DEAR KAG: 20210212 Know Your Villains

It’s Know Your Foes Friday. Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, and before we go any further:


Foreign and Domestic actors conspired in ways great and small to install Resident “Cha China!” Biden in the White House.


Speaking of chilling, this cold snap is heinous. Even down here in Texas we are looking at temps to drop to almost zero in some places.

Time for a Toddy. A Hot Toddy.

Yes, our drink special today is designed to ward off the chill and the chills. Now, the Hot Toddy has a murky history in the mists of time, involving India and the British Isles, particularly Scotland, where the Hot Toddy has a storied place of honor. According to Vinepair,

“The toddy as we know it started in British-controlled India. In the 1610s, notes, the Hindi word “taddy” meant “beverage made from fermented palm sap.” By 1786, taddy was officially written down and defined as “beverage made of alcoholic liquor with hot water, sugar, and spices.”

Not to leave the Irish out of the mix, there is also a story that the Hot Toddy began with an Irish doctor:

“The other origin story tells the tale of an Irish doctor named Robert Bentley Todd, who ordered his patients to drink hot brandy, cinnamon, and sugar water. Most likely, the truth is a combination of the two stories, where doctors heard about the hot toddies from India and started incorporating them into prescriptions.”

Whatever its origin, the Hot Toddy has been a staple in cold winter places for centuries. It was even prescribed for children who came down with winter colds. I daresay it may even help relieve (if temporarily) the symptoms of the covid, though it cannot be said to free us of the false and politicized science behind it!

There are many recipes, some including tea, exotic spices and so on. Here’s one to ward off the winter. Language alert, but the guy is fun. As you will see explained in the video, the original recipe for a Hot Toddy was basically some hot water, some scotch (or bourbon or rum) and sugar. Let’s just say, the version below sounds delicious and medicinal at the same time.

And for our teetotalers, this recipe sounds wonderful with some good tea in place of the booze. Please join us and help the bouncers keep us in line.

Now that we are all huddled around the fireplace cupping a Hot Toddy in our cold hands, we must remember to keep things polite and civil. In this, the Dark Winter of Our Discontent, we have to hold the line on what it means to maintain our dignity and integrity in these times.

For a review of the rules, go HERE. Head over to the UTree to slug it out HERE. Otherwise, let us hold a vigorous discourse together as we sip our Toddy and remember that the so-called elite bureaucracy that has determined they know what is better for us than we know ourselves, are nothing but low-down scumbags with inflated egos and brains the size of walnuts.

Speaking of elites, I happened to pick up (for $1.99 at the local Dirt Cheap) a memoir by none other than Arch Villain Sen. Mitch McConnell. Published in 2016, it is terribly revealing from our vantage point in 2021. In his memoir McConnell tells us he never wanted the presidency. From early on his ambition was the Senate. From the intro to “The Long Game” by McConnell:

“Over the three decades I have been a US senator, I’ve been the subject of many profiles. I usually play the villain, according to the standard good guy/bad guy accounts favored by most Washington reporters. The more positive ones tend to focus on my ability to broker deals with supposed adversaries, keep my head when others don’t, and win elections I’m not supposed to.”

He set out to be a politician from the time he ran for (and won) the position of school president in high school. He goes on:

“…the place I feel most at ease is the Senate, an institution that rewards patience and confounds those who lack it…But when the Senate is allowed to work the way it was designed to—meaning a place where nothing is decided without a good dose of deliberation and debate, as well as input from both the majority and minority parties—it arrives at a result that is acceptable to people all along the political spectrum.”

You can see his self-deception here. What results over the last decade have been “acceptable to people all along the political spectrum” I ask you? Of what results does he speak?

Watching the CIRCUS in the Senate yesterday gives the lie to McConnell’s smooth bluster. Is the great Sen. McConnell single-handedly going to save the republic by his moderation and compromise?

McConnell plays the great southern gentleman politician here. This is his starring role. He mentions a hero of his, Kentucky Senator Henry Clay, known as the Great Compromiser. He actually studied Clay for his honors thesis.

“Learning about Clay, seeing what he was able to accomplish from his place in the US Senate, was the first time I began to feel the stirrings of hope that I might, in my very wildest dreams, follow in Clay’s footsteps and serve as a US senator myself.”

At least McConnell learned enough from Clay to not desire the presidency. Clay seemed to have run for the presidency an embarrassing amount of times, and never won. Clay was also a Whig, a reluctant slave owner (long after Washington and Jefferson), against the annexation of Texas, advocated for a national bank, and tried but failed to avert the Civil War through his ability to negotiate compromises.

You can’t make this stuff up.

McConnell also reveals that though he was a Barry Goldwater fan, he voted for Lyndon Baines Johnson because Goldwater had an ideological rigidity (he voted against the civil rights bill) that bothered him. Naturally, McConnell couches his decision back then in today’s politically correct terms of civil rights, and the Voting Rights Act and so on.

Apparently, this is to show his intellectual and socially-minded independence. He was right when the Right was Wrong, doncha know.

What is McConnell’s view of an elected representative’s responsibilities toward his constituents? McConnell mentions Edmund Burke.

“A British parliamentarian at the time of the American Revolution, Burke envisioned that people would elect representatives who would follow their own best judgment. This was, of course, well before the day of public-opinion polls, but many elected officials still felt compelled to pander to the popular view.”


He goes on to quote Burke:

“Your representative owes you not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

IOW, ‘You stupid people, you elect me (who runs on the promise to implement your agenda) and then I do what I think is best.’

Folks, this is not representation.

It gets worse. McConnell talks about a former Kentucky senator (John Sherman Cooper) who he worked for early on in his career, one who practiced the kind of politics that McConnell is justifying.
Cooper was apparently unflappable when it came to standing up to his constituents. McConnell says,

“…it helped me to see that the best kind of representative—and a true leader—is one who doesn’t take a poll on every issue, or weigh the mail to determine how to vote. There are some matters of concern where constituents are right and others where the best representative does what he or she thinks ought to be done. If a constituent doesn’t agree with you, you can hope they at least like that you have conviction. If not, they can always vote you out.”

Except we can’t vote you OUT, Sen. McConnell. And now we know we can’t vote IN those we want, either.

You see the SYSTEM? It’s a Club and you aren’t in it. And the Club is hell bent on staying in power and depriving We the People of our power as enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Eventually, McConnell runs for Jefferson County judge (you see how important local elected positions are) as a springboard to running for national office.

And let me tell ya, McConnell runs like your garden variety politician. He’s going to clean up the county. He’s going to fix things. He’s going to get rid of the bureaucratic lock and get things moving. He’s a real hustler. He’s at industrial parks early in the morning shaking hands and promising to FIX THINGS.

He gets elected, beating the incumbent. Read what he says he does after being sworn in as county judge:

“After being sworn in as county judge, there were two things I did immediately: buy my first pair of Brooks Brothers shoes, just like the kind Senator Cooper had worn, and with no intention of hiding my statewide ambitions, begin to look for ways to become better known throughout Kentucky.”

McConnell runs for reelection in 1981 and wins. He writes:

“I immediately began to lay the groundwork for a run for the Senate.”

And then he gets divorced from the mother of his three children. It was amicable, though. So that’s good, eh?

Okay, that’s enough for today. I’m on Chapter Five. I know it is only going to get worse.

Senator Mitch McConnell, for all your talk of moderation, of compromise, of senatorial splendor, you are nothing but an ambitious, power hungry, double-dealing POS in Brooks Brothers shoes.
You don’t represent Kentucky. You don’t represent anyone or anything but your own sick ambitions.

You are a snake. You are exactly the opposite of what you represent yourself to be. You aren’t a conservative. You are whatever best serves your interests. You betrayed the American People and your President, Donald J. Trump. You represent nothing but the desire for power.

Three decades in the Senate and how have you improved government? Instead, ambition consumed you before you ever made a run for public office. Like some disgusting Gollum, you executed your machinations against the interests of those who entrusted to you their sacred vote. You and China Joe…birds of a feather…

You became fabulously wealthy “serving” as a senator in the United States Congress. You served us up and then served yourself.

Sen. McConnell embodies the Club.

Congress is filled with his ilk. The hysterical and frankly embarrassing Senate trial against our great President Trump (and he is our duly elected president) is helping to expose the deeply immoral state of our elected representatives and how they sell us down the river in service to moneyed interests, foreign powers, and a globalist agenda.

McConnell and his friends are our foes. He seeks glory as a compromising influence in the Senate. Yet our freedoms are bleeding out because of politicians like McConnell. Let us learn of them, and learn to defeat them. See The Precinct Project.

This is not Right versus Left, Republican versus Democrat. This is an elite, globalist cabal against the rest of us, but you wonderful Qtreepers know that. I’m preaching to the choir.

The idea that a Congress, with an approval rating of less than 20% keeps getting reelected, is an indication that our election system is fraudulent.

Let this serve as your notice, Senator McConnell (and the rest of you asses in Congress):




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“McConnell also reveals that though he was a Barry Goldwater fan, he voted for Lyndon Baines Johnson because Goldwater had an ideological rigidity (he voted against the civil rights bill) that bothered him. Naturally, McConnell couches his decision back then in today’s politically correct terms of civil rights, and the Voting Rights Act and so on.”

He did attend the march on DC in 1963 and was active in favor of Civil Rights so that might be his real reasons for his Johnson v. Goldwater vote.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nobody at that time realized that the point of all this was NOT equality, but to push through to STATE CONTROL of classes of people. Which, of course, meant killing MLKJ when he didn’t self-radicalize to the new paradigm of state control of classes of people.

Although, I have to wonder, maybe Goldwater saw though things, and realized that the Civil Rights legislation would inevitably lead to Affirmative Action, which WOULD prove toxic and destructive.


I’d really like to see someone dig out something on Goldwater’s position at the time.

LBJ, however, besides being a sleaze, could never have passed the Civil Rights Act on his own with only Democrat support. They were opposed to it, and it was Republicans who made it happen.

LBJ just wanted to do what he could to make sure the “win” ended up in the “D” column, and he had a media happy to help.


Goldwater was very anti segregation and was supportive of voting rights, civil rights, etc.

However, he felt the fed gov could not overreach when it came to forcing business to desegregate. Thought the gov could not tell businesses what to do, with whom to enter into contract, etc.

Dems used this to smear him as racist and anti segregation, etc. and continued to label the GOP that way for decades.


And now the leftists are happy to allow segregation and discrimination in business on the basis of political ideology as a way to demoralize, crush, and destroy their enemies.


Absolutely right!

And that is how we should respond to this tyranny!


Not defending him or supporting him – just saying, based on his actions at that time, he really might have agreed with Johnson over Goldwater and he really might not be couching “his decision back then in today’s politically correct terms”.

Also, Senators are literally not supposed to represent the people. That is the job of the Representatives. The Senators are supposed to represent their state’s interests.
(referencing that he is not advocating for “representative government”) and the Senate was supposed to serve as a balance, a check, on the House with its popularly elected members, a check on direct representation.

However, since the 17th we do elect them and they therefore must consider the people’s opinions.

In the classical sense of indirect democracy and representative government, he is right in that we select who we want to go to DC and then they take it from there. In the time of Burke and our Founding Fathers, one simply could not know what the public will was on each issue. There were no polls and there was no instant communication. We had to vote for someone to go to DC and to some extent, hope for the best as new issues arose or as new information and debates arose on known issues.

Maybe a debate that needs to be had is the modern responsibility of the Senate as it has evolved to due the 17th amendment + modern communication abilities.

Burke was a conservative and an Excellent friend to the Colonies who wanted peace, not war, and disagreed with King George’s treatment of fellow Englishmen.

Disagreeing with specific points … 100% agree Mitch is a dishonest swamp creature with disloyal priorities to not only ignore the popular will but to refuse to put America First in his arrogance that he knows best and loyalty to outdated and disproven NeoCon policies.


“He was covering his RINO butt with platitudes about civil rights. He even had his picture taken with Johnson on the day the bill was signed.”

He may well have been a RINO even at that time. Just saying that he actually did those things, took those stands and went the March on DC in the ’60s v. just waying the right things now in his book to spin his vote for Johnson v. Goldwater. Don’t know if he really meant it or not but his actions seem to match his claims – that he did genuinely believe in the Civil Rights movement at the time not just virtue signaling or spinning that vote now.

“Why have elections if the elected refuse to represent the people”

Senate was not designed to represent “the people” or “the citizens”. Senate was designed to represent the States. The states are entities in and of themselves and have interests as entities. Before the 17th the state legislature appointed the Senators to represent the state’s interests.

Beat them in the primaries. Sickening that Mitch (and Tillis and Linsey and Collins) won their primaries this past election and will be there for another 6 yrs.


The problem, Grandma, is that most people, including the one above apparently, don’t understand that the federal government has overreached to the point where “states rights” are directly the rights of the people of the states. They’re not supposed to be, according to the Constitution, but the government has corrupted that.

BUT, some states appear to be taking back a lot of their power in the wake of this fraudulent election. The federal government only has three jobs, according to the Preamble to the Constitution: provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. That’s it. The minutiae we live by on a daily basis is to come from our directly representative state government. God willing, we are headed back that way.


Why have elections if votes don’t matter?


Caro wrote three books about Johnson. I just read the first, Path To Power. And although Caro is a leftist, he paints Johnson as one of the slimiest human beings ever born, a truly evil man.

Voting for Johnson and denouncing Goldwater as “rigid” is what a Democrat does. McConnel is one of those patient fakes who saw his path to power in the Republican party, which otherwise IMO was meaningless to him.

It is obvious that McConnell NEVER intended to become a great man like Clay. He will go down as a Fake and a Snake, and any reasonable person can reasonably believe he has been a shill for his entire career.

McConnell’s business model was to attain power and make money off it. And one way was to hook up with all the other slimy people who had the same business model.

A great man has great ideals. McConnell just has something to sell.


Grandma, you are inspired with this stuff. Do it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And the research on Turtlehead – OMG – this is exemplary!!!

What a CALLING OUT of his BRUTUS days we are seeing right now!!!

And last but not least…..





Very insightful . . . the elitism is thick with this one


That was a very chewy post, with great information. Does the book cover the period when he married into the shipping company?


Theres a reason it was in the cheapo pile. But wow…a grade A d-bag. Typical…used the wife and kids as props until they got in the way.
Thats a muy excelente post!


Mitch has always been for sale…it’s just now we realize his true price


Like lipstick 💄 on a pig, … a fugly street walker pig … 😖🤚

… pigs of America unite and cast out this smelly cur …


Lol yes!


thanks for reading and sloshing thru that swamp muck for us!!


funny, not funny


People who live through a brutal illness in childhood seem to grow up self-entitled in many cases, I’ve noticed. It makes them hard, somehow.

I look forward to hearing more about the book.


This article left me scratching my head. Another sad COVID vaccine death.

Doctors suspect COVID delayed immune response in young surgeon’s death

…may be the nation’s first case of an adult who died of a delayed immune response to COVID and had received the vaccine.

They think he had multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS), which causes inflammation in the blood vessels.

MIS is a reaction in someone who has had the COVID infection weeks or months earlier and mounted a severe, delayed immune reaction, which often causes significant damage to the organs.

Williams told doctors he was not aware of having had COVID and he tested negative several times in the hospital, which is not unusual, Threlkeld said, because he could have had COVID long enough ago that he would no longer test positive.

So he did not know he had ever had COVID and had always tested negative. But he had COVID antibodies in his system.

Multi-system inflammatory illness does not have any relationship to how severely ill someone was with COVID, Threlkeld said.

“The only way we know that he had been infected was that he did have the antibody,” Threlkeld said.

The antibody in Williams’ blood was the natural infection, not from the vaccine. 

“We want to be sure there is no indication that there is any relationship to the vaccine at this point,” he said.


 “No one previously has been reported to have this illness (MIS) that has also had the vaccine. Thirty-three-plus million people have been vaccinated so far in the United States and not one of those people have been reported to have this process. Only people who have had the actual infections with SARS-CoV-2 have had this process occur.”

“This is not a reason to not get the vaccine. This is a reason to get the vaccine. Only people who have had COVID-19 have developed this life-threatening process.”

So a 36-y-o man who had tested negative and was not aware of ever having had COVID gets the vaccine and is found to have mounted a deadly autoimmune response to the COVID antibodies in his system, after receiving the vaccine, and this is a reason for everyone to get the vaccine? We don’t know how many other people could have the same experience as this unfortunate man, but we’re just going to assume the vaccine had nothing to do with it, and everyone should get vaccinated?

Am I missing something?

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Leftism is a mental disorder…


“Will this insanity ever end?”


Only if the military ever picks up the phone.

And it’s been ringing for a long, long time…


Well, a lot depends on who answers the phone . . . provided we have the right man for the job


I looked up Don Adams. He was a Marine who fought at Guadalcanal in WWII!


Gracious good afternoon…have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember what I said – the vaccines have NOT been tested on people who were known to have had the virus, and generally speaking, such people were EXCLUDED from trials of the vaccines VERY INTENTIONALLY.

So now we are discovering that the vaccines can cause reactions in people who had the virus. Great. That’s not unbelievable.

The PROPER response is to assume that people who know they have had COVID-19, or strongly suspect that they had it, could have reactions like this, and that THEY DON’T NEED THE DAMN VACCINE ANYWAY.

I’m not taking it. Under ANY circumstance. My wife is not taking it. We had it. And I’m going to caution my neighbors, too, because they likely had it.

Now if Novavax tests well ON PEOPLE WHO HAD THE DISEASE, then I might consider it. But only if it tests well.


So now we are discovering that the vaccines can cause reactions in people who had the virus. 

It looks that way, but the propaganda steers people in the opposite direction. The article goes out of its way to not make that connection. But common sense says it is highly suspicious and that there is a probable connection — and that there is enough unknown to merit caution.

No COVID vax, evah.


>>”No COVID vax, evah.”<<

I’m with ya on that, TT!

The former Chief Scientist of Pfizer was quoted as saying that there is absolutely NO reason to get a vaccine for protection. He was very emphatic on this point.

I came across it a couple days ago, and thought I saved it … but I need to do some “tagging” (categorization) work on all the memes / posts / quotations I’ve saved.

Also, just yesterday, one of the big brokerages (Goldman?) just said that curing people is bad for business / economy.

Money over people, in other words. Upside-down!

Btw, your “What am I missing?” question is that they’re LYING. What means do any of us have to verify their putative cause of death? None, of course.

I distrust most everything any corporate-tied media writes, especially about the coronavirus.

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

Article indicates Novarex may be available in June.

At this point, I don’t see getting a Covid vaccine. Not necessary.


“Am I missing something?”



Just tagging your post with this older article to add to body of site information.
SARS COV info dated 2002?


That’s from 2012, and everyone seems to be ignoring it!


Yes, and recognized as Sars/Cov in 2002 in China.

Deplorable Patriot

It sounds like an auto-immune response.

That was listed as a side-effect somewhere in all the information that came out in the last few months.

My question is, are the vaccines designed to mix with the anti-bodies to do this.

Wow. That’s awful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Silver videos are getting hit with QAnon warnings. Ridiculous!

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 reposted

comment imageSmith_____7

QAnon and the Great Awakening

This is interesting. YouTube just starting putting Qanon warning labels on silver videos. They’re in full on panic mode!

comment image


Deplorable Patriot

If it was not a perceived threat, the warnings would not be necessary.

There’s your XVII proof.

Valerie Curren

Dominion cheating exposed in New Hampshire!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry, but I think the military should not do anything about “white nationalists” in their own ranks in America, until it has done something about Dominion and Smartmatic IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES.

Valerie Curren

No Doubt!


Sorry for posting a not so happy piece, but I think this is important to get out there.

RZIM Statement on Investigation of Ravi Zacharias
February 11, 2021
As most of you know, our Board of Directors commissioned an external investigation in October 2020 to look into allegations of sexual misconduct by our late founder, Ravi Zacharias. The Board committed, in advance, to release the report on the investigation upon its conclusion, and they received the report from the investigative firm on Tuesday 9 February, 2021. 
Through a lengthy time of deliberation and prayer the past two days, the Board has written the following statement, and we wanted you to be among the first to receive it:
“It is with shattered hearts that we issue this statement about the allegations against RZIM’s Founder, Ravi Zacharias.

Following allegations made in late August of 2020 that Ravi had engaged in sexual misconduct and abuse in connection with two day spas, we commissioned Miller & Martin PLLC, a law firm with experience in corporate and sex crimes investigations, to conduct an independent investigation. We gave Miller & Martin a broad scope to pursue any avenues that they judged to be relevant to the accusations, and we emphasized that our only purpose for the investigation was to ascertain the full truth.

Having received the results of the investigation, we are publicly releasing the investigation report in the exact form that we received it. We have been waiting to make an extended statement in the hope that the full findings of the investigation would allow us to speak more accurately and meaningfully. We also wanted to ensure Miller & Martin’s independence in their investigation, assessments, and reporting of the findings.

To be victimized by unwanted sexual contact, advances, and behavior is horrendous. It is diametrically opposed to everything we believe about the value and dignity of every single person. We believe not only the women who made their allegations public but also additional women who had not previously made public allegations against Ravi but whose identities and stories were uncovered during the investigation. Tragically, witnesses described encounters including sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse, and rape. We are devastated by what the investigation has shown and are filled with sorrow for the women who were hurt by this terrible abuse.

These women told their stories on conditions of confidentiality and anonymity, and we fully intend to respect their wishes by not disclosing their names or any other identifying information. We are deeply grateful to all of the courageous women and other witnesses who came forward in this investigation.”


The investigation report is available here, should you wish to read it. We caution you that it was prepared by Miller & Martin, the law firm that conducted the investigation, and it contains disturbing content and some graphic language. RZIM has not in any way edited this report.
We ask you for your prayers, and especially for all those affected by this report in the days and weeks ahead, that God would bring healing and hope for broken hearts and souls. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to let us know if we can answer any questions or serve you in any way. We will certainly keep you updated on further developments.

The RZIM Team


FYI, I normally give Julie Roys the side eye, but here’s her reporting on this development:

February 11, 2021 5:20 pm CST
Investigation Finds Ravi Zacharias Reportedly Raped a Massage Therapist; Sexually Molested Others
By Julie Roys


What a shame. There will be untold, lasting damage that affects many in addition to the direct victims.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I started reading the report, assuming for the benefit of my analysis that the private investigators were sleazeballs looking to pull a Mueller Muller Hoax on the legend of Ravi Zacharias, but the more I read of the report, the more clear it was, it was good work, and that Zacharias had a VERY weak side – self-deception – which he refused to “get ahead of”.

The man should have had NOTHING but ugly male masseuses. He was not strong enough. I’m sorry, but no man who gets a boner with a female masseuse has any business being with one. I find the “normalcy” of it to the therapists they interviewed kinda shocking.

IMO, Zacharias was “culturally Bollywood”, which weakened him toward viewing women as servants, including sexual servants. He succumbed to power, luxury, and “the wood that makes men crazy”!

Putting in a good word for Mike Pence here, assuming the “bisexual” stories are not true. In that case, sometimes just being a good man (and not a hero) is hard enough.

I understand that relief from pain is a very good reason for people to get massages, but for goodness sake. This guy was not after pain relief. He was after sexual pleasure.

Assuming RZ really said that bit about “you have to keep this secret, or all those souls perish” – UGH – what absolute ROT. These are the lies that the Devil trades – and in this case for the cheapness of an Epstein rub.

I really liked this guy – and he had so much great truth to share, but it’s a bit sad that one of the truths he could have gotten from MY MOM (whose common-sense voice has saved me a thousand times) would have been “Why are you letting a WOMAN massage you?”

And at that point – FIX IT.

OK – now reading on. I haven’t even gotten to the rape. AYE-YI-YI.


Rape – now there’s a word that has almost lost its meaning, due to leftist abuse of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True, and specifically true, here, as well. Even in the report, the investigators are careful to describe HER as calling it rape, when the text basically sounds like standard methods of coercion into a sexual relationship.


Yeah it’s a hard read.

You know I was talking with a pastor friend of mine and he thought the allegations were bad and that the article I had shared was a “hit piece” (his words).

It all seems like a crazy conspiracy theory, until the facts start coming out.

I don’t want to speculate, and this is already bad enough, but I cannot see this happening without others seeing what was happening and covering up for it.

I have a feeling that if the investigative threads are pulled, they’ll lead to some real problems in Big Eva.

And no, I’m not letting Mike Pence off the hook yet for what happened at the 2018 SBC Annual Meeting – the coup where the theological liberals took over and made the SBC a clown show and a Biden Get Out the Vote campaign.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I’ll back off on Pence!  😉 

I think you are 100% right that others let it happen, and it’s in the report, IMO. The fact that Zacharias marginalized and sidelined top people who tried to “save his reputation, potentially”, tells me that RZ did the same thing that a pedo in power would do – make an example of the person who threatens the scam, so that nobody else would try to infringe on his “pleasures”.

He had a GAME worked out, just like pedos.


I’m gonna be blunt – people are people, and Christians are people. Stay ON GUARD. Not much difference between Arnold Schwartzenegger and MTG in my opinion – they both strike me as “fitnessexuals”. Likewise, Ravi Z. and that Hillsong pastor in NYC who got struck down by Cruisin’ Fever, seem like victims of “leadersexual” temptations. Satan has weaponized everything. Stay morally locked and loaded at all times. And then check what you know you don’t have to check.


As soon as someone thinks in terms of levels of God-fearing, the door of that person is wide open and the Welcome Satan mat is out. IOW, it’s obvious (from your description of his effect on your spiritual walk) that he thought he was “closer” to God than the rest of us and therefore those things he did were forgiven due to his status. Truth is that Christ forgave ALL sins no matter who committed them or what they were. Zero discrimination among people.

Paul also stated this by saying that in the Kingdom there is neither Jew nor gentile, male nor female, slave nor free, … Mr. Ravi was not living in the Kingdom but he thought he was. Satan fooled him into thinking he was stronger than he was.

Smartest thing his victims can do is to deny that they are victims. That will hasten their healing.

