back to say that I have now caught up on the story of the day from the comments above.


Thanks for keeping us in the loop. We don’t exactly watch “TV” around here 😉


See, I would have made money.


Ja-but, Biden would find a way to relieve you of it …..


Damn them socialists.


Yeah, its tough to love them. Loving your enemy is the last hurdle to overcome ……


I was just coming in to check — been outside raking up spiky balls (Liquidambar seed pods).

Deplorable Patriot

This one, I would imagine, is going to be like a levee break that happened here late on a Friday night, like 10:40 or something. All of a sudden “BBRRRRRRRR” “The Monarch Levee has broken. Everyone in Chesterfield Valley is advised to evacuate immediately.”

It took about 24 hours for the valley to fill up with overflow from the Missouri River, but it did.

We’re not going to know the time.


Impeachment Update: Democrats Attempt PR Stunt


Can’t make this up. Lawfare crowd up in arms.

Prominent Dem Says Faulty Voting Machines May Have Handed House Seat to GOP Challenger
By Chuck Ross
Published February 5, 2021 at 9:23am

Marc Elias, a prominent Democratic election attorney, argued this week that faulty voting machines may have misread thousands of votes in a House election in upstate New York, a claim similar to the allegation some Republicans pushed regarding the 2020 presidential election.

Elias, a partner at the firm Perkins Coie, made the argument in a court filing on Monday to challenge the results of the election in New York’s 22nd House district.

Elias asserted that voting machines used in the district undercounted votes for incumbent Democratic Rep. Ted Brindisi.

Brindisi trails Republican challenger Claudia Tenney won by a razor-thin margin of 122 votes. Tenney declared victory in the race on Tuesday, but the state has not certified the results while the legal challenge unfolds.

Elias called on the state court to order a hand count of the vote, claiming that there is “mounting evidence of significant irregularities in the tabulation of ballots.”

The filing, reported by Breitbart News, reads:

“In this case, there is reason to believe that voting tabulation machines misread hundreds if not thousands of valid votes as undervotes, (supra at 4), and that these tabulation machine errors disproportionately affected Brindisi, (id.). In addition, Oswego County admitted in a sworn statement to this Court that its tabulation machines were not tested and calibrated in the days leading up to the November 3, 2020 General Election as required by state law and necessary to ensure that the counts generated by tabulation machines are accurate.”

Elias asserted that voting machines may have undercounted up to 2,599 votes for Brindisi throughout the district.

The analysis is based on results from a recount of 1,127 votes in December. According to Elias, a hand count showed that Brindisi had nine more votes than were registered by the voting machines. Applying the same error rate to the more than 325,000 votes cast in the election, Elias claimed that Brindisi may have been robbed of as many as 2,599 votes.

“That figure far exceeds the margin between the two candidates in this race, and based on this small sample size at least, appears to disproportionately affect Brindisi,” the Perkins Coie team wrote in their filing.

According to The Washington Times, the machines in question were manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems, the same company that has sued conservatives over their allegations about voting fraud.

Dominion sued Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Jan. 25 for $1.3 billion for what the company said was his “demonstrably false” statements about its voting machines. The company sued attorney Sidney Powell on Jan. 8 for libel over similar claims.

Dominion did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Elias’s allegations.

Elias gained notoriety during the Trump administration after it was revealed that he hired Fusion GPS to investigate the Trump campaign in a project that led to the infamous Steele dossier, which alleged that the Trump campaign conspired with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 election. Elias hired Fusion on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, which Perkins Coie represented.

An investigation by the special counsel’s office found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy.

A lawyer for Tenney did not respond to a request for comment about Elias’s court filing.

Deplorable Patriot

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He must’ve watched “Kill Chain” sometime this week.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a DEFENSIVE MOVE of some kind. I think Perkins Coie is creating an alternative reality for when the electoral SHTF.


That would make sense. Think that means they know they’re about to lose control of the narrative.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Dominion and Eric Coomer are their clients – who RAN HOME TO MAMA when called to testify. The CEO’s later LIES under oath are like wood GROANING under pressure – about to burst.

This is about survival of Perkins Coie.

I think Mike Lindell not shutting up – I think POLLS showing INCREASING distrust in the election results – are likely FREAKING them out.

Put those Trump signs back out. 😎


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Deplorable Patriot

Die, actually.

We have to stand together – all states – or this isn’t going to work.


We secede except DC. We do not need DC and we leave the cancer behind.


Right, cut out DC only.


Okay, states collect Federal taxes and pass due share onto D.C. and withhold undue share. Use unpassed as leverage or return to citizen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious! Make DC a territory again!





Deplorable Patriot

Just a reminder:

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:


-North Korea



Timely reminder De Pat…

Gail Combs

Chyna Viceroy Biden’s foreign policy.


(I am being nice by calling us a door mat instead of butt wipe.)


I think the hangin’s will be televised.

Gail Combs

I certainly hope so. I still want the heads on pikes lining the National Mall or lining the walkways to the Senate and House.


