Dear 20210311 Daily Thread

Well, here we are. Another Thursday…and up until an hour ago, I had no clue what to write in this space.

Then, I gave in to the Couch Commando and went and got Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

Holy smackentire.

So, our local Chick-Fil-A is sandwiched between two shopping centers/strip malls, with a number of big box stores. It’s on a hill, and looks down into one parking lot from the drive thru lanes. Well, they’ve taken the empty parking lot where patrons USED to park to dine in, and have turned it into a four lane order center. Each lane had its own person taking orders, and then everybody drove into a single line to receive their food.

Talk about making lemons out of lemonade. That’s what the American experience is all about: solving problems caused by the government.

Well, and doing just about everything in our cars, like a friend who spent a whole lot of time in France discusses with laughter on a regular basis.

So, at any rate, at least on that sort of thing, we’re more united than divided.

Division is never good, and as we wait for the conclusion of the show we’re watching, impatience is taking it’s toll…sort of like the Goonies who turned on Mikey when they found the pirate ship, but didn’t find the gold right away.

Can’t find a decent clip of just that scene in the movie, either. (Another American classic that will eventually be targeted for “cancel culture” thanks to some stereotypical characters.)

Alright, with all luck Pat will stop by, and we can dance since the weather is going to turn to crap here.


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


LUKE 11:14-23

14Now he was casting out a demon that was dumb; when the demon had gone out, the dumb man spoke, and the people marveled. 15But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Be-el’zebul, the prince of demons”; 16while others, to test him, sought from him a sign from heaven. 17But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. 18And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Be-el’zebul. 19And if I cast out demons by Be-el’zebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 20But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace; 22but when one stronger than he assails him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoil. 23He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


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Thank you.
May refreshment find you.
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Originally called Thor’s Day. I’m all for dropping his hammer on a few heads.


From Gab.

Leesa @_Leesa

Photography for Photographers
As we go through this Easter Season, taking a moment to Remember…..
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Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots





Nice thread, DP! Now to round up the usual suspects…..

Deplorable Patriot

Many have escaped, or gone to ground.


Evil Marxist Tyranny.

First he reads and promotes book by Andy Ngo
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Then the hate mob SHAMES him.
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Marxists make bullying normal.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


They are THE MOB.


No, they are the Red Guards.

The mob have honor.


Now what he SHOULD have done is declared “I’m leaving the band I thought were my friends, and going out on my own. Conservatives, please support me!”

And we would.

This is the ONLY WAY to defeat these fuckers. Caving in to them is ADMITTING THEY ARE “RIGHT”.

They are not “right.” They are bullies. Caving in to a bully only results in more bullying.



What ever happened to all that training in bully-proofing our kids? Remember that?

What, about 10-15 years ago when parents were seeing bullying on the rise and they set to do something about it? Whatever happened to that?

Hey, was that an early warning about the Marxist bullying tactics hitting our kids?


OK, what’s the skinny for a Zoom meeting? My aquarium fish club has called on on the 13th for a presentation by Rich Bireley.

I once bought a somewhat rare Tanganyikan cichlid from Rich — genus started with “R”, IIRC. Nice fish, cool contrast to the rest of my tank, ran around in the top six inches of open water. Made more of the tank interesting to watch….

But grew about 1/2 inch per week, and is a piscivore in the wild. I had to sell it after two months and would likely have had to cull it before four.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Talk alot about the CCP with your fellow Zoomies while the meeting warms up. Tell them some guy you know named Wolf has a bone to pick with the CCP, and encourages everybody to speak badly about CCP in Zoom meetings, so that the CCP has to more highly classify the channels, thereby subjecting them to weaker intelligence analysis by their overloaded “trusted” analysts – which means things don’t get looked at. In particular, talk about the Whistleblower movement, and how CCP used the virus to shut down the freedom movement in Hong Kong, which was beginning to get lift in the mainland.

Harass the CCP. Zoom is your best chance to do it.


Hmmm….I was hoping more for answers to “do you need an app?” or “you have to open port 779 in your firewall.”


I mean…..I already know how to annoy people.


Just a couple of days ago, I was going, “with any luck, the government idiots will knock off the mask bullshit soon” as I picked up a pizza.

Yes, you get a reputation as a curmudgeon.

But, hopefully, some people start going, “why not?”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Funny that I never investigated such things! What an odd coincidence! 😀


Yeah, it’s a discovery. Like me going, “wait, everyone else’s firewall just says “ALLOW OUT”?


Cooth’s firewall configuration:


Now, what do you want?

Probably, an IP address — UDP ports 67, 68
Time synchronization — UDP port 123
HTTP — IP port 80
HTTPS — IP port 443
CUPS — IP and UDP port 631

I only let stuff in (or out) one thingie at a time, so beginning to use anything new (like Zoom) may involve firewall reconfiguration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t find enough here to answer your questions, but it was enough to scare me away from ever using the product.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you use it, you will likely want to throw away the disposable diaper when done!!!


Perfect!! Now I can combine this with info from the EFF/Protest/Surveillance thing and send it back!



“I will not be using Zoom.

Please note various security concerns at .

Note especially that they are NOT limited to Chinese monitoring of presentation materials, but include security breaches of any participating computers.

By contrast, note the announcement at

It seems that EFF is endorsing Jitsi and Owncast with controlled hardware. I’d be willing to try and set-up either.

And, BTW, it’d be GREAT to see a presentation from Rich — they are always both fun and educational.”

Last edited 4 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, those breach vulnerabilities – YOWZA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And it’s not like every vulnerability gets a new paradigm AND a VERB – like “zoombombing”!!!


LOL. Perfect.


Heh, it may have been .

Fish from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika enjoy the same water chemistry (hard) — but generally don’t behave the same. You can raise them together so long as they don’t interact.

Lake Tanganyika is the sixth largest and second deepest lake in the world. It is home to a gobsmacking array of life found nowhere else — not just fish, but also sponges and crabs, eels and jellyfish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If I saw that marching down the trail, I’d be showing my hands (even if holding a rock, axe, or pistol) and trying to mentally project “no quarrel, no quarrel”. If he’s doing his thing, and I’m doing mine, we’re just going past.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“You keep the head! I’m good!”


Yup. “Happy trails.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Saved for posterity!

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Deplorable Patriot

I watched that, and the little guy is LIKE A BOSS. He owns it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love the way the BIRD is flying away in front of him!

Sadie Slays

3/11/2021. The one-year anniversary of President Trump’s Oval Office address, and what I consider the “start” of all the shutdowns and virus mass hysteria.

3×11 = 33. It’s also the reverse of 11/3, which was last year’s Election Day. Ten years ago, on 3/11/11, the big Fukushima earthquake/tsunami (or false flag depending on who you ask) devastated Japan. Dates related to 33 tend to be eventful. Not claiming anything will happen this year, but maintain situational awareness accordingly and keep an eye out for strange headlines in the news. 

One year of the COVID psy-op. There was discussion in the previous thread about President Trump touting the vaccine. I want nothing to do with that vaccine, but I know people in real life who were doing everything they could to get a vaccination appointment. They genuinely believed their life depended on it. The level of brainwashing is scary to witness, honestly. Perhaps a cold, calculated decision was made somewhere in the bowels of the military that this vaccine, however horrible it is, was the only way to get the brainwashed to move on. I don’t like it, I’m not defending it (they really don’t deserve it), but I do see how people are reacting to this in real life and I wonder.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

I won’t be doing vaccine, but I think it had to be done to defang the beast. Otherwise, God knows what Fauci and the MSM would have us do.

Sadie Slays

President Trump has dropped multiple hints that they were going to drag this COVID crap out for many years. If I had to guess, probably until 2030 since that’s the cabal’s timeline.


The Cabal appears to have accelerated rapidly. IMO, the cabal is NOT waiting for the year 2030, for their win.


Do you remember the video address he gave from Walter Anderson after getting the treatment. He’s doing that accordion thing with his hands as he’s saying, “I had to do it. As a leader, I had to do it.” At the time I felt like it was a double-meaning message.


The evil ones do everything by their ‘numbers’, Sadie – the brainwashing takes many forms – it is perpetuated through whatever pay-ops they are running – all to maintain ‘control’ over the populace – and/or – extermination thereof.

Isn’t it odd – we have CV-19 transformed into a $1.9T Stimulus Bill?

Seems to me, they have not played out their hand to its fullest extent with respect to CV – hence the concentration on the vaccine, passport, and travel.

We are well aware they control us through ‘fear’ – how effective that was with respect to CV – lockdowns – masks – and now – vaccines.

Another one of their ‘magic’ numbers is 11 and multiples of 11 as you have referenced in your post.

Be reassured God has His numbers, too – by contrast only – since God does not condone numerology – He follows the perfection of His Word – the Truth.

This is a ‘Spiritual War’ – one that has been going on since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden – and we know how this story ends.


I agree with you that the decision was reached that a vaccine was the only thing that would do it, and that collateral damage and loss of life was acceptable. This is war, after all.

Listen carefully to President Trump. He knew, and he knows.

Just wait a handful of years until the cancers and infertility show up. Good times.


May I “like” the second paragraph only please?! As for the rest…😡

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. This is the future, IMO. Smarter antibodies constructed DIRECTLY avoids jimmying a system that resists jimmying, which is the problem with the vaccines.

IMO these antibody therapies are the “Medusa’s head” to use against the “Kraken” of vaccines.

People who don’t want the vaccines should say “I want the antibody therapy if I get it.”

That is an “industry-acceptable answer”, and will have real traction quashing mandates.

Barb Meier

Remdesivir isn’t it? I’ve used that as my solution of choice in the past.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Regeneron. Similar name – very confusing. Regeneron is the antibody drug.

Remdesivir is a somewhat standard sort of antiviral drug which is, IMO, inferior to HCQ. Not as safe as HCQ. People have lost kidneys to remdesivir.

Lilly’s product is also antibodies. It isn’t exactly the same as Regeneron, but very close.


So….I tried to use the phone tree at UPS to find out why my package’s delivery date keeps on getting kicked out one day at a time, and — again — if I don’t have their app and don’t run scripts and don’t furnish telephone numbers or don’t have an account….it just hangs up on me. (Technically, “press 8 to go back and make a valid choice” *3 seconds* “Goodbye.”)

Before this COVID nonsense, I can’t think of a single occasion where a company hung up on me during business hours.


Yup. Since Covid customer service has largely disappeared. The hang ups are more and more common.

The lies from FedEx and UPS regarding pachages taking longer to deliver can NOT be tossed on covid any longer. FedEx and UPS have had one year to adjust to heavier package volume. Anymore, they are simply delivering bad service and feeding the Covid fear mongering.


This actually belongs on yesterday’s thread, which is dying, but may help spark some life into today’s thread…..

You can get a bunch of really weird Cray computer stuff on ebay.

Deplorable Patriot

Are Crays still used?


There is so much that I abandoned during Obama’s reign of Error. After four years of VSGPOTUSDJT, I had started having hope that I could rebuild. With His Fraudulence, I’m not sure how much skin I’ll be able to keep.


T3 had found this site yesterday that was developed by . I thought it was a great name for website developers and wanted to know more, but they haven’t been around. I guess Chicxulub got ’em.


I figured any privacy oriented product was developed by some country or another’s IC to be used as a honey pot. Including all the VPNs.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

The question is whether they’d keep your stuff secure in order to not tip off bigger fish that their system is fake. In most cases, that would be “yes”.

And, of course, you’d want to send the juicy bits encrypted.



Sadie Slays

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was going to do a post about going PRO on Gab – it is THE most direct way that we can stand up for free speech. GOP donations will do NOTHING to protect free speech in practice, because any money that goes to a Boebert or a Greene gets matched with money to a Cheney or another toad who does NOTHING about Section 230.

Not only that – the more that normies get on Gab, the more that the [few] antisemites become less extreme. I’m not kidding – this is what I’ve observed. As their crap sells less easily to the crowd, they LEARN to moderate their views.

This is what really irks me about Abbott here – he has no clue. He’s not reality-based.

The Bolsheviks WANT the division – they WANT the antisemites – they WANT the polarization. Why? Because they DON’T WANT FREE SPEECH.


I’m seriously considering going pro and I barely visit there once a day.

I think we must start putting our money where our mouth (free speech) is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Or we could just order some gear and be free advertising. They even have socks!




Serious question. What does going Pro on Gab get the user?

Granted I rarely visit Gab. When I do, I feel totally lost trying to navigate to something useful. Yea, I am that dense. Perhaps it has been a lack of, “need”.

Guess I need to fumble around Gab and the lights will come on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll do my post and explain later today or tonight. Might be helpful.


Smacks of someone priming Abbott’s pump to attack Gab…(some closet Bolshevik) and Abbott lacks the killer instinct of DeSantis (or Trump for that matter) to enable them to see the obvious shiv being deployed…”The Bolsheviks WANT the division-they WANT the antisemites-they WANT the Polarization. Why? Because they DON’T WANT FREE SPEECH” and everything that follows from free speech.


Abbott has demonstrated a decidedly, shall we say, tentative (euphemism alert!) streak. He lacks the killer instinct of DeSantis and certainly PDJT, to see the shiv coming his way… (by some Bolshevik?)
Sadly, he’s not as reliable as one would like to see from the Governor of Texas.


Apologies for double post…🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I’m getting eye-twitch on him!


Someone posted that he is on the CCP-friendly governor’s list Pompeo warned us about.

Deplorable Patriot

This was in today’s email from “Let Freedom Ring:”

“Freedom from Idolatry” by Fr. Rick Heilman

Reports surfaced that there was no cell phone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from October 7 through October 24, 2019, indicating that there may have been a “hazardous event” on or about October 6. On the very same day (October 6), Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita received a private message … the first since 1973 (year of infamous Roe v. Wade decision). The message was not unlike the warning Jonah received for Nineveh, in that it called for repentance: “Put on ashes and pray a repentant rosary every day.”

It’s more than interesting that Our Lady of Fatima appeared with her warning from May to October in 1917, urging the world to pray the rosary, repent, turn from its wicked ways, and return to the Lord, or there would be consequences. This warning came just before the 1918 plague (the Spanish Flu) broke out and claimed 50 million lives. Until now, this was the last plague in which churches were closed.

A consistent theme in the Bible is that when the people distance themselves from God and His will, which always leads to idolatry, God repeatedly allows a punishment, which is usually a plague.

