Are we there yet?
Not quite it seems. And many of us are really needing hopium to fight off the blues brought on by gray skies and sub-freezing temperatures.
I mean, seriously, there’s been a $10 mark-up on a dozen roses in the last week in these parts.
With prices like that, no wonder so many guys choose to remain single.
Okay, need to wake up…let’s see…groovy tunes….
Wait…I did dances in the 80s…hang on….
No, no no, not that. Let’s see….
Ahh, that’s better.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Given that various men seem to think they are women, and women are being forcibly shoved aside by certain sectors of post-modern social sorts, this notion may be a little radical. But, seriously, women and men were made differently for a reason.
GENESIS 2:18-25
18Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” 19So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him. 21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; 22and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 24Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. 25And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here as well as our families are welcome.
Well, you’ll know you’re really valuable if somebody gives you a dozen roses.
P, I just checked Costco and 1 dozen roses is $18.98 delivered. You might want to check.
In my case, I’m lucky if I get carnations once a decade!!!!
DH is a big Marty Robbins fan, and this is a good one.
Seems too much like the exchange rate of a commodity.
roses are red and roses are nice…
but what about a tank of gas…and the soaring prices for bullets…!
roses or bullets…?
Valentine’s Day 100 rounds of ammo? Works for me!
Roses are red
Shooting is fun
Forget the flowers
Just buy me a gun
🔫 + 🌹 = 💖
I get a dozen every Valentine’s Day…
Your Hubby is such a Blessing!!! Makes me SMILE BIGLY!!!
he is!!
I am Blessed!!!
Iam valuable and Roses have not a thing to do with it! but then I have never been a romantic soul either.Valentines day along with a couple of other holidays are nothing but setups for the Elites to cash in on our sheep ways.I choose to walk outside the matrix.
My wife and I share your feelings, exactly, and we know we are in the tiny minority. NOTHING negative is implied by that statement toward anyone about anything.
Our special day is the anniversary of the day we met. That is when we celebrate accordingly. And it is actually more special than even our wedding anniversary, which is special, but not AS special.
My wife and I believe God brought us together, and we have specific reasons for believing that. So we celebrate our special blessing.
that’s lovely!
My hubby and I are the same. our belief is we are married in Gods eyes and do not the state or its blessing on what God brought together. That is just another rich mans trick on the sheep.
thank you T for that sweet explanation!
BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial
The DIM BASTARDS will do ANYTHING to subvert:
The Constitution….. LAW…. Morality… ANYTHING to get THEIR way!
The main problem that I (we) have is:
I can SAY whatever I want (believe)…..
But my “SAY” has ZERO effect on the Powers that be!
Our SAY has ZERO effect because TPTB know that we know that they are lying…and they simply do not give a shit…
…until We the People stop them. Anything short of the Military…or some other Constitutional force…this will coup of the Constitution will continue until the Constitution no longer exists.
It may be time for BuSab.
JW, yes, they know that we know, and they know that we know that they know we know. That is how sadism works. Its how all communists operate. Their utopia in fact is achieved when they hold the power to torment freely, and self-aggrandize as part of an oligarchy.
And by communists, I mean the CCP, their American allies, and collectivist so called revolutionaries, whether they are globalists or members of the WWW.
We are no longer represented. They get to DC and the Party becomes their only constituent.
Great thing about this or any of their stupid tricks is now the Presidents’s lawyer can expose this and then color their entire case in the same manner calling all of it out as a sham and just as typical as all of the other wide spread fraud from the election that only went one way that put the Bidenese regime into power.
Hoping he goes to town on these bastards in such a way that all the networks have to cut way again and again. Which of course they’re going to anyway just like in the last impeachment.
If he has the wit and the cojones to slam it into the record.
Unfortunately, these are facts not in evidence.
this goes with what i posted yesterday about House rules in cases of manipulated media being used
y) DISSEMINATION OFMANIPULATEDMEDIA.—The Committee on Ethics is directed to report to the House, not later than December 31, 2021, any recommended amendments to the Code of Official Conduct, as well as any accompanying regulations, intended to address the circumstances and instances, if any, for which a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House may be subject to discipline for the dissemination by electronic means, including by social media, of any image, video, or audio file that has been distorted or manipulated with the intent to mislead the public.
Great Catch!
Good LEGAL thoughts here…..
Let’s see…..I did the drain pull-up thing on the master bath sink, so I think I’m done.
Mind you, like everything else it had its share of surprises.
I elected to keep with the drain throat it currently had, because it was metal — while the one in the kit with the faucet was entirely plastic.
Problem number one was that it was designed to have a “captured” drain plug, and the cleaners had repeatedly pried it out. Not a big deal, I’d have to take the ball joint off the back of the drain line, pull out the lever, turn the plug around, and get the lever in the hole. This was even reasonably comfortable — I could reach everything if I set my chin on the ledge of the sink. So, pull up the plug — horrible, disgusting mess. Take the lever out of the back of the drain — problem number two was the inside part of the lever was so corroded that it couldn’t be inserted into the plug. Took them both into the kitchen to clean up. I also replaced the o-ring on the stopper that was missing. I think the cleaners were dumping something really caustic down the drain to “clean it” so they could get in and out quickly.
Washed all the crud and slime and loose corrosion away, determined that the end of the lever only went through the plug in one alignment. Took it in, holding everything “just so” so as to maintain alignment, put it in….and could pull the plug loose — missed! Second try got it in.
The next little game, now that the plug was correctly captured, was to connect the new system to the old lever. The old system had a piece of plumber’s tape (metal with regular holes) dangling from the pull-rod and used a piece of bent metal to capture the lever. The new one had several plastic pieces that I skipped and one piece of plastic pseudo-plumber’s tape that dangled from the pull-rod. I put the stopper lever through one of the holes and clipped it to the pull-rod, and it worked for a few cycles so that’s how I left it.
Roger Daltrey looks so YOUNG in that video.
Keith was drumming, so it had to be before 1978 — making it almost 50 years ago. We were all young back then.
From GAB:
[video src="" /]
Best on full screen.
Doug Billings and Mel K
Mel K Joins the Great Doug Billings on The Right Side 2-10-2021 (
Don’t follow the conventional wisdom.
Just look at where that’s gotten everyone!
2020 Election Was A Train Wreck!
From Gab
Androgynous Wang Chung, over one of the greatest rock ‘n roll bands that ever was?
Really man?
Like many things overladen with emotional values, music is best looked upon as a tool.
And Wang Chung was an excellent tool for helping the young ladies feel athletic and enthusiastic, while you filled the air with pheromones and admired her bouncing.
The Who was a tool for an entirely different task.
80s music, especially with the beginning of MTV in 1982, was my introduction to radical cultural subversion and a full court press to normalize male femininity.
When you’re 10 to 12 years old, and you grew up watching Clint Eastwood movies, that’s just not gonna happen… 😂 🤣 😂
My friends and I hated 80s music in our bones. Fortunately, the back catalog of 60s and 70s classic rock was huge, so we went back to the classics, instead of forward into the great gayness.
Before video, gayness and lewdness was only suggested by lyrics, occasionally, and if you weren’t listening for it, you missed it completely. For example, I had no idea what “Lola” by the Kinks was about, until it was pointed out to me.
When video killed the radio star, the sudden androgyny and gayness was unleashed full blast from day one, in the attempt to normalize it, and it defiled practically everything in its path, including a decade of music.
Even reasonably straight-forward music like Billy Squier, which had nothing to do with being effeminate, was overwhelmed with gayness on video, and once you saw it, you could never ‘unsee’ it.
It was the first example that occurred to me when writing this post, and when I searched for official Billy Squier videos to make the point, it appears they’ve nearly all been scrubbed from the Internet, out of humiliation, and replaced with live versions.
All except this one:
And then I saw this, which basically confirms exactly what I have been saying:
Billy Squier’s Awful Rock Me Tonite Music Video That Ended His Career
The guys at the mixers still slam danced to it with crape paper wrapped around their heads.
“The guys at the mixers still slam danced to it with crape paper wrapped around their heads.”
Sounds very… masculine… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂
LMAO! the other Gladys Cravitts from bewitched
If you find yourself currently playing the part of a Debbie Downer….don’t.
Get out and take a walk. Breathe some fresh air and think about all you’ve learned, how far you’ve come, and the promise the future holds.
I get that you may not be feeling it now but then wasting time & energy (yours and others) by taking it out on social media seems like a bad idea all the way around. Seriously. Why bum others out? What exactly is that going to accomplish? It’s not only entirely selfish but you’ll feel like a jerk when things end up working out.
And they’re absolutely going to work out.
Better than you could ever imagine.
Have faith.
The Frontline Doctors have a petition out against forcing people to take experimental vaccines:
No up front gimmicks and though my auto complete put in my phone number it was excepted after deleting it. Might end up on a mailing list but who cares.
I get this when going to that link
Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.
Do I need to take another action to sign this? 🙄
The treason continues.
Wyatt Gang
Democrats Kill Amendment to Deny Relief Funding to Schools Partnering With Chinese Entities
Democrat lawmakers voted down an amendment to deny federal relief funding to educational institutions that partner with Chinese …
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Friend and I were talking about Piglosi today.
We’re hoping she has one more face lift…thinking her skin will be stretched so tight that she will no longer be able to move her mouth.
..I always thought she talked incoherently out her azz ,so she has multiple projection exits that need work .
It really is sad to see what a spoiled little Mob Boss daughter turns into later in life when left to her own deviousness..
From GAB:
If they were thoughtful BLM would relabel themselves as BLM2. 2 as in too. Then I don’t think they’d find an argument much of anywhere. But we know that won’t be allowed. For a short period I thought I saw a break away group but they obviously were not covered or even given the time of day.
Equality is not what Bolshevism is about. Fluid inequality with the Party always on top, is.
BLM is a DEMOCRAT fund-raiser!
…and a vehicle for BLACKMAIL.
Yep…it’s a SHAKEDOWN device.
“Give us money or we will loot and burn down your business.”
Wolf Moon
This is why people MUST turn off the media. By debating the crazy, it spreads the crazy, and makes it part of your FALSE NORMAL.
These are not issues. They’re insanity.
Fake News and Fake Entertainment are ANT POISON. Sweet DEATH.
1 like
BUT the left’s crazy are us…it’s all relative…and I know about this stuff…cuz most of my relatives ARE crazy.
Getting Americans to break that habit is one heck of a challenge, that’s for sure. We were trained from early ages to consume corporate news as if our lives depended on it.
So true. Even some of my pro-Trump friends do not understand how brainwashed they are in some respects because they saw it on TV.
Mike Lindell is on Gab!!!
Mike Lindell
Here is the official list of every business that has dropped MyPillow:
Dollar General
Mattress Firm
Bed Bath & Beyond
TSC/The Shopping Channel
Kinney Drugs
Colony Brands
BOYCOTT every single one of them.
I agree…but I am also going onto their customer service sites and telling them WHY I am no longer a customer.
tbh I don’t think i ever shopped at any of them except once at BB&B…but nonetheless I’m telling them WHY
I am now doing the very same thing locally here.
The only one I’ve ever shopped is BB&B, and there’s really only one product they carry I would miss.
Ordered two regular and three travel MyPillows last night.
Initially could not find the promo code. Sent them an email ~9PM. Had a reply fifteen minutes later. ML32. Probably changes frequently.
Dollar General?
As you said recently, Lindell is one of our generals now. God bless him and preserve him.
We bought sheets from him, and consider that a tiny MAGA contribution.
This is for Steve, mostly!
Andrew Torba reposted
Photography for Photographers
Milky Way somewhere in Eastern Colorado.
I spent a few weeks working on a container ship crossing the Pacific. I had ZERO idea what the night sky actually looked like until then. Shooting stars are routine.
Seeing the Milky Way is a deep experience. Seeing the Milky Way puts an entirely new perspective on how modern people look at life as opposed to older days. And you can see a depth to the universe that is hidden from many of us nowadays.
And don’t get me started on what the ocean looks like up close and continual!
I first REALLY SAW the night sky at over forty years old, in the Australian Outback.
I walked outside to get something I had left in the car, and almost fell down. It was the most breathtaking thing I had ever seen.
Yes! And it was beyond what anyone could imagine.
In getting the miraculous gift of artificial light, we removed the miraculous gift of heavenly natural light.
Out in the farmland in central Illinois, you can really see it.
You got a better Milky Way down under than you do here.
AND Joe Biden didn’t win.
we have that every night here…
no ambient light…no street lights, or house or business lights around for miles…
it’s beautiful!
(but not the milky way—that would be incredible to see!)
To be sure the photograph has an exposure time, so it’s more prominent there than it is to the naked eye.
And that bit of it there is around Sagittarius, which means you are looking towards the central “bulge” of the galaxy which is very densely packed with stars. Since Sagittarius is the southernmost sign in the Zodiac, you can’t go out tonight and see it (if you live in the US), it’s simply not up at night during the winter. In the southern hemisphere you get to see all sorts of neat stuff not visible here, like getting a good view of the constellation Centaurus (including the nearest naked-eye-visible star other than the sun, Alpha Centauri), and the large and small Magellanic clouds, which are satellite galaxies to our own galaxy.
Presently the big spectacular “thing” in the night sky is the constellation Orion and all of the bright stars immediately surrounding it (Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Castor, Capella, Aldebaran, and the Pleiades). Orion’s sword contains the “stellar nursery” known as the Orion nebula, and of course Orion contains Betelgeuse and Rigel, which I did a post on about a year ago.
Thank you for even more of an answer than I had hoped for!!! 😀
This seems true.
Aussie Patriots reposted
The government could to tell people to wear a divers mask and snorkel 24/7 – and half the people in this country would do it, no questions asked
Oklahoma fights back!!!
Kargoforth reposted
One by one, each state should exercise what the 10th Amendment to the constitution states, and promulgate their own laws. Oklahoma does:
Oklahoma Governor Nullifies Biden’s Executive Order — With His Own – The New American
Hopefully, this bold action by Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma will encourage other governors to stand up to illegal actions coming from President Biden.
The New American
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Seems like another swat at ….
But I can assure you of one thing — neither Joseph Biden nor his “brain trust” is the match of Andrew Jackson.
Jackson: “Yes I have; please give my compliments to my friends in your State and say to them, that if a single drop of blood shall be shed there in opposition to the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man I can lay my hand on engaged in such treasonable conduct, upon the first tree I can reach.”
Bring it on, China Joe!
Yes, our governor has been a good one so far.
Gov Stitt has made the lockdowns ‘optional’ since last Spring.
So it’s been business as usual here.
As an aside:
Huge precedent has been established with all these States that have legalized marijuana.
They did so in defiance of federal law, which outlaws marijuana.
The Federal Govt didn’t go after any of these states for legalizing marijuana.
So that set the precedent that States have the right to ignore federal laws.
so jealous…
our governor is an asswipe who hired a drag queen to be health secretary…
Sorry, Pat. 😕
Yeah, Gov Stitt was a businessman…like our Real President.
It makes a difference.
He got his degree in accounting.
Kevin Stitt is also a member of the Cherokee Nation, which is pretty cool.
very cool!
ours is an ass in wolf’s clothing
Whoo-hoo! Smoke that weed, and pump that oil!
Seriously, every state that the Keystone Pipeline goes through should just make the orders and pass the laws needed, and keep right on going.
Joe Biden is nobody’s President; all of his orders can and should be nullified by legitimately elected state leaders.
go okies!!!
The kids are Still gonna be all right (& the backlash of all this mind control commie crap is going to be a couple generations of seriously conservative patriots who will keep saving America & the world!!!)
Dr. Spicy Noodles
My 11 year old daughter said “Why didn’t the democrats allow an open and transparent audit of the 5 contested areas? It would have ended all the controversy.”
My 14 year old son said “Because it would have exposed the fraud.”
I just love my kids!
Wow, a 14-year-old kid smarter than half the electorate!!!
& 99.999999 of the elected!
And an 11 year old who says: “Why didn’t the democrats allow an open and transparent audit of the 5 contested areas? It would have ended all the controversy.”
That’s pretty fantastic.
Never go Full Chi Com!
BREAKING: Biden to remove restrictions preventing TikTok from sharing user data with the Chinese Communist Party as required under Chinese law.
OMG. What the hell!
LMAO. China Joe, true to form.
Only morons use TikTok anyway. China will only have information about American morons.
What could go wrong with CCP using that database?
which they already own!
Nah. We already knew those two were pervs. Who else was involved?
Lets start with the flight manifests. List is huge.
Oh your talking about evidence. Ha ha ha. Not happening now.
Tell you what. Preponderance of evidence will have to do. If there are any mistakes God will sort it out.
An excellent summary of the life of GHEEEEEE-LAWWWWWN.
True BlueGood :o) reposted
Sharyl Attkisson
EXCLUSIVE: CDC is looking into reports of greater Covid vaccine side effects suffered by frail, and by people who already had Covid-19; says no cause for concern so far.
Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered From COVID-19, but Died After Vaccine, Raise Questions
Two small clusters of deaths after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported among nursing homes in Kentucky and Arkansas. …
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Do you have a confirmation/link/reference for that, Wolfmoon?
I’m tired of being deceived by memes with ‘our side’ posting/promoting conspiracy theories.
Here is a link to the VAERS – for reporting adverse vaccine reactions:
Adverse effect are being reported here:
However – even with a reporting site – It is likely many adverse effects go unreported due to the inconvenience.
I find the replies to the original tweet instructive. Somebody included a screenshot of a reply from their health ministry saying that the results “will be released” with accompanying analysis.
Take that for what you will. At the time of the tweet, not released.
It’s time to really start doubting what they are telling us, and to stop relying on the idea that the MSM and captured governments are going to be the final arbiter of validation. Yes, there is dumb disinformation floating around, that makes us look stupid. But there is also very smart official disinformation that we should not believe, either, or use as “validation”.
It’s the birth control pill all over again. Too many women were dying, so the trials were moved to Puerto Rico and other places where they weren’t reported or noticed here.
It’s already a multi billion dollar business. This is one pipe line that the Bidenese will never shut down.
i think because a lot of these congresscritters must have stock in big pharma
Or have been paid off by them.
Starting to like “Bidenese”!
more Qanon crapola…
Here come the fake stories, and the goal is to be able certain Trump supporters threats. This QAnon crap was a scam RUN AGAINST Trump supporters, and probably those responsible for are media, Ds. They psychologically abused citizens.
Quote Tweet
· 3h
‘I lost all touch with reality’: Ex-QAnon Believer Reveals How She Escaped The Pro-Trump ‘Cult’
I actually read this “article” & it’s pretty hilarious how this new agey type fell into the Q anon rabbit hole for one day…& nice booby pic too 😉
Hilarious! Thanks for the hint about the unnatural melons. I would have never seen how phony this bimbo is! LMAO!!!
Sexist Fruit Appropriator!!!
Silicone Storage Containers
It’s astounding how divorced all the Qanon hoopla is from the actual reality of the Q ecosystem; and how divorced the “armed insurrection and riot” BS is from the personal Witness accounts of the hundreds of thousands of people who went.
Exactly. It’s all fake news.
They had to show us how bad the fake news really is. It’s just horrifying to watch now.
It’s almost like summoning thousands of Witnesses to something “wild” in its scope of fakery.
It is horrifying. We are being fed a continual diet of absolute horse dookie.
Almost like it’s on purpose 😉
It’s also amazing how desperate the reporting is on it. Like they’re afraid of us or something.
What a crock!
I wonder how much she got paid.
The Q critics never mention that Q tells people to 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗.
TPTB are threatened by Q leaving all those crumbs about elitist pedophiles!
And also all the corruption.
Yup. Thinking for yourself is basically the Opposite of a cult & what the mask & CV control nazis want from Anyone!
honey if what you read about qanon (FOR A DAY) almost wrecked your life and your marriage, was it really on stable grounds to begin with?
get yourself a juice and a soft pillow and then get OVER YOURSELF!!!
…another attention whore trying to cash in on anything…
Mike Lindell can help with the soft pillow thing.
OMG!!!! that’ll send her to her safe space!!!!!!
Melissa Rein Lively…was she active on Twitter? Her name rings a bell.
no clue
Loving God & Country…this beautiful woman immigrated here & has lost her husband but has a wonderful spirit!
Love you, Patriots! Don’t care how different we look from each other. I think you are awesome! I know you love America, and if you love and believe in God, I love you all the more. I could not have made it thus far, without you. Let’s not EVER give up. We have too much to LOSE.
New legal immigrants are so horrified by the Biden Destruction!
Absolutely! If they paid the price to get here legally they probably Love America as founded/intended not this commie craphole criminal enterprise that passes for much of gov’t currently!
Picture perfect Austria…& they speak Austrian too 😉
Making Winter look magical!
Note to self — don’t stuff a swan in a freezer… may continue to operate.
is swan hunting legal somewhere? 🙂
Don’t forget their colony, Australia! Where they speak Australian!
Presumably a disillusioned Biden voter
Biden is creating a crisis to bring back Obamacare and then socialized medicine.
It’s so evil. He’s doing it on purpose.
Over my dead body!
or those holding his leash & dementia drug fix are 🙂
“What did I just sign? C’mon, man! You gotta tell me these things.”
“We did. Now just sign here.”
it’s so horrifying that it’s not really even funny 🙁
“the team” per Orange Hair Bad (Constitutional scholars all)
Start now talking to your doctors about concierge care. It’s going to become the ONLY way to go if the Demoncrats have their way. We just have to circumvent their systems. Be innovative. As a folk medicine herbalist, I expect to be busy.
Well, to be fair, he probably doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. 🤣
This is Extremely Cool! Reminds me of the DNA animation in Jurassic Park…hmmm…
Gives new meaning to BREAK!
Love it!
car karma
cottage industry commentary
China on the move & appears to encroach on India (I don’t fully understand this but don’t think anything involving Chynuh can be good at this point)…
The Brits used to own and administer a great swath of South Asia from Afghanistan/Pakistan to Burma (it helps to look at a globe).
The Brits caught a lot of flak for this and, despite being relatively competent and reasonable colonial overlords [but with the American Revolution (1776), Canada (1867), and Australia (1901) very much in mind] looked to Indian independence in 1947.
Lots of furor: “but when the Brits pull out, there will be mass carnage between the Muslims and the Hindus!” So it was declared that the British territory would become West Pakistan (now Pakistan) (Muslim); East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) (Muslim); India (Hindu); and Burma (Buddhist).
Unfortunately, that left a chunk of India on the East side of East Pakistan, connected to the majority of India by a thin stretch of land that wandered between Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, and Bangladesh — bordering on China — known as the “Chicken’s Neck” (and also as the “Siliguri Corridor” ).
When it wants to annoy people in the region, China applies pressure to the Chicken’s Neck.
Mind you, China wouldn’t be able to apply pressure to the Chicken’s Neck had they not occupied Tibet in 1951 and squeezed out any resistance in 1959 — exiling the Dalai Lama in India.
In a better world, China would be ousted from Tibet and free passage in the Siliguri Corridor would be a non-issue.
Interesting. One of my son’s doctors is from India, she showed us on the map the western side near the tip of the subcontinent, iirc. She said that she was Catholic & descended culturally & religiously from a Christian church founded by one of the original Apostles, or so they believe. So somewhere in that mess there are multi-generational Christians, from Before the Brits were the colonial overlords, or so she implied…
India is one of those “deep dive” history things. Thousands of years of recorded history, with impingements from Alexander the Great and Mongol Hordes. Totally not taught or documented in the Western World.
My college required 4 semesters of a Humanities general ed course & it was very Euro-centric on most topics. So once again my education is sorely lacking…so thanks for your very helpful & concise info!
I believe the Apostle in question was St. Thomas.
I thought so, too. This inspires me to look into St. Thomas!
Thanks DP!
St. Thomas, IIRC, went to India.
There is a lot of Christian history which has been written off as legend, but when a person looks into it, there is actually more evidence than is usually presented. And for some reason, Christian history is judged by harsher standards of veracity than other history.
For just a small and reflected, westernized view of India, but nonetheless fascinating, there are several novels worth reading. Kim, which is one of the greatest books of all time, so beautifully written. Passage to India. The Raj Quartet.
These books give a person a desire to look into Indian history itself. It is such a vast and complex, and beautiful (and bloody) history, getting more than a superficial sense of it would take a lifetime or more.
Thanks T! So many good books so little time 🙁
I knew a guy from Pakistan years ago who would disagree with this. Vehemently. He had no use for the British. They had no problem stealing from their workers, destroying the silk industry and a lot more.
When I say “relatively competent and reasonable”, I’m thinking more about the “what have the Romans ever done for us?” scene in Life of Brian.
Disney pedo arrested!
the arrest appears to be from 2018…
Deplorable Lee Lee reposted
Andrew Torba
Gab founder says he’ll no longer do interviews with ‘pagan’ media
Gab founder says he’ll no longer do interviews with ‘pagan’ media
Andrew Torba, the founder of, an online community where freedom of speech is paramount, says he’s no longer going to be doing interviews with “Paganist”…
View Link Feed
“I am in the process of transitioning every part of my financial expenses to support Christian businesses, Christian media companies, Christian content creators, and Christian people,” he said. “I am done giving my money to The Enemy and funding the destruction of our country and values. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If they are not serving God, they are serving Satan and I’m simply not going to fund that activity.”
I don’t consider myself to be Christian, and I 100% agree and encourage what Torba is doing.
I don’t confine myself to only Christian companies and people, though. Just Conservative.
I call myself a pagan with Christian values. It’s a long explanation how I got to that, but it’s mostly because I find elements of truth and value in every world religion, including shamanism and Native American beliefs, and nature. Well, all except Islam, which I view as a death-cult, not a religion.
You’re a good Samaritan! I know some crazy rabbi who approves of those damn pagans! 😉
Seriously, there ARE truth and value in all the major religions, and most of the minor ones, IMO. I can even find good stuff in Islam, which one MUST, because it has overlap with Judaism and Christianity on key ideas. It just has some irreconcilable contradictions that need fixed (too long a story – not going to get into it).
The key to getting deep in Christianity is Christ. You will find congruence with all sects and denominations of Christians, but if you dig deep enough, you’ll find congruence with other faiths – modern Judaism first, of course, but then some very unexpected things. The “Great Mystery” is self-evident. Yes, our founders were very smart people to deal in such currency, and that is why they were blessed.
The most important thing, IMO, is to be honest with your SELF about what you believe, and if any part of it bothers you, tend to it – REFINE IT.
At a certain point, I found that I began getting things out of what I believe other people are doing wrong, because I can start to see what they are trying to do right.
Pope Francis is actually very instructive that way. He strikes me as having, in addition to his leftist bent, a fixation on dragging “neo-Samaritanism” into the spotlight of Catholicism. I think I see what he’s doing. It’s not a bad idea. Pachamama preaching looks heretical and deceived, and maybe it is if we draw too great an identity on Mother Earth and Mother Mary, but accepting that there is some “there there”, and understanding that the same ideas can be understood and perhaps even answered BETTER from a conservative Christian perspective, is useful. We just have to be careful – the DEVIL always sneaks in when the details of contradiction and reversal loom large.
Everybody is somebody else’s pagan. So BEING THEIR PAGAN is a good thing – it means you’re IN THE GAME. 😎
Vox Day has been yelling from the rooftops for many years now: DO NOT DO INTERVIEWS WITH THE MSM! And he has given the reason why.
People who are asked to do interviews are almost by definition the influential people on our side. And it is quite distressing that they STILL do not understand that they are actively helping to create a False Narrative when they agree.
They can whine and scream unfair when it is all said and done, and they are right, but that doesn’t forgive their active complicity.
There are only two explanations, stupidity or ego.
IMO it is a situation our side encounters all too often. When confronted with helping our side or helping their side, ego wins almost every time.
Vox Day gives the best advice, and it is just astonishing that no one takes it because of ego. Have ZERO to do with the media. Do not even respond to their requests. Ignore them for the repugnant liars, propagandists and weasels they are.
Do not ignore requests. That is rude, and we aren’t generally rude.
“Just say no.” – Nancy Reagan
Love it!!!
Great story here.
I have always been a RELIGIOUS practitioner of “never talk to the media”, and have evaded what in retrospect would have been disastrous interviews by partisan snakes, all the way through this whole battle – meaning for decades.
HOWEVER – I made the MISTAKE of talking to media ONE TIME after a Trump “inner circle” person urged a small audience I was in to engage the media more. I knew it was a mistake, but I let them convince me. UGH.
So – OK – the very NEXT time a reporter engaged me on Trump stuff, I gave a very honest interview.
It turned out to be what I would call an honest, friendly interview. The product was pleasing. I wish there were thousands more reporters like this one. Objectivity! Praise God! The reporter may have even been a “shy Trump voter” Democrat, or secret Republican. Still, it was a MISTAKE.
The most profound and important things I said were DROPPED because they didn’t fit anybody’s narrative. Other things were distorted by editing. I was pleased with the product, as in “better than nothing”, but it could have been VASTLY BETTER had they kept in things that were completely missing.
BUT – here is the thing. Here is why we MUST not give them interviews.
I was SHOCKED by how fast the other side was aware of this interview. Nobody on our side had a clue about it, and I’m sure that nobody I know or ever met anywhere has any awareness of it. LOST in information space, except to the other side.
This is where Torba is deeply correct. If you talk to their spies, you talk to their spies.
End of story.
Saw this – not recommending without some thoughts from y’all.
Deplorable Lee Lee reposted
Polish Owl
I saw this on a Rumble comment. Sounds like a GREAT idea!
CALLING ALL PATRIOTS! Presidents day is Monday Feb 15th. Send President Trump a handwritten postcard expressing your gratitude, support and wishes. Imagine the visual of 75+ million pieces of mail being delivered. PASS IT ON.
President Donald J. Trump
c/o Mar-a-Lago
1100 S. Ocean Blvd.
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Secret Service has to check every single thing sent to PDJT or anyone under their protection.
LOTS OF #THANK YOU! ❤ PRESIDENT TRUMP – For Valentines day on every single social media venue – twitter, gab, telegram, etc. would do the same job without over-burdening the Secret Service AND possibly getting the murderous leftists doing mischief with poisons/bombs.
It’s a nice thought, Wolfie…but the Postal Union endorsed Biden last year.
So how do we know that postal workers wouldn’t just throw those in the trash?
Great Idea GA/FLA!!
” So how do we know that postal workers wouldn’t just throw those in the trash? ”
I think it is against the Law for US Postal employee’s to throw mail in the trash.
Millions sent and ‘disposed of’ would create a YUGE pile of evidence.
..almost like a mail in vote… 😄
assume the position!
cancelling cancel culture!
Bully of Tyrants
Feb 9
Someone screenshotted one of my tweets and found the company I work for and sent it to them it eventually ended up on the director of operation’s desk too bad that’s me bitch!!! I chose to NOT fire myself
Oh, I love it.
Massive DC explosion last night…anyone know what’s up? not by White House…
manhole explosion…north DC…?
last night…
Obviously Swamp gas.
Where in the hell was Swalwell?
Thanks Smiley…tunnel rescue???
I don’t know…?
swamp gas has a better ring to it.
that’s always swirling about DC!
or tunnel collapse to cut off escaping scared congressrats
we can dream!
You can see where this is going – the leftist totalitarian tyrants are chomping at the bit to try to set up and enforce – checkpoints on federal highways at state lines – checking vaccination and social credit paperwork – just like any other communist totalitarian regime.
imo, this BS Florida covid hype is about getting Gov DeSantis….Harris’ main contender in 2024.
anything to make Gov DeSantis look bad…just like PDJT…
covid mania is their biggest agitprop.
expect more of it.
Exactly! We gotta push back just as hard, loud and constantly as they push their cr-p!
isn’t there something unconstitutional about restricting interstate travel and commerce?
IDK – interesting point!
and I’m just starting to drink my coffee…
I’ll probably think up more better stuff later…lol
Fuel up !
but they didn’t do anything to South Dakota and they’ve been just as or more open than Florida???
We all have to remember one part of being “organic”……
“…inspired by DNA , galaxies, weather patterns, pine cones, sea shells…”
Well it looks shiny, now what was that old saying……You can polish a…….
It does look like a poop emoji.
Could be worse —
Hah…you’re right!
That one is worse:
It reminds me of the Tower of Babel in Babylon. Many artist renderings show it has having a spiral effect.
Yes, good catch, Iswoot!👍
I knew it looked familiar but couldn’t remember why.
“To have all these things
In our memories’ hoard
And to use them
To help us
To find…”
-Graeme Edge
I just mentioned that b4 I got to your comment. Precisely.
The purpose of the spiral is the same as one of the purposes of wheelchair ramps today – carrying loads of materials without having to look for the next step.
That’s Tower of Babel stuff. 😂
reading that’s it’s across the river from DC…ahhhhh…the tribute to congress has arrived!
Brian Cates: Sidney Powell says – SCOTUS will take up 2 MORE ELECTION FRAUD CASES.
“SCOTUS has announced it will take up consideration of 2 more 2020 election related cases, both filed by Sidney Powell; one in Wisconsin and one in Arizona.
That’s scheduled for a conference on Feb. 26.
On Feb 19 SCOTUS is determining whether or not it will hear 5 other election related cases.
They may ditch all 7 or hear all 7, who knows?
Stay tuned.” ttps://
LIST/SPREADSHEET of current Trump court cases – status kept updated.
Pfizer Killers have strong competition in India, IIRC…actual Covid Rx that’s safe and effective.
but…Pfizer turns and runs when India requires local safety testing.
nothing to see there, guinea pigs.
This is big, actually. India is doing the right thing.
Keep pushing that $15 minimum wage…and this is what we will see more of:
[video src="" /]
And of course, Globalist Ghoul Gates and his cabal buddies just love to see people replaced by robots.
It helps support their Depopulation efforts.
Because they can say:
“There aren’t enough jobs for all these people. The planet can’t support these population numbers.”
so, of course, tipping will be gone…
Anons gave high praise for this summary:
(I’ve edited the format a little, and have removed instances of a pesky letter!)
“1. Trump had to ‘lose’ and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him – the left would never accept it.
2. Chinese controlled President now in power, effectively putting us under foreign occupation.
3. Military is now clear to declare Biden not only illegitimate, but controlled by China, justifying takeover.
What must happen pre 11.11?
11.11 provided as strategic marker.
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
[D] + China = 11.3
Chinese controlled President = Occupation
DoD DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015, Updated December 2016 (
“The status of belligerent occupation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration of the occupation after the general close of military operations…”
On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.
Real POTUS gave the order before ‘relinquishing’ power (optics). Watch for arrest of Podesta (Durham. Q 4952 ?)
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.
Attacks begin upon arrest of Podesta. Coming soon… This is why they brought in so many generators to DC.
DoD DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015, Updated December 2016 (
“Military occupation of enemy territory involves a complicated, trilateral set of legal relations between the Occupying Power, the temporarily ousted sovereign authority, and the inhabitants of occupied territory. The fact of occupation gives the Occupying Power the right to govern enemy territory temporarily, but does not transfer sovereignty over occupied territory to the Occupying Power…”
China may be occupying power, but they don’t have soverignty as evidenced by NG/MIL presence.
DoD DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015, Updated December 2016 (
“In general, the courts and other tribunals of the occupied territory, like other 175governmental functions, should continue to operate. For example, ordinary crimes that do not affect the security of the Occupying Power or its personnel should continue to be administered by the courts in the occupied territory…”
Quoted by Gen Flynn on Twitter(?) on or about Dec 31:
“My brave fellows, you have done all I asked you to do, and more than could be reasonably expected, but your country is at stake, your wives, your houses, and all that you hold dear. You have worn yourselves out with fatigues and hardships, but we know not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay one month longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty, and to your country, which you can probably never do under any other circumstances.” – George Washington
What was completed and released today?
Re: Flynn?
“Done in 30.”
Done in 30.
House cleaning.
WH secured.
Final stage.
The entire operation will take 30 days
“POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.”
”This hasn’t happened yet. When the roundups begin, Trump will be protected. He is still the legitimate President, has the real nuclear football, and AF1 is still his. For first time in history, Biden took a private plane to his inauguration – they did NOT send a military plane because he is not the real President.”
Nothing can stop what is coming.
We are definitely living in Occupied Territory now, with the Cho Xiden fake presidency.
So I’m hoping that the military is still on our side and puts an end to this epic fuckery.
And because it can’t be said enough…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
i am hoping to, but what the heck is the code word for GO???
what are they waiting for???
That makes sense, Podesta being the lynchpin.
It’s only a matter time, I guess.
unbelievable! impeachment managers site a FAKE NEWS story attributing an incorrect quote to Sen Mike Lee…and then casually try to walk it back out of evidence…
What idiots!!!
Now we know why these “lawyers” never made a living lawyering..
They can’t even fabricate believable lies.. 😂
they’re lazy…pulling lies off the internet…
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 11, 2021
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
Joshua 1:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed and safe day!!
Morning, Pat!!! Snowing again this AM – looking forward to the middle of March when temps will be tolerable – the ice has melted – and the snow is no more!
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!
I appreciate the Angels this morning…distressing news…my brother in law fell off a ladder yesterday and broke 3 ribs…and this morning I learned a previous (younger) co worker passed away. (a simple surgery on her ankle created a blood clot that went to her brain)…
* Received and Appreciated *
Good Lord!!! Sending more Angels – the need is great – and they can help – Sorry you hurt!!!
thanks duchess…I appreciate it!
Sending love and more hugs!!!
Tucker untangles the gnarly mass of Democrap deception re: January 6
It’s all coming out.
hmmmm…more “news” about the witnesses being sought by Ashli’s legal team…the guy they really want to find is “the medic”. he said he was a medic and could offer Babbit medical attention but the officers there said they were trained as well. then they offered her no help, carried her upside down down the stairs…
but he’s owner of a MEDIA COMPANY…Parrot Productions…
In a National File interview that was posted on YouTube, the “Medic” told reporters the police on the scene would not allow him to apply medical aid because they were trained. Ashli Babbitt received no medical attention from the “trained” police. Instead, they carried her down the stairs upside down with a gunshot wound. Officers then stepped in her blood and threw a pair of rubber gloves and a beanie over it.
No reports of a hospital, autopsy, funeral.
Nowadays, we are so tuned to movie/TV show mentality that we can easily imagine she’s been disappeared – either dead or had radical image change and/or plastic surgery and is living in remote Canada, USVI, Hawaiian Islands, Puerto Rico, Alaska, etc. with a new identity.
The pictures they have showed of her are of a very common looking individual. Cute, long hair, medium build. Who could ID her that didn’t know her personally or had not studied her closely?
Heck we do not even know if her ON-line persona is even real!
Very true.
really eerie isn’t it?
you’d think the left would be playing this up—marches for ashli…6 funerals…rioting in protest–after all REALPOTUS caused her death…
but it’s eerily quiet…
VVV Good points!!!
Hopium warning! Maybe ECW and spec ops people intercepted the fake ambulance and have her and them in a dark location.
heheheh – a girl can hope.
❤ I love it! ❤
Hi Pat , its so quiet cause there working in darkness again. Well that and our POTUS isnt giving them anything to yap about anymore.
i know right?
they’re inventing ways to keep talking about him…they must miss him as much as we do…LOL…
let’s be honest…without him, A) they have nothing to say and B) no one is tuning in because well, see A…LOL
Of course not. the whole thing was a FF the crisis actor went home after getting paid.
Who exactly is the mystery “legal team”? Never identified. Just an aol address to leave info. I said the same thing two nights ago. This is a staged event.
She should be called as a witness.
Asli as a witness?
Hell yea. Make someone provide a death certificate! Where was Ashli buried? If it gets that far, surely cremated.
Pat: When you get a chance – please listen to this video – the anomalies are all spelled out – these people are ACTORS – and ‘Ashli Babbitt is NOT DEAD!!!
February 7, 2021
Wang Chung means yellow bell in Chinese.
It’s no longer just a fun song.
okay, I misread your comment…so that’s my fault…but dang, given the wording…I thought you said yellow ball…
Maybe Circle Back Jen can be asked to explain her pettty, pithy demi-god’s lack of compassion and indecision?
wonder who’s benefiting for asshole Joe’s signature today?
Damn shame, POTUS had it down to $35. What do all those poor diabetic dems think of their Creepy man now?
don’t worry they have that $2000 coming…oh wait…
february 11, 2021 the marshall report
Good morning Patriots for The Kingdom of God! This is the day the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!
Kingdom Come
#Tesla #energy #nikolatesla
The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED! (without music)
more sneaky crap used by the fib…
Recent court documents have indicated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) possesses a tool allowing them to access encrypted messages on the Signal app.
Signal has rapidly gained in popularity as Silicon Valley monopolists have grown more openly hostile to free speech, but the platform may be vulnerable to backdoors that undermine the privacy protections provided through the encrypted messaging service.
According to documents filed by the Department of Justice and first obtained by Forbes, Signal’s encrypted messages can be intercepted from iPhone devices when those Apple devices are in a mode called “partial AFU,” which means “after first unlock.”
When phones are in partial AFU mode, Signal messages can be seized by federal authorities and other potentially hostile interests. GrayKey and Cellebrite are the tools typically used by the FBI to gain this sensitive information, an expert has explained.
I want to thank everyone who gave words of encouragement to me yesterday 😇 Family was my top priority for the day.
Today is the day the Lord has made for us and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
as it should be (family, that is)
hope things are better today!
today is better and happy to be here this morning among friends! in about an hour this house will be full of noise and things to do. i enjoy my quiet time at 4am to 6:30 ish. yesterday was not to bad either , just a day of regrets on how foolish i was 20 years ago regarding who i trusted back then. life is quite a ride most of the time isnt it!
do not beat yourself up for your past mistakes–they made you who you are today.
there are things in my past I would never want to relive…but all those experiences made me into who i am today…and one of the most horrific experiences of my life led me to my true love…
everything happens for a reason.
find peace and happiness!!
And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.
These are a little too true to be all that funny.
you know the old saying…
sauce for the goose, sauce for the bitch…or something like that…
One would think so.
But since hardly anything else that is going on is by the rules, what’s an unqualified VP more or less in the whole mix? Just look at this so-called impeachment, how many elements of that are not according to the constitution: no Chief Justice, and the defendant isn’t even in office anymore. Fraud should have vitiated the whole shbang; instead it became featured in Time Magazine. Never mind bills and executive orders directly at odds with various Amendments…
It is like nothing seems to matters anymore, the constitution and the rest of the framing documents were taken out back, put on the wall inside the outhouse, and will remain there until spent.
My take is that the Trump lawyers are validating this sham by not rejecting the impeachment right away. They are giving validity to this.
Whoever concocted this sham and gave Trump advice should be tarred and feathered.
I am not a lawyer but do have common sense. This reminds me of the Cohen fiasco who spend time in jail for confessing to a crime that was not a crime.
Trump is being set up and I partly blame Graham the two face (…)
It is like nothing seems to matters anymore, the constitution and the rest of the framing documents were taken out back, put on the wall inside the outhouse, and will remain there until spent.
that right there ☝
Excellent video! 👍
And she isn’t even eligible to be president!
Which is a major requirement for being the VP.
who can challenge that tho??
and is it too late to do so?
Uk is insane. Fines, 3 tests, quarantine, jail.
UK COVID Police State: Travelers Must Quarantine In Hotel, Have 3 Tests, Face 10 Years Jail For Avoiding “The Law”
I will never again travel to UK and I hope other people will not either. Wonder how long the people in UK put up with this? My great nice goes to St Andrew University. and I wonder if she has been allowed at this point to attend or if she is still on Internet. this is her first year. She is studying chemistry. She was born in London at the age of 6 her parents moved back to Germany. I think she has dual citizenship. Her mother is American.
People in Massachusetts and California are putting up with the same kind of restrictions.
There are other US states, too, that have similar restrictions.
I am just finished with travel. Yes lots of people are restricted. No air plane for me or long travel.
Fair enough.
I will miss going to the south of France this year.
South of France is beautiful 🙂
Sorry you are missing the trip. Maybe next year.
Yes, it is, especially along the coast, where we go.
‘Maybe next year’: I hope and pray. 🙂
What a great school. Its shocking how fascist the govt has become.
It’s crazy but those rules apply to people coming in from ‘red list’ countries. Because of coronavirus, travel is forbidden outside of the UK.
It’s unlikely anyone from the UK would be travelling to most of these countries, anyway:
Have a look at the list.
Ick. Yes, not on my bucket list!
I didn’t think so …
Well Chuck do something about it?
i think we’re seeing what all Chuck intends to do about it sadly…
More talk. More TWs. Chuck trained Ms Lindsey. Its what R-Cons do.
Always grandstanding just like Graham.
You know i thought the lunatics were running the asylum’s of government a long time ago. boy was i wrong!
An extensive step by step documented analysis.
Yes! We were robbed!
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
An abomination!
US university grafts scalps from aborted babies onto ‘humanized’ mice.
Mothers reportedly provided written consent for their aborted children to be used in this research.
This is nauseating – but you can imagine abortion loving democraps like Biden getting scalp transplants instead of plugs.
Asking if the baby can be used in research is standard practice, I believe. That was something that came out of the secret videos done with the Planned Parenthood and StemExpress people a few years ago.
Lord Jesus, come quickly!
It appears that this “research” is linked to, and at least partially paid by, DR. ANTHONY FAUCI’S National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
that man is a scab on all of humanity, isn’t he?
The face of EVIL!
No real mother would allow that even less abort their baby. These women are not mothers. These women have sold their soul.
Paul told us that women would lose thier natural affection. this is just hideous
American Thinker
Occupied DC™
Grammar Nazi sees an extraneous apostrophe.
And an incorrect captalized noun…but i dont mind too much unless its meme school.
Which i take to mean that soon we will be eating human flesh under the guise of pork, change my mind.
seeing headlines that videos are emerging of Schmucky and Mittens running for their lives from the angry mob in the capitol mixer. but the videos do not SHOW the angry mob…just schmucky and mittens running–first turning one way down a hall and then turning to go the other way.
I submit they had burritos for lunch and got the runs…prove me wrong.
Running from Eric Swalwell.
true, true!
with the gas they emit they can fly to china. AND STAY THERE
Is there a way to determine if a person who first logs in is on the first page of comments without scrolling down and locating the page indicator on the left, located not at a certain place on the page but placed for maximum inconvenience at an indeterminate location depending on where the comments for a given page happen to end, right above the equally puzzling location of who has commented recently and in what thread?
This is a critical question of the highest importance and is a maximum priority. Or not.
LOL … ok. Thought so!
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
I did not know the reference but looked it up and laughed!
Sokath his eyes opened.
We all better learn Tamarian, and real fast.
For example:
The Bills are going to the Super Bowl =
Joe Biden didn’t win.
Criminals don’t care about gun laws.
And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.
this would blow their case right out of the water, so of course, there will be no conclusions on the case, till impeachment is over.
In the comments, many good questions.
mRNA: Persistence Rewarded – Watts Up With That?
Nancy seems to nearly always get what she wants and certainly has no consequences . I really wish her evil was laid bare.
Julie Ponzi (@JuliePonzi) Tweeted:
@julie_kelly2 Constitutional questions are basically of an antiquarian or academic interest at this point, I’d say. There’s a reason Nancy Pelosi laughed when asked about the constitutionality of Obamacare. We didn’t reflect sufficiently about that at the time. She knew.
Found on Gab.
I wonder how long these would stay in your system?
And…JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.
0.15mm by 0.15 mm — about the size of grains of fine sand. They would stick in the capillaries if injected into the bloodstream — instant infarct. Presumably they would be covered or the chemically active environment in the body will start attacking then and they would stop working. In fact, anywhere inside the body would be shielded by the ions in it — a situation similar to radio having been used underwater.
Actually, looking at Hitachi’s home page, these things have been around since 2006… so if they were used for nefarious purposes that would presumably have been well known by now. Besides, they operate at 2450 MHz, same as microwave ovens, which is probably one of the least useful frequencies for communicating with something inside a body.
Now GPS operates at 1227.60 MHz and 1575.42 MHz, so these chips do not operate with GPS. According to Hitachi, each of these chips have a fixed serial number, which is read by some kind of appropriate low-power wand.
Putting something like this into people’s clothes or hair might be possible in that it will work until next laundry or shower. As far as tracking people is concerned, cell phones, face-recognition, gait recognition and such non-invasive methods are superior.
AGREE – that meme is pretty far-fetched.
Unfortunately it is NOT far-fetched at all. Farmers researched this subject when they were trying to get us to micro-chip all our livestock. AKA NAIS – The National Animal Identification System. It was meant to TRACK the movement of ALL livestock in the USA from birth to death. NOTE THE DATE!!! 1989 so it has been in use in animals for THIRTY YEARS!!!
Livestock Microchip ID Systems
My cats are chipped just in case they get out and also my dogs. I never thought anyone tracking chipped animals?
I was concerned when they wanted to chip children and some people thought it was a good idea.
There was also talk to chip elderly people in nursing homes specially those with Alzheimer.
I never knew they chip farm animals?
A pretense that sounds reasonable actually can have nefarious implications and consequences?
The livestock chips are passive and used mainly at livestock sales yards or when buying breeding stock. Sort of like the lip tattoo used on race horses as an ID. Now they use a chip and a reader.
Thank you for your explanation
Thank you, Slowcreek!
That is very good to know.
Actually depends on the TYPE of injection. The ones we do on livestock are subcutaneous and do not bleed.
“A subcutaneous injection is a shot given into the fat layer between the skin and muscle. Subcutaneous injections are used to give small amounts and certain kinds of medicine.”
Also remember that we ‘microchip’ animals now. AND it has been tested on people.
Published July 16, 2006, Last Update January 13, 2015
New Jersey Hospital to Implant Microchips in Patients’ Arms
09/30/2009 – Microchip implants ready for use with swine flu vaccine
Photo from the article:
Yes there are the chips like these that go into dogs and other animals, that can be read as an identifier. But these would be packaged differently than the bare silicon chips, and implanted in a known or standard location on the implantee.
It wouldn’t be possible for people to inadvertently become chipped, I’d think.
In fact, the idea of chipping people have been floated now and then, but there are too many similarities to the warnings of Revelation for this to have made it past the talking stages.
I am wondering now when I got this special flu shot last year on the place where the needle went it I still had a tiny bump that itched. It looked like a little pimple but it was not and it itched. I then went opened that spot up that after a year and what ever was there is out. The spot healed real good and no more itching.
I am now wondering if i had a chip in the spot? Drove me crazy for a year.
It’s a good thing you can think for yourself. Of course, that means that you are an enemy of the deep state.
We’re all enemies of the deep state, the people who drink bottled water from a spring somewhere in the northern part of the country, and take injections of saline to pacify the people during photo ops.
I do not care what they think 🙂
What keeps the chip from moving to other parts of the body? I caught a pencil in school and the point broke off in the palm of my hand. It was never removed but could be seen through the skin after it healed.
The pencil lead was between my thumb and forefinger on the palm side, eventually showed up on the outside of my hand and is making its way toward my wrist. It is and always has been the size of the head of a pin.
I have asphalt in my knee 1″ x 1/4″ shows up black and has never moved.
Time frame for both is about 50+ years. I realize an animal wouldn’t live that long but if you injected a young child, the chip may or may never be found.
Small note here. The nano tech stuff dissolving in liquid has been a known problem since the 80’s. The work around solution has been to manipulate organic materials that will hold new shapes and bonds with the type of properties they wish to approximate. The extent of their success happens between the 80’s and present. An indicator may also be the amount of money that has gone into nano tech at the school, manufacturing and business level. There are index’s for nanotech on the stock market.
Nano tech is also quite able to blend with other tech sciences. From Bio tech to information technology and any in between.
The original theory was if you can imagine it, it can be done as long as you can write a program for it. To what macro and realistic level is any of this being done is what remains a mystery only because no one really focuses on it. The information exists but is quite complex and in the “look! a squirrel” enviorment it’s doubtful that common folk will get a good grip on what’s happening.
Something I came across yesterday claims that this is why the six feet/social distancing is being pushed. In order for biometric information to be accurately retrieved, humans have to be that far apart. Otherwise, you get interference from others.
IMO, all the more reason to be closer together.
Makes sense.
Plus there is the demoralizing/depressing aspect of keeping people apart…so it’s a two-fer.
yep, I’m a hugger…always have been (just a warning if we ever all get together…lol)
this has not stopped me tho
I’m fond of saying:
You’ve got a half hour to stop doing that.
Well, sex is a better reason to be close together. As in real close.
There is a great new version of the Trump Tweet Archive – much easier to search.
For example – here is the search for ‘courage’
does the shit show start at the same time today?
No clue.
It’s live now on RSBN. –
saw an unverified statement that Jeep (fiat/chrysler/whatever) is now owned by Stellantis which the statement says is 54% owned by China. I don’t know how to research that so I’m hoping the excellent researchers here can point me in the right direction…wiki said nothing…where do I go to find out who owns the company?
(curious because of the RED STAR they use in their ad)
July 17, 2020 Stellantis — seriously? Exploring the pros and cons of Chrysler’s new name
Merger Of FCA And Groupe PSA Into Stellantis Now Complete
Where that article gets interesting is in the comments by Ace Spades (HMMMmmmm I wonder who that might be?)
He gets this snark back (Chinese bot?):
Ace Spades response:
thanks so much Gail. I had found articles which said everything you posted up to Ace of Spades comments…that’s the stuff I couldn’t find on line.
now I am so conflicted…I bought a Jeep because of its height off the ground. the creek rises sometimes and the angle into and out of the stream can play hell with a wheel base…the jeep was a perfect fit. now she’s gonna be 15 years old in 11 days and we were considering buying a new one…
Yea. Presently have a Ram and a Jeep. Have been planning on a new Ram. Gotta rethink this a bit.
us too!
Toyota makes good trucks. Likewise Mercedes and Volvo.
Yea. I need to look at the Tundra. Made in Texas. Last I looked, pricey. Which is what drove me away from Ford. Very pricey.
Ram was absolutely best dollar for the bells and whistles. GREAT ride. At the time warranty far better than the rest – Toyota, Chevy/GMC (gvmt motors), and Ford.
These days warranties all the same. I think.
But yes, I do need to look at Tundra again.
That is one reason we are keeping out 25+ year old trucks!!! Thank goodness for good mechanics.
Great background Gail. Thanks.
With nothing to show but years of patient waiting in hope by some MAGA supporters who trusted in him and in others. 🙁
So another DO-NOTHING “attorney” who was supposed to be working for We, The People, resigned because RobberJoe told him to?
AND — RobberJoe is “asking” ALL THE OTHER U.S. attorneys appointed by President Trump to resign, also.
Huber, Durham, Barr, even Sessions were disappointing in protecting President Trump administration and policies from illegal attacks.
Didn’t I hear that Biden fired all the US attorneys? Most presidents seem to do that at the beginning of their term. But, of course, Joe Biden is NOT our president.
IF Huber had any integrity he’d have made the bastards fire him. Why go out like a docile shill for deep state. (Yea, because he is.)
Another dodge BETRAYAL of Americans.
Actually I think he DID get fired. ALL of the DOJ except the Durham Special Council did according to what I read here.
Thanks for the update. My post was reacting to the “resignation”.
I dunno about this…
There is a lot of competition for “largest asshoe” out there…but Mitch is probably in the top 10.
And…ว໐ē ๖i໓ēຖ ໓i໓ຖ’t ຟiຖ.
Morning Miss Pat🥰🍌🍌🤗
Mmm…bacon! 😍
but i will personally defend your right to it!
She did that on purpose, Pat – she knew you did not like bacon –
that’s okay…I love her anyway!
I know – she is especially lovable!!!
as are you dear heart!
* Blushing * – I am
Good Afternoon!
That’s a Parscale video? ….Interesting.
Is Brad back in the picture?
He’s trying to worm his way back in. Been making pro POTUS tweets, comments on winning campaign strategy,…..
Parscale integrity evaporated even before he was demoted from leading the reelection.
Totally lost focus on the prize – REELECTED.
Among many other things, His finances are very SKETCHY.
So is his wife.
he tweeted something recently telling REALPOTUS if he was ready, brad was willing to fight with him
Hope Parscale is no longer in play.
Trump 2020 fund raising while quite successful, went off the rails. Their over the top text, email heavy handed fund pursuit turned off many.
Yes – Surprised me, too, Wheatie!!!
Thanks, Dora. Excellent editorial.
More from Glenn Greenwald, hardly a Trump supporter. The tweets are part of a thread:
Bank of America Doxing Its Customers Isn’t Just A Scandal – It Could Be A Crime – Revolver
12 U.S. Code § 3403 holds that:
The provisions of federal law that allow financial records to be turned over to the government are limited. They have to be. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution explicitly protects the “persons, houses, papers, and effects” of Americans from all “unreasonable searches and seizures.” If a financial institution believes a customer is breaking the law, they are allowed to notify the federal government that they possess such information. But even then, financial information cannot be turned over. The institution can only inform the federal government of the person’s name, and the crime it believes it has evidence of. Bank of America could not possibly have such evidence about its customers, because all the activity it was reporting to the federal government was perfectly legal.
Otherwise, for the government to get private financial information, it must present a written request, a subpoena, or a warrant. A warrant requires specific probable cause of a crime. Subpoenas and written requests both require notifying the account owner, in case they wish to contest having the information handed over. A handful of other exceptions to federal law exist. For instance, the director of the FBI can demand financial information from banks specifically to stop cases of international (but not domestic) terrorism.
Needless to say, none of that has happened here. Bank of America was simply contacted by the FBI, given a long list of legal activities occurring in two states plus the District of Columbia, and replied by handing over the personal information of hundreds of customers.
There needs to be a class action lawsuit. Let B of A pay all their attorney fees from whatever the FIB does to them. But of course, there won’t be. Our side never fights back.
Warroom reporting Chyna banned BBC for it’s ‘Fake News’ reporting on WHO.
Yes, but, a few days earlier, the UK’s Ofcom did not renew the licence for CGTV (China Global Television).
Does anyone here know what “QAnon” is?
February 11, 2021
10:54 am CST
No Comments
Survey: More Than a Quarter of White Evangelicals Believe Core QAnon Conspiracy Theory
By Jack Jenkins
A new survey reports more than a quarter of white evangelical Protestants believe a QAnon conspiracy theory that purports former President Donald Trump is secretly battling a cabal of pedophile Democrats, and roughly half express support for the claim that antifa was responsible for the recent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
Experts say the data point to a widening ideological divide not only between white evangelicals and other religious groups in the country, but also between white evangelical Republicans and other members of their own party.
The survey, which was conducted by the conservative American Enterprise Institute, reported 29% of Republicans and 27% of white evangelicals — the most of any religious group — believe the widely debunked QAnon conspiracy theory is completely or mostly accurate. QAnon has infiltrated other faiths as well, with 15% of white mainline Protestants, 18% of white Catholics, 12% of non-Christians, 11% of Hispanic Catholics and 7% of Black Protestants saying they believe it.
In addition, large subsets of each group — ranging from 37% of non-Christians to 50% of Hispanic Catholics — said they “weren’t sure” whether the theory was true.
According to Daniel Cox, director of AEI’s Survey Center on American Life, the report suggests conspiracy theories enjoy a surprising amount of support in general, but white evangelicals appear to be particularly primed to embrace them.
“There’s this really dramatic fissure,” he said.
There was also significant support among white evangelicals for the claim that members of antifa, or anti-fascist activists, were “mostly responsible” for the attack on the U.S. Capitol — a claim repeated by former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and conservative religious leaders such as the Rev. Franklin Graham. FBI officials have said there is “no indication” antifa played a role in the insurrection.
Even so, the story has had staying power in the minds of many Americans, including 49% of white evangelical Protestants who said the antifa claim was completely or mostly true. So did 36% of white Catholics, 35% of Hispanic Catholics, 33% of white mainline Protestants, 25% of Black Protestants and 19% of non-Christians.
Among the religiously unaffiliated, 22% also expressed belief in the theory.
Asked to explain why white evangelicals appear disproportionately likely to embrace conspiracy theories, Cox noted that, as a group, they do not fit a stereotype of conspiracy theorists as people disconnected from social interaction. Instead, most retain strong connections to various social groups.
But white evangelicals stand out in a different way: The vast majority say some or a lot of their family members (81%) or friends (82%) voted for Trump in the 2020 election — more than any other religious group.
“People who do strongly believe in these things are not more disconnected — they are more politically segregated,” Cox said.
According to Daniel Cox, director of AEI’s Survey Center on American Life, the report suggests conspiracy theories enjoy a surprising amount of support in general, but white evangelicals appear to be particularly primed to embrace them.
“There’s this really dramatic fissure,” he said.
There was also significant support among white evangelicals for the claim that members of antifa, or anti-fascist activists, were “mostly responsible” for the attack on the U.S. Capitol — a discredited claim repeated by former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and conservative religious leaders such as the Rev. Franklin Graham. FBI officials have said there is “no indication” antifa played a role in the insurrection.
Even so, the story has had staying power in the minds of many Americans, including 49% of white evangelical Protestants who said the antifa claim was completely or mostly true. So did 36% of white Catholics, 35% of Hispanic Catholics, 33% of white mainline Protestants, 25% of Black Protestants and 19% of non-Christians.
Among the religiously unaffiliated, 22% also expressed belief in the theory.
Asked to explain why white evangelicals appear disproportionately likely to embrace conspiracy theories, Cox noted that, as a group, they do not fit a stereotype of conspiracy theorists as people disconnected from social interaction. Instead, most retain strong connections to various social groups.
But white evangelicals stand out in a different way: The vast majority say some or a lot of their family members (81%) or friends (82%) voted for Trump in the 2020 election — more than any other religious group.
“People who do strongly believe in these things are not more disconnected — they are more politically segregated,” Cox said.
AEI or American Enterprise Institute?
Remember that Ski Island gathering of Anti-Trumpers in 2016?
Yeah. That one.
That was an AEI gathering.
Pucker-faced neocons like AEI give conservatives a bad name!
And anyone pushing what they’re selling gets the side-eye from me.
Not talking about you, Michael.
I’m talking about the author of this article.
Good ole AEI at work, you’re right
My late husband was the secretary for a short time of the original group, the American Enterprise Association (the old AEA). Once it became the AEI, he severed his ties with them. His opinion was that the group was taken over by what he called “Wall Street types”.
“Sea Island” ….. Not “Ski” island
Tom Cotton from Arkansas was there.
Yes, you’re right Rayzor.
I noticed my error after it was too late to edit.
It happens 🙂
“Does anyone here know what “QAnon” is?”
QAnon is a Conspiracy that Lefty Communists believe in. 𝑸 on the other hand..
From the Epoch Times
If someone can help make this more shareable, that would be great . . .
Infographic: How the CCP Seeks to Control America
Here’s another version of it, let’s see if the image comes through:
Great – it enlarges perfectly on my mac laptop.
Michael – your post above this one is a double repeat – you can probably edit/remove the duplication before someone comments.
Abrams and Warnock under investigation for voter registration fraud
Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) is under investigation in his own state over allegations that an organization that he was a part of engaged in voter registration misconduct.
The Georgia State Election Board voted unanimously on Wednesday, 3-0, to move forward with an investigation into the organization, which was founded by left-wing activist Stacey Abrams, over allegations that the organization did not follow deadlines.
Video: Gordon Chang: Cooperation With Communist China Impossible—It Seeks to Overthrow America
BY JAN JEKIELEK February 10, 2021 Updated: February 10, 2021
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stated the United States will work with allies to hold the Chinese regime accountable. But at the same time, the Biden administration seeks to cooperate with the Chinese leadership in areas like the pandemic and climate change.
But does this really make sense?
In this episode, we sit down with China analyst Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” to discuss President Joe Biden’s recent executive orders and the future of US-China relations.
This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek.
Gordon Chang:
Keystone Pipeline cancellation benefits China
Reduces the market for Canadian oil
Means that Canada will be forced to dump the oil on the market to anyone they can sell to
That means China gets it at a low price
Canuk pipeline to Canuk western ports. To top off Chinee tankers.
IIRC, Twinkle Socks promised to do this four plus years ago ,IF the US did NOT build pipelines south from Canukland.
Another reason Chinee chose to install, his fraudulency, Viceroy Beijing Biden.
They may be communist and woke but they are parasites and need that US money to survive too. They want Keystone to keep the government propped up.
We know what the Chinese ultimate goal is, because they tell us.
The Chinese tell us that they believe that the world should not be run under some Westphalian order of competing sovereign states.
The Chinese emporers believe they have a right and obligation to rule everything under heaven – “all under heaven,” “mandate of heaven”
They talk about the Moon and Mars as sovereign Chinese territory.
Absolute rule of this planet, and absolute rule of everything else.
If fracking stops and now the pipeline has been stopped oil gas will become very expensive. Not only that but all the plastic products we use have oil based in it.
We have moved from glass bottles to plastic because it is cheap. Biden created a mess for us .
Of course he did – all the Democrats stand to make TRILLION$$$$ from Petro-dollar inflation.
It always all about money.
Not only will gasoline become expensive, the price of ANY item made with an oil / petroleum derivative or made using oil in the manufacturing process (factory machinery, etc.) will ALSO go up. That translates to everything from textiles or an item purchased to wear / bottled gas (propane) / natural gas / electricity, etc. etc.
Will affect low income people and fixed income people the most.
Remember TRANSPORTATION costs of everything you buy goes up and of all the raw materials that manufacturers buy.
In the mid 70s the gas prices doubled (OPEC oil embargo) and the price of EVERYTHING doubled or MORE.
The biggest winner of the pipeline cancellation (renegotiation, really. Big Guy wants his Cut) is/was Warren Buffet. He was transporting the oil in railway tankers. He donated millions to faux biden.
Map from 2014 of the Keystone pipeline: IIRC a couple governors have already told 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗕𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻 to go pound sand with his EO.
Who the hell drew that map?
I’m not taking about the pipeline route which for all I know is perfectly fine. I’m talking about that alleged map of the United States.
But the US border doesn’t jog like that at the Minnesota/North Dakotal line.
I’m going to have to adopt this tactic to know when people are plagiarizing my maps 😉 Put in some inconsequential but blatantly wrong geography and watch when people copy my work.
At first I thought you were talking about Alberta becoming one of the U.S. states!
Map makers do it already. I know of a West Virginia map with an exit that does not exist and a Taxachusetts map with an entire subdivision that does not exist. (It is actually an apple orchard.)
That would seem to be a good way to trap vote scammers who might use maps as a method of gathering addresses for their fake voters.
I figured that was just highlighted as part of the route.
However, it’s probably the most “American” of the Canadian provinces.
Back in the mid 90s there was a real possibility Quebec would secede from Canada, and apparently one of the premiers (governors, in our parlance) of the Maritimes said he’d have no choice but to try to join the US if it happened since they’d be cut off from the rest of Canada. (the Maritimes being New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, largely like New England in many ways.)
A deliberate subtle error is a common tactic by mapmakers to catch copiers. For street maps, a nonexistent culdesac or somethe like that.
I figured that was just highlighted as part of the route.
However, it’s probably the most “American” of the Canadian provinces.
Back in the mid 90s there was a real possibility Quebec would secede from Canada, and apparently one of the premiers (governors, in our parlance) of the Maritimes said he’d have no choice but to try to join the US if it happened since they’d be cut off from the rest of Canada. (the Maritimes being New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, largely like New England in many ways.)
Jim Maisano
From the American Institute of Economic Research:
The Question of Masks
Masking a careful Review of the Evidence
And she will probably get it, too.
The Cho Xiden regime doesn’t want her singing and telling what she knows.
It was probably someone in the DOJ that told her to ask for this dismissal.
probably barr
She had better have REALLY GOOD Security….
Yep…and all the stuff she knows on flash drives, stashed away somewhere with a dead-man’s-switch.
That would be her best security.
Watch CIA or FBI protectiong her (S)
Thanks Mary…
Here is the article and it is a bombshell
Bombshell: Dems Knew About Capitol Riot Plans ‘for Months’ in Advance of Capitol Building Attack
There is an article about the Police Chief’s 8 page letter and a link to his letter in my comment yesterday HERE (Wolfies’ buffalo jump the intolerable lie bottom of the page)
It came from this toot
So it looks like, in trying to call Sund a liar they tripped over their own tongues .
Read both articles, but make sure you are not eating or drinking.
As 𝑸 said These people are STUPID!
Do not forget they would not ALLOW the National Guard and the Capital Police were intentionally undermanned….
Then there is this in the article above:
….𝕒𝕟 𝔽𝔹𝕀 𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕒….
Again at Wolfie’s latest buffalo jump starting HERE.
A former Navy & SAC-level FBI man was in on the planning of the Capitol Hill “riot”. He is held on CONSPIRACY charges.
He quit the navy in 2009 and was in the FBI for ONE YEAR 2009-2010
What was happening then???
The Oath Keepers Formed in March 2009
April 16, 2009 Napolitano stands by the controversial Department of Homeland Security report which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S along with ordinary American patriots. (Other wise know as the OATH KEEPERS!!!)
Wolfie added the final piece to the puzzle.
And BINGO!!! it is an FBI office in Virginia who issued the warning and NOT an FBI OFFICE IN OHIO!!!
So I would BET dollars to donuts (If the LEOs didn’t eat them all) that Thomas Caldwell was ASSIGNED BY THE OBAMA FIB to INFILTRATE THE OATH KEEPERS….
I have to say I thought part of his letter was BS. Didn’t he say they were heavily armed? And that CP fought for hours? Their is no reason they didn’t have NG on stand by. Well I guess we do know why. Then he say’s they finally get the Capital cleared at 4:00. I wasn’t there but I’ll bet most Trump supporters were far gone by then. If people were still their at 3:00 they should have locked all doors and arrested everyone inside.
Come on Sund we all saw CP let them in the doors and wave people on, didn’t you? Perhaps take a look at the real news now.
Super Bowl Ratings Continue to Crash, as the Left Scratch Their Heads – The Blue State Conservative
Former NFL fans are tired of anti-American, leftist activist, filthy rich NFL owners and their commissioner trashing our great country as they line their pockets. In just six years, 23 million Americans have said “enough.” If you weren’t one of those 23 million last Sunday, you should have been. And you should consider joining us and making that number even larger next year.
Amen…they are anti-American
There’s a reason I call it the billionaire boys club.
LOL it’s true.
A fun exercise, when people talk about how much pro athletes are paid.
Ask why are they paid so much? First answer is how they perform.
But just performing doesn’t pay the bills – where does the money come from? Sponsorships, advertising, some merch sales. Mostly as a result of brand development.
Where does that money come from? Companies paying to get their message out.
So think about this, they are paying out the nose for a single commodity: Your attention during a sports program.
You think you are just having fun. But they are willing to pay top dollar for your time and attention.
So think about this: What is your time and attention worth? Because according to these companies, it’s worth A LOT. And you give it to them freely.
Wonder what would happen to slime media (the BORG)
if only 1/2 of Americans pulled the plug on just cable alone…
we just THINK we are powerless…
we CHOOSE to be….
I pulled the plug decades ago in 1976, my PERSONAL REVOLUTION!
Good for you… bit later here, early 90s
I was actually thinking more along the lines of the ownership than the players with that moniker.
I’d love to see Jerry Jones fired – along with the majority of Dallas residents 😉
NFL is quite similar to the NBA, MLB…ALL them spoiled millionare players and billionaire owners that hate on America and Americans..
^^^ 100% D E A D to me. ^^^
Edmunds: “Every Single Tesla We’ve Tested Has Failed To Hit Its EPA Range Estimate”
Tyler Durden’s Photo
WEDNESDAY, FEB 10, 2021 – 16:48
As Tesla slides on Wednesday…
… perhaps as Elon Musk spends his days tweeting about Dogecoin, buying bitcoin as a distraction to Tesla’s newfound troubles in China as Michael Burry noted, or perhaps as a small subatomic dose of reality trickles into the Tesla cultist-sphere – Edmunds, one of the most reputable online resources for automotive information, dropped a bombshell about Tesla vehicles.
Edmunds, which is tasked with reviewing, analyzing and writing about automobiles and has been doing so since 1966, tweeted that “every single Tesla” they have tested “has failed to hit its EPA range estimate”:
In other words, Tesla vehicles don’t live up to the range that the company claims – at all.
Even though it’s the EPA…they’re not talking about a ‘range’ of emissions or pollution.
They’re talking about miles-per-charge-up, since these are electric cars.
Some of these are rather significant differences.
For example:
2018 Tesla Model 3 — 310 miles claimed — 256 miles when tested.
That’s a 17.4% difference!
That means you could get stranded out there when the charge runs out, long before you were figuring on doing a recharge.
Some of the other models tested a bit better…at 10.4%, 9.6% and 7.2% less range than claimed.
But that could still leave you stranded.
Which can be, you know…kind of dangerous, depending on where your vehicle stops running.
They’re great around the city. Not so much if you have far to go or need to evacuate.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t spend ~$40k for a car that’s great for going around the corner to pick up groceries.
Oh, me either, Michael.
Give me a pickup with a spare can of gas in the back, and I’m a happy camper.
JUST MAKE IT A DIESEL. Actually our Dually has a 100 gal tank in the bed with a gravity flow into the regular tank. = 1800 mile or more range depending on what we are hauling
I’d be fubarred. I’m notorious for waiting to the very end to get gas. A few years back was my absolute worst. In my older vehicle, warning light came on way to TX Med Ctr. Returning home, I was a shaking wreck, refusing to get off the freeway until I could find a ‘safe’ gas station, then got stuck in miles of nothing. Finally, 20 miles later, trying to calm down and thanking God, the screen on the gas pump informed me that I had less than two tenths of a gallon left.😨😬😱 Lesson learned, I will never do that again! My new vehicle tells me how many miles I have left and I’ve only let the warning light come on a couple of times in 2 years.
bfly, always nice to see you…
Butterfly, I ALWAYS fill-up each time I return home from a trip. At this point my fuel gauge AND my odometer (That tells how many miles you have gone) have not worked in years. That means I use a map and do the calculations in my head to determine went to fill up if I drive a long distance.
Hubby has been working on putting new gears in the odometer for me so I will at least know how many miles I have driven. The fuel gauge sender in the tank is hopeless but at least the low fuel light will still come on. I let Hubby drive my truck, 🙄 so that is how I know.
Oh and since it is a diesel if you run out of fuel you can not just put fuel in the tank and go. Instead you have to loosen each injector and crank the engine until fuel leaks out of each cylinder and THEN tight everything back down to the correct specification.
I ran out of fuel (I was NOT driving) ONCE! NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!
“…2018 Tesla Model 3 — 310 miles claimed — 256 miles when tested….”
That is a lot like the MPG ratings that gas cars NEVER live up to.
Is it Musk or the EPA that is making the range claims? It sounds like the EPA is making those claims. So Musk is not really to blame for the poor method of EPA testing.
Now if it were to come out there was a kickback or fukkery going on….
…like the way that faux biden didnt win, then that is a bigger problem
Day 3: How Much Longer Will the Impeachment Trial Last?
Horrific vehicle crash in Texas.
Icy roads in North Texas are always a huge problem. Too many cars that drive w/ bald tires.
Interstate 35 is a road also apparently used by illegal alien drivers (per the old “America’s Truckin’ Network” radio show for truckers, now cancelled by 700WLW).
Yes, no doubt on that. Just look at a map and it’s obvious why.
If you look at the ENTIRE interstate system from that view…one has to ask just why it was put into place to begin with.
It wasn’t big enough, so Guv Rick Perry proposed the Trans-Texas Corridor to build the NAFTA Superhighway. The extension would connect up to Winnipeg.
Yeah…somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen.
No the Chinese wouldn’t like dirty Latino coming int THEIR Canada.
The pile up in Texas is horrific.
We were supposed to take Woodford to the vet and get his shots. When he woke up the streets had a 3 ” snow cover over ice. The streets had not been plowed therefore we called the vet visit off. Better be safe than sorry. Both my husband and I are good drivers in snow and our cars are well suited for bad weather but it is other people I am concerned about. The road leading to the vet is a narrow country road.
The sun is out the snow has melted a little and still on my street no one has put salt down. We live on the bottom of a steep hill and sometimes in this weather I see cars sliding down the hill backwards.
It appears the House Managers and their Pawns are still at it – Not watching – Muted
LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 3
Allegedly, they have (8) hours left to make their case – ACLJ explains
okay let me say this (and apologize for the profanity)
they are fucking JEALOUS of the loyalty and support REALPOTUS has.
they couldn;t instill loyalty in a ham sandwich…so they resort to fear…fear only gets you so far…then it boomerangs back on you…
Brava! (no apology needed)
NO politician has ever received the love and loyalty Donald J. Trump has… NONE…
I agree 110% with Mr Meister.
Why in H3ll doesn’t Pompeo call it for what it really is —
sissypants or cillini or whatever is claiming that a rioter was quoted as saying they wanted to shoot nanzi and kill her…everybody that went to the capitol were you allowed to bring in guns??
DeSantis tells Biden/Obama: Hell no!
Ditto the propaganda press!
go get the bastards!!!!!
I wish we had 50 of him.
now we have to investigate the repub senators for “delaying” the hearing on the 6th so the rioters could reach the capitol…the STUPID is strong in this one…
yeah sure you go start looking at that.thats all you people do is hold hearings and citrus ream us up the ass when you make laws. I dont believe anything you say and never will again. why dont all of you so called republicans just say that your democrat’s?
oxymoron…senate ethics
GOP better ask nanXi for their balls back.
They HAVE balls???
HAD–past tense
A witness says that Kevin Greeson, who died of a heart attack on January 6, was first struck in the eye by a Capitol Hill police projectile.
“The dude next to me [was hit] square right in the eye with a paint ball pepper ball, he just dropped.”
EXCLUSIVE: Witness Says Man Who Died of Heart Attack on Jan 6 Was Shot In Face By Capitol Police ProjectileAn witness of the Capitol Hill protests on January 6 reveals that Kevin Greeson, an unarmed pro-Trump protester who diedNational File
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Dissecting the lies on Capitol riot ‘deaths’…Posted by Kane on February 11, 2021 12:10 am
Matt Walsh
Feb 10, 2021
We are told that the DC riot killed five people. Sometimes seven deaths are linked to the riot. But here’s the truth, as far as we’ve been officially told:
Matt Walsh
Of seven deaths, two were officers who committed suicide after the riot. We have never been given any evidence or any reason to believe that their suicides had anything to do with the riot. This is simply an assumption that many have made.
11:44 AM · Feb 10, 2021
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Matt Walsh
Feb 10, 2021
Replying to @MattWalshBlog
Of the five who died in or shortly after the riot, one was a man with a pre existing condition who suffered a heart attack. Another suffered a stroke at some point that day and died in a hospital.
Matt Walsh
One woman collapsed while in a rush of people outside the Capitol and died. We were told she was “trampled to death.” The medical examiner never confirmed that as the cause of death. We have not been given any additional information.
11:44 AM · Feb 10, 2021
Matt Walsh
Feb 10, 2021
Replying to @MattWalshBlog
The fourth civilian death was Ashli Babbitt. She was an unarmed woman shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer inside the Capitol.
Matt Walsh
The fifth death was Officer Sicknick. We have been given absolutely no official information about his death at all. The only thing they’re telling us is that he was at the riot and later died. The autopsy results are being withheld. Nobody has been arrested for his murder.
11:44 AM · Feb 10, 2021
Matt Walsh
Feb 10, 2021
Replying to @MattWalshBlog
So of the five deaths linked to the riot, only one — Babbit — can be conclusively considered a death caused by violence during the riot. Only the violence in this case was done by a cop. That is what we know right now. If anyone knows more, they aren’t telling us.
Matt Walsh
Does this matter? Yes, because the truth matters. Also because the “deadly riot” characterization is how they’re justifying the military occupation of DC. People died. It’s tragic. But the how and the why really matter. A lot.
11:46 AM · Feb 10, 2021
Good stuff. They KILL US and BLAME THE VICTIM.
That’s how we know we’re dealing with CHICOMS.
Alinsky, Communist, Fascist, 3rd world tactics.
LOL afraid of the truth much?
When do people take desperate actions?
Is it when they are in a strong position, or is it when they are weak?
Weapons grade Hopium warning!
My fantasy is on the day the Trump team presents the evidence for the defense, they either bring in or show video confessions of the false flag actors and organizers, including ‘Ashli Babbitt’ all being under arrest and held in a secure secret location….giving evidence that members of Congress are involved in the planning and funding of the ‘riot’ – AND – the Election Fraud.
Then, boom, boom, boom – in come military police and arrest a whole bunch of the nasty fake legislators.
Meanwhile, they arrest Kemp, Raffensperger, Abrams in Georgia and other election fraud perps across the country!!! With bail set at $1Million each.
Oh – you are right. Much better.
sounds good to me!
Oh, yeah. “It would be great!”
It’s OK to hold out some hope.
Just to remember what justice looks like.
5 Times Joe Biden Openly Urged Violence Against Political Opponents (
Ace is riffing on a theme we’ve been talking about – not giving our money to people who are trying to kill us.
“But whatever we do, whether we just go without, or pirate, or share, we must stop giving Nazis our money. It is an absolute moral imperative for any conservative or patriot or ethical human being to resist Nazi control to the utmost.
By any means necessary.
There is no more social compact. The left has voided it.
That means that we are free from it as well. We are liberated from the rules and laws that restrain ethical period during a period of civil peace.”
This is really good stuff. I really think this matches up with all of the “don’t trade with them” voices.
Even in NY it is possible to find MAGA to sell you things or do a service. This needs to be part of the resistance.
THIS RIGHT HERE !!!!! This is the biggest complaint I have with dems–not relying on FACTS, but press reports…if you can’t be bothered to take the time to investigate yourself, you cannot have a freakin’ hearing let alone an impeachment!!! What in the blue blazes are we paying you asswipes for????
Disputed words
Due in part to the tight timeline of impeachment and the decision to not call any witnesses so far, some of the points brought up by impeachment managers rely on press reports rather than indisputable fact. That issue caused confusion and ruckus on the House floor when Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee objected to one point of the presentation.
Impeachment manager Rep. David Cicilline cited news stories that said Trump called Lee during the Capitol invasion on accident, meaning to reach Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville. Cicilline said that Trump reportedly asked Tuberville to make more objections to delay certification of Electoral College results, painting a picture of a president indifferent to the Capitol attack.
Lee later objected to that anecdote being included in the record, saying that the statements “were not made by me, they’re not accurate.” Raskin later said they would work on withdrawing it, saying it was “not critical to our case.”
Fishers of Men – 20210210
Living intentionally with God.
Peace Be Still – 20210211
The Golden Calf.
Storm Dispatch – 20210211
Federalist Paper # 17
This is expanding DON’T TRADE WITH THEM in new tech ways.
I think of it like this. I am one person, with limited time, resources, energy and money.
If I have extra of any of those, and a leftist wants some of it, if I give it to them and a Patriot asks later, I don’t have it to give.
Who deserves my resources more? The people who helped get us into this nightmare, or the people who are suffering but did nothing to contribute to our current situation?
I am conserving what I have to help those who, like me and all of us here, will be paying the price for other people’s ignorance or evil intentions.
And the more of us who do this, the more resources we collectively have to get through to the other side, whether that is a month or ten years from now.
You know what the ultimate, juicy, BIBLICAL irony of your position really is?
That’s why it’s real. That’s why it works.
“Science is real, leftists. Science is real. And it went from YOUR LIPS to GOD’S EAR.”
I find it amazing. CREATION says “We’ll see about that, Democrats.”
I’ve already resisted buying a lot of things from these people. Thousands of dollars they did not get because they got woke and canceled people like Gab.
Survival of the fittest, baby!
God’s ways are the only true ways. And God ALWAYS wins.
The Meitryx
NBC News Calls Chinese Communist Party An ‘Ally’
The National Pulse
NBC News Calls Chinese Communist Party An ‘Ally’ – The National Pulse
The February 11th tweet equates China to other American allies including Britain and France while detailing which countries President Biden has called.
Lisa Mei Crowley
New court docs say George Floyd had “fatal level” of fentanyl in his system |
MINNEAPOLIS — New documents filed in the George Floyd case give new information about the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s findings in Floyd’s autopsy.
Handwritten notes of a law enforcement interview with Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, say Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his system.
“If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3,” Baker told investigators.
In another new document, Baker said, “That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”
But then Baker added, “I am not saying this killed him.”
Defense attorneys for the officers have signaled they will argue Floyd died from the drugs and pre-existing health conditions.
The new documents say Floyd had a “heavy heart” and “at least one artery was approximately 75% blocked.”
Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of Florida’s medical examiners commission, who is not affiliated with the case, reviewed the new files and says that doesn’t mean the drugs or health condition is what caused Floyd’s death.
“We’ve all had cases where those kinds of of levels come into play. You’ve got to look at the whole picture,” Nelson said. “It’s one thing to die *with* something. It’s another thing to die *from* something.”
The documents say Baker performed the autopsy before watching the videos of police restraining Floyd, with Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck, because Baker wanted to avoid bias in his autopsy.
In Baker’s final report after watching the videos, he ruled Floyd’s death a homicide caused by “law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”
The FBI asked the Armed Forces Medical Examiner to review Baker’s autopsy and they agreed with his findings, writing “his death was caused by the police subdual and restraint” with cardiovascular disease and drug intoxication contributing.”
The next court hearing is scheduled for Sept. 11.
hmmmmm…where have heard that before? dying “with” something rather than “from” something?
Proves guilty knowledge. They can make the proper distinctions when it serves their purposes.
But that is too subtle for many to understand.
HeydonMusicPage/BREAKING”NEW Impeachment News” 2.11.2021
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
Huber out effective 2/28
Let’s see what happens before then
The timing of this just got very INTERESTING 🤔
Stormy Patriot Joe
Colour me surprised. /s
What did Huber ever do for the American people during his investigation for the Trump administration?
Huber’s cover was blown when he sided with FIB against the American people. A virtue-signaling COWARD who let Hillary Clinton off the hook.
Agree fully.
I never had any confidence in Huber.
Did you see or read about Maria Bartiromo’s interview with Peter Navarro last Sunday (Feb. 7)?
He told her that Bill ‘Bad News’ Barr was approving Biden’s first 30 EOs — while slow-walking PDJT’s final EOs. Barr calls this ‘preposterous’: (Epoch Times)
He may have done a lot and Barr blocked him…
or, he may have done nothing and Barr was OK with it
or, he may have done nothing because Barr told him NOT to…
Barr was AG, he was Durham’s supervisor… iirc Barr went to Utah early on after he was confirmed AG
One thing that always bothered me was a rumor that sounded very credible.
Supposedly, Whitaker was furious that Barr wanted to “re-do” everything that had been done by Whitaker and others before Barr got there. Many of us took that as “hopium” that Barr would do it right.
No. Barr knew how to undo everything that had been done. That’s my reading now.
Yes, Barr was gatekeeper for the Bushes, under Poppy and under Trump…
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
Forwarded from
Nonna 2016
Media is too big
My post from February 4th!!
Could Nancy Pelosi’s laptop expose her ties to Soros?
Could Nancy Pelosi’s laptop expose her ties to AntiFa?
Could Nancy Pelosi’s laptop expose ties to arranging and paying for the Capitol mob protest 1/6/21?
Who else might be involved? What did Nancy know and when did she know it? – Devin Nunes
Stormy Patriot Joe
Great thread!
Last one:
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
More twists n turns ahead for this story….
Barr blocked officer’s plea deal in George Floyd case; thought it would be perceived as lenient: report
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Fox News
Barr blocked officer’s plea deal in George Floyd case; thought it would be perceived as lenient: report
Former Attorney General William Barr rejected a plea deal that a former Minneapolis police officer agreed to just days after the May 2020 death of George Floyd, according to a report.
Stormy Patriot Joe
Looks like they’re going after Eric Metaxas, and I don’t just mean Dominion’s lawyers. Julie Roys wants a piece of him too, apparently.
February 11, 2021
3:09 pm CST
No Comments
Eric Metaxas Sued for Defamation Over Claims of Voter Fraud
By Jackson Elliott
Popular Christian radio host Eric Metaxas has been named in a defamation lawsuit for statements Metaxas made concerning voter fraud and Dominion Voting Systems.
The lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems Vice President Eric Coomer accuses several groups of spreading false claims of voter fraud. These resulted in threats of violence to Coomer’s company and Coomer, the suit claims.
Besides Metaxas, the accused include the Donald J. Trump for President campaign, Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, One America News Network and other groups, which made similar claims.
The lawsuit was first released in December, but modified this week.
“Coomer is the Dominion employee who has taken the brunt of these attacks,” the lawsuit states. “He was forced to flee his home in response to the credible threats he has been receiving and continues to receive. He has had to sever ties with friends and family members to stay in seclusion.”
Eric Metaxas hosted businessman Joe Oltmann, another individual the lawsuit named, on his radio talk show and YouTube channel on November 24.
According to the lawsuit, Oltmann claimed on Metaxas’ show that Oltmann had infiltrated an Antifa conference call, and that during the call, one of the speakers said: “Don’t worry about the election, Trump is not gonna win. I made f—ing sure of that.”
Oltmann reportedly told Metaxas that one of the people on the call was referred to as both “Eric” and “the Dominion guy.” The lawsuit states that Oltmann concluded from that information that Eric Coomer was on the call. However, the suit alleges that Oltmann never contacted Coomer.
Metaxas also made some strong statements about Dominion on his radio show. “This is everybody’s worst nightmare of deep state, George Soros,” Metaxas said. He added that Dominion “is operating all around the globe in elections” and “got started in Venezuela.”
Metaxas reportedly published Oltmann’s claims to his approximately 185,000 YouTube subscribers. He also published additional promotions of the interview on his Twitter page, making more allegations of election fraud.
Dominion’s website states that it has no ties to partisan political officials or their families. The organization was founded in Canada, not Venezuela, according to Bloomberg.
The lawsuit states that Coomer has sometimes criticized former President Donald Trump on his Facebook page, but adds, “Criticism does not denote conspiracy or fraud.”
The suit further states: “Metaxas also had no credible evidence that an ‘Antifa conference call’ actually happened; that Dr. Coomer was present on the call; that the comments attributed to Dr. Coomer were actually spoken; and that the alleged election fraud actually occurred,” the lawsuit states.
A day after the lawsuit was first publicized, Metaxas doubled down on his accusations of voter fraud by retweeting a video of Coomer. In the video, Coomer explains Dominion’s voting system that allows state adjudicators to interpret ballots that machines can’t read.
Metaxas has increasingly been embroiled in controversy related to politics over the past several months.
On Sept. 3 of 2020, Metaxas punched a protester who biked past him while yelling “F— Trump,” after attending the Republican National Convention. Metaxas claimed the protestor attempted to intimidate him by rushing at him on his bike and that he acted in self-defense. The protester said he gave Metaxas no reason to attack him.
Metaxas also took part in the Dec. 15 Jericho March on Washington D.C. alongside thousands of Christians alleging election fraud. At the march, he introduced far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones as his friend.
“When God gives you a vision, you don’t need to know anything else,” Metaxas said at the event.
Coomer says the claims about him have devastated him both personally and professionally. He is seeking damages to his reputation and livelihood and, if he prevails, punitive damages.
This goes back to someone’s earlier theory that if they can get one to fold, settle, and recant, most importantly recant, it will give leverage to make others do the same while helping to put that lip stick back on the pig.
Yes. We have to choose JAIL before recantation.
General McInerney
If you are sharing borders with Mexico right now you will be flooded with illegal immigration who will be coming into your state with the new strain of Covid-19.
The media will blame you for spreading it, and making them the victims.
The impeachment is a distraction.
Wasn’t meant to amuse… she was with Epstein
Epstein?? I’m talking about the illegals soon to be at my front porch.
Sorry, I was replying in the notification bar!
OH Senate primary has begun and is heating + getting national coverage … ALREADY!
I think this goes beyond OH politics. It has begun and is heated because the voting base is so unhappy and is demanding change in our GOP.
I don’t even watch OH politics that closely, no more than any other state that isn’t my own state, and I know of 3 that are running for Senate … Already!
And they seem to be running to the right which is good news. A sign the heat is on from the voting base.
Liked Mandel when he ran in 2012 the first time against Sherrod Brown, lost….first time shit happens
…then he announced a run in 2016, lead most polls going into 2018 then he dropped out in January 2018….in the lead….due to “family reasons”
Makes ya wonder what the particulars of that decision were……..
IMO the family reasons were real. I don’t remember for sure, but it was serious – something like cancer in the family – wife or kid.
R-Con fools sent a mailer whining for donations today. Plastered a nasty comment to them for back stabbing President Trump. And NOT stopping the stolen election.
Wondering if you have any proof or argument demonstrating he is not a fake.
I assume he is a fake, and I have watched him since he has been in public.
People take these things at face value, but I am long since done with doing that.
I am Not endorsing or excited about ANY specific candidate or saying any of them are MAGA, etc.
I am Only pointing out that the primary is heating up, many have already thrown their hat in the ring and are already getting national attention.
This is not typial this early for a Senate race.
The OH GOP chair resigned with what is assumed plans to run for US Senate. My saying that or mentioning any others are not endorsements or excitement that a MAGA person specifically is running.
I do see them say things that are Pro Trump and conservative – which is (to me) a reflection of them reading the base. As I said, I don’t keep up with OH politics in general.
I wish he the OH GOP chair would stay in the position for one more circle of election because he replaced a Trump hater.
I am in OH
The politics is just as fake in Ohio as they are in Tennessee. Fakery heating up is just fakery trying to sell itself.
Some people are brainwashed and think the fakery is worth taking seriously.
And some people just promote fakery.
There are shills, there are agents of the CCP, and there are people incapable of recognizing either.
Innocent dupes are innocent, and that is the best which can be said of them.
Repeated bravado is an indication of narcissism or gaming.
Honest reflection has a sound of its own.
I live in OH and I can tell you who is fake. I remember the GOP chair pulled a power grab from the establishment as I recall.
I saw this and several other articles.
I am following OH a little … wondering if Jordan will run for Senate?! That would be exciting but he would sure be missed in the House!
This article refers to what you are talking about, I think:
“The former president has a fervent following among Ohio Republicans and twice carried its electoral votes. As president-elect 2017, Trump himself made calls on behalf of supporter Jane Timken to be state party chairman and help her depose then-Chairman Matt Borges (a close ally of Trump antagonist, then-Gov. John Kasich).”
It is hard to see people leave when you know that they are MAGA and have achieved positions of leadership in which they can make a huge difference. Chair of the state party is one such position as that person can help ensure (or at least work hard toward) fair primaries and prevent the GOPe from squashing MAGA candidacies. I don’t know but assume that Timken is true MAGA … ??
I thought Jordan did not wanted to be in senate?
IDK … just reading the articles. According to the articles he hasn’t ruled it out. He would be a great senator but would be missed in the House.
Wonder why President Trump endorsed Timken and made calls for her if she is fake?
Good news from my shithole.
I wrote the La.GOP a burner over that jackass Cassidy.
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one.
Guess he is getting pounded for ‘circling back’, eh Henry?
Reach around for his lil schumer…..
Good for you 🙂
Show us the DAMN SCIENCE !
Circle back jerk
circle jerk back?
I was thinking it…glad you said it…lol
All of this ‘circling back’ – I am getting dizzy, Pat!!!
This subthread could get really dirty. And funny but you couldn’t admit to LoL.
it could…
I refuse to listen to RED JEN. I literally turn her off on TV.
I don’t watch her, don’t watch TV…
Havent watch TV in 45 years and DO NOT MISS IT AT ALL!
No wonder you are so smart. ❤🤍💙
I am laughing I read your post as
” I refuse to listen to RED HEN instead of READ JEN.”
I like my Freudian slip red hen better .. 😂
All sorts of possibilities!!! 😀
Amazon has just unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement inaccurately describes the design as a “double helix” but scholars of ancient history and the Bible will readily recognize the ancient model for the design: the Tower of Babel.
Well, that would be redundant, right… it already exists in the Capitol Bldg, actually in the CAPITAL, as a whole… (progressive “art” concept)
the stolen election
The “Drip, DRIP” by the good guys has begun…
Remove the splat… I didn’t want the link to open
* via Telegram
not working for me…i remove the splat it just takes me to telegram Home…then what do i do??
Was doing the same thing. Don’t copy all. Just the link. Like this. *
via Telegramsorry… that was dumb of me to put “via telegram” on the same line
click “preview in channel” … sorry ’bout that
Here is one of his messages:
“Trump was more sick with Covid-19 in October than was acknowledged at the time. When he was hospitalized, his blood oxygen levels had plunged and officials feared he would need to be put on a ventilator.
“The former president resisted being taken to Walter Reed, relenting only when aides told him that he could walk out on his own or risk waiting until the U.S. Secret Service was forced to carry him out if he got sicker.”
– New York Times
This was an assassination attempt to take out President Trump. The intelligence agency knows. The truth will come out.
Who colluded with the CCP? The Democrats, certain Republicans, and journalists.”
AMEN! Very true.
We are in an active war. God bless our President.
Thanks PR
she admits it was stolen…it’s in the impeachment record now FOR ALL THE COUNTRY TO SEE…
LOL she probably didn’t think about what she was saying or reading. Still that’s a pretty stunning slip during an important ahem legal proceeding. Not the kind of error a lawyer would normally make.
law school per skin color rather than skills?
Nope, that won’t impress someone not already convinced. Because I could almost see the air quotes on her face and the ironic tone.
go to the telegram account pr listed before and you can see her in a whole other light…gees!
It’s nice when someone is up front about such things.
where the heck is the House Ethics Committee?
Must admit that when I saw the picture, I closed the tab NSFW. So if there was an ethics issue as opposed to she just posed with the girls running wild, I don’t know what it was.
Not safe for work.
oh sorry!!!
No worries.
She’s the one who took over $8K in donations from Jeffrey Epstein, and tried to avoid refunding said $$. I believe she did eventually return at least $5400.
yikes, yet another corruptocrat (is there any other kind?)
Someone must have spiked her water bottle with scopolamine.
Thanks, that’s a keeper! Have bookmarked.
the Chi-coms go after the Brits…payback out in the open now?
Yalda Hakim
BREAKING: BBC has been banned in China. The report said the BBC was responsible for a ‘slew of falsified reporting’ on issues including Xinjiang and China’s handling of coronavirus. It went on to say that ‘fake news’ is not tolerated in China
I don’t get it, the vile bbc is a cesspit of globalist gaslighting propaganda.
The only explanation I can come up with is that china is making a faux attack to try and give the bbc some real world credibility.
It can only fail the bbc is beyond redemption.
You know what I see? Competing socialisms hating on each other, as always. Just like American commies, Stalinists, Nazis, German commies, etc. Frank Marshall Davis’s publications were very exemplary. When the party decides the other party is OK, the other party is OK. When the other party is said to be not OK, they’re not OK.
The Chinese often CHAFE badly at Euroglobalism, just like the Maoists had a love/hate relationship with the Soviets.
Agreed, except that the UK’s Ofcom banned CGTV (China Global TV) a few days ago.
Yaacov Apelbaum’s assessment of the Mary Fanning data in Lindell’s video Absolute Proof:
(He calls it a forgery.)
He says Montgomery and Fanning are cons.
And what receipts does he have? So Lindell’s a con? Patrick Byrne (same data) is a con? How about Navarro?
Data/statistics have to be judged by someone who knows the stuff – and only an honest one – not someone with an agenda or financial or political motive. Numbers can be stacked to deceive or to lie. Just like with ‘climate change’….
This guy looks like a bad dude. Was involved with the Tor Project (browser development?) and either fired or quit over sexual harassment lawsuits/problems. That could always be BS, but it doesn’t look that way. Sorry, I can’t believe Lindell and Patrick Byrne, especially Byrne given his background, have been bamboozled and put out bogus data.
I just now did an admittedly quick read up on Apelbaum, and would think he’s left orientated.
I treat him with kid gloves. I think he can be wrong. But I would like to see more information on any actual captures of ChiCom cyber-medding.
Fanning’s data was very Georgia-centric, and IMO it may have come from NSA in Tennessee, if it was real.
I had a little back & forth with him after commenting at his website. Directed me to a 2/8 article at GWP by Larry Johnson talking about the same stuff. Questioning Fanning’s info, and so on. Comment section completely dismantled the author. So, there it is.
I was hoping that the source of the data was Col. Philip Waldren. His firm has GSA contracts, and commissioned some research with Texas A&M that assessed vulnerabilities on the US voting infrastructure in 2017-2018 ish.
Here’s the paper
May 2019….
Fighting back!
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
We’ve had a few potential customers call this morning to ask why they have to check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden in order to purchase our ammunition.
chi-comming the culture
open season on America
Schlichter has a new one out.
“Schumer and Pelosi are cackling right now. President * would be too, except “Matlock’s” on and he’s busy.”
I just hate giving townhall clicks for who they have been for years, who they fully showed themselves to be in 2016 and who they are still
… but I do like him! Good article
“What happened January 6 was no “insurrection” in any meaningful sense of the word, especially not to those who survived the riots of 2020, and not to us either. See, I was my old battalion commander’s assistant operations officer and I was riding with him in his HUMVEE driving through Los Angeles as it burned in April 1992.
The idea of an “insurrection” is to delegitimize all resistance to the garbage Establishment’s reign of error, and to play along is to give credence to its lie and to empower its propaganda. You have done nothing wrong by rejecting the Establishment narrative. You have done nothing wrong by protesting what you see as a flawed election and a corrupt ruling class. You have a right to protest anything you want, and you don’t need their permission.
They hype the happening because they want to make you afraid to speak up. They want to try to make it impossible for you to live in this society if you do not parrot the party line. …They will try to wrap themselves in the same flag they were calling a symbol of white supremacy last year to try to seize some sort of moral high ground and shut you up. … This tiresome “insurrection” and “sedition” palaver is just a ham-handed attempt to turn 74 million Americans – almost none of whom wear Thor drag – into enemies of mom and apple pie, which is weird because they usually hate traditional family structures and non-kale foods.
This kind of baloney is par for the course for the Democrats. …But what does grate are the Republicans who go along with this bogus framing, and it’s sometimes unclear how much of the reason is just the usual GOPe pol stupidity and how much is the usual GOPe contempt for the GOP base.“
was hoping I could find his content elsewhere so checked here. seems what he posts on townhall stays on townhall only
They keep jumping up and down and yelling “insurrection” when that would be a move against The United States, not the 535 worthless bastards currently selling the nation out. How many US flags were waving in the crowd on January 6th?
These guys are on this giant “L’Etat, c’est moi” roll — and that always works out so very well….
h/t –
Romney just couldn’t wait to pile on Trump.
He tweeted this on 1/6 and it makes me sick
There will be votes to convict from jerks like this
Drama queen … no one was trying to kill him
They were not “armed” and it was not an “insurection”
🙄 🙄 🙄
Too bad they weren’t antifa spineless eunuch.
I don’t care and if anyone does; they better start torching democracks,
you mean like president asterisk?
Absolutely! So what! We have to react to this information by telling them GO F* YOURSELF!
Are we really at the point where it appears that Bannon & Navarro are trying to rally Trump to stand up for himself?
He has been silent, and that might lead some to believe he has given up in full.
There are people who gave video testimony and signed affidavits, literally putting their lives/futures on the line to document this election fraud. Not to mention the computer people working behind the scenes. I sure as hell hope he doesn’t bail.
It would taint his entire effort.
He just can’t do anything until the impeachment is done and he sees the result. Then I expect he will start laying out the path he will be taking. Which may include calling it quits. Who could blame him after the way he has been treated. But he seems to be a very vengeful guy so I expect him to come out swinging when he does.
I certainly hope so. If he called it quits it would have nothing to do with the way he’s “been treated”. It would have to be a threat of some sort, that he felt could not be dealt with.
He would certainly have to consider that.
He also has to consider his 13 year old son.
The way I understand it is that McConnell and Graham told Trump if they even whisper about the fraught the bets are off and Trump will be convicted. There are Republicans who are worse than Democrats I heard on Bannon at 5PM.
Why would they do this?
My suspicion is that the leadership in house and senate are benefiting in the scam that keeps them firm in their seats. The fraught gives them control who wins election and who does not. They are the one who can help elect the President for the benefit not US but to the oligarchs . corporation, Banks and Military complex.
We can shake this up by getting involved on grass root level and help elect conservatives .
Schulz on Bannon has a booklet that tells you how to do it. I cannot see how I struggle to write. 😪
Also just joining the party alone is not enough. There apparently are many positions open and not enough conservatives fill them. We need to fill the positions. One obligates 1 day a month to a meeting.
Trump is the only person who has winning options on EVERY outcome here.
Trump is staying silent to MAXIMIZE UNCERTAINTY.
Just ride along.
That’s what Juan 07 says as well. It is hard to deal with, the cold fury every day.
Why aren’t others seeing this?
TL;DR – not all of us are paying attention to Sun Tzu!!! 😉
In my opinion, not all the things Q hoped we would teach ourselves were in fact self-taught, and one of those is “multi-pathing to victory”. Some of that is due to all our enemies injecting illogical nonsense into the Q audience, which proved to be an effective distraction. People were oohing and aahing over numeric nonsense, rather than guestimating probabilities of political outcomes and correcting their thinking in response [Mao, On Practice]. Some of that was OK – a part of the audience was there just to keep them out of trouble, but the rest were not being exposed to enough nastiness to learn how Trump and others EVADE our enemies.
Still, we’re doing good. I’m happy where we are. I look at the audience on Gab, and they are TOUGH. Twitter cannot mess them up there, but they are BEATEN HARD outside Gab, which makes it a wonderful HQ and home base.
The enemy is AFRAID. They don’t seem like it, but they are. They have impossible tasks, and they lack the ultimate backer for such tasks.
What does Billy Baldwin know?
Yup. They’re nasty and evil and they’re trying and trying and trying to force a fight.
It is VERY important for Trump to stay quiet, because the DEMOCRATS will then have ONLY themselves to blame for what happens.
EVERYBODY walks into the wheat-chaff sorter now.
I declare AGAIN that I will never abandon Trump. EVER.
Trump is doing what he needs to do.
See post above.
Low T tragedy…not likely in this space!
Red meat, other meat, eggs and dairy – all needed in our diets. And intential buying of those products as some meat, eggs and diary come with hormones that are harmful both boys and girls growing up.
soy is another culprit and is ubiquitous in most people’s diets as a “hidden” ingredient + as a feed to cows and chickens giving those who eat meat, eggs and dairy “second hand” soy.
plastics and body care, and even some essential oils & herbal teas when over used (thinking of lavender and tea tree + others I am sure) are other culprits.
yikes it’s everywhere!
RFK jr banned for exposing Gates
Jennifer Covid Tribunal Walters
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned From Instagram Days After Outlining Bill Gates’ Global Domination Efforts –×240
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned From Instagram Days After Outlining Bill Gates’ Global Domination…
Nephew of JFK removed after Washington Post demanded
Mengele-style experimentation resumed!
Uɴᴅᴇʀᴅᴏɢ Rɪsɪɴɢ
State clinical trials are “underway” for children but you do realize they did not complete trials for the adults before vaccines were authorized for emergency use….
When will kids be able to get COVID-19 vaccines?
Dr. Anthony Fauci offered an optimistic prediction as vaccine clinical trials expand to include
Dr Mengele Indeed.
Look at that sinister smily that he put one over little George.
Food for thought – FROM GAB!!!
where you get jabbed?
I would say that males can’t get pregnant, but apparently you aren’t allowed to say that anymore.
Where they can’t put it! 😉
Oh that is funny!
OMG. I’m howling. And I shouldn’t be. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Trying hard not to toss my cookies, but I’ll post this anyway.
Below the tear line – from Heritage Action Sentinal Coordinator via Texas Eagle Forum.
~ ~ ~
Great learning tools and action items at the federal level from Rebekah Warwick, our Heritage Action Sentinel Coordinator. If you are willing to write a letter to the editor – she will help you. (Contact info below.) From Rebekah:
On this week’s Sentinel Strategy Call, we talked about how the left wants to rig the rules in the Senate so they can pass the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, and Federal control over states’ elections. The left must hear opposition from constituents!
Conservatives have already pushed Democrats to back away from ending the filibuster for the time being, but now Democrat Senators are considering breaking the Byrd rule, which essentially ends the filibuster by another name.
More talking points on the Byrd rule are included in the Call Notes below. If you have friends or family who live in states with Democrat Senators, please ask them to call their Senators with the message that the Senate should uphold the Byrd rule.
A way to make a difference is writing a letter to the editor on Democrats trying to rig the rules and what that means for Americans. Letters are crucial to influence our lawmakers and others in our neighborhoods and districts. Let me know if you’d like to write a letter, and I’ll help you get started.
Lastly, I know that lots of conversations have been happening with Sentinels educating state legislators on election integrity recommendations, and bills to protect our votes are being considered across the country. This is awesome work! Visit for a list of Heritage recommendations that states can take to strengthen election integrity. If you’d like to talk through how to make an impact on election integrity, be sure to give me a call! Our Election Integrity Tool Kit has also been updated with new graphics and talking points on H.R. 1
Have a great rest of the week!
My best,
Rebekah Warwick
Central Regional Coordinator
~ ~ ~
How anyone can take Heritage seriously about Election Fraud after bringing Mike Pence on board baffles me. They’re a big part of the problem in D.C. capitulating to the gold ring of the GOPe – the Professional Right and their army of paid lobbyists. They only have a reason to exist when there is a problem, so they can never by definition ever truly win any battles.
Even worse, seeing Eagle Forum getting caught up in this mess is a blatant infiltration and demoralization psyop – disgusting!
So I’m going to sign up to join the Sentinal program right now.
Heritage Action Election Integrity Toolkit
Congress Needs AccountabilityBecome a Heritage Action Sentinel in Your Community
Become a Sentinal
START YOUR ACTIVISM TODAYHere are 3 things you can do right now:
Study the Issues
Learn about the policy wins Heritage Action is fighting for.
View Scorecard
See how conservative your representatives are.
Contact Congress
Engage in today’s legislative fights.
Hi Michael!
My name is Janae Stracke, grassroots director for Heritage Action for America, and I am excited to officially welcome you to the Sentinel Program! As a Sentinel, you are now part of a 20,000+ strong grassroots army that is dedicated and equipped to hold Congress accountable to conservative principles. You will be called on to contact your representative on key issues, engage with them on social media, write letters to your local newspaper, and attend town hall events.
And we, the Heritage Action team and your fellow sentinels, will be fighting alongside you!
Heritage Action doubles down on your activism with our government relations team—we educate Congressmen’s legislative staff on the issues here while you raise your voice back home. This inside-outside strategy maximizes our efforts to reach our goal of holding Congress accountable to conservative principles.
How we help you: There is a lot of fluff and noise in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, and it can be hard to get reliable information on the issues that matters most. Through emails, blog posts, and social media content, I’ll provide you with the news and policy insights you need in order to effect change.
Heritage Action also has a full-time regional coordinator (RC) that lives outside of D.C. and works with Sentinels in your state. Your RC should be reaching out to you soon and will be a great resource when you have questions about how to get more involved in your community, whether it be publishing a letter to the editor or organizing an event with your members of Congress.
We look forward to working with you—welcome to the Sentinel Nation team!
Janae Stracke
Grassroots Director
Heritage Action for America
P.S.—One of the great ways to stay connected with us is by joining our Facebook group exclusively for Sentinels.
LOL I doubt it’ll be worthy of James O’Keefe 😉
Just move in the direction of the cigars, the fine whiskey, and the GOUT – and maybe a few crustless cucumber sandwiches on silver trays with Karl Rove’s initials – and you’ll hear the damning TRUTHS uttered in chuckles of BETRAYAL OF THE PEOPLE. 😎
LOL, cucumber sandwiches . . . for the Low-T crowd!
“…the Low-T crowd?”
Is that low on T-bone steaks???
Low on testosterone and T-bone steaks. Likely lacking a pair too 😉 But they’re good at sticking out their pinky finger drinking tea.
English tea sandwiches for the nobility our political class.
I always considered cucumber sandwiches to be an example of how comparatively impoverished Europeans were.
Americans got steaks.
I like cucumber sandwiches. Specially fresh from the garden 🙂
I have no problem with them as a treat….just not as a meal or part of a meal.
Lunch for me. Love cucumbers in water, as salad without bread with bread 🙂 I like vegetables.
That is so cool! I attended my first Sentinals meeting in Jan & signed up several days later! Great minds think alike … 😉
So far, I have not had time to read the emails from the org. But I didn’t join to be part of the DC group. I joined because of the local group.
FYI: it is free to join.
I attended and joined because I have gotten to know many who are active in our “local” (1.5 hour 1 way drive for me) Sentinals and they are very conservative. The speakers they have at the meetings are for fighting against dem run curriculum in our schools, against gov overreach (in our state Gov Lee has not made conservative friends with some of his overreach), gun rights, were talking Hotly about 1/6 (and our TN senators actions that day) and the election fraud in other states, are local and state leaders and elected leaders who are working hard on these issues.
The local group have developed groups to watch committee meetings and floor sessions, etc., to report back and give a “grade”. Volunteers are learning activism by watching recorded committee programs, for instance, so as not to just rely on the votes from the floor or “news” reports.
This TN movement/org was the featured topic for the evening:
So, yes, the local orgs/groups might be a great place to meet other Active conservatives, to network and to learn how to be an activist, etc. Doesn’t mean you will like the Heritage Foundation or agree with all that comes from DC but the local group might be a great place to network, learn and selectively help on specific issues with which you do agree.
This group was Very active in the 1/5 elections in GA – phone calling, traveling to GA to volunteer in person, knock on doors, etc.
Pick and choose what you do and with whom you network and it might be a very informative and useful group to get to know. And just ignore what comes out of DC that you don’t like and send DC no $. Not required.
As I said, I hadn’t taken the time to read any of the emails as I didn’t join for the DC talking points.
However, I became curious after reading your post. Here an of the emails I have received:
“Sentinels in Georgia and elsewhere have been in the trenches educating state lawmakers on how to go on offense to save our elections and protect our votes. Keep up the great work! If you missed last week’s call with Hans von Spakovsky, he shared recommendations for state legislatures. Be sure to check out for the list.
There is a long-term fight to prevent Democrats from rigging the rules of the Senate. It will be key to advancing many of these reforms to protect the integrity of our votes at the state level. Ryan Walker, our director of government relations at Heritage Action, joined us this week to walk through what the left is trying to do and how Sentinels can best block these efforts. Listen here.
Rigging The Rules
Democrats have been planning to bend, break, or ignore two long-standing Senate rules in order to pass legislation with a simple 51-vote majority. This would let them pass radically liberal legislation and shut out conservatives. The two rules the Democrats are considering are:
To block Democrats from rigging the rules of the Senate, Sentinels must push back. Senators must hear opposition from their constituents. If we as Sentinels can make rigging the rules politically painful, it is possible to force the Left to back down from this fight.
Conservatives have already had success in putting Democrats in uncomfortable positions for their radical Left policies. Last fall, Heritage Action launched the Police Pledge to draw contrast to the Left’s radical calls to “defund the police.” Democrats lost 13 seats in the House. A leaked Democrat House caucus conference call after the election revealed how many moderate Democrats felt the pressure of also nearly losing their elections because of their colleagues’ radical positions.
Take Action
While Democrats have promised to back away from eliminating the filibuster, they are now focusing on breaking the Byrd rule. Here is the message to leave in your call with your Democrat senators (or include in a letter to the editor!).
While it can be difficult to see your direct impact, know that senator’s offices track your input whether you agree or disagree with their position. Even in the most liberal offices, calls are noticed. Sens. Manchin (WV), Kelly (AZ), Sinema (AZ), Tester (MT), Warnock (GA), Ossoff (GA) especially need to hear from constituents. But Sentinels in deep blue states shouldn’t write off their activism. Policy wins are often gained in unexpected places by those willing to fight.
If you want to strategize with your regional coordinator, a Heritage Action staffer who is there to help you succeed at making an impact in your state, you can find their contact info here.
Janae Stracke
Grassroots Director
Heritage Action”
I received the above email on Tuesday and it looks to me like they are very focused on voter and election fraud and are encouraging conservative voters to be active in specific, effective, grassroots ways.
Anyway, I am pretty busy in my “spare” time with the county party but am glad to have joined this group even if I remain a somewhat inactive member as our local group is a group of sharp, conservative, hardworking Tennesseans using their “spare” time to make a difference on issues that are so important in our state (gun rights, abortion, school boards & curriculum, activism training, etc.)
Leftists Rewrite History; Splicing Video to Distort the Truth
House Impeachment Managers Double Down on Attacks on Trump
Powerful Oratory is Not Criminal
Via the National Pulse:
Democrat Impeachment Lead Admits Using National Guard To Compel Trump Into Election Concession.
Ted Lieu said the quiet part out loud, and perhaps has done more damage to the entire Democratic Party case to impeach President Trump than any other of his fellow impeachment managers.
Speaking on the floor of the Senate today, Lieu shockingly admitted:
This is a leading Democrat impeachment manager admitting to the fact that the National Guard has been utilized for political ends, with a view to forcing someone to make a political statement. With a view to erasing someone’s opinion.
[Video via Link Above]
God Damn Ted Lieu, that two-stepper ChiCom piece of shit, excuse my French.
Trump does not concede because Trump speaks the TRUTH!
And you, Ted Lieu, are EVIL DEFINED.
LOL – Hey Ted, “at this point what difference does it make?!”
Nanzi and others said armed NG, police…would remove Trump from the WH.
As the well spoken gall in up thread video said, they say what they are going to do and then do it. NG locked down Capitol building and huge swath of DC…ALL Federal buildings.
Do we think the shit show shampeachment 2.0 ends. Friday?
Aren’t they going to try hin for murder since they haven’t charged him yet?
they cannot charge Trump for murder 4 people were his supporters, one was shot by and police officer and one police man died of causes unknown and not at the hands of the so called mope.
“Holiday Weekend” ?
Have to wait for the “Friday night surprise”…
Trump’s folks have 16 hours to present their case, if they use that time it will run past tomorrow.
Definitely runs past that time. Yes, 16 hrs for Trump defense. They won’t use it all, never seem too. Plus I’m not sure we need Castor. (this isn’t a place to play three strikes and your out. He sucked first time at bat and hopefully is gone…the left has been laughing their collectivized asses off over that lousy performance and if your honest and watched it your likely still holding your breath. Anyone have anything on Castor’s status?)
Still a matter about witness’s. To call or not call. Forget how much time they give to that if they wish to call.
Then Senators ask questions and debate. I believe that is 4 hours by itself, not sure though, but it’s in the rules).
Lastly something about evidence from the House which may be produced however it’s supposed to be evidence that was gathered before they impeached and since that was a rushed affair I’m not sure what that would be, nor how it is different than what has been presented. Also this an area again where due process would have helped because I don’t think there was much time to submit for the record things that Republicans would have wanted to get into the record given the fact it was all rushed, lasting no more than what? 2hrs. Crazy.
Lastly they left the rules at the end for the final vote open. I’m suspecting they will try to make this a secret vote. To do so will only require a majority vote and the left plus RINOs gives them the majority. The left place hard ball so will be surprised if they do the right thing and make it a roll call vote like happens ALWAYS!
Anyway, I think we are about one third of the way through this sham.
I hears the senators are tired. Who knows what happens.
After posting I read final vote Sunday.
American Thought Leaders is about to start.
Scary but good. Good discussion on all and he brings up the Democrats possibly aiming at restricting President Trump from running for office using the 14th Amendment in a bastardized form with a majority vote and not the full impeachment conviction requiring 2/3rds vote. (he gets to that part in the 10-20 minute mark).
Found your new online ammo supplier!
Peeps on twitter, please go to this thread for some red-blooded pro-America boosts!!!
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
We don’t want your money, and you shouldn’t want us to have it because we’re going to use it to make more ammo, sell it to the citizenry, and do everything in our power to prevent Joe Biden’s administration from usurping the rights of Americans.
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
We have no problem talking to Biden voters and educating them on what they did, but they have to be willing to acknowledge their ignorance at the very least. We’re not going to sit here and debate with you.
We’re a 2A company and these are our first principles.
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
We’ve had a few potential customers call this morning to ask why they have to check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden in order to purchase our ammunition.
I love all the triggered people in the responses like FA gives a single fuck whatsoever.
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
Replying to @nxtxrixus
Gives us something to do while we’re on the throne.
Here’s the threadreader
Fenix “Kulak” Ammunition
8h, 6 tweets, 1 min read
We’ve had a few potential customers call this morning to ask why they have to check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden in order to purchase our ammunition.
First question – are we serious?
Yes, we are serious. Joe Biden ran on a campaign built on the most radical gun control platform a major party candidate has ever had, including banning the online sale of ammunition. Essentially, a plan to bankrupt our company.
Second question – couldn’t I have voted for him for other reasons?
Sure, that’s possible, but if you did, you should immediately sell any firearms you own out of solidarity.
Third question – are you really willing to walk away from a paying customer simply because they voted for Joe Biden?
Yes, yes we are. We’re dead serious.
We don’t want your money, and you shouldn’t want us to have it because we’re going to use it to make more ammo, sell it to the citizenry, and do everything in our power to prevent Joe Biden’s administration from usurping the rights of Americans.
We have no problem talking to Biden voters and educating them on what they did, but they have to be willing to acknowledge their ignorance at the very least. We’re not going to sit here and debate with you.
We’re a 2A company and these are our first principles.
This is what everyone should be doing. I am advocating for this in a BIG way.
NOTHING for leftist Biden voters. NOTHING.
They pay the heaviest price for the destruction of our land!
I wonder what the triggered leftists would say if you told them that the 2nd amendment didn’t apply to commies.
Notice how FA makes a point of using “Kulak”. There’s a reason for that.
Our historical preparation is making me proud, but I will keep that sin in Cheka.
something to do w/ the Russian revolution?
The desperation for a purpose to exist without Trump is strong for these fools.
I bet that if you asked them they don’t know anything about the genocide.
Good comment from that article: (I do not know if the list is true)
And a great description of the Commie News Network:
Nazi Germany is here. first Mike Lindell now this.
Disney’s ‘The Mandalorian’ Star Gina Carano Fired by Lucasfilm Amid Social Media Controversy (
Ace is going there. I called them Bidenazis. Ace is just calling them Nazis now.
I wonder if theres a new term that will stick? Nazi is very overplayed and misrepresented by uneducated leftists and ignorant others who just dunno what it means.
I don’t think it will stick for exactly those reasons. Just interesting to see that people are now getting the same “feelz” from the new regime, for various reasons.
The conspiracy is reality. The donald sutherland uncle dictator from the hunger games is sitting in the white house, probably drooling, but hes there doing so much damage.
Arg. Meanwhile real POTUS and maga are correct about so much.
It’s because we know the thief in chief will continue his embrace with the Chinese I opt for Bidenese. (heck, just made it official by adding it to my dictionary so the squiggly red line won’t show up any more.)
Bidenese is a language, too! Red Jen speaks it fluently, as she “circles back”!
A good article on Rod Dreher’s blind spot. Remember, Trump’s superpower is making people CRAZY.
February 11, 2021
Live Not By Lies, But Turn Your Back on Reality
By Jeff Minick–but-turn-your-back-on-reality/
Accounts from individuals, many unknown to Americans, who gave their treasures and lives to defy totalitarianism fill Rod Dreher’s latest book, Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents. Their stories should inspire all of us in the age of fear and fraud we now inhabit.
But there’s one problem—a huge problem—with Dreher’s take on the battles now being waged in our public square.
The problem is not that Dreher tells readers that Americans are entering an age of soft totalitarianism, where social media and cancel culture restrict our freedoms. It’s painfully true that Big Tech companies, corporations, and academia have forged an alliance with politicians and the mainstream media to push their “progressive” programs, many of which are antithetical to the Constitution and our free-enterprise system.
Nor can the problem be found in the fact that Dreher advises readers on how to oppose this coalition. In chapters like “Value Nothing More Than Truth,” “Families Are Resistance Cells,” and “Standing In Solidarity,” he gives us encouragement and ways to fight against the powerful intrusions of government and corporations into our lives.
These ideas are supported with interviews from those who have lived under totalitarian governments, particularly those from Russia and Eastern Europe. Dreher has spoken with pastors and teachers, political dissidents and their grown children, thereby allowing them to offer readers practical advice on resisting tyrannical governments.
Dreher’s references of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn are also praiseworthy, and he even takes the title of his bookfrom one of the Russian’s essays, “Live Not By Lies.”He concludes by citing several paragraphs from that essay, including this grim reminder about the consequences of failing to oppose totalitarianism:
No, these are not the problems with Dreher’s book. Instead, the problem lies in his bitter opposition to former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters. This is easily discovered by a quick jaunt over to the website of The American Conservative, where Dreher is a senior editor, or by searchingon Google for “Rod Dreher Donald Trump.”
In his Jan. 11 essay, for instance, Dreher refers to the Jan. 6 meleeat the Capitol as “an actual insurrection by a fanatical mob of Trump supporters.” He states, “What I did not foresee is that Trump would normalize cult thinking on the Right.” He apologizes to “Never Trumpers” for his doubts about their cause, calls for Trump’s impeachment even after he leaves office, and adds “Congress should make it impossible for him ever again to run again for president.” In the same essay, he points to a couple of nut-jobs who stormed the Capitol and uses them to smear Trump supporters. He also tells us he didn’t vote for Trump, which likely means he either voted for Joe Biden or not at all.
We are now seeing the consequences of that election: a president and a Congress who are rapidly enacting the most radical agenda in the history of our nation.
In the last few weeks, Biden has signed nearly 50 executive orders, most of them aimed at destroying Trump’s political and economic legacy. Among other things, Biden has crippled our fossil fuel industry, reversed attempts to control illegal immigration, allowed American taxpayer money to fund abortions in developing countries, and swiftly moved to curtail various freedoms, all while operating behind barbed wire and several thousand federal troops in a largely deserted and shuttered Washington D.C.
Is this what Dreher prefers to Trump? When juxtaposed against the ideas of his book, his remarks in his Jan. 11 essay would be hilarious were the consequences not so dire. The troops, the barbed wire, and the torrent of orders pouring out from the Biden White House more closely resemble Dreher’s descriptions of eastern European communist governments of days gone by than a free America.
And what about those Republicans whom Dreher would prefer in positions of power instead of the uncouth Trump? With a few exceptions, they have returned to their usual practices of caving to the Democrats, trying to play nice, and letting the American people take the punches.
The good news for Rod Dreher is that the radicalism and socialism now advocated by the administration and Congress, which he helped put into place, should increase the sales of Live Not By Lies.
For the rest of us, the bad news is already at hand.
Absolutely great stuff. Wonderful analysis of the analysis!
I’ve never liked reading Dreher – his kind of conservative isn’t mine. He’s not quite as bitter as the Lincoln Project, but his position isn’t quite conservatism as far as fiscal, social conservatism, build and preserve America and her resources/people/economy/jobs First conservatism.
Maybe he’s a closet globalist. Maybe he’s an Episcopalian.
I was wrong – he’s a Catholic convert and a Biblical social conservative (not for LBGT/gay marriage, etc.).
He’s got weird political views: “On November 1, 2020, Dreher recommended that “unsafe state readers” of his blog vote for Donald Trump, while noting that he planned to vote for the American Solidarity Party because his state is already “safely in Trump’s hands”.[134] In October 2020, Dreher published a tweet describing the American Solidarity Party as “a party I actually believe in.”
I’m just not a fan of his thinking.
He went Orthodox.
I feel bad for them. Orthodoxy shouldn’t be the crash pad for disaffected Evangelicals.
He is very unrealistic. He’s tied to a conception of virtue that has insufficient room for bitter truths. I watch people debating him online, and he seems like some guy on the Titanic saying “Yes, we’re sinking. But Trump is wrong about boats. The Carpathia WILL get here. Surely, it WILL get here.” And then somebody says “The Carpathia is steaming past us now.” So Dreher says “Well, they will turn about. Surely they will turn about. Don’t listen to Trump.”
I stay away from people like that.
They’re dangerous!
And I see parallels on the Trump side.
LOL. Oh, yeah. With the Carpathia going in both directions!
Snort – very good assessment.
He’s former Catholic, present Orthodox.
A hundred percent holier-than-thou.
Overly full of certitude, IMO.
Rod Dreher’s fastidious and effeminate disdain for Donald Trump has turned me off quicker than a cold shower in winter.
Ep. 2402a -The Patriots Are Now Pushing Against The [CB] & The Great Reset,Welcome To The Transition
X22 Report Published February 11, 2021
Ep. 2402a -The Patriots Are Now Pushing Against The [CB] & The Great Reset,Welcome To The Transition
X22 Report Published February 11, 2021
Ep. 2402b – Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out
X22 Report Published February 11, 2021
Duetsche Bank & Bitcoin…hmmm
DEUTSCHE BANK is preparing to buy #Bitcoin – source n/a
What could go wrong, for folks that own Bitcoin?
So glad I have never touched crypto currency.
Censoring prolifers
Culture of Death
Cult of Death
You know the voices they fear the most are the ones they silence first.
even before their first breath
Hayes was a featured author in The Atlantic? SMH I now have zero respect for the magazine to which I used to subscribe and that a life changing article for me back in Dec of ’94. At the time, I thought they were middle of the road and featured both sides type articles and authors from both sides. Hayes? A mere talking head? sad
12/1994 is the only issue not available on their website
Found it here:
Still interesting that this issue was not featured on The Atlantic’s normal page for looking up past issues.
Well, I just keep learning more…
“In 2001, the book was republished one more time, again by Tanton, and again gained a cult following among opponents of immigration like the border patrolling militia and eventually the online “alt-right.”
Well, I had No idea about all of that nor did I ever enen read the book. I just read the article in The Atlantic and realized that the US could not have unlimited immigration from all the troubled countries of the world and that the issue of immigration to the US, the Greatest Country in the world, would only increase as more desired to come here and as other countries became less desirable. At that point, I expected illegal immigration to become worsening situtation that would demand answers. And I figured merit based immigration, reasonable immigration #s were the answer. Had Zero to do with race. 🙄
Really interesting to me that The Atlantic makes that issue a little harder to find.
Yes I really appreciated that article in the Federalist. Gets a lot right, surprisingly, considering that it is fairly mainstream conservative.
The Atlantic has always been a mess but TDR has really made it obvious.
I was young in the early 90s and thought The Atlantic was balanced. Learned alot but let it go by mid 1995/96. Was Young College Rellpublicans my first year out of high school …. then went through a phase of being Independent and even checking out the left side on some issues (esp. the environment as I got suckered into that mess for a little while) … but came back to the conservative side pretty quickly.
From Lin Wood on Telegram
Mike Lindell
Time change for tonight on One America News Network, I’ll be on from 7-10pm CT showing Absolute Truth! You can also watch using this link:
The Epoch Times
“By raising the 14th Amendment issue, they are looking for an opportunity to get a vote that does not require 2/3…to still try to prevent Donald Trump from running for office.”
Constitutional attorney Rick Green on the possible endgames of impeachment. PREMIERE 7pm ET:
Dershowitz and Jay Seculow seem to think one cannot go from impeachment not found guilty to bar a person from ever running for office.
They also said that Trump is a private person not in office. Only the voter can decide not Congress.
Could anyone imagine if Congress begins to tell citizens who they can vote for and who not. Or for a candidate being barred from running because Congress says so?
I believe the whole shampeachment is unconstitutional and unethical… But I wouldn’t count out anyone in Congress from following through with it anyway… Just like the helped steal the election even though we know they cheated… They just went ahead and did it anyway…
True I do not trust anyone to do the right thing. This should have been thrown out.
I’m counting on SCOFFLAW SCOTUS to uphold ANYTHING which gets rid of Trump and thus hides their own bloody handprints. They may reverse it later, but BURY THE BODY THEY WILL.
Friday February 12 is Pat Gelsinger’s last day as VMware CEO.
Pat has some history with Intel, and is going back there. It’s going to be an interesting jump from VMware, which is software — especially because AMD is eating their lunch on processors (and geometry) — both of which are sort of the “hardware of hardware” .
Process geometry is, somewhat ironically, a really big deal in semiconductor manufacture. The reason that’s so ironic is that the scales always get more and more tiny.
These days, you hear scales bandied around like Intel’s 10nm or 7nm, or TSMC’s 7nm or 5nm (and upcoming 3nm and 2nm). The AMD big cheese 5950X processor is in “TSMC 7nm FinFET” CMOS. Intel is struggling to get 10nm to work.
Why does this matter?
Let’s say we were going to make a postage-stamp sized image of VSGPOTUSDJT. It was going to be 1 inches tall and .8 inches wide. Nice. Very Nice. World Class.
If we were going to print ’em on an 8.5″ x 11″ piece of paper, we could get 100 on one piece, with comfortable margins and space between. Let’s call that the one-inch scale version.
If we reduced our size to 7/10 scale for each picture, we could fit 14 up and down and 14 across, for a total of 196 images of VSGPOTUSDJT per sheet of paper — almost double! This means that TSMC’s cost per semiconductor at 7nm is about half what Intel’s cost is at 10nm.
Next, smaller semiconductors can run faster, because it doesn’t take as much time for a signal to get to where it needs to go on the chip. To round everything off, a smaller semiconductor will generate less waste heat than a larger one.
So…..cheaper, faster, and less waste heat….all from process geometry.
I really enjoyed my computer architecture courses. The professor for the course was brilliant – top of his class at Princeton in the 60s, did research work at Los Alamos, distinguished fellow in photonics, and could recall command details from printed Digital man pages from the 80’s as if he were reading it in hand. (He was not a VAX fan! LOL!) Sadly he passed away several years ago and I miss him. Would love to go back and ask questions about a lot of the course material I have long since forgotten. Some of the knowledge was landlocked with him and I’d be hard pressed to find anyone else who still has it.
For Intel’s next problem, they were left clinging to a processor type that AMD went around. If you look at the specs for an AMD 5950X, it starts with 16 cores and 32 threads on a 7nm geometry. If you look at the specs for an Intel i9-10900K, we have 10 cores, 20 threads, and 14nm geometry. And the i9 usually costs more.
In short, Intel’s Marketing Department decided to go with “advanced features” and AMD went with “cheaper, faster, less heat”. As the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy explains notes, “according to a later version of the Encyclopedia Galactica that fell through a time eddy in space, the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation reference was updated. In the latter time frame it reads, ‘The Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation were a bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.'”
Share and Enjoy!
Project Veritas on being suspended on Twatter:
He’s on Gab :
Gab Help
Verified accounts:
James O’Keefe’s @jamesokeefeiii
Project Veritas @ProjectVeritas
2.11.21: Public Opinion Stage SET! Optics are important! Pray!
And We Know Published February 11, 2021
Couldn’t help myself!!!
The Fiancee has some strange holdover customs from being a New Yorker (despite being in California 30+ years). She just got an orange delivery from Al’s Family Farms, with each orange in an individual little foam nest.
Mind you, we have neighbors that say, “please pick our oranges, otherwise they just fall on the ground and make a mess”…….
Ok thats just for nostalgic reasons, but yes we have ze best fruit….love to go pick walnuts and almonds too.
From GAB…..
Bye Gretch!
Counter culture revolution
Calling out cancel culture
From GAB:
Chyneez viceroy continues to show which flag he’s pledged allegience to
Kevin Booker
Today Biden made it easier for foreign fishermen to work in the Hawaiian US waters without any restrictions.
Wilda V. Heard
Replying to @Kevinbooker99
ALL THIS MEANS IS CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY WILL VACUUM FISH. WOKE YET? U.S.-China fight over fishing is really about world domination
U.S.-China fight over fishing is really about world domination
China’s aggressive, sometimes illegal fishing practices are the latest source of conflict with the United States. China has the world’s largest fishing fleet. Beijing claims to send around 2,600…
twitter deleted this?
NautPoso 119 (@ Posonaut on Gab)
Quote Tweet Matthew Holliday
· Jan 18
How do you approach the way you look at everything in 2021?
1. They don’t want to coexist, they want to conquer.
2. They aren’t the opposition, they are your enemy.
3. They are not democrats, they are communists.
4. They will never stop unless they are stopped.
From Twitter via Gab…..
Just getting through headlines now and see he’s going up in flames. He should be in prison, same with all the involved aides. Itll be interesting to see if deblahblah denounces him and tries to be governor.
BTW, just discovered there are FOUR homeschooling groups on Gab!
Oh ty Wolf. Ive decided to homeschool next year for 3rd grade despite to stress. Itll be just me, but I think I can get more in and out of the house easier with just us. I may buy a curriculum for history or science. Hes getti g through his 3rd grade math already just fine. Onto bigger concepts next year.
Is part of your stress homeschooling?
I hadn’t realized that. I thought it was just politics and life in general.
Do you have a local support group? People you can get together with in person and visit, chat, share, pray and learn together?
Was this the first time you have homeschooled or did you homeschool prior to the pandemic/shutdowns? Suddenly homeschooling because of shutdowns v. choice is very different that homeschooling by choice in the first place – much more stressful as it is thrust upon you without warning or prep!
Are you using a co op or a tutorial to help in some subjects and/or to give you some time off and help? I found our tutorial key to my success in those early years. I needed the time with other moms and with moms who had been homeschooling for many years to give me encouragement, insight, advice and just let me know that it would work out in the long run.
I only ask because I know from personal exprience and know many other moms who find the first years of homeschooling tough and the early years tough.
I have some favorite books I would be happy to share that are encouraging to homeschool moms if you are interested.
I don’t usually check back on comments from earlier days or even earlier pages but I will do so for this on for the next day or two in case you reach out re: homeschooling …
Yes, part of it is homeschooling. My son is very smart but has issues with arguing, or attitude (no behavioral diagnoses) and has picked up bad things from the other child. So it interferes with routine smooth days.
Bc this is CA, there arent resource groups. Newsom has kept that stuff shut down.
We have been in homeschooling mode since March last year when things were forced.
BC of the pending restrictions here, which I found very abusive to kids, the other family and I decided to homeschool together. She was a teacher so her resources and knowledge is fairly high. She made a classroom in her home and we go 4 days a week.
I have zero time or days off. I have to do some teaching and guide my child the entire time. She does the planning and other prep.
There are local co ops. Every single one throughout socal has shut themselves off from any new people. They dont want anyone in their groups who may be pro lockdowns. Therefore we are 100% on our own.
I have no family or friends who can assist or babysit.
I already know the spelling program, math program, literature program for next year. But science, history, and state specific goal help I dont have. My intent is to stay above level.
Its why I think ill need to purchase some type of tutorial/curriculum for 1 or 2 subjects.
Abeka as a whole program isnt strong enough.
My plan for 3rd grade is a lot about correction of behavior and advancing as much as he wants.
oh honey! I can’t imagine what you are going through!!!!
I have no “advice” … but will share some thoughts and ideas
+ my own mistakes and lessons learned as I have time.
#1 – let me assure you that in the many years I have homeschooled and esp. when son was younger & we lived in town & we belonged to a tutorial, the things we moms talked about the most and had the most problems with was Not curriculum or actual learning.
The Top Topic is Parenting! We are parenting 24/7 and our lovely children do not act the same for us as they would in public, with teachers, in front of their classmates.
We homeschool moms have to deal with the normal mom/child stuff … all day, every day.
upside? we have the privledge of parenting them through their attitudes more than if they were only with us evenings and weekends. We hope that when they fly the nest we will have reached a higher level of relationship (not necessarily friendship) and they will have reached a higher level of maturity because we were together so much and had so much opportunity to work on these things. And yes, *work* on these things … lots of work!
Attitude, tones, focus, complaining, respectfulness, etc. – all common, tough issues we all face in homeschooling.
Not sure that helps as I have no answers for it but I know it made me feel better just to know what I was going through at home with my wonderful stinker was at least normal and typical.
Mine pushes a bit more that really pushes my buttons. I got lots of calls from teachers about attitude, which part of it was needing to eat sooner than they let him. I agree his growth and mutual respect is the end goal. Parenting is difficult no doubt.
I don’t mean to be nosey but are you a Christian? I only ask because that would influence the resources and suggestions I share. I think you are but I don’t want to assume.
I am but my son is hesitant, while respectful.
As someone who skipped second grade, I have a weird recommendation for homeschooling.
There is this “royal road to learning” that schools all try to enforce. It is garbage. If he can blow through all of 3rd grade math in six weeks, let him run — and run him through 4th grade math just as fast. While he’s running, let him run….if he makes it through differential equations, you may have to hire a tutor. Look at what parts he is struggling with and change them.
Very often there will be a difference on the “royal road” between things like conceptual skills and motor skills. Widen it. Don’t let his inability to handle a musical instrument impair his ability to appreciate music in detail, with analysis. Don’t let his inability to paint dent his appreciation of art. Give him tools and jigs to let his mind practice where his hands cannot — things like a digital-audio workstation instead of a piano, or a drawing program instead of a paintbrush. If he gains the aesthetic to know beauty, being able to zoom in and change a work pixel-by-pixel instead of living with the jerky hands of a youngster will be very rewarding.
Teach him to build. Find construction people and have him sit down to watch them. The ability to look at a wall and see what is in it helps in life more than only when building walls.
And, as a godparent…..capture so many memories you think you’ll burst, because you’ll blink and they’ll be on to another stage in their development.
I would add that if he is struggling in any areas that is ok too. Slowing down in some areas is just as important as letting them fly in other areas. Most of us are asymetrically gifted and customization is one of the wonderful advantages of true/actual homeschooling – which is different than schooling at home.
My son, a boy with a high IQ, has areas of academic weakness and I do not stress about keeping him to the same scope and sequence as public schools. A different pace is fine! In math, we have hit the wall and at other times he sails through the curriculum at a terrific pace. And the child not having the pressure on them, not having any idea that they were supposed to be able to learn X at set date and if not are “behind” is freeing for them.
Now, I do have secret deadlines that if we don’t learn X skill or make X amount of progress then we do get some outside help or take additional steps or do a deep focus and intensive learning of some sort.
Example: Reading … If he hadn’t caught on by age 9 we would have hired a tutor. But he caught on around 7.5 and esp. by 8 and then Quickly zoomed through the reading levels. By 9 he was reading very well and advanced. We did continue phonics and reading activities, plus read aloud, the entire time but did not push/pressure him to read.
Here is a little tip concerning a trap some homeschool moms fall into:
We teach to mastery and that is a good thing until we run into a subject or level of a subject that our child simply won’t master due to their innate ability or lack there of. That was a shock to me – my boy not able to master an academic skill?!!! No! say it ain’t so! 🙂
Handwriting … not going to master it and I had to adjust my expectations to from beautiful copy work to merely legible! And we even took him to some tutoring for a handful of sessions which did help a little but mostly it wasn’t my teaching (I had made a mistake in teaching him handwriting – forgot to teach him to slant the paper! silly of me but just never thought to tell him and our handwriting books didn’t mention it … oops!) but mainly its just his weakness.
Hard for me to adjust that my child will have areas that we just won’t “master”. But freeing once I adjusted to that.
Fantastic advice…and having a bit more ability to be flexible without needing to hold back for another child may be beneficial.
Checkout the Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum
Once the child can read HE takes over teaching himself.
Dr Robinson ran Dr Petr Beckmann’s Access to Energy, after Dr Beckmann died. We have been reading it for years.
From the newsletter we learned that Dr Robinson’s wife had been homeschooling. She became ill and died within about a week. The children did not want to go to public school so Dr Robinson, and his colleagues at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, went through Mrs Robinson’s files and organized them for teaching 1 thru 12. However Dr Robinson as a single Dad did not have the time to teach four(?) children so it HAD to be self-teaching even the youngest one who was barely in school. His two oldest after graduating from this tested out of the FIRST TWO YEARS OF COLLEGE!!!
This is why I think this may be just what Gil needs.
Oh, and Dr Robinson is a Christian and thinks computers (and calculaters) SHOULD BE KEPT AWAY FROM CHILDREN until they are well grounded in mathematics.
I know a homeschool family who had great success with this program. Writing & reading – great cornerstones.
Didn’t work with my son as he has serious challenges with writing. Coming along but challanged.
Abekka was not the program for us either.
You are working and homeschooling? And in CA with all of the restrictions? And I know there are more restrictions on homeschooling there than here in TN. Wow, just Wow! No wonder you are stressed.
Just a thought – why do you want your children to stay ahead? If you took a more relaxed approach (that is a homeschooling term, not meant to be personal that your are unrelaxed/stressed) the children might not be ahead but everyone might be happier and enjoy the experience more.
But maybe you can’t because of CA regulations? IDK …
My son has a very high IQ but is challenged when it comes to the skills sets needed for seat work and has been since a young age. My husband has a very high IQ as well and was pressured throughout his academic years to be advanced, straight A+ and skip grades. By mid med school and halfway through his PhD (yes, he was doing both) he was burned out.
Now, I know you weren’t dreaming of putting that kind of pressure on your children. But I share that to say that we are taking a laid back approach. When husband skipped grades, finished college in 3 yrs and was doing an MD/PhD … he suddenly realized he had missed so much of life and had been stressed in life for no good reason. He could have accomplished the same thing stretched out, had less stress and not missed other opportunities. If our son finishes school a year later than average … so?
That does Not mean we are slacking. He spends lots of time learning, increasing his time not that we are finishing middle school. But in early elementary? Life was packed learning and educational activities but if he got “stuck” at a level of math or whatever we just put it on the shelf and came back to it later when he was older and ready.
I guess all I am saying is the balance of academic achievement, stress, family life, exercise, hobbies, extra curricular, family life, chores, life skills, etc.
Mine is ahead at different levels between his subjects. Not at your husbands level, but then he has been evaled by public and private psychologists who had similar results. I just dont know the right way to tweak it.
Great way of thinking about things!
Torba nails it.
Gotta admit, this says something for old shoe MAGA Bill Mitchell, now on Gab.
Andrew Torba
Interesting how Parler has been nuked from orbit for over a month and yet all of the conservative elite talking heads still aren’t on Gab, yet continue to whine about Big Tech—on Big Tech platforms!
I always thought Parler was a Conservative Ghetto/Honeypot.
Notice how THE PRIVATE INFO about the users got vacuumed up JUST IN TIME TO ID THOSE WHO WENT TO DC….
70TB of Parler users’ messages, videos, and posts leaked by security researchers
The Soviet Left are assholes. I see this as blaming the stupid victim. Matze and Parler were normie dopes, IMO. The left used them nicely. I don’t think that they were conspiring – but they were so stupid, they might as well have been.
Torba can be trusted. The rest are horrorshow, compromisers on free speech, or chumps.
Irony – what a concept!
Wondering if the image will show here re: Kamala accusations, tweet appears deleted…
Now THAT is interesting.
no clue if Any of it is actually true…
Interesting & quirky video dealing w/ vaccines in Africa & British efforts. This site gets a twitter warning, automatic ear perking.
There is a summary around 8:20 so far; 2nd half of video is about Burma/Myanmar elections, opium, trafficking etc.
I searched “gene decode” on yippy & found this GENE DECODE is a former U.S. Navy Decoder with highly valuable intel from the Deep-State agendas, elite bloodlines, Adrenochrome, satanic cults, and the D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), to alien races, ancient civilizations buried underground, Antarctica, human harvesting, God, and The Great Awakening.
& this
Gene has come forward as a whistleblower with information regarding the liberation of deep underground military bases and the emancipation of human trafficked children from these bases. Gene is a 21 year veteran with the Navy. He is a Vietnam vet. He worked in electronics on submarines in special forces. He has a background in martial arts. With a strong desire to learn more about the human body, Gene researched holistic medical practices, acupuncture and the science of herbal medicine, much of it through a Chinese foundation. Because of the nature of his expertise, Gene was privy to high military clearance sometimes higher than some of his commanding officers. His father was a scientist for Martin-Marietta and Gene grew up hearing about covert military operations.
This video from last week they discuss removing children from DUMBs in DC???
around 3:20 on the above video he starts discussing Trump Hotel pricing for March…
he mentioned Scott McKay’s Patriot Streetfighter to get documents, including the one he’s discussing of the US as a Constitutional Republic vs a Corporation, 64 page doc…
around 11:45 explains 10 days of darkness & 1776 flag at 1/2 mast on White House
mentions Ellen (somebody) in Up Front in the Prophetic as “very excellent”
around 15 mins 2nd Declaration of Independence Trump signed July 4, 2020
around 20:40 a Biden nominee suggesting defunding the US military & having CHINA take over our national defence—TREASON!!!
around 23 MarALago was willed to US as “Winter White House” but given back before Trump bought it. It has 3 bomb shelters & a SCIF…
previously Biden’s Executive Actions have no teeth but are being sold by cabal propaganda arm of MSM
Lots of Hopium here..but is it true???
Pirbright Labs????
There is a vaccine for Foot & Mouth but instead of going the normal route of Killing those animals WITH THE DISEASE and vaccinated the rest of the animals, The UK government FOLLOWED THE UN/OIE DE-POPULATION GUIDELINES and essentially wiped out the UK livestock industry to the point DRAFFA changed its name to NOT include livestock
Not The Foot And Mouth Report
The result in the USA was a report Crimson Sky AND the USA moving the Foot & Mouth Disease lab from Plum Island where the disease was ISOLATED from the mainland TO KANSAS the middle of COW COUNTRY….
Saturday, June 21, 2008Update on “Crimson Sky”
I’ve read or heard somewhere that there have been plans for decades to use diseases for bad guy ends…that 25 mile long trench for burials seems like what the globullists want to bury the “covid” dead too…So much damning data but also so hard to get the accurate big picture of what’s Really (been) going on!