Alternate Title: The moment I realized that GOD would back me in going asymmetrical on these unworthy China-compromised “U.S.” military bastards.
I have recently come into possession of information which made a lot of things start making a lot more sense. I only needed a final confirmation that I was correct – and I just got it.

I want to thank churchmouse for alerting me to this recent news about Buffalo Boy, or as he is more Q-mockingly self-named, QAnon Shaman.
Man who wore horns, hat apologizes for storming Capitol
2 hours ago
PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona man who participated in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol while sporting face paint, no shirt and a furry hat with horns said he regrets storming the building, apologized for causing fear in others and expressed disappointment with former President Donald Trump.
In a statement released late Monday through his attorney, defendant Jacob Chansley said he has re-evaluated his life since being jailed for over a month on charges stemming from the Jan. 6 riot and realizes he shouldn’t have entered the Capitol building. Chansley, who previously said Trump inspired him to be in Washington that day, said Trump “let a lot of peaceful people down.”
That’s just the beginning. We’ll get into ALL of it in a minute. So what is the meaning of this?
TL;DR – “I’m peaceful, I’m sorry, Bad Orange Man let us down.”
Stated on the first day of the “impeachment”. Yeah, right.
Are you starting to see what they’re doing there? This guy is an actor – supposedly – Jake Angeli being his stripper stage name – and yet the Fake News trots him out like something real.
Now, I’m always up for a good joke. Back in the days of my various amazing misadventures at MKULTRA University, we all enjoyed this kind of sport, and while sometimes our mocking names for each other, and for the things each other loved, were quite cruel, after a while one gets to feel comfortable with that Babylonian style of humor. It’s very New York, quite frankly, and “I’m just bustin’ ya chops, buddy” was rarely needed.
People understand this. Humor creates acceptance. Lovable Buffalo Boy is disarmingly lovable, and – well – that is the mark of a quality psy-op. How can I not respect that?
Even after discovering an enormous amount of fascinating information about this guy, I just can’t hate him. He’s just a lovable buffoon – right? And he IS – and you MUST grant me this – the very FACE of the “insurrection” – would you not agree?
Let’s go on with the AP piece.
Chansley said he’s coming to terms with events leading to the riot and asked people to “be patient with me and other peaceful people who, like me, are having a very difficult time piecing together all that happened to us, around us, and by us. We are good people who care deeply about our country.”
Chansley’s attorney, Al Watkins, released the statement about a half-day before the second impeachment trial of Trump was scheduled to begin in the U.S. Senate.
Watkins, who unsuccessfully sought a pardon on Chansley’s behalf from Trump, said the Senate didn’t take up his offer to have his client testify on how he was incited by the former president.
The defense lawyer said his client’s apology wasn’t self-serving but rather a genuine expression of culpability. Still, he said he doesn’t think it’s right for the government to prosecute people who were incited.
“If you believe the government is correctly prosecuting the (former) president, you can’t at the same time hold criminally culpable those who were incited, because the people incited become victims,” Watkins said in an interview.
Chansley has pleaded not guilty to felony charges of civil disorder and obstructing an official proceeding, plus four other misdemeanor charges.
The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment Tuesday on Chansley’s apology.

OMG, the poor peaceful baby – the pobrecito – was incited by mean old Trump!
I’m sorry, but I can’t stop laughing.
Oh, my goodness, this is beautiful, beautiful psy-op right here. This is PAYLOAD.
This ties in with EVERYTHING ELSE they’ve been doing. This is the TEMPTATION right there. This is Peter saying to Christ “You don’t have to do this – there’s a way out.”
And once a patriot – a TRUE PATRIOT – sees that payload – there is only one proper response.
That is to say “I am past this decision. I will not take the safe, satanic choice. It is BEHIND me now. I will choose the future of pain and suffering. I will choose the Cross of Freedom over the satanic snuggles of phony forgiveness and luscious lies.”
Truth is clarity. It’s the brisk chill air of liberty in COVID-seared lungs, rather than the self-deceit of the warm, stupefying mask.
Oh, my goodness. A real Indian – a REAL Sitting Bull – a real medicine man – sets this treaty on fire and hands it back in FLAMES.
Let’s go on.
Chansley was among hundreds of pro-Trump supporters who charged past outnumbered police officers and stormed the Capitol as Congress was meeting to certify Joe Biden’s electoral win.
Authorities say Chansley was one of the first people in the Capitol building, disobeyed orders by an officer to leave, refused the officer’s request to use Chansley’s bullhorn to tell rioters to leave the Senate chamber, and wrote a note to then-Vice President Mike Pence saying, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.”
Prosecutors said a spear on top of a flagpole carried by Chansley was a weapon, though his attorney has characterized the spear as an ornament.
I want you to look at the INSANITY of our Department of Justice. They are fighting over whether that fucking spear was a WEAPON or an ORNAMENT. Meanwhile, one of the greatest crimes in history, involving all these characters, and committed to cover up an even BIGGER crime, goes not merely unpunished, but uninvestigated, by the very same people. Mostly because most of them are committing it, or are protected by it, and are collectively allowing it to happen.
The rest of the above, however, demonstrates the CARE and PLANNING which went into this attack on President Donald J. Trump. You can see that “QAnon Shaman” was very careful to prepare his planned pacifist EXIT from his dilemma. He caused no real mayhem, because he knew this precise exit was coming.
With apologies to every gay friend I ever had, the fact that Chansley’s big crime was refusing to lend the kind officer his bullhorn to tell people to disperse – I simply cannot go there without screaming at this orchestrated farce, in Rocky Horror Picture Show tones, “THAT’S SO GAY!“, as not just a way of saying “Yeah, I get it”, but as a kind of camp praise of every peacefully spunky gay or “should have been gay” who ever lived.
Bravo! Somebody – wake up Mel Brooks. We need him again!
“Moving on……”
Since being jailed, Chansley has had two instances in which he wasn’t eating because the detention facilities where he was being held didn’t serve organic food. He lost 20 pounds (9 kilograms) during the latest starvation episode. Chansley, who calls himself the “QAnon Shaman,” said he has been following such a diet for eight years while practicing Shamanism.
Last week, a judge ordered corrections officials to provide Chansley with organic food. He was later moved to a jail in Virginia after the District of Columbia Department of Corrections said it couldn’t honor the court’s order to feed him organic food.
And that is the end of the article.
Organic food! Really!
Are you starting to see how they just rub it in? How they mock us?
This is all meant to either demoralize us, or provoke us. The latter, preferably to violence.
They want to take our guns. They want to take our “people power”. They want to wear down our “resistance”.
Can EVEN YOU LEFTY “#Resist” types see it now? Can you? Or are you so bought into the safety of ORANGE MAN BAD, that you cannot see a system that either USES you or DESTROYS YOU?
Welcome to CHINA, leftists. You’re getting your new China Joe good and hard, even though WE almost saved you from it.
Yes, almost. Except for the “valiant” efforts of a small cabal of powerful people, who made sure Trump didn’t win, and thought we would never learn how they stopped him.
The same people who pulled off the buffalo jump.
YES. Let’s go there.

Everything Wrong With The Buffalo Jump
The video Everything Wrong With The Capitol Hill Shooting is genius. In the same way that the usual Everything Wrong With… videos tell the story of Fake Entertainment clocking in with less-than believable action and scenery under close examination, EWWTCHS simply busts the Ashli Babbit shooting as a cringe-worthy, staged operation, designed to float a meme that “Trump got somebody killed”.
If you have not seen the video, I urge you to watch it, before going on.
It used to be on YouTube:

…..but now one has to look elsewhere. Here is Bitchute.
And here it is on Gab TV:
Now – I will only incorporate in a limited way, how the prominent Mr. Sullivan / JaydenX / whatever……..

Sorry – not that Sullivan…..

No, not THAT Sullivan, either…….. how about…….

YEAH! That’s more like it!

This particular Mr. Sullivan is HEAVILY connected to a lot of very high-level MIC stuff, not only through family, but just in general. He was raised in a “Religion of CIA” household (that would be Mormons), by a military father, and seems to have interesting “feelz” for groups across the spectrum.
Just read this stuff and see what you think. WINK, WINK.
So this guy shows up with a CNN reporter….

…….and leads an eye-rolling orchestrated event – straight out of active shooter training, only badly done – where an Air Force woman with what appears to be an “intel background plus cover” gets cringingly killed or at least it “looks that way if you suspend disbelief”.
Are you with me?
I’d say we have a little “MIC” on this stuff. Although possibly without the real bullets.

NOW – this stuff could be EITHER SIDE. I’m not going to get into that, because things get COMPLICATED when things ARE complicated. Sometimes, it’s only the END effects that tell you whose side somebody was on.


Yeah. Sometimes you don’t REALLY know until the end. I get that.
SO – when I found all this information about Mr. Jake Angeli, I had to wonder.
This was in response to the “Everything Wrong With” video. (PRIVATE SOURCE REDACTED)…….
I haven’t watched all of this video but Ive watched others. Much of what happened that day was a military op. It’s why Pelosi was crying about her laptop being stolen. Had some bad stuff on it like her brother being a pedophile I read. I read many personal electronic devices were taken, not stolen, that day for evidence. It was behind clearing the chambers — go, go now for your safety, leave everything behind! Yep. That whole girl being shot scene was as fake as could be. As a retired RN I know that blood doesn’t defy gravity and travel UP from her back to her front. Big nope! there. She’s fine. Viking horn guy was one of ours. Very out there all the past year so everyone would know him. Made himself highly visible. He’s one of ours, too. The actor “bio” found on-line for him — fake along with the name used on it. I had a photo of him shaking hands with Rudy G but lost it getting a new phone. He’s a super soldier type but sorry to say I’ve forgotten his real name per his sister. She wanted others to be clear that he was not Pantifa and not a bad guy. Photos from his sister. Guy on the right. I think that’s Chanel Rion from OAN maybe but not sure. Just know it’s him.
Now – here are the pictures that go with this.

Now – beyond my impression that NONE of the 3 soldiers matches the guy with Chanel Rion, I wanted to check against a known picture of Jake Angeli / Jacob Chansley WITHOUT the warpaint.
Such a thing DOES exist.

Look at the last comparison long enough, and you can see it’s him. Then take that back to the picture with Chanel Rion, and it all makes sense. It’s him.
Now, this is all fine and dandy. There’s a lot of HOPIUM on this, to assume that it’s OUR op, and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. Nevertheless, I decided to dig a little deeper.
I wanted to see where that Chanel Rion picture came from, so I did a tineye search, and found the original image:

Now THAT is pretty interesting. It’s Jake’s fanboy picture with Chanel Rion.
And WHERE did it come from? Turns out, it was a TWITTER POST by a HARDCORE LEFTIST OPERATIVE, who was COUNTERING contentions that Buffalo Boy was ANTIFA or BLM.
He posted ANOTHER picture as well.

I repeat – an [apparently – I get that] unremittingly leftist Twitter account – a virulent Trump-hater – posted MAGA-doxxing photos of Angeli with two of the people who have been most faithful to Trump. They appear to be fanboi pictures, but still, he got CLOSE and got PICTURES.
Very USEFUL pictures.
Are y’all starting to see this now? How REAL sleazy operations work?
AND YET – in this same Twitter food-fight there were photos of Angeli at both BLM and climate change rallies, with an article for the latter:

Quite useful – at the very least – to make him seem a bit crazy, no?
Are y’all starting to see this?
Now I just need ONE MORE “confirming article” to round this all out.

You can dig under this one for two more links:
SO – if you read up on Angeli’s military career, then it just looks like Mr. Perfect Discreditation graduated with a degree in Anthrax Refusal, then went onto a career of infiltrating leftist organizations, until he appeared (in a sharp right turn) to be the perfect vehicle for discrediting MAGA and QAnon – not like the latter needed much, but nonetheless, he served his purpose.
And right as the impeachment opens up, he delivers the final payload……
“I’m nutty but nice, and peaceful, too, and BAD TRUMP incited me to violence and insurrection.”
I mean, I suppose I could roll up my sleeve and inject myself with pure ChiCom HOPANYL at DEATH LEVELS and say “Hey, this is just cover – something WAY BIGGER IS COMING – that he HAD to do that to “sneak by” everybody’s suspicions – he had to TAKE OUT TRUMP to prove himself to SAVE MAGA!”, but what possible payload can this guy deliver FOR MAGA in the future? What possible payload that undoes all the damage he just did?
Or can we just, finally, at long last, admit that this guy was an MIC operative who helped take out Trump?
And THAT brings me to MY BIG PAYLOAD.

Wolf Moon’s Asymmetric Counterattack on Chinese Infiltration and Control of Our Military
I am TIRED of being called a “racist” by lead-dumb brasstitutes and their civilian defense lady-boys who can’t grasp ChiCom racial, political, societal, and military strategies. These folks couldn’t spell 4GW if it walked up and kicked them in the ass. Which it apparently just did.
I am TIRED of being called a “white nationalist” by idiots who don’t understand that being white and loving this nation are only “extreme” to people who have been hypnotized into a state of reflex delusion by much SMARTER people. People who think nothing of abusing psychology for their group gain, at the expense of this nation.
I am TIRED of being legally threatened for being an “extremist” or an “insurrectionist” because I oppose those who want to change this nation into its antithesis by cruel, cheating, lying methods – AGAINST the will of the people.
BUT NOW – it’s much worse.

There is talk of “standing down” the military for what amount to political purges. They can call it what they want, but we know what it is. Sure hope China don’t get any ideas during the “stand down”. Sheesh. BUT CHINA JOE SAID DO IT!
The HORROR of this political attack on our military, is that the military is not allowed to engage in political advocacy of any kind, so they’re PARALYZED while the Chinese politico-military spider draws in close to suck them dry.
Now THEY can’t do anything, but that doesn’t mean I can’t.
As a civilian who loves our military, I cannot watch this crap and remain silent. But that’s the asymmetric beauty of this situation. I don’t HAVE to remain silent. I can call out all this Chinese race-mongering bullshit that is being leveled at our military and WITHIN OUR MILITARY through DUPES and IDIOTS all I want.
Trump understood this. He knew that all this critical race theory and related crap is a beautiful but very cold Han-Chinese catalyst to get the oxidizer of black America (sorry – caps for both or caps for neither) and the reducing agent of white America to BURN UP and EXPLODE. I find it actually very impressive that the ChiComs knew they had to up the stoichiometry of the oxidizer to get the maximum yield, too.
Meanwhile, the utter corruption of the Military Industrial Complex was just waiting to be put in service of China. I mean – you didn’t think that Mr. Comey and HSBC and Lockheed and Hillary and Mueller all added together meant anything but CHINA, did you?
No, no, no – you don’t start talking about “rooting out” “white nationalism” in our fine military, until you FINISH rooting out CHINESE RACE POISON, BRITISH IDEOLOGICAL SABOTAGE, and the CORRUPTION that invites both of them in at nation-destroying levels.
I can get people to join me in FUCK WITH OUR MILITARY IN AMERICAN WAYS.
Oh, I don’t have to sit there and mess with this “Patriots” and “Oath Keeping” and all this stuff that the ChiComs have already made toxic using their race-minion Democrats, and that can’t be understood by their money-minion Republicans.
We just come in and say “China has no fucking business running our military, and every time you utter their race garbage, you salute CHINA, and we call you out as a CHINA PUPPET.”
And there’s other ways, too, but for now, rooting out pro-China extremism in our military seems like a winning strategy.
The race stuff is CHICOM ideological infiltration.
The trans stuff is BRITISH ideological sabotage.

Anybody going to do anything about it? I would say that any time and EVERY time that somebody brings up “white nationalists” and “domestic extremists” in the military, that maybe we bring up the FOREIGN-incited extremism – the sneaky stuff that is already doing harm – and do something about THAT first. Because critical race theory and the like IS EXTREMIST.
Maybe we start with LIE DETECTOR TESTS.
Ain’t that right, CHINA JOE?
See you around, energy-BOY. And here. Have your “buffalo chips” back. We don’t need ’em.

Prior Posts
Part 1: Buffalo Jump

Part 2: Buffalo Jump: The Plot Thickens

Competition is fierce around here.
We get another round of peeling the onion….and how false the prevailing narrative is.
Exactly. There are LAYERS and LAYERS of this stuff. I do have to thank a post I read somewhere about John Earle Sullivan, which IDed him as an MIC asset, and also asserted that this was not uncommon at all, for such people to be near the top of leftist activist groups.
I don’t particularly LIKE or see any value in busting an American operative. But when this Chansley guy LIED ABOUT TRUMP, I could not see how GOD could in any way endorse such a lie. NO – the lie needed a bit of justice. And since I needed to do something about China’s little cornering of our military on the BS output of their phony Capitol Hill Drama, I decided to “wrap up” the justice in a nice little ball. BUST their operative and then RETURN FIRE over his spent cover.
Bravo! BRAVO!! BRAVO!!!!!!! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP ThankYouTHANKYOUThankYou Mr.WolfMoon,SIR. A most welcome burst of clean cool eye-clearing soul-restoring and fortifying TRUTH.
Lead on Wolfie–I for one am right here with you. It’s a long road back into standing fully and totally in the LIGHT. One day at a time, one step at a time.
May God protect you and cover your every thought and move. God bless you real good this day, every day.
Love you!–L.
Thank you! Your support is very much appreciated. These are hard times, but I will stand by my words – I WILL NOT ABANDON TRUMP. PERIOD.
This is just the beginning. Lie about Trump – they will PAY THE PRICE.
Don’t know if this has been posted on here previously, first time I have seen it (some language)
6th Jan Eye witness testimony of Antifa insurgents (
or to avoid youtube
Yeah, that’s very interesting.
BOTH videos have been TERMINATED….
May it all come out in the Senate. May the truth be vomited upon them all.
People have GOT to start getting the truth on Rumble and Bitchute and most of all Gab TV, which is the most resilient of them all.
Don’t know how long it had been posted on youtube, but was put on 12 hours ago. I should think is being monitored pretty closely, and the reactions prove the commies guilt and bad intent.
So…Jake Angeli’s real name is Jacob Chansley?
And I wonder who got him access to Rudy Giuliani?
Someone did.
Someone that is apparently trusted.
Wow, this movie has so many twists and turns…it is mind boggling.

Well thank you for dissecting it for us, Wolfie.
This is great work!
You know…lately I’ve been thinking about Big Pharma and the role they’ve played in getting Trump out of office.
He was in the process of lowering the boom on Big Pharma.
They had to be seething.
I wonder what role globalist Big Pharma has played in the development of the C19 virus…and the toxic vaccines?
One way to look at it is this.
They didn’t tell the truth about HCQ. They didn’t reveal the roles of zinc or vitamin D. They let Globalist Ghoul Gates drive the clown car of lies. They allowed LancetGate to take hold.
They were accomplices for sure. And they used the opportunity to TEST their experimental mRNA vaccines on unsuspecting Americans.
Accomplices, yep for sure.
But I’m thinking that they could’ve played an active, integral role.
Big Pharma has been the major funder of virus research.
Big Pharma was the one who justified ‘creating viruses’.
They claimed they had to do this “in order to research existing viruses”.
So the whole idea of lab-created-viruses was accepted.
Accepted without any debate about how it could be a recipe for disaster.
A bit of background:Do not forget the Rockefellers owned Chase Bank and Chase Bank employees ended up in charge of the World Bank. Also after the annual IMF & Word Bank meeting in NYC they traveled to the Rockefeller Estate for another meeting errr lunch at the Rockefelller’s Pocantico Center, a venue for conferences and meetings…
Interesting link and link I found while trying to find the old reference about that.
“Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, parliamentarians, private sector executives, representatives from civil society organizations and academics to discuss issues of global concern…” From IMF site.
Other references:John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie Killed NaturalMedicine And Built The Big Pharma Drug Empire of Today!Skip to the center of the article to get to the meat. The first part is about the 13 Illuminati families that I tend to give the side-eye to.
The last part is references.
The Rise Of The Rockefeller Pharma Industry
Good stuff…thanks, Gail!
You’re amazing.
I do what I can. A lot of this was dug up by others and I am just passing it along.
Luckily I took notes over the years and I have a good memory.
Yeah, I think you’re right. There HAD to have been elements in the industry (not all of them, but elements) who were part of the design of the COVID COUP.
People keep forgetting:
#1. Han Chinese have ZERO reverence for human life.

#2. Han Chinese look at other races WITH CONTEMPT. They consider Whites ‘Barbarians’
Huff and Puff: 6/27/2016 Nigerian In China: Why Are People Here So Racist Towards Black People?
Drunk on Han supremacy, Communist China holds a very racist image of India
#3. China’s HUMILIATION at the hands of Britain and the USA
Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation“Repercussions of British opportunism during Opium Wars can be felt in geopolitics even today”
“….A passage from an essay by the Australian defense analyst Paul Monk is very telling on the subject of what President Xi intends for Asia’s near future:”
“To erase the shame of its century of national humiliation, China will need to have an unequivocal victory over somebody….” LINK
LAST China plans ahead not in quarters or years but in DECADES. China is well aware of the coming (Little or Big) Ice Age. (I have read some of the papers out of China on the subject.) China NEEDS RAW MATERIALS and most of all LAND for the Han People.
What country produces 1/4 of the grain in the world??? WHY THE USA!!!
Now given the above facts about Chinese Han leaders and their mindset, Is a 1, 2, 3 punch not out of the realm of possibility?
Good stuff. ChiNazis clearly grew defective out of Chinese culture, just like Nazis grew defective out of German culture. Bidenazis inherit a bit of both, frankly.
It goes worldwide.
Prof Didier Raoult was vilified in France by the medical community there. They made him out to be a crackpot.
Here in Britain — as elsewhere in what used to be known as the Free World — we have had NO prophylaxes (e.g. HCQ+Zinc/Azithromycin or Ivermectin). The UK Government finally started distributing Vit D tablets to the vulnerable, but that’s been it.
There’s something very odd about a policy of ‘it’s either lockdown or the vaccine, and, even then, restrictions have to stay in place until at least 2022’ (British policy).
Meanwhile, millions of people from toddlers to the aged are suffering terribly in one way or another, psychologically or economically.
It would be interesting to know what the political persuasions of these ‘scientists’ and ‘behavioural psychologists’ are. One of our behavioural scientists involved in our coronavirus restrictions is a Communist: Dr Susan Michie.
She has not been a stranger to the BBC News channel during the coronavirus crisis. She appears fairly regularly on the BBC News Channel and is a member of SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies), from which Boris and his dreadful health secretary are taking all their advice. She is also on a breakaway group, Independent SAGE (don’t ask me).
Here is an article from May 2020 from our foremost political blogger in the UK, Guido Fawkes:
Here’s a 2018 article about her from the Daily Mail:
‘Toffs’ is slang for members of the upper class, BTW. The Liberal Party (as was) was a halfway house between Labour and Conservatives. Today, the successors, the Liberal Democrats, are as bad as Labour.
‘Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie is the granddaughter of Henry McLaren, the 2nd Baron Aberconway, an Eton-educated Edwardian industrialist and Liberal MP.
‘He inherited major interests in coal, iron, steel and engineering conglomerates, and created the sumptuous gardens at Bodnant House, a stately home set in 5,000 acres near Snowdonia.
‘Her mother, Dame Anne McLaren, was born at Aberconway House, the family’s imposing 2,800-square-metre second residence in London‘s Mayfair, and was one of the world’s leading biologists. When she died in 2007, aged 80, she left £52million in her will.
‘Ms Michie’s father, meanwhile, was an eminent computer scientist who was the son of a wealthy banker whose photo is among the National Portrait Gallery’s collection.
‘Despite these moneyed roots, the blue-blooded Susan, 62, marches to the beat of her own drum.
‘She stretches her every sinew in pursuance of a class war as a member of the Communist Party of Britain.
‘On Monday night, she addressed a meeting of about 40 true believers at the Marx Memorial Library in London’s Clerkenwell …’
In conclusion, it would be very interesting to learn where some of these other people lie on the political spectrum. We know about Brennan, but what about everyone else?
Maybe this is more of a British issue than an American one, but I doubt any loyalty to Britain from many of our scientists advising on coronavirus strategy.
I think you’re very right that these ideological bents are important.
Diana West’s analysis of James Comey really brought home where exactly his “Higher Loyalties” reside – hard-core left-wing theologians! He was a match for Brennan, IMO!
Politics impacts science. Speaking TRUTH in science despite political bent takes TRAINING and DISCIPLINE.
Absolutely. Agree 100%.
Also notice with coronavirus that no contrarian science or perspectives are allowed.
Science? What Science? All I see is propaganda and Dis-info THAT IS HARMFUL to the average human.
That’s what I meant, Gail.
From the beginning — last March — my greatest fears have come to pass.
‘Never let a crisis go to waste’ (R. Emmanuel): a perfect way to usher in communism.
This is not the science I signed up for. Nothing like it.
Not what we learned in school — at all.
We learned that humans developed a natural immunity to certain diseases. Now ‘experts’ are telling us it can come only through a vaccine. Madness.
Then, again, they’re relying on an idiocracy. Unfortunately, half the population fits that description.
Big Pharma is no different that Wall Street, Globalist, CoC…DRIVEN BY PROFIT.
Minimal profit with HCQ, D, Zinc…
Develop NEW medicines and vaccines, NOW we are talking hundreds of Billions in profits. An opportunity to screw up immune systems…more opportunity for profit.
All big Pharma had to do was “shut up” regarding HCQ, D, Zinc… Be faithful puppets and a leap at emergent opportunities to develop new meds and vaccines at warp speed. Profits also at warp speed.
Maybe helpful to Rudy to send him a link to this article (any twitterers or whatever he’s using now), regarding who allowed Chansley to get close.
Dates on the pics may not mean much but Chansley is wearing same clothing in each so probably same occasion that should help him tie down who was regulating hangers on.
If Chansley is an asset he could strike the pose needed against a green screen so it fits correctly.
Could be!!!
I’m sure Rudy knew within minutes (or at most hours) of the guy being identified publicly. But it can’t hurt to just be sure.
Dangling a “get out of jail free” card for patriots is going to fail.
He’s looking for mass absolution in order to get President Trump.
Denounce Trump and you are free to go.
Eff that horned ass, and eff those who put him up to it.
Let me correct that.
That’s right!
𝐂𝐂𝐏 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭-𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Hah! Perfect.
OMG, LMAO! You gals NAILED IT!!!
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗪𝗶𝗻… 𝗛𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮!
LIST of ongoing Trump court cases – ongoing status is kept updated.
h/t –
PS from the QV link – Sidney Powell: There is a large number of active election fraud court cases ongoing contrary to what you have heard.
Trump and the GOP won 2/3 of the 21 cases heard with evidence.
Now that is good stuff. GOOD. I’m surprised, frankly. Are lower courts SHAMING the wonderful SCOFFLAW SCOTUS?
I appreciate that you explain this stuff to us.
my disgust meter is redlining this morning…
we need to reset from last good checkpoint.
As ℚ said, Americans have to be brought to the brink to WAKE THEM THE HECK UP!!!
me too…
awake and pissed off…
Trying to absorb all of the who is on what side is going to be a real challenge when all is said and done, IMO.
This is interesting about horn dude, that he may well be a plant.
Horn Dude IS A PLANT!
With this ‘I’m sorry’ he just told us on which side he is playing.
YES. This is my message. End of mission reveals the side. All he can do now is reveal it more.
There are ROUGH messages here, but they are also POWERFUL in our hands.
We have been negligent in attacking the MILITARY DEEP STATE, which IMO was a deep pool of BETRAYAL.
Do we know yet if attorney Al Watkins is the dad of NYT “journalist” Ali Watkins who sleeps around DC for scoops?
WIKI: ZERO info on her parents.
From Law and Crime DOT com (Created by TV’s top legal commentator and attorney, Dan Abrams, Law & Crime brings common sense written and video analysis…) So not exactly MAGA friendly.
The Bio of the Lawyer Representing Two Gun-Toting St. Louis Attorneys Will Leave You Speechless
‘QAnon Shaman’ hires St. Louis attorney Al Watkins, seeks pardon for following Trump’s ‘invitation’
This lawyer was disciplined by a state licensing authority in 2006. LINK
This comment is interesting (He gets a rating of ZERO BTW)
Theres a good reason the DC Bar censured Al!
So he was practicing IN DC before getting censured by the DC bar and THEN moving to St Louis with the hopes his reputation would not follow him.
So it is very possible the two are related.
OOPs, GOOD Possibility they are NOT related. She was in Pennsylvania while he was in DC.
He sounds like a wannabe Michael Avenatti, the former Stormy Daniels attorney,
Be careful on that – an easy commute for the big money and powerful.
I do not think so BUT Bite-me’s family was from Scranton PA
It is 66.5 miles from Fleetwood to Scranton.
It is 3 hrs from Fleetwood to DC.
Fleetwood is northeast of Landcaster PA.
I find it strange there is NOTHING about who her parents are.
Here is her DECEMBER 5, 2017 bio from the NY SLIMES
OK back to the Lawyer. Looks like he is mainly located in the mid-west
State Status ……………. Acquired — Updated
MN Authorized to Practice 1987 — 12/17/2020
IL Authorized To Practice 1986 –12/06/2020
DC Active …………………..1986 –10/14/2017
MO Good Standing, Active 1985 — 11/19/2020
Reprimand issued in MN, 2006
Reprimand issued in IL, 2005
Reciprocal – Censure issued in DC, 2005
The two bad reviews were for MO on July 17, 2012 and June 17, 2014
Watkins is a rather common name. There are 168,248 people with the last name of Watkins.
There are 34, 546 Al Watikins.
perhaps this needs an Aubergine style sleuthing?
If only we could get a peek into that file drawer with the pre-written obits … She’s just famous enough to be in there.
Wolfie I want to bring these two comments of mine to this thread.
From Yesterday’s Buffalo Jump Thread:
GA/FL said: “We can’t rant and post on blogs?”
I replied:
Of course we can. BUT we should not be enticed to bring guns to the state capitals like the Commies tried just after January 6th.
Someone spotted that as a False Flag set-up. The news spread like wildfire and it got nipped in the bud. NO ONE SHOWED.
So that part of the PLAN was a real dud. IF the Commies had pulled it off it would have been something similar to what they pulled in the Ukraine.
Now we learn
Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

From Today’s Daily Thread:
Last Night RF121 was saying Ashli Babbitt was MAGA and WAS SHOT…
(If she was Military police AND a Security Guard then SHE more than anyone else DARN WELL KNEW SHE WAS BREAKING THE LAW AND COULD BE SHOT!)
Unlike with other cases of an unarmed civilian being shot we have:
Although we also have this:
January 13, 2021 in News by RBN Staff From Redpilled on the 12th
REDPILLED MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS! (Exclusive Evidence)
THEN yesterday @ February 9, 2021 at 8:39pm we have THIS from the Gateway Pundit
EXCLUSIVE: Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Breaks Silence on Capitol Tragedy – Requests Public’s Help in Identifying Persons of Interest
“…After over a month of silence and many unanswered questions, Ashli Babbitt’s legal team has started opening up to the public.
Last month four Trump supporters were killed in the US Capitol siege in Washington DC. One victim, was Ashli Babbitt who was gunned down by a Capitol Hill Police Officer inside the capitol during the protests. To date, this officer’s name has not been released.
Ashli Babbitt’s legal team has been working day and night to uncover the truth behind her death. [Yeah, right…]
For the first time since the shooting, they have gone public and are asking for your help. They are seeking information to help identify four persons of interest, all of whom were present during the shooting.
All four individuals are believed to have important information regarding the death of Ashli Babbitt:”
[Several Photos @ Gateway Pundit]
First off,
Stinks to high heaven to me. AND it is interesting to see the comments at Gateway Pundit. Instead of smelling something fishy, they are all getting riled up about the shooting and no justice all over again.
Looks like the patsies may be in danger to me.
My next comment further down show that lawyer is a SLEAZY as they come. He USED TO WORK IN DC and was SO BAD he was censured by the DC bar!!!
The SMELL OF SET-UP is becoming over whelming…
What are we missing while all this bad acting is going on to distract us? How much progress is the current administration making at completing their selling of America to the highest bidder? It is always about following the money.
Oh, you would not believe what is going on. I have to do an article, but I need to answer comments here first.
They are starting stuff that will BLOW YOUR MIND.
They think they have a clear runway now. It’s SHOCKING.
They, Beijing Biden’s handlers are brazenly tossing America over the precipice.
EVERYTHING they are doing IS destructive to America. R-Cons silent. Fake news complicit.
Tayler Hansen reports for Gateway Pundit, and his name and image are referenced throughout the Babbitt “shooting” video, because he was there – on the scene of the incident. Last night he wrote the article at GWP with photos referencing the “lawyers” looking for people. The article includes this disclaimer from Jim Hoft.
Notice to Readers: There are several claims online that Ashli Babbit’s death was a staged event and that those around her were paid actors. We want to be clear that Tayler Hansen is a contributing reporter at The Gateway Pundit. He has broken stories across the country. Tayler was tweeted by President Trump at least twice. We can assure our readers that Tayler Hansen is not a paid actor. Jim Hoft
Thoughts on this? How did the video narrator know who Tayler Hansen was? Everyone else has a nickname, even John Sullivan and Ashli Babbitt.
“Tayler Hansen reports for Gateway Pundit,….”
And how in heck does the Gateway Pundit KNOW that Tayler isn’t a DEEP PLANT?
What better way to SHAPE the narrative?
There’s footage of Hansen being interviewed at the end of the video, talking some nonsense wearing a BLM hoodie. Did GWPundit pull a project veritas on this thing? As I said, it’s above my pay grade.
Edit to my comment above. In the video they do identify one other person by name, Adam Gray (“their photographer”).
I’m watching it again now, stopping every few seconds. Tayler Hansen is called out ALL through it, by name. I’m at the point of leaving this for the boss to unravel.
At 18:51 you have Tayler Hansen shouting “They F…King Shot a Girl”
Prior to that he was standing in the corner between a cop and Jayden watching the scene.
Either he is REALLY STUPID or he is ‘Controlled Opposition’ in my opinion.
THIS is now showing 404 AND is not archived, but the search engine blurb says:
Playing for sympathy maybe? June 8th, 2020 Salt Lake City ANTIFA Violently Attacks, Threatens to Kill Citizen Journalist Tayler Hansen
The whole thing is a mess. Journalists have lots of connections – lots of friends – lots of lies – and getting retweeted by Trump is no proof of anything.
We are now getting to the deadliest truth of counterintelligence and countercounterintelligence – the idea of getting YOUR OP approved by the OTHER SIDE. The KGB did this as DAILY FARE inside CIA.
The simple fact is that they have been trying to provoke Trump supporters for years into something stupid. It’s been the Antifa M.O. since the beginning – but try as they might they were never able to get that “made for TV moment” that made Trump supporters the aggressors. They had to build it themselves.
And Thank God for Nicholas Sandmann who knew how to stand his ground without flinching in the face of evil!
Sandmann is weak. He worked for McConnell’s reelection then fired Lin Wood. He’s got more money to rake in, don’t you know, and wouldn’t want any distractions. I’m over that kid.
I think Sandmann is bowing to pressure from the University and the students.
Sorry. He has popped his own balloon.
Perhaps his parents also.
Yeah, he has to get through university and POTUS is radioactive on College Campuses right now and he would be a prime target.
Actually I think it is best for the kid, Lin Wood and POTUS for a bit of strategic distancing.
As Wolf and team continue to document, current politics and economics stories contain elements of false identities, purposely confusing portrayals, misleading or incomplete reporting, phony coincidences, actor role-playing presented as news and general all-around skullduggery. You need a scorecard to see who is playing which role, and why they are playing that role for the time being, along with who is behind the scenes pulling so many strings.
Given the above, how is the average person among 330 million Americans supposed to sort out what is truth from what is fiction?
They aren’t.
At least not on the instant gratification news cycle schedule through which people get stimulated and respond.
If and when enough people learn that they’ve been lied to for years by authorities in media and government that they trusted, or at least tolerated, or didn’t actively dislike, that would trigger reactions.
In short, that would freak them the heck out.
Generating, or manipulating, a critical mass of such awareness becomes very difficult to control, and too many have vested interests in suppressing that awareness. That seems to be the real challenge confronting the long term effort to drain swamps and expose treasonous actors, in that we all have to survive the process and resume living without destroying the country, the Constitution, the Rule of Law and each other in so doing.
The truth takes a little longer, and is not without pain and adjustment. That is being revealed, and life reminds us that patience is a virtue.
Yup. The truth that it would take a long time to reveal the truth was the first casualty of that revelation.
REX holds forth and pretty much aligns with you, Wolfmoon.
Good stuff! Yeah, people would not believe what’s happening while we are distracted.
I am going to put Rex thread up since some can not see it. Also it aligns with what I think despite Saul and Thomas Wictor’s blaming of MAGA for getting duped into ‘violence’ As I said it has been a DUD!
(One day ago)
1. As predicted, the Democrats and their RINO friends mean to turn Citizen Trump’s impeachment into a major spectacle.
This despicable show trial of a private citizen by an illegitimate oligarchy aka ‘The Senate’, is a first in US history.
Guilt or innocence is irrelevant to these vile scum. Even if Trump is acquitted, as is likely, the FakeNews attack machine will make it appear he should have been convicted.
It’s the MO of the People of the Lie.
2. Of course, don’t be surprised if they pull a stunt that ends up with blood being spilled and so-called Trump supporters being blamed.
And of course Trump convicted.
We already know the oligarchs are capable of very evil schemes to destroy people.
And they desperately need to make sure Trump never threatens them again.
Trump remains a threat. He is perhaps more dangerous out if office, than in it.
3. My sense is that Obama & Co’s plan was to provoke violence on Jan 6 and then all the way to impeachment.
They wanted this sham impeachment of Trump to be drenched in conflict, violence and bloodshed.
Securing Trump’s conviction.
It’s the way illegitimate governments consolidate their power. It allows them to crack down on domestic enemies, as well as to ‘save’ the people.
They have tried EVERYTHING. But their plans have FAILED (no surprise, they are losers).
There has been no violence.
4. There are at least 74 MILLION furious and frustrated voters out there, many who are armed to the hilt, but they have MAINTAINED DISCIPLINE.
And respected the law.
This is testimony to the resilience, intelligence and patience of Trump fans. Turns out, years of being under assault have made them TOUGH.
Way, way tougher than the crowd supporting Biden & Co.
Also, we have become SMART. Trump’s supporters are canny and understand when they’re being played.
5. My view is that Biden & Co may be in real trouble.
They desperately wanted to use the window between Jan 6 and the impeachment sham, to consolidate their illegitimate power grab.
Their aim was to provoke enough violence and bloodshed by Trump’s supporters, to secure not just Trump’s removal as a threat – but also a widespread crackdown on the huge majority who support him.
Didn’t work.
6. Instead, the crooks arrive at Feb 8 widely loathed and openly mocked.
Put simply, the population just hasn’t bought their bullshit.
In fact, opposition is likely INCREASING.
Again, the sheer level of opposition is too difficult for Biden & Co and their FakeNews slave dogs, to overcome.
They arrive at the sham impeachment in pretty much the same situation they found themselves on Nov 2, 2020.
Weak, hated, corrupt and illegitimate.
I have no doubt that they will now double down on dumb.
7. The impeachment will be a travesty, of course.
BUT guess what?
Trump, the supreme strategist and showman, also has a say. And he will know everything I wrote in this thread is true.
He would have known months ago.
Of course, the criminals will crow about what a huge success the impeachment trial was.
8. Let them crow. How many will have the guts to walk down the street?
Not many.
They know 80 – 100 MILLION Americans are quietly watching their every move.
Impeachment will make Trump more popular than ever, whether he is found guilty nor not.
There is zero appetite for violence among genuine Trump fans and never has been.
Besides, it’s not required.
Biden and his cronies are destroying themselves, after all.
We are patient, and will wait for their inevitable fall.
The end.
Thank you for posting it for we members of the “banned!”
That is why I did. I know a bunch of Treepers got BANNED because of Q.
I still think Saul is a Pied Piper meant to lead the good researchers on Twatter off into the weeds once they were banned.
So I am going to try and state some thoughts of mine but if they seem incoherent it’s because I’m not good at this. Thanks Wolf Moon as I have known from the get go this guy was not nor are most of this people around Ashley Trump supporters. I was also thinking that he was put out there to make the Q thing look like we are crazy. Funny all the fur hats, really?
Also did the CNN gal get arrested? I haven’t heard if she did, and if not why not. I want all the people in that room arrested. Lets let them set in jail and see if they will get what they want to give to the peaceful supporters. Then see if any one will start talking. Who did Ashley go to DC with? Talk to them, where are they? Where were they when she got shot? Or did she go there alone? I find it hard to believe she did that. I can’t imagine someone going all that way alone, or maybe it’s me.
Also Buffalo boy, was there any footage of him outside? I think maybe a little but, come on man, it was cold out there that day. He didn’t have on a shirt, there was no way he was outside for long. I will not believe he was that tough. So that means he was not at the Trump speech and he was just there to be at the Capital. Or he was with Sullivan and already in the Capital. I say let him stay there tell he rats on his bosses. He gets the, let me see I think some one posted about one guy they want to go to jail for 20 years. The they all should, especially the ones that were breaking the windows and going into offices.
There is no way most Trump supporters didn’t know that was wrong. I don’t think most of them are and if they are they are not smart or good ones. I know there were good ones that did get caught up in it but I don’t believe they were doing the window breaking or most of the violent stuff. So come on FBI lets get the ones on camera and pictures and lets see if you can put the squeeze on them and get to the real people that organized this. And I would love to see all reps and senators phone calls at this time…..ALL of them!!!
Oh what fun that would be.
Chyyyna Joe didn’t win. Nor did hoe.
Great points!
There is way more here than meets the eye, but nobody at FIB will lift a finger until Trump is as “gone as they can make him”. And then, what’s the point? They’ll keep the knowledge on the down low.
The FIB is an enemy of the state – a domestic sedition group.
Insurrectionists In Charge.
In my weird mind the only thing I can think of is that we have the right to have a new government if it’s not working for the people, right? Even antifa and BLM would agree to that one even if we would not agree with them.
I know it would never work but some how we need to find a way to work together to get them out. Our Gov. I mean. Crazy as it sounds. I know they are out of there minds but I keep hoping.
I guess I am just trying to think of how to go from here. Even if the likes of Liz Cheney don’t seem to care if we here in WY hate her guts, I still think there egos just have to be hurting just a bit, they just have to.
I am sure the turn out that Trump got to come to DC scared the begebus out of them. So they lie as they always do. Not working
TRUMP was mentally onto the path out. I am sure he REMAINS onto the path out.
In many cases, he probably had no choice but to accept the wrong people (e.g. Barr): ‘It’s so-and-so or else’.
They tried to wear him down. Maybe they succeeded.
If not, the other way is to ‘go via the wife’. Works most of the time: ‘Oh, darling, don’t fight this. Let’s leave and get our old life back’.
I do not think it would work with Melania unless it was harm aimed at Barron.
Remember she KNOWS Communism well.
And they have to know that they will NEVER get their old life back. The left will keep going after him until he’s completely broke or dead. We know that, and he must know that as well.
The left point blank in 2016 said, it was not enough to defeat Trump, he must be DESTROYED!
David Plouffe, an Obama adviser-turned-Silicon Valley lobbyist…
Yup. The wicked enemy understands psychology well.
Would she have equated it with communism?
I’m not so sure.
And the latter is what Byrne reports. Somebody authoritative supposedly told Melania that President Trump AND a family member would get the JFK treatment if he went to a second term, and the Secret Service would not be able to stop it. Basically it was “the steal or else”.
I hate that, but that is what we are up against.
They intend to take our guns. Whatever it takes.
Yes, I forgot the JFK bit. Thank you for the reminder.
Chuck ‘Six ways from Sunday’ Schumer (early 2017) was not wrong about the intelligence agencies.
Re guns: they’ll still be there, just no ammo. The ammo supply will continue to diminish. That started in the Obama era.
However, the supply of guns will continue in order to maintain the charade: ‘You can buy a gun anytime. We haven’t taken your 2A away’.
Great point!!! They’re SNEAKY!!!
Yes, they are VERY sneaky.
Tie that in with the coronavirus lockdown/mask policy — ‘It’s for your health’. Lefties begin to drag in Conservatives.
It all begins to make sense.
80% lower supports an untraceable option. Requires some fine machineing. But folks in the know, make it work.
Nice find.
This whole episode is so FUBAR, Grandma!!!!
See the info I just added if you want to see REALLY FUBAR!
Certainly makes you wonder about 9/11 and the Patriot Act that was WAITING in the wings… NO WAY that bill got written so fast after 9/11!
Yup. Bad stuff.
It is utterly disgusting. Our government and its paid actors are on par with burlesque.
Indeed. We no longer actually have a government.
Yet we do have burlesque.
Grandma, do you or Wolf know how to copy, find and send the John Solomon interview in Thomas Caldwell to others?
I cannot seem to find the info on gab or Solomon’s website and see no place to click and send.
You can right-click these Gab videos while they are running and copy the address (URL) of the video, which in this case is:
Thanks, Wolf!!!!! Excellent interview!
What is it? I see nothing but dark gray.
Strange…it comes up for me after loading. It is a profile from a site called Backpage…Jake Angeli’s actor’s profile.
And here is a photo with Pelosi’s son in law.

I very much appreciate the mention, Wolf! Glad that article was so useful.
Another excellent post, which explains a lot. Thank you.
You’re most welcome!
OK, people – THIS IS HUGE – a NAVY/FBI guy – top secret clearance – was caught as not just a participant but a PLANNER.
FROM GAB – listen to John Solomon and Eric Greitens
[video src="" /]
WASHING COMPOST:Alleged Oath Keeper leader Thomas Caldwell was former FBI
The feds say he’s an extremist leader who directed rioters. He also had top-secret clearance and worked for the FBI, attorney says.
2009??? AS IN OBAMA???
Nice bit of AND Logic there isn’t it Wolfie?
Any bets the guy fades and never spends a DAY IN JAIL?
Oh and it gets even better
You just can’t make this stuff up!!!
And from News Week:
A YEAR??? He worked for the FBI for a YEAR???
Yeah right. Any bets he worked undercover for the last decade?
I KNEW KNEW KNEW that the Ohio Oathkeepers were CHUMPS, because a “Virginia” partner just stunk to high heaven. I KNEW that he was DC SWAMP TAINT who set them up.
After a bit of thought, I realized you had to LOOK at 2009-2010.
The Oath Keepers Formed in March 2009
April 16, 2009 Napolitano stands by the controversial Department of Homeland Security report which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S along with ordinary American patriots.
Oh and to add icing to the cake, travelers from Saudi Arabia, the country that spawned the 9/11 terrorists, get most trusted traveler status allowing them to by-pass the indignities from TSA that Americans must suffer.
So I would BET dollars to donuts (If the LEOs didn’t eat them all) that Thomas Caldwell was ASSIGNED BY THE OBAMA FIB to INFILTRATE THE OATH KEEPERS….
The timing certainly fits.
These BOLSHEVIK scum who define everything except themselves as “extremists” are tiresome ROT.
Ain’t that the Truth Wolfie.
I am so darn SICK of these Psychos!
Why couldn’t they be content with robbing us blind? That we could live with. But NO they have to insist on controlling every aspect of our lives.
Well, look on the bright side. Things will get more interesting before they get better.
Thanks for this. Attempting to pass along, hope the link works here
Lots of good info and putting pieces together. I had wondered a lot about all those different type pictures with Buffalo Jake.
Did you notice that it looks like the fan boy pictures with Chanel Rion and Giuliani were at the same location? The ceiling and rug are the same, so it was likely at some conservative convention type event, where it would be easy to get photos.
Ah, that’s a good observation! And he’s dressed nicely so he can get close and get a thumbs-up for a photo, too.
I tell you – there were so many military involved in these ops, it looks like a very typical communist conspiracy with double-cross of the military.
The basic idea is that the commies partner with anti-Trump military to take out Trump – but THEN the commies flip the narrative to “clean up the military” and the purges begin – including their former co-conspirators. Some may get out easy, but the commies retain control.
This explains why FIB had the lawyer for Caldwell brag up his military involvement – it’s part of the betrayal. Commies have Trump gone – now they turn on their former partners and get complete control.
Never trust commies. EVER.
Thanks Wolfe for the timely reminder that there are no bigger racists than the Chyna\Han…they are the top of the pyramid inside Chyna as well.
phenomenal Thread, Wolf & Crew…!!
bookmarking all of it including comments.
(taking a few days off…back next week)
Biden lost
[…] Buffalo Jump: The Intolerable Lie […]
[…] Buffalo Jump: The Intolerable Lie […]