Cover image: Rotunda in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
In trying to decide which of the many videos and information pieces available to use for today’s opening to explain that not only did Joe Biden NOT win the 2020 presidential election – and a clear majority of Americans know it – but that the people surrounding President Donald Trump attempted to isolate him and were giving him bum advice (and he probably knew it), it was just so hard to choose.
So, here’s one from someone who was there, and who probably knows half of it, but not the other half, which is where the interesting parts come in even if it does look like the black hat/white hat paradigm is going to be turned on its head if Lin Wood’s whistleblower actually turns out to be James Clapper as has been alleged.
Note that to get the promises made to happen, an office OUTSIDE of the regular swamp apparatus had to be set up ’cause the swamp wasn’t going to give VSGPDJT any help in his quest.
Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for something completely different.
And to settle any arguments before they happen, this one is in three.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults…supposedly:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
GENESIS 1:20–2:4
120And God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.” 21So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. 24And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 26Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” 29And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. 21Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 3So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation. 4These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Excellent! I beat you by seconds so the Daily would be at the top!
Okay. Back to zzzzz since the temps here are at insect killing levels and really what else is there to do?
Ni-ni, DePat!
Get some rest. Wolves LUV the winter night shift!
What a gentleman you are, Wolf!!!
I think DJT is done with govt. Just a feeling.
I would not bet on that.
Maybe he’s just beginning.
Call it a hunch.
I think Don Jr. has indicated the opposite, that PDJT will be active in helping to elect good people. And of course, it could be much more than that.
I think he’s following the advice of his lawyers and lying low until this shampeachment garbage is over.
I think there is a certain element of lying low which was mentioned by Napoleon: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
Yes and the swamp is so boastful and full of itself atm over their “victories.”
Another quote by Napoleon:
“I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other.”
I think President Trump is currently in ‘fox’ mode.
So, when you said, “crashed” — were you meaning your computer, the blog, the post@time feature, your car, or your consciousness?
If that explains it.
My body clock is a mess right now.
Well, good. I had been concerned that it was your car.
No. The rapidly aging cute little SUV with the leaky sunroof is ensconced in the garage. Earlier I dodged paint ladders and the rest of the family pack rat’s junk to get it in there with space to spare.
My grandfather’s formal education ended in 8th or 9th grade (I forget which, though I probably have his diploma). His longest string of employment was broadcast engineer for a variety of radio and television stations. He was at the City College of San Diego, running their radio station, when they realized he didn’t have a college degree — so they gave him one.
He had his weirdisms — he insisted on using a turkey baster to take all the gas out of his lawnmower’s tank between mowings, for instance. But some of the other things he did were beautifully obvious and clever.
When I went back to take care of my grandma during his final illness, I’d drive their car to the hospital. Coming back, it was very easy to put it in the perfect position in their garage — there were three tennis balls on strings dangling from above, and when they touched the middle of your windshield and your two rear windows, you were where you were supposed to be.
My grandpa ran his own gas station (he rented the building because the landlord wouldn’t sell it to him) for many years in Detroit. When he retired in the race riot era he took what equipment didn’t sell with the business to his Northern Michigan domicile (fondly called The Cottage in our family).
In that garage he also kept a small aluminum row boat with an old Evinrude motor, suitable for trolling & tooling around that 7 mile long lake. When we lived there in the early 90’s someone (can’t remember who now) said that Grandpa kept that motor in such great shape that when it was 30 years old it looked & ran like it was brand new! Amazing what the older generations were skilled at.
Oh & Grandpa never finished HS, having an 8th grade or so education too. He was also one of the wisest men I’ve ever known with a quiet love for God, family, & the great outdoors. He was a bit gruff, but with a twinkle in his eye. Even though my husband & kids never met him his spirit is still very much alive at The Cottage & the Hunting Shack that both remain in the family still.
Our middle son, who is now working as a hydraulic technician, appears to have inherited some degree of Grandpa’s mechanical skills from my side & my husband’s eclectic hands on skills too, both caught, taught, & earned via multiple fraught experiences
A wonderful story!
Thanks GA/FL
we have a somewhat similar situation in our garage…on “my” side…the Harley is parked toward the back wall on my side cuz my Jeep is shorter than hubby’s Ram truck. on the driver side wall is our indoor wood pile which we have to be able to get to in the winter so I can only park so close on that side…hubby needs room to open his truck door to get in so only so much room to drift to the right…lol…the tennis balls are a blessing!
“El Capitan” has always been one of my favorite Sousa marches. It starts in 6/8 time, and then in the Trio section it switches to 2/4. It happens at about 1:08 in this video (but I like The President’s Own better!).
“Adapted for Clarinet Choir” — AAAAAAaaaaaauuuuggghhhhh!
So, last night, in hopes of resolving some niggling annoyances, I upgraded from 19.3 to 20. Took a while, booted me off of this computer, had eight processors running full tilt boogie at some points….
This morning, because it kept nagging me, I went from 20 to 20.1.
And, at the moment, I have no sound.
What’s more, the workaround I used to use doesn’t work any more.
However, that might be good.
So, the way this is supposed to work is that there’s a soundcard. It’s recognized by ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) that makes it a “thing” for programs that want sound to grab onto. It is, however, crude — so there’s PulseAudio, which is capable of taking sound and throwing it across networks and routing it around and dealing with multiple programs wanting sound at the same time (like muting your radio when a phone call comes in). Thing is, PulseAudio never deals with actual soundcards or anything, so it requires functional ALSA to run.
My OLD problem was that PulseAudio woke up twice during startup. I blame this on systemd, which is a new boot system that everyone uses. In particular, systemd increases parallelization — so that one branch can start 8 new widgets and another branch can start 12 new widgets….and if they’re both starting the same widget, they can’t see it because the widget isn’t fully started when they try starting it. So I’d get two PulseAudios — and the first would have started before ALSA was running, but (being first) was the default. The second would have started after ALSA, but (being second) never was used. This was complicated by the fact that I had two “sound cards” — one that worked through the sound jacks on my system, and another that loaded sound on my video output….for my monitory which has no sound. My workaround was simply to kill the earlier PulseAudio.
My NEW problem is that ALSA is doing fine, but I can’t get PulseAudio to recognize its existence. ALSA still thinks I have two sound cards, but PulseAudio refuses to believe I have any.
At least it’s not under a sink.
In order to finish the master bath sink, I have to do the stopper widget. The Fiancee has elected to have it “captured”, the way that it’s supposed to be (and the way that the cleaners repeatedly broke).
By the way…..for anyone running a Linux system on a processor with multiple threads per core……do the system stats go per core or per thread?
Recent headlines lead me to believe that part of this year’s agenda is to encourage people to start living without the US dollar in their life. Headlines within the past week:
– Visa is developing software to allow bitcoin to be traded at traditional banks.
– India announced they’re going to develop their own official cryptocurrency. Ethopia is also developing their own offical cryptocurrency.
– Tesla says they’re going to start accepting bitcoin payments for their vehicles. They’s already purchased $1 billion worth of bitcoin.
– Media is pumping out stories about meme cryptocurrency $DOGE skyrocketing in price.
– #SilverSqueeze encouraging people to buy physical silver. I fully support the silver squeeze movement, but it’s kind of weird how it’s coinciding with all of these crypto developments.
I predict the push to get everyone using crypto this year is going to be obnoxiously strong.
I’ve looked into online bitcoin exchanges, and they all require you submit pictures of yourself and other information just to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Ridiculous. I thought the whole selling point of crypto was privacy. I’ll stick to buying silver.
I noticed that also recently and said to my husband, all this buzz over crypo is odd, imho. Glad to have confirmation it wasn’t just me seeing it.
Remember when Facebook was going to launch their own cryptocurrency? I suspect the crypto agenda was supposed to be rolled out years ago, but got shelved for the duration of the Trump Administration. As soon as Inauguration Day was over, they went back to pushing crypto. I suspect there will be an attempt to tank the US dollar at some point to push people into using other currency.

Silver is good. Platinum may be a play. Keep an eye on gold….
And, as you note, they are what they are regardless of ID.
cryptic crypto
The Spectator Index
Cryptocurrencies, past 24 hours.
Bitcoin: +12%
Ethereum: +7%
XRP: +6%
Stellar: +2.7%
Chainlink: +4.1%
Dogecoin: +12%
I have been dabbling a very tiny bit in crypto. It’s fun.
My kids got me into it. Unbeknownst to me they have all been investing in crypto for awhile. Sheesh.
Glad you’ve found a fun, & hopefully profitable, passtime!
I am very ignorant in this era of cryptocurrency. So I have this one question:
What is to prevent TPTB from simply deleting your currency if you do not do as you are told?
that’s my fear–or some EMP attack and the power is lost and you have no access to your money…
I told my kids, all our family wealth is buried in the 100 acres woods…and the map is tattooed on my ass, so be nice to mom!
LOL – Almost fell off of my chair, Pat!!!
Will it fade and blur as you age? Laughing, bet the kids are looking at differently.
Well, what’s to prevent them making the dollar worthless to further their aims?
The dollar has been slowly devalued over years. Our buying power is a fraction of what it was 20 years ago.
They are just boiling the frogs very slowly in order to keep us in the pan.
Dollar value dwindling IS part of their goal. Their being, global cabal.
As Congress passes out increasing Trillions, to please the masses. The dollar value slides inceasingly away from being the global, “benchmark”.
Another currency steps up. Perhaps NOT immediate, but crypto?
first, they will destroy the US dollar…think : Weimar Republic…
And then came HITLER and the NAZIS!
^^^ Government redistributing wealth. Steal your crypto.
Criminals simply heist your crypto currency. Hacked. But that is OK. The government will “investigate”. Que the “justice” system.
Know near nothing about crypto. Really not interested. Heard of BitCoin. Just noticed some other crypto currency (?) stuff further up thread.
Seems like crypto ONLY exists in “bits”. In some theory sort of. Someone created it out of thin air, yet it has no physical properties. Crypto is an idea, that people “believe” in.
Crypto has no fixed value, or at least BitCoin is that way. I think. So IF one purchased Bit Coin, they give up tangible wealth such as dollars, Yen, property, whatever physical good they had, for “bits” a non-tangible, “asset”.
Can’t see the general population being adept at managing crypto.
Yes, businesses are embracing crypto. Guessing the real push is NWO, Global Reset asshoes.
Surely, I have missed the boat. NONE of this makes sense to me. NOT INTERESTED.
Good question.
Here’s another.
If crypto is supposed to keep the holder anonymous as well as the spending it would one assume it’s at odds with a cashless society that wishes to track your wealth and spending?
Since we know the elites cheat, steal, and skim, likely even from each other too, would it be in their best interest to keep crypto viable? It would become unviable if it too much of that deleting of currency were to occur. Everyone would bail out of it.
Great piece about the Entertainment aka Indoctrination Industry – part humor – dead serious.
You Guys Saved AMC. Now Save Movies – Build your own Hollywood—or else!
“I’m writing this on a manual typewriter a fellow dissident smuggled into my cell here at Gitmo. No one told me booing the TV while Biden stared at the camera was a dangerous act of insurrection, so here I am. The weather’s balmy and the food’s fresh. Try the goat, it’s delicious.”
The author, Peachy Keenan recommends a movie:
“Amanda Milius, the brilliant daughter of notorious conservative screenwriter John Milius, directed the #1 documentary of 2020. Watch The Plot Against the President and you’ll understand the popular resentment against the corrupt hacks who pretend to “serve the people.” It’s that good.”
This looks promising, theoretically at least…
Simon Dolan #KBF
Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass hysteria. Negative information which is spread through mass media repetitively can affect public health negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria×240
COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria
In this article, we aim to develop a political economy of mass hysteria. Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass hysteria. Negative information which is spread through mass media…
The bad side effects of these vaccines are Not brought on by peoples ‘expectations of harm’.
What a crock!
People are actually being harmed by the vaccines themselves.
It’s not “hysteria” that is causing it!
Well, if thats true, then that explains all the deaths tied to COVID, they were brought on by the “hysteria” brought on by the media
Heh, good point, Sauce.
If ‘hysteria’ causes death…then the media is guilty of murder.
“…the media is guilty of murder.”
They most certainly are!
THINK of all the cops killed and the burning & looting of ANTIFA & BLM.
Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters
Then there is the PLANNEDEMIC and now the injection masquerading as a vaccine.
Yes! Thank you, Gail.
It’s really outrageous, isn’t it.

what esxactly was their motive with chanting …pigs in a blanket. fry ’em like bacon…
if ever there was incendiary talk…that’s it right there
Oh but it was ‘mostly peaceful’ incendiary talk.

