This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.

My Thoughts Are Higher . . .
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) “. . . my word that goes out from my mouth . . . will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
A while ago we read about a very few top-level details concerning possible clandestine contingency operations carried out simultaneously against enemy assets located inside this country, and against enemy actions that take place outside the borders of the US. These operations are completely unfathomable to us without a lot more detail . . . and a few more synapses in our craniums would probably be necessary, too.
We also look around and see the corruption, violence, child trafficking, perversions, and general air of hatred that appears to be growing in our country and it’s bewildering that God allows this to happen.
Now, compare us trying to understand these clandestine operational plans, and understanding why our country is deteriorating with trying to understand the plans and purposes of the Person who spoke the universe into being. The whole difficulty for us is that we’re finite beings, trying to understand God, the Infinite.
So, what does God really mean when He says, ‘my thoughts are higher than your thoughts’?
In Isaiah 55, the Lord invites Israel to return to an abundant life in Him. God reminds them that only He can supply what they need. He then says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. . . . As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (verses 8–9).
A loving parent does things for a child that the child doesn’t understand. Likewise, the Lord loves, guides, protects, and provides for us in ways we don’t understand. His thoughts are higher than ours. As an infinite Being with infinite wisdom, God knows and understands things we cannot comprehend. We are wise when we bow to that knowledge rather than demand that He do things our way.
We live in a material world, so our natural focus is primarily on our physical needs. But when our thoughts are centered on mundane matters, we miss what God wants to show us. He is beyond time and space. His thoughts are always on the big picture. Our thoughts are earthly; His are heavenly. Our thoughts are limited; His are unlimited and unsearchable.
When God promises that “all things work together for the good to them who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28), His definition of good may not match ours. We may not see our struggles as leading to anything good because we can’t see into the future. We cannot know how God’s work in our lives will impact ourselves and countless others. He sees the whole picture; we see only the frame. Lost in our lowly thoughts, we cannot fathom the higher plan of God. That’s why we have to trust Him when we don’t understand.
In Jeremiah 29:11 God expresses some of His higher thoughts toward Israel: “For I know the plans I have for you, . . . plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” In this verse, God promised that the Israelites, exiled in Babylon, would one day return to their homeland. He encouraged them not to give up or think that the Lord had abandoned them. His thoughts toward them were higher than they could imagine, and they had to put their faith in His promises, even while enduring His discipline (2 Kings 21:14; Jeremiah 29:14). God was reminding His children that He can see around corners and into a future that they could not see. As God’s children today, this verse also applies to us, knowing that God’s thoughts toward each of us are on a higher plane than our own.
When God allows sorrow and pain to enter the lives of His beloved children, it’s because His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He intends to use our difficulties to produce the character of Christ in us (Romans 8:29). He comforts us in our troubles so that we can learn to comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:4).
His goals for us are higher than our goals for ourselves because His thoughts always have an eternal dimension. Our experiences are small pieces in a giant puzzle that stretches across human history from beginning to end. We may not understand our part in the puzzle, but we can trust that God does. As we surrender to His plan, we set aside our earth-bound thoughts and allow His higher thoughts to direct our paths (see Proverbs 3:5–6).
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

“God bless everyone!”
— Tiny Tim
Sleep well, dear one, and be reinvigorated in the morning. We’ll have plenty more love for you then.
Hey, Syl – How ya doing? Cannot keep a good girl down – eh?
Glad to see you back fighting the good fight!!!
Hey W, now that Johnson & Johnson appear to be on the verge of getting an EUA, have you got an opinion about their c-19 vaccine?
Let me take a look at the most current information out there…..
I’m going to put my response at the end of the discussion!
BTW, Carl…thank you for another uplifting and inspirational Sanctuary Sunday thread.
God bless you, Sylvia, and may He return you to full health!
May you be restored to your former self very soon.
We ask this in the name of the one true God, His only Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, living and reigning forever more.
Thank you, Bakocarl, for another thoughtful post.
You mentioned our fallen nature. Here is an object lesson on how the mighty can fall.
“Andrew Cuomo — 63-year-old creepy perve” is not exactly the kind of moniker you want to run for reelection behind.
This is a death blow to Cuomo in New York politics and makes it impossible for him to move to any meaningful position in the Biden Administration. The Times’ treatment of this story — 2500 words when 700 could have probably “reported” it — is a signal to all who might be thinking about challenging Cuomo that the NYT will not be helping Cuomo. It tells all that the accumulation of damaging stories about Cuomo has now reached terminal status.”
Yeah, he’s toast. There are some (including me) who think that this is an intentional [but very real] scandal that is ultimately RECOVERABLE, and that it is being used by Cuomo and his camp to distract and lessen the more permanent blow from the nursing home MURDER scandal.
Why can’t it be both?
It has to be both! But they’ll push the sex MORE to get him off the NHK murders.
Makes sense, coming from a fellow dem makes it “appear” like there really after him. But in reality Psyop and deflection away from the real crime. Keeps the other dem govs out of the spotlight also…… cover for them too.
I’ve seen a couple of fingers pointing toward that shrew Whitmer for her nursing home murder spree. If that gains traction it’ll fling Cuomo right back on the top of the death scandal. He’s managing to bait and switch right I’m hoping the momentum picks up on the other Governors who did it too
I’d hate to see it normalized that someone might commit mass-murder and it would be OK because they were a state government official. And that applies to his “bureau of health” dork, too.
Can you believe all the pious Ken & Karens that tossed the phrase “killing Grandma” at anyone who dared question the mask & other ridiculous rules when it was absolute truth that there was Grandma/pa killing going on by their revered Dem leaders.
Yeah. I can believe it. We’re living the mad hypocrisy on many levels.
What are the odds that five different Democrat governors all independently had the idea that Wuhan flu victims should be forcibly returned to nursing homes? That goes beyond the likelihood of coincidence and into the realm of planned collaboration. Why would they do that? What did they hope to gain? Eliminate older more conservative potential voters?
It was obviously collaborative mass-murder. All should be punished in such a way that such actions will never be considered again. Sadly, all will likely skate because Democrats can do anything without being held accountable.
Liberal Privilege!
A great book, that points out the REALITY.
Oh that’s right!
I had forgotten that Don Jr. used that as a title for his book.
*slaps self upside head*
Oh yeah, it was no coincidence, Barb.
Those governors were told by their higher-ups…that they had to boost the body count.
[They] needed a higher body count in order to generate Fear and justify releasing an Untested Vaccine!
And, extend the lock downs, require masks, be skeered…
Further destroy the middle class. The have’s and have not’s.
New World Order. Global Reset.
Coming soon…collapse of the dollar. Global currency rises.
It was intentional murder. Hard to fathom when you are a normal person, but there it is, staring us in the face. Monsters rule us.
And they count on their Liberal Privilege to protect them.
REALITY PRIVILEGES are totally at odds with the garbage lies of the leftists.
They’ve normalized “abortion” for some for while now, They’ll have no problem with the elimination of old people.
Like Murphy and Wolfe.
Tom Wolf – CRIMINAL!!!

So good to see you here once again, Sylvia! ♥♥♥
Well best of luck to Cuomo and his shrinking circle of support. Nobody likes this guy. Not even his own party. And this was before he was outed as a murdering, perverted bully. I don’t see him surviving this.
That’s how they roll. But I think he isn’t going to skate on the nursing home deaths.
Thousands of elderly were brutally sacrificed, and grieving families are not going to let go.
That should be an object lesson to the Cuomos of the world. But evil people become very short-sighted and forget history.
Here’s a mask-related anecdote for you all.
Yesterday was warm and sunny for the first time in weeks, so I decided to take a long walk. The warm weather melted some recent snow, so it was really muddy everywhere that wasn’t pavement. I’m walking through a Lefty area where the people have been masked and looking terrified since last spring. I’m walking on the sidewalk of a somewhat busy road. There’s only one sidewalk on this road; the opposite side of the street is a muddy hill with no shoulder.
A masked couple is walking toward me on the sidewalk from the opposite direction. When they reach a distance of about 10 feet from me, they immediately cross the street to the opposite side of the road. Yes, the side with no sidewalk, no shoulder, and only mud. They continue walking in the same direction. That’s when I realized what had happened—they would rather walk in the damn mud than share the sidewalk with someone not wearing a mask. WTF. They were in far more danger walking on the shoulder-less part of a busy road in the slick mud than they were briefly walking past me on the sidewalk. I’m still flabbergasted by the whole thing.
I’m seeing more signs of the mask-wearing regime wearing down. Saw a local event today where people were indoors and no one was going Karen on the people who weren’t wearing masks.
In short – mask wearing was a passive activity, and no one had any interest in being the mask police on people who weren’t wearing masks.
But there is still a lot of fear out there . . .
I watched a giy on a motorcycle onb75 degree weather wearing a face diaper. People alone walking, alone driving, standing outside. People are eating the propaganda up.
It’s a bug mask!
Giloo don’t ride.
I passed another masked walker on a different street. We were the only people on that entire stretch of sidewalk, but this man was wearing a mask the entire time. I’m not sure why anyone would wear a mask for a walk outdoors, but if you’re going to do it, why not take it off when there’s nobody nearby? Why wear it all the time?
There’s a TV spot featuring Dr. Jill, Major and Champ directing people to wear their masks when out dog walking. Sponsored by the CDC. First ran during the Super Bowl.
Yesterday, I was in a college town and noticed everyone walking outside wearing masks. Spotted signs saying masks required within the Village limits. And everyone was complying ‘cept me with my dog.
why wear it all the time ?
total lack of critical thinking.
the dumb as rocks syndrome.
here in swfl, we have way way too many masked “snowbirds” flocking into our neighborhoods, fleeing from all over the place..way way too many…more than usual, actually…escaping something wretched in a certain northern shitty like this woman..
walking her mammoth wooly dog in a nearby park, one bright sunny day, I cycled by this woman who was dressed entirely in black…with a matching black face mask pinching into her cheeks and making her eyes bug out…
as I rode past her, I asked : why on earth are you wearing that mask outside in the fresh air ??
she got surly and resentful immediately.
I could see the hate & rage in her bugged-out eyes.
her mean response : I am from NEW YORK !!
noo yawk?
In my current frame of mind, my immediate response to her would be “oh, where all the stupid people come from!”
Walk a couiple miles daily. There are a handful of folks that when we get within 50 feet or so, they cross the street to the other side. After we pass each other, they cross the street, to the same side we were on.
Have seen a couple fools wearing a mask while walking in the desert.
IIRC, it is nearly a year, ~March 15, since the first shut down to flatten the curve. Shocking how docile and meek Americans are when ORDERED to do something.
NOT a good trait.
But they will all vote properly in 2022, right?
I seevthat all the time too. Ive even seen people wearing when running.
Sadly, my symbolic disposable paper mask that I made the Fiancee sew back together has done bit the dust. The side opposite the sewing failed.
It almost made it a full year.
It was filthy, worn through in places, bunched-up so I mostly breathed around it….and was a sign of my contempt for the whole syndrome. I’m sorry to see it go. Maybe I’ll tuck it in a scrapbook.
I’m thinking of using a hole-punch on a paper mask for my next go. I just need to have some practiced responses for when some Karen goes after it: “what, your supplier doesn’t let you have these, so you’re jealous?”
Would some Karen have the ballz to throw me out of a store if I had rows of teddy bears punched in my mask?
Hey! How are you feeling?
Tonight’s been rough. But mostly I’m improving each day.
Our night is better because you visited. Is there some way to put that in an envelope and send it back to you?
You just did! ♥♥♥
So sorry it’s been a bad one tonight. Nighttime and sleeping and even resting gets so messed up when you’re laid up like that.
You’re a rock star around here so hurry and get well. Bring the shovel..ya never know when it’s needed !
Longer message from Sylvia below vvv (02:14).
We are about 35 to 40 percent maskless in my town. If you are at the hardware store that rises to 65 to 70 percent without a mask.
I and hubby are no longer lone rangers.
I see a lot of “protest” masks now. Cloth that doesn’t have a nose clip, or worn below the nose, or a bandanna. I know of a person that wears a sun hat with mosquito netting draped down all sides.
It’s a very perverse, masochistic jones.
I generally figure out what I’m going to have for dinner (I usually alternate beef and chicken — and pizza and ham sammiches [tonight] are resets) around 3:30, and head over to the store for ingredients.
The parking lot for the store is to its east.
That has me marching across the parking lot into the sun’s glare until I’m very close to the store (in its shadow) — and a more hostile environment for pedestrians I couldn’t begin to describe. Honestly, folks — in Silicon Valley, we have more than our share of silent Teslas and Priuses backing out of spaces — and they’re so %^@^%^$ virtuous, they never look first. Not to mention the BMW’s who own the road, and the whole lot of other exotic cars. If the Fiancee ever comes here to announce my death, there is a 60% chance I was run over in a parking lot…..and it’s not that I’m young or live a healthy lifestyle.
Anyway, that has me putting on the damned face-diaper about 12 feet from the door, in the marked pedestrian area between the blue spots.
I am just flabbergasted at people who drive around with the damned things. It’s clearly more important to be seen as virtuous than be able to see your surroundings.
BMWs are exotic?
No, Beemers just live up to their slogan, “buy a Beemer, own the road!”
We got Bentleys and Lambos and Ferraris and such for exotics.
What, no Maseratis?
Even we have those.
Lotus, OTOH, I’ve only seen in Bentonville, Arkansas, home of Wally-World headquarters.
We’ve got Maseratis, Lotus…..really, it’s Silicon Valley, it’d be easier to name things we don’t have.
And, of course, the more exotic the car, the worse the driver.
No $#!+. And I mean that.
Here is what you need when a face diapered person is coming at you when outside. Take a deep breath and put this on

