DEAR KAG: 2021-03-05 Freeman Edition

“Oh thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation;

Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust!’

O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!”

Francis Scott Key

Welcome to Wolf’s Pub! It’s Freemen Friday and today we fight.

They aren’t going to win. They think Might makes Right.

“Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”

Abraham Lincoln

The globalists and communists picked a fight with the Real America this time around. They have gone all in. It’s winner take all. But we are freemen and we hold the lantern of liberty aloft.

Remember us? We love our homes, we are loath to fight unless forced to it, we HATE having our blood and treasure spilled in foreign lands. We HATE cancel culture. We HATE that they seek to divide us, that they tax us without representing us. We just wanted to be left alone to pursue our lives, our liberty, and our happiness.

We’ve been patient. We’ve put up with a “Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations” from enemies foreign and domestic. We know that the communists and globalists within our own government spy on us— sovereign citizens of these United States; that they are making an enemies list of American citizens who support President Trump. That they mean to makes us afraid and keep us cowering in our homes.

We know that they have sold out to China and other foreign nations for filthy lucre; that they do not honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. They have installed a senile old pervert in the White House, which shows their contempt for this great nation and its people.

They are comfortable in their positions of power. They probably even feel justified in all they have done to destroy our great republic. Theirs is a “high and lonely destiny” to quote Uncle Andrew in The Magician’s Nephew, a book I highly recommend to any of them left with a modicum of conscience.

But I also know this: evil ideologies and those who carry them out always lose in the end. I don’t know what, when, where, or how, but I do know that evil has a limited lifespan and it will be defeated. It is inherently self-destructive.

Wild bergamot is the herb that is the featured image above. I was out in my garden yesterday and noticed that the bergamot was peeking through the dead growth from last year. The Dark Winter we went through did not kill it. It is coming back thicker than ever. And so will America.

And I further know that it will be God who defeats this evil that bedevils our nation. He will use Gideon’s three hundred, but it will be God to whom the glory belongs. Glory to God in the highest!

House Rules

Before we go further, visit here to review the Rules. No friendly fire. We’re gonna stick together like glue, even when we disagree. Disagreements allowed, just keep it civil and buy each other a drink. You can catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Brawling only allowed at the UTree.

Speaking of drinks, today’s special is Jack Daniels, that iconic American bourbon.

Here is a video featuring patriotic drinks made with Jack Daniels whiskey. Scrumptious!

If you peruse the Jack Daniels website you will see that its history involves slavery. But we don’t cancel our history, we learn from it.

Battle Plans

“Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.”

James Madison

I’ve noticed that alternative media is on the rise and beginning to come into its own. Important that we visit and support and SHARE WITH OTHERS. I’m compiling a list of these alternative sites and I’m going to share them with friends. So many of our fellow citizens continue to be stuck in the loop of the propaganda MSM.

Let us help free them with the help of a truly FREE PRESS.

I’m even thinking about printing up small cards with all these websites on them to pass out to people, to put on public bulletin boards and wherever they might do good. I guess I’m getting stuck on the “Kilroy was here” tactic. It was immensely successful.

Tools of the Trade for Patriots

Here’s some of my favorites. Please add your own in the comments, as I know I’ve missed a lot. The more we undercut the reach of the Fake News Media with true news and information, the faster we own them. And they will be ours. Oh yes, they will be ours.




War Room Pandemic

Revolver News

The Epoch Times

America’s Voice News

National File

Populist Press

Social Media






Defending the Republic

The Precinct Project

Look Ahead America

Scott Presler

The Green Papers

Navarro Report

Lindell TV

Uncover DC


Fight Back

Sidney Powell


Save America PAC

Defending the Republic PAC

Support Our Own

Lin Wood, who has the Fight Back law website, is under attack (see here) for sharing a transcript of some pretty heavy stuff by a whistleblower. The communist/globalist cabal is going to try and commit lawfare on him. Let’s show them that we support and seek to protect our own. God keep you and bless you and make His face to shine upon you, Mr. Wood!

Monday was the anniversary of the great culture warrior Andrew Breitbart’s death. Twitter, in a fit of spite, took his account’s blue checkmark away the other day. He is still getting to them. Oh, it must give him a great sense of satisfaction to know that!

We have all seen this short video of Andrew. See that steel in his eyes? Yeah, that’s the Real America. That’s the America they will never defeat. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will win.


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OK, the Utree was mentioned, so….

There is a bearded Spock version of this site at . This site is supposed to be civil, supportive, and respectful. If you want to put someone in the Agonizer, shiv them in the back, or meddle with their StarFleet Personnel records, there is ample opportunity to do so over there.

That said, there is an official “rescue” thread at the Utree in case you become accidentally disassociated with the Qtree. This is not for being banned or stomping off in a huff (or a minute and a huff, for that matter), this is for when you wake up some morning and none of the clever things that you normally do to read/comment at qtree are working….

And, as our Fearless Leader tells us: “Likewise, The U Tree is a great place to throw rocks at Wolf’s window here at The Q Tree if the front door won’t open.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m hoping that authors will include it in their templates. In the meantime, though….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH – I feel better already!

Rough day – sorry I was away for most of it.

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OMG, I just love that one!!!  😃 

Jack Black is a favorite of mine. I rarely have it – maybe a whiskey’s age between shots – but it doth PLEASE THE WOLF.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I think it will be. I’m chillin’ out right now. And I needed a stiff does of patriotism after researching a lot of unenjoyable leftist stuff. UGH. No fun! But much better now!!! 😀


OMG, G’ma!!!! You’re in full “glutton for punishment” mode.

Do we all need to chip in to get you to a shrink?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this makes so much sense!!!


Please share your journey though the books I love your book reports. You do them so well 🙂
There so many gifted people here you are one of them 🙂
You are a special lady  ❤ 


You are welcome 🙂


No she needs no shrink we are here love when grandma sharers her book readings. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this site has created an OPPO MONSTER!!!  😍 


GM, a whole dollar?

Ouch ! ..cabal not getting much return on their laundering return on that one .
Here, have a medicinal shot of JD on me, before you started on it.  😂 


Welcome back Wolf!

Good to see you back soon. I was feeling pretty despondent late in the day today.

I need to think over some things – BUT that will need to wait until I’ve had a night to sleep on it. It’s not a good idea to trade sleeping for thinking – makes for clouded thinking and lack of sleep.

IMO the good news is I think we’re winning. The March 4 dramafest in DC was a massive DUD! The Dems are finding out it is harder to shove things through Congress than they thought. McConnell is a sinking ship. Trump scorched Karl Rove so bad he’ll probably never recover. Biden(2?) is a national embarrassment. MCM ratings are in the tank. They are losing control so they are DESPERATE, censoring everything they can – but it can’t stop 31M viewers for Trump’s CPAC speech. Texas is opening up, Abbott is flailing, the TX PUC head is gone, and the ERCOT head is GONE! A record 10% of U.S. schoolchildren are homeschooling, some 6 million students, triple before the Great Pandemic o’ 20, while teachers unions continue to expose themselves as at war against parents, science, and the children’s interests. Commies are such idiots.


P.S. We’re bogged down in the Normandy offensive.

We need Patton to lead the 3rd Army!
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He looks familiar…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like that look on his face.

Kinda like…. “I SEE…..” right before KABOOM.


Exactly! You don’t want to mess with that face.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I was hit by a case of the glums lately, but I feel much peppier after Grandma’s post tonight – like a shot of Jack Black!  😅 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Don’t look downthread – I got pissed at the Doug Band stuff. That turd is back faking again, and I’m not falling for it. Just pisses me off the way these people play us – OVER and OVER and OVER again.

Sorry. I left a mess. I’m really not trying to drive people away from here, but I cannot fake that it’s all gonna be OK.

They feed us this CRAP and we believe it!


“Lucy! You pulled the football! AGAIN!!!”

LOL! OK, now I can laugh at myself. All better.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What they’re doing is keeping us from being PROPERLY PISSED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Can’t say I’ve ever even heard that one preached about, so I’m just guessing here.


All the preachers said it one way and then a new age gal found God, read these words of Jesus … without anyone telling her how to understand it and when she published books on her method of using it in prayer it blew my mind.

We bind ourselves to God and His goodness. Like husbands and wives become one.

We lose the hold of evil from ourselves, our loved ones, our nation. Like dismantling evil structures at the subatomic level.

Her books are fun to read as they include story after story of the powerful effects of this kind of prayer.

Liberty Savard


Sample prayer given to me:

Father, I choose to bind my mind to the mind of Christ, my will to Your will, my emotions to Your heart, my body to the purposes of Heaven.

Let your Kingdom Come and your will be done in me as it is in Heaven.



Deplorable Patriot

That appears in more than one Gospel and is known as The Great Commission. It’s the institution of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession), but not many people understand that.


Yes, this is TRUE.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I use it all the time, one of the MOST powerful tools Jesus gave us.

1 – Draw a bloodline. The enemy cannot cross the blood of Jesus.
2 – Bind the evil, Loose the Spirit of the Lord
3 – Speak to the Mountain, Command it to be moved!!
4 – Believe it, Receive it … Pray in Faith Believing, IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN!

WORDS, WORDS, WORDS….IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WORDS…. In the Beginning was the WORD….God SPOKE the world into existence…



The Word is a double-edged sword!

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s the problem: we’re all primed to fight, and are willing to do so, we just don’t know where the battle field is other than being online.

And the battlefield owners are busy banning the warriors. And other warriors are all self-righteous about joining the sites because of privacy which is more of a joke in this country than we all will admit.

This is bigger than any one of us, and you have to pick your way through all the information. That’s what 30 years of following all of this tells me. I see people giving up and giving into despair when the signs are telling my it’s unwarranted, and it’s very depressing.


We all fight different. Some who can give money to the cause others get involved as distasteful as it can be in local politics others like you offer to be an author here on the forum.

We all mourn differently. I am one who goes to mourning quick I like the Jewish way 7 days?
The faster I go through the quicker I get to the other site the shorter the pain.
Not everyone can do that and it is pushing off reality. Anger is misdirected to the people we love the most . For some people time is the healer and I pray for each who is struggling.
The whole Biden slap is a pain because Trump won but the whole system let not only him down they let us down.
God Blessings

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

Well said, Singing. Thank you for these encouragements!


You are welcome 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. OAN in airports is so much winning, people have no idea!

Valerie Curren

Glad that the tweet sharing this OAN info was one small part of improving your day. Hang in there boss, God is still on the throne & on the move in the affairs of men.
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I hope these scriptural encouragements will show & lift your spirits. God Bless YOU Wolf!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Oh, I’m hanging in there. I feel awesome, actually. But I’m tearing my pockets over the ability of the other side to mislead us with FAKE hopium. I’m gonna have to get rough, and it WILL drive some people away.

The real hopium is a mixed bag. The FAKE stuff is either hopanyl or worse.

We have to distinguish REAL WINNING from FAKE.

Valerie Curren

Sounds like the makings of an epic post!

It would be amazing if we had “scientific” opinion auditors, like Rush would always tout, claiming he was right 98.7% of the time or something.

Did you notice Grandma’s source list at the end of today’s post? That is a great idea & worth eventually tweaking & even getting in the sidebar of the site, imo.

Enjoy the bloody struggle like all great predators–you were made for such a battle!
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Deplorable Patriot

 The March 4 dramafest in DC was a massive DUD! 

Frankly, for the MSM it was pretty embarrassing, IMO. The Company is trying to paint us as wild-eyed “conspiracy theorists” who answer Pavlov’s bell with extreme salivation, and the truth is that we’re laughing at their efforts.


” A record 10% of U.S. schoolchildren are homeschooling, some 6 million students, triple before the Great Pandemic o’ 20, while teachers unions continue to expose themselves as at war against parents, science, and the children’s interests. Commies are such idiots. “


What an Awesome observation .
I can hardly think of a better target to concentrate our forces/efforts on,
..An already broken, Comie-weakened and failing public education system.

The commies have already broken and abandoned it..
We just need to flood in and RE-occupy it with OUR forces.
Then , later maybe simply dissolve it ,and RE-allocate the tax funds to local homeschooling efforts.
At the very minimum the abandoned public schools should be re-occupied with the more ‘accountable’ homeschool instructors.

“Find something Commie and break it”  😁 


Hey Grandma I have a liqueur request. Galliano. I have a bottle for some reason and i dont know what to do with it.

Last edited 4 years ago by gil00

Maybe you could do a generic on the subject of liqueurs….?




Cucumber elderflower drink sounds interesting. Ty


Elderberries are an excellent source of quercetin! Make yourself some elderberry syrup for winter, and you are all set!

Cuppa Covfefe

Harvey Wallbanger? (shades of the 1970s 🙂 )…

Elizabeth Carter

Thanks for posting all the links. It is hard to keep up with people since so many are being taken down.


As it turns out, Tennessee whiskey must be produced in Tennessee, but not all whiskey produced in Tennessee is Tennessee whiskey…..


I particularly liked the thing about all Tennessee distilleries making authentic Tennessee whiskey must use the “Lincoln County” process…..except the one actually located in Lincoln County.


Of course that would appeal to you.




One thing out of place catches the attention of computer nerds. So the exception caught your attention because you’re a ‘puter nerd.


Heh. I was a fan of Lewis Carroll, Lovecraft, and Zelazny before I’d logged much time on computers….paradox and chaos are treasured companions. I didn’t object to the characterization, I just wondered how you got there.

Valerie Curren

If a Star Trek fan & enjoying the multi-verse concept the book Imzadi is a fun read. The Jet Li movie, The One, is also a distracting action-packed multi-verse entertainment.

Well, I think the STNG novel w/ the multiverse was Q-Squared. Both Imzadi & Q-Squared have wiki pages, fyi.

Deplorable Patriot

“Whiskey” comes from Ireland. “Whisky” is all other sorts. “Bourbon” comes only from Bourbon County, Kentucky.


Interesting. I have visited some KY distilleries but never Tennessee. Visited several in Scotland.
I am not a whiskey person because when I was 16 I got stone drunk on Rye Schnaps.
My parents friend had a birthday and he handed out little shots. In Germany I could drink at 14 if parents were present. They were and this guy said you cannot stand on on leg you need another one. Needless to say I do not remember how many I had and do not remember how I got home and into bed. I cannot even smell any kind of hard liquor.
My parents though it was funny.
Even today I never can drink more than one glass wine or Beer very seldom I drink a second.
My husband like Woodford Reserve.


Toured Jack Daniel’s Distillery in Lynchburg. Fascinating process and story.

Based on the great information last week, have added a tour of Yuengling in Pottsville, PA to my bucket list.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

That sounds like a good trip. I do not know a thing about Yuengling need to look into that.


Yuengling Lager is one of my favorites.
Their Black and Tan is a treat too.  😀 

Elizabeth Carter

Here is a link to The Right Side with Doug Billings


“Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved complicit press, and a disarmed populace.”

James Madison


Two outta three ain’t bad, eh Jimbo?

I guess Jimmy didn’t count on a press that openly and eagerly facilitated the tyrants. But that’s 6 of 1 or a half dozen of the other, the number still adds up to new math.

We might consider putting a call in to the military of Myanmar.

Sure, they’re much smaller than our own former military.

But they actually fight the corrupt political-class the old fashioned way — with guns.

Unlike our former military, which at this point can’t even fairly be called a national military — it would more properly be called whatever an armed government force is called, that protects and defends a tyrannical government.


I’m sure they’re just following orders.

Isn’t that what the protectors and facilitators of tyrants always say?


The bigger problem is that the rank and file never tested the brass.

Apparently there’s a new oath, and everybody observes it with steely eyed commitment.

It’s not an oath to the Constitution.

It’s an oath to CYA.

The same oath all tyrannies follow.


The troops have all the guns.

And they outnumber the brass by tens of thousands to one.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

When East Germans rose up the East German military refused to shoot at them. The people were protesting for weeks after assembling in churches he taking to the streets peacefully. When the higher ups saw that the military did not shoot they gave the order to stand down. The rest is history the wall came down.
I wonder would Pelosi’s boys shoot?


The same thing happened in the Philippines when the people rose up to Marcos. The Philippine military and police would not harm the Filipinos. Marcos fled in the night.


That is how it should be. The military comes from the people they are the sons and brothers.


You can say that again


Sadly so true Scott.
The military has become the enforcer of the tyrants and oligarchs.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Citizen Free Press posted this article, too:

Bill Clinton ‘Bagman’ Doug Band Provides Evidence To Feds Investigating Ties To Epstein ‘Madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell

Bill Clinton’s former body-man-turned-aide Doug Band has turned whistleblower in the federal sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein — and provided Justice Department officials with evidence that could implicate his one-time boss.

The notoriously tight-lipped Band, 48, stunned Clintonworld by agreeing to an interview with Gabriel Sherman for Vanity Fair‘s December issue. In addition to detailing his ties to Epstein and Maxwell, he also confirmed that the 42nd president of the United States visited Epstein at his hedonistic compound in the Caribbean — known to many as “Pedophile Island.”

Clinton travelled to Little St. James With Epstein in January 2003, according to Band — just a few months after the two men spent 10 days touring Africa.

More at the link. I wish Hillary could be implicated too because I think her evil deeds are legion.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



What do you get when you cross a pig and a centipede?
bacon and legs 🥓😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I appreciate the news, but I was taken in by the last time Doug Band did this.

He is an EXPERT at faking his own “flippage” – that’s what he did last time, and that’s why it’s so believable.

The man is a scoundrel – every bit as bad as Beelzebubba and Ma Cankles.


Wow. I didn’t realize he had a history. I knew not to get my hopes up too much.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Me either. Me too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Of course, he could “really” flip this time, and it’s actually easier because he faked it last time, but it was pretty astounding, when at the end of it all, he shows up and says it was all BS, and laughs at it.

It was back during all the Huber fakage. “Doug Band has disappeared! He flipped on the Clintons! He’s giving the feds everything about the Clinton Foundation!”

All lies, and Band was totally aware of it, feeding it by staying out of sight. Double effective, because he avoids what few journalists will cross the Clintons.

Let me find a link…..

This explains Doug Band, but most of the crap clickbait from back then has disappeared by now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – Huber is a fucking Nazi and I’m glad he’s leaving. Another piece of Deep State Schitt that cheered the FBI getting friends and family to inform on their fellow citizens, who just went to Washington DC because they were CHEATED by those GODDAMN CROOKS.



The biggest “tell” that Huber is a POS swamp agent IS, we damn well should have had indictments throughout last year. Continuous indictments.

ALL of the BS about catching them all was a ruse. Gotta wait until after the election is, in itself proof they never planned to take the cabal down. Or anyone else for that matter.

yea, latest rumor is we’ll get at least three indictments. B F D. Who says they’ll ever get to court.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Biden can just pardon them – AND HE WILL, if they are indicted.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Always an angle with these creeps.

Video says his name was on the flight logs too. Wonder what the tapes show that Dougie was doing on the island? Sounds like he made a deal to give up Bubba in order to save his own sorry hide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he’s trolling us.

I’m done with the other side’s bullshit. They hand me the hopium, I set it on fire with a propane torch and put it in their pockets and watch them sweat and squirm.

Wolf is PISSED. More Doug Band crap. I remember how they fooled us last time, and I say to hell with these communist liars.

I won’t be fooled again.


Thanks for letting us know. We need to stay informed. I don’t think I was aware of whatever it was last time.


Story has potential but as it stands there’s not much there now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the way these stories ALL ARE, and we never get smart.

I’m really starting to get into their disinformation head now. I’m seeing how the UniParty plays us.

I know that there are a lot of good people who want to simply feel good first and fight second, but I cannot do that any longer.

Biden needs to know that if these bastards try to take our freedoms, there will be justice that shakes this planet to the CORE.


“I appreciate the news, but I was taken in by the last time Doug Band did this.
He is an EXPERT at faking his own “flippage” – that’s what he did last time, and that’s why it’s so believable.”


According to the audio, he ‘flipped’ and talked to the SDNY.

Whether that means Southern District of New York or Satan’s Demonic Nancy-boy Yodel-monkeys is pretty much a distinction without a difference.

Excluding FibDoj, if there is any law enforcement / prosecutor’s office more corrupt than SDNY, what would that be?

So Doug Band ‘flipping’ by talking to SDNY is like saying Al Capone ‘flipped’ and talked to the Mob.

It’s not actually a ‘flip’ or anything like it; it’s just the continuation of a long and mutually profitable business relationship.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Satan’s Demonic Nancy-boy Yodel-monkeys.

YES! THAT is the SDNY we know.

Deplorable Patriot

You didn’t think the witnesses were all going to be clergy and choir boys did you?

Getting a group of criminals to turn on each other is what this is all about. That’s how they all stayed “protected” for so long. Everybody had dirt on everybody else. It’s when somebody turns that the show begins.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The criminals have figured out how to rope-a-dope us so well. Nobody turns. NOBODY.

Clinesmith didn’t turn, and got probation. They know how to play. They own DOJ. ALL OF IT. And they never lost any of it.

They own the judiciary, too.

Sessions may have been the only one remotely close to willing to clean it, and they cornered him from the beginning.

John Carlin is back at DOJ.

We have to admit what ground we ACTUALLY HOLD.


Ma Cankles  😂  😂  😂  ..arf arf arf..

Kate Parker aka. Ma Parker.
ma parker gangster at DuckDuckGo
Thanks,now I’ll have Ma Barker in my head all day… LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Glad somebody loved that moniker as much as I did! 😀



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Dinesh goes there…..I’m glad he’s on our side.




Such a terrible insult to crooks.

Regular crooks treat the FIB like they do child molesters.

Now we all know why.


Well, we know how to fix those….

Deplorable Patriot

I have a feeling the Bureau has been that way from the beginning. Yes, there are some good people, but for the most part, the place was used as cover for the big boys.

Deplorable Patriot



Everything I need to know about the FIB, I learned from watching The X-files.

I’m serious.


Another gap in my popular culture knowledge base. Add X-files to the list.


And that’s why I wince when people say “Burn it all down”.

I’d like to think that we’ve got some Mulders and Scullys at the FBI…and I don’t want to burn them too.


Yes, but no more time for niceties.
Rule 13 to Rules for Radicals.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. “

FIB is toast. If they want to clean themselves up their big boys and should know how to do it, they after all supposed to be law enforcement.


The crooks ask themselves,
How is this FIB guy trying to play me.?
Then, what’s in it for both of us?
..the Mob was never broken.It was simply Incorporated into the gubmint FIB/DOJ as street level foot soldiers with all the expected protections, benefits, and expanded..
The foundations of the Surveillance State.
Small wonder the budget is so large, that’s a HUGE payroll.  😎 


Found on Gab:

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I had a heck of a time convincing my 90 year old mother NOT to take the vaccine. People her age take everything doctors say as gospel.


My mom, too. I gave up on trying to stop her from the flu shots, even though I think they probably contributed to her having Parkinson’s now. I just hope someone else doesn’t come along and convince her to take that horrible shot.


That’s a great graphic.

I would pass it along, if my credibility hadn’t already been shot, strangled, gassed, poisoned, burnt and buried by the ‘white’ hats 👍😁


and most of my relationships destroyed… didn’t want to forget that part 👍😂🤣😂


Not tired of winning yet!


Valerie Curren

voices crying in the wilderness… 😉


We don’t even need hope, we have guaranteed victory, if the people who are protecting the traitor-class would just get out of our way.

I don’t even want our military to do anything at this point, it would just be giving them an opportunity to redeem themselves, and they don’t deserve it.

All the military has to do is NOT show up for work tomorrow.

And considering their performance since November 3rd, it’s not like that’s a big ask.

Just stop shielding the traitors from We the People, and we’ll do the job they’re too afraid to do.

Should only take about an hour before the political-class starts running. We won’t even have enough time to get to D.C. before they’re all on planes to other countries.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing this important & easy to share info!


My mother was first in line for the Moderna, completely brainwashed by her son. A man of science. So now I watch for trouble. I am the one who takes care of her. He lives in another state.


My son who is in science tries to talk me into taking the vaccine. He is angry with me right now because he does not understand that I listen to fake science to refuse the vaccine 🙂

Holly hope your mom listen to you . Yes the one who is not close does not understand. God Bless you for being so good to your mom,


Thank You singingsoul. In the 10 years since my father died and I have been responsible for my mother, you are the only one, including my family, who has ever offered that kind thought.

It’s a massive responsibility in these complicated times. When I asked my brother for help figuring out some of her affairs his wife sniffed, “It’s the daughter’s responsibility to take care of the mother”.

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

Easy way out for sisters in law.
I understand what you are doing and how much it takes.
We took my husband’s mother in husband is only son. I took care of her my husband found ways to super work so he did not have to deal with it. I did get a person in twice a week for 4 hours each so I was able to have a break. The person cleaned her room changed the bed and gave her different company and took her for walks. I appreciated that break so I had the emotional fitness to take care of her 24/7.
Bless you for all you do. I keep you your mother in my prayers

Valerie Curren

Wow, your description reminds me of the “help” we got for a few years from a “preventive services” case that allowed a staff person to come in & watch the kids for a few hours so I could get some down time, or more accurately stuff done without constant interruptions. Our case was because of significant special needs & medical & behavioral crises. Just getting spelled for a few hours can make a big difference in maintaining some degree of sanity in an exhausting, overwhelming situation.

What a blessing You & Holly are to your extended family, including your online “family”, with testimonies of faithfulness, survival, & resilience. Thank you for sharing!


We all need time for ourselves so we can recharge. Today my husband took one car to be serviced in Columbus 2 hour trip. He took our younger dog with him to put him in Pet Palace. Woodford loves the place and I am feeling I have vacation. I got lots on cleaning and washing done and it is peaceful in the house. Woodfford is my my husbands dog.

Valerie Curren

Sounds awesome. It’s funny, but most of the times when I’ve cranked out a Q-Tree post it’s when my husband, & sometimes others living here, are out of town. Must be a connection! 😉


Thank you grandmaintexas. Your kind words are appreciated.


It’s not broken — it has been corrupted.


When i learned what is put in our food it made me retch , so as we ask the our Father to cleanse our food we should pray for those taking a vax that it may be cleansed also.I dont know what else to do these days of evil except pray.


Good thinking!

Deplorable Patriot

My mom is 80 and I sent her all sorts of information and did something I NEVER do with her – I yelled.

There’s so many people anxious for the jab, and they just don’t know the realities that the vaccine manufacturers are immune from prosecution and that they are ALL made using tissue from aborted fetuses. ALL of them except maybe rabies.

If we are really pro-life, we should all be conscientiously objecting, but medical doctors and “experts” supposedly know best. When there’s money involved, think again.


Linda how is your mother after taking shots?

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this excellent image–had to pass that along!


I love that verse of The Star Spangled Banner. 🇺🇸


What is the plant in the header pic – kudzu?


That’s a mint, yes?


Supposed to help regulate blood sugar says my doctor.


Only thing that loves my land more than sages, catnip and rest of mint family is the cilantros and parsleys.


I’ve been able to do salvias (sages) and mints like nobody’s business, but I’ve never “found the recipe” for parsleys.


Alkaline soil.


It is also good for high blood pressure.


Earl Grey tea is flavored with oil of bergamot, which is produced from the rinds of Citrus bergamia, the bergamot orange. Being a true citrus (and a likely hybrid of lemon and bitter orange), it is not a mint.

The mint “bergamot”, otherwise known as Monarda, is in a genus of mints (Lamiaceae) native to North America. Bee balm, bergamot, and horsemint are in the same genus, and may refer to the same species.

As may be imagined, the herb being citrus-y and good for tea allowed it to muscle-in to the real stuff.


You should see about domesticating a hive — either the ones you have, or new ones (you can do cool things with various queens).

Valerie Curren

Home brew version of Honey Jack, like in your featured video today?


Ah, thank you. Mixed the two together I did.


Well, it’s not like they have the same……well, son-of-a…..

Barb Meier

This is good to know! I thought bergamot was a real orange. LOL




Twitter is a dang CCP bot farm and Jack knows it, designed to manipulate opinion and cultural influencers with CCP propaganda – specifically weaponized woke ideology, partnering w/ their buddies in WEF and their Great Reset to assure a millenia of CCP supremacy, fulfilling their “mandate of heaven”. That’s why DJT took the gattling gun of truth pills to it to shred their mind control machine with a flood of reality and co-prop. They had to shut him down so CCP leaned on Jack hard. But we’re not done yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is excellent!!!

Valerie Curren

LOL !!



How funny  😂 

Valerie Curren

For some reason this one makes me think of my brother’s tale of riding bikes w/ his best friend around the neighborhood after a heavy rain. They would fly through the puddles to raise a big splash. There was a huge puddle at the end of a driveway & Moose was peddling furiously to get through. My brother happened to be watching as Moose hit the puddle & was immediately submerged over his head! Apparently there were no warning signs or guards or anything for a 5 foot hole that had just filled with rainwater. Every time Mike tells this tale he completely cracks the room up!

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James Woods


Can anybody explain why this is so funny? I literally cried laughing. And I have no idea why.

0:01 / 0:15

From The Cultured Ruffian




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Because it’s just so innocent, Fourth of July parade, cotton candy, corn dogs, the carnival 10 minutes away and the concert in the park. #Innocence #WhenKidsWereKids

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too! It’s wonderful!

This is why boys are boys!

Valerie Curren

Snakes & snails & puppy dogs tails!


kids are sooo trippy…

a real source of laughter, as a person gets into the twilight years.

always amazes me how in the moment most little kids are….

sweet bird of youth.

Valerie Curren

That childhood craziness lingers in our household with our mid-20s autistic son. He does provide the gift of mayhem…& joy!!!


crazy kids being crazy kids, lol…geez

goggle kid so curious about the wet mud splatter that he sits there and sticks his face in it while big brother merrily merrily churns the mud with his trusty bike, lolol !

it’s funny and we LOL bc, thankfully, we can still remember that youthful feeling of pure bliss when we were so righteously silly…and got away with it.


Valerie Curren

Yes. Kids being kids is an awesome thing & not enough of it in the universe!


It’s called little boy fun. Simply awesome the goofy crap little boys do for fun. Seemingly it continues in various manners over the decades…”as boys grow up”.

Valerie Curren

You can never Fully take the little boy out of the man–& that’s a beautiful thing!!!


The next phase is “hold my beer”

Valerie Curren



Patrick Byrne on Telegram:

Patrick M. Byrne
I always hesitate before putting too much out here, for fear of alerting the opposition. But I do want to say that I was in Arizona recently. I met with a lot of the local ground troops, and they are American heroes. They really are. I wish I could tell you folks more than that, but I don’t want to give anything away. You folks should know, though, about the extraordinary effort of a surprisingly large number of people on the ground in Arizona who self-organized and have done amazing work.

Deplorable Patriot

Can’t give anything away. And that’s what is disappointing the “I want to know” crowd.


I had to read twice because the first time i read ” self aggrandize instead self organized.”
I need to do a self examination .


That’s definitely a pro-tip 👍

Valerie Curren

adrenaline junkie’s fantasy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



No Fear.
We need more of that.


Couple of scrubs.

The pros do it with the plane flying toward them.

Valerie Curren

LOL watch out for those propellers!

Valerie Curren

exposing the plannedemic

ussuricat Retweeted
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Ned Nikolov, Ph.D.

A very informative interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Prof. of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in TX.

He talks about the DELIBERATE ignoring of early home treatment of COVID with readily available effective drugs in order to sell vaccines:
ASIA PACIFIC TODAY. Early treatment for Covid-19 reduces deaths with Dr Peter Mccullough
Early Treatment for Covid-19 reduces hospitalisations & deaths with Dr Peter McCullough. This pandemic has exposed immorality, callousness and incompetence of Government. So we shouldn’t be




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Show this thread


The fact that government apparatchiks routinely murdered citizens to advance political goals should be the top of the news. Instead, only we know it and little is being done.

Barb Meier

I first learned this lesson when the Bush boys (President and Gov of Florida) did nothing to save Terri Schiavo from her unfaithful husband. I was stunned and disturbed by what happened to her. Once I saw what they did (did not do) to her, I knew they would do the same thing to me.


Dr. Judy Mikovits & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Q&A

49:28 “If hydroxychloroquine works, which it does,
and if Ivermectin works, which it definitely does,
he (Fauci) legally cannot get emergency use authorization
for any vaccines

“because if there is an approved drug that works against it you cannot get emergency authorization.

He had to kill hydroxychloroquine
He had to kill ivermectin.

Why is it that the American health care system which is the best in the world has the worst outcome in this pandemic?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this explains it! This explains why Fauci had to game the system.


I thought everyone already knew this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. I didn’t know that legal angle.

And that is very important, because THE LAW IS BAD. Law – rule – whatever it is. It STIFLES INNOVATION. It’s a bad rule which does not promote or even allow for continuous improvement.

What we want is to allow BOTH “best current treatment” AND “emergency use authorizations for willing patients to find a better treatments”. Continuous HONEST human experimentation.

This is the sort of innovation that Trump could have done to SOLVE THE BASIC PROBLEM.

AURRGH!!! People died because of a stupid rule that we could have changed!


Actually, if you accept the previous bunch of bad rules, this rule is good, and should have protected people.

This paroxysm of horrific abuse, however, has laid bare the underlying bad rules: First, there is one agency that allows or disallows treatments (the FDA); INSTEAD, the FDA should assure that treatments contain what they say they contain — no more, no less. Second, there is one agency that allows treatments to be associated with outcomes (the FDA); INSTEAD, the FDA should compile data about risks. Third, there is an agency that is supposed to “ensure safety”; INSTEAD, it should be recognized that it is risky to cross a street, and that people need to manage their risks. Fourth, there are lists of “over-the-counter (OTC) medications” and “prescription-only” medications and forbidden medications; INSTEAD, EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GARBAGE SHOULD BE ABRUPTLY SCRAPPED; Note: if you want pure, unadulterated stuff, you should get it from pharmacists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That works, too. Fix it a little, or fix it a lot. I’m OK either way.

In a pinch, fix it a little has more likelihood of working.


Remember also — Cuomo shoved infected people into group homes in order to inflate fatality statistics, probably killed roughly 15,000 people.

Fauci denied HCQ and ivermectin to the US in order to inflate fatality statistics and allow use of his patented horror juice, killed hundreds of thousands.

This is beyond regular criminality, and demands responses beyond bureaucratic law.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, there’s that little problem, too!

Barb Meier

Five democrat governors did this. Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Witmer, Phil Murphy, Gavin Newsom, and Tom Wolf. Then there is this interesting commentary by Michael Goodwin from May 2020: “The Times found 14 states where more than half of total deaths occurred in facilities for the elderly. It was 55 percent in Connecticut, 57 percent in Colorado, North Carolina and Kentucky, 58 percent in Virginia, 59 percent in Massachusetts, 61 percent in Delaware, 66 percent in Pennsylvania, 73 percent in Rhode Island and 80 percent in West Virginia and Minnesota.
The states with the most nursing-home deaths, New York and New Jersey, didn’t make the list because of so many other deaths, yet more than 10,000 people died in their facilities. The 5,500 nursing-home deaths in New York are more than the total deaths in all other states except New Jersey. Many if not most could have been avoided.”


He said “honest“… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


“AURRGH!!! People died because of a stupid rule that we could have changed!”


Those people aren’t really dead, it’s just underwater plutonium chess.

They’ll all be fine, once they’re resuscitated by ‘they plan’ 👍😂🤣😂


Well…we have the ‘Right To Try’ law, Wolf.

We have the Right-To-Try experimental drugs/procedures that haven’t been officially approved yet.

^^This^^ is how these new covid vaccines should’ve been handled.

But they weren’t.
Because of politics.

The word ‘experimental’ should have been attached to these vaccines.
But it wasn’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This whole thing has been an exercise in dishonesty.


This whole thing has been an exercise in dishonesty deadly evil deceptions.


New info to me too. Explains and gives new perspective.

goal was not to kill via denial of treatment but to get the vaccine through? so what else is it about the vaccine other than death?

What does the vaccine do that was so desirable?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are long-term reasons for the vaccines, but those reasons were exposed in this whole sham incident.

I’ll explain in an upcoming post.

Deplorable Patriot

In the end, the Kennedys are a mixed bag.

Valerie Curren

Excellent reminder GT–Thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

I wondered when she would surface again. She has to be in a safe house somewhere.


She is a truth teller and
her protection is God himself.

I’ve read her book Plague where her story of being railroaded into JAIL for sticking to her ethics is told. Shady side of Nevada politics and connected LE on full display.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is the direct video that plays here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an amazing video. This guy isn’t just a publishing physician – he’s the EDITOR of two journals. And he makes no bones about all the scientific misconduct which has been going on in SCIENCE PUBLISHING, normal MEDIA, and GOVERNMENT.

What he describes makes the US sound like the Soviet Union, in terms of information from outside not being know INSIDE the United States.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wolf!


He keeps referring to the ‘problem’ as a BLUNDER.

This is what normal people always do, they refuse to connect the dots and see intentional criminal conduct.

It’s like walking into the Conservatory and finding Colonel Mustard with a candlestick in his hand, and a dead body with multiple blunt force trauma wounds, and then desperately trying to come up with every conceivable scenario to explain away the cause of death except the most obvious one.

It’s like living in an aquarium filled with liquid stupidity.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

“It’s like living in an aquarium filled with liquid stupidity.”

Scott, that is the best explanation I have ever seen of how I feel every day of my life.

How so many people who are SO stupid actually survive is amazing to me. My son says it’s because we stopped letting them fail, and started taking care of them all. I think he’s right.


He is certainly correct. Give him all the attaboys he can handle – he deserves them.


“Scott, that is the best explanation I have ever seen of how I feel every day of my life.”


Me too…


“How so many people who are SO stupid actually survive is amazing to me.”


Yep, it doesn’t make any sense. Not only do they survive, but many of them thrive.

Like the George Costanza episode, where he decided to do the exact opposite of whatever he would normally do, the opposite of what made sense, and everything started working out great… 😂🤣😂


“My son says it’s because we stopped letting them fail, and started taking care of them all. I think he’s right.”


I’m sure that’s part of it, and if you pull on that string, there’s a whole ball of crazy yarn to unravel right along with it.


It’s like living in an aquarium a blender filled with liquid stupidity.


Like investigating the motive for the beheading of a priest by a bearded man in a nightgown, yelling aloha-snackbar.

Last edited 4 years ago by yucki
Valerie Curren

Heading in the right direction is good news! I saw a graphic on twitter w/ European vax adverse events & the one had about 50% serious effects & the other had nearly 1/3 serious! Very scary stuff!!!

Deplorable Patriot

In my circles very few people are allowing chinks in the armor of the medical facade.


Remember when the FBI committed felonies by illegally destroying election material, including ballots? Yeah. Me too.

This group of individuals who were connected to the investigation to uncover the 2020 election fraud immediately began sifting through what was not yet fully destroyed. They reportedly found shipment transit receipts linked to China, ballots, and other sensitive information related to the 2020 election.

A local DHS investigator was also invited to review the material. When the China information was found, the information was immediately shared with the Trump White House and the DHS in Washington DC. One of our sources believes it was the DHS in Washington that then notified the FBI about the situation.

Within a short period of time, the local DHS investigator was pulled off the case by a very senior individual with the DHS.  Soon thereafter, the FBI showed up and ordered the investigation to be shut down.

The FBI insisted they had jurisdiction over the review of these ballots in Georgia. They took control of the shredding truck and materials and demanded the shredding operation be completed.


Deep breaths.
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“Never Flinch!” – Gen Flynn


I try to at least stumble in the right direction. But you see my best side here in text form. Speaking face to face it’s like all the brain damage shows up faster than the thoughtful side of me.


I don’t know if anybody is afraid of them.

They’re cockroaches.

What people are afraid of is that our own side is doing nothing besides preventing us from stopping the enemy, since the people on our side who are supposed to stop the enemy, won’t.

They just won’t do it.

Remember, it’s not just the enemy who is against us.

It’s our own side that stands between us and the enemy, literally guarding and protecting the enemy from We the People.

Stand down and give us the green light, and the political-class would flee on foot for their own survival.

And they wouldn’t get far.


KGB -Stasi total corruption

Valerie Curren

oann is a healthy sign of the times!

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Paul A. Szypula, US Senate Candidate for NY in ‘22

Airports in Texas are now playing OANN instead of CNN.

Is this the beginning of the end for fake news media?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren



Seriously, that may be the best news in weeks. Because deprogramming the robots is the only way out.

Valerie Curren

potential gems here 🙂

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Art TakingBack

Describe joe Biden with a gif

Valerie Curren

sobering voice of experience

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Amber Krabach For WA

Folks, you don’t get it.

I’m in WA State.

Once they have your elections, they have EVERYTHING. You can’t elect legislators to change it back and you can’t even elect good judges so you can sue them for bad policy.

You don’t EVER come back from something like H.R. 1.




Triple double-D chess has got this…


The best plan was guns.

The top 500 plans all involved guns.

In fact, any plan that doesn’t involve guns isn’t, technically, even a plan.

It’s not rocket science, or even new math.

All they had to do was take the guns, point them at the traitors, and the traitors suddenly stop what they’re doing.

It’s almost like magic.

Myanmar was so good at it, that as far as I know, they didn’t even have to fire a single shot. Just aiming loaded weapons at the heinously corrupt was enough to make them poop their pants and surrender.

Our side thought that was too easy.

We needed to suffer more.

It builds character 👍 😁


I feel you, Scott.

What we do now is insulate ourselves as best we can from the suffering to come. And we don’t lift a finger to relieve the suffering of the ones who need to suffer to learn.

If you don’t live in an area where you can grow food and hunt for more, I would make every effort to get to such a place, ASAP.

Valerie Curren

LOL Boobies solve many woes of the world!


Sounds like something a guy would say….

Valerie Curren

Well I grew up with & raised mostly guys, it must have rubbed off!

Valerie Curren

My daughter & I had the strangest conversation last night. She’s in her early 20’s & quite well endowed but she said All the attention she gets from males over the years is over her booty, not her bust. She said her generation has been trained to fixate on the backside & not the bustline–bizarre, like from Kardashians, etc.! So “they” are conditioning “boobie radar”, or at least the overt version, right out of our youth apparently…hmmm…

Valerie Curren

Yikes, that’s taking it to a whole new level. I was just referring to attraction. Back in the day my husband & I had this conversation about heterosexual males & their common attractions; there were butt, boob, & leg guys. My discussion w/ daughter was just her take that her generation has seemingly eliminated the “boob guys” & increased the “butt guys”, but we didn’t discuss the “leg guys”. This Was Not in reference to sex acts, just what body parts were most attractive…

It wouldn’t surprise me that sodomy & oral sex would be rampantly promoted because the sex of the partners is nearly irrelevant in those behaviors so they can be universally employed. More planned perversions & ways to shake one’s fist in God’s face!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Also being pushed among Christians as a way to let the boyfriend have his way whilst still saving onesself for marriage. Otherwise, of course, said boyfriend goes and finds a girl who will “put out.”


“Also being pushed among Christians as a way to let the boyfriend have his way whilst still saving onesself for marriage.”


No Christian says that.

People have this strange idea that you can be a Satanist without following Satan.

I don’t think it can be done.

Same with Christians. I don’t think anyone can actually be a Christian without following Christ.

People can self-identify or call themselves whatever they want.

Dudes are even calling themselves girls now, and vice-versa.

That don’t make it so.

Valerie Curren

criminal intimidation

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Candace Owens

Mar 3

About 10 of my friends who attended Trump’s speech but DID NOT go to Capitol building thereafter have had the FBI turn up at their door to ask them why they went to D.C

This is criminal intimidation. Our FBI is trying to scare conservatives against ever gathering in the future.


Mobsters gonna Mobster.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that she is actually right.

Our FBI is trying to scare conservatives against ever gathering in the future.

It’s all an attack on freedom of assembly.

What the left is scared of is PEACEFUL PROTEST. And the way they are inhibiting it is by doing everything they can to CHEAT US OUT OF IT.

If they can use VIOLENT COUNTERPROTEST, they do that.

If they can use INFILTRATION and DISCREDITATION, they do that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to get back into the protest zone.


Trump needs to start holding rallies again.

We will show up. But not in D.C., and not in state capitols, because that is what they want us to do.


State capitol has turnend into mafia headquarters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely! Go with what works! FRIENDLY territory!!!


“About 10 of my friends who attended Trump’s speech but DID NOT go to Capitol building thereafter have had the FBI turn up at their door to ask them why they went to D.C”


The first rule of FIB interview is you do not talk to the FIB.

You can bend it, just a little, but don’t break it 😁

Valerie Curren

They can lie to us with impunity but we can be jailed for mis-remembering–spit!


Name and birth date. That is ALL without an attorney.


Name and birth date? Surely you jest.

If they don’t know such basic info, they are too stupid to talk to.


“Name and birth date. That is ALL without an attorney.”


And not necessarily your own… 😂🤣😂


Considering they can go all Roger Stone on you if you tell them anything the least bit inaccurate, you may just want to leave that at: “I want an attorney.”


They will say “Why, do you have something to hide?”

Everything they do will be in the form of a question. The best defense is to not allow them the upper hand, but to ask them questions in return.

Why are you here?

What are you suggesting I have done?

What law have I broken?

Am I free to go?

Am I free to go?

Am I free to go?


How about bend it right back at them. I’ve got lots of questions about the FIB I want answers too.


Yes, very much so, the person asking the questions is demonstrating who is actually in charge.

This goes back to ancient times, and is equally true in the present. Masters ask questions, servants answer (when spoken to). For the most part, people today pretend like these subtexts don’t exist (or are not even aware of them), but they certainly do exist, at some level.

So when they ask a question, answer it with your own question. Once you do that, the ‘dominance’ aspect of the ‘conversation’ becomes very apparent.

There is a whole game they play, and I have seen people who are good at it, people who are able to stay ‘in honor’, remaining in the discussion without ever conceding or submitting or refusing (which leads to ‘dishonor’).

Instead, they do a ‘conditional acceptance’, and make the condition something which the opposing party can’t meet. In that way, you have not declined, you simply put the ball back in their court, and you remain in ‘honor’ instead of outright refusing.

To the extent that the authorities ‘play along’ with what (on the surface) appears to be a nonsense game depends on the level of understanding the particular ‘authority’ possesses.

In many cases, it turns out the ‘authority’ understands the ‘game’ a lot better than the public would suspect.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

It is non of the fBI business why people visited DC we live in America not China.
Who raised these boys?

Valerie Curren

Let Freedom Ring! Massive pass on police state USA!!!




“Who raised these boys?”


Marx and Mao and Stalin and Hitler.


So, when I hit the “Post Comment” button, and get the dominoes in the upper right, sometimes I get one wiggle of dominoes (so I know I pushed the button) and it doesn’t post. And sometimes I get about 4-5 wiggles of dominoes and it posts.

I watch to make sure it happens, so I don’t leave a mess, and I’m providing this as yet another data point.

[At least it doesn’t multiple post!!! *knocks self on head* Knock on wood!]


Same here…mostly won’t post at all…or like. Very wonky delete function goes on a tear. It will eat entire post before it can be stopped. 🤬



Valerie Curren

fake, fraud, Fauci



IS he a reptilian?

Weird what ever that is…


A rubber mask?Or is that a robot?

Valerie Curren

I have No Clue what that Really means!

Deplorable Patriot

Pretty sloppy. BUT, it got caught. I’m not sure if it’s a mask or just unprofessional CGI.

We were trained to look for just these sorts of things.

Valerie Curren

The face looked pretty youthful so perhaps a fake Fauci…no clue really, but glad it was caught & shared!


As part of my occasional series about cool things about Linux you can only dream about elsewhere…..

And, again, noting that it’s the FOSS environment that really powers its coolness.

I have previously done a light dive into some software that came through Mint, Ubuntu, and Debian repositories……and, now, let’s flip that on its head with a project that maintains a database of projects — .

It tracks which versions of which projects have been adopted by which repositories. You really have to see it.

In it, you can see that the project wireshark is currently at version 3.4.3 at the developers. 35 different repositories have the current version. A gazillion other repos have versions going back to 1.2.8…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You realize most people have no idea what the hell you’re even talking about.

You’re assuming too much prior knowledge.


They need to stop being so Nazi.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They don’t know how.

Have you heard the new security assessment from Nasty’s General Nasty Honore??
$130Million/yr to secure the Capital….Quick Reaction Force…It’s full of goodies, like All Congress Critters get new home security systems installed (paid for by us) cuz they receive threats. 🙄

Deplorable Patriot

They know how. They’re being paid off not to.


But they open the borders and leave the citizens who pay their bills to criminals , drug traffickers and human traffickers? They get a wall to protect them but we do not get one to protect us the country from invaders.


They need to stop being so facist.


Pelosi is a dangerous woman or desperate maybe both.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Raven Constantine


1 like

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB!!!

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Once upon a time, back at Ace’s, I was attacked by someone who first manifested as “Ira Weatheral”.

Once things got weird (and he dropped a keylogger on me), he would show up in a variety of guises to be friendly or hostile — but always with inimical intent.

On a blog like Ace’s, where a chosen nic might only be used for a specific post, you develop skills in identifying personalities regardless of their current nic. I doubt it would be accepted as evidence in a court of law, but it’s there.

And it applies in the national media no less than it applies on blogs. A bunch of the stuff we’re getting on the media comes from inimical sources.


So, for everyone wondering why regular commenters on the blog were getting weird about Gail Combs (including, possibly, Gail Combs).

The last post we had from her was something like, “nasty cold, power is out, heat is fading, animals at risk….husband is going out to save them…..”

Then her internet died.

So, we were all visualizing this post-apocalyptic horror of her and her husband in the middle of a variety of barnyard animals, all huddled-together and frozen-to-death.

In real life, her husband came back 30 minutes later and said, “I got everyone in and the doors closed, I doled out an extra scoop of grain for everyone and blanketed the horses, and I made sure that everyone had extra bedding to hunker down. Now let’s fire up the wood stove and thaw out.”

So they’ve been sleeping like babies and we’ve been, “WWG1WGA — how can we save Gail?!?!?”

I was looking to call every “pony party” business in the Raleigh area to see if (a) they were Gail, or (b) they had status. The thing is, there is a dance to keep from doxing anyone. I don’t know if Gail Combs is her real name, so I was going to say her name on the blog was Breezy Brushes, but I couldn’t disclose the name of the blog.

To say that I am relieved that she is OK is probably an understatement.


I saw Gail’s post yesterday and was glad. I really like her contribution she offers here to us. She is very gifted and the combination of all the other gifted posters make this forum special. I like each one of you and what you contribute here.  😊 

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, the courts here are a racket in a lot of ways. There’s a reason why a lot gets settled rather than dealing. In the city, they’re particularly bad about it. There’s some lawyers who go through during the summers and clear the dockets while the actual judges are on vacation. Usually BS stuff, I understand.



Isn’t ‘assisted suicide’ just the old HRC/BJC modus operandi?


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Deplorable Patriot

I’m not participating in the use of aborted children for someone else’s gain.


They need to be careful of their wording, too, because this covid shot thing is NOT A VACCINE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO we can’t fight the terminology. It’s too useful to group these things all together. None of the early inoculations that we would now regard as true vaccines were “vaccination” (vaccinia infection vs. smallpox), but now they’re vaccines, too.

Now that we understand how the GENERAL PRINCIPLE works, anything that operates by the principle of triggering natural immunity toward something by a biological hoax is being called a vaccine. I’m OK with that, personally.

These new COVID “vaccines” are VERY DIFFERENT vaccines, but they work on a new portion of the old general principle which is actually CLOSER to original vaccination than most of what we have called vaccines SINCE smallpox.

Original vaccination used LIVE genetic material in a live virus (vaccinia) to trigger immunity which worked against a different but close disease (smallpox). The new mRNA and DNA “vaccines” are very close to that – much closer than dead and weakened viruses which were trying to trigger mostly with the SURFACE of viruses, and not their genetic material (generally). So these mRNA things are really closer than the shingles vaccine, which uses recombinant virus surface glycoproteins.

Right now there are a lot of people trying to fight the medical tyranny by arguing about definitions, and I get that, but it only has limited value as a fighting technique, IMO.

Being RIGHTER than the liars and THREATENING the right people with the truth is how we win, IMO. That is how we nailed them on HCQ, and turned over the bans and restrictions. That ONE GRAPH made them shit their pants. They knew they had MURDERED people.
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Similar story on Nursing Home Killer.

Get the TRUTH – make it go VIRAL.

The best truth about COVID I’ve seen lately is this guy.

This guy has a winning message on both treatments and the vaccines.


Besides, an argument that gets hung up on the first word sounds pedantic. All it does is shut down more substantive conversation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My main problem in arguing against the problem stuff is that the debunkers on the left are liars, and their debunks use a sly combination of “reasonable working fallacies” like proof by authority AND “truths which lead straight to their lies”. The latter is an interesting strategy.

Example – these people who argued against HCQ.

They’re far worse than snopes. They put out a lot of truth, but they use it to support dishonest establishment and industry positions, AND they’re mean as hell toward honest independent thinkers.

For example, they will argue correctly on genetic stuff, leading to the “party line” on the way the nucleic-acid-based vaccines are SUPPOSED to work, but they ignore the expectable truths, now proven, about de facto reverse transcription of SARS-CoV-2 DNA and genetic incorporation. Yes, it’s “genetic garbage” that does not get transcribed to working virus – but it’s still incorporating, and they’re LYING by saying it’s not. And if it’s incorporating for the virus, it’s EXTREMELY likely that it’s incorporating for the vaccines with similar mRNA / DNA, and OF COURSE will incorporate for future therapeutics which will include reverse transcription promoters.

They’re NOT BEING HONEST about the fact that people in the industry KNOW that reverse transcription is a DOWNSTREAM GOAL, and they’re just covering up NOW so that they can get the vanilla tech approved.


The only reason I am saying to be specific with the language for laws is, after the laws are passed, the friggin’ leftists will just say, “technically this isn’t a vaccine, so your law doesn’t cover it.”

That’s really all I meant by it. I get what you are saying about winning the battle. I just don’t want to give the Commies any leeway to force us.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s how I understood you, and it’s a valid concern.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I get you now. And the fact that the leftists both DRIVE the changes in the language AND either violate the language with impunity OR escape on legalisms by adhering to it, is just angering as hell!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES!!! AMEN!!!


march 5, 2021 the marshall report



Alaska – Arizona – Florida – Georgia – Idaho – Iowa – Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska – N Dakota – Oklahoma – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas!

HOWEVER, MASKS are still REQUIRED at the Capitol….


Excellent Thread Post, Grandmaintexas!
 😀  👏 
All of it…absolutely excellent!
Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



DUE DILIGENCE ~ the Moderna “vaccine”


Transhuman 101 : Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine To Be An “Operating System”


March 4, 2021

that means…and confirms…that this so-called “vaccine” is about control , not a virus.

👉 vaccines can help cut global population by 15%…according to Bill Gates, key promoter of mRNA “vaccines” (TedTalk link imbedded, for reference)…

👉 a major step towards transhumanism : the idea of a fantastic future where humans merge fully with machines. (The Corbett Report also imbedded, for reference)..

according to Moderna’s documents regarding their new COVID “vaccine”…under Our Operating System

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It’s designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our own mRNA drug ~ the unique mRNA sequence that codes a protein.”

for more on that, please read the full article…

plus the full text of Moderna’s screed can be found at their website, also linked in the article.

Beware Big Harma

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

😱 😱 😱

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP! This is exactly what we all knew. The vaccines were to open the barn door for GENETIC THERAPIES.


Moderna’s right here in Boston.

A billion times, the same “smart” come-back:
– But it’s not a vaccine!
And they’re off on tangent.

So the PR dept comes up with something else.

Which opens a whole other set of issues…
…that are much more problematic.



Elizabeth Carter

duchess, You might enjoy Doug Billings interview with Simon Parkes
I think Doug does really good interviews. He has interviewed General Flynn several times.


Thanks, Liz!!! Appreciate the assist!!!

God Bless You!!!

Elizabeth Carter

You do a great job!! I have learned a lot from your posts.
God Bless You!!!


Awww…how sweet of you to say, Liz – Thanks!!!


GrandmaTX you offered a plate full. Thank you it is greatly appreciated by me.  ❤ 

Deplorable Patriot

The Dark Winter we went through did not kill it. It is coming back thicker than ever. And so will America.

I was watching/listening to a Grace Force pod cast at some point this week, and the priests were talking about the same thing regarding the Church. The blood of martyrs inspires. That’s where we are right now as a nation, I think.


Interesting article on all that goes on at CPAC. This bit caught my attention as I remember bloc chain being discussed here in relation to a dress worn by Mrs. Trump.

Bloc chain as discussed here sounds like a solution … or very scary – I am not sure which. If bloc chain is this tracable does it not mean that we might loose our ability to vote secretly, that our vote would be known?

“Companies in the exhibit hall even offered products designed to offer more secure systems to manage and track election results.  One suggested securing digital election data with blockchain.  This same system also featured the ability for each voter to verify from his computer or smartphone that his designated vote was counted for the candidate he indeed had chosen in the ballot box.”


Not surprisingly, the media is continuing their fake news narrative around the Capitol & what stands out to me is the difference between how conservative protesters are treated and how leftist rioters are treated, including the two groups involved in the 1/6 Capitol events.

“Interestingly, the best evidence that, as is often the case, Democrats’ narrative was a lie came from a video The New Yorker published. It shows that Chansley is an odd bird, but obviously was not acting violently. Instead, he engages very politely with a Capitol Hill police officer:

Because of Chansley’s costume (which he’s worn before – and more on that later), he was easy to identify and the government quickly arrested him. He’s been in solitary confinement ever since, with no bail. This is in stark contrast to the way in which BLM and Antifa protesters were treated last year. Despite their heinous acts of looting, property destruction, and attacks on police officers, they were usually released instantly, whether without bail or with monies from leftist celebrities who paid for their bail. And just yesterday, we learned that the Biden DOJ is dismissing Portland Antifa cases left and right — or just left and left, I guess.

…to his credit, he’s not going to accept the to his credit, he’s not going to accept the reporter’s accusations against him. (And again, just try to imagine Laurie Segall taking that antagonistic tone with someone from BLM or Antifa. The media treated those “peaceful” protesters with something akin to reverence.)

Chansley denies completely having engaged in any violent or destructive acts – and there’s no video footage showing anything to the contrary. Meanwhile, Segall lies right from the get-go, referring to “one officer killed.” In fact, there’s no evidence at all that poor Officer Sicknick was “killed.” He died either from a stroke or, possibly, from an allergic reaction. Of course, the FBI’s Christopher Wray refuses to say – despite Sicknick having already been subject to a coroner’s report and then cremated.

Segall also calls her on her lie that he violently broke into the Senate chambers. In fact, he says, a police officer escorted him in. At every turn, Segall lies and Chansley corrects her. He may be loopy, but she’s a leftist shill pushing a dishonest narrative. Thus, in another example of dishonesty, she says a “mob broke through Capitol doors,” but footage she doesn’t show reveals that the police opened the doors from inside and invited people in.”

Good for him for standing up to the fake news narrative and shame on the media for their lies.


SNORT – this ain’t HOPIUM – it’s FACT!

Stephen Douglas thread:

“If it weren’t for me, the House would have lost 25 seats instead of gaining 15—it was a shock to everyone, and almost cost Pelosi her Speaker position. Likewise, 8-10 Senators would have lost their position, including Karl’s friend Mitch, our wonderful leader who would rather spend his time fighting me than Pelosi, Schumer, and Sleepy Joe.”

“In last year’s Congressional primaries, 120 of the 122 candidates I endorsed won – and the two that lost were beaten by people claiming to be more Trump than their opponent. In the Senate, I was undefeated in primary endorsements with a record of 21 and 0, and close to that in the general election.”

“31 million people listened to my CPAC speech online, and it had among the largest television audience of the week, even though it was on cable at 4pm on Sunday afternoon.”
That’s really all anyone needs to know. If you have the people behind you, the right leader can move mountains.
We won.


Some humor mixed with truth in this article.

“To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a Neanderthal if:

You believe the masks are the solution even though states and countries without the mask mandate did as well or better than the ones who had the mandate.

You believe that masks and other tyrannical mitigation rules stopped the seasonal flu this year when states and countries without the mask mandate and strict lockdowns also did not have much seasonal flu this year. (there is no correlation)

You still believe that the virus easily spreads off surfaces.

You still believe that millions of people without symptoms are actively spreading the virus.

You continue to keep schools closed while you bend over for your special interest groups.

You keep destroying small businesses while you allow yourself to be controlled by social media billionaires and while you allow large corporations to remain open.

You say that walls don’t work while the White House and Capitol remain walled off. 

You say that walls don’t work while you watch human smugglers drive SUVs drive through holes in the un-upgraded border fence and kill their young passengers. 

You tell citizens they can’t travel and must quarantine while you let illegal aliens roam the country free with the virus. 

You called governors who forced nursing homes to take in sick people to kill the vulnerable elderly “the gold standard” while chastising governors who dared give their residents freedom to stay open and not wear masks who had better results. 

You might be a Neanderthal (or their sheep) if you believe and follow everything Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United Nations’s WHO or the CDC say, despite all the things they have intentionally or unintentionally gotten wrong. 

Finally, you might be a Neanderthal and puppet for special interest groups if you believe that oil and coal consumption are destroying the planet as well as control temperatures, sea levels and temperature despite zero scientific data that show that that is true.”

The article goes on to seriously discuss the 10th Amendment


You definitely are a Neanderthal if you call the GOD, ‘the thing’


About Bergamot – there are two kinds:

  1. The herb pictured above, used for tea and flavoring –
  2. The citrus – which is used for flavoring Earl Grey Tea
  3. comment image

It’s also a partial component of my favorite fragrance, Galoré, which has been discontinued twice and now is très cher for my pocketbook. It was once $13. a bottle, now it’s $175. Heck, I used to use it as room fragrance. No more. It’s rationed very stringently now.


Thanks to the commenter here who introduced me to this site. It is now part of my daily news check. Good article at the link with the a sad aspect of some of black subcultures. Other races can do this too at times, calling a child that studies intently a “nerd”, etc.–not-systemic-racism/

“It’s a little hard to know how exactly to term one version of this, but the best way I can think of is to call it “black-on-black racism.” This kind of racism came to my attention in the form of a single mother with several children. She was doing her best to get her life together, raising her children to be upstanding citizens, trying to live her own life in a morally upright way, holding down a job, and trying to climb the ladder of success. Yet in return for her efforts her fellow blacks accused her of “being white.”

Although I’m sure those comments hurt her greatly, this woman disregarded them and pressed on, trying to overcome her difficulties and get ahead in the world. Yet I’ve seen others who have had similar comments thrown at them give up, preferring to run with the crowd than be ostracized by their own community.

I am not the only person to have noticed this trend. Scholar and author Anthony Esolen highlights a similar scenario in the February issue of Chronicles, writing:

It is bad to be a young black man reading and enjoying Shakespeare, meeting the sneers of his black classmates, who call him ‘white’ inside. It is worse to be that fellow who could and should be in love with learning, having his heart cut out by the contempt, and courting indifference instead of interest, and failure instead of triumph. It is worst of all to be those who do this to him, confirming themselves in their own incapacity.

Esolen goes on to call this “a self-perpetuating and self-destructive falsehood” in which “blacks, encouraged to look upon whites as inveterate enemies, begin to dress, talk, and act in antisocial ways.” Such behavior “keep[s] racism burning.”

That behavior, Esolen says, is pure cruelty. “Cruelty it is, because of what it does to those who think they have nothing to offer the world that is finer than their victimhood.”


Systemic victim hood? Fits well enough with what I woke up thinking with a serendipitous first stop to this comment as I came on line. I was thinking about how the Borg party votes in lock step and with this next set of legislation they are about to lock up the country.

How long has that been going on. It wasn’t always so, but at some point it has become a thing. How did they all become such puppets? How did they wipe out individual thought? It might be a wasted question because the Borg has spread well beyond Washington at this point, but one has to wonder. When one of the Borg comes to D.C. does the congressional staff immediately go to work on them to make sure the new puppet can play his/her part? We are certainly in need of more submersibles to see what’s going on below the surface.

Likely wasted thoughts. Perhaps we should be thinking on is how can we insert individual thought back into the Borg’s sphere so that it might start to replicate and spread. Sort of like how do you reason with your captors for it looking like we may soon be legislatively captured.

Anyway, off to the front of today’s post and will catch up at later point.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent questions and observations. And I think it’s THIS in relation to the topic.

Unity is as dangerous as division when it serves LIES.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent link and excellent thoughts.

This is all a great trick of the “dark side”. We are dared not to be better than them without being exactly like them – cruel, tricky, dividing. That idea is echoed DOWN through favored and disfavored groups. Groups to be kept below other groups are dared to not steal any goodness and truth from favored groups they are set against. And vice versa.

That dark side will use cruel self-love AND/OR cruel self-hate against those they want to keep down.

It is now very easy to see how the largest self-loathing group in America is now being shifted.


They can switch “who is who” at their whim, to make the groups dance to their tune. Thus, look at that statement above and say “Where are Jews and Asians? They must be the boogeymen!” Trust me, the wicked ones will come for them, too, at a time and place of their choosing. Even when groups are NOT MENTIONED, they are influenced into controlled bystander statuses.

They will use whoever they CAN, WANT and NEED against whichever other group they can, want and need.

Even “elite vs. plebes” is a ploy. One has to discern WHICH BILLIONAIRE, not ALL BILLIONAIRES. One has to discern WHICH CONGRESSPERSON. WHICH COP. WHICH LEFTIST. WHICH RIGHTIST.

Bearing in mind that the WHIPPED AND DECEIVED MOB tends to be WRONG.

This is the thing. Q spoke so much truth, deep down – so many keys to the castle – that it cannot all be a trick.

We have much more than we know. Crazy as that sounds.


Leftists need to stop prejudging people.
Leftists want to make everyone part of a prejudged group.

The sacredness of the unique creation of every individual
is stomped under the Leftist boot.


Intellectual Takeout has good stuff  👍 


The Library, [05.03.21 07:49]


X22 Report Official, [05.03.21 09:37]
[Forwarded from We The Media (Danielle_MAGA)]

He’s not ashamed about murdering thousands of elderly patients due to his COVID nursing home policies. Got it

Also – not ashamed of his nipple rings☝️


*very* interesting:

Not only “faux biden didnt win”

…but “faux biden didnt sign it!”


If this could be proved in a court of law, would that not mean that NONE of the orders with this signature are valid?


What court and who would bring it are the keys. The person is probably right. No one will do anything.


What is this court you speaketh of?

And what is this law thingee?

They may get joe out on the 25th but I have a feeling that jill ain’t going regardless of whatever fat lady is singing?


What if she has ‘power of attorney’ or some such legal remedy that was hidden from us during the election?

What if she wants to be POTUS if he is removed?


Would that not be defrauding the American people?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’ve gotten to the heart of the matter. She effectively IS POTUS when she can and wants to be. COTUS. Caregiver of the United States.

Concerned Virginian

Might want to consider saving images of this tweet as I suspect it’ll be disappeared off the internet…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great thinking – thanks for that. I don’t trust ANY of these actors not to terminate her account. Choomer Rasputin, Temper Tantrum Thomas, or Sneaky Saul, to not wipe one or more relevant accounts.


Here are those images.

It really does look like Jill is signing for Joe:
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FBI gotz dis cofefeed.


Very interesting. When you click on the tweet and see all the signatures, the real ones of both Joe and Jill have rhythm and movement, but the one on the 2021 EO looks stilted and unflowing. I suppose that could be a symptom of dementia, but the difference in how the capital Bs are written seems significant.


I am too awake…

I see this headline at OANN:
“U.S. Senate Mulls $30 Billion In Funding To Boost Chipmaking Sector, Source Says”

and all I can see is:

“US Senate deciding quickly buying shares in companies they intend to support before they give them our money and make their stock rise”

fking grifters

and faux biden didnt win OR sign it!

Last edited 4 years ago by Please
Valerie Curren

Boost Chipmaking Sector” & I think bull or cow chips! In keeping w/ government’s preferred practice…


X22 Report Official, [05.03.21 09:53]
[Forwarded from Breaking911]

BREAKING: Connecticut Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont is lifting ALL capacity limits on restaurants, retail, libraries, personal services, indoor recreation, gyms, museums, offices & houses of worship March 19

Follow @Breaking911


DIMs now in a hurry to “open up” … so they can say Hiden got rid of the Chinese Virus


That’s just a bonus, IMO.

I think the real reason is that they wish to memory-hole the insane restrictions, because more and more people are realizing they’re totally bogus.

Bury their crimes in the past, take the heat off, and transition into a new narrative.

Even mentioning Xiden is also becoming a problem – why remind everyone? They’re already on to the replacement scam – why laud him?

Even the Cuomo thing is to deflect from all their skullduggery (that’s the “nice” word!)

Hope you enjoyed your break!


I ‘hear ya’ … but as usual, their thinking is skewered… there is NO FORGETTING the harm done to humanity as a result of a non- existing “Pandemic” … and their role in it.
The DIMs aren’t very bright (I’m being kind)…

G’day Emeraldstar… break was brief, but I enjoyed… thank you for asking. Hope you are well !

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s gonna conflict with their hero FauXi. How long before they cancel him?


I was REALLY glad that P45DJT mentioned FauXi (great epithet!) at the CPAC this Sunday past – (paraphrase) “First he said no mask necessary, then he said everyone must wear one [or TWO!].”

>>”How long”<<

“Not long now …” lol. His usefulness is drawing to an end, so he’ll be cast aside.


Nanzi says “I’ll think about that tomorrow.”


Uh, two weeks from now doesn’t fit my idea of ‘hurry up’. Just saying.

Concerned Virginian

Is Lamont thinking about running for re-election?
How many members of the Connecticut legislature are up for re-election?


Aubergine, is the Billings side of Montana conservative?


Billings is more toward the liberal side of things here, just because it is a college town. But they are one of the health departments that lifted their mask mandate when the governor did, so that’s a good sign.

Most of Montana is going to seem more conservative to people from other parts of the country. Even the liberals here are not as crazy. Missoula is the most liberal city in the state, followed by Bozeman.

The smaller towns are usually fantastic.

Eastern Montana weather is fairly harsh. Lots of wind.


Ty. I knew about bozeman. Seems there arent any conservative larger cities anywhere. Western MT is too expensive but very pretty. Eventually we will find somewhere.


It sort of depends on where in Western Montana you are. Ours is a really low income family, and we make it ok. Housing prices are high in our area right now, but I don’t expect that to last. The bubble will pop again.


Im looking at house prices and comparing to what i already have…ooo wee….not good.


Yeah, we are in a bubble right now. It has happened before. I don’t know how long this one will last. I got VERY lucky and bought my house at the very bottom of the ’08-’09 crash. No way I could buy a house here now. But keep looking, it could go down fast.


Well we have some time but it reminds me of here. Lots of really time warp run down or really expensive. I hope it cools a bit.


Lol. My house was built in 1893. It is old and a lot of work, but I love it.

Also, depending on where you live now, Billings might seem really conservative to you. You should try to visit for a week or two and see what you think.


Well theres old and needs work, then theres you cant tell the inside from the outside and you arent sure if its abandoned or not. Everywhere you turn, a house from 1893 will need work, but that old is a labor of love.
Wherever we go, i am in charge of recon.


X22 Report Official, [05.03.21 10:14]
[Forwarded from Techno_Fog]

I’ve done a ton of work on the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cases. On the new reports about Clinton “Bagman” Doug Band speaking with the Feds: wait and see.

Nothing in the Radaronline reporting suggests Band offered incriminating info on Clinton to the Feds. I’m concerned this was just a “check the box” interview or an informal discussion about what Band observed and nothing more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GOOD. Our side needs to wake up and stop falling for FAKE HOPIUM.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doug Band is the real wake-up call here. His FAKE FLIP TO HUBER, which both the Clinton CRIME FAMILY and the Huber DEEP STATE fed, will always remain a POX on the DOJ and all of us who FELL FOR IT.


We could use loading doses of therapeutic COPIUM.


Fear is the mind killer.

gotta keep stroking it whether it’s true or not.

Bet they come out with a strain that only affects blacks and it’s Trump’s fault that he didn’t do anything about it before it was discovered.


well that didn’t last long…

WarnerMedia CEO Apologizes After Saying COVID Pandemic Has Been “Really Good For CNN Ratings”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yesterday I blew my mind with John Talbot CDs One of the songs he sang hit me ” do not be afraid.” Sometimes even when I am not I need to hear it.
I used to have a breath prayer while walking ” be not afraid even the wind and waves obeyed Him ” One day I could not pray it any longer. Even when one is strong one needs to find something that gives life and renews because there is so much destructive chatter out there to take one out of peace.


Heheh…have you seen this:
 😆  😂 

[video src="" /]


Washington flu deaths dropped from 114 last season to 0. There are a few reasons why

They followed the teachings from the sacred epistles of Fauchi&Birx.



Dr. Seuss Books to Remain on Shelves at New York Public Library: We Don’t Censor Books


CDC has a new zombie preparedness Graphic Novel….


This was posted on Gab with this line of text:

#BLM setting up #Fake Violence
That’s all the left knows how to do, Lie, manipulate, Fear tactics, Race-baiting, steal, and cheat!”

[video src="" /]

I guess they don’t care about anyone seeing them staging fake violence.


To Silence 19-Year-Old Man Overseas, CCP Tortures Parents in China

Nineteen-year-old Wang Jingyu was summoned back to China from overseas on Feb. 21 after he criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for underreporting Chinese deaths during the June 2020 China-India border clash.

Beijing authorities have since detained his parents, who live in southwestern China’s Chongqing, raided their house, dismissed them from their state-run company positions, and tortured them, in an attempt to force Wang to stop talking to overseas media and go back to China

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiNazis gotta ChiNazi!


Found on Gab:
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That last one is funny chit, Wheatie!

Thanks for the smile …


I thought so too!

And you are very welcome, Emstar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Attack on Women’s Sports Continues as NFL Team Ditches Cheerleaders for Gender Inclusive Dancers

The attack on female sports teams is continuing with the Washington Football Team, formerly known as the Redskins, replacing cheerleaders with a gender inclusive dance team.

The team will also be called the “Washington Football Team” through 2021.

— roger goodell continues to make me loathe the National Felon League


Next up..NFL drag queen half time shows


No more WGTTs? That’s a disaster.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Washington putrid sack-of-shit fatass bureacrats” would be accurate but too long a team name.


I love this…and I hope that more Airports around the country switch to OAN too!

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Mark M

The airport in Houston, TX has ditched CNN and is playing OANN.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS Is why NANXI and SCUMMER and NON-PRESIDENT XIDEN are all going after OAN! COMMIES!!!


Just imagine if President Trump said this!
Joe Biden: Indian Americans ‘Are Taking Over this Country
President Joe Biden joked that Indian-American people were taking over the United States during a call with a NASA team on Thursday.
Biden spoke about Indian-Americans as he talked with Dr. Swati Mohan, an Indian-American scientist who played a role in helping land a rover on Mars last week

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

XIDEN getting nervous!

Deplorable Patriot

Dave made my day with this. Yes, I agree!


That’s pirated site, not the official one FYI. Here is the official video from Dave…

Here is his official site…

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I can get on a VERY old ipad while I’m on the treadmill.



Deplorable Patriot

What is this world coming to!

Deplorable Patriot

Another voice heard from on the Moderna booster.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this makes LOADS of sense. Moderna basically makes your cells make spike protein. It’s SUPPOSED to do it locally, but everything about a vaccine and the method of delivery can affect that.

The shortness of breath and all the rest is the key. He suffered SPIKE PROTEIN respiratory (and other systemic) side effects.

It appears that the difference between vaccines and the differences between individuals is WHERE the spike protein is both MADE and REACTED TO.

The adenovirus vectors seem to limit that. They are closer to synthetic viruses than the delivery systems of the other vaccines.

This is all adding up.


Can you provide a link in plain text, I can’t seem to copy it from the video image here. TY


He’s still glad, for the most part, that he got it. He’s just warning people to be ready when they get it — not advising them not to get it.


The Library, [05.03.21 11:25]
[Forwarded from zerohedge]

Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Ninth Consecutive Month; Destabilization Risk For Emerging Markets Elevated


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Be sure to go to link for video to hear/see him say this!

SSGQ Channel, [05.03.21 09:20]
[Forwarded from AQP13526’s Timeline (Riley Moses🦅 [AQP])]
[ Video ]

Remember when Barack Hussein Obama said on TV he’d be okay with the idea of a shadow government system existing in America?

“People would ask me: knowing what you know now do you wish you had a third term? And I used to say, If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman, and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement, in my sweats, looking through the stuff, that I could sorta deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I would be fine with that.”



I remember that conversation that was shocking to me. When they said Trump is dangerous the dangerous is Obama.


Despite all the abbreviations indicating excessive schooling, she still gets the basics wrong.

They were ALL British. The North American residents can be distinguished by calling them colonists but they were still British subjects.

The armed uniformed men are correctly described as regulars or army. Calling them British in this context does not distinguish them properly.


Yes, in 1770, they were all still British. I think it is correct to refer to American colonists, as does, because they were colonists of Britain in America. I think that’s where most people’s confusion lies. They were American colonists but not technically Americans (pre-Declaration of Independence) yet.


[Forwarded from Jordan Sather]

Even the National Guard be like, “there are no Q people here, why the fuck are you keeping us?!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s all a XXXXXXX slander!!!


This site has the real backstory of the Arizona fraud, the ballots on planes, thousands of ballots from addresses that don’t exist and/or the same address, and the case that was filed with the SC on 3/3. (Staci Burk vs. Ducey et al) This is the weeds.

I don’t know how to turn it into a link, but someone here that’s clever can. 🤔

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Here’s the link, Gingersmom:


Thanks, I can sometimes dig things up – but with very limited tech skills. 😄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this stuff:

“Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”

Abraham Lincoln

This is now added to my pile of reasons why I’m going to LET OTHER PATRIOTS DO IT RIGHT, HOWEVER THEY’RE DOING IT.

Do your duty as YOU understand it. But at all times try to DO IT RIGHT.


Found on Gab:

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The Meitryx, [05.03.21 12:34]
[Forwarded from]

JUST IN – #India threatens to jail employees of Facebook and Twitter as it seeks to gain power over the discourse on the American big tech platforms (WSJ) @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat


comment imageWyatt

This is one of the main reasons the Deep State needed to get rid of Donald Trump and destroy America.

This is why this operation by Q and the US military is so important to the survival of the planet as we know it.
A warm welcome to all our international friends.
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To me Q was is kind of fun so why label them as terrorists? Same with Anon. I have never seen them do anything dangerous.
Ah I get it they woke us all up we ask questions and Anon figured out all the bad guys on Internet.
Why do they give Antifa a free ride? Everyone knows they are violent? Because they are the brown shirts for the democrats. Get it? 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

You’re correct SingingSoul!


Joel pollack at BB. Worth its own complete post!

There once was a man

in the Land of the Free

who wanted to rule

across land, over sea.


His first name was Joe,

his last name was Biden.

Ol’ Joe spent his time

in a dark basement, hidin’.


He never came out

except with a mask; 

he’d run right back down

if questions were asked.


Uncle Joe, as they called him,

came up with a plan

to win an election

and govern the land.


He had to beat Donald,

the president, Trump,

who’d otherwise kick

Uncle Joe in the rump.


He said: “I’ll just tell them

that mean Mr. Trump

supports neo-Nazis.

They’ll think he’s a chump.”


So Uncle Joe summoned

the loyal Fake News

to cook up the lies

his campaign would use.


Though people believed them,

it wasn’t enough.

Uncle Joe realized

he’d need stronger stuff.


Just then, a pandemic

made everyone sick.

Here was Joe’s chance 

for a new kind of trick.


Joe told the people

That voting was risky

(though they were just fine

buying ganja or whiskey).


“I demand vote-by-mail!”

he declared from his den,

“Or else we shall die!

(And Trump’s gonna win.)”


An army of lawyers

fought for the change

that Biden commanded

and courts did arrange.


Sure enough, in the voting

Trump did all right;

He looked to be winning

on E-lection Night.


But in came the mail!

And just as Trump feared

his lead in the vote

had soon disappeared.


Biden had done it!

He’d come from behind.

A scheme that poor Donald

would never unwind.


The moment that Trump

began asking questions,

they shut him right up!

Joe taught him a lesson.


Once in the White House,

Uncle Joe signed some orders.

He called some world leaders;

he opened the borders.


He canceled a pipeline

that Trump had allowed.

The workers were angry;

Joe’s donors were proud.


He gave out vaccines 

And claimed all the credit. 

The journ-O-lists ignored

a lie, when he said it.


But Joe’s hopes for power

ran into a bump:

so many people

still missed Donald Trump.


The old president

had cause to feel bitter:

they censored his Facebook; 

they kicked him off Twitter.


But Trump was enjoying

his Florida home.

Inside Mar-a-Lago

he wasn’t alone.


His fans lined the streets

to see him drive by;

they cheered and waved flags

for their favorite guy.


Nothing could shake them, 

despite “insurrection”;

and all “MAGA nation”

professed its affection.


So Uncle Joe plotted

to get back at Trump.

The new “cancel culture” 

gave license to dump.


He called his advisers

and said, “I’ve no use

for fun-loving authors

like this ‘Dr. Seuss.’


“Cancel the stories

that people enjoy; 

shun those who say

that a girl’s not a boy.


“Everything’s racist!

That’s what we’ll say.

Neanderthal Trumpsters

will soon go away.”


So the book-burning started

on bonfires piled high.

Joe followed his plan

to make Trump say goodbye.


But millions of people

whether white, brown, or black

had seen quite enough

and began to push back.


“Dr. Seuss is a legend!

We love Hop on Pop.

Uncle Joe’s lost his mind;

‘cancel culture’ must stop.”


Uncle Joe had imagined

he’d win, going woke.

But Trump is still laughing,

and Biden’s the joke.


Meh…it’s pretty good, except for the parts where he talks like Joe Biden won.
Because, no, 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


Thank you that poem is spot on and good  😅 



“… It gets worse. The report also identified one of the aides as Melissa DeRosa. She is closely related to several employees of “the hospital lobbying group that wrote Cuomo’s liability shield for nursing home execs,” according to Daily Poster editor Andrew Perez. The Poster identified DeRosa’s father, sister and brother as high-level employees of the group.”


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comment imageStella Immanuel MD


Now that its mask-off time, it’s critical you watch this, download it, share it widely and get your family put on Hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin for prevention ASAP. visit or
Get on some Sunday Sunday medicine. Please America


LOL: Eric Fang-Bang Swalwell Sues Trump, Claiming Trump Gave Him “Severe Emotional Distress”—AceThis sashaying ponce also says he’s “prepared himself for hand-to-hand combat.”


From instspundit

BLAME AMERICA FIRST (LAST AND ALWAYS): U.S. Adversaries Weaponize Woke Politics.

China responded to international criticism about the Uighur genocide on Monday by pledging to submit a “report on human-rights violations in the United States” that will discuss the Black Lives Matter movement. Russia, meanwhile, convinced Amnesty International in late February to revoke the “prisoner of conscience” label from Russian dissident Alexei Navalny by disseminating his decade-old anti-immigrant comments.

American rivals—from China to Russia to Iran—are using terms out of the woke dictionary, such as “white supremacy” and “systemic racism,” to peddle propaganda in the United States. Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said the progressive rhetoric allows propagandists to deflect criticism about their authoritarian politics and sow discord in America.

“This is a two-fer for them: It can sow dissent and unrest here, and then it can let them say to their own people, ‘Look how unruly and violent democracy can be,’” Gonzalez told the Washington Free Beacon. “It makes the conduct of our foreign policy much harder, in places like Hong Kong or Xinjiang for example.”

The Woke Left empowers autocrats at home and abroad. 





She’s so drunk with power…she is giddy and has lost touch with how idiotic she comes across.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, she’s lost in space.

Linda Harrison

Just in case you really didn’t know. Nancy was talking about her grandkids knowing Biden for a long time. Apparently, the grandkids say “open Biden” when they see him instead of “open sesame”. Too weird.


If it is in any way true, it’s the kind of intimate family detail that you don’t share with the world because most people couldn’t care less, people won’t understand any inside references or jokes, and it’s more appropriate shared with close friends, not the political world. She learned nothing from the ice cream.


Thank you very much, Linda.


That’s from 2020.

Howie Carr has been playing that clip for months.

Thank you very much for posting it. Have bookmarked.


LookingGlass1776 🔎, [05.03.21 13:50]
[Forwarded from]
[ Video ]

JUST IN – Reports ballistic missile strike on oil tankers in Al Hamran northwest of Manbij in Syria. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat


Via Project Veritas:

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a Bank of America Merrill Lynch [BOAML] employee admitting that his employer sides with big banks and hedge funds over individual investors.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Anthony Daniels, BOAML Employee: “If I take the Merrill name badge off of my shirt right now, watching what’s been going on today [Jan. 28], it’s very clear to me that it looks like they’ve [BOAML] taken the side of the institutional investors.”
  • Daniels: “So, you have 12,584 shares of BNGO. That’s essentially your only holding in the account.”
  • Daniels: “You got your account all exposed to one stock — that has a potential extra risk involved there. So, they [BOAML] are increasing the margin requirements to 75% from the initial 30% to manage the risk in the account.”
  • Bank of America responds: “We don’t take sides or favor one group of investors. We took a number of steps during the unprecedented market volatility, including adjusting client margin requirements for stocks that were at the center of that volatility.”

You can watch the video here:

This video gives us a good glimpse into how banks operate when under pressure.

It is interesting that this call happened on the same day as the Robinhood scandal, and the BOAML employee said it was a “strange” and “fishy” situation.

Recordings that the public needs to know about can be sent to, where the Project Veritas team can review and may publish depending on its newsworthiness.

In Truth,

James O’Keefe


I admit that I have struggled, in the past and probably will again in the future, with the seemingly unlimited number of perspectives about Jesus and the definitions of “Christian.”  It seems antithetical that truth can have so many facets casting an endless array of understandings. But that is just me. I suppose that if I were patient enough, capable enough, and wise enough to be able to dig down to the kernel of all these perspectives I would find nuggets of substantial agreement on these important considerations.
“It is, of course, quite possible for a man to accept the witness of John and the synoptics to the person and mission of Jesus, and not to wish to assert that any miracles took place. It is by no means necessary to make belief in Jesus Christ rest upon an acceptance of the miracles as ‘observable history’. Indeed the contrary is true: truly Christian belief in the gospel miracles is possible only to those who have a belief in Jesus as Son of God and Saviour, for only those see the miracles as ‘signs’ of his real nature and mission. There is however no necessary intellectual dishonesty in believing in Jesus and denying the miracles, even if a previous acceptance of the miraculous led to a belief in Christ. The attainment of direct personal relationship with Jesus Christ by any means is properly so satisfying and self-authenticating that the instruments by which the relationship might be begun or explained cease to be of decisive importance. There are more ways than one for a Christian to live with intellectual integrity in the modern world.”[1]

[1] Jeff Astley, David Brown, and Ann Loades, God in Action: A Reader, Problems in Theology (London; New York: T & T Clark International, 2004), 43.


…truly Christian belief in the gospel miracles is possible only to those who have a belief in Jesus as Son of God and Saviour, for only those see the miracles as ‘signs’ of his real nature and mission. There is however no necessary intellectual dishonesty in believing in Jesus and denying the miracles, even if a previous acceptance of the miraculous led to a belief in Christ.

If “those who have a belief in Jesus as Son of God and Saviour” see His miracles as signs of “his real nature and mission,” then what is the definition of “believing in Jesus” while at the same time “denying the miracles”? I don’t see how both can be true.


Wow . . .

As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever
If the threat of “armed insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists” is as great as some claim, why do they have to keep lying and peddling crude media fictions about it?
Glenn Greenwald
13 min ago

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.” 

But none of that happened — not even close. The Washington Post acknowledged three weeks later:

Despite warnings of violent plots around Inauguration Day, only a smattering of right-wing protesters appeared at the nation’s statehouses. In Tallahassee, just five armed men wearing the garb of the boogaloo movement — a loose collection of anti-government groups that say the country is heading for civil war — showed up. Police and National Guard personnel mostly ignored them.

All over the country it was the same story. “But at the moment that Biden was taking the oath of office in Washington, the total number of protesters on the Capitol grounds in Topeka stood at five — two men supporting Trump and two men and a boy ridin’ with Biden,” reported The Wichita Eagle (“With Kansas Capitol in lockdown mode, Inauguration Day protest fizzles). “The protests fizzled out after not many people showed up,” reported the local Florida affiliate in Tallahassee. “The large security efforts dwarfed the protests that materialized by Wednesday evening,” said CNN, as “state capitols and other cities remained largely calm.”

. . . This is how apocalyptic cult leaders always function. When the end of the world did not materialize on January 6, Collins insisted that January 20 was the day of the violent reckoning. When nothing happened on that day, he moved the Doomsday Date to March 4. The flock cannot remain in a state of confusion for too long about why the world has not ended as promised by the prophet, so a new date must quickly be provided with an explanation for why this is serious business this time.

. . . Ultimately, if this “armed insurrection” and threat of domestic terrorism are so grave, why do media figures and politicians in both parties — from Adam Schiff to Liz Cheney — keep lying about it and peddling fictions? Politicians and media figures do that only when they know that the threat, in reality, is not nearly as menacing as they need it to be to fulfill their objectives of political gain and coercive power.


Lin Wood, [05.03.21 14:02]

FBI Director Christopher Wray was a partner at the Atlanta-based mega firm of King & Spalding. 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is a partner at King & Spalding.

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is a partner at King & Spalding. 

Former Chief of Staff to FBI Director Wray, Paul Murphy, is a partner at King & Spalding.

King & Spalding has grown from its Atlanta roots over the last 50 years to be a powerhouse international law firm with significant political and governmental contacts. 

King & Spalding maintains its Georgia presence and still wields a great deal of power and influence in the State of Georgia. Ask anyone in the Georgia State Bar. They ALL know. 

Connect the dots.

Lin Wood, [05.03.21 14:15]

Paul Murphy was counsel to DaVita, a powerhouse in the medical arena of dialysis and treatment of end stage renal disease, in the case described below.

In 2015, I was lead trial counsel in a False Claims Act case for 2 brave whistleblowers who alleged with evidence Medicare fraud by DaVita. On behalf of U.S. taxpayers, my clients recovered $450,000,000 from DaVita in a settlement agreed to the shortly before the federal judge was going to enter an order on my clients’ motion for sanctions against DaVita. 

The court had earlier ruled that the crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege had been established by evidence of witness tampering, obstruction of justice, perjury, and subornation of perjury involving DaVita lawyers and witnesses. 

Sally Yates had years earlier declined to intervene in the case for the Department of Justice. My courageous clients would not quit and I was honored to lead their multi-year fight for truth and justice.

It was not easy. It was hard. Fraud is always carefully planned with an intent to cover it up. A lawyer has to be aggressive and determined to find fraud and expose it. 

In the end, truth prevailed over lies. 

It always does.


me too Grandma… great Opening btw…


Statement from POTUS dated today


Os that because barry’s not there today?


it doesn’t cost anything to say it now.
is this what teparations gains them?


I don’t know of a single person who ever uses that word or who wishes they could use it. When I see this kind of stuff, it’s so off-the-wall that I can’t imagine how they come up with it, or who believes it, except maybe the the extremely gullible who have no critical thinking skills.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Abbot needs to go very big on this. Biden is doing the exact same thing as NURSING HOME KILLER. We can literally REBEL in good conscience over this nonsense.


Abbott has sent out several tweets before today, and when asked today at a presser, Raggadey Ann said, no there would be no meeting about the crisis at the border. (I believe she actually USED the word crisis!)

It’s worse than the Nursing Home crimes… in that it will affect more people… appears DIMs are determined to destroy Texas.


LOL Raggedy Ann !

Lara Logan on Fox Business ( I think) has some truly awesome documentaries about the border.
The one about the synthetic drugs was the most clear and detailed I’ve ever watched . Broke my heart all over again because of my son. I don’t understand on any level how the Dems can be so evil to basically allow this to happen.


yeah, I don’t want it all splintered..the movement, the support, all of it. The vax push from PT always confused me


the shut-down was a mistake too.


A YUGE mistake.


Those decisions were all made at the state level, just like the nursing home horror. The problem with PT was not that he wanted the vaccines developed, it was not standing up for the treatments from the get go. If we are cruelly honest, thousands likely died due to the HCQ ban.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They had him cornered.

We had bad choices at each fork, but we got something out of every one. We either SAW their evil, or ESCAPED their evil.

We’re TRAINED. We know what to look for. We know exactly how they lie to us.

Now we have to pick ourselves up – PAINFULLY – after the sucker punch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The vaccines are looking to be, overall, short-term safe enough that they will escape major scrutiny, IMO, unless there are long-term bad effects we don’t know about. THAT would be bad, but if it doesn’t happen, then Trump will get big credit.

I don’t think he compartmentalized as much as internalized what he could not tell us.

Trump went along with the “vaccines as advertised” (assume no evils) because it was the ethical thing to do, and also the MILITARY thing to do. I will need to explain that soon.

The rest is my personal view. I’ll try not to rant.

I know that most who POST here are anti-vax, and the pro-vax hold their tongues.

I guess I’m somewhere in the middle. I understand how GOOD vaccines could be – if we were honest. I know how TERRIBLE they could be if we are not honest.

The vaccines [assume no intentional evil here] need to be viewed through a clear risk/benefit lens. Not all need to take them, but some benefit and WANT them.

China is trying desperately to make us stupid on vaccines – divided – non-sensible – “mandatory” vs. “they’re deadly – don’t take them”.

And into that mix we add sneaky lying eugenicists like Bill Gates and social engineers like communists who realize that vaccines can become a platform for reducing human fertility and then altering humanity down the road and nobody will be the wiser – we’ll take our RNA/DNA “vaccines” like stupid sheep. “For our good” they will do whatever they want, serving themselves, first. WE will be the “replicants”. They could be starting now and we have no coherent way of fighting back.

Genetic platforms really are going to be new therapeutic operating systems. THAT is true. How can that work for good? How can we drive the evil OUT?

The dishonesty in the biomed community is astounding enough that great evil could be in play, but at the same time, we’re not in a position to make sure it’s not happening. We have to get back into power, but if we appear like Luddites, or even worse ARE Luddites, it won’t happen, and rightly so. People who utterly reject technology and refuse to face the truths of it cannot be in charge of it.

The tribes who grabbed lever-actions before the skinflints in Washington would issue them to their soldiers SURVIVED FREE. We have to follow their lead. UNDERSTAND THE EDGE TECHNOLOGY and use that to keep our freedom.

People who can think statistically will RULE, and we need to be those people, or we will be RULED by evil people who CAN think statistically.

Rabies vaccine. Everybody needs to face that reality – how well it works. How it saves lives. “All vaccines are bad” simply isn’t true.

I challenge everybody. You just got bitten by a rabid stray cat, foaming at the mouth, convulsing on the porch.

Wolf is standing there with the shot. Do you want to be like the cat? Or will you take the shot?

I’ve been there. I’ve made the choice. It was easy.

Now – what are the lever-actions of our day?  😉 
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Every choice has a default position – the one that operates if no choice is made. In medicine it’s first do no harm. Restated – if I can’t prove it’s safe, I don’t give it out. Exception – right-to-try IF terminally ill.

None of these worpspeed drugs can say they do no harm (or statistically insignificant harm). That is the end, until they can OR give full disclosure to each patient.

BTW, when did these things get no-script-needed status?

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s safe? “Do no harm” is impossible in the face of disease – even doing nothing is doing harm. Only by calculated risk is the risk of harm reduced.

I prefer Trump’s metric. “The cure can’t be worse than the disease.”


True dat – but use his test. These concoctions don’t claim to be a cure. In fact, they don’t even claim to provide immunity.

This disease (such as it is) is over 99% survivable and less than 10% require hospitalization.

What are we curing? Fauxi poverty? Asking for a few million Americans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Why does anything need to “cure” when prevention of infection and reduction of severity if infected IS the stated goal of the particular treatment?

It works for HCQ. It works for vaccines, too.

Why does prevention of infection have to be perfect or permanent?

Why does the goal have to be anything other than reducing the number of deaths, hospitalizations, and/or cases of permanent damage?

As for claiming to provide immunity, they DO claim to provide immunity – defined in the only way vaccines to mutating diseases can – as imperfect immunity – just like CATCHING an evolving disease provides imperfect immunity.

The immunity may be imperfect, statistically imperfect, and even temporary. That’s life! That’s DISEASE.

Take the vaccine or catch the disease – your choice – the way it should be.

All these people who attempt to “define away” the science are deluding themselves.

The concept of vaccination attacked the low-hanging fruit FIRST. Now we go after harder and harder cases. That’s why they are less and less obvious choices.

What has created opposition to vaccination? The idea of MANDATORY vaccination, or even PRESSURE to take the vaccine. Those are WRONG.

Bear in mind that all the corruption and all the lies do nothing to change what’s true about vaccines. Honest data about them leaves us free to decide from it what we want to do, as individuals. That’s the way it SHOULD be.

That 10% hospitalization is worth getting rid of – but HCQ and antibody treatments are great for that, too.

Nice to have options, IMO.


The problem is not the technology — the problem is that we have no reason to trust the either the competence or the intent of the “elites” who develop and try to manage these “advances”.


“I know that most who POST here are anti-vax, and the pro-vax hold their tongues.”


It’s not so much a matter of being anti-vaxx, a vaccine could be good, if it was developed by competent, moral people with an honest objective to help people.

Like any tool, it can be used for good or evil.

The current problem with the medical establishment in general and the vaxx industry in particular is a 100% lack of TRUST due to WHO is behind the push.

And the irreversible nature of the decision, one you take it.

The people behind the vaxx are people like Gates, Klaus Schwab, Soros, Fauxi, Xi-Jinping, et al. Aligned with people like Holder, Jarrett, Comey, Brennan, Clintons, Hussein, et al. Eugenicists, new world order fruitcakes, ‘population control’ freaks, pedophiles and global tyrants.

These are monsters, mass-murderers with aspirations to outdo Mengele and Hitler and Stalin and Mao and Pol-Pot.

To ‘assume no evil‘ on their part is just nuckin futz.

And if there is any way around that, I haven’t seen the argument yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. And each day, there is even LESS reason to trust.



Valerie Curren

What happened with your son, if you don’t mind sharing?


I’ve shared before so it’s okay..he died from a lethal combo of sleep apnea and a synthetic bullshit concoction from China..supposedly the equivalent of a Vicodin.
Most of these things are powdered baby milk with fentanyl or one of the other myriad of drugs tossed in. Some get the okay dose, some will not live to see another day.

It’s a terrible long story with a terrible end and I miss him beyond words.

Valerie Curren

Oh Molly, I’m so terribly sorry for your devastating loss! I cannot begin to imagine what you face in this arena, but I understand that the loss of a child is the most painful & pervasive grief there is.

God be with you & provide you with His comfort & peace…
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Thanks for the blessings. Appreciated

Valerie Curren



 ❤  ((( Hugs))) To you


TY much


I am so very sorry for the loss of your child. That is a devastation beyond imagining. Someday you will be together again.


That’s what I hope for . TY

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Count on it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Once the bliss has worn off a smidge..boy am I going to lay into him about believing anything that comes from China could be helpful !!

LOL I don’t think it will be like that but that’s how the earth mom is thinking about the Heaven mom at the moment.


That is the joy of thinking about Heaven. We really don’t know what it will be like, so it will be the best surprise.


My deepest sympathies to you.

A mother should not outlive her child.

May God bless you in your grief.


TY friend


You are most welcome.

Prayers up.


Actual cases (and hospitalizations) to add to the false positive #s that will be exaggerated to slam Abbott’s reopening the state. Win-win for the sociopath side.


Perhaps this is part of an attack on Republican states wanting to restore civil liberties.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



H/T Bren at Marica’s Place


More Jab info for your files

<i>“Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.
They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected.
As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as noted by David Martin, Ph.D., in the video above, “The legal ramifications of this deception are immense.””</i>
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. These people who cannot grasp (or don’t WANT to grasp) general principles are just hamstringing us.

Do I *REALLY* have to do an explainer post about how the general principle of vaccination works?

The new “vaccines” are CLOSER – scientifically – to the ORIGINAL idea of vaccination – than any vaccines between now and then.

Tonight I work on it. UGH.

The other side has us biting our TAIL!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is not a criticism of anybody here or at Marica’s – but we cannot get trapped in the tricks that the other side seeds on our side.


I didn’t take it as a criticism of anybody here or at Marica’s…

Lew Rockwell is a Libertarian publication. Hardly see them as “the other side”

And to be honest, the article makes perfect sense to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It does make sense. That’s why it’s such effective disinformation.

Vaccines (the broad scientific definition) work on the same principle, actually. Fool a lot of honest people or honest biochemistry.

The fooled are both right and wrong. This is why Lew gets marginalized so easily, too. But that’s ANOTHER can of worms.


It’s the repetition that’s a killer.

A purveyor of disinfo gets a spot on a blog we like, then we pass it around to people we like.

It becomes gospel. Deniers are heretics.
Package deal, muh-resistence.

Last edited 4 years ago by yucki
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And I’m not talking about Lew as the other side. I’m talking about the stealthy half-censorship of fake magic bullet stuff like this, by the other side, that makes it go viral and compete with more correct and devastating criticisms.


FTA linked above:

Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies.

I discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as “vaccines,” and news agencies and health policy leaders call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines.

Definition of ‘Vaccine’
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,1 a vaccine is “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” Immunity, in turn, is defined as “Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claim this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

UGH. Yeah, I will need to do a post. Thanks! I won’t even argue with this stuff here. It needs to be bigger.


I for one, am very confused, as to what you are saying about the Mercola site article from above. I don’t want to take the vaccination at all and do believe it’s ultimately going to prove harmful to those who have taken it. I will check back in for your clarification/explainer post. 😎 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Depending upon the situation, you may or may not want to take any particular vaccine, IMO. It’s not simple. Risks are only NOW being well-understood, but I’m very happy that my predictions are pretty much being fulfilled, except that I was wrong on adenovirus vectors being riskier than liposome tech for mRNA delivery – turns out I had that backwards.

I think that unless people are clearly in one category (high risk, need any vaccine) (low risk, had the disease) (defined risk, pregnant or child-bearing age, etc.), then they can follow the principle of “second mouse gets the cheese”.

WAIT for the risks to become more clear.

Long-term risks will not become clear for a long time, but every year that there is no long-term risk showing up, the less likelihood that there ARE long-term risks.


Do the stand-alone thread. It’s needed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I think I will! Need Zs now, but later! 😀


I watched a UK House of Parliament Select Committee hearing today about vaccines, or as Joe Biden calls it, ‘Bactine’ (H/T Howie Carr’s audio clips of the WH occupant).

Everyone on the panel, from Michael O’Leary of Ryanair to people running UK airports, said that vaccine passports or negative airport-administered PCR tests will be necessary to fly.

Good grief. What have we got ourselves into without our consent?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In my opinion that’s complete BS.


We’ll see.

I hope you are right.


Do I *REALLY* have to do an explainer post about how the general principle of vaccination works?

Yes, Wolfie.
You’ll write it up better than I will. It’s tiresome, but that’s Clean-up, Aisle Q.

Not to convince anyone of anything.
Just to avoid repeating nonsense that devalues valid arguments.

Deplorable Patriot

You can write it up, but until the murine viruses and aborted fetal tissue are gone, I’m not going near them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you! And THAT is a whole ‘nuther pair of problems! ALTHOUGH in principle BOTH of those can be solved by the new vaccine ideas.

(1) murine viruses will only transmit through cell cultures – the new vaccines get around that (read, Fauci self-preservation)

(2) again, no need for them for non-viral vectors like Pfizer and Moderna, or proteins like Novavax, but otherwise we need new human cell lines or animal for vectors, back to the same problems.

Sadie Slays

Even if this vaccine was 100% on the up-and-up with no experimental technology, abortion or Bill Gates controversies, I’d still refuse to take it out of principle. I will take my chances with the virus rather than support the COVID agenda.


Thank you, Sadie Slays!

Amen. For a virus with a 99.97% survival rate, they can keep their poison, not matter what it is.


I would agree, except that those who refuse the vaccine might not even be able to go into a shop or a supermarket.



That will cause an underground economy to develop. Bonus – no sales tax (but cannot escape VAT in Europe).

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

We’ll see, in time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Speaking as somebody who in not averse to fast, military-backed, populist solutions, I could favor such over-reach.


That won’t happen where I live. You can bet on it. And I would move if it did.


Until or unless trust in the medical establishment is restored, they’re just used car salesmen selling snake oil.

If you buy a used car from them, worst case (and probable) scenario is you just wasted several thousand dollars.

If you buy a vaxx from them, worst case scenario is either lifelong complications or you’re dead.

The medical establishment has created for itself the same reputation for corruption as the politicial establishment. They may be in denial about that, but that’s not my problem.

Until they fix it, that problem isn’t going away.

And the chances that the same people who created the problem will also fix it, are less than zero.

No different, at all, from the corrupt political-establishment.


“Do I *REALLY* have to do an explainer post about how the general principle of vaccination works?”


Yes, for the simple reason that without a medical or scientific background, understanding the subject from anything but a very surface level isn’t ever going to happen.

Which means that all they have to do is rearrange a few key phrases or variable, and they will have us all fooled again.

That’s not ever going to stop, unless we all become MDs or PhDs.

And we’re not all going to become MDs and PhDs.


Oh wow . . . from Ace:

David French Unmasks Himself as a Simp for Bill Kristol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

French loves his submission jones. It’s perverse.


He revealed himself years ago.


Thanks, Michael, but didn’t we already know that?


LOL well yes we’ve known about David French for a long time, but coming out defending Bill Kristol and taking the wrong stand shows a level of tangled webs I didn’t really anticipate. . .


To Frenchie the Traitor: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” — Benjamin Franklin


In your spare time, check out the connections between Mercer University/Mercer Law School and King & Spalding. 

When the time comes (and it will) for me to take the deposition testimony of Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox and Mercer University President Bill Underwood, every lie will be revealed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Reminde me of Mark 5:8-9:ff

For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.

And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

How deep and wide and high is the swamp…. Legion…..


Mercer University — originally Baptist — located in Macon, Georgia:


Liars and Thieves.
Money Laundering on Every Side.


Stod useless democrat tool


Stupid useless democrat tool

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting thought!


FBI has no business in getting involved with graphattie of a privately owned tourist site that is considered to be a hoax anyway.'s_Stonehenge

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s currently a shortage of garage pulls!


That’s the best they could come up with ?


Will nanXi ask for troops to protect rocks?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Native American rocks. I’m being emotionally influenced!


Not even that. At best it’s assumed they are from 18th and 19th century farms in the area. The privately owned tourist attraction is considered a hoax by many.'s_Stonehenge

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve got a suspect! Native American Viking!
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

They’re really not all that creative.

Remember, these people are stupid.


Stupid Kills


Stupidity is supposed to be painful.


The leftists need to stop creating frame jobs on real Americans.


Doing a hoax on a hoax is just their style. It’s all BS.'s_Stonehenge

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



yawn. Privately owned tourist attraction and its claims of being precloumbian and widely disputed, regarded as pseudoarchaeological or the result of an early-20th century hoax.'s_Stonehenge

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sadie Slays

Saw the link. Immediately thought someone defaced the Georgia Guidestones. Was very disappointed to find out it was something else. Upon further thought, I realized that the media would never report any vandalism incidents involving the Georgia Guidestones.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Love it!


3.5.21: The MOVIE reflects reality! D o o m s d@y CLOCK Links B@@M! Pray!
And We Know Published  March 5, 2021

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never mind. No hurry.

You can tell us afterwards. It will be all the more interesting then. We will be able to discover where he took the wrong path.


Don’t call a turtle done till it’s in a pot and cooked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d say don’t call it flushed for 24 hours after eaten – maybe 48 just to be safe!


You might find the discussion yesterday afternoon of interest:

the thread includes:

“Just what I was coming here to post.

And, darn! I thought Cameron was a MAGA Conservative … and he might be. however, if he is beholden to Mitch he will vote this way and he is tainted.

SD has a theory about why now …

Others say it could just be his health or his age or the reality that we never know the future with Rand Paul’s attack from his neighbor being a good example.

No matter who replaces him, I will be glad to see him gone as his replacement will not be able to replace his influence in the Senate even if his replacement votes and operates as he does.

However, this makes me wonder who he thinks he is putting in place as his replacement as “leader” in the Senate … ???”

And later down the same page more posts on the same topic:


The Supreme Court has dismissed three pending requests to hear challenges to the Trump administration’s order to withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from so-called sanctuary jurisdictions—states and cities that refuse to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security efforts to deport people residing in the United States illegally.

“After a request from the Biden administration yesterday, the Supreme Court just dismissed three pending cert petitions (requests to hear a case) about the Trump administration’s effort to withhold money from so-called sanctuary cities,” the SCOTUSblog Twitter account noted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GloboNazis on parade!


The left need to stop fleecing our country.


You worked for trump and you go to jail…

The FBI has arrested a former midlevel State Department aide in the Trump administration who is accused of assaulting police officers while storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Federico Klein, who also worked on the 2016 Trump campaign, was taken into custody on Thursday in Virginia. He was charged by criminal complaint with six counts including obstructing an official proceeding, obstructing law enforcement and assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saw this incident, and may have seen this very guy! This is where people were in this tunnel-like structure going up to a window or door or something, and there were riot shields being pushed and shoved around. You could see some of them coming out of the tunnel and going back in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Meaning the shields coming out and going back in. The rioters were grabbing the shields away and then passing them back over people’s heads, but then they would bring the shields back in and use them as battering rams or something. I could not really see the front of the tunnel, but I could see the people back a bit.


march 5, 2021 the marshall report

Creating awareness of human and child trafficking is never popular, and it is a horrid thing to even imagine. That being said, closing our eyes to it and acting as though it never happened only causes the evil to grow more powerful and abundantly. President Trump took action to cut off their merchandising routes and get rid of their coyote holding houses. He assigned task forces to raid their strong holds and rescue children and women who were held captive and enslaved by evil psychopaths that partake in this and find it fun.Trump has agreements with governments in South America and Mexico to stop human and drug trafficking.


It’s really sad that OBiden threw away the nonpartisan humane efforts that PTrump instituted .
Now the traffickers are back in business ruining lives with drugs and human slavery.


No apology necessary. My mood has been borderline freak out since Biden didn’t win.


I’m pretty certain Biden is a demon.


If he is, he must be a demon of Sloth. I figured most demons would be more lively.


Lol! Sloth IS one of the Seven Deadlies.


Maybe, these children will get rescued, Mol – something else may be going on here – because it is so out in the open.


I wish that I had your outlook but I don’t.
They know they’re all untouchable


Well – if the Military is involved in the rescues – and they do not take orders from Biden – then, it is possible they could track them – and separate them from these monsters – get them all at once – win/win

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But if they do take orders from Biden……

Prepare for the worst. It’s our DUTY.


They defend the Constitution not Biden – they will take no unlawful orders – imho


Agree – not all of the brass – but, there are definitely some bad apples among them, GMT


Here’s one of the latest.

The 13 people killed in one of the deadliest highway crashes involving migrants sneaking into the U.S. had entered California through a section of border fence with Mexico that was cut away, apparently by smugglers, immigration officials said Wednesday.
Surveillance video showed a Ford Expedition and Chevrolet Suburban drive through the opening early Tuesday, said Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol’s El Centro sector chief. The video has not been publicly released because it’s part of an ongoing investigation.
The Suburban carried 19 people, and it caught fire for unknown reasons on a nearby interstate after entering the U.S. All escaped the vehicle and were taken into custody by Border Patrol agents.
The Expedition crammed with 25 people continued on, and a tractor-trailer struck it a short time later. Ten of the 13 killed in that crash have been identified as Mexican citizens. The Border Patrol said its agents were not pursuing the vehicle before the wreck.


Oh, My, Mol!!! That is an incredible story – what an unusual set of circumstances – they will not succeed – there is a fight for the spirit of America – we will not be deterred – God has sent his Warring Angels to fight the evil entities that are controlling these evil ones – there will be more instances of God thwarting their efforts – of that I am certain.


“The Suburban carried 19 people, and it caught fire for unknown reasons”

If they were traffickers and pedophiles, maybe God struck the Suburban with lightning.


I cannot watch stuff like that it makes me ill.
Good to be aware though.


My only question is why would the two rats leave their nest to get warm atop the dog?


He won’t be charge.


Fishers of Men – 20210304


Peace Be Still – 20210305


GRACE AND GLORY – A Whole Lotta Shakin Goin’ On


Abbott apparently got a big kick in the pants on Sunday.

Gov. Greg Abbott announces effort to ban social media censorship in Texas
‘Conservative speech will not be canceled in the state of Texas’
CHRIS PANDOLFOMarch 05, 2021

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) held a press conference Friday to discuss new legislation that would prohibit social media companies from censoring viewpoints.

The governor was joined by state Sen. Bryan Hughes to discuss his bill, Senate Bill 12, which “will help prohibit social media companies from censoring Texans based on the viewpoints they express.”

“Conservative speech will not be canceled in the state of Texas,” Abbott said. “We see that the First Amendment is under assault by the social media companies, and that is not going to be tolerated in Texas.”

Abbott said there is “a dangerous movement” to silence conservative ideas and religious beliefs spreading nationwide. He accused social media companies of engaging in that effort to silence conservatives through their content moderation policies.

. . . Last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis became the first Republican governor in the nation to announce his support for legislation cracking down on Big Tech.

The bill DeSantis unveiled would go farther than the Texas bill, requiring social media platforms to give notice and disclosures about changes to their content standards or terms of service, giving users the ability to opt out of algorithms used on the platform, and ensuring that content moderation policies are applied equally to all users. The Florida bill would also impose fines and penalties for social media websites that interfere in elections by deplatforming candidates for office or using their technology to boost or suppress one candidate over another.


N.B.: First, this is a Senate bill, which is likely to pass, but get locked up in committee in the House. Second, this bill doesn’t go as far as DeSantis bill, which is not surprising but hey, because . . . Third, Abbott is reaching for something that was just lying around that he have a conference on and champion, so he grabbed Hughes’ bill and ran with it.

Abbott may be an opportunist, but I wish a lot of the other GOP gov’s were at least opportunists rather than do-nothings.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news!




Newt Gingrich Tells Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo That He Was Suspended From Twitter For Tweet About Illegal Immigrants and Covid
By Sarah RumpfMar 5th, 2021, 5:05 pm

. . . “I just got suspended by Twitter, so I’m part of the censored group because I did a tweet saying that having illegal immigrants come in without any controls is a public health issue in the time of Covid,” said Gingrich. “So I just want to report, I’m part of the same effort by Twitter to censor the country on its own terms.”

“Unbelievable,” Bartiromo replied. “You’ve been suspended from Twitter now. Who put these companies in charge of being the arbiter of truth? What you tweeted is absolutely true. We had a Covid threat because of all of those people who had Covid who came into the country illegally. So what’s untrue about what you said?”

Gingrich said that he had submitted a request asking Twitter to explain the reason for the suspension, and criticized the social media company. “What they’re doing, what all these big companies are doing, is they’re setting the stage for a real populist backlash that will either make them liable to lawsuits, or have real controls over them, or break them up. I mean, Twitter’s behaving as though it’s a dictatorship and it’s not.” . . .

comment image

Update 5:45 pm: Twitter responded by email from a company spokesperson stating, “The account you referenced is temporarily locked for violating our hateful conduct policy.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter is BULLSHIT!!!


Enemy of the State, Enemy of the People.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but still a battlefield.

The more they pull this $#!+, the more their true motives are exposed.


Leftists need to stop being so facist.


Translation: My abusive spouse just knocked my teeth out AGAIN, can you believe it? I’m going back as soon as I get out of the hospital (suspension), this time I’ll try harder to not make him mad at me, so he doesn’t have to hurt me again.

Nobody ever asks Newt (or anyone else) WTF are you doing at Enemy Comms HQ in the first place?

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

That CPAC poll bitch-slapped this guy into next week!


Looking for an image 😂 . . .

Ugh. It’s there, you just have to click. The quote contains “could stop bird $hit in mid-air”.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Yikes, LOL.

JW in Germany

Recently, I have been discovering rapper Tom MacDonald’s work and REACTIONS to his controversial lyrics. I am so happy I stumbled across this because watching the reactions from dozens of YT channels has given me new hope…and maybe I can spread some here.

Please check this out.


Via Project Veritas:

As you know, many Brave Insiders have come to Project Veritas throughout the years because they were fed up with the malfeasance happening in their workplace.

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As an example, you’ll remember when one Brave Insider from the U.S. Postal Service, Richard Hopkins, came to us with testimonies of the Voter Fraud he witnessed.

Hopkins blew the whistle on a potentially scandalous Back-Dating Ballot Scheme taking place inside a Pennsylvania USPS office.

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While an Insider is being demonized for their bravery, we need to be able to help them find safe housing, ensure their personal safety and security, and even help cover their expenses until they can get back on their feet in some cases.

The consequences of a whistleblower going public only confirms that the “Be Brave” program is one worth pursuing, and one worth expanding as much as possible.

The calls to grow this program are increasing rapidly, and to do it successfully requires additional funds.

In 2020, for example, we recruited 9 Insiders who wanted to blow the whistle on their employers. This year, we aim to recruit as many as 25 Brave Insiders to join the Veritas Army, and we can do so with your support.

Insiders come to us because they have nowhere else to turn where they will be taken seriously and protected from what comes after they expose the truth.

That is why we are going to raise $1 million dollars for the “Be Brave” program.

With your help, we can continue to support these whistleblowers as they continue to come to Project Veritas. Also, one of our generous supporters has pledged $100,000 in matching funds if you donate BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

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With a $30, $60, or even $90 donation right now, Project Veritas will be able to protect those who want to unveil what is happening behind closed doors. Remember, every donation is 100% tax-deductible!

You can help the next Brave Insider come forward with the truth, and I hope I can count on your support for this very necessary, and rapidly growing program.

In Veritas,



Microsoft Email, Calendar Accounts Hacked By Chinese Government-Linked Group.

Microsoft programs including its mail and calendar services were recently hacked by a group the company has “high confidence” is working for the Chinese Communist Party.
The hack prompted the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to issue a rare emergency directive that requires all government networks to undergo a software update.

The perpetrator, Microsoft outlined in a blog post, is a hacker group that the company has “high confidence” is working for the Chinese Communist Party and focuses on spying on American targets.

In another blog post, Microsoft Vice President Tom Burt noted that the hacking group has recently spied on a wide array of American targets, including “infectious disease researchers, law firms, higher education institutions, defense contractors, policy think tanks and NGOs.”


White House: Microsoft security breach is ‘active threat’ possibly with ‘large number of victims’
Press secretary urged data managers to “act now” to address breach.

The White House warned on Friday that recent reported data breaches of Microsoft servers constitute an “active threat” to which data managers should immediately respond in order to protect sensitive user information. 

Microsoft this week said in a security center blog post that it was releasing “several security updates for Microsoft Exchange Server to address vulnerabilities that have been used in limited targeted attacks.”

The company did not clarify explicitly what kinds of attacks had occurred, though White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in a Thursday tweet warned of “reports of potential compromises of U.S. think tanks and defense industrial base entities.” According to The Hill, the breach was “reportedly carried out by Chinese hackers.” 

At a Friday press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned that the data breaches constitute “a significant vulnerability” and an “active threat.”

“[E]veryone running these servers, government, private sector, academia needs to act now to patch them,” she said.

“We are concerned that there are a large number of victims and are working with our partners to understand the scope of this,” she added. So it’s an ongoing process.” 

Psaki noted that the situation was “still developing,” but added: “We urge network operators to take it very seriously.”

Microsoft said its Exchange Server platforms from 2013, 2016 and 2019 were affected by the vulnerabilities.


t most secure software evah!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Easiest way for the CIA to help China. CIA controls Microsoft. Allow vulnerability to be exploited. Then let Xiden administration FAKE that they’re all “standing up to China”.


They’re all communists running their low-level fools as cover.


Leftists need to stop being such control freaks.


But if they weren’t control freaks, would they be leftist? 😉


Microsoft Says Chinese Hackers Targeted Groups via Server Software
BY REUTERS March 4, 2021 Updated: March 4, 2021

WASHINGTON—A China-linked cyber-espionage group has been remotely plundering email inboxes using freshly discovered flaws in Microsoft mail server software, the company and outside researchers said on Tuesday—an example of how commonly used programs can be exploited to cast a wide net online.

In a blog post, Microsoft said the hacking campaign made use of four previously undetected vulnerabilities in different versions of the software and was the work of a group it dubs HAFNIUM, which it described as a state-sponsored entity operating out of China.

In a separate blog post, cyber-security firm Volexity said that in January it had seen the hackers use one of the vulnerabilities to remotely steal “the full contents of several user mailboxes.” All they needed to know were the details of Exchange server and of the account they wanted to pillage, Volexity said.

Ahead of the Microsoft announcement, the hackers’ increasingly aggressive moves began to attract attention across the cybersecurity community.

Mike McLellan, director of intelligence for Dell Technologies Inc’s Secureworks, said ahead of the Microsoft announcement that he had noticed a sudden spike in activity touching Exchange servers overnight on Sunday, with around 10 customers affected at his firm.

Microsoft’s suite of products has been under scrutiny since the hack of SolarWinds, the Texas-based software firm that served as a springboard for several intrusions across government and the private sector. In other cases, hackers took advantage of the way customers had set up their Microsoft services to compromise their targets or dive further into affected networks.

Hackers who went after SolarWinds also breached Microsoft itself, accessing and downloading source code—including elements of Exchange, the company’s email, and calendaring product.

McLellan said that for now, the hacking activity he had seen appeared focused on seeding malicious software and setting the stage for a potentially deeper intrusion rather than aggressively moving into networks right away.

“We haven’t seen any follow-on activity yet,” he said. “We’re going to find a lot of companies affected but a smaller number of companies actually exploited.”

Microsoft said targets included infectious disease researchers, law firms, higher education institutions, defense contractors, policy think tanks, and non-governmental groups.

By Raphael Satter and Christopher Bing


Beware “cyberpandemic”

Sponsored by IBM, the WEF, and the CCP.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I think the comma between “perpetrator” (perpetraitor?) and “Microsoft” should be moved, in the interest of truth, to wit:

“The perpetrator Microsoft, outlined in a blog post, is a hacker group that the company has “high confidence” is working for the Chinese Communist Party and focuses on spying on American targets.”


Considering she was probably butt buddies with jesse smollett…


Ep. 2420a – Trump Was Right About The Economy, [JB] Answers To The [WEF]
X22 Report Published  March 5, 2021


Ep. 2420b – Defcon 1, Fire & Fury, We Are Fighting For You, Message Received
X22 Report Published  March 5, 2021


SSGQ Channel, [05.03.21 18:15]
30 People Arrested, 1 Child Rescued in Human Trafficking Sting ‘Operation Cupid’ in Texas

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to say, I didn’t sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I did just shoot down a Dem talking point based on a scientific paper that has not yet been peer reviewed, thanks to a post by MAGA Mom.

The post was about “Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a Neanderthal” jokes, and one was that you might be a Neanderthal if you believe in “millions of people being infected with COVID by asymptomatic transmission”.

I suddenly had a powerful insight. TRANSMISSION is not the same as BROADCAST or RECEPTION. It’s BOTH. Transmission is both viral shedding AND infection.

Our science needs to be very careful to distinguish these, and in doing so, we have to accept that we prove what we prove, not something else. The “something else” is STILL conjecture.

The paper in question is this one:

Mainstream Explainer:

Scientific Preprint:

I’m assuming that the science is good here – it looks solid to me, and I have no problems with the conclusions. What the authors do is look at evidence of both asymptomatic AND symptomatic INFECTION – meaning RECEPTION. They have proof that the Pfizer vaccine not only prevents people from getting SYMPTOMATIC cases, but also prevents them from getting ASYMPTOMATIC cases, between the first and second shots.

They state in the paper – correctly – that the vaccine is proven to reduce INFECTION.

This is good stuff, and shoots down a lot of disinformation.

BUT HuffPo DISTORTS DOUBLY with this title and subtitle:

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Reduces Transmission After 1 Dose, Study Finds

A single dose also cuts the number of asymptomatic infections, according to preliminary research in the U.K. which has not yet been peer-reviewed.

There is no “also” here.

Technically, the title is correct, because the vaccine reduces “transmission” by reducing INFECTION, but it is misleading at the same time, because many will conflate “transmission” with shedding of virus. Note that the ACTUAL facts makes the subtitle redundant, other than specifying “asymptomatic”, but that is unnecessary, really, because it was true for BOTH symptomatic AND asymptomatic.

Stated differently, the title is inexact to support Dem narratives of your need to be vaccinated to save grandma, when what was proven is that grandma MAY need the vaccine (when we look ONLY at COVID infection as a motivation).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Lew fell for this guy. Sad.

Martin is using a bunch of specious “perfectionist” arguments that assert things which are simply wrong.

I would love to see his evidence, but he NEVER links to it. The SEC filing in particular.

But I can find evidence that Pfizer acts like everybody else in science, and calls it a vaccine OFFICIALLY.

First, here are Pfizer’s lawyers calling their released vaccine a vaccine in defense of an infringement suit.


Here is a typical Pfizer patent showing them going “broader than vaccines” before narrowing down to vaccines – this is a normal tactic in patents. (“The moving object which is a wheeled vehicle. The wheeled vehicle which is an automobile.”)

Claims here may or may not cover the released vaccine, although the patent is old and could be gone.

Here is Pfizer talking about their product vis-a-vis the FDA:

Here is the FDA EUA:

David Martin pads his assertions with legitimate problems in some cases, e.g., the new vaccines ARE a type of “gene therapy”, but they are still vaccines, and closer to the classic ones than most, because the science was able to take them there [more or less] safely.

Likewise, there is dishonesty in the industry, etc., including in the Pfizer statement above (they’re using “hidden science escape behavior” on genetic incorporation’s known facts and unknown problems), but that is not properly addressed by Martin, who is actually HELPING the industry by coming at it badly on the gene issue.

Here are sites which promote his positions, but for me the expose them fully:

mRNA vaccines ARE literally low-hanging fruit of gene therapy – but they are still vaccines. Enough so that Pfizer calls them that in legal battles.


Putting aside the corruption of our legal system (which also precludes assuming the ultimate truth of any assertion), I suggest that you re-read the piece (by deplorable patriot IIRC) about bias. It appears that you might have a personal investment in the efficacy of these concoctions. Also, whether they qualify for emergency use authorization is an obvious conclusion for which there can be no dispute.

They are NOT fully available/vetted yet they are being presented as if they are. That’s a false & misleading business practice any way you slice it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“It appears that you might have a personal investment in the efficacy of these concoctions.”

I generally believe ALL people have a personal investment in their efficacy!


HR1: House Passes Democrat Bill Targeting US Election Systems


President Trump issues statement on the Border…
Posted by Kane on March 5, 2021 4:15 pm

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

“Our border is now totally out of control thanks to the disastrous leadership of Joe Biden. Our great Border Patrol and ICE agents have been disrespected, demeaned, and mocked by the Biden Administration. A mass incursion into the country by people who should not be here is happening on an hourly basis, getting worse by the minute. Many have criminal records, and many others have and are spreading covid. Interior enforcement has been shut down—criminals that were once promptly removed by our Administration are now being released back onto the street to commit heinous and violent crimes. ICE officers are desperate to remove these convicted criminals, but Biden won’t let them.
The spiraling tsunami at the border is overwhelming local communities, depleting budgets, crowding hospitals, and taking jobs from legal American workers. When I left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country’s history. Under Biden, it will soon be worse, more dangerous, and more out of control than ever before. He has violated his oath of office to uphold our Constitution and enforce our laws.
There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now but more importantly, what is about to happen. Now that Biden has implemented nationwide Catch-and-Release, illegal immigrants from every corner of the Earth will descend upon our border and never be returned. You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed.
I had a great relationship with Mexico, and its wonderful president, but all of that has been dissipated by the gross incompetence and radicalism of the people currently in charge. The Remain in Mexico Policy was incredible, but immediately abandoned by Biden, probably because it worked so well. Likewise, our Safe Third Agreements in Central America were extraordinarily successful, so Biden foolishly ditched them too. We stopped payment of the hundreds of millions of dollars paid to them and then developed an excellent relationship that made our country and their countries more secure. We put in place powerful rules and procedures to stop the smuggling and trafficking, but the Biden Administration has abandoned these proven strategies and instead given the smugglers and traffickers effective control of our border.
Despite being delayed by years of litigation and politics by the democrats, the wall is almost finished and can be quickly completed. Doing so will save thousands of lives.
The Biden Administration must act immediately to end the border nightmare that they have unleashed onto our Nation. Keep illegal immigration, crime, and the China Virus out of our country!”


They stopped the “mean tweets” so now we have issued statements.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are evil.


Guess so, Michael.


I would like to see PDJT start his own social media platform, and then I’d like to see him enter the fray again.


“Our border is now totally out of control thanks to the disastrous leadership of Joe Biden.”

And thanks to you walking away from a landslide victory, leaving our Republic under the control of our greatest foreign adversary. Unless the military is in control. You won’t tell us which. Which is stupid, because you obviously know, and the enemy certainly knows, so the only people who DON’T know is We the People.


“Our great Border Patrol and ICE agents have been disrespected, demeaned, and mocked by the Biden Administration. A mass incursion into the country by people who should not be here is happening on an hourly basis, getting worse by the minute. Many have criminal records, and many others have and are spreading covid. Interior enforcement has been shut down—criminals that were once promptly removed by our Administration are now being released back onto the street to commit heinous and violent crimes. ICE officers are desperate to remove these convicted criminals, but Biden won’t let them.”

Thanks for the fear-porn, I’m feeling much better now. I think it has something to do with the complete and total helplessness to do anything about our circumstances, thanks to you leaving us holding the bag, and thanks to our military doing nothing besides protecting the tyrannical government.

Imagine if you will, a scenario where rapists and murderers are coming for YOUR children, and you don’t have the financial resources or body guards to protect them. All you have is constant fear porn, pouring out of every information source available to you, even from the former President of the United States, who had the power to stop all of it, but didn’t. Instead, he just went to Florida, and now taunts us all by cranking up the fear.

Thanks for that.


“The spiraling tsunami at the border is overwhelming local communities, depleting budgets, crowding hospitals, and taking jobs from legal American workers. When I left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country’s history. Under Biden, it will soon be worse, more dangerous, and more out of control than ever before. He has violated his oath of office to uphold our Constitution and enforce our laws.”

And you let it happen.

Didn’t you?

Is that wrong, or is that a correct and honest assessment?

We did our job, we re-elected you in a landslide.

Why didn’t you do yours?


“There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now but more importantly, what is about to happen. Now that Biden has implemented nationwide Catch-and-Release, illegal immigrants from every corner of the Earth will descend upon our border and never be returned. You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed.”

So should we all just commit suicide now, or wait to be murdered? It’s hard to judge the fine line between your fear-porn-to-invoke suicide and fear-porn-to-invoke total demoralization. If you could give a little specific guidance — suicide or total demoralization — in your next communique, that would be peaches.


“I had a great relationship with Mexico, and its wonderful president, but all of that has been dissipated by the gross incompetence and radicalism of the people currently in charge.”


If Amlo was a ‘wonderful president’, would he revert to his past criminal ways the moment you ran away?


“The Remain in Mexico Policy was incredible, but immediately abandoned by Biden, probably because it worked so well. Likewise, our Safe Third Agreements in Central America were extraordinarily successful, so Biden foolishly ditched them too. We stopped payment of the hundreds of millions of dollars paid to them and then developed an excellent relationship that made our country and their countries more secure. We put in place powerful rules and procedures to stop the smuggling and trafficking, but the Biden Administration has abandoned these proven strategies and instead given the smugglers and traffickers effective control of our border.”


It’s almost like all the good you accomplished was completely wasted, just wasted time. Why did you run away, and leave us with nothing but fear-porn updates, reminding us how screwed we are, now that you exposed all the corruption, making them a thousand times more dangerous — and then just took off?


“Despite being delayed by years of litigation and politics by the democrats, the wall is almost finished and can be quickly completed. Doing so will save thousands of lives.”


Why would your successor do that?

To please his master and owner, Xi Jinping?


“The Biden Administration must act immediately to end the border nightmare that they have unleashed onto our Nation.”



Other politicians could pretend they didn’t know the “or what?” side of the equation, but you are a triple double-D Sun Tzu chess Emperor of the High order of VSG, so I know you know that telling anyone they ‘must’ do something must also necessarily include the answer to “or what?”

So what are you going to do when Uncle Dementia does not ‘end the border nightmare’?

What about all that declassified stuff you took when you left?

I mean, not only could you bring down the illegitimate Biden administration with that info, you could bring down governments and criminal organizations all around the world.

Just imagine all the people you could ‘wake up’ by releasing that information. It would certainly case a ‘Great Awakening’.

I mean, assuming that was ever an actual objective in the first place, of course.


“Keep illegal immigration, crime, and the China Virus out of our country!”


I’m sure Joe will.

I’m just sure of it.

Thanks for the note, stay in touch, those of us left in the lurch are always glad to hear from the old timers 👍


Scott, you are definitely not a happy camper today – however – even if you typed up this tirade and sent it to PT – I do not think he is at liberty to respond and/or answer your questions.

It is my understanding – this is a military operation – and became thus when PT stepped down – he may or may not have a say in what they do – I have no idea.

I do have to say, though, there is nothing in this letter that we (who are allegedly in-the-know) do not know – it was written for those who do not know.

If we are expecting one man to clean up this massive worldwide mess or even the mess in the US – we will definitely be disappointed. PT accomplished much during his 4 years in the WH – and the bad guys are not happy with what he did to destroy their perfect operation.

Every single agency and branch of the government has been compromised – even if we bombed the entire complex – the DS players would come out of the woodwork in every state of the union.

What is it you want PT to do right now? Ride in DC on a White Horse and declare Victory? Ain’t gonna happen.

Even if he were re-instated as President – there are swamp creatures everywhere We the People must eradicate in one way or another.

Imagine for a minute – the riots that would occur in major cities throughout the nation if PT was declared the winner of the 2020 Election – and imagine the Military taking care of those uprisings.

Imagine 3/4 of Congress under arrest and in cuffs – Imagine a few bad apples in the SC under arrest and in cuffs – would that make you feel better? It might in the short term – but – in the long term – it is just the tip of the DS iceberg.

I wish I could tell you that everything will be all right – and – all in due time – but, alas – I cannot – our success is dependent upon so many things falling in place at the right time and in the right measure.

My hope is in God – at this point – I can see no man alive who would be capable of fixing this mess – it has been going on for centuries – and it is highly demonic – we do not have the power to fight these demonic deputies in satan’s army – only God could wipe them out.

I think PT had great success because he had God’s blessing. Right now – WE need God’s blessing – and the only way we are going to get that is if we humble ourselves before Him, acknowledge Him in all we do, ask for His help, and PRAY.

God has all of the answers – we do not – and PT certainly does not, either.

So – Trust in God – Ask Him to empower PT – and ‘Save America’!!!


“Scott, you are definitely not a happy camper today – however – even if you typed up this tirade and sent it to PT – I do not think he is at liberty to respond and/or answer your questions.”


I’m just asking perfectly legitimate questions.

I don’t expect anyone to answer them, that’s not the kind of world we live in. To ask these kinds of questions, is to answer them.


“It is my understanding – this is a military operation – and became thus when PT stepped down – he may or may not have a say in what they do – I have no idea.”


Yep, I know the narrative, I just don’t have evidence to support, or any reason to trust the sources who promoted the narrative.

None of it adds up, none of it makes sense, and thanks to the black hats who think they’re white hats, we can’t do anything about our situation, because the white hats would kill us just as soon as the black hats.

Which tells me everything I need to know about the so-called ‘white’ hats.


“I do have to say, though, there is nothing in this letter that we (who are allegedly in-the-know) do not know – it was written for those who do not know.”


Yes, I know. We’re all hooked up by electrodes directly to the source, so every time he decides to ‘shock’ the system, it has to travel through us, where most of the energy and pain is absorbed, and then maybe a little bit gets through to comatose nation.

That makes me feel a lot better, knowing that.


“If we are expecting one man to clean up this massive worldwide mess or even the mess in the US – we will definitely be disappointed.”


Please stop with that, it’s not true. Only someone in the highest position of power can do anything about it, and he was in that position, and he didn’t.

He could have.

But he didn’t. At least not yet. Maybe he will, maybe he can, maybe he can’t, who knows? I wish he and the clowns who are advising him could experience the suffering he is putting us through.

I really could care less about the people who don’t want to be ‘awake’ anymore. So that excuse is finished, as far as I’m concerned. They could all vanish from the world in the next instant, and the world would be a better place.

Or just kill me, put me out of my misery.

But they won’t do that either, because the entire purpose is to create endless misery and suffering with no hope of relief.

The enemies of mankind created that situation. DJT kicked the hornets nest, made it all a thousand times worse, and then took off for Florida.

So then let’s fight, we could win easily. Oh wait, we can’t, because the great and wonderful tyrant-protecting military has orders to protect the tyrannical government from We the People at any and all costs.

So just hook us up to the car battery and juice us with some more fear-porn.

We are rapidly getting to the point where the endless ‘movie’ doesn’t matter anymore, all that matters is to inflict pain on the people who are inflicting pain on us, to make them stop.

These are horrible people. Both the people doing it, and the people allowing it to be done. Horrible people.


“PT accomplished much during his 4 years in the WH – and the bad guys are not happy with what he did to destroy their perfect operation.”


He walked away.

He didn’t have to do that.

There were a thousand other options, and he chose the one that caused the most pain to the patriots, and spared the most pain to the traitors.

I’m sure it’s all for the best, big picture stuff, the smart guys who allowed our country to be overtaken back in the 1950s have it all figured out. It’s unfortunate that all of our lives had to be sacrificed, but some future generation will probably be better off.


So there’s a lot of comfort in that.


“Every single agency and branch of the government has been compromised – even if we bombed the entire complex – the DS players would come out of the woodwork in every state of the union.”


Yes, and the way to deal with that problem is through force. We don’t need a magic 8-ball, or a Ouija board, or a ‘looking glass’, or a quantum computer, or any of that garbage.

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

We just need a regular old history book.

Myanmar figured it out.

The people with the guns have the power. That would be the military. The people with the power over the military have the power to stop anybody they want to. That would be the president.

He didn’t.