Definitely Real bad side effects of vaccines & the illness in some cases. Ginned up insane hysteria leading to acceptance of diminishing freedoms tragically huge check… ;(
Praying for President Trump & his team of advocates
John Trumpfan
Lord, Please give President Trump’s Lawyers wisdom like Solomon. May they easily outwit their adversaries and boldly, present the truth in such a persuasive manner, that it can not be resisted.
Grant President Trump the Victory.
Be glorified & exalted, in Jesus’ Mighty name Amen.
Excellent twitter feed – copied to my links list!
Wonderful. His prayers bless me so much!
Here’s another prayer
John Trumpfan
Lord, many of us are still seeking a Red Sea Deliverance for President Trump & America.
Rescue us O Lord.
Restore President Trump.
May the whole world stand in awe at thy greatness, mercy & power.
May you receive the praise, glory & honour. Thank you,
In Jesus’ Holy name Amen.
This is beyond evil!
Hand Of Glory
My employer just mandated mandatory vaccination.
Your employer must feel confident he won’t be sued if someone has a negative reaction or possibly dies as a result of his forced directive.
“Your employer must feel confident…” that Workman’s comp will pay any such lawsuits.
Extreme delusion combined w/ hubris–must be dems!
Time to figure out a way to work from home and/or go into business for yourself. That’s still legal as far as I know.
If a MAJORITY OF WORKERS QUIT, then the business may have second thoughts about mandating a DEATH/STERILIZATION INJECTION.
All you have to do is pass around the study that shows sperm count goes down and sperm loses mobility — AKA a guy becomes sterile to get most guys to quit rather than take the ‘Medical Castration Injection’
Unfortunately that is the choice that is being forced on people, to decide whether their job is worth dying for.
prayer need
Hero Dog
URGENT request! My 93 y/o Mom is in a small local hospital with a possible perforated colon. They are planning to surgery. If you could please say a prayer for her I would really appreciate it! Her name is Sara. Thank you in advance for your prayers!!!
Thanks Pat!
Conspiracy Theorist: A person who doesn’t watch as much TV as you do
indicting the military…protect & defend discarded? from a locked twitter account
Donna M Freeman
After listening to underground digital warriors w secret Intel contacts…looks like military is backing away from massive arrests and overturn fraudulent election..
They want courts to now do it and they will not. Want history books NOT say they took down 46 admin and officials.
…and the courts are pretty much giving the same reasoning to not take action…not that I have a lot of trust in these underground digital warriors with ‘secret intel contacts’.
smoke & mirrors; chaff & countermeasures
My guess: the Biden people are good at disinformation.
If the Capitol is still surrounded, all bets on secret intel sources are off.
That is also what Simon Parkes claimed in his latest video.
I posted what BS that was on his Bitchute page, three posts, and his mods deleted them all.
The same censorship the enemy engages in.
Which is about all I need to know about Simon Parkes.
Wow, that is incredibly disappointing. The open exchange of ideas is especially crucial when attempting to suss out what’s Really Happening!
“Biden’s” CIA pick connected to Chynuh–shocked/s
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Biden’s CIA Pick received as much as $2 million in recent years from a Chinese businessman
Biden’s CIA Pick, William Burns, Leads A Think Tank With Close Ties To China
Biden’s pick to lead the CIA is president of a think tank that has taken in $2 million of Chinese communist-linked
And that’s just the cash we know about.
Someone else on twitter said all of Bye-done’s family & prominent appointments all are either directly tied financially to China or to other businesses who are tied to the Chy-coms. I still cannot fathom how anyone taking their constitutional oath seriously can allow this commie coup to continue (seemingly) unabated!
Red star rising
There is no question that Jeep understood the symbolism of the five pointed Red Star at the end of their Springsteen ad.
Michigan radio claiming that the US map in that ad left off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan too…hmmm…
Barr’s Biden’s boy?
Wayne Dupree Media, LLC
According to Trump’s TOP AIDE, Barr has been working for Biden for the past two months
[VIDEO] Trump Top Aid Reveals Barr Was Working For Biden For Past Two Months –
***UPDATE*** You can watch the video below: When you think of GOP traitors, people like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and John McCain come to mind. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! And…
And if that’s true, he needs to be convicted of High Treason and executed with the rest of the traitors.
I wouldn’t be holding my breath on that one!
Well either he is a traitor, or he isn’t.
And either our military will do their job, or they won’t.
What we are waiting for now is a wholly unnecessary ‘rescue’ — if the military had been doing their jobs (as we did ours on November 3rd) — we wouldn’t be in a position where the military was needed to restore the Republic, because the military’s JOB was to prevent the Republic from being stolen in the first place.
And there seems to be precious few who recognize the military’s complete abdication of duty in this matter.
They didn’t even raise their voices in objection. Gave up the country to the CCP without firing a shot.
That’s the truth.
Whether it is part of a larger plan, or not.
Unless we’re all being punked, and there is a parallel government to the Biden administration, and DJT is still in control, and Toto and what’s her face are off to see the Wizard.
The Shampeachment trial will have to run its course.
After that, if this idiocy continues, there is going to have to be a reckoning.
If the white hats are supposedly in control, this abuse has to end, their supposed ‘cure’ is worse than the disease. Or they’re just afraid to do what’s necessary.
And if the white hats never were, we need to know that too, so we can write off the military and move on to plan ‘C’.
This hovering in limbo without knowing whether we have a country or not, without knowing if so-called ‘white hats’ are in control of anything, or whether we’re being sold down the river, will end.
For a little while longer, they (if they even exist) have control over that timetable.
Wait much longer, and they will lose that control.
And they will deserve to lose it.
STOP punishing patriots for the SINS of the Communists.
If they’ve sold themselves on some ‘great awakening’ as a prerequisite, then PULL THE PLUG on the propaganda MSM, and then PROVIDE the EVIDENCE to the People so they WAKE UP.
This middle ground where nothing happens is going to end.
If that means We the People have to force the issue, then so be it.
Very well said Scott. This limbo is pretty soul crushing…& smoking hopium is either keeping the spirit revved or deceived. Trusting God is the only real solid ground!
This was so good I had to read it to my husband. Thank you so much for this excellent laying out of where we stand right now!!!
Hillary dying…per locked twitter account…
Llama™ —Proudly hated by Biden-voting Latinxs
Did she have information that could lead to her own arrest?
Quote Tweet
political discourse bot
· Feb 8
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Hillary Clinton is dying.
She’s been dying since she lost to Trump.
If she’s not in a coffin doing the 50 state tour; it ain’t real.
It’ll be a closed coffin, or a body double, whatever, nothing these people do can be believed, not even their supposed death.
Any legitimate government recognizes the need to prove criminals and outlaws are dead, we had no problem doing that in times past.
The fact that it isn’t done now just adds fuel to the fire.
“I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Hillary Clinton is dying.”
The world should be so lucky.
But the world isn’t.
Yep…though on her current trajectory she’s aiming for a permanent vacay in GITMO followed by the Lake of Fire!
aussie arrested for no face mask…
Hope those two Nazis are proud of themselves.
Should get their names, make them famous, make their families proud of their little traitors, all grown up.
Oz has apparently gone nearly full Chi-com
Maybe that’s why we haven’t heard much from Ozzytrumper lately?
Oh, my goodness, I hope she & her loved ones are OK!
Me too
Who is writing Biden’s lines & policies?
Telegram carrying Trump’s material, but is DJT there?
Chuck Callesto
Miss Trump on Twitter? Great TELEGRAM page to see everything Trump.×240 Trump Reports
When Trump speaks, We bring it to you. Everything Trump. Never Miss Out. Subscribe
Natural letters?

Somehow that reminded me of this poster of hearts found in nature.
That’s about where I am with this type of shit. Ugh.
I she just blowing smoke – trying to look like she’s one of the select who are in the know?
Probably some plan to win primaries.
If it’s a big thing, like a third party…but she should just keep her mouth shut until she can actually say something of substance.
She’s self-promoting that she met with PT. Just ugh.
Absolutely. She is branding herself negatively.
Conservative pundit bubble.
It’s all getting so tiresome.
IF, one assumes she met with PT. Or even met with PT staff.
Methinks, more likely, bored on an airplane posting BS.
GA, I don’t think so…she is pretty up front, pretty patrioitic.
Somebody promising something big does not know how to read a room.
Yeah. Patriots are over it.
We have learned our lesson the hard way, and we are disgusted with the snake oil.
^^^ Goofy bitch wants to dispel, that she is just another airhead, take off her “stylish” mask.. Yea, I know she on an airplane.
Have quit “clicking” on all of that stuff, including the “gurus” I, perhaps many followed closely for years. Zero attention from me.
Trump is the only one I’ll listen to. Well, immediate Trump family I’ll listen in on.
As for the rest, I’m done being played.
100% I don’t know the answer. Nor have I given up.
Trump, then Pompeo and DeSantis, maybe Gaetz and Hawley are worth hearing.
While I love Brigette Gabriel, she’s too toxic for Trump to actually meet face to face with. Not that Trump doesn’t get her message and agree with it, he does. However on this, she did not say she met with Trump. She just said she attended some meetings and this is what she learned. Doesn’t mean she did not receive and fall for smoke, but the good news she wants to share can be much less than people will make of it. Crime here is she’s not saying what the good news is and yeah that’s been a real problem everywhere. Makes them all suspect when they withhold the goods like this. They all need to learn some self discipline or deliver the goods.
Here’s one for Steve!

hope it shows OK
It did show.
It’s F-1180. That’s a catalog number assigned by the references on US paper money. I’m guessing at the grade and thinking that’s about $3500 even in its less-than-immaculate name.
It’s often called the “technicolor note” as a sort of nickname. The back is printed in gold, actually more of an orange, instead of the green we’re used to.
Thanks for the details!
“My Pillow Guy Releases Second Election Fraud Video on his Website”
Wheatie made the comment yesterday, and it bears repeating (in my words.)
“Cannot ever happen again” means, in effect, we give up.
The words ought to be “This fraud must be overturned” or stronger.
Our side often has a problem when it comes to messaging and presentation.
you almost hear the words of the disappointed parent…we’ll let it go THIS time, but you can’t ever do it again. (cue the big eyed child nodding in agreement, secretly smiling that he has gotten away with it again!)
this is why children misbehave over and over again…
spare the rod, spoil the child.
Exactly how it sounds!
It will keep happening in perpetuity if we don’t deal with the fraud now!
To be fair and honest, it is accurate…
“We” missed our opportunity for “justice”.
So, we are at a point where, we hope it never happens again.
That’s where I am.
Our ENTIRE system failed America and Trump.
We’ve been betrayed and they got away with it. There is NO justice or accountability.
Repeating here. So, we are at a point where, we hope it never happens again.
I will never get past the point where we are, and IMO we will never be able to unless the present crime is addressed with justice.
Conundrum of sorts for me is, how the hell does it get fixed. Our entire system is corrupt, unwilling to do their jobs or inept.
While I have hope. Optimism is waning.
My heart is bursting with hope. I really don’t know why, other than I am grateful because I feel it is a gift being given to me.
If we are in the time of Diocletian, there is a reason for it. In our hearts, we “volunteered,” maybe suspecting that we would never be called. But maybe we are being called, and our service is for the benefit of future generations.
The plunge into Dark Ages has been so rapid, and now we have the intersection of advanced technocracy and barbarism.
“Conundrum of sorts for me is, how the hell does it get fixed.”
As #17 said from the beginning, the military is the only way.
Either they will, or they gave up the Republic without a fight.
Their choice.
““We” missed our opportunity for “justice”.
So, we are at a point where, we hope it never happens again.”
We didn’t miss anything, we DID our job.
If anybody missed an opportunity, it was DJT or our military.
Not a single piece of blame is on US in this thing.
As for hoping it never happens again, if this is not FIXED, it will never NOT happen again.
29,704 Trump votes DELETED by A Swiss Investment Group that just purchased a majority shareholder hold 51% in Chinese Securities in Cana China. “Credit Suisse intends to take controlling stake in its China securities joint venture” (
Has ALREADY been deleted from the web. AND has not been archived that I can tell.
Getting nervious are we?
Wow it was there when I posted the link because I got the link from and clicked it and read it directly before I posted.
They choose to hide it rather than brazen it out, that does rather point to guilt plus insecurity.
Yes, apparently.
This dovetails with something else I came across this morning. The REAL top of the food chain is in Switzerland somewhere.
Makes sense when you think about it, and what Switzerland is in geo-politics and banking.
Yeah, all the wars leave Switzerland alone.
They also opted out of the European Union. When that happened, I knew it was a set-up and doomed, and that was almost 30 years ago.
The way the whole place is set up is curious now that I’m getting more and more of the world-wide cabal plans and info. The USA is just one fraction of it.
If it was traceable, I’m sure you’d find the trail leads to the Netherlands, same place where the bulk of the aristocracy ran too during the French Revolution. They’ve never given up their rights and have sympathizers world wide.
Apparently, the Dutch have been taken out by the layer above the monarchies.
Went back to p/win and found it again, the original post had C/P the article …..
Press Release
Credit Suisse intends to take controlling stake in its China securities joint venture
Credit Suisse has reached an agreement with Founder Securities Co. Ltd. (“Founder Securities”) to increase its shareholding in its Credit Suisse Founder Securities Limited (“CSFS”) joint venture, subject to regulatory approvals. This confirmation follows disclosure by Founder Securities to the Shanghai Stock Exchange earlier today.
As a result of the agreement, Credit Suisse’s shareholding is expected to increase from 33.3% to 51% by way of capital injection. The shareholding of Founder Securities in CSFS will reduce to 49% as a result.
The completion of this transaction remains subject to regulatory approvals. Credit Suisse will continue to work closely with Founder Securities and the respective regulatory authorities in this regard.
Established in 2008 and headquartered in Beijing, CSFS focuses on providing a range of capital markets services to clients in the domestic China market, including sponsoring and underwriting A-shares, foreign investment shares, and government and corporate bonds as well as providing financial advisory services. Since October 2016, it has also operated a securities brokerage business in Shenzhen Qianhai.
Credit Suisse has a long-term commitment to China, having had a presence in the country for more than 30 years.
During that time, Credit Suisse has established a strong Greater China franchise, with a market leading franchise across equities, investment banking & capital markets and private banking.
It also has an asset management joint venture – ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co. Ltd. – which is now among the largest in China, with total assets under management of nearly RMB 1.3 trillion (CHF 194 billion), as of the end of December 2018.
I apologize my copy of that link was a dud, so sorry.
this one works,
“Capitol protest organizer outed as “prolific” FBI informant”
It’s really looking like the FBI is a seditious, treasonous enemy of the state organization – A DOMESTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATION – maybe old Chris Wray was just projecting when he testified in Congress.
all lined up

So very, very precious. Our most precious natural resource! Thanks for posting. It brings us back to what’s really important in this awful world we find ourselves in.
Yes. Children are a heritage of the Lord!
was the 2nd amendment repealed & I missed it?
Sigimund A Jagiellon
We all know how this will go. For the love of God, stop wearing tac gear tees with vague threats and bumper stickers that are evidence of premeditation. Grow up. Stop LARPing and don’t be an easy red flag.
Quote Tweet
· 12h
NEW: The Supreme Court will hear the Caniglia v. Strom case on March 24, 2021, and decide whether police can enter a home to seize guns without a warrant.
We should do the opposite, if you run and hide from these Nazis, they win.
You don’t give in to these ass-hats.
What the &^%$ is wrong with this Sigmund clown?
Never give up, never surrender…we will fight them!!!
Maricopa Co, AZ election fraud suit!
A Made-For-TV Impeachment Trial
The facts and Constitution favor Trump, so the Democrats will rely on melodrama.
will the Queen of Melodrama (aka the Pompous Little Twit) bring her own tissues and therapy doll?
Get the chips and dip…and cocktails.
no pressure…but will this be televised? will there be a thread or should i watch this thread for any posts about it?
(NO PRESSURE–I know you’ve got a lot on your plate)
I think we can just keep it here. This time. I doubt too many people on this board are going to watch today. It’ll just be the highlights.
cool, thanks!
& perhaps some type of drinking game
We’d be on the floor before dinner prep hour.
Could make the day more tolerable…
Rain check for me.
God raising this guy up?

He is totally out of control!
NOTE he is wearing his mask BELOW his nose.
Yep, I noticed that too, Gail.
And he’s giving the stinkeye to whomever it is that is taking that picture.
that’s his resting bitch face…
Does he have any other kind?
not that I’m aware of
He should be on trial right now for crimes against humanity.
This one takes me back. After Josiah’s 2nd heart surgery, he was 4 1/2, I spent the night in a nearby hotel. when I got back at the hospital he wasn’t in his room, but they had him down in the art therapy room with an IV pole, etc, shooting hoops on one of those little tykes kind of plastic basketball contraptions–& it was just less than 24 hours after his surgery. I almost passed out–I mean Yikes!!!
got the edit in under the wire
Kirstie Alley said it!
“There’s a good reason to keep government small. The government becomes “The Mob” in a heartbeat with its psycho, what’s right for one is right for ALL mentality. It’s INDIVIDUAL thought that gives us sanity and freedom. We are not a collective. We are individuals.”
From Doug Ross nightly feature – Top Twenty Tweets –
Gates’ dystopian nightmare–15 years of diminished public health via vaccines…
Sonoran desert defies climate lies!