outstanding !!
I’ve had that happen. From 50 feet away, too.
I have to be honest, this whole mask-wearing thing has turned me into a real bitch.
A few days ago I was in the grocery store, unmasked as always. Walking down an aisle, a masked woman coming the other way openly flinched and pulled away as she passed me. I immediately OPENLY mocked her by imitating her actions.
I just don’t give a crap about their “feelings” anymore.
^^^ NICE! Aubergine you make my day.
I’m going to adopt the “dramatic flnch” when diaper wearing fools in the store flinch, when they see my mug without a diaper.
Most folks don’t care, but some are so quite moronic as they freeze, step back, step aside, even turn and walk the other way.
Gonna be fun.
Lol! Git ’em!
Hey how about getting a cross and pointing it at them… now that might be funny. Or is that my sick sense of hummer
Lol! That would be hilarious!
Was at WalMart earlier this AM and the designer masks were everywhere.
All types of evil faces on them, too.
Demon. Manic. Blood smiles.
Fang teeth.
Just what Birx ordered.
Are you sure those were masks?
For these people this has literally become their religion. I just read an Epoch Times article about the moralization of fighting covid. For the true believers, masks et al are now a sacred value that cannot be questioned.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” . . .
No kidding.
OMG, that is not good. “Donald Trump’s Supporters”.
82% of Democrats think WE – literally WE – are the nation’s top problem.
Welcome to 1933.
Either that or they’re feeling so guilty about stealing the election that they’re worried we’re going to retaliate.
I think there’s quite a bit of “whoa — we knew we had to win, but OMG the fraud was soooooo obvious!!!!” going on.
Ah, that’s a good explanation.
And THAT is interesting, because the ELITE are working the GUILT on BOTH SIDES.
For our side, it’s the guilt of being an “insurrectionist”, or being MISTAKEN FOR ONE.
For their side, it’s consciousness of guilt by association – guilty feelings for their conspiracy of common interest with those who committed the crimes.
Which is also on our side for those who were not on Capitol Hill.
Cui bono? THE ELITE who keep us ALL GUILTY.
Equal Opportunity Shamers
It’s beyond time that we make THEM all GUILTY.
And, indeed, beyond time, they will burn for all eternity.
Wouldn’t hurt to give them a little “local warming” now.
There are more than seven BILLION of US, and only a few hundred, maybe a few thousand, of THEM.
And that’s why they’re desperate. Not because they fear GOD, or doing wrong, or even guilt or being guilty; rather, they fear their adventure being ended prematurely. For the GODless want to live forever, without HIM (which, ironically, is what will happen to them in the end) and they take all natural (e.g. baby’s blood) and unnatural (bionics, etc.) means to achieve that.
I had a colleague who was a Vegan health freak who wanted to live forever. Being a bachelor and not having had much experience in food prep, etc. (and no home-ec course to help out), his food storage (read: lunch bucket) methods were suboptimal at best. When he opened his tupperware containers with his veggies (dare I say crudities?), it smelled as if someone had died, and not too recently.
Killing himself trying to live forever…….
Another eyewitness to the capitol funny business.
Who appears to have been set up … by being invited to be a speaker.
His story may have details we haven’t heard yet…
#MarkFinchem #SuingDemocrats #CPAC2021
Epoch Times: CrossRoads with Joshua Philipp
Rep. Mark Finchem on Suing Members of the Arizona House and Senate for Defamation
They’ve driven him out of business, they’ve vilified him, and he smiles as he asks for just a little bit of help to defend against these demons.
Guardian Defense Network
YES – that is what people are going to understand – that this whole thing – including “Ali Akbar Alexander Whatever” who jumped in and set up the “Stop The Steal” stuff – was a SET-UP OF TRUMP.
This was a CONSPIRACY, and there is evidence everywhere. If FBI doesn’t investigate it, it’s because DOJ is totally politicized and needs to be cleaned out with a wire brush.
Here is where Millie figured out that Ali was part of this thing.
I would be satisfied with DC emptied completely of all the evildoers.
There are literally two Americas: the reality based America, and the people totally bought in to the manufactured CCP MCM “narrative” alter-reality, completely propagandized.
Yup. And the media and social media coordinated segregation for this election. Very cunning move.
Nothing cunning or innovative about ‘Divide and Conquer’
In a backward way it seems good that they think Trump supporters are a problem. We have power in their eyes. They recognize that we’re not going away easily.
He created a MAGA movement that is strong and the more that ChiCom Joe keeps destroying things..all that destruction is beginning to reach out and touch his tepid base. Gas prices,interest rates,higher retail prices, school closures, masks
Yeah, you have a point there. They see that we’re not dropping THE STEAL.
Whoever said yesterday that we need to demand that the Repubs fight Dominion, Smartmatic and mail-in ballots or not one dime was spot on. I think it was Kalbo. Excellent idea
I’m aboard with that idea. I’ve already weakened for a few super-MAGA candidates I like, but by gum, I think playing hard to get until there is an actual Dominion cancellation SIGNED AND DELIVERED would be GREAT.
Mainly I’m hoping that the GOP sees and feels this concern. I don’t care what the Dems think. The schemey R’s won’t admit they’re concerned about us but eventually they sure will.
Either they won’t get any votes at all from us who refuse to bother unless they fix the voting system or a barely trickle of donations. Take your pick corruptos
Nor are we letting them ‘steal’ more of anything
Red pills for the Lefties. Bill Maher and Megan Kelly:
Yeah, there is major back-off here. Half of me wants to think that somebody got the message somewhere that white (including Jewish) elites were going to be endangered if this crap kept up, BUT……
The realistic side of me……
Knows that this is only because Trump is out of power and the elite thinks it’s permanently.
Something along these lines~
The educator, tapped by Mayor de Blasio to replace Richard Carranza after the chancellor abruptly announced his resignation Friday, is accused in at least two recent lawsuits of discriminating against older, white and Jewish educators.
She is not named as a plaintiff in either action, but is accused of creating a hostile environment.
Very interesting. And it really figures that de Bozo is advancing her.
Meisha is such an attractive-looking woman !
such a happy and engaging sparkle in her eyes !
such a winning smile !
lovely clothing and sassy-smart hairstyle !
and such an intelligent expression on her sweet porcine face !
it just baffles me how these attractive, happy & engaging, well-dressed, physically-fit Leftie women can be so resentful, spiteful and vindictive.
You’re using a clown filter from instagram.
Then why is she “culturally appropriating” a white blond (OK dirty blond) hairstyle?
She’s denying her heritage: she should be proud of it, or?
Could it be “She Wants It All”?
Geesh, if the left didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all!
[Actually, her face somewhat resembles that very confused transistor of the eternal bad hair (bad Herr?) day… yuck² ]…..
You mean hair hat, right?
In education, that happens a lot. My mom was teaching in a middle school when a black woman was named principal. There was a mass exodus of teachers, mostly older white women. This woman had a reputation, that’s for sure.
Mike Pompeo: Trump Admin Exposed ‘Irrefutable’ Facts on China | CPAC 2021 | American Thought Leaders
“Pipe Hitter”
Very short but good.
Yes, that was excellent! He really put some structure on the “half full” part of the glass!
I was hoping you’d get a chance to watch that!
Thanks michaelh! Pompeo is great. I always enjoy American Thought Leaders and Jan Jekielek is a gem.
Hello Treepers! Thank you for your prayers and good wishes. I’ve been super lucky.
I’m still in the hospital. Will be for some time. It’s really hard for me to communicate and often painful. But when this is over I’ll have lots to say
I’m getting better. I’m fighting for every advantage to heal. I will come out the other side. I couldn’t do it without you.
With gratitude and love, Sylvia
Stay strong Sylvia. Take advantage of having your very own staff of medical people caring for and fussing over you. LOL..I know it doesn’t feel that way but the pain meds will help you believe that for a few hours now and then.
Sending all the positive thoughts I can to you.
Get better as well as you can, sweet lady of the shining shovel….we’ll continue our wishes and prayers while you make your way back to us.
Thank you for the update! People here and at Marcia’s were so worried about you. I’ll keep sending love and prayers your way.
TY so much.♥♥♥
Sending you an extra large portion of healing energy Sylvia!

((( SA ))) !


Thanks for the update, Syl!
I’m so glad you are getting better!
Prayers for your continued healing.
TY wheat ie!

Prayers and love coming your way.
May you have a restful, healing time at the hospital, so much so that you get discharged early.

Prayers continuing. Miss ya. Looking forward to your reinvigorated return, with your trusty shovel.
Prayers up for you and yours, Sylvia! And GOD Bless, heal and strengthen you!
(Many, MANY, shovelsful of Blessings! )…
The ability to communicate evennin your current state is still a blessing. I hope youre home and healthy soon.
Well, dangit, I missed out!!!
Hope to run into you soon. You’re over here rarely enough as it is!
Can;t Wait!
President Donald J TRUMP WON
Trump reports to We The People.
Now there’s a trolling!!
Best we have a morally competent leader give the speech instead of a thief and cheat. The full fall out from stealing the election is not completely understood yet. How do you deal with a nation that you know cheats and steals? Back to Trump is the only way forward.
Walmart and grocery stores are open around the country – national and state legislatures meet indoors.
California and other states, despite their new-found socialist totalitarianism, can’t discriminate against churches.
I am still baffled why churches simply didn’t remain open. it’s not like they need a license to operate.
Americans really rolled right over and threw their Rights away in this farcicle plandemic.
Americans need to growacet.
Well, the pastors rolled over, especially the ones connected politically. They urged compliance on their flocks.
I hope they smoke a turd in hell. Rhetorically, of course.
We responded WRONGLY to the crisis, thanks to GOVERNMENT MANDATES.
I tried to explain that to some in my circles last year, and they just shut me out.
Not even the plague example where the flock response was increased prayer and building additional Churches would sway them.
MSM herds people so effectively!
Screw rhetorically. I’m in favor of literally.
Pastors have been arrested in the Democrat states and Canada.
The health department can fine the crap out of you no matter what you are.
As a certain president once said of the CJ of SCOTUS, he has his decision; now let’s see him enforce it.
The Episcopal Diocese here with over 70 churches choose to remain closed contrary to state rules. The Bishop claims it’s because there are so many elderly parishioners.
The elderly thing is true, but there are other ways to deal with things, than closing churches to EVERYBODY.
Interesting in that Santa Clara County is the heart of Silicon Valley, although Gargle, Farcebork, Twister, and some of the other anti-social (indeed, anti-human) companies are north of there (e.g. Alameda or San Francisco counties)…
SCOTUS tossing bones to mollify MAGA folks…
I fly into Santa Clara County Monday night. 14 day quarantine.

Ouch. My sympathies… Does that mean you have to stay there 14 days? Or, worse, 14 days before you can do anything???
Usually lots of stuff to do there, but everything’s locked down (and if “Patch” is any indication, the libs love that)…
Probably the only time in history that 237 isn’t bumper-to-bumper…
I was there a couple of weeks ago. Flew into San Jose. Worked four days, stayed in a different county each night. Having a quarantine and enforcing it, two different things.
And yes, traffic was great.
It hasn’t been proved that the vaccines offer any longterm protection. The health sector people are talking about yearly boosters or re-vaccination like the flu shots – and still wearing masks and social distancing, etc.
We also still don’t know what part megalomaniac, abortion, eugenics, euthanasia, population control and vaccine advocate, Bill Gates had in the research and development of the coronavirus vaccines.
A large Department of Defense study showed the flu vaccine increased in vulnerability to coronaviruses and some types of pneumonia.
I ain’t playing the vaccine game.
We had someone in our church family nearly die from the flu vaccine one year – so I always politely refuse them. After reading the DOD study, I’m going to continue to decline vaccines.
Modern medicine and mental health have become political science. That would very likely include vaccines.
We have seen CV19 become a hot political issue, exploited by Democrats to push communist/totalitarian control and it is likely vaccines have some hidden political agenda or physical effect.
Years ago, I had an inkling that the world power struggle would come down to the vaccinated and unvaccinated. However, it looks as though I had the dynamics reversed. Instead of being secretly vaccinated against an upcoming epidemic, the leftists may be more interested in allowing the built-in effects of the vaccines achieve their agendas.
The next rash of pandemic/s will likely be released when/if the conservative nationalists win the White House, and/or House again.
They’ve decided to kill in a hands-off approach. You aren’t shoved in a mass grave and shot or burned in an oven. You just get sick and die on a conveniently mass scale. And you did it to yourself by consenting to be poked with the “therapy,”
Clean and guilt free, eh?
Y’all are gonna have to forgive me today. I am feeling pretty feisty. I can’t see the downside in a bunch of dumb liberals taking a vaccine that eradicates a whole bunch of them.
I hear ya.
It’s just that they will take so many innocent with them.
Yes, the pragmatist would say that they are self culling those that are not discerning. The one who lives with a view of caring for the lost, well, holes in the knees of their jeans.
Another plus is perhaps, vaccinated lefty’s won’t be able to breed more dumb liberals.
FWIW, San Francisco’s mayor is named London Breed….
(London Breed is falling down….)…
A Breed of her(?) own, methinks…
They don’t breed liberals that way.
They breed liberals by indoctrinating normal people’s kids in the school system.
Time will tell what positive or negative longterm effects these flu and coronavirus ‘vaccines’ may have.
A fake virus enumerated and inspected by a fake test, “supported” by fake science (cf Gore-Bull warming), and “prevented” by a fake vaccine (some reports out there of 50% placebo [saline?] shots), forced upon us by fake officials, both in terms of election and qualification.
What could possibly go wrong?
The whole point of this exercise is control. Just like the pictures of masked and hooded prisoners from centuries ago.
And it won’t end until we wrest control back from the evil elite.
Over here people are starting to openly flout the “regulations”; especially humorous as our “health minister”, aside from being a flaming bassoon (look up the German word for Bassoon) is a finance graduate, with NO qualifications in medicine, or even health science. The other (Kaligari’s) cabinet ministers are equally unqualified, misplaced, and misanthropic…
Sigh. At least, starting tomorrow, we can get our hair cut again and go to the garden centers… Where to go first… decisions, decisions… Maybe get the hair cut first, as they’ve all but banned peat moss here…
ADDENDUM – We also still don’t know what part megalomaniac, abortion, eugenics, euthanasia, population control and vaccine advocate, Bill Gates, and/or Anthony Fauci, had in the research and development of the coronavirus and the vaccines.
Things have been coming out about that.
Here’s something about Fauci:
BTW – I love Israel – but it is a socialist country with abortion paid by the government.
Sad to say, most of those in power there are like Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 – members of the Synagogue of Satan, along with $oro$ and his cloven-hoof ilk…
Following the Cabal-a, as it were…
People assume incorrectly that be cause your Jewish your religious. Not the case.
The religious affiliation of Israeli Jews varies widely: a social survey from 2016 made by Pew Research indicates that 49% self-identify as Hiloni (secular), 29% as Masorti (traditional), 13% as Dati (religious) and 9% as Haredi (ultra-Orthodox).
Thank you for delineating the differences.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, February 28, 2021
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesu, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Pat Frederick will respond here…
Someday soon I hope!
And Joe Biden didn’t win.
Yes, she will – hopefully, soon – and
No – Biden did not win.
What a wonderful memory! Thank you Greg Kelly.
february 27, 2021 the marshall report
The first day of CPAC was filled with great American Speakers and aimed at a failed Biden Administration that is more than dead on arrival…stolen elections and puppets do not make for a real administration. But, I don’t believe the people are going to suck up four years of thieves. Tick tock….what will tomorrow and the next few weeks bring? People are waiting anxiously to hear!
About the horrible, radical Equality Act just passed by the lunatic institution also known as Speaker Pelosi’s DemocRAT House.
“This means that American women will no longer be able to expect any single-sex facilities when using or being required to stay in:
Shared hospital rooms or wards
Locker rooms and public or group showers
Multi-stall bathrooms
Jails, prisons, or juvenile detention facilities
Homeless shelters
Overnight drug rehabilitation centers
Domestic violence or rape crisis shelters.”
Can you imagine the crimes that are going to be committed against women and children who are vulnerable and in need?
We are going to need an Christian underground railroad to help women and children in need. The government is enabling crime now.
From Gab:
And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Pork, pork and more pork.
lol..yep, all those faces are right on !
In one of the last I was able to catch of Rush Limbaugh’s shows where he was the host, he stated that Democrats will always overreach, they can’t help themselves. He believed it was why they were doomed to fail. In that vein, I give you this:
“Kroeker and Man Day recently fell afoul of Facebook’s rules, however. And while Kroeker and Facebook have carried on an “extended correspondence” over his celebration of explosions and gonad-embiggening weaponry, his recent post removal and warning of a perma-ban come not from any of these predictable sources. He was censored for “hate speech.” Because—and please read carefully—he recently reminded readers of his page that his charity supports his work in Niger.”
Yep, this great American has the temerity to dig wells for people in NIGER. OMG, the humanity! That country should change its name, it sounds RAYCISSS!!!!!
Rush used to say…”They will show you what they fear.”
Rush was right.
The world has not changed for the better since the gay guy resigned for using the word “niggardly” in front of a BBBlack person.
This one is for Wheatie, who reminds us every day that JOE BIDEN DIDN’T WIN. The article about Jim Caviezel reminded me of her:
“Perhaps it is because truth, no matter how small it is made to look, is too impressive when not endlessly threatened and controlled by those who wish to distort it. Perhaps that is why the same people in power spend all of their time demonizing the people with no power at all. Perhaps people with no power but who refuse to betray or relinquish truth for temporary comforts will find that they are more powerful than they know. Perhaps those Americans now made to feel little will remember that humility and courage are the siblings of greatness.”
I love Jim Caviezel!
Thank you, Aubergine.
I love Jim Caviezel too!
And because it can’t be said enough…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.
Not only that, but Joe Biden didn’t win.
Building a Kremlin wall.
Capitol review to recommend adding more fencing, 1,000 officers: report
What are they afraid of?
Gun ban is coming.
Our side needs to start screaming..WHY ? Where are these boogeymen white nationals ? Show proof !?
They’re getting away with setting the damn narrative again. PROVE theres a threat
The Great Wall of DC…the District of China…
“The additional 1,000 personnel, which could cost nearly $100 million, would include roughly 350 officers and expanded staffing in regional offices for when lawmakers are at home, one of the sources told CNN.”
This is posturing.
They’re establishing the new commie version of Pols ? Some of them ( not all..only the “important” ones) will need their own small protection force…forever? We all know once any program has never ends
Wait — does this mean that armed officers will be stationed at the regional offices of House members and Senators?
I would like to know what laws / rules NanXi is changing so that when her coronation takes place. SCOTUS will be completely neutered?
She’s going to remove Joe and there is no way she will work for THOTUS, so we can expect a funeral tour with an empty coffin once THOTUS’ plane explodes.
And after a long wait, the 13th Moron will arise from the well in Little Rock and Hillary will become the Dajjal.
The person to really ask about all this is Valerie Jarrett.
Weird – those look like the pedophile colors to me.
So all that money being sent to Pakistan is starting to pay off
(From Bye, Done’s “Build Back Better” to Paki’s “Build Bombs Better”)…
Or perhaps the Awan’s Build Bugs Better….
Invincible – “Moving From Doubt to Faith” | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas
Carl: This was a great sermon – very much in keeping with the theme of your post today!!!
Great minds?
God Bless You Real Good for providing us with food for thought every Sunday!
So look forward to your posts!!! Thank You!!!
Pay close attention to your pastor’s sermons…
THIS is evil…
OMG, Evangelical Dark Web is AWESOME. What an amazing blog for our side!

Daily updates, too!
And yet they’ve got friendly fire going. I have a problem with this:
Discernment takes more that skimming websites looking for phrases that trigger your preconceived ideas about how God runs things. We are to look at the fruit. Up close and in-depth the fruit of this man’s life has been filled with a steadfast devotion to following God as revealed in the scriptures. This is best demonstrated by the quality of his children. Similar to how I measured up Donald Trump by the quality of his children.
I am really tired of this pathetic little allah…–bill-gates-wants-to-release-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-to-inject-you-with.html
In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.
Hiroyuki Matsuoka at Jichi Medical University in Japan thinks it may be possible to turn mosquitoes that normally transmit disease into “flying syringes,” so that when they bite humans they deliver vaccines.
Professor Hiroyuki Matsuoka will attempt to design a mosquito that can produce and secrete a malaria vaccine protein into a host’s skin. The hope is that such mosquitoes could deliver protective vaccines against other infectious diseases as well.
If Matsuoka proves that his idea has merit, he will be eligible for an additional $1 million of funding. The Washington Post referred to flying syringes as a “bold idea”.
Democrats’ hot new idea for responsible dialogue is to muscle cable and satellite providers to drop Fox News and other outlets they dislike.
In the runup to a House hearing this week, Reps. Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney (both D-Calif.) sent out letters to a dozen providers to silence conservative channels, demanding to know the “ethical or moral principles” behind “disseminating misinformation to millions.”
Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr called out the “concerted effort by Democrats to drive political dissent from the political square.”
Indeed: At the actual hearing, the subcommittee chief, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) gave the real agenda away: “More free speech just isn’t winning the day over the kind of speech that we’re concerned about.”
Psaki says Biden supports an independent investigation into sexual harassment allegations made against Cuomo
“President Biden has been consistent that he believes that every woman should be heard, should be treated with respect and with dignity,” Ms. Psaki said. “Charlotte should be treated with respect and dignity – so should Lindsey.”
And real woman Dr. levine is just the man to investigate cuomo.
Yessir, just ask Tara Reade about this.
OK – here is my opinion on the J&J vaccine.
TL;DR – thumbs up.
J&J’s vaccine is basically the FOURTH widely released mRNA vaccine, but the SECOND adenoviral vector vaccine, with the FIRST of the LATTER being the RUSSIAN vaccine, which used cDNA.
Despite that difference in payload (mRNA vs. cDNA), BOTH the J&J vaccine and the Russian vaccine appear to be very SAFE and with few side effects. The Russian vaccine (Sputnik V) is probably more effective b/c it uses TWO doses with different adenoviral vectors.
It now looks TO ME that adenoviral vectors CAN BE (maybe not universally) safer ways to deliver genetic vaccine instructions, possibly because they’re using a NATURAL jacket for the bullet, and our “evolved relationship” with adenoviruses (a class of cold virus) is that we “get along with them”. Thus, the transaction is mild. Indeed, that mildness seems to be the result of taking this vaccine, judging from trials.
The main benefit of the J&J vaccine is that it prevents serious disease – meaning hospitalization and death. It is less effective in preventing moderate disease, but somewhat so – still generally greater than 50% prevention of moderate cases in all subgroups of the people tested.
IN OTHER WORDS – the J&J vaccine is a lot like taking HCQ. It prevents serious disease COMPLETELY or ALMOST COMPLETELY. Viewed another way, J&J is like the flu vaccine against “non-main-strain” flu strains – it LESSENS the disease, but does not fully protect you from getting it.
Personally speaking, I see a lot of potential for the J&J vaccine to alter the payload, or add a second shot, or use a rotating, evolving, improving vector, to increase effectiveness over time, while retaining safety, efficacy, and lack of side effects.
Note that early results with the inherently safe/safer Novavax (protein) vaccine seem similar, and thus I’m thinking this one may be likewise easy to recommend.
PS: Sidebar Thought: adenoviral vectors, done right, may mollify mRNA and DNA risks by targeting only the RIGHT places with their genetic material. Something to remember.
Thanks for this explanation Wolf. I have been trying to figure out the ‘least bad’ vaccine in the event anyone in my family is forced into taking it to keep their jobs. I read about the J&J vaccine yesterday and hoped you would weigh in.
Like my wife has done, just tell those fetid inquiring minds that you are taken hormones and trying to have a child.
Doesn’t matter my wife is 66.
Great strategy LOL! I’ll pass it along. They plan to fight it as long as possible.
Another hold-off strategy (and this is a legitimate concern) is to say that you (or whoever) may have already had the disease, and you are WAITING for a vaccine which has been APPROVED BY THE MANUFACTURER for use in recoverees or possible recoverees.
Not all vaccines have shown safety in that population, none (to my knowledge) have been explicitly TESTED on recoverees, and some of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine DEATHS have been “excused” by scientists, drug company execs, and Democrat health bureaucrats as being “because the victims had the disease already and didn’t know about it”.
In other words, “vaccine enthusiasts” (I’m being kind here – I didn’t say “pro-vax” or “vaccine pushers”) have EXCUSED bad vaccine DEATHS and other severe reactions by the possibility of prior exposure to the disease. “They had antibodies….” was the exact excuse I saw in at least one case.
Excellent. Wonder if antibody testing is going to take more of a role soon.
I know of a college planning to make the vaccine mandatory for students this fall. If they refuse, students must provide a positive antibody test or they will not be allowed on campus.
Do you know how or when a vaccine is no longer considered ‘experimental’?
Well, … the college/university cannot cash the tuition check. Sounds fair to me.
What’s more important – strict 100% compliance with a fantasy; or $$$$$$$$$$$$$?
FDA approval is the line, IMO, although in all these cases, they are hedging the approval by saying “Authorized for Emergency Use”.
Going to college IS an emergency, though not in the manner that they are thinking about.
Note that antibody testing is both IFFY (lots of false negatives) and non-determinative (many people lose antibodies quickly and retain only the long-and-strong T-cell defense to MAKE MORE ANTIBODIES).
I personally think young people should have natural immunity, and if they are not compromised, just get the disease. Then they can give antibodies, too!
Has to clear the trials. Soonest I read was 2023.
Thanks! Good to know. Hoping people won’t be forced to take vaccines still in the experimental stage. Though in the end, the overlords always seem to find a way to get what they want.
Okay, I can use this one, too. Both reasons for me are legit.
I’m going to have to try that.
Novavax is likely to be a good one there, to avoid all risks of genetic technologies.
Thank you.
Useful references:
(WaPo being WaPo, but much useful information.)
(Good simple explanation of the technology.)
(Note that I don’t exactly trust NPR in general, due to the Desmond-Gugino Hoax, but I agree with this point of view here.)
(Note that vaccine is rather normal in its refrigeration – and IMO that does reflect that the fact that the “adenovirus vector + genetic payload” is basically a synthetic dead virus, which is kinda cool.)
(“Hey – give it to Tony! He’ll try anything!”)
(This is notable for Guardian’s rabidly anti-Trump spin, but the underlying facts are good, and it thus provides good practice in reading through Fake News.)
(Somewhat unrelated – 1/3 of military is refusing vaccines – IMO many of them may want to say instead “only J&J, Sputnik V, or Novavax for me!” Note that there is some evidence in the J&J and Sputnik data that people were getting exposure to the disease before, during, and after vaccination, but there is no evidence of negative effects. This may be due to the use of the 2P mutation (everybody is using it), but in any case, it alleviates my main concern about using these two vaccines on people who have already had exposure, which appears to be a RISK of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines).
Now, some assorted refs with data, which is enough data to tell me that they had to have had at least SOME people like me with prior cases in the study, but they actually observed MORE serious outcomes in the PLACEBO GROUP, which tells me that there is almost certainly no serious effect on people who already had the disease. THEIR scientists are not allowed to speculate that way, since they didn’t study that, and won’t want to admit it as part of a scientific paper, but I can, based on my own scientific reasoning.
Now here is an actual paper:
This confirms that it uses a STABILIZED spike protein, PRESUMABLY P2 mutation but could be even more advanced, and that’s important to me.
Here is some reporting on the comparable Sputnik V vaccine:
I think we’re gonna wait for the Novavax, given that it’s phase 3 trials will prove effective.
I may succumb to the desire to self-experiment with that one, but only if the final safety data looks as good as J&J on severe reactions, which I’m still at risk for, IMO.
Appreciate the J&J information.
Best guess timeline for Novavax being available?
Just a passing FYI:
one is normal saline and the other is abnormal?
Thanks! The link:
The quote:
“I think we need to pull away from this comparing and parsing numbers until you compare them head to head. Just be really grateful that we have three really efficacious vaccines,” Fauci said.
The truth:
Fauci is both RIGHT and WRONG.
Let’s start with WRONG.
We CAN do logical comparisons of different vaccines, different trials, and different approaches. That is SCIENCE. That is how REASON works. There are LIMITS to what we can do, but we can even be reasoning and scientific and LOGICAL about those limits.
What Fauci is doing is LIMITING science, and it’s WRONG. He is forcing science to be irrationally simple, non-self-checking, subject to manipulation, and agenda-steerable.
Science needs to be (truly) OPEN, (truly) SELF-DETERMINED, and (truly) INDEPENDENT.
Head-to-head studies are GREAT, but that is not how science actually works to follow REASON – which can SEE AROUND CORNERS using LOGIC.
WE can PREDICT, we SHOULD predict, and Fauci is NEUTERING SCIENCE for the benefit of those who want to CONTROL SCIENCE for MONEY and POWER.
But how is Fauci RIGHT?
He is right that we are LIMITED by not having the OBVIOUS, SIMPLE, EASY results of a head-to-head study – which unfortunately are also hard to “debug” because people ASSUME those studies are easy to interpret. Such studies are NOT easy to interpret properly, and biases inside such studies tend to be VERY hard to find.
More importantly, Fauci is right that people at high risk, ON AVERAGE, should not be “too careful” about “which cure” is best, when “a cure” is what they need.
Just like “eat some citrus” is good for scurvy, “take a vaccine” is good for a disease, if you have multiple options.
They’re all pretty good, and the chances of dying are not huge.
I believe it’s good to be a smart shopper, to reduce risks to the MAXIMUM. But for a lot of people who don’t give a damn, they can just take a vaccine and take the risks.
Fauci’s answer is a BAD SOCIALIST ANSWER, but it’s better than NO answer. However, it’s NOT better than an individualized medical answer, which looks at both whether you should take a vaccine, and if so, which one.
It would be nice if we HAD some vaccines to compare. But we don’t. None of these concoctions is a vaccine because they aren’t based on the COVID-19 genome (if there actually is such a thing).
Just like the flu shot is not a vaccine and nobody calls it a vaccine. Same should apply here.
This is a good link related to changes in “vax tech”, and the COVID-19 genome, and gets past all the strange competing misinformation out there. (Barring arguments over terminology on “what is a vaccine” – he calls any specific viroid immunostimulant a vaccine.)
The reporter here is NOT blindly “pro-vaccine” – he actually reports problems, and I suspect his recent relative lack of presence in featured reporting from this publication is related.
So if the J&J is also mRNA, what is the big difference? What encloses it?
It LOOKS like it’s the “adenovirus jacket” that goes around the mRNA (J&J) or cDNA (Sputnik V) or DNA (Oxford/AstraZeneca) is what makes things milder. Basically, they’re using a natural jacket for the bullet, rather than synthetic liposome-type vectors.
THAT is the commonality of those three vaccines with better safety records.
The latter one (Oxford) was stalled due to a couple of cases of Bell’s palsy, but I suspect those were either proven unlinked to the vaccine or were so minor and temporary, the trials moved on.
Viruses are basically a constructed protein jacket and instructions FOR THE JACKET AND ITS CONSTRUCTION.
Adenovirus vectors are just the jackets, so that DIFFERENT INSTRUCTIONS can be inserted.
Apparently, this SEEMS to be a safer way to get the genetic instructions exactly where they are needed. That’s a bit of an early assessment on my part – we need MORE EXPERIENCE with the J&J vaccine, IMO, so that we can see if it’s different from what was seen with Pfizer and Moderna – meaning it would NOT have what Pfizer and Moderna had, which was some disturbing prompt deaths and hospitalizations, particularly in people who ALREADY HAD ANTIBODIES.
Thanks for taking the time with this, so helpful to everyone scrolling through. Hubby and I both read this slowly, and being musician/educators this is totally out of our wheelhouse.
But something at the end struck me. My SIL had the virus in November, and just got dose 1 of the Pfizer last week. They were separating people by whether they had the virus or not. She had a bad reaction, was very sick for an entire day with a constant migraine-level headache and so wiped out that she couldn’t get out of bed. Of course was told not to take anything if she could manage it. Very strange, sick for 24 hours then gone immediately.
We are going to my North Jersey doc this week for advice. Local GP is worthless. Thanks again.
Thanks! That is very interesting information about your SIL.
Here is an article which explains WHY researchers have “mutated” (literally) the C19 viral RNA of these vaccines to something which is very similar to the PRE-DISEASE spike protein, and doesn’t change shape to something different, that you don’t WANT immunity to happen for:
Apparently – and this all makes sense – exactly HOW the mutated spike protein (Novavax) OR the genetic information for cells to MAKE that mutated spike protein (the RNA and DNA vaccines) is presented to the body, makes some significant difference in WHAT KINDS of antibodies are made, EVEN though the instructions and the protein are the SAME in the different vaccines.
NOW – when you GET THE DISEASE, you tend to get antibodies to both the RIGHT parts and the WRONG parts of the spike protein. Antibody response to the RIGHT PARTS give you nice permanent immunity. The WRONG parts give you PROBLEMS.
The NEW MUTATED spike proteins, when generated by the Pfizer vaccine, seem to react quickly with antibodies from the actual disease. But when the J&J, Sputnik, or Oxford vaccines create the spike protein, it does NOT trigger natural antibodies as greatly for some reason.
Oh my, I am late with a reply. It’s just greek to me, but I’ll try reading the article with the hubby.
ICYMI – MY HERO!!! Kristi Noem for Vice-President!!!
Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) Full Speech at CPAC 2021 in Orlando, FL 2/27/21
No VP. Too much talent to be wasted on a position that isn’t worth a container of warm spit (as the saying goes).
A VP can be an asset to a P with respect to foreign policy – the P cannot be everywhere – he needs a reliable helper – she is well-qualified to represent him in any arena.
Yet another great Republican woman. Neither afraid nor embarassed to be a feminine woman; strong, intelligent, pro-life, Christian, and a great leader, thinker and manager. Not afraid to wear a dress…
Seems the only ones in the DEMONRAT party who wear dresses are the “men”…..
Rats! I was so looking forward to the bathing suit competition.
A district judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Miss USA over their rule requiring that contestants be biological women.
On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman tossed the lawsuit brought against the pageant company by trans activist Anita Noelle Green.
Would a trans contestant then be a “Near Miss”???
Do you think he’s worried at all about the recall petition?
California Gov. Gavin Newsom appeared indoors at a restaurant in a county where indoor dining is not allowed, but the governor’s office has said he did not dine at the restaurant.
Newsom posted a video to his TikTok account with celebrity George Lopez talking about where to look for coronavirus vaccine eligibility. Newsom and Lopez were in Fresno, Calif., and are inside Los Amigos restaurant.
Auntie nanXi has arranged the outcome already for him.
Who or WHAT counts the ballots in CA? Dominion?
IF they don’t fix the “vote counter”, recall is likely to fail.
Quite happy to see the recall petition. But fundamentals matter. ~75 million Trump voters learned this hard lesson.
Exactly. “Lucy with the football.”
It’s long past time to KICK LUCY.
That sounds like FUN.
Yup. Both FUN (sadly, that’s Satan talking, and I know it) and JUST. However, the problem is that in our law-abiding civilization, we have delegated the monopoly on FORCE AND VIOLENCE to the SCOFFLAW FIB and the SCOFFDUTY military, both of which have devolved into protectors of the “non-violent” (as far as being CAUGHT) criminals.
The ability of criminals like Pelosi, Newsom, Tom Wolf and Brian Kemp to REDEFINE non-violent crime as excusable is really appalling, and why we are where we are.
What the criminals are waiting for is for US to get out of line, so they can JAIL US and KILL US.
I can tell you, just like the German military in WWII, our own SCOFFDUTY and RACE-PUPPET military brass will order troops who will enjoy killing people like me if given authorization by the criminals. In fact, they will enjoy it MORE, because they’ve been trained with first-person shooters to enjoy it. The German military were not trained to ENJOY killing – many were repulsed by the killing of civilians – but DUTY was followed.
Patriots will kill patriots out of duty, when ordered by criminals. COUNT ON IT.
Well, that’s certainly an encouraging message.
I’m not here to bullshit people. I’m here to warn them.
And I’m here to over-sarcastic the people. [smile]
You’re kidding! [wink]
I have to agree with you.
They are sworn to uphold the Constitution. However they will disagree amongst themselves as to whether it has even been violated here since the formal process played out exactly as specified.
Only 2 counties that i saw DO NOT use dominion.
Voter registrars are tools of the left. Even my county, remember is red with increasing blue….but overwhelmingly voted bite me. You shouldve seen all the flags and Trump everything EVERYWHERE.
Thats what i believe. We have almost 2 million signatures and he doesnt give a rip. He backed kamala not bite me and it beholdenbto cartels*his furst stop as governor was honduras), china(2 billion dollars, what money?), and soros.
CPAC 2021
‘Gender Identity Doesn’t Erase Physiological Advantages’: Student Athlete
BY JANITA KAN February 28, 2021 Updated: February 28, 2021
Biologically female athletes should not be forced to compete with athletes who are born biological males, student-athlete Linnea Saltz told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Saltz, who participates in the highest level of intercollegiate athletics known as the NCAA Division I, said on Saturday that her views do not stem from a desire to discriminate against transgender women but instead that accommodating for LGBTQ athletes should not come at the expense of destroying women’s sports and the dreams of biological female athletes.
As long as she keeps describing the sick ones as ‘transgendered women’ she is at a disadvantage in fighting off these political freaks. They are NOT women; they are mentally troubled men.
But neo-cons help them pull off the scam by treating them as a political group instead of telling them to take a hike and organize their own conference.
Saltz is probably getting support from both sides simply because she fights with one hand tied behind her back.
Her main point was – by accepting this ‘inclusion’ and elevating the LBGT community – women are diminished – religious organizations are forced to accept this nonsense – children are at risk – as are women – that is not playing both sides – she is presenting both sides – and how one side loses in the end from this ‘unequality’ law.
Precisely why she is not going to actually help.
We don’t allow toddlers to dress up in pro football uniforms and take the field against an adult team. Among other things, it first legitimizes the concept.
She does not understand how the left thinks
Interesting the origin of the name Linnea, a derivative of Linnaeus, as in Carl Linnaeus, the “father of modern taxonomy”…
Gutless wonders are they all. Men are men, women are women, and that’s that. Funny how they mention physiological differences, yet neglect (or rather avoid) the fact that these very differences are what define sex, which has devolved into the term “gender”, which used to be only of interest to linguists and suffering Berlitz students…
Time to fight back against all the PC cr@p.
And We Know Published February 28, 2021
The very fact that Democrats are pushing for men to compete in women’s space flies in the face of everything that feminism stands for. Yet, that’s exactly what is going on. Thus, Democrats are going to have to make a decision… are they going to fight for women or fight for a gender-neutral society. You can’t do both.
At what point will we see the Dems turn on themselves for this utter hypocrisy? At a certain point, they are going to dig their hole so deep that even the most progressive feminist will say that they can no longer support this genderless philosophy. You can’t provide protections for women while recognizing men as women. You cannot encourage girls to go out for sports when you allow boys to compete against girls and dominate the competition. Talk about systemic oppression against women… the Left is now making it to where women can’t even win in women’s sports!
Democrats are now puppets of androgynist satanic humanoid gray aliens who want to change humanity into themselves.
Or even if not, whatever is happening is INDISTINGUISHABLE from it.
Yes. I am beginning to favor the practice of labeling every version of evil satanic. That way they can’t obscure the evil at the playground by pointing at the evil of Hollywoood, etc. ad nauseum. Evil lying, murder, theft, corporate bullying. IT IS ALL FROM THEIR FATHER the devil.
Shall we talk about counter-tenors and castrati in the choir loft. That’s another place women will get the shaft, figuratively, of course.
why castrati made better loversWhen women were banned from the stage, these guys were the true divas of opera.
”long live the knife, the blessed knife!” screamed ecstatic female fans at opera houses as the craze for Italian castrati reached its peak in the 18th century — a cry that was supposedly echoed in the bedrooms of Europe’s most fashionable women
For Europe’s high society women, the obvious benefit of built-in contraception made castrati ideal targets for discreet affairs. Soon popular songs and pamphlets began suggesting that castration actually enhanced a man’s sexual performance, as the lack of sensation ensured extra endurance; stories spread of the castrati as considerate lovers, whose attention was entirely focused on the woman.
Yes. I know.
Still, a real woman premiered The Queen of the Night. And, yeah, I’ve got those notes.
have to say that I’ll smoke ‘em cuz I got’em and don’t want to lose them…
We get it. More people went to Trump’s rallies. Nobody went to Hillary’s or Biden’s rallies.
We can point this out for the next 30 years. Just like how the Right makes a cottage industry of pointing out that the Left are basically a bunch of hypocrites.
If pointing out hypocrisy while not actually doing anything for their voters was a currency, the GOP would solve the national debt problem.
Pulled this from Gab. Spot on.
The Sentinel Report – The FIGHT continues Onward! Patriots never give up! “The Sentinel Report”
American Alert Guardians Networks Published February 24, 2021
President Donald Trump will reaffirm that he does not want a third political party during his first speech after leaving office, according to former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. (The Epoch Times)
NOPE – Biden didn’t ‘win’ – they just used the usual Democrat election fraud ways and means to install him – then Pence (and several Republicans, including Marsha Blackburn and Mitch McConnell) helped them using the excuse of the false flag ‘insurrection’ on January 6.
That guy has ALWAYS ALWAYS been weak. Hes scared of his own shadow. Moments of fortitude but just cant seem to locate it 24/7.
We need to get him a roll of string and show him how to unroll it as he dives into the rabbit hole.
Idiot. This is how the Fake News trades LIES FROM OUR LIPS for favorable coverage.
EVIL. Make Scott PAY. Make him remember not to LIE FOR ATTABOYS next time.
Could somebody successfully primary him running on a basic platform of ‘the election was stolen’?
Not sure if it’s a good idea, but YEAH, maybe.
He’s EFFECTIVE, even if wimpy here.
He’s wimpy on THE issue of our time: Joe Biden didn’t win.
#JudgeNicoleZellweger gave custody of a child to a man on probation for domestic abuse who also took her to a level 3 sex offender’s house and stayed there overnight for a week. Child alleges sex abuse by dad. Zellweger knew this. She did it anyway. #StLouisCounty
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) February 28, 2021
Dang but that’s some evil shit right there.
She has no experience with what she is doing. Appointed not elected. Shes a pos, incompetent to this practice.
Courtroom: 205Floor: 2 SouthClerk:RickyCourt Reporter:
Bailiff:VacantPhone: 314-615-1531
Fax: 314-615-0142HonorableNicole S. ZellwegerFamily Cour
Nicole S. Zellweger was appointed an Associate Circuit Judge in April 2018, by Governor Eric Greitens.
Before her appointment to the bench, Judge Zellweger was a partner with the law firm of Stinson Leonard Street LLP. Her legal practice focused primarily on business litigation with concentration in the areas of franchise law and trust and estate litigation.
She graduated from the University of Georgia magna cum laude in December 1999 and received a Master of Arts degree from Yale University Divinity School in 2001. Judge Zellweger attended law school at Washington University in St. Louis, graduating Order of the Coif in 2004.
Judge Zellweger is the chair of the trial section of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis and a board member of the Mound City Bar Foundation. She is also a member of the St. Louis County Bar Association, the Women Lawyers’ Association of St. Louis, the Missouri Bar, the Kansas Bar and the Illinois Bar. She is a frequent author and speaker on legal topics, with numerous national publication credits. Among other distinctions, Judge Zellweger was named an “Up & Coming” attorney by Missouri Lawyers Media and has been recognized numerous times as a “Rising Star” by Super Lawyers.
“Up & Coming” or just uppity?
From the right ivy league…
Patrick Byrne on Telegram:
Patrick M. Byrne
Last time I said, I’m working on something big for you folks, then delivered a 40,000 word history three weeks later, I heard grousing about the $4.99.
So I’m not sure I want to tell you this, but… I’m working on something BIG for you folks.
He’s RIGHT. It’s a great price! I know I bitched that these people give us chargey books and not freebie stickers, but – well – they DO have to pay the bills when turned away from making money. This guy has done a LOT for our side. I’m giving him every break he NEEDS.
My books are almost all over 50K words, and I charge two dollars less. The last one has been on the market for a year this week and has sold exactly four copies. It’s not part of the series where the first book is free – and has been downloaded tens of thousands of times in five years – which is supposed to hook readers. At this point, the second book hasn’t even sold two thousand copies at $1.99.
People are CHEAP and want what they can get for free, never mind the work it takes.
Shall I start in on how much clergy will pay for good music, or what people are willing to spend on hand crafted items?
Frankly, if I didn’t love all of it, I wouldn’t do it. It’s not cost effective.
Unless the election system is fixed, I’m not interested in listening to speeches or in donating money and time to any candidate or in Trump endorsements.
Unless the election system is fixed – MAGA, KAG, Save America mean nothing.
I am going to support Trump and whomever he supports. The reason is it is my voice my vote my support and I am not allowing the left to take that away from me. I will not allow them to win over what I stand for and believe.
I do respect everyone because we all have a reason. Unless one has seen a country where a vote is not counted free speech not allowed one cannot understand. They are not going to win over me.
I do believe there are forces working on election reform and do think there are people working on local level to help make changes. There are many good Patriots who believe they can make a difference and fill the gap and step in. I am proud of all of them.
We all deal with the past election different. I look forward not backward .
“We will overcome.” Dr Martin Luther King.
Let’s face it. The people want their president.
BTW, the hopium sorts claim that the REAL data indicates POTUS won all states other than New York (how’s that for irony), and that there is a major announcement afoot for this afternoon.
And…don’t forget the ACH system between the banks crashed on Wednesday.
RSBN crowd is steadily growing – 136,340 watching now
When y’all are ready.
Just a heads-up for anyone here that’s doing the HCQ prophylaxis.
I think I mentioned that Simone Gold’s group of docs recommend 400mg weekly w/ zinc every day. Zelenko had always recommended 200mg, but in his latest revision he has 200-400/week with 25-50 zinc daily.
Appreciate the update.
IIRC, zinc was at 25 daily. Not a medical type, but those increases seem significant. Wonder what the Reader’s Digest version of the “rest of the story” here is.
JUST IN: On March 2, the US Supreme Court will hear arguments in a challenge to a pair of Arizona voting policies deemed “racially discriminatory” by Democrats
The policies being challenged:
1. Votes cast in the wrong polling place must be tossed out
2. A ban on collecting and turning in mail ballots by anyone other than a voter’s immediate family members or caregivers
So they will hear dem suits but won’t hear GOP suits on?!!!
Pray it backfires.
My mother’s Bridge Group at the senior center starts back up end of March. It’s run by the town and government officials are making it mandatory that all players are vaccinated. First incidence of ‘mandatory vaccination’ I’ve heard of.
I dont think they have that authority. They figure theyll use power over old people who are too weak or too lazy to gain compliance. They should get a lawyer.
I don’t know if private groups can have any rules they like. A district judge just ruled that the Miss USA pageant can limit entrants to biological females (thank goodness). The judge said the pageant has freedom of association under the Constitution.
I think private groups can. This seems ti be the guv mint setting rules.
It is. The senior center is operated by the local goverment.
Nailed it.
Thats where they should have standing.
That is bullying the elderly.
Yes! There are other rules like they must clean the room after, wipe down all the tables and chairs. These people are OLD and shuffle in with walkers. A couple of them are pushing 100.
When y’all are ready.

In the words of Sammy Hagar,
“I can’t survive…..without 45!!!”
You won’t be victorious unless the lawlessness is rectified. There will never be another legit election. I can’t watch him speak from weakness. It’s all BS. Sorry to be debby downer.
I feel the same. I just can’t. The country is gone, and this is all just politics.
He’s giving SOTU Address! What it is under Hiden…
The Country is NOT gone…
“Who knows I might just beat them the third time.”
I understand fully that this is the SOTU. The country isn’t gone – far from it. I just don’t see the path forward when we have allowed the steal (twice if you count GA runoff) to stand. What is the path? Is it all to be done within the swing states, and the election laws that they put in place? Everything is compromised.
Three times if you count 2018 (according to one conspiracy theory).
Yes, you’re correct.
With talent on loan from God. Rest in Peace Rush.
Never forget Rush’s closing words on his Christmas Eve radio show of last year — spoken just as the Mannheim Steamroller music was fading out at the end of the program:
“Make it happen.”
Andrew Torba
Mentally ill tranny demon hackers (I’m very serious) are attacking Gab right now. The same people behind this attack targeted law enforcement officers and their family members last summer. The feds are treating them as a criminal hacker organization. We are working with our partners in law enforcement on this issue.
We have always been transparent with this community when things happen so I am being very honest and upfront with you all now. My account and Trump’s account were compromised, of course as Trump is about to go on stage and speak. The entire company is all hands investigating what happened and working to trace and patch the problem. As we learn more I will keep you posted.
Looks like Trump is delayed at CPAC, no details yet
I hope all is okay.
BREAKING: Trump overwhelmingly wins #CPAC2021 straw poll for 2024 Republican nominee for President; Florida Governor Ron DeSantis second choice
– Trump: 55%
– DeSantis: 21%
– Noem: 4%
– Haley: 3%
– Pompeo: 2%
– Cruz: 2%
– Paul: 2%
not even close….
Cruz 2% …
Hilarious and well deserved
DeSantis – I like him and am sure he has a groundswell of support …. but the event is in Florida so Floridians are overrepresented I am sure adn that makes an impact
Noem beat hout Haley – good! Even if only 1% still good
Pompeo coming in less than Haley … give him time and he will increase.
If the poll was for VP under President Trump or 2nd choice, I am sure he would have scored higher.
According to Ghost Ezra, POTUS won’t be speaking until 4:55. No idea where that came from, so take with a grain of salt.
I saw the update for Covid19 treatment on previous page. Anything from same doctors regarding “long haulers”?
My friend now has taste and smell mostly returned but still dealing with frequent breathing issues and significant fatigue. Chest xrays on Friday show continued issues.
Interestering side note: their doctor recommended, if possible, a week or two at the beach as anecdotally the doctor has noticed a strong improvement when patients with long haulers come back from beach vacations.
Friend has no budget for a few weeks on the beach so is taking salt baths, esp. with dead sea salt, doing breath treatments with dead sea salts (carefully) and increasing essential oils for breathing including Eucalyptus. Had stopped their use of tinctures as thought they were “well” and just dealing with bouncing back but have begun tinctures again after seeing the xrays as seems may have still some infection + inflammation.
Continuing supplements and lots of herbal teas and … Any other ideas? Any specific supplements? Will pass along. Asking in case I missed anyone posting updates as I am not here as much as I used to be. But I will turn the bell on for this one.
3,000 mg daily of vitamin C
3,000 IU daily of vitamin D3
30 – 60 mg daily of zinc
All of these amounts are spaced out during the day.
2 cups green tea or black tea (for the quercetin)
Caution: if the person also takes a general multi-vitamin daily, to check on the amounts of the above items contained within the multi-vitamin.
Tea actually doesn’t have much quercetin — it has epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a different ionophore. Green tea has about 7380 mg/100g while black tea has 936 mg/100g, so you’re more efficient with the green tea.
Thank you
Thank you doing all already but they are still stuck.
Humid day in TN with temps in 60s … breathing much harder already. Trying to beat the clock to summer weather
Thinking it through ….
Taking quercetin + drinking green tea most days, other herbal teas as well including Nettle infusions (plenty of quercetin there too).
50 zinc per day
liquid Vit D for more rapid absorption and more bio availability
Not taking Vit C as dedicatedly … but getting large dose Vit C shots frequently.
Will suggest daily vit C for constant infusion into system.
No multi but good diet with red meat (usually) 2x a day. Skip some days of 50 zinc so as not to overdose since this has been going on for months and months + was already supplementing zinc several x per week as preventative.
Already dealing with autoimmune and other chronic inflam. issues.
Taking antioxidants, eating fermented foods … want to help them before summer humidity arrives.
They may go camping at the beach as an affordable way to seek healing but that is really not easy for them with their other health issues and budget.
Anyone else with any other advice? Heard anything else that might work or at least help?
There are asthmatic inhalers and COPD inhalers. Z-pack is good for pulmonary infections regardless of cause. There are inflammatory blockers but I can’t remember the names at the moment.
The infection is no longer active – no symptoms other than what shows in the xrays and trouble breathing
Today was really bad due to higher humidity. They are better now as humidity is dropping.
Doctor didn’t offer them antibiotic but will recomend they call back and ask about due to what showed in the xrays & the inhalers
thank you for the help. if today was tough it will only get rapidly worse as our TN weather warms
Fresh grated ginger tea.
Tumeric (but not every day if have autoimmune.)
Essential oils: Oregano, Thyme, Cloves, Lemon (in warm water for internal)
Dr. Kory just did an interview explaining that some long haulers actually are still dealing with the infection. Ivermectin is helping many of those patients per his Doctor colleages. I know it’s for horse’s but some people use Durvet Apple Flavored Ivermectin from the feed store or Tractor Supply. Comes in a tube with a way to measure dose by weight. 1 notch for each 50lbs of weight. About $3-6 dollars for a tube that can treat up to 1250 lbs. Some take it every 2-3 days for actute symptoms, Every 3-4 days for post acute and every 4-14 days for prophalaxis.
Stupid dumbass jeff flake wannabe…
President Trump is now one hour late.
H/T kyblue at Marica’s
The comments are interesting like getting Cuomo out of the way for Kamala in 2024.
That’s what Nunes told Maria this morning. Getting rid of both Cuomo and Gruesome is a + for Camel-uh in 2024. AS IF she has a chance!?!!

Matt Schlapp had a show-down with Jim Acosta/CNN.
Acosta is upset and having a hissy fit about the possibility that President Trump might say the words, ‘Stolen Election’ which Acosta says is a LIE.
Acosta can say any lie he wants, but it won’t make it true.
Jim so misses his 15 minutes of fame…
What he misses is his 15 minutes of fetish abuse. While DJT was POTUS, he got paid to be abused; now he has to pay a dominatrix out of his own pocket in order to get the thrill. That would piss off any grifter.
Another round of Goya boycott in the making?
VIDEO: Goya CEO Calls Trump ‘The Legitimate And Still Actual President’ During CPAC Speech
Robert Unanue said he is happy to share the stage with Donald J. Trump.
Lee Greenwood!!!
So good to see him!
And he looks great!
Hello to you, hello to CPAC
Do you miss me yet? Do you miss me yet?
Since 12:00:00.000001 on January 20th.
For me it’s been since 11:43:00AM on Jan 20. . .

Hard working patriots
Just getting starting
And in the end
OMG, REALPOTUS is coming out swinging!
Pay my respect to the great Rush Limbaugh!

We will be Victorious.
America will be stronger and greater than ever before.
Love and Respect to Rush

CPAC has just instantly turned into a MAGA RALLY!
I’m going to continue to fight right by your side, and we’re going to do what we’ve been doing we’re going to win!
Start a new party? FAKE NEWS
We’d have those debates . . . we don’t even know WHAT he talked about, actually . . .
Hmmmm. Do I hear correctly? For the next 4 years, Republicans fight against the party in power? “We all knew the Biden administration would be bad”?
He wants those windmills . . . that don’t work when you need them
The Wall has been amazing – impact like noone would be believed
Creepy ran the most fraudulent campaign ever.
or as I call it, the China Virus

The new thing is the double mask

I noticed double masks at the Perseverance touchdown.
Must need them on Mars real bad
Well…it was the mission control room.
Those folks are going to be leading interesting lives from here on out.
The rover can only operate during daylight. So they now go on Perseverance local time, going to work when the sun rises there, and coming back home when it sets.
But the Martian day is about 24 1/2 hours long. So each day they go to work a half hour later. 24 days from now, their shift is a night shift (if it was a day shift today).
Given a 12 hour and 15 minute workday, I don’t know what they do to avoid massive overtime; maybe 6 hour shifts, but those too would move around.
It reminds me of the time I prepped for a trip to Europe by setting my alarm clock 12 minutes earlier every day for five weeks. That shifted me 7 hours; I was thus only a couple of hours off when I got there (eastern Europe).
That’s an interesting question. All the ground based systems I’ve worked on had 24/7 shift staffing even during comm blackouts – albeit at reduced staffing and leveraging flex schedules. I wouldn’t expect OT.
But, I’m not a ground operations guy
I agree. So the question is whether they work half shifts a lot, or just three full shifts.
Who knows, who knows. . . I may even decide to beat them for a third time
I may even decide to beat them for a 3rd time.

The EVIL MEDIA will BURN IN HATE at “beat them for a THIRD time“!!!
But Wolf, he beat them the second time, and is now talking about four years of Biden. Beat them again HOW? I need red meat on how that will happen. I have held on and waited like everyone for help to come and it isn’t coming. National elections are a CHEAT!
I don’t count on any help from anyone beyond the state level of politics anymore.
I am starting to see Trump’s strategy, but I’m “going Flynn” on it.
No plan?
I understand. But whatever the opposite of “hopium” is, this is it.
I believe as I have for quite a while that the only thing to do is work on the states to claw back all their power from the federal cesspool.
Almost sounds like (hate to say it) a concession speech, and there is no “plan” in place for him to come back any time soon. Sounds more like a campaign speech for 2024, except there won’t be an election then, at least not for our party, unless the 2020 election is corrected. Perhaps Q is over, it was a nice distraction, but the swamp was too deep for one man and the military to fix. So sad. Will have to tune out from politics for a while for my sanity. I probably have only 15 more good years on the planet. I never thought I’d be living under communism during those years. So depressing.
Work on your state legislature to pass election reforms. The states MUST pass reforms. If you live in a blue state, do whatever you have to do to get out! There are better places to spend your life than in some leftist shithole.
We don’t know if the swamp was too deep for draining by one man and the military BECAUSE IT WASN’T TRIED!
No they won’t. They’ll just laugh.
They know he won’t beat the fraud.
Biden won’t enforce US immigration law – IMPEACH BIDEN!!!
We stopped payment for illegal aliens

“Who knows? I might decide to beat them for the 3rd time.” President Trump
TAKE COVER! Globalist heads exploding across the globe!
They’re laughing. They know that even if he wins 99.9% of the vote, he will still lose.
I don’t think so…President Trump wouldn’t run knowing the problem is not fixed. Wouldn’t make sense.
Now he gets to make a side by side comparison and contrast.
And HOW does that happen? Voters in the states with massive discrepancies are forbidden to even see these discrepancies. Everything is compromised. This is all just rah rah to no avail.
I do not have all of the answers to your question. We, together with Trump’s Republican party have 4 years to figure it out.
Also, the Dems know that such a broad daylight steal with the help of a Plandemic will only work once on such a large scale…therefore the attempt to impeach and prevent Trump from running again.
4 years?
No, we have less than one year. Whatever we plan to do requires time to put things in place.
It wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t laughing now.
They tried to prevent him from being able to run again for a reason. They are not laughing.
They don’t look very happy either.
America has lost it’s legitimate morale power. It has none with any Bidenese sitting in the White House. The results of this are not yet understood. No country is going to deal with the USA in an honest manner until the Bidenese are gone.
The only way forward for the USA is backward to PDTJ.
The Press refused to ask the questions – but when I asked the questions Chris Wallace refused to let him answer the questions

No reason the vast majority of American kids should not be back in school immediately!
But Joe Biden sold out the children to the Teachers Unions!
If our children are not in schools where teachers propagandize them, how is that bad for the children?
Creepy sold out to the Teachers Unions.
$1.9T boondoggle doesn’t open the schools

I pushed the FDA like they’ve never been pushed before.
They told me that loud and clear.
I didn’t like them very much.
But they got it done and now I love them.

Takes 60 days to create and inspect new doses.
All vaccines we have were 100% initiated by our administration.
We delivered over 1 million doses on the last day of my administration
There was no vaccine when Joe was at White House
I don’t think he said that in a malicious way . . . I think he honestly said that because he didn’t know what the h3!! was happening
2nd Amendment is under far greater attack than you know . . . but we saved it

Border Patrol and ICE are some of the great heroes of our country – some incredible people

I got us out of the China puppet WHO
Why are we paying $500M and China is paying $39M?
Cuz the people who made the deal are stupid.

not 10k, not 11k, but 42k jobs
They didn’t talk about that during the debates!

Energy Independence!
Windmills are a disaster

Excited to see the President. Now I know why I loved him so, the truth teller.
Awful speech of reality and truth. America needs us more now than ever.
It’s barely been 40 days, We cannot take 4 years of Creepy.
I just do not understand what’s going on here. Maybe I was wrong to think that REALPOTUS would ride in on a white horse, surrounded by military brass, and tell us that RobberJoe, KamaHarr, and their handlers were being arrested.
Four years of KamaHarr (since RobberJoe will be removed quite soon), with a DeepState / Cabal handpicked VP replacement, and the United States of America will be a combination of the current Venezuela + sending our military back into endless wars, with the resultant fiatmoney that will explode the national debt well past the unable-to-pay-back line. And the DeepState / Cabal will laugh all the way to the (Rothschild’s) bank.
Asking for 74+ million of We, The People who voted to re-elect REALPOTUS Donald Trump. Is there something I’m missing?
Not missing anything. They stole the election. The swamp won this round.
I recall DJT saying words to the effect that it’s not over until the grounded fighter stays down. Sure looks like that’s what happened here.
We’re losing women’s sports
Lots of records being smashed with ease
He’s doing great! Seems like we are in the “showing people” stage of things.
The compare and contrast can not be more plain.
“People are seeing how bad it can be.”
Some people said “that’s going to be controversial”
That’s ok, you haven’t heard anything yet
A party of love
Outside see how many people are there
The FLAGS!!!

Keep and Bear Arms

Space Force!

Respect our great American flag!

We loved Ronald Reagan

But we didn’t hear this with Reagan
It’s a great honor
An exceptional nation – blessed by GOD!
Hey cocaine Mitch, back stabber McCarthy, Lincoln Project Cheney it’s not and never will be your party! Traitors!
We reject Cancel Culture!

I understand the compare/contrast — but aside from throwing in a couple of cheating jabs and hinting about another run, he has said nothing that anyone in this audience doesn’t already know. In spades. And now he’s talking about the “we love you” chant. Oh my.
What are the people who have risked it all supposed to take from this message? Stop worrying about the fraud? Lindell has money, Byrne has money. Those forgotten people who gave testimony don’t have a safety net.
Sorry, this whole speech has no legs outside the hall.
Sorry, posted this in the wrong place earlier. Here it is again:
Almost sounds like (hate to say it) a concession speech, and there is no “plan” in place for him to come back any time soon. Sounds more like a campaign speech for 2024, except there won’t be an election then, at least not for our party, unless the 2020 election is corrected. Perhaps Q is over, it was a nice distraction, but the swamp was too deep for one man and the military to fix. So sad. Will have to tune out from politics for a while for my sanity. I probably have only 15 more good years on the planet. I never thought I’d be living under communism during those years. So depressing.
I’m lucky if I have 3 or 4 years left. I’ll be paying attention to family more than politics.
We got a Trade Deal . . . our farmers are doing well

Dedicated to protecting innocent life.
And to protecting the Judeo-Christian values of our Founders and our Founding!
Must Pass Comprehensive Election Reforms!

There it is! Election integrity…must be done NOW!
This is ALL I care about!
This election was RIGGED!!!
And the Supreme Court and the other courts didn’t want to do anything about it!
I was told the President of the United States has no standing!
18 States went in with Texas and they said “they don’t have standing”
No they didn’t have the guts to do the right thing
This should never be allowed to happen in another race
Those 19 states should each pass a resolution that the result of SCOTUS denying cert is that none of us will honor/obey any result from there. I think it was President Monroe who said in 1803, let him (chief justice) enforce his order.
IIRC, Jackson.
Now we’re getting somewhere.
This is all I want to talk about. WE ALL KNOW. Now what do we DO about it?
Saving the best for last.
Yes, SOTU to start – now the meat & potatoes.
The USA has lost it’s morale authority around the world because of this fraud. The effects of this have yet to be understood, but they will huge going forward.
Not 45, 30 . . . ONE DAY, like it’s been
Only people who should be allowed to vote by mail are PROVEN to be very sick or out of the country or military
Should be a legitimate reason to vote ABSENTEE
THIS ELECTION WAS RIGGED and the Supreme Court didn’t have the courage to do anything about it.
We must have VOTER ID

In all seriousness, who will ask for it?
Trump said “We must have VOTER ID” so presumably it will be a grassroots demand. It will also probably have to be accomplished at a state by state level.
In Texas, I know we have some bills in committee for election integrity during our Legislative session.
Unfortunately, the way the Texas political game is rigged right now, they will die in committee and never get put on the calendar.
Voter ID doesn’t matter.
Who is going to check for voter ID in Detroit or Chicago? Or Los Angeles?
We knew from 2016 that it doesn’t take place in Brooklyn. Sorry, too late for me to find the Project Veritas video right now, but it’s there. The official said that people went on buses from precinct to precinct to vote. Everyone knew it. No one checked ID.
Who will check in dodgy districts/precincts? No one.
I cannot understand why everyone wants voter ID. Only honest people will have theirs verified. No one else will.
The demand is not the issue.
The reality of the situation is who will check ID on the day? In Brooklyn, no one did.
We’re assuming someone with a PDJT mindset will be checking for voter ID.
We are dreaming. It will not happen in cities or university towns.
Look at New Hampster (as my late mother — jokingly — used to call it). They have an element of voter fraud at every general election. Further to NH, videos from the Obama era were made of ballots that were left out of the count. They were locked away in a room, out of sight. Meanwhile, students voted with abandon, not only in Massachusetts but also NH.
To get in the Democratic Convention you need ID!!!
This is a con job!
AND called out SCOTUS!
He will do in time.
100% Requirement to verify citizenship of everyone who votes
Chain of custody protections for EVERY BALLOT
You saw what happened . . . swing states mostly . . . MORE VOTES than you have people . . .
And an election changing number
100’s of thousands MORE VOTES than PEOPLE VOTING!
Has taken place for years in Penn, Detroit, and other places
They used COVID as a way of cheating and everyone knows it
Republicans have to do something about it
Our election systems are in many cases no better than a 3rd world country
Procedures rewritten by local politicians or judges – not allowed to do that! – not by state legislatures as required by Constitution
Not little numbers – outcome changing numbers
Supreme Court didn’t have the guts or the courage to do anything about it!
And neither did other judges!
Liberals even admitted it in Time Magazine – they had to brag about it!
They used a global pandemic as a tool to cheat…gonna be difficult to use that one 2024.
Wait for it.
The global plandemic changes every damn thing.
All of the election integrity measures in the world will mean nothing without free speech
We are tough people, but . . .
We let them attack our businesses and we don’t attack their businesses
We are nicer than they are
They don’t want to hear us heard
We have easy victories in debate
It’s called common sense
We must repeal Section 230 liability protections!
If Fed will not act, every State in the Union – Big Tech should be punished with major sanctions whenever they silence conservative voices
Pelosi’s H.R. 1 would drastically restrict political speech and shut down dissent
BTW, McCarthy told Maria B that HR 1 also cuts Medicare by $36B/year for at least 3 years.
News flash: Democracy has already been undermined by the Left’s behavior since 2016 by JE Dyer
The money quote: “And what undermines democracy is not that such allegations are made. It’s that the allegations are being dismissed without investigation and not taken seriously.”
We need strong leadership with spines of steel!
JUST IN – Trump at CPAC: “Twitter, Google, and Facebook should be punished with major sanctions whenever they silence conservative voices.”
Instead of attacking me, top Establishment Republicans in Washington should spend their energy opposing Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrats!
Going after the RINOs now!
He’s naming the names of the GOPe Traitors
The Democrats don’t have people like . . .
And the war monger, a person who likes seeing our troops fighting, LIZ CHENEY
Censured in her own state
Her polls numbers have dropped more than you’ve ever seen
Democrats are vicious but they always stick together
Republican Party is united
The only division is between a bunch of Washington DC HACKS and the rest of the party
RINOs high-five and fist-bump Dems when they think you are not looking.
MS Lindsey and Hoe on Senate floor.
Did you hear they said President Trump’s endorsement is the most powerful asset in politics? Who would believe that?
Still wondering why President Trump did not call our Pence and McConnell.
Turtle blinked 1st, by saying he would endorse POTUS. Maybe he’s seen the light. They need each other in a jacked up way. POTUS is also gracious, he usually doesn’t attack in public unless provoked. THere will be no Pence in 2024.
He’s biding his time. JMHO.
My endorsement of Mitch McConnell – at his request – brought him from 1 pt down to 20 pt up in the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky – very quickly, immediately actually.
Turtle soup time. POTUS took turtle from 1 point doing to 20points up. POTUS is just happy to have a Republican. He was too nice.
Way too nice. I would be worried if I was Mitch.
It’s now 50 – 50 in the Senate instead of down eight to ten seats. We’d be down if it wasn’t for my endorsements
So in a nutshell, Trump’s plan is to work to get MAGA in Congress…then return with a legislature he can work with.
Named names and said vote them all out.
Won 26 of 26 toss up races
Expected to lost 25 seats, instead we won 15 seats . . . almost caused Crazy Nancy her job!
We got more votes than any incumbent President in HISTORY – not including the votes and ballots they threw out!
Did even better in the 2nd than the 1st!
So how did we lose? What a disgrace to our country!
Trump is laying the FOUNDATION for ALL FUTURES.
EXACTLY!!! Very exciting!
He’s being very Flynn. He’s creating STRONG OPENINGS and not hinting what exact plans fit into those.
McCloghlin – if you get 66M you’ll have it made
We made it to 70M
WHAT HAPPENED at 3:02 in the morning!??
The first instance of an election that was being won by the Good Guys being changed in realtime to being won by the Bad Guys. The template, if you will, for future elections. There can’t be a REALPOTUS Donald Trump in the Oval Office in 2024 if the stolen election of 2020 isn’t rectified. And apparently state Supreme Courts, along with the United States Supreme Court, are just fine with throwing out cases — and the hard evidence — that prove the vote fraud.
Where are those overseas servers that supposedly were secured by our military?
Are we now to accept that RobberJoe’s handlers are truly in charge at the White House, instead of the military that there’s been so many rumors about?
The oversea server concept was floated not by Trump or his surrogates it was all psy op on the internet. That is how i saw it actually much false crap floated around that confused people. I am disappointing that even some Trump supporters floated a lot of stuff around that did not lead anyplace. To me it was like a drowning person grasping at straws. Sadly this hurt a lot of people their hope smashed, I am disappointed people exploited the emotions of others but the the democrats have no compassion.
I am glad Trump gave this hones direct speech tonight.
Powell, Flynn, Byrne (and Lindell of course) have all gotten behind the overseas evidence. There is video plus signed affidavits from Italy admitting to the Leonardo evidence.
Interesting that Trump never mentioned it?
Shows how much faith he has in its reliability.
I think it could be that he’s continuing to stay away from the investigations and evidence. His focus is elsewhere as he lets investigators do their jobs.
What investigators? Any of this foreign election stuff would require DOJ/FBI to investigate and we all know what they are doing. Nothing.
Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and the like. Whether official investigators or not, they are continuing to reveal evidence of fraud. Even if courts won’t hear it, the peop[le will.
It will just be classified as right wing conspiracy kook theory. Which is why the congress is pushing the right wing domestic terrorist angle. So anyone pushing the election was stolen story will be classified as a domestic terrorist. At a minimum it will suppress dissent. And the media will willingly push the narrative.
All true. But PDJT himself is saying he won the election, as are we, and none of us are going to stop.
Thanks to my coattails LOL Democrats failed to flip a SINGLE STATE LEGISLATURE or a LEGISTLATIVE CHAMBER
Because Republicans came out to vote for me!
But the FAKE NEWS flips this story
Biden DID NOT win – the Democrats simply employed the same Democrat election fraud tactics they have used since the days of Huey P Long and the Chicago Mob Bosses on a massive scale – with a few new tricks – like stopping the election and adjusting the vote machine algorithms to put Biden over the hump.
Then Pence (and several Republicans, including Marsha Blackburn and Mitch McConnell) helped them by validating the fraudulent electoral vote, using the astroturf/psy-op ‘riot’ quickly termed an attempted coup or ‘insurrection’ as an excuse.
18 of 19 bellweather counties voted for Trump
A shocker to those who go for the stats!
Never been anything like this!
Yet did Biden win? NO
Go to
YUP! Save America PAC and
A Republican President will make a triumpant return to the White House
I wonder who will that be?????
I wonder WHEN that will be???!!!
I’m with you, Wolf – I can’t see 2022 from our kitchen window, but I can see March coming in. Will it be like a Lion or a Lamb. April showers and all that, ya know!
The Ghost of Stolen Elections Past is gonna spook ’em starting TONIGHT.
I wonder

Four years is too long for a person like Trump who can’t sit still. He should follow that plan that’s been bandied about. Run for congress from FL, get the majority and become speaker. And THEN run in 2024. It will keep him sharp, and getting younger. And he’ll still have a couple of years to endorse people, be a thorn, and still play a lot of golf.
Congress in 2022.
If the republicans take the house they can elect him speaker with out him having to run for congress.
OMG – that’s RIGHT.
Become “speaker of the house”…….
Then…… Impeach Joe AND the Hoe!
Voila….. 3rd in line…… PRESIDENT! for 2 years….
Elected for four moar!
Very interesting.
I don’t think he would have a vote but he would control the agenda.
That means he could have three shots at the WH. If he becomes speaker and they impeache Biden and Harris the Trump would become POTUS. He then can run again for 4 more years:)
Even if he doesn’t do it, just the thought of it — the possibility — has Dems apoplectic. He’s toying with them.
Only if he serves less than 2 years of the removed president’s 4 year term.
Note that he did NOT remove that option, or several similar ones.
Trump 47 2024!
My wife is yelling “WE LOVE YOU” at the television set!!!
Time to increase her ration of Old Baileys.
As long as it’s not tied to the GOP at all. Nothing to winred ever again.
Our brightest days are just ahead!!!!


Dang it’s really dusty in here
It was dusty as soon as he took the stage.
It’s gotta really suck to be Democrat
You did everything you could to destroy and get rid of Trump and MAGA
This is exactly what they were afraid of.
I would love to see Trump flags on cars and homes again.
My porch banner is going back up once the ice chucks falling offer the roof are gone.
So Trump can RUN for something!
Maybe Trump can run for SPEAKER of the House, but NOT A SEAT.
What that does is NATIONALIZES the idea of the necessity of a House Majority. It spotlights EVERY House race to a Republican WIN.
Then, with Trump as SPEAKER, they immediately impeach Biden and Harris.
How does that happen?
See? No Democrat will defend them.
Speaker becomes President! McCarthy become Speaker.
We need a positive outcome, but alas, hiw do we have no voter fraud? Lets see if we can get newsom out and change up CA. That will help here at least.
We never went away. Trump MAGA people are strong people and bounce back.
Ha ha we are like the guest who never leaves
I don’t get the disclaimer at the bottom of the web page:
“Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.”
Because he currently isn’t running for office?
That’s my guess.
He did not mention Pence one time.
Not. once.
This was very odd. Not sure what to make of that.
That was a good thing. Many people do not realize what Pence did. He does not want to bring division in the republican party therefore was a good thing he did not mention him. Many people liked Pence a lot so I understand why he did not. Do not create enemies where non exist. He is smart not to create an enemy with Pence supporters.
Pence was invited to speak, but declined. He joined the Heritage Foundation – the group that wrote Romneycare and Obamacare.
I’m sorry as I was [once] a Pence promoter; I believe his wife to be a good person [remains to be seen], B.U.T. he stabbed us ALL in the back with his designed, deep state move in the Senate.
So: sorry: he’s dead to me. Just leave, Mike. We hardly knew ya …. or, maybe we did!
Yep – I was all Pence-Pompeo 2024
I still can’t believe he was such a swamp critter in the end.
I found most of his religious fervor and praising of POTUS to be affected. Thus I ALWAYS hasmd kitty side eye on him.
He always was a swamp critter. His first betray staffing the WH with Koch brother people. The Flynn and who knows what else.
I do not think he will run if Trump runs for President.
There are Pence supporters? You mean like the Lincoln Project people?
There seem Pence supporters. I have hears some specially some evangelicals because of Pence faith. Unless one knows more about him some people like him and they think he was a supporter of MAGA, They have no idea about his Koch brother connection.
straw poll without President Trump as an option
Very few never Trumpers listed and those that are barely have support – even when combined
I wouldn’t support the Trump children because I don’t think they are natural born citizens … or would I because we have to do what will win and win for America? IDK. …
Obama was not natural born neither Cruz not Harris not Rubio. See a pattern? If they want to change US they need people as President they need people with split loyalties.
So, what I took from that speech was that the election was stolen in broad daylight, laws were broken, the US Constitution trampled, most likely involving foreign interference, and everybody on planet Earth knows it…but Republicans did nothing, the Supreme Court did nothing, and the US Military did nothing.
I really see no reason to celebrate at this point. I’m not giving up but I think I’m angrier now than I was a few months ago.
The Steal was seen world wide. The effects of this election are still not fully understood. The USA has really tossed away the morale high ground. We can no longer use that morale authority to do anything in the world again until this is fixed. Any one dealing with the USA will give us short thrift. The only power the USA has now is that of coercion.
FWIW, people over here KNOW the election was stolen, and think Bye, Done has Alzheimer’s or worse. The MSM/MCM and the usual commies/Nazis/Greens (but I repeat myselt) don’t think so, as they need a shill in the White House, but most folks on the street know the election was stolen.
And are wary of it happening here, as it’s a general election year here, and Merde-Kuh is setting to moo off into the sunset…….
But like I said the other day, new parties are starting to spring up like mushrooms, and the political manure used to fertilize them is getting spread about too. One wonders if the Cabal are instituting a “divide and conquer” or splitter strategy here…
PDJT is heading splitter strategies off by not forming a third party.
The 2party system is deeply entrenched in State laws and procedures, it doesn’t make sense to start a new party. It would take too much time and money and is unlikely to get enough support. A takeover is best.
Yep. Turn the “Grand Old Party” into the “Great New Party” or something like that…
I meant over here (probably wasn’t clear). I don’t think multiple parties will work in the US, as it’s always been pretty much two parties there. Here, in the “old country(ies)”, there are usually four or five parties. A while back, Italy had something like 14 parties, with a porn star as the finance minister (probably made sense as she knew how to handle money, and was “bought” by everybody… hey, maybe Kamel-HUH’s inspiration?)…
The election frauds are worldwide. And the solution will have to be worldwide, too.
Congress also did nothing.
Less than something.
Well – Congress validated the fraudulent electors and refused to look at the evidence of fraud.
I see this as PDJT telling the world what we all know. He’s telling them that he knows and we know. Some here seem to think he’s playing the political game, but by laying out the election fraud in detail, he is doing what we’ve been doing every day since the election: saying Joe Biden didn’t win. It goes along with Wolf’s 100 flowers post. Now everyone knows that’s his message and maybe even strategy.
This speech was at CPAC and needed to be rah-rah. The things he said do not preclude other action. IMO, PDJT still has *them* on the ropes, not knowing what he will do. And he’s still with us, and in a leadership role. It’s glorious.
Glorious indeed!
He prepped the battlefield with a nuclear EMP/shock device, but what he’s going to DO into it is a mystery, as it should be.
He made HINTS of multiple possible strategies – many possible plans – but nothing given form or even spelled out beyond merest hints.
It’s good.
Team Steal the Vote do NOT think the way we do, even if they know everything we do and more.
Tonight’s speech has them changing their pants. They have no friggin’ idea when Hillary’s other shoe is going to drop.
VSGlegitimatePOTUS also put the GOPe on public notice that they are going down.
The cronies are all worried about POTUS setting up a shadow govt. Well, he just announced a Super PAC, and told all his followers to join and donate to it.
And the WinRed servers are CRASHING under the LOAD.
This is LAUGHABLE!!! GOP is BEGGING for cash. Trump says “Go to my website and donate to my PAC” and Trump supporters are like “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!”

And the GOP can’t raise stink from a skunk farm.
The GOPe has LOST its ability to fundraise and Trump has taken their golden cash cow from them.
No one can touch Trump in the straw polls. The CPAC rigged straw polls.
The GOPe is totally, royally screwed.
“when Hillary’s other shoe is going to drop”
Good, you and the rest of the country to need to put that anger to work in 2022. I suspect Creepy is gonna red-pill a bunch of folks for us. All we need is either chamber and we can block Creepy’s agenda for the last 2 years.
We need to pressure our State legislators to shore up the election laws in the states. AZ is still working on audits and court cases. I heard PA Repubs have buried thier heads in the sand. Only GA has done anything, they passed a law requiring mandatory signatures on file for absentee ballots. DeSantis is fortifying FL. Ken Paxton said he’s working w/23 other AG’s. We have 2years to get our S together.
This ^^^
I’m hoping 75+ million voters are now extremely angry, just like I am. Throw in the Biden/Harris/Obama/Jarrett socialist policies ruining American jobs and lives and you can tack on several more million angry voters.
Of course, like everyone here has been saying over and over, none of it matters if we don’t have free and fair elections. All that anger will not amount to a hill of beans.
It was Pence who was in charge of election reform. First I thought he got no help from States but looking back I wonder what I know now he might not have tried. I have to admit I never trusted him.
This is why I didn’t bother following any of CPAC, including President Trump’s speech. Until I see tangible action, I’m done listening to talk.
AWESOME! President Trump gets to live rent free in globalist minds for not just 8 years…instead 12 YEARS!
QV reported 404,000 watching on RSBN Youtube
I looked at one point and it had 448,000 on RSBN
The YouTube replay video hasn’t come up yet on the RSBN – wonder if Google is censoring it?
It’s up on PSCP TV here – @ 8:05:20
OK – here it is on YouTube –
Trump speech @ 8:05:20
2,444,409 views…so far.
2,585,524 views now.
More evidence that Joe Biden Didn’t Win. It’s everywhere, and it will only become more prominent.
I watched from website.
OANN was probably broadcasting as well.
I just went to to check it out, and maybe donate. But I think it is still tied to winred, which is a no-go for me.
If you donate, don’t fail to un-check the two boxes which will make your donation either monthly, or double what you wanted to donate.
They really need to fix that.
Hey Peter… Lets not get too honest here! Short but great.
Dumps on McCarthy, Mitch and Ms. Lyndsay.
Ep. 2415a – [CB] Panic Over Currency, Moves And Countermoves
X22 Report Published February 28, 2021
Ep. 2415b – Comms, Trump Is Now In The Process Of Rearranging The Playing Board
X22 Report Published February 28, 2021
I got some text spam from a well-known Democrat organization offering to send me a free “Madam Vice President” sticker. Do I…
1) Tell them never to contact me again, or
2) Make them waste money sending a sticker that will go directly in the trash (unless someone here can think of a more creative use for it).
Stick it on the inside of a urinal
Tell them you need a thousand and then donate them to gun range.
They do make handy targets.
Option 2 will probably net more contact from them, so you have to weigh that. Your name will probably go on lists, but that might be a strategy to use in this fight.
Does it have a Postage Paid return envelope?
Do you have a stack of old shingles or a spare bald tire you need to get rid of?
The re-cycle bin would be appropriate!
Rep. Jim Jordan on Potential Trump 2024 Run; ‘Equality’ Act; Fighting Cancel Culture | CPAC 2021
Premiering Shortly!
At the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, we sit down with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to discuss his hopes for a Trump 2024 Run, why he believes the Equality Act threatens religious liberty, and how to combat cancel culture.
Society of Petroleum Engineers: “The Texas Power Failure — What Went Wrong and Why?”
Guest “public service message” by David Middleton
H/T to Big Oil Bob…
The broadcast can be viewed live on LinkedIn or subsequently viewed on YouTube. I will update the post with the video later today.
SPE membership is not a prerequisite for viewing this or other broadcast events.
Bryan Suits. KFI Los Angeles/Seltzer Early Adopter (@darksecretplace) Tweeted: Who’s a good boy?! Oregon wolf makes history on lengthy journey to California
I’ve been having trouble getting updates from OT since hosting change, despite several efforts I haven’t gotten it resolved to my liking. BUT, I am getting updates again.
SD on the “Save America PAC”:
Strategic and Smart, President Trump Begins “Save America PAC”
Posted on February 28, 2021 by Sundance
Essentially, VSGlegitimatePOTUS is creating his own Tea Party organization.
Money uses the WinRed platform but is directed the Save America PAC:
Meanwhile this post by SD does not appear to have aged well:
PAY ATTENTION – Those Still Advocating Against a Third Party Need to Move to Acceptance Phase, GOP is NOT Recoverable
Posted on February 7, 2021 by Sundance
I know it has not aged well but we all know that breaking up the GOP was one issue that SD had hoped would be an “accomplishment” of President Trump but was Never a promise or mission of President Trump. Just a hope of SD.
Most all of President Trump’s supporters hoped for a sea change, a complete clean up of the GOP of RINOs and a ripping the GOP from the GOPe/RINOs. We have done so with most every county party, most every state party and have converted many elected GOP politicians from GOPe to MAGA GOP held seats. More work to do there but much progress has been made and more will be made in the next 2 elections.
But, really, its actually not fair to just highlight SD on this issue of wanting to leave the GOP and go 3rd party, is it? I think I remember a few others thinking and posting the same….
I don’t know if you’re talking about RNC seats? Because Congress is a cesspool, and even PDJT is not trusting the RNC with donations. That’s why he started a PAC separate from them where they don’t control the money.
Of course it’s fair. SD wrote it, and it is fair to look at from all angles. No one said SD was the only one considering a 3rd party. This is a non-issue.
I love it when you do a low growl.
Well, that wasn’t my goal. Just trying to state the truth as I understand it. I shouldn’t let my frustration show.
Looks like SD is bringing back the Big Ugly . . . does that mean Le Zippo shall return?
The Big Ugly Begins, President Trump Targets the DeceptiCons, Those GOPe Establishment Politicians who Need To Be Removed
Posted on February 28, 2021 by Sundance
Rep. Paul Gosar, Steve King, and Michelle Malkin Among Speakers at America First Political Action Conference
Nick Fuentes and Vincent James also gave speeches at the conference Friday night.
Published 8 hours ago on Feb 28, 2021 By Evan James
The second annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) took place Friday night in Orlando, Florida, the same city where CPAC has been holding its own conference.
The speakers at AFPAC included political commentator Vincent James, reporter Jon Miller, bestselling author and columnist Michelle Malkin, former congressman Steve King, sitting congressman Rep. Paul Gosar, and political commentator and activist Nick Fuentes.
AFPAC is a conference specifically for the dissident wing of conservative politics known as the America First movement. The movement held its first political action conference last year in Washington DC as an invitation only event, but this year’s event opened to the public and sold tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.
After a brief introduction by Nick Fuentes, who organized the event through his newly established America First Foundation, Vincent James gave the first speech of the conference. James is the founder of the conservative news site The Red Elephants and produces video commentary on hot-button political issues. The theme of his speech was loyalty and betrayal, and so it focused not just on the Republican establishment’s behavior after the 2020 election, but also the establishment’s betrayal on a whole host of political, social, and cultural issues. They may talk a big game to win elections, but they never deliver in the clutch.
“Over the years the Republican Party has been pushed further and further left on all of the issues they were supposed to represent us on,” James said. “The Republican Party today is a party that wants the foreign policy of John Bolton, the immigration policy of Alex Nowrasteh, the trade policies of Paul Krugman, and the cultural policies of Rob Smith.”
Next up was Jon Miller, formerly of BlazeTV. Describing his confusion over how police cruisers seemed to be ushering his airplane on the tarmac after landing in Orlando, Miller lamented that it’s emblematic of the current state of the country, namely that American nationalists have to worry about soft totalitarian intimidation and crackdowns for their political beliefs.
He also blasted the Black Lives Matter movement and their globalist puppet masters for seeking to tear the fabric of America in the name of “racial justice.”
“What we are witnessing is the most successful effort to destroy America, our history, our culture. Our legends are being destroyed, our history is being demythologized, our icons are being demolished,” Miller said.
The evening’s third speaker was Michelle Malkin. Continuing the tradition of building her major political speeches on a work of poetry, Malkin on this occasion chose William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus.” Per usual she delivered a fiery speech that pulled no punches. She tore into globalist “conservatives” like Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, lobbyists and organizers of CPAC, and she ridiculed the recent attempts by the GOP establishment to coopt the term “America First.”
The real America First movement, Malkin said, is a “coalition of integrity” that will endure continued growing pains, dissent, and disloyalty. They have to “stick together like glue” and respond to adversity like Stoics. And if they do, she said, the America First movement will be “unconquerable.”
. . . All of the speeches from AFPAC II can be watched in their entirety below:
Now this is interesting. This is from an article in American Thinker about disappointment with Kavanaugh and Barrett. Notice what he says the Capital Police told him.
“I even attended the Senate Hearings for two of them; and in the case of Kavanaugh went face-to-face against a wild group of “feminists” blocking my way to the Senate hearing room, was bad-mouthed by them while in waiting-lines, and harassed in the office taken over by these “non-insurrection” protestors while trying to get my pre-arranged ticket which they had dumped. (Interestingly, when complaining to police how the “progressive” protestors had taken over Senator Grassley’s office, the Capitol Police replied: “This is a public space, open to the people, and we cannot stop them from exercising their right of speech and assembly”).”
So when did the rules change about entering the capital? Or did they?
Very interesting.
Mafia Nanzi has decreed that the entire place is off limits now . Can’t even walk on the sidewalk.
The Culture War Heats Up: Time to Raise the Black Flag?
No longer are we just bickering over gay marriage and tax rates, now we conservatives are fighting for our right to exist. That poses an important question for conservatives. Is it time to raise the black flag in the culture war fight? Should we free ourselves from any restraints and start waging the culture war as the left fights it?
Here’s what one person on Twitter had to say (I’ve boycotted Big Tech, but still occasionally see screenshots of tweets from time to time):

. . . One particularly poignant article in the American Thinker, an article that inspired my question of whether we should raise the black flag, called “Conservatives Need to Start Taking No Prisoners and Claiming Scalps,” got to the root of the issue quite well. Here’s what the author, Selwyn Duke, said:
Now, Mr. Duke’s call to, in effect, raise the black flag when fighting the culture war might sound harsh. It is. It might sound like it would lead to uncomfortable situations and lost friendships/relationships. It will. You might be worried that it would further weaken the ties that bind us together as a nation. I think the left has already done so, but that’s a fair point.
. . . MORE . . .
I’ve been talking about this for weeks.
The left owns social media, and bans anyone they disagree with on the right. They own mainstream media, and they use it to steal elections and ruin conservatives.
The right is mostly the people who build your house, fix your plumbing, your electrical, and your cars. The right grows or raises most of the food.
If the left grew most of the food, do you think we would be eating right now? If all the plumbers, electricians, and builders were leftists, how would right-leaning Texas be doing after their terrible winter storm?
It’s time for us to wake up to reality. We can’t win against dirty-fighting, cheating, lying, and scheming leftists by “taking the high road.” We can only lose with “dignity.”
We really need a Comment of the Week or maybe even a Comment of the Month, pinned to the top of the front page or something similar.
In order to properly respect comments like yours.
Wow, thanks for that! What a compliment!
This is where what Andrew Torba is saying makes a lot of sense. Starving their economy and starting our own.
Yes. This is war. War is neither polite nor pretty.
“Yes. This is war. War is neither polite nor pretty.”
It has been a war for 35+ years.
Our side just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
And still doesn’t want to.
So the barbarian hordes are simply allowed to pillage and plunder.
It will likely continue to spiral out of control, until the Left does something so truly horrific that everyone is united to destroy them.
Which at the current pace, won’t be long.
Something on the order of what happened to the woman in Judges chapters 19-21, where after she was dead, and the crime against her published by chopping her body into pieces to send to all the tribes of Israel, and the tribes of Israel were so distressed by the horrific crime that they nearly destroyed the tribe of Benjamin, who committed the heinous crime against the woman and left her for dead.
But it will probably take several such horrific crimes by Leftists, in order to stir the sleepwalkers from their lethargy.
You could make it really easy….
*ring* *ring*
“Hello, Jake’s auto repair.”
“Yeah, my check engine light is on, my car won’t even turn over, and I need a fix.”
“Who won the 2020 presidential election?”
“Joe Biden.”
“Fix your own @#$^@ car.” *click*
“Try calling the guys that fixed that election.” *click*
““One reason conservatives never saw a culture war they couldn’t lose is that they insist on using Queensberry rules, even as the Left fights no-holds-barred.”
Where have I heard that before…
“Now, Mr. Duke’s call to, in effect, raise the black flag when fighting the culture war might sound harsh. It is.”
It doesn’t sound harsh to me.
The sound I hear sounds more like Wayoverdue…
These are hateful people — truly merciless, people who feel virtuous by wrecking other peoples’ lives, simply for the fun of it.
People who have been empowered and encouraged — and in many cases paid, by the corrupt government, academia, big tech, entertainment and fake news media — to act out their worst impulses.
They are emboldened from experiencing no punishment for their hateful actions — not because of a derelict or broken justice system, but by a criminally complicit Just-Us system.
They have been taught and trained and conditioned to receive pleasure by causing pain to others.
For all practical purposes, they are Nazi brown shirts, tools of the illegitimate Biden Treason government. Violent intolerant bullies, bigots and racists who accuse others of what they themselves are.
Like an animal, the only thing they respond to is strength and the credible threat of force.
Samuel Adams expressed it perfectly:
“Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then ask yourself, ‘What should be the reward of such sacrifices? Are we just to do nothing? To allow the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the Earth?’
I detest any submission to a people who have either ceased to be human, or have not virtue enough to feel their own wretchedness. If ye love comfort better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, [then] go from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of your master. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
Samuel Adams, August 1, 1776… Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts
“It might sound like it would lead to uncomfortable situations and lost friendships/relationships. It will.”
Already done.
“You might be worried that it would further weaken the ties that bind us together as a nation.”
Already gone.
Sorry, posted in the wrong place!
I very much like this post, I read it early this AM on the tablet before I got up. It very much reflects the walk I have with the Lord. Sometimes one is fortunate to see why something happens the way it does. Trusting in Him, waiting on Him, and learning to listen to Him are all part of the walk. TY