Dear KAG: 20210224 Open Thread


Well, for today, we’ll leave off with the hopium, but while we’re waiting, some people just have too much time on their hands.

And just a quick reminder:


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9b1a97 No.1372772 📁
May 11 2018 12:12:38 (EST)
Expand your thinking.
Why are we being attacked?
Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Do we have a face?
Do we have a name?
Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?
Zero vanity.
Why are we here?
Why do we ask questions?
The choice has always been yours.
Use logic.
Free information.
What draws people here?
Expanding exponentially?
They all claim to be insiders.
They all claim to have insider contacts.
They do not.
Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.
Why do we communicate this way?
Think for yourself.
We are a threat to profiteering.
Information should flow freely w/o costs.
We established a series of ‘proofs’ for this specific reason.
Coincidence after Coincidence.
Growth due to confirmations.
Real source(s) communicating w/ the people.
Control the information (THEY).
Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).
Define Media.
Primary goal of the Media?
To Sell (each selling a dif narrative – set of targets).
Selling makes money.
Be careful who you follow.
Define ‘Patriot’.
They want you DIVIDED.
Attacks will only get worse.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JONAH 3:1-10

1Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, 2“Arise, go to Nin’eveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.” 3So Jonah arose and went to Nin’eveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nin’eveh was an exceedingly great city, three days’ journey in breadth. 4Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s journey. And he cried, “Yet forty days, and Nin’eveh shall be overthrown!” 5And the people of Nin’eveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. 6Then tidings reached the king of Nin’eveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. 7And he made proclamation and published through Nin’eveh, “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, or drink water, 8but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry mightily to God; yea, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands. 9Who knows, God may yet repent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we perish not?” 10When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which he had said he would do to them; and he did not do it.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

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I’d imagine our Hump-Day camel won’t be carrying roses because of thorns, but the red carnations had me thinking she was preparing for a Tango.


I put this on yesterday as well. It’s Tiger driving just before the accident. Doesn’t appear to be speeding, or doing anything funny. He’s even in the slow lane.


Interesting. That violent i have to think speeding and over corrected. Glad no drugs involved. Drowsy driving if nothing else.


Don’t forget that newer cars can be controlled by nefarious people electronically. This could be a message to PDJT supporters.


Not just cars
Another Pratt and Whitney PW4000 engine blows up.
Funny thing is that everyone here should instantly realize that this means the cabal is hacking the engines remotely to make them blow up. The rest of the world will just think, “oops, must be a manufacturing defect” without the “that took a decade to manifest — but then manifests twice in 48 hours.”
These engines feature FEDEC:

True full authority digital engine controls have no form of manual override available, placing full authority over the operating parameters of the engine in the hands of the computer. If a total FADEC failure occurs, the engine fails.

FADEC not only provides for efficient engine operation, it also allows the manufacturer to program engine limitations and receive engine health and maintenance reports. For example, to avoid exceeding a certain engine temperature, the FADEC can be programmed to automatically take the necessary measures without pilot intervention.

Note the corollary: If the manufacturer can program the limitations, he can also remove the limitations (or set them high enough to effectively remove them). And the only way the engine knows who is and isn’t the manufacturer is if there is a login and password — if there is even that.


It’s a death trap designed by bean counters.

I wouldn’t fly a plane like that if I was a pilot, and I wouldn’t fly in a plane like that as a passenger if I knew about it.

Same reason I don’t like automatic transmissions.

Same reason I don’t like ABS braking systems.

Same reason I don’t like traction control systems.

Same reason I wouldn’t drive a car that shuts the engine off if you hit redline on the tach.

Every time you take control away from the driver, you create worse drivers who rely on gadgets to do their driving for them, and you endanger the good drivers who could save the car in an accident situation, if his control over the car hadn’t been usurped by a microchip.


Not a fan of automatics. When there’s an approaching semi in the rear-view, I don’t want some idiot computer shifting based on “economy mode”.


“Not a fan of automatics. When there’s an approaching semi in the rear-view,”


I don’t think I’ve ever had a semi approaching from the rear-view… I’ve seen a lot of them disappear in the rear-view mirror though.

I have passed a lot of them on two-lane highways, with another semi coming toward me while I’m passing, and that can get exciting, but I don’t remember any sneaking up behind me 😁


I’m rebuilding a ’67 Sunbeam Alpine roadster (soft top) that has none of those “Issues” that you describe. Plus … it’s 13 feet long and weighs 2200 lbs. Figure out the center-of-gravity on that puppy (hint: it’s got a full X-frame AND a box frame)

It does not roll over. No matter what you do to it.


Do you ever drive up to places and say, “Sergeant, make sure he doesn’t get away”?


Looks like it would be a blast to drive when you’re finished 👍

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Don’t know why the image didn’t post, but then I realized it’s a ’63 and not a ’67. I just like blue, especially that 1960s sky blue 😁

Here is a ’67:

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I actually like ABS… theory. Problem is that, in practice, it always ages out of theoretical performance. And they are very difficult to maintain.


Two good reasons not to have it 👍

Difficult almost always = expensive.

And once you get used to it, if something happens to the system and it’s not there when you expect it to be, that’s another problem at exactly the moment you don’t want to have that problem.

I’m a big believer in not fixing things that aren’t broke, and less complicated = more reliable.

Traction control is good for driving in snow, unless you want to donuts (which, speaking for myself, sometimes you do 😁 ).

But the rest of the time, I have to remember to turn the traction control off, because it’s set to ‘on’ automatically when the car is started.

On dry pavement, traction control is not only frustrating, but it’s dangerous.

If traffic is heavy, and I’m pulling out of a parking lot into traffic, and I stomp on the gas as I turn, to merge into the open spot in the traffic, if the traction control is on, it bogs the engine down to maintain grip.

At that point, I’m like the old 80s arcade game ‘Frogger’, exactly where I don’t want to be, with traffic coming at me from both sides.

If traction control is set to ‘off’, the rear wheels (it’s rear wheel drive) my slip a little, but that’s fine, I’m expecting that. I can drive through the rear wheels sliding and steer smoothly right into the open spot in traffic.

If I forgot the traction control was set to ‘on’, I get halfway, hit the gas, and the engine bogs down. Sort of like pulling into the passing lane with oncoming traffic, stomping on the gas, and instead of accelerating, the engine cuts out.

[Just making a point, that’s not how I would do it, I would accelerate smoothly from a short distance behind the car I’m passing, I wouldn’t usually start out riding his rear bumper and then stomp on the gas]

Makes me want to rip the traction control out by the wires and throw it out the window while I’m driving.

Let the pilots FLY, and let the drivers DRIVE! 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Never bought into the drug yammering. Perhaps speeding as he was reportedly “late”. Have not looked at the news, videos… Perhaps texting…


Late last night i saw that omw late report. So, distracted driving will end up on the report. Have to look for skid marks, distance, etc. This is all being handled with captains involved. Peeing on the fire hydrant to make sure they look good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes, that right there brightened my mood!  😃 


It’s one way to roast a  🍉 .  👀 

Harry Lime

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The long-term agony of the post-COVID-19 loss of smell

By Associated Press
February 23, 2021 | 12:45pm | Updated

Interesting variability in how long it lasts. For most, it resolves in a few weeks, but for others, it can be 6 months, even a year or more.


It lasted a month with me and drove me absolutely nuts!


You could have used the time eating durian and eating Limburger sandwiches….


Not being able to smell durian is half the battle, the texture is the other…yuck!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mine has not fully recovered to what it was before, but I think it’s between 70-90% on most odors. Food is pleasurable. Scented products are iffy.

I had a prior corona of some kind in around 2010 with very similar symptoms that seared my lungs and reduced my sense of smell even more strongly but more temporarily, b/c it was more upper respiratory. “L” on Gab believes that SARS escaped more times than has been admitted publicly, and that COVID-19 or a variant was actually circulating even earlier than the Wuhan events. I tend to believe that is very likely. I’m not buying “there is no COVID-19”, but I can believe that they lied like crazy about a disease they understood fully and we did not.


I never lost the sense of smell completely, but I’ve been smelling things that are not present. A friend who also had the covid-19 lost hers for a few weeks, then got it back. So it definitely varies a lot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it messes with the receptors big-time. Rips up the endothelium of the nose, just like the lungs.


I have a ‘smell disorder’. Mine is neurological. Either I smell nothing or too much.

The phantom smells are really unsettling. The nose says to the brain ‘What’s this’ and the brain says ‘I dunno. Never smelled that smell before’. Goes on for quite a while, not just a whiff.


Loss of smell/taste is associated with low zinc levels. Not sure if cause or follow on effect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tend to doubt that the long-term problems are zinc-related, except in terms of zinc deficiency having invited the corona virus circus into the cells to begin with. Zinc levels are so easily remedied and yet the effect does not turn around with anything near the speed with which it STARTS, nor the speed with which zinc can be replenished, which is on the order of minutes to a few hours.

However, the long-term problems ARE on the timescale order of regrowth of olfactory receptors.

HOWEVER, there seems to be evidence that it’s not the olfactory receptors per se which are damaged, but rather the supporting cellular structure – e.g. – the nasal mucosa. This matches damage elsewhere, such as the lining of blood vessels in organs, or the pulmonary capillaries.


Epithelial damage due to immunopathology is highlighted by doctors now. My own missing sense of smell came unexpectedly last Fall with no other symptoms. Lasted 2 days.


A year or more? Damn virus has barely been around that long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. First certain victims would have been late in 2019.


I’ve just past the 11-month (February 19) since first symptoms. And it had been going on for a while before that as well.

Deplorable Patriot

The December 2019 bug, it was back relatively quickly.

The March 2020 bug, ALL SENSES were magnified, as in off the charts more sensitive.

Smell for a number of us in the family is really sensitive as it is. For me, nauseatingly sensitive in that I get nauseous with almost anything strong or unpleasant. It SUCKS.

So, back to normal as of late March last year.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not ruling this out, personally. The other side knows this is a weak link.

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Members of the Supreme Court are being blackmailed. Some with threats against their family.



I would not be surprised at all. I also would like someone to be able to infiltrate, investigate, and elaborate.


We had four years to infiltrate, investigate and elaborate.

We should be getting those Huber indictments any day now. SOON. Same with Durham. Just as soon as ‘declass’ happens.

Ah, ‘declass’. My favorite shell game of all time 👍

Four years of &^%$ tease, for nothing.

Maybe Horowitz can give us an update on all the new rules that nobody will ever pay any attention to so this never happens stops happening again.

Maybe Rooster-head can put in a guest appearance in Congress and hold some more utterly worthless strut and squawk sessions.

The clown car show is done.

Time’s up.

The crooks aren’t even bothering to disguise their criminality anymore, anyway.

Either start arresting the criminals, or figure out how to arrest yourselves for gross incompetence.



Brave and Free

Preach it brother! Ahhh Roster head, there’s someone who talks a good game and no action. Ad him to the list, Barr, Huber, Durham, and it goess on and on.


IF Durham had any integrity, he’d drop indictments before Garland fires him.

Reality is we know Durham will do nothing.

We know this because Durham should have dropped indictments before the election, after the election…

Durham is Dodge…corrupt to the core.


When Barr said late spring or early summer, he meant never.


“Members of the Supreme Court are being blackmailed. Some with threats against their family.”


So what?

Why could that possibly matter?

How is that an acceptable reason to commit Treason?

Are they the first judges or prosecutors to face threats from criminals?

Is this some new thing under the sun?

Did they just fall off the leegul truck?

They had their chance to do the right thing and get protection, when DJT was in office. He could have protected their entire families with a division of combat soldiers.

They chose to toss our Republic on the trash heap of history instead.

Now they have [JB] to petition for protection. Good luck with that.

Thomas and Alito didn’t give up.

If the others won’t do their job because they’re a-skeerd, then RESIGN.

Or strap a gun to your side and wear a nut protector like everybody else.

The most pampered and self-serving class of people on the planet, in the highest positions of power, and all they can do is look for a safe-space. Total dereliction of duty.

Fight or flight.

Either take on your (supposed) blackmailers on, or run away.

This isn’t Monty Hall and there is no Door #3.

Thanks for nothin’, ‘judges’.

May posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

I certainly will.


How is that an acceptable reason to commit Treason?

It is in no way acceptable, but for some, if they are personally threatened, it becomes a reason. If it is happening and doesn’t get exposed, it will never stop.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it. It needs to be exposed. Blackmail in Washington has been going on for forever. There were writings about that and the gossip machine before the Civil War.

None of this is new.


Fist pump. Thank you.


Hear, hear!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Nice tie in to Sam Adams.


One of my favorite quotes!


Thank you Scott. If the judges are threatened your right so what? stand up put on that cast iron girdle and say and do the right thing in spite of it. hard? yes do it any how. The judges are fully exposed now for us to really see them as the simpering mandarins’ they are. they are worthless in my estimation.

Deplorable Patriot

This has been out there for a few weeks. Only Alito and Thomas are not under the gun in this way, apparently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is too good. A HOTTIE is running against Adam Kinzinger.


Who is in the wheelchair?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s a wounded veteran. You can see him here in another video.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are going to get interesting.

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BREAKING: HHS Secretary nominee Xavier Becerra refuses to commit to not forcing Christians like Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund abortions. He should be disqualified from running HHS because of this.



Mitch will support him, just like Merrick Garland. Or is it Garland Merrick. (What a weird name). And so will all the other usual suspects. Getting rid of abortion is just something they give lip service to in election years. Now that they’ve stolen another one, they can go back to their usual nefarious ways.


Weird name? His parents wanted a girl.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

His parents wanted a girl.

^^^ D-Rats figure they got one.

Deplorable Patriot

I would imagine Merrick is a family name. I know a lot of people who use family names when their kids were born. It sounds weird to some, but it’s tradition for others.


But, how could he do this when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the sisters?

I mean, what does he propose to do?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Attack from a different angle. They’re relentless. They only care about winning. They don’t respect the fundamentals of the law.


Very true.

My are they ever RUSHING to implement all their plans!

I think they believe we are like other cultures. They think the faster they go the easier it will be to solidify their power.

Sleeping Giant is stirring, methinks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting times are here.

Deplorable Patriot

The Sleeping Giant is waiting in the deer blind.

It’s all a psy-op, IMO.

Just consider anything you see or hear from DC right now to be a psy-op. They’re running out of moves behind the scenes even while trying to make everything work “normally.”


They are reptiles, the whole lot of them. They think they own us and have no morals so why do we think they may do right by the people let alone the law?
We are at the point now where have choices to make regarding this evil. where will we stand?

Valerie Curren

as seen on twitter

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Paul A. Szypula, US Senate Candidate for NY in ‘22

Why was Steven Crowder just suspended from Twitter for claiming he has information about the 2020 election — shouldn’t Twitter first see the info before censoring it?




Nikkita Lehanova and Kevin Booker liked
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Buzz Patterson


When I die, have some RINOs from Congress be my pallbearers so that they can let me down one last time.

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Rising serpent

We went from a guy who donated his salary to a guy who is donating yours.

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RΞ4L ✪

Are we just supposed to pretend Dr. Fauci didn’t intentionally discredit hydroxychloroquine to give ‘Big Pharma’ enough time to develop Remdesivir and a vaccine while people were watching their loved ones die alone in nursing homes?

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

Discredit HCQ to DRIVE Covid SKEER TACTICS….lockdown, social distance, masks…500,000 Covid deaths….

It’s ALL a lie.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely. Which makes that CDC video especially repulsive!


EVERYTHING about CDC, WHO, NIH…all them types ARE REPULSIVE to me. They have an allegiance to money and power…NOT HEALTH.

Valerie Curren

Agreed–so evil, disguised as expertise 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A really great image of the same crowd as in my photos, but from a different angle – presumably from the scaffolding tower that you can see in those photos.

Found this on Gateway Pundit.

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We have to take this country back. I don’t know how to do it. Looking to 2022 isn’t nearly enough.


Until 2020 is fixed, there will never be another legitimate election. Quite frankly, I’m not sure we’ve even had 1 in my lifetime.


I agree. I know they’ve been cheating forever, but it all came to light in 2020 when they used literally every possible way to cheat. And no one in power is lifting a finger to stop them or correct the situation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The military will act on behalf of the corrupt Biden regime UNLESS they think that the regime has no support.

We MUST create a general resistance movement.


I’m ready! We need to unite and push back so hard they won’t know what hit them.


“The military will act on behalf of the corrupt Biden regime UNLESS they think that the regime has no support.”


Then they suck and they don’t deserve our support, not in one *&^% thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A Soviet military is an enemy of the People.


I wonder what would happen if Republicans decided to exit the voting booth in 2022…en mass…not vote at all?

Let the GOP feel what it’s like to be one of their voters–ignored, deceived, crapped on.


Grandma, IMO, MAGA folks will largely NOT vote in 2022, UNLESS 2020 is rectified.

NO AMOUNT of BS posturing by elections officials and both RCONs and D-Rats that our election system is secure will bring us back to voting.

^^^ This is why I took the odd ball step to de-register from county voter registry rolls. I will NOT partake in a farce.


The idea that we gain time with Rs in office versus Dems has reached its end as an argument.

I would rather we suffer hard in the short term than let the so-called Rs draw out the agony.

Let her rip.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the hopium sources says to keep eyes on the case in Nevada, Las Vegas to be exact. That’s the one that will most likely be used as a template for the other states.

It’s not over even if the MSM has “moved on” and is psy-oping the nation trying to get the rest of us to do that, too.


DP, I don’t read or listen to any local or state news. Vegas may as well be in Frisco from where I live.

What case has someone pumping up hopium over a Vegas case?

FWIW, probably nothing, NV courts, including NOT NV SC have tossed Trump related cases withOUT even looking at the evidence.

Would like to believe a court somewhere will act with integrity. A Vegas court would be a pleasant surprise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See Torba’s statement above.

CHRISTIANITY (or I would argue more broadly RELIGION) OUTSIDE THE TAINTED CHURCHES is the answer.

What scared the HOLY HELL out of the ChiComs? The Falun Gong – a modern return to Chinese religion. It literally scared the ChiComs into mass murder.

Same with the Uighurs.

The religious PEOPLE of the world can band together and FIGHT PEACEFULLY and RESIST the communists.


Well, I know the people of Poland are already taking stands.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, they’re great. And note that they had Christianity as something which bound them against Sovietism.


We have to RESIST hard. Oppose them at every turn. All the time.

The concertina wire in DC is the thin veneer of power they encircle themselves with.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to make it so that they can’t walk the streets ANYWHERE.


Heartily agree.

We just be following Maxine Waters. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Something that occurs to me every now and then is that Congress has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, yet they are constantly violating that oath by proposing unconstitutional laws. And almost no one mentions it or does anything about it. (I think I saw Marsha Blackburn mention it once.) The proposal to censor news organizations is just one current example; it is anti-First Amendment.

The fact that this only occurs to me sporadically is an indictment of my own mindset and that of conservatives, IMO. One of our most important orders of business should be to hold Congress accountable to the Constitution. Yet we have communists and anti-American globalists proposing laws to destroy America.

Every time this happens, there needs to be a grassroots campaign so loud that it can’t be ignored, and we need to do everything we can to push back and get them out of office if possible. If not possible, then make their sorry lives miserable and so hounded that they can’t move forward with their schemes.


Yes. We’ve got to organize. Bigly.


and the southern US/Mex border has to be guarded and closed to all immigration.

a total moratorium on it.


Yes. President Trump gave us a good start on that. The border states would need to be all in.

Barb Meier

It probably only occurs to you sporadially because of the massive amount of unconstitutional stuff we are hit with constantly. We need the verbal equivalent of machine guns to speak out on everything. Ratta tat tat.


“Tainted churches” is a key phrase.

I have never seen so many fake Christians and Christian leaders as those inside a building on a Sunday morning.

Deplorable Patriot

All Churches, as in the people who inhabit them, sinners all, are tainted in one way or another. The reality is Faith is individual, and we all have to hold up our end.

Giving up on them is not an option, IMO.

Brave and Free

Absolutely, plus the radio/social media broadcasts. And I am trying my best to not be judgemental. For I don’t know what’s in a man’s heart…..
That’s between them and God.


looking to any election to fix things is an exercise in futility. I will not move on from the stolen election until something is about that first.

We are ruled over by demons

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A nice article goes with this!

Debunking the False Insurrection Lie by the Democrats

By Larry Johnson
Published February 23, 2021 at 7:58pm


I don’t see how they will get any traction by pushing the false narrative.

The idea that they can convince anyone beyond the coastal elites that 80 million Americans are domestic terrorists is indicative of the perilous spot the communists have put themselves in.

They have rushed and bungled things in a big way. The military brass should be repenting in leisure as they watch the clown show in DC.

I mean, how humiliating to have chosen the demented commie cheaters over a duly elected president. I doubt they will ever be able to live it down.

The Joint Chiefs will go down in history as buffoons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not having dealt with ANTIFA was a huge mistake, but Trump was saddled with guys like Esper who were part of the coup. They did not want to take the Dem’s “military option” (ANTIFA) away.

But just think. Without ANTIFA, there would have been no Roberts throwing SCOTUS under the bus. There would have been no Buffalo Jump.

Oh, it was a nasty plan that WORKED because all the traitors and liars were RELENTLESS against Trump.

It was a mess. A chess mess.


I think we need to somehow join Antifa, BLM, Tea Party Conservatives, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, and all of US into one big, anti-establishment cause against illegitimate government. They want us divided. How do we UNITE?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve dealt directly with Antifa and BLM, and they AS INDIVIDUALS are psychologically captured by love of division. They’re weak minds – super-single issue.

As individuals, they could theoretically be drawn into different, more truthful and rational organizations, based on their concerns, but as they are, they are set up to hate US and GET RID OF US.

They see white people as inherently BAD. They’re like lower-level members of THE KLAN back in the old days (early 20th century, when there were MANY members). Some of them engage in dialogue on an individual basis, and they are MOTIVATED by legitimate concerns, but their thinking is really, really toxic.


Understood. I guess some people may be unreachable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not all pieces play into the winning strategy, but even if they just sit still, that may be enough to win.


I love the President, and do not doubt he is a VSG, but with respect to Antifa, I consider the possibility that Trump made a mistake.

He understood that he was being presented with a “heads I win, tails you lose” situation. He faced two huge downsides whichever way he went.

He could have taken aggressive action against Antifa, but then he would be promoting the Trump is Hitler narrative. And that was a powerful narrative with many people, as absurd as it was.

Or he could do what he did, which was to put the blame on the Democrats who did nothing, and otherwise do nothing himself, other than to condemn the violence and point out the blame.

The traitors and liars could also have been the sole reason, or part of the reason insofar as they might take action and screw it up on purpose to make Trump look bad. Or it may have been mostly a political calculation. We may find out the truth eventually, although it does not look likely in my lifetime.

The only fact which we know is how carefully and ruthlessly Trump’s downfall was brilliantly planned, and how smooth the plan has made a transition to finalize the downfall of us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said.

I believe that Trump AND his base were boxed in, by a horrifying, cheating, money-ruled world that was willing to spend BILLIONS of dollars, secretly, because TRILLIONS were at stake, to limit Trump to ONE TERM by massive electoral AND media AND legal fraud.

We are seeing the consequences now.

Deplorable Patriot

As I understand it, most of the high brass, the ones we see anyway, are political hacks at this point. Nobody gets to stars without help in that regard. The ones like Flynn, and Rogers, who kept their heads down until they were in that spot – and then essentially fired for being patriots – are rare, but they are there.

It’s a mess, but fixable.


I don’t see how they will get any traction by pushing the false narrative.

The same way they get traction from EVERY false narrative. The narrative is not intended to persuade anyone but the weak minded, outer-party Winston Smiths, who themselves (like Smith) may not even believe the narrative.

There are NUMEROUS power advantages to the False Narrative. One of the weirder ones which our side keeps falling for, is to neutralize large segments of the opposition, who (understandably) think that “they” really believe the False Narrative.

Think of how our side is constantly accusing them of hypocrisy, as if hypocrisy had any relevance. In effect, our side is saying “You share our values and you are not living up to them,” when in reality they do NOT share our values. So our side genuinely believes we are disagreeing about some specific thing, while their side is doing something entirely different and keeping their intentions hidden while we waste our time on their baloney.

Truth and objective reality means everything to us, and it means nothing to them except insofar as reality may be exploited in some limited circumstance.

This is why the totally bogus media is so important, to keep our side believing that their side actually believes in the False Narratives.

Communists are brilliant people. Evil, but brilliant. Communists do NOT overplay their hand, they do what they can get away with under the objective circumstances, which they are very good at assessing.

What they can get away with depends on many factors, including the stupidity or gullibility level of the populace. And it also depends on how powerful the communists are in objective reality.

By propagating False and even Absurd Narratives, the communists must believe they are in a very powerful position, and the populace at very high levels of stupidity and gullibility.

Think of women with penises and men who bleed, not to mention systemic racism and the murder of George Floyd.

Last edited 4 years ago by Tonawanda

Cunning they are. Whew. 😀 Thank you.


All those American flags…..and they dare call it insurrection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! Yeah. That’s the phoniest part!

We sang the Star-Spangled Banner, and it was AMAZING. The Pledge, too.


Valerie Curren

Love it & passing it along


^^^ Great picture…Americans should treasure, Americans standing up for their Country.

Yet, RCONs and D-RATS (UniParty) along with fake news vilify everyday Americans. .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We are not the “insurrection”.

The COMMUNISTS are their money-grubbing supporters are the real “insurrection”.


If only fake news would report honestly. IF they did, maybe dodge and fib could be goaded into reluctantly doing their jobs. Quite positive dodge and fib KNOW the guilty bastards that did damage at the capitol. But dodge and fib have buried the truth.

Valerie Curren

showing me & everyone how it’s done–Missouri fights back!

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Melissa Tate

After they tried to cancel him, Sen Hawley is now the most popular public figure in Missouri. His approval shot up.

Harry Lime

Spectacular Afroliage…

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Valerie Curren

Remnant on twitter continues to keep the fraud in your face!

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Dr. Gina – RAV (@RealAmVoice)


Stealing isn’t winning.

Even when time passes and you think you got away with it.

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

They didn’t get away with it. Everyone knows. Even democrats know, whether they care or not. That’s what is different this time. They were more subtle about it before, so most people just accepted the results. It must eat them alive that we aren’t accepting the whore and the pedophile they foisted on us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

It would seem that the dems & other non-repubes that voted for Trump are (hopefully, or should be) Royally Pissed & getting massively red-pilled, especially when the goons went after Straka–just Wow!


Because the election WAS stolen, the CCP-Democrats necessarily KNOW it was stolen.

And they know that we know that they know. Think of the sadistic mentality which underlies that “knowing.”

But they are tossing us gold stimulation coins as they run us over with their gilt carriages.

Valerie Curren

2020 is still the point!


Way to hit back with truth! Repubs need to recognize that the people want 2020 dealt with. We are not enthused at all about gearing up for 2022 while fraud is practically being condoned.

Valerie Curren

Agreed. There is currently not really any point to elections, like Lin Wood pointed out in the fraudulent GA runoff…

Sadie Slays

I hear ya. I don’t want to hear about 2022 or 2024 or CPAC consolation speeches until we get some real answers about the 2020 election. I refuse to pretend that nothing happened.

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

Newt’s out of the loop.

We’re not going to know what’s going on until it’s over.

Valerie Curren

constantly moving the football, or is it the goalposts!


Goalposts. 🙂


Gingrich is just another political hack trying to stay relevant.

Valerie Curren

There seems to be a fire sale on those types!

Valerie Curren

mystery of babbitlon


Lin Wood on Telegram (emphasis mine):

Lin Wood
I hear all the talk of potential candidates for the 2022 and 2024 elections. 

The same principle applies to those future elections as I urged with respect to the 2020 GA Senate runoff. Until we fix the theft of the November 3, 2020 election, we can have NO assurances regarding the integrity of any future election.

We cannot ignore the past and move forward into the future “hoping” election fraud will not recur. The enemy did it once (or more) and thinks he got away with it. The enemy will do it again. Or the enemy will save the time and expense of conducting another fraudulent election and simply tell us who will lead us.

But let’s assume that we have a 2022 election and fraud evidence surfaces again. If the State Bar of GA is successful in revoking my law license for being involved in filing lawsuits challenging the 2020 election, what lawyer is going to risk his or her livelihood and reputation to legally challenge the 2022 election? The answer is obvious. None or at best, only a very few brave souls. 

The GA State Bar fight is presently focused on me. But it is actually aimed at every lawyer in the country. And at every citizen who might wish in the future to hire a lawyer of his or her choice to legally challenge a deprivation of voting rights or an unlawful election.

We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.

And we must not forget for one second that today the enemy is coming after me. Sooner as opposed to later, the enemy will be coming after you.

The time to take a stand is now. Do not let November 3, 2020 go quietly in the night. 


This is from the FightBack link. There are two attorneys: Lin Wood and Lawson Pedigo.

We stand ready to protect and defend the constitutional rights, livelihoods and property of people and businesses that are being targeted and destroyed. We stand for the forgotten American – those who are silenced and intimidated.


This guy is the real deal, had no idea of all his famous cases. A strong man of God. I try to throw into the pot as much as I can. And buy Lindell.


I just bought his giza sheets. Three week wait but I don’t care.

He’s a true patriot and a REAL Christian.


I hope you got the BOGO. 👍🏻


“We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.

And we must not forget for one second that today the enemy is coming after me. Sooner as opposed to later, the enemy will be coming after you.”








Deplorable Patriot

The GA State Bar fight is presently focused on me. But it is actually aimed at every lawyer in the country. And at every citizen who might wish in the future to hire a lawyer of his or her choice to legally challenge a deprivation of voting rights or an unlawful election.

Yes. And that is the point that needs to be emphasized. The threat of turning “election fraud” into the next “conspiracy theory” psy-op whether it is true or not. They’ve gotten away with pulling the wool over eyes with MSM immersion for so long, they don’t realize the curtain has been pulled back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Of EXTREME importance.

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Andrew Torba

They want us divided against one another by race because if we unite together in Christ we will topple their wicked regime to take our country and culture back. They push this hateful concept of “white Christians dying” to demoralize all Christians. The reality is Christians of all races are the absolute majority in the United States. Imagine if we united together in Christ against the demon of communism. We can win this war without a single act of violence. All we need to do is build our own economy and exit their wicked system.



“Build our own economy” is huge. Dave of X22 talks about the central banking system all the time. He thinks cryptocurrency is the way to defeat them. I don’t know nearly enough to comment on that, but I like the idea of defeating them where it hurts — in the pocketbook. And their stranglehold on world power lies in the banking system, too.

We also need our own social media platforms, as he has done with Gab and as I hope PDJT will do. And our own banks/credit unions, retailers, etc. We need businesses to compete with Amazon and others. And we need American-made products at the forefront, hopefully not too much more expensive (although you get what you pay for).

And we need to take over the media!

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. A separate economy, including a separate MORAL economy.


What if we got a Christian crypto currency going?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s an interesting thought. However, CHINA will make all the money on it. China uses their slave labor to “mine” crypto, and worse than that, I fear they will exploit vulnerabilities in crypto.

IMO crypto is most vulnerable to sabotage, back-door attack, theoretical “pwnership”, and other dangers, by the very same people we’re trying to get away from.

The way to beat China with money is to make the money REAL, IMO. Not more fake – more REAL. Make it HONEST. Make it something that is controlled primarily by Christian countries and Christian states – or by countries that are capable of defending it.

Jews did this with diamonds. It’s a smart strategy.

So we need to “corner” the basis of our separate economy.


That’s going to be hard, too, I think.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It could be denominated in “crosses”

Just don’t issue a 2 cross coin; that would be the double cross.


Hehehe. Why would we have to mine it in bitcoin? Couldn’t we use something else to determine value?

What better way to “double cross” the banksters and cabal than to be as completely outside their system as we can?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I admit back in the day when bitcoin was cheap, I never saw the point.

And thus lost out on the chance to make millions.


Damn. It wasn’t even on my radar. 😂


If we do it, the ghetto will be the marxists, not the Christians.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

May take a while to flip, IMO. We have to be prepared to be marginalized first.


Catherine Austin Fitts thinks that the cabal is behind cryptocurrency. So I’m not sure that’s a great idea. And what do you do when the power is out? It was pretty dicey just using a credit card during our 6 day power outage.


A friend had an issue the other day that has made me think. She was passed several counterfeit bills at the Walmart. Just less than $20 but a loss, nonetheless.

I read that counterfeiting is on the rise. These were smaller bills.

What if the government was behind it in order to get us to not trust our currency? To move us into a cashless currency, to better control us?

I would hope there was all kinds of crypto currencies out there to keep their mitts off our hard earned income.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, I think forcing the issue on PMs like silver may be the way to do it. We simply undo 1965 by sheer force of social will. We go to an underground metals economy that DISRUPTS the phony fiat economy.

Sadie Slays

Some important context here is that Gab has been banned by several banks, and Torba’s wife was banned by payment processors for no other reason than she’s married to the founder of Gab. Bitcoin payment systems and donations have allowed Gab to stay online for as long as it has.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve thought about this with the barter system. We’ve all used it. Some neighbors used to pay one of my siblings for babysitting with Cardinals tickets. Of course, they were season tickets owned by the husband’s employer, but, hey, I was in the 8th row at Busch Stadium II the night Pedro Guerrero punched out the opposing team’s pitcher at first base.

It’s doable if we try.


Out here in the country where I live, there is quite a bit of barter. Even with alternative medicine providers, chiropractors, etc. Lots of people barter for services like electricians and mechanics. It is very doable. You just have to be creative in what you barter with. Learn to make or do something people want or need.


Sidney Powell in this audio interview states that Holder … 10 years ago … was behind teaching the banks and financial institutions how to use cancel culture

AND he gave them a list of targets.


Ex-Dems knew that at the time, but it was not possible to get conservatives to pay attention because the messengers were ex-Dems.

Conservatives did not want to listen to ex-Dems then. I wonder if they do now. Probably not.

Disclosure: I found out a lot since 2008 by reading ex-Dem sites.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH – now THAT makes sense!!!

Valerie Curren

Prayer needed

comment image Joy

My husband is being admitted to the hospital. He thought he needed gall bladder surgery, but it’s his heart–blood clot in left ventricle. He’s needing immediate transport & emergency surgery. Pray for God’s will in this whole mess…thanks, brothers & sisters in Christ!

Valerie Curren

common sense
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It makes sense that mask wearers are breathing in their own exhaled toxins. I’d like to see evidence that it causes bacterial pneumonia. It seems that would have become known by now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fauci knew THIS much – that bacterial pneumonia is the big killer after viral pneumonitis of any kind (common knowledge), now PROVEN (and he knew it) for the 1918 Spanish Flu. It is reasonable to expect that masks would and did aggravate bacterial pneumonia.



Valerie Curren

Wolf’s comment on the 1918 flu sheds light on this…


I read an article by a German neurologist/neuro scientist (still looking for the link) the other day, explaining how these covid masks being worn by children and teens will likely result in early stage dementia , down thru the coming years…

basically…the lack of oxygen to the young brain, over a period of time, will result in dead brain cells that never rejuvenate.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

here it is….

Face Masks + Oxygen Deprivation = Neurological Damage

article link…

German neurologist and neurophysiologist, Dr Margarite Griesz-Brisson.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

Nice find!


If one wants PROOF RCONs and D-Rats are largely the same, look no furter than RCONS supporting Beijing Biden nominees for Secretary of…, of any position requiring Senate approval.

RCONs are validating they are UniParty….RCONs ARE the PROBLEM.

I wouldn’t piss on on a GOP, RNC anybody if they were on fire. More likely I’d fan the flames.

Valerie Curren

LOL! Uniparty Losers & soulless, sold-out swamp-things!

Valerie Curren

Nothing apparently too low for psychos!

This is psychological abuse of children and should be criminal.
Quote Tweetcomment image
Christopher F. Rufo
· 9h
SCOOP: Buffalo Public Schools claims “all white people” perpetuate systemic racism and forces kindergarteners to watch a video of dead black children warning them about “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.”

I’ve obtained whistleblower documents that will shock you.
Show this thread


Psychological abuse, yes. If there is a whistleblower, then this should be shouted from the rooftops and heads should roll.


With jury nullification for whoever makes heads roll.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

don’t fence me in
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Valerie Curren

I Really miss this man!


That sparklers-in-watermelon movie…

Yeah I can see why I’d try out something like that, and propelling the truck along the road was the coolest.

But I couldn’t refrain from wondering when he’d manage to set fire to the surrounding grass-land.


It did look a little dry for that kind of experimentation.

Deplorable Patriot

I had the same thought on the grass.


Sadly, I think we’re soon going to see the effects of denying a People their boxes…..

The final box (and oft omitted) is the pine box. When speech, justice, voting, and force are denied, the inevitable conflict will be existential.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT article!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CJ Truth is taking a break on Gab, and left this great video as his going-away-for-a-while message.

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I will be taking a break for a week from here. I need to recharge my battery, hear from God and get direction. I haven’t really slowed down since 2017. This will be good for me and probably good for you. Thank you for all of your support and prayers every day. You have been amazing in so many ways! Your notes you send me are awesome. I want to pray this song of prayer upon all of you.

The Blessing with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes | Live From Elevation Ballantyne | Elevation Worship

The Blessing” with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes live from Elevation Ballantyne.

Available everywhere now: Subscrib…YouTube

View Link Feed


Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Somehow or another this dang thing autoplayed when I loaded the page.

I only just now figured out what it was. Booo!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not supposed to happen!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and it did it again when I came back to this page, so it wasn’t me accidentally activating it when I scrolled past, somehow.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try it again – make sure it’s a complete fresh page reload. I actually changed the code of that comment, and if it works I’ll know why.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did both a reload, and a go to page two and then clicked page one to go back (I didn’t back arrow). No autoplay.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thanks!

Here is the explanation, which is inexact, but fully explanatory.

When I copied the Gab post by click-drag-copy, and did a full paste, it copied over text with links and all. This action copied and pasted the video as TWO objects – the text URL, followed by the actual video – both functional and seemingly “WordPress/wpDiscuz complete” – meaning as normal as if previewed or posted.

I originally ERASED the extra plain-text YouTube URL, and kept the mysteriously pre-previewed video. Everything created the post as desired, when I clicked “Post Comment”, but it appears that the video SOMEHOW (no speculation) had an AUTOPLAY ATTRIBUTE which shows up on SOME SYSTEMS but not on others, such as mine.

To fix things, I copied the URL from the video with the YouTube embedded right-click menu, opened the comment for editing, deleted the video preview, and substituted BACK the plain-text URL, essentially REVERSING my original choice.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve posted the occasional googtube video into a comment, and hope I never tripped this for anyone else.

I just wish I had thought to go looking for videos last Saturday *before* I wrote the daily. The one I eventually posted about silver was a good complement (if not substitute) for quite a long stretch of my writing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Frankly, a lot of us prefer writing. I would skip half or more YouTube videos if I could right-click for a transcript.

Deplorable Patriot

I would too, except that on the treadmill the videos are better than trying to read.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The advantage of the video in this one case would have been being able to see the items being discussed. (I too tend away from videos when it’s not a profoundly visual think I’m talking about.)


This is very sad —

I used to shop at the original Fry’s, before the themes. They’d sell rails of IC’s out of baskets. I once saw a guy yelling at a manager for selling IC’s where that date code had been recalled….

That store (Sunnyvale) was relocated into a bigger store across Lawrence Expressway whose theme was circuitry — the entire store had a green floor with copper-colored traces across the floor and random oversize components sprouting in the aisles. Palo Alto had a store with a Wild West theme. Campbell had an Egyptian theme. There was a Southern California store with an Alice-in-Wonderland theme that I regret having never seen.

The original Genesis of Fry’s Electronics was the Fry’s grocery chain, and the reluctance of a new generation to stay in the family business. One of the Fry’s kids had a friend in tech, and realized that many of the skills from selling lettuce could carry over to tech items — keep the stuff on the shelves fresh; make sure nothing started to rot; cull your stock aggressively all the time….

Back in the day, it was a monumental edifice in the valley….and, now, it’s going away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If I’m on the jury for Fauci, he’s in trouble.


Fry’s was a dead man walking before Fauci. Amazon had it on the ropes.

That said, if I’m on the jury for Fauci, he’s guilty and death-penalty eligible……for misconduct during AIDS even before COVID. This louse wasn’t qualified to hold a burnt match, much less lead a disease response effort.


Silicon Valley isn’t what it used to be. When I was a student there back in the mid-1980s, there were surplus and electronic stores all over the place. Like the original Fry’s, where they had both kinds of chips, potato and silicon. I’d get entire long tubes full of TL082s, 74LS374s, 74LS32s, wire-wrap sockets and suchlike, and they’d be brought home in long paper bags, of a size and shape normally associated with baguettes.

I’ve noticed the decline of the Fry’s electronic stores, it’s been ages since they sold ICs by the tube, even as surface-mount replaced through-hole, now ICs and even capacitors were mostly sold in ones and twos in blister packs.

So I’m not surprised that they finally called it quits; the stores have looked threadbare for a few years already. But not a lot of hardware design using those kinds of components are done anymore, and the necessary interfacing components and chips useable with Raspberry Pi and similar are available from Adafruit and Sparkfun and similar places.
Mail-order also works for ham radio and people making vacuum-tube amplifiers for guitarists, or fixing up old radios and tape recorders.


I shopped several times at the Sunnyvale Fry’s when I lived in Mountain View. It was like a toy store made for adult geeks and it was freaking huge. But your right down below when you say it was a dead man walking. Buying your computer components on line makes more sense where you can research better what you need than standing in front of countless displays of gadgetry. But boy was that fun.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Reaching out, indirectly, to a transplant donor family. I’ve never yet had the nerve to attempt that with Josiah’s donor family, which I go into at the referenced post, I believe.

God is very gracious to allow this means of turning heartbreak into hope!

Being an organ donor family, when loosing a loved one, is an act of incredibly brave sacrifice & can bring life from lifelessness–sort of a modern medicine “resurrection” miracle for many others. The fact that often many organs & tissues can be gotten from one donor expands the life-giving power of that one lost life significantly.

Before Josiah’s liver transplant, he was 17 & with significant developmental challenges, we had to promise him that if he died from the transplant surgery or process that we would donate his body to help others. At the time of his surgery he Wanted to tell the surgical staff that it was OK if he ended up dying on the table because he was a Christian & he would be going to be with the Lord. He didn’t want them to be sad if he didn’t make it.

When the time came for the surgery, it was around 2 am, iirc, he was actually quite fearful & tearful & unable to say those words. I told the staff of what he’d wanted to share & offered to pray with him/them before the procedure, which they graciously allowed. While he was undergoing the transplant he had a vision of the Lord in heaven & “heard God smile”. My son is very unique & interfaces with God (& life) w/ unveiled face…

Sorry for going on this way, it’s just I saw that tweet about transplant & chose to not just pass it by. God Bless <3 (well that was supposed to be a heart but I couldn’t get the “stickers” to work)

Quick edit for the tweets I was replying to didn’t show above as hoped

Edit #2, I’m adding the link to the blog post mentioned in my tweet, fyi

I also copied that material into this longer post, both transplant anniversary ones…

scrolling to this heading in either post would get to that part of the tale…“Indirect Thankfulness, a Semi-Trial Balloon…”

The above post also deals with other transplant recipients, after reading about a reunion of the donor’s family & the recipients, iirc…in case this arena of transplant might be relevant or of interest to anyone here (or reading) at the Q-Tree…

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Biden buffoon
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Valerie Curren

multiple pathways 😉

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Jim Benson

If Donald Trump runs for congress and is named Speaker of the House, and the republicans win the House and Senate, then they impeach Biden, if still there, and Harris… guess whose next in line for the presidency? Trump ’22!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Trust The Plan”.

Valerie Curren

perhaps we’re making this up as we go along 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

Uh, this one is a little out there.


Way too many if’s there, (1. DJT runs and is elected, 2. DJT becomes Speaker of the House, 3. R’s win the House 4. R’s win the Senate, 5. They decide to impeach Biden and/or Harris, 6. that impeachment is successful) but the biggest if of them all is if there ever are going to be properly conducted elections. Without those, step 1, 3, and 4 are highly unlikely and this all becomes just wishful fiction and hot air.

Last edited 4 years ago by slowcreekno
Valerie Curren

Right…hence the wink… 🙂


Apparently many people agree to become speaker of the house does not mean you have to hold an elected office, only that you be nominated by congress to be the speaker thus opening it up to anyone they agree on. Meanwhile the Constitution is silent on this.

Example link:

Valerie Curren

conveniently adjascent tweets

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Tahir Imin Uyghurian

I am Uyghur and politically independent.I am not interested in internal politics of any country including U.S. I just care about Genocide happening to my people Uyghurs and threats that CCP poses to U.S and the globe. Please take notice.



827 Retweeted
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Jack Posobiec


The NY Times is now attacking me for interviewing Uyghur whistleblower @Uyghurian
on Clubhouse last week

Who benefits from this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NYTCCP is Asshoe!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Chick magnetic personality 😉

comment image

Why do women despise me? I am factually cute. Sure I’ll force ya to make me a sandwich and clean my home. So? That’s your job


[forehead smack]

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

help the economy & the testosterone level of a younger male!

We_Need_Trump and 3 others liked
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If I get 500 likes I have to buy my son a dirt bike!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the black wolf video!

This one was linked to it. But don’t get any ideas that 5G microwaves might do something to living things that aren’t grapes.

Valerie Curren

I want to laugh here but it mostly just pisses me off!

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Robb Allen

This is getting ridiculous.

My daughter’s pediatrician pulled my daughter aside and asked her if I had any guns in the house. My daughter, not understanding how the question was an invasion of privacy, said yes.

Now he’s calling me constantly asking where can he find ammo.

Valerie Curren

Clarence Thomas on DJ Harris’ show

also Dinesh D’Souza

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

I think it was duchess at the close of yesterdays thread that put up some prophetess who predicted this very same thing.

Yep. Just went and fetched her post to here. Although I’ve never heard of this woman before, it was a very interesting talk she gave. Wasn’t sure what to make of it and Now this bit about Clarence Thomas.

Very Interesting
Prophet Amanda Grace speaks about Supreme Court Treason & Q post 4545
We The People NEWS Published  February 23, 2021

Valerie Curren

Thanks Para…jury’s out, as usual 🙂

Valerie Curren

verified fraud

Valerie Curren

WEF promoting tyranny & genocide in Israel & beyond, if Dr. Tenpenny’s views are correct!

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So it turns out that the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were right from the beginning…

This is the formation of a discriminatory, two tier society. An authoritarian wet dream.

I hate it and I will fight it.
Quote Tweetcomment image
World Economic Forum

· 17h
Don’t forget your passport! Learn more about vaccine passports:


0:47 / 1:01




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Nobody should be forced nor coerced to take ANY injection or medication, simply to ‘be allowed’ to continue to participate in normal society.

It’s an appalling idea and a violation of people’s most basic civil rights.




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People are such sheep… It annoys me. This WHOLE THING is an escalating compliance test.

And it’s been obvious to me from the start. It’s why I oppose the mask mandates, lockdowns, and every dumb rule.

“iTs jUsT a MasK”

No it’s not. It’s one step of a compliance ladder.

Deplorable Patriot


Valerie Curren

Whoo Hoo…there’s that treasured DP Atta-girl!


I’ve long suspected that Isreali gov’t is not for the people or by the people but just another layer of evildoeers.

Valerie Curren

As God’s chosen people, a covenant without end, they are Always in the crosshairs of Satan! It wouldn’t really be a big surprise if their “leaders” are only cabal approved & installed w/ similar fraud as the DJT landslide yet installation of Biden reveal here…

Valerie Curren

break in case of emergency
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

the claw

Valerie Curren

Iwo Jima anniversary
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Steve Cortes


Today in 1945, six US Marines raised Old Glory over Mt Suribachi on Iwo Jima.

My birth-grandfather (my mom’s bio dad) was in the Pacific Theater, Tarawa & more as a Marine!

Valerie Curren

Punishing POTUS expanded to Jr

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Daily Mail US


Manhattan prosecutors ‘expand their investigation into Donald Trump to also look at Don Jr’
Manhattan prosecutors expand Trump investigation to look at Don Jr
Cyrus Vance Jr, the Manhattan district attorney investigating Donald Trump’s tax returns, is reported to be increasingly interested in Donald Trump

Valerie Curren


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Valerie Curren

heart-warming 😉
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Feb 12

Not the heart crack, señor Biden!!!
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The Hill

· Feb 12×240
First lady Jill Biden installs hearts on White House lawn as Valentine’s day surprise

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

enhancements abound
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& given San Fran Nan’s family

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Feb 22

The only significant difference between the Mafia & gov’t:
the Mafia doesn’t have an indoctrination center to send kids to. No brainwashing institution that convinces children, that everything the Mafia does is for their own good & that it’s not actually a criminal enterprise

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

The Uncanny Valley Girl?

Valerie Curren

Well that makes me think of Mark Steyn’s “How Unclean was my Valley” essay & I don’t EVER want to think about that valley in San Fran Nan!

Valerie Curren

descent into madness, Alinsky style
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Valerie Curren

Alien movies come to mind…ewww
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Bernie’s Tweets

It’s a terrifying alien mushroom called Octopus Stinkhorn or Devils Fingers.

The young fungus erupts from a suberumpent egg, by forming into four to seven elongated slender erect arms.

It’s stinks. Don’t eat it!

Valerie Curren

dreaming of “making up for Trump”

Valerie Curren

all in on it…so when does it end???

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Tosca Austen
Jan 19

Reminder. Our President gave up his billionaire lifestyle to come to Washington and work for FREE.
In turn, Trump got abuse. Obsession. LIES.
Dirty plots. Lit from the top of the bureaucratic dung pile, crafted to set him up.
Crush his outsider presidency.
They were ALL in on it.


Sounds interesting. It might be a must read for the summer
Exclusive: Bombshell Investigative Book Exposes Deep Corruption Within America’s Media Establishment

Deplorable Patriot

I may have to invest.



I think he has a good lawsuit against the car manufacturer for bad design. No reason a one car crash should collapse the passenger cage enough to break both his legs.

We’ll see if his attorneys have any backbone.


He was driving a Hyundai Genesis SUV. As in the Genesis Invitational, the sticker was on the car.


He would have been better off driving a Subaru 🙂


I was just saying he’s most likely obligated since he’s part of the tournament.


That is possible .


In some of the photos the Genesis Invitational sticker is seen on the side of the car.


Smiles, peppy music, even some laughs! Hey this pandemic thingie is FUN!

Here’s the director of the CDC who wraps up her Covid message with “Ok awesome. That was fun”.


re: “vaccination progress”, plse see my post below..

under Vaccine Damage News.

okay-so-far, doktor walensky ? ah ha ha ha ha ha ha


Bookmarked it. My mother just had the second Moderna. I’m on the lookout for issues.


hopefully, your mother was given the placebo…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m certain they’re no longer giving out placebos. That is ONLY ethical in clinical trials, and not ALL clinical trials.


well….who really knows ??
I posted an article/link a day or so ago reporting that one of the reasons why some are not having “side fx” while many many others are dying and/or suffering permanent damage, is bc this is strictly experimental…and some of the “vaccine” jabs being administered NOW are actually NOTHING but a placebo (no side fx)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that sounds like bad speculation to me. There is a lot of it out there!

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, these people aren’t ethical. If they were, they would be honest about the side effects and be sure people understood what the shots actually do.


Hey, if you want people to keep taking a kill shot, and you have no ethics, it is a no brainer to mix in a certain amount of placebo so your stats look better.


I concede de-feet … 😑😣☹️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have to find images that you can right-click to a menu item to copy the image address, and the address ends in .jpg .jpeg .gif .png etc.


Creepy, like Harris.


It’s the infantilization of America.

Barb Meier

Allow me to supply a dose of hopium. I am still observing the elites responding to criticism by walking back things if they get enough pushback. One wriggle and squirm at a time. Perhaps others can add examples here. I’ll start with Cuomo (too many references to post here) and Mad Maxine Waters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re definitely engaging them.


ATTENTION TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Joe Biden to Make Trip to Texas On Friday in First Trip Since Not Campaigning There Last Year
Let’s hope Trump supporters give China Joe a nice (and mostly peaceful) Texas welcome when he arrives at the Lone Star State.


biden’s 100% responsible for the “outage” disasters in Texas…they should drag him to the GoM and hold his head underwater for 5 full minutes.



Agree, only I’d make it 10 minutes.


Gosh, y’all are bashful. 30 minutes, if we’re being kind.


IIRC, the world record for voluntary breath-holding is something like 13 minutes.

Plus, if the water is cold, it may trigger the “mammalian diving reflex”, which increases the length of time survival is possible.


And no kids under there, rubbing down the hair on his legs, that sicko.


Apparently this will be Houston. Seems the itinerary is going to be kept under wraps naturally. Purpose will be to talk to local leaders and visit a vaccine distribution site. Hopefully Houston can ready a minuteman response.


I wouldn’t go within a hundred miles of any place a prominent Communist is going to be. FF.


Deplorable Patriot

I wish this one wasn’t behind the paywall.



want to be informed about the experimental mRNA jab device aka COVID19 “vaccine” ?

go to….

Brave and Free

Thanks Smiley, looks to be a good clearing house of info. all in one stop.

Last edited 4 years ago by Brave and Free

yes….you’re welcome.

stay safe.


Well, to whoever might be interested. I phoned in on Rush Monday and spoke to his widow., Kathryn. Such a gracious woman. And I guess I made the big-time as I’m quoted in People Magazine. Sorry I don’t know how to post the article. I got a kick out of the whole thing. I’m sure you all won’t let it go to my head. Lol. Pgroup, love reading about your neat car. It sounds very safe, too.


That’s very cool, Zoe!
Thanks for letting us know.

……….Here is your quote from the article:

Said another caller, a woman named Zoe: “I didn’t realize the grief I would feel, and to know the show is going to go on is such a comfort, knowing it will still be there is helping me to hold on.”


Great News Zoe! Suspected the show would continue. Guests Hosts 4Ever! 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ironically I could only ever listen to him when I was off work…which would typically be those days when El Rushbo would be on vacation.

So I probably heard more from Walter Williams than I did from Rush, way back when.


Then you probably know every Christmas gift he ever gave Mrs. Williams, for at least a decade.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be honest, over my whole lifetime, I may have listened to 20 hours of EIB…total.

I was glad he was out there, but commercials every two minutes made his TV show intolerable, and I couldn’t form the habit of tuning him in.


Oh thank you! I don’t think I ever listened to Rush more than 5 hours total.

I just never got into his show. I feel like the very odd man out here. 😄

Valerie Curren

I’m pretty sure that I heard your call then! Thanks for speaking out for so many of us who are mourning the passing of an icon & the descent into tyranny with overlapping waves of grief. I think you might have gotten to speak with Mark Steyn briefly too then–he’s my favorite guest host on Rush’s show!


Thanks for calling in Zoe.

I didn’t realize the grief I would feel, either. It feels like a chapter of my own life ended when Rush died. I don’t usually react strongly when famous people I don’t know die. But with Rush, it’s like I lost a family member.


I guess they had a private funeral. Hopefully he was not cremated. I just hate that “disappearing people” act. 🤔


Congratulations, Zoe!

Well done!


Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott on Tuesday got no response from security and law enforcement officials when he asked why the National Guard is still deployed at the U.S Capitol complex roughly six weeks after the Jan. 6 riot — with no known credible security threat.
“Is that a no from everybody?” Scott asked after questioning three former congressional security officials and the acting chief of D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department about the matter during the joint congressional hearing on the preparation and response to the riot
“No one has any idea why we have the National Guard here?” Scott asked after a brief silence.

Deplorable Patriot

Information like that is on a need to know basis, and right now, whoever ordered the NG there, and is keeping them there, does not think that Congress – or anyone else – needs to know.

They’re not going to tell us what is going on and give the other side intelligence in a war.


No doubt this need to know basis stuff will be a hallmark of the Bidenese Regime Administration.


Since NanXi had to pull her STRINGS with the National Guard to go along with her cabal, I propose the the initials NG no long stand for national guard but

NanXi’s G-String.



Henry! Bad boy!

Where’s the damn brain bleach?


Good observation but pointless to us.

We can pick all the Trumps we want to and never give a dime to the GOP/RNC and it will still get its chosen candidate to win thanks to Dominion Voting machines.

And since voting integrity – actually INTEGRITY is something SCOTUS seems to not understand or care about.


We can pick all the Trumps we want to and never give a dime to the GOP/RNC and it will still get its chosen candidate to win thanks to Dominion Voting machines.

And since voting integrity – actually INTEGRITY is something SCOTUS seems to not understand or care about.

^^^ Worth reading again. ^^^


We can think that way but I have a feeling Dominion is not going to be the future if we begin to work .
Maybe because I was not born here and am an immigrant I am not handing the left all I believe in on a silver platter. Not going to give up at the first stone put in my way.
Maybe the way I grew up made me strong and resilient.
The left is winning by destroying the will the strong mindset and we buy into all is lost If we believe it is lost we will have lost. Sorry I still have to much German in me to let communist ruin my life.


Who gave up? Simply stating facts. When CORRUPTOCRATS COUNT THE VOTES, THEY CHOOSE WHO WINS.

State R-Cons here from me every time they email or mail me.

  • What have they done to fix the 3 November stolen election?
  • What are they doing to secure future elections?
  • What are they doing to stop mass mail voting, dead voting, out of state voting….?
  • What are they doing to shit-can Dominion, currently used in 16 of 17 NV counties?

^^^ They ALL need fixing. Dominion, the vote counter is the BIGGEST of all – gotta count votes accurately. IF not, even I know who is going to “win”.


I pray that things will be better and we are able to get an handle on election.
When enough people do something it will not look so bleak. GA needs to be fixed by people who live there.


I am more hopeful giving up is not my thing. In my life if I had just thrown in the towel I would have been dead my family would have been dead.
It is a mindset one wants to win or not it is in our hands. Of course we all have free will that is the beauty.
Do we want to hand over a country that Biden and the cabal represents
or a country that gives our grandchildren a future?
Maybe I just have an immigrant mindset.


I think strategic NONVOTING in certain races is viable.

Outside the box.


NanXi must’ve promised Yertle the turtle a quick peak at his balls in her desk drawer…


But he has to bring his own magnifying glass.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He won’t bother.

Scanning electron microscopes are BIG.


Two hot button topics are still relevant and need to be kept hot as the MCM tries to wash them from from people’s awareness: Election Integrity, and of course for Texans ERCOT mismanagement, which is increasingly less about addressing the corruptocrat’s mismanagement and more about damaging conservatives politically like Greg Abbott. (Not that he needs help, but remember leftists think in dichotomies and still see him as viable opposition.)

There is a background issue against this that needs to be discussed, which is Judicial Integrity.

Presumably the Trump Armada of judges was going to reform and restore the rule of law to the judicial system, to provide true justice.

However, as we have seen this appears to not be the case in point of fact.

The next question, and next steps, need to be considered. What can be done? What options are on the table to ensure that our courts are functioning properly?

I’m not going to join in with the “Trump failed” crowd when it comes to the courts – the fail-seeking narrative is a self-fulfilling prophecy us futility and abandonment. More important I think is to recognize that that there is a much deeper and fundamental problem in the Judiciary than just swapping who is sitting on the bench.

The other part of this is that too often we treat the courts like a kingly branch of government that has no checks and balances. That is not how the Constitution is structured and not what the framers intended. Keep in mind that the structural power for the court systems resides with Congress and the States – and there is much more to the courts than just the Supreme Court. In fact, we’ve failed to recognize the importance of state and lower courts precisely because the left has elevated the Supremes far beyond they deserve.

This is something to explore more. If anyone has constructive thoughts or insights please feel free to share.


An appellate attorney like Sidney Powell can attest that the judicial branch should not be treated like they are the ultimate end to justice and equality in the law. Especially after she had to deal with that nasty Sullivan – who is the epitome of an Øbastard (biased, with an agenda against conservatives and white people) judge.

In recent decades, our country has allowed too much power to be usurped by the judiciary branch.

We need a hundred Sidney Powells to challenge and stop these rogue judges and justices.

The legislative and executive branches in the hands of leftists also tend to usurp and abuse power.

Time for the people to take back power and exercise it rightly.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the legislatures set up the judiciaries in most states. We can have them RATTLE THE CHAINS of the courts.


I disagree that the lower fed courts are under-powered or somehow treated with less deference than they deserve, vis-a-vis SCOTUS.

SCOTUS is an Article 3 constitutional court – the only one. All the fed district courts and appellate courts are statutory courts, created by Acts of Congress and able to be dissolved by Congress at its pleasure/displeasure.

In my opinion, the lesser fed courts have been violating the Eleventh Amendment and their statutory jurisdiction – from the distant past to today by issuing TROs supposedly affecting other circuits and jurisdictions outside their boundaries.

IMO, the fed district courts and appellate courts have been getting far too much deference in pleading jurisdictional facts. They are not courts of general jurisdiction but they sure act like they are and people accept it (including a president we like).

Justice Thomas has also spoken to this problem.


Good Morning all! today is a good day in the LORD. even though this is day 4 without a shower  😳  hubby is installing a new shower and working after he gets home from work. And in between he was unloading metal roofing ,a panel slipped sliced through his glove cut his finger open and landed on his big toe, not good. Then he caught a cold now he is just grumpy from no shower. But the day is new and it is GOOD. Although hubby may not agree  😄 


Bless him! Good man. 🙏


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Valerie Curren

I hope you/we hear from Pat today. Any news?

& thanks for all your uplifting comments & godly reminders–so refreshing!


I suspect she is up to her eyes in family business – keep praying for her – she will be fine and back when all is settled.

Most welcome, Val – God Bless You today and always!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks D 🙂 <3


Nice big pearls on those gates. 👍🏻


Isn’t it beautiful and inviting, Mom?


yes 🤔

Deplorable Patriot

Best description I’ve seen yet. Cult from a horror film. Talk about FAILED psy-ops.


CHINA virus!!!

It was a biological attack – germ warfare – and it spread was facilitated by the Democrats.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

The people we elected are a bunch of idiots. All they can do is stand there with their candle instead of doing the people work and get relieve to those who needed.
They also would be served better to have taken their candles into a church and pray instead grandstanding on the steps. Who do they think they are fooling?
We are no longer fooled I find that photo grotesque.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s like some Demon Disney production!


It does look like a Cult from a horror film.

And I question that figure of “500,000 lives lost”.
How many of those were regular flu deaths and other causes…but were attributed to WuFlu because of the cash incentive from the govt?


Power, control and money drive Covid numbers.

We know 500,000 deaths from Covid IS a lie.

We know 500,000 deaths by folks that had OR MAY have had Covid. Covid alone killed some. Vast majority died by any combination of flu, heart disease, lung issues, diabetes…

Yet, no one in the fake news tells the truth…

Fake news ECHOES the LIE…perpetuating the smear, to APPEAR to be true.


Mitch uses it like any corrupt politician. He’s Exhibit A.

Corrupt, drunk with power. On the cusp of a fall. This kind of obvious hubris is disgusting in the extreme.

Hey Mitch:



No better truth spoken  ❤ 


“Children of the Dark!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


A Demon Disney production!


february 24, 2021 the marshall report

Who is Juan O Savin? Why is he the man of mystery that we never get to see who he is? We only get to see his feet, legs and hands. Is that his real voice or is he using a voice box? Why the secrecy?

Is he not to be known or not quite yet? Will he come forward one day? If so who will we see? Will it be a cowboy figure named Juan O Savin…or will it be John 07? Or George 07? Or John Doe? Who is he? I ran across him a while back as a guest on someones YouTube program. I listened and thought it odd that he only showed his feet. He was in a hotel in DC and speaking about events that were taking place. Myself, not knowing anything about him, just listened thinking he was an inside source for he said he had attended some meetings and had information and was giving information on the parts of his meeting that he could tell. I never thought of him as anyone but an inside source of information. Then he gained more exposure on channels I was following and then I started finding his information very key in connecting dots. His videos are either very, very short…or very, very long. When I started watching some of the newer videos I thought he was either working with the entire plan to bring down the cabal, or he was the biggest lark there ever was. I chose to see him as a good inside source for he was saying many things I had been deep diving to figure out, and things that helped me connect and or affirm other dots. I found that those who are reliable find him a key source and treat him with the utmost respect. He quickly earned mine as well. But, the question remained, who is he really? Why don’t he show us who he is? So today, I decided to try and figure out why so many were saying he was JFK Jr. We can’t see him, but we can hear him. So I started there.


reminds me immediately of a scene from one of the greatest films of all time…

The Third Man

meet Harry Lime…

aka the cat scene…

come out, come out, whoever you are…


I do not watch anything from him. If a person does want to be a mystery they shall stay a mystery and I distant myself from them.
I do not like games and i bet the guy get clicks because he set up a mystery persona.


I think there is a reason he cannot reveal his identity, Sing. He used to be a ‘mystery’ to me – not anymore – and what he brings forth is energizing many people – we need to stop the negative thinking – we are not doomed – PT has not left us – Biden is not a legitimate president – and it will be revealed.

Juan references God frequently – only God knows his heart – but, what he says makes sense – more sense than whatever the MSM is peddling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not my cup of tea, either.


Didn’t he wear a wizard suit on a show with Anna Khait? His face was showing. He had on a turban. It was supposed to be some big reveal. Can’t even remember what the hoopla was all about now.


I have the ebook, from gumroad, but it’s so tedious to read online. So I ordered the print edition, haven’t received it yet. Looking forward to it for sure.


Let us know what you think – when you receive it and read it – Please – Thanks!!!


He sounds (to me) exactly like Randy Quaid. Like he’s not even trying to hide it, like we’re supposed to guess it’s Randy Quaid, because it is😂 🤣 😂


Nah – not like him at all, Scott!!!


I attempted to post this on facebook and was denied because of the ongoing crap between Australia and facebook.


… hit and run … dropping this here, my brother sent it to me .. he’s in a militia group in AZ …

Pray without ceasing … ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for this! Not sure why you were in moderation.


I do not remember whether we should be linking to OT, so I will not link, but Sundance has a great post about the Georgia GOP in one county. Republicans are a treacherous lot. They smile in your face and profess to believe what you believe, but it is a ruse.


Dimms do it too, but i agree. All those people looking at elections use the same consulting firms. A yuge deep dive into the election consulting firms would be a good red pill. They advised and advertised and raise money for the candidate du jour. The cycle keeps going despite changing faces.


Are you surprised?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please feel free to link to CTH!

Don’t link to child porn, hack sites, traps, etc. That is all!




To all interested, special thanks to Holly and Wheatie2 for posting links and quote. Regarding Juan o Savin, I know someone who has met him. I don’t really Know, but I’m doubtful he is JFK. Jr. That’s just my own gut reaction, not based on knowledge.


How does it feel to be an in-house celebrity, Zoe? Needless to say, we are excited!!!

As far as Juan O Savin is concerned, I do not need to know who he is – imho – he has brought the ‘voice of reason’ to a chaotic world – he offers logical explanations – and sometimes, pertinent intel – that brings hope and encouragement.

There is enough sorrow in the world right now – especially, with what we have had to contend relative to CV-19 – we need more positive reinforcement – and Juan brings that to the discussion.

This is a spiritual battle more than a political battle – I am hoping and praying we all rely more on God than on those in the political sphere.

God Bless You Real Good, Dear Lady!!! You inspire us all!!!


If it’s JFK Jr., then he’s using Randy Quaid as his ventriloquist dummy 😂🤣😂


You are funny, but that is not Randy Quaid.

I have this thing with voices, I recognize people that way. One time about twenty years ago, I was sitting in a restaurant and heard Lindsay Wagner behind me. I knew it was her, but had a hell of a time convincing the person across from me to take a peek, since he knew I hadn’t heard Lindsay speak since the Bionic Woman went off the air in the seventies. Finally he looked and it was her.

I don’t think Juan is JFK, Jr. either. The accent is wrong. Maybe someday we’ll find out.


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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

2 Chronicles 20
vs:15 And he said: Attend ye, all Juda, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, and thou king Josaphat:

Thus saith the Lord to you: Fear ye not, and be not dismayed at this multitude:

for the battle is not yours,

but God’s.

Isaiah 49:16

16 See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
Always in my mind is a picture of Jerusalem’s walls in ruins.

.. ❤️ ..


The Antifragile threat. Worth a read. Tactics…


“The main goal here is to develop a new typology of adversaries and to zoom in on those who get stronger when engaged in strategic performance. The paper draws upon the concept of antifragility, popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book Anti-fragile: The Things That Gain from Disorder. I argue that depending on their reaction to strategic performance, adversaries can be put on a spectrum from fragile to resilient, to antifragile ones. To keep the scope of the investigation reasonably limited, the paper focuses on the effects of strategic performance on the adversary’s military capabilities rather on his will to fight. The first category describes the adversaries whose military capabilities shrink as a consequence of engaging in strategic performance. The second category is reserved for those adversaries who are able to replenish their military capabilities to the original position after engaging in strategic performance. The last category describes those adversaries whose military capabilities increase as a consequence of taking part in strategic performance. These are, of course, ideal types and their manifestations in strategic practice are less clear-cut.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That was a really great read. That is actually very helpful, and hopeful in that I can now use that as a strategic metric to understand how “The Plan” was corrupted by various forces to reduce its capabilities of “teaching us to fight”.

Q was in essence an antifragility builder, which scared the scheming left, so they figured out ways to reduce its effectiveness. But now, learning FROM those efforts, we can actually make some quantum leaps in gained fighting ability – which is prime antifragility.

Not all will see this, but that’s OK. Booster stage will fall away, but many will realize it, and make the leap to the next stage.


I thought that, too. Clever bastards, but we are learning too. And really, no matter how it occurs, we will win.


What do they call a military who allows a foreign superpower adversary take over their own country without even putting up a fight?

I have some descriptions for them, but curious what the technical term might be.

Ours didn’t just ‘shrink as a consequence of engaging in strategic performance’, ours didn’t even show up for the fight.

Just let the ChiComs waltz right in, take whatever they wanted.

Our military surrenders more before 8am than most people do all their days.

It’s inspirational. Way to go, military! 😁


What do they call a military who allows a foreign superpower adversary take over ?

US Navy …Iran


The technical term is “French.”


This JE Dyer article is important reading.

“The vision thing: Handy guide to the biggest earthquake in human affairs in 2,000 years”

“The 2020 election remains significant, in part because it’s what all the current reactions of U.S. politics relate to, and in part because the refusal of the cabal to acknowledge its glaring irregularities is the violation that broke the floodgate.

Notice I didn’t say the irregularities were the violation. I’m willing to speak in terms of that being as yet unadjudicated, because it is precisely that: largely unadjudicated. In only 21 out of 80 cases has evidence been considered
By contrast, 34 cases have been dismissed without consideration of the evidence, on non-evidentiary grounds. And 25 are still in process, most in various stages of heel-dragging, their evidence unreviewed.

But the big violation is the bad-faith refusal to give what are obviously valid concerns their due process, whether in court, in the media, or in the actions of the states and Congress to certify the election.”

Much more –



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s absolutely right. For Wolf Moon to consider himself an ENEMY of an OCCUPYING CCP government – is OFF THE CHARTS.

Even under Obama, I was LOYAL to what I believed was a LEGITIMATE government.

I do NOT accept the LEGITIMATE RULE of the Biden CCP-CIA-installed regime, and I will not sugar-coat my opposition with some belief that the Bidenese are some kind of puppet-show by a legitimate, loyal, military government. That’s beyond hopium, IMO. It’s ENEMY PROPAGANDA.

Our White House is now occupied by CCP puppets.

Deplorable Patriot

Can I be an enemy of the CCP’s overlords? They’re the same people who consider themselves to be our overlords.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fire at will!

Deplorable Patriot

That means a flight to London.

I saw enough of Victoria Station the last time I was there.


Just dragging this out of the story.

“You may be surprised to learn that, of these 21 cases, Trump has won 14 and lost 7.  
In other words, Trump has won two-thirds of the cases to date that have been adjudicated by the courts. ” 


Just stopping by to say Hi and God bless you all .. I’m very appreciative of all you do

.. ❤️ ..


Great to hear from you, Nikki!

Glad you are well.

May God continue to bless you, too.


Happy Fun Joy Laugh


ACB is getting roasted on Gab…and she deserves it, IMO.
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And…𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.


I do not know what I would do if my family was threatened – I refuse to give up on God – He can change minds and hearts and empower people – He can fix this!!!


I know what I would do, Duchess.

I would resign from the court rather than betray my country!


Me too! What I don’t get about these people is they are betraying and destroying the country their children will live in. They might think they are protecting them but for how long. There is no honor in the Cabal.

Concerned Virginian

It’s about Follow The Money. The Cabal does not care what happens to “Joe and Jane Average” and their children, except for using them as means to increase Cabal members’ “asset base”. The Cabal is all about making quite sure they themselves have plenty of money and to spare. Cabal members set up all sorts of financial vehicles for their children to ensure “continuity of resources”.


Chiming in here with another question. How do they increase asset base while absolutely destroying the economy in almost all Western countries ? Small business, personal income, tourism, non essential spending…all of that going down down down.


Yes, and when it all falls apart, how do they fend off the millions with pitchforks knocking at their door??? These people are stupid.


This is precisely the self-destructive DNA that is built into evil.

It causes the innocent to suffer, too, but it will go down in flames eventually.


The asset base. That makes a lot of sense. Kinda like George Carlin’s Big Club. These people are just disgusting to me.


As Sidney Powell has said – there are still more cases before the court – that gives me hope – if I were one of the Justices in question – not talking about the left leaning ones – you know who they are – I would pray – ask God to give me the strength to ‘do the right thing’ in spite of what the evil ones might do to me or my family – that – I know is easier said than done – one must have true FAITH to stand up to evil – and being protected and strengthened by God is for the faithful.

We have all been faced with difficult decisions – and we do not always make the right decision – in this case – I have no idea what they might be facing – I can only pray for them – only God has the power to change minds and hearts.

After hearing ‘Grace’ the Prophet – I am hopeful – posted her video yesterday.

God has not abandoned America, Wheatie!!! I really believe that.


That was a good video, Duchess. Thanks for posting it.


Another video from Amanda Grace – she begins talking about several prophecies from November, 2020, December, 2020, and March 13, 2020 – about God bringing justice upon the courts.


She begins talking at ~ the 16:00-minute mark


Hasn’t the time to watch this one, will save it for later, but did watch the one you posted last night. Found it interesting but was unfamiliar with her so wasn’t sure what to think. Then saw the Clarence Thomas info today and said. Wow! She hit that one.


Some people are privileged to have a close relationship with God – through His Spirit – they receive messages – and insight – she is unique in that manner – had not heard of her until I listed to another video wherein she was a guest – imho – one cannot fake this – I have listened to others who ARE ‘fakes’ – you can just tell there is no connection – no insight – however – with her – it is different.

She does not give details – she speaks as God speaks to us – not in particulars – but in His own way – know what I mean?

She is the second ‘prophet’ who spoke of the ‘shaking’ of the Supreme Court – Kim Clement was the first many years ago.


I agree with you Wheatietoo, They had no right to take a position as important as supreme Court to chicken out. These people have a weak character and should never be in a position they are now holding.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I am sure she has been told what will happen to her family if she resigns, too.


That is the difference between a strong person and a weak person.
Look how many weak people were in Nazi Germany and how many people under Stalin. Do we remember the weak as hero’s? No!
Do what is right they knew the battle but they only want the glory?

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The point is, no blackmailer is going to give you a door out.

If they can blackmail you to vote a certain way they’ll also blackmail you against escaping by resigning.

When people say “why doesn’t she just resign” as if that were an escape hatch she refuses to use, I want to scream, because they won’t let her do that, either!!!

The only way out from blackmail is to force them to follow through on it. Once “it” (whatever it is they’ve got on you) is out there, it’s useless. Unless they also have something else on you.


“The point is, no blackmailer is going to give you a door out.”


That’s why you MAKE one.


“If they can blackmail you to vote a certain way they’ll also blackmail you against escaping by resigning.”


Then they should give up and die.

There’s an out nobody thought of, and I just got started.


“When people say “why doesn’t she just resign” as if that were an escape hatch she refuses to use, I want to scream, because they won’t let her do that, either!!!”


They CAN resign.


The Supreme Goofs have plenty of access to professional security.

If they are threatening your kids, RESIGN. You are no longer in a position to help the blackmailers, ergo, they have no reason to risk exposing themselves by murdering the children of a (not)Supreme Court judge.

And if the children of a (not)Supreme Court judge were murdered as part of a blackmail plot, even OUR wholly corrupt DoJ would have to do something about it.


“The only way out from blackmail is to force them to follow through on it.”


Just EXPOSE the blackmailers.

Let little Miss ACB hold a press conference on national TV, and explain who contacted her, what they threatened, etc.

Make yourself so toxic that they can’t carry out their threat without bringing so much heat on themselves that it would blow up in their faces.

Unless you’re in the movie Poltergeist, the answer is almost always STEP INTO THE LIGHT.

The darkness can’t reach you there.


“Once “it” (whatever it is they’ve got on you) is out there, it’s useless. Unless they also have something else on you.”


If they have something ‘on you’, you better be big enough to own the downside and say “You know what, I’m going to put it out there first, taking away your ability to threaten me, and let the cards fall where they may”.

In almost NO scenario is doing what the blackmailers tell you to do the right or even best answer.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

They are all so invested in their profession.
I If they are truly being blackmailed then I would not want them.
I deal with stuff like that different but then I have nothing to loose. There is nothing to blackmail me on.


I would immediately get some heavy duty security for my family, call a press conference, and call out the scumbags who threatened me!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for keeping this up. You are actually following a REAL PLAN – General Flynn’s. I will be doing a post about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And yes…..

Joe Biden didn’t win.


It’s the Truth, boss.

𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

This simple little sentence is the essence of it; it cuts through all the bullshit like a knife.

𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

It can be our war cry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The JE Dyer article that GA/FL posted shows that this is huge. By simply not allowing this election to be normalized, EVERYTHING changes. And that gets into what Grandma is posting from Vox Day – antifragility – TEACHING US TO FIGHT.

We cannot learn to fight by assuming somebody else is going to rescue us. And this resolves all questions about Q, and what Q really was, versus what was inflicted on the movement in a very deep and cunning fashion.

We have to go back to the drops themselves (DP does this regularly), and recognize that there ARE forces which understand the predicament, but they are UNABLE TO ACT without us becoming both STRONG and ANTIFRAGILE.

Mere belief in our destiny will not do it.

Flynn is the key. We HAVE to study his military strategy – not to PARROT it, but to USE it and EXTEND it. In searching for some of it, I keep getting IKE back from search engines, because the neural nets understand the relationship. That goes back to THE PLAN, including the parts we have to GUESS.

Rich Higgins in essence extends Flynn by correctly identifying the Red-Green axis and getting out from under the inflicted paradigm of not realizing who is really behind terrorism – who the enemy really is. Flynn forces realization of who the enemy actually is and the absolute necessity of such identification.

We ARE doing this already – embracing the complexity of enemy identification in a complex world. But we cannot rely on others to do our fighting. We must capitalize on winning strategies, and most of all, we must take to heart Flynn’s advice from that telegram message.


Just saw this short video on bitchute – I hope it shows up ok (first time linking bit chute):



A black freshman at Washington DC’s American University recently referred to white students returning to campus as an “invasive species.”

Kayla Kelly writes in The Eagle that the housing is a form of “settler colonialism” because most of those taking advantage of the opportunity will be “affluent white students.”

“Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that replaces the original population with a new invasive species,” Kelly says. “The settler system takes over the space, resources and culture of the environment it encompasses, displacing the original population.”


A born, bred with hate and self-loathing racist.
A pitiful useless, worthless, piece of tripe and has to play the victim and scream RACIST.

An insignificant tool screaming for her five minutes of attention so she can play the victim and get her payola from the self-loathing liberals that run your waste of land use called a American University.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiCom Black Pets(TM) are the best, but CCP makes sure they poop in the neighbor’s yard.

Deplorable Patriot

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, THAT is good.


Well… Technically, the serpent was right…


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Oh I think it would be waaay more than half.

More like 3/4…and also about 65% of Libertarians and 1/3 of Democrats.


And ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.


This guy got out of prison and in less than a month killedv3 people, one whom he cut the heart out and fed it to his family. He was let out after 3 years of a 20 year term.

Oklahoma has dropped the ball here and a child is dead. Whoever let him out should be his celly.
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No outrage from BLM regarding his unjust arrest by privileged enforcement of white law?

As a mass murderer of color, doesn’t he have the right to violate his relative?


No outrage from BLM regarding his unjust arrest by privileged enforcement of white law?

As a mass murderer of color, doesn’t he have the right to violate his relative?


Yeah, it’s a horror story.
 😞  😫 

Our Pardon and Parole Board here has gotten soft and squishy.

Criminals have learned that they can mouthe the magic words about how they have “Found Jesus”…and the well-meaning Christians will let them out.

Our governor fell for it too!


He has thats woman and childs blood on his hands. I read further and he did these commutations for “covid relief” just like here.
He is an accountant and a fool bc he obviously had not consulted with law enforcement first(and I dont mean the high uos who are all politicians too).


He’s probably not a very good accountant — the words “accountant” and “accountability” have the same root.


Prob not…


My mother picked up on that in the 1970s.

She was one smart cookie.


GWP has now picked up on Yuri Bezmenov’s warnings from decades ago …




What Do Ya Do With a Bernie Sanders? – “Drunken Sailor” Sea Shanty Parody by THE COG IS DEAD


Fishers of Men – 20210223


BardsFM, What If You Were Selected – 20210223


Ephesians 4:17-24 (KJV)


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Sound like a good plan!


they are going to have a virtual service for Rush at some point in the future, and all will be able to participate or watch, according to Kathryn Limbaugh.


ISIS Women Go on Hunger Strike Demanding to be Let Back Into France

A group of Islamic State-affiliated women have gone on a hunger strike in a prison camp in Syria after demanding the French government let them back into France.

The radicals began their hunger strike on Sunday according to an announcement by their lawyers Marie Dosé and Ludovic Rivière, who stated that the women wanted themselves and their children to be allowed to return to France, after having deserted it for the Islamic State.

— play stupid games….


Phony hunger strikes



get a Globo Cap tatoo t’day !!
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right ? 🙌

that’s right 👉 Globo Cap’s Genetic Modification Division’s mRNA vaccine that attaches to your cells to “produce a protein” that triggers an “immune response” even better than your body’s own immune system response…wow…

👉 because…it’s made by corporations !   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_smile:   :wpds_wink: 



interested in reading more ?

go here…


CJ Hopkins : The Vaccine {Dis}Information War



H/T The Consent Factory


CarpeDonktum on gab. Cotton-Eyed Joe.😂

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

[video src="" /]




Democrats Declare War on Conservative Media


A preview of things to come?

I H8 Democrats.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one is the “trans woman” – IMO she’s some kind of plant by FIB and the Obama military to discredit the Oathkeepers.


Sorry – I should have checked it out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t worry – I appreciate the link and info!

They hid that “trans” information for a long time, and they still are. Don’t kick yourself.

This is a combined FBI-DNC-MSM assault on the Oathkeepers. Possibly with CIA and other involvements. They have TWO or THREE layers of provocation on this, to hide the FBI orchestration. It is VERY ugly. Only a few super-suspicious veterans of multiple betrayals are going to spot all the intrigue going on here.

“Trans” are super-suggestible – that’s why they’re used, IMO. Anybody who can be convinced they’re the other sex, is putty in the hands of mind controllers and brainwashers. IMO trans are an extreme danger to military discipline, except when used as WEAPONS themselves, which is nasty and cruel, but that is the state of warfare now.


Sure does sound like a corrupt CIA/FBI plot all right.

I’m still spitting mad about CISA’s corruption.

Then there is SCOTUS and SDNY…..

Is anything good left in our government?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are, as Flynn says, in a “crucible moment”. We must ALL find NEW SELVES WITHIN.


Only with GOD’s power and help….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Exactly.

Deplorable Patriot



BREAKING: The Fed’s system that allows banks to send money back and forth is down – CNBC

2:02 PM · Feb 24, 2021

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s camel day!

It’s also Joe Biden didn’t win day, but then, we’ve had nothing but those since November 4th.


WOW! Andy must have done something to get them so upset.


BREAKING BIG: New York Democrats Hold Outdoor Presser Calling for Charges Against Governor Cuomo (VIDEO)
New York Assembly member Ron Kim, a Democrat, and Jessica Ramos, a Democrat, held a rally at City Hall on Wednesday. Kim was joined by fellow elected officials, advocates, and the family members of seniors, to announce a key list of demands from the Cuomo administration. The victims want justice!


He’s of no use to the machine anymore. Being sacrificed. Lots of sexual harassment stories coming out about him. Bye bye Andy.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a “criminal sexual predator” who “must immediately resign” over a former aide’s detailed sexual-harassment allegations, a member of Congress from upstate New York said Wednesday.


Resign? Are you kidding me? Arrest the mass murdering scumbag and throw away the key! Maybe strip him naked and put him in a cell where everyone can see him.


This should be a learning moment for GOP idjits.

like VA governor and his rapo Lt governor….




This is more than alarming!




This has been a real problem for well over a year.

Not sure if these are the same ones, but … some were stopped by the police that same day:


Not one single case of flu recorded in England in 2020 season. Public Health England Dr. says social distancing and masks curbed the spread.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure I believe this.


Read through some of the comments and you aren’t the only one.


‘It’s a miracle!’ /s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hrmmm…. so masks can stop the spread of the flu but apparently are not effective with the China Virus. 🤔 ……….. 🤣 😂🤣


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This billboard just went up right outside the New York state capitol.
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L O V E I T!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

He’s a piece of work.


Ditto times infinity

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Xi Jinping’s shoe-shine boy!


Bathouse barrwee


I do not hate him and yes he is ….. 👿 

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Without reading the piece, I imagine “white resistance” might have played a role in preventing reparations payments — and with good reason. People of any color and race have every right to oppose paying other people for things that happened years ago, that didn’t affect them directly. Those payments would come out of we-the-people’s pockets. We need to be fiscally responsible.

But of course O is race-baiting, as usual. And it’s more than that; it’s morphing into a war on white people that has to be resisted and stopped, now.


Mike Lindell, [24.02.21 15:36]
[Forwarded from John F. Kennedy Jr.]

NEW – Entire Federal Reserve payment system CRASHES with banks unable to send or receive wires. The system used by U.S. banks to execute some $3 trillion in transactions per day.

Mike Lindell, [24.02.21 15:38]
[Forwarded from Great Awakening Channel 🔷]

JUST IN – Federal Reserve system restored after an outage for over an hour. Though the issue has been resolved at the Federal Reserve level, it appears that exchanges have not fully resolved the issue on their end and are still experiencing delays. 



Did any monies transfer suspiciously? Like magic money “reset”!

Deplorable Patriot

Didn’t think about that, but wondering what level of chess is being played.


Too many possibilities with digital scales….easy at that level.


It’s not “Federal” and it’s not a “Reserve”, the entire name is a lie.

It’s a private bank, owned by foreigners, who print fiat currency at cost and loan it at face value plus interest.

They are the biggest criminals on the planet.

Concerned Virginian

My opinion: the three worst things that ever happened to the United States of America, worse even than the Civil War and both World Wars, were the changing of our Representative Republic into a “Corporation” in 1871, plus the establishment of the “Federal Reserve System”, and then the imposition of the income tax with the oppressive Internal Revenue Service.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

2 of these happened under Wilson … after the Very popular Teddy Roosevelt spit the Republican vote by going 3rd party against Taft.

One of the top things I kept thinking about (Wilson and the Fed & income tax specifically) on 1/7 and 1/8 as H and I discussed our plans going forward regarding the GOP

Concerned Virginian

My late husband’s father (born in 1876) was a partner in the San Francisco office of the original Deloitte accounting firm long before it merged into Deloitte Haskins & Sells. It was common talk in his circle that Wilson didn’t make much money as a college professor and was envious of people who made more money than he did.
Wilson also wrote several books, one of which advocated that the federal government take over all “private charity” efforts.




Hope they vote out Liz Cheney next time around.


What a damm beech.

Deplorable Patriot

Methinks McCarthy and Dick Cheney’s daughter are not on the same page on this.


She’s a pig.

Deplorable Patriot

Is that fair? Pigs have feelings, too, you know. And seasoned properly, they taste great.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Liz Cheney – the other White Nationalist!


Haha 😂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 😋 😋 😋 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓




My first two choices of word were unprintable here and I shouldn’t say them anyway.

No offense meant to pigs.

Cheney is a monster. The kind of monster who relishes hurting people.


Her antics are on him as he chose to keep her in leadership and give her a platform. Reflrection on him


McCarthy reminds me of Paul Ryan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he’s far less of a traitor, but yes, yes, yes.


He’s smart enough to kiss butt when he has to but not so stupidly obsequiously as to be a sycophant.

IOW, not like the Turtle.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Paul Ryan’s heroism may always be discussed here in the most florid language possible!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very much agreed, although I think his choice was smart, strategically. He is benefiting by keeping MTG and Lauren Boebert strongly in the party and letting them make waves that keep the party popular. Their attacks on the Democrats are the best show the GOP has right now. If keeping Liz aboard is that price, I think it’s worth it. SIDESHOW KEVIN knows the crowd.


Well, the tea party deplorables that I know do not think she’s worth anything, other than as a target in a skeet match. They are DISGUSTED with her and they aren’t fond of Kevin for keeping her in her position.


Just a petty little liars club

one lies and the other swears to it

good cop stupid ass

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s helping make us stronger, just by being herself. Best punching bag our new trainees could ask for!  😉 


She is exhibit A as to why we Must develop and recruit MAGA conservatives in the GOP county “farm teams”, work for them and support them + educate the MAGA base about primaries and GOTV for the primaries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon

I don’t believe that Liz Cheney should be playing a role in the future of mass or energy, but God appears to have other ideas about conservatism.


The whole exchange is funny, but isn’t it amazing what crumbs we are happy with at this point? It sickens me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I hear you.

Getting up off the floor when you’ve been sucker-punched is the hardest part. Just getting ONTO ONE’S FEET is a victory.


Don’t mess with TEXAS

Judge Bans Enforcement of Biden’s 100-Day Deportation Pause
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 06:34 AM

A federal judge late Tuesday indefinitely banned President Joe Biden’s administration from enforcing a 100-day moratorium on most deportations.

U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton issued a preliminary injunction sought by Texas, which argued the moratorium violated federal law and risked imposing additional costs on the state.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Finally, some good news.


Finally, a judge with the moxie to stand up to those bullies!!! If I lived in Texas, I would be miffed, too – they have worked so hard to clean up the border mess – and now – the ‘Fraud in the WH’ comes along – and tells them to stop what they are doing.


I love this guy!!!

02 24 21 Kennedy talks COVID bill, schools reopening, HHS nominee with Fox News’s Hemmer and Perino


Like Cassidy, he gave zero support to Trump’s claims about the election.

he was late on the impeachment.

i want both of them gone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the price of using a “friendly MSM” to get out one’s message – one will get sucked into their “false normal”. It’s quite sinister.


They are so very comfortable as the minority. Again, putrid.


Like Sessions, he is a southern gentleman – it was not his ‘job’ to highlight the election (God gives those assignments) – late on the impeachment – dunno about that.

I do not know much about Cassidy – but, I get the idea he is not popular here.


Hmm. Looks like they’ve been beating the “end the Death Penalty” drums in Virginia pretty hard. Been so busy I hadn’t hardly noticed.
Some blue states can aid the pro-life cause by abolishing the death penalty
by Tom Joyce | February 24, 2021 06:00 AM
Machinery of Death: When the Government Acts as Judge, Jury and ExecutionerBy John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
February 23, 2021

Virginia set to abolish death penalty
by Jordyn Pair · Feb 23rd, 2021 12:23 pm

Virginia lawmakers have passed legislation that would abolish the death penalty. The bill now goes to Gov. Ralph Northam, who has said he will sign into law.
If signed, Virginia would become the first southern state and 23rd state nationwide to get rid of the death penalty.

“It is vital that our criminal justice system operates fairly and punishes people equitably. We all know the death penalty doesn’t do that. It is inequitable, ineffective, and inhumane,” Northam, House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn, and Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw said in a joint statement Monday.

Virginia has executed a higher percentage of its death row inmates than any other state, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Just two men are currently on the state’s death row.

“It’s time we stop this machinery of death,” the legislators said.

Virginia lawmakers outlaw death penalty
by Rachel Lynn Aldrich
Posted 2/22/21, 05:48 pm

Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam has said he will sign a bill that would make Virginia the 23rd state to stop executions. The Virginia House and Senate approved identical but separate bills repealing the death penalty on Monday.

Will the change affect any current prisoners? The state has two men on death row. They would instead face life in prison without parole. Anthony Juniper received a death sentence in the 2004 killings of his ex-girlfriend, two of her children, and her brother. Thomas Porter was convicted in the 2005 killing of a Norfolk police officer. Virginia has used the death penalty more than any other state dating back to its days as a colony. Since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, Virginia, with 113 executions, is second only to Texas.

Opinion: The death penalty is in the death throes
Opinion by 
David Von Drehle
Feb. 5, 2021 at 2:50 p.m. CST

Opinion: Virginia is on the verge of abolishing the death penalty. Other states should follow suit

Failing NYT:
Virginia, Shifting Left Fast, Moves Closer to Abolishing Death Penalty
Democrats in control of the House and the State Senate have passed a ban on executions, and the governor is expected to approve it — the latest sign of an ascendant progressive agenda in the state.

Virginia Moves to Abolish Death Penalty
Gov. Ralph Northam says he will sign bill making Virginia 23rd state and first in South to ban capital punishment

Wa. Free Beacon
Virginia Dems Prepare to End Death PenaltyCharles Fain Lehman – JANUARY 28, 2021 1:51 PM
The Washington Post
Virginia moves toward banning capital punishment, in a shift for prolific death penalty state


But abortions are ok….


Yep and even out side of womb, already born according to Governor Black Face.


IF I’M EVER IN LEGAL TROUBLE…. I want this woman to be my lawyer! Ron Coleman is her partner.



WOW!!!! Love this gutsy guy and his lady lawyer!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is how we FIGHT these BASTARDS!!!



But it’s an EXPENSIVE way to fight. . .

Elizabeth Carter

Michael, America is on the line. IMO this is a very inexpensive way to fight compared to what is at stake.
No lives are lost, no permanently disabling injuries are incurred and no property damage is done.


I don’t disagree, but it’s important to know that there is a real cost and what the point is.

First, intimidation. Trying to get people to capitulate.

Second, tie people up in huge amounts of court requests. Burn their time. Burn their energy.

Burn their will to resist.

Third, most importantly, burn their cash. Nobody they are after can handle the deep pocket lawsuits without significant outside help.

If you try to raise funds, you can’t use GoFundMe, or you have to watch that you have a reliable payment processor.

Meanwhile, they will do everything possible to destroy your reputation in the professional community.

If they can, they will deploy the MCM against you.

They aren’t out so much to win, as to CRUSH their opposition.

Fine. They made the rules.

So we fight to WIN, and we seek MAXIMUM DAMAGES, to CRUSH malicious lawfare.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, THIS. It’s not enough to win – we have to make China-loving law firm Perkins Coie PAY THE PRICE.

Now here is what is interesting. They have FARMED OUT the job to THIS firm:
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THAT tells me that they don’t want to take the LOSS on the chin. They are spending money – BURNING CASH – on DEFENSE of Fake Elections, knowing that they will LOSE.


I wanted to read the letter – but, it was so small – so while I was looking for a way to read it – I came across this Tweet – he speaks so eloquently and confidently – I, too, was impressed – by both of them.


I had to click a couple of times and use the enlarge feature on my computer to be able to read it.

Here’s a thread:


Thanks, Georgia – I was going to do that, but was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this guy – I could not believe my ears – these corporate monsters think people are stupid and will roll over and submit.


She said bloviating and I almost lost my keyboard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



that is fantastic! Fire!


Harmeet Dhillon was the lawyer for the young guy in the Google storm a few years ago.

Can’t remember his name, but he wrote the paper about how Google was in danger of being taken over by group think and had to leave the company.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

James Damore!

Zach Vorhies was the later whistleblower who released information on their discriminatory algorithms. Not sure if she represented him, too, but she has gotten MANY of those cases.


Thank you — James Damore!

‘… she has gotten MANY of those cases’: yes, she is well known for that.

Thanks again, Wolf!


It’s nice to be bbf’s with OZero. Couldn’t prove the charge with 40 pages of the police report


57 DWIs and not one charge…

just like that song he sang


Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obama talk extensively about issues of race in the first two episodes of their joint Spotify podcast, “Renegades: Born in the USA,” both released this week. The two discuss the racism the former president experienced growing up in Hawaii, Springsteen’s on- and off-stage relationships with Clarence Clemons, and how little has changed since the rocker released the song “41 Shots (American Skin)” two decades ago… along with nods to the films “Do the Right Thing” and “Get Out.”
Early in episode 2, “American Skin: Race in the United States,” Obama brings up the subject of the E Street Band being racially integrated — although he didn’t know just how diverse the lineup was in the early days, with three white members and three Black ones, before the group got streamlined to the point that Clemons became the sole Black face in the band.


Music groups have been integrated since the dawn of time musically, especially in the 60’s and 70’s. I hate the way they all squeeze history to fit whatever SJW narrative they’re spinning.


This is presented as new but might be old or fake but it’s funny…


Wow. She’s a textbook case for someone who needs to buy a Tesla.


She’d still drive off but with an electric cord instead.


You know John kerry has his hands deep in this forced deal. Two months and they screwed up US GEOPOLITICS…

Iran and South Korea have been engaged for the past two months in intense crisis meetings triggered by the Jan.4 Iranian seizure of the South Korean-flagged tanker MT Hankuk Chemi off the Islamic Republic’s southern waters.

Concerned Virginian

Like, in some places, this would called, like, EXTORTION by Iran. So now it’s called “crisis meetings”? Betcha the Ayatollah didn’t sent any “social workers” to do the “negotiations”.


#texas #texaspoweroutage #jasonisaac
Texas Power Outages Explained—Jason Isaac | American Thought Leaders


Peace Be Still – 20210224


Jeremiah 29:11-13


Media fact-checks Texas power issues, fails to analyze Biden’s initial response
by Stephanie H. Freedman on February 24, 2021

The world watched in horror as Texas experienced one of the worst forced blackouts in history, leaving millions without power. As people scramble to make sense of the energy crisis, media fact-checkers were working in overdrive.

CNN jumped to publish a fact-check article to counter the idea that wind and solar were responsible for the outage.

Reuters ran an article headlined, “The causes for Texas’ blackout go well beyond wind turbines.” CNBC speculated why the “Texas power grid failed.” 

While there is no denying there is a hybrid policy conversation to address this crisis, there is a very important fact that is missing from the major media analyses. 

On Feb. 12, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott “declared a state of disaster threat of widespread damage due to prolonged freezing temperatures.” 

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which is responsible for 90% of Texas’s energy, reported they needed an “increase in energy supplies” to help counter the negative effects of the storm. ERCOT also reported that “numerous energy generation units will be unable to operate at full capacity without violating federal air quality or other permit limitations.”

These issues were listed in a request submitted to the Department of Energy on Feb. 14 regarding discretion for “using their energy generators and relief from exceeding state emissions requirements during emergency conditions”. 

The Department of Energy responded that while it would allow a certain increase in energy output, it would not “provide relief from obligations to purchase energy allowances for emissions that occur during the emergency condition.” They also specified their priority to “minimize adverse environmental impacts, by limiting operation of dispatched energy units.”

The order from the Department of Energy also hiked the price of power credits being sold to the state at a price “no lower than $1,500/MWh,” a significant increase over the $18.20 that Texans typically pay for the same amount of energy.

While there are many factors that could have led to this energy crisis, such as the need for energy diversitywinterizing their energy infrastructure — ignoring this very real administration regulatory hurdle will hinder conversations regarding how to avoid this crisis in the future. 


Now we’ll see just how much spine the Texas AG has. Does he have enough to tell the feds to fuckoff?

Fed govt has no authority to boss around the Texas grid because it is completely within the borders of Texas AND it is not connected to either of the other two US grids. It certainly cannot interfere with state authority to determine its budgetary decisions by fining the state over imaginary pollutants.


2.24.21: The COMMS continue to DISCLOSE amazing FACTS! We WILL WIN! Pray!
And We Know Published  February 24, 2021

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news!!!

This relates to my recent post about the Ohio 2022 Senate race for Portman’s seat!

Bob Paduchik is mentioned very favorably in my post above.

BREAKING: Trump Endorses Bob Paduchik For Ohio GOP Chair

Trump makes third official endorsement in 2021

comment image

by GABRIEL KEANE  February 24, 2021


But does Liz Cheney approve?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! She’s the best snarling chihuahua 9/11 money can buy! Get ready to throw those biscuits into the toilet! She’s ready to show us her stuff!


Ha! just figured out what AIIFC is. Agree. 😁


Share it, please.


As if….




Just goes to show “I Care”….


Add to your “Thank you GOPe for looking out for us” file.

Exclusive: House Republicans held secret climate summit in Utah
by Josh Siegel, Energy and Environment Reporter |  | February 24, 2021 04:03 PM

House Republicans held a summit this past weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah, to discuss how to position themselves to address climate change in the new Congress, the Washington Examiner has learned.

Rep. John Curtis of Utah organized the summit attended by 25 House Republicans.

They invited outside conservative groups to speak to members, including the American Conservation Coalition, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, and the Alliance for Market Solutions. Those groups held separate panel events to educate members on climate change.

. . . The summit was attended by House Republicans from across the ideological spectrum and held over a day-and-a-half this past weekend. Other participants included the top Republicans of various committees: Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Frank Lucas of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Jason Smith of the Budget Committee, and Glenn Thompson of the Agriculture Committee.

Also attending were Rep. Garret Graves, the top Republican on the Select Committee on Climate Crisis, and Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia, a coal state member who has previously introduced carbon reduction legislation.

But other attendees had not previously worked on climate change-related legislation, including freshmen Reps. Blake Moore of Utah and Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa, along with Rep. Ron Estes of Kansas.

An agenda obtained by the Washington Examiner shows the event featured presentations by officials from the Chamber of Commerce, the conservative Heritage Foundation, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Former Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a centrist Republican from Florida who previously introduced carbon tax legislation, also moderated a panel.

Representatives from the National Audubon Society, an environmental group, attended as well.

There was a presentation by conservative pollsters titled, “Changes in political climate addressing climate change,” and another program was called, “Why should Republicans engage in climate solutions?”

Westerman and Curtis, the chief organizers of the event, have been among the Republicans who worked with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy last year to introduce an agenda to address climate change that was focused on promoting innovation in clean energy technologies, including carbon capture for fossil fuel plants and smaller nuclear reactors.

. . . MORE . . .

Concerned Virginian

There’s just so much revealed in the WashEx article, it’s hard to know where to start.

Example: What’s up with “secret meeting”? Like Rep. GOSAR or Rep. Marjorie Taylor GREENE wouldn’t have been interested in going?
Example: Who paid for the plane tickets, hotel rooms, meals, transportation, etc. for the “secret meeting”?
Example: Holding the “secret meeting” in UTAH? The home base of Mittens Romney (who is up to beyond his eyeballs in BAIN CAPITAL).
Example: the House “Republicans” at this “secret meeting” discussing their options about a “position” to take? (The only “position” they actually plan on taking is one called “bend over” — they’ll call it “working across the aisle” or some such horsesh!t).
Example: the National Audubon Society, a wellknown leftist environmental group, had representatives at the “secret meeting”.
Example: FORMER “Republican” Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who once introduced a Bill for carbon tax legislation, was mixed up in the “secret meeting”.
Example: MIT and —- guess what? —- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce both sent speakers.




Narrowing down who to target in the primaries and beyond.


The first son is back in the news.

While dating his sister-in-law, Hunter was also involved with her sister.

A text message exchange recovered from the laptop hard drive revealed a sexual conversation between Hunter and Secundy from September 2016 – at the time he would have been dating Hallie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hunter inherited his father’s knack for coming onto female associates. I am convinced that Joe Biden began his affair with Jill before Hunter’s mom Neilia died.


I don’t doubt it. Read somewhere that Jill babysat for his kids.

This story linked below has a lot of old pictures of the Bidens. There’s one of Jill sitting on Joe’s lap. She looks 12 and he’s already losing his hair.


She is 9 yrs his junior. She married her first husband in 1970 and then began attending U of Deleware. Before that she lived in PA, not in Deleware.

According to her ex husband was 2 yrs after her marriage and move to Deleware that she met Biden in 1972. (According to the Bidens they met after her divorce, in 1975). She looks young but was not a teen/child/underage.

According to her ex husband she did babysit but was an adult and it was after his wife had passed away … and it was well before she had divorced her first husband.

Deplorable Patriot



I’ll raise you a PervBiden card and say that there was incest in there too. Sure drugs lower inhibitions and taboos but Hunter was so out there and casual about his escapades like it was the most natural thing in the world. Learned behavior. Acceptable behavior.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Y U P P P P ! ! !


The name Biden is becoming a noun synonymous with sorry, no count, trashy living, druggy.

As in – Mamas, don’t let your sons grow up to become a Biden.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Keeping it in the family.




How dare this leftist study history and declare we are minutes away from becoming a fascist tyranny!

Likely the last anyone hears from this leftist feminist icon.


Thank you!

What an excellent monologue (Tucker couldn’t get a word in edgeways).

May there be 1,000 more like her in the coming weeks.


Amen, Churchmouse!


february 24, 2021 the marshall report

We are all in this together, is what they are telling you. I AM NOT IN THIS WITH ANY OF THEM, whoever THEM ARE. They can have their propaganda puppet show without me. I am seeking to RIP THE REST OF THE MASK OFF THE CHARADES. Or shall we call it the VEIL?

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Wheatie: This Bud’s for You!!!

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I have discovered Telegram and just love it! Ghost Ezra is my favorite channel. Its kind of confusing at first but getting the hang of it .

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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How are you doing, Butterfly? Hope all is somewhat back to normal – been praying my heart out for all y’all!!!

God Bless and Keep You Safe!!! Hope you liked the roses today!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’m all good. Meat, bread, milk, eggs, dairy, frozen starting to appear in stores. No bottled water nowhere. I finally made my Day After Tomorrow pot of chili. That’ll keep me 4-5 days. Running the fans, it was 78 today! TYSM for the Roses. 🦋🌹🥰🌹🦋


Moving on up – you are – you go girl!!! Am surprised water has not been shipped in – if it were up to PT – you would be swimming in water!!!

Wow! That’s warm!!! Glad you like the flowers!!!

Temps are rising here, too – snow is melting – slowly – but, we had over a foot of snow – huge chunks of ice hanging from gutters (sigh) are melting – hopefully, temps will remain high so we do not have any freezing rain – and more ice!!!

So happy for you – God has blessed you real good – chili – yum – sounds great!!!


How does Biden have in one photo ear loops and in another no ear loops? How does that work?


It is a double – not him, Sing! Maybe, the real Biden is in an undisclosed location.


That makes sense.


The Narrative Begins, Football Tracked, 25th Amendment Now Being Pushed, Like Clockwork- Ep. 2413
 February 24, 2021  x22report

The stimulus bill that is being pushed does not benefit the people, it benefits the [DS]/[CB] handlers who they have to payoff. There is no reason a stimulus money needs to go anywhere else except the people. The [CB] is losing control, they tried to push people away from Crypto its not working. The Fed system crashes after Yellen says Bitcoin is inefficient. The [DS]/MSM is making Trump more and more powerful with the people. Everything they have tried is not backfiring. Trump and the patriots already knew their playbook. 25th Amendment narrative is now going to be pushed. Ds trying to get the nuclear launch codes. NSA tracking, Trump knew he always knew.


Ep. 2413a – The Fed System Goes Down, The People Are Pushing Back
X22 Report Published  February 24, 2021


Ep. 2413b – The Narrative Begins, Football Tracked, 25th Amendment Now Being Pushed, Like Clockwork
X22 Report Published  February 24, 2021


What does this mean? “Trying to get the nuclear launch codes” from Biden?


Not sure, Molly – have not listened to Part B just yet – maybe, there are clues there.


Right bfly.

nanxi and kameltoe want the codes. NanXi more so.


Get rid of Biden like they planned all along . This seems to be Nanzi wanting her demonic hands on the power . Why have a POTUS ? They’ve probably already got radical muslim Omar on the committee


Rule by committee like communist do but have an evil leader and Pelosi wants to be that leader. She is power hungry . Does she want to hand it to China? Nothing surprises me.


N O T H I N G surprises me either SS.
It’s surreal. It’s scary. It’s infuriating. Everyday I wake up and wonder what part of our system will be dismantled today.


One wonders how long it will be until republicans in both houses have enough.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

25 House Dems proposing to put decision to use nuclear weapons into hands of a committee and remove power from Executive.


Oh, dear!!! Not good, Butterfly!!!


Thanks..Zero finally getting that fundamental change he promised. No need to go to this trouble if they’re planning on the Harris switch.


I hate to pop anyone’s fantasy but the decision to use nukes is ALREADY in the hands of a committee. It has been for a long time.

There is no “button” that launches (or begins launching) if pushed. There are at least two, and maybe more, confirmations required AND console switches to be pushed that are not within reach of the president’s console.

The system is fail-safe, up to the point where fake intel gets into the process. Then it is up to a clear-headed POTUS to determine the need for a nuke strike.


Does it even matter?

The skirt-wearing sissies that run the military wouldn’t even ‘verbally dispute’ a hostile takeover of America by the CCP, they just watched and let it happen.

The chances that these same weenies would follow a nuclear launch order are zero.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent stuff!

Remember – getting CRT out (Biden has REINSTITUTED IT at the federal level!) is just the beginning – it is the elimination of a TACTIC and no more.

In Shallow State, our non-mainland Chinese banded together to boot out an early form of this stuff (“diversity training”), but that DID NOT prevent the ChiComs from taking over.

This is only ONE SMALL BATTLE in eliminating ChiCom influence and ideological takeover.


Why The Texas Blackout Has The Greens So Scared
Deflecting blame to a more exciting apocalypse.
Wed Feb 24, 2021 Rael Jean Isaac

Last month, President Biden signed a series of executive orders undermining fossil fuels, on the grounds the “climate crisis” forced his hand. “We can’t wait any longer. We see with our own eyes. We know it in our bones. It is time to act.”

Within days, most of the country was seeing “with our own eyes” and feeling “in our bones” a cold wave so severe that five million people lost electricity and, in a special irony, nearly half of the ballyhooed wind turbines in Texas, which had risen to supply 23% of her energy, were left frozen (and inoperable). 

This constituted a double whammy to the huge global warming establishment. First was the cold, when the “science” had confidently predicted a steadily warming Texas. Second was the failure of renewables, vastly exacerbating the problems for the energy grid. 

Within hours the mainstream media had risen to the challenge. Journalists employed their familiar word games, quickly substituting “climate change” for global warming. Readers might be a tad confused if they read “The brutal cold striking Texas is emblematic of a world facing more unpredictable weather due to the rising impact of global warming” but substitute “climate change” for the last two words and presto, the sentence works. To be sure, that’s only because “climate change” is a meaningless term. 

. . . For the global warming establishment, the disastrous performance of renewables was more upsetting than the cold spell itself.  The New York Times, in a lengthy article on the Texas energy blackout (Feb. 16) simply ignored the freezing wind turbines while Bloomberg buried a mention. When other media outlets took notice, it was generally to minimize the role of the turbines in the energy shutdown, putting most of the blame anywhere and everywhere else. ERCOT, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, responsible for managing the electric grid, weighed in to support the minimizers, putting most of the blame on gas generators.    

Unsurprisingly it was the right-wing media that focused on the key role of the frozen wind turbines. The most salient coverage was provided by The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. What happened, in the Journal’s chronicle of events, was that as temperatures in western Texas fell, causing wind turbines to freeze, wind generation plunged from providing 42% of the state’s electricity to 8%. Natural gas and coal fired plants ramped up to cover the power shortfall.  But when temperatures fell still further some conventional power plants, including nuclear, started to have problems. Yet even when gas generation fell by about one-third, it was running two to three times higher than usual, nearly making up for the shortfall in wind, although not enough to cover surging demand. In short, between Feb. 8 and Feb. 16 wind power plunged 93% while coal rose 47% and gas 450% according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). What all this demonstrates, says the Journal, is that an electricity grid that depends on unreliable wind and solar needs baseload power, especially coal and nuclear power. While natural gas is crucial it is not as reliable.

The mainstream media wanted to hear none of this. Chris Hayes, on his primetime MSNBC program, went into paroxysms of righteous indignation that anyone dare cast blame on wind turbines. He called it a “Big Lie” that “wind turbines, green energy, are the root causes of the problems in Texas right now….Republicans and right-wing media, they want to take every policy issue and turn it into some painful culture war idiocy.”

Why does the media (and entire global warming establishment) find it so important to blame global warming for the current cold spell? Why is it so important to exonerate green power for the debacle in Texas?   The inhabitants of this country, from kindergarten on, are being indoctrinated to believe in the supposed existential crisis of a warming planet. Evidence that cooling means warming has to be quickly marshaled lest the public come to credit its lying eyes and, a terrifying prospect, start to question the unfalsifiable dogma it has been told is “rock solid science.” It might even ridicule the now decades old claims by climate scientists, like David Viner of the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia that snow would all but vanish in a few years. 

. . . MORE . . .


The reason that natural gas was not as reliable was that the heaters of the pump stations used to burn nat gas itself to stay warm. But that wasn’t good enough for the enviro nazis. They insisted those heaters be changed to electric (as if the electric is magic and doesn’t need to be generated). Problem was that the electric heaters became subject to the same overloading as the rest of the system, and they shut down. It’s doubtful that gas heaters would have failed as fast, or at all.


What’s more, the pumps/heaters used the gas from inside the pipeline itself….meaning that they could keep working so long as there was anything in the pipeline.

The only time they’d fail is if there were nothing to work with.


Only leftists can fall to this level of stupidity. How could the Texas commissioners fail to forbid electric heating by reason of stupid and dangerous engineering?

What did President Trump say in praise of coal-fired electric generation? “Folks, there’s only one kind of powerplant that can store its fuel on-site, in big piles on the ground. It’s the one powerplant most likely to keep making electricity during an emergency situation. States shouldn’t be so ready to put them out of business.”


Stupid like a fox so many times.
Good question to ask is, WHY are they so HATEFUL against Natural Gas?


Leaked Insider Tape Reveals Salesforce’s Plan to Deplatform ‘Broader Range’ of Customers
February 24, 2021

Leaked Insider Tape Reveals Salesforce’s Plan to Deplatform ‘Broader Range’ of Customers

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am very certain that CCP has heavily infiltrated and influenced Salesforce. Shallow State had a two-stepper ChiCom with excellent English who got our systems onto Salesforce, and I was positive it was to expose our business plans fully to the ChiComs.


Huge Chinese investment in the Valley to steal U.S. tech secrets according to Epoch Times. Not surprising considering the MIL/IC role in Si Valley investments.


It really wasn’t even that difficult.

Having been here since the ’80’s, the problem has long been that people want to invent stuff — not manufacture it. Think back to Steve Jobs’ pitch to John Sculley: “Do you really want to sell sugar water, or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

And they really, really, really sucked at manufacturing it. So they invented this entire invisible infrastructure to avoid it. When I was running ops for a fiberoptic video transmission company, we’d send our designs to a PCB house, assemble the components and PCB and send them out to a fab company, send designs out to a sheet-metal shop and get chassis. We had an assembly maker who’d make jumpers and wire-harnesses….. In-house, we checked the order, put the right boards in the chassis with the wire harness and jumpers, put the right front-and-rear panels on, and give ’em over to our in-house “test” (really test & alignment — these were analog) group, then ship ’em. Even with so little a contribution, we struggled to maintain focus.

When Asians showed up and said, “we can free you from all this drudgery”, they were welcomed with open arms.


Do you think they are banning Project Veritas because they do not want their secrets exposed?


Posted: February 24, 2021

The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
Forbes – by David Axe

The U.S. Air Force’s top officer wants the service to develop an affordable, lightweight fighter to replace hundreds of Cold War-vintage F-16s and complement a small fleet of sophisticated—but costly and unreliable—stealth fighters.

The result would be a high-low mix of expensive “fifth-generation” F-22s and F-35s and inexpensive “fifth-generation-minus” jets, explained Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Brown Jr.


Wait — the AF Chief of Staff is Charlie Brown?!?!?

OMG!!! This explains so much!!!

Harry Lime

Good grief.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


We had an asswipe RINO county commissioner here by that name (well, maybe without the “Jr”) once.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe having CHINA-BOT JAMES COMEY being part of Lockheed wasn’t a good idea.


Definitely, not a good idea!!!


Tucker says QAnon isn’t real, but CNN says QAnon is a real thing. I’m so confused.

In his commentary, the popular Fox News host took aim at CNN and MSNBC in particular for peddling fake news about police shootings, pointing out how such disinformation “is an offense against this country, an attack on America and, more critically, on something called our ‘norms.’”

At one point during the segment, Carlson talked about how a research paper from the Skeptic Research Center found that a large percentage of liberals believed “1,000 or more than 1,000 unarmed African-Americans were gunned down” by police officers in 2019. The actual number, he pointed out, was 27. With that in mind, Carlson then noted he went on a search to find out where people might have gotten the disinformation about police shootings.

“So it’s worth finding out where the public is getting all this false information — this ‘disinformation,’ as we’ll call it,” Carlson stated. “So we checked. We spent all day trying to locate the famous QAnon, which in the end we learned is not even a website. If it’s out there, we could not find it. Then we checked Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Twitter feed because we have heard she traffics in disinformation, CNN told us, but nothing there.”

“Who is lying to America,” Carlson asked, “in ways that are certain to make us hate each other and certain to destroy our core institutions?”

The answer, he said, was cable news outlets like CNN and MSNBC and Democratic politicians talking on TV and spreading harmful disinformation about police shootings. He then played clips of them perpetuating false narratives that have further inflamed tensions, which some have alleged helped motivate BLM/Antifa-led agitators to riot, loot, and burn down buildings and target federal courthouses last year.

Though the segment was over 12 minutes long, the dishonest left-wing hacks at Media Matters boiled Carlson’s comments down solely to what he said about Qanon, taking him out of context to suggest he didn’t believe Qanon conspiracy theories existed:

CNN’s chief resident media hall monitor Brian Stelter ran with the out-of-context quote:

… as did his sidekick Oliver Darcy:

Tweets about Carlson’s comments which, again, were taken out of context, were included in Stelter’s and Darcy’s daily newsletter.

The irony here is that in their hot takes on a segment about how CNN was a constant driver of misinformation designed to deliberately mislead people and deepen the political divides in American society, CNN actually proved Carlson’s point perfectly:

Stelter continued pushing the false claim that Carlson was saying QAnon didn’t exist even after he was alerted to the fact that the quote was out of context:

At the end of Carlson’s monologue about disinformation, MSNBC, and CNN, he summed things up accordingly:

“It takes a sophisticated operator to lie this effectively, to take the central problem of American life, which is the agonizing death of our middle class, and cover it with a smokescreen of manufactured race hatred so that no one even realizes it’s happening. You’d really need to be a – well, as CNN would put it – a disinformation network to pull that off. And of course, the irony is because everything is irony is that CNN itself has become a disinformation network, more powerful than QAnon and far more destructive.”

Carlson’s segment went on for over 12 minutes. Watch his remarks in full below:


I do not believe anything CNN says. Do I believe Tucker do not know. There is a reason they bring this up to confuse?
I am happy with my own thoughts and contend.


Q was/is a real phenomenon. Qanon is a made-up term used by leftist media who have no idea what they are talking about.




I think the pushers of propaganda wanted this term. Specifically this term, Qanon, in order to create confusion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! I keep forgetting to add the extremely important point about the TROLLING aspects of the Q psyop. THOSE are some of the most important discreditation components aimed at the Fake News media!


I am continually amazed that they seem to talking more about Q, not less.


Local hubbub..

On February 23, the La Mesa/Spring Valley School District Board met virtually using zoom video. When the issue of reopening schools came up, Board Member Charda Bell-Fontenot became agitated and declared “That seems like a very white supremacist ideology to force people to comply with…you know…to conform…just letting you know…I don’t want to be part of forcing anybody to do anything they don’t want to do – that’s what slavery is.”
Bell-Fontenot urged the board to not act on the issue of reopening schools during the meeting, declaring “we don’t have to give anybody any date…we do not have to make a decision today.”
When a fellow board member shared survey results showing 70-80 percent of parents favored reopening schools, Bell-Fontenot dismissed the notion that they survey was representative by asking “Who are the 70-80 percent and where are they? Which school site? Which language group?”
Bell-Fontenot seemed surprised when other board members informed her that the meeting was being recorded.
News of the video first broke on the DeMaio Report on NewsRadio 600 KOGO. Carl DeMaio called for Bell-Fontenot to resign as a school board member immediately.
“The only racism I see here is coming directly from Bell-Fontenot for claiming only white people want to have their kids go back to school as soon as possible,” said DeMaio. “It is absolutely shameful that Bell-Fontenot is screaming ‘racism’ as a way to try to block the reopening of schools at a time when the data all shows that minority students are disproportionately impacted by school closures,” DeMaio concluded.
Watch to the video yourself HERE
**Photo Credit: Getty Images

the video

Looks like this blacktivist racist board member has her own porn site and doesn’t live in the district, lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CCP Laughs!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seriously, this is how we bring these people down. This kind of exposure just discredits the BLaMers big-time.


Yep. Somewhere in the FB comments, a person said that Scott Pressler advocates rooting out the activists from any local board if possible. That’s how they move up the ranks and draw others like them.
The method is always the same. Lob a racism bomb. Then talk in circles accusing others of various things. It’s not conversation or debate. It is deliberate confusion to stymie progress

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need a warrior class that goes into places like boards and simply TAKES THESE PEOPLE OUT by a variety of means. Give the normies a procedural option then to shut them up.


I’m glad it was recorded, but does anyone speak out, immediately and forcibly, to refute the white supremacist/slavery baloney? I don’t think I could sit silently and let that pass. Maybe if I knew the recording would be released and they would indict themselves…


A few of them including a Latino woman immediately pushed back. The moderator also kept reeling the troublemaker back.
The public outrage was immediate also.


Question about Gab.

Lately, when I go to NeonRevolt’s page (for example), most of the time I can only scroll down one ‘page’, i.e., until the slider along the right hand side of the page reaches the bottom.

I can’t go back any further than that.

Occasionally, when I scroll down to the bottom of the first screen, more (older) posts load, and I can scroll down another full segment of posts, and then the next one loads, etc.

But most of the time, I can’t get any further than the first ‘page’ of posts.

Is anyone else having this problem?

It happens with both Firefox and Dissenter browsers.

Sadie Slays

I’ve had the same scrolling problem on Gab for weeks now. Sometimes reloading the page and scrolling quickly as the page loads gets me past the first page barrier, but not always.


That’s exactly what I was trying! 😂

And every once in a while it works, but not often enough to be sure whether it was due to scrolling down quickly or whether it was just coincidental. After about ten tries I usually just stop and try again later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re on Gab Chat you can report problems here.

If you do it clearly and coherently, it will get looked at!


That link doesn’t work for me, it takes me to a Gab error page that says “Cannot read property ‘settings’ of undefined”

Same thing if I then click on the word “Chat” in the top left corner, next to the Gab link/logo, it just appears to reload the same error page.

I don’t think I have ever used Gab chat, so if not, there is probably something I need to set up or enable in ‘settings’, I presume?

On a side note, if there was a way to inflict pain on programmers as a way of discipline, programmers would actually write programs that were intuitive and easy to use, instead of programs that only make any sense to themselves and everyone else has to learn an Alice in Wonderland operating system for everything.

We need a “PUNISHER” button that connects electric shock conductors to programmers. I’m almost sure that all operating systems / applications / programs would immediately become 1,000% more user friendly 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Go to and sign up using your Gab credentials.


The problem with that is that having 1’s and 0’s dance, sing, and play Candy Crush is already through the Looking Glass. It’s only after you’ve mastered that world that you can BEGIN to interface it to other people. If other people shock you for insufficiently masking that world, you just won’t bother bringing anything to them at all.


I suspect that a big part of the problem is that most engineers, programmers, etc., who possess a specific skill set, do not also possess a skill set for understanding how non-programmers and non-engineers — who think and process information very differently — interact with their creations.

In other words, the people who make something obviously know how it works, they made the decisions and gave meaning to different symbols, abbreviations, functions, etc.

But nobody else lives inside that person’s head, nothing that they did is intuitive to a different person, unless the person who makes the ‘thing’ designs it to be intuitive.

And in order to design something to be intuitive, to make something practically universally understandable, requires a completely different skill set than the skill set required to make the ‘thing’ in the first place.

And most of the people who possess the first skill set do not possess the second skill set — and vice versa.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Those who live beyond the Looking Glass do find it intuitive, because you have to act like its logic is real to get things done there. If you keep insisting that jam every other day means either three or four times a week, you’ll get nowhere.


I don’t even know what any of that means.

I don’t know what the ‘looking glass’ is (computer screen?), I don’t know what ‘jam’ has to do with anything or why it would change meaning (or frequency).

A nearly perfect illustration of what I was saying… 😂🤣😂

And here’s another.

Windows 3.1 worked beautifully. Simple. Straightforward.

Windows 95 was like learning Swahili at a prison camp.

Windows 7.x was like learning pig Latin in Cell Block D of the Swahili prison camp.

The functionality for 99% of end-users changed almost zero, all they wanted to do was use their spreadsheets, their email, surf the net and use a word processor.

Nothing was gained by the needless complexity and needless changes in how everything worked.

If they didn’t have a monopoly that forced everyone to upgrade, nobody would buy it.

The people making the product don’t give a *&^% about the customer. In fact, I think they like frustrating people, the same way it makes many people in various professions feel superior to use lingo and jargon specific to their profession, but which people outside their profession don’t understand.

It’s not because they can’t speak like normal people, it’s because they’re ‘special’, and so they need to feel ‘special’.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s how you end up with a GUI mess 🙂


My point is that once the population learns how an operating system works, it’s like learning how the road and traffic system works.

Don’t change which side of the street people drive on, don’t change the side of the car where the steering wheel goes, don’t change which colored lights mean ‘stop’ and which means ‘go’, etc.

Don’t FIX what ain’t BROKE.

That should be a required course, EVERY YEAR, for every college student, in every major.

If human beings could just grasp that ONE concept, we could actually advance as a species, instead of plowing everything under and starting over every few years.

I know this will come as a shock to engineer types, but most human beings DO NOT LIKE change.

It’s *&^%ing hard enough to get through the *&^%ing day without having to learn a whole new *&^%ing system just to accomplish what you could easily do on autopilot the day before.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe something like this? 😀 (Sounds like We Sip…. say, on a brewski or a nice glass of wine… or, since it’s old blighty, a G&T)…


It’s perfect. Not only does it inflict punishment, but it alleviates the pain and frustration of the end-user 👍😁


If I scroll to the bottom and wait, it usually loads more posts, but it sometimes takes a minute or three.


I’ve tried scrolling to the bottom of the page and then leaving it there for hours (just leaving the tab open while I surf elsewhere), but no luck.

I suspected it might be my browser, but I had the same problem with two different browsers, so it seems to be something else.


Gab has graceful failure as a feature. When things are busy or servers are moving data around or whatever, then in a prioritized manner stuff stops working.

One of my favorite features has only worked one time since the mass migration into the platform. It’s the auto-fill feature for usernames when composing a message.

Gab has it strengths and it has it’s growing pains, but knowing what it takes to pull off what they are doing I only have respect.

Torba at the beginning of this latest massive influx of users mentioned they only had something like 6 full time people. I hope it’s more now.


Thank you T3! 👍


When was this? Goodness.


He looks different? Look at the left side of his face.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would say BOTOX is being used, BUT there is also the possibility of facial paralysis due to strokes and ministrokes that are being covered up.


I had not watched him speak in months, and the changes are a little shocking. I suspect what you’re seeing is Botox in his cheeks and lighting that accentuates that. But he is aging before our eyes, not just in appearance, but in his manner and overall demeanor. He walks like an elderly man. I don’t think he can last for four years in the WH.

Harry Lime

I doubt that he’ll last four more months. And it’s not like this wasn’t all part of the plan.

I hope the “military is in control” theory is correct…or another plan of action is in order.


BOLO: Vax data slithering out of Israel, roundabout ways…

Wokist Waycism — May We Rest in Piece (sic)

Dirty Secrets

The uncovering of the vaccination data in Israel reveals a frightening picture

English translation of case brought to French govt prosecutor:


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is clearly vaccine socialism. The PUSH of the elderly onto the Pfizer vaccine is deadlier than the disease itself, if left to RANDOM infection. THAT is a subtle point – that we should be comparing not to “what if everybody got infected?” (sleight of hand), but rather to “what if we did nothing and maybe you didn’t get it?”. :You’re 4 times better off just dodging the reaper without the Pfizer vaccine, in Israel, even as a very old person. And this confirms the opinion of the retired Pfizer executive that – no – you don’t need the vaccine.





Sickening and so stupid..

Cuppa Covfefe

More BANNED than BAND…

Next thing you know, they’ll be marching 😀

(Remember Woody Allen in “Take The Money And Run”? He was a cellist in a marching band… OK, OK, I was too, but I played Trombone or Tuba in the band, not cello)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Lauren Boebert

A bill that sends 90% of the money to Democrat pet projects and 10% to COVID-19 relief cannot, by definition, be classified as a “COVID Relief Bill”.



Prayers UP for Sylvia Avery….

She is in hospital, has had surgery and may be looking at more…



Prayers up, indeed!


Marica’s has slightly more. Nasty leg infection — thought she might lose it. Round One of surgery/hospitalization has the good guys ahead.

Last edited 4 years ago by cthulhu

GA/FL has a beautiful prayer for Sylvia over at Marica’s:

“Dear Holy Father,
Please draw near to Sylvia with Your comforting healing presence and power.
We ask that Your cleansing blood wash away all infection,
That You will apply the balm of Gilead
to relieve all pain, swelling, pressure and inflammation,
and bring complete healing to the lesion
and restoration to every cell of her body.
Please send Your angels to watch over her,
To guard against adverse reactions, interactions or other negative events.
Please give her doctors Your wisdom and inspiration,
and give all who attend her Your compassion, gentleness and love.
Give Sylvia Your Peace and help her to know how much she is loved
and what a blessing she is to so many people all around the country.
Please watch over and comfort her little Chloe while she is away.
Let all this be done so that Your goodness, mercy and power will be glorified.
In the Name of Jesus, we pray,


……and…..late — an update from Sylvia to Marica:

“From Sylvia!!! ” M would you let blog peeps know I have no email and read only for WP. I read most of the blog tonight appreciate the prayers and good wishes…Kind of a rough day but lab numbers are improving
There’s talk of more surgery but we’ll see”—Love Sylvia!!”


Maybe you can cut&paste this to wherever she might see it:

In 2014, I had a bad infection in my foot that wouldn’t heal. Five days in the hospital, followed by four months of intravenous vancomycin injections via a PIC line installed in one of my coronary veins.

They tried at least three different antibiotics before deciding that it was one of those ‘nasty’ strains of staph (first they thought it was MRSA and maybe it was almost MRSA). When they finally decided to nuke it with vanco, it still took twice as long as it should have to cure.

Don’t let the docs ‘step you up’ through the treatment levels. Insist that they make one try and then use vancomycin. (the nurses all told me that they thought the docs should have ordered vanco as soon as I was discharged from the hospital. go figure) 


What an ordeal! I’m glad vancomycin helped you. Maybe you didn’t get what they call “red man syndrome,” with a rash, wheezing, chest tightness, etc. I know someone who just had that reaction on vancomycin, to the point where he had to stop taking it. His medicine was also being given through a PIC in his arm.

Cuppa Covfefe



I had a foot infection in 2014. One of the more stubborn strains of staph.

Five days in the hospital and four months on home intravenous vancomycin injections four times per day. They installed a PIC line in one of my veins so I could attach the injection module to the end of it sticking out of my biceps area.

After four months, the infection finally was defeated. Darn near lost my foot.

If it wasn’t for vancomycin, I’d have lost it.


There is nasty stuff out there — but it can’t be used to impose socialism, so the media just ignores it.

That rig plays into so many of my phobias that I’d be hooked on alprazolam by day 3. I’d rather be in a medical coma.


A coma can be arranged. Would you like a right cross or a bat on the back of the head?

[grins maniacally]


BTW — you did get the full acronym, yes? I only left one f’ing word out.


Of course. Didn’t I say thank you? I usually mind my manners on blogs so if I missed, apologies.


I wanted to get you there in a fun way, but didn’t want to leave you stranded if I’d been too cute.

It’s difficult to be sure on the internet.




Best wishes and prayers for her recovery. 🙏🌷

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely!!! Please keep us informed!


Will do Wolfie…

Harry Lime

Prayers for Sylvia!


Her shovel will always be ready when she is.
I hope she is better soon.

Sadie Slays

Thanks for sharing. Please keep us updated. Sending positive thoughts to Sylvia and her family for a swift recovery.


Yikes!!! I hope she gets better a lot sooner than seems to be exppected!


hopin for an update this evening Steve…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New daily is up – there was a scheduling problem – now resolved!


Well this is weird.

It has logged me out (no notifier), but I can apparently post comments without my password.


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