I don’t know how much more of this book I can read, but here goes. Chapter 8 of Mitch McConnell’s memoir, “The Long Game” is titled ‘Love.’ It begins thus:
“It was my friend Julia Chang Bloch who had first suggested that I meet Elaine. I’d known Julia and her husband, Stuart, since I was a staffer for Senator Marlow Cook in 1969, and we had become close friends.”

Mitch has been close friends with Julia Chang Bloch and Stuart Bloch since 1969. Mitch likes dropping names and I was intrigued about his two long-time friends. I had never heard of either of them, but they are obviously important to him. Besides Chao’s family and McConnell’s daughters, the Blochs were the only others present at Mitch and Elaine’s wedding in 1993.
I was intrigued with Chang Bloch because of an interesting snippet that has been repeated over and over in different articles about her and Elaine Chao.
In article after article, using virtually the same words, we are told that Julia Chang Bloch mentored Elaine Chao. It is mentioned as part of the background in many articles, a mere tidbit.
This is the only thing I could find, a sentence of her inclusion on a list of mentors for the magazine Women of Wealth or WOW:
“Julia is listed in World’s Who’s Who and in Donna Langston’s A to Z of American Women Leaders and Activists – she is one of only 147 women from U.S. history to make the list – and she was selected in 2011 by the American magazine Women of Wealth as “one of the nation’s top women mentoring leaders”.
A search at the website returned no results, however.

I looked into Julia Chang Bloch and found she has had great success as a Chinese immigrant to the United States. You can read about her here and in an interview here. Here is some of her background from the Foundation she founded in 1998:
“A native of China who came to the U.S. at age nine, Ambassador Bloch grew up in San Francisco and earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1964, and a master’s degree in Government and East Asia Regional Studies from Harvard University in 1967. She was awarded an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters from Northeastern University in 1986.
Ambassador Bloch serves on a number of corporate and non-profit boards, including: Asia Institute for Political Economy, the University of HK, the Atlantic Council, Council of American Ambassadors, US Asia Pacific Council, Meridian International Center, World Affairs Council, the Fund for American Studies, and Penn Mutual Insurance Co. She was elected as a Fellow to the National Academy of Public Administration and is on the Expert/Eminent Persons Register of the ASEAN Regional Forum, a member of the Woodrow Wilson Council, as well as Trustee Emeriti of the Asia Society, Honorary Member of the Board of Directors of the Friends Society of the Asian Division, Library of Congress, and Honorary Fellow of the Foreign Policy Association. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and American Academy of Diplomacy, she also serves on the Edumasters International Advisory Committee and the Editorial Board of Berkshire Publishing Group’s Encyclopedia of China.”
Like so many Asians who immigrate to the United States, her family worked very hard and have attained a great deal of success. Her father was the first Chinese national to graduate from Harvard Law School.

Bloch was nominated as Ambassador to Nepal by President George H. W. Bush and served in that capacity after years of working in government.
In 2008 she also worked on Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.
But back in 1998 Bloch founded the US-China Education Trust. According to the website:
“USCET is unique among organizations involved in US-China relations in its focus on serving China’s scholars, professionals and future leaders with resources in concert with their own institutions. USCET projects build confidence, basic understanding, and trust between China and the United States through support for American Studies, Media Education, and American Governance programs at China’s leading academic and policy institutions. USCET helps China’s next-generation leaders understand American society in the context of the political, cultural, and economic forces that have given rise to America and its values..”
“In the US, USCET works with over fifteen diverse academic partners, including Yale University, the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism, American University’s Center for Congressional and Political Studies and the School of Communication, the University of North Alabama, and The Fund for American Studies. In China, USCET partners include the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and more than 70 of China’s top universities through USCET’s American Studies Network and Media Education Consortium..”
Bloch has deep ties to China, as does Mitch’s wife, Elaine Chao. And we know that the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated our educational, political, and corporate institutions through organizations that promote educational exchanges. Good info here, here, and here for a video panel discussing the issue of CCP infiltration of our institutions.
I kept digging for more information.

Julia Chang Bloch is listed as a contributor at The Globalist, but the only article that comes up authored by her is a 2003 article advocating for globalism through bilingual education and lots of studying abroad.
“Only study abroad and international exchange can connect people across boundaries. Only face-to-face dialogue can build understanding of cultural values, trust, confidence, networks and collaboration. And only international education can produce the leaders needed by the global knowledge economy—and the profound changes it will bring about.”
Networks, collaboration, international education, global knowledge economy, profound changes…
Goodness gracious.
She is affiliated either through speaking engagements, awards, fellowships, etc., at numerous organizations that promote globalist viewpoints, feminism, and various groups that couch social and economic thinking through the lens of race, and all the trigger points in between.
One of the board members on her US-China Education Trust, Kurt Campbell, has been named to Resident Biden’s administration. Here USCET congratulates Mr. Campbell on his appointment:
“Washington, D.C. – On January 25, 2021, Kurt Campbell, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and former USCET Advisory Council member, assumed the position of Deputy Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs on the National Security Council. The US-China Education Trust congratulates Kurt Campbell on his new role in the Biden – Harris Administration during this unprecedented time in US-China relations. We are grateful for Kurt’s service on the USCET Advisory Council and wish him success and the best of luck in his new role in the administration.”
For context, here’s a Powerline article detailing the Biden’s penchant for China sympathizers.
Moving on.
Here is Mrs. Bloch being interviewed on China Global Television Network, a State-owned television station, which has had numerous complaints against it for propaganda and worse.
There is some interesting exchanges in the 20-minute interview. In an opinion piece about the video interview, the author focuses on American discrimination against Chinese immigrants. This is a mantra. Mitch even pitches it about poor Elaine’s childhood when she was teased at school and her family terrorized by Halloween trick-or-treaters. He even goes so far at one point to lament that Kentucky is very ‘white’.
In this article at China Daily, Chang Bloch is mentioned as being part of the conversation but never quoted. Here is a quote however, from the person, Yang Xinyu, minister counselor for educational affairs at the Chinese Embassy in the United States, who did seem to be talking to Bloch:
“Calling educational exchanges ‘the fundamental power of the over-all relations between the two countries,’ Yang said cooperation is the only option for the prosperity of both countries and for addressing common challenges to all mankind.”
It is clear the Chinese feel educational exchanges to be extremely important to fostering cooperation (as in, “You will cooperate!”) and prosperity (as in, “You make us rich!”) between the United States and China. This is not just a feel-good nod of benevolence, and the Chinese emphasis on it is deeply serious.
If you read enough of these articles by Chinese nationals, however, you can see that the Chinese feel they have come of age. They look upon the United States as an unequal–as in lesser–power, and their own problems with cultural superiority come shining through.
The Feminists. UGH.
Further on, I found an article that is boilerplate feminism. A puff piece about the husbands of women ambassadors, Mr. Bloch duly introduces himself as “Mr. Julia Chang Bloch,” and the article finishes with the obligatory story of how the diplomats spoke to the men and not the actual ambassadors about important things. Mrs. Bloch said, “I guess we will just have to work this out,” to her husband.
After her careers in government and business, Chang Bloch turned her focus to education.
From another article:
“In 1998, Julia resigned from the board of America West Airlines. In the same year, Peking University – China’s oldest modern university, consistently ranked in the top 50 universities worldwide – asked her to rebuild its American Studies Center. She became Executive Vice Chairman of its American Studies Center and a Visiting Professor at the Institute for International Relations. In 2001, she also joined Fudan University in Shanghai as a Visiting Professor and Distinguished Adviser of International Relations and Public Affairs.”
Here she is talking about the fallout of the Covid pandemic at the 2020 AmChamChina HR conference: Transforming and Attracting Talents in a World Changed By Covid-19.
Cultural Marxism and dissing Milton Friedman! The article is full of globalist pap:
“The most unpleasant part of the job was my having to remove my predecessor. He had been a banker all his life, and he was a follower of Milton Friedman’s doctrine that “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.” He took the fall, but no one at the bank saw any problem in supporting the Boy Scouts, America’s largest private youth organization. But in San Francisco, known as the “Gay Capital of the US,” politically active LGBT groups, including bank employees, cared about the Boy Scouts banning homosexuals from its ranks, and began picketing the bank’s headquarters. At the same time, my predecessor was blindsided by the passion of the anti-abortion movement and got caught between activists on both sides. I was able to manage this no-win situation because I did not treat it as non-business issue of little consequence. I listened to understand what was important to the activists and negotiated like a diplomat to reach deals. At the bank, I learned not only a lot about shareholder value, but also that business needs to be on top of issues outside of the corporate sphere to remain successful.”
She goes on about the need for “talent” for American businesses in China, and how cross-cultural education is important and so on. She often sounds very similar to the corporate Marxists who run so many of our largest US corporations.
Talent, Talent, Talent
The US-China Perception Monitor, which is affiliated with the Carter Center, interviewed Chang Bloch in March 2020 about the pillars of US and China relations. Here’s a snippet, but do notice how Chang Bloch asserts that American competitiveness may be dependent upon Chinese and other global “talent”:
“Zhang Juan: Some Americans emphasize the nature of competitiveness in US-China relations and argue that the US should be careful of training Chinese students. What would you say to these people?
Julia Bloch: America did not become great by being averse to competition. The competitive spirit drives America. What are our anti-trust laws for but to encourage competition? Competition can boost excellence, inspiring men and women to put out their best. Just look how crazy Americans are about sports. You cannot win by avoiding competition.
America also does not have a monopoly on education and training. The UK, Canada and Australia, to name a few countries, are great competitors. The current atmosphere where Chinese students feel increasingly unwelcome in America has created a decline in the growth in Chinese students coming to the US, to the benefit of countries only too happy to take up the slack.
There’s also, I think, a flip side to your question, which is that American competitiveness may very well depend on maintaining our inflow of Chinese students. The United States has the world’s leading higher education system today partly due to the talent we attract from not only China, but also from the rest of the world. So, to answer your question in short, should the United States be careful of training Chinese students? I think we would be shortsighted not to train them.” [My bolding]
Getting the picture? In general, the apothegm “You are known by the company you keep” is quite true. Mitch’s best friend and Elaine’s mentor, Julia Chang Bloch, is aligned with globalism and dedicated to bringing “talent” over from China via educational programs. And she’s been at it for 20 years.
Mitch Has Been Chinatized
I’ll leave you with one last gloriously cynical article that mentions Chang Bloch, but only in passing. It’s mostly a one-stop shop for dissecting Mitch McConnell’s and his wife’s China connections.
Kentuckians would be especially interested, as it focuses a bit on how Mitch has hoodwinked the good people of Kentucky, and just how does he manage to keep getting elected? Hmmm…
Gotham Buzz does a close shave on Shanghai Mitch, as he’s called in the article. A quote here:
“According to a June 6, 2019 report by the NYT,
‘… In 1989, shortly after their first date (at the Saudi ambassador’s home near Washington), Mr. McConnell was preparing for a re-election campaign. Greetings from Ms. Chao came in classic Washington fashion: a string of campaign donations, totaling $10,000, from Ms. Chao, her father, her mother, her sister May and May’s husband, Jeffrey Hwang, according to Federal Election Commission records…’
But donating money to McConnell appears to have been a good investment for the Chao family, as they keep on giving.”
P. S. The love story between Mitch and Elaine is less than interesting. He has his assistant arrange a date with Elaine’s assistant and three years later Elaine tells him to $h*t or get off the pot.
Mitch’s other China connections are much more ‘sexy’, eh?
the turtle is really sitting pretty with friends like Bloch and the Chao family., i would bet Bloch is Elaine’s handler.
thank you dear woman for trudging through that morass!
Thank you!
I had to skip over a huge portion of your post, to get to the comment block. To bitch about your choice of covers for Women of Wealth.
Are you just trying to get some of us sick to our stomachs? I certainly could live the rest of my life without seeing another pic of that racist pig who used her status as First “Lady” to plunder the US Treasury.
In the future, at least make the URL not put up the pic (use a * at the beginning).
Thanking you in advance and no, I’m not mad at you. [smile; wink]
I was waiting for a reaction.

That magazine cover of Michelle Obama could be used as a master class in Photoshop techniques.
About the best photo I’ve ever seen of Big Mike.
I thought the same thing. Her smile replaces her resting b____ face.
One of the few people who SHOULD wear a mask.
to use the word “classy” to describe anything even remorely connected to michele obama …and especially her “looks”…is the ultimate in leftist wishful, magical-unicorn thinking.
like satire.
Thank you so much for another great investigative report! My thoughts:
It is clear that Communist China, under Dictator Xi, was just on the point of creating financial hegemony over the United States. In walks Donald J. Trump, who becomes President of the United States, and the Communist Chinese economic steamroller was not only stopped, it was turned back on them (POTUS negotiating the deals for Beijing to buy our grains; getting U.S. companies to leave Communist China and set up shop back here, etc.)
Dictator Xi does not like to be thwarted. In steps (one hopes, unknowingly) the UNC medical research labs and Dr. Anthony Fauci in the year 2015. The nascent research on what would become the CCP Virus gets transferred to the newly-built “special virus research lab” in Wuhan. Dictator Xi begins to make the long-range plans to release the virus, first, into the United States; and then into the rest of the planet. While there are reports of people getting sick from the virus prior to January, 2019, the acknowledged “patient zero” for the spread of the virus in the United States traces back to a nursing home in Washington State during that month.
From there, it was then for Dictator Xi, in conjunction with others, to come up with a plan to literally steal President Trump’s slam-dunk re-election and hand the Presidency to Joe Biden, an elderly DemCommunist hack who has deep ties to Beijing. This plan goes through pretty much as designed. Biden, a person in obvious cognitive decline and who is wholly owned by entities closely tied to Dictator Xi, is “elected” as the 46th President and “sworn in” in January, 2021.
One wonders just how Mrs. Chang Bloch “removed” her predecessor on the board she took control of, the predecessor who was a banker and who believed in the tenets of Milton Friedman.
Mrs. Chang Bloch makes an interesting backhand threat about how American universities can only maintain a competitive edge by admitting more Chinese students. The goal of Dictator Xi, of course, is that the United States of America becomes a Communist Chinese vassal state.
Great synopsis.
Oh, Bloch is quite adept at promoting China at the expense of her adopted nation.
The Chinese are very subtle, but once you see their MO, they are easy to read.
Yup. They do the “tilt the game before you roll the ball” thing as STANDARD PRACTICE.
That Bloch has all the markings of a power broker behind the power brokers. The worst part is her story is likely only one of 10’s of 1,000s.
Yep. My thoughts.
Nice to see you Wolf. I was starting to wonder how you were doing.

Doing well, thanks. The extreme winter weather is demanding a lot of my time.
This is really good intelligence. It shows me how the ChiComs literally REVERSED THE GAME on everybody who tried to play them. I look at all those “Atlantis” chumps (Atlantis being my catch-all for globalists, trilateralists, and assorted internationalists – e.g., CFR) and I see a bunch of jokers who thought they could MILK China and are now nervously PETTING THE DRAGON.
And they will get scorched.
Pet the dragon or get else get bit..
I’ve been quietly waiting to see how the dragon participates in their share of silent ‘justice’ ,when they find out how little rope their ‘political investments’ have left …
After all, why should WE have to do all the work, clean up the mess?
I’m enjoying the idea of the monster eating itself.
You have unerthed some of the questions I have had for a while. GrandmaTX you did a wonderful job in investigative reporting and research.
Thank you for sharing your gift.
You are welcome.
Thank you for distilling the essence of what had to be disgusting source material. A nutshell, tightly packed.
It’s so in-your-face, isn’t it?
Turtle, Inc. had to be cursing our President from escalator till now. His mission was sabotage, pure and simple.
Thank you. It is right in our face. They speak a smooth language that fools people, but once you understand their code, you can figure them out pretty easily.
And Mitch’s sabotage has backfired in a spectacular way. The Trump Curse strikes again.
Yup. In a huge way.
This is actually a LOT to unpack.
What this really means, is that we’ve had an agent of China and Saudi Arabia controlling key decisions of this nation for DECADES.
It is no WONDER that James Wolfe and the weaponization of DOJ against Trump could never be touched – that Jussie Liu played her little China games forever, unmolested.
The Senate was a full partner in the 2016 plot to remove Trump, AND the 2020 plot to remove Trump.
And Shanghai / Mecca Mitch was a part of it the whole way.
Good GRIEF. The level of foreign influence is mind-boggling
Well, on the bright side, Sundance was right about Mitch from the beginning.
The first three minutes of the interview of Chang Bloch were very telling. First she addresses the issue of “trade war” by saying “well, one good thing….” (as a way of cagily saying “the only good thing”), and goes on to mention the “Phase One Agreement”. But then she echoes CCP talking points at a 100% level, and THEN she goes on to say “but you know, some have described it as a nothingburger”.
The overall message is clear. CHINA stalled to get rid of Trump, and she approves heartily.
Oh yes. That whole interview was instructive.
And I do get the impression that the Saudis were laughing all the way to their Rolls Royces as the thought of how they had conned YET AGAIN that chump from Kentucky.
I don’t know how you do it. Thanks for taking it for the team and for revealing the Chinese and globalist ties.
Ouch, LOL.
I’ve got that dratted book sitting beside me and I’m thinking I will skim the next five chapters to see what else is there.
I do know he mentions the Tea Party in a couple places…
It would be interesting to see what he says about the Tea Party.
This is what keeps me going. Sick fascination. It’s like watching a train wreck.
Well….. Thank YOU…… for doing this….. for US
Thank you, thank you, thank you GmaTX, for bringing the knowledge without me having to read the accursed text.
My contribution to the war effort.
And a grand contribution it is!!!
This is the headline in this mornings Daily Mail online……
“‘The data looks so good Boris should open Britain EARLY’: Experts and Tories say PM must act after he vowed to use ‘data not dates’ to end curbs – with Imperial study showing infections HALVING every two weeks and R-rate at 0.7″
Note, this publication, similar to the vile bbc, has been propagandizing fear porn every single day for 12 months now.
Note also, the “experts” are on board, the same experts that were making the ammunition for the fear porn merchants.
If like me you believe that chicom flu “happened” with the express intention of taking down PDJT, and making globalism led by china unassailable; then it appears they think the globalists won.
However, and this explains the long silence, had they not believed they won this c/flu misery would have dragged on indefinitely.
I believe that once the chicom flu is off the agenda things are going to start happening.
“…..things are going to start happening.”
That goes both ways, so WATCH OUT.
I probably have a slightly different view of this thing, having seen multiple attempts by these jokers to take us out in various ways, including most recently the Capitol Hill plot followed by the State Capitols False Flag Spree. That’s not stopping. That’s going to accelerate.
Cue the next crisis in 3…2…1…
Exactly. Good grief, I hate these lying, cheating, election-stealing creeps.
great work on this topic, GinTex…
and…speaking of the long game…don’t ever assume Russia has become our friend…despite any propaganda to the contrary…
old article…
Did Communism Fake Its Own Death In 1991
Mikhail Gorbachev…to the Politburo in November 1987…
know your villains
This all makes my head spin. But it also makes me deeply, deep angry.
it’s an extremely dangerous time right now…
Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and…China
beware of Russians pretending to be (((shocked shocked))) by American censorship, and speaking out about it.
it’s all connected.
America as We Know It and Love It is teetering on the edge.
other villains…
2 + 2 = 5
technocrats and the COVID vaccine..
When Logic Fails, “Informed Consent” Means Nothing
the Nuremberg Code (1947) gave the conditions of informed consent : “without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion. “
article cites recent cases/reports out of Ohio full of the “standard propaganda” and Big Tech’s censoring of our access to the truth…
…about what is really happening with COVID vaccines.
this is the exact opposite of any “informed consent”.

I am in the dark about the Saudi angle…
‘I am in the dark about the Saudi angle… ‘
First thing that comes to my mind, is mitch supporting Popa bush, the republican party
..and at the same time the dimm party interests.. double dealing.
And his own interests of courses.
TY for the work Grandmaintexas !
Ah. Thanks.
You’re welcome.
whoa…is there, like, a snow storm inside the Oval office or something ??
this is not satire…
this is not BabylonBee
White House Calls Early Lid For Biden Due To Winter Weather
or something…
at 8 am…
WH called a “lid” on all biden’s public appearances and travel plans…
after ONE INCH of snow has fallen in DC area.
so special.
poor little thing.
Any old excuse will do for us unwashed masses.
Grandma – have you seen this article? WSB just tipped me about it on a different, old thread.
Ignore the stuff about the IP addresses and the election – that’s both thinly sourced and speculative, IMO. There has not been enough “come-forward” on the Fanning data for me to sign off on it.
What’s amazing here is that Elaine Chao HID her connections to a Chinese company starting to do broadband internet in the United States.
Why? Because they’re keeping a low profile. Disgusting.
I hadn’t seen it. Wow. In Mitch’s memoir he is very quiet about Elaine’s family’s background and connections, at least to chapter 8. I will go read the article.
Thank you, Wolf.
You’re welcome! After I mentioned this, WSB said “Maybe you should tell Grandmaintexas”!
Yeah. And then add SCOTUS today, and it’s all clear now. The ChiComs OWN Washington.
What did I miss about SCOTUS?
Trump taxes go to the wolves, unshielded, and Pennsylvania cases thrown out.
Just read this article. It’s a must read. McConnell and Chao are traitors, in my opinion.
Her criticism of US workers is diagusting.
Better late than never to realize what we’re up against.