His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1746.90
Silver $26.33
Platinum $1198.00
Palladium $2688.00
Rhodium $29,000.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1734.30
Silver $25.13
Platinum $1192.00
Palladium $2748.00
Rhodium $25,000.00
Gold and platinum are fairly stable, silver took a fairly big hit, Palladium took a healthy jump, and rhodium seems to have dropped 4000 bucks, however, it did so a couple of weeks before and bounced right back up again. I think rhodium has found a range, a wide one…for now.
Osmium. This One Can Kill You.
Someone last week made snarky comments about writing about precious metals, so I figured I’d respond the only way I could: by continuing to do so. In fact, I was thinking about combining osmium and iridium, and now I know I shouldn’t!
Osmium is one of the Platinum Group Metals. In fact, it’s the one directly “below” last week’s metal, ruthenium, in the periodic table.
It’s famous for one thing. It is the densest stable element, bar none. In other words, it’s the most efficient paperweight. It packs more weight into a smaller volume than anything else, bar none…well, at least until you start spooning up pieces of white dwarf or neutron stars. It comes in at 22.59 grams per cubic centimeter–just a shade more than iridium, which we’ll get to in due course.
It also tends to have a slight bluish cast, not unlike zinc (which is neither dense nor valuable). And it’s very hard (Mohs 7.0) and almost completely incompressible.
Provided, of course, that you can get it in bulk. It generally is marketed as a finely-divided powder, and even if you buy melted beads, the beads will often have voids on the inside, because of the same issues that arise when melting any of the refractory metals. That will make the beads lighter than one might expect.
The melting point is a whopping 3306 K, 5491 F, with rhenium and tungsten the only metals with higher melting points. That’s difficult to attain, even in a black car with black interior parked in Phoenix.
Osmium and iridium both were discovered in 1803 as part of the investigation of platinum by Wollaston and Tennant in England. Smithson Tennant gets the credit for osmium and iridium, while Wollaston gets the credit for rhodium and palladium. Tennant found osmium and irididum by studying the black residue left over after dissolving what they thought was pure platinum in aqua regia.
Aqua regia (royal water) is actually a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids; unlike other acids, gold will be attacked by aqua regia, and so will platinum. But even after dissolving the platinum, there was this black residue, which (after a lot of trial and error with various chemical reactions) proved to contain two new metals, osmium and iridium.
Osmium proved to have an oxide, OsO4,. And that’s where the “kill” comes from. Osmium tetroxide is a solid that readily sublimates, turning directly to vapor like dry ice, and it stinks. Hence the name osmium, from osme, “a smell.” Worse: osmium tetroxide is poisonous, and if it doesn’t kill you, it’s liable to damage your eyes.
And if you open a container of powdered osmium, it can catch fire spontaneously, reacting with the air to form osmium tetroxide. This makes it difficult to machine…imagine lathe turnings catching fire and killing or blinding the lathe operator.
Quoting from wikipedia regarding osmium tetroxide:
OsO4 is highly poisonous. In particular, inhalation at concentrations well below those at which a smell can be perceived can lead to pulmonary edema and subsequent death. Noticeable symptoms can take hours to appear after exposure.
OsO4 will irreversibly stain the human cornea, which can lead to blindness. The permissible exposure limit for osmium(VIII) oxide (8 hour time-weighted average) is 2 µg/m3.[7] Osmium(VIII) oxide can penetrate plastics and food packaging, and therefore must be stored in glass under refrigeration.[14]“
Based on this…you can die from it even if you can’t smell it.
When the Russians made that platinum coinage I talked about a few weeks ago, part of their purification process involved dealing with the osmium they were extracting from the raw platinum in a way that was safe; fairly sophisticated stuff for the early-mid 1800s.
There is good news: even though the powder can kill you, osmium is completely safe (and practically impervious to anything) in bulk form. (It might start to form osmium tetroxide if heated to 400 C.)
Depending on who you ask, osmium is the least common stable element in the earth’s crust…averaging fifty parts per trillion by mass (weight).
Osmium is found with platinum, but also turns up as a by product of copper and nickel mining. Perhaps that is why its price hasn’t gone bananas like some of the other PGMs, whose production depends on platinum mining.
It’s mainly used in alloys, to harden them (rather than as a catalyst). Osmiridium and iridosmine, for instance (you can guess what they are mixtures of). Osmium and its alloys were once used as fountain point pen tips, and still see use as instrument pivots,electrical contacts. Osmium was also used for phonograph needles. Ballpoint pen balls sometimes contain a tiny bit of osmium, too.
Total world production is very hard to nail down, but in 1971 the US produced about 60 Kg as byproduct of copper mining. We import about twice that much, on average, every year. 120 Kg, by the way, is very roughly a gallon and a half of this stuff. (And we are talking about over 250 grocery pounds here. heavy stuff!!) I found in one place a claim that only one or two metric tons is produced per year world wide. (That would be a slab a meter on a side and about four inches thick, tops.)
The “spot” price is hard to nail down on something so thinly traded, but it seems to be about $400 an ounce (and has sat there for years). On the other hand, I’ve also found a site that claims it’s 1200 euros per gram which would make it something like 36000 euros an ounce–probably about 40,000 dollars an ounce. (That flat out doesn’t seem right to me.) If you do find it close to the spot price, it will be in powder form, in a container you had better not break the seal on.
I can’t really recommend it as an investment, the market for it is so small.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Excellent article on the “Woke Military.”
“But the military serves the global economic order, not the average American. To the extent that the people in charge are concerned about the risks of designing a military based on principles of equity and diversity, their concern stops at ensuring that global capital movement is not impacted. Focusing on the technical details of how military units actually perform will not return us to status quo ante. The armed forces have modeled themselves according to human resources dictates set by the architects of neoliberalism.”
Four years to fix it.
He had four years.
Couldn’t be fixed in 4 years. The half-woke military was his only half-ally in Washington, and they were a half-hearted one, with those in favor weighted at the bottom.
Trump did what he could, but the Pentagon civilians are all globo-nazi SWAMP.
VSGPOTUSDJT did amazingly well at forcing the Swamp to “de-cloak”.
Over several Presidencies, the military have been made into half-woke, half-hearted, half-ass.
A change of orders can make a change of direction, but might not make a change of sullied heart and mind.
But could those people not be fired?
My thoughts now about all this are that President Trump was led down the path of “you need eight years” by advisors. And to get the eight, “you can’t do xyz” until the second half.
Which of course meant Trump didn’t do many things that could have changed the course of history, like dumping half the Pentagon staff into the Potomac.
But maybe I’m wrong.
How many times were WE told (sometimes by each other) that something had to wait until the second term?
I know. It sucks.
I bitched about it at the time. I warned people that if Trump should lose we’d have nothing.
No one thought Trump would lose.
Now, of course all those people who thought any thought Trump would lose and/or fail to overturn the fraud before 1/20 was doomfagging are trying to claim that Trump losing was part of the plan all along.
What one forgets Trump never had his whole team approved by the senate because democrats blocked many of them. Hundreds of positions were not felled.
His selecting teams and people for his agencies all depended if he could get them past Mitch and the senate? Quality people were lost and the departments kept being run by Obama’s proxies.
In second tearm President Trump could clean house had Mitch by the tale because Trump had a clear mandate.
The counter Americans knew this and they set an election scam in motion the likes honest people have not seen before.
Wait until the 18 election. Wait until after muh Mueller. Wait until after the primaries. Wait until after the politico conventions. Wait until the election. Wait until December whatever. Wait until Jan 6th. Wait until Jan 20th.
Slow guy NOT buying into any more BS projecting.
Last week i may have seen 120 days of some nonsense. N O P E !
My Pillow (Lindell?) has laid down a marker too, if I recall it was 180 days
IIRC, a few days ago, Lindell said Trup would be in the WH THIS August. I assume Lindell is referring a “visit” to the WH.
None of that crap is worth clicking on.
And now, apparently we have Sidney Powell getting into the act…though at least she just said “something significant.”
I think you have a real point there. Obama held off his most radical stuff for the second term – that side KNEW it was important to do that. The Obama years were an EXCELLENT plan – including Sandy Hook during the interregnum, to start things off, AFTER the election. They did not waste time.
Same tactic here, but knowing that they would use the FAKE ELECTION to decapitate the Trump administration.
AND – all they have to do to get his true allies to go along with that plan, is to give them reassurances of patience, etc.
Taking out Trump was a smooth operation.
Sadly I have to agree with both of yours thinking on this. Hopefully there’s a counter move being worked on that doesn’t take 8 years to roll out……
Starts with the education system and what kids are being taught. They then join the service either out of high school or after college. These woke kids then become our next group of woke warriors. Mix them with the politicians of the General Staff and Pentagon and this is what you get.
The military has always been used by politicians for social experiments. Starting with desegregation (good) in the 1950’s to women in combat (bad) in the 1990’s. Plus 1,000’s of other little experiments in between. And despite this the military has still shown its combat effectiveness when let loose. First Gulf War for example. And also do politically correct combat such as in Afghanistan and Iraq under Obama.
Great post!
As a side note, there are extremely long-term objectives that are solved by pushing women in combat (it forces reliance on technology, so defense tech accelerates, which has planetary defense aspects), just like there are extremely long-term planetary occupancy objectives that are solved by pushing short-term-stupid anthropogenic global warming ideas (it forces us to confront VERY long-term solar global warming). But, quite frankly, doing these things semi-deceitfully is IMO not good, apart from engagement of “the opposition” of the “truth agenda” into service as controlled opposition. LOL. Life is all a mess, but it’s a beautiful mess.
Obama and handlers had over 8 years to break it.
The last part after that is even more “bitch-slappin’…..”
The armed forces have modeled themselves according to human resources dictates set by the architects of neoliberalism. To face China, the underlying assumption of neoliberalism is that continued diversity and inclusion initiatives and access to markets will, by definition, reduce conflict. Unfortunately for the neoliberals, the Chinese Communist Party sees the U.S.-dominated neoliberal order itself as something to be defeated. Perhaps they’re right.
The thing is, I take this thinking further. IMO, China imposes neoliberal thinking on the West, almost subconsciously in the victims, by a variety of means, to create an inherently defeatable enemy, which grounds its losing strategies in myths.
Joe Biden himself is a brilliant example.
Correct. They must laugh at how easily our leftist leaders are lead to the slaughter.
As well as some on the right — possibly — discouraging President Trump from contesting the election results.
Related post, from an anon:
“More ideological subversion, part of the tool set of irregular warfare, being waged against the US military from within.
Diversity kills cohesion, inclusivity kills competence and equality doesn’t exist, nor can it be achieved.
Irregular Warfare, Version 1.0, September 2007 https://http://www.jcs.mil/Doctrine/Joint-Concepts/Joint-Concepts/
Dude looks like a true diversiputz, who could wreck any company! But I like his tie!
Here is the Regent U conference on election integrity. They have it broken into segments. The whole thing is very worthwhile.
Thank you mis Tex. I always enjoy your day as writer, and comments during the week.
Thank you.![☺](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/263a.svg)
Archbishop Vigano on the Great Reset in conjunction with the China virus.
“We know that in order to obtain the complicity of doctors and scientists, not only has recourse been made to the system of corruption and conflicts of interests that has existed for decades, but also to the distribution of prizes and cash bonuses. To give an example, in Italy a specialist doctor receives 60 euro per hour to administer vaccines in the vaccine centers; general practitioners are given incentives for every patient they have vaccinated; a bed in intensive care is paid about 3000 euros per day by the national health service. It is evident that neither general practitioners, nor hospital personnel, nor regional health agencies have any interest in depriving themselves of huge revenues, after public health has been demolished for the last decade in the name of cuts to waste imposed by the European Union.”
“I think that neither communist China, nor de Rothschild, nor Bill and Melinda Gates (who, as I learned from an authoritative source, have opened an account at IOR, the Vatican Bank), nor the network of self-styled democratic parties – the international Left – obedient to globalist ideology, are foreign to this operation.”
The actual odor of Osmium is always described as unpleasant….though in markedly different ways. A source might say it’s acrid, like chlorine; another might say it’s ashy or smoky; another reports that it’s like diesel oil.
Tennant, its discoverer, managed to smell it without being poisoned (he later died in a bridge collapse), but this should not be counted on. It can, in fact, kill people before it is detectable by scent. Still, if one wished for something a little different between one’s weekly fugu feasts, one might attempt a sniff.
“I don’t often do BASE jumps — but when I do, I try to have a fugu feast beforehand.”
And, y’know, corneal transplants are nearly routine. You shouldn’t worry too much when everything goes black.
Think there are plenty of other “tetroxidized” inorganic reagents that I’d play with before this stuff!!!
In case someone thinks your serious…NO!!!
Corneal transplants can be rejected, then you’re quite possibly worse off than you were before.
My son Josiah’s classmate who has Cystic Fibrosis ended up getting a lung transplant & caught some rare disease in the process (or possibly a reaction to treatments) that caused him to lose both his eyes. Not exactly the same thing but a real life scenario all the same.
That’s where I got the label picture and quote from.
Just as a peculiar side note, what you get from running a lathe is usually turnings — spirally bits. What you get from milling is typically chips — tiny thin chips of chunks. While both may be called swarf, they behave in different ways. Grinding materials can result in dust. It would be important to know, in advance, the likelihood of some operation providing self-igniting residue.
Fascinating, Steve! I do not think I am going to order any osmium anytime soon – I want to see as far as I can see.
As for the alleged occupant in the WH – he is getting as ugly as his counterpart Zero – if – in fact – it is the real JB we are seeing before the alleged cameras. There is so much buffoonery going on – I can hardly stand it – how can one fall ascending? Sounds like an oxymoron to me – everything about our current situation is unbelievable, unconscionable, and just plain ridiculous. As a nation, how much more embarrassed can we be with our ‘Fake President’?
I agree with you – cannot really get excited about 2022 or 2024 – if election integrity is not resolved.
lol..that is a peculiar way to fall, ascending.
Serves that assho right. He ridiculed Trump for taking small steps on the metal ramp.
Not that the demented geezer had a great legacy but he’s going to always be remembered as a senile pervert placeholder
Or – as one who has paid for his crimes against humanity, Poll.
TRUTH – from Gab!
An Israeli “vaccine resistance hardcore” describes the psychological pressures on the non-vaccinated.
Why is there Luxembourg? You don’t really want to know, but – well – here it is, anyway!
![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/912/034/original/e70e461d0ae44798.png)
From The Babylon Bee article Dan retweeted:
It’d be even funnier if Geraldo Rivera next appeared clean-shaven (“Hey, Jerry, I want your moustache….”).
A “Crump” we can trust!
OK, people – something is up. They are definitely going for the guns.
How are they pushing these crazies now? It has to be some kind of really powerful MK process, because this was NOT happening until right now.
An Instacart shopper believed he heard someone loading guns in a bathroom stall. Police arrested a man with 6 guns
![comment image](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/fox5vegas.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/6/11/611bb7cf-b3ce-580a-acc0-5b34a469b27d/605e545f8db1c.image.jpg)
An Instacart shopper who entered an Atlanta supermarket bathroom this week told police he saw an AR-15 style rifle and heard what he believed was the sound of someone loading guns in a bathroom stall.
The witness rushed out of the bathroom and notified staff at the Publix Supermarket. When police arrived soon after, they arrested a suspect as he was exiting the bathroom — with six loaded guns in his possession.
The suspect, identified as 22-year-old Rico Marley, now faces a slew of charges related to the incident, which came just days after 10 people were killed in a mass shooting at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado.
Also the attacks on Asians. It’s obviously random but how, why ? It’s like a switch was flipped
They’re going for it. CIA and FBI are pulling out all the MK stops now. Biden will issue an executive order, and they start whatever they planned.
where’s the resistance ?
seriously…where is it ?
Where are real leaders? Not politicians but leaders?
this is one reason, imo, they are pushing all the tyrannical ONE WORLD agenda so damn fast…
in order to shock & awe, and catch ppl off guard..and to prevent the formation of an organized formidable resistance..
…including the chance for leaders of a resistance to emerge.
>>”pushing all the tyrannical ONE WORLD agenda so damn fast…”<<
^^^THIS^^^ is the PANIC.
If they had their druthers, I think they’d be slow-walking it, a la the “boiling frog” metaphor.
P45DJT: “I caught ’em all!”
Hope you’re well, Smiley!
They will emerge at some point. Hopefully before we are even close to a wasteland.
Part of the issue is the coverage – what they choose to cover. Looking at the data, not that much has changed but what they are highlighting and amplifying has changed.
The choice to amplify then changes what crimes are committed
Very true. Black attacks on Asians merge into black attacks on whites back at “the knock-out game”, and go back to the era of “rooftop Koreans”, and even earlier. But they need that narrative flipped to white guilt NOW.
The Chinese massage parlor attack was a MASSIVE and beautiful operation by China and their American coconspirators. That was a well-designed complex event to reverse a narrative if I’ve ever seen one.
Chinese massage parlors, and “Asian” massage parlors in general, are a huge win for China. Anybody who wanders into those honeypots – likely upon invitation – is incredibly compromised, and they have no choice. That first hand job – the freebie – is on film. There are some more legitimate parlors, but the explosive growth of the less legit ones has crowded the clean ones out, IMO.
Those have been coming under increasing scrutiny by law enforcement. And one reason is that they TARGET LEOs, as well as local pols, business people, etc. Part of that motivation is survival of the business owner. They NEED protection. Just a perfect entry point for corruption. Everybody has motivation that leads to a HUGE WIN for CHINA.
The ChiComs have been coming under incredible pressure with China Joe falling apart, and China just losing narrative. They HAVE TO try to reverse that at a high level. Likewise, ChiCom assets like Weijia Whatsherface (journalist, I think CBS) and Ted Lieu (classic “return to the fold” ChiCom, like German-background Nazi symps during WW2) are in desperate need of cover.
ALL of those solved by mind-fracking a sex-nutty crazy white boy all the way at the perfect time.
The new MK tech is GOOD, GOOD, GOOD. I think it may be the “classified off the scale” stuff. I think the Bidenazis are pulling out the revolutionary tech to help China now. They know, if this doesn’t stick, they’re in trouble.
Tonight, another one
They’re pushing, pushing, pushing. It’s crazy evil.
More info:
Atlanta Man Wearing Body Armor Arrested with 6 Guns, Cache of Ammo at Publix Grocery Store
March 25, 2021, 6:49pmby Cristina Laila 1053 Comments
Another typical white supremacist.
There should be a law.
The guy had a pump shotgun, a semiautomatic rifle, three semiautomatic pistols, and a wheelgun???? WTF??? WTH is the six-shooter doing in there???
Next, they’re going to tell me that it was loaded with .38 special, while all the other pistols carried 9mm.
And, BTW, If you were carrying three semiautomatic pistols that used 9×19, wouldn’t you want to be able to use a spare magazine in whichever went dry? Do those pistols look like you could swap mags between them?
Prolly stuff left over from Fast and Furious. /s
No /s needed. It’s a pile of unrelated crap.
With that assortment he was likely anticipating ‘friends’ to join the party.
Bo mention of a back-pack, I suppose he was going to make the shitter his Alamo.
If they were all Glock brand glocks (as opposed to one such and two other glock imitations not made by Glock), the mags might be interchangeable.
CZ mags are quite interchangeable between the full size and compact CZ-75 (almost every sigle variant except for some of the competition pistols) and the RAMI. (The full size is analogous to the Glock 17, the compact to the Glock 19, and the RAMI to the Glock 26–but these are all-steel weapons that resemble Glocks very little except that the bullet comes out the muzzle when you want it to.)
“Next, they’re going to tell me that it was loaded with .38 special, while all the other pistols carried 9mm.”
Probably loaded with .357 magnum rounds.
“And, BTW, If you were carrying three semiautomatic pistols that used 9×19, wouldn’t you want to be able to use a spare magazine in whichever went dry?”
Two 9mm Glocks would be enough. The chances of one failing are very low, the chances of both failing during a single confrontation are even lower.
Instead of carrying a third 9mm pistol (and associated holster), carry more loaded (and compatible) 9mm magazines.
And don’t carry little 9mm conceal-carry self-defense pistol like the Glock 43 to start with, use at least a Glock 19 or similar with a larger magazine capacity and a longer barrel for higher velocity and better accuracy at distance.
And don’t cheap out on the ammo.
Shotgun is a waste for this scenario, too big and heavy and doesn’t carry enough ammo for the nut’s intended use. Better to spend extra on a quality AR15 that won’t jam, as so many seem to do in these false-flag events, and carry extra loaded 30-rd AR15 mags instead of the shotgun. Reload 5 or 6 times less often, and much faster than the shotgun, too.
The revolver is the BUG, when everything else is empty, jammed or lost.
“Do those pistols look like you could swap mags between them?”
It’s the OCD aspect of MKULTRA. The manipulation targets OCD because that is the most persistent and overriding “event loop” motivator. “Bring everything” is far easier than fine-tuning it with counter-demands.
When’s the last time somebody did that? VEGAS! The patsy Paddock was induced to bring everything, likely to a phony sale that set him up.
I don’t think this was very well planned. I think the Asian massage parlor attack was the centerpiece, and the follow-on in Denver at King Soopers, but now they’re just trying to kick in some poorly trained quickie jobs as add-on events.
People with any kind of pre-existing OCD (which even includes socially rewarded meticulous personalities) are quite perfect for this stuff. Talking back to OCD is a life skill that I counsel to ALL people. Even if one is never hit with MK, we all need it.
“The guy had a pump shotgun, a semiautomatic rifle, three semiautomatic pistols, and a wheelgun???? WTF??? WTH is the six-shooter doing in there???”
The revolver is generally the back-up gun, the weapon of last resort, and the weapon least likely to jam or otherwise fail.
Honestly, this picture gets more stupid the more you look at it.
Top gun — basic (cheap) pump-action shotgun. Six shells under the rifle, and above the pistol with the shiny slide. Good.
Second gun — basic semiautomatic rifle — ooh, scary! Magazine right beneath it (next to shotgun shells). No evidence of any ammunition.
Third gun (left) — revolver. Is this supposed to belong to the three random cartridges next to the shotgun shells? Where are the other three? Why isn’t this gun opened? Why is this even here? Was this the “drop gun”?
Fourth gun — first semiautomatic pistol — only pistol without trigger “safety”. There are five magazines under the rifle — I’m thinking this may belong to the middle one, being that it looks like a short single-stack.
Fifth gun — black gun, shiny barrel — has the “on-trigger” safety that I tried once and immediately hated. Could believe had a pair of magazines.
Sixth (and final) gun — silver slide, black barrel — different magazine angle than fifth gun (although trigger is same).
Down the right hand side — looks like a wallet on top of a strap on top of a cellphone.
Next is a cellphone.
No idea what the thing is between the cellphone and the shotgun shells; no idea what is below the cellphone.
The original story was “the sound of someone loading guns in a bathroom stall.” Which of these would you hear someone load?
You need to own more guns, guy! I hear gun noises like Sherlock Holmes! Seriously, I recognize the sounds of sliding and locking mags, clicking safeties, levers, pumps, bolts, chargers, triggers, decockers – I hear them in my DREAMS.
I could hear any one of those coming from a bathroom stall, and I would go into 100% SCAN MODE. If I heard a second one and/or got a fleeting visual on a weapon, I would be getting LE IMMEDIATELY.
IMO this dude didn’t know what he was doing, or going to do – purely a quick-pushed mental job – he was doing his planning at the end-point. And that makes sense, because they just needed him to make a headline at a minimum.
This reminds me of certain prior cases, which I need to go back and research.
Even a safety makes a bit of a “click” as it is clicked off.
Im smart enough to know things dont happen in a vacuum.
We weren’t havi g terror attacks and mass shootings like this before. And the people involved are on someone’s radar.
The guns are all thats left.
Yup. And we have to hold the line.
They can kill as many of us as they want, using as many crazy people as they can find. We will not budge.
Eventually, I hope and pray, somebody on the INSIDE says enough is enough – stop abusing the technology.
Many somebodies…
I’m sure he was on the FIB’s ‘radar’ for years, just like every other mass shooter.
Whadda bitch..excuse me piece of work. She’s proud of it all.
Cant be around kids. Shes evil.
OK – somebody BIG finally has the courage to say it!
Kat Ballou
Exclusive — Gordon Chang: China Attempting to ‘Overthrow the American Government Using Race Themes’ like ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’
The Chinese government is using “racial themes” pushed by organizations like Black Lives Matter to undermine America, noted Gordon Chang.
Exclusive — Gordon Chang: China Attempting to ‘Overthrow the American Government’
The Chinese government is using “racial themes” pushed by organizations like Black Lives Matter to undermine America, noted Gordon Chang.
View Link Feed
1 comment
China is, as always, and forevermore, Asshoe.
A lot of institutions look to BSD to be more secure than Linux because BSD is more academically “pure”.
Here’s a case where (apparently) a rogue developer dropped a bunch of questionable stuff into the BSD development cycle.
I generally yawn when bugs are found that crash servers or services. Problems with SSL, however, are different….. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/openssl-fixes-high-severity-flaw-that-allows-hackers-to-crash-servers/
Could you electroplate osmium and get a chunk without voids? That actually seems like it could be pretty cool.
The illustrated lump is actually a crystal mass grown by vapor deposition. It might have voids however where some parts of it grew together enclosing an “empty” space.
The company that claimed the four-figure-per-gram spot price sells it in this form, and it probably costs a fair amount to do it this way…but that’s a ridiculous price nonetheless. The end user isn’t going to give a rip about it being crystalline.
Andrew Torba https://gab.com/a/posts/105959360321610679
Biden: “We must stop asian hate.”
Open up Facebook: #StopAsianHate
Open up Google: #StopAsianHate
Open up YouTube: #StopAsianHate
Open up Twitter: #StopAsianHate
Open up Amazon Prime: #StopAsianHate
Turn on the TV: #StopAsianHate
Open your email: #StopAsianHate
You recognize that this is the largest propaganda psyop social engineering machine in human history, right? One unified oligarch agenda of demonic critical theory, rammed in your face no matter where you look.
NPR had a piece on 8th-graders and “yellow fever”, where other races found Asians “sexy” for no apparent reason.
Actually, it’s the CCP propaganda machine changing the narrative by putting out a FAKE narrative. The real story is that the entire world should hate, punish, retaliate against the CCP for unleashing the WuFlu against us, NOT because we racistly hate Asian people. CCP is evil Asshoe and all the people above are owned by them and doing their bidding.
P.S. The majority of hate crimes committed against Asians in the US are performed by….Blacks. Just like the majority of murderers and prison inmates. 13% of our population consistently has the worst stats in all the bad categories.
Mike Lindell Makes Bold Claim: Donald Trump Will Be Back in WH in August.
“It reveals everything,” Lindell said of the film coming out in a few weeks. “We know who did it. We’ve got everything.”
Lindell said he gets 100 emails per day of whistleblowers exposing fraud in the election, and confirmed he has been tipped off by whistleblowers from Dominion.
Hopium. Then, again, I take great glee in the thought that VSGPOTUSDJT is restored to his rightful Presidency on 1/21/23 — because he could then become the first 10 year President.
If Election Fraud methods and data keeps coming out – the public may demand Trump be restored to his rightful place – or a re-do of the Election with law enforcement supervision.
No re-do. Slow Joe does not get rewarded with a second shot at the prize.
Joe and his cronies to jail!
I’ll take a redo if the alternative is no fix at all.
If enough evidence is destroyed, we may not have any choice in the matter.
We have seen proof for months on this issue just as we hav absolute proof of the deep state corruption of the DOJ, FBI, etc, in Russiagate/Russian Collusion Delusion and many other scandals.
That anything will be done about it by those in charge is doubtful
Especially since nominally, the real loser is in charge.
His HANDLERS, who are really in charge, won’t let anything happen.
Those handlers should be our prime
targetsfocus .And blocked President Trump in unanticpated ways time and again.
Deep state is now free to again run their departments and programs unimpeded by elected officials. They are again in charge of telling the adminstration what to do rather then the, in their eyes, “treasonous” behavior of President Trump when he set the policy agenda and told them what to do.
Well, he just made a mistake.
It never pays a prophet (figuratively meant here) to be too specific.
Most of the people who think Trump is going to swoop back into the White House won’t name a date or a deadline, so as long as he isn’t dead yet, you can’t call them wrong.
And if he did die, I predict that some of them would claim he faked his death.
There’s a big problem with theories that can’t be disproved even in principle, and this is one of them.
Based on a movie that’s coming out? Great promotion, but not many people watch that kind of movie. Still every little bit helps.
For all our worries over the fake resident, Kamala and her staff are quite responsive to criticism. Kamala salutes. This is a good thing, no matter how small on the scale of today’s world woes: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/kamala-harris-salutes-military-gateway-pundit-report-veep-not-saluting-like-pence-biden/
Of course KamaHarr is going to start saluting the Marines and other military. And it has little or nothing to do with “criticism”. It has more to do with her being readied for transition into the Oval Office.
This saluting business fits right in with RobberJoe making her the “fix the migrant crisis at the border that Trump started” czar:
“President Biden said Wednesday that Vice President Kamala Harris “speaks for me” as he appointed her to lead a diplomatic effort to slow the migrant surge at the US-Mexico border.”
“I think the best thing to do is put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don’t have to wonder about, ‘Is that where the president is?’ When she speaks, she speaks for me, doesn’t have to check with me. She knows what she’s doing.”
“Biden said Wednesday that Harris will be in charge of negotiating with Mexico and Central American countries to stem the flow of illegal migration and to have them accept people who are being deported.”
BTW, there are some ** interesting ** deliberate misleads in what RobberJoe said:
RobberJoe doesn’t speak for himself. His moves, statements, “news conferences”, etc., are all scripted by his handlers. It was revealed that he was coached for days prior to the “news conference” he did this week. He was even given a photo book of the press corps that was marked with the names of the ones he was to call upon.
KamaHarr doesn’t “have to check with” him because she’s operating pretty much independently of RobberJoe. She will, however, “have to check with” his handlers.
Regarding the border crisis: Illegal aliens are not “being deported”. Instead, the Border Patrol has been ordered to resume “catch and release”. In addition, illegals are being transported to cities in the U.S. and dropped off at homeless shelters. The governor of Montana said this week that he will do everything in his power to stop this from happening in his State.
And then there’s this:
Credit to Washington Post
5 hours ago
“Biden administration fires most Homeland Security Advisory Council members”
Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas fired more than 30 members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council on Friday, including allies of POTUS 45 Donald Trump. The firing of the council members, who serve without pay, is to pave the way for a new council, to include “more diverse” membership, not only on the council, but also throughout the DHS. The firings come as the Biden administration “…struggled to shelter and care for an unprecedented number of migrant children and teenagers who have arrived at the southwest border without their parents.”
This should be very interesting, if only among a few.
The Fiancee’s favored hair stylist has moved to a new location. She’s going there at 9am.
Just for the record, I’m pretty much indifferent to her style and tint — I just wish it had been longer for the majority of the last 30 years. She has been able to rely on my support for all the time we’ve been together, regardless.
30 years?
Under ‘common law’ I think you guys would prolly be considered married by now.
A 30-year fiancee? Or is it 30 years and you finally decided to throw caution to the wind?![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
“Just for the record, I’m pretty much indifferent to her style and tint — I just wish it had been longer for the majority of the last 30 years.”
Just pull on it.
That’s how the cavemen did it.![👍](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44d.svg)
The Fiancee’s favored hair stylist has moved to a new location.
^^^ Was execting the next line to say the hair stylist moved to North Carolina.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Hope Trump talks about the stolen election, constantly.
That wasn’t one of the good judge’s topics.
Anyway, how many Americans scoffed at President Trump for questioning the results?
It seems as if there is a divine judgement now, a price to pay. Most unfortunate.
The Military is being purged for partisan political purposes – even Special Operations.
“The Military is being purged for partisan political purposes – even Special Operations.”
Must be what the white hats want.![👍](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44d.svg)
Glad it’s not our problem!
Those guys who go to the border and moan to us showing off instead trying to help change laws to prevent this illegal invasion to our country.
So this has replaced the foot-washing?
Has there even been a reported case of a homeless person getting China virus?
Where’s Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?
Thank you duchess !
I know that Sidney Powell visit CTH on occasion.
I hope she and PDJT read this article, as it needs as much sunlight as possible…
(if anyone knows how to facilitate this, please do)
Most welcome, Nor’! Have a Blessed Day!!!
U2 !
Thanks, Nor’!!!
I’ve seen Palin and Mark Steyn in the comments as well.
Yes… But I was thinking along the lines that Sidney Powell may have an open line of communication with PDJT… and because she is a lawyer, and the legal work that she has done and is doing is related to this… If she sees it, maybe she can arrange for PDJT to see it.
Sidney Powell has a page at: http://www.sidneypowell.com that has her attorney phone number more so at the top of the page and clearly all the way to the bottom there is a place that says “contact” for her.
She kept this open supposedly for those of us who contributed to the “We The People” that she is representing in her lawsuit.
TY Ms. Harrison !
A deep observation….
JE Dyer, retired Navy Intel analyst’s Twitter feed is as interesting as her posts at Liberty Unyeilding.
Lin Wood, from late last night / early this morning:
Lin Wood,
[27.03.21 01:39]
An hour with Pete Santilli. An hour to speak truth. Thank you, Pete.
Lin Wood,
[27.03.21 00:21]
From the emails of so many of you to Telegram today defending my right of free speech to the South Carolina Patriots with whom I met today and this evening, I am reminded of the many reasons I love America.
There is an immovable spirit of freedom that resides in the heart and soul of Patriots. The enemy cannot steal it. The enemy cannot suppress it. The enemy cannot defeat it.
The number of Patriots continues to grow.
Patriots do not fear the enemy – they are fearless.
Patriots will never stop fighting for freedom – they never quit.
When the enemy is fooled into thinking Patriots are at their weakest – they are at their strongest.
Patriots unashamedly love God, America, and Freedom.
I am a Patriot.
Lin Wood,
[27.03.21 00:31]
God knows your name. God is all powerful. God is the sovereign ruler over the universe.
God knows how many hairs are on your head. You can fool other people. You can even fool yourself.
You cannot fool God.
“The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
– Nahum 1:7
There’s a poem about Osmium…..a rather dark one.
My words are like wounds now.
Every time I open my mouth
I spit a clot out
Heartbroken from the wrong turn,
The left turn and the right
My mind is a cluster of full metal jackets,
My mouth, the gun barrel
I’m demented from each of you
Every single one
Who would think, a search for love?
Would end
In a bombsite
Of passion;
Passion; gone wrong
I can only speak and bleed so long
Until this wound bleeds out
The Reaper is stalking behind me;
So, naturally, I start to shout!
Raise my voice; so I bleed harder
If I scream, I’ll hemorrhage faster
Finally, find some peace and solace
Through death; in this disaster.
And, lay soaked in rage.
Upon the ruins.
(c)copyright 2019-2020OsmiumNicole D’Settemi
And HAIKU for elements in the Periodic Table!
Let those enduring
your enemas remember
fireworks’ green splendor.
Licked by the women
painting luminous watches.
How much time stolen?
underneath the dunce’s cap.
Densest in the class.
Show-stealing diva,
throw yourself at anyone,
decked out in diamonds.
The haiku for lithium:
Lighter than water,
empower my phone, my car.
Banish depression
All the rest are here – https://vis.sciencemag.org/chemhaiku/?utm_source=sciencemagazine&utm_medium=facebook-text&utm_campaign=chemhaiku-14531
Hydrogen is my favorite:
Your single proton
fundamental, essential.
Water. Life. Star fuel.
Indeed. It has two stable isotopes, plus one that has an appreciable half life.
The differences between them are so great, especially to a nuclear physicist, that they each have names as if they were different elements. (Carbon-14, U-235 and U-238 don’t have special names.)
Hydrogen-3 (one proton, two neutrons) is called tritium (obviously derived from “three”)–it’s the unstable one, half life of 12 years, used in night sights.
Hydrogen-2 (one proton, one neutron) is called deuterium. It’s stable, and when water forms with one or two of these instead of “regular” hydrogen you have “heavy water.”
Hydrogen-1 (one proton and only that, like in the haiku)…is called “protium”. Is that from “proton” or is that from “proto-” as in the oldest, primeval…? Again like the haiku.
And…old joke…the study of deuterium is called “deuteronomy.”
Old joke?
Any idea how/where Frank Zappa’s Zircon encrusted tweezers fit in the PMG Picture?
I was too busy trying to get on my feet and make a living when that question first crossed my mind, never paid attention to the guy may have missed it in one of your
PGM explainer comment threads.
Seriously though Steve, I am constantly amazed with your knowledge base, wit and humor .
Sending a BIG Thank you for carrying the cue tree standard on Saturdays.
It’s been Very much appreciated .
Zircons, of course have zirconium, and zirconium isn’t one of the “precious metals.” It’s one of the workhorse metals to the left of that group, that gets to be involved with steel alloys. You might think of those metals as the “Deplorable” metals (in *that* sense of the word), the ones that make the modern world work without fanfare.
Zircons in particular are very interesting, though, for *entirely different* reasons! (Hint: reasons that drive young-Earth creationists nuts.)
Yep. And the beauty of it is, there’s actually TWO methods there (U-238-Pb-206 and U-235-Pb207) that you can check against each other.
Don’t forget the electrons!
Protium is the first, and only, isotope (and hydrogen is the first, and only, element) to have only *two* subatomics (one proton, one electron).
Very much like the number “two” is the first (according to the modern definition), and only, even prime number.
Have you ever wondered why the electron is said to have a “negative” charge?
Perhaps the “positive charge” of the proton is an “advance”, whereas the “negative charge” is a *retreat”!
And there’s that “three” again – three types of subatomics, three isotopes of the first element. (“Three Is A Magic Number” …)
Intellectual food-for-thought …
Franklin first assigned “positive” and “negative” to the different and opposite charges he could get creating static electricity. It just turned out a century later that the electron was associated with his negative charge. It forces chemists to think backwards when dealing with ions. The Ca+ ion is missing something, in spite of its plus sign.
All three of those isotopes of course have one proton (or they wouldn’t be hydrogen) and when not ionized, one electron, as you say. H+ of course is usually a bare proton.
The difference in weights is proportionally huge with these isotopes, so heavy water (loaded up with deuterium) tends to have different chemical properties than regular water. It’s actually NOT a good idea to drink a glass of heavy water. And heavy water ice melts at about 4 degrees C. All because the heavier atom will be a bit more sluggish.
Bohr advocated for treating the subatomics as “complements” to one another, rather than as “opposites”.
The two charges are *exactly* equal in magnitude, and they are exactly *opposite* in direction.
This invokes the concept of duality – which mathematicians have yet to fully understand.
And I know of a Nobel laureate who is focusing now (within the past year) on exactly WHY the iterations of matter – whether quarks (hadrons, mesons, or individual) or leptons (tau particle, muon, and electron) – occur in THREES.
I’ve found that one must always allow for what one doesn’t know … and that the more one knows, the more one should realize how *little* one knows.
Bohr had a fair point.
I was thinking the other day perhaps ions could be marked with a symbol denoting “electron” and then the sign would denote whether they were missing or had extra electrons, rather than being inherently “negative.”
But even though protons and electrons have opposite/complementary charges, they don’t cancel each other out, really, like an electron and a positron would.
As for the threes, it continues. It turns out that electron’s charge cannot be subdivided, but a proton consists of up and down quarks, and *their* charges are multiples of 1/3rd, two ups at +2/3 and one down at -1/3 (using current conventions).
How is it that the electron, a totally different kind of beast, has a charge equal to three times a down quark? When it was just a “proton” we were looking at, there was some logic to its charge being the same magnitude as the electron, but now there’s this three multiplier! (And of course the electron, and the up and down quarks, all have two heavier siblings for a total of three, as you were no doubt thinking of.)
A good question about the threes, and scientists do wonder about these things. Unfortunately there’s a tendency of popularizers to present the current understanding in a way that implies it is “finished” when it really isn’t. When I try to write about these things, I put in the history so people can hopefully imagine we are looking at a moment during a process of deepening understanding…rather than at the end. I have no doubt I am not succeeding with this.
As for opposite versus complementary…scientists tend to do bookeeping because of conservation “laws” and as such it’s easy to imagine the electron charge and (sum total) proton charge as opposites that cancel each other out arithmetically. The assignment of one to be positive and one to be negative was ultimately arbitrary, as arbitrary as putting north or south at the “top” (and some cultures put east at the top, but that becomes infeasible once you move up to globes…there’s no easternmost point, and if you put north at the left and south at the right so that east is at the top…it gets hosed when you walk around to the other side of the globe and suddenly west is at the top). And of course there’s “clockwise” and “counterclockwise” which could have been assigned oppositely…but I believe that since the inventors of timekeeping were in the northern hemisphere, it was inevitable that it would be the way it was, because a sundial shadow moves clockwise in the northern hemisphere. If the Australian indigines had invented the clock, they’d run the other direction. It’s still essentially arbitrary, but at one remove from some medieval guy just deciding to do it one way–it was where he was born that decided it.
These are pretty good. One is outdated though, the platinum-iridium cylinder is no longer the definition of the kilogram (and a good thing too–many exact copies were made; they now no longer weigh the same–makes one wonder if the original changed and thereby altered the kilogram).
Picky, picky, picky….![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
I had fun going through the things, a lot of references I had to stop and think about, for a few seconds. I didn’t notice anything that made no sense because I was ignorant, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t something that flew right over my head.
Thanks for posting them!
The bit about the kilogram no longer being based on a physical object, though, represents a big triumph of science…our weights and measures (yes, ours too, since ours are defined in terms of the metric system by law, an inch, for example is defined to be 25.4 millimeters), now depend directly on the laws of physics themselves. Measure some things in a lab, derive the second, and the meter (foot), and the kilogram (pound), and so on. They should remain unchanged forever from this point forward, and redeterminable at will, rather than having to hope no one destroys or damages some thing that cannot last forever.
There was a familiar poem I was looking for that mentioned a country similar to ‘osmium’ and it still hasn’t come to mind.
Could you be thinking of Shelly’s Ozymandias? “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair.”
Yes! That’s it.
Glad I didn’t find it – so I could find the others. Worked out just fine.
Yes, it did!
And you’re lucky you didn’t find something about Ozzy Osbourne.
Yup. Hence my love of digital images – something which has a kind of mathematical permanence, yet a bit of viral impermanence, too. My immediate desire with physical artworks is to “preserve them” in pictures.
Human Bioweapons Factories
the mRNA vaccinated
Vaccinated People Are Walking Time-Bombs and A THREAT To Society
![comment image](https://crazybusters.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/boring.jpg)
Fauci, the NIH and the CCP needed billions of humans to serve as bioweapons factories in order to accelerate their ultimate genocidal bioweapon.
more at the link.
and I think “Fauci, the NIH and the CCP” are the just the tip of this iceburg.
ready or not, we are now in the Last Days.
all of this and other demonic scheming are being rolled-out at breakneck speed.
it’s obvious they are hell-bent on accelerating their evil…
…before their time runs out.
woops !
the devil did that !
here’s the article link for that post…
I have NO IDEA how that image got posted.
The same article is being echoed across a number of sites:
I just read that and it reinforces the thoughts I had some weeks ago.
The virus mutates randomly. it could go more deadly or less.
If left to its own devices the strains that go more deadly will put its victims off work ill in bed or in hospital or worst case dead, they won’t be walking around spreading it, ergo the worst strains will bring about their own demise as it won’t be able to spread.
Soon as they said that the jab wouldn’t stop people catching the virus, it would just make it so they felt less ill, it seemed obvious that they could be out working and mingling carrying a dangerous strain.
I think it will be interesting to see if the evolutionary pressure of vaccines does anything.
TBH, as scientists, we NEED unvaccinated people for controls. I really hope that we have sizable populations who resist vaccination, as well as others who “volunteer”.
I’m enjoying my natural immunity, and I think I may serve science best by just remaining a “non-vaccinated, early-strain-infected, control subject”.
The German lightbulb-manufacturing company Osram took its name from the elements Osmium and Wolfram (German for Tungsten) which were and are used for the lighting filaments.
So it isn’t all as dark as that poem that GA/FL posted.
Osmium, I think, doesn’t get nearly as much use for this as tungsten/wolfram, largely because of cost. I was under the impression, in fact, that it was one of those steps going from carbon filaments to tungsten and it wasn’t used for that any more, period.
Check this site out!!!
That’s the place with the outrageous prices!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 27, 2021
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”
Micah 6:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Duchess, did you realize that this passover was the 3,333 since the Exodus? Sure do miss Sadie when she isn’t here, huh?
Good Lord, Linda – Yes!!! We need to thank God we are alive at this time in history – if anyone doubted whether or not God was in charge – here is the proof!!!
That depends greatly on who is doing the counting!
And (mind you), I am not among them.![😀](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f600.svg)
According to this: https://jamestabor.com/wishing-all-a-meaningful-passover-3333-and-counting/ it says that it was 3,333 years. If you were counting what year would you be in?
I don’t do biblical chronology, but I know those that do it professionally come up with wildly varying answers.
Both the old Byzantine and Hebrew calendars count years since the beginning of the world (according to Genesis), but they are over 1500 years apart. This is 5781 by the Hebrew calendar, and 7529 by the Byzantine calendar. And Archbishop Ussher (whose figures are sometimes used as margin notes in King James Bibles) doesn’t agree with either of them, I think would maintain (were he alive today) that the world began 6024 years ago.
Given that biblical scholars can’t agree amongst themselves when Genesis started, I doubt they could come to much agreement on the exact date of the original Exodus.
Yes, I do see the problem. When I was doing the daily study of Torah it seemed they had a pretty good handle on the markers in the Bible that they related the dates to.
I guess I will stick to the 3,333 and celebrate this date since I won’t be around for the next one.
You might as well!
Insightful article on the cultural wars and corp involvement, specifically Coke
entire article good but here is an excerpt:
Coke is going woke because its future is broke. That’s true of most of the big woke brands. And the closer Coke gets to the cliff, the more hysterical its performative wokeness will become.
‘Wokening’ is a social disease of stale companies with stale brands whose products are overpriced and have fallen out of touch with the needs of many consumers. And the country’s consumer marketplace is dominated by these collapsing giants whose leaders are just marking time and cashing big checks while trying to co-opt the revolution threatening to destroy them.
European monarchs tried to co-opt leftist revolutions because they no longer had confidence in their own roles and had no idea what to do next. Coca Cola and the woke corporate giants share the same decadent sense of decline and their urban elites are selling out their rural base to appeal to the young radical generation to which their children and their social circle belong.
Wokeness is the consequence of a moral and economic brokenness among the nation’s elites. The Left conquered the corrupt infrastructure of a decaying political and economic system. Now it’s using that infrastructure to brainwash and suppress the country’s middle and working classes by lecturing them on their racism, and redefining them as domestic terrorists.
Thoroughly disgusting shoes from Nike. So proud of fellow Tennessean Robby Starbuck for speaking up on this issue. When I first read Robby’s facebook post I thought it had to be fake news. Trust Starbuck but, of course, I verified before sharing. Horrified to find it is true (and yet not surprised that what Robby is posting is accurate – superstar couple!)
More on the shoes:
Ty for posting this. All involved with producing this are scum.
If anyone had told me such a thing would be produced and sold I would have thought they were “fringe”
… and yet it is actually true.
The 1 drop of blood (that can easily be donated/bought in one sitting by one person who was compensated) is not as horrifying as the entire package – what is being sold is blatant devil/evil worship/glorifyication.
All this coming from very sick people.
Mike Lindell: Dominion Whistleblowers Have Come to Him Exposing Fraud
Bannons War Room Published March 26, 2021
My apologies to Dora, whose post upthread I somehow didn’t remember reading when I posted this almost identical comment.
Thanks Dora! Sorry ’bout that!
Who’s the guy in the red shirt?
It can’t be Mike Lindell… he doesn’t have any red shirts… only blue…
Truck carrying Evergreen container causes traffic jam in China: picture goes viral
March 27, 2021
Twice is coincidence… or is it that Evergreen is being targeted?
That blockage in the Suez Canal is costing something like $5000 per second, and no-one has much of an idea how long it will be until the ship has been set afloat and the canal is unblocked. On the other hand, this situation here on the freeway looks solvable on a time-scale measurable in hours, seeing how the trailer and the load are still upright and on the pavement.
To me, it seems like a “Learn our comms” example.
HRC codename.
Huge trafficking company (whatever the “goods”).
China (Taiwan).
IIRC, there were *two* ships that had power / navigation failure – not just the Ever Given. Perhaps the second one was too near, i.e. collateral damage, or was targeted as well for other purposes.
If HRC is still out-and-about and kickin’, imagine her reaction to seeing her code name show up in *two* WW accident events, one on top of the other!
I bet she gets the meaning.
I also wonder whether Bidan’s weird “Jim Crow” / “Jim EAGLE” statement invoked WJC, whose codename was “Eagle”.
It could be that Evergreen is being targeted, as Slowcreek asked.
The freeway incident looks intentional…just like the one in the Suez Canal.
Doesn’t matter that the freeway clog is short term.
It sends the same message.
Question is — message from whom?
Evergreen Group is a privately held Taiwan company.
The founder and owner of the company, Chang Yung Fa, died January 20 2016.
So the company was probably passed on to his children; he had five.
Chang was not Chinese.
He was Taiwanese.
And because the Evergreen Group conglomerate is privately held…it’s hard to know exactly who owns it now.
The ChiComs may have taken over the Evergreen Group.
I can’t confirm this.
But it may be common knowledge over there.
If the ChiComs don’t own Evergreen…then maybe this is their way of putting pressure on Chang’s heirs to sell out to them.
I can’t tell whether the whole thing is orchestrated by black hats or white hats – I’ve read reasonably plausible speculations for each.
Also, there may be *multiple* purposes involved. including the means of using Taiwan as a proxy.
The event was in China; the news story was from Taiwan.
Taiwan’s airspace was just breached by 20 (!) China aircraft, too.
IIRC, I read (guess where lol) that the founder you cited was *against* using ships that loaded greater than 8,000 containers (too dangerous), but after his passing, whoever was in control upped it by something like 300%.
Depends on the ship size – the details are sketchy – the new owners may have built bigger boats (cue “Jaws” scene!).
There’s yet another possibility.
That this wasn’t orchestrated at all.
Given the reality that the draft is deeper than the canal, I read this morning, this was no accident.
Something is hinky about it all.
I’m more thinking about the truck plus the ship not necessarily being orchestrated.
“Future proves past.”
By the time one has proof, it’ll be too late to do anything about it.
We cannot afford to wait …
Yes, and notice how the truck has been turned towards the right, and is blocking the roadway at about the same angle as the ship, Ever Given, is blocking the canal — same configuration and also turned to starboard.
And as noted on the 2021-03-24 open thread here, there are also the code names pointing to H> (Evergreen as the code word, and an easy association from the ship’s callsign H3RC) as well as the 2-year delta of drop 3173 dated 2019-03-23, with a question about what happens when a blockade is dismantled and removed.
Plenty of details seemingly having a pattern, but maybe it is random like patterns seen in the clouds, that sometime look like faces or animals. Or maybe there is indeed a «there» there.
I can’t keep from thinking of when the British band Oasis were ginning up excitement for a new record, «Be there now», and with a pool with a car in it and a bunch of other manufactured clues, and a board with the number 21 on it, which was the date of release. And all the oohing and aahing in the papers about what all this means and speculations…. All it meant of course was basically that the producers wanted the buying customers to be there in the stores on the 21st in order to buy the record… Completely artificial.
The record wasn’t even that good either. They pretty much jumped the shark.
So I’m having this in the back of my mind — there is possibly something being advertised for sale here, for some variant definition of «sale». And if this is some kind of manufactured event, it will have to be some kind of expected audience, and it won’t just be me sitting here and speculating what it all might mean; which I can do all day, and with no effect whatever on that ship which still sits there and blocks the Suez Canal.
So the best that can be done is to drag all kinds of background info and speculations out into the daylight so we all can look at it and try making sense of it.
march 27, 2021 the marshall report
There was a lot of activity last night and into the wee hours. Biden has created a serious problem on the border and the 18 senators got all the facts. The news is silent and Biden’s crayon notes say sun is shining and the sky is blue. He is so gone… his face is even melting and his eyes are black. What is he? Looking like a really bad C.G.I. rendition.
Donald Trump is making a new form of tweet, Now called a STATEMENT from the Office of Donald J. Trump. Something is stirring up. The Donald is positioning – glad he’s back on the communication radar!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
do you know where your cat is ?
hope your cat isn’t stuck at the border…
like one of biden’s baked potatoes
Hey Steve, is there a museum that has all of these to see?
They might have videos for educational purposes.
You can hit wikipedia, there are companies selling samples online (elementsales.com, luciteria, element-collections.com, and others), as well as periodictabletable.com (that last isn’t a stammer; the owner built himself a table with the periodic table inlaid in it, each wooden tile can be removed to reveal some samples…or even in many cases an item related to the element).
element-collections.com (which redirects) used to sell individual samples but apparently now just does museum displays. Luciteria sells both. periodictabletable.com is run by the same guy who wrote the very-well-done book on elements that even hit the “real” bookstores. (And I see from here https://theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/Posters/index.html he has branched out.)
Some of these sites will mention which museums/universities have displays of theirs.
Ty very much.
And of course there is the periodic table videos channel on youtube.
It’s gotta be said; I don’t think Joe Biden’s son Beau was the “stand-up hero” one decent guy in the family he has been portrayed as.
This article is basically just a transcript of Hunter Biden outing his brother’s ex, Hallie, as a drug addict. Maybe it’s not true, but there is a lot of detail here. And the gun incident is just part of it. And Beau was married to her.
Also, it sure reads to me like Hunter was with her when his brother was still alive. This family is a nightmare. And the top of the Biden food chain is currently usurping our White House.
Oh, and the Secret Service? They’re dirty, too. There was no official protection on Hunter or Joe in 2018 and 2019, but they showed up to try to cover up the gun business. It’s confirmed in these texts, too.
Honestly, some days I just don’t know what to think.
The last days of the Roman Empire comes to mind.
Biden and Rachael/Richard Levine are the proof.
Ive been thinking that. And then nothing but war and divvying scraps until something else emerges.
“Oh, and the Secret Service? They’re dirty, too.”
Praetorian Guard.
What are they going to do, risk their career by arresting the criminals who commit crimes right in front of them?
Or ride the gravy train?
Remember, this is the ‘Secret Service’ that went on multiple booze & hooker all-nighters during Hussein’s abomination.
The Praetorian Guard (Latin: cohortes praetoriae) was an elite unit of the Imperial Roman army whose members served as personal bodyguards and intelligence for Roman emperors.
During the era of the Roman Republic, the Praetorians served as a small escort force for high-ranking officials such as senators or provincial governors like procurators, and also serving as bodyguards for high-ranking officers within the Roman legions.
With the republic’s transition into the Roman Empire, however, the first emperor, Augustus, reformed the Guard as his personal security detail. Although they continued to serve in this capacity for roughly three centuries, the Guard became notable for its intrigue and interference in Roman politics, to the point of overthrowing emperors and proclaiming their successors.
In 312, the Guard was disbanded by Constantine the Great, as he oversaw the destruction of their barracks at the Castra Praetoria.
Constantine had the right idea.
He didn’t wait around for the Roman People to ‘awaken’, or trust the corrupt agencies of government to reform themselves.
And I’m posilutely certain Constantine did not destroy their barracks without the use of force.
No need to involve corrupt lawyers, no need for debates or bogus enemy public opinion polls, no need to involve corrupt judges.
Just do it, and then see if the corrupt lawyers and corrupt judges have a bigger army than you do.
1 John 2: 8-10 (KJV)
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.
He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
Found on Gab:
![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/936/302/original/b53e17079c5a52c3.png)
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3.27.21: When the DOOR is LOCKED…you need a KEY! The WORLD is WATCHING! Pray!
And We Know Published March 27, 2021
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/947/434/original/697f5a1208a913ad.jpeg)
Powerful meme!
Excellent … TY!
EVERGREEN & Red October Submarine Rostov-On-Don BIBLICAL 3-26-21
RedpillTheWorld Published March 26, 2021
This one is really good.
Economic Perspective
From Gab:
![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/944/413/original/6a69034cd368f515.jpg)
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I’ve long known that about the Democrats, but it’s good to see it made clear to millions of others.
In the mid 1980s, as the Dems provided cover for communists in Nicaragua and El Salvador, National Review ran a satire article about a future communist Canada invading North Dakota and the Left in denial that anything wrong was going on…on American soil.
It rang true.
The first video is hilarious.
LMAO! “I can’t do the rest of the show”!!! LOL!
Mark Steyn’s mockery is a million times more devastating than a thousand serious people harrumphing in various editorials and think tanks and panels of very important people
The man is brilliant! We need many more like him!
Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For TEN YEARS
“It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now”
Oh hell no! I am not putting up with this f****** s*** that long.
Thankfully, that is a former British Supreme Court judge
While I have greatly reduced faith in the the US SCOTUS, we do still have more freedom and liberties in teh US than the Brits
“While I have greatly reduced faith in the the US SCOTUS, we do still have more freedom and liberties in teh US than the Brits”
And I don’t mean the National Football League…![😂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f602.svg)
Lord Sumption does not approve at all. He has been on our side since the very beginning.
He is saying that continued restrictions are the likely outcome, given what happened in the Second World War with UK rationing.
Thanks for the link, Dora. Have bookmarked.
Lord Sumption is sounding a warning. He does not agree with this at all.
Dora, I am having a hard time deciding who has the biggest narcissistic, egomaniac tendencies – Zero or Cuomo – Cuomo seems to think people hang on his every word.
Repenting for the thought that just came into my mind – I am
Cuomo DOES (or DID) have people hanging on his every word; my dad was a huge fan of his during the early stages of the Covidschina and for all I know still is (I don’t talk politics with him).
I heard that ‘splat’, too – I just cannot imagine NYers are that stupid, Steve.
Sad for you and your Dad – a long time cyber friend of mine who lives in MD – said her daughter came to visit for Christmas – left her presents on the front porch – and kept her distance – from her own mother!!! We could not figure out if she was doing that to protect herself or her mother – at any rate – this whole CV fiasco smells worse than some elements on the Periodic Table!!!
Same here, know people who think he’s done a great job.![🤣](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f923.svg)
There pretty much drinking the koolaid by the gallon. In all honesty for some there’s no hope turning them away from this INSANITY.
Have to agree with you there, Brave – however – Imma thinkin’ – 80% are saved – 10% will be added after the poop hits the fan – so – if we are left with only 10% in the dark – I can live with that.
And – I have to say tho’ NY and CA went RED in 2020 – so Cuomo is full of poop – and he is going to the Big House – along with DeBozo – because God will not be mocked!!!
Agree they’ll all go to the big house in the end, unless they repent.
Osmium isn’t even the smelliest.
Bromine will clear the room, and it’s a volatile liquid all by itself.
Oooooooh, My!!! I thought bromine was more benign – Geeeeeesh!!!
I love it!!! Great idea!!!
Gosh – I miss this guy!!! This is definitely going to be fun, BFLY!!!
Australian Reporter Thinks Biden Admin is a Joke: “Weekend at Biden’s” MUST SEE! – Sgt Pathttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f525.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f525.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f525.svg – Whatfinger News’ General Dispatch
Interesting info on covid.
Oh, this is absolutely true!!!
That is part of the reason why I was convinced lockdown would have lasted only a few weeks a year ago at this time. The Diamond Princess data* were already out in the public domain.
*The singular of ‘data’ is ‘datum’.
Jim Hoft
EVIL: Nike to Release a Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it – In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs
![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/preview_cards/images/010/492/908/original/bc72e5ec0dfe853b.jpeg)
This is such in-your-face evil…I’m just aghast.
Also interesting how this is tied to the cultural Marxist destruction of Nashville.
help me please … connection to Nashville?
Sorry – just saw this. You found it!
Yes, I was immediately currious as to what my Red TN (and the blue Nash) had to do with this.
As I posted on today’s first page, I became aware of it via a fb post by Robby Starbuck and thought surely this is fake news that Robby didn’t vet so double checked. Disgusted to find it is very true. Also found a video of Robby on the news talking about. All too real.
Revolted to learn he had anything to do with country music.
I seriously have Never heard his song with Cyrus for which he received a CMA award and I live in Nash region and listen to multiple Nashville based country music radio stations. FAKE country music “star”.
Great point. I saw the video a while back and thought “yeah – novelty song – but it’s BLACK and it will be SELF-LAUDED by WOKE NASHVILLE.” But I had no idea it would be used to launch a new “Brokeback Hanna Montana”.
Notice how they do this crap. Just a FAKEY-FAKE takeover of country and western values.
Man alive I am SICK of this damn site logging me off at random times.
I’m going to change my password to something simple.
I won’t take it personally if you change it to “cthulhu”.
Oh, wait, yes I would….
If you (1) have your browser remember your WordPress password for the wordpress.com site, and (2) leave tabs with this site up when you close your browser, then you basically NEVER have to log back in.
They can try taking on the Country of Country Music, but it’s not going to be easy.
Country Music is linked with the Ryman Auditorium — “The High Church of Country Music” — originally the Union Gospel Tabernacle in 1892. Ryman had it built after going to a Samuel Porter Jones tent revival to scoff and being converted instead.
Soon after it opened, it acquired a balcony largely funded by the United Confederate Veterans — known as the Confederate Gallery.
It was quite startling to be there, and feel such a personal connection to someplace I’d never been before. Why are so many country songs hymns? Ryman. Why do so many country music sets have windows pointed at the top? Ryman. Why do so many country songs have the same instrumentation? Ryman.
And when you get there, there is so much that is…..odd…. The Ryman doesn’t have seats — it has pews. Its backstage is across an alley. The layout is funky — it goes crosswise to how a regular venue would sit. And it’s next to a bunch of honky-tonks.
It’s improbable and anachronistic….and it’s going to take a lot more than “Brokeback Hanna Montana” to move it an Angstrom.
I’m just gonna say we have different camera angles on this one!
I see him associated with Billy Ray Cyrus … maybe his daughter didn’t fall so far from the tree after all …
Never heard that song, ever, and I live in Nashville area and listen to 3 Nashville based country music stations.
And received a CMA award? Who gave it to him and why if they never actually play his song?
He was named after a car …
His dad is a gospel singer!
He stayed out of trouble with the law and seems to have a good head on his shoulders as far as his career and self marketing on youtube and tiktok etc.
…until this (probably more stuff before this I haven’t read about)
What kind of deal did he make to become a success?
Is this a stunt for attention? Wrong way to “win” as this will haunt him. He may think its a joke but this is some evil stuff
Wasn’t there a recent report talking about the horrific lack of color in country music? Voila’ ..leave it to the Disney alumni to bring us not only a black singer but with satanic overtones.
Can’t wonder about this..that’s rayciss. Can’t be outraged over the 666 shoes or the guy pimping them….that’s racist and bad radical Christianism
Face it. Nothing predominantly white will stand even a music genre with unique historical background. It simply must be torn down and replaced with whatever they make of it.
The cultural Marxism in Nashville is now INTENSE.
It has to be resisted with everything.
One bit of good news on the cultural war front (+ new jobs and bringing secondary money into Nash region) is Klove is moving from CA to Nashville
Daily Wire just relocated as well. Again, the jobs are great and the additional secondary jobs those relocating here and making good money bring to Nashville region … all good. But the conservativism – even better!![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Good – BUT – the left will try to infiltrate from their outposts in Nashville. These companies cannot let their guard down. A purple hair with a sweet Southern accent is just as deadly as a purple-haired valley girl!
Agree, and I don’t even like country and/or western music.
“Wasn’t there a recent report talking about the horrific lack of color in country music?”
Apparently the report was about the horrific lack of black Satanists in country music.
Quickly remedied.![👍](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44d.svg)
I can only imagine how thrilled the surviving country music greats are, to have their music heritage and legacy incinerated by the God-hating cultural Marxist Left.
It always surprises me that country types turn woke mob. I never would’ve figured the azz kissing that NASCAR did and bet they’ll be a mouthy Nashville mob kissing this guy’s butt too
It happens when they got famous by glitz PR teams and not having to play dive bars, honkytonks, never had to worry about airtime to become known. Not so much about the music as it is the fame maybe ?
Country Lite
I would guess that NASCAR was bought by the Chinese, in the same way they’ve bought or controlled all the other major sports for the betterment of cultural Marxism.
Dale Earnhardt wouldn’t have stood for it, or a lot of the other garbage NASCAR has done to ruin the sport.
So they would have had to kill Dale Earnhardt to move forward with their plans.
Maybe that’s exactly what they did.
WOW – that’s a GREAT theory.
If this is right, and I’m sure it is, then the ChiComs have the Hollyweird CMers and pedos and dying financialists ALL on life support. Anybody ELSE that comes into their grasp gets hooked up with whoever China says because they control the monetary options, and the money talks, so the CMers and pedos and the like all “come with the deal”.
Yup. The people who now control Country actually HATE IT, and they cannot change it fast enough, IMO.
“Turning” Taylor Swift from sweet country/folk songwriter into a kind of Reich-lite princess of darkness was incredibly slick, but it’s pure Hollyweird.
Fact that is Just GLARING at me on this Satanist music is the involvent of Cyrus. I had sometimes even felt sorry for him about his daughter turning out the way she did, imagining that if he could do it all over again he might never introduce her to show biz. But now with this connection and his daughter … either he has a pattern and is knowingly involved or he is a guilible sucker who is so eager for success that he is willing to be used
I agree – Cyrus just leaps out as a key fact. Somebody who goes along with the “corruption of youth”.
I think he was drawn slowly to permit the morphing of his daughter. So perhaps a bit of both. I think he’s addicted to the lifestyle.
These people are not only stupid; they are sick!!!
The article that Gateway Pundit links to has corrected the report to say that Nike is not part of it.
GWP needs to update their article.
Sounds to me like there is MASSIVE backpedaling all over Hollyweird and Ninehville. Nike was definitely the source of the shoe model – the question is how much talk was going on with MSCHF about supplying and customizing.
Nike is very tied-in with the University of Oregon (in Eugene).
Brief update on my Mom.
Dad touched based today, 3 hours in the 1st ER & 8 hours in the 2nd one–yikes! Mom’s doing well but they kept her overnight so she’ll come home today or tomorrow likely.
They’ve ordered a couple new meds, including a blood smoother.
They haven’t gotten the MRI results yet but since All of her symptoms are gone now they are backing off from calling it a stroke/TIA, I believe.
Mom spent many hours on a gurney in the hallway in a hospital gown because they didn’t have a room for her. That happened to my dad in that same hospital when he was in-patient last year too–sigh…
Dad finally came home to sleep & isn’t going to camp by Mom’s bedside so she can also get some rest. He was surprised when the pharmacy called to say the meds were ready as he hadn’t been told any had been prescribed.
Thanks so much for your thoughts, prayers, & encouragements. Much appreciated!
Thanks for the good news – much relief!!!
YW & Amen!
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Yes & Amen Duchess!
That’s such good news, Valerie. Thanks for letting us know.
YW, Linda, we are thankful!
Good to know she is doing ok. Thanks for the update!
YW, A–definitely a blessing!
I pray for your mom’s recovery.
Without saying more than I intend, I will say this to everyone: You have to stay on top of every single detail about a loved one in the hospital, especially with COVID dictating their rules. I’ve seen this and heard it from others: Medical personnel seem to just take over a patient’s care now, without adequately informing the patient or their family and without consulting them in decisions. It is imperative that patients have strong advocates who are on top of every detail of their care. Those can be family members, medical powers of attorney, etc. But someone needs to be asking questions and getting clarification of what is going on, daily.
I’ve heard stories from people about this for years, but the problem is much worse now. And I have no doubt that there are those who want to ration care and usher out those whom they deem no longer fit to live, or too much of a strain on the health care budget.
Anyone who does not have a family member who can watch out for them needs a trusted medical power of attorney who will ask questions and be in on decision-making from the get-go. COVID is the perfect excuse for hospitals to have no accountability. Family members can’t get in to see what’s going on, and calling for reports is completely inadequate for keeping tabs on a patient.
All very good advice, Gil–thanks! I spoke w/ Mom at length yesterday, including about the meds prescribed, some of which are just “standard of care” for Type II Diabetes, which she’s refused in the past. So far she’s clear-headed & entirely comfortable speaking up about Any & All concerns.
I was concerned about her elderly status in the hospital during the scamdemic & what some people might try to pull. Currently both Mom & Dad seem OK, though they both spent hours in hallways on gurneys waiting for rooms to open up, in that overcrowded hospital–grrr…
Telling the Truth has indeed become revolutionary.
Just about what I was thinking. How is pinning truth to the board an act to be investigated?
In a sane world, Black people would want this Truth to be known…instead of using it as a means to an end.
That said, the more I watch reaction videos for rapper Tom MacDonald’s songs—the vast majority of countless YouTube reactions coming from Blacks—the more I am convinced that there are a LOT more Blacks awake than the-corrupt-that-be would want you to know.
I was positively surprised to discover that well over 90% of the reaction videos I watched for anti-PC songs like Fake Woke and Cancelled—were very positive reviews. These people get it!
We all are the truth Trump
Hello, singingsoul!
Haven’t seen you here for several days. Hope that you and your family are well.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Thanks for asking.
I did looked in but not post here.
We are well. I just needed to renew.
The whole spy-op stuff just got to me. I now can sleep again
Glad you had a break — completely understandable, given the present circumstances.
Never believe this is for entertainment venues only. Once it’s accepted by enough people it will become mandatory for entry into other places. Bit by bit ….
About the “Excelsior Pass” — FTA:
“It’s really just high-tech hydroxychloroquine”, said Albert Fox Cahn, an attorney [and a privacy-rights group founder.]
Starting on April 2, 2021, a person will not be permitted to enter a concert or other entertainment venue in New York without having proof of CCP Vitus vaccination or proof of a negative CCP Virus test.
There is no exception. Period.
And this is the start of barring We, The People from entering just about anywhere (including, at some point, the homes of close relatives) without having proof of CCP Virus vaccination or proof of a negative CCP Virus test; from purchasing food, goods, or services; and from seeking medical care.
Let their revenues plummet. FASTEST WAY to teach the CUOMMUNISTS to GTH.
Yep. We’ve been weaned off sports. Next will be the concerts and plays.
I used to put on homemade Shakespeare plays when I homeschooled. They are a blast and very entertaining for friends and family.
Great Awakening.
It will be more than that — just about everything we used to engage in without a second thought.
I hope their revenues do plummet. I see a lot of people who are scared to death of COVID and who rush to get the vaccine without a second thought. The fear propaganda has been very successful.
We are going to get this in the UK almost certainly.
Sure, officially, no one HAS to have the vax, but, without it, one will not be able to do anything.
Worth noting FTA (emphasis mine):
“I have more detailed technical documentation about the privacy impact of nearly every app on my phone than I do for this health pass,” Cahn said. “IBM and the governor are using lots of buzzwords, but they’re not explaining their cryptographic model. They’re not explaining the security, implementation. And on top of it, the pass itself is incredibly revealing, disclosing not only people’s health status, and name but their date of birth.”
I’d like to know how our HIPAA laws play into this. I guess people are consenting to give their medical information about COVID status.
Fully agree.
I echo your concerns about HIPAA.
We also have privacy laws in this regard in the UK.
Now, all of a sudden, none of this matters? SMH.
Hi I am back. Needed time off but read a little. I can sleep again.
Great to see you! I’d wondered what had happened.
I am glad to see you also![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Thank you!![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
She’s been gone five years, but never forgotten.
![comment image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExbVmM-VIAECZ7b.jpg)
I used to watch her. She had a lot of wisdom.
It seems like ages ago.
I was going through a terrible time when she died. Traveling alone, I was able to listen to the nonstop EWTN tributes to Mother Angelica.
They lifted me out of that dark time. I came to love her so much. What a strong and commonsense Christianity she had.
There sure are some strange people in NYC.
Another possible data point.
They’re talking about moving stuff off the ship. Could be interesting if it forces clown shipments to run a sensor gauntlet.
I think the ship is right where it’s supposed to be, and they could get it unstuck in an hour if they wanted to, and it’s going to stay right where it is, until it’s not supposed to be stuck there anymore.
I wonder who benefits most from the blocked canal.
YUP. Something is up.
The New York Post reported yesterday that there might be world-wide toilet paper shortages because of the blockage, which of course means there will be toilet paper shortages because morons will buy a year’s supply all at once.
The manipulation of the world is ridiculous. Who benefits? The cabal. Who suffers? All of us.
Fuel prices are going to go up because the canal is blocked. Anything shipped by container on water will be more expensive if they have to go around the Horn with it.
The good news is the supertankers don’t use the canal anyway; they’re too big for it (and know it beforehand).
“Anything shipped by container on water will be more expensive if they have to go around the Horn with it.”
I think I’d dynamite the Evergreen right there in the canal, before I went the long way![😁](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f601.svg)
People are saying it’s an excuse to pretend to delay deliveries of silver that can’t be made.
“People are saying it’s an excuse to pretend to delay deliveries of silver that can’t be made.”
I would expect precious metals to be shipped by air, both for security reasons and because time is money, and those expecting delivery during a developing global crisis aren’t going to be satisfied with slow boat from China style delivery.
They do NOT accept excuses for a failed delivery in the commodities markets.
As I have learned recently, the commodities “good for delivery” futures contracts all have clauses which state that in the event of a shortage or other unforeseen problem, the contracts can be settled in cash.
In the case of trying to get out of cash, and into precious metals as a store of value and hedge against a rapidly inflated currency base, settling for cash is exactly what TPTB would want, and the very last thing the holder of the contract standing for delivery would want.
The system is, of course, rigged.
OK, that makes some sense. You’re still on the hook (you have to pay full value) but it’s in cash not the commodity.
Still could be pretty damaging if the commodity shoots up. But of course if the excuse becomes available before the squeeze occurs…
“Still could be pretty damaging if the commodity shoots up.”
They can print more fiat currency lickety-split… by the TRILLIONS, it turns out.
Who knew?
But they can’t print commodities…![😁](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f601.svg)
Sounds VERY reasonable.
I don’t buy the silver angle at this point.
Let’s just say I’m more committed to buying and holding silver than I am to this theory!![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
No kidding.
I figured they were going to have to take things off the top. When barges go aground here, that’s a regular course of the way things go.
“When barges go aground here, that’s a regular course of the way things go.”
You mean they don’t send one guy with a back-hoe to play with the mud while another guy videotapes the action?
That’s the plan at Suez.
It’s a.k.a. the Ten Year plan.
Which means that after it hasn’t worked for ten years, then they’ll try something different…
Those pictures are so dumb!
“You mean they don’t send one guy with a back-hoe to play with the mud while another guy videotapes the action?”
Scott you continue to brighten my day with your witty repartee. Keep it up.
Read a crane in en route, arriving today or tomorrow. I assume a fixed crane on a barge. Same article suggested 600 containers up front may come off if the ship doesn’t float today or tomorrow. I realize, our today is history in the Suez..
More hmmm….
(Maybe I shouldn’t have quit going to the movies over 20 years ago.)
A Brit wrote that meme.
And it was Sixties TV. Never saw her navel.
What a great idea for a show… I miss America.
Indeed, we are missing Pat!!!
I think she sneaks in as a ‘Guest’, Steve!!!
But…we DO have SHD.
* Giggle *
My favorite mask meme so far!
^^^ This one is so true!!
This is rare. Full crime from start to finish in our nations capitol.
This is where we’re at in 2021. A man is thrown dead onto a sidewalk by feral teens doin whut they do and nobody rushes to the victim to see if he might be still be breathing.
Feral lives matter. They make everybody else’s worse.
It’s shocking that the soldiers didn’t immediately react to the man either
I’m just glad they got the perps before they “WHO, ME???”ed off into the welcoming arms of Mayor Feriel Yowzer.
That’s very true.
I can’t believe no one went to help the man on the ground. No one.
What the hell has happened to people?
There is no reward for getting involved these days. Just potential negatives. Sign of the times.
I don’t care about the negatives. If there is a guy on the ground, I am going to help.