I was wondering when that would happen.

Deplorable Patriot

Look for Maria B. and Judge Jeanine to be next.


I hope all three have had the foresight to anticipate this, and have made at least preliminary arrangements to venture out on their own, without BIG MEDIA corporate overseers.

They HAVE to have sensed it, yes?



Mary Sunshine here…

I think the BORG is on the verge of extinction…

It’s not the 1960s anymore… we don’t look to them for the news, we can find it ourselves, without the filters they provide.

Gail Combs

It depends on their contracts. They can continue to get paid BUT not be allowed to say a word. It effectively would MUZZLE THEM.


They should all leave together with Lou. It would make their reemergence elsewhere more likely and hasten Fox’s collapse. Hannity needs to stay where he’s at to be buried in the rubble.


Faux would probably like to retain on contract, side line them, so they are both muzzled and NOT competition.

Guessing they can’t just quit and go work elsewhere for a period of time.


EO snares fox election fraud. A blessing for him.


They admit/boast that they broke the law – committed election fraud – but they did it to save our nation from bad old Trump – so it’s ok. Rules are for fools, is that it?



I also will never vote for Pence he is the antithesis of a person I respect.I do not like fakers.


He was disloyal to Pres. Trump and, IMO, he is a traitor.


He was disloyal to the rule of law, to our country and to the maga & conservative base. This is way bigger than President Trump winning or having the election stolen from him and I have been feverently Trump since watching live 6/2015 with everyone at OT. Way bigger than about 1 man, no matter how great a POTUS he is and how loyal to him I am.


Correct. What you expressed is embodied in my statement that he is a traitor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! This is exactly right. He chose to go along with THE GROUP LIE.


I remember you from OT. I know how loyal you are to Trump. I also remember when you got involved in GOP how hard you worked. You shared much at OT I am not repeating. I admired you for your persistence. You always were a cheerleader for President Trump.


Thank you.

Yes, I have been focused on being involved in the GOP since SD at OT showed us what was happening in the primaries, the rules committees, the CECs and the SECs. If we don’t get involved its on us if the GOPe wins.

I agree with most of the GOP platform/agenda as publicly spoken and am sad that their public agenda is not what too many elected GOP actually strive to accomplish.

I am loyal to President Trump in politics because there are so few times I have disagreed with him on policy. I had faith he would do as he promised and he did to the best of his ability.

On a side note, I was booted from OT because I told a poster who turned out to be a moderator that they were too negative and that so much was going well and, even after assessing the facts, the future looked bright.

ie I was booted for being too positive! And here I am accused of being too negative.

Maybe the difference is that I don’t let facts affect my attitude, well, not for long anyway.

I can deal with negative situations and negative facts without being negative in my attitude, in my plans or in my outlook for the future. Covid19 is a hideous attack from China (probably with help stateside which is appalling) but that doesn’t make be sad or more scared to talk about it. Its here now and we adjust and go forward. IDK …

I think I was on the verge of being booted at OT because I posted in my OT name here and at Merica’s place while PHC (Patrick Henry Censored) was sick. And then I posted about his passing at OT. That was deleted. When I was booted the final comment to me was that I could go play with my “other friends” … petty and let me know the admin knew I was posting on forbidden Q/former OT commenters blogs.

The irony is that it was my caring for someone that I had gotten to “know” (as much as any of us can truly know strangers behind screen names) via OT that got me booted and yet here I am often told I am not relational.

Guess when I am commenting I am in busy, focused task mode … just the facts … and yet it is others who screech, call names, curse, get angery at a discussion or when I disagree and attempt to discuss or present my point of view. I have been cursed at and called names repeatedly on various issues … would not those doing that kind of behavior over a political disagreement be the ones who are being rude, have a terrible tone and are exercising questionable relational skills? Doesn’t hurt my feelings but it is puzzling to see such behavior. IDK …

anyway, early morning ramble …

Yes, still focused and still working to MAGA!  😊  🇺🇸 


I am glad you made it here I wondered what happened to you 🙂
I did not connect the name I rarely do seem to have difficulties with names but your contend what you wrote triggered the memory. I normally never forget content or a face or sound of a persons name. I am glad you are making a difference changing the GOP move them to more conservative. I remember your fist meeting . You are a strong woman more like you to make changes. Thank you for your work.

Gail Combs

Pence is and always was an EMPTY SUIT. He has ZERO credentials and went from law school into politics with a few years as a lawyer and radio host.

I have a better grasp on reality than he does!


Wah wahhhh. He got his prize already. A shiny token of the uniparty’s gratitude put in his palm.


That was the key to the club (S)


Pence must be smoking a crack pipe if he thinks MAGA Trump people will support him, after he stabbed DJT, all of America, and by extension, the whole planet earth, in the back on January 6th.

And if it turns out he did what DJT wanted him to do, then nobody will support Pence anyway, because we support DJT.

And his imminent return.