And don’t back off of Pence. When he had the power and authority to do the right thing with the queer mafia while he was guv, he played linguini spine and gave them what they demanded.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your point about denying victimhood is powerful! Almost everything the Dems have done has marched down the LONG ROAD using “I AM A VICTIM” as the battering ram.


Thank you Michael. Your coverage of Ravi is open and objectively rooted in Biblical principles without compromise. Clearly something happened that changed Ravi from the man I knew . He was my friend, and I know somewhat of the sacrifices and decisions he and his wife made.

Recently I drove thru a part of the downtown city core known as skid row for the first time in many years. With a city population back in the dayof approx 1.5M it was about 3 blocks long and a block wide on each side of Hastings at Main. A few people would sleep in business doorways and the proprietor would move them out when he opened his business. Now with a city population of approx 3.5M the skid row section had spread out for blocks and blocks in every direction. People are now stacked up like cordwood. At a cursory glance a person might feel disgust for such a waste of humanity. However in talking with its residents, everyone has a story. They were not born that way. They are someone’s father/mother/brother/sister/son/daughter/nephew/niece/grandchild and something happened in their lives that changed them. One such example was an electrical Eng. or several Teachers, Doctors and professions of all descriptions as well as just plain people and an ocassional bum. Life had not been easy or kind for most and they were beyond the point of caring.

I don’t know what happened to Ravi but I’m guessing it spawned from pride. Proverbs (16:18) says that ‘pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before stumbling’. I am aware of many details of his life from conversations we had since first meeting him in 1976. When he was in the PNWest or greater Vancouver, I would pick him up upon arrival at the airport and ensure that he made it back in time for his next flight. Often I would attend his speaking engagements and we would enjoy dinner together whenever his schedule permitted.

My committment was not to Ravi Zacharias, nor was it to a Church, to a way of thinking, or to a denomination. However Ravi did inspire me to do something with my faith that would fulfill purpose in life and count for eternity. I considered selling my business and joining him to take care of some of the mundane details as he travelled. I didn’t.

I saw the impact of having spent a year and a half in Vietnam visiting US troops during the early 70s. I saw him fulfill his role of International Evangelist for C&MA and try to be a responsible husband along with a very supportive wife, to raise a family while maintaining an impossible travel schedule with committments 5 yrs in advance. I saw him leave that job role at the insistence of Dr. LLKing and to chair Evangelism & Contemporary Thought at C&MA Seminary in Nyack, NY. Then the unique way that God provided a path to change his ministry. How the man who supported his move advised him that it would sink or swim on the merits of his own reputation and to call it by your name. Hence RZIM.

While he was aware of dangers surrounding 20th and 21st century travel, I suggested that travelling with someone to carry his bags would help. He knew what it was like to be in dangerous parts of the world with gunfire and rocket explosions going off in the background as you attempt to sleep on the desert floor. I saw the weight of knowing that other people and their families were dependant upon his success. And the knowledge that you are a mere human born in sin. sinAnd the extraordinary way in which his ministry grew in an effort to quench the spiritual hungernof the thinker and the academy, of Kings and Rulers

None of these things are intended to divert from the responsibility of his own behaviour as outlined by the recent investigation. It is not in dispute, nor are what seems to be his efforts to conceal it. My point being that he wasn’t always like that. He wasn’t born that way …. something happened that allowed him to compromise everything that he stood for and everything he held dear. And some of those It further con


Sorry this posted incomplete.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you have the rest, it’s a great comment – please post it!


Thanks Wolf Moon. BTW I don’t know if I’ve conveyed my appreciation for your blog recently and the efforts of all those who contribute to make it a safe place to dialogue.

My final point was that not everything is one sided, and while there is NO EXCUSING or NO SUGARCOATING what has happened, not all of those involved may be as innocent, or as harmed, as may be claimed. Efforts are now underway for those directly harmed to be made as close to whole as possible. And the claim from Toronto may not be as simple as presented. Were they able to pursue it further, allegations of a previous similar pattern could be revealed that resulted in a lawsuit against another Pastor. He was sued for mismanagement of investments and the suit was dropped when he declared bankruptcy.

So here we are in a day and age when God is separating the wheat from the chaffe. He is building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Everything in our society is used to either serve the Lord, or, used as part of the enemy of our soul’s desire to be as god and to tear apart everything that Believers iin Christ and His Church stand for. If it can happen to my friend Ravi Zacharias and his family, it can happen to me and to you. I am just as vulnerable any moment that I rely on something other than God’s Holy Spirit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! It is a dangerous WORLD out there.


Satan will always attack a persons weakness. That is why self awareness is so important and also the review of the day. Going over in once mind of the day before God is helpful and then letting it go.
Remember the more a person fights the weakness the stronger Satan becomes and feeds of the energy. Embrace confess and let go.
I spend many years and on an off still do with the writings of Anthony De Mello he was a Jesuit Priest in India. Book I really like “Praying body and Soul” I like to get through it during Lent.
” Seeking His Mind” by M. Basil Pennington O.C.S.O.
“Centered Living, The Way to Centering Prayer,” by Pennington
I had the pleasure meeting and being in on of he lecturers at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit GA.
I do not like praise songs they do not speak to me and do not like TV Evangelists services. Have nothing against them it is just not my style and does not speak to me. I like traditional Church music.
I get more out of books like Merton, Keating, Hildegard of Bingen. Love Hildegard’s music. Like books from Frances De Sales and on and on. Not much into modern stuff. I was born at the wrong time.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

—-Julian of Norwich? I ask because she is my all-time favorite

Sooooo many gifted and lovely spiritual writers!— what fed me the best all along my way. —-more so than ‘Bible Study’….waaay more than the preaching in the Episcopal Church….

Emphasis was not on getting connected with Jesus, getting on same wave length…deepening personal relationship with God.

Julian was wildly abundantly wholely and totally in love with God/Jesus. All the time, and most certainly in her writings.


Yes the St of the past knew the way .


MTG – Marjorie Taylor Green?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Turns out that she (very likely) had two affairs with men at her gym when her marriage was on the rocks (as in, looking for a new husband fast). But she and hubs (he’s also a “gym type”) pulled it back together, one of the affairs met another woman and got married, etc. Standard redneck soap opera with a body-builder angle, IMO. But all this baggage always comes out when people get into politics, so there we are.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Pence was at the 2018 SBC meeting?

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

I’m sorry, it’s a little confusing to track.

Wolf was using Mike Pence as an example of someone that the world (media, culture, leftists) were trying to attack and he had to be extra on-guard all the time because they were trying to bring him down. +being a spiritual target.

Nothing to do w/ RZ directly in this instance.

My point fumbled a bit b/c I misinterpreted Wolf’s point, and that’s OK.

RZ was one of the biggest celebrity voices in Big Evangelicalism (“Big Eva” for short), the Professional Evangelical class in the Evangelical good old boys network, where they scratch each others’ back, give each other platforms (and speakers honorariums), endorse each other’s books, hold conferences, etc.

Mike Pence also has ties into Big Evangelicalism, in no small part due to his political connections to be sure. These could be benign connections, but there are “coincidences” that directly relate to significant dirty power plays within Big Eva.

Unrelated to Pence, there is a lot more “coincidence” background with RZ that I haven’t scratched the surface on. But the short version is in more than one instance a Big Eva player had a problem, Big Eva helped clean it up and get it spotless, and as their last step moved RZ into a wrap up position to establish credibility. He was their untouchable name with an impeccable reputation that most people would give the benefit of the doubt to. If an organization had a tarnish or stain from a public scandal, they’d clean house and move RZ in to restore donor confidence.


I’m still confused – did Pence speak and attend the SBC convention?


Yes he did, in 2018 at the Annual Meeting in Dallas.

There was a concerted effort to oust Paige Patterson from the SBC – he was the leader of the conservative resurgence. In March 2018 there were some incredibly dirty games played (in large part by Russell Moore and Jonathan Merritt at the Washington Post) to get him removed as the President of Southwestern Seminary, and it worked. The next step was to get him to bow out of going to the Annual Meeting, and use the B.S. around the Seminary to smear him out of the Presidency.

The Annual meeting was controlled by the theologically liberal factions running the various committees that they had infiltrated. They reduced the convention from a full week to essentially three days – with only two days for convention business.

Mike Pence then announced he was going to come speak at the annual meeting. The way it was explained at the time was that the SBC did not invite him to speak, but that the leadership thought it was appropriate to allow him time at the podium on Wednesday. Thus, the shortened business meeting was abbreviated even further.

When the actual meeting started, Mike Pence became a convenience lightning rod. Every single time, every single time the Mics were on for people to speak to the business meeting, there were theological liberals at the Mics vocally making objections to Mike Pence speaking and denouncing the SBC connecting with “MAGA” or “politics”. They burned even more time off the clock for legitimate business.

Attendees were warned that on Wednesday the TSA would be working to screen everyone who attended in the general assembly room for the Mike Pence speech. It wasn’t held first thing but mid-morning. There was a list sent around about what items would and would not be allowed through TSA and advice on how to pack for the day. The stringency of the requirements discouraged people from attending that morning and the general assembly room – with seating for thousands – was essentially a ghost town.

Many attendees came back after Pence left but the hall was never near capacity. It was at that point that the floor was opened up to nominees for the SBC Presidency, with Paige Patterson no longer in the running. That’s when the coup acted to wrap it up – they put their Big Name Evangelical Celebrity J. D. Greear up, who had a reputation as conservative, but was really their trojan horse. The opposition candidate did not have time to solidify a voter base around him, and was defeated in the voting.

Conservatives in the SBC were routed in 2018, plain and simple.

Since then the SBC left has worked to turn the SBC from a bottom-up organization into a top-down system of controlling churches. Many churches have left the SBC as a result and joined other Baptist conventions, such as Missionary Baptist, or remained independent. Basically, the SBC is bleeding churches.

At the 2019 annual meeting the SBC received a draft resolution condemning critical race theory (CRT) as an improper tool for racial reconciliation. The resolution committee literally rewrote the resolution as in favor of CRT as a helpful tool.

In late 2019 and into early 2020, churches, including many independent churches, suddenly started preaching CRT based racial reconciliation from their pulpits. Digging into this further it was a coordinated effort by Paul Singer’s organization and the Open Societies fronts (Soros) to infiltrate and poison the churches from within.

Corona in early 2020, combined with the CRT mess, has devastated said churches with attendance and giving down dramatically. It’s like a wrecking ball. Mask mandates and CRT have drive up controversy and division within church bodies at levels no one thought possible.

There was an effort by Conservatives to regroup and get conservative representation at the SBC. The SBC powers that be were afraid and used the Corona as an excuse to block the 2020 SBC annual meeting – as if they had the power to do that. Now the 2021 is planned to proceed in Nashville, and we can expect a lot of ugly dirty tricks to be played out.

Sorry that’s probably more than you had asked for 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very helpful. Woke Christianity is a mess – it’s the Word turned into Caesar’s Salad.


Christian Churches are the target to be taken down any way possible.


The fact that Pence went to Heritage rather than a more conservative organization such as Hillsdale or the Federalist speaks volumes of negativity to me.

Heritage was instrumental in designing both Romneycare and Obamacare:
The health insurance mandate in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is an idea hatched in 1989 by Stuart Butler at Heritage in a publication titled “Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans”.[26] This was also the
model for Mitt Romney‘s health care plan in Massachusetts.[27]

Link –


First, I should note that I have no idea who this guy is.

Second, I have had several massages over the years. I can’t afford / schedule / arrange as many as I probably have needed. I generally get “deep-tissue” massages at a well-known local day spa (Watercourse Way in Palo Alto — — I obviously have not been there during the current foolishness). The Fiancee and I have a ritual we call the “tub, rub, and grub” where we do hot/cold treatments (jacuzzi, sauna, cold drench), deep-tissue massage, and a nice dinner at a Palo Alto restaurant. When I finally break down and get one, I generally shuffle in, hunched over, and endure an hour of manipulation (some of which can be painful) — but WW is a quality organization and I usually walk out feeling lithe as a cat.

While I cannot recall being aroused in any of said sessions, I’ve been doing this for decades and can’t be sure — but the underlying structure of the event doesn’t lead to anything further. In fact, my usual “Type A” mental posture going in is usually, “am I the most stressed-up knotmonster you’ve encountered today?”

I cannot begin to comprehend how this guy and Al “Chakra” Gore see their massages.


I should also note that there is a window on Main Street, Disneyland, dedicated to Walt Disney’s massage services.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You would like this guy. He was one of the most CEREBRAL of modern apologists for Christianity. I didn’t always agree with his arguments, apologies, and proofs, but they helped me see more clearly what I believe and why I believe it. Plus, he had a really soothing voice that just became a pleasure to hear on the radio.

The man brought me closer to God, there is no denying. God works through very imperfect people, and it is only by STRUGGLING against Satan that we can even hope to be better than we would be otherwise.


I like the peeps here. They alternate between cerebral and coarse, ribald and refined, personal and public. They tolerate my eccentricities and laugh at my jokes, AND THEY DON’T BAN ME FOR USING FORBIDDEN REFERENCES.

And, in various ways, they show me every day that there are various roads….and those who pay attention to God travel the smooth ones.


I used to walk around saying in my mind this is of God that is not. Soon thereafter I realized I became very judgemental and stopped.
Same with blessing anyone who were rude I would bless them.
Those are vices to avoid but when on a spiritual path it is very easy to fall into Satan’s trap.
Questioning oneself about motives why I am doing this or that. Many times I know but ignore it anyway. Sooner or later one has to self evaluate motives to see who is working in us.
I had an epiphany one day that I was not grateful. I began practicing greatfulness. To be grateful in hardest times for the small things brings joy and peace.
Everyday to ask myself what am I grateful for? We are so Blessed beyond measure even with Biden. The next 4 years it is even more importand to practice greatfulness to keep strong and find joy in this madness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great thoughts!


>>”hot/cold treatments”<<

I did that one time at an athletic club, after the tournament, quite a few years ago. It was a very nice club, with all the facilities, so I took full advantage.

I had no idea that it was a “thing” to do – I just enjoyed the whirlpool until I felt too hot, then went to take a “cold drench” shower, and then repeated it once or twice (I think I did the sauna-for-heat in there somewhere).

About 20 minutes later, as I was driving home, the sense of relaxation was absolutely amazing. It felt like I was floating!

It this technique something that has been recommended? I wonder whether the quite hot / quite cold alternation may be risky for some …


It is well-known in many cultures. Often it is a cold plunge, which I generally regard as unsafe, because you have to climb out of the stress.

Like anything else, it can be risky for some….but a cool drench of around 2-3 gallons is unlikely to kill anyone and will likely be revitalizing and relaxing.

If you research sauna practices, you start learning about “normal” practices. I intend to have a sauna (and a drench) in my home in NC.


Everyone knows that normal body temp is 98.6F. Everyone knows that a life-threatening fever is around 106. Everyone knows that under 95 degrees is hypothermia.

It isn’t a big stretch to note that passing out in a hot tub at 107 degrees is very bad, or that soaking for extended periods in a 70 degree cold plunge is very bad.

The trick is to ensure that any extreme temps are temporary. You can dump three gallons of 50 degree water on someone in a 70 degree room — it’ll be a temporary shock. You can’t put someone in 50 degree water for very long.

If you’re going to play with temperatures, you have to ensure that people will “fall out of stress” if the exposure is protracted.


Thanks – this makes sense.

What I did was to simply stay in whatever element until I felt too hot or too cold.

So, after about the initial 10 minutes or so in the whirlpool, I spent only 2-3 minutes in each subsequent medium, toggling back and forth.

I let my own common sense be my guide … as I hope most people do.

“Hope” I say, because where I am, in a deep blue state, this “common sense” has mostly vanished!

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

The whirlpool was likely around 100-101 degrees — perfect for doing exactly what you did.


From the Hot Tub into the snow 🙂


I take hot cold shower it is good for circulation. A German came up with this and it is used in spas.


One of the many wonderful and deep lessons the Catholic Church teaches children is to avoid the near occasion of sin. It is one of those ideas which stays with you and acquires meaning with age.

It is very strange that women in general understand (and some women exploit) the male sex drive (it was long ago called “the hideous beast” for good reason), but they (some) do not give faithful men the respect they deserve. Believe me, faithful men are faithful because they avoid the near occasion of sin, not because they have super powers.

No human being knows what it is to be another human being, and in particular when it comes to men and women as groups. Being the seeker and being the sought after are two fundamentally different perspectives, with their own some times vastly different effects and influences.

The meaning of the sex act is driven by biology. That is one of the mysteries of life, although we know it has to do with transmitting new life. And transmitting new life carries a whole set of moral considerations which conflict with the biological drive.

I preferred our old way of looking at things, which understood the nature of hypocrisy, as opposed to our new society, which metes out hypocrisy free passes depending on party loyalty and not for the benefit of the entire society, just for the oligarchy and their supporters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff, and a WORTHY CONCEPT – “avoid the near occasion of sin”!!!


I mused to listen to Ravi Zacharias occasionally on the Moody Broadcast Network. He had a keen intellect that drew me with his insights.

Are you familiar with the teaching ministry of Derek Prince? He also had a keen intellect on par with C.S. Lewis and Zacharias. There are numerous videos of his at YouTube.


I’ve heard of Alistair Begg but don’t recall hearing any of his teachings. I’ll see what I can find.


The Derek Prince ministry is still going strong. He died in 2003.

Audio CDs are in study levels of “B” (basic), “I” (intermediate) and “A” (advanced).


“Chords From David’s Harp” is one I read parts of a month or two ago.


We heard him back in the 1970s at Tennessee-Georgia Christian Camps – along with Charles Simpson and other wonderful teachers.


Virtueonline post on Ravi Zacharias –

What enormous hubris RV must have had to carry on such a lifestyle – and yet pose as a Christian teacher.

But I was a member of a non-denom charismatic church where all the leaders were caught in illegal sexual and/or business activities. The 45 year old praise leader was sleeping with the 16 year old keyboard player and in a crooked business with the worship leader/head elder, the pastor was a secret alcoholic. The praise leader left his wife and 4 teen age children for the keyboard player. Most of the church’s leaders were soon divorced, including my church leader husband and I. It was a long time before I could tolerate the sound of modern ‘praise music’ and I still don’t trust church leaders as far as I can spit.

After my divorce, I went to the Episcopal church after that, hoping for a stable, traditional church and in less than a year, the gay bishop crap arose. I went to an Anglican church after that, and the head priest was caught drinking and putting the moves on young intern priests/deacons. I now hover at a PCA church, but have not attended in person since the virus hit.

My childhood church experiences were no better. My first Sunday School teacher was a ‘confirmed bachelor’ as Southern polite society called gays back then. He would be absent when he got beat up in an assignation with rough partners. Years later, he was still in leadership in that family run church and had put the building in his name for a bank loan. When he got into a quarrel with others who attended, he locked them out of ‘his church’ – which was quite a metaphor for what happened to most of the mainstream churches at the hands of the aggressive g-y mafia.

Being from a dysfunctional family, traumatic childhood, and multiple betrayals – the current political upheaval has been really hard to handle.


One constant source of amazement to be is how people react to abuse or suffering. Some people resolve to never let it happen to anyone else, and others resolve to inflict it on others as revenge.


It’s just my guess/opinion, but it looks like Christianity is starting a long period where each Christian will need to have a strong personal relationship with Jesus alone. I realize this contradicts the beliefs of many Christians. And in some senses it is the latest consequence of forces going back centuries (IMO).

It is strange to say that some churches are dangerous places for Christians to be. But the Church will still be there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is how the Church survives even the roughest of times in the roughest of places. “Christ gravity”. It WORKS.


Yes, yes, yes. Jesus is the key, IMO.

Here is my (not original by any means) thought on the matter: in a person’s relationship with Jesus, listen to your heart, above all, and do not fear to disregard the rest. Jesus told us that Christians would kill each other over their interpretations. That is just humans being humans, and Jesus knew that. It was unavoidable.

There is a spot in each heart reserved for Jesus, and Jesus alone. Whatever anybody else says and does, focus on that spot.


My wife has described the current moment as a separating of the wheat and the tares.

Men are sinners, but there is a difference between those who are seeking God and those seeking their own agendas.

If it seems like there are a lot seeking their own agendas, I think it is because God is exposing the works of darkness in the church. Bringing judgement to men and churches.

If Wolf told me that modern praise music was a Marxist front to infiltrate and demoralize Christianity, I would be hard pressed to disagree. Not enough attention has been given to the role of the British Invasion bands of the 1960s and the subsequent impact on popular music in the United States for the purpose of demoralization, legitimizing Christianity, and undermining moral resistance to Marxism. The church’s music – traditional hymns typically – was criticized. The “worship wars” raged for decades – the praise songs won as Baby Boomers took the reigns at the churches. At present I declare the “worship wars” are over, replaced frankly by the “worship Nazis” who want their way with the praise music, no tolerance for deviation from their program. That might seem strong, but I am at a loss to explain otherwise how so many so-called “worship pastors” can weave their praise music with left-wing politics into a continuous garment that has an Evangelical surface but no substance. I don’t understand what Marxist social justice programs have to do with worshiping God, but they are quick to accuse others of “idolatry” for their beliefs and stands.

But to your point it is hard to find a church right now where there isn’t a lot of B.S. happening. . . you are more perceptive about this than most.


It’s been 16 years since I attended the non-denom and contemporary Methodist churches, and I haven’t kept up with the latest contemporary praise music, so I didn’t know about marxist song lyrics.

Just as theology and the various church movements have had conflicts and changes throughout the ages- so has Christian Music.

Church music has progressed from Gregorian chants, Latin hymns to the Reformation hymns in spoken languages, such as Luther’s great hymn, A Mighty Fortress.

Then came the Anglican hymns (to which I am partial), the Methodist Charles Wesley’s hymns, then the later hymns that were more sentimental in the Cokesbury hymnal, and the American camp meeting and revival songs, such as Now I Belong to Jesus, I’ll Fly Away and There’s Pow’r In the Blood.

If hymns and songs glorify Jesus as LORD and King – and proclaim the Gospel faithfully, then they are OK in my book.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

I have family and friends in the Baptist church – so I’m glad to have some background on the politics and history.

Valerie Curren

China Joe

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Larry C

I think it took Biden about 1hour and 55 minutes of ass kissing before he got nerve enough to say, “HOW MUCH YOU PAY ME TO SELL YOU UNITED STATES?”
Quote Tweetcomment image
Ben Owen
· 4h
Biden spent two hours talking to Xi Jinping.

What do you think they talked about?


Wonder if Beijing Biden read a teleprompter while talking with Xi.

OR they had someone speak for Beijing Biden.

Valerie Curren

handlers everywhere!

Valerie Curren

fiscal irresponsibility

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Chad Pergram


CBO’s projects annual deficits of $1.2 trillion a year from 2022 to 2031 and exceed their 50-year average of 3.3 percent of GDP in each of those years. Debt projected to reach 102 percent of GDP at the end of 2021. By 2031, 107 percent of GDP, the highest in the nation’s history.


Well, just mint a few trillion dollar coins and give ’em to the Treasury.

Valerie Curren

but coins have some intrinsic value so not likely

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He was talking about the suggestion, made early in the Obola years, that the mint produce an ordinary sized coin (made of platinum) denominated as a trillion dollars. Platinum is basically on sale right now ($1251 / ounce, much cheaper than gold, so no compared to its face value the coin effectlively would have NO intrinsic value (about 1 billionth of face; that would be a record low intrinsic value ratio for any coin, even the cheap shit we produce today beats it by at least seven orders of magnitude).

This apparently was suggested because when Congress passed the law allowing the mint to make platinum bullion coins, it did not specify the denominations. The mint has since made $100, $50, $25 and $10 platinum coins containing 1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/10 ounce of platinum, respectively.

Of course anyone who actually spends those coins at face value is an idiot. On the other hand, if you owe me a bunch of money, I’ll let you settle it for 50 percent if you use these coins (or any other bullion series from the mint) to pay it. I”d be even more generous if you used the palladium coins. ($25 for an ounce coin, but palladium goes for $2463/oz).

Valerie Curren

You’re so shrewd…got some Jewish blood in there & a hooked nose too??? (obviously being facetious & not intending to Really impugn our Hebrew brethren & sistren)

Valerie Curren

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What’s the occasional bit of radioactivity, poison, or pestilence between friends?

And we know they’re our friends, because they help us with the burden of paying for our politicians.

Valerie Curren

LOL…but now they Own said politicos!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. Heavy, heavy sarcasm!!

Valerie Curren

Never would have expected that from You Steve 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And a healthy dose of irony, with perhaps some zincy and tungsteny to go with it.

Valerie Curren

L’argent largesse!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First draft scheduled.

And Joe Biden didn’t win. (Just thought you all should know that.)


Y’know, I’m thinking that you’re not really giving enough attention to the fact that Kamal-Ho-Her-Ass didn’t either. Just in China Joe abruptly drops dead.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A damn fine point.

I got a laugh from someone while marching to the capitol by calling them Joe and Hoe. I was surprised someone out there on our side hadn’t heard that one.


This is the trailer for Binary Smoke, a new cyberpunk video game. In fact I think this trailer has only been up a few hours.

For those so inclined the predictive programming is pretty obvious. Talks about people who created the main character, a cyberbeing to save mankind from darkness.

(But . . . I still love Lain . . .)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Quite a bit stolen from Cloud Atlas and The Fifth Element, but don’t mind me, I’m not a gamer!  😉 

Sadie Slays

Epic Games Store

Chinese-owned. Held a virtual black mass ritual in Fortnite in October 2020 right before Event 201, gave away the game “Pandemic” for free during February 2020. Didn’t watch this video, but I’ve had them pegged as propaganda for over a year now.

P.S. Did not expect a Lain reference here for all places.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Oh yeah, bonus points for the broken English font. I always suspected that was their subtle way of degenerating our language. I don’t trust anything that replaces “A” with a lambda or delta.


Sorry, another jarring genre jump.

My wife has been tracking on this issue, from the perspective of a disinterested outsider, as Britney Spears tries to break free of the system of control that has been imposed on her.

Sometimes it’s a cabal, but sometimes it’s a deadbeat dad at the center of the web pulling all the strings.

Britney Spears never had a chance, but she deserves one now
by Tiana Lowe, Commentary Writer |  | February 10, 2021 09:55 AM

The entertainment industry’s exploitation of its child stars has a long history. The difference is that in the old days, MGM put Judy Garland on a cycle of amphetamines and barbiturates behind closed doors, while the saga of Britney Spears played out for all the world to see. Or so we thought. As the New York Times documentary Framing Britney Spears explores, the reality was even worse than it seemed at the time.

The singer went from child starlet to hard partying pop princess under the microscope of paparazzi chasing her across Hollywood and predatory news anchors and media executives waiting for her to fail. But since her highly publicized mid-aughts breakdown, you know, the shaved head, the umbrella, the hospital stints, Spears’s public persona has been micromanaged by her father Jamie, with whom Britney Spears is now in an all out legal battle against.

The “Free Britney” movement is a complicated saga that broadly goes something like this: After Spears’s breakdown, the courts approved her father’s push to put her under a conservatorship, a legal arrangement granting a conservator (in this case, Jamie) full legal control of her estate and her person. Conservatees are usually senile seniors unable to care for themselves or highly disabled people unable to make decisions for themselves. As the documentary explores, Spears conceded that coming under a conservatorship was an inevitability, but she specifically did not want her father, who was a largely absent alcoholic during her childhood, to be the conservator. Spears has evidently gotten her personal issues, which included some combination of mental illness and substance abuse, under control and her career rebounded. But the conservatorship has remained in place, and Jamie and his allies are still able to use it to milk his multimillionaire daughter for cash.

How did Spears get to this point, fighting in court for a decade to have the basic right to post to her own social media or to use her own money? The truth is that this result was an inevitability, one orchestrated by the adults who turned this unusually gifted child into some pimped out Lolita loathed and loved in equal measure by the media.

. . . MORE . . .


Another . . .

Britney Spears’ conservatorship, explained

The legal controversy surrounding Britney Spears is no secret. Her father has controlled her career and finances since 2008, a position she’s been fighting against for years. 

The fight is back in the spotlight following the release of a New York Times documentary, “Framing Britney Spears,” which follows the beloved pop star’s rise to fame, public breakdown and recent comeback. The documentary also focuses on the past media coverage of Spears, which many now consider misogynistic.

For years, fans have used the hashtag #FreeBritney to support the singer’s desire to leave her conservatorship, a court-appointed role that gives her father, Jamie Spears, the power to control her estate. Britney’s lawyers have said she will no longer perform as long as her father is in charge. 

Both sides returned to court Thursday to determine the roles her father and a financial company, acting as a co-conservator, will play in handling her estate. The next hearing is scheduled for March 17.

. . . MORE . . .

Deplorable Patriot

Brittany Spears was one of the Hollywood people Randy Quaid claims was given a substance of some sort that makes people behave as if they are bi-polar. This was backed up by a whistleblower. Mel Gibson was another person named as a victim. Essentially, as per union rules, sets are catered and the cast MUST eat from the food provided, and that was how it was delivered.

More or less, there’s a group out there who makes more money on celebrities who misbehave than when they act normally.

That’s the accusation, anyway, and why Randy Quaid can’t come back to the US, let alone Hollywood.


General McInerney

Trump was more sick with Covid-19 in October than was acknowledged at the time. When he was hospitalized, his blood oxygen levels had plunged and officials feared he would need to be put on a ventilator.

“The former president resisted being taken to Walter Reed, relenting only when aides told him that he could walk out on his own or risk waiting until the U.S. Secret Service was forced to carry him out if he got sicker.”

– New York Times

This was an assassination attempt to take out President Trump. The intelligence agency knows. The truth will come out.

Who colluded with the CCP? The Democrats, certain Republicans, and journalists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve said this all along. The 5-day incubation period gives it all away. TWO HITS. One of them was an exposure coincident with his trip with Ronna, when she got it, followed by the Rose Garden hit.


Please refresh my memory on the significance of the 5-day incubation period.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The 5-day incubation period is actually rather “spiky”, IMO. It can be shorter or longer, but it’s generally very close to 5 days, in practice.

Based on the people around Trump who all got it around the same time, using a 5-day incubation period, the COVID was associated with two events:

(1) Trump riding with Ronna McDaniel in a helicopter to a rally

(2) the Rose Garden speaking event for Amy Coney Barrett, and particularly the speakers and those who shook hands with them and/or did not wear a mask (which DOES affect hand-to-nose/eyes/face transfer – in Chris Christie’s case). Note that ACB herself did not get it then, but she had gotten it earlier, and was likely immune, but that was not public knowledge.

There were a few stragglers after that, but almost everybody was accounted for by those two events, IMO.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I believe there were two attempts. I wrote a LOT about this in posts at the time, mostly in comments, but I may have done a post.

Ronna and Trump’s infections, which were a bit earlier than the Rose Garden crew, tracked very closely with Melania and Barron, who trailed Trump by hours or maybe a day. IMO that was due to them getting physical transfer of virus from Trump in their living quarters. They did NOT get infected by Trump’s infection, or they would have followed later. Thus, he TRACKED IT IN. This is key to understanding that this was very likely a surface-spread event, and NOT an organic family event like me and my wife. My wife lagged me by – DRUMROLL – roughly 5 days from my first symptoms, which were 5 days after the most likely event where I could have gotten it.

Science is REAL, and it’s wonderful.


Remember the video of that Shy-Knee woman putting her hands all over each laptop on display at a computer store?

IMO, there isn’t any rational explanation other than it was a *purposeful* contamination.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Like your new word. I will also watch for shiny as a proper description.


Thanks – I like it too.

I remember – quite a while ago – you expressed an aversion to “code-speak”.

My feeling is “whatever works!” We’re battling AI now, too, and all the attendant censorship / flagging.

BTW, I think the minor problems I’ve had are actually *in-between*. In the same way that there’s a lag many times, when trying to up-vote or even to see the up-votes, there was a lag in refreshing the page / site.

When it takes too long, the message I got was that my browser couldn’t get the server to respond.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I generally don’t like code-speak, but (1) my situation is not everybody else’s – it can be a necessity to get past censorship, and (2) it can be fun to MOCK the need for it by using it, and I can join in that mockery, so GOOD DEAL. 😉

As for what we are seeing now, some of the problems are not so much direct censorship, as they are “impingements on our host”, due to crowding and lack of hardware, due to…….



The anons have used it to great effect, outing many newbies / shills, who need moar brians to successfully carry out their smears / subversion.

The mockery gives good feelz, too!

The latest coinage, of course, is stonk – lol!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ag ag ag ag ag ag ag!!! Stonks are lit! 😉



Brian is akin to Ken? Stonk is…?

Many a month back, I had to inquire what the hell a Karen was. 🙂

Chucklin at my being so out of touch.


Stonk = Stock
(Reddit Retard talk)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See? AND – let me make a prediction made purely on SCIENCE grounds, that 5 days is more likely than 4.

Ask the question to your friend and her husband. Did he have any MILD symptoms the day before?

-Exhaustion / tiredness
-Headache in an unusual place
-Felt odd
-Felt “warm”
-Felt “weak”
-Dry cough
-Tickle in the throat

All of these are early symptoms. Based on whichever day it was, look 5 days earlier and see which day looks more likely as the transmission day, too. Whichever way it is, optimize toward 5 days, and you will get the truth.

Sadie Slays

Folks, I don’t mean to be a jerk about this, but why are we suddenly believing the NYT on anything? I wouldn’t trust them to provide an honest restaurant review or weather forecast, let alone a report on their arch-enemy’s health.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

First, it was Gen McInerney who cited them, simply for the purpose of making the point that it was an a********tion attempt.

Second, now that we know how much they lie, it helps a bit to understand WHY they’re lying, and so, to identify what truth they’re trying to cover up.

In this case, I see an attempted “wrap-up smear” (bad health, misrepresenting) … but it’s like a poker “tell”, which the General outed.

Many a lie has its seed in *truth* … and speaking something that’s “true” can be a lie as well – a lie-of-omission (“the truth, the *whole* truth, and nothing but the truth”).

Sadie Slays

Here in the local news, they’re juxtaposing “Trump was sicker that reported!” next to headlines about the need to wear double-masks. It all comes off as demoralization propaganda.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can’t speak for others, but what they’re saying matches up with everything I already believed.


The Trumpist Fox News has canceled “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” host not expected to be back on air (LA Times) Lou Dobbs being canceled is exactly the same bullshit we as Conservatives are against. Cancel culture. He supports President Trump. That’s why he was booted off… OANN Just offered Lou Dobbs a Job After He Slams Fox News

The True Defender !

OANN Just offered Lou Dobbs a Job After He Slams Fox News – The True Defender !

Lou Dobbs may not be calling out disgraced Fox News in his own words right now, but he’s still sending the message out loud and clear about what he thinks of those turncoats. Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: Dobbs…


Hope Charles Payne, Jesse Waters and Greg Gutfield shift to OAN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Frm Gb:

comment image


I don’t like it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Neither did I – but it made me think!


I see the building as the current CORRUPT “system”.
I like it!


Circle back to get it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We will figure out how to make sure no money gets to the RINOCRATS.

Deplorable Patriot

We’d have to blow up the entire non-profit structure to accomplish that.


Perhaps an effective method would be to demonstrate that they AREN’T, in fact, non-profits.

90% of donations for administration, only 10% for the causes?

I’m convinced that the “fact-checkers” – like Charity Navigator – are complicit, and just as bad.


They receive support post primary from the RNC.

They do not receive RNC money for their primary race.

The RNC will not withhold $ to any Republican After the primary for the Race/election of Republican v. Democrat.

The RNC is Not funding any Republican for their primary.

It is up to the people in their 14 Representatives districts to vote them out during the primary. (14 as I am counting the 4 who abstained as well as the 10 who voted)

If their own district, if their own base in their own district reelect them as their candidate in the primary then the RNC will help them against the Dem.

Defeat them in the primary. Vote them out.


I missread. Comment was in context of thinking it was the RNC. My error.

I do not know when the NRCC funds.


Well, that was easy. My comment applies to Both the RNC & the NRCC.

From the article itself:

“In a statement to The Hill, NRCC spokesman Michael McAdams said, “The NRCC’s stance has not changed. We support our members in general elections and do not get involved in primaries. We look forward to building on last cycle’s successes and retaking the majority.”

Again, beat them in the primaries. Afte the primaries is too late and yes, they all receive funding agains the Dems.

None receive funding during the primaries but after the district’s voters have spoken, they receive help against the Dem.


FEC requires quarterly paperwork. Each candidate can be looked up.

They also file state paperwork. Get to know your states election finance department and how to look up candidate’s paperwork.

Looking up TN candidates: is also helpful


Excellent info, Maga Mom, TY!

To me, you fill an essential role here – you have expertise that no one else does.

I hope you can let go of the “sting” from a few rebukes here and there … we ALL have to toughen up a bit in this 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare) environment!



No funding during the Primaries for anyone, as usual.

Here is what the NRCC is working on for 2022:

If any of readers live in these districts, start getting involved with potential Candidates now. Vet them and help recruit MAGA candidates so that we like the GOP we have to vote for come Nov of 2022!

“House Republicans start the cycle just five seats short of a majority and are prepared to build on our 2020 successes to deliver a lasting Republican majority in the House. We will stay laser-focused on recruiting talented and diverse candidates, aggressively highlighting Democrats’ socialist agenda and raising enough resources to win.” 

The 47 offensive opportunities include 29 Battleground Democrats where President Biden lost the district or where the 2020 presidential or congressional margin was within 5%. Next, there are 8 Underperforming Democrats, who won by less than 10% and underperformed the presidential ballot margin. Finally, there are 10 Redistricting Watch Democrats, who currently represent districts in states gaining or losing seats during the reapportionment, or represent districts in states that have a redistricting commission.”

Redistricting will be Very interesting to watch and the GOP will gian seats just on redistricting as some conservative areas have grown and some liberal areas have shrunk. Plus with conservatives drawing the districts we should have less gerrymandering as the worse gerrymandering offenders are Dems by far.

2022 is heating up quickly!

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

it’s just a game with them…it’s ALWAYS MORE IMPORTANT to REGAIN THE HOUSE…that’s why they KEEP LOSING THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if they didn’t lose it, they couldn’t USE regaining it AS A WEAPON to keep us VOTING THEIR ASSES IN!


How much of this donor money ends up working for the election, and how much ends up in the organization’s, politicians, and GOP professional class’s pockets? Asking for a friend


sorry for all the yelling in my post…I will get coffee and calm down…i hope


Perfect. Them asshoes can keep calling and sending mailers for donations.

I can keep verbally bashing them on the phone and sending their mailers back with jabs they stabbed Trump in the back.

R-Cons are dead to me.


CAPITOL FALSE FLAG PSYOP: A Devious Black Op to Cancel the Patriot Movement | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (

Why does the CIA’s Mockingbird Media keep mislabelling the storming of the Capitol Building an ‘INSURRECTION’?

Because they know that it was really a Capitol Building trespass by protesters and crisis actors, that was covertly engineered as a false-flag black operation, which was carried out by a conspiracy of the treacherous Democrat Party, countless

Deep State operatives, NWO globalists and agents of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

The Armchair Political Analyst

SOTN Exclusive

Clearly, the storming of the Capitol was made to happen on purpose as the “Reischtag Fire” of the 21 century.


Executed by Deep State to Crush the Patriot Movement

As the weeks pass, the evidence is mounting that there were more crisis actors in the Antifa/BLM mob that stormed the Capitol Building than there were real Patriots and MAGA supporters.

There are serious reasons why the Left was so determined to hijack Trump’s MAGA rally in D.C. on January 6th.

First, they knew President Trump would quite dramatically bring unwanted attention to the “Election Heist of the Millennium”, which he did. See: “ABSOLUTE PROOF”: Damning Digital Evidence of Ballot Fraud Means 2020 POTUS Election Is NOT Over

This simply could not be tolerated as the Democrat Party is so complicit in the POTUS election theft that they had to change the conversation—FAST! All they want is for the 2020 election to be over … forever.



Now for a no-nonsense reality check.

Given the outright treason and serial sedition carried out by the Democrat Party since the very day that Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015, they have committed countless capital crimes against the Republic and the American People.

In light of the fact that the U.S. Congress has repeatedly and profoundly violated the public trust and broken the social contract with We the People, both Democrats and RINOs have created the circumstances whereby the U.S. citizenry has every right to rebel. In point of fact, the U.S. Constitution encourages such a rebellion against the present tyrannical government. After all, imposter Joe Biden was installed by the NWO cabal in the White House after stealing an election that saw Trump receive the 80 million votes, not Obama’s lawless 8-year partner-in-crime!

Once the sacred covenant between the government and the governed was broken via the proven and undeniable 2020 POTUS election theft, the perpetrators exposed themselves to the righteous wrath of We the People.

Now, exactly what form that righteous indignation will take in the future remains to be seen; nevertheless, the Patriot Movement now possesses the legitimate power, legal authority and constitutional right to take back the US government from those who have stolen it and corrupted it to the core.

Bottom Line: By executing a full-blown yet stealthy communist revolution against the American Republic, the U.S. citizenry has an obligation to apprehend and prosecute every single traitor to the fullest extent of the law. Not to do so not only constitutes a great moral failing, it also spells the demise of the United States of America.


There was no legitimate reason for the 117th United States Congress to unconstitutionally impeach then President Trump. By doing so, the Congress has quite intentionally and greatly exacerbated the unparalleled political divide all over the country.

Both the Democrat and RINO leadership knows that there will be no conviction of an innocent Donald Trump. Nonetheless, these perfidious perpetrators are further inflaming the intense passions throughout the American body politic.

Therefore, the Current U.S. Congress Warrants Total Dissolution for Inciting Civil War.

In the absence of a total dissolution of the current Congress, the U.S. citizenry will have very few options by which to restore the rule of law across America. And as long as Democrat lawlessness and RINO anarchy reigns, the fate of the Republic hangs in the balance.

In other words, sometimes the only alternative remaining to the American people is a full-blown….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are in for rough times. TOUGHEN UP FAST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The BUFFALO JUMP was ugly as Hell. And now they’re using their FIB PIED PIPER as an excuse to call us all “extremists”.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very smart thinking. Be prepared.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amazing (and funny!) patriot lady ON GAB……

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Just WOW.


She’s all over it. Even has the reasons for Bill Gate’s land grab correct. To feed those that are serving the Bidenese regime and the elite as they starve the remainder.

Valerie Curren

Prominent owl imagery here…hmmm


Seems to me that it might be a good idea to recollect “deosil” and “widdershins” as directions…..



These terms are very useful, seeing the wall clocks from IKEA that turn standard deosil and the Bavarian one that turns widdershins, «Clockwise» and «counter-clockwise» are ambiguous.

And now that many clocks or time displays are digital, how do the kids even tell what the clock has to do with any of that. Tightening and loosening screws, nuts, and bolts are more informative for illustrating the directions, at least as long as there are no left-handed threads in place to confuse the issue… so leave things like bicycle pedals, gas fittings, motor shafts, and left-side wheel nuts on certain old makes and models of cars, until the advanced lessons.


Left-handed threads on lug nuts – a great idea that didn’t pass the test of time. And by a car company (Chrysler) now owned by Fiat.


This may help
Lefty-Loosie ..loosen
Righty-Tightie ..tighten


Not for certain years of Chrysler products.


Not for some current water faucet fixtures

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And, of course that assumes you’re thinking of the direction of motion of the TOP of whatever it is you’re turning.

And that you’re not behind whatever it is you’re tightening or loosening.

If exactly ONE of those assumptions is wrong, it’s the other way around. If both are wrong, then it’s back to being right again.

Easiest thing is to use the right hand rule. Make a fist with your right hand, and point your thumb in the direction the screw should go (usually away from you), your fingers curl in the direction you want to turn. Unless it’s a left hand thread.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mitch McConnell was part of the China/Iran Coup

-that took place through ELECTION FRAUD.
-so were the rest of the Congress with few exceptions,
-and the courts,
-and the justice and law enforcement agencies,
-and the broadcast, print and social media
-and the pentagon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And NOT one politician talking about fixing the obviously corrupt election process. NOT ONE!

They just dodder along wasting time until 2022.


we gotta re-elect the bastards so they CAN fix the problems in 2022…then we’ll “get them”…just you wait and see!!!!
(anybody buying the crap they’re selling??)


^^^ 100% ^^^ …AND

  • and state guvners,
  • and state legislators,
  • state courts,
  • and state election officials,
  • and county election officials,
  • and asshoes that purchased dominion, smartmatic…

T O T A L betrayal from A to Z.


Thanks for expanding that, Kalbokalbs!


so now what? the military? are we reasonably sure they are on the side of the people and the oath they took? i just dont know any more.


I don’t know either, Suzyqster.


Sarah Hoyt recently had a link to the concordance of Cordwainer Smith.

There were two samples.

I commented on one of them…..

A village on Xanadu. The aroi danced here and went to Menace. [SS]
Rano Raraku is a volcanic crater on Rapa Niu; see Aroi, Poike.
Rano Raraku is on Easter Island, AKA “Rapa Nui”.

I received the response: “Thank you.  I have forwarded your info on to the author of the Concordance.”

You can never have enough random memory.

Valerie Curren

duplicate comment from yesterday’s open thread (didn’t know if it would post this late)…

I’m guessing that some of you know this gene decode &/or the woman interviewing him, but they’re new to me…so sharing this FYI

Interesting & quirky video dealing w/ vaccines in Africa & British efforts. This site gets a twitter warning, automatic ear perking.

There is a summary around 8:20 so far; 2nd half of video is about Burma/Myanmar elections, opium, trafficking etc.

I searched “gene decode” on yippy & found this GENE DECODE is a former U.S. Navy Decoder with highly valuable intel from the Deep-State agendas, elite bloodlines, Adrenochrome, satanic cults, and the D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), to alien races, ancient civilizations buried underground, Antarctica, human harvesting, God, and The Great Awakening.

& this

Gene has come forward as a whistleblower with information regarding the liberation of deep underground military bases and the emancipation of human trafficked children from these bases. Gene is a 21 year veteran with the Navy. He is a Vietnam vet. He worked in electronics on submarines in special forces. He has a background in martial arts. With a strong desire to learn more about the human body, Gene researched holistic medical practices, acupuncture and the science of herbal medicine, much of it through a Chinese foundation. Because of the nature of his expertise, Gene was privy to high military clearance sometimes higher than some of his commanding officers. His father was a scientist for Martin-Marietta and Gene grew up hearing about covert military operations.

This video from last week they discuss removing children from DUMBs in DC???

around 3:20 on the above video he starts discussing Trump Hotel pricing for March…

he mentioned Scott McKay’s Patriot Streetfighter to get documents, including the one he’s discussing of the US as a Constitutional Republic vs a Corporation, 64 page doc…

around 11:45 explains 10 days of darkness & 1776 flag at 1/2 mast on White House

mentions Ellen (somebody) in Up Front in the Prophetic as “very excellent”

around 15 mins 2nd Declaration of Independence Trump signed July 4, 2020

around 20:40 a Biden nominee suggesting defunding the US military & having CHINA take over our national defence—TREASON!!!

around 23 MarALago was willed to US as “Winter White House” but given back before Trump bought it. It has 3 bomb shelters & a SCIF…

previously Biden’s Executive Actions have no teeth but are being sold by cabal propaganda arm of MSM

Lots of Hopium here..but is it true???


Hopium? More like Stroke-ium.

Chinese foundation training? That’s gonna inspire trust, for sure.

Xi and the other CCP high mucky mucks have a bet going – how wild a tale can we tell that the Americans will accept as true?

Valerie Curren

so is “Stroke-ium” for Stroking out or for stroke-me, stroke-me? CCP lies are tribbles!


“Notice, however, where the action is taking place: It’s on the enemy’s turf. Once again, we are in the left’s “conservative circle of hell.” They accuse, we deny, and round and round she goes. They scream, “Sedition!” We respond, “No Sedition!” They yelp, “Insurrection!” We holler back, “No Insurrection!” 

The left loves this, since they are in a no-lose situation, no matter how outrageous their claims are. Should their accusations stick, great. If not, back to square one, and on to the next ridiculous charge. It’s not like they pay a price for losing, do they?

It need not be this way. Conservative principles are rock solid and have withstood the test of time. We should stop “defending” them and start “celebrating” them. Case in point: President Trump’s January 6th speech was not only constitutional, legal, and ethical, it was democracy in action, the epitome of the First Amendment.”

Valerie Curren

my ears hurt


according to the Associated Press” – lol!

“Health care workers believe” – ya sure.

Muh “experts” …

“Indigenous Amazonian Communities Fear Taking Vaccine

“Experts Say indigenous communities in remote regions of Brazil are rejecting COVID-19 shots from health care workers, even though Brazil has the second highest death rate in the world from the virus, according to the Associated Press.

“Health care workers believe fear of the vaccine is being generated by Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, who became infected with the coronavirus last year and says he doesn’t plan to get vaccinated, according to an Associated Press report. He says others shouldn’t unless they prefer to receive the shot.”

Anon1: “They are already pushing the Vax on indeginous people, they ain’t fucking around”

Anon2: “The question is exactly what is in this vaccine that they want so desperately vaccinate everyone on the planet, even remote tribes.”

Anon3: “That question has been answered, by the financier of the whole conspiracy, the vaccinator-in-chief, Bill Gates. He said “it’s an operating system, to reprogram your body” [to be a weakened, infertile slave and then die young].”

Valerie Curren

real men don’t pander…this guy is a complete joke


The average soy boy isn’t good looking enough to get pregnant, if such a thing was possible.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Natural cross!
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren
Sadie Slays

Feds going after people for sharing stock tips online now. Come at me, glowies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a bunch of crap! THIRD WORLD JUSTICE!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Pfizer dodging safety testing


Gates’ polio “vaccine” was responsible for INFECTING just shy of a half a million Indians with polio.

If Gates ever steps foot in India, he’ll be arrested and charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

At least a few African countries had a similar experience (? ~50K women now sterile), and have the same attitude …

He’s a monster, IMO.


I’ve read Gates’ HPV vaccine caused much suffering in Africa and elsewhere.

I hope none of my grandchildren or great-grands ever takes an HPV or Herpes vaccine.

Or flu vaccine or CV19 vaccine.


I hope so too.

The HPV “incidents” were at least 5 years ago, right?

Gates has been on the same genocidal mission, IMO, for many years now.

I hope he’s named as a defendant in one AT LEAST of all those sealed indictments, which have been piling up at 10x the historical rate over the past 3-4 years!

And grandchildren should mind their gammers and gaffers!


Every one of my cancers were HPV caused. Being under enormous stress activates HPV my cancer Dr. told me. I was going through a divorce and was homeless for a time in my middle 50s.very scary. Went through throat cancer treatment alone, that was not good. anyway Dr. told me that anyone over 26 had HPV as it was in the wild. not caused by oral sex she said. I was married to a serial cheater so figured that was where I got it. still do think that. cancer Dr. have a mindset of slash and burn the cancer out. it took me 5 years to just recover from that treatment. as soon as I was better then on to the lung removal which was breeze compared to the throat. again i was told it HPV caused. unreal stuff.

Valerie Curren

Yes, one of the modern impersonations of evil!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Uncle Ben is also out of work – and the indigenous people Maiden has been booted from her longtime job at Land O Lakes!!!


They GOT RID OF the “Indians” (iconic logo) …
and TOOK AWAY their land (ad-space)!

Funny / not-funny, of course …


. . . and they claim to be for oppressed minorities.

Valerie Curren

Cancel cult cancels the “minority” icons they purport to champion…



and she doesn’t apologize to the families of those who died…she apologizes to dems because this will expose their asses to repubs…how foul is that???


You weren’t supposed to notice that pesky little detail …

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

And DOJ is nowhere to be found.


they had to wait for pedodent biteme to be installed so the DOJ is even more neutered.

Valerie Curren

farce fracturing
comment image


IF this is legit – it’s huge news!

We need a live link and other confirming sources.

My motto is from J. Apelbaum – “in GOD we trust – we vet the rest.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. These posts sure don’t explain sequencing sites like this one:


I personally have a suspicious cat rating of 8 on this piece.

CV19 acts like a SARS virus – not a typical flu virus.

It has been identified as such and is properly called SARS-II Coronavirus.

SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Patients with lowered immune systems go into respiratory distress and cytokine storms, atypical of flu virus caused illness.

Deplorable Patriot


This is what I’ve been saying for MONTHS.

The nasty bug is Influenza A. I had it in March last year, before all the COVID $#!+ and certainly before testing. It was labelled Influenza A at the time, and people with the same symptoms also had it confirmed as Influenza A in these parts.

Then all the frigging testing started and all of a sudden it’s all COVID all the time.

Valerie Curren

Yes! Though some aspects of the CV illness scenario appear “real”…hence those in my household that got “it” & lost the sense of smell for weeks. That’s new & different from “flu”, or at least what used to be flu.


The CV virus and illness are damned real.

It’s the spread and hype and actions taken/not taken that are criminal.

Rejection-banning-launching smear campaigns against HCQ, Ivermectin and Budenoside as treatment – that had been proved in the field against CV19 in its early stages – in favor of expensive unproven drugs and vaccines is criminal.

Now hundreds of tests have proved those three inexpensive treatments are very effective against CV19.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

Follow the money! & whoever “benefits” from all the tyrannical depredations on our freedom…


I read on the CDC site itself that as of July 13 last year, they hadn’t isolated SARS-2 Coronavirus (Isn’t this the full clinical name?)

I haven’t clicked on the above Toot-link yet, to see whether there’s any sauce on it, but here’s a mini-bun hypothesis group from the anons:

Covid vaccine – Prion disease – Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Holy f***, if this is real thing, they are commiting genocide”

“>Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
In 2014, researchers disclosed a technique that involves examining neurons collected from inside the nose using a sterile brush. The test correctly identified 30 of 31 CJD patients and showed negative results for all 43 without the disorder.”

>Mad Cow.
Test AOC”

Mad cow is one of the Prion diseases.
What caused me to stop in my reading of the article, was the posted paragraph.
Why would they use a test for a brain disease, for covid?”

Because covid19 IS a brain disease, with flu on top. Its nanoparticle robots can pass through the blood-brain barrier, where they linger in the brain and eventually cause madness. Look it up: mental illness in Covid “survivors” is on the increase, in a steep uptick. Coincidence? Not.”

Why did they kill the inventor of the Fake Tests?(97% false)”


Keep in mind, please, that there is almost ALWAYS some “noise” with the “signal” – often, speculation is mostly noise.

I doubt very much that the SARS-2 Coronavirus has “nanobots” … and / but I DO allow for the possibility that the PCR test swabs may in fact have the virus, and the remote possibility that either the swabs – or the vaxes – may contain them.

Nano-tech has been around for quite a while …

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar
Valerie Curren

Very interesting details you’ve shared…

“Because covid19 IS a brain disease, with flu on top. Its nanoparticle robots…”

This person is saying the “disease” itself contains these “robots”? I was under the impression that the sample brushes for deep in the nose were being used to implant the robots potentially. Hmmm…

If we ever get a comprehensive Straight Answer on CV a lot of people & institutions are going to be hunted w/ pitchforks…& nooses…

Deplorable Patriot


When I had the high fever for four days, blood involved, stomach is off bug, it was labelled INFLUENZA A, and that was before COVID and all the testing came into our lives. My senses didn’t disappear, but were MAGNIFIED.

The bug that matched the COVID symptoms AS ORIGINALLY PRESENTED with the lack of smell, SARS component, etc., I had in December 2019, and it was two months before the cough gave up and I was back to full lung capacity. I had ZERO lung issues with the bug I had in March with the super high fever, etc.

EXACTLY as I thought: all the testing was manipulated to make the flu something far more sinister in the eyes of people ruled by fear.


All part of the great global reset.

Valerie Curren

Our old threads on wqth w/ Q-Treepers sharing their symptoms & timelines might yet prove invaluable as we build our own trusted “database” of what was/is Really going on…

Valerie Curren

assault on justice & liberty!
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SO FAR in the scam-peachment, the DemocRATS have lied, altered and edited video and now this:


to “compel”…isn’t that a vanilla word…
how about blackmail? coerce?



States Rights!

Some States have passed laws making marijuana legal, but Federal Law says that it is illegal.

The Feds have done nothing about that.

If States can pass laws making marijuana legal…then then States can pass laws making abortion illegal.




The masses simply have to reject the Fed BS.

MJ is the perfect example. Can’t arrest tens of thousands dope smokers.

Lesson learned, IGNORE Beijing Biden EOs.

EXTENDED Lesson learned, IGNORE state, county and city EDICTS to wear masks, stay home…


Hubby has diabetes, but he didn’t check the new prices yet.
Thanks Joe!



If you believe:

-Men can give birth.

-The Capitol riots were akin to the Rwandan genocide.

-Ted Cruz almost had AOC murdered

-BLM deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

Seek help. Immediately.

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) February 11, 2021


for GA/FL

Liberals yesterday … OMG! Tom Brady isn’t wearing a mask! OMG! Tom Brady is drunk! Boo hoo sniff sniff.

Me – wish I could get drunk with Tom Brady.

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) February 11, 2021


Keep in mind, Brady is younger than our youngest child. Some of my grandchildren are in their 30s!


God’s creations in all their beauty should be appreciated…lol
I have no problem pointing out an attractive woman to my hubby–beauty is beauty!
used to be whenever I saw someone with a great smile (at a store for instance) I wouldn’t hesitate to compliment him or her…now, with the masks, it’s usually nice eyes..but a quick wit, a nice outfit, an interesting tattoo–sometimes you make someone’s day with a little word of encouragement.


Brady’s skills and relentless arduous training/diet/healthy living are also to be admired. He’s not running around getting arrested, fathering hundreds of chillun, raping, beating, looting, burning, etc.


true and he likes POTUS!


I truly abhor tattoos. Also Bible says don’t mark/cut up your body.


Grandma In Texas – love your Friday Wolf Head Pub posts!

Though I’m the Pub’s official designated driver and drink very little and very seldom, I love and utilize spiced hot tea and juice drinks to drive away respiratory/virus/bacteria illness. If need be – I’d add a dash of spirits to make them even more effective – or help me sleep.


I can be the designated driver as well…I never drink. scratch that…I enjoy ONE wine cooler a summer and a bottle of Asti on some New Year’s Eve. but that’s it. so if you want to drink, I can drive.


For reference, I have reformatted Michael Yeadon’s valuable and important CV19 thread with links following.

THREAD – CORONAVIRUS – IMMUNOLOGIST DISCUSSION – IMMUNITY/VACCINES – by Michael Yeadon – BSc biochem tox, PhD respiratory pharmacol. 32y new meds research. Yeadon left Pfizer 2011 as VP Respiratory. In 2012, he founded biotech Ziarco, sold to Novartis 2017.

“I’ve been in touch with five U.K. university professors in departments which means they’re knowledgeable about immunology. All of us agree that the variants will not meaningfully alter immune recognition by our bodies of the virus. 

If you’ve been infected by the Wuhan sequence, you’re immune, not only to this original sequence but to all variants.

The reason is that the number of point changes (17 is the most in one variant) is irrelevantly small compared with the size of the entire virus, which is 10,000 amino acids long. The most mutated virus is 99.8% identical to the Wuhan sequence.

It is possible that much smaller changes in spike protein could alter infectiousness. But that’s not what I’m talking about here, which is immune recognition. That’s not going to change overall, because we don’t only recognise the part which has changed, but dozens, perhaps scores of parts of the virus. The vast majority of these parts are unchanged. 

As a practical example, the original SARS virus from 2003 is around 80% identical to SARS-COV-2. 

Research has looked at immune recognition of various parts of SARS & found vigorous responses to multiple parts of SARS 17y later. 

What’s also amazing is that these same people showed strong & unequivocal responses to SARS-COV-2, even though they’d never seen this new virus.

In other words, a virus which is as different as 20% from SARS was easily recognised as already known by an immune system which had memorised common sequences in a earlier virus to which it’d been exposed. 

The 0.2% difference between the Wuhan sequence & any of the recent variants isn’t any kind of issue for our immune systems.

No question, if you choose to focus upon just one (of very many different) antibodies which are raised to the virus, then if the sequence that one type of antibody binds to has changed, that antibody may no longer bind well.

But that’s not what protects you from illness: it’s the multi-locus nature of the immune response that does that. 

And most of those loci have not changed. Recognising & defending a person against those variants will not be problematic. 

And this sole focus on the profile of antibodies also completely ignores the panoply of T-cell responses, which are also created against dozens or scores of parts of the virus.

It’s worth noting that variants arise normally by error-prone replication by viruses. It’s how they evolve. 

Apparently around 40,000 different variants have already been identified, each a tiny amount different from the original sequence. 

Why we’ve decided to get over excited about a small subset of variants is inexplicable. 

As argued above, it’s not necessary to “keep foreign mutants out of the county”. 

In any case, a negative PCR test eliminates people bringing in a copy of the virus (whatever it’s sequence). 

It’s a head scratcher why the idea has arisen that it’s necessary to keep out foreign mutants and why what amounts to a brief period of imprisonment is an appropriate method for doing it. 

More important still, as mentioned already, variants are arising right now, within U.K. 

Even with reduced daily cases, there’s a lot of replication going on in U.K. & requiring inbound travellers to have a negative test would almost completely eliminate any possibility of importing an irrelevantly tiny number of imports compared with those forming spontaneously in the country anyway. 

Variants are not only inevitable (& have occurred in great profusion already) but are “way points” as the virus comes into equilibrium with its human host.

As respiratory viruses move through a population, there is selection pressure favouring variants which are more easily transmitted from the person to person (they out compete less transmissible variants). 

They’re especially favoured if they’ve less harmful to the infected host (because an ill person or a dead person is far worse at spreading the virus). 

Over time it’s therefore entirely normal & predictable that variants get selected for which are easier to transmit but less dangerous. 

That’s how this virus is highly likely to finish up being added to the existing four endemic coronaviruses which are causative agents in around a quarter of common colds. Indeed, it’s probably how those four got to their current status. 

There are probably other coronaviruses we’ve yet to characterise. 

SARS-COV-2 mutates very slowly compared with influenza & so it’s highly unlikely that we’d need a new vaccine annually, as we do with ‘flu. 

These university professors with deep knowledge of immunology are fearful these days even of talking about basic viral immunology. 

Apparently they’re concerned they might end up in the bad books of the Wellcome Trust, which is one of the top sources of research funding in U.K. 

So I’m telling you instead. If you want, you can contort the science such that what you’re being told fits the narrative. 

But you’ll notice lots of things that are being said simply don’t fit & that’s because the tale they’re telling isn’t true. 

There’s a pattern. 

Lots of things that don’t make any sense. 

Why, I’ve no idea.” 



Thanks, GA/FL. 👍 

If you’ve been infected by the Wuhan sequence, you’re immune, not only to this original sequence but to all variants.

And yet they’re telling people to get the friggin vaccine even if you’ve had it.


And there is some evidence it is harmful to do so!!!


Tremendous stuff, GA/FL!

I’ve saved it, so that I can print out copies for red-pilling some normies in my neck o’ the woods.

I bet it’ll work!



That looks like the technology that was created to do the Avatar movie.

This may be a bit more advanced…but it’s the same thing.
So it’s been around for awhile.

And yeah, it’s creepy stuff.

The forces of darkness will use this as a way to create false narratives and frame people for crimes they didn’t commit.


I’ve read that the term is “jar-babies” for the clones … and for the experimental ones (no WAY could pass as a natural man or woman) the terms is “grays”.

Most likely, for world leaders and such, they just use body-doubles (perhaps with cosmetic surgery), as the movie (Hollyweird) industry has been doing for decades, for stunts and such.

The deeper one goes, the more unbelievable it will seem (per Kew).

This is why I almost never reject, out-of-hand, any claim or speculation on WTH has really been going on.


just so you know, when we finally meet, you can tell it’s me cuz I didn’t have the wrinkles removed…LOL…
oh and I’ll be wearing these
comment image


I’ll refrain from asking if it improved your looks.


oh absolutely!
sat the magic word…win a prize


“jar babies” This is where I’m supposed to tell you about the first jar babies, but it’s from that Indian Epic “The Mahabarata”. You see the Pandava’s were locked into this war with their cousins the Kaurava’s. In fact they stole their kingdom, but I’ve mentioned that before. This is about the Kaurava’s themselves. Their father was a blind king and their mother wore a blindfold to share the blindness. She wanted a baby because their was news the first Pandava would be born soon and if it was a boy he’d inherit the kingdom and not her son should she have one.

Anyway shortens this up, she went and got help to get pregnant and ended up pregnant for two years before a lump of flesh was born. Distraught she was going to throw it away but a rishi (priest) told her not to. This is what they did. They took the lump of flesh and cut it up into 101 pieces and put them in jars filled with ghee. After two years they had 100 sons and 1 daughter. These were the Kaurva princes that stole the kingdom from the Pandavas. The Kaurava’s follow the path of evil or adharma and the Pandava’s followed the good path dharma

Anyway these are the first “jar babies” and this myth was written about 1000-500 BCE and told the story that originated circa 3000 BCE.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Verse of the Day for Friday, February 12, 2021

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” 

Colossians 3:23 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Morning Duchess!
hope you are well and safe!
have a Blessed Day!


Morning, Pat!!! Cold and Icy here, there, and everywhere – understand even Texas is chilly – Midwest dealing with frigid temps and icy roads – asking God for warm thoughts and Angels to keep the home fires burning – Hope and Pray you are warm and well.

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!
we’re gonna do an abbreviated banana run today…we’ll see! cold here too!!
stay warm!


* Received and Appreciated *

Didn’t you go on Wednesday? What’s projected for the weekend? More snow? We might get out of the teens later next week – will feel like a heat wave.


we do usually go on wednesdays, but hubby wanted to go today…shrug…


Drive carefully – Pray first for Protection – Please – Thanks!!!


you’re an Angel duchess!


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Wow.  😳  That’s bizarre!

Check it out at the 0:42 mark…it’s like his nose is deformed.


Somebody in the Clone Factory gonna get fired – I think!!!

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought. The plastic surgeon needs to be fired.


Unless it was deliberate, to tell one from the other easily.


A friend of mine thinks it is someone behind a rubber mask, pretending to be Biden.


This is infuriating! He better not get away with this!


Family Criminal Duo


dumb and dumber

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mafioso’s kids, Mafio and Mafier!


𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

Thank you, Grandmaintexas, for slogging through McConnell’s memoirs for us.

It’s a dreadful job…and I appreciate you taking it on!
 😬  😔 


february 11, 2021 the marshall report

Who was Allen Welsh Dulles? As someone once said, “He was the ambassador of the secret government to the overt government.” Or in other words part of the Cabal that spawned the new world order and those who planned the entire agenda.

In 1952 Allen Welsh Dulles became the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and its longest-serving director to date. During the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion.


this stoy claims that all background of Prescot Bush and his family was faked?

I think the Bush clan was crooked for generations …. but this claims they didn’t exist?



>>”Prescot[t] Bush”<<

The original (well, at least the earlier) surname for this family is “Scherff”.

Not “Bush” …

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

Is Prescott Bush’s father made up/fake? his grandfather? his great grandfather? All fake, a really, really deep fake? The Bush family is well documented going back many generations in the US. Great great grandfather went to Yale in teh 1840s and all have been well documented since.

Also, Prescott Bush was in the US well before WWII. He was a US Senator here in the states. And G Bush was in the navy during WWII – was that part of a deep fake?

I don’t get this story at all as it is contary to documented facts unless all facts were deep faked? This linked story makes no sense to me.

PS: I have No love for the Bush clan and believe Senator Bush was up to no good as a senator and as part of numerous scandals + doing business with Germany etc. There are many stories I would easily believe about the Bush clan but one just doesn’t make sense to me.


The winners write the “history” …

And yes, they can and do retroactively change it.

From what you say, the change of surname predates WWII, so … the fix has been in for quite a while.

Assuming, of course, that the multiple instances that I’ve seen this different surname claim are true.

It may not be; but then again, it may.

These are just the type of tricks that the cabal uses, and HAS used, for many, many years. “Re-branding” by stealing another’s identity, or my making up a different one.

I’ve no doubt it’s eminently possible.

Misdirection, and all.

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar
Deplorable Patriot

The “winners” write the “history” …

There. Fixed it.


Absolutely –

They’re ALL complete and utter LOSERS, in the greatest sense!

Lol – TY!


Btw, I’m glad I snuck in the two grammar edits before you replied!

Whew – that was close!


LOL – Saved by the Bell – were you, Em?



Yes – a day or two after I wrote, in effect, “Ooh – look at me! I’ve taught grammar!”

Doesn’t it always happen that way? Soon after a boast – however small – one may get SMACKED for a mistake undermining the claim.

Life …

Deplorable Patriot

The Bush clan (Samuel p. Bush) was one of the funding mechanisms of the Military Industrial Complex before we knew there was one, like, during WWI, not just WWII.


Which is why this article is so absurd to the point of pathetic and yet people are arguing it is correct.

“For you see, one of the people paper clipped turned out to be Tesla’s assistant and agent who unbeknownst to Tesla, turned out to be a Nazi who sold Tesla’s patents to Germany and Hitler for profit. … This agent’s name was George H. Scherff, Senior. He had a son named George H. Scherff, Jr. who was a spy for Germany and meddled all the time into Tesla’s laboratory. …
So after the war George H. Scherff, Senior was paper-clipped and became Prescott Bush. His son, George H. Scherff, Junior became George H. Bush the 41st President of the United States, Inc. But before he became president, he became Director of the C.I. A., after all, he had the spy skill sets down pat and hands on experience with Nazi Germany and Hitler.”

Seriously? Prescott Bush was a US Senator and G Bush was in the navy during WWII. Generations of the Bush clan have been in the US (not German Nazi’s who had to be paperclipped into the US).

this article is pure bunc. and yet people are arguing for it. Seriously?  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not pure bunk – it’s bunky CONNECTIONS between true things (valid Bush connections to Nazis and CIA, Operation Paperclip, Tesla science “grooming” by people in charge) used to discredit the whole.

This is a great style of disinformation. Some look at the true but shady parts. Some look at the bogus connections. Both sides fight. The WHOLE is discredited. CIA-generated, IMO.

YOU are picking out the obviously crazy connection. Everybody else is picking out the very interesting TRUE stuff like Paperclip, “groomed” Tesla science, etc. The UFO stuff is so edgy “true / false” that the whole thing goes over the edge.

I found the fake George W. Bush HILARIOUS!!! LOL!!!

But yes, IMO some of us are “over-defending” some of the crap on the principle that there IS weird crap that is true, and yet we still think is false.

Let’s have a show of hands – who here thinks that those people in the pictures are really the Bush clan?



I was quoting the article to show it was a stupid article full of fake news crazy theories.

if the article contains such craziness then why give any of it credibility?

Yes, paperclip is well known but is this a credible source?

And the silliness about Curious George? He was first published pre WWII, in 1939.

Again, this article was linked as if it were credible and factual. Just to silly and blatently wrong to let it pass.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Dynamite-Guilt Virtue-Signaling Prize is proof of that one!


dig for yourself MM

qresearch board has it…


I already know the info as illustrated by pointing out that the Bush clan is Well documented in the US for decades and the article is Bull.

Was asking in hopes that others would think critically, read the “article”, understand its bunc and move on.

Bush clan has plenty of dirt. Stuff like what is in the article is a distraction and waste of time from the real dirt that is easily available.


and you’re full of it…


So you think the article is correct and that Prescott Bush was a German Nazi who was then brought to the US as part of Operation Paperclip? That George Bush was not in the navy? That Prescott Bush was not a US Senator?
You believe the article?  😂 

I was trying to be nice and hint that this article could not possibly be true and anyone who took even two minutes to look up the Bush family would know this.

Bush family is well documented in the US for since the early/mid 1800s.


Don’t put words in my mouth… I suggested you do your own research (a novel idea I’m sure) in response to your comment that you didn’t need anymore info.


And I showed I don’t need more info as I am fully informed on the Bush family and do not believe this silly article claiming that George Bush was a Nazi spy during WWII and his father was not actually a US Senator.

I was trying to point the absurdities in the linked article out without directly pointing them out.

I don’t need to dig. I am not “full of it” … just informed and trying to help

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MM – please – I’m trying to help you here. You’re as much manipulated by this disinformation as THEY are.

Can you see it? Back up and see how this style of disinformation manipulates BOTH them and you. It actually discredits people like you and me, too. You have to treat it carefully, to not fall for the payload.

The Bushes were not Nazi “spies” as described. They were half-hearted Nazi sympathizers who understood that it was important to get a hold of Nazi science. But by overstating their real roles, critics are discredited.

Disinformation like this is a risk of tainting all who handle it, and yet it’s WORTH disarming it and getting the good stuff out.

THAT is why I tolerate it here – GLADLY.

Best course of action? Point out the problems without getting into conflict with your fellow board members.

You can do this! Retrieve ALL truth and point out the lies, and you will not get into conflict with people here.


Wolf – we are on the same page.

I pointed out that they were Not spies. I didn’t overstate – I said they weren’t spies and that the claims were easily disproven in this article.

I tried to be ginger and just asked questions that pointed out this article is bunc but was blown off. This was such an absurd article I didn’t want to let it pass by.

What I posted in quotes is from the original linked article that I am point out is a silly article – looks like a babylon bee article but they are actually better at writing that the orginally linked article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yes, Babylon Bee is better!

I didn’t say YOU overstated. The disinformation overstates the Nazi connection – to an almost hilarious but highly discrediting sense. THAT is used to discredit people who “grab the broken egg”.

But likewise, those who just poke the brokenness hard and fast are discredited to the people who need to hear their voices.

By the way, the “reinvention of people from WWII” thing is very real. THAT is the story of Robert Maxwell. Wonderful, amazing story about REAL spy agencies creating an entire persona around a person, to serve their interests.

This stuff is very smart disinformation. People who understand more about the Bushes and the Nazis see the general interest in that connection as interesting, and see that there is some truth to the whole thing. They’re kind of ignoring that sketchy stuff as – well – just stupid sketchy stuff.

You, on the other hand, denounce the whole thing as bunk because PART of it it bunk. Doing so inadvertently serves the purposes of the other side. It’s very important to see that.

There is a much more sophisticated version of this which is done by a group of “journalists” who operate under Max Blumenthal. They will bring a lot of real facts together – much more than the stuff here – and then cement it in a thousand places with semi-reasonable assertions and “almost likelihoods”, to make literally any person or organization seem dubious or corrupt. No flying saucers or “Person A was really Person B”. It’s very convincing, and extremely effective. I have to talk people through that stuff every once in a while, and it’s a delicate operation, because there is so much TRUTH used to prop up the critical lies.

We’re in an information war. We have RINOs and GOPe on one side who play 90% reasonable with a few critical LIES, and innocent dupey MAGA who know something is wrong with that 10%, but cannot get past excellent lies that are perfectly designed to fool them.

Sometimes it seems impossible, but I really believe we’re making progress.

Deplorable Patriot

Chip off the old block. This man was his grandfather:

Foster served as Minister to Mexico during the rise to power of Porfirio Díaz in 1876. Foster supported recognition of Díaz’s rule, but was overruled by then Secretary of State, William Evarts. As the tensions rose between the two countries, Foster testified before Congress, carefully advocating recognition without appearing to undermine Evarts or President Rutherford B. Hayes. In the end, Foster was able to secure recognition for the new Mexican government. While serving in Mexico, Foster also began the negotiations to resolve U.S.-Mexico border troubles that eventually led to an 1882 agreement.

As Minister to Russia, Foster’s most pressing duty was to advocate for the rights of Jewish U.S. citizens living there. As Minister to Spain, Foster secured a reciprocal trade agreement for the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico in 1885, but the U.S. Senate rejected the agreement.

While serving as legal counsel to foreign legations in Washington, following his post in Spain, Foster provided legal representation for the Chinese Government seeking redress for an anti-immigration riot that killed twenty-eight Chinese laborers in Rock Springs, Wyoming in 1885. Foster also advocated on behalf of the Chinese Government during negotiations to overcome the exclusion of Chinese immigration to the United States and would continue to represent the Chinese Government in later years.

Foster became Secretary of State in 1892 and served for the remaining eight months of Harrison’s administration. Foster had already forged a close working relationship with Harrison, as he was involved in negotiations for numerous trade agreements in the Western Hemisphere, and continued to be as Secretary of State.

As Secretary, Foster also attempted to counter British attempts at imperial expansion in Samoa and the Mosquito Coast. Foster also worked to negotiate a 99-year lease for a naval base in the Dominican Republic, but financial demands by the Dominican Government made Congress unwilling to approve the lease.

Foster instructed U.S. representatives at the International Monetary Conference in Brussels to advocate for a fixed rate of exchange between silver and gold, but the conference came to no agreement on precious metal issues. Foster also unsuccessfully attempted to annex the Kingdom of Hawaii.


Whoa!!! Thanks, DP!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Funny how they keep it all in the family.


The cat…


right? what a face!


Fishers of Men – 20210211


BardsFM, Shell Games – 20210211


Storm Dispatch – 20210212


I know he’s a lion…but anyone else wanna pet this guy? especially the hair on his chin…


LOL – I love this picture – and Scott’s messages in these videos – have not listened yet – but look forward to it every day – poor guy is shifting from Podbean to YouTube and back – these guys are constantly adjusting their podcasts daily – it must be maddening!!!


Wow thank you so much grandmainTX
Your into is an eye opener.


Never liked him


we’re in a tavern…gotta be an extra spittoon somewhere around here you can take home with you for when you read…LOL


Found on Gab.

This is insane.

[video src="" /]


Bringing cubicles to the school room – are space suits next for recess, Wheatie?


Self “contained” space suits, bathrooms will no longer be required …

… run away …





what the heck will they do with all that plexiglass in the future?


Build plexiglass houses so they will not need cameras to spy on us?


Mini prison cubicles.
Im certain now the school shutdowns are to make people give up on education. Quickly make the masses as dense as possible, you know make it only for the lords and ladies. The rulers who deserve it, not the peons.


In the prison system, they have metal cages that they built to isolate individual prisoners from each other so that lessons could be safely conducted by teachers without law enforcement experience. This looks much the same to me.


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And…𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.

Deplorable Patriot

Epic opening. Thank you for this.

Been reading up a little on Venetian history in relation to the 20th century popes, and the conspiracy rumor mill. May highlight a little of it next week.


right on schedule biteme is creating more disasters to draw attention away from voter/electon fraud…wear 2 masks…hell, wear four…can’t go into or out of Fla, but illegals can roam freely…you might need a vaccine passport to travel in country, but again illegals roam freely…the thought police will investigate and jail you, but illegals can commit rape and assault without fear of deportation (and illegals roam freely)

wade thru all that mess and you see you’ve forgotten the dems stole the election and biteme is not president


not a surprise to anyone here

JUST IN: Nikki Haley breaks with Trump: “We shouldn’t have followed him”

— The Hill (@thehill) February 12, 2021


expected and I am DELIGHTED as I don’t like her and many have liked her because she was fiesty and checked many boxes so they were excited to have her on our side. UGH!
Don’t like her for a long list of reasons + warned off for years now by SD and her Uniparty ways.

Wonderful that she is now revealing herself.


We know, Nikki.
Nothing personal.
Purely political.

Who paid your debt off?
You had over 100k(?) in debt when you resigned.
When the grooming started, your debt was a known issue.
“They” said you couldn’t / wouldn’t be viable as a candidate with that much debt.
Neither you, nor your husband have a big income……

Who’s paid it off?


From the Hill article:
“The former South Carolina governor told Politico that she has not spoken with Trump since the mob attack, further expressing her disappointment with remarks Trump gave at a rally ahead of the riot condemning his own vice president, Mike Pence.
“When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it.”
Haley in the days immediately following the attack said in a speech to Republican National Committee members that Trump was “badly wrong with his words,” at his Jan. 6 rally. 
“And it wasn’t just his words,” she added at the time. “His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history.”

Again, this is great that she is revealing herself. She is listening to Never Trumper Uniparty and it will not serve her well with the base. remember – many of us were there or watched the speech video video so we know what was said by him. And we have seen the evidence of fraud so know what he was talking about. He was not wrong.


… stuff Nikki … 🤨‼️

I gotta change my handle now … ☹️😑


please don’t…not because of her…
we can’t let them corrupt the things we love.
take me…LOL..I love purple…I look awesome in it and they’re not gonna corrupt it for me!!


Spit! I’m not voting for another Romney, McCain, Ryan, Rubio RINO.


R-CONS daily, prove they are NOT worthy of my vote. NOT my time. NEVER my money.

Those who think they can reform the R-CON party, good luck.


absolutely cut off the money supply

Concerned Virginian

Nikki Haley is starting to “purge” her resume in preparation for a 2024 run for the Oval Office.
So that would mean Haley, for sure, and possibly Ted Cruz, kissing up to the DeepState / RNC UniParty / Davos Globalists (especially for Haley) in order to up their “street cred” with the GOP elites.


Graham is promoting Haley. We now see who these people are.


Just remember, IT IS/WAS WHITE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS that got rid of your brand…..

Aunt Jemima rebranding rankles family of some women who portrayed her, who say they’re being erased


3724 Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6d572c No.7555466 comment image
Dec 18 2019 22:52:52 (EST)
It must be done right.
It must be done according to the rule of law.
It must carry weight.
It must be proven in the court of law.
There can be no mistakes.
Good things sometimes take time.
Attempts to slow/block the inevitable [Justice] will fail.
[D]s election interference 2016.
>Clinton/Hussein illegal FISA
[D]s election interference 2018.
[D]s election interference 2020.
These people are sick.
We, the People, are the cure.


One upside of “impeaching” and trying a former POTUS … opening the door to do the same to Obama? Of course, they will cry unfair and unconstitutional because they impeached President Trump while still in office. I still hope it opens that door.

Concerned Virginian

In a word — NO.

The four goals of Fake Impeachment II are:
One, to “convict” President Trump, by any means necessary, AND ALSO to put the Attainder on him so he can NEVER run for any elected office ever again (“bonus points” if they can also destroy his reputation and his family);
Two, to cement the vote fraud, the stolen election of last November, and the “legitimacy” of RobberJoe in the Oval Office;
Three, to establish permanent hegemony and rule by the DemCommunists and the DeepState;
Four, to rush to completion the handing over of the United States of America to COMMUNIST CHINA.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

Exactly. At this point, I could care less about Obama impeachment. How would that ever happen with a perpetual democrat house? The only thing I want for Obama is Gitmo and swift justice for treason.


comment image

And…Jᴏᴇ Bɪᴅᴇɴ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴡɪɴ.


Wheatie, that’s a *great* meme!

The first line is right on point.

Should be a hashtag …


And …



SHARED, Em!!! No Stealing – Mkay?


“Stealing” is how memes get their wings, Duchess.

It’s an anon thing …

They’re meant to be “stolen” … just so long as one ADMITS it, it’s okay.

Are you accusing me of “copy-wrong”???

Say it isn’t so!

hahaha …


i think she has more of an issue with thou shalt not steal…


You got it, Dudette!!!


I understand completely, Duchess.

I do not steal.

Just a few days ago, I found a dollar bill, and then another one, on the property. It wasn’t mine.

I returned the money to the person I thought had dropped it, without the person who had mislaid it having any knowledge that he had, in fact, mislaid it.

He never would have known.

But *I* did.

Although I used the word “Stole!” – tongue-in-cheek, of course – I hope you understand that NOTHING was “stolen”.

Memes are free – to ALL.

Is not the graphic still available to anyone / everyone?

Did I truly “steal it”? Of course not. How can one “steal” that which remains free to all?

And which is infinite supply?

I used a figurative sense of the word, like “stealing a glance”, or “stealing a breath” – when in both cases, no one at all is deprived.

I also cite my sources, and try assiduously never to attribute to myself that which another creates.

I’m creative enough myself neither to need, nor covet nor claim credit for, any other’s work.

It’s the MEANING that matters – not the word.




Of course, not, Em!!! Just reminding you – Thou Shalt Not Steal!!!

Was not aware it was an ‘Anon’ thing – stand corrected –   :wpds_wink: 

Steve in Lewes

Someone show come up with a sign as in the pic that replaces
‘Covid is a Hoax’ to ‘JoeBiden didn’t Win’ or ‘PresBiden is a Hoax’
The rest of the sign is apropos.


COVID isn’t a virus…

It’s a program:


Steve in Lewes

Hot Toddy – Ah yes, drink it as hot and fast as one could tolerate right before going to bed and within a short period of time you’d fall fast asleep.

When you woke up in the morning your PJ’s and sheets would be soaked with sweat.
Sweat that ChinaVirus right out of you!!!

The precursor to Niquil.


I want a pair of these:

[video src="" /]




On January 3rd, every member of the 117th Congress was permitted to have a family member witness the swearing in in the House gallery. Today @speakerpelosi’s staff denied the request for @claudiatenney’s son, a graduate of the US Naval Academy, to be in the gallery.

— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) February 11, 2021


Pelosi is evil.
And it sounds like her staff is too.


vindictive witch!


A box of insulin went from $60 under Trump to $342 under Biden. This is not a “maybe I’ll take it” drug but a life saving drug



gouging prices to recoup what profits they lost under REALPOTUS


Same thing happened with Epi-Pens, for which Sen. Manchin’s daughter bought the rights and raiseded the prices to exorbitant levels – Trump brought the prices down and Biden sent them back up to the scalped prices.


gotta repay those donors


They are furiously working to reverse everything PT did to help us – their 16-Year Plan must be reinstated – for their Communist takeover to succeed.

I doubt people will be fooled a second time with O-Care – too much suffering – cannot forget what it did to everyone – including those who opted out and paid the tax.


If only NanXi would give the GOP their balls back to them…..

gutless, wimpy, cuckhold liars..


H/T our talented Amwick @ Marica’s Place
comment image


We certainly live in interesting (confusing) times. Almost all of our public experiences are now intentionally misrepresented. We see a Communist and call him a Democrat. We see a coward and call him a Republican. We see a propagandist and call her a journalist, a professor, or an editor. We see a heretic and call him a Priest or a Pastor. We see a government worker and call her a public servant. We see a con artist or a bribe-taker and call him a politician or a judge. You get the idea. The institutions we have trusted as permanent bulwarks against anarchy have crumbled to dust and been carried off by the whirlwind. People in whom we have placed our faith not only have clay feet but are as insubstantial as smoke rising from a chimney; mostly soot and ashes. There is no sure anchor, nor has there ever been, other than God. Turn your eyes and heart to Heaven. Put your faith and hope in God. He does not change. He has stamped his image upon you and He cares for you.


Amen goes right there, Robert!!!


He has stamped his image upon you

that’s why they want us to wear masks.


I’m going to try an experiment.

During the day, I come into contact with many people, always different people, not like an office. I have been practicing the ‘mask off’ thing, where I tell people I am not mask strict, to see if they are willing to drop the mask. Right now it’s about 50/50.

I think I am going to try ending our conversations and interactions with “…and joe biden didn’t win!”, just to see the reactions.

I will need to select ‘the right people’ at first, because getting (and upsetting) a hardcore ‘karen’ lefty, and there are many here, could be problematic for me in the long run. So I’ll pick the few ‘no mask’ people at first try it out.

I am hoping some of you might run with the idea as well. Wouldn’t it be cool if it started trending, and everyone started saying it?

I’ll keep you posted….and faux biden didn’t win.

Last edited 4 years ago by Please

Excellent, Please!
 😀  👍 
Thank you!

I’ve already been doing that.

Hubby and I have started using it as both a greeting and a see-you-later.
It is starting to catch on with friends, too.
But then…we live in a very conservative place, full of Trump voters.

And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.


4 Masks Work


Check out this steaming pile of Propaganda:

[video src="" /]

They are brainwashing our younglings with this crap.
 😬  😖 


last year when birx suggested decorating your face shield, these kids got too close to the glue…


Guess that explains the one with the gorilla glue hair wax…


wasn’t that just the stupidest thing you ever heard of?????


They sniffed it and ate it!




My savior? My form of expression? Steaming pile is right.


They had amazing info. One of the 1st places I began reading.


two teens celebrate black history month in the most typical way….

Prosecutors say Lewis admitted to beating, sexually assaulting, and leaving the woman for dead near a pond without attempting to get her help.
He indicated he thought she was already dead and said he “didn’t really care about her because she’s not someone he knows personally.”


Because it’s the Sun in the UK one would assume it happened over there. Wrong. Happened here in Wisconsin. So this does not make national head lines here in the United States where it happened but it does make National head lines in England. Lot of that happens. Happens there you hear about it here. Happens here, then you hear about it there.


VERY GOOD – SIDNEY POWELL – Erskine Radio interview

Deplorable Patriot

ALERT: Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEADByStaff Writer
onFebruary 11, 2021 has reported that Daniel Best, a former pharmaceutical executive hired by President Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and charged with finding ways to lower prescription drug prices, has killed himself.

Best joined HHS in March. Two months ago, Best delivered a speech outlining ways to lower costs, make it easier for generics and biosimilar drugs to enter the market, and rethinking drug rebate programs that serve to drive up prices.


Now he’s dead.

Call me overly suspicious but the circumstances surrounding Best’s death, and the coroner’s official cause raise red flags for this intrepid reporter. Especially when looking for a motive for his “suicide.”

On Thursday, Washington D.C.’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said Best died from “multiple blunt force injuries” and ruled his death a suicide. No further information was released.


No such thing as coincidences…….


Daniel Best was found dead near the garage of an apartment building (his own?).

That would be an accurate description of the injuries if he jumped from an upper floor of a multi-floor apartment building.

Need more information.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Oh no. They just keep doing this overvand over.


This cache of reports indicate Best died Nov 1, 2018

Deplorable Patriot

The date on the article was yesterday and was brought forward by a source that only puts forth relevant – to that source – info.

There’s something important about this.


“Maybe I’m channeling Danny Reagan, but the cause of death just isn’t consistent with suicide. People just don’t beat themselves to death.”

This is Literally not true as suicides by jumping are deaths by blunt force trauma and are frequently listed that way on the death certificates. SOP.

An old article with lots of insinuation.


He died over 2 years ago.

Blunt force injuries were due to his landing on pavement after jumping from multiple floors up to committ suicide. Suicide by jumping is often ruled “blunt force injuries” – the blunt force of landing on pavement.

Was he suicided by someone making him jump or some clever way to induce heartattack and then throw him off? IDK

But the ruling of blunt force injuries when someone jumps/lands on pavement is not suspicous. It is the normal way of labeling the injuries of a jumper. The ruling itself is not suspecious and the suicide/death was 2 yrs, 3.5 months ago.


It seems the whole Hammer and scorecard story/claim was disinfo to keep us entertained while eating our popcorn and to make our claims of election fraud easy to disprove. By disproving this claim quickly all other claims could also be dismissed – the claims that were true.

“If you want to investigate possible election fraud, you don’t need fantastic hush-hush sources that come from ‘secrete’ government projects. Just focus on factual evidence that can stand-up in court. Like for example: official cctv footage with chain of custody verification that shows identifiable vehicles delivering dozens of ballot boxes in the wee hours of the night. Then, counting these ballots without supervision and the resulting one sided statistical vote anomalies.”

The left used this hammer/scorecard disinfo/hoax to tarnish and dismiss all claims of election & voter fraud and set the narrative that President Trump was lying.


Sometimes, it seems so hard to know who and what to believe.

For me, the more a story is a All in 1 explanation that ties it “all” together, the less likely I am to believe.

Example: claims that the President Trump and the Homeland Security (or whichever agency it supposedly was) had made all of the ballots within the federal gov and watermarked them and put secret codes on them to be able to easily detect fraud were obviously bogus as states, counties and cities have multiple and varied printers who make their ballots. There is no one fed gov agency or printer.

Problem with these wild claims is that people believe them, jump on the bandwagon, spread the claims, loose credibility when they are easily proven wrong … and then the real crime goes undetected because no one is looking for something smaller &/or when something smaller is found it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal in comparison to the really big claims already debunked or the really big claims the believers are waiting for.

The real crimes, such as fake ballots being used in specific places, are “successful” that might have been caught by active and alert citizens if they knew they this was something for them to watch for and ask about. Or if enough people realized the small amounts of fraud mattered.

Example: “Or if enough people realized the small amounts of fraud mattered.” That leads to other claims and stories/plans that were too big for me to believe – that President Trump had one overarching trap set for this election to catch all of the fraud that he would reveal at ________ (fill in the blank with numerous dates/events claimed including 1/6 and pre 1/20).

People kept waiting for the rumored Big Reveal and couldn’t understand when he kept talking about numerous smaller cases of fraud and broken election laws when taken altogether were the big story and did add up to the steal.

There have been other examples where Big News would break but it would be treated as not as big of deal because many kept waiting on the Big Story. The Big Story set the bar so high that when what would otherwise be big stories broke through even in the msm we didn’t maximize them and focus on the narrative with them because we kept waiting for the Big Show, the Big Reveal.

I know a number of people had specific expectations for 1/6 reveal when President Trump said they had proof and then went through the list of evidence most of us reading here already knew. That evidence was a big deal and added up to a successfully stolen election. But it was hard to see when so many had their expections set and their minds ready for something else other than normal processes.


Another good video from Michael Matt.


What can grow up to 10 feet long, weigh 200 pounds and is armored like a tank? The Amazonian river monster, the Arapaima.

You might have heard of it on the Discovery Channel show “River Monsters.”

So what does a monster fish that lives half a world away have to do with Florida? The Arapaima could actually be closer than you think.

Over the weekend, a woman walking through Cape Coral’s Jaycee Park came across an enormous dead fish that puzzled her. 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

At first I thought article was talking about Jeff Bezos, but then I quickly realized No Way he’d be on a river in Florida.  :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_mrgreen: 


Impeachment Trial Analysis – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax


The Disconnect Between the Media’s Distortion of Trump and Reality

Deplorable Patriot

Thoughts, other than something is really not right and that one dog has hip dysplasia?


Why are they wearing masks?
They’re outside.

Those slobbering press weasels make me wanna hurl!

Concerned Virginian

Had to turn it off after 2 minutes. Horrible optics. Horrible clothing choices. “Press corps” nothing more than subservient, fawning hypocrites-liars. RobberJoe mumbling. Looks to me like the brown dog (older one) has bad hip arthritis.


The media said Trump did not look presidential what about Biden? He looks like the handyman at the WH not Presidential. We see again the two judgement system.


I used to have a dog with Hip dyspepsia he had it when he was still young. He was on meds but I only gave it to after play otherwise he would play to much and then be stiff for two days. Not much can be done about it and sometimes operations do not help.



Can someone help explain to me what “QAnon” is?

Meanwhile, a lot of heavy-handed narrative engineering going on here.

QAnon Conspiracies Sway Faith Groups, Including 1 in 4 White Evangelicals
Survey examines belief in election fraud, the Deep State, and other theories on American politics.
FEBRUARY 11, 2021 10:41 AM

A new survey reports more than a quarter of white evangelical Protestants believe a QAnon conspiracy theory that purports former President Donald Trump is secretly battling a cabal of pedophile Democrats, and roughly half express support for the debunked claim that antifa was responsible for the recent insurrection at the US Capitol.

Experts say the data point to a widening ideological divide not only between white evangelicals and other religious groups in the country, but also between white evangelical Republicans and other members of their own party.

The survey, which was conducted in late January by the conservative American Enterprise Institute, reported 29 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of white evangelicals—the most of any religious group—believe the widely debunked QAnon conspiracy theory is completely or mostly accurate.

QAnon has infiltrated other faith groups as well, with 15 percent of white mainline Protestants, 18 percent of white Catholics, 12 percent of non-Christians, 11 percent of Hispanic Catholics and 7 percent of black Protestants saying they believe it.

In addition, large subsets of each group—ranging from 37 percent of non-Christians to 50 percent of Hispanic Catholics—said they “weren’t sure” whether the theory was true.

According to Daniel Cox, director of AEI’s Survey Center on American Life, the report suggests conspiracy theories enjoy a surprising amount of support in general, but white evangelicals appear to be particularly primed to embrace them.

“There’s this really dramatic fissure,” he said.

There was also significant support among white evangelicals for the claim that members of antifa, or anti-fascist activists, were “mostly responsible” for the attack on the US Capitol—a discredited claim repeated by former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Franklin Graham. FBI officials have said there is “no indication” antifa played a role in the insurrection.

Even so, the story has had staying power in the minds of many Americans, including 49 percent of white evangelical Protestants who said the antifa claim was completely or mostly true. So did 36 percent of white Catholics, 35 percent of Hispanic Catholics, 33 percent of white mainline Protestants, 25 percent of Black Protestants and 19 percent of non-Christians.

Among the religiously unaffiliated, 22 percent also expressed belief in the theory.

Asked to explain why white evangelicals appear disproportionately likely to embrace conspiracy theories, Cox noted that, as a group, they do not fit a stereotype of conspiracy theorists as people disconnected from social interaction. Instead, most retain strong connections to various social groups.

But white evangelicals stand out in a different way: The vast majority say some or a lot of their family members (81%) or friends (82%) voted for Trump in the 2020 election—more than any other religious group.

“People who do strongly believe in these things are not more disconnected—they are more politically segregated,” Cox said.

The resulting social echo chamber, he argued, allows conspiracy theories to spread unchecked.

“That kind of environment is really important when it comes to embracing this kind of thinking,” he said. “You’re seeing people embrace this sort of conspiratorial thinking, and everyone in their social circle is like, ‘Yeah, that sounds right to me,’ versus someone saying, ‘You know, we should look at this credulously.’”

White evangelicals express robust support for other conspiracy theories as well. Close to two-thirds (62%) believe there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election—despite numerous experts and courts at all levels refuting such claims—and roughly the same percentage (63%) believe President Joe Biden’s victory was “not legitimate.”

A majority (55%) also said they believed it was mostly or completely accurate to say “a group of unelected government officials in Washington, D.C., referred to as the ‘Deep State’ (has) been working to undermine the Trump administration.”

Cox said forthcoming data will highlight the ideological distinctiveness of white evangelicals even among people who identify as Republicans or who lean toward the party, signaling an “increasingly important divide in the GOP among people who identify as evangelical Christian and those who do not.”

“If you’re a Republican but identify as an evangelical Christian, you’re far more likely to believe in voter fraud in 2020 election,” he said. “You’re far more likely to believe that Biden’s win was not legitimate. You’re more likely to believe in the QAnon conspiracy. You’re more likely to believe in the ‘Deep State.’”

White evangelicals also stood apart from other religious groups when asked about the potential for violent action: 41 percent completely or somewhat agreed with the statement “if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.”


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And…J̸͖̗͑ỏ̵̥͍̺̽̓̃̏e̸͕̹̠̗̤͖̒͗͛̔͊̅ ̵̛̭̗͔̦̖̰̺̓͆͑̌͆̂̽̃̎͜ͅḆ̵̡̧̝̳͈̞̚͜͜ͅḯ̴̞̰͔͋͋̏̋͆̒̂̚ͅḏ̶̡̡̰̬̜̩͈͎͇̏̃̅̽̎e̴̡̮͙͔͖̳̓̏͂ǹ̸̡̢͕̣̭͕̮̇͠ ̷̘̰͇͖̥̺̔̐d̵̢̼̰͇̻̲͔̯͖́ͅi̶̡̲̼̽͗͂̊͒̄̕͜ͅḓ̵̨̧̡̛̛̥̞̩̿̋̋̀̑͂̅n̸̛͕̖͊́͑̑̓͘’̵͈̲͍͙̦͉̈́ͅţ̸͈̫̖͙̖̣̳̾ ̸̦̼͓̎̌͆͋̉̽w̶̘͎̜̾̅̍̐͋̏͂̇̽í̷̫̦̙̔̕ͅn̴̟̜̐.̴̛͉̹̥͚͈́̔̈́͐̅


Today on Bannon War Room Nicky Haley being shepherd Today by Lidsay Graham to make the rounds at big corporation.
McConnell and Graham suggested to Trump if he speaks about fraught in election they vote him guilty. Haley is bad news so is Graham. What a sleaze. We need to make sure that Haley never gets in the WH. She is old policy not MAGA.


They knew.

The Dems knew that there was going to be a staged ‘domestic terror attack’.
comment image

The Dems knew about it beforehand…because their operatives were the ones who staged it!

And yet when anyone mentions their deceitful plan…they say “conspiracy theory!”

Deplorable Patriot

Way to go, STL liberals. Your girl just doesn’t pay attention to details when trying to convict an innocent man.


New little video from William of Ockham:

[video src="" /]

And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


Am I the only one growing tired of these animated memes?

No offense intended for those that post them and or like them, just askin the question, I’ll keep scroll’n by them;-)


#IceStorm #Texas #TODAY
Ice Storm In Texas Leads To Deadly 100-Car Pileup | TODAY


Oh my God ! May God be merciful and prayers to all involved and the families. How terrible  😯  😪 

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, my gosh. WOW. Ice is no joke driving. I started to slide on ice in my SUV, and even at 10 MPH, it was scary. That must have been a nightmare.


Totally, DP!!! I spun out on a bridge – around and around (3) times – fortunately, there were no other cars near me – but – the adrenalin was firing – it was frightening – ~ (6) people died – if I heard correctly.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Remember, airports are a test ground for the wider world.

Vaccine passports for flights will lead to:

vaccine passports for transport

vaccine passports for jobs

vaccine passports for leisure activities

vaccine passports for shops

vaccine passports for food shops




This. This right here:
comment image

𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


My POTUS doesn’t talk/write like that in public.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

All you Texans beware/careful of the cold temps. Even Houston area is predicted to be frozen from Monday 2am – Wednesday 6am. TWO WHOLE DAYS!!! Monday says high 23, low 10. TEN ?!?!??, ABSOLUTELY WILD!!! 🥶🥶🥶


This cold front has punched waaay South.

It’s a bit colder up here in OK…and they’re predicting a blizzard on Sun-Mon, with temps below zero.
Could get a 1.5 ft of snow.

At least it’s not an ice storm, though.
I hate ice storms.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

What is this SNOW that you speak of??? 😂

Honestly, lived here all my life, seen it maybe around 10 times, if that, enough to make a snowman that melts the next day, on 1 hand.
Still remember as a child, the whole neighborhood was aghast when the 2 teenage boys down the street made a snowman with boobs!! 😱🤣😂 Momma went out of her way to drive home a different way, or when we did have to pass, told me to turn away and don’t look.


I checked the maps, Butterfly…and they’re showing ice for South Texas on Sun-Mon.
 😬  😧 

Hope they’re wrong about that.
Ice storms suck bigtime.

Just in case, though, stock up on batteries, etc…in case your power gets knocked out for a bit.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep. I have a fireplace, gonna burn some $20’s for warmth.😉

I always think it would be much easier to just put the bill in than to go through all the motion of buying, hauling, unloading, storing, fetching, and loading up the fp repeatedly with wood. If only they would generate hours of heat.🥴


Oh I hear ya…fireplaces are a lot of trouble.

But we’ve been glad we have one, when it’s cold and the power goes out.

No shortage of firewood right now, not after that ice storm last fall.
We’re still cutting up trees.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Can ya pleez overnight me some? 🤣🤣

Deplorable Patriot

Watching the video put together by the Trump lawyers while taking a break from work.



They even threw in Maxine Waters. Ha.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Inciteful crew those DemonRats are!

Harry Lime

They don’t care about optics anymore…if they ever did. Why should they? If the public doesn’t like what they see and choose to vote them out…they’ll just steal elections and carry on. How many times have we seen this dog and pony show? It’s all meaningless until voting becomes an honest and sacred event for legal American citizens.


Yes, I just can’t figure out people getting all amped up with Cuomo and Newsom going down, like it’s some big opportunity. As if they won’t fix it for their next guy. Unless 11/3 is rectified, elections are over.

