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Encouragement – Important?
B.b.S.s.Saint March 17, 2021 at 12:27 pm
These days, a number of people are encouraged by communications from people they trust that appear to be supporting the concept that Biden is not really President and that President Trump and others are actively working behind the scenes to detect and develop evidence against a large number of people around the world who are involved with overthrowing the recent Presidential election (and other heinous activities).
A second group of people are convinced that the election is over and Biden is President and we, the voters, will have to become very active in determining which politicians really have America as first priority in their hearts and which are ready to cede American sovereignty to Globalists and Socialists for their own personal gain.
The second group generally thinks that the hope that stems from “encouraging signs” seen by the first group is unwarranted and irrational. The first group generally thinks that the second group does not value the “encouraging signs” seen by the first group and has an unwarranted pessimistic view of this situation. The “encouraging signs” not seen by the second group are valuable in supporting the hope for the present situation that is held by the first group.
In the current situation, the second group views the first group as being addicted to “Hopium”, an unwarranted and irrational hope for a means to a certain positive outcome. The first group views the second group as a bunch of “Debbie Downers” who can’t see the hopeful signs because of their pessimism.
The point of this discussion, so far, is to establish that within each group, encouragement of their point of view leads to hope on one hand, and a dedication to the hard work involved in ensuring a favorable result in the next election on the other hand. Encouragement is very important as a support for the hope that each group holds for a favorable outcome in the future.
Encouragement in our Christian lives is vastly more important as it leads to a bolstering of our faith to believe, think, speak and act in a manner that guards against failure in our Christian walk and moves it from immaturity toward maturity.
Vastly more important? In the worst case, those who have sampled the Christian life and then walked away from it are in danger of putting themselves in a position of being separated from God for eternity . . . a concept and a consequence of monumental importance. Encouragement or lack of encouragement can have a large impact on the possibility of this eternal outcome.
Marica March 15, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Why is encouragement in our Christian walk so important according to the Bible?”
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness,” Hebrews 3:13 tells us. First Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Throughout the Bible we see instructions to encourage one another and verses that are meant to encourage us. Why is encouragement emphasized in the Bible? Primarily because encouragement is necessary to our walk of faith.
Jesus told His followers, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b). Jesus did not shy from telling His followers about the troubles they would face. In fact, He told them the world would hate them (John 15:18-21; see also Matthew 10:22-23 and 2 Corinthians 2:15-16). But Jesus’ grim forecast was tempered with cheer; He followed His prediction of trouble with a sparkling word of encouragement: He has overcome the world. Jesus is greater than any trouble we face.
Without encouragement, hardship becomes meaningless, and our will to go on wanes. The prophet Elijah struggled with discouragement (1 Kings 19:3-10), and so do we. It’s important to remember that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against . . . the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). This truth makes encouragement all the more important. It’s not just that we face the world’s displeasure; we are caught in the crosshairs of a spiritual battle. When we are encouraged in Christ, we have strength to put on our spiritual armor and remain steadfast (see Ephesians 6:10-18).
Even in places where Christians don’t experience overt persecution or hatred, we all know that life can be difficult. Discouragement isn’t an uncommon human experience. At times, recognizing that there’s meaning in the seemingly inconsequential things we do seems next to impossible. We may want to give up. Yet He who calls us is faithful, and He gives us the power to be faithful, too (1 Corinthians 1:9).
A man in the early church named Joseph was given the nickname “Barnabas,” which means “Son of Encouragement” (Acts 4:36). What a blessing Barnabas was to the believers of his day! Through the encouragement of Barnabas, the apostle Paul was first accepted by the church in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27). Through the encouragement of Barnabas, Mark was given a second chance after an abject failure (Acts 13:13; 15:39).
Encouragement makes it easier to live in a fallen world in a holy way. Encouragement makes it easier to love as Jesus loved (see John 13:34-35). Encouragement gives hope (Romans 15:4). Encouragement helps us through times of discipline and testing (Hebrews 12:5). Encouragement nurtures patience and kindness (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and Galatians 5:22-26). Encouragement makes it easier to sacrifice our own desires for the advancement of God’s kingdom. In short, encouragement makes it easier to live the Christian life.
Without encouragement, life would soon feel pointless and burdensome. Without encouragement, we can be overwhelmed by the very real pains of our lives. Without encouragement, we feel unloved. Without encouragement, we begin to think that God is a liar or is unconcerned with our welfare. So, the Bible tells us to encourage one another, to remind each other of the truth that God loves us, that God equips us, that we are treasured, that our struggles are worth it.
Encouragement from the Bible gives us the will to carry on. It is a glimpse of the bigger picture. It can prevent burn-out. It can save us from believing lies (“sin’s deceitfulness”). Encouragement helps us experience abundant life (see John 10:10).
Proverbs 16:24 says, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” God’s Word is full of encouragement. Pleasant words, indeed.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” Hebrews 10:24-25.
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” Hebrews 3:13.
“Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up” Romans 15:2.
“Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear” Ephesians 4:29.
“A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” Psalm 100:1-5.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” Philippians 4:8.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28.
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you” Isaiah 43:2.
“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,” Romans 15:5
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
And a blessed Sunday morning to y’all!
To you and thanks to Bakocarl for a thoughtful Sunday post. Each of these 2 groups can work together, with or without said hopium overdose, as long as the goal remains the same.
Happy Sunday 😊
A good word!
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Thank you.
We will not stop fighting, believing, praying, doing.
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So, this is what I posted last night and only got 4 responses. I’m posting it here at the top of the page to see what people here think. I know where the host of this operation stands…made it clear last night…and I can see that that comments here are dropping like dead flies…not even the authors here are participating in the discusssion…wtf?
From the OP:
“I am not condemning hope as such only false and unfounded hope.”
So…uh…I was just wondering…who here gets to decide or define what is hope and what is false and unfounded hope?
That’s one slippery slope.
We’re not going to do this AGAIN, are we? Dear God, no.
I hope not.
Proverbs 20:3
It is an honour for a man to separate himself from quarrels: but all fools are meddling with reproaches.
Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirreth up strifes: and charity covereth all sins.
Proverbs 15:18
A passionate man stirreth up strifes: he that is patient appeaseth those that are stirred up.
Proverbs 17:1
Better is a dry morsel with joy, than a house full of victims with strife.
Proverbs 18:6
The lips of a fool intermeddle with strife: and his mouth provoketh quarrels.
Proverbs 26:21
As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so an angry man stirreth up strife.
Proverbs 30:33
… and he that provoketh wrath bringeth forth strife.
Sirach 28:10
Refrain from strife, and thou shalt diminish thy sins:
2 Timothy 2:23
And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes.
Sadly, these are very appropriate to our time.
I’m remembering a different translation… “drive out a mocker and gone is strife.” And in those days that would mean taking up arms and literally beating them as they exited.
“I’m remembering a different translation… “drive out a mocker and gone is strife.””
I would guess that at least 90% of the strife, the angst, the exasperation, is due to a simple thing.
The house is on fire.
It’s burning down.
We have plenty of water, but we are prevented from putting the fire out.
The people we pay and train and equip to put fires out, just stand there and watch it burn.
They’re called ‘white hats’. Not because they are good, but because their hats are not ‘black’.
The ‘black hats’ are the ones who actually lit the fire.
The ‘white hats’ just watch it burn.
So they’re not as bad as the ‘black hats’.
By a very small margin. It’s the difference between malicious action and malicious inaction.
If the ‘white hats’ were actually good people, they would immediately do one of two things:
1) either get out of our way, so We the People can put out the fire and save our house;
But they won’t do either one.
Which means they must hate us.
Our house is burning down to the ground, because they won’t do their job, and they won’t let us do their job for them.
And this is why we fight with each other. Our house is burning down, and we can’t do anything about it.
Not because of the ‘black hats’… but because of the ‘white hats‘.
When everyone begins to understand that, it will be the ‘white hats’ who won’t be able to walk the streets.
They pretended to be on our side.
Then they let the ‘black hats’ light our house on fire.
And then they stopped us from putting the fire out.
And though they have all the tools and training necessary to put the fire out, they would not.
They let it burn, while standing between us and our house, forcing us to stand there and watch our house burn down.
That is who the ‘white hats’ really are.
This is a tragically epic comment–thank you for not looking away & calling ’em as you see ’em!!!!
That’s the happy one.
The tragic one is titled Parable of the White Hat.
I’m saving that one, for a little while longer.
Looking forward to the unveiling…
All you say is true. And it is SAD.
It seems so. Your analogy is fair enough.
And hopium is one of their tools for keeping us from trying to put out the fire.
Nope. You won’t have to worry about me anymore. The seven of you can discuss precious metals or whatever fuck else you like. Enjoy your 200 comments per blog.
I dont comment and post as much after my health scare. Im still dealing with it. People are not settled in many ways and are maybe taking a sabbatical, or may be done with these types of platforms. The comments have dropped astoundingly its true. I am not angry with anyone though.
I hope you’re feeling better, gil00. I’ve posted a lot less lately, too, but only because a family situation has taken up a lot of my time and energy. We all have life situations and concerns that pull us away at times. And it doesn’t mean anything more than that.
Same with me,some real life things going on but mainly…WTH is there to say that’s upbeat or encouraging ?
Every single day there’s another disastrous move by the DemCommunists and the Covid Czar and our freedoms slipping away.
Trump is quiet about whatever it is that’s “the best is yet to come” so it’s difficult to get enthused. MAGA has been replaced with Tear-it-up- fast -as -possible.
The spiritual good news is always appreciated here as well as the humor. Why shred everyone over lower post numbers and a continual tsk tsking about how happy it is somewhere else ? I’m happy for anyone that finds a more compatible spot to hang out but geez it’s a bit mean girl mentality at times. (imo)
Everyone I know in life is still committed to defending our country, the Constitution and all that but fact is, most of are foot soldiers not generals so.until we get some kind of direction all we can do is wait and pray.
I’m forever grateful for the QTree, Wolfmoon and all the friends here.
Thanks for the Amen Gudthots (lol remember when that dimwit said Awoman )
The years of Prez Trump’s nonstop energy and truly unbelievable accomplishments didn’t prepare anyone for the real possibility of this devastating crash. Me at least..I can hardly process that it wasn’t just a lost election…it was stolen and about 80 million people get it and can’t do a thing about it.
Even those that are very certain this is part of the plan..I wish Q had mentioned this part.
Disillusionment STINGS.
And after we pull out of that, we regroup.
Look around for who our people are.
And set our minds with steely resolve to “stand and do” as General Flynn says.
Perhaps when we find ourselves flat out feeling beat up, we can remember all the others in the same place and lift them up in prayer.
I want all my pain to be productive pain.
IMO it was a plan option, and a smart one, but it is every bit as much of a “plan” as deciding to let an opponent take you down to the mat as reactive strategy.
Patriots are in an astoundingly better position than they have been in over 50 years, but I think EVERYBODY was shocked by the extremes that nearly the ENTIRE WORLD went to, to take down Trump.
It was so desperate – so irrational – it’s like an insane person walking into a laundromat with a knife and starting to eat detergent powder while waving the knive. You just let them do it.
The left and the corporate goons who go along with them – the globalists, basically – were willing to allow themselves to be downgraded to CRIMINALS in the eyes of over half of America, just to recover their nominal power over this nation. They were basically willing to risk civil war and world war, kill millions of Americans, turn the FBI into a hated KGB thug organization – the list goes on. They were willing to EXPOSE fake elections – even if they could not get that oil back into the broken glass bottle – and they can’t.
That level of desperation is – quite simply – psychotic.
The only thing I don’t know is when Trump and the “Plan” people realized that they had to just let the Wookie win.
I suspect it was some time after the kid was killed in Georgia. At that point, the other side revealed the lengths they would go to to finish this job.
Wow, you could be exactly right about that.
Very smart Wolf!
It’s funny – I even have a scientific model of why this integrates into the whole plan, but – well – I don’t give that stuff up any more.
I really had to wait a while before I could make this point rationally to both sides. Which is very “Q-ish” in and of itself.
Still, we have to face it. We are no longer commanding the ship. We are on the raft. We got on the raft so nobody would get shot, but we got on the raft.
And now we need a Captain Bligh to navigate us through 4,000 miles of hostile seas without charts, an incredible feat of seamanship…..
Which lead to several of the mutineers being hanged.
& “captain” Qweeg is sinking his own ship!
^^^ THAT’S our reality. ^^^
And, the raft analogy is quite fitting.
Hoping to not get swamped.
Maneuvering to not get swamped.
My estimate is there are untold rafts out there.
Prolly need to do some tethering amongst the rafts. Each other.
Good strategy!
A worthwhile comment, and not just because of the mental image of the detergent-eating knife-wielding man.
I have withheld the knowledge that I knew this for quite a while, not the least reason being Flynn’s advice to withhold battle plans, which I extend to even such things as “what I know”.
There are a lot of things I am not sharing with people here now, and it is indeed damaging to the site, but that is the way things have to be. We shush the baby into unconsciousness when the Gestapo is outside the door. We’re not home. But we’re smart enough to make sure the baby is still breathing, and doesn’t die.
See? I solved that when I was a kid. My mother trained me well. Solve the problems before Hitler comes back, because he will.
Now, some people have to process this likely reality with psychologically comforting thoughts like “It was the plan all along to let them win.” Well, you can see how having a plan flexible enough to back off is almost the same thing, but not really. And having some people here who GET that “really” part is important to me. And important to our side. Just as important as encouragement, faith, trust, and all that other stuff, that’s easier to process.
I don’t mind that some people believe that sort of thing – the “it’s all taken care of” stuff – but I need more people here who can face bitter truths without flinching. Encouragement? Awesome. Different things encourage different people differently. Remembering Plain Jane and the rough battles she fought is encouraging to me. Sadly, for me, what some call “hope” and some call “hopium” is – and some may find this VERY surprising – not just discouraging – it’s angering. The enemy knows that, too.
I have to apologize for being angry, but I now believe that I really need to take a different approach. And I’ve found one!
Which I won’t share until it’s too late to benefit the enemy. 😎
We have to stay resolved and not melt into apathy or despair. We learned that we can stand up and look them in the eye.
In our house we’ve had a few discussions about how far to push back on the irrational race, gender, covid , vax, 2A stuff with Dems we know.
Don’t want to get so rigid as to be labeled racist white national insurrectionist criminals BUT the distortions need to be countered every time. they’re trying normalize insane stuff.
The enemy has kind of stunned us but you know how vicious a possum can be once it’s threatened.
Resolved YET Encouraged.
One of those may be wise to to withhold from public comment, at this time… I firmly believe the Gestapo has been and IS lurking.
True, but I think the information and manipulation stages are largely over and now hopes are that we just go away.
Yep, not happening. I’m hanging around for the war at the crack of ages.
This story we are living now is the exact same story told approximately 5000 years ago that eventually became a huge 16 volume set some 500 years before Christ. Right down to all the philosophical discussions, angst and what have you. It even included the election steal in astonishing detail along with the resulting banishment followed by their devastating war, that too, we will likely soon face.
Luckily a modern rendering of the book was published in 2006 that manages keep the story intact while distilling it down to a short 1200 pages, though some ramp up time should be expected before tackling it and then recommended would be a shorter 506 page illustrated guide one might want to use to bounce the larger book off of as it uses differing sources so you can validate the writings but manages the story in reliably the same manner.
Nothing you can’t get through in a few months though some might shy away given their Christian beliefs, but that I’d say if your beliefs are strong this is no threat and indeed may well reinforce the same.
Regardless, the story matches our own times in stunning detail and actually seems written for us and thus the recommendation since we have some time.
Ramesh Menon’s “The Mahabharata, A Modern Rendering” A two volume set sold as one.
And Penguin Random House’s “The Illustrated Mahabharata, The Definitive Guide to India’s Greatest Epic”.
“I firmly believe the Gestapo has been and IS lurking.”
I hope the treasonous, misanthropic, perverted, baby-parts eating, Moloch worshipping Wokaks and Leftard Kool-Aid drinkers ARE lurking.
We should be more vocal than ever. Withholding comment is self-censorship, it’s giving up when victory would be simple, if we would just &^%$ing DO something, practically ANYTHING.
We are the GIANT.
They are the soy latte pajama-party girls.
Going silent is worse than self-censorship, it would cause us to LOSE this farce that the white hats inconceivably allowed to turn into a war.
If 80+ million American patriots were shouting IN THEIR FACES, they would collapse like straw.
Even if it was only 20% of that number.
WE are the many, they are the few.
If the ‘many’ ever figured that out, it would already be over.
We dont talk to any dimms, and if any family are, they never say.
The gestapo IS just outside the door. Wearing many hats. Previous days, thought of as our friends, the good guys… My, how times have changed.
“I suspect it was some time after the kid was killed in Georgia. At that point, the other side revealed the lengths they would go to to finish this job.”
What, the enemy murders the governor’s daughter’s boyfriend, and we say “Whoa! That’s it! We give up! You can have it all! Take the country, take the People, do whatever you want, we’re done!”?!?
You don’t sacrifice the Republic and walk away, turning it over to High Tech ISIS and condemning 330 million more Americans to be slaughtered, because someone was killed in Georgia.
What you do is you RIP the enemy’s head off, reach inside his neck, down into the gut, and you pull him INSIDE OUT.
Then you pour gasoline all over it, and you light it on fire.
Nobody walks away from a war, gives up and quits, because someone was killed.
OTOH, if you were engaging against an enemy that wouldn’t do this, and he did this, you may want a pause to see who the hell you were engaging with.
“OTOH, if you were engaging against an enemy that wouldn’t do this, and he did this, you may want a pause to see who the hell you were engaging with.”
We didn’t know the enemy would kill someone?
What does that even mean?
You’ve stated it pretty clearly — “we didn’t know the enemy would kill someone”…..but to clarify…..
Perhaps there is a certain amount of “killing non-combatants” that was unexpected.
“Vote for Smith for dogcatcher, or we nuke LA” is somewhat beyond normal expectations.
If we didn’t know the enemy would kill anyone, then we’re living on Mount Stupid, in a village called Blisteringly Naive.
If they threatened to nuke our country, that is a declaration of war. If someone has declared war against you, only the inhabitants of Mt. Stupid would wait until the enemy strikes first.
If the choice is to lose LA, or give up and lose the entire nation, which is the better choice?
Do you forget that we are the most powerful nation in the world?
If the enemy threatens to nuke LA, that’s his choice. Maybe he can do it, maybe he can’t.
But your response should be that if you do it, you are dead, your families are dead. Your friends? All dead. Everyone you know is dead.
And all of your seized assets will be liquidated, and used to exterminate your death cult, to wipe it off the face of the earth.
And at the same time you are delivering the message, you take out as many of their top people as you can, with every non-nuclear means at your disposal.
And you don’t stop until they are all dead.
For threatening to nuke any part of our country.
Or you never take the position of national leadership in the first place.
Pretty much what Israel must face and deal with.
Just for fun…
“Vote for Smith for dogcatcher, or we nuke LA” ….
^^^ What if both are both perceived as wins?
You first.
“You first.”
Ha ha, that’s hilarious.
I’m not the one with the entire United States military on the speed-dialer.
Either we have a country, or we don’t.
Where did we hear that before?
If we don’t have a credible military, then we don’t have a country.
That’s the alpha male approach but tranny troops identify as beta ball-less (fe) males…so not so much 🙁
“That’s the alpha male approach but tranny troops identify as beta ball-less (fe) males…so not so much”
If that’s a real problem, we had four years to fix it.
We entered WWII with a peacetime military, and won WWII, in less time than that.
Less than four years.
Department of Defense not War Department…one of those is a positioning for loss…every time!
“Nobody walks away from a war, gives up and quits, because someone was killed.”
My opinion:
Unless you’re Napoleon Bonaparte and this is his Russian Campaign.
Unless you’re Eisenhower and this is the Korean Conflict (still no final peace treaty, 1953 armistice still in force, U;S. MIA’s still being repatriated).
Unless you’re Nixon and this is Vietnam (anybody who was over 12 years old in 1973 remembers the TV footage of the helicopters on the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon).
Simply saying that I believe the last real victory for the United States in a war setting was World Wat II — there was resolve, effort, and focus for total and complete victory over the enemy. There was near-universal agreement on how high the stakes were.
Those were all offensive wars on someone else’s land for reasons which are certainly debatable.
Defending the homeland is a whole different ballgame.
As the aforementioned Russians, the Koreans and the Vietnamese ably demonstrated.
In any other conceivable reality besides the idiocracy we inhabit, this should be a war to save the Republic, and with it, the entire world.
A war that should take about 20 seconds for a professional military to win, against mostly pampered and extremely rich unarmed treasonous, devil-worshipping civilians.
What do you mean “let the wookie win?”
I see nothing of the sort.
No victory has been achieved on either side as yet, IMO.
Until the nameless, faceless mob bosses are rounded up and put where the sun don’t shine, nobody’s won anything.
OK. Let me explain. I will be as “encouraging” as I can, but I will be firm.
Go back to the movie and look at the game being won in the context of the greater “game”.
The difference here is that “winning the White House” was actual winning of a battle in a war, breaking rules as Dems are wont to do, whereas a chess-ish game by compatriots on a spaceship in a rebellion is almost orthogonal to the rebellion – nearly meaningless. So indeed, in using that analogy, I was being too kind, and avoided the more discouraging truth.
I must now address that truth. What you say is true, but only in the totality – about FINAL VICTORY. NOT in the moment.
Wars are won by losing battles as well as winning them – and the people who cracked Enigma in WWII, and got the jump on the Nazis, confronted that reality very explicitly, by ALLOWING battles to be lost – not just believably, but in reality.
That is the REAL patience game. And if you don’t confront that LOSING as part of the WINNING, you are not Trumpian, and not keeping close tabs on the downside, which is MY STRENGTH.
I have to use my strength now, for God and Country, and that’s gonna hurt people on all sides.
I will not budge from my position that Biden and his team were allowed to WIN the White House. I will avoid discouraging denunciation of opposing perspectives on that reality, but I simply direct attention to the fact that Obama policies are being forced upon all 50 states, as COVID-infested illegals are being allowed in and flown about the country, as if it were 2014.
There is awesome resistance by states, but that resistance has to be…. to WHAT?
To something. To Biden in the White House, doing Democrat socialist things, because he cheated to a fake win, was allowed to “win” to avoid bloodshed (IMO), and now has the power to do those things.
THEY “WON” THE WHITE HOUSE. However you want to dress that up. We let the Wookie win. I will not budge from that position, because it is the only position that lets me see clearly, and helps me FIGHT.
To say that they did not win anything is self-deceptive, IMO. But I will not discourage people on that issue, other than defending my own perspective that the other side is actually “winning” things – falsely – using a rigged audience and rigged judges – even if by cheating – into their control.
I’m not trying to change your mind. You need to do what’s right for you. I need to do what’s right for me.
Alright, I think we are actually in agreement, to an extent.
We’re still in the “show the people” stage of things is my take on it.
“We’re still in the “show the people” stage of things is my take on it.”
If so, then it may actually be the most stupid strategy in the history of female studies in Leftist academia.
A strategy marinated, steeped, boiled and consumed in the Ivory Tower of ‘feelings’ and ‘gentleness’ in confronting a violent and sadistic enemy.
It’s so stupid that it has never failed before. For the very good reason that no one, not in the history of mankind and all the wars ever fought, was ever such an imbecile as to think that convincing the enemy he was bad would ever win a war in a million lifetimes.
It ought to be a CRIME to implement a strategy so perfectly designed to fail, an act of wilful treason, not only against the Republic, but against sanity itself.
Did we wait until the Japanese ‘awakened’ to their error, and gathered around the Allied campfire with us, to sing Kumbaya?
If we had, we would still be fighting in the Pacific, 80 years after Pearl Harbor, with no end in sight. Because it’s mind-numbingly stupid.
Did we wait until the Nazis were ‘awakened’, and cast off their swastikas and death’s head pins, and began holding hands with the world in a touchy-feely display of new-age Oprah paganism?
Or did we bomb their country into submission first, and save the big reveal of the Nazi death camps for AFTER victory was won?
This so-called ‘strategy’ is the next logical step of the ‘doctrine of endless wars’. It guarantees that war never ends.
It’s a kind of purposeful, organized stupid, the likes of which the world has never seen.
Because the world has never been this stupid before. No one ever even contemplated this level of stupidity before.
Whoever came up with it deserves to be tied, spread-eagled, to the front of a semi-truck, and used as a battering ram to bulldoze ever Chaz-Chop and other traitor hold-out in the country.
Yes, because that is “Plan B” – keep showing without holding onto the White House.
Advantages there are that many things Demmunist are in fact best shown while they rule. We are absolutely killing them on those things right now.
Disadvantages are that we have to let them ACTUALLY do the bad things. Being in power allows the showing to be slower and more controlled while we actually fix things, and THAT is preferred, though slower, and clearly Plan A. Getting back into a Plan A condition is useful but not required, although we must never lie to ourselves.
Winning delayed is winning denied.
EXACTLY! A plan option! THAT is why I still have hope and why Q drops seem to make ever more sense TO ME as time passes.
But was it EVERYBODY that was shocked? Was the Q team shocked—or is this exactly what they expected? Are we now walking through the darkness to get to the light? Are we on the precipice?
But even if I am all wrong on all accounts…I will still vote…I will still do what I can from across the pond.
Yes maam, and wine and chocolate…
Hope your situation is resolved quickly.
Rand Paul post got over 100 comments today. I think this is gaslighting.
It’s something, that’s for sure….
Certainly a kind of gas, and not one of the noble ones.
If neon, xenon, argon, and the like are noble gasses…..does that make nitrogen an ignoble gas?
It might be putting on airs.
Which is a double pun, given that gases used to be called “airs” and air–as in what we breathe–is mostly nitrogen.
And, thus, being so “common” and low, it hath no air of nobility….
Well, it’s not too terriblyu common cosmically.
We think it’s common because our atmosphere is full of it, but it’s rarer in rocks, but oxygen and carbon are far more common. (A huge percentage of our rocks are actually oxygen.)
Let alone hydrogen and helium.
I’d think something like hydrogen sulfide or methyl-mercaptan are in the lead ranking of ignoble gases.
There is a resource for such —
Yes, and when selenium rectifiers go bad, the stench can be epic. Which is why they get pre-emptively replaced by silicon rectifiers upon discovery, in old radio or test equipment.
That was a fun link!
If you go to the RH side of that entry, the “Things I Won’t Work With” and “Things I’m Glad I Don’t Do” categories are both very amusing.
I would recommend as a primer for why you want to somehow involve grad students at qtree.
I don’t remember *which* element it was, but the professor at Periodic Table Videos (he of the gray hair explosion) told the story of how students would troop in and out the doors of a subway car (to keep them from closing and the train departing) while confederates below would use thermite to weld the wheels to the track.
He then said, But our students are far more responsible than that.
Well you’re making me think of methane & the 2 times I was “blessed” to observe males lighting their gaseous eruptions–yikes!!!
get out! That’s a real thing?
The wonders of nature.
Yep & there is a blue flame. I could go into greater descriptions of my eye witness “adventures” if for some reason that would be of interest 🙂
I take it your two brothers don’t know you comment here, being that you just outed them. Do your have nieces and nephews?
Yes they know & yes on both counts 🙂 Why do you ask?
I wondered whether it was part of the family inheritance.
That would help explain Mol’s surprise — it might not have been in her family inheritance.
the “breathing butt” or lighting farts? I don’t know the answer to either question–but at least some of my kids might 😉
FWIW, my brother used to record his farts w/ a nickname tagline & at his Christian college played the fart tape on loud speakers out his dorm window…so there is that 🙂
OMG, So much laughter. Part of the reason science traditionally skewed toward boys, IMO, was that “hold my [soda | beer] while I see if this is true” mentality, which boys were always allowed, but which was considered “unbecoming” in young ladies.
I share this for reference, having not read it
I have seen videos of this guy, who can basically fart at will.
One of my twins has/had that gift. We called it “the breathing butt” around here. One summer at my parents’ Cottage in Northern Michigan when All their descendants were hanging out for the 4th of July & all the boys slept out in our 10 person tent, my son put on an hour long fart “concert” with no more than 1 minute between eruptions–good times!
For some reason he’s never told his girlfriend about this talent nor offered to serenade her thereby 😉
Some people are just gifted.
Well that was an interesting read–thanks 🙂
Now it’s got a pedigree!
& amazingly my “breathing butt” son also took French–it’s destiny!!!
& a fall-back career when Vaudeville revives post-Apocalypse 😉
I needed a good laugh! When a Wikipedia entry says “See also: Toilet Humour”, it’s gotta be good!
lololol…officially I’m speechless. I never really believed the farts on fire deal..and now hearing about whim farting…hahah..
This is a bit more dramatic than what I saw in person…
Way too damn funny. Just sent that one on to a another blog.
This whole string of posts is too funny.
Thank you all.
For some reason this seems to “resonate” a tad bit more w/ the XY types 😉
There’s a reason methane is also known as “natural gas.”
And, of course, for every guy who managed to put on such a show, there were probably half-a-dozen who managed to scorch off the hair on his rump.
Well my brothers got scorch marks, rather than racing stripes, on their tighty whities during their endeavors!
Tough to explain at the laundry….
You have a laundress??? 😉
Scorch marks are unusual and worthy of comment even at the coin-op laundry.
“Dined at El Chapparal, I see…..”
& then there was the time my mom hid a new package of tighty whities from my dad in the oven (I have no idea why) & she forgot it was there & turned on the oven to make dinner & only opened it when she smelled the burning plastic so dad’s BVD,s basically had Grill Marks!
“…observe males lighting their gaseous eruptions–yikes!!!”
As we in fun, invoke on a gun blog, “post the pics or it didn’t happen”.
Such fun!
There’s a brief video down below, from someone else’s fart party 🙂
Comments are a useful metric, but they are not my goal, and I was very clear about this earlier, when Daughn left. When I started this site, 3 digits was unusual. If we got 30 comments, it was a big deal and the thread was “mature”. This site had a very comfortable feeling back then – the Plain Jane post reminded me of those days, and I have no problem going back there. We didn’t even have an open thread at first, though it was suggested in comments in the very first post.
People who matter look here, because we say a lot of very interesting things. We are a good cauldron of life. In my opinion, “big” actually harms “good” here.
Adversity is building character now, and it’s painful, but we are toughening up. I am totally OK with the way things are.
Who would we rather be? IOTWreport or Parler? LOL. Plain Jane tells me what real quality is. And it’s not post numbers.
No – I see the path back. We have to remember the plot of GLADIATOR. We have to FIGHT our way back to Rome.
It’s not going to be the same as last time, and THAT’S why we’re going to win. AGAIN.
There are all kinds of blogs but this one is overall the best. Or we wouldn’t be here.
Can you imagine that ‘methane’ subthread over on sum dunce’s? Me neither – they have darn near lost their sense of humor over there.
I seem to remember you once saying that the comments lead the evolution of the blog, or something similar. I remember thinking negatively about that (like true democracy) but then I realized that democracy works among like-minded equals if the group is small.
Q Tree is successful; it does not need to change.
Ah – that explains the small-group effect! Indeed!
TRUTH! I like the term cauldron of life. Adversity is an excellent tool for building strength. Even in anatomy we learn that all stress on the organism TEACHES the organism where to fortify it’s matrix.
Yes, the complaints about the comment count are tiring. The last three months were rough for many of us, there’s no Q or daily President Trump news to discuss, and some of us just need to focus on real life right now. Personally, I don’t post as much because of real life, and I know I’m not the only one. We don’t exist to provide a never-ending stream of content here. If anyone reading this has a problem with that, then post your own content, or at least have the decency to time your complaining until long after news that one of our regular commenters has passed away. Really, the timing of this drama couldn’t have been worse, and if certain people can’t understand that, then maybe they didn’t understand this community at all.
Thank you.
Niecly put.
I know what this loss might mean to some of you.
We lost a 13-year commenter on my “home” blog. Our mate from Finland.
It was sudden – he just posted a brief final note, never let on a thing before the end.
I cry as I write this to you: my deepest condolences.
1) You posted late on a Saturday night. There’s naturally not going to be a lot of people around on both a Saturday night and on a slow news day.
2) Your post came AFTER news that Plain Jane had passed away.
Whatever your expectations were in those circumstances were unrealistic. A more mature way of dealing handling this would have been to try again later at a more opportune time instead of throwing a tantrum that you didn’t get the attention you wanted right now.
You know what, this is all starting to remind me of the Passions, and not a few Gospel accounts where followers who didn’t realize just how rough the road was going to be abandoned the effort.
I’ve been following all of this for almost 30 years. Probably right at that mark at this point. It’s happening even if it is not seen on the surface.
What we are seeing is a show, a play. It can look like a tragedy, but most of it is Kabuki, when it comes down to it.
Unless you know where to look.
This is not going to be Christmas morning easy. No coming down the stairs and there’s a pile of presents under the tree. This is going to be more like truffle hunting, and too many don’t like to get their hands dirty.
Hey, Harry.
You and I have never had much interaction, but I have read your comments all along, and generally enjoyed them.
I don’t know exactly what has pissed you off, but I have seen this play before.
You, like others, don’t just leave, you have to cause some chaos before you go. I get it, but I don’t appreciate it one bit.
The “200 comments” per blog here are actually quite important to me and my general well-being. So instead of being a pot-stirring ass, could you just go ahead and fuck right off?
Sorry to address this on a Sunday, but you didn’t go away on Saturday as promised.
LOL, holding back there I see 😉
Not my strong suit these days. 🙂
I’m a bit tired of people peeing in my Wheaties.
no wonder she’s got that No Food Fights Rule 😉
Yes it is, a very slippery slope. Instead of out right banning of people, it is manipulative discouragement of people, something that’s been going on for a while, but has become more blatant lately.
Just curious….IRL, are you a lawyer?
Well that didn’t work.
Try this.
It always amazes me, how much stuff I miss around here…
Still waiting for Burma Shave!
A few comments down from yours is one by kalbo. Nails it.
Got a mirror? ROTFLMAO.
“Nil desperandum, — Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.” – Samuel Adams
There’s a lack of joy and having fun with it that is difficult to swallow for a lot of us.
I would give this a ten star rating if possible!
Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden
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And I will give you rest
Is that another version of the EPA dumping toxic waste into a river?
I’ve never seen water quite that bright green.
Glacial melt can do that.
Water around the world has a variety of natural colors. Enya had a song, “Caribbean Blue”, and it is freakish — it’s like blue glass, and so clear you can look through it to see the foam on the back side of waves.
OTOH, when it turns a bright opaque yellow, you’ve got problems….
If you’ve ever seen pictures of Crater Lake and said, “no fricking way is that blue real,” I’m here to tell you, it’s real.
Yeah, that’s another one.
Crater lake is so pretty.
I’m really glad that I was an airhead for most of my early adulthood and traveled and camped in so many beautiful places. Up in the Rockies the first time I could not believe how stunning it all was (is)
There is so much beauty in the world….and most people today just scurry by, looking at their cellphones.
That’s it for sure and also it seems like a lot people are spoiled. It has to be a posh place with all the amenities and God forbid no wifi ! Everybody wants the celebrity vacay instead really seeing …The USA is something else, it’s got it all.
All the more reason to shuck this Covid crap, get back to normal…
Hit the road, meander off the Interstates and SEE America. Rejuvinating, methinks.
Off Topic: starting to feel better (thankfully – pain can wear a person down!) but still pushing it just to scan the news and make a few comments. I don’t want you to think I am being rude or evasive. Will chat soon and I won’t forget. 🙂
Thinking of you and hoping for better days soon. Do you every use tumeric?
The water at Walloon Lake (of Earnest Hemmingway fame) & Kitch-iti-ki-pi (Big Spring) have such amazingly clear views!
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I’m guessing that none of those Big Spring pics will show 🙁
On our first SCUBA trip to the Caribbean, we went out with Efra Figueroa of La Parguera Divers. We’re in a little 8-person motorboat with four divers, Efra and a crew guy, and went WAY THE HECK out there and dropped anchor, and Efra starts giving his dive briefing — “we’re in about 60 feet of water, and the reefs go generally this way [gesturing] with sand channels between, and there are a couple of places they’re broken….”
And one of the other couple asks, “we can’t help but notice that we are way out here. It’s easy to figure you got into the general vicinity by triangulating off landmarks, but how do you know you are in the right spot?” It was a very good question.
But I’m glad I didn’t ask it, because Efra said, “I looked.” And all of us tourists immediately poked our heads over the side and, yup, you could see the bottom. Hell, you could see individual fish down there.
It is very common for divers to go down (and up) the anchor line. You can stop and make adjustments easily, you know where you’ll end up, it gives you a reference when the surface is bobbing up-and-down and the bottom is some distance….
But in the Caribbean, you get this weird feeling that the boat above you is a balloon on a string, and if you let go of the string it might fly off. It’s just hanging up there.
sounds almost surreal
It is trippy.
Beautiful but scary.
My last summer in Puerto Rico as a teenager a group of us went snorkeling off the NE coast. There were two small islands and the boat captain took us to the furthest one. We asked why not the closer one. He said, too many sharks. 😬😬😬
Or post-processing of a photo, I suppose.
Breakfast is on me!
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Isnt it? Clean good food…and no mimosa, just old fashioned tequila sunrise.
It was the plate with the …. yummm … bacon, avocado, eggs. Wow.
We belong to our King. We follow Him wherever He leads.
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Glory to the Lamb that was slain.
Blame game never gets old for psychopathic control freaks.
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Well, there was one bright spot this week.
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We have much to be thankful for this week, particularly with Sylvia at home. But we also have much to be introspective about, with Plain Jane putting aside her struggles.
Looks like Wolf has a new post up.
Not a single author has come forward to put me in my place…or to give me a bitch slap.
Harry, I’m sorry to see you go & hope that you’ll take a little break then re-group & return. I’m not sure exactly what your beef is here, though I saw some of the discussions on yesterday’s thread on hope vs hopium…
I would bless you in the name of the Lord & pray for healing & reconciliation in any arenas where there are breaches in relationships & communication.
These are very difficult & discouraging days w/ darkness crushing the soul if we allow it. May the light, love, & joy of the Lord be with you in your journey. God Speed & God Bless. In Jesus’ Love
I hope this scriptural encouragement will show…
authors aren’t even commenting, period…there is no discussion here…
What are we, chopped liver? Our most prolific authors are commenters who “got the tap”, but there are plenty of us who couldn’t make the commitment.
And who are you, to blithely command attention — and throw an extended tantrum when you don’t get it?
Send him to a javascript loop that never finishes.
The old Apple HQ? [Address was 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino]
No offence, but technically I Am an author, though I rarely do a post. My first post was May 2 last year, my mom’s 80th b-day (which is why I recall the date) called Luna Wolf Pack & my most recent one was just before Jan 6, The Battle Belongs to the Lord…
On the hope vs hopium topic I’m attempting to cultivate Wolf’s Free Speech perspective. I really try to appreciate all viewpoints, even when I don’t agree with them.
I’m guilty of bringing “unsourced” material here, some of which is surely “hopium”. Most Everyone at the Q-Tree is more informed & immersed on topics discussed here so I just feel privileged to be allowed to eat at the adults’ table when my reasoning skills should make me sit with the teens!
These are Very Difficult times & we all must cope & endure in ways that we can tolerate. I was always a Q-Agnostic so that arena is not such a hot button area for me as it Might be for others here.
However I really believed that DJT was (& I hope is) the real deal. He was Never my savior, though, but I did probably elevate him to superhuman status because of the amazing amount of seemingly pro-America, pro-God, & pro-Freedom accomplishments he amassed.
It’s hard to not feel betrayed, at some level, by his seeming disappearance from the world stage. I really hope that he is still in charge, behind the scenes, & the bulk of the military is loyal to their oath to the Constitution. However the ever encroaching darkness makes that hope tend to shrivel, though not completely die.
I’ve been attacked a few times for bringing info here that wasn’t well sourced or didn’t meet up to someone else’s standards. Sometimes those disagreements took the form of personal attacks directed my way, which were hard to deal with & “triggered” baggage from elsewhere in my life…so I choose Not to engage the hope vs hopium debate because, for me, it’s not helpful & I don’t want to take a “side” nor to be hurtful to others.
I don’t know what the exact offence here might be but the general stress of these dark days, watching our country seemingly fall to the commies from within & without, means that there is ZERO chance I want to turn on Any of our own. We’re on the Same Team here & as far as I’m concerned it’s Ok to agree to disagree & then not engage on the debate if it all becomes too divisive for some people.
I don’t know why, but a couple of posts done at my main blog could possibly offer a degree of comfort, in a round about way…
So best regards & I’m glad you’re still engaged, even if it is just w/ me, “the least of these” from the author’s camp around here 🙂
Great point about not turning on our own. Nicely said, all of it.
Thanks Molly 🙂
What I want to know is, why can’t people just read or not read the hopium posts and the anti-hopium posts, comment or not, and then just move on?
If you don’t want the hopium, you don’t have to pick up that pipe and smoke it. And if you need a hit, well why isn’t that ok?
People are so wound-up at each other over nothing. I know times are scary, but turning on the people in your foxhole is just stupid.
Well at least the Q-Tree isn’t just an echo chamber. Different strokes for dif’rent folks–Vive la difference!!!
Well 5 stages of grief, many people get stuck in each stage. But attacking our own foxhole, as had happened OT with the big purge, and that was only the one WE were aware of since we were purged, is a losing situation.
And I find it so sad that its still just easier to walk away, like others have, instead of getting over whatever slight has gotten in the way.
We need more encouragement!
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Amen GT!!!
I am an (occasional) author, but I don’t stay up late for bitch-slapping babies having tantrums.
I got up early this morning, though, so…see earlier comment.
Pardon me, but I was asleep. I’m not putting you in your place. I have things to say about all of this, and one of them is the QUALITY of the comments is more important than the quantity.
That’s basically what I said when I was in “seminary” & there were discussions on “church growth”. Do we really just want more butts in pews or do we want Actual committed Christians who bring the Light of the love of the Lord to beat back the darkness to a lost & broken world?
So glad to see your post today Carl! I missed your Midweek Musings typical post this week. I may not say so very often but I greatly appreciate all you share here!!!
God Bless YOU sir & continue to encourage & strengthen you in these trying times…
Well I hope the above images show, they are all scriptures on Joy 🙂
Right now, I most need guidance about waking up and cycling my life around government mandated time changes when I can look out the window and the height of the sun tells me the clock’s wrong.
Your ability to discern reality is messing with your ability to deal with everyone else’s versions of it. That’s all.
It’s really getting to me this year. I’ve been able to bounce out of jetlag going to ENGLAND better than this little one-hour irritant. I think it’s because the government reaction to Covid already has everyone’s schedules so messed up. I mean, when a trip to the supermarket for TP and hand soap turns into a 5-hour quest….and you can’t eat or hit a restroom along the way….
I’ve gone through some periods like that in the past 12 months. What weighs on me now is the thought that these CV shots might be the forerunner to losing a whole lot of people I love. And then I turn my face up to our Father in Heaven and somehow pick myself up and carry on.
Revelation does mention that there is a number of brothers that are to be killed. So you’re not far off.
“Spring Forward” is always the hardest time change for me…I’m perpetually late for most things (I don’t want to attend) so losing an hour is Killer.
My husband, however, is dying of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) at this time of year, so he Revels in said change. Opposites attract & all. He likes heat & I like cool–but he is by far Way cooler than I ever have a prayer of being!
Get him a heat lamp!
Well my mom gave us a “bright light therapy” light a couple years back & he finally broke it out this year in his basement man cave. On the rare Winter sunny day I’ll sometimes call him up to remind him to get out in the light as it’s good for the soul.
I solved my “therapy light” issue (not ever pulling it out) by replacing the bulbs in my work/task lights with full-spectrum bulbs. So now, as I am on my computer, watching TV, etc. I, and my houseplants, are getting good light. It made a HUGE difference in my SAD, which is terrible every year.
That’s a Great Idea. Are “full-spectrum” bulbs relatively easy to find & is there much of a price differential?
Yes, they are not too hard to find. In LED type, look for bulbs labeled 5000K (Kelvin) and higher.
In an incandescent bulb, they are just called “full-spectrum” bulbs.
Either kind works! Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, etc. should have them.
Thanks A!!!
Oh, and the pricing is about the same. Bulbs have gotten expensive. But LEDs have come down quite a bit, and last a LONG time.
appreciate the tip 🙂 <3
This is me at this late hour…
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Put it down, and say, “I’ll have a roadie tune it tomorrow….”
after covid shot presumably?
march 20, 2021 the marshall report
The show is over. What you are watching now is the real world run by psychopaths who don’t know when enough is enough and will not admit to the fact they have lost. They will never stop what they are doing because they have no where to run, no where to hide, and this battle is ONE OF LIFE OR DEATH FOR THE WICKED ONES who are desperately trying TO HOLD ON TO EVERYTHING THEY HAVE LEFT. Generations of kill, steal and destroy are fading fast, and all their ground work was being dismantled quickly in spite of impeach, impeach, impeach and all the attacks. She (Hillary) was supposed to win. She was never supposed to lose. Everything was in place for her to take the masses into the global cabalistic order!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
I was listening to Rush’s show on Friday & enduring the propaganda “news” breaks on the half hour. They kept playing governor’s mansion resident tyrant, Gretchen Whitmer, telling us how we are now ALLOWED to gather in small residential groups without masks ONLY if Everyone is vaccinated–I mean there are some serious cuss words that come to mind with this major crapola.
My husband smoked up like 30 pounds of ribs & had some friends over for a feast which included his Jack Daniels doctored Bush’s Baked Beans. No masks in sight–or needed!
I suggest that you listen to Dennis Prager instead. BTW, it really isn’t his show anymore.
IMO, it’s sort of ghoulish to keep running those ‘morning minute’ blurbs as if he’s still with us.
I enjoy Prager too, he just happens to be on a station that comes in better in the car than the house. There’s also a local conservative Christian talk show that overlaps Rush’s slot so I’ll likely eventually move on. It is surreal to hear long clips of Rush, he was “the soundtrack of your conservative life” for so long that it’s easy to have the sound in the background, like napping to a ball game, & slip into a state of thinking he’s still lurking about.
His widow is going to be on the Monday show for a while & her appearances have been a blessing to many who’ve listened to Rush for a long time…
They will be able to run this format while there are ratings. But some stations like Westwood One have signed on Bongino starting in May. So there will be a time to move on. I do think dwelling too long in the past is not healthy. I listen in sometimes during my travels, but not as much as I used to.
business decisions abounding…that’s the largest ever radio audience so they have to tread carefully plus, the audience got conditioned to guest hosts during Rush’s illness.
WooHoo!!! FREEDOM!!!
Gab is so awesome…
Just Mike @Shady721
Photography for Photographers
Have a nice night.
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Roester @roester6
Rural Life
Good way to end the day.
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The beer is out of reach. Just saying.
It may be the first empty, of the six pack at his side:-)
pray this is a sunrise and not a sunset
good news for Real POTUS
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Wyn_XLV The Gekko
Donald Trump was honored by the Alabama GOP at Mara Lago on Saturday night for being “one of the greatest President’s in history”
that is a Great picture of POTUS!
How One Man Awoke the Soul of the Nation … and the World
Yes that is excellent & uplifting & a reminder of how far this wondrous land can slide in just a few months of unrestrained tyranny!
culture warrior & virus “truther”
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Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
Guys – please realise that it is not about a virus, medicine and science but about the final battle of multi-billionaire psychopaths who consider themselves ‘Übermenschen’ against the empathetic humanity, considered ‘Untermenschen’ by them:
Evil versus good!![comment image](
Quote Tweet
Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
· 2h
I guess it is about time to bravely state the seemingly unbelievable, that the GLOBAL CORONA CRIME against the human family, committed against Jews, Christians, Muslims, Agnostics and Atheists, exceeds the seemingly unbelievable dimensions of the HOLOCAUST by orders of magnitude.…
Show this thread
There is a very famous essay, “I, pencil” — — that describes that such a simple object is actually more complex than normally perceived….and that no living individual could construct such an artifact by himself. Yet they are cheap and abundant.
Similarly, the “Übermenschen” above probably have no idea how to keep their toilets clean or acquire food that isn’t plastic-wrapped at a supermarket. And when people start dying, including the sisters and brothers of those who do all the work to make the pencils, these “Übermenschen” will not be fed….but rather the contrary.
be careful what you wish for elites!
Yes. It’s a war many levels above the peasants in the pit.
And it’s being fought on both the temporal and spiritual levels.
red magic carpet ride
covid crimes explained
Dr. Thomas Binder, MD Retweeted
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Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
Replying to @RepThomasMassie![comment image](
and @SharylAttkisson
I guess in this thread (1-12/12) I have explained the RT-PCR corona (test) scam of the health authorities of all western countries in a way that every layperson can understand it, dear @RepThomasMassie
After one year it is about time to end this insanity!
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Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
· 4h×240
Replying to @SharylAttkisson
It is nonsense to test for a single flu/cold virus. It is madness to test with a hypersensitive unspecific RT-PCR test only, without consideration of Ct & clinical findings. And it is the coronation of insanity to test even asymptomatic people in this way.
Chinese Christians continue to be persecuted–pray!
China Arrests at Least Ten Christians in Raid of Private Bible Study
China Arrests at Least Ten Christians in Raid of Private Bible Study
Police in Guiyang raided a Christian bible study session held at a private residence this week, detaining at least ten
streams in the desert
Heh, I did three rolls through the comments before I realized the hour had changed….
if I only had a brain!
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You mean offensive to their brainless newscasters.
But the cowards, and people without hearts are unaffected.
Got it.
nice 😉
patriot priorities
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~ phooey ~ hyperbolic, self-dramatising hooey ~
So quick to trash this country?
Just as disgusting as leftist anti-Americans.
I take that meme more as an indictment of tyrannical & usurping “leaders” who are doing their best to diminish & destroy what America is & lie about what America was. The stated sentiment was short & I took it to mean protecting one’s family from the depredations on freedom is paramount.
Ok, I see that.
I pounce on anything that even seems to pile on to my country.
AZ battle rages on
Chuck Callesto
BREAKING REPORT: Arizona State Senate Orders HAND RECOUNT of 2.1 Million Ballots from 2020 Presidential Election…
Good to know that the fraud is being uncovered!!!!
But remember, this cannot undo January 6th, even if more states join in.
Jan 6 or 20 or both?
The 6th was when Biden became the unambiguous declared winner of the election.
(Which of course didn’t make him the rightful winner.)
yes, tragically & horrifyingly
CDC covering up the CV vax dangers
Thomas Massie
I have recorded phone calls of high level @CDCgov
(yes, I’m tagging them) officials admitting that they were WRONG when they said vaccine trials showed the vaccine would help you if you’ve already had the virus.
Only @SharylAttkisson
has been bold enough to cover this story.
Show this thread
Perhaps Thomas Massie should post those recorded phone calls along with the names of the voices on the recording.
I am beyond tired of, “I have…” without sharing the details.
Also fed up with vague innuendos by officials about domestic terror threats, sources and methods…
^^^ State and publish the details, the facts, rat out the shit heads. Folks are smart enough to process facts and reality. We don’t need any more faux “protecting” as no one in government is protecting us from the evil thrust upon us.
flip that dead man switch Before you become the dead man & spare us the demise of the nation!
I totally agree. Its like theyre saying this or either get a payday or its bs.
lumber lamentations Conservative Girl
Mar 19
Lumber is up from 8 dollars a square foot to 18.00 a square foot which means that a 3000 square foot home is now 30,000 dollars more to build from January 1st 2021. This could also be why delivery for furniture is now taking months. Thanks, Biden voters.
Lumber is up, but that Tweet oversimplifies things by a bunch.
Just from the get-go, commercial build-outs frequently use steel studs — and they’re legal for residential, too. You’re stud-grade lumber is changing more than your MDF, and your flooring-grade T&G is changing differently from your construction-grade fir.
That said, the point is valid — Biden’s handlers make things more expensive because they screw up supply chains.
they screw up everything they touch!
Quite intentionally, screwing up everything.
I have built two simple projects in the past three months. A 2×4 that was $3.50 last summer is now $8.00. CDX sheeting has doubled. It is ridiculous.
The price of gasoline has doubled this year…so far.
Even here in OK it has doubled, so I’m pretty sure it has doubled across the country.
So this increase in Transportation Cost is going to be added…to everything.
In the case of Lumber, gas is used in the chain saws and other machinery used to bring down the trees and get the logs to a mill.
So Lumber is probably seeing an increase in Production Cost as well as Transportation Cost.
Thanks, Biden Voters!
good points all…grrr!
It’s hovering around $3 per gallon here.
It was not $1.50 last year. It hasn’t been $1.50 or anything like that since 2009 (the depths of the “Great Recession” that they’re now trying to figure out how to blame on Trump).
Your lower initial price probably made the recent hikes proportionally greater.
I’ve been in CA, WA, ID, UT, NM, KS and CO since inauguration. I put the increase in the 50-80 cents range.
Seems about right from my stay-at-home (since early January) point of view.
…I also don’t doubt it’s going to continue.
long covid info
The Wall Street Journal
Scientists are putting new effort into understanding the troubling symptoms of long Covid. These patients are waiting for answers.
They Got Covid One Year Ago. They’re Still Sick.
Scientists are putting new effort into understanding the troubling symptoms of long Covid. These patients are waiting for
apparently this article was behind a paywall…the “long covid” made me think of Wolf, which is why I shared it for I usually ignore “promoted” tweets. If someone finds it of interest & gets WSJ perhaps they might drop any useful crumbs here at Q-Tree 🙂
Thanks PGroup!
puke fest
Jack Posobiec
The fake banter here is super cringe. No one is buying it.![comment image](
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Trish Regan
· 9h
Biden: “I wanted to yield to my Vice President, who’s smarter than I am”
science scams
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Salty Cracker
Trust the science.
It’s good to see humor in the news again.
for some reason this death dispensation isn’t all that funny
He has a youtube channel that mr gil watches regularly, just fyi. Salty cracker there too.
I’ve fallen & I can’t get up!
but poll #s are way up–spit!
Mar 19
President Joe Biden may have taken a bit of a fall on his way into Air Force One but his approval rating is steadily climbing since he took office, according to a @Reuters/Ipsos poll
0:58 / 1:26
Angela Parmelee
Flat out lies!! Biden voters dont even like him! Stop lying to people!!
So Harry L. has left the building… DLTDHYOYWO*, bless his heart, etc.,
It’s not like anyone here has signed any contract to the effect that they will be replying to all and sundry any time 24/7? I can’t remember having seen anything like that, and correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think I am.
Things aren’t the same around here or everywhere that they were two, three months ago. The level of excitement is lower, some events that many thought would happen, didn’t. So the discourse and topics change accordingly. No need to thresh on what-could-have-beens that didn’t; instead, there are other topics of interest. Some forward-looking, some what-ifs, some banter about chemical elements, food, presidential gaffes, corona-virus-related issues, medical and political. All worthy of exposition and consideration.
And there is the rest of life’s events and activities to attend to. As it always was.
Much of it is like the weather and the season: I look out the window, see the hazel tree outside has grown catkins, and there is a magpie snagging twigs, before it lands on a slim bough, so magpie and all bounces up and down for a moment; then the magpie takes off and flies away out of view, presumably to wherever its nest is.
Some things I can change, others I can’t. I’m fine with that.
(* DLTDHYOYWO = Don’t Let The Door Hit You On Your Way Out)
(Joe Biden didn’t win)
I thought only willows did catkins.
There are several others that do, besides willows. Hazel and Alder are others. There’s a good discussion on these here:
Very interesting. I’m about to move to a place I’ve never lived and where the trees aren’t redwoods, Douglas fir, madrone, oaks, or eucalyptus……and I’ll have to learn the difference between hazel, alder, willow, hickory, linden, elm, maple, and ash [which, big hint, are not nearly as obvious as the distinctions in the first list].
& leave all your sink & washing machine, or was it dryer?, repairs behind!
The sinks I’m leaving — I’m taking the dryer with me. I understand it.
but does it love you back?
It obeys my will. Sometimes, that is enough.
the devil you know, practically biblically 😉
Are you finally moving? For surez?
an American original–Colorado is blessed!
Lauren Boebert
Yesterday, I put all my guns upstairs.
Biden can never get to them now!
another national treasure!!!
The Bias News
Governor Ron DeSantis: “I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports…And so folks should get vaccinated, if they want to, we’ll obviously provide that, but under no circumstances will the state be asking you to show proof of vaccination.”
LMAO. Took me far too long to get that.
need video of Trump’s epic golf ball!!!
Basements work too. He might manage to get your guns but he can’t leave with them.
People with no basement or upstairs, or a walk out rancher, are SOL.
dems stoking the fires of revolution inadvertently?
Jont Trubek
Democrats kill a bill for giving tuition assistance for children of veterans killed in action, then unanimously approved a bill giving free tuition to illegal immigrants. Draw your own conclusions.
China humiliating whoever it can.
Not inadvertently.
They may not know they’re following Xi’s orders by giving in to full-blown spite.
not the useful idiots but the deep state sell-outs surely are in on it
They’re in it lock, stock, and barrel.
When CHYna’s done with them, they’ll be the first ‘up against the wall’.
no doubt
comeuppance! news
BREAKING : Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine credible accusations of voter fraud in 2020 Election, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct. ” Fulton ” no one nominated him “They voted him down”
MAGA conservatives had to be involved, attend, pay membership dues/fees, know the procedures, etc., in order to make a difference and humiliate him + send Loud message in this way.
We get the GOP that we vote for. Got to be involved in the GOP to vote!
Next step is to vote intentionally and informed
no Q-treepers in this description
Kurt Schlichter
Wokeness is the game of low-value women, low-status males and cynical male exploiters.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, March 21, 2021
“I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.”
Psalms 89:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Constitutional Carry…shall NOT be abridged
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“When government takes away citizens’ right to bear arms it becomes citizens’ duty to take away government’s right to govern.”
-George Washington-
The original American artillery was privately owned. Yes, “regular people” owned cannon.
armed to the teeth!
another great Real POTUS pic
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Nick Adams
Truly incredible. President Trump looks fantastic. He has BIG PLANS that are in the works. Get ready America!!
hopium or hopeful…you be the judge 🙂
It is hope … just be careful how the “big plans” are interpreted and who tells you exactly what that means, etc.
playing Switzerland for neutrality, & arms skills, for now 🙂
Assuming the big plans mean an-out-of-election-cycle return to the White House would be hazardous. Many possibilities, and many of those, frankly, are much more likely.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
‘scuse the language here but this is about the way of things now
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chipping away at Congress
Brigitte Gabriel Retweeted
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Lauren Boebert
Congratulations @JBLetlow
on your massive victory tonight and on becoming the first woman to represent Louisiana’s 5th district in Congress. This makes 18 new GOP women in our 117th Congress! Amazing!
Faux xi is a stooge
“I was the first one in the national media to challenge the media-driven image of Dr. Anthony Fauci as a sage and a
savior, a man whose commands to shut down the nation must be obeyed. You see, I had studied Fauci’s handling of AIDS starting almost 40 years ago, and I knew how he operated, and that he was far from politically neutral. The constant media adoration at the start of the “fifteen days to bend the curve” got to me, and I titled my article: “Anthony Fauci, the NIH’s face of the coronavirus, is a Deep-State Hillary Clinton–loving stooge.
The gist of my article was about how Fauci (and his colleagues in government and private industry, aka Big Pharma) “was an enthusiastic advocate of throwing more federal money at the problem of AIDS.” He oversaw a government “war” on HIV-AIDS that quickly and permanently ballooned into an unprecedented four decades-long boondoggle that has cost taxpayers more than $600 billion. That sum dwarfs the amount spent per death for other major maladies. The death toll from AIDS in the U.S. over four decades is about 700,000 people – or an average of roughly 16,000 deaths a year.”
American Thinker
Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today: One year ago today, an article of mine at American Thinker became a flashpoint of mainstream media coverage and criticism. The reason for all this fuss was that I was the first one in the national media to…
UK stops licking the hand that feeds them & the boot that kicks them!
Sean Walsh
This needs to be continually retweeted. Otherwise the media will bury it.![comment image](
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Anna Brees
· 20h
This is by far the BIGGEST UK protest I have seen. They will not be able to police these crowds.
#RightToProtest #londonprotest #lockdown2021
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if only…
We The People Retweeted
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Richard Grenell
I will run up the stairs without tripping and then announce a plethora of Executive Orders. Stay tuned.![comment image](
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Roger Norris
· 20h
Google Richard Grenell. Google says he’s the president today…
He is having a field day with wiki prank by whoever and is retweeting articles about it
Tweets by RichardGrenell
Good times!
I presume tongue in cheek…er…um…whatever
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Liam Garrett
Thoughts and Prayers for Michelle Obama. Recently diagnosed with an Enlarged Prostate.
Now ^^^ that’s funny.
throw-back pic for Barron’s b-day
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I miss getting to see the occasional glimpse of Barron.
He’s probably towering over his parents now.
Happy Birthday, Barron!
This one looks relatively recent
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Thanks, Val…I remember this one.
Heheh, he’s probably gotten even taller now.
No doubt, destined to be a giant of a man like his legendary progenitor!!!
So wait a minute, based on other comments I gather that PDJT and Barron are hiding in that picture somewhere?
you’re revealing your red-blooded male status 😉
from oct 2020
Thanks, MM…wow he’s getting sooo tall.
vaxx-blood clot link
Thomas Paine
Norwegian Doctor Claims To Find Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine And Rare Blood Clots –
Norwegian Doctor Claims To Find Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine And Rare Blood Clots – True Pundit
As we wait for the EMA’s decision, a top Norwegian health official tasked with investigating a series of three high-profile cases of health-care workers under the age of 50 being hospitalized for…
I rely strongly on logic when evaluating medicinal stuff. I am a folk herbalist. My tradition comes from a long line of healers who would have used only their wits and the herbs to save people.
With that in mind, remember when, a few months ago, there was reporting that people who actually HAD covid were having weird blood clotting issues? It was sometimes showing up on the surface of people’s skin and in their extremities (toes). Here’s an article about it from June:
If this experimental “vaccine” is causing the body to “mimic” covid to produce antibodies, then it makes perfect sense to me that it could cause problems similar to those produced by actual covid.
I’m not taking it. And I recommend it to NO ONE.
Yes. The spikes on the protein lock onto a receptor on the membrane of red blood cells. Creating balls of clotted blood everywhere in the body.
good points! Thanks for that clarification & reminder
hero vet hits century mark!
Arizona Nancy and 3 others liked
![comment image]( The SilverFox 2.0
Let’s wish this hero a happy Birthday!
“I’m the luckiest man in Kansas City.” World War II vet who survived two battles, COVID turns 100
A local war hero who survived two battles in World War II and the coronavirus turns 100 years old this
Good. A worthy first step in reforming the Church as “not a whore.”
More and more priests are speaking up. It’s nice to see.
Former DNI John Ratcliffe previews UFO report, reveals many sightings ‘difficult to explain’
‘There are a lot more sightings than have been made public’
Hah…very cool.
………….From the article:
Ratcliffe’s remarks boost expectations for an upcoming government report about UFOs put into motion by the second pandemic-related stimulus bill.
The law, signed into law by former President Donald Trump last December, forced U.S. spy agencies and the Pentagon to disclose what they know about UFOs to the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services Committees within 180 days.
Uh, to hell with informing the whores in the Senate intelligence and Armed services committees within 180 days.
INFORM the public. We are a lot smarter and certainly more honest than the Uniparty weenies.
I am fed up with the government acting all knowing and protecting us.
I trust the public far more than I trust whores in the Senate intelligence and Armed services committees.
Fundamentally this narrative is as stoopid as the report Ratliffe was supposed to get in december highlighting foreign interference in the election. EMPTY PROMISES of OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT.
Have not clicked on the video. But I am guessing Ratcliffe says much ado without anything tangible.
Thank you, BakoCarl, for such a great Sanctuary Sunday thread post!
This one is truly outstanding…uplifting, inspirational and spot on.
🙏 😌
participation trophy squad, thanks for playing!
Eddie Zipperer
How the media covers Democrats:
Nice post! Thanks!
Thanks again Carl, once more God’s word at the appropriate time. We definitely need to encourage one another in theses difficult times we live. Very easy to fall into the trap of despair when our focus on Him is overtaken. Deception can be deadly to our well-being.
The great deceiver is always at work.
This song by Kerry Livgren was just playing on quite fitting…beautiful, mysterious, haunting, inspiring!
One Dark WorldKerry Livgren
Album When Things Get Electric
The expanses beckon, the mystery still remains
Can we be the only ones in these vast domains
We search, we wonder, we listen and we peer
The more we define the distance the more we fear
The lights of the distant glories we cannot name
Demanding a sense of purpose we cannot claim
Where time has no meaning, our reason does not apply
Only the word of Creator can satisfy
Here we are in a world so far away
Floating home, through the void we roam
And drift astray (and still we pray)
We hang suspended, we rise and then we fall
Just one of an endless array, this terrestrial ball
But for one brief moment, this earth was the center stage
For just on moment, the jewel of the age
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Away, we drift away…
Please bring us home
Lyrics from this site:
The expanses beckon
The mystery still remain
Are we living all alone
In this vast domain?
We search, we wonder
We listen, and we peer
The more we define the distance
The more we fear
The lights of the distant glories
We cannot name
Demanding a sense of purpose
We cannot claim
When time has no meaning
Our reason does not apply
Only the word of Creator can satisfy!
Here we are in a world so far away
Floating home
Through the void we roam
And drift astray
We hang suspended
We rise and then we fall
Just one of an endless array
This terrestrial ball
And for one brief moment
This earth was the center stage
For just one moment
The Diamond of the age
Here we are in a world so far away
Floating home
Through the void we roam
And drift astray
Solo : Livgren
Here we are in a world so far away
Floating home
Through the void we roam
And still
Oh still we pray..
And still we pray, as we drift away..
Please bring us home
We drift away
Please bring us home…
This version of lyrics from the youtube site below
This comment info is also from the above link:
Rob Pfeiffer4 years ago
Amazing vocalist. Anyone know who he is and if he has any other material out there?
4 years ago
Hi Rob! The lead vocalist on this song is Darren Rogers. I don’t know much about him other than a credit on the CD. His voice is great!
Anthony Amman3 years ago
Lead guitarist from the original band known as Kansas.
Gurgis Jones1 year ago (edited)
Wish the vocals weren’t so plain and bland. Livgren’s music demands more richness and originality in the singing department.
rileycpo8 months ago (edited)
Guess you would have to know Kerry’s journey and what this song is referring too. I think this whole album was spot on, in every way. From Proto-Kaw, to Kansas, AD and then this album.
Please bring us home…
This version has some impacting visuals too
“Strap yourself in for a mesmerizing, light-speed voyage to the far frontiers of human imagination with this breath-taking computer-generated flight of fancy. Powered by a soaring original score from KERRY LIVGREN, founder and former guitarist of legendary rock group Kansas, this mind-bending volume offers the ultimate in state-of-the-art computer imagery from the worlds’s leading digital visionaries…”
Great post Bakocarl!
Personally, I do not buy having hope leads to complacency. I think the vast majority of people can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Just like the hope that Q brought to millions around the world—I do not believe President Trump would have received as many votes as he did and as many people awake as they are—without the Q movement.
I am one of those that lean towards something happening in the background…but it does not mean that I do not prepare for the worst.
I see an increasing flow of positive signs from Scavino, Grenell, Pompeo, Lindell and even Trump that seem to me to be too many coincidences—of course, I could be wrong and should act accordingly. I think the Q posts make ever more sense as time passes.
I recommend all of the episodes from last weeks X22 Report for excellent work at connecting dots that seem to me to be rational. Again, we are human and have to be aware of confirmation bias—just remember that sword cuts both ways.
One person’s false hope—is another person’s false despair.
I do not need to live fear and despair in order to be motivated into action. On the other hand, those who have lost all hope may see no use in acting at all.
Well said, JW!
😊 👍
Thank you Wheatie! This has been building in me for some time…reading…observing. I wanted to say much more…but thought sometimes the point gets lost in too many words.
Many of us came here from OT to escape what seems to be happening here.
There’s so much to be said about all of it, and the first is that the movement is being splintered apart – divided – by forces pushing fear, despair, impatience, and lack of faith.
We divide, the other side laughs. That’s what they want, and many are falling into the trap.
The other thing…IDK how appreciated it is that this is a spiritual battle. I listened to an hour of one of the more prominent exorcists in the country talk, and we’re being attacked on all sides. He said cleaning up behind freemasonry, and charismatic stuff is just as bad as cleaning up occult infestations. Just because something sounds good doesn’t mean it is.
Really interesting stuff, and it just seems like the demonic is prowling around looking to create wedges among us.
Precisely why I left. The voices of those “pushing fear, despair, impatience, and lack of faith” were not shown the door here, as they should have been. It’s not yet April, and this place is already 1/2 of what it once was. It’s a damn shame, too, because it didn’t have to happen. Will be interesting to see if the proprietor finally comes to his senses. Wolf is a good man, and we all make mistakes, but this one is glaring and will only get worse with the passage of time and no course correction. Of course, I could be wrong in this instance, but I doubt that. It’s a glaring disparity…severely limiting who is allowed to post here, but once “in” one can say whatever one wants.
Time will tell if this is sustainable without change. Relatedly, it’s become rather apparent that the GOP will have to clean out it’s ranks before it can effectively counter the left. One wonders when that lesson will be embraced in this microcosm, if at all.
As ever, all my best to you, Wolf too, of course, and a few others. They know who they are.
Nice to see you stop in…
Good to see you.
Thanks for stopping by, Miss you.
Your comments from weeks ago have been often in my thoughts…in fact, even as I wrote the post above. I hope you reconsider…I for one miss reading your point of view.
Admittedly, I have been on the roller-coaster…at times playing my best Eeyore. But, I realized what you were saying, and think that you were/are right.
Honestly, I think some people may have been offended by the way you expressed yourself. But…shit happens.
Again, I hope to read more from you…if not, take care of yourself…stay healthy…stay safe!
AZ event at which Presler spoke. Inspirational and highly motivational speakers.
short after video talking about getting involved in many ways
The whole point of gov By THE People means we the people Have to get involved and be part of our politics in person
full event
Love the grassroots. speaker at 4:30 focuses on “Stop Talking and Start Walking”
admits he had not attended political meetings, hadn’t joined political groups, didn’t know what was going on outside of the news
SO proud of so many grassroots efforts in states across our great nation
We see this in AZ, the Virginia Project, and many others
movitating but also very informative down to the nitty gritty
learning so much and yet funny
why Christians seem to be so conservative – way beyond social issues
even wihtout social issues, freedoms such as 1a, 2a, accurate US history, stopping PC language, etc. seems to be many Christians on these issues and on the right
wonder why?
H and son are at church
supposed to be watching church but got started in this … shh don’t tell hahaha
Possibly more fundamental even than that: What is your fundamental view of human nature?
Thomas Sowell did a series back in the 80s or maybe 90s, starting with a book called “A conflict of visions.” He starts out with the question of why the same people always end up together on the same side of issues you wouldn’t think are all that related, e.g. economics and RKBA. He analyzes it as the consequence of differences between a “constrained” view of human nature and an “unconstrained” view of human nature.
The “constraint”ists (I think I just made that word up) believe that human nature is fundamentally unalterable so we should accommodate it, the “unconstrained”ists think we can change upbringing and nurture and fundamentally change what we are.
I’ll leave it to those reading this to map one to conservative and the other to leftist, or vice versa. Since it so happens Christianity (as understood by anyone who delves fairly deeply into it) fits into one of these camps, clearly one side is going to be Christian. However, not only Christians fit into that camp, which is why you have to deal with the occasional non-Christian oddball like me.
We weren’t Christian until 30ish and probably still differ from traditional, life long Christians in various ways.
Many GOP not Christians but majority are. And majority of Christians seem to be GOP.
Often simply put to social isues and yet it goes much deeper in world view and human nature as you discuss. very good
If you can find copies of those books they’re worth a read.
…however, Libertarians do break the paradigm.
hard work is key and that comes in a variety of ways
love that he talks about consultants … BEWARE and be extremely cautious
love that he talks about local, regional and state
love that he talks about unified social media
LOVE that he talks about watchdogging legislative committees —>>> so key
understand the stated mission/vision/purpose of the RNC, State GOPs, County GOPs, auxilary and issue based orgs and grassroot groups and expect them to perform within those statements/goals. Understand the differences and where they overlap.
Letters, phone calls, knocking on doors, events, meetings, watching meetings from home and publishing notes/info/calls to actions from watch those committee/gop/other group meetings for all who don’t have time to attend/watch the meetings. Just a few ways to help and make an impact
I think we may be playing right into the globalist elite hands. I think many of us have all but given up—I have seen several comments saying just that.
I think the Plandemic shutdown is fulfilling one of its DESIGNED purposes. Keep us indoors, no social contact—DEPRESS US! Which I believe exacerbates the feeling of hopelessness.
Just as some people may claim false hope leads to complacency—I would argue that false despair leads to giving up<<<EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT!
Personally, I have been on an emotional roller-coaster since the election. I have noticed that some simple changes in nutrition and some little tricks have helped to keep me more balanced in recent weeks.
I have cut out practically all sugars and simple carbs while supplementing Vitamin D3. Magnesium and melatonin for a deeper sleep. Also invested in a Peloton bike to fill in for the gym.
I feel a thousand times better and definitely more emotionally stable.
Self awareness critical to our coming out on top.
I have found that I absolutely, positively HAVE TO walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, even if it is on a treadmill, to keep myself sane. Today, the sun is out, or it was, and you can just feel the weight lift.
Of course, when I left Church this morning, for some reason, I had this peace. I can’t explain it. It was just like when I have a good Holy Hour and leave Adoration. Something good came of it.
As soon as I am outside, I begin to feel the difference.
I would love to see future studies on how hormones, libido, fertility are influenced by the shutdown—I will bet not positively.
Bill Binney is right on the money. In the end—it is all about population control and they are attacking it from many different angles.
I finally realized I wasn’t laughing enough. Seriously.
So I have gone in search of the funniest stuff I can find, every day. The Biden on the stairs day was one of the best I have had in a long time.
I have also been practicing my gratitude more, which has helped immensely. Remembering how much I have in comparison to say, your average Chinese person, makes for a better outlook.
I’m glad you found some ways through to a brighter day.
Thank you Gab.
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Nice! Good for another laugh!
I laugh out loud just reading here every night. 🤓
Speaking of brighter day…I even added artificial sunlight and have it on when reading or on the laptop and other activities. Some people call them ‘happy lamps’. They work for me…especially here in Germany when the sun can disappear behind the clouds for weeks at a time.
This is Ruby Freeman’s confession from Byrne’s book. No words.
Link asks if you want to open in telegram. Just click “cancel”.
🙄 So you think a person with the CV of Patrick Byrne is that lax in his research. OK then.
A) I think Linn Wood retracting his tweet regarding this “info” and saying it was unverified and then that it was untrue ought to be a sign that maybe it isn’t trustworthy.
Click the links, read the info, follow the info and learn that Wood himself retracted this story.
Parody Account:
So, sure, I trust Byrne …. but I still verify and, as shown in this case, rightly so.
When did Lin Wood tweet anything about this? His account is suspended.
I follow him on telegram daily, and have seen nothing about Byrne or Ruby Freeman.
Oh now I see, there’s an image at the “parody” account. OK then.
Read the links that I provided above. Lin Wood and links to his archived twitter were in the links I provided
I saw an image of the tweet you’re referencing at the parody account instagram. Next to the confession image.
And you know what, if it isn’t too personal – your tone is quite strident and bossy. It’s never worked with anyone in the months I’ve been reading you. You aren’t in charge here, so lose the directives.
You asked for the links so I said you could read the links provided. Read them or not. I don’t have time to post each link requested. They are in the articles I already linked.
Gingersmom seems to not be able to let it go. May God bless you and bring you healing and peace in the storm.
Oh me, I’m just the poor soul now am I? Good grief. I have no problem letting anything go. And I will continue to stand up for myself as I myself deem necessary.
The real truth is none of us really knows what the truth is, with any of this. It’s all speculation – and we’re just sitting in limbo. Watching and waiting, and living our lives.
I am grateful for everyone that is part of this discussion. That includes you.
B) Yet again, why make your replies personal and about me?
No need.
I simply posted links for other readers scrolling through to gain more info and to counter possible/probable fake news. I said nothing to you or about – didn’t make it personal at all.
C) You snip at me for helping correct fake news instead of saying “oops” and thank you or, just as fine with me, say nothing …. and yet Linn Wood retracted his tweets of the above when they were proven fake news.
I rarely post anything with a specific person in mind. Saw the post and, with no care at all as to who posted it, checked the info before I shared it. Saw it was fake news and so posted links so others would not waste their time verifying or, worse, further share fake news. My fact check and post were not about you. No need to take them personal or get upset or cause strife.
It’s not ABOUT you, it’s a REPLY to you. I also commented on some of the wording in the article, and said that according to the article theqtree would be a right-wing fringe forum. No more, no less. I generally give fact-checking sites the side eye.
What I get from your reply (s) is either agree with you, or it’s personal. Good to know for future reference.
Nope. You literally made your reply to me personal.
You posted: “So you think … ”
Commenting directly on what I specifically think when criticizing the source I post is making it personal.
Your full post: “So you think a person with the CV of Patrick Byrne is that lax in his research. OK then.”
That is making a personal comment to me. And NO you did NOT on the article in that post. Please stick with facts.
You criticized me/my thinking directly and no comments on the site, the links, etc.
making things personal is unnecessary and unproductive.
When a fact-checking site has to use this sort of language in trying to present an opinion . . . “the usual far-right fringe forums” . . . I suspect an agenda. You’re posting on what they would refer to as a far-right fringe forum.
Oh, heck – we’re an extremist insurrectionist terrorist off-the-right-edge-of-the-flat-earth forum! 😉
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Yes, they have an agenda. It’s a beautiful cover up.
You’re right.
MAGA Mom is right.
I’m right.
See my analysis above/below/wherever.
We need to start believing in ourselves, because together we’re cracking stuff that treasonous FIB can’t even touch, because they’re LOSERS hypnotized by China’s racial bullshit.
Byrne is moving a bit too fast, or maybe not. See? We got the jump on Ruby and Phony FIB by him posting that.
Feel smart today. WE ARE.
I am with you on that, we’ve been complacent/conditioned to think we can’t do anything by ourselves. Wait for the shinning night to appear. Isn’t that what we just did with PDJT’s arrival in 2016?
Cat’s out of the bag now and DS is nervous and pissed.
Gonna give you my scoop on this – AND logic.
This is the woman with the suitcases full of ballots. Trust me – there is no way that she confessed any of that to anybody. That “confession” is what I call a “Snopes feed” – it’s bullshit that was written to go to Snopes for a strawman denial and help this woman cover up. If she was ever interviewed by LE, she was likely cool as a cucumber, didn’t talk, NEVER talked about their plan, etc. Pure criminal – like a pro.
Part of this feeds on people’s assumptions that black people are stupid. No – this woman is surely very smart, and Zuckerberg helped make sure that she was identified, TRAINED both over the table and under the table, and ready to deal with any law enforcement who might interview her. Any trouble, pull out the race card. LE had ZERO CHANCE to bag this woman.
The confession is likely very close to the truth, in many ways, but it’s FAKE. The fact checkers are then able to go in and deny it all. They’re really denying the confession, but what they do is play stupid (liberals pretending not to know things) and deny the crime, too. It’s a brilliant strategy, and THAT is what we are up against.
The Wolf Moon FBI would force agents to go after ANY “B”lack suspects who dared to use the race card on anything doubly hard, “B”ecause it means they’re hiding things.
But no – Wray is playing the Mamet game as well – pretend not to know that his agents were failing on any investigations because they believe crap from cool-as-a-cucumber “B”lack suspects.
IMO, this woman is guilty as hell, and part of the tell is that they whipped up this shit to protect her.
Now – Byrne. He’s human – he makes mistakes – and I’m not even sure that’s really his telegram, or if it’s run by somebody else working for him. Doesn’t matter. All I know is that I got about halfway through that confession and knew it was crap. Suitcase woman was cool, cool, cool. They had lies cooked up – they had “w”hite chumps ready to believe.
It’s all crap. Nobody in FIB holds TRUTH higher than RACE.
I have a feeling Byrne is either being used or is spreading disinformation as part of a plea deal to get him out of accessory to treason that he committed with Hillary Clinton.
Could be. See also my response to gingersmom. I fully believe that we have essentially cracked this little crime and cover up, and we’re shaming FIB in the process, which is awesome.
None of that would have happened if Byrne didn’t post that fake confession and make us look at it again.
Future proves past.
In fact, we should see this disinfo pattern everywhere, AND it’s gonna have some useful metrics attached to it.
They’re PRIMING SNOPES & CO. with admissions that grab all the valid accusations – mix them with bullshit – and then the Snopes-ish orgs deny them.
There should be patterns out the wazoo on this stuff.
Which fact-checkers are Fibbies using? Who in FIB recommended them?
LOL. I’ll bet FIB could spend a year just cleaning house on cool-as-a-cucumber cover-up assets.
So he somehow “infiltrated” the Trump inner circle, and was permitted access to POTUS, immediately after the election as part of a plea deal? He’s a puppet being used to spread dis-info as part of a plea deal? And Trump wouldn’t know of this, or at least his name in relation to HRC?
Byrne as an anti-Trump asset seems extremely unlikely to me, even under duress. His revelations have been core to my quantum leaps in understanding of the FBI.
No one is infallible. And not every tweet or post or statement or every event is a perfect fit to a script like in a controlled movie or book. Sometimes stuff just happens. Maybe he just saw it and repeated it without double checking first and its just that simple.
Did you see the Facebook video she filmed walking through the back rooms in the convention center with all the ballots? She’s narrating that she’s not supposed to be filming, so has to be down low etc. And this was either on Election Day, or night, or the day before. My point is it’s right around the date, demonstrating the typical lack of impulse control. Immediacy being paramount. And yet the fact checking site says the fake instagram account in question was created mid-December, and the instagram post says something like “what my daughter and I did today”.
Byrne may make mistakes, I’ve seen typos in the book and have barely read half of it. But this seems too crucial and too public a piece of info to be careless with. Just my take.
I’d like to see the videos. If you find them, please post.
I just found the video (it’s like 11 minutes long) I had seen, of her filming herself at work – whispering about boxes of ballots and being handed trays full of absentee ballots to process that lack return addresses. This was NOT from election night, it was late October.
The other videos I recall seeing are the ones with the suitcases, and she herself counting the same stack of ballots multiple times — the late night/early morning operation on 11/4.
That could be useful!
I saw that video, too. It’s real.
thanks 👍🏻
This is supposedly the same woman when she was volunteering prior to the election
This is supposedly her talking about working for her daughter during the election
The more well known videos of election night are here:
Those videos are well known and legit …. although the left has tried to explain them away.
This goes to Wolf’s theory (and I agree) that we often see misinfo sent into distract from real info and Very often it is misinfo that sets the bar much higher with more exciting or even titalating info.
Her supposedly blatant confession v. the videos that we must investigate and confirm would be a great example.
Another example would be claims that President Trump was going to release some “BIG” election Proof on 1/6/2021 (and other dates) that would be one big story of one big method of catching the steal rather than sum up all of the multiple examples that were already known to those following the news (real news, that is).
Building false expecations that make the real revelations seem smaller than they really were in comparison to the false.
Same with this woman in GA – the videos are extremely concerning and yet this post gets the milage and creates plausible “proof” on factchecking sites of conservative fake news about her.
Yep, Wolf Moon, I think you are really on to something there!
This is her instagram video at work.
Sounds like the same voice as the other one, too. So she has TWO daughters there!
Crap! They’re using ChiCom LENOVO systems!!!
Don’t worry, they’re running software by Microsoft.
Kinda interesting how she sends out all that information on where the absentee ballots are.
UK photo from yesterdays demonstrations.
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Invincible – “Moving From Discouragement To Hope” | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas
Wow! Never saw this coming!
Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup
The Soros-owned foundation’s assets were seized and arrest warrants were filed for 11 of its employees.
I don’t have a problem enlisting the rest of the world to rid the planet of that monster one way or another.
Soros’ ASS just got BURMA SHAVED and suddenly the world is a better place.
This comes w/ the added bonus of being in chynese!
How does the mayor of a city of 30000 register 1 million voters?
And, of course, Alexander Soros is the son of George Soros. Tells you all you need to know about how this game will be played.
is that the one married to Pelosi’s relation?
Ah! The Berkeley ANTIFA-MASTER!
north carolina readers – esp. if in Wake County
Make a grassroots difference. MAGA conservatives are working hard to make a difference – help them!
Info on 1 candidate:
Fishers of Men – 20210320
Peace Be Still – 20210321
Exciting news!
“Miller, “…I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here with his own platform. And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media. It’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does, but it will be his own platform.
…Well, I can’t go much further than what I was able to just share, but I can say that it will be big once he starts. There have been a lot of high powered meetings he’s been having at Mar-a-Lago with some teams of folks who’ve been coming in. And I gotta tell you there have been, it’s just not one company that’s approached the President, there have been numerous companies. But I think the President does know what direction that he wants to head here. And this new platform is going to be big and everyone wants him. He’s gonna bring millions and millions, tens of millions of people to this new platform.”
Good. Needed!
Let me just add that there is a huge risk here – if the platform “goes woke” or even is “left-pushed” into the perception that it’s hypocritical on free speech, then watch out. I know where they’re aiming for, but it’s a small bulls-eye, and PERCEPTIONS are easily dragged to diminish Trump’s base. One wokie in moderation can destroy it all.
Just like with Gab, the new site will get bombarded with trolls posting vile racist, anti-semitic and pro-nazi stuff.
Probably some porn and bondage stuff too…you name it.
All to see the new site’s stance on Free Speech.
Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem with that sort of stuff getting deleted.
Leftists can still post their views without the contemptable rhetoric.
Could also be a bone thrown to the MAGA crowd, disinformation, or something else in the fog of war.
Not that it wouldn’t be fun to have.
Hopefully Patriots got ‘woke’ about the kinds of things that Pelosi’s potemkin village people can and will seize for star chamber trials.
IOW..don’t say stupid stuff even on a Trump backed site
From gab, I’ll wait till theres an announcement.
How does facial recognition software handle something like this?
Social media trolling at its best. HA!
From Gab:
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“Journalist and television writer Gerhard Wisnewski reports Germany’s left-wing government’s deliberate capricious lockdown measures are modeled after China’s torture methods. As Wisnewski explains, the goal of these methods are to destroy people psychologically. Once mentally broken, the government can more fully control its citizenry.
“These methods of psychological torture have long been deployed by China to control its political prisoners and prisoners of war. Now these very same torture methods have been deployed in Germany to leave the public in a constant state of confusion and susceptible to complete control.”
[video at site]
Excerpts from translation:
Keeping people in constant confusion and plunging them into uncertainty. Completely leaving people in the lurch and totally destroying lifestyles. None of us can plan anything anymore or lead our normal lifestyle.
I have found a significant amount of information about these methods, and interestingly enough, they were developed in China.
[American] … prisoners of war from Korea… were questioned by Chinese…. [P]ermanently harassed with contradictory measures. They could never be sure if they were doing everything right or not.
There was even an easing of measures, which is also a part of the game. This is to ensure that no one gets used to these measures, and that the method remains effective. To avoid desensitization. After that, the reins are tightened once again.
What Söder or Merkel or people like them are doing, it isn’t a coincidence. On the contrary, they are trying to destroy people psychologically, in my opinion.
Like this.
It must be good for us, or the hatwhites would never have let them do it for 15 months straight.
I feel better just knowing the hatwhites are watching out for us like that 👍
“They learned that if you bombard human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message.”
First, anyone — and I do mean anyone, including MSM talking heads — caught doing this to anybody should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
Second, it says ‘most’, so some percentage were less susceptible, and presumably, an even smaller percentage were more or less immune.
The less susceptible and the basically immune must necessarily have become the focus of intense research.
And clearly they haven’t figured it out yet, more than half a century later.
What would be helpful to understand is why ‘most’ people are relatively easily brainwashed.
If that was taught, then people could learn to recognize it, and become more resistant to it.
Public Education.
Mask compliance is exhibit one that this works.
forgot the link:
Same methods were used during Mao Zedong’s “Cultural Revolution”, particularly on prisoners who were previously educated in, and/or had held jobs in, the West. They were singled out, in part, because Mao believed they were “soft” (weak in body, mind, and spirit).
It’s about time for me to re-read my copy of “Life and Death in Shanghai”, by Nien Cheng, a Western-educated Chinese. She was held in one of Mao’s prisons for over 5 years.
Two or three months is a lifetime in politics.
Gab is already better than anything else out there.
Waiting with open arms.
But apparently DJT’s people are afraid of a platform owned and run by an unapologetic Christian.
So they’re going to reinvent the wheel, in a competitive marketplace which already has a suitable vehicle.
And thanks to nothing at all being done about Big-Tech monopoly and subversion over the past four years — literally nothing — I’m sure they’re looking forward to sabotaging DJT’s new startup social media platform.
I wish him all the luck in the world, I just wish anything he did made sense.
I know, I know, he’s a 95th degree Jedi master playing triple double-D chess in an underwater wind tunnel at hyper-velocity speeds.
march 21, 2021 the marshall report
When I watched this video my thoughts went to where we are as a nation of people. God’s people are coming together in a sort of human chain to grab on to each other to build faith. For each of the men in the video had to have faith that they would succeed in order to first begin. Once they began, God sent another, and another, until the amount of people to achieve the task had gathered.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
I can see that duchess, we all have to have some degree of faith. If not we’ll just walk around with our heads hung low. Brow beaten and in despair. No I am not going to live like that. I believe in truth, I may see it in this world or may not, but surely in the next.
LOL, so true!
Can you believe what all the other leaders are saying???
They are laughing – and the joke is on us, Brave!!!
Asking for some help clearing this up for me.
If the vaccines are still in the trial phase, does this mean a percentage of the vaccines are placebos? This has been posted here a few times.
If there are placebos, then what’s the point of vaccine passports and people needing proof they were vaccinated?
And if people received a placebo, they aren’t protected. Why are they allowed to do things that unvaccinated people can’t do. An Upstate NY restaurant served dinner to vaccinated-only diners. Colleges are talking about segregating students by vaccine status.
There are a whole lot of people out there doing the happy dance, because they think they are protected from the virus. Maybe they are, but maybe they aren’t. Am I missing something?
Yes, you’re missing something. The train of bullshit propaganda intended to brainwash you into believing that an experiment is equal to a vaccine. There’s a very good reason why they keep calling something a vaccine when it cannot be a vaccine.
They want you to believe that lie is the truth.
Yes, I get all that. What I am trying to figure out is if some of the jabs are placebos as you have claimed. I don’t know how a trial is conducted. Hoping Wolf sees this. Maybe he can answer that.
OK. Let’s start with this point. If we assume that the companies are completely lying about anything they want to lie about, then anything is possible. They could be shipping saline, and if they get caught, then “whoops” – sorry about that.
I have no idea if we are subjecting the vaccines to external quality control that would prevent such chicanery – or the opposite, like the adulteration of lots of vaccine with things like test sterilization vaccines, contraceptives, etc.
So in that case, anything is possible, but we have no proof.
I’m eliminating those possibilities from what follows, which is assumption that, for the most part, people down low in the food chain are telling the truth about what they know. Nobody is lying deeply about deep tricks – the “public science” is what the public scientists think it is.
In that case, then NO, the Phase 3 trials are over, and these are no longer trials, BUT long-term trials have not been done, and the industry is being “excused” by the use of Emergency Use Authorizations, to put the PRODUCT out to market.
The product is vaccine. People are getting what is alleged – unless the companies are LYING about what is in the EUA product.
Here is what Pfizer and the CDC and FDA are saying:
Ok, this I understand. Thank you Wolf!
NOT placebos.
I think there only protected from the vaccination police…….. Doesn’t protect you, only will lessen symptoms??? From what I am understanding.
they aren’t in the trial phase and no one is being given placebos as part of a vaccine trial
unless it is for higher ups that don’t actually want a vaccine but are on camera getting one?
Side note:
I have been leary of vaccinations for longer than my husband and even prior to meeting him.
H had a background in science undergrad and was in med school + phd when I met, dated and married him. Then he worked in pharma. He was Not a vaccine skeptic!
Then son came along and I asked him for help on sorting out vaccine info. I didn’t really need “help” … I knew what I thought. But I needed him to “help” me so that he would dig into the research and actually think about it.
First red flags for him were:
-after decades still no trustworthy longitudinal studies
-vaccines go through a very different and much abreviated process in comparison to drugs/medicines
-sometimes no new testing is required when ony an ingredient or even two are changed … and yet the interactions of the new ingredients could well change the results!
Or, if they need better numbers for “non event” shots, they could (unethically) seed a number of placebo shots into every batch. Just as they could use special shots to remove from action certain targets of interest. But that’s just my view after seeing how low these thugs will go.
Here’s is my uninformed view.
IF one is in the CONTROL GROUP of folks Moderna, Phizer and J&J ARE TESTING their vaccine on, they may get the real vaccine or placebo.
IF one goes to get the vaccine because their state is now allowing whatever group, or even everybody (some states do this), then they are GETTING THE REAL VACCINE. NO placebos in this group.
