Yes, it’s a cult from a horror film, alright, entitled, “The Last Gasp of the Trump Derangement Psy-Op.”
Alright, people, this writer/author/person typing (and killing yet another keyboard) while sitting inside on a GORGEOUS February afternoon while the lake in the back yard is slowly melting, has a number of posts percolating, and one of them was supposed to be on psy-ops thanks to an investigative reporting masterpiece done by not any mainstream media journalist, but Millennial Millie Weaver. It was uploaded to the internet on Tuesday evening.
Unfortunately, the darn thing won’t embed, but can be found here.
[Edit: Wolf will attempt to embed it now here!]
Essentially, Millie goes through the entire January 6 invasion of the Capitol psy-op and links it up to the Congressional shiv to the kidneys of the Make America Great Again movement. (And some “conservative” Republicans look really bad in her rehash of the sequence of events, too.)
In the midst of her video is a video of John Sullivan – the paid insurrectionist and professional rioter – showing off his all black riot gear, complete with back face covering, and telling the audience that said gear is available on his website for purchase.
Isn’t that special? Just like he was Coco Chanel telling all the ladies that every wardrobe needs a little black dress…just in case.
Or a professional chorus handbook section on wardrobe for concerts for ladies – black from the neck to the toes and wrists, no exceptions.
Black to the professional agitators is a uniform. (Seriously, if they wore a specific plaid, we’d all know EXACTLY who they are. Black has become the American universal alternative in a way, so they tend to blend in unless one is looking closely.)
Honestly, everyone is wearing black like priests and religious orders where they do so in anticipation of their own death(s) as black was once the color indicating mourning.
Only now, for these professional rioters and the true insurrectionists, the ones who so far have escaped any meaningful prosecution, the color is a uniform, one of darkness, of cover of night.
More or less…the people in the professional political class (they pay the professional rioters via laundered “non-profits”) who Millie Weaver ties to the January 6 event in her video, don’t like us.
This appears in the Day 8 email from Fr. Richard Heilman, one of the authors of Let Freedom Ring: A 40-Day Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil.
“Freedom from Elitism” by Fr. Rick Heilman
In an interview with Carl E. Olson, Dr. Angelo Codevilla, author of the book, The Ruling Class, said:
“The ruling class are society’s ‘ins.’ This class comprises persons in government, those who depend for their livelihoods on government, and whose socio-economic prospects and hopes are founded on government. Thus, it includes most people in the educational establishment, the media, and large corporations. Its leading elements and its major voting constituencies are the Democratic party. But it transcends political parties because any number of Republicans aspire to its privileges and share its priorities.
Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture. Believing themselves intelligent apostles of scientific truth, they regard others as dumb and in the grip of religious obscurantism. Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors. Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound, they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people. The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”
The full interview can be found at Catholic World Report
(Why am I having flashbacks to middle school, the only years I attended government school?)
The problem for the “elites” is that thanks to the efforts of XVII, and others out there pushing deplorables in the right direction, the psy-ops they’ve used to convince us all that things are dark, and dreary, etc., aren’t working any more largely because the group of people they are trying to pin the tail of the psy-ops on aren’t having being blamed for something they didn’t do.
That’s where we are…and that’s why a staged candle light vigil on the steps of the Capitol with congress critters looking all tragic and holding what amounts to Tabernacle lights is laughably bad political theater.
Unfortunately for them, they don’t get that.
God bless all who have died in the last year no matter the cause or co-morbidity.
And in that spirit, our dance club selection (don’t think, just move to the music):
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 7:7-12
7“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! 12So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
Anyone else feel like this is indicative of our lives right now?
I just discovered that this was accidentally scheduled for 5:21 PM – so I finished the embedding and published now!
I was going to give DP a tip on how to make sure she gets up when the alarm goes off. But she’s just snoozing through the excitement.
The tip is to install a shelf that is just high enough to reach so that when the alarm sounds, you have to stand up to shut it off.
Or, there’s
That borders on sadism.
But it’s a friendly blue color! And looks like it’s smiling!
Wouldn’t last long for those who keep a baseball bat or a golf club in the bedroom.
Remind me not to ask about your sex life….
I was under the impression that those who keep a bat or a club in the bedroom did so for defense against an intruder…
But your idea is interesting too…
Or a shotgun.
My ex BIL had an alarm that woke the whole block up at 6:00 am sharp. he installed a bell he bought from an defunct high school sale. After some time the neighbors descended on his house with pitchforks and he had to uninstall the thing! one thing about it ,he was never late to work! LOL
Just got done listening to a great conversation between Eric Metaxas, Bobby Lopez, and Zmirak about Yale and how far cancel culture is going. Once it’s on a public space (not LIFELOG) I will try to share it.
Not a problem! An!d this is a great one. Millie really did wonders here
Hi, DP!!!
Another great thread!!!
See, it would’ve posted without you….without 77 comments.
I wasn’t paying attention when I scheduled it.
No problemo, DePat.
Thank you for all the great Daily Thread posts this week.
You’ve been killin’ it.
Great and timely header pics, great content and videos.
Thank you so much for all the time you spend on these for us!
I really appreciate it.
*hugs* {{{{DePat}}}}
“Honestly, everyone is wearing black like priests and religious orders where they do so in anticipation of their own death(s) as black was once the color indicating mourning.”
I thought it was black so dirt, food stains, etc. didn’t show up so easily

I thought they wanted to be ninjas.
That’s mostly just the teenage mutants.
You know… turtles…

I do my part!
Got a trans flag for a door mat.
Rainbow flag for toilet paper.
LGBTQRslmtntlamandz. flag for a dog bed line
obama / biden/ harris bumper stickers for toilet paper in the guest bath..
well dang then !
Be less white….hmmm.
Why can self-loathing hyphenated people call their bi-racial buddies ‘MOCHA’ but not mulatto?
And I’m supposed to be less white…uhhuh
So where is the line between “be less white” and “cultural appropriation”?
I’m so confused

Dark Aura
We wuz teenage Goths with angst.
We wuz Kangs in our momma’s basement.
We self-harmed daily to music with useless lyrics from people who no experience.
We voted for Biden cuz weez not razist but we don’t believe in the holocaust and hate jews and every black that works for the man is a sell out uncle tom.
We wantz to save the earth so we burn, torch and loot because it’s a right.
We want reparations even though we ain’t never done one day’s worth of work for a paycheck.
‘Yo mamma
The wolverine understands that aggression, offense, is the best defense.
Coons also understand this. A coon will launch an ambush attack when IT thinks you are a threat. You could just be too close to what the coon thinks is his territorial line, and wowee zowee – 25 pounds of leaping coon aiming for your face. Fortunately, they cannot steer while airborne so a quick bob-and-weave will usually be sufficient to save your face from the plastic surgeon.
Our local coon gangs live in the storm drains, so not much jumping out of trees.
There’s actually a lot going on in that video. The wolves’ behavior is to get the wolverine stuck between them, so that the one in front can retreat while the one in back can cause damage. Any time they play this, however, the wolverine goes to maim one, thus breaking the siege.
If the two wolves are on one side of the wolverine, then the wolverine can relax — nothing sane is going to come charging at the business end of that much ornery.
In the end, the wolves figure that the chance that one of them will be hamstrung by the wolverine before they manage to take it down is pretty substantial, and they decide to move on to other matters.
I’m guessing the video is up in the post. I should go watch it but my wife is sucking up all the bandwidth.
Yes, I was referring to the video of the two wolves vs. the wolverine at the end of DePat’s article
“Any time they play this, however, the wolverine goes to maim one, thus breaking the siege.”
But only when they set up the flanking maneuver.
There is also a second wolverine that shows up at the upper right hand corner, with one second to go in the video. It was about to become two against two… the wolves didn’t like the odds anymore…
I didn’t notice that until you pointed it out. I’m not sure it’s relevant, though — the second wolverine might well have just watched (they are not pack animals).
“the second wolverine might well have just watched (they are not pack animals)”
That could be true, but it’s just a couple of wolves… Lefty and Toby.
How would they know?
It’s not like they’re a couple of Wolverine-whisperers

That’s true insofar as they don’t hunt in packs.
But wolverines mate for life and are very protective of their mates.
A lone male will mate with several females, though.
He patrols the areas where his mates have dens.
Female wolverines will create a den in the side of a snow bank.

She chooses her mate and when there is ample food, she has a litter of 2 to 3 kits.
The male will even visit the dens of his mates and watch over the kits, so that the female can go hunt.
We don’t know what sort of dynamic was in play in the video.
But there is a chance that the other wolverine that emerged in the corner of the video view, was a part of that wolverine ‘family’.
It really is a little off-putting for wordpiss to label you a coyote. Anybody who knows that much about wolverines deserves to be labeled as one.
In response to your acronym ask….as i i f___ing care.
Thanks, Pgroup.
I was a wolverine for awhile…then got ‘promoted’ to coyote.
“Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture.”
Of course. They’re just puffed up garden variety bigots.
They’re Malik ‘Zulu’ Shabazz, without his compassion or good fashion sense.
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
I can’t recall who/what Shabazz is but do recall that aka BHO had some possible connection…would you mind elaborating a bit?
Former Chairman of the New Black Panthers.Antisemite. Wiki says “he is the current national president of the Black Lawyers for Justice, which he cofounded.”
And a very snappy dresser.
Thank you
Actually, Fr. Heilman goes on to call them bullies, and to an extent, IMO, he’s right.
Betty Shabazz? Wife of Malcom X, maybe?
“Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors.”
They have a religion of their own creation, which seems to manifest as direct opposition to Christianity.
“Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound,”
Now that’s just absurd…

I don’t believe they think of themselves as good people, they know they’re all crooks better than anybody.
Almost none of them attained their position or power by doing good for others, that’s not how government works. They pride themselves on their dirty deeds, seeking to impress and outdo each other as a symbol of status.
Almost certainly most of them are psychopaths.
“…they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people.”
With a blind spot for their own hypocrisy that is roughly the size of Mount Everest.
The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”
Ahh… so they’re tyrannical bigot psychopaths.
It’s all making sense now

And right now, I am watching ‘The Shining’.
Which I hate to watch…but then there is something about car accidents…
Here’s Johnny!
It still scares the crap outta me!!! And being a hotel designer makes it creepier!!!!
For all authors, I am officially suggesting that the usual utree boilerplate be extended to include the “rescue post” there, which Wolf will be monitoring. In the event that theqtree stops working for you but the utree still functions, there is a place to discuss rejoining the fold.
It isn’t all rum, sodomy, the lash, chemistry, nuclear physics, and dueling….
LOL! Would you mind sharing a link to the “rescue post” please. Great idea!
Its name may change as it settles-in among the authors, but it’s at .
It is a great idea.
Thanks, CT!
a rescue post with a safe word like banana or airwalk? its still early here I need more coffee,
Covidiots–on steroids!!!

“I am not a number; I am a free man!”
“Your tax dollars at work.”
big brother, er sibling of indeterminate “gender”, knows “best”
I saw this so many times yesterday. So I assume that each kid gets a tent for his/her use only? Or do they have to take time at the end of rehearsal to go through some sanitizing procedure, for the next group? And isn’t all that condensed toxic air really dangerous, when they get out?
These things are for camp toilet privacy right? Fitting.
Absolute insanity!!!
On the bright side, it keeps the brass under control
[The stupid, it burns… looks like those pics would be on the Onion or something, but they’re for real… geesh…..]…. Have to wonder what the mental and physical health damage to those youths will be… they’ll probably end up as Democrats… sad…..
Hmmm. I need something like one of those to keep the birds away from my peppers I want to grow on the balcony this year, since we don’t have enough Gore-Bull warming to grow them without a greenhouse…
The sad thing is that these are kids that have been allowed back in school & they’re still being traumatized by abusive lunatics!
I’ve tried replying a number of times, but it won’t seem to go through…hmmm
Well, that other reply seemed to go through, so here’s what I originally wanted to reply…
The sad thing is that these are kids that have been allowed back in school & they’re still being traumatized by abusive lunatics!
No clue who this is but the modification is appropriate for many politicos

Okay, wait…rule number 3…

vaccine horrors out of Africa
investigating Wuhan funding
Who was assigned responsibility for oversight? What rules governed the oversight? Was that what the Obama WH approved on Jan. 9, 2017? Did it apply to secret GoF research in Wuhan?
great Q’s!
Very interesting article.
Quoted from Rep. Scott Perry’s letter:
…'”In 2017, NIH Director Francis Collins personally supported and celebrated the resumption of dangerous taxpayer-funded ‘gain-of-function’ research designed to make viruses more transmissible and fatal,” the letter says. “[E]xperts now claim that WIV’s gain-of-function research could very well have engineered the novel coronavirus that caused the pandemic from a virus collected from bats in caves in China.”’…
Could very well have ENGINEERED…
given the HIV components of CV, engineering is pretty much guaranteed
This reminded me of Gail Combs and all animal lovers.
Photos: Surfing with goats at the San Clemente Pier
Still keeping an eye out for Gail and Pat — both missing since The Big Freeze.
Yes, and that is worrisome.
Also, Sylvia has been ill and had surgery recently.
Plain Jane has not been posting.
Yes, it is noticed.
Plain Jane posted not too long ago at Marica’s.
I’m having some trouble with the article….Pismo Beach is near San Luis Obispo. Traveling south, you go through Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, Los Angeles County, and into Orange County before you hit San Clemente. This is like mentioning Maine and New Jersey.
Interesting…all I know is there are
s on a
If Gail were around, you could see goats in trees, goats on furniture, goats on roofs, goats in cars…..
When you got goats, goats get everywhere….
And a segue…..the Fiancee used to work with a guy who was in sales at her company. His spouse was one of the Disney World Tinker Bells (she had to take a leave when her pregnancy became noticeable). One year, we visited WDW on “family and friends” discount….
Anyway, his comment regarding being married to Tinker Bell? ….. “Glitter gets EVERYWHERE!!!!!”
here you go!
Pic makes me think of the “Lost” raft attempt to get off that island, bringing along snacks
nuns dying from vaccine
video & thread on Jan 6 DC events countering the deep state narrative
Supreme law
Elizabeth Maness
Feb 23
Did the Supreme Court rule the Constitution was unconstitutional ???? Asking for 75 million friends.
What a dangerous question… I would never ask the goofs at the (not)SC that question, because they’d say yes!
no doubt!
The picture of the forces of evil arrayed on the White House steps is just crying to be compared with VSGPOTUSDJT and his crew marching to the burnt church.
That photo is crazy. It’s real, right? I find it hard to believe that it is, the optics are so bad, imo.
Riffing off of the Rolling Stones, the photo immediately suggests Sympathy for the Devil…
Oh look, the Stones made a film with Girard:
It’s actually on the Capitol steps. Supposedly a candlelight vigil for COVID victims.
Thank you. I think it’s visually shocking and terrifying, and doesn’t honor the victims. It commemorates victims as some type of sacrifice. Ritual is the focus of that image, imo, not memory of those that lost their lives and their families.
Just horrible.
Looks like a prelude to a Black Mass to me…
I remember that Melania had exorcists come to the White House shortly after the inauguration, as she felt real dark forces there. Now, sad to say, it seems they’re back…
The DEMONRATS kicked GOD out of their platform, their party, and everything else they could: and they invited the Devil in…
Also, when Bye, Done said the (supposed) 500,000 deaths from (Fakecorona) COVID is more than WWI and WWII combined, he is denigrating the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in the name of freedom, the USA, and the Allies in defeating the Nazis and the forces of evil. Obvious which side he’s on… (if he even knows where he is…)…..
Oregon’s potential loss is Idaho’s gain
It’s really left-wing Portland and Eugene and the rest of Oregon. The problem is that the rest of Oregon is so sparsely populated that Portland, Eugene, and a tiny minority of the rest of the state can run roughshod over the rest.
^^^ Precisely NVs problem. 15 of 17 counties are domiated by Clark (Vegas) and Washoe (Reno) shitheads. Latter two counties dominated by asshoes originating from CA.
They can and DO anything they want, with NO regard for rural NV. Including taxation on mining to pay big city BS.
possible map
Let me assure you, Salem wants no part of the Portland/Eugene axis — my ‘rents live in Salem, and my sister lives in the area. Nohow, noway.
Furthermore, the area south of Eugene in this map already wants to be the state of Jefferson, and not part of Idaho.
Plenty of CA onboard with State of Jefferson. Saw plenty State of Jefferson at a Trump rally in Carson.
splitter strategy re-design?
mean greens

What are those, flying cows?
They’re huge!
Could be golden eagles. The biggest one I ever saw had to be three feet tall. It was bigger than a condor.
well, if they were the slogan would be “down with cow farts!”
There are people out there who actually deny that this happens.
hence the need to widely circulate the pics
Used to live downhill from Altamont. I’d drive by and see both failed/broken turbines, and masses of dead birds/debris. And, at night, we could hear the turbines if they were turning… wooo-ooo wooo-ooo wooo-ooo wooo-ooo….. infrasound, too…
No one seems to think of the human cost in mining those (not really) rare earths that end up in the solar panels, the generators, and even in the batteries for electric cars. Seems that the lost (and poisoned) youth of those lands being mined are “someone else’s problem” being paid for by “someone else’s money” [OK, ours, but not the libtards’]….
horrifying real world consequences of agenda-driven lunacy. Very costly on so many levels & so tragic…but as you say it’s all someone else’s problem. Out of sight out of mind
historical horror house
Dr. Bob. Esq.
We are in 1933 germany.
Most do not know it.
Worse. More do not even know what im referring to.
YUP. Very true.
“We are in 1933 germany. Most do not know it. Worse. More do not even know what im referring to.”
Was it the year a loaf of bread cost a wheelbarrow full of fiat? No, that was 1923.
Was 1933 the year German politicians and talk show hosts gave out toys to illegal aliens at the border?
Wait… there’s a whole big bunch of things that happened in ’33:
Events In Germany
21 March: President Paul von Hindenburg meets Hitler on “Day of Potsdam”
1 April: Nazi soldiers hang a poster on the window of Jewish-owned business, that says: “German, protect yourself. Do not buy from Jews”.
10 May: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings.
Wow–thank you for putting that remark into intense perspective. The “you are here” arrow on that timeline is surely being kept frighteningly busy!
Start the time-clock on how long this wiki-“fact” will remain available.
The bidding begins with wagers of a single day …
Archive that s*** online, Scott!
Btw, did you catch my post of GWP citing the Bezmenov video?
Do you mean this one?
Yes indeedy!
The original was over an hour long, coulda been two, plus or minus.
When I searched on TheyTube, there weren’t any selections that had the WHOLE video.
But at least you’ve watched the meat of it now, yes?
It’s all been planned …
culture champ!
Alex371 and 5 others liked

Travis Tritt
I’ve publicly said many times that Ray Charles is more responsible for every note that comes out of my mouth when I sing than anyone else. Does that make me guilty of cultural appropriation? No! It makes me guilty of being strongly influenced by someone I deeply admired.
So much ignorance going on these days… Admittedly i don’t pay much attention to the moronic messaging these days. But I am confused.
Uh, quite obviously they have mixed messaging in play.
Or they simply want to shit-can old, slightly overweight bald white farts (guys) like me.
cognitive dissonance is “rational” superiority, war is peace, arbeit makes free, etc.
I tell you – listening to Mitch McConnell LIE about President Trump in that documentary by Millennial Millie makes my blood boil.
collapse or prep for “reset”?
Mimi (Digital Warrior) and 4 others liked

Dr. Bob. Esq.
Anyone paying attention to the federal reserve crash today.
You should.
The central banks are collapsing.
“A depression the likes of which you’ve never seen.”
Oh great. On the bright side, when you have little there isn’t all that far to slide
Cue Billy Preston, nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’
You know what will happen in a Great Depression? We will slough off a whole lot of societal dead weight. It might be necessary for it to happen again.
Exactly. Might not be a bad thing.
See if you can get into Gab Chat again ( If not, I’ll figure out something else.
I can get in, but it won’t let me go to any messages. It just won’t work for me.
Can you see your private messages in the left-hand sidebar? You may have to expand the Private Messages item by clicking on it. I have two PMs with you, and just typed messages into them both.
I just tried to send you a new message I created. It won’t let me see any messages from you.
See if you can see my responses. If you can’t, then delete the “room” (the PM) and create a new one. It is sending you into an older room, and I think that is why it’s problematic.
We are very close to solving this, IMO.
I messaged you. I can see it now.
Good! I can see you now. Will respond.
Ok. I saw it. Still very glitchy for me on chat. But I think it worked.
Yeah, I’ve never seen those guys so depressed.
they meant pResident
Harmeet K. Dhillon and 7 others liked

Overheard on Twitter: If you think you got it bad, somewhere out there is a two-year-old with a mom who is a stripper, daddy is a crackhead, and her grandfather is President of the United States.
So true!
Crackhead deadbeat daddy and pervert grandfather “cancel cultured” the innocent child, for their simple convenience.
Extremely creepy joe

He’s a pervert and his wife knows it.

Is that his wife he’s snorting like a demonstration at a Shop-Vac convention, or is she the one with the dagger-eyes walking behind him?
I doubt that it matters.
I’ve read somewhere that she’s one too
Imagine what Jill has done with their children over the years.
Corona Virus patented, follow the money!
Here’s the link to the video
He said using his linguistics system they searched the electronically updated patent files & found 1/3 of patents are copies of existing patents.
Patenting coronaviruses began in 1999. In 2003 the CDC started patenting coronaviruses as a cash cow after some outbreak in Asia…
2003 to 2018 Fauci, CDC, Ralph Baric PhD controlled 100% of the CV cash cow! Baric is researcher at UNC Chapel Hill & doing chimeric coronavirus research.
2013 NIH suspends gain of function research on CV.
2014-15 they offshore dicey research to Wuhan & fund it.
so ultimately both US & China are responsible for the current CV to some degree…
Wow. He says some astounding things about what he was tasked with and when in the first minute!
Linguistic genomics?!?
Came to the sobering realization today that if the bad guys are using 2030 as their big deadline, then the good guys might very well be operating on a similar timetable.
If the ‘good guys’ are using 2030 as their timetable, then it sounds like their big ‘plan’ is just to wait until (and hope) Soros and Gates and all these other goons are dead… and that’s not much of a plan, even I could execute that one…

If only Eliot Ness had thought of this strategy, he could have saved himself a lot of trouble. He didn’t have to catch Al Capone… he could have just let him live a life of crime, grow old and die of natural causes!
In fact, that strategy will work with any criminal.
Oh wait… that explains why FibDoj never arrests anybody anymore…
That is their plan!
No need for FibDoj to ever do anything — just like now — their big plan is to just wait until any and all bad guys die of old age…
It’s brilliant…
How could no one in government have thought of this before?
The bad guys will NEVER see this plan coming…

And clearly our military has adopted this exact same strategery…
They’ll just wait until China dies…
There is NO defense against this kind of triple double-D chess

Double D??? You’re going to get certain guys on this blog excited if you keep saying such phrases.
So, when looking up the proper reference to Tinker Bell, I got caught in an eddy regarding the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens.
It seems that there is an odd tradition with that sculpture (of which there are several copies from the original molds)…..they just appear overnight — apparently erected by pixies.
Author J. M. Barrie didn’t bother to ask whether Kensington Gardens wanted one — he commissioned the statue and whisked it in, then announced it to the public.
It should be noted that there is an anecdote where J. M. Barrie was asked about his inspiration. He replied that he was constantly inspired to create, but that many of his ideas would Peter out; while some few would Pan out.
Heh. I accepted an upgrade to Thunderbird (a mail client), and they changed the fonts around. Now I feel pre-frazzled even before I read incoming email.
tragic desecration

apparently to be replaced with this

no nazi bombs required when you destroy your own culture
Ironically the music from the below quote is what Rush Limbaugh used to open his show
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot…..
Looks like the Beast of Babylon is getting busy….
Seems like one by one, the dominoes are falling and the end times are drawing ever nearer… May GOD forgive, strengthen, protect, and save us all. Ephesians 6:10-18 becomes ever more important…
The Catholic University of Lille decided it was okay. They want to use the space for another building for the university:
h ttps://
‘Traduisons: une université catholique détruit une monstruosité saint sulpicienne en béton du XIXe siècle pour construire un bâtiment utile à ses étudiants.’
‘Let’s translate: a Catholic university destroys a cement monstrosity from the 19th century to erect a building useful to its students’.
Students occupied the chapel in January in protest, but in vain:
like the Taliban blowing up historic statues except these are people destroying their own cultural treasures to put up modern ,monstrosities
Errgh …
brutal truth
Buck Sexton
Just landed in Florida from NYC
Closest feeling an American can have to crossing from East to West Berlin circa 1965
fielding 3pm calls, let alone 3am
Rosie’s Blocked By Beschloss
We’re in a precarious time. Whereas our enemies knew Trump was only asleep a few hours a night (he would shit-post on twitter at 2am) they know Biden is asleep at 7pm EST, & can’t be awakened & be *lucid* after that.
Our enemies could get away with murder.
“Our enemies could get away with murder.”
Murder schmurder!
They already have their agent in the Oval Office, running the whole country

Obama has. Numerous times.
And then there’s Hillary and her personal Arkancide PF aka Arkansas State Police.
Yup & he’s oblivious enough to have virtually no free will
This assumes Beijing Biden is in control of anything. Reality, Beijing Biden a failed puppet.
Have no idea why the handlers have not employed the 25th Amendment on Dementia Joe.
Have to wait a certain “dignified” amount of time to pretend the managed decline wasn’t noticeable when he was s/elected! Obviously fooling no one but perhaps Joe himself!
They know that the MOMENT they do, 100+ million Americans (and the rest of the planet who aren’t insane Kool-Aid guzzling goons) are going to say…
branding the traitors!

God above man or man thinks he is god & none can restrain him
Ben Davis
“If no divine law is recognized above the law of the State, then the law of man has become absolute in men’s eyes–there is then no logical barrier to totalitarianism.” #GregBahnsen
And then there is…Sharia Law.
Islamists claim that Sharia Law is ordained by Allah.
So it is a combination of theology and state.
It is why mozlems are forbidden to swear allegiance to any country that is not under Islamic control.
So they can lie to you & kill you w/ impunity in their blood-thirsty belief system & of course feel good about it because they are being loyal to their “god”, which is the devil, or a junior demonic principality or spirit…
no words here–Run
Crazy eyes.
brain-washed bimbo
Nice hair.
Yes….hiding the crazy within.
All kinds of smoking guns here. Neila Biden, their life together, the accident, pictures, news stories.
Blows apart the official ‘when Jilly met Joe’ narrative. Their life was a lie from the beginning.
Lots of information on Biden’s career, Barr, Harris. Last update 2/23/21.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 25, 2021
“That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.”
Psalms 83:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
SAVING The Republic Of The United States of America – From The Knights Who Stole Her!
february 25, 2021 the marshall report
The new world order puppets are acting like they already have everyone dumbed down and we are all on board for their next forced enslavement. What my eyes are seeing is a world wide resistance and people in the streets protesting and ready to die if needed rather than live as a lab rat for Gates and his puppet masters.
It is time to name some of the biggest puppet masters and those who we are presently at war with. The secret societies we are not supposed to know about. After all, they love humanity and do good works for the meek to marvel at, right? Not so fast. There is always a price that must be paid. Before we start, please watch the video to see what happened and where we are now. Then the rest will fall right into place.
I hate it when people put out these accounts that don’t consult Church history as the CHURCH knows it. Dianne is wrongfully putting the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar together as one order, and they were NOT. They joined forces with the Templars for effectiveness. What Knights Templar that were left in the early 14th century, when the King of France at the time wanted their money, and the order was suppressed, were brought into the fold.
From New Advent:
There’s more on their history at the link above.
So Appreciate your comments.
Thank You!
It would be nice if you shared this with Diane – she is not adverse to correction or someone offering additional and clarifying information – she is not Catholic and did the best she could with what she had – most Non-Catholics would not know where to go to research these groups – and there is a lot out there – not necessarily credible as well.
Thanks for posting this ‘history’ – it helps those of us who have no idea where to go to get the best information – I have read many articles that attempt to make connections – that appear to be written by non-historians and use less than credible sources.
She lost me with this one. The symbolism is not the sun god, but the sun itself.
What she also did not bring up was the Vatican Bank, a Rothschild creation, that was installed just exactly the same way they did every other bank that was used to control a government or institution. Said entity is broke and in debt, they offer to bail out the entity and pay off debts, and VIOLA! said institution or government is under their thumbs.
So, was all the gold in the Vatican REALLY the Church’s, or was it a laundering center where the Roths could hold their loot away from prying eyes.
There’s a lot more to this than meets the eye.
I hear you – many references to the ‘sun god’ as well as the ‘moon’ worshippers are available here…
Ancient civilizations worshipped the sun because the sun provided information on the changing seasons – for planting and harvesting –
As far as the Vatican Bank is concerned – not sure about this one, either – she may have touched on the Central Banks at one time – however, I do not think financial systems are her forte.
The Gold Story is another rabbit hole of sorts – where was all of the gold – was it stolen and hoarded – for future control – most of the central banks around the world are heavy-laden with debt – after all – the Rothschild Banking System is based on debt – debt that can never be repaid – the Great Reset is another one of their schemes to cover up their failed system – when people around the world are freed from the central bank debt system – they will not know what hit them.
The Intrepid Redditors are making another run on Gamestop (and AMC, Koss):
RT Quote | Last NYSE Arca, VOL From CTA | USD
After Hours: Last | 7:08 AM EST
+72.19 (+78.72%)
+46.74 (+103.94%)
52 week range
2.57 – 483.00
The comments at GWP’s article – from just after market close yesterday – are a hoot!
“Gaming Nerds of the World, Unite! LOL”
Diamond hands
ZH also has an article on it, with a bit more financial depth:
“As JPMorgan wrote on Tuesday, while hedge funds were quite positive on markets especially in the US, over the past 6+ months (JPM had seen net buying most days since late July 2020), “following the recent weakness and rotation, we’ve seen HFs react by adding more shorts, which are picking up after the large covering in late Jan”, and remarkably Monday was the largest day of short additions in North America since late June 2020!“
so…ok…I was born a Caucasian (White)…I was raised Caucasian (White) in a Caucasian (White) family…and to this day, I identify as a White Person.
I live in Florida so I do have a tan….but…I still identify as a White Person.
I also speak like a White Person…I was taught by my White, polite, civilized non-raciss parents to never ever say or even think about saying the N WORD…
or as White People would say : nigger.
however, as we all know, Black People often refer to each other that way..
Yo, niggah
get out my face, nasty niggah
watchu be sayin, niggah ??
..and so forth…
so…my Question is this : since we are now being told and even taught to Be Less White, does that also mean we can now say NIGGAH ?
Yo, niggah, what’s happenin’ ?
get out my face, nasty niggah.
back off, nasty niggah !
…and so forth…

maybe I should be posting my Be’s Less White snark over on the U Tree thread ?
when the going gets way too ludicriss & absurd, I jes cain’t hepp myself.
Thanks Smiley. Listening to that song mad me smile. Really.
oops. made me
you be cool
Peanut gallery figures you ought to speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish. Freedom of Speech. A vanishing Right.
Yea, I know what UTree is for. UTree established for many good reasons. Certainly not bad mouthing it. With all the censoring going on, we need to avoid the censoring. Such as, OH NO, not here, say it over there.
You have my deepest sympathy.
Tell us, have you considered suing your parents for mental harm and emotional trauma from forcing you to grow up in an entirely white culture?
Have you considered getting melanin therapy to darken your skin so you can achieve true enlightenment?
Have you considered changing your food choices for different meals?
Watermelon and pork chops for breakfast?
Moon pies, twinkys, mustard greens and ham hocks for lunch?
There is hope.
You can change and be free of the inbred racism you now possess.
Just subscribe to CNN, MSNBC, BET, etc.
Remember the mantra:
you are white.
you can change.
If you have to….I guess?
/ sarc but not sarc for the fbi asswipes reading this.
Canadian cultural appropriation noted–humor police informed
do y’all know how to spell chitlins ?
and don’t be callin it hog maw

Ahhh. Chitlins….
Still, I’ll take bacon… bacon, bacon, and more bacon…
Exactly !
Yo B*tch, gimme a sammich…
What it is, man…
Hey blood (almost typed blöd, which means fool in German)… (Wiktionary says the same spelling is valid for all genders… what a relief!)…
Oh, wait, Mr. T., Heyyyy fool…..
Maybe Kamel-HO-HUH can get an honorary doctorate in Ebonics…. ebonic plague…
Divide and conquer… the ChiComs have it down to an art… and it’s been working since the 1960s (Hart-Celler), if not before…
Facebook is dangerously close to stepping into some dookie they will regret. Messing with a nation’s military is some grade A arrogance.
“The social media site said it had based its decision on information provided in the UN fact-finding mission on Myanmar’s 2019 report, the economic interests of the country’s military, and the UN guiding principles on business and human rights.
Protesters and military figures have been clashing in Myanmar after the army seized power and detained civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1. With demonstrations taking place daily, the state broadcaster, which is linked to the military, has threatened to use lethal force against protesters.”
The pile-on continues…
If anyone missed it, Joe Dan has a short 6-minute video up …
Twitter Says It Purged Dozens Of Accounts For “Undermining Faith In NATO”
— what an asshole tech squad. Other than suck dollars and waste money, please, can anyone name ONE THING NATO has ever done successfully?
THURSDAY, FEB 25, 2021 – 4:15
Twitter has announced it recently suspended dozens of accounts for undermining confidence in NATO. It was part of a broader purge of almost 400 Twitter accounts believed to have “ties to Russia, Armenia and Iran” state actors which were found to have “breached its platform manipulation policies,” according to Reuters.
And further Twitter said according to the Reuters that “100 accounts with Russian ties were removed for amplifying narratives that undermined faith in NATO and targeted the United States and the European Union.”
That’s right, amid numerous examples of recent Twitter overreach and Silicon Valley’s blatant attempts to crush speech deemed politically inconvenient or out of bounds, this one is arguably the most bizarre and blatant yet – the offending accounts were deemed to have not upheld “faith” in the NATO military alliance. (Did we miss the “oath” that was supposed to be taken upon setting up an account?…)
the whole idea of a committee of inbred, communistic. black mailed democrats debating over whether or not to use Nukes either as a pre-empt or retaliatory strike is frightening.
NanXi, Ted Lieu, Swallowswell, mad dumbassMax.
not good.
Not a one of them are sane.
There is supposition that this is the opening salvo in launching the 25th amendment narrative.
IF, and we know it to be true, Dementia Joe CAN’T be trusted with sole decision making for “nuke employment”. then it IS TIME FOR the 25th Amendment to dispose of Beijing Biden and and very sadly elevate the Hoe.
Then who is veep?
Only Hoe’s handlers know at this point.
Guessing another Hoe of “color”. Worse, that vile looking POS from PA nominated for something in HHS.
It’s Pelosi
Stacy guess
Cheeseburger Wench would be the final insult to America by UniParty / Deep State asshoes.
My guess would be Obama.
At that point the new Pres is expected to appoint (and congress to approve) a new Veep. This is what Ford did when Nixon quit, it’s also what Nixon did when Agnew quit.
If hoe gets kicked out of office or dies before there’s a new veep, then Pelosi acts as president.
Ahhhhhbh!!!! Pelosi…
They probably just want to blow up the world, and they’re not sure if Biden will do it, so they want to be able to do it themselves.
As climatagonists, they know (because science!) that the only way to save the earth, is to destroy it.
The globalist Left aren’t a Nazi death cult or anything like that. No, far be it from them to be a Nazi death cult…
Even the CV19 tests are not 100% reliable and the case numbers are manipulated.
The (insert expletives) leftist Democrats threw away Trump ballots, double-triple counted Biden ballots, altered the machine algorithms, hauled in fake ballots by the truck loads, even changed ballots by adjudication. Illegals voted, dead people voted – they cheated dozens of ways!
We know at least 74 million people voted for DJT. Beyond that is anybody’s guess.
Pgroup, may I smash that alarm clock for you? By the way, loved your comment yesterday about the Walter Williams Christmas gifts for his wife. Miss him, he was so learned and fascinating. And in no way politically correct.
Good GRIEF, they’re BRAZEN at this point.
Give them enough rope, they’ll hang themselves…
Great Awakening Channel
, [25.02.21 07:32]
[Forwarded from L. Lin Wood]
[ Photo ]
One last thought on where the country would be headed IF Bribes/Obama/Cabal/CCP were really in charge:
There would be NO middle class. Just the elite and their servants.
That will NEVER happen in America – the land of opportunity.
Keep your faith strong. Speak truth. Trust God.
The Library
Jan. 6 Capitol Breach: FBI and Capitol Police Were Aware of Threats – UncoverDC
Tuesday’s Senate hearing on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot revealed that both the FBI and Capitol Police were aware of the possibility of violence.
Harold Wren
Mike Lindell, [25.02.21 07:35]
[Forwarded from Sidney Powell]
Hello everyone, for the latest update go to (!
I will be posting updates every few days.
Purloined from Ace of Spades Mid-morning Art Thread
Symphony In White, No. 2: The Little White Girl
James McNeill Whistler
“The Little White Girl” ? Was Whistler a racist? /s
DP, many thanks for posting Millie’s video. I hadn’t watched it yet.
Processing it. Dear God, the Lies are so Big.
Have mercy on us, Lord.
Yep, excellent video…Millie did an awesome job.
I’ve had to watch it in sections because it pisses me off so much.
You had to “circle back”? lol
What a corp-speak phrase that is – totally evasive, instead of saying “I don’t wanna answer now!”, in real-speak.
I bailed at about the 30-minute mark. We all know what happened that day …
I’m glad Millie has gone out on her own … AJ became toxic (even with much truth, albeit conflated with lie) when Kew outed Corsi … and the whole “Zach” thing!
The whole point now, IMO, is for us to continue red-pilling the normies / NPC’s / lofo’s so they’ll WAKE UP and SMELL THE COFFEE!
The polls “show” that so many don’t trust the media, or Congress / politicians … and yet, these “many” have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the coronavirus reaction crap from these very “authorities” / “experts”.
Too many are virtue-signaling in these polls on their spoken positions, rather than being virtuous in their activities (disbelieving the pols / media / corps lies).
FAR too many people are lying to themselves …
Circleback Mountain
(or, rather
Howya doin’, Cuppa?
Frau Merkel is certainly up to her EARS in the cabal – and I find it amazing that so many thought her “leaving” was actually stepping down from anything but her titular role for a secondary position!
Details, details – I’ve heard that this is the devil’s milieu (lying by omitting those pesky little “details”)
What’s up in Europe, AFAYK?
Are the Gilets Juenes still active? Or has the covid-thingy (no excess deaths from 2019 to 2020) still making hay?
Do most Germans realize this is WWIII? Or the French, the British, or the Italianos?
Here in the US, the “Stop ‘n’ Shop” chain – based out of Denmark – seems to be following the ACTUAL (nordic) study on “social distancing”, and only quarantining those employees who – on reviewed video – spend at least 15 minutes within 6 feet (2 meters) with an un-masked customer.
They leave out the “symptomatic” requirement, but at least they’re following better than the Guv’s have done.
Commie-chusetts is, IMO, completely lost. No law firm in the entire state would take on Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit against the BLATANT fraud and complicity among the politicians.
If Pelosi wants a 9/11 type of inquiry this tape would not be hidden.
Who said No? Mitch McConnell why?
What does he know that Pelosi does not?
I am not going to point fingers but the last weeks behavior of some shows something is not kosher in capitol city.
Indeed, the depth of the evil in this world never ceases to amaze me. I sent it to my friends.
I have wondered from time to time about the desire for a sign from Heaven to reassure my troubled mind concerning political and cultural trends of recent years. I understand and fully agree with the necessity of faith as the foundation of someone who follows the Christian God but …… sometimes confirmation would be nice. I suppose it is as old as human nature to seek ‘proof’, especially when things are chaotic and ‘foggy’. But then the Spirit reminds me of Isaiah 26:3-4.
You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
4 Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.
I conclude from this that my desire for a sign is failure of trust. I suppose it would be wise to heed the Scriptures.
“Have you ever asked God for a sign? If so, did he give you one? What kind of sign was it?
In Old Testament times, Gideon asked God for a sign. Later, Hezekiah did as well. Moses performed mighty “signs and wonders” during the exodus. The prophets, too, at times acted out signs, symbolic gestures conveying God’s message to his people. At one time, Isaiah went about stripped down to his undergarments to convey God’s impending judgment on the people of Israel. Their fate was sealed: they had rejected God, and as a result, they would be exiled to Babylon.
Jesus was asked for signs.
Matthew reports that, one time, when the Sadducees and Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign, he responded that the only sign people would receive was the “sign of Jonah” (Matt 16:4). Jonah, the Old Testament prophet, was in the belly of the big fish for three days and three nights before God delivered him. This, Jesus told those who asked him for a sign, was the only sign he would give them. In fact, God had already given that sign to them. Did they believe in the God who could deliver, the God who could save people from death and even raise the dead?
John, too, records people asking Jesus for a sign. “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” the temple authorities challenged Jesus after he had cleared the temple area of the merchants as a sign of his messianic authority (John 2:18).
After Jesus had fed a crowd of five thousand, Jesus’ opponents were at it again. “Then what sign do you do, that we may see and believe you?” they asked (John 6:30–31).
“Give us a sign, and we’ll believe,” they insisted. Well, did he give them a sign? And did they believe?
In his Gospel, John tells us that Jesus, the Messiah, did indeed give people multiple messianic signs. And yet, they did not believe.
Theologians call this “theodicy”—the vindication of God and his righteousness.
You see, God held up his end of the bargain—Jesus performed seven startling signs (the perfect number). And yet people still would not believe.
John’s point is that people’s unbelief was their own fault. The problem was not that God, through Jesus, failed to provide tangible evidence that he was real. No, the problem was that people asked for signs, but when Jesus gave them a sign, they didn’t like the one he gave them and kept asking for more. He fed the multitudes, he healed the sick, he even opened the eyes of a man born blind—and for an encore, he raised a dead man whose body had been in the tomb for four days.
What more evidence do you need?”[1]
[1] Andreas J. Köstenberger, Signs of the Messiah: An Introduction to John’s Gospel (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021), 1–2.
I didn’t ask for a sign. Wouldn’t impose my self on the Lord that way, but that’s just me. However I did get a sign. Three actually, realization of what the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter might foretell. Some can say that’s a bit slippery, but the ancients didn’t think so. Another was I i noticed which two books i was reading at the time. Dickens “Great Expectations” eeep! but it ended well. And the Mahabharata which I’m still engaged in and is managing to follow current events with an uncanny prescience.
>>”I didn’t ask for a sign. Wouldn’t impose my self on the Lord that way, but that’s just me.”<<
It’s me too, Para.
Over a decade ago, I was given TWO signs – the first one was a truth I’d somehow refused to see … and in an epiphany, I realized its veracity. REALLY tough to accept, but truth is truth.
The second one – also an epiphany (and only three weeks later) – was of the same type, a total re-shuffling of all that I’d been told or taught. This time, though, it was a JOY to realize.
I think the two events were connected – from the dark to the Light, as it were.
Mysterious ways, indeed …
“Gideon asked God for a sign. Later, Hezekiah did as well.”
When Gideon asked for a sign, it wasn’t due to his own mind. God had told him He had a job for him and what God said Gideon had trouble believing it could happen that way. So to make sure he was talking to God, he asked for a sign (actually multiple signs). IIRC, this was also true for Hezekiah.
Now just where did he get such a crazy idea?
Sounds right to me.
Now I could get behind that… why not here! (yeah, I know… have to get rid of most of Congress FIRST)
Hey, it could happen, PR!!!
Please extradite @jack to mumbai prision for glorious reincarnation karma.
India does not want the Truth About China to be censored.
Communists ALWAYS get control of the MEDIA to magnify their power.
Hey Wheatie –
Are you ever surprised somewhat, when a post you thought would be very well-regarded (up-votes & comments), turns out to be a dud?
And conversely, when a post you thought would just be a side-comment, turns out to be not a “dud”, but instead a winner?
One never knows how what one says / posts will be received.
I take *both* types of feedback as tremendously FUN, whichever way they go!
One is never too old to LEARN, yes? lol
Yes, heheh.
Stole it!

Perhaps we should have been watching Durham more closely
And…𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.
“Give me that old time religion….it’s good enough for me.”
This older Baptist preacher and longtime hospice and police chaplain – Rev. Dr. Danny V. Ray from Adel, GA – because of the shut down and pandemic, has posted online daily devotions that are very positive and up-lifting.
Daily Devotions –
This story about his ministry is how I found his videos.
Ray of Hope Ministry statement – “I am a Born Again Christian, Baptist Pastor and Chaplain of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a compassionate love for all people and want them to get to know my Lord and Savior personally. I am presently serving as the Bi-Vocational Pastor of Gordon Avenue Baptist Church in Adel, Georgia and Chaplain for the Berrien County Sheriff’s Office I served in the hospice field for twelve years. The many doors for ministry that were opened to me through Hospice Chaplaincy have blessed me and helped me to learn that every human being wants to be loved and cared for. Ministry is to just be present with a listening ear, maybe even not having to say one word and having a heart filled with love and compassion. Just Being There.”
Doctor of Ministry, CPE Certified for Chaplaincy, Doctor of Pastoral Counseling
Nashville, Georgia
Pastor Gordon Avenue Baptist Church, Adel, GA
Chaplain Berrien County Sheriff’s Office
The China Virus has hit hard in the South – my region – among the older folks and health care workers in both the black and white communities – obesity and diabetes is epidemic in our area. Southern cooking (fried foods, casseroles, gravy, etc) is almost as bad as French cooking for high fat, high calorie foods and sweets – candy, pies, cakes and all kinds of desserts – and sweet drinks/tea/cokes are drunk in high quantities. Church dinners are massive spreads. We need a reformation in the world of Southern Cooking!
Thank you, Dora – what a wonderful, peaceful interlude to calm the senses.
Piano is my favorite – oftentimes, it sounds like two or even *three* instruments / parts all playing together, creating the whole … and yet, it’s a single person on the keys, weaving their two hands / ten fingers into a tapestry of music.
I always like to hear the composers perform their own pieces – to know what they themselves wished for others to hear.
It’s wonderful to hear the composer himself, but I wondered how a 1913 recording could be so clear. From the notes at the YouTube link:
One of Joplin’s works, “Silver Swan Rag” is known ONLY from his self-performed piano roll. No sheet music survived (though it has been re-created).
Not sure if this is the same as a player piano roll, which (from what I recall) has no obvious means of conveying how loudly it’s being played–everything was pretty much at the same volume.
You beat good, honest people mercilessly with the law as a weapon thereby putting fear into good people who might consider running for a public office.
It’s called evil.
It’s called democrat.
It’s called pelosi.
THIS is what pisses me off with the “great silence”. These forgotten people gave WAY beyond the extra measure, and are now having their lives ruined. If I hear some cut and paste rally speech, some rah-rah nonsense about who the 2022 up-and-comers are . . . I am about done. Because you cannot in good conscience completely dismiss Patrick Byrne’s story. And frankly, I don’t think I’m alone.
Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock, was one of the original victims of rampant and illegal (IMO) “short-selling”, in which the “traders” sold more stock than was issued by the company itself.
Instead of traders having to FIND enough stock issue to sell (before buying it, be it known), they simply SOLD what wasn’t theirs to sell.
I remember heart-breaking stories about how his company was being targeted, and looted, by this absolute ATTACK on his company, in which the seller sold MORE STOCK than was there.
The SEC remained silent, despite entreaties to curb the fraud.
Byrne’s come a long way, now, from that financial assault, and I allow him some latitude when it comes to his perspective (often maligned as his “story” – as in storybook, wishful thinking).
What happened to him, and to his company, was a bellwether for things to come.
Which, not so incidentally, is why I support the Redditors using their MONEY and BALLS to beat the rigged system at their OWN game.
Would that we all had done this, a decade or more ago …
I was talking about Byrne’s election fraud saga.
Yes, I think I understand.
I give credence to his perspective, borne of battle with the Wall Street financial (IMO) felons.
I see him as another “vector”, an attack angle, against TPTB.
We may never know, fully, how much he’s said is true, or how much he’s said is true but “unprovable”.
I hear more signal than noise from him, to be blunt.
Same goes for Lin Wood, and plenty of others like them.
And no, you aren’t “alone” …
Yes, but very interesting that Byrne (he’s too smart) has been pulled into so much of the stuff. FBI trying to get leverage on Cankles. FBI trying to get leverage on Trump. SEC allowing raiding on companies through naked short selling. Election fraud in a big way.
Byrne is smart and sees past the obfuscation.
It’s generally not a sale of stock, but a sale of options to buy stock…the stock doesn’t actually sell until someone exercises the option.
It’d be very difficult to sell more stock than exists, because you have to deliver it at the time of sale. But an option most likely won’t even be exercised.
Of course, there’s still a problem, if the quantity of options exceeds the quantity of stock, but generally what happens there is the seller has to buy stock (over and over again) to meet their obligations.
Long ago, I worked for multiple brokerage firms, and others related did so in cities across the US, Europe, and Asia.
I know the scam, Steve.
Here, with the Redditors, it’s the STOCK that is paramount – not the options, although those in arbitrage use them as leverage / balancing against the stock itself.
Selling “short” is ABSOLUTELY a play on the “underlying” – the stock issue itself. Of course, the play is counter-balanced by option positions, and it is here that traders make their bank.
The tail (derivatives) wagging the dog (the underlying, the stock).
The market-makers in the STOCK “lay down” and take the loss, because the GAIN in the options far, FAR outweighs the piddling negative change in the stock price.
The Redditors are calling them out, for going WAY too far in their shorts (STOCK), even though they *seem* to be protected by the options desk.
Yet Options AREN’T the same as Stocks.
In point of fact – as we saw a month ago, and are again seeing now – they have left themselves WIDE OPEN to just such a strategic move by retail, acting en masse.
You seem – perhaps, I cannot be sure – to invoke “rules” that the participants must play by, and assume as 100% certain that those who DON’T play by the rules will get caught, and punished.
The “rules” have been not only “broken”, but absolutely DECIMATED by a compliant regulatory system, put in place and staffed by those who understand the game, and wish to remain in what George Carlin described as the “Big Club”.
Do you not understand how the Redditors brought DOWN huge hedge funds – by CALLING their bluffs and greed?
Street smarts almost always out-performs book-smarts – it’s one of the FIRST vital lessons of being in, or working for, financiers / brokers / traders / arbitragers / corporate-raiders / etc.
OK, fair enough…I poked around. Who knew people lent stock? (Well I guess a lot of people did, I just wasn’t one of them. Absent that I couldn’t see how it would work, mechanically.)
It still ought to be metaphysically impossible to sell more than exists, though I suppose one could sell the same shares back and forth between two people who want to “short” and pump up the trading volume. But then, one could engage in the equivalent of crooked accounting.
Yep, I can see how someone might want to stick it to these guys by running the price up after they’ve sold short. Of course the original owner of the stock benefits too…at least until the bubble bursts.
‘The Steal’ Goes On.
Dems seek to federalize presidential elections
Horrifying. UNIPARTY. America’s Soviet elite.
Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign | Just The News
Goal was to find “anyone” inside GOP campaign tied to Russia who could be get dirt “damaging” to Clinton, newly declassified memos reveal.
Among the revelations, the memos make clear that:
YUP. It’s all coming out, now that they’re “safe” under JOE AND HOE.
LOL, maybe so, but they don’t feel safe enough yet to give NYT or CNN a full exclusive on the story like they did Time Magazine.
“Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.”
Gag. Comey isn’t even ORIGINAL.
The Economic Security Project is trying to make a point about big tech monopolies by releasing a browser plugin that will block any sites that reach out to IP addresses owned by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Amazon. The extension is called Big Tech Detective, and after using the internet with it for a day (or, more accurately, trying and failing to use), I’d say it drives home the point that it’s almost impossible to avoid these companies on the modern web, even if you try.
— instructions at site
John Solomon now on nonnaB in re Navarro being under “investigation” for campaign stuff …
Matt Gaetz is on, too …
Just showed the clip of Senator Dr. Rand Paul challenging Dr. Rachel (sp?) Levine …
I find the episodes very illuminating, even with the (minimal) bias
Bannon is being careful, to his credit, IMO, to avoid getting bird-dogged into positions on topics not ripe to be introduced. Timing is everything …
Everybody who can get into Gab Chat ( please let me know HERE, and preferably after testing it. Please either PM me there, or say something in the chat rooms.
check, check
All chat rooms open for me.
Excellent! Check that PMs are working, too.
I posted a little while ago this morning on the qtree page of chat.
Sent a private chat to you as well.
Got it!!! Responded!
All I see in Gab is Group, Q Tree and the timeline. Nothing about chat or pms,
You have to go to the separate chat server at and then sign up! I believe that you are signed up. Let me check…..
I have a PM with you in there! You are registered with the chat service!
Thanks Wolf, I get an error logging in. At this point, I’ll just keep reading the posts here. The Lord will return or satans minions will take my human life, either way I’ll know it when it happens.
Sounds good!
Nope, can’t get in…
That link just redirects to my home page when I try to sign up. And I don’t see a link anywhere on the home page to Chat.
There is no longer a chat function on regular The only chat is the old chat server.
If is throwing you to, then it looks like you can’t get in.
Be sure to use Brave or Dissenter – Firefox does NOT work.
Got in with Valvaldi no problem so other chromium type browsers may work as well.
Great! This makes sense – chromium browsers including Chrome, Brave, Dissenter, and now Vivaldi all work. Opera should work, too.
I got into the chat room, not sure how PM works, thought I was trying to send you one, and a room like picture opened, script at the bottom said it would become active when someone entered.
Checked in @ The Q Tree Members.
Oh hell. Now it won’t let me back in. Will fiddle with it.
Dropped you a PM
No problem signing in.
Mac/Safari/DDG/+ VPN
In case you missed it:
That’s a good presentation of the SES system and the implications it has.
True, good to know information, very deep too and hard to phantom given the complexities and enormity of government. Meanwhile I’m seeing deep state as going well beyond just the government now as I’m sure we all understand to one degree or another.
There are non government players working in concert with the traditional deep state described in the posts above and although we’re all familiar with the various peices we still IMO don’t have a common operational picture of how they relate to each other as they go about achieving their goals. It includes all the Bigs. Big Media, Big Tech, Big Edu, Big Med, Big Pharma and many more to include even Big Religion. Those are easy to spot and dissect compared to everything else WEF brings to Deep State that isn’t so easy to spot, nor to dissect. Regardless, all these entities, Gov and NGOs belonging to Deep State and controlled by the Cabal are all working seamlessly now to control our lives and disrupt our ability to have a normal responsive government that works for the American People instead of subverting our will in favor of Globalism, Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030 with their nefarious desire to fulfill the destiny written upon the Georgia Guide Stones which is what the elites in the Cabal have their minions in Deep State knowingly or unknowingly working toward while they all keep to the shadows where we can’t see.
Anyway, the “State” includes everything and not just government institutions.
They are after all trying to control everything, both inside and outside our borders and “Deep” means that which we can’t see and thus can not control. So it’s all Deep State to me with the Cabal controlling it from on high.
Soviet Embedded Saboteurs.
Scrawny Effeminate Seditionists.
BTW, Phoenix, I remember the anons (and others) viewing the site you cite as being “controlled opposition”, maybe one or two years ago.
I found their point to be valid, and sound.
They (the owners / contributors) took a position which “outed” them, in no uncertain terms, as cabal related.
Be careful of soothsayers with hidden (well, semi-hidden anyway) agendas!
The evil we face relies on controlling BOTH ends of the spectrum – and I tossed A4T long ago.
Even when they speak 90% truth, it’s the 10% lie that will sting. Like AJ et al.
With them, the idea is to FIND the lie, so well hidden in their prose.
I hope you’re well!
I recall that incident now that you refer to it Emerald… about a week ago I posted a query about AIM… as I didn’t trust them, but could not recall why (ol’ ALZ forgot), thought they were C_A?
Thank you so much for the reminder. And thank you for the well wishes… am doing well, and hope you are also. Am re-learning patience (or attempting to meet its challenges! as we all are…)
>>”Thank you so much for the reminder.”<<
“De riguer” (French saying – all part of life’s clockwork) for me, for true-hearts like yourself, Phoenix!
We all help each other.
At present, I also cannot remember the specifics of their total GAFF in pretending to be for our country … but the impression was a lasting one.
God bless you, today and every day!
And you Emeraldstar…
This makes the case for “Burn it Down”! Americans will never be free until this is dismantled completely. Praying “The best is yet to come” is true.
Look Ahead America
UPDATE: CPAC, MTG, Dominion, Activist Training, Game NightPatriot,
Every week or so we will send out an update letting you know what Look Ahead is up to.
Thank you!
America First, America Forever.
Matt Braynard
Executive Director
Look Ahead America
Make sure you don’t give candy to anybody under 18 years old, lest the enemy crank up the narrative generator.
I’m only half-joking. These people are THAT bad.
Projection, don’cha know.
Why is New York, the Blackout Capital of America, Sneering at Texas?
“Texas is paying the price. I hope they learned a lesson,” Senator Schumer said.
Thu Feb 25, 2021 Daniel Greenfield
“Texas thought it could go it alone,” Senator Schumer declared on the Lower East Side. “Now Texas is paying the price. I hope they learned a lesson.”
But Democrats never learn their lesson. And they’re never expected to learn.
In 2003, New York City’s power went out because of a mistake by an operator in Ohio as part of the second biggest blackout in history which took down the grid in eight states and in Canada.
Texas’ decision to go it alone was a whole lot smarter than tying the fates of eight states and two countries to a control room in Akron. An interstate power grid means that a problem in a whole other state or country that you have no control over can leave you in the dark.
What was Schumer’s response to the 2003 blackout? He blamed President Bush for a “free market” approach of “allowing the states and utility industry to deal with it by themselves”.
Schumer and the Democrats extracted somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million to further integrate the power grid across a quarter of the country and parts of Canada.
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit taking out power, leaving hospitals and residents in the dark. The East River power substation’s underground equipment was flooded by a “wall of water”, and the explosion that took out power across a large part of Manhattan could be seen for miles.
The station is located in the Lower East Side: the location of Schumer’s smug taunt to Texas.
You might imagine that after all that, Schumer’s home city and state would have moved the power substation away from the river. And you clearly don’t know New York City.
Instead, $1 billion was invested in a “storm hardening program”. The goal of the program was to make sure that the underground substation located right by the river in an area that regularly experiences hurricanes won’t be flooded because it will now meet current storm surge predictions. The substation was already built to withstand a predicted storm surge of 12.5 feet. Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge hit 14 feet. If another hurricane beats the predictions, then Manhattan will be in the dark again because of an underground power substation by the river.
But, it’s Texas that isn’t “learning its lesson”.
. . . MORE . . .
Hello Qtreepers: I’ve been following you for months, but haven’t commented. Ever since you transitioned to the new WordPress format, I find the site nearly impossible to use on an iPad. Embedded photos and images are HUGE, and take up the entire screen of my iPad. When I scroll down to read the comments, all of a sudden the thread pops back up to the top because a new comment was added (highlighted in yellow) and then I’ve lost my place in the thread I was reading. I assume that you all tested usability on tablets before launching the new format, but if not, you should be aware of it. I now have to read this site on my main desktop PC, which I don’t like to do because my PC is only for work stuff. I can read all the other blogs on my iPad, and they don’t have similar issues, so it’s not a setting on my iPad. Not good! That’s why I don’t visit very often. Could other site visitors have this issue? Thought you should know.
Yup. We tried the “mobile-friendly” format (AMP), and it caused so many problems for more people, that we fell back to the “normal” WordPress format. It was a “lesser of two evils” choice.
One trick you can try to stay on the iPad is to “view desktop version” of the site. I’m not sure where that is on Safari, but it’s available using the Brave browser on iPhone and Android, and probably other methods.
And that is another option, too – to use a different browser than Safari.
I am not using Safari; I use Brave. Same effect on both, though. I’ll try the “view desktop version” on Brave if I can find it.
It may be in a right-click menu, or a triple-dot menu. Usually it’s a check-box.
You can load the WP app (blech) and use their Reader to follow comments.
The Library, [25.02.21 12:47]
We need to get on board and push this all across America.
DeSantis Unveils Election Reform Package: Bans Ballot Harvesting & Mass Mailing Vote-By-Mail Ballots
Dan Bongino (
DeSantis Unveils Election Reform Package: Bans Ballot Harvesting & Mass Mailing Vote-By-Mail Ballots
Republicans governors across the country should be paying attention
Absolutely. EVERY red-legislature state must pass this reform, and it has to be EMERGENCY-PROOF.

About that picture in the OP…
“It’s a cult from a horror film, alright…”
And, as Wheatie reminds daily …………………..
Joe Biden did not win.
She’s just radiant in this photo!!!
H/T KY Blue @ Marica’s Place
From Major Patriot on Gab…
“What if the reason we don’t know the identity of this Capitol Police Officer who allegedly shot Ashley Babbitt is because he isn’t a Capitol Police Officer?”

What the heck???!!!
With your super eye tricks…can you see anything on his ID card?
I can see that whoever is on the card has almost identical head size and features as him – that’s it.
Another thing that confuses me about the shooting…people keep saying it was a black man who shot the gun….I can’t see that. He looks white to me.
Slowing down the video you gave below tells me it is that guy for sure. One or two frames show all things clearly:
I am SURE it’s the same guy!
The bracelet is the giveaway. That looks like Bailey.
But that does look like a different gun from the one in the Babbitt shooting.
The hairline does not look exactly like Bailey though either. I’ll have to look at that video again. I have it on telegram, Wooz News.
At 34:56 the bracelet is visible ( and the more I does look like a black man)
I don’t know what video you’re referring to . I was talking about the frame by frame breakdown by Wooz News – but that’s only 21 minutes.
I’m going to correct my statement about the gun. At some angles it looks more like a Colt style due to reflections, but sharper frames show that it has the classic Glock style.
You mean “block”
LOL! I still remember the first time I saw one. “W. T. F.”
They were just becoming a “thing” when I got into guns. Back then it seemed like every major 9mm was a different design. Now most of them look like Blocks.
I personally tend to favor CZs in the single action (cock and lock, not decocker) configuration. Rather different!! However, if for some reason I had to grab a gun off the table for a gunfight and there was a Glock there and some unknown “1911” (that term covers a lot of crappy weapons, as well as good ones), I’d grab the Glock. OTOH if I knew the 1911 to be an actual good 1911, I’d grab it.
And yes, I own a Block or two, and I own a 1911 (Dan Wesson, so it’s actually a CZ anyhow!).
The thing about the “trigger safety” of these and other guns, is that it is far from a safety, IMO. I never really felt it was anything more than a slight improvement over a normal trigger, to prevent SOME but not ALL trigger-snag accidents.
Like you say, a GOOD 1911 is a GOOD THING.
I believe they call it Glock leg when someone shoots themselves with the so called trigger safety. My guns have true safeties. And I don’t have a round chambered.
I’ve known a surprising number of cases of “C1 leg”.
I call that thing the trigger dingus. It’s extremely unlikely to ever prevent a case of Glock Foot. The only thing I can imagine it every doing is preventing the trigger from swinging back under momentum if the gun ever hits the ground muzzle pointed up. But that’s not what it’s allegedly for.
As near as I can tell, they added it so they could claim an additional safety for our stupid effing regulators.
AHHH! Now THAT is a good explanation!
Back when I was doing a bit of range time with rented pistols, I was most accurate with CZ’s and a Kimber Stainless (which is a good 1911).
We only have a Ruger SP101 revolver and 20 gauge shotgun for protection, so I have absolutely no knowledge. I was just repeating what I had heard about that Bailey guy wearing the bracelet. There are lots of pictures of him with it, there’s lots of pictures of him anyway. He was wounded defending Scalise and got a medal from POTUS. Figure that out.
Yup. A lot of twists here.
PS – SP101 is a good gun!
4″ barrel
101 is a good one. Somewhere I have a GP100 (also by Ruger), just because I like the extra mass. It’s smooth enough I actually shoot more accurately double action than single.
Yeah, I thought the same thing about the hairline, but after looking at the chamber picture vs. the shooting, I think his forehead slopes back quite a bit more than it looks like in the chamber pic.
They can sit with Liz…
Can’t believe they are going!
Newsom just made a Covid Diagnosis a WORKERS COMP INJURY.
MF er….
Employers have to pay for testing, cant fire or reprimand for Employees saying there’s noncompliance, employers have to provide masks, will be fined bc its in the labor laws. Tons of new mandated signage.
Workers comp insurance is going to skyrocket.
Anyone on the fence about closing their business wont have a choice here.
And those costs are going to go directly to the consumer.
And China won’t pay a nickel, now that their “boy” is FAKEPOTUS.
I truly dont understand why the military is traitorous and not stopping this. Additionally, are people too comfortable that still the idea of too much to individually lose that, as a nation, we arent seeing a “correction ” theonly way left to us?
Obama infestation.
they wouldn’t let Trump remove most of them.
I cannot believe that theres no one who can stand up. This is sick.
There are different answers to this, depending upon how much classified information gets into the answers.
I believe some of it is based on “secret commitments to NWO / secret world government” stuff. And that is all a pox on We The People. Secret law is toxic to the Constitution, but the military made commitments that way, a long time ago, for what may be good reasons, and so we’re stuck with it.
TL;DR – there is not unanimity on what to do, because “two masters”. Some of them think that our commitments to globonazi and globoprogzi BS outweigh our own law. It’s sick, but there we are.
So even the loyal (to the Constitution) part of the military is not united on what to do. Hell – BRENNAN thought he was loyal to the Constitution – or at least he acted that way. And I think those that want to do something are letting the Bidenazis take as much rope as they can take. They are NOT getting any more popular – that’s for sure. So it’s not all one answer, but everybody is saying “just keep waiting”.
That is what everybody seems to agree on. “Just keep waiting.”
Its devastatingly sad….and shocking ly weak…
>>”I truly dont understand why the military is traitorous and not stopping this”<<
They *aren’t* traitors.
They’re waiting, impatiently – as we all are – for the unstoppable majority of Americans to figure out the TRUTH.
Without that, any action taken is too dicey to rely upon.
The entire JOB of the “Digital Warriors” is to effect this realization for the uninformed masses … and it ain’t happening quickly, or effectively, enough.
From what I’ve experienced, our job right now is to change minds, one at a time.
EVERYONE must redouble our efforts to cast off the veil – literally (physical masks), and figuratively (mental masks / ignorance).
The tipping point IS coming … but we must all accelerate the process, impediments or no.
I’ll be having a “conversation” soon with one of my local grocery-store managers, on just this point.
At the risk of being trespassed permanently.
Muh “authority” this manager implies – yet, this manager hasn’t a flippin’ CLUE about the dangers of wearing masks.
It’s all been done before – during the WWI Spanish flu pandemic, in which 75%+ died of BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA … from wearing MASKS! (the fraud Fauci’s scholarly paper, ~2005-6).
So few do their ADULT homework, called “due diligence” in the business sphere.
The military will not act, IMO, until more Americans “get” our situation …
It’s STILL up to us …
Brava Emeraldstar…
And I think they may be waiting for the DIMs/Commies to commit the coup de gras… when they attempt to remove Biden and replace with Harris and Pelosi, not necessarily in that order…
Treason ……………. in all caps…
I get the impending feeling that the lull to try to get us to sleep again, our “soma”, is increasing. And we have to help people wake up.
The “new” cases will skyrocket now. Almost as good as being a teacher…sit at home “recovering” while the biz pays you. Win/win
Think about what thats going to do!
My cohort family said wait til its mandated that the schools and preschools and daycare must pay also.
Basically everything grinds to a halt.
My neighbor works in a bank told me that when it all began..a sniffle, a one time cough, clearing a throat…anything the employee could take leave until they thought it best to come back. Naturally the place was a ghost town. Now she said they ask for more from a medical doctor.
This new mandate is the literal death knell of business..probably larger ones more so than the smaller ones…or ALL of them.
I know. My cohort family is selling off their properties, 1 business, and leaving CA. Im totally on my own for homeschool for 3rd grade.
I remember endless drill on 3 digit by 2 digit, 3 digit by 3 digit and even some four digit by 3 digit multiplication. It bored me so much I couldn’t do it quickly–others would finish before I did. I actually thought I was bad at math!!
Well we are doing multiplication, division, early square roots, graphing, word problems, some fractions. Its interesting to see how the text mixes it up. Its called Saxon Math grade 3. I gave them a test today and my son missed 2 problems for being careless but 4 more because he wasnt being diligent and after being given 35 minutes wasnt finished. I had to be that teacher who ended the test for time. Hes got to learn that now but he had a rotten attitude after.
Saxon has a good rep but I am personally unfamiliar with it.
I tend to the opinion that, assuming you aren’t dealing with a reading disability and THAT is the problem, if you can’t deal with a word problem you don’t actually understand mathematics at the conceptual level, regardless of how well you can solve a problem that has been set up for you.
No reading priblems with kiddo. He sneaks his flashlight to read after i say good night. Chapter books. Lots of word problems coming in. The other boy has shown reading issues which show in his math also. The mom is slightly in denial.
Could be laying the groundwork for when vaccinated people get sick. It what we’re hearing about the danger of the mRNA spike protein shots is true, there’s going to be a lot of very sick people in the future.
Singlehandedly bringing back the Family Business.
Wonder if its past time to leave CA.
Mr Gils retirement is in 6 years or we are hurting. But the deal is to leave the state then. If we leave prior to that, we are going to need to work, both of us, and i cant homeschool. I wush we were financially secure enough to go now.
Yes. 2018 would have been much, much better.
Thanks for posting the video!
I referred to this video event earlier in the thread, but I was lacking in providing the “sauce”.
Note “Rachel’s” response – it’s “nuanced”! Pfft!
Well, guess that RobberJoe allowed to happen to American citizens in Communist China?
And the U.S. State Department did NOTHING pro-actively to forbid American citizens from forced to take the CCP Virus anal swab test. In fact, it was only AFTER the State Department got complaints from Americans who got this test, that they issued the directive for Americans to “decline” the test.
And any attempt by Beijing to say that it was “an error” in making Americans in Communist China take this test is TOTAL BS. The anal swab test is considered by the Chinese, who themselves are forced to take this test, as a humiliation.
Good grief. Our CHINACRATS are traitors of the worst kind.
trish brennan (@trishbrennan18) Tweeted:
JUST IN – Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Pittman says “militia groups want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible,” when Biden delivers his State of the Union address in Congress.
SMH..AIIFC What asshat pelosi goons think
Lies. Good GRIEF.
FFS…the kabuki theater is so fake, so dramatic.
If that’s true then they must certainly have intel on these militia groups ? Who are they ? Where are they? Have they made arrangements?
Or is this merely the foundation for total surveillance on every possible insurgent (translated to Trump supporter)
The same law enforcement agencies are completely impotent..likely because they’re slaves to the swamp but no matter the reason..they’re worthless
They won’t identify who shot A Babbitt. They won’t release autopsy report. Won’t clarify ANY shooting details. None..
Apparently haven’t ID’d nor caught the pipe bomb person even though there’s cameras everywhere .
What about the guy dismantling the barriers at the Capitol ? They sure seem able to zero in on Trump people
Gesara – Part 1 2-25-21
So quodverum is offline? When I check at the “is it down” site, it says the server does not allow access. Is it just me? They seem to take a little too much delight in their exclusivity over there.
I’m there now…
Hmm, I’ll check again.
Probably banned themselves for using ‘Q’ in the name of their own cult, Quodverum.
They’re a very strict religious sect, defining themselves in opposition to the letter ‘Q’.
So having the letter ‘Q’ in their name may have eventually just became too much, and disintegrated the entire cult.
I figured it must be me only. I stuck to my guns about the Cruz trip being a bad look. I guess it’s politically incorrect to admit that someone from our side can do something cringeworthy. I thought we were supposed to be the clear thinkers.
Well Wictor has become too cute by half anyway. He did not know how to right himself after 11/3.
It’s a worship cult. No contradiction of the gurus is allowed.
I have been noticing the same thing about Vox Day. The comments section is filled with brown nosers and butt-kissers, and anyone who disagrees with or even dares to challenge VD is ‘gamma’…
Which is so very gamma of them… maybe delta…

