2021·02·13 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

His Fraudulency

His Fraudulency continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

But we do have a nice little distraction at the moment. Trump’s side took the floor today, and after only four hours of the sixteen they were allowed, let it rest.

I saw none of it, but the consensus seems to be that they kicked some ass, at least as far as rebutting the prosecution’s case is concerned. The Great Fraud was unaddressed and of course some are complaining about that.

I guess we’ll be discussing that today.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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How are the yellow-robed monks who carry your supplies to your mountain aerie holding up?


I trust you’ve seen this then — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Thailand .


It’s actually quite interesting….King Mongkut (reigned 1851-1868) spent the previous 27 years of his life as a Buddhist monk….and studying English and Latin. They don’t seem to be as withdrawn from the world as many monks are portrayed.


Most Thai Buddhism is Theravada. Without getting into doctrine, the robes for monks are folded over one shoulder, leaving the other bare.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s five degrees and the sky is spitting the powdery stuff.

Yesterday, we had 6-7 hours of sun, and the streets all dried and the concrete came out and the lake in the back yard started to soften.

Now, we’re back to where we started.

Where are my socks?


They’re hanging near the fireplace, drying off.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m wearing multiple layers including a sweater dress and I’m FREEZING.

Deplorable Patriot

The furnace has been running most of the day. Time to wash all the clothes that need to lie flat or hang to dry. It won’t take any time at all.


I have – 14 F this morning burrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Fone is Asshoe x 10000

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/065/413/483/original/2de78dcb384310ac.mp4" /]


Creating social credit and discredit.

Deplorable Patriot

Clever these Chinese, as my dad would say.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hopium lite that is almost quality tobacco!

I find that there is some q-less truth to this, in that the auto-running shit-show of Biden is red-pilling people faster and faster, until at some point it will do it faster than we can.

Awakening enough people was all that was needed, in that interpretation of where we are.

Mark Smith reposted

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Over the target.

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Sometimes you have to let people have what they think they want. Let ’em get a good belly full of it. And as it settles in on ’em, they will learn.

Ever let a child pig out? Ever seen a young adult (age may very) allowed to drink up and be sick as a dog the next day? Ever seen a young adult think they are clever to try smoking only to be caught and told, go ahead, drag deep and smoke the whole thing?

Not saying I advise these methods but on some stubborn, willful and shortsighted getting a good belly full of what they thought they wanted on to let it settle in and they now realize how sick they feel is the only way

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Natural consequences! A great tool for teaching children to listen!

Deplorable Patriot

Death by 1,000 cuts is just as effective as decapitation.

Although, it doesn’t look nearly as spectacular on TV.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Clinesmith probation had one positive effect – it made me laugh at myself for thinking we had actually cleaned up anything at DOJ, other than EXPLICIT FIRINGS and resignations. There are those – there is no denying – but an extraordinary number of vermin are still there, and now happy to have a Biden A.G. protecting them from We The People.


NOTHING got fixed.

Yes, there were firings and resignations.

  • Those led to next deep state asshoe stepping up with a promotion filling the empty seat.
  • Those fired or resigned simply got a job at Lawfare or another cabal managed entity.
  • ZERO processes got fixed.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. The SWAMP used 4 years to get rid of Trump. BUT we got a view of the bottom of the swamp. Like fishermen, WE can find great value in that knowledge, and use it to WIN against the swamp creatures.


Love that drawing of Clint – very well done – anyone know the artist?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try dropping the image into tineye.com and see what it says!


Recall hit that magic number!
We really do need a buffer. I dont think theyll stop until the last day.

Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) Tweeted:
The state of California is controlled by one political party – that political party will review and verify the signatures.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely love it. Targets just open up when we’re firing on them from the downside!!! Nursing Home Killer, Gruesome, Witchmer – they are all EXPOSED and going down in political flames!


Cant go fast enough. But trajectory so far is good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is one of THE BEST compilations of information about the leftist agitators at the Capitol that I have seen yet! From GAB…..

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/065/413/949/original/54cca780f4a4e3f9.mp4" /]



This person changed their name in 2004 according to this report:


…”Records show Watkins served honorably in the Army under a different name, including duty in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2003. Court records in Rochester, New York, showed she changed her name to Jessica Marie Watkins in 2004. She also lived in Fayetteville, North Carolina, serving as a first responder with emergency medical training, before settling in Woodstock about three years ago.”…


Hello. I miss y’all … but can’t keep up that good right now.
Resisting in real life certainly tests one’s soul

Jo𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
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Hey, T3! Good to have you drop by — at least we know you’re still kickin’!

Sylvia Avery

❤ ❤ ❤


awesome to see you!
take care of you!!


You are missed, T3. 💖 
It’s really good to see you!
 😀  👋 

And yes, absolutely…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


Hey, God bless and keep you. Doing some resisting in real life too.

Hope you have gathered a little group around you for support. It helps.

There are more of us than we know. 🙂


Saw a video this last week where the speaker said the best way to find your “tribe” of resistors is to look around when you are in a store and find the people not wearing a mask (or choosing a “barely okay” mask, I’d add) and find a way to start a conversation.

We need to find OUR PEOPLE!


We do!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prepare to deal with having various institutions in your life being labeled as “hate groups”.

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Catholicus Romanus https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg

Free Speech

UN human rights office prepares global ‘LGBT hate groups’ blacklist
The UN rights office’s call for input denigrates defenders of life and family who dispute ‘gender ideology’ as conspiracy theorists.

Fri Feb 12, 2021 – 9:03 pm EST


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UN human rights office prepares global ‘LGBT hate groups’ blacklist

The UN rights offices call for input denigrates defenders of life and family who dispute gender ideology as conspiracy theorists.


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I’m sure Christian churches will be right at the top of that list. smh

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



When they call you names IGNORE the insult. One exception is to turn it back on them.

Ignoring the insult is a key point in fighting back. They have nothing but hate and insults but they use those effectively.

One of the best things to do is LAUGH when they call you a bigot or hater. Then simply attack them with truth, whether to expose their hypocrisy or make another point.

If they can’t get you to react to their hate then you have won Round One and can punch freely in Round Two.

Deplorable Patriot

Ignoring the insult is a key point in fighting back. They have nothing but hate and insults but they use those effectively.

Yep. At the same time, it’s vital to learn to defend your own ground, and in terms those who persecute and toss inaccurate invectives at you will understand.

Begin with natural law. Nature, even if a Divine Being was not involved, is ordered a specific way with purpose: propagation. Changing the natural order of what nature gives frustrates that purpose.

In other words, people are being played to accept yet another means for men and women to not reproduce. Yes, it is a choice, but this is not a natural choice. There are other options that ARE more natural, and some which are self sacrificial as well. (Celibate clergy, being a hermit, Josephite marriage, etc.)


I agree. Online though, when it is the Left trying to cancel you for being a Christian or a conservative, you have to ignore their argument (which is almost totally name-calling as a way to cancel you); you cannot react to that or you will have lost the argument immediately.

You can turn it around and say something like, “On the contrary, those who use invective against their ideological opponents have already lost the argument. Let me tell you why….”

Or even something as simple as, “You are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing! You are attempting to cancel me because you don’t like my argument. You are being intolerant!”

Show their hypocrisy. It works.


Yep. Because it is true. They have very little thought process behind their invective.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mmmmmmm. Yes, I can envision that working.


I would ask to be put on that list. Then I’d ask for a copy.

Finally, I’d send a copy to all of my contacts and tell them that this list is those who have been vetted by the best so we obviously are all genuine MAGA peeps …


Exactly, if we own the (supposed) downside, if we call their bluff instead of running away, it shrivels up their attack like George Costanza in a hot tub.


Actually, I think that would be George Costanza in a cold plunge…..but we’re flinging cultural references and who cares.


You’re right, it was a cold swimming pool 😂🤣😂


Perfectly said.


Why doesn’t any patriot group put together a global list of anti-Christian hate groups, anti-white hate groups, anti-gun hate groups, anti-free speech hate groups, anti-GOOD hate groups, with the U.N. near the top of the list?

It’s so easy to play this game and blow them out of the water, but all we seem to do is document everything and never hit them back.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Done – and there’s even a map:

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Wait… it looks like 9 out of the top 10 are nations that have been subdued by islam.

That can’t be right, islam is a religion of piece(s).


Communists have made martyrs of many in Mexico, S. America


Not sure what years Spain and Mexico succumbed to communism.


Okay, here’s more detail on the “engines” of intolerance/persecution.


Bet they don’t target one single Islamic hell-hole.


Surely you don’t want those miserable hypocrites to be killed???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Their criteria is flexible and selective.

Doesn’t that make them the ones out hunting their hated targets with whatever excuse is convenient at the time?


so sick of the labels.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fake Syringe = Fake News

From GAB…..

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/065/413/640/original/c483708e68445d80.mp4" /]


What the hell is that? Never seen anything like the fraud going on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wokeism teaches disrespect for the most basic truths.


Did you see that invisible syringe?

That’s pretty slick… 😂🤣😂🤣😂


I’ve got wedges for the doors and nails for the windows… 😉


I’ll bring the marshmallows…we’ll make s’mores!


Isaiah 49:1616 Behold, I have graven thee in my hands: thy walls are always before my eyes.

Romans 8:31-38God’s Everlasting Love31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shalltribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:
“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Mornin’ and God bless you all …

… we win …


Morning Nikki!
May God bless you too!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I had a boss once who was going on a stay-cation in town, and told us she didn’t want to hear from us unless the building burned down, she was fired in her absence or somebody won the lottery.


Found on Gab. Don’t have the sauce.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If true, then it means DeSantis is challenging legitimacy, which is SMART.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Legitimacy (lack thereof) is a charge for which they have no defense.

Any attempt to defend their ‘legitimacy’ only opens the door to an avalanche of evidence to the contrary.

So they can’t touch any ‘legitimacy’ argument with a 100-foot pole.

It’s like Kryptonite.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is an excellent observation. Legitimacy is their GLASS JAW.


I know it… 😁


Which is why they are labeling all discussion of challenging it as unAmerican and tying it to insurrection. Challenging the vote, even delaying the certification of the EC votes, was presented to the Senators as being tied with the Capitol drama and “insurection”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, well those ELECTION INSURRECTIONISTS are going to have to LIVE WITH THEIR ILLEGITIMACY – and we will remind them of it DAILY.


Never forget, we are being governed under duress. I do not consent to be governed by these usurpers or their CONgressional co-conspirators. Fake gov’t is ASSHOE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that is such a GREAT concept! FAKE ELECTIONS lead to FAKE GOVERNMENT.



it sounded like he challenged him directly…by calling him joe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can never let up on this point. We can never give up a MICROMETER on it. The PRECIOUS TRUTH we are left with from the Trump administration is that we are RULED UNJUSTLY by MINIONS OF CHINA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Saw this yesterday and read the original article. didn’t post because so unsure if it is true …. But I REALLY hope it is!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed – it’s not necessarily true. Leaked calls are always that way. It could have been leaked – it could just be BS – it could be something in between – like DeSantis telling an aide that he told Biden to “go to hell”, and that figure of speech leaked and then morphed upon retelling.

But remember – there is no shame in posting POTENTIAL CRAP that is surrounded with that assessment and your analysis. It would have been fine to post it. In fact, that is the BEST WAY to get disinformation out quickly with a proper framing, to prevent others here from passing it on unwittingly without context. “Getting ahead of the [possible] garbage” in a neutral way is well-perceived by all.


Can only hope that conversation happened. DeSantis is one of the very few politicians that may speak plainly.

His Fraudulency, Viceroy Biden and his handlers need to hear direct talk.

Above narrative sounds like I talk, only a bit on the tame side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB. The RACE CARD entering massive FAIL MODE.
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Embracing the false moniker. Deplorables…bitter clingers… 🐃 …racists…white supremacists…____ophobes, etc. We be us. Je suis Trump. We flat don’t care about the sticks-and-stones name-calling, so bring it on. It has no power.


Embrace the labels, know your heart.

Reject the scorn, know their hearts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My initial reaction on reading about the failure of the race card, was the image of one of the circuit boards in some larger electronic instrument or computer failing. These circuit boards are commonly referred to as «cards» and thus when one fails it would be showing red status lights, maybe even emit smoke.

Failure of the card indeed. Beyond repair, throw it out into the recycling bin for electrical and electronic waste…

Then TheseTruths mentions stones and embracing, which brought to mind Ecclesiastes 3.5:

«a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing»

Time to gather the stones together indeed, ie. make the list of silly monikers, and then embrace the lot so we can turn them around and throw them again when that time comes. Make some of these other various unfriendly cards go into failure mode as well.




There is a “thing” in technology that is akin to a bucket of prop wash around airplanes or a snipe hunt in the countryside…..and that is that all electronic circuits operate by magic smoke and mirrors. This can be easily observed when something fails to operate properly because this frequently happens when the “magic smoke” leaks out.

Sort of like the first time I hooked up a diode backwards, thinking it would just block the circuit.


Isaiah 49:1616 Behold, I have graven thee in my hands: thy walls are always before my eyes.

Romans 8:31-38God’s Everlasting Love31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shalltribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:
“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Mornin’ and God bless you all … 
… we win …

Jude 24-25Glory to God24 
Now to Him who is able to keep [a]you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

To [b]God our Savior,
[c]Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and [d]power,
Both now and forever.


This dimwit is admitting outright psychological abuse against her own Grandma, and she doesn’t even realize it.


And Granny is winning!



Race Card is overcharged, become a farce and has lost its sting.

Was so stupid when they tried to pull the race card after the video compilation of the Dems saying Fight video


My 25 year old son, who loves everybody and hangs out with anyone, says “yeah ok, I’m a racist. So what?”

He just won’t argue with their stupidity.


Someone chooses to call me a racist, homophobe, zeno(something)… They’ll likely hear, “go fuck yourself”. Really does flow quite easily. Almost reflexive. Sailor speak.

Then distance them from my life. It’s sort of like turning off fake news, not watching TV, cutting the cable…

Personally beyond tolerating all the false labeling and narratives by lefties.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some people are GETTING IT now.

From GAB…..
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“Out-of-Control woke leftism and Cancel Culture from U.S. is a threat to FRANCE because it ‘attacks’ the nation’s heritage and identity, French politicians and intellectuals say”


No shiite, Chief Inspector Clouseau… 😂 🤣 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



By bringing in masses of Islamic immigrants, France itself has done more to destroy it’s “heritage and identity” than anything else.

Islamists do not assimilate.
They have no respect for the culture of any host country that allows them in.

The goal of Islamists is total domination and control.

France already has several No-Go Zones where Islamists have moved in and taken over.

The French are going to lose their country from their own foolishness.


so true!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s a little bit late to get rid of the “rapefugees”.

Deplorable Patriot


I saw reports of a study some time ago about nationalism in Europe. The authors lamented that France was the one country that simply was too nationalistic, and would not shake it.

Well, go back 150-200 years and European national boundries didn’t look like they do now. One of my great-great grandfathers was born in a nation that was an independent state in the Holy Roman Empire and was property of Switzerland at one point, and is now part of Germany. Ireland and Spain…my family was not from Catalan or Moorish Spain, but Celtic Spain and had little in common with the south. The language was even different.

The French, OTOH…that’s another matter. They were here over 150 years before English was learned as a first language. And the ones from Alsace-Lorraine, where they were passed back and forth between empires for centuries, consider themselves French.

The French have a specific, unique culture and should do everything they can to maintain it, IMO.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

“Our nation’s darkest days” my fanny…..there is little that is so demoralizing as being tied to an obvious lie. Pelosi and the turtle orchestrated a clumsy “made-for-TV” PR stunt, using the Capitol Police as patsies. And the acting chief and top leadership are doing their best to kiss the politico’s asses and throw the rank-and-file under the bus. The top schmo resigned and two of rank-and-file “suicided” even before the impeachment farce drew scrutiny onto the events.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Agree…. but, my “fanny”???


Call it a “meta” mocking — a quick way of saying, “now, you’re just being ridiculous.”


“Rank and file”, just like the FIB and Military, are complicit as long as they stand by, follow orders, and watch our nation go down the drain…


Capitol Hill Police know that something is not right.


There are so many funny ways to reply to that, I don’t even know which one to pick… 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This vaccine death is very likely (IMO) due to the person having HAD the disease already! BEWARE if you think you’ve had the disease! Notice the LIES they are using to get people to take the vaccine anyway. THIS IS SOCIALISM. No concern for the individual.

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Andrew Torba https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg

Man dies after receiving vaccination at Javits Center


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Man dies after receiving vaccination at Javits Center; doctor says initial indications show no allergic reaction

Health officials say the man who died exhibited no adverse reactions during observation.


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ARCHIVE LINK: https://archive.fo/XBp5X


The propaganda is stunning. From the article:

“The benefits of this vaccine far outweigh any potential risks,” said Dr. Rossi Hassad, “He was observed for 15 minutes following the vaccine, which is the required protocol.”

Let’s see…possible temporary immunity from a (usually) survivable flu, vs. death. Russian roulette, anyone?

“Their death might be linked to the vaccine because of the proximity, but it’s a coincidence – it’s not a causal connection,” said Hassad. 

And he knows this, how?

“This is a very safe and very effective vaccine…Vaccines do not kill, not having vaccines kill,” said Hassad.

The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks.


Vaccine manufacturers have statutory immunity from liability….how about people who actually administer the vaccine? Public health departments? TV blowhards? PR flacks and idiots like Hassad?


Those encouraging people to take it despite their doubts and fears should definitely be held accountable, IMO.


If this concoction is being presented to you as a vaccine, you have an open & shut case for misrepresentation (unfair practices).


Because vaccine has a legal definition in fed law/regs. This mixture of who-knows-what does not meet the legal definition of vaccine. It would be like labeling I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter as plain old Butter. Plain old Fraud.

There is NEVER immunity for fraudulent acts. Open season on the fraudsters.


Hmmmm….I like that….I bet they didn’t update the definition to include mRNA.


I said that very thing to a nurse friend. Crickets.

Deplorable Patriot

Vaccine manufacturers have statutory immunity from liability


They can’t be sued. They’re in the cat bird’s seat.

When that becomes common knowledge ( it IS NOT at this time), the people who put that in place who are left in Washington, and the vaccine mongers, won’t be able to walk the streets.

I hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. SCIENCE (as in, I did it for decades) teaches us to look for proximate causes as some of the most likely hypothetical causes. That is, if we really ARE pursuing truth.

ANY medical treatment immediately prior to a sudden death goes to the top of the list. There is no “it’s important for people not to be scared for politico-scientific reasons” exception to this.

