Every coronavirus vaccine so far has shown us SOME defect upon mass release, which was NOT evident in EVEN phase III clinical trials.
Look HERE for a searchable PDF document of adverse effects from the Pfizer vaccine:
Check out these videos on the low-platelet clotting problem from the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine.
Here is a fantastic explanation of the AstraZeneca problem and what people are doing about it.
You will note that Dr. ZDogg, MD points the J+J vaccine being at risk of having the same clotting problem as the AstraZeneca vaccine, due to them BOTH using DNA (as opposed to mRNA) and viral vector (as opposed to liposome) delivery technologies.
I just learned something today from C&EN that may impact this.
It turns out that Pfizer, Moderna and J+J are ALL using the “2P mutation” of the spike protein, but AstraZeneca is not. This mutation significantly CHANGES the spike protein, preventing it from leaving the “pre-attack” molecular shape.

Is THAT the difference? Does the 2P mutation prevent the spike protein from causing problems? Stay tuned! The J+J vaccine will get intense scrutiny going forward.
Now – J+J has had a problem of being WEAK from the very beginning, but STATISTICALLY it has still shifted people AWAY from being hospitalized or dying. People may have still caught the disease after vaccination, but they were never going to the hospital or dying – a LOT like hydroxychloroquine administered early, or better still, the Zelenko protocol.
A short while back, one gal in New York got COVID about a month after getting J&J.
Brooklyn woman gets COVID 3 weeks after Johnson & Johnson vaccine
She was not hospitalized. This was a living example of the admitted weakness of the J+J vaccine. NOW, however, somebody who got J+J DID get COVID and DID go to the hospital, so the “promise” you will not go to the hospital with the J+J vaccine just got a bit weaker.
Man in hospital with COVID-19 after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Will J+J go to a 2-shot booster program? Hmmmmmm.
My bottom line?

I like waiting for the results to come in from the PHASE IV “Hold My Beer” TRIALS. Particularly since I’ve already HAD the disease.

Japan just approved 1 vaccine and the other 2 haven’t even applied in Japan yet.
Their own clinical trial was only 160 people but they insisted on testing for themselves
On a side note, the fact that Japan was note accepting blood donations from people who have been vaccinated has been posted. They have not updated their policy as they are still reviewing the data. Not accepting these donations at this time is not a rejection, not a decision against it, per se. They just haven’t finished their own studies and reviews to decide to accept.
“Their own clinical trial was only 160 people but they insisted on testing for themselves”
Good for Japan!
Who can blame them, they’d have to be crazy NOT to test for themselves!
The whole world knows the various global medical establishments are corrupt puppet organizations, and the whole world knows most of the world’s governments — most especially ours — are not just corrupt, but they’re not even legitimate lawful governments…
I would trust a sidewalk con-artist playing 3-Card Monte before I would trust either the U.S. or the globull medical establishment…

Hear, hear!
Fun little story — I was reading an article some years back where smallpox — the original vaccine of vaccines — even including “vaca” (Latin for “cow”) in the name…..had an element of fraud.
Now that we have all these wonder-gizmos to sequence genes and all that, someone went back and discovered…..
TL;DR version: that Cowpox was used for the patent application (only 17 years at the time) and Proof-Of-Concept, but the actual “vaccine” was Horsepox — as a Trade Secret (which has an indefinite life). The secret lasted until smallpox was virtually extinct in the wild, and assured that anyone attempting to do smallpox vaccinations in competition with the real deal wouldn’t be using the right stuff.
Check this out – I think it’s a letter to the editor (scientifically) when the study where this was discovered was announced.
They note that horsepox was not in the Americas at that time – but then, most drugs were coming from EUROPE back then.
Yup, coming out in about 2017.
That, however, could have been easily explained by sloppy lab technique in the 1800’s. And, yes, there were questions raised in the 1930’s.
But putting it together with “preach the cowpox; use the horsepox” so as to use trade secret law instead of patent law was particularly ingenious.
My thinking is that either horses or cows would work, ultimately, but the fact that horses are used so routinely for all kinds of medical research (steroids, antivenoms, vaccines, serums), and the fact that they are more controllable by trained staff, make them a real “trade secret” for anybody who wants to succeed in the business of deriving medical products from a big mammal that’s hard to kill. One could have an entire industry set up on horses and market the product as being based on cows. I think many competitors would just drop the idea of adding cows to their production right in the planning stage, and just forget about competing – AS INTENDED.
Because vaccinia is almost, but not quite exactly wild horsepox, I suspect that they ran it out to do “Loss of Function” research (the exact opposite of what that monster FauXi was doing). If you started with cowpox, you’d probably have to run more generations to get as dysfunctional a virus as what they had.
Gain and loss really depend on purpose. What Mikovits really convinced me of is that getting something that doesn’t really want to grow in human cells to grow in human cells per se is ALWAYS gain of function, and that it’s fundamentally a scam.
Was horsepox an improvement as a vaccine for humans? Or just an improvement for production? Not really sure. Interesting question.
In the book “All Creatures Great and Small” the women who milked cows were using the pox on the cows to rub on themselves to keep from getting small pox. The veterinarian discovered what they were doing and they came up with the vaccine.
In the book “The Great Influenza” is where they discussed using horses to test vaccines on.
Both books are supposedly based on true stories. FYI.
I think my dad said that some type of “vaccine” program involved the head of the household getting some type of under the skin injection & then when the pustule arose they were to pierce it with a pin & stick the pin into other family members to pass along the immunity. I don’t recall what disease this was for, but likely happened in the mid 40’s to the 50’s…
Sounds like the smallpox vaccine!
Could be
“You will note that Dr. ZDogg, MD points the J+J vaccine being at risk of having the same clotting problem as the AstraZeneca vaccine, due to them BOTH using DNA (as opposed to mRNA) and viral vector (as opposed to liposome) delivery technologies.”
I don’t really know what most of the medical details mean, but I keep hearing this voice in my head…
It’s saying RUN FORREST, RUN!
It’s true. I was just answering Linda, and it dawned on me what’s going on. They’re taking over by creating problems and not actually solving them, but using the phony solutions to create more NEW problems.
This is how they’re planning to keep us locked up for the foreseeable future.
I heard a doctor on War Room say “that we have prophylactics that are safe and work the first 5 days of covid we do not need a vaccine the CCD just needs to approve them and put them back into circulations.”
Wolf, since you’ve had COVID, I’m wondering why you would consider even getting a vaccine – even if it were safe. According to Faucci’s own organization, the NIH, lasting immunity is found after recovery from COVID:
When have we ever not gotten immunity from having one of these viruses? This reminds me of a story my mom told me. When she was a kid, her whole family got small pox. When they moved to Oregon and she was in high school, they school nurse noticed that she didn’t have a small pox shot scar on her arm, so made her take the vaccine. Of course, she didn’t get the scar, so the next year they made her take it again. The whole thing was useless. She already had the real thing and had immunity. She wasn’t going to get it again. I don’t see any difference with COVID, no matter how many supposedly scary mutations it gets.
Hah! I’d never thought of that — but, yes, if you already had smallpox, you shouldn’t be able to get a scar from innoculation.
Actually I had small pox twice as a kid. My doctor was flabbergasted.
So am I.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor have I ever played one on television.
First of all, that is a VERY cool story on the smallpox. My first babysitter – an old lady who had literally ridden in covered wagons as a kid – had smallpox with scarring, and never got the vaccination.
Now – you may be right that COVID won’t mutate enough to where I will ever need a vaccine. It is a REAL possibility. AND – here is something to think about.
They may KNOW that. And what is the best way to cover up the fact that the disease confers total and permanent immunity? Convince all the “positive controls” like me to get vaccinated. HIDE THE EVIDENCE.
Pretty cool, huh?
That is PURE Aubergine’s Razor, BTW. It’s not just “whoops, we made a stupid mistake”. They don’t want people like me to ever reveal the truth.
Pres Trump and Melania had it too, remember.
IIRC, he said something like…”I’ve already had it, I can’t catch it again.”
When asked if he was going to take the vaccine.