He left them all in place, except a few high profile traitors who were allowed to resign with full benefits and go to work committing treason against our Republic full time in outside organizations.


“What is it you want PT to do right now? Ride in DC on a White Horse and declare Victory? Ain’t gonna happen.”


I want him to target the enemy instead of us, and do it before they kill us, or cause the protectors of the enemy to stand down, so we can defend ourselves.

That was his #1 job, because if you can’t (or won’t) do that, then how does any of the rest matter, if you’re dead?

Die on your knees or die fighting, that’s the choice he left us.

Except then he removed ‘die fighting’ from the available choices, by threatening the entire power of the federal government coming down on anyone who stood to fight.


“Even if he were re-instated as President – there are swamp creatures everywhere We the People must eradicate in one way or another.”


This is what we have a military for. If the military points a gun at the traitors and pulls the trigger, they die. That’s what happens to corrupt and tyrannical governments, all over the world, since the invention of the gun.

Until the “new math” generation came along.

I’m not sure how the lessons of history (or basic anatomy and ballistics) has been lost, or where it went. But I really have no desire to be part of this stupidity and insanity for much longer.


“Imagine for a minute – the riots that would occur in major cities throughout the nation if PT was declared the winner of the 2020 Election – and imagine the Military taking care of those uprisings.”


That’s EXACTLY what I want, the TRUTH — and then let the consequences be what they may. Because the only other option is what we have now, to allow those same traitors to rule over us.

I don’t believe riots would happen for a second, and I never have, it’s just a propaganda lie that was told to justify never doing anything that might offend the terminally stupid.

And even if riots did happen, who cares? These same idiots rioted all summer, in big blue cities. Didn’t affect the rest of us at all. So if they want to riot, go ahead, knock yourselves out, live it up. I’ll take that over them having power over us 100 times out of 100. All day long, every day.


“Imagine 3/4 of Congress under arrest and in cuffs – Imagine a few bad apples in the SC under arrest and in cuffs – would that make you feel better?”


You have no idea how much better. At this point, the need for justice outweighs the need for just about everything else, besides maybe air. It’s a tough call, probably depends on how long it has been since I last took a breath.


“It might in the short term – but – in the long term – it is just the tip of the DS iceberg.”


The military has an abundance of guns and ammo, more than enough to kill every last member of the DS, all over the world, a million times over.


“I wish I could tell you that everything will be all right – and – all in due time – but, alas – I cannot – our success is dependent upon so many things falling in place at the right time and in the right measure.”


The only reason our ‘success’ is even a question is because TPTB decided to get fancy and try new math, instead of solving the problem the only way it has ever been solved in the history of the world.

Shame on them, for thinking they were better or smarter than all who came before them. Pride and vanity.


“My hope is in God – at this point – I can see no man alive who would be capable of fixing this mess – it has been going on for centuries – and it is highly demonic – we do not have the power to fight these demonic deputies in satan’s army – only God could wipe them out.”


When was the last time God did a direct intervention on a national or global scale?

Is that where we’re at?

Is that what we’re waiting for now?

What was the point of electing Trump in the first place, if this was the destination?

Why not just skip Trump, and go straight to letting God handle it?


“I think PT had great success because he had God’s blessing. Right now – WE need God’s blessing – and the only way we are going to get that is if we humble ourselves before Him, acknowledge Him in all we do, ask for His help, and PRAY.”


I prayed for 8 years all through the Hussein abomination. Then I prayed for 4 years through the Trump administration. Every time he could have zigged, he zagged, and we were told to just ‘trust the plan’.

Whoever came up with this touchy-feely Lefty plan that eschews everything that has ever worked throughout history, for some new ‘third way’, deserves to be smacked repeatedly.


“God has all of the answers – we do not – and PT certainly does not, either.”


Yes, God has all the answers, no dispute there. PT had the United States military, and that was enough to save America and the whole world.

Didn’t happen.

Couldn’t (or wouldn’t) pull the trigger.


“So – Trust in God – Ask Him to empower PT – and ‘Save America’!!!”


Been doing that every day for nearly 5 years now.

And things keep getting worse.

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, is the definition of something or other.

It might be time for some “A/B” testing.

Or the Costanza method.

Maybe if I stop praying, suddenly things will start getting better.

Even if things just start getting worse faster, that would be a relief too.

Anything besides this grinding, relentless uncertainty drowning in fear-porn, courtesy of every hat, both the black and those pretending to be white.


I have no use for narratives – just truth.

The truth is: if PT did not leave – states would not open up – and he cared more about the American people than himself.

I have no use for White Hats and Black Hats – I care what they do – not what they say.

The Military is the only way to resolve this takeover of our government by a foreign entity – they alone have the power to deal with them – PT does not.

You keep saying PT could have done this or he could have done that – but, he did what he had to do – to save the lives and livelihoods of as many Americans as he could – and – he knew what they (the bad guys) were going to do – they have done it for eons.

The Demonic DS is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result – which – by what they have accomplished for centuries is the same result – the destruction of the human race – by the grace of God – we are still here.

America was the prize they wanted the most – because all others would fall when America fell – PT knew all of this – but, was powerless to do anything about it until he was asked to do something about it – someone or some group had to approach him – he was the only one who could have accomplished what he did – there were few who would have tried and even fewer with the ability.

The world is full of good and evil people – the evil flourish while the good are kept down – this is a spiritual battle – between good and evil – that has gone on since the beginning of time.

We had no idea with what we were dealing – and even if we did – we would be hard-pressed to do anything about it.

The corruption is so widespread – we would have to gut every agency, every representative government body, and every judge in the entire world. We do not have the power to do that because there are lunatics among us – leftist lunatics, rightwing lunatics, and many lunatics in between.

Throughout history, they (the Demonic DS) has managed to keep us divided – at each other’s throats – and as far away from God as they could possibly push us.

It is time for us to start fighting back – because if we do not – we will no longer live in the home of the free and the brave.

Praying is great for peace of mind, soul, and body – and God is so much more powerful than our adversary!!!

So – I am asking Him – along with many others to move on our behalf – and I honestly believe He will – I cannot wait until He does!!!


“I have no use for narratives – just truth.”




“The truth is: if PT did not leave – states would not open up”


That’s a narrative.

It’s a narrative that assumes the governor of Washington or California has more power than the POTUS, which is not true.

It’s a narrative that assumes POTUS cannot have the governors involved in treason against the United States arrested and replaced with temporary administrators until new elections can be held.

It’s a narrative that assumes helplessness, which assumes victory for the enemy without those with true power even trying.


” – and he cared more about the American people than himself.”


Then why is America so much worse off now than before?


“I have no use for White Hats and Black Hats – I care what they do – not what they say.”


We can see much of what the black hats do, every bad thing everywhere is attributable to the black hats.

The problem is that we can’t see anything the white hats do. Which leads to the very real and reasonable suspicion that either:

A) the white hats are not doing anything at all, or

B) there are no white hats (in which case, see ‘A’)


“The Military is the only way to resolve this takeover of our government by a foreign entity – they alone have the power to deal with them – PT does not.”


This misunderstanding is predicated on not understanding how the military functions. The POTUS is the Commander in Chief of the military.

So to say that the military is the only way to resolve this takeover is to say President Trump is the only way to resolve this takeover.

The military is not a power unto itself, at least not in any normal circumstance, it is always, by design and intent, under civilian authority and control, and that civilian is POTUS.

So to suggest that the military has the power and PT does not, is to say that the body can function without the head.

The military cannot do anything without leadership.

Their leader now is Joe Biden.

Or not, it could be space aliens, it could be DJT, it could be Jeff Foxworthy, nobody knows anything that’s going on anymore.

Not really.


You keep saying PT could have done this or he could have done that –”


I only say it because it’s true, he could have.


“but, he did what he had to do –”


You can’t know that, you don’t know what his options were.


“to save the lives and livelihoods of as many Americans as he could”


He should have saved the lives and livelihoods of those who supported him, instead of sacrificing us for everyone who didn’t.

But that would have been ‘rayciss’ or ‘white privilege’ or something.


” – and – he knew what they (the bad guys) were going to do – they have done it for eons.”


Guns do a wonderful job of stopping bad guys. The military has lots of guns. POTUS controls the military.

Bing, bang, bong.


“The Demonic DS is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result – which – by what they have accomplished for centuries is the same result – the destruction of the human race – by the grace of God – we are still here.”


If misery is all there is, is there grace to that?

Is there grace in misery and suffering, if all there is, is misery and suffering?

Or is it cruelty?


“America was the prize they wanted the most – because all others would fall when America fell – PT knew all of this – but, was powerless to do anything about it until he was asked to do something about it – someone or some group had to approach him – he was the only one who could have accomplished what he did – there were few who would have tried and even fewer with the ability.”


Again, that is ‘narrative’, we have no way to independently establish any of that as truth.

It’s a story that we have been told, over and over and over again, to the point where we tell it to ourselves, and anyone else who will listen to us.

That does not make it true, it just makes it effective.


“The world is full of good and evil people –”


Apparently a lot more of the latter than the former.


“the evil flourish while the good are kept down –”


And who is keeping us down?

Who is preventing us from rising up?

Who had control over those who are preventing us from rising up?

Where is he now?


” this is a spiritual battle – between good and evil – that has gone on since the beginning of time.”


It is also a physical battle.

WWII was won with guns. Not one time did any army go into battle without guns, and come out victorious.

Not even one time.

It was always with guns.

There is a reason for this.

Guns are very effective at stopping people from doing things they ought not to be doing.


“We had no idea with what we were dealing – and even if we did – we would be hard-pressed to do anything about it.”


This isn’t China, or North Korea, or the Soviet Union. This is America. We the People have an absolute RIGHT to know what we were dealing with. The foundation and design of our nation is that the political leadership DOES NOT EVEN EXIST without our creation of their positions and our consent to their stewardship.

So to whatever extent we do NOT know what we are ‘dealing’ with, that is testimony to the outright FAILURE of government leadership.

That’s a fact.


“The corruption is so widespread – we would have to gut every agency, every representative government body, and every judge in the entire world.”


Do it.

Sooner the better.

It’s not going to take care of itself.

Start at home, lead by example, expose the rest of the world, declare our support for the People of the world against their corrupt institutions, the key element is ACTION, not ‘narratives’.

Narratives are for Kindergarten Leftists in safe spaces. They are lies people tell themselves in order to avoid ever taking any kind of ACTION.

Let Myanmar be our guide, the bravest and most courageous military in the whole world, a beacon of light to those who have dropped the torch of Freedom, everywhere.


“We do not have the power to do that because there are lunatics among us – leftist lunatics, rightwing lunatics, and many lunatics in between.”


That’s an excuse.

Guns are not afraid to do what they best, it is only the people holding the guns who are afraid.

Guns will stop leftist lunatics, rightwing lunatics and every lunatic in between.



“Throughout history, they (the Demonic DS) has managed to keep us divided – at each other’s throats – and as far away from God as they could possibly push us.”


They are a tiny fraction of one percent of the world population.

Every last one of them is subject to perforation.

Guns are not the only kind of perforators , but they are among the very best, designed for the specific purpose of perforating humans, and certainly the most prevalent type of perforator for that objective.

Colt knew it. Winchester knew it. Smith knew it, and so did Wesson. Kalashnikov knew it. Browning knew it. Gatling knew it. Everyone who ever made a gun knew it, because that’s what the gun was invented to do.

And after all these years, it has yet to be surpassed in its mission.

First principles.

They have all been forgotten.


“It is time for us to start fighting back – because if we do not – we will no longer live in the home of the free and the brave.”



“Praying is great for peace of mind, soul, and body – and God is so much more powerful than our adversary!!!”


Yes He certainly is.

So is the much lesser (but still powerful) United States military.

Pity no one thought — or was willing — to use it.


“So – I am asking Him – along with many others to move on our behalf – and I honestly believe He will – I cannot wait until He does!!!”


Well you’re gonna have to.

Waiting is what we do best.

In fact, it’s just about the sum of all we do, or are even allowed to do.

Just waiting, and growing old.


No – the Governors do not have more power – they just have TDS – so if he stayed they would cut their noses to spite their faces – stay closed – give Biden the kudos – you know – the ‘plague’ magically disappears because of what Biden did – even though PT said it would be gone in April (just did not say which year).

It is considered an occupation – and the Military handles that – not the President.

The Demonic DS gets their power from satan – and for centuries have robbed the sovereign nations of the world of their resources and money – you know – the CB Debt Financial System – Robber Barons they are – it matters not who makes the laws – but rather – who controls the money.

We do not have the power because the lunatics are controlled and financed by thee 1% Demonic DS – Duh – not an excuse – a fact.

Myanmar Military may be in deep tapioca if what was reported is true – they are killing civilians – In America – the Military is not fighting civilians – we are fighting an occupying foreign entity – not only in DC – but, also – in governments around the nation.

What I meant by – we have no idea with what we are dealing – these ‘occupiers’ are demonically possessed – many of them may not even be human – others are ‘actors’ in rubber masks – wonder where Fauci is – one was impersonating him in a video the other day.

So, Dear Scott!!! All is not what it appears to be – however – when that fence comes down – DC will be a ghost town – few government overlords will be left to rule over and oppress America – I wonder how many will be left in Congress – and/or – in the agencies.

I have faith this will happen – I believe it was planned long ago – and – I believe nothing can stop what is coming.

Oh, and by the way – ‘we have it all’!!!

I can wait – this is an enormous operation – and it will be going on worldwide – perhaps, many of these traitors have already been eliminated.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Information moves too freely for these wannabe gatekeepers.


Except when it’s their guys leaking cl@ss data . . . smh


Hopefully they get one good candidate to primary her, otherwise they will end splitting the vote and she’ll win… this is what GOPe does when Lindsey runs… throw 6/7 against him in the primary.


We really need to make these power-seeking politicians get together in a room and draw straws or something.

I mean, it’s like Solomon splitting the baby. The right person to run wants what is best for US, not for THEMSELVES.


Biden Moves to Fire EEOC Top Lawyer Who Wouldn’t ResignPaige Smith
March 5, 2021, 2:24 PM CST Updated on March 5, 2021, 4:00 PM CST

President Joe Biden was to fire Sharon Gustafson, the Trump-appointed general counsel of the EEOC, at 5 p.m. Friday, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Biden administration demanded in a March 2 email that Gustafson, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s top litigator, resign, said two different sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the matter.

Gustafson refused, citing her term, which runs through 2023, according to a letter she sent Friday to the Biden administration. A copy of the letter was obtained by Bloomberg Law. She was then told by the White House on Friday that she would be fired as of 5 p.m., according to the source with direct knowledge.

“I have confidently given this advice to countless embattled clients over the last 25 years: hold your head high, do your best work, and do not resign under pressure,” Gustafson wrote in her reply letter to the White House. “In solidarity with them, I will follow that advice.”

The administration’s move comes after Biden fired National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb, who was also a Trump appointee, after he refused to step down on Jan. 20.

The EEOC and NLRB are independent agencies within the executive branch, and Gustafson’s termination could prompt legal as well as political questions. After Biden sacked Robb at the NLRB, employers challenged the board’s prosecutorial power, alleging the administration lacked the legal authority to terminate him prior to the end of his term.

At another independent agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Kathy Kraninger left her post as director on Jan. 20 after also being asked to step down.
Republican EEOC commissioner Andrea Lucas called Gustafson’s firing “deeply troubling” and indicative of what unity “actually means to this President and his Administration.”


It’s been a tough day……

We buried our Beloved Bichon Molly today.

It has been 10 wonderful years with her.

(Please pray for God’s Grace and Comfort for my wife).


I am so sorry. Losing a friend, furry or otherwise, is so hard. Please tell your wife I will say a prayer for her and Molly.


Thank you very much!


Prayers up for healing the hole in your wife’s heart.


Thank you!
(There’s another scar on my heart too) 🙁

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Heartfelt sorrow for your family’s loss Razor.
My Condolences.


Thank you.

Harry Lime

Yes…the absolute worst part about dogs/animals being so loyal, warm, smart, curious, funny, and everything else, is that all too soon we have to say goodbye and let them go.

I’m sure you made Molly’s life a joy for her just as she brought joy to you.



Thank You very much!
She will be missed. 🙁
I’m trying to get my family through this grieving period.

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Part of God’s plan is so we can get some practice in dealing with the death of human loved ones.


Bichons are darn cute. Cuter that poodles. Im sorry your little snuggler had to cross the rainbow 🌈 bridge. You will see her again. I hope your family has plenty of fond memories and annoying funny ones to get you through the next couple weeks.


Maybe some pics could be enlarged and framed.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2

She sure was cute and smart.
We miss her so much.


Get a bichon puppy. Not to replace but to follow in Molly’s paw prints.


That is under consideration.


Sorry for your loss, Rayzor. 😟 

Losing a furry member of the family can be as devastating as losing a human family member.
You have my sincere sympathy.

I will say a prayer for both you and your wife.
 🙏  😔 


Thank you neighbor 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, I’m sorry. That sucks.


Sure does.
But this too will pass.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s still mourning, though.


100% correct! Thanks for caring.


I don’t know who “QAnon” is but Tucker doesn’t seem to think they’re dangerous.

Tucker Carlson Mocks Coverage of ‘Radical QAnon People’: They Seem Confused But ‘Gentle’ — ‘They’re Not Torching Wendy’s’
By Josh FeldmanMar 5th, 2021, 9:37 pm

Tucker Carlson opened his show Friday night mocking media coverage of concerns about conspiracy theorists who thought Donald Trump would be inaugurated for real just one day ago, March 4th.

He played video from MSNBC as he mockingly told viewers, “It turns out QAnon didn’t invade Washington because neo-liberal cable news anchors successfully defended our country.”

There were some security concerns about what could happen on March 4th, close to two months since Trump supporters violently stormed the Capitol, but ultimately nothing serious happened there Thursday.

Carlson suggested the Democrats and media are acting like a “doomsday cult” saying “the world is going to end” from “global warming or a white nationalist insurrection.”

He also mocked coverage in the days following the riots about potential threats at the Capitol and even state capitols leading up to Joe Biden’s inauguration.

“The dummies were terrified,” Carlson said. “‘Armed! Armed! All 50 state capitols and the U.S. Capitol!’”

He brought up the one Trump supporter who was outside the New York state capitol on inauguration day before adding this:

“Have you ever noticed how all like the scary internet conspiracy theorist radical QAnon people and you actually see them on camera or in jail cells — as a lot of them now are — maybe they’re kind of confused, maybe they’ve got the wrong ideas, but they’re all kind of gentle people, and they’re all kind of waving American flags, they like the country. They’re not torching Wendy’s, they’re not looting retail stores, they’re not shooting cops, no, that’s not them.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We’re not torching Wendy’s.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Public Schools Refuse to Open. Give the Taxpayers Their Money Back

If grocery stores were run like public schools, they’d still be in the midst of an extended Covid lockdown. Fortunately, though, we have a (mostly) privatized system, with vouchers for low-income shoppers. A similar system for schools would be a far saner choice than what we have now.



BardsFM, Truth In Fiction – 20210305


Somebody’s late. Or turned into a pumpkin before pushing the ‘publish’ button.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He has until noon tomorrow today!  😅 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s editing it right now, too!


….or Darwin is….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Darwin did edit it; I had to tone it down.


Well, you did fine.


Why Were Emergency Vehicles At The US Capitol Building Feb 2, 2021?
march 5, 2021 the marshall report

On Tuesday Feb 2, 2021 a night video showed a massive number of emergency vehicles arriving at the US Capitol Building just as the session ended. Before it’s News reported.
A video showing the massive vehicles and number of police arriving, was quickly taken down. That’s always a sign that something big is really taking place, especially when it is accompanied by fake news blackout on anything taking place. Before it’s News threw out the possibility that it could be due to Politicians linked to Child Porn Business due to a response to the Child Porn Bust in Florida where two FBI Agents were Killed Today, Those FBI agents were setup by an FBI insider leak and ambushed. FBI agent Daniel Alfin, just happened to be the LEAD Investigator to World Wide Child Trafficking, credited with hundreds of arrests during the Trump Administration.