So no matter what happens, Pence is experiencing a drug-induced hallucination if he thinks he has any support.


Bush 1 ruined that for Pence as we are wise to that trick


SORRY – you blew it on January 6!

You did not stand up for OUR PRESIDENT AND OUR VOTES.

You certified a FRAUDULENT ELECTION and you know it.

You proved you cannot be trusted.


Right. But what is amazing to me is that the RINO cabal is marching forward as if we-the-people are not on to them. If they’re that clueless and arrogant, they are in for a rude awakening. They are not listening to us or observing us — the people they are supposed to represent. If they actually do realize that we loathe them but they are still this arrogant, it’s got to be because they know everything is rigged in their favor, proving that they are no better than cheating Dems (which has been the case for years, but more people see it now).


The next step will be censoring the whole internet and China style social credits. Stop us from communicating. And rewarding snitches for reporting ‘wrong think’ people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would not vote for that bastard to be a jail guard in HELL.

He could have saved the world with ONE TRUTH, and he chose otherwise.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Mike Pence is a good man. But that is no longer enough.


“no longer enough”

Clean cut and clean background … not enough

Must be ready to actually carry through on promises, to politically Fight for the promises made on the campaign trail and the GOP platform … and Fight hard!

No go along, get along. No bowing to the media alt reality narratives. Takes hardhitting grit, determination, guts and Fighting Spirit.

Pence doesn’t have what it takes. Period.
Plus, he has a Proven track record of folding and of compromising his beliefs … or at least his claimed poliitical beliefs


Concerned Virginian

Mr. Dobbs’ show was cancelled after Dominion and Smartmatic filed suit against FauxNews. So, of course, the Murdoch family (likely after consulting with Hillary Clinton and possibly “someone” in the DeepState), canned the show.
The lawsuit also names Maria Bartiromo and Judge Jeanine. FauxNews will likely throw them out next.
Mr. Dobbs will not appear on air as of today. In fact, somebody else is “filling in” for him on what would ostensibly be his final show.
FauxNews says Mr. Dobbs will still be “under contract’ to them but likely will not appear on-air again. Will Paul Ryan be ordered to give him some back-office desk sinecure?
Nice work, Paul Ryan. How much of a “bonus check” will you get for this?

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

If Dobbs is still under contract, he can’t work anywhere else.


The last bastion for free speech for faux news has fell?
SMH again 🙁 



Cornyn trying to score easy political points with this. Duly noted and rejected, but thanks for the message.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Good grief. It took them over 3 months to decide the winner?


They (Ds) demanded a hand count didn’t they?


It’s STILL a beautiful world.
comment image


Beautiful 🙂

Gail Combs





That would appear to be a kingfisher — a rather large bird. May be a spangled kookaburra

comment image

Which calls into question the blue vegetation it’s perched in — might be a large leaf.

Kingfishers of all types, on all continents, are voracious predators. And, yet, if you look at the green part behind its back, it looks like it may have eyes….like a frog.

Besides the pretty colors and patterns, there may be an underlying drama to the picture.


Ep. 2397a – The [DS]/[CB] Is Now Doing All The Economic Work For Trump
X22 Report Published  February 5, 2021


Ep. 2397b – Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable
X22 Report Published  February 5, 2021


2816Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7390a9 No.5271872comment image
Feb 19 2019 18:43:38 (EST)
The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur.
This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires (“do it now””now””what is taking so long””NOW!”) take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
NEW THREATS (investigations by [SDNY][AS][MW] in an effort to delay/prevent release (‘insurance extension’) WILL FAIL.
TRANSPARENCY is the only way forward.
Define the following:
Conspiracy to commit…
Do you understand and fully appreciate the GRAVITY of the situation?
Do you understand and fully appreciate what POTUS endures each and every singly day?
He loves this County.
He loves you.
There is EVIL in this world.
There is DARKNESS in this world.
There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.
To keep you sedated.
To keep you unaware.
To keep you blind.
This will be on our timetable.
(Transparency and Prosecution)
There is simply no other way.
[Except 1]


Deplorable Patriot

Remaining under contract meaning he can’t get a job elsewhere. That’s one way around a non-compete.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They obviously want to SHUT HIM UP.

Welcome to America, now a puppet of China.


This is Proof Positive that the “News Readers” aka talking heads……
Are not our real problem…..
It is those that CONTROL what these “News Readers” tell us.

The “Readers” are just getting their paychecks….
Yes, some more willing than others.

Don’t toe the line?…. Get Lou Dobbsed or Trish Reganed.

Tucker? Hannity? Yep…. on a leash.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO Tucker obeys certain rules and only goes fiery on stuff Fox allows. That, and they like having him on a leash, even if it’s loose.


Tucker pretends to be rogue…but IS on a leash. Mesmerized by the pay check. Young family.

Hannity. Stooge for Uniparty/RepubliCONs. NOT MAGA.


Have not seen any clips of Lou for a month or so.