But they can’t see it, because they’re in the cult.
I no longer visit. Wish I could delete my account. Mastadon says whether or not that option exists is up to the owner. Not interested in engaging with Saul to ask.
Would that make them “OddVerum” (uodverum)???
It’s almost the end of February, so it’s time for me to acknowledge Black History Month. Why? Because every single day I have logged on for work, I have been bombarded with “why the white man keeps holding me down” propaganda. Also, posts that show people still making history are current events. So let’s talk about an actual historical figure: Jonathan Jasper Wright. Born in the 1800s, he was never a slave. His father was a runaway and made it to PA. Good on him. (1/X)
Jonathan applied for a license to practice law in PA in 1864, but was initially turned down. He ended up in Beaufort , SC and taught black union soldiers how to read. This was 1864, so Biden’s idea of blacks not being able to surf the net seems pretty hollow, no? I’ll tell you the story of the Moroccan prince who ended up an Alabama slave, but obtained favor, because he could read Arabic another time. Anyway…onward. (2/X)
I am from SC, and at one time wanted to practice law. J J Wright was the first black person to practice law in South Carolina, which is why I love his story. This was in 1866. Damn…seems like we overcame before the We Shall Overcome song was written.
Again, I digress.
Wright participated in the South Carolina Constitutional Convention in 1868. I wish there was a portrait. I’d borrow money to purchase it. So well loved, he was elected to the state senate. Did you know (3/X)
But… but…. but…. but…..
Shouldn’t it be Black HERstory Month???
Or, even more PC, Black *story Month…
(Over here they had the “Binnen I ” (e.g. SchulerInnen) that is now an apostrophe, to represent transidiots as well, e.g. Schuler*nnen) (the nen is a plural form) (OK, OK, even ONE is too many…..)….
It’s kind of interesting watching a global society self destruct while patting themselves on the back for their effort.
Jonathan Jasper Wright
Jonathan Jasper Wright was an African-American lawyer who served as a judge on the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina during Reconstruction from 1870 to 1877.Wikipedia
February 11, 1840, Luzerne, Pennsylvania
February 18, 1885, Charleston, South Carolina
Preceded by:
Solomon L. Hoge
Succeeded by:
Alexander Cheves Haskell

Thank you Nikki…
Perhaps Ms Cally didn’t like this photo ?
Maybe she hates wikipee.
I thought that also… don’t we all !
Comrade Fudge
“Confirmed, 92-7: Executive Calendar #7 Thomas J. Vilsack to be Secretary of Agriculture”
Literally this was Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture for his entire Presidency. Yeah. This was a good one. Look up Shirley Sherrod. FFS, this guy’s going to be a real goddamn treat.
Can you believe all those Republicans voting for Biden’s peeps?
Not republicans.
uniparty wannbe nanXi’s castratos.
“castratos” ! Great word Henry, just great.
I love Maple Castro / Maple Castrato for Prime Minister Sparkle Socks.
Great Wolfie!
Would that make Maple Castro Nazi’s administration the Maple Castrati???
Ya still got ‘it’ Cuppa
Oh, this is GLORIOUS
Of Course: China Forced Joe Biden’s State Department Employees To Undergo Repeated Anal Penetrations
And they didn’t even say “Thank you!”
Remember that video showing China’s new covid anal swabs?
They forced Joe Biden’s staffers to get repeated anal penetrations, just to make sure Biden remembered who owned him.
Now they say “whoops, we forgot that diplomatic personnel are immune from our orders.”
Worse yet, they probably enjoyed it…
All aboard..the Woke Train is leaving the station
So most of the “couples” HasMatbro has in mind won’t be able to have “tater tots” methinks…..
Might be doing bareback baking?
I’m curious how same sex families explain to their children how babies are made. Somewhere in that strange convoluted explanation there must be a male person with actual sperm that fertilizes the female person’s egg.
It must be so hurtful to admit that fact but I’m sure they add enough word salad and PC wokism that the kid is comatose anyway but still………..
They re-woke. Gender idiocy is not happening.
Caroline GlickInterview with CBN on the Biden administration, Iran and Israel
Only the president can give the State of the Union.
A shadow presidency exists.
“Only the president can give the State of the Union.
A shadow presidency exists.”
So does that mean DJT should give the SotU, or Hussein, or Xi Jinping?
It’s hard to keep track of who is doing what in this farce, without a program.
“It’s hard to keep track of who is doing what in this farce, without a program.”
A spreadsheet, flow chart or scorecard might well be more what’s needed. This show is more complex than a Spanish novel.
Biden ignores question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy:
“Mr. President, whatever happened to your promise from 7 weeks ago that if Democrats flip the Senate, checks were going out the door?”
OUR world is controlled and manipulated by Satanic pedophiles.
Prove me wrong…
The MSM should have been shut down for Treason the first week of DJT’s presidency.
But without the enemy propaganda narrative control, the People would have actually ‘awakened’, 95% of DJT’s opposition would have disappeared or been irrelevant, and then we would never get to go through what we’re experiencing now.
And this is so much better…

#StephenMiller, former senior adviser to former President Trump, said that a new #Immigration bill proposed by Democrats would “fundamentally erase the very essence of America’s nationhood.”
Former Trump Adviser Says Biden’s Immigration Bill Could ‘Erase the Very Essence of America’s Nationhood’Stephen Miller told Fox News that a new immigration bill proposed by Democrats would “fundamentally erase the very essence of America’s nationhood.”
This, too, shall pass.
As in “pass into law.”
Okay… want to know about Bitcoin, Block-chain, Stock Market Manipulation… read Neon Revolt at GAB
@NeonRevolt Yeah, at around 4:00 p.m. today I checked the spot price of silver, and I was shocked to see it was at about 28.30 USD. I was under the impression that they were going to manipulate the price of silver lower to help fulfill their March rollover more easily. Then I saw that my $AMC shares shot up (along with $GME which I don’t own shares of) and one very important piece of news information: the Fed appeared to be entirely “down” when it came to filling wire transfers (I’m sure that was the only thing…). At that point I was like, “Son. Of. A. Bitch…the manipulation is all true and I’m pretty sure it’s WAY larger than anyone thinks it is.
Vocab word for everyone to learn today:
₿lockchain Economy
The FED payment system locking up is quite significant. Rehypothocation of everything is coming unglued.
You know what didn’t lock up today? :bitcoin: itcoin, crypto currencies, bullion silver and bullion gold.
Some thoughts:
1. The Fed payment system is all out of wonk, including ACH which is the system you are all affected by that’s involved in the electronic fund transfers that you call payroll, social security benefits, and tax refunds, among other things.
2. Tomorrow, after the COMEX closes, any entities holding a March delivery contract (and that want deliver) must have their account 100% funded. What that means is that no one who wants delivery can have any margin. Whatever the price of the silver, that much money must be in the account. If 100% funding is not in the account, the contract rolls over toward a future delivery month.
3. Think there’s a relationship? ACH often takes 24 hours to clear…

Gold has gone down approximately 2% today (down 34.70 to 1771.10. (I still know people who expect it to drop, hard, based on the 60 day average crossing below the 200 day average.) S
Silver down 52 cents to 27.52, also close to 2 percent.
Palladium down 1.8% nd platinum down a bit over 4%
The only thing that went up was rhodium, which is up five hundred dollars an ounce to $24,500. People without wheelbarrows full of cash need not apply.
Thanks Steve… had to get bicyle pump to blow up the wheel on the barrow… heavy loads cause hot air to escape
Which is why congresspukes let someone else do the heavy lifting.
They don’t want to lose their hot air.
I wonder how many benjamins make an ounce….
I’m guessing a whole lot fewer than 245.
You mean how big a wad of them would weigh a troy ounce? (I presume you’re not asking how many benjamins it takes to buy an ounce.)
The fast answer is a dollar bill (and presumably the other denominations too) weighs a gram, so 31 of them make up an ounce. So a $100 bill is worth more than its weight in gold…for now.
I’m suspicious of the number simply because it’s too pat…one gram, exactly? Not 98 grams or 1.02 grams?
I have a scale I might be able to use if I think about it tonight.
Found @Jack’s place posted by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Curious.

Democrats skim. It’s what they do.
U.S. Flag Crushed with a Karate Chop followed by a “Death to America” Message on Iranian TV #iran #death_to_America
Obama, Kerry, Jarrett, Biden, Harris…..and the rest approve.
The ones we can name and match to a face are NOT the ones calling the shots.
We see loathsome bit players like Robert Malley:
So CHYna is the third leg of this stool.
We’re dealing with a more frisky version of the Dragon’s pet, Fat-Boy Kim.
Good info and excellent point about Chyna.
It’s easy to lay all the groundwork, make the promises, spread the money around when you know without a doubt that the next election will be fraudulent with the installation of the chosen candidate.
Heshmat Alavi @HeshmatAlavi
Former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi: Biden will come towards #Iran in submission, will succumb to Iran’s conditions.
No way.
dey iz uzing smart diplomacy.
No need for diplomacy.
Looking for Big Bomb breakout may be a distraction.
Dirty little bombs.
Here, there, and everywhere Iran has a proxy.
Like Venezuela.
Deniability doesn’t even have to be plausible for the Three Monkeys whose names we already know.
The Inequality Act (HR 5) – which its supporters disingenuously call the “Equality Act” – will likely narrowly pass the House today.
The bill outrageously declares that the belief – held throughout human history since the dawn of time, and practiced by virtually every major religion – that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, to be a “sex stereotype.” Since sex discrimination would include so-called discrimination based on sex stereotypes, the legislation purports to make acting on one’s belief in traditional marriage to be illegal discrimination.
The bill opens up intimate shared facilities, like bathrooms and locker rooms,
The bill institutes mandates for radical curriculum that would teach children as young as kindergarten about things like gender dysphoria.
The bill would deny medical professionals their basic conscience rights and force them to engage in procedures and treatments
Mike Lindell, [25.02.21 16:58]
[Forwarded from The Great Unmatrix]
[ Video ]
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Liz Cheney and any other Republican that wants to make statements against President Donald Trump is a fool.”
(that’s my girl!/phoenix)
Worse than that, they are enemy agents.
What more do they have to do, before we can finally start calling a spade a spade?
The 21-year employee for Montgomery County Public Schools – who also runs Pirate Magic, a business that throws “pirate parties” for youngsters while he portrays a character named “Captain Silly Bones” – said he has since been placed on administrative leave.
Pirate Magic website says he has a Master’s in Child Psychology. The depravity is jaw dropping.
Wait for it… Victims come forward accusing Pirate Magic wanker of sexual assault.
Ok parents – time to unite.
Wow. These sick fs.
And he looks like Toobin.
John Geddert didn’t kill himself.
Without knowing anything more about it than found in interstate rest area, my thought is:
Maybe he did suicide, honestly. Who wants to go to prison for THAT?
I agree. I saw the headline about his being charged earlier today. Then the next time I looked at headlines, he had been found dead at a rest stop. He was supposed to turn himself in and didn’t show up. It is highly likely that he killed himself, IMO.
Pedos know what will happen if other prisoners find out what they’re in for. Of course, SOMETIMES they are segregated from the “general population” for that reason.
Unless Bagpipes Barr wants them dead, to protect the DS.
In that case, you put the suspect in a cell with an ex-cop who killed multiple people, and if that doesn’t work, you put the suspect in a cell with a roll of toilet paper and claim he hanged himself with magic-strength toilet paper.
And shut off all the cameras and have the guards fall asleep.
It’s so stupid, so impossibly ludicrous, the only possible explanation is that they want us to know they’re lying.
It’s now officially “self-inflicted gunshot”.
Back of the head?
Two shots, like usual?
I heard part of the press conference from the MI prosecutor.
There were something like 24 charges. Most of them involved “human traficking” and were based on things like: forced to continue to perform when injured (so any coach saying, “shake it off!” is a human traficker?), over-training (this guy was supposed to be turning out Olympians), overly harsh criticism (coaching, much?), and emphasis on body image, causing anorexia and bulimia (in women’s gymnastics — bowl me over with a feather. I wonder what they might find in ballet?).
Vanishingly little (though once would be enough….) about sexual misconduct. It did look like a bit of a railroad job from a hyperventilating prosecutor….based on a look at the prosecutor.
The guy retired in 2018. He likely never foresaw some Inspector Javert hounding him in 2021.
We may never know the full truth on this.
“We may never know the full truth on this.”
We don’t even know if anybody is actually living at the WH… or whether Joe Biden is ‘officially’ or ‘legally’ president… or whether they guy we see on TV is even Joe Biden, or some body double wearing a Hollywood / Mission Impossible style full-head mask.
So the chances that we’ll ever know the truth of what happened to the former gymnastics instructor are negative and approaching infinity…

One thing that makes me keep holding on to the belief that something IS actually going on behind the scenes is the preponderance of pedophilia/trafficking related stories in the news. It literally seems like a third of the headlines.
Rand Paul Is the Only Republican Willing to Ask Biden’s Transsexual Deputy Secretary of Health About His Views That Parents Should Be Cut Out of a Child’s Decision to Amputate His or Her Genitals—Ace
A clip of Rand Paul asking the question — multiple times, because Levine repeatedly evades answering — if he still believes that parents’ wishes should be ignored and that we should obey a child’s alleged desire to amputate parts of his body.
Levine’s hearings are today.
This is the moderate, centrist government that NeverTrump and the Republican Establishment put into office, just to spite actual conservatives and to prove that they own us.
By the way: Moderate, centrist Merrick Garland claimed that he hasn’t had time yet to even consider whether women and girls should be forced to compete in sports with biological males.
Continue reading
Posted by Ace at 04:23 PM Comments
He kept repeating the same rehearsed answer and refused to answer Rand’s questions. It was both laughable and hideous.
And my initial statement to Dr. Levin would have been. You know you are a guy right?
It’s a man in a dress that has welcomed and succumbed to the trans addiction. Addiction or degree of possession.
“It” makes a mockery of “Science”. “It” is beginning to normalize pedophilia and in your face bastardization of society. And you’re a racist if question their “science”.
Yes Charlie… we must STAND against it.
“It” triggered me in ways I can’t put words to.
I hear ya!
JUST IN – U.S. has carried out airstrikes against Iran-backed militia in #Syria in an operation approved by Joe Biden (Reuters)
This strike happened right after Biden called King Salman of Saudi Arabia.
Knowing now what 4 years of seeing how fake the fake news is…nothing that is reported about Syria or anywhere in the ME can probably be believed. Who’s really being bombed ? Could be anyone or nobody. They lie about everything. They show us victims that miraculously are moving under the tarps. They show us gassed, bloody kids that aren’t gassed or wounded.
They say it was airstrikes against Iran-backed militia but it might just as easily be innocent civilians.
They tell us what they want us to believe. Wonder what they’re setting us up for this time?
Wonder what they’re setting us up for this time?
failure of Trump’s ME Peace plan?
valerie jarret been quiet since the installation.
Whatever it is is all on Biden. Things were running smoothly until the war mongers stole the election.
Speaking of warmongers …I’d be interested to know who is providing supplies for the troops in DC ? Which relative or kickback buddy scored that gig?
King Salman and the Pretender on the phone, drooling and babbling. Sure, counterparts, statesmen.
Everything else looks like they’re trying for another Arab Spring. The MB targeting the KSA and the UAE.
Holding up fabulous weapons deals negotiated by our President that are _yuge_ => B-B-B-billions => U.S. JOBS, stretching over years.
The kind of deals that have Putin licking his chops as he polishes his merchandise. And this weekend is the year’s most important armaments convention, IDEX 2021.
Just keep in mind that the white hats are letting it all happen.
I have read about the insanity people lived under in Communist and former Communist countries, much of which is very similar to the psychological warfare being deployed against us 24/7/365.
And I have read how badly it messed the people up, for a generation or more, and in many places they are still trying to recover.
That’s what we have to look forward to, best case scenario.
Thanks, white hats.
No, really.
Bang-up job.
And the military… you guys are the best… seriously…
I personally don’t believe there are enough white hats left in any of the institutions to make a difference. IF there was DJT would rightfully be sitting in the oval office at this minute and we wouldn’t be facing the tidal wave of totalitarianism by ourselves.
The recent accusations toward currently serving military in all branches has got to have a lot of them seriously afraid. A couple of off the cuff remarks via text or FB , instagram…with radicalized superiors looking for a reason..Leavenworth isn’t where you want to go
Likely expendables or no real proof the air raids took place. Remember Obama was out dropping bombs all over the desert and flying many sorties that never did anything real back during the ISIS siege of Kobani and Mount Sinjar. It wasn’t until the French Air force started to fly with the US sorties that some broke off and began to drop real ordnance on on real ISIS that anything was really done. Real embarrassment for US Air force. Pretty much wiped off the internet. If you didn’t catch it when it happened it never happened.
It’s a bummer that just when DJT hammered it into us to question it all and Q too and 70 + million became energized and ready to keep fighting..the uniparty took over and we’re begging for them to listen to us.
Q left us hanging without saying a word, and the ‘white hats’ LET the uniparty take over.
So we would ‘awaken’, but we have to be extremely careful and work very hard to make sure nobody ever actually wakes up, because that would defeat the purpose of waking people up.
Or something.
Complicated business, just don’t ask any questions.
Trust the plan.
You know, the plan we were never actually privy too.
Trust that plan.
LOL…Exactly. All of the tens of millions WERE/ARE awake and voted.
Living and practically breathing ‘must win 2020’ for 4 years only to be robbed and the R’s rolled over like dogs.
We got nuttin now
Cvv’t bvvve a kvd fvr svvvvvvvvg avvvvs svvvvd be dvvvg.
Ooops.. actually found a remnant of the event from a “Weasel Whispers” story You can see it in the comments if not the story which is very skimmpy. (of course the link in the story that generated the comments below is gone).
Mike Lindell, [25.02.21 18:55]
[Forwarded from Great Awakening Channel
JUST IN – U.S. has carried out airstrikes against Iran-backed militia in #Syria in an operation approved by Joe Biden (Reuters)
This strike happened right after Biden called King Salman of Saudi Arabia.
Get a transcript of that conversation.
Gurgling in esperanto.
General McInerney, [25.02.21 16:48]
According to the United States Constitution the President must address the nation during the months of January or February per invitation from the speaker of the house.
The only person addressing the nation on 02/28/2021 is Donald John Trump.
And… Joe Biden didn’t win.
I still think the wording is reporting to CONgress; not addressing the nation. But I just might be wrong … won’t be the first time. !!!!
Well considering there was NO way to ADDRESS the nation when the Constitution was written, I’m sure you’re correct. So, might we say that it has become TRADITION to report to a joint session of Congress which is simultaneously an Address to the Nation?
Agree …
It also doesn’t specify when or how often…as you pointed out yesterday.
This is simply not true. Easily debunked by reading the US Constitution.
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.”
I recall hearing this reported early last week, and then it just disappeared. A speech, as opposed to a written report, has been delivered since 1913/Woodrow Wilson. Trump spoke to a joint session on 2/28/17 – was not called SOTU.
no you don’t. You would fuck him again four years reptile
BardsFM, Hiding In Plain Site – 20210224
Peace Be Still – 20210225
So according to Scott (BOW), DJT is the president of the United States.
Biden either is himself, or someone is playing Biden, wearing a Hollywood / C_A mask technology device in combination with TV camera filters and voice modulators to make it sound like Joe Biden, when it’s really not him, or presumably, Camel-Uh.
And the point of all this is a color revolution, to steal the nation and our rights, and trick us into giving the Cabal our country, simply by believing in the ‘movie’ that we are being presented.
What’s the point?
He doesn’t explain, or at least not why DJT is going along with it.
Supposedly there is lots of stuff going on ‘around the edges’.
Nothing about the Biden administration is real, we are told. Not AF1, not the WH (everything is being filmed in CA or somewhere, but not in D.C.). The ‘movie’ we’re watching is being presented with the aid and assistance of 1) the media and 2) hollywood and 3) C_A and 4) foreign bad actors and 5) giant corporations and Big Tech.
And then We the People need to ‘awaken’ and understand all of this, in order to stop it.
Well here’s an idea.
If We the People are supposed to ‘wake up’, if there is supposed to be a ‘Great Awakening’, then WHERE is ‘declass’?
Where is the Hunter Biden laptop?
Where is Hillary Clinton’s server?
Where is Anthony Weiner’s laptop?
Where is the REAL evidence of the election theft?
Where is Jeffrey Epstein?
Where are the whistle-blowers?
Where are the ARRESTS?
If the objective is to ‘awaken’ ANYBODY, it would be EEEE-Zeee.
Any single ONE of those things above would do it.
DJT could do it.
“Oh, but he can’t reveal the truth, because everybody would think he was wearing a tin-foil hat!”
BULL %$#@.
People who think that way are ENABLING the con.
People who rationalize and justify the ‘narrative’ are MAKING the con work, making it IMPOSSIBLE for people to ‘wake up’, which after all is the supposed ‘objective’.
But I’ll play along anyway.
So DJT can’t come right out and blurt the truth out about Biden’s phony administration, because [fill in the blank]. Whatever fantasy excuse people want to dream up.
It’s stupid — insane, literally — but okay.
All DJT would need to do is what he did when he casually let it slip that HCQ worked, that he had heard good things about it, he doesn’t know personally but people might want to look into it, yada, yada, yada.
That’s ALL he did about HCQ, and it was more than enough to:
1) cause millions of Americans to immediately investigate and find the truth that HCQ was a cheap, effective and readily available cure for China virus
2) cause the MSM to go into full-out Baghdad Bob damage control to claim that HCQ was anything but deadly
Just by slipping a couple words, casually, into a press conference.
Woke up at least 30 million people and dropped a live grenade in the lap of Cabal.
And then he did it again a few weeks later, after MSM had done their best to discredit HCQ, DJT casually mentioned at another press conference that he was taking HCQ as a preventative measure, with his doctor’s approval, and he had no ill side effects at all.
Very low key, very casual, very matter of fact, nobody could scream “tin foil hat! tin foil hat!” at him, all the enemy could do was screech and spin, dropping their OWN masks in the process.
Imagine if DJT casually mentioned that he doesn’t know who that is we keep seeing on TV, but it’s definitely not Joe Biden and that’s definitely not the Oval Office I worked out of for the last 4 years. That’s all for today, you folks have a good night and we’ll be talking with you soon. (wave, smile, walk away).
If the objective is actually to wake everybody up, if that is not the BIGGEST LIE IN THE WORLD, then they could wake everyone up in 5 seconds.
Waking people up is EASY.
It’s maintaining the DECEPTION that is HARD. Keeping the illusion going is HARD WORK, it requires an ever-widening conspiracy of insiders who have to maintain strict operational security, and the longer it goes on, the more impossible that task becomes.
By comparison, EXPOSING it is the easiest thing in the world!
Just like Scott’s example, pretending (the illusion) that he was a Nuristani, and even his friend the General of the Mujadin believed the illusion.
But ALL Scott had to do, to “wake up” his friend the Mujadin General, was to use his regular voice and speak English, and say “It’s me, Scott!”, and the illusion was broken, and the General recognized him through the disguise.
The ILLUSION is HARD. As Scott went to great length to explain, it took a LOT of time and effort to pull off the “illusion”.
BREAKING the ‘illusion’, or “waking up” the person who was being deceived, was EASY.
And that SAME EXACT TRUTH applies HERE and NOW.
If the TRUTH is that they want a “great awakening”, if the TRUTH is that the ‘white hats’ want for We the People to “wake up”, then *&^%ing DO IT already.
Because it would only take THIRTY SECONDS and all you *&^%ing liars KNOW IT.
Scott, I am on the same page as you are, I think.
So much of what I see/hear/read feels like such a reach to me.
The one thing I just CAN NOT accept is that President Trump would just fold up his tent, pick up his ball and go home. Not if his life was threatened, not if his family was threatened, just NO WAY. He has enough money to safely ensconce his loved ones anywhere on earth, and to surround himself with the best security money can buy.
So what the HELL happened? What is going on? Because I won’t believe Trump just LEFT US to our fates at the hands of our enemies. He loves us homely Americans. So what is he doing?
I agree Aubergine, I don’t believe DJT would ever give up under any circumstances.
I’m just not buying the excuses any more, because they don’t pass the laugh test.
We’re being lied to, by everyone.
Which means NOBODY is a ‘white hat’.
There are just two different factions fighting over the marbles, and we’re in the crossfire.
I can’t see the two sides. It only seems like one side. There wasn’t pandemonium from R’s today regarding the extremist appointments and radical proposed legislation.
A handful of firebrands isn’t a ‘side’’s a momentary distraction .
The not so funny part is that we’re their enemy. We’re irredeemable in their eyes. They have no need to even attempt to bring us into their fold.
I have to agree that is certainly how it feels.
Here’s a small crack in the armor. I think the reporter is Debra Saunders asking for clarification about the Marine Guard that is supposed to be there when POTUS is in the oval.
I can’t figure out the “great silence” either. I am especially furious about the forgotten Americans that gave video testimony and signed affidavits, at great personal risk, about their observations of fraud. Their lives will be ruined. I can’t believe Trump is speaking at CPAC. And if I hear a rehashed rally speech and cheerleading for 2022 candidates I might be officially done.
That being said, aside from Psaki’s show, with the select few carefully ushered in, nothing else is visible. There is no footage of anything, literally. And what little there absolutely has to be is done with very few people – those who would already know what was going on. There are no visitors, no tourists anywhere near with phones. I don’t see where it’s all that difficult to keep up the charade.
Does ANYTHING feel normal to you with regard to the WH situation?
“Does ANYTHING feel normal to you with regard to the WH situation?”
Nope, but here’s the thing.
We’re being asked to believe that this is all a ‘movie’, that either Biden isn’t really Biden it’s a body double, or that Biden isn’t actually living or working at the WH, and Biden doesn’t have any real power because this is all a fiction, etc.
And then we’re told that it’s like a fever dream, and the only way out is for some never disclosed number of people to ‘wake up’, without having any way to quantify the number or any definition of what ‘awakened’ even means.
And the simple truth is that if any of the ‘narrative’ about the Biden fake presidency is true, if it’s a DECEPTION, then exposing it would be the easiest thing in the world to do.
If anybody who OPPOSED them actually wanted to expose it.
So on the one hand we’re constantly propagandized that America needs a ‘great awakening’, and it’s desperately needed, because if enough people don’t wake up and SOON, all is lost.
PANIC! Danger, danger Will Robinson!
On the other hand, the people pushing this propaganda narrative, if they were for real, could EXPOSE the deception and wake EVERYBODY up in 30 seconds, if they WANTED to.
The illusion CANNOT be maintained without the cooperation of the people who claim to oppose the illusion.
So if the illusion/deception narrative is true, the people pushing it are liars about wanting it to be exposed.
And if the illusion/deception narrative is false, then the people pushing it are liars.
So either way, whether there is a ‘grand deception’ taking place or not, the people claiming to be on the side of We the People are lying.
I understand, and as I said I can’t figure out the silence from Trump either. I go from being disillusioned, to what Aubergine said. It always comes back to “do I believe that Trump would just walk away and abandon us?” And I can’t answer yes to that question. Not yet anyway.
Yes, thank-you.
Related, an update:
I’m no longer suffering withdrawal from hopium pains.
I’m not happy, but I’m straight and capable of processing information.
The cold hard truth is just that..cold and very hard.
We’re going to need to develop survival skills for the new American reality. It hasn’t even been 2 months yet and our country, which is already on life support, has had it’s entire value system trashed. It’s not only in the social’s by decree/law.
When they say it..believe them. They’re close to actually criminalizing speaking about or defending marriage between a woman and man… your own personal belief set can brand you now and very easily get you charged with a crime..
Believe or disbelieve narrative, reality doesn’t care.
For just ONE example: The alien invasion force at the border.
Scott, Scott, Scott!!! Calm down!!!
If I could write a book (post haste) and explain it all – I would – but, you have to calm down, first.
1) All is not what it appears to be – you got that much –
2) PT cannot do this all by himself – no one but, us would believe him – remember – the ones who are asleep are programmed to hate him
3) If PT did not step down – the plandemic would never end – the Dim states would not open up – and people would not be able to get back to work.
4) You cannot charge a person with a crime until they commit the crime – think coup
5) The ‘Illusion’ is NOT for you – it is for the ‘sleepers’ who would riot if not for the ‘illusion’.
6) We know the ‘Truth’ – these people are CROOKS – but, those who are still ‘asleep’ have no idea – because they still believe in the ‘system’
7) Exposing is not easy – you cannot just TELL people – you must SHOW them
8) The ‘Real Evidence’ of Election Theft is with cyber command – the Space Force – they have the ‘computer’ evidence.
9) The ‘physical evidence’ of Election Theft is with numerous people – Powell, Wood, Lindell, and many others who have witnessed it firsthand
10) The MSM is complicit – but, they, too, must be exposed for their part in Election Fraud – we know how they do it
11) We know the stats for the Plandemic were fudged – but, no matter how many doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs attest to that – only the awaken believe the entire operation was blown out of proportion
12) We (the Patriots) are not perpetrating the ‘CON’ – the Cabal is – it is their illusion that makes them believe they are still in charge
This is just off the top of my head, Scott – if I have left anything out – I am sure you will let me know – however – I hope some of what I have presented above makes sense to you – and you feel better.
This is a BIG PUZZLE with many puzzle pieces – and someone threw out the box so we cannot even see what the ‘final picture’ looks like.
Peace, Brother Scott – If I were nearby – I would give you a hug – and assure you everything will be all righty – how do I know that? Because I know God is in charge – and He will NOT let America fall!!!
The other thing here is what the Deplorables want as justice is not going to solve the problem. The head(s) of the snake have to be cut off, burned and then buried for the system to get fixed. None of those people are American lawmakers.
And Americans are VERY myopic about that.
True – and quite impatient for things to happen – arrests to be made – does not mean nothing is happening – or that arrests have not been made – I guess some thought we would see Military Tribunals – dunno where that was promised – I wonder how many of the ‘bad actors’ have doubles – for the people we are seeing now – example – the (2) Bidens – how many have already been removed – and doubles are taking their places.
We were warned about what will be revealed – too horrible for words – the 1st arrest would shock the world.
We might hear from the SC today or tomorrow – there are cases pending today – just like last Friday.
Taking down the Swamp is not an easy task – because it is everywhere – in every government and agency around the world – if it is so large – how can we expect it to come down all at once.
Would we be happy if there was an arrest and one of the bad actors got away? I do not think so – I think there IS a plan – and that plan is slowly unfolding.
I don’t remember who posted this, but this interview is worth listening to. How, exactly, we are supposed to stand up and save the country hasn’t been made clear yet, but for background on where we are, this rings true based on other research and 30+ years of really watching what has been going on.
Thanks, DP – did not see that one – but, did hear something about Wall Street being a swamp hub for money laundering to the tune of $3T.
More than that.
One of the things that this guest of RDS talks about is the collapse of the breakfast tradition on Wall Street. I can personally attest to THE SAME SORT OF COLLAPSE of the lunch clubs here in STL. It was a thing with the big law firms and the wealth management companies and judges and so forth. They’re gone, for the most part, all but the Missouri Athletic Club which somewhat survives on renting out the ballroom space for proms and the like, and the St. Louis Club which is in the county seat. Members can use the rooms for meetings of all sorts – and I was on a first name basis with the manager at one point – but lunch there is a big deal. So is dinner.
Hmmm…perks of the job – I guess
Perks? More business is done on golf courses and over a meal than just about any other way than stepping out for a cigar.
There was one restaurant here that was known to be the ideal breakfast meeting location. I made reservations there more than once for the people I worked for.
It’s just the way it works.
True about business on golf courses – in restaurants – the way it works with perks
“The head(s) of the snake have to be cut off, burned and then buried for the system to get fixed. None of those people are American lawmakers.”
That’s what Special Forces are for.
It’s what they do.
Both for play and for work.
And they’re very good at it.
“Scott, Scott, Scott!!! Calm down!!!”
I am very calm… sometimes I just convey the battle raging within more than at other times, when I don’t restrain it as well as I ought to
“2) PT cannot do this all by himself – no one but, us would believe him – remember – the ones who are asleep are programmed to hate him”
Well he’s going to have to do it by himself now.
Like everyone here, I did everything I could to encourage and help and explain what was going on to and for my ‘circle of influence’, for lack of a better expression.
Like most here, I was all the way out at the end of that limb, because it was all or nothing — go big or go home.
On January 6th they left us holding a flaming bag of %$#&.
But we knew we were right and didn’t miss a beat, encouraging everyone and explaining the multiple avenues of how everything could work out.
On January 20th, they left us holding another flaming bag of &#$%.
We still knew we were right, we knew Trump won in a landslide, we knew DJT had ALL the evidence AND ‘declass’, that he could drop the BIG ONE or even just a LITTLE one and disrupt everything, flipping the script and turning the world upside down.
And he could have.
Instead, we inched back out to the end of that limb again, explaining to anyone who would still listen, that there were (and are) still easy ways to win. Flynn asked us to ‘re-enlist for 30 more days’ after the example of General Washington.
That deadline coincided with something I don’t even remember now, but we went back out on the limb again, told our people what to expect and why, and the last thing I remember hearing was the sound of a circular saw before the branch snapped, and landed on another flaming bag of ^%$#.
Then it was supposed to be something by March 4th.
But nobody’s listening anymore.
I don’t know about anybody else, but my credibility is shot with my ‘circle of influence’. The people who laughed got the last laugh, and the people who believed or defended me against the mockers were laughed to scorn.
If this was a psy-op by the ‘white’ hats to isolate patriots from their sphere of influence, it was an unmitigated success. Quite literally, they could not have done a better or more thorough job.
So I’d love to help. I’ll still lead the charge. I’ll never give up, but that’s because fighting is what I know how to do.
Most people aren’t like that and would never want to be, and I don’t blame them… I didn’t want to be either… that’s just how it worked out…

So I’ll charge over the hill again, anytime, anywhere… but nobody’s going to follow.
And I can’t blame them, not even the slightest bit.
So whenever DJT is ready, just say the word and I’ll crawl out of the trench into no man’s land. But if he expects anybody to go with me, he better send ’em.
Because I don’t have a squad anymore. I’m on my own, I’m a ghost, living off the land, behind enemy lines
Oh, dear, dear Scott!!! What’s a mother or father to do? Life IS like a box of chocolates – you never know what you are going to get.
We know who ‘messed’ up on January 6th – and on January 20th, too – could we do anything to stop it – I do not think so – because we keep hoping that someone will stand up and fix this mess – preferably PT – and it appears nothing is happening to change this matrix in which we live or chart a course out of the labyrinth we traverse daily.
Credibility lost – mine went down the toilet long ago – when the ‘fix’ was in – and that demon with his ‘fake’ wife occupied the WH – throughout the BB years – we held on by a thread – but, he was related to a long line of devil worshippers – so no relief there – even tho we thought we dodged a bullet with CC who told us he balanced the budget – I could go on backwards but it is too depressing chronicling our slavery of the past to the present day.
You still have a squad – and they are still waiting for the ‘hammer’ to drop – we all are.
I do not have a magic formula or strategic maneuver to provide a remedy for the mess in which we currently find ourselves – I just know God is the only entity (spirit) in this upside down world who has all of the answers – He talks to some ‘special’ people – and provides some clues – much more powerful than Q – but, He rarely gives a timeline.
We can choose to ‘throw in the towel’ and be discouraged – OR – we can trust in God with all of our hearts – lean not on our own understanding – acknowledge Him in all of our ways – and know He will make our path straight – we can be not wise in our own eyes – turn from evil – and do good.
We should never doubt the power of God in all of this – because it is He who parted the Red Sea – and freed His people from years of oppression – if He did it for them – He can do it for America.
Only God knows the path forward – no man can predict it or explain it or direct it. Only God can ‘Save America’ – no man or group can do it!!!
“3) If PT did not step down – the plandemic would never end – the Dim states would not open up – and people would not be able to get back to work.”
He has so many better options it’s hard to even know where to start. The way you end the plandemic is by exposing the fraud and arresting all the fraudsters — who also just happen to be traitors and mass-murderers. The MSM too, arrest them all for treason, revoke their licenses, seize their assets.
There are plenty of credible doctors who know the scam that is being perpetrated and who could explain it to the People.
No one in a million generations of humanity has ever tried this Rube Goldberg construct — even to the point of handing over the presidency to a hostile foreign superpower! — in order to gently nudge the Sleestaks out of their peaceful slumber and safe spaces.
Even Myanmar knows how to end the insanity. They didn’t wait around for paint-huffing and glue-sniffing globohomos to wake up, they went in and arrested the president (a Hussein and Hitlery acolyte) and all the politicians and crooked judges. So did Egypt a few years back.
It’s not like we have to reinvent the wheel here.
What we’re doing is a set-up, an open-ended excuse to never reach a conclusion, like the ‘war on terror’ updated and retreaded for the 2020s.
“4) You cannot charge a person with a crime until they commit the crime – think coup”
I know the narrative, but how many crimes do they have to commit? There are so many documented crimes in the public domain already that not even news junkies can keep track of them all (well, maybe Gail can
Besides that, the coup is complete. Has been since January 20th.
We should call Myanmar.
They know what to do…

“5) The ‘Illusion’ is NOT for you – it is for the ‘sleepers’ who would riot if not for the ‘illusion’.”
They wouldn’t riot, not if the financiers and the organizers were arrested. Myanmar would arrest them, that I can tell you!
But even if the terminally stupid did riot, so what?
The same goof squads rioted all summer, didn’t make any difference to my life. Or most peoples’ lives, unless they live in the heart of a blue city.
If the goons venture out into the burbs, normal Americans have plenty of ways to fix their wagon, and if they venture into the rural areas, they’d never be seen again.
And that’s only if the National Guard all get amnesia at the same time and forget who they are or what their job is.
What about all the people in Myanmar who were peacefully sleeping, loving the Kool-Aid guzzling Obamabot that cheated her way into power?
Did they riot?
If they did, did it matter?
“6) We know the ‘Truth’ – these people are CROOKS – but, those who are still ‘asleep’ have no idea – because they still believe in the ‘system’ ”
The military of Myanmar didn’t wait for anybody to wake up… they realized their country was in heap ‘um big trouble, and took action. Probably because their military leadership doesn’t wear pink pussy hats when they’re not in uniform.

I mean seriously, this plan is so dangerously inept not even a Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal would think of trying it.
Think about it… give up the REPUBLIC… to a hostile foreign superpower… not because you couldn’t easily stop it with the military, because you could… but because you’re just so doggone sensitive and golly gosh darn big-hearted that there is literally nothing you wouldn’t do for the intentionally Wojaked.
You’ll wreck the country, wreck the lives of every decent law abiding American, wreck the economy, allow the borders to be opened to transnational gangs and drugs and human trafficking, allow the enemy to shut down our energy production, push the national debt into a neighboring galaxy, ALL to spare the sleeping angels with C I V I L I T Y tattooed on their brass knuckles?
You can’t really believe that?
“7) Exposing is not easy – you cannot just TELL people – you must SHOW them”
I’m all for showing them, but in order to show them, you have to actually SHOW them!
Wiener laptop, Clinton server, Epstein, Hunter Biden laptop, ironclad election fraud evidence, ‘declass’, all of it and a thousand things we don’t even know about. They never showed ANY of it.
They can’t keep claiming to want to ‘wake people up’, and NEVER SHOW them anything.
It’s 3-card Monte.
They’re LYING.
“8) The ‘Real Evidence’ of Election Theft is with cyber command – the Space Force – they have the ‘computer’ evidence.”
Great, they should SHOW it then. I know, I know, “but then the evidence couldn’t be used to prosecute anyone”.
Of course it could. There’s no law that says if the public finds out about a crime, the criminals go free. If there was, criminals would just publish the details of their own crimes as soon as they committed them…

And if we’re in a parallel universe where publishing evidence really did mean we couldn’t prosecute them, that’s probably a fair trade-off to prevent the CCP from taking over the Republic.
And besides that, the election fraud is only one out of a MILLION different death-penalty eligible crimes that these traitors have committed.
We’re just pulling excuses out of our posteriors at this point…
“9) The ‘physical evidence’ of Election Theft is with numerous people – Powell, Wood, Lindell, and many others who have witnessed it firsthand”
If our people are not competent enough to put a case together with this much evidence — more evidence than 90% of all the people in prison were convicted with, according to Sidney Powell, and she only had a fraction of the evidence — then our team just isn’t ready for prime time.
Or even nap time…

It’s ridiculous… we can’t keep making these excuses with a straight face…
“10) The MSM is complicit – but, they, too, must be exposed for their part in Election Fraud – we know how they do it”
Arrest them with everybody else, and put them on public trial, Nuremberg style, and the whole world will learn and see exactly what the MSM and everybody else did.
The answers to all the problems are not difficult, and they’re not new, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here, and there never has been.
We’re just parroting a ‘narrative’ of our own, an excuse to rationalize and explain why can never win, no matter what, not even when our guy is the most powerful man on earth.
I can’t tell myself these lies, I never have been able to, not when nothing adds up — and nothing adds up.
And if the real reason is because they need to gently awaken the traitorous dipshits of the world? If the reason they turned the Republic over to a foreign enemy was to spare the ‘shock’ of reality to the people who hate us and want to kill us?
Then our guys are worse then our enemies.
That’s the real truth.
“11) We know the stats for the Plandemic were fudged – but, no matter how many doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs attest to that – only the awaken believe the entire operation was blown out of proportion”
Who cares what people believe, when did that become a ‘thing’?
Seriously, think about it for a second.
Can you think of a single time, in all of history, where prosecutors didn’t arrest or prosecute someone, because it might disturb the sensibilities of of the ‘woke’?
It’s insane.
There is no way to justify, rationalize or explain it. Not even if you twist and contort yourself into a pretzel. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t pass the laugh test. It’s just a ‘narrative’ that has been repeated so many times that it’s like “The Big Lie”, people just internalize it and believe it because it’s been repeated a million times.
For whatever reason, that doesn’t work on me, because it’s ridiculous on its face.
“12) We (the Patriots) are not perpetrating the ‘CON’ – the Cabal is – it is their illusion that makes them believe they are still in charge”
And DJT or the military could blow up their stupid little game in 5 seconds if they WANTED TO.
No different than Scott (Bards of War) could have blown his cover at any time, just by making a careless gesture or forgetting the correct posture or not remembering the Pashtun word for ding-dong or a thousand other things.
Exposing the truth is easy.
Maintaining the deception is hard.
But our side keeps gaslighting us, claiming it’s the other way around.
That’s insane.
Think about it…
“This is just off the top of my head, Scott – if I have left anything out – I am sure you will let me know – however – I hope some of what I have presented above makes sense to you – and you feel better.”
I love you duchess, I know you mean well, and I appreciate very much the time you took to reply, but the ‘narrative’ you are repeating doesn’t reconcile with basic reality.
Scott at BOW spent at least half an hour explaining how difficult it was to put together the illusion and then pull it off, and how if even one thing had gone wrong, he could have been dead.
It is hard and dangerous work to create and maintain the illusion. You don’t even need to TRY to expose it, chances are you’ll make a mistake and expose YOURSELF completely by accident.
If someone KNOWS (like DJT) that it’s an illusion, then you’re dead. No different than if some Taliban had recognized Scott in his disguise… it would have been lights out.
So this narrative that everyone (besides us) needs to be awakened, but they just can’t be, but they have to be, but nobody who CAN do it WILL do it, but it needs to happen, but we can’t, but soon it has to happen, but… but.. but… just stop.
Be still.
It’s a feedback loop of nonsense.
Waking people up is easy.
But they have to actually WANT to do it, instead of just talk about it endlessly to our own people.
That’s the truth.
Nobody has ever even contemplated doing something this insane before.
We have a military for exactly this reason, and the military swears an oath to the Constitution for exactly this reason, to STOP what is happening now from happening.
NOT to fix it after the fact, but to STOP it from happening in the first place.
And nobody cares whether the little people poop their pants or have a tantrum about it.
Not in reality land.
Only in fantasy land, were big government is Mama and the military is Papa and they’re bears who live out in the woods, and we’re Goldilocks, and… I can’t even go on, it’s too stupid… all of it is too stupid for words.
What we are experiencing, right now, makes conservative abuse syndrome feel like the best day of our life by comparison.
This is MAGA abuse syndrome.
On steroids.
“This is a BIG PUZZLE with many puzzle pieces – and someone threw out the box so we cannot even see what the ‘final picture’ looks like.”
Don’t need to know what the final picture looks like, guns (military) solves that problem without the box, or even the puzzle pieces.
And thus has it always been.
What’s happening now?
That has never been, never ever, not even once, not in all of recorded human history.
And whenever you’re attempting something that has never been tried in human history before, much less successfully, that’s a sign you might could use a better plan… FAST.
“Peace, Brother Scott – If I were nearby – I would give you a hug – and assure you everything will be all righty – how do I know that? Because I know God is in charge – and He will NOT let America fall!!!”
Thank you duchess, you are always sweet to me, and I am grateful for it

Scott (you) – did you wake up one morning and automatically know (understand) everything all at once? Or – did it take some time doing research, connecting the dots, interspersing the players, and coming to logical conclusions?
Evil minions have frantically executed (over centuries) the intricacies of their plan to rule the world – it is one crisis after another – and the Hegelian Dialect – Problem – Reaction – Solution – they keep adjusting their ‘plan’ to provide for changes in governments, war, famine, plagues, and the like – they are patient – we are not – we went from TV dinners to Internet instant solutions – quickly.
Scott (BOW) adjusted to varying challenging situations – in his mind – to get from here to there – one had to innovate – strategize – and play a role – his quandary was unique because he was operating in a foreign land.
What we have in DC is the occupation by a foreign entity – the role playing is essential to keep the ‘illusion’ going – the illusion that they are in charge – are they operating in a ‘secure’ compound – or are they prisoners of their own making?
If I told you arrests were made – Military Tribunals were held – and punishments were meted – you would not believe me – why? Because I have no proof – and yet – you have no proof it has not happened, either – just that you have not seen it – well – I have not seen it, either – but, I know arrests have been made around the world – pedophile rings and the like – and children have been rescued – even though the MSM has not reported much on these arrests.
I get the idea you have certain people in mind you would like to see arrested – honestly, I have my own list – and we both want justice to be served.
The awakening has more to do with those who are asleep – not the patriots who are already awake.
It should not surprise us that the current ‘bad actors’ in DC are feverishly working to undo what PT did to lift up America – because their goal is to destroy America and complete their 16-year plan – temporarily postponed by the Trump Presidential Interruption.
The ‘Illusion’ did not begin on January 20th – it has been going on since 1871 – accentuated in the 1860’s with slavery – and accelerated in 1913. Meanwhile – back at the ranch – many people got outrageously wealthy by being on the wrong side of history – while patriots were fighting to hold onto whatever they had – their counterparts were feverishly advancing toward their NWO.
Did you think all of this would be resolved in four (4) short years? The reality is – it could not – however – the foundation could have been laid 50 years ago by military strategists.
Where am I going with this? Well – considering the swamp is deep and wide and worldwide – how in the world could we have done better than what we have accomplished thus far? Evil people have run roughshod over the entire world – enslaved generations of people worldwide for centuries – it is what they do – how they make their money – and why it is near impossible (aside through an Act of God) to defeat them.
God is in charge – and right about now – He is as peeved as we are with what is happening and/or not happening for the good of all. I suspect His vengeance will fall upon satan and his cohorts in due time.
“Scott (you) – did you wake up one morning and automatically know (understand) everything all at once?”
Of course not, but the government wasn’t (and surely isn’t) waiting on me, waiting for me to understand anything (in this world!), before doing what the government is going to do, about anything.
I’m not relevant, and neither is my understanding, about anything, to the government. Whether I live or die is not relevant to the government. It’s not about me.
And it’s not about the jugheads who we’re constantly told must somehow ‘awaken’, conveniently and coincidentally without ever being shown anything to awaken them. It has turned into some kind of new-age Oprah Winfrey mantra, this whole ‘awakening’ nonsense, which in turn became the justification for sitting on our hands while the country gets stolen, because ‘awakening’.
What would be different, even if every person in the country suddenly ‘awakened’, whatever that even means (nobody ever defines it, by design)?
Why didn’t we use this same strategy in WWII? Why aren’t we trying to convince the Germans that Hitler is bad — not telling them, because sometimes people need to be shown — so why aren’t we SHOWING them?
Why didn’t we do that?
Because it’s stupid new-age gibberish, that’s why…

If anybody had gone to Patton with a plan like that, Patton would have bitch-slapped them so hard it would have made their great grandchildren sore.
“Or – did it take some time doing research, connecting the dots, interspersing the players, and coming to logical conclusions?”
It took time of course, but I had to want to know. Nobody can make anybody want to know, and nobody can change anyone’s mind, and it’s insane to even try.
Did all the Germans who supported Hitler and the Nazis change their minds before the war was ended? Of course not. Did all the Germans who supported Hitler and the Nazis change their minds after the war was ended?
Of course not, most of them went to their graves believing their cause was just.
So what the People believed was simply NOT RELEVANT to the need to END the WAR. So the war ended anyway, because if we had not ended it, if we had gone on this idiot fool’s errand of trying to convince all the Germans that Hitler was a bad man first, we would still be fighting Germany 75+ years later.
And if we wait until all the People today are ‘awakened’ and come around to the truth and have a cum-by-ya moment, we’ll still be trapped in the same nonsense 75 from years from now, with no end in sight.
Did Caesar wait with his armies outside Carthage (or vice versa) until the Carthaginians ‘got their minds right’ and understood that their leaders were bad people, or did they just do what they had to do?
Did Genghis Khan have some new-age guru help him to understand his enemies better, and create a magnificent show and tell project to help his enemies see how bad their rulers were, so everybody was on the same page and ‘awakened’, before Genghis Khan attacked? Or did he just do it?
Alexander the Great?
Attila the Hun?
The 12 tribes of Israel?
Has anyone ever, in the history of time itself, going back to the moment God created the earth and everything in it — did anybody ever sit around and wait for anyone to ‘awaken’ to the ‘badness’ of their current situation, allowing the enemy to take over their own country if need be, in order to not upset the simpletons or — gasp! — risk that they might… dare I speak it aloud… riot?!?
It’s so far beyond ridiculous, I don’t know how two sane people can even disagree over it.

“Evil minions have frantically executed (over centuries) the intricacies of their plan to rule the world – it is one crisis after another – and the Hegelian Dialect – Problem – Reaction – Solution – they keep adjusting their ‘plan’ to provide for changes in governments, war, famine, plagues, and the like – they are patient – we are not – we went from TV dinners to Internet instant solutions – quickly.”
Yes, because their man was always in power, and our man never was.
But then, against all odds, we had our guy in power, with the most powerful military in the history of humanity at his fingertips.
For four years, and if he had wanted to, for four more.
At any moment, he could have done what he should have done, what any other leader in the history of leading would have done.
But he didn’t.
He walked away.
Maybe it’s all a big game of deception.
Maybe I’m in a coma right now, and have been for decades, and what’s really going on is that you’re my doctor, and you’re trying to ‘awaken’ ME, gently, because I’ve been asleep for so long that I might die if I wake suddenly.
And maybe I’m fighting it, because I don’t recognize you’re trying to help me wake up, so there’s this big internal struggle going on, and as my doctor, you’ve decided that the best way to help me wake up is to present me with the most outlandish and impossible scenario that anyone could ever imagine, to present me with irreconcilable fact after irreconcilable fact, in order to make me realize that I must be trapped inside a dream world, because in any real world, the things I’m witnessing could never happen.
Okay then, I’m ready. SLAP me. Throw some cold water on me. I’m ready to wake up.
I’m going to lean back, get comfortable, and wait for it.
In 3… 2… 1… now.
Well, that was something of a let-down. I opened my eyes, and I’m right where I was before, and your smiling face was nowhere to be found!
“Scott (BOW) adjusted to varying challenging situations – in his mind – to get from here to there – one had to innovate – strategize – and play a role – his quandary was unique because he was operating in a foreign land.”
Yes, of course, and he had to work hard to maintain that illusion, to keep that ‘role’ going, without being discovered.
Exposing the illusion, ‘waking up’ his adversaries would have been all too easy, which is why Scott had to work so hard (and take such great risk) to try to STOP them from waking up and realizing who he was.
We have the opposite situation. Our team claims to WANT to wake everybody up, they just can’t seem to figure out how to do it.
Pull the beard off. Take the goofy hat off. Stop speaking Pastun. Or publish ‘declass’, publish the contents of any of the multiple laptops, publish the evidence of election fraud, publish the evidence of the 4+ year long coup, SHOW somebody SOMETHING.
At least pretend like they’re TRYING to wake even one person up, if they’re going to lie to us that they’re trying to wake EVERYBODY up… GOOD GRIEF, Charlie Brown!
And the worst part is, even if they WERE trying to wake anybody up (hint, they’re not!), it still wouldn’t matter! It would change nothing!!!
We have been propagandized into thinking this is some infantile game, where the Republic itself can and will be sacrificed if necessary, in order to protect all the sleeping beauties so they can be gradually coddled into reality.
It’s insane idiocy.
It has never happened before in the history of mankind, and for very good reason: because it’s I N S A N E.
“What we have in DC is the occupation by a foreign entity – the role playing is essential to keep the ‘illusion’ going – the illusion that they are in charge – are they operating in a ‘secure’ compound – or are they prisoners of their own making?”
Why does it matter?
This is what I keep asking, and no one has anything even approaching an answer, I just get more plot lines. I know the plot. I know the movie. A to B to C to D to E to F to G.
It’s playing on a loop. I’ve seen it for more than 4 years straight. The projector is stuck at “on”, and the projectionist died before the last reel was started.
We keep getting to the point where Godzilla is supposed to smash Tokyo into little pieces, but then it goes back to the beginning of the last reel.
I checked on the audience, and the ones who haven’t left the theater are passed out in their seats. The projectionist is dead. The 3rd reel of the movie is on an infinity loop.
“If I told you arrests were made – Military Tribunals were held – and punishments were meted – you would not believe me – why?” Because I have no proof – and yet – ”
And yet, if the ‘white’ hats were really trying to ‘awaken’ the sleeping angels of antifablm and their supporters, then we would have MORE PROOF than we would know what to do with.
You don’t WAKE PEOPLE UP by keeping everything that would WAKE THEM UP a secret.
“you have no proof it has not happened, either – just that you have not seen it – well – I have not seen it, either – but, I know arrests have been made around the world – pedophile rings and the like – and children have been rescued – even though the MSM has not reported much on these arrests.”
And that’s great, but those don’t even qualify as minnows.
This is a war, not a police action.
In war, you either win or all your people are dead.
If you know Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is flying from the Japanese mainland to some outpost, you aren’t concerned with public perception or paperwork or dotting i’s and crossing t’s, you send a squadron of P-38 Lightnings to the coordinates your intelligence services provided, and when you see his plane, you SHOOT IT DOWN with extreme prejudice.
And you do the same thing if Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s name happens to be George, or Valerie, or Billy, or Bubba, or Hitlery, or Hussein, or any of the other high ranking enemy officials.
What you don’t do, not ever, not in a thousand million lifetimes, is turn the country OVER to those same enemies, out of concern that the general population is just too dainty and infantile to accept reality, so it would be better to give up and let them all be slaves to a murderous group of psychopathic tyrannical monsters instead.
“I get the idea you have certain people in mind you would like to see arrested – honestly, I have my own list – and we both want justice to be served.”
It’s way beyond any list at this point. Our COUNTRY is being run by the Chinese Communist Party!

The WAR has already been won, we just don’t want to admit it!
It’s SICK.
This is sick. It’s mental sickness.
Either that, or our own side is gaslighting us into insanity.
And if that’s the case, the *&^% them.
They have no &^%$ing right to do that, and if they are, then they are worse than the enemy.
We COULD have done something about it.
THEY stopped us. THEY assured us that we would only get in the way, THEY said “trust the [bogus] plan”.
And then they turned the country over to the enemy, and the military let it happen.
And now we’re just sitting around, trying to rationalize how any of that could have happened, after the deal is already done.
I don’t want to see arrests.
They should be DEAD.
D E A D dead.
“The awakening has more to do with those who are asleep – not the patriots who are already awake.”
How will they ever awaken, if the geniuses with ‘the plan’ will never show them the evidence required to ‘awaken’ them?
Sometimes people can’t be told, they must be shown… right?
What if the only people who have the EVIDENCE simply will not SHOW it?
Welcome to the feedback loop of nonsense.
“The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them, The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them, The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them, The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them, The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them, The People must be awakened before anything can happen, they can only be awakened by showing them, but we will not show them…”
“It should not surprise us that the current ‘bad actors’ in DC are feverishly working to undo what PT did to lift up America – because their goal is to destroy America and complete their 16-year plan – temporarily postponed by the Trump Presidential Interruption.”
It doesn’t surprise me, not in the slightest. The enemy never surprises me. I know the enemy is evil, I know they want the cheese, I know they know exactly where the cheese is, and I know that as soon as any obstacle between the enemy and the cheese is removed, the enemy will go right for the cheese, every single time.
No one is more predictable and understandable than the enemy.
It’s OUR side that never makes any sense.
The enemy has been winning with their strategy since long before I was born. Maybe our side could learn a thing or two from what the enemy does that works so well, instead of inventing a square wheel…
“The ‘Illusion’ did not begin on January 20th – it has been going on since 1871 – accentuated in the 1860’s with slavery – and accelerated in 1913.”
And the reason it continues, to this day, is because nobody in a position to stop it has the guts to do it.
Because if they did, they would.
Bullets don’t discriminate.
They work just as well on bad guys as they do on us.
The problem is that nobody ever shoots at the bad guys, not even out of self defense, when they’re shooting at us.
“Meanwhile – back at the ranch – many people got outrageously wealthy by being on the wrong side of history – while patriots were fighting to hold onto whatever they had – their counterparts were feverishly advancing toward their NWO.”
Yes, this segment of the film has been playing on a continuous loop for over 70 years now, I know it well.
Against all odds, we finally had our guy in the projection room — for four years.
He had 1,460 days to change the reel, to stop the insanity, but apparently he likes that section of the movie, so he left it on and went to Florida.
Whaddaya gonna do?
“Did you think all of this would be resolved in four (4) short years?”
Yes. Yes I do.
Myanmar didn’t wait four years.
If you can’t do it in four years, then why even start, if you’re just going to let the enemy come in and undo everything you’ve done?
So if the plan doesn’t resolve ‘all of this’ in four years, at least to the extent that America is saved and we can finish the war abroad in the second term, then you need a better plan.
We won WWII in four years, and that was practically starting from nothing. We didn’t have the best military in the world in 1941, or the necessary ships, or the tanks, or the planes, or any of it.
Not like we do now.
Apparently our military was of much heartier stock back on those wondrous days of yore.
“The reality is – it could not –”
Myanmar did.
Egypt did.
If the U.S. military is too afraid, because they’re not a real military, their fashionistas who are paralyzed with concern over ‘optics’ like the Kardashians, then all that was needed to ‘awaken’ the American People was to show them — remember the major plot line of the ‘movie’, sometimes you can’t tell people, you have to SHOW them — but our guys just never got around to SHOWING the American People ANYTHING.
Not ‘declass’, not election fraud proof, not Hitlery’s server contents, not Hunter Biden’s laptop contents, not Anthony Weiner’s laptop contents, not proof of a gazillion other things, any one of which would have ‘awakened’ the Public like pouring hot coffee in their lap.
Didn’t do it.
The reason why they didn’t do it will be interesting for the postmortem, but the patient is still dead.
“however – the foundation could have been laid 50 years ago by military strategists.”
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
We have a nation state, Cabal doesn’t.
We have the most powerful military in the world, Cabal doesn’t.
We had a patriot in the WH who understood all there is to know about Cabal.
The amount of power concentrated in that office is beyond what 99% of Americans (certainly including me) can even begin to grasp.
Turned it over to the CCP.
Now Cabal has their guy in the WH.
“Where am I going with this? Well – considering the swamp is deep and wide and worldwide – how in the world could we have done better than what we have accomplished thus far?”
One of the very first things you do in hostile territory is shut down enemy communications. That would mean the MSM.
Because the MSM is the enemy’s most powerful weapon, the one tool which more than anything else influences and controls all the people our side CLAIMS they want to ‘awaken’ (but doesn’t really mean it).
The Executive Orders were all signed and active, but even without them, the entire MSM could have (and SHOULD have) been arrested and prosecuted for High Treason in public military tribunals.
Along with 90% of the judges and at least 90% of Congress.
When in doubt, let Myanmar be your guide.
This is not a police matter, it is a WAR for planet earth.
And the Constitution doesn’t care what the sleepy people think, their sleepiness is not relevant. Doesn’t matter.
If they ever actually care enough to wake up, and they don’t want to be freed, they can take their best shot fighting the United States military.
Good luck with that.
(actually, they might win, considering our military gave up the whole country without even a fistfight).
“Evil people have run roughshod over the entire world – enslaved generations of people worldwide for centuries – it is what they do – how they make their money – and why it is near impossible (aside through an Act of God) to defeat them.”
And our side let them do it, even when we FINALLY had the power to make it stop.
There is no position or power to make it stop than the office of the President of the United States of America.
There is no better opportunity than that one.
The one that’s disappearing in the rearview mirror, while we talk about the desperate need for waking up Sleestaks…
“God is in charge – ”
Of course.
“and right about now – He is as peeved as we are with what is happening and/or not happening for the good of all.”
How can we know that?
Nations rise and nations fall. Millions of regular civilians, including millions of Christians, have been killed in the process, across the centuries of time.
Are we somehow different, than all who came before us?
“I suspect His vengeance will fall upon satan and his cohorts in due time.”
We know it will.
At the Judgment.
In the meantime, Joe Carlin is back as Deputy AG at the DoJ:
JoeBama Put The Gang Back Together Inside The DOJ – John Carlin Returns as Acting Deputy AG
Posted on February 27, 2021
This is exactly what happens, what always happens, when you don’t deal with the enemies of the Republic properly. The same thing that happened with Napoleon.
He came back.
Smarter people, in millennia past, understood this problem well, and dealt with it in a way that prevented the possibility of traitors and enemies ever coming back.
Sometimes they even wiped out the traitor’s entire family, to prevent family members from coming back and exacting vengeance.
Sometime they even wiped out entire nations, to prevent enemies from coming back.
There is no new thing under the sun.
And there is no excuse for those in positions of power and authority to not know the most basic fundamentals of history, or how it repeats itself.
In fact, you don’t even have to know history to know these things.
It’s just basic common sense.
Welcome back Mr. Carlin, you sick traitor.
Good Lord, Scott!!! We are in the process of Saving America from the very people who financed Napoleon, Hitler, and every other evil ruler that has run havoc on the earth.
After a while, the slaves (that be us) will be freed because when God is finished with these evil people who rule the earth there will be nothing left for them to use to rule over us!!!
It is also common sense to want to be free – free of oppression – free from the financial debt system – the corrupt politicians who make nonsensical laws that enable men in women’s bathrooms.
History does not have to repeat itself if those in power are removed – take down that lopsided financial system and see if people want to return to it – remove the fools in Congress – and see if they get elected again – put the crooks in jail or better yet – off with their heads!!!
If there is no punishment for what they have done – no accountability for their corruption – yes – they will repeat their dastardly deeds because there is no consequence for their actions.
Those in power have enslaved many nations – not just America – Big Tech can be dismantled – Big Pharma can go bankrupt when they can no longer make people sick – Big Government can be reduced in size – Term limits will eliminate those who profit from longevity – cleaning out the tunnels and blowing up trafficking routes will prevent future underground activity – Military Tribunals will eliminate the need to go through corrupt courts who let criminals go free for a fee – there is a lot we can do to change what exists today that does not serve the people – remember this corruption is worldwide.
For the death and destruction rulers of the past have wreaked upon the inhabitants of the world – what did they get? Did they get punished? Did they have their assets revoked? Did they pay for their crimes? If not – then – it is about time they did.
The ‘awakening’ is worldwide – people are fighting back – and I believe we will see more and more of this ‘fighting back’ as the days pass – our leaders have overreached their level of control.
There will be a ‘shaking’ like we have never seen before in history – and people will be free to live their lives unencumbered by the control of the elite who will go down in flames with the gods they worship.
“We are in the process of Saving America from the very people who financed Napoleon, Hitler, and every other evil ruler that has run havoc on the earth.”
What process is that, exactly?
Is it a process that ‘we’ (the People) are doing, or is it a process by the Great Pumpkin (a.k.a. ‘white’ hats)?
If it is a process that depends on We the People, has there ever been a peaceful overthrow of a tyrannical government, in the history of all the world?
Has it ever happened before?
And if it has never happened before, how is this time different?
If it is a process that depends on the Great Pumpkin, what evidence is there to believe that the Pumpkin, though Great he be, is actually doing anything, at all?
Unless I have been gaslighted all the way to insanity, are these not perfectly reasonable questions, that any normal person would ask, if they woke up in this Wonderland and just looked around?
“After a while, the slaves (that be us) will be freed because when God is finished with these evil people who rule the earth there will be nothing left for them to use to rule over us!!!”
I am certain that all the people who lived through Napoleon, Hitler and every other evil ruler between then and now are deeply appreciative of the glacial timetable.
If our hope and patience can be rewarded as theirs was, then I guess we’re good to go…
I know, just be patient.
Patience is the answer to all questions.
I was thinking about having it put on my tombstone.
“At every point where action was needed, the ladies always counseled ‘patience’ — so here am I, still waiting patiently, for any sign of action.
At this rate, I may need it a lot sooner than I thought. It’s a work in progress, but I think it’s really coming along quite nicely
Yes – it has happened before – in 1776.
Read the article about Lin Wood – and his mantra #FightBack – it is all there in a nutshell – for what We the People are fighting.
“Yes – it has happened before – in 1776.”
But the American Revolution was about as far from “peaceful” as peaceful gets…
My inspiration comes from the fact that they did not back down – give up – and/or quit – they had their frustrations long before they took up arms – just as we are having – however – we are fighting infiltration from within – which – like an octopus has tentacles in every aspect of our lives.
This is a fight to ‘Save America’ from those who work feverishly to destroy her – lately, they have made no attempt to hide their goal of turning America into a third world country – they spread their communist agenda far and wide – and then – they have the audacity to support our enemies with our money – they are overly excited with their reinstitution of their 16-year plan.
These people are evil to the Nth Degree – if we lose this fight – generations to come will suffer unimaginable insults and indignities – many will be killed – and others will be turned into slave machines that will serve the demon spirits who rule the world.
America is the last bastion of freedom in a troubled world – Let Freedom Ring!!!
Ep. 2414a – [CB] Panicking, The People Can See The Rigged System Now
X22 Report Published February 25, 2021
It was uplifting, that’s for sure. I listened while in the kitchen earlier.
Ep. 2414b – [DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play
X22 Report Published February 25, 2021
“Pain Comes In Many Different Forms”
And We the People get to experience every single one… at the same time!
Best plan evah!
Scott, I really do not think Dave was talking about us.
Last night, my brother pointed out a little oddity about the fences around the Capitol. The barbed wire is on the inside. Typically, it would be on the side where you don’t want people to climb over.
I remember seeing pictures of the fence with the joints and connectors (supposedly) on the outside, i.e., allowing people outside to disassemble the fence.
I’d really, really want independent verification of that, as well as what your brother saw. (Not that I doubt him, but he could be the victim of photoshopping.)
Democrats Seek to Build Wall Around The United States Capitol×612
Above not in the Capitol – was looking for a particular barbed wire –
Doesn’t look like that to me.
Thursday SNACKS!!

General McInerney, [25.02.21 20:23]
Syria under attack by the Biden regime. Multiple civilians reported dead.
Good news from Sylvia Avery !
She seems to be making some positive progress…
And she wants everybody to know that she’s holdin’ the line from her hospital bed…
with NO MASK ON !
Hooray!!! Thanks for this report!!!
YW !

That’s great news! And I’m sure Sylvia could scare them to death with her shovel if they dared try to put a mask on her!
From Gab!
Personally don’t wear a mask.
Perhaps she may consider wearing a mask with…
Biden Is A Useful Idiot. Or…
Biden, Xi’s Useful Idiot.
She is doing better then most.
Are you struggling to find homeschool materials during COVID that give sufficient attention to Social Justice themes and Critical Race Theory?
Well your search is over!
Woke Homeschool has what you need!
Every time that pops up on my facebook feed I make it with a laughing face and a few times I have engaged for my own entertainment + to waste their fb advertising $.
Ben Shapiro on Twitter: “Republicans’ top concerns: policy Democrats’ top concerns: Republicans, rooted in slanderous notions about Republicans” / Twitter
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
This article articulates some things I have been thinking for a while now. I think the covid nonsense could end up being a net-negative for the commie-progressives:
Test via Brave.
Feb 9·
Things Many Never knew about [Twitter] #TH3_DRAGONS_D3N was warning about since 2015.
Not only is it the ‘Leader’ of the ‘DarkWeb’ it is the very Hub. ‘HashtagKeys’ unlocks thousands of Door’s to Pure-Evil, from Child Rape, Child Exploitation, ‘Child Porn for Sale’ incest, bestiality & other things that would make the Devil himself blush.
Example: In your web browser type
#incest on Twitter
You will find tons of links that take you into the DarkWeb of Twitter and you don’t even need a Twitter account to view in many cases.
And in saying that if you have a underage Child with a smartphone you make damn sure the restrictions are there that Lockout Twitter and other SM websites.
Now aren’t you glad you are no longer there?
Firefighter EMT@FirefighterEMT
Some of the “white privilege” Coke is trying to help you forget…
Young oyster shuckers, Josie, six years old, Bertha, six years old, Sophie, ten years old, Port Royal, South Carolina, 1912. Work began at 4 AM.
Photo/Lewis Hine
Of the collection of Dan Greenfield’s Purim essays, this one from March of 2009 resonates tonight.
Did PTrump time this message for Purim, 2019?
There’s always a plan that’s transcendent. Sometimes we get a peek. If we’re paying attention.
On Purim, the spiking of Iran’s land bridge across Mesopotamia
DP I just watched the Millennial Millie video. It was very well done and very informative. She will be on my “must watch” list.
They need to play that at CPAC. In fact every republican congressman should sign off on having watched it. It’s freaking devastating.
Would of rocked the impeachment hearing if they had it ready by then. I think we here knew about 70 tp 80% of it at that time.