Our Lady of Fatima pointed to the errors of Russia: “Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, raising up wars and persecutions against the Church.” It was in May of 1917 (just as Our Lady first appeared to the children in Fatima) that the Russian Revolution broke out, leading the way to communism. Communism is a reductively atheistic materialist worldview which aims at undermining anything Christian in society. At its essence, communism is an idolatry of man over God, and its atheistic materialist worldview has spread across the planet like a virus.

We didn’t hear about the latest Akita apparition at all.

This is a spiritual war on a level that’s just unreal.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

“War in the heavens” visited upon poor little old 🌏. 👀 🙁 😡

Sadie Slays

October 13, 2019 – Chinese-owned Fortnite has a massive in-game event where the sun turns into a black hole and destroys the entire in-game world. Given that this happened on the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, I strongly suspect the entire event was actually a Satanic ritual. Months later, after learning the timeline of the WuFlu stuff in October 2019, I now believe the event was meant to “bless” their upcoming virus plans (with bonus traumatic propaganda/psychological effects on unsuspecting gamers participating in this).

One more anecdote. I first heard about Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita when I had a dream about her in October 2017 shortly before Q showed up. Never heard of her until I had a dream about a woman in Akita and started Googling when I woke up.

Deplorable Patriot

Akita is not nearly as known as it should be. It’s one of the biggies of the 20th century. The Blessed Mother had a lot to say.

I’m getting messages via dreams as well, although mine are more about my own mental health.

Sadie Slays

I strongly recommend keeping a dream journal. Write down as much as you can remember about your dreams, even if it’s only a word or two. Re-read the last few entries every few days. You’ll be amazed at how prescient they can be.

Deplorable Patriot

Last night, the symbolism was spot on when I looked it up.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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march 11, 2021 the marshall report

There is so much to be discovered in God’s Holy scriptures. It all ties into the history of our world revealing where we are today in prophecy. Truths that have been hidden from us come together piece by piece when we ask the Lord to guide us in reading his Word and searching for truth. So if you are a newcomer to Bible study, or an old timer who always let the pastor interpret for you here is a tip to help you get started.

When we come as a fresh student, ready to learn from the Lord, we see things with fresh eyes. That is when we have the most questions. Especially questions about Bible day culture and customs. Without understanding the customs of the times, we have no grasp on what a saying may truly mean.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…



There goes combat effectiveness.


How many “Meals on Wheels” ops that turn into “Blackhawk Down” will it take before there’s a serious grumbling/bitching among the troops?

Asking for millions of deplorables/neanderthals.

Barb Meier

China wants the W.H.O.’s endorsement for China running a global passport system. Evil Overlord much, Xi? I do think the CCP is losing it with all their global hegemony schemes. Isn’t today the last day of their legislative annual plan rubber-stamping meeting? Where is Hunter?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CCP is a monster!


Turning up the heat on Cuomo. Now accused of groping.

The Times Union of Albany reported that the woman, who it did not name, was alone with Cuomo late last year when he closed the door, reached under her shirt and fondled her.

The governor had summoned her to the Executive Mansion in Albany, saying he needed help with his cellphone, the newspaper reported.

Can you swing by the mansion and help me with my cellphone? 🤣 😅 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“I never touched anybody.”

Repeated over and over again.



Deplorable Patriot

Yep, he ticked off somebody higher up on the food chain.


going to move cameltoe to Pres.
She will pick Hillary for her vp.

They will run Gavin for Pres in 24.
He will win by a landslide.
They’ve already seen the numbers.


One notable about the sexual accusations against Fredo’s Bro, they are increasingly MORE SERIOUS.

They started out with casual inappropriate remarks. Then a touch. Touching the face. Kissing. Now groping and fondling.

Methinks, tomorrow or the next day, rape accusations.


Exactly. The description of the alleged encounter is already being kicked up a notch. Story below was updated an hour ago.

Now it’s aggressively groped….called under the pretext….minor technical issue.

A female aide to Gov. Andres Cuomo alleges he aggressively groped her in a sexually charged manner after she had been summoned to the Executive Mansion late last year, according to a person with direct knowledge of the woman’s claims.

The staff member, whose identity is being withheld by the Times Union, had been called to the mansion under the apparent pretext of having her assist the governor with a minor technical issue involving his mobile phone. They were alone in Cuomo’s private residence on the second floor when he closed the door and allegedly reached under her blouse and began to fondle her, according to the source.


He’s gotta go, cramping the plans of the commies regarding the Great Reset.


Yup. I’m enjoying the show..D-rats trying to flush Fredo’s Bro. Fredo’s Bro resisting. More and more bad press coming…

Reminds me of guvner black face. A whole chorus of he’s gotta resign, VA politico weenies started impeachment, IIRC. guvner blackface refused to resign. PO guvner blackface still VA guvner.

Wonder if fredo’s Bro can withstand the constant barrage of “resign”.

Sadly, i think Fredo’s Bro will remain NY guvner. D-Rats can get away with anything.



I was just thinking….if this Rhode Island police guy actually gets me on the phone…

Most of my social life isn’t attached to my birth name, but this unemployment fraud has it front and center. I’m going to sound like an idiot every time I stumble over being called XXXXXXX, where I could talk fluidly as “Cooth” for hours without missing a beat.

And it really isn’t a good thing if he ever knows I’m cthulhu.

Such are the difficulties of the modern age, I guess…..


I don’t see a way back from this.


And the fake news is NOT raising hell with questions, blasting it in the news. They ought to be bitch slapping Psaki CONSTANTLY at her pressers. Beating on politicos constantly.

Politicians are largely mum.




Co-Pres. Jill Biden relaunching Obama administration’s Joining Forces initiative

Twentynine Palms was Biden’s final stop on her two-day tour of military bases in California and Washington ahead of her relaunch of Joining Forces, the program supporting military families that she and former first lady Michelle Obama started in 2011 when she was second-lady to then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta butter up the military before they turn them loose on patriots – whoops – I mean extremists – whoops – I mean insurrectionists.


I was just reading up on that ‘Joining Forces’ program…

And it looks to me like a leftist recruitment program where they’re basically saying:
“If you’re one of us, we’ll take care of you and get you a great job.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

They should start calling her, “Jillary”, or, better, “Jill-the-BEAST”…

Same thing now as was the “Billary” presidency, comprising BeezleBubba and Hill-the-BEAST, with Hellary calling the shots even back then…..


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They will keep trying to do it via a National Registry.

Do. Not. Want.

Talk about a Trojan Horse.


I don’t have any guns to register. Sorry.

The only answer.


Yep, same here.

All of our guns were melted by space aliens when they landed in our back yard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bet those aliens have some nice “lever actions”. Wonder what they’d trade for…..  😎 


Guns? What guns?

OH, the ammunition? The ammunition is an investment in brass, and lead.



Oh look at that!

There’s been a surge in shootings:
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From Gab.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s going to be four long years of ChiCom puppetry.


Hmm … all that simultaneous surging business… are all these news outlets of the same corporate owner? It does kinda look like some kind of narrative-production, something like

for state in FL TN WI SC PA NY; do info_on_surge_in_shootings_in $state; done

type production exercise. And what were the gun laws in PA and NY, again?

(And Epstein didn’t kill himself and Biden didn’t win.)

Last edited 4 years ago by slowcreekno

Found on Gab.

The ‘Super Straight’ song…and flag.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that song!

And r/SuperStraight has already been banned from reddit!!!
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Of course it has…didn’t we learn that Reddit is comped?

I don’t remember who owns it, but they are not on our side of things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was a semi-demi-ChiCom (“Chairman Pao”) who started the fall. Not an accident.


Don’t forget. G. Maxwell was a high up mod on Reddit.


Well, here is another example of how we can rebel.

Fuck you people. This is my sexuality. #superstraight

If you don’t like it, you’re a bigot.



If they don’t like it…they’re a Straightophobe!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love the basic strategy of putting “super” on anything the commies corrupt to bring it back to a classical definition, and then calling them “superphobes” if they object!


Yeah, it’s kind of brilliant, isn’t it.


Nice. So now it is LGBTQSS+ ? Can go advertise ones SS on next Pride Day, just to tweak the humorless … Hmm, now some of those will associate the letters SS with a certain German outfit from about 80 years ago, though with just about only the intitials the same, so there’s the potential for slander by association countered by a subsequent BFYTW.

Might need refinement as it could turn tedious. But damn tempting anyway.

(Epstein didn’t kill himself and Biden didn’t win.)


[They] don’t really need a mark-of-the-beast, do they.

[They] are accomplishing their ‘not allowed to buy or sell’ by bullying and submission.


Yeah, but every time I see a leftist wearing North Face gear, I’m gonna tell ’em they’re wearing petroleum!

Barb Meier

We should just call them carbon-based units.


How dumb.
From a company that uses GorTex which is basically Teflon. Which is vilified by the greens.


At least we don’t need to worry about plastic straws and single use plastic bags.

Face masks are a ticking plastic bomb – Watts Up With That?

Cuppa Covfefe

A study was done over here as part of an analysis of “bird-chopper” rotors becoming ever more inefficient due to weight and deformation due to debris (read: dead birds, bats, bees, wasps, and other insects and flying critters).

Seems the death rates are in the TRILLIONS.

It’s not a bee colony die-off, nor a pesticide/fertilizer kill-off; no, it’s a bird-bat-bee chop-off.

But they’ll NEVER, EVER admit to that. The study is on Pierre Gosselin’s NoTricksZone website (I have to go back and get the link – main site is )…


The shame of it is…there are Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) designs that don’t kill off the flying critters.

The critters see these helix-type generators as a ‘solid’ and avoid them.

The VAWT type generators can be mounted on top of buildings…instead of littering up the beautiful landscapes.

This is one example which happens to be in Oklahoma City:
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The VAWT designs are omni-directional and can take wind from any direction.
Unlike the bird-killer designs.

But the big multinational globalist corporations like GE and Siemens, went with the old rotor-type designs…and paid off politicians to get the big contracts.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo
Cuppa Covfefe

When we lived downhill from Altamont, there were some vertical rotors to go with the rest of the bird-choppers. For some reason they were usually offline or broken, but that was years ago… They looked kind of interesting when they were running. Nonetheless, we could hear them, especially at night when it was otherwise quiet. The infrasound is a problem, especially for those folks who are sensitive to it…

Here are a few of the studies, including the one I remembered (which uses a *cough* model, but it still jives with other studies):


And because it cannot be said enough…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Deplorable Patriot

Some of it is being published, but not enough.


I’m thinking there are a lot of stories like this that are being hidden from us.
 😕  😠 

Deplorable Patriot


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep Moderna TF away!!!


And today there were reports of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine having been taken out of use, temporarily, in several European countries, after suspicions of blood clots were raised in Denmark.

Decisions were made by various national health authorities, in fact, so mainstream medical, and no arguing about conspiracies etc. here.

(Biden didn’t win.)

Deplorable Patriot

I really don’t like that this is what it came to to wake up a chunk of the population, but this might be what it’s going to take.

Deplorable Patriot

Billions…for a billionaire.

It’s just one hellish torment after another.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My favorite candidate for President in the 2021 Reelection is Golpe Militar!

Golpe promises to get to the bottom of the 2020 electoral debacle.

Now if he was just an American citizen!  😉 

Cuppa Covfefe

That hasn’t stopped the DEMONRATS…




Sick. We just paid for his new house on Coronado island.

Report: Bill and Melinda Gates buy $43M Del Mar home

The home at 2808 Ocean Front was purchased for $43 million and makes it the second highest home purchase in San Diego County history

(The Guiltinan Group)

The Del Mar sale is one of the biggest in San Diego County history


Del Mar, not La Jolla where other servants of darkness
were known to live. (LeVey)

Cuppa Covfefe

May he and his ilk rot in HELL for all eternity.

(Unless they turn and repent.).


Thor’s Day!
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And for the guys:
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Admittedly, lingered before scrolling on. Even came for for a second glance and ponder a moment.

Thanks Wheatie 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

🥰😘 You’re welcome, Kalbo.

Deplorable Patriot

Dan Scavino has been busy this morning.


Great videos! Hmm…what message(s) is he sending us.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s speculation about watch the water, something big is coming, etc.

The Babylon Bee one is pretty clear.

I guess we’ll find out.


Love it.

Yeah, the Babylon Bee piece is great:

U.S.—Experts have issued a dire warning to the nation that the lifting of mask mandates, business closures, and capacity limits in Texas and Mississippi could contribute to the spread of liberty across the nation.

“As states like Texas begin to lift their mandates, we could be seeing a deadly outbreak of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility all across the nation,” said Dr. Andy Patton of MIT. “We’re really not encouraged by the numbers here.”


Yikes. That spacing is screwed up.

Deplorable Patriot

For some reason, the quote feature in the comments is making a mess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably a byproduct of a WordPress update. Will attempt a fix later.


“EXPERTS” are IGNORING thousands of illegals being allowed to enter Texas and BEYOND.

Many of them HAVE Covid and are NOT being tested before shuttling them forward.

His Fraudulency IS intentionally, INCREASING and LENGTHENING the Covid burden on America.

EVERYTHING Beijing Biden and his handlers have done since 20 January has been to DESTROY AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.


America’s role in Global Reset – New World Order.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure feels like “ChiComs & Cabal in control.”


Sadly, they ARE.

And the R-Cons are supporting America going over the precipace through inaction, silence, and occassional mealy mouth whining about Beijing Biden. Yet the R-Con in senate keep voting for Beijing Biden goofs nominated for key positions.

Fake news totally bought and paid for onboard.

Wish to hell I was wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

One commenter speculates “by air, land or sea.”

If Scavino puts up two or three 18th century lanterns, we’ll know more, IMO.


I love Herschel Walker!

I graduated high school in 1982, 45 miles from the University of GA. We thought Herschel was a god.


Herschel Walker! The second one is terrifying.


In our city – Chick-Fil-A always has a line of cars and is always busy.


Same here…always busy, always.

They have order-takers that come to your car & get your order…then direct you to park.
Then they deliver it to you, when it’s ready.


I gave ordered on my phone then go to puck up. It still takes another 30 minutes. Good people, service is obviously overwhelmed.


Sorry to hear about that long wait.

The Chick-Fil-A near us has a large parking lot with lots of room to line up for ordering…then to park and wait.

They run around and operate like a well-oiled machine.

