His Fraudulency
The situation is unchanged. His Fraudulency continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
Rally Update
Perhaps you remember this picture

I showed the video this was taken from to a LEO of my acquaintance, and he nearly exploded in rage. Not at the person being sprayed, but at the cop doing the spraying.
He’s spraying the guy for a verbal confrontation. And he’s spraying him in a place where he could have fallen over the edge, in which case his non-lethal spray could have become deadly force.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Like that new EAGLE, Steve.
LOVE your common sense – reality – unequivocal post!
RECTIFYING the election is essential to our nation – unless this is done – there’s no point ever voting again.
It’s one Bako found a few weeks ago; I think this is my third use of it.
It is a very serious eagle. Just right for the times.
Agree. I hope Dominion systems are exposed. Bet you Turdeau used it to win the last Canadian Federal election
Looking forward to the pepper spray pic.
Shortly after midnight, I clicked on your article, but, then it disappeared. Went back, gone. Third visit has me here. Guessing WP is messing with us again. Perhaps the pic is involved.
I thought maybe he was still editing or there were technical glitches.
Just explained what happened to kalbo. You’re not too far off the mark though.
No, I tried to get in to delay it before midnight but my damn connection was flaky, so I had to pull it down to put in the paragraph about the pepper spray–because I had that conversation less than two hours ago.
The pic is now there.
And, here, I missed all the fun. I was increasing the size of my swapfile on two computers (it helps to do them in pairs so that one can display the instructions and man page while you do it to the other [not that it’s rocket surgery, although the recommended method uses the “dd” command…..which is quite ancient, quite powerful, and VERY DANGEROUS]).
I know «rocket surgery» is a contamination, but as far as the commands available on Linux and other related systems go, the power and dangers of the dd tool does bring to mind activities resembling surgery.
On the flip side of rocket surgery is brain science, a field of study that does not involve the current inhabitant of the White House.
So you’re saying that he has merely had a brain transformation, rather than a brain transplant?
I say “merely”, when I mean the opposite. They have become masters in the art of transforming Americans into Chynese …
This is the new form of warfare. We better catch up quick smart …
When I say “Americans”, I don’t mean to suggest that the term does not include Australians, amongst many others …
The problem isn’t the warfare, the problem is trying to be polite about it.
Yeah – that is a challenge, on all sides. Politeness is tough to remember when the stakes are this high.
As you know, I am a culprit.
I’m saying his brain is dead.
I’ve had to use dd recently to clone a damn disk. Nothing else would work. Scary stuff. And cloning an encrypted drive to a larger disk is…an interesting process, let’s just say.
If someone gives you a suggested course of action using dd, I bring up the man page and go through it while I input the command. In the specific case, the guy was making an 8G file of 0’s to become the new swapfile. If I were looking to do so, I’m sure I could figure out a less nail-biting method. I suppose if you use it enough to be comfortable with it, it’s efficient as all blazes……but it’s sort of like using a plasma cutter to make shelves in your closet — one slip, and you burn your house down.
The tool is powerful enough to put multiple copies of any specified data anywhere in the system — into a file, onto a disk (whether the file system allowed it or not), across your boot record, in the middle of your data….and it is your own fault if you didn’t realize that you didn’t know the proper size of the data you were copying. “I made a Word file for “Mary had a little lamb.” — that’s only about 25 characters, so I made a billion copies and wrote it to my terabyte disk. I should be ok, right?” [A word file for “Mary had a little lamb.” is probably about 40K, so you likely crashed the system and the destination disk.]
Right, on all counts.
the instructions I was reading couldn’t stress often enough the necessity of making sure you didn’t swap source and destination!
Yeah, that would definitely tighten the sphincters.
In general, the fewer the characters to invoke a UNIX/Linux command, the older it is…….and the fewer the guardrails. “dd” is an ancient command of great power where a typo can leave you with a world of hurt, and possible permanent damage.
Just posted at wearethene.ws – premise is Babbitt shooting as a false flag. That whole thing never looked right to me, at all. Interesting.
I’m at 16 minutes and 34 seconds and I’m screaming BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT!!!
Yeah, that little bit of lame street theater was the best they could do while a half-million MAGA folks came to see justice. True witness, it’s bullshit all the way down.
“If that was all that was playing in the theater, I’m damn glad I stayed outside with the mall rats!”
Not everyone is ready to deliver Shakespeare. You have to start with community theater where the old vinyl chairs are cracked and the warning to not eat the brownies are reality before perfecting the craft.
And yet they wildly “succeeded” and we wildly “failed.” That is the lesson our side needs to discuss.
I ran it at 1/2 speed yesterday. The whole thing looks like a B rated movie and the Cops make the Keystone Cops look good.
The FOUR COPS with their backs to the door GETTING OUT OF THE WAY OF FURRY HAT once he grabs the helmet?
There were around ten cops including the SWAT team so after the first swing with the helmet WHY DIDN’T THE COPS CUFF FURRY HAT??? or TAZER HIM, OR MACE HIM???
When Babbitt started to climb through WHY DIDN’T THE COPS GRAB HER??? WHY SHOOT HER INSTEAD? There were cops within arms reach of that woman for cripes sake!
Since Swat Teams are used in the more ‘lethal’ situations, a member should AT LEAST have serious first aid training. SO why in HADES was a ‘medic’ from the CROWD ALLOWED TO INTERFERE???
I am not trained in 1st Aid by even I KNOW you NEVER EVER LIFT someone who has fallen yet that was the FIRST THING DONE. (The reason is possible neck or back injury.)
And the cop stepping into the blood?? THAT IS NO COP! (Also HE DID NOT TRACK THE BLOOD ELSE WHERE WITH HIS SHOE….)
Once you see all that fakery, it’s face-palm that I ever believed it.
I NEVER believed it because of the movement of the cops.
With someone shot in the neck, you have to assume arterial spray and the first thing you do is compress the artery. I’ve heard of standing up the victim also (happened to a Blues player a few years back), but I don’t know if that is still standard protocol or not.
Wolf Moon
Must watch video:
Everything Wrong With……THE CAPITOL SHOOTING
The cringe just never stops. Hilarious cringe.
We were SO DUPED.
htt ps://youtu.be/OWqFauy0EiA
Regarding the still you used in the insert — I’ve had more blood when I popped a zit.
Where is there a deadly amount of blood loss in this play?
I lost a LOT more blood as a 6 year old when I severed an artery and they didn’t even give me a transfusion!
The blood puddle is two gloves by one glove MAX a latex glove is ~8 inches. (I just measured mine) This is a MARBLE floor so it would really SPREAD (notice a small pool and then lighter color around it @ 17:30)
The cop steps in it @ 17:51 again figuring about 13 inches for the shoe size the puddle is no more that about 18 inches long and 1/2 that width. Maybe a cup of blood POSSIBLY a pint?
reading articles in the last few days that “investigators” recommend no charges for the “officer” involved…and then they causally mention that altho his name has not been released he is believed to be on a congressperson’s PRIVATE detail. (because the “officer” label wasn’t working since you can clearly see this guy’s suit and cufflinks which dc police don’t wear…)
so which congressperson wanted to get REALPOTUS the worse?
nanzi? adam? or chuck?
Does street theatre require street justice?
IF amateurs can see The Malarky – you know Trump’s professionals have seen more.
Would be interesting to see the coroners report.
Being officially dead but still alive is a very unenviable position if things go egg shaped, no one is going to come looking for you.
The first arrest will shock the world
“The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
“Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.”
Exactly right! Until the fraud is fixed, I refuse to even think about 2022. As far as I’m concerned, there is no 2022, just years and years of descent into hopeless communism if this isn’t fixed.
AMEN. I will go to jail or be killed before I will go along with this fraud of an election.
Call me an “extremist”. I AM an “extremist” – an EXTREME LOVER OF TRUTH.
Right there with you, Wolfie.
Maybe so but it’s a B.S. term entirely. They were the ones that flipped it on its head.
Consider the term “anti-revolutionary” which according to the CCP, being guilt of is high treason. But many dissidents have worn “anti-revolutionary” as a badge of honor.
The term “extremist” has been substituted for ‘terrorist’ or ‘jihadist’ in Saudi Arabia, since 2017.
It was part of Prince Salman’s crackdown on terrorists.
But rather than call them ‘terrorists’ he started calling them ‘extremists’ instead.
I don’t know if this has contributed to what is going on here with the Demoncrats.
But it’s good to note that they are elevating the word ‘extremists’ to an actionable charge against innocent patriots here.
Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
Another resignation
Whao! Within 24 hours of Molly Ball’s story in Time Magazine about how the 2020 Election was rigged against Trump, specifically highlighting how there was a “conspiracy” that “curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs” thanks to a pact between the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO “to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy”—> CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CEO TOM DONOHUE HAS NOW RESIGNED!
There are no coincidences.

Scoop: Thomas Donohue to leave U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Board leadership is expected to appoint Suzanne Clark as its next leader.
This tends to make me think the guilty are pushing narrative and retiring / resigning people to get ahead of something. There may be something going on in the background.
This is definitely welcome news. I can hope the US CoC is teetering on the brink.
A good shot of pepper spray and maybe they’ll fall over the edge.
Your LEO friend twigged to the fraud….did he take the next step and figure it wasn’t really pepper spray?
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. In the video the guy didn’t react much.
On the other hand he was wearing some sort of face shield (not mask but shield).
OMG – that’s in the video below!!! They saw that! Phony crisis pepper spray.
Can the media library take a video?
I might have to upload the video this is from.
I think you can upload to Gab, and then use the Gab link to play it here.
That assumes I can find ANYTHING in that so-called user interface.
Come to think of it, THIS site has been logging me off a lot lately.
When I log in, it takes me to the dashboard. And there’s no obvious link back to this page. None. So I have to backarrow twice, then because that page still shows me logged out, reload it.
If I ever DO want to get to the dashboard…I can’t find it.
Good – your view of the dashboard (black left sidebar, for those who don’t know what we are talking about) sounds very much like it is the same as mine.
This MAY work for you.
To get TO the dashboard, from a normal view of the site, do this:
(1) Click “My Sites” on the left end of the black toolbar.
(2) WAY down at the bottom – and you have to SCROLL to see it – so low that it can actually be obscured by URL display popups in the lower left corner – is the Dashboard item.
(3) Click Dashboard to get into it. Even if you can only barely click it.
NOW – to get OUT of the Dashboard, I do this.
(1) At the very top, ABOVE the Dashboard, click on “My Sites” again.
(2) In the BLUE dashboard / sidebar that appears, click the “View Site” item. You will go back to the site’s normal view in the SAME TAB.
There’s nothing to scroll down to.
My sites has an Icon for Q tree, then Mange as a subheading then “site pages” and “blog posts.”
That’s it. When we first moved over here there was a lot more.
Not only that but “blog posts” no longer gives me the option to only see MY blog posts, so I have to scroll down a ways to do my customary copying of an old post to start a new one.
What does this link do for you?
That’s the dashboard I was talking about.
WHen I log in that’s where it takes me.
Good. Looks like you can get there by that link. I cannot understand why the system doesn’t have such a link from the normal site, but so be it.
Yeah, as I said earlier, that is where I will be directed if I have to log in (and lately, i’ve been getting logged out a lot). It doesn’t send me back to where I was when I hit the login link, and there’s no obvious link to the page I was reading, either. Nor even to the home page for the site (from which I could find my way back to where I was–though I shouldn’t have to). It’s therefore easier to just back-arrow to where I was and then reload so it will agree I am now logged in.
Uploading even as I type.
Full HD, it’s going to be about 500 MB.
OK, it looks like I just pissed away half a GB of my data allowance.
I uploaded it to my GAB timeline but it doesn’t show.
UGH. Don’t try again. The site is flaky and sometimes uploads great.
But check your homepage and media bucket on Gab. It may be THERE.
That’s where I thought I was (homepage). Okay….
I have no idea where the “media bucket” is.
Any media that you load will be listed on your home page on Gab.
I think that Gab TV uploads are on a different server, through tv.gab.com. That’s another possibility. And your Gab account is good there, too.
The timeline allows uploading a video though, so that’s what I did.
If it’s on my home page I’m blind as a bat.
“I can hope the US CoC is teetering on the brink.”
A good hard shove would help us find out.
It’s the least we could do.
Not waiting for the gallows.
If anything even looking like a wrist slap approaches, they’ll pull another 9/11 or WuFlu.
“If anything even looking like a wrist slap approaches, they’ll pull another 9/11 or WuFlu.”
Not if our magnificent military suddenly springs into action and saves the day.
Oh wait… never mind…
Not if our magnificent citizens start getting feisty…….
I don’t think this gang could plan and pull off a 9-11 level FF.
Plus…I doubt the Trump people would have left files and evidence as vulnerable as it was in the Pentagon, WTC7 and the north tower. Since destroying those specific targets was part of the plot, not sure what they would be going after.
“Not waiting for the gallows.”
The gallows wait for them.
Resignation is not the punishment for Treason plus crimes against humanity.
I’m sure of it.
I hope this is true. People also retire after a job well done.
They’re coming to get you Tommy.
Swingin’ on the Gallows Pole.
HOLY $#!+!
Getting ahead of what is in store for us. Beijing Biden will love this idea.
CHINA is now requiring a LICENSE to talk about politics and other subjects online.
LINK: https://www.theepochtimes.com/communist-party-tightens-control-on-chinese-social-media-license-now-required-to-comment-on-current-affairs_3685782.html/amp
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/yHvgi
Communist Party Tightens Control on Chinese Social Media, License Now Required to Comment on Current Affairs
February 5, 2021 3:54, Last Updated: February 5, 2021 4:16
By Alex Wu ,
China’s ruling communist party has further tightened its control over speech, information, and thought among the Chinese people, announcing limits on what is allowed on Chinese social media.
The country’s social media platforms in recent days have issued notices to users, requiring them to obtain “Internet News Information Service Licenses” or otherwise be banned from commenting on “politics, economics, the military, diplomacy, and other major news.”
The notices explain that if a user does not have a license, they are advised not to compile, publish, comment and interpret any information on current affairs.
The notices from Sohu and Baidu clearly state that users are now required “not to release such information without approval.” The notices added that the new rules “prohibit the development of such content without permission or beyond permitted scope.”
Sohu’s notice to social media / self-media accounts owners. Screenshot.
Sohu’s notice also listed penalties for when the new regulations are violated.
For reposting existing information, the notice said that “unlicensed accounts” spreading prohibited current affairs content will initially be banned for seven days. If they violate the rule for a second time, their account will be suspended for 15 days, followed by a 30 day suspension for the third violation.
If a user violates the reposting ban for a fourth time, their account will be “permanently disabled.”
The penalities are harsher for those sharing original posts. Unlicensed account directly posting information in violation of the rules will be “permanently banned once discovered,” the notice said.
Commentators not affiliated with a state-approved media company have said it’s almost impossible for them to be granted a license, given the long list of unrealistic requirements WeChat, Sohu, and Baidu are demanding on behalf of the authorities.
One criteria, according to the owner of the NetEase account “Tianma Xingwen,” is that personal accounts are not eligible for a license.
They lamented that the new regulations will mean that the future of Chinese social media will “belong to only a very small number of people.”
Ma Xiaolin, a veteran reporter who covered the Iraq war, said on Weibo on Jan. 30, “As a researcher and columnist on international relations, it seems that from now on, I can only talk about eating, drinking, and having fun on social media.”
The CCP’s Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) is behind the push for the new social media restrictions.
During the CAC’s national meeting on Jan.29, the Internet regulation and control agency announced that it would focus its resources on “prominent problems that disrupt the ‘peace and order’ of Internet communications,” including viral topics and videos.
Major internet service providers that own social media platforms, such as Tencent and Sina Weibo, attended the meeting.
Zhuang Rongwen, vice minister of the CCP’s propaganda department and director of the CAC, said at the meeting that it is necessary to “maintain the correct political orientation, public opinion orientation, and value orientation” across all internet platforms, no matter what they are.
The CAC said in a Jan. 31 notice that with the licenses, it is now “focused on rectifying” the situation where the public has had access to unregulated online commentators.
The agency also said that licensed media personalities will still need to follow a “review before posting” policy, implying that they will not be able to discuss politically sensitive views on current affairs topics, including during livestreams.
Ling Yun contributed to the report.
So far this does not apply to the American Special Autonomous Region.
Exactly. EXACTLY.
“So far this does not apply to the American Special Autonomous Region.”
Which coincidentally is wherever I go.
I think you missed the point of my comment.
American Special Autonomous Region is parallel to how the Chinese classified Hong Kong and Macau.
That was painful, exactly what we are.
Makes total sense. After all, everything not compulsory is forbidden.
How naive you are.
Many things that are compulsory are also forbidden, so they get to jail you no matter what you do.
Au contraire, mein freund….you assume that words have fixed meaning. What is a thing?
What is is? What is what?
a is a, I know that much!
Indicative of resistance going on. Wuflu leading to lockdowns aka pogroms, more lockdowns very recently and now severe censuring.
Interesting. Could CCP ***AND*** DNC both lose control?
We know they’ve had a lot of flooding. I would bet they have food shortages with more to come. We also know they’ve called up, aka conscripted, a lot more military. In the past, when they’ve cracked down on their people, it’s always due to problems. They’re just trying to hide it better.
I would bet that food shortages are a big part of what is driving them to push the democrats so hard. They want favorable trade deals for food, ownership of land for food as well as processing plants. They’ve made a mess of their water, land, livestock and farms by a whole lot of bad policies for decades.
Everyone went all in on the pot….and it’s teetering…..
“Interesting. Could CCP ***AND*** DNC both lose control?”
Not if the United States military is protecting them both.
Everything China tries on social media is a dry run for rolling it out to the rest of the world and to the United States.
I am expecting socialist media to begin pushing this soon. Because our congresscritters won’t hold them accountable, they will get away with it, under the auspices of being private companies.
I hope they try it.
It will go immediately to the (not)Supreme Court, and when Roberts & the Traitors give it the imprimatur of the Supreme Cowards, then we’ll get to chase those goofs around like it’s the Benny Hill show.
What’s interesting about this, though, is that the more honest people on the other side of the spectrum are not happy when censorship happens. It’s the ones who are all for it who you have to watch out for.
“What’s interesting about this, though, is that the more honest people on the other side of the spectrum are not happy when censorship happens.”
There are no honest or ‘good faith’ people ‘on the other side’, as far as I am concerned.
They are the God-hating, America-hating, baby-murder loving Party of Sodom & Gomorrah.
If there is any perversion of law or morality the Left does not support, what would that be?
If Satan was creating a political party, what would he add, that the Left does not already endorse, promote or do?
Think carefully.
I’m not that judgemnetal.
“I’m not that judgemnetal.”
Are God’s people not supposed to discern between good and evil?
How does a person hate God, support baby murder, support every perversion there is, and be a person acting in ‘good faith’?
“I’m not that judgemnetal.”
Of course you are, you’re judging me right now…

Like a supernova of the anus…
Is that called Dire Rear? (Anus dirus)
“Is that called Dire Rear?”
If Dire Rear is Latin for Diarrhea, then possibly — but at this point we’re well beyond my expertise…

“Getting ahead of what is in store for us. Beijing Biden will love this idea.
CHINA is now requiring a LICENSE to talk about politics and other subjects online.
I hope [JB] tries it.
It would be suicide.
It might even be enough to provoke the terminally comatose out of their pods.
Yeah, the overreach is reaching WAKETFU levels.
It’s ironic that The Epoch Times was founded by Chinese Americans who are against the CCP.
Yup. And the idiot Chicommunized American Baizuo hate on the Epoch Times!
Over there they use the government, here they use the social media platform patsies.
SSDD from the “we want tight control of all” cabal and their useful idiots in the CCP.
Well, CRAP.
I completely forgot to mention that Joe Biden didn’t win.
My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
It was in the title. You don’t need it in every paragraph thereafter.
That can never be said too few times!
𝖁𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕯𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖂𝖎𝖓…
𝕳𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖆!
Joe Biden didn’t win. To be proceeded by Donald Trump won in a Landside!
I thought Joe Biden didn’t win was one of those understood truths like the sun rising in the east.
“We hold these Truths to be self evident…”
I love those words, but there’s no way those truths are in fact self-evident; if they were human history would have been a lot different.
So you sometimes gotta state what is obvious.
His Fraudulencey.
^^ The opener today. Kinda, sorta says it all.
Oh, that has been my official monicker for him since the 20th. I don’t get to use it much because when I am making the point that Joe Biden didn’t win it reduces clarity to write “His Fraudulency.” And most of the time when I want to reference His Fraudulency, it’s in that phrase.
a brief respite from the storms that swirl…
Love those flowers! <3
the sound track with yr garden is also nice.
definitely a soothing & restorative combo
Babylon Bee nails it again!
The Babylon Bee
David Hogg To Release Line Of Extra-Absorbent Pillows For Liberal Tears
David Hogg To Release Line Of Extra-Absorbent Pillows For Liberal Tears
CAMRBIDGE, MA – Smart Harvard student David Hogg has announced he is fighting back in the great pillow war against Mike Lindell, the evil Dark Lord of Pillows.Hogg says he has found an audience with…babylonbee.com
Our precious little Piglet…..what would we ever do without him?
Although, come to think of it, I can’t think of a single thing we’ve ever done that needed him….
He definitely needs Hogg-tying!
Updated imagery…& insanity!

