Dear KAG: 2021-04-09 The Fake You Edition

It’s FAKE YOU Friday at Wolf’s Pub. So glad to be here with you all.

I’m in a mood. Ain’t ya sick of the FAKENESS?

We have a FAKE pResident. He’s a disgusting, embarrassing mess of a human. He’s a good example of the moral depravity of the Democrat Party, the RINOs, the Globalists, the Oligarchs.

Y’all can FAKE OFF. We’re sick of y’all.


We hear nothing but FAKE NEWS: the Covid jabs are good, nothing to worry about. Uh huh. You can’t believe a thing the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, the FIB, etc., tell you. All the “experts” are FULL OF CRAP. Useless at best. Dangerous to our health and well being at worst.

But I don’t have to tell you. I read the brilliant comments from the Qtreepers all day. If America would tune out of Twitter and tune in here, they would be healthier and smarter in no time.

Our Qtreepers cull the best from the web and share here. It’s a banquet of intelligence and wit and plain commonsense! Just a couple of my favorites from yesterday:

Gotta laugh at that picture of Fake First Lady Jill Biden wearing black fishnet stockings on Easter Sunday. Goodness. What kind of orders is that wench under?

Now to our special. Vermouth. Yes. It’s a wonderful fortified wine (and we could all use a little fortifying) that is enjoyed straight, either neat but often with ice, and a twist of lemon or a slice of orange in Europe.

Here in America it is most often enjoyed in a Martini or a Manhattan, but on it’s own it is wonderful.

Here’s a video about how Vermouth is enjoyed as an aperitif, often around lunchtime. And here is a nice selection of Vermouths. I have to tell you, I’ve imbibed a cheap $5 bottle of Dry White Vermouth that I usually use for bone broth, and it is quite enjoyable on ice with a twist.


We ride tandem here. Plenty of bickering but we do our best to keep the wheels on and moving forward.

Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness. The desire for those should keep us together, in spite our diverse traditions, our faith differences, our political nuances, etc.

Review the rules here. If you feel the need to vent, or as a gathering place if things go down, visit the Utree. When we get to the victory line, I hope and pray to be linked arm and arm with you all.

And we will cross the victory line. The babble of the elites is breaking down and the Matrix is breaking up.
It is time.

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“We hear nothing but FAKE NEWS: the Covid jabs are good, nothing to worry about. Uh huh. You can’t believe a thing the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, the FIB, etc., tell you. All the “experts” are FULL OF CRAP.”


I’m still amazed that anyone would take an untested, experimental ‘vaccine’ — or that the government would even authorize one — under any circumstances.

But when you consider that:

A) there are cheap, readily available remedies like the HCQ combo and Ivermectin


B) the government promoting the vaxx is lawless, illegitimate and lies about everything, even about things they don’t need to lie about, because it’s just habit


C) the government and the medical establishment have gone full totalitarian


D) almost nobody dies from China virus anyway

It’s just the most amazing thing to see people disregard all of that, and go stand in line for their Government Juice.

I mean… it might kill them… and that’s not even the worst thing it could do… 😂


“Fragile egos can’t admit they’ve been living in a false construct.”


Well… the least they could do, is admit that the rest of us don’t have to participate in their false construct… 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My planned response, unused so far, to anyone who challenges me for not wearing a mask is “I do not suffer from your particular mental delusion.”


My neighbors on both sides of my home are nurses and neither wear a mask when out and about. They talk to us the kids run around no one wearing a mask. Non were sick either. Grandma grandpa come visit the kids spend time with grandparents at their own home and no one has been sick.
No one carers about vaccine.


That is very good to hear.


Yes it is refreshing.


IIRC, I posted this quite a while back, that SciAm (before falling asleep [i.e., “woke”]) published a two-page article authored by prominent psychologists concluding that – in the face of BIG egos which are WEAK (needing constant affirmation from others) – the only successful response was to NOT respond.

Neither go against them – nor for them.

Just. Get. AWAY.

This aligns with my experience … and so that’s what I did.

‘Bye, sociopaths!

Deplorable Patriot

Demand was artificially created, and the people are being kept in the dark by the MSM – deliberately, IMO – about the REAL dangers, not just the reactions.

All part of the artificially constructed “expert culture” that has Americans deferring research and discernment to a set of paid off talking heads.


^^^ TRUE.

Methinks the narrative IS supported by folks WILLFULLY blind to COMMON SENSE. Unwilling to apply CRITICAL THINKING.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

And that is core for real education! Critical thinking skills havent been taught for too long.


“Methinks the narrative IS supported by folks WILLFULLY blind to COMMON SENSE. Unwilling to apply CRITICAL THINKING.”


Which is why we need a litmus test for willful blindness. Because people who are willfully blind are dangerous, not just to themselves, but to everyone around them.

And apparently they’re everywhere 😂

If they are willfully blind about something as big as this, what else are they willfully blind about?

The mask is one test of willful blindness, but it’s not definitive, because people could be faking (wearing the mask but not believing it does anything) for sake of convenience.

But letting some government goon inject experimental poison into your body, and then virtue-signalling that you did it, to anyone who will listen to them about it — that takes a commitment to willful blindness that demands to be recognized 😂 🤣 😂

The vaxx is a nearly perfect litmus test, for adults.

The teenagers don’t have much choice, unless they are particularly strong-willed and defiant, and understand the danger of the vaxx well enough to be willing to accept the consequences of refusal.


“Demand was artificially created, and the people are being kept in the dark by the MSM – deliberately, IMO – about the REAL dangers, not just the reactions.”


It’s deliberate for sure, part of the whole narrative construct, it couldn’t even work otherwise.


“All part of the artificially constructed “expert culture” that has Americans deferring research and discernment to a set of paid off talking heads.”


And I can see that, for things that aren’t really important or impactful one way or the other, sort of a ‘pick your battles’ type of thing.

But jamming a needle in your arm and pushing a tube full of experimental Government Juice into your veins is taking it to a whole ‘nother level.

There has to be an innate survival instinct, life has to have taught them about distrust, they have to have experienced pain from being lied to and deceived in countless smaller ways, which should have prepared them to be automatically distrustful of anything so potentially life-altering as this.

And yet for many, this does not seem to be the case. It’s as if they’ve grown up in a perfect world of idyllic serenity, and have developed no natural defense mechanisms, and have no natural survival instincts.

And that’s just not possible.

If it was a movie, I would have already guessed that the people making a big deal about getting the vaxx and enticing the herd to do the same are Westworld or Mr. Data (or Bishop, from Aliens) type androids or robots. “Look at me, I’m taking it, and so should you!”

It’s a very strange thing to see so many people ignore basic survival extincts, or appear not to even have them.

If it has been conditioned out of them, that would explain it, and certainly make the sheep more docile and controllable, but how would TPTB even go about doing such a thing?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“What matters is that vermouth is really tasty – and that you start drinking it.”


Seriously, my parents had it and always talked about it, but I figured it was just some bitter liqueur and YUCK. But now – oh, that looks interesting.

I love Spain. I’m gonna have me some of that stuff. And that Vermouth video – my wife is gonna love that. She loves those small bars and restaurants. I’m totally psyched now.


I’ve long wondered if American’s view of vermouth was from always being shipped the cheap crud while the good stuff was kept close. Looking at the stuff sold from the cask, now I’m sure.


I’m going to have to see what sort of heirloom vermouths are available in bottles.


Anyone with experience to share?


One of the things about flavorings and infusions, teas, decoctions, liqueurs, and the like, is that you’re trying to capture aromatic chemicals in that space between “bound to physical structures” and “lost to the atmosphere”. One of your tools is the difference in solubility between water and alcohol — so that certain herbs in water will release one flavor, and the same herbs in alcohol will release another.

Some substances will be pried out of a bark by being boiled for 20 minutes in water at (pick random measure) 6…..but if soaked in 40% alcohol first, then boiled for 20 minutes, might yield 9.

People have worked on this for millenia. Green Tea was discovered to be a useful beverage thousands of years ago… tea became popular substantially later — it’s the same leaves off the same plant, but just like malted barley is partially sprouted, black tea is partially composted.


Our resident purple hedge witch probably knows a thing or two about the practical aspects of this.

But we can all enjoy and learn!


Lol, I’m assuming the “resident purple hedge witch” is me?

I do know something about this. I have a wonderful book, Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Thomas Bartram that is my go-to for how to prepare various herbal medicines. Some, like wormwood which could be used for covid, are best never heated, but steeped in cold water. Heat deteriorates them.

Others, as you say release different constituents in water and alcohol, and some need heat. To make tinctures, the percentage of water and alcohol varies somewhat by herb, too. Some companies offer tinctures in glycerin for people who can’t have alcohol, but this makes a difference.

One experience I had with this demonstrates the principle very well. I made a tincture for myself of skullcap, which is a nervine. I was using it for anxiety during the covid lockdowns. My source for the skullcap itself was a local shop, since I had yet to try to grow my own (as I will this year). There was a shortage of it, surprise! I wasn’t the only one using it. The store found a source that had the glycerin tincture only, and ordered it for us to try.

My tincture using 45% alcohol tasted and smelled floral and wonderful. It also worked very well on for anxiety. The best I can describe the effect is it is like when you have had a satisfying meal and have that calming warm feeling in your belly.

The glycerin tincture was bitter. It also did not produce the calming feeling. Thankfully, we shortly found another source for the dry herb, and I made more tincture with alcohol.

It is important to know how to prepare your herbs to get the desired effect.


Great example! I knew you’d have good information.




Aubergine you are fascinating 🙂
The book sounds familiar to me. I need to look in my library here at home.
Most of the time I use “The Complete Woman’s Herbal ”
A manual of healing and nutrition for personal well being and family care.
by Anne McIntyre.
I have more books then I should on herbs, teas, ,edible flours and aroma therapy.

I also am a big fan of Dr Andrew Weil.


You are too kind!

I have way too many books like that, too. But I love them all, and each one offers something different.


Yes that is the fun of it 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Honestly, if a serious effort was made to go through rare book collections en masse, I bet we’d find all sorts of things that have been “lost” to us in the last 150 years or so with progressive “science” being pushed by financial backers with less than wholesome motives.


Yes, absolutely.
The old dictionaries alone are a plethora of good info.


The first four “Foxfire” books. Seriously fascinating.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that you mention it, I remember something about that from grade school, I think.


One can find old books. My in laws had very old herbal books and cookbooks. I am not sure where they are now. My husband mentioned some in the attic he was going to dispose off. Not sure if the were those books or other German books. I rescue books like that and need to look in my bookshelves. I also have some books on wild edibles from England country side they have recipes in them also.
I know my one grandmother was into herbal stuff and made medical liquor she said 🙂


I do even though my husband holds on to his stuff he easily wants to get rid of things that he does not find interesting. I like herbal books and how to make liquor or home remedies. Of course I need to be careful some of the recipes have been debunk no safe. I have more modern one now that are updated so I do not poison myself 🙂


I like teas and have more tea in my home than anyone should 🙂

I like Charteuse a herbal liquor from France. It is produced by monks after an ancient recipe. I have a DVD on the monks and how they live collect the herbs in the mountains where they live and how the liquor is made.
It is wonderful as after dinner one also can drink it on ice and lemon. I found the liquor beneficial when I was sick and my chest was so tight and lots of coughing. I drank a small glass with lemon before bed and was very helpful.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I use Vermouth in some cooking. I have some sweet Vermouth. I do not drink it but is great in some recipes.


I also noted the emphasis on “tapas”. The “small plates” that have a few bites of something tasty — one for each of friends, but easily eaten solo. Then you order another. It’s really a nice way for a small group to delve into a kitchen’s repertoire.

Deplorable Patriot

And loaded with hidden calories.

Concerned Virginian

Cheap or wildly expensive, all fortified wines are just that: fortified. And if one thinks they can pour an 8-ounce glass of Dubonnet and quaff it as if it were 8 ounces of Chardonnay — it ain’t so. This holds true for any fortified wine — Sherry, Marsala, and all the rest.


The wines my DH makes are all around 18-20% alcohol. They will knock you sideways if you aren’t judicious with your pour.


I thought yeastie-beasties weren’t good beyond about 14%. What does he do to get another 5% beyond that?


He uses champagne yeast. I think that accounts for it. Higher alcohol to make the “pop.”


A nice presentation about vermouth. Left me with a bunch of questions, but I’m a bit of a nerd that way….

Like… it a liqueur cut with wine, or a fortified herbed wine? It’s sweetened….with what? Is that slop filtered out, or does it settle? Is any part of it aged?

To put this into perspective, I’ve made several batches of beer at BYO places. You start out with a “grain bill” that must include malted barley (there are enzymes in malted barley that render unfermentable grain starches and sugars into fermentable ones). Malted, BTW, is where you take a grain and dampen it until its nucleus starts pushing those enzymes out into the starch of the grain to make a seedling, then you roast it to make it stop actually becoming a plant. You see something similar in sprouted-wheat bread.

There are famous techniques — Budweiser uses rice, there have been a number of oat stouts, there are wheat beers and rye beers — essentially any grains will work.

You’re going to make a decoction of this — you’re going to boil it in water for over 20 minutes (usually about an hour).

You’ll add three batches of hops. The first are the bittering hops and will also be in a decoction. Typically used are “Noble Hops” of Germanic extraction. The second will be about 10-15 minutes from the end of your boil, and will be the flavor hops. The last will be added within the last five minutes before you stop the boil, and will be your aromatic hops. Note that all three stages can be the same hop, or different, or blends. There is an optional fourth hop stage, the “dry hop” which is added during fermentation.

You then cool the “wort” as fast as possible, and “rack it” into a fermenting vessel, discarding most of the residual solids. You “pitch” an awakened yeast solution into it, and move it to your preferred fermentation location — typically warmer for ale yeasts and cooler for lager yeasts.

Learning and doing this has made me very appreciative of understanding which processes are done in what order with which ingredients….


There are a ton of brewery shops down here. But i bet the money is in growing all the hops, for the smaller ones, not bud or coors.


I’d asked about this before and Wolf directly told me he wouldn’t answer it. The comment counter says there are THREE and TWO are not me, but I can only see scott and myself.



And then I reload, and Wolf’s in there. HAH!


Something odd I’ve noticed is when I like a reply that I’m reading under the bell, that like doesn’t show up on the page. So anymore I try to write a little something instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Likes are funny beasts. They’re done by wpDiscuz page scripts that are different from the JetPack like scripts. These are more responsive when they work, but if the page bogs on other tasks, the delays can be significant.


I just liked this, see if it shows up. 😄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This like by the bell notifier you can’t see, but it’s there!

Sadie Slays


comment image


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! These LIARS can go to hell.

CDC will never get another vaccine into me until they do a full mea culpa on what they did here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It looks like they MAY be trying to transition to the truth on these phony cases after they vaccinate, without anybody noticing.

Deplorable Patriot

There are not a critical mass of physicians asking questions and refusing to get reality out in the open. Talk about going tribal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Licensing is a powerful control!!!

Deplorable Patriot

No kidding.


>>”after they vaccinate”<<

Because once they’ve achieved that, nothing else matters.

IMO, it’s been the ENTIRE POINT of all of their efforts.

The “Fie-zer” whistleblower laid it all out. True or not, the consequences of the former (“True”) are staggeringly negative.

In other words – we needn’t commit to his dire warnings as being true; rather, we should commit to protecting against the *possibility* that they ARE true.

So many jump, prematurely, to believe, or to disbelieve … when there isn’t any compulsion to do so AT THAT TIME.

What if it IS true?

THAT is what we must protect against, IMO.

“Game theory” is very simple in its basic form. For the two choices presented (believe; disbelieve), all one need do is look at the consequences of espousing either choice.

Guessing wrong in one case (it ain’t true!) is mild … but guessing wrong in the other case (it’s true!) is deadly. Protect against the latter!

The other two options, of that 4×4, are almost totally inconsequential, when compared to the consequences of guessing wrong.

Kew said it, too: (paraphrase) “The way to win is by using game-theory”.


I predict that Steve will rightly excoriate me for the inaccurate math!

The initial choice is has two options (NOT “2×2” – meaning “4”).

The subsequent choice also has two options (NOT “4×4” – meaning “16”)

So, it’s expanding the choices from 2 only, to 4.

Sorry Steve!


Deplorable Patriot

Would you be so kind as to remind us what the Pfizer whistleblower said?



Anyone who’s taken the vaccine is as good as dead.

No filter.

Hits the heart, lungs, and liver.

(He didn’t mention the gonads.)

Meant to be used in combo with future “booster” shots.

Was the #2 at Pfizer research, worked there 20 years.

IIRC (and I’ll go check), he put a life expectancy decline for those who were sick at 2 years; for those healthy, the decline was 5-10 years.

Also, I saw it published (with direct quotes from him) in “Lifesitenews”, and one other place at least.

Very close to the end of either yesterday’s thread, or the day’s before, churchmouse posted a link (so I didn’t).

It was in the notables the last day or two – I’ll go check: it’ll be a good data-point.

I should be quick …


From Churchmouse (19:34), yesterday, replying to Dora (14:09), with original sauce (midway through the 2nd page of comments):

 Reply to  Dora
 April 8, 2021 19:34

>>Just to calm everything down, this is quite a lengthy interview. 

Michael Yeadon is not a sensationalist.

Parts 1 and 2 of the transcript of the interview are in the links below:

Check Conservative Woman tomorrow for another instalment.<<


First hit (I think there are three at least, each with a bit more info than the others):

Wed Apr 7, 2021 – 8:47 am EST


>>EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’<<


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Second and third hits – the original posts I based my comment on:

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Anon reply:

Well, he is giving the mild estimation. The death rate was around 1.2% and the life expectancy will be decreased by about 2 years for age 55 and up. If you were health, your life expectancy will be decreased by 5 to 10 years. It was in the latest report. I need to find the report again.

[and this anon did look, and posted a follow-up – but didn’t find the article in time for me to see it, or verify it was there]]

Same anon:

While I was searching for the document, doctors are pushing the vaccine and search engines are filtered.

Dr.Karen Tashima, MD

Can you get coronavirus from the vaccine?

Definitely not. The vaccines present only a portion of the virus, the coronavirus spike protein, to our immune system – not the whole virus. This allows our immune system to develop immunity to the spike protein, and then we can fight off a coronavirus infection right away if we are exposed to it.



comment image

I noted that a handful of shills (or anons?) attacked the original anon quickly, and fiercely.

I think shills – the nastiness factor was obvious.

Deplorable Patriot

I hope he’s wrong.


Me too.

I know quite a few people here (you too) have said that their family members were seduced by media-induced fear, and/or persistent haranguing by other family members.

None of the comments I’ve seen on relevant articles in GWP or ZH had ANY intention at all of taking the experimental “vaccines”.

Together with that ~1hr video – linked here, maybe 1-2 months back – of the PhD woman who hypothesized putting all the “vectors” together (satellite control, re-programmable operating system nano-tech in the concoctions and q-tip “tests”, and more) would create total bio-control / enslavement … I think the risks are insufferable.

God bless us all.

Deplorable Patriot

Family members, every organist I know, family friends who are more family than friends, my fellow choir people.

I’m pretty speechless over the brainwashing.


Whoa, a long hair Wojak, with a mask even! 😂


So this is their New Narrative…”side effects are normal”.

What a crock!

They are desperate to get their vaccines in all of us.


Oh yeah.
And also…accustomed to the ‘annual’ part.

Gotta get that flu vax every year!
It’s for your own good.

I’ve only ever had one flu shot…years ago.
I had a severe allergic reaction to it that was way worse than having the flu.
So no flu shots for me!


Also had a reaction to a flu shot a couple years ago. It only lasted 16 hours, but it felt like I was dying the whole time. Pure misery, and as bad or worse than any flu I ever had, and there were some bad ones.


Thats awful!


Bet theyre doing work on the next one.

Concerned Virginian

The CDC is buying up advertisement air time on radio stations to push the “everybody has to get the vaccine in order to have a normal life again” cr@p. Some stations, like WRVA in Richmond VA, are blanketed with these radio ads.


The COVID vaccines are causing more than just “some” side effects – the intensity of the reactions indicate that the body’s immune system, rather than, “signs it’s building protection” is really being stressed – never a good thing for our body’s normal function – and affecting systems that shouldn’t be affected isn’t what is more an adverse effect vs “side effect.”


Yes! Its not working with you body…its taking over.


It’s a feature! – IMO – not a “side-effect”.

What I’ve read is that the prevalence of adverse effects (their term) necessarily prevents ANY of these “vaccines” (experimental gene therapy, without informed consent [violation of the Nuremberg Code]) from EVER qualifying for formal approval by the FDA.

Unless, of course, the FDA does as the CDC did, and UNLAWFULLY changes the guidelines (required are “public notice” and debate, among others) for what may be considered the cause-of-death.

Haven’t seen you post for a while – nice to see you back, for whatever time you prefer.

I hope you’re well!



Thank you. I’ve been wandering around. More at Marica’s, but maybe I’ll stop by more often. I’m on the hopeful side of things, so can share that. 🙂


‘maybe I’ll stop by more often’: please do. We miss your comments and insight.


I have missed you and your Qtree comments. Hope you’re doing well.


I’ll stop by more. Doing okay. Believe that in the not too distant future this “virus” stuff is going to be behind us – the people are rebelling. Never thought it would take this long! 🙂


Great to hear from you, milady, especially as you are a nurse!

Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse
Sadie Slays

I like using vermouth for soups. It’s cheap and lasts awhile in the fridge. I used to like martinis, but prefer neat gin or vodka these days. It’s more efficient.


I forget whose recipe for a martini was to pour a glass of gin and shake a bottle of vermouth at it to scare it….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Carol Channing?

I tried to find the quote, and all I could find was a drink named after her.

But I did find this. OMG!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that link makes me thirsty for stuff I don’t need! 😉

Sadie Slays

I know the quote you’re talking about. It’s really bugging me that I can’t remember who said it. Closest I found through Google was two different versions attributed to Winston Churchill, but neither sounds 100% right to me, either. I remember the quote going something like, “show the bottle of vermouth to gin.”

I would like to observe the vermouth from across the room while I drink my martini.

He is quoted as saying of the drink, “Glance at the vermouth bottle briefly while pouring the juniper distillate freely.”


It’s so much more relaxing knowing that someone here will dredge the quote up without my faulty memory…..


“I forget whose recipe for a martini was to pour a glass of gin and shake a bottle of vermouth at it to scare it….”


That’s how one of my friends in college would make his Martinis.

Pour a glass of Gin (or Vodka?).

Then open the everlasting half-empty bottle of Vermouth, turn it nearly horizontal, and wave it back and forth over the top of the glass, without actually pouring any Vermouth into the glass.

Then put the cap back on the Vermouth.

It was like a ritual.

The rest of us didn’t drink Martinis…

Shots of Jägermeister, Mezcal Tequila (or whatever the kind is with the worm at the bottom of the bottle), Jack Daniels, Vodka, even Johnny Walker (Red, the Black was too expensive), probably some others I’ve forgotten.

But mostly just Budweiser, when we could afford it.

And Busch, when we couldn’t.

Which was most of the time. 😁

Deplorable Patriot

Winston Churchill, although he said to wave the bottle of Vermouth over the shaker.


Seems appropriate.

Just a hint, if that, of vermouth.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, Wine is fine, but liquor is quicker 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Grandma, as always I enjoyed your post very much.

You gotta wonder who is holding the whip hand? Who wanted to humiliate Joe Biden so much that they made his wife dress like a hooker and go out in public??? 😁😁😁

I have been home from the nursing home for a couple weeks. The hole in my thigh is healing nicely and closing up. I have another follow up appointment tomorrow. My time online is limited by my low energy level. I still sleep quite a bit, but as I heal and gain strength I will be reading more and visiting here more often.

And I am still holding the line.
❤ ❤ ❤

Sylvia Avery

Thanks grandma. I don’t know how when or where but this isn’t going to go on like this. It defies all logic and reason. One way or another this is going to end. And I believe good will triumph, even now.


Thank you for visiting, and continued prayers for your strength and healing!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Coothie. It has been a long hard struggle, but I am winning on all fronts!


It is always great to see you Sylvia 👍🙂

Get well quick!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Scott! Things are looking up!


Hi Syl!  😍 
*waves furiously*
 👏  😀  👏 

I’m so glad to hear that you are healing up and doing better!
Thank you for letting us know.

What a horrible ordeal…’flesh-eating bacteria’ is that scary thing that we hear of and hope we never encounter.
I’m so sorry that you went through it!

 💖 {{{{{Sylvia}}}}} 💖 

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wheatie! I am one lucky gal, for sure.


May the good Lord continue to bless you in your healing, Sylvia.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, CM. ❤❤❤


You are most welcome! 🙂

Brave and Free

Glad to hear your on the mend Sylvia. Absolutely ole Joe and his $20 hooker wife won’t be around much longer I am thinking. There going balls to the wall on every aspect of change and control early while the sheep are enjoying their $1400 before they realize their freedoms are gone.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder what will happen when the sheeple discover that that $1400.00 check cost them about $6000.00 to “fund”??? and that Piglosi’s been at the trough yet again…


Still on the mend is good! Cmon granulation tissue get buildin!

Sylvia Avery

😍😍😍 It’s really started to fill in quickly!


Good. Its the infection and clearing out that took so long.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh Miss Sylvia, soooooo glad to hear from you!!!!!! 💞 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 💞 God Bless and Heal you quicker than quick!!! 🙏 🙏 🤗 🤗 🤗 😘 😘 😘 🥰 😍 🥰 💋 💋 💖 💝 💖

Who’d ya rather….Big Mike or Joe’s tacky HO?? 🤣

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Sylvia Avery

TY Bfly! Oh gosh……..probably the tacky Ho is better than Big Mike. Big Mike was just so wrong he makes me shudder. I react viscerally to his wrongness. And the memory of those hideous outfits he chose. So far Dr Ho is just tacky and stupid.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Agree. BONUS – We don’t get called rayciss for making fun of the ‘Dr’, at least not yet 🙄🙃😝🤩🤪

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hi friend. Good news from you is like a cloudburst during a drought – delicious and I get really drenched while parching my thirst.


Sylvia Avery

Aww, pgroup. You say the nicest things. Thanks. Hope all is well in your world.❤❤❤


So happy that you’re on the mend!

Kudos to your doctor for trusting his intuition – to use a euphemism, it sounded like a very “ticklish business”!

Yes, I followed your progress – you’re hands-down my favorite “newfag”!

God bless you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
Sylvia Avery

TY Emeraldstar!


Good to hear from you and so happy you are mending! Sleep is awesome, get all you can.

Glad you are “holding the line.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Howdy Sylvia! Good to see that you are on the mend and ‘oot and aboot…

Here’s some reinforcement shovels (Spaten) to go with many prayers for you and yourscomment image

The stuff going on with Bye, Done and the rest of the clowns makes me think of that movie with the fellow with the “truth-sensitive sunglasses”, I think it was called “They Live”…

Yep, it’s on VC (VigilantCitizen):


Turned the DW on to that flic (prescient) a few weeks ago…she loved it.


Quite amusing….with the limited number of posts, I’ve had time to look at who is doing the the thumbs — and it’s more “Guests” than usual. Can’t complain — I look like a “Guest” myself when I do thumbs, but it’s amusing — at least, I comment with a nic.

Sylvia Avery

This is practically in my back yard, and frankly is more than a little disturbing. That grinning fool Trudeau has either naively bent over and said “do me” to the Chinee, or he has prostituted Canada for his own Commie goals. Either way, I don’t like the sounds of this. At all. Chinese assembling on our north border, and our south.

“It’s a sunny day and you’re driving down a backcountry road far from any military bases. Out of nowhere, you spy several dozen adults in camouflage marching together as if they’re a military unit on patrol. That would be out of place enough by itself. Add to it that they appear to be clad in gear resembling that of another nation’s military. You’d probably grab your phone and capture video of the incident.
Salt Spring Island is a sleepy resort island off the Vancouver coast in British Columbia, Canada. You can only get there by ferry or seaplane. In June 2020, Canadians woke up to a pair of bizarre, seemingly unconnected events two years and 100 miles apart, including a mysterious murder……”


Disturbing, indeed. Worthy of further surveillance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OH, this is just brilliant cover by the CCP.

NOBODY uses controlled and phony opposition like the CCP!


Soviets were much more subtle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even when less obvious, like Operation Trust, the Soviets were very successful.

I think they pulled off an enormous number of ops that were NEVER, EVER, even hinted at – and of course were not revealed at the end of the USSR.


But we were told that this was just a “conspiracy theory”…and that ‘Chinese armed forces on our border’ was just crazy talk.

Thanks, Syl.
Yeah, this is not good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ChiComs were very smart here. I’m impressed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More facepalm self-discreditation against Gab. Idjots!  😂

Note that Gab is “favoured by Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and supporters of the anti-Semitic QAnon conspiracy theory movement.”

Indeed!  🙄 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think AJC just needed to stir up donations. Probably smart. They’ve been totally off the radar next to ADL – now they’re back in the limelight.

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Andrew Torba

This is how these pathetic people operate.

1. The American Jewish Congress ATTACKS GAB with a report that looks like it was put together by a high school student it so laughably lacks any evidence to the outrageous claims made.
2. I respond, calling out the American Jewish Congress for their lies.
3. They play the victim and claim I am “attacking” them.

Sorry, your games don’t work here and never will. Begone, Satan.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no stronger defender of free speech! God Bless the man!!!

Cuppa Covfefe



“We are not going to mince words: Gab is a platform populated with Holocaust denying white supremacists and neo-Nazis.”


Those lying mincers…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, this may be a great way to raise money, but ADL and now AJC are just getting into self-harm territory. Torba’s argument about hypocrisy relative to Twitter and Facebook tolerating all kinds of evil which AJC is apparently OK with, but which Gab actually controls – is exceptionally strong.

Seriously – Jewish kids are probably safer on Gab, where they may learn to toughen up against a few odd antisemites, than they are on Twitter or Facebook, where pedos will seduce them, and trans activists will try to get them to slice off their genitals.


Andrew might consider calling out the fascist ‘American Jewish Congress’ members by name.

Organizations don’t hurt, people do.

It’s what they’re trying to do to Andrew:

Alinsky Rule #13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Might be a good point. They probably have “wokies” up top that need to go. Going after them by name will bring enough attention to see if that is in fact the problem.


Whenever a CEO makes a public “woke” (asleep!) statement, we should – en masse – send a brief letter *both* to the CEO, and to head of Investor Relations.

I think that Scott, you, and Gil are absolutely right …



George Carlin.


That is exactly what the right never does and SHOULD do! Call out the ceos and org heads by name! Lots of people will happily dig for info on them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

fRoM GaB!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everybody needs to see a possum eating a doughnut!

(video removed – autoplaying)

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This autoplays whenever I refresh. Don’t see a settings button for it.


A quick update on whole-house fan.

It is currently disconnected from house wiring, and ready to come down. Unfortunately, where I thought I had only four screws to unscrew — they were studs embedded in the frame and the “screws” were acorn nuts. Trying to figure the best way to pull it without dropping it on my head.

There is an attic cross-brace directly over the fan that may come in handy.

It’s currently supported by four metal brackets that start at the frame studs aforementioned, go up to the motor, get bolted to its previous adjacent bracket, then curve around the motor to get bolted to its next adjacent bracket. They don’t seem to flex much when everything is together, but I’m wondering how much flex I can get when I remove the acorn nut at the wall, the bolt to the previous adjacent, and loosen the bolt to the subsequent adjacent.

Barb Meier

Can you pull a table under the ceiling fan, put a quilt over the table to avoid scratches, and then put a large box on the table to shorten the distance the fan will fall if it comes loose enough to drop? That’s how I installed a chandelier by myself and it worked pretty well. It also kept me from getting a chandelier on my head. hehe


I missed earlier posts on the whole house fan … are you replacing it?

We installed a whole house fan about 3-4 yrs ago and LOVE it. Keeps the AC off many, many nights and often on spring/fall days. Plus, much prefer the fresh air streaming in from the windows than the recycled AC air.

but yes, they are heavy and a bear to work with

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

I’m sure this really burns, considering Insty is an Eli himself —




click to watch snappy video


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

ha ha fooled ya…

here it is…

everybody dance now…


That’s actually a good video.

It’s good that younglings are waking up to what’s going on. 👍 


That’s actually a Mike Adams (Health Ranger) video. If he’s not careful he’ll become a neo-Renaissance man. Heh
Brighteon is his video platform.


Younger people did things in those days, instead of sitting around in basements playing video games.


Yes…they were very young, weren’t they.

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Life demanded it back then. And education was a prize.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wasn’t Monroe one of Washington’s men who got shot after crossing the Delaware?


Yep, he was…I looked it up.

Monroe was shot in the shoulder during the battle of Trenton.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. The Mel Gibson “Patriot” movie with his gung-ho son – just so close to reality.


Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines And The Risk Of PRION DISEASE

research by J.B.Classen, MD…Jan 2021

link to research page..

this would be akin to “Mad Cow Disease” in humans…aka CJD.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

CJD = Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease


This is chilling – horrifying – infuriating.


and irresponsible, to say the least.

as long as there is a such a risk , the medical profession and the CDC should never be pushing much less mandating this “vaccine”….

unless, of course, turning the vaccinated into moronic zombies and/or corpses is the point.


The Democrat Obamanite Communists have politicized and weaponized every agency – gov or NGO – that they could possibly control…including the CDC and NIH.


^^^ENABLED by a complicit fake news /mass media industry.

Fake news and mass media could dismember the blatant lies and Un-American behavior of the Feds, IF, IF, IF, they had any integrity.

Over the decades I never believed we’d witness, live through such betrayal of our values, heritage…

Concerned Virginian

It is chilling, horrifying, and terrible to watch a person die of C-J. I know. I was a witness.


Our longtime stockbroker died of CJD after traveling to UK. He was a fine man. I painted portraits of their sons when they were little.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO this is an extreme side-issue. Needs a look, but the genetic incorporation and excessive spewing of spike protein strikes me as the obvious stinker.


agreed….there are so many issues with this…and that’s the point, imo.

as long as there is any risk of something as horrific as CJD, this crap should not be on the market.

and, speaking of “the market”, there’s the other glaring issue : someone also profits from this atrocity.


Hunter getting thrown under the bus:
His fraudulency next?

Major Patriot


But John Brennan and the rest of the Clowns In America told us it was Russian disinformation?

Kitty Shackleford@kittylists

MSM is finally reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop, claim it now has been verified by ‘top forensic experts’ (as if they would ever wait for something like that before publishing)

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Concerned Virginian

First, I don’t trust the WashExaminer.
Second, the damage to the United States will be catastrophic by 2024 if RobberJoe (or, KamaHarr + HRC once he’s “removed”) are still in the Oval Office.


Mark Meadows? Did not know Meadows was in Trump’s inner circle. Has guessed Meadows was cast aside after 20 January.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nope, he’s still doing interviews on his behalf. MM = PRO45.


That’s good news. I was afraid, he was part of the problem. Hiding in plain sight.


He might well be ‘part of the problem’, ‘hiding in plain sight’.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

So much went wrong the final ~75 days of Trump’s Presidency. Felt like both, We and HE, Trump, was in the dark most of the time.


Fully agree.

Even on Inauguration Day, when President Trump was bidding his farewell, Meadows seemed to slink into the shadows.


And where was Jim DeMint in challenging the election results?


One would like to think so, but where was Mark Meadows in challenging the election results?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a theory how the treasonous Chinatized Demmunist IC helped isolate Trump at the end – by carefully but without details alluding to the Jan. 6 plot to destroy Trump and his movement, in a whisper campaign into the GOP. “Doomcasting”. It was psychological warfare. Knowing RINOs and GOPe were weak and would fold, the IC created a self-fulfilling prophecy. THAT explains how “QAnon experts” were WISE to the Buffalo Jump “tactical model” and the FBI war on the Oathkeepers in November (!) of 2020. Yes – the whole thing was THAT much of a set-up.

The IC war on Trump will come back as karma on their house, but the blade will probably be run by China. The people who thought getting rid of Trump was a good idea are idiots. None of us “win” 2020 now, but our side can now just beat them by doing nothing, because they beat themselves installing China Joe.

I can already see how they’re trying to bail their sinking boat. Sad.

Stolen elections have consequences. Without the true will of the People, they have NOTHING.


Excellent insight. Thanks, Wolf.


Here are the Doug Ross Top Twenty Tweets – and they are doozies!

#8 – A thread – The legal fight over the 2020 Election is NOT over!!!


Many of these conservative states are
1. wise to the virus and medical mob.
2. passing on the illegals to the northern states that want them.
3. didn’t do extreme lock downs and kept their immune systems in better shape.
4. don’t consume as much of the lies and manipulation shoved at them by the MSM.
Enjoy your virus.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This sounds like straight-up VITAMIN D.



the false prophet

Concerned Virginian

You know, it might be a good idea to have the Pope tested for cognitive issues.


Slow Joe has head of the line privileges.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Head”. LMAO.


The Deep State Just Made Its “Declaration of War” Against MAGA Official – Revolver

What an absolute masterpiece of cynical mendacity.

January 6 was not a case of “domestic terrorism.” There were no “armed extremists” executing a “lethal breach” of the Capitol Complex. Only one individual has been charged with illegally bringing a gun into the Capitol. The only shots fired at the Capitol on January 6th were fired by a Capitol policeman who shot unarmed civilian Ashli Babbitt through the neck. There was no planned assault. January 6 absolutely was an isolated event. The Capitol riot was the product of bad police crowd control rather than a concerted plan to attack anyone or anything.

This dishonest and error-ridden letter isn’t a call for an “investigation.” It is a call for an anti-MAGA Patriot Act. It’s a demand for a new War on Terror, this time aimed at the American people.

It’s all obvious from the wording of the letter, and all so predictable.

He is responding to this Rubbish from the Deep Staters:

Dear Members of Congress,

We are former senior national security, military, and elected officials who have represented or served Democrats, Republicans, or administrations of both parties. We write to encourage this Congress to establish an independent and bipartisan national commission to investigate the January 6th assault of the U.S. Capitol Complex and its direct causes, and to make recommendations to prevent future assaults and strengthen the resilience of our democratic institutions.

We also write to you with great urgency in light of what we collectively see as an exigent and growing threat. The events of January 6th exposed severe vulnerabilities in the nation’s preparedness for preventing and responding to domestic terrorist attacks. The immediate security failings that permitted a lethal breach of the Capitol Complex by armed extremists raise serious questions and demand immediate solutions.

But January 6th was also the result of complex national security threats. These include coordinated disinformation campaigns, nontransparent financing of extremist networks, potential foreign influences, and white supremacist violent extremism, which the Department of Homeland Security identified in an October 2020 report as among “the most persistent and lethal threat[s] in the Homeland.” As FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to you recently, “January 6th was not an isolated event. The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon.” Understanding how these forces culminated in an attack on the infrastructure of our democracy is critical to preventing future attacks.

In the wake of September 11th, the administration and Congress jointly acknowledged that the attack’s causes were complex and that an independent and well-equipped national commission was an essential tool to aid the federal government. Congressional inquiries, law enforcement activities, and a national commission not only worked in parallel, but critically complemented each other’s necessary work. An independent commission should not supplant the ongoing work by the legislative and executive branches, but it can uniquely support them by providing comprehensive and expert recommendations for Congress to act upon.

Commissions — properly empowered, resourced, and led — can establish a full picture of events and an analysis of their causes, from which nonpartisan recommendations can authoritatively flow. With dedicated time, resources, and expert staffing, they can also exclusively focus on the matter at hand over an appropriate time horizon. Given the gravity of January 6th as a national security matter — the violent disruption to the transition of power and the continuing threat of future attacks — a national commission examining the lead up to the January 6th assault, and the attendant security lapses, is not only appropriate, but a critical component of the national response.

A failure to deploy the full suite of tools available to fully understand January 6th and address its causes will leave the Capitol, and the nation, vulnerable to future attacks. In bipartisan fashion, we have successfully marshaled these tools before, and we implore you to do so once again. [Former Nat. Sec., Military, & Elected Officials]

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Deplorable Patriot

All the usual suspects signed it, too.


CYA, performed in perfect unison.


D.S. must think wray’s perverted and partisan lies and actions are not be getting enough traction

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re all Soviet scum. I dare them to get more Soviet. Right now, they’re just due for shaming. If they get more Soviet, most Dems will turn on them.

Work harder, IC assholes, and someday DEMOCRATS will put your heads on pikes. Not us – we’re peaceful. But we’ll stay home and DEMOCRATS will come for you, and their violent mobs will turn on you.



Devastating Report! This man needs help!

Hunter Biden jokes that keeping his pants on was a ‘problem’ when he was using crack and continues to claim he doesn’t know if laptop is his despite forensic evidence proving that it IS in light-hearted interview with Jimmy Kimmel

Concerned Virginian
22 minutes ago
Credit to the Wall Street Journal

Prince Philip, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and consort of HM Queen Elizabeth II, has just died, at the age of 99.

Brave and Free

Well will ole Joe make the trip for the funeral or send heels up? Surely they can’t let him out of their control to attend.


Hoe goes. Best case, IMO, Hoe cackles wildly an some improper moment.


>>”The Windsors”<<

If that is their real name, right?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The real name is “The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha”, but was changed because of anti-German sentiment (not surprising considering WWI and WWII). There was a great YouTube about Mary of Teck that covered this (need to look it up)… (Oddly enough, I can see the remains of “Burg Teck”, of her family, on a clear day from here… never really knew that that had any real significance…)….

The Windsors aren’t the problem; the Mountbattens are. Prince Philip was the head of the “Illuminati” and a rabid Malthusian Misanthrope. His effusions about the disabled and “too many mouths to feed” belong in a Dickens novel as opposed to today’s society.

Yet, as a Christian, I pray that he turned rather than burned…

Many are saying that the Queen is holding on to be sure that Chuckles is gone so the throne can pass to William, as opposed to Chuckles… OTOH, she can grant the Monarchy directly to William, skipping Chuckles. IIRC, it’s happened before.

I have to say I think there’s more to the Queen than most people give her credit for. She was trained as a truck mechanic around the WWII timeframe, and seems to be a tough cookie underneath it all. Reminds me of my Mum, who also was made of sterner stuff (yet not the androgynous palaver of today) than what we see now.

Have to say I think it was Prince Philip who called the hit on Princess Di. His Illumi colleagues may have forced that, but he could well have said “no” and stuck it…

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the doku from YouTube about King George V and Queen Mary, with Ralph Vaughan-Williams’s “Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus” as the poignant background. There are other videos in that series that cover before and after that.
Anymore it seems that the deep state is declaring that “Resistance is Feudal”….

Cuppa Covfefe

At around 8:45 in the video, there’s a picture of a number of the leaders of Europe and Russia, etc., and they all look pretty much alike (probably because they are related through Queen Victoria).

(I could watch/listen to that vid over an over, if only because of the music. For a cellist, V-W wrote some great melodies/passages… e.g. the Tallis Fantasia)…

Cuppa Covfefe

And here I go, forgetting the cello solo at 11:18… sort of like the one in his Carol Fantasia…


Thank you for mentioning the Queen’s service as a Second World War mechanic.

She is a very strong woman, but Prince Philip was her best friend, now gone to his rest — sadly, for her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Americanized tribute – Lizzie The Riveter!
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Thanks — love it! Have bookmarked!


I kind of like the Royal family. I find them interesting but the do not know more beyond public appearances. I should say I am neutral.


Why stay neutral? I liked your first sentence the most. 🙂


No one will come from overseas because of coronavirus travel restrictions here.


They won’t be able to come because of coronavirus travel restrictions.

Prince Philip will have a ‘royal cermonial funeral’, not a state funeral. He wanted something small and simple, so that would be appropriate.


Merkle and Henry will go to the funeral?

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Doubtful. We have quarantine restrictions on people coming into the UK. They would probably miss the funeral.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Deplorable Patriot

Guess the heart transplant, if that’s really what he had, didn’t take.


“His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle,” the family said in a statement.
He had been hospitalized in February and underwent surgery for a heart condition. He and the queen were married for over 73 years.
His role in life was to walk one step behind the queen, but even there, Prince Philip was able to carve out his own reputation and role in history. 
“Essentially, the queen has always worn the crown,” said Giles Brandreth, who ran one of Philip’s charities for years, while “Prince Philip was always allowed to wear the trousers. That’s the way it worked.” 



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Thanks to you, I adore the Benedictine and Frangelica. Now I’ll have to give Vermouth a try. TGIF!!


Thanks for another great Wolf Pub Friday thread, Gmtx!
 😁  👏  👍  💃 

Love the info on various beverages.
Very educational!

And yeah, I’m sick of all the Fakeness too!
Right there with ya.


april 8, 2021 the marshall report

We have a crisis on the border when cartels make half a billion dollars a month smuggling humans across the border! 
House GOP members of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Victoria Spartz slammed the Biden administration for the surge of migrants across the southern border.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


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and…where’s the military ?


Excellent points — many thanks!


Not that we didn’t already suspect!

Faulty Covid death numbers explained – American Thinker


If only fake news would report the truth. DAILY challenge SLow Joe, Jen Psaki, FauXi…

Hell, challenge state governments and county weenies doing the actual reporting.

^^^ Too much money to be made by local hospitals, medical groups, health insurance companies letting Feds pay medical bill…

Not to mention. Government Control and Power over the plebes.


𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


Vermouth makes a really great hamburger dish!

Recipe – After frying up the burgers (prefer sirloin or round) – pour off the fat, add a little vermouth to deglaze the pan, serve over the burgers, along with sides of potatoes and a salad, roast asparagus, broccoli or green beans.

Optional: Before deglazing the pan, add onions and mushrooms, saute’ then pour on the vermouth!

A bit of garlic and thyme would also be good.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Mmm…yes, please. That sounds yummy!


If wuflu numbers are corrected, and I hope they are, then the death totals for many other causes will increase and we will begin to ask why those reasons for death increased at such a sharp rate in 2020


Covid numbers will NEVER be corrected. Neither past or future numbers. Continuing the Covid FRAUD is TOO LUCATIVE for hospitals, medical groups and health insurance companies.

Feds pay biglee for “Covid”. Health insurance companies continue to receive full health care premiums from the insured.



Without breaking the vicegrip that fake news media has on the US and on most people’s preceived “reality” can elected politicians actually succeed even after they win elections and are in power? Who has the power?

I have mulling this over for a few days. The reality v. the preceived reality created in large part by the media networks is a linchpin problem.

Examples include issues of fraud for the 2020 election. How will people be motivated to do something if they don’t think there was actually fraud?

A bigger example is 1/6 – majority of protesters were peaceful and even many who entered the building were peaceful, just entered open doors and peacefully walked around protesting. But the media spun it beyond what we (conservatives) could fight – they spun it to an “uprising”, an “attack”, an attempted “coup”, etc. with such force and “reality” that they almost controlled those opposing the Senate allowing the EC votes from certain states becaue any actions were now under the label of “coup” and other exagerations.

I have No idea what the answer is other than to fight fake news on alt media, comments sections and social media + personal conversations, etc.

When media controls the “reality”, they control what politicians can do within that reality.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Torba is correct, IMO – we have to create a new media. New media – new social media. As the old one loses ground, elections will become sane because people won’t put up with bullshit. It MAY start before the next election.

What follows is not pertinent to your question, but this is a great place for me to drop this bit of wisdom / intel.

IMO, Jewish opposition to new media and new social media (part of “Never Again”) is stupid and wrong. IMO Jews are being manipulated by Bolsheviks and Maoists, who are the ones REALLY afraid of loss of American media control. The Bolsheviks accomplish this by fearmongering on loss of control of antisemitism. It’s a SLICK TRICK.

The best control of antisemitism was the old one, IMO – ground it simply will not grow in, because people think it’s stupid. Free speech made that possible – but it also keeps the crabgrass of Bolshevism under control, and THAT is why the Bolsheviks and Maoists defend the old media relentlessly – they worked VERY hard to get control of it.


NBC News (@NBCNews) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Prince Philip has died at age 99, Buckingham Palace announces.


He would’ve been 100 years old in June.

RIP, Prince Phillip.


I wonder if Harry will bother to attend the funeral. Easy excuse for his narcissistic partner to stay here bc shes preggo.

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00
Deplorable Patriot

Word is he is going. There will not be a state funeral, though. COVID and all that.


Hard to believe they wouldn’t do it for him, even with it.


How can he go when the UK has several days of quarantine requirements upon landing?


Hoping Harry brings along his Hoe.

(Deleted the remainder of my snark.)

Concerned Virginian

It appears that HRH Prince Philip will have a small funeral ceremony with only family and perhaps some heads of state of British Commonwealth countries in attendance. Great Britain still has Draconian regulations in place for the CCP Virus. IIRC, only 15 persons are “permitted” to attend a funeral. Even family members who wish to attend but either do not live “under the same roof” with HM the Queen, or are coming from long distances (Harry Windsor, perhaps) — all have to self-quarantine for 10 days upon arrival. They may only leave their quarantine quarters for “compassionate reasons”, such as attending a funeral. And even then, they must wear a mask and be socially distant from others.


Exactly. Thank you!


Masks equal more plastic pollution.

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb – The Burning Platform


Masks are unhealthy for anyone who wears one.

Healthy people who wear one are at increased risk of becoming sick, and sick people who wear one are at an increased risk of becoming MORE sick, or worse. Especially for those who wear them for prolonged periods of time.

100 years ago, during the Spanish Flu pandemic, the number-one cause of death was bacterial pneumonia – caused by WEARING MASKS!

IIRC, the scholarly research paper whose (co-)author reached this conclusion – published in 2008 (I think) – was from Dr. FauXi!

Under guise of HELPING public health, they’re doing everything possible to effect the EXACT opposite – HURTING public health.

The bigger the lie, the harder it is to see it for what it is.


4.9.21: The ATTACKS continue, but WE, the PEOPLE are FIGHTING BACK with TRUTH! PRAY!
And We Know Published  April 9, 2021


NYT Journalist Erases ENTIRE Twitter After National Pulse Unearths Posts Admitting ‘Working’ For The Chinese Communist Party..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deleting the truth is a leftist specialty. Classic liberals don’t fall for that crap. Make a mistake – LEARN FROM IT. Although you may become a conservative.  😉 


From Gab:
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Make L.A Great Again 🇺🇸 – RECALLGAVIN2020.COM (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
$1.4 million home. Crime pays!

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors Lands Topanga Canyon Compound via @dirt

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if there’s a word missing in there, i.e. “Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors Lands IN Topanga Canyon Compound” …..


With her canadian nonbinary spouse no less.


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Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
DMX Received Covid Vaccine Days Before Heart Attack – Family Says he didn’t take recreational drugs.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

mRNA vaccine.
Genetic incorporation.
Kept spewing out SPIKE PROTEIN.
Snake Venom.
Coronary arteries.
Pre-existing thinning and sclerosis.
Wedgy wedgy!
Heart Attack.

gil00 🚨 (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
NEW – Biden admin to create a commission to evaluate the “expansion” of the Supreme Court; a potential first step in adding more justices to the highest court in the United States.


Arrgh…they are wasting no time in going down their Wish List for screwing up our country.


Their time is short.

Remember that!


Its a scary thing.


Yes it is.

For them, most of all.


Hahaha …


I would be interested to see a map by counnty of illegal alien destinations to the compare that map with counties with rising cases of wuflu.

Illegal aliens bring the wuflu and spread it and we see a rise


More from Gab:
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That last one…never have we needed to do it more than now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – the “Bee Explains Assault Rifles” – HILARIOUS!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am reminded of a post I saw on a gun forum in response to the news that leftists were starting to buy up guns after Trump got elected. (My local gun shop had plenty of customers who’d buy their first gun but refuse ammunition. Most, though would absolutely buy safety glasses and hearing protection. I guess dry fire is LOUDer than I realized.)

A man wrote a very earnest-sounding paragraph welcoming these people to the 2A community, thanking them for seeing the light, etc., etc. It went on for a fair bit. At the end he said, “And just so you know the stock is what you put on the shoulder and the muzzle is what you put inside your mouth.”


The Democrats in Arizona Are Very Scared – They’re Bringing in Marc Elias’s Perkins Coie to Make Threats and Make the Maricopa County Audit Go Away

On Tuesday, the Democrats sent in national fixer attorney Marc Elias’s firm Perkins Coie to throw around threats and make the audit go away. ⏳The stakes are astronomical for the Dems, after all the November 3, 2020 election steal gained them the presidency and control of both houses. The swing states in which the 2020 election steal occurred are key to uncovering the truth and proving the fraud in the election and Arizona is one of those states.⏳Steve Bannon of the WarRoom Pandemic, Peter Navarro, who wrote an incredible three-part analysis explaining the 2020 election steal, The Navarro Report, and Mike Lindell, who co-produced and hosted two documentaries about the 2020 election steal, have all repeatedly stated ‘that if just one of these swing states fall, they’ll all fall like a house of cards.⏳The Protect Democracy Project (PDP) nonprofit, which is in reality functioning as a weaponized, political tool of the Democrats, sicced not one, not two, but three law firms on the Arizona Senate’s audit teams: Perkins Coie and two Arizona firms, Coppersmith Brockelman, and Barton Mendez Soto. With a hefty $12.4 million in revenue as of 2019 and a whopping 72 staff members, many of whom are attorneys, the PDP is a rich and powerful nonprofit and can afford to engage the legal muscle needed to enforce the Democrat billionaire’s will.

I’d like to know what their arguments against audits are. That it’s political partisanship, no doubt, but what else?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ALWAYS remember – who did Dominion’s ANTIFA-BOY run to, when he was being forced to testify?



Peak absurdity…………Are we there yet ?

Provocative ?? maybe he light it on fire.


Lol. But seriously…fined for it?


Arizona is leading the way on a lot of issues.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Good to see the GOP doing some good while they have the majority. They were loosing ground from 2000 until AZ voters saw how bad Obama’s policies were and then a Big gain … but loosing ground ever since. Hopefully, getting a bellyfull of the far left’s agenda under the Biden/Harris admin will swing them solidly right again.

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Jovan Hutton says he was offered 10million to not do the audit:

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer – EXPOSING FRAUD and Restoring FAITH in Elections (

Rumble — I am joined by a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is a world renowned entrepreneur, inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT. Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on technology used by billions of people around the world. He is also the chief authority on kinematic artifact scanning. He can detect a myriad of different forms of fraud on any piece of paper. This includes ELECTION BALLOTS. Meet the most feared expert in the world that every corrupt politician is trying to stop. Our country’s future hangs in the balance. We address it all on this episode of The Professor’s Record.

You can find me at and at

You can find Jovan Hutton Pulitzer at


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That money is likely ultimately coming from the same place where the Pence book deal comes from.


Rosie O’Donnell’s NJ home to be demolished, turned into affordable housing
Leftist policies coming back to bite. It’s not clear whether this wake some people up because some of the complaints are that the area is not conducive to low-income life. Everything is paid out of pocket, there is no bus service, etc. But I suspect that is cover for “We don’t want those people here, and we don’t want our property values to decline.”

The six-bedroom, nine-bathroom abode is expected to be demolished and turned into a series of affordable housing units per a landmark public court settlement with Fair Share Housing Center. 🏠 But the agreement has left its upscale residents outraged.🏠  According to an unnamed source who lives in the area and was familiar with the proceedings, the borough had plans to comply with the affordable housing requirements in Saddle River. The requirements usually include sites that are 100% affordable.


The Trump curse is alive and kickin’!

“Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

Remember that barb? The audience L their collective AO …

Good times!




Oh, yeah; good point!


Arizona’s Legislature Passes Law Against Democrats’ ‘Corrupt Politician’s Act (HR1)’ – “Shut Up, Sit Down and Keep Your Hands Off Our Elections”

Arizona Representative Jake Hoffman:
“Arizona is not going to stand idly by while Democrats in DC attempt the largest power grab in American history by federalizing states’ elections laws, effectively rigging the nation’s electoral process in their favor. The people of Arizona do not want the horrible election policies of Illinois, New Jersey, and California forced on them, and they certainly don’t want taxpayer-funded federal campaigns that allow federal candidates to pay themselves an up to $600,000 salary off of those taxpayer-funded campaigns. The Arizona legislature is sending a clear message to the corrupt politicians in DC—shut up, sit down & keep your hands off our elections.”

More of this, please.


Courtesy of Citizen Free Press, another rumor that Ron (Code Monkey) is Q. To my knowledge, Ron has not had insider access to POTUS, the Oval Office, or Air Force One, so he couldn’t have produced the pics that Q had. Ron has denied being Q. I know there are other reasons why he couldn’t be Q. It’s so easy to mislead the media because they aren’t looking for facts; they just want to promote a narrative..

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

It sounds like Codemonkey says “Never underestimate your opponents. Because I am not Q.”

So how this is supposed to be showing that Codemonkey admitted to being Q…?


In the first part of the video, Ron says Q is basically intelligence training for normies, and that that’s what Ron was doing before, but never as Q. And he flashes a noticeable smile, and the reporter interprets that to mean he is Q. No doubt anything else Ron says does not count in the reporter’s opinion.


That, or baiting him, knowing what he was up to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed with this whole string of logic.

The Q op may have chosen Ron for a reason, just like they chose the chan boards in general for a reason. Does NOT mean that Ron is “Q”. But I suspect Ron “suspects” something very close to the truth, just like I do. And I would have a very hard time not smiling if I was asked questions like Ron was.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q was a whole lot of winning, but we’re missing that now, and it’s necessary, IMO. Keeping it a perfect ENIGMA is important.


Ron isn’t Q.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. The op could not be perfectly deniable if Ron was part of it, meaning any more than what has been revealed to him and by him.


I don’t know how to bring an entire post from here. But there is a very interesting one, 3rd from the top right now, about the planes and misc other things. Call sign AF1 still has never been used, we know that already. More interesting to me is that one of the 747s, 92-9000, has not been seen since Nov. 30th. Only 82-8000 has been flown, and not with AF1 call sign – no AF1 on the 757s either. Also remarked that the E-4B nightwatch(s) are flying way more than normal. Post is long but worth a read.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

yes thanks


Patrick Byrne on Telegram:

Patrick M. Byrne

The SoS of Michigan has told people that ASOG (the firm who did the Antrim audit) actually planted a backdoor in the machines (as a way of prophylactically spinning the truth that will be revealed, by saying they planted it). I think that is grounds for ASOG to sue, don’t you?

Dems are fighting tooth and nail to keep the truth from coming out.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

We can’t let them stop our momentum!


“Dems are fighting tooth and nail to keep the truth from coming out.”



What would happen if the Truth actually escaped, got free, and ran naked across America, like a streaker during the halftime show at the Super Bowl?

Who would do anything about it?

I’m not saying no one would, I’m just asking the question, because I want to know who.

Because whatever the answer to that question is, whoever it is that would do something about it, it’s the exact same people or entity who would put an end to this whole farce if DJT simply released the “Declass” information, and set the truth free that way.

Set the truth free.

Let freedom streak! 😂


Request, we get to choose from many, the streaker.
“Soros” would be worse than the crime.


After 2010’s results, this is not a suprise.

However, I love that the lines are being Clearly drawn between the RINOs and the MAGA GOP.

Mitch, Murkowski, Romney … the whole group of them are clearly lining up against MAGA and President Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Lines are being drawn.


Cheney, the biggest crime boss weighed in…
“Trump at war with the constitution”.
Well, well, well maybe there is a little something floating around about him
he’s trying to deflect from.

Deplorable Patriot

156 years ago today:

I would like to share something taken directly from The American Patriots Almanac by William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb.

The Civil War came to an end, for all practical purposes, in April 1865 when Robert E. Lee’s starving, exhausted Confederate army found itself hemmed in by Union forces in Virginia. On April 9 Lee met with General Ulysses S. Grant in a farmhouse at Appomattox Court House to offer his surrender. Grant’s terms were generous: the Southern soldiers were to be pardoned and could go home with their private property, including their horses, which could be used for a late spring planting. Officers could keep their side arms, and Lee’s hungry troops could receive Union rations. “This will have the best possible effect upon the men,” Lee observed quietly.

“Three days later the formal surrender took place as Confederate troops marched to stack their weapons and lay down their flags. The Union officer in charge of the ceremony was Joshua Chamberlain, a hero of Gettysburg. Leading the Southerners was General John B. Gordon, who had been wounded many times in combat.

“Chamberlain watched Gordon approaching. As he later described it. “The General was riding in advance of his troops, his chin drooped to his breast, downhearted and dejected in appearance almost beyond description.” Something stirred in Chamberlain’s breast. He gave an order, a bugle call sounded, and his men came to attention with their rifles on their shoulders. It was a salute of honor.

“General Gordon looked up in surprise. Recognizing the gesture, he wheeled his horse, dipped his sword, and ordered his own men to return the salute. Lee’s defeated veterans stepped forward with heads high and eyes level – honor saluting honor.

“Then it was over. The Union had been tested and had survived. With a salute of soldierly respect, the nation’s wounds began to heal. Both sides faced a new beginning as Americans all.”

Found here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why CHINA targeted STATUES and not PLANTATIONS.

Deplorable Patriot

That story is not known and should be. Lee was gracious enough to recognize the reprive his men were given. Grant just wanted to put it behind them and move on.

I’m afraid we’re going to be faced with the same thing coming up soon.


“I’m afraid we’re going to be faced with the same thing coming up soon.”


I don’t know why.

I’m certainly not surrendering, and as far as I know, nobody else is either, so you must be comparing Patriots to the Grant’s forces.

The Commies and globo-homo Satanists certainly aren’t going to surrender, their leadership is safely well away from our shores, so they’ll order their troops to attack until the last one is dead.

And unlike the North and the South, modern Balkanized America has nothing in common. Not politically or ideologically, not religiously, not linguistically, not morally, not any way.

So unless we want a repeat in 10 years or less, we don’t just go back to the way it was for the last 50 years of creeping Marxism.

We wipe it out, and remove whatever sprang out of it during that time.

If a mental image would help, find a few movies from the late 1940s or early 1950s, and that would be a worthy goal.


Agreed. The “convince them to crawl back into the hole for 20 years, now is not the right moment” strategy might have worked in the past with certain groups. We’re way beyond that. They, from the greatest to the least, wish us dead.


Way down South where I am from, in some places it is like the War of Northern Aggression never ended.

There are people up in the hollers that have never forgiven the Reconstruction, and they never will.

I expect there will be those of us for whom “forgive and forget” is not an option.


Prosecution not doing so great.

Hows Joe gonna handle the riots this summer?

SCUBAMIKE🤿 (@scuba2024) Tweeted:
More Bad News For The Prosecution:

ME says it did not look like knee occluded carotid artery. And if it did it would not matter, he had another one.

Deplorable Patriot

I watched that video earlier. There were so many issues involved, no matter what a cop would have done to restrain Floyd, the adrenaline rush would probably have killed him.

I hope Chauvin walks, but that’s manslaughter if self defense is not involved in some minds.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but no matter what the natives will be restless, unhappy, and looking for free tvs. Sad part is no one will stop them bc look at the prosecutions from corrupt sympathizers.


They’ll be wilding for tvs and burning $hit either way.


Hell yeah…anyone with half a brain cell knows this event was going to be a 5 star…the smart ones have their stores and departments chosen already…the car or truck chosen to steal…some people look forward to the prom or a birthday ..others..the ghetto lottery events


I am just so over their act. I’m sorry to say I just don’t want these people around me at all, I have no f’s to give.


Same. Their fake angst is a joke.


Mr gil says the same for a couple years.
I grew up in l.a., black friends, takin g the city bus, etc, right next to the hood. Technically I count as “of the hood” bc I was born there.
Now, this is a whole new pitiful low hanging fruit game no one wants a part of.


“ME says it did not look like knee occluded carotid artery. And if it did it would not matter, he had another one.”


Chauvin planted a second carotid artery on Floyd!

That *&^%$@#!


White devil.


I can always count on you to make me laugh! OMG.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. She’s not exactly seeing this clearly, and even SHE is bailing.


“Roberta S. Jacobson (born April 14, 1960) is an American diplomat who was the United States Ambassador to Mexico from June 2016 to May 2018.

She previously served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs from March 30, 2012, to May 5, 2016. The United States Senate approved her nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico on April 28, 2016.

In March 2018, Jacobson announced her resignation effective May 5.

Foreign Policy reported on January 18, 2021 that Jacobson would be in charge of Mexico–United States border affairs at the National Security Council under President Joe Biden.” — Wikilatte


Great work, Roberta.

Your expertise and competence has really shone through these last 60+ days or so.

Way to hold it together. 👍


No doubt R-Cons voted for her confirmation. As with most every dirt bag Beijing Biden’s handlers submitted.




That’s a really interesting outfit.

I didn’t know they made jeans that went up that high.


Sure did, back in the early 70s. Surprised they are still around.

They were called hi-tops or hi-waists.


Its been the trend about 2 years. Even the super high waist with barely a butt cover is trendy. Im far more modest.


‘the super high waist with barely a butt cover’: how is that possible?


I’m guessing very short on the bottom end, like Daisy Dukes 😁


Thanks very much — like hot pants?


Not sure… I should probably let Daisy Duke answer what “Daisy Duke” shorts are 😁

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Hot pants, for sure.


Its a very 70s look. I think its a bit trashy tho.


Were you alive then? I was. They were perfectly normal attire.


Hmm… when I think of girls in jeans in the ’70s, I think of people like Farrah Fawcett, Cheryl Tiegs or Francoise Hardy, in low-cut jeans and a half T-shirt… with or without sleeves… 😁


Those are “hippie” jeans, my preferred style. The late 70s to 80s brought the “mom” jeans, which somewhat hilariously, I despise.


Everything went wrong in the 80s… 😂🤣😂


Isn’t THAT the truth!

Cuppa Covfefe

A waist is a terrible thing to mind….. 🙂


They’re called “MOM” jeans! Lol.


Mom jeans … I can just pull out my old jeans and I am ready to go … back in style again!


I don’t follow sports, but their weather reports?!
If I had a dime for every storm, heat wave, or cold spell they blew up from nothing, I wouldn’t even check the price of my vermouth!

~salud, amor, y pesetas~

Last edited 3 years ago by yucki

Found over at NeonRevolt.

Looks like the U.S. Navy has gone full-homo.

Never go full-homo.

Or even a little homo.

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Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

Thats wierd pic refuses to post…
At any rate, the issue should be:

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Valerie Curren

passing along the insanity


Couldn’t believe it. Looked it up. It’s real. 🤦 What an embarrassment. I think of John Paul Jones, our founding fathers, and the Greatest Generation. “Cutesy” and “military” do not go together.


UGH! I have no doubt that he is RINO & a weasel and zero doubt that we could easily find MAGA conservatives to run in the primary against him … plus, so early why not just let it ride and see who stepped forward.

I don’t often disagree with President Trump … and I am not disagreeing now. But I don’t like this endorsement. I will Trust Trump and I Let Trump be Trump … and suck it up on this endorsement knowing he has a bigger picture of the political realities and what he is accomplishing than I do.

News of the endorsement of Rand Paul made sense to me.

This endorsement does not, even with SD’s post.

I have no doubt that he is RINO and a weasel and that we could easily find MAGA conservatives to run in the primary against him … plus, so early why not just let it ride and see who stepped forward.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

Rubio who stabbed POTUS 45 in the back. He is not conservative. Wonder who talked Trump into it but maybe to get the Cuban vote he had too.


There are Floridian Cuban MAGA candidates … I don’t get this at all

Bummed me out for the last little while … really took the air out of my sails … so I will just change the subject and encourage myself …

Son found a 5, yes 5! leaf clover the other day. I was just telling him how hard 4 leaf clovers are to find and several hours later came running to show me a 5 leaf clover. He called out what he had found and I was already beginning to explain they must be torn leaves or something and then he showed it too me … FIVE leaves!

Either than means we are in for so much good luck we will have plenty to share and good times are just around the corner or it means that some dumped some nuclear waste and we have mutant clover!  😂 


another angle


oops here is the picture


One more try and then I might have a cocktail tonight …

Screen Shot 2021-04-09 at 7.12.34 PM.png

Then he should find a better Cuban.

Or better yet, Cubans ought to find a better American.


That endorsement … I just feel stuck in the mud after hearing that … just like someone smacked me up side the head … I keep trying to think but my gears are just stuck as if that endorsement was a bucket of sand on ’em …

Have TN GOP meeting tomorrow …. lots of people unhappy that the TN gun bill didn’t far enough … everybody is a RINO who voted for it … drama, drama, drama and some people never happy. Just got through getting the county election commissions settled. Some counties still doing their reorgs/county party elections and Much drama there, some of it so misplaced. Got real life to deal with besides political “spare” time work

….and I just sit here just flabbergasted with that endorsement …

funny video, and some frangelico on the rocks … then back to cooking dinner

I can’t post about this in real life social media as then I would be attacked as a RINO for not supporting President Trump (some people dismiss everyone else as RINOs over Any disagreement) and I have no desire to post anything negative about President Trump as we have the leftwing media for that. I support him even with this and just keep telling myself that he has a bigger picture than I do … and yet he is human and makes mistakes that he has later admitted to making (see Hagerty and Romney)

Funny video …


So Trump endorsed Marco today. What exactly is the rush already, and WHY this shitweasel? The comments at gab are brutal, I mean razor brutal. The common denominator being Floridians hate this guy – combined with Trump once again exhibits poor judgement in “allies”. Or is Trump just trying to stay relevant?

I’m not talking an occasional negative mixed in, I mean 9 out of 10 negative. People are just slack-jawed – and pissed.

Again, what’s the rush?

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Thats something i dont get, at all. Is he trying to shore up Florida completely, for the moderate nubes ?

Brave and Free

Definitely don’t understand this endorsement either. Why now no less? PDJT won Florida easily. Beginning to thinking he’s taking bad advice again……
Keep your enemies close I guess…..


Who knows why. I defer to Trump. Figuring his path forward.

IIRC, Lil Marco bad mouthed Trump over 6 January. So, Lil Marco IS permanently enshrined on my shit list. Further Lil Marco NEVER embraced MAGA or America First.

All of that aside as I am NOT in FL, I am 100% on the Trump Train.


H/T kyblue at Marica’s place:


Soy is in everything now.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’d better stop soon, or the next generation will be the “Last Of The MO-Vegans”…..

The pressure over here to “go Vegan” is enormous, as is the propaganda surrounding it (save the planet, sustainable, less methane, etc., etc., etc……)…


More steak for me then 👍😁 😂


Good for you eating the way you feel is best for you and the rest can……!

German pressure never worked on me 🙂
I liked my vegetarian years but they only began in the US after seeing how some animals were slaughtered. Still have trouble handling raw meat when I cook. I limit portion of meat for myself love lots of vegetable. I like fish and shrimp and herring and sardines.


Im semi vegetarian. Chicken with occasional fish. Not eating enough veg though. I am the same with handling meat, been that way always. Ive been making beef again for mr Gil, but only certain cuts and no ground beef.


Try bison.


Hmm…ill consider it.


Yeah eat veg and eat bugs…yum!


Few people realize that we have had portable protein synthesis units that intake a wide variety of plants and produce high quality food and fertilizer for years.

They’re called steers.


It has been for years. Around 2000 I figured out that I was sensitive to soy. Had been raised vegetarian and even vegan for a number of years + Plenty of soy. Didn’t eat meat until I was in my early 30s. Did a cleanse diet and with soy in all forms gone, health improved. Figured out it was soy that flipped a switch on my thyroid. Tried to stop eating … its in Everything (almost) store bought and that was even more true back then.

Long list of ways soy hides on labels. Sometimes hidden in “natural flavors” for instance. Or lecithin. These days one often sees labels specify “sunflower lecithin”.

Plus if it is a small enough amount, its not required to be on labels. Example: pan spray containing soy (or canola as I figured at the same time I was sensitive to canola oil) can be used to bake bread and yet soy (nor canola) will be on the label from that small amount. I know this because after being soy free I could tell if I had even a teeny tiny amount. I once traced it back to bread’s pan spray.

A few years later I wanted 100% soy free formula as I didn’t not make enough milk for my hungry, big appetite son. No luck as soy was in every formula at list a little bit. (I had no idea I could actually make my own healthy formula but if I turned out to be a Sarah and had another baby that is what I would do if needed)

I also learned, at least at that time, something could be labeled soy free if it was soy protein free as that is what people are allergic to … a small amount of soy oil doesn’t count as an allergen.

I traced one reaction to soy oil being used in food machinery in factory food/premade foods.

We called a mild and yet unmistakable soy reaction when eating milk, cheese and eggs from animals fed soy a “2nd hand soy” reaction. Dairy was especially problematic.

Before our son was a teen, we bought chickens feed soy free feed, eggs from soy free chickens and milk from soy free cows. We bought imported cheese only as there are different standards for soy in cow feed in Europe (or used to be). Budget changed and so I know we are getting 2nd hand soy in these things but a teen boy is hard to keep fed and full! I don’t know what he is doing with it all … but he is many inches taller than both H and I now so I guess that explains his hollow leg

Short answer: YES Soy is in Everything … or almost everything manufactured and is fed to almost everything that we eat, including stuff labeled “organic” as those animals are fed “organic” soy in their fed unless otherwise specified.




I just drove past my local bowling alley, which apparently reopened today.
Just fyi, bowling alleys have been closed in CA since last March!
Fu newsom.


Thanks once again, GinT!

Vermouth is surprisingly drinkable and, for sauces, is great — whether white or red.

It also lasts much longer than wine, which expires within days, so can be used in sauces for fish or meat for an extended period.


You are most welcome! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I like that “lasts much longer” part!!!


Me, too. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This carbon stuff is just so filled with corruption. It is the ultimate SCAM. It’s money that’s LESS TRACKABLE, more PLAYABLE. It’s a way to FLEECE THE MASSES.

I don’t even want to say how long these people need to be in prison. Until the bones just dry up and vanish – or fossilize if conditions present themselves.

Elizabeth Carter

TPTB have bigger plans for us.

Elizabeth Carter


Valerie Curren

Thanks Grandma, for an interesting post.

Would you mind elaborating on vermouth & bone broth. I’ve been trying to make some type of bone broth a few times & it takes many days for bones to even partially dissolve. Do you get it to where the bones are completely gone or so soft as to grind up or what?

Valerie Curren

Thank you for this info!

My sister in law boils bones for days, until they “completely” dissolve. I’d read somewhere that Sweet Vermouth improves the flavor of bone broth significantly & asked a recent shopper to grab some. They got Extra Dry & said it was all that could be found of vermouth…hmmm

Does it really matter which one is used?

My husband’s boss gave us some beef neckbone based stew (my husband’s brought in some of his smoked or grilled meats on occasion) recently. I decided to boil those neckbones & a bay leave in just water, iirc, & even that 2nd usage produced a very flavorful looking broth, though it needed seasoning.

I happened to run across an old Julia Child episode where she was recounting how to make French Onion Soup so followed some of her tips to make a version here, using what we had available to work with & it was quite good. The neckbone broth was used for this & quite well received, unlike some of my soup inventions 😉

So it seems like the neckbones can be good for broth but a bit of a pain to get the meat off of. Maybe we’ll have to attempt something similar w/ one of the venison bone-in roasts in the freezer, as long as we get the fat off. Venison fat congeals in a weird way & is a pretty gross texture in the mouth 🙁


You have to be careful of labels — I remember when I first learned that Extra Dry Champagne was the sweet one….and Brut was the one that everyone drank, but was still sweet….

Valerie Curren

Thanks, CT. I don’t actually know that much about alcohol.

By the way I did reply to your “life from lifelessness” Q’s the other day. Don’t know if you saw it if you’re not on the bell notifier.


I saw a bunch, but don’t know if I went all the way. I’ll check back.

Valerie Curren

No prob. I just didn’t want you to have felt left hanging, that’s all. Blessings!

Valerie Curren

Thanks G-ma! God Bless & very much appreciate your Friday Pub Posts!!! <3

Valerie Curren

YW…I’m just passing along some of the info of interest in my twitter feed. I rarely have time to fully read &/or watch a lot of it. So thankful for those here who take time to spell out crucial details of important events & personages.

& so thankful for people like you, DP, & Duchess who share many things so uplifting 🙂

Valerie Curren

My daughter has been saving veggie scraps in the freezer to make veggie broth. I finally cooked up a big pot of it & it was rich, dark, & quite flavorful–gave some to son’s fiancée who’s a vegetarian & she really liked it!

Well I ended up using some of the veggie broth in a recent rib bone soup fiesta. My hubby has discovered this smoker/roaster combo way of preparing pork ribs & creates his own rub & BBQ sauce to die for.

As a tightwad savage I’ll collect up the gnawed on bones & boil for hours & get some pretty amazingly flavored soup stock out of the process. Frying up veggies & some of the meat in skimmed off pork fat while adding more rub seasoning & BBQ sauce can make quite a tasty combo in the concoction.

Usually I’ll save pasta or potato water for cooking up bones, but that veggie broth was also a good choice for us non-vegetarians. As a bonus we buried the well boiled veggie scraps out behind the garage to help add nutrients to the soil there, in case we decide to do some type of gardening.

Getting good use of what might be considered garbage seems like another form of “life from lifelessness”. A bonus on the well-boiled rib bones is that I’ll give them to the dog periodically & since they are softened up more than w/out boiling she doesn’t leave bone shrapnel around the house so much!

I think I’m commenting to avoid digging more into our tax prep…but when the sun’s up I plan to dive in w/ some degree of diligence 😉

Valerie Curren

Good idea too. I’ll have to keep that in mind as days get warmer to have some really rich broth possibilities when colder weather returns 🙂

Valerie Curren

“Leaky gut”? I never got into that side of autism/behavioral management like gluten or casein free stuff–it was too overwhelming to contemplate w/ 4 kids & a hypoglycemic hubby.

Son’s fiancée has digestive tract concerns & it would be wonderful to get her a little healthier w/ fewer emergency bathroom runs–no pun intended 😉

Never used chicken or pig’s feet. What do you do with them?

Valerie Curren

Thanks G-Ma!


Whoah! Sing it sister! H/T kyblue at Marica’s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah, this lady GETS IT.


Yes. She is saying the correct and right thing. It ended when they were dead. Except….some were saved, and the research has been archived.


Yes! We need more of her. She talks fast, maybe naturally, but maybe because there is a time limit.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So here we are again, back with the “takes forever to save” in the post editor.

It will probably work itself out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m here in case there is any way to help!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This time simply reloading the page brought it out of its stupor. Apparently it had already saved it. Ready to go.

For what little it’s worth.

I can’t effectively inveigh any more against home grown bullshit. The culprits have tuned me out.


I’m getting more frequent timeouts on page reloads, or dropping the green/orange balls comment counter. I can’t definitely say it isn’t my ISP, however.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Trump Girl

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Cute outfit. And a yuuuuge *snicker* for D’souza.

I wonder where you get preprinted MAGA spandex. Seems like there’d be more than one good idea of things to do with it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MOAR! (She’s new – only 5 gabs)…..

comment image

Trump Girl


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Careful, there — she’s cute enough, but I’m far from certain she’s old enough.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s legal. Hiding her eyes and her thighs.  😎   📷   😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably some Russian dude anyway!  😂