Has Lou been rightfully bashing Beijing Biden, The Hoe, the EOs, border disarray, election fraud…?

Remains under contract with Faux news…to keep Lou MUZZLED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Good grief, we are in CHINA now.



Lin Wood
Observation: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney’s Michigan election case, and my Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

There are no coincidences. 

Who knows what they will do? We shall see. Be patient.

I do know this: (1) We are still a nation of laws and the buck stops with the United States Supreme Court; (2) Laws on federal elections conducted by a state can ONLY be set by the state legislature (not the Secretary of State in a consent agreement with the Democratic Party, Brad Raffensperger); and (3) the biggie (under existing federal law) – the ONLY votes in a Presidential election that can be lawfully counted are the ballots cast ON Election Day (you cannot open absentee ballots early, Brad – GA state law passed by legislature ONLY allows absentee ballots to be opened ON Election Day). 

I have believed in the rule of law for 43 years. I hope that after the final decisions are made in the 3 cases above, my belief will be vindicated. 

February promises to be a very interesting month. 


Gail Combs

“…I do know this: (1) We are still a nation of laws…”

Well THAT is certainly debatable!

I have seen ZERO in the last decade or two that make me think we are actually a nation with the ‘Rule of Law’ instead of an Oligarch run for the benefit of the few.


Democrats are rushing to their “utopia” and can justify anything in this quest. Mere laws – those are for deplorables, who are foolish enough to respect law and order. The treatment of Antifa vs the “domestic terrorists” who “threatened democracy” in the Buffalo Jump is a clear display of their wielding of the law as a weapon.

If deplorables obey the law, they “win”. If deplorables break the law, they “win”. They have so stacked the deck, that it seems to be impossible for them to lose.

But it only SEEMS that way


There will be a reckoning. Looking at American history, the U.S is always slow to respond but eventually they do the right thing. It always takes a massive triggering event. Like Pearl Harbor to enter WWII.

In this case we are looking at the domestic threat of the democrats to the Republic. If it is not blocked within the next two election cycles then I think it is done. Like CA. They got to the point where they slowly took over everything and the Repubs were done. They changed the voting systems enough so that no republican could get in.

Dark days ahead.


Yeah, and the mega Dem cities are now vomiting out their mobile elites, who can work remotely on zoom, into smaller regional cities – as a result of Covid.

These people are simply going to spread their commie utopian ideals into these regional cities – they are carriers of a far more deadly virus than COVID.


“There will be a reckoning. Looking at American history, the U.S is always slow to respond but eventually they do the right thing. It always takes a massive triggering event. Like Pearl Harbor to enter WWII.”


Umm… I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but losing the entire government to the Chinese Communist Party, without our military even phoning in a recorded objection, makes Pearl Harbor look like a problem the level of a clogged drainage system.


“In this case we are looking at the domestic threat of the democrats to the Republic. If it is not blocked within the next two election cycles then I think it is done.”


If the 2020 election results are not corrected, we are already done, there won’t be an election in 2022, or ever again.

It’s absolutely incredible how so many people can’t grasp this.


I think I got it when DJT told us, but you can’t say it often enough, so keep it up! 🙂


That will depend if they will now apply the cheat down to the Senator, Rep level. I suppose that comes down to the agreement between the dem and repub swamp critters. My guess is the dems will stab the repubs in the back as usual and go ahead and cheat.

Then it is simply a case on whether the Biden admin over reaches and pisses off huge amounts of people on both sides who then come out and vote to change the direction. Then maybe enough will vote to overcome the cheat.

So 2022 is critical. If that fails then yes we are done. As I have said before, based on mask compliance this country is pretty much done.


I think they have already been cheating at the congressional level.


I would agree in some races. This past election the Repubs won a bunch. Not sure if it was a case of just focusing on stealing the Presidential. But I have no doubt they have the means to steal a bunch back. But still tougher to do in small districts where it would be more obvious.


If one is familiar with communist country then nothing is surprising.


I learned something about Americans since 1964 is that when American have a common enemy watch out. Just be patient people are coming together all races one Nation under God. The Chinese have no clue and those who are selling us out have no clue.


Yeah, I’m NOT worried 🙂

Gail Combs

True Singing Soul

We are like family, we squabble amongst ourselves but will attack a common threat ferociously.


I love that mystery about the US.


“If deplorables obey the law, they “win”. If deplorables break the law, they “win”.”


And if deplorables stop treating this like a game without deadly consequences, and go scorched earth, literally eliminating the enemy within, then deplorables win unconditionally, both now and for the foreseeable future.

And it would have been easy to do in 2017, 2018, 2019 or 2020.

But, apparently, we didn’t want to upset the Wojaks or the comatose, so…


I believe the rule of law is the only way to take them down legally – if we are not a nation of laws – then, we are toast.

Many are fighting the good fight against all odds – we need to keep believing good will triumph – imho

Gail Combs

With Corrupt judges and corrupt DAs you have no rule of law. That is why Q said the military was necessary to dig out the rot.

Remove the corrupt and try them by military tribunal or get them to retire PERMANENTLY and yes, we can go back to actual rule of law.


Agree – we have corruption in every aspect of the law – and yes – that is why Military Tribunals will be most effective – however – it was important for PT to replace judges – as many as possible – because not all crimes will be tried in MTs – frequently PT mentioned law and order – and that is what we will have when we have flushed out all of the gutter trash – perhaps – that is what is happening behind the scenes at present.

Question: Where is Hollyweird lately? Shouldn’t they be out celebrating the ‘Commie in the White House’?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no celebration of STOLEN MERCHANDISE.

Most people figure out that you keep the HOT STUFF OFF THE STREET, and ALL OF A SUDDEN the RECKONING BEGINS.

They know.
They know.
They know.


Victory comes with revelation – and the celebration thereafter – one can stand on the street corner and proclaim the insufferable indignity until the cows come home – but, when the people SEE – all becomes clearer – and the victory celebration becomes a reality.


Hollyweird is quiet… very curious, it is another dog that hasn’t been barking, come to think of it.


Yes, Creek – very strange – I think


Miss Gail, I’ve lost confidence in the military doing anything.

Generals Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, Milley, DoD Esper and now the new DoD Austin have all acted in accord with the political left’s agenda.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Chinese toadies.


IMO, 6 January, when pence punted, it put an end the the military potentially intervening, via IA.

That, and IF NSA did NOT communicate reality – the election WAS IN FACT stolen, to Acting SecDef, then, that option was scratched.


If all evidence is allowed to be heard and it is clear that fraud was the cause of the election results; and the S.C. still rules against Real POTUS, then it will solidify, in the minds of all, that all legal avenues were pursued and still justice could not prevail.

This will be proof positive that the corruption is too widespread and the Military is the only avenue left.


Yes – if they rule again the evidence – it will be the end of the line for them – more to come

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want to scream “WHAT T Fn HELL, BOY!”

“A nation of laws! A nation of laws?”

“That’s a good one!”

“Tell me another, Lin! Tell me another!”


I understand your point. I also think Lin Wood, a lawyer, has to say we are a nation of laws. He is an officer of the court and, by profession, has to operate within the law. I think he would open himself up to more censure than he already experiences if he said anything to cast doubt on the rule of law being followed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, you are quite correct. I think he’s hinting his doubts by his tone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wake T F U, Lin.

I can tell by his tone, he KNOWS they’re gonna snake him.


Welcome to the group LIE that’s so big, it looks like the truth…



Until one experiences it firsthand – one will not know the gravity of the situation – this is a test – everyone will see – not just Lin and Sidney – what you already see will come to light for all concerned.

It has to be this way – the first contestation was sent away empty handed – with ‘no standing’.

Will they have ‘standing’ – will they be able to prove ‘injury’ – will they be able to get ‘restitution’ for the injured parties? We shall see.

Mike Lindell may have victory as well – not sure how that is going to happen or where his evidence will be presented – we shall see how that plays out.

We have waited so long for justice – Q said ‘justice is coming’ – how – when – where – we do not know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d like to think there is a nice way out of this, but looking at the “fluxes and fields” of socialist self-deception, I have not seen any indication recently that ANYBODY of importance or power remains, who will counter the lie.

It’s remarkable, but almost the ENTIRE ELITE is bought into the LIE. That Dominion whistle-blower gal was the last person who truly showed what self-determination was needed to FLIP against the FIELD OF LIES.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Biden “win” is like a RELIGION which sells by THREATENING people with MORTAL HELL if they don’t accept it.


I think we already know who has bought into the lie – and how widespread it is – those with nothing to hide – have nothing about which to worry – but, they may be few and far between.


Major Patriot


“If you just do the following, we won’t call you a Domestic Terrorist”

Denounce Trump
Denounce Patriotism
Denounce Any Notion of Election Fraud
Denounce The 2nd Amendment
Denounce Q 
Denounce Whiteness
Denounce Your Gender if you are Male
Denounce America
Denounce God

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. They’re ASSHOLES and they demand that WE HIDE THEIR LIES.


Not in our nature – we will expose them at every turn – ‘they will not be able to walk down the street’ – Q


The rats are scurrying.

The Bias News@thebias_news

JUST IN: Lincoln Project co-founder Jennifer Horn resigns from the organization, citing the revelations surrounding co-founder John Weaver (NYT).

Gail Combs

Another big helicopter just flew over headed for DC.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These guys and gals are gonna get banned real quick, but this is good stuff.



A source tells TruNews that @RealMikeLindell went into a secure location today after receiving a significant amount of death threats.


Yes Mike is in the most secure place 🙂


He was on Bannon this morning with palm trees waving in the background. 👍🏻


Yes well protected.


Very interesting… 🌴 


Wise thing to to do after dropping the HAMMER OF TRUTH !


