Dear KAG: 20210413 Open Thread

Cover image: Robert W. Vonnoh, “In Flanders Field— Where Soldiers Sleep and Poppies Grow,” Butler Institute of American Art collection.

And who was Edward Bernays?

In a simple definition, Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud’s nephew) invented a form of “marketing” known as “propaganda.” His theories and methods were outlined in a book in 1928 using the word “propaganda” as a title that took the work of Ivy Lee, publicist for the Rockefellers charged with improving and softening the family’s image, and Walter Lippmann, a New York area journalist, to the next level.

(Josef Goebbels may have been the most famous practitioner of the art of propaganda, but he didn’t invent it. He stole it.)

More or less, Bernays set out to sell America on ideas and purchasing various products to enhance social image.

The campaign that put Bernays on the map was called “Torches of Freedom” and it entrapped women in almost a century of addiction to cigarettes.

Cigarette companies began selectively advertising to women in the late 1920s.[dubious – discuