Hopium is in the midst of being censored by YouTube, it seems. Videos from a number of channels where the epicenter of hopium is interviewed and featured have been taken offline. There are two specific people targeted: the epicenter of hopium and one Robert David Steele, specifically.
Why would hopium be censored by the other side if it didn’t pose a danger?

This is the point of today’s non-hopium message: perseverance.
In searching for more hopium to at least stay caught up on what is reported to be happening even if it might well be disinformation, this story of perseverance and triumph popped into a feed. Yes, it’s fifty minutes long, but it’s the story of one man not giving up, and now being on the front lines of this fight. (Hopefully, this one stays up. It’s also on BitChute, I understand.)
What is most interesting about this man’s story, is put it with so many others, and the concept of “grass roots” really begins to show through. Yes, President Donald Trump is our movement’s ultimate leader, but he didn’t direct this man’s actions. Nor did he direct Robert David Steele’s or any of the other video channels and websites out on the internet holding the line.
Each of us has a story about perserverance, and what it took to overcome obstacles that seemed impossible as we were going though it. Some of our participants post about them at length, and no two are alike.
That’s what makes MAGA truly American.
The movement is diverse in nature from top to bottom, just as the nation itself is, and that is our strength. No two channels or forums or websites are alike. Each is inhabited by different sorts of people all with the same goal: take this nation back to its roots whether the deep state and the swamp likes it or not.
Different projects spearheaded by the people – not the government, and certainly not the ruling class – are in progress to further wake up those who are still stuck in the mainstream media echo chambers and have no idea they are being fed misinformation.
That the people invested in hopium are active and financing these efforts off the beaten path…that deserves some consideration for respect.
At least this writer thinks so.
Everyone here, though, will draw their own conclusions.
Now…here’s another great American movie theme about a situation (bounty hunters going after a mob accountant who skipped out on his bail bondsman) that can only happen here.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Psalm 30/31
[2] In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice. [3] Bow down thy ear to me: make haste to deliver me. Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a house of refuge, to save me. [4] For thou art my strength and my refuge; and for thy name’s sake thou wilt lead me, and nourish me. [5] Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for thou art my protector.
[6] Into thy hands I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth. [7] Thou hast hated them that regard vanities, to no purpose. But I have hoped in the Lord: [8] I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy. For thou hast regarded my humility, thou hast saved my soul out of distresses. [9] And thou hast not shut me up in the hands of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a spacious place. [10] Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted: my eye is troubled with wrath, my soul, and my belly:
[11] For my life is wasted with grief: and my years in sighs. My strength is weakened through poverty and my bones are disturbed. [12] I am become a reproach among all my enemies, and very much to my neighbours; and a fear to my acquaintance. They that saw me without fled from me. [13] I am forgotten as one dead from the heart. I am become as a vessel that is destroyed. [14] For I have heard the blame of many that dwell round about. While they assembled together against me, they consulted to take away my life. [15] But I have put my trust in thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my God.
[16] My lots are in thy hands. Deliver me out of the hands of my enemies; and from them that persecute me. [17] Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; save me in thy mercy. [18] Let me not be confounded, O Lord, for I have called upon thee. Let the wicked be ashamed, and be brought down to hell. [19] Let deceitful lips be made dumb. Which speak iniquity against the just, with pride and abuse. [20] O how great is the multitude of thy sweetness, O Lord, which thou hast hidden for them that fear thee! Which thou hast wrought for them that hope in thee, in the sight of the sons of men.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Anyone else getting tired of all the racism crap?
Move over Pgroup!

For you? Gladly.
Can’t believe I snuck past you!
Pussycat feet.

None in the NE and none on the leftist coast.
Maybe not. But that doesn’t mean we wear them.
D-Rat havens.
We could run a pool as to who folds next. I’m thinking Kansas (but wouldn’t be surprised by Wyoming or Arkansas).
Liz Cheney can keep her muzzle!
Let’s see:
My pollyanic side is saying CO.
My gambling side is saying IN
My realistic side is saying WY or KS.
As for the states that will “hold the lockdown line”, so many choices on the East Coast (although PA may be a wild card….hugeeee emphasis on “may”).
The state is one thing. The local government is something else. My state may not have a mandate, but my county does.
I think areas in which that is happening would benefit from “flash mobs” of non-mask wearers going into businesses en masse. We’ve seen people doing it in some places.
Dr. Seuss is in the headlines. I did a research dig into him a few years ago, and found a number of troubling things about his life.
1) His first career was advertising pesticides.
2) During WWII, he was a literal war propagandist. He strongly supported FDR both before and during the War.
3) His wife committed suicide. The official reason is that she killed herself after finding out that Dr. Seuss was having an affair. That’s suspicious enough, of course, but the Wikipedia article about it is bizarre:
Frankly, it feels like there’s a lot more to that story than we’re being told.
Anyways, Dr. Seuss transitioned from being a war propagandist to a children’s author and publisher after the War ended. I strongly suspect that his propagandist job never officially ended. I believe our early intelligence agencies placed him in a position to be a children’s book publisher in order to spread propaganda to children. Notice how I said “publisher.” Yes, in addition to writing books for children, he worked as a book publisher, too. For example, he played a vital role in launching the Berenstain Bears franchise.
Despite all of this rotten history, however, the recent media attacks on Dr. Seuss is yet another part of the years-long psychological warfare to destroy all American symbols and culture. They retconned Atticus Finch into being a racist, ruined Star Wars, ruined Star Trek, cancelled “Gone with the Wind,” cancelled John Wayne, and I’m sure I’m missing many others here.
Great info – thanks for that!
We absolutely love the berenstain bears. We have many of the books.
I checked for the blacklisted seuss books at 6 am today. Could find any, or the couple few available were already 1000k each. So I requested each book from the library. I already got 4 of the 6. Im going to photocopy every book and laminate the pages into books for kiddo.
We read McElligot’s Pool and there is nothing in there offensive. Theres an ingloo with a man in front and an island with a man sitting on it representing a hot climate. Zero lampooning looks or racist caricatures.
The foundation and cancel culture at insane.
Good for you!!!
Also check Pirate Bay and the Internet Archive — if they’re not there yet, they should be soon.
If someone in Congress might ever get a wild hair to act responsibly and promulgate helpful litigation, they could start with interpreting a statement by the rights holder to stop publishing as a release into public domain.
Example: https://lithub.com/dr-seuss-enterprises-ceases-publication-of-six-titles-because-of-racist-stereotypes/ -> all six titles become public domain.
It’d also be nice if copyrights “owned” by vanished publishers would be released into public domain.
This hearkens back to the original meaning of copyright — that an author have exclusive rights to profit from works she authored…..but if she ain’t gonna profit, it seems to me that there shouldn’t be exclusivity.
I will start checking our local flea markets for Dr Seuss books. Some of those places have vendors who sell books. Could also put WTB (want to buy) ads on Craigslist and elsewhere. I bet there are many available given his popularity.
Used book stores. Goodwill and the like.
Your son is about the right age for some other American classics like the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle set, Encyclopedia Brown, and a couple others. I would wait on the Hardy Boys. My one nephew RIPPED through the entire set in the last couple years.
I have 3 nancy drew that i read to him. We borrowed 3 others. He loved them. Hes reading Trumpet of the Swan now. He can read chapter books fairly quick. For his birthday in a few months he is getting the Roald Dahl collection and the Bunnicula set.
So in essence you’re saying that woke can do good. I’ll have to vehemently disagree.
Whatever he might have been, there’s nothing that indicates he didn’t change from that.
Power derives from the consent of the governed. The governed (in this case) long ago decided that Dr Suess was good for their kids. Yet here comes a stub tail trying to wag the entire Great Dane.
They can pucker up and pick one of my cheeks.
Anyone who bothered to read the last paragraph of my original post knows that’s not what I’m saying.
You may think your last paragraph says that but I don’t read it that way.
It reads to me that woke is canceling a whole bunch of stuff. I see nothing in there specifically condemning woke on principle.
There’s always the possibility that I’m using too sharp a knife to slice the meaning. [my word ‘saying’ should have been ‘inferring’ – apologies]
So I’m being criticized—on the Q Tree of all places— for not virtue signaling hard enough?
I think pgroup is being pgroup. LOL.
And in Nyew Joisey, it’s “voichu signah”!
Am merely making certain that both sides get a shot, especially when there are no hard facts one way or the other.
I cannot stop laughing at this.
The truly virtuous don’t need to signal.
The truly virtuous DO need exercise their 2nd Amendment rights!
Is that one of the Pokémon — Pickacheek?
If sacrificing Dr. Seuss to the Woke Mob is what it takes to wake people up to what’s going on, so be it.
It will be an accomplishment that he could never have done during his lifetime.
He’s one of theirs, though.
Right . . . for me if it takes them losing Dr. Seuss to wake up and realize things have gone too far, then it’s worth it.
Not all of them will, though.
This is an interesting look into some of Dr. Suess’s inspirations from a blog I wrote about a long time ago here, for whatever reason I don’t remember. The guy who runs this blog, apparently still active, uses his blog to jog peoples memories in order to solve cold cases.
This page though is just Dr. Suess and his suspected inspirations and I’m not seeing anything too fowl in it at all (I checked the last pic in his series “LSD” and it’s a photo shop, real book reads ABC.)
There’s a few of his books I don’t particularly care for, but the ABCs, One Fish Two Fish, and the other ear candy ones are great for teaching speech.
Good info. I don’t think any of those facts about his life affected children, though. I remember Dr. Seuss books as fun and an escape from reality. I loved them. i never had an inkling of there being anything wrong or questionable about them. And they did not teach me anything about racism or whatever the allegations are. They were just enjoyable ways to get kids to read and learn about sounds.
The Left is tearing down every cultural norm we have, and from what I can see, we’re allowing it.
Thank you very much, Sadie.
‘… he played a vital role in launching the Berenstain Bears franchise’: That’s not surprising, either.
He was a strange man who wrote strange books.
I am surprised to see so many on here defending him.
It is becoming increasingly more difficult to simply scroll through the posts supporting him.
That’s the truth of it, right there!
Lady Justice needs some help grabbing that sword and slaying her enemies. Judgement is swift and harsh for those who tamper with the scales.
Those puppies were so friggin cute.
I also would be happy on that beach as those camels are.
I’m just, like, “Shut up you damn kids, there’s a mountain lion out there!”
Ikr? Mine is almost 8 and he talks nonstop…I imagine momma wolf makes dad round them up, and he prob gets cranky with them. Still so cute.
Oh, yes – darling things! I’m thinking “how can they possibly survive like that?”, but it’s probably the drive for FOOD to make them quiet after meals, that creates this instinct to make noise like that. Mama wolf has to quiet them down. When they get older, Papa has to bring home the bacon!
Mine is almost 8 and he talks nonstop
^^^ Grandson didn’t utter a word until he was nearly three. We were quite concerned. Then, one day…he started talking. Seemingly picked it up quite rapidly. Frequently talks, nonstop. Crisp, clear logical sentences.
Fantastic! Mine is havibg a speech eval in a few weeks. His “th”, “er” and a few others are blending too much for his age.
Normally, it’s “son of a beach, it’s hump day” — those two were, “son of a hump, it’s a beach day!”
I’m going on a quest…..whenever it’s not mentioned in the Qtree post that references the Utree, I’m going to add a comment that there is an official “rescue” thread at the Utree in case you become accidentally disassociated with the Qtree.
This is not for being banned or stomping off in a huff (or a minute and a huff, for that matter), this is for when you wake up some morning and none of the clever things that you normally do to read/comment at qtree are working….
Thus endeth the PSA.
Prostate Shrinking Antigen?
I dunno what you’re taking, but it’s normally read as Public Service Announcement.”
Sarc tea, of course. With a touch of bitters.
LOL yeah for stomping off in a huff, good ole “drama” will suffice!
“Likewise, The U Tree is a great place to throw rocks at Wolf’s window here at The Q Tree if the front door won’t open.”
Deep State’s GLITCH – CCP Hack Attack TX-Size STORM 3-2-2
RedpillTheWorld Published March 2, 2021
Thank you DePat, for a lovely camelicious Wednesday post.
Have you been keeping track of all this stuff about family court? — https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2021/03/02/caught-colluding-leaked-video-reveals-family-court-guardians-conspiring-to-dox-journalist-for-exposing-them-n1429556 — how’s that playing in the local news?
No, can’t say I have been.
As Trump Blasts 2020 Election, Democrats Move on a ‘Monster’ Election Bill
Democrats, shrewdly describing election fraud as a “Big Lie,” are emboldened to get their way.
By Julie Kelly
March 1, 2021
In his first post-presidential address, Donald Trump again blasted the 2020 presidential election much to the delight of his most dedicated fans assembled at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gathering in Florida over the weekend.
“We have a very sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed immediately,” Trump told the cheering crowd in Orlando. “This election was rigged. Our election process is worse . . . than that of a Third World country.”
Rigging the Vote Forever?
Republican state lawmakers are listening to their infuriated constituents. The GOP controls the legislatures in every state that flipped from Trump to Biden; several bills to prevent another election disaster are pending in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. “Legislators are taking aim at mail voting at every stage, with proposals to circumscribe who can vote by mail, make it harder to obtain mail ballots, and impose hurdles to complete and cast mail ballots,” according to an analysis by the Brennan Center, a nonprofit organization opposed to Republican election remedies.
Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress are rushing to supersede any attempt by state Republicans to eliminate COVID-justified election rules. Debate begins this week on HR 1, the “For the People Act,” which not only would codify the pandemic-era voting guidance but greatly expand access to voting in ways that would ensure a Republican never again wins the White House, not to mention many other federal and state offices. HR 1 is the biggest attempted electoral power grab in history, a flagrant and unconstitutional usurpation of the authority individual states have to write election law.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
I’m beginning to think that having an entire party of criminals wasn’t a good idea.
You mean like the GOPe?
The prison guards are just as bad…probably a good time to build some paper mache heads and escape through the ventilation ducts…
Paper mache is perfect for prisoner stories because it literally means “chewed paper” [like “macerate”]. No tools required.
That’s how certain wasps make nests for their larva.
LOL! I was thinking of the other criminal party, but yeah, them, too.
Would be great if they all went down at the same time – however – that will probably not happened – can you imagine the task of unraveling these intertwined factions?
Infiltration rather than Invasion – Frightening to think of the level of infiltration – the 2020 Election uncovered the evil hidden in the cracks – while the leaders in blue states demonstrated their depravity and deception and complicity in front of God and everybody – the brazen bastids they are!!!
Vengeance is mine saith the Lord!!!
Found on Gab:
OMG, that is a GREAT quote!!!
That is almost an explanation for the entire history of the Dem party.
If you think about it, it explains it all.
Democrats don’t have any actual principles. They just do whatever it takes to gain and maintain power and control.
It really is just that simple.
Power, control and money.
Yes, money is definitely in there.
The DEMONRATS are just living up (erm, DOWN) to their master’s (Satan) way, as noted by the Satanist principle: “Do What Thou Wilt”.
Also expressed as “If it feels go, do it” or “Anything goes”…
A prime example of this are the Klintoons, in particular, Hell-the-BEAST….
And in George Orwell’s 1984, underneath the “Ingsoc” (English socialism) ideology…that was the Party’s sole real purpose. O’Brien even told Winston so.
Repeating this great link from yesterday.
31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take The Vaccine
I don’t agree with all of them, but enough that – yeah – I can wait.
Besides being freaking IMMUNE ALREADY!!! I had the damn xxxx!
That was a great list, that I whole-heartedly agree with, including the fact that I’m also immune.
I’ve has some great red-pilling discussions with lightly blue-pilled people, and one of the biggest things I’ve noticed is how hard the mask propaganda made them fear people who don’t wear a mask or don’t get the vaccine EVEN IF THEY RECENTLY RECOVERED. I find that I have to keep “circling back” to the idea that natural immunity is as good or better than a vaccine, because it basically proves that the person BEAT THE DISEASE, which a vaccine does not.
At the supermarket, from a cashier: “we’re still doing the same thing.”
Me: “Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an ‘off’ switch for government screwing around.”
Cashier: “…..or an expiration date.”
I have noticed that also. People who wear masks seem afraid when the maskless come around.
Very sad. I have some shopping to do tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see who STILL is masking now that Texas is officially free of the muzzle.
My offer to them would be social distancing – the way it was before those stupid MANDATES.
So far down here we have HEB, Kroger, and Target sticking to masks. Also Airports, and of course all the TX Medical Center Big Wigs and experts are in complete disagreement and so UPSET!

HEB has now flipped for customers only.
Texas is not free until next Wednesday, the 10th.
I just figured that out. I’m down in the metro area, sans mask.
Everyone is still wearing them. Sigh.
This is why I’ve always felt mandates are really stupid and presumptuous. They pretend to “know best” – and they absolutely DO NOT.
One size fits all.
Doesn’t matter. I had to take their china virus test to be admitted to the hospital even though I had it and should be immune
It’s a box that must be checked on a form. Very Soviet style.
YUP!!! Covid Communism!
Covid Communism!
Love it…that’s a perfect term for it!!!!!!!
They’re sampling your DNA to try to develop their own Red Shovel.
And, BTW, how are you doing?
I’m doing very well. Wound is healing well. No pain. No more talk of subsequent surgeries.
Woo-hoo!!! Yay!!! Thanks be to God Almighty!!!
How long until you’re out of their clutches and home?
Yes indeed. To God be the glory.
Next week I think.
Heh, you just wait…..they’ll tell you on Saturday afternoon that you’re done and dump your butt in the street. Just watch.
“Sorry, we’ve fleeced your insurance enough. You’re on your own. Buh-bye….”
Wouldn’t shock me at all
Well, if that happens, love from here won’t be as quick to desert you. You just keep getting better and heal as best you can. And when you can take a few practice swings with the shovel, take every opportunity.
Sweet dreams, dear Lady of the Shining Shovel, and may tomorrow bring renewed comfort and strength. May this awful pestilence be driven from you and rapid healing from your injuries restore you.
They can all go off and live in the Covidiot Union…
How ya doin’?
More shovelsful of prayers going your way
And hope you’re oot and aboot real soon!
♥♥♥ better every day
Civil Rights icon calls white wokeness ‘insulting’ to black Americans’Stop helping us!’ Bob Woodson says to guilty white people.
Heads I win, tails you lose.
Appeasement is folly.
“To me, it’s liberal racism, because you’re treating people as impotent children. I can confront malice with violence. I can’t confront folly,” Woodson said.
Give a fool a straight answer and they mock you.
Give a fool a foolish answer and they believe you.
Heads you win, tails I lose. (h/t/ yucki)
So, in my all too frequent “apropos of nothing” series of posts…..
I went down to http://excesssolutions.com/ to drop off a bunch of circuit breakers. Ended up buying a book, a monitor, and four screwdrivers.
Also ended up helping one guy and his son understand resistors a little better. His dad and his daughter grew to love tinkering with electronics….but it skipped him. Explained that there were eighth watt, quarter watt, and half watt resistors in common use. Explained how the color code worked — first colors were straight-out digits, with the last “digit” determining how many decimal places there were, and the last (optional) color indicating tolerance. Talked about metal film and carbon film.
My own experience with this was back when I was running a production floor. Engineers are trained for so many things…..and sometimes they are silly. With resistors, they think they’ll be seen as virtuous if they use the cheapest possible one in a circuit. They should leave the determination of cheap to accountants and adequately describe the functional.
We’d frequently have a board that had a bunch of eighth-watt carbon film 5% resistors, eighth-watt metal film 2% resistors, and eighth-watt metal film 1% resistors……for the same value. Yes, this would be the cheapest way to build this in lots of 50,000. We were lucky if we were running lots of 50. There is such a thing as “Economic Order Quantity” where you take into account the costs of placing an order — and our purchasing people were being run ragged trying to find 50 5% carbon films….
So I decreed that no matter what the documentation read, the stockroom would fill eighth watt resistors with 1% metal film. We, then, eliminated all the other stockroom boxes and ordered the remaining flavors in lots of 1,000 as soon as we had less than 500 on hand. Then I had to persuade the R&D peeps that to just design stuff that way, since we weren’t going to stock it otherwise. (Mind you, I’m a CPA)
I think the daughter was showing a touch of sadism in sending her dad out after a bunch of colors from a photograph.
Since I had been talking to those guys and left them, another customer approached me. His car had been stolen twice in the last year and he wanted a battery cut-out switch to make it more difficult. I talked him out of messing with the wiring in the car that had serious amperage and steered him toward something between the key-switch and the starter relay.
It was an extended flashback to the way Silicon Valley used to be….
BTW — monitor $30, book $5, screwdrivers, 4 for $1. It was a small indulgence.
The monitor has an HDMI input, I can use it with a Raspberry Pi. And it’s like 23″ 16:9.
Silicon Valley was still that way in 1987 when I arrived. I loved hearing people talking computer design in grocery store checkout lines. It was not that way when I came back in 2003. Plus, the highways were trashed up a lot more. Worst of all, in checkout lines people either did not speak English or if they did, they were talking layoffs.
Thanks! Looks like we posted similar at the same time!
OK – Important Gab News!!!
(1) Gab was hacked by mentally ill tranny demon hackers.
Yes. Sadie has posted about this. More information:
You SHOULD (IMO) change your password, and you MAY want to add two-factor authentication, depending on what that second factor is (e.g., a phone number), and whether THAT, TOO, can afford to be compromised in a future hack. Maybe not. Be SMART.
Read that second link above – it’s reassuring.
(2) If you have a gab CHAT account (not just a Gab account – a Gab CHAT account), and you know how to use the PM capability, and you have not already PMed me, then PM me. Otherwise, just check you PMs.
The PM/chat capability uses the same password as regular Gab – you don’t have to change it. Likewise, you don’t have to change or regenerate your keys. Just be sure to change your password on regular Gab, and test your PM capability with my account (WOLFM00N – that’s with two zeroes in “m00n”).
Thank you! -Wolf
Again, it is important to not be stampeded into a buffalo jump. Torba is now recommending a password change. If a second-factor authentication could allow records from Gab to be joined to other records, think through the ramifications of such second-factor authentication.
A lot of them want your cellphone number. Some day, when I have a burner, I might whomp a bunch — but I’m keeping my current cell CLEAN.
Yup!!! And Torba makes a great point that most of people’s data on Gab is WYSIWYG – plus your email and hashed password. It’s really not much more than that.
Well fact is, media has us all well trained to PANIC every time we hear “hackers” and “data breach”. Years of scary stories about hackers doing this or doing that.
A lot of hacking is exploiting computers. But MOST of hacking is exploiting PEOPLE. It’s Magician-craft. Kevin Mitnick is insightful for social engineering. And yes, “magician” is the right word for him.
For example, if you exploit a machine to run your own malware and encrypt someone’s hard disks, most people would see that as a “computer crash” event – they wouldn’t even know they were hacked! They’d just be upset that their laptop stopped working and would have to take it to the store to have it fixed and reloaded, and they lost their grandbaby’s photos.
But you do the same thing, and put up a Big Scary Graphic – “Give me $1000 BitCoin in 48 hours or you never see your hard drive data again!” They could’ve bought a totally new laptop for that but PH33R TEH H@X0R$ they freak out. Just another version of the IRS-wire scam.
The real exploit is the people.
For Gab: The stuff you post that others can see is, well, stuff you post that others can see. There’s not a lot of value to that other than scaring people. Connections and private messages, or linking to known identities, that gets interesting. But having integrity in your life goes a long way to protecting yourself.
Dave Ramsey tells the story of when debt collectors would call his house and they would threaten him “We’re going to ruin your credit history!” Well when your credit rating is literally sub-100 and you have dozens of debt-collectors telling you the same thing, you finally just roll your eyes and realize that they’re just playing you and they don’t have any real power over you – or they wouldn’t be calling you for their money in the first place. (But a lot of debt collectors are real sleaze bags and do illegal things to intimidate their targets – and people don’t do anything b/c they’ve been so demoralized they don’t know their rights and they don’t call law enforcement.)
Yesterday, I went to chat.gab to see any PMs and while I was looking around, my internet connection crashed. Now it shows a green dot next to my “name” bark69l, but returns the following comment line after every name in PM and the Qtree group: Message failed to decrypt. The author may have invalidated or re-generated their security keys.
Good – I understand that. Did you change your password on the main site yet? I suggest doing that first. You don’t have to do it a second time for chat – same PW. I’ll send you a fresh message and you should see that.
got it, two messages.
THX!!! (will check soon)
Responded! See if you can see those.
This is from January 15, I don’t know if this was posted then.
Edited by Wolf to remove “?” from picture URLs.
Good stuff!
OANN reporting multiple (10) rockets landed at US air base in Iraq. No one hurt? Base being evacuated.
Guess they want Creepy to pretend to justifiably bomb Syria again.
Iran is helping Creepy get more cash for Dems. It’s all a scam. Dems are addicted to kickback cash from Fake Negotiations. Iran wants to nuke Israel. Israel wants to stop Iran, not Fake Negotiations.
And all this crap because of Fake Elections featuring Scofflaw Scotus on non-vocals.
Troll a commie today!!!
Son of 45!
Is that his son?
Yep, one of em.
Don Jr. has five?
I didn’t know that.
I wonder if that young man beside Kimberly is her son?
She was married to Gavin Newsome.
She was only married to Newsom for like 5 years. She had her son when she was married to Eric Villency (remember AJ Villency Furniture?).
Ah. …Thanks, Gmom!
Yes, that’s her son. Picture was taken at Thanksgiving.
I was thinking about that, that we haven’t seen his kids lately.
Heh. You just had to click your heels together and say, “freedom”.
Let’s blame it on Gab!
Does this jive with the threats and blackmail, too, or is it an attempt to delegitimize Torba and Gab?
See Wolf’s extended comment. This is slander disguised as technical criticism.
It’s that HA-HA Simpson’s meme!

What you said – delegitimization. Denigration. Let’s You and Them Fight. Typical Dem behavior. They want people to turn on Gab and their people.
This is the tech equivalent of Fake News. If their friends did it, they would be mollifying the error and excusing it all over the place – but it’s Gab, so it’s as dumb an error as could possibly be.
Gab’s search went wonky a while ago, and grew increasingly wonky, and I’m betting that the progression of that error had something to do with the hack, but I’m not sure what. Note that if the hackers got in and gained a LOT of privilege, they could have changed much, and left a lot of red herrings, too. Does Fosco actually remember making that error? They KNOW they had a hacker – that changes things. I caught some of my own errors – and remembering making them is very helpful to eliminate “other causes”. Coders correct their own errors all day long – easy to know one’s own mistakes.
Wait for the forensics to come out is what I’ll do before speculating too much, but as a first approximation, I’ll just suspect that somebody there made a common error, which SQL injection vulnerabilities most certainly are.
OMG, these people jumping on Gab are exactly the people I despised in tech. In other words:
That’s exactly the vibe I was catching.
You threw red meat at the Wolf, and he loves you for it!
Hey, great to see you! You caught me in a RABID RANT!!!
Slightly outside Google control — https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/google-free-e-os-is-now-selling-pre-loaded-phones-in-the-us-starting-at-380/
Slightly? I am very much looking for a non Google phone.
You know they have become a stench in our noses when we start dreaming of jail breaking phones and replacing their operating systems even if we’ve never done anything like that before in our lives.
ChiedCIO is de-spining Forbes BS article about REALPOTUS CPAC speech:
Go to the link to see the rest:
Forbes – De-Spun & Edited To Truth | Musings from the Chiefio (wordpress.com)
For all concerned, Gail Combs commented in the Chiefio post above. She is OK!
Yay! Thank you!
Grandma…what’s up w Gail? how…did I miss something?
I just know she was MIA. Thought it had to do with weather.
I thought so as well. But, I think she and at least one other person are reacting to the mood around here in the last couple weeks. I gave thought to saying good bye myself. Of late, the nastiness and negativity has been rather toxic.
Grandma…oh, ok. Thanks.
Great to hear!
Dpat enjoyed your perspective as always
Keep fighting friend
Great interview with Scott McKay. Thank you for featuring it, DP!!
TBH, his videos usually drive me insane. The last one I watched, the meat of what he brought to the table was 46 minutes into it. This one, I was getting on the treadmill, and thought, what the heck, and I was stunned. I was already marveling at the true grass roots features of this movement, but the concept of persevering against those odds, that THIS SPECIFIC group of people are following the call, and they are everywhere and from every walk of life…it has to be Divine in design. Just has to be.
Just what I thought. God is working in our lives. And sometimes He was working on us years ago just so we would be prepared for now. I see it in my own life.
Part of me is saying to myself, “So that’s why I had this or that battle years ago…because God was preparing me for now.”
It’s amazing when you think about it, how we’ve all been prepped to be a part of this movement, and to be available to make it happen.
Hi, D.P. or anyone else. Wonder if you could post the Juan o Savin you posted yesterday from bit shute as youtube took it down. I can’t find the new ones there, don’t know how. I can play bit shutes, not rumbles. Thank you so much. Good morning, treepers.
I’ll see if I can find it. Here’s one from another channel I’ve been wading through.
If I’m not mistaken, that video was this one.
Think I listened to this one. Much as I like Juan for knowing what may be happening. I don’t like when he turns to extra-biblical books for some of his beliefs.
Extra-biblical? If he was talking about Baruch, Sirach, 1&2 Macabbees, Wisdom, Judith or Tobit, those are books not found in protestant bibles because Martin Luther took them out.
Who knew there were 72 books in the Canon until that one time in the 16th century?
No kidding. 73, actually, I think. I should know this. I had to memorize the books in order for my freshman religion class in high school. Why no one quite knows. We were walking around the lobby at school reciting: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, etc., for an hour before the final.
Oh, no, D.P. I didn’t mean those at all. I meant books like Enoch and Jasher. Just concerns me and I would be careful. However, he is so interesting, isn’t he, and may know what is really going on. Thank you for helping out so much.
On bitchute I just search the name and when the results come up you can get the newest under the relevance drop-down at the top of the page. Trust me I’m pretty computer-lame.
Thank you, gingersmom.
On Decoding Symbolism, the autist known as symbolcomms produced an epic piece Monday on MKUltra:
Wolf, and anyone interested in MKUltra, I’m sure will find this a fascinating take on the subject.
I’ve been getting into this site a lot lately. It shows the “Big Picture” of the 17 universe by tying the overt and symbolic meanings of news stories, works of popular culture, social media items, etc. together with drops, POTUS tweets, Pompeo tweets, and so forth.
There is so much to 17 and the 17 worldview that I was missing. We’ve now raided an enemy arsenal, and are turning the enemy’s secret weapon (e.g. encoded comms in plain sight) against him for the 1st time. “Symbolism will be their downfall.”
This comms project was started by 17, but for someone like me, whose previous skills lay elsewhere, it’s difficult to grasp the system, and the secret history that can be read with it, without numerous examples and detailed explanations presented by someone like symbolcomms.
Thanks! Great link!
This is the introduction page to the site, with an index of all posts linked at the bottom:
Here is symbolcomms’ mind-blowing dig on the XVII theory that the Titanic sinking was a targeted hit by the Grifter Alliance (my term), to create the Fed:
(Before they hit the iceberg, there was a fire. –sound familiar, from school shootings, etc.?– And guess who the FIREMAN was?!)
Here is a dig on TerraMar, and a theory of how Ghislaine was using her federal submarine license and her underwater equipment operator’s license for fun and profit:
What the Thanksgiving turkey pardoning ceremony actually means, and the tremendous threat presented to POTUS and his whole family by the central banking cult, AKA Grifter Alliance:
(President Lincoln joins the King of France and the Tsar of Russia as an opponent whose whole family is gone.)
There’s tons more on other digs. Blackmail, pedophilia, death threats, announcements of upcoming terror attacks, tech billionaires, bad guys flipping to our side, attorney Lin Wood announced as an unofficial data conduit to us from Team Trump, what’s up with North Korea, GameStop and gamma squeezes, hopium, and, of course, media, media, media!
The democrat party should be on the enemies list!
Michigan National Guard Troops in DC Hospitalized After Democrat Run City Repeatedly Feeds Them Raw, Undercooked Meat and Meals With Metal Shavings
More than a dozen Michigan National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C. have been sickened, with some hospitalized, after being served raw, undercooked meat and meals laced with metal shavings according to a report by WXYZ-TV reporter Brian Abel Monday evening. Other meals the troops have received courtesy of a contractor selected by the Democrat run D.C. government are leaving the troops malnourished. The problem with the undercooked food has being going for weeks but apparently yesterday’s meals were so bad they prompted a staff sergeant to contact the Detroit news station.
Feeding anyone undercooked meat (chicken or pork) and metal shavings… and finally someone contacted the … Detroit News Station?? Like what about contacting a doctor and an attorney and pressing charges for bodily harm or worse?
How does that even work?
The staff sergeant had to contact the press because no one was doing anything about it. Hope they don’t find out which sergeant did it.
Is he even there?
Most transparent evah!!!
Just like cheap toilet paper…
The insiders and decoders say no. Many others say yes. At this point, there’s not a definitive answer.
What sort of tree is that? Not holly. Is that why the pic is B&W?
Looks like a magnolia.
B&W is trendy.
So they don’t drop their leaves?
Excellent point.
There are billboards all over Louisiana with Cassidy’s image and “OBJECT OF SHAME” in large letters, a reference to the characterization of Cassidy by the East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Party after his vote in favor of the impeachment trial’s constitutionality.
A friend who spent some time on Cassidy’s staff put it this way:
A lot of people back home have been whispering this for a long time. Now it’s beginning to be more than a whisper.
I don’t think politicians’ wives running them is all that unusual.
What IS unusual is regular Americans calling out Republican Party members who don’t live up to the American values we all want to have be our way of life.
Baltimore has only the best and brightest on their Democrat plantation.
It’s not my fault. It’s not my son’s fault.
Right….it’s always somebody else ‘
BALTIMORE (WBFF) – A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing. It’s a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average.
Tiffany France thought her son would receive his diploma this coming June. But after four years of high school, France just learned, her 17-year-old must start over. He’s been moved back to ninth grade.
“He’s stressed and I am too. I told him I’m probably going to start crying. I don’t know what to do for him,” France told Project Baltimore. “Why would he do three more years in school? He didn’t fail, the school failed him. The school failed at their job. They failed. They failed, that’s the problem here. They failed. They failed. He didn’t deserve that.”
France’s son attends Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts in west Baltimore. His transcripts show he’s passed just three classes in four years, earning 2.5 credits, placing him in ninth grade. But France says she didn’t know that until February. She has three children and works three jobs. She thought her oldest son was doing well because even though he failed most of his classes, he was being promoted.
Sorry lady. Parents work hard and juggle their lives, and DO still manage to glance at a report card once in awhile. Your son is just another one of the horses that didn’t want the drink. And note the fancy-shmancy name of the school. It’s always an “institute” or an “academy”. Bogus, jive, house of cards.
I will agree with her though on a single point. If he didn’t pass Algebra 1 or Spanish 1, how does he get promoted to the 2s? Evidently this type of thing is all over his transcript. So they bumped him on to the next courses, and now inform him that he’s a perennial freshman.
Their 2020 virtual graduation is on YouTube. Just what you can imagine, I won’t bother describing it as I’ve already used those two adjectives in the first paragraph. They certainly read a lot of names with pictures, I wonder what their transcripts would indicate.
I really believe that Jim Acosta is starting all this shit because since Trump is gone, Acosta has nothing to do with his life.
HA! Not all QAnon supporters!
I still maintain that I don’t know what a “QAnon” even is!
All I know is that we live in their heads! I have dibs on the barbecue grill between Liz Cheney’s ears!
[T]he barbecue grill between Liz Cheney’s ears…
…beware! KURU!
Kuru is a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) caused by the transmission of abnormally folded proteins (prion proteins), which leads to symptoms such as tremors and loss of coordination from neurodegeneration.
Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.[4] Women and children [or those who IDENTIFY AS women and children] usually consumed the brain, the organ in which infectious prions were most concentrated, thus allowing for transmission of kuru. .
Did I say “barbecue”? I meant the exotic cuisine “barbakuru”, originating from Japanese soldiers hiding out in New Guinea, and made so popular by Hollywood’s latest infatuation with anime and cannibalism!
Yes – mysteries of George Bush Asian trips now SOLVED!
Only dead cows, pigs, chicken and fish on the grill in this house.
Where’s his mask???
Beijing Biden’s handlers didn’t put his mask on him.
This is such a joke. Do you think he knows he’s not really BEING the president?
why is it that kamala is in EVERY picture of this imposter?
yikes, she looks like a vulture.
The Scott McKay interview was so inspiring. after walking away from God he found all roads led him right back to God! amazing story.
Isn’t it. Can you imagine being in such an accident and it JUST HAPPENS to be in front of the house of a medical professor who directed where he should go. Just the fact that he survived let alone is walking is stunning.
Globalist Ghoul Gates and his FRENS!

From Gab!
Regardomg Biden reversing Trump’s lowering of cost of insulin, I have a story and would like to hear people’s take on it. It may turn out to be just a local fraud story, and I don’t have enough details, but it set off alarm bells for me wondering if there is a bigger money scam behind Biden’s actions. An acquaintance of mine called about picking up her insulin from the Walmart pharmacy and was informed it had been “picked up” already on Feb. 25. It was not picked up by my acquaintance or anyone like husband or a care giver Etc. I’m wondering if there is a dishonest person in that particular pharmacy and maybe the insulin is being sold on the black market–not sure when the price changed to somewhere in the $600 range, according to my acquaintance. It is just fishy.
She should notify law enforcement.
Several felonies have been committed. Get the bastards. Have your attorney call WalMart legal dept and tell them that if they don’t hang somebody in the parking lot, you’re going to sue.
Like your idea and agree. It’s not me, it’s a friend, and I pretty much told her as much. She wants to talk with the Walmart manager. I told her not to sign anything, and repeatedly to report it to the police. Afraid the store will try to talk her out of it. Of course I don’t know that.
We had a friend who got passed several small counterfeit bills at our local Walmart. Under $20, but this poor guy is out the money.
And if they don’t think your doctor knows what he’s doing they can decide not to fill your prescription and then when you come to pick up your script, they’ve lost it. So back to the doctor…
So sorry for that friend. Chinamart is right.
Cuomo headlines at Empire Report . . .
Masked intruder …
I thought EVERYBODY had to wear masks. What’s the big deal?
Well, I see YT blocked a satire video on racism.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2021
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
Matthew 6:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
The Texas Minute – Michael Quinn Sullivan:
Good morning,
As it turns out, Gov. Greg Abbott’s humiliating defeat in the CPAC straw poll has turned into a big win for Texans! By coming in last place, trailing distantly behind the likes of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, Gov. Abbott was forced to rescind his year-long mandates.
Here is today’s Texas Minute.
Wow, Michael!!! Just when you think it could not get worse – it does!!!
Excellent information. Makes me laugh to know Abbott ended up last in the straw poll.
And I think there was a bill or two introduced in the state legislature to declare the mask mandates illegal. He didn’t want the hassle. What a putz.
LOL definitely . . . he’s gotta seriously pull it back together if he wants to survive a primary challenge in 2022, much less shoot for 2024 . . .
If you haven’t make sure you’re subscribed to Texas Scorecard’s mailing list:
This is astounding!
Looks to me like the video is just being run backwards.
It could be, but I recall seeing the Lipizzaner Stallions in Florida as a kid & they could do some truly amazing things
Good to see you, PGroup, we’re not usually on here at the same time. Also, not taking sides between you and Sadie as don’t even understand what was going on. Figure you were being you and Sadie was being Sadie. Lol. I’m just being Me.
As I’ve said before, you see better than most anybody on this blog. As for me, I’m just tickled that you find me worthy of your attention.
Hang in there. Sadie and I are merely entertaining each other (I think). Like wolfie said, we are not shooting our own. Sadie is far too valuable to lose.
Luv ya.
march 3, 2021 the marshall report
In three days the Lord was risen and he set all the captives free! Now harvest time is nearing….so many haven’t heard the news!
An interesting note regarding the power of nature…
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Hours before the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra, the Galápagos Islands’ largest volcano, an earthquake rumbled and raised the ground more than 6 feet in an instant.
— Now think about the Day of the Lord
Not terribly uncommon for big quakes to do that.
Anchorage got re-landscaped quite a lot in 1964, just to pick an example from the US.
From GAB:
In my experience it seems that the longer you’ve been red pilled, the easier it is to be patient with those who have yet to awaken.
This is logical, as it takes an astonishing level of patience to immerse yourself in this fight for such a long time.
What ISN’T logical is how IMPATIENT newly opened minds are with those who have yet to take that same leap out of the darkness.
Humble yourself and be ready to pick these tortured souls up off the ground when they’re finally shown the inescapable truth.
If they think corruption within the government and politics is a big deal, wait until they find out about the Satanic aspect of it all. It will bring them to their proverbial knees.
They. Will. Need. Us.
He’s right.
While it is tempting to stand back and say “What took you so long”…that doesn’t accomplish anything.
Extending a helping hand to ‘these tortured souls’ is what we should do.
And thank you, DePat, for another great thread post!
Love the hopium and the message of Perseverance and soldiering on…as well as the Prayers and other content.
SSGQ Channel, [03.03.21 02:12]
[Forwarded from The Authority]
MODERNA Says That They are Hacking the Software of Life and Rewriting Genetic Code: Transhumanism 101
These people are trying to play God; just like in the times of Noah (Genesis 6) – Pope Reference
Adorable baby wolves!
For the Diversity is our Strength crowd:
Maybe that’s why rug sniffers hate dogs so much.
The Library, [03.03.21 09:22]
[Forwarded from NTD]
South Carolina Senate Passes Bill Adding Firing Squad to Execution Methods
Only three states actually allow firing squads, according to the Death Penalty Information Center: Mississippi, Oklahoma and Utah. In June 2010, Ronnie Lee Gardner was put to death by firing squad in Utah.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell committed on Monday that Senate Republicans will support GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s reelection bid in 2022 despite former President Donald Trump advocating that the GOP “get rid of” the 17 Republicans in Congress who voted against him during his second impeachment.
Of the seven Senate Republicans who voted to convict Trump of inciting a deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6, Alaska’s Murkowski is the only one facing voters in the midterm election next year in a state Trump won by about 10 points last year.
“Absolutely,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, replied when asked by CNN if the National Republican Senatorial Committee would back Murkowski even after Trump extolled to the Conservative Political Action Conference his desire for political revenge against his critics.
— now does anyone really believe that turtle would “absolutely support Trump” in 2024?
What I would really like for Mitch the Turtle to understand is it matters not one flying f^ck WHO the Senate Repukes support, it only matters who the PEOPLE support.
Really need to get some action going against Dominion.
I bet that if WE had a candidate who pulled off a Trump in the next election; SCOTUS would have no problem declaring the vote corrupted.
Oh Mitch, you are so over.
Because theyre evil democrat “progressives”. Progress on marching evil
is all they want
— when your reading comprehension is limited to 140 characters at a time, I guess Dr., Suess is a major novel for you.
Blood on the floor from that one.
Not surprising, since likely Wray, along with 90% of both houses of Congress, are DemCommunist controlled assets / members of the DeepState and the Soros-Clinton Axis.
Also, not surprising that the DemCommunist House wants to give themselves a hefty raise.
Agree CV, not surprising
Apparently he was, according to a Twitter user who now has a suspended account:
Found on Gab:

And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
SSGQ Channel, [03.03.21 09:29]
As Cuomo’s Troubles Mount, US Representatives Consider a Run to Replace Him
3.3.21: DISASTER coming to the DS! God WINS! Pray!
And We Know Published March 3, 2021
I’m glad to see South Carolina adding the firing squad to their methods of executing scumbags.
I wish we could expand capital punishment to include pedos and child traffickers.
This is a video that Avicii made on the subject.
It shows vigilante justice being deployed against elitist pedos and child traffickers.
Avicii was suicided after he made this video:
Have no idea about the back story of suicide but I wouldn’t call that a video. It is a high-quality professionally made motion picture. The production values are top notch and the editing is near perfect. It appears to have come out of a movie as a clip or a trailer.
Avicii was the singer. It was a high-quality music video. I love Avicii.
Posted by Ben on Gab this morning:
Ben Garrison Cartoons

19 states have officially ended the tyranny of mask mandates including Texas, Montana, North and South Dakota and more. Who will be next to wake up from the year long plandemic nightmare? throwback Ben Garrison cartoon
Nice 1984 allusion.
At the 16:20 mark:
“In 2002, there was the recognition that the Coronavirus was seen as an exploitable mechanism for both good and ill.
On April the 25th, 2003, the US Center for Disease Control filed a patent on the Coronavirus transmitted to humans.”
“Nature is prohibited from being patented. Either SARS/Coronavirus was manufactured…therefore making a patent on it legal…or it was natural, therefore making a patent on it illegal.”
“If it was manufactured, it was a violation of Biological and Chemical Weapons Treaties and Laws.
If it was natural, filing a patent on it was illegal.”
In either outcome…both are illegal.”
#FoxNews #Tucker
Tucker: The memory of Dr. Seuss matters more than ever
Ty. That was good.
Potato’s Are Vegetables
ACLJ Files at SCOTUS to Combat “Cancel Culture”
Good discussion about the Nominee for DHH – Bessara (SP ?) – he is definitely scary – and they believe the vote is very close to 50-50!!!
KavaNOT and ComeyBACKSTABBER fully support cancel culture.
Dear Leader Roberts told them so.
Well well well. More on the Dr. Seuss non-sense.
Psaki’s Revelation as to Who Actually Wrote Biden Proclamation Speaks Volumes
By Nick Arama | Mar 03, 2021 7:00 AM ET
On Tuesday, Joe Biden issued a proclamation for Read Across America day.
. . . Jen Psaki was asked why Biden didn’t mention Dr. Seuss in the proclamation for the event and her response was troubling on a couple of levels.
From NY Post:
That, of course, really didn’t answer the question as this WaPo reporter observed.
. . . Notice how she tried to deflect any criticism of the proclamation leaving out Seuss by saying it was written by the Department of Education. But it was written in the first person and signed by Joseph R. Biden. So is she saying he’s not the one writing official proclamations with his name on them, written in the first person? Really. Tell us more about this. Now, yes, we get that he has speechwriters and such. But isn’t he responsible for things which he, in fact, signs? Or are you saying he has no idea/connection to the things he’s issuing or that have his name on them? Because that’s surely what she was implying in her response. That would be a big problem. Is that what you’re really saying, Jen Psaki? And do reporters really find that a satisfactory answer to that question?
I’m confidence she’s planning to circle back with us on that.
Notice how WaPo is starting the narrative in a low key way that Joe Biden has dementia, something that we’ve all known for years. Pretty soon the compromised media will be demanding that the 25th amendment be used and Harris be elevated. Who didn’t know this was coming.
Joe sends Jill out to promote his reopening plan.
She’s a real doctor, too.
I wonder if the books “The Little Engine That Could ” and The little Red Hen” will be next?
I’m sure the “little Red Jen” would love to see the latter disappear.
Possibly, but Dr Seuss stories were not even close to that league in literary terms for children’s books.
Correct. I am re-collecting such literature for my grandchildren as fast as I can.
Dr. Seuss was entertaining in a donut kind of way. The good lit is a French omelet.
What an excellent analogy!
The rhyming was good for kids learning.
My kids benefited from it and learned to read with his books until they were about 4-5. After that they were into other books. Dr Seuss books were not the only books my kids enjoyed. My kids all tested high in literary comprehension . My philosophy is that if a kid can read and comprehend they can do anything they want too and achieve.
I was beyond that reading comprehension by the age of four. I could read and comprehend short paragraphs longer than one sentence.
Even now, Dr Seuss books contributed to the nation’s dumbing down.
This is not a criticism of you or your children. I remember how hard those books were pushed in book shops. None of the other ones were.
At the time, my mother wondered why.
Since then, so do I.
YOU may have been, but one of my nephews was five and not talking and the Dr, Seuss ear candy books – ABCs, Mr. brown can Moo Can You, etc. – MASSIVELY contributed to him learning to talk.
I am sorry for your nephew’s situation but glad to read that he was able to remedy it with help.
Just shows everyone is different. They worked for my kids as toddlers.
One of my kid is a medical doctor, One scientist , Physical Chemist and all were and are high achievers.
Of course they read all kinds of books and always were several grates ahead.
They were just as gifted in math and music.
Not everything works for everyone and that is a good thing.
All of us are different: God’s ingenuity at work.
So when Jen Psaki circles back, is that like circling the drain? Could someone just push flush and be done with her?
Reminds me of the metaphor of the “turd that won’t flush down” . . .
Only when circling the drain for the turd time. First two times, no.
As has been pointed out, the Texas Power Grid is NOT “deregulated” in the sense most conservatives mean.
“Deregulated” means something different in the context of the 1990s debates over Texas policy toward public utilities – namely, Texas Utilities (TU).
The Society of Petroleum Engineers video goes further and described the Texas grid as “Soviet style collectivism” which is much closer to the truth.
There continues to be a lack of serious MCM discussion about the irresponsiblity, finger-pointing, cronyism, and lack of accountability by ERCOT, the Texas PUC, and ultimately multiple Governors and the Texas Legislature.
What’s really wrong with the Texas Power Grid? The Texas legislature is corrupt, and until that is resolved reforms will be impossible.
All of this said, Texas has a remarkably reliably power grid when it takes a major weather event to expose its deficiencies, but is able to recover very quickly as conditions return to normal.
Some people said “The grid was within four minutes of catastrophic failure” – the SPE video pointed out while this is technically correct, it misrepresents the way grid safeguards function, as the entire grid is always only minutes away from a catastrophic situation when such a massive load shift occurs.
This is a very good discussion comparing the management approaches of the California grid (part of the Western U.S. grid) and the Texas grid (independent).
A California-style regulated grid, at best, would not have performed as well as the Texas deregulated grid. (And, as we all know, likely would have performed far worse.)
The Case for the Deregulated Texas Power Grid
Jack Nicastro – March 3, 2021
After the widespread power outages in Texas, reputable publications – the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today – blamed deregulation for the electrical grid’s failure.
What’s the alternative to deregulation?
California, in stark contrast to Texas’s system, instituted a public-private monopoly of the electric grid with the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) following blackouts and attempts to deregulate in the late 1990s.
High temperatures and increased demand in the early 2000s led to controlled, rolling blackouts under California’s deregulated grid. The same occurred as recently as the summer of 2020 with California’s state-run grid, as the New York Times acknowledges: “Poor Planning Left California Short of Electricity in a Heat Wave.”
Still, writers at the Times insist that “…Texas’ Drive for Energy Independence Set It Up for Disaster.”
. . . MORE . . .
The ‘Experts’ Have Finally Come For Dr. Seuss, For Our Childhoods And For Our Children — But We Know Their Secret
Every day in America, panels of experts are hurting people, erasing traditions, writing rules, rewriting history, and burning the leftovers. On Monday, they came for Dr. Seuss — and with him, all of us.
. . . Dr. Seuss seemed like a mythical figure when I was a child, but he was a real man named Theodor Seuss Geisel, born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was a real man who felt real rejection, even walking home to burn his Mulberry Street manuscript after it was rejected by at least 20 different publishers. Generations of Americans would never have read it had a college friend not interceded and saved his story from destruction. Now the next generation won’t read it either.
Every day in America, panels of experts are hurting people, ending careers, ruining lives, erasing traditions, writing rules, rewriting history, and burning the leftovers. On Monday, they didn’t come for a stranger on the TV or a scholar in some distant academy, they came for all of us. They came for our childhood memories and for our children, born and unborn. They came for Dr. Seuss.
Remember that next time they claim some moral authority over you. Remember the happy bits of your childhood when you look at them. Know them for exactly who they are. And pity them, these experts so lacking in the happiness of innocent imagination. You know their secret, but they know nothing of the joys you hold in your heart. Teach your children who these experts are, and why they’re sad. But most importantly of all, teach them of your joys — and share with them those things that can never be taken.
michael, thanks for posting this.
Toward the end of this article, the writer says, “…they came for us.”
For years now, there has been a b&w meme floating around, with a seated Donald Trump…The wording is along the line of, “They don’t hate me, they hate you. I’m just in the way.”
Katy bar the door; at least for now, he’s no longer in the way.
The United States Capitol Police Department is aware of and prepared for any potential threats towards members of Congress or towards the Capitol complex. We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4.
—. And the last name of the source for this threat is Pelosi.
“…breach the capitol…”
They are either paranoid or setting up a FF or ginning up anxiety for effect.
I’ll go with False Front.
I sure as hell ain’t going to help it along. I’ll stay on my side of the big muddy.
A front-page article appeared in the FranceSoir newspaper about findings on the Nakim website regarding what some experts are calling “the high mortality caused by the vaccine.”
The paper interviews Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ about their research and data analysis.
They claim that Pfizer’s shot causes “mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc.”
Their findings are:
‘Vial Of Death’: Louis Farrakhan Pushes Vaccine Conspiracy Theories In Videos Posted On Facebook, Twitter
—- really really bad day when I find myself agreeing with this guano life form
Same. Strange times indeed.
On the other hand, I find that similar messages coming from different “messengers”, per se, is effective in getting the general word out. Can’t chalk it up to “right-wing propaganda” that easily (though that does not stop that side from trying anyway).
Good point. Very good point.
Medical experimentation on Jews – NOT OK when done by NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, but APPARENTLY OK when done by INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISTS.
It should NEVER be okay without the subject’s permission. Doesn’t matter the faith or ethnic background.
We The People …Gaining 2021@graymaze

Finally, even though a bullet would be cheaper!
The bullet is to humane for child sex offenders and traffickers..
Put them in with the general population and the term will be short, even if for life.
— sure. Much more believable and acceptable than nikki haley.
The lineup of the Conservative Political Action Conference this week includes political heavyweights like former President Donald Trump…It also includes the political head of a Japanese religious cult that promotes nationalism, xenophobia and the belief that its leader is the reincarnation of an alien from Venus who created life on earth millions of years ago.
Aeba is no stranger to CPAC. In fact, 2021 marks the tenth anniversary of his first visit to the Republican lovefest.
His speaker bio on the CPAC website notes that Aeba is the chairman of the Japanese Conservative Union (JCU), a right-wing political organization, and that he helped found CPAC Japan, which has been running for the last four years in Tokyo.
What isn’t mentioned is the central role Aeba plays in a Japanese cult called Happy Science, whose leader believes he is the Messiah and sells “miracle cures” for COVID-19.
“Happy Science is a Japanese cult run by a man who claims to be the incarnation of multiple Gods while pretending to channel the psychic spirits of anyone from Quetzalcoatl to Bashar al-Assad to Natalie Portman,” Sarah Hightower, a researcher and expert on Japanese cults, told VICE News.
The Left Wants to Cancel Dr. Seuss, But Push Drag Queen Story Hour on Your Kids
. . . these same leftists who called for the cancellation of Dr. Seuss are the same lunatics that want to push transgender ideology and queer theory onto 3-year-olds. Libraries, public schools, and even churches have been hosting a twisted event called Drag Queen Story Hour where parents and teachers will take their children and hand them over to sex perverts for an hour to be groomed and indoctrinated into queer ideology.
There is NO WAY this crap won the election.
They didn’t talk about it!
Remember the debates – Biden wouldn’t answer questions about fracking.
Everything’s fine now. Andy’s sorry.
“I feel awful about it and frankly I am embarrassed by it and that’s not easy to say –but that’s the truth.”
“It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it,” he said as his voice choked up.
It’s hard to say “I’m sorry”
It’s harder to say “I’m wrong”
But it’s easier to say it was “misconduct” than “killing granny”.
Cuomo addresses misconduct allegations, says won’t resign, ‘never touched anyone inappropriately’“I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable,” Cuomo said.
He doesn’t get it. He’s being removed.
Look Mr. Titbars no one who is sane is feeling any sympathy for your sorry pedo ass.
new one for me…
Cuomo was probably just lactating after hormone therapy. Those are probably gauze bandages. For the seepage.
Or it’s his manssiere.
I think Kramer called it a ‘Bro’.

Top N.Y. Republican calls for Gov. Cuomo to resign, ‘Does not have moral ability’ to lead the state
Cuomo has not apologized for his role in COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.
VA gov and Lt. gov haven’t resigned.
he won’t.
How Many People Does Cuomo Have to Kill and Sexually Harass Before He’s Finally Banished?
MARCH 3, 2021
Anyone who thinks that Democratic New York Governor, Mafioso Leader and Emmy-award-winning Andrew Cuomo will face any consequences for killing elderly people in nursing homes or sexually harassing female government workers, please raise your hand.
I’m sure if this was a Zoom meeting, I would see no hands being raised.
Democrats are rarely held accountable for any of their corrupt and vile actions and almost never end up paying for their crimes in prison.
Nolte: Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors
JOHN NOLTE 2 Mar 2021

In a just world not plagued by a fake and corrupt media, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) would be on the edge of resigning his office today, not over a handful of times he allegedly got aggressive with women, but over his sociopathic executive order that required nursing homes to accept patients still infected with the coronavirus.
That, after all, is the real scandal here, the true scandal, an act so monstrous Cuomo knew he had to cover it up, which he did by falsely blaming the order on the Trump administration and then lying about just how many seniors died as a result.
But instead of being pressured to resign over that, he’s being hit with perfectly-timed allegations of sexual misconduct, two involving former staffers, one involving a complete stranger he met at a wedding.
As these things go, while his alleged behavior is inappropriate (especially in the workplace), it’s nothing compared to the credible allegations against His Fraudulency Joe Biden, which involve a full-blown sexual assault allegation. Biden got away with much, much worse, so…
So what’s going on? Why is America’s corrupt media not at all interested in some 15,000 dead senior citizens while they tar and feather Cuomo over the allegations he made three left-wing women uncomfortable?
The answer is obvious…
Four other Democrat governors issued the same sociopathic nursing home order as Cuomo. Four other Democrats ordered infected coronavirus patients be admitted into nursing home facilities where 1) the most vulnerable live, and 2) they’re not set up to handle an infectious virus.
. . . Democrats must be protected at all costs, even if the cost is thousands and thousands of lives.
Here’s the rundown from my colleague Wendell Husebo:
THIS is how to bring down those terrible murderous swing state Demoncrats!!!
Yeah they’re hoping to use the “MeToo” angle to get ahead of the REAL SCANDAL. . .
You can smell the desperation in the air.
ANYONE who lives in one of those states, who lost a loved one in a nursing home to covid should SUE NOW.
It’s time to take these bastards OUT!
What in the world is going on with Whitmer’s face?
Like she pulled a Mission: Impossible latex mask over the head of a Gargoyle.
Gavin thinks his hair is prettier than Gretchen’s.
Gretchen is secretly worried that he’s right.
Cuomo Lawyers Up: Hires Criminal Defense Attorney Who Represented Harvey Weinstein
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has hired Elkan Abramowitz, a high-profile defense lawyer Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen.
MARCH 3, 2021
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has hired Elkan Abramowitz, a high-profile defense lawyer who has represented such clients as Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen.
Abramowitz confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that he is representing the Executive Chamber in matters pertaining to a Justice Department inquiry of an explosive nursing home scandal.
The Democrat is being investigated on multiple fronts by Attorney General Letitia James.
Cuomo issued an executive order last March forcing nursing homes to take on patients that had tested positive for coronavirus. He didn’t rescind the order for weeks.
When the Justice Department initially inquired, the Cuomo administration intentionally stalled and hid data on nursing home deaths and how they related to his order.
Secretary to the Governor, Melissa DeRosa, admitted in a conference call that the administration hid information on COVID nursing home deaths from federal investigators.
James, a Democrat, got the nursing home cover-up scandal off and running with the mainstream media, despite it being common knowledge on these pages.
She accused Cuomo and his administration, particularly officials at the State Health Department, of undercounting COVID deaths at nursing homes by as much as 50%.
Cuomo Hires Lawyer Who Defended Harvey Weinstein
The selection of Elkan Abramowitz as defense lawyer may raise eyebrows based on the fact that Governor Cuomo is also being investigated for multiple claims of sexual harassment.
Abramowitz, though, has not been retained for that reason.
Lindsey Boylan, a former Cuomo aide, claims that Cuomo forcibly kissed her on the lips and suggested “let’s play strip poker.”
The New York Times followed those allegations with a report that a second aide, Charlotte Bennett, had been asked by the governor if she “had ever been with an older man.”
Anna Ruch, the New York Times reports, met Cuomo at a wedding reception where he reportedly placed his hand on her bare lower back and then purportedly “placed his hands on her cheeks” and “asked if he could kiss her.”
Cuomo issued a statement suggesting the governor simply felt he was “being playful” and that he was “joking,” something even New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) wasn’t buying.
“Sexual harassment is not funny,” railed de Blasio. “Who the hell tries to explain that by saying I was just joking around?”
. . . MORE . . .
If Cuomo Goes Down, So Should Whitmer, Newsom, Murphy, and Wolf
5 Democrat governors should face involuntary manslaughter charges.
Wed Mar 3, 2021 Daniel Greenfield

Governor Cuomo of New York is having a bad month, but it’s not because the Democrats and the media finally noticed that his order forcing nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients may have killed thousands of senior citizens: it’s because he’s up for reelection in 2022.
With Biden in the White House, the Democrats no longer need a model pandemic governor, and the AOC wing of the party in New York is preparing to primary him with an unfiltered socialist.
That’s why the Cuomo scandal has shifted from the trivial matter of 8,000 to 13,000 dead nursing home residents to the much more serious contention that the Cuomosexual-in-Chief may have once kissed a former aide: a Bernie Sanders supporter named Lindsey Boylan.
Democrats don’t know what to do with thousands of dead nursing home residents, but they’re pretty experienced at monetizing #MeToo scandals.
. . . But to paraphrase Stalin, an unwanted kiss is a tragedy, but thousands of dead grandmas and grandpas are just another statistic.
And it’s a statistic that has the potential to not only take down Cuomo, but Governor Whitmer in Michigan, Governor Murphy in New Jersey, Governor Newsom in California, and Governor Wolf in Pennsylvania. That’s why, after briefly allowing the public to vent a little outrage at the decision to turn nursing homes into death camps, Dems and the media pivoted to Lindsey’s lips.
While Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, Newsom, and Wolf all ordered nursing homes to take infected patients, only Cuomo, presumably, had made unwanted advances on Lindsey Boylan. And, much more importantly, the Sanders and AOC crowd is only targeting Cuomo, not the others.
There’s every reason to believe that Cuomo is a bully and a creep. But the sudden parade of Cuomo victims is being led by the same radical wing that wants to primary him. . .
. . . The Democrats and their media want to swap out Cuomo, in what they think is a safe seat, with someone more radical who can go all the way with their agenda. While they were willing to allow a little venting over nursing home deaths, they want to change the conversation to #MeToo.
And since Dr. Rick probably didn’t smooch Lindsey, it is a safer scandal for the Democrats.
But thousands of dead nursing home residents deserve better than to be pumped and dumped in a lefty scheme to replace Cuomo with a Bernie Sanders crony. Governor Cuomo deserves to go down for a whole lot more than an unwanted kiss. And he shouldn’t go down alone.
Cuomo’s decision to force nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients was not the isolated action of one politician, but a pattern of behavior by Democrat governors in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California, who focused on clearing hospitals at all costs, while showing no regard for the most vulnerable people in their states. The governors who issued these orders tended to have ties to the hospital lobby which also led to slower vaccine rollouts.
35,000 to 40,000 nursing home deaths in these four states is not a “scandal”: it’s a crime.
And not just any crime, but the single worst crime by any American elected official.
. . . MORE . . .
Sorry he got caught. Guys like Cuomo think they are entitled to behave like that, they don’t expect the women to say anything because of their powerful positions, and they are humiliated when the truth comes to light. Hence the tears and the “I didn’t intend it.” Really scummy behavior, and he knew it all along but decided to do it anyway, no matter how uncomfortable the women felt.
Thinking with the wrong head…
these people are too stupid.
House NOW debating Rep. Pressley (D-MA) amdt to HR 1 to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16 years old. pic.twitter.com/QDSw99kUA7
— Craig Caplan (@CraigCaplan) March 3, 2021
They want to bus students to the polls from local high schools – after they have been indoctrinated.
OR they want to collect their ballots AT the local high schools.
does he even know that they’re states?
It WAS a setup.
Raheem Kassam
CPAC’s ‘Nazi Rune’ Stage Designed by a Liberal Company Which Has Worked for Biden, MSNBC. https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/cpac-nazi-rune-stage-lie-falls-apart/
CPAC’s ‘Nazi Rune’ Stage Designed by a Liberal Company Which Has Worked for Biden, MSNBC. – The National PulseThe company – Design Foundry – told Forward it “had no idea that the design resembled any symbol, nor was there any intention to create something that did.”The National Pulse
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It’s so amazing that so many people know nothing about history and symbolism.
They’ve never been taught.
Unless one is interested in military history why bother? I could not tell you what different military uniforms and their symbols represent.
I know two German because was taught in school Iron Cross and Swastika.
You nailed it.
*leans back in swivel chair in 1940’s office with fedora, snub-nosed revolver in side-holster, rolled-up sleeves, and cigarette dangling*
Movie title, lost in obscurity:
“It Takes A Chump” Alternately – “It Takes a Cad”
One does not always see evil. A mentor told me “one needs to get to know once shadow and explore to understand evil.” If one does not think the way the left does one does not get how evil they are. One really has to immerse one self into their thinking and not get lost and become one of them.
Yup! I find that digging into my own sins has been a rich source of understanding the nature of sin – and if I’m honest, it’s THE BEST SOURCE.
“Go, and sin no more.” are 5 of the richest words in the English language, and one of the shortest imperatives for life ever given.
I took an immersion week where one goes
as far back as one remembers. One writes down from when one remembers all the way back to today. It was astounding what I all discovered that I did not think of sin. Facing honestly one self see it written and come clean before God is an experience. We burned the pages..
I think though the stage at CPAC has risen to another level of deviance.
I did not know what that symbol was. Why would anyone know this who is not into military stuff? Yes we all know what a swastika is and what it looks like. We were all taught that but not this symbol in question..
We just do not think so devious that a left group could do this or any design group.
What I am now aware off is the generation after us seems deviant specially if they are in democrat orbit. They are willing to lay down their reputation their business ethics for their ideology. They are militant ideologues.
Sing,I had no idea watching CPAC speakers they were all standing on a giant swastika, the speakers probably didn’t either..or maybe they did..
..my guess is whoever designed the stage layout , had plans to use the event footage and speakers later in a cut and splice voice-over campaign add against political foes during 2022 ,20-24 elections..evil
A swastika would have been too obvious. This was some weird variant of a rune that some Nazis used.
I did not even think about that ! All makes sense.
Yes they did. Claiming ignorance after it was pointed out by libs when no one except them cared to begin wih. Very much a set up. Why are conservatives so stupid after seeing for 5 years what the looney left will sink to?
Normalcy bias, for one thing.
Election Integrity Is a National ImperativeMike Pence / @Mike_Pence / March 03, 2021
– suddenly pence cares about election integrity….
From Lady Penquin @ Marica’s Place – (bold mine)
“Pence….made it clear that the challenges to the Electoral Vote situation were unable to be dealt with because of the events of Jan 6th. Setting feelings aside about Pence, think about this.
Pelosi set up the chaos of Jan 6th so that the challenges could not be heard. Pence is actually stating they were NOT heard. Nor was there a quorum as required. Pelosi dismissed many members. This may come back to be dealt with later – or not.”
Link – https://marica1776.wordpress.com/2021/03/02/horses-saving-human-lives-horse-heros/comment-page-4/#comment-463791
I noticed when he gave his speech. Good.
I guess Trump speaking at CPAC gave him a wake up call. He had a chance 4 years ago to fix election when he lead a group and he failed.
Very good point.
However – the ILLEGAL last minute changes in election procedures ‘due to the virus’ were a major factor in the STEAL.
Also – the actions of election officials were another factor – stopping the count, sneaking in truckloads of ballots, keeping poll observers away, throwing away Trump ballots, and many more dishonest actions.
There should be National Guard – and other Law Enforcement Agencies – involved in elections – protecting the integrity of the count – guarding the ballots – watching every minute!.
We need to watch the last minute changes and be aware other shenanigans the left cooks up for the next election.
2022 will be bloody figuratively speaking because the left has much to loose.
IT WAS PENCE who presided over the fraudulent elector certification.
I’m not letting him off the hook.
And Pence’s letter stating he wouldn’t turn back the electors was already written before the 1/6 riots began.
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ask myself, “Would I have someone like him as a friend?”
Uh, nope.
Scott on Abbott’s mask mandate:
My response:
Abbott dropped the statewide mask mandate.
That does not affect county or municipal mandates.
That does not affect professional organizations (guild systems) like dentists, teachers, pharmacists, health care workers.
That does not affect colleges and universities and their policies.
That does not affect school district policies.
That does not affect churches, denominations, or other religious institutions’ policies.
That does not affect the policies of businesses.
That does not affect the policies of large retail chain stores.
That does not affect the policies of local businesses, including bars and restaurants.
In short, all it does is take the pressure off Abbott. Meanwhile the Karen Army is still hard at work protecting you from yourself.
This is the problem across the Country, and it is the fault of the DIM Governors and the MEDIA!
These little fiefdoms seized the power and now that for over a year no one has stood up to them… they ain’t givin’ it up!
Experiencing it here in my little part of the world where the Gov NEVER mandated a mask, but the City did…
Abbott = R.I.N.O. … just sayin’ …
Camel day!!!
And Joe Biden didn’t win day as well!
Yes, but EVERY day is Joe Biden didn’t win day!
Yeah. It simultaneously makes me hesitant to mention it in the same post…and very much impelled to do so.
This is more people than currently live on planet earth, so this is particularly devastating to Texas.
Estimated 9 Billion Already Dead From Texas Mask Mandate Reversal
March 3rd, 2021

WORLD—We were warned. Only one day after Texas succumbed to neanderthal thinking and reversed the mask mandate, experts reported an estimated 9 billion people around the world have already died as a direct result of this foolish action.
“We estimate there are now negative 1.3 billion people alive,” said one expert solemnly. “We’ve never had a negative number like that before. Shucks– I’m not even alive anymore, come to think of it. Sad.”
Scientists have followed the science very scientifically to determine this catastrophic end to all human life on Earth immediately began after Governor Greg Abbott called his press conference, announcing his plan to literally murder everyone by not making them wear t-shirt fabric on their faces.
“Too bad, humanity had a good run,” said another expert, who is also dead now. “That’s what we get for electing Republicans. Hopefully, humanity learned its lesson.”
The expert, who was literally dead from the Texas mask mandate reversal, then joined his friends at the local bar for some beers.
Anyone else see this? It’s Durham actually speaking.
Is it him?
Well, that’s interesting. Love to know the context of that.
Which could be anything from Deep Fake to…… Real Fake, to….. Real.
Whitey Bulger is MKULTRA. Anything associated with that is so high level that it could be ANYTHING.
No matter what evil he did, he did not be deserve to be beaten to death in prison when he couldn’t even walk.
One of the most disgusting acts of our wonderful govt.
That was strange. I ask myself would a guy like Durham speak like that say this? I do not think so. We all know he is real but what I like to know what is he doing about all the criminals who tied to coup POTUS Trump?
I don’t believe I have ever heard him speak.
Me either he has always been a recluse. Since we saw the other day how they can make people say things even if they do not I wonder if it is spy op total fake ?
Using john wick?
not sure what he’s up to?
No , it’s not Bull Durham. It’s Eric D Kirk.
Search him on you tube if you want to learn more.
Eric D. Kirk
2.41K subscribers
Kirk Productions
I saw an Imdb listing for Kirk that said next to nothing with no photo. And John Wick is an action movie series, right? None of which I’ve seen. So you’re saying the video is a Kirk CGI project? I just put it here as it was odd.
Oh I see now, it is Eric Kirk. No wonder the comments are closed.
Still pretty out there.
And here’s his take on masks.
The Library, [03.03.21 17:34]
The state of Alabama cares about protecting it’s kids.
This has Jeff Sessions’ fingerprints all over it.
I certainly hope stanford gives up its privilege.
I am not sure how one could do reparation ?
President Trump’s Save America website lists his political endorsements. Click on News at the top of the page.
Howie Carr covers this nearly every day.
Don’t say you didn’t warn us?
We voted for the right guy.
He won in a landslide. We couldn’t have done any better on November 3rd.
Then you just left.
WTF is that about?
May this ruling set a precedent and snowball into a whole 2020 election do-over.
oops, I missed this post and did a repeat. sigh… I will try to keep up better. It seems like a whirl of crimes crawling out of the woodwork.
Hell – show this one TEN TIMES!!!
Then there’s this from a runoff election in Aberdeen Mississippi: Judge Orders Election Do-Over after 78% of Mail-in Ballots Proved Fraudulent — Notary Arrested- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/judge-orders-election-78-mail-ballots-proved-fraudulent-notary-arrested/
This is a SPARK that needs to LIGHT A BRUSHFIRE across America..
It needs to, but he will be dismissed as some hick county judge.
Since Seresto flea and tick collars were introduced in 2012, the EPA has received incident reports of at least 1,698 related pet deaths. Overall, through June 2020, the agency has received more than 75,000 incident reports related to the collars, including nearly 1,000 involving human harm.
I never put flea and tick collar on my pets because my vet told me 20 years ago how harmful they are to them. Just think breathing poison in and it leaves a rash on some pets.
singing, I once had a Vet tell me the way to use a flea collar was to put ab a 1 inch piece of it in your vacuum cleaner bag, for ab a month, and store the remainder in the freezer in a ziplock.
Don’t know exactly how that would work in the new vacuums, but…
The Vet had a client lose their kitty bc of a loose collar that the kitty got in his mouth, caught on the lower jaw/teeth.
After that incident, he always talked to pet owners ab flea prevention.
the flea collar in the vacuum helps kill the fleas that are vacuumed up and also the eggs. The fleas are not killed just vacuuming they can crawl out. I also sprinkle borax on carpet let it sit for 15-20 minutes vacuum. I also was the foor with water and little Dawn in, The Dawn kills fleas.
I seldom have fleas in the house but if it happens I take of it right away before it become a problem. I never have to resort to toxins.
singing…poisons are entirely unnecessary, yep.
I never used the vacuum trick, but it IS a good way to illustrate the collars NOT going on pets!
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Is one thing connected to another in some way? GWP reports on Monday 3/1/2021 that “Biden allows 60 minutes to release military imagery.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/biden-allows-60-minutes-release-military-imagery-secrets-saved-us-lives/
48 hours later GWP reports: “One US Contractor Dies After at Least 10 Rockets Hit Air Base Housing US Troops in Iraq: Pentagon” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/one-us-contractor-dies-least-10-rockets-hit-air-base-housing-us-troops-iraq-pentagon/
Biden essentially leaked US intel to Iran!!!
Need to ask that shit head general if he feels guilty.
Biden slashes stimulus checks for Americans making more than $80,000: President bows to pressure from moderate Democrats and will hand out FEWER direct payments than under Trump
But they gave over $700 BILLION to foreign countries!

Because THEY kick back to the DEMON COMMIES.
Another reason never to go to ccp.
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
China mandates COVID-19 pandemic anal swab test to all international travelers
And you thought that it’s only aliens that do the anal thing.
ChiComs seem barely human at this point.
They are the sneakiest, trickiest, most deceptive humans on this planet.
“They are the sneakiest, trickiest, most deceptive humans on this planet.”
Only because the fix is in, just like with the dims.
It’s easy, when the entire media apparatus covers for you and promotes your BS.
The Tom Clancy Jack Ryan novels, towards the end, focused on China as an enemy; a couple of the characters compared them to Klingons to try to get across the notion that they simply don’t think like us.
I always thought that Star Trek was aiming for something like Russians as Klingons, and Romulans being Chinese Mao Jackets disguised as Romans+Vulcans to avoid racial stereotypes.
But in either case, yes – they don’t think like us – I agree with that.
I don’t think it’s WRONG that they don’t think like us – but I don’t want to think like them. And we have a right not to think like them. The problem is that CHINA LIES about not wanting to spread their thinking to conquer us. The CCP is comfortable with lying at levels which are repulsive to me. At some point, sadly, peaceful solutions are likely not to work. It is better IMO to deal with the CCP now, than to wait for the situation to necessitate billions of lives lost.
Slavery is not an option for me. I am resigning myself to alternatives.
Probably true, though the Klingons always seemed more Mongolian than Russian. (Of course most people will read that sentence and say “oh, so more like the Chinese” but that’s not my intent. Those are very, very different cultures.) Of course the Mongols had a huge influence on Russian culture.
I totally get what you’re saying! The Mongols had a huge influence on a lot of people. And YES – I think THOSE RUSSIANS / SOVIETS seem very much like an inspiration for the Klingons.
Right down to how the Klingons kvetched about how they had so many poor worlds…I think it was in “Day of the Dove.”
A world is poorer than otherwise if you don’t allow for free enterprise.
Hence why the cabal is using them to do their dirty work. They found the one political group on the planet with less scruples than them to carry out their plans.
China can INFECT anybody they want with anything they want this way.
Do NOT trust the CCP here.
This is the perfect way to infect anybody with anything.
I always thought the test kits were contaminated. No test for me and neither my husband.
People start pooping when they try to swab.
Just tell them it’s a foreigner thing.
Excellent protest move.
The Demon Dems will try to bring it here.
Ep. 2418a – The Economy Is Waking People Up To The [CB] & The [DS], Thanks [JB], [NP]
X22 Report Published March 3, 2021
Ep. 2418b – [DS] Is In The Process Of Destroying Itself, History Has Taught Us That People Will Rise
X22 Report Published March 3, 2021
The [DS] players which are made up of the corrupt politicians are waking the people up in droves. When is comes to the economy people understand what they want and what they need, if a someone promises something and does not deliver people see this, and that is what people are seeing.The [CB]/[DS] are putting on a show and the people are watching. The [DS]/MSM are doing all the work for the patriots. This is about exposing everything, making people wake up, making them understand what we are up against. In the end when all of this is exposed people will know who is responsible, the [DS] is in the process of destroying themselves and the people are going to rise up. Texas and Mississippi have dropped their mask mandates, this pokes a hole in the [DS] talking points, they are exposed. Enjoy the show means enjoy the show.
Young Woman Demolishes the Tranny Trash Being
Forced On Us And Our Children …In 59 Seconds
[video src="https://rense.com/general96/yw.mp4" /]
This needs to be done, in addition to ousting members of Congress who don’t uphold their oaths to defend the U.S. Constitution. Anyone who advocates for doing away with part of the Constitution or any of its amendments shoud be run out of town immediately. And yes, Biden, and then Harris, and multiple Dems including Pelosi, need to be impeached for not protecting this country. But we have spineless, compromised Repubs.
OK, so how would one propose a good amendment?
Just propose it. That is not the same as failing to uphold one’s oath to the Constitution, such as weakening the 2nd Amendment or doing away with it entirely, removing the Electoral College, etc.
Ah, but you were saying anyone who wanted to change it should be strung up (not your exact words, but close enough).
I do think that’s the proper treatement for those who wish to *disregard* it without going through the proper method of changing it.
The main problem here is that none of them have read the Constitution so the oath they take is basically worthless.
I remember Michele Bachmann wanted everyone in Congress to have to read the Constitution.
They should take a comprehension test.
GRENELL’S GAL: Meet the Future of the Pro-LGBT “Conservative” Movement
Ric Grenell feels strongly about Gina Roberts.
Published 1 day ago on Mar 2, 2021 By Shane Trejo

Former acting director of national intelligence Ric Grenell has caused a rift within the conservative grassroots by going to bat for transgenderism in the Republican Party.
Grenell attacked former Delaware senate candidate Lauren Witzke for standing on behalf of Christian values and articulating viewpoints that have been the core of the Republican Party platform since essentially its inception. . .
For his opposition to Christian values, Grenell has earned plaudits from pro-gay media such as LGBT Nation who used the chasm to paint right-wing Christians as evil hate mongers.
. . . Big League Politics has researched into Gina Roberts, the California GOP transgender activist that Grenell is promoting as a model Republican of sorts. Roberts is a pro-gun activist who has a stance on the 2nd Amendment that is firmly in line with traditional Republican values.
. . . However, on many other issues, Roberts diverges immensely from conservative Republicans. . . To get elected in California, Roberts jettisoned the economic policies typically associated with Republicans and adopted socialist pro-tax economics. Roberts lobbied unsuccessfully for the passage of Measure AA, a ballot initiative to increase property taxes to build more fire stations. Roberts lamented that they could not convince enough Republicans to support it.
However, an op/ed written by Roberts showcased their contempt against Christians and demonstrated their opposition to Republicans in red states. This may be a window into what Roberts’ ideology is really all about.
In the article, Roberts admitted that their beliefs “may be a bit more Libertarian than Republican.” Roberts lamented about how Christians would not surrender to the LGBT agenda and sacrifice their sacred Biblical principles on the altar of tolerance.
. . . “If your religion requires that you marginalize others because of how they live their life, you really need to consider that your God is not happy in how you are working in his name; as one of the basic tenets is to, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37),” Roberts wrote.
. . . Roberts’ own personal history raises additional red flags. A profile written by Roberts in 2014 described how they lived a secret double life for years, building a family and lying to them constantly, before eventually putting on a dress and living as a female.
[But . . . wait for it . . .]
. . . After finally coming out as a “woman,” Roberts was celebrated ubiquitously throughout California. Globalist crony-capitalist organizations like the Chamber of Commerce support Roberts’ transition because of Roberts’ ability to fundraise from the wealthy LGBT community and their allies.
“It was an exceptional endeavor by Gina and the Kiwanis in raising $3,600,” said Greg Carlson, president of the Chamber of Commerce.
. . . MORE . . .
There you have it.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hard at work trying to divide the Republican caucus, and using a “conservative” “transgender” to do it.
Tom Donahue must be thrilled. Another plot to retain control of the GOP and give MAGA a shiv in the back.
Political warfare at its finest.

I had a bad feeling about Grenell when he was embraced by DJT before the 2016 election. I just knew that we wouldn’t know about his deviant lifestyle if he wasn’t using it in a political manner.
Well, here ya go. Send emails to DJT and tell him what you think about Grenell’s behavior. Ask him if he still thinks we can drain the swamp if another swamp is coming right in to take its place. Ask him what he wants the GOP to look like because it’s pretty obvious that there will be a net outflow from the party if Grenell gets his way.
It’s the same problem over and over again.
Ric seems to have done a great job working for DJT, one of the few who could be counted on to fight the Left and take on the fake news, and that was great, and appreciated.
But it never ends there.
Sooner or later, the proponents of sin find themselves in a position where they either get caught up in some scandal themselves, or they feel compelled to defend someone else caught up in a similar or related sin.
Then the people who embraced Ric for his professional skill and accomplishments (not his private life) are put in a position of being asked to support or defend Ric’s personal perversions.
And that’s not right.
People who supported Ric want to be sympathetic, nobody has forgotten the good things Ric accomplished, and people naturally want to defend him, if they can.
But it’s not right to put the people who supported Ric in that position.
It’s beyond a slippery slope, and if we endorse something as ridiculously in-your-face as this dude in a dress, then what moral value or principle — as determined by God, not man — won’t we compromise?
‘Right and wrong’ are real things.
A dude pretending to be woman is wrong.
Not because I say so, but because God’s Word says so.
Generally, the best way to handle this conflict is to remove ourselves from being in the middle, and let those who advocate for corruption and error fight it out with God.
Because Ric’s argument is with God, not with Lauren.
If Lauren was to agree with Ric, that wouldn’t make Ric right, it would just make Ric and Lauren both wrong.
If everyone in the world agrees with Ric, that wouldn’t make everyone right, it would make everyone wrong.
Because God is right.
So what matters is what God thinks.
And we can know what God thinks about a particular subject, if He chose to reveal His thoughts to us in His Word.
And when it comes to human sexuality, He did.
Our personal thoughts on the issue don’t matter. They’re not even relevant, because we don’t have the power or authority to overrule God.
So stand on God’s Word.
Let God do the fighting.
He’s undefeated…
Ric Grenell: “No. We are celebrating that God made everyone and people being respectful. Try it.”
Ric, your argument is not with Lauren.
“But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6, KJV)
Roberts: “. . . “If your religion requires that you marginalize others because of how they live their life, you really need to consider that your God is not happy in how you are working in his name;”
Why do you require validation from someone else?
If your sexual perversion requires that you compel others to accept your sin, don’t you really need to consider that you must not be happy in how you are living your life?
“…as one of the basic tenets is to, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37),” Roberts wrote.”
Have you read and studied God’s Word, Mr. Roberts?
Would you like to have a discussion about it, with an open Bible?
The abuse and twisting of Luke 6:37 is a common thing, either due to ignorance or by intent. In no way does it mean we should not judge or discern right from wrong, and it certainly does not (and could never) mean we should be accepting of sin.
Yeah just look at this phrase alone:
“If your religion requires that you marginalize others”
That’s the lingo of identity politics, not conservatism.
And the bald assertion that Christianity marginalizes by postmodern identity labels is patently absurd – except for the brain-washing leftist propaganda that asserts everything Western is oppressive.
Not a “trans” “conservative” – a Trojan Horse.
So there would appear to be a gleam of totalitarianism in Roberts and Grenell.
“Resistance is futile…you will be assimilated” your foundational values be damned.
Howie Carr featured this article from the NY Post today. Federal employees can take 15 weeks COVID leave at $1,400/week:
‘Families across the country continue to have the costs of the pandemic passed down to them by the Democratic Party and its patrons in the teachers unions. American children are suffering scholastically and emotionally. Parents are left to deal with both of these heartbreaking consequences, as well as the practical problem of where their kids are supposed to be during the typical workday.
‘The Biden administration proposes not to put an end to this inequitable cost distribution, but to provide 15 weeks of paid vacation time to any member of another core Democratic constituency whose kids have the option of attending school virtually. After all, there is no time like a pandemic to encourage federal workers to take a holiday.’
They Demon Dems just took off their masks. They’re just doing whatever they want now.
Fully agree.
Sometime over the past few days, someone here asked to see a photo of Rush Limbaugh’s casket in a horse-drawn hearse.
Here it is:
Someone doxxed the Gab hackers. Details here if anyone cares:
Thats exactly what needed to happen.
Holy CRAP – get all over this guy’s timeline. Whoever these GABBITES are, they are NUKING TRANSYLVANIA.
Deeply tied to DNC!!!
Transparency International
Freelance “OSINT Researcher”
Ghost Me
US Congress – Intern
Congressman Steve Cohen – Intern
Pursuance Project – Director of Outreach / Director of Operations
Courage Incorporated – Advisory Board Member
Campaign of Tennessee State House of Representative Gloria Johnson
Democratic Party of Tennessee – Intern for Gloria Johnson
Amplifier – Staff Writer (LinkedIn)
From Gab…..
Gruesome Recall update.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
The new total is 1,927,000 signatures.
If anyone is interested the neighbors (townhouses) who live near or around the capitol have started a website and petition that now has nearly 25,000 signatures wanting the fencing removed from around the capitol.
Don’t Fence the Capitol
Sadly the Bidenese no longer have a place for you to post or sign petitions to the federal government on http://www.whitehouse.gov Further all the old petitions are gone. It should be a wonder no one asks about this, but then the people (MSM) who would ask work for them.
Federal Agent Suspended and Stripped of Security Clearance “Because of His Presence” OUTSIDE Capitol During Riot (thegatewaypundit.com)
It is not illegal to attend a Peaceful Protest

Time to call Tom Fitton.
Chris Wray and the FBI’s Outrageous Lies About Domestic Terrorism (thegatewaypundit.com)
The American public has been fed a steady diet of lies about violent white supremacists (aka Trump supporters) who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 in order to launch an insurrection and keep Donald Trump in power. But this is an outrageous fiction. BLM and Antifa have done more killing, looting and burning than Trump supporters. The facts tell the true story.
How can you have an “insurrection” when there are no weapons and no fatalities at the hands of the supposed revolutionaries?
Article goes on to detail Antifa and BLM violence and destruction…….
Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings.
Elaine is as swampy and evil as the Turtle.
Perhaps moreso?
Don’t surprised if we find out her maiden name is Jinping.
Or Mao.
Mao Chao Mao.
You go now.
Feisty Cat sure seems a lot like……
NAH. No way.
I think Catturd did this…
I’ve been thinking… But can’t be…
FYI Wolf:
Surprise, CTH 2.0 Optimized Launch
March 3, 2021
Over the past several weeks/months the tech team behind CTH 2.0 has been working on a test site to optimize the battle-tank known as The Last Refuge. This is phase-3 of the CTH anti-fragile system, know as the optimization phase. We just went live….
The goal of optimization was to take the decades-old weight of our site, lighten the server load, increase the response time and simultaneously generate a site that optimizes based on the type of hardware being used by reader: desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Check out the site on your mobile device and you should notice the changes in both portrait and landscape mode.
When CTH originally launched over a decade ago the theme was responsive to desktop and laptop computer users. Mobile platforms were in their infancy. Now more than half of website users are coming to sites from tablets or phones. The optimization phase has hopefully eliminated the mobile issues and made those user experiences easier and more responsive.
Good stuff.
But SD is still a bit too self-congratulatory:
In the words of Han Solo, “Great, kid! Don’t get cocky.”
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 04 Mar 2021 17:17:17 GMT
content-type: text/html
set-cookie: __cfduid=da6d4d171717d21df790234158115f1cb1614828817; expires=Sat, 03-Apr-21 17:17:17 GMT; path=/; domain=.theconservativetreehouse.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
vary: Accept-Encoding
last-modified: Thu, 04 Mar 2021 17:17:17 GMT
x-cache-nxaccel: BYPASS
cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC
cf-request-id: 089ce66228000058d7872ad000001717
expect-ct: max-age=604800, report-uri=”https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct”
report-to: {“max_age”:604800,”group”:”cf-nel”,”endpoints”:[{“url”:”https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report?s=PRIzZeQ17sd9LrWYSGE9pYuX3Tgyx6Lr9OvNGh4sFNhDpf3%2FrxlWQGliVzibPcZ%2BiTgpr2Qg0yCtisAvpqetNV3eLWblYWi8CBLswD0jolF%2B8A2HWSCVhLksXVII”}]}
nel: {“report_to”:”cf-nel”,”max_age”:604800}
server: cloudflare
cf-ray: 62a80ce379691717-LAX
Hardened, check.
Out of the blast radius for risk? Definitely not.
This kid ain’t gettin’ cocky, but I’ll stick with our “ride”!!!
I should note that this is an invocation of the Linux utility “curl”, using “switches” -k, -I, and -L.
Those would be:
-k, –insecure
(TLS) By default, every SSL connection curl makes is verified to
be secure. This option allows curl to proceed and operate even
for server connections otherwise considered insecure.
The server connection is verified by making sure the server’s
certificate contains the right name and verifies successfully
using the cert store.
-I, –head
(HTTP FTP FILE) Fetch the headers only! HTTP-servers feature the
command HEAD which this uses to get nothing but the header of a
document. When used on an FTP or FILE file, curl displays the
file size and last modification time only.
-L, –location
(HTTP) If the server reports that the requested page has moved
to a different location (indicated with a Location: header and a
3XX response code), this option will make curl redo the request
on the new place. If used together with -i, –include or -I,
–head, headers from all requested pages will be shown. When au‐
thentication is used, curl only sends its credentials to the
initial host. If a redirect takes curl to a different host, it
won’t be able to intercept the user+password. See also –loca‐
tion-trusted on how to change this. You can limit the amount of
redirects to follow by using the –max-redirs option.
When curl follows a redirect and the request is not a plain GET
(for example POST or PUT), it will do the following request with
a GET if the HTTP response was 301, 302, or 303. If the response
code was any other 3xx code, curl will re-send the following re‐
quest using the same unmodified method.
You can tell curl to not change the non-GET request method to
GET after a 30x response by using the dedicated options for
that: –post301, –post302 and –post303.
It’s a whole different kind of world from MacOS or Windows.
Now, mind you….it is possible to just use Linux nowadays like it was MacOS or Windows — much more so than even 10 years ago. But when it comes down to rolling your sleeves up and doing things “off the beaten path”, Linux has ALL the tools.
Even when Windows had that Unix toolkit that you could embed in it – which was pretty cool – it still sucked. Linux is just so awesome. And Mac’s underlying “whatever” is better but still seemingly unblessed. Linux is just the best and getting better all the time.
One of the things that is most difficult to explain to people is why it’s all powered by FOSS.
Every time Microsoft makes an unpopular decision (e.g. Vista, Win8, Win10), people can either keep what they’ve got until it rots (which isn’t long), or go along with it. In FOSS, the source code is open. If you don’t like someone’s revision, go back to the last version and decide the other way.
A bunch of distributions were using the GNOME 2 desktop, and GNOME decided to change things in GNOME 3. Ubuntu changed to Unify; Mint changed to Cinnamon, MATE recoded GNOME 2 from the GNOME 3 codebase…..
Many of the most popular packages in Linux are when some old group “lost their way”, the project was forked (someone decided to go the other way), and now nobody remembers the original project any more.
And this leads to why it’s “getting better”. It’s getting better because it splits all the time, and the “not getting better” paths are rapidly abandoned.
Yep, you got it. I also have to throw “-s” in there sometimes and a little “-vvv” for good luck.
curl is a Swiss army knife. This barely scratches the surface on uses for it. I originally learned w/ wget which I still use heavily. Depends on the job of course.
And then there’s my secret weapon for when I’m in an all-Windows environment. . . shh don’t tell anyone . . .
Saved my bacon on more than one project. Great way to prove when sites are going through the proxy versus local. I hate Windows proxy settings. They are totally and thoroughly busted.
Good stuff! Firefox of the commandline! Pray that it not go woke!
Any Linux project going woke would be dropped like a hot rock.
I sure hope so. The mind-frack even invaded Mozilla. I never expected that.
How cool that the curl project actually builds for Windows!
FOSS is made out of projects, which are done by various groups for various reasons. Distros are assembled out of projects by choosing well-regarded ones and ensuring they function without breaking other things in the distro. Curl is obviously VERY well-regarded because EVERYBODY uses it. The Linux kernel is just another project in this regard.
http://www.distrowatch.com is a very nice tool to keep track which distro is using which version of which project.
Linux isn’t some monolithic thingamajig. It’s a lot of moving parts — all “gelled” with some of the best moving-part-wrangler systems and software.
If you want to know more about curl, try https://curl.se/docs/faq.html . I get curl through my distro — on this computer, Mint — which, in turn, gets it from its underlying distro, Ubuntu — who, in turn, follows Debian.
Debian is the monastery of Pure Linux. There is nothing commercial or legally restricted in Debian. They monitor thousands of projects that comply with this and irregularly publish high-quality versions where pretty much everything works together. It is one of the oldest releases, founded in 1993. They are currently on release 10. Their releases have familiar names, based on characters in Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story films — the current release is “buster” (their development branch — by definition unstable — is “sid”).
Ubuntu is privately owned by a benevolent dictator. It is not as pure as Debian — it includes proprietary video drivers and suchlike that are not truly “free” by Debian standards. It insists on producing a complete release on April and October of every year — these are designated by year and month, e.g. 18.10 and 20.04. Each release’s familiar name is an adjective and an animal, starting with the same letter [as you might imagine, things were getting hairy as they ran out of letters near the end of the alphabet]. Every even-numbered year’s April release is designated as Long Term Support (LTS) and will be maintained for five years — thus, you have 17.10, 18.04 (LTS), 18.10, 19.04, 19.10, 20.04 (LTS), 20.10, and 21.04. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is Focal Fossa, and a lot of systems and other distros rely on it.
Mint is a “splinter” or “boutique” distro, run by a guy named Clément Lefèbvre in Ireland. It agrees with Ubuntu about 97% of the time, but thinks that the guys who liked Unity and Upstart were not quite right in the head. It is a very user-friendly and intuitive version of Linux that keeps the horsepower of Ubuntu in its right front pocket. As an aside, I’ve swapped messages with Clem (I can feel the tops of my ears warming) even before I realized who he was, and he’s just a super-nice helpful guy. It seems to have settled into doing a big-number release every time Ubuntu does an LTS, and a small-number release every time Ubuntu does a release. Releases have a familiar name that is based on a female name starting with a letter determined by the big-number — 17.3 Rosa; 18.3 Sylvia; 19.3 Tricia, 20.1 Ulyssa.
I made a somewhat obsequious comment in support of SD, when somebody complained about wanting those top paging numbers!
Wolf Moon
March 3, 2021 11:30 pm
Awaiting for approval
Reply to Old deplorableowl
This lack of top paging is a trade-off of the superior commenting system on CTH 2.0, and we experience this trade-off on our site as well. I’ve investigated the fix, and it’s possible, but doing it correctly (best practices AND anti-fragile) is a non-trivial investment of time and coding. It requires intervening at several levels in the WordPress architecture, believe it or not, to do it in a fashion that will meet multiple recommendations which have underlying WordPress security objectives. We are putting it off for a while on our site, just as a matter of priorities. Given the recent Gab hack, it’s completely understandable to want to “do it 100% right”.
It is possible to just go in and copy and paste some code, but….. not a good idea, IMO.
OK – something is very weird there. Where do 150 kids come from? Are these teen runaways, for the most part?
How many spoke English?
Additionally, the whole Family Court / Foster Child / Child Protective Services field is a racket run from a cesspool surrounded by official corruption [e.g. this series — https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2021/03/02/caught-colluding-leaked-video-reveals-family-court-guardians-conspiring-to-dox-journalist-for-exposing-them-n1429556 ].
Tennessee DCS — https://www.tn.gov/dcs.html
I don’t talk much about my personal life here, however I am going to say something pedophilia tonight. its a horrible trauma and is one of the worst crimes against an innocent child.The Lord warns against hurting children. That being said this past year has in some ways been a nightmare for my daughter and my grandchildren and myself. they fled to Nevada last June after my daughter took my granddaughter to the police to file a report against her father for the sexual abuse he had done to her since she was 5. Silence of the innocent, too afraid to say anything living with it for years.
My granddaughter told her mother because she was afraid of what her father would do to her sisters when she moved out. long story short when confronted he confessed and today is now spending the next 20 years in prison. not long enough for destroying a precious Childs life in my book. I have had such anguish over my babies and daughter going away from us, To know our country is filled with these people makes me want to vomit.to find out one lived among you is horrific. guard your children well, dont trust anyone. evil is walking among us in these days .
There is more hidden than is revealed. Opening up for sunlight can be painful, but it is cleansing and can heal. I hope that you, your daughter, and your grandchildren can heal from this horrific trauma by not letting it fester in secret darkness, but by seeking truth and light.
OMG, I am so sorry. You all have my prayers. Yes – this is rough to hear. Very rough. Just such betrayal.
I was married to a survivor of that evil. She committed suicide at 26 yo, after having two children (one with me). Her sister committed suicide about a year later because she couldn’t protect her sister. The weird part was the ‘protector’ was the younger one.
My son died of a diabetic coma at … 25 and a half yo.
I can tell you that you don’t stand a chance of getting through it if you don’t have Christ. He makes it all bearable. The pain never goes away but it gets bearable.
Oof. There is serious hurt in those lines. You have my sympathy, however unworthy (I had a sprained finger, once….).
This is simply one of the most powerful stories of witness I’ve ever read.
I’m sorry that you’ve had to endure so much heartache. We never know what others are going through or have had to deal with. May God continue to bless and comfort you.
I can’t imagine what you’ve endured, and I will pray for you and your family, especially the one most affected. I never cease to be amazed at how many reports I see of various crimes against children like this. It is unfathomable evil.
Twitter (
Steve Scalise
I didn’t know police funding was a federal issue.
They are going to continue to fund, but its going to the “My way or the highway” type funding as they change priorities and deny programs that don’t meet their new guidelines that include multiple lists of burdensome requirements that law enforcement agencies must meet to stay eligible for funding.
So essentially Steve S. is correct. This defunds but also unduly burdens
Me either TheseTruths,
I just continue to remind myself that this Congress is illegitimate … fraud vitiates everything! and that none of their actions will stand.