Breitbart News
David Hogg renders his judgement on 74,000,000+ Americans
David Hogg: Majority of GOP Are ‘Conspiracy Theorists and White Supremacists’
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg said Thursday on MSNBC ‘s “The Beat With Ari Melber” that it is “terrifying” that “conspiracy theorists and white supremacists” are no longer…breitbart.com
Please share with us why .@BreitbartNews
is even giving this insignificant 15 minutes of fame punk another moment of attention?
I can guarantee you Andrew Breitbart would not have.
So, I am going to go ahead and Unfollow you until you guys figure out what’s really important.
Breitbart is GOPe Controlled Opposition just like Faux News.
w/ Chi-coms controlling said narratives likely
Do they really need to publish Reiner’s opinion and photo so often? Especially when he just echoes the Nevertrumpers?
Are the pillows filled with HOGG bristles??
They are multi-purpose too!
My hairbrush, actually, is boar bristles. It’s a pretty expensive Mason-Pearson that I found on clearance for $10.
Guys put deer heads and fish on walls for trophies. Ladies compare bargains found.
my father-in-law-God rest his soul, made lamps with the legs and coat hooks from the hooves — along with the deer heads hanging on the walls…
Cry Pillow comes with complimentary hot chocolate and marshmallows.
Pajama Boy is now coming to mind…yuck!
Mind bending chemistry here
wonder what the birdies think of it…?
that constantly over-turning wave, repeating…and repeating..
wonder if it makes them feel kinda edgey.
if I were a birdie living there, I’d be a little wary…
actually, I’d just fly away, lol.
it’s cool to watch…but after about the 10th cycle, might become a tad nerve-wracking.
very cool though.
the little pigeon darting by got me wondering about the birdies.
amazing what level of “abnormalities” can be tolerated via familiarity & constant repetition!
I think it’s called normalcy bias.
I don’t believe it.
First, I’m not aware of any technology that would make it possible, and second, it’s comical that you can here what sounds like an ocean surf, coming from inside what would necessarily be a very well sealed container.
I thought that sound of surf was actually part of it…like …what the…?
maybe the designers included an audio with it…conceptual art type thing.
Good points…I was hoping one of the geniuses here could expound on what Might be happening!
There has to be something fairly powerful to be able to keep the «water» moving around inside it like that, something that can impart the necessary changes to momentum and thus shift kinetic energy in and out. There is likely some serious and interesting hardware hiding underneath the base of the box.
Similarly, the ocean waves sound would have to be coming from some loudspeakers or sound system. The water or whatever other chemical that is splashing around inside wouldn’t sound the same at all.
But it is an entertaining installation.
good points. It made me think of some type of small desk top sized sloshing effect I’d seen years ago…hmmm
Is it not two different kinds of liquids like a giant version of those lava lamps from the 60’s
I would think so, but someone else suggested a trick of the light…I honestly don’t know!
There are projectors in the corners, methinks.
You are watching a clever light show, is all …..
could be. did you see the fake fireworks that were on TV but not in the sky the “broadcast” purported to show? More “pandemic” scamery…
Yup, fake is now the new real …..
My instinct to head in the opposite direction of the crowd continues to serve well.
To quote a character in a 3 Stooges short “This world has sure gone crazy!”
SCOTUS gets one right!
Paul M. Jonna
BREAKING: In a 6-3 ruling, SCOTUS granted our application for an injunction in South Bay and STRUCK DOWN CA’s indoor worship ban (and Justice Roberts sided with the conservatives this time). Here’s a link to the order:https://supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/20a136_bq7c.pdf#page=10…
This is a huge win. All glory to God!
Love it, but I’m curbing any expectations that such enlightenment will include ANY DECISION threatening Biden’s stolen election from Scofflaw SCOTUS.
Scofflaw SCOTUS wants BIDEN IN CONTROL and then Scofflaw SCOTUS hands out the hall passes to Americans.
“curbing any expectations” is survival mode going forward & frankly “future proves past” in my existence
SCOTUS trying to make amends. Nice but not impressed. It should be expected.
And notice how this is about COVID. What one word did Gorsuch use to explain the for rejecting the Texas Lawsuit? Pretty sure he said “COVID”. This makes two SC decisions that have ruled against COVID.
SCOTUS may have permanently destroyed their brand/credibility, at least as far as MAGA Patriots are concerned…
Unless everybody except Alito and Thomas are dragged to a military tribunal, they’re done.
The stench of corruption coming from the (not)Supreme Court is so bad you can smell it anywhere in the country, just by opening your window.
So Alito didn’t drop the ball w/ the PA vote?
I don’t know, I was thinking of POTUS’ case at the (not)Supreme Court, where apparently everyone but Alito and Thomas decided the POTUS did not have ‘standing’ to bring a case of election fraud.
I don’t recall if that case was about PA specifically, or included other states, or was about the fraud in some state or states other than PA.
IIRC, it was about one state (AZ?) claiming that the fraud in another state (I think you’re right, PA) affected / disenfranchised them (AZ?).
In disputes *between* states, the ~USSC is the (only) court of “original jurisdiction” – thus, Alito and Thomas rightly took the position that the ~USSC was compelled to hear the case.
It should have been a 9-0 decision.
It was Texas going after the big four election stealers based on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES in their election laws.
From CNBC:
TY Gail – yes, Texas of course!
Do you measure your archives in GB, or in TB now?
Gotta be YUGE! lol
Yes, it should have been 9-0, based on honest analysis.
february 19th SCOTUS has a conference on 3 (iirc) cases involving election issues. they docketed the cases but refused to expedite them before the inauguration.
one is the PA case, another is GA, but not sure about the third.
With the national election at stake, boggles the mind why (not) SC would NOT hear the cases well before 6 January.
Because now they can just say, “we’re not hearing it, it’s moot.”
IIRC all controversial states were included in the Texas lawsuit. It was a beautiful law suit, not least because Texas had indisputable standing by any non-corrupt measure.
The one where Roberts was supposedly screaming at the newbies behind closed doors or something, I believe…
Loast track of all the cases.
But, yes, I believe Alito dropped the ball with PA.
Before the election Alita was making noise about keeping some ballots separate in the counting. Don’t recall if they we late mail in, not requested, not signed…
ALL of this seemingly QUIETLY disappeared from the narrative.
I probably missed something.
sounds about right…& who can possibly keep up w/ what’s being revealed, let alone with what is Really happening!
There are 4 John Roberts now.
They “cloned” That clown???
that plus the military.
I really hope they’re still loyal to DJT & under his command since letting a commie coup stand here is nation & soul killing!!!
Maybe the SC is re-discovering its spine?
Or is this a one-off… just a simple, non-volatile, safe, verdict that makes no big political waves.
On the other hand:
Biden didn’t win. And perhaps the SC or someone realizes this fact, now that it has made the MSM.
Love or hate the MSM but it remains in a place of importance.
Perhaps that article in Time Magazine would work to push things in the correct direction?
Red pilling the masses through the massive propaganda machine (time)…hmmm
Maybe the Stupideme Court has been receiving TONS (and I do mean tons) of snail mail & e-mail from IRATE voters WHO KNOW the election was stolen.
There are a 100 million of US vs maybe a thousand of THEM and many of US are military.
(The other 2 million are children or asleep there are only 142 million registered voters and many do not actually exist. )
PENNSYLVANIA (9,091,371 registered voters)
Chuck Kitchen told me in 2016, 20 out of 100 counties in NC had MORE VOTES than adult bodies residing in the county. There are 7,361,219 registered voters in NC so an extra one million (or more ) is 13.5% MORE voters than actually exist.
Speaking of registered voters.
Better half and I visited our Registrar of Voters last week. We personally REMOVE our names from the voter rolls.
ZERO reason to vote until the election process is FIXED. Twenty one months until 2022 election.
NOT A PEEP about election integrity from elected asshoes, ANYWHERE.
All them shit heads uniparty politicians do i, borrow money from Chyna.
Wonder how much of the $1.9 trillion is going to foreign countries. Ultimately to line uniparty bank accounts.
Two off now, but doubt they are rediscovering their spine. Trumps gone and now they want to regain their integrity and pick up the spilled fruit basket, all but for Trump. Not going to happen unless they revisit the Texas vs. Penn et al case. They had clear justification to give Texas et al standing but did not. It was there freaking job to do so and they ran from it. Total disgrace. Nothing good will come of it till this miscarriage of justice happens.
Anti-Christian assault…fyi, I haven’t dug into this yet…
Liberty Times & Politics https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4d1.svg #FreeSpeech
Group of 20+ Org of Secular Democrats of America Including 14 Sitting Congressional Representatives Sent 28 Page List of Recommendations to Biden on Ending Any Christian Considerations on Any Policy Decisions in the USA:
Quote Tweet
Liberty Times & Politics https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4d1.svg #FreeSpeech
· Feb 4
#FreeChristianCouy Otero County Commissioner in Custody Following Arrest in Washington DC
He lead a prayer on the steps near the Capitol #PrayForCouy twitter.com/cynthia1322398…
Liberty Times & Politics https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4d1.svg #FreeSpeech
“They call Evangelical Christians “Christian Nationalists” & “White Supremacists” & that Christians should be considered a National Security Threat by DOJ & DHS. They label Christians a threat to the US Constitution.”
I’m dreadfully waiting for a night of broken glass.
conservative communication Kristallnacht has been going on for quite a while it seems
well…so far, we haven’t had an actual Kristallnacht here…yet…
but I am concerned about the lack of push-back on this atrocious and obvious parallel to 1930s Germany.
having watched my fair share of documentaries , historians as well as Holocaust survivors seem to agree that the European Jews kept their heads down, too long…when they should have pushed back…before that little window slammed shut and they were herded into ghettoes and boxcars, thinking they were being “resettled in the East”.
again : normalcy bias seems to rule the day.
we, too, must act while we can.
but…HOW ?
we are still in the mind-set of expecting elected officials and representatives to do something.
which, imo, is rather foolhardy, under the present circumstances…and recent experience has shown that.
2 years until the mid-terms..?
but look how quickly this stealth administration is enforcing their fascist nightmares against us..
with lightning speed !
and speaking of lightning…

Too true. We are way beyond the school board.
For several years now we could say: everything is gone, but the military is not gone.
Now we have to say the military is gone, a proof of which is that the communists are acting as if the military were gone.
And I respectfully question whether our guns will be used for their intended Constitutional purpose. That too was anticipated.
at some point, there will be a “hill to die on”.
a lot of normalcy bias going around even among ppl I know who are solid conservatives…some are still not 100% convinced the great reset isn’t just a wacky theory.
Yes, normalcy bias.
yikes…SS surely means Signs of Satanism (at least) now…
Dr. Milton Wolf
Americans: The 2020 election was stolen.
Democrats: No it wasn’t. It was just “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow information.”
These people are evil and they need to be stopped.
My latest Bye-done didn’t win tweet
Valerie Curren
Replying to @ErrolWebber
DJT did NOT lose, he won in a massive landslide when only the legal votes are counted. Biden’s fraudulent “victory” is not even close to legit. Anyone w/ a sincere oath to protect & defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign & domestic needs to address the commie coup!
Off I go to sleep.
Lurking crooks might be interested to note I have firearms (note the exact form of that word) ready to hand while sleeping.
Secondary notification, for the notificees Steve has fair warned:
If you look sufficiently Eastern European and also appear to be aging a bit too well,
Steve can shoot you with a silver bullet. He is very prepared, our Steve.
“…Steve can shoot you with a silver bullet.”
Coors Light?
Nah, for Demon Rats…
(I do not know WHY that JPG file will not show.)
It’s due to a certificate issue on their server plus security settings on our server. .
There is a local media store, Rasputin’s ( http://www.rasputinmusic.com/campbell ) that sells new and used CD’s. It’s part of a Bay Area chain.
They regularly purchase large CD collections from all over. At first, they put them on their shelves at a modest discount to the “new” price suggested by distributors — maybe $7.95 instead of $12.99.
They only have a limited amount of space, however, and this may go to $6.95 quickly. Certain staples — e.g. Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, classic Little Feat, Steely Dan — might hold at $5.95 for an extended period.
Others continue declining in price as they clutter the stock, and when they get really tired of holding eight copies of Spin Doctor’s “Homebelly Groove”, they mark it to $1.95. And if you buy more than 10 $1.95 CD’s at a time and are a Rasputin cardholder, they’re a buck.
So I got another 30 bucks of CD’s this afternoon and I’m loading them into cyberland now. Right this moment is “This is Spinal Tap”.
I already have 90G of MP3’s (mostly 256-bit) on a bunch of embargoed drives I need to mine, but with the price of data these days, everything new is FLAC.
I think it was on this board, but it might have been qresearch, but somebody posted “Hey Nineteen” by Steely Dan in the comments.
Never have I heard the track so clear and beautiful. I had the original vinyl album and the CD with a hi-end system. I listened via iTunes, youtube, Pandora on my computer speakers. I’ve never heard ‘Hey Nineteen” as sonically pure and fun as this one time yesterday, over little extension speakers.
Cthulhu, is there some new way to put music on the internet that sounds better than before? I know Neil Young developed something that sounded great but he couldn’t get cooperation. But this was just an online image of the ‘Gaucho’ album. I clicked on it- such sparkle, such space and color. I almost said, “Wow, man.” Very uplifting in hard times.
I figure if super songs were a thing, you’d know about it.
This is actually a subject worthy of its own post and several discussion threads. But we can start from the beginning — when something is entered into the analog domain (like laid down on tape or vinyl), each reproduction will decay from the original concept. It may be modified in a way that fits its place better, but it can never be reproduced perfectly. OTOH, when something is is entered into the digital domain, things can be EXACTLY reproduced, or INTENTIONALLY MODIFIED, or degraded.
Before you get too excited, however, CD copies are frequently more sparkly and colorful because they are remixed to be that way. Anything put on vinyl went through RIAA filtering so that the needle wasn’t tossed from track to track, while everything on CD went through filtering to avoid Nyquist effects.
Again, GIANT topic, but it’s easier to get nice sound on cheap stuff because of digital.
Hey man thanks! Love to hear more So aficianados with skillz been modulating on Dan’s aural in variations, for years?
From what I am reading on the net loving Steely Dan marks you as a Boomer who deserves extinction.
For years my wife and I followed a local band who played Hey 19 perfectly, as well as other Steely Dan, Chicago, etc
I just remembered! In the “old days” my wife and I listened to wonderful live music! Seems like an eternity ago.
Seems that way I think because our lives have been an eternity long…
No kidding, Tona, so many times when we made tonight a wonderful thing. In olden times my closest friend played sax and flute in a succession of bands. He could mix into the guitars and punch the songbeat like a master rhythm guitar. Never heard another sax do what he did! Such a joy to hear in my head
TY my frend, Go Boomers!
those were the days
great tunes
Ooohh TY, Smiley!!
history will decide

lmao Val! Ty.
YW Elize!
Drat! I was going to sneak out and upgrade this system from Mint 19.3 to 20.0, but I found this vid that I wanted to share and accidentally let Mozilla stomp all over everything while trying to shelter it.
Here’s the vid:
I’ll deal with the upgrade tomorrow.
vaccine tragedy…

Not sure if this is the same person…

https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2728.svgKimberly Henkelhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2728.svg
Replying to @alwayspimpin68
This can’t be real????? https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f633.svg if she’s a nurse or dr or Lpn she should know what this jab will do to the syncytin proteins in her placenta. Oh I forgot she wasn’t fully informed. https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f926-1f3fd-200d-2640-fe0f.svg
I just pulled this off of VAERS. Lord have mercy. https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f494.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f64f-1f3fd.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f494.svg
Cynical BlackPilled
Replying to @s0fak1n9
and @alwayspimpin68
she’ll never get pregnant again. its designed to attack the placenta every time a vaxed woman gets pregnant. its dna altering, which means its programmed into her dna to always peal away the placenta during pregnancy.
I can only fear the worst, and sorrow…..and know that what is yet to come is even more horrific as the TRUTH is concealed.
Tragically I believe you are right
“Imagine being this ignorant”
The stupid is strong in this one.
Or, this is a Planned Parenthood commercial in the making
Yes…truly tragically terrifying!
Between Planned Parenthood and vaccines they’ll be no future generation to pay off that 1.9 trillion $ dem shopping spree.
kicking the can (down the road to hell)
IMO from what I have seen the medical profession/business at every level is highly brainwashed and ideological.
There are some wonderful, wonderful people who genuinely care, but I fear many more who believe that suffering and death is ok for patients with the wrong markings.
…the medical profession/business at every level is highly brainwashed and ideological.
B I N G O !
Medical world IS seemingly 99% in lock step with whatever CDC, AMA…preach.
First do no harm–to society, by culling the useless eaters & undesirables–spit!
Wonder if she can connect the dots to fully consider.
Also very likely from wearing a mask. Low oxygen levels for developing babies not a known to be a good thing.
circling back…
Crimea River
Mike Lindell’s video (maybe, I’ve already had it disappear elsewhere)
Matt Couch
WATCH! Mike Lindell’s Documentary ‘Absolute Proof’ Released 24/7 All Weekend Long RIGHT HERE!
WATCH! Mike Lindell’s Documentary ‘Absolute Proof’ Released 24/7 All Weekend Long RIGHT HERE!
Mike Lindell has officially released his new documentary entitled “Absolute Proof” which is causing Democrats and Big Tech to lose their minds America. It’s also…thedcpatriot.com
In case it’s missed…also found on GAB TV.
…and WVW Broadcast Network (which is the studio where Lindell is sitting):
Thanks much JW!!!
Here’s a couple other sources
edit in under the wire
Here’s another source
on the line

I could only wish they were that incompetent.
Those phones only work when the string is taut. The stringtap would have to be, too.
spoil sport
It was the thought that counts & since they are surely pulling signals out of the ether no one & no form of communication is truly safe!
It’s not the right season to bring in the ether bunny.
This classic comes to mind
Wow, bonus Fauci cameo
Sputnik, Iran, & radiation…
Russia state-affiliated media
IAEA inspectors found radioactive traces on Iranian soil last fall, report says
IAEA Inspectors Found Radioactive Traces on Iranian Soil Last Fall, Report Says
Iran has repeatedly underscored that its nuclear programme is purely peaceful, rejecting US allegations that the Islamic Republic seeks to obtain a nuclear weapon.sputniknews.com
Pence’s plans…
CBS News
Pence’s plans post-Trump administration take shape
Pence’s plans post-Trump administration take shape
The former vice president is going to host a podcast and join two conservative groups.cbsnews.com
Mike Pence, the most dynamic personality who ever lived.
Now, now, Scott – LOVE your enemies. These cuts of yours are DEEP
sounds like the famous mantra from The Manchurian Candidate
“The former vice president is going to host a podcast and join two conservative groups.”
The kiss of death…

I keep thinking about the “fly” in the debate
Flies KNOW
when they see it.
chi-comming of transportation

https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f642.svgSanjeev Sabhlok, Pope @Church of Reason& Liberty
All this copying of China is not going to end well.
why are we allowing this crap to happen ???
this infuriates me.
where the hell are we ??
honestly people.
we have to do something about this.
stand up & speak up, while we still can
No one is required to identify his/her self to LEOs. If LE arrests you, 5th amendment applies and you do not have to say anything. If they don’t arrest you, you are free to ignore them.
They would have some fun with me: “Am I under arrest?” If answer is no, then: “I choose not to speak with you.” If answer is yes, then, “I am asserting my 5th Amendment protections against self-incrimination and decline to speak with you.”
They can write their ticket to John Doe for all I care.
NEW: Democrat lawyer Marc Elias has filed a lawsuit citing voting machine “irregularities” in the New York District 22 U.S. House of Representatives race He claims that the Democrat candidate Ted Brindisi won,
you can’t make this shit up
cancel culture con job
Rosie memos
Just kidding @FoxBusiness
cancelled @LouDobbs
instead. Cowards.
Quote Tweet
Trump War Room
· 10h
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svgMEDIA ADVISORYhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svg
Bruce Castor, Attorney to 45th President Donald J. Trump, will appear for an interview tonight at 5pm ET on @FoxBusiness with @LouDobbs
Hong Kong losing even the illusion of freedom!
Josh Caplan
BBG: Hong Kong orders schools to teach sweeping pro-China curriculum
SDNY slithers
SDNY closes hush money stormy Daniels case. No charges for Trump.
Michael Cohen pled guilty to a crime he didn’t commit.
Lol wow https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f602.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f62d.svg
The process is the punishment.
process crim(inals)es
climate lockdowns coming?
Galileo Movement
The Galileo Movement Daily is out! https://paper.li/GalileoMovement/1332654804?edition_id=ac1fce10-6850-11eb-87e8-0cc47a0d1609… Contributors @thegwpfcom
#cdnpoli #abag
Are you ready for the climate lockdowns?
spectator.us The possibility of climate lockdowns is already being floated by some of our greatest thinkers. Don’t worry, they’re following the sciencepaper.li
Lockdown being such a great success with the covid-19 and now it is done for this «climate» thing?
Time to withdraw consent… Idiots pulling nonsense like this won’t even get the time of day from me herewith!
(Epstein didn’t kill himself and Biden didn’t win.)
stop the world I want to get off, it’s to weird for me!!!
I’m too sleepy & missed TOO vs TO above
we are not of this world…
we’re just in it.
does that help ?
Amen, we still look forward to our heavenly home!
Woah Momma clouds!

World Heritages
The name mammatus is derived from the Latin mamma (meaning “udder” or “breast”). According to the WMO International Cloud Atlas, mamma is a cloud supplementary feature rather than a genus, species or variety of cloud.
edit add
more Momma clouds

Yes!!! My husband loves stormchasing, at least in theory
Yeah, you don’t want to get too close to some, they may end up “catching” you
For sure
why does that remind me of covid genomes ???
make it stop
Talk about being ‘pregnant’ with rain…
Again in 2 parts …
So, I missed yesterday’s post, as I indicated that I might. I was on a rather long zoom (hoping that Chyna is spying) call with an engineer in Alabama who is joining up with “the plan”. Turns out this guy is “rocket scientist” adjacent – a good friend of his works for NASA, specifically liaising with SPACEX – he has apparently had e-mail exchanges with Musk re the Dragon capsule. This may become useful later regarding the “Trojan Horse” aspect of “the plan”.
So, what is “the plan”? As I mentioned, I am outlining my spiritual journey, since it is walking down that road that “the plan” was arrived at. I intend to be fully transparent on all relevant details so that every reader can evaluate for themselves how to judge the value of it. When I say spiritual journey, it means the process by which I was forced to conclude that the Bible is the Word of God, and is true in all respects that matter.
What I am embarking on here is the culmination of a journey that I can trace back to 1993 specifically, although, obviously, ALL of a life contributes to a specific journey. I have asked myself many a time whether I was losing my sanity – whether I was suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder, or whether I was overwhelmed into being totally delusional as a result of having to voluntarily give up on my dream of raising my children on the family farm, agree to sell said farm and move to a different country AND culture. So any raised eyebrows that this story induces along these lines have been deeply questioned by me in the last 18 odd years. I am risking my very credibility by telling this story, because HOW IS IT REMOTELY PLAUSIBLE / POSSIBLE?
And yet, my mother, my wife, one of my sons (my eldest son knows parts, as does my youngest daughter), my sister and my only Australian friend have all heard the greater part of the story and they now believe it – and I certainly risked my credibility with them in revealing it. Yet I was compelled, because it is TRUE, and the stakes are clear. My wife, who flayed me verbally when I first told her, now wants me to tell our daughter more of the story after she has seen the effect that it has had on our eldest son just since Christmas.
part deux
So, if the Bible IS the word of God, I intend to demonstrate (and believe that I can prove to a scientific / rational certainty) the following:
The Bible serves as the heavenly equivalent (and yet so much more) to the US Constitution, its Preamble AND Amendments, as well as Laws governing the Kingdom of Heaven, which is about to be made manifest here on Earth. It also includes ACTUAL instructions as to HOW and WHEN the Kingdom is to be instantiated. As to the When, that process is already underway. What seems to be the spreading of chaos is the process by which the old Earth (its powers and principalities) is being dismantled. What we regard as the very unsettling events on display in global news is in fact the birth pangs of the New Heavens and the New Earth.
I will reveal how one aspect of the New Heavens will be physically instantiated on Earth. This event will explain the much discussed Rapture (in certain Evangelical circles) and what it is.
The iron rod f God is a physical item that already exists? Yes! I claim to be able to show you this. Whether you believe me is yet to be determined.
In short, I claim to have found that most precious Pearl, the one of great price. It has been buried in the field, not because I knew what it was, but because I did not know it at the time. It is now time to dig up and reveal it – because the Kingdom is ready to be won.
So, back to the plan. It involves building a Trojan horse, of the climate emergency variety – specifically, a solution to said emergency – for which the ground has been prepared and well watered by the powers and principalities. They CANNOT resist this Trojan Horse, because it will appear to vindicate them beyond measure. Oh, how AOC and her cohorts will coo and clap – they will simply be beside themselves. They will have saved the world …..
You see, part of the plan involves Loving Your Enemy, to the extent of giving them their ultimate wish – their Utopia. The plan involves the rather daring move for recalcitrant conservatives to “Out Progressive” the prog-commies. You are already prepared to trash wall street, stick it to congress and bare your bums at the white house (no, I won’t use capital letters for those institutions any more – they are fallen, they JUST DON’T KNOW IT YET), you are looking at alternatives to the formerly mighty US dollar (yes THAT dollar, the one with pharaoh’s tomb on the back), as well as excising DC (the one with monument to Egypt) out of the US. See just HOW radical you have become, in mere weeks??!! So, stop reacting to the prog-commies. OBEY your Lord and LOVE your enemy by LEADING them to their Utopia.
Ecclesiasties 3 teaches that there is a time and season for everything. Well, the season of the Kingdom is here, and the time to start loving your enemy is at hand. What they will see as their ultimate victory will in fact be their deliverance to the Seat of Judgement.
So, that is the broad outline on how the enemy will be defeated. I will clarify everything into a comprehendible whole, subject to the limitations of my writing skills. So please leave questions for the end, although guffaws and exclamations of the certainty of my imminent incarceration in a mental institution will not upset me – because what I am claiming here is surely fantastical, in THIS world.
So, next post will deal with my journey, which involves the discovery of the specific bread crumbs that led me here, to this Q-Treehouse.
“…and heap coals of fire on their heads…”
now is their party- time….let them laugh and make merry…as if there is no tomorrow.
…because when they die…and they will…Eternity is a long long long long time to be in Hell.
depression & CV…
I’ve been also wondering if the promotion of sunscreen was Also to reduce our Vitamin D & increase depression & reliance on meds…
Wilda V. Heard
Quote Tweet
I’m President the media said so!
· 1h
Gavi is the “Vaccine Alliance” that is mainly funded by Bill Gates-On Gavi’s website, there’s an article about using antidepressant pills to treat COVID. Above the article is a big, fat 666/one-eye sign. https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f914.svghttps://gavi.org/vaccineswork/why-antidepressant-could-be-used-treat-covid-19
Here in Germany, vitamin D3 at 5000 IUs is for consumption as a once per week depot. Whereas in the United States, D3 is sold in even 10,000 IUs for daily consumption…OR MORE!
My suspicion based on decades of supplementing…I believe there is suppression of certain supplements…like D3.
Although there are studies that claim D3 does not help with depression…I call BULL SHIT! Here in Germany, the sun can literally disappear behind the clouds for months during the winter. Without question, supplementing with D3 has benefited me over the years. In fact, when I let the supplementing go…within several days…my wife will ask me if I have been taking my D3…”You are aggressive and explosive.”
Yes, I believe they want us depressed, low productivity, self-destructive, and alone without families.
Interesting. My husband struggles w/ a form of what we believe is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as we have the heavy overcast skies for much of winter in Michigan too. By the time Spring weather finally shows up he’s climbing the walls–which has been exacerbated by Whitmer’s insane lockdowns. I’ll call him at work on the rare sunny day & encourage him to take a break outside & get some sun on his skin, for sanity’s sake!
My liver transplanted son has been on Vitamin D supplements for a while, perhaps as an immune system booster, but lately the pharmacy is having problems getting it from their supplier…hmmm…
Everything in recent years is pointing to one world governing and population control. So any practice, substance, etc… that inhibits that takeover will be diminished.
I truly believe that. One huge example is the drop in testosterone levels in men over the decades.
soy boys are a real thing
They sure are!
My family has its share of gym-rats…me being one of them over the decades. Comparing the average boy in the gym during the 80s to the average today…the difference in average muscularity is astonishing. Even when I shake hands with men these days…it feels creepy!
Do not misunderstand…we do have excellent athletes out there…I am talking about averages.
I also believe that testosterone/hormones can influence the way one votes. I would love to see a study on testosterone levels vs voting habits/ideology.
Western society is so feminizing of men, it’s quite repulsive. They are conditioning men to be subordinate & subservient to women & making women think they should have the same traits as men (used to display)…
Recently, I have been in a classic movies phase going back to film noir and westerns from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. The push for women’s rights and ‘equality’ can be seen even in very early films…which I have no problem with in general.
BUT…when the ‘equality’ is stretched to mean that the God-given traits, characteristics, roles, etc…do not exist…that is where I have a problem. I believe that men and women have many characteristics and roles that are equal in importance…but DIFFERENT. The 2 sets combined and supplementing each other is what can make a couple so strong.
Yes. The modern push in movies & shows of chicks beating up guys always strikes me as incredibly ridiculous. & if standards have to be dumbed down for a woman to qualify (like to be a firefighter or marine) then they Didn’t Really Qualify!
i remember years ago i had an appt with my doc in early February and he asked how i was feeling–i told him i was feeling blue–not quite myself. I suspected i suffered from mild SAD myself for years…he pulled out his prescription pad and wanted to put me on antidepressants. I shook my head and pushed the script away–I’ll be fine I told him, just need a little more sunshine!!
I notice the change in me during winter, that’s one of the reasons i love to shovel the snow off our deck. it allows me to bask (even if it’s just my face) in the glow of sunshine…
and gees, sometimes a person feels blue–it’s part of being human.
Just getting outside helps. In the winter I either horseback rode or X-country skied the entire time I was up north. I was outside for at least an hour EVERY DAY. I also drank vit D milk as my beverage of choice until I had to switch to tea due to intolerance. (Then I ate cheese.)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows manufacturers to add up to 84 IU per 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of vitamin D3.
I do drink milk and eat cereal every morning, and we do take D3 supplements, but whenever there’s a long-ish period of clouds and bad weather, I get blue.
Sunshine and a good walk does me wonders, that’s for sure.
Yep! I had a doc offer me anti-depressants years ago & I was like Nope, let’s deal with the root cause of “depression”, if possible…like how do I live with the chaos of complex special needs in my son & the fallout thereof in our family…
My mom gave us a tablet sized Bright Light Therapy device that my husband finally decided to break out this year…so I guess he could be feeling even worse if he didn’t occasionally use that
My wife and I take 10,000 every other day. I have read about d3 all over the internet. It gets absorbed and not washed out, and toxicity occurs only at astronomical levels, if at all.
Where I live the skies are overcast and gray continuously during the winter, many months. Depression tries to set in like clockwork every mid-January, but I fight it off using the skills attained with age (primarily by recognizing what is happening, and putting it in context. What goes up must come down).
This year – – nothing. Even a higher sense of well-being.
Maybe it is just the placebo effect, but the effect is real.
Chi-com propaganda presumably