Waiting for an order is rarely more than 10-15 minutes.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo



Ours is nearly inaccessible. Too small a parking lot and peoples cars are lined up out into the street.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

T3 posted this:
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Which reminded me of this:

Seriously – the idea of INJECTING OLD PEOPLE WITH FLU – it’s pretty much what were talking about.




Deplorable Patriot


Secret Servers, Offshore Money and Codes: Busted For $2 Billion Tax Fraud Scheme, The Man Who Funded The RINO Movement
Is This Why RINOS are Dropping out of DC?
by Kari Donovan March 8, 2021

A powerful, politically influential billionaire has been accused of running the most complex tax fraud scheme in U.S. history, and it is one that benefited several RINO groups and causes. The recipients of those funds need to be investigated for potential corruption and fraud.

“Robert Brockman, the former CEO of Ohio-based software company Reynolds & Reynolds, was charged in October with running a $2 billion tax fraud scheme,” CNBC reported on Friday.

In his article, GOP groups quiet as billionaire donor stands accused of running biggest tax fraud scheme ever, Brian Schwartz reported:

“Brockman’s most recent contributions to Republican committees came in 2017, ahead of the congressional midterm elections the following year, according to Federal Election Commission records.


Yes indeed. Hmm…

Since there was “Offshore Money” involved, there is really no telling how much was funneled into RINO accounts.

Those “most recent contributions” in 2017 are just the ones that they owned up to.


RyMac (@theonlyrymac) Tweeted:
Gotta’ slide through right quick on the main


Good morning Qtree friends. I’ve been taking a break of sorts, the weather is warming up, spring cleaning is under way around here and lots of projects on the board. hubby is building another bridge across our creek and boy that’s quite a project, digging out a pond and major chicken coop repairs, and then roof repairs, inside the house, the bathroom and hallway are being refloored in wood.after that lots of yard work on tap. I check in here every morning and will be around just busy for awhile 😃  It is nice to get away from the craziness for a bit too.


Same with us. We have been getting the garden ready, I have been studying for a mid term exam, and we are cleaning up our properties of brush. I need to build another bridge for our creek too! Have some large trees that were downed over a year or two ago that I will mill for the lumber when I get the chance.


lol bridge building seems to be in I see 😀  our neighbor picked up 4 25 ft beams from our local recycler which are perfect for new bridge, our property needs brush cleaning too, ugh i dont like clearing brush.


I just picked up a couple dozen baby chicks to renew our flock. Right now they are in a big cat crate while my husband gets the brooder installed in the coop.

Been planting out cool weather seedlings. Garden coming alive.

Lost some foundation plants from the record cold Temps, but not too bad.

I love being outside.


This year were buying meat chickens. There is a local farmer who will process them for us, our goal is to become as independent as we can food wise.I enjoy being outside too although it is taxing for me to get around, i become tired very easily but i love working in my flower beds and sitting in the sun like our old dog does. well who am I kidding here I am an old dog myself. 😊 


Woah…South Park went there, hard:

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Found on Gab.

Deplorable Patriot

The Couch Commando says that the adults were presented as not all there, members of a cult.


Ah…so it was done to mock the ‘crazy conspiracy theorists’?

Still, it is truth-in-jest.
Which is often how the truth is first revealed.

It gets it out there…and will cause some people to research it.


It is a cartoon after all. They always make fun of the adults. I still think it was a way to get it out there without getting banded. I think it was gutsy.


It’s a desensitization tactic.

Just like Santa Clarita Diet – Netflix Special Movie and TV series – came out about the time as the ‘spirit cooking’ scandal came out.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Holy crap. Thats shocking 5hey got to do that.


Parents are abandoning troubled NYC public schools for private education
By Doree Lewak March 10, 2021

Even with the announcement of NYC high schools reopening later this month, public school parents are pissed.

The March 22 reopening of the city’s 488 high schools sounds like a positive step, but parents aren’t rejoicing, since the hybrid model still leaves a majority of students learning from home. (Half the city’s high schools will resume full-time, in-person instruction for those who signed up, leaving about 80 percent of teens still learning remotely.)

“It’s something,” conceded Tribeca mom Marlowe Bamberger, who transferred her ninth-grade son to a private school in January.

“But, unfortunately, teachers who opted [to work remotely] still aren’t coming in, so kids go in to learn on Zoom while wearing a mask,” she said, referring to the teachers who received permission in September to be remote for the whole year. “They could have a math teacher ‘watching’ the class while the social studies teacher Zooms from home. It’s still a mess.” (On Wednesday, Staten Island City Councilman Steven Matteo blasted this practice in a letter he posted on Twitter, saying “that is not ‘in-person’ learning; it is just a glorified version of remote learning.”)

Fed-up public school parents, many of whom are philosophically aligned with a public education, are increasingly driven away from a disjointed system they feel keeps them in the dark.

Deplorable Patriot

It would be so nice if this whole long, dark episode in human history kills off the factory model of education.


Homeschooling is up between ten and twenty percent in some places. They aren’t coming back.

Unintended consequences…


I have a video for Friday’s thread that discusses this insanity from the teacher unions, among other educational things.


From Gab:
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MTG is on NonnaB’s raW mooR now …


Marjorie Taylor Greene, in case the acronym missed!

She’s doing great – calling the politicians part of an *industry*, and explaining that the “Covid” bill is a Blue State wish-list, and the upcoming “Infrastructure” bill is really the Green New Deal rebranded.

Steve gets great guests …


Steve called her final 60 seconds the best take on the current situation he’s yet heard …


Lindell came on next –

Used the phrase “Ol’ Mark Suck-a-Buck” – lol how true!

I highly recommend today’s episode.


Lindell is starting a new social media platform …

We need a BUNCH of ’em …


Ohh that wolverine (honey badger?) video has “MEME ME!” written all over it!

and faux biden didnt fking win OR sign it!


The Pentagon’s COTS Disease and its Cure
March 10, 2021 Stephen Bryen

In the mid-1980s the Pentagon began shifting away from special built secure computers to commercial off the shelf systems which DOD baptized as COTS. Today, the Pentagon is awash in insecure computers, networks, servers and other equipment.


Don’t get me started about all the effort (& tax money) to develop a single programming language (Ada) and then having some brainiac decide that “C” was good enough after all.


I actually thought the entire argument being put forth was stupid and wasteful. You have to use commercially available components to accomplish the scale where Moore’s Law kicks in — otherwise, you’ll end up doing it again as soon as commercial products get far enough ahead.


I don’t see mil getting away from COTS. But the definitely need to do a much better job with it than they are now.

There are a few things I would really like to see mil do differently that I think would make a difference.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Novavax is looking good, but buried in the data (which I don’t fully trust, because (1) strong Bill Gates / CEPI influence, and (2) I think the ChiComs may have gamed the data – it was run in South Africa – a trusted CCP outpost via the ANC) are several powerful “problems and/or strengths” that serve Gates’ purposes:

(a) there were early-version C19 recoverees in the mix, and their antibodies had no effect on catching the SA variant (which I also have suspicions is actually a ChiCom SECOND RELEASE of a LAB MUTANT, camouflaged as a natural mutation b/c South Africa is, again, commie “super-friendly” territory, and basically a CCP colony), and

(b) the virus appears to have mutated sufficiently that the efficacy of the vaccine was reduced by roughly half against the SA variant, but

(c) the levels of neutralizing antibodies from the vaccine are roughly 4 times higher than the disease itself, which is understandable based on the use of artificial stabilized spike proteins in the vaccine – this is great if true, but not sure I trust the data.


I would trust NON-CEPI, NON-GATES, NON-CCP-SA-WHO validation of the results.

The adverse events are in the supplementary material, and are mild – very encouraging.


From the Scripture reading in today’s post:

21 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace

It is human nature, common sense, and within adherence to natural law for people to do this.


From the Bee:

New York Times: ‘Journalists Should Be Able To Destroy People’s Lives Without Fear Of Harassment’
March 10th, 2021
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NEW YORK, NY—In a forceful and unequivocal statement, The New York Times has come to the defense of its brave journalists and their God-given right to destroy the lives of private citizens without anyone harassing them or disagreeing with them in any way.

“We at The New York Times stand by the great work of our journalists as they slander private citizens they disagree with and utterly destroy their lives,” the statement began.
“This is important work because we are journalists, who are like normal humans only way better and smarter and more important. We condemn anyone who attempts to spread hateful messages– such as ‘I disagree with you.’ It is absolutely unacceptable.” 

Unfortunately, many people chose to disagree with The New York Times in spite of their clear and authoritative warning to not do so. 

“I disagree with The New York Times,” said one man on social media in a blatant case of criminal harassment. 

The man’s disagreement set off a firestorm of further disagreement on social media, which then set off a firestorm of actual harassment from a group of mean people on Twitter.

The New York Times has promised to retaliate by destroying the lives of every person in the group. 


“We condemn anyone who attempts to spread hateful messages– such as ‘I disagree with you.’ It is absolutely unacceptable.” 

We all need to guard against having that mindset – believing that “I disagree” or “I don’t believe that conspiracy theory” is unacceptable, erroneous and derision. Some have called me naive for not believing we have proof of body doubles, Michelle Obama is a man, Trump is still in charge, the Biden movie set theory, etc. And pointing out errors in these theories, out of date and shopped photos, etc. isn’t welcomed.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Best to be wary of photos, videos and memes furnished as ‘proof’ – As an artist, I could, with one flick of a brush, make an shaded outline of male aparatus appear on any lady’s dress to ‘prove’ she is really a male.

With modern computers, it’s easy to make shoulders wider, muscles a bit bigger…and you can alter any person’s photo to look more like another person.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The other side is extremely smart. Cheating to a win and then convincing the “loser” that “it’s all gonna be OK – the cops are on their way” is a beautiful criminal strategy.

It reminds me of one of the first times I got scammed – for a pitcher of beer – by two “fake strangers” in cahoots. They were shameless. They knew I knew what they had done, but they still tried to rope me in for “double or nothing”.

I let God deliver justice on that one.

We have to call out the scams that are killing us. It’s the only way we’ll convince the REAL COPS – if there are any – to do something.


There are mass deceptions and counter-mass deceptions and maybe counter-counter mass deceptions going down.

Right now, some military officer is trying to stop Fox, OAN and any conservative media from being played on US bases. He says it’s dangerous.

But, he thinks its fine military can have sex change surgery – paid for by the taxpayer. And all his twitter replies agree….it’s bizarre.

And the weirdo Health and Human Services wants children to have sex change whether the parents approve or not.

But it’s not just their side. The beliefs about Trump and Biden are getting bizarre on our side as well…and are as dearly held as a religion, addiction or cult.

Everything is wonky – it’s been wonky has been for a long time.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Brave and Free

Yes it’s wonky I agree, when we put it in God’s perspective it all falls in place. Everyday I remind myself of that. What we perceive as something we can’t seem to comprehend, God has already seen it. This is nothing “new” to Him. Just man being man. (can I say that?).
I try to keep everything that goes on present day in a biblical perspective. As I am sure lots of us do here.
He is ultimately in control, I just try to be obedient to what direction He is taking me.


Had an interaction with a local cop lately. Made me doubt there are any REAL COPS left.


Binary Thinker Lectures Full-Spectrum Thinker to Avoid Simple Binaries


It just became clear to me what’s bugging me about Trump at the moment. And please don’t take this the wrong way, like I won’t send $$$ or some other lame gesture on my part.

Lindell’s on Bannon, continuing to fight with all the fire he has. NOT UNDER THE RADAR. Yelling and screaming, risking it all, daily. Pulitzer is fighting. Sidney is fighting. Wood with the whistleblower. Braynard in GA. NH ballot audit. The AZ fight. People want 11/3 rectified. And there is nary a hat tip from Trump. This is not a look that makes him appear stronger.

Doesn’t there come a point when the “appear weak when you are strong” holding pattern becomes destructive overall? Is there something beyond incalculable going on behind the scenes, or has he just reached the point where he’s willing to be the MAGA traffic cop, and nothing more? This limbo cannot be sustained.


Why do you think President Trump is in a “holding pattern” when he is making endorsements and issuing statements on an almost daily basis? He is challenging the RINO/GOPe/Uniparty sector of the GOP and issuing statements regarding the Biden admin and their expected but still horrible policies.

He is very actively focused on the 2022 and 2024 elections just as he clearly stated he was in his CPAC speech. He was very clear on what his focus and mission are going forward.

How is he in a “holding pattern” when he is moving forward toward his announced goals?

How does he “appear weak”?

Yes, he moved on from the 2020 election weeks ago and shifted focus … but that was already known.

Perhaps he would appear to be in a “holding pattern” if one is expecting something from him that he never promised or expects him to continue to fight the fraud of the 2020 election v. moving forward to 2022 and 2024 …???

What is the “limbo” when he is doing exactly as he said he will do, working toward his stated goals?

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Well then he should get the message to all the power players I referenced, who are VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE MOVEMENT, to likewise shift their collective focus. Period.

How do you expect reform within a totally lawless society? It won’t happen.
And 11/3, if not rectified, was the christening of complete lawlessness.

That’s why I SAID that either he’s got something colossal going on behind the scenes, or he’s now just the MAGA traffic cop. EITHER. OR. But people will not suspend their disbelief indefinitely.

And if you imagine I’m going to be trapped into one of your choking back-and-forths . . . you’re sadly mistaken. I think what I think.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

We need to question everything. Blind trust is not good. ❤


It’s to the point of absolutes for me. Either he’s got something colossal going on, or what we see is what we get. If rectifying 11/3 is not what he wants done, then call off the people beating that drum. It only perpetuates an illusion.

The evidence is there, we KNOW there was fraud. Our side KNOWS the election was stolen. They know it too but will continue to rub our noses in it, they get LESS scared as time passes. The only speed bump facing them is how to finesse the transition from the mummy/hologram.


“If rectifying 11/3 is not what he wants done, then call off the people beating that drum. It only perpetuates an illusion.”

1) I am not sure that 1 man, not even President Trump, is in charge or in control of others.

2) Doesn’t hurt to keep beating the drum of fraud. President Trump continues to reference the outcome as fraudulantly based outcome/”victory”. Just don’t count on 11/3 being fixed.

President Trump is not talking about it being fixed. He is talking about 2022 and 2024.


If 11/3 is not fixed, then 2022 & 2024 will be a joke. And we’ll be the punch line.


Uh, methinks we were the punch line as we massively got bitch slapped many times over the 3 November election.

Generally if I, we can’t see it happening, it is NOT happening.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally agreed. Beating on impossibles pointlessly but persistently brings them down EVENTUALLY.

I have been counseling REJECTION of Biden’s legitimacy NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME for 2020.

It is absolutely necessary. It is necessary NO MATTER whether 2020 gets fixed. We must SHAME all who could fix it, but do not.


Kind of hard to shame a traitor especially when they believe they are doing what they feel is right?

We’re dealing with people who are more brainwashed than evil.

our generation are traitors. The second and third down from us are hopelessly brainwashed.

I have worked with these kids and I don’t know if there is any real way to reach them?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m talking about shaming alleged patriots.

Two kinds.

One: the ones who want to do the right thing and lack the courage.

Two: the ones who tried to set me / us / Trump up on January 6.

The commies didn’t do that alone. Some part of the military helped civilian commie IC to set patriotic Americans up. In my opinion, the QAnon garbageman is a better citizen than them. I SPIT on the ground before the RATS who would help steal an election and set up honest Americans angered at the THEFT of the White House and many other elections.

Eisenhower understood the danger of the MIC. I never fully understood it until 1/6/21.


Anyone that has taken an oath to defend and protect … and then SETS UP good decent American people.



Jo𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟. The department of justice is a protection racket. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕. America’s institutions have been infiltrated and are fallen.

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Something colossal is going on. I’m waiting for it…


“And if you imagine I’m going to be trapped into one of your choking back-and-forths . . . you’re sadly mistaken. I think what I think.”

Of course! And I will continue to think and post what I think when I read a comment on a topic of interest to me.

You post your opinion & I reply. Its just how public forums work. It isn’t personal and its nothing about which to be upset.

When one posts one’s opinion on a public forum others reply – sometimes agreeing, sometimes disagreeing, sometimes a combination. That is simply the nature of a public forum.

I only posted my opinion, posted President Trump’s opinion, quoted Today’s news of what President Trump said just today, etc. I didn’t make my posts personal or attacking. I ask you to do the same. Let’s just focus on content, opinion, sources, etc. & helping to MAGA. Personal attacks and being upset when someone disagrees do none of the above.
“And if you imagine I’m going to be trapped into one of your choking back-and-forths . . . you’re sadly mistaken. I think what I think.”

You post your opinion & I reply. Its just how public forums work. It isn’t personal and its nothing about which to be upset.

When one posts one’s opinion on a public forum others reply – sometimes agreeing, sometimes disagreeing, sometimes a combination. That is simply the nature of a public forum.

I only posted my opinion, posted President Trump’s opinion, quoted Today’s news of what President Trump said just today, etc. I didn’t make my posts personal or attacking. I ask you to do the same. Let’s just focus on content, opinion, sources, etc. & helping to MAGA. Personal attacks and being upset when someone disagrees do none of the above.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

And how many essays have you subsequently written? I think what I think, as you also are free to do. No matter how much space you take up here, it changes nothing.

Although you do make my point for me.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Why do you care if I reply to your posts? Why does that upset you? Just move on and ignore.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I personally think Trump is pacing correctly. Underselling right now is smart, IMO. It’s psychologically the right thing to do to win the middle. For every impatient “fix the unfixable now” person he loses, he will gain 5 people who have Biden regret.


He is working hard to win:

“I fully support the Republican Party and important GOP Committees, but I do not support RINOs and fools, and it is not their right to use my likeness or image to raise funds. So much money is being raised and completely wasted by people that do not have the GOP’s best interests in mind. If you donate to our Save America PAC at, you are helping the America First movement and doing it right. We will WIN, and we will WIN BIG! Our Country is being destroyed by the Democrats!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love the way he’s going to starve the RINOs. Serves those TREASONOUS BASTARDS RIGHT.


I must have been put on the Anomaly Detection Team or something. 😉

Turns out that when I load the News Page at PDJT’s site, the link to THIS STATEMENT is NOT in the side bar. It is here:

But the sidebar only gives links up to the statement BEFORE this one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Okay, it’s there now. BUT only if you are not on that page. So sidebar apparently suppresses link to page you are currently on.


Thank you, I was looking for that link.


“The Media Might Want to Forget What Happened in 2020, I Haven’t” – President Trump Is Not Going to Drop the 2020 Election Fraud

The media wants to forget what happened in 2020. I haven’t and we have a lot of work we have to do…the media might want to forget what happened in 2020. I haven’t. We’re not going to forget what happened. We’ve got to stop this bill (HR1). We have to stop this, we cannot let this go through. Democrats are trying to rig this thing for every election going forward.


Of course the bill should not pass. It’s part of the christening of the lawless society. But he’s powerless to stop anything in congress. Apart from the influence he has with endorsements, he’s speaking from a position of weakness.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is OK. That is absolutely OK. Fighting from the downside is different.

They want to create a lawless society?

Not a problem. Make sure everybody sees it.

They want to back off?

Not a problem. We can learn from that, too.

Barb Meier

Americans love underdogs.


“The media wants to forget what happened in 2020. I haven’t and we have a lot of work we have to do…the media might want to forget what happened in 2020. I haven’t. We’re not going to forget what happened. We’ve got to stop this bill (HR1). We have to stop this, we cannot let this go through. Democrats are trying to rig this thing for every election going forward.”

(paraphrased message as relayed by the talk show host, a semi-direct quote)

This is exactly consistent with what President Trump has been saying for weeks.

We don’t forget 11/3/2020, the fraud, the illegitimacy of the vote count/totals and yet we move past fighting the illegitimate outcome to being focused on winning 2022 and 2024.

President Trump has accepted the outcome although he does not accept that the outcome reflects the true vote. It is a fraudulant outcome but he has accepted the outcome nonetheless while refusing to call it a legitimate outcome. They “won” through cheating and did not fairly win and certinaly did not actually win the real vote. But Biden et al are the admin in the White House nonetheless.

As President Trump CPAC speech made clear, Biden is POTUS and that is the outcome of the 2020 election. Biden “won” because he is POTUS … but he “won” through fraud and did not actually win the vote. But he won the overall outcome and is POTUS.

President Trump disagrees with the outcome because he knows, just as we know, that it was based on fraud and massive cheating but Biden is POTUS and that is the outcome. Biden, dems, deep state “won” the 2024 election through fraud and it stinks to high heaven and neither Congress nor the courts are willing to address, muchless redress, the issue. Tragic on their parts.

So, we move forward to the 2022 and 2024 elections. And we elect MAGA GOP in the primaries and GOP in the general and continue onward, just as POTUS is doing. We may not like that he is moving on from fighting the 2020 outcome but he is.

He will never forget how they “won” and will never stop speaking the truth that they only “won” through fraud which is why he is banned from social media. He is and always will fight the media fake news narrative about 2020 even while focusing on 2022 and 2024.


Old news, we can all cut & paste. Powerless to stop it in a lawless society. When it happens again, what court do you intend to appeal before? What is the recourse then?

Just a heads-up. This is my last reply. I’m going to do my best to abide by Wolf’s requests. How about you do the same?

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009


What request am I not following?


This was not “old news”. I quoted and linked to President Trump’s words that were broadcast today.

I didn’t cut and paste except for the info I brought from another source. (which is why it was posted 5 min. earlier to my own post as I didn’t see it posted, began my post and then posted without reloading and These Truths posted the exact some quote in the mean time.)

What is wrong with cutting and pasting articles and info from other sources? Is the info of what President Trump said today not helpful &/or not applicable to the very topic you brought up?

MANY posts are posts of people cutting and pasting from other sources to bring info from other sites here to share and to save other readers from needed to click over to the site to read the info.

How is my above cut/paste from another source any different? smh …

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

This post makes sense as far as it goes.


“We don’t forget 11/3/2020, the fraud, the illegitimacy of the vote count/totals and yet we move past fighting the illegitimate outcome to being focused on winning 2022 and 2024.”


How does anyone win, ever again, in a rigged election system.

I would put a question mark after it, as if it was a question, but what’s the point.

There is no such thing as ‘moving forward’ if you’re walking the wrong way on an escalator.

You’re just walking for the sake of walking.


True – there can be NO elections until the 2020 Election is resolved – all voter rolls are reconciled – voting machines are trashed – no mail-in voting – controlled absentee voting – early voting – chain of custody – and voter ID is instituted.

If 80% of the electorate voted for a candidate who ‘allegedly’ did not win – there was foreign interference – Congress saw nothing – and the courts won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole – then, no one will vote in 2022 – until voter integrity is restored.


I feel POTUS is laying low publicly, so the optics of events that may happen in our favor, they cannot be seen as “Trump- orchestrated”. When events happen in our favor, the Evil Left cannot scream “Trump did it!”.

I’d guess he is very particular about what to support publicly and what to support in the background, and what NOT to support as I’m sure there are traps to catch him doing something to support “Insurgents”

Deplorable Patriot


The Dan Scavino tweets include a reference to “we have to go backwards in order to go forward.” Notice how the Dems are busy “putting things back the way they were” right now. On the surface it looks messy, but underneath, there’s things humming that just aren’t being published.

What irritates me is that so many think every move just HAS to be public. In war, not even. And that’s the point. We are at war. The surface is just that.

JW in Germany

My son and I were discussing Dave’s comments on X22 and Scavino’s tweets. I just sent him both of your comments. Thanks!


Julians Rum on Gab Response to Dan Scavino’s Moose Run

I do not know how to post his post on Gab – hope this pick works

comment image

JW in Germany

Here we go again. Too many coincidences?

Dan Scavino was Trump’s social media guru. He has to know how his tweets are being received…I do not believe otherwise.

That raises the questions: If no connection to Q drops…then why torture Trump/Q supporters? Why not come out and clearly state that this has nothing to do with Q?


It may be he is part of the Q Team, JW – and unable to tip his/their hand – and so – we await in great anticipation of good things to come.

I think he is coming forward to encourage us – help us hang on – for our redemption – maybe?

Each of us has something to give – this is his gift to us – the voice of PT – who must remain quiet for now – maybe?


That moose video was interesting for sure.


The Dan Scavino tweets include a reference to “we have to go backwards in order to go forward.”


We have to lose in order to win.

We have to die in order to be born.

We have to embrace vacuous quotes in order to rationalize defeat while feeling virtuous.

The one thing we never, ever ‘have to’ do, is take any decisive action, that would reveal that anyone is even trying, or inspire anyone else to keep fighting.

For all intents and purposes, it appears that demoralizing our own side is the only thing the imaginary white hats ever actually do.

Well, and validate the enemy and encourage them.


“Notice how the Dems are busy “putting things back the way they were” right now.”


Yes, I did notice.

The enemy’s intentions, motivations, actions, are never unclear.

It’s only our side that is always and forever lurking about in the shadows with mysterious multiples of the letter ‘D’ balanced precariously on a chess board that we wave around like a holy relic at Kool-Aid cult.

That’s because our side doesn’t ever actually do anything, we just talk about it.

All of the action is done by the enemy. That’s why they’re so predictable. They’re always doing things, highly visible and concrete things, gobbling up yardage and scoring touchdowns, while our side huddles on the sidelines, explaining to each other why we never even take the field.


“On the surface it looks messy, but underneath, there’s things humming that just aren’t being published.”


Like what?

And how do we know?

As opposed to… magic wish projection?

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hopium, type 2.

(Type 1 is the deadline-specific football-snatching type.)


I am feeling much the same. I wish I didn’t, but I do.

I’m not a pessimist, I’m not an optimist. I am a stone-cold realist. When XVII was posting, and President Trump appeared to acknowledge that it was “real,” it seemed realistic to me to believe it was. Now all the evidence of my eyes seems to suggest that I was wrong.

It’s a puzzle.


DJT was acknowledging it. Maybe not all of it, e.g., who knows what that circle in the air movement of his is, or whether it was supposed to be a ‘Q’, and other similar things — but he clearly knew all about Q, and couldn’t NOT have known about Q, even if all his bogus advisors tried to shield him from it.

And if he knew about Q, and Q was not his doing, then there is no way he could have allowed Q to continue representing himself as part of the Trump administration.

It’s everything that has happened since election day that doesn’t add up.

That, and DJT’s insane promotion of untested medical industrial complex vaccines (and ventilators).


I agree. He had to know, and if Q was not under his control, he would have had to shut it down.

I continue to believe that Trump had no choice but to embrace the vaccine. I am 100% sure that it was gamed out and decided that without a vaccine, the 75% of Americans who are sheep to the medical establishment would hide under rocks until the end of time. So, Trump accelerated the vaccine to Warp Speed, and signaled to the smart ones of us, “don’t take it.” Which we aren’t.

I don’t know what has happened since the election, but clearly a decision has been made. We appear to be on our own.

So I am in survival mode, at least until we see what happens with the 2022 elections. If the states do what they SHOULD do and correct election law, then the House and Senate will revert to strongly Republican. If they don’t, all bets are off on America. I am still formulating the plan for how I will survive THAT.

We are living in some surrealistic times. I can NOT BELIEVE I am watching all of this happen in my lifetime. It’s like I woke up in a Twilight Zone episode and I can’t get out.


Trump absolutely did what he had to do throughout the entire Covid BS.

Anything LESS and Trump would have been impeached, leaving US in a worse position. Pence or Piglosi.
^^^ PERFECT example of They are coming for us, BUT Trump is in the way.

He showed us HCQ was OK.

Regeneron Right to Try.

The cure can’t be worse that the disease.

Trump seemingly survived Covid with ease.

Trump pushed solutions for PPE and ventilator production rapidly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We have to lose in order to win.
We have to die in order to be born.
We have to embrace vacuous quotes in order to rationalize defeat while feeling virtuous.
The one thing we never, ever ‘have to’ do, is take any decisive action, that would reveal that anyone is even trying, or inspire anyone else to keep fighting.


Sounds so very 2000 years ago.

You fashion yourself as a Christian.

Did you ever consider the possibility that the only way to ACTUALLY follow your alleged Savior now might be to LOSE in this world?

I think about this every day. I have no idea if I’m really man enough to do it.

How the only way out of THIS WORLD might be to let them kill me without hurting a hair on anybody else’s head.

Like I said before – what if the only way to follow Christ from where we are now is the cross, the gas chamber, or the firing squad?

But more seriously, for many of us, maybe all of us, it will involve waiting until they kill A LOT OF US. That is when good people will shoot back.