^^^ That’s my take. If I am out to lunch someone will certainly calibrate my post.
Seems that there is another motive that has nothing to do with health.
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Glorious Video — Freedom Protests All Over The World…
Posted by Kane on March 21, 2021 1:33 pm
LIVE: Londoners join worldwide anti-lockdown protests
Daily Mail has photos and videos from everywhere
They’re not wearing their masks!!! ARGHHHHHHHHH!
Sure they are. There wearing their happy face masks. If they weren’t you’d seem them in their true “I wanna kick some WEF & CCP Arse” faces.
Daily Mail did not cover other protests as much, did they? Is that a good sign that they are covering this one? Tide turning on these issues?
Dunno, Mom – Did you click on the link?
And another view !!
Thanks, Chris!!! God Bless You!!!
So happy to be out! Spring! Time to speak and be heard.
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that was too fun not to share 😉
Trump Video – Power of Scriptures – Interview with Mike Lindell
I posted the announcement here!
So there!
When the Biden/Harris Admin is being fact checked by Todd and by other Dems in Congress they are REALLY in trouble!
Mayorkas is an astounding putz. I can barely listen to what he spews.
Not sure how to extract the rumble vid from the GWP story, but Maria B. talks with both Kevin McCarthy and Steven Miller both strongly countering the Biden DHS clown above.
Then there is this:
And a bonus post though news of it may have been already covered, can’t hurt to reshare good news. (usually this kind of story works in the dems favor. It may be the first time it worked in our favor.)
Note: Would of posted that as a separate post but heard someone might be upset if our posts rise above 200, so in interests of keeping the posting numbers down…. 😉
With OH having an overwhelming GOP majority in both the House and the Senate I would like to assume this Dem backed bill has no chance of passing?
I saw the above on other treehouse but also have been following election bills, esp. in GOP controlled states, here:
Follow TN’s bills here:
MAGA Mom – please tell your GOP contacts that this Ohio bill must not pass, because these ballot drop boxes are how the Dems gamed the vote in OH in 2020. I WATCHED and saw how they did it with my ballot and my wife’s ballot. It’s very slick.
First of all, there WAS cheating in Ohio – to hide the level of Trump’s win, and make Pennsylvania look more believable. Ohio should have gone massively bigger for Trump – not just “the same lead”. A perfect example of “lose the battle, win the war”. I don’t want to get into that right now. But do notice how this typical commie pincer move catches DeWine, Hustead and LaRose in a dilemma. If they complain about fraud, it’s on their watch. If they let it go, the Dems win what they wanted – a Pennsylvania getaway. Dems count on the OHGOP to suffer in silence.
The Dems used STAGE MAGIC (CIA craft) and crooked poll workers to pull it off.
We had a drive-up ballot drop box at our board of elections / early voting polling place. It’s a rather large and impressive metal box, bolted down into concrete, a bit like a giant mailbox, only fancier, more shiny metal, and looking more “secure” – like a giant UPS drop-box which could probably withstand a nuclear strike.
A big rectangular metal “cube” with a long slot in the front near the top.
The problem is, YOU do not get to put your ballot into the box. Because of….
…..there are the following things which aid the theater / magic show…..
You can already see that it’s trouble.
Here is how the scam works, as I observed it.
I do NOT trust this system. I am very certain that these gals were swapping ballots.
Internet – do your thing!
They use so MANY CHEATS.
I think my ballot was stolen via the “wrong marker” trick.
Ep. 2432a – Do Understand What Is Happening With The Economy, People Must Be Shown
X22 Report Published March 21, 2021
Ep. 2432b – March Madness, Public Will Know Soon, When Does A Bird Sing?
X22 Report Published March 21, 2021
Dave shows the rallies around the world against the lockdowns and masks!!!
Does he finally tell us when a bird sings?
It has become like the riddle of the Sphinx… 😂🤣😂
Some say – Birds sing in the Spring – Others say Birds sing when they are caged (?) – it just may be birds sing when they are cornered – which has nothing to do with ‘birds’ – but, rather with being trapped with impending punishment.
The problems is, Scott, they are trying to take down a ‘system’ not a group of people or one institution – they are interweaved – invasion from within – has many tentacles – and it is a huge octopus, too!!!
Financial System – Political System – Human Trafficking – Drugs – Big Pharma – Media – Politicians in both parties – Election System – Government Agencies – Government System – Central Banking System – IRS – that’s a lot of systems to sort out, Scott, take out, and clean up.
Part of the fencing is coming down – the outer portion – when security measures are in place – the inner fencing will come down – AND – we could see some people removed – not sure.
All of this could take a year or years before it is complete – however, bit by bit – it has to be dismantled before we can say we have ‘Saved America’ and ‘Restored the Republic’ – there are many things happening all at once, Scott – however – this Octopus is HUGE – and its tentacles reach far and wide – worldwide, too.
This is a new low for the media, and that’s really saying something.
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Pure 100% psychological projection by the caller, direct-action gaslighting.
Fake News is the enemy to all – not just to the GOP.
Interesting survey that establishes that misinformation is literally dangerous and killing people + how extremely common it really is. Misinformation leads many overestimate the danger of wuflu and to underestimate the danger for those for whom it is most dangerous. Gov employees overreacting by keeping schools and business closed led some to think the danger was much greater than it was … and yet, sadly, underestimate the danger for 65+ yrs.
Example of misinformation – this aspect is over worry and creating extreme fear among many: “The U.S. public is also deeply misinformed about the severity of the virus for the average infected person. In December, we asked, “What percentage of people who have been infected by the coronavirus needed to be hospitalized?”
The correct answer is not precisely known, but it is highly likely to be between 1% and 5% according to the best available estimates, and it is unlikely to be much higher or lower. We discuss the data and logic behind this conclusion in the appendix.
Less than one in five U.S. adults (18%) give a correct answer of between 1 and 5%. Many adults (35%) say that at least half of infected people need hospitalization. If that were true, the millions of resulting patients would have overwhelmed hospitals throughout the pandemic.
Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to overestimate this harm. Forty-one percent of Democrats and 28% of Republicans answered that half or more of those infected by COVID-19 need to be hospitalized. Republicans were also far more likely to get the correct answer, with 26% correctly identifying the risk compared to just 10% of Democrats.”
Dangerous: while overestimating the death rate of those younger than 65 yrs of age, there is a dangerous underestimation of the death rate of those above 65 yrs of age. hysterical fear leading to surrendering rights due to fear based on overestimation of death rate for most and yet dangerous underestimation of the danger to the most vulnerable.
“When asked to estimate the share of deaths by age group, the average American dramatically overestimates the share of COVID-19 deaths from people aged 24 and younger, putting it around 8%, when in fact it was 0.1% through August and has remained close to that level since.
Meanwhile the elderly, those 65 and older, had accounted for 81% of deaths at the time of the survey (and 79% through November). Democrats were further off than Republicans and more likely to overstate the risks to young people, even after accounting for age, race, gender, geographic, and educational differences.
The fact that COVID-19 poses a much higher mortality risk to the old than the young was the most clear feature of the virus from very early on; it is remarkable that many Americans remain misinformed about this basic factor and continue to see it through a political lens.”
Original article:
From Robby Starbuck FB post:
“I’m shocked the New York Times covered this but they point out in a new piece this week that:
• The highest share of closed schools are in states run by Democrats
• Democrats exaggerate COVID hospitalization rates (and I mean exaggerate by a lot)
• Democrats think that COVID’s super deadly to people under 18 when people under 18 actually make up 0.04% of deaths
• Republicans were most likely to actually know the science and answer this question correctly (and they were more likely by a huge margin)
This is an indictment on the media, Democrats and Dr. Fauci. It’s not a coincidence that many Democrats who‘ve largely been fed a steady diet of fear porn about the virus are the most out of whack with reality in this poll. Why? Scared people are easy to control and that’s been the goal the entire time. That’s why they’ve been messaged to with that steady dose of fear porn by the media and the Democrat party. Again this reveals it’s Republicans who are most likely to know the science, proving again that the Democrat messaging about “believing the science” is BS. If their party leadership believed the science there wouldn’t be one school closed right now and lockdowns would never happen.”
He shared screen shots of the graphs and article.
Link to fb post:
(most fb pages are set so that people without a fb account can still view the pages. a popup will usuall occur that seems to block the view but it can be “X”ed out. still doesn’t give full screen but usually can view the pages without an account and without as much tracking)
BTW, Robby and his family are now living in Nashville TN area and he is planning to run for TN’s 5th Congressional District. Several GOP candidates have already declared and it will be very interesting to see who is left living in the 5th after redistricting. they have declared before the new lines have been drawn. One candidate is supported by Vernon Jones. Robby Starbuck is a great speaker and many related to him. His wife is Lovely (and tiny! I feel like jolly green giant next to her … or more like the pillsbury dough girl! ha). really look forward to redistricting and then the GOP primary for this race. Most important is to win the general election and unseat Cooper!
Some background with respect to what we are fighting – the Evil Empire
This is probably not far from the truth.
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When the Chinese massage parlor shooting psy-op doesn’t go as intended:
Local media here has been a weekend-long struggle session about hate against Asians. It’s making me wonder how many Asians voted for Trump in November. Trying to isolate them from whites and conservative politics? Trying to make it even more difficult to criticize China? The whole spectacle is bizarre to watch. If the Left gave one hoot about racism against Asians, then they would stop discriminating against them with affirmative action.
The left may have decided to help the ChiComs bait the anti-CCP Asians back to the left-fold using tax dollars. Thus, the left will push the narrative of “hate against Asians” to make them all a “prime victim category” eligible for MONEY.
CHINA WINS that way. Seems like CCP is simply moving forward.
This is pretty cool, methinks. ~1.36. Stick with it…:-)
They do just the same on the wharfs in SF. 😁
A neighborhood update..very weird ..I’ve mentioned before my hood is very colorful.. a Chinese family lives across the street. Man works research lab I believe. Mom, stay at home. 1 son and a grandma that lives with them.
For about the last 2 yrs of Trump’s presidency they all practically were invisible (except for granny who is about 45-50 maybe) She walks in circles and does endless stretching and since Wuhan virus she has NEVER appeared outside with out a mask, hat and plastic face shield .
The minute Biden stole the election the family began coming outside again..a lot. Bike riding, playing chase..whatever.
Now. today for the 1st time since last year, granny is maskless. No shield. No hat. Nada. LOL..wonder what the tripwire was ? A personal missive from China ?
Hahaha the whole thing must seem like drivel to everyone but watching them is entertaining.
No, I think you are noticing something interesting. They are fed a different sort of data stream and their actions tell us something about that.
That’s what I was wondering. I’m really not exaggerating about when they emerged back into view, right after the Biden steal
Absolutely they are fed news from back home. Most likely totally innocent.
Perhaps they were spooked over China always being called out for the bad actor’s China truly is. With Beijing Biden, the US is surrendering in so many ways. I suppose they feel safer. Maybe they just figured out the China virus is not the boogeyman. 😉
Hopefully they have Chinese friends to interact with.
On the personal side. 22 years in Navy. Filipina wife 42 years. Have lived in Japan six years. Philippines four years, with dozens of visits outside of living there. Lived in Singapore three years.
Have known Service members of all Services married to gals from Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Australia, and even Ghana.
Each of them that we got to know beyond casual, was certainly in contact with family back home. Since the Internet became so open and easy to instantly communicate, with no real cost, communications increased. It is a natural thing to do. We’d do the same in reversed roles. And did so, when living overseas.
My interest is these folks are apparently not assimilating in any meaningful way.
Yes it seems odd but I always thought maybe they planed on returning and didn’t want to get too assimilated with American ways ?
PS~ I love my Filipino friends, all of them so nice and have a great sense of humor. Any that I know also were big Trump fans
^^^ Interesting.
No idea where you are located. Not asking. Perhaps, break the ice, strike up a conversation. Whatever subject seems harmless, not intrusive, yet friendly. Odds are they are really nice folks.
Wonder how long the parents and granny have been in the US.
I’m in San Diego. The man is the only one that speaks English. Even the little boy speaks only Chinese or at least I think that’s so. He rarely plays with the other kids, closer to never.
They’ve lived there about 6 yrs, the grandma seems to go back home every 6 mo or so
We’re on friendly waves and nods terms!
Well, in addition to interesting, odd as hell. If they are not assimilating, Warning Will Robinson, on the Federal level. That would assume we have a FIB that gives a damn. Yea I’ve made a leap without facts. “Research” could be quite the can of worms.
If the dad is ever out, would be worth friendly waves. At an opportune time, maybe strike up a conversation.
Not there, so hard to figure. Looking forward to whatever may come of this.
lol.. he’s pretty nice but not chatty at all. Gran wants to chat but with the language barrier it’s usually smiles and gestures.
Next time the husband is around, ask him what sort of Chinese food they eat — Mandarin, Cantonese, Hunan, Sichuan, etc. Then you can discuss cooking.
maybe, lol…have to figure that in quickly since he’s not talkative!….nah. I’ll stick to weaving oddball theories about them!
Aren’t there a lot of universities and research companies in your area? Seems like an area where there might be a greater concentration of Intellectual Chinese types along with their families.
Yes and yes. There was a Chinese only school nearby but not there now
Very well done.
Found at which has other interesting articles.
It’s been a beautiful and maybe even glorious day after a more difficult and dark night for me.
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Spiritual warfare is challenging.
When you wake hearing yourself shout “satan SHALL fall!” … you kinda know it.
Apologies if this was already posted.
Michael Scheur article on Us/UN/china and Afghanistan
NNYGrandma @NNYGrandma
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Rural Life