FIND THE CAUSE. Vaccine immediately before? Vaccines, like insect stings and spider bites, or new foods or drugs, or other novel exposures, are one of the few things that are notorious causes of sudden death.


Those aren’t even arguments, they’re just naked assertions.


Better link:


…”Drawing on expertise from the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and across campus, and in online course development and delivery from eCornell, Cornell is developing a series of online courses to train at least 1,000 fellows for the New York State Public Health Corps. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the public health corps during his State of the State address Jan. 11.”…

…’“We are honored to partner with Governor Cuomo and the state of New York to create the new public health corps,” President Martha E. Pollack said. “Consistent with our core commitment to changing lives through public engagement, we look forward to providing training that will enable people not only to support the immediate need to fairly and effectively vaccinate against COVID-19, but also to be prepared to confront future public health challenges.”’…


Stasi training, coming right up!


Lin Wood on Telegram. https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth

I have also described our present situation as the battle between good and evil. Nothing has occurred to change my mind. Events have only solidified my position.

Good (Trump) won a massive victory in November over Evil (Puppet Biden). Yet the enemy has manipulated our country with lies to claim a victory that the enemy did not win. 

Far too many of our fellow citizens have accepted the lie of the enemy for their own personal reasons and agendas. I am beginning to believe that these deniers of truth will not wake up until they themselves directly suffer the impact of the loss of their freedoms. Unless the election is corrected that day will inevitably occur. First they come for me. Eventually they will come for you. 

My faith teaches me that God will act. The question on my mind tonight is what is our responsibility until that time comes, i.e., what are we to do while we wait on the Lord? 

Some of my thoughts on that question will follow, numbered for convenience.

(1) We can decide to do nothing and go about our lives as if all is and will be well. Bad mistake in my opinion. We cannot pretend to live normally when things are not normal. So we must take action. And the action we take must be within the bounds of the law until the law totally fails us.

(2) We hope and pray that the United States Military will uphold its oath and defend our Constitution and protect the People. The military is not partisan.  

But what do we do until the military acts or what do we do in the event the military fails us? Surrender to the enemy is not an option. We must fight back for ourselves and our freedom (DISCLAIMER to the enemy which wants to falsely accuse me – I am not suggesting a “physical” fight back).

(3) While thoughts of a new political party and finding honest, good candidates has merit and must be seriously considered at some point in time, I do not believe it should be the focus of our present efforts. We must fix the core problem – we cannot out a band-aid on it in the false hope of a “better” result in 2022 or 2024. If the enemy bothers to hold elections in those years, the elections will again be rigged if we do not fix the core problem.

(4) I have posed too many questions so I will propose some ideas for action. 

– Pray and strengthen your faith. God can change the world Himself but He really wants His children to help him. Search for His will for your life each day, find it, and do it. Remember, God plus one person is a majority.

– Continue to share the truth with others that Joey “Bribes” Biden did not win the election. It was not even close! Send your “blinded friends” articles and evidence that the election was a fraud. So what if you lose some “friends” in the process? Do you want “friends” who are willing to live a lie, especially a lie that threatens your freedom? Take a stand. Be principled. We must break out of the echo chamber and spread the truth.

(5) Ideas for action continued:

– Organize. Start in your communities. Every journey starts with one small step. Work up from local to state in order to have an impact on national. Tell your local leaders to follow the role model of the Governor of Florida. Engage in non-violent civil disobedience if necessary. 

– You have basic human rights. Make your own decision on whether you want to wear a mask, how far you will stand from your friends and family, how many people you wish to attend your church or other assemblies. If a business seeks to impose these unconstitutional requirements on you against your will, do business elsewhere.

– Street violence remains a distinct option for the enemy. Meet with your local law enforcement officials and make sure there is a plan for your community in the event of such trouble. Make sure you also discuss a plan with your friends and family.


(6) More ideas for action:

– Insist that your local and state officials perform legitimate audits of the November 2020 election results. You must expose the fraud in order to fix it and avoid its recurrence in the future. Demand that your local and state officials get rid of computer voting systems like Dominion. Paper ballots and hand counts are not difficult and are entirely manageable. And a lot cheaper in the long run. Sometimes the old way is the better way.

– I have said it before and I will say it again – inundate your local, state, and national newspapers, officials, and third party wrongdoers with letters and emails demanding corrective action. Let these people know in civil terms that you are angry and demand that your Constitutional rights be respected as well as the Constitutional rights of others you learn have been denied. Be a Good Samaritan – don’t walk by and ignore your mistreated fellow man. You might need the help of another one day.

(7) Final ideas for the night:

– Form your own ideas for lawful actions and circulate them. No one person has all the answers.

– Fly the American flag at your home and don’t be afraid to display a Trump sign or flag if you are so inclined. Do NOT be intimidated by the enemy. 

– Always and I emphasize always, remember that this is your country and ALL the power belongs to We The People. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.


You know what would be hilarious…

If DJT is really still president, and Biden really is working out of a Hollywood studio, and DJT is using this entire charade to prove beyond any doubt at all to the normies just how easy it has been for the Lunatic Left to deceive them, even to the point of believing a fake president is working out of a fake White House.

The mockery of the sleepwalkers who dismissed everything we ever said as ‘conspiracy’ would never, EVER end.

I would become a health nut, just so I could live longer, for the unspeakable joy of it…

It would be GLORIOUS… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Don’t forget the shameful behavior of Congress throughout.




“And the action we take must be within the bounds of the law until the law totally fails us.”


Uhh, don’t look now, but we passed that mile-marker 24 days ago…


“We hope and pray that the United States Military will uphold its oath and defend our Constitution and protect the People.”


You know what would also be good?

If the military had thought to uphold its oath to defend our Constitution and protect the People before they let a hostile foreign power take over our Republic.


“But what do we do until the military acts or what do we do in the event the military fails us? ”


Well that’s just it, that’s the whole problem Yossarian.

It’s like a Catch-22.

If the military is under enemy control, then they’re never going to tip their hand by letting us know that they’re not going to act, because as long as we can’t be sure, that is what keeps us in check.

We can’t ‘act’ until we find out if the military is going to ‘act’.

And knowing this, the military has every motive to never tell us.

So I have a solution.

Someone with a high enough public profile, or on a billboard outside the Pentagon — so it cannot be credibly or plausibly ignored — post a notice according to Law, asking the military leadership if they are going to act to save the Republic from the massive election fraud on November 3rd.

And if they are not going to act, to indicate so by saying nothing, giving their consent, by silence, to We the People, so that We can act.

The maxim of the Law is that silence is consent.

Qui tacet consennire videtur, ubi tractatur de ejus commodo: “He who is silent is deemed to consent.”

The maxim is Qui tacet consentiret: the maxim of the law is “Silence gives consent”. — Sir Thomas More

So if a public notice is posted, and the question is asked in right way, and we wait the lawfully required period of time for a public notice (probably 30 days), the military would have to reply, or by their silence, reveal that they’re not going to do anything, at all.


As I understand it, this is the same basic legal process involved when (for example) an heir to a piece of property cannot be found.

A public notice must be posted, usually in some high circulation newspaper, and after a legally defined period of time has passed, if there is no reply which can prove ownership, then ownership of the property can pass to whomever has claimed it.

There are many scenarios where this process is used.

Because there must be (and therefore is) a legal process to bring closure to a situation where a due process or rights issue exists, but there is no one to contact, and documented attempts to skip-trace anyone with a legal claim have been exhausted.

Another reason such procedures exist is so that if you bring a lawsuit, the entity which you are suing is obligated to reply within a legally specified time limit, or forfeit.

This prevents the object of the lawsuit from defeating the attempt of the person suing them by simply ignoring the plaintiff.

So there are certainly lawful methods to force a reply… or receive an answer or resolution by absence of reply.


“You’re missing the fact that that latter process is overseen by a court.”


I was using examples to demonstrate the concept where a non-response is still a response.

People can post public notices for anything, even a lost puppy.

Or a found puppy.

There is no court which needs to be involved in many scenarios.

So again:

Someone with a high enough public profile (to draw attention to the notice), or placement on a billboard outside the Pentagon (for example, i.e., somewhere that it could not be missed) — so it cannot be credibly or plausibly ignored — post a notice according to Law (i.e., according to the Law of public notices), asking the military leadership if they are going to act to save the Republic from the massive election fraud that took place on November 3rd.

The resultant publicity and public focus of attention would make it an issue, one which the military would have to address… or not.

The Bidenazi administration would almost certainly intervene to reply on behalf of the military, but since the Bidenazi administration was not mentioned in the notice, and the whole purpose of the notice is to determine whether the military is under the authority of the Bidenazi administration anyway, any reply by the Bidenazi administration would be irrelevant.

They are not the party being addressed, and the party being addressed has not declared their allegiance, whether it is to the lawless Bidenazi administration or to the Constitution and We the People, for which it stands.

So we would be doing the military a favor, giving them a public opportunity to declare themselves.

The fact that the notice would be so very public would compel a response, or, by lack of response, clearly indicate to the public that the military is with the enemy.

This is one of the many great things about our Republic. We the People are the highest Authority there is. And if We the People publicly demand a declaration of allegiance from OUR military, which WE pay for, then they &^%$ well better ANSWER.

And if they don’t, then they will have absolutely given We the People their answer, by their silence.

It is a Maxim of the Law.

Not of the current wholly corrupt legal system, but of COMMON LAW.

Not coincidentally, the same Common Law by which our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were written.


“Remember, God plus one person is a majority.”


Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but it was my understanding that God, all by Himself, is a majority… 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they approve something so obviously unconstitutional, we have bigger problems than I thought.


Here in “blue” WA state, it won’t matter. Our Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that our constitution provides more search-type protections than the fed constitution.

Go figure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. That’s freaky!


Nah — you challenge something more, it becomes quicker to reject.


“If they approve something so obviously unconstitutional, we have bigger problems than I thought.”


If they approve that, it’s the end of the (not)Supreme Court’s credibility, on everything.


So I dare them to do it.

I double-dog dare them.

I want them to do it… 😁


And they too can lose our consent to govern, just like the rest of the fake gov’t ASSHOES. I’ve got them all on “ignore” now.


They will destroying any semblance of judicial authority they had left.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. People have to understand – China is trying to WRECK the United States. They are trying to destroy their competitor. They manipulate the idiot Democrats into self-destructive AND other-destructive behaviours.


Happily for us, if they succeed in taking down the biggest buyer of their cheap crap, they will have cut their own throats.

There aren’t enough buyers of crap in Europe or anywhere to make up for the loss of US consumer buying power.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, this gives me a great idea – carry out the Trump economic agenda without him, using the Torba idea of a separated economy.

Even though these dumb governors will counter by spending our tax money on BS like masks to support China, we can STILL resist using the local economies to steer money away from China, and crash BOTH of their illegitimate systems. It’s very GANDHI.


Look at how persecuted minorities have always survived. They have separate everything and they stick together like glue.

Live in the same communities, do business with one another, etc.

It is unbeatable.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, We really really need to put together the list of PATRIOTIC AMERICAN Companies.

Notice that they used Reagan to TAKE OUT out mid level wholly owned US companies that had no debt BEFORE they shipped out manufacturing into Chyna.

That was what the Leveraged Buyout/Hostile Takeovers were all about.

#1. Convince people to buy into MUTUAL FUNDS instead of buying stock. Therefore the mutual fund OWNS and VOTES the stock and you do not.

#2. Find a company WITH OUT DEBT

#3. BORROW bankster fiat play money to BUY stock using the assets of the company being acquired as collateral for the loans.
“In a leveraged buyout (LBO), there is usually a ratio of 90% debt to 10% equity.”

#4 FORCE a vote. The  acquiring company can achieve a hostile takeover by going directly to the target company’s shareholders fighting to replace its management.

Many, many US companies were acquired or bankrupted in the process.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. This is why the only companies with both GOOD CHARACTER and BRAINS are privately owned / closely held and free of PRO-CHINA outsider BS.


how would this reconcile against states that have castle doctrines or stand your ground laws?
seems like it would endanger a lot of police lives or is that the purpose?


They will not use good guys or they will intentionally put them in harms way. They want stazi not patriots.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Defund-the-policers don’t care about police! Quite the opposite!

China wants as much American infighting as possible. And Biden is too nebulous and senile to see it. The rest are compromised.


States like Montana and Texas will NEVER allow such a thing to happen. If the Supreme Court tries this, it will be an almost overnight breakdown of the Republic. Count on it.


I agree. This would be a spark.

Gail Combs

AND then China will step in and ‘Acquire’ the USA in order to establish ‘peace’ of course. AND with the help of the UN.


Now that would be the mother of all mistakes.


“AND then China will step in and ‘Acquire’ the USA in order to establish ‘peace’ of course. AND with the help of the UN.”


At SOME point in the process, the military would have to lose their catastrophic shyness and choose a side.

I don’t even care anymore which side they choose, just find the guts to choose one.

Deplorable Patriot

Add Missouri.

We’re not high profile, but far more conservative when it comes down to it than politics would have you believe.

Unauthorized entry is a no-go where the guns are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is some thought on this. When there is BACKLASH against such crap, the embedded AP (basically ChiCom spies) in local news bureaus are going to try to keep it on the down-low, and it will never make national news. That is how they will try to silently disarm us.



So everybody record any lawless attempts at entry with their cell phones, and it will immediately go viral.

Nothing that Big Nazi Tech can do to stop it.


#SupremeCourt To Decide Whether Police Can Enter Homes Without Warrant To Seize Guns

^^^ Numbing to think this got to the not SC. Simple logic says 9-0 in favor of our basic Rights – 2A, 4A.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. But simple math says the Obama girls, Breyer and Roberts make 4 who will vote Cabal. Then it only takes one of Mitch’s ringers to throw it.


I did some poking around to figure out why updating my computer didn’t fix my audio problem. I didn’t get there, but while goofing-off to decompress, I encountered https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/02/configuring-vim-the-right-way-the-wrong-way-and-the-hutchinson-way/ .

It has a nice illustration of the satori one encounters after having one’s functional Linux bandaids discredited.


I dunno, vi has its charms.

I mean, I was using it from a Radio Shack TRS-80 III over a 300-baud modem, and it worked….


Well now I’m wide awake. We’ve been having freezing rain since Thursday night. Tonight it’s really bad. I was in bed just drifting off to sleep when the tree in my front yard came crashing down. Thankfully, it didn’t hit anything, but it is out in the street. Plus, I have woods behind me and I keep hearing things crashing. I really, really hate ice storms!


You have shelter, power, and internet — so you’re blessed there. May you continue to enjoy them as the day progresses.

Hopefully you have a chainsaw for the tree — and you’d be even luckier if you had someone to wield it once things get light!


It’s hanging way out in the street, so I called the Public Works Department. They may or may not do anything about it. But according to the paper, they have a tree crew out handling things like this. I guess I’ll see in the morning.


My thoughts are with you…..but, primarily, I’m pleased that you are dry, warm, safe, lit, and communicating. A tree coming through the roof could have had you 0 for 5 in a second.


thank goodness all are safe!
we live in the woods, so ice, heavy snow and strong winds bring trees down all the time…trying to figure out where is difficult, but as long as nothing has been obstructed–the driveway–the path to the woodshed, we are lucky enough to let most of them lie…
stay safe!!!!


I really, really hate ice storms!”

So do I, Linda!

It’s such a helpless, horrible feeling, listening to the sound of trees crashing down all around you.
 😬  😨 
I can really empathize with what you’re having to do through right now.
We had a pretty bad ice storm a few months ago.


Its impossible to sleep during an ice storm! we have huge trees in our yard during the 2019 ice and snow storm trees were crashing everywhere. a huge fir crashed into the road just past our second driveway had all the neighbors blocked until the logger up the hill came and cut it up enough to get through. our carport crashed in from the weight of the snow destroyed a lot of tools took out the storm door and damaged the front door. caved in our back deck roof and trees were down all over the property.it was pretty awful for a month. took about a year to get things repaired. I REALLY DO NOT LIKE ICE! or snow

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, no. I’m sorry to hear this. We lost a huge chunk of a tree some years back in an ice storm.

Best news is that it didn’t hit anything. And…you’ll get some firewood out of it as a bonus.


Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must nevertalk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.”


The 2020 Election fraud was obvious, provable and ignored by the courts, rewarded by the congress and abetted by the media.

Unless the 2020 Election fraud is rectified – we cannot ever trust another election, congress, court, or politician again. 

Unless the 2020 Election fraud is rectified and measures are taken to prevent it happening again – we do not have a free country or freedom.


if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.”


Affirmative 👍

[video src="https://i.imgur.com/hRymYWq.mp4" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Anybody who does not fix 2020 is not serious.

This is an ACID TEST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is it. We have identified the impossible-to-move object and the irresistible force.

The other side figured out that the only way to stay in power is to NEVER admit that there was voter fraud in 2020. They cannot ever allow it to be EVEN DEBATED, lest there be a public consensus against their position, and something be done about the fraud. So they MUST – like the Soviet Union did – declare that there WAS NO SIGNIFICANT FRAUD. And they can never back down from this without being driven from power – likely FOREVER.

We on the other hand will never concede that it was a legitimate election. We will say it was stolen – some of us even under penalty of JAIL or worse. We will always assert fraud.

UNITY is not possible with thieves.

So we are at an impasse. And Mitch McConnell and the weak GOPe will always sabotage any effort at election reform, JUST ENOUGH to keep both the HOPE alive and the HOAX alive. They will not allow FAKE ELECTIONS to fall. They will SAY that they want election integrity, but the only true demonstration is to fix the 2020 election.



“So they MUST – like the Soviet Union did – declare that there WAS NO SIGNIFICANT FRAUD. And they can never back down from this without being driven from power – likely FOREVER.”

That is so correct, and applies also to globalists every where who have accepted the fraud, without a word of doubt, or an ounce of support for PDJT.
When chijoe and chihoe are thrown out it’s going to be awkward for them.
Geometry question. How many circle backs make a death spiral ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Circle backs around a black hole of information? INFINITE!!!


Both sides of Congress want Trump to say there was no fraught and I concede. When he does that they will stop the Stalin type persecution of a former President.
That is it in a nutshell.
Graham kissed up to Trump for 4 years played gulf with him travelet on
Air force 1 and now stabs him in the back. We are dealing with Pagans and demon power driven people in our government.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump will not lie. He may feel like he has to stop saying publicly that there WAS fraud, but I cannot imagine him DENYING IT, even under duress. He knows the truth.

If you know the truth, it is not just undeniable “like God” – it’s like a part of God, and one cannot deny God in good faith.