Harry Lime

President Trump’s lawyers are destroying them with optics and constitutional facts and I do applaud them for it…and while I am not saying what they are doing isn’t noble and useful and necessary…it will ultimately be meaningless if voting and a news media that’s completely corrupt and paid for by communists isn’t dealt with immediately.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

F word of the Dem day…..


Today is the day to watch Shampeech 2.0. GOOOO POTUS!!!👏👏👏


Lin Wood is representing Sidney against Dominion. I tried to copy his telegram message, anyone who’s on there should check it out. You can sum it up in two words. Bring it.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Lin Wood
Last night, I was honored when Sidney Powell called me and asked me to serve as lead counsel for her in defending the frivolous defamation lawsuit filed against her by Dominion.

I quickly accepted. Get ready to rumble, Dominion. You made a mistake suing Sidney. You are going to pay a heavy price. 

Sidney and I will not be intimidated. We will not go quietly in the night. 

Hey Dominion, I will see you and your employees and officers soon as truth is pursued and established. I will see you across the table where you will be subjected to a thorough and sifting cross-examination under oath. I know how to deal with legal bullies like you. 

Check my record.


Just stumbled on this.

Animations for media and public use. This reel depicts key events during entry, descent, and landing that will occur when NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on Mars February 18, 2021. In the span of about seven minutes, the spacecraft slows down from about 12,100 mph (19,500 kph) at the top of the Martian atmosphere to about 2 mph (3 kph) at touchdown in an area called Jezero Crater.

Perseverance will seek signs of ancient microbial life on Mars, collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust), characterize the planet’s geology and climate, and pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet.


I’m resigned to the fact that any evidence of election fraud wont happen today….I’m ok with that……for now


Missed the link to today’s hearings. Not sure if it’s posted, but puts it here if not.

Castor took the floor first. Looking good so far, but I’m still at the beginning. Castor calling out the hypocrisy and then right into the preplanned hijacking of a peaceful protest.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, RINO’s have threatened to convict if evidence is shown. It’s disgusting, IT’s TOTAL BULLSHIT!
I wish they’d call Dr. Peter Navarro as a witness. He has the receipts. He’d show ALL the FRAUD to the world, and mop the floor with all those Bassturds. But NOOO, Can’t have that. All the networks would probably shutdown the broadcasts anyway. 🙄


As soon as Castor started to speak, the volume on his mike went down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s better NOT to bring the STEAL into this impeachment. I think his attorneys are doing the right thing here. This is not the venue to fight over the stolen election.


The problem with that is the house mangers already brought it up in their arguments. It’s going to have to be addressed in some manner. Likely not to contest the election as I believe your saying, but as the reason, justified reason for the protest. Don’t see how you separate that part of it out.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The House Managers were BAITING IT IN. They are desperate to conflate the issues of the election steal with anything they can discredit. Meanwhile, using HOPIUM on us to use our expectations against us.

JOE BIDEN DIDN’T WIN. Keep it simple, keep it separate, keep it in their faces, but never fight over it on their controlled turf.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They better at least talk about the fact that the riot was pre-planned AND that it started BEFORE POTUS finished his speech. There IS evidence of that AND it’s been reported by MSM. That’s a BIG opportunity to miss.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They did! The Trump attorney did a great job on that, calling out the HOUSE IMPEACHMENT MANAGERS as having admitted it, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was intentionally misleading HOPIUM designed to demoralize us.

HOPIUM TO HOPELESS. It’s wonderful disinformation.

Trump is not going to allow the TRUTH to be tainted by this idiot proceeding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a good defense. If Trump is convicted, the GOP is destroyed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not sure they’re that smart, frankly. I think there is enough unreasonableness out there, and desperation to denounce Trump permanently, for McTurtle to try to pull an “AW SHUCKS, WE TRIED TO STOP IT, BUT COULDN’T BECAUSE THEY VOTED THEIR CONSCIENCE” move.

The Nikki Haley “Trump let us down” thing, perfectly matching Neocon Navy Buffalo Boy, looks VERY bad.


That’s what the whole B.S. about the Screen Actors Guild was about too.

It’s all just one huge wrap up smear.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to stand strong for the truth. Even if they throw us in jail, and fire us from our jobs, take our pensions – whatever. We have to stand peacefully against this Soviet evil until it is finally put down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“To save their sorry butts they will not vote to convict him.”


Unless they are owned by the CCP, who don’t care if the GOPe criminals lose their jobs, at least not nearly as much as they care about destroying DJT.

Every one of those criminal political-class senators is just a minor pawn to the CCP.

Their value to the CCP is zero compared to the value of destroying DJT.

And as far as the Senate is concerned, the CCP appears to own all of them except possibly Rand Paul, and maybe the newest ones haven’t been blackmailed or bought off yet.

If not, I’m sure there is a Chinese delegation with a bag full of cash and videotapes on the way to their homes as we speak.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

Played today on the Senate Floor.

Harry Lime

I hope that Donald Trump’s lawyers are just scratching the surface with this presentation. I want nuclear bombs! Why hold back anything at this point?

If they hold back a majority of the evidence that we know to be out there…then I have to believe that something much bigger is coming. There’s just no reason not to present it now…unless it is apart of a much larger investigation.


Not hugely newsworthy, but important to know where things stand . . .

Rumored 2024 Hopeful Nikki Haley Breaks Sharply with Trump: ‘He Let Us Down’
By Erin Coates
Published February 12, 2021 at 10:20am

Nikki Haley broke with former President Donald Trump in an interview published Friday, saying the former president “let us down.”


No doubt timed with the defense during the faux impeachment for maximum effect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She is using the SAME language as NEOCON NAVY BUTT-BOY Jacob Chansley, a.k.a. BUFFALO BOY.

“Trump let us down”

FUCK HER. The GOPe is horrifying. Seriously thinking of renouncing the GOP. If they convict Trump, they’re history for me.

Harry Lime

“Seriously thinking of renouncing the GOP. If they convict Trump, they’re history for me.”

This is where I’m at ^^^

If the Repukes can’t keep their own commie lite morons in line and Donald Trump is impeached…I’ll be at City Hall the next dat to switch my affiliation to Independent.


sorry…not buying it. rinos will NOT convict REALPOTUS.
they cannot.
they can stall, they can impede his platform, pretend to go along to try to further their own ambitions, but if they convict, if they try to make it so he cannot run again (never mind if it’s his intention or not) they are done. they know and we know it. they will not get money fro 80 million people…they will still have the big donors, but we will vote with our purses and our feet.
the charade is over.

Harry Lime

I hope you’re right, Pat. I just may change my affiliation anyway. I just can’t stand the swamp any longer. Even watching their aids and gophers run around makes me sick. How can anyone be apart of that cesspool and then go home and sleep at night? Ugh!


sleep with the dogs, wake up with fleas…

gop is still tied to REALPOTUS…where HE goes, WE GO…and the gop knows it. they have been seeing the receipts ALL LAST YEAR–rally after rally…we came to see REALPOTUS…not them–they can only dream of the crowds of loyal supporters he can draw.
they know it’s his party now.
he can change it, abandon it or save it…and there’s not thing one they can do.
we are only waiting for his decision…


Since a 3 dog night in Australia is one that’s so cold that you need to sleep with 3 dogs to stay warm, are you saying that the 70s band Three Dog Night has fleas?

Asking for the hell of it.


no, you’re thinking of Fleaswood Mac…you know the group with Lindsay Buckingraham and Nikki Haley Nicks…


They want to go after the 14 amendment to get Trump that he cannot run for office again. They want to do this Schumer said ” after the impeachment is over.”
What right do they have who can run and who cannot?
McConnell I would think and Graham would embrace that.
It makes me sad that I was right about these two clowns because that what they are. They were not vetted properly.


It’s been suggested they will try to do this with a majority vote, regardless of how the Impeachment vote goes.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The Constitution defines who can run for Prez. The Swamp creating a law to stop POTUS from running would violate the Constitution. They’re not supposed to be able to do that.


See, that’s the thing right there, “They’re not supposed to be able to do that” it appears to me that right now at this moment they can do anything they want. they have broke there oaths and they do no not care a whit what we think about that. these wicked people walking those halls ruling over us the rightful sovereigns of this nation are pure demons, we are ruled by devils. not sure what can be done about it except pray for protection and guidance.


if REALPOTUS engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the goverent (pretty hard to do when you advocating for people to PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY protest…) then so are ALL THE DEMS shown in the videos by the defense…


I am listening as little as possible the brazenness of democrats drives me crazy.


As talented a builder as he has shown himself to be, any insurrection he created would be successful and none of those donkeys would be there (they’d be in Gitmo).


an insurrection with no weapons against officers with weapons?


All the people in the MAGA crowd were respectful and displaying US flags… that an insurrection against the government? They all revere the Constitution….how is that against the government? They love our country, its history, and its traditions… is that against the government?

Answer: when a corrupt anti-American bunch of grifters label themselves “the government” and exclude everything else. Louis XIV of France said, “l’état, c’est moi” [“The government, that’s me”]. It is as odious anti-republic, and entitled as a statement by a public figure can be.

If VSGPOTUSDJT had called for a force to enter the Capitol, seize all 535 worthless slimeballs therein, and decorate 535 nearby lampposts with them, it would not have been a rebellion against the United States; it would not have been an insurrection against the government. It would have been a housecleaning.


Mind you, this line of reasoning might not have gone over so well in the middle of impeachment proceedings…..


so true…


Nimrata Randhawa, a.k.a. Nikki Haley, is a vicious self-serving snake woman and it has been obvious since the first time I ever heard of her, which was when she bent the knee to the lunatic PC Leftists over the Confederate flag.

She has never missed an opportunity to jam a knife in Trump’s back.

I hope DJT has a special plan for her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I simply DO NOT CARE about the Confederate flag any more. I DO. NOT. CARE.

People who HATE that flag are 1000 times more dangerous to me and my wife than either the Klan or neo-Nazis right now. I just find that WEIRD AS HELL, considering that on paper, these groups are supposed to be such a threat.

People who want to “rub out” “extremists like Trump supporters” seem to me to be just like those who wanted to rub out Jews, gypsies, communists, Indians, and everything else.

I think that’s why the Bidenazis just seem like….. NAZIS. It’s not the ideology as much as the desire to go after their enemies with lies and hatred.


A big DUH! to that (no insult intended).


And very stupid to do before the defense presents their case. Trumps lawyers are mopping the floor even now.  😎 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is one more reason why the woman can never be President – she’s gonna be Putin’s and Xi’s masseuse and never even know it. “You say I need to rub THERE? OK!!!” She’s just WRONG without somebody like Trump running her show.


Her timing was off – maybe she is in the DC bubble and believes the fake news narratative?


I saw her in a photo after she left UN at a Football Stadium with Brennan. That told me all I needed to know about her.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And there’s the Turn of the Coated RINO traitor. We knew it was coming, just a matter of when.
Kristi Noem needs to mop the floor with her.



Another reason to IGNORE R-CONs.

One of my failures of the past was to vote for “lesser of the evils” – R-CONs.

Lesson learned. NEVER to be repeated.


comment image

And…joe вιdeɴ dιdɴ’т wιɴ.


Is she tattling on us, Wheatie?


they won’t take her seriously…she isn’t wearing a mask…bwahahahahahaha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Pat, you are the best. But don’t tell any of my other girls I said that.


mum’s the word


there’s that tolerance and unity dems so frequently speak of…

Concerned Virginian

Illustrates perfectly the RobberJoe “pecking order” — if this were, say, Jim Acosta, not a hair of his head would be harmed. This guy, a “mid-level” reporter according to the Vanity Fair article — get his clock cleaned and suspended from work for a week. Betcha he’ll have to get “gender sensitivity training” in order to come back to work.


BREAKING – Nationwide electricity blackout in Cuba (Reuters) 


Telegram (
Great Awakening Channel 🔷
Great Awakening Channel


Cuba’s telephone and internetconnections were knocked out on Friday in a nationwide failure,though there was no general power outage, witnesses said.
All internet service and international communicationscrashed at around noon (1700 GMT), according to witnesses inHavana and three other provinces. International communicationswere restored after 90 minutes and the internet 10 minuteslater.”

communist country so who knows the truth …

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

OANN reporting FIB looking into Lincoln Project’s Pedo Weaver. He’s a RepubliCon, right?


Unless she’s convicted, primaried, defeated in an election, or even ends up creating her own conditions for ineligibility. . .


or is arrested in the coming storm by a US Marshal?


She’s a crook – married her brother to get him in the US, gave millions campaign funds to her second husband’s business.

All the squad – maybe all DemocRATS – are crooked.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Concerned Virginian

Rep. “OMAR” Elmi is on her third husband. Husband One: her biological brother; Husband Two: the man who is the father of her 3 children; Husband Three: current guy who was “dating” Omar Elmi while still married to his own wife.


LOL Wallace is an idiot. Embarrassing the “jurors” that aren’t going to vote their way no matter what . . .


I recognize he is an idiot, but I didn’t read his comment in that way…

DIMs will need 10 Republicans to pull this off. They won’t get them after Defense “embarrassed 1/2 the DIMs” who brought this charade… is how I read it.


The REAL cover-up is that Cuomo is a MASS-MURDERER just like several other governors (and mayor de Blasio) who purposely put sick people into the nursing homes in the first place, to jack up the China virus death toll.

Subsequently hiding the death toll numbers from the DoJ because he thought he might be ‘in trouble’ (as if the DoJ has ever prosecuted a high profile Leftist politician) is nothing compared to murdering all those elderly people in the first place.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, my, I hope the other side is watching this.


If someone is white, and they are a nationalist (a patriot, someone who loves their country), how is that a bad thing?

How in the WORLD can being called a ‘white nationalist’ be a BAD thing?!?

Is it being ‘white’ that is bad, or is it being a ‘nationalist’ that is bad?

Is a ‘black nationalist’ also bad?

How about a ‘Hispanic nationalist’ or a ‘Indian nationalist’ or an ‘Asian nationalist’?

Is it the race or ethnic background that is ‘bad’, or is it being a patriot that is ‘bad’?

Or is it only ‘bad’ if you are a patriot and you happen to be ‘white’?

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

when I first read the white people must be ashamed of there whiteness I stopped reading and listening from that point on. I am a white woman who is a patriot and love this country. I am not ashamed , guilty or embarrassed because I was born white. it is the most immature, juvenile waste of time argument i have ever heard. I have had it up to my eyeballs with this endless whining from others about how picked on they are cause of the color of there skin. bunch of damn cry babies go home get your suck blankie and a cookie but stay away from normal reasonable people for Pete sake.


Did House Impeachment Managers Falsify Evidence?


wait…I’ve seen this picture before…is this the riot on the 6th??? cuz minus a few cellphone selfies being taken, this looks like most of the protestors…walking calmly within the roped area…TAKE COVER!!!!!!


changed my mind…there aren’t any flag carrying people in that photo above..this must be congress

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

You Bill Silly, Pat!!!


Oopsey – I cannot type today ‘Big’ not ‘Bill’


In the UK, it’s Silly Billy, so you were close. 🙂




This is a great discussion even if it is before the Defense Team takes the stage today.



Mark TaylorWe need a Nationwide full forensic Audit! …-<br /><br /><a href=”” rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”><span class=”invisible”>https://www.</span><span class=”invisible”>date-dominion-owned-machines-removed-6-votes-windham-gop-candidate-machines-used-85-towns-video-report/</span><span class=”ellipsis”></span></a>
ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 reposted
comment imageJohn

As others have said — Maybe I am mistaken, but once Prosecution admits falsified testimony and evidence, isn’t that grounds for dismissal, and charges against the individual?
Lisa Mei Crowley


BOOM! Trump Attorneys DESTROY House Managers on Lying to American Public and Using Manipulated Tweet as Evidence! (Video)
comment imageBOOM! Trump Attorneys DESTROY House Managers on Lying to American Public and Using Manipulated Tweet as Evidence! (Video)President Trump’s defense team took the floor of the US Senate on Friday in defense of President Trump in the Senate impeachment trial. Trump Attorney David Schoen…The Gateway Pundit
View Link Feed


LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4


Castor going over the TIMELINE of EVENTS (45-minutes BEFORE PT finished his speech) – and the PRE-PLANNED EFFORT – FBI Foreknowledge – Suspicions – various videos purporting the information supporting this allegation.


Now Castor is now analyzing the word ‘FIND’ in PT’s telephone conversation with Rottenberger – House Managers acted as if PT wanted Rottenberger to FIND votes to the tune of ~ 11K.


Why are we REALLY here – asks Castor – Video supporting the REAL REASON for this Impeachment – so that he will never run again – the goal is to eliminate a political opponent – and substitute the will of the people.


Castor concluded President Trump’s Defense – understands there may be a question/answer period – Schmucky asks for a 15-minute recess – the Presider complies without objection – IN RECESS




Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


General McInerney
Spread these videos about election fraud everywhere you can.




comment image

General McInerney
We have to defend Sidney Powell and Lin Wood in the fight against Dominion.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought this was a fake account!


What made you think that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The account pushed something completely WRONG and discrediting, which the real general would NOT have fallen for. I forgot what it was, but it was thoroughly disproven to everybody on all sides. I thought “no way would he fall for it”.

McInerny is big on Hammer and Scorecard – which are real but old hat – out of date knowledge. I’m pretty familiar with what he believes. Whatever it was was “no way”. Wish I could remember exactly. It’s in comments, but I don’t remember when. But I said then that the account was fake.


this guy says Dennis Montgomery and his data are frauds…I have no clue in either direction, but he says Hammer & scorecard are disinformation.
These articles claim to have a positive proof of a massive coordinated international cyber attack against multiple US election sites during the first week of December, 2020. The stated aim of this attack was allegedly to steal the elections from Trump. The authors of these articles claim that two secret tools were used in the attack, one called “Hammer” the second called “Scorecard”. The source of this high-grade secretive Intel was a mysterious and apparently very well contacted individual by the name of Dennis Lee Montgomery.
The American Report articles came with a large volume of supporting data sets and charts that purports to show the details of these massive cyber attacks. The data includes source and target IP and MAC address, the method of infiltration, and the vote count changes to several voting systems. All in all, a smoking gun and the stuff that cyber unicorn dreams are made of.
I wasn’t aware of this claim until a friend asked me to look it over. It didn’t take long to reach the conclusion that the Montgomery data referenced in these two articles is a crude fabrication.
My advice to anyone reading The American Report and contemplating the truthfulness of these QAnon style prophetic claims is: be aware of false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If true, that’s problemattic for Sidney, Lin Wood, Gen. McInerny, Lou Dobbs, and others. I remember them all talking about H&S.


I seriously doubt the report is true.

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are lawyers, first and foremost.

Remember Sidney Powell “I never say something I can’t prove before a court.”


yeah I included the part of qanon so you can see his bias here…not sure this is disinformation or not.


i included his words about qanon to show I’m not sure this guy is being upfront or what…
it bothered me tho…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Makes ya wonder, MSM is having a field day.
Isn’t there proof that C👁A used H&S in other countries years ago? Could DM just have embellished/falsified reports of something that is indeed real? When TGP sides with MSM, it’s very confusing. 😵😵

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO Hammer and Scorecard are distractions. The Dominion and Smartmatic systems are designed with vulnerabilities that allow for the creation of completely novel and fresh attacks. This is why they are fundamentally flawed.

We don’t NEED “Hammer and Scorecard” for there to be massive cheating by cyber.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure yet. Apelbaum is not always correct, IMO.


This Montgomery guy claims to have INVENTED the Hammer computer, and Scorecard software. He has a long history of claiming to have evidence of things and ultimately refusing to come forward with it. He scammed Arpaio out of $100K evidently, like in 2014.

I had a back-and-forth with Yacov Apelbaum last night via WordPress. I had commented on his blog about Patrick Byrne having put forward Mary Fanning’s info as well, as part of his information dump, before Lindell’s movie. I said that I could possibly see Lindell being hoodwinked, but Byrne – no way. He claimed to not know who Patrick Byrne was. Really? Has to be a flat out lie.

Gateway Pundit has been PUSHING this story for days. Last night some really sharp people were commenting on Larry Johnson’s article at GP, questioning him on his conclusions and asking questions that are far above my pay grade.

And the “Ashli Babbitt lawyers” story has been swept off the front page. Interesting, since the kid who wrote the article was THERE when it happened.

What is GP’s MO? It’s starting to read like a supermarket tabloid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Byrne is I.T. and a very smart guy. Everybody following the story has to know him. Apelbaum is lying if he says he doesn’t know who it is. That stinks.

IMO Fanning’s data came from somewhere, and “somewhere” is the big story under the table. But that story is lying in wait.


He did not say he didn’t know who he was, in those exact words. But he did not give ANY indication that he knew (as I pointed out) that Byrne had published the same info before Lindell’s movie was released – in other words no normal conversational reaction to what I said. No reaction to the mention of his name at all, even though to anyone paying attention he’s everywhere in the mix. Then he stated that Montgomery might have conned others involved with this, before Lindell. “Gatekeepers” he called them, and then said that Byrne might be one.

For all his finger-pointing, he doesn’t seem to be squeaky clean himself.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this all makes sense. He may know who Byrne is, and suddenly be second-guessing his earlier position.

Let me tell you – I looked at that spreadsheet of IP / MAC / origin / entry data, and I said to myself “Hmmmm. I’d really love to know how they know this stuff on entry method.” There are two ways. One is that they cooked it up, like Apelbaum is saying. But the other is that it’s people with tools comparable to NSA, such as the NSA.

It’s not like the NSA isn’t around. It’s not like they didn’t have GO on election fraud. So – I am in wait and see mode.


IIRC, A l e x J o n e s had interviews with guests about Montgomery in 2016 and/or 2017. A lot about Montgomery as well as Hammer and Scorecard was floating around then. As we know, the latter was used against enemies of the US, not the Great Republic.

No criticism meant to you at all, Wolf, but what is being discussed here seems a not very great departure from b a d h o m b r e s in the know using the same technique against the US.

Alternatively, perhaps I have misunderstood something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me ask this. Should we be interfering with ANYBODY’S real election? President Wolf would order NO and send all violators to prison for a LONG TIME, provided he had a real A.G. and not a scumbucket like Rosey or Barr.

We cannot demand of other nations what we will not practice ourselves. First law of Mensch Nationhood.


^^^ This x 1000! ^^^

I was surprised only that others — not you, however — are surprised and wondered if it’s true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bolshevism in general, the CIA in particular, and Obama in even greater particular, all had a really SMOOTH and interesting game of “lowering standards” by coming up with some “globally approved” reason to lower our standards. One of the best ways is to create a supervillain using the media – somebody who “warrants the extreme measures”.

Heck – that somebody can even be a disease, and the “fix” can be mRNA vaccines.

Rinse and repeat.

Going after Iran with Stuxnet, which then released the code to all the world’s bad actors, was a beautiful instance and concrete example.

Have we interfered with elections? ROUTINELY since the founding of the CIA, known in the 50’s very well, and IMO it never stopped. It just depends on WHOSE election is being targeted. Burma most recently, and America before that.

Dangerous times.


Once again x 1000!

Agree fully.



Obviously these people haven’t learned to watch the clock.


Sorry, but why is anyone still reading National Review? It died with WFB Jr.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Finally, the timeline!! It started before POTUS finished his speech. They need a big bold slide displayed while atty is talking. VISUALS PEOPLE!!
AND the MSM talking about the PRE-PLANNING!!! 👏👏👏 Be still my heart, was getting worried they were going to skip this.

Once this guy is finished, POTUS’ team is finished. They will not use their full 16hrs.


POTUS’s team used appox three and a quarter hours total and then rested the defense.


Sure enough Dems are hitting the cameras acting like they did not hear a thing and demanding impeachment.


Bannon and others urged Trump to show the fraud bring out the evidence. They are playing by democrat rules in the hope they play fair. Democrats do not play fair never have never will.


Defense did well today. Castro is a weak link I believe. I just cannot watch this circus . I watched a little this morning.




Wictor holds forth on the war/s in the Middle East – and Biden’s race-mongering Sec of Defense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. This answers my questions about Lloyd Austin. He’s a controllable DOPE, highly politicized, perfect Biden vehicle for purges of the military. I will bet he sucks up ChiCom racial poison theory like mother’s milk.


Lloyd Austin as a freaking thug. Void of intellect he substitutes by using his power to lean on people and intimidate them.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

So you’re saying he’s a democrat then?


Good one. unfortunately, my thumbs up like doesn’t seem to work


Rod Dreher doesn’t like getting called out for his anti-Trump B.S.

Remember this is a man who was calling for Trump’s impeachment on Twitter on Jan 6.

Factionalism: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
FEBRUARY 12, 2021|2:50 PM


copied from OT…the reactions of the senators while the defense was showing THEIR video

February 12, 2021 2:10 pm

Fox news has someone monitoring the reactions from the senate
laughter, whispers, note passing and more in chamber as Trump lawyers make case
Per Hill pool:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was fidgeting with her pen as Trump lawyers played clips of her rhetoric. Some Democrats were giggling when Sen. John Tester, D-Mont., appeared on screen. Sens. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Chris Coons, D-Del., whispered among themselves through much of the montage.
Sen. Girsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., laughed when she appeared in the clip.
Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, patted Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., when he appeared in the video.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., reacted loudly twice.
Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., wrote down notes and showed them to Warren, who nodded.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., passed a note to Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who nodded.
Per Network pool:
Sens. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., nodded when Trump lawyers showed video of violence over the summer.
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has barely reacted, keeping his hands in his lap.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., as Trump lawyer van der Veen spoke rapidly shook her head side to side like a bobblehead. Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., nodded his head up and down vicorously.
Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and Kevin Cramer, D-N.D., at various points were seen laughing.
Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., during part of Trump lawyer Schoen’s case was leaning forward, elbows on his knees and chin on his fists.

Deplorable Patriot

Fox news has someone monitoring the reactions from the senate

laughter, whispers, note passing and more in chamber as Trump lawyers make case

They think this is a high school assembly?


LOL good to know how seriously they are taking the situation.

Deplorable Patriot

Brings back memories.

I wonder if they remember how to properly fold a note to pass in class?

Used to do this a little differently, but you know what I mean.


“They think this is a high school assembly?”


It’s Fox News.

Remember, everything they report is a lie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please let us know if anybody goes Toobin!




Turtle Alert!
comment image

May these Traitors never live this down!




Gosh, Grandma In Texas – Either YouTube has already censored/banned one of your videos – or the person who posted it has removed it.


Sen. Mitch McConnell Tells Republicans They Can Convict Trump Even if They Think His Impeachment Trial is Unconstitutional
McConnell is apparently turning his back on the U.S. Constitution.

Published 1 day ago on Feb 11, 2021By Shane Trejo

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is reportedly telling fellow Republicans in the Senate that the trial of former President Donald Trump is a conscience vote, meaning they should have no qualms about voting to impeach Trump even if they think the trial is unconstitutional.

Even though McConnell voted against bringing the matter up on trial, he may ultimately vote to convict the former president using this reasoning. This would be arguably the worst betrayal yet of many from the Republican establishment against Trump and the American people.

The GOP is usually the party of the Constitution, but when it comes to joining the Democrats to impeach Trump after he has left office, McConnell apparently thinks violating the Constitution is just fine.


I have never found Big League Politics reliable. They use the term ‘reportedly’ and have no named source.


It is certainly possible that Turtle would defend impeachment.

He has grounds: le péril jaune, for one, and his dislike of PDJT, for another.

As for Big League Politics, I found they were wrong only once, so long ago that I forgot why.

Who, in journalism, would name a source? Never.

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse

Good points, Churchmouse!


Thank you, GA/FL!


This now is all about the establishment purging us from the republican party.
I am not in it but vote with them. So they want their little republican club. Makes me wonder how much Turtle was involved with the capitol incident? What a rat.


I wouldn’t be surprised if McConnell was urging conviction votes. swamp


“McConnell is apparently turning his back on the U.S. Constitution”


Cocaine is just doing what Cocaine always does.


“Even though McConnell voted against bringing the matter up on trial, he may ultimately vote to convict the former president using this reasoning.”


Cocaine thinks being a snake is his highest calling.


“The GOP is usually the party of the Constitution,”


That has never been true, at least not in my lifetime. There is no one who defends the Constitution.

No one even pretends.



“They are going line by line in the “House Manager’s single Article”. Remember: One of those lines claims that it is a FACT that the election was not stolen.”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Mask mandate ends in Montana at noon today- put in place by Defeated Democrat Governor mean Bullock. Not that I was wearing a mask anyhow but good to see new Governor with common sense!
comment image


We are some VERY happy people here in my corner of Montana today!


Hearty congratulations!

Have a good weekend, Aubergine, and a LOVEly Valentine’s Day!

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse




Get this over with! PLEASE?
comment image


Lincoln Project publishes list of donors…
The information shows a dedicated group of major donors mostly from the political left or hard-left, destroying claims made by the scandal-embroiled Lincoln Project that their organization somehow represents Trump-disenfranchised Republicans.

The FBI is now investigating allegations related to the conduct of leading founder Jon Weaver, who stands accused of grooming young men.
The list includes Hollywood types, hedge fund managers, alleged fraudsters, and Mitt Romney’s life-long firm, Bain Capital.
The list also includes Michael Moritz, a Partner at the venture capital firm Sequoia, who donated a sizable sum in three donations in May, June, and July of 2020: one worth $50,000 and two worth $25,000.
In an interview with Slush, Mortiz was described as spearheading Sequoia’s expansion into China in the early 2000s spearheaded Sequoia’s expansion into China in the early 2000s.”.
“We obviously can’t make investment decisions regarding a company in China, Singapore, Indonesia from Menlo Park – we need to be close to the market in order to make intelligent judgements. Equally, close proximity is necessary for us to build the sort of relationship with the company that we want. It’s very hard to have long-distance affairs,” he reasoned.
Moritz also described the prospect of collaborating with communist China as “absolutely wonderful”:
Opportunities within China over the next 15-20 years are going to be absolutely wonderful. One of the things people in the West miss about China is approaching the opportunity with an appropriate degree of humility. The capabilities of people in China are tremendous, ambition is massive, devotion is intense. It is truly a fantastic concoction for durable, important companies.”


“The FBI is now investigating…”


What more needs to be said?

If there were polls on which government agency is the most corrupt — and I’m not sure why there aren’t such polls — the FIB would be in a dead heat with DoJ, and nobody else would be close.

Not because the others aren’t just as corrupt.

The others, not being the Stasi or the Star Chamber, just don’t have as high of a profile.

If you are a young person and you want into the most corrupt institutions in the world, you want to get in the FIB or the DoJ.

The political persecution departments.


So they’ve gone straight to questions.

First question for five minutes to the house managers.
“Isn’t it true that the violence at the capitol is because of President Trump?”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Raskin lied his bee-hind off about the court cases. Trump has lost 62 cases on the merits?


i don’t think he lost any on the merits…i don’t know the proper legal terms, but wrong time, lack of standing, some he wanted expedited and they wouldn’t…


merits = substance of the claim(s);

procedural = mis-steps that prejudice the adverse person/party;

jurisdiction = standing (proper court, proper parties for the claim, etc.);

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2



That is why I think Trump needet to show the cheating but he listened to Graham and others. He has wussies around him not men.


The Military is in control… at least that’ my understanding.

Any revelation about The Steal HAS to come from the Military.


WHEN? asking for 80 million friends…


“WHEN? asking for 80 million friends…”


Not until every last patriot family is torn apart.


i like you better when you’re happy and snarky…lol


“Any revelation about The Steal HAS to come from the Military.”


I hope you don’t mean the same military that allowed an ineligible Kenyan Communist to steal two presidential elections and subvert not only the Constitution but the entire American way of life.

If it’s that military you’re referring to, there’s a good chance that French liberators will arrive first.


French liberators — both of them — pop their heads up, look around, and say “Wut?”


Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But they RAN from the three Japanese island hold-outs!


The GOP candidates were worse than Barry the Faker. He was honest about his policies before the election (mostly).


Anyone who listens to Lady Graham deserves to lose.

Gotta have better judgment than that.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I do not understand why anyone does?


I don’t think anyone actually does.

Not even Lady Graham.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Only a Wisconsin court heard actual evidence AND they agreed paraphrasing….that 200K people broke law by declaring themselves incapacitated, when it was supposed to be done by the state, that they could vote by mail. However the court didn’t provide a specific remedy. The Trump people could’ve gone out door by door to those 200K, but there was not enough resources, money, or time to complete in 2wks and it was still uncertain what the court would do once the data was gathered and presented.


My understanding was there were two cases that heard a small part of cherry picked evidence from a much larger bulk of evidence before they threw the case out.


Mistake not to address the Steal at least in general terms. Now dems are bringing it up and his team has not addressed it. Thus it becomes what the dems say since we’ve said nothing.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep. We could’ve used MOAR OFFENSE!!
They’re playing it safe and sticking with this is UnConstitutional and that’s primarily what they’re defending.


I am with you. Why did they not know that? I know it and I am not the brightest in the mix.
One thing I have is street smarts.


I’m sure it’s just 79-D chess, they’re setting the dims up for a big last minute reveal 👍

😂 🤣 😂



february 12, 2021 the marshall report

Is anyone watching the lawlessness in the Senate? Does anyone think this will be left at a point of cliff hanging for the weekend? Is anyone concerned?

When I woke up this morning, I said to myself. Trump is a big man. His defense is in his hands, I’m not going to get all bunched up about this. He knows the game far better than I. Let him defend himself. God’s will is the will that shall be done.

With that knowing, it will be as it needs to be for God’s purpose. In taking a peak at how it was going, it looked pretty lame, but the entire thing is lawless, so….time will tell what comes of this entire circus in the senate.

Maybe this will open a secret door to something we haven’t considered? And maybe it’s all just another big nothing burger? Maybe it will flip around on the lawless ones and maybe it will encourage them to become even more evil in our faces. Whatever it is, God is in command. God bless each and every patriot for God’s Kingdom! 

Dianne Marshall


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

From Collins and Murkowski?
When did POTUS learn about riots and what did he do to stop? Be specific.

Well crap, POTUS atty’s ‘We don’t know because there was no investigation’. BAD ANSWER!! All they have is when he finished his speech and sent his tweet  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy:38. These guys should’ve done their homework so they could smoke the Dems. The fact that POTUS called for NG in advance and was denied. They should have interviewed POTUS and staff and got the timeline.
All this info should have been presented in his defense.


Apparently this is what passes for lawyering these days.

Lawyers doing lawyer things
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Vox Day: “Anyone with an IQ over 115 is probably better off defending themselves, on average, than relying on a lawyer in most circumstances. It would astonish you to know how few lawyers even bother to read the material that is directly relevant to the situation; some litigators even go so far as to pride themselves on refusing to read anything. They read the judge, you see. Or the jury.


President Donald Trump was set off by the defense mustered by his legal team at the start of his Senate impeachment trial, raging at key admissions and a presentation that appeared to drive away a key Republican vote.

Trump, viewing the proceedings from his new home at Mar-a-Lago, was aghast that one of his lawyers, Bruce Castor, acknowledged the potency of the opening argument put forward by House Democratic impeachment managers, ABC News reported. 

Castor even acknowledged that his team changed course after viewing the Democrats’ presentation, which featured dramatic video of Trump supporters storming the Capitol and taunting police officers with obscenities as they bashed in doors and windows. 

‘I’ll be quite frank with you, we changed what we were going to do on account that we thought that the House managers’ presentation was well done,’ Castor admitted. ‘And I wanted you to know that we have responses to those things.’ 

During three-and-half hours of debate on the Senate floor Tuesday, the defense and prosecution had the chance to argue whether holding an impeachment trial of a former official is in line with the Constitution.

Several Republicans, however, are ridiculing Trump’s defense team for missing the point of their outlined argument against the constitutionality of the timing of the proceedings. 

‘I thought the President’s lawyer – the first lawyer just rambled on and on and on and didn’t really address the constitutional argument,’ Texas Senator John Cornyn told reporters outside the chamber following his vote against moving forward. 


Vox Day continues: “It doesn’t surprise me at all that even a very high-priced lawyer would completely miss the point of the actual argument. From what I’ve seen, most of them – not all, but most – have a tendency to do the legal equivalent of “read until offended”. The legal version is “read until you recognize a term of art that might serve your objective”, then focus on relying upon that to the exclusion of all context, relevance, or consequence.

The more procedural, as opposed to substantive, the better. And if anyone happens to point out that the application doesn’t make any sense in light of the context, relevance, or consequence, snort derisively that they just don’t understand the term of art or how the law works.

This inability to read correctly, by the way, is how many insane legal concepts are enshrined into law over time. One lawyer with a weak case presents an argument based on an out-of-context sentence, which a clueless judge erroneously accepts at face value. Once an appeals court accepts the same out-of-context argument, the new precedent is established, which gradually metastasizes up throughout the circuit, until the U.S. Supreme Court either cements the new precedent into law or throws it out entirely.”

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

VOX??? 😂😂 and how many of their well placed anonymous sources that declined to go on the record???


No, Vox Day is the online name of Theodore Robert Beale, an apparently very successful video game designer who has become a political observer / commentator, among other things.

Theodore Robert Beale (born August 21, 1968), also known as Vox Day, is an American far-right activist, writer, musician, publisher, and video game designer. He has been described as a white supremacist,[3] a misogynist, and part of the alt-right.”


Remember, that’s the Wikipedia description, so they hate him for all the ‘right’ reasons.

Of all the descriptors, the only one that appears to actually apply is “part of the alt-right”.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He was actually a political observer first as a young guy – almost a kid. He was published largely on WND in the early 1990s. I believe that was before he got into gaming. I was wondering why he disappeared for a while.


It’s not funny.

Vox: ‘voice’ in Latin. See scott467’s comment below.

Vox Day rose to the surface in late 2016 or early 2017. He was part of a video discussion, participating with Mike Cernovich and someone else, about rescuing children from abuse.

Sorry if you find it amusing.

The man is far from an idiot or a rando[m].

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The unconfirmed gossip about POTUS’ lawyer led me to think the info came from the Vox magazine rag, didn’t realize it was a person until Scott elaborated.
How are you CM, are you still in lockdown? Is WuFlu really bad over there or are the pols inflating numbers for controlling the sheep? Do you have access to HCQ?


Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying.

No HCQ here.

We are still in lockdown, until March at least. The goalposts are shifting. What, nearly a year ago, started as ‘flattening the sombrero’ for the NHS is now turning into a zero-COVID policy, unfortunately.

I think the scientists and the pols are massaging the numbers. ‘Case’ numbers are dropping nicely, but it’s still not enough for them.

Boris was supposed to make a statement on Feb. 22 re reopening of schools. Now his officials say that will happen sometime that week. Hmm.

Here is the latest (sighing deeply):

Deplorable Patriot


To quote Lamar Parmental in his best New Orleans drawl to Remy McSwain in “The Big Easy” from 1986, “Remy, Remy, they have a video tape. Have you ever seen a jury watch a video tape? It’s like watching Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes.”



Question from Senators Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Roger Marshall, and Kevin Cramer: “Does a politician raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”

Counsel: “Yes.”


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


IF Ms Lindsey, Ted Cruz, Marshall and Cramer had any backbone, the question would have read:

“Does a politician, then Senator Harris, NOW VP Harris, raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”

Counsel reply. Yes, Senator Harris, NOW VP Harris, raising bail for rioters DID encourage more rioting.


Best President & First Lady evah!

comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, put her up there with Jackie and Dolly Madison, that’s for sure.


After today – what’s left?

How many more days of Sham-peachment 2.0 do we have to endure???


Not sure anything is stopping them to go straight to the vote after this. Questions session is not looking good. Rhetoric from the house managers not getting answered back. RINO’s have already asked two set of questions making it more lopsided.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let the rhinos kill the elephant. It’s time to make the donkey go crazy.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We have 4 hours of questions and then 4 hrs for each side to present closing arguments.
Vote tomorrow night??🤷‍♀️


One of the lawyers commenting on the ACLJ Video – said there could be a vote by the end of the session tomorrow – he said ~ 11 hours left – dunno how he came to that number, BFLY – however – I agree with you – could end tomorrow night.

BTW…this video is commenting on the activities that occurred yesterday while listening to today’s Trump Defense Lawyers – talking now about the ‘Fight’ Video.


i hope the 4 hours of defense closing arguments “circles back” (bwahahahaha, couldn’t resist) to election fraud!

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

We are at the Question/Answer Session

How Do Senators Deliberate And Reach A Verdict?
The Senate Impeachment Rules provide that during deliberations, “no member shall speak more than once on one question, and for not more than ten minutes on an interlocutory question, and for not more than fifteen minutes on the final question, unless by consent of the Senate, to be had without debate….” (Rule 24.) The rules clarify that the fifteen minutes each Senator may take is to address the verdict on all the articles. The Senate Impeachment Rules also set a threshold to require a roll call vote to end the deliberations: “a motion to adjourn may be decided without the yeas and nays, unless they be demanded by one-fifth of the members present.” (Rule 24.) The Senate Impeachment Rules provide that, when voting, the presiding officer will conduct a roll call vote, reading each article and then calling the name of each Senator, who will vote either guilty or not guilty. (Rule 23.)


How Do Senators Deliberate And Reach A Verdict?


They wait for the phone call from Beijing each evening, listen to what they are told, and then do that.

It’s not quite the same as deliberating, but it is deliberate.


Oh, Lord, Scott – i sure hope not!!!


Impeachment Distracts Leftist Media From Covering Explosive Allegations Against New York’s Governor


The story so far: many dead in New York State of or with coronavirus in care homes for the elderly. Cuomo defends himself as a caring governor.

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse

There is no defense for what he has done, Church – and people know – now it is time for him to be prosecuted for what he has done – whether or not that will happen remains to be seen – and there are others who are just as guilty, too. I hope and pray Justice will be served – many have suffered needlessly – and God will make it right.


I agree with you 110%, but, seeing that others have got off with no prosecution whatsoever for their crimes, one has to wonder.

‘God will make it right’: if not in this world, then in the next.


Amen goes right there, Church!!!


Amen, sister!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Not sure if this got mentioned.

Swalwell made a big ordeal about a Trump supporter’s tweets mentioning that they were going to DC as part of the cavalry…intimated that she was going to do violence on his behalf.

Finally today, Trump’s attorney addressed. The supporter was contacted and clarified that the tweet was about ‘Calvary’ as in going to pray at Mt. Calvary, which she did on Jan 5th, never attending the 6th rally.

Fartwell and his staff have no concept of faith and could not recognize Biblical language.


I saw video of that – excellent and telling


good video
more details and learn about the various rules in your own state but Very good and what many of us have been doing since the 2016 primary – following President Trump’s lead. And many other strong conservatives have been involved since the Tea Party and were delighted when the #s of non GOPe grew as the MAGA wave hit the local and state parties


Good video. Just watched in full. Some of the details are AZ specific.

In TN, our GOP State Executive Committee is elected directly form the election ballots during the primary elections not within the county parties or state party.

He is focused on being a precincts but did mention that rural/smaller counties one just goes to the local county meeting and we don’t have precinct meeting.

Here is his website. I remember this from back on OT from years ago and we all talked about joining and going. Someone posted their experience and helped me feel comfortable enough to go. I had forgotten all about this website!

Only thing I with which I disagree is his claim that the meetings and positions are kept secret.

Nope – at least not where I come from! We advertise on the radio, in the newspaper and on social media – paid facebook advertisements for Each of our meetings in addition to being on our social media for all who follow.

Our own county has done Extensive public outreach at festivals, public events and roadside stands.

Plus, county events are listed on the TN GOP website which also has contact info for all county parties in TN. Including Lincoln/Reagan/Trump Day dinners (names vary but they are the annual dinner that helps raise funds for the county party and gives attendees a chance to meet the politicians in person + the guest speaker).

Also, most all county parties have their own social media & some have a website.

Many invite people to sign up for their emails/newsletters.

Plus, TN GOP requires 10 days advance public notice and advertisement for party elections (typically called “reorgs” for reorganization but they are our party officer elections).

County GOPs are always looking for volunteers and welcome others to get involved.

The monthly meetings + elections + annual dinners + other events are all advertised, all often posted on the state GOP website, are usually posted on the county party social media and/or their website.

the info is there for people who want it. And yes, we get the elected politicians to our meetings as well as other interesting speakers. In the primaries, many (those not run by GOPe and yes, some parties don’t actually run fair primary events so join and make a difference!) invite all candidates equally to meetings/events and the county parties GOTV (get out the vote) for the general election, often having additional opportuntities to meet the candidates, ask them questions and get to know them.

Just showing up faithfully, asking a question or two that is polite but informed of the politicians and candidates, volunteering as the opportunities come along, getting to know other active participants … before you know it, you will be in leadership and probably more than you bargained for! 🙂


I hope you are right.





Hey, there’s that traitor again, the dirbag on the Left, who filibustered Mike Lindell for two minutes straight, fervently denied that there was election fraud on November 3rd, and then got up and walked off camera.

Apparently NewsMin approves and he’s still on the air.


They have no shame, Scott!!!


NewsMin is right on target.








Don’t know if this is new…………

Office of Melania Trump
Official Account of the Office of Melania Trump

USAJoined February 2021
1 Following

Last edited 4 years ago by RAC

She already had this one with a blue check:

https://twitter. com/MELANIATRUMP – remove space to activate

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet Democrats are Soviet.



duchess, I do not say this with ANY negative intent.

Every day I pass by articles and posts about hypocrisy on the left, about Democrat double standards, etc

IMO we are so far beyond that, it does not interest me, and has not for a long time.

Hypocrisy and double standards are all part of the end justifies the means.

IMO our side gets tangled up in what is actually true, and how the left is inconsistent in what they say is true.

To my mind, this is discouraging because it reflects a lack of understanding about the left by applying our standards to them. That is why they outwit us at every turn.

Our thinking is NOT their thinking. And they brilliantly use our thinking against us.

Many of us cannot conceive of their thinking. It just does not seem possible.

IMO we waste our time by judging the left according to our standards. Maybe some normies need that, to start things off.

But we are so far beyond that now.


Amazingly well-stated.

My first wife, during the reign of terror of the serial killer called the freeway killer, asked me how they think; to do the things they do. She said no matter how hard she tried, she could not imagine even thinking the things they do.

I told her that’s a good thing, because if she could I’d be out of our marriage as fast as my fingers could dial a divorce lawyer.

She looked shocked. I said if you could think like them, you wouldn’t be normal; you’d be dangerous. So I’m glad you can’t think like them. They’re psycho and you’re not.

Night and day.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

And yet we need a massive change in our consciousness, a change which requires us to go beyond. I do not know how that is accomplished.

Wolf gets it. He understands it.

Probably actual persecution will be necessary to spark the insight, and that is very discouraging, but human.

We have the numbers and the preliminary insight to do something, but we need to go beyond the preliminary insight, and that appears to be unlikely.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just picked up this meme, and was going to dump it elsewhere, but I think it answers how this gets fixed. You, and me, and Ed, and singingsoul, and some of the others, all have FAMILIAL MEMORIES OF PERSECUTION. Some of us also have our own troubles. Those memories strengthen us. We have to REMEMBER THE HARD TIMES and think like those who reacted to the enemy before.
comment image


There is a similar cycle regarding professions. (As a CPA, I’ll illustrate with accounting — but it really applies to most of them: banker, lawyer, doctor, stockbroker….)

At first, they are poor and they think they’re poor. Spurned, called “beancounters”, doing tax returns for $40/each.

Then, they become rich while they still think they’re poor. They’re respected in the community, their counsel is sought and acted upon, but they’re still doing $50 tax returns.

After a time, they start to believe that they’re rich and act like it. Nicer cars, nicer suits — they ditch the tax return biz and do “tax consulting”.

Inevitably, however, spurning the principles and hard work that improved their lot throughout the cycle, they sell themselves out and prostitute the profession — they become poor, while they still think they’re rich.

And when this inevitably causes the profession to be spurned and mocked, they begin again….

Gail Combs

Certainly applies to lawyers except they leap into politics and destroy towns, cities, states and not they are trying to destroy this nation.


I have no idea about what you are talking, Tona – these a clips from the impeachment proceeding today – from the Trump War Room.

It is what was presented by the Trump Lawyers – and it educated the American people who might have been fooled into thinking the House Managers had a case – about how they lied and manipulated evidence.

If you think that was a waste of time – then – by all means – scroll on by.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s OK – he’s just making a point about strategy, which is a good one. Remember – I have no objections to what you are bringing here.

As you say, those who don’t want to view can scroll on by!


In some cases, it’s sprint on by.


Thanks, Boss – yesterday was a great day for Team Trump – first time evah – both the MSM and the Manage-less were caught with their pants down – and – the light of truth shone brightly!!!

Schoen Shocked – with Culture and the Constitution – what they seek to destroy.


The people here see videos and memes like that all the time, but it is sweet to have them played in the faces of the actual perps, so that anyone who is watching can see, and so the media has to see it even if they won’t cover it.


It was a brilliant strategy for those who do not know and cannot see, Tona – those who have been kept in the dark by ‘edited’ clips and ‘half-truths’!!! I enjoyed every minute of the smackdown!!!

Gail Combs

That is why I keep posting The Philosophy Of Karl Marx The Hegelian Basis

The philosophical bases of Marx’s thought were laid early and remained unchanged throughout his life. As a student, Marx accepted the philoso­phy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the uni­verse. According to this philosophy, “the only immutable thing is the abstraction of movement.” The one universal phenomenon is change, and the only universal form of this phenomenon is its complete abstrac­tion. Thus, Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the con­ceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not ob­jects, were the stuff of which the universe was made. The universe and all events therein existed and took place only in the mind, and any change was a change in ideas. 

The left believes if they close their eyes and click their heels UNICORNS WILL BECOME REAL!


Gail, this philosophical passage also sounds like a psychological description of a sociopath’s thinking.

I will sometime find and post the “philosophical” words Mao wrote when he concluded that he was entitled to become a god of death, destruction and suffering.

I use to know the meaning of the word “solipsism” and forget it now, but I think it applies. But rejecting objective reality, in whatever degree and however done – – even in an elaborate philosophical system – – is in reality a rationalization for inflicting cruelty and addressing others with sadistic indifference.




Good Lord.


This is proof that stomach-stapling should come with serious psych treatment.






The Meitryx
Forwarded from 
Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
Pepe Lives Matter

New Dan Scavino via Twitter:
(Dem narrative is getting absolutely destroyed)



Lisa Mei Crowley


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The Meitryx


Trump War Room
“They landed a couple of haymakers today…” – Jonathan Turley reacts to former President Trump’s lawyers presentation.



Lisa Mei Crowley


Is that Lisa? She’s quite a hottie.

Harry Lime

…and not a word about who that man was who shot dead an unarmed woman? If that’s even what happened?

Linda Harrison

On Rush Limbaugh’s show the other day, the host was Ken Matthews from California. He said that the man was private security for one of the Senators and that no one is willing to disclose the man’s name. He said he, along with many others have FOIA requests to find out.


It’s probably Swallwell.


Nah – they would have known him from a mile away, Scott!!! After all, he does leave an impression.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Harry Lime

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

How can this FOOL be an impartial Judge and be voting to impeach at the same time???? 🦘🦘🦘👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️🤡🤡🤡



You’re not supposed to point out all the obvious flaws in everything they’re doing!



It’s all irrelevant at this point. Trivial in the scheme of things. They could care less, and our exasperation is music to their ears.

Things have to be sharper than pointing out that they are doing what they enjoy doing, and which is just another day at the job for them.

Our thoughts need to be more realistic, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Here is the deal. I think a lot of new minds are waking up, and they are still back at “hypocrisy”, “double standards”, “lies” and “they enjoy it”.

Soon, those people will be at “Mamet principle”, “hoaxing”, “controlled opposition”, “Aubergine’s razor”, “entrapment” and “projection”.

Right now, I am at “enchainment of crises”, “forced buy-in”, “socially defined reality”, and “asymmetric counterattack”.

We are not all at the same place. We have to bring up the tail. But while that happens, we need new strategies.

I think Torba is right. We must go beyond boycott. We need a separate economy that punishes them for excluding us from power.


Yes. I am over-reacting to true friends.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This shows how important it will be to keep lines of communication open.