China Daily
China state-affiliated media
#MediaFocus SCMP’s former editor-in-chief suggests the latest US strategy paper from the Atlantic Council is short-sighted, saying the US must accept China as its peer.
Nothing the ChiComs hate worse than ignoring their pleas and demands to deal with them, and instead ignoring them.
Looks like what DJT put up w/ for 4 years!
Bill Gates..and his Napoleonic obsession with monopoly control..
must-read article…long but intelligent and very informative…with additional related links..
Bill Gates And Neo-Feudalism : A Closer Look At Farmer Bill
by Robt F Kennedy, Jr
Gates = the poster child for technocracy.
his approach to “global problems” puts technology and his chemical, pharmaceutical and oil industry partners at the center of every solution.
he already has a monopoly-power over humanity’s health with mass vaccines..
is he now also trying to gain monopoly control over food ?
“Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the US…”
and now has the irresistible opportunity to dominate food production.
…the global lockdowns have increased Gates’ wealth by $20 billion . He is the world’s 4th wealthiest man. He is using his newfound wealth to expand his power over global populations by buying devalued assets at fire-sale prices and maneuvering for monopoly control over…
…public health, privatizing prisons, on-line education and global communities…
…while promoting digital currencies, high-tech surveillance, data harvesting systems and artificial inttelligence.
he owns 242,000 acres of American farmland…he also owns nearly 27,000 acres of other land across Louisiana, Arkansas, Nebraska, Arizona, Florida, Washington…and 18 other states.
the article goes on, in detail, to “exlore the context of Gates’ stealth purchases as part of his long-term strategy of mastery over agriculture and food production…globally.
suggested reading.
just as an aside…I’ve been wondering what the Amish in Ohio, even Pennsylvania, would do if approached by Gates and any of his techno ilk, to “purchase” their vast acres of farmland ?
I have friends in NE Ohio who know many of the local Amish who voted for President Trump…and who do not mandate the wearing of covid face-diapers…
when the grab for enforced confiscation of private property by the Biden stealth administration et al begins in earnest, it will be very interesting to see how the Amish respond to that.
they, too, are buying up lots and lots of American farmland.
and they are very good hunters.
To Wit…

Amish Firearm Academy
just sayin
we’ve got quite a few Amish here too…they are buying whatever land is available and doing some remarkable things…narrow plots along the small highway were turned into pumpkin patches maple syrup collection units and there are signs of a bulk store (feed and seed) coming this spring…
I’ve always had tremendous respect for…and an admitted fascination with… the Amish and their wonderful farms and certain aspects of their way of life…altho that has changed a lot, in recent years, depending on where they are doing business..
WONDERFUL produce !
gorgeous farms ! (I’ve done many paintings of Amish Country in Ohio)
they are very legalistic in their Christian beliefs…
but they have tremendous solidarity and spirit.
the globalist scum might have a hard time there.
or…maybe not ?
i think they will…
They have been buy in NC too. When we were looking for land in the mid 90s we stopped and talked to some Amish folks. They invited us in and we had a lovely talk.
Bill Gates food production program.
Mike Lindell Releases New High-Capacity Assault Pillow

Where can I get one of these for my nephews?
We now have an About page, which people are welcome to look at.
“Free speech, right of assembly, own as many guns as the law allows”
Point of clarification, the ‘law’ does not ‘allow’ ownership of guns (arms), which would be tantamount to government granting us our Rights.
We have a Right to own as many guns as we do record LPs, stamps, coins, watches, shoes, or any other item of personal property. In other words, we can own as many guns as we want.
To keep and bear arms (guns or otherwise) is a God-given right, inherent in Man, preceding the Constitution, which, via the Bill of Rights, only guarantees that Right.
I agree, Scott.
Although the 2nd Am doesn’t even specify “guns”…it says “arms’, which covers a lot.
Bearing arms could include way more than just ‘guns’.
It could include:
Nuclear weapons could even be included under ‘bearing arms’.
I’m not sure where the law comes down on all these types of arms…but I think it’s probably frowned upon.
but i like your thinking!
On the other end, knives.
Don’t laugh, in knowledgeable hands a knife is extremely deadly. In some cases the only way I’d want to deal with such a person is 100 yards away with a scoped rifle.
Oh yeah, definitely.
And also…axes, swords and crossbows.
Regular longbows too.
Check out the battle of Agincourt.
Toss in some nunchucks and we have this covered.
We are not “allowed” to have nuclear weapons individually.
Convince me I’m wrong.
Seriously, I’m aware of the “view this situation from the absolute right to keep and bear arms”, but at a certain point, it’s like saying:
“That’s not 0.4 !!! That’s 1 minus 0.6 !!!”
Yes. Understood. But it’s distractive navel-gazing, IMHO. Worthy only of Scofflaw SCOTUS.
Courts, legistators, and executives RESTRICT our absolute right to keep and bear arms, and by THEIR monopoly on violence which is theoretically OUR (collective) monopoly on violence, but which is in practice THEIR monopoly on violence, they issue RESTRICTIONS on our absolute right.
Now, I could say all that, or I could say that they ALLOW us things. Which WINS THE BATTLE?
As for saying we can own an infinite number of guns, this is little more than a technicality of the mathematics of infinities, which are not all the same. How ironic that said infinite number of weapons can be restricted until utterly useless, and yet one can still own an infinite number of air rifles licensed at an infinite number of dollars each, and we’ve still got our precious RKBA.
Number means little near the edges of the problem. But in the center, it does, and they know it, and fear it, and that is why they trot out NUMBERS during confiscations to scare some plebes away from their RIGHTS.
ONE GUN NOW is worth an infinite number later.
Very good point Wheatie
And that’s why I put ‘arms’ in parentheses in the first sentence and then used ‘arms’ with ‘guns or otherwise’ in parentheses in the last sentence
The ‘gun’ was the best ‘arms’ available to an individual at the time the 2nd Amendment was written, but the Founding Fathers very purposely did not say ‘guns’, because if they had, it would have been interpreted by later tyrannical government to LIMIT us to ‘guns’, if/when the gun is surpassed by better or more lethal weaponry.
The whole purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to enable We the People to defend ourselves against and overthrow a tyrannical government.
Hunting, recreational sport, even self-defense against criminal assault were all secondary purposes. Our Founding Fathers knew full well that power corrupts, and the purpose of bearing arms is to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical government.
Our Founding Fathers would have already overthrown the CURRENT tyrannical government long before the Hussein tyranny.
Tench Coxe said: “Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American…
…The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”
George Mason settled the question of militia by asking and answering: “Who are the militia? They consist of the whole people, except a few public officers.”
Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition:
Definition of EXCEPT
Not including. In re Kelly’s Estate, 153 Misc. 445, 274 N.Y.S. 488.
Other than, In re Nelson’s Estate, 152 Misc. 245, 273 N.Y.S. 268; Ingram v. Stat~, 241 Ala. 166,3 So.2d 431, 432;
To exclude from an enumeration, the scope of statement or enactment, a privilege, etc.;
to leave out of account or consideration. In re Garvin’s Estate, 335 Pa. 542, 6 A.2d 796, 800; Rickman v. Commonwealth, 195 Ky. 715, 243 S.W. 929.
Noah Webster said, “The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”
“And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. … The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson
Writing in the Federalist Paper No.46, James Madison said, “The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
In Federalist Paper No. 28, Alexander Hamilton said, “If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all forms of positive government.”
Richard Henry Lee said, “To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
Joseph Story (Supreme Court Justice) said: “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a Republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers…” – excerpt from ‘Commentaries on the Constitution’ (1833).
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.
I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the National Constitution amended. While I make no recommendation of amendments, I fully recognize the rightful authority of the people over the whole subject, to be exercised in either of the modes prescribed in the instrument itself; and I should, under existing circumstances, favor rather than oppose a fair opportunity being afforded the people to act upon it.”
— Abraham Lincoln, inaugural address, March 4, 1861
Declaration of Independence (excerpt):
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Definition of Unalienable
1: impossible to take away or give up
• unalienable rights
To preserve and protect the God-given RIGHT to be armed is not just a DUTY, it is a MORAL OBLIGATION which we owe to every man and woman who has fought and died for our FREEDOM — from 1776 to this very day — and which we owe to the generations which come after US.
Wolf, you continue to impress me. You are a very smart man.
Thanks. And you are a smart lady to see what I did there.
I must have missed the cameo of the eggplant.
AOC Claims She Was Killed In The Capitol Riots And Is Now A Ghost

February 5th, 2021
there’s a video this still shot comes from too…

There’s so many memes here it’s pretty fun!
Found the video!!!
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Not even close!
I wish I could…but that’s just too damn much.
Joe Dan from Intellectual Froglegs sent it out in an email too
From OT – in response to the Capitol Riot Video:
February 5, 2021 11:00 pm
“First time poster, long time lurker. Retired federal LEO. Trained in crowd control. I don’t doubt this young lady was shot and killed. IMO this incident was staged but her murder was not.
Let’s start with the crowd control obviously not being prepared. I believe this was deliberate based on my training and any basic sense of crowd control. A secondary line of less lethal could have repelled the protesters once they began to break through the barriers. Bean bags and pepper balls would have worked nicely. I’ve seen one 37mm bean bag send thousands 180 degrees in retreat.
Bad actors obviously led the way. Antifa normally shows up with the tools and intent to destroy. Trump supporters rarely leave a gum wrapper on the ground during a rally. It’s obvious who is leading the crowd. Unfortunately, crowds can be weaponized. Even peaceful protesters can be manipulated to do things they would normally not do. I believe this was the intended goal of the police leaders. Allow the crowd to hang itself.
Back to the murdered young women. The use of deadly force is not rocket science. Nearly every department across the nation has their own Use of Force Policy. They all say the same thing. Use of deadly force is authorized when an officer is in “imminent” danger of death or bodily harm. In a crowd control situation, less lethal is used to deter. Deadly force is “never” used as a deterrent. The shooter clearly was not in imminent danger from a young unarmed woman crawling through a window. Pepper spray or a Taser would have stopped her. For this officer to be cleared in less than a month is unconscionable.
The so called SWAT team that followed up behind the fake protesters was not a team. They were obviously an afterthought put together once the protesters went beyond what was expected. This is also why I believe the shooter fired his weapon out of fear because he was given no plan or proper training. The lack of field trauma medicine also points to a rag tag group of B teamers and not a trained SWAT team.
It is also striking to me that the so called SWAT team was unconcerned about the group of protesters surrounding them. The same group of protesters that the shooter believed to be dangerous enough to use deadly force. They made no attempt to push the protesters away from the breached glass doors or the injured women. One SWAT officer did point his weapon toward the shooter however. Very odd.”
Comment in response to this CTH article:
More video:
February 6, 2021 1:39 am
Here’s some more video I saw today featuring Antifa at the Capitol.
This officer does not address the circumstances raising questions about whether a death took place. Nor does he try to justify his assertion that a death took place,
And if a death took place, then there is zero question that there was a prima facie case for murder. Clearing the perpetrator outside of a grand jury presentation is extraordinary in light of the video evidence. There is NO interpretation of justification which would permit this killing, based on the video.
If an actual death occurred, we are being told that political murders by communists will be protected. We already knew that, but we are ALL targets, some more than others.
We have no absolute proof that a death took place. Another commenter remarked – no news about the hospital where they took her and other pertinent information.
She certainly did not look dead, nor did they act like she was dying. But why did this officer seem to accept that uncritically?
Maybe he was trying to err on the side of caution and not get stomped on.
That’s possible, too.
So, all of the video evidence of a movie set in Culver City at Castle Rock Studios isn’t convincing, huh?
The parallels to other walks of life and trying to convince people of that which is out of sight is rather uncanny.
It’s possible – but there is no solid proof.
Of course they did!
And now, the latest news is that cases are down 40-50%. Quelle surprise.
“The “experts” knew long ago what the WHO just admitted to last month, which is why we conservatives have been saying that although the virus is real and deadly to a relatively small cross-section of society, it is not the pernicious pandemic our benevolent political class and their pet scientists have convinced the lion’s share of the public of.
It all comes down to what’s called a cycle threshold. The PCR, or swab test (the mile long Q-Tip they tickle your brain with), is sent to a lab to be tested. With each “cycle” the sample is run through, the test is amplified to pick up smaller and smaller traces of the virus.
The WHO describes it as such: “The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load.” In other words, if the virus is detected in early cycles, the positivity rate is fairly certain. You have COVID.
As the cycles continue, the viral load diminishes to the point where the test is picking up traces of dead or dormant viruses that pose no threat to you or anyone you come in contact with.
This fact about “cycle threshold” had been well-established long ago, and the agreed upon maximum is 30 cycles. Anything beyond this will yield false positives. It’s also known throughout the scientific community that any cycle of 35 or above is useless.
Yet for all of 2020, the cycle threshold for COVID-19 testing was set at 40 to 45 cycles, assuring a majority of false positives.
The “experts” at the WHO, CDC, etc. have known this for a long time, yet these august organizations allowed this high threshold testing to continue, virtually without a word.
And worse – your doctor, who likely informed you of the results, was not given this information. The testing labs were not required to divulge the cycle threshold to your doctor. So the doctors had no reason to question the results.
It’s almost as if they continued to run cycle after cycle until they discovered something – and then called it COVID.”
At this point, they’re fishing with hopium lures.
It’s not just XVII and “the plan.”
Wonder if the AWOL flu cycle drawing down plays into this.
Trauma in the house.
Thread by @mtracey on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
This is insane – What is wrong with these people, Jim?
All went through Public Education and attended Liberal Arts Colleges?
A strong possibility, Henry – but, some of this is just plain devious – even demonic – and I suspect they had some other training – if you know what I mean – look at AOC – with an alleged degree in economics – and yet – she has no idea of how tax incentives work – kill jobs and give the money to other projects – what money? Just too bizarre to benefit anyone but, them, Henry!!!
When her boy friend was on her staff, he wrote her press pieces. Pelosi had him removed because he was getting to her. He was a Soros boy.
I bet she still gets info and “training” from his people.
That is probably true, Henry – I have yet to hear anyone spew so much nonsense in one speech – how can anyone take her seriously – I wonder – but, alas – some do – * Sigh *
Everything that is wrong today is not because of politicians.
It’s liberal arts colleges and universities that created this disaster.
And the only way to save this republic is to remove those PhDs, MAs, BAs ,high school and grammar school teachers and eliminate all boards of education.
don’t worry. It’ll never happen.
Sadly, I agree, Henry – what we need is Education Reform – PT began an initiative to reinstate ‘love of country’ and proper civics education – perhaps, this is the beginning of education reform – not sure – because we have no idea what is planned for removing the swamp creatures and maybe – restoring the Republic – I believe – if the latter happens – many things will change – and the education system will be impacted – but, hey – that is just me.
Public school is the reproductive organ of the State.
And it’s been on democrat viagra too long.
The educators are all the ex hippies from the sixties. Universities are full of them. They raised kids who are loonies and are now also schoolteachers.
Old hippies being teachers, yes.
The degrees themselves aren’t the issue, IMO. The higher level ones are really just hazing rituals in many disciplines.
This wasn’t a “therapy session” on the floor of the House.
This was a Communist “struggle session”.
The goal of the Communist struggle session is to persuade / cajole / force people into publicly “confessing” their “sins” against the Party. The “reward”, if they’re lucky, is for them to be “forgiven”, which translates to “being tamed” so that they become decile apparatchiks.
Pelosi knew what she was doing in implementing this Communist Party tactic in the United States House.
Now it will be even easier for Pelosi and her paymasters / handlers to push more of the Communist Chinese plans to subjugate our beloved country.
Really, CV? Good Grief!!! These people ARE sick!!!
His article here:
A reminder – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/media/statement-from-president-donald-j.-trump-152020/
“The New York Times report regarding comments Vice President Pence supposedly made to me today is fake news. He never said that. The Vice President and I are in total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act.
“The November 3rd election was corrupt in contested states, and in particular it was not in accordance with the Constitution in that they made large scale changes to election rules and regulations as dictated by local judges and politicians, not by state legislators. This means that it was illegal.
“Our Vice President has several options under the U.S. Constitution. He can decertify the results or send them back to the states for change and certification. He can also decertify the illegal and corrupt results and send them to the House of Representatives for the one vote for one state tabulation.“
So was Pence’s January 6 refusal to reject the fraudulent invalid swing states electors part of the plan?
Or was it the act of a Brutus, Judas, Benedict Arnold?
Pence’s certification was an act of chickenshit “neutrality”, in my opinion. One which the LAWFARE aspects of the coup depended on.
The EASIEST PATH was to go along with the fraud, because too many good people were already going along with it.
Pence was a good man doing nothing to stop monstrous evil.
Showed a lack of principle and loyalty to law and Constitutional government.
UNLESS it’s part of the Trump plan.
Right now I’m suspicious cat about the plan.
I’m not going to vote ever again unless they turn over this fraudulent election.
Unless Dominion and Smartmatic are destroyed, or made illegal to ever be used for voting in America, I see no point in maintaining the illusion.
Frankly, I’d rather boycott elections.
Every “system” path forward legitimizes Biden. I REFUSE. Others can do it, but not me. No action of mine should be interpretable as accepting Biden’s legitimacy. He’s a FRAUD – an offense in the eyes of God.
The People of the United States of America were cheated by a foreign-imposed communist elite. Even their CONFESSION of the CRIME, minus admitting it was a CRIME and WITHDRAWING this Chinese DUNG HEAP, does nothing to rectify the error.
My call to the left is simple. Remove Biden yourselves, give the election back to Trump, and live in peace and maybe even honor, or suffer the future you have chosen.
They can wiggle out through SCOTUS, perhaps. But I assume they will miss that last chance. Then JUSTICE will arrive, sooner or later.
Bravo – a keeper comment! Copied to save.
Not to worry. He doesn’t have the balls.
probably not…but i think they ought to document and complain loudly to EVERY conservative news source there is…
copied from OT
February 6, 2021 6:54 am
Reply to TL Howard
Ruben A. Verastigui, 27 of Washington, DC, was arrested and charged with Distribution of Child Pornography Verastigui is currently Communications Manager at Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions Former Senior Digital Strategist for Senate Republicans and RNC
Ruben A. Verastigui, 27 of Washington, DC, is a Former Senior Digital Strategist for Senate Republicans and RNC and is currently Communications Manager at Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions.
Ruben Verastigui reads “NeverTrump” Washington Examiner on a daily basis, is a huge fan of Nikki Haley, and close enough to RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel that she trusts him to take her personal headshot photos.
There have been MANY Democrat operatives caught in such crimes.
It’s no longer D and R.
It is good versus evil.
Dominion and their slimy Demonrat lawyers, are going all in with lawfare on this.
They’re going after all these people in the hopes that just one of them will ‘settle’.
If they get one to cave in and settle…then they will use that as a precedent, or proof, that their claim of “defamation” is true.
I’m hoping that they won’t have enough time before the evidence of fraud is entered into the public record (via Shampeachment, or ~USSC, or other means).
And you’re right – they ALL must ***HOLD THE LINE***.
yup, I agree…
What’s up with the contracts, Wheatie? Do you know if – by contract – some of them are prevented from speaking or taking other assignments?
It depends entirely on whatever they agreed to in their Employment Contracts, Duchess.
Nothing is ‘boilerplate’ these days.
Contracts are easily changed as they are negotiated.
I would hope that someone as seasoned as Lou Dobbs, would not agree to a non-compete clause that would prohibit him from taking another job right away.
But you never know.
True, Wheatie – I just think they might have a non-disclosure clause – or something of the sort – to keep them quiet – the gubmint does it – corporations do it to protect trade secrets – so why wouldn’t the Media Moguls do it?
The timing is just too convenient – the impeachment coming up – a communications blackout maybe – who knows? The controllers must control the narrative – too many people waking up all at once – they are skeert – I think
For what other reason would they can these people – the truth hurts the liars!!!
An NDA is different than a Non-Compete.
So like I said…it depends on what they negotiated for themselves when they took their jobs.
An NDA wouldn’t necessarily keep someone from taking another job; they would just have to keep their mouth shut about things that happened in their previous job.
Absolutely right, Wheatie – Lou was very outspoken – so was/is Maria – and Judge Jeanine waffled back and forth – they had to know this was dangerous – but, they did it anyway.
The MSM is hemorrhaging – this will not help their ratings – no matter – they are going down by their own hand.
Just a guess, but my guess is that this will be the Steyn case all over again, with a complicit judiciary. They may be litigating this case for a decade or more, and then, with the punishment of process done, arrangements will be made to make Dominion judgement proof against costs and fees. This will never reach a jury, by design.
Mmm…I dunno, Tona.
That article in Time yesterday might help the good guys.
Even though it didn’t use the words “election fraud”, it admitted there was some ‘rigging’ going on.
We’ll see how it goes.
Hope so!
>>”This will never reach a jury, by design.”<<
I think you’re right on this – they will try NEVER to allow any evidence to be presented / entered.
That said, causing enough delay / damage / cost on points of PROCESS may allow them to get where they want to go …
their offices are in CHINA and the Left Coast. aka FULL ON COMMIES!
One wonders if Coie owns politicians and judges? Nothing ever happens to them.
Soros and China owns the Prosecutors, Judges and Politicians.
Soros needs to go.
Exactly. CHINA is suing them.
The horror. Pencious Pilate sold out America.
I suspect that this eventuality is why Bannon avoided the voting machine issue when addressing the election on his “War Room” show …
And I notice Ron (CodeMonkey) and Jim (owner of the anon boards) are included here – backdoor to Kew?
And finally, I wonder whether the majority of those people / organizations on the left side would get together in a MASSIVE class-action countersuit … which would likely bankrupt the other side!
THAT would be amazing!
Mornin’ Pat!
The memes you posted are great … gotta keep laughing -TY!
i love to laugh!
Bannon is a lot of things, but a fool isn’t one of them.
I’m beginning to wonder if he’s not communicating with anyone “in the know” but had the rough outline of what was in store some time ago, and used that as part of his communications cell in the overall project.
>>”his communications cell”<<
I like this phrase better than “actors in a movie” or “his playing a role”, because it’s less figurative / florid, and more precise to boot.
Your coinage? Good job!
And I agree – he knows significantly more that he lets on (which is a good thing, in this case).
Yes, all bit and part players have a job to do that doesn’t necessarily intersect with anyone else.
Sort of like an orchestra where each stand has its own music, and only the conductor has the score. That means all musicians have to COUNT COUNT COUNT until their entrance, and PAY ATTENTION to the person with the baton.
They will loose as long as it is not a Kangaroo court.
Sick Bidenazis rejoicing in the comments.
Shafting The Poor – Watts Up With That?
Normally in US poor are getting heating paid. At least where I live since I had lots of contact with people who are poor. They do not worry about cost of heating.
Gasoline is different and it will prevent people to drive for a good job. Some people drive 100miles one way everyday.
Europe I know keep houses apartments cool and people dress accordingly in the home.
People are used to it.
Gasoline I know is expensive and know people who gave up owning a car in Europe as they got older and it was cheaper to get around public transportation.
I think if gas heating or electric becomes more expensive how to heat our homes then one needs to rethink. I grew up with one oven in the kitchen as heating and only Sunday the living room oven was heated. Bedrooms had no heated. We even had windows open during the night even in winter. I like sleeping with open windows.
I can live like that and be very comfortable.
Interview with General Michael Flynn Feb 5th.The Right Side with Doug Billings 50 minutes. (Haven’t watched it yet.)
Some anons said that it seemed somewhat of a downer (the posting energy-level went noticeably south).
Others said one must read between the lines.
I haven’t watched it yet either …
OT they are describing it as Flynn saying no plan, no military, no REALPOTUS coming back. major downer.
i haven’t watched it either…
I have heard parts of it – Flynn is a military strategist – this is misdirection – keeping the enemy feeling it is in a position of power – feigning weakness when you are strong.
If this is the case – why would we need digital soldiers? To console each other?
I ask this with sincerity and genuine curiosity: did anyone assume that, because of his posting and other factors, Flynn MUST have had insider knowledge?
“…did anyone assume that, because of his posting and other factors, Flynn MUST [TELL US] insider knowledge?”
He was a General AND A SPY!
Does that mean you did assume as much, or you did not?
Or maybe I wasn’t clear in my words. By “insider knowledge” I meant that he was (or even is) part of a plan unknown to us, or at least privy to the plan?
Unknown, BUT I think the odds are he would know PARTS.
Although he had knowledge right at the beginning of P45DJT’s term, he was out of the loop for almost the entire four years afterward.
I can’t imagine, during this forced hiatus, that he would have been “read in” on anything germane.
But he KNOWS – he’s ALWAYS known …
General Flynn family Q wwg1wga2
That’s a great photo – I saw it when it came out (as we all did here).
A family of true patriots, from top to bottom.
Just thinking – if he is connected to Kew – then – he probably was not out of the loop, Emstar!!!
There’s too much focus on Flynn’s comments on IA or “the Plan”. He has a tremendous amount of important things to say in this interview, and frankly he doesn’t spend much time elaborating or explaining his comments on that. They aren’t even fully coherent. IA is great as a PsyOp against the left – they really are afraid it’s true. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of rats, since Trump had to spend 4 years always looking over his shoulder for a friend with a shiv. Let their conscience keep them awake at night and the gun in drawer singing to them.
Flynn also says “I would not concede that bottle of wine . . .” (Doug’s bet on Trump winning the Presidency) so keep in mind Flynn is being cagey.
This is an important a good interview – watch it for the interview content.
The real key here is to realign effort from people who have been more about talking into ACTION. Not just any action, but targeted action toward ensuring election integrity.
Election integrity – Get more people engaged in the election process
Get Organized – Too many pockets of MAGA that are not coordinated or organized. Flynn is going to focus on this particularly
Primary RINOs – get more fighters into the Federal government. Too many disloyal politicos looking for money and power.
Not supporting a Patriot “third” Party – Will never give another dollar to the GOP, not one red cent. But need to clean it out.
Determined Prayer
Determined Patriotism
Turn the tide against Socialism spreading everywhere in America
I posted some of my thoughts on “what we can do” here:
These Memes are exceptionally good, Pat!!! Really needed a reprieve from the shoveling – Thanks!!!
powerline on a Saturday has the best usually!
I see said the dumb blonde – not you!!!
the man who either creates or compiles them (not sure which) is Steve Hayward…
Oh, ok – Thanks!!!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, February 6, 2021
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed Saturday!
Morning, Pat!!! Got snow? As predicted – 4″ overnight and still snowing – how you?
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!
no nothing overnight here…but windy as all get out!
tomorrow night into Monday we’re looking at the next 2 systems converging again…sigh…
I did enjoy the pansies in your picture tho!
Hugs back to you!!
So – you will be getting pounded Sunday night into Monday? Two systems? Sounds Ominous!!! Will be praying heartily for you!!! Dunno what to expect here – have not checked the forecast yet.
So happy you liked the flowers – thinking Spring here – keeps me sane – lol
Building muscle – I am – so I can ‘HOLD THE LINE* as Emstar suggested others in the ‘hot box’ need to do !!!
* Received and Appreciated *
not sure about the systems yet…it’s always a crap shoot…sometimes they hit our mountains and break apart…we get nothing. other times the systems get stuck there and we get dumped on…
you never know what you’re gonna get…
Much like a ‘box of chocolates’ eh, Pat?
Good Morning Duchess and Pat. stay warm! no snow in these parts but it is COLD! my old bones always think its cold lol today is a good day for instant pot stew. love and peace always!
Morning Suzy!
we’re gonna make a banana run later…have to mail a package, so combining as many trips as I can.
then we can hunker down for a few more days.
stay safe and warm!!
Be careful driving! I really detest driving in any weather except sunny and warm, but that rarely happens. today is grocery day here, hopefully all the foodstampers are done with thier shopping by now and we can find parking. have fun on your banana run
yeah, but the super bowl partiers will be getting their supplies…LOL
Good idea, SuzyQ – not going anywhere – may as well cook something hot and hearty!!!
It was very cold here last week – however – with temps hovering around freezing – we have to deal with the ice underneath the snow – not fun – but, makes one appreciate Spring all the more.
God Bless You for your comforting words – we appreciate your caring heart!!!
that is one of sweetest verses.
Glad it touched your heart, Smiley!!! Have a Blessed Day – God Bless You!!! But, He already has – you live in DeSantis Country!!!
That is a abomination. Do we know who those Senators are who voted against ?
Imagine having to pass a law that tells doctors they are allowed to treat trauma patients.
First will come laws denying treatment to “extremists”.
Then will come laws to “finish off” those who would require medical treatment before imprisonment.
And Americans who do not accept state lies will be the extremists.
As I read this interesting blog on comms regarding the moon landings and our history I found myself singing in my head nothing is real ,strawberry fields forever. here’s the link, enjoy.
Decoding Truth from Historical Lies – Symbolism Communication (wordpress.com)
Money quote from the article – and I’m nowhere close to finished with it:
I picked up a tidbit a few years back about why all of a sudden federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was “necessary.” Essentially, the private money dried up after 60+ years of investment with no return on it other than cancers.
MANY grants for research, et al, comes from private foundations and the national 501c3s dedicated to diseases. You know, the little donations you make to walks, runs, etc., for the Lukemia & Lymphoma Society, the ALS people, the March of Dimes, the National MS Society, and all that.
An issue with the Capitol/owl thing…when L’Enfant laid out the mall, etc., it was based on the Grand Canal behind Versailles. That pre-dates the Rothschilds, actually.
And, yeah, I stood behind the king’s apartments at Versailles and literally said, “Where’s the Lincoln Memorial?”
As for the Church…there is already a prejudice against Her that’s exploited any time the Church and “the Vatican” are inserted into the wording. The Faith and the Barque of St. Peter Herself is not the power structure of the Curia which has been corrupted over the centuries on more than one occasion.
Some useful skepticism comes from this. Including skepticism of this article itself.
I agree that there is an enormous amount of “fake history”. The question, however, is which parts are fake.
As a scientist, I trust God and carbon more than I trust humans or anything like them. And with humans, I trust low and random more than high and authoritative.
In my opinion, the most compelling large story is the one where the Roswell standard model, Corso’s revelations, Bob Lazar’s revelations, Navy/AF videos, Bill Cooper’s revelations, Biblical history, and recursive evolution as the Zeroth Directive are all true.
This results in Earth being not so much a wildlife preserve, as colonized land much like America, and many chefs want their version of the future to take hold here. An enormous amount of negotiated planning, sneaky influence, and “everybody cheats the Phony Prime Directive” have (IMO) gone into getting us where we are.
One of the things I noted on Gab is that flat earth disinformation activists were VERY strong purveyors of both super-obvious antisemitism AND the fake moon landing narrative – with none of these necessarily tied together. I was able to LINK them to infiltrators of the 9/11 truth movement.
This tells me that the same people who were behind discrediting 9/11 “truth-finding” are behind discrediting of space “truth-finding”.
I’m ambivalent about NASA fakery and/or hiding of alien activity, but both seem possible as part of grooming us to a controlled disclosure narrative. Thus, it strikes me that the relationship of “native humans on Earth” with “visitors, colonists, trainees, and every other possibility that’s probably real” is actually a thing, with US being the ones everybody wants to keep stupid and happy.
And then complicate things by the likelihood that “ET” and “ED” are likely a continuum of some kind, but a huge source of “AND logic” on “science” and “religion”
Messy. Beautiful, but messy.
not really the best and the brightest are they? FBI uses an obviously photo shopped picture in their warrant. (the man was there, but the photo the FBI used shows a nude man’s portrait in the background in the Capitol building…smh)
Brian P. McCreary was arrested Thursday for being part of the mob that breached the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
In a statement given voluntarily to the FBI, McCreary said he was frustrated by the outcome of the presidential election and had traveled to Washington, D.C., where he listened to former President Donald Trump urge his supporters to take their grievances to the Capitol.
And so he did, according to authorities, joining a march from the White House, at times scurrying along side streets to get ahead of the growing crowd and arriving among the first rioters to reach and invade the Capitol building.
The 33-year-old Domino’s Pizza employee is pictured inside the Capitol alongside the horn-headed QAnon Shaman on January 6.
There is one problem the picture is phot-shopped.
Behind the MAGA mob, hanging on the wall where a 19th century painting of Kentucky Senator Henry Clay should be, is a fully nude man well known across the internet.
I want to see a definitive list of those charged and whose side they are really on.
And I would LOVE to see an interview of the woman who yelled “they’re actors” to hear what she perceived.
#capitol #riots #dc
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less
Here’s the pic, for those who may not have seen it:
This is the original:

Not familiar with that ‘Right Journalism’ site.
It reads like a Never-Trumper wrote it…referring to the “MAGA mob” and claiming that PDJT urged his supporters to “take their grievances to the Capitol.”
It doesn’t even point out that the buffalo-hat-guy was a crisis actor and not a Trump supporter…referring to him as the “QAnon Shaman”.
i wasn’t even paying attention to all that…just the fact that the fbi used a photo shopped picture was hilarious…real attention to detail that bunch
One of the HVT’s at QV has a must read thread. Reminds me of Wolfie, our gracious, generous, tolerant, long-suffering host, who somehow, has turned our neighborhood into a Congenial Questing Crowd-sourcing Community.
Steven Douglas – https://social.quodverum.com/@StevenDouglas/105682196046963884
I have a few obnoxious neighbors. My wife used to voice her disdain for them. Often.
Across The Way Couple is LOUD. About everything. They yell when they argue. He screams when he sneezes – like he taking riot sandbags to the gut.
Next Door Pig makes messes in front of his house and gives dirty looks to people in passing.
Another stares at everyone through the bars of his house grating.
And I love them. And they me, and mine. I made family out of the lot of them.
My neighbors are ALL watchful over us – fiercely protective. My kids are treated like THEIRS, and they all worry that we’re naive about security.
Any stranger sniffing around our house gets questioned – by whomever is around at the time.
They worry when I park my bike the “wrong way”. Angry Pig came and put HIS chain on my bike, locked it and threw the key into my door crack. Nice, huh?
That was the product of a hundred de-escalations and REFUSING TO TAKE OFFENSE. AT ANYTHING.
It was a campaign, one my wife disagreed with – in theory. Too many BAD WHAT-IFS to consider.
Fucking negative imaginations.
Over time she caught on as, one by one, my neighbors started behaving like close siblings.
It began with INTENSE UNILATERAL RESPECT. Which later became mutual.
Trust eventually blossomed from that respect, which then later bore fruit as LOVE.
It’s not a new condition for me. Ten of us, all different, all representative of real life.
We behaved as if we HATED EACH OTHER growing up. And all that is gone now. We couldn’t be closer if we tried.
I know from experience what lines MUST be established, and which can NEVER be crossed.
Mostly, I know the POWER of good will, de-escalation, and returning good for evil.
So my guard is forever down.
Next Door Pig is now the CLEANEST neighbor.
I couldn’t clean HIS messes. That would be a line crossed. Big no-no. But I COULD sweep the entire alleyway here and there, and ASK HIM IF HE MINDED.
“Sure. No problem.”
Problem ended. He just painted his front gate and is very anal retentive about ANY little thing out of order.
Loud Across The Way Couple cut their fights down to once a week or so. He still Explode Sneezes, but everyone – including him – laughs about it.
Little snacky food offerings here and there (TO EVERYONE – NOBODY IS SPECIAL) has turned into random pot luck offerings from everyone to everyone else: Now that we all know that it’s welcome, and a good idea.
Mr. Stares-A-Lot now leaves his gate open. He still stares, but now it lacks any kind of creepy element.
Likewise Resting Bitch Face may not have meant to give anyone a dirty look. Doesn’t matter. She’s relaxed and lightened up. A lot.
And we all look after each other now.
LOVE: Respect begets Trust begets Love. In that order. Best recipe ever.
And NOT without someone willing to take some blows and other offenses along the way. Small potatoes, I expect them and it costs me nothing.
And it’s not that you don’t return the offense. You just don’t return them IN LIKE KIND.
Before I get really preachy.
Thanks Steve.
You made up for my faux pas yesterday.
His Fraudulency. Epic.
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
It can’t be said enough.
Well you could at least START rectifying the problem by being sure to inform people that Joe Biden didn’t win.
I’m trying! I really am!
I’ve even started leaving sticky notes at the grocery store and other places.
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
You did it again, you forgot to mention that Joe Biden didn’t win!
Add in cryptic start date to a counter coup and maybe the media picks up on it and then you spawn copy cats.
Pile of putrid pig poop.
Bite -me:
FROM NOW ON, I, as the CHINESE VICEROY of CHINA’s Colony, formerly know as the USA, will OF COURSE PUT CHINA FIRST!
I sure hope Wictor’s right.
He’s got a new one:
Rudy Guiliani has a new video out suggesting a new Tea Party – https://rudygiulianics.com
I’ve been writing him because I can’t write to PDJT any more since the Fraudulent Fake President is occupying our White House.
Dear Mr. Guiliani:
No Tea Party – No Pence – No Nothing – UNTIL the 2020 ELECTION is RECTIFIED!
No point in voting – and no way sending any money.
Do not trust Republicans, do not trust courts, state election officials, DoJ, FBI, even our Military head generals are corrupt and partisan.
NO WAY – forget Tea Party 2.0, MAGA, KAG, SAVE AMERICA or anything else when all are corrupt from DC to CENTCOM.
I fear the wishy-washiness of your phrasing may leave him unclear on where you stand.
Although I believe Flynn was speaking straight and there is no plan for Trump to retirn;
that TIME story is having an ill effect on its players – possibly?
Whao! Within 24 hours of Molly Ball’s story in Time Magazine about how the 2020 Election was rigged against Trump, specifically highlighting how there was a “conspiracy” that “curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs” thanks to a pact between the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO “to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy”—> CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CEO TOM DONOHUE HAS NOW RESIGNED!
There are no coincidences.
Tom Donohue resigned because he had fulfilled his part of the Beijing / Dominion-Smartmatic plan to steal the November 2020 elections and get all three branches of the U.S. federal government firmly under Communist control. Donohue likely picked up a hefty “bonus” for his efforts in the plan (laundered money, of course).
The next head of the Chamber of Commerce, Suzanne Clark, has spent her career working to push globalist ideas into every corner of American business.
Clark was instrumental in crafting “Path Forward”, the CoC “response” to the Covid-19 Task Force that President Trump set up. She brought in Fauci, Redfield, Jerome Adams, Gates, and the Carlyle Group, among others, to help set up programs designed to make it look like POTUS didn’t know what he was doing and that the CoC would “save the day”. For Fauci, Redfield, and Adams, this was part and parcel of their own separate work to undermine the White House task force.
Clark is on the boards of, worked with, or knows, movers and shakers who have long ties to the DeepState / Davos Globalists. For example, at TransUnion, she’s on the Audit and Cybersecurity committees.
My opinion: Suzanne Clark is the female version of Tom Donohue.
>>”get all three branches of the U.S. federal government firmly under Communist control.”<<
?? “Three branches will become will one.” (A seemingly fantastical prophecy …)
Interdasting …
Methinks we’re nowhere NEAR the conclusion of this situation.
But the above second quotation is the FIRST part – labeled “A” of a list (“A” through “L”) created BEFORE P45DJT was elected … (mid-2016, IIRC).
Paraphrasing Kew, he/she/they DID say that things would get more and MOAR unbelievable, as we dig deeper …
Matt Gaetz on Marjorie Taylor Greene’s press conference: “That was so good I almost had to smoke a cigarette afterwards.” pic.twitter.com/btVwLFf4eJ
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 5, 2021
I bet President Trump loved that one!
Netanyahu: ICC proved once again that it is a political body
Prime Minister Netanyahu denounces ICC ruling that it has jurisdiction over Palestinian Authority-assigned territories.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday denounced the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruling that it has jurisdiction over Palestinian Authority-assigned territories, paving the way for a probe of alleged Israeli “war crimes” in these areas.
— and all the anti-semites in Congress said “AMEN”……
Guy lost a lot of friends when he jumped out of the gate to congratulate the O’l 10%Joe.
This monster will be the favored ideology in our military under the Biden-Øbama administration.
His name is…Akbar?
So there’s a good chance that he is a rug-sniffer.
If so, then how is that going to square with all the Pro-Gay stuff that the Creepy Joe administration will be forcing on our military.
More grenades in tents.
Since Ø removed DADT – male/male assaults have exceeded male/female assaults. They even approved bestiality in the military under Øbastard.
Are you seriously equating that death of the unwashed infidels is somehow equal to the moral superiority of the shahid?
/sarc….before anyone doesn’t get it..
O henry!
Good candy bars.
The maturity of people making decisions in this “Administration” is……(fill in the blank).
— that whole story about the US being a Corporation owned by UK? Maybe its got legs?
— Why and who are British information firm Merchant Machine – that they want to change
— the faces on our money?
Washington Examiner….POS rag
As President Biden considers putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, a group has emerged with several other proposals to put women on bills.
The British information firm Merchant Machine called for putting Vice President Kamala Harris on the $100 bill, media big Oprah Winfrey on the $50 bill, and tennis champ Serena Williams on the $10 bill.
Thumbs UP to Alfie Oakes…NAPLES, Florida ! YAY ! LOL !
NO Mask mandates at his grocery stores
this was being reported on MSM yesterday…with (((grave concern)))
watch Alfie, here…
video clip…
BTW…I was just at a local Walgreen’s where store policy is very lock-step…I do not sport a face diaper (yet) but I do have my cowboy Bob kerchief tied around mein neck, and I yank it up over mein mouth if need be…so…the gal at checkout said put your face covering ON YOUR FACE…
I obeyed…yanked the kerchief up over mein mouth…but not mein nose…she glared at mein nose…
I said…this is as ON MY FACE as it gets and BTW the bacteria under your 3 inch fake nails is 100 times worse than a toilet seat so maybe you should yank them off and put on gloves before you hand me the germ infested change & receipt..
Our Governor says no fines or arrests for not wearing masks in Florida.
If stores, offices, businesses mandate masks – we can decide whether or not to do business with them.
I’ll wear one in a health/hospital setting – but it’s optional for me elsewhere.
I’m through playing the Plannedemic Panic.
That looks like a great place to shop! I wish Alfie would open one in our city!
Those news-readers in that clip are lock step in the propaganda, aren’t they.
They act all aghast that people would be not wearing masks.
they are AGHAST that anyone has the balls to defy this ludicrous crap…on camera….and with a smile on his face and a laugh in his demeanor.
This is the news today. Notice they didn’t ask the owner if any of his employees have been sick. Funniest thing at the end when he said that county hadn’t been hit as hard as places like Miami Dade. It must hurt to be that stupid.
I live in that county…and it wasn’t hit as hard as Miami-Dade
Did anyone else realize that there’s a replica AF1 exhibit sitting at National Harbor, called the Air Force One Experience? This is literally the first I’ve heard of it. And it’s been there since October, 2018. Their website claims it will be moving to NYC this spring.
Is this a recent photo, G-mom?
It looks like it might be photo-shopped.
No it’s from 2018, when they claim it first came from Rhode Island. airforceoneexperience.com
Ah…thanks, I see what you added on edit, now.
So it’s an AF1 museum.
Pretty cool.
The production values and music in the videos, remind me of the ones that PDJT’s crew produced.
So I’m wondering if he had something to do with this project.
I just stuck the info here because it wound up at wearethenews.
Nothing to be concerned about, but good to have another data point about 747 visuals, interior/exterior.
This looks pretty cool actually.
Promotion says:
Coming to New York – Spring 2021
I went ahead and signed up for the mailing list. Since the replica isn’t static there’s a good chance this will be worth keeping an eye on to do with the kids.
Here’s a video on it:
A quick walk thru:
A news story:
Too bad it wasn’t live yet when I was at the Gaylord in National Harbor in 2017, because I would’ve been right next to it. Not that I’ve ever had time to breath any time I’ve been in D.C. much less sight-see.
But I like the new paint scheme better:

When I first saw this pic, I thought it was a meme for how biden was getting to DEL on AF1…lol
…and joe biden DIDNT WIN!
Naw. You don’t say.
Pretty sure this was known back in the 70s when they chopped and sliced.
Lara Logan shocked by scene at Southern border: ‘War raging on America’s doorstep’
Food for thought.
Smug Potato #resistance
The only truly free Americans right now aren’t on the Left, and aren’t on the Right. They’re the small group of people questioning everything – science, results, their leaders, the people they like, the people they don’t like, the government, even their own previous thoughts.
8:19 AM · Feb 6, 2021
To the left – evil is good and good is evil. They live in an opposite of reality universe.
If you were awake you should have seen this coming YEARS AGO!
Napolitano stands by controversial report
It was not just returning vets. A retired Secret Service guy I talked to at a Church Fair told me the list included retires SS, Leos, as well as military.
Napolitano: terror threat may be highest since 9/11
Why Fusion Centers Matter: FAQ
Militarization of the police from a libertarian friend, Mark Stoval.
DHS Fusion Centers — Gov Fact Sheet
2013 — DHS purchase order for 1.6 million rounds of AMMO
1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It’s Time For A National Conversation
And it is not just the DHS, The United States Department Of Education was Buying Shotguns in March 2010, The USDA armed up to as well as other departments.
2011 — DHS training police with military equipment
BardsFM, Q&A – 20210205
This podcast is very encouraging – Scott is spouting truth – and it feels good!!!
The Q & A Podcast is referenced here
Fishers of Men – 20210205
Soar with Eagles.
Peace Be Still – 20210206
Speak the truth.
Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro are being canceled by Faux News.
Perkin Coie (Dominion & Smartmatic) are going after L Lin wood, Sidney, Rudy, CodeMonkey & 8Kun….
Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo too?
Bet this is a pre-emptive move to silence any support for Trump when the sh-t hits the fan and things come to a head!
What I do believe of what we’ve heard so far is that when things start happening, they’re going to happen fast. We need reliable voices talking. What’s left at faux is not the best of the best other than maybe Charles Payne at this point.
And maybe Jesse Watters.
This is what WE are for. What we have been prepped and educated to do. They can shut down the press, but they can’t stop us talking to our neighbors and friends. WE are the Emergency Broadcast System.
Another reason we need a Trump media empire sooner than later.
I think Maria would be awesome if she weren’t leashed to the CoC talking points.
Trup edia empire is essential to dig our way out of this mess we are in. Doesn’t have to be “Trump”, but it must be Free Speech. AND it must cross the media spectrum – broadcast, cable, Internet. Including stuff along the lines of TW, FB, YT…
Lots of good companies out there with pieces of this puzzle. Perhaps they can be purchased.
well that’s all folks for me and crappy Fox Spews
I don’t watch that network much but when I do, I watch Maria and occasionally Judge Jeanine.
Maria & Pirro are the only 2 broads with any intelligence on the nitwit network.
that quacking shrill-pitched airhead Dana whatserface is such a boring ditz , she’ll no doubt be there, like, forevah…
Her name is Dana Bush…… I mean…. Perino
Just a bit of info for y’all: K T McFarland revealed this morning that she got a call from DJT yesterday. She did not disclose the subject matter but the fact that he called her shows he is getting feedback from trustworthy sources.
DJT has also called Marjorie Taylor Greene and had Matt Gaetz down to visit at Mar A Lago.
Our Democrazy.
Anyone wanna answer this one? I have a string of Navajo pearls that need cleaning and I really don’t want to spend $$$ on a jeweler.
I’ve used it on pins and rings…not on silver pearls.
Hot water works best.
I would lay the strands of pearls out straight to keep the pearls from touching, as much as possible.
For some reason, when pieces are touching each other, I got a little dark spot where they touched.
It’s not permanent, though — you can do a do-over and buff it until it goes away.
I would be concerned how the pearls have been strung what material has been used. If they are strung with fiber I would not put them in a solution. If they are strong on new type of wire covered with with plastic over still reluctant. Some are strung just with wire.
I restrung lot of antique jewelry people needed to have restrung later pieces I restrung for cleaning purposes.
I used to make jewelry for the local museum they auction off.
DP you are an artist have you thought on learning to string jewelry? You can learn how on the internet I did. I string jewelry an did is a spiritual practice for me. If you have an artist bend it is a gift to be creative and make astounding pieces.
Going back to restringing and cleaning first find out on what the beads are strung. I personally would use a silver clothe and gentle clean or restring.
I’ve strung jewelry before, but I really don’t need another hobby even if I love to do it.
It’s a deoxidation reaction. I’m not a chemist so I can’t explain the reaction chains. This is one of those times when a WackyPedia explanation is probably sufficient.
“It seems Cheney wishes to take her party back to the era when people like the Bush family and her father were in charge of it. In that supposed golden age, types like Greene, who was stripped of her congressional assignments by the party of Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, and AOC, would not have been allowed into Congress and certainly would have been kept at a distance socially. It is not only the Democrats, but Cheney and her Republican backers who would love to cancel the populist right.”
We, MAGA conservatives, will not let her or her Uniparty NeoCon ilk win in the fight for the GOP’s future.
Thanks Maga Mom once again for being stalwart in advocating for PARTICIPATION in the (hold ones nose) R party.
In the second hour of Bannon’s “War Room” show today (10-noon), the guest was Atty Dan Schultz.
Out of 400K positions (precinct committeeman slots) available across the country … only 200K are filled! He said that the R party doesn’t advertise this. Anyone (in the precinct) can volunteer – one meeting a month, and a few hours (calls, flyers to get out the vote) around election time.
The R’s were only at half-strength, and did nothing to increase it!
Here’s the link to the War Room platform, America’s Voice News – Schultz has been on since just after 11am EST, so about a half-hour to view and get all the info you’d need.
Perhaps hyperbole, but Bannon said that their message boards were LIGHTING UP during Schultz’s piece – at the end of which were displayed many ways to contact him for help in how to go forward.
The basic idea is that we need to TAKE OVER the R Party, by and for *ourselves*.
Local, County, State, and National: 200,000 billets are OPEN and WAITING. Shultz said that the politicians themselves often attend the monthly meetings, and so are available IN PERSON to the committee members.
There’s a lot more that I’m missing – I found the half-hour quite valuable.
And the crux is that it’s the ONLY “Party” (political platform) we have right now, and getting involved SOMEHOW is a winning play, and whether PDJT is ultimately victorious – or not – volunteering works in either case.
To win, one must do everything that one can.
And it was OUR VOTES that caused their brazen fraud – the votes DID count … just not in the way we’d expected them to!
All true although I do not know about the actual #s across the county and state GOPs.
Its not that hard to get involved – especially if you live in a smaller county. They have the same number of party officers as the larger counties and have far fewer that want to fill the positions.
The positions do take Time that the volunteer could be spending in any number of other ways – cleaning house, ironing, time with family, household projects, gardening, work on the yard/property … gee, can you tell the things I am behind on?
The positions do take time & work so be aware of that. Also, if you are elected you will quickly learn that 1 person does not make decisions … committees and more committees! Same with every kind of organization and, of course, at times it can be frustrating.
The various state and county GOPs have their own bylaws regarding who can run and who can vote. Check your state’s info.
In TN, those in the party will check that anyone running for office is a bona fide Republican. What does that mean?
They will check that one has voted GOP 3 of the last 4 state wide primaries.
For those outside of TN or that have a closed primary system in your state:
No, we can not exactly for whom one has voted (probably can do to the voting machines being electronic – do they read our biometric info when we vote? screens capture finger prints? yep, I am spinning a conspiracy theory … but based on the deception I have seen proven about the voting machines I would not be surprised if my fantasy is correct!).
Here in TN, because we are an open primary, everyone must choose a Dem or a GOP ballot when they go to vote in the Primaries. Their choice for a Dem or a GOP ballot is public record.
Also, one is expected to be an “active” Republican. In TN, the bylaws are vague (at this time – SEC may change the bylaws in upcoming sessions as we have had much controversy over what constitutes and active Republican and the very vulnerable to manipulation “vouching system” – see one of TN’s freshman state Reps from Knoxville … ugh!).
I am for these restrictions as they are actually protective against clever infilitration by Dem activists or flash in the pan GOP activists who won’t necessarily go the long haul and do the work that an election to a 2 yr term requires if one is going to do the job successfully, including doing the job effectively for MAGA.
OK – so, no, if one has never voted GOP in the primaries or has not voted GOP in at least 3 of the last 4 primaries and has never been an active Republican, then one can not become an officer in the elections happening right now and through mid April for the next two years.
If one does not fit the category of GOP voter &/or active GOP one can still (and hopefully will) show up, become a member of the county GOP (fee ranges from $10-30 and slightly more in the larger counties) and VOTE. (note about TN county GOP membership – the fees are 100% the county GOP’s $ unless specifically voted to donate $ to the state GOP or the RNC or to candidates, etc. None of the membership fee automatically goes to any other entity other than what the local GOP votes. Supporing the local county GOP does not necessarily support the state GOP or the RNC. Again, I only know TN so other state’s county GOPs may be different).
If one lives in a large county/high population, the voting for the county GOP leaders is not as direct of a vote but goes through a convention process.
sharing because even if readers don’t live in TN this might be helpful to get readers started in learning about their own county and state GOPs.
It seems to me that we didn’t even know what we SHOULD have been doing, from 2, 4, 6 years ago even up until right now.
I didn’t know of that “3 primaries” rule (TN, maybe many other states too) – this may be a consequence of registering improperly, as a misguided deke to the pollsters et al.
>>”learning about their own county and state GOPs”<<
I believe that this is what we COULD have done back in post-election 2016, but weren’t aware enough to do so. We could have capitalized on PDJT’s ascendence to POTUS right from the start; I for one didn’t know how, and didn’t do enough due diligence to find out.
Letters, texts, twits, and phone-calls are good … but NOTHING beats SHOWING UP!!!
Perhaps this is why P45DJT did as he did – we didn’t get LOUD enough … although the opportunity was right in front of us. Perhaps he knew that we weren’t “awake” enough – though we virtue-signaled (to ourselves) that we we were.
It takes a LONG time to wake up from a deep slumber.
Thanks for the valuable info – borne of experience – on the nuts-and-bolts of the ACTUAL political process.
With which we must engage as a FLOOD of “new blood” for, and of, Patriots.
The establishment RINO’s / GOPe won’t know what hit ’em!!!
Turtle soup, anyone?
Ballotpedia is a pretty good source for all stuff politics.
https://www.legiscan.com has lots of good info.
I started during the primary of 2016 and have posted repeatedly about it at OT (some might say ad nauseam
) and here. Others at OT shared their experiences of doing the same and that encouraged me to go in person so I shared my experiences to hopefully help others and let readers know that it isn’t that hard to go, become involved and make a difference.
For me, the first step was being aware of how much the GOPe messes with the primaries which I learned from SD at OT.
And I learned by watching the primaries. Seemed that there would some “real” conservative gaining popularity but in the primaries all of the sudden the “moderate”/middle of the roader would become the winner.
Saw what the GOPe did in ’10 in Alaska.
In ’12, I was not a Ron Paul supporter, disagreed with him on specific issues, but was confused and aggrivated at how his supporters were treated. I thought it was 100% unfair as the candidates should be chosen from the bottom up, based on how the voting base voted, not based on interference from the top down. The RNC’s job is to remain neutral during the primaries and thn to support the candidates we the people elect during the primaries to run against the dems. The state & county GOPs and the RNC seemed to be doing the opposite. Top down interference in the primaries is Not right/fair!
Anyway, saw more in the ’14 primary and the Mississippi mess.
By the time President Trump ran in the 2016 primary, I knew the action for what kind of Republican candidates we have was decided in the primaries and Trump supporters fought Hard in the 2016 primary!!!
And then we learned that winning the votes in the election does not = winning. There is more to it than simply winning the most votes. Bylaws came into play as to how delegates would be assigned, etc.
Who decides bylaws? What is the SEC and how does one get on the SEC? I had no idea. I just knew that in TN in a meeting in March, 2016, I was locked out. How many Trump supporters were in the room? Those who had already been active and had done the work and I realized I had no idea how to be in that room next time to make a difference. Time to work more and work harder.
Many GOPe types may have more education and more money, more prestige and better health, but I am a hard worker and will give it all I’ve got. So, I started attending the local GOP meetings, continued to volunteer for President Trump through the Nov ’16 election … and kept going from there.
Why? Because the GOP is what we make it and is based on who shows up and is willing to do the work and to take an interest enough to vote. The more MAGA GOP that show up the better. The GOPe will Always show up … but we are more, many more and win as long as we show up and do the work.
Many county GOP will be happy to have additional volunteers and more people to call on for projects and then for leadership positions.
Why do I share all of this? In case others are reading who have not become involved yet and might pick up tidbits from my own story.
The last 4 yrs … that is exactly how I saw it. We had 8 yrs (I had hoped) to make tremendous strides within the county & state GOPs as well as the RNC as President Trump was officially the head of the GOP (whether the GOPe liked it or not) and so we (MAGA voters/members) needed to make hay while the sun shown.
Many have done exactly that.
As I mentioned, I would enter the meetings opened minded that not all GOP elected leaders are GOPe because most are ordinary people who are conservative and volunteering in their communities. Many county parties have had a large influx of Trump supporters during the last 4 years and, over this time period, a surprising number have been elected into leadership.
Here are some thoughts for those considering attending their local GOP meetings and getting more involved:
When I attended my first meeting in 2016, I was going to make sure my county GOP supported the TN primary winner, President Trump. We had some issues and I went in braced and expecting uniparty all the way.
Were there some moderates? Yes.
But majority were very conserative. A good many had become active during the Tea Party and others had already been active but had become Tea Party when it came around.
So, might not want to assume you are the only MAGA in the room.
Also, no one officer can make all of the calls. Get to them, vet them and choose wisely. There are many GOP county leaders, state leaders and GOP elected leaders and politicians who are indeed MAGA. “Throw them all out” would be a disservice to many who have been working hard in the party for MAGA and even Tea Party causes for many years.
If you are not eligible to run for office, you are eligible to attend meetings, to follow your county party on social media, to volunteer in ways that appeal to you, etc.
And if you do not want to vote or run for party office, you will probably be able to still volunteer. I know some county leaders Welcome volunteers regardless. We had some that worked long and hard, attended meetings and events, are so well informed, reliable and always went above and beyond this last election year … and yet, no way will they officially join. That is ok and their help was highly valued. Only drawback is we sure could use those conservative, truly MAGA voices as actual full members and in leadership. Think about being a full member as not officially joiningjust makes it that much harder for those who are MAGA to have a voice as they are that much smaller of a group.
If you do get involved, stay involved so that people can get to know you, see that you are dependable and professional, volunteer, show interest and initiative, so that you can build toward the future and be ready for leadership in 2 yrs (next elections). Turning the tide within the GOP is a long term project, not an overnight, show up at one meeting event.
based on my experience, in most TN counties, doesn’t take being the smartest or the richest or the most educated … just get along (be nice), know your stuff/be informed, volunteer, show up and work hard … and be willing to serve. If I can do it anyone can do it!
I saw the Bannon show today and agree we need to work from the bottom up. We have to stop complaining so many do on different forums but not get involved. This is a fight worth doing.
Even Flynn says so we need to be focus.
Yes, Singingsoul (great handle!) – the fight is worth every minute.
Although I believe that you are older than I (by a decent margin), and you perhaps have less “academic” experience than I do …
STILL you bring a perspective that – on frequent occasion – eclipses the so-called “smarts” of others here posting (myself included!).
It’s called WISDOM.
And I find YOUR wisdom to be essential.
I LEARN from you – Thank You!
You aren’t the ONLY one, but when you speak truth, there isn’t any compare.
It’s a gift.
God bless you, Wise-woman of the q-tree family!
Thank you sweet lady you are very generous.
I must change my handle to “Sir Emeraldstar”, but that doesn’t change my sentiment!
I hold you in high regard – and little mistakes on the “anonymous” internet don’t change that at all.
(My mother raised me – it shows!)
I am sorry Mr Emeraldstar one never should assume
Sir is befitting you better than Mr
The last item, and the third-to-last item, I would eschew – they aren’t sound advice..
Are these two points a “poison pill”?
Very likely.
Just call ’em all terrorists / terrorist orgs – according to the second-to-last item in the list.
I said something very similar to this a few days ago – RETURN VERBAL FIRE!!!
I deleted because something went wrong. I guess my computer.
And…JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.
Photoshopped. She’s actually upset that Joe Biden didn’t win.
TONIGHT – 10pm ET – 7pm PT – Posobiec story on January 6 event at Capitol.
Posobiec has a good bit of experience covering riots and leftist garbage and has been attacked himself.
Italian Births Fall 22% In December – Exactly Nine Months After Lockdowns Began
SATURDAY, FEB 06, 2021 – 8:45
While people around the world have been trying to figure out what to do for fun during COVID-19 lockdowns, having unprotected sex apparently isn’t one of them. According to new figures out of Italy, bambino production is down by a staggering 21.6% across 15 Italian cities, according to Reuters, citing data from statistics agency ISTAT.
I hope we get more data/numbers on this. Hopefully just a fluke – Italy was hit very hard in the beginning with the CCP virus, hospitalizations, and 24/7 fear narrative.
True, Michael – this is the first report I have seen – please post if you find any more articles – Thanks!!!
I thought we would see a baby boom based on lock downs. Maybe not. surprises me. Maybe speaks to the mental and emotional state of many in lockdown. stress and fear of the virus but even more stress and fear due to financial worries.
Who would want to have a new child, when one isn’t confident of the future – both financially and otherwise?
It’s a sacred, and YUGE, commitment.
Chalk up another anti-life win for the psychopath globalists.
It’s becoming clearer to me that EVERYTHING they’ve done, and will be doing, is in furtherance of the SUBJUGATION of our species. Agenda 21 is REAL …
Hope you read my reply to you, above.
It’s unfortunate that people are affected by fear when it comes to starting and growing a family, but I can tell you with my generation and younger it is a major factor with them.
The conventional wisdom of the late Gen-X and early Millenials was that if you get married you should wait a few years before having kids until you can get yourself established. This is exactly backward thinking. Younger children require more energetic parents and the younger the parents are the better they are at parenting toddlers and pre-school children, especially multiples. But it was not uncommon to hear of young people married in their mid-twenties waiting four or five years before starting a family.
They also suffer from a fear that they are going to somehow not parent their children right. I think this is a fear driven from media saturation, unfair expectations from their own parents, and the cultural stretching of adolescence into adulthood. It wasn’t that long ago when being 18 someone was genuinely considered an adult, an starting a family was totally normal and expected. But now there are many people who think you aren’t really a responsible adult until 25 (or even later!) but even then one’s maturity is still considered suspect. “Adulting is hard” they say.
The result of that is that the last Gen-X’ers are now exiting their child-bearing years with only a few children and a wide age gap between parents and children. Millenials look much the same, as many put off having children during the early 2000s when entry-level jobs were scarce, then struggled through the Great Recession. They still have some years for childbearing, but are on the downhill side as Gen-Z is entering early adulthood.
>>”the cultural stretching of adolescence into adulthood”<<
Done on purpose, IMO. They play the LONG game, and we are now only catching up (way more to go).
The media instills FEAR (coronavirus, anyone?).
Propaganda, historically, WORKS.
Top corporate pay has increased beyond all reason or rationale, leaving no “breathing room” for the line-workers. The ratio of top-dog pay (CEO / officers) to bottom-dog pay (line-employees) has SKYROCKETED over the past 2-3 decades.
It used to be around 40x. Now, it’s upward of 400x.
It is – and was, intentionally – a war tactic (subjugation).
I fully subscribe to the policy of Hungary, and other “based” nations, to subsidize couples for having children – tax breaks, stimulus moneys, etc. – for it invests in the future.
Demographic War? You betcha.
And we MUST “get in the game” our enemies have concocted to defeat us, to defeat THEM.
It’s an essential “Fourth Turning” tactic / strategy, without which – IMO – we lose.
Who doesn’t wish for more SEX (through marriage), and for more MONEY (saving ones nation’s future)?
A bit indelicate a description … but valid and sound nonetheless.
I’m totally impressed with Victor Orban of Hungary – he sees how things are, and is doing his best to counter the false narratives!
My generation just a couple of years before baby boomers was not an issue when to have a baby. One got married and 9-10 moths later had a baby. I had three by the time I was 25.
Mind you I knew how to run a household cook , shop for groceries and how to budged money.
I did not worry about anything. I had a naive approach. All children are intelligent and will achieve and be responsible. I never worried about their future. I thought I knew everything but in reality I knew nothing
But that was a good kind of naivete! Being simple. Not pretentious or sophisticated. Not duplicitous.
Yes it was good and I would never change that time. That was one of the most rewording times. Children are beautiful.
I want to see the later statistics as they come out, and from more countries. IIRC when there is a temporary disruption in birth rates it is typically followed by a boom later.
Europe in general trending down on birthrate.
A total fertility rate (TFR) of about 2.1 children per woman is called replacement-level fertility.
And fertility rates correlate with wealth. The richer, the lower.
Short term gain, long term loss. No nation can remain wealthy without a young and health labor force to take over from the aging population.
Socialist thinking sees babies as consumers rather than producers. “Another mouth to feed” non-sense.
I could have had ten kids in my opinion but my husband told me we had enough. so I adopted cats and dogs. I am a nurturer and every step of a childs development I am marveling. People miss out a lot not having more children .
Material stuff is just that dead stuff but children are life.
Well – it figures – they are good at taking orders from Brussels – the EU Overlords!!!
Now – some of them are fighting back!!!
Soon we take orders from China (S)
Oh, Lord, Sing – I sure hope not!!! I miss PT – he put them in their place many a time!
MAGA Rapper Releases Two New Albums: God Wins and 1776
By Jacob Engels
Published February 6, 2021 at 7:20am
Bryson Gray, an up and coming rapper who has made a name for himself with his collection of chart-topping hits that focus on the America First agenda and our constitutional rights like the right to bear arms and free speech, has just dropped two new albums focusing on the founding of our nation and the power of God.
Reagans’s best jokes.
Is this next for us?
Internet shut down in Myanmar as thousands protest
Babe Ruth’s birthday today!
Only two others ever beat his record – and it took a very long time.
Where is our Butterfly?
Have not seen Butterfly Jesus Girl for a long time. Hope she’s OK.
There is a pink butterfly person here now….named Suzy.
Thanks Georgia… yes I’ve seen Suzy… glad she’s joined us! miss our Butterfly Jesus Girl…
She pops in once in a while and posts – she might be on GAB – or at Marica’s Place
Just know she got banned from Twitter – that’s all – hope that helps, PR!!! I miss her, too!!!
She’s not at Marica’s…….. I knew she was banned by twitter, but have not seen her here… thanks Duchess…
Most welcome, PR!!! Are you on GAB? Maybe, someone who is on GAB can get a message to her – that we miss her here?
duchess, she posts on the Open Thread OT.
Oh, I have not seen any posts on the Open Thread OT, Piper.
phoenix, she posts on the Open Thread OT.
Thanks Piper… good to know she’s well.
I may have made a mistake here…if so, I am Truly Sorry…
Øbastid is going after Catherine Engelbrecht and her True The Vote again.
Election Integrity is the last thing the election fraud thieves want.
It tells you all you need to know, when they fight against honesty and integrity!
George Carlin – Political Correctness is Fascism Pretending to be Manners
It’s true!
Political Correctness started out as ‘politeness’…but it was voluntary.
Now it has become 𝖉𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊.
And it is a rigidly enforced 𝖉𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 too.
You can get fired for saying something that is Un-PC.
Lose your job…and even get sued, for being Un-PC.
It’s madness.
And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Joe Biden is Illegitimate!!!
Pentagon blog warns that freedom leads to populism, which “undermines national security”
By PatriotRising -February 5, 2021
The military-industrial complex is doubling down on its crusade against free expression, warning that the First Amendment should no longer be tolerated because it threatens “national security.”
Citing the Jan. 6 “insurrection” against the United States Capitol as proof, Divya Ramjee and Elsa B. Kania, writing for the Pentagon’s Defense One blog, contend that all online free speech needs to be filtered by a Ministry of Truth in order to prevent the type of “disinformation and incitements to violence” that led to the Capitol false flag attack.
. . . MORE . . .
Asshoes! Soviet ASSHOES.
Elsa is a MASShole. She is 27 and lives in Commie Central, Cambridge, MA.
Trump Jr.: ‘Here’s What Comes Next for Our Amazing Movement’
BY MIMI NGUYEN LY February 6, 2021 Updated: February 6, 2021
Biden Admin Rushes to Embrace Beijing: Sen. Cruz
BY BOWEN XIAO February 5, 2021 Updated: February 5, 2021
This is cool.
General McInerney
News Punch
Senior Anti-Majorie Greene Republican Staffer Arrested for Running…
A senior anti-Marjorie Greene Republican staffer was arrested on Friday by D.C. police for operating a massive pedophile ring.
Some nice old cars. I’m guessing the location as Hollywood during the 1930’s. (note the four young palm trees on the right-hand side)

Joesama Bin Lyin’ didn’t win!
I’m sure the cars were old when that was filmed
They’re in very nice condition. Like collector cars.
Covid vaccine.
I wonder if this will lead the general public to be a little more intentional about all vaccines?
AMEN – and this should be the policy of the GOP – vaccines are a DRUG that belong in the doctor-patient relationship – individualized medicine – bring in the doctor-patient relationship – bring in doctors being pushed from above to sacrifice patient interest by BidenCare which will really be Obamacare from ShadowBama behind Biden….
This issue will DEEPLY RAID the DNC voter rolls, IMO.
To take a vaccine or not to take a vaccine … both paths, both decisions should be made intentionally and by well informed patients and parents. Both choices can have life long, life/death consequences.
good point – “bring in” … political wins are about addition not subtraction
Doctors are pushed to push the vaccines & not merely by $. Their own insurance against malpractice, their affliation with hospitals, their own accrediations/certifications by medical boards all push them to push vaccines.
Doctors, by and large, are COMP’D.
The administrators are in charge of “health”, and many doctors’ primary concern (earning a living) is “coding correctly” to retain their JOB.
It’s ALREADY socialist / communist, whether the term is uttered or not …
Yep. I’ve met a lot of coders.
And that doesn’t mean software, it’s people who make sure the right “code” is picked on insurance paperwork.
A doctor’s office employs an army of people who do nothing but paperwork. Insurance companies brag about how low their administrative overhead is; but that’s because they’ve foisted it off on the doctor. Either way YOU are paying for it, ultimately.
All thanks to Obamacare.
This was largely true well before Obamacare. I’ve seen few doctors since it began but every doctor’s office had 3-4 paper pushers in it before then. Maybe it’s even worse now, I don’t know.
…and this is forced on them by “private” insurance. If you want them to pay you for treating a patient, you have to do all this shit.
If you aren’t willing to accept insurance, though, you lose customers because even over here in the US people want their health care for “free.”
Some doctors have set themselves up to charge very low rates…but won’t accept insurance. They’re able to prosper because without having that army of bureaucrats to pay for, they can do things cheaper.
Medical insurance has basically gone from covering catastrophes to being a parasitic drain on the entire system including routine care.
Hillary started something in 1993.
She wanted to create the NHS in the US or some sort of other health care system (e.g. Canadian).
The torch paper was lit …
I completely agree with your comment.
I’m also pretty much happy with the NHS, but it was set up, decades ago, to work a certain way.
In order to do that now, there have to be many more structures and safeguards around that system. The UK didn’t have health insurance then — the way all of us around the world understand it now.
*sigh* Please get out of the mindset that this is some recent socialist bullshit. It’s not. It’s very OLD socialist bullshit.
This stuff I have been describing not only predates Obola but predates Hitlary. Our insurance system goes back to WWII when employers providing benefits were the only way they could compete for workers (salaries/wages were capped). So we got into this mindset of the employer paying for everything via insurance. Even regular care. Of course some jobs weren’t that elite and those employees had no insurance, but that didn’t mean they didn’t have to help pay for all that doctor office overhead I’ve been ranting about.
By the 1970s, if not sooner, medical insurance was an expected “bennie” of any middle class job, and the system was such that the uninsured poor were getting squeezed for some of the administrative costs. This of course encouraged the expansion of medicare (medicine for the poor) and I haven’t even touched on medicare (health insurance for retirees) which is government paid here and before Obola even got started, was half of all medical expenditures here.
It’s such a hodgepodge, that i suspect the NHS over there is less complex (after all the doctor just sees the patients and follows the rules and and being an employee doesn’t have to be profitable) albeit probably much, much worse quality of care.
Yes, the NHS is, in many ways, less complex than the US health care system.
The simplicity of a toilet.
The problem, though, is not the normal hospitalisations but the recent add-ons (e.g. IVF, sex change ops).
I suspect if you had the chance to compare quality of healthcare–and SPEED and waiting lists, you’d wonder how NHS got to be so crappy. You’re used to rationing, in essence.
Personally speaking, for me, the NHS has been great.
For others I know, it hasn’t been so good.
Now, turning to the US …
I can provide a list of cases where American health care has been great or, in my late grandfather’s case absolute cr-p in the 1970s. He shrank from a healthy man to the size of a bird within weeks.
I watched as nurses threw his meal trays far away from him and left medical bandage wrappers on the floor. They did not give a damn. Nor did the team of his doctors visiting him daily. I saw them. So did my mother. She had words with them. They were worse than excrement. This was in the 1970s.
My late grandfather totally trusted in the US health care system.
He was also one of the nicest men I ever knew. There was no way he would have verbally abused medical personnel. Ever. He respected them, men and women.
He was in a private hospital receiving no end of health care benefits because of his insurance and his age, as was the case in the 1970s. I do not know the current state of affairs in America.
I appreciate your sentiments, Steve, but a lot of Americans have been treated like dog doo in hospital. And they are paying a high price for it.
It is not health care. It is sick care. You present symptoms, they provide pills to treat them. Then you get more pills to treat side effects of first set of pills. They never address the root cause.
Majority of poor health is from eating processed garbage foods. Eat mostly natural whole foods, prioritize protein, and keep the carbs very low. Stay out of the sick care system.
I disagree on the first point. The NHS is a lot more than pills. What do you know about it?
You don’t know anything about what I had at the time or about what my loved ones had. I don’t know why the NHS could resolve my problems and not those of the ones closest to me.
Yet, as I explained to SteveInCO, my late grandfather died in the 20th century in the United States, receiving America’s lauded private health care.
However, I do agree about personal health and food.
For what it’s worth, my late grandfather had plenty of good food. Knowing now what I didn’t know then, he shouldn’t have gone into hospital.
Yet, he trusted the American system. He had no reason not to do so.
Health issues are totaly related to nutrition. Most docs at best get six months training in nutrition which they ignore in practrice.
I largely agree, with some exceptions, e.g. aneurysms.
Sometimes old age is old age.
Sometimes not going in for elective surgery is a smart decision.
Does not matter where you get your healthcare. Very few docs address the root cause of your illness. They are not trained to. They are trained to medicate, radiate, operate. Most get less then 6 months in nutrition training.
Yes, fully agreed.
I’m sure British doctors receive much less than six months’ training in nutrition. I would say it was several days at most.
And even that may only have been a few fifty minute class sessions.
For sure.
From what I’ve heard from former NHS doctors on television, those were elective sessions, more or less. Many medical students chose not to attend.
Nutrition is somewhat complicated, apparently. Metabolism in general is. And what gave me the most headaches trying to follow (when I looked into it casually) was the immune system.
The immune system is fascinating.
I’ve had so many issues. Thankfully, only one required a hospital stay, years ago. Antihistamines are my friends in tablet form.
Yes, metabolism is another foreign frontier. This is why balanced diets are such a problem. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Men have an easier time with metabolism then women, in general.
I get the impression that doctors don’t want to know. Thankfully, there are some good researchers among the contrarian physicians and nutritionists online.
Another area that needs to be investigated is bacteria. It was only in the 1990s when the field of medicine discovered that bacteria causes ulcers. Don’t mark me down for this — if you do, that’s okay — but we’ll probably find that Covid is passed by transferring faecal matter from person to person. The sewage tests are pretty consistent. Please note that I am not advocating swabs up the tradesmen’s entrance.
Having clean hands is essential to good health. Florence Nightingale found that hygiene is essential.
And as I said, that was true BEFORE Obolacare. The system had a lot of suckage in it, and of course Obolacare offered to “solve” the suckage by enhancing the parasitic drain.
Yes, I had an emergency dental problem in the US during the Clinton administration. I didn’t even live there.
‘You have no INSURANCE?’
Uh, no. I was visiting.
The problem with healthcare is that when you need some, you’re likely in no position to shop around or negotiate.
I take exception to your comment.
Allow me to relate a personal story from the late 1970s.
Regarding my late grandfather — a born and bred American in the 1970s, a middle class gentleman who was hepped up to the eyeballs with health insurance to ensure proper health care — it was an effing pity that he ended up DYING in the United States in the end — with all their damned great health care.
I don’t see why that’s an exception to my comment. I stated the underlying problem of health care. It can drive you into insurance follies, or nationalization follies, or healthcare by crossing borders follies, or private physicians, or all sorts of other delusions and problems.
That said, it’s not totally unique. The United States used to have a similar problem with auto repair — and the way it is currently handled is strictly regulated. You must be provided a written estimate before work can be done, you must sign the estimate, and work performed must fall inside the estimate. A similar level of discipline might improve modern US medicine.
Instead, we’re having the practice of medicine completely polliticized. Nuns must pay for abortions, society must pay for transgender surgery, HCQ must be banned.
‘You must be provided a written estimate before work can be done, you must sign the estimate, and work performed must fall inside the estimate.’
It seems that the US health care system does all of that before the patient is even checked in.
Ah, now you — my esteemed churchmouse — are opining outside your expertise.
This thread is getting thin and stretched, but I should recommend https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=231949 as a good kick-start to further understanding the slimily corrupt US healthcare system.
Thank you for the link. Have bookmarked.
I agree with Karl Denninger often, and especially on this healthcare plan of his.
YES – and what is happening right now is “opportunity to lead in a new direction” – which is in many ways the “old direction” – on vaccines. There are so many things swirling in the COVID vaccine mess, that a rational path out which assures the greatest number of citizens that they have control of their future and their children’s future WILL win hearts and minds, irrespective of challenges on individual points. A beautiful moment to make a frictionless turn into the perfect direction.
“AMEN – and this should be the policy of the GOP —”
Except the policy of the GOP is the policy of the DNC, and the policy of the DNC is the policy of the CCP.
The Policy of the GOPe is the policy of the Transnational Corporations that are owned by the international Oligarchs.
Which appear to all be aligned with the CCP, don’t they?
The Transnationals just LOVE all that slave labor.
Time to RIP IT out of their slimy, cold little hands.
“I wonder if this will lead the general public to be a little more intentional about all vaccines?”
Only if they are at least semi-conscious.
So no, probably not many.
Hahahahaha!!! Oh, Scott – got my funny bone with that one – you did!!!
don’t know if this is near DePat, but gees…
More than 100 inmates took over a section of the City Justice Center in downtown St. Louis, injuring a corrections officer at the facility. The incident began at 2:30 a.m. Saturday on the fourth floor of the jail, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Spokesman for Mayor Lyda Krewson, told NBC News that the situation is ongoing.
Police and firefighters were at the scene and closed the area surrounding the building, NBC affiliate KSDK reported. As of Friday, there were 633 inmates at the Justice Center.
sure hope they send crisis counselors for the poor prisoners…..
wouldn’t put it past stupid democrats to blame the guards for causing unnecessary stress…
It won’t be long before we see one of these stories and not know with any certainty if these are criminals or political prisoners rioting.
Future political prisoners won’t get airtime.
they will just be shot.
Your jumping ahead, but just a little.
No, this is not all that close to me. That’s downtown near where the Blues play, actually.
glad to hear it…sounded dangerous
Happens every now and then. One time, somebody escaped, and went into the Blues’ facility while a game was happening, and the fans took care of him.
Creepy Joe is doing the bidding of his ChiCom masters…and they want us broke and on our knees.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/064/619/448/original/22d99742c2e3ff91.mp4" /]
And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.
I’m not sure where China is going to get its money from when the U.S. is done. Parasites need to be careful about killing their host.
They’re already eyeing Asia and Europe with 1B1R theft operation.
HUGE – I was trained will by SD to see through this jerk
Keep an eye out on Suzanne Clark.
Regardless of who is at the helm I expect the COC to behave similarly because the constituents of the COC haven’t changed.
They’ll probably grow more desperate until they can satisfy their need for relief.
“Mr. Donohue, 82 years old, has led the Chamber for more than two decades. He had planned to leave the organization next year, but decided to leave earlier after the Chamber’s board agreed to name Ms. Clark as his successor.”
Meet the new filth, same as the old filth.
I posted on the earlier page today about Suzanne Clark. She is the female version of Tom Donohue. Apparently completely in harmony with the DeepState / Davos Globalists / “Diversity” / cheap labor top-level honchos.
And with the CoC’s “Path Forward” program that she spearheaded, Clark was likely involved with the Fauci / Redfield / Gates cabal to undermine what President Trump was doing regarding the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
Which many also mean that Clark was potentially “advising” Pence.
I wonder if they decided this at Davos.
In any event, the full article is here:
‘In recent years, however, Mr. Donohue and the Chamber have suffered setbacks.’
DP and others, regarding your Navajo pearls. I don’t know if they are freshwater or cultured. Good cultured pearls are strung on silk and need to be hand-knotted between each pearl. One can buy pearl cleaner at a jewelry store. Freshwater pearls, which I am thinking yours are, do not have to be knotted between each pearl (they are very tiny). They may be strung on other material. The wire mentioned is called tiger-tail, I believe, and one can buy a spool of it or smaller amounts. Do not use the foil-salt-baking soda method, I believe it is harsh and might damage your silver. I only know my mother once tried it with unfortunate results. Use a silver cloth or a gentle silver cleaner like Haggerty’s, not a dip. You do not want to destroy the patina on your silver. Steve will also tell you never wash coins. I made that mistake long ago. Hello to all.
hiya Zoe!!!
hope you are well!
Hi Zoe, wheatie here.
Hope you’re doing good!
Navajo pearls are not really pearls…they are actually silver beads.
Large silver beads.
And you are probably right about not using the foil-baking-soda-salt method, because the more I think about it…the silver beads are hollow and could fill up with that solution.
Which methinks would not be good.
Some sterling ( silver) one should not use silver cleaner .
I have some sterling necklace with stone in it. I only use silver clothe. They are different now a day but one needs to have patience.
On other sterling I have used toothpaste worked for me. Maybe read up on Internet how to clean Navajo beads?
I do not know how to copy and past but found a site How to clean Navajo silver beads. They have good instruction.
Perhaps they were the following:
They involve gentle soap and a toothpick or two:
You’re welcome.
Please see next comment with links.
Apologies, couldn’t delete a blank comment.
Perhaps these links will help.
They involve gentle soap and a toothpick or two:
Thank you
Navajo pearls are sterling silver, actually.
My other pearls, family heirloom, actually, I will look into this. I need to wear them more often actually.
Thank you. Wheatie2 explained to me about navajo pearls being silver beads. Regarding your real pearls, enjoy them all you can.
Sorry about the source – but, this is good news
Supreme Court lifts California worship bans prompted by coronavirus
The ruling issued just before 11 p.m. ET Friday produced four separate statements by the justices.
Great news, duchess!
Thank you for the link!
Hey,didn’t know Suzy was butterfly. So glad.
I don’t think they are the same person
suzy’s gravatar is a pink butterfly…bfly’s is blue…
Pretty sure Suzy is Sue who has commented with us for the last few years. I have not seen BFLY here or on Gab recently either though.
Bfly stops in occasionally.
yep, I am that Suzy lol. when Wolf went to this new site WP had me change my name for some reason. I followed Wolf here from OT, best move ever! love talking here and am now fairly comfy with everyone. i do tend to lurk at times but overall love reading comments and so enjoy every article. very smart people hang out here
Hi Zoe. i could change my avatar on Gab i am a Q other places a mouse i cant move my furniture around any more but i can my avatar!
Thanks, Pat.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/064/600/910/original/9c9cf286623eb1e8.mp4" /]
And…ʝօɛ ɮɨɖɛռ ɖɨɖռ’ȶ աɨռ.
Is this Common Core Math? Sure sounds like it – 400M doses to vaccinate 300 Americans? Yikes!!! How many times are they going to shoot these 300 Americans?
,, hey joe, expect the abnormal reactions rate to spike any?
LOL – his whole speech is ‘abnormal’, Chris!!!
Until they’ve exhausted their whole 400M-clip … right?
Their backs are against the wall!
How can anyone take this man seriously, Em?
Dunno, Duchess.
But I think it wise to follow the advice / experience of former communist-oppressed escapees, to be surprised at NOTHING.
Perhaps Rod Serling (et al.) was a secular prophet?
It’s getting maximum cray-cray, now.
(A GOOD sign?)
Sorry, Em – I cannot take this man seriously – but, after listening to Mark and Newt – I can see the danger of not doing so – worth a listen – posted above.
It is not him – it is the evil behind him that matters – people should be able to see it more clearly now – maybe – that is the point.
What an embarrassment for this country.
This is the best the democrats have to offer Americans.
hope they are proud of their accomplishment?
OMG, these are absolutely hilarious!!!
That last one is a killer, Wheatie!
I’m still chuckling from its being so on-point!
Pat forgives you for calling her Wheatie, too, Emstar!!!
yeah I wasn’t even going to call attention to it…lol
I was just poking Emstar to see if he saw – prolly gonna hit me or something – lol
Nah – I’m just laughing!
Earlier today, all the initial upvotes were either Wheatie and Pat, or Pat and Wheatie!
Maybe I should look into the glasses that so many seem to misplace all the time!
(My mother was the same way – she must have had a dozen, easy!)
And it’s gonna be SIR Emeraldstar, right quick! Ha!
I do that all of the time, too – my mind is firing so rapidly I forget where I left off – so I fully understand – let’s see – 50% of the time – we are bound to get it right.
Thanks for being such a good sport and playing along – am sure Pat is laughing now!!! And – I bet she can find your specs – I am always losing my bunny slippers – and she finds them right quick!
Otay – Sir Emeraldstar!!! See it works!!!
nah…he’s a peach!
Yes, he is – read what he wrote – he needs you to find his specs – appears to have misplaced them – lol
Y’all are great!
Haven’t yet lost the smile I’m sportin’ …
Great – well, then – Pat can take the credit – she is good at lightening the load, Em!!!
here ya’ go…
You sure are purty, miss pat.
lol…put on the glasses…
what do you think now?
You let drop your age a couple of weeks ago.
No way you look like this.
I’ve got a birthday coming up…I am feeling much older today…LOL
You’ll be exactly one day older–and sassier–than the day before.
numbers do not bother me per se…age, weight, mpg…lol…and my IQ is high enough for mensa…but this morning we were discussing our usual plans for my birthday and many of places we go to are closed…
They’re scared of you!
loser and fool
Another good one from Paul Joseph Watson!
He is the best.
Would not the defense team keep their strategy quiet?
Seems trump teams seem to be to talkative another problem for Trump.
Shhhhhhh. Just trust what’s happening.
I hear you
Trust the MAN….
Not the “Plan“.
This could be misinfo to cause a reaction, or it could be only part of the info.
yup…get the dems planning on defending this and then they broadside them with something else…
Yeah, like audio and video of Dems planning all of this entire Fraudulent Election…audio and video collected under the authority of countless LEGAL FISA warrants due to the nature of foreign influence in a US election….
One can dream. Right?
Yes we will not know until the trail.
Haven’t we seen this already?
Pure democrat logic…..
This is useful to see what’s happening.
The LEFT creates useless virtue signals to HERD PEOPLE and change their thinking away from logic. Pre-Totalitarian crap. It shows how evil they really are.
Exactly Right On!
What’s worse is it’s totally untrue.
You still need grocery bags.
Abandoned paper bags are worse for the ground water than abandoned plastic bags.
Reusable bags are huge germ traps. I can’t imagine putting ground beef or chicken in a reusable bag unless it’s first wrapped in its own plastic bag – but doesn’t that defeat the point?
Besides they wear out and go into the landfills, or into the ground water supply. The reusable ones are chocked with PVC – brilliant move, idiots!
I have plastic crates I use for hauling in groceries, especially when I shop at ALDI. But those are what I refer to as a “real solution” something completely lost on the emotional enviro-religionist true believers and their leftist useful idiot enablers.
Have to wear a face diaper to prevent the spread of the virus, but plastic bags and plastic soda straws should be banned because they are “bad” somehow for the environment.
Nevermind that plastic bags get reused, a lot. Mostly as trash can liners – which is very important when dealing with diapers. Everywhere they’ve banned plastic grocery sacks, people had to start buying their own 1.5 gallon trash sacks. So much for an environmental win.
But I also use them as lunch sacks, quick carries, for returns, or when we put things on the porch for porch pickup. It only makes sense. The extras are great for packing material when shipping larger items.
When they do go in the trash, they take up almost no appreciable landfill space. Not true of paper bags or reusable sacks.
They also cost almost nothing to manufacture. Each sack is less than a penny. That means less material costs (less wood, less plastic stock) and less energy (less fuel consumption) than other bags. By contrast the reusable bags use 100 times or more, and good luck making them last long enough to get the ROI on that.
Amazing thing – the less expensive it is to manufacture, the less waste involved in the process, and the better for the environment. Win win win.
Instead of recognizing a modern miracle that makes our lives easier, safer, and puts more wealth directly in people’s pockets, the soviet socialists want to turn back the clock and enforce the public to self-flagellate to absolve their consciences of their own selfish guilt.
As I understand it, smugglers would bring plastic grocery sacks into Moscow during the Soviet era, where they were extremely coveted and went for a hefty price on the black market. Besides being Western and a status symbol, they could also be shoved quickly into a pocket and carried anywhere. If a shortage line formed, they could stand in the line and wait hours to get who-know-what, then they would have a sack to carry home in. Being able to carry a grocery sack anywhere was prized when such shortages were commonplace.
Wonderful essay on plastic bags!
I reuse all my plastic bags, especially for used meat and fish plastic wrap and containers that cannot be recycled. I rinse the plastic film and containers out then put them in the bags.
Last year, a woman approached me for plastic bags for unexpected excess dog doo. I was able to give her four.
Pantries use used plastic bags also some farmer markets,
I use them for small trash cans and sometimes to pick up dog poo.
We also do recycling. My husband is in to that I think it connects him to his father who recycled. We are also into composting. We conservatives are much more into that then some of the left who make a big fuss about environment.
I also used to use clothe diapers for my kids it is cheaper and kids are potty trainend latest at 2 1/2.
So straws and plastic bags are small things they fuss about.
Amen, sister!
This X 1,000!
Cloth diapers are great. The new style cloth diapers in the last 15 years are incredible and easy to use. No safety pins anymore.
Wow I had kids at the wrong time
Good for you !
It’s an incredible shame that we are now learning life tips for AMERICA…..
…..from victims of the Soviets and the Nazis.
Thank God we have someone who knows already.
Most of them know that we have no choice but to fight.
Our local grocers have receptacles for used plastic bags. Around here they are recycled into wood plank alternative for decking.
I LOVE the reusable bags. You can use them for just about everything, and they pack nicely for long trips. Meat, of course, goes in plastic before going in said bags, but our local guys provide those in the meat section of the store.
We all do things differently.
I find they just accumulate and end up wrapped around tree limbs out of reach of a ladder when some litterbug tosses them.
I go through the self-check at walmart because I tire of having to argue against people who will double bag everything. (If they’re that weak, people, just make the bags double thick in the first damn place.) I don’t even bother bagging bottles.
Hi, singingsoul and others. True about being careful using silver cleaner which should not be used on silver pieces with certain stones unless extremely careful to keeep it away from the stones, and if they are set with glue, the glue could be damaged, too, and certain stones like turquoise or jade (or real pearls) can be damaged by chemicals. Never use a silver dip on old valuable silver pieces as it will strip the patina, which is so beautiful. That is why I recommended a gentle cleaner. The cloths or mitts are very good, but sometimes it takes a lot of elbow grease, and sometimes the tarnish cannot be removed by the treated cloth.
Thank you for your advice
IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups
By Joe Hoft
Published February 6, 2021 at 7:35am
For weeks the FBI, Democrats, and the fake news media have insisted there was no Antifa or far-left activist infiltration of the January 6th protests where activists stormed the US Capitol.
We already know this is false. The individuals who entered the US Capitol and caused damage on January 6th were not all Trump supporters.
Known members of Antifa were inside the Capitol and there was even an Antifa event called for that day at 11 AM nearby at the Washington Monument organized by John Sullivan that was closer to the US Capitol than the Ellipse where President Trump spoke to half a million supporters.
We also have presented footage of individuals who appear to be Antifa handing out weapons at the Capitol.
Recently The Gateway Pundit put together a list of 20 individuals who were at the Capitol on January 6th. We are asking law enforcement and internet sleuths to help us identify these individuals who do not appear to be Trump supporters. Some appear to be Antifa and others are known to be members of Antifa.
We looked at hours of video footage and created a list of some of the most violent individuals at the Capitol and others inciting violence and partaking in activities that Antifa is known for. Many of these individuals appear to be related to Antifa and some have already been identified:
. . . MORE . . .
What’s happening with The United States – Video saved for future generations, if any?
U-S-NEWS.COM – REAL NEWS for REAL PEOPLEPublished February 1, 2021
Mark Levin and Newt. Good stuff. Worth the time even if your listening to just some!
I enjoyed it, too, Para – quite an intelligent analysis from both – Mark is a great interviewer – I think – and they worked well together, too!
Pompeo discusses the importance of standing up against China
Thanks for the link, Michael.
Mike Pompeo is great.
Hope you and your family are well.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
I loved that end of the interview . . . “No big announcements today, Maria.” . . . “We hope you come back when you are ready to make that big announcement.”
I loved that, too.
Why does anyone in either branch of congress have a house in the DC area?
They should build a complex of small efficiency apartments for them to stay in if and when they need to be in DC for extended times…maybe they’d be more eager to stay home
i agree! like a dormitory…
Sorry, Pat, but what about their wives and children?
congress was never meant (iirc) to be this full time job big government has created.
if they are unhappy with dormitories, then the ones with families can have condos…
they are our employees and yet they act like OUR BOSSES…
I take your point.
‘they are our employees and yet they act like OUR BOSSES…’ SO TRUE!
‘congress was never meant (iirc) to be this full time job big government has created’: and I doubt the Founding Fathers envisaged big government, either. (shudders)
How’s the polar vortex going in your area? A few days ago, Gail posted a link to a nasty storm this weekend. Was it as bad as forecasted?
we live in a “hollow” –we’ve got mountains all around us…so sometimes the storms will break apart over the mountains and we get virtually nothing and sometimes they stall and we get dumped on. and since we are near the NY border, we are close enough to sometimes get lake effect snow that isn’t really connected to any storm at all.
we are waiting to see if the current possible nor’easter moves inland enough to drop some wrap around snow on us. hopefully not, but we planned for it just in case.
our kids (to the south and further east than we are) are looking at another possible 9 inches today/tomorrow…
how’s your weather??? you doing okay??
Thank you very much for the update, Pat.
Glad things are steady, for now, at least. Hope all goes well for your children further south.
Across the Pond, a few inches of snow fell along the eastern coast of mainland Britain (Scotland down to Kent).
We live inland, so we had next to nothing today. This was supposed to be our big beast of a storm, hyped up for the past few days by the media and the Meteorological Office, which is pretty useless (whereas Yahoo! weather is nearly always right). Seems to have been a slow news weekend, by the looks of it.
Temps will be freezing or lower for the rest of the week. Personally, I don’t expect much. If we get any change, I’ll update.
thanks churchmouse!
I appreciate your updates too!!
Thank you!
In the end, we got less than an inch of snow where we are, mostly this afternoon. Half of it’s melted. No biggie, although there might be some slippery conditions for a few days as temps will be below freezing.
Have a good week!
you as well!!
Thank you!
Even under much better circumstances where Congress is only in session for a couple of months and actually has time to devote to passing a budget (which SHOULD be a priority but isn’t), they still need a place to stay when there.
By the way, I remember much complaining a couple of years ago about congress going home a lot, people were saying they should stick around and do their jobs. However, going home to their constituents IS part of their job, even under current stupid circumstances.
I don’t know that any *individual* has been inconsistent on this but we as a group ought to decide: Either they ought to spend little time in DC or more time in DC; we can’t have it both ways.
perhaps the solution is TAXPAYER owned condo/dormitory housing. they are permitted to use that–like military housing. and they we can dock their pay–they do not need to be able to afford another home and the taxes and maintenance on that residence.
when their term is up, they vacate the housing and leave.
military families don’t always get to follow members everywhere they are stationed.
we give these asshats too many perks– that’s why government has grown to be the beast it is.
don’t mind me…mama’s in a mood…
how’s Darwin?
I don’t disagree; they should get basic housing, comfortable but not so lavish as to be a “perk,” and a cut in pay to compensate. Give them a choice of furnished or unfurnished.
But it should be able to accommodate their families since, like it or not, it’s a full time job now.
They’d be spending a lot of time there, given that Congress is often in session for months at a time with breaks for (admittedly long) weekends.
But seriously, if anyone were to propose providing housing for these clowns many would be up in arms at paying for that.
We already are
….paying for it AND up in arms….up to our eyeballs, wife just bought a SIG P365
Where else are they and their families going to live?
Wonder if that complaint will get any further than the edge of a desk?
We will see…
#SpaceForce #ChinaThreat #NationalSecurity
City Declares Donald J. Trump Week; Firearm Sales Break Record; Space Force Explained | Facts Matter
Y’all need to go read KyBlue’s piece “Vampire Energy” over at Marica’s Place.
Might save you MONEY$$$!
It’s not about vampires – but how electronics, etc. use energy and cost money even when turned off.
Great stuff. THIS is a real hammer right now.
Mike Yeadon is a national treasure.
It’s a pity that more Britons don’t appreciate him.
In addition, Twitter cancelled his account. He had great daily Twitter threads.
He was a former Pfizer research VP.
Soviet Twitter. Good GRIEF.
Good GRIEF, indeed.
Today, I spent an hour or so looking around online to see what happened to him. Crickets. Not a sausage. Nothing from his fellow scientists or sceptics.
I find that strange. He had an informative thread a day. I bookmarked them all. Now I can’t use them, which is a crying shame.
I have more information on Mike Yeadon.
Early on Monday (my time), I found a video from a former broadcast (now independent) journalist about Yeadon and his Twitter account:
Some say he deleted his own account. Others say he was driven to it by someone who has subsequently deleted her own account.
On a hashtag partially for him (there are other Yeadon references here) …
… there is a message from him about alleged attacks against his reputation. He says that he has even lost work because of this:
However, someone else is offering him a platform, if he wants it:
It seems he deleted his own Twitter account but can reactivate it within 30 days:
BUT THEN — cue suspense music — someone says he was tweeting about another subject entirely before coronavirus and has examples from 2019. HOLY MOLY:
H/t Lin Wood.
Senior Anti-Marjorie Greene Republican Staffer Arrested for Running Pedophile Ring
There are a couple of disgusting and sick quotes by him in the article. If all this is true, he is sadistic.
Scum. Wonder how long the FBI knew about him?
He’s protected by them. Protection = CONTROL.
What a sick person. How can anyone do this to a baby is unbelievable. They should castrate everyone of them. Sorry I am so blunt.
Castrate them without anesthetic. Actually cut it ALL off!
We geld/castrate horses,cows,sheep,goats and even pigs because it CHANGES them and makes them much more docile.
then hang them
In a time of soaring deficits we need to save some money.
Hang them by the parts you’d otherwise castrate.
Same with cats and dogs
Back in the 1960s we got a young dog @ 6 months from the pound. He was a beautiful yellow lab/golden retriever cross but a REAL HANDFUL and would not stay home.
I wanted to geld him to calm him down. We had to take that dog to the vet THREE TIMES to get him gelded because the vet would say “but why do you want to geld such a beautiful dog?” GOOD GRIEF he was a MUTT! You would have thought we were cutting the balls of that vet!
Maybe you were
Cats and dogs get anesthetic.
Yes I hope so but my last dog is very protective of himself and I wonder how much anesthetic they gave him.
No. Just shoot them. In the head.
That is to quick
Gut shot, let it take hours or days.
Did you notice his comment bragging about having taken Ronna McDaniel’s publicity photo? And it wasn’t just the porn. That article mentioned him chatting with someone undercover, and trying to hook up to abuse a baby. And we are sharing our precious country with these hideous demons.
This was found in hil de beast’s purse when they dragged her off to GITMO
Via Ace of Spades
Thread before the Gardening Thread, February 6 [KT]Serving your mid-day open thread needs
Hi. We have some California news, or rather updates on California news, and some thoughts on recent national events today. I thought it would be nice to start out with some photos from Pacific Grove and Half Moon Bay before we get started, though. Take a breath.
Then click http://ace.mu.nu/archives/392507.php
Candace has her own beliefs. Certainly NOT Uniparty.
Appears she would be a few months shy of qualified to take office January 20, 2025.
Born April 29, 1989.
Just shy of 35 years old.
She should run as a democrat and then it wouldn’t matter.
Run as VP?
No can do. VP must meet the same qualifications as the President (last sentence of the 12th amendment). As must anyone on the succession list; if some cabinet member doesn’t qualify, they’re skipped over. Elaine Chao for instance could not have become President if they had burrowed down that far on the list.
Good by me. Guessing Desantis has inside track for 2024.
Perfectly good with Kristi Noem.
Maybe Noem & Candace. That would certainly irritate the hell out of the D-Rats.
almost forgot!
at the post office today, the postmistress said she heard a rumor–yes, yes, I know…it’s just a rumor…but it’s a delicious one…
Don Jr is thinking about challenging Cuomo for governor of NY…wouldn’t THAT be a hoot!!
Wondering, did the postmistress harass you over a mask? I plan to go in our local podunk post office just for fun next week.
Would be hilarious watching Don Jr raise the roof in NY running for Fredo’s Bro seat.
That said, can’t imagine he’d want to be a NY resident.
He and Kimberley bought a house some NE state. CT? Then I read they were selling and moving. I had assumed they were heading to FL. As it appears Jared and Ivanka have.
Wonder where Eric and Lara are residing these days. NY I suppose.
no, she is wonderful…she doesn’t mind and doesn’t wear one herself…
Wonder where Eric and Lara are residing these days.
They own a home in NY Lara is from NC and Eric owns a vineyard in VA
Well it wouldn’t exactly be carpet bagging as Don Jr has plenty of roots in NY. Might still be a resident, though I’d not see why, would have to check.
Trump’s need to leave NY. They will just be persecuted by State AG and taxing authorities all the time.
Communist territory.
it just made me smile to contemplate it!
The article is not the point of me linking. It is the graphic that I find interesting. Great symbol for the Uniparty that I have not seen before now.
The fear of “populism” is the fear that We The People will hold the political “elite” accountable, nothing more!
Thanks for bringing it here directly.
I have not seen that image before and I like it for the Uniparty – perefect!
Of course, the classic 2016 graphic from OT of the two animals apart and the lion on top with the “Because this isn’t working” is great. Have 2 t-shirts that some enterprising treeper had made and put up for us to order.
But it really didn’t capture the uniparty like the above graphic does.
I did one once that looked like a unicorn.
Trump’s legal team will show clips of Democrats urging violence at the shampeachment trial.
“Trump lawyer Bruce Castor told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham “you can count on that” when asked about using video montage of Democratic members of Congress calling for violence against Trump administration officials and law enforcement.”
Merkel Pushes Germany First After Biden Asks for Help on China
The Biden-Iran Paradox: Weak Policy Is Dangerous Policy – Sekulow TV Ep. 590
This is horrific – the ACLJ is well-informed about the problems that will occur of this idiot remains in power – now – they are stuck back at the UN – PT disassociated us with that nonsense.
“Leader”of the free world asks NAZI bish for help.
You know, after this second shampeachent trial is over, Trump should have a few rallies just to piss off the dumbocrats.
Once the Congress critters and senators are picked for the MAGA-GOP ticket, POTUS should tour the country giving rallies for the chosen.
After a year or more of that they will ALL OF A SUDDEN DISCOVER he WON in 2020.
POTUS is MORE DANGEROUS FREE to campaign as he pleases than he was in the White House!!
Here’s some more on the Baby Food scare . . .
I’m giving this whole mess the side eye: “The Oversight Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, is led by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois Democrat.”
The volumes are in the parts per billion – not to mean it’s not a problem, but an indicator that someone is making a mountain out of a molehill.
Very new guidance is always suspect in the era of ‘follow the science’: “Last August, the FDA finalized guidance for infant rice cereal, recommending it contain no more than 100 parts per billion of arsenic.”
I have a sneaking suspicion that the new limits (what are the old ones? Conveniently left off, no doubt) are below the threshhold of the naturally occurring amounts of these chemicals.
Meaning, that someone would have to HYPER-PROCESS the baby food to elimate those scary “heavy metals”.
Which would be about as useless as “processing” bananas to remove the RADIOACTIVE POTASSIUM that is naturally occurring in fruit.
Meanwhile, there is Flint Michigan . . . which is STILL NOT a Democrat priority. . .
Lead, arsenic and deadly heavy metals are discovered in popular BABY FOOD as House subcommittee slams Walmart and two others for refusing to cooperate and warns they might be ‘obscuring even higher levels’
Arsenic, lead and other toxic metals that can harm brain development have been found in many popular baby foods, including organic brands.
The Oversight Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy requested internal data from seven companies in 2019 after a nonprofit called Healthy Babies Bright Futures published results of testing it did on baby foods, according to a congressional report released Thursday.
Four of the companies shared documents with the subcommittee, including: Gerber, Beech-Nut, Earth´s Best Organics maker Hain Celestial and Happy Family Organics maker Nurture Inc.
Walmart, Sprout Foods and Campbell Soup Co., which makes Plum Organics baby food, didn´t cooperate, the subcommittee said.
‘The Subcommittee is greatly concerned that their lack of cooperation might be obscuring the presence of even higher levels of toxic heavy metals in their baby food products than their competitors’ products,’ the report said.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury harmful to human health.
‘Children’s exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior,’ the report reads.
According to the FDA, the metals found have ‘no established health benefit’ and ‘lead to illness, impairment, and in high doses, death.’
‘Even low levels of harmful metals from individual food sources, can sometimes add up to a level of concern,’ according to the FDA.
Currently, there is no federal standard on these toxins, or warning to parents about them, the report reads.
Arsenic is ranked number one among substances present in the environment that pose the most significant potential threat to human health, according to health officials. Lead is number two and mercury is number three on the list, with cadmium placing seventh.
Not all the products were tested or tested with high levels of the heavy metals, the investigators found.
But all four of the companies who complied with the investigation sold products with amounts much higher than limits set for items like for drinking water by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency.
The Oversight Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, is led by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois Democrat.
‘The Subcommittee’s investigation revealed that manufacturers knowingly sell tainted baby food to unsuspecting parents, in spite of internal company test results showing high levels of toxic heavy metal, and without any warning labels whatsoever,’ Krishnamoorthi said in a statement.
Michael Hansen, a senior staff scientist with Consumer Reports, said these metals can remain in the environment for decades from past pesticide and herbicide use.
Toxic metals might be more common in baby foods because of the vitamins and minerals added to those foods during processing, he said.
Rice, a common ingredient in baby foods, also tends to have high levels of arsenic. Rice is grown in water, and arsenic from the soil dissolves when it comes in contact with water, he said.
Because babies’ brains are still developing, there is a lot of concern about how those metals could damage that development, Hansen said. By the time symptoms like behavioral problems show up, it can be difficult to trace them back to foods, he said.
Hansen said parents who are concerned should switch to unprocessed fruits and vegetables. The FDA also recommends feeding babies a variety of grain-based cereals, not just those made with rice.
Last August, the FDA finalized guidance for infant rice cereal, recommending it contain no more than 100 parts per billion of arsenic. The subcommittee´s report said Beech-Nut used some ingredients that tested as high as 913 parts per billion for arsenic, while Earth´s Best Organics used ingredients testing as high as 309 parts per billion for arsenic.
The report found some instances where manufacturers tested ingredients but not final products, even though levels of toxic metals might be higher in the finished products. It also found instances where manufacturers set internal standards but still sold foods that exceeded them.
The subcommittee said it wants the FDA to set standards for the presence of heavy metals in baby foods. Manufacturers should be required to test finished products and publish the results, the subcommittee said in its report.
In a statement Thursday, the FDA said it takes exposure to toxic elements in the food supply very seriously. The agency said baby food makers have made progress in reducing arsenic in baby food since 2016, when it first proposed setting the 100 ppb guidance.
‘We acknowledge that there is more work to be done, but the FDA reiterates its strong commitment to continue to reduce consumer exposure to toxic elements and other contaminants,’ the agency said.
Campbell Soup Co. said it did respond to the subcommittee’s questions. In that submission, it noted that the FDA doesn’t have standards for heavy metals in baby food. But it said its testing shows that metals in its baby foods are within acceptable limits.
Walmart also said it reached out to the subcommittee, but made clear that any product testing would be managed by its suppliers.
Happy Family Organics said it was disappointed in the report, which it said didn´t make clear that metals and minerals are found in trace amounts in many foods.
The company also said the test results it provided in 2019 don´t reflect all of the current products.
Earth´s Best Organics also said the report referenced outdated data. The brand said it removed brown rice from its products, changed other ingredients and expanded testing of finished products after a meeting with the FDA last year.
Beech-Nut said it is still reviewing the report, but assured parents its baby food is ‘safe and nutritious.’
A message seeking comment was left with Gerber.
Hansen said the FDA should require baby food companies to test the final products and make the results available, particularly for organic brands.
‘You can´t just allow the companies to do their own thing,’ he said.
Parts per BILLION???
It wasn’t all that long ago that we could not even TEST that low!
Oh, and arsenic?
Arsenic is a trace element. It is found in several foods including seafood, poultry, grains (especially rice), bread, cereal products, mushrooms, and dairy products. Some forms of arsenic are used as medicine….
Arsenic is a trace element that occurs naturally in very small amounts in the diet. Its exact functions are not known. The estimated adult daily intake of arsenic from a typical diet is 12-50 mcg. A dietary REQUIREMENT of 12-25 mcg/day has been suggested. LINK
Please Pass The Arsenic… And the Boron shaker while you are at it…
ChiefIO explores Arsenic in the diet.
My opinion: This is another DemCommunist tactic from their playbook to force the United States into total compliance with the U.N. Codex Alimentarius.
Nice catch.
Could be. I’d suggest they are looking to scape-goat baby food for what’s happening to the current crop of kids growing up with insufficient oxygen levels and being sequestered their whole lives.
“Oh it was the baby food and nothing we did to you.!”
But baby food is pretty much processed manufactured nutritional garbage.
This is one of the many reasons why my mother ground all of our food herself. well, until the youngest one came along.
Via the Bee . . . too good to pass up:
Snopes Rates AOC’s Account Of Capitol Attack As ‘Factually Inaccurate But Morally True’
February 4th, 2021

U.S.—Snopes has fact-checked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s account of the attack on the Capitol, rating her claim that she was in mortal danger with rioters literally inches away from her as “factually inaccurate but morally true.”
The fact-check pointed out that while Ocasio-Cortez’s wild claims were factually untrue, they supported the narrative that the unbiased fact-checkers at Snopes approve of, and so they were compelled to rate her claims as “morally true.”
Snopes was slammed on social media for the rating. But the founder of Snopes, Bob Snopes, says he stands by the decision. “We ran it by the Snopes cat, and he said it checks out,” Bob Snopes said. “Anyone who criticizes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for lying at least as much as Trump did is obviously an alt-right troll, a Russian bot, or someone with a huge crush on her.”
He then glanced up at his framed picture of Ocasio-Cortez on the wall and smiled. “We’re doing it all for you queen!”
They constantly LIE ABOUT POTUS lying… have they EVAH cited one (just ONE) instance?
but but but . . . look at how many times he has to be fact checked!
All hail Snapes! Errr, I mean……
It’s all part of the radically mixed, highly selective social and racial messages that have been delivered with the cowardly, pandering certification and capitulation of Roger “The PSL Salesman” Goodell and a chosen blindness to what most continues to afflict black America.
— never heard of this crap rapper until now. I wish they’d let him sing this rape-ish song
shown at the link. It’s filth.
Trump Declines to Testify at Impeachment Trial – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax
Trump Impeachment Trial Set For Next Week – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax
General McInerney
We will follow Lou Dobbs wherever he goes. Where we one, we go all.
General McInerney
Nobody should be watching the Superbowl this year.
NFL……………………. BOO!
General McInerney
CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey is a pedophile.
200.0K views15:21
Fake account!
General McInerney
FEMA will be in charge of Covid-19 vaccines.
232.8K views12:39
General McInerney
The True Defender !
Huge New Trove of Jeffrey Epstein Documents Released…Sick Stuff With Kids! – The True Defender !
Another massive drop of Jeffery Epstein documents were released today and it’s sick stuff! We all suspected it, but now we have the proof. Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: https://t.me/TheTrueDefender Take a look: Witnesses describe: (1) Abuse…
This is really good stuff. It shows that the media knew exactly who Q probably was – or at least was related to, in some fashion.
General McInerney
This is the complete end of the United States of America.
208.7K views15:29
Brilliant idea from a black major failure…..go ahead and disband the military.
Fake news article made from a REAL one, and then fronted through a FAKE McInerney account on Telegram, which has TERRIBLE verification.
Here is the real article.
This shows that they are VERY afraid of the Mike Lindell documentary. General McInerny has a prominent place in that video. They are discrediting him with this fake account.
Wolf Moon
Mike Lindell for President.
Matt Couch, Twitter:
Judge Emmet Sullivan has announced his resignation. He was the federal judge who screwed over General Flynn.
Beautiful, and that is ALL I’m sayin’.
But the Judge would say, mission accomplished. Gen Flynn was just one case he was tamering with.
I reckon so.
On that MONSTER Republican staffer some one was asking how long the FIB KNEW. Brian answers that question.
More from Brian:

Well, that didn’t happen.
rona has her back.
Which she will ignore. Her colleagues, after all, seem happy with her on the whole.
May it please be so! Big names would be a bonus, if there are any.
This one is too good to not pass along.
Image from Free Beacon

Today in U.S. history, Feb. 6, 1778, the U.S. signed its first two treaties, in Paris, in the midst of the Revolutionary War. The Treaty of Amity and Commerce was a commerce treaty between the U.S. and France, and the Treaty of Alliance was signed for mutual defense against Great Britain. The treaties were negotiated and signed by diplomats Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee.
“A reproduction of a painting [by Charles Elliott Mills] depicting of the signing of the two treaties. It was commissioned for the lobby of the Franklin Union Building. In the center is seated Mons. Conrad Alexander Gerard de Royneval, with Benjamin Franklin holding a paper. To the right, Arthur Lee has his arms folded and Silas Deane has his on a chair. At the left is Franklin’s grandson, William Temple Franklin.” – from Wikimedia Commons
Rex has a worrying thread:
[Begin QUOTE]
REX @REX@social.quodverum.com
It’s almost laughable how out of his depth Sullivan is, as NSA.
Zero experience as a spook or in combat. Nada.
By contrast, take a look at Putin’s NSA (Secretary of the Security Council) , Nikolai Patrushev.
Sullivan spent his formative years as a rich kid and then went to Ivy League, becoming a debating star.
Patrushev spent his formative years in poverty and became an engineer in Soviet Russia, before joining the KGB in 1975. WIKI LINK
While Jake was trying on leather loafers and climbing the Democrat machine – becoming a key ally of Crooked Hillary, what was Patrushev doing?
Running covert ops as a spook in the real world and rising to the head of the FSB.
Is the Russian a good guy? Nope. Is he brutal? Yup. Is he experienced? VERY.
Is he effective? Hell yes.
It’s because of men like Patrushev that POTUS Trump needed General Flynn @GenFlynn as NSA.
Qs : what would Patrushev think of Jake Sullivan?
Answer – he WOULDN’T.
Patrushev would have absolutely no respect for the kid.
Nor would Xi’s natsec advisors.
Just at a time when America needs to project strength and power in national security, esp to its enemies, it projects….Jake Sullivan.
You can’t make this stuff up.
It must be fictional. A satire. Right?
Except it isn’t.
E Pluribus Trump @epluribustrump@social.quodverum.com
Putin, Patrushyev & Co honed their teeth at the height of the Cold War against some of America’s smartest spooks.
They look at Sullivan and think “that baby needs a diaper change.”
BenKTallmadge @BenKTallmadge@social.quodverum.com

