Dear 20210304 I Can’t Type Daily Thread

I’m trying to come up with a theme and there’s something in the air not happening tonight.

That being the case, this is a free for all.

And in that spirit, our dance club selection (don’t think, just move to the music):


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JEREMIAH 17:5-10

5Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD. 6He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. 7“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. 8He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” 9The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it? 10“I the LORD search the mind and try the heart, to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.”

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolverine vs. Honey Badger?

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Today’s the day that really isn’t the day.

What are these assholes going to do tomorrow when nothing happens today?

[there are anons and redditors laughing their asses off at the clown show we call our intelligence agencies]


1/6 was a BS FF that keeps falling apart the more they try to pat it into “major armed insurrection against the United States.”

It was a minor unarmed insurrection of Kabuki actors working against the United States with full support and coordination of the Capitol Police and a treasonous Congress. This was run inside a massive, pro-American, nationalist, patriotic group who were there in order to “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” — with the aim of having a corrupt media use the sins of the first group to taint the second.

I just can’t wait to see what ridiculous contortions will be used tomorrow.


Who knows… there have been conjured up a few tens of million Biden voters, so maybe there can be conjured up some of those «right-wing» scoundrels for today, which otherwise looks to be an unusually empty nothingburger. Now news has had, that there are «right-wing» extremists lurking under and behind bushes and fences everywhere, but like the voters, they appear mostly imaginary, and while useable for rhetoric and scare, when the rubber is supposed to meet the road, there is noone there to either drive or be run over. (As this isn’t complex arithmetic, squaring the imaginaries don’t do anything 🙂

And what with the Humpty-Dumpty style «words mean whatever we want them to» any real or imaginary group of people can be labeled with the favorite accusation of the day. After a while those terms lose all real meaning and change from signal to noise as the accused move outside the box.

It is this mechanism that will eventually terminate the «woke» experiment as well, as sliding standards lead to turns around an ever-tightening purity spiral.



One Tweet Exposes Cuomo’s Money Trail of Corruption
Katie PavlichKatie Pavlich| @KatiePavlich|Posted: Mar 03, 2021 11:45 AM


…”A Monday report from The New York Times describing a growing rift between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state public health officials is the latest evidence of the governor’s close relationship with the state’s health care industry and hospitals. According to the article, Cuomo relied more heavily on private hospital executives than on state officials, such as Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health, in making plans for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. This, the Times reports, contributed to at least nine top health officials resigning, retiring or otherwise leaving the state Department of Health in recent months.

This is not the first time that Cuomo has listened to or relied on the politically connected health care industry leaders. When Cuomo announced his 14-person COVID-19 vaccine task force in September, it did not include a single epidemiologist and few public health experts. The task force did, however, include several influential leaders in the hospital industry, including Kenneth Raske, president of the Greater New York Hospital Association, Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health, a large hospital system, and George Gresham, president of the health care workers union 1199SEIU. While not personally experts in infectious disease control, each leader is politically connected in Albany, and to Cuomo. The in-house lobbyist for Northwell, Dennis Whalen, was also heavily in planning for the vaccine rollout, according to the Times.

The governor’s relationship with Dowling dates back to his father’s era, when Dowling served in former Gov. Mario Cuomo’s administration. He has since remained a close friend and adviser to the younger Cuomo, frequently appointed to commissions and panels created by the governor. Last year, Dowling served as co-chair of Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign Team II after having been a member of the first redesign team Cuomo assembled in 2011. Since the pandemic began, Dowling has appeared alongside the governor at a number of different press conferences, particularly those held at Northwell facilities. In addition to the vaccination task force, Cuomo also appointed Dowling to a panel meant to “reimagine” New York’s future after COVID-19 in May – criticized for the many billionaires it included – as well as a multi-state council focused on regional economic recovery back in April. Both Raske and Dowling additionally were tapped to lead hospital efforts to increase capacity back in March. Once the vaccine rollout began, a Northwell nurse became the first person in New York – and the country – to get the shot.

Dowling is also on the board of directors of the Greater New York Hospital Foundation, the non-profit arm of the hospital trade group Greater New York Hospital Association, headed by Raske. The group has been incredibly influential in Albany since long before the pandemic, and it and its surrogates have donated heavily to politicians. “They have been a powerhouse in Albany for a couple of decades now,” Bill Hammond, senior fellow for health policy at the Empire Center, a conservative think tank, said. “And they owe part of their influence to an alliance with the big union for healthcare workers, 1199(SEIU).” That union, led by Gresham, is one of the most politically influential labor groups in the state whose endorsement is sought after and has traditionally backed Cuomo.

Hammond made note of an unusually large donation – over $1 million – made by the Greater New York Hospital Association to the state Democratic Party’s housekeeping account in 2018, shortly before Cuomo’s reelection. Not long after that, the state approved increased Medicaid reimbursement rates for hospitals, something the hospitals and 1199 were promoting. Money from that rate increase was then used to pay for new employee contracts. At the time, Cuomo’s aides denied that there was any connection between the large donation and the Medicaid rate change.

Raske himself also enjoys a close relationship with Cuomo, often accompanying the governor on trips to Puerto Rico. When Cuomo visited Puerto Rico in the wake of a devastating earthquake early last year, Rakse was in tow as well. Soon after, he was a part of the governor’s deployment of mental health professionals to the territory to aid in recovery. Raske previously traveled with Cuomo in 2018, along with several elected officials, on one of his trips following Hurricane Maria.

And earlier in the pandemic, Raske told The Wall Street Journal that he got in touch with Cuomo’s team, asking for help with nursing home patients, as many facilities would not accept COVID-19-positive residents but hospitals needed to discharge them to free up beds. Not long after, the Department of Health issued its controversial directive to nursing homes, telling them they were required to accept COVID-19 positive residents from hospitals. Cuomo and his aides have repeatedly said the directive was based on CDC guidelines and public health recommendations at the time.”….



And those responsible for the disastrous policy are involved in distributing vaccines.


Cuomo’s vaccine task force, announced in September 2020:

Better resolution list of names new NYS vaccine task force

— Zach Williams (@ZachReports) September 24, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I’m, unfortunately, starting to see one of the methods in the madness of feminism and the demise of caring for the elderly at home. I’ve said before that it seemed like they were being warehoused in skilled care facilities.

My family was able to keep the great-grandparents at home, but there were so many people around, it wasn’t about a single care giver. Any more, life just isn’t that way.


To our great detriment.


Are you enjoying this yummy chunk of Menshevik, dearest Bolshenka?
Eat up, Tovarisch, Schumer is marinating in his own juices.

Cuppa Covfefe

A bottle containing pickled pigs’ feet and Kimchi fermenting together comes to mind :mrgreen:


Now that is the definition of a fuel air bomb.

Cuppa Covfefe

That emoji, mrgreen, reminded me of Mr. Grinch, who will probably soon be censored out of existence, with Sue Who (somebody should sue WHO, for that matter) disappearing as well.

But the song “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” will hopefully live on. Interestingly enough [at least for cellists] is the second phrase of the melody is “borrowed” from the Tchaikovsky Rococco Variations… a piece which instills joy and wonder to those listening, and fear to those playing it [solo]. It’s fun once you’ve mastered it, though…


Ironically, “The Grinch who stole Christmas” has become “The Left who Cancelled Dr. Seuss” – and they are the grinches who are stealing Christmas, too!

Valerie Curren

Interesting that in Michigan yesterday they announced a number of confidential separations of high-up people in state health, w/ hefty pay-offs/outs & non-disclosure agreements that neither the governor nor the departed is allowed to violate. I thought government was supposed to be transparent??? Some of these pay-offs/outs were like $150,000! Very suspicious



It’s always fun to imagine what you would do with an unlimited amount of money. We grow up doing it as kids, acting like Monopoly money was legal tender backed by the Federal Reserve. Elon Musk is a schabillionaire who gets to live out those fantasies every day. And after taking his talents to Texas after realizing how much California su-diddly-ucks, he’s really been wildin’. His latest venture? Creating his own city!

. . . He’s probably joking, but stranger things have happened. I know if had all the money in the world, putting some of it where my mouth is and incorporating my own city, running it the way I think government should be run, would be tempting. When you’re Elon Musk, you do Elon Musk things. I can’t think of anything more Elon Musk’y than launching your own municipality. Starbase, Texas, forever!


I doubt he’s joking.

This actually makes a lot of sense from a tax perspective.

And in Texas, there is a lot of existing precedent for corporations founding cities from scratch for various reasons – including the mentioned tax abatement. Oil cities were founded to provide support in regions where supplies were scarce. More famously, Hollywood producers founded the town of Parker to avoid municipal taxes and regulations on filming the TV show “Dallas” after buying the land to create Southfork Ranch.
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Cameron County
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DisneyWorld has its own governmental agencies.


I tossed that off as a drive-by, because there were so many things boiling-up…..but it is actually quite ornate. They have their own water district; sanitation district; traffic control… just goes on and on — and all of it in the trappings of a standard town.

Except the Boards and Council Members and Commissioners and Representatives are all the same people, who meet once a month for ten minutes in Disney HQ to say, “HECK, YEAH” to everything.

Of course, it sort of blunts the criticism of these policies to note that they have always been more responsible than elected officials elsewhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Any entity that’s big enough has the potential to have its own utilities, and the like. The brewery in Soulard, A-B, has its own water treatment plant. It doesn’t buy from Missouri American Water.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

They are called Democrats and live in DC.


Decoding Symbolism blog on Elon Musk:

Musk, X Bank, and the funding of ops:

Musk and the GameStop short squeeze:

CIA vs. military, Adnan Khashoggi, Lockheed scandals, A-12 Ox Cart/SR-71 Blackbird, Gates family, ChiComs, Trump Princess (Musk also makes an appearance):


Long. There’s the article and an audio version.

The Great Reset, Part V: Woke Ideology

In previous articles, I’ve discussed the Great Reset and introduced several ways of understanding the economics of it. The Great Reset can be thought of as neofeudalism, as “corporate socialism,” as “capitalism with Chinese characteristics,” and in terms of “stakeholder capitalism” versus “neoliberalism.” In future installments, I intend to treat the technological (transhumanist) and monetary (centralized banking and digital currency) aspects that Klaus Schwab and others anticipate and prescribe.

But in this essay, I wish to consider the ideological aspect of the Great Reset. Just how do the planners mean to establish the reset ideologically? That is, how would a reset of the mass mind come to pass that would allow for the many elements of the Great Reset to be put into place—without mass rebellion, that is? After all, if the Great Reset is to take hold, some degree of conformity on the part of the population will be necessary—despite the enhanced, extended, and more precise control over the population that transhumanist technology and a centralized digital currency would afford.

[Short version: Wokeness is the ideological glue of the Great Reset.]

. . . Naturally, wokeness will not work on everyone. But the demand has been made so universal that unapologetic, noncompliant dissenters are figured as regressive, reactionary, racist, white supremacist, and more, and are dismissed, if not punished, on those grounds. Wokeness has thus attained dominance. Countering it will be a major requirement for challenging the Great Reset.

. . . MORE . . .


FBI Director: Every Employee Mentioned in Damning IG Report on Russia Probe Was Referred for Discipline
By C. Douglas Golden
Published March 3, 2021 at 9:37am

. . . In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed that every agent mentioned in the Horowitz report — a report from the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General that detailed the origins of the investigation into illusory links between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Kremlin — had been referred for discipline if he or she hadn’t already left, according to The Washington Times.

In fact, when asked by GOP Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana how many of the agents and employees mentioned in the report had been prosecuted or fired, Wray said most were no longer with the organization.

“Most of the people involved in the Horowitz report are former employees,” Wray said.

“Of the ones who are current, every single one of them, even if mentioned only in passing, has been referred to our Office of Professional Responsibility, which is our disciplinary arm,” he added.

Wray said the FBI continued to work with special counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Trump administration Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe in 2016.

The FBI director said that “that piece of it, because we’re cooperating fully with Mr. Durham’s investigation, at his request, we had slowed that process down to allow his criminal investigation to proceed. So at the moment, that process is still underway in order to make sure that we’re being appropriately sensitive to the criminal investigation.”

. . . MORE . . .


Durham File: A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue FBI pursuit of Trump
FBI clearly was warned Russia collusion was Clinton dirty trick, Steele dossier flawed — and persisted anyway.

Freed from his double duty as Connecticut’s chief federal prosecutor, Special Counsel John Durham is zeroing in on the final phase of his far-reaching investigation into whether FBI officials or others committed crimes while conducting the Russia collusion probe, such as misleading federal judges or Congress.

All expectations were that Durham would wrap up his probe with final indictments and/or a report last fall after a plea deal was reached with former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted he falsified a document submitted to substantiate an application for a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign.

But FBI Director Chris Wray revealed Tuesday that the entire process — including the bureau’s ability to discipline agents involved in the Russia case — was slowed down at Durham’s request because of continuing concerns about potential criminality.

“Because we are cooperating fully with Mr. Durham’s investigation, at his request we had slowed that process down to allow his criminal investigation to proceed,” Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “So at the moment, that process is still underway in order to make sure we are being appropriately sensitive to the criminal investigation.”

Wray’s comments signaling additional crimes are being investigated are consistent with what former Attorney General William Barr said late last year when he upgraded Durham from a U.S. attorney to a special counsel and expanded his investigative staff.

. . . Most of the evidence that supports those concerns is now in the public domain after a series of declassifications that began last year and ended when former President Donald Trump declassified hundreds of pages of the most sensitive evidence during his last 24 hours in office in January.

Those documents show that:

  • The FBI and President Barack Obama were warned in summer 2016 — well before the first FISA warrant was issued — that Hillary Clinton might be concocting a bogus Russia collusion scandal to “vilify” Trump and distract from her own email scandal.
  • The FBI was warned repeatedly that informal Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page had been a longtime CIA asset who assisted the U.S. on Russia matters.
  • Both Page and George Papadopoulos had been recorded by an FBI informant wearing a wire denying all the key allegations against them.
  • A spreadsheet analyzing Christopher Steele’s dossier found most of his collusion allegations had been debunked, could not be corroborated, were found to be internet rumor or were disavowed by his primary sub-source.
  • Steele had been paid by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign for his Russia collusion work and harbored a desire to defeat Trump and Clinton because he believed the Republican nominee would be bad for his home country of Great Britain.
  • FBI had been repeatedly warned that Steele was susceptible to Russian disinformation, that his primary sub-source was assessed to be tied to Russian intelligence and that some of the evidence in his dossier had been determined to be Russian disinformation.
  • The lead FBI agent investigating then-prospective National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had reported to his bosses in January 2017 that months of investigation had found “no derogatory” evidence to suggest Flynn was aiding Russia and urged closing down the investigation, but he was overruled by superiors.

Nearly all of these major revelations were withheld from the FISA court and only belatedly disclosed to Congress, officials have said.

Over the last year, Just the News has gathered and published all of the key declassified documents.

. . . MORE . . .

Library of Documentation available at Just the News.


Years of following SD’s analysis of each data point, mugshots in org charts, sharing Treeper ups-&-downs, the whole ball of wax…
…it’s all melted now.

I don’t see the Future through this mess. It has to fly over it, dodge surface to air missiles.

Democracy’s been illusory here for a long time.
Can we skip the Tyranny phase and conjure a Philosopher-King?


Here’s a lengthy segment of Sean Hannity talking with Mike Pompeo present on screen.

Again, Pompeo does not rule out a 2024 run.


The Left Melts Down As Texas, Mississippi Free People And Businesses From COVID Restrictions
Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves announced that their states are lifting mask mandates and opening.
MARCH 3, 2021


Methinks they doth protest too much.


Someone said that what they are really afraid of is all these states reopening and people DON’T start dropping like flies. Which is exactly what will happen. And all the moron states that are still closed look like what they are, MORONS.


They will start dropping – once the vaccine has been given to most of them.

And then it will be dead due to COVID and re-opening too soon zek.


Why else would they be importing contaminated illegal aliens? To try to make it look like the increase in deaths was due to dropping the mandates.


Airhead Starlets Push Loony CPAC Conspiracy Theory
Granted, we could use that general headline every day.
MARCH 2, 2021

Combine this with the Cancel Dr. Seuss campaign and we may be coming to the point when the Left is overtly losing their mind. The theory? CPAC used Nazi symbols in its stage design. No really. We’re serious. Actresses and the like believe this. This is their level of cognitive malfunction. This is their grip on reality. In addition, this is how badly they need attention.


They are merely the vehicle to spread the poison.


— no such thing as coincidences when it comes to democrat dirty tricks.
— that stage didn’t just ‘happen to look like an odal”


Not for you Henry.

WHY do folks even pay attention to such ignorance. The very definition of “nothing burger”.

Folks need to get over the “woke”, “cancel culture” take offense to every damn thing out there. IGNORE it all.

The so called Nazi symbolism is nothing. IMO. UNLESS folks allow it to be an issue.

Same as Dr Seuss and the daily woke nonsense woke asshes create out of thin air daily.

I really don’t get why folks pay attention to the ignorance.



If you don’t think the stage design meant anything, fine.
If you don’t think there is anything to the use of symbolism by certain actors, fine.

If you don’t think history repeats itself with its original symbols, fine.


EXACTLY!! 👆  I refuse to give a minute of my time to insanity, and these idiots are insane. ignoring it all is best, why give any time to this idiocy?


I know what you’re saying, Kalbo…

But unfortunately, 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭.

I hate that…but it’s true.

The Dems have created a false narrative that Trump supporters are “white supremists” and therefore are “nazis”.

And they are manufacturing ‘evidence’ to support their false narrative.
It’s the Wrap Up Smear.

Their enemedia operatives are are participants and eagerly run with the manufactured ‘evidence’.

Being silent…and ignoring it…would be declared an admission of guilt.

So the only thing to do, is to fight it and expose their dirty trick.


>>”But unfortunately, 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭.
I hate that…but it’s true.”<<

This is what I was getting at yesterday, although I shouldn’t have in included “Principle of” in quotation marks, rather just the word “Acquiescence”.

Also, I was unclear – evidently – about how WRONG I think it is to have the “law” of man put blame / burden on the victim, compounding the injustice on those who are wronged.

And yet, there is mighty truth in the admonition:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke (in a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer).”

>>”the only thing to do, is to fight it”<<

I believe it’s those IN the legal system who should be FIRST to defend victims, rather than the victims themselves.

Absent those who don’t … it rests with US to do so.


No, enough with “how high” whenever they yell “jump”. We must stop allowing our collective chain to be yanked with whatever lunatic BS they push. Every. Day. Because while we scramble to address the CPAC BS, they’ve already moved on to Dr. Seuss. And cancelling congress today due to “threats”. And on and on.

The rabid crazy left is seizing up while we watch. Don’t address it, just let it happen.


The Dr. Seuss thing was petty and silly…and deserved to be mocked.

And that’s what I see going on — a lot of mockage of the Left.
This is good, IMO.

The ‘cancelling congress’ thing is the Dems reacting to *us*…not the other way around.
It makes them look ridiculous.


Ridiculing and mocking is an Alinsky tactic, and we can’t put it back in their faces enough.

I see both sides of this issue. On the one hand, I’m tired of our side having to jump every time the Left comes up with another idiotic idea and tries to cancel part of our culture. On the other hand, we need to take a stand and mock them at every turn.


babylon bee does it so perfect

Easy Recipe:

  1. take a stupid accusation
  2. repeat it back as if they did it

Brandolini’s Bullsh!t Asymmetry Principle: 
The amount of energy required to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than to create it.


Theme to consider,, traveling circus and Hollywood.
When we were little we went to the circus every year when it traveled through town. Big top, the fat man, exotic animals (or so we thought) and all the weirdness and weird people it employed. Drama, drugs and alcohol abuse.


Man, you were getting better circuses than we were…..


What is “QAnon”? It sounds really bad.

QAnon and conspiracy theories are taking hold in churches. Pastors are fighting back
MARCH 3, 2021 3 AM PT



But no concern evidenced by the church of the ongoing damage being done by embracing the Democrat / leftist collective. This same collective that has escalated with the passage of time in its active and passive violence against Christian values.


Or of child trafficking, stolen elections, or mind-blowing amounts of corruption.


I didn’t read the article, but I can’t imagine that anyone is talking about Q or that it is “taking hold” anywhere since Q has not posted since December 8. Only those who were the most interested in what Q might have to say would even be thinking about Q right now. Everything else is manufactured by the Left.


Thank you, DP, for another thread.

I can understand that you sometimes feel deflated and unhappy at a thread not being up to your standards.

But here’s the thing — you put in effort to be sparkling and new and shiny and fascinating and engrossing and educational.

So, we’re going to try to be sparkling and new and shiny and fascinating and engrossing and educational — because you tried, for us, and we don’t want to let you down.

And even though you may sleep tonight thinking that you whiffed….

….if it manages to get rolling by tomorrow, it is entirely to your credit. You are always there for us, and we appreciate it. Thank you.


Amen, Coothie! And I, for one, appreciate the frequent doses of Hopium that DP brings to the table.

Cuppa Covfefe

Me three (or 12th, at this point). Also the doses of interesting information, scripture, history, and tales of the couch commander and others. Well done, DP!

Also the music and videos!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thursdays are always SPECIAL. 🥓😋🥓😋🥓😋🥓😋🥓😋🥓
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Yum, Butterfly!!! Got any extra? I am fresh out!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Deplorable Patriot

Truth be told…there wasn’t much interesting going on yesterday to spin into a post.


I gotta be honest, sometimes I really enjoy a BORING day!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, there was all that Dr. Suess stuff, but that was pretty well covered.


… here, here well said Cthulhu … cudos to totally awesome sweet DePat, ..

😉❤️🙂❤️ ..


😮 .. 🤭😑🧐 … oops 😬 … thought this post shot off to the netherlands with Legolas and Bilbo Baggins .. heh heh .. sneaky little pud .. 😬

.. 🥴 ..


.. hear! Hear! Cthulhu .. 😉👍🤨🤚❤️🙂❤️ … totally agree .. our awesome sweet DePat (🎶🎵🎶🎵) .. does real good 😌 and I appreciate it very much .. ❤️


I haven’t mastered the comment feature here yet so .. it’s all good man .. 😜


OK, now for a modified PSA —

There is a bearded Spock version of this site at . This site is supposed to be civil, supportive, and respectful. If you want to put someone in the Agonizer, shiv them in the back, or meddle with their StarFleet Personnel records, there is ample opportunity to do so over there.

That said, there is an official “rescue” thread at the Utree in case you become accidentally disassociated with the Qtree. This is not for being banned or stomping off in a huff (or a minute and a huff, for that matter), this is for when you wake up some morning and none of the clever things that you normally do to read/comment at qtree are working….

And, as our Fearless Leader tells us: “Likewise, The U Tree is a great place to throw rocks at Wolf’s window here at The Q Tree if the front door won’t open.”


Is bearded Spock any relation to bearded Darwin?



Is there an unbearded Darwin for us to make a full comparison?


Donald Trump helicopter visit to the white house
Posted on March 4, 2021

Video is Trump leaving Walter Reed, but they are using it to make the point below.

TRUMP Returns to DC – Current Situation Intel & (Video)

Mar 3, 2021

So this afternoon Trump showed up at the WH via a helicopter.

The helicopter left without him…so he is there for the 1st time since the fake elections. (not just a visit as the MSM fake news says)

The White House has sit empty.

Fake Biden was never there.

They are in California at the fake studio set owned by Amazon pretending to be president.

Meanwhile the real elected president returns to the helm today for an   Inaugural event that is scheduled to start tomorrow. 

(Thur March 4 through Sat March 6)

Starting tomorrow (Thur March 4) there could be FBI/ CIA enabled false flag violence in DC that would be blamed on Trump supporters and [Q]Anon followers. (same as they did with the Capital riots by Antifa & BLM false flag)

On Friday (late) the Military will take over the MSM. So be ready for some real news for a change.

If the Internet & TV goes down…expect to get info via your cell phone on the EBS.
Rumors say we may hear the restored republic announced and that Trump won the election by a land slide.

Also the return to the gold standard and a new currency…along with new banking under the QFS blockchain system.

SWIFT is gone and CIPS takes the place.

Your money will be safe and ledger transfers from one bank to another will be instant and free of any fees to move funds.

When the angry left supporters learn that Trump is in fact in charge…expect riots so stay at home and off the streets until this is over.

The military will clean it all up fast this time.

Expect a period of a couple weeks of disclosure starting now.

The Scamdemic is over now…no more BS.

Texas and Florida have ended the face diaper mandate and the public is open again. (other states will follow)

So if Trump is back at the WH…that means the swamp creatures have all been removed.

GITMO has been real busy lately.

Intel indicates expansion at GITMO went out of sight underground about 10 levels deep.

So from the air…the footprint looks the same.

Biden has an island next to Epstein island.

Oprah has an island there too.

Many islands in the area are connected via underground tunnels from an old secret submarine base from WW2.

For a very long time they have been using these islands and tunnels to use children for their satanic rituals and unthinkable acts.

97 of 100 Congress members have been arrested for treason and more.

Deep State Cabal arrests continue.

Children have been seen exiting the WH & Capital at night when the lights were out…escaping the tunnels under DC. (that run 200 miles and all directions)

Stock up on whatever you might need for the next 2 weeks…as there may be a lock-down and possible blackout?


Are we expected to accept all this? Or merely be entertained?

Asking for some friends.


Considering that some parts contradict other parts and a bunch of it is “out there”….well, they may be serious, but we should probably regard it as entertainment.


That said, there’s no reason one shouldn’t riff off of some things.

Most major cities have underground railways — the New York subways, San Francisco BART, Paris Metro, they go on-and-on……

And we know, from London in WWII, that they used the tunnels for more than facilitated commuting.

What if they’ve always and all been cover for nefarious purposes? Underground cities of corruption and vice? We flash past the branchways in darkness on our way from suburbs to offices…..just what is down there?


I am a bit concerned with how these yarns are setting up honest and good people to waste their time arguing over what is real when there are actual important things we need to be doing… Even if it’s nice to think this is all a nightmare and tomorrow we will wake up to discover all is well. The reality is far more grim. We could even argue about how grim. But Doug Billings asked General Flynn point blank and he said, “No.” Then he launched into an elaboration that started with “There is no plan.” See about 20 mins into the interview. (From 5 Feb)


Thanks for posting this!

So this has been out there for a whole month? And the hopium pushers persist?

Denial is a very long river …………………

Hopefully we can speed up the stages of grief, because reality is doing its thing, and every day we descend further into the pit they (our enemies) are digging.

Last edited 4 years ago by JasonD

Hey, I’d really be happy to be wrong, but it seems like part of “The Plan” is to step away from the training wheels of the queue and hop over to “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” I see both as essential. The beauty of it is that they can all deny the first part, create tons of distance from it, because it was just the booster rocket to get our ship up into orbit.


I totally agree. And I like that simile, of viewing the «queue» as a kind of spent booster stage, now left behind, still hot but cooling down. And all the different people and organizations have figuratively burnt their fingers while poking at it, thus they have no good things to say.


At the end of the same interview, Doug asks the general if he should pay up the bottle of wine he bet his friend over the outcome of the election, since Buyden did in fact get in. Gen. Flynn says, no, you should wait, and see what happens. Then Flynn adds that maybe they can enjoy that bottle of wine together when he comes to visit.


there were still cases that we all hoped would go before the SCOTUS at that point. Sadly, they refused to uphold the laws of the land or even look at the evidence of fraud.



General Michael Flynn, a great patriot and military intelligence expert, knows the depth of corruption of the Deep State, Democrats and Establishment RINOs, and has mapped out a way for you to save the Republic.

“The WTPC [We the People Convention] Calls for the President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote…,” Gen. Flynn has advised.

Please listen to him, Mr. President. We are at war! All bets are off. The game is for all the marbles. Either you, Mr. President, take dramatic steps to preserve the Republic, or we lose it permanently!

No public figure in my memory has been less of a quitter than you, Mr. President. Now is your moment! This is what you were born to do––to save America from the New World Order tyranny and enslavement!

Your first term was merely preparation for the real task: preserving our liberty and sovereignty and bringing real justice back to our Republic by defeating the great predatory evil attacking our nation.

[Note: I would never reveal to my enemy I even had a plan]


Only if one continues to click on Thomas Wictor…


Wow… this is like the taste of strawberry jam after having eaten low-carb for a long time, where only hints of sweetness came from onions.

Strong sweet taste, and you know it is not at all anything that can be described, even satirical, as «healthy». Similarly, this is way too heavy on the hopium, unreasonably heavy. As in there are contradictions and exaggerations.

Entertainment it is. This might be a movie that we’re watching, but the quality of this sub-plot isn’t up to the usual high standard.

Barb Meier

Then again, if someone reads this to Nancy Pelosi, I bet her eyebrows crawl up another inch on her forehead. Soon, they will be crawling down her back.


just in !

👉 Nancy Pelosi, trying desperately to escape, was captured at the border by The Cat in the Hat !

it’s still unclear which border…

but sources say : The Cat in the Hat is back.



Valerie Curren

I thought True-dope was the misplacer of eyebrows! 😉

Deplorable Patriot


I’ll just keep watching the show.

May go deposit the cash I have first, though.


It might not matter when you deposit the cash – because – at some point – it will be swapped for the ‘new currency’ – imho

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I’m looking forward to seeing what the hopium shitwits come up with after this doesn’t happen.

It’s like watching Camping predict judgment day wrongly again, and again, and again and people fall for it every time.


We already know – they said QAnon was going to attack – it did not happen – BOO!!!


Back in the day, you could ask anyone and they would say that it’s CGI.

Nowadays, you can ask anyone and they’ll say, “yeah, they got this.”


Or even, “why would they CGI this? CGI is expensive….”


I think my first shots would be at the knee joints.  😂 


Blind it first. Spray paint or paintball guns.


..oh I agree, follow-up shots would be at anything that resembles an ECU
or eyes ..any (visual sensors) .
As far as I know ,power storage is still a major limitation with this junk .
But I’m not trading 150 grains in for paintballs.  😁 


Crank your stun gun to maximum … HA‼️

… bwahahahahaha … 😈 ….


Sen. Ron Johnson says he will make Senate clerk read through the entire coronavirus relief billThe reading is expected to take hours.
Sen. Ron Johnson says he will make Senate clerk read through the entire coronavirus relief bill | Just The News


While using a cat-of-nine tails on the miserable evil turd drippy bastards who wrote this POS criminal theft from the Citizens of the United States of America .. ‼️ ..

🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..


·They likely spent the last year cloning thousands of Austin Steinbarts for tomorrow.
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BOMBSHELL: Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence
BOMBSHELL: Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence | Populist Press 2021 ©

From Lin Wood:

Let’s get the day started with a big BANG of truth. Below is the transcription of the entire taped interview conducted with the brave whistleblower who speaks credibly about crimes committed at the highest levels of our government. He speaks at risk of his life and the life of his family. He consented to this public revelation of his truth.

You can judge for yourself whether the claims of the whistleblower must be investigated by law enforcement. I spent several days with him. I am convinced a thorough law enforcement investigation is demanded.

You may now review this evidence and come to your own conclusions.

I think this transcript should be shared far and wide. What do you think?

FULL Transcript of Whistleblower Interview:

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Extract from Transcript:

INTERVIEWER:· · · · And who would be on these tapes ·most likely as far as from your conversations in the Dirty Trick Squad?

INTERVIEWEE:· · · · From just those tapes, when I was talking about the copies?

INTERVIEWER:· · · · Uh-huh. ·

INTERVIEWEE:· · · · That would be Roberts — excuse me — those would be Pence and his two lovers and the younger ones.· There were also — they would do the same thing, illegal surveillance, or sometimes (inaudible).

This was mostly in the country, illegal surveillance, with Roberts’ children and whomever they were with.· They’d set it up.·

They knew that they weren’t going to be exposed because it’s Chief Justice Roberts’ children.

And please keep in mind that these children have been abused since birth, and I don’t want anything else happening.·

They’ve already lived through hell.· They don’t need anything else.· But they were getting loaned out for these different groups, and they did surveil many of them.


I’m 85 pages in. Crazy stuff with Rod Rosenstein and Pence, etc. If government really runs the way this guy says, then it’s no wonder we are where we are.


How’s the kitty?


He seems better. I have him on wet food only. He and his merry band of brothers (I have four male cats) have been up half the night racing around the house. Is it a full moon or something?

Deplorable Patriot

Someone out there put out the supposition that the whistleblower was former DNI James Clapper. I compared the cadence of the voice with Clappers, and it does match.

Wouldn’t that be something.


Yes , from the audio interview to which I think you are referring I agree. Clapper.
Even the body language fits.

In the position he held, He would have the inside info .  😉 

Deplorable Patriot

Yes…and it turns the black hat/white hat/ red hat assumptions on its head.


Can you expand on the redhat?

Deplorable Patriot

A red hat is a double agent, either black or white posing as someone on the other side.


Got it!


There is a big clue in here. The man says he became “ordained” in the late Nineties.

He was a minister at some point. That might help identify him.


When its the Democrats:
Judge has no hesitancy to order a election do-over:

Massive 78% of Mail-In Ballots Proved Fraudulent, Judge Orders Election Do-Over. – The National Pulse


From GAB:
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It appears that the anons “Can’t Type” either, DP!

The catalog page is currently down, and I’m receiving this error message:

“An error occurred.Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.”

I had to go to the index page (tricky in and of itself), and the last bread / thread was created yesterday at 6:15am, and ended at 11:04am.

I’ll be checking a little further to see if there’s any activity beyond this point – sometimes the new bread has a link in the prior bread, bypassing the catalog page.

Has anyone else seen this error message in the past 24?


I was able to find two more breads after the one I cited above:

All the same baker, I believe:

Bread #16674 : 750 posts: 03/03/21 06:15 – 11:04 (above)
Bread #16675 : 750 posts: 03/03/21 10:46 – 14:31
Bread #16676 : 646 posts: 03/03/21 14:26 – 17:48

So the board’s been down for almost 13 hours at this point.

Note that the final bread was incomplete, without a link to any new bread.

Usually, the link to the “Fresh Bread” appears in the final 100 posts, and this link bypasses the catalog page (which is down).

The “Last 50 Posts” link also returns the error page.


moving forward !

Set The Steal In Stone !

the For the Swamp Act !

Totalitarianism !


Democrat-Led House Passes H.R.1 , Aimed To Federalize U.S.Elections


March 3, 2021

The U.S.House of Representatives on Wednesday passed H.R.1, otherwise known as the “For The People Act”, which Republicans warn will compromise election integrity and ultimately lead to the federalization of U.S.elections.

as Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) more accurately puts it…

👉 the Socialist Democrat Election Fraud Enhancement Act

this thing passed on party lines 220 to 210.

👉 this will vastly reduce the power of the states to control and operate elections at the local level.

and you might as well forget about voter ID laws …in states like Alabama and Texas…because this “Act” will allow Federal law to override voter ID laws, making them unenforceable.

more on this, at the link.

hope the Senate is awake.


I could cry!


No one demanding why?
Vague innuendos from a compulsive pathological liars pelosi and wray.

submissive castrated males from Dem and GOP from the over rated MSM.too cuckhold to ask real questions about braindead biden.

Too afraid of obengruppenwhore harris


complicated relevance

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ah yes….appeasement
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It won’t be much longer.


Cuppa Covfefe

Folks over here, even some of the MSM/MCM, are starting to say he’s not just a few bricks short of a full load, but a whole building short of a full load…


Or as they may say in Brooklyn, ….. he’s an ASSHAT … w/o an off button …

…. bwahahahahaha .. BWAHAHAHAHAHA … 😂👍😎 …. bwahahahahaha ..

.. 😃

😘 ..


nancy pelosi’s motive for The 25th Amendment push…

remember all that ?

some thought it was all about President Trump…

nooo…it’s their justifiable means of getting rid of Joe The Feeble…no fuss, less messy…and in with the Camel Toe agenda.

presto change-o !


I could swear Trump himself said that the 25th push wasn’t for him but for Biden but I have no idea when/where I saw that.


He mentioned something about that when he held his speech near a section of the Border Wall, in Texas, on January 12.


ah..thanks much! Sometimes I’m sure that I recall a tidbit of sorts but then begin to wonder if I dreamed it up


Yesterday, from an anon:

“Copied and shared from a friend! this is going Viral

Almost prophetic.

This is crazy. C.S. Lewis wrote these words in his book “The Screwtape Letters” nearly 79 years ago. Amazing how this could have been written today:”

′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job!

And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” Answers the man: “No, they were afraid of the disease!” For this youngster: “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?”

The old man answered: “but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there.” The young devil, surprised, answered: “Then I don’t understand???” The old man answered: “You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.

They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They’ve moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that’s why they quit their jobs without even having bread.

They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.

They gave up their freedoms, they didn’t leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends.

The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.
They accepted everything!!!

Just to live at least one more miserable day . . . And so living, they died every day!!! And that’s how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell….. ′′

“C.S. Lewis in 1942 – Old Devil’s Letters To Young

It sounds like, it feels like …. this is what we are living in and through right now in 2021.”


This sounds nothing like Lewis.

I have that book. He did not term devils old or young, he followed the theologically correct idea of a hierarchy of demons, although he referred to Uncle Screwtape and his correspondent as his nephew, Wormwood.

Here is a quote from The Screwtape Letters to give you an idea of the voice of his writing:

“Looking round your patient’s new friends I find that the best point of attack would be the borderline between theology and politics. Several of his new friends are very much alive to the social implications of their religion. That, in itself, is a bad thing; but good can be made out of it.”

A world of difference. I will peruse the book to see if there is anything resembling the other quote, but right now I call Fake on it.


I just did a DDG search on it, and there seems to be a lot of doubt about it.

It doesn’t help that most of the “Fact-checkers” are System-controlled media, such as Snopes (gak!) and Reuters.

Thanks for the *real* fact-check – I suspect you may be right.

Orwell was certainly prescient; and I’ve come across quite a few authors (et al.) who have proved to be ahead of their time (Ayn Rand, for another) in warning what the future may devolve into.

So the “quote” was made out of whole-cloth? I wonder what the original source was for the supposed “quotation”.

Thanks again …


Lewis in his book That Hideous Strength presaged a takeover of society by a fascist cabal of academia, science, and political figures, along with some people in the press, in religion and medicine.

Just reading about the “Head” is reminiscent of Biden.

I highly recommend it, even apart from the first two books in his Space Trilogy.


I’ll take you up on that recommendation, GmaTX!

Could you verify that “The Screwtape Letters” was dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien? That’s a hook for me!


Yes, it was.


Read it recently not there. This is the second time they’ve use “The Screw Tape Letters” in this manner.


It’s kinda tough when the anons don’t even do their own due diligence, in verifying a quotation. It’s what they’re THERE FOR!

It was so easily able to be falsified / verified – perhaps this is what caught me … yet the anon (or “shill”) refrained from doing so (as did I, unfortunately!).


There are many “anons” who are not there to help … hence the frequent fake news & fact challenged posts, quotes, memes, statements, etc., coming from “our” side.

After getting stung by a source, by a twitter account or web site or whatever, let them loose credibility on other issues as well.

We all must trust but verify … and if trust is proven misplaced often enough then we stop trusting that source.

And liking/disliking what they are saying should not enter into the equation.

Happens to all of us at some point – so much misinformation floating around! I have had to delete several posts on social media over the last several years … and then became very cautious of those sources.


No worries. This happens to all of us! We do our mea culpas and move on.

This sense of condemning each other when a mistake is made just sucks, frankly.


We all get taken in.. Ugh. We are at peak fakery and lies, I hope. How much worse can it get?

Oh, wait a few days…


THIS is NOT in the Screwtape Letters or any other CS Lewis writing.

(yes, I know Snopes is a leftist site – but for this query – it’s probably reliable)

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

How do we even deal with people like this?


At what age then do we stop protecting them?

Inner city feral youth protected from the ramifications of civility?’
14? 15? 16/

Are they too old for late term abortion?
Their parents don’t want them.
They don’t care either for or about them.

Concerned Virginian

Wow. Lujan Grisham made a “rare visit to the capitol” to sign this bill. She wore TWO masks and nobody else was in her office except a photographer.
The bill she signed repeals the old New Mexico law which stipulated that an abortion performed later than 24 weeks into a pregnancy could only be done in a special hospital in the state. The new law basically makes on-demand abortion up through the third trimester OK in New Mexico.
By the way, an abortion performed after 24 weeks’ gestation usually takes 3 to 4 days. The process involves using sterile seaweed to “soak up” the natural moisture in the cervix that is part of pregnancy. Then Digoxin is administered to the fetus to stop its heartbeat (the same fetal heartbeat that was confirmed by the ultrasound done at the clinic before the procedure starts).


Pray for Saul to become Paul. God is only one to sort out all the other options.


Fiat “money” has to go …

Where did the $9 TRILLION go?

Within a span of six months, the Fed had pumped out a cumulative $9 trillion in loans to Wall Street’s trading houses, according to its own spread sheets, with no peep as to which Wall Street firms were getting the bulk of that money.

“It’s more than a year later and the American people still have no idea what triggered that so-called “repo loan crisis” or which Wall Street firms were in trouble or remain in trouble.

“Trust will continue to erode in both Wall Street and the Fed until Americans get a transparent accounting of where this money went and why it went there.”


I just want to thank MaryMorse and Michaelh for your great research. Invaluable. Good morning, all.




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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The pattern is the same.

Just change the rules (usually unlawfully) right beforehand, to effect authority over what one wants to occur (or not to occur):

2020 Election counting methods unlawfully changed by Gov’s / Courts
2020 Cause-of-Death counting methods unlawfully changed by the CDC
2021 Jan 5 change of “guidance” re NG General’s ability to step in on Jan 6


“Stunning-> DC’s National Guard Commander told members of Congress that he had the authority to mobilize troops to respond to a civil disturbance… until the guidance changed the day before the insurrection.”
via/ @OrenCNN
& @ellieckaufman

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

So true

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Globull Warming, maybe?

Deplorable Patriot

Carrying over from Marica’s for safe keeping.


34 women experienced spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) run by the FDA and CDC.

Asked if they will investigate, an FDA spokesperson said via email that they were “quite busy” at the moment.

Some of the cases include: 31 yo physician in Tennessee, 5 weeks pregnant, suffered a miscarriage 13 days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. A 33 yo Indiana nurse in her 3rd week of pregnancy had a miscarriage five days after her 2nd Pfizer vaccine. 32 yo Virginia womam who was 8 weeks pregnant had a miscarriage five days after receiving the 1st dose of a Moderna vaccine. 35 yo Michigan woman who was 7 months pregnant said that the baby’s movements decreased two days after her 1st Pfizer vaccine and shortly after delivered her baby stillborn.
Pfizer and Moderna have not responded for comment. [ Article

[ ]


This is very disconcerting – my problem – why would anyone jeopardize her health and the health of her baby through risky behavior?

These alleged ‘medical miracles’ are anything but – any doctor worth his salt would not prescribe this for his/her patient


This is what happens when you trust the “experts” instead of your own common sense.

Extreme virtue signaling.

Horribly tragic. We are certainly being shown.

Deplorable Patriot

The question now is the demonstration reaching those who would change their minds?

I haven’t seen enough MSM coverage to know.


I’m having issues with the good guys allowing this kind of suffering when the truth could be told to save people from the folly of their own ignorance.

Why oh why has the Fake and Propaganda Media been allowed to continue spreading lies and poison unabated?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m with you there. Really with you. I have a big problem with the way it’s been allowed to continue.

Although, so many of the snowflakes I know would never believe that they are the victims of a hoax by their own side.


Agree. 😥

Deplorable Patriot

Because the truth hasn’t been told to them, not that they will believe it.

Remember, sometimes, the people have to be SHOWN, not told. We knew there would be casualties. It’s VERY sad and pretty infuriating that the victims are turning out to be unborn children because their mothers didn’t heed warnings IF the warnings reached them.


A doctor who is a naturalist would not even recommend an aspirin – natural remedies only – so why would he/she recommend a vaccine?

Even pre-natal vitamins must be natural and pure.


From Gab:
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And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Deplorable Patriot

This is so being played up when the insider sorts have told us all to stay home. HA. They’re trying the same playbook they pulled against the TEA Party, trying to paint us all as violent extremists. It’s just not going to work this time.

I’m having too much fun watching all the reactions.

House Democrats surrender to QAnon, scrap March 4 session amid fortified Capitol
By Steven NelsonMarch 3, 2021 | 6:39pm | Updated

Leaders of the House of Representatives decided to scrap planned votes on Thursday due to reports that QAnon conspiracy theory adherents may attempt to storm the Capitol in a far-fetched scheme to return former President Donald Trump to office, according to a Democratic congressman.

The Capitol complex is ringed with non-scalable, barbed-wire topped 8-foot fences and is still guarded by hundreds of National Guard members following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, during which a mob of Trump supporters smashed into the building and disrupted certification of President Biden’s victory.

But House leaders were fearful enough of another assault to move Thursday votes to Wednesday night, Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) told CNN.

“Yeah, that’s correct, that’s correct,” Himes said, confirming the House would not be in session Thursday due to the possible threat.

“Obviously from a security standpoint, it’s better to have us scattering to the four winds as opposed to all concentrating in one building,” Himes said.

But the Democrat, who is a member of the House intelligence committee, said he found it doubtful that anyone would be able to breach the Capitol given the intense security.

“Capitol Hill, and it makes me sad to report this, it is still an armed camp. There are very heavily armed, body-armored national guardsmen all over the place. There are still fences. You can’t get near the Capitol without an ID,” Himes said.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Ah, government will now be conducted in private because…Trump supporters.

This is absolutely beyond insane. Their credibility is so shredded by now that I bet you will soon see that NO ONE VOTED for Joe Biden…no one who will admit it. 😂


useless General Honore is a danger to everyone in DC.

He is a total maniac who has no interest in discovering anything except destroying those whom he has decided are unfit in his world.

He is megalomaniac.
A pathetic leader.
A failed demagogue.


Wray isn’t much better. Lying about Antifa in Congress – and last time he was there, he blamed White Nationalists for most of the hate-based violence in the US…right in the midst of all the Antifa and BLM looting, burning, assaults.


#trump #usa #donaldtrump
Donald Trump Surprise Visit to Switzerland


Duchess, this is from 2018.
And it wasn’t a “surprise visit”.

It’s clickbait.


Thanks, Wheatie!!! I noticed what is on their YouTube Channel are all old videos – had never seen that one before – not clickbait – history – imho


If that Googtube Channel is doing it as “history”…then they should be putting the dates on these videos.

This one was not a “surprise visit”.
I remember watching live as it happened…it was very much a planned visit.


That was my ‘take’ – the history – a compilation of videos someone thought was important – agree about the dates, tho’ – hard to tell when these events occurred.

Elizabeth Carter

duchess, On his video today, Simon Parkes said Trump did go to Switzerland to sign papers. Liz


Really? Hmmm…Thanks for the update, Liz!

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, agree with Wheatie. He’s supposedly in Washington today. I don’t remember where I saw it, but he was at Walter Reed yesterday.


Perusing the ‘American Events’ YouTube Channel – all of the videos are old – including the return to the WH from WR Hospital.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, there is so much out there, who knows what is real.


True – but, I am keeping positive about Restoring the Republic – time will tell


President Trump was at Walter Reed yesterday? I can’t find a reference to that anywhere … can you share a link or even just share where you saw that? I would like to read more about it – was he ill?


Cuppa Covfefe

They might just as well call it DEMONCRACY…

They are just itching for a hostile retaking of the USA.

Unless things change soon, here’s hoping they get scratched, as it were…


Of course the SEIU would be all for it.

And yet again, the Dems are using Orwellian opposite-speak for the title of this Bill.
Just like they did with the ‘Affordable Care Act’ which made our health insurance premiums go through the roof.

If this epic phuckery passes the Senate we are screwed.


Weve been repeatedly being screwed throughout our lives. This is just without the KY.
And the lurch forward has almost no opposition, where it matters.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just saw Gail post over at Chiefios. I’ve been looking there and at the weather sites. Good to see her posting again. I imagine folks hit by the storm have had a lot of digging out to do… Also hope everyone’s OK and dug out and dried out by now 🙂

(one of the posts over there is “Been To A Desert On A Vote With No Place”….)…


Thanks for that report, Cuppa!
Good to hear that she’s posting somewhere…which hopefully means that she’s okay.


So Crazy Nancy’s House just voted to defund the police across the country.

Wictor has a few things to say about the inmates running the asylum – one is that without police – vigilantes will rise up and instead of jails and police – criminals will be hung from lamp posts.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎




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The Big One: Democrats plan to federalize cheat-by-mail! The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed H.R. 1, otherwise known as the “For the People Act” which will override all state ID laws.


SSGQ Channel, [04.03.21 09:43]

[Forwarded from The Authority]

Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC’s Lawless Ban: “Although The COVID-19 Pandemic Persists, So Does The Constitution.”


Encouraging to see a judge stand up for the Constitution and rule of law v. rule of fed gov employees and Dem whims


United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned white supremacists pose a “transnational threat,” having thrived amid the coronavirus pandemic. Calling them hate groups.
march 3, 2021 the marshall report

António Guterres is now officially classifed among those known as liars who have no shame. Especially when you understand that the white people he is referring to here are all Trump supporters who protested against a stolen election at the Capitol. But according to THE UNITED NATIONS puppet –Antonio Guterres, their Secretary General, these are white supremacists who hate. Meanwhile Biden and Pelosi continue to yell the same thing (I don’t know who said it first? Perhaps they were both told by their secret puppet masters to say it together). So they screech and wail in unison that Trump supporters are terrorists who need locked up, and the election was fair and Dominion is the new normal so buck it up and get used to it.


Since Mr. Secretary General is so afraid of American white nationalists/supremacists/honkies….

quit taking white money.
go the fuck home
don’t come back parasite.


I really like this sentiment.


SSGQ Channel, [04.03.21 09:43]
[Forwarded from The Authority]

Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC’s Lawless Ban: “Although The COVID-19 Pandemic Persists, So Does The Constitution.”


I like this observation. It describes a miracle in a way I had not fully appreciated.
“A miracle, as an extraordinary act of God, essentially has the character of a communication, possessing an intended meaning which is to be discerned by those who apprehend it in faith.”[1]

[1] Jeff Astley, David Brown, and Ann Loades, God in Action: A Reader, Problems in Theology (London; New York: T & T Clark International, 2004), 40.


Profound. Thank you.

A communication of His love and omnipotence. Omnipotent love…


Via Ace of Spades…
The Morning Report – 3/4/21 [J.J. Sefton]—Open Blogger

Good morning, kids. Thursday, and as the Left continues its purge against Andrew “Angel of Death” Cuomo, albeit to cover up his mass murder of the elderly which would implicate four other key Democrat governors and in essence the party and its policies itself, a number of stories across several categories gel around the much more crucial story: the consolidation of power into absolute power by the Democrat-Leftist-Globalist axis.
First up, late last night the House passed this H.R. 1 bill, the so called “For the People Act” which guts the already festering corpse of the 9th and 10th Amendments by essentially nationalizing elections. I guess by “people” they mean their people. In perpetuity.

The bill creates a nationwide automatic voter registration program, which would likely result in double-registrations and the registration of non-citizens. In fact, H.R. 1 explicitly exempts from prosecution people who are “not eligible to vote in elections for Federal office but [were] automatically registered to vote” (Sec. 1015).
It allows felons who have completed their incarceration to vote. H.R. 1 also includes a new program providing for public financing of federal elections, matching small-dollar donations 6 to 1. The match would kick in for each grassroots contribution to a candidate up to $200. A $200 donation to a House candidate would garner a $1,200 match in public funds for a total contribution of $1,400, for example.The bill would reduce the number of members on the Federal Election Commission from 6 to 5. Democrats argue that this will allow the commission to avoid deadlock and do its job, but Republicans warn that this would make the FEC a “partisan weapon.”
The bill would also require politically-active organizations, including 401(c)3 nonprofits, to disclose donors who give $10,000 or more; expand the definition of election-related communication; and reduce the influence of independent expenditure-only “super PACs.” Such campaign finance regulations would limit Americans’ ability to band together to advocate political causes they believe in.
While Democrats’ railing against “dark money” has convinced Americans there is something inherently sleazy about groups of Americans spending money to advocate for causes they believe in, Americans do not lose their right to free speech when they enter the political arena. The mandated disclosure of an organization’s donors, in particular, undercuts this fundamental right.

con’t reading

Reminder: tons of headlines follow the article


oops, wrong link, below is correct one


Double Standard? Gillibrand in Spotlight After Cuomo Scandal
Kirsten Gillibrand became the first Democratic senator to call for her colleague Al Franken’s resignation as he faced allegations of sexual misconduct in 2017.

— it’s not rape-rape


“Why are parents desperate to return their precious offspring to the degenerate hands of the public-school system?”

The Case for Closing Public Schools… Indefinitely


A BILL has been introduced into the Colorado State Senate which presumes to LICENSE WEB SITES and impose Misdemeanor fines of $5,000 a day for failing to register.

The BILL would allow “Hearings” and presumably administrative actions against “. . . practices that promote hate speech; undermine election integrity; disseminate intentional disinformation, conspiracy theories, or fake news . . .


Demoncrat tyranny.

Demoncrats going full commie.

And of course it would be Demoncrats who get to decide what constitutes…”hate speech; undermines election integrity; disseminates intentional disinformation, conspiracy theories, or fake news”.


You need to play by their rules.

find out when they eat and show up in force with bull horns and paint.


Tempting, for sure.


It’s very similar to what Chy na has imposed.


YouTube has suspended RSBN – again.

More than likely, they suspended RSBN for having nearly 4 million views of the speech!

That was more than the other media outlets – and more than any Biden speech or event !

ALSO – the leftist social media will not tolerate any mention of the obvious massive proven election fraud – that President Trump addressed at length in his speech!


Guess RSBN shouldn’t have bothered to shut down My Pillow Guy – Youtube will find a way to censor them anyway. No making Youtube happy so why try?!


Camp Pelosi – the new military base in the heart of DC……


It is fueled by the sillies claiming 3/4 theories in President Trump taking office and wild interpretations of 1871 bill regarding DC. That stuff is passed around and some believe it and the Dems/Deep state have an excuse … yet they probably planted it. Or are just taking advantage of those pushing such stuff.

We all need to do our part to try our best to only share factual information so as not to increase the Deep state’s excuse to act on fake news pushed on conservative sites.


I could not agree more. One day I said to myself this is fake info to psy-up Trump followers create problems. I assume it spread to so many conservative sites that it sounded believable. Sometimes giving hope where there is not. there is a blessing for not knowing much because one does not fall for all these
I do not blame people who see this over and over and hang on hope and that it is true.


We all do our best. Even the best of us get taken in at times.

Learning curve…


True we learn all time.


There’s a better chance that a precedent by precedent progression of rulings in the lower courts might just shame our scurrilous SCOTUS into calling for a re-do of the 2020 election.


That would be a miracle 🙂


Yes – I’m tired of ‘our side’ pumping out hokum, rumors and fiction for clicks, cash and celebrity.


Wray’s Fascist FBI Gestapo went all Roger Stone on Dr. Simone Gold for participating on 6 Jan.

In mid-January Dr. Simone Gold was arrested after she was filmed inside the US Capitol on January 6th. Dr. Simone is not Antifa. She did not cause any damage. She stood with a megaphone and spoke out against the insane US Covid policies.

Now Dr. Simone Gold is speaking out about her ordeal with the FBI henchmen.

It is worse than we thought.

FBI thugs gave her the Roger Stone treatment.

Life Site News reported:

In a recent interview with Michelle Malkin, Dr. Simone Gold, founder of American Frontline Doctors (AFLD) discussed the lack of authentic informed consent with regards to experimental vaccines, censorship as a “crime against humanity,” and how she was subjected to a massive swat team raid upon her home by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in order to arrest her for being present in the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th.

In describing this incident, Gold said, “I was paid a visit by the FBI in a Roger Stone kind of take down moment, which is quite uncalled for. You know, if anybody wanted to get a hold of me, they could have picked up the phone and called. I’m very easy to find. But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, [and they] broke down my door,” Gold said.

“It was dramatic and what I want to say is that I weep for our country. If you can pull in a person like me … [and] have the FBI break down your door with 20 guns, shackle you [in] handcuffs [and] drag you off, I mean it was really terrible … I’m telling you America, this can happen to you.”

Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men | News | LifeSite (

Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men

Dr. Simone Gold related the nature of her arrest, how the distribution of experimental vaccines violates the Nuremburg Code, and why COVID-19 censorship is a ‘crime against humanity


Too bad she didn’t think to hang various noose and slip knots on her windows.

heard that just like vampires and garlic, fbi can’t figure them out.


It is shocking how far America has fallen. The FBI are members of our society and culture . They have parents who come from all walks of life. They are a cross section and by their KGB behavior tells us how sick our society has become. These people are mothers and fathers they have mothers and fathers.
How do they justify their fascist behavior? Are they justifying it “that all they did is fallow orders?” That would sound Nazi like. What is their punishment when we move back to a Democrat Republic? Will we have the strength to do the right thing?


Yes! No matter how many times I shake my head in disgust or disbelief the truth is that people that have lived in the wonderful country that afforded all freedom have made an internal decision to support the ideals that 100 % contradict it all.

Surely they all weren’t secretly steeped in Marxist beliefs. Trump is gone so it’s not TDS anymore. I also don’t in my heart believe that every Supreme Judge and all the others..Barr, Sessions, Wray, etc etc have been threatened into being traitors. At least one of them would’ve been brave enough to take a stand.

It defies all logic to me.


I am here in the US since 1964. That was a different people different culture. Somehow things changed slowly when mothers had to work to make eds meet. When teachers were in the Union. Maybe at first they had too because they were paid so little. Most women who were the brightest became teachers. We lost something when families fell apart and extended family was not much of children’s lives. The school became the character builders. The socialists far left saw an opportunity to influence children through education.


Adolf Hitler believed that the support of the youth was vital to the future of the third Reich and aimed, through the Hitler Youth programme, to produce a generation of loyal supporters of Nazi views.

MTV won the election for clinton and obama.

psycho woman pressly(?) wants to let 16 year olds vote,
who they gonna vote for?
whom ever their teachers tell them to.


Yes it is always the youth that are vulnerable.
A 16 year old does not have the wisdom they do not can sort their own stuff at that age . I believe when young people can stand on their own two feet and contribute to society they should be able to vote. Everything seems to be given to them without lifting a finger. At least in the past many 18 year old went into the military and many into a job and paid taxes. I guess I am a Neanderthal 🙂


I guess I am a Neanderthal 

If you are, then we should all be!

Yes, only those who understand what it means to make their own way and, ideally, how much the government takes from their paycheck, should be allowed to vote.


I did not allow my kids to drive until they were able to pay their own car insurance. Later I helped them out when still in college with car insurance but they worked in summer and while going though University. That would be a good exchange taxes and vote. No tax no vote. Never would be tolerated. 🙂


They are carefully picked and groomed for their ability to obey orders and justify their actions and behavior.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Those with weaknesses who will do anything asked to get ahead and be part of the “in” crowd.

Why does this remind me of middle school?


So true !


comment image


Evil walks among us…and we must never give up our fight against it.
 🙏  😔 

[video src="" /]



Don’t need to go to big events like games or concert.

cut off their control and start resisting.


I haven’t read all of HIPAA, but I thought its purpose was to keep our medical records private.


Private only from yourself….


The slippery slope…first it’s the cv vax. Then they might add “restrictions” based on weight or other diagnoses like not being allowed to buy junk food or even interstate travel in your own vehicle. Would every citizen be required to own a smart phone?
This is a death knell for freedom


This is how China controls its population.


First the rumor mill was 1/6 and then between 1/6 & 1/20 and then on 1/20 and then … just never stops. Always a carrot of a new date when it is all going to happen and then its moved and explained in a new way, always excuses of why the predictions didn’t come true but we should trust them that their next predictions will come true.

I trust Trump. Period.

President Trump clearly tells us, repeatedly, that he is the former President and Biden is the current POTUS in office.

From President Trump’s speech Sunday:

Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any President in modern history, that’s true. Already the Biden administration has proved that they are anti-jobs, anti-family anti-borders, anti-energy, anti-women, and anti-science. In just one short month we have gone from America first to America last.”

“Biden has failed in his number one duty as chief executive, enforcing America’s laws. This alone should be reason enough for Democrats to suffer withering losses in the midterms and to lose the white house decisively four years from now.”

When I left office, and we’re very proud of this because this was something that they said could not be done…”

Note: Biden is in office as POTUS and is the Chief Executive – according to President Trump. “When I left office…”

“Last year, I predicted to you that the extremist corruption and incompetence of the Biden administration would be literally unprecedented in American history. Unfortunately, he has proven me 100% right. Already, as president, Biden has urged [inaudible 00:32:19] legislation shredding your second amendment.”

President Trump predicted Biden and his admin would be a disaster and Biden and his administration are now a disaster – it is Biden’s administration.

When I left office, we had virtually ended the endless wars.”

“And by the way, not one American soldier has been killed in Afghanistan in over a year. Think of that. Not one. Those troops have largely come home. At the same time, the new administration unilaterally withdrew our crippling sanctions on Iran, foolishly giving away all of America’s leverage before negotiations have even begun. Leave the sanctions, negotiate.”

“And in one of his (Biden) first official acts, which was incredible, because again, he talked about energy.”

“I’ve said to some of them, I said, “You know, during the Obama years, and now during Biden {Biden’s years} , if you spent the same energy on attacking them, you’d actually be successful as you do on attacking me in many cases.”

Note: in context he is speaking of the Biden years in context with them being the same as the Obama years, their years as POTUS and with us having Dem Administrations.

Yes, President Trump said all of these things – that he left office, that the Dems are indeed in a “Biden Administration”, that they are the “new administration”, and that Biden is acting officially as the POTUS.

At some point, we move one while never agreeing that Biden legitimately won and refusing to stop asserting that the 2020 “win” of Biden’s was 100% fraudulant.

Why? Because that is what President Trump is doing.

Trust Trump. Stand with Trump. Follow Trump’s lead. Trust Trump.


In the same speech President Trump said it was time to focus on 2022 and 2024, GOP Primaries, Making the GOP Great Again (ie finish taking over the GOP from the NeoCons/RINOs) & beating the Dems because that is what President Trump has said is the way forward and what he has said he is doing.

Of coure, he didn’t legitimately loose 2020 … but neither is he in office. It was by fraud that Biden “won”, by fraudulant voter totals, but those totals are being allowed to stand. President Trump won the real totals and yet Biden won the fraudulant totals which are the totals being counted. 🙁 All avenues for redress have been closed and now President Trump is focused on 2022 and 2024 – cleaning out the RINOs/GOPe during the Primaries and winning against the Dems in general elections.

From Sunday’s speech by President Trump:

“If you want to help us take back the future of our country, go to

There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people.

We know the right people to help. … We are going to win. Ultimately we always win. And when we do, history will show that this was the moment when we could have given up, when we could have despaired, but instead we chose to keep on pushing forward. The greater the challenge and tougher the task, the more determined we must be to pull through to triumph. We have to have triumph. We have to have victory.

With the talent and dedication of everyone here today…We will go on to victory. We will summon the spirit of generations of American patriots before us, like those heroes who crossed the Delaware, conquered the Rockies, stormed the beaches, won the battles and tamed the unknown frontiers. We will persist and we will prevail. We’re tougher than they are. We’re stronger than they are. Together, in the coming years, we will carry forward the torch of American liberty.

We will lead the conservative movement and the Republican Party back to a totally conclusive victory. And we’ve had tremendous victories. Don’t ever forget it. With your help, we will take back the House. We will win the Senate. And then a Republican President will make a triumphant return to the White House.”

President Trump’s PLAN?
“With your help, we will take back the House. We will win the Senate. And then a Republican President will make a triumphant return to the White House.”

That is the plan that I will trust. Tough part is, as he repeatedly says, we have a big role to play and much work to do in His Plan. MAGA conservatives will donate & will volunteer & will work and we will help President Trump fulfill his plan to take back the House, win the Senate and make a triumphant return to the White House” in 2022 and 2024. Trust Trump’s Plan.


President Trump’s plan involves his own PAC, Save America, instead of the RNC. Are you on board with that as well? You consistently state that we must follow PDJT’s lead. Are you willing to do that?

Deplorable Patriot



I follow no mortal blindly.
The more I’m hammered to suspend my own reason and intuition, the less I trust the hammer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Personally I’m looking forward to seeing what the hopium kingpins start pushing once March 4 is in the rearview mirror.


It’s curious also that the hopium distributor’s messages dovetail with the Pelosi/ Wray “white nationalist” fear porn that perpetuates the police state in DC.

I do think some of the hopium messages are from a real belief that things simply just cannot be what they really are but it’s beginning to fuel dangerous propaganda by the Dems such as ~ . Replying to @AP
Defense officials say the Pentagon is reviewing the proposal to extend the National Guard’s mission at the U.S. Capitol by 60 days. The more than 5,000 Guard members currently in Washington, D.C., are currently slated to go home on March 12

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve about had a bellyful of this bullshit.


You are not alone.

Deplorable Patriot

So, don’t consume any more. No one is forcing you.


Dang! You seem to like creating a disturbance in The Force.

Deplorable Patriot

I like keeping all my options open. You should see my hands when I play Gin.


At some point, we move one while never agreeing that Biden legitimately won and refusing to stop asserting that the 2020 “win” of Biden’s was 100% fraudulant.

Why do you keep reiterating something that people are aware of?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some people haven’t moved on. They’re following the hopium that Trump will swoop in one day and be President and magically undo everything.

The man couldn’t defeat the swamp while in office, but somehow he’ll manage it out of office.


Some people haven’t moved on.


They’re following the hopium that Trump will swoop in one day and be President and magically undo everything.

I might not be fully aware, but I can’t name one person who believes that, and only that, as the way forward. There are people here who keep an open mind and post all kinds of “hopium,” which Wolf allows. There are also those who *hope* PDJT or someone (the military?) will swoop in with a plan, but who realize that is highly unlikely.

The ones who want to hope and believe something is still going to happen are not going to be changed by someone constantly telling them to change. Do people understand that? It’s not gonna happen. The lectures and preaching and, yes, admonishment do no good whatsoever, and they are tiresome in the extreme. It’s best to leave people alone and let them come to things on their own terms.

No one has been appointed arbiter of who can believe what, or of what people are required to believe and say and do, in order to post here or to be part of the MAGA movement. Quite the opposite.

I suggest that, if someone is so concerned about someone else’s beliefs and supposed inaction that they feel the need to post about it every few days, they take it up directly with that person(s) and spare the rest of us the tedium of reading the repetitive posts.

Alternatively, there are other, much more effective, ways to influence, inform, and help shape people’s thinking rather than hitting them on the head every few days with “we have to move on” and “follow Trump’s lead.”

Posting about one’s own actions is being done here and is positive, IMO, when it is done without the preaching and obvious attempts to influence. People will be much more inclined to want to learn more and follow the lead when they don’t feel they are being coerced into something they can’t stomach at present (e.g., working with the RNC).


No one has to do anything here and does have to fallow a lead.
I never felt that way and take everything as information.

I am happy you shared your thoughts that is what this site is about 🙂
Some things I I skip and I am glad I did not skip your post and take it to heart. I will do my part part and watch what and how I post. Sometimes I need a reminder or two 🙂 Sometimes we become to comfortable and forget we are all strangers with differ ideas
and background. I am sorry if I have offended anyone  ❤ 


I doubt you have offended anyone; certainly not me! 😊 I value your input and ideas that are a product of your unique background. 😀


Good to know. Tensions run high at times when there are sensitive topics. II know even I at times feel the stress from the whole election cheating and then the new KGB(FBI) going after deplorable.
I have to say I entertained lots of people on other forums with my misspelling 🙂


“It’s best to leave people alone and let them come to things on their own terms.”

This. 👆👆👆


I do not think Trump expected that the whole legal system was in on the election coup. The things that should have gone right went wrong. The CIA in my opinion was very effective because we do not think the way they do. Now we know and now Trump knows. He also found out who worked against him. Who would ever think that lawyers were doxed and threatened and if they still wanted a profession had to distant themselves from Trump? Pence was the last hope to do the right thing and he failed. This is now the reality Biden is in Harris will be next. As I said before 2020 will be a bloodbath we need to fight now to get the reforms needed to have fair elections.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not blaming Trump; he got screwed (and us along with him).

It’s the people today feeding fantasies about Biden being on a movie stage and Trump swooping in and being president again as if by magic…that has nothing to do with what happened to Trump. It has nothing to do with reality, actually.

I am beginning to suspect that whoever shovels this shit originally, isn’t someone on our side.

Deplorable Patriot

Somewhere in all the hopium that I consume I came across a tidbit that NO COURT has heard evidence in voter fraud cases in almost a decade.

That HAD to be known, and part of the conversation when POTUS was recruited to run. And I think the wooing of him started decades ago including one late former president – another tidbit picked up from hopium consumption – coaching PDJT on just how bad it is/was. And this former president passed away almost 30 years ago. There is known correspondence between them.

There’s stuff going on behind the scenes. What we are presented on MSM is not going to be anything that is behind the scenes. The reality is we are not going to know what is really happening until it is all over.


I agree. I o along to a certain point and then it gets real for me. Reality is Biden is in Harris is next and Trump and we are out. It is painful for me that good people have been misled and hoped for a better outcome. The longer one clings on that the less one is prepared what is ahead.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s where I’m coming from too.

Too many people take the hopium dead seriously, and the longer it goes on the more palpably ridiculous it gets. And otherwise rational people believe it.


Yes, but on the other hand, the commie takeover is reaching ridiculous levels of The Big Lie.

The hysterical behavior is indicative of losing the center, as in “The center cannot hold.”

There is a RUSH to complete that seems to me to have a desperate tinge, not a triumphant one.


Very true. Makes me question if this is how it always goes when an empire falls or how it goes when the takeover is too brittle and psychotic to hold ?

Praying that it’s the latter.


We all can fall into the trap. I just do not work that way that is because my husband taught some computer ethics courses and knows the ways he calls trolls. He repeatedly warns me when I share something that does not seem right.


I am beginning to suspect that whoever shovels this shit originally, isn’t someone on our side.

^^^ Nov/Dec this notion popped in my head. Jan, ^^^ I became quite sure hopium is being injected and pushed by lefty dopes laughing at us…trying to wish our way out of a stolen election. At times, living in our news bubble simply feeds false hope.

^^^ Not a whole lot different from, we’ll get indictments after 18 election. After muh Mueller. After the primaries. After the convention. After Horowitz… OH YEA, REALLY BELIEVE Bull Durham WILL deliver.

Criminal that all we got was Clinesmith, who essentially walked.

Supposedly we’ll get three indictments out of Durham’s farcicle investigation. Should have been dozens of indictments long, long ago.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That might lead one to believe that Q was not on our side. I don’t know about that, but for us to believe this post Q pablum is not in anyone’s interest but theirs.




singing..I found this link over at .win. It’s pretty good.


Thank you. I take a look tomorrow

Deplorable Patriot

And the half empty glass is really twice the size it needs to be.

Got it.


Move on…

Go right ahead. 😁



-Some have not moved on

-Some who read here don’t read here every day (I see news I have posted posted again on the same day, sometimes even the same page and certainly see things posted again the next day or even the next couple of days so I know that not even all regular posters/commenters read all of the comments. I usually scan through but once I have scanned through a page, I rarely go back to scan for additional conversation/comments so I might also miss new things if they are posted under older comments)

-Some who read here don’t comment here so no way to know that all who read here are aware so I do not write with only the frequent commenters in mind or any specific comments in mind.

-What I posted today is Brand New (as of Sunday & I started the above post on Monday but have been so busy just posted it today) Information in that I President Trump’s Own Words. Several days ago I posted the same but was soundly told that I was posting only my own opinion and had no way to know what President Trump is thinking. Now we know.

It is an important point to follow President Trump’s plan v. other people’s plans. Those who are waiting on …. fill in the blank are often the same people who feed the rumor mill and then

-the rumor mill is a distraction and time waster

-the rumor mill serves someone else’s purposes – someone that is Not President Trump … Being USED by the opposition

-the rumor mill prevents people from focusing on real ways to impact and make a difference due to opportunity costs of time on the internet gather info and learning
which prevents people from taking real political actions such as attending county GOP meetings, joining county GOPs, learning more about how things work so as to make a difference in the county GOPs, state GOPs, the RNC, the GOP primaries, making phone calls on issues, showing up in person to protest, writing letters, learning about how the Board of Elections/Election Commissions work, or some combination of all of the above.

Every TN county is having GOP officer elections. I don’t know when other states do the same but if we aren’t attending the meetings then how do we know for whom to vote? If we aren’t attending then we aren’t voting either so we get the GOP that those who show up to vote give us. One example of how being distracted impacts real actions.

I know too many in our own state and county who can tell me all about this rumor and that rumor but have no idea when the GOP meets in their county, who the officers are, who is running for new officers, how the State Executive Committee is chosen, who they are, who their RNC members are, etc. Knowing and doing something about those things has real impact.

We will be voting on whether or not to censure our TN Senators in the near future. Even that idea being brought up 100% depending on MAGA conservatives being involved and present. How the vote goes is not even up to the MAGA conservatives who have been involved enough to be in leadership. Who will attend the meeting and how will they vote? Just one little example and there are many more.

How the counties and the state committee goes is how the state GOP will go and determines if the primaries will be fair which leads us to whether we will have MAGA conservatives or GOPe. Being focused on President Trump’s plan matters.


-Some have not moved on

So what? Let them come to things in their own time and on their own terms. I guarantee that what you’re doing isn’t working.

-the rumor mill is a distraction and time waster

Wolf allows all views here. Why don’t you?

As for time-wasters, one could also say that repeating the same things over and over wastes people’s time. And please don’t place all the responsibility on the reader by saying “scroll on by.” By the time one gets into the meat of the post and realizes what it is, it’s too late.

It’s not incumbent upon any of us to tell others how to think or what to pay attention to. (To correct mistakes in reporting, yes.)

As for PDJT’s plan, we all knew it was to promote MAGA candidates for Congress. That is nothing new. None of us knows all the details of his plan or his entire plan, however. That is something to look forward to.

Please set your mind at rest: No one here needs to read even one more time that we need to be following PDJT and his plan. All MAGA conservatives will do that by default. Everyone is watching him and following his lead.

I’m sure you’re doing good work. If you just shared what you’re doing without trying to change people, it would have a much more positive effect. We all benefit from the knowledge of others.


No, many thought President Trump’s plan included actually being President right now, dramatic events at his Senate trial, dramtic events on 1/20, etc.


You write: “Wolf allows all views here. Why don’t you?”

… as you tell me what to post and what not to post …  😂 


Bravo, TT!


Joe Biden’s National Director for African-American Engagement, Trey Baker, has authored a number of anti-white tweets, including quoting people instructing him to not “bring a white girl home,” The National Pulse can reveal.


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Dr. Seuss, 1942: “Racism is bad”

Leftists, 2021: “Dr. Seuss is racist! Canceled!”
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 Mississippi Gov Fires Back After Biden Mocks Lifting Lockdowns As ‘Neanderthal Thinking.’ “Mississippians don’t need handlers. As numbers drop, they can assess their choices and listen to experts. I guess I just think we should trust Americans, not insult them.”


Pure gold!


Four Christians stabbed, have crosses carved into their skin, and are forced to eat Bible pages in Venezuela
“The cutting of crosses into the bodies of these young Christians, and the forced eating of pages of the Bible is deeply disturbing,” said Dr. David Landrum, the director of advocacy and public affairs for Open Doors.

“This premeditated attack has all the hallmarks of the local ‘collectives’ of the Maduro regime. This shows how Venezuela has become a dictatorial narco-state which is violently opposed to the drugs rehabilitation work of the church,” he added.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gold, Silver and platinum taking a beating today.

Silver at 25.34 (down 83 cents), gold is under 1700 bucks (!!!!) at 1695, down 16.20, platinum at 1122, down $45.

Palladium is at 2406, down six bucks (not much), rhodium at 28,000 (up $500).


Ah, to be back in the good old days — when gold was $35/ounce and a nugget the size of your fist would let you live like a king. For a short period of time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A nugget the size of your fist will still let you do that.

$35 times its weight in troy ounces, on the other hand…won’t.

Valerie Curren

He worked for it so he will value it.


He’s not only carrying a flag, he’s dressed in red, white, and blue.


THREAD — just me, but I recommend we trash any recommendation the traitor makes

Time to REALLY get involved here if you live in KY

There are some interesting comments… click the tweet

The Intercept
The list is topped by his protégé, state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, and also includes former United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, whose husband is a major McConnell donor, as well as Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams, a former McConnell Scholar.
The Intercept
Under current law, the power to appoint McConnell’s replacement falls to Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear. But new legislation McConnell is pushing in the Kentucky General Assembly would strip the governor of that power and put it into the hands of the state GOP.
The Intercept
The bill alters current state statute that allows the governor to appoint a replacement in the event of a vacancy to the U.S. Senate.
The Intercept
If the bill becomes law, the appointment to fill a vacancy will be selected from a list of three names submitted by the state executive committee of the same political party as the senator who held the vacant seat.
The Intercept
Multiple sources say it is McConnell who is pushing this bill, but the claimed reasons for why he is pushing the legislation vary from health concerns to the makeup of the upper chamber.


preparing for the possibility that he does not serve out his full term

promises promises
don’t tease us mitch,
hurry up and stroke out
spend the next 20: years pissing and shitting yourself

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s already in his 80s if I recall correctly.


He just turned 79.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I stand corrected!


Not my intention; you just made me curious, so I looked it up!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thanks, nevertheless!


His wife has resigned her position… I think Mitch is in trouble…BIGLY

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, let the RINO infested GOP leadership nominate his successor (even if it’s a list of three, guarantee you it won’t make a difference which of the three is picked).

Then when it comes time to have an election, the RINO puke has the advantage of incumbency.


I don’t think incumbency is as much of an advantage as it used to be.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I disagree, obviously.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Murkowski got primaried…and won as a write in candidate. Incumbency. Name Recognition.

And she’s a horrid RINO See You Next Tuesday and Joe Biden didn’t win.


Well, alrighty then, LOL. I agree about incumbents and name recognition. It’s still a problem.


I expect that PDJT’s Save America PAC will have its own list of candidates.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If McConnell quits, and (thanks to the passage of the bill in question) it’s now up to some individual to appoint his replacement from a list the GOPE provides, the PAC has nothing to say about it.

Put it in front of voters and that’s another thing, but this is designed to ensure it WON’T go up in front of voters.


I stand corrected! Thanks for that reminder.


GOP is going into preserve mode.


DIM Gov picks replacement atm…

New legislation would allow GOP-controlled KY Legislature to pick – are they Trump Supporters?


Select in McConnell’s image ? (S)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Are you sure that’s what it says?

The original comment was that the Kentucky GOP leadership (or if it should be a dem senator, which right now it isn’t; the Kentucky Democommie leadership) would get to make a short list.

I can’t think of a better way to lock the RINOs into perpetual ownership of that seat.


Tweet by The Intercept says Gov – I posted it, part of Thread…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, I wasn’t talking about who gets to do it now (it’s the gov…now) but who will get to do it if the bill passes. Not the legislature but rather the KY GOPe leadership.

Rather, they get to make a list. Someone gets to pick from it. But if they get to make the list it doesn’t matter who gets to pick from it.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just what I was coming here to post.

And, darn! I thought Cameron was a MAGA Conservative … and he might be. however, if he is beholden to Mitch he will vote this way and he is tainted.

SD has a theory about why now …

Others say it could just be his health or his age or the reality that we never know the future with Rand Paul’s attack from his neighbor being a good example.

No matter who replaces him, I will be glad to see him gone as his replacement will not be able to replace his influence in the Senate even if his replacement votes and operates as he does.

However, this makes me wonder who he thinks he is putting in place as his replacement as “leader” in the Senate … ???


Just read the news that youtube deleted President Trump’s cpac speech.
I had it posted on fb so updated it with cspan which has the full speech.


Will fb now delete cspan links? Who knows … smh … so much censorship


My idea of using a copy center to color copy the Seuss books just went down in flames.
Staples is $0.58 a page!!!!!! Ups store is $0.46 a page. Incredible and way over priced.
I just bought ink for my computer for $20.
How do these places make money?


All-in-one scanner/printers are about $300 or so. Of course you’d have to disassemble the book but the color scanned copies are superb. And the color print quality is amazing.

A pack of clear sleeves (one for two pages) and a three ring binder for less than $10 and you’re off to the races.

Staples is the most expensive supply store, courtesy of vulture Mittens.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

Ive just done 2 books here at home. I cant take the books apart but the copies are the best im going to get. Its slower going but its a copy!
We cannot go inside the library here still. I had to order online and can pick up at the door, otherwise the copies in the library are cheap.
I think ill look at just the sleeves. That a good budget idea.
There is a teacher supply store with a laminating machine that ill check on cost also.


If you have an iphone you can photograph the pages and use it to clean up, send to printer


No maam. Android. The copies are ok so far. Digital would be nice but ill take what I get.


You actually get pretty good scans if you always keep the spine away from the lid’s hinge (which makes half the scans upside-down).

In Linux, there are utilities for flipping pdfs (or rotating), and also for combining multiple pdf’s into one large pdf.

JW in Germany

We normally sell our DocuMovies, but we are allowing the world to stream Brainwashed America, Part One for FREE because of the serious threats facing America.

We must inform the American people of the ultimate weapon of disinformation, information operations, psychological warfare or what is commonly called, ‘brainwashing.’

Great documovie!

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

Many thanks. I love the Qtreepers.

JW in Germany

Always for you GT!


Just when we are learning the facts about facial recognition we learn that China has emotional recognition tech. Horrifying. What will the come up with next?


Wow…mood ring in camera mode


Wonder if the FBI used it to sort out people in the crowed on the Jan 6?


The stuff of nightmares is becoming reality.


Anal prints.


OMG. 😂😂😂


Via instapundit

EBAY BANNING SALES OF NOW-FORBIDDEN DR. SEUSS BOOKS. This isn’t normal or reasonable and don’t let them gaslight you into thinking it is. This is warped and un-American and the people pushing it should be ashamed


The Planning Commission of Fairfax County, Virginia is currently weighing a plan to limit the size of flags that homeowners may flag to 24 square feet, lower the maximum height of flagpoles to 25 feet, and set a limit of 2 flags.

On February 10th, zoning administrator Leslie Johnson said that her agency came up with the plan because the county believes that it may not treat the American flag differently from banners displaying political opinions. She said that “somebody may want to fly the Confederate flag, the American flag, the QAnon flag.” Johnson continued by admitting that they do not get a lot of complaints on the issue, but that they would be “remiss if we didn’t at least look at this and put some kind of regulation.”

Adriene Whyte, a resident of the county, said that it seems like a solution “in search of a problem.”

Certainly can’t have people let their freak flags fly..Trump flags,Gadsen, POW/MIA, Thin Blue Line. Flags painted on barns ? Flags cut into fields?


What is a ‘Q Anon flag’?


hahaha good question. There are Q flags but qanon..If there is I’ve never seen one




H the K:

Kissinger: Biden Must Uphold Trump Admin’s ‘Brilliant’ Success in the Middle East

Henry Kissinger said President Joe Biden should uphold the “brilliant” realignment in Middle Eastern politics achieved under the Trump administration during a Tuesday event.

Kissinger praised the Trump administration’s diplomatic corps for its strategy of pitting major Sunni Muslim countries in the Middle East against Iran. The strategy, Kissinger said, served to isolate Tehran and opened the door to a new approach to Middle Eastern foreign policy that advances American interests.

“I think that one of the great successes of the previous administration [past 4 DECADES] was … that they had achieved two things in the Middle East.… One, to separate the Palestinian problem from all of the other problems so that it did not become a veto over everything else – and secondly, of lining up the Sunni states in actual or potential combination against the Shiite states.… I think that this was a brilliant concept. We were just at the beginning of it.…” 

The Biden administration has shown little interest in heeding Kissinger’s advice…

Last edited 4 years ago by yucki

Kissinger is part of the Cabal………………….


Even a stopped clock is accurate…


Yes, twice a day… just commenting on Kissinger.


Obviously Kissenger hadn’t checked in with the cabal when he made the comment. Expect a modifying statement soon followed by news of his untimely demise.


Untimely? The guy’s a f’ing dinosaur. Way past his sell-by date.


He’s sharp as a tack.


It’s unlikely H the K is close to this cabal.
They’re just too clumsy.


Even a stopped clock is accurate twice a day.
He’s right here. Arabs follow the Strong Horse.

The cabal occupying the WH is intentionally causing the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia to lose FACE. Slights that appear trivial to Western observers have played big in the region. They continue, day after day.

Remember in 2009, it was 0’s speech in Cairo that precipitated the fall of Mubarak, our ally for thirty years. That was the signal to the MB waiting in the wings. The counterpart in the Gulf is poised to pounce on the KSA. The ensuing havoc would not be contained in the Sandbox this time. Not by a long shot.

(I’m not crazy about any of these critters, personally, but…) 

Our President created an image for MbS that would sell here. The most brilliant PR in the world, his own masterpiece. Right down to a team in Riyadh “leaking” tidbits to social influencers popular with conservatives.

Why? This one is the LEAST unfriendly. The LEAST contaminated by the MB that’s infiltrated every institution in THIS country. He’s also popular at home, a different image altogether.

PTrump set the table for the best possible game from Day 1, his top priority. A Strong Horse, a winning team of “moderate” Sunnis, i.e. NOT political Islamists.

Kissenger sees this, Netanyahu and al-Sisi see this.

That’s why MB operatives set up the Khashoggi info op in 2018. To upset PT’s table and set the world on fire. 

MbS is guided by the much more savvy ruler of the UAE. If these guys see themselves losing too much FACE, if their domestic position as the Strong Horse seems to be faltering, they’ll think the Shah, Mubarak, Ghadafi. 

And they’ll say hello Mr. Putin, hello Mr. Xi.


Khaled Abu Toameh:

  • The Biden administration, some Arab writers have said, “has adopted a policy of “antagonizing allies while appeasing enemies.”
  • [Syrian journalist Abduljalil] Alsaeid said he believed that former Obama administration officials, who are now part of the Biden administration, are intentionally trying to damage US-Saudi relations.
  • “The Obama wing inside the ruling Democratic Party accepts the Iranian regime and turns a blind eye to Iran’s terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.” — Abduljalil Alsaeid, Syrian journalist, Al-Ain, March 2, 2021.
  • “President Biden has the right to talk about America’s democratic values, but why have these values ​​not been expanded to hold Hezbollah accountable for …[blah,blah]
  • The Biden administration was “rewarding Iranian despotism while punishing Saudi Arabia.” — Emad El Din Adeeb, a prominent Egyptian businessman and famous political television show host, elsharkonline com, March 3, 2021.
  • The Biden administration was dealing harshly with Riyadh “because of one crime, the killing of Khashoggi, while rehabilitating Tehran, which has carried out a million crimes worse than Khashoggi’s crime.” — Emad El Din Adeeb,, March 3, 2021.
  • Adeeb pointed out that Iran was continuing with its human rights violations while Saudi Arabia has in recent years embarked on large-scale reforms.
  • According to al-Sawafi, the release of the report on the slain Saudi journalist was a SIGN that the Biden administration “stands against the aspirations of the Saudi and Gulf people in achieving reform and stability.…
  • The last three years of the Obama presidency were “catastrophic in every sense of this word,” al-Harthi said. “Will Biden fall into the same trap? Washington’s standing declined during the Obama presidency. Will Biden repeat Obama’s fatal mistakes? The US dealings at the time with regional issues were a source of ridicule, as Washington delivered Iraq and Afghanistan on a golden platter to Iran and supported the Muslim Brotherhood.” — Zuhair Al-Harthi, Al-Arabiya, February 27, 2021.


Terrific background by Eli Lake on what was going on behind the scenes in our {spit} intelligence agencies:

New Report On Khashoggi Murder Is a Dud, Official Warns

Assessments targeting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman offer no proof, are instead “an abuse of the intelligence community’s power”

So why would the Biden administration throw a wrench in the U.S.-Saudi relationship? One answer is that the administration wishes to distance the United States from Saudi Arabia. Strategically, the administration’s announced intention to draw closer to Iran by reentering a 2015 nuclear deal necessarily means widening the distance between America and the Saudis—who fear and loathe the Iranian regime with whom they are currently fighting a proxy war in Yemen.

“The release of the assessment came after the Biden administration announced that it would stop supplying arms to Saudi allies in Yemen and would no longer list their Houthi opponents as terrorists. 

“From the CIA’s perspective, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman humiliated the agency in 2017 when he named MBS his heir. The agency had a long and fruitful relationship with Muhammad bin Nayef, who was crown prince from 2015 to 2017 [John “Abdul” BRENNAN’s pick of the litter].

“When MBS was named as crown prince, bin Nayef was stripped of his titles and government duties. MBS, in an effort to consolidate his power, then targeted bin Nayef and other rivals to the throne, seizing his bank accounts in 2017 and last year ordering his arrest—greatly diminishing the CIA’s influence networks within the kingdom…”


Kayleigh McEnany Jabs Jen Psaki: I Never Had To ‘Circle Back’
MARCH 4, 2021 AT 1:12PM

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany took a jab at her successor Jen Psaki, saying she didn’t need to do a “ton of circling back” with reporters because she did a lot of research and had access to her boss.

McEnany, who was recently announced as a Fox News contributor, made the comments during an interview with “Fox & Friends.” 

And while she said she wishes President Biden’s press secretary well, there was certainly an unmistakable air of reasoning on why McEnany was more forthright with answers during her tenure at the White House.

“I wish Jen Psaki all the best, it is a very hard job,” McEnany said. “But that being said, we took great pains in our administration to do hours and hours of research beforehand, days sometimes.”

She proceeded to note that President Trump was far more accessible than Biden, who seems to be kept under wraps.

“I always knew where my boss stood. Unlike other press secretaries who maybe didn’t have walk-in privileges, I could walk in at any time,” she boasted.

“I always knew where his head was at, so I didn’t have to a ton of circling back because President Trump gave a lot of access to me.”

[See Video at Link]

Gail Combs

Well the Green New Deal is now up as a bill 😫 

The Green New Deal Bill:

….The CLEAN Future Act would achieve net zero greenhouse gas pollution no later than 2050, with an interim target of reducing pollution by 50 percent from 2005 levels no later than 2030. The targets come from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has said we must cut carbon pollution to net zero by 2050 to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate change….

♫♪ 1700s here I come,
Right back where we started from,
Where babies and oldsters starve in the sun,
Each morning at dawning serfs are planting everything.
Overseer screams “Don’t be late.”
That’s why I can hardly wait,
So hurry-up and pass that bill, 1700s here I COME!


The only thing I can think of is to demand a ‘PROOF of CONCEPT’

Bernie ran a poll a decade or so ago showing Vermont was all for Green Energy, I think we should use Vermont. (ALL the counties voted Democrat too.)

  • Move all the Academics and the teens who BELIEVE to Vermont and have them SHOW US how this new economic model will work.
  • NO CO2 producing energy.
  • No Co2 manufacture or food growing
  • No importing of Non-green products. In fact shut down ALL rail, air traffic and roads.

Then open her up in 5 years and we will see what they have come up with.

Shall we start a campaign to get this idea of a ‘Proof of Concept’ to our Congress Critters?
How do we make it go viral?

After the incredible failure of Texas Green energy policies, I think we have the RIGHT to ask for ‘Proof of Concept’ just like we insist the medicines are tested before being released to the public..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Welcome back.


No text to the bill as of yet. Likely sometime next week.

Scary. Since there is no crisis and America’s health and welfare will likely be put at risk with the passage of whatever the heck is in this thing.

H.R.1512 – To build a clean and prosperous future by addressing the climate crisis, protecting the health and welfare of all Americans, and putting the Nation on the path to a net-zero greenhouse gas economy by 2050, and for other purposes.

“Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from GPO, the Government Publishing Office, a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.”

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Nice to see you  😀  ❤ 


OMG! You’re still with us!

I have to call the WH and tell them their troubles are NOT over.


Very happy and relieved to see you back.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

👋 👋 👋
🤗 🤩 🤗 🥰 💝


Great to see you, Gail! Hope all is well.


Wow. Looks as if J H Kunstler, a sceptical Dem at the moment, could be right after all.

He predicted a dystopia many years ago and still has his website up and running. He has also written about a time similar to what is described in the Biden administration plan.

I would give the address but it includes a four-letter word, so here’s a somewhat less offensive route in:

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse

You’ve been in my thoughts Gail.
Nice to see your 24K Gold commentary again. 🙂


You need to produce a note from your Mommy to explain your absence.


SSGQ Channel, [04.03.21 14:39]
[Forwarded from Police frequency]

Biden’s US-Mexico border pullback creating ‘roads for the cartels,’ Arizona sheriff says (

The U.S.-Mexico border region in Arizona is becoming less secure since President Biden took office, a sheriff is alleging, according to a report.

“We just built roads for the cartels,” Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels said, according to the Washington Times.

Dannels explained that by halting work on the border wall championed by former President Donald Trump, the Biden administration has left intact the high-speed roads that were built to help Border Patrol agents manage the region – but is failing to follow through with the barrier that was planned to keep illegal immigrants and smugglers of humans and drugs out of the U.S.


Kos tries to deny that anyone is cancelling Dr. Seuss . . . or even that cancel culture is a real thing


Dr. Seuss’s work has faced increasing scrutiny over the years, but not because anyone is trying to cancel the cartoonist’s work.

Meanwhile, eBay removes listings of Dr. Seuss:


Online retailer eBay is removing several Dr. Seuss books from its website that are no longer being published.

A spokeswoman for the website told the Washington Examiner on Thursday that it would no longer be allowing sellers to list six books that have been deemed by Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the company that preserves Theodor Seuss “Ted” Geisel’s legacy, as containing racially insensitive imagery.

“At eBay, we have a strict policy against hate and discrimination to ensure our platform remains a safe, trusted and inclusive environment for our global community of buyers and sellers,” eBay Corporate Communications Specialist Parmita Choudhury said. “We’re currently sweeping our marketplace to remove these items. It can take some time to review all existing listings and provide education to impacted users. We’re also monitoring the newly published list to be reviewed.”

Meanwhile, other well known offensive books continue to be sold on eBay:

eBay cancels Dr. Seuss books as ‘offensive material’
But internet auction giant still offers Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’
Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh
Published March 4, 2021 at 3:12pm

And don’t forget – Dr. Seuss books were explicitly removed from the Read Across America program in the Virginia School System . . .

While Universal Orlando virtue signals to the Twitter mob:

Universal Orlando ‘evaluating’ Dr. Seuss attractions
by Haley Victory Smith, Breaking News Reporter |  | March 03, 2021 01:36 PM
 | Updated Mar 03, 2021, 02:08 PM

So much for the notion that “cancel culture” is some kind of urban legend
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This Dr. Suess business has to be the “Look Squirrel” event they need to pass all these atrocious bills they have currently lined up.


Yeah that pretty much sums up my thoughts on it.

That said, the left needs to own it. “You made this mess.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apropos of nothing at all, but I’ve been getting a ton of spam calls (like over ten apiece) from three numbers (and they usually don’t repeat the same number)

(202) 949-6988
(202) 967-1831
(855) 421-4712

These people need to get a life.


202 is a D.C. area code.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, so I wonder if some GOPe pukes are trying to get through.

I can’t get any specific info about this from the usual online “who called me” sites.


I do not answer my calls and if it is important it can go into my voice mail.
Sorry you get spammed like that also.


Little known fact – customers can get ‘spoof’ numbers that show on Caller ID. Why the phone companies allow this is beyond my understanding since I cannot see a legitimate purpose for it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, yeah, the overwhelming majority of numbers are totally bogus. Which is why this is so unusual; generally they don’t use the same number even twice.

I know at least at one point there was a guy who would set up a fly-by night telephone company, and some shell company (likely also him) in Belize would contract with them. Robocallers would then call through those numbers, and he made money even if no one answered. How? Because when a number shows up on caller ID, the company that owns that number is entitled to something called a “dip fee”, which I think is 3/4 of a cent (or 3/40ths, I don’t remember). So he was happy to have the robocallers make a ton of callers using his phone numbers. He probably WAS the robocaller, actually, via some corporate gimcrackery.

Of course the FCC fined him six figures, he declared bankruptcy and didn’t have to pay a dime…then off to the next scam.

I’d love to pass a law that says “one million counts of a misdemeanor=death penalty.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually there’s a semi-legit purpose, but it’s within such a small circle (physically) it should be allowed there and no where else.

Companies with a bunch of phones in them want every call out to appear as though it’s from their main number, rather than giving out the direct dial number if the person calling. For example when I get calls from my customer’s facility they all appear to come from the main number; when I answer I find out who it is (and often already know their real number, but that’s beside the point).

Companies get very, very unhappy when people talk about tightening things up so numbers can’t be spoofed.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot



Looks like an escort for someone who is still very high profile and under constant threats.


Florida ia doing a good job protecting a former President?

Deplorable Patriot

Florida may have provided some of the police, but they didn’t arrange it.


Psaki says Biden’s “Neanderthal” comments reflect “his frustration and exasperation” with governors who aren’t listening to public health experts

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 4, 2021

Texas Governor Abbott to Biden: Don’t Tell Me Not To Open the State When You’re Flooding Texas With Covid-Positive Illegal Aliens—Ace

circle jerk gotta be getting tired of those reach arounds


Create Fake Narrative around Buffalo Jump
Defund the Police
Hype fake narrative about looming activity
Create False Flag
Blame the political opposition
Put the jack book to anyone they like
Crush the Tea Party and MAGA once and for all

Democrats Spread 2nd ‘Insurrection’ Threat Hoping To Add Credibility To “Extremist Trump Supporters

Democrats quaking in their boots and slippers at home, rather than behind a razor-edged fence in the Capitol and a 10,000-member strong National Guard presence, need the masses to believe that they were at risk from another Jan. 6, 2021 type breach of the Capitol today.

The Dems desperately need folk to believe this spin mainly because they have to somehow come up with more credence for the misleading spectre that over-zealous Donald Trump supporters sent them fleeing in fear from their offices on what they repeatedly call ‘Insurrection’ Day.

This is the gist of the story they’re telling through the media for what they expect to happen between today and March 6: ‘The deplorables are coming for us a second time, so we’re not going to be on duty at Congress today.’

. . . Meanwhile, the plain truth is that the Democrats and the media have been “perpetuating the big lie and other disinformation” ever since Election Night, Nov. 3, 2020.

. . . MORE . . .


Need to ridicule them relentlessly for this. Hiding under the bed wetting themselves memes. 😂


House Cancels Votes in Make-Believe Fear

Like COVID-19, the Capitol Riot was too helpful to the liberal establishment ever to let go. That’s why we are subjected to this political theater of the absurd:

House leadership announced that it would adjourn legislative business for the week on March 3, after Capitol Police announced that a militia group possibly posed a threat to the Capitol’s security on March 4. The Senate will still be in session.

The impending right-wing terrorist attack on the Capitol apparently poses no risk to the Senate.

The cancellation comes after Capitol Police announced that it would increase security around the Capitol building following reports of a possible threat on March 4. The Capitol Police received intelligence that a militia group, which it did not name, was possibly plotting actions against the Capitol.

The so-called intelligence likely consisted of a drunken tweet.

“It’s unclear why the House decided to cancel votes when the Senate plans to be in session all day and voting in the Capitol all day tomorrow,” a senior Republican Senate aide told the Daily Caller.

Sure it’s clear why. Legislators have to give the media something to work with. It is important to create the absurd impression that the country is under siege by fascist terrorists, requiring draconian restrictions of our freedoms.

Why today?

March 4 is a day considered important by some QAnon conspiracy theorists. Followers of the conspiracy theory believe that former President Donald Trump will be sworn into his second term of office on March 4, since presidents were inaugurated on March 4 before Franklin Roosevelt’s second inauguration in 1937, according to USA Today.

With such a serious threat hanging over the nation, it is surprising they don’t declare martial law.

The Capitol Riot occurred because a scandalous lack of security permitted a handful of deranged yahoos to trespass and make fools of themselves. Now a high fence topped with razor wire protects the Capitol. The building is defended by 5,200 National Guard troops.

There is zero chance that QAnon conspiracy theorists will storm the Capitol and install Donald Trump as dictator. But there is every chance that Democrats and the media will exploit the farcical occurrence on January 6 for years to come.

Deplorable Patriot

“Like COVID-19, the Capitol Riot was too helpful to the liberal establishment ever to let go. ”

There is a good point here.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

All this for a LARP?🙄

Deplorable Patriot

No $#!+.


Wouldn’t you think that the greatest intel organizations in the world would have Q solved by now? Some plausible explanation for who or what creates those posts.


Probably. And if they don’t talk about it, it’s probably b/c they realize it is in their NATSEC interest to NOT talk about.


That’s why they (media) never ever talk about Q. They only talk about q anon who can be anyone, anyone that they can manufacture as a prop for their narrative.
They don’t want to delve into Q because then the real questions AND answers begin that are too dicey to explain.


If this had passed, it would have turned High Schools from leftist indoctrination centers to political activist fronts. No learning would be possible because High Schools would be pumped for votes – just like the left does on college campuses today.

But for the left, tomorrow’s another day . . .

Amendment to lower voting age to 16 fails, despite majority of Democrats supporting
by Peter Heck · Mar 4th, 2021 8:41 am

The House of Representatives voted down an amendment offered by Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) that sought to lower the voting age in the United States to 16. Though the final vote tally was 125-302, a majority of House Democrats voted in favor of the legislation, 125-93.

Speaking in favor of her amendment, Pressley argued that 16-year-olds now had the maturity necessary to justify voting rights.

“A sixteen-year-old in 2021 possesses a wisdom and a maturity that comes from 2021 challenges, 2021 hardships, and 2021 threats,” Pressley said. “Now is the time for us to demonstrate the courage that matches the challenges of the modern-day sixteen- and seventeen-year-old.”

Pressley has pressed this case before, telling anti-racism activist and author Ibram X. Kendi in a Facebook Live conversation that she was “shocked” that her idea engendered so much opposition.

“Our young people deserve to have a stakeholder in our democracy,” she said to Kendi.
Even though the federal legislation failed, some states like Hawaii have introduced their own bills to lower the voting age from 18 to 16 within their own jurisdiction.


I’m surprised it didn’t pass. I guess there are a few Dems with a small modicum of sense in the House.


My personal take is they should raise the voting age to thirty, unless you are a property owner or military personnel. Even then, the age should be twenty-five. People need some life experience and preferably a dog in the hunt before they are deciding the future of the country.

I’m sure this won’t be a popular position, but the Founders didn’t let just anyone vote, and I don’t think we should, either.


IIRC there used to be state by state age requirements of 21 years, and of course early on there were requirements to be a male and a landowner (ie, shouldering responsibility).

The left wants to expand voting to any and all manipulable demographic groups. If they could get 8 year olds to vote they would. Not to mention illegal aliens, and the deceased.

The only people the left doesn’t want to vote are Republicans and unborn babies.


Howie Carr was discussing this today and ran a listener poll on it.

He would definitely agree with you.

Personally, I would move it back to 21.

Last edited 4 years ago by churchmouse
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not even fond of giving people citizenship (and hence a vote) just because they’re born here. For similar reasons.

Both your reform and mine would require constitutional amendment(s).

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Don’t fret, it’s not over yet, there’s already another attempt in the pipeline.  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_evil: 


Company responsible for designing CPAC stage is owned by a “very liberal” woman
 by Jenny Mount · Mar 3rd, 2021 4:09 pm

Liberals are claiming that the stage used at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) resembled German Nazi symbols, even though the stage was actually designed by a liberal President Biden supporter.

The Maryland-based company that designed the stage for the CPAC has also designed stages for Biden. The design company, Design Foundry, said the stage was made to make the best use of the conference space.

Design Foundry said it “had no idea that the design resembled any symbol, nor was there any intention to create something that did.”

Journalist Yashar Ali claims that Design Foundry has worked with Biden and that its owner is “very liberal.”

“I know Design Foundry because they handle design for many events in DC for companies like MSNBC & Target. They oversaw the design for the Biden Cancer Summit in 2018. The owner, Annie, is very liberal and was so excited for Biden’s victory. Great work conspiracy theorists,” Ali said.

CPAC has said that it will no longer work with Design Foundry.

“It’s clear that the company we retained designed a stage that has become an unwelcome distraction. As a result, we will not be using that company’s services going forward at future events,” said Director of Communications for the ACU and CPAC Ian Walters.


Good – they can just as easily use a company owned by conservatives


Here is a perfect example of what Andrew Torba and I myself have been advocating:


Check out the political position of a company before you use them for ANYTHING.

Why support people who hate and despise you?


“Why support people who hate and despise you?”

Because you are CPAC Big Club Conservatives and haven’t needed to think through these issues yet 😉


Goya, Whole Foods, and Forbes: Companies that refuse to bow to cancel culture
by Joseph Simonson, Political Reporter |  | March 04, 2021 07:00 AM

Seemingly every day, the world’s biggest corporations dramatically announce a change to their business practices, product offerings, or marketing strategies because a vocal few on the Left create a fuss.

Whether it’s demands for users to play as transgender children in the latest Harry Potter video game or forcing white employees to undergo internal human resource struggle sessions, the marketplace increasingly appears to operate at the mercy of the allegedly offended.

But some in the business community have had enough and continue standing athwart the outraged, yelling “enough.”

. . .

Goya Foods
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods
Forbes Magazine
Hyatt Hotels


How the Woke Stole Childhood
The campaign against Theodor Geisel takes cancel culture to new lows.
Steven Malanga
March 3, 2021


The Library, [04.03.21 16:23]

We have listed the previous 5 months of our “Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens” reports below.

We were able to document a total of 94 illegal aliens who committed 596 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault on the children of North Carolina.

With the current administration policies in DC, it will only get worse.

Each link below takes you to a separate monthly report however, if you wish to view all of our monthly reports since 2013, please visit our website at

(We are constantly asked “How do you know they are illegal aliens?”. The answer to that is, we personally contact the arresting agency and ask; as arrest records are public information in NC.)

2021 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens
February 2021 – 33 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC   here
January 2021 – 17 illegal aliens arrested for 55 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC   here
2020 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens
December 2020 – 21 illegal aliens arrested for 379 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC   here
November 2020 – 8 illegal aliens arrested for 23 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC   here
October 2020 – 15 illegal aliens arrested for 39 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC   here




“reparations scam?”

Fixed it for you 😉


X22Report Official

General Flynn: “…understand what’s about to happen. It ain’t happening on March 4th. It’s gonna happen over a period of time… “ 😎


Flynn definitely being careful in his wording to not let anyone know what he thinks is going to happen.


As he should be, right Michael? But… he didn’t have to say anything. I’m inclined to think he did so as to keep us “holding the line” … which I am doing and will con’t to do…

Deplorable Patriot

All of the hopium sorts worth their salt are careful that way.


Well well well.

Legislation informally referred to as the Daniel Cameron Election Bill is moving through the Kentucky General Assembly.
Nick StormNick Storm
March 4 2021, 5:00 a.m.

SENATE MINORITY LEADER Mitch McConnell has compiled a short list of successors in his home state of Kentucky, preparing for the possibility that he does not serve out his full term, Kentucky Republicans tell The Intercept.

The list is topped by his protégé, state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, and also includes former United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, whose billionaire coal magnate husband is a major McConnell donor, as well as Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams, a former McConnell Scholar.

Under current law, the power to appoint McConnell’s replacement falls to Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear. But new legislation McConnell is pushing in the Kentucky General Assembly would strip the governor of that power and put it into the hands of the state GOP. 

SD notes: “following the election, the business model of selling votes is no longer as lucrative.”

Yeah it’s kinda hard to sell votes when the Senate is this close to being permanently rigged.


Did you post this at Marica’s? They will certainly be interested.


Just did 😉

I try not to mess with the SNR at Marica’s place too much.

[For the engineers here, that would actually be “NSR” 😉 as in, allow the girls to have their girl talk . . . ]


Michael! You know they always love to hear from you! They ain’t those new-fangled man-hating womyn.


Eric Metaxas Reads His Own Dr. Seuss Parody Which Addresses The Nonsense Of The Cancel Culture

September 11, 2017

As I walked to the bus stop one morning last May
at the loveliest hour of a perfect spring day
I was bursting with joy, so I followed my feet
and I took a long shortcut past Mulberry Street.

But something (I couldn’t say what) gave me pause…
If I had to say what I’d’ve said “just because!”
— But O! What a big mammaluc’ that I was!

‘Cause I didn’t turn back, I still followed my feet
Till I came to the sign that reads Mulberry Street.
And I spoke to a grizzled oldtimer named “Pops”
(whose job was to keep a sharp lookout for cops.)

He told me I shouldn’t be seen there that day!
If I knew what was good I’d stay out of the way!
— but just as I started to go, who’d I meet?
But the capo of capos on Mulberry Street!

. . . LOL, MOAR!!! . . .


YouTube Deletes All Copies of President Trump’s CPAC Speech, Suspends RSBN for Two Weeks
By Kristinn Taylor
Published March 4, 2021 at 12:21pm

YouTube has deleted all copies of President Trump’s speech to CPAC given last Sunday in Orlando and has suspended the account of Right Side Broadcasting Network for two weeks as apparent punishment for live streaming the speech in which Trump reiterated his belief the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.

YouTube took down videos from mainstream outlets including the U.K. Independent which had over one million views as well as Fox, Fox Business, ABC News and the U.K. Sun. A search of YouTube that earlier this week showed several channels with archived live streams of the speech now shows all archived live streams have been taken down.

. . . While hard to find on Twitter, a Periscope feed survives as of now:


All the lefty scum were JEALOUS – because Trump’s speech on RSBN had nearly 4 MILLION VIEWS!!!


Dr. Seuss was target before ‘Cancel Culture’ caught upThursday, March 4, 2021 | Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl (

The warning is out for anyone not listening: The so-called “Cancel Culture” that claimed Dr. Seuss as its latest trophy will never, ever be satisfied because white supremacists are supposedly hiding everywhere, not just on Mulberry Street.

Confronted over art work that depicts racial stereotypes, Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced March 2 it was ceasing publication of six books: And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry StreetIf I Ran the Zoo; McElligot’s Pool; On Beyond Zebra!; Scrambled Eggs Super!; and The Cat’s Quizzer

“These books,” the statement reads, “portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”
Those images range from a “Chinese man who eats with sticks” in Mulberry Street, the very first children’s book, to shirtless, shoeless African tribesmen depicted in If I Ran the Zoo, published in 1950.

The announcement was published this week on the birthday of the author, Theodore Seuss Geisel.

Although most of the public never equated Dr. Seuss with racism, Geisel’s legacy has been in trouble for years. His books have been denounced by left-wing academia for decades over the racial stereotyping and now, more recently, that criticism was gaining speed as academia embraced and taught Critical Race Theory, and everywhere from colleges to corporations are instructing white employees to admit their “white privilege” and acknowledge “systemic racism.”

“In Dr. Seuss’ books,” a children’s literature professor told NBC News, “we have a kind of sensibility which is oriented toward centering the white child and decentering everyone else.”

“There’s no stopping point for these people. They are totally insane,” Dr. Carol Swain, responding to the controversy, told Fox News this week.

Swain made her comments at approximately the same time online retailer eBay, citing the Enterprise announcement, announced it was forcing online sellers to drop the sale of the six books. That decision only added fire to accusations of a “Cancel Culture” that goes on and on.

Swain, a black professor whose conservative views were unwelcomed at Vanderbilt University, went on to warn that no white author is “truly safe” from “social justice warriors” who see racism everywhere.

In a fate similar to Dr. Seuss, in fact, public school districts across the U.S. have run from the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird in recent years. The depiction of Jim Crow-era racism made the Pulitzer-winning book an enemy of English teachers and school boards despite Atticus Finch defending Tom Robinson, and despite Harper Lee’s overt theme of racial equality.

Little House on the Prairie and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have suffered the safe fate, and even Uncle Tom’s Cabin — credited by Abraham Lincoln for awakening the North to the evils of slavery — has also been banned by some schools for its depictions of racism.
Victoria Cobb of the Family Foundation of Virginia tells One News Now the cancellation of Dr. Seuss has one benefit: Parents who have learned about left-wing school curriculum during COVID-mandated shutdowns are witnessing how school leaders view the popular Dr. Seuss books.

“They’re obsessed with race,” Swain said of Dr. Seuss’s detractors, “and they are the true racists.”


The most likely motivation behind a typical ‘Cancel Culture’ activist is…(Choose up to two)
Marxism disguised as equality
 40.98% (109 votes)
Blind to any other viewpoint
 21.05% (56 votes)
Anger birthed on college campus
 16.17% (43 votes)
Racism masked by a PhD
 8.65% (23 votes)
Hate hiding behind hashtags
 6.77% (18 votes)
Grift that relies on white guilt
 6.38% (17 votes)
Total Votes: 266


Each time the cancel culture gets a win they build on that to take another win if it is book, person, business they do not care. They are blackmailing a society you do this and we show you by doing that. They are on a power trip but someone is behind that just as someone is behind Antifa.


X22 Report Official, [04.03.21 16:39]
[Forwarded from Breaking911]

LIVESTREAM: Vote on Biden’s massive $1.9T ‘COVID relief’ bill will be delayed for hours after GOP Senator Ron Johnson demanded the 700-page bill to be read aloud.


Good for Ron Johnson because in the past to many senators voted without reading what they vote on.


This is a primary I have been waiting for since 2010!!!

I will FIND time to personally get involved as 2010 was dirty pool and Mitch welcomed her back with open arms after stabbing the GOP voters in the back. Was 1 of my firt wake ups that someone should get involved in the GOP parties to make sure the primaries were fairly operated & won.

Then 2012 with Paul (who I did not support but saw how unfairly he was treated in many state primaries) and 2014 in Miss.

Then, by 2015/16 I had finally figured out that there was no “they” or “someone” who ought to do something about it. The “they” was me, was us, was all of the GOP voters. Up to us to be the GOP and make sure the primaries are fair.

But you were all reading SD at OT for all of those years, watcing the same primaries along with me & all of the other OT readers and realizing this same things.

And I am just itchin’ for this one to get started!!!


That will be a power struggle between Mitch and Trump.


Dead man talking.


You might be on target.


Mitch is done Singing

otherwise, why would he be even thinking of stepping down?

Actually, I think he knows his time in Congress is UP… and balmy breezes off the Coast of Cuba are in his and Elaine’s future


I am sure he is looking for an out of the way place like China for family reunion 🙂






Did he sing? He is fighting President Trump in many ways and now much more openly. Thinking of both his tirade after impeacment trial vote and his public support of Ms cheater in Alaska.

Is he thinking about stepping down or about his own ill health, that he might die due to age?



Mtich is sick? What’s wrong with him?


MM, I was referring to SingingSoul, 😉 sorry about the misunderstanding…

We he didn’t think about his health or old age when he ran for reelection in Nov… so I don’t think that’s on his mind now. The prospect of having to resign due to an arrest might be on his mind (should be)


I think you are correct. I might even take it a step farther and say there IS a power struggle right now.

It is No contest between them with the voters as the vast majority of the GOP voting base with fully with President Trump *especially* over Mitch.

The real struggle between them is in the Senate and the fed gov entrenched employees/”Deep State” such as in the DOJ and all of its departments and the Dept of Interior.

Corruption in the BLM was one of my top 5 motivators early in the summer of 2015 … I just had no idea how corrupt much of the fed gov was, esp. DOJ.


I do not think any of us had an idea how corrupt the DOJ is. You take with that FBI and Intelligence services and they can coup any President if they want too. They have become the true power and that is why we see Stasi tactics.


FBI is part of the DOJ and every time I post of the corrupt DOJ I mean the full DOJ, all parts.

And, yes, the rest of the “intelligence” orgs are lacking in integrity as organizations (while many are doing good, brave, necessary work)


Some enterprising young person could make a bundle designing, producing and selling a bumper sticker that says



FBI Director Wray has twice made obviously, brazenly made false narrative statements to Congress:
1. That ‘white nationalists’ were the cause of the most violence, etc. – while BLM and Antifa were burning and looting Democrat-ruined cities and 
2. That Antifa wasn’t involved in the Jan 6 false flag ‘insurrection’ when they have the leader of Antifa in custody
The psy-ops and propaganda are getting harder for even the leftist media to pass as credible.
Wray, Pence, Barr, Durham, Huber, McConnell and a whole bunch of Generals have really disappointed me.


Amen Georgia…


More on Cuomo, and those behind his curtain…

CoMo Consortium (Covid 19 International Modeling Consortium)

According to Kenneth Raske’s testimony to the NYS Senate, NYS “engeged” CoMo Consortium in March 2020. CoMo’s models informed Cuomo’s policies related to hospital beds.

Co Mo’s documentation warns of the need to shelter the elderly. Wonder what happened?


For one thing…there was no way in hell that they could let POTUS Trump get recognition for providing medical care and shelter through the med ships or other mobile hospitals in the other areas where the elderly were sent to death camp nursing homes.

They hated him so much that they were willing to sacrifice our loved ones.


This is their science behind the policy. Supported by WHO, developed by Cornell and Oxford. The models projected a shortage of hospital beds. I doubt that the hospital ship was part of the calculation. These models are still informing lockdowns. Masks don’t appear to be part of the calculation. See .pdf linked in the article, and also the WHO video.


Somehow this so called science was the data, that drove the worst possible outcome. Where is the accountability?


Almost. Trump saw off the USS Comfort on the 28th of March bound for NYC. Cuomo ordered over 4,300 recovering COVID-19 patients to be sent to nursing homes that would kill significantly more elderly on 25 March.

Cuomo’s actions have cabal written all over it for the reasons you say. They’d do absolutely anything to make Trump look bad, to include kill off the elderly since that also paid off the dividend of a reduced burden to the state. The left has no real soul.

Listen to a replay of the Dr. Elaine Healy’s call alerting Mark Levin what is about to happen in NY. Call starts at appox 2:37. The call takes place a day after the Cuomo’s directive was signed and was the first alert to the American public.


TheStormHasArrived17💀, [04.03.21 12:40]
[ Video ]

The People’s General calls out Kevin McCarthy, Cocaine Mitch and Lindsey Graham.
“They stabbed President Trump in the back…”


I cannot see the video. Who is the Peoples General?


Flynn, no doubt.


Gen Flynn SingingSoul… click the post I linked to and I think the video will open… it’s short


Thank you sweet lady 🙂


Most welcome SingingSoul


Violation Against Israel So Egregious Even Biden Admin Condemns It


With ACLJ’s Latest Filing, Supreme Court Can Now Cancel “Cancel Culture”


Why would they cancel it?

There are all kinds of things the Supreme Traitors could do, and they haven’t done any of them. They’re corrupt. Lawless renegades, traitors or compromised tools of the enemy.

Why would they do something right now?


No reason – when in captivity – there is not much you can do – all three branches of government are null and void.

Cuppa Covfefe

Perhaps Bye, Done considers himself to be “The Very Model Of A Modern Major General” 🙂 [H/T for vid on chiefio’s site]


Love Gilbert and Sullivan!


Every so often my husband sings this  😂  He has it memorized.


I have this one by heart:


Not the next one [As some day it may happen….]?

[AKA “I’ve got a little list.”]

Last edited 4 years ago by cthulhu

When I say “I’ve got a little list, I’ve got a little list,” people think I mean Joe McCarthy!


Interesting 🙂


Bye-Done is irrelevant – he is a puppet – perhaps, the Puppet Masters have to tread lightly lest they end up where they send others to be judged.


Will be so happy when the Fed Reserve and the Central BANKSTERS are destroyed.


Putin is seeing what is happening to the US. Child trafficking and child sexual abuse is not the norm in a civilized society. We have become moral corrupted. Putin can do this because he is a dictator.


“We have become moral corrupted.”


I don’t think anyone here has become morally corrupted.

Our country has had moral corruption forced down our throats.

The treasonous political-class and Big Tech + entertainment industry facilitated it, and the derelict military allowed it.

And they are both going to be held accountable, one way or the other.

Even if we have to call in a strike on our own position to do it.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I agree we are here not morally corrupted. I speak in general terms not of people here.
I saw a video someone speaking of sex trafficking the person said “USA are the largest consumer.” That was a shock.
I know in Europe sex trafficking has been going on from Eastern Europe to other parts of Europe.


“I saw a video someone speaking of sex trafficking the person said “USA are the largest consumer.” That was a shock.”


If USA is defined as the political-class, Big Tech + entertainment and news media, academia, Chamber of Commerce and all their cronies, along with the lawfare-class and the military leadership.

Coincidentally the exact same traitors who have been forcing corruption and perversion down everyone’s throat.

I wouldn’t have the first clue where to find some sex traffic for sale, any more than I would know where to buy drugs.

I’m sure all of the groups mentioned above know where to find either one on a moment’s notice.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Same here. I would not know where to buy drugs even when my neighbors were always stoned. A guy in the church I attendet one of the with the founders last name was busted on child porn of his own daughters several years ago. I was shocked since it had turnend mostly into a family church.
The young man was lower middle class . My son in Michigan worked with a German guy who had three young daughters he did horrible things to them. The police took him away in handcuffs.
Both were connected to a large connected porno group.
I always thought these are hidden things but they seem to get joy of sharing photos and their perversion with other perverts.


Please pray for Texas children. We have had a number of child abductions over the last 48 hours.


How sad yes prayers .


Not judging Putin’s move but dictators, benevolent or otherwise, can get away with these things now that the morale force (USA) has left the field of morality. Should the US oppose this move the laughing will be heard around the world.


I am sure it would.
Dictators are interesting they can do some good among their deranged other violations they do to stay in power.


Will that not bring hardship and collapse of our Dollar? I am only asking because I do not know a thing about those thinks.


“Will that not bring hardship and collapse of our Dollar?”


The only reason our Dollar currently exists is because a majority of people imagine that it does.

It’s just (and literally) fiat. Debt-based fractional reserve fiat. I have heard several times recently that 40% of all the dollars in the world have been created in the last 12 months.

I’m sure that’s not inflationary, how could it be?

What could go wrong?

History, shmistory.

And the precious metals markets are all DOWN on this news… so we have a manipulated (fake) commodities market too, which only makes sense, considering everything else about our country is fake.

Most of our current existence is an illusion. Illusion of value, illusion of lawful authority, illusion of representative government, illusion of justice, etc.

It’s all a lie.

Presumably DJT has a triple double-D chess plan to convert our fake financial system to a new bi-metal (gold and silver) backed currency, as we had at the beginning.

But we’ve presumed a lot of things about DJT’s plan that haven’t exactly panned out, so there’s that.

And we always have French liberators as a fall back plan… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Personally, I’m trusting the Boomers. They were smart enough to get us in this mess, so I’m sure they have an incredible plan to get us out.

Going by Juan O Savin’s telling, everyone younger than Boomers like himself only exist to mow his lawns and stock his shelves, while he goes around buying expensive stuff so the little people can eat.

He’s a saint.


All we can do at this point wait and see.


We can take heart that even us plebes are seeing behind the curtain.

Valerie Curren

triple double-D chess” mis-read that as Chest & thought WGTTs 😉



Misreading happens to me many times specially when I am tired. It cracks me up  😀 

Valerie Curren



The term was inspired by a Blu-ray movie cover that is frequently listed in the ‘on sale’ section of the homepage of

comment image

Valerie Curren

Nice 🙂


The “Petro Dollar” is a Cabal invention… Central Banksters tool… we need to destroy their system and replace it… others here can explain that better than I esp at this time of night Sundowners for me…


And Here We Go: Now There Is “Intelligence” That the Coup That Didn’t Happen Today Will Instead Happen on March 20th, Or Maybe April 15th, Or… Maybe a Randomly Selected Day Every Month Until The End of Time—Ace

The House of Representatives canceled its scheduled votes for Thursday 
Capitol police confirmed they received an intelligence report that of a far-right militia plot to breach the Capitol this Thursday 

‘We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4,’ USCP said
No specific group mentioned and USCP said intelligence was too ‘sensitive’ to reveal more details 

Security has been beefed up around Capitol buildings as the National Guard patrol
The Capitol is being guarded by almost 5,000 troops ahead of Thursday’s threat 
There is speculation that March 20 – when the Republican party was founded – and April 15 – federal income tax day – may also pose a threat

Deplorable Patriot

Keep ’em guessing and they won’t know how to anticipate the move.


Or maybe it’s a case of crying “wolf” too much on purpose.

Deplorable Patriot

The thing is, it’s a creation of the other side or disinformation. It’s not coming from XVII or the ones REALLY in the loop.

Several of the accounts I follow have gone dark, but have not been banned. There has to be a reason.

Plus, if you note the coverage on this and the Jan 6 thing is done in lockstep. The Company is trying to paint us as nutcases, and we’re not playing along.


Yeah, because we’re definitely NOT. Serious, patriotic, and determined, yes.


I think there should be a never-ending campaign to make them scared of random ☠️DANGER☠️ dates that never come to fruition. They make it too easy.


Love it.


They are playing this stuff as far as they can. Makes me laugh. They cannot inflame patriots so they make up all kinds of shite.

They look like absolute idiots.

Deplorable Patriot

Wonder what he’s up to with all this.


Breaking: Far Left Seeks Massive Power Grab in Senate


And what is McCarthy doing about it? He acts as if he is a victim he is not. He needs to fight that is why he is in Congress.

Brave and Free

He’s doing what they’ve always done. Saying, acting like he cares and then caving because there’s nothing they can do. “There the minority” Totally smoke and mirrors game as always. Then they all get together for cocktails later. Scum there all scum.

Brave and Free

The thing of it is, if you were to have the D’s and R’s put on uniforms and play each other on opposite teams they’d ALL HAVE THE SAME JERSEYS!


McCarthy does not even come over as honest? He needs to take some acting lessons from Mitch . McCarthy comes over as shallow and fake.


Used car salesman.


Bingo 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I’m related to several used car salesmen.

NONE of them are that well groomed or spoken.

I suspect he’s not NEARLY as much of an issue as people think.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just look at Kalifornistan…

DEMONRATS running against DEMONRATS in “jungle primaries”, etc. (oddly fitting, considering the fetid mess that is Kalifornia… breaks my heart, because 60 years ago it was quite different…)…..


I’m still thinking about RGB
comment image

There was a lot of color added to the story throughout 2019 and 2020 that still makes me suspicious of the timing of things . . .

Probably somebody knows
comment image


He is a fighter! Beautiful statement and excellent supplementary graphs by gateway

Deplorable Patriot

Things that make you go hmm…..


Appears to be FA 18.

Deplorable Patriot

Guess what…that plane put dinner on the table in this house for a number of years.


I wounder if your father knew my husband because he worked 26 years in the St Louise Airplane company 🙂


Why not wear a full bodysuit.

This hateful,actually privileged, hunk of wasted carbon is doing everything he can to spite everyone.

Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
NEW: Governor Newsom says Californians should wear two masks when going out in public.


He’s an idiot.


Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted:
“So you think all this national attention may have emboldened him?” O’Donnell asked.

“Absolutely. I think he felt like he was untouchable in a lot of ways,” Bennett replied.

She is clearly blaming the media here for feeding the ego of a powerful Democratic governor.


Wolf alert.

Looks like the left has a new weapon: Leftist Business Sabotage.

Not just the CPAC stage, but attacking the Papa John CEO too.

These people really are sick.

DAY OF RECKONING: Papa John claims vindication after ad firm caught on tape conspiring to make him look racist
Jason Stein, Laundry Service’s CEO at the time, said that he hoped Schnatter “gets f***ing sent out to the pasture with this s**t.”

A federal court unsealed a complaint that alleged a “secret plot” against the former CEO of Papa John’s Pizza, John Schnatter, that leadership at ad agency Laundry Service, including former CEO Jason Stein, conspired to make the pizza chain founder look racist and damage his brand.

According to the compliant, which was ordered to be unsealed by the US District Court for the Western District of Kentucky, the branding company hired which was hired by Papa John’s to improve its image, was caught on a “hot mic” brainstorming ways in which it could use comments made by Schnatter to damage his image.

Schnatter left his role as Papa John’s chairman after a Forbes article in July 2018 alleged he used the n-word during a media training call with Laundry Service in May 2018.

In 2019, Schnatter sued Laundry Service and its parent company, Wasserman Media Group. In December 2020, Schnatter claimed he had a recording of the company’s executives “plotting to damage” his image.

Schnatter has been trying to restore his reputation since the Forbes article. In December, Schnatter published a report from former FBI Director Louis Freeh which found no credible evidence of racially insensitive words or actions by Schnatter.

“With this and the evidence coming forth in our litigation, it’s time for Laundry Service to be held accountable, and for Papa John’s to correct the record and apologize to me for validating the media frenzy that led to my forced departure as the company Chairman,” Schnatter said in his statement.


Way to go RedState for that headline. Not the Bee would be proud.

House Passes “Permanent Democrat Rule Act” by a Vote of 220-210 in an Effort to Create a US Politburo and One-Party Government
By Shipwreckedcrew | Mar 04, 2021 12:00 PM ET

It is telling that the legislation titled “HR1” introduced by the Nancy Pelosi-led Democrats in the House is a power grab dressed up as “election reform,” the provisions of which are all intended to create more Democrat candidate votes in upcoming elections in order to secure a permanent Democrat Party control of Congress and the White House. Passage of this legislation was their first priority — it is numbered ahead of all other proposals because securing power unto themselves in the form of hegemony over the institutions of government is how Marxists and socialists transform the countries they seek to control.

HR1 is a collection of election law “reforms” meant to dictate to states the manner by which all states shall conduct their elections in the future, mandating certain voting practices be followed while making other voting practices illegal.

You can fit the classifications into two categories: 1) changes in voting processes and procedures that are designed to increase the gross total of votes cast in each election; and 2) changes in voting practices and procedures designed to eliminate any effort to improve or protect ballot integrity. Here is a general summary of the key provisions with regard to voting procedures mandated and prohibited:


“No excuse” mail-in voting for all voters in all states.

15 days of early voting for any election including federal offices.

Automatic voter registration — unless the individual opts out — upon the submission of personal information (name, address) to any state agency for any purpose.

Online voter registration up to and including on election day.

Automatic restoration of voting rights to felons.

Allowing “ballot harvesting” by third parties.

Counting of illegal aliens among state populations for purpose of determining number of congressional districts in each state.

Public financing by creating “$6 to $1” match of federal funds against small-donor campaign contributions of $200 or less.


No voter ID requirements.

No purging of voter rolls.

No signature matching for mail-in ballots.

No redistricting by legislative bodies in the States — only by non-partisan commissions.

No disqualification of ballots for “out of precinct” voting.

. . . The “filibuster” rule is a procedural rule in the Senate; it is not a statute or part of the Constitution. Several years ago, Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader, established the precedent that Senate Rules could be amended during a legislative session by majority vote. In order to get HR1 brought to a vote in the Senate, Majority Leader Schumer will need to amend the legislative “filibuster” rule to eliminate the 60 vote requirement to end debate — that change would take only 51 votes. VP Harris could break a 50-50 tie and cast the 51st vote to amend the rules and eliminate the filibuster, and that would potentially allow passage of HR1 on a party-line vote — in both Houses of Congress.

Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have expressed opposition to eliminating the filibuster, with Manchin being the most adamant in his position. Earlier this week, he was again asked by members of the media about his prior position that he would “never” change his mind about ending the filibuster.


I really appreciate the headlines.
Enemedia have made an art of deceptive headlines and ledes.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image


What in the fiery hockey sticks is she saying?????

Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted:
Pelosi tells bizarre story that her young grandchildren are “longtime friends of Joe Biden” and they have a magic word: “Open Biden.”


Genetically just like her idiot


Its a nonstop parade of it from our state. I need a vacay….


Surprisingly the amount of recall signatures is very encouraging and did you read down in Bill’s twitter…another surprise how many parents are speaking up about school opening. There’s one where LA being accused of being racist to white families and middle eastern while black parents are saying..wait,,we want schools open too.

But anyhoo…you deserve a vacay with all that you do and getting your health back to best shape!

PS~ even if the recall fails..they have to feelz how many people are sick of him, sick of failed Dem crap, sick of it all…..and nobody is laying back down like we were before

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

OANN just reported deadline to print, sign and mail in is really 3/10 so they can get them verified in time. Verify rate is currently 85%. If that holds, they’ll be golden. 85% of 1.9M = 1.6M+ The more the MERRIER!🤩 Buh bye Gruesome!! 👋🤡


We all are. Parents really are saying how utla is a problem. The teachers are too…yet they voted these people in.
I really want a mommy spa weekend, but spas and room service arent around and open.


her young grandchildren are “longtime friends of Joe Biden”

Does he sniff them? Get in the pool with them? Let them play with the hair on his legs?


Ugh….he probably drools on them and babbles..


[VIDEO] CPAC organizer explains WHAT HAPPENED with that alleged, ‘hate symbol’ stage

Who designed the CPAC stage the leftist media now claims was based off a hate symbol? Did anybody in the design process know about the history behind the symbol? Did CPAC leaders push the design company, Design Foundry, to make a statement as soon as bad press began? Was CPAC potentially…sabotaged?! Chairman of American Conservative Union, Matt Schlapp, joins Glenn to set the record straight. He describes EXACTLY what happened.


I understand what Schlapp is saying, and I realize how, when you’re planning an event that takes many months of preparation, you get caught up in the details and can get blindsided. I hope this is a lesson that we have to be proactive and diligent. After seeing the Left let down all barriers and show their true colors due to Trump Derangement Syndrome, we can’t be passive or trusting, and we can’t do business as usual. We have to hit first, and harder than they would have. We have to deny business opportunities to those who serve the Left or who support leftists who want to harm us. This will be impossible for many Repubs to do, unfortunately. Patriots are lightyears ahead of so many of them in our understanding.


IF . . . IF it were truly an accident.

A conservative organization would have stood by their design, and NOT thrown CPAC under the bus.

We’ve known it here – we have to VET EVERYTHING WE BUY.

Frankly, this is part of Security Architecture and Enterprise Architecture – EVERY business relationship and partner has to be thoroughly vetted for their solvency, reliability, ability to deliver, security practices, background checked, insight into their business model and customer base, nationality and general makeup of the board and executive suite . . . This is simply FAILURE.

This still feels completely like a TRAP, that could have been avoided. (Like the Papa John’s pizza CEO who fought back against bogus allegations.)

Aside from that, CPAC is still the swamp.


Hopium mixed with Clue By Four, actually. . . and there’s a lot of people who need the Clue By Four more than the hopium!


Please explain Clue By Four


LOL!!! Well, you’ve just made my day. Here we go.


Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia.
Related to clue-by-four: LART, Cluebat, Two by four

A metaphorical stick one uses to “beat” correct information into an ignorant, incompetent, or slow-learning person (i.e., to help them “get a clue”). A pun on the term “two-by-four,” a piece of timber that measures 2 by 4 inches (5 by 10 cm) in height and width.

I hate reading comments on online news articles—there are so many stupid people out there that I just want to get a big clue-by-four and knock some sense into them with it!


Thanks, Michael H. Now I understand. But I still don’t see any sign that QTH is dying or anything wrong with the blog.


Ga, its the reason alot of us aren’t here anymore…….. might even stop lurking.

Its a clue by four why Qtree is dying actually



What I am seeing people want free speech for me but not for thee.
We are becoming intolerant like the left of differences. One thing should bind us together is MAGA America first movement.
Sensitivities are high because some of us waited for something to happen that put Trump back in office.
Accepting people as they are not as I wish they were is work but worth it.
I am here as long as I am not kicked out.


FWIW, don’t take my comments personally 😉

They are NEVER meant personally.


I’m sorry to see this sentiment. I don’t know that the QTree is dying. Wolf allows all viewpoints to be posted, but some of them seem so outlandish that it’s hard to imagine their having any credibility.

I apologize if this seems harsh or discouraging or quelling because I don’t mean it that way at all, and I certainly am not saying anything personal:
I read that Wictor column with my jaw open at how outlandish it seems. The only discussion I could have of it would be to ask the million questions it raises. For example, he says:

Trump convinced Congress that he had the votes to be president, but he also told them that he was willing to support “devolution.”

Are we to believe that, even with the courts refusing to hear all key election fraud cases, Congress somehow was led to believe that PDJT had the upper hand and that they’d better cooperate with him?

It is exactly the opposite: The Left knows it has the upper hand on these matters. That doesn’t mean there are not plans to hit back hard in other ways, but I don’t believe Wictor’s theory in the least. If people disagree, that’s fine. And if someone can explain how Wictor’s theory would work, credibly, with some detail, I will listen.


Frankly, I preferred it when you were here.

But I don’t think the qtree is dying.


I still don’t understand.


BTW – There is no sign nor symptom that QTH is dying.

Q itself may be no longer active, however.


Just out of wild curiosity, who has left besides you?


I don’t think QTH is dying.

I think the people who aren’t commenting have just stepped away for some soul searching.

Who knows what the percentage is that put a ton of hope and prayer into Jan 6 and Mar 4 as Trump’s DDay style invastion?

Apparently nanXi must have put some real belief in that invasion because she’s acting completely out of fear right now.

I think Mitch finally shut up long enough to realize his Trump hate killed his usefulness as well as his sanity.

I still see most of the same names commenting here so the extras have just hopefully stepped away to let their ‘heartache’ heal?

If you look at CTH which I still monitor from having been there for 6 years, the majority of posters are all new. The 5 percent or so, that comment daily are only a year or two old. When sundance had his dream burst last August, he quit commenting on his daily thread and people started dropping like flies. After the Nov election, his numbers dropped and the vile of new posters seems to have taken over his board.

I’ve seen people snipe at one another here but nothing like CTH.

I don’t think this board is dying?

I certainly try to post info and give clicks as often as I can.

Deplorable Patriot

People have stepped away for a couple of reasons: they didn’t get their way, and they don’t like what they are seeing here. Personally, I don’t think there’s room for the first in this fight. The second…that’s why I have a scroll wheel.

It’s that simple. Several inhabitants of this tree have taken refuge at another QTreepers place just to stay in contact. There’s a lot of good information there, actually.


Ben Garrison
comment image

The effort on the ‘woke’ left to ban Dr. Seuss would be ridiculous if it weren’t for the possibility that they could be successful.

The leftists’ ‘cancel culture’ is branding Dr. Seuss as racist, even though he was a liberal who penned books design to end racism. So what’s this really about?

It’s about destroying American culture.

The Marxists want not only Seuss destroyed but also Shakespeare, classic movies, and even math. They especially hate Christians and the Bible. The deconstruction-minded left sees it as hate speech. Christians and patriots are seen as terrorists and they must be silenced and replaced with transexual celebrations. They want American culture destroyed so it can be ‘built back better.’ That means socialism.

Most children of all races grew up reading Dr. Seuss. He was inclusive. His illustrations didn’t portray race. The creatures weren’t even human most of the time. Instead, they they were creative, multi-colored creatures that appealed to everyone. I was very young when I read my first Dr. Seuss book. It was titled “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.” I can’t remember how old I was exactly, but it was the first book I read on my own and I was fascinated by it. I read more of his books after that and in retrospect I realize that Dr. Seuss opened the door to reading for many young children while helping to instill within them a love of books.

Now the left wants his books destroyed along with Mark Twain and ‘white’ western literature in general. Dr. Seuss was also an excellent editorial cartoonist. A case could be made for racism in some of his depictions of the Japanese in cartoons he drew during World War II, but he drew many more that spoke out against racism. I found myself cringing a bit over his promotion of war. He hated isolationists. He railed against the ‘America First’ mentality and naturally I disagreed with him on that.

Still, his political cartoons were first-rate. Let’s not let the Bolsheviks kill the ‘Cat In The Hat.’

— Ben Garrison

Cuppa Covfefe

THIS right here!

The Marxists want not only Seuss destroyed but also Shakespeare, classic movies, and even math. They especially hate Christians and the Bible. The deconstruction-minded left sees it as hate speech. Christians and patriots are seen as terrorists and they must be silenced and replaced with transexual celebrations. They want American culture destroyed so it can be ‘built back better.’ That means socialism.

It’s the communists’ goal, and it’s happening in ALL countries in the west, making them hate themselves (crikey, they’ve been doing it here since 1945: every night on TV some mea culpa, mea maxima culpa self-hating propaganda about WWII, etc.). Any hint of loving one’s country or culture is branded as right-wing radical nationalism, which of course can then be labeled as NAZISM (NAtionalsoZIalismus). So, they paint a love of country with a label of a leftist horror that they re-categoized as right-wing.

Typical DEMONRATS and Satanic Globalists: always redefining words to meet their needs…..

Maybe they want all of us to be illiterate and innumerate (like them) so they can foist “Kommon Kommie Kore” on us and our children, and numb us to the draconian reality they have in store for us…


Neanderthals Having Fun Night Out While Civilized People Hide In Caves
March 4th, 2021

DALLAS, TX—Only hours after Governor Greg Abbott’s decision to lift the Texas mask mandate, thousands of Neanderthals descended on downtown Dallas for a fun night of eating, drinking, and dancing. Meanwhile, thousands of civilized, progressive Texans hid in dark caves to protect themselves from coronavirus. 

“Oog like steak! Oog like beer! Oog like loud music at concert!” said Oog, a Neanderthal. “Oog dance and sing with best friends! Oog happy!”

“This is so reckless and irresponsible,” said local progressive Florian Von Cinnamon from beneath his 7 masks as he huddled in a damp cave. “Neanderthal thinking will literally kill us all. I’m literally shaking right now– because I’m cold. How do you make fire again?”

Experts warn that if things continue, the state may be overrun by happy Neanderthals as all the civilized people move back to California.


For Texas, continue the fight against HB3! Some great insight into the bill below.

Via Grassroots Texans We The People:

Last week, we promised you more details on the horrific HB 3 filed by State Rep. Dustin Burrows. Thank you, Nathanael Ferguson with Texas Action for this most excellent analysis!

Bill Alert: HB 3 Creates Sweeping New Executive Authority

HB 3, currently under consideration by the House of Representatives, is an item of serious concern for all Texans. In its current form, this bill grants sweeping new pandemic emergency authority to the governor and creates narrow and nearly meaningless liability protection for Texas businesses.

Sweeping Executive Power
One of the many lessons we have learned during the spread of COVID-19 is that governments at all levels can wield too much power over the lives of people simply by declaring an emergency. The legislature should be curtailing rather than broadening emergency powers vested in the office of the governor.

Specifically, HB 3 would allow the governor to make long-term emergency declarations that carry the force and effect of law. The governor’s emergency power would include the ability to commandeer private property, control movement in declared disaster areas (which could include the entire state), and declare martial law.

In short, this bill would allow a Texas governor to create a virtual police state based solely upon his or her pandemic disaster declaration with no meaningful legislative oversight.

. . . MORE . . .


Coming soon! More information on the RIGHT bills filed by Senator Brian Birdwell, SD 22. 

For now, this is a very brief summary:   
Today Texas Sen. Brian Birdwell (R-SD 22) filed two important bills to rebalance legislative and executive responsibilities during a declared disaster or emergency!

SB 1025 ensures the TX Governor cannot suspend law or make law without the legislature! 

SJR 45 allows any sitting legislator at the time of the disaster to challenge the Governor in the Supreme Court of Texas if the governor fails to convene the legislature after a qualifying disaster or emergency declaration.


Judge Orders New Election After Discovering Unsettling Truth About Majority of Absentee Ballots
By Elizabeth Stauffer
Published March 4, 2021 at 1:09pm

A Mississippi judge has ordered a new runoff election to be held for the alderman seat in Aberdeen’s Ward 1.

Special Judge Jeff Weill cited “evidence of fraud and criminal activity in how absentee ballots were handled, how votes were counted, and the actions by some at the polling place” in a 64-page order, according to WCBI-TV.

In the Democratic runoff election last June, Nicholas Holliday defeated his opponent, Robert Devaull, by 37 votes. Devaull then challenged the results in court.

The judge said that 66 of the 84 absentee ballots cast were not valid and should never have been counted, WCBI reported. That represents 78.5 percent of the absentee ballots.

The report said that after discovering numerous irregularities, the judge issued a bench warrant for Dallas Jones, who notarized the absentee ballots. She was arrested and charged with voter fraud, WCBI reported.


But nothing’s happening, quite literally.

I don’t know who these QAnon people are, but apparently they don’t really exist.

National Guard surprised by extension request and find no QAnon-inspired protesters
by Abraham Mahshie, Defense Reporter |  | March 04, 2021 05:49 PM

National Guard troops surrounding the U.S. Capitol were surprised to learn Thursday they may be staying in Washington well into the spring — despite a peaceful day after senior law enforcement officials had warned of possible QAnon-inspired violence.

Their shock came after Pentagon officials confirmed they had received a request to extend the Guard mission for a reported 60 days despite an unclear threat, with GOP lawmakers railing at what they believe is an unnecessary militarization of the capital city. Republicans contend the Biden administration and Democratic congressional leaders are using the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and continued troop presence to make former President Donald Trump and his supporters look bad.

“Oh, really?” one Pennsylvania National Guard member said when informed of the extension by the Washington Examiner through a vast Capitol perimeter fence at 2nd Street NE.

“We signed on the dotted line. We do what we’re told,” he added from behind Oakley-style sunglasses while clutching a Bang energy drink.

The sentiment reflected the same obedient acceptance as numerous Guard members who reacted to the extension throughout the day.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Cuppa Covfefe

This REALLY looks like Red Chinese propaganda, lock, stock, and barrel (full of lies)…


those troops have been vetted by nanXi’s truth and honor guard.

No patriotic or conservative blood runs through their veins.

The person who talked to the NG troop will soon be renditioned per nanXi’s Uyghur removal specialist affiliate.


Brad Johnson:The Turkish Situation
In a battle of wills, Erdogan faces Putin in a battle for Crimea. Putin seized Crimea for its access to major shipping routes. Erdogan, the instigator, now claims for Turkey. Brad, CIA Chief of Station (Ret) gives his analysis of this growing Middle East problem.


And of course, Zero let Putin take Crimea from Ukraine, because, well, Ukraine color revolution.


Thing is, Crimea is Russia. An ethnic mixed bag, like Russia itself.

Disclosure: My SO is Russian. We visited one of his sons who lives with his family in Kiev.
It’s confusing. More so with global corruptocrats playing capture-the-flag.


The filthy Turk spends vast sums lobbying here. That’s cash from Qatar, vast holdings of D.C. real estate, just for starters. (Throw in Lindsey Graham. Throw him in head first, deeply.)


This sultan-wannabe represents MB, Global, Inc.
Allied with Iran and the Iran Lobby, USA. Biggest bundlers for the Kamel-Hoe.

The think-tanks, the blob.
The cabal behind 0 and the Pretender.


Graham seems involved with lots of shady dealings. I remember him tied to Ukraine.
Turkey is a force also in Germany because of so many Turks that live there.
Wonder why Trump tolerates that weasel?


High pain threshold?

Last edited 4 years ago by yucki

Tolerant of people yes high pain threshold.
Overlooking a persons weakness ?

Cuppa Covfefe

One might call it (or expect sometime in the future from Bye,Done and company):
The Great Fake of Kiev…
(i.e. a FF of some sort)…


Tarters are only 10.8% of the population of Crimera.
Russians are 65.3% of Crimea.
Ukranians are 15.1% of Crimea.
Other are 7% of Crimea.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r


Ha ha ha! Now that’s a comeback!


The Library, [04.03.21 20:29]
[Forwarded from The Post Millennial]

RT @BarrettWilson6: BREAKING: Portland city councilwoman and BLM activist allegedly fled scene after hitting driver


The Library, [04.03.21 20:36]
[Forwarded from Tierney Real News]

The business model of selling votes is no longer as lucrative. McConnell and Harry Reid created and then held the UniParty power system as a system for affluence and influence.  However, McConnell’s signature legacy item will be his role in eliminating the filibuster and turning the senate into a simple majority system. In order to give the appearance of his opposition to this move, despite his years of working earnestly toward it, McConnell will exit very soon after the filibuster is eliminated. He will then blame the elimination of the filibuster as the excuse for his departure. This is the Machiavellian way he operates.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Heard there’s another Dem agreeing w/Manchin to keep it. Don’t know if the rest of the RINOs hold the line????


Yep. Manchin has stated he’ll NEVER will he support ending the filibuster. Sinema, AZ has also said to to ending the filibuster.

Guessing RINO maroons like Pierre DeLecto, MSki, Collins and the like will hold the line.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

And she thinks merely resigning her position will protect her from criminal charges?


Betting Elaine or her handlers have already greased the skids. No charges. She resigned so in Fed speak, case closed.


We The Media (IET)]

Phone Records Prove House Sergeant-at-Arms DID Ignore Pleas for Backup: Capitol Police Chief

The acting Capitol Police chief has directly contradicted testimony from former House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving.

The acting chief of the U.S. Capitol Police just came with the receipts.


NanXi ordered him fired.
She won’t look at ‘evidence”.
Won’t allow evidence.
Doesn’t care about evidence.

Any and MSM that carries that story any further will suffer greatly as a confirmed
“qanon” supporter.