I’ve gotta be able to look in the mirror tomorrow.
That is old school. Most just won’t get involved these days.
Rather sure this is big city reality. Another reason I’ll never live in a big city AND sdo my best to stay OUT of liberal bastions (shit holes).
Folks out my way, I’d bet would get involved.
I am an old-school type of girl. In almost every way.
Just remember that these days, that is not considered a virtue.
It is in my world.
You are in a small minority. Sad times indeed.
Well, I have old-school children, too. So there are some younger ones around. There are lots more like us out here in the hinterlands than there are in cities. And many of them are young, so all is not lost.
Nor the cop to the man or perps. Busy with her cell phone apparently.
“It’s shocking that the soldiers didn’t immediately react to the man either”
They’re like the cops, their job isn’t to help anybody but themselves.
They acted completely casual about it too.
Bet if they got to walk away theyd have done it again.
The only way this stops is Biblical consequences. Real consequences and once they do this I dont care how old they are.
Agree but at the rate the system is deteriorating I don’t think there will be Biblical consequences. Hell, by the time this thing gets twisted into a pretzel, the man will be mocked for causing his own death
Yes the chillun are victims of the white patriarchy as much as the dead man. Its all whiteys fault again.
I was going to say – President Wolf Moon would have public execution, parents forced to watch, Chinese Ambassador forced to watch, make parents pay for the bullet and lecture China on destabilizing America, and how we’re now using Chinese solutions to CHINESE-CAUSED problems, BILL CHINA for all of it right there, until the Ambassador gets up and storms out, then send the single parents to prison to serve out the shilldren’s terms. Then drop the bodies onto a Chinese ship somewhere in the Pacific.
That’s for starters.
Indeed. We will eliminate threats to peaceful life and peaceful people until the enemies are gone for good, if it comes to it.
Carry on – my popcorn is ready.
feral was the same word that came to my mind
Not all POC but these specific girls
Not racist … specific to those girls and because of their behavior
Just devasting … immigrant from a violent country comes here for a better life and his life ends by a pointless crime
Regret very much watching it … shows all and is just so heartbreaking … but maybe good to watch the reality of evil ever now and then (I refused to watch all of the time and every example) to remind us of what we don’t see in our daily lives because of where we live
As much as videos like these are disgusting in every way, I think it IS essential folks witness the travesties.
Video far more powerful and persuasive than words or pictures.
But I never watch them a second time.
Identifying ferals is a difficult skill, and worth acquiring to save lives – your own and those with you. Many people who “look” potentially feral – all races – impoverished – uneducated – “different” – will give their lives to save a stranger’s – the exact opposite of feral. Island peoples in tropical climates are notorious foolers in this regard. They tend to LOOK feral, but they’re anything but. Hillbillies in the most dire places, same thing.
There are certain psychological cues that must be listened to at a gut level. When you feel them, you just have to RUN, RUN, RUN – or whatever other response works when that is not possible.
ANTIFA and BLM, together with easy bail for protest hooliganism ON THE LEFT, has given a lot of ferals “license to burn”. The Kenosha Wisconsin protests were almost 80% ferals, IMO.
One of the photos that I was going through in the Kenosha Kyle analysis was a perfect example. Somebody among the researchers said “look at this photo carefully and tell me what you see”.
It took me a while. Sure enough – right out in the open in the middle of the riot that night, somebody was on their knees giving some standing guy a blow job, as people were running, walking, and wandering all around them.
Pure feral behavior.
Asian man. Biden will be on it in 3…2…1…
Let me guess… another white Christian perpetrator?
Why won’t anyone STOP these white criminals, it’s way out of control.
This is how cnn reports it..lol..it’s already getting twisted to not seem so bad. Next up censoring the video
· 5h
Police said the girls, 13 and 15, assaulted an Uber Eats driver with a Taser while carjacking him, which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured.
I wonder if they would call it an ‘accident’ if Anderson Cooper was the driver, and a couple of middle-aged deacons and elders from the local church had carjacked him, and then caused him to be crushed by the car door as the deacons and elders sped away?
That would be a tragedy of epic proportions . A month of pearl clutching talking heads. Don Lemon in tears. The entire church investigated until they “found” anti gay teachings and it became the hate crime of the era .
Half dozen worthless NG on the scene, sort of.
Another reason to never return to DC.
Maybe these were the vetted ones that passed the purity test. There was a uniformed PD standing around too.
Virginia Beach last night as well. Ahmon Jahree Adams, Nyquez Tyron Baker and Devon Maurice Dorsey.
Waste of carbon.
Waste of space, too.
And they spent their whole lives stealing oxygen.
Hey they misappropriated natural resources. They stole from native peoples. They are mineral thieves.
They sure sound like q anon…
Definitely q anon. You can tell by the white t-shirts.
https://gab.com/John_Galt1970/posts/105964388565638080![comment image](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/984/895/small/915c54e5b6a5bdba.jpg)
Three more Christian white dudes!
“Virginia Beach last night as well. Ahmon Jahree Adams, Nyquez Tyron Baker and Devon Maurice Dorsey.”
Good strong white Christian names, all three!
White Christians are on a real national rampage.
Mentioned the DC post without realizing it.
I would’ve been hysterical after all of that but not those girls. Bothered because her phone was still in the car that SHE stole and wrecked but the broken human being on the ground…..nothing
Going back for the phone is going to cost her much as it demonstrates she knew what she did was wrong and wished to cover up her actions. I’m sure that has a legal term, just doesn’t know what it might be.
“No national media outrage about the Philadelphia mass shooting. Why is that?”
Must be another crazed maniacal white Christian perpetrator.
Good post.
Okay, this is weird. Guess the left is moving extremely fast now and need to destroy any semblance of decency and common sense in their wake.
Less than 2 months later…
I guess this is the same Nas guy that teamed up with Nike to help sell their Satan shoe..? Not sure.. someone posted on it earlier.
Look at how the earrings look like inverted crosses from a distance!
Watch the lower vid and erase all doubt.
BTW, I think we have some serious cultural appropriation going on here, but in this case they can have at it.
Oh oh… Satan just started trending on twitter.
Can’t unsee the first 50 seconds of pure Satan I wasted a piece of my life on!!!
Nasty hypno-psycho stuff. DO NOT WATCH. This is MK mind fuckery.
Hypno-psycho-MK mind fuckery to those kids for sure. How’d they know that their black cowboy cool guy was gong to show up in their living room as a flaming homosexual taking over Satan’s gig.
My guess, they want us so so out raged. Part “look squirrel” part roll out the defenders of Satan to set us up with a false equivalency argument and then attempt to have religion abolished with the argument beginning on the play ground.
hahahaha..at least they’re cutting out the vagueness . It’s straight up ” flaming homosexual taking over Satan’s gig.” “singing” in robotic voice.
I’m putting it on the record right now. He’ll be half time entertainment for Super Bowl next year.
He’ll be the talk of the town.
Im going to say this not to offend any black readers here, but why are the black rappers really the ones pushing the satanic stuff?
Pretty sure it’s been mostly whites tip toeing up to the line in hopes of getting some mindless twerps to dash across.
It’s all about pushing the envelope and in this case they may of pushed it so far it ripped.
I just keep seeing rappers with the obvious symbols. Whites are as you say tiptoeing more.
Looking at the back of this twerps jacket (top vid) “Stage Coach” on top and “Old Country Road” at the bottom.
This guy is modern version of a country pied piper.
Here’s a vid of a pied piper story with a better out come. (of course your not going to see that in the lyrics, but the visuals show it along with the dangers involved in a secular world that can be avoided with some common sense and willingness to assert oneself.)
Very interesting.
So excited that this nitwit is going against a candidate backed by President Trump. I have NO idea why he thinks he has any pull at all and this will not work out well for him … and I will be delighted to watch
LMAO!!! Oh, Sundance nails it!
LOL. What a TOAD!!!
hate to be that person that says I told ya so bbbbbut I told ya..the poor man is being mocked for his death…only took a few minutes
Thank you, Steve, for the science lesson, which was most interesting.
You mentioned Agar Aids in your post. The company still exists in Stansted, Essex, a town best known these days for its airport which offers flights to continental Europe.
The company is now know as Agar Scientific and has two autobiographies of its founder, Alan Agar, which might be of interest. They come with photos:
I lived in MT in the early/mid 90s. Lots of leftists moving from west coast + environmental types. Bozeman, ski resorts, and national parks attracted many specific types. Conservatives too but more leftists than conservatives. Hope MT can fight back from purple to red.
Shit, Montana is not purple.
We have one or two cities for the lefties. The rest is for us.
Some leftists who move in stay, but most leave.
The joke going around right now is not to worry if they send those illegal immigrants up here, there are a million Montanans and six million guns in Montana, and cougars and bears love Mexican food.
It’s a different world up here, and not everyone can take it.
Not purple, and yet it seems you always have a dem governor or dem senators, and you can’t just go full bore red.
Sort of the way Colorado was before it went bright fricking blue.
The main problem we have here with Democrats getting elected is the Republicans running against them are not native Montanans, and the Dems are. That is what I have noticed, anyway.
I am really glad Gianforte overcame that. But I heard it a lot. “He’s not from here, he’s an out-of-stater. He’s from CALIFORNIA.” Even though he has lived in Montana for 25 YEARS, the same as me. If Trump had not been President and for Gianforte, he would not have won.
It is really important that we run better Republicans here. Because that “outsider” bias is REALLY hard to overcome. I hate John Tester, but he is a native Montanan, so people just keep voting him in. The guy Tester beat the first time wasn’t born here. He had lived in Montana for forty years, but he was an “outsider.” And once you’re in the “Big Club,” if you are a scumbag who’ll do what it takes, you stay in. So we’ll have a hell of a time getting rid of Tester.
Ah, that explains it, quite a bit actually.
I was at a county precinct caucus once while in college…a big one with about 30 people in it. It was being held in what had been my elementary school.
Everyone running to go to the county convention would talk about how their kids who had been in this school.
I said “I don’t have kids in this school, I *went* to this school.”
I got elected. But did not get to go to the state assembly; the county doled out those seats among the precincts; my precinct got two seats and I wasn’t one of them. (THAT, county leadership divvying up, is one mechanism for RINO leadership to perpetuate/extend its power.)
Great example!
We don’t have quite as much “outsider” prejudice here, maybe because a true native is relatively rare.
But being *from* Kalifornia can be the kiss of death in some circles. Which, let’s face it, is still a bit bigoted. Some people left Kalifornia for Colorado because they weren’t Kalifornians on the inside where it counts.
The rest are, indeed, political kudzu.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Finally got the internet hooked up in the new GRRR Headquarters https://gab.com/emoji/1f60e.svg You know what that means!
Your #SaturdayMontana moment! Enjoy http://grrrgraphics.com
New Ben Garrison Cartoon- Pandora’s Bossche:Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world-renown vaccine expert, made some alarming statements regarding the rush to release COVID-19 vaccines to the public—particularly the mRNA jab. He said it is very dangerous and could cause a catastrophic amount of deaths when new strains of the virus inevitably come about. You can read his report at
Good stuff – thanks!