Dear KMAG: 20210207 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

I much prefer posting information about the positive aspects of humility, such as for last week, rather than warnings about pride, but the following is in response to questions and it’s also good to think about how pride manifests itself in our lives.

Pride’s Many Pitfalls

In Wednesday’s “Midweek Musings,” michaelh asked “What are the warning signs that believers need to be watchful for when it comes to pride? What should we look for in our character to alert us to pride in our lives? How should we be watchful for pride in others, particularly our leaders or spiritual counselors?” among other questions. Hopefully the following will partially address at least some of those questions, although not necessarily specifically or directly.

Jonathan Edwards, (1703 – 1758), was the greatest theologian and philosopher of British American Puritanism, major figure in the religious revival known as the ” Great Awakening,” and one of the forerunners of the age of Protestant missionary expansion in the 19th century.

Undetected Spiritual Pride
One Cause of Failure in Times of Great Revival

by Jonathan Edwards

The first and worst cause of errors that abound in our day and age is spiritual pride. This is the main door by which the devil comes into the hearts of those who are zealous for the advancement of Christ. It is the chief inlet of smoke from the bottomless pit to darken the mind and mislead the judgement.

Pride is the main handle by which he has hold of Christian persons and the chief source of all the mischief that he introduces to clog and hinder a work of God. Spiritual pride is the main spring or at least the main support of all other errors. Until this disease is cured, medicines are applied in vain to heal all other diseases.

It is by spiritual pride that the mind defends and justifies itself in other errors and defends itself against light by which it might be corrected and reclaimed. The spiritually proud man thinks he is full of light already and feels that he does not need instruction, so he is ready to ignore the offer of it.

On the other hand, the humble person is like a little child who easily receives instruction. He is cautious in his estimate of himself, sensitive as to how liable he is to go astray. If it is suggested to him that he is going astray, he is most ready to check into the matter.

Nothing sets a Christian so much out of the devil’s reach than humility and so prepares the mind for divine light without darkness. Humility clears the eye to look at things as they truly are. Psalm 25:9 — He leads the humble in justice, and He teaches the humble His way.

If spiritual pride is healed, other things are easily corrected. Our first care should be to correct the heart and pull the beam of pride out of our eye and then we shall see clearly.

Growing Christians Beware!

Those who are most zealous in the cause of God are the most likely to be targeted as being filled with pride. When any person appears, in any respect, to be noticeably excelling others in his Christian walk, odds are ten to one that it will immediately awaken the jealousy of those about him.

They will suspect (whether they have good reason or not) that he is very proud of his goodness and that he probably thinks no one as good as he is, so that everything he says and does is observed with this prejudice.

Those who are themselves cold and dead, and especially those who have never had any experience of the power of godliness on their own hearts, will easily entertain such thoughts of the best Christians. This arises from nothing less than a secret hostility against essential and fervent holiness.

But the zealous Christian should take heed that this does not prove a snare to him, and the devil take advantage of it to blind his eyes from beholding the true nature of his heart and to think that because he is charged with pride wrongfully and with an unkind spirit, that such charges are not sometimes valid.

Alas, how much pride the best have in their hearts! It is the worst part of the body of sin and death; the first sin that ever entered into the universe and the last that is rooted out. It is God’s most stubborn enemy!

Pride: a Secret Enemy

Pride is much more difficult to be discerned than any other corruption because of its very nature. That is, pride is a person having too high an opinion of himself. Is it any surprise, then, that a person who has too high an opinion of himself is unaware of it? His thinking is that he thinks that the opinion he has of himself has just grounds and therefore is not too high. If the grounds of the opinion of himself crumbled, he would cease to have such an opinion.

But, because of the nature of spiritual pride, it is the most secret of all sins. There is no other matter in which the heart is more deceitful and unsearchable and there is no other sin in the world that men are so confident in. The very nature of it is to work self-confidence and drive away any suspicion of any evil of that kind. There is no sin so much like the devil as this for secrecy and subtlety, and appearing in great many shapes that are undetected and unsuspected.

Spiritual pride takes many forms and shapes, one under another, and encompasses the heart like the layers of an onion: when you pull off one, there is another underneath. Therefore, we have need to have the greatest watch imaginable over our hearts with respect to this matter and to cry most earnestly to the great Searcher of hearts for His help. He that trusts his own heart is a fool.

Since spiritual pride in its own nature is so secret, it cannot be so well discerned by immediate intuition on the thing itself. It is best identified by its fruits and effects, some of which I will make mention of below together with the contrary fruits of Christian humility.

Pride: the Great Fault-finder

Spiritual pride causes one to speak of other persons’ sins, their enmity against God and His people, or with laughter and levity and an air of contempt, while pure Christian humility disposes either to be silent about them or to speak of them with grief or pity.

The spiritually proud person shows it in his finding fault with other saints, that they are low in grace and how cold and dead they are, and are quick to discern and take notice of their deficiencies. The eminently humble Christian has so much to do at home and sees so much evil in his own that he is not apt to be very busy with other hearts.

He complains most of himself and complains most of his own coldness and lowness in grace. He is apt to esteem others as better than himself and is ready to hope that most everybody has more love and thankfulness to God than he, and cannot bear to think that others should bring forth no more fruit to God’s honor than he.

Some who have spiritual pride mixed with great learning and joy, earnestly speaking to others about them, are likely to be calling upon other Christians to emulate them and sharply reprove them for their being so cold and lifeless.

There are others who are overwhelmed with their own vileness, and when they have extraordinary discoveries of God’s glory, they are taken up by their own sinfulness. Though they are disposed to speak much and very earnestly, yet it is very much in blaming themselves and exhorting fellow Christians, but in a loving and humble manner.

Pure Christian humility causes a person to take notice of everything that is good in others, to make the best of it and to diminish their failings; however, he turns his eye chiefly on those things that are bad in himself and to take much notice of everything that aggravates them.

Pride: Ministering in a Harsh Spirit

It has been the manner of spiritually proud persons to speak of almost everything they see in others in the most harsh, severe language. It is frequent with them to say of other’s opinion, conduct, advice, coldness, silence, caution, moderation, prudence, etc. that they are from the devil or from hell.

Such kind of language they will commonly use, not only towards wicked men, but towards those who are true children of God and also towards ministers of the gospel and others who are very much their superiors. Christians who are but fellow-worms ought at least to treat one another with as much humility and gentleness as Christ treats them.

Pride: Putting on Pretenses

Spiritual pride often causes persons to act different in external appearance, to effect a different way of speaking, to use a different sort of dialect from others, or to be different in voice, countenance or behavior. But he that is an eminently humble Christian, though he will be firm in his duty, however different — going the way of heaven alone, though all the world forsake him — yet he does not delight in being different for difference’s sake.

He does not try to set himself up to be viewed and observed as one distinguished, as desiring to be accounted better than others — despising their company or conformity to them — but on the contrary, desires to become all things to all men, to yield to others and conform to them and please them in all but sin.

Pride: Takes Offence Easily

Spiritual pride takes great notice of opposition and injuries that are received and is prone to be often speaking of them and to be much in taking notice of their aggravation, either with an air of bitterness or contempt.

Pure and unmixed Christian humility, on the other hand, causes a person to be more like his blessed Lord when reviled: quiet, not opening his mouth, but committing himself in silence to Him who judges righteously. For the humble Christian, the more the world is against him, the more silent and still he will be, unless it is in his prayer closet, and there he will not be still.

Pride: Presumption Before God and Man

Another effect of spiritual pride is a certain self-confident boldness before God and men. Some, in their great rejoicing before God, have not paid sufficient regard to that rule in Psalm 2:11 — Worship the Lord with reverence, and rejoice with trembling.

They have not rejoiced with a reverential trembling, in a proper sense of the awful majesty of God and the awful distance between Him and them. There has also been an improper boldness before men that has been encouraged and defended by a misapplication of Proverbs 29:25 — The fear of man brings a snare… It is as though it became all persons, high and low, men, women and children in all Christian conversation to wholly abandon all manner of modesty or reverence toward man.

Not that any should refrain from Christian conversation, but with such humility as in 1 Peter 3:15—But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.

Pride: Hungry for Attention

Another effect of spiritual pride is to make the subject of it want attention. People often tend to act in a special manner as though others ought to take great notice and regard of them. It is very natural to a person that is very much under the influence of spiritual pride to take all the respect that is paid to him.

If others show a disposition to submit to him and yield in deference to him, he is open to it and freely receives it. It becomes natural for him to expect such treatment and to take much notice if a person fails to do so, and to have an ill opinion of those who do not give him that which he feels he deserves.

One under the influence of spiritual pride is more apt to instruct others than to inquire for himself and so naturally puts on the airs of control. The eminently humble Christian thinks he needs help from everybody, whereas he that is spiritually proud thinks everybody needs his help. Christian humility, under a sense of other’s misery, entreats and beseeches, but spiritual pride tries to command and warn with authority.

Pride: Neglecting Others

As spiritual pride causes persons to assume much to themselves, so it treats others with neglect. On the contrary, pure Christian humility disposes persons to honor all men as from 1 Peter 2:17. To enter into disputes about Christianity is sometimes unseasonable, such as in meeting for Christian conference or for exercises of worship.

Yet, we ought to be very careful that we do not refuse to converse with carnal men, as though we counted them not worthy to be regarded. On the contrary, we should condescend to carnal men as Christ has condescended to us, to bear with our unteachableness and stupidity.

In God’s Word, pride takes center stage as a character trait to avoid. Here are a few other verses about pride and its effect on people . . . and consequences.

Daniel 5:20 But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory.

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Psalm 10:4 In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

Proverbs 29:23 Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor.

Proverbs 26:12 Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them.

Proverbs 21:4 Haughty eyes and a proud heart— the unplowed field of the wicked—produce sin.

Proverbs 18:12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:5 The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.

Proverbs 8:13 To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Proverbs 13:10 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

Isaiah 2:12 The LORD Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled),

I’ve got to end this on a positive note, so . . .
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

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The governors need to sign their own executive orders declaring that their states retain all authority that was not ceded to the federal constitution. Everybody spend a few minutes today and send emails to as many governors as you think might listen and tell them you support them standing up to this fraud in the WH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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A timely reminder to our military.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you – for whatever reason (and there is no obvious connection) you just gave me the most extraordinary idea. Utterly peaceful, but NOW I UNDERSTAND.

We can do this. WE CAN DO THIS. We have the power to END the Biden regime.

Valerie Curren

Looking forward to you expanding that thought!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here’s the full video from which came the shot of the guy being pepper sprayed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

[video src="" /]


Thanks so much Bako! Great answer to my question – in fact I will print a copy of this for further reading.

I love Jonathan Edwards. Actually I love George Marsden too.
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Deplorable Patriot

Jonathan Edwards…we read something of his when we were sophomores in American Lit, and it was the one and only time the class went to the teacher, Sister MB, SSND, and told her we didn’t understand what he had to say. Enough of us were in the same boat that she changed teaching style for the day and lectured rather than have us tell her how we answered our homework questions.

Ahh, the memories.


One of my ancestors:

Charles H. Spurgeon – Charles Spurgeon


Wonderful post, TY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Were Ronald Reagan alive today he’d have been 110 yrs old.

The occasion reminded me that I had this great picture of Roger Stone with him circa 1980.

Happy Birthday, Dutch.

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Interview with Garrett Ziegler


Garrett worked in the team under Navarro. Has a lot of interesting things to add.


Garrett concludes with the same plan of action as what I’m thinking, in line w/ Gen Flynn’s interview w/ Doug Billings.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Have not listened to the whole thing, but see my “tunnel rat” plan above.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is just a BEAUTIFUL insight into what went wrong.

This Garrett Ziegler is a wonderful judge of character – pure embodiment of “wise as serpents, innocent as doves”. Amazing discernment.

BUT – there are not enough like him. Or like US.

I get this guy, totally. Many of you would, too.

SO – if Trump runs again, or gets back in the White House, then he needs a small group of TUNNEL RATS

Like ME
Like many of you here

Who are explicitly hired in over every possible objection….

Doesn’t matter what jobs we have – assistant to assistant to xerox glass fluffer…..

To FERRET OUT all the RATS and get them FIRED.

Make no bones about it – hire people like me in to collect the garbage if need be – with all my radioactivity – but I was BORN to sniff out the SCUM and then FIRE IT EARLY.

Massive careerist blood-letting – pink slip them all.


Absolutely, and GZ is a magnificent young man. Just his wise, insightful and articulate comments gave me hope.


I’ve seen it a lot in my own experience that’s non-political – churches, corporate

Too many “no” men – they’re there to say “NO!”

They cannot embody the art of the possible.

They cannot pivot from being blockers to “not if but how

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We had various names for them in my old employer, but one of them was “Department of No”.


This is very worth the time it takes to listen.

At the very end he gives the white pill that we need to concentrate on each states’ secretaries of state and how elections are conducted.

I think we can take that even more close to home and concentrate on county clerks who run the local elections.



I’m watching it now …


He was the staffer that got Flynn, Sidney and Byrne in to see the President!


That nugget of info was tremendous!

And of course, immediately after that Meadows revoked his WAVES (inviting into the WH) privileges.

I was also happy to have Cippineli’s (sp?) role confirmed – the “white shoe” lawyer driving up in a Rolls, and spouting defeatist tripe to P45DJT.

SO many snakes!


Yes. It helps us have a fuller picture. I think we can safely say that PT was badly served. And he had a personnel problem that did not get solved.

However, being on the outside maybe he will get better Intel and better advice.

Deplorable Patriot

I haven’t watched the video yet, but I suspect the people who “didn’t serve him well” were led into a big trap. You can’t tell me PDJT didn’t know he was being fed lines. I would imagine he was more dependent on his own nameless, faceless networks than any swamp creatures.


I imagine. 🙂


The problem was, he had to deal with his own party. There was no escaping that. IMO the President believed he would win them over, and he misjudged them.

The President was simply too much of a mensch. He was not as ruthless as he needed to be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His enemies better certainly hope that.


I could very well be wrong. I hope he is ruthless with them. They need ruthlessness.

Deplorable Patriot

Saving for later.


Garret mentions the change in the military in this interview and how troops will be in trouble for using Pepe the Frog memes. Here is an article detailing what happened.

“This isn’t a crusade against “extremism.” It’s a witch hunt for the slightest sign of public dissent from the radical ideological experiment the left is running on the military and the entire country. Defense press secretary John Kirby was inadvertently revealing whenhe recently remarked that “There may be cultural issues we have to deal with here.”

That is exactly what is going on. There is a proud conservative, nationalist, and traditional culture that has been a part of the U.S. military for its entire history. And that culture represents a threat to the ideological project that is the military of 2021, so it must be marginalized and then stamped out. The impact this will have on military effectiveness is irrelevant; actually winning wars barely matters to the military of 2021.”


This is the saddest part of our present reality. The military is no longer ours. The last bastion gone. We are in year zero.


If you have contact with family members or friends in the military and they are bothered with what is happening and find themselves hunted remind them under the UCMJ they have rights and should in all likelihood take the jury of their peers option in hopes of jury nullification.

Normally a soldier would not take that option and rely on the good graces of the commander. However in the current climate of hunting out MAGA types that might not be the best option as Commanders are going to pressured to do the higher commands bidding.

The other thing they should consider is outside representation b a lawyer if need be. Make it painful for the command to pursue any deprivation of rights.


1) Every second and every word in this video is worth listening to. Zeigler is exactly the sort of person our side needs.

2) GZ corroborates Byrne’s general description and specifically the fascinating detail about a WH staffer in effect sneaking Flynn and Powell into the WH for an unscheduled meeting with the President.

3) The implications of what GZ says about what has happened are very grave, and require some adjustment of some of our perspective on things.

4) BTW, not that anyone probably will notice, but I posted my comment on transgenderism and 2 + 2 = 5 (later in this thread) BEFORE I watched the video. GZ’s short allusion to these things was a coincidence, although he meant what I meant.

5) GZ gets right to his points, one after another, which makes this go by fast.

6) GZ explains the 6 county strategy better than Byrne, and it makes so much sense.

7) The Supreme Court (my opinion) rejected the Texas case (cited by GZ) not because Texas lacked standing, but because the Constitutional argument was unanswerable, and SCOTUS needed an excuse to not address the unanswerable, for corrupt political reasons.

8) It is now The State versus us. That is the stark reality. I am not as sanguine as others that getting the right secretaries of state is the answer. It has gone too far for that, as the rest of GZ’s descriptions imply (to me, at least).

Last edited 4 years ago by Tonawanda
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed with all your points, and very glad to see that we agree 100% on point 7.


This was an excelent presentation and gave good insights how President Trump was cheated out of his powers as President and lied too. Still he got so much don.
Concerning Ziegler, I knew a Pastor Ziegler in St Louis who became a friend. He was an old German guy Lutheran. This fellow could be his grandchild. Yes they were conservative. We need more people like him in Government and I wish POTUS had more devoted people to his cause like him.


Ivanka and Jared Kushner never left POTUS’ side. Both were joined at the hip. Hard to believe they did not see the issues Garrett raised. Believe they knew the snakes and landmines they needed to work around. POTUS accomplished many things with ALL the snakes in the house and in the end the snake bites taking out the President?


You bring up some good points. One wonders why Trump was not better protected?
Jarred and Ivanka are not politicians neither is Trump and they might have underestimated their self serving intend?


Testing a different computer.

(Remember about upsizing swap files in pairs?)


Note — this particular computer has been to Saint Petersburg, Russia — although it had a different HD and was running Windows — if it misbehaves in the slightest, please let me know.

The back of its screen has the dreaded “tacky plastic” issue — which the base, screen, and keyboard faces do not have. I’ll be trying the “baking soda and water” method on it shortly.

Amusingly, despite being a full laptop, it doesn’t have nearly enough juice to be running Ubuntu Studio — which I am running on a Raspberry Pi. It’s actually pretty loaded as it is.


(Back to usual computer)

Doing comments with the same username on a different computer does interesting things to the green circle comment counter and the orange circle new comment widget.


Not to mention the interesting things that YOU do to our routine threads.



It’s a tough gig, being the embodiment of insanity. Try it sometime if you think it looks easy.


So, it’s an Intel Atom 2-processor, 2G memory mini-laptop, now with 4G swap….

While the Pi4 is ARM64 x 4, 8G…..


Baking soda and water did not fix.


I started scraping it with my fingernails and ended-up shaving it off with a razor. It’s better, but I think I’ll end up sanding it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me put this video in context. Thanks to RAC for posting the link to this yesterday.

This nursing home CNA is in deep emotional turmoil (Christian, very honest) about the Pfizer vaccine not just KILLING 14 of the elderly at his unit, but seriously damaging over 100 more, and the management then falsely blamed it on a “super-spreader” which he knows is a lie.

He knows he’s going to lose his job for reporting this, but God bless him, he may save THOUSANDS or MILLIONS.

He describes what it has done to the people it didn’t kill. Just listen.






There’s a hero.


The Hippocratic Oath, like so many time-honored moral imperatives, has been trashed in today’s medical community.

This man is an exception. God bless him.

Valerie Curren

more info he shared, some vaccinated lost the ability to walk, talk, &/or think

people who refused the vaccine, none of them got sick

people who took the vaccine, like 60% got sick & many are sick unto death

0 deaths in 2020 but within 2-3 weeks of vaccines at least 14 dead & another half dozen are near death. This is from January 18

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DO NOT TAKE THIS ####. It’s designed to kill the elderly and abort future pregnancies!


Wolf, at what point does PT come out and warn the people?

He must begin to speak about this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, that’s why he needs to be back on Gab. His highly nuanced TWEETS were amazing social shapers.

He could say JUST THE RIGHT THING on Gab, and it would push things in the right direction.

I don’t think we have enough information from whistleblowers to really go after the sterilization stuff…. YET…. but by raising doubts about the vaccines as a whole – especially the mRNA ones – it may be possible to get things looked at.

By alleging that it’s possibly a QUALITY CONTROL problem, it may be possible to get samples analyzed and find what, if anything, is being ADDED to them. If nothing, then something in the coronavirus sequence itself is leading to the side-attack on reproduction.

There is a theory I saw somewhere that the vaccine is making antiplacental antibodies. That should probably be investigated.

REALPOTUS should not get too far out over his skis on this – they will try to pin blame on him, IMO. Blame is not as important here as finding out WTH is going on, first. Generating concern, argument, whatever – leave that to the MASTER, but he needs to be on Gab, IMO.


He must be waiting until after the impeachment trial to get active again. If all Garret said is true, it may actually work to PT’s and our advantage to have him out of the WH, where he was prevented from seeing and hearing from people who really care about this country.

We need a miracle. God will provide it.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Grandma, for some reason my heart is bursting with hope that a miracle will happen. I believe God will NOT let America die in disgrace and subservience.


Mine too. The LORD always uses the small and weak things to confound the strong.

He will not let us down.


i almost thought you were gonna say small and dumb things…
I was gonna volunteer!


Hahaha!!! 😂


hey, that’s my wheelhouse

Deplorable Patriot

At some point, the harm being done will be at a level where it cannot be denied. I’m afraid that “showing the people” is going to take that. I don’t like it, and I’m going to lose family and friends to the side effects – I know that – but, unfortunately, the brainwashing re medicine and vaccines is so engrained, even smart people refuse to consider that there is something sinister involved with the whole effort.

Brave and Free

One of my siblings have taken the 1st shot and the other has had the 2nd. So far no reactions, but know an RN who had a severe reaction after 2nd shot. They ask me “So did you get your shot yet”? Nope not for me I tell them and they look at me like I have 3 heads……
Funny thing there all MAGA PDJT supporters but there not seeing the connection between the China virus and what’s going on yet. My one sibling holds multiple masters in nursing and works at the executive level so there’s more than ample influence over the years that needs to be overcome. But slowly there seeing that this was all allowed to happen. The RN even believes that the virus was manmade and released by CCP…….. but has no choice in taking the shot if they want to keep their job.

Valerie Curren



Good Morning Valerie…you’re a coyote!

Valerie Curren

“morning” Pat. super genius! 😉


love it!

Deplorable Patriot

I know one homosexual man who had the first jab, and I suspect the people in that community are all lining up for it without having all the information. There’s no future generations to worry about there, but, still, talented and hard working humans who will be betrayed.

Look for massive openings in organist positions in the coming months.


We obviously have a problem with the medical community. Those I have spoken to about this exact subject are all saying the deaths are due to a covid outbreak.


So frustrating. And my local REPUBLICAN officials are publicly pushing the vaccine like the neighborhood dope dealer.

Valerie Curren

It’s so corrupt & evil. The Heavy Propaganda for nearly a year now appears to have beaten down many, even the stronger medically inclined minds. I sure hope that anyone who took the Hippocratic Oath could not be willing party to this genocide!


My eldest daughter is an RNLP in PA, she will not …no she refuses to listen to reason on vaccines. my middle daughter has tried for years to get through to her about the vax issue with nothing but hard feelings and anger. I told my middle daughter to just stop, walk away you can only try to talk so long if there is a refusal to listen then walk away.


It is terribly frustrating. You do just have to walk away sometimes.

I have.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a lot of relative who are nurses. You CANNOT get through to them on this. My one SIL is the daughter of a physician – and not a very good one – and she won’t see reason, either.

Valerie Curren

Pfizer guy making sense…but not cents?
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I believe these people are not getting the tested vaccine, either. I think the depopulationists have tampered with what’s going out. I suspect that the lack of testing in elderly was intentional because they are sensitive and would show side-effects of the anti-fertility component that is probably being added late in production. Meanwhile, the pregnant lady showed the immediate effect of the vaccine – ABORTION.

They’re not just sterilization vaccines. They’re ABORTION vaccines. FORCE ABORTION of future pregnancies by vaccine. That’s EASIER than contraception or sterilization.

That’s why the Dems are SO big on this. It’s ABORTION, which is SACRED to them.

Valerie Curren

The demonic evil of all this is almost beyond comprehension. Death by any means necessary, from cradle to grave!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it is.

Deplorable Patriot

IS this guy still alive?

Valerie Curren

good Q, & I have no clue!


Lovely post, Carl. The teaching and Scriptures were timely.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I added a header image – a related quotation from another one of the Great Awakening preachers of the American colonies – George Whitefield – a Brit who became a good friend of Benjamin Franklin.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I feel a lot stronger today than where I was five years ago in 2016. This has been a wild ride. Still a lot of work to do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I just look back at the journey and realize how far we’ve come – and then I look ahead and it’s daunting. BUT WE GOT TO HERE. And we ARE STRONGER. Make no mistake. But now is really the time to gather spiritual strength to move forward.


One of the GREAT points GZ makes is that we now have 70 million people who are wide awake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. The left wants to fritter away that number. We need GROWTH STRATEGIES.


This is the issue. The demographics of our side make that a puzzler. Any person who shows the least sign of being a leader will be hunted down.

Maybe the first step is to develop an attitude that we will protect everyone on our side, regardless of what they are hounded for. VSG was a start in that direction, but we need others, and we need to ignore the usual accusations which we reflexively regard as deal breakers.

And I am a firm dissenter in the idea that we gain by calling them the names they call us. That ironically confirms the bogus premise of their accusation. We are much better off attacking the premise, and asking why others are not joining us in attacking the premise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I believe that they are desperately afraid of us choosing to attack from the high moral ground. This is why they created the FALSE moral high ground of MASKS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Joe Biden Didn’t Win.


So, in the random maintenance department, I’ve got a Thermador star burner cooktop from when we remodeled the kitchen. It was a close choice between that and a GE Monogram that had concentric rings of flame, but what closed the deal was that the Thermador could have a drawer underneath, while the GE protruded too far downward.

It has been a really good cooktop, but it has been perpetually abused by housecleaners over the years. They will flood the igniters with cleaning solutions (so a burner will not ignite); leave the removable flame caps wet (so they rust, and close off flames so the flame pattern is uneven); and they lose the little brass and rubber feet off the grills — which has lead to scratching on the cooktop surface.

I called up Thermador recently to get replacement feet — two of them.

***HOLY CRAP!!! A bunch of the electronic devices in our house just went nuts about some stupid Amber Alert. We’ve been buttoned up in here quietly for six hours, couldn’t TPTB put it on the radio where, presumably, active people might get the message and leave those of us trying to relax ALONE?!?!?***


Anyway, all through the latter part of the sink dealio, I’ve been figuring that I will need to take the grate out to our driveway, use a piece of scrap wood to put it against a decorative boulder, and tap the feet in place with a hammer.

I was just thinking about doing this again a few minutes ago, thinking that I might do it tomorrow…..then I remembered that I’ve got a one ton arbor press used as a doorstop about 15 feet behind me. I went and got the grate, cleaned the holes with 91% alcohol before typing this………….

…….and just squished those bad boys in and replaced the grate.


See what I mean?


What, you don’t fix stuff at 11 pm?

Sylvia Avery

😍 😍


Did you check your toilet chain?

Sylvia Avery

Ohh……….no. I get creeped out by having to take the lid off the tank and fish around in there. What do I check for? Kinks in the chain?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or a broken one.


Broken chains don’t flush at all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s what I get for coming into the middle of the conversation! 😀


Yes, kinks in the chain may be the problem.

Close the lid on the bowl, take the lid off the tank and set it aside. You’re not going to fish around, you’re just going to watch it. Besides — it’s clean, drinkable water in the tank (which is good to know if you have an emergency).

Now, while the tank is open and you have a clear view of what is going on, slowly flush the toilet. You will see the lever move a little before the chain has the slack taken out. Then the chain will pull up on the “flapper valve” and water will start to run from the tank to the bowl. When the flapper valve is all the way up, you can release the lever — it’s hollow inside, and all the water will have run out of it. If it’s a good flush (that ends), the flapper valve will bob on the surface of the water while the level gets lower, until it’s too close to the bottom and gets sucked into the hole. After that, the water refills to the correct level by the float valve.

If you do this a couple of times and are lucky, you will get to see the flush fail (and keep running).

The three most popular problems for this are (1) the chain gets hung up on something or is kinked; (2) the chain isn’t attached to the lever properly so there is too much/too little slack; or (3) the flapper valve is old and no longer flexible enough to make a good seal.

I recently fixed a #3 problem in one of my toilets — the old flapper valve was almost as stiff as black ABS pipe. When I unwrapped the new one, it was quite flexible.

Again, though — there is no reason to be creeped out, you’re just going to the movies at this point.

Sylvia Avery

Okay, thanks coothie. I’ll look. 🤢

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Besides — it’s clean, drinkable water in the tank (which is good to know if you have an emergency).”

He’s entirely correct about this. The tank is upstream from where the sorts of things that go into toilets (urine, feces, leftists) get added.

Sylvia Avery

I hope I never have to rely on it. It turns my stomach to think of it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It must be pretty bad for you to have ignored my joke. (Not that it really was a joke.)

Sylvia Avery

😍😍😍 I’m not having a good day, Steve!

It was a good joke, and I appreciated it! I frequently make the mistake of liking things but neglecting to say it. Somehow I just assume people will know how I feel. SMH.

Sorry, bud!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No biggie.

Just keep that shovel sharp!!!

Sylvia Avery



After the first couple of slow ones, to see the pattern, try a normal flush, or even a hard flush. Again, if you’re lucky, you’ll see it do something abnormal and fail.

Sylvia Avery



Good tools do half the job, as a saying has it. Like the press so conveniently there to put those feet in with and no decorative boulders harmed in the process.

The big go-to I have here, beside electronics, is compressed air on tap — inflating tires, balloons, beach- or soccer-balls, etc., upon popular demand. And blowing dust and crud out of filters from washing-machines and suchlike. The air-powered wrench, a long skinny thing similar in shape and size to a ratchet, is also very nice for turning bolts deep inside tight places in the car.


There are tools for everything, and they extend the capabilities of man.

Which is part of the horror that is California… and materials are under attack.

You can’t buy certain gas-powered tools (e.g. chainsaws), and you can’t buy paints that will protect the structures underneath……it just goes on and on. You can, however, live in a tent under a bridge, shoot-up with narcotics, and crap on the sidewalks.


Make an “ammo run” to NV.

When the obvious no ammo is on the shelf, head over to HD or Lowe’s. Plenty of gas powered stuff, paints solvents that may not be available in paradise – Silicon Valley.


Which, of course, has bunches of superfund sites — not because of gas-powered chain saws or anything…..from IC fabs.

Valerie Curren

Wow, I started a reply a while back & got distracted irl & came back & it was gone…hmmm

Thank you Carl for sharing this difficult teaching. Pride is the original sin in the fall of Lucifer & 1/3 of the angels & something all of we believers planet-side must contend with.

Better by far to fall on the Rock that is Christ Jesus & be broken than to have the Rock fall on you & be pulverized!

Luke 20
New International Version
17 Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone’[a]?
18 Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
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Valerie Curren

Something strange going on in DC…& what is that white lighted image in the sky?


It looks like the image of a man, standing on a spinning platform, knees slightly bent, left arm hanging down by his side, with right arm raised, although I can’t see his raised right arm above the elbow.

Valerie Curren

I wondered if it was something bizarre connected to the Super Bowl, but why if it is? Very strange. Thoughts on the vehicles?


Looks like at least 5 big fire trucks and maybe 10+ ambulances.

Nobody appears to be doing anything, no movement, just sitting there.

Valerie Curren

Yes & it’s such a short clip it’s hard to figure the significance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s AOC doing her weepy thing at the chain link fence!


That’s it – yes!

Many anons seem to agree.

What a weird hologram to project – what type of psy-op purpose motivated it?


it’s 17 seconds long…
AOC’s event at the fence was STAGED…

even if this is fake, can it be someone saying what’s going on in DC is fake?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



looks like a bacon hologram

JW in Germany

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It is a friggin’ hologram of AOC!  😂  😂  😂 

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

aw geez !

that’s it !

has to be “fake”…but very clever satire !! 👍🙌

JW in Germany

They are all there to ‘rescue’ AOC! LOL!


hologram ??

3D printing ??

laser projection ??

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

laser envy (Toy Story quote)

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like some sort of a search light with a cut out over the light part.


Chants of “If we don’t get it, burn it down” as the march continues in DC tonight #DC #DCProtests #WashingtonDC

Uh oh…who will they blame for this ?


They are flying the panti-fa “anti-fasciste” flag, the one that is nearly a perfect copy of the 1930’s communist flags used in Germany, which #17 pointed out to everyone.

Remember the image #17 posted, with the two flags side by side, and the black & white photos of large groups of Germans with that flag hanging like a banner.

Here they are:

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And the modern flag. Amazing how hard the search engines make it to find an image that will post, I have gone to multiple links, and NONE are simple jpegs anymore.

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Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

They’re not shy about their symbols and have the complete support and help from the propaganda ministry twisting the history and meaning so they can carry on their fascist crap with no pushback.


Looks like the ‘patriots bad’ theme petered out so they are bringing their own troops in to keep the insurrection narrative going.


  :wpds_lol: The man is an idiot

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, off by half a stop (stop=photographer term for a factor of 2).



Apparently she doesn’t even question the possible relationship between taking the vaxx and the miscarriage?

Does she recommend that other pregnant women follow her example?


If she has any misgivings she didn’t say so.
Miscarriages happen but what are the odds after get shot up with a vax that she has one?
It’s too bad so many are willfully blind about covid and now the vaccine.

She’s a doctor not a nurse so…
Plus she looks to me some farther along than what she says. Don’t know why she’d fib about how far along she was but many people barely show at 14 weeks

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

Let’s put it this way: dog and cat breeders know not to vaccinate a pregnant animal because vaccinations cause miscarriages.

I found this out the hard way…lost my pregnant kitty and her kittens because the vet said it would be fine to vaccinate.

Went online and immediately found out that animal breeders have known this forever.

Yet, here we are vaccinating HUMANS with an experimental vaccine!

The medical community has been severely compromised by BIG PHARMA.


“The medical community has been severely compromised by BIG PHARMA.”


And dumbed-down by Big Education…


It’s heartbreaking for anyone who reveres life.


Maybe she was just excited about being pregnant.




2021 Unity . The article this lunatic wrote is a testament that merely supporting DJT is an offense that they can’t forgive and most likely would/have made sure that the proper “authorities” are aware that these potential terrorists live next door.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is exactly what Christ taught! Love your enemy to WIN.

Valerie Curren

silly side

Valerie Curren

youtube competition

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NEW – Watch out Google! YouTube content creators are unionizing. Popular German crossbow YouTuber Joerg Sprave fights the video giant for rights and announces “FairTube” association activities have formally started now.×240

YouTubers Union Fully Incorporated! (OK YouTube, you had it coming)
FairTube e.V.: Now we are a legal organization! Join TODAY (free).


Very interesting remark about data presented in Lindell’s Absolute Proof: (bold mine)

“If you’ve been following all the hearings, skip to the final 52 minutes.
Matt DePerno and, later, Mary Fanning have earth-shattering evidence (key screenshot attached) PROVING foreign interference. China DID steal this election.
I’m not easily surprised by data.
I was surprised.”

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That’s what I told a couple of people I sent the link to because I wasn’t sure they’d sit through 2 hours worth and the last part was BaBAM !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the best part at the end, but the whole thing is great. I wasn’t halfway through it, and I wanted the military to start bombings.

This is why they went after Lindell so hard. They were spying on him and knew he was working on this.

This is why they just kicked off Gateway Pundit. It’s for all the marbles now, with that video out there. No jury will support Dominion and Smartmatic. EVER.

I’m just SHOCKED.

But then watch the Garrett Ziegler video, and THAT explains the PUNT inside the White House.


……in sheep’s clothing….
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vaccination – meaning ABORTION VACCINATIONS – yeah – screw you, elite murderers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now I understand the fundamental theory of the depopulationists’ vaccine strategy.

HINT: Rh Babies

This is the key! This is the BOTTLENECK. Increase miscarriages and abortions and they can GET AWAY WITH IT.

Oh, it’s such a beautiful SCAM. MURDEROUS.

And that’s why they need the mRNA vaccines. It’s the easiest way to HIDE the DAGGER.


Remember, Wolf…satanists view abortions as ‘sacrifices’ to their dark lord.

That’s why they fight so hard to keep abortion legal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The idea of “abortion vaccines” would be too attractive to them. They could not resist such evil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Hidden Holocaust”.


They are really starting to push them now. I think the side effects and deaths are going to tank the vaccine before they can poke everyone.

“…the administration is pushing Moderna and Pfizer to accelerate production, as well as helping states open mass-vaccination clinics and expand drugstore programs…Rapid vaccination programs will first reach many relatively privileged people. But the trade-offs may be smaller than that sentence suggests. Covid has exacted a terribly unequal toll partly because people in vulnerable groups have suffered more severe versions of the disease, as a result of underlying health conditions.
The most effective way to save lives is probably to vaccinate people as quickly as possible.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m never going to take an mRNA vaccine. They’re showing too many side effects already.


nothing says sustainable like less mouths to feed.


I’d heard a few years ago that it would be one of the new, pet “buzzwords” that the globalists would be using.

Of course, they want their plans for *themselves* to be “sustainable” – by taking out the strength-in-numbers that WE THE PEOPLE currently have.


oh it’s not just a buzzword…

it’s an Agenda..

a UN Agenda …used to be called Agenda 2020..then Agenda 2021…and now Agenda 2030…

Sustainability is also the main thrust of WEF’s Great Reset…


Sustainable Development..the UN..

more than a buzzword ! it’s a global agenda !  :wpds_mrgreen: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They want us to think that by “sustainability” they mean using resources in a way that doesn’t irrevocably consume them. Renewables, recycling, reuse, etc. Which would be at least understandable.

But what they really mean is to have no environmental impact at all. But there’s only one way to have no impact whatsoever, and that’s to not live.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Abortion, euthanasia, and suicide are sacraments in the religion of leftism, due to the commandment to “be fruitless and die away”.


the less people, the less to monitor and control, and the easier to STAY IN CONTROL.

and the best way to discover who the enemies are is to see who does not comply and obey…and blame everything on them…like Hitler blamed the Jews….and annihilate them..

rhetoric and propaganda are very powerful tools to accomplish that.

as well as using convicted criminals to carry out the final solutions.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Dems let the criminals out for a reason.


…the coming food shortages.

Uh, what?

How does he know there are food shortages “coming”?

That should probably read…”the coming planned food shortages.”


Yeah. I noted that, too.


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Valerie Curren

Fighting to live

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Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care

Dr. Manny Espinoza was a critically ill w/ COVID-19 & was quickly deteriorating. His wife, also a Dr., learned of the FLCCC’s MATH+ Hospital Protocol & acted quickly to have him flown to UMMC/Houston to get him the pill that saved his life. #ivermectin×240

A Doctor Needed a Life Flight to a Texas Hospital to Get a Pill that…
Dr. Manny Espinoza was a critically ill COVID-19 patient who was quickly deteriorating. His wife, also a physician, learned of the FLCCC’s MATH+ Hospital Tre…




Michael Retweeted
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Will Lovins, PhD, PE

Replying to @Covid19Critical
Pleading with the doctor for five days, on the verge of being put on ECMO life support, and then IVM intervenes.

Unbelievable recovery & incredibly close to not making it, even with the patient & his advocate wife being doctors themselves.

Hospitals, when will you wake up?

edit…seems connected

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Replying to @Covid19Critical
They are worried about cheap, safe, readily available antivirals curing All corona viruses and exposing their lies & suppressing

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide inhaled – are three inexpensive, long-used, safe treatments that have proved effective against the Chynah Virus 19 – and may be administered both at home and in the hospital. Japan was one of the first countries to use inhaled steroids against CV19 to great effect. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed in addition to the above. HCQ has also been used as a prophylactic.

Regeneron and Remdisivir and plasma from a recovered patient, are more expensive and must be given in the hospital.

Other treatments, prophylactics:
Vitamins C, D3, E

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Here are more facts:

In a Pandemic, doctors and researchers are always dealing with a new disease and are therefore in a Battlefield Medicine scenario – where the Art of Medicine really becomes an art – and a matter of trial and error – skill, instinct, dedication, experience – sometimes prayer and inspiration – often called serendipitous findings in the medical research world.

The disease has been shown to have unnatural sequences – and thus a lab-manufactured spliced virus.

It targets the elderly and people who have a serious co-morbid conditions – a combination of lowered immune systems, respiratory illness, heart disease, diabetes, obesity.

In the early stages:
*We saw China allow the disease to spread, while shutting down the Wuhan province, they continued to send out potentially infected people to all corners of the world, by air, cruise ships, etc..
*We saw China refuse to let other countries researchers have access to the disease data.
*We saw the Democrats declare there was no danger and intentionally spread the disease around the country in the early stages.
*We saw this in GA and FL where Democrats from Atlanta spread the disease to our area.
*We saw this in New Orleans when they decided to hold Mardi Gras anyway – with a special cruise ship with people from China and Asia.
*We saw NY and San Francisco decide to hold Chinese New Year celebrations anyway.
*We saw the WHO, CDC, Dr. Fauci give out faulty data and false advice.

Why? Did they want to create a pandemic?

Multiple studies around the world have shown the above therapeutics to be effective in treating CV19. Over 53 studies proved the efficacy of HCQ.

Unfortunately, outrageously and unconscionably, (insert favorite obscenities) leftist politics have criticized, condemned and even banned the above medications.

In order to kill off sick elders that cost Medicare, Medicaid dollars?

In order to push vaccines that may have other intended effects?

In order to make big money on profits and kickbacks from expensive pharmaceuticals?

In order to spread money to other foreign and domestic donors, even China?

The CV19 Saga is as evil and outrageous as the 2020 Election Fraud Saga, maybe even more so.

Valerie Curren

Amazing how the “recommendations” by those who stand to make money from expensive treatments go heavily to promote them. Cheaper & more effective being hidden or banned basically proves that the whole pandemic fiasco is by & large a huge lie & manipulation of the western world!

Your comment is perhaps the most condensed (after Dr. Z’s tweets) version of the options I’ve seen–Great Job!!!


Just thought we needed a summary, review, reminder of what we have been through at the hands of inhumane leftists.

Valerie Curren

Can’t be said enough, just like his Fraudulency Bye-Done didn’t actually win!


Excellent Summary, would add to reasons though.

To push Agenda 2030 and drive PDJT from office. It’s all related and we know it’s all related.


Yep – those globalists and their evil plans.

Valerie Curren

guy who can explain the situation in DC… 😉


H8H8H8 DemonRAT lunacy!!!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Calvin Johnson to get into the Hall of Fame! Lions fans are still pissed about the TD he was robbed of when there was an insane rules change “complete the process of the catch”. Along w/ Barry Sanders (who my husband saw play college ball at Oklahoma State) CJ is an epic Detroit Lion!!!

My oldest son once got an autographed pic from CJ’s aunt that he was helping through Detroit Metro Airport 🙂

Valerie Curren

Another lovely pic of our Dream Team!
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There are several more pics at that twitter thread. & threads within threads
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Valerie Curren

conditioning the masses to eventually go maskless?


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Valerie Curren

Sadly your version is likely more accurate… 🙁


I went to Home Depot and Publix without a mask yesterday. Just because I wanted to express my position that the planned-demic was political and rights. And I have a full bottle of HCQ and zinc just in case.

No one said a word – but this is Florida.

Our Governor DeSantis has declared – there will be no fines of jail for not wearing a mask – even in Democrap cities.

Our restaurants are open.

We have anti-riot law and order laws.

And soon will have social media censorship rules too!


On top of our great Governor DeSantis – and – sane law and order – NOW we got Tom Brady – GOAT QB!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

I heard that Wayne Co, Michigan wasn’t going to pursue any Covid related cases for Metro Detroit based on some judge’s ruling that tyrant Whitmer had overstepped her authority…but the radio version of this story implied the prosecutor was sad about it still.

Florida smells like freedom to me!


south Floridian here…I have my hand up in the air, I have a question…

thanks to our Gov Ron DeSantis 💟 🇺🇸 , we have an unusual level of sanity here esp with the covid crap…

my question, however, is this : does the CDC somehow over-ride the Governor ?

IOW, if I enter a business or a store here, and their CDC policy is to COVER YOUR FACE, can I object and even resist that CDC policy while inside that establishment, on the grounds that our Governor has made resistance official for Florida ?

(he doesn’t label it as “resistance” but that’s essentially what it is.)

I can’t be fined or rounded up by the covid SS as I leave the business or store…but can they refuse to allow me in the store if I do not have a mask/ “face covering” on ?

is their CDC mask/face covering policy the same as, say, a “shirt and tie” policy ?


As I see it, Rights have a kind of hierarchy.

Individual rights
States rights
US Constitutional rights

A business can decide their policy and an individual can decide whether to do business with them.

An individual can speak out and/or sue when they are wronged by city, state, US Gov.

A state can sue when the President or an agency or a lower court makes unconstitutional actions/decisions/orders.

The US can sue when an international body like the UN or ICC has gone against truth, justice, reality, common sense or our Constitution.

And so on….

Valerie Curren

I love Patriots!

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Joe Gabriel Simonson


Sounds like a threat of insurrection. And they marched right outside my apartment. How much longer am I expected to live with this trauma? Will the government do anything? Will Bank of America?
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Brendan Gutenschwager
· 8h
Chants of “If we don’t get it, burn it down” as the march continues in DC tonight #DC #DCProtests #WashingtonDC


Get what???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. What do the BLaMers want?


“their” $2000????


Where’s the National Guard?


whoa 👋


that’s RACISS

Valerie Curren

When will the Covidiocy end???

Valerie Curren

not Melania’s hands me thinks…but love it!!!
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Of course – that is a photoshop – Melania has lovely manicured nails!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And her right sleeve (on our left) is black, but her collar is some sort of tan/beige.

But I do like the T-shirt.

Valerie Curren

Knock, knock Neo

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Sheila Gunn Reid


I’m not angry. I’m full of pity.

My kids also understand the risk, as in there’s almost none to them. You cloak a desire to control the choices of other people as “caring.” It’s not.

You’re free to continue to live like Hiroo Onoda. He fought WW2 for 29 years after it ended.
Quote Tweetcomment image
Natasha is still wearing a mask.
· 3h
Replying to @SheilaGunnReid
You seem angry Sheila. Are you okay? I mean I know we all aren’t really OK. This year has been rough on everyone. But the thing is, my kids understand the risks to themselves, family members who are at risk and they care about others. They know why we make the choices we do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


JW in Germany

Nothing happening?

With a military mind…THAT is exactly what I would want my opponents to believe. Never show your cards.

Why would a General tell the enemy his plan…or even suggest the existence of a plan?

Keep them guessing. Keep ALL of us guessing.


we are here….

the beast rising out of the sea…
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dreams of utopia

but the darkness won’t last.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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There is a Gab group for REALPOTUS now!

Joe Biden Is Not My President
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Cool. I just joined. 😎 


so did I…and I gave you a 👍


Thanks, Smiley!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I just came across this. It *appears* to be similar to what Mike Lindell showed on his video.

Valerie Curren

Wow Georgia & Michigan were Major Hubs of the fraud apparently!


Yes there’s three pages of it.

Valerie Curren

Where could those be found?


In that link above at the bottom of the first page.

Valerie Curren

Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


And sue PORKINS COVID at the same time!!!


why not a class action lawsuit ?

that would be righteous.

Valerie Curren

Georgia ballots found at the police impound lot


Wonder how the van ended up there, was it abandoned or something?

Valerie Curren

Like that schoolbus in AZ (I think) where the white hats were giving massive clues so that the deep staters couldn’t just bury the evidence, or something….

Valerie Curren

Quoting lefties to avoid twit world censorship!
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Edit under the wire
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Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


First, they “reality-shopped” the event
Then, they photo-shopped the evidence


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Valerie Curren

once you go black you never go back! LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And the problem with Obama in the White House, is….

Once you go Barack
You never go back!

Valerie Curren

for some reason Barak & back makes me think Brokeback Mountain…ewww

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Manchin of WV and Cornyn of TX are enlarging the surveillance state against us.


“The bill would set up a massive new system of intense user monitoring and reporting that would lead to more perfectly innocent people getting booted from internet platforms. It would provide the government with a new tool to punish disfavored tech companies, and it would enlist all digital service providers to be cops in the failed post-9/11 war on terror and the drug war.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Attacked by the MIDDLE – the FAKE CENTER.

Damn these RINOs and DINOs.


The whole system is designed to screw us. And asses like Cornyn are a vital widget.


God Bless Janice Dean, She’s not gving up the fight against this corrupt governor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All to get rid of Trump.



It’s also 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕝 idiocy.

Is there a word for that?
Maybe we need a new word for this.


psycho killer



Unpacked, so it will play here:



So beautiful.

Can I add this? Taverner is sublime. Here are the simple lyrics, and when you listen with the lyrics in mind, you can enter into the spirit of the Resurrection:

When the Sabbath was past
When the Sabbath was past,
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James
and Salome had bought sweet spices,
that they might come and anoint Jesus. Alleluia.
And very early in the morning on the first day after the Sabbath
they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost


Another offering, Tallis – If You Love Me



Maurice Durufle’s Ubi caritas et amor


Catturd posted this on Gab and said:

“Still ignoring…”
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And 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

JW in Germany
When an interviewer asked if he should pay up on his wager about whether Trump would win the presidency or not…Flynn responded:
“I would not concede that bottle of wine. I’ll leave it at that.”



It puts the Dems in a spot. Allow it to be shown and be shown as hypocrites or don’t allow it to be shown and be shown as running a kangaroo court.

JW in Germany

Re: “There Is No Plan”                           

General Michael T. Flynn:
“..The Advantage In Life, In Business, And In Wartime Goes To The Competitor That Does Not Flinch And Does Not Broadcast His Game Plan.”

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



IIMO the trangender issue is a sign of how confident the communists are in their dominance. And IMO there are occasions where our side thinks the other side has finally overplayed their hand, when in fact the other side is playing their hand in a way entirely unremarked or noticed by us, or at least not understood exactly.

The transgender issue IMO is a powerful psy-op AND means of exercising ultimate control. The communists do not give a rat’s ass about the mentally ill, or troubled souls, or those abused as children, except to the extent they can be exploited.

The transgender issue is exactly 2 + 2 = 5 in 1984. We are NOT being ASKED to be kind, understanding, sympathetic or forbearing. We are being TOLD we must fully and enthusiastically BELIEVE that a man is a woman, and we must demonstrate our belief in our WORDS and actions. WE must demonstrate our uncritical acceptance.

People who wish to convince others, people who want to change the perspective of others, are not imperious, condescending, and quick to point out the failings of those with reservations. The take it or leave it attitude means there is some other agenda. We see this on the wuhan virus, “climate change” and other issues.

At a certain point the party understood that they could demand subjects to believe 2 + 2 = 5. We are not told when, but it could not have happened overnight, and it is suggested that Ingsoc took decades to establish. Before the party achieved the requisite power, they would have been laughed at for their preposterous assertion. Then the preposterous assertion became a necessary article of belief, subject to torture and death.

And the power of 2 + 2 = 5 derived from the sheer sadistic defiance of reality which could be pleasurably enforced, a total obeisance to the communist oligarchy and its Inner Party worship of ego, the chief sadists with the willingness. 2 + 2 = 5 was a glorification of the small group of egos who needed sadistic pleasure, and also a means of control by readily identifying the disbelievers, who could now be freely labelled, ostracized and tormented

We now have man = woman. Men bleed. Women have penises. You have been told, now obey. IMO that hand is way past being overplayed, it is a fact of our new and rapidly intensifying reality. You are an enemy of the state, and the state is not elected. 


Last edited 4 years ago by Tonawanda

in a former career, I was the purchasing officer for a main office and three branch offices…and i had many other additional responsibilities. The treasurer kept giving me excellent job reviews with matching raises and finding even more things I could comfortably do during my work week.

when I left the position, I remained friendly with everyone there and at one of our lunches together, the treasurer revealed that they split my job among 3 workers, and that surprised and (he admitted) disgusted him a little. I smiled and said, just cuz I made my job LOOK easy, doesn’t mean it was.

same goes for being a woman. to say a man can be a woman simply by putting on clothes or makeup demeans what a woman truly is. that person wants to be an ACTOR–changing clothes to be someone or something else–living a fantasy life. he needs to learn to accept who he and embrace who he is…not ASSUME someone else’s identity.


So well put!


I agree with much of what you say here.

My only caveat is that totalitarian societies always fail in the end. Why? Because you cannot control all the thoughts of all the people all the time.

They know this. That’s why they are desperately trying to find the place in the brain where belief in God exists…so they can delete or cauterize or do whatever they can to obliterate it.

It is also why they want to kill off 7 billion of us…because you will never be able to control 7 or 8 billion souls at once. I daresay you will never be able to control all the thoughts of a hundred million people.

All their insane, cockamamie ideas are designed to control that which cannot be controlled.

The transgender thing is a nonstarter. Even my most liberal friends and family won’t accept it. The educational environment is where they have the best shot of acceptance and even there the professors and students have a very difficult time playing the game when a transgender student is around.

Yes, there is some temporary success going on with this communist takeover, but by its nature it will fail…as it has failed every other time it has been implemented.

My question is: can we defeat it sooner rather than later?

1984 is a dystopian novel in which evil wins in perpetuity. Evil, however, is self-destructive, whether as a system of government or a Ted Bundy or the local corrupt city council.

It gets too big for its britches and either good men or God will put an end to it. Do we have the will to stand up to evil, to the lies, the false science, the inhuman political system?

If we do, all will be well.

The communists have done the Long March through our institutions. Let us learn from them. Their evil policies and actions will bring legions of eager students to learn again of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Tunnel rats will be everywhere!



God wins!

And Joe Biden didn’t win!


I am hard on Biden but even harder on his wife. What women takes a man who is in decline as her husband is and allows him to be used?
She exposes his failings to the world. She must hate this country and her husband to do such a thing. She hates herself why would a women like her do this?
Her first husband should be happy having rid himself from such a demonic woman.
When I see her I only see evil anything good has gone a long time ago.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

The cruelty is breath-taking.


Yes it is.


she sees herself, for however short her reign will be, as a woman who will be given a spotlight, some power and a following. and a comfortable future. if she cared at all about her husband, she would seek other things…perhaps this is payback for all those other women he leered at and lusted over…

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

Something is wrong. Maybe this is a out of jail card ?

Deplorable Patriot

That’s my thought, that it’s part of a plea deal.


There is stuff in the wind from October that I’ve seen. Will not post any more than that.


Could you explain what you mean by plea deal?


Guessing, or at least from my angle.

“Plea deal”. I have always believed Beijing Biden support came with 1) Dementai Joe you do as the “handlers” say and 2) No charges for all of Beijing Biden’s and the Biend crime family crimes. Including pedo stuff. The asshoes walk free.


I think it’s all about protecting her son and she doesn’t care about anything else,


Is that her son or his from first marriage?


IDK..? I don’t think it matters?

I think it’s all about keeping hunter and the family incest out the news. They have the media on their side. Joe’s history is already known so he’s expendable.


Never thought of that


I can’t find a record of children from her firstr marriage. Hunter and Beau were Biden’s children from his first marriage, and they survived the accident that killed his wife and one-year-old daughter.




“Just think of all the good we can do with joe in the WH…”

said the evil puppet masters as they subtly grinned at the slowly acquiescing jill,

” …and think of the previous missteps(…narrator…HAH!) we can expunge from history, so joe is seen as a savior of our civilization and the one who ushered in The Great New World Order”

Concerned Virginian

Jill Biden will never again be able to take a real breath. She knows exactly what she did to push her failing husband just long enough to get him into the Oval Office. But it she thought that things would be fine, she’s quite wrong.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jill Biden was told on “Inauguration Day” last month by RobberJoe’s handlers, and likely in brutally-clear terms, just what her “role” is from now on. And it isn’t what she thought it would be at all. I believe she had a vague idea that she would be the 21st-Century version of “Edith Bolling Galt Wilson”, helping to run the country with a “Colonel House”. She was disabused of that idea right away.

She has no influence at all over his handlers, so they can make him do whatever they want. All she can do is watch him further deteriorate.

Now she gets to spend the rest of her wretched life living with the knowledge of what she’s done. It will drill down inside her, body-mind-spirit. All she can do is to ask the Almighty for mercy.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

Yes I am sure you are right. A tragedy for her and her husband most of all for the country and its people.


Amen. So be it.

Gail Combs

That woman was a CLIMBER from the get-go. She decided to hitch herself to Joe.

I wonder just how much Jill had to do with the death of Joe’s first wife.


Wow she is something


transgender is also very much yet another way to…

destroy the traditional family and the concept of what “a family” is;

degrade humanity;

create another victim class (class warfare);

👉 and bring a halt to the reproduction of human beings ( less childbirth = destroy human life)

it is also a blatant in your face assault on our traditional Judeo-Christian standards of moral conduct and our Scriptural guidelines for what is clearly right and wrong behavior.

those who encourage, foster and allow transgender perversions are simply Godless.

they detest The Light…they will try to kill it.

their minds are depraved…and rabidly hostile to what is lovely and just and of good report.

they are like possessed swine running insanely into the raging muck.


Trans = movement or conveyance from place to place (v) – or crossing (adj) – the ultimate goal is to combine the two genders into one – which will ultimately be able to reproduce without any interaction – remove the concept of intimacy or union – future ‘representations’ will provide continuity of reproduction – delineating the uniqueness of both genders – and God’s original creation – He made thee male and female – not a combination of both.

satan seeks to destroy God’s Creation – this is only one way he attempts to eliminate the perfect union of man and woman – the Baphomet represents his completed effort – since he cannot ‘create’ anything of value – he distorts what already exists.


Profound, Tonawanda.



Effeminate puffs.

Deplorable Patriot

Trained to do “the right thing” by the Rockefeller/Rothschild medical establishment. Event he nuns with the nursing orders caved.


Need more Jack Ikers.


Maybe during mass, the priest could wear gloves and put a mask on the consecrated host?

The silence from the majority of archbishops and cardinals in America’s RC church is really pathetic.

I remember back in the 60s in NOLA when Archbishop John Cody threatened to excommunicate some petty gangster down in Plaquemines Parish.

It worked then. The guy went full penitent.

Given the watered down washed out mumble jumble mealy mouth bs that comes from most RC priests today…..excommunication would be “so what?”‘

Deplorable Patriot

Where I sang this morning we had two dozen people in the pews. That’s more than any other one I’ve sung there in a while other than Christmas Eve.


the author of this article claims biteme will have some explaining to do…IF REALPOTUS were in the WH perhaps, but with the clowns running the circus, no one will ask him…
Biden is going to have some explaining to do after a phone call was just leaked between him and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko immediately after the 2016 presidential election. The phone shows that Biden attempted to sabotage the incoming Trump administration before Trump took office.

During the call, Biden trash-talking the incoming Trump administration.
“The truth of the matter is that the incoming administration doesn’t know a great deal about [Ukraine],” he said.

“I don’t plan on going away. As a private citizen, I plan on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that you have begun and we have begun,” Biden added.
Biden told the Poroshenko that the Trump administration doesn’t know anything about Ukraine and that they should use him – a private citizen – as a backchannel, that is a violation of the Logan Act.

The Logan Act bars private citizens from engaging in U.S. foreign policy, although its constitutionality remains questionable and no person has ever been convicted of violating it since it was signed into law in 1799.


Spanish Catholics Replace Cross in Defiance of Communist Mayor
.The world was shocked last month by images of a Cross being removed in Aguilera de la Frontera Spain and dumped at a skip, after Communist Mayor Carmen Flores demanded that it be removed.
.The anti Christian iconoclasm was the latest provocation from Spain’s Socialist government, who have dug up Franco’s dead body and are now threatening to blow up the Cross at the top of the Valley of the Fallen, in the sort of anti Christian hate not seen since Communists dug up dead bodies of nuns during the Spanish Civil War.


I keep thinking back to my trip to Spain.

The country was beautiful and the people were so friendly.
The memories of the civil war have barely faded and now they are going through it again.
Please pray for Spain.


Now why are communists afraid of the cross? Ask yourself that? They understand the power of the cross and what it stands for.They cannot squelch the power because we Christians carry Christ in our hearts.
Why are the WH communists coming after us? They fear the power that our faith represents. As a Christian my husband and I celebrate communion at home. Christ did not say it had to be in a church building. Christ did not say it had to be by the hierarchy of the church. Those are man made rules. Yes it is ideal to share communion in a groThe early church I consider foundation was held in homes. Christ taught in home churches.
Now that many churches are closed I feel free to worship at home. As a protestant I do not need an intermediary and am free to break bread at home.Christianity if we keep our unbroken relationship with the Living Christ and God.


Correction: Christianity will live on if we keep our unbroken relationship with the living Christ and God. Only we can break our relationship with God, God never breaks His relationship with Him.


This is a beautiful post.


I should have written , God never breaks His relationship with us. He always seeks it but we are to busy. Contemplation -Centering prayer reconnects us to Him who seeks us.


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And…𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A beautiful demonstration of how communists use race to foment hatred of whatever they oppose.


I do not remember this article from Sundance and Stella. It brilliantly lays out where we are at, even more-so now. Civic nationalism is futile, as useful as it can be in some circumstances. (And the futility should not mean no engagement.)

But what is the alternative?


Stella refers to Metaxas’ book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer too. Metaxas has been very much on point of late.


I took a class on Bonhoeffer. I prefer reading always the original books from authors .
A mentor of mine said because we bring our own interpretations.
Spiritually I connect better to the original author.
I do not know who Metaxas is?


Eric Metaxas is an interesting character. But he’s been well know lately for some of his biographies, such as William Wilberforce and of course Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He also used to lead Socrates in the City.

He has a program called The Eric Metaxas Show:

The Bonhoeffer book is a pretty heavy read – but really appropriate right now:


I’ve just started The Gulag Archipelago…😨

Valerie Curren

I just ordered that from my library, along with Sun Tzu’s Art of War!


Thank you I will look for the Author


Focus On The Family did a dramatic presentation on Bonhoeffer’s life back when James Dobson was still the head of the organization. There are three hours of Bonhoffer’s story on three CDs. I bought the set when it was first released. Very high quality in the cast and production, and very effective.

Highly recommended!
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Had those when I homeschooled. Memories. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! This is a key article. I love this quote from a colleague of Bonhoeffer’s:

we were resisting by way of confession, but we were not confessing by way of resistance.

This is key. This is what I was missing. This is what they are afraid of. They are afraid of actual resistance, and we must begin QUICKLY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Posted on Gab with this:

The money quote, from a theologian in Christian resistance to the Nazis:

“Thus we were approaching the borderline between confession and resistance; and if we did not cross this border, our confession was going to be no better than cooperation with the criminals. And so it became clear where the problem lay for the Confessing Church: we were resisting by way of confession, but we were not confessing by way of resistance.”

Thus, why actual RESISTANCE to the Chinazis and Bidenazis must begin now. Not merely confession. RESISTANCE.

Note how the left PRE-STOLE the word “resistance” in a cunning way.



wolfie, thank you for casting this bread upon many waters.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Morning Duchess!
started my SPRING cleaning…lol…hoping to lure the season out early…think it’ll work?
stay safe and warm with the weather fronts coming!
have a Blessed day!!


Morning, Pat! It is never too early to start Spring Cleaning – imho – letting it go until the warmer weather – it becomes overwhelming – Oh, Yes – I think it will work – by the time you are finished – you are ready for outdoor cleaning and planting new seeds – Great Idea, Pat!!!

Angels are ‘cleaning’ out the clouds – still dumping snow on us – but, I will take the snow over the ice of March.

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!


* Received and Appreciated *

Brave and Free

Great work Carl,
All of us can see ourselves in in these words if we’re honest with ourselves.


Oh yes. Scarily resonant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If we’re not catching ourselves near the edges of the lane, we may not even be on the road.


february 7, 2021 the marshall report

The only way the swamp can hold another impeachment without totally exposing their own evil doings and pre-planned orchestration, is to hold a lunatic style, illegal proceeding that has all the bells and whistles of Alice and Wonderland’s Red Queen shouting – “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!”

If anyone thinks this is all normal then let me remind you, nothing is normal at this time. Let me further remind the world, that no matter how many times the news says it was fair, the evidence that stems from a CIA raid in Frankfurt Germany, where people were shot and the CIA Director was arrested to secure the Dominion voting servers did take place.


I thought it was debunked ?


Gina is happily retired. I think she will be shocked to learn she was arrested.


The “disinformation” is very harmful to our side, IMO. (I would prefer a stronger word but will leave it at that.)

Deplorable Patriot

Then where is the announcement of her think tank job?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think anybody even bothered.


What was debunked, Sing?


The Frankfurt CIA operation and Haskel’s arrest?


Not sure about that, Sing – I heard Haskel was shot – AND – arrested – also that she resigned – so have no idea what to believe – I think she was forced to resign – but, that could also be because she was working against the Trump administration – holding back needed documents.

The last I heard was that she resigned. I still believe there was an operation in Germany – wherein they confiscated the servers – but even of that – I have no proof.

When Q says – ‘we have it all’ – I believe it – I believe they do have it all – the proof of interference from each suspected country – and how they did it – I also believe they have the vote totals that were taken when the systems in each state were shut down.

Deplorable Patriot

Word was also that Gina was singing like a bird.

At this point, we don’t even know how many game boards are going let alone what pieces are left and what combination of plays. Calling anything reported to be PAST may or may not be disinformation. Future stuff from where we are, yes, but what is past…what’s the point of misreporting it?


Heard that, too, DP – ‘singing like a bird’ – I just think there was something fishy going on because ‘allegedly’ – she was withholding pertinent info – for what – I have no idea – same as Wray – ‘allegedly’ uncooperative – ‘accidentally on purpose’?

Who knows? These CIA/FBI types are trained ‘not to talk’ – to divert – I think – so who IS talking – and HOW do they know – was there a RAID in Frankfort or not – does it matter – if ‘we have it all’? Q

Last edited 4 years ago by Nor'easter

Thank you. Good info.


Can’t read it unless you are a member.

Would someone please copy it to here?


It’s a video. He says that his sources in the WH told him that PT is not on Gab because of Jared Kushner.

That the @realDonaldTrump account is a placeholder for the President should he decide to join Gab, and that Andrew posted the President’s recent letter to the account because it was publicly released.

Then he said that fake news just assumed the President was now on Gab and reported it widely, never verifying with Gab if that was teue.


Thanks, Grandmaintexas!


I never thought it was a smart move to have that couple playing such a prominent role. Bad optics from the get go. I guess it could be said that the Kushner/Gab thing must be disinfo, but at some point that starts to sound like a catch-all excuse.


Personally, I DON’T give a rats damn IF President Trump goes active on GAB. It is NOT a BFD. To me anyway.


Jared accomplished what decades DoS fools and inept president could NOT. Peace in much of the ME.

Ivanka championed hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Many with training.

Wonder how much wealth they lost, serving America for FREE.

As I understand it, their salary was zero, zip, nada…NOTHING.


I was only talking about Torba saying Jared was in the way with Trump getting on gab. It doesn’t seem like he would say anything if he couldn’t back it up.


Understand. Torba has an agenda, which most everything I am VERY thankful for.

Beating on Jared or invoking Trump coulda, shoulda does nothing for MAGA.

President Trump is well aware of what is available. I continue to believe President Trump will largely run silent until shampeachment 2.0 is history.


Agreed. And I don’t by the Jared argument.

Gail Combs







grandma, if several sources are correct, and Epoch Times is also reporting it, President Trump is still contemplating his own social media platform.
if this pans out, it would indeed be a good idea to not head over to gab…good for us…

Sylvia Avery

😘 😘 😘 😘

Last edited 4 years ago by Sylvia Avery

FYI: The Rush letter to President Trump seems to be false. Posted aroudn social media and on OT by SD but can not find any reference to it in other places and actual denials of it by the radio company that no, it did not happen during his radio show. I posted it on gop social media and got burned. try to guard that social media carefully so as not to have it shut down or its credibility damaged. just sharing in case others have seen it and were maybe thinking of sharing it. might want to not share or share with caution unless you can verify it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lots of fake stuff right now that seems to be from state actors like China, DNC, or MIC. The hits on Mike Lindell and election fraud through postings of fake news by fake accounts of General McInerney on Telegram are VERY skillful.


Mass from America’s Catholic Church
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 7, 2021

The next livestream will begin Sunday, February 7 at 12:00 p.m. ET



Good Grace Confrontation | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas


Interested in military strategy? An article by Michael Shurkin, with the Rand Corporation.,on how warfare has evolved in this technological age. May give insight into why no one seems to know what the National Guard is doing in DC. 🤔


“Finally, Hubin, standing on Beaufre’s shoulders, is in a better position to grapple conceptually with a key challenge: the integration of military and non-military levers of power, of armed violence and political and information warfare, which requires the clear subordination of the military to political ends dictated by civilians. Multi-domain operations, in contrast, identifies the adversaries’ coupling of political and other forms of non-military action with military operations as a particular threat yet offers, at best, a muddled idea for how to deal with it.”


“The better a force can operate physically scattered and mixed up with the adversary, the more likely it is to succeed. To maintain coherence, commanders at all echelons will have to have a shared understanding of the situation and trust that everyone else is, in effect, on the same page. They will have to have confidence in their shared methods and the accuracy of their technique.”


“Moreover, in the absence of polarity, of a front and a rear, security now lies in initiative and in having the best understanding of the situation. “It is understanding, intelligence, and knowledge much more than power that are the origin of one’s liberty of action.”

Wait for it:

“Hubin’s arguments about economy of forces leads him to a powerful idea, one that, as we shall see, gives him an edge relative to multi-domain operations: Strategy in the kind of conventional warfare Hubin envisions is similar to the strategy required for waging asymmetrical warfare, particularly as Beaufre described it. Beaufre had written that, in asymmetrical warfare, the insurgent needs to understand that a “decision” cannot be sought in battle — where any concentration of means is suicide — but rather through an “external maneuver.” This means, for example, shaping public opinion abroad or, in general, using whatever levers of power one might have at one’s disposal other than military force to limit the adversary’s liberty of action and obtain an advantage. One must not focus on the tactical fight — wherein the objective is simply to hold on — but instead focus on the strategic level. This means, for the asymmetrical commander, “no axial maneuver, no arrows on a map, and no mass to dissimulate, but on the contrary an isotropic maneuver concerning the entire zone of action.” More importantly, it also means that the entire military campaign is subordinate to non-military maneuvers such as information warfare, psychological warfare, and the whole panoply of things one does to hem in the adversaries’ liberty of action. Correspondingly, this is where the counter-insurgent, the one seeking to defeat an asymmetrical campaign, also needs to focus.”


When I see military in DC I see the military being diploid against its people.
This has been in every tyrannical regime. The use of military is not a good sign and one wonders if the Generals who fought President Trump were in on this whole election coupe. They must be aware that Biden does have no longer mental capacity to be the commander and chief? Who is the commander and chief now? Who gives the orders?
Are the solders prepared to shoot their own fellow citizens?
You all think this was different when Hitler took over and the military did go against the citizens to establish full control over German citizens? Was no different when Stalin took over or Mao or any other two bit dictator. Biden a two bit dictator or is it Obama who gives the orders? Who? why is no one asking?

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Exactly correct. If you read this article closely, you can see exactly how the tactics have been deployed against…us.


There is NOTHING positive about the military presence in DC. Pure folly to think otherwise.


Yep. Processing…


grandma, boffo info!!!
Thanks a bunch!


Welcome. 😀


Question for the lurking gardeners. I know that there several here.

What do you make of the gift basket that Mrs Bribeme sent to Mrs Oblowme?

I love the WH kitchen garden, but as an avid grower, something seems off with the contents of the basket:


First the garden what was planted was Melania. I see different verities of kale. I still have kale and that is possible of one puts a cover over the vegetable bed that has a greenhouse effect. If the kale was just grown out it would have frozen and taste even better. The kale in the basket does not look as if it was out in the elements but covered if it truly came out of the garden . Broccoli is a stretch. Kohlrabi does not grow right now.
So Miss Jill is as good of a liar as her husband.


I agree. Perhaps they grow with row covers or cold frames, but they don’t show them in photos. Neither do they show the compost pile. And they don’t appear to use any type of green house.

The kale in the front looks like it’s been nibbled on, possibly damaged by frost, and slightly insect damaged.

IMO, it’s not impressive, even for the season. Could have filled it from WH stores, if storage exists. Garlic, onions, root vegetables, fresh herbs that winter over…

Certainly not a national symbol of productive abundance, and they don’t seem to understand that we recognize the difference.

Joe thinks there’s good, high paying jobs to be had in the production of chicken s***.


My herbs are under a cold frame so is Russian kale.


What Sing said.
DC just had a snow, maybe there was a quick run outside to salvage what they could?


2.6.21: ADVANTAGE to those who do not BROADCAST the GAMEPLAN! Hold the LINE! Pray!
And We Know Published  February 6, 2021


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

10 AM here, Darwin is acting very healthy (you can tell by how they stand sometimes), and I have a pound of bacon in the fridge, a situation that needs to be rectified.

And some of you lurkers seem to be unaware that Joe Biden didn’t win, so I’d better rectify that too:

Joe Biden didn’t win.


good to hear!
{{whispering}} well not the bacon part…
ignore my question about Darwin in another reply…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Excellent timing…I was replying to that since it was about the housing of congresspukes, and was going to answer your Darwin question by suggesting looking over here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(As for the bacon heresy, I choose to ignore it.)


I am happy for Darwin and you that he is feeling better. 🙂


Pound of bacon – that’s enough for one really nice sandwich.

Tell ‘Spike’ Peaches says hello!

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is Peaches a lizard of your acquaintance?

And he says Hi back.


She’s Darwin aka Spike’s anonymous admirer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was wondering what species she was.


She’s very rare…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Still have no idea what kind of lizard that is.

There are a LOT of different kinds of lizards. There are almost more different kinds of lizards than there are mammals.

There are something like six thousand species of lizards out there. That’s just the one sub-order of class Reptilia; snakes (another sub-order in that class) account for another 2,900 or so species.

By contrast the entire class Mammalia only has 6,400 species.


Here’s a cute little pet. However, they do grow up to a size not suitable for an indoor pet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s certainly true.

There are smaller species, and one of the reptile shops has an enclosure set up for them, but that’s a huge expense.


Great news on Darwin! Good to hear he’s got his swagger back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well he was interested in horn worms (they’re actually caterpillars) today but not the roaches. I’m fine with that; the roaches “keep” better.

Concerned Virginian

So that’s why roaches are so d@mn hard to get rid of!
Cheers to you and to Darwin.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, at the very least…it’s a different kind of roach, not the cockroach. These suckers apparently cannot breed in less than 90 degree heat. So they’d not survive long in Colorado (though in places like Florida they must be handled with great caution).


When my son worked in an entomology dep at a University one summer we visited him. He showed us the lab and there were hundred of roaches about 1-2 ” running around. They apparently got out of an tank and multiplied like crazy. They were unable to spray because it would affect the research. The good thing about the job he got to take home free mice for his snakes.

Concerned Virginian

Thanks so much. I had visions of cockroaches trying to infest your domicile!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To the best of my knowledge there are no cockroaches in this house.

But those first six words are a huge caveat.

In Colorado they cannot survive a winter in the outdoors, so as long as you don’t bring them home with you from somewhere else you’re probably in pretty good shape. They won’t just move in from outside because they’re not native.

I take some steps to try to avoid them getting in here, up to and including leaving my luggage outside for a few days when I come home from a warmer place.

Concerned Virginian

Understood about “those first six words”. Last time I said them in the house where I’m staying in NC, a couple of “urban-sized” specimens ran out from under the fridge.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Generally people will see one eventually.

Which means there are another million of them.

Elizabeth Carter

duchess, This is a perfect description of HUMILITY. Thanks for posting this. Liz


Most welcome, Liz. Scott reminds us where to concentrate our daily effort.


New Biden order: Deportation warnings halted because they cause ‘undue stress’ on illegal migrants.@JessicaV_CIS ‘Since when is the law not enforced because the person who broke it might become upset or stressed?’

— Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) February 7, 2021


Since when is the law not enforced because the person who broke it might become upset or stressed

When the criminals are special, entitled minorities.



so cute!!!




Very interesting!
Cannonades to liberate Pope Benedict XVI
FromRome.Info will publish 20 articles from now till Feb. 12, 2021, demonstrating that Benedict XVI is still the one and only true pope, and that Bergoglio was never, therefore, canonically elected.


comment image

And…JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.



Valerie Curren

anagram games 🙂


TPTB want everyone to call attention to their own breath.

They want everyone to recognize, in a most personal way, how destructive CO2 can be. This is so mass populations demand an end to CO2 in their homes, work places, and in the public sphere.

They are ready to sell WELL health safety certifications for all buildings, while providing the sensors and filters to detect and remove the problem.

As always, TPTB are on both sides of the financial equation, and they want us to know exactly how expensive our breath is.


Comments to this are wonderful…


Yet she’s on TV today saying there’s no place for Trump in the GOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Which is indicative of what they are gonna try and do to him with the impeachment…which is basically crucify him.




won’t happen!


And against the constitution. They are criminals disregarding the constitution they swore on the Bible on. Their words are a farce in the wind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s spelled “fart.”



Valerie Curren

That was my thought too…great (or is it adolescent?) minds!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It can be both!

Valerie Curren

Then around here we are surely a family of geniuses!!! My husband has ADHD & I regularly tell him he’s the biggest kid in the room–in the best possible way. He helps keep me more light-hearted than my natural intense state would allow otherwise 😉


She is as ugly as her father insight and out. No ethical compass just greed of power guides her.
We need to defeat the establishment they are not American citizens friends.




Which is why her whole statement makes no sense.



NanXi’s bish cuchold Mitch has cheney’s back so the censure is meaningless.

we know of it.
no one else cares.


It is not meaningless. The citizens of Wyoming have repudiated her.

They will primary her next.

We will see if the cheaters feel confident enough to keep cheating in places like Wyoming.

We need a national strategy to HEAVILY TARGET RINOS and get them replaced with MAGA.

The GOP will not survive if they don’t embrace Trumpism.


The people of Wyoming are strong people and MAGA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Talk back to DEFEATISM.

Times are tough, but WE are tougher.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mitch is irrelevant here as Ch*n*y is in the House, not the Senate.


This woman is UNBELIEVABLY STUPID. Aubergine’s Razor could apply to her in other circumstances, but this statement is just DUMB, period. Talk about politically tone-deaf!

Good luck, moron. You’d better hope the Demoncrats are willing to cheat big for you to win, or come 2022, you are OUT! You have a TEN PERCENT approval rating in your state!



I could not agree with you more.



i think people like her are water testers…
trying to gauge the feelings of the 80 million of us who support him…
she basically has no future with us, so she’s trying to see what support she might have with the dems…or if any of us have turned their backs on REALPOUTS…not happening sister…


The hubris of this woman. How ’bout we the people decide that, Lefty Liz.


Who died and left her boss?

Deplorable Patriot

No one died, but she was voted into that position.

Really, the entire party is trying to non-chalant past the graveyard, just ignoring the boiling tar.


I was just being snarky, DP – agree about the boiling tar – this is all too bizarre – her constituents want nothing to do with her – but – they don’t care – we do what we want – you (the people she represents) have no say – while we know they do not represent us – here it is – right out in the open for all to see – how will she face those she represents?

Here is a perfect example of why we need to fix our election system – and establish term limits – so people like her and Mad Max cannot cheat their way into office.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


If we can’t fix the system, nothing else will really matter.

The problem is, even if the system is honest as far as vote counting goes, there are built in issues that still make it likely they can continue to control us, because we still aren’t in control of who ends up on the ballot. And third parties are inherently weak because we have first-past-the-post voting, so they can’t lose to them either except in the most extraordinary scenarios.

If I (I’ll roleplay a uniparty corruptocrat) get to pick the nominee, I don’t care if the vote itself is honest. You’ll still get a RINO or a dem. Suits me either way.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is why I think both parties need to be extinguished – and – you brought up a great point – about control over the ballot.

We need ‘Election Reform’ – because it is certainly not as our Founders envisioned – that ‘anyone’ could aspire to any office – I seem to recall ‘two sets of certifications’ for a certain candidate who was ‘allegedly’ ineligible to run for the office to which he aspired – long story – however – that has now been explained – so it really did not matter.

Yes – it appears our candidates are ‘selected’ for us – that ‘primary’ rule where you need to be a member of the party to vote in the primary – kinda puts a kibosh on any other candidates offered for consideration.

It is all so frustrating – and annoying – I thank God PT got through the mire and prevailed – we would have missed out on the Greatest President in History.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are two concepts that might break the two party deadlock: Instant Runoff Voting and Approval Voting. Both allow you to vote for a third party without fear that you’re taking a vote away from a major party you could live with and allowing the one you can’t live with to win.


Interesting – was wondering how that would work – and here it is – Thanks, Steve.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I agree. The parties themselves need to be deep-sixed.


Seems to me – this two-party system was a set-up from the get go – just like the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ were set up to ‘divide and conquer’ – is it true we are a nation at a 50/50 divide? I don’t think so – people did not vote for PT because he was a Republican – they voted because of who he is and what he did for America – and that had nothing to do with being either a Republican or Democrat – still say he got 100M votes – and WON by a LANDSLIDE!

Deplorable Patriot

Well…left and right actually is a hangover from French parliament where the people who shared Marxist/communist/socialist views sat on the left of the room and the conservatives on the right. It just sort of stuck.


Exactly, DP – one way to keep us divided – united we are a detriment to their plans to control all of us.


So she essentially just flipped off the people that censured her. That should work out nicely. She thinks she’s taking the high road here, but in reality she’s on the road to nowhere. Happy travels lady.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She’s secure in her seat and her leadership role until 2023. By then, she’ll have a backup plan in place. And that is assuming the best; at worst she’s been promised a prominent place in the new order.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Perfectly said.


Yes. The optics of her being booted from Congress will speak LOUDLY ACROSS THE NATION.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But who is going to boot her out of Congress between now and 2022?

She cannot be recalled. She can’t be thrown out unless Congress itself expels her. That’s the sole remedy, our Framers did it that way so Congress would be independent.

Even being arrested and convicted of a felony doesn’t do it, though in the past that would usually cause the House to expel the person.

And even in 2022 I don’t expect it will happen, to be honest. And she doesn’t seem to be in the slightest bit concerned about it which means she either doesn’t care (she won’t run), or she’s convinced she’ll pay no price.


I was assuming in 2022.

The anger isn’t going away.

Every ass we can get out of Congress is one less ass we need to worry about later.

If they openly cheat in 2022 all bets are off.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I believe they will openly cheat. But even if they don’t, there are plenty of perfectly legitimate tactics that can be used to ensure a worthless sack of shit incumbent doesn’t get primaried. (And let’s face it if in November she’s on the ballot next to the word “Republican” she is home free, because people will vote against the “Democrat” in Wyoming.)

I don’t know if Trump (and associates) have a coordinated plan or not.

We had a situation here in my county around 2000 where one incumbent was *very* unpopular with the party rank-and-file, the ones who go to county assemblies and so on. So he didn’t go that route. He didn’t even try to get nominated by the party county convention (if they had rejected him that would have been final), instead he petitioned onto the primary ballot and was renominated in a landslide; the typical primary voter went by name recognition alone and didn’t know that he was screwing over the rural part of the county (ones that didn’t live in his district).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or, another option, is she looks at it and realizes she can’t win…so she announces her retirement (so she won’t suffer the humiliation of losing), gets a cushy job on whatever Yellow Stream News network is most prominent as an “analyst” (she can be the token “conservative”) and she’s rich.


We should let McCarthy know he screwed up and If he ever wants to be leader of the house he better take her out of leadership position. We should bombard all the republican house critters who voted on keeping her. We should ask them if Cheney speaks for the republican party?


This is why people hate the GOP and the RNC, and that will continue unless and until we see MAGA types taking over. Cheney is just like the Left; she got censured in her state and had a censure vote in Congress, yet she doubles down against PDJT. And these people think we will support them. There is a strange disconnect.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I doubt that she CARES if we support her at this point.


I doubt that she cares, but somewhere down the line, the GOP is going to have to have supporters. Those who support her and her betrayal of PDJT and the country will not have our support, either. To me, there is a huge disconnect with the GOP, which doesn’t seem to recognize our anger.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, if you’re talking about the party as a whole rather than just Ch*n*y, I can see that.

Though I have no doubt many in the GOP are of the same mind as she.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Obedience to the Party. ”

All that needs be said.


For our Butterfly when she flutters by:
comment image

And of course…ʝօɛ ɮɨɖɛռ ɖɨɖռ’ȶ աɨռ.


ooooooooooooooohhhhhh she’s pretty!


This is so beautiful just breath taking.
Miss Butterfly also but maybe she just needed time out?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know but she did respond to my video on Gab.


Good 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So you could perhaps get in touch on Gab.


Thank you.
I have a Gab account and cannot get in. I have not tried hard enough. Normally if I put my mind to something I can do it is just right now do not feel like it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just remember the most important thing.

Joe Biden didn’t win.


I will never forget that Biden did not win

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s fine, just as long as you don’t forget that Biden didn’t win. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope you two realize that Biden didn’t win.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but do YOU realize that Biden didn’t win?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am absolutely certain that Biden didn’t win!


I heard that….



There must be an echo in here,
I keep hearing

biden didn’t win.


Ok, don’t flame me! If anyone is like me and has no idea who the celebrities are that people are talking about sometimes…..this is one of the superbowl entertainers.
The guy appears unbalanced to me. The lyrics of his “music” are also disgusting but this article focuses on his persona. Liberals are so messed up.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Secrets of The Weeknd’s face, from bloody horror to ‘surgery’ shocker

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, this is a beautiful example of cultural Marxist degeneracy using a small cover of “commentary on the times”, but the reality is the visceral payload – to NORMALIZE blood and gore, trauma and humiliation, as entertainment.


Not to mention disfigurement of the body as a pastime or goal. So disturbing but this is what they trot out to entertain the masses and also promote to teens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are attempting to create a subpopulation of orcs to destroy America. It’s pretty genius, but it’s evil as hell.


If they keep isolating kids for years on end don’t be surprised if a lot of them start mutilating themselves out of boredom. Sounds nutty but any adrenalin inducement is better than the tedium of days doing little to nothing at home.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They already do with all those danged piercings and gauges


While the mayhem is breaking out I’m sure they’ll do a societal pause to swoop in and get all the legal guns and then when that’s done back to the carnage.

Okay, I watched. Did they just glorify guns and violence again at, what… this was the superbowl half time event… wow. When does Biden invite him up through all those layers of security at the Bidenese Headquarters to give him his citizen participation trophy?

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

I can’t look. I couldn’t watch CSI with all the gore.


Looked interesting but… One thing for certain is I have no attention to follow through that article to figure out where it leads or what it means. I don’t know the guy, don’t care about the guy, his song, his face, his message, none of it and top that off with I’m starting so far from behind. Was there even a Superbowl today? Sounds like they’re may have been, but the only news about a Superbowl I’m interested in is how few people were uninterested in it. Anyway, still waiting here patiently for America to wake up.

Yipes… sees the orc statements down below.. Do I have to pay attention to this suff.. ackkk!

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’, Tesla keeps on rollin’….
comment image



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Freedom of speech – bring it on!!!  😉 

Seriously, though, a bit of resistance now is needed.


Yes. But based on mask compliance, not sure where the resistance will come from.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mask non-compliance is clearly where to begin.


Love you, Wolf!!


I agree with every word. If we one day I wake up and there are mass arrests or white hat military takeover I’m not going to feel shame and tear my clothes as penance that my faith wavered. Reality is what we see right now. Right now things are careening toward a disastrous end . We must try to fight somehow and we can only do that by at the very least acknowledging that the saviors might need to be us..literally us.
We are (me) stunned right now. We’re in uncharted waters here in the great USA. We never thought it could happen here but it did.

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

I hear you. I don’t see inconsistency in stating what we see right now, which looks grim, while hoping there is a plan that will yield at least some of the results we’d like, while making plans and taking action on our own. I don’t see it as a zero sum game. That is not what the article posted by Grandmaintexas said. It says the U.S. is dead. I think it’s way too early to make such a pronouncement.

I always caution people about getting their hopes up for the next “event,” which almost always disappoints. How many people/agencies have let us down? But the situation is dire. I do not count PDJT out, nor even Q. But we have to prepare in every way to fight and to protect ourselves and the country, as we can.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree with the article insofar as it says there’s no miracle succor on its way. But I *do* think the fate it describes is still avertable. Just that it won’t happen if half of us are waiting for the miracle.


I think that the propaganda arm of the DNC/Cabal/Deep State nexus should be the first order of business to address.

Take them out of the equation.

Throw monkey wrenches into their ‘machinery’. Unplug them at every opportunity. Gum up the ‘works’. Make them rue the day…

Deplorable Patriot

Sick of this $#!+. If there really wasn’t something going on in the background, the Capitol Building would not have military personnel guarding it day and night.

Anyone who thinks Trump & Company are really done, can kiss my grits…and I don’t eat grits.


Agree 100%!


I’m with you De Pat

been what? 17/18 days since the Fake Inauguration, AND “a bit of resistance now is needed” ????

Two days until the shampeachment and POTUS’ lawyers lay out THE STEAL…

Not much faith in the US Military… do y’all think it would just hand over the Country to the Chinese?

And POTUS would give up!!!???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And when…not IF but when…the shampeachment defense turns out to be a non event, what will you fixate on next in order to avoid seeing the truth?


The faster one sees truth confronts it the quicker healing begins.
I like to face things to get it over with. Should things prove otherwise I am the more joyful. My personality. I never wallow longer than a day then I move forward whatever it is.
Every person deals differently.


The thing is that laying out the steal TO the very people that created the steal is problematic.
They’ve got the public ,other than us , brainwashed to not believe anything that is factual. Media comes along right behind any expose yelling not true.

Proof of the fraud most likely won’t all of a sudden make DemCom pols slap their foreheads in awe and change course. Hell, we can’t even get our own side to stand up to the steal


IT’S NOT FOR THE DIMS… it’s for the Normies.

For them to see how it was STOLEN.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You think the Normies are going to see it before it’s carefully filtered and “debunked” and “fact checked?”


I’m done talking to you peeps… wallow in your gloom

“Fixiate”… so, I’m fixiated…

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t blame you, but at this point this place is becoming an echo chamber, and it is not pretty.


which is why I’ve stayed away as much as possible.

I admire you De Pat…

Deplorable Patriot

And probably why Marica’s place has so much traffic.


I’m not clear on this place then.
It’s a good echo chamber if people agree with only one point of view that can offer no direction to the imminent destruction of the global cabal’s stranglehold on almost all Western countries, including ours but it’s an ugly echo chamber if members dare speak of another more ominous outcome?
As for me, I can wait quietly and hope that you’re right.
It’s unfair for all of the true believers to go radio silent and pop in and out with mean spirited sh*t .
If there’s good news please share it.

Deplorable Patriot

It has been shared and then poo-pooed by the ones who refuse to believe that we are not seeing everything going on.

After enough of that sort of abuse, why would those passing on information bother?



Deplorable Patriot

Such the engineer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Deplorable Patriot

Let me count the ways.


The longer this goes on, the more repulsed the American people become, and the easier it will be for them to accept that the military is in temporary control. None of these bogus E.O.s that Bidung is signing will go into effect. It will take 30 days before anything could go into effect.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tell that to the folks who’ve already lost their jobs.


If true, it’s temporary.


dunno…that TIME article was a surprise.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, 2/3 of the nation doesn’t believe Biden won. That’s a place to start as I think the number is much higher given the way polls are conducted.

Far fewer people are actually watching MSM programming than in the past. I don’t think the sheep are as asleep as they once were.


Personally, I’ve gone into “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best” mode.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the safe way to go, but I doubt very much there is going to be a “worst.”


More like being prudent, rather than safe.


This looks like the Deep States operating manual for the last four years. But is actually pages from something called the SIMPLE SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL

Organizations and Conferences
(1) Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
(2) Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your “points” by long anecdotes and accounts of per­sonal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate “patriotic” comments.
(3) When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and considera­tion.” Attempt to make the committees as large as possible — never less than five.
(4) Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
(5) Haggle over precise wordings of com­munications, minutes, resolutions.
(6) Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.
(7) Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and urge your fellow-conferees to be “reason­able” and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.
(8) Be worried about the propriety of any decision — raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the juris­diction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon.
(b) Managers and Supervisors
(1) Demand written orders.
(2) “Misunderstand” orders. Ask endless questions or engage in long correspondence about such orders. Quibble over them when you can.
(3;) Do everything possible to delay the delivery of orders. Even though parts of an order may be ready beforehand, don’t deliver it until it is completely ready.
(4) Don’t order new working materials until your current stocks have been virtually ex­hausted, so that the slightest delay in filling your order will mean a shutdown.
(5) Order high-quality materials which are hard to get. If you don’t get them argue about it. Warn that inferior materials will mean in­ferior work.
(6) In making work assignments, always sign out the unimportant jobs first. See that the important jobs are assigned to inefficient workers of poor machines
. (7) Insist on perfect work in relatively un­important products; send back for refinishing those which have the least flaw. Approve other defective parts whose flaws are not visible to the naked eye.
(8) Make mistakes in routing so that parts and materials will be sent to the wrong place in the plant.
(9) When training new workers, give in­complete or misleading instructions.
(10) To lower morale and with it, produc­tion, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.
(jj.) Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
(12) Multiply paper work in plausible ways. Start duplicate files.
(13) Multiply the procedures and clearances involved in issuing instructions, pay checks, and so on. See that three people have to approve everything where one would do.
(14) Apply all regulations to the last letter.
(c) Office Workers
(^L) Make mistakes in quantities of material when you are copying orders. Confuse similar names. Use wrong addresses.
(2) Prolong correspondence with govern­ment bureaus.
(3) Misfile essential documents.
(4) In making carbon copies, make one too few, so that an extra copying job will have to be done. (5) Tell important callers the boss is busy or talking on another telephone.
(6) Hold up mail until the next collection.
(7) Spread disturbing rumors that sound like inside dope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’ve just described the majority of ChiComs working in Shallow State!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Also described many people in politics. And not the sort of people I wish were in politics.


Actually the source is, “Office of Strategic Services Washington, D. C. 17 January 1944″

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a description of just about every workplace I’ve ever been in.


We have a few like that around here…


Somehow we are going to have to work Biden’s 3 hour work day into this.


Sounds like Congress.


Government waste critic: Deceased will get stimulus checks under Biden $1.9T stimulus plan
“They are going to once again send checks out to dead people,” Tom Schatz told Just the News.


I haven’t received the most recent $600 check yet. There was a mandated deadline of January 15 for the checks/deposits to have been made.

I checked with the IRS web page that tracks the payments. No record of one listed for me.

My conspiracy theory skepticism has me wondering if I got put on a ‘do not pay’ list for my online MAGA involvement.


I got a check ? wonder if they send it to wrong address or someone skimmed it off?


I got one, too, but my mother didn’t. Neither did my brother.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m suspecting they figured out how to pay for these checks.

They cost nothing if they only pretend to send them out.

Steve in Lewes

I’ve been doing my taxes with TurboTax for many years.
I’ve already have mine completed and just waiting on some 1099’s to verify
amounts etc.

Neither wife or me receive a stimulus check in early 2020 or recently; made too much
money I assume. Anyways, while doing our 2020 return Tubo takes you through a series of questions and one was “did you or your spouse receive a stimiulus check either time”; obviously answered No.

It comes back and says “Congratulations, you and wife are entitled to a tax credit of $3,250.” Wowsa, didn’t expect that…much better than a measly $600 govt BOHICA check!

btw – BOHICA=bend over, here it comes again…Congress does that so well!!!.


It’s technically a “refund”. If you normally have to pay or don’t get a refund, then you’re likely not to get one. Son was explaining this to me. In addition, the payments were either direct deposited or you got a phony looking credit card in the mail. Some people thought they were phony and chucked them. Found that out from one daughter who did get one.

Deplorable Patriot

I got mine, so if I got mine, you’ll get yours.

It took two weeks to arrive from Washington, though. And my dad’s hasn’t shown up. Personally, I think it’s the post office where the problem is.


Well of course they’re sending checks to dead people .. can’t really expect the last crop of dead people who voted in the last election, to show up AGAIN in the NEXT, if they doesn’t get paid!?
The labor board and unions would be on that like white on rice.
And there are thousands of them , it would CRUSH an indispensable industry voting block overnite !!

# Long Live Voting Dead People INC. /S  😆 
and joe biden didn’t win


Bet he does know one thing about this.

demented degenerate dork


The governor needs to do something, and, if blocked, file lawsuits.

Gail Combs

I put this on the wrong thread.

WOLFIE and Treepers,
This is a LONG… 1hr, 40 minute, interview. However starting at the 27 minute mark there is a discussion by THREE DOCTORS Plus Lin Wood (your rights if your work FORCES vaccine) on the INJECTION. (It is not even a Vaccine by the normal definition. And yeah it changes your DNA, or at least how your DNA works and you maybe looking at Auto-immune disease down the road.)
It is a nice round-up to hand to normies.
If you want to skip Lin Wood, go to 53:30 for the discussion by two of the doctors.

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓸𝔂 𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓷… 𝓗𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓪!


informative and interesting at the same time. My husband has stage three kidney failure he will not take the vaccination .He does not know half the stuff we know here on this forum thanks to all the good people posting here. Something very sad people 80 and over hoping to have a couple of years and then hit with complications from a vaccine.
Younger people still have lots of life left who might find out having later in life problems.


Thank you Gail!

Gail Combs

Any doubts about Saul being a ‘GOPe Pied Piper just got completely squashed by this idiotic statement. I doubt Saul even bothered to LOOK at the evidence!

Saul M. Montes-Bradley II

@truth_seeker @ThomasWic @REX @DuaneCates @drawandstrike

He’s an imbecile, the two hours of hot air and rehashed old shitcwS way oversold, and he better go back to pillows.

He does more harm than good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – now this makes sense.

“The Liz Cheney of Exiled Twitter Pundits”

Gail Combs

Check out my next post and do click on the link to the specific Wictor Toot.

These toots tells me the GOPe was most DEFINATELY IN ON THE CAPITAL ‘Riots’ and it was ALL about smearing Conservatives as the beginning of the attack needed to TAKE OUR GUNS.

There is NOTHING to say that FBI Agents Provocateur were inciting what ever hot heads they could find in the MAGA movement as well as using ANTIFA and BLM


I wish you were wrong.

If the GOPe was in on it, I hope that the details come out quite clearly in the coming days.

In a way that is, um, meaningful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mitch helped lower security. He was in on it.

Gail Combs


We the People HAVE NOT been represented for a very, very long time. For AT LEAST a Century if not more.

Gail Combs

I should add this is EXACTLY like the ATTACKS on the Tea Party by the Demon-Rats, GOPe and CoC.

In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports
h ttp://

in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows “Democrats attracting 36% of the vote.

The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%,

and Republicans finish third at 18%.

Another 22% are undecided….”

Yet a few scant months later, in February 2010, Rasmussen Reports shows:
Tea Party Candidate Now Comes In Last On Three-Way Generic Ballot
h ttp://


First a bogus poll showed the Tea Party was ‘Racist’
This poll was cited in all the major newspapers.  By using a rigged ‘poll’ that was then blasted to everyone by the controlled media the Elite convinced the general public that the Tea Party was RACISSSssss.

Tea Party Distinguished by Racial Views and Fear of the Future | Diane D. Blair Center of Southern Politics & Society


Question (Answer)

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have [insert jobs, schools, housing, healthcare…], even if it means you will have to pay more taxes? [It is not the responsibility of the federal government!]

Soros then started Occupy Wall Street Astroturf to sweep the discontented into the DEMOCRAT party using arguments stolen from the Tea Party.

Meanwhile the IRS/Gov’t was weaponized against the leaders and even smaller donors as one Treeper related. (Donate to the Tea Party? Get an IRS Audit.)

The IRS Targeting of Catherine Engelbrecht [True the Vote & King Street Patriots]

“…After filing for tax-exempt status, Catherine and her husband, Bryan, found themselves targeted by a myriad of government agencies, including law enforcement, for what Engelbrecht would later conclude was simply having a difference of political opinion from that of the Obama administration. Ultimately, the couple and the organizations endured 15 different instances of audit or inquiry into their affairs…..”

Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups… — Sundance


ALSO the Tea Party Demonstrations WERE mostly NOT COVERED by the Fake News.
Washington Compost: ‘Tea party’ protesters gather in Washington to rally against taxes, spending

And when they became too large to ignore the Swamp sprang into action!

Finally the Big Boys stepped in to deliver the final blows:

How We Killed the Tea Party
“Greedy super PACs drained the movement with endless pleas for money to support “conservative” candidates—while instead using the money to enrich themselves. I should know. I worked for one of them.” — PAUL H. JOSSEY

Not to mention the “conservative” candidates we did manage to elect magically turned into RINO!!!

Chamber of Commerce to Spend $100 Million to Destroy Tea Party

“There is no clearer sign of hubris than this: Establishment Senate Republicans are breaking with the president because Trump’s approval-disapproval rating is 42 percent-55 percent. And what is the approval-disapproval rating of the GOP Senate geniuses of self-preservation? It’s 12 percent-69 percent.”

There’s a latent key piece of information there that points beyond the ‘same old song’ – Republicans in Congress will support Trump’s agenda whenever they’re motivated enough to, but if it becomes politically inexpedient to them, they’ll stop & even pump the brakes. In other words, they’re politicians & we should expect neither more nor less from them than their nature allows…

h ttps://


Always trust your gut.

Gail Combs

The other repeating theme is THIS:

Thomas Wictor


Watch this long video when you get the chance.

Those are all conservatives.

And they screwed up.

Just admit it. Don’t defend them. YOUTUBE LINK

I hope this shows the picture. The FIRST thing I notice WAS THE HAT WORN BACKWARD… = ANTIFA!!!


If that is stripped go HERE


Whatever. Anyone who can’t acknowledge clear reporting showing twenty of the people are decidedly not MAGA are people who are ignoring facts to support an alternate reality.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Nice mix of people in this one. Many MAGA got drawn in.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We were called.

We answered.

And then “they” used us.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In an alternate reality, Mitch and the Capitol Hill Police insisted on a smarter plan to deal with the crowd, and we were smartly routed to adequate space, where we listened to a boring rally, until Pence manned up and rejected the cheater swing states, at which point we all cheered wildly.

Ah, but that would have meant China wouldn’t beat the US immediately. Can’t have that!

Thank you, Shanghai Mitch.
Thank you, “Do You Like Gladiator Movies, Kid?” Mike

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL at that latter line.

I saw a “making of” feature for the movie Airplane, and Peter Graves said there that he was worried someone would arrest him when he asked the kid about seeing a grown man naked. yes, he was playing a part but that was a real kid and he was saying that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – that is a VERY uncomfortable line to deliver – for SOME of Hollywood!!! 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even for those who are comfortable of it, they don’t like being FILMED saying it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And if that scene had been deleted, it would not have detracted from the movie overall.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce
Elizabeth Carter

Sauce, That was well done. Thanks for posting it. Liz

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of course it wasn’t “The Times” but “Time” (the magazine). So right off the bat in the title there’s a whopping error.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

February 6, 2021

What to Expect from Trump’s Upcoming Impeachment Trial
By Jonathon Moseley

Each side has submitted briefs.  The Democrat impeachment managers released an 80-page trial brief in small print.  Trump’s new lead attorneys, Bruce L. Castor, Jr. and David Schoen, submitted an “Answer” from Donald Trump later the same day on February 2, 2021.  It is only 13 pages in big type plus a conclusion and signature block.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image




Oh that is SO WRONG . . .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes, sometimes Babylon is NOT FUNNY!  😅 


Biden supporters threaten to burn down DC…
Posted by Kane on February 7, 2021 10:58 am

comment image


The article says this is part of a “DC Queer and Trans Black History Month March and Rally.”

First, they use the term “queer”? I thought that went out decades ago.

Also, I don’t believe there are enough people in the stated group to comprise an effective rally (riot). I think they have lots of “reenforcements.”

Beyond the stated goal (???), they are just stirring up race and gender issues. I didn’t think they would do that under a (fake) Dem administration. To me, this is a sign of the NWO globalists continuing to take down America, despite who (has not) won the election. That’s outsider influence that we need to recognize and stop.


True, Truths – creating something out of nothing – what they do best.

Just when you think they cannot come up with something more ludicrous than what they presented before – Bingo – they do it again – wonder who sits up at night and thinks about creating these obnoxious scenarios – these people ARE stupid.


just got done watching an old George Carlin dvd…in it he discusses “conceal reality”…how our language has “evolved”.
WW1…soldiers suffered shell shock. WW2, it changed to battle fatigue; Korean War it was operational exhaustion and then Vietnam War it became post traumatic distress disorder…diluting and sanitizing the condition…
he is pretty raw and not for everyone, but definitely ahead of his time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s just a comedian, so don’t take him seriously. (/sarc!!!!)


I’ve watched him before and he’s raw and rude and can be funny as hell…but he was criticizing pc speech before we even knew exactly what that was.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed he was.

Nothing was sacred, he took on religion too.


oh yeah…in this one he described the 10 Commandments as a “control the masses” device and managed to consolidate them into just 2 basic ones.


managed to colidated them into just 2 basic ones …

maybe he was quoting Jesus who did the same

Matthew 22:36-40, New International Version

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I recall, that wasn’t just the ten commandments he was speaking of, but the entire Law (as indicated by your quote of the question he was asked). But even the ten commandments could be divvied, first four to Jesus’s first, last six to his second.


in this one it was definitely the 10 Commandments. he questioned why ten? and decided because it sounded most authoritative.
anyway it boiled down to: honor and be faithful to the one that gives you nookie and do not kill someone unless their invisible head guy doesn’t agree with your invisible head guy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL…yes, I am sure GC was talking about the ten, just as I am sure JC in Matthew was going on a broader scope.

GC’s answer was a great deal more humorous, too.


Brazen highway robbery caught on Tesla Cam…
Posted by Kane on February 7, 2021 11:08 am


Gee, just like life in any other third world shithole.


Sad, isn’t it, Henry? Perfect example of those tho think they are ‘entitled’ to the fruits of the labor of others – who think they can just take what belongs to another – and not have to work to earn what they have – I hope they catch this thief!!!


What Happened on Freedom Day 2-1-21? 2-7-21
RedpillTheWorld Published  February 7, 2021

Melissa’s Post of Nino Rodriguez on Telegram


Time Magazine Admissions of Election Interference 2-7-21
RedpillTheWorld Published  February 7, 2021

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a REALLY good analysis of the “confession” of THE STEAL. Extremely good – maybe better than the video.


they really are trying to portray themselves as saviors. it’s disgusting.


Justification of evil doing of criminality of breaking the constitution.
” The end justify the means.” No regard for the law as long as I get what I want.
A men beads his wife and says “I did it for your own good.” How often have I heard that from women who were abused.
The cheated not for their power trip but to save democracy. How many left wingers believed that? How many despots promise the world and then in power betray the people who put them there.
They forgot we are a Democratic Republic.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

agreed…and when the time comes…THAT will be their defense…we were saviors not sinners…that’s how deluded they WANT us to believe they are.
they’re not power hungry animals, they’re misguided saviors…


80 million people need to send that Time article to Bill Barr who didn’t see any evidence of election fraud. But he probably still wouldn’t get it.


Bar does NOT care about Law & Order. Barr is in Justic’s top tier. They do whatever they want. Us peasants, not so much.


Barr is Bush swamp.


I spit in his general direction.


If I were a dog 🙂


I wonder, Grandma – if both parties are going to implode – and – we are LEFT with ONE.

What say you?


I think it takes one word from PT and the GOP is burning cinders.

The Dems? It’s coming, too.


LOL – sounds about right to me – agree – the Dims are toast!!!


“… one word from PT and the GOP is burning cinders.”

I’m thinking that we the people have been super excellently connected to Donald Trump, but DJ Trump has not connected well to us the people.

Does PT know the leaders of the State Republicans parties, where conservative patriots can be found? I doubt it. PTrump has given us the people only two tasks to do: vote for him and come to the DC rally.

POTUS needs to pick one of these two things and ask the people to get it done. We do need his leadership, direction, and commitment, so we do our task at Trump Speed.

His direction to us: Destroy the RINO Party by taking all the R voters into our New Party; or take over the Republican Party in full.

I believe we should do both: Vote out every federal Republican incumbent save for a dirty dozen, and run off everyone in the RNC, then vote in the New Party candidates.


“The republican party must be destroyed or we will continue the cycle of abuse.”

^^^ IMO, statement of the OBVIOUS. ^^^

Toss in D-Rats. Destroy them all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some hopium for those needing a fix. No matter what, it’s TRUE – he caught them all. They were completely exposed.

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Heather Giron

Follow Back Group

A video rewind from President Trump saying “I caught them all”

Although it’s hard to stay encouraged during times like these, I want to remind my fellow patriots who are feeling discouraged and thinking all hope is lost…

God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers. We are overcomers and this battle we are going through right now, WE WILL PREVAIL!! #Godalwayswins

[video src="" /]


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think there’s any difference in opinion between the two sides about this. Trump knows.

Not only that but I think we can all agree he wants to do something about it.

The difference is in whether Trump will be able to do anything about it.


It all depends on if the military is who we hope they are. There isn’t a single other institution left that isn’t corrupt, as Q kept telling us.


Remember the Pentagon and the $600 hammers?


Yebbut, that’s their Purchasing Department. (semi-sarcasm)

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Politics as currently conceived is inherently corrupt.

Politics was defined, in the first day of a political science course I dropped about an hour later, as deciding who gets what. In other words, this prof conceived of it as a division of spoils.

Not even the slightest concept of the proper purpose of government being to protect people’s rights.

Our government has way exceeded that charter, of course, and now spends its time granting favors to groups corrupt enough to bribe politicians for them, and then that forces others, who’d rather play above-board, into doing the same out of self-defense. All because government has arrogated onto itself control of the economy, schooling, health care…you name it. And I’m not just talking about the federal government; local government with its zoning, code enforcement, and eminent domain is just as bad.


As a small-‘L’ libertarian, I completely agree.

Rights were going out the window decades ago.

If people are in hock (temporally or psychologically) to big government, that means most of the Western World is in BIG trouble.

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse

The military is NOT the solution on its own.

It MUST BE civilian led.

IMO, we LOST our silver bullet moment January 6th when pence caved..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think any assistance won’t come until we have a non-violent, high-road, spiritually strong, RESISTANCE movement, DEFYING the Bidenazis openly. But it would be white-knuckle. They will be throwing us in jail right and left. And if .mil doesn’t choose to save us, but instead finishes us off, we’re all dead and in prison. But frankly, I think it’s better than being a Bidenazi.


Personally, I think that if you want to show true resistance, you need to completely quit using PC language.

call a queer a queer,etc.

I know a man and a woman who are both named Gay ans Gaye. Akin to women named Katen, there is nothing worse than having your name hijacked and become associated with bullshit.

the PC bullshit has to become pariah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Feel free to use free speech here, although responses are not guaranteed to be all in agreement.

Yes, I think PC was the first ringing of the death knell of free speech.

PC kills – and PC must die.


Make saying “faggot” acceptable again.

faggot = bundle of sticks


4chan loves niggaz and fags.

every anon is one or the other or both.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And a “fag” is a cigarette in some places (the UK in particular).

I remember a woman who would talk about having a fag and going to bed and I’d keep telling her that I didn’t think she was their type.


Then, there are faggots which are a meat dish, still made by a company known as Brain’s. Their 1984 advert follows:

The company is now called Mr Brain’s:

Here’s the recipe:

There is a difference in the recipe, depending on whether one comes from the south West of England or the Midlands. Here, in a video from the 1980s or 1990s, the late, flamboyant British cookery legend and restaurateur Keith Floyd prepares faggots the Somerset way, having criticised the Midlands’ method, made by a former London chef who returned to work in his home region:

You could not make this up, but this is the surreality that is Great Britain. I love it!


I can tell you this; Gen Z is having NONE of the PC language crap, at least not among the young men. Tune in sometime to an online video gaming group playing a live action shooter game where they all talk to each other on headsets. “Queer” would be a gentle term of endearment!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As for why I use the word “queer” sparingly…..

My mother came out of Nazi Germany.  She was racially impure, fathered by an enemy of the state, and had many Masonic and Jewish secrets in the family, which the Nazis *probably* didn’t know, but one can never be sure. Beyond that, she was deformed, but the Nazis didn’t know that – she was able to hide her deformity perfectly. There was a point in the war where she had a close friend – another girl – somebody who she could trust. There were not many people like that. They became very close.

A third girl – the equivalent of a modern mask nazi – decided they were “too close”, and threatened to denounce them for homosexuality. They had to meet in secret after that.

When I was a teenager, “beating up fags” was a thing people did. For sport. They would lure them into “making a move” and then beat them up. I was invited to do that, and declined.

By that point, all my mother’s lessons had soaked in, and basically anybody on the Nazi’s shit list got a pass with me.

The closest thing to what happened to the German people, from all that she taught me, is what the Democrats are trying to do to us right now. But the Democrats have selected new victim groups, and new excused oppressors.

I happen to like a lot of gay people, or at least I did before they were told to hate all Trump supporters. I even believe that religious freedom protects any form of marriage between consenting adults, including the oldest one in the Bible – polygamy, because I’m very radical on the First Amendment – that government is not allowed to interfere with churches and believers in any way on the issue of marriage.

But that is just me. I grew up in freedom, and I could not understand why people took it for granted.

And all that said, I created this place so that anybody could disagree with me!  😃 


I have had to work with all kind of privileged groups and I don’t care what you are or what you do, but for God’s sake; why the hell do you have tell me about your sexuality?

I have had to listen to queers tell me about their weekend sexual promiscuity during staff meetings but if I chose to talk about sex with a woman I would be damned to HR hell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup, that’s exactly unfair.

GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGE of specified future attacker groups, followed by phony accusations of, e.g., “White Privilege” or “Toxic Masculinity” (generally a “majority privilege”) are just Bolshevik BS.

Modern (third wave) feminism is a cancer, quite frankly. Milo had that exactly right.

Where we NEVER went was simple freedom and equality, and the BOLSHEVIKS made sure we didn’t go there. Which is why they murdered King, IMO. They drove us right past the balance point – ON PURPOSE.

Divisionist tactics are to weaponize these groups and then divide us past acceptance to revenge. But it takes a sharp eye to see how they drive us past the balance point, so that they can claim we’re not “there yet”.

These people (the dividers) are evil. Whatever they are.


Being gay is their life’s work. Same with many blacks.


IIRC (and it’s been a long time), Samuel R. Delany (who is gay), has a (gay) character in his novel Dhalgren, tell a young man he is grooming to be gay, something like, “avoid political gays, they’re the worst….”

And he’s got a real point.

Worthwhile human beings who happen to be gay are ok. People who have to be gay to be “running with the right crowd” and who can only allow themselves to have a semblance of a life when it doesn’t conflict with that…..are political gays and are just obnoxious.


I should have said . . . when your sexuality is your identity, it’s a problem. Like the lens through which they view everything, and how they wish to be viewed. Life’s work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In real life, most gays rarely talk about their sexuality, any more than gun owners talk about their guns. Sometimes one can know a person for weeks, months or years before they say “husband” or “partner [name]” and give it away. And ALL that time they’ve logged evidence that “this is a good person”.

I won’t even rag too much on political gays, though, at least the less angry ones, because they’re no more obnoxious than us political gun owners, political Christians, political Jews, political MAGA, or whatever. Politics is an ugly business, no matter who you are, IMO. Trying to keep that ugly from consuming us is not easy, and not always successful.

But yes – there is a balance in life where things don’t distort us beyond reason, and people in that region can pretty much be “whatever” and make sense.


From that spiel, I would assume that you approve of my marriage which does not have a state-issued licence. When people ask, I just tell them to check their state law on marriage, where they will find that religious and/or 1st amendment marriages are perfectly legal as long as they are recorded in church records.

Going on 18 years now and the state literally has no jurisdiction over our marriage. Even SSA recognizes us as married.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The common-law marriage [where the state simply says “X years – you’re married!] is also like being wed by English history itself – massive approval on that coolness, which so many frown on.

Yup. Joseph Farah won me over to the “the state has no right to touch marriage, except to record it” argument long ago. As a child, I was always bothered that the marriages of the early Biblical figures could somehow be declared invalid or illegal by us lesser people, and that the Mormons, emulating them, were bad. But Farah really took it all the way. Make marriage religious + common law (state can only acknowledge reality of private declarations), and all the problems just go away. Age? I don’t remember Farah’s position or reasoning on that limitation, but there are good ways to skin the cat there, IMO. Age of consent being a kind of common law concept anyway, and parental rights, seem like two of them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check this out.

I am now adopting radio silence on the military. If I learn anything good, you’ll not hear the specifics. Why? I’m adopting Flynn’s approach. Don’t telegraph. I’ve taken this recent video by Lisa Mei to heart.

That said, I think there are reasons to be hopeful, but we have to fight first OURSELVES. It’s the only way.

When’s impeachment? We should protest with NO MASKS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Wolf Moon

No masks during impeachment.

If asked, tell them why – it’s our PEACEFUL PROTEST.

It’s time to FIGHT BACK. Start small. No masks. They used their weaponized COLD VIRUS lie to steal the election. It’s time to show them that we have power together. We know what they did, and we SHOW THEM WE KNOW.



I haven’t worn a mask yet.
only been accosted twice about it.

won’t get a shot either and I have bronchitis and am immuno compromised so the mask popos can suck my (fill in any thing you want)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But NOW we tell them it’s because of what they did to Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal (I mean about not wearing the mask, not the bronchitis).


As I’m sure you may have noticed, I have gone “radio silent” on a lot of things.

Hide and watch, that’s my motto. I surface when I can say something worth saying, that isn’t doompoonie.

And I have not worn a mask one time, yet. If anyone happens to mention it this week, I WILL tell them it is my “peaceful protest” against the shampeachment.

However, I must have one HELL of a resting bitch face, because so far, NO ONE has dared to accost me about not wearing the nasty things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ooooh! RBF! I tell you, there are more RBF lovers out there than people think. I was on some article where they showed some cosmetic medical procedure to remove RBF, and even though I hung back from saying the exact same thing myself, multiple RBF-lovin’ dudes were lamenting how much better the “before” picture was, and how the doctors had “ruined” her! LOL!


“The difference is in whether Trump will be able to do anything about it.”


Hussein has been running a shadow government for four years, and he’s done plenty.

And Hussein doesn’t even merit a zero compared to DJT.


Ep. 2398a – [CB] Has Been Exposed, The People Are Waking Up
X22 Report Published  February 7, 2021


Ep. 2398b – [DS] Revealed How They Rigged The Election, Assets In Place, Wait For It..
X22 Report Published  February 7, 2021


My wife just changed the channel to the felon world bowl and all i see are masks.
the coaches wear masks. The sheep in their seats are masked.

but the players sitting next to each other aren’t.

man, this virus gotz skilz….


Not watching, first because of their disrespect for the national anthem, and also because I don’t care to see people in masks. Then there are the satanic/occult-celebration halftime shows and the general media hype.


I do not watch either. They lost me a while ago.


We not watching either,

we were just surfing.

I have no respect for felon leagues like nfl or nba.

just saw an ad for NBA wives on whatever channel!

who watches this crap?


The news said the Superbowl was opened with the Black National Anthem.


Every body knows those words by ❤️
They are the foundation of this country….



Enough reason to turn it off or walk out.

Of course, I have NOT watched the (not) super bowl in many years.


They’re in our faces with it.


Walk away from it. I won’t give it legitimacy.


There is no such thing as the “Black National Anthem,” unless it is the national song of Liberia.


Amazing how two weeks has been forgotten and forgiven….


Manufactured meat-like substance bearing resemblance to plastic and having more estrogen than gender-change shots might not be safe? Shocked, shocked!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They want to take our COWS!!!  :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_exclamation: 


Butterfly is back!

Be careful – everyone has been looking for you! They might all pounce at once 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Interesting interview with Peter Navarro and Maria B. Says some strange things about Barr. You get a bit of that taste we saw his aide give earlier in the day.

A quick note on some of these supposed revelations coming out about the Trump Administration is that you actually after having heard what x, y, and z said still then understand how so many things of substance were actually accomplished which is to say what your hearing from some of these people is simply not a complete picture.

Second note, it’s good they all have their say first while the President is sort of muffled because of the upcoming impeachment. When he does have his say it will be after everyone else had theirs. Somehow I think some of them need to keep that in mind. (Not applying that to Navarr’s interview here).


Somehow I think some of them need to keep that in mind. 

The hubris of some people is amazing. They seem to think PDJT has no power. They’re in for a rude awakening.

Concerned Virginian

So if I’m hearing Mr. Navarro correctly, Bill Barr was actually working for RobberJoe before “Inauguration Day”, while at the same time, delaying EO’s by President Trump so he wouldn’t be able to sign them. Isn’t this an actionable offense by Barr?


Yes, but who is going to enforce it?

DOJ and FBI are bunk bed butt buddies.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s his accusation, that Barr was working for Biden. However, Barr left office December 23, officially, and the swamp creatures were still in the asylum.

IMO, too much attention is given to the figureheads and not the people who keep their heads down and collect government paychecks as the figureheads come and go.

THAT is the deep state that’s so entrenched.


I thought this was hysterical. The wife not so much.


Heh. The Fiancee bailed out on “The Prisoner” after a few episodes, and is now doing “David Copperfield” instead.

I think there’d be great possibilities for a mash-up, with Rover bounding along the English countryside….

Elizabeth Carter

I just finished watching Doug Billings and KrisAnne Hall. 
At the 20:30 mark they discuss Executive Orders, the 1871 Act and how to overcome fraudulent elections. It is very well done and worth the time to watch IMO.
Interview with KrisAnne Hall •Feb 5, 2021


Thank you Liz! 👍


Doug Billings calls JB “Administrator Biden.” 🤭😂


That was excellent. I was doing something else while it played, and I want to listen again and access her website for more of her work.

At 27:00, he asks her about the “Corporation of the United States.” She says, regarding the 1871 act establishing a corporation, that such a thing is not a delegated authority under the Constitution. Article VI, Clause 2 says such an act would be null and void; therefore, no one would be bound to it. It would be an illegal, nonbinding, unenforcable contract. She says we don’t need to repeal it or override it or wait for it to expire because it doesn’t exist, legally.

The solution, if our government is operating under an illegal act, is not waiting for someone to create a reset. The solution is for the people to get control of their government at every level and to operate as a proper Constitutional republic, which would undermine anything done through an illegal operation of the federal government.

That sounds correct, but I also think it requires exactly what is happening now, and much more. People have to wake up and see what is wrong with the government and demand change.


I found that video a bit depressing. 80 million + Americans did wake up and see what was wrong and demand change, and yet their vote was stolen. They are falling back on the old bromide of fixing things locally. But who believes that local elections aren’t also being stolen and have been for a long time? I really don’t think doing what we’ve been doing ad nauseum is the answer. If it were that easy, the Tea Party would have fixed it all. The thievery and corruption is ingrained in just about every institution we have. This requires something much bigger and much more all encompassing.


I agree with you, and that is what I meant by “much more.” I should have elaborated.

Absolutely, local elections and ballot propositions are rigged.

I don’t think there is time for enough people to wake up and see the problems, realize the solutions, find the time and take action, and turn it around. We still have to fight tooth and nail while trying to find even better solutions, though.

And if the election system isn’t fixed, it’s useless, IMO. And Joe Biden didn’t win.

This is purely my personal thinking, but we need leaders who can make a difference, quickly, not only on a local level but also a national one, at the same time. There are people who have accomplished amazing things, like the ones who built part of the wall and Scott Pressler with his neighborhood cleanups. We need leaders who can unite us. That is what Pres. Trump did. As you say, we stood 80 million +, united in wanting to MAGA. If he reemerges in a leadership role, things could turn around — always with the caveat that we have to be the ones we’re waiting for.


“But who believes that local elections aren’t also being stolen and have been for a long time? I really don’t think doing what we’ve been doing ad nauseum is the answer.”


The Left, e.g. Mark Suckerberg, dropped something like half a billion dollars on local and state elections, didn’t he?

The Left spends UNLIMITED money, their supporters are PAID to be actively involved.

Rigged elections with opposition being paid unlimited funds = we need a lot more than pulling ourselves up by our boot straps.


To all. Carl, thank you for this wonderful post about Jonathan Edwards and spiritual pride. So much to ponder here. Thanks to all who posted about some of the great theologians like Spurgeon (Razorbak, how interesting he was your ancestor.), Whitfield Etc. I should have written this earlier today. Thanks to all and blessings. Dp., like reading about your education, think you got a good one.



february 7, 2021 the marshall report

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John F. Kennedy Jr. was the Founding Editor of George Magazine which was an over night success! The content was both celebrity and politically charged inside stories that today, many of those have an alluring sense of coincidence, and/or it now appears, well thought out plans with almost psychic abilities surging through them. It is as though the entire publishing process was performed for a day off into the future. Especially his special 1997 edition that contained the “Survival Guide of the Future.”

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks, Babe. I needed this today.


So did I, DP!!!


comment image


Wrong image….. That Bastard is on THEIR side!
Words are correct though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB…..
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For Those Who Want A Deep Cleansing…..

From Gab…..
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Spare comment so that there aren’t 666 on this thread.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But 666 is a lucky number in China!  😉


Excellent post, Carl!

If I could have given it more than five stars, I would have given it ten!

Many thanks!