Dear KMAG: 20210215 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Open Thread

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this Sea Shanty song, titled ‘The Wellerman’:

Yeah, I know…the suckage continues.

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces. We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get his Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


‘Hapless’ is an adjective that means…without hap or luck; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky; unhappy.  And what is ‘hap’ you might ask? Hap means…fortune, chance.

Used in a sentence:

We shall henceforth set out to make all RINOs into hapless and unelected RINOs.

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No way. First ?


So Mr Gil now wants to get a puppy to go with the Foxhound. I xannot find foxhound puppies anywhere! Im looking for beagles and I guess backyard bredders and “rescue” sales are a big problem in CA. Reputable breeders are charging 1000 to 1500 for a puppy. That seems outrageous.
Anyone know of similar issues in your states?


Like many other things, getting pets in California has been made a miserable process through random misregulation.


Indeed. 501c3 isnt what it used to be. I actually spoke with the treasurer of the bay area nor cal beagle club who said many established breeders are refusing to breed right now. Hounds just arent common in CA . I see beagles for “adoption” at 500-800 each. These are scammers. Yet they are prolific.


501(c)(3)s are too often disgraceful scams.

Take away everyone’s tax exemption, churches, universities, charities, everybody. Then we will see how efficiently and honestly things are run.


The same thing has been happening between Northern Ireland and Scotland. I saw the Northern Ireland Assembly proceedings the other day on BBC Parliament.

Puppy smuggling is a big business between the two nations, an Assembly member said — especially because of coronavirus.

People want puppies but can’t get to a rescue home for dogs, so there are crims who supply them in the community.

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse


Deplorable Patriot

The vast majority of non-profits are EXACTLY what they are designed to be: tax-free businesses. Most non-profits are established as being for the public good – and many are – but to maintain status, you have to show a budget surplus on an annual basis. Very few are hand to mouth operations. Even the Church, where hand to mouth was a feature for a long time, now has endowments in most dioceses. Assets were, and still are, largely in real estate, a lot of which was donated.

Organizations for a single cause are money makers, that’s for sure.

Sylvia Avery

I think it’s crazy everywhere. The prices are outrageous from a reputable breeder. They aren’t much less from a back yard breeder. Even rescues are expensive and it’s VERY hard to qualify.


Before I’d say “everywhere”, I’d check with the heartland. You, gil00, and I are still on the Left Coast and share a lot more circumstances than our fellow qtreepers in the heartland.

Sylvia Avery

I’ve checked a little in the midwest. Prices are lower, but not THAT much…….especially when you figure you’d have to travel and transport a dog.

Bottom line, if you are looking for a specific breed, you are kind of screwed.. It seems to be a seller’s market. IMO. If you’re willing to take whatever comes your way, it’s much less expensive. YMMV.

Deplorable Patriot

Purebred prices out here are no different than they are everywhere else. They’re expensive. And, like having kids, all the peripheral things that go along with pet ownership has gotten outrageously expensive. Just the heartworm and flea and tick prevention is ridiculous.


I spend $150 a month on it for my pack of critters.


Thats exactly what i see. I had 5o fill out a request to see a dog, then they said i couldnt come in for 3 months. Of course the dogs i liked were gone.

Sylvia Avery

Figures. It is quite the process. I remember being asked if I died what plan did I have for who would take the dog??? And other questions of a similar nature.


that happened with our son! he wanted to adopt a kitten after his cat died…THEY CALLED US FROM THE SHELTER to acknowledge that we were his parents and we would take care of the kitten in case he passed away…
I was stunned.

Sylvia Avery

I seriously think it is easier to adopt a child!!!


heaven help you if you hurt a kitten (which i would never do) but it’s fine for you to dismember a helpless human being!


Some of the people who do that seem to really not want to adopt them at all.


Wheatie…is that…a…cat?!


How dare you. Its a miniature long haired lynx, pulling its meal to its lair.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, those dangerous green slopes are where they feed! It’s much safer to ski the double black diamonds, and hence the expression “break a leg” which means “good luck” and “be safe”!




WSB!!! How are you? Silly, I see – How’s business?

So happy to see you – I am!!! Miss your face – I do!!!


So nice to ‘SEE’ you, Duchess!!!

Business has been non-existent since May.

Just hanging in.

Now, I have a glimmer of hope we might be able to crush Killer Cuomo.

Long shot, I know, but that would be a start!


Oh – sorry business has slowed down – sure hope there is something they can do about that wicked man – watching that closely – he should not be allowed to get away with this – I am surprised there have been no class action lawsuits from families who lost loved ones.

Happy to see you, too, WSB!!!


Thank you for the good words, Duchess!! Ever hopeful, and we shall get through this!



Most definitely, Dear Lady! God is in charge – and that is a comfort for me.


We shall all get through this!!! Just trying to hang on financially!


Is Hubby still working? Many have lost jobs here – and it will take a while before lost jobs are recovered – until then, we trust in God.


Small ….


Oh – well – I will be praying for both of you!!!

Hang in there – God has not abandoned you!!! He loves all of us – and wants to see us all prosper – you know that – whatever you need – just ask Him – and see what happens – Mkay?


We are doing it, Duchess!!!

The good news is that I can borrow against my retirement funds for massive penalties!!!

I will just do what is needed!! Blessings, Duchess!!

We will try to be fine! And bless you for asking!!! How are you?



Doing ok, Dear – have had my challenges – trying to help neighbors with (8) children – they got stuck – Dad lost time at work – and they have been struggling – another neighbor lost his job – it threw him for a loop – trying to help him, too – nobody is traveling to see family – so much hurt going around – hard to keep everyone thinking positively – but, hey – it keeps me going – and working.

Sending Angels to Watch Over You!!!


Sounds just like us, duchess!!!

We are keeping the faith!

Please keep it with your charges and friends, family!


Most definitely, WSB!!!


Hope you’re keeping warm, Wheatie!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sixteen below zero, but if the forecast is good, this is the last of it!

The temperature will rise 33 degrees tomorrow…all the way to 17 above zero.


Ack. Its 48 right now. Shorts weather for you.


Ummmm…..I’d have to go searching to dig out a pair of long pants.


You have more balmy weather up there. We get chilly here, enough for pants and a jacket, but no crazy scarf n mittens action. Its been wierd. Foggy and windy, but not enough rain this year.


He’s hot-blooded, Wheatie – doesn’t bother him much – LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How’s SHD today?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I got very little snow, actually. About one inch.


We are 12 degrees right now. Had to shelter a neighbor’s horse in our loafing shed. He made it through and ate like a ……. horse this morning.


Starts to warm up good by Friday. In the meantime I am feeding every wild bird for miles around. 🤣


what’s a loafing shed?


Three sided shed with one side open. It gives livestock shelter from the worst of the weather.


thanks…i never knew they were called that!


the term is also regional, in the NE they are sometimes called run-in sheds  😉 


we just call ’em sheds here

Sadie Slays

My computer died, there’s an ice storm affecting the entire country, and the outside is a giant ice skating rink right now. I have no idea when I’ll be able to replace it. No idea what my posting here or general internet usage is going to be like until that’s taken care of. I’ve got an old laptop that’s good for checking email, but not really conducive to spending hours online. 

When I was transferring some stuff to the laptop, I glanced over at the screen at the exact same time I had “666 kb” left to go. Wasn’t surprised to see that number pop up at all. To put it bluntly, it feels like all patriots online have been under spiritual attack for awhile now. Censorship has ramped up, I’ve seen multiple communities split apart since Inauguration Day because of various dramas and mod coups (even Q Tree got hit with drama), and now I’m being forced to take an internet break. I don’t believe it’s all coincidental.


I’ve seen electronics “rise from the dead” through prayer… and putting them in double layer plastic bags in the freezer for an hour or so. Tightens the connections.

I’ll join with you in praying for a computer miracle.

Sadie Slays

I appreciate the positive thoughts, but the power supply started making audible BZZZing noises when I was checking to make sure it wasn’t the surge protector or electrical cords failing. Safest route is to scrap it and move on. Let’s just pray for everyone’s sake that the ice storm isn’t as horrible as predicted.


Maybe you could just swap out the power supply. If you have an ATx-style case, it might not be that difficult.


If it’s buzzing noise it may be the fan which would cause it overheat and not work. You could take the back cover off and clean it. Then leave the cover off while you get a replacement fan which takes a long while. Mine was about a month. You still go out and get a replacement but then you have a back up if turns out that was your problem. Just a thought.


If you’re going to vacuum dust out of a computer fan, make sure it’s not connected to something sensitive. A spinning fan can effectively be a generator, and send dangerous currents into your motherboard.


Moreover, if you spin it the wrong direction, you can fry semiconductors up to and including your CPU.


Yep…. sounds like a power supply/fan issue
You can get one pretty reasonable from or

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

You might consider — you’ll need an HDMI TV or HDMI monitor for video.

Sadie Slays

It’s really impressive how much power those little things pack. Thanks for the suggestion!


I’d also get their wall-wart to power it. On a previous board, they implemented the connector wrong and industry-standard wall-warts wouldn’t work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They often attack in dreams. Hate those buggers.


Yep. Disturbances in the force.


Really weird stuff has been happening to our telephone (land line) connection the past few weeks. Probably just normal but it is impossible not to wonder.


“Power Bills To The Moon”: Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode
Tyler Durden’s Photo
SUNDAY, FEB 14, 2021 – 9:33

. . .

One day later, and the peak price in Ercot west real-time hit an absolute all time high of $5,500, up from $302 the day before. If anyone has a little extra nat gas in storage, this is the time to sell it and buy a private island.

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What follows is a breakdown of how the nat gas supply collapse is impacting soaring electricity prices across the US, courtesy of Platts:


ERCOT next-day prices reached record highs on the Intercontinental Exchange as temperatures throughout Texas were forecast to tumble double digits on Feb. 15. Dallas temperatures were forecast to drop to 8 degrees Fahrenheit, and Houston was forecast down to 34 F, according to CustomWeather.

The brutally cold temperatures also affected wind supply in ERCOT, generation for Feb. 15 was forecast to tumble down 52.5% to 27.8 GWh of generation as cold temperatures impacted wind turbines. DeAnn Walker, chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, said at a meeting on Feb. 11 that there were some “issues with some gas generation plants being curtailed” and that “wind turbines are all frozen,” further placing upward pressure on already sky-high prices.

ERCOT North Hub real-time next-day Feb. 15 on-peak power prices skyrocketed to trade above $3000, up from its previous settlement of $325/MWh. Next-day prices broke high records, and they had not seen similar four-digit prices since Aug. 15 2019, when prices settled around $1848/MWh.

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ERCOT North Hub real-time balance-of-the-week for Feb. 16 through Feb. 19 surged to top $1500/MWh, and the balance-of-the-month off-peak package for Feb. 16 through Feb. 28 climbed about $499.75 to trade at $650/MWh.

In response to the unprecedented scramble, the Texas oil/gas regulator, the RRC, approved emergency provisions, and warning that the deep freeze may have a “severe impact” on energy supplies, said that power plants may struggle to acquire gas for generators.

Bloomberg’s Javier Blas said, “Texas utilities are asking citizens to conserve electricity if possible as ERCOT prices surge across the board above $5,000 Per MWh (!!!) and hit the $9,000 cap in many nodes. Texas electricity grid is facing massive demand as cold weather hits southern and central U.S. states.” 

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Bloomberg’s Rachel Adams-Heard shared a tweet from a Texas power trader… 

. . . LOTS MORE where that came from . . .


This illustrates why SteveinCO’s comment about buying in August can be a Really Big Deal.


This happens in Texas about once every 7 years. People remember the weather but do nothing to prepare.

Ergo, usage skyrockets and Texas companies can’t keep up with demand.

The first time we went through this was the LAST time.

We put in a wood burning stove and took out all our propane heaters but one in a back room.

We got rid of electric stove and put in a gas stove and a gas water heater.

Our electricity has been out since 4 a.m. Having a generator and gas with Stabil will get you through a bad time, every time.

Last time this happened we were a week without electricity.

Why don’t people prepare?


It’s back on. The rolling must’ve rolled on by. 😁


IIRC the last time Dallas had a serious cold snap was in Jan 2018, but it wasn’t as serious as the one in Jan-Feb 2012 when Jerry Jones was flipping out about his muh precious Superbowl.

Texas has its own power grid and is managed by ERCOT independently of the western and eastern power grids. Usually, this is a good thing, but it shows its weaknesses in extreme weather events.

Right now they are throttling gas and doing rolling blackouts – in North Texas but the same story for the rest of the state.


Throttling gas?

Yea, i know this may sound dumb. What is the practical effect on the home owner with gas heat, stove, water heater…?


People are seeing their pilot lights going out, having trouble getting enough gas to re-light or run their heaters, ovens, or fireplaces.

I don’t like the idea of pilot lights going out.


Well that was my suspicion and my version of logic. Not sure I’ve read of the gas throttling before. Thanks.


Yeah it was a new one on me, too. Not that I live in an area that usually has high gas demand – my old neighborhood was electric only.


Daughter’s place in Iowa Colony, SSW of Houston. Without power since 6AM. 21 or so now. Light snow. Forecast is below freezing, until about noon tomorrow.

Had been after them to buy a generator since they moved to Texas in 2018. Two weeks ago they signed a contract for a generator, electrical work… Won’t be installed until early March.

Right now they are wishing they heeded my, PREPARE. STAY PREPARED.

Good news is they’ll be fine.


She will never be unprepared again. 😁 All it took was the one time for us.


The Fiancee had been fretting about tomorrow and came in to ask me something. Before she could ask, she said, “What is THAT?!?!?”

“That’s a dancing raccoon.”


Yes dear, that’s what I wait up late at night for. Him and the polar bear too.


The dancing raccoon was up on the screen. She’d probably have commented on the polar bear or the junior beat-down or the miniature long-haired lynx if she’d seen them.


That poor man caught by a lynx, is escape possible?

Not is that lynx is anything like my Pumpkin.

Deplorable Patriot

You might have been spared, but a lot of the rest of us weren’t.

Although, we’re in a bit of a break right now. The computer models have the heavy bands north of us and then some to the southeast in Illinois.

Only two months to flood season.

Deplorable Patriot

We got a good, solid dusting over night. We’re supposed to get dumped on this afternoon. The whole city is closed, which is a good thing considering the number of bosses who WILL NOT listen to MODOT and send people home before things hit. Oh, no. We MUST wait until it starts to fall and then make a decision, and then hear the stories of how long it took people to get home because they were on the roads while MODOT was trying to clear them.

This is one of the many reasons that contributed to my decision to work from home.


Sounds like Chiefio is fired up.

Republicans To “Nuke From Orbit” via Primary Vote or Other Means

These are the Turncoat Republicans who Hate Americans and America and voted for the Kangaroo Court Impeachment:

Former President Trump was acquitted Saturday in the Senate on the impeachment charge of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot – though seven Republican senators still voted with Democrats to convict.

Those Republicans included Sens.

Richard Burr of North Carolina,

Bill Cassidy of Louisiana,

Susan Collins of Maine,

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,

Mitt Romney of Utah,

Ben Sasse of Nebraska and

Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Shun them. Primary them. Fund their opponents. Booo loudly in their presence. Let them know that they were seen to be traitors to America and in league with Globalist Manipulators, Democrat Usurpers / Fraudsters, and RINOs of all sorts.

. . . MORE . . .


I don’t know if Burr will go back to NC. He’ll probably find a nice place in NoVa where he can stir the lazy waters of the swamp.


Toomey announced in Oct that he is not running for reelection or governor…


Guess he knows where things stands now!


yup–he knew in Oct 2020…so he’s selling his vote now for whatever he can get–imo


Annd !! don’t fall for their fake stories that they are retiring and won’t run for office again !!
..when it’s hot in the kitchen, that’s what they always say to disburse/deflect the heat.
We need to keep the heat on..and turn it up.Keep our radars laser focused on’em.




God forgive me but I am seeing something there.


okay–that’s an open ended statement…something ominous or naughty?


Naughty. The polar vortex is screwing us.


THANK YOU for saying it…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This may be the most hilarious thing on the internet yesterday.



Saved Forever From Satin:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yup. That man can make me feel smart any day of the week. Thank you, Sean! 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Knights in wide satin…


I’m not wealthy enough for satin on my bowels, I have to make do with budget toilet paper.


In Rabelais’ “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, the recommendation is the neck of a swan.

Deplorable Patriot

Satin? Saved from slick sheets?




That is some sad dark humor there Wolf 😉


Today’s random refurb project was my CPAP face mask. Last night, the hose connection to the mask could go “clicky-clicky” sideways, and in one position hissed air near the hose connection and not just through the exhaust. Slept with it anyway, woke up late and groggy.

After I got rolling and had my tea, I took the mask off the blower, laid down a towel to work on it, quickly found the problem — there was an interlocking tab that wasn’t interlocking because it was bumping into something else. Figured I’d disassemble & clean it, then see if reassembly helped.

The instructions for these masks say to clean them daily, with extended cleanings roughly weekly. I haven’t done jack for months. I’ve been using masks for 17 years and some and have never done that much cleaning. These people are delusional.

Many years back, however, I found this elixir — Planet Ultra Dishwashing Liquid — which is made from coconut oil soap, salt, and sodium bicarbonate. It does a great job of cleaning the hard, clear plastic bits but… not only cleans the silicone parts, it also seems to rejuvenate them (I also used it with SCUBA masks with the same result).

Trick is, take the filthy whatever, put a drop of this on it, rub it all over with your fingertips (adding additional drops as needed), then drop into warm water that just barely submerges it. Repeat for all parts. When everything has been soaped, agitate the parts in the soak every 10 minutes about four times, then just let them sit for a few hours. Come back, agitate them again, pull ’em out, rinse ’em off, and put ’em on a towel to dry a bit.

Anyway, did that, rebuilt the mask, everything seems AOK. We’ll see if I’m bouncier tomorrow morning.


Thanks, I’m passing that cleaning tip on to my husband. His mask hisses sometimes and desperately needs a good cleaning. Hopefully I can find the soap at Publix or Fresh Market.


Medicare sends me a new mask every three months. Obviously, you’re in a lower caste. [their opinion; not mine]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This reminded me of that weird point where the 70’s were about to turn into the 80’s. An interesting time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Hitchhiking was still a semi-valid mode of transportation.

Sylvia Avery

Not in my part of the world. We were terrified of Ted Bundy.


The guy from Married… with Children?

Sylvia Avery

I believe that was Al Bundy, but he was scary in his own way! 🤣🤣🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that was a hell of a ride.  😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The proliferation and media-backhanded glorification of serial killers was an essential part of cultural Marxism!


Don’t forget sex, drugs and rock n roll. May have seemed innocent – just what “Satin” would want you to think ….

The fleshly pleasures are a sure fire way to start you off on the wrong path. America may not want to acknowledge this since it is so weaved into the national fabric and coming of age experiences.

Cultural Marxism is easy to kick – looking in the mirror to find the log in one’s own eye is never a popular endeavor.


Ass, gas or grass….nobody rides for free

….slightly before my times but I had older sisters


Memories!! 😂




My life just flashed before my eyes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joe Biden didn’t win.

[video src="" /]

From Gab.


Oh, Wolf – That video gave me goosebumples!!! The love for President Trump is evident!!!

God sending His Blessing to President Trump!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting essay on the CIA / MIC / ETC.


This was interesting. Recommend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of my favorite memes, from GUESS WHERE???  😉 
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Is that Katrina Pierson?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! No – I don’t remember who it is, but not her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very intimate valentine! BLUSH!!! GET A ROOM!!!
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. I have no idea what how she drew in that Demmunist adulterer. The Snake is a snake charmer!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I want to slap that turban wrapped thing.


keep this image in your mind…lol

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She should be wearing a face diaper too. Then we’d only have to see her dead soul-less eyes.


she’s undeserving of American citizenship


She’s a MB plant



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting conversation – butt theirs know their there!

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Mark Smith

For the love of all that is good and right, I hope that this message gets across to everyone.


Fun Fact:

Lose: Opposite of win.
Loose: Opposite of tight.


comment imageWhat’s on your mind?

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@markzilla Yep, that spelling error is quite pervasive and annoying. I don’t like being a “Karen” or spelling tutor because some people get their (NOT “there” lol) panties in a twist over being corrected.

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AJ Kierath

@JPauw @markzilla I agree….I never correct someone’s spelling unless they’re getting up my nose lol!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that one is really egregious. I kind’ve enjoy it in a sick way, like getting kicks from a cringe blooper reel, but it doesn’t even have a bogus rationalization like some’ve these errors, because it IS purely phonetic.

The only way to make it worse is “could ov”, but that almost brings one back to “could’ve”!!! 😀 🙄 😉


I don’t appreciate it when all youse make fun of us language challenged folk 😉


We kind of spect it with them furrner lot.


Y’all can get pretty uppity sometimes – almost like you was better’n us or sumting

I hear it on good authority that your banana republic looks just like a regular one, though, I am forced to admit, that when the USA goes bananas, everyone sit up and takes notice. I guess that is down to the Texas in y’all…..


Who youse callin’ uppity? Yer soundin’ like them capitol peckerwoods we see on the TV.

And, mind you, Tejas was Mehico when we got sideways with them redcoats, and again when Andy Jackson ran ’em out o’ New Orleans…..


You win!!! Your redneck is more authentic than mine. 🙂
Although, funnily enough, English speaking South Africans were always labelled as “rooi nekke” (red necks) by the Afrikaners, because the Brits always got terribly sunburnt in Africa. Apparently the sun doesn’t often shine in England. Maybe this was the reason for the boast that “The sun never sets on the British Empire” …
Luckily for them, and everyone else, it did. They were right bastards, they were. And the cases of skin cancer of the neck would have finished them of iffen the Yanks hadn’t.


There are untold tales among men regarding various measures of the “common man” — because the aristocrats always have the nicer books.


Well, they can certainly afford editors, ghost writers and the like. They also have a bigger marketing budget, lots of pretty girls etc, to convince us plebs that they live better lives.

It is about time we stop falling for their hogwash. I have a distinct feeling that the days of the “elites” are numbered.


May it be God’s Will…..


And then, in a way completing the loop, a also replaces of, as in outta = out of.

(Biden didn’t win)


So what you “gonna” do?


OMG I am in so much trouble then! I detest typing to begin with so I work diligently at keeping my wordsmithing to the bare minimum. and to make matters worse I never think about punctuation or all that stuff. hope I will be forgiven my horrible typing skills. lol


Capitalization follows a period too 🙂


Although I would never spell Satan “Satin” I’m not that bad!


I make enough mistakes that I hesitate to correct, but sometimes I will reply with the correct usage in my reply, and hope they notice.


Those are gorgeous blue eyes….


To Wolf:

I hate to mention this, but there is something going on in commenting.

(1) Upon refresh, sometimes I don’t get the big green circle in the margin with the comment count. When this happens, I also don’t get a new comment box at the top of the comments. This tends to persist on a single refresh tab — e.g. overnite post comments page 2 — even while other tabs behave.

(2) Sometimes when I hover over at the thumb count, I get a little pop-up that has the thumb count…..not the commenters who have contributed to it. Example — “3” .

(3) Sometimes, when I have a successful reply or new comment, it takes multiple pushes of the “post” button for it to do anything.

The peculiar part, to me, is that I’m seeing this when volumes are down and the response should be snappy.

I’ve been trying to observe until I could bring you a solution rather than a problem, but I figured I’d give you a head’s-up.

And, of course, I recognize that I normally use an extremely-clamped browser and it could be on my end.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m seeing your third one – rarely – usually when there are a LOT of people on here, during the day. I don’t see the other two at all, and may be your browser situation, which WANTS SCRIPTS (because all of these are dependent on page scripts).


The weird thing for me in contemplating the browser dealio, is that is static. I’m allowing scripts from here. Is there some sort of race condition set up because I’m allowing these scripts and not others?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Intervene in the horror known as “somebody else’s code” and you own the mutated monster!


I am not the only Eldritch Horror about in the world…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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I loved Gina before it was cool.

[video src="" /]

1 comment


So, after the trauma suffered as the result of our attempting to be grown-ups, my wife to be and I decided to elope (my idea) – she by now had been divorced for a couple of years. I was being moved around the country a bit doing work mainly on refinery related projects. South Africa had perfected Nazi era tech to synthesize liquid petroleum fractions from both coal and gas as feedstock and I got a bit of experience on the construction of SA’s first gas-to-liquids refinery. I had previously had some limited exposure with maintenance related work on SA’s coal-to-gas plants that were responsible for over 40% of the countries liquid fuel supply. This used to be considered ground zero Prime Evil as far as the greenies were concerned since it was the single biggest point source of the dreaded CO2 molecule – gasp! It has apparently since been superseded by Canada’s Athabasca tar sand mining complex.

I forgot to mention, prior to proposing I explicitly informed my wife of my plan to move to the family farm after upon getting some 5-7 years of engineering under my belt. You know what they say about well laid plans. So, we continued bouncing around the country for some 3 years when I was successful in get a project management job at the Caltex refinery in Cape Town – 1 hour away from the farm by car. Plan starting to come together! The work wasn’t terrible, but my heart was married to the farm. My wife and I got a great business trip to the UK tracking the progress on a pair of huge hydrogen recirculation compressors that I was responsible for, we were spending weekends on the farm making plans and the future looked rosy … You just know that, so early on in the story, bad stuff had to happen. I had no idea.

Anyway, the project was happening on an operational refinery. Refineries typically shut down every three years for turn-around-and-inspection outages for 6 to 8 weeks – this is when major projects get integrated into the existing refinery plant. High pressure stuff – every day of shutdown costs big bucks and everything is scheduled down to the wire. It was all pretty exciting to be involved in and workplace camaraderie is pretty awesome during times like this, even though everyone is under the pump. Male bonding sort of stuff, I guess. And once everything is successfully commissioned and the refinery is happily chugging away the project engineering group is left twiddling its thumbs getting the documentation straightened up – a big comedown from the high. Nothing much to do but wait for the process engineers to dream up the next big refinery upgrade.


Part 2

I had decided to start a concrete brick manufacturing plant on the farm – my father had a sand quarrying operation on the farm since the farm was pretty marginal as a primary food producer. My mother had started a fresh cut-flower business years earlier – my dad promptly took it over once it grew too big for its britches. Not to be deterred, my mom started a dried flower business which gave her financial independence. My dad also ran a 100 head of Angus and about 1000 sheep, Merino crossed with Corriedale for meat/wool flexibility. We suffered a fair bit of sheep loss to caracal (rooikat in Afrikaans – “red cat”) and the occasional stray dog packs. Never pleasant to witness what dogs will do to a sheep. The farm was situated in the Cape Floral Kingdom, which just happens to have 3 times the number of species as the Amazon rain forest – the flower businesses tapped into this awesome resource.

So I started spending every weekend at the farm since I had decided to build my on machinery in the farm workshop. My wife stayed in town since I was working continuously. Yeah, what could go wrong? To round out this little picture, I had actually thought about what was drawing me to the farm. It was stunningly beautiful and served as a hideaway from the world, where I never felt like I fit in. That was my take, because I was generally well liked, had been elected as prefect in both primary and secondary schools and had been part of a great social circle at varsity. In fact, I was pretty popular due to the farm. It was situated on the Botriver lagoon, an estuarine lagoon filled with a mix of fresh and saltwater fish (fresh fish was never in short supply), was great for sailing, windsurfing and water skiing. We had a great little shack 2m above the high water line, and the parties were epic. These all formed part of the picture, but that did not explain it fully. Having rejected religion, the farm and its history in the family now became the means by which I defined my value system. This was pretty much the way that farming families operated in our district – the majority were not practicing Christians as far as I was aware. So I bought into this idea in a big way. To top it off, city life sucked. This was confirmed by all and sundry, who could not get enough invitations to hang out on the farm. So I felt validated on all fronts. The right decision had been reached, in my mind, at least. Parental concern – they actually lived there and worked the place – was unable to dent my confidence.


Part 3

With that out the way – enter a little bit of magic / providence, though I was totally unaware at the time where I was going to be led. Second half of 1993, the refinery project well and truly bedded down, I was working on some brick machine related design issue in my cubicle at work, when a contractor I had engaged to supply mechanical seals for a critical pump popped his head in, gave me a grin and a thumbs-up and dropped a cylindrical container on my desk and said “Have some fun with that” and sauntered off on his merry way. Inside was a pair of rare earth magnets and I was immediately fascinated by them. They were waaay more powerful than I had been aware was possible. They gave me hours of fun, and it was not long before the following series of questions occurred to me:

1.     Take a 2” bolt and attach it to the N pole of magnet 1 (M1). The free face of the bolt is now effectively an induced N pole.

2.     Approach the N pole of M2 to the N pole of the bolt. I expected the approaching N pole of M2 to be repelled by the induced N pole in the bolt. Instead, the approaching N pole of M2 overwhelms the induced N pole by inducing a S pole in the near face of the bolt. So you now have an object comprising 2 magnets, with a 2” bolt between them, with both free faces of the 2 magnets being S poles. 

3.     Huh! I wonder what happens if you use a 0.5mm thick piece of iron in place of the 2” bolt? Turns out, what I expected to happen in step 2, now happens here. M2 N pole is strongly repelled by the induced N pole of the M1 –iron “duplex”.

4.     Soooo, wonder if there is a thickness of iron whereby M2 experiences no interaction with the M1-I “duplex”? Turns out, at around 2.5mm thick, for the magnets in question, you can approach the N poles of M1 and M2 with no nett applied force, provided there is a 2.5mm thick iron disc between them………
5.     Hmmmm? Does that mean we can build an engine by bringing 2 N poles together with an iron shield, remove said shield and get the magnets to do useful work once they are fully repelling each other? Sadly, nooooo. The induced magnetic field in the iron disc is fully engaged with the magnets. The magnets seem “unaware” of each other, by they are NOT unaware of the iron disc between them. Bugger!!!

6.     Ah, I’ve got a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Maybe I should do some reading. Turns out, there are other “ferro-magnetic” materials (they behave like iron in the presence of a magnetic field in that a magnetic field can be induced in these metals). One in particular looks veeeerry interesting (almost used another version of this word 😉 ). A rare earth metal – Gadolinium. Gd in the periodic table. Gd – where else have we seen this combination of letters used? Our very own Wolf is known to use this in a very specific context …… Back to this waaay down the track.

7.     Turns out Gd has a very interesting property – a Curie temperature of 20°C. This means that when it is warmer than 20°C it is NOT ferromagnetic and behaves like a piece of aluminum (we say aluminium in SA, spell check no like) in the presence of magnets. Below 20°C it is ferromagnetic and behaves like the iron pieces described above.

8.     Cooool! Replace the iron in step 5 with cold Gd – bring the 2 N poles together – warm the Gd to 20°C (room temp!!!) and the magnets repel each other and do work. Cool the Gd down, rinse and repeat. Voila, the Curie point heat engine in a nutshell! I am gonna be FAMOUS!!!!

Well, maybe not so quick, bucko! Turns out, I could not get my hands on any Gd in 1993 South Africa. Did not try that hard – this was a mere distraction. The farm was waiting, amongst other things. Could not get distracted from the grand plan. So this little diversion got totally forgotten about for 10 whole years.  What it would lead to was beyond anything I could comprehend. Jason the pagan was clueless.




It sounds like you were working toward a heat-based “transistor” of magnetism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this is actually a pretty neat plan.

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“Let’s Get Kraken”

Don’t forget to wish President Trump a Happy President’s Day tomorrow on Biden’s Twitter account.

That’s the plan…if you have an account.

Pass it on.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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The Messiah’s Disciple

Leftist Logic

“You’re brainwashed for believing all that ‘Q’ stuff!” she said as she slipped on her two COVID masks and walked out the door.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Jack Lombardi For Congress

Social media manager said we need to be over 100k followers to beat RINO Kinzinger.

Can you help?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Jack Lombardi For Congress


Where would we be if our Founding Fathers threw their hands up when things got tough?

Telling me “what’s the point of voting” is un-American and un-Patriotic.

Yes I voted for Trump – Yes I feel we got jipped, and yes I watched the same videos you did; however, I am not going to throw my hands in the air and complain about election integrity – I’m doing something about it!

I am laying it all on the line – business, reputation, marriage… ALL

Let’s be honest, you know what the liberal News is going to do when I start stirring the pot; CNN, ABC, NBC and The View

So, I’m asking YOU, are you going to complain or are you going to step up? Are you not going to vote and hand it to the Dems, or are you going to get involved and make a difference!

We can’t change what happened, but we sure as heck can make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Stop your complaining ~ Founding Fathers

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Yeah, this follows Biblical logic. Remove the log out of your own party before you point fingers at the Dems

I think I previously mentioned that I was gearing up to vote Labor in Aus just to do my bit to get rid of Turnbull, our own pretend conservative former PM.

Last edited 4 years ago by JasonD

Hey you whining, complaining, unpatriotic, un-American jerks, get off your pathetic asses and vote for me!

Condescension and disdain, aren’t those the motivational tricks they teach at Dale Carnegie?

How does this sound from a leader?

“Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning, there’s never been anything like it. The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle, but instead only grow stronger by the day,” the US president said.

“As long as the American people hold in their hearts deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation cannot achieve. Our communities will flourish. Our people will be prosperous. Our traditions will be cherished. Our faith will be strong, and our future will be brighter than ever before,” the President said.

Sounds pretty good to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Like I said, I’m not going to criticize any patriot at this point. Yeah, Trump is bigger picture than a guy like this, but we have to attack on all fronts. ANY patriotic Kinzinger replacement is better than Kinzinger.

Every patriot is not Trump-grade. Reality. We work with what we have.


True, true, true, and I (seriously) gave myself a good talking to about this post. If you told me 50 years ago that I would need to work on personal issues when I got old, I would not have believed it.

But my sense of frustration has been getting the better of me, and I have to re-learn how to handle some things better.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re not alone. I am oscillating between hopium and nopium and it’s unsettling. I read stuff like Schlichter and realize how much we have won, and then I think about how all Trump’s supporters in DC are now being chased around like bank-robbers (some of the “take-downs” of people who did NOT go inside and who did NOT engage in violence are absolutely ridiculous) and I think it’s GONE.

This is why I’ve backed off as much as I can (and it is NOT working 100%) on criticizing either end. I bite my tongue on responding to hopium and nopium posts continuously, knowing I was JUST THERE hours before.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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“They have apparently kicked out the central bank governor as well.” The shocking news was passed up the command chain at the head office in Tokyo’s Nihonbashi district.

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Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers

Bank of Japan concerned that years of cooperation risk turning backward

View Link Feed




I’m likin’ these guys more and more.

Just like I liked the way Iceland handled Central Bank shenanigans…..they jailed ’em.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Funny that. Another bit of Americana I was totally unaware of, then in the space of 2 weeks I came across it twice.

First here, then on a tiny you-tube channel I’ve been following.

Maybe I had heard it, but had no clue what it was about and forgot it. Then your post comes along, and voila. Maybe I’ll see Burma Shave round every corner from now on.




Article from (not exactly unsympathetic to bankers) —




Oh baby! Yes!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love these guys. THAT is how to deal with ELECTION FRAUD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – BIDEN’S ILLEGITIMACY makes all his EDICTS illegitimate.


Get ready.

JW in Germany

Now we’re cookin’ with bacon grease!

I believe this is exactly what is happening.


He will get immense pushback by the states. We can focus on election fraud and not ignore the other.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. And we TIE IT ALL TOGETHER. They militarized DC to take the guns after their stolen election.


This guy gets it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Impeach Forty Six

Still my First Family

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Talking about “peaching” 46 …..

Satan means accuser. He is also the deceiver and father of lies.

Hmmm, where have we seen this unique combination on clear display to the world? Anyone? Anyone?? False accusations based on fabricated evidence. Almost like the FIBbers were running the show.

I “could of” swore that I recently witnessed a bunch of kangaroos demonstrating this disturbing trifecta somewhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For “somebody” here!!!  😉 
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Don’t know who the somebody is, but it ain’t someone not a member of gab.


“Over 41 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through February 7, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death (0.003%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records findings revealed no link with vaccination. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.”

So there’s a 99.993 % chance of surviving the vaccine. Not a great deal of difference than the chance of surviving the chicom flu, that is of course if one is unlucky enough to go down with it in the first place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. AND remember that many people who take the vaccine DON’T DIE, but have side-effects ranging from minor to permanent disability – and it is MORE than those that die. Which is – YES – much like the disease.

What’s the big difference? SOCIAL CONTROL.


Another difference is that people don’t voluntarily catch the chicom flu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even more importantly, the ChiCom flu is constrained by evolution to be a functional organism, which guarantees a certain level of “natural honesty” absent in a vaccine created by depopulationist liars.


I’ve read, and by logic agree, that as the virus alters into new strains entirely randomly; it must evolve into a more less lethal type. For killing its host stops it spreading and brings about its own demise.

Last edited 4 years ago by RAC
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this is generally true, provided that there is “room” for the thing to mutate into something both viable and less lethal. Many diseases basically “can’t change” sufficiently that the disease changes substantially, or that vaccines lose effectiveness.

Very early in this thing, scientists watching the mutation of SARS2-COV-whatevs decided that – unless assisted by humans or some other intelligence, it was not going to mutate like influenza, and would be treatable forever with the original vaccines. All the talk about strains and whatnot is within that initial assessment, IMO, even though speculating about “new strains” requiring more social control just deeply tempts all the controlling people.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually, there’s no evolutionary reason a parasite (or disease) can’t run its host species into extinction.

Sure it will itself die if that happens, but evolution doesn’t operate on foresight. If some disease is unusually virulent, it will, at that moment have survival advantage and that’s what counts.

Evolution is perfectly capable of jumping off a tall building and thinking as it passes the 2nd story, “OK so far!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, multiplicity is, to me, just the beginning of foresight!  😉 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Evolutionary processes live in the moment. If some critter can reproduce a hundred times…at the cost of never having grandchildren,…instead of just ten times, it will do so. That’s favored.

It’s like the complaints of companies that only give a damn about next quarter’s earnings, because that’s what their stockholders want to see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“If.” 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The point is, there’s no “but it would be bad in the long term” constraint on evolution; a species can wipe out its food supply or kill off its hosts just fine, it will “look” short term like very successful reproduction.

So some mutant virus COULD indeed kill every organism it infects; it will spread like hell if it kills slowly enough to get to the next victim(s).

I get this from something of Richard Dawkins’ I read, and I’d bet he understands evolution better than you do. Furthermore he supported his argument, it wasn’t just from authority (even if my repeating it to you might be).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I erased my long, patient, explanatory response in favor of the shortest and most humorously good-natured one I could come up with (“because Leonidas”!), but in retrospect that may have been a mistake.

“If” was actually an overly cute condensation of a numerical argument that the example is a bit of an exemplary (and beautiful in that example – I get it) but extreme strawman, in that in reality and practice, 100 offspring are far more likely to thwart a “2-generation showstopper” than 10 offspring, and once again the strategic advantage of multiplicity is successful in reality, and encodes a kind of gained intelligence. The shotgun fired blindly is always generally more likely to ricochet around unseen corners than a rifle – particularly when all you need is one pellet to repeat the process.

Or go a step beyond and assert some wild mutant that spreads rapidly and kills many hosts. The fact is, the math of multiplicity WILL thwart it at multiple levels in both hosts and the system itself, so again – in reality, number beats stupidity, and life goes on.

Extremes make great teaching examples, but they have a nasty and IMO self-defeating downside. And they are extremely (ugh) common in evolutionary teaching.

And that’s the entry into where I was going, and where I erased far too much good stuff.

There is a kind of attitude problem in evolution, which I have seen all the way through it from my childhood to today. It affects EVERYBODY, including even a “notable evolutionary scientist and atheist” who I knew, but who would be a bit doxxing to name. It’s not anybody who one might think off the bat, but it is one who mattered quietly behind the scenes. So it’s just omnipresent.

In some ways it’s “battered evolutionist syndrome” – in other ways it’s a bigger problem of “battered science syndrome”. But in evolution, it is manifested as a need to “prove” that evolution is “dumb”, “just [fill in the blank”, “merely [fill in the blank]”, “only [fill in the blank]”, etc. I find it remarkable, but it’s a very DEFENSIVE attitude.

It might be described as an “antisapiomorphic” bias. I get the why, but I also get the why not. IMO it keeps evolution down on the farm, and limits both the enlightenment of humanity and humanity per se.

I found the emergence of sociobiology very refreshing along the way, as the beginning of emergence from it. Systems biology seems to be another breach, getting better all the time. Even things like genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence beg for evolution to come along for the ride – but it never does, and I find it frustrating.

It’s a kind of attitude thing that I’ve never really understood, and I have a theory that science was cornered into it by polarization against Biblical Literalists who assert intelligence like an aether, so by instantly opposing them, we never start thinking about fields, backgrounds, or geometry – which in evolution would be the intelligence of life systems per se, emergence of intelligence, bias toward intelligence, and things which run so close to metascience that they would likely profoundly impact all human thought, both scientific and religious.

Or maybe not. What do I know?

So – whatever. I find it frustrating that I’ve wandered so far away from where I used to be in science, there accepting all that I was told, that I’m not even IN what is regarded as science any more.

So, I shall pick up my broken pieces of crackpottery and scurry back to the reservation, contenting myself with such voodoo.

I said what needed to be said, and it is recorded somewhere. I did my duty.

Thus, “if” has been explained, in some, but not all, of it’s painful glory.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the facts emerge to show how much of a fraud this exercise has been, the punishment should be as gruesome as need be to make this unthinkable for a thousand years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Common sense is going to RULE very soon.


I don’t know Wolf. I’ve been waiting for that to happen for a long time and there’s no sign of it yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things have to get desperate.


I live in NY. I guess that explains.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s going to be a while before it gets to you. You are deep in enemy territory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So, regarding the strategy that I am planning on revealing after this painfully long episodic posting spree nears completeness sometime this century.

I think I mentioned previously that I will be proposing leading the Dems – out-progress the bastards, if you will – rather than always reacting.

They have been running this playbook against us since forever. Last cycle, they “resisted” Trump and cheated and lied their way back into power. Now we are resisting them – standard Lefty, conservative dynamics. They have us right where they want us – resisting them while they are already busy with the next plot. And please stop calling them stupid. Evil, devious, conniving – all these are more apt than stupid. I don’t intend to “insult” them this way, even though it is true. Wise as serpents …. Don’t cut off the ear of your enemy when the weapon of choice is swords (the spoken word) – if they can’t hear you, you cannot defeat the demons controlling them.

It is hard wired into progressive operating systems that the future lies in the ….. future, rather than the past. And of course, Christians know that the end of the bible is different than the beginning. They start and end in a Garden, but we have to be shown how to build the City that sustains the Garden. So both sides agree that the future is where its at. Especially since all here agree that the Present really sucks!

And I think we all here should be able to agree that the Cities of Cain suck, big time. They keep voting Democrat. The bigger the city, the more likely it is going to vote “progressive”. Australia’s big cities pretty much have “watermelon” inner cores. The bigger the city, the more likely the inner city elite is to vote Green. Yeah, that color that looks red and is spelled g_r_e_e_n. Deception is their tell, every time.

So, just in case people forget where the episodic saga is headed. Think of strategies to lead the enemy onto our territory, where the plan is to control the high ground – in both senses of HIGH GROUND that matter.

Last edited 4 years ago by JasonD

The cities suffer corruption fast

Here’s Dallas County, Cruz vs. Beto in 2018:
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Here’s a model of the City of Dallas mayor’s race in 2019:
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sure, no testing then they can cause an “outbreak” and biteme can blame whatever state that has the outbreak for causing it…


That’s the plan, Fran!!!


we’ll make them pay, okay?


Yes, we will – get the Depends ready – Mkay?


omar is already wearing them…snicker snicker


Cannot wait until she is arrested – wonder if it is true – her hair is disheveled underneath that turban – short and bristled – dunno if that was just a joke or true.




Me, either


BTW – Darwin is not eating or pooping – blood in stool 2 – Steve is taking sample to vet today – just wanted you to know – so if he comes on later – we can ask what they found.


i heard–he kept it in the fridge…if we ever visit steve…takin’ my own cold drink…LOL…


Yes – that is what he said – nothing much he could do about it yesterday – me, too, on the drink – hahahaha!!!


He could’ve left it outside…


that was my thought…lol…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mmmmmtheyhadtoshowusmmmmmm….. I have no idea what’s going on!  😎 


Howie Carr featured this guy — David Ismay — on his show and in his column so often in one week that he resigned!

He was from Berkeley, anyway. Nothing to do with Massachusetts, at all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody know what these Burma Shave Boys are carrying?
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How can you tell if these Burma boys are Shaved or not? Asking the expert 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Depends on when the picture was taken. Before the Great Shave or after! 😀



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that’s one thing that Biden won’t ban!

Steve in Lewes

I’m thinking a FN Fal

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Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Good eye for a ‘gurl’ GA/FL!!  😉 


My dream gun is either a UZI or an Magpul FMG-9

Chris ! , we can build an ammo cache between foxholes
the nine mm will be perfect for the tunnels  😆 


Appear to be AK variant, long barrel on the left looks to be sporting
some type of muzzle brake.Can’t see a front sight,rear
probably a folding type
I’m guessing AKM?  😏 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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The guy — David Ismay — resigned, thanks to Howie Carr’s efforts.

Ismay has returned to California, his home state.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Andrew Torba

Sometimes Uncle Joe likes to take a nap mid-interview

[video src="" /]



wow…just wow


I know joe biden didn’t win
but has anyone told joe biden

joe biden didn’t win

yo!..hey joe!..over here!
smile for the camera would ya ?
we’re ‘rolling here !  😁  😂 


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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morning duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Hey, Pat!!! Did it snow last night where you are? Forecast here said we should expect a foot of snow today into tomorrow – Gosh – I hope they are wrong.

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!
a dusting on the deck is all we got so far…we are supposed to get 4-10 (they are all over the map with this forecast…LOL)
stay safe and warm!!
got my dough rising for cinnamon buns…I’ll share when they come out of the oven!!


* Received and Appreciated *

Agree – the forecast is foreboding for everyone from the Midwest – to South – and in the North – hope and pray the Angels are not playing with the snow machine, again!!!

Yum!!! Cinnamon Buns – will be enjoying the smell from here – you the best – you know just what we need when we need it!!!

God Bless You Real Good for baking for us!!!


my pleasure duchess!


Of that I am certain, Pat!!! The Happy Baker – you are!!!



february 14, 2021 the marshall report

As we celebrate the fizzling out of the impeachment, it leads one to wonder what the Dems will try next. Therefore, being proactive seems to be the best move forward and holding a few people accountable for perjury, if for no other reason than that, seems to be a good course of action. So as I was looking into how to be proactive, things started looking smokey. Like the type of stuff in smoke and mirrors. So, as I always do when I feel that way, I stopped and thought. I thought a lot. 

In so doing, I saw that I had been looking at the pieces we were all directed to look at. They were key pieces. But, the picture had a lot of holes that my memory was pushing to the front to think about.




It was.

Deplorable Patriot


From an article on impeachment decisions, “McConnell called major Republican donors last weekend to gauge their thinking about Trump and was told that Trump had clearly crossed a line. McConnell told them he was through with Trump, said the strategist, who demanded anonymity to describe McConnell’s conversations.

Actions of those on Capitol Hill have nothing to do with the peasants. Just the people who can write big checks.


True, DP!!!

Deplorable Patriot

The article is eye opening in another way. May put it in tomorrow’s daily as we didn’t know precisely what we were seeing at one point.


No, we did not – any other inspirations – really need your take on this – Please – Thanks!!!


The NRCC called me a half hour ago and I told them to get stuffed because of the way they treated our President.


i did manage to see the brief video of nanzi but i missed her jowl slipping out…did you see it?
but i agree…her hair color was always beautifully done imo…but now it looks amateurish…


No – did not see the jowl slipping out – will have to go back and watch again – hair color – was different – but, she changes it up frequently – however – she is a mess for sure.


she is not as polished that’s for sure…wonder if she’s ALLOWED to leave DC???


Still wondering why those Marshalls were all around her in that picture, too!!!



Happy Valentine’s Day Nancy




Could someone please tell me about the video near bottom of page? I have tried everything to play it. I usuallly don’t have trouble when there is a play button. Wonder if I have already seen the video, I mean heard. Lol. Good morning, everyone. JasonD, enjoying your story.


Thank you, wheatie2.


he looks medicated to the MAX…


Happy President’s Day!comment image
There he is


Love the music, Wheatie!!



HeydonMusicPage/”A few HOT TOPICS” 2.15.2021


Just a reminder
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An egregious photo-shop, but still hilarious!!!


Gov shutdowns/overreach + other “solutions” worse than the disease?





And abso-damn-lutely intended. China is the main trafficker of fentanyl.

H8H8H8 Democrap lawless thugs.

Concerned Virginian

And one can argue that money made from sales of the fentanyl is laundered, then sent as political contributions to the DemCommunists (and possibly also to “certain” RINO’s).

Gail Combs

Donations to BLM for instance???


That would have to be the DOJ which doesn’t exist for crimes done by Democrats as per order of NanXi.


” All Loans Matter”


lololol thanks for lasting smiles on a monday morn…


Owen is my favorite…LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Nothing like Owen and owe’n 😀


hiya Cuppa!

Cuppa Covfefe

Howdy Pat!

Punched the “escape” button a little too hard, and my computer took it seriously… Still frustrated/angry about the swampians, but I’m praying that they get justice served cold on a greasy plate in this world… In the next I rather expect it’ll be warmer, unless they learn and turn. I do think that lots of folks now are being red-pilled who wouldn’t otherwise have noticed or cared – even the YSM/MCM over here has noticed/admitted that Bye-Dumb and Heels-Up are not all they were cracked up to be – cracked, for sure, but up to the task-never…

Sometimes I think there are deep-rooted problems in America (going even back 100-150 years) that are more than just those of evil politicians and globalists which must also be seen, to be solved. The blind (or tacit) acceptance of the ways and mores of the left has to end. My son found a film that compared the 1890s with the current day that even surprised me with all the changes and growing depravity. It’s called “Time Changer”, and though a minor film, it has a major point (or two or ten…)… Of course, Wacky, et. al., shredded it. All the more reason to have a look 🙂

[re computer – they said 3rd-gen RyZen and Win7 don’t mix… bullpucky… got a 3800x with an NVMe that says it works… old PC is now waiting for the glue factory, aka parts bin… so long, Nick, as the commercial goes… He punched escape… the PC did… built a (new) faster rig…. feels like a kid… Burma Shave…. ]


there’s a lot to fix… and I will look for that film!
nothing about what you wrote about your computer makes sense to me…but I’m sure you know what you’re talking about…haha

Gail Combs

” All Loans Matter”



And I am sure there are a lot of people who want to kick their credit card debt esp since Bite-me took away the right of bankruptcy in  2005…. GEE just in time for the banks to take your home in 2008.


From Sidney:
These are the numbers and country’s who manipulated and stolen the election. They match the numbers for the six swing states: 2 126 142 voters

(click on the link to get the image – I have yet to find a way to copy image links from Telegram, without needing to install Telegram, which I don’t want, for the same reason I don’t have any other social media apps installed)
About a week ago I published some preliminary numbers regarding vote slipping, prepared by some very deep diving dolphin-speakers. They had only located, analyzed, And reconstructed about 18 of them at the time. They had found just short of 300,000 votes flipped. Now they have worked further through the data, and they have locked down what 85 case, for over 2 million votes. They are most of the way but not yet completely all the way through the data, so this may increase a little more.


The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is set to hear a number of high-profile election fraud cases.

The SCOTUS is now scheduled to consider the voter fraud cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia on February 19, 2021.

Justices will hear the cases that allege widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.


Byrne is posting the exact same information on telegram. Actually “dolphin-speakers” is a term HE used, in his series of articles. Hopefully Powell, Byrne, Navarro and Pulitzer are working together.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Ahhh….what’s a dolphin speaker?

Allusion to Flipper? Flip on votes?


I have no idea. I was just stating that this unusual term appeared in Byrne’s writing. Weeks ago.


OK this is 99.9% pure Hopium.
Is Sidney making a very slight hint they’re getting help from the military.
“dolphin-speakers”…..WW2 code talker
And the military does use dolphins with a great degree of success.


Patrick Byrne used that term in his Chapter 2 of the series at, dated 1/31. His exact words:

“Let us now turn to an analysis of the packet traffic on Election Day 2020 provided me by the best cyber-forensics specialist (aka “dolphin-speaker”) I have ever met.As packets travel through the Internet they leave a trail, and dolphin-speakers using the right tools can, in a sense, “shine a light” and reveal those packet trails in the cyber-fog. The cyber-specialists to whom I refer, who has access to such tools (and even more arcane ones), has documented vote-flipping in the Problematic 6 states amounting to 299,567 votes, just enough in each state to flip the election. 43% of that activity came from China.”

My only point was to say that Sidney is now using the same terminology as Byrne, if this is in fact her telegram acct.


Aren’t dolphins supposed to be super intelligent, maybe they’re doing deep dives into the evidence using super smart people.


“Dolphin speaker” is a term created by Pat Byrne referring to computer experts, (specifically referring to the cyber-forensic team) when they start talking in (to us normies) computer tech lingo and acronyms…

and faux biden didnt win!

Cuppa Covfefe

As in So Long And Thanks For All The Fiche 🙂


hehe…missed you!

Gail Combs

Same as Patrick Byrne.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Images on Telegram are protected from being linked to.

You have to do SCREENSHOTS and then upload them somewhere.


Gail..,our granddaughter’s goats had 3 more sets of twins last evening…she is excited–over the moon excited–and all but one are female–so there’s a good chance she will get to keep them all if they fare well.

Gail Combs

CONGRATULATIONS!!! At this point she should band or geld the little buck so he does not breed his sisters. You can do it easily yourself the first week after that it is a trip to the vet or TRY to keep them separate.  🙄 


Step three, the  tetanus anti-toxin, is a MUST. Anti-toxin is NOT the toxiod you use as the normal vaccine but the actual antibodies.

That is probably the biggest possible mis-step a newbie can take.


wow…he would do that already?

I will definitely relay the message!!


late Valentine’s card …..



McConnell comparing himself to Clay is further proof that McConnell is an idiot, in addition to being a crook.


McConnell is a legend in his own mind.


small mind…big ego…no wonder he always looks sour…it’s cramped in there

Concerned Virginian

See my comment above regarding laundered money from fentanyl sales going to “certain RINO’s” as political contributions.



Some additional comments on the Ravi Zacharias story . . .

When I posted earlier I shared the details as provided by the RZIM press release. RZIM, in all fairness, appears to be making a strong effort at transparency about the results of the investigation into RZ’ activities.

However watching the Big Evangelical narrative apparatus at work, they seem to be determined to manipulate the RZ story for effect, as it is being amplified this morning.

One example is daily devotional blog who posted the following:

The impeachment and acquittal of former President Trump by the Senate raise vital questions for our culture and our future. However, given the urgency of today’s topic, I will postpone my response to the impeachment proceedings until tomorrow’s Daily Article.

Really? I understand that RZ is important to address – but is it really of such earth-shattering importance that it, ahem, trumps the acquittal? If anything RZ is a slower rolling story.

My early assessment is that Big Evangelical intends to milk the RZ story. Not for the benefit of victims, and not for the benefit of people who supported RZ over the years . . . but most likely to boost the narrative of an Evangelical #MeToo problem that Big Evanglicalism can manipulate and weaponize against their targets.

Never letting a crisis go to waste, take a real problem, manipulate it so that nothing important actually gets done (RZIM may change names but little to no structural changes will be implemented) and then use what someone else did to shut down dissenting voices within Big Evangelicalism.


I don’t think the RZIM story is more important. I stumbled across it perhaps as a link from you? I honestly don’t remember?

But it is important. I listened to, and read, some of RZ’s work. I have even used examples from his works in debates.

I was shocked when I found out about him and from the various reports I’ve read, I can only like him to an Elmer Gantry character.

Just someone who played a role perfectly and never believed he couldn’t fake it.

The investigation sought to prove or disprove sexual immorality on the part of Ravi Zacharias and succeeded in this goal. Now that we have the evidence, we see that much of these events were more recent than previously reported. The rampant sin in Ravi Zacharias’s life is indicative that he was not only unqualified for a leadership role in the church but also unrepentant in his own life.


Evangelical Dark Web is a good site. I’m sure they or others will sniff this out.

RZ had connections EVERYWHERE in the Evangelical world. But one of the warning signals was the direct partnership that he had forged with the ERLC bro’s.

There was also RZIM’s elevation of Sam Alberry as an editor, which is a big red flag.

If there’s a doubt of the relationship there, here’s more:


Separate from all that, here’s Randy Alcorn, writing a follow up post after reading 900 comments on his original post. It gives a good feel for what people are thinking out there, leastwise the people posting on Randy Alcorn’s blog.


Really shocked by this.

As I said, I used to read and listen to him I guess in the early 90s?

I just came across this nightmare a few weeks ago.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing…..

Gail Combs


Unfortunately there are a lot in the Church and always has been. Read Chaucer sometime. The ONLY religious figure he had any use for was the poor parish priest.


re the RZ revelations: If you’re interested in a thoughtful context for this discussion, from a v serious source, I highly recommend an article by R.Scott Clarke, titled, A Warning Sign….at


Thanks for that – adding that to my list!



The big money donors are the ones that really need to have their eyes opened.

We are the numbers, but they control the rest.

Hopefully Haley, and others like her, will be pariah by the GOP itself although as long as a /romney is in charge, that’s unlikely.


Oh, I think we’ll soon see WHO is the Party Leader IS…


I read a few headlines…thinking citizens free press…that lil nikita is being turned away by donors…
let me see if i can find them anymore…


here’s the warroom
The problem: Haley is as unpopular among donors as she is among Republican voters.
“Lindsey Graham is making this pitch for Nikki Haley and he’s calling around to people to ask if they will meet with her,” said Richard Baris, director of Big Data Poll.
“These donors are angry and they do not want to sit down with Nikki Haley,” he said.
“I guess she forgot to mention this to Politico,” Baris added.




Things are shakin’ in KY… so they’re saying at Marica’s Place… particularly with regard to Gov… appears he may not have won election in 2018!


KYBLUE would know about that!


Yes… she is my ‘source’ 😉


tell I said hey next time!!


will do…




Marica, too?


that’s right, I believe she did move there…oh turtle’s in it now! LOL


All R states that are harboring traitors need to do recalls – and that goes for D states as well – for a different reason.

I wonder if Marica has said anything about Turtle – I also wonder if he would have been re-elected without President Trump.


they all rode his coattails…


True – Cowards!!! I think this is going backfire on all of them – or boomerang so to speak.

Concerned Virginian

DITCH every RINO Senator who voted to “convict” President Trump in Fake Impeachment II.



Gail Combs

“If we want to speak to the issues that people in this country care about, the longer we’re tied to a personality — a cult of personality — I just don’t think that’s a good durable model for the future.”

Trump is NOT a ‘cult personality’ What he is, is the FIRST ACTUAL LEADER of the 3/4 of the nation that has had no leader since Reagan and before. He is the leader that the Tea Party was lacking AND he scares the Cabal to death!

In July of 2010 Angelo Codevilla wrote of America’s Ruling Class And the perils of revolution.

As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, and opinion leaders [aka Fake News] …. agreed that spending some $700 billion to buy the investors’ “toxic assets” was the only alternative to the U.S. economy’s “systemic collapse.”

….They explained neither the difference between the assets’ nominal and real values, nor precisely why letting the market find the latter would collapse America. The public objected immediately, by margins of three or four to one.

….after those in power changed their plans from buying toxic assets to buying up equity in banks and major industries but refused to explain why, when they reasserted their right to decide ad hoc on these and so many other matters, supposing them to be beyond the general public’s understanding, the American people started referring to those in and around government as the “ruling class.”….

Never has there been so little diversity within America’s upper crust…. [Which is why they HATE Trump]….

Hence whether formally in government, out of it, or halfway, America’s ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government.

The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners — nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.”….


𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖

Important as they are, our political divisions are the iceberg’s tip. When pollsters ask the American people whether they are likely to vote Republican or Democrat in the next presidential election, Republicans win growing pluralities. But whenever pollsters add the preferences “undecided,” “none of the above,” or “tea party,” these win handily, the Democrats come in second, and the Republicans trail far behind. That is because while most of the voters who call themselves Democrats say that Democratic officials represent them well, only a fourth of the voters who identify themselves as Republicans tell pollsters that Republican officeholders represent them well.

𝗛𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀, 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘀, 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲-𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 — 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀, 𝗽𝗹𝘂𝘀 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘀.

This means that Democratic politicians are the ruling class’s prime legitimate representatives and that because Republican politicians are supported by only a fourth of their voters while the rest vote for them reluctantly, most are aspirants for a junior role in the ruling class. In short, the ruling class has a party, the Democrats. But some two-thirds of Americans — a few Democratic voters, most Republican voters, and all independents — lack a vehicle in electoral politics.

𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕣 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣, 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕪, 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕛𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪’𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕….



Sing it Sista! These Rinos don’t have a clue!

Deplorable Patriot

You know you need more excitement in your life when a snow plow going down the street is big news.

Gail Combs

What you do not get enough here?  🤓 

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s no business like snow business 🙂 ☃

Deplorable Patriot

The plows have been through a few more times, and the Couch Commando is bemoaning shoveling just so we can get the cars out of the driveway. Fortunately, the car I drive is in the garage.

Deplorable Patriot

Saving for later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Peace Be Still – 20210215


Storm Dispatch – 20210215

Federalist Paper # 19

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Popsicle from Houston Checking in. It’s 13, snowing, and 55 inside. They cut power 6hrs ago. 1hr rolling blackouts they said, SURE. Warming up last night’s coffee on stove. When that’s gone, Gonna fire up SUV and plug in coffee maker in back and make a few pots. (Thinking outside the freezer 🤓) Coffee is a bit more important than 🥓. 1st things, gonna put on thermals plus 2-3 more layers, plus gloves, then make a fire w/my 20 toothpicks I scored last night. 🪵 Stay safe y’all. 🦋 ❄️🥶❄️🦋

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Roger that. 🤗 When I left yesterday, 1st thing I had to do was put air in all tires. All were at 26!?! 😮 We just don’t do this ❄️ here.

Cuppa Covfefe

But…. but…. but…. but…. but….

D I V E R S I T Y !!!



The pressure will go down when it’s cold. Gives you a little bit better traction too in snow. Just re check when the temp warms back up so they are not overinflated. Stay safe!

Last edited 4 years ago by CMinTN
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thanks CM. I only put 30lbs in anticipating temp rise, will re-check when we thaw out.


Feel for y’all. When I lived in Md, we had a winter where we lost power for a week. We were prepared for it, but it still sucked. I ran my oil fired boiler, (hot water base board heat), off of my little generator. Heat pump was too much for the little portable. The nice thing about the boiler was that it also did my hot water for the sinks and shower.


gees…so sorry!!!
it’s snowing here too…but we got a fire going in the wood stove and the oven is warming for the cinnamon buns I just got done rolling out…
think warm sunny beaches…

comment image


I just live you, Pat. ❤🤍💙


Love…the edit button ain’t working.


LOL – living Pat is not easy, either, GMT!!!




Love you too!!!


Oh no. Thats cold. I hope it comes back on soon.


Do you have a BBQ, BFLY? Brickettes? Propane? A Gas Stove?

I know how you feel – we had a horrific ice storm many years ago – out of power for 2 weeks – but, I had a gas stove – and gas water heater – so I could make coffee – and take a shower (that part was not easy) – we also shut off all of the upper rooms – and stayed near the kitchen – it was not fun – but, we got through it – and you will, too!!!

Poor Dear – Praying for all y’all in Texas!!!

Concerned Virginian

I’m so sorry to hear of what’s going on with the cold, then the further insult of the power blackouts.
There likely WILL be “rolling blackouts” in states that have HOT / HUMID SUMMERS — think everything from North Carolina southward, Texas, Arkansas, California, and more.
Exacerbated by the Keystone Pipeline halt plus likely other “energy-saving directives” that RobberJoe’s handlers will write for him to sign.

Gail Combs

Yes, I am SOooo glad I raised a big fuss a couple weeks ago and we got an OLD electric meter as a replacement and not a Smart Meter.

They let the cat out of the bag though.

The house was built in 1996 so our ORIGINAL meter would be JUST 25 years old. THEY INSISTED ON REPLACING IT and that Cheap Chinese  💩  died in 6 years…. So tell me WHY a thirty year old meter left sitting on the shelf is NOW acceptable?
  :wpds_unamused:   :wpds_chuckle: 

Deplorable Patriot

Our water company put the computerized thing on top of the old meter. All gas meters have gone outside as the gas lines were replaced. Electric has always been outside, but that grid is computerized at a higher level these days.

And we got another pass with the snow plow with three hours, at least, to go.


So sorry for you guy’s. We have been really cold here as well but we are so much more set up for it. And I feel so sorry for your animals that are not use to it and all the wildlife, so sad. Keep warm as you can. Can you go get a camp light and a little heater that runs on the little propane bottles? We are lucky and have both of those, DH loves camping gear  😍 

Gail Combs

I am happy I was raised in Upstate NY. One of my first ‘apartments’ as an adult was built in the 1700s and had no heat upstairs in the bedroom…. And the temp got down to — 30F at times. Homemade Quilts and down sleeping bag kept me warm but climbing in an out of bed was a trial.

This weekend at a kids party I was wearing jeans, shirt and a vest. It was high 30s and everyone was asking if I was cold. Nope, it was hubby huddled in the down jacket that gets cold. As long as there is not much wind I am fine. We keep most of the house at 50-60F in the winter.

OH, and make sure you wear a WARM HAT even indoors. It makes a really big difference! Same with socks.


can you recommend a camp coffee pot?


I have a Colman one blue enamel. I keep it it the camper but if the electricity goes off and it does at times I go get it out of the camper and use it. It has a strainer inside of it. We have a gas stove so good to go there. We use to have kerosene heaters as our house can get very cold. But DH has a construction heater now that we can run even if the electricity is off. He just got a big generator but it is not hooked up yet.

You know I just thought of something very horrible. I now grind my own coffee beans. Good God in heaven what will I do now????? I had better grind some up and keep it in the freezer. See I was unprepared.

If we get a big spring storm they can get nasty. Luckily we don’t get them to often they can last for 2 or 3 days and we can’t leave the house. Where we live it is fairly flat so the wind is so bad you can’t see anything. If you leave you may not come back. Where I grew up on my family’s ranch their are a lot more hills and trees which is enough to at least see and be able to go and take care of your livestock. But here no way. The last one we were out of power for 72 hours and when it was over we spent the next day trying to help dig the neighbors sheep out of huge snow drift. So sad.

Our shed is not that far from the house but if it is to bad I couldn’t even go and feed my horses because I can’t see the shed. I was stranded at the ranch years ago in a storm we were suppose to be shipping calves and I had a mare I was doctoring locked in the shed. DH was trying to go down and feed her and ended up hitting the fence line because he couldn’t see the shed. I now know why they use to run a rope from the barn to the house.

Boy am I windy today or what.


you’re delightful!! always great to hear other people’s adventures…lol…
i’m going to look into that coffee pot. we have a wood stove that keeps the house pretty warm if the power goes out–I think i can use the wood stove to make coffee.
our problem is water when the power goes out–we have a well–electric pump–so using the bathroom was iffy. then we found thin containers to store water in the bathrooms without being too obvious. so we can store bottles of drinking water in the basement garage (nice and cool spot) and those containers in the bathrooms–and that made me sigh a big sigh of relief!


wyoming, ah, but it’s a nice windy.
interesting story…very visual.


Pat, No need to ‘rough it’ when camping.. enjoy the experience !
I can highly recommend purchasing a French press, with that all you need to do is boil water. google French press coffee makers, have a look .They’re inexpensive. Get one , you won’t regret the investment. And If you can find it, try some Café Bustelo Cuban Espresso Coffee in it. Super-charge your experience!
All the time .  😉 


i do not camp…LOL…I cannot imagine sleeping in tents on the ground with the bugs…YUCK!
I love the woods…cuz I live in the middle of them…but I sleep in a bed…LOL…
i will however look into your recommendation…thanks!


Chris…Cafe Bustelo is so good, their instant coffee, which comes in individual pkts., is even acceptable.
(I occasionally need an emergency fix.)
And…Thank you for mentioning them!
My mobility issues are not improving, and I am still looking for a supplier of good coffee which will ship.
I will try them!!l

Deplorable Patriot

Camping gear is DA BOMB in places where power lines go down a lot. I actually have a crate with camp lanterns in it, and a sterno stove. I’ve been looking at camping stoves just in case, ’cause Sterno SMELLS.

We usually lose power with spring/summer storms with high winds. Enough people haven’t taken out 60-80 year old trees that grew up too close to the lines, that it’s inevitable.


We keep a Coleman propane camp stove in stash, You can find the hose/regulator for 30 lb (yard-grille ) at walmart , and you are ready to go.
Sometimes those small propane botttle sold are filled with undesirable product, the Coleman brand seem to work reliably thogh in our experience,


I did not know that about the undesirable product. That’s not good. Yes we should probably get a hose so we can use the bigger propane bottles. Have them fro the grill.


Ya they have camp cook stoves that run on the little propane bottle as well. He’s got those to. I once had a neighbor gal call and ask why our electricity wasn’t out because our hose looked like it was lite up like a Christmas tree. I told her we had 3 Coleman propane lanterns going.


Biden/Øbama kill US pipeline – but promote Taliban pipeline.


We have hopium but they love their opium.


I’m thinking they killed it so they can “give it back to us” at a point when they need a distraction


The Big Guy is looking for his ‘cut’



Concerned Virginian

They’re planning on selling “Taliban Oil” TO THE UNITED STATES at vastly inflated prices.


Yes indeed Sir…

The Best and Current President of all time.


StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
Ever notice the Anti-Trump crowd is almost always pedos
Jordan Sather



Stormy Patriot Joe



Pedos, trans, or just empty shells with dead eyes trying to hide their secrets.


Transcript of Interview with General Flynn.
Talks about the Dec 18 meeting with Sydney, Patrick and POTUS and way forward, securing election integrity, primarying RINO’s etc

Bombshell TWJ Exclusive: An Hour-Long Feature Interview with Gen. Flynn (

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Should NEVER have allowed Pence to fire Flynn. Pence was malignant from the get go, from before the 2016 election when he was floating teaming with Ryan to remove Trump from the ticket.


He alludes in the interview that Trump asked him jokingly if he, Flynn, could become his Vice-President in 2016, but Trump then qualifies it, because Flynn was previously a Democrat.


Pence also LIED about Flynn’s phone conversation. I have always believed Pence was the LEAK to media…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pence betrayed us all. Biden will grab the guns because of it. CHINA. Pence might as well have been Fang-boy SWALWELL.


Haley gets booed at repub breakfast in Boston


All this Haley for prez BS is being pushed on us lately. Next will be the ‘polls’ showing her ‘huge’ support. Then, the voting machines will fulfill the polls prediction…if we let it.

sounds just like the ‘biden play’.

and faux biden didnt win!

Concerned Virginian

My opinion: the DeepState / Soros – Clinton Axis / Davos Globalists / Dictator Xi combined Cabal are already “grooming” Haley to be President, with possibly Ted Cruz as VP. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Ronna McDaniel and the RNC are mixed up in the effort also. Since they’re owned by the Cabal, they’re controlled by the Cabal.


She dissed our lawfully elected PRESIDENT TRUMP – who won by a landslide!!!


she deserves to be booed everywhere she goes…as does cheney…


She dissed POTUS Trump even before he was President. She dissed him whenever it was convenient to her. She is another Turtle.


I am literally a weapon thanks to liberal arts….

At issue is an event from late January titled “Middlebury’s Opportunity to Facilitate the Demilitarization of White Bodies” (MOFDWB), a Zoom affair that featured a talk “by Associate Professor of Education Studies Jonathan Miller-Lane and [that] was sponsored by the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs’ Program on Anti-Racist Theory and Action Around the Globe,” reported Campus Reform last Wednesday.

Middlebury described the event by writing, “Evidence that Whiteness is always weaponized is everywhere: the August 2017 Charlottesville, VA, march; dog walker Amy Cooper threatening to call the police on birdwatcher Christian Cooper in New York City’s Central Park (May 2020); US Capitol Police officers taking selfies with armed rioters and Richard Barnett sitting at the desk of the Speaker of the House of Representatives (January 2021) are just a few recent examples.”


This is such a waste of time, Henry!!!

And – I have news for these people – there are no white people – they would be Albinos – not Caucasians.

So – there is a War on Albinos?


Don’t mess with me.

I am an albino of COLOR.

I am a Colored Albino and come in 62 flavors just like gender…..




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Every great Green Idea NEVER EVER WORKS.

haha stupid krauts…


Looks like they did not think that idea through, eh, Henry?


Australia had a similar problem a couple of years ago and the stupid libtards didn’t learn from that either.


Their objective is to make money without doing anything to improve life – so many of the companies that Zero subsidized went bankrupt – but, they are going after it, again – so it must be profitable for the bad guys – I think.


I pretty sure I read that EVERYONE of them went bankrupt and some went bankrupt immediately after receiving the money.

Nothing to see there though….

Green BS, just like communism, looks good on paper and when ever used, it never works.


Oh, I read ‘most’ – no matter – still the same result – cheat and steal – they do not care – more money for them – nothing for us.


Stuck on stupid….

Nearly half of Texas’ installed wind power generation capacity has been offline because of frozen wind turbines in West Texas, according to Texas grid operators. 

Wind farms across the state generate up to a combined 25,100 megawatts of energy. But unusually moist winter conditions in West Texas brought on by the weekend’s freezing rain and historically low temperatures have iced many of those wind turbines to a halt.

dumb ass idea to start with…


agreed…but this puts the exclamation point on it, don’t you think?
it’s like every bad idea, every corrupt politician, every evil organization is being exposed at the same time…
a crescendo is rising…
the fat lady is warming up…


The pic…wow. 😯

Deplorable Patriot

That looks like one heavy costume….

That’s half the reason for the exhaustion after the show.


I do not expect them to learn from it, but instead to double down, because it’s not really about energy; it’s about money and control. But the people need to wise up and rise up.


They will definitely double down,


The only way it’ll get fixed is to eliminate subsidies for wind energy.

If they government paid people to store radioactive waste in their backyards, the U.S. would be covered over with Superfund sites.


IMO the system is working exactly as intended.

Fake Global Warming scam
Politicians Buy up huge stakes in foreign energy
Meanwhile in U.S. ban oil ban gas ban coal ban fracking ban ban ban
Promote phony green energy scams
Global Warming collapses with onset of new ice age
Green energy fails <- YOU ARE HERE
Oil Gas Electric skyrockets in price
No alternative sources allowed stateside
Foreign oil imports go through the roof
Politicians PROFIT!!!


The so-called “Freedom Caucus” needs to introduce a daily impeachment for KamelToe.
Every damn day for the next four years just to piss off nanXi and ScumSucker


i say they rotate…cameltoe, hiltlery, obummer, biteme. holder, nanzi, schmucky…

Concerned Virginian

Remember a couple of days ago they were starting to float the idea of impeaching President Trump AGAIN for “intentionally putting Vice President Pence’s life at risk on January 6th”?
Betcha that’s still being discussed in the backrooms of the House and Senate.
With participation by RINO House members and Senators.


they will do anything so they don’t have to actually do THEIR OWN jobs…

hatred consumes them


Another impeachment?

worse than brexit and ythe EU,
keep voting till you get the results you want.



Where is Pence, by the way? I haven’t seen comments from him about the unjust impeachment and trial, nor any support for PDJT.


I think we are fast approaching that point where ‘air support’ should be called in to defend a position in danger of being overrun.
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Concerned Virginian

It is a living nightmare to think about the incalculable damage that RobberJoe (then, KamaHarr, after he’s served his purpose to the Cabal and “discharged from office”) via their handlers, are ALREADY forcing onto We, The People. And that the damage may well continue for … how long?

Gail Combs

Until the USA is turned into a fully Facist/Commie state and the 30 million most stubborn ‘Deplorables’ are called terrorists and executed while the others are worked to death, left to die from starvation, and the children are removed.

Tibet is an example of WHAT CHINA DOES to occupied territory!

 China’s atrocities in Tibet are growing too big to ignore

The world is finally responding to the Chinese government’s mass atrocities against Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in China’s northwest province of Xinjiang. But now Beijing is replicating some of its worst practices — including rounding up hundreds of thousands of innocent people in military-style reeducation camps — in other parts of China. This year, Beijing built and filled massive camps in Tibet, which had been the original testing ground for cultural genocide, political indoctrination and forced labor. Tibetan leaders are pleading for the world to pay attention….

(Other stories in the sidebar.)

Tibet ‘slips out’ of India’s hands; it’s advantage China on the borderIn this game of thrones, China seems to be gaining over India. One key pawn that New Delhi historically used as leverage, Tibet, seems to be missing from the equation now



Gail Combs

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_whew:   :wpds_chuckle: 


These people are sick – Kew was right, PR!!!


What was that Dave said last night on x22???

Almost all of D.C. is sick!


May they have their day in court, and may their enemies in pain rue the day.


YES Michael…


Wheatie: Love that GIF of the little girl beating on her Dad!!!


Yes!!! And – it reminds me of someone very close to me, too!!! A little girl with the same determination and drive – a true martial artist.


here’s one for the fellas…

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If her name is Flynn then I’m all for unmasking her…..hehe


giggle, snort…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, they’re probably Fauc-Xis…..

(Ducks and runs…)…



Gail Combs

Diesel trucks actually have those.  🤓 
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Cuppa Covfefe

Cold weather on the Grapevine in SoCal… keeps the engine from getting too cold… Frazier Peak, in particular…

Cuppa Covfefe

Gotta be a Prius or an eV…. lack of airflow won’t hurt the engine (that much)…

Used to have a 280ZX with a “bra” in front… saved the hood from a lot of rock damage… was a pain to mount/dismount when washing the car, though…


I don’t think so?

He vacillated all the time jumping back and forth on Trump and the first impeachment.


I agree with Emerald…

Mitch’s tirade will be the beginning of his fall…

He’s guilty of SEDITION in my opinion………… most Congress critters are lawyers, they know he’s “stepped in it”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it did incalculable damage to him. I have no clue why he did it. It’s just bizarre. Like he’s virtue-signalling to China or something.


Trump broke them beyond repair.


I agree Wolfie… very bizarre…


I wonder if Turtle had instructed enough of his sleeper minions to vote REALPOTUS guilty, and several voted innocent at the last minute.

It is totally out of character for Turtle to become unglued like that. That was a spontaneous eruption that must have been caused by something….like the innocent verdict.

and faux biden didnt win

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s actually a very interesting reading. Yes. Maybe he thought it would be a guilty verdict. It would make sense.


i miss him…
hearing his snarky comments about the jokers in dc…
watching him have fun with his constituents…loving him back…

now all we got is a lame pool to see when biteme’s head hits the pudding cup…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. We miss Trump Tweets(TM).


REALPOTUS would be up at all hours, working, tweeting, communicating with us…
biteme calls a lid at 2:30pm so he can make the early bird specials at Denny’s by 4

Cuppa Covfefe

Denny’s ad:”$1.99, are you out of your mind???”
Bye-Done: “Yes”…..




You know I kind of like that he is quiet. I think it’s driving them cray, cray. He is living rent free in there heads. It’s all they can think about and talk and write about. He he he.

Joe Biden didn’t win

And Nanzi is still in love with Trump  😂 


they definitely cannot figure out what he’s plotting…bwahahahahaha

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. And they are visible on camera feeds.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just like Burkas, especially the full-body ones…

Harry Lime

I’ve started wearing these…

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Gail Combs

Actually I think of it as Chicken Shit. Smells worse and doesn’t make it up to the intelligence found in mammals.

Harry Lime

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Ding, Ding… we have a WINNAH!

Harry Lime

Little Susie woke up…


For sure… !




What is your opinion on this?

I’m not sure I agree on any of these points?

Neo-liberal globalization?

I don’t think so?


I would classify the Never-Trumpers (as well as GOPe) as those who claim to be “true conservatives” (as in all you other jerks are Tea Party cult supporters)

“Conservatism” became mostly Neo-Cons or Neo-Liberal Globalists

With “Conservative” branded as these above terms,

a new “brand” (Jack says “Tool” … not sure a good choice of word)

Jack is Intel trained… his terms really require translation for Trump Supporters, which is a

huge umbrella of Independents (mostly), ex-Demos (esp minorities), never voted before Trump, with a scattering of Conservatives…

Sounds like he’s suggesting a third party…

jes my two cents of course

I believe Trump and his supporters OWN the GOP at this point… BUT the re-branding may be required

Gail Combs

The original perception was the Democrats were the party of ‘the little people’ aka UNIONS while CONservatives were the party of the US Capitalists (Chamber of Commerce)

However now BOTH parties are owned by the International Cabal aka BANKSTERS.

We already knew the Union leaders were Socialist/communist internationalists. With the destruction of US corporations, the Banksters control of the Transnational Corporations AND with the SECOND rise of the ‘Third Way’ aka Fascism any hope of a politician supporting America first disappeared.

“Tony Blair committed his government to treading the Third Way. Both US President Bill Clinton and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder espouse the same doctrine.”  LINK

E. M. Smith, aka Chiefio has done a bang-up job looking at Fascism and the system of government we are really under. I very much recommend reading it or at least read the comment and skim the three articles. It will give you a sound basis for understanding the other parts of the current puzzle.

ChiefIO has the economic explanation in a fairly short 2011 comment HERE

He then has an article: Fascist Doctrine

Straight from “The Horse’s Mouth”….

(This is long, but it needs to be to make the point clearly that “this isn’t about me” and it “isn’t about what I think something is, or isn’t”. This is what they said they were…)

Welcome 2012, Views of the 3 Socialisms
And 2016 Hollywood’s Love Of Fascism


Thanks Gail… as always, you have the ‘sauce’

Gail Combs

I try!

Much of what I bring here is stuff discovered by others over the years. I do not frequent my old blogs because they know most of this stuff already so I went first to OT and then here to spread the information among a different audience.


You do an excellent job Gail… thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Controlling both sides is what the banksters do.


nobody knows “branding” better than the BOSS phoenix


You got that right Pat… just waiting for his Cue (no pun intended!)


it’s going to be great!


Yes… I’m polishing up my dancin’ shoes… and stocking up on champagne… and snacks… I’ve moved beyond popcorn… into the heavy-duty stuff… “Rusty Nails” and milky way candy bars!


I too am a milky way girl!!


Knew it!



Cuppa Covfefe

Do like they do in Bonnie Auld Scotland: Battered Mars Bars, deep-fried….

With maybe a wee dram of Glenfiddich or Laphroaig on the side 🙂

(but hold the Haggis 😀 )…


Thanks Cuppa! will definitely hold the Haggis!


Did I mention I delivered your message and Blue sends her regards and a Hello back to ya!


if you did i didn’t see it.
THANK YOU phoenix!!


A pleasure my dear…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, this is very smart. Posobiec is smart. He’s seeing how conservatism always gets side-tracked into bullshit, so it can be defeated on a continuous basis. We have to EVADE THEIR MANIPULATION OF US INTO A DEFEATABLE BOX, and instead manipulate THEM into defeat.

This is very smart.

In the Cold War, conservatism was manipulated into reactionary cultural irrelevance.

In the Reagan Era, conservatism was manipulated into hubris of false winning.

In the post-9/11 era, conservatism was fully manipulated into neo-conservatism duping.

Trump got us out of the neo-con trap into understanding the forces that were manipulating us – always to take away our freedoms.

Trump is showing us that we have to get back to the Founders, BUT we cannot do it stupidly.

The most recent TRAP was to try to turn us into defeatable “insurrectionists”.

Oh, this is really smart. We must become CONSCIOUS in choosing how to DEFEAT THEM.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well Tea Party got trashed by GOP.

Conservatives have been called racist.
nationalist is now white supremacy.
constitutionalists are now white nationalist.

No idea what ‘tool’ cam be used or what label will be vogue?

Think I’ll call myself a confederate constitutional conservative person aka CCCP.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The other side is very good at what they do. They get the defeated and the defeatists (COUGH) to front their memes. Accepting that is the beginning of wisdom.

Deplorable Patriot

Agree. “Conservatism” keeps getting backed into a corner and defeated by threat.

As a construct for the Cold War in order to demonize traditional patriotism, and societal order that came about as a result of Christendom’s dominance…the word was weaponized, IMO, a la “conspiracy theory.”

The biggest thing we have to do in day to day living is be normal, regular people, not fanatics. The other side considers us all bitter clingers, and even just here in the XVII tree, we are diverse enough to demonstrate that that is not the case.

I do think, though, that a certain amount of apologetics for our side is beneficial for all of us to have in the back pocket for when someone says, “The TEA Party people are violent.” A woman I sat next to in symphony chorus actually said that to me. And I should have come back with, “Do I look violent to you?” Of course, that woman described herself as a Jewish atheist. Poor woman had Alzheimer’s and last I heard, she knew no one, but still went to the opera every year.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The MEDIA – THEIR media – now defines “normalcy” – meaning FAKE NORMAL – by killing off all other authorities.

We must now engage in a constant battle to destroy THEIR controlled media.





I hope PDJT does return. Bannon brings some good info, but I think he has a flaw in thinking he knows what is best for PDJT to do. I think that was what got him in trouble in the WH in the first place. So I will listen to him, but I will take what he says with a grain of salt. Pres. Trump knows far more, and far better, how to proceed.


I agree concerning Bannon. One thing he was right from the beginning though was that McConnell was holding up all implementations of Trumps agenda. He was also the one dragging his feet on purpose concerning rescinding the Obama care.
Turtle wants to be King but the president is in the way. The has made a mess with people he selected for the senate and screwed up Georgia. He know the election shame.


President Trump Acquitted Again

Gail Combs

You can thank Hubby for asking me who the guy (Madison) was in a picture with the Pig Louse.

The Current Fight is about the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. James Madison was the force behind the Bill of Rights so we have.
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The Founding Fathers Explain The Second Amendment — This Says it ALL

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

.[A lot more Jefferson… I wonder if this is why Jefferson is now attacked by the Left?]

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adooption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.” – Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

And much more.

Our Great AMERICAN House Speaker who has SHOWN how much she LOVES America Errr CHYNA!

Forewarned is forearmed: Pelosi determined on gun control

The Washington Times – Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in brief remarks alongside Rep. Adam Schiff, told reporters that Democrats were bound and determined to pass gun control legislation, regardless of how long it takes, regardless of what else is taking place in the political world, regardless of how many stones Second Amendment supporters throw into the way.

Take this as a threat….

This paper is interesting because it is a Phd student looking at “Gun Rights” as an Individual Right in 2017.
Rutgers Univ Second Amendment Debate

This paper presents an argument that the debate on gun control and the gun culture should not be prejudiced by recent events. The Second Amendment guarantees a right to individual gun ownership and views to the contrary contradict the real purpose of the amendment; hence, gun control legislations actions and intents violate the US Constitution. 

The thesis is anchored on the Individual Rights Theory that is the basis of the Second Amendment. This paper employs a qualitative research design that aims at generating leads to formulate hypothesis that the recent gun problems in the United States are not to be rooted on the contents of the 2nd Amendment. The hypothesis produced in this paper are testable since the elements of qualitative research design utilized such as  [polling methods and such]….

Going by present day happenings of terrorism and active shooting instances, this paper will investigate the angles of various instances, including review of evolution of modern weaponry and individual rights as anchored in the Second Amendment. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is at the centre of this debate, largely due to attempts to rewrite the Second Amendment creating an intention of unregulated individual right to owning a gun in the country…..

𝟭.𝟮 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

Conventional wisdom about individual rights indicates that there is a right to own a gun or bearing arms in the United States. However, politicians and other policy determinants have weighed in the debate on gun control in the country. As Khan (Dec 18, 2012, Para 1) reports, American conservatives have tried to recast the second commandment with a view to bringing in a debate that the laws on gun control ought to be changed to reflect new happenings and measures. The understanding of Second Amendment was on individual rights, and therefore, there are no ambiguities that are supposed to be read.

The attempt to bring about militias owning guns illegally lacks basis. Conservatives such as Edwin Meese and Ronald Reagan attempted to sneak in new understandings that courts in the United States have for long misunderstood the core values in the Second Amendment (Khan, Dec 18 2012, Para 5). The height of the re-invention of the Second Amendment came in the year 2008 during the Columbia v. Heller case, in which the United States Supreme Court reversed what had been held for decades about the individual rights in bearing arms in the country (Livery and Broyles, 449). The pronouncement of the Supreme Court as expounded by Schultz (200) indicated that the Second Amendment is unconstitutional, and hence putting the ideals of this amendment into jeopardy.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) also has been at the centre [Is the writer English???] of putting confusion into understanding and utilization of the Second Amendment of the year 1791. As written by United States – Supreme Court (441), the major outcome of this case was that the Second Amendment is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States Essential in this argument is the nature of argument which has persisted in the United States about the gun culture. As demonstrated by Baxley and Miller (545), the provisions of the Second Amendment have not strongly contributed to the rampant cases of misuse of guns in the country. In this regard therefore, the opponents of negative gun culture in the country, and especially in the misinterpretation of the provisions of the Second Amendment about individual rights to bear arms lack a strong basis. This problem has persisted hence the need for a thorough study about the balance in the debate of the Second Amendment….

Is it me or is this guy trying to hold two contradictory thoughts at once? It also looks to me as a way to determine HOW to shape the narrative in such a way that the Unwashed Masses will be willing to give up their guns.


 February 24, 2020  Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco’s Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco’s Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there’s no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.

“That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here,” Pelosi said….

Top Pelosi Staffer Registered As ‘Foreign Agent’ to Lobby For Chinese State Media Outlet (Several other accounts have been wiped BTW)

By: Natalie Winters, August 13, 2020

Brendan Daly, former Communications Director for Nancy Pelosi and a political appointee of the Obama administration, is a registered foreign agent who provided the Chinese Communist Party’s premier state-run media outlet China Central Television Network with “strategic counsel” as it expanded into the United States, The National Pulse can reveal.

During his tenure as Executive Vice President at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Daly secured a contract between the lobbying behemoth and China Central Television Network (CCTV).

Specifically, the firm helped the state-run propaganda outfit CCTV expand into American homes by “providing strategic counsel, identify relevant parties to communications activities, and media relations to support the launch of CCTV America.”…


Wow … informative


The 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, is a right that is inherent to a free man.

The right is not given to man by government.

That right cannot be infringed upon by government

So fk anyone who uses legalese to dissect words or phrases in an attempt to diminish these inherent rights.

and faux biden didnt win

Gail Combs

I agree completely!
However since when has that kept criminals in office from doing as they please.

1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million murdered.

Florida Man Lost His 2A Rights, Thanks To Red Flag Laws And Mistaken Identity

“Even though it was evident they had the wrong man, Carpenter was forced to hand over his firearms. There was no hearing or any kind of court proceeding.

“I was upset when the Sheriff told me that I need to surrender my gun before any due process”, Carpenter said.

Carpenter’s firearms had to remain in police custody until the plaintiff can say, in court, that he’s not the man that she filed a complaint against. He’d then have to petition the court to get his firearms back…and he would have to bear the cost. Carpenter will get his day in ours later this month.

What’s happening to this man is the exact instance Second Amendment supporters have worried about. This very instant is what we’ve talked about, time and time again. What if Carpenter needed to defend himself between now and his court date? He couldn’t, because the government failed him.

He’s having to prove himself innocent in a country where everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.”

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

“Let Mr. Madison tell me when did liberty ever exist when the sword and the purse were given up from the people? Unless a miracle shall interpose, no nation ever did, nor ever can retain its liberty after the loss of the sword and the purse.” – Patrick Henry

Source: J. Elliot, The Debates In The Several States Conventions On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution 168-69 (1836 Reprinted 1941)

This was pre-Bill of Rights. What amazing times those were!


LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidents’ Day 2/15/21



What a guy!!! Best President Evah!!!


Oh goody – here’s our ‘clean energy’…..

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Green is good for the planet……

Gail Combs

And WE the Tax payers get to pay for it coming and going while the buddies of the politicians pocket the profits.


Meanwhile, they cry NIMBY in the most blatantly hypocritical way.

They love Wind Farms b/c they depress everyone else’s home values and drive theirs up.

Just one, ONE mind you, way they PROFIT off the system.

Gail Combs

You would think they could grind the suckers up and use the fiberglass for making roads or something.

And no I am not kidding.

“…the difference between silica and fibreglass is that silica is silicon dioxide while fibreglass is silica based glass extruded into fibers that possess a length at least 1000 times greater than their width….”

“…Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO₂, most commonly found in nature as quartz…” (Quartz is a rock with a hardness of 7)

Fiberglass fabrics will not stretch or shrink. Fabric made of glass fibers has high tensile strength, dimensional stability, high heat and fire resistance, as well as resistance to many chemical compounds.

All I can think of is the adhesive [epoxy?] makes this difficult or it is too expensive. LINK


If you ground them up, you’d probably end up with tons of breathable microfibers like asbestos. I’m thinking about Wittenoom.


Just wait until the “battery packs” from all those electric cars that are going to save us have to be disposed of.

They are “saving the planet” by destroying it at a gob smacking rate. One would think that wind turbines would be hard to beat in the realm of the galactically stupid. I have no doubt that they have “better” tech in mind that will make wind turbines look quite whimsical by comparison.

Ah, yes – blotting out the sun – silly me. I had attempted to blot out that particular solution.

Biden wants to have his Dark Winter – one way or the other…..


Also amazing to me is that we are depleting are global supply of mineable lithium at an alarming rate, yet we haven’t made a tiny dent in replacing the gas guzzlers. Where are all those battery packs going to come from, outer space? Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have more oil reserves than any time in recorded history.


I remember well what the Obama EPA did to the Animus river
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So beautiful. Love me some wind turbines. /s


GA/FL, I simply cannot understand how the majority of people, knowing this travesty is being pushed by the environmentalists…as well as $$$-grubbers…fail to see this as anything short of irony and deceit.


It’s all about politic$$$ and profit$$$


Watching the ice accumulate on the lines and trees already drooping …

Gail Combs

That’s horrible and SO dangerous.

I loved to see the trees coated in ice and glistening in the sun by not a lot of it!
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yup, no public parades or displays in his honor…cuz he has no honor!

just locked in dc like a political prisoner

Valerie Curren

Had to pass that one along–thanks TIM!


Graham looks like a hostage making a video at gunpoint. Shifty eyes, no animation, no emotion. He looks ill – like he’s about to barf.

Gail Combs

Kinda makes you wonder just what POTUS has on him and what the Swamp has on him. Looks like POTUS has the really really bad schiff.

He looks like someone with two choices, BAD and WORSE.


At least he’s not under McCain’s thumb now.

I’m sure some day it will drop though and we’ll find out what he had on that phone he took a hammer to.


Yeah, total mismatch between the words and the body language.

John McCain may well be “more vibrant” than the L Graham on display here

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody new is holding his leash.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sadly, no, I don’t believe Trump brought change to Washington.

What, in DC is different now from five years ago?

He did WANT to bring change though, which is more than can be said of Graham.


I feel you. Where I think we are going to be different in is the STATES. The states must take back their Constitutional right to govern that has been taken away by the federales.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s going to be a long, hard struggle.

Some Saturday I think I’ll do a “what constitutional amendments do we need?” question.


That cold reality contradicts the “electrify everything” scenario that’s being promoted by climate change activists, politicians, and academics. They claim that to avert the possibility of catastrophic climate change, we must stop burning hydrocarbons and convert all of our transportation, residential, commercial, and industrial systems so that they are powered solely on electricity, with most of that juice coming, of course, from forests of wind turbines and oceans of solar panels. 

But attempting to electrify everything would concentrate our energy risks on an electricity grid that is already breaking under the surge in demand caused by the crazy cold weather. Across America, countless people don’t have electricity. I’m one of them. Our power here in central Austin went out at about 3 am. I am writing this under a blanket, have multiple layers of clothes on, and am nervously watching my laptop’s battery indicator. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump was absolutely right on ENERGY FOR THE PEOPLE. What the elite wants is ENERGY FOR THE POWERFUL TO MILK US.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll tell you what is just as bad, mixing electric and natural gas. Our hot water heater is exclusively gas, and when the power goes out, it’s the only one of the furnace, stove and HWH that works. Our old stove, you could light with a match if the electronic ignition wasn’t operable. The new one is digital. Same as the thermostat. The original furnace in this house would heat it when the power was out. Not this one unless you jerry rig the ignition. The gas grill…well, that will light, but who wants to stand outside when the windchill is -10.

Frankly, I’d rather have all gas with those appliances.

Gail Combs

“…concentrate our energy risks on an electricity grid that is already breaking under the surge in demand caused by the crazy cold weather…..”

Excuse me THAT IS BULL SCHIFF!!! The problem is the IDIOTS in Government listening to the MENTAL CASES screaming about Global Warming and ‘Renewables’

I am not going to dig up the references unless someone wants them. The problem with the grid is:

NO NEW NUCLEAR PLANTS. No new nuclear plants have been built in the US in the past 20 years. Some are being closed down and they represent 20% of our capacity.

NO NEW COAL PLANTS In total, 289 have closed since 2010, comprising 40 percent of the US’s coal power capacity, while an additional 241 plants remain open. The one near us was demolished so there is no going back. WIKI: Coal power in the United States generates about 20% of the country’s electricity. It accounted for 39% of production at utility-scale facilities in 2014, 33% in 2015, 30.4% in 2016, 30.0% in 2017, 27.4% in 2018, and 23.5% in 2019.” Map of shutdowns and explanations by a great website.

An old comment about the above map:

Given the information in that article with the map, if I were a power systems engineer, I think I would be calling in sick for the next couple years or taking a sabbatical or looking for another job some time before the Nov 2016 elections. Once the ‘renewables’ get over a certain low percentage, the grid becomes increasingly hard to balance. Windmills Overload East Europe’s Grid Risking Blackout Unfortunately the base load that keeps everything stable is getting taken out a lot faster than the US government anticipated.  [IIRC the max for wind and solar is ~5 to 6% before the grid becomes unbalanced.]

 In 2019, hydroelectric power produced 38% of the total renewable electricity, and 6.6% of the total U.S. electricity. About half of total U.S. utility-scale conventional hydroelectricity generation capacity is concentrated in Washington, California, and Oregon. BUT Congress enacted the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA) in 1968.

Map of U.S. Dams Removed Since 1912
Learn how we’re working to remove these dams and restore our rivers to their natural free-flowing state.

90 Dams Removed in 2019 to Restore Rivers
Nationwide, 1,722 dams have been removed from 1912 through 2019. 

So that leave GAS and GAS PIPELINES and of course the enviornMENTAL cases are screaming about the pipelines too.


Deplorable Patriot

Even with the dams we still have, as cold as it is, the rivers are frozen. There’s nothing coming from those.

We have enough coal (which is controlled by Tom Steyer, I understand) to energize us for a few hundred years in a single coal seam. The one in southern Missouri and Arkansas…daily, the coal trains go through here. That’s just ONE source of energy.

This is ridiculous.

And maybe more of the “show the people the truth” although, I don’t know that this particular cold snap was anything more than opportunistic for that purpose.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Generally the penstocks for hydro are below the surface, which is the only part that freezes.

Gail Combs

Sidney Powell and Patrick Byrne have both put this on telegram. Since people have difficulty copying it, here it is. (I had to transcribe the numbers) The totals are the same.

Patrick Byrne

About a week ago I published some preliminary numbers regarding vote slipping, prepared by some very deep diving dolphin-speakers. They had only located, analyzed, And reconstructed about 18 of them at the time. They had found just short of 300,000 votes flipped. Now they have worked further through the data, and they have locked down what 85 case, for over 2 million votes. They are most of the way but not yet completely all the way through the data, so this may increase a little more.

PA – 876,902

WI – 360,387

MI – 337,447

AR – 287,517

GA – 245,845

NV — 18,044

total = 2,126,142

CHINA ———- 739,932

RUSSIA ——— 289,674

GERMANY —– 191,055

FRANCE ——– 146,190

UK —————- 126,019

UKRAINE ——- 124,677

AUSTRALIA —– 86,162

USA —————- 79,124

INDIA ————– 68,957

BRAZIL ———— 53,444

CZECH REPUB — 34,941

CANADA ———- 33,609

BELARUS ——— 27,115

SINGAPORE —— 22,888

INDONESIA ——- 22,215


JAPAN ————– 18,904

ISRAEL ———— 18,499

UAE —————— 7,655

IRAN —————– 7,205

S. KOREA ———– 6,432

total ————– 2,126,142

Gail Combs

I should add:
MUST SEE: Overstock CEO Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping…
Make sure you read down the comments.


For the definition of a “dolphin-speaker”

January 31, 2021 How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 2: Was there Foreign Interference in this Election? You Make the Call.

“Let us now turn to an analysis of the packet traffic on Election Day 2020 provided me by the best cyber-forensics specialist (aka “dolphin-speaker”) I have ever met. As packets travel through the Internet they leave a trail, and dolphin-speakers using the right tools can, in a sense, “shine a light” and reveal those packet trails in the cyber-fog. The cyber-specialists to whom I refer, who has access to such tools (and even more arcane ones), has documented vote-flipping in the Problematic 6 states amounting to 299,567 votes, just enough in each state to flip the election. 43% of that activity came from China.”


Some People Are Getting a Large (but Harmless) Arm Rash a Week After the COVID-19 Vaccine

However, the reaction that has been dubbed as “COVID arm” is unique because it appears about a week after a person gets the vaccine, most commonly after the first dose. “This is a localized reaction with redness, pain, tenderness, and swelling at the injection site that occurs—on average—seven to 10 days after vaccination,” 

wear it now and wear it proud……


And for laugh to break up the day a bit…….

BREAKING: Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Dan David Prize for “defending science” and “speaking truth to power” -NPR


2.15.21: Good things sometimes take TIME! Just getting STARTED! Pray!
And We Know Published  February 15, 2021



don’t forget DICK Levine…who moved his mother to a hotel before forcing other seniors in nursing homes to be exposed to covid 19 in PA…


TGP reporting that mad Dr.Jill days her man child is exhausted from playing video games all weekend and needs to rest.

He’s too tired to play President today.

Concerned Virginian

“Dr. Jill” will say what RobberJoe’s handlers and medical team clear for her to say.
We really do not know the exact state of RobberJoe’s health. Period. By design.
My opinion: Look for more “the President is exhausted, so nothing until tomorrow” types of statements to happen. The stage is starting to be set for the 25th Amendment.
Look for KamaHarr to become “Acting President” at some point sooner rather than later.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

h/t CM-TX OT

comment image

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Passing that one along–thanks Pat!


any time…CM-TX has some good ones!

Valerie Curren

you’ve got some good sources to pick from 🙂

Valerie Curren

Your picture collections are such an encouragement & quirky joy to behold! <3


lol…there always a need to find laughter imo

Valerie Curren





Is he paying the airport for naming rights, like sponsors do for stadiums? Asking for a fren


Harry “Left Eye” Reid

Cuppa Covfefe

Apparently he was a member of the “Black Eye Club”… Lots of “friends” he had there…

Gail Combs

  :wpds_whew:   :wpds_envy: 


Isn’t he dead?

Gail Combs


PRESIDENT TRUMP came to greet the crowd in Florida today!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


[video src="" /]



LUV it… esp Mitch in a dress!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that right there brung a smile!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great article! Must-read stuff.


yeah but it too assumes the “we’ll get them NEXT time” point of view
there can be NO kingmakers as long as election fraud goes unfixed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And this was also the TRUE aspect of what RINO Thune said about Trump alone not being a good basis for fighting back. The problem is that we have few except Trump who rally the base correctly and continuously.

There is a LONG-GAME way to remove Fake Elections – but we need to accelerate it forward, while also fighting the battle more directly now. More later.


That was good 🙂 Very nice.

Whiffed a bit near the end though. New names, new networks – what, we get a new establishment class? I don’t want more Celebrity Cons. Where does he think the Establishment class organizes itself from?

Also, election integrity is the elephant in the room.

But still a nice read.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All “conservative” leaders who do not make themselves CONTINUOUS ENEMIES OF THE LEFT’S MEDIA will be compromised and brought down.

Gail Combs

“…But they are stupid, and weak, and the idea that our enemies are these brilliant Lex Luthors crafting intricate conspiracies from their secret lairs is ridiculous. All this stuff happening now is not the result of some cunning strategy but of dumb luck…”

I completely disagree!

Yeah the political faces are are stupid, and weak, and dumb. The Turtle’s tirade shows that.


The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. . . . You have owners. — George Carlin,

Our real enemy is behind the scenes. THEY provide the $$$ and do the picking and choosing, rewarding and trashing.

PAPER: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

….Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts. Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association, and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But we believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.

How America Became an Oligarchy

Who governs? Who really rules? To what extent is the broad body of U.S. citizens sovereign, semisovereign, or largely powerless? These questions have animated much important work in the study of American politics.




According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites….”

“The story of an American political cabal so powerful that it has been able to repress knowledge of its existence for 50 years, and the hidden history of the political force that has dominated American politics for the last 50 years.”  LINK

ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, anybody who doesn’t think there are conspiracies in play has never been a KNOWING part of one. They were just a dumb extra like everybody else.

Ditching the “Don’t Look At Me Sideways, I’m Sane” Virtue Signal Card(TM) is difficult at first, but getting rid of it gives one the full freedom of TRUTH in the end.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I find it VERY VERY DANGEROUS to under estimate the ‘ENEMY’ To say our politicians are the actual face of our opposition is a MAJOR DISSERVICE to the voting public.

Gail Combs


The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen

The master planners devised the strategy of a merger – a Great Merger – among nations.

But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal?

The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; <b>use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.

The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up… It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order….

Much of the spade work for setting up this ploy is being done by Henry Kissinger, who was a personal employee of Nelson Rockefeller for a decade before Rocky placed him in the Nixon Administration….

It is Kissinger’s belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations and their financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the worlds monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980.

Common sense tells us that a Rockefeller hireling such as Kissinger would not be setting up an “international control” system which takes assets from the Rockefellers and gives them to someone else. Obviously, the game plan is to take other people’s assets and put them under the umbrella of a Rockefeller-controlled World Government.”

Read online as PDF.
Excerpts at LINK

Do not forget the Food Safety Modernization Act placed US farmers and food sellers under the control of the World Trade Organization. (I still hate Richard Burr for that traitorous act.)

Interesting that the International Monetary Eund (IMF) article from September 2012 World Economy: Convergence, Interdependence, and Divergence Finance & Development Shows how far along this plan has gotten.

New convergence and strengthened interdependence coincide with a third trend, relating to income distribution. In many countries the distribution of income has become more unequal, and the top earners’ share of income in particular has risen dramatically. In the United States the share of the top 1 percent has close to tripled over the past three decades, now accounting for about 20 percent of total U.S. income (Alvaredo and others, 2012).

At the same time, while the new convergence mentioned above has reduced the distance between advanced and developing economies when they are taken as two aggregates, there are still millions of people in some of the poorest countries whose incomes have remained almost stagnant for more than a century (see “More or Less,” F&D, September 2011). These two facts have resulted in increased divergence between the richest people in the world and the very poorest, despite the broad convergence of average incomes.

So the IMF shows we are becoming a two class society: the elite and their suck-ups; and us, the serfs. CAGW is the Psy-ops used to make the serfs accept the drastic decrease in their standard of living.


My favorite parts of the article:

“…I used to subscribe to TheWeekly Standard and National Review, and I still laugh at Cap’n Kristol running his creaky garbage scow into the iceberg that is Donald Trump. As for NR, it’s sad – you post-internet cons don’t dig it, but back in the day, Buckley’s baby was it. There was no other conservatism. When it came in the snail mail once every two weeks, you got your fix for another fortnight. Hell, in college, I once took a liberal chick to see WFB speak. 

Now, if not for a few inhabitants … I’d happily let NR burn.
I heard the lectures about free enterprise then realized that I wanted no part of being in the party that enabled mega-corporate pillaging of our middle class for the benefit of the Chinese communists.

We’re done with them, but not with conservatism. We carry that torch now. The True Conservatives™ sure as hell aren’t even pretending anymore – we just had a whole year of “The Conservative Case For Biden.”…. But we know it now. We see it, and there’s no unseeing it.

So, why my optimism?

Well, as we’ve seen, our opponents inside our tent are worthless. Moreover, our enemies outside on the left are buffoons. Ted Lieu? Adam Schiff? Toots Swalwell, the guy who actually thought the Chi-Com courtesan liked him because he was cool? … (Did you ever notice how most of the things that went bad for Trump happened when he listened to Establishment Republicans?).
Every answer we seek is within the Constitution and the documents that went into creating it. What we sell is freedom, prosperity, and human dignity. What the other side sells is, at best, a soft corporate/political tyranny of the mediocre.

And the most important factor is that we are now conservawoke. Red Pilled, if you will. We see the lies. And we see the liars. That ridiculous XX-Jeb! hack Nikki! Haley keeps trying to happen and we keep laughing at her.

Recently, Nikki! sat down with Politico and said… who cares? We had her pegged at “she sat down with Tim Alberta of Politico.” If you can’t tell who the enemy is, it’s you.

Please clap.

But but but…

The corrupt and broken election system…

Tech companies are silencing us….

The girl I liked on that kid’s show about space and ray-guns got fired…

Yeah, it’s bad. 

{And now the Patton slap to those in the R & R tents at the rear, contemplating quitting}

So? And? If freedom was easy, everyone would be doing it, and those of us who have read history from before 1619, and/or have resided outside this country can clarify for you that freedom as the natural state of man is mos def not the case.

No one is going to give us anything but serfdom – you can have as much of that as you want, and gratis. But freedom has to be taken, one GOP state reforming its election laws at a time….

My guess is that Donald Trump has played his (crucial) role and will move on after humiliating the Democrats again by scoffing at their latest puny impeachment. He will be a kingmaker and an important asset in bringing forward the new blood we need to re-energize us. Populism had a tough four years. We’ll take a breather for a bit, then charge.

Look at our bench! Ric Grenell, Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, and many more.
And look at the doddering, failing enemy, presiding over the collapsing Potemkin village that is the failed Establishment.

Conservatives Must Stand Together and Fight Against Biden and the Radical Left.”

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it was a gold mine of great stuff.


…I’m not so sure anymore.

I’m beginning to “identify” as a reactionary.

Gail Combs

comment image


I still prefer to call those “Man Buns”…..

Gail Combs

Either way they make a great ‘handle’ in a fight.

Gail Combs

Just Discovered! James Madison’s Original Version of the Second Amendment
The 2nd Amendment: Liberal Edition


Athens, Tennessee.

Also, I still think there is a lot to be said for Selective Service being the contemporary legal understanding of militia. Any man who registered with Selective Service – required BY LAW – is by definition someone who is a member of the militia, qualified and duty-bound to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.


funny and yet spot on … except for the stay at home moms part as Many of us hunt, carry and are very conservative


Yes I appreciate that! My wife homeschools the kids.

But I will warn you, the crazy leftist mommies on LIFELOG are a constant source of consternation and mind-blowing stupidity.


I went to youtube so I could post on social media and came across this video as well:


When Americans took on the British redcoats, several of them brought their own cannons with them. When the Second Amendment was adopted, everyone knew that.

Gail Combs

Heck I knew of a bunch of cavers who drove a PINK hearse pulling a cannon on 4th of July.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



When I have done claim investigations on electrical failures of equipment I was always fascinated with how electricity would travel. Lightning especially. One thing for sure, you are better off having a total power outage vice a surge, or partial power supply. That is when the damage can get really bad.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I left my house to run an errand one evening. It was raining but not especially heavily.

I got back about 45 minutes later, and it had obviously rained a LOT in my absence. Got inside the house and I heard the shriek of a surge protector that had died trying to save my computer. My furnace was dead, half of my phones were dead, and my computer was dead. Apparently a very near lightning strike. The furnace had a scorch mark on its motherboard. My computer’s motherboard was dead, but the RAM (which normally blows if you look at it crosseyed), video and hard drives were fine.

Unfortunately Windows 98 (which is what I had at the time, this was almost 20 years ago) doesn’t like it when you swap out the motherboard on it.

Gail Combs

A lightening strike took out some lab equipment…. IN A FARADAY CAGE!

Turns out the bolt struck the ground traveled through the earth and UP the grounding wire!


China Used Secret Microchip to Spy on US Computers

An update to that October 2018 Bloomberg report, in light of the SolarWinds exploits . . .


If I owned a lenovo computer, I’d be looking at ditching it quickly. But that’s just me!

Concerned Virginian

I believe Lenovo (used to be IBM before Communist Chinese bought the controlling interest in IBM computer production [you know, the “ThinkPad” etc.], and renamed it “Lenovo”) began installing backdoor “spy chips” into Lenovo hard drives about 12 years ago or even more.
Lenovo cleverly sold millions of these desktops and laptops to school systems, hospitals, universities, etc., all over the United States, using “volume pricing” to get the cost of the individual units down so low that literally no other computer company could truly compete for the business.
I was telling people I know for years, do not buy or use anything with “Lenovo” on it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is when I knew Shallow State was totally in the tank with the ChiComs. They had never used or even liked supporting the IBM models, but once the ChiComs owned the brand and renamed it, they went hog wild trying to get us to buy them for personal use. Discounts, promos, all that stuff.

Yeah, right.


IBMs used to be huge as staff computers for auditors. Once Lenovo bought the brand, it was a tremendous opportunity for Dell, which really gave Dell a boost. In the meantime, the number of off-lease IBMs getting dumped on the cheap (and, yes, often to employees) was phenomenal.


Chiefio on the Texas windmill failure

Interesting graphic:
comment image

I had the following comment:

“One wonders if being a bit Frozen and in the Dark will get the message across about “dispatchable” power?”

Probably not.

Most of the Texans don’t want them, but residents been hamstrung in their efforts to resist them. It’s also hard to fight greed when there’s so much money to be made in subsidies.

T. Boone Pickens knew that the real genius behind wind power was driving natural gas prices sky-high. The old “Pickens Plan” from 2008 was all about driving up demand for natural gas – like using natural gas for automobiles as a “bridge” away from fossil fuels. When windmills stop, natural gas power generation has to be fired up to compensate – the only fuel source agile enough to meet the drop in the supply curve. Hmm, wonder what’s happening to natural gas futures today?

He also wanted the state to pony up $1B for transmission lines from West Texas to the North Texas ERCOT grid. Fortunately that got squashed.

Windmills are pretty good at pumping water from the ground. Well, there’s not much of that in West Texas outside the over-pumped Ogallala Aquifer. That didn’t stop Pickens from lobbying the Texas Ledge from changing the law to allow private individuals to form water districts – complete with right of way and eminent domain. Enter “Mesa Water District.” The ultimate plan was to pipe fossil water from West Texas and sell it to North Texas. Shortages? Bah, a little planned scarcity is just an opportunity in disguise.

But maybe the glaciers coming over North America will bring meltwater to West Texas.


Even I have heard of T Boone Pickens, all the way here in lil ole Tasmania.

Gail Combs

Need to put in NUCLEAR and Israel Desalination plants.

When it comes to water scarcity, Israel has found itself center stage on a global platform for the last two decades. Drought and agricultural collapse across the Middle East in not news to most of us, but how Israel has managed to rise above its water shortages is unprecedented. As the rest of the Middle East continues to dry up, a robust combination of wastewater recycling and desalination technology has turned Israel into a stable water consumer and water producer. The country’s success highlights the remarkable solution that lies in desalination technology and the potential for the developing world to make water scarcity a problem of the past….

So when the worst drought in over 900 years hit in 1998, Israeli leaders were forced to explore solutions to the region’s water scarcity. The worst of the drought took place between 1998 and 2002, and finally ended in 2008. But after 10 years of drought, the country’s largest source of freshwater, the Sea of Galilee, had dried up and other smaller aquifers were depleted as well….

Today, Israel gets a whopping 55 percent of its domestic water supply from desalinated seawater and brackish groundwater. Producing 150 million cubic meters each year, Israel’s Sorek desalination plant is the largest in the world! It alone provides 20 percent of the potable water that Israel consumes. In addition the army of 5 large desalination plants along the Mediterranean Sea, close to 30 smaller desalination plants filter brackish groundwater throughout the country, mostly in Negev desert in the south.

We HAVE the technology to deal with most problems. Too bad the our biggest problem is GREED for MONEY and POWER and too many Psychopaths in positions of power.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YouTube downplays thorium precisely so the Cabal can buy it up cheap and meanwhile get us onto ELECTRIC so that the switch is a fait accompli – and they can bleed us for it in the cold and dark. It’s smart but rather obvious. When the cabal does the wrong thing, just follow the money.


To be fair, thorium has also long-been downplayed because it has no “dual-use” potential [into nuclear weapons].

What’ll be really fun is when someone figures out that coal plant ash ponds are a good source of thorium. So, even if the coal plant is closed, you can recover thorium from its ash waste and ship electricity out over the same wires.

Last edited 4 years ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

Actually our energy coop was looking into a thorium reactor when there was some hype about mini-reactors going on several years ago.

Small Nuclear Power Reactors(Updated December 2020)

  • There is strong interest in small and simpler units for generating electricity from nuclear power, and for process heat.
  • This interest in small and medium nuclear power reactors is driven both by a desire to reduce the impact of capital costs and to provide power away from large grid systems.
  • The technologies involved are numerous and very diverse.


The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor developed by the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is designed to make extensive use of India’s abundant thorium as fuel, but a low-enriched uranium fuelled version is pitched for export. This will use low-enriched uranium plus thorium as a fuel, largely dispensing with the plutonium input of the version for domestic use. About 39% of the power will come from thorium (via in situ conversion to U-233, cf two thirds in domestic AHWR), and burn-up will be 64 GWd/t. Uranium enrichment level will be 19.75%, giving 4.21% average fissile content of the U-Th fuel. It will have vertical pressure tubes in which the light water coolant under high pressure will boil, circulation being by convection. Nominal 300 MWe, 284 MWe net. It is at the basic design stage…..

World Nuclear Association has a lot more info at that URL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, these mixed U-Th designs are opening up all kinds of opportunities.


I like the thorium salt reactors better — work at atmospheric pressure, self dampening if overheats.

Gail Combs

So do I. Too bad the Cabal decided to kill them decades ago.

I should add that design was just the first thorium design listed. there were many more.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

You know, I woke up this morning with a most interesting feeling in my gut. That’s where all my hunches originate from by the way!
All of the angst i have had since Nov 3rd are gone! POTUS is still President! That old senile creature I loathe beyond belief is not the legal POTUS and he will be gone very soon.
over and out for now.

Gail Combs

Same feeling. Major Hopium.

WHY would they try to impeach when POTUS is SUPPOSEDLY out of office AND they control the voting machines???


exactly Gail! and nasty nans total insane ranting after the shampeachment was quite a sight. That woman had a meltdown of complete panic, gee i wonder why. 🤑 

Gail Combs

So did Mitch when it comes to that.


Google launched a segregated search engine for blacks only.

How chic….


How about they release a search engine where content filtering is strictly on an “opt-in” granular basis that empowers consumers?

Hmm, yeah.


Race is a powerful weapon of the Left. It depends on people of all races not being awake and off the Dem plantation.

After all the fights for equal protection and treatment, I have to wonder if anyone who embraces this wants equality or rather superiority; that is, to subjugate whites because of anger, spite, and racial hatred. Or maybe it’s the fear of mistreatment that is being pounded into their heads by Dems.

Imagine a search engine for whites only. 😱

Deplorable Patriot

Race is a powerful weapon of the Left. It depends on people of all races not being awake and off the Dem plantation.

The success of such communications depends on a well developed sense of guilt.


Or self-entitlement ?

Deplorable Patriot

No, guilt. You gotta have that for the concept of privilege to even set in so as to make people give up their rights over it.

Brave and Free

Or stupidity


“The success of such communications depends on a well developed sense of guilt.”


Of which I have exactly none.

But they are heaping canyons worth of guilt upon themselves, those who falsely accuse us of things we have never done.

I don’t pretend to know what the ‘plan’ is, if there even is (or ever was) one.

But if the people with the supposed ‘plan’ think a lifetime of being blamed and shamed and harassed for things we never did is just going to be forgotten…

Then they’re out of their *&^%ing minds and deserve to be drawn and quartered with the traitors.

Gail Combs

You are a man after my own heart!

I am more of the eye for an eye type.


Myself, an eye-for-an-eye works for little things…..but big ones? This has to be so painful, so over-the-top, so horrific that such behavior will not be attempted again for a thousand years.

There is a time to be against “cruel and unusual punishment”, and a time to full-on embrace it. And the line between is when you’re making a Point for Civilization — and I can think of a few good candidates about now.

Gail Combs

I was being ‘civilized’ and keeping Wolfie happy.

As my trainer said, if a horse BITES (not nips) STRIKES (Rear and strike with front hooves) or KICKS you make him think he is going to DIE — Because all three moves can kill.

Normally I use just voice or a tap but you better believe I get down right nasty when a colt tries any of those three. AND they get just one chance and if they blow it a second time they are off the farm ASAP. If I think they are really dangerous they go straight to the killers. I do not fool around.

That’s horses who I like… I DO NOT LIKE POLITICIANS.


There’s a lot of paranoia in this article, but what the heck. Run for the hills anyway I guess.

Food Shortages Guaranteed Under Biden Regime

And when it is not buying regular corn supplies, China is buying up massive amounts of U.S. ethanol, the corn-based biofuel. The Asian economic powerhouse has bought “roughly 200 million gallons” of ethanol for the first half of 2021, matching its previous record for annual imports of the corn-based biofuel, Archer Daniels Midland Co Chief Financial Officer Ray Young told Reuters.

At the same time, America’s second leading cash crop, soybean, which is used in many products as well as for livestock, has also experienced something of a rout that looks set to become increasingly worse as the year progresses.

FWIW, my perspective is that an ongoing effort to depress raw produce prices to drive farmers out of the market (while marking up and reselling to consumers, mind you) requires countermeasures.

Enter the trade agreements to sell American produce and increase market.

And, frankly, make China more dependent on U.S. agriculture, something they have resisted doing . . . until the Trump era.

Deplorable Patriot

If it wasn’t that corn is so hard on the soil, I’d say let them have the ethanol.

Soybeans are fine for cows for feed, but otherwise, yeah, driving farmers out of market has been a goal for a while.


And, frankly, make China more dependent on U.S. agriculture, something they have resisted doing . . . until the Trump era.”

Exactly…this is part of the deal Trump made with China. Also this helps balance our trade deficit with them and to put our farmers to work.

and faux biden didnt win


Strategic Culture is an organ of the Kremlin.


One of several on ZeroHedge.
Good to get another perspective – as long as you know the angle of their bent.


Excellent – thanks for the tip. That explains why they’re way off!


My SO is a Refusenik. Before he ‘got religion’, so to speak, he was an officer in the Soviet Army. Stationed for a while in China. (Chinese hate ALL round-eyed devils.)

He’s got a fine sense of smell. Boiled cabbage wafts off articles and trends a naive Westerner would miss.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

COUGH verified COUGH good intel COUGH


Very good insight. I’ll put that in my back pocket in case I need it later.


I clicked their “World” section.
Ghastly stuff.


Trump motorcade drives through Presidents day rally


Dem Policies Boomerang, SCOTUS To Hear Election Fraud Cases This Month
RedPill78 – The Corruption Detector Published  February 15, 2021


This month?
Which YEAR?


This month – on the 19th and the 26th, Ray


I know….. Just being sarcastic.


Oh, ok – could not tell – no snark mark


“This month?
Which YEAR?”


Does it matter?

Lucy has been pulling that football away at the last moment since 1950.

The (not)Supreme Court has been doing it even longer than that.

&^%$ ’em.


If there was a symbol for “Zero Moral Authority” in the dictionary, it would be a representation of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive Branches walking together into a Chinese pedophile honeypot.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Like I’ve said before……
Next time…..
Kick that Lucy Bitch in the HEAD!


Jo𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕.

“The United States Supreme Court would actually refuse to hear a legitimate case because they were scared and frightened of violence.”
comment image


YouTube is now claiming this video is ‘manipulated media’.


It’s true.

It’s proof Jill is manipulating her potted plant of a husband.


It is manipulated in the way that there is only about 7 seconds of continuous video. This is NOT 33 seconds of ‘lost’ joe biden. The rest of the 33 seconds are spliced together showing a ‘lost’ biden.

It would be easy to put together footage of ‘lost’ biden as there is a ton of it out there. You might even find a 33 second segment of ‘lost joe’.

The fact that the first 7 seconds, with the timer, the “People” magazine logo, and the “not to be shown to public” caption, is made to appear as if it is official footage that has been cut from whatever production they were creating.

I might even guess this was intentionally leaked by the Evil Left as they begin to transition from biden to harris…this is just too obvious without being impactful…we already know he is near-senile with daily ‘lost’ moments.

EDIT: apparently the creator, a MAGA guy, was doing a mockup of “joe reacts to acquittal” using available footage to troll biden and the left, so probably not the evil intent that I suggested…

and faux biden didnt win

Last edited 4 years ago by Please

I knew it was Walter…..
Where is Jefffffffff ?

Deplorable Patriot


Sp………….. who has the Beast?

Don’t think it’s Fauxprez Joe….


I’ve been looking for it. Biden at the airport on AF2 was in an SUV.


Could one in the post above be it?


I watched but no positive ID on the Beast.


Thanks for looking Michael…


Repeating an update from above:

AWK today shows Biden lumbering out of the Beast at the Pentagon 2/10/2021


Thanks so much…

Gail Combs

IIRC there are more than one.


There’s been a question about whether he was using the Beast.


michael, a beat up and dirty one at that!


AWK today shows Biden lumbering out of the Beast at the Pentagon 2/10/2021


Sloppy Joe may have the “Beast”…..
But I would bet…..
Trumps ride will beat the “Beast” any day.


Any day!


Some GOP politicians are figting harder against the GOP voting base than they are against the Dems … and they are loosing. Why?

One reason is because the GOP voting base will Not forfeit our party to a handful of notorious GOPe/RINO politicians in DC. We are not quitting! This is our party and we will stand strong for the GOP platform and the conservative issues for which President Trump stood and for which he worked tirelessly while in office.

“…Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.” “And I imagine if you’re an incumbent Republican people will be asking if you’ll support Mitch McConnell in the future.”

McConnell isn’t a man used to public rebukes from the corporate wing of his party, but after the past month’s antics they are rightly deserved. Friday’s floor speech was no quick tantrum: It was the last stupid moments of the minority leader’s plan to purge the GOP of Donald Trump — a plan that began to unravel nearly immediately after its poorly conceived Jan. 12 rollout in the pages of The New York Times.

So what’s all behind this? After four years of yelling “MAGA!” while pushing his own classic, corporate Republican policies, McConnell had hoped to rid himself and his conference of the conservative populist nationalism the former president had championed and go back to the way things were. He wants a return to promising to tackle illegal immigration before winking at corporate America that nothing will change…

Instead, his push to impeach ended with rebuke from his own conference. Angry and embarrassed, he blamed his own colleagues as well as the former president, performing a 20-minute attack ad for the left to use on Republicans for the next election cycle and beyond.

“I think his speech is an outlier regarding how Republicans feel about this, “Graham said Sunday…. Graham is right. The second impeachment trial was the final act in years of Democrats trying to usurp the former president and isolate and ostracize his supporters. After January’s shocking $8.3 million post-election fundraising haul — driven largely by small gifts averaging $32 a person — the decline of corporate and PAC influence in favor of base voters’ influence is starkly visible. Corporate politicians like McConnell don’t like this shift because it makes them responsible to that base, so this year, instead of trying to lead a changing party, he stamped his approval on Democrats’ attacks on it.

Far from over, as so many in power would prefer, the lines of the populist conservative fight for the Republican Party and the country are more clearly and publicly drawn than ever before. When they eventually take back the Senate as the pendulum of voter anger inevitably swings back against the current Washington rulers, Senate Republicans would do well to remember the opening months of 2021 — and remember Mitch McConnell.”


comment image

Gail Combs

How America Became an Oligarchy  

According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites….

The Supreme Court decision 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC): ALLOWED Corporations to donate and PACS allowed unlimited funds. This meant individuals could not easily out ‘buy’ politicians.

10 Supreme Court Rulings That Turned Corporations Into People (Mother Jones 2014)
[Note that these problems would not have occurred if the Founders original plans for corporations were followed. Corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense.  States could also rescind a corporations charter if they got out of hand.]

1809 (Bank of the United States v. Deveaux): In the early days of the republic, when state and federal courts were still working out their jurisdictions, the Bank of the United States—a precursor to the US Treasury—sued a Georgia tax collector named Peter Deveaux for property he had seized when the bank failed to pay state taxes. Deveaux argued that, because corporations weren’t people, they couldn’t sue in federal court. Chief Justice John Marshall agreed. …

1844 (Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad v. Letson): It soon became apparent that Marshall’s decision in Bank of the United States was unworkable because it put corporations outside the reach of the federal courts. Thirty-five years later, after hearing the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad case, the Supreme Court shifted course, ruling that corporations were “citizens” of the states where they incorporated….

1853 (Marshall v. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad): The Supreme Court later upheld the notion that corporations were citizens, but only for the purposes of court jurisdiction; they did not have the same constitutional rights as actual people….

1886 (County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad): Now that corporations were legally citizens, corporate attorneys worked to expand their rights. When California officials levied a special tax on the Southern Pacific Railroad, the railroad sued, arguing that singling out the company violated its rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment, which was intended to protect freed slaves. In a strange twist, the court reporter—a former railroad man—wrote in the published notes on the case that the 14th Amendment did, in fact, apply to the company. Even though this notion appeared nowhere in the high court’s actual ruling, 11 years later the court declared it was “well settled” that “corporations are persons within the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment,” citing Santa Clara.




2010 (Citizens United v. FEC)In the run up to the 2008 election, the Federal Elections Commission blocked the conservative nonprofit Citizens United from airing a film about Hillary Clinton based on a law barring companies from using their funds for “electioneering communications” within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election. The organization sued, arguing that, because people’s campaign donations are a protected form of speech (see Buckley v. Valeo) and corporations and people enjoy the same legal rights, the government can’t limit a corporation’s independent political donations. The Supreme Court agreed. The Citizens United ruling may be the most sweeping expansion of corporate personhood to date….

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

I have a few bones to pick about this Mother Jones article.

First, corporations have ALWAYS been “people” — it’s right there in the name. Comes from “corpus” — Latin for “body”. A corporation is a legal person, created under the auspices of a State.

Why would they do this?

Very simply, because the previous method of organizing a larger business — partnerships — was increasingly problematic. Partnerships can be created with a handshake and need not register with a government. If you want to do something to it, you have to track down its partners and personally “serve” (“process servers”) one — otherwise, they never show up in court to be sued or on the docket to face criminal penalty.

By having an enterprise go through a process of registering with the State and preserving certain niceties, it made it much easier for a State to deal with it.

I do agree with some of the cited issues — e.g. corporations had limited lifespans and could be dissolved if they became nuisances — and it may surprise the author to find out that some of the other issues are still intact. When you start a corporation, you typically have to state its purpose on the documents you file. And, typically, the purpose given is “to engage in any lawful business in the jurisdictions in which it operates.”

And, every year, you must declare an agent for service of process.

As to some of the other “becoming a person” issues, I wholeheartedly disagree. Freedom of speech, for instance, is a Natural Law given by God to all that exists….and it is forbidden for Governments to curtail it. To my mind, ALL campaign finance laws and limitations are flagrantly unconstitutional (and self-serving).

Gail Combs

I will quibble with you on that. The People IN a corporation have all the rights. The artificial construct of a corporation should have clearly delineated rights and obligations BUT it should not be considered a person. (Those laws should be up to the states it operates in BTW)

Does a ‘Corporation’ have a 2nd Amendment right? Or the right of assembly? What about the right to CENSOR PEOPLE? OR FIRE PEOPLE FOR POLITICAL VIEWS? OR should Corporations BUTT OUT!

I do not think a corporation (or any group) should have professional lobbyists. If you care about a subject then get your ass on the phone or to your reps office YOURSELF. I think donations should be limited to what a normal person can manage to donate to prevent skewing representation towards only the rich and powerful.

We very very much need to get back to the idea of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and not the ‘rights’ of the ‘community’ or corporation over the individual aka COMMUNISM.

(Oh and I have owned a corporation and we are the agents for another.)


Of course corporations have 2A rights — how many have armed security forces?

Do they have the right of assembly? Sure — does not every shop have a sign over the door that says, “We reserve the right to REFUSE SERVICE to anyone.”?

The only times that “censor people” is an issue is when they control some monopoly of communication. I’d work on making that moot through anti-monopoly methods.

I would think that the problems with lobbyists are not with the people (or corporations) who hire them, but with the lobbyists themselves. It should be a service like any other service — not bound up with “special influences” or corruption.


More on Biden’s 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night – This One Ballot Drop Was 73% of Biden Votes in the County — EXPLAIN THAT!
By Joe Hoft 
Published February 15, 2021 at 7:15am

The election results in Virginia’s Fairfax County were very suspect late Election Night. There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden.
We’ve reported since the election on the unreal results in Virginia on Election night. We uncovered a pattern that occurred in Virginia as well as in other states that we labeled the “Drop and Roll”:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Election Insurrection must be PUT DOWN.


Three (3) Cases going to the Supreme Court – on the 19th – Michigan (Powell) – Georgia (Wood) – and – Pennsylvania (Kelly)

Praying for discovery and success – I am

More cases going to the Supreme Court – on the 26th – not sure what those cases entail – maybe, someone here knows…


As I understand it…..
The SCOTUS will “talk” about it in a “conference”…..
Not necessarily going to court….. yet.


Not sure what that means, Ray – but, sounds like something I read.


Sounds to me like another…
“nothing to see here” moment.


Oh, Gosh – I hope not – if Roberts messes this up again – he is toast.


How about….. WHEN he messes this up.


Oh, I am hoping and praying this works – I think there is more at stake than meets the eye, Ray – he made the right decision about the Impeachment Trial – so maybe, he will make the right decision, again.

Gail Combs

Feb 15, 2021
SCOTUS to Hear Election Fraud Cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan & Georgia This Friday

Among those to be heard are Republican Rep. Mike Kelly’s Pennsylvania election case, attorney Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and attorney Lin Wood’s Georgia election case. reports: The decision came after the court declined to fast-track all election-related litigation in early January.

In nearly every plea for expedition, lawyers backing former President Donald Trump told the court that if the cases were not heard before President Biden’s inauguration, their success would be unlikely.

But after the court pushed them off, many lawyers said that the challenges were still important and could have long-term implications for election fairness. Trump lawyer John Eastman told the Washington Examiner that even with Trump out of office, it was important to settle the issues raised by expanded mail-in voting.

“Our legal issue,” he said, referring to the way in which Pennsylvania conducted the 2020 election, “remains important and in need of the court’s review.”….


Praying something will stick, Gail!!! Right about now – it is all in God’s Capable Hands!!!


Jo𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕.

“The United States Supreme Court would actually refuse to hear a legitimate case because they were scared and frightened of violence.”

comment image


The “schience” community is putting out there that that the reason we don’t have the regular flu anymore is because the flu vaccine is working at 100%.


Deplorable Patriot

G’ma, know anyone interested in coastline property in Missouri?

I mean, it’s the Mississippi River, but, it’s water you know.


There’s a new subdivision I saw recently, built in an area that was under the flood plain. The developers though, you know, had a grand plan for dealing with that, a little fill dirt would fix it all up.

They named it “RIVERSET”

Can’t make this stuff up.

Deplorable Patriot


By elevation, the old family farm was in flood plain. it never flooded, not like, say, parts of a number of river towns around here, but still….

You can’t fix stupid.

Gail Combs

As my geology professor said, the flood plain is part of the river even if it only uses it every 100 years or so.

A hurricane came through when we were considering buy my farm. Just after (it was still raining) we walked down the farm drive to the river. We got 1/2 way and the next step was over my knees (I was wearing rubber boots.) I now have several neighbors who have built houses in the area BELOW that part of the hill going down to the river. THIS DESPITE being told I had seen it well over two feet deep.

To add insult to injury WE had to get a geologist to CERTIFY our house would be above the flood plain even though the Topo map showed we built over 100 ft higher, AND I was not allowed the basement I wanted.

Local politics meant the guy selling the flood plain lots did not have that problem. snarl…


For some of my childhood, I lived in Lakewood, California…..yeah, it used to be a swamp, how’d you guess?


Not off hand, sorry. I love Missouri, though. Visited several times.

Deplorable Patriot

We do have our redeeming qualities.


Show Me !!!! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Mosquitoes?  😋 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I warned people about Fake Science, but OMG, this approaches Soros Science.


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“The “schience” community is putting out there that that the reason we don’t have the regular flu anymore is because the flu vaccine is working at 100%.”


Apparently the jackasses forgot that tens of millions of Americans don’t even bother with getting the annual dose of poison flu vaccine.

So even if the flu vaccine was 100% effective, millions of Americans who didn’t get the vaccine would still be getting the flu.

So there goes another perfectly bogus narrative, right down the drain…


Where Did Flu Go? | Viral Interference, Explained


comment image


yeah…more hiding in the basement


I’m back in Parler via desktop web browser.


Guess that proves what was reported – that Parler is back up – Yes?


Michaelh, GAB is the place to be; yea, I still have a Parler account, but rarely to there. GAB is vibrant.

Ozzytrumpster Can we frame this Solzhenitsyn quote and hang it around the entire nation?
“And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.“


This. Right. Here. 👆

Valerie Curren

Hanging tough down under in these tough times, Ozzy? Hope you & yours are doing as well as possible. God Bless!



several counties have already censured him


Note paragraph 2 – what is *not* there?


can I buy a clue??


No names?


If Mike Pence had stood up for the Constitution, rejected the electors from the swing states that had extensive fraud, his name would be there.


Biden Won’t Undo the Second Amendment in Texas: AG Paxton
BY TOM OZIMEK February 15, 2021 Updated: February 15, 2021

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton responded to the push to restrict gun rights by President Joe Biden, who on the Feb. 14 anniversary of the mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida, high school called on Congress to impose tougher laws on ownership of firearms.

“The Parkland shooting 3 years ago was an act of unspeakable evil,” Paxton wrote in a tweet late Feb. 14. “But Democrats cannot be allowed to use this tragedy as an opportunity to cram down unhelpful and unconstitutional gun laws.”

“Biden won’t undo the #2A in TX on my watch,” the Republican attorney general said, referring to the Second Amendment.

Feb. 14 marked three years since former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Nikolas Cruz opened fire at the Parkland, Florida, campus, killing 17 people and leaving another 17 wounded.

Biden took the opportunity to call on lawmakers to enact what he called “commonsense gun law reforms.” This includes background checks on all gun sales, eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers, and banning “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines.

“We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change. The time to act is now,” Biden said in a statement.

Parkland parents have been divided over how lawmakers should respond.

Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was 14 when she was killed in the shooting, addressed the president in a tweet on Feb. 14.

“Mr. President, thank you for remembering the loved ones taken from us 3 years ago,” he wrote. “Alaina loved this country and the freedoms it guarantees. Common sense tells us that honoring her life does not require infringement on the rights of law-abiding citizens.”

In an interview on Feb. 14, Petty said the president’s proposals won’t prevent more tragedies.

“It’s wrong to focus on the weapon,” said Petty, who is now a member of the state school board. “For those who understand what happened that day, there were mistakes. This was the most preventable school shooting in the history of our country. The warning signs were there. It was clear the killer had intentions to attack the school.”

Mass shootings have galvanized gun control advocates, who argue that guns are too easily accessible and say more needs to be done to keep assault-style firearms away from potentially bad actors.

“The passage of time has done little to heal the heartbreak we felt upon hearing the shocking news three years ago today, nor dulled our sense of outrage at the lack of consequential legislative action from lawmakers since that horrible morning—laws that would prevent another Parkland from ever happening again,” said Manny Diaz, chair of the Florida Democratic Party.

Last week, administration officials met with gun control advocates, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki telling reporters later that the administration is ready to move on the “ambitious plan” Biden laid out during the campaign.

The main part of Biden’s gun control agenda includes banning the manufacture and sale of “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines, regulating possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act, buying back these weapons and high-capacity magazines from citizens, requiring background checks for all gun sales, ending the online sale of firearms and ammunition, and providing more funds to enforce these laws.

John R. Lott Jr., former president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, argued in an op-ed that the reasoning behind Biden’s gun control agenda is flawed.

“Far less than 1 percent of guns are ever used in crimes, suicides, or accidents, and when they are, it’s virtually always the result of the user’s actions,” he wrote, arguing that plenty of other products are used to commit crimes, including cars and computers, or are associated with accidental deaths, such as swimming pools.

“Many other products, such as motorcycles, have much higher probabilities of causing harm. The death rate per motorcycle is 0.05 percent; the death rate for guns is 0.008 percent,” a figure that, in addition to homicides, includes accidental deaths and suicides.

“Guns are also used defensively about 2 million times in the average year, according to the FBI. Will government reward gun makers when their products are used to save lives?” Lott said.

Masooma Haq and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Gail Combs

“We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change. The time to act is now,” Biden said in a statement.

Biden was the key author of the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 THAT ALLOWED THE PARKLAND SHOOTING TO OCCUR!!

Way to go! So how about RESCINDING THAT STUPID LAW!





“GOP Ranking Members Demand Pelosi Explain Why She Refuses to Turn Over Documents on US Capitol Security and Why She Delayed National Guard Response for One Hour During Siege”


You know she’s shaking.


A sternly-worded letter!!!! Oh, noez!!!!



Watch the first bit of this video, quick double click on the start button.
Chicomjoe walks behind the first pillar then the second pillar appears to be transparent.
Fakery or what?




weird…and why wasn’t his wife with him?


The whole election Biden tenure thing is bizarre.


the imposter isn’t available to the press, his press sect is a moron, and no one is interested in seeing him or hearing him speak or cheering him on…very telling for someone who’s supposed to be the most popular in history!


He did not need his wife his granddaughter was with him (S)

Gail Combs





Looks like the video had a fade in a cut sequence. An edit, not necessarily malicious, but it was done to appear like continuous walking.

Concerned Virginian

That second pillar “ghostlike” RobberJoe at 0.07 is very strange.
I agree with the cut & splice walking to Marine One.
However, RobberJoe’s walk is also very strange. Looks to me like the walk of a person who isn’t quite sure where he is and/or isn’t sure of his footing.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

which makes it all the more odd that his wife is not by his side…Melania was often walking with REALPOTUS…


I see what you mean, but if what we see in front of the pillar is footage from later on, superimposed, it matches exactly, his height, speed, stance. A lot of trouble to go to on a throwaway bit of video.

Gail Combs

Go to setting the ‘gear’ at right hand bottom corner, and watch at 25% speed. There is no change in the pace of his walk.


SHARE! Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?
Patriot Intel Report Published  February 9, 2021


RNC supporting the GOP voting base in their work to recall Gov Newsome


$250,000? my gosh… that’s pathetic…

The RNC is texting me every day grifting off the impeachment… what a laugh! Why weren’t they putting pressure on elected Republicans to pick out against the sham?


No. Nothing. Nada. Never again. 👍🏻


How much do you think a recall costs?

Do you know how else they are spending the $ they raised? Do you know what else the RNC is currently doing, right now? What it did last year?


Do you really want the RNC to pressure politicians on policies v. their own district and state voters?

It seems there are 2 trains of thought:

1) people who don’t like the RNC trying to control who wins and who looses

2) people who want to see the RNC to control the GOP candidates and who wins/looses in the primaries

Let’s remember where we came from: in 2016 and before the RNC did put their thumb on the scale during the GOP primaries in too many races.

Now, they are doing what we actually ought to want them to do and what they should do which is to be neutral during the primaries, allowing the voters of the Congressional districts and the voters in the states to select their own GOP primary winners some want the RNC to go back to controlling winners and loosers.

Why? If they control the winners/loosers then many will not agree with those that they choose. The GOP is a big tent and no GOP voter agrees with most politicians on all issues. It should be up to the voters to choose who we support and then the RNC to support them against the Dems in the general election.



comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’ve only done it once, but nevertheless, what the hell is wrong with those people?


really? seems like at least 10 years he’s been a pain in the ass…
thanks for correcting me!


Romney IS… and HAS been a PAIN IN THE ASS for a long time…..
Gubner of Taxachusetts and designer of O’Romneycare.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Heh, I replied via notifier in almost the exact same words!!


Great Minds and all that 🙂


oh that’s right…thanks for clarifying!!
I knew he had (bad) name recognition!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, he’s been a pain in the ass for much longer than ten years.

But this IS his first term as Pain In The Ass in Senator mode. He got elected in 2018 I think.

Gail Combs



details, details


Why Are Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Not in Jail? They Are Reportedly Breaking the Law By Not Handing Over 2020 Election Ballots via @gatewaypundit

— Deplorable AZ Dreamer (same on} (@tasteofaz) February 15, 2021


A picture is worth a thousand words!comment image?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Much more amusing when it was Albert Einstein.


Hey, Steve – How is Darwin? Get report from Vet yet?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I probably won’t hear from the vet until Wednesday. And even then that could just be a “bring him in.”

The place has two reptile specialists, but they both work only in the last half of the week. (Seems like bad planning to me.)


Agree – shouldn’t they divide that in half – what I would do – makes no sense – unless they figure people are better able to pay later in the week?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The place is not accepting new patients–their voice messaging says they’re full up. So I doubt there’s any financial issue.


Wow!!! Is that normal? Did someone close down or go out of business?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have no idea. I’m fairly new to pet owning, and I switched from a relative’s favorite vet to these guys about two years ago on the advice of someone in town who knows a LOT about keeping reptiles.


How did he manage without you today? Do you know if he ate anything?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He did not. Well, he might have had some salad, but when I feed him bugs i watch him eat them.


Have you fed him since you have been home?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I offered him food Monday morning (it’s now 11:30 PM monday for me, 1:30AM Tuesday for you). I was still at work when I previously responded.


Oh – did he eat anything? Hope this is just a bump in the road – and he will be feeling better soon – how are the temps there?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lots warmer here than before. He again refused food this morning, but did poop (which surprised me, this soon).

Are things warming up over there?


Nope – not yet – it has been snowing all night and most of the day today – we already have a foot of snow – temps remain in the teens – not as low as you have experienced – mind you – but, salt does not work below 21 degrees – so like Pat – we are dealing with ice and snow.

For what it’s worth – i think Darwin is stopped up – and will not feel like eating until his system has moved the ‘block’ out – my cat did not eat for a week – I thought she was dying – but, she drank and slept ‘it’ off – until she felt ‘comfortable’ again – she would not eat – cats are so much smarter than humans – they sleep when they are tired and eat when they are hungry – they do not eat too much – and will not eat until their system is healed.

I do not know anything about reptiles – but, I am sure they have their own way of correcting what is wrong since they cannot talk and tell you – what is the consistency of the poop – is it soft or hard – if hard – when it passes could tear sensitive tissues on its way out – and therefore – cause bleeding – just speculating here, Steve.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As good a speculation as any.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And just how is SHD today?


Doing fine, Stever – considering I am sick of the snow and cold.

Butterfly was all in a flutter – power outage – Texas – unable to make coffee – had to plug her coffee maker into the socket in car – er something.

Get warmer there today?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Butterfly’s situation is appalling and we are going to see more of that the longer His Fraudulency infests the white house.

Yes we did! It got up to at least 23 degrees above zero…which was 40 degrees warmer than our overnight low. Downright balmy considering we’ve been hovering at or below zero since last Friday.

Right this instant we are +12F.

How about you (by the way where do you live)?


Wow – that is quite a reversal – not sure if we made it to 20 today or not – just expecting a foot of snow – maybe overnight.

North of Pat!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, wow….there isn’t a lot north of her, couple of hundred miles maybe. You two might even have gotten together at some point (in which case rest of world better look out).


We figured that was certainly a possibility because I was born there – LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Switched at birth?


Or related

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She’s your older sister!!!


Well – we are definitely NOT twins – LOL – different color hair

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, there’s that, but not all twins are identical.

Which is a good thing, because having two Pats or two SHDs might cause the fabric of space time to rupture.

And of course it doesn’t exclude the hypothesis that she’s your older sister.


…might cause the fabric of space time to rupture?

Now that is funny – Two Pats – people would be in stitches – Two SHDs – not so much


I remember that movie, filmed at the Oregon State Sanitarium and called, One Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest. 😜 😞🤓

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m pretty sure it was not filmed at the Oregon state capitol, despite what you say.

Gail Combs

Yeah, Kennedy released the inmates and now they run the state.


Not the state capitol ….the state mental hospital.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One and the same. (Was trying to make a joke)


…and the inmates are running the asylum

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren

Real POTUS LOVE for Prez’s Day!


Ep. 2405a – The Movement Has Begun, The Patriots Are Coming For The [CB]s
X22 Report Published  February 15, 2021


Ep. 2405b-We The People Are Taking Down The Global Power Structure, The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us
X22 Report Published  February 15, 2021


Dave is talking about Texas – do they have a number of solar and wind farms there?

Gail Combs


WIKI: Wind power in Texas consists of over 150 wind farms, which together have a total nameplate capacity of over 30,000 MW (as of 2020). If Texas were a country, it would rank fifth in the world: The installed wind capacity in Texas exceeds installed wind capacity in all countries but China, the United States, Germany and India.Texas produces the most wind power of any U.S. state.

May 2, 2018  Solar Farms Are Popping Up All Across TexasERCOT, the state’s power grid operator, expects the number of Texas solar farms to double over the next 4 years to help replace coal plants and meet new demand. One megawatt of solar (1 MW) can typically power 200 homes on the hottest Texas days during “peak demand,” and 500 homes on average days during normal demand….

 Nov. 20th 2020 Texas will host the largest solar project in the US


Oh, Dear, Gail!!! I was hoping it was not that bad – Poor Butterfly – hope they have help restoring power from other states – have not heard back from her since this AM!!! Maybe, her ‘puter is pooped!!!


Gas and Electric companies here put out notices about possible rolling blackouts all around this area (several states).


That is helpful – here – electric companies travel to areas where many are without power – combined crews restore power faster – sometimes – it is too much for a single company to handle – crews travel to other states as well.


Same here…..

Wires are not the problem.
Supply IS.


Oh – that is a shame – poor planning – and distribution – that is sad


Solar Panels covered in snow and Ice……
Windmills FROZEN stiff.
Bite-Me’s war on “fossil” fuels…..
“They” have/had a plan all along.


God works in mysterious ways, Ray – revealing the worthlessness of this dang Green Deal Doofus Danglers!!! Hope and pray people will see what they are doing and trash the whole lot of them!!!


These idiots need to understand what base load power supply is. It is not any green energy source. You need a steady fossil fuel/nuke power supply that can be lowered when wind, solar, hydro is available. But then ramped up when it is not.


All over Florida – airplanes flew supportive signs for President Trump!

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By the way, Wheatie, ‘”His Fraudulency” is a title, so “his” needs to be capitalized, like in “His Excellency” (he’s certainly not excellent) or “His Majesty” (he only wishes!)

Gail Combs

Still prefer


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Wheatie actually called him “his Fraudulency” though in her post, so I thought I’d clarify.


Mr. Gil’s friend in Montana said its -13. They have so much ice that their small creek on their property has frozen over but the water is still moving so the property is flooding and icing. We here had a cold gloomy day, but nothing like what you all are experiencing.


We first had ice and then came the snow. About 3″ and that is not bad but we are supposed to get more. It is not that cold not like Chicago or other states. The hills keep a lot of stuff away.
My prayers for all of you who are hit badly or do not have enough electricity. Stay warm and safe.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Next CNN will be giving us joe’s nap schedule and what he dreamt.

President Biden has expressed a preference for a fire built in the Oval Office fireplace, and sometimes adds a log himself to keep it going.
Unlike his recent predecessors, he’s more of an early-to-bed type. Here’s how Biden is settling into his new job.

— CNN (@CNN) February 15, 2021

Concerned Virginian

Of course CNN would put out a grossly manipulative, “kissing-up” screed about RobberJoe’s “daytime schedule”, and of course adding some nasty side comments about how President Trump “watched a lot of television” (inferring that POTUS Trump never did any “real work”, whereas RobberJoe is “all business”).
Watch that careful “early to bed” cr@p that CNN has in the article. It’s a hint —-


Unlike his recent predecessors, he’s more of an early-to-bed type.”

Then, he’s up at 6am, heavily sedated by 10am and calls a lid by noon…

…and faux biden didnt win!



february 15, 2021 the marshall report

Wonder if Joey is having a parking lot meeting today with his supporter? After all this is President’s Day. Will they have a gathering? Or will it be virtual? Meanwhile in Palm Beach on President’s Day….

VIDEOS – Scroll down to Letter to Nancy…and More…


Over the last month or so, various comments have been posted about the RNC and their supposed lack of support for President Trump. 

If you don’t like the RNC, fine. Don’t send $. But at minimum, stop posting fake news and false narratives based on some GOPe elected politicians and based on media reports. We know they are fake news and love to divide conservatives – why believe them about the RNC?!

This is simply not true. —The vast majority of the RNC members are supporters of President Trump as that is who the base and the SECs elected (because many of the SEC members are Trump supporters or they would not have been elected to the SECs).

—The elected RNC officers are Trump supporters or they would not have been elected to their positions of leadership.

— The reelected RNC officers and newly elected RNC officers were elected specifically because they supported and were endorsed by President Trump.

Who are the RNC members? There are 3 from each state and included: The state GOP chairman/women and two elected members, 1 male and 1 female. 

How do they get to be RNC members? The state GOP chairs because they are chairs and the other two members are elected. In TN, they are elected by the SEC (State Executive Committee). 

How does one become a SEC member? In TN, 1 female and 1 male are elected from each state senate district by the voting pubic who show up to vote in the primaries. If we don’t like our SEC then its on us, the voting public in TN and on those conservatives who don’t show up to vote in the primaries. We all need to vet each candidate for whom we vote including our SEC members.

I found this article delightful. Delightful article from the NYTs, the ol’ soiled lady? Yep! Why? Because the author was just appalled by what he had to witness and write while “reporting” from the RNC meeting in January. 

The NYTs was disgusted with the loyalty of the RNC to President Trump as seen by this very biased 1/8/2021 article. I am emphasizing the biased language that indicates opinion and Dem narrative v. news.

“AMELIA ISLAND, Fla. — In Washington, Republicans were dealing with a burgeoning crisis in their ranks, with high-profile resignations and bitter infighting over how to deal with an erratic and isolated president. But at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting on Friday, most party members were operating in a parallel universe.

{in other words, the RNC members weren’t buying the fake news and Dem false narratives}

In a chandelier-adorned ballroom at the seaside Ritz-Carlton here, there was no mention of President Trump’s disruption of the coronavirus relief package or his phone call to the Georgia secretary of state demanding that he help steal the election, both of which contributed to Republicans’ losing control of the Senate.”

Me: Wow – that is some fake news narrative right there! That asking that the GA SOS focus in and find illegal ballots is “stealing an election”? Find the thieves and reclaiming what was stolen is now stealing? smh!

Below, I emphasize the loyalty and steadfastness of both McDaniel and the RNC leaders:

“And while the R.N.C. chair, Ronna McDaniel, condemned the attack on the Capitol, neither she nor any other speaker so much as publicly hinted at Mr. Trump’s role in inciting a mob assault on America’s seat of government.”

{“reporter” assuming/asserting that President Trump did have a role, as if that were fact v. Dem claim}

“Even as the president faces a possible second impeachment proceeding, this collective exercise in gaze aversion was not the most striking part of the meeting. More revealing was the reason for the silence from the stage: Party members, one after another, said in interviews that the president did not bear any blame for the violence at the Capitol and indicated that they wanted him to continue to play a leading role in the party.

Me: Yes, McDaniel stood strong and did Not take the low road of some of the DC GOPe politicians such as Mitt and Mitch. McDaniel stood by President Trump and the RNC did not issue broad brush statements against all who attend the rally/protest on 1/6 or against President Trump. And the NYTs hated it! They claimed that standing strong against fake news, false narratives and den talking points was “fealty to Mr. Trump” (they just refused to call him President – so much hate from them!)

“The fealty to Mr. Trump was made plain on Friday when the state chairs and the committeemen and women who make up the R.N.C.’s governing board unanimously re-elected Ms. McDaniel, Mr. Trump’s handpicked chair. They also reappointed her co-chair, Tommy Hicks, who was first appointed to his post because of his friendship with the president’s eldest son.

Mr. Trump…will be the first since Andrew Johnson to boycott his successor’s inauguration. That hasn’t yet fazed the Republican rank and file.”

Me: Why should it “faze” us after the ugliness of the Dems?

Action Alert: NJ Trump supporting Republican voters – Do you want Palatucci to continue as a committeeman and continue to represent you at the RNC? If not, take action now by getting involved in the NC GOP.

“This room, they’re in denial, and that’s on the record,” Bill Palatucci, a committeeman from New Jersey, said during a break in the Friday session, acknowledging the “damage done to the country” and the Republican “brand” this week…But Mr. Palatucci was a lonely voice of dissent, at least in public.

Privately, a group of Republican officials, mostly those from the pre-Trump establishment wing of the party, said that they were appalled by the president’s conduct and that Ms. McDaniel had been candid about the party’s difficulties behind closed doors.”

Me: I trust neither the NYTs nor the Never Trumpers who have yet to be voted out of the RNC by their home states to tell the truth. Why should I believe them? I know both groups lie so why should I believe what they are saying about McDaniel? Unless one already believes she is a fake, why believe the NYTs?

“I would love to see him go into states that have some House seats we can flip in ’22,” said Terry Lathan, the Alabama G.OP. chair, who said “absolutely not” when she was asked if Mr. Trump bore any blame for the attack on the Capitol.

When a committee member took an informal survey on whose closed-door speech on Thursday members had liked better, that of Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota or of Nikki R. Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, the response was clear. The party officials preferred Ms. Noem’s, because she had not criticized Mr. Trump as Ms. Haley did in her remarks, a Republican familiar with the sampling said.”

Me: I LOVE that last bit because is gives us good insight into the RNC state of mind and majority Trump supporting MAGA RNC members + it shows us that Nikki just isn’t gaining traction anywhere. She is going down the GOPe road that RINOs thought would be smooth sailing after President Trump left office. Having been warned about her for years now at OT I am very happy and satisfied about that! 🙂

Action Alert: Missouri – who is this? Replace him in the next election! How are your RNC members and SEC members elected? How do you all vet them in Missouri?

“Earlier in the day on Thursday, when the president briefly called into a breakfast meeting, he was greeted by applause. And when the Missouri national committeeman, Gordon Kinne, said at the breakfast that he was a supporter of the president but had been upset by his comments about the violence at the Capitol, he was met with a generally frosty response, according to another committee member in the room.

The loyalty to Mr. Trump results in part from the turnover on the committee during his term. The president’s top political lieutenants intervened to install loyalists in state and local G.O.P. conventions ahead of 2020. The goal was to prevent any party rule changes that could have made it easier to mount a primary challenge against Mr. Trump, but the end result was to leave the committee heavy with Trump devotees.

The changes also accelerated a trend that pre-dated Mr. Trump’s rise: the evolution of the committee from a body filled with canny political professionals and power brokers in their states to one dominated by dogmatic partisans well-marinated in Fox News and Facebook memes.”

Me: Dogmatic – does he mean focused and determined conservatives who refuse to compromise as the Uniparty RINOs do?

“Perhaps more significant, the president has fostered a new wave of activism on the right — and many longstanding G.O.P. leaders fear alienating these newcomers to party politics.”

Me: EXACTLY! We are hear and we will NOT forfeit our party over to the GOPe! We have worked to hard in the last 5 yrs (and some since the 2009 Tea Party days) to turn into quitters now. Its Our party – not the GOPe/RINO’s party!

“We can’t exist without the people he brought to the party — he’s changed the direction of the party,” said Paul Reynolds, the Republican committeeman from Alabama. “We’re a different party because of the people that came with him, and they make us a better party.”

Reta Hamilton, a committeewoman from Arkansas, said Mr. Trump should play “a leading part” in the G.O.P. in the future for just that reason — “to bring his voters,” she said.

Ms. Hamilton and other R.N.C. members also sought to rationalize {“reporter” bias showing yet again} questions about the damage to the Capitol and the images of Trump banners and Confederate flags littering the building.

“What was your reaction to Black Lives Matter looting and robbing and killing people?” she shot back brazenly before walking away.

Steve Scheffler, a committeeman from Iowa, was equally quick to invoke last summer’s at times destructive protests over racial justice and the news media’s coverage of them.

The riot inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, followed a rally at which President Trump made an inflammatory speech to his supporters, questioning the results of the election. Here’s a look at what happened and the ongoing fallout:

“Why doesn’t the press condemn the violence that happened in Portland and Seattle?” said Mr. Scheffler. “It’s a double standard.”
{good for both of them!!!}

In her remarks to the committee, Ms. McDaniel, the niece of Senator Mitt Romney, thanked Mr. Trump for his faith in her and never directly acknowledged that Mr. Trump had been defeated, only referring to her frustration at “losing critical elections.”

As for the president’s own denial about his loss, she did not rebut the conspiracy theories he has pushed, and that the party’s base has echoed.

{Conspiracy theories?! hahahahahaha poor NYTs reporter sounds bitter over having to cover the RNC in January and being surrounded by Trump supporting RNC members!)

Addressing the Republican “grass roots,” she vowed to work with state legislatures to “make sure what we saw in this election never happens again.”

A handful of committee members, however, believe more reflection is desperately needed, particularly after this week. “We’re whistling past the graveyard,” said Henry Barbour, the Mississippi committeeman, who called Mr. Trump’s conduct before the riot “totally unacceptable.”

Few of his counterparts, though, would criticize the president.

Asked if Mr. Trump was still the effective leader of the G.O.P., the Wyoming Republican chair, Frank Eathorne, said, “The way Wyoming sees it, yes.” Me: WY is proving where they stand with their quick actions concerning Liz Cheney’s votes and statements to the media. 

Action Alert: Mississippi has an RNC member that they may want to reconsider.  Vote him out next time! How do you all elect your RNC and SEC members in Mississippi and how do you all vet them?

Gail Combs


The RNC PICKS AND CHOOSES the winners. So it is time for US to do our homework and pick the winners NOT THE RNC!

We are in this mess BECAUSE we let a ‘group’ do our thinking for us.



What “ain’t gonna happen”?

My post advocates for replacing the few RINOs that are left in the RNC. What is it that is in the above post that “ain’t gonna happen”?

2) “The RNC PICKS AND CHOOSES the winners”

not true. They don’t become involved until after the primary.

3) “So it is time for US to do our homework and pick the winners NOT THE RNC!”

a) The RNC doesn’t pick winners … they do not donate/fund until after the primaries.

b) It is Well Past time that we all did our homework for the primaries, were active during the primaries and voted during the primaries, choosing our own GOP nominees. That is how it is Always suppose to work. If anyone has not already been involved in recruiting and supporting good candidates to run in the GOP primaries, vetting those who are running and voting … well, then there is the problem.



Gail Combs

RNC picks and chooses by whether or not they will support a candidate. Also I WATCHED the RNC BOOST Burr over his challenger by sending a member to the Trump campaign office in 2016 FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF STEERING PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE CHALLENGER. I got into a major fight with the SOB.

And NO the RNC will NOT get my money or support, the specific candidate will.

𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗺 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗡𝗖 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗡𝗖 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶-𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆. 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗡𝗖 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗣 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝗮 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻.


RNC … 2016

Different leadership in 2016. MAGA voters got involved and changed the leadership.

Your experience was with the RNC in 2016 under former leadership so why make broad brush strokes about current RNC?

Look at how differently the RNC treated President Trump in 2020 v. 2016 – no comparison! They thought they had the power to stop him and the grassroots voters in 2016 during the GOP primary but they didn’t.

In 2020 they worked hand and hand with the Trump campaign, spending Millions on numerous election lawsuits from the spring of 2020 forward and on reelection advertising, field office staffing, etc.


The New York Times!



NYTs is hateful and leftist as I pointed out … that is the point. The article Hated the Trump supporting unity that was clearly demonstrated on stage and by the members. They wrote biased, snide comments about all of the obvious Trump supporting and the fact that the Trump supporting, Trump endorsed candidates won the party elections.

The fact that the NYT’s reporter had to attend and report all of the Trump supporting is delightful! Bet he was miserable the entire time.  😂 

And yet he did find a few GOPe and they need to be replaced by the state GOP voters.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

The loyal opposition.
They play that role well.


Who is the loyal opposition?

Do you know who your state’s RNC members are? Do you know how they voted, if they voted for Trump’s endorsed candidates in the RNC elections at the January meeting? Do you know where your state’s RNC members stand on the issues?

Do you know all that the RNC did to support President Trump during the 2020 election?

Many are making general statements as facts without actually looking up the facts first.


RNC is DEAD…..
Read that again…..


90+% Lying Bought Off Traitors!!

You can keep posting this crap, But I will NEVER again TRUST them!


Why? What did they do/not do to make you not trust them?

The RNC is full of Trump supporters and has fully supported him as an organization.

Mitch is not the RNC. He is a politicians from KY – not the RNC. elected politicians are not the RNC and yet somehow many are conflating the RNC and elected politicians. Why?

Who are your state’s 3 RNC members? Do they support President Trump? Did they vote for Trump’s endorsed candidates in January’s elections?

Some people posting here have no idea who their own state’s 3 RNC members are or how they get elected or how their GOP chair is elected, etc. and yet are posting that they don’t like them. How does anyone know if they don’t know who they are, how they vote, where they stand and have not bothered to be part of the elections?

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

I do not CARE “who” they are…….
They are probably just as CORRUPT as the rest of the RNC.
Fuck ’em!


So, with no information or facts, you are going to assume you know.


You have no idea who they are, what they stand for, who they voted for, if they are Trump supporters are not … probably don’t even know how they came to be your RNC members – and yet you come to conclusions. Why?

So I am guessing you don’t know your SEC members either which points to the fact that you not knowing, not bothering to inform yourself, not bothering to be part of the vote that decides who is in the GOP leadership in your state, is giving you the GOP you didn’t vote for and therefore deserve.

Corrupt … how? What do you think the RNC members get paid to be RNC members?


“fact that you not knowing”
Condescending much?
*&%(^(& You


Condescending? Nope.

I didn’t assume.

I responded to what you said.

You posted: “I do not CARE “who” they are…….
They are probably…”

You said you clearly implied that you didn’t know (“probably” – you don’t seem to know one way or the other) and that you didn’t care and seem to not plan to learn more, dig deeper.

Why? If you don’t know, why wouldn’t you bother to learn? Why does my responding to your own statements trigger you?

Having a cursing, name calling meltdown does nothing to MAGA. Learning who your RNC members are might. Becoming involved and vetting your SEC members for the next election would help MAGA and might then influcence the RNC members from your state.


If I didn’t know better….
I’d swear that you are in fact…..
Liz Cheney.


MR. Trump?



Much of the media has disrepectfully and rudely referred to President Trump as “Mr.” during his entire term.

This is Not how McDaniel referred to him. The “Mr.” is the NYTs choice of words.


I think that some of the replies came from commenters who did not actually read the full post.


Haven’t validated this.

Coronaviruses are notorious for ADE reactions, where antibody presence potentiates the infection instead of protecting against it. Using that as a bioweapon is stupid because you will score “own goals” on your own people and there is no way to control that. As a result biological weapons generally are dumb; poison gas and such don’t have this risk since it does not propagate but any disease does.

The poster child for ADE in coronaviruses was an attempted vaccine for a feline coronavirus that often made cats very sick. The vaccine killed every one of them in the test when they were later exposed, wildly potentiating the infection.



China does not care about its people so if there is collateral damage then so what. In WWI, when gas was used it would some times drift back against the troops that used it. That is why bio and chem warfare is not a good choice due to the lack of control.


Developing a bioweapon that only works against people who have been vaccinated for something different sounds pretty controlled to me….


A little different in that it takes the intentional use of the so called vaccine also. Scary shit either way.

Gail Combs

Yeah esp. since it is a real possibility. Note this is a ‘dead’ aka inactivated virus and NOT this experimental stuff.

Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine

In 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in Guangdong Province, China, infected more than 8000 individuals, and resulted in a 10% mortality rate (Rota et al. 2003). Later, in 2012, a novel CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), was isolated from the sputum of a man in Saudi Arabia (Perl et al. 2014). Notably, MERS-CoV recently reemerged in the Republic of Korea, and killed 36 out of 186 confirmed cases (Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015). Therefore, SARS-CoV still carries the potential for resurgence; efforts are being made to prevent the recurrence of an epidemic.

Currently, effective antiviral strategies to control SARS-CoV infections are lacking; vaccination is still regarded as the major approach for preventing SARS and related diseases. Generally, virus-specific antibodies play important roles in the control of viral infections. However, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial for infection in case of some viruses including flaviviruses, CoVs, and retroviruses (de Alwis et al. 2014; Jolly and Weiss 2000; Takano et al. 2008). Vaccine-induced enhancement of susceptibility to SARS-CoV has been documented. One study showed that the antibody against SARS-CoV spikes protein potentiated infection of both monocytic and lymphoid cell lines, which do not express the virus receptor, and reported antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)-mediated vaccine-induced infection aggravation (Yip et al. 2014). We previously reported that an inactivated SARS-CoV Z-1 vaccine effectively elicits a neutralizing and protective antibody response in rhesus macaques (Luo et al. 2007; Zhou et al. 2005). Thus, to ensure the safety of the vaccine in clinical use, the present study examined whether the vaccine can trigger ADE….


…..which is why we should have been going gung-ho all over on therapeutics — which would have been instantly available, cheap, and effective.


But the “vaccine” cannot be authorized under an EUA if there are available therapeutics. So the gubmint cronies had to down play them to get their mRNA vaccine approved.


*Ding!* We have a winner!

Gail Combs



Me either nor my husband

Valerie Curren

arctic arkansas?
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Matt Couch

If you’re in Northwest Arkansas your dog is out in 0 degree weather… He’s not very friendly either, wouldn’t get in the truck with me, very moody almost angry even.. no collar..

Gail Combs

What the heck is a ‘Poley’ bear doing in Arkansas? Has the Ice Age started?

Valerie Curren

Not a clue here


I’m pretty sure that’s just hillary out for a stroll.

Gail Combs

She escaped from the zoo?

Valerie Curren

apparently equipped to dispense arkancides at will!


Never seen or heard of a “Poley” being anywhere near here.
Though this week they may like it 🙂


Gail, the Lewis and Clark journals talked about sightings of unusual grizzlies. I don’t remember if they were “albino” or “blonde” or how they described them – it was definitely “yellow.” I believe other early 1800s accounts recorded them too, but no evidence seems to exist for them now. Probably they died off or interbred.

I have a suspicion that the Polars were traveling a lot farther south in the mini ice age and interbreeding with the Grizzleys and other bears. And/Or Vice Versa – Grizzleys further north.

Interbreeding would be the most likely reason, IMO, for them to disappear, b/c they would just appear the same as the normal stock after a couple generations.

We also had been talking about the “blue northers” which many meteorologists have concluded are a figment of the imagination. From my perspective they seem a lot like an extreme polar vortex event with rapid moving super cold air colliding with warm air. They often described strong thunderstorms with them and shocking temperature drops. Dark blue skies as well. It seems to me that if the air were fast and cold enough, it wouldn’t have much trouble with a moister airmass making a lot of mid altitude ice like a blizzard cloud. Sadly, it seems that when wagon trains were on the trails, the blue norther would catch them off guard and they’d be total unprepared, with entire trains dying in the cold.

Gail Combs

I do know they finally validated the Grizzley/polar bear cross. Seems to happen when a ‘suitable’ mate is not available.

Although we did have a Snowy Owl decide to land in one of our trees when we had some really cold weather. Mid North Caroline is NOT usually part of their range.

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I’ll pass that on to my wife – she’ll be interested to hear that


BardsFM, Outposts of Freedom – 20210215

Valerie Curren

read the quote to my hubby & he’s like “Well, I think you found one!”

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Rivelino the Artist
· 3h
“Women don’t even like harmless men. They hate them. What women want are dangerous men who are civilized”

–Jordan Peterson

Gail Combs

Is this what Viceroy Bite-me meant by a DARK winter?


I believe so… HAARP comes to mind.


So NOW she wants an investigation.

One whose outcome she can control.

Pelosi pushes for 9/11-type commission on Capitol riots as GOP presses her for answers
by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter |  | February 15, 2021 06:20 PM

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi renewed her push for a “9/11-type commission” to investigate the Capitol siege following former President Donald Trump being acquitted on Saturday as some Republicans try to turn the security failure spotlight on her.


Oh, not just an investigation….a “9/11-type coverup commission“.


“Commision” now?
Should that not have been done BEFORE the Shampeachment?

The 9-11 “commision” was a CONTROLLED farce!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pelosi is doing the same thing the 9/11 commission did. SCARE the military co-conspirators into doubling down into the conspiracy with the congressional criminals.


Gail Combs

So WHERE IN HADES is the ‘9/11 type commission’ on all the ANTIFA and BLM terrorism??
Where was the 9/11 type commission’ on the baseball shooting plus the Republican retreat train accident?

At this point we have NO fires.
No deaths from ‘violence’ except the ‘shooting’ by a security guard.
Minor property damage mainly by ANTIFA and Ukrainian Neo-NAZIs.

Harry Lime

How’z about a nice little commission on the Las Vegas shooting? That would be nice, too. I guess a bunch of dead country music fans wouldn’t warrant that. These people are MONSTERS!


Your frustration is well placed, but…


There, I feel better now.

Last edited 4 years ago by michaelh

You mean, Pelosi is trying to buffalo us?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Day 2 of my California business trip. The problem with this State is obvious. Full of beta male pussies. No one gets out of there car without their mask on if they are not already wearing it. Going to the supermarket is pretty stressful for them. Some guy rounded the corner of the isle where I was standing and he went code red because we were closer then six feet. He went backwards with his cart in world record pace.

These people have drank the covid kool aide and there is no help for them. I also walked through a mall. No mask but every single person was masked up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good report! Thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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From Gab

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Marjorie Greene

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are scheming to impose the worst assault on our Second Amendment rights our country has ever seen.




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Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Keep Calm and Be Like Pinochet


WTF: ‘#Woke’ New #Navy Pledge Will Have You Cursing Like A Sailor

The Task Force Navy One was established on June 30 with the mission to “address the issues of racism, sexism and other destructive biases and their impact on naval readiness.”

“The task force will seek to promptly address the full spectrum of systemic racism, advocate for the needs of underserved communities, work to dismantle barriers and equalize professional development frameworks and opportunities within the Navy,” the press release states.

In other words, #Communism has infested the Navy, and any white people are on notice to accept their #Marxist indoctrination, and behave properly or they’ll be demoted by the Diversity Officer, aka Communist Political Commissar.

They are making changes to the Navy. Here’s the new TF1N pledge.

As a key member of Task Force One Navy I will invest the time, attention and empathy required to analyze and evaluate Navywide issues related to #racism#sexism, ableism and other structural and interpersonal biases.

I pledge to be actively inclusive in the public and private spheres where I live and work, and proactively encourage others to do the same.

I pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every Sailor in the Navy.

I pledge to engage in ongoing self-reflection, education and knowledge sharing to better myself and my communities.

I pledge to be an example in establishing healthy, inclusive and team-oriented environments.

I pledge to constructively share all experiences and information gained from activities above to inform the development of Navywide reforms.

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US Navy task force makes sailors pledge to ‘advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities

This is not your grandfather’s Navy

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The problem with the pledge, too, is that the meanings are twisted in even stronger ways than it appears on the surface.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My translations:

I pledge to fraternize with communist identity groups.
I pledge to promote those identity groups.
I pledge to engage in communist self-critique.
I pledge to inform on reactionary meetings.
I pledge to participate in communist planning.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And that beautiful last line . . .

I pledge to inform and snitch on everyone I come in contact with in every situation, to the party and for the party.


Once again, the military loses focus.

Counting my blessing to not be on Active duty. If I were, it would be time to resign, if an Officer. Enlisted, pray enlistment is nearly over.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Cynthia Holt
Feb 7


It’s been over 3 months since the election was stolen. And still no talk of election reform in this country. That is the single greatest threat we face right now.

A country cannot be a true republic until its citizens have the opportunity to choose their representatives through elections that are free and fair. For an election to be free and fair, certain civil liberties, such as the freedoms of speech, association and assembly, are required.

Get loud and keep demanding election reform.

No more electronic votes. Only paper ballots.

No more mail-in ballots. Only vote in person.

Voter I.D. must be implemented.

Pass this on.


and Joe Biden didn’t win.



NOT ONE politician is talking about FIXING OUR ELECTION Process.


There is LOTS of talk of election reform by the state legislatures, by the state GOPs, by county GOPs adn by the RNC.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It will be interesting to see how well the Dems are able to fight it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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From “somewhere”!