He will not deny and he cannot it would be a slap to every person who voted for him.
This is such a mess I hope his lawyers get a handle on this mess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lawyers are always the first to counsel betrayal of principle and cowardice. It’s their job to push retreat options, and the system knows it. I hope he’s strong with them.


I hope the team brings help in like Jay Seculow and his team? They work for Trump on other problems and know the games of the Senate.


you marvel at the weirdest things some times…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Weird teaching slices of reality abound! 😀


it’s how you look at things–finding the beauty in a plan even if it’s concocted by foul democrats…LOl…just makes me smile when i read some of your comments…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Coffee is speaking! Juan Valdez saying “Good morning, world! What have we here?” 😉


The individual states MUST be the ones to fix it.

They always were the only ones who could. If their voters and legislatures won’t address it, there is nothing to be done.

Our military could save us, but that’s the only other option.

Deplorable Patriot

While I agree with you, that the states have to do this themselves, I do think some national guidelines or universal “must haves” would be beneficial in pressuring states into cleaning things up.

Otherwise, the machines in the big cities aren’t going to do a darn thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea that voting changes had to be made by state legislatures is very smart and betrays the model of “assuming tyrants can and will try to take hold of things” at every level as being a constructor of the logic.

Updating such constructors for communism and other conspiratorial confederacies will help find those “must haves”, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I read it then, too, but now [for some reason] I realize more about the TRUE implications!!!


It was noticed. AND hopefully it’ll post weekly. A reminder for those that lose sight of the fundamental problem. Who and how votes are counted.

Similar comments are posted throughout the week. Some comment or thumbs up. The concept doesn’t seem to catch on.

Fixing the R-Cons, GOP…has caught on. But unless the election process from A-Z is fixed, there is NO point in voting.

In my mind, this includes a full disclosure of the 2020 election fraud.

Exposing and correcting the 2020 stolen election IS fundamental to ensuring 2022 can be fair.

  • County AND state election processes, including officials
  • State legislatures do their jobs. State courts enforce the laws passed by legislatures and inline with the Constitution. Governors stay out of elections. Political parties in the states have NO say in election procedures
  • Federal courts and not SC enforce the constitution. Stop hiding behind the farcical “no standing” nonsense. ~74 million voters HAVE standing. This applies at the state level, although voter numbers surely smaller. Fundamentally the candidate(s) and voters HAVE standing.
  • Senate and Congress do their damn jobs and challenge EC votes from states where obvious fraud has occurred.
  • Dominion, SmartMatic and the like need to be run out of town.
  • Mass mail ballots are out of control. Voter rolls are not cleaned up. Ballot signatures, addresses and like details are not verified.

Until our election process is FIXED, I’ll NOT register to vote again.

IMO, voting in our current system IS POINTLESS. Highest bidder or crook with the most “pull”, wins their seat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Executioners of Free Speech (graphic meme)
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DO NOT be ^^^^^ this ^^^^^ guy.



Last edited 4 years ago by Nor'easter

The whole article:

Trump Assassination Attempt — NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE

By Mike Baxter –

February 8, 2021

As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently, probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off the coast have dismissed that hypothesis in favor of a more plausible premise—an armed drone.

A source in Trump’s orbit speaking under condition of anonymity has given Real Raw News more information on the shocking assassination attempt and subsequent investigation.

Trump’s investigation team, our source said, dismissed the gunman in a helicopter theory after obtaining radar logs from Palm Beach Intl. Airport and the US Coast Guard Station, Lake Worth Inlet. Neither radar had detected a helicopter within 15 miles of Mar-a-Lago between 3:00-4:00 that morning.

Although radar is an imperfect technology—and helicopters are small—most civilian and military radar systems employ a technology called Multilateration, a technique for figuring out a ‘vehicle’s’ position based on measurement of the times of arrival of energy waves having a known speed when propagating either from or to multiple system stations. In short, if a helicopter were there, radar would have detected it.

Trump, of course, did not deduce this on his own. To interpret the radar data, Trump hired USAF retired CMsgt. Anthony Vance, who for 12 years was a Radar Approach Control operator at Joint Base Andrews, which was then called Andrews Airforce Base. After retiring from the military, Vance was tower chief at JFK Intl. Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world. He has spent most of his life interpreting radar nuances.

“Vance studied the logs and said he was 99% certain that no helicopter was in the vicinity of Mar-a-Lago when the bullet hit the window. Trump believed him, but was still furious and wanted answers. Upon closer inspection of the radar logs, Vance saw something he thought might interest Trump,” our source said.

The logs revealed four surface contacts, or ships, within three miles of Mar-a-Lago at around the time of the attack.

A radar’s ability to detect and track surface contacts is dependent on several variables—sea and atmospheric conditions, the size of the vessel and, most important, whether the ship has a mast. The taller the mast, the greater the chance it will reflect a radar signal to the source.

“Vance figured out that the nearest contact was stationary about a half mile off the coast when the round hit the window. Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.”

Trump enlisted the aid of a former General Atomics aeronautical engineer, Stephen Duckworth, to bolster the drone theory. Duckworth had extensive credentials and had played a pivotal role in the development of the US military’s MQ-1 Predator UMV.

Duckworth excluded commercially available drones as possible culprits, but he told Trump that a custom-built drone fitted with gyroscopic stabilizers and advanced night vision or thermal optics could have, theoretically, fired a weapon affixed to the chassis.

“You do know the CIA has this stuff?” Duckworth reportedly told Trump.

“I know we have powerful, immensely powerful weapons the likes of which no one has ever seen, but I don’t know the details. That’s why I have pay guys like you to explain it,” Trump replied.

Our source said Vance endorsed the drone theory, as the radar cross section of a small drone is minute to avoid detection, especially if, as Duckworth purportedly suggested, the drone was coated in radiation absorbent material, or stealth paint.

In closing, our source says that Trump is holding Joe Biden and his Deep State handlers responsible for the botched assassination attempt, but he will not make a public accusation until he obtains irrefutable evidence linking “sleepy” Joe to the crime.


IC would orchestrate or pay someone to do this. IF it happened. No one would tell His Fraudulency anything. No one ever knows what Biden may say.


Biden doesn’t remember what he had for breakfast. After he stands up from the table


I would have guessed bullet proof windows installed early in Trump’s Presidency. Yes, I am also guessing the windows face the ocean. Bullet proof windows should have been installed back then. IMO.


Here we go again. Democrap threat.

Øbastard-$ørøs paid and trained Democrat BLM-Antifa-OFA-Occupy-Acorn-NBP thugs ready to start burning, looting, destroying Democrat cities.

Won’t do that crap where police will not stand down and where most citizens are armed.

H/T – Doug Ross Top Twenty Tweets – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2021/02/top-20-tweets-from-badblue-tonight_12.html

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL



Remember guys: coronavirus is so real and so deadly that Joe Biden just authorized 25,000 migrants to enter our country from Mexico on foot.

You going to work or celebrating holidays with family would be a crime against humanity though.

Obey. https://t.co/n5gRlspkZ5

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) February 13, 2021


Without testing the scum sucking illegals.

Joe’s handlers are doing everything they can to destroy America. Every action is having a negative effect.


…. totally ….

🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ……………………………… A W E S O M E …………………………… 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


Thats a lot of yuge birds.


….little fish….


We. Will. Never. Forget.

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Uh, PA IMO had significant statistical anomoly.

Mailed out ~1.8 million ballots. ~2.6 million ballots returned. We don’t even need Statistics 101 to see that is “legally” impossible.


When things get to be too much on earth.
Looks pretty inviting, doesn’t it?


Sounds interesting. I’ll have to look for it.


Not one single weapon in the real MAGA crowd….



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That fire alarm is hilarious.


See the one with the square hole in the middle, and the chinese(?) writing on it.
In the latter half of the 50’s a group of us were walking home from school, taking our usual detour across some waste land and we found a thing. It was about a foot long and consisted of a square bar of steal or iron with dozens of those coins(?) tightly jammed on it from end to end. Took a couple home to put in my collection and we used the rest to throw at each other.


That is interesting, the bar being part of the manufacturing process. As I recall there were many different sizes, from small at one end graduating evenly to large at the other end.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious! Massive LOLs!


Soon, I hope.


https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f6a8.svg BREAKING → Every Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee—including the ones from New York—BLOCKED my amendment to require New York to turn over ALL the data on nursing home deaths we now know they’ve been purposefully hiding.

Why are they STILL covering for Cuomo?

— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) February 12, 2021



DNC Headquarters evacuated after suspicious package arrives. Officials have determined it to be a copy of the constitution, which nobody working there had seen before.

— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) February 13, 2021


The title of the new Noguchi sculpture in the White House garden is “FLOOR FRAME”.

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It seems to go underground and re-emerge.

It was installed after the brazen fraudulent election after which our First Lady began wearing only black, white and gray – even throughout the Christmas season. The First Lady wore no color again until she and The Real Legitimate US President arrived in Florida aboard Air Force One.

Then her dress was a dark to light pattern with orange increasing in the design until it dominated the pattern.

From her inaugural gown that looked like both the scroll of the US Constitution and Trump’s Contract with the American Voter to the shocking pink pussy bow outfit in which she greeted Bill and Hillary Clinton, and many other symbolic metaphorical outfits to the dress she just wore in her last appearance on January 20, 2021, our very clever artistic First Lady was delivering messages to those with the perception to interpret them.

The Noguchi Sculpture’s title – Floor Frame – brings to mind Pelosi’s House framing President Trump with false impeachments, lies, smears, threats and Pelosi’s nasty actions like tearing up his speech and refusing to address election fraud in all the swing states.

The design of Noguchi’s Sculpture conveys an administration that is broken in its continuity, but does continue underground, clandestinely, and emerges larger than before. It mimics tree roots such as those of the large tree in the background, which emerge and submerge, all the while bringing stability and nourishment to the tree.

We know Trump won by a landslide. That massive fraud was committed by a cabal of corrupt foreign and domestic individuals and groups.

The honest people of the United States of America will never rest and the legitimate government of our country will not resume until this evil is exposed and rectified.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

a message to all patriots?
“seems to go underground” (like REALPOTUS now) “and then reemerge
she does like discrete messages…


The Dress – dark to light – Orange becomes dominant!

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Deplorable Patriot

IIRC, we picked up on the symbolism there the day she wore this amazingly comfortable looking frock.


2 restaurants file lawsuit against mayor and city of Minneapolis after the businesses burned to the ground in riots.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN – A lawsuit was recently filed against the city of Minneapolis and the mayor by a couple of restaurant owners who say their business was vandalized and ultimately burned to the ground during the riots that occurred during the summer of 2020.
The rationale behind the lawsuit alleges that the city and officials failed in their response to contain and quell the riots within Minneapolis.

On February 8th, restaurant owners Kacey White and Charles Stotts filed a lawsuit in Hennepin County District Court alleging that both Mayor Jacob Frey and the city of Minneapolis failed to properly respond to the riots from May 27th and 28th in 2020 – which resulted in the Town Talk Diner & Gastropub burning to the ground.



found at whatfinger…

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I think the thing about ‘Adam Schiff’s sister married to Soros’ son’ has been debunked.

But all the rest of that…Yep!  👍 


thanks for letting me know!!


American Thinker

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i admit I didn’t watch the impeachment crap, so this comment from OT puzzled me…
he is discussing Patty Murray’s account…

February 13, 2021 7:28 am

“You see she also mentioned some interesting things..
For a starter I don’t believe she is part of the inner loop you know an insider.. so she was not informed about anything.. and yes I truly believe she was afraid…. so what did she say.. they were yelling…
KILL THE INFADELS. Now I don’t know about you but that’s not American citizen language… we know what part of the world that phrase is used..

She then said.. they were just outside her office.. they had two way radios.. interesting.. not usual equipment for Trump supporters.. but more likely Gov agents playing a part.. I felt like they were going to kill us.. great narative except for Ashli Babbitt I know of no other civilian being killed or critically injured..

So she was scared .. I get it.. so Joan Woodward ask how do you feel towards other Senators.. should they be removed from the Senate.. yes we are looking into that.. especially Ted Cruz.. removal..
So the assault and the purge on congress begins..

Now for the Hypocrasy and being scared..
WHERE WERE YOU PATTY MURRAY.. where were you on TV denouncing the violence.. THE DEATHS.. no you were no where to be found.. Hypocrit.
So you say you are afraid.. you have no idea…. SEE …YOU ARE A FELLOW TRAVELER A USEFULL IDIOT..”

I had no idea WHO Ms Murray was…she is a Senator from Washington…she IS a hypocrite.

Deplorable Patriot

That last one is absolutely true.


The UniParty must destroy President Trump because he is the diamond to their glass. He is the masterpiece to their forgery. He is a True Blue American to their parody of a patriot.

Too late. We see you all for what you really are: sellouts and sociopaths.

Thank you, President Trump!





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JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.


it seems old joe’s got a sore spot…someone NOT calling him Mr President…I would work that into any and every press conference to get a reaction from him…tip him over the edge so to speak…lol


I can just see in some press gaggle: “What does the President think about XXXXXX?” “President Biden has stated YYYYY.” “No, not him — the real one.”




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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Morning Duchess!
have a great and Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! Hope you are warm and toasty – and the home fires are burning brightly! Hope, too, your brief banana run went smoothly and you slid into home safely.

Left a video last night I thought you might enjoy – about National Maskless Day – if you have not seen it – I could repost.

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!

PS Did you like the Angel with the icepick – I mean sword in her hand?


I thought you looked lovely in that picture! sword or no sword…


Thanks – that’s my hair length and color – 🙂


Sent it to Pat yesterday – should be easy to find – we chat in the same place everyday, Steve.




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It’s long – used to be to my waist – but, kept getting caught – now – half way down.


I am sure she can find a pic somewhere with guns in hand and short shorts – LOL


LOL – Pat for sure – lost my bed warmer 5 years ago – besides – Pat comes up with better pics – you know




Actually, I do not see JOHO in power at all – he signs ‘fake’ EOs on a secretary’s desk – we have no idea where she is at present – allegedly she is not in the VP residence – just suppose they are both actors – and have already been arrested awaiting trial – I could live with that – but, if there is movement at the borders – not happy about that – and yet – just suppose the military is in control or FEMA – then, those people are going nowhere.

Those NG in DC are not there to protect Congress – imho – they are there to make sure these crooks stay put – especially, if this is a foreign occupation.

So many possibilities – and PT flying in on Eagle’s Wings – it is great to be alive at this point in time in history.

BTW…that Eagle at the top of this post does not look at all happy.


For sure, Steve!!!


SHD? Please advise – Thanks!!!


Awww…How Sweet – You funny guy!!!

However – if Pat and I were side by side – don’t you think her ‘Hot Hubby’ would be behind us?


True – keep it to yourself – I won’t tell, either!!!


Your problem is not ME, Steve – it is her Hubby looking over her shoulder – while she is sitting at the computer – LOL


I am trying, Steve – Pat has waaaaay too many pics of HOT GUYS – and not enough of HOT GIRLS – cause she is not one of those crossovers – you know


Found on Gab:

The Illusion of Freedom — The Secret Covenant.

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/065/435/851/original/531ddf7dbc2b64fa.mp4" /]


what’s up with Ted’s haircut?


Is he trying to look ‘fashionable’?
Or trendy.

Maybe he’s too old for that style…it doesn’t look good on him.
 😬  😕 
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He looks like he’s in the midst of a mid-life meltdown.


Could very well be, Texas Grandma – I thought one buys a hot sports car to lure in the young chicks – then again – this may be his way of looking younger, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…it’s just hair. It will grow back.


That’s what I kept telling myself decades ago. 🙂

But yea, for most it surely does grow back.


And nose


It looks like a beginner mullet.


It looks like a mullet



the “cure” of shutdowns worse than the disease?


Here’s some Hopium for you, Steve!

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It’s just like Christmas!


february 13, 2021 the marshall report


Good morning! May each have a day of peace and joy. Keep your eyes on the glory of the Lord. Remember all things work together to them that love the Lord.

All things are calm at Mar-a-lago. May it also be well with each of you. Look for the light in a world of darkness.


Fishers of Men – 20210212


Peace Be Still – 20210213


Google Agrees To $76 Million Settlement With French Publishers 


Google has reached a payout agreement with an association of French publishers after a years-long battle over how it reuses snippets of their content, according to new documents seen by Reuters

The US tech company agreed to pay L’Alliance de la presse d’information generale (APIG) $76 million over three years.

Last year, APIG explained how Google “unilaterally decided that it would no longer display article extracts, photographs, and videos within its various services, unless the publishers give it to them, free of charge,” adding that “in practice, the vast majority of press publishers have granted Google free licenses for the use and display of their protected content, without negotiation and without receiving any remuneration from Google.” 


BOOM! Trump defense attorneys set fire to ‘sham impeachment’ by exposing Democrat hypocrisy
February 12, 2021
Frank Miele


Pardon my shock, but the Never Trump attorney on President Trump’s defense team actually brought the heat today and made Democrats look like the hypocritical knaves they are.

It was just a couple of days ago when I posted a warning about Michael van der Veen being on the Trump impeachment team, because of his history of being anti-Trump. One of van der Veen’s previous clients had said the lawyer even used the term “fucking crook” to describe Trump.


Deplorable Patriot

April 1-September 30…15-30 minutes of no-suncreen sun as many days as possible.


Yes. And sun screen is not healthy for you.

Deplorable Patriot

At midday.

Deplorable Patriot

Dr. Michael Holick has whole charts on how long you would need to be exposed at what latitude.

That’s the one thing about visiting my brother in Florida just about any time when the sun is shining – I get a little tan and my vitamin D. My parents being down there right now and my dad having a thing for tonic water is quite the boon in keeping them from getting this.


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And…ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.




Are those the lawsuits that Smartmatic has filed against them?


It’s behind a Paywall, PhoenixR.

Or…a “registration wall”.
And since I am not registered on that site, I cannot read it.


oops, it came right up for me… now it’s gone to “registration” … I read first two paras, it is defamation suits brought by Smartmatic


archive.is (URL) and paste the Epoch link in the box. When the page reloads it will have a box asking if you want to update the archive. Click the X to dump the box.


Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

Thanks Pgroup!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Fox News personalities Maria Bartiromo and Jeannine Pirro, as well as former Fox News host Lou Dobbs, filed separate motions on Friday to dismiss defamation lawsuits from election technology firm Smartmatic.
Fox News previously moved to dismiss the $2.7 billion Smarmatic lawsuit that alleged the three hosts caused it financial harm following the Nov. 3 election. The firm also filed lawsuits against attorneys Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani.
“Smartmatic’s headline-seeking, multi-billion-dollar lawsuit thus should be seen—and rejected—for what it is: an unconstitutional attempt by a money-losing company (Smartmatic reported $17 million in losses on just $144 million in revenue in 2019) to try to refill its coffers at the expense of our constitutional traditions,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a news release on Friday in announcing the motions to dismiss the lawsuit.
In a statement to The Epoch Times on Friday, J. Erik Connolly, an attorney for Smartmatic, responded to the lawsuit by saying: “Smartmatic is confident in its case and looks forward to briefing these issues for the Court.”
The new motions filed on Friday said that Dobbs, Pirro, and Baritromo are protected journalists under the First Amendment’s freedom of press clause while noting that Smartmatic reportedly posted millions of dollars in losses in 2019. They also cited New York’s anti-SLAPP law, which was created to prevent the stifling of free speech through litigation threats.
“Smartmatic’s 285-page, $2.7 billion complaint is not just meritless; it is a legal shakedown designed to chill speech and punish reporting on issues that cut to the heart of our democracy,” Bartiromo’s attorneys wrote. “The First Amendment protects the press when it informs the public about judicial proceedings regardless of the accuracy of the underlying allegations,” according to a motion filed on behalf of Dobbs.
The Smartmatic suit (pdf) claims election-related “disinformation” helped to enrich the defendants, who gained more viewers or readers, raised money, or curried “favors with the outgoing administration.”
“Smartmatic’s loss was Defendants’ gain,” the lawsuit stated. “They lied. And they did so knowingly and intentionally. Smartmatic seeks to hold them accountable for those lies and for the damage that their lies have caused.”
Smartmatic said that during the 2020 election, they had provided election technology manufacturing, systems integration, software development, and logistics only for Los Angeles County, California. The company filed their complaint in a New York State Court in Manhattan.
Earlier this month, Fox News canceled Dobbs’ business show.
“As we said in October, Fox News Media regularly considers programming changes and plans have been in place to launch new formats as appropriate post-election, including on Fox Business,” a Fox News spokesperson told news outlets. “This is part of those planned changes.”


Thank you, Butterfly!


Use archive.is and paste the Epoch link in the box. When the page reloads it will have a box asking if you want to update the archive. Click the X to dump the box. DO NOT UPDATE THE ARCHIVE COPY!


Melissa De Rosa is Audrey Strauss’s daughter in law. Audrey is the US attny for SDNY. She was Jeffrey Berman’s recommended replacement.


Thank you Mary…



“wants to suspend trial” …?

It’s not going too well for them — so they want to ‘suspend trial’?

Of course.
That’s what they did when they stole the election!

Pres Trump was winning bigtime…so they suspended the counting.


They want to bring witnesses, which involves Discovery, Dispositions… which mean suspension. iirc Ms Lindsey was shouting before trial began about NO WITNESSES


Would that tie up the Senate with impeachment?


I’m not sure a “suspension” would… the “trial” does… but … Chad will probably let us know soon. Lead Mgr Raskin makes the decision about calling witnesses, and that of course requires a vote


Miss Lindsey then changes his vote…
to ALLOW for witnesses?
Fippity Floppity Fucker.


Then again, might Ms Lindsey be playing Br’er Rabbit and the Briar Patch? After, we do want to get The Steal before the public, right?


They would have to be.


Could be.
The whole thing stinks to me.


Of course it does… corruption, rot always stink


yup…change the rules when you’re losing…they do it all the time


i thought they rested their case.


click on Chad’s tweet and read his thread…

here’s comment from Trump supporter

Replying to
Then Trump team calls Pelosi and Bowser to be deposed!!! Might be a can they don’t want to open! Wake up people, they want to keep it going so no spotlight is on Joe and his crazy plans, or better yet, NO PLANS!!


don’tcha just love the ass backwardness of dems? first we convict, then we have the trail, then we depose witnesses and investigate.


they don’t care about right or wrong or protocol or precedent… AS LONG as they cover up their sins and omissions…

Good morning Pat! Hope you are warm this a.m.


got a good fire going…basking in the sunshine by the window for now…purring like a kitten!
hope you are equally warm and safe!!


Glad to hear, sun shining in particular. No sun here, rainy… but temps around freezing at night, so nothing severe. Have a good day Lady!


you too!


The longer the “trial” goes on, the longer PDJT must be silent. They will drag this out as long as possible to muzzle him, if for no other reason. And then I wonder what their next plan is, because removing him from office by cheating did not quell their hatred and their fear of what he might do.


Thread Joke for Pat Frederick…..

“Biden Promises?
Biden finally breaks down and visits a remote northern Pennsylvania reservation.
With news crews following him around as they tour the place, the President asks the chief if there was anything they need.

“Well”. says the chief, “We have three very important needs.

“First we have a medical clinic but no doctor to man it.”
Biden whips out his phone dials a number and talks to somebody for two minutes and then hangs up. “I’ve pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now what was the second problem?”

“We have no way to get clean water. The local mining operation has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for thousands of years. We’ve been flying bottled water in and it’s terribly expensive.”
Once again Biden dials a number and yells into the phone for a few minutes and then hangs up. “The mine has been shut down and the owner is being billed for setting up a purification plant for your people. Now what was that third problem?”

The chief looks at him and says, “We have no cell phone reception up here!”







Russia “Ready” To Cut EU Ties If Bloc Moves On Putin Inner Circle Sanctions 
SATURDAY, FEB 13, 2021 – 7:35


The arrest and recent prison sentencing of anti-Kremlin activist Alexei Navalny continues to drive a wedge between Russia and Western Europe, following recent tit-for-tat sanctions in the form of travel bans against each side’s intelligence and diplomatic officials. 

According to the latest, “Three European diplomats told Reuters on Thursday the EU was likely to impose travel bans and asset freezes on allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin, possibly as soon as this month.”

The imminent punitive measure comes after last week Russia expelled diplomatic personnel from the German, Swedish, and Polish embassies over accusations they were stoking ‘unauthorized’ pro-Navalny protests across various Russian cities. Adding insult to injury, the EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell was on an official visit to meet with officials in Moscow at that very moment, which caused deep embarrassment given he wasn’t so much as informed of the action to ban the European diplomats.


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And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great point right here.


In case we don’t have a link to the circus. Already in progress


Just a quick thought. Hasn’t been watching yet, however this no talk of impeachment from the defense is sickening. It handicaps the President going forward, handicaps the Republican Party, handicaps the American People who turned out in winning numbers to reelect PDJT.


no talk of impeachment? can you explain please?


Whoops.. no talk of fraud…. ackkk. Is running up and down stairs this morning.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

thanks for clarifying para!!


and I agree…if the dems want to depose witnesses now, I say shoot the moon…bring out all the fraud



The supreme culprit in The Steal was/is THE VATICAN, but of course all reports are saying Italy.

I believe they are trying (without success) to bring this forth with as little damage to The Vatican as possible (we want the truth!)

Don’t believe it is possible… The Vatican is an integral part of the Cabal, no way to destroy the Cabal without taking down The Vatican. Needs to happen. Nothing to do with Catholic FAITH, everything to do with the Cabal and The Vatican.

Deplorable Patriot

Not the buildings, but the entrenched people in the Curia who are their own sort of swamp that the rest of us have been on to in matters of faith for a long time. They’re the ones who pushed all the reforms that softened the whole kit and kaboodle from what it really is supposed to be.


Was hopin you would comment De Pat…

Absolutely agree…

Deplorable Patriot

Essentially, the bad guys are hiding behind cassocks because the monied power brokers loaned $$$ to “The Vatican” in 1832 after the hierarchy had been jerked around by Napoleon and a number of other monarchs.

There’s a lot that goes along with this, including the assassination of at least one pope, probably two, and the suppression of the encyclicals of two others who fought against it all.

That’s the stuff that the conspiracy sorts never seem to want to admit: Pope Saint Piux X, and Pope John Paul I – both most likely installed by wealthy sorts in Venice as they were Patriarchs of Venice – didn’t do what they were supposed to in the slow roll weakening of the Church. John XXIII (also a Patriarch of Venice), OTOH, did.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Thanks again De Pat,

Going to need your knowledge and wisdom moving forward when this all hits the fan…

Deplorable Patriot

I am just in the last week or so coming to understand the Venetian aspect of it all. I was curious for at least the last couple years why there were so many Patriarchs of Venice who ended up pope in such a short time frame. For a while, they were coming out of Florence, but that was when the Church was in a defensive position against Islam whether the northern parts of Europe believed it was happening or not. The money aspect of it makes a lot more sense with the Venetians involved.


Bannon has been spouting this for a week concerning not bringing up the fraught.
In this instant I trust Trump. He still has law suits in the courts and also in the Supreme Court. The senate would be a good spiel but Trump is right not to show his cards. Trump is better off with the courts to win and to make changes for 2022. Courts is where it finally has to bee and in State Legislators.


They brought up the fact that PT said the election was rigged – Trump Lawyers played videos wherein the Dims complained of the same thing in 2016 – that was the extent of the fraud – I think, Para

They also ‘mentioned’ PT lost 62 cases in the courts – which was refuted – I think, too – but, not sure from where that ‘manipulated’ date came – or if it was entered into the record.


The part about the election rigging did – of that I am sure – because Trump Lawyers showed video where Dims did the same.

The other part about losing in court is what I am questioning – so much info to filter – bound to miss something.


Yes – unsure about the court stuff.


R-CONs handicapped themselves when they, the R-CONs stabbed President Trump in the back AND totally ignored ~74 million Trump voters.

R-CON actions and UNFORGIVABLE. Yea, I am like that.


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J̵̢̧̻̪̺͙͓̬̖́́͌̇̇̇̔͜͝ò̶̻͉͔̙̬̭͎̻̀̓̚e̸̢̬̭͉̝̠̣̥͌̀̀̍ ̵̧̡̢̡̳̳̣̝̞̮́͑̍̍͂̍́͠B̴̭̾̆į̵̼̿̈́͋̑̇̉ď̶͙̟̟̥͂è̷̛͔͐͌͠n̸̤̯͕̳͖̲̲͓̬̊̋̇̅ ̸̱̒̆̄̕͘d̴̨̡͈͍̮̦̗̺͍̋͋i̸̗̋͐d̶̻̐ń̵̡̝̝̹͇̳̖͂͂’̸̣̰̥̪͗͊͝t̷̨̹̪͇̞̦̳͊͂̀ ̶̡̛̺̤͊͆͐́͑͛̇w̶̡̝̫̻̙̩̤̗̺̆͑̇͠ḯ̷͔̺̞͇̺̦̂͒͆͝n̷̡̛̙̪͈͇͔͂̀́̄̓.̵͎̯̣̀̎̑̀̾̋͛́̓͠


Uh, oh – Wheatie spilled her ink on her ‘puter, again!!!


About the Shampeachment….
Who is that BITCH in front of the “judge” (Leaky Leahey)
That keeps telling him what to do?

This whole thing is a FARCE!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Warroom Breaking News – Mutt and Murkowski plus 1-2 more, want witnesses…Voting now….. Will drag out for a long time….GAME ON!! Bring on Dr. Navarro!!!

Head on a swivel for Creepy Crap Pulling 👀


witnesses approved…
bring in Piglosi, MC CONNELL…see what they knew, when they knew it…
then Dr Navarro for the election fraud


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𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Deplorable Patriot

There is a special sickness about all of this.
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WOW..and yet THEIR avatars are all maskless….LOL


Too bad we don’t know who they are or where they are. I could walk in front of them with my junk showing and see if they react.

[no, I would never do that but it is fun to think about]


giggle, snort




If he follows through this is good news.
How many of his GOP Senators is he letting know its ok with him if they vote to convict? That they won’t face consequences from GOP Senate leadership? I don’t usually speculate but I have zero trust left for his actions and motives. (which is why I have been suspicious of the rate of judges and justices – who vetted them? and who vetted the vetters?)


The Hill has been hit and miss on its articles.
Yesterday, McTraitor was telling them to vote their conscience and not consider the evidence.

Why the change to the light?

and what about my useless, worthless, feckless censored asswipe Cassidy?

Wonder how he’ll vote?
Naw, nanXi got his balls in her desk drawer.


Still lots of room in that drawer. Lots.


Now witnesses!!!!!!!!!
 😡  😱  😡  😱 

Changing the rules at the last minute because they are loosing so badly!?!!!!

Now I feel like cursing and cussing!
(I am not as my son is sitting across from me doing his Apologia Bible Study/Worldview lesson for today … if he only knew what Mom was thinking he would lay hands on me right now! ha)


It would be fine if our side was putting up a full defense but they are not and are deliberately fighting with one hand tied behind their back. The Turtle is obviously applying pressure here.


I thought the lawyers did well yesterday.
I think strategy the first day the lawyers were so so that made the other side feel secure. Then after their questionable spiel the Trump team came in boom.


The defense did great with what they used, but they could have so much more and as we see how this plays out it’s becoming obvious that they will have needed everything they can use.


They are used to a real courtroom with rules not a snake pit with unethical people. They might have an eye opening how corrupt even republicans are?


Thoughts matter 🙂
Yes i this disappointing lets see if finally McConnell drops totally is ugly mask.


Morning Steve…how’s Darwin doing?


oh dear…so sorry.
is it the weather?
you said it’s below zero there…


hope he soon feels like himself again!!


Well, so now it’s witnesses.


The senate is now voting to call witnesses.

McTurtle, this is your clusterf))k….you own this for history.


So frustrated, no, no actually angery, about this.

Esp. those 5.

I notice its some of the same 5 each time and always 5 with a few rotating in and out. Why is the uniparty doing this? Trying to add some bipartisan legitimacy to this mess?

Changing the rules at the last minute because their lies were defeated so soundly – such BS (excuse my language but that is just how strongly I feel at this time … yes, eventually this stuff gets me past logic and I am now heated and emotional!)


This is the fight for the republican party. They better watch it it is Trump’s party now.


Republican Senators Collins Murkowski, Ramney Sasse and Lindsey Graham vote for witnesses.

The US Senate then voted 55-45 to call in witnesses to rescue their floundering attempt to impeach President Trump.

The five RINOs joined Democrats in the vote.

Bet they won’t let them be cross-examined.


Steve, you are exactly right. I am already calming down and thinking clearly.

this is the briar patch that they are rushing toward and as long as the Trump lawyers keep up their Fighting Spirit calling witnesses will back fire Beautifully.

Prayers for a Fighting Legal Team and that they will tear the Dems up during/with witnesses as much as they tore them up with their “evidence”, their lies, so far.


Demonic posession.


What is this word “respect”?

congress and respect and constitution are non-sequitor with democrats.


Willing to bet that they won’t let defense call witnesses.


NO! Are you serious? Can they do that? Let one side call witnesses but not the other?

let me rephrase that because they “can” do whatever they seem to want to do.

But is that legal/Constutitonal/abidding by the Congressional “rules” or is this outside of all of the above and they are just making it up as the go along?


congress is the WeSaySo corporation.


Constitution does not mean anything to communists


ultimately WE THE PEOPLE have final power.


Can they do that? Let one side call witnesses but not the other?

Uniparty can do whatever Uniparty wants to do.

Shampeachment 2.0 NEVER had a committee hearing.


They cannot do that but then this is Stalingrad not DC.


If they did not call witnesses in the house how can they call witnesses in the Senate? The Senate is only supposed to look at the evidence they provided in the house? They are changing in mid stream.


good point…the house has no record because they did not investigate…


I’m thinking this is a stall tactic. Maybe they got wind or realized once REALPOTUS is voted innocent, he is free to do…whatever.

While he is on fakeshamswampmonkey trial, he is under control and silenced. They are running out the clock….

…but what clock might that be? 😉

and faux biden didnt win


Oh look! They’ve got their club pin for their Great Reset Club:
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And, 𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.

Deplorable Patriot

Keep your eyes peeled.


I’ve been trying to figure out what this ring represents.

Now we know!

Someone make sure Sadie knows.


Wheel of Misfortune.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Part of the Decepticon Plan


iirc he ALSO said presidents can be tried civilly and criminally once they leave office…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Warroom Dirt – Dems and RINOS were losing, McConnell, Graham, Rubio assisted with witness trap while insisting it’s all Dems. 🙄

NEW GOAL – to prove that POTUS intentionally endangered Pence’s life along with the nuclear codes, therefore he is a National Security Threat and must be purged from political life and any chance of being able to run in 2024

VP’s life was in danger during chaos and he was separated from nuclear football

Potential D Witnesses –
1. Behind the scenes, Tuberville and one of the female R’s in the House that voted to impeach overheard phone call w/McCarthy and POTUS. D’s want all to say POTUS didn’t care about Pence. (RINO McCarthy’s staff leaking to MSM)
2. Marc Short, who formerly worked for globalist Koch bros, AND who POTUS kicked out of the WH on 1/7, has been secretly talking to (dishing dirt) the House Managers. Will probably assist any narrative needed by D’s & R’s (Navarro said while in WH, Short blocked MAGA agenda, and restricted access to Pence)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Last minute rule change changes ENTIRE legal strategy, his lawyers would not have rested yesterday. POTUS was promised rules were set (RINO trap)

Reports – POTUS’ team stunned, lawyers fighting??? blah, blah, blah

Concerned Virginian

Never forget that the two MAIN goals of Fake Impeachment II for the DemCommunists AND the DeepState RINO’s are:

One, convict President Trump BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. This includes changing the “rules” after the game has started.
Two, put the Attainder on President Trump after or WITH conviction, so that he is FOREVER barred from running from ANY elected office.

“All of a sudden” witnesses are going to be called? “All of a sudden” the DemCommunists and RINO’s are going to claim that President Trump put Pence’s life at risk? BULLSHIT. The DemCommunists and RINO’s had this card ready to play FROM THE START.
And since I believe NONE of the President’s legal team has enough experience in DeepState tactics, God alone can protect President Trump and the United States now. This goes double for Sen. Tuberville, who is now in danger of being railroaded / tricked into a GEN. MICHAEL FLYNN situation (“No, you don’t need an attorney with you while we question you.”).

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just because they are not the face of his defense, I’m pretty sure Sekulow and Giuliani are helping legally. POTUS is no dummy either, he’s also got a pretty good political team of advisors around him.


New Naval Pledge is Navel Gazing…


Is this a meme? a joke?


Don’t know – Posobiec was Naval Intelligence. I’m guessing it’s real and a new woke policy.


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Barnes and Alex on the shampeachment II as of yesterday


Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce
Deplorable Patriot

From someone who would probably know.


how approro…a chinese fire drill

Deplorable Patriot

Never a dull moment.

I usually hate it when plans are changed mid-stream, but this is getting good.


Ted Cruz


3/x Q1: “Where’s the short, fat guy?”

4/x Q2: “Can we build the Keystone Pipeline if we add Hunter Biden to the board?”

5/x Q3: “To Manager Swalwell: Tell us about Fang Fang.”

6/x Q4: “(generic) Have any of the House Managers had sexual relations with a Chinese communist spy? Please explain.”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Chuckie’s not blindsided, it was part of the plan.


they wanted to blindside the defense lawyers


Exactly. They know the defense is knot ready to call witness’s. Happens when your only presenting half of a defense because you have back room understandings that disappear of a sudden.


From Cruz’s tweet:

Dems had agreed to know witnesses…”

I assume that this is a typo and not in the Biblical sense.

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought.

Whatever the truth is, I don’t think this delay was part of the plan.




Well, they ARE Dems so it’s likely NOT a typo.



Would’ve sworn this was Fl and biden was stopping them from leaving.


East Germany did. They do that so the best and brightest do not leave. Brain drain and it still happen. They will shoot anyone who tries to escape or jail them. They will make examples out of them. How very sad this is  😪 


The one who can leave they send them as spies. Berlin was full of them.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

so now what?
what a clusterfu*ck congress is…

Deplorable Patriot

What it looks like is that Graham, at least, had agreed to vote for no witnesses, and he and the rest of the RINOs voted FOR witnesses which completely screws up the Dems case, ’cause Trump’s people start calling witnesses, perjury is most certainly on the table.

At least, that’s what I’m getting from what I am reading.


one thing they fear is making more of a martyr out of REALPOTUS…
if the real repubs start screaming about the unfairness of the impeachment trial, it will strengthen REALPOTUS and they already fear him…


HeydonMusicPage/”Have a Great Weekend” 2.13.2021


I Wanna Know What Love Is

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just go ahead and fess up, Creepy’s gonna need the security blanket for 4 years.
The more he screws over Americans, the bigger the fear.


It’s typical of coup perpetrators to need protection.

May more governors tell Biden NO.

Funny – we don’t hear Milley saying anything about how wrong it is to use the US military for POLITICAL PURPOSES.



When totally embarrassed by your own stupidity, go to lunch.


A person familiar with Trump team strategy told me that if Dems seek witnesses, Trump’s legal team will try to call Pelosi and Bowser.
They would need 51 votes to subpoena the witnesses.
Dem managers have refused to comment this morning about witnesses

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) February 13, 2021

will try? They won’t let it happen.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Manu is CNN. Soo…POTUS wants to call Nasty, she refuses, then Senate won’t approve subpoena? The jurors get to approve the witnesses, not the prosecutors/defense?? How is that fair?? Talk about rigged.

Lots of Horsetrading going on now. While Chuckie and Turtle are supposedly negotiating, both sides leaking info on who they’re gonna call in efforts to intimidate the other side.

No matter what, each side should get same # of witnesses. If Dums get 3, so does POTUS. NO POTUS testifying and NO 5A ALLOWED.


301 potential witnesses for the defense….so far

…..who could they be?


Last edited 4 years ago by Sauce

Nicely done writing it big enough on back of papers for a camera shot


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that’s one way to keep any legislation from getting passed.


Ooops, posted image at same time that Sauce did.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

This could go on for FOUR years.

Deplorable Patriot

And the plot twists some more.


if they have to vote on EACH witness and pass by a simple majority, then the dems can block every defense witness.


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Just now the Senate voted to extend the Impeachment Trial & to subpoena Witnesses & Documents.
After yesterday were I a Democrat I’d be insisting that they pack it in.
Understand what’s happened=
1. The Senate voted to “Open the Door” to impeach former Presidents & Office HOLDERs.
2. They just voted to have Witnesses & Admit documents into Evidence.
Do you **SEE** it yet?
Trump’s Defense Team will be able to call Witnesses & present documents to rebut the Democrats.”


Deplorable Patriot

This is what a number of prognosticators are pointing out.

Never stop the enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves.

Yes, it’s ugly, but they’ve just screwed themselves with an assist from RINOs who, I’m beginning to suspect, have a couple in the group playing a DEEP cover part.


Great actors!!

“Q”ue the Judas Goats!

Deplorable Patriot


Big clues: who did POTUS play golf with, and if Mittens wasn’t auditioning for the secretary of State job, what did those two have to talk about for three days?

Always have been curious about that.

Deplorable Patriot

I have an idea he may have been recruited to be a Judas goat, or something along those lines.

Just the leaks about him being the new McName…..

We’re watching a show indeed.


anot four years of congress doing nothing but impeachment.


Just NOPE.


I will never vote for Pence and Haley I rather vote for a democrat because those two are no better.
Kelly Ann Conway I never trusted because she worked for Pence before. I always thought she was in his corner. I know the optics she made it look good but in my opinion played both sides.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pence/Haley? HA! I’d work AGAINST that ticket. Better to elect Beto to provoke civil war and end the insanity.


I guess what hurts is people who trusted both of them. Pence the good Christian has a dark side as we all have but his is bad. He wrapped himself in faith and is deceptive. I cannot even take his voice any longer. When I look at these guys McConnell and Graham people trusted them the disappointment must be tremendous.
I was protected in all of that because I never really was involved and only put my trust into Trump no one else. I was able to look at all of them without any emotional attachment. I am just angry because they betrayed Trump and the MAGA movement.
They are all owned by China.


Heh….beyond NOPE.

WORST case scenario if this ends with PDJT barred from being in office again (yea right),

…but if that were to happen PDJT is “King Maker” in 2024 and Pence/Haley aint got a shot in hell


pence/Haley? NEVER gonna be elected.

However shampeachment 2.0 plays out, pence/Haley success is never going to happen. ~74million pissed off voters.

DeSantis OK. Noem OK. Pompeo OK.

Only the Lincoln Project asshoes could promote pence Haley.


Can someone explain this stuff to me about Pence and the football? And Marc Short? There has to be some reason that he was not allowed back on the WH premises after Jan. 6th.


No idea what that is all about. A couple general thoughts.

President Trump did meet with pence in the WH, at least once in the closing days of Trump’s presidency. I doubt it was a meeting of good buddies happy to see each other. That being, IMO, pence is a traitor.

Dunno about pence and the football. But I do KNOW, pence was NOT president, should not be concerned with the football, unless President Trump was incapacitated.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

In the chaos, Pence was hustled out of the Senate and supposedly got separated from the guy with the nuclear code case.
Mark Short was Pence’s Chief of Staff and was responsible for convincing Pence that he could not send the votes back to the states, which legally he COULD DO. 3 states had requested it because they wanted to change their elector votes. It would’ve changed the election outcome had Pence done so. That’s what POTUS was asking Pence to do. Short was a RINO Decepticon sabbatoging POTUS behind the scenes the entire time he was at WH.


On Bannon, “the VP does not have the Nuclear code we only have one President at the time.”
Worth listening to him on the War Room.


Oh I doubt Pence needed any persuasion at all to undermine POTUS …

He was doing so from the get go… the GOPe forced Trump to take Pence on the ticket


I understand all the rest. Why would Pence have the the codes at all? Or do POTUS and VP always have them.


Why would Pence be involved with the codes at all? And why would a guy with the code case be in the Senate on January 6th? That makes no sense.


This is a red herring. Secondly the guy who carries the case with codes better be aware of his surroundings and its a military fellow.
I do not think the VP has the code period.


when he has a rally or is speaking somewhere, who has the codes?
wait…don’t tell me…


You did WATcH or at least understand what Pence DID on January 6th?


I was asking for clarification if POTUS and VP BOTH have the nuclear codes. NOT about what went on on 1/6. Heard some mention of Pence becoming separated from the football, which sounded like nonsense to me.

Am I clear?

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

#ProjectVeritas #GinaCarano #CancelCulture
Gina Carano Hits Back at Critics, Announces New Movie Project | Facts Matter

Deplorable Patriot

Man, I hate legalese and Congress speak.


Congress speak is worse than everyday lawyer speak. But, they both suck.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Witnesses CANCELLED. Closing arguments started.

HA HA, Dems and RINOS walked that back pretty quick.


Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Deplorable Patriot


Moves and countermoves.

And here we thought this would be a snoozefest.

Wonder what sort of pressure Schumer had to apply.


Wait. I missed this.

how and who cancelled?

Deplorable Patriot

The Democrats wanted out of the bind the RINOs put them in.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but that isn’t illegal.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

It ought to disqualify them from office!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Well…just remember that the concept of “average” when it comes to smarts is not an exaggeration. All the teachers I know will tell you that.

“Average” when it comes to that does not apply to a whole lot of people in the MAGA movement, but it does to voters who don’t pay attention.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. That’s very true.

One of my mom’s cousins has a roommate who called herself average once, and my mom’s cousin said, “G, I’ve taught average. You are not average.” G is NOT average at all. She’s actually pretty smart even if she make a couple of personal life boo-boos that turned out to be doozies.


That’s right. They weren’t Trump voters.

So…what were they doing there. Hmmm?
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And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


It says that they “did not vote in 2020 election”.

So I’m guessing that’s how they knew that they “never voted for Trump”?


Maybe when they were arrested they stated they did not vote for Trump or other possibility is FBI looked at voter rolls?


If they voted yes it should not be able to determine unless they said they did not vote for Trump.
Another possibility is that we have no longer a secret voting system ?

Harry Lime

I was gonna say maybe they weren’t even American citizens…but, when has that ever stopped someone for voting?


Interesting thought. Voting in person, we can see how our vote is documented up until we press the botton, “vote” or whatever it was.

Have zero idea how my vote was counted.

NV has dominion machines in every county, including Lyon County where I reside.


I might guess that somewhere in their social media posts, that they may have claimed that they did not vote for REALPOTUS…

…and faux biden didnt win


IDK about other states but it is public record in TN if one votes, if one votes by mail in, early votes, etc.

In TN, voting in the Primary is the only way to confirm GOP or Dem – goes by which ballot you choose. For the primaries there are seperate ballots for each party. And that is the key to determining if a person is a bona fide Republican – have they voted in at least 3 of the previous 4 GOP state wide primaries? Some are disqualified because they haven’t bothered to vote in the primaries or they are found to have voted Dem.

In most states, it is public record if one votes or not.

In TN, any citizen can go into any county’s election office and request a disk with voter’s info and voting record.

Of course, there is no record of *how* one votes/for which candidates, just that one voted and which ballot (GOP or Dem) one pulls in the primary. Also, address, phone #, etc. All public record.

PACs, state party organizations, campaigns and vendors who service campaigns will pull these for all counties state wide and develop a database directly from these public records.

My county – $35. I bought one myself and pulled the data to determine new voters the 2016 primary brought in and therefore who to call as atypical voters for the 2018 election since the typical voters would vote anyway.


Making sense
YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
I’ve been trying to figure out timing on the Trump plan that is yet to emerge (yes, I know…probably a pointless exercise given the paucity of info available, but it is a temptation I cannot resist).
I, like many others thought that the Senate trial was going to be a bit part of the Big Show. Well, with nothing more than closing arguments and vote remaining, I think it pretty safe to say that the Show is going to take place somewhere other than the Senate chambers.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
Part of the answer to the question of why nor do it at the Senate trial was provided by the Democrats themselves.
Did anybody else notice that the Democrats kept challenging the Trump team to bring up the validity of the election?
They very carefully included overt statements regarding Trump’s words on the matter in each and every phase of the trial thus far.
And election fraud/integrity was pretty much the ONLY topic that Trump’s lawyers did not address categorically and convincingly.


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Well, as Pompeo stated, the Chinese have infiltrated the USA. They are inside our borders.
Luminaries on QV have pointed out that there are over 300,000 Chinese ‘students’ blanketing our nation’s universities and research labs.
Add to these ranks the Antifa and BLM cadre, Iranian/Islamist martyrs-in-waiting, etc.
There are thus something more than 400,000+ potential irregular enemy combatants ready to roll in the USA right freaking now.
February 13, 2021, 12:16 PM · Web ·  1 · 20 · 36 · Open in web
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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
If the Democrats were prepared to “go there” and egg on the Trump legal team with baited statements regarding election integrity, especially in such a consistent and structured manner, you can bet they were doing it for a REASON.
I would be willing to bet that the Democrats know the Big Show is coming and are trying desperately to make moves to counter or destroy it.
I would also be willing to bet that they, like many of us (including myself) suspected that the trial was going to be IT.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
And I’d further be willing to bet that they had a nicely coordinated plan, one that would have seen unprecedented mayhem erupt across the nation if they were able to goad the Trump team into going there and raising the issue.
I’d bet they were going to sacrifice entire cities to try to stop whatever it is that Trump has in store for them.
So what did Trump do? Well, what would Sun Tzu say to do?


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
I am not a devoted student of Sun Tzu, but I am pretty sure that he would suggest that it is a poor idea to leap into a battlefield that your enemy has prepared for you.
So what did Trump do? He had his team rubbish the Democrat’s case, used the venue for some great, albeit repetitive, videos showing their staggering hypocrisy, and let the exercise move swiftly towards the partisan vote that was the inevitable outcome of the whole shebang.
He rejected their invitation to battle.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
What may we infer from this?
If you accept that there is another shoe to drop in this play. If you accept that Trump has a vast amount of clandestinely obtained information regarding the election , there fraudsters, their masters and other associates. If you accept that Trump is a winner who will never give up on himself, his family, his country, the planet, or on YOU, there is only one conclusion possible.
Trump is continuing to prepare his battlefield.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
Trump is watching every move the Democrats make. And biding his time.
But what else is going on?
If you also accept that there could be a half a million individuals in the USA right now that are or could be unconventional enemy combatants, that what has been happening and is ongoing on a massive scale is exactly what Chris Miller described:
The most complex military operation in US history.
The integration of forces must be simply awesome.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
Cyber, Special Operations, Space Force, etc., etc., etc.
To counter hundreds of thousands of potential enemy agents would be (is) simply mind boggling. No wonder Chris Miller was so emotional. To imagine this level of infiltration must have been utterly demoralising for him.
Until Trump gave him the chance to clean it all up.
So, with the help of people like Thomas Wictor, The Cates Brothers, and my others here on QV, I am adopting strategic patience.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
I am exercising this patience not in anticipation of Trump’s Big Show (although that will be a part of it).
I am patiently awaiting what Trump has unleashed. I am waiting to see, with every bit of the same devastating effect that was seen on D-Day or in the cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, i.e., the global effects of the most complex military operations ever undertaken in US military history.
The Democrats think that Trump is playing politics when he is actually fighting total war.


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YMKYMFOI   @YMKYMFOI@social.quodverum.com
And by “winning” Trump means winning this novel form of total war with almost zero blood spilled.
If Trump and his team of hyper-modern warriors are successful, it will be a miracle, a technological marvel so advanced that for most of us it will be indistinguishable from magic.
I can barely wait. I can hardly retrain myself. I am grossly impatient.
But wait I will. And know that the Best Times Are Still Ahead Of Us.


God Bless you Ozzy,

You have been sorely missed!


Ozzy, I clicked the link, and “page is missing” came up


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Missed everyone here too.
watching the show


YES… and getting fat from all the popcorn! Thanks for the THREAD…


Good to see ya’ Ozzy, thanks for the contribution.
I’ts a good’un..
Been missing ya!


Just a writer
the acronym for his name is you must keep your mind free of ideology


I just read all of this, carefully. How do these folks (at QV) present posts like this, while simultaneously banning any mention of 17? Amazing, truly.

Deplorable Patriot

Trump declined their invitation to battle is one of the best bottom line explanations on all this I’ve seen.


He fights at a time and place of his choosing whilst forcing them to expend their forces in the wrong spot



House Managers up for Closing Arguments – on Mute – will wait for Trump Lawyers

Could there be a vote today? What say you?





this gives me nothing…what’s is supposed to be?


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
This is a LONG one, so bear with me if you’d be so kind.
Let’s talk a little bit about covert operations, clandestine operations and information warfare.
A quick disclaimer: I do not claim to be an expert in any of the above, so if I get something wrong please feel free to correct me and point me in the right direction.
Right, so: what is the difference between a covert and a clandestine op?


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
CLANDESTINE OP: an operation carried out by intelligence or military bodies in such a way that it is not noticed by the public or by the target of the op (individuals, groups or otherwise). Typically individuals who form part of these types of ops are very much still under the purview of the ops sponsor – that, and if things go to shit, you as an operator, for example, will be pulled out, to name one of many different possible scenarios.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
In addition, clandestine ops tend to be big in terms of the personnel used to conduct them and their scope. Clandestine ops are largely run by the military, though not exclusively so.
COVERT OP: an operation which, if noticed by the public or anyone else, is deniable. In other words, whoever is the sponsor of such an op, if said op is exposed in some way or another there will be no official acknowledgement of it by the op sponsor.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
That also means that, if you’re an operative which is part of a covert op when it gets exposed you are left on your own to survive – or die. It is entirely up to you to cover your tracks and avoid capture; if you don’t, tough cookies. Covert ops more often than not tend to have only a few team members, making it a lot smaller (and easier to control/manage) than a clandestine op.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Covert ops is also the area of employment most ex special forces (MARSOC, SEAL, SAS, RECCE, Green Berets, Rangers – you name it) will find themselves in post military career – if they choose to do so of course. But you can bet your bottom dollar they will be approached with offers the moment they are discharged from the military.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As you can see, there is quite a big difference between the two. Yet you will no doubt come across people who use the two terms interchangeably, not because they’re idiots, but because they do not know the difference.
So, where does information warfare fit in the best? Good question.
First, let’s have a look at the definition of information warfare:


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Information warfare is the manipulation of information trusted by a target without the target’s awareness so that the target will make decisions against their interest but in the interest of the one conducting information warfare.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As you can probably see, information warfare can fit in and be used in either of the two ops mentioned above to achieve an end goal – which, of course, is misinformation of the target, which could be an individual, but more often than not ends up being a group of individuals.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Another aspect of information warfare to take notice of carefully and remember is the fact that the target audience needs to TRUST the information which is being presented to them in order for this kind of warfare to be effective. Decisions need to be made by these individuals based on this information. That is important.
So, we can safely conclude that information warfare can be used in both clandestine and covert ops, but it is MORE likely to be used in clandestine ops.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Why? Several reasons actually:
1. Information warfare does not produce results immediately.
2. Information warfare is generally employed as part of a medium to long term action to turn the psychological tide of the masses IN FAVOR of the desired end result of said action, particularly if said end result is to be of high impact when the op is completed.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
3. Covert ops lend themselves more to a “get in, do the job, and get the hell out without getting caught” type of approach. There really isn’t time to effectively employ the strategy behind the use of information warfare as part of covert ops tactics, BUT the result of the covert op, if successful, can also have a similar effect to that of information warfare, although the target audience to which the resultant message (information) is sent tends to be much more focused,


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
3. and the message itself tends to be much more malicious.
4. Taking point (4) into account, covert ops can and often does form part of the strategy suite of clandestine ops, although in the case of it being used by the military, operators who form part of such an op are not automatically thrown under the bus if things go south; on the other hand, if you’re an operator working for an intelligence agency of some sort locally


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
4. or abroad on a covert ops mission and it goes tits up the opposite is the case. Luckily SPECOPS guys and gals know how to disappear when the time comes to do so.
From what I’ve been observing over particularly the past year or so, we are sitting in the middle of at least two clandestine operations: one implemented by those we will loosely label “The Left” and one which has been running for a good many years and was initiated by “The Right”.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Rest assured that information warfare has been and is being used by BOTH sides in a bid to constantly try turning the tables on one another.
The gullibility of a large volume of the masses (you know, the ones which lap up every lie MSM or Alternative Media/Podcasters feed them without thinking twice or allowing themselves to be shown otherwise) has seen the information warfare part of these ops being largely successful.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
It would also be wise not to be fooled into thinking that “The Left” would only target lefties or that “The Right” would not dare target anyone but righties; I think either side is very much in the process of trying to gage in real time the temperature of the waters on both sides, or, put another way, how successful or not their attempts at brainwashing (for good or evil purposes) the masses have been.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Taking this single probability into account, it is not hard to come to the conclusion that the battle which is currently being waged is FAR from over.
That does not necessarily mean that the Military is involved in whatever is going on at the moment in the United States and elsewhere; there are such things as private military forces operating in the world, so that is but one option to take into consideration when attempting to figure out WHO is running ops on the ground.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
However, does it really matter who is on the ground doing the dirty work? I don’t think so. Right know we know it is DJT against Biden & Co (read CCP and partners here, which are the most likely culprits to keep an eye on, from what I’ve been able to dig up).
So, don’t be deluded into thinking that DJT is NOT fighting one hell of a battle to restore what is GOOD and what is RIGHT in society – not just in the US, but WORLDWIDE. And he is battling against a formidable enemy.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As far as I can tell, he is steadily racking up wins and have been doing so since he took office – and after “leaving” office.
The sheer desperation of “The Left” made manifest by the fact that they’re STILL trying to impeach the man against all odds should be one of the many barometers against which you measure DJT’s success in nailing these bastards to the wall.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Why would they bother to go after someone so vehemently if he now truly is out of the picture as the vast majority of people seem to be thinking? The man is an unstoppable train, and they know it. They also know they can’t stop him, no matter what. You should too.
And to make a final point about clandestine ops and information warfare: anyone who tells you they’ve got “inside info” might be telling the truth about having access, BUT the information they’re being passed is 100% NOT accurate.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Even if you think you will receive hereto unheard of information by signing up for some sort of closed “members only” group at a premium I can assure you that the “information” you will be taking away from such a session is what Scotsmen like to call bollocks.
I mean, let’s just think about this for a second: would ANY operative make contact with an outside person to feed them FACTS about a clandestine op and, by doing so, risk complete exposure and resultant failure of said op? NO.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)
So the information they are sending out to the masses via their proxies are MEANT TO MISLEAD for various purposes, the most important of them being OPSEC.
Anyone who tells you they’ve got inside info knows only the misinformation which was sold to him or her to keep EVERYONE guessing, and for good reason: if REAL info is made public these guys and gals might as well pack their shit up and go home already.
February 8, 2021, 4:57 AM · Web ·  1 · 13 · 25 · Open in web
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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
People in general are BAD at keeping secrets, and these people know it, so they are using it – sometimes for good purposes, sometimes for bad purposes, sometimes aimed at a specific group of people, sometimes aimed at an entire group of people – to keep what is really going on under wraps, and perhaps as a way of placating the masses and keeping people from taking up arms themselves.


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Werner Bessinger (Silverback)   @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Unless you can with reasonable inference confirm the accuracy of the information you’re receiving, using your own ability to do research and think critically, you are very, very likely being misinformed or, at best, being told only a tiny portion of the real truth, and for very good reason.
Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.


He makes the point trust nothing. Lots of psy-op is being fed to us. Stay strong against it. Avoid places that poison your mind. Wonder and keep asking yourself questions on why and how and whom is it benefiting. I wonder a lot and question a lot. Why does someone want me to know this and that specially if it sounds for fetched? Why are people playing to our emotions? Not what I want to happen but what is really happening I ask myself.
Cleanse your mind from dribble.


Yep, sometimes ya need to go “Full Vizzini”

…to a point


I wonder if Nancy’s Laptop was mentioned?

We don’t know who has it…or who took it.

But if she was forced to testify as a witness…there is likely something on that laptop that could be compared to her ‘truthfulness’.


What if the laptop was never taken? Or a lap top they wanted to be taken with false info?


SHOCKING: Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.
It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer. pic.twitter.com/FQ0kg7rCQS

— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) February 13, 2021



Oh Mitch, you little bitch.

Your ambitchion consumed you in the end.


Weapons Grade TRUTH!!!

Trump is being impeached for the crime of betraying them by representing you.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is more! FROM GAB…..
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Convenient……but of course.



Romney said guilty

Harry Lime

Yup…Collins, Murkawski, same names every time.


Traitors to us and to the constitution

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The TRAITORS own the Senate.


I had to turn McConnell off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. Soviet scum for the most part – likely well over 75%.


True. Some are clothed as Republicans but reality democrats

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They need to be TARRED AND FEATHERED VERBALLY every time they appear in the media!


Drop a payload of spit on all those miserable turds … ☠️☠️☠️ ..


Nr.10 Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules (USA)


  The C-130J Super Hercules was developed by Lockheed Martin. It is the latest production version of the C-130 Hercules. The Super Hercules made its first flight in 1996. It replaced in production the previous C-130H. Deliveries of this tactical airlifter commenced in 1998. By 2014 over 280 Super Hercules aircraft of various models have been delivered to at least 14 countries. Largest operators are the US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Australia, Canada, India, Italy and the United Kingdom. In the Royal Air Force service this aircraft is known as Hercules C5.
  This tactical transport aircraft has a payload capacity of 19 t. It can carry 92 soldiers, or 6 pallets, or 2-3 HMMWVs, or a single M113 armored personnel carrier.
  Its stretched version, the C-130J-30 has a payload capacity of 20 t. It can carry 128 soldiers, or 8 pallets ….

They are traitors …


Wow, would I love to snag a ride on one of those.

Harry Lime

The same despicable rinos’s every single time. May they rot.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Now he is free to speak, I hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Navarro says Trump needs new advisers (and specifies who those are – Lewandowski, Bossie, Bannon), and to kick whoever is advising him now TO THE CURB.


I agree except Bannon. I listen to him but he can get people riled up real fast. He toned it down since Jan 6 but before he really blue the lit off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

REALPOTUS knows how to handle Bannon – Trump has an exceptional filter for Bannon’s mistakes. I totally trust Trump to check off on only the best Bannon thinking, and to ignore anything problematic. Trump did that for years, and it worked fine.

Deplorable Patriot

I think people underestimate Bannon. Everything he does has an endgame to it.

We just don’t know what that is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bannon has been listening to Flynn. No telegraphing of the game plan.

Deplorable Patriot

Bannon knows more than he lets on, IMO.

So does Flynn.


Yep yep.


I remember the debacle in Alabama that Bannon caused. Also how he badmouthed Trump when he was firerd . Also when he let that clown in who wrote the book of lies.
Bannon as some good points but do not let him close to Trump.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow, people actually believe EVERYTHING they hear even when it might be chaf and counter measures.

We still have no real idea what is real and what is not.


Do you have proof otherwise ?
I remember POTUS really miffed. If Trump is just an actor then I might change my mind on many things.


I think that was all planned. If you listen to Bannon for awhile you can see a strategy emerge.


I listen to him selectively maybe I need to listen better.
I really like Raheem.


Yes that works for POTUS.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Bannon has issues with Javanka.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everybody does! Jared and Ivanka have their own views, just like the rest of the Trump world. Fortunately, REALPOTUS knows when to listen and when to follow his own path. I never worry about him. He listens to everybody and does the right thing.

What’s a shame is that the real vote count was not known, because if it was, the massive vote by blacks would have been impossible to hide, and it would have vindicated all of the people who backed the reform of the Clinton Crime Bill. REALPOTUS went with his gut on that, and he was right. That’s what broke the Dominion algos!


I think he has numerous advisors, some around him, some out in the field, so to speak.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Part of me thinks that Trump WAS and IS “allowing” a certain amount of “beltway-advised NO-ism and GOPe-advised surrender” to provide cover, once he decided (along with others who we don’t know) to exit the fight.

I see a strategic retreat. I just don’t quite get the strategy.


Well, whatever the strategy is, REALPOTUS has sure got the Senate morons in a tizzy today.


“The Best Is Yet To Come!”  😉 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Rumour has it Graham & RINOs promised acquittal if he did not mention election fraud.
The FRAUD can be addressed now that shampeech is over.

Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Harry Lime

Impeachment Fails.



Tar and feather ’em:

GOP Sens voting to convict: Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey,


Is anyone listen to Schumer? I wish we would have addressed fraught instead we gave the clown and excuse to give a speech. He also is diminishing the lawyers.


I never listen to Schumer. 😆




I do. Cornyn. And sometimes Cruz.


You haven’t seen his hair do today, WTH?
Mid life crisis, bet with his wife and lost or ???


“but Cruz is vastly better than most.”


Cruz is a Canadian who purposely ignored his ineligibility to run for POTUS.

Cruz was for TPP.

Cruz was owned by the Mercer billionaire family, who knows who he’s owned by now.

Cruz presents as a pure sociopath who will do absolutely anything for power.

Many of Cruz’s supporters earned the nickname ‘Cruzlims’, and it wasn’t for nothing.

The blindspot that many have for Cruz is unreal.

Dangerously so.

I don’t understand how anyone can possibly trust him, and I have never seen anyone present a credible argument why he could be trusted, to do anything, except to do what’s best for Ted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep Cruz away from the White House! SCOTUS, maybe. Trump would not have put him on the list if he didn’t really believe Cruz would be good on the court.


“Keep Cruz away from the White House! SCOTUS, maybe.”


Not me, I’ve seen this movie too many times before 😁

Is this the guy we want deciding Border and Immigration law?

Senator Ted Cruz Joins Glenn Beck Passing Out Freebies To Illegal Border Crossers…Posted onMarch 27, 2016

And for a ‘strict constructionist’, do we want a guy who will ignore the Constitution when it comes to his own eligibility?

Or the eligibility of Hussein?

Or the eligibility of McCain or Camel-Uh?

Why is it so hard to find candidates who don’t have eligibility issues, and why are candidates with eligibility problems so prevalent?

What’s really going on here?


And some greatest hits, some nostalgic reminders from the good old days. Cheeto-Face and Ted were really close — at least so long as that was convenient for Ted’s personal ambition to power:

Good Grief – Glenn Beck Today: Ted Cruz is “The Mormon Prophecy” Sent To Save The World from the “last of days”…Posted on March 20, 2016 by Sundance


Glenn Beck Says: God Killed Justice Scalia To Make America Vote For Ted Cruz…Posted onFebruary 17, 2016


“Trump would not have put him on the list if he didn’t really believe Cruz would be good on the court.”


How are Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett working out?

How is the confidence in the SC nominee vetting process these days?

Sky high?

Or slightly less?

Here is reliable Ted again, in much more recent news, not even two weeks ago. Hopefully our President’s back is recovering from Ted’s stab wound:

Ted Cruz Accuses President Trump of Being Reckless and IrresponsibleFebruary 1, 2021 by Sundance

The age old axiom: ‘Never Trust a Never Trumper‘ hits the mark once again.


Past, present, future — Ted is Ted.

What is it about Ted that holds such power over people?

It’s certainly not his beady eyes, the grizzly Adams beard, the nasally voice or his grating personality.

It’s not his loyalty to the Constitution, the rule of Law or our President.

It’s definitely not because he’s MAGA…

Senator Ted Cruz Did Support TPA – and Secretary Kerry asked China To Join TPP a Week ago…Posted onNovember 11, 2015

Intellectual Dishonesty, Ted Cruz Supporters, and The TPA Argument…Posted on April 18, 2016

Senator Ted Cruz Continues Fleecing The Sheeple – Professional “Grubering”…Posted on April 25, 2017


And who could forget Ted’s glorious speech at the Republican convention?

A Deeper Look into Ted Cruz’s RNC Convention Speech…Posted onJuly 21, 2016


He’s supposed to be a ‘good debater’, but what good is that to America, if he’s working for the enemy (or for the Mercers)?

How many times does Ted (and others like him) have to stab us in the back, and stab Donald Trump in the back, before we just acknowledge what they are?


The soccer balls/teddy bears stunt that I recall was in the summer of 2014 – the initial “poor unaccompanied children” onslaught. Remember, the first thing they noticed was it was primarily gang-aged men? 🙄

But you have to admit that question about “not canceling the Keystone Pipeline, just put Hunter on the board” was first rate.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah he’s not the most reliable clock in the room, that’s for sure!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Grrr. 🤬


murkowski … should have been defeated in 2010 when she lost the GOP primary

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s a STAIN on the Senate and Alaska.


They sho’ nuff did not want any witnesses opening Pandora’s ELECTION FRAUD Box!


Sho’ nuff Georgia!


i will involve myself 100% working on the immediate recall of that jackass cassidy.

Last edited 4 years ago by Henry

“Ardoin cited multiple references, among them a 2009 Louisiana attorney general’s opinion, that prevent any member of Congress from being the subject of a recall petition.”

At this time Senators can’t be recalled


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

POTUS will be on it like white on rice. His kids too.


The best part of the whole deal was this:

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McConnell is a backstabber trying to make nice to us by degrading Trump. What a sleazeball.


Dims backed off after this came to light.


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winnin’ winnin’ winnin’


And so REALPOTUS emerges stronger and the traitors in Congress are weaker.

Sigh. So satisfying.


We’re having a Party at Marica’s Place… champagne, music, fireworks etc. come on over


I’m there!!


I did but no one there. What am I missing? Sylvia told me to come forward one day. ???




Another first, the Most Acquitted President in American history 👍😂🤣😂



McConnell squeaks:


Squeak, squeak.

What a despicable mouse of a man.


A jealous little mouse…..


I’m steaming!


How does he know? Did not Turtles and the facelift reject more help to secure the Capitol?


ACTUALLY – McConnell and Pelosi were in charge of Capitol Police protection.

Those two lying crooks and racist Mayor Bowser did NOT want National Guard as Trump requested!!!


and THAT’S what they DID NOT want revealed at impeachment trail…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The facts would have sent Mitch McCon-man to JAIL.


yup…and still might.
i can’t wait to see him impeached…precedence has been set…
they cannot resign and hide now…


It’s obvious McConnell has been preparing his crappy lying smear talking points for days.




Many carrie the American flag. That is his banner? Turtle you are out of your mind.


turtle’s legacy is forever tainted.


To calm myself I made Italian dumplings now I have to watch myself not to eat them all 🙁


Turtle is trying to take back the republican party for the establishment. I hope we stay together with Trump. We need to keep the party and Trump needs to stay the head of it so to help oust these despicable people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



don’t despair.
this whole despicable process identified with laser precision who WE need to purge from government office.
we won’t be fooled again.
their duplicity came with a price…


We sure know 100% they left no doubt who they are.


McConnell is truly DESPICABLE!


Hope McConnell slips and falls in all the foaming slobber coming out of his mouth with all the lies.


Oh he fell. His chin just hasn’t hit the floor of the Senate yet.


Wait. He doesn’t have a chin…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He sure did! He’s on a fence post with nowhere to go.

Deplorable Patriot

In all charity, while the man is ambitious to faults unbeknownst to us, he DID have polio, and does have issues with one thigh which result in imbalance problems.

His brain, OTOH, is not handicapped in that matter.


In his book he indicates a complete recovery. He played baseball in school.

Mitch has his own narrative that serves him very well.


And thank you for taking one for the team digging into it!


Driving me crazy. 🤪 There’s a lot there in light of his actions since PT got elected.



We really appreciate you digging through it. Maybe one of us could pump your septic system as an even swap.


I remember turtle slipping and almost fell trump caught him. What a louse.


He’s a jealous little thing, ain’t he?

Sorry Mitch. We have the Party now.

Your Long Game sucked eggs in the end.

Deplorable Patriot

The turtle is snapping.


I love it. 😂


Our Republic is a nation of laws, not of turtles….

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to sic you on the local turtle society.


I think something else is bothering him, GMT – those that scream the loudest have something to hide – perhaps, he was hoping to cripple Trump into ineffectiveness.

Somebody pushed the Turtle off of the post – and he landed on the wrong side of the law – he is definitely angry about something – and it is not the acquittal, either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think I ALMOST see what it is, but not quite.


He must be in on it. And he knows that they are one step closer to exposing him.


Such would be my suspicion, also.


For sure, TGM!!!


The lawyer really stuck it to the senators.


All of them did their own way, Sing!!!

I could not listen to the Liar Lawyers – but – I sure did enjoy the Trump Lawyer FINALE!!!


So did I


McConnell knows a lot about human shields.

He has been using his Decepticon henchmen (Thune, Blunt and Barasso) as a human shield for his own nefarious activities for decades.

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I think that’s Cornyn there . . .

Which only amplifies your point!







PRESIDENT Trump out-classes all the denizens of the Senate and House.

His approval ratings are twice theirs.

And three times the approval rating of the lying Lame Stream Media.

Deplorable Patriot

Almost as if he learned to schmooze in one of the toughest cities on the planet to really make it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But Baby Trump needs help! He’s doing it all WROOOOOOONGGGgggggg…….

Um. Never mind.


Quite, Georgia!!!


The Senate is a tawdry thing compared to our President Trump.

McConnell has laid waste to his own legacy.

He chose poorly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NOW it becomes apparent why Trump and his attorneys chose not to mix his election fraud arguments into this bogus process.

It is NOTHING about what Trump did and ALL ABOUT what the Dems and RINOs did.


I do not think the turtle would be where he is if it was not for machines and counting.
He has been having total control over republicans in KY also who runs and who wins and looses. These people are tyrants.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. One theory I’m thinking is pokerish – that Trump held some kind of devastating fraud evidence back as his unknown multiple of aces he did not want to waste now, according to the principle of “spare the ammo you don’t need to win”. The “witnesses” thing would have opened up Trump’s aces to *possibly* play. McConnell sensed the danger to himself and others, and he was forced to cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi – HE had to castigate Trump, if they were going to withdraw the witnesses ploy. In that sense, Schumer and Pelosi pinched him, and he was authentically pissed, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And now it looks like it was “security decisions by Congress” that would have been devastating to Pelosi – AND TURTLE.

JW in Germany

Wolf! I am absolutely LOVING the second half of POTUS’s statement!

He has a “lot to share” with us…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Absotutalutley, Wolf!!!


See it all:comment image


Beautiful ending to a powerful defense of the Best President Evah, TIM!!!


I sure hope PRESIDENT Trump has plans to ‘declassify’ the documentation of ELECTION FRAUD.


Don’t worry, Georgia – Election Fraud will not die – it WILL see the light of day!!!


#Impeachment Former President Trump statement, “Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together…”@CBSNews pic.twitter.com/m1gFPxfqbj

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 13, 2021




Did Trump concede? They wanted him too they wanted him to admit he was wrong concerning the fraught. I did not see anything?


where are you getting that he conceded?
I reread his statement and I must be missing it…???



What is the Huerara-Buetler statement?


It’s a statement about whether Trump was at fault due to lack of backup law enforcement at the Capitol.



Listen to what Mark Meadows said about this below!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM. Exactly. Trump held the ultimate cards – Pelosi and Turtle BOTH turned down security, and the WORLD would know it if there were witnesses forced to speak about it on FAKE NEWS.


In any event, I do not think either Pelosi or Turtle are happy this AM – see the post from The Marshall Report – LOL


Likes this part. Trump knew along it was Antifa breaching the capitol.

“When McCarthy reached Trump on Jan. 6 and asked him to publicly call off the riot, Trump initially said it was antifa who breached the Capitol, according to Herrera Beutler’s statement. McCarthy then refuted the president, saying the rioters were Trump supporters.

According to Herrera Beutler, Trump replied: “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” “

Trump initially said it was antifa who breached the Capitol.


Watching the video – it’s easy to see it was a false flag – staged – operation. Period.


i think his lawyers conceded to allowing the statement to be entered into the record without her testifying (this would be new testimony and not allowed in closing arguments) and without the defense team calling witnesses…that’s all–a deal was struck. they can enter her testimony without either side calling more witnesses…to finish the trial up today.




you’re welcome!


Exactly, Pat!!!



van der Veen was on Fox and said “that is house has been attacked and his family and his law firm threatened.”
He was very emotional about it.
I now wonder if the other law team resigned because of threads?


Sad that this has happened – however – good that he expressed it on Fox – am sure he will get protection from very capable security!!!

These people are EVIL!!!


True, the house clown had to read that off after reading the statement into the record, saying that it was just a statement not agreed to by the defendant and that Senator’s could not make an inference of guilt based on the statement…

Wasted time and helped further destroy their credibility.


Very true, Para!!!


Thanks so very much for this clarification, Duchess


Most welcome, Georgia!!!


This is very confusing – however – it is a nothing burger because she is quoting from a conversation she had with McCarthy – and Meadows already clarified what happened.

As far as I am concerned – this is heresy – neither of these people were with PT when he was dealing with this possible breach (2) days before it happened – HM got all excited because they had ‘new’ evidence of misconduct – received after their closing arguments – I believe



Heresy is a theological term. The correct word is hearsay. (hear someone say)

However, it is heresy against MAGA doctrine. [sly grin]


Thanks so much, P, for correcting my typo!!!




McConnell and Haley have trashed their careers with voters.


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Very much so.

Pride goes before a fall. 😁


Burr too. Treasonous Roach who headed up the Senate Intel Committee until most recently finally came out into the light.

Wonders if he thought his name began with a “B” and he’d be called early he could sway votes.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

I did 👍😁

 😂 🤣 😂


The GP article says:

‘The anti-Trump Republican did vote “not guilty” before giving the ridiculous speech.’



I’m still not happy in the least – !!!!



reread REALPOTUS’s statement…”we’re just getting started making America great again…”


No matter what we might do – if that damned 2020 election fraud isn’t rectified – it won’t matter a hill of beans.


IF THEY DON’T FIX THE FRAUDULENT ELECTION and kick old demented crooked Biden out of the White House – I’m never going to bother with politics again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t worry – impossible is just starting to crumble now.


good turn of phrase – “impossible is just stating to crumble now”

Even if I didn’t agree with much of what you write, I would still enjoy reading it as you have an interesting and often clever way with words

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!  😃 

(Although I must admit it is half-stolen, as a reference to somebody else’s great quote!)  😉 


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Didn’t POTUS say Impossible is just a starting point?


DJT jr. said that about his dad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I heard Eric say it about his dad, but Don Jr. is quoted as saying it about him more often.


For our great President Donald J Trump
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And for the traitors
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this song from childhood is starting to come back into my mind…

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Hairy pickled piggy feet
French fried eyeballs floating in some kerosene
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Scab sandwich, puss on top
Vulture vomit, camel snot
Deep dish boogers soaking in a bowl of fat
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Parrot eyeballs dipped in glue
Petrified porpoise puss
Flaming ear wax bobbing in a bowl of barf
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Dessicated dinosaur dung
Percollated pelican poop
Tortoise turd balls with the little flies inside
And me without a spoon.

THIS is what they deserve…


Lol.. oh yeah they deserve all of that….and more, lots more


And to think we boys believed that reciting that ditty would keep the girls away …

[circa age 7-8]




sorry…just copied the lyrics from internet…


so sorry about Darwin…sigh…
but gees…
was refrigeration necessary?


mollyp. You can keep the worms but I really want the ice cream  😅 
Have been looking at it on and off whole evening.


I have some catching up to do. Just now seeing acquittal.


giloo how are you ? Good to see you 🙂


Hi, thx for asking.
Well i got to md on Thursday and she said i dont need cardiologist atm. But a higher dose of bp meds, indefinite use, and i have to destress.
Before i saw her, i had to kick her PA out of the room for his unprofessional behavior.


Good that you are better sorry for all the meds. Good for you to kick out the PA. They need to learn manners.




I am glad all is better.


Mitch is going to prison along with his handler/wife


Hmmm…probably why he is so angry – wanted to stop it!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He is definitely outed as a snake.

ALL HE HAD TO DO to stay on the right side was overrule Pelosi and kill her evil plan by ordering proper security and crowd control.

He chose POORLY.


He chose earlier, in fact he was one of the first to offer Hiden congratulations… they are great friends I hear. I still think he’s tied to Chyna, though folks tell me his wife is NOT Chinese (hey, you don’t have to be Chinese or even claim to support them… right?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China plays a VERY smart game with controlled opposition. Smart defense has always regarded Taiwanese and Hong Kongers as high security risks because they are so easily played by the mainland CCP commies in 1000 ways.

I’ve seen it in action. It’s ugly.

This is true for any foreign spouse, TBH. Even unconsciously and subconsciously, their cultural biases will trip them up, no matter how loyal they try to be to their land of residence. Both sides play on that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Founders were very smart about the (IMO, intended) “double-native” presidency requirement, putting restrictions on parents of the President. We watered that down at great risk.


Yes… I agree.


“I still think he’s tied to Chyna, though folks tell me his wife is NOT Chinese”


Pedo Joe isn’t chyneese, and look how close he is to chyna.

Compared to PJ, Elaine is half Jinping.




Chose poorly when he handed Georgia to the Democrats by giving Biden the opportunity to pledge $2,000 dollars to the voters in GA. (Still hasn’t delivered on his promise and has already promised to pare it down to $1,400).


“Mitch is going to prison along with his handler/wife”


Separate cells?

At least until the execution?


Yes, same as at home…………….


go LadyP!!!!!!!!


Wictor thread on the acquittal – in progress.



Problem with Wictor’s current thinking – our Feds (DoJ, FBI) are too corrupt to do anything about a fraudulent election – they were in on it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, exactly. Dodge and Fib helped. They are political instruments now.


There is no justice in our justice department – like Pence – they failed to do their jobs.

I am 100+% certain the breach of the Capitol was a staged operation and designed to discredit Trump, MAGA, Qanon, etc. – all Trump supporters.

However, Wolfie, unless the election fraud is overturned, we don’t/won’t/can’t have a real true free country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We live under “mild tyranny” right now. We are basically in a THIRD OBAMA TERM – imposed on us by an irresponsible elite which STOLE THE ELECTION.


It’s bizarre, twilight zone, like living in a state of continuous gaslighting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Disconnecting from the fake news was so critical. SO critical.







Feisty Cat has a LONG but VERY INTERESTING Thread up… will make your hearts smile



Starts right off with Burr! Excellent!
Whoops.. doing Barr.
Okay, but lets get back to that traitor Burr.
He held up all the information in the Russian Collusion fiasco.
Needs to be gone two years ago!


And it’s moveon, too.


Their peers certainly can.

Article I, section 5 of the United States Constitution provides that “Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.”


NanXi will go to town on punishing GOP REPS.


I believe this Congress is fraudulent… illegitimate … just as Hiden/Ho are… and looney (I know!) that I am, I think that will be revealed. In other words, I believe Down Ballot Republican candidates’ votes were stolen… read the other day, in WI iirc, 300 votes were scimed off every Rep candidate and given to DIM candidates… and audits of other states may possibly prove the same…

So, this Looney does not believe one has a Republican win the Oval Office by a landslide and not win the House and Senate.

So, I’m left with the conclusion that Republicans and not the DIMs control all 3, WH, Senate and House. Change my mind.

Thus, anything is possible. We must wait to see… right?


Heard of a US Marshal? We have a few.


“The system is set up such that a largely honest body can police itself, and get rid of some bad apples. It won’t function properly if they’re all bad apples. No human system can.”


I am steadfastly awaiting the French liberators.

They won’t actually liberate anything besides some belly laughs, but it will definitely embarrass the everlasting shame out of our own military, when the French show up to save us, because our own military is too busy with transgender sensitivity classes 👍 😁

If I was Macron, I’d be sending a yacht full of French liberators as we speak… the symbolism alone would be infinite, you couldn’t buy that kind of mockery value with all the money in the world… and Macron could have it for the cost of a dinghy and standard military pay for a few sailors… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

They could come ashore and proclaim, “Pershing, we are here!”


That, and do they really want to set the precedent? 😉


No but being stripped of leadership positions is in the range of possibility, though the slimeballs always seem to have a way to hang on.




Enjoy the read….comments on turtle’s senator page flaming him to oblivion…



It’s still good to see him torched.

evil has no loyalty.


Never said it was.

intelligent evil has lots of followers.
Principalities. Kingdoms. Rulers. And princes.



Patriot Party is splitting off a few Republicans.

Now the Never Trumpers are splitting off.

Splitter strategy?

Romney run with the Never Trumpers in their new party? Posts beginning to appear on 4chan saying Romney best candidate.  🙄  😱 


Where the 75 million go, the rest will go.

You have to know this.


Yes. That must be accounted for.


D Party was heavily split in 2020. Lost a lot of working class & union vote, lots of black and latino vote, even lost a lot of the LGBT vote. Didn’t show up due to the fraud, but they are crumbling. My sense is there is a massive “no confidence” in the Biden regime.

What that means for the GOPe Whigs splitting off from the Trump base yet TBD.

As far as the Whigs are are concerned, LOL:


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can grow that number!




Right off the bat, by running an honest poll.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN to that!


Why does Jill do the majority of the talking?


She’s the ventriloquist… he’s the puppet.

Concerned Virginian

Joe Biden has cognitive problems. These problems, plus the medications one assumes he’s taking to manage / control them, can have muscular issues as side effects, including interfering with or changing normal speech patterns.

Concerned Virginian

AND check out the “Chinese decor” as the backdrop!
“Ming” vase
Red wall hanging (red is one of the colors of celebration in Chinese history)
Sofa pillows and chair back (chair against the wall) heavily embroidered in gold (one of the colors used by Chinese emperors — in the modern-day case, Dictator Xi. RobberJoe is paying tribute to him).
However, I doubt if the “decorators” who put the backdrop together really knew the significance of the colors. They likely simply picked items that “looked Chinese”.
Unless the “decorators” asked Elaine Chao .…..


CV, do you think Elaine and Mtch will like the balmy breezes at that place in Cuba, what’s the name?


The Mitch McConnell Rant was all about the “lies” concerning the fraud and cheating during the election. They failed to convict President Trump of being responsible for the few hundred who broke into and walked into the Capitol on 1/6 so now that are directly focusing on the “Lies”/claims of “stolen” election.

Nope – too many know the truth and won’t rest until reforms are made. GOP state legislatures are proposing sweeping reforms and cases continue through the court system.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The critical ones are going to be in the swing states. They have to be EMERGENCY-PROOFED, or there will be trouble in 2022 and 2024. Better still, if we could actually get CONVICTIONS, IMPEACHMENTS, RECALLS, CENSURES, or other punishments for the unconstitutional actions by the executives and judiciaries usurping Constitutional authority.

Linda Harrison

At the bottom of page 2, posted by Henry, there is a tweet from Lauren Witzke I believe from today that has a video of Sen. Maj. Ldr. Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about 1-6-21 – he says it was “all staged”.

Why can’t we use that against them?


Without the press and a real DOJ, THERE is little we can do.

Linda Harrison

Thank you. I was hoping for maybe a twitter war or fb war or something. My computer froze up and I had a hard time getting it back.


But then again we did get 75 plus million to vote for PDJT without the press.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the POWER of “Fake Normal”. One cannot get the majority of people to see the truth, when the media all agree to a lie.


Leak was from the Michigan senate majority leader.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


And if the people controlling fake elections are smart – AND THEY ARE – they will NEVER allow a Republican governor [unless highly compromised] in these states again.

I tell you, I am just seeing an ETERNAL CHECK situation, when the other side can create a queen any time it wants, and the referee swears it’s legal. They can keep us in check FOREVER.


Well, not a real Republican governor, but one like Kemp?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. A “Kemp” is worth TWO Democrat governors, because the LIE is even stronger and harder to believe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is one of the things that seems to validate certain things that Q kept saying. “Game theory” being one of them, and – e.g. – this one:


Jun 30, 2020 2:00:14 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b9b621 No. 9801649 
Jun 30, 2020 1:47:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 978464 No. 9801436 
>>9801324 (lb)
I See whats happening, but I would like to see you guys doing something about it already. 
So the real question Q is, Do YOU see what is happening??

Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see. 
It is the ONLY WAY.
You are being presented with the gift of vision.
Ability to see [clearly] what they’ve hid from you for so long [illumination].
Their deception [dark actions] on full display.
People are waking up in mass.
People are no longer blind.
Do you think it’s a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship? 
One must only look to see.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in yourself.
Let light guide you.
Find peace through prayer.


This part seems critical:

Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see. 
It is the ONLY WAY.

What this means is that the critical element is NOT political – it’s SOCIAL.

So this means that you are RIGHT – the solution is not to work within their system – it is to get a critical number of people to see how RIGGED things are.



I always hope …

Wouldn’t it be so wonderful?!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it would! But it cannot be our only approach. We have to attack on all fronts. We cannot BACK OFF on the political venue. INFO-WAR requires holding the line in politics, even if a purely political strategy cannot push us out of political CHECK. By HOLDING THE LINE in politics, the SOCIAL GAME can turn them into a HATED POLITICAL MINORITY, like the SOVIETS.




How many is ‘enough’, and how do we know when we reach that number?

Asking on behalf of the needlessly abused.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think those are great questions. I think our best guesses will come from prior “unpopular” governments.

-Eastern Europe
-Ferdinand Marcos

The problem is that Maoist Democrats will model after the CCP, which is a highly unpopular government which stays in power despite very high levels of dissatisfaction.


Just wait until the military’s poll numbers come out.

They’re going to make the government look popular by comparison.


No. GA is GOP (supposedly) Governor and the GOP GA legislature is working hard on this issue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can Kemp be pressured into ditching Dominion?


No fed constitutional authority for a gov to veto. Leg goes into FED session, where it stands alone, in order to create/modify election law(s).


Mitch is still upset about Georgia senate race and that two senators lost. He blamed trump but it was he who stopped the $2000 for the people.
He is the one who lost and he knows it was Trump who helped many not to loose the house or senate.


This is another big mistake Mitch made. The China puppets are saying things they would never say if they were free from influence.

That little speech will sink Mitch McConnell.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I smell burning rhino flesh from here!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is the implosion that happens when pride leads.

These RINOs believed they were impervious.


YES they did…



2.13.21: DEMS demolished! Optics are IMPORTANT! Many waking up! Pray!
And We Know Published  February 13, 2021



herslf, fang fang boy?


Fartwell actually said “God herself…”

Just imagine how completely emasculated he must be, to even think that way, much less say it out loud, much less say it out loud on TV…

Thus spake Representative Fartwell Gelding (D-CA)


Those extra-large Luciferian face-diapers do an excellent job of conveying the Hannibal Lecter look.

comment image

Gail Combs

I do not like Saul but this is too good not to share:

Saul M. Montes-Bradley II   @Debradelai@social.quodverum.com


2018: 191 million profit

2019: 8.4 million loss

2020: 1.4 billion loss

 “As we enter 2021, our objectives are similar to previous years and our success will best be measured by our ability to grow our audience and deliver financial results in line with our guidance,”

The gibberish means the losing streak is not over.

I wonder what the loss in 2021 will be… a Trillion?  😆 

Gail Combs

OOOOoooo WOW!!

HereForJesus   @Hereforjesus@social.quodverum.com

General Flynn on Telegram posted this picture –

comment image


Does General Flynn have an official telegram?




Classic DemChiComs. Do it.

Gail Combs

That is like an abusive Husband telling the wife he just beat that SHE made him do it….



It’s a threat.

But now we are on to their pretend victimhood, hoaxes, fake protests and their burn, loot and murder games.

Øbastard and $0r0$ had better not bring out their nasty violent thugs this time around.

Americans, real US business owners and taxpayers, fathers and mothers, are sincerely and completely out of patience with Democrat Governors and Mayors who give pretend victims ‘space to destroy’

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a beautiful troll! DOWNSIDE FIGHTERS UNITE!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Another interesting thread
February 13, 2021 at 1:28 pm

Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
This is a LONG one, so bear with me if you’d be so kind.
Let’s talk a little bit about covert operations, clandestine operations and information warfare.
A quick disclaimer: I do not claim to be an expert in any of the above, so if I get something wrong please feel free to correct me and point me in the right direction.
Right, so: what is the difference between a covert and a clandestine op?
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
CLANDESTINE OP: an operation carried out by intelligence or military bodies in such a way that it is not noticed by the public or by the target of the op (individuals, groups or otherwise). Typically individuals who form part of these types of ops are very much still under the purview of the ops sponsor – that, and if things go to shit, you as an operator, for example, will be pulled out, to name one of many different possible scenarios.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
In addition, clandestine ops tend to be big in terms of the personnel used to conduct them and their scope. Clandestine ops are largely run by the military, though not exclusively so.
COVERT OP: an operation which, if noticed by the public or anyone else, is deniable. In other words, whoever is the sponsor of such an op, if said op is exposed in some way or another there will be no official acknowledgement of it by the op sponsor.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
That also means that, if you’re an operative which is part of a covert op when it gets exposed you are left on your own to survive – or die. It is entirely up to you to cover your tracks and avoid capture; if you don’t, tough cookies. Covert ops more often than not tend to have only a few team members, making it a lot smaller (and easier to control/manage) than a clandestine op.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Covert ops is also the area of employment most ex special forces (MARSOC, SEAL, SAS, RECCE, Green Berets, Rangers – you name it) will find themselves in post military career – if they choose to do so of course. But you can bet your bottom dollar they will be approached with offers the moment they are discharged from the military.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As you can see, there is quite a big difference between the two. Yet you will no doubt come across people who use the two terms interchangeably, not because they’re idiots, but because they do not know the difference.
So, where does information warfare fit in the best? Good question. 
First, let’s have a look at the definition of information warfare:
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Information warfare is the manipulation of information trusted by a target without the target’s awareness so that the target will make decisions against their interest but in the interest of the one conducting information warfare.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As you can probably see, information warfare can fit in and be used in either of the two ops mentioned above to achieve an end goal – which, of course, is misinformation of the target, which could be an individual, but more often than not ends up being a group of individuals.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Another aspect of information warfare to take notice of carefully and remember is the fact that the target audience needs to TRUST the information which is being presented to them in order for this kind of warfare to be effective. Decisions need to be made by these individuals based on this information. That is important.
So, we can safely conclude that information warfare can be used in both clandestine and covert ops, but it is MORE likely to be used in clandestine ops.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Why? Several reasons actually:
1. Information warfare does not produce results immediately.
2. Information warfare is generally employed as part of a medium to long term action to turn the psychological tide of the masses IN FAVOR of the desired end result of said action, particularly if said end result is to be of high impact when the op is completed.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
3. Covert ops lend themselves more to a “get in, do the job, and get the hell out without getting caught” type of approach. There really isn’t time to effectively employ the strategy behind the use of information warfare as part of covert ops tactics, BUT the result of the covert op, if successful, can also have a similar effect to that of information warfare, although the target audience to which the resultant message (information) is sent tends to be much more focused,
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
3. and the message itself tends to be much more malicious.
4. Taking point (4) into account, covert ops can and often does form part of the strategy suite of clandestine ops, although in the case of it being used by the military, operators who form part of such an op are not automatically thrown under the bus if things go south; on the other hand, if you’re an operator working for an intelligence agency of some sort locally
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
4. or abroad on a covert ops mission and it goes tits up the opposite is the case. Luckily SPECOPS guys and gals know how to disappear when the time comes to do so.
From what I’ve been observing over particularly the past year or so, we are sitting in the middle of at least two clandestine operations: one implemented by those we will loosely label “The Left” and one which has been running for a good many years and was initiated by “The Right”.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Rest assured that information warfare has been and is being used by BOTH sides in a bid to constantly try turning the tables on one another. 
The gullibility of a large volume of the masses (you know, the ones which lap up every lie MSM or Alternative Media/Podcasters feed them without thinking twice or allowing themselves to be shown otherwise) has seen the information warfare part of these ops being largely successful.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
It would also be wise not to be fooled into thinking that “The Left” would only target lefties or that “The Right” would not dare target anyone but righties; I think either side is very much in the process of trying to gage in real time the temperature of the waters on both sides, or, put another way, how successful or not their attempts at brainwashing (for good or evil purposes) the masses have been.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Taking this single probability into account, it is not hard to come to the conclusion that the battle which is currently being waged is FAR from over.
That does not necessarily mean that the Military is involved in whatever is going on at the moment in the United States and elsewhere; there are such things as private military forces operating in the world, so that is but one option to take into consideration when attempting to figure out WHO is running ops on the ground.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
However, does it really matter who is on the ground doing the dirty work? I don’t think so. Right know we know it is DJT against Biden & Co (read CCP and partners here, which are the most likely culprits to keep an eye on, from what I’ve been able to dig up).
So, don’t be deluded into thinking that DJT is NOT fighting one hell of a battle to restore what is GOOD and what is RIGHT in society – not just in the US, but WORLDWIDE. And he is battling against a formidable enemy.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
As far as I can tell, he is steadily racking up wins and have been doing so since he took office – and after “leaving” office. 
The sheer desperation of “The Left” made manifest by the fact that they’re STILL trying to impeach the man against all odds should be one of the many barometers against which you measure DJT’s success in nailing these bastards to the wall.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Why would they bother to go after someone so vehemently if he now truly is out of the picture as the vast majority of people seem to be thinking? The man is an unstoppable train, and they know it. They also know they can’t stop him, no matter what. You should too.
And to make a final point about clandestine ops and information warfare: anyone who tells you they’ve got “inside info” might be telling the truth about having access, BUT the information they’re being passed is 100% NOT accurate.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Even if you think you will receive hereto unheard of information by signing up for some sort of closed “members only” group at a premium I can assure you that the “information” you will be taking away from such a session is what Scotsmen like to call bollocks.
I mean, let’s just think about this for a second: would ANY operative make contact with an outside person to feed them FACTS about a clandestine op and, by doing so, risk complete exposure and resultant failure of said op? NO.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback)
So the information they are sending out to the masses via their proxies are MEANT TO MISLEAD for various purposes, the most important of them being OPSEC. 
Anyone who tells you they’ve got inside info knows only the misinformation which was sold to him or her to keep EVERYONE guessing, and for good reason: if REAL info is made public these guys and gals might as well pack their shit up and go home already.
February 8, 2021, 4:57 AM · Web · 1 · 13 · 25 · Open in web
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
People in general are BAD at keeping secrets, and these people know it, so they are using it – sometimes for good purposes, sometimes for bad purposes, sometimes aimed at a specific group of people, sometimes aimed at an entire group of people – to keep what is really going on under wraps, and perhaps as a way of placating the masses and keeping people from taking up arms themselves.
Werner Bessinger (Silverback) @silverback@social.quodverum.com
Unless you can with reasonable inference confirm the accuracy of the information you’re receiving, using your own ability to do research and think critically, you are very, very likely being misinformed or, at best, being told only a tiny portion of the real truth, and for very good reason.
Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’ve read this thread more than once. It’s brilliant.


Imma bringing hopium. But reasoned hopium
i wanna be this

Gail Combs

Speaking of mis-information, Wictor Toots’

Thomas Wictor   @ThomasWic@social.quodverum.com


Why are people having such a hard time accepting that “patriots” did in fact commit crimes on January 6, 2021?




It just goes to show that a background in the military and law enforcement doesn’t make you as marter, better person.

Most military and law-enforcement folks ARE ALREADY great people before they sign up.

And the bad apples are ALREADY bad apples.


Without it, we’re lost.

[NOTE THIS!!] ==>Thomas Edward Caldwell talked of sending in four-man sniper teams and heavy weapons to do what those are intended to do.


If he’s found guilty, I hope you agree that he needs to be put away for the rest of his life.

Anti-government militias are nothing new. They’re almost always BAD NEWS.

They’re a way of avoiding OUR responsibility to elect the proper politicians.

The failure is OURS. [NO! it is not our failure if we were duped into thinking our elections were honest! – GC]

And that’s the unvarnished truth.


And another one:

Thomas Wictor   @ThomasWic@social.quodverum.com


The second I heard the audio of the Vegas shooting, I recognized the sound of a bump stock and 100-round magazines.

That was all I needed to know that it was a typical nutter failure who wanted to feel significant.

And I was right. His health was failing, he’d blown almost all his money on gambling, he never lived up to his potential, and he had daddy issues.

All mass shooters are exactly the same.

Seems Wictor has swallowed the FIB lies WHOLE!


Please let this be the last of this man’s threads.


“Please let this be the last of this man’s threads.”


Not a chance, ‘crazy’ never kuits… never even takes a vacation! 😂🤣😂


How true!


“Unless you can with reasonable inference confirm the accuracy of the information you’re receiving, using your own ability to do research and think critically,”


So he’s talking about Q on Kwodserum?

He better not let Monty Hall or Tommy Osweda catch him talking that Q smack, or they’ll give him the banhammer double-kuick time 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image


They’re so lucky to be there in solitude.


Except, of course, the photographer….


On Potus Trump
February 13, 2021 at 1:17 pm

JR Winger
Hello Quods. I have a story for you.
“The Ruthless Son-of-a-Bitch”
Years ago, I was a consultant at a venture capital management company. I did the due diligence work on the technical side, reviewing software and network architecture. There was $7M dollars at stake for some lucky company that made it through four rounds of scrutiny by some of the most shrewd tech investors on the left coast. There were about 30 startups in the running for this money.
February 11, 2021, 1:26 PM · Web · 5 · 67 · 105 · Open in web
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
The first round resulted in the elimination of about 50%. It wasn’t even difficult, as most of those eliminated didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.
Most were silly little social applications, online games, and very niche software solutions.
The startups that remained breathed a sigh of relief; if only for a few moments. It was only going to get harder from here.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
The second round consisted of submitting business plans, hiring outlook, hiring practices, and preliminary architectural review.
For many of them, they didn’t make it past the hiring scrutiny. Quickly identified were those that spoke of inclusivity, and diversity of superficial traits.
Moving on would be those who believed in merit-based hiring, and had decent architectures. This process eliminated 9 more.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
In the third round, we divide and conquer by splitting the remaining six into two groups of three.
Only one startup from each group would be chosen – unless one of groups had no clear winner, then both startups would come from the same group.
Each startup is evaluated more closely. Did they have a great organized code-base? Was their staff happy? Did they have contingencies?
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
As it turns out, one startup was chosen from each group; leaving two.
The best of the best.
They showed they had strong, close teams that knew what they were doing.
They had contingency plans for many eventualities in their day-to-day operations.
They knew all the right things about the right things. It was now product presentation day.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Team A had a social media metrics, and response platform. Basically, it could identify trends, either by platform, or across platforms.
It also allowed posting to various social media platforms from one console.
Team B had a stellar platform for warehouse management.
It allowed linking of multiple warehouses anywhere in the world, and made it much easier to manage stocking and restocking; even shipping between warehouses.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Both teams were to present their products from an end-user perspective on the first day.
On the second day they would present how they manage the team, the software, the infrastructure, and patching.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Team A went first with their end-user dog and pony show.
Their presenter, who had been a phenom in every other interaction, was stumbling through his presentation. He was glossing over some of the features. While going into droning diatribes about the minutiae of other features.
All in all, it was a real sleeper. Even his team was shocked at his dismal performance. You could see it on their faces.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Team B, having seen the crash and burn of Team A showed off their product, and did a magnificent job at presenting the most prominent features. They demonstrated business value.
Their team was all smiles, confident as ever. Their presenter had done their product justice by presenting it so cogently.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Day two. On this day they would tout their ability to run the company, from software development, to hiring, to people management.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Team B went first. Again, an impressive display of knowledge, and experience. But, it felt forced. Almost like he was repeating things he’d said every day.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
Team A then put on their event. And it was an event. Gone was the bumbling, stumbling fool. 
Here was a man on a mission. 
Not only did he cover why his product was so valuable by demonstrating how in love with the product his own staff was, but he also demonstrated how much they loved each other.
They were completely in tune with one another. Obviously rehearsed diligently.
We’ll call Team A’s presenter “Tom”.
JR Winger @jrwinger@social.quodverum.com
It was decision time. The one that would open the envelope with the winner revealed it thus:
“Tom, you know why I like you?” The judge asked.
Tom replied, “no sir, why would that be?”
“Because, you’re a ruthless son-of-a-bitch, aren’t you?”
Tom grinned, and said, “yes, sir.”
“Your real show was yesterday. You had us fooled, and you got Team B to drop their guard. It was all an act.”
“Yes, sir,” Tom said.
Team A was awarded the $7M venture capital investment

who do you think inspired Tom?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Feb 6


I stopped at a bar for a beer and a steak during my latest adventure to Montana, just because I knew I was welcome! Support patriot businesses!

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Get outside when you can. I know we got a few days of minus Temps for some but get your fresh air and sun.

Gail Combs

34F and rain, rain and MORE rain…. YUCK!


We were -4 this morning and did not leave single digits all day. Now light snow and -3. Going 5o Cali tomorrow. 60 F. Woot.


It’s windy so the wind chill is pretty bad.


We’re at 18 now. Bummer.


Journalistic Tattletale & Censorship Industry


It seems so obvious once pointed out, so kudos to Glenn Greenwald in Substack for this insightful article.

The Mainstream Media has changed its reason for being. It’s now not to hold those in power to account, to expose malfeasance in government or criminal activities within commerce. It’s to run the narrative proscribed by their owners. To drive outcomes within society that only benefit their oligarchy.

That narrative is, across the six combines the are the totality of today’s Mainstream Media, plus the BBC in the UK, one that promotes the interests of the globalist oligarchy and technocrats. That insidious cabal that would rule us, fronted by the political class.

That’s one of the definitions of Fascism. The proposed Great Reset is a major step in that direction.

In Western liberal democracies, the media were supposed to be independent and inform the public, so that such dystopian outcomes could be averted. The only ones now carrying out this vital role are the so called Alt Media.

Thus the attempts by the corporate media to denigrate this last bastion of true free speech and investigative journalism. This is a frightening prospect; we should do everything we can to ensure this precious and diverse resource is not destroyed, taken from us.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Fake news” was the most lethal rock that the Fake News ever threw in their glass house!


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A class act for sure.



Sorry, it was just so good I had to post it twice…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well dang! Nancy wasn’t half bad when she was only 30 million years old!





They cant be impeached can they? Besides theyre getti g censured in their states, which means they havent financial backers and will be primaried…i hope.


they can be expelled by their peers… Steve O and I discussed upthread…

The United States Constitution gives the Senate the power to expel any member by a two-thirds vote.[1] This is distinct from the power over impeachment trials and convictions that the Senate has over executive and judicial federal officials: the Senate ruled in 1798 that senators could not be impeached, but only expelled, while debating a possible impeachment trial for William Blount, who had already been expelled.[2]

Expulsion has not occurred since the Civil War.[1] Censure, a lesser punishment which represents a formal statement of disapproval, has been more common since the start of the 20th century. Although censure carries no formal punishment, only one senator (Benjamin R. Tillman) of the nine to be censured has ever been re-elected. Unlike the House of Representatives, which also disciplines by reprimand, a censure is the weakest form of discipline the Senate issues.



The Club (Senate), will NOT expel or hold their fellow cronies accountable.

^^^ They are on the same team – Uniparty.


…. make them an offer they can’t refuse … 🤨🤚 …

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“Let’s impeach RINOs from the Republican Party!!!”


Don’t tease me, Jr.



february 13, 2021 the marshall report


President Trump ends a long thank you with GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU and GOD FOREVER BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. There have been some saying Trump did not thank God. Well, people need to either quit assuming, or quit listening to trolls and do the research. President Trump is a humble man and he has done more for America to undue the evils of the Cabal than any one man could and he would have failed on day 3 if not for God leading him every step of the way!


Oh nooos ! 😩 !


LUV the twins!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Figured it’d be quiet? Was this before or after Dims stepped on their schlongs about witnesses and wrapped the farce with a bow?


Polling must have been completely abysmal.


Seculow’s organization had two hundred fifty thousand signatures collected and send them to the senate. They also send a Brief concerning first amendment and that senate has no jurisdiction to impeach a private citizen.
I wonder if that also influenced?


There’s no “I” in teamwork. It all worked, together.


Not possible, the schlong thing. Can’t think of one Dem who would/could have this problem.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


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Yea, this post is off the wall. But thought I’d share what I learned today…and figure it is pretty cool.
Background. Two sister’s have been doing our family ancestry tracking for probably ten years.  They emailed this today.

My Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandfather, Alexander…   (Yea, that is five great’s.)
^^^ Colonist, Patriot, Foot Soldier, THREE PERCENTER – MAGA. 🙂
^^^ Fought at Kings Mountain Battle, SC. 
^^^ He survived the battle. Dunno if he was wounded.

The stunning victory won by a force of about 1,800 backcountry “Overmountain Men” over approximately 1,000 Tories at King’s Mountain on 7 Oct. 1780 has been justly described as a key turning point in the American Revolution.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool! That was an important battle, and a really nasty one, too, IIRC.


How Qewl!!!


Well, with only 28 killed and 62 wounded on the Revolutionary side, his odds of not being wounded are pretty good.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Thats really good.


Any comments on this guy? See’s from vid he has Gov Mike Huckabee endorsing. If I’m to understand correctly Burr is only running away and not for re-election so I’d guess this should be unopposed. Might be interesting to watch what kind of opponents he gets that try to throw this off track or maybe it should get a challenge. His time line is not impressive. Poster boy republican. Plays it safe, no call out on election fraud. Lots of photo time with Pence. Seems too establishment for my taste. Might be a Burr clone?


Pure boiler plate blather. not a word about MAGA, America first, Trump, stolen election…

3:40 sec mark. Them dumb asses behind Mark Walker did the Beijing Biden social distance crap. Pure PC BS.

Almost as if Mark doesn’t want to “rock the boat”. Appears to be solid RepubliCON.


We’ll see if this works….

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Do I feel lucky, punk?

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I’m waiting for terabytes of encrypted data to show up on the internet, in emails dated prior to 1/20/21, that say, “oh, by the way, this was declassed by VSGPOTUSDJT.”

I’d laugh so hard…


Arrived in San Jose, CA this afternoon for a four day business trip. Good news, when I left Colorado it was -10 F. Arrived in CA in the 60’s.

On arrival the flight attendant announced that Santa Clara county has a 14 day quarantine. Sure, I’ll get right on that.

Went to the Safeway to buy some supplies. There was a line to get in. WTF? I thought this crap stopped like six months ago.

Get my stuff, including some wine because I certainly needed some. And in CA you can’t go to the self check out if you have alcohol because you know, we can’t manage that right. Then the cashier yells at me because I got within six feet of the customer in front of me. I respond “Excellent, the mask police are here”.

Picked up a 1LB of BBQ at Armadillo Willy’s in Sunnyvale. Some brisket and St Louis ribs. Damn that was good.

Note to self. If the boss asks me to help out in Cali again. Hell no.