And yeah, NOW they don’t want anyone saying this.
I’ve been thinking about that, too. What really gave me pause, though, was that doctor in California who died from the vaccine. They blamed it on the fact that he had already had an asymptomatic case of COVID.
If you have a link on that case, I’d appreciate it. I have been telling people that some of the bad reactions to the vaccine were blamed on prior disease – and if that is the case, then I definitely don’t want or need to be vaccinated, IMSO. But I had not bookmarked those links.
I can’t find the story I’m looking for, but here is another story about another doctor who died (36 years old) and they suspect the same thing:
Incidentally, I went to Qwant and searched for “doctor died from vaccine already had covid” and got a whole page of results. Interesting.
WOW. The “whole page of results” is an excellent metric, barring censorship. I found the same thing for cases of retinal vein blockage by clots in COVID-19 cases. There were a LOT of them.
Check out that last line, about the immune reaction that killed him:
“Only people who have had COVID-19 have developed this life-threatening process.”
I think this is very much like a form of “immune enhancement” by the disease ITSELF to the vaccine.
YUP. There, “bad” antibodies from something before, trigger a WORSE immune response later.
Antibody-dependent enhancement
Antibody-dependent enhancement, sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication. Antiviral antibodies promote viral infection of target immune cells by exploiting the phagocytic FcγR or complement pathway. After interaction with the virus the antibody binds Fc receptors expressed on certain immune cells or some of the complement proteins. FcγR binds antibody via its fragment crystallizable region. Usually the process of phagocytosis is accompanied by the virus degradation, however, if the virus is not neutralized, antibody binding might result in a virus escape and therefore, enhanced infection. Thus, phagocytosis can cause viral replication, with the subsequent death of immune cells. The virus “deceives” the process of phagocytosis of immune cells and uses the host’s antibodies as a Trojan horse.Wikipedia
SO – if the vaccine is what triggered the bad reaction, it could be from disease-vaccine mismatch, essentially.
What this means is that we may need to be careful how we play “antibody Tetris” with COVID virus, vaccines, and boosters – that PAST ANTIBODY HISTORY MATTERS.
Interesting, and makes sense.
And, for those familiar with volleyball, very familiar. Who suspected that biowar would go “bump”, “set”, “spike”?
Depends on the “real history of rodeo”, IMO.
Pretty cool if you’re an evil bastard that holds Truth in contempt.
They’re always looking for an escape route, and combining THAT with THE NEXT SCAM is simply evolutionarily advantageous. I think it’s second nature.
I used to think that these suggested motivations for events like the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building, where they allegedly destroyed evidence against the Clintons, were preposterous theories, until I accepted, based on cases that I KNEW from the inside, that there was a very smart logic behind what I have called the “economy of events principle”, in which they try to combine these things to multi-solve problems. It’s actually SAFER to do that. People have been trained to expect STUPID crimes – thus they cannot believe super-smart crimes to be anything but “one crime plus coincidences”.
I should note that the pic in the post isn’t that scary to me — that’s pretty much what I look like every night, and suspect that the patient usually looks like that as well at home (that looks like a 20″ neck, easy). It looks like a CPAP full-face mask.
Every night I’m here (or elsewhere) I fiddle around until I’m tired, then turn everything off and go to bed and put that on, and when the airflow kicks in, I’m whisked off into the arms of Morpheus.
It is not a ventilator. There’s not even an oxygen supplement (if you look at where the tube connects, there’s a circle about 1-3/4″ across, with two little 1/4″ circles right above it — if there were oxygen, it would go in one of the 1/4″ circles). I don’t use that brand (the straps on mine are dark blue instead of grey), so I can’t give you the model.
The scariest thing about the picture is that he’s sleeping in the daytime.
I thought that was a CPAP mask too, & quite different from the oxygen delivery masks in the hospital, or the nasal cannula that people can even use w/ portable oxygen tanks.
Dep Pat just posted this on the open thread!!!
[…] Johnson+Johnson Vaccine Follows Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca into Problem Territory, and Proves … […]
[…] Johnson+Johnson Vaccine Follows Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca into Problem Territory, and Proves … […]