Consider how Gab must now be defended. Are we willing to say “no more deplatforming”? One need not say it publicly. I think every man and woman must pray to find where their Red Line is going to be. May God help us find it.


I agree that we have to go beyond boycotts. I don’t think enough people can or will stop patronizing businesses and corporations for it to make a difference to them. We all need to act upon our own principles — I have refused to shop at Target for years, for example — but it might not make enough of a difference. Maybe it requires new conservative businesses forming to cater to patriots who are being shunned, and also to give discounts, bonuses, and special privileges to patriots while denying the same to Leftists and possibly refusing to serve them.


Elizabeth Carter

duchess, Thanks for posting all of these short videos. I didn’t watch the trial but I have read a lot of articles and comments.
As I watched what his lawyers said, I really liked how they handled this. They were saying that everything got blown out of proportion by the Trump haters. The videos showed the haters doing the same things they accuse Trump of doing and much worse over the years. Many of the haters are still in office so they make a strong argument for their own real impeachment. What could possibly go wrong? LOL!!
I think Trump’s lawyers took a good stance on this after all.


Oh, I agree, Liz – Trump’s Lawyers showed the House Managers for the liars and evidence manipulators they are!!!

They cannot talk their way out of this now – and the MSM carried it all – they are caught in the middle trying to spin something they cannot!!!

It was a great ending to the ‘Clown Show’ – and people saw the truth – the whole truth – the full videos of what happened and what was really said!!!

They should be embarrassed – they should be charged with prosecutorial negligence – and if they are lawyers – should be disbarred!!!


DutchesS….. The point being:
THANK YOU… For posting the “clips”


You are most welcome, Ray!!!


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House Managers CAUGHT Manipulating Evidence Presented at Trial



President Trump would say ‘she’s a real beauty’ – LOL


Like Nellie Orr. 😂


Whoa Nellie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I keep saying, OBAMA is running this shit-show! This is straight back to OBAMA.


But Wolfie, he didn’t even run his own… ValJar handled him 24/7 … she’s probably back in the saddle, perhaps never left 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That, too. I am certain that little commie brain trust is in charge.


True, that’s what they will want, however it might take some time to overcome Trumps big obstacle, called Peace in the Middle East, but I’m sure the Bidenese will be able to whittle some of that away in short order.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Their allies the Iranians will start it all back up again.


She’s clearly just a professional liar.

And she’s note even good at it, she’s just a hack.


I’d guess that Trumps initiatives in the ME and as pertains to Israel bore real fruit and a lot of proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas, and the neighbors like Syria, Egypt, SA, Lebanon, and Turkey have been side lined, pacified, or satisfied in such a way it will take some time before the Bidenese can get back to doing the things they were doing before Trump got involved, after which time the Bidenese will know better how they can use them for their own agendas. Same goes with EU allies desires in the ME. Trump likely changed some views there too. About the only thing that hasn’t changed is Iran and we know how much the Bidenese will want to placate Iran and make them an important player again.


PAT: This Bud’s for You!!!
Friday Special | Maskless Army Invades Trader Joe’s…
Posted by Kane on February 12, 2021 1:32 pm

Elizabeth Carter

duchess, That made tears in my eyes. Who ever believed we would have come to this? Or maybe I should say WHO actually are the ones that made this happen. Sad but true.


Remember – National Maskless Day – February 28, 2021

May it be a day of liberation for us all, Liz!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s a graphic for people!

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am unable to update my draft of tomorrow’s daily in the light of what happened today.

I get a pink updating failed banner and my usual trick of reloading the page and accepting the autosaved draft doesn’t work.

So if I’m woefully out of date tonight, that’s why.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And just like that on my seventh attempt it worked.



The blog will only work for you if you complain in the comments.

It’s reading the comments…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, that seems to be it.

Like lighting a cigarette waiting for the damn elevator.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just saw this now. You think it’s OK now? I have not looked at the draft.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I believe it is OK now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All I did was modify the first section a bit, given that Trump’s folks rested their case.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s an absolute shame to get “red-flagged” for such a minor change, but yeah, that’s WordPress.


P F M.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article right there, and that is exactly right!


Ep. 2403a – Are Putin And Xi Working With Trump? Are They Taking On The [CB]?
X22 Report Published  February 12, 2021


Ep. 2403b – The People Must See It All, The MSM/[DS] Lies Have Been Exposed, News Unlocks
X22 Report Published  February 12, 2021


Webinar – RFK Jr, several docs and other experts discussing the vaccine dangers. It’s long, I haven’t watched it yet. Will tonight. Just wanted to drop it here.

ALSO, I don’t know if anyone else in our community is doing the HCQ prophylactic as I am. But I was reading at the frontline docs site (Simone Gold, et al) and their dosage is 400mg (2 pills) per week with zinc daily. That’s the dosage to prevent malaria. They stated that studies are ongoing to see if 200mg is sufficient. Zelenko is 200, he also has a very specific regimen with quercetin. It seems all the docs that have been using HCQ and Ivermectin have their own specifics, there’s a lot of info out there. So I upped my dosage last week and will continue. And will make an appt with my North Jersey doc for advice.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

This is the first I’ve read 400. If you don’t mind, please let us know what your local doc says about 400.

I do have HCQ 200 tablets and Azithromycin here at home. Have not taken any at this point.

Hyper aware for symptoms. One year into the drill, no symptoms to date. Also plussed up bigly on vitamins and minerals. Gotta get some quercetin.

QUESTION. IF you are taking quercitin, how much daily? Thank you.


I’m taking 500 mg daily — but could ramp up upon exposure or symptoms.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Same here, Q500 daily.


Thank you. Heading out to Wally World. If they don’t have it, Amazon is my fallback.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I found it much cheaper on WallyWorld online, but it took a few weeks to get here.😕


Appreciate feedback.


I’m doing HCQ once a week and zinc every day. With C and D as well. My husband takes quercetin/C combination and zinc every day. Quercetin is 500, C 1000 and Zinc 30, D 5000. Zelenko’s formula. He actually recommends zinc 25, but you can hardly find those.

It’s the first I had heard about 400 as well. I had told my North Jersey doc what I was taking at my app’t in December, and she was good with it. I just happened to read the frontline docs info and upped my dose this week. As I said, we’re going to go for a joint app’t as soon as we can – to talk through this with her. As well as what she thinks of the vaccine situation.

We got our quercetin from Solgar mainly, have also purchased from Puritan’s but they are sold out of it frequently.

If you go to it’s all there to download/print. I just noticed he will do telemed appts. now as well. $250. Or is still $90.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are days, between good nights of sleep, where I’m thankful for “just plain immunity” from the disease.


Yes. 👍🏻

Gail Combs


We gave the usual vaccine to an old ewe and killed her. She was down with pneumonia within 24 hours and dead in 48. Her immune system could not prevent the weaken bacteria from killing her.


My 2020 travel for work was in 11 States. Flew 30, 000 miles. Drove about the same. Was in 232 cities. Google tracking knows everything. Anyway, 10,000 iu’s D3 4-5 times a week. Multi vit. That’s it. Oh, eat meat. A lot. Not sick since Jan 2020.

Gail Combs

Vit D, C and selenium PLUS lots of meat and GREEN TEA (EGCG is an extract from green tea a Zinc ionophore) since 1979 and I HAVE NEVER HAD THE FLU SINCE!!!

Remember I never took a flu shot AND for the past 25 years I have done entertainment for little kids meaning I have interacted closely (Picked up) between 25 and 100 different kids a weekend for those 25 years. Teachers and daycare people interact with the SAME kids, I interact with over 1200 kids a year plus their parents.


My wife and I are wondering how we get the HDCQ. Our doctor is a communist, so that will not work.


Here are the links one of our commenters posted:

Corsi telemed, – $59 consult fee.

The prophylactic dose: 200mg 1xd for 5 days, then 1x week – refills as you need them.

My local family practice doctor prescribed it for me and then ordered a refill when that was gone.

You might also try a walk-in clinic.




You’re right with the price. I think IS still $59 if you go through Corsi. I forgot that. 👍🏻


Its main use is treating arthritis. Do either one of you have arthritis?

If so, you’re golden.

Gingersmom2009 is where I originally got it last April. $90 for the consultation, then the price for the meds. Reasonable and sent to your door through a pharmacy in FL. It’s a regular telemed appt. Our family doc just blew me off when I asked about it, which is how I wound up using the telemed. Now we have a REAL doc in Piscataway, NJ that has prescribed HCQ (and now Ivermectin) for the duration.


TY so much!


A group I follow are sourcing Ivermectin from as the “apple flavored” Durvet. The gel comes in a tube with notches for measuring the doses. Dosing by weight, they are taking 1 notch for each 50 lbs of body weight. It’s taken twice a week, for example on Monday and Friday. Some are saying it’s clearing other old herpes/other viral infections. Some are applying same dose on same schedule but topically and are amazed at what is clearing up. (It does work against demodex, other mites, as well as hemeliths, viruses and some bacteria, I’ve read.)



Gail Combs

HCQ is NOT NECESSARY. What is needed is to get Zinc (and selenium) INTO YOUR CELLS. There are other ionophores that can be used. This article links to actual studies but SURPRISE! was scrubbed from the internet. Luckily it was archived.

We’ll cover these topics: 

  • A quick review of how hydroxychloroquine works
  • Hydroxychloroquine as a zinc ionophore
  • Zinc PH effects and coronavirus
  • Quercetin and EGCG as zinc ionophore for coronavirus


Since everyone keeps over looking the importance of SELENIUM (some doctors call it a virus ‘birth control pill.’)
Early Nutritional Interventions with Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin D for Raising Anti-Viral Resistance Against Progressive COVID-19
This one has many other links about Selenium.
Selenium, Selenoproteins, and Immunity


Selenium is an essential micronutrient that plays a crucial role in development and a wide variety of physiological processes including effect immune responses. The immune system relies on adequate dietary selenium intake and this nutrient exerts its biological effects mostly through its incorporation into selenoproteins. The selenoproteome contains 25 members in humans that exhibit a wide variety of functions. The development of high-throughput omic approaches and novel bioinformatics tools has led to new insights regarding the effects of selenium and selenoproteins in human immuno-biology. Equally important are the innovative experimental systems that have emerged to interrogate molecular mechanisms underlying those effects. This review presents a summary of the current understanding of the role of selenium and selenoproteins in regulating immune cell functions and how dysregulation of these processes may lead to inflammation or immune-related diseases.


TY so much!

Gail Combs








february 12, 2021 the marshall report

WHERE IS THE JUDGE TO CALL OUT THE LIARS? There are none. Behold and see the illegal Senator with the gavel, playing a SCOTUS, then when he’s done, he will play the role of a seated senator and vote. There are no rules, only a witch hunt with all the bases padded by the lawless ones. This is exactly as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah where the courts were upside down and inside out. What was wrong was right and what was right was wrong. It was utter lawlessness. It is written in detail in the book of Jasher.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Oh, that is painful, Wolf!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but the sight of KMAC restores sore eyes!!! Even next to RED JEN!


True – besides circling back just leaves you where you started – empty-headed and handed – whereas KMAC left them stunned, shocked, and awe-struck!!!


#Newsmax #NewsmaxTV #GregKelly
The REAL evidence | Greg Kelly

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Now I need to temper it, but yes…..

Biden’s New Firearm Bill is an assault on the American people, it includes:

Requiring a government mandated psychological evaluation to own a firearm.

-Creating a national firearms database open to the public, that anyone can access and see what firearms a person possesses and where they keep them


Biden Reveals Catastrophic Firearm Bill – Hold the Line PAC

During the Presidential campaign, then-candidate Biden promised that Beto O’Rourke would “Take care of the gun problem with me.” Although Beto hasn’t been offered…

Hold the Line PAC
View Link Feed



States need to declare themselves 2A Sanctuaries. IGNORE the Feds.

Sorta like ignoring Feds MJ laws.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please keep us appraised of those places. I will most likely be moving.


^^^ As will I. Actively looking and planning to move.

Constitutional Carry states… FTA

As of February 12, 2021, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota (residents only; concealed carry only), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah (takes effect April 12, 2021), Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming (residents only) do not require a permit to carry ..


Abbott in Texas has suggested Texas become a 2A Sanctuary. Read that a month ago or so. Crickets since.

  • Maybe Grandma, Michael or another QTreeper has more insights on Texas moves towards 2A Sanctuary status.

Nothing heard since.

Fully expect a whole lotta conservative states are going to push back on efforts to cancel 2A.

My next state is centered around 2A, taxes and conservative values.

Will share whatever I come across.



We could all move to Daughnville!!!!!!!


🙂 B&B with blueberry muffins, home away from home, as we house hunt. 🙂

Odds are I’ll relocate to Texas or Oklahoma.


Close enough 🙂
Look at Arkansas too.
It is a good place to live also.


Arkansas is beautiful country, but it’s got two strikes against it.

The first is the dominance of one city in the state — in this case, Little Rock. Whenever you have a state where one city dominates, it causes trouble (Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Las Vegas, NV; Cheyenne, WY; NY, NY; Boston, MA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; etc.). The mayors become little dictators, urban concerns become paramount and rural concerns discounted, there’s a steady stream of graft and patronage that gets routed to the dominant city….

And the second is that little thing about tornadoes. While most of us have expectations about tornadoes derived from The Wizard of Oz and would expect them in large flat spaces…..thus considering ourselves secure among the hills and forests of Arkansas…..stats don’t quite bear that out.

That said, I currently have a nephew out there.


True, Little Rock IS the dominate city. I don’t live anywhere near there. Tornadoes do happen here. That being said, Oklahoma has far more tornadoes than Arkansas. I love it here. If the SHTF, I feel pretty safe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Of all the many reasons such a bill is completely unconstitutional, the government cannot compel anyone to be on a list that makes them a guaranteed target for violence by the government’s own unhinged goon followers.


Personally have NOT read the details of Utah’s Constitutionally Carry.

Comments from a gun blog reflect, no requirement to be a resident of Utah.

Some Constitutional carry states are limited to residents.

With the exception of Perrre DeLecto, Utah stock is rising.


I sent info to mr gil at work. Ill see if he knows anything.


Thanks Gil.


Highlighted Provisions:
25 This bill:
26 ▸ provides that an individual who is 21 years old or older, and may lawfully possess a
27 firearm, may carry a concealed firearm in a public area without a permit;

As I understand it, Utah was already OC friendly.



It appears Utah Constitutional Carry takes effect April 12, 2021.

Two more months.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

I asked him and he didnt read through it all yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is interesting……


And that’s the legit drop

Intel Drop #953 (

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Was wondering where to go, apparently qmap died.


Yep, about two to one month before the election they outed they guy running it and he had to shut down due to employment concern if I remember correctly.


Taken out by enemy action — doxxing and threatening the anonymous person running it.


Qalerts still works:

scott467 still works, too 👍


“The openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.”


That’s downright pleasant, compared to what we call them.

Gail Combs

Scott, you owe me a new key board!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

File this under “Just Sayin’ – Reminders”……

[video src="" /]


Weather is expected to be horrid in Texas and Southern states starting tomorrow afternoon/sunday a.m.

here’s report from Harold at Telegram, see post above this one with the map…


That’s some serious prep talk, and good advice for anyone venturing out in sub-freezing temperatures. I’m wondering if these temperature extremes signal the beginning of the little ice age we’ve been hearing about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe so. Everything is meeting up with the solar minimum approaching.

Gail Combs

The timing for the end of the Holocene interglacal was the Little Ice Age. Based on the end of the Younger Dryas, the Holocene is 11,700 years old. So the earth is 200 years past the end of the precession cycle of 23,000 years. And at the ripe old age of a Bond cycle. The sun has gone all quiet on us, GCR flux is noticeably up as a result.  Actually the Little Ice Age should have kicked the earth into glaciation by a GRAND Solar Maximum, the strongest in 3,000 years, saved us for a little while.

The coming Landscheidt minimum could be the beginning of a FULL BLOWN ICE AGE.

I am firmly convinced that knowledge of the earth returning to Ice Age Conditions is what actually is driving the Depopulation idea since the physical evidence supporting the Milankovitch cycles was found in the early 1970s. DESPITE the cold, during the first UN environmental conference in 1972 headed by the Rockefeller’s man, Maurice Strong they talked of GLOBAL WARMING! Why? Because by 1958 they already knew about the The Gleissberg cycle of solar activity spanning roughly 80 to 90 years. Meaning a warming could be expected.

If you put together the threads you find in the early 1970s there was a major shift from the USA continuing as a manufacturing base to exporting out technology, factory and jobs. (SOUTH like to Mexico, India and China.) This may have been because of the food scare due to the cold climate. Nigel Calder a science reporter at that time wrote:

[…]No, we didn’t make it up. I was present in Rome in 1961 when global cooling was already the main concern at a conference of the World Meteorological Organization and Unesco (see the Unesco reference). The discussions were led by Hubert Lamb of the UK Met Office, who went on to found the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.

A persistent concern of Lamb and others was that the world might return to a Little Ice Age like that of 300 years ago. But the improving knowledge of glacial history, and especially the apparent brevity of warm interglacials, prompted anxiety about a full-blown ice age. George Kukla, together with Robert Matthews of Brown University, convened a conference in 1972 entitled “The Present Interglacial: How and When will it End?”….

Kukla and Matthews alerted President Richard Nixon, and as a result the US Administration set up a Panel on the Present Interglacial involving the State Department and other agencies.….

The result was the 1974 CIA report:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems” makes that clear. (wwwDOT)


….The onset of the LEAP [The glacial inception of the last glaciation] occurred within less than two decades (see the core photograph in Fig. 4), demonstrating the existence of a sharp threshold, which must be near 416Wm22, which is the 658N July insolation for 118 kyr BP (ref. 9). This value is only slightly below today’s value of 428Wm22. Insolation will remain at this level slightly above the inception for the next 4,000 years before it then increases again.” Sirocko, et al, Vol 436|11 August 2005|doi:10.1038/nature03905.


Here is a ‘brief?’ look at the data gathered that refuting ‘Gore Bull Schiff Warming’ aka the ‘Green House’ and showing we are on the brink of either the ‘Ice House’ or the ‘Mad House’ (Bumping along between to interglacial peaks of a  ‘double precession-cycle’ interglacial.) Geologically the ‘Green House’ is NOT on the table.

“The lesson from the last interglacial “greenhouse” in the Bahamas is that the closing of that interval brought sea-level changes that were rapid and extreme. This has prompted the remark that between the greenhouse and the icehouse lies a climatic “madhouse”! — Neuman and Hearty (1996)

 Geologist William McClenney  looked at it from the perspective of geology in a series of posts at WUWT. His posts are gathered together HERE:
The End Holocene?
He used multiple papers from geologists such as this:

” The operative quotation being found in the landmark paper by Lisiecki and Raymo (“A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records”, Paleoceanography, Vol. 20, PA1003, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071, 2005) being:”

Recent research has focused on MIS 11 as a possible analog for the present interglacial [e.g., Loutre and Berger, 2003; EPICA community members, 2004] because both occur during times of low eccentricity. The LR04 age model establishes that MIS 11 spans two precession cycles, with 18O values below 3.6 o/oo for 20 kyr, from 398{418 ka. In comparison, stages 9 and 5 remained below 3.6 o/oo for 13 and 12 kyr, respectively, and the Holocene interglacial has lasted 11 kyr so far. In the LR04 age model, the average LSR of 29 sites is the same from 398-418 ka as from 250-650 ka; consequently, stage 11 is unlikely to be artificially stretched. However, the June 21 insolation minimum at 65N during MIS 11 is only 489 W/m2, much less pronounced than the present minimum of 474 W/m2. In addition, current insolation values are not predicted to return to the high values of late MIS 11 for another 65 kyr. We propose that this effectively precludes a “double precession-cycle” interglacial [e.g., Raymo, 1997] in the Holocene without human influence.”

Note the Loutre and Berger model looked at orbital mechanics and model results (They played around with computers instead of getting off their butts.) While Lisieki and Raymo took an exhaustive look at 57 globally distributed deep Ocean Drilling Project (and other) cores In other words they looked at real data not models.


Dr Evans, Jo Nova’s Hubby looks at it from the point of view of the sun’s variability.

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗰𝗵-𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟳
The theory was initially introduced to the world in a series of blog posts on Joanne’s blog in 2014:

From Jo’s blog:

 Climate Scientists Misapplied Basic Physics

The basic climate model, the application of “basic physics” to climate, is essentially why establishment climate scientists believe in the carbon dioxide theory, despite considerable contrary empirical evidence. Dating back to 1896, the model contains serious architectural errors. Fixing the errors finds a much lower sensitivity to carbon dioxide — the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) overestimated future warming by a factor of five to ten. Less than 20% of the global warming of the last few decades was due to carbon dioxide.

Notch-Delay Solar Theory Predicts Cooling from 2017

Global temperatures will come off the current plateau into a sustained and significant cooling, beginning 2017 or maybe as late as 2021. The cooling will be about 0.3 °C in the 2020s, taking the planet back to the global temperature that prevailed in the 1980s. This was signaled (though not caused) by a fall in underlying solar radiation starting in 2004, one of the three largest falls since 1610 when records started. There is a delay of one sunspot cycle, currently 13 years (2004+13 = 2017).

(For what it is worth, we have not seen the hot summers here in NC that we saw a decade ago. (Sustained 95F -100+F thru the summer.)

Dr Evans’ links to the Jo Nova blog posts and his papers are HERE.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I gave a synopsis of the Solar and Geological basis of WHY Global Warming is a COMPLETE CROCK in my last comment. Here is a bit more and you can BET the Globalist Elite are as well aware of this informatation (AND MORE) as we are.

From the paper Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? I extracted the 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for several glacial inceptions:

Current values are insolation = 479 W m−2
(MIS = Marine Isotope Stage # interglacial)

MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2,

Depth of the last ice age – around 463 W m−2
NOW (modern Warm Period) 476Wm-2

This would indicate that when the solar insolation gets somewhere below 500 W m−2 other factors (volcanoes?) can tip the climate into the cold state. Steven Wilde has connected low solar activity to the “loopy Jet” that allows the blocking highs that plagued us these last winters. Steven Goddard compared the ‘Polar Express’ shape to the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. – a very decent match.
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If the elite are as well aware of a possible coming ‘Ice House’ or ‘Mad House’ (One is as bad as the other.) Would that explain their 16 year plan to take down the USA AND WIPE OUT BILLIONS OF PEOPLE in an ‘orderly fashion’ ??

If you KNEW the Earth would not be able to support a large population AND you had the means, wouldn’t YOU want to save yourself AND THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST while killing off the ‘Useless eaters’ ?

Wouldn’t a ‘Vaccine’ mandated for the whole world that could be ‘selectively’ administered be the BEST WAY to achieve those results?

Wouldn’t you also want to SAVE as much of the DNA of plants and animals including humans that you can?

Wouldn’t you want to be able to use Genetic Manipulation to make a bright BUT subservient slave race?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Wouldn’t you want to be able to use Genetic Manipulation to make a bright BUT subservient slave race?”

They’re just continuing the work on that one. Planetary exclusion meant that they had to increase improvisation by locals.

Everything looks a bit different, but a lot more makes sense, when you increase the radius of the problem, so to speak.

Gail Combs

Humans have had breeding programs for eons. That is how we ended up with domesticated animals. Also those who were not ‘followers’ and were too stupid, challenged the Old Leader before they were ready and got killed young.

So yes, the ‘breeding’ of a ‘servant class’ has been going on for eons too.

The problem with the USA was it Grab and Concentrated the ‘MAVERICK GENE’ For 200 years those who wanted freedom came here and sank or swam by their own efforts. Ted Kennedy and others tried to dilute this by CHANGING IMMIGRATION LAWS.

Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Legacy — and why did he do it?
…Just as a reminder, let’s make a short list of the immigration policies that Kennedy and his extremely talented staff put into effect:

  • The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system. It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers. 
  • Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.
  • The 1986 blanket amnesty. Kennedy’s skills may have been best seen here where he got legislators on our side to agree to the amnesty in exchange for enforcement rules that he made sure were written in a way that would not work. Within a decade, he would be using the inability to enforce the 1986 rules as an excuse for why we needed more green cards and more amnesties. An example of Kennedy’s great skill was that he persuaded Ronald Reagan to enthusiastically support this bill.
  • The 1990 immigration act, which increased overall immigration by another 35%. The first Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s co-partner, just as the second Pres. Bush was Kennedy’s eager co-partner in trying to force through another blanket amnesty 2001-2008.
  • The 1990 act also established the lottery whereby we randomly give away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries picked because they have the least ties and cultural association with the United States, and which disproportionately are terrorist-sponsoring countries. This was something of a compromise for Kennedy who was able to ensure that during the first few years, much of the lottery winners would be illegal aliens from Ireland — his own ethnic group.
  • The H-1B visas which have enabled corporations to keep hundreds of thousands of American kids from getting a foothold in the high tech industry.
  • The total defeat of liberal civil rights champion Barbara Jordan’s blue-ribbon commission recommendations to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the lottery in 1996.
  • Six mini-amnesties that passed in the 1990s, primarily aimed at specific nationalities…..
Gail Combs

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In other (possibly related) news….

Due to governmental ineptitude, a “legal” marijuana source has a tough time growing the plants outside. Accordingly, “legalization” has lead to immense amounts of otherwise commercial space being used as cannabis grow houses. So, the usual tree-huggers are coming out in droves to complain about the inefficiencies of indoor grow-houses and they want growers to invest in all sorts of “green nude eel” BS methods to have skittle-producing flying unicorns deal with this.

But, in the middle of reading an article about this farce, I hit the following “factoid” — which, if true, is stunning: three percent of California’s electricity consumption is marijuana grow houses.

I can’t opine on the veracity of this, but to put it into context — MJ can be grown quite happily outdoors in most of California with no electrical consumption at all.

Sylvia Avery

Just getting caught up! Great post, grandma. Although I was all happy reading about cold weather and hot toddies, but reading about Mitch has soured my stomach. Blech……what a weasel.


[…] One here.So, I’m moving through Senator Mitch McConnell’s memoir, “The Long Game.” I had intended to […]