Jake Sullivan & these Russia hoaxers had been sharing cybersecurity tips with the Chinazis at Belfer Center.
Belfer refused to disclose where did It’s fundings come from.
The Harvard Kennedy School is the public policy school of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Harvard Kennedy School campus is accessible only to preapproved individuals…
Remember HAAAaaavard???
CNN Harvard professor among three charged with lying about Chinese government ties
BenKTallmadge seems to be worth following.
Here is another gem he unearthed on January 19th.
Now I need to go take a shower.
#TeamTrump #PromiseMadePromiseKept #MAGA
Jim Jordan: Donald Trump Is Going To Win This Impeachment Fight
Nazi death camp secretary charged with 10K counts of accessory to murder
Mixed feelings: It is sad all around. Is it possible she really didn’t know what was going on? Maybe. To have lived her whole life, after cooperating with authorities, and then being charged with 10,000 counts of murder, is horrific. On the other hand, did she know and do nothing? And then I think of all the people here who have gotten away with so many crimes, and it is sickening.
Why is she being punished now? There are not many left to pursue and we all promised this should never happen again. This keeps the story alive and a reminder what happened in WWII under Nazis.
Why is no one today shouting and why is the media silent what is happening in China? It is happening again not to Jews this time against another minority. History is not going to be kind to those who are committing these crimes and those who are quiet
The German authorities have been pursuing people like her for years, looking for people in support positions like the one she held. You make a good point about China, and about the power the media holds to shape public opinion.
It’s really bizarre, bordering on just as sick as the Nazis, but then Bolsheviks are nasty and killed many more than the Nazis did.
She’s a small fry, already cooperated, and yet – looks like somebody needs to stir the bones.
We used to have a thing about double jeopardy, precisely so that crimes would not be dug up, ghoul-like, for circus reprosecutions, or “we’ll get him eventually”.
Yes she is small fry but the big fish have been caught and now is clean up what is left. There are not many 95 year old left.
She will not be long around at 95.
Whether she knew at the time or not, she almost certainly convinced herself that she did not know, decades ago, as a psychological self-defense.
It’s not as if this was an issue of burning national importance to Germany, because if it was, they had 76 years to prosecute this woman.
So my question is about the prosecutors, and their motivations.
Why her, and why now?
Here’s one explanation. Prosecutorial zeal, and feathers in their caps?
Yeah, but IIRC, that guy had ESCAPED prior investigation.
“Here’s one explanation. Prosecutorial zeal, and feathers in their caps?”
Just incredibly curious timing.
And considering the untold (so far) crimes against humanity committed by Cabal, from long before WWII straight through to this evening, they are laying the groundwork and setting the precedent to…
…pursue and prosecute even the lowest level staffers and functionaries of the Bush, Clinton, Hussein and Biden administrations — and the same for the governments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, everyone in the EU and members of the U.N. — for as long as they live.
Welcome to it, Cabal.
The same as Fuhrer Biden-Nazi is setting the precedent for Trump to purge the military of Leftists.
The difference being, eliminating Leftists in the military is a real matter of national security.
The Art of War – Clues for 2/9/21 “Ha” No Plan 2-6-21
RedpillTheWorld Published February 6, 2021
Someone needing prayer…
Mrs Greenwood-Rashford
Feb 5
My mum died on Monday night. My sister died this morning during my mum’s funeral… I CAN’T
This reminds me of a family from our old church. The husband/father had been very ill & in a wheelchair but rallied & walked his daughter down the aisle for her wedding. Then at the reception he collapsed & died. The food was held off & used for his funeral luncheon a couple days later. This was in a family that had mostly lived in poverty & had lost their special needs son to an unexpected illness. Our church got involved in their lives through a homeless shelter ministry…
Another fraudulous EO
RΞ4L ✪
This shit has to stop, like now…
Biden signed an executive order Thursday that denies state and local governments any authority to reject the drop-off of refugees into their towns and communities.
So have the Mayors and governors sign their own Executive Orders denying the fake president’s EO’s.
That’s what I would do.
And then dare the fake president to stop me.
federalism & all…reserved to the states…& the people!
That’s a shocker. Also seems a great way to call attention to his usurpation of the Constitution. CC’d Ann C. at refugeeresettlementwatch.org ,comment in moderation as I’m not a regular there. She’s actually went through this many years ago and has given advice about how to fight these drop offs in the past.
I’m thinking it’s not constitutional what’s being done, but it’s kinda like a warning/threat to States and small governments that the Feds under the Bidenese Regime can care less about what Real America thinks and are going to tie you up in court if you try to resist.
Need some Federal Judges to step on this. Made for it!
are there Any non-corrupted judges???
MdL says DJT is on Gab & there is a blue check too…

Is there a link to his account?
Thank you. Every few days, someone posts that he is on Gab, but it always refers to this same account that someone put up and is using to post all his former tweets/communications?
I don’t think Pres. Trump is going to say a word on social media until after shampeachment, if then. It will be when he thinks it is time.
I suspect that his people did put up that communication, as a bit of a deniable toe in the water, stalking horse, trial balloon, etc. But “we’ll see”. And I agree – doubtful he will openly post on Gab until the perfect timing – if ever.
Gab is really mainstreaming now, however. A lot of people – important on the right – are now on Gab and GONE from Twitter. It’s much safer to get on Gab now. Much more normie.
I got the scoop! Torba just put that up because nobody was getting the news.
Digital arm-wrestling with Jared! I love it! Work it out, people!!!
So why is Jared Kuschner blocking Trump from using Gab?
For five years?
Why doesn’t EVERYONE on Gab blow up Kuschner’s social media accounts asking him that exact question?
Imagine if 30+ million people (however many Gab users there are) simultaneously sent the same question to Jared, on FB, Twit, Gab (if Jared has a Gab account) and any other social media account Jared has?
And copy it to Don Jr. and Eric and Ivanka?
There’s your WAKE UP call.
It would force the issue, they would have to either answer for their Gab-hate, or maintain their silence, confirming their Gab-hate.
Gab is big enough now to make ourselves heard, by anyone who we want to hear us.
We are the many!

Trump blocked by Kushner. Never happened.
“Trump blocked by Kushner. Never happened.”
I suspect that’s true.
But there must be some reason why DJT is very purposely and obviously avoiding the ONE platform that would guarantee his ability to communicate with America.
And the obvious reason is because he didn’t want to have a guaranteed ability to communicate with America.
With Twit, he knew that he could force them to kick him off, which would serve his purpose.
With Gab, that would never have happened, which would have greatly diluted the point he was trying to make, i.e., that big tech could literally shut down the POTUS.
I don’t know if that’s the reason, it’s just the most obvious one (to me).
Regardless, considering what seems to be a mostly unified member base in support of DJT, it would be very easy to mobilize nearly all Gab members to take specific actions, like confronting Trump’s people and asking why they won’t make use of the most obvious and successful ‘free speech’ tool available to them?
The kind of volume Gab could generate would make ignoring the question impossible, from a practical standpoint.
So they would either have to come up with an answer that could withstand credible scrutiny, or pretend like they never received the message — in which case their deliberate silence would speak volumes.
He’s holding on to Giant Voice.
Jared is utterly OFF social media! He does GET social media deeply, but I think he’s loath to compromise on letting Trump have a presence on a site that allows vicious antisemites. I totally get that. But frankly I think it’s better to engage them by “normalizing” Gab than by not engaging. This is how CHINA wins. I’m surprised that the Trump clan doesn’t get this fully, given that some are even learning Mandarin.
The more people come on Gab, the more the antisemites seem like loony tunes, and lose ground. It’s a SOFT POWER WIN (which China and particularly Xi Jinping love) which changes Gab by social forces of mere presence rather than by stupid Soviet demands for compliance.
Gab is a real threat to the left as a unifier centered on WHOEVER CONTROLS IT SOCIALLY.
Yeah. Keep CHINA the heck out. And maybe I could use a little HELP (cough).
Torba despises ADL, but frankly, so do I – and I was a friggin’ DONOR a long, long time ago, before they turned communist. I think Jared would wince just to see Torba’s wallpaper, because he’s proud of beating ADL at every turn. But Torba is not an antisemite. He’s just utterly immune to the “antisemitism card”, and even the “curb your Christianity card”. To the left, that’s terribly dangerous.

I think Torba (LOL – I accidentally typed “Torah” – wow) is going to win, ultimately. There is no stronger site than Gab, nobody is leading the way as much as Torba.
Torba is already moving in Jared’s direction (not just the site – HIM), but it takes a careful eye to see it. He knows deep down that the FOUNDERS were right on where the optimal religious center was.
“Jared is utterly OFF social media! He does GET social media deeply, but I think he’s loath to compromise on letting Trump have a presence on a site that allows vicious antisemites.”
Then he’s a sissy.
Not that I go looking for them, but I have not even seen an anti-semite on Gab.
Any free-speech platform is going to have some percentage of people who say mean things.
Meanwhile, Twitter caters to pedos.
So Jared is fine with DJT using a platform that caters to pedos, but draws the line at a tiny percentage of users on a free-speech platform — which would be an issue on ANY free-speech platform — who say mean things about Jews?
This is what I mean.
We shouldn’t just hold the enemy’s feet to the fire, we should hold the feet of those who are ostensibly representing us to the fire, too.
Force them to answer the question, to engage the debate, to reveal whether their position can withstand credible scrutiny.
Either it can, or it can’t.
But so long as no one demands an answer, they don’t even have to try.
That is the most effective argument yet.
Yeah, it’s “whataboutism”, but sometimes that is a way to see clearly and get past the gaslighting.
Twitter isn’t exactly any better, maybe far worse, and Trump was allowed into that hell-hole!!!
“Torba despises ADL, but frankly, so do I – and I was a friggin’ DONOR a long, long time ago, before they turned communist.”
Jared should despise ADL too. If he doesn’t, then where are his loyalties?
Is he a Jewish supremacist?
Is that more important to Jared than the ADL being a Marxist tool?
“I think Jared would wince just to see Torba’s wallpaper, because he’s proud of beating ADL at every turn.”
If the ADL is a Communist / Marxist organization, then Torba should be proud, and Jared should be proud of Torba.
Why isn’t he?
“But Torba is not an antisemite.”
Exactly, so Jared is without excuse.
‘He’s just utterly immune to the “antisemitism card”, and even the “curb your Christianity card”. To the left, that’s terribly dangerous.”
And apparently incredibly dangerous to Jared, too.
Whose side is Jared on?
It sounds like he’s with the Leftists. He is apparently with the ADL Marxists, and for some reason he opposes an openly Christian street-fighter like Torba, someone who DJT should absolutely love.
I’m curious as to why people think Jared Kushner is anything other than an effective errand boy? He gets the blame for a lot of things that are probably not in his control. This is one of them.
The president understands communications and marketing better than anyone I’ve seen out there. I’m thinking it was his call to stay off GAB. What his rationale is/was, I can’t say, but he made his point with Twitter.
The other thing, right now, there’s a reason for the communications blackout to which we are not privy. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
I have no doubt he’d be talking if he wanted to be talking.
Now whether he’s been maneuvered into, or even trapped in, a situation where he figures he’d best not talk, is another matter.
Good point. If REALPOTUS thought it was advantageous, he would do it despite Jared’s protest. Indeed, for all we know, Jared is diving onto the grenade to take the blame, until Trump is ready. That would be very smart.
OK, here is the deal. That account was on there for a LONG time, waiting for him, and mirroring all his tweets on Twitter.
But REALPOTUS is no longer on Twitter. So somebody put up that new Gab, and I have no idea who that was.
When they were mirroring DJT’s twitter did the Gab account have that blue check?
GREAT POINT!!! I don’t think it did. BUT I don’t remember exactly when it first got the checkmark.
Worth knowing, if it’s possible…
The fact that they archived DJT’s twitter account was crucial to accurate historical portrayal of this era too!
Twitter will have to cough up the data later. From what I understand, they’re saving it for persecutions.
Yes, tragically. Twitter supposedly archived POTUS’ twitter account now, so I wonder if that preserves the conversations related to Trump’s tweets that are probably not archived at Gab (heavily attacked by bot-like shills)…
topsy turvy world of bidenazi land
Rising serpent https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
U.S. to drop Houthi terrorist designation.
Also US: designating their own citizens and members of the military as terrorists.
U.S. intends to revoke terrorist designation of Yemen’s Houthis
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told Congress he intends to revoke the designation of Yemen’s Houthi movement as a terrorist organization, a State Department official said on Friday.reuters.com
LOL. Welcome to Soviet America.
The incredible shrinking fake presidency.
not shrinking fast enough!
De Santis cheered at TX GOP rally
LOL Awesome!
Another contribution to the Bye-done didn’t win discussion…
Sharing the good news!
what could possibly go wrong! WSJ promoted tweet
The Wall Street Journal
China is incentivizing its citizens to try a new state-backed crypto currency that will allow them to both monitor how people are spending money on a macro level, as well as on a more individual one #WSJWhatsNow
edit add
“China is incentivizing its citizens to try a new state-backed crypto currency that will allow them to both monitor how people are spending money on a macro level, as well as on a more individual one”
They should use every last crypto-bit of it to expose the totalitarian communist regime.
Can you track me now?
I think he meant to label America as “Chinese puppet”

mysterious moon–gorgeous!

more glorious natural beauty!

Well, I *tried* to upload the video of the guy being pepper sprayed, but apparently Gab dumped it in the bit bucket.
There goes half a GB of my data allowance.
Just a wild thought — could you get an AWS instance and command it through your phone? On top of everything else, you could also d/l images/videos/etc., then downgrade their bit rate, then d/l from there for you to read.
Phone is on the same data plan, wouldn’t save me anything.
If you had an AWS instance, it’s like a separate computer that you command out in somewhere that has bandwidth out the wazoo. You can command it using CLI at EXTREMELY LOW BANDWIDTH from your phone to the AWS instance, but you could command the AWS to d/l massive gigs from Gab, then u/l massive gigs to theqtree.com, without them ever hitting your phone’s data limit.
And, further, you could d/l 4K video from the web onto your AWS, transcode it to 720p, and watch it on your phone.
You do not understand.
ALL data into and out of my house is through that connection, even over the phone. Because everything goes through mobile. It doesn’t care about speed, it cares about aggregate quantity.
AWS isn’t in your house. It’s in a data center somewhere. I’m saying to use your limited house resources to command larger data flows outside your house.
You can command immense amounts of data using a CLI. And, like I said, if you commanded a yuge 4K vid out in the cloud, you could even use the AWS resources to transcode it to a tiny 720p vid that you could import to your house.
Yeah, but I have to get the data out of my house in the first place, don’t I?
I don’t download stuff to upload it. The video I uploaded was one I personally took, so it was never downloaded.
Ah, I did misunderstand — I thought the “video on Gab” was floating around out there.
As another little fun bit, don’t you have any friends with bandwidth? You could take whatever, encode it, upload it to your AWS instance, then decode it and ship it anywhere.
I have one I’d trust with this, but his wife can’t stand our politics.
That’s why you only give him encoded files. If it’s there, and it properly decodes, you’ve got it. Otherwise it can’t be read.
I didn’t mind the half gigabyte.
I minded it being for NOTHING.
“toxic femininity” book verboten
Just an interesting aside. If you’re looking to download the spreadsheet from Lindell’s video, it’s on Patrick Byrne’s website (deepcapture.com). The spreadsheet and all of the information that Mary Fanning was demonstrating at the end of the Lindell video is in Byrne’s Chapter 2 article. I really think we need to stop dissing Byrne.
I listened to Byrne in DC, at that rally which “Toxic FIB” is desperate to link to their “insurrection of paid actors and leftist recruits” by the presence of Dr. Simone Gold and Brandon Straka. I found him very smart. Opinionated, but smart.
I’ve posted this before, but here is a video of him memorizing all the cards in a shuffled deck, and reciting them in order.
WOW!!! I’m impressed!
Could be worse….
february 6, 2021 the marshall report
The word “discernment” has a basic definition which is the ability to judge well, a refinement, cultivation, and sophistication. There is also a Christian definition which discernment in that sense is “perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding”. In these trying times it is important to use one or the other, preferably both descriptions.
Yes. “Worldly” discernment can sometimes lead one into Christian peril and vice versa.
A Christian believes we are not of this world – but, we must operate and function in this world how God wants us to do that.
apparently this bible verse was too much so twit world deleted it…whatever

Important message from Andrew Torba at Gab. Good background audio while you do something else.
Can he find my video?
Go to the help chat – manned by geeks!
Riustan is the guy you want.
I reduced the resolution to 1/2 in each dimension, which reduced my file size from 500 MB to 33MB
I gave it another try and this time it worked.
WOW. that’s a heck of a data reduction for a spatial reduction of 1/4 original. Was there some optimization in the process of size reduction? That’s close to 1/16 the size. Maybe I’m just seeing it wrong.
You’re right, it’s damn close to 1/16th. Surprised the heck out of me.
I don’t know…other than perhaps there’s only minimal data compression in the original since it was recorded on a “real” camera.
Interesting!!! Yes, that could be!!! Minimal compression makes lots of sense.
I *filled* a 128 GB card that day and had to take the card from the backup camera too (it was set up with a very wide angle lens, and I ended up never needing it–the superzoom on the camera that took the video goes almost as wide actually). Most of that was filled up with videos, including the long video I took of the march.
What a day!
One of the things that I think will come out of the OUTDOOR videos and images, is how many infiltrators were out there. That “Everything Wrong With” video really just BUSTS all the operatives who stream out and spread the shooting story. So that makes me nearly certain that the orchestration wasn’t just used INSIDE – it was used outside as well.
FIB is inhibiting people from posting their photos and videos by these initial prosecutions of people being reported by leftists looking at people in the crowd (especially INSIDE), but I suspect that if WE analyze enough of the videos and pictures, we can identify the actors, activists, and other participants in the plot to ENTRAP Trump supporters and FRAME TRUMP with his own people.
…so go take a look.
Dude thinks the same way I do
NOT Airforce One!!! Meanings?

Replying to @MoooPapa
and @HotepWithit
It’s Air Force 2. Maybe he liked that plane better and just uses that now that he’s President. Of course it’s Air Force 1 now
Mr. Nobody
Nope. It’s not. Nor are the two uniformed people at the bottom marienea. They are cops. Marines do not have white patches on their uniforms.
more interesting items in the conversation…
Wall Street Bets MBA CFO CPA MD PHD ESQ the Fifth
Replying to @MoooPapa
and @HotepWithit
They’re printing money like it’s going out of style. He probably claimed he wanted a new jet because the old one smelt like freedom
Dan the Man (for real)
Replying to @MoooPapa
and @HotepWithit
This is the one that is like a nursing home inside. Come on man https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f937-1f3fb-200d-2642-fe0f.svg
Replying to @MoooPapa
Any air vehicle with the president in it, IS air force one. Even if the president is a senile, corrupt old fart.
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg Papa Mooo https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f528.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f404.svg
You would think it would at least be a 747 with the presidential seal
The seal is inside the door. Sometimes the 747s are to big to fly into the airports they want to go to
Keith Robinson
Replying to @MoooPapa
Kamala’s got AF1
Keith Robinson
Needs the bed space
There are quite a few gems in that twit world convo!
Welcome to the USSA
Replying to @MoooPapa
It is ConAir
Ray_BlueThunderhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1f5-1f1f7.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1ec-1f1e7.svg🕆 #MAGA
Replying to @MoooPapa
He’s just trying to save gas. He actually uses China Airlines.https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f602.svg
this last one…hmmm…
Replying to @MoooPapa
Actually checked on the internet and he was prohibited to fly the original VC-25 AF1 for security reasons, Go Figure….
Early Saturday AM, a poster at wearethene.ws was saying that when tracking that flight there was no “squawk” as AF1. Or however the guys that know what they’re talking about refer to it. The plane was not identified as AF1, and they are normally able to recognize it.
Great Catch GM!!! That seems like huge info to me
Heh. The Fiancee is rewatching “The Prisoner” (original 1960s version). She just got done with “Arrival”.
I think you need to be on LSD to understand that show.
Certainly, the last episode — a two-parter — was The Greatest “My-Show-Got-Canceled? F U!!” ever.
Or a teenager…. I remember that show!
I read the vax was not tested on peeps over 65.
Here it is – I’m watching right now…..
Oh, this is really big. mRNA vaccines are fundamentally problematic. And they used a Trump-eliminating new variant of weak coronas to force us into a phony emergency so that CCP could use AMERICANS as GUINEA PIGS.
I had not heard of Dr. Vernon Coleman. I went to his website and found the Health section, where he has tons of links to info about vaccine side-effects and deaths, reports on different countries, etc.
Learn to become immune to ridicule. Hold your head up, and press on all the harder.
Never bow to the WOKE MOB and their CULTURAL REGRESSION.
The members of a group I am part of that hasn’t been able to meet in person in nearly a year have decided that, if everyone gets the vaccine, we can meet again. I guess they think that everyone will be safe if they all get vaccinated.
I am not getting “the jab.” I haven’t talked with them yet, but I will not budge on this, even if I have to drop out of the group. I have been singled out before because I don’t have a Google account and refuse to open one just to access a certain communication of theirs, which could be (and was) easily accessed by other means.
“The members of a group I am part of that hasn’t been able to meet in person in nearly a year have decided that, if everyone gets the vaccine, we can meet again.”
So this is an afterlife group?
Dark humor, I love it!
(Picture of Joe Stalin)
Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.
“I guess they think that everyone will be safe if they all get vaccinated.”
I would send them the clip from Marathon Man, where Dustin Hoffman is being tortured, asking him if it’s safe.
But I would only do that because I have an excellent sense of humor…

Where excellent means roguish, maybe, LOL.
“I am not getting “the jab.” I haven’t talked with them yet, but I will not budge on this, even if I have to drop out of the group.”
There are multiple opportunities here to have great fun, which should not be missed
If you are feeling charitable, one of the safer options that could actually be beneficial (to them), is to do a conditional acceptance.
Make sure that your reply goes to the entire group, because at least one of them is likely to have his own doubts, and would be open to a counterargument, but is afraid to go against the group.
Tell them that you will get the vaxx if they can prove that it has no ill side effects and it actually prevents China virus.
If they believe in the vaxx, if they believe it is safe and they believe it is effective, then let them prove it to you. If they are sincere, they should welcome the opportunity…
You have agreed to their demand, conditionally, which puts the burden on them.
And it is a burden which they can never meet.
But in the process of trying, they will either discover new information which alerts them to the error of their demand — or you provide the information to them in rebuttal — or they won’t even try, exposing that they are not acting in good faith.
So it’s a win-win for you.
Either way, you shift the burden to them, and you will have done so in a way that they cannot meet.
In the end, they will either reveal themselves to be intellectually honest after reviewing the facts, or reveal themselves to be intellectually dishonest Wojak herd followers.
Excellent idea. I like putting the burden on them rather than trying to convince them of something. I’m afraid it’s too late for those who have already gotten the vaccine, but I can’t help that.
“Learn to become immune to ridicule.”
It is easy to be immune to ridicule if you are confident that you are right, and then ridicule them right back.
For a greatly oversimplified example to make the point, imagine if a group of people began to ridicule you because you openly stated that 2 + 2 = 4.
Even if you momentarily have a ‘gaslighting moment’, and double-check that tricky math, you know you are right.
So not only is their ridicule completely impotent, but they have set themselves up for you to ridicule them.
I have only been doing this for about 40 years now, so not long, but even so, I can’t remember a single time when it didn’t work…
Reduced the 1920×1080 to 960×540, and tried again. Looks like it took this time (and it went from 500 MB down to 33 MB).
My first thought was that you don’t climb up there to begin with, and you don’t disobey a LEO. That aside, yes, it was very dangerous for them to spray him like that. But then you say some think it might have been theater. It’s hard to know anymore, especially with groups infiltrating other groups, trying to make political points.
Green space?

Here’s some quick insight on Mike Lindell’s video
I’m Your Huckleberry
“Absolute Truth” shows:
• China responsible for 60% of vote switching:
• Exact log of:
1.) IP address
2.) Owner/Source of IP address
i.e. China-net
3.) IP Target
4.) Target State
5.) ID of Target
6.) How many votes were stolen
from Trump
4:38 PM · Feb 6, 2021·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets
I’m Your Huckleberry
Replying to @RossFairchild
Begin at watching at 136:00 to watch the real time log of the election steal.
I don’t understand why there are not planes in the air and tanks on the ground.
Did you see that like 10 second video I just posted on Sunday’s thread? Lots of emergency vehicles in DC…not sure what it means…
DC is insane thanks to Bowser and Biden. Expect more insanity.
sadly yes
WOLFIE and Treepers,
This is a LONG… 1hr, 40 minute, interview. However starting at the 27 minute mark there is a discussion by THREE DOCTORS Plus Lin Wood (your rights if your work FORCES vaccine) on the INJECTION. (It is not even a Vaccine by the normal definition. And yeah it changes your DNA, or at least how your DNA works and you maybe looking at Auto-immune disease down the road.)
It is a nice round-up to hand to normies.
If you want to skip Lin Wood, go to 53:30 for the discussion by two of the doctors.
There’s a lot of life in that thread yet.
One reason the JetPack notifier is really needed, IMO. I don’t think we realized how much people were using it to keep conversations going, until we lost it.
I use it a lot (of course, since I saw Leonidas show up just now).
I just wish it were better integrated with the rest of the system. For example THIS REPLY won’t show up on the page until you reload it (if you already have it open). If someone later comes along and replies to this ON THE PAGE, you won’t see their reply either, until you reload the page. No pale yellow highlights, no nothin’.