That is what happened in the original American Revolution. They killed a lot of us. That has to happen first.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot

People forget that the original Apostles, all but one, St. John, were martyred. That early Church went through a whole lot before coming out of the Catacombs.


And IIRC, Saint John is counted as a martyr since they tried to kill him by placing him in a vat of boiling oil. Patmos was where they parked him when he failed to die.


“And IIRC, Saint John is counted as a martyr since they tried to kill him by placing him in a vat of boiling oil.”


I never heard that before. I’m pretty sure I would have remembered that if it was anywhere in God’s Word.

If that had actually happened, and God wanted us to know about it, He certainly would have.

But now that I think of it, there is one very scurrilous character running around, throughout time, constantly making up religious hooey, making a mockery of truth, faith and belief.

And his name is M•A•N.


I read it in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.


I have heard of it, but I have not read it.


Which is a not a book appreciated by Catholics, since they are cast as the ones doing the martyring at times.

Deplorable Patriot

Since we were the one’s BEING martyred, why would we take the blame?


Uh, I must be misremembering. My mistake.


“People forget that the original Apostles, all but one, St. John, were martyred.”


We’re not being murdered for spreading the gospel.

We’re just being murdered.


“Sounds so very 2000 years ago.
You fashion yourself as a Christian.”


I don’t fashion myself as anything. I am what I am.


“Did you ever consider the possibility that the only way to ACTUALLY follow your alleged Savior now might be to LOSE in this world?”


He didn’t say anything about being ‘alleged’.

Losing is easy, anybody can lose.

What amazes me is how so many are able to find so many ways to justify losing.

As for religion, I can never find anything about hokum in the Bible. Very little of what would be called ‘mystical’, not much in the way of what modern day ‘religion’ appears to be. Nothing touchy-feely. Nothing new-agey.

That’s all stuff that men bring to the party.

But if you never ever win, then what’s the point?

Show me someone in the Bible who never won, someone who only lost.

Do you want to be that guy?

Is that was life is, just having a *&^%ing BOOT in your face from birth until death?

If so, if that’s all there is, then you can have it.

The Bible says that for some people, it would be better if they had never been born. It’s hard to imagine who WOULDN’T be better off if they were never born.

A) Solomon says all is vanity — pointless

B) James says life is but a vapor that appeareth for a short time, then vanisheth away

C) Matthew says narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it

So life is vanity, and while it feels like a lifetime prison sentence, it’s only a short time compared to eternity, which most people will spend in Hell.

Compared to never being born.

So which is the better deal?

Pretty much have to be whatever avoids the possibility of eternal damnation, wouldn’t it?

Why would anybody purposely risk spending eternity in a lake of fire for this?

Are you kidding me?!? 😂 🤣 😂


“I think about this every day. I have no idea if I’m really man enough to do it.
How the only way out of THIS WORLD might be to let them kill me without hurting a hair on anybody else’s head.”


Why would that be the only way, where does it say that?

More to the point, how would that be a way at all?

Where does it say “letteth the enemy kill you — without harming him at all, and thou shalt have eternal life”?


“Like I said before – what if the only way to follow Christ from where we are now is the cross, the gas chamber, or the firing squad?”


Why on earth would that be the only way, or even “a” way to follow Christ?

Where does it say that?

If we’re going to die for something with the expectation of some reward, we better be AWFUL SURE that’s what the deal was, and that we understood it clearly!


“But more seriously, for many of us, maybe all of us, it will involve waiting until they kill A LOT OF US. That is when good people will shoot back. That is what happened in the original American Revolution. They killed a lot of us. That has to happen first.”


No doubt the enemy will oblige us.


I am re-watching the videos of his CPAC speech and the two Doug Billings interviews of Gen Flynn over and over to try and glean the best possible understanding of where they think we are right now.

From that input, plus understanding a bit about human nature, I have a couple thoughts.

  • Not to give PDJT any attributes of a savior or deity is important.

Israel got into trouble when they got their eyes off of God as their king first and foremost. The evil that is the CCP/DEMs are working night and day to train us into helpless dependency. This spell must be broken off of us!

  • Leadership that begets stronger leadership moves the spotlight off themselves.

We are now seeing Gen Flynn saying we are to “stop sitting and talking and start standing and doing.” We don’t need just a handful of strong leaders that can take withering heat from the enemies of America. We need tens of thousands of leaders.

Not just an major league team, not just a farm team. We need there to be a steely-eyed patriot behind every blade of grass.

  • All evidence up to last year’s stolen election says PDJT, is a tremendous leader.

Right at the beginning of his CPAC speech he says with strong emphasis that he is not done yet. Is America like the son learning to ride his bicycle? Are we in that moment when a father has already made a running start, but now launches his son out onto the road to balance/pedal/steer for himself? Liberty must have many sons.



I love your reply, and thanks. Not to be stupidly repetitive, but I just don’t see how we are to make anything happen in the lawless society in which we now find ourselves. It doesn’t happen anywhere else, where communism has taken over. (Although I forget what exactly occurred in Romania.)

Everything is corrupt, and has been for God knows how long. And it seems that a good portion of the populace is not only OK with it, but looking to push the envelope ever further.

There are the patriots – and the others. We’re more than awake, but have no redress. Certainly not through accepted channels. We ARE steely-eyed, but without legit elections all the rah-rah 2022/24 is just kicking the can down the road to the next outrage.


You need to learn from an old communist.

There is the government charge for something and then there is a personal charge for providing it.


Blat. Blat is the differential between reality and penal utopia.


I hear you!

For years we’ve stared at this animal and wondered just which end to grab. We could feel it in our bones that something was terribly wrong … with everything!

To be honest, even studying our enemy and knowing EXACTLY what they are doing and planning to do doesn’t seem to be enough to chart our path.

“a time for war and a time for peace.”  

  “Understanding timing is a key to understanding. We may want peace more than anything, but we will perish if we seek peace when it is the time for war. We are now at war. As history also makes clear, attempts to appease intractable enemies like we now face makes the ultimate cost of the conflict far greater. … To walk with Jesus requires that we know what time it is. Jesus came the first time as a Lamb, but He is coming back as a Lion. We are now about to get to know His Lion nature. Those who follow Him in the coming times will be warriors so that when the battle is over the whole world can receive all of the benefits The Lamb sacrificed so much to give this world. As we proceed the path we are here to walk, it will get brighter as well as our purpose in this time.” – Rick Joyner

  “History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid.” ~President Dwight D. Eisenhower  

  “It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it.” ~Gen. Douglas MacArthur

This is an excellent point-by-point series on the status of each of the publicly stated goals of Marxism against America…

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

I will read these tonight as much as I am able, thanks very much for the reply.


I think this is a weekly series and the author may have one more post before he’s covered all their stated goals. The author is a student of history and I find his writing thought provoking.


^^^ NICE post. ^^^


We must understand in order to start doing.


“We must understand in order to start doing.”


Understanding is meaningless without action.

What would help, more than just about anything, is a leader to SHOW how we are supposed to defeat an infinitely funded, well organized state-sponsored enemy with garden tools and a stiff upper lip.

It’s horseshit.

The whole reason we have a military to oppose foreign military actions is because We the People are not (and never will be) equipped or trained to confront a professional 21st century super-power military.

What is required is a thousand percent less ‘rah-rah’ bullshit, and a thousand percent more action by the people we PAY to do that job.

Instead, they shield and protect the traitor political-class from We the People.

We the People don’t stand a chance against a foreign super-power military.

But We the People could wipe out the pathetic political-class in time to get home for dinner.


So frustrating. Flynn has accomplished nothing, and says nothing significant. I really do not know what Flynn is about, but what I do know about Flynn from public information is not good.

Flynn and Powell are barnacles. They are empty vessels, whatever else they are.

For 1000x more benefit, read Vox Day and Zman, not because they are infallible, but because they understand the bogus Flynn/Powell type of futility, the monetized parasitism.

Even the slow folks at Ace of Spades, and Ace himself, have caught on bigly.

We are so far behind because we get mesmerized by clanging bells.


I don’t understand. Sidney Powell has been fighting tooth and nail to reveal election fraud. It’s not her fault that the courts won’t hear her. How does she supposedly represent “monetized parasitism”?


You been black pilled right good.

Deplorable Patriot

For those interested, I really enjoyed this podcast when it comes to talking about the spiritual battle we’re in the middle of fighting.

The reading that the gentlemen based all this on:

Ecclesiastes, Chapter 4

[6] Better is a handful with rest, than both hands full with labour, and vexation of mind. [7] Considering I found also another vanity under the sun: [8] There is but one, and he hath not a second, no child, no brother, and yet he ceaseth not to labour, neither are his eyes satisfied with riches, neither doth he reflect, saying: For whom do I labour, and defraud my soul of good things? in this also is vanity, and a grievous vexation. [9] It is better therefore that two should be together, than one: for they have the advantage of their society: [10] If one fall he shall be supported by the other: woe to him that is alone, for when he falleth, he hath none to lift him up.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Great discussion.


Unforced error!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Trashes Gab as ‘Anti-Semitic’ Platform; Texas GOP Has 18k Followers
By Caleb HoweMar 11th, 2021, 12:29 pm

. . . The Texas GOP in fact does have a thriving Gab account. It was established after the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January. The state party made a big announcement of that fact on Twitter.


“Unforced error!
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Trashes Gab as ‘Anti-Semitic’ Platform; Texas GOP Has 18k Followers”


Not an unforced error.

It’s intentional enemy action.

Abbott is an abuser.

We are his victims.

And we will remain trapped in that abusive relationship, until we are willing to see that he’s the abuser.

Deplorable Patriot

And now the think tank people are engaged in circular fire squad behavior. Is the deep state starting to eat it’s own?

A war over Russia has erupted at the Atlantic Council
It’s rare to see a public fight at a prominent D.C. think tank, but Koch funding and human rights policy toward Moscow have pushed grievances out in the open


03/11/2021 10:18 AM EST

In a very rare public battle at a prominent Washington, D.C. think tank, almost two dozen employees and fellows at the Atlantic Council have issued a statement slamming two of their colleagues for writing what they see as a pro-Russia article on the think tank’s website.

Emma Ashford and Mathew Burrows, two senior experts at the Atlantic Council, on Friday published an article that said the U.S. should not focus on human rights in its dealings with Russia and wrote that “democratization in Russia would not necessarily be good for US foreign policy interests.”

The article led 22 of the think tank’s staffers and fellows to issue a statement on Tuesday distancing themselves from Ashford and Burrows, saying the article “misses the mark.” Among the signers were three former ambassadors: John E. Herbst, Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow and Daniel Fried, who worked at the State Department for almost 40 years.

“Their article is premised on a false assumption that human rights and national interests are wholly separate and that US policy toward Russia was and remains driven by human rights concerns principally,” the statement reads. “In fact, previous administrations and the current one have sought to integrate our values and other national interests. We the undersigned disagree with its arguments and values and we disassociate ourselves from the report.”

One person who signed the statement told POLITICO that they worried the article was, or might be viewed as, a shoddy work product influenced by a $4.5 million donation over five years to the Atlantic Council from Charles Koch, who advocates for less American intervention abroad.

After Koch gave that money to the Atlantic Council, the money was used to set up the New American Engagement Initiative, which aims to study new ways to address foreign policy issues. Ashford, who was at the Koch-funded libertarian think tank the Cato Institute, started at the Atlantic Council on the NAEI in September and was joined by Chris Preble, another prominent former Cato foreign policy scholar who had started at the think tank a few months before.

“The Koch industry operates as a Trojan horse operation trying to destroy good institutions and they have pretty much the same views as the Russians,” said the person who signed the statement. The person argued that many other think tanks hold themselves to higher standards and refuse to take such money, and they were disappointed that the Atlantic Council had accepted it.


One step closer to full commie control.
And their updated final solution.

Effectively killing private gun sales, wuth rethugliCON assistance.



Barb Meier

Their reach exceeds their grasp.


I’ve been looking into carbon as an industrial material, and find that it’s highly versatile, has high tensile strength, super useful conductive, as well as insulating properties. Lots of applications in tech and aerospace. Can be made into fuel. Trouble is, it expensive and energy intensive to manufacture, unless it’s piggybacked off of another energy intensive process. Enter carbon capture, and direct air capture.

So I was wondering, what came first, carbon capture for “mining” carbon from the atmosphere, or the global warming emergency narrative?

Seems to me that the market for carbon could be in the trillions, if it could be produced at a price that allows it to compete with structural steel as a building material, and that’s just it use as a structural material.

One company actively pursuing CCS is Global Thermostat.

Bill Gates is one of the biggest investors in this field, according to reports.

In researching my original chicken/egg question, I learned that the idea of carbon capture and the “green house effect” are contemporaneous.

And they are contemporaneous with theories of “racial hygiene”.

Now my question is: “Is the field of anthropogenic climate change science STRUCTURALLY RACST?

Is the field of genetics, especially as it relates to vaccine development, historically colonial in it’s intent?

Carbon capture, anthropogenic climate change, and eugenics have had a synergistic relationship since they started studying CO2 in the atmosphere.

No time to post links today. Feel free to dig. Start with a Swedish Nobel prize winner that sat on the board of a society for racial hygiene.


Keshe Foundation may not come across as an easy access open source for Carbon generation, but they do it using an interesting home work bench type setup. They also have interesting energy solutions. I wouldn’t read or watch Keshe directly. Others are better at creating explainers like this:

Deplorable Patriot

This is yesterday’s X22, but it explains a lot, IMO. It’s not so much hopium as being realistic. Yes, we’re still in the “show the people” part of the movie.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
JW in Germany

I think Dave’s last 3 episodes have been very good. Like you…I also think Dave puts everything into realistic perspective. He just makes sense to me.

Deplorable Patriot

Juan O Savin puts it differently, but they are on the same page.

Definitely worth considering.

Deplorable Patriot

Was watching MilSpecOpsMonkey, and he’s seeing A LOT of sub hunters off the Florida coast along with a whole lot of cargo activity going into the Middle East. No idea where he would be going with that, but it is interesting. No other “ex-president” had that sort of military protection.

Also, there’s a 20 minute Juan video embedded in today’s Marshall Report where he lays out the military’s role right now. It is their job not to take over the country, but restore the lawful civilian government. They cannot turn over the keys to the kingdom (nuclear football, AF1, Marine 1, etc.) until that happens. What’s going on in the background is an internal investigation to match up information they have with the ODNI report on foreign interference in the election which was slow rolled to the point that it was delivered on January 19. The evidence is overwhelming that there was foreign interference, and so the keys have NOT been turned over no matter what the propaganda films being broadcast by the MSM depict. In fact, MilSpecOpsMonkey hasn’t seen any aircraft bearing the call sign of Air Force One since January 20.