Hope he quietly tells Bank of America his whereabouts so they can snoop a 4 State area for anyone suspect buying coffee, sweet rolls and ammo../s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

#1. Rand is a DOCTOR.

#2. He has HAD Covid and thus is IMMUNE.

#3. He has damaged lungs.

#4. The DemonRats are lunatics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The dude is THERE FOR ME.


comment image


Mike’s video is on GAB.

Gail Combs

The Contents are TOO dangerous?
For ADULTS to view?


Too dangerous to the plans of the Oligarchy.


The Dems fully understand the nature of the war – it is spiritual / informational.

Their spirits got changed by Chyna, so they are now doing Chyna’s work for them. They intend to do whatever it takes for the reverse process to NOT occur ….

The Democrats / RINO’s are natural born Americans, most with Caucasian DNA, performing the work of Chyna – because they are inhabited by the dragon, not the eagle.

Gail Combs

I really want to send them to work IN CHYNA IN A CHINESE LABOR CAMP. Maybe after a year, if they are still alive, they might be fit to become American citisens again.


Go to 1:45:00 in video to see realtime mapping of the voting data transfers captured by the US govt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am starting to see the strategy and it is so beautiful.


Pepe Lives Matter@PepeLivesMatter17

When an interviewer asked if he should pay up on his wager about whether Trump would win the presidency or not…Flynn responded:
“I would not concede that bottle of wine. I’ll leave it at that.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Make sure that EVERY FRIEND looks in the ABYSS. Every single one.

The PIT that CHINA is trying to THROW US INTO.


Entertaining – Who is really in control?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



hahahaha although I wish she would’ve started with Obamination

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – what is going ON?


Merck gave up on developing China virus vaccine, which was NOT promising. Focus on therapeutics. Makes sense to me.

Maybe he was supposed to keep on milking fed dollars acting like Merck vaccine had a chance. Guessing share holders didn’t like it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – those sound like reasonable options.

I’m also thinking that they were coming in late with bad results and doubts about the technology – better to bail – but somebody had to pay.


millionaire critical theory guru smack talking the almighty gender benders…that would be a canceling event for most.


First Fox News fires Lou Dobbs.

Then comes NYT Reporter Grynbaum Tweet:

“TRUMP statement on LOU DOBBS: 
“Lou Dobbs is and was great. Nobody loves America more than Lou. He had a large and loyal following that will be watching closely for his next move, and that following includes me.” – Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

https://twitter. com/grynbaum/status/1357844930157285376

Then comes the Newsmax story –;


“Former President Donald Trump reportedly issued a statement in support of television host Lou Dobbs, whose show was canceled by Fox News Network.

The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that Fox News had canceled ”Lou Dobbs Tonight,” which was hosted by one of the media’s most ardent supporters of Donald Trump and the former president’s claims of voter fraud.

According to a tweet by New York Times reporter Michael M. Grynbaum, Trump said the following through spokesman Billy Bush.”

Yep – that Billy Bush – the one that leaked the video about the joking p-ssy remark.  

Are we supposed to believe PDJT is using Billy Bush as a spokesperson?

President Trump’s radio silence is getting pretty awkward.


This tweet does not mention Billy Bush at all.

Neither is billy bush mentioned in the News Max article
Nor is Bush mentioned in the LA Times article that News Max is echoing

Did you see Billy Bush mentioned in these articles or tweet? Were they changed/corrected since you read them and posted this?

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

I quoted it directly from the article. It’s all there.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

…and I did check again.


working link to the article:

The article links to the tweet above that does not say what the article claims it says. The tweet does not mention Billy Bush.


I know the tweet doesn’t mention Billy Bush.

I hunted a good while to find the source of the Trump quote.

The Newsweek article explains or claims it came from Billy Bush.

I’m not sure it’s really an official Trump quote.

Now do you understand?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s right there. Billy Bush left a voicemail. But NEWSMAX is claiming that he’s a “spokesman”, which is strange – it could just be a TIP.

########## From Newsmax……

According to a tweet by New York Times reporter Michael M. Grynbaum, Trump said the following through spokesman Billy Bush.

“Lou Dobbs is and was great. Nobody loves America more than Lou. He had a large and loyal following that will be watching closely for his next move, and that following includes me.” – Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States”

Grynbaum said Bush, an American radio and television host, left him a voicemail relaying Trump’s message.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Interesting discussion at Quodverum and a bit of Hopeum to sleep on.  😘  😴 

[Begin QUOTES]

Brian Cates
Democrat Impeachment managers are DEMANDING that former President Donald J. Trump testify under oath at the Senate trial….

I know what you are telling yourself: They can’t possibly be this stupid. They’d take a show trial, a political stunt most people would barely pay attention to and turn it into MUST SEE TELEVISION.
Trump’s big public return to testify under oath at a Senate trial, you couldn’t craft better must-see-TV. [NO WAY would Trump’s Lawyers ALLOW him to testify. THINK GENERAL FLYNN! -GC]

The legal eagles will immediately say Trump’s lawyers will shield him from any testimony whatsoever. He won’t appear, and he certainly won’t testify. We’ll see what happens.

Thomas Wictor
Hat tip @drawandstrike
You wrote:
“I know what you are telling yourself: They can’t possibly be this stupid.”
You were referring to the Democrats “requesting” Trump to testify ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE SENATE TRIAL.

What they’re doing is even STUPIDER than it seems on the surface.
Let’s look at it: [Refers to Impeachment Articles that says POTUS LIED about wining. -GC]

Brian Cates
Amazing. 10 minutes ago before the news broke, this upcoming Senate trial was a non-event, a useless political stunt that hardly anybody was going to pay attention to. Watch what happens if Trump even hints he might show up to testify in his own defense.
[Now I think that Brian is correct about holding out that bait. -GC]

Thomas Wictor

“You denied many factual allegations set forth in the article of impeachment. You have thus attempted to put critical facts at issue.”

You know what they’re talking about, right?
They’re inviting him TO PROVE ELECTION FRAUD.
And THAT is why Trump’s lawyers crafted their answer so carefully.
It was another Trump tiger pit, and AS ALWAYS, the Democrats fell right into it.
Just to make sure that that everyone is on the same page, let’s look at the article of impeachment.

“President Trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud.

“He reiterated false claims that ‘we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.'”

In Trump’s answer, he DENIED that he made false claims.

“The 45thPresident exercised his First Amendmentright under the Constitution to express his belief that the election results were suspect,since with very few exceptions, under the convenient guise of Covid-19 pandemic ‘safeguards’ states election laws and procedures were changed by local politicians or judges without the necessary approvals from state legislatures…”

“Insufficient evidence exists upon which a reasonable jurist could conclude that the 45thPresident’s statements were accurate or not, and he therefore denies they were false.”

[Here little mousey, step into the nice trap…– GC.  😋 ]

[ KEY POINT!!!  👇 ]

Remember that the FIRST Trump team allegedly quit because Trump wanted to pursue election fraud as his defense, while the lawyers wanted the defense to be the unconstitutionality of the trial?
Well, the ANSWER by the NEW Trump team was based ONLY on unconstitutionality!
They’re CRIMINAL trial lawyers, specializing in fraud, RICO, organized crime, and so on.

The lawyers and Trump set up the Democrats.
Now Trump gets to PROVE election fraud on national TV BECAUSE HE USED THE MILITARY TO GET THE REAL VOTE COUNT.
After Trump proves election fraud, everyone will say, “Well, okay, but it’s too late because Biden was sworn in.”
And THEN Trump will reveal how he defeated the election left by going through Congress and his cabinet.
Now, all I can say for sure is that IF trump testifies, he WILL prove election fraud.
What happens after that?


The lawyers and Trump set up the Democrats.
Now Trump gets to PROVE election fraud on national TV BECAUSE HE USED THE MILITARY TO GET THE REAL VOTE COUNT.
After Trump proves election fraud, everyone will say, “Well, okay, but it’s too late because Biden was sworn in.”
And THEN Trump will reveal how he defeated the election left by going through Congress and his cabinet.
Now, all I can say for sure is that IF trump testifies, he WILL prove election fraud.
What happens after that?
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And there’s still 4 days to go until the Senate trial is scheduled to begin.

Don’t underestimate the impact of DEMOCRATS, corporate media and big tech being forced to admit LESS THAN TWO WEEKS into the Biden administration “Yes, ok we rigged the election!” Biden can’t govern at all now. He’s an impotent lame duck.

Now, they haven’t admitted they STOLE the election; they’re only going so far as to “explain” how they rigged the election to supposedly get Biden 81 million votes.
“Here’s how we rigged the election to ensure Biden won with 81 million votes” , they explained. But we know Biden didn’t really get 81 million votes.

Notice the key difference; they’re making an admission that a rich cabal of people set out to rig the election to ensure Biden won it. They targeted states and worked to change election laws. IN NO WAY are they admitting they also STOLE the election by fraudulent fake votes. They are still going to insist Biden got 81 million votes.
[This is how they hope to shape public perception and do damage control. -GC]

They are going to claim “Sure the election was rigged for Biden, but we didn’t manufacture millions of fake votes for him. Get it right, you wingnuts! We RIGGED the election, we didn’t steal it!”

Amazing, isn’t it? After 4 months of “ Rigged election? WHAT rigged election, you lunatics?!? Trump is CRAZY to say this was a rigged election and so are you!”
to: “Well DUH! Of course a powerful cabal of people rigged this election, you idiots! They had to ensure the world was saved from that lunatic Donald Trump! BUT DON’T YOU DARE SAY THIS WAS A STOLEN ELECTION! Biden won with 81 million votes, stop saying millions of fake votes were created for him, that’s just a wild conspiracy theory!”

@TearGasBreakfast @Debradelai @ThomasWic
This is a narrative controlling quote, IMHO:
“in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.”
they ought to be fearful.

Robert R.
@ThomasWic @Debradelai
Time Magazine is covering their own ass in an attempt to create plausible deniability. They know there was election interference, and they know they got caught.
The CEO of Amazon, the Executive Editor of the Washington Post, the CEO of CNN, and the CEO of Wikipedia have all resigned this week.
Trump’s enemies are dropping like flies. This article is an attempt to create an alibi.
Time Magazine is terrified, and they should be.

Brian Cates
And I already see people downplaying/dismissing this admission.
The alternative narrative already forming is that they are making the admission out of ARROGANCE because they know they’ve gotten away with it and they expect to have clear sailing from here on.
All these corporate goons stepping down is just the next phase of the Great Reset or something.
We’ll see what happens.

We’re less than 2 full weeks into the already-failing Biden administration and 4 days away from the Senate trial and the cabal of very rich stupid people were just forced to try a controlled explosion as they launched a major media offensive to sell a narrative as to WHY it was so important to rig this election.

[And Rex brings us back to the Real World. -GC]

First thing I noticed was the curious absence of how China Joe became the most popular candidate in history, rising from a dismal 5th in the New Hampshire primary to become ‘Mr 81 Million’.
With his trusty sidekick, Ms 1% Kamala Harris.
A truly winning formula. NOT.
Right now, America is being run by an illegitimate government.
They have no popular support. The evidence is everywhere.
In fact, they are loathed. It will only get worse for them, too, as each day passes.

[Refering to the Time Mag article-gc]
‘Hey kids! We illegally rigged the 2020 election by breaking election finance law, illegally changing the voting rules in key States, pissing on the US Constitution and manipulating votes! How cool are we?’
IMO, every public official or member of the natsec apparatus – from General to janitor – who permits this fraud on the people to continue, is complicit in the crime. And will be held to account, too.
It’s beyond shameful that they have not acted by now.

Super interesting part of latest General Flynn interview.
“Hold on to that bottle of wine.”



And will be held to account”

THERE’S THE CATCH – nobody ever gets held to account.

The DoJ, FBI and NSA have: 

– Seth Rich’s laptop.
– Huma Abedin’s laptop.
– Hunter Biden’s laptop.
– Hillary’s servers
– Jeffrey Epstein and Gislaine Maxwell’s computers, papers, etc.
– Obama Spy-gate materials
– the 2020 Election Fraud evidence.

They have done nothing with any of these items – and NOTHING about ANY of these crimes.


You can bet big bitcoin that the powerful cabal that rigged the election won’t be held to account either.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs

The fat lady has not sung yet. I am hoping she sings about sedition and treason and RICO and Human Trafficking and Murder and other nasties.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like the part about ungovernable because it’s TRUE. They have to JAIL or KILL honest Americans to keep this SHAM going.



They cannot kill us all


Their FF infrastructure is showing. AEG, anyone?


They admitted they rigged the election?!

And in other news, once in a while we get to see some intrepid daredevils filming themselves driving 160 MPH and posting their videos for everybody, including cops to see and enjoy. These then get predictably busted for speeding… rule of law and etc., but no amendment ever was made for stopping people incriminating themselves on their own volition.

Is there enough of a difference here for the perpetrators not to be given similar treatment?



The military has the evidence?


For those ready to get involved and who live in VA this is an excellent grassroots group that has grown out of MAGA conservatives. Below is from an email:

“Show of hands… who is located in our near southwest Virginia, 38th District? 

For reference see the following link…

Thank you! 

Brett Holbrook 
Volunteer Coordinator 
The Virginia Project


Have replaced NFL with English Premier League Rugby. Still working on the rules. But pretty brutal. But enjoyable. Lots of sports tape and bloody heads by the end of the game. Man up time.


A friend who was born and raised in England says the American NFL is for sissies and that rugby is for the real tough guys.


What I really like to is the discipline. As a former soccer referee, in rugby there is zero dissent towards the ref allowed. The amount of retaliation is very minor because of the harshnest of the penalty. And they have a very good head injury assessment protocol in place. Pro soccer needs to adopt this also.


Watched one rugby match. In Manila of all places. Two high school teams. Both for EXPAT children and the wealthy. One team, American High School.

Near the end of the game, the kid we went to watch play, ended up going to the hospital. Ripped eye lid, in a collision of sorts. Maybe it was a scrum.


When you’re up on the rules, watch England get smashed by South Africa (my country of birth) in the 2019 Rugby World Cup.

England had beaten the All Blacks of New Zeeland (the utopian darling of the global elites) in the semi’s – the AB’s were the hot favorites to win, since they are considered the global hegemon of world rugby.

So, England were so cock-sure that they convinced themselves that all they had to do was show up to win – and proceeded to get taken apart by the underdogs.

Let us hope that DJT does the same to the DS ……….


But the All Blacks haka is super cool.


AND intimidating, which is included in “super cool” ….