Tony Heller
Heavy snow in the Sonoran desert used to happen about once per decade, but now is occurring several times per year. Snow doesn’t lie, but climate scientists, the press and politicians do.
Funny I hadn’t seen the expanded map before. We actually walked into Mexico from Nogales on one of our Tucson vacations when I was a kid–the only time I was actually in Mexico. I should have gone on a Scuba trip w/ some college buds to Cancun & Cozumel but I was too cheap (& stupid) to grab the opportunity before it was gone…c’est la vie!
This is bullcrap!
Yes, Dora…it’s a crock!
The ChiComs started this lie last year, trying to deflect blame from themselves.
They released this virus on purpose!
They are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
I thought Rasheem’s comment would fit here nicely.
That’s because our vaunted military took a powder, Raheem.
It all happened on the same day they usually wash their dainties, so they had to make a choice.
And it looks like they chose to wear the pink pussy hats.
Dr. Binder rocks on CV
Ukrainians in the “riot”…not the same ones indicting Biden surely!
vaccine comparisons, swine flu vs CV
Toby Rogers PhD, MPP
“In 1976, the US halted the swine flu vaccine after 6 weeks for 25 deaths & 362 cases of Guillain-Barre neurological injuries.”
With coronavirus vaccines after 8 weeks we are already at 501 deaths, 147 cases of anaphylaxis, & 128 cases of Bell’s Palsy:×240
The OpenVAERS Project
OpenVAERS is a catalog of VAERS reports made to HHS from
And you can’t pass this information on to friends and family on various social media platforms without “fact checkers” claiming the statistics are false.
Good Point though it wouldn’t be surprising if they still censored the facts, like they’ve been doing on the election fraud…
Whoops, I really need to sleep for I thought you said CAN instead of Can’t…
Laughing a bit here.
Guy on gun blog, ER RN for decades. Swears the vaccine is safe. Emphatically states zero deaths from the vaccine. Says VAERS proves it. After all, those who died had other issues, which knocked them off.
Tried to show him the hypocrisy with ~475,000 Covid deaths, with the vast majority having other significant issues. Not the same thing he says.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, February 9, 2021
“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalms 118:24 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Morning Duchess!
any snow?
we’ve gotten a dusting but likely to snow all day…
have a Blessed, warm and safe day!!
Morning, Pat!!! Oh, yes – more snow overnight – still thanking God for keeping the ice at bay, tho’ – gives new meaning to ‘snowbird’ for us – sending love from my igloo to yours – lol – sending Angels with big shovels – I am
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!
I do enjoy and thank you for the lovely glimpses of flowers in your pictures!! reminds me to wait patiently for spring!
* Received and Appreciated *
Thinking of you when I search for ‘Blessings’ – and flowers come to mind – considering all of the flowers you lost last Spring – hoping and praying you can salvage some this year – sending Flower Angels to watch over your blooms – I am
Dear Conservatives,
You ask why we need a #BlackHistoryMonth. If you knew it, you’d understand that
what’s happening to you now has been happening to Black Americans for centuries. We didn’t sit down whining. We built our own stuff against the insurmountable odds. Learn from it.
— Nikki Johnson
MD (@notaproviderMD) February 8, 2021
— We built our own stuff against the insurmountable odds….???
No. You plagiarized works and got wimp liberal judges to deny proper credit to the original authors and researchers, who are white.
You had science and war movies with black leads as heroes, when the real heroes were white.
You rewrote military history to make the heroes black when they actual stories had nothing to do with the black troops in the battle.
You created myths, religion, and “magic” for certain astrological and astronomical events.
you warmly embraced the Democrat and Islamic monster that whipped, beat, chained and raped you and paid unbridled homage to it since day one of Trumps term.
All you did was whine from day one.
Only a very, very few of you have come around to learn the truth about Black History and you need to reach so many more.
Black History….
OH Yes the history of SLAVERS!
Even here in America the FIRST SLAVE OWNER WAS A BLACK!!
Blow it up and you will see this is Budweiser’s Hannibal who did a series of promotions on the Kings of Africa from which the above comes from. After shaking down Budweiser for many years, Budweiser gave several breweries to Jesse Jackson’s relatives and this is the junk they came up with.
Same Hannibal that hid out from assassination in the Black Sea region where the Roman’s finally caught up with him, cause you know, black people always hang out where everyone is white when they are being hunted. No, he’s a Carthaginian who were Phoneticians who were Semites, not Negroids.
While I don’t have it here, there is a Carthaginian coin with Hannibal’s likeness from that time period. Ain’t a black man on that coin. Maybe Steve can do that one for Saturday.
quite the heel

documentation of the real time theft of our election
february 8, 2021 the marshall report
In these days of riddles and uncertainty, we must look at all things. The same as we do in a Bible study in order to understand the meaning of parables and scripture. We must go back and look at what the Lord said, what he did, and then discern what he meant by each parable. To get a full understanding of the last days, we must go back and learn what the Lord and his prophets said about these last days before his return. What was written about his two returns. First he comes as a lamb and second he comes as the Lion of Judah.
Take that TDS Belly-check!
There is no question anymore as to who the GOAT is. It wasn’t coaching it was Brady and it always was. That argument was settled tonight when he took a team no one thought could win anything to the #SuperBowl and won at 43 years of age. Amazing.
Well done Tom. #Brady

I bet Brady could even take the Jacksonville Jaguars to the Super Bowl.
I was especially impressed when I saw him strut his stuff mask-less in front of all – expressing his freedom to choose for himself.
While I did not watch any of the game – I think God was at work proving who is really in charge – what happens when we rely on Him and not man.
This victory was His in so many ways – don’t you think, Georgia?
Is Brady a Christian?
I believe so, Georgia – wasn’t he the one who was kneeling in prayer before a game – and not kneeling to the overlords?
Does this mean the mainstream media ratings will tank two-fold, Dora?
Masks can be dangerous, cut Oxygen, breed bacteria – and – trap/retain viruses.
I’m now only wearing one in a hospital/clinic/medical office setting.
Our local city/county (a pocket of *Democrat lunacy) in the sane, conservative panhandle of FL, has a mask mandate – but Governor DeSantis has ordered no punishment/fines for not wearing one.
I’m tired of playing *Planned-demic, and mad as all get out about the *Dem-panic – the *Democrats and *Chinese Communists spreading *propaganda and intentionally spreading the *disease.
*(insert expletives)
He must confess his sins.
He must seek forgiveness for being better than any player.
He must not win again.
It’s only fair….
Tom Brady’s politics aren’t the problem. It’s his refusal to recognize that his ability to enter and exit the debate when he chooses, to shield himself from accountability, is a privilege that Black and brown athletes don’t have.
— Nancy Armour (@nrarmour) February 2, 2021
God forbid he doesn’t kiss you stupid liberal fat white ass bish.\\\\
Armour cited the presence of a “Make America Great Again” hat in Brady’s locker while he was a member of the New England Patriots and previous comments he made supporting his “friend” Trump before insisting it’s no longer convenient to talk about the 45th president now that he’s out of office and facing a second impeachment trial.
“How mighty white [sic] of him,” Armour wrote. “Brady’s ability to enter and exit the debate at his choosing, to shield himself from accountability, is the height of white [sic] privilege. As this country grapples with the far reaches of systemic racism, look no further than Brady, for whom the expectations, and allowances granted, will always be different.”
It was the MAGA hat that set the old hussy off.
I am so OVER this Racisssssss
If you have to bring up race it is BECAUSE YOU ARE A LOSER and a bad one at that!
hopium thread
Strange but my view shifted from 26 to 106 comments in a flash…hmmm
edit add–pertinent prayerful posture

Hopium … perfect name. I always read (or at least scan) and think, wouldn’t that be great? And I hope because each story, each intimation sure would be nice … and then I get on with life as if I had never read them … well, maybe not as if I had never read them as it does give me a little hope and a little day dream
take it all with a truck load of salt…& light
Still waiting for the Great Pumpkin.
Is that a veiled Orange Man Dad reference?
OMG! spit coffee all over the keyboard with that one Valerie!
Finally I got one of Those replies!!!
No. It’s a Linus and Sally thing.
I’ve never actually seen the Great Pumpkin, but we make a point of watching the Charlie Brown Christmas most every year
Looks pretty cold.
speech disorders & autism
It’s going to be a long day. (Sigh)
now THAT I’d LOVE to see…
Eric Holder, huh. There’s one I’d love to see in handcuffs.
Really Lindsey.
You probably call all of them to congratulate them for setting up Shampeachment 2.0
Hannity is more hideous than LG.
So is that the signal to not call anybody and have the swift ‘no woitnesses’ trial with hidden vote at the end?
they are all fkers!…and biden DIDNT WIN!
>>”the signal to not call anybody”<<
I haven’t any doubt, Please – you’re spot-on.
Can’t have any direct evidence of their iniquity, now, can we. /s
Censorship, in the name of …
My Pillow tribbles
Joseph J Flynn
Feb 7
To the idiots in the media, big tech and the corporate retailers that tried to silence our friend Mike Lindell…Mike told me today My Pillow has grown by 5X since these attacks started in Dec. He can barely keep up with demand, the more they shut us down the stronger we become
Anons in re the Matrix “documentary” …
“The world is now at a point of almost total corruption in all of society’s “systems” – political, financial, legal, judicial, pharmaceutical, environmental, corporations, healthcare, religion, science, education, food production, journalism, entertainment, ‘humanitarian aid’, ‘child protective services’, and anything else you can think of.
“Systems that supposedly exist to serve the betterment of people, communities, states, and countries, but are now just authorities of control and exploitation over the people.
“The more I learn, the more I realize how insightful “The Matrix” series was, and how its metaphors make the situation clear and easier to discuss.
It is high time for humanity to ‘exit The Matrix’, but this must be accomplished on an individual basis, one-by-one, realizing that every worldly system of authority is a deception, a system of control, and the opposite of what it claims to be.
“Then when enough individuals are awake, they will be able to work together towards a new genuine way of life by combining their efforts and ideas with others who are awake locally, in groups of family, friends, and neighbors.
“I think that is the only way that daily life will fundamentally change and people can build a new way of life that is not dependent on the systems.”
“The only possibility for an ‘awakening’ to succeed in a significant and lasting manner is if the tipping point is reached, in terms of the percentage of awakened people in the population. Otherwise, the system will continue to be able to segregate out the few who do not accept the programming and the slavery.
“(as “anomalies” that the controllers have been unable to completely eliminate “from what is otherwise a harmonious system.” While it remains a burden to deal with, “it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.”)
“The system confines the free-thinkers to dark corners of society where they are relatively free but never a threat, until the numbers of these nonconformists grow to where they might be able to accomplish something. At that point the system crushes the will, the resources, and the reputations of these small groups.
“(“Rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed [your haven of freedom and safety], and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.”)
“I’m starting to see why a “great awakening” is the only possible way, and also why it is taking so long. The hope of a swift military solution seems unrealistic to me now, and it would most liekly not solve the root problems or provide long term stability.”
Funny how the human condition is rarely mentioned when solutions are proposed or discussed when the great awakening comes up
Getting over that is going to be necessary for long term success of peaceful human existence. There’s always somebody out there wanting more power, more money, more glory, more sex, more [insert vice here].
>>”long term success of peaceful human existence.”<<
Two thoughts come to mind.
First, parenting. Messed up parents usually, but NOT always, produce messed up children. One of the greatest causes, IMO, of “messed up” parents is the lack of self-knowledge.
Instead of learning of, accepting, and addressing ones frailties / imperfections / vices – that is, the BAD side of ones nature – many people deny it instead.
This inexorably does DAMAGE to those around them, children especially, because in avoiding the pain of knowing ones bad side, one projects it on to others.
“Muh identity” and all …
Second, stress. *Unneeded* stress, btw, if we are to believe that the tremendous, life-easing technology that DOES exist – now, TODAY – has been kept hidden by those who’ve been “messed up” to the max (most times on purpose).
Removing that stress (or at least diminishing it significantly) would go a long way toward enabling better-raised progeny.
Actually, what we REALLY need is a return to true Christianity, but even that gets corrupted when humans get involved and don’t strive to think like God.
Here’s the video of the scene referenced …
Emstar…🅆🄷🄰🅃 🄸🄵 a tiny little voice kept saying 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
And then other little voices joined in, and started saying 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
This little anomaly of one voice, became larger…and larger.
Then hundreds of little voices from places wide and far, kept saying 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
It could become a Large Voice.
One that could not be ignored.
So because it cannot be said enough, I will keep saying 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
If you think about it, this is another song which would be great to put Joe Biden Didn’t Win to.
Substitute Joe Biden Didn’t Win for Jesus Christ is Lord.
Now that I think about it, the more adapted songs the better!
It would fit with the cadence of the lyrics … but I wouldn’t adulterate a Gospel song by “substituting” for Jesus Christ.
There’s gotta be another song, as effective in promoting the message, without doing that. Just sayin’ …
Hope you’re well, Tona! I very much appreciate your intuitive perspective – not many guys out there who have this strength …
Good point! And TY!
There have to be many songs with that cadence. Let the creative juices flow!
In The Joke by Kundera there is a mass meeting. The details are not important.
At the meeting, a few people start singing the same short song, but could not be heard because of the ambient noise. But they never stopped, and slowly as people near by caught on, they started signing too. And little by little, until there was a magical moment, and the entire huge crowd was singing the song.
Joe Biden Didn’t Win!
I would love to hear the lyrics and melody to that song!
And we need STICKERS! Millions and millions of STICKERS.
It occurs to me that Joe Hill would be a great song to put “Joe Biden Didn’t Win” to.
Eh…I dunno, Tona.
Might be considered a ‘death threat’ since it talks about shooting & killing Joe Hill.
Good point! We could modify!
I like this song that L/SomeBitchIKnow used in her video:
[video src="" /]
you just gotta be careful saying biteme’s name Tona…
every time someone says his name, he signs another EO…
The song is intriguing … so I looked it up on youtube …
… s is as close as I got … 

…. and “biteme” did not .. W I N …


… bonus round .. caution it’s about a Scotsman and his … kilt ..

… heh .. heh …

Whether it’s so or not, just has to say: Or we are at that stage in game when we need to develop the red pill that can bring instantaneous realization as to our past and leave them where future generations can get them
>>”at that stage in game”<<
Not quite – though I hope it will be soon. Time will tell.
I think that “instantaneous realization” is what Kew had in mind when posting that “The first arrest will shock the world.”
>>>Whether it’s so or not<<<
Meanwhile, is it possible?
Nano Bible: Entire Old Testament Written On A Pinhead
December 21, 2007
American Technion Society
In a nanotechnology breakthrough, scientists have printed the entire Old Testament onto a silicone chip smaller than a pinhead (less than 1/1000th of an inch). The text was written using a focused ion beam (FIB) generator that shot tiny particles called Gallium ions onto a gold surface covering a base layer of silicon. In a process that can be likened to digging a hole in the earth using a water jet, the ion beam etched the surface of the gold layer, making the underlying silicon layer visible. The actual “writing” of the full text took just 90 minutes. The computer program that guided the FIB, however, took more than three months.
Ah – I must have misunderstood somewhat. Sorry ’bout that …
And yes, I think it’s possible (actual, even).
Our brains aren’t wired to handle the extremely large, or the extremely small – so without help (math / science), they’re very difficult to “grock”.
Imagine each gallium atom being one pixel in, say an 8 pixel wide by ten pixel high font. It wouldn’t look elegant but it’d be legible.
Gallium, by the way is an element that is a metal, and would melt in your hands. It’s solid at room temperature and liquid at body temperature.
then make sure it’s in suppository form to reach the dumbasses’ brains faster…
Uh, suppositories go up to a certain point and come out the same entrance from which they entered, Pat!
How is it they can reach the brain?
the left’s brains are in their BUTTS…suppositories will make the red pill’s trip shorter
Good one!
Oh, yes – forgot about that part – LOL
… vaccination, enema, ten inch spike ummmmmmm …
… lol …
Hey Nikki!
Haven’t yet said hello to you – so Hello!
I was on “sabbatical” for a time, and only in the past couple of months have I re-engaged here – but I remember YOU!
I think they’re trying to find out (they’re completely tone-deaf / clueless, so they use experimentation, like Sauron did in LotR) exactly how much *indignity( we’ll take – as an indicator of how much submission they can inflict later on (debilitating / sterilizing / deathly “vaccine”).
Hope you’re good – happy to see you still posting!
I read this over at NeonRevolt.
And this was my reply:
(part 1 of 2)
This is awful. Reverse-engineered rationalization for failure.
The Matrix is useful for context, but it’s a movie, not real life.
And you have created a scenario which can never be realized, because there is no way to “know” when ‘enough’ people are ‘awakened’, or even what the definition of ‘awakened’ actually is.
It all begins to sound like a drug-induced new age religious fantasy.
‘Awaken’ as many as we can, but understand that nobody can MAKE anyone else believe anything, and the rest of the world who ARE awake cannot be held hostage to those who refuse to see.
Did anyone wait around for the Nazis and their sympathizers to ‘awaken’ and see the error of their ways, before the Allies forced an end to WWII?
Of course not, because that would be insane, and they didn’t have the luxury of pigeonholing their philosophy into a movie, or vice-versa.
Most of the Nazis and their sympathizers went to their graves believing their cause was just, nobody changed their minds, they never ‘awakened’.
And the civilized world wasn’t going to wait around for them, either. Instead, they marched German ‘deniers’ through the death camps, and then STIGMATIZED the Nazis and their belief system so totally and completely that the people who continued to cling to that ideology were driven underground, they and their views had NO PLACE in government or society.
And that is the EXACT method that needs to be applied to the Left, the Globohomos and the Cabal. Expose them, shove the world’s FACE in the proof, the evidence of their crimes against humanity.
(part 2 of 2)
Hold worldwide televised tribunals for the worst 1,000 perpetrators, have public executions for those convicted of treason, crimes against humanity or any other capital crime, and then stigmatize ALL of the ideology and behavior these monsters have thrived on.
And it all starts by pulling the plug on their PROPAGANDA machine, the MSM.
Revoke their licenses, seize their businesses and prosecute their leadership, all of which is provided for in DJT’s executive orders.
When you pull the plug on the global propaganda machine, TRUTH will fill the vacuum.
As it stands, People are being hit in the face with a torrent of propaganda equivalent to a fire hydrant, 24/7/365.
SHUT IT OFF, and people will begin to be able to hear themselves THINK again, and they will be able to hear and process the truth.
But this idea about waiting for enough people to ‘awaken’ is a fantasy, and if our own leadership is believing this Oprah Winfrey level hopium, we’re in heap um big trouble.
It’s an open-ended objective with no set parameters, so you can never measure your progress or know when objectives are met.
There is no definition for what ‘awakened’ means, there is no way to measure how many people have been ‘awakened’ even if a definition existed, and there is no way to know how MANY need to be ‘awakened’ to reach the so-called ‘tipping point’.
Be glad nobody tried to fight WWII this way.
Or we would still be fighting WWII right now.
Which in a way we are, because TPTB stopped short, they didn’t finish the Communists off at the end of WWII.
And look at the price we’re paying for it.
History repeats
It’s never going to end.
Georgia secretary of state opens formal inquiry into controversial Trump phone call about election results.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said that his office was investigating the controversial phone call made by former President Donald Trump to him about the results of the presidential election.
Rots of Ruck with that Rottensberger – you going to jail!!!
Are these people really this stupid.
They know Trump recorded all of it.
Unfortunately, yes they are, Eilert!!!
Congress had a chance and decided to go with “the 6 Jan great insurrection” fairy tale.
This Raffensperger thing must fall under the “Let’s give it to Mikey, he’ll try anything” category.
Actual video of the call……./s
and biden DIDNT WIN!
It will end if or when DJT ever decides to drop the big one.
Unless he’s waiting for the military to take off their pink pussy hats and finally put their combat boots on.
Icelandic iridescence
Jim Hightower, American activist
Strange observation coming from a communist.
yes , quite
It would indicate that he – and other communists – knew / know EXACTLY what they’re doing.
With one caveat: the desire to destroy is self-defeating. It’s a mental deficiency …
Chinese paper mentions “Q-Anon”
This is Chinese propaganda… why bring it?
Do you know the prices have been boosted?
Sometimes just sharing what’s being bandied about out there, not vouching for it at all! I do Not personally know about the prices…
That’s my point… propaganda spreads by being “bandied about”
See my reply above.
fair enough. personally I found it interesting that anyone connected w/ China was discussing Q-Anon & the early March “deadlines” of Trump regaining the “throne”…
I just looked it up at $695 for the 2nd, $1495 for the 3rd and 4th. After that, $595. Easy peasy. is owned by Expedia. Who owns Expedia?
Who owns, Expedia,,, and
5 Answers
Moumita Khan, knows Bengali
Answered January 12, 2021
The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals is the largest online travel company in the world. Founded in 1996 in Amsterdam, The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals has grown from a small Dutch startup to one of the world’s leading digital travel companies. Part of Booking Holdings Inc. The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals’s mission is to make it easier for everyone to experience the world.
Who sets the price? The inference is “Trump Hotel”……… does it? And who is behind the Dutch firm?
I just checked Trump International in DC, the post office hotel, on That’s what it lists for the prices – no more, no less.
And now I checked the hotel’s official website. Almost $1100 from 2nd thought the 5th. $475 for the 1st, and similar for any other day of the month.
When the gubmint experts say the science is settled.
Typical DemocRAT hypocrite. Remember the photos of Fauci in the stands without a mask, when he was commanding the rest of us wear them? Rules for thee, but not for me. – That’s the Democrat mantra/motto.
I saw that pic yesterday. Not Bucs jerseys though, so doesn’t look like a super bowl pic.
Thanks for catching that.
that was a baseball game where the little fascist threw out the first pitch and was mocked for throwing like a weenie…
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
We have to face this fact – Trump/Pence were part of some of that.
Explain that comment
President Trump and Mike Pence closed the economy, put us in masks, brought in Fauci and Birx, brought on the vaccine.
That is the part I meant – not the rest.
Mike Pence mishandled the Task Force, made Fauci a household name…
But you throw POTUS in? Why…
America is a nation of States… Governors mandate… not the President.
Trump closed the economy?
I’m done.
The shut down wasn’t done by Pence was it?
Trump didn’t. Governors did.
Blue state governors. Others either limited or opted to forego the lockdowns, continuously monitored and lifted as soon as possible.
>>”Blue state governors.”<<
And they ain’t all D’s, neither!
(Btw, I tutored grammar.)
All the orders mandating lockdown, curfew, and distancing … were designed to divide ***WE THE PEOPLE***, rather than to protect us against the boogeyman they introduced JUST for that evil purpose.
Yes. It was delegated to the states to decide.
As I recall – it was both. 15 days to stop the spread extended to 30 days. Those were President Trump and VP Pence’s calls. Then the leftist governors went crazy/political/evil..
GA/FL, one cannot face a tsunami directly without perishing. Instead, one must use indirect means.
I believe that P45DJT realized that it wasn’t the battle he wished to use to win the war.
I suspect you underestimate the power of the forces against him (us). In Sun Tzu style, he decided against letting the enemy decide / define the battlefield.
Some battles are worth losing, in order to win the war – because winning the *war* is what matters.
IIRC, P45DJT wisely said something almost exactly the same.
Food for thought!
Very good points, Emeraldstar.
I hope you’re weathering things ok, GA/FL – I’d run across a bit of chatter that things aren’t so great for you now.
Please don’t abandon HOPE!
May your trial be short, may your recovery be swift, and may your return to righteous optimism be done!
(I didn’t watch, but I’m glad Brady + Gronk were victorious!)
And may God bless you and yours …
You are so sweet – I really appreciate your good thoughts and wishes.
Emstar is right. The cabal was ready to smear Trump with endangering us, they were trying 6 ways from Sunday to go after him (and still are). It was obvious at the time why he did what he did. The same thing with the masks. He ameliorated the mask directives given out by who and cdc by opining it as a personal decision. The media successfully brainwashed an overwhelming number of people about the mask fallacy with the help of Fauci and various governors directives.
That Political Moonshine series about the virus & Pandemic planning by BHO to entrap Trump were enlightening on why he might have been stuck w/ Fauci, etc…
From what I’m seeing on the dreaded conspiracy sites is that the current scamdemic was planned a couple decades ago.
just another “arrow in their quiver”
it was actually supposed to be the play to kill billions of us, except too many were awake before it hit for it to work as intended.
“…it was actually supposed to be the play to kill billions of us….”
The jury is still out on whether or not they succeed in doing that.
If it is the INJECTION that is the METHOD (plus a second virus causing Antibody-dependent enhancement) Then MANDATING injections for health care workers, police, armed forces, factory workers…. WINS THE WAR WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT!!! Something I am sure the Globalists and CCP would be very happy to accomplish.
These evil SOBs have been PLAYING with Corona/Sars viruses for YEARS!!!
The UNC paper was published in 2015 and the Australian paper in June 2010, a decade ago.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
This paper is interesting: Development of a Broadly Accessible VEE Replicon Particle Vaccine Platform
March 2018
Antibody-dependent enhancement papers:
h ttps://
h ttps://
h ttps://
Figures…& involving the usual suspects no doubt!
Yep. And more.
I forgot to bookmark that site.
What ever happened to ProgRex?
Good question.
went to his site, saw nothing new…
He was one of the “absolutely/positively” guys. Nothing has panned out as they “guaranteed”, so it’s catch you later.
Tail between his legs until his prognostications come true?
That last one…..
General McInerney
Defend These People Even If You Have To Die For Them
1. Donald Trump
2. General Michael Flynn
3. Lin Wood
4. Sidney Powell
5. Mike Lindell
6. #17
A War is Coming…
Only Jesus is in that category for me. I’ll defend GOD/His truth first, then family, then country.
As for the list above, among those, I trust Trump the most, but the others not nearly as much. DeSantis and Pompeo after Trump.
Just saying, 17 being on the bottom of the list is a deception. Belongs on the top.
It’s going to be one of those future proves past sorts of things and most of us won’t be around to see it. But I’m good.
HeydonMusicPage/BREAKING” Impeachment DAY 2.0″ 2.9.2021
Florida dems are in disarray and severly lacking in leadership, money…but they are rabidly determined to “oust” our Gov DeSantis next year…a LOT of leftie push against every move he makes just like our POTUS…
I think Gov DeSantis can and will weather the hideous onslaughts…he KNOWs the score…
all they’ve got is this incessant covid agitprop crap non-stop, and they will continue to not let that go to waste…to the point of absurdity.
liberalism is like an inbred chronic generational disease.
they just can’t do anything else but live on lies and smear campaigns, trying desperately to silence the Truth and anyone who speaks the Truth.
Gov Ron DeSantis
Well articulated, Smiley – wholeheartedly agree – the problem with the left mindset – I might add – is that they can only criticize – they cannot reason or put forth a logical argument to support their position – that is what is so frustrating about this game they are perpetually playing.
Now you too can train like Tom Brady!
Because it can’t be said enough…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
just caught a glimpse of a “teen brawl” that happened at a trampoline park and i didn’t watch the video but read the comments with it.
if I remember correctly, a similar event happened at a miniature golf place (??) relatively recently but the same type of unruly teenager was involved.
best (probably racist, but correct nonetheless) comment…
more weaves there than at a Persian rug factory.
Some (not all, of course) kids in that demographic have been brought up lawless, abused, not disciplined/trained.
They have had no fear/reverence of GOD and HIS Word/Law/Love/Redemption put in their lives.
They live for self gratification alone.
BLAME THE ROCKEFELLERS (allies of the Rothschilds)
1894 — Dumbing Down America by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld — John Dewey the Father of Modern Progressive Education (funded by John D. Rockefeller)
h ttps://
1913 – Federal Reserve Act, 16th Amend. allows Congress to levy an income tax & 17th Amend. Allows popular election of United States senators taking control away from the states.
A Talk by G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve
h ttps://
1934 — Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress, 1934
h ttp://
Pay special attention to what he says about Russia and ALSO JAPAN!
China’s Communist Party and Japan: A Forgotten Historyh ttps://
Who financed Lenin and Trotsky?h ttp://
1915 – Congressional Record, of 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors
h ttps://
1918 – Sam Bush patriarch of the Bush clan
1920 — The ‘New Progressive’ Child rearing practices taught mothers by doctors.
h ttp://
Rockefeller & feminism: Feminism was a creation of the Rockefellers:
How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
h ttps://
Rockefeller Foundation Funded ‘Womens Lib’ For The Same Reason The CIA Funded ‘MS Magazine’
h ttps://
Not only was it about getting to tax the labor of women. Remember the Grace Commission report to Reagan noted that 100% of personal income tax goes to pay interest on the national debt, the lion’s share of which goes to the banking cartel that we know as the Federal Reserve. – It was all about gaining control and indoctrinating Americas children.
That was what all the trumped up charges against Daycares was all about. Problem -Reaction – Solution — Got to create the problem to get people to hand over more control of their lives. In this case control of your children.
References for the trumped up charges against Daycares
The Fells Acres Nightmare from Mark Pendergrast, Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives (2nd edition)
h ttp://
The “Little Rascals” ritual abuse case in Edenton, NC
h ttp://
(This is very good and goes into implanting of false memorites)
h ttps://
Scotland has taken it to the logical conclusion:
Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody
h ttp://
“…Scotland wants to treat all families as potentially abusive and appoint a “named person” (that is, a guardian) as soon as the child is born and up through age 18 to oversee the parenting. This “shadow parent” would be empowered by the government under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, which will take effect in 2016….”
And finally we have LBJ and his ‘Great Society’ PAYING WOMEN NOT TO MARRY and muzzling Churches
I put a space between the h and the rest of the URL so it is not a live link. Otherwise the link goes to the general page and not the article.
Welfare and no fathers also helped to create this – plus the drug trade that took may into addiction and/or prison.
Yeah, LBJs ‘Great Society’ aka the NEW job classification of welfare mom.
I forgot about the Drug trade. The Civil Rights act and Bussing the little Drug pushers into middle class schools. I watched it happen as a teen.
Low IQ and zero impulse control.
I’ve read that it was Trotsky (under Lenin) who *invented* this term, as a smear on anyone who disagreed with the “official” narrative in Russia at the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution, in which ~60MM Russians were exterminated.
It’s exactly like the “conspiracy theory” smear of the Clowns in re JFK, and exactly like what we hear, using various words to the same effect, from the regressive-progressives, today.
Lee Smith: The ‘oligarchy’ running America is loyal to China
Feb. 09, 2021 – 4:39 – Journalist and author explains why American elites have aligned themselves with Beijing on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’
I get nothing but an arrow going around and around in a circle.
We are not living in a world where all roads are radii of a circle and where all, if followed long enough, will therefore draw gradually nearer and finally meet at the centre: rather in a world where every road, after a few miles, forks into two, and each of those into two again, and at each fork, you must make a decision.
C. S. Lewis
From Yogi Berra –
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”
His explanation –
“I was giving Joe Garagiola directions from New York to our house in Montclair when I said this.”
LOL – Every day we are inundated with choices – not always cut and dry – but, these choices are important because we inordinately decide what we are going to believe and what we are not – what is misdirection (lol) and what is not – and – if we take the wrong road – we end up in a rabbit hole so deep – and – so wide – from which we will be hard-pressed extract ourselves.
Right now – what is going on in DC is a ‘fork u’ – they cannot reverse the accomplishments of PT fast enough – if that is at all possible – we ARE watching a movie – a very poorly scripted movie – one I hope and pray is not a pretense of our future life in America.
Thanks for listening, Em – just had to give my own explanation – of the fork – Sorry
Please! There isn’t any need to apologize for *my* sake!
Circle back! lol
LOL – oh noes – now I have to ‘circle back’?
you’re so cute!
I think we all, do, Duchess …
(I’m trying to capture / re-define the term’s initial meaning, from being an avoidance of the truth … to being an acknowledgement / exaltation of it.)
Back to the Constitution for the united States of America, back to basics, and finally, and most importantly – back to God.
Amen goes right there, Em!!!
Forthrightness? Reality? Honesty?
We are in a Spiritual War – we are not fighting man – we are fighting evil of the highest order, Em!!!
Yes, Duchess.
Only in the past few years have I come across that Ephesians verse, asserting exactly what you say.
I was very pleased to realize that I MUST keep that in mind, and at the forefront of my thinking in these times (and always).
There is MORE to life, and existence, than this material / physical world.
In fact (IMO), the material world is the LEAST important facet.
TBH, I’d already figured that out, on “my own” (of course, it’s really FIRST by the grace of God, and by me only AFTERWARD, through Him), and I was very encouraged by this truth.
KJV, Ephesians, Verse 6, Chapter 12 (I don’t know the proper abbreviations to use for citation):
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.“
You did just fine, Em!!! * Smiling *
Oligarchs always do.The big intustrialists alignend themselves with Hitler. The the church the universities. Why church leaders that is a key to get the unwashed masses to comply. Look at us today again, Industrialists , Universities and church leaders.
if anyone wants to watch this farce…here’s a link …sposed to begin at 11 am…
brought to you by the Ministry of Lies..
video at link…LIVE stream…
404 Error at that link…page not found…ignore that link.
PBS has it Live, posted below, FWIW.
LIVE stream…PBS…here…begins at 11 am…
the sham…
(the link I also just posted for this…NBC…has page not found…so ignore that post)
And I don’t think its actually good for us.
More like Soy/tofu – we are told we have to like it and its good for us but it is terrible tasting and terrible for our health
Give me RAW spinach straight out of my garden as part of a salad…
Yea. Raw spinach is great in my salad. No interest in cooked though.
Only cooked I like is Spanakopita
I also put raw spinach in smoothies, with banana and pineapple, orange….
Or fresh cooked in a quiche, on a pizza.
I also put fresh spinach in Lasagne or pasta marinara bake – along with broccoli as I did this week.
She’s another skank globalist who worships at the altar of political correctness.
There is nothing to like about that, and everything to despise.
In my errands yesterday I came across a yellow stickie note that said:
“Biden didn’t win. And we all know it.”
Made me smile the rest of the day.
so nobody’s found nanzi’s laptop yet?
Would be great if Wiki mirrored Nanzi’s laptop online.
makes you wonder who has it? or is it the shell game? never really gone…
Can anybody in CA verify this?
After the holiday surges, the number of new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining, but the deaths — the pandemic’s lagging indicator — are enduring “an extraordinary explosion,” as one funeral home operator puts it. California has tallied more than 43,000 deaths so far, with nearly 15,000 of those coming in January, and is on pace to surpass New York, which leads the nation with more than 44,000 deaths, within a week. And the “last responders” are struggling to keep up.
Crematories are operating on double shifts — and some would run three, one operator said, if they had enough trained workers. Embalmers are working 7 days a week. Across the Bay Area, some families have to wait a week or even two to set up an initial meeting with a funeral home.
^^^ On the surface, that narrative seems like a replay of one year ago in Wuhan. Crematories working double shifts…
I’d never pursue the narrative, even if I was in CA..
Needs an HONEST investigator on the ground. No sensationalist theory pushing fake news fake conservatives.
Probably busy burning ballots and other incriminating evidence. THINK the Chinese in Texas.
I suspect that Snopes can.
And Mother Jones.
And Vice.
And …
back in the US…back in the USS…back in the USSR boys !

circle back, Jo Jo
What time does the Scam-peachment stuff start?
just for you GA/FL…(i know you’re crushin on Tom…)
i always thought Mahomes was an okay guy…but that outfit? wth? no socks, red shoes? they scream –Dorothy I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore…
I didn’t even realize that was supposed to be a dude on the right, let alone a quarterback for a pro football team.
come and get ’em….
FREE rotten eggs !

EGG TOSS ! aim accurately at the sham wows !
sham show starts in about 20 minutes !
LOL – Oh, Smiley – you so funny!!!
A good read!
A Strange Game
“The takeover of the country by an amalgamation of bad characters representing fascist corporatism, collectivism, billionaire oligarchs, social media tyrants, pandemic peddlers, and Deep State snake oil surveillance state salesmen has marked a turning point for the country. Battle lines are being drawn, a propaganda war is already being waged, enemies are preparing for conflict, rage is rising, and the country is headed towards some level of dissolution.
Events since the inception of the release of the China virus from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab, have been accelerating towards an epic struggle between those constituting the true power in the country and those they consider deplorable and undeserving of respect or a voice in how the country is governed. The shadowy figures behind the curtain of Bernays’ invisible government have revealed themselves and no longer fear the plebs they rule over, as their sociopathic hubris has convinced themselves they are invincible.”
There’s already a Part II to this article.
Maybe SNL can start using their Gerald Ford crap with Biden?
February 9, 2021 | From American Thinker and IFA Staff.
Father, help Your sovereignty and power to be on display during this impeachment trial and give the judge Your insight and wisdom. We pray against any evil and destruction.
The impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump begins in the U.S. Senate TODAY, February 9th, at 1:00 pm ET, according to C-SPAN. IFA will be praying about the trial LIVE in a special edition Pray for America’s Leaders webcast TODAY at 12:15 pm ET, at or by conference call at (712) 775-7430.Be sure to scroll down for a list of critical players to pray for who are key in the impeachment trial.
wait…the judge is Leahy…that ship has sailed imo
Peace Be Still – 20210209
a little background muzik for today’s sham wow egg toss !
don’t know how lucky you are boys !
I Won’t Back Down – Johnny Cash!
And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.
What a relief – RSBN will carry the Scam-peachment show down.
Here’s CSPAN in case something goes wrong –
OANN and the others will probably carry it too.
Ah woman?
LAY-HEE’S false teeth keep whistling
I haven’t heard any news on the Gamestop front and haven’t tried to keep track. Hoping that someone can provide an update on where things stand.
A big problem with these hedge funds – besides using illegal tricks to game the system – is using their wealth to buy into companies and using their shareholder power to control the CEOs. Every large company buying into the woke kool-aid and using their positions of power to retaliate against law-abiding citizens at every level – consumers, suppliers, partners, employees – while pouring money into the left’s coffers via non-profit shell corporations. And of course, “lobbying” (aka, bribing) politicians of every stripe, so as to manipulate public policy outcomes to enrich themselves at the expense of competitors in the market and the American people. Bits and pieces are talked about but the big picture of the players pulling the strings rarely so.
“Bits and pieces are talked about but the big picture of the players pulling the strings rarely so. “
After reading William Cooper’s ‘Behold a pale horse’ , my eyes were opened the entire economy was a manipulated BIG Banker farce..and never looked back. Technology today counts and alerts, what used to be offices of accountants who report results to those with the levers to control ebb and flow of the markets: Picking Winners and Losers.
Incorporating algorithmic tools, predictions enable the system to run by itself.
As long as companies contribute the hierarchal amount of payola,
they entertain a certain amount success. $$$
..granted, finance is not my bailiwick, but the theory smacked me across my face.
Last I read, Michael, is that the shorts HAVEN’T covered yet.
Of course, there are staggered expiration dates for options (and shorting the stock itself hasn’t any “expiration”), but still – the opportunity remains for those intrepid Redditors.
It’s amazing and wondrous, IMO, that a collection of buyers buying something – that ostensibly they shouldn’t – has had such an impact on these merchants of evil who call themselves financiers / traders / professionals / liquidity-providers / blah blah blah …
Seems to me that these “professionals” have left their collective butt available and RIPE for a serious spanking … and it ain’t over yet!
Tune in next week – same BAT-time, same BAT-channel!
so far NYET ….
i thought it was supposed to start at 1
keep moving it back…first it was 11…then noon…now 1 ???
ain’t easy bein sleazy
Me, too – this was from ACLJ video – and – they should know – they are LIVE now – posted video above…
the one guy should be red, the rest blue
HAPPENING NOW: Impeachment Trial Begins
It keeps getting worse!
There all lefties I would think so other than getting younger the numbers wont change….for now
Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Left’s latest rule change: secret ballots for senators
Law professor Douglas Kmiec (Obama’s first ambassador to Malta) wants the Senate to throw away a couple of centuries of good governance by allowing senators to vote in secret to convict Donald John Trump. Secret votes by the Senate is about as constitutional as impeaching someone after his term has expired.
And yet, here we are with the left changing the rules again rather than accept defeat.They changed the rules to allow Obama to use the FBI to spy on Trump. They changed the rules to allow the harvesting of ballots. They changed the rules to ban Republican observers from the counting of votes. And now they changed the rules to where a private citizen may be impeached.
I think if McConnell goes and agrees to this he needs to primarie tomorrow.
We need to get them all out if that is what they are willing to agree too. This is Stalinist personified.
I wish the trump team would just lay out that it is unconstitutional and leave. I do not know if that can be don.
I agree.
It’s the senates show. They can do whatever they want. What should happen is the Senate should walk out or stop this charade in this first phase, but that won’t happen because of the RINOs and a fifty fifty senate. Show will go on, right to the very end.
I heard today on Rush that the Senators cannot walk out because if they do the Democrats will have 2/3 for a vote to impeach Trump. No they have to stay there.
Someone posted the agreed upon rules for the impeachment yesterday. After every vote described in the rules, all are followed up saying they will be decided by yeas and neys. All except the last vote, the vote to impeach, which is described in the very last sentence of the rules. There they mention nothing about yeas and neys. So yes this secret vote stuff is a very real possibility.
That is just sad, Para!!! However, after the roll call on the Rules – last I heard was 89 yeas – so that means 11 (nays) – if all are in attendance or virtually present.
Also – it is quite possible the ‘jurisdiction’ vote will fail – so the trial can continue – heard this on ACLJ broadcast earlier – one of the lawyers chimed in his opinion.
A secret vote will not only allow turncoats to lie about how they voted, but more importantly it will allow the the lying left to alter the outcome and it could not be proved. If they can do they will.
can’t even understand the ancient LAY-HEE and his roll call bc his diaper is too tight on his ancient mouth !
Schumer can’t even say POTUS’ full name correctly !
PBS is such bullshit…sooo solemn
“…the alleged scene of the crime…”
((((( the gravitas !))))
𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓸𝔂 𝓙𝓸𝓮 … 𝕴𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓪!

This opening statement from the House manager is barf-worthy.
Do you have any idea how long the House Managers have to present their case, DP?
I have Raskin Rascal muted – and – I have no idea what the rules are…
I believe 2 days, 8 hours each day. The Defense has the same
I heard four hours, but not sure if that’s per side or split between the two.
I believe one of those times is for debating to have witness’s and the other is for the hearing itself.
They have voted 56 to 44 to go forward with trial.
Republtards voting to go forward:
appreciate you watching and reporting!

…. if that doesn’t do it then ….
… don’t tell anyone ..
I prefer something with a little more kick!
I’ve had to stick with wine. The whiskey would have me in a fighting mood.
I really do recommend for those who are looking for bang for the buck…Elijah Craig Barrel Proof. If you can find batch B17 or C19…great barrels!
A bottle goes for about €70 ($80) here in Germany. You can probably find it for $50-$60 stateside.
This is not a whiskey to do shots with…it is one to sip and enjoy at a slow pace. Do not let the 125 – 135 proof bottles of Kentucky thunder scare you away. They are smooth and explode with flavor and aroma!
Each sip is a different experience.
Do it! Thank me later!
I prefer this whiskey bottle of Kentucky hugs without water or ice at room temperature in a Glencairn glass slowly warming in the palm of the hand opens up different aromas as you sip the whiskey.
….and so it begins
Nothing like a false flag incident on Day 1 of Fake Impeachment II, is there?
One wonders if Ms. Haspel perhaps left some “delayed-option” orders behind when she left the building?
Now we know where that C-4 that was stolen in Californicate ended up.
My first thought was to wonder if it is an abortion clinic. It does not appear to be from their website.
I’m not going to be able to watch today, so live comments are appreciated.
It’s starting with a history and legal civics lesson from the House manager. They think they are justified and constitutionally allowed to do this.
trying to establish “precedent”…to justify this sham.
They already played the first video of the ‘chaos’ in the Chamber – looks like they are trying to emphasize who is doing the damage (red hats).
Had to laugh at the ‘fake doors’ being smashed!!!
I am not listening to him speak so someone else will have to tell what he is purporting.
Delingpole: Green Jobs Collapse in Germany and Go to China Instead. What a Surprise!
‘Green jobs’ in the German renewables sector have collapsed by 50 per cent in less than a decade. No prizes for guessing where they’ve gone instead – but here’s a clue: it begins with ‘C’ and ends with ‘-hina’.
According to Clean Energy Wire in their report of the findings of Europe’s largest trade union confederation:
There are two key points to be made here. First, China is not remotely interested in green issues — or ‘clean’ energy — except insofar as it enables it to gain a competitive advantage over the West while it continues full steam ahead with its fossil fuel-powered industries.
Second, the ‘green jobs’ promised by everyone from President Joe Biden to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson as one of the benefits of their proposed Net Zero revolutions are a myth. Or, if you prefer, a blatant lie.
This was predicted in a Global Warming Policy Foundation report published ten years ago by Dr Gordon Hughes, Professor of Economics at the University of Edinburgh.
He wrote then:
Renewable energy, he added, will always be a net jobs-killer because of its effects on the broader economy. By driving up the cost of energy — perhaps doubling it — and diverting capital spending from more efficient sectors of the economy, renewables destroy more jobs than they create.
We can’t say we weren’t warned. Net Zero is a looming disaster and the politicians steering us towards it are doing so with their eyes wide open – and their tongues as forked as a snake’s.
RE: Shamimpeachment
If Curly was to show up at the Senate chamber today….

history…lesson…Moscow Trials (1931)…
PBS solemnly is calling today’s Senate sham historical …
so I thought I’d offer this…
Right Side Broadcasting Network is LIVE STREAMING from the X22 Report website
Watching the ‘riot’ – I’m 1000% certain those are NOT Trump MAGA or Q people.
It’s an Øbama/Soros trained/paid false flag operation for sure.
Leahy sounds like my mother’s Aunt C right about the time she went into the nursing home.
Changed House Manager – have no idea who this guy is – I am muted still!!!
However, by his hand motions, I think he thinks he is being effective – LOL
Joe Neguse from Colorado. Talking about constitutional scholars supporting the idea that a president can be impeached for actions in January after he’s left office.
Methinks the Democrats protest too much, and are having a serious Lady MacBeth moment.
Thanks, DP! What constitutional scholar said that?
This is suicide by words – that will be ‘on the record’ and analyzed by REAL Constitutional Scholars long into the future.
think he sited Turley…cuz Turley already tweeted out that the article he quotes is 21 yrs old and his opinions have evolved since then…
Turley’s tweeting refutation of this account, actually.
The full effect is highly entertaining.
With luck wearing all these face diapers for 8 hours will make the WHOLE BLASTED LOT SO SICK THEY DIE OR PNEUMONIA!
…. so let it be written, ….
……. ……. So let it be DONE ..

Perhaps, the Defense Team will play it, DP!!!
shame they can’t play them side by side to SHOW THE DIFFERENCES
Nah – they would never do dat, Pat!!! I think what we will see – when the Trump Lawyers get a chance to speak – is a totally ‘different’ video – maybe, showing how the DC Police enabled – identifying the anti-Trumpers – dunno – just guessing here…
I can’t watch this obscene slop…this utter sham…the insufferable hypocrisy is intolerable…
this is communism on full display.
I can not manage the anger I am feeling…so I’m opting out of this disgusting travesty…this shameful and tragic decline of America…and this persecution of our POTUS.
curse them all.
As far as I’m concerned, I’m watching a movie where the blindfolds are rotting off of various people’s faces.
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the breach at the Capitol was planned several days in advance of the rally, and therefore had nothing to do with the President’s speech on January 6th at the Ellipse,”
Why then did they not arrest the ring leaders.
Or alternatively if they could not pinpoint the ring leaders why did they not have an effective police presence. Instead they let them, nay lead them in.
If anyone should be facing reprisals wray should be first in line.
“Meadows told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that although Trump had been vocal about offering Capitol Police and National Guard presence at the Capitol on multiple occasions last month, his offer was rebuked “every time.”
Listening to the leftist main argument – that a crime committed pre-inauguration is impeachable – – – –
-Sure do hope Trump’s team has an defense argument besides just the unconstitutionality of the impeachment!
-Hope also they have some sort of offense or means to attack and present the massive ELECTION FRAUD!!
I H8 politics….and Democrats, socialist, communists, etc.
They do – the Article of Impeachment was not delivered to the Senate until AFTER PT left office – and – maybe, the lack of proper procedure before the Article of Impeachment was drawn – just a fast and furious House vote.
Miss Duchess – I don’t think it’s when the indictment occurs – it’s the date of the alleged ‘crime’ that matters.
Well – that makes sense, Georgia – I read their papers – cannot remember exactly if/when they addressed this – will have to go back and look.
I wonder, though, how they can pass any of this off as constitutional – when the House did not follow proper protocol when drawing up this ‘indictment’.
I know – it’s so discouraging how they keep on with such nastiness.
Democrats are famous for taking things out of context, aren’t they, DP?
Yep. The wonders of the sound bite and an editing room.
Unfortunately, Will Chamberlain, who is a lawyer, said that Trump’s defence team is pretty bad. He supports what a Republican senator said:
Poor PDJT. He just cannot find the people to defend him. He stands alone. It is just so sad.
This video is really bad (subtitled edition). Bruce Castor says absolutely nothing of import:
are they showing time stamps on their videos??
Enough with the sanctimonious, pontificating bull$#!+.
I used to do that for a living.
Where’s my martini shaker?
Pat has it – and if she does not – I am sure she can find it, DP!!!
use mine till you find yours…
… I just sent DePat some barrels of Glen Livet Scotch … (and pepto Bismarck
Mmmm…I’m a Jamie drinker, actually, and at the moment, I’m out. Substituting Tanquerray and waving the Vermouth bottle over the shaker a la Churchill.

… Bismarck
… (dadgummit
) … ya’ can’t drink a submarine, sigh 
… nuts
I hate sneaky spellcheck,

I got bored and wondered over to YT.
Oh, look, the guy from Rhode Island flashes the Illuminati hand signal…at least I’ve heard that the diamond pose is such a thing.
PDJT does that every single time he’s in the gold chairs by the fireplace.
It’s a heart, meaning ‘I love you’.
I first saw it during the 2012 London Olympics. The athletes made the gesture to cheering crowds for their support.
A disaster of what kind of proportion?
Good Lord, they’re playing this for all its worth which isn’t much.
Right Side Broadcasting Network just showed PT’s new Logo on a letter – Why?
Now we’re getting the justification for the Chief Justice is not presiding and how that’s PERFECTLY fine.
No court upheld this election. They all refused hear ANY evidence. WTFoxtrot?
Wow the stupid is strong with these people. There’s VIDEO evidence that directly contradicts this man’s statements.
.. evil, depraved .. dumbasses ….


Later peeps. I’ll be back.
Back from Recess – not sure who is speaking – thinking it might be a Trump Lawyer
Do not recognize him – can someone help.
Talking about ‘blame’ – what happens that makes a person want to blame someone when a horrific incident occurs.
Talking about emotion – wherein logic does not automatically kick in – an event living through a person – immediately want retribution – how people can be overcome with emotion when witnessing events.
He sounds flat and boring while seemingly tossing away pieces of the defense he has at his disposal. I guess he’s easing into the defense mode and we have to wait for the defense part take shape.
Talking about the role of Senators – now going on to the Federalist Papers – that outlined the contents of the Constitution.
The Legislative Body was created in the Federalist Papers – Republicanism – throughout history – has always – and without exception – has fallen because of bickering within.
They ceased to exist as Representative Democracy due to Totalitarianism.
Onto Liberty – and the Bill of Rights – Congress should make not law to curtail Freedom of Speech – part of their argument.
reading comments OT as well…they think he stinks as a defense attorney…
and think REALPOTUS has been sold out again…
is that your impression?
Nope – his style might not be copasetic with theirs – but, he is making his points in his own way.- he is building on his points
He spent quite a bit of time reminding the Senators of their duty as Senators – their responsibilities to their constituents
Then – he spoke about Liberty and the Constitution referencing the Federalist Papers – the original intent of the Founding Fathers
Now – he is speaking about the bundling of accusations into (1) Article of Impeachment
Now – he is acclaiming the House Managers – how they spoke and presented their points
He just came out and said – about what they are afraid is that PT will run for office again – he just said the ‘people spoke’ – YUK!!!
Why are they afraid of the very people who sent them here to do their job?
Why fear that the people will all of a sudden forget how to pick their leaders?
well good…it certainly doesn’t sound like he knows what he’s doing (according to OT)
They have changed their approach – he just said – they thought they were going to argue jurisdiction – and now – something has changed – discussing the judgement shall not extend further than removal from office.
PT is no longer in office – the judgement has been achieved – the people have spoken
Guess that means there will be no discussion about voter fraud.
Giving the keys to his partner now.
Schoen (sp) is ON THE MARK!!!
did he really say something like
the people know how to remove an administration? is he actually saying THE PEOPLE voted to remove REALPOTUS?
Casper – yes!!!
SCHOEN is doing quite well – I like this guy – almost like Good Cop – Bad Cop – guess who he is!!!
He said the people made their choice – and they know how to remove an administration they do not like or want – sunk my hope they would bring forth the stolen election – this is probably not the venue to do that – but, I do believe it will come out – somewhere – somehow.
Bruce Castor said what a great job the Dems were doing in presenting their case.
Even though CNN is reporting the contents in the tweet below, PDJT must be FURIOUS. I would be. I’d be getting on the company jet to go to DC to defend myself:
Two words. Patrick Byrne.
Also Garrett Ziegler, who worked for Peter Navarro. He said the same thing as Byrne:
yeah, I don’t see the strategy yet…hoping there IS one though…
I don’t see the strategy yet, either.
I hope David Schoen will be better — miles better.
Yep, Bruce Castor. Can’t find any pics with glasses.
Thanks, Pat! I did not recognize him!
not watching so me either…lol…saw it on a news site that he would be up first
Well – there are only two (2) to my knowledge – so it had to be one or the other – unless they have someone else.
Also – it appears they do have (2) hours each side to speak – he has already been speaking for 36 minutes.
I guess the next thirty minutes will be about how Senators are the deliberating body when compared to the House. This guy is quite slow.
extremely disappointing…!
is he rambling about pre-revolutionary days ???
An hour plus to make three or four points poorly while conceding points that need not be conceded. That guy a is real work of wonder.
Awww…He did his job – Trump Style – IMHO
I agree. Remind the Senate of their duties and responsibilities…then build on that.
The red meat is going to come when appropriate.
We need to keep in mind that this is for your average viewer…not QTreepers.
Absotutalutely, JW!!!
geez…what’s with castor ?? is he practicing hypnosis ?? did he write this on the subway ??
sums it all up …..
Schoen doing much better. Many points in just minutes. However holding the top of your head to drink water is going to come back to bite!
Most likely.
No. He has no hair on his head. Just some fuzz. He may have some sort of equilibrium problem or its a Jewish thing as mentioned below, though I’ve not heard of it, maybe reflexive if he always wears a yarmluke.
Sad,, but you can easily bet he’s going to be mocked for it. Likely it will be on Saturday Night Live if they still do that show.
just saw this posted OT…a reason
February 9, 2021 4:43 pm
Reply to Seneca the Elder
I just saw this question elsewhere. Answer here:
Observant Jews say blessings and cover heads before/while eating and drinking. Usually they have head coverings like a yarmulke
I am glad you brought this up. Some Orthodox Jewish men believe that they should not drink water without a head covering:
‘Pre-med? Pre-law? What’s the difference?’
Baby Boomers & Motown fans…
Mary Wilson, co-founder of The Supremes, has died…at 76…
Mary is in the middle…very pretty.
If he keeps this up, it won’t be long until the Leftist Agitator cum Entrepreneur becomes Red Pilled by the realities of the American market economy and regulatory state!
David Hogg’s Pillow Company Is Proceeding Nicely
This position will be helpful for pillow design and manufacture:
I hope he does start manufacturing and that he’s intimately involved in the company operations – not just some leftist hedge fund manager’s figure head. Becoming a CEO of a company you built in your early 20s is priceless.
One of wrays moles ?
Good Lord – I want a copy of the transcript of Schoen’s Opening Statement!!!
I love this guy!!!
Uh, Oh – THE RED BOOK!!!
Does this mean they can execute President Trump if he is convicted?
“Bills of attainder . . . are such special acts of the legislature, as inflict capital punishments upon persons supposed to be guilty of high offences, such as treason and felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings. If an act inflicts a milder degree of punishment than death, it is called a bill of pains and penalties. . . . In such cases, the legislature assumes judicial magistracy, pronouncing upon the guilt of the party without any of the common forms and guards of trial, and satisfying itself with proofs, when such proofs are within its reach, whether they are conformable to the rules of evidence, or not. In short, in all such cases, the legislature exercises the highest power of sovereignty, and what may be properly deemed an irresponsible despotic discretion, being governed solely by what it deems political necessity or expediency, and too often under the influence of unreasonable fears, or unfounded suspicions.”1910 The phrase “bill of attainder,” as used in this clause and in clause 1 of § 10, applies to bills of pains and penalties as well as to the traditional bills of attainder.1911
Schoen argued this is a Judicial Process – not a Legislative Process – in other words – the Legislature is NOT Judge and Jury – PT would have to take it to the SC to appeal if they convict – I think – not a lawyer here, Liz – just my understanding – wish we had a lawyer in the house.
Schoen also pointed out the CJ refused to take part in this impeachment trial – I think why he brought up the fact that the ‘Presider’ had already expressed his opinion in public.
I am relieved that Trump did not physically go to the Senate.
A little too close to the Play they were doing where they executed Trump on stage.
He really did not have to appear – because he cannot be a witness against himself, Liz
Please do not look at those things – that is the devil’s playground – seeding negative thoughts in our minds – God is in charge – and He did not raise up PT to fight this fight to see him fail – what I think.
If this is not thrown out, we then know just how deeply corrupt BOTH houses of Congress are.
Leahy presides over an impeachment after making clear public statements that President Trump must be convicted…BEFORE any evidence is even heard. Of course, we all know this circus was never about the evidence…let alone the Truth.
Eventually, We the People will have to take a stand…enough is ENOUGH!
Or will we allow the CCP to rule without even a fight?
Is that the person to whom Schoen referenced making up his mind before the trial, JW?
Yup! He even presented the public statement by Leahy.
I got interrupted – so did not hear that – Thanks, JW!!!
No problem, Duchess.
The trick is to make a Constitutional argument without getting to deep in the weeds. The world is watching…we do not want to put them to sleep.
Schoen is elaborating on the tenets of the Constitution – Imma loving it!!!
The argument is clear cut and dry…no real counter-argument possible. But that will not stop the Swamp from trying to baffle us with Swamp shit.
Oh, Gosh – I hope not, JW!!!
This argument IS clear cut and dry – these people are so full of hatred for PT – they cannot see the forest for the trees.
This procedure will set a precedence – why not counter other aspects of the impeachment process – and go back and impeach any and all past officers?
Not only hatred for PDJT—but FEAR. They are in an existential fight…so they will do ANYTHING possible to make sure another PDJT never comes again…ever.
That is why I pray that the military is on the right side.
What a beautiful ending to a powerful rebuttal!!!
God Bless Mr. Schoen mightily for giving his all!!!
The problem is that the Dems KNOW that they are lying…nothing that Schoen has said will change any vote that has already been predetermined…otherwise we would not be here in the first place.
I would be extremely surprised to not see this go forward…as fraudulent as the entire circus has been since the election. Why should they stop now?
Romney voted to proceed.
I love how RSBN is posting the parts of the Constitution to which Schoen refers – very effective – imho
Taking the roll call for jurisdiction – I believe – Can anyone verify please – Thanks!!!
they’re voting to have a trial, yes?
Yes. Going forward…56 to 44.
To be precise, they were voting on whether it was Constitutional.
So there you have it. Constitution is null and void, again.
The Trump lawyers seem hoarse – wonder if the air is too dry or is blowing in their faces – or is it the weather?
They do not have strong, powerful voices or dramatic skills – but the content of the arguments is good.
Too late. The election already did that.
The DemCommunists don’t care that the country is already torn apart. They want it further torn apart. This way, they can set people against each other and against the federal government, then crush them — think Lenin.
The DemCommunists are way beyond “Rules for Radicals”. They’re in full-out Lenin-Stalin mode.
Who is the speaker here? Reading off papers in a binder — where’s the fire in the belly?
The trial will go forward on a vote of 56 to 44.
if they can vote in public about going to trial, they can vote in public on conviction or acquittal.
we as a nation must demand it. it is our right…
perhaps that’s why the fencing remains…
“The democrats masters of mental manipulation.”
Bannon War Room
Castro was bad. The Republican lawyers are not political but good in law. The democrats are in total control the way they spliced and presented their argument. Masters of deception.
War Room have never seen anything like this.
We did not hit hard back.
I did not see much of anything. We lost a vote. I hope Trump’s lawyers they step it .
56 D-bags just voted to violate the Constitution.
RINO Traitors- Cassidy, Toomey, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski, Romney
The RINO Traitors will also be the ones to vote “Yea” to “convict” President Trump. Wouldn’t be surprised to see other “Republican” Senators go along (like Cornyn / Thune, maybe even The Turtle and Miss Lindsey).
Writing this is delayed, (had to get dressed), however it it occurred within seconds of the final reading of the vote.
How fitting it is that the wife now asks me to go out and apply weed killer to the lawn.
They all lied when they swore on the Bible to uphold the constitution.
They made a choice no one forced them poor free will to violate their oath.
There are two main goals of the DemCommunists in this Fake Impeachment II farce:
One: to make sure, by any means possible, that President Trump is “convicted” and then attainted, so that he cannot ever again run for an elected office. If that entails literally making up “precedent” or “intent of the Founding Fathers”, they will see to it.
And if, God Forbid, a “conviction” is obtained and then appealed to the Supreme Court, we know now that the ONLY Justices who can be really counted upon to uphold the Constitution are Thomas and Alito.
Two, to make sure they cement the Chinese Communist takeover of the Oval Office through their stooge RobberJoe.
Sounds like a bunch of new multi millionaires if not billionaires in the making.
All the usual suspects – and an extra traitor just to keep the pot boiling.
This list of “Republican” traitors is likely just enough to also yield a “conviction” and attainder against President Trump.
That could be overturned in the SCOTUS – and even if they also betray him – I think he should take it all the way.
I’d make a sacrificial donation to a legal fund – just to make the SCOTUS traitors commit their rulings and reputations and names to a decision!
YUP. FRIED McCONNELL McMINIONS smells good in the history books!
Let the Establishment go all the way. Let them SEAL THEIR FATE.
You are so right. They are barreling towards the brick wall of history.
THE WINNER WRITES HISTORY not the loser. And they KNOW IT. HECK they are ALREADY RE-WRITING HISTORY and teach little kids to HATE their country and to HATE their parents,
The ones CLAIMING victory write history.
There’s plenty of “known” history that crumbles when the flip side of the events are studied.
What about McConnell, Wolf? He voted ‘NO’ – or – are you talking about other crimes of omission?
It’s all BS Kabuki theater. Turtle votes ‘no’ as to Constitutionality, yet his minions voted ‘yes’.
Turtle controls them, they vote how he wants. Turtle hides behind ‘no’ vote for public optics. If Turtle didn’t want this whole s#!tshow to be happening, it wouldn’t be happening.
MFers…and biden sure as HELL didn’t win!
Please, 1000x upvotes.
the romey , murkowski rino crew ,are the expendable ‘rooks’ on mitch’s chess board ,they are played(sacrificed) so larger players behind them are not “seen” as voting. mitch isn’t fooling anybody, we KNOW what he’s doing.
and biden sure as hell didn’t win.
Oh, I see what you mean now – this whole trial is a joke – which – I hope and pray will backfire on them – I still cannot get over how they diced and spliced that video to make it look like a ‘Trump Mob’ was breaking and entering.
It’s all engineered. It’s all LIES. They HIDE behind their plausible RINOs.
McConnell denied security for the Capitol. He’s outed.
It’s a GAME. It’s KABUKI. It’s LIES.
And who did he put on the Supreme Court?
Oh, it’s way worse than we thought.
Gotta take that BLACK PILL to get to the CLEAR PILL.
Good Grief – worse than I thought – I was so busy reveling in the truth – I missed the deception – SD was right – McConnell loves to play the game – especially when he is the minority leader.
Now – thanks to your ‘path finder’ – I can see the game – and how it is played. Thanks!!!
6 RINO SINators + 50 DIMs does not equal 66 (2/3 of 100)
That is to convict, isn’t it?
Yes, as I understand it
My opinion: What happened today is the first fruit of Schumer / The Turtle working on just enough “Republican” Senators to get to the magic number.
could be.
What does red state Louisiana think of their Senator now? I remember a rally where POTUS endorsed that tool.
I remember. Their is no loyalty.Today’s politicians are worse than scum worse than thieve and worse than mafia. I will never look at them in the same way.
Been thinking about the negative reaction by some of the worlds press regarding the so called Myanmar coup.
Could a preconceived idea of bad optics by the military have caused them to stay their hand.
Is it possible they are waiting till every possible legal avenue has been tried and found wanting before they step in ?
Just my opinion, military is not doing anything. They never responded well to Trump when he was in office. The top brass are democrats.
Here is a letter from the FORMER Police Chief at the Capitol to Nazi Nan.
So much there. Look who they are blaming.
climbing gear.”
“The letter addressed to Pelosi on Feb. 1 claimed that the first 150 members of the National Guard were not sworn in on Capitol grounds on Jan. 6 until about four and half hours after Sund’s request for their support was approved by the Capitol Police Board.”
Letter at the link.
The wicked Soviet Democrats know the truth.
I’m just sick about it.
Will recover directly.
It’s gin o’clock.
The democrats set Trump up. Of course they know the truth but truth has never stopped communists to convict a person.
The GOP, DOJ, FBI, and CIA all helped set him up, too. The Judiciary helped set him up. The majority of the Military and the Pentagon deep state helped set him up.
Heart breaking. They hate us.
I think they want to love us like Big Sister. They only hate us when we defy their will. It’s a sick love. And the sickness is hate.
Wolf Moon
Not like Big Sister. They want to “love us” like an abusive husband “loves” the wife that he’s abusing. It’s about total control combined with punishment for any “infraction” of the “rules”.
Yup. Sure seems that way. We are to “pleasure them” on command, and the pleasures are more and more perverse.
And Wall Street, hand in hand with the DeepState, is eagerly anticipating the “conviction”, Attainder, and total destruction of President Trump —- the Dow Jones closed over 31,300 today.
I had a real revelation about this last night. Trump said we would see a depression “the likes of which we had never seen”. And I agree – that’s what’s coming. A phony rosy recovery that hides a BRUTAL depression.
President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, known colloquially as the Plunge Protection Team,
The problem is, who are they trying to protect?
THEMSELVES… of course !
(Wall Street, big banks and corporations, and big government and politicians; i.e. “the ruling class”)
Wolf Moon
They’re protecting Wall Street / DeepState / Federal Reserve / IMF / Davos Globalists / Bohemian Grove members / Communist China (through the Chamber of Commerce and other agencies) / their own asses.
My opinion: “normies” who have equity positions and have any control over them might want to think about how to either get out of the equities market sooooon, or to at least get Stop orders in place so their portfolios aren’t sitting ducks to lose 30% and more.
And if a decision is made to get out, perhaps it may be well to follow one’s intuition, bolstered by research. Remember that RobberJoe promised to jack up the capital gains tax to about 48%.
Wolf Moon
The DemCommunists will blame President Trump for the nasty Depression that they’re getting ready to unleash.
WE can make sure of that!
I’m good with that. I know how to live through it. Most of us here do. We are older, smarter, and more self-sufficient.
The millennials and leftist idiots who got us here will perish in the thousands. Those cities that cheated for Biden? They’ll starve.
Move to the country, folks, as fast as you can. Start your gardens, chicken coops,and learn to hunt. The shit is about to get REAL.
Goats have more problems with worms so are not as hardy as sheep.
Pot belly pigs have a lot of fat that is quite useful and I am told by farming friends they are as tasty as other pigs.
Pigs let you recycle garden waste into food. Chickens do too and Chickens and guineas will keep the bug population down. You just have to keep the varmints from eating your chickens.
Guard dogs or Guard donkeys BTW are a MUST given the darn coyotes.
Giving power to the likes of these reminds me of that video where an ape was given an AK47
Well, two we can vote out next year
Cassidy 2026
Toomey 2022
Sasse 2026
Romney 2024
Collins 2026
Murkowski 2022
Not with crooked machines, and crooked counting crew.
Yup. We’re stuck with CHINA IN CONTROL.
There’s always the DOJ!
Oh wait.
DOJ is compromised they are in the Marxist camp.
Full disclosure, my grandfather was the only one surviving WWII Nazi. The war stopped before they were coming for my mother and us. My grandfather and his one sister were the only left from his family. The Nazis killed them.
He rebuild his kosher business then communists came put him 1948 in jail after Kangaroo court fabricated conviction . They bead him to death.
The communist began rounding up men and they brought in more an more Russian Military men. Most men disappeared no one knows what happened to them.
What I am seeing now here in America is reminiscent , FBI is rounding up Trump supporters if they were in the Capitol or not.
Now Congress in trying to convict Trump for free speech.
Yes I am tainted and see what is happening through the lens I experienced.
Yes I am bracing myself but I am strong because I know we can survive. I have heard many stories even after WWII about Nazis and saw communism.
I know most of you come through this. I know Melania knows what is going on and her parents. She is also strong.
This is a different warfare we need to tackle it in a different way.
Yes, the double-whammy of Nazis and Communists in the East was the worst. “Bargaining Socialism” and then the real McCoy.
God help us …
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ..
… amen ..
I wouldn’t describe you as “tainted”. On the contrary, you have had real life experiences of things that most of the rest of us have only read about in books or seen in movies. Your insights are invaluable.
Thank you
On this site are many wonderful people who bring so much to make it a special place including you.
You are much loved here and your insight is valuable.
Singingsoul, your perspective is invaluable in these times. You have seen much, and lived to tell about it. We are going to need your help in the coming times.
We help each other. Where one goes we go all. Something like that
I think Murkowski can be gotten out – or her win will be such an egregious cheat, that it will help our cause immensely.
Sarah Palin has already commented about ousting the Murky one.
Yup. Think she can do it, too. And they think they can beat her. It’s perfect.
… couldn’t we just encase the lot of them in quick setting concrete … and then deposit the crappy mess in a waste management dump

I say FROZEN IN CARBONITE for the lot of them!

The Chesapeake Bay isn’t that far from the Swamp, and, actually, a REALLY deep river known as the Patuxant.
Of course, that might effect the oyster beds.
Senator Palin has a nice ring to it.
It would be wonderful. She could troll the left by PRETENDING she was going to “Murkowski out” – and then deliver a TRUMP VOTE at the end of it.
You’re not voting anyone, anywhere. If 11/3 isn’t righted we will never have another legit election. Period. I’m sick of copy/pasting this already.
So many folks are in denial. They verbally acknowledge the steal…then speak of winning 2022, 2024…
Since the fraud occurred 3 November, and has been documented widely, NOT ONE concrete step to fix the cluster. NOT ONE politician has been taking any action.
May have posted a week or two ago. WIfe and I drove to county seat, 50 miles one way, to de- egister from voting roles, in-person.
Won’t participate in the farce. Things get fixed, I’ll register next day.
PLEASE vote in your LOCAL elections! Your county sheriff could one day be the only thing standing between “them” and you!
I will never vote for anything beyond governor again. Period. Unless the 2020 election is corrected, there is NO DAMNED POINT.
Yup. WAY too much of it is controlled at the top.
The sheriff and county commissioners are as far as I can go at this point.
The rest of it is beyond fascicle.
Hmmm. Replied at least thirty minutes ago. Post vanished.
Aubergine, You are correct. I do need to vote for Sheriff and County Commissioners.
The rest of it is too farscicle to participate in. Election process gets fixed, I’m ALL IN the next day.
FWIW. Sheriff and County Commissioners have declared this county a 2A Sanctuary. Two weeks ago Commissioners told guv Sisolak to pound sand with his Covid edicts.
^^^ Clearly these guys rate support.
I agree with you that if we don’t fix it, it will never be legit.
However, one BIG reason why we are able to see the fraud from the 2020 electiojn is because we came out and voted in a landslide for REALPOTUS. If we did not, then The Steal would have been much easier to hide. They would not have had to stop counting at 11pm.
For future elections, as more voters become disenchanted with Faux Biden and the ChiDem admin, you might see more voters voting MAGA, or at least Rep (which is just as bad in most cases). The Cabal can hide a 55/45 split , but they’d have to work harder and be more obvious if they had to flip a 60/40 or even a 65/35 split.
There is also the public perception factor. If 70% of people are against the gov’t, it can’t stand.They will not be able to appear in public without being shouted and ridiculed and made to feel very unwelcome. Even at local levels. They will be restricted to their bubble in DC.
So I am saying that voting is still very important, even if it is rigged. We need to vote in numbers so large that they have th cheat bigly and that is how they get caught. Then we will need to find someone to try and convict them, but that is another issue all together…lol
and Faux Biden Didn’t Win!
Run, Sarah, run!!!
I think it is time to start recall efforts for all of them.
Andy Biggs….
Democrats used selectively edited video…..made by professionals.
We always seem to be in a position of crying foul after the Dems do something outrageous. I’d like us to be able to win against their tactics, and to have our own offensive tactics that are devastating. It seems, though, that when one side adheres to the rule of law and the other doesn’t, the perps feel empowered to do anything they want. I don’t know what the solution is (except the military?).
I wonder if PT’s lawyers have their own videos – their own evidence to use when they open the door to the deception of the opposing team – videos that demonstrate their dicing and splicing – videos of the perpetrators – of the perpetrators bragging.
There are so many ways they can open the door for rebuttal and/or challenge – now that we know their plan – perhaps, that is what really happened today.
The Military may be the last resort – or – the ones who arrest the perpetrators – under indictments already prepared – and unsealed.
Just thinking out loud here, Truths.
I hope you are right!
I just think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg – I also heard Castor (the first lawyer) say they had to alter their presentation – dunno what he meant by that – because much of what Shoen presented came from their brief – the only deviation was Castor – who concentrated on the Senators – their part in this trial – and their responsibility to their constituents – he said one important thing – toward the end – but, right now – cannot recall what it was – but, it was important.
This whole thing is ridiculous – and – the ‘dumb democrat’ Raskin just opened the door to impeaching the whole lot of them – including former presidents.
Remember – these people are criminals who take money from foreign governments – who – by the way – interfered in our election – so it just keeps getting more bizarre by the moment.
Ep 2400a – Are The Patriots Now Putting Pressure On The [CB] Fiat System?
Ep. 2400b – The [DS] Is Opening The Front Door, The Flood Gates Will Open
X22 Report Published February 9, 2021
I feel so much better now – Thanks, Dave!!!
The horned guy from the Capitol says he is repentant after a month in jail.
Still sounds as if he is claiming he is a Trump supporter. This was the actor who was opposing Trump supporters last year, right? SMH.
‘In a statement released late Monday through his attorney, defendant Jacob Chansley said he has re-evaluated his life since being jailed for over a month on charges stemming from the Jan. 6 riot and realizes he shouldn’t have entered the Capitol building. Chansley, who previously said Trump inspired him to be in Washington that day, said Trump “let a lot of peaceful people down.”
‘Chansley said he’s coming to terms with events leading to the riot and asked people to “be patient with me and other peaceful people who, like me, are having a very difficult time piecing together all that happened to us, around us, and by us. We are good people who care deeply about our country.”’
He’s an MIC agent who fooled the patriots. He’s a NAVY information warfare asset.
You will notice that I’ve acquired new targets.
Thank you, MI6, for giving it all away. You guys are the best when you fuck up.
That’s not directed at you, CM. But they will know who it is directed at.
MIC = Military Industrial Complex = Military Deep State = Pentagon Snakes.
Beat me to it Wolfie.
McConnell gave the middle finger to the deplorable today. What an arrogant turd.
The reason I say that is he grinned as the 6 republicans voted with democrats.
I read that on OT.
I never trusted him never. What is wrong with KY? He gets reelected and as soon as he is he turns into the turd he is.
My thought: he doesn’t plan to run again. Will have no qualms or reservations about giving us the middle finger and going full on Demoncrat for the rest of his term.
I would guess that Turtle is highly favored by the Puppet Masters and regularly benefits from the Dominion Voting System.
and Faux (Foe?) Biden Didn’t Win!
Thank you very much, Wolf.
So, he was working against them? (Sorry, I don’t quite understand.)
Never mind my asking for clarification about this man.
Have now found the information. Again, many thanks.
I said that the Biden Lie condemns the world.
The above lie condemns the military deep state.
George Washington would have nothing to do with these SNAKES.
GENERAL George Washington.
I think I understand.
Many thanks.
Sad thing about these “tests”. The missile they use is not just any old one sitting in some silo or on some boomer. They almost always pull it, overhaul it, then fire it. The only thing original is the serial number. Does not lead to a lot of confidence that a missile sitting in some silo for years will actually fire when they push the button.
Interesting . . .
LOL. A little late for that one to show up!
I’m not sure this has much significance to be honest.
A lot of these people get photographed together, it doesn’t mean they like each other.
Now that being said, I trust Barr about as far as I could throw him…on a white dwarf.
“not sure this has much significance”
true … how many here would have had their picture taken with Barr 6 months ago?
You shall be my people and I shall be your God…
february 9, 2021 the marshall report
The seeds of confusion were sown, watered and the confusion grew into a wide array of teachings, all from the same so called sources. Yet, who can see the man made interpretations within? Only God can show you the truths from the lies. It is for each to see by searching the scriptures for yourself. But when words are omitted and or transcribed using a word that can change a meaning…and add to that someone interpreting it differently than another, we have a big bone of contention.
Remember the people who had the education to do the translations and transcribe the Bible WERE BEHOLDEN TO THE ARISTOCRACY….
Yes, I remember – Thanks!!!
1 repost
@GhostEzra You are correct. About 2 weeks ago I decided to do a little research on this person. In around 35 minutes, using various “search engines”, I was able to completely, and unequivocally, deconstruct the identity/disinformation articles published about her on That’s not her real name, she’s not dead, and she lives about 20 minutes away (by car) from a very famous three-letter agency. I told my wife that I should try to contact someone in the Maestro’s circle with what I found. She then told me, “If you figured this out in 35 minutes, how long do you think it took his people to do it?”. She was right…duh!
@ZimmThePatriot @GhostEzra Zimm, enlighten us. Who are you referring to?
@Les__Med @GhostEzra Actually, I put this post in the wrong thread, but.. Ashli Babbett
….the first arrest will shock the world
Any arrest will shock the world.
That’s precisely what I’d expect.
I have been calling out the Ashli Babbitt hoax since January 7th. Every time I said exactly what was posted above—that she’s a government spook and that shooting was ridiculously fake—certain accounts would quickly come out of the woodwork to post “How dare you!”
Wake up. She’s dead. She was an MP in the service. That’s it. Plain old enlisted person. Worked as a security guard when she got out. Not Jason Borne. She got carried away in the Buffalo Run moment and got killed by a trigger happy security guard.
When everything is fake or a conspiracy then you become unbelievable.
Like clockwork.
Prove she’s alive and I’m all in.
It’s difficult to prove someone is alive when they’re a construct in the first place. It’s like trying to prove that Jason Bourne is alive, when we’ve seen him in several movies.
If you live in a fantasy world then I would agree. Reality sometimes sucks.
Wait a second…’re accusing Cthulhu of living in a fantasy world???
Well, if you believe she was a construct, then maybe. Reality says she was a MAGA supporter caught up in the buffalo run.
Reality says we have an appalling lack of evidence as to anything at all about the entire incident. Have we seen Capitol security cams? Have we seen autopsies on anyone? Have we seen anything that can tie into facts?
And, frankly, your statement that “she was a MAGA supporter caught up in the buffalo run” is as much a statement of unfounded belief as the Shahada. It’s all unfounded narrative, meant to stampede people into buffalo jump today, buffalo jump yesterday, and buffalo jump tomorrow.
How about, “I trust NOTHING coming out of this massive pustule of corruption about ANY events of January 6th” — backed up with “it is evident that most statements of what occurred on January 6th are boldfaced lies.”
The only accounts I trust in the least come from FG&C, SteveinCO, Wolf, kalbo, and MAGAfamily. Which is why they were Called to Witness.
You never will get all the details. They will protect the swamp security guard. She screwed up and tried to go through the window into the chamber. I am not trying to over analyse this. She got caught up in the moment, the security guard used excessive force, and she is dead.
There is enough video to show what happened. The “conspiracy” types will spin as usual but sometimes it is what it is.
If authorities were forthcoming and released a comprehensive report then some of this could go away. They haven’t so it hasn’t and won’t till they do.
Exactly like the election for which the evidence gathered is not allowed to be examined.
You can buy into the “because we say so” line, but with out a fair and impartial look at what’s happened others are fully into their rights to call for “put up or we won’t shut up”. In fact it makes matter more suspect when they don’t “put up”.
I agree that we may never find the Truth. But it doesn’t help to believe lies.
How does this narrative protect anyone if they perpetually live under a cloud?
How do we know she screwed up? Who was she with? What were her intentions? How would you know her state of mind to say she was “caught up”? Was the other player actually a security guard? What was the force, and do we have ballistics and autopsy to show that there was even a bullet?
You accuse others of believing “contrary” ideas — while your own ideas are unsupported.
She could be actually dead and most all the questions surrounding this event are still valid enough to question that it was just a trigger happy guard and not an orchestrated event.
Trigger happy guards are a thing. Remember the woman who drove her car the wrong direction up a street in DC. Dead. But then, maybe she is actually alive and all the news and videos were fake.
Saddest part about this is there are posters here who believe the conspiracy, trust the plan stuff is still in motion. You see the passion in their posts. I feel for them. They are being led down the primrose path with zero proof that anything has come to pass that was predicted. Just Sham Wow merchants pushing their theory’s.
Q may have been the real deal. But the plan was clearly intercepted and stopped. As I have always said, the other side gets a say in the plan. Continuing to push this based on zero evidence of success just makes it all seem like a hoax. We lost this round. Time to move on.
As I recall that woman rammed or breeched a security barrier and hit a SS officer and then took off, and there was was a chase. She did NOT just miss a one-way sign. But, whatever you need to say.
You don’t realize that you’re making OUR point when you state that the other side gets a say in the plan. The capitol thing WAS their plan.
I agree. She still did not need to be shot. Trigger happy cops.
The Capital breech was their plan and MAGA present fell for it. And it made MAGA look like shit.
Kinda weird how you’re trying to change the conversation from the Ashli Babbitt hoax to straight up “Q is over” demoralization. Literally nobody here was talking about Q or The Plan. You are the only account to bring that topic up entirely. Very peculiar.
BRAVA, Babe!
No it’s not. She’s dead. The plan did not execute. You keep pushing the conspiracy crap that never happened. How do I know. Biden is President. Certified by congress. At some point reality gets to hit you upside the head. Live in whatever reality you want. But please put a disclaimer out there that it is your theory, not based on true knowledge. You are messing with peoples head. But not mine.
Seems all the trigger happy cops get identified with in about 48 hrs if not sooner. Many at the very vocal insistence of Democrats Congress when it is in their interest. What are we on here now, one month and three days? The only person who has had this kind of support in recent memory is one Eric Carmella who has still not been officially named.
I thought the shooter was ID’d as a BLM dude from South Carolina. Does not matter. Swamp wins.
With the name officially declared that can be established if he is indeed a BLM dude from S.C. With out it, you get sucked into being called a conspiracy theory. Name the guy officially so new inferences can be made unless they are afraid of those new inferences.
You need to dedicate 20 minutes to this second-by-second breakdown of the “shooting”. Unless of course that’s too much to ask. Your time is extremely valuable, I realize.
I did. Let me guess, planes did not fly into the world trade center or the pentagon.
Talk is cheap. Predictable, dismissive insults are even cheaper. The effort put into that 20 minutes was not. HAGN
What insults? This is a reality check. She has
been declared dead. Prove otherwise. Her estate has lawyers.
Says who and backed-up by what? Do we have a Coroner’s certificate? Where’s the autopsy? Where’s the ballistics report? Where’s the security cam footage? Where’s the body?
In short, where is the ordinary evidence whenever someone is shot and dies?
And on the other side……we have news reports. On CNN, no less.
Based on the video, she looked pretty dead to me. Oh no, not enough blood. Do some ballistics research.
Lawyers looking for John Q Citizen’s help in identifying people on the scene. Really? Anonymous “lawyers” using twitter and an aol address. And that feels kosher to you? I’m done. Really. Good night.
The shooter will be protected because he was protecting Congress critters. There is no question of a legit shoot. Look for witnesses all day long. She screwed up and is dead for it.
No relation to my questions, but whatever floats your boat. SOS different day.
Live in fantasy or reality. Your choice.
By simply not naming the shooter after all this time, makes it all suspect. All the events of 6 Jan are suspect at this point and this event in particular when there was no good reason to shoot, unless you know what that reason is, we don’t, no report has been issued. Dismissing it as trigger happy security guard might fly if you knew the shooters name, had statements to why he was there in that position firing when he had to know given his proximity to the window other police were on her side of the door, why was he forward deployed right up next to the door and others on his side of the door far distanced? The only thing that has been seen by the public is general statements in regard to his shooting and nothing specific. We do know who benefits by the shooting and who is hurt by the shooting. One is putting on the prosecution and the other the defense. Of the other deaths one was crushed in the mob, another by the effects of excitement and deployed tear gas and the remainder died off site. The officer that died first was said to be hit by a fire extinguisher but no blunt force trauma shows up in the autopsy. Another cop is suicide after the fact. The Ashli Babbitt death fits as a prerequisite to anger the public better than any of the other deaths which is why it should be understood to benefit the narrative of an uncontrolled mob. That with all the police present there at the time of the shooting no names were taken, no persons detained. Half the persons seemed to be only interested in recording the event. One person breaking out the window goes down the same stair case that the police both controlled and came up and changes his shirt there. I’m only stating just some the actions that don’t make sense. There is a long list of such questions and video from several angles that make those questions valid enough not to be so dismissive especially in the absence of a comprehensive report.
I agree Sadie. If that was a real shooting, the people around her would have scattered like rabbits. They stood there and didn’t flinch, as if they had expected it.
That interview she has on the way to the capitol was way too perfect wasn’t it ?
..way to chatty, almost like it was rehearsed/anticipated for fake news.
Confucius says…
heartbeat protection
standing up for America!

I think that has been debunked and that Brady actually said teammates have to have empathy and respect for one another.
I know someone who watched the Super Bowl, and he said it’s always the same when Brady is playing: the refs make bogus calls on the opposing team, discouraging them and keeping them from scoring much in the first half, laying the groundwork for a Brady victory. He said a lot of people are talking about it, from all over the country. Rigging sports is another way to demoralize the country.
Rigging elections and court cases aren’t enough?
Apparently not.
Fascinating. I remember watching a Detroit Pistons games years ago where Shaq was on the opposing team. The refs massively & overtly cheated to enable Shaq to pretty much do whatever he wanted, breaking many rules w/out penalties/fouls. Of course the Pistons got called for stuff they didn’t even do. It was like the refs created a protective bubble around the supersized superstar–spit!
higher cholesterol better than advertised?
I’m looking into bacon cheddar pecan spread recipes using sour cream rather than mayo for comfort food.
Cream cheese.
Mix the cream cheese and sour cream to the consistency you want then add the grated cheddar, bacon & pecans.
(Sour cream has very little sodium so I ‘cut’ a lot of my different cheeses with it, Like 50/50 with the ricotta for lasagna.
Wow, bonus points!
You’ll always find Caramelized pecan apple butter in my fridge.
Great job on the Daily! Particularly enjoyed the young Krieger fellow.
More reasons for hopeful future.
Thank You !
..I can smell that bacon thru the screen.
Delicious, isn’t it?
Mmm bacon!
where’s catturd when needed???
Right here:
Tweets by catturd2
The account is suspended ?
No, not for me.
LOL, thanks DP

… love it .. 
LOL! I’ve never seen it where the animal looks like it’s really talking. That’s great! But I imagine the guy’s credibility dropped a few notches.
Hard to take the case seriously w/ all that going on!
So, since there are grey skies moving in, I thought I’d get some “comfort food” from a restaurant about 15 minutes from my house. And I’m listening to my local PBS affiliate….
They are just so desperate to have us GAF about their shampeachment nonsense, it is unreal.
Gray skies? Man, the temps here are not supposed to go above freezing for at least a week. And 4, 5, 6 months from now, we’ll be working outside at 6 am to beat the heat.
Cold today here too. Supposed to maybe rain on the weekend but stay cold through it.
Our mallards are back too. 2 females and a male, after being gone for months showed up hungry yesterday.
They ran waddled over to me when I called. They flew over too late tonight to stop but they quacked loud on the way to go to bed at the creek.
Been praying for you… glad you’re taking of yourself…
Ty…..happy to see familiar friends still here!
How are you doing Gil ?
I hope you are feeling better by the day!
Not 100%, and being cautious, but I can tell aggravation of stress is affecting me. Will be taking things easy as I can, which isnt too much
but the awareness of whats going on forces my hand. Will see dr in a few days.
Ty for asking.
You have your ducks back, that’s a good sign.
Incidentally, mallards are infamous for a somewhat peculiar statistic…..
Not 100%, working on it. Aggravation of stress is noticeable though. Ty for asking.
Local news here is wall-to-wall impeachment coverage with an obligatory COVID vaccine headline or two sprinkled in. I haven’t read a single article about impeachment coverage and don’t intend to. I refuse to emotionally invest myself in this steaming pile of garbage show trial. That’s what they want, and I am not playing their game.
With you Sadie…………….
Happy little thoughts —
VSGPOTUSDJT steps up to a microphone, says conversationally: “Sorry to keep you waiting….”
And 75 million Americans (including those in the room) yell back, “…complicated business.”
Got a call from a pollster today. Normally hang up but WTF. Focused on public health care issue in Colorado. No. I don’t want gubmint involved in health care. Towards the end got more political. She asked if I agreed with using violence to settle political differences. I said of course, how do you think this country was founded. A real big pause on the other end, then we were done.
LUV it!
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
Now let’s look into their show Cuties
Gateway Pundit
Three Cast Members of Netflix Cheerleading Series Arrested for Sexual Misconduct With Minors
Stormy Patriot Joe
Like this one.
Awesome ..

Do you know why Senator Rand Paul refuses to wear a mask on the floor of the Senate?
Because he paid attention in medical school.
Okay this song or I should say phrase, His eye is on the sparrow ..
… Motown ..
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10
But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. ~ Isaiah 43:1
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” ~ Isaiah 41:13
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. ~ Psalm 34:4
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? ~ Psalm 27:1
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. ~ Psalm 23:4
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. ~ John 14:27
Numbers 6:22-2722 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
23 Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to them:
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
25 The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee.
26 The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and give thee peace.
27 And they shall invoke my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.

… nuts … that’s not a picture at all … 



God bless you all, always
….. I’m taking my red flyer wagon down the road now …
g’niight, God bless
that’s the Scandinavian way to spell “night” … /cough ..

gaming the Game Stop stock scenario
Toomey Traitor. I’d expect nothing less.
“I expect nothing & still I’m disappointed!” –Dewey, Malcolm in the Middle
BardsFM, mK Ultra Light – 20210209
Brain warfare.
New daily unless y’all are comfortable arguing here.
Embrace the power of “AND”…..
Well, Patrick Byrne has posted Chapter 6, what he claims is the wrap-up. Sobering. I’m at the point where I must have sober, cut to the chase straight shooting. He does it. Even talks about HCQ. I know the majority here don’t really trust him, but you should go there and read it.
[…] want to thank churchmouse for alerting me to this recent news about Buffalo Boy, or as he is more Q-mockingly self-named, QAnon […]
Fellow Qtreepers, I’ve not commented much lately, been busy clearing out my basement to build a chapel. Churches only allowed 10 people including the priest…so basically closed down. Figure, this will go on for a while…so building a dedicated sacred space in my home, but it will not have the Real Presence… (sacred vs. consecrated space)..
….however, the real reason I am commenting is the Canadian press is reporting that while DJT did not concede the election, his lawyers,(representing him on his impeachment), said he conceded, or conceded for him…I can’t find the article, it appeared on my screen….just want to know if you know anything about this…
Impeachment is $’s for media ratings and “Sport” for the elite. Al Smith Dinner attendees and their ilk are demanding the coliseum match up as they cheer for blood.