So, it would seem that the show in Washington is an illegal civilian government playing house, essentially, trying to make it look like things are being put back the way they were.

XVII trained too many eyes for a lot of us to fall for that. Too many gaffes.

And too many rationalized excuses made by the “if I’m not seeing it, it’s not happening” crowd.

Good Catholic girl that I am, I understand quite well rationalizing into a conclusion that is more or less fooling oneself.


Marine 1 has been in use though, pretty regularly, no? Unless there’s a process to fake that. Which there most likely is.


Great question!


“Yes, we’re still in the “show the people” part of the movie.”


If they ever actually SHOWED the people the mountains of evidence (“we have it all!”), the People might actually begin to ‘see’.

And we can’t have that…


Time for one link:

And Edgar Bronfman, Jr. sits on the executive board of Global Thermostat.


(Father of the theory of the greenhouse effect)

Cuppa Covfefe

And whose most irritating and ardent proponent, Greta the Grinch, aka Snippy Longstocking, is a distant relative, with her father being both a namesake and a descendant. Arrhenius’s math and “science” has been shredded by Steve Goddard and a number of REAL scientists, as far as Gore-Bull warming is concerned…

Greta’s parents are also Satanists, which was boldly displayed on her mother’s book (at least the Swedish edition), saying [her opinion] that “we” all belong to Satan.

She can speak for herself. I belong to the LORD Jesus Christ, now and forevermore.

No wonder they’re so worried about warming. They’d be better off worrying about eternal warming, and the ONE who can save them from it…


Anyone else read that crazy blurb today about Greta communicating with the unibomber in jail? 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I can’t even remember where I saw that. Gab probably.


Even though he’s in supermax, that makes him the smartest man in federal government,


Which is cruel and unusual punishment. The way they run that section is unconstitutional and should be banned. There is no reason to deprive a human being of ALL contact with other humans.


In a nutshell…
comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Nutshell is apropos for her…

Look at those blank, soulless eyes… sad…


Wow. I did not know that. Descendant, you say.

Straight out eugenicists from the beginning. I seriously believe that the argument can be made that theories of the greenhouse effect, global warming, and anthropogenic climate change are historically
Institutionally Racist. Time to put their arguments back in their faces and tear down a few of their monuments, IMO.

And, when the privileged from wealthy nations roll out their experimental, untested western theories of medicine and breeding control in poor nations, one can argue that it’s colonialism, racist, and white privileged.

Bill Gates interview with Bill Moyer, circa 2003, is very telling…open boarders, human trafficking, experimental vaccines, microbicides, population control. It’s all there in his own white privileged words.


Darn straight.
Love this line of thinking!


…”Greta means serious business. Wittingly or unwittingly, she is the child-herald of a nightmare future, inhabited by a mechanized humanity, wherein that century-old experiment, conducted by her relative, of electrifying children, will be upgraded for all humanity. Saving the planet means eugenics, for it is ultimately Malthusian in its logic, in that people are the enemies of the planet and their numbers need to be controlled. Greta’s alarmist environmentalism is impossible to accomplish without eugenics. But then global warming and man-made climate change are both the invention of her ancestor who understood such eco-eugenics well.”


Check this out Wolf

How an Influential Medical Journal Laundered Progressivism as ‘Public Health’
Funded in part by the left-wing billionaire George Soros, a ‘Lancet’ committee proposes a raft of radical policies in the name of ‘public health’

The Lancet last week released a sweeping and much vaunted report on “public health and policy in the Trump era.” Its first key finding is that Donald Trump “politicised” science, which “posed a uniquely urgent threat to health.”

The report, “Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era,” offers a host of “science-led” proposals it claims would mitigate that threat, from the implementation of the Green New Deal and a complete ban on coal mining to higher taxes, cuts to defense spending, and Medicare for All. The list goes on: Repealing the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion, would also improve public health, as would an “explicitly anti-racist” agenda to eliminate gaps between minorities and “non-Latinx white people.” Reparations for blacks, Native Americans, and Puerto Ricans should be part of that agenda, the authors say.

The report, which received funding from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, was trumpeted in outlets from the Guardian to Forbes and illustrates the way scientific institutions can be hijacked for partisan ends—even as the hijackers decry the politicization of science. It also raises the question of whether Trump’s fusillades against experts or the experts themselves have done more harm to scientific credibility.

This report is evidence for the latter, with critics arguing that the influential medical journal has replaced rigorous research with politics, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.


“Follow the science” in the era of “buying off the science” . . .


I don’t want to hear from The Lancet about anything except peer-reviewed medical science. Their coimmenting on political issues makes them lose all credibility because now we know they have a bias that also informs their medical opinions.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Lancet, the NEJM, (un)Scientific (un)American, the Grauniad, Forbes, the Washed-Poo, Washed-Up Journal, and most of the rest of the Main-Scream media are just nozzles through which Satan Soros and his band of moneybags malconten Malthusian Misanthropes can spew their lies and hate of GOD and HIS Creation, in particular (but not limited to) Christians.

Lancet and NEJM have both had to retract some studies about the ChiCom virus, so my trust and respect for them is gone. Sad to see how far they’ve fallen.


The SAME Lancet that published a study so fraudulent that they had to PULL it? The study that was a fraudulent hit piece on HCQ.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Lancetgate” will always be remembered to their SHAME.



“They” spent generations building a set of FRAUDULENT sham FRONTS to hide their abuse of MEDICINE | SCIENCE | GOVERNMENT | EDUCATION | MEDIA to CONTROL people.

Cuppa Covfefe

Lancet before it pops… :mrgreen:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I hate to pop their bubble but there is no ‘Trump Era’. Four years is not an era.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, weather forecasts for Colorado are showing a BIG snowstorm coming this weekend. Perhaps not big by Buffalo NY standards, but big by our standards.

Presently it’s looking like it will nail Denver a lot harder than Colorado Springs, and thus I am told to expect 12-18 inches. It’s coming up from the southwest and will be able to draw on moisture from the Gulf, so any slight course change to the south could make life much more interesting.

It may or may not turn into a blizzard. Some of those have rather quirkily left me able to get out while others nearby are snowed in, and vice versa.

But the big hazard is power outages. If those happen you won’t hear from me for a while (and yes, Saturday is my day to mind the store here).

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I hope you don’t lose power. No doubt you are prepping as we write.  ❄ 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually right now I’m waiting for a godzillion source files to compile.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Basically I need to bring in firewood, and fill a lot of jugs with water. My generator is dead.


“My generator is dead.”

If you give me some details I may be able to help you out…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I stupidly left the gas tank partially full years ago.


Do you have a shut off valve between the tank and carburetor ?
Did you leave that open ?
If you shut it, did you drain the carburetor or run the generator until it ran out of fuel ?
I’m guessing that you didn’t “stabilize” the fuel ?
Even if you did the fuel is probably no good anymore.
And if the fuel had ethanol it probably has water in the bottom of the fuel tank… And if it’s been sitting there for a while it’s probably kind of rusty…
If you did shut the fuel valve the last time you used it and drained the carburetor or ran it dry, you might be able to disconnect the fuel line and flush the tank out with fresh fuel a few times…
But if you left the valve open and didn’t drain the carburetor… That’s gonna need major cleaning…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Geez, I don’t remember any of that. This was over a decade ago.

But more than likely the gasoline just turned to jelly.


Well… Have you been lucky enough to avoid a power outage for over a decade ?

(a guy I used to work with said when he retires, he was gonna strap his snowblower to the top of his vehicle and start heading south… And the first person that asks him, “What’s THAT ?”…. That’s where he was gonna move… He now lives in the southern-most part of North Carolina !)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve lived without ones that were more than an hour or so.

Apparently all of the power poles that were likely to break got busted way back when, they got repaired so no significant outages.

Not that we don’t get little ones, a lot.


Well hopefully you’ll get through this one without too much trouble…
But you might consider fixing your generator for the future…
(not too difficult or expensive DIY project)

(“Better to have it and not need it… than to need it and not have it.”)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Actually, I could also buy a propane one, and explicitly wire it up for backup.

The cheesier alternative would be to plug my house into this generator…making sure to cut off the mains first!!!

The stuff I’m primarily worried about losing is NOT appliances that have a wall plug, but rather my well pump.


Definitely options worth investigating…
But no matter which route you go… you still have a gasoline generator !


Hey Steve,we had another huge hit(for socal anyway) of hail. Covered everything white for a while. Enough that mr gil and kiddo could make little snowballs to fight. Snow is at 2000ft and the storm is continuing through tomorrow. Interesting weather here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll bet it is!!

It’s supposed to get serious here early Saturday morning, but just in case, firewood hauling takes place shortly.


Have it plenty. Its been really windy for over a week also. Down into the upper 30s at night. After such a dry winter ill take it though.


Just run a siphon hose from a gas can higher than the generator. Connect the siphon hose directly to the carburetor.

Later when you have nothing to do and no storm is coming, clean the system.


That’ll work… *IF* the carburetor was drained or run dry.


We had hail yesterday and a bunchbof bigger hail just now. So in socal 2 days in a row in march. Yep its coming your way.


And another from there…comment image

SheilaLilly @SheilaLilly3h

Photography for Photographers
The curlew and the worm! Gourock, Scotland.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

A curlew! I have an addiction to Scottish nature books and the curlew is often mentioned. I wondered what they looked like, but keep forgetting to search them. Thanks for this!


More names for the Must Primary list and some repeats who are already well known RINOs:

Vern Buchanan (FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Maria Salazar (FL)
Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Chris Smith (NJ)
Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)

(and, yes, I cut/pasted the names above. Since when is that a big deal? smh…some people always find something to complain about)

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Three from Florida. Yeesh.


Wasn’t that Kinzinger guy in the Isis pic with McCain? Or I could be wrong.


As I recall, yes, Kinzinger was with McStain.


These 3 also voted for impeachment of President Trump:

Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)


Don’t try so hard. We all got out of high school a long time ago.




When someone (not you) goes out of their way to insult me, in a ridiculously juvenile way, within a reply to someone ELSE, I’m going to address it. It is what it is.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I hear you, and I agree. Assholes gonna asshole, but that doesn’t mean we should always ignore it.


Thanks 👍🏻


‘Vaccine Passports’ Hit New York
From checkpoints in movies to real ones using smartphones, Big Brother is loosening his grip in some states while tightening it in another.
Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced “Excelsior Pass,” a program requiring New Yorkers to show a COVID passport to enter businesses, theaters and arenas.



JW in Germany

How about a little dose of what I call Cultural Hopium.

Heard about Rappers Bryson Gray and Topher from listening to Officer Tatum. We need much more of this to counter the rot in the mainstream.

Topher – Facts Are Racist (feat. Bryson Gray)[Lyric Video]


Return of the Leviathan: The Fascist Roots of the CIA and the True Origin of the Cold War
Whose interest did the creation of the Cold War serve and continues to serve? Cynthia Chung addresses this question in her three-part series
Cynthia Chung


From the Bee:

Bitcoin Crashes As Millions Cash Out To Invest In Dr. Seuss Books
March 11th, 2021
comment image

U.S.—Millions are selling off their Bitcoin in order to invest in Dr. Seuss books, financial analysts are confirming today, leading to a major crash in the cryptocurrency.

The banned books are becoming a hot commodity, with millions liquidating all their other assets to invest in them. Many cashed out their 401Ks and other retirement accounts in order to buy more Dr. Seuss books, convinced that their future will only be secure when all their cash is tied up in Dr. Seuss.

“Bitcoin is out — Dr. Seuss books are hot! Buy, buy, buy!” one man shouted at his broker over the phone. “Let’s liquidate all our cryptocurrency and go for Dr. Seuss! I want Mulberry Street, I want If I Ran the Zoo, I even want McElligot’s Pool! Buy them all!”

Everyone who’s invested in Bitcoin spent the day frantically trying to get in on the big sell-off, with many struggling to do so as they still don’t 100% understand what exactly Bitcoin is or how it works.

The move has proven to be smart, as the U.S. dollar lost 10% of its value upon the printing of another $2 trillion today. Bitcoin also had a rough day as everyone cashed out for Dr. Seuss books, with Bitcoin dipping to $20,000 — no, wait, $35,000 — no, wait, $72,272 — no, wait, it’s back to $20,000 again — before the end of the business day.

Dogecoin, however, is still predicted to go “to the moon” due to the meme factor.


Via the crAP:

Putin: US Capitol unrest was a ‘stroll’

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday characterized the January insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump as a “stroll.”

Putin made the comment in a meeting on increasing investment activity, during which he said Russia is interested in stability in the United States.

“Some of the people who took a stroll to the U.S. Congress — 150 people were arrested, they face imprisonment from 15 to 25 years. Will all these internal controversies end there or not? We do not know, but we want it to end, because we are interested in stable relations with all our main partners,” Putin said.

More than 300 Trump supporters have been charged with a range of crimes stemming from the siege, which resulted in the deaths of five people, including a police officer.

While some face charges that carry a potential maximum prison sentence of 20 years, they would be unlikely to serve such a hefty sentence if convicted.

The rioters, who contended that Trump was the true winner of the 2020 election, were trying to prevent the U.S. Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s win.


Was it a Coup? Judicial Watch Sues For Pelosi Anti-Trump Phone Call with Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. Mafia Nan was up to tricks for sure!


Oh look, a lawsuit to finally expose the truth! Let’s get our hopes up!

Aww… the corrupt judicial system beat us down again.

Oh look, a new lawsuit to finally get justice! Let’s get our hopes up!

Aww… the corrupt judicial system did what they always do…

Oh look, another lawsuit, this time the rule of law will surely prevail! Get your hopes up!

Aww… the corrupt judicial system threw us down the stairs again…


I hear ya. At this point I’m not expecting justice — hoping for it, but not expecting it. I just want as much trouble as possible for leftist perps. Whatever form that takes, I’ll take it — bad publicity or even a few people questioning their motives, money having to be spent on lawyers, hits to their credibility, some waking up (“Hey, I thought she/he was on my side but she/he is really just a power-hungry grifter!”) etc. Anything to wake up some people and mess up St. Nancy’s hair.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Like a cat in the dryer.


March 10, 2021 Intercity, News, Passenger
American Rescue Plan Restores Full Amtrak Long-Distance Services
Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

The $1.7 billion in Amtrak COVID-19 recovery funding will enable Amtrak to fully restore daily service on 12 long-distance routes, following pandemic-related schedule reductions in 2020. Amtrak said it “will sustain and restore operations and recall the more-than 1,200 furloughed employees through the remainder of FY21 and into FY22. All destinations and scheduled departure/arrival times served by the long-distance network will be maintained … providing customers significantly more departures for the upcoming summer travel season.”

Deplorable Patriot

Amtrak would be great if you didn’t have to wait for the freight trains. They get priority since the system uses their tracks.


Hmmm. Interesting. Understand they use the same tracks. Had read, Amtrak has priority over freight trains.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. On the way back from Chicago one time, we sat on the tracks just south of Alton for an hour waiting for freight traffic to clear.

I had decent time(s) getting to destinations in California, and on the east coast around Washington, but on a Sunday evening coming home from Chicago…no.



I do look forward to an Amtrak ride heading east over Rockies…

But it is on hold until after the great mask hoax ends. Would like a fall or spring crossing. Guessing it’ll be next year.


This looks like the Southpark special, literally.


A coup of Pelosi’s own . . .

Pelosi Hit With Lawsuit Over Phone Call To General Trying To Prevent Trump From Accessing Nuclear Codes
MARCH 11, 2021 AT 12:12PM

Government watchdog group Judicial Watch announced a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for access to a telephone call between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and General Mark Milley shortly after the Capitol riots [sic].

The call was revealed in a letter from Pelosi to Democrat lawmakers in which she described an attempt to prevent an “unhinged” President Trump from accessing the nuclear codes at the time.

Judicial Watch alleges that the Department of Defense has not provided any response to their FOIA request, which was filed on January 11th.

“If Speaker Pelosi’s description of her conversation with General Milley is true, it sets a dangerous precedent that could undermine the president’s role as commander in chief and the separation of powers,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.
“Our new lawsuit aims to uncover (the) truth about the call.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahh. The good old days…

(and here I was, listening to the video for the Bach cello Suite 🙂 )….


I wish pundits would stop quoting AOC . . . everything she says is a journalist honeypot and they can’t resist quoting her.


 No need to be concerned about military readiness and combat effectiveness of the US Navy. The shortage of combat systems team training and other basic training time in the Navy? Fuhgeddaboudit. We gotta stop the music, stand down, and purge all “white nationalists” (a/k/a Trump supporters) from the ranks of the US Navy! Because of the “armed insurrection” on January 6, that’s why! 

Except that the FBI has finally and reluctantly confirmed that not one single firearm was confiscated during the Capitol “riot,” debunking once and for all the Democrat-media complex hoax about the “armed insurrection”requiring a purge of all Trump supporters throughout America (which is what their political goal truly is!).


SO – one of the authors of American Thinker asks:

“What Storm, It Was Barely a Breeze”

Problem is, he forgot about the massive organized Democrat election fraud machine set up to steal the 2020 Election.


Sadly, that was a bigger storm that no one ever thought they’d do.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Q, Trump…both seem to have lost their mojo sometime in December.

As if they realized they had lost–that despite their best efforts, the enemy had won this one.

The problem with any battle is that the opposition gets a say in how it turns out. Many were too sure Trump could absolutely beat anyone, any time. Though he’s quite capable, he isn’t omnipotent.

Trump still refuses (rightly) to concede the 2020 election, but he appears to have accepted he has to retreat and come back another day, and in another way.

Think MacArthur having to leave the Phillipines, vowing to return.


The election steal was a massive effort from one end of the country to the other – but – especially in the swing States.

It was the OFA community organizer’s big show.


I’m just surprised Big Stacy didn’t get a big job in the Biden administration.


Weight limit on White House second floor.


You are so funny – love it!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Deplorable Patriot

I’m not sure where he’s going with this since all safety measures were thrown out the window while the things were developed.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

march 11, 2021 the marshall report

Listen to the news on the Director of National Intelligence Report to vet, verify and validate to determine the actions it will take after their internal investigation is completed. If a Manchurian candidate or foreign power has overcome our election it is the duty of the military to remove that person and to place the right person in the office. The military’s first responsibility is to protect the people and restore lawful civilian authorities to control the country. If things are so scrambled they would have to do something different with the election, such as hold a new one. But, that is not the case here. We know President Trump won and won decisively. So the military has to place the person who won back into office. There is a reason Biden has not had access to Air Force I. Listen to the latest update from Juan O Savin.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Deplorable Patriot

The Juan video in this one is compact, and he lays out the case that the military does not take over, but essentially puts back into place the LEGITIMATE civilian government. The Biden show is just that. Even MilSpecOpsMonkey says that no aircraft bearing the call sign of AF1 has been sighted since January 20.

The keys have not been turned over because the military is comparing notes with the ODNI report and investigating what happened to be sure they are right. There is no timetable for this.


Absotutalutely, DP!!! Great summary of where we are at present!!!

Harry Lime

“The Biden show is just that. Even MilSpecOpsMonkey says that no aircraft bearing the call sign of AF1 has been sighted since January 20.The keys have not been turned over because the military is comparing notes with the ODNI report and investigating what happened to be sure they are right. There is no timetable for this.”

The more I watch what is happening, and in many cases, not happening…and all of the strange goings on…the more I think that the above comment is the ONLY thing that makes any sense of all of it.

Seriously…either we are in some sort of holding pattern (military) while they continue to investigate every square inch of this mess…or, we are in the strangest, most cruel episode of the Twilight Zone ever conceived.


The problem, as Juan O Quaid points out repeatedly, is that the conclusions are all already known.

“If a Manchurian candidate or foreign power has overcome our election it is the duty of the military to remove that person and to place the right person in the office.”


Yeah, we know, and that’s exactly what happened, and everybody knows. And Juan admits that’s what happened, and even the military (of all people) knows.

They’re just not doing anything about it.

That’s the problem.


“The military’s first responsibility is to protect the people and restore lawful civilian authorities to control the country.”


Well that’s a big fat “F” and back to remedial training again.

They’re not doing it. They are clearly NOT protecting the people, and they are clearly NOT restoring lawful order.

It’s been 128 days, more than a third of a year, and they aren’t doing squat.

Besides all the magic wish projection.

And they’re not even doing that.

We are.


“If things are so scrambled they would have to do something different with the election, such as hold a new one. But, that is not the case here. We know President Trump won and won decisively. So the military has to place the person who won back into office.”


Yeah, yeah, we know all that.

No kidding.

And the sky is blue, the grass is green, don’t piss into the wind, yada, yada, yada.


“There is a reason Biden has not had access to Air Force I. Listen to the latest update from Juan O Savin.”


Except it’s not an update, it’s a broken record, playing the same thing over and over again.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

They’re just not doing anything about it.

You do not know that for sure – military operations do not happen in a nanosecond – they take time – we just might be surprised when they do act.

I realize you are antsy to see something happen – for all of those criminals to be escorted out in cuffs – we all are – but, even Juan O Savvy says it will not happen that way.

Who cares what Biden says or does – he has no authority – and – I suspect Congress and the Not-So-Supreme Court (as you call them) have no authority as well.

I can tell you one thing – I do not like this ‘movie’ at all – and I am ready for it to end – too much drama and not enough action.

However – I am very interested in the sequel – where God and His Mighty Army come in and right this ship.

It is going to be Biblical!!!


“You do not know that for sure – military operations do not happen in a nanosecond – they take time – ”


128 days is no nanosecond… even the bureau of motor vehicles works faster than that… 😂


“…we just might be surprised when they do act.”



You can be posilutely sure I would be surprised 😂 🤣 😂


“I realize you are antsy to see something happen – for all of those criminals to be escorted out in cuffs – we all are –”


I’m not even antsy anymore.

It’s the denial of reality that is the problem. And until that problem is overcome, we can never move forward. We’re just trapped in a negative feedback loop.


“…but, even Juan O Savvy says it will not happen that way.”


Right, exactly, of course it will not happen that way, because if it did:

A) that would be in line with expectations of reality and how things work in reality


B) that would be tangible and visible evidence that anything was actually happening

Juan O Jackwagon’s platitudes and promises always contain the bonus feature of being completely invisible and unprovable, like a sidewalk scam artist doing a 3-card Monte routine.

He’s a con-artist. He is preying on peoples’ fears.

That’s what con-artists do.

And we WANT to believe him, because the alternative is too horrific to confront.

And the enemy knows it.

So the enemy will keep feeding us the blue pill, to keep us in denial, for as long as we will take it.


I cannot elevate anyone higher than God – those who are trying to put a positive spin on what is happening or not happening right now – are to be commended – people are distraught to say the least – however – Sydney Powell is correct – we will not have another election until this mess is fixed.

We know we cannot rely on the courts to rectify the fraud that has been perpetrated on the American people – as far as Congress is concerned – there are too many in the Congress who are there because of voter fraud – so they are complicit and are not going to help.

We have no confidence in the fraudulent, alleged government that rules over us at present – they are illegitimate – and no one can convince us they are anything but.

So – to whom do we go for relief? Q said the Military is the only way – right now – that would be logical since doors are being shut in our faces left and right.

I have no idea how this is going to work – but, I have Faith God has his hand in ‘Saving America’ – so that gives me hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am glad some remain hopeful.

Deplorable Patriot

The thing about Sidney’s position…if it wasn’t for her and her efforts, a lot of the exposure wouldn’t have happened, including how corrupt the courts are.

This is not cut and dried by any means.


Well, apart from ragging . . which I am also guilty of, what would be your precise course of action for folks like us?

PRECISE. Step by step. No waxing eloquently as Mr. O Savvy is wont to do. Lay it on out there.


“Well, apart from ragging . . which I am also guilty of, what would be your precise course of action for folks like us?
PRECISE. Step by step. No waxing eloquently as Mr. O Savvy is wont to do. Lay it on out there.”


I have, many times. I should save it so I can just copy and paste it.

We had a stolen election, and [JB] illegally and illegitimately occupies the seat of power.

Nothing happens without the CONSENT of the governed.

So we stop playing along. We go on strike.

There are at least 80 million Trump voters, and when you include their children, and all 15 or 20 people who have ‘awakened’ since November 3rd to this clown show, there must be at least 120,000,015 or 120,000,020 Americans who support the lawfully elected president, Donald J. Trump.

Thanks to modern communications and social media, organizing couldn’t be easier if it was a do-it-yourself recipe on the back of a box of Crackerjacks.

If 120+ million Americans went on strike, stopped playing along, refused to participate or give their consent to this massive fraud, the whole country would grind to a halt.

TPTB would have no power, if 120+ million Americans withheld the CONSENT of the governed.

Then wait them out.

Everybody goes on strike. Like an extended vacation. Stock up on food and necessities, and let ‘er rip.

It’s completely non-violent, and it requires as close to zero effort as any plan imaginable, which is perfect for this generation. We don’t have to travel anywhere, we don’t have to confront anybody, we just stop playing along with their rigged game.

Will there be hardships as time passes?

Yes, certainly. Lack of income is going to be a problem, later if not sooner.

They will probably shut off power as a tactical measure though, long before we are unable to pay our utilities.

And shut off cell towers in communities that are participating in the national strike, so we would need to have volunteers drive to the nearest area where cell phones work on a rotating basis for news, etc.

Lots of small problems to solve, but nothing we can’t handle, and with the weather finally starting to get warmer, the government won’t be able to threaten to shut off the heat.

Eviction could become a problem, except they can’t evict 120+ million people.

They can’t even evict one family if we don’t let them, if the rest of the community stands together. Make it as unpleasant as possible for the government to evict anyone, and they won’t have any employees willing to do it in short order.

There is lots that we can do, and we could do it right from the comfort of our own homes.

Stop the country in its tracks.

Grind everything to a halt, and refuse to CONSENT until the lawful authority is restored.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

And in addition to that, the military goes on strike too, at least anyone who is a patriot. If the military won’t do their job, if they refuse to protect and defend the Constitution and our Republic from this lawless treason and illegitimacy, then the very least they can do is stop protecting and defending a tyrannical government.


Go on strike. What does that mean? Refuse to go to work? Or to turn on your computer to go to work? Boycott the grocery stores? Refuse to pay your property taxes? I can see pulling your kids out of school, but they still have to eat.

Go on strike. OK then. And Juan is completely out there, and a slime ball on top of that.

Time to get some sleep.



Just forget it.

It doesn’t matter anyway, nobody is going to do anything, no matter how easy or simple it would be.

The world is going to do whatever the world is going to do. All is vanity.




Who cares what Biden says or does – he has no authority – and – I suspect Congress and the Not-So-Supreme Court (as you call them) have no authority as well.

This is what I don’t understand. Biden has the authority of the office of the presidency behind him as long as that is allowed to stand. His policies are being implemented as we type, to the detriment of the country. Illegals are pouring over the border. He has signed multiple executive orders that are being carried out. So I don’t see how anyone can say he has no authority. He has authority until he doesn’t, and there is no end in sight.


This is what we are led to believe, Truths. No end in sight? God knows the beginning and the end.

We have no proof his EOs are even credible – do we have pictures of what is happening at the border? For all we know – these children could be trafficked children who have been rescued.

He is president of a corporation – not president for the United States – if he is an illegitimate president – which he is – how can anything he does have any credibility?

If there was foreign interference in our elections – then, the results cannot stand – and that includes the Congressional results, too.

If the people who are ‘occupying’ DC at present are controlled by a foreign entity – then, they do not represent the people of the USA – the laws they pass have no affect us – just on the 10-square miles of DC – which is now fenced in – who is in control? Them? Or the Military?

Under Military Code, they are an ‘occupying entity’ – and the Military can lawfully remove them.

God is in control – satan believes he is in charge – not true – nothing happens unless God allows it to happen.

The authority behind Biden and his criminal entourage empowered by satan is who we are fighting.

God wins – God always wins!!!


You actually believe the borders have not been opened up again? Despite what PDJT has said about it? Despite what all those who work on the border know and can attest to?

It’s not just children at the border.

1/16/21 – Thousands of migrants walk toward the United States – Los Angeles …
2/18/21 – Number of Immigrant Families Illegally Crossing U.S. Border Rises …
2/7/21 – Migrant Families Force Biden to Confront New Border Crisis – The …
1/18/21 – Migrant caravan: Guatemala blocks thousands bound for US – BBC …

– if he is an illegitimate president – which he is – how can anything he does have any credibility?

Credibility is not the issue. Reality is the issue. Tell people who live on the border, who are seeing huge surges in illegals, that that’s not real and that those are just rescued children and that they are just as safe as they were last year. Tell conservatives in the military that Biden’s transgender policies are not affecting them. The reality is that things are changing, right now, for the worse.

nothing happens unless God allows it to happen

Exactly. And what is happening now, with a usurper in the WH, has been allowed to happen. And the ill effects of that usurper’s administration are being allowed to happen. That is the reality, right now.


It does not matter what I think – it matters what you think – what you see.


I think what we all think matters, including you. 😊


Citizen Free Press has videos of illegals waiting to be smuggled into the U.S., from this morning.

Illegal border crossings counted by U.S. officials last month were the highest since 2006, the latest demonstration that migrants are rushing the border to take advantage of President Biden’s historic loosening of restrictions.


Analyst Steven Kopits said that the reported 96,974 migrants apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection broke many records. “This was almost three times the level of one year earlier and the highest since 2006, that is, during the Bush administration. It was far worse than any February under either the Obama or Trump administrations,” said Kopits, who has promoted a market-based visa as a workable immigration reform.

Deplorable Patriot

The Myers Briggs I–Js are circling the wagons again.

Of course, they’ll claim that’s a bunch of BS as well, except it really isn’t.


“I’m looking into now again, what is my leadership role?” he said. “Because I do think I have some things to teach and share, and what is my role? What’s my category in my next chapter of life that I’m going into?”

oh God no….


Via Charlotte Lozier Institute:

Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates
Includes vaccine candidates that received “Operation Warp Speed”
funding or have been submitted to the FDA for emergency use approval


Charlotte Lozier Updates COVID Vaccine Fetal-Tissue Chart
March 11, 2021 3:25 PM

With millions of people receiving the COVID vaccine, some people are concerned that they are morally problematic to get if they were created with the use of fetal cell lines that originated from an abortion. The Charlotte Lozier Institute has just published an easy-to-understand, updated chart describing which vaccines used these lines in their development and/or testing and which did not.

In a nutshell, of the three vaccines currently available, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were not developed or manufactured using the cell lines taken from a Dutch abortion in 1972. But some tests were — and some were not — conducted with them. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was created and tested using those cell lines.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has advised that Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are ethical to receive for Catholics because there was only a “remote connection” between the cell lines and the product itself.

People have to decide the best moral course for themselves, of course. Here is a link to the new Charlotte Lozier chart.


As long as you agree that fraudulently telling old people they will die without an unapproved (only EU Authorized) treatment is okay.

As long as you agree that giving an untested treatment that may have 10’s or 100’s times the danger to the elderly than treating viral cases with HCQ+zinc+doxycycline is okay.

Totally ethical to LIE and ENDANGER our elderly, right?


From the Bee:

‘There Is No Crisis At The Border,’ Says Jen Psaki While Attempting Jedi Mind Trick
March 11th, 2021
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WASHINGTON, D.C.—During a press conference today, Press Secretary Jen Psaki attempted a Jedi mind trick on the reporters present after they asked her about the crisis at the border.

After a reporter asked the question, Psaki closed her eyes as though in meditation, then slowly lifted a hand and waved it in front of the crowd.

“This isn’t the border crisis you’re looking for. Joe can go about his business. Move along,” she said as she continued her mystical gestures designed to use the power of the Force to manipulate the minds of the journalists. “Take our word for it. That will do fine.”

Shockingly, the maneuver seemed to work, as the journalists present all nodding along and repeated, “There is no border crisis. Joe can go about his business. Move along.” However, one OANN reporter didn’t seem to be affected and replied, “What? You think you’re some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? Mind tricks don’t work on me!”

At publishing time, thousands of migrant children had suddenly cried out in terror at the border but were suddenly silenced.


Why do I believe she would actually do this?


Because you saw her do it in the movie, and it worked.

Last edited 4 years ago by pgroup2


Here it comes.

Gov. Abbott Falsely Blasts ‘Anti-Semitic’ Gab But Openly Collaborates With Chinese Communist Party.

While Governor Greg Abbott has criticized the platform Gab as “anti-semitic,” he has openly collaborated with the genocidal Chinese Communist Party – even sending letters to “celebrate” the party’s 70th anniversary. 
“Anti-semitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas,” the Texas Governor proclaimed in a Twitter video announcing legislation to tackle the ideology.

Abbott, however, has met with and praised officials from the genocidal Chinese Communist Party.

In 2017, Governor Abbott met with Chinese Consul General in Houston Li Qiangmin, Madam Zeng Hongyan, Deputy Consul General Liu Hongmei, and Commercial Counselor Zhou Zhencheng.

The officials from the consulate, which was closed by the Trump administration over spying and intellectual property theft fears, “shared views on cooperation between China and Texas in the fields of energy, agriculture and medical care, and cooperation between Chinese cities and Austin on creativity.”

What’s more, Abbott sent written greetings to an “Embrace China” event, organized by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (AFROC).

The AFROC has been described as a “key” component of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front efforts, which, according to the U.S. government, aims to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”

The Chinese Communist Party has described the AFROC as a “bridge and a bond for the party and government to connect with overseas Chinese compatriots.”

Governor Abbott “also sent written greetings to the art show that celebrates the 70th anniversary” of the Chinese Communist Party taking control of China.

Similarly, Governor Abbott sent a congratulatory letter to a U.S.-China Innovation and Investment Summit, which similarly counted participation from Consul General Li Qiangmin.

Minister Counselor Chen Futao of the Chinese Embassy in the United States and Vice Consul Wang Yu and Liu Hongmei of the Chinese Consulate in Houston were also in attendance.

A Chinese Communist Party press release notes the Consul General called for a closer relationship between the two countries:

At the opening ceremony, Consul General Li extended warm welcome and good wishes to the participants. He expressed that the U.S.-China Innovation and Investment Summit had been held for four years, which had facilitated many major cooperation and had become one of the most important, effective and influential platforms for U.S.-China innovation cooperation. He also said that cooperation between two countries is irresistible. The demand for innovation cooperation is still strong. Local cooperation, especially the cooperation between cities and states, has always been the cornerstone of U.S.-China cooperation. It is hoped that this summit will further promote bilateral cooperation to a new level. It is hoped that the innovative institutions of two countries will seize the opportunity to promote pragmatic cooperation and make new and greater contributions to consolidating the foundation of local and non-governmental cooperation between the two sides.


Abbott appears to be a very lost and weak minded person.


“Abbott appears to be a very lost and weak minded person.”


But he’s not, that’s just the disguise.

In reality, he is the enemy, accomplishing his mission while demoralizing conservatives at the same time.

We just refuse to see it.

We are conditioned for denial.


No arguing with your assertions.
Too plausible.


Dr. Navarro Rips Abbott as ‘Money Pot’ for the CCP


The CCP leaked list of governors rated Abbott as favorable, tells you what you need to know.

Texas Gubernatorial Primary is March 1st, 2022.


TX AG running for guv?


We’ll keep an eye out. Right now Ken Paxton is in one of the more powerful position in Texas government. Honestly, other than ceremonial duties the Gov in Texas is a relatively weak position – the Lt. Gov has more constitutional authority under the Texas constitution.

What we really need – and what Paxton tried and failed to do – was break up the RINO roadblock in the Texas House. That’s the biggest thing holding the state back.


Just checked the tv guide and saw these listings for Biden’s address tonight.

NBC 8 – 8:30
CBS 8 – 8:30
ABC 8 – 8:20
Fox (local) 8 – 8:15 😀

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

I think I’ll.give my dog a bath?

she’s more intelligent than any talking democrat.


Can’t imagine listening to anything Beijing Biden says. Either the fool reads the teleprompter reasonably well, or his drugs didn’t work and he looks the fool we know he is.

IF Beijing Biden would take questions for 45 minutes I’d be interested in the Q&A. But, I still would NOT watch live. Just wait for highlights of his buffoonery.

Cuppa Covfefe

Biden doesn’t even know his address…

And it’s certainly not 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, because


Cuppa Covfefe

Funny thing, it’s listed on Zillow 🙂 , to wit:

“1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW , Washington, DC 20006 is currently not for sale. The 55,000 sq. ft. single-family home is a 16 bed, 35.0 bath property. This home was built in 1800 and last sold on for. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow.”

They must have missed the fact that Bye, Done is busy selling it to the Red Chinese…

Deplorable Patriot

I almost spit sparkling water all over the keyboard.


Debbie has the


Ep. 2425a – Make The America Great Economically, Then Save America Economically
X22 Report Published  March 11, 2021


Ep. 2425b – DS Sends Multiple Messages, Stage Set, Fear Not, All Will Be Right After The Election
X22 Report Published  March 11, 2021

Elizabeth Carter

Sidney Powell is interviewed on Doug Billings.

BEK TV – Live, Local News and Sports, Broadcast Statewide


Aspirin may protect against COVID-19, Israeli research finds

People who take small doses are 29% less likely than others to test positive, researchers say; those who do get COVID recover faster, and with reduced aftereffects
By NATHAN JEFFAY Today, 3:20 pm 

Aspirin, one of the oldest and most widely used drugs, is preventing COVID-19 infections, Israeli scientists have claimed in “exciting” findings.


This is great news! geezers like myself take 81mg aspirin daily. Article link above cites 77mg. Love the great news.

So, 81mg aspirin and big time plus up on vitamins and minerals a winning combo so far in avoiding Chyna crud.

Everyday I am so thankful folks here, so openly share information beneficial to all of us.

Sure do miss Gail and Pat. Hope they are well.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail’s posted a few times over at Chiefio’s site… not sure about Pat, but IIRC she’d posted at Marica’s site?




Pat’s playing at Maricas. Lady Penguin and others are there too.

Deplorable Patriot

Pat, Lady Penguin and a number of others are at Marica’s. They needed more positive pastures. A lot of disappointment over the nastiness a few weeks ago abounds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you can shed some light on all that, feel free to PM me. I feel like I missed some crucial part of the story.


Practical men vs more tender hearted women. DH and son both have told me that they did not expect change, but did not come down on me like a ton of bricks. I did see that happen here. I am still hopeful, and think it will take time and more people getting involved, because meaning full change doesn’t come out of nowhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Check GAB

Barb Meier

“At some point, haven’t leftist democrats stolen enough?”



As democrats know better than anyone, you never get tired of winning.


I am honestly waiting for nanXi and crew to pass a law that only offspring can run for political office.


For Liz and Anyone Listening…

READ THE BIBLE with Amanda Grace–Jacob, Esau and the Shepherds!

[Note: Grace and Glory will air on Friday, March 12th @ 2:00 PM ET – will post as soon as I get the link]


Anyone need a good laugh?

h/t – Top Twenty Tweets –


I ask each and every one of my friends here for what you might perceive as profane language but:

Jesus H. Christ – I just listened to SloJoe’s speech … OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is ChiCom speech on display. [Stalin] is pulling the strings.

Sorry for this rant, but, seriously?


You know listening to biden causes severe mental retardation.

Concerned Virginian

What really got me was when RobberJoe made it QUITE CLEAR that there will be NO tolerance for ANY American refusing to take the CCP Virus vaccine. NO tolerance for ANY American to NOT blindly follow what “Dr. Fauci and the CDC” say to do.

RobberJoe is setting the United States up to have the same “rules” forced onto us that the goons in Parliament are going to push onto the Brits in a matter of weeks —- new laws that “allow” people to be forcibly removed from their homes and get the CCP Virus vaccine — “Proof of Vaccination Passports” and “permits” to “allow” people to leave their homes, work a job, to go school, travel. THAT’S COMING HERE.


Serious questions: How can we fight this? Who in Congress will support us? What will the courts do?

Because this is clearly unconstitutional.


What is this word Unconstitutional?

SCOTUS doesn’t know it.
Congress doesn’t know it.
Federal judges don’t know it.

watch yourself citizen because they’re watching you.


“Serious questions: How can we fight this?”


Without actually taking any sort of action?

I don’t know… that’s a tough one…

It’s never happened before, so it doesn’t look good for the usual ‘take no action — ever’ ploy.

Juan O Savin has all the answers. 👍


“Who in Congress will support us?”




“What will the courts do?”


Whatever Chyna tells them to, same as always.


I live in Montana. I leave my house EVERY DAY and I have ever since this bullshit began. I have not worn a mask ONE TIME. I grocery shop, get my hair cut, buy gas, and eat out.

Bye-Done can think whatever he wants. He can attempt to force a country of 330 million people to do what he wants. But I know a whole lot of Montanans who aren’t going to take his fucking vaccine. Because we know better.

If people want to take it, more power to them. If they want to risk cancers later or death within a week, whatever floats their boat. But I AM NOT taking an experimental pseudo-vaccine that has dead babies in it. They can take their crap and shove it. If they try to force me, I (or my family, if I am dead) will SUE THE SHIT out of anyone involved. The vaccine maker can’t be sued, but the fool administering the vax can, and so can the goons who will have to hold me down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I missed it, but it sounds like extreme overreach.

In that case, I have little comment.  😎 



march 11, 2021 the marshall report

Human trafficking is real, it does happen and it has become a billion dollar illegal business. There is an estimated 24.9 million victims worldwide at any given time! It is a horrific crime and human rights abuse, and a crime of exploitation – traffickers profit by forcing their victims to perform labor, and/or engage in commercial sex in every region in the United States and around the world. These human traffickers prey on adults and children of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities for profit.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


There is Christian response.
Abolitionist movement.


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Arrived into Spokane, WA today and ended up across the border in Idaho. Idaho is about as normal as I have come across. No mask Karens, mask compliance way down. Hotel almost back to normal operations. Nice to see.


Good to know!


And this morning they were serving a hot breakfast. First hotel in a year doing that.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

These are good…but unfortunately no one will see them because you posted them at 11:30 PM Eastern Time.

Maybe repost them on Friday’s thread (if you haven’t done so).


Hey, Steve…who are you calling nobody!?????

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Um…um….somebody else!!!


No one….except the occasional eldritch horror…..


BREAKING: New Video Shows Men Dressed In All Black At US Capitol Bashing Windows… Then Flip Off Trump Supporters Chanting “F—k Antifa!”

SORRY WRAY! Your lies have been exposed!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL