Dear KAG: 20210210 This Show Needs Better Plot Twists Open Thread

Your daily dose of hopium from a source familiar to most of us. Please, listen to the bitter end:

Is it possible that the 5D chess moves include retro-actively impeaching former presidents since this precedent is being set?

Intriguing if it is.

And the question of the Supreme Court deciding whether or not police can enter a house to seize a gun….

Honestly, the only of the Bill of Rights the swamp people believe in is a spouse can’t testify against the other one, and pleading the fifth when it is convenient.


As an aside, just a reminder that there are two dates looming in the coming weeks which may well prove pivotal:

  • February 18, a Thursday this year, which is the 150th anniversary of the Corporation of the United States that most Americans don’t believe ever existed.
  • March 4, also a Thursday this year, which is the ORIGINAL date designated for a presidential inauguration.

What that could mean is anyone’s guess at this point.

Well, at any rate, we’re for sure watching a movie…and like so many novels out there, the middle is sagging for lack of action in the plot.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MARK 7:14-23

14And he called the people to him again, and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: 15there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him.” 17And when he had entered the house, and left the people, his disciples asked him about the parable. 18And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him, 19since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.) 20And he said, “What comes out of a man is what defiles a man. 21For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, 22coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23All these evil things come from within, and they defile a man.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

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Deplorable Patriot

Apparently the original, from 1955 or possibly earlier, was by the Weavers.

This video is the Weavers from Reunion at Carnegie Hall, 1963. No lyrics, but Pete Seeger’s vocal clearly inspired the Tokens:


The history of the song is surprising and fascinating, and goes back decades before The Weavers. Mark Steyn wrote one of his great articles on the song (as only Steyn can) and it is long but worthwhile for interested people:


Thanks Tonawanda! 👍


I have a weird personal superstition that says that nothing good ever happens on Mondays or Fridays….so both of those key dates being Thursday is a good thing.


I did not realize that it’s the 150th anniversary. Hmm.


For some reason I can only turn the volume to an ODD number. Just recently I read where Josh Allen of the Bills said he can only turn the volume to an EVEN number, and when I saw that, part of me laughed to hear that another person had the same sort of superstition, and another part of me thought that Josh Allen got the superstition completely wrong.


I’ve actually been listening to a lot of Mark Knopfler of late — partially because I can sing along.

Mind you, what sounds like harmony via bone conduction probably sounds like the howls before a catfight to any outside listener, but it pleases me. It also helps that he mumbles a lot, because I don’t always remember the lyrics exactly.

This is to be compared to my dad, who can’t carry a tune in a bucket. When I was growing up, he used to sometimes say things in an odd tone of voice that seemed rhythmic. We were all surprised when my mom picked up Marty Robbins’ “Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs” out of a remainder bin and we discovered that he was trying to sing many of those songs.

OTOH, I have an uncle who can compose and sings songs in real time, complete with verses and chorus. He’ll do this at the weirdest of times, and come up with little ditties like “walking across the wide parking lot to the supermarket”. He’s also the uncle that never aged — we figured he had a portrait stashed somewhere — and would get carded into his 60’s. Might’ve been a changeling.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s funny.

The singing voice I have comes from the Irish women on my dad’s mother’s side. My mother’s Spanish relatives…don’t hand them “We Three Kings” and expect any sort of coherence. The French/Bavarian/Swiss side (Mom’s side), OTOH, will break out into “I’ll be home for Christmas” in the SAME KEY while half tanked at a barbeque and we’ll laugh about it for years.

Harry Lime

Knopfler = Awesome Guitarist.


He made an album with Chet Atkins that I recently picked up (for $1!) that is a charmer. He has clearly been an assiduous student. But I think he’s better as a composer than a guitarist.


cthulhu, that CD is my favorite road trip music…just terrific!


Knopfler cites Atkins as an influence, and does a good job keeping up with Tennessee charm. The last song, “The Next Time I’m In Town”, is somewhat sad, however, as I know of no other joint productions before Atkins’ death in 2001.




I suppose he might still be a changeling, although he started aging (gently) around age 70.

This is the guy who moved a garden shed and it looked like new afterward — it had been rusty. I asked him about it and his response was that he was moving it anyway, so he just turned it inside-out.


I had to think about that for a minute, but it does sound really logical. Putting the still good side to the weather doubled the sheds life.


And it was thinking outside the box to do so.


lol DP, thank you for the chuckle!  ❤ 

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, time for the night shift to take over.

In the morning, y’all.


Sleep well!



Message from Sidney Powell on Telegram:

There is a very important case still active in Georgia. There is a very important case in which discovery is being granted in Michigan. That’s why the Michigan governor, AG and Secretary of State are trying to have us all sanctioned and disbarred. All their claims are frivolous, and they are going nuts! And there’s a big fight in AZ. Citizens need to make their voices heard to all their state officials and demand full forensic audits by computer experts. There is evidence still in the machines. Why do you think Dominion and Smartmatic are fighting so hard to keep us from accessing the machines—even though federal law requires all records to be kept for 22 months to make certain our elections are valid?? — Sidney

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s right. But the ENTIRE ELITE and DEEP STATE is in lockstep.


Scott is on Gab:

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6 Republican Senators joined with democrats to vote that this impeachment sham is constitutional.

Cassidy (LA-2026)
Collins (ME-2026)
Murkowski (AK-2022)
Romney (UT-2024)
Sasse (NE-2026)
Toomey (PA-Retiring)

In addition to primarying Cheney & Kinzinger, I’ll help w/ these


I love him.
He knows how to fight.

Yes, I have an ambitious strategy.
Pass election integrity reform in preparation for 2022.
Then, win the governorships in MI, PA, & WI.
Last, pass election integrity reform in those states for 2024.
The GOP isn’t going to help me, so I’m doing it, myself.
Are you in?


Scott is irrepressible. He is the future of the Grand New Party.

The GOP will be either destroyed and a new party will replace it, or it will be purged of all RINOs and renewed with MAGA.

A huge work is ahead of us. The RINOs are legion but we can and will pick them off one by one just like Scott is doing.

We have to work from the top down AND the bottom up.


Scott does Good Work and is admirable. He brings hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think REALPOTUS has put a permanent STAIN on every RINO. They’re not even fit for WALL MOUNTS at this point.


I can say the same about the elected officials in my area.

Surrender monkeys who chatter on about unity…just like the Democrats.

If we don’t get active on the local level and do our part, the cure won’t stick.

Top down AND bottom up.

We also need to reassess and reform the rules and policies that have allowed the System to flourish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things which prevent corrupt associations from forming are key.


“If we don’t get active on the local level and do our part, the cure won’t stick.”

Good to have agreement. Nice to see you are not be called “it”, a Chinese spy or a shill for saying these things. Exactly what must be done.

The good news is that many have already been doing this in multiple locations across the nation.


Learn the ropes to put the GOP on the ropes.

In the meantime, if a 3rd party is formed by RealPotus then I’m with him. And that’s all you are going to get out of me. 😁

Except for:



And that is the same thing I said. I said multiple times “unless Trump…”

And many of us have been learning the ropes and involved since the primary of 2016 and have made a difference. Those of us who got involved years ago already know the ropes and have been begging the rest to get involved with us only to be met with derision, blown off, attacked, smeared, called names … why?

When I said the exact same as you, only weeks sooner after 1/6 think about how you reacted … and now you have reached the exact same conclusions … no apologies for all of the name calling, insinuations, smears, etc.?

I don’t really care … hasn’t changed my choices or activism in the least as I knew others would eventually do as many of us learned to do years ago.

Just reflect for your own self. Could you have made a bigger difference had you been more open to other’s input sooner? Could you have refrained from attacking even if you disagreed?

Some might have become discouraged had they been attacked by MAGA people like I have been and quit only to have those same detractors now in the same place.


I went back over my comments to you. I wouldn’t take one back and they were quite tame most of the time.

And you spent a great deal of time trying to convince us all that the RNC and the GOP were not attached at the hip. That earned my eternal distrust.

The kind of things you were saying is exactly what an insider would say. You got your butt handed to you and are likely to have that continue.

And you know nothing about me and my involvement in local and national politics other than what I have shared here.

Trust me, we are not in the same place. 😁


just because I taught you everything YOU know, doesn’t mean I taught you everything I know…lol


Sundance is making more and more sense about starting a third party.


Yep. Carpe Diem.




My expectation is there will be denial from Trump that there is any need for a new party, right up unto the exact point that we need a new party to move forward.


That would make most sense.


So – Brady and the Buccaneers aren’t going to Occupied DC™?




Speaking of heh, I had no idea they made a movie about you:


There’s everything from movies to t-shirts to plush dolls — and I own a frightening amount of it.

Back when I did moron meetups with Ace folks, we’d just agree on a spot — and I’d tell ’em to come over and say “hi” (with their nics) when they recognized me.

It’s not likely you’ll go far wrong when someone is wearing .


I actually had a thought about meeting Gail wearing … may happen, may not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see his strategy now.


The Real President and the Real America don’t reside in DC…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Certainly starting to look that way!


Not anymore.


You see another part of the unfolding strategy, but not its expiration date.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With proper tending, there need be no expiration date. The strategy can outlive the artist!


why go to dc? the REALPOTUS is in FLA


Trump calls it, I’ll be on my way to . FL is way more fun than DC.

My “E” ticket is ALWAYS good for the Trump Train! Pure MAGA here.

But I ain’t doing GOP/R-CON. Them bastards conspired, AND COLLECTIVELY stole the election.
^^^ Exception being IF I live in a district with Jordan, Gaetz and the like.

Either a candidate IS PURE MAGA, or they are scum in my book.


they are trying to organize some sort of rally for REALPOTUS on President’s day if I’m not mistaken…probably in FLA…to show REALPOTUS the love and respect he deserves…

Valerie Curren

Internationals keeping closer tabs on Trump’s court cases…


I think that is because until the world knows if PDJT is going to beat the steal, the globalists have to keep chicom flu on the back burner, hence all the new variants.

Valerie Curren

I think the cases in the tweet were Court cases that Trump has been winning the majority of. The flu variants are apparently less deadly than the original CV but yes so much is theater now…


Most of the cases won were won prior to 11/03. there were many cases filed (not enough, obviously in hindsight) by the RNC & the Trump Campaign that were won.

Valerie Curren

Worldwide (partial) immunity to CV exists!

Valerie Curren

Battle continues, but good guys (on God’s side) win in the end!

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My youngest daughter made me grandfather again with twin boys last week
and my eldest son announced the arrival of another young boy …. late last night
3 more warriors to to train against the perils of life….
I am over the moon Centurions live on.

Valerie Curren

This is disturbing…I saw another Oprah clip interviewing a child sacrifice cult…what the heck. They are shoving this stuff in our faces!

Valerie Curren

Pedos on parade…

suzanne pooler

wonder what the comms are here. hanks is dying or someone else?


LOL it does raise the question, a nice way to escape scrutiny.

Valerie Curren

No clue but the cabal keep rubbing these sickos in our faces. There were several of the rumored pervs in a number of Super Bowl commercials too–spit!


“…genuine movie star…”

what does that mean ?


“…genuine movie star…”
what does that mean ?

^^^ NOTHING, to normal folks.

Valerie Curren

Not a stinkin’ clue

Valerie Curren

Paris Hilton testifies to boarding school abuse

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oprah: “Oh, no, this is terrible cultural Marxism! Let me read it to you now…”

Valerie Curren

systematic desensitization or something. Evil & horrifying

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES – that’s it. Desensitize, and then when they start gaslighting that pedo love is valid love, the SHEEP will BAAAAAH.

Valerie Curren

Sick F—s!

Speaking of sheep, I saw this Finnish tweet lauding the Finns for how well they obey those in authority, related to CV crap. I was thinking my grandpa would be rolling over in his grave. He was so proud of the Finns during WWII how they would have guerrilla attacks on Russians, I believe, while on skies, & then melt back into the winter forests.

Being “obedient” seems the surest way for a people to capitulate to totalitarianism & it’s pretty hard to come back from that fork in the road!


How an individual can make a huge difference — .

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that fascinating read!


a person is either a collaborator or a resister.

speaking of WW2…just ask any of the surviving Dutch resistance…

going along to get along..or to save yourself…is collaborating.

following orders, in certain instances, under certain fascist circumstances, is a form of mild collaboration…

Valerie Curren

You’re either for us or you’re against us, no gray areas there…


Oh yes, orpah, it’s so much safer and less of a culture shock when you read the manual and blank out certain words as you read about lubricating and inserting…..

That was nothing by de-sensitizing the audience for more horrid descriptions for later.

Valerie Curren

Isn’t the Oprah one of the alleged pedos perpetuating these atrocities on the innocent?


just recently Operasinger wore a Masonic sweater on her little hatefest show and took quite a bit of heat about it. her claim was she just bought a nice sweater from the internet, knew nothing about what it was or meant and she won’t do it again. you believe that? me neither….

“I simply bought a sweater from the internet, and I will never wear it again, and that is all I can say. I still don’t know what the connotations are or why people are upset, but I am not going to wear it again, OK? That’s that.”

Valerie Curren

I read that article & mostly the people said nice things like thanks for promoting our obscure branch of Masonry…weird…


She enjoyed explaining that.

Valerie Curren

Like secretly coming out of the closet & then mocking the “normies” behind their backs–Evil!

Valerie Curren

Australia under siege

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

“cancelling” Churchill…can’t have the kiddos learn “never give up, never surrender” (a speech my middle son memorized for his Fine Arts Day!

Valerie Curren

having reservations 😉
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Valerie Curren

non essential gas(lighting)bags
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What one person can do:


“…Liz Harris, shows citizens how to be an effective activist and get results. Starting in December, she managed to call to action over 800 bi-partisan, unpaid volunteers throughout the state with her It Smells Funny website form where she asks people to volunteer their time to help with election integrity research. “It was truly a grassroots effort,” said Harris.”

Valerie Curren

Lots of election fraud info

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Valerie Curren

deaf joke tune 🙂
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… ahhhhhhh … 😩🤚 … Auntie Em! Auntie Em! …


just messing’ … heh heh … 😬❤️

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Iranians intentionally downed plane?

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

Rest assured .. they have their reward … 🤨 …. 🔥🔥🔥

Valerie Curren

looking forward to the Real “reward” in the life to come!

Valerie Curren

True-hearted team Trump!
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Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

Trump rallies are inspirational.

Valerie Curren

Yes & so missed, along w/ genuine America-loving leadership!!!

Valerie Curren

fanning racial tensions down under too

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stupid. Just digging the already deep China hole there deeper.

Valerie Curren

yep–these Chi-coms don’t miss a trick

Valerie Curren



People, this short article was written in 2013. Now that Jobama is in his third term, it seems positively prescient.

“Both the Democrat and Republican parties know that exposing Obama would reveal their dereliction of duty, their complicity in undermining the Constitution, and their continuous flouting of the rule of law. They know that the truth would topple the corrupt status quo and terminate their exclusive grip on political power, allowing the American people to regain control of their government. The political and media elite will do anything to prevent that.

The status quo is no longer defensible. Unless there is a significant reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be upon us, which may well lead to national collapse and fragmentation.

The ruling elites of a now hopelessly corrupt political system are just one major blunder away from revolution.”

The ruling elites and their blunders are escalating:



^^^ Fundamentally why I will NOT support the R-CONS.

The third party is necessary. Perhaps it will be like a Tea Party, within the CONS tent until the shitheads can be expelled. A whole new brand, in the likeness of MAGA MUST rise. Or we lose.


I see stories like this:

BIDEN WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO HELP THEM GET THERE EARLIER: IDF intelligence: Iran at least two years from nuclear bomb.

….and I think, we could easily write stories where “Iran is 26 seconds from nuclear bomb.”


There is so much poop in this article I don’t know where to begin.

Annual vaccines, mutation dreams, pharma profits, and on and on.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. The Port Authority had been looking for a buyer for the site for a while. It was even offered to President Trump at one point. He turned down the offer. Silverstein, OTOH, bought it and amped up the terrorism insurance.


… Et tu Brutus? … 😖🤚‼️🔥🔥🔥🐁

Et tu, Brute? (pronounced [ɛt ˈtuː ˈbruːtɛ]) is a Latin phrase literally meaning ‘and you, Brutus?’ or ‘also you, Brutus?’, often translated as ‘You as well, Brutus?’, ‘You too, Brutus?’, or ‘Even you, Brutus?’

… fool … 😑

…. 🤞🧐🤚‼️

Let God sort them out …


geez…another lizard demon person

every watch that flick The Devil’s Advocate ?

Al Pacino …Keanu Reeves…

at one point, the various female lawyers in Pacino’s devil firm all morphed into demonic ghouls, like a very bad acid trip.

ditto that dude


scare face
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😖👍 ..


It takes a severe spiritual delusion to be this upside down in the lies, even for being drenched in MCM program-think.


LOUISIANA GOP has rebuked Cassidy for voting with the DemonRATS to proceed with the shampeachment.


The Louisianna GOP also rebuked Romney.

Louisianna joins a growing list of county and state GOP orgs not afraid to speak up aginst their own DC politicians in favor of their voting base, their members.

Why the shift?
a) many SECs and party officers are now MAGA (and some long term leaders and elected SEC members were Tea Party before that). the strong, bold conservatives have grown in numbers of the the last several years and several elections

(If you are new to being involved, take the time to get to know who is who and where they stand before assuming things about those involved before you walked in the door. resist painting all with a broad brush as many have been involved for years – esp. since 2016 forward who are very conservative, outspoken and MAGA. Example: Many TN leaders were in DC 1/6)

b) because many of the base are being clear where they stand and the party leaders are listening.

Stay involved and make a difference!

Other state and county GOP’s who have spoken up:

Rice of SC: https://

Kinzinger of IL:

Cheney of WY:

Newhouse of WA:

Upton of MI:

Gov. Doug Ducey, Cindy McCain and Jeff Flake of AZ:

McConnell of KY:

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Good information! Thanks!


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And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.


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𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.


Bring your flags, signs and most of all your love for the greatest President of all time!

Let’s celebrate Presidents’ Day together, Trump style! Watch it LIVE on RSBN!

— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) February 9, 2021


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Good Morning!!
lovely rose and butterflies!!
have a Blessed day Duchess!


Morning, Pat! Glorious Golden Sunshine is most welcome this morning – even though the snow and ice remain – God is in control – He will see us through until Spring – when the cycle of life begins anew.

God Bless Your Day, too, with Butterflies and Roses – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!!
thanks for the commentary on the shamwow show yesterday…I really appreciated it!


* Received and Appreciated *

Most welcome, Pat – glad to help!!!


Victims of Covid19 have been tallied daily.
Victims of the shutdown are just now being acknolwedged. Expect more coverage and the #s to grow on victims of the shutdown.
I’ll bet they try to blame the Trump Admin for these victims too even though it was the left that pushed them.


weird story on GP about Ashli Babbit’s death. her “legal team” is looking for information and help in identifying 4 persons of interest. (clearly none of them is the shooter…) they provide photos of the p.o.i. at the scene…only the last one is a clear image.
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Why does she need a ‘legal team’?

Are they hoping to sue someone?

What if it’s really a Cleanup Crew…and they are trying to tie up loose ends.

These four “persons of interest” are 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 to what happened.
Maybe they are trying to find them so that they can shut them up.
 🤐  💀 


that’s the whole “weird” party of the story…
they aren’t seeking to identify the SHOOTER…not a picture of that arm or anything…but these witnesses…



That’s why I’m giving it the side-eye.
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I might guess they know the shooter, but they are comparing ‘eye witness accounts’ to see if they can get a better account that might expose it as a set up or something similar.

The more accounts they can get, the more data they can work with to expose or create a narrative towards who might/could/should be liable.

…and Faux Biden Didn’t Win!

Last edited 4 years ago by Please
Deplorable Patriot

I guess what is mind boggling to me are the number of people out there on the fruited plain who cannot and refuse to see the BRAZEN just taking and the complicity.

I’m working my way through a long video from one of the MANY patriots out there who make videos analyzing the Wag the Dog Truman Show, and they’re just as mystified by the mental blocks we all encounter trying to explain the truth of what is really going on.

And then there’s the frustration that our side is letting it all play out to make the medicine go down more easily.

Strange times we’re living in.


I was wondering if perhaps there are (hate to say this) bright sides to the impeachment and all the crap happening right now. we are learning to take small steps towards taking back our government…the states censuring or whatever the heck they can do to the congress critters who do not follow the will of their constituents…is an example. scott pressler showing us how to primary these bastards is another. they fear us in dc. had they won HONESTLY, they wouldn’t need to fear us…they know it and we know it.
it’s like throwing your tv set out the window–I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!
it’s gonna be a race to the finish–if we as a people can steel our loins and take control back from the despots–before they can cement their power…

Deplorable Patriot

From what I can glean from the “insiders” and the people who talk to people with foreign intelligence agencies, we’re watching a $#!+ show while there’s a lot of high level negotiation going on. I mean HIGH level. People and levels not known to the general population.

Remember, one of Satan’s tricks to getting people to fall in with him is to essentially disappear from sight. It’s not what we CAN see that’s concerning me right now. It’s what we can’t. The power brokers are hiding behind human shields. That’s truly demonic, IMO.

Anyway, this show is turning into the longest soap opera ever.

suzanne pooler

This shitshow is starting to sag in the middle. I believe its long past time for those not awake to this takeover to wake up. I have stopped trying to talk reason with the irrationals. The pain will be especially hard on those who are refusing to see what is right in front of them. So be it then.


This movie is turning into a horror show.

I’m having to watch parts of it through my fingers.
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Hopefully it’s going to turn out like one of those Chuck Norris movies…where the bad guys beat him up, but he gets up and destroys them all.


A comment at Legal Insurrection:

Breaking news: by a secret ballot, mcconnell, biden, pelosi, harris, waters, sandy smollet, and many other hacks in our government have been impeached.
More to come. – The Fine Report at Legal Insurrection –

Note – Wictor or one or more of the QV sages have held forth with the scenario that Presidential SEADs would deal with the villains in our Legislatures and the stolen election.


SEADs are super-secret stuff voted on by Congress.

However – I have no confidence in Congress, the Courts, our DoJ, intelligence agencies or even the military these days.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You don’t impeach congresscritters.

The house or senate can expel any member of their own chamber, but there’s no other way to remove them.

But, Joe Biden did not win.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lin Wood Says – You Can’t Trust Man, You Can Only Trust God!
february 10, 2021 the marshall report

Good morning! Lin Wood was a guest on “His Glory”- with Pastor David Scarlett, and Amanda Grace of Ark of Grace Ministries. What a great threesome! Listen and enjoy their heart warming conversation as Lin Woods tells his personal testimony and shares his hope for We The People, America, and the World.

His Glory- Grace & Glory with Lin Wood


What happened in Georgia was the ‘game plan’ and was done to a degree in the rest of the massively fraudulent swing state elections.

“Gov Kemp and his minions also screwed Georgia royally by enthusiastically and very publicy inviting, promoting, and facilitating massive Chinazi investments, business set-ups, purchases, and land purchases. This despite President Trump’s admin’s dire warnings. It is all really connected, entangled, with your above points.”

Tennessee Star:
“Georgia Governor Brian Kemp awarded a $107 million contract to Dominion Voting Systems two weeks after he met with the Houston-based Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Atlanta.

Kemp met with Li Qiangmin, Houston Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, on July 12, 2019.

The Secretary of State’s office announced on July 29, 2019 that Dominion’s election services were procured to implement a “verified paper ballot system” in the state prior to the March 2020 presidential primaries.”

H/T –

No wonder the Chinese consulate burned all the evidence in Houston.

Governor Kemp, GA Secretary of State and Stacy Abrams, and the rest of the fraud cabal should be PROSECUTED and jailed – if not executed for treason/sedition – perpetrating foreign interference in THE 2020 US ELECTION!!!

Deplorable Patriot

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

By Patty McMurray
Published February 9, 2021 at 7:54pm

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year. Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.
comment image

But, a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.


And I’ll bet they’re hiding ‘Vaccine Deaths’ in the Covid19 deaths.

Deplorable Patriot

Could be.


Integrity is not in play when determining cause of death, or even vaccine safety.

So long as Covid deaths pay more than other deaths, 100% Covid deaths will apply.


The lower the totals for actual covid19 deaths go, the higher the numbers for other causes of excess deaths in 2020 will go … if not covid19 then what killed so many Americans in 2020? Shutdowns worse than covid19? “cure” worse than the disease?


so now that we’ve established that ex-officials of government can be impeached…let’s do obummer, clintons–both pres and SoS, holder, and the list goes on and on…and for good measure biteme as vp and cameltoe as an ex-senator.


Yes! Thank you, Pat.
 😁  👍 
I’ve been thinking the same thing.



Trump “Furious And Beyond Angry” Over His Impeachment Team’s Performance



“…especially Bruce Castro…”

(note: sources are not mentioned by name.)


Gee, who recommended Castor? Christie? Wray? Barr?

Man, money can buy lots of souls in DC


Remember lawyers are being doxed defending Trump. He is no longer getting the best.


poseurs all of them! LOL
dem voter posts video clip of herself in front of bookshelves which turns out to be a SHOWER CURTAIN…LOL…

Deplorable Patriot

I like the shower curtain.


available on amazon iirc


LOL Shower curtain.

Even still it’s a library for decor. A real reader’s library is so overloaded with books that the shelves are overflowing and bowed, with the primary concern being “where the heck can all these books go” not “oh, look at how cute this little stack would be in this corner!”

Deplorable Patriot

My bookshelves are double stacked, although I DID get rid of A LOT of them a couple years ago.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve resorted to that for authors who definitely have A and B levels of quality. B goes in back.



Deplorable Patriot


they have no shame


It will not matter – they are creating a Leftist/Communist Hub – anyone who visits will know – remember 100M will be knowingly ‘left’ out – good-bye to bad rubbish – they have only shot themselves in the foot – where did conservatives go – to GAB – and alternative servers – building their own base of operations.


They will destroy themselves, but meanwhile there is no justice done and the left can start the process again of controlling another social media company and shutting people down, this time with precedent.


What about Anti-Trust Lawsuits – or – Class Action Lawsuits – I know – I know – the DOJ is corrupt – but, what if – it was cleaned out – or – is in the process of being cleaning out – for a time such as this – I also think the SC will be cleaned out as well – but, hey – that is just me – I am confident God will fix this mess, Michael!!!


That’s good!


Ep. 2400b – The [DS] Is Opening The Front Door, The Flood Gates Will Open
X22 Report Published  February 9, 2021

Deplorable Patriot

This is in the body of the thread. It was pretty interesting.


I agree, DP – after the obnoxious hearing yesterday – it was a welcome reprieve!


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Andrew Torba


[video src="" /]


GOP had better heed that video – esp. the tweet at the end.



Gail Combs

Last Night RF121 was saying Ashli Babbitt was MAGA and WAS SHOT…
(If she was Military police AND a Security Guard then SHE more than anyone else DARN WELL KNEW SHE WAS BREAKING THE LAW AND COULD BE SHOT!)

Unlike with other cases of an unarmed civilian being shot we have:


Investigators Recommend No Charges For Capitol Police Officer Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt But Still Won’t Release His Identity It is unusual that the police officer’s identity is being withheld from the public and yet he is being exonerated of any wrong doing from the authorities reviewing the case.

Although we also have this:
January 13, 2021 in News by RBN Staff From Redpilled on the 12th
REDPILLED MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS! (Exclusive Evidence)

THEN yesterday @ February 9, 2021 at 8:39pm we have THIS from the Gateway Pundit

EXCLUSIVE: Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Breaks Silence on Capitol Tragedy – Requests Public’s Help in Identifying Persons of Interest

“…After over a month of silence and many unanswered questions, Ashli Babbitt’s legal team has started opening up to the public.
Last month four Trump supporters were killed in the US Capitol siege in Washington DC. One victim, was Ashli Babbitt who was gunned down by a Capitol Hill Police Officer inside the capitol during the protests. To date, this officer’s name has not been released.
Ashli Babbitt’s legal team has been working day and night to uncover the truth behind her death. [Yeah, right…]

For the first time since the shooting, they have gone public and are asking for your help. They are seeking information to help identify four persons of interest, all of whom were present during the shooting.

All four individuals are believed to have important information regarding the death of Ashli Babbitt:”

“We want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of the Babbitt family. We are early in the investigative process, but we need to identify a few key witnesses. We would also greatly appreciate any video footage of the incident.” – Ashli Babbitt’s legal team

[Several Photos @ Gateway Pundit]


First off,

  1. WHY are the lawyers looking to ID those four individuals?
  2. At least two are the guys IDed as ‘in on the hoax’ in a video shown here a few days ago.
  3. WHY the request ON THE 1st DAY OF THE IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS 35 days AFTER the Shooting?

Stinks to high heaven to me. AND it is interesting to see the comments at Gateway Pundit. Instead of smelling something fishy, they are all getting riled up about the shooting and no justice all over again.



yeah interesting wording in that article…
4 were not “killed”…4 died…tricky word play. one was “killed”…
a “police officer” did NOT kill Ashli or even pretend to kill Ashli–that man was not dressed as an officer at all…
and yeah, wheatie mentioned in a previous comment about this story–why does she even have a legal team?


something else bothers me…it’s Ashli’s legal team…freudian slip? shouldn’t it be ashli’s FAMILY’S team?

Harry Lime

RF121 also accused anyone who has doubts or questions about what happened with the A Babbitt shooting as living in a fantasy world. Apparently RF121 has all the facts (when practically none have been released)…but, RF121 knows exactly what happened and anyone who doubts his version of events is a conspiracy theorist.

I would recommend that folks go back to yesterdays Open Thread and read exactly what RF121 thinks of members here who doubt the “official” story. He does this repeatedly on a whole host of topics…almost like he has some sort of agenda…or a sick twisted hobby.

Nobody here knows, yet, if ever, what happened with that shooting. But RF121 seems hell-bent on ridiculing anyone who questions what we see in the media. Imagine that, after all we’ve seen and been through over the last decade or two (and beyond) coming from the FAKE MEDIA day in and day out…the list is endless…and RF121 does not want ANY questions asked. Why? RF121’s answer: She’s dead. Move on. Don’t ask questions. Swamp wins.

Apparently, according to RF121, people who ask questions are a menace to the American way of life.

“Unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free.” – Frank (RF121) Burns


He’s a XXXXXX (IMHO), treat him as background noise and ignore, I do

Deplorable Patriot

I wish more people would take your advice.

Harry Lime

I usually do, Sauce…until he specifically calls people conspiracy nuts or tells them they’re living in a fantasy world. Then he needs to be called out so other people are aware of his antics.


When things finally happen I will be banned from the site….I’ll just leave it at that

Harry Lime



Every “The Five” has to have its “Juan Williams”…

and Faux biden didnt win !

Harry Lime

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For Pat Frederick:

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shared with hubby!


this article reveals what a complete idiotic asswipe hogg is…it’s only gonna take him 2-3 months to build a competitive pillow company–if he can 1) BUY a competitive pillow company; 2) get a $200 kick ass logo helper in the next 3 hours; and 3) form an activist advisory board
what a maroooooon






I see this as a potential money laundering outfit.

next thing you know, he gets govt/mil/hospital contracts for millions of pillows. Chinese made crap that sells for 100 each to the govt. Congress buying shares at $5 that go way up when contracts get landed.

and faux biden didnt win

Last edited 4 years ago by Please

wow–you’re probably right!


For a little plot twist excitement from the Vatican sideshow:


“Bernardin was a key supporter of Saul Alinsky, and Bernardin paid for Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) to be brought to Chicago and be trained in Alinskyism.”


Pope Pachamama is getting brazen and ain’t hiding his nefarious agenda now.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, alrighty then. Bernardin has been dead 24 years and he’s STILL probably the most powerful man in the Church all while being unworthy of the collar, let alone the Crozier.


looks like the person on the cross is wearing a stole of a dead lamb

Elizabeth Carter

I think that is the lost sheep that was found and carried back to the rest of the flock.


that makes sense


That was the cover for the crossed arms. The satanic shits are nothing if not subtle.

Deplorable Patriot

Signal that they’re going to bring back the Seamless Garment crap, eh, heresy?


I don’t think the Seamless Garment crap ever went away.

Deplorable Patriot

In some sectors it didn’t, but it has faded quite a bit.


OMG – The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has appointed a rogues gallery of woke partisans as a ‘task force’ to review whether statues and other landmarks in the city are ‘diverse enough’.

Voting left has dire historical, fiscal and national security consequences!

Proves the (insert cuss words) left are the censors and destroyers, not the builders on this eart.


I’m glad I’ve visited London a number of times. I have a feeling it will soon be unrecognizable.


I know someone who visited there a couple of years ago. He said it was a very multicultural place. I think many European countries have lost their cultural roots.


I was twice in London and loved it. This was about 10 years ago and yes it was multicultural. A very comfortable city. I realize it has changed.
I was also astounded when I was 4 years ago in Germany how cities have changed. Couple of years before I saw a trend of Gypsies performing in town square and was very interesting. Though 4 years ago I saw gypsies begging on almost every corner. I was warned to keep my purse close and they cut the handle of your purse specially if worn cross shoulder. I had bought a purse for travel that were not able to be cut and not able to open by a pick pocket.
Germany had also become dirty on the streets because it used to be super clean.
There also lots of fast food boots with some wonderful food that Turks and Greeks Muslims and Italians offer. I liked that and there seemed no violence but then mostly I was in Hannover and Frankfurt. Frankfurt has become a little more dicey. My brother told me the problem were Eastern Europeans from Bulgaria and Romania. Now the heavy influx of Muslim man it has become not as pleasant. I am actually very tolerant of different cultures if people are not violent or criminals.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Thank you for sharing that. My experience with German people is that they are very concerned about cleanliness.


Overly so. I have slowly let some of my German obsession go. Used to was windows every week. Wash kitchen floor and bathrooms twice a day. Waxed all the wood floors every Saturday. Vacuum every time a saw dust and dusted all rooms every day. I have calmed and do not hose down my drive way every week or was the car every week. Life is good 🙂


Wow! You deserve to relax a little. ☺️

Gail Combs


Will you come live with us?

You take care of the house and I and Hubby will take care of the animals and gardens.
comment image

(The horses and ponies and sheep and goats are CLEANER than Hubby.)


i wanna say, I saw her first…but dang…you beat me by a second!

Gail Combs



I do not mind cleaning and cooking and gardening. I am just not as fanatic anymore.
The one thing I dislike are closets. My daughter likes to organize closets . I used to tell her i come and clean and you keep my closets.


I know, right?

I love cooking and gardening and livestock.

Hate cleaning. 🤣

Gail Combs

Esp with a hubby who is a packrat and a slob.  🙄  😫 


or at least allow me to pay you to do my house…


I used to do my kids house before they were married 🙂
My boys married later one was 30 one 45. They loved for me to visit and clean do their wash and cook.
I did not mind. Now it takes me longer a day to deep clean a room .


No wonder the wives of my sons feel intimidated but I do not say a thing how they run their house.
Both of my sons are the cooks in the family no problem there 🙂


The VERY first thing I have noticed each time, after being in Italy, driving home from the airport through southern NJ . . . is how CLEAN we keep things. The highways and roads are basically litter free. And if anything IS there, it’s recent and soon to be scooped up. As opposed to trash that looks like it’s been there forever — along with appliances and mattresses gathering in certain spots.

Deplorable Patriot



Wonder what vaccines they are getting?


One of them got Pfizer (see my reply above).


My son and his wife got Pfizer and are doing well. They had their second shot Saturday a week ago.


I’m glad they are doing well. The uncertainty of how each person might react makes it difficult. Some of us are not willing to take the chance. Others think their odds are good, or they dismiss reports of ill effects altogether. Then some are so suspicious of *their* motives that they don’t trust them at all!


that’s bc this stuff is experimental

and the people getting the jabs = the experiments.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Both China Joe and Joe China approve of this message. Now y’all be good guinea pigs, and someday your parts may be flown to the Middle Kingdom for permanent honoring in a vial somewhere!


My husband and I are not taking the vaccine.
About 5 years ago I was talked in to take the flu shot and I got sick with the flu every winter. This year I skipped it and have not been sick .


The “vaccines” are an unknown vector – who knows what’s in them, or what they’ll ACTUALLY do.

It doesn’t make ANY sense to trust some other entity than oneself – Pharma (profit), Guv’s (power), or comp’d “health” officials (“They be experts! Comply!) – when it comes to ones own health.

“Here – lemme inject into your bloodstream something that we cooked up right quick … for YOU!”

When *ALL* the so-called “authorities” agree … that’s when we should TOSS their so-called “expertise”, and think for ourselves.

The recently-former science chief of PFFFFizer absolutely TRASHED any call for “vaccines” to be administered in response to coronavirus, or to anything else similar afflicting the population.

The Merck vaccine is best. Just GET the coronavirus, and then ones immunity system will work it out on its own. Survival odds are WAY better.

Then – for Globalist non-compliance, and in anticipation of blowback – the CEO of Merck announced his resignation.

Gettin’ outta Dodge, he was – just like the Pfizer guy …

Good call, Singingsoul!

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vitamin D, 4000 to 12000 units/day, (4000 normal, 6000 overweight, 12000 obese), and CATCH IT is the best vaccine.

Gail Combs

Do not forget the Vit C washed down with a glass of OJ
With a 1/2 separation..
Zinc, Selenium and Iodine! All washed down with a glass of green tea.

Gail Combs

That is a 1/2 hour in time separation between the Zinc and the vitamin C.


From the article:

The nurse, 42, passed away a few days ago after receiving the second dose of Pfizer-Biontech’s “Comirnaty” vaccine, the so-called booster. 

I don’t know anything about COVID “booster” vaccines.

Concerned Virginian

The Pfizer / BioNTech CCP Virus vaccine must be taken in two separate injections. The second injection is about 10 days after the first one.
In the literature given to providers of the injections, they are to caution people of child-bearing age to abstain from having sex until 28 days after the vaccine is administered.
Apparently the Novovax CCP Virus vaccine is a single-injection that may well be safer. I believe this vaccine is still under trials.


CV, I continue to believe that they AREN’T “vaccines” – at least not primarily.

The side-effects, IMO, are the intended PRIMARY effects, and the seemingly “primary” effects are instead merely the side-effects.

It is WE … who are “still under trials”.

So many accept their NAMING of something as BEING what that something is.

Ironically, many times there IS a “correlation” – an almost 100% ANTI-correlation.

Meaning, of course, that they are the exact OPPOSITE of what they’re purported to be.

Like the “Patriot” Act, et al.

So many keep accepting THEIR terms, THEIR names, THEIR promises.

We must all think for ourselves … and IMO, this is what they wish us NOT to do.

Caveat Emptor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Based on whistleblowers, there may be tampering with the vaccines IN PRODUCTION. Without aggressively skeptical quality control by vaccine critics, there can be no trust.


I’ll go out on a limb here, Wolf.


I repeat:

“Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly.”

I cannot imagine any “game-theory” result advocating for risking taking them.

Deplorable Patriot

IMO, there are two exceptions – rabies and tetinas. They’ve been around for a long time, and they are proven to work. And…they’re about the only cure for either disease.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vaccination is an optimal strategy only in the center of a multi-dimensional bell curve. We were over-sold on it, in order to open the door to surreptitious human experimentation. It’s an ugly truth that should land Adam Schiff in a penal colony on the moon, where HE can be studied safely!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Studied for what, exactly? Pencil-neck-itis?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How much his eyes bug out in vacuum, like in the original Total Recall movie.

Valerie Curren

Most excellent imagery!

Valerie Curren

I hear that both tetanus & rabies are Shots, like the flu shot. That is Not necessarily a vaccine…though admittedly I don’t fully know the difference.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rabies disproves the “no vaccine” strategy. Because the rabies virus is slow, vaccination even works AFTER THE BITE – and at a level of nearly 100% effectiveness if given RIGHT AFTER the bite.

NEVER refuse a rabies vaccination, is my advice.

From there, moving on to other diseases and vaccines, it’s a matter of bargaining. I’m a picky shopper, but I’m a shopper, because I’ve HAD the rabies vaccine.


Yes of course – my strong BASELINE approach is to treat them ALL as worse than useless, but I accede to your and DePat’s exceptions – rabies and tetanus.

Although we also don’t know what’s in them, I suspect that that “vector” would be a disaster for the pharma’s to mess with.

Best to use either one singly (not a “cocktail” like MMR) – also, Kew backs up both your points in re NOT all Seniccav are bad.

How’s this for a coincidence – right after I posted what you both responded to … the WEIRDNESS reappeared!

Zip-a-dee do-da, Zip-a-dee-ay!


I assumed that, if there was a schedule of two injections, then the first one would be the booster. But the article says the nurse died after receiving the second dose of the booster. Maybe it’s just worded incorrectly.

caution people of child-bearing age to abstain from having sex until 28 days after the vaccine is administered

Seems like a giant 🚩to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s backwards from rocketry. In rocketry, the preliminary stages are the boosters. In vaccines, it’s the LATER ones.

Deplorable Patriot

So, here’s the question…is what is deadly what the various injections mix with?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re talking about sneaky ways of adulterating vaccines during preparation (“mixing”), yeah, that sounds like a danger, when dealing with an adversary. I would not put it past the depops (my new short winky name for depopulationists).

But if we look at “mixing” as being in the body, then I am almost certain THAT is where the deaths are coming from.

I was leery of mRNA tech, and I think my suspicions remain justified.

The situation is very complicated, but I’ll try to make it simple.

Immunity, like Steve reminds us, is a beautiful KLUDGE that nature gave us – in my opinion through “evolution writ large”, which allows for a continuum between native development and pure panspermia (creation writ large and loose). It’s funky code, but it works. More or less.

The problem with kludgy code is that the window of effective action without side effects is narrow. The exposure-disease-immunity cycle is not completely effective even for ONE strong, disease-producing exposure, and multiple simultaneous exposures can cause the code to generate values of certain biochemicals that are proper for one exposure and bad for the other.

Translation: Calls to your cell phone don’t match traffic lights – keep them separate or you’re at risk of an accident.

I am immensely grateful to both my coding mentors and Dr. Shiva for seeing how incredibly important it is to space out vaccinations properly, with properly being very hard to determine for any individual, and should really be NEVER for some people on the bell curve. YOU KNOW BEST. As you say, rabies and tetanus vaccines have bullseye regions that almost exceed human and animal population variability – they’re no-brainer vaccines.

We’ve picked off such low-hanging fruit – we are now looking at “artful science” to get the higher fruit, and our devices are many rickety wooden ladders. On the other hand, mRNA is one big awesome long straight aluminum ladder that breaks branches, knocks down fruit, and is clearly causing problems. The bending, folding, self-standing aluminum ladder contraption (much less the cherry-picker) is not here yet.

mRNA was problematic in animal studies, and based on the first paper showing genetic incorporation of COVID-19 RNA as DNA, I think it’s clear that mRNA vaccines MUST be regarded as biochemical shotguns, and NOT rifles. They are better than older vaccine failures, but not by much, IMO, when CATCHING THE DISEASE WHILE TAKING ZINC AND VITAMIN D3 is frankly SAFER.

And that is leaving OUT what we don’t know about catching the disease BEFORE or AFTER the vaccination.

mRNA can never, IMO, be as targeted as EITHER “optimal catching of the disease with support” (natural immunity + things like Regeneron, HCQ, etc.) or “protein-based vaccinations using carefully designed synthetic protein antigens” (Novavax strategy with even more planning and testing).

So why are we pushing mRNA? Human modification. And they are being BLATANT now. My next article.

Deplorable Patriot

Looking forward to it…even if I’m not sure I understand all of it.


I agree with DePat’s comment below—can you include a mRNA vaccines for DUMMIES section?

Gail Combs

It is an INJECTION with UNKNOWN (to us) consequences long and short term.



NO ONE has ANY recourse in case the chemicals (“muh vaccine!”), injected DIRECTLY into your bloodstream, induce permanent disability or death.

TBH, given the info that’s been posted here the past week or so, I am ASTOUNDED that qtree participants are still even *debating* what to do.


IMO, if you take it (the “one” punch) – and if it doesn’t kill / debilitate you straightaway – you’ll then be ripe for the “two” punch next year, when your immune system is degraded so much that a SECOND shot – or illness – will be the final one.

Nancy Reagan: “Just say “No!””

At what point will you get it?

It’s like the advice Galdor gave the Hobbits in LotR – but substitute “vaccines” for the Nazgul:

“Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly.”


“TBH, given the info that’s been posted here the past week or so, I am ASTOUNDED that qtree participants are still even *debating* what to do.”


Not me.

Way below zero trust.

At this point, anything the government tries to do is treated as a threat until proven otherwise by at least three qualified but disinterested 3rd parties.


If there is a greater threat to the American People than the government, what would that be?


If there was a more obvious threat to the American People than the government, what would that be?


“I don’t know anything about COVID “booster” vaccines.”


They make you even more better… 👍😁

 😂 🤣 😂


thank you for posting this. GMinT…

plse post more of same if you find them…ppl around here are trying to mandate/require this shit for basic necessities…it’s starting…even tho it’s not officially mandatory…yet…

very scary how many property owners, employers are insisting on these damn vaccines.

as a self employed artist, if I can’t enter a property without showing my papers, I don’t work.


when the farce begin today?

Deplorable Patriot

Noon eastern is what I’m seeing. I will not be available at that hour or commentary.


thanks DePat




Because they could not wait to ‘go get him’ – Why would they want an investigation that would prove their suppositions wrong?


They had it all planned and coordinated from the Fake Flag riot to the Media Narrative.


True – I wonder if they have that great video that analyzes what really happen in the Capitol, Georgia.

Concerned Virginian

Because the DemCommunists want President Trump destroyed as thoroughly and as quickly as possible. Not just to make a “public spectacle” of the “humiliation” they’re planning to do via Fake Impeachment II. He is too much of a threat to the DeepState / Soros-Clinton Axis / Davos Globalists.


which is so hysterical…IF (and we all know it’s a lie but stay with me here) biteme won the most votes EVER…the most popular president ever so they say–WHY are they so intent on keeping the second runner up from running again?
surely biteme and his glorious save the world policies will only strengthen his reelection chances, right?


Somehow, CV, I think they will fail – much the same as they have failed at many of their cockamamie schemes.



I refuse to change my language to please the speech police. I just start speaking German let them figure out what I am saying. I have done that a couple of times in my life specially to phone solicitors.


no habla ingles


You speak Spanish? Yes it come handy at times.


I’m learning…and I know enough to confuse everybody…LOL
a little German (thanks Grandma!), 4 years of college Latin, and a smattering of Hungarian…
if I mesh them all together…LOL…


That is great 🙂

Gail Combs

OH! The Hungarian is a great SHUT UP!

Hubby and I use German as our ‘secret language’ but some times we get caught.

Hubby happens to know a little Russian and a little Japanese. Me? I can butcher French, German, Spanish AND English as well as music.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

mash them all together tho…
that’ll confuse the hell out of most…LOL

Gail Combs

I do that without trying. I had a shop keeper in Belgium in hysterics because I kept mixing German and French. She knew both languages, just not English.

I had a lot of fun in Germany in the mid 70s with the shop keepers. They would trot out their kids to try their English on me while I tried my mangle German on them. We all ended up laughing and having a good time.

Only the French were real snotty. So I just wrote what I wanted to say and that made them even angrier since they could no longer act like they did not understand.


REAL Latinos won’t vote for ppl who use LatinX !

It’s a sin against the first – and best! – of the Romance Languages!

How dare they?!

That was popular on the Latinos4Trump #walkaway blogs.


“no habla ingles”


No abra angres.

I like to mix it up a little, to confuse everybody, just in case there are any Spanish speakers around 👍😁


that’s what the Hungarian is for…LOL…
and hey, I just remembered…I can cuss in Italian AND Polish…LOL
really mix it up!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Then there’s gemanglische Deutsche. English mangled to look German.


Yes so true 🙂

Concerned Virginian

Remember THOMAS BEATIE, the “man” who was actually born a biological woman, then had sex-change surgery — except that she KEPT her internal reproductive organs. She then carried THREE healthy pregnancies to term before undergoing the surgery to finish the transition to “male”.
THIS is the type of “lifestyle choice” that the NHS is endorsing.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS


Posted on February 10, 2021



Posted on February 10, 2021


Deplorable Patriot

The bit about China toward the end…I’ve seen that in other places. All is not what we think it is.


can’t watch…can you give us a hint what that is?


They talk about the Great Reset – reference Kerry – now – they have changed their end game to 2030 – ain’t gonna happen – problem is – USA is not participating in their ‘Great Reset’ – because Trump refused.

We have a better idea for the Great Reset – Trump’s idea – of a ‘new’ financial system that will serve We the People – they laugh about this – do not identify this ‘new’ financial system.

All is not what it appears to be – Trump has not gone away – very much ‘in the game’ – and working behind the scenes. What I can recall, Pat!!!


thanks duchess!


Most welcome, Pat!!! Glad to help!!! – What if you get a headset – so you can listen while hubby works – maybe – just a suggestion.


it’s not just the noise…it’s the data usage. he uses a vpn for work and that uses a lot of data…our satellite internet does not have an unlimited plan so we’re stuck…


Oh, sorry – did not think of that – sure is a problem – makes sense to me – I do not mind helping – you know – just thought it would help.


and I appreciate it!!
the really little videos I try to time for when he takes a “coffee break” or whatever…lol…
since he’s been working from home, we’ve have to buy extra “bytes” (hope i’m using the right word) every month…but we’re making out ahead in what he would have spent on gas monthly…


That’s great – the videos SHOULD be 30-minutes or less – but, some of the commenters try to squeeze more in – sooner or later – it becomes an hour long video. I try to listen while I am doing something simple I do not have to think to do.

Gas is precious for you since you do not live near most services – yes?


well we’ve got the plaza—LOL—combination gas station, restaurant, mini market, live bait shop…


That’s making your trips count!!!


bait shop/ restaurant appeals to you? LOL

Gail Combs

We have an all in one with a gas station – store – restaurant – bait shop.


Only if I am ice fishing – or not required to wear a mask to eat out.


True – but, the WHO has shown its colors and its collaboration with China – recent revelation – virus did not come from WooHoo Lab – now – they want to blame the Plandemic on America – unfortunately, for China – other countries want nothing to do with them – or so I have heard/read.

China may have their boy in the ‘fake’ WH – but, eventually – the jig will be up for them – imho


Do you know who is speaking in that video?


No – but, I have heard those voices before – will see if I can find out – get back to you, Truths.


That’s okay. It probably is Charlie Ward and/or some of the people he frequently talks with. Thanks.


Most welcome, Truths!!!


Dr. Charles Ward – but, not sure who the female voice is – still looking


Might be Mel Q – she has done many videos with Dr. Ward –


We are close enough to March 4th now that we should already be getting hints about where they’re going to move the goal posts next 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yup, although for some people I think the goal posts are still the trial this week.


It is about time they cemented those goal posts in – dontcha think?


The person speaking is Simon Parkes (the little cartoon figure); yet I don’t see any credit given to him.


Perhaps, that is because he is banned from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook – so if they were to identify him – perhaps – their channel will go down as well – JMHO


ekiM lledniL on nonnaB raW mooR now …


wow I can read that…
are you drunk or am I?


Couple days ago I had a REALLY weird problem, which happened RIGHT after linking / commenting on him, and the website I cited.

None of the techniques I used would help – I had to invent some JUST to be able to post here again. And I ain’t a techie at all. But I’m never at a loss for “idears”! lol

Adapting to the bots / “moderators” et al. – luckily I found a work-around.

Couldn’t tell whether ISP or browser.

Almost posted a message here – once I succeeded in my experiment to post again – that I may not be able to post again.

Shit’s real. I think it WASN’T a li’l “glitch”.


my friend suffers seizures at night when she’s extra tired…and it’s those times she likes to email me…lol…everything is either perfectly backwards or one key off…misplaced hands…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can help you this much – it’s not at my end, and I control the site, along with trusted people. ISP, browser, or any “safety” software is very likely.


Thanks Wolf.

I’m almost positive the problem is on my end, and your info helps substantiate this.

But it’s still WEIRD!


Mike Lindell on Bannon War Room 🙂


I figurerd it out because in real life I read from right to left.
Magazine, books, papers everything.


Then you have something in common with the anons! – most of whom read the threads from the bottom up.

I also have something in common with them, btw – it just isn’t quite parallel, though, to your habit or theirs!

I got my own thang … lol!

Cheers! – and TY.



Valerie Curren

Years ago, during college Physics classes (which I didn’t understand for I didn’t grasp the calculus underpinning the physics) while bored in the lectures I used to practice writing cursive backwards, possibly with my non-dominant hand. I’d flip the page over & hold up to the light to see how well I was doing. For some reason I didn’t pass the class, but I did entertain myself a bit in the process… 😉


I understand 🙂

Valerie Curren


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

MAGA Blood Libel: Why Are They Hiding The Medical Report? – Revolver
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Last week, CNN was tactically baffled by a simple question that grows stranger by the day: Why are investigators struggling to build a murder case in the death of US Capitol Police Officer Sicknick?
The stakes are high: Officer Sicknick’s death is the only purported death by a largely tourist crowd that was let into the building by policestayed inside the velvet ropes, seemed at least partly there out of confusion, for social media clout, or just for the memes, and that even the New York Times conceded caused limited property damage.
That’s a far cry from murder. Yet MAGA is being blood libeled with a felony murder charge in the court of public opinion and at Donald Trump’s impeachment, while potentially exculpatory evidence is silenced or sealed. As the Washington Uniparty mulls domestic terror laws over a MAGA Bloodbath, it increasingly looks like MAGA may have been Bloodbathed. Time is of the essence for the Feds to release all evidence, damn the guilty, or the clear the MAGA movement of these serious allegations……..

Narrative 1:0: The Brazen Lie

The day after Sicknick’s reported death, depraved toilet paper company and full-time libel factory known as The New York Times jumbo-tronned a massive, howler headline, later confirmed to be a Judith Miller-level damn dirty lie…………

Narrative 2.0: Strategic Ambiguity and Rhetorical Conflation
With Narrative 1.0 turning into a total mainstream media hoax, a bald-face lie the size and phrenology of Brian Stelter’s head, the Globalist American Empire (GAE) media is transitioning to Narrative 2.0: strategic ambiguity and rhetorical conflation

Sicknick wasn’t killed by a MAGA mob……….   

Gail Combs



From Breitbart by JOHN NOLTE 4 Feb 2021

“We are now being told that Officer Brian Sicknick was not killed with a fire extinguisher during last month’s Capitol Hill riot. Which means…

Once again, we are being taught the lesson that everything the establishment media report eventually ends up being exposed as a big fat lie.

Remember that horrible and harrowing story about U.S. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher during the Capitol Hill riot last month…? Well, guess what…?

…it didn’t happen.

In fact, according to far-left CNN LOL, the medical examiner found no evidence of any blunt force trauma of any kind during Sicknick’s autopsy.

Buried on paragraph eight under a nothing-to-see-here CNNLOL headline that reads, “Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick,” the bombshell is finally dropped:

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

In fact, there is apparently so little evidence Sicknick was physically injured in any serious or notable way during the incident, the following is being considered…

One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd.


Of course Breitbart. as controled oposition has to get it’s digs in agains POTUS and MAGA.

Obviously, that doesn’t mean the riot didn’t contribute in some way to his death, and that the rioters are not responsible in some way. But there’s a big difference between bludgeoning someone to death and not — and that difference is intent.

My point here is not to downplay the awfulness of this man’s death or the riot itself. My point is that all the corporate media do is lie….

Yeah, Nolte and THAT INCLUDES YOU!


As some are moving into political activism off line as well as online, a few thoguhts.

Do be aware that in many locations MAGA has been working hard for several years and has made progress in both CECs (County Executive Committees made up of the elected party officers + former chair + chairs/presidents of other Republican orgs like Republican Women & Young Republicans) and SECs (State Executive Committee – in TN they are elected on the ballot in our primary – we, the grassroots, vote for who are SEC members are).

Delighted many more are now getting involved but be aware that one should vote in your county party elections in an informed way v. being enthusiastically new and wanting to “throw the bums out” in favor of all new people.

Get to know who the officers are and what the county party has been doing. Example: Williamson County TN chair was at the 1/6 protest in DC. She has been a MAGA dynamo. Throw her out? Why?! Does she have pictures with middle of the roaders in TN? Yes because she is getting things done or was one of many attendees at a particular function where she could network. (And I am not thinking of any specific pictures – just a common “gotcha” method to use pictures and “prove” this person has crossed paths with that person to discredit individuals by casual association)

Other ocunty party leaders from throughout TN were in DC on 1/6. Of course, that is not a litmus test it is just an easy example because many of us committed to sacrifice and put all life on hold to go if President Trump ever called us. He did and we did. Easy sign to see they are truly committed and what they think.

Many other ways to tell. Who are the speakers they have invited? What election events did they have? Check the party and the individual leader’s social media.

The party social media will probably be tamer as it represents a broader array (remember that there are individuals who are middle of the roaders/moderates even at the grassroots level and they show up and vote in the party elections too and come to the meetings and therefore impact how things are done at the county party level.

A chair can not just do what they like no matter how MAGA they are as they are 1 member of the group even if in leadership. decisions are made by group voting and by committee voting.

Social media platform usuage should also be judged with caution. Example: our county is still using fb. Why? We would loose communications with several thousand people if we changed right now. Communication is key and why cut off our nose to spite our face? There are numerous other platforms but those who leave fb are scarttered among many v. migrating to 1 or 2. It would take time to rebuild and reconnect and we don’t want to loose effectiveness while we rebuild on other playforms. Also, we are volunteers – 100% unpaid and have jobs and real lives. All of our work of our county party is in addition to the rest of our normal life and is in our “spare” time. Do we have time to learn many other platforms? Nope! barely keeping up with the current platforms! ha

All volunteers … show grace and offer to help v. critisize. All takes time. All takes $ and we are not reimbursed for Many expenses. Doing it out of civic duty and love of country and passion for the varoius issues and causes.

SEC members are not reimbursed for that matter. Attend all meetings, run for office, drive many miles to the county parties, etc with zero pay or reimbursement or tax deductions. Just civic duty, love for country, passionate about the issues and the way they see they can help. And some want to move on to other offices but for many this is the most they want to do.

Many RNC members are also MAGA. RNC members are elected (in TN) by the SEC. Every state has 3 RNC members, the state GOP chair and 2 other elected members, 1 male and 1 female.

The RNC members elect the RNC officers. The RNC members elected Trump endorsed candidates in Jan. versus those who were saying that we needed to move past Trump – the election was a good sign that MAGA RNC members won and that Trump would continue to influence and be looked to as a leader for the next several years.


The Globalist agenda is now preparing to round up the opposition and all political dissidents


That’s pretty much the definition of Fascism.


Super Bowl 55 ratings show NFL has peaked

It was not a good sign when the ratings for the NFL were delayed until February 9th, and the ominous delay turned out to show a steep drop in viewers for America’s most watched event of the year. For the first time since 2007, the Super Bowl failed to surpass 100 million viewers. This accounts for both television and streaming alternatives. According to Sports Media Watch:

Sunday’s Buccaneers-Chiefs Super Bowl 55 averaged a Nielsen-estimated 38.2 rating and 91.63 million viewers on CBS, marking the lowest rated edition of the game since Super Bowl 3 on NBC in 1969 (Jets-Colts: 36.0) and the least-watched since Super Bowl 40 on ABC in 2006 (Steelers-Seahawks: 90.75M). It was just the seventh Super Bowl with less than a 40 rating, and the first since 1990 (49ers-Broncos: 39.0) — snapping a 30-year streak.

Americans proportionately watched Super Bowl 55 at Super Bowl 3 levels, which is a major setback. But, comparatively the single digit drop in percentage points is made the NFL’s viewership losses proportionately moderate.

The difference between the Super Bowl and those other events is that Sunday’s declines were still relatively modest. The single-digit drop in ratings and viewership compares to much sharper declines for the college football championship (-27%), World Series (-30%), NBA Finals (-49%), final round of the Masters (-58%) and Stanley Cup Final (-61%).

This news is not surprising. Despite limited entertainment options, professional sports have not capitalized off of lockdowns. Perhaps, Americans are not interested in watching pro-athletes promote panic porn. Or perhaps their embrace of Cultural Marxism was a bigger deterrent, as it has been in the past. Either way, it can be concluded that professional sports have squandered this opportunity. By all accounts the game itself wasn’t good. The commercials have not been good in years, and neither has the halftime show. Even the logo has hardly changed in the last several years. The pageantry was lackluster this year, while the politics took center stage.

. . . MORE . . .


too pc…
when they lost the Budweiser horses, the event went downhill. i loved to watch just for the ads…they were clever and entertaining.
then the nfl got woke and they turned into 30-60 second lectures…
then they allowed a no talent punk to diss America…
and the halftime show got lewd and satanic…
not all American fare anymore…
go woke, get broke




Hemingway: Troops Around Capitol And Show Trials Of Political Opposition Are Banana Republic Things.
Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway appeared on Fox News Tuesday, noting the scary time we have entered in America if it is acceptable for an armed militia to guard Washington and also a former president, Donald Trump, to sit for an impeachment trial made for political theater.


From the show (nonnaB himself):

“No time or money to [create] a third party.”

We must work with what we’ve got.

Atty. naD ztulhcS, again promoting his solution (don’t “replace” – take it OVER! [the R party]).

A Plato quote was cited by him:

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

Maga Mom – in this (politics) regard – is on point.

Once I realized the practical truth of this – and figured that P45DJT would AGREE – I started upvoting her posts on the reality of the political mechanism.


How ’bout we abolish political parties…

Jefferson warned against them… we paid no heed… look where it got us.

First… any and all candidates for public office should be vetted…

Second, they should run on a platform………… their own.

And most important of all, their terms should be limited…


I agree completely, Phoenix!

All in good time though.

Right now, we must lay the groundwork to accomplish this – but it’s a long road, and it’s a difficult one.

It’s achievable, and yet it isn’t the immediate concern NOW; rather, it’s one of the END goals.

How’re ya doin’? Hope you’re well …


(Btw, I’m “drive-by” posting now – don’t necessarily take the “offline” red-text either as true … or as false! It’s an adaptive technique I’m using.)


Hi Emeraldstar… I often speak too rapidly and with too little clarity! Totally agree “all in good time” …

I’m well… getting ready to hit the supermarkets and walmart MASKLESS to preach to the lemmings…

Glad someone else is taking up “drive-by” posting… I seem to have run out of gas 😉

Been lurking… enjoy reading you, as always… esp news/info wrt anons and research… so glad you’re back!



“Limited terms” Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

NOT gonna happen when the RATS have to vote to LIMIT their access to YOUR CHEESE.


Gotta fix this.
Makes no sense otherwise.

We saw it in the 2018 midterms, 2020 was in-your-face. R-s played along.

There is NO FUTURE till we resolve the cheese-eating surrender-RAT problem.

Concerned Virginian

As long as the Electoral College is kept, the United States of America still has a chance of avoiding what happened in ancient Greece as the result of their “direct democracy” voting process.


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And...𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


More like 10 days from now…



Amen goes right there, PR!!!


The Meitryx

Forwarded from 
X22 Report Official


Trump War Room
WATCH: David Schoen highlights how the House Democrats’ hired a “large movie company” to put together their impeachment tape to “trick” the American people.



Lisa Mei Crowley



David Schoen seems to be a really good guy. Do we stoop to the democrats level of depravity? I do not like to see that but unfortunately there are people who believe the lies they are being fed by Pravda USA.


They’ve always believed Singing… by now they are totally brainwashed!


We do not have to stoop to their level, Sing!

All we need to do is shine the light on the truth!!!


I think Trump’s Lawyers will have their own video – with what has been conveniently ‘deleted’ from theirs – it will be interesting to see how they handle this pile of lies.

Let the show begin – these guys are not stupid – the truth will be revealed – they have no idea what is coming for them – ‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ – ‘Nothing’ – Kew


Hmm…check it out…stick with it to the end:

[video src="" /]

JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.


Everything Slo Joe for Mo describes happened in democrat controlled cities so what was the tie into non existent right wing militias?


Somebody pulling the memory cards out of him, pity they cut it off before he started reciting Mary Had A Little Lamb.


NEW: A poll released by the Associated Press found that out of a sample of 1,055 people, 67% of adults have been/plan to be vaccinated, 15% of adults are certainly not taking the vaccine, and 17% probably won’t.

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The Associated Press cannot be trusted.

The AP is in league with the forces of darkness that want to enslave us.

So I’m dropping the BS-Flag on that poll.


Thanks Wheatie… didn’t sound right to me… polls never do.



BREAKING: Iowa Republicans on Tuesday advanced legislation that seeks to cut funding for schools that include the 1619 Project in their history curriculum. -The Hill

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LOL Bruce gets busted for a DWI days after his superbowl commercial…
Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in his home state, it was revealed Wednesday — days after he appeared in a much-criticized Super Bowl commercial for Jeep.
Springsteen was charged with DWI, reckless driving and consuming alcohol in a closed area, and was cooperative throughout his arrest, the spokesperson said.
According to TMZ, which first reported the arrest, Springsteen has a court date in the coming weeks and has no known prior busts for DWI.
News of the bust broke just days after Springsteen appeared in and narrated a Super Bowl spot for Jeep, in which he implored Americans to move toward the political “middle” in the spirit of unity amid recent bitter division.


If he were a conservative…this would’ve been splashed all over the headlines.

The enemedia nozzles would have been clucking their tongues:
“How could he put children in danger like that!”

He would’ve been treated like the ‘worst person ever’.


>>”“How could he put children in danger like that!””<<

>>”‘worst person ever’”<<

Evil takes its toll, whether one wants it to or no.

Recently, an anon posted the lyrics of his song “I’m On Fire”.

Pure pedo.

Not all can take to pure evil, and avoid letting it out, in some way.

The first stanza (please forgive me for posting it, but it’s essential to see, IMO):

“Hey little girl is your Daddy home? – Did he go and leave you all alone?”

“Mm hmm … I can take you higher! Oh, oh, oh, I’m on fire!”

It gets MUCH worse. Sicko stuff.

Right in our faces …


Yikes.  😳 

Those are Springsteen lyrics?
Yeah that sounds like pedo theme…in-your-face but with ‘plausible deniability’.

I was never a fan of mister 3-chords shitty music.
Always got a creepy vibe from him too.

Evil SOB.


wow…I didn’t know those were the words either…
some singers slur over the parts they don’t want you to know…
now i think i better find the lyrics for all my favorite songs…

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY anything written since the late 50s.


He’s a Jersey “icon”.

The song takes a whole ‘nother meaning, when stripped of its sound (like so many others do – INCLUDING those of “The Weeknd” (Superb Owl highlight performer).

The full monty:

[Verse 1]
Hey, little girl, is your daddy home?
Did he go away and leave you all alone?
I got a bad desire

Oh, oh, oh
I’m on fire

[Verse 2]
Tell me now, baby, is he good to you?
And can he do to you the things that I do?
Oh no, I can take you higher

Oh, oh, oh
I’m on fire

[Verse 3]
Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull
And cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull

At night, I wake up with the sheets soakin’ wet
And a freight train runnin’ through the middle of my head

Only you can cool my desire

Oh, oh, oh
I’m on fire
Oh, oh, oh
I’m on fire
Oh, oh, oh
I’m on fire


he implored Americans to move toward the political “middle” in the spirit of unity amid recent bitter division

LOL. What worthy cause has ever watered down its message and advocated for the middle ground? Maybe he’d like America to have taken the middle road so we’d be The British Colony in the Americas today.


I read that the DUI was back in November, maybe the 14th? He was in Sandy Hook. It was just hushed-up until now.



^^^ WHO report finding the Cina Virus didn’t come from Wuhan lab, WAS conducted by Chinee asshoes.


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𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.




Pat – Just heard one more Tom Brady joke….a one liner.

“Once again, Tom Brady left a bunch of deflated balls on the field.”


I am slowly warming up to brady…since he’s a fan of REALPOTUS after all…


Especially Mahomes cahones …



Giggle snort!


A somewhat hopeful article about conquering election fraud going forward:


I’m not done trying to figure out how to fix it NOW…


That’s me too, Pat.

I’m not ready for any “going forward” stuff just yet.
(That’s what they always say anyway.)

I want to fix what just happened!
We were robbed.

𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.


right…they don’t get to get away with this theft and we just start fresh in 2 years…nope…


I want to fix what just happened!

We were robbed.

^^^^This. We can’t let that be ignored. I want fireworks, sturm und drang, upheaval, turnover, and shock and awe. (One can dream.)

Gail Combs


Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.



Even PTrump would have a hard time convincing me to “go forward”.

I’d have to be sure it was really PT, that it wasn’t a hostage tape, that Ivanka wasn’t being held at gun point.


“Even PTrump would have a hard time convincing me to “go forward”. ”


Yeah I’m not going forward.

Not with a blatant lie and fraud.

Not even if the whole world decided to go along with it.

Even if the whole world stands against the truth, the truth will still stand.

And I’ll be standing right on top of it, giving the whole world the bird… 😁


I agree, it should be fixed now. But it may not be, sadly. Each passing day appears to make that more unlikely, short of a miracle.

But miracles do happen.


“But miracles do happen.”


Trumps happen, too 👍😁


Kristi Noem for his VP.


I think where we are as conservatives right now is dependent on our Governors, State Attorneys General, and state legislatures. If I lived in a state with a Democrat Governor and legislature, I’d be looking to move.

Biden is ruling by executive fiat, with no end in sight. There is no push-back from the Congress, whom he has made essentially irrelevant. Not even from Republicans. It’s kind of amazing to me. But some Red-State government officials are stepping up.

At this point, nullification by the states of unconstitutional decrees from Biden seems to be our best hope. So far, Montana is looking good, but I have warned everyone in my immediate orbit that I am leaving no action off the table in my life, up to and including moving to a better-governed, even more conservative state should that become necessary.

This article gives me some hope for Montana, as well as other states:


Yup. Plans are in work to leave NV. Which is hopelessly corrupt.



UPDATE: The account of Rep. Devin Nunes is already back up and running.
•Nunes’ personal account is still up.
•His official account didn’t post often.
•No word on what lead to suspension.

The account appears to be back up without blue check verification.

Follow @Breaking911






Is it ‘Official’ without the blue check mark, PR? Do you know?

Am not going to Twitter any longer – just wondering – too many ‘fakes’ out there.


The post is via Telegram Duchess…

about Nunes’ suspension at twitter…

I usually check the profile…


Ok – Thanks, PR!!!


French nun–Lucille Randon (Sister Andre)– right before her 117th birthday contracts covid and survives. she had no symptoms and wasn’t worried about dying.
“She showed no fear of the disease. On the other hand, she was very concerned about the other residents.”
Sister Andre was born on 11 February 1904. As well as being Europe’s oldest person, she is also the second-oldest living person in the world, according to the Gerontology Research Group’s (GRG) World Supercentenarian Rankings List.
When asked by French broadcaster BFM if she was scared of having Covid, Sister Andre said: “No, I wasn’t scared, because I wasn’t scared to die.


Sister Andre gave a wonderful answer ” because I wasn’t scared to die.”
Embrace and have no fear is my motto..


This was an interesting statement (no mention of parents):

“I’m happy to be with you, but I would wish to be somewhere else – to join my big brother, and my grandfather and my grandmother.”


Blessings to you hugs  ❤ 

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Blessings to you, too, along with a big hug. 🙂


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Jᴏᴇ Bɪᴅᴇɴ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴡɪɴ.


what assholes.
no one uses their own intellect anymore…


And that, in a nutshell, is why ten million people voted for Biden.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I see what you did there! 😀


Ten million?

Based on his infrequent coming-out-of-the-basement campaign rally attendance, I pegged his vote total at 83.

That includes extended family members and [JB] if he remembered to vote.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ten mill sounds about right.

There are probably that many people who want government to be a focal point for graft (and that excludes people who parasitize state and local government). That’s his natural constituency.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Watch and learn. This is exactly how ChiComs front their behavioral disinformation, to be picked up by Western corruptocrat allies.

Some are virtue signalling – others are “knowingly” misleading – or both.

They need to be mocked and shamed as much as the Chinese massage parlor, moving in to give discounts to cops, soldiers, and politicians.


I’m sorry, but that woman looks fucking stupid. And anyone who thinks she looks smart is fucking stupid, too.

Good lord, what has our country come to?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Idiocracy! FEELZ >>> LOGIC.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The “Nazis of We Must Be Nice” have created a bogus normalcy where somebody calling out malevolent idiocy is a “bad person”.

Into that opening, a wicked byproduct of PC, all kinds of chimeras may be driven.


“The “Nazis of We Must Be Nice” have created a bogus normalcy where somebody calling out malevolent idiocy is a “bad person”.”


Which is strange, because when I see normal people calling out malevolent idiocy, I recognize that as a “good person”, or at the very least, an “awake or not in a coma or under heavy sedation” person.

I never “see” the way virtue signalers and PC tyrants want me to see, I always see the opposite.

I always see the tyranny and the idiocy and the purposeful subversion. I don’t know how to NOT see it, it’s as if it comes with flashing neon lights, air horns and red flags to draw attention to itself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never put on the clown glasses, Scott! And you never will!


“Good lord, what has our country come to?”


Might not be in our country.

Hard to tell anymore, in our multicultural wasteland.

Multicultural is a nonsense word.

Multicultural = no culture at all, or the obviously dominant culture is radically suppressed to make any other (favored) culture appear dominant.

Sort of like the way most TV commercials portray blacks, Asians, Hispanics and homosexuals as if they are 95% of the population. In Appalachia.

And apparently they all hang out together too.

The best ones are of families, where (for example) they show a black parent and a Hispanic parent with a white child and an Asian child. I’m not sure if they’re just trying too hard or if they’re just stupid, but either way, they must be laughing all the way to cultural Marxist land.


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𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

JW in Germany

That’s it in a nutshell! And actually TRUE!


i like that his cross is visible in the picture!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a meme!

Gail Combs



And that’s why they call it pillow talk. 👍


Twitter is a leftist propaganda vehicle and nothing more.


President Trump is to good for Twitter. He will have his own side I believe and then he can post his heart out. I agree with India Twitter is dangerous and has to much power. They are also dangerous to our constitution and Democrat Republic.
Oligarch like that need to be banished and financially bled dry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter has been used to “incite” revolutions, and the CIA is who uses it. Cankles and Obama regulated that capability before and during the Arab Spring.

I agree – nations who value their own sanity and goodness need to keep Choomer Rasputin and his wicked minions and CIA pot-stirrers for communism OUT of their countries.


Could not have said it better

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a creep. Every breath he takes to utter another lie, defames Judaism. Somebody call the ADL!

Harry Lime

Is this even real? There’s a guy who sleeps with Chinese spies and passes gas on national tv trying to impeach someone who is currently not residing in the White House. They’ve made a complete mockery of our government and our country…and apparently they don’t care. This truly is surreal.


When you put it that way…LOL. It is ridiculous, but also a travesty of how our system was created to work. It’s a mockery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China’s point is to break our system and then say it doesn’t work.

It’s CRUEL like MAO. They TORMENT their victims and then say “Hey, why can’t you walk straight? Why can’t you stand up straight?”

They are literally DEVILS.


Alex Trebek is in heaven going…OHHHH new category…Fart, not Smart for 1000…

Harry Lime

Air Jeopardy.

Followed by Steal of Fortune.


you still got it Harry!


This is LT from AND WE KNOW



I’m getting a big blank space there, duchess.


No video, Linda?


How weird. It’s now showing. Just another wordpress glitch, I guess.


Dunno, Linda – but, it happens to me, too!!!


Did you CLICK on the PLAY ARROW? – I just powered it up from here – ???


REFRESHING THE PAGE might help, too, Linda!!!


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Lessons learned in Lockdown:

Going to the gym for a workout is overrated.


I just want to see how she gets down from that pose.


I turnend my lap top upside down. They turned the picture upside down.
She is actually posing on the floor and what we see has floor is the sealing.


But what about her hair, Sing?
Her hair is hanging down.


I do not know mmmh did no look at the hair.


Rotate the image 90 degrees left. Hand and foot are on the ground. Her eyes are looking at the ground which then explains the hair.


That would make a floor-to-ceiling height of about 5 feet.

and…obviously…faux biden didnt win

Last edited 4 years ago by Please
Gail Combs

Also the hair would still not hang correctly.

Chimneying, which that is a version of, is much easier than it looks esp for an athletic person. The cement means you would have a very good friction hold too.


“Chimneying, which that is a version of, is much easier than it looks esp for an athletic person.”


Yep, that’s exactly how Santa does it 👍😁

Gail Combs

Actually there was a climbing register at the top of a frat house chimney….

Gail Combs

Very carefully.

In college I would often ‘sit’ in mid-air with my back against one part of the doorway and my feet against the other. Then there were the finger tip pull-ups on the top of the door frame. (The lip was about an inch) These were climber/caver exercises. BTW.

And yeah I used to do this stuff all the time.
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me too!

Gail Combs

If you look closely she is using one hand and the opposite foot as the actual pressure points.

I think she may have gotten into that position by walking her feet up past her hands using alternate pairs of hands and feet.

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody has been faithful in doing their Pilates.


If the picture is turned upside down one can see she’s stood on the top edge of what appears to be some kind of a trough. The things in that first appear top be beams going across the ceiling are in fact shadows cast from the pillars which match in direction with her shadow on the wall. The ponytail, she either flicked her head just as the picture was snapped or she’d sprayed it with Gorilla Glue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

100% agreed. Flicked or hair spray, and likely the latter anyway. The shadows are the give-away. The sun shines down or across, never “up”.


Eric Swalwell just claimed Donald Trump didn’t provide evidence for voter fraud and casually ignored the hyperlink included on his own slide.

This is a WIDE OPEN GOAL for Trump’s lawyers. Will they take it!???

— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) February 10, 2021


Good that is the opening for the lawyers to make the fraught case.
I hope they do not let is slide. Is Swalwell really this foolish? Yes he is 🙂

Harry Lime

You know…in hindsight…I think that immediately after the rally of January 6, with the media and politicians hyperventilating and the military being deployed and all of that nonsense, there should have been another Patriot rally the following weekend, peaceful but loud, and then another and another and another, every single weekend…until these rats vacate DC with their filthy tails tucked under. This is OUR country…not theirs. DC is OURS…not theirs. These people make me sick to my stomach. 98% of the creatures in DC and in the news rooms belong behind bars.

Deplorable Patriot

The problem with patriots doing anything of the sort and rallying, etc., is that regardless of our demeanor and behavior, the narrative is determined by the other side. We’re better off being more like cockroaches and barflies hanging around and listening to the other side and when someone says, “Don’t you agree?” answer, “No, and here is why.”

That’s why the gathering numbers are so limited, to keep us from talking to people who may not agree.


They infiltrate our ranks and cause trouble in our name.


cuz we’re basically good people who trust their neighbors (for the most part) and are a welcoming bunch…


TT, that’s the most concise way I’ve ever read it presented.

Ten words, perfectly encapsulating the False Flag maneuver.

Great job!


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Jσҽ Bιԃҽɳ ԃιԃɳ’ƚ ɯιɳ.


Do not get lost at the dump 🙂

Gail Combs

AND watch out for that BEAR! (and no I am not kidding.)



Gail Combs

Yeah, BEAR. A friend had a close encounter with one at a dump.

Valerie Curren

Literally today my daughter & I had lunch w/ my mom & she told us how she & dad were on a trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula as newlyweds & the town they were staying in rolled the sidewalks up at night. The only thing to do was go to the dump to watch the bears. They parked their car on an incline so their headlights overshot the view so they resituated & then kept seeing the rats & a few very mangy bears, some w/ trash stuck on their fur. Hot times in the UP in the 60’s!


just wash your hands before dinner

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! THIS!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


OMG – you were that girl on the other side of the pond next to the dump!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is so true!


Ha ha ha!

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they are seeking a “religious” exception…they don’t want their people to die.


Or the ‘clerics’ just want a convenient excuse to express their inner gayness… which is far more likely than actually caring about their ‘people’ 😂🤣😂


“inner gayness”


Not “people”, just islamics with a predisposition toward homosexuality.

So it’s a much smaller subset of “all” people, and a much larger subset of “islam”.

The vaxx doesn’t actually make islamics gay, it just gives them an excuse to act on their islamic homosexual urges.


comment imageAndrew Torba


Data companies are starting to sell “extremists scores” to help companies avoid doing business to Trump supporters. What is your score?comment image

Gail Combs

CEE, maybe I should use that to determine whether or not I am willing to do a GIG for some one….

TWO can play that game.

Looks like they REALLY want the country divided.


THAT is what I have been saying! DO IT!


“Looks like they REALLY want the country divided.”


They want to murder our country.

Dividing us is just the means to an end.


In other words – join Gab!


So companies are actively looking for ways to reduce sales and profits by as much as 65% to 80% ?

This is a short-seller’s dream come true, if we could just figure out which companies are buying and using these lists to discriminate against well over half of their potential customer base.



Joe Biden …

– 52 Executive Orders in 3 weeks.
– 0 new laws going through Congress.

and Democrats called Trump a dictator.

Last edited 4 years ago by Linda

[Editing – I’m very impressed (not!) in how WP+Jetpack dropped this comment in the wrong place!]

Last edited 4 years ago by michaelh

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thank goodness it was only water this time!


Impeachment 2: Day 2


LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2


Hiya Mr. President!


Boring part – House Managers and their idiot witnesses – playing twisted videos, again – BOOORING!!! Just saw part of the debate with the Wally Walrus – cannot figure out why that is pertinent – then, again – I have it muted.


They just played a car parade in Texas – what does that have to do with anything?


Oh – it is the Biden Bus incident – LOL


Just showed a ‘Tweet’ from PT – answering an FBI Tweet for an investigation into the Biden Bus Incident – glad I am not listening – this A-1 Law Student is going to spend ~ 30 minutes on garbage – trashing PT.


Anybody watching this ‘CLOWN SHOW’???


no I am dropping in occasionally to read the comments OT…


What are you seeing – anything of value?


nope, just pissed off people telling REALPOTUS to dump his team…and they didn’t even say anything yet today, right??


Dunno, Pat – it began @ Noon – I missed (2) hours of it – some ‘great’ Law Student is speaking now – not listening – cause I know it has nothing to do with our side – she was just ‘bi***ing about the Biden Bus scene – and how PT did not properly respond.


IN RECESS – right now, Pat!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everywhere a CLOWN SHOW!!!


Well – the current one is getting more entertaining – Pat just posted a Tweet from the Trump War Room – wherein the idiots quoted ‘fake news’ and had to walk it back!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is GOOD – analyzing what happened yesterday – in Scam Impeachment.


Anybody know the ‘Left’ House Managers – spouted about Biden’s Win by so much – and how PT did not take it graciously???


Ties that bind…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO. Oh, the insanity of it all. CLOWN SHOW!!!

Gail Combs

You should see

He lists a lot of Biden nominees and their links to CHYNA.

So I am really not kidding when I say
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗪𝗶𝗻… 𝗛𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮!
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Deplorable Patriot

Talk about a head scratcher….

So, earlier, I gave in and went to have a few inches taken off my hair. The ends were tangling in the air. It needed to be done.

It’s 17 degrees or so here today. There’s a layer of powdery snow that was augmented over night and is still sort of misting down from above enough that the de-icing equipment is out at the airport, I hear.

My hair guy and I got to the shop at about the same time. I was at the door when he got out of his SUV, masked up, of course. He let me in, and the first thing he does…takes both of our temperatures. Not even a full minute after having been in sub-freezing cold.

How in the H-E-double hockey sticks can that be an indicator of anything other than not thinking for oneself.

I feel for this guy in a lot of ways. He’s a single dad of two beautiful teenage girls. Their mother, his wife, died a few years ago of the big C. He’s a little hyper about health especially since he’s been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (which he could control if he wanted, and I hope he’s working at that). But…seriously? Checking for fever before either of us took off our coats?

People have just surrendered their mental faculties and refuse to take responsibility for using them.


mine always takes my temperature…and it’s always low…
cuz I’m sitting out in my cold car waiting for her to sanitize the room before i can come in…

Gail Combs

My dentist does the same. I had to stand out in the freezing cold and wait for Hubby because I CAN NOT wear a mask for any length of time.


CDC and county EDICTS have NOTHING to do with logic or common sense.

  • Check temp when entering business. CHECK! Can’t get fined or shut down for following edicts.

Yea, I know we both know that. Just had to comment on the lunacy.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs
Deplorable Patriot

What a beautiful animal.


I thought so too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for that!

It’s VERY instructive to look at the replies on Twitter. Twitter’s ALGORITHMS are going NUTS because they’re using the wrong inputs to censor people. They appear to now be using some kind of social credit, rather than actual content filters.

Gail Combs

Is that an Arctic Fox??? (My red fox is back BTW.)
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Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

I think so…

I thought it was a wolf… I posted too quickly

Gail Combs

Could be a pup. It is very cute either way. It just looked too small for a wolf.



Like most anything, this is truly a slap on all Americans…which these commies arent.

Concerned Virginian

Just read that the NBA put out a statement today that requires all NBA teams to have the National Anthem played at every game.
1 hour ago
“NBA will require all teams play the national anthem”


will the floor have the black lives matter crap painted on it?


That “crap” showed up at the hockey rinks too.


Not going to stop the slide in ratings but surprised they bothered.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It’s a virtue signal they cannot resist. It will bother them until they DO IT.


Black for Evil!





well they wanna use the same tactics they use with gender dysphoria people…it’s THEIR hallucination that they’re the opposite sex and we’re supposed to buy into it




Scott is getting more and more redpilled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And he’s cranking out some EXCEPTIONAL red pills himself!

Elizabeth Carter

Asking as a friend! Can citizens file class action lawsuits against individual members of Congress who use taxpayer money to file sham impeachment and other frivolous actions against their constituents?
I have heard that Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are great Class Action lawsuit lawyers.
If President Trump initiated a Class Action suit, could we join him?


I would sign up!!

Gail Combs


Unfortunately you can not sue the government without their permission.  🙄 

Elizabeth Carter

Even if they are elected officials by fraud??
That really does give them “Dominion” over the earth.
They use our money to destroy us individually and even destroy our country.
They then use our money and armies to destroy countries all over the world.
They never suffer any consequences because we can’t even vote them out.
Somehow, this does not seem to be what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote our Constitution.
Perhaps there should be rules about lawmakers not being able to make laws to make themselves invincible and their constituents irrelevant.
America with no boundaries, laws or walls is just a holding pen for us government slaves to destroy the world that our God created.


reading comments OT…

February 10, 2021 3:17 pm

They’re doing a good job of making a case that Bernie Sanders shot Steve Scalise.


Nick the Deplorable
February 10, 2021 4:23 pm

Since when has it been illegal to enter a public building? The capitol building has never been locked before when congress is in session.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I think Mafia Nan was PERSONALLY going after Amy Kremer, to get her flushed from politics as well.

Mafia Nan set a trap.

Read this from 10/19 (first impeachment) and understand how Mafia Nan thinks – like Hillary Clinton – she ENCHAINS the cover-up and clean-up and LOSSES of one crime into the NEXT CRIME.

Kremer INVITED HER PEOPLE to go into the building after her rally on the WEST side of the Capitol, marching from near the Ellipse.

Nan weaponized THIS event by closing the building and putting the rally on the WRONG SIDE to make the House itself an obstacle.



have not watched…but this CFP article has the dem altered video…AND then a tweet by Chaffetz asking if this distorted video violates House rules—in the tweet it notes page 34:

Go to page 34 of House Rules. Did the manipulated video violate the House Rules?

— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) February 9, 2021

y) DISSEMINATION OFMANIPULATEDMEDIA.—The Committee on Ethics is directed to report to the House, not later than December 31, 2021, any recommended amendments to the Code of Official Conduct, as well as any accompanying regulations, intended to address the circumstances and instances, if any, for which a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House may be subject to discipline for the dissemination by electronic means, including by social media, of any image, video, or audio file that has been distorted or manipulated with the intent to mislead the public.


Yes! Hold them accountable for lying and deceiving.


You said “accountable”…



He … hehehe … FIRE!

(said Beavis …)


Otay … a swing and a miss.

Wrong crowd?

That show WAS funny, even in an adolescent way …


never watched it…sorry…


No problem, Pat!

There were quite a few episodes that were absolutely hilarious … but the target demographic was decidedly male.

Like I said – wrong crowd.

Where’s Scott???



he’s here someone…

check under the coats…


I’ll just listen for the word “Now!”

Haha Scott – just messing’ witcha!


I just saw your post!

I don’t get email notifications of replies very often anymore since we changed to the new QTH website, so I miss almost ALL replies to my posts, unless I happen to see it later while scrolling through or doing a search.


Had the same exact problem until yesterday. Always used a separate browser to see any notifications as well as to “like” the thread. Yesterday after fiddling with settings for unrelated reasons, things got even worse. Ended up having to use the “sign on” located on this page and it fixed my new problem and the old problem.

Not sure if that will help but give it a try if you haven’t. I think when we first moved here, Wolf approved us but it may not of been the same as actually signing in.
Oh wait.. you said email notifications.. Mine was for bell notifications. Disregard.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

I always Beavis funny, and “fire!” was his special talent 😂 🤣 😂


“Accountable” means there is a tweet about it that circulates among conservatives.


This directive should go to the House Managers for their incessant and aggravating manipulation of videos they are presenting as evidence in support of their non-argument!

They are ‘guilty as charged’!!!


Gail Combs

AND OBAMA BANNED PRIMATENE MIST in 2012 over the freon carrier. (And then complained that CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSE HIS ASTHMATIC DAUGHTER PROBLEMS…  🙄 ) A replacement did not make it onto the market (thanks POTUS) till just recently.

Feb. 1, 2019 — Primatene Mist, an over-the-counter inhaler for asthma, is now back on drugstore shelves after an 8-year absence. Pulled from the market in [December] 2011 due to its ozone-depleting propellant, the new inhaler has a more environmentally friendly propellant.

The FDA approved the new version for use in people ages 12 years and older for the temporary relief of mild symptoms of intermittent asthma, such as wheezing, tightness of the chest, and shortness of breath.

But not everyone is happy about its return or convinced it is safe to use unsupervised. Some doctors worry that patients, despite the drugmaker’s warnings, will self-treat their asthma long-term…. LINK

GOODNESS NO, can’t lose all those people who HAD to go to a doctor and get an EXPENSIVE prescription drug!

….“I think at a minimum, it should be behind the counter,” says Blaiss. His organization was one of the 12 signing the letter asking CVS Health and Walgreens to keep Primatene Mist behind the counter “to help reduce inappropriate use of this medication and to protect patients from adverse events.”

If Primatene is placed behind the counter, Blaiss reasons, “maybe the pharmacist will send them to the ER, or tell them to call the doctor if it is not better.”…

And yeah, I use the stuff occasionally. For people who have ZERO medical coverage it is a life saver.

Of course like HCQ, we have to treat Adults as idiots.

Company Responds

Amphastar’s Shandell does not think misuse of the new inhaler will be a problem. “Amphastar worked closely with the FDA to ensure that the labeling is clear and that consumers can safely and effectively use Primatene Mist,” he says. “It is very important that asthma sufferers understand that Primatene Mist is only for mild symptoms of intermittent asthma.”

He adds that the original version “was available directly to and used safely by consumers” for more than 40 years. The removal from the market, he says, was not due to safety or effectiveness issues, but only to phase out its ozone-depleting propellant.

And just so you have an idea of WHY they want to deprive asthmatics of OTC medication:

….In the U.S., nearly 19 million adults, or 1 in 12, and 7 million children, or 1 in 11, have asthma, the CDC says. Asthma causes nine deaths a day…..

So it is a NICE chronic aliment that is a BIG MONEY MAKER.

For example ProAir HFA (albuterol nebulizer) is ~$80 to ~$30 for Primatene Mist.


IF this is true…. how many more betrayals will President Trump endure.


I don’t understand. Who is V.D.V.? Is that one of the fired lawyers? What does it mean to “offer a bench”? Throwing a case sounds illegal. If a deal was made, is it legal?


Trump lawyer Van der Veen.


van der veen or something like that…
offering a bench = judicial appt


Thanks. So he was offered a judicial appointment if he would throw PDJT’s case. Looks like he was accepting the deal?

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

not sure how Johnheretohelp would have someone else’s phone calls

Gail Combs

Johnheretohelp was the whistleblower cited by Lin Wood.

“John” has acknowledged through reposting his own testimony as soon as Lin Wood posted the interviews on Telegram. The “podcast” style interviews were NOT posted by Lin Wood….



but this conversation had to have been relatively lately, no? how did he have access to those calls?

Gail Combs

I get the feeling there is a network with select people given info. The info may or may not be Dis-info to be fed to the other side.


So JHTH is Ryan Dark White? That was the name of the whistleblower in the letter that went to Tom Fitton. (Lin posted) Just trying to keep it all straight. Great link by the way.


JHTH (RDW) is stepping up and actually running for congress in MD 2022. He knows stuff. His tweets on Crooked Judge Sullivan are legendary.

and faux biden didnt win




I don’t like her avatar… and “John here to help” ? Do I recall a problem with him in the past?

and someone offered him a bench to throw the case…

And how would John know this, or anything about his phone records?


JHTH exposed a judge, I think it was Sullivan getting his son off from a rape charge.


“IF this is true…. how many more betrayals will President Trump endure.”


As many betrayals as their can be, until or unless he puts a stop to it.

I don’t know how any betrayals could be a surprise at this point — or ever — unless he isn’t vetting any of the people who work for him.



X22 Report assumption: DJT’s (not)Supreme Court picks, Kavanaugh, Barrett and Gorsuch, and going to save the 2nd Amendment.


Kavanaugh, Barrett and Gorsuch have been a nearly total bust so far. They are to the (not)Supreme Court what RINOs are to Congress.

Gorsuch is so completely out of touch with reality that he’s making arguments on Covid that could substitute for arguments for Jews having to wear yellow star of David in pre-WWII Germany.

Which means there is literally nothing at all between his ears, it’s just an empty melon, bereft of history, logic, reason, self-awareness… or he is 100% compromised.


X22 Report observation: Impeaching DJT while out of office sets a precedent for impeaching previous presidents who are likewise out of office (Bush, Clinton, Hussein).


So what?

Impeachment is a political tool.

The previous presidents committed HIGH TREASON and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

If the only consequence they’re going to suffer is ‘impeachment’, if that’s what we’re setting up for, then we’re &^%$ing done here.

Elizabeth Carter

Scott, I just asked Gail about this “accountability”. Now I am asking you the same thing.
Can we file a class action suit against our elected representatives?
Even if they are elected officials by fraud??
That really does give them “Dominion” over the earth.
They use our money to destroy us individually and even destroy our country.
They then use our money and armies to destroy countries all over the world.
They never suffer any consequences because we can’t even vote them out.
Somehow, this does not seem to be what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote our Constitution.
Perhaps there should be rules about lawmakers not being able to make laws to make themselves invincible and their constituents irrelevant.
America with no boundaries, laws or walls is just a holding pen for us government slaves to be used to destroy the world that our God created.


No suing congresscritters.

Gail Combs

That is what I kinda remembered Thanks.

Felony indictments are allowed though.



Think Gavin is sleeping well these days?

1.5MM is just around the corner for the prodigal “hairy” nephew, yes?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is no provision for recalling a congresscritter.

I know you were talking about the governor of Kalifornia, but pgroup2 was talking about congresscritters, and Gail was replying to him, and you were replying to her.


>>”There is no provision for recalling a congresscritter”<<

TY, Steve – color me surprised. (I don’t doubt you’re right.)

Is there no legislative analog to the executive branch, other than impeachment (morals, you know) or primarying (hate the wait, though)?

I like Gail’s suggestion, then – indictments.

Almost time to “unseal” their fates …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(We can’t recall POTUS either.)

As far as I know the only way to remove a sitting congresscritter is for his chamber to expel him. You can even convict him of a felony and he keeps his seat (though under normal circumstances with people of integrity, they’d expel him for that). There are cases of people who were serving time being nominated for Congress.

Treason MIGHT be an exception to this, but even if so they’d have to be *convicted* of treason, not just arrested/indicted for it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know if you remember when Dan Rostenkowski was arrested for fraud, I think it was just before the 1994 election. Even though they put the handcuffs on him, he was not expelled from the House. They did get rid of his committee assignments (he was chairman of House Ways and Means, a very powerful position), but he was still a member. Not only that but he almost got re-elected!!


Unfortunately not, Steve – I believe you have a few years on me, and at that time I was paying attention to anything BUT politics.

I remember seeing the OJ verdict, though, in ’95 while working at my job in the city.

THAT was stunning – more so than a pol’s cuffs …


It was 1.4M just almost over week ago. What’s the hold up?


There’s some time left … and not many signatures to gather to meet the threshold:

“An effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) was launched on June 10, 2020. Supporters have until March 17, 2021, to collect the 1,495,709 signatures needed to trigger a recall election. If supporters turn in enough valid signatures to trigger a recall election, the additional procedural steps dictate a recall election take place within 60 to 80 days of signature verification.”,_Governor_of_California_(2019-2021)

Elizabeth Carter

Congress can pass laws:
to raise their own pay and benefits,
to have their accusations of sexual harassment lawsuits, etc. paid off from government funds,
and to exempt themselves from any accountability for any crimes committed;
why is that not at least considered a “Conflict of Interest”?

Gail Combs

As far as I am concerned being a LAWYER is a “Conflict of Interest”

If it was up to me I would tear up most laws going all the way back to around 1900 or before!


Lawyers should not be writing laws.

Elizabeth Carter

We need to go back to the ratified 13th Amendment.

Elizabeth Carter

The 13th Amendment was ratified and never overturned. It forbids Lawyers and people who hold titles of nobility from holding office.
The Titles of Nobility Act: The Original Thirteenth Amendment | World History
We need to go back to that.


As I have noted before, this is an inevitable problem with having people whose job it is to make laws — there are only so many laws that need to be made, but the people can’t afford to look useless. So they continue to make law that is worse and worse.


Yep, remembers from my history books only rotten vegtables, rails, tar and feathers are used betwix elections.


“Scott, I just asked Gail about this “accountability”. Now I am asking you the same thing. Can we file a class action suit against our elected representatives?”


Unfortunately they have exempted themselves from all Law.


“Somehow, this does not seem to be what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote our Constitution.”


Our Founding Fathers would have put all of these traitors to death more than 30 years ago.

Gail Combs

More likely a century or more ago.


From the Bee:

In Mail-In Impeachment Vote, Senate Convicts Trump 8275 To 3
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WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic move, the U.S. Senate decided to switch to voting by mail for Trump’s second impeachment trial. After all the votes were counted by an intern in a back room with no cameras, the Senate ruled to convict President Trump of incitement to violence by a vote of 8275 to 3.

“Our holy democracy has spoken,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “Do not ask any questions or you are a blasphemer against the sacred sacredness of our vote. Everyone can go home now!”

A couple of troublemaking Senators attempted to overthrow the Constitution by bringing up the point that there are only 100 Senators, making it impossible to arrive at a tally of 8275 to 3, but they were quickly removed from the Senate Chambers and condemned for “attempting to suppress the votes of people of color.”

The Senate then moved on to other business, passing universal healthcare by a margin of 320,000 to 4. 


Gas bag is a malicious liar and hypocrite.


It’s like Sarah Palin saying “over the target.” Dems freaked about that, too.


Legal Analysis: House Managers’ Faulty “Evidence” in 1st 2 Days of Senate Trial


For Liz and others who are interested

Chief Justice John Roberts Won’t Preside Over Trial – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax


The Left Presents Disturbing Spliced Evidence – “Would Never Be Admissible In Any Court of Law”


BREAKING: The 2020 Census will not include the vast majority of coronavirus deaths, as the April 1st reference date was roughly when the pandemic began spreading in the United States. 

“Brace and William Frey of the Brookings Institution predict that Texas will gain three [congressional] seats, Florida two seats, and an extra seat each will go to Arizona, Colorado, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon.”

“Alabama, California, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and West Virginia each stand to lose a congressional seat, according to Frey and Brace, though Brace estimates that New York could lose up to two seats.” (AP)


Telegram (
Great Awakening Channel 🔷
Great Awakening Channel


The psychopath Bill Gates really believes that he can vaccinate against religious believe. Here he exlains in a pitching to CIA agents how it works! This man is really, really sick and dangerous! He is the most danagerous terrorist alive! He’s a danger to the mankind! He seems to believe to be God like by changing the human behavior and abilities in the direction he wants and unfortunatelly our governments from the corona-regime-scene are with him and not with us in that point!



There should be a sealed indictment for this man, PR!!!

He is a danger to society – in every part of the world!

Gail Combs

I would like to see him extradited

[Bill Gates] Gave 496,000 Indian children polio through his new “polio vaccine”, as confirmed by WHO. Gates is now wanted in India for crimes against humanity. By 2018, 75% of polio cases worldwide were from “Gates Vaccines.” Gates introduced the world to a new form of polio that he funded. LINK

An Italian politician, Cunial, has recently demanded the arrest of billionaire Bill Gates, accusing him of “crimes against humanity” in a speech delivered to the Italian parliament.

Armstrong Economics: Gates Admits 700,000 People May Die from his Vaccine

Personally, I think Gates has just proven he is a psychopath. He just admitted that 700,000 people would die from his vaccine and that’s OK, its collateral damage I suppose. The total worldwide death from his scare tactics is 263,346. That is far less than 700,000 assuming its only 1% who die from his vaccines.



He needs to pay for his Crimes Against Humanity for sure, Gail!!!


They SO MUCH want us to care about their shampeachment.

Harry Lime

It’s like being called a racist…it’s lost all of its meaning and nobody really cares anymore…


Ep. 2401a – [CB] Is Becoming Desperate For An Event To Coverup Their Economy
X22 Report Published  February 10, 2021


Ep. 2401b – The [DS] Is Projecting Their Crimes Onto Trump, Slings And Arrows, Boomerang Coming
X22 Report Published  February 10, 2021


Rudy is Not Drunk!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is some uncut hopanyl for those in need. Only the best from Da Woof.

Personally, I don’t touch the stuff any more, but I understand the pain of walking away can be intense.

Enjoy, peeps. We will get though this. WWG1WGA.


That was as satisfying as an alcoholic drinking Nyquil…

…and faux biden didnt win

Last edited 4 years ago by Please
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I still read it and think, wow, wouldn’t that be great? smile a little smile … and then get back to work. Its fun and its like a great day dream and brings a uplift of encouragement that someday we will see justice. But if not, no regrets of missed opportuntities to MAGA. Made use of the last 4 yrs, making hay while the sun shone/growing the party with MAGA people while President tRump was in office

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Enjoy, but don’t let it get in the way of work.


That is some weapons-grade hopium right there!

I haven’t been this high since Nov. 2.


There will be a lot of “clean up, repair and replacement” work to do as there is after any storm. We patriots are going to be needed. Getting in place for it sooner is better than later.


from gab:


Capitol building personnel knew hundreds of thousands of people were pouring into DC on 1/6.

Naturally they implemented the security measures of an interstate highway strip club in Utah during Monday brunch hour

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB!
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Love the turtle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And Nancy Pelosi, 80 million years old!


Going after DeSantis. Got to destroy him, too.

Gail Combs

Sounds like the Soviet Union… SHOW YOUR PAPERS!!!

Sounds like the Republican states will have to band together and tell Viceroy Biden to
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FROM GAB – listen to John Solomon and Eric Greitens. A guy with a top secret Navy clearance AND a former FBI section chief was one of the people caught for not just being part of the phony set-up “insurrection”, but was one of the PLANNERS.

So this ties in with a FALSE FLAG involving both MIC and FBI.

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Same guy! And he was the “leader” who got that pair of Ohio Oathkeeper CHUMPS into trouble.

I KNEW it was the same thing as the boogaloos with the Maryland member who had been released early from prison by their terrible governor. He was the one who came up with all the BS.

Gail Combs

I also put this on the other thread.

WASHING COMPOST:Alleged Oath Keeper leader Thomas Caldwell was former FBI 
The feds say he’s an extremist leader who directed rioters. He also had top-secret clearance and worked for the FBI, attorney says.

Feb. 9, 2021 at 1:10 p.m. EST

Navy veteran Thomas Edward Caldwell led a band of the Oath Keepers extremist group to Washington on Jan. 6 to storm the U.S. Capitol, federal prosecutors allege, helping to mastermind a violent plot to stop lawmakers from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

But Caldwell’s attorney, Thomas K. Plofchan, says he isn’t just a retired lieutenant commander. Caldwell also had a top-secret security clearance and served as a section chief for the FBI after leaving the armed forces in 2009, Plofchan said….

2009??? AS IN OBAMA???


The claims about Caldwell’s high-security clearance and FBI service add to concerns about extremism in the military and law enforcement. The indictments against numerous alleged rioters with military and police connections have led local agencies to open investigations and the Pentagon to order each military branch to dedicate time to addressing the problem in the coming months….

Nice bit of AND Logic there isn’t it Wolfie?

Any bets the guy fades and never spends a DAY IN JAIL?
Oh and it gets even better

“The presence of law enforcement officers in the riot reinforces and substantiates the greatest fears many in the public had in the nature of law enforcement in the United States,” Michael German, a former FBI special agent and fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice’s Liberty and National Security Program, told The Washington Post….

You just can’t make this stuff up!!!
And from News Week:

The alleged leader of the group, Thomas Caldwell, 66, of Berryville, Virginia, worked as a section chief for the FBI from 2009 and 2010 after retiring from the Navy.

A YEAR??? He worked for the FBI for a YEAR???
Yeah right. Any bets he worked undercover for the last decade?

After a bit of thought, I realized you had to LOOK at 2009-2010.
The Oath Keepers Formed in March 2009
April 16, 2009 Napolitano stands by the controversial Department of Homeland Security report which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S along with ordinary American patriots.

“Rightwing extremism,” the report said… goes beyond religious and racial hate groups and extends to “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” said the report, which also listed gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks….

Oh and to add icing to the cake, travelers from Saudi Arabia, the country that spawned the 9/11 terrorists, get most trusted traveler status allowing them to by-pass the indignities from TSA that Americans must suffer.
So I would BET dollars to donuts (If the LEOs didn’t eat them all) that Thomas Caldwell was ASSIGNED BY THE OBAMA FIB to INFILTRATE THE OATH KEEPERS….
The timing certainly fits.


Not sure if this on topic or not, been out most of the day. we were going past a place today that had me thinking back to when I was blind to what was really going on around me, and my sister and i worked on G. Bush’s campaign. it had me very upset that i helped such an evil man become President. I had prayed for him and his hindsight what a silly fool i was to be so deceived. The truth can be so painful. the truth is truly a double edged sword. Maybe someday there will be a healing, I dont know when but hopefully it will soon.


>>”to be so deceived”<<

I was in the same boat, Suzy.

Like an idiot, I liked him.

But that was then (can’t change the past) … and this is now (CAN change the future).

Best, IMO, to look FORWARD, while using the knowledge we have now.

“The Sun Also Rises” (Hemingway title)

Gail Combs

According to Soviet and American records, Hemingway was recruited by the Soviet NKVD, the predecessor of the KGB, in December 1940.


I was just wondering last week. DH was watching B & W movies last week, the Old Man and the Sea being one of them, and that’s what started me wondering about Hemingway.


Many of us voted for him and bush jr.

Many of us voted for McCain and Romney. Post primary they were the GOP and the best option.

That is why I don’t automatically discount Republicans who supported our GOP Presidents and nominees at the time. They were the only game in town post primaries and better than the Dems + who they were was not clear at the time. Most did not support these uniparty blankety blanks knowingly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Nothing to feel silly about. You saw the good in a person and that is a good thing. He might not have been evil then people can change. He most likely prayers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. Both Bush POTUSes were “bargaining” with great evil. Sometimes they actually bargained extremely well for the side of good. Other times – less so.


It’s all good…in the end, God wins.
Simply put, we were praying for our enemies but didn’t recognize it!


It’d now so clear the deep state is pushing us to be divided in the year of 2021 rushing us into another Civil War, but the only winner we be CHYNA!
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Good. We show up with a hundred thousand folk and thousands of memes explaining to the soldiers why its a good idea to wrap this up for the American people. But be peaceful 😁


Great Awakening Channel 🔷, [10.02.21 18:16]
[Forwarded from American Tribune]
[ Photo ]
JUST IN – BLM/Antifa rioters are trying to break down the door of the Portland Police Association. Portland Police are monitoring the situation. 



Completely off topic of politics … sort of.

(and if you think my sharing about homeschool or living in the South or in the country or whatever is part of me being a Chinese spy this is my cover then just scroll on by. I literally LOL when I think of these silly accusations and fantasies – esp. the Chinese spy accusation. I promise I do not know Eric Swalwell!  😂 )

In our home we read and we read and then we read some more. Love books. We read them together too. Son is 14 and we still read aloud to him.

Found this book from a curriculum company I ony recently (last spring) discovered. They are only a few years old so I missed the window to use them very much with my son. I have Loved everything I have ordered from them and wish they had started their company just a few years sooner.

They have lovely reading books at Very reasonable prices. While shopping several weeks ago I came across Trumper which instantly caught my attention because of the name. We just finished it. Excellent!

Story of hard work and a boy’s love for his horse + ambitions for his future. The boy does make a couple of questionable choices which gave us a good opportunity for discussion but mostly the boy was to be admired. Heartwarming and satisfying ending. So glad the title caught my attention.

Like many of their books, this is a reprint of an older book with added illustrations and cover art.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You might not know Swallwell, but if the wind is blowing in the right direction you might be able to tell what he ate about 12 hours ago.



Nope, I don’t even want to be close to him!  😖 

Makes sense that his “girlfriend” had reasons other than liking him for him to be with him  🤑 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know you’re over in Tennessee. The point being he is so…productive…that you can probably smell it a thousand miles away, provided only you are downwind.

Gail Combs

Downwind is the EU…


He is married with kids the scum.


He didn’t marry his current wife until 2017 so maybe was single when dating the Chi Spy.

But yes he is scum


I did not know that


They are a Mormon company that travels in the homeschool convention circuit. A lot of people use their materials, but, well, we aren’t going there 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a total aside on the possibility of anybody here being a ringer.

It’s rather ironic, but one of the biggest foreign posers EVER was a Russian who ran under the Twitter account TEN_GOP, pretending to be somebody active in Tennessee Republican politics, possibly (and there was the catch) “official but posting only semi-officially”. That account was remarkably good – I was stunned at the accusation (indeed, I was one of the MANY followers of the account), but in retrospect it was a very believable persona.


To a certain extent, I am a ringer, being that I now comment using a gmail account that is not attached to my actual name.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s pretty low on the ringer scale. Just sayin’. 😉


So I’m a far cry from Quasimodo?

Yeah, having a consistent persona with a consistent name for well over a decade or so isn’t quite the same sort of ringer as a Russian bot who registered last year…..but, y’know….

On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Or even what kind of dog!!!


Leaky Leahy doesn’t even know where he is or what to do!
And he “presides” over this crap?

Some Bitch in front of him is telling him what to say?

This all happened at the end of todays episode of:

What the FUCK is going on in America?


^^^ Same things happen in committees all the time. Some yahoo knows the parliamentary rules and procedures, whispering them in the Chairman’s ear. Chairman then parrots what he was told.


Phuckin’ PUPPETS!


It is an embarrassment. The Senate is embarrassing not President Trump but themselves and the country.


FBI = Corrupt!
DOJ = Corrupt!
SCOTUS = Corrupt!
House = Corrupt!
SINate = Corrupt!
Unions = Corrupt!
(Most) Churches = Corrupt!
(Most) Teachers = Corrupt!
(Some) Military Brass
(MOST ALL) Lawyers and “Judges” = Corrupt!
MSM = Corrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF has happened to OUR Country?

Gail Combs



People who turned their back on God and sold their soul for a bag of silver.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I think we missed one from this morning Oprah thing. It was lying there for the taking, so I saved it for a lull in posting. Sorry for the delay, has been a busy day.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Out and an about update. Visited the hospital today. Military installation. Guard at the gate said it is now mandatory to wear a mask when driving onto the base. WTF! These people just won’t quit the nonsense.

Gail Combs

OH BOY! Let’s Mask up my Hubby and let him drive through the gate. Last time he had a mask on he walked right into a moving car and then into a brick wall.



BACK IN SESSION – Guess this is the House Managers Show today – No Defense
Muted – not interested in anything they have to say – Out for now

LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2


Not that I’ve followed the friggin’ thing even one time, but Montana’s mask mandate is lifted as of this Friday. The legislature also passed a law which the Governor signed protecting businesses from liability if people get China virus at their business.

Gianforte, our new Governor, is a long-time businessman. I think that should be the number one qualification for any office Governor or higher. Lawyers suck. They don’t have enough dogs in the hunt to make decent decisions.

Gail Combs

AMEN goes right there!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. REALISTS needed.

Sadie Slays

Local news is pushing double-masking now. I actually saw a double-masker out in the wild last time visited the grocery store. Hard to believe they’re doubling down on this garbage. I guess outright stealing an election and impeaching our real President twice will make you cocky.


Bunch at the airport last week doubled up. It must work.



“I’m a maskhole”

^^^ My reply to next Ken or Karen that whine about my maskless mug..


The mask-Nazis hate anyone who isn’t afraid of their own irrational fears, because it invalidates their fear and makes the mask-Nazis look stupid — which they are. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Get a load of this: gun control advocates have met at the White House and expect executive action on registration and banning the AR-15.

The states and local sheriffs are not amused, I’m sure.


Time to buy! And .223 ammo as well.

Gail Combs


Just about every EO POTUS wrote got CHALLENGED. Why isn’t the Chinese Viceroy getting the same treatment???

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓸𝔂 𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓷… 𝓗𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓪!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, THAT is going to be interesting.


Looks like Uniparty is going to slobber all over each other as the push gun control…


Sen Marco Rubio Bill Bans “Domestic Terrorists” From Purchasing Guns. Are You On That List?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I’ll just say this.

Let the gun-grabbers lose.


Every freaking time I see this idiocy…..

John Moses Browning invented a good percentage of all modern firearms. He built the prototypes in his home shop in Ogden, Utah, and test-fired them down a hallway in his basement.

AND, BTW, they’ve all gone off-patent now, so you can get plans online.


The Meitryx
Former FBI Station Chief Arrested for Jan. 6 Conspiracy

The report in Just the News means President Trump couldn’t possibly have incited something planned months in advance, and something is missing from Big Media’s narrative.

The charging document against Caldwell states he and two others “communicated with one another in advance of the incursion and planned their attack” prior to Jan. 6.
War Room: Pandemic
Former FBI Station Chief Arrested For Jan. 6 Conspiracy
Eric Greitens breaks down the news about Thomas Caldwell, who was arrested for conspiracy on Jan. 6, and is also a former section chief for the FBI.



Lisa Mei Crowley



We’ve been working hard to get DH mobile, and making excellent progress. He thinks it’s way too slow, but as a former XXXXXXXX, who had competed in college, his idea of exercise is way above what he’s able and needs to do now. Anyway, he’s learning to walk with a walker now. One person in front of the walker, and one following behind with the wheel chair. It’s been a long road, but it’s getting there. It’s been a real lesson in patience for him.

I’m waiting for more of the story to unfold in DH’s and my life, as well as for our country. I can’t help but think that the 2 stories are going to merge is some fashion, the timing is, well, interesting, maybe fortuitous? All I know is that God is in control, but it sure is hard sometimes on waiting to find out where our next step is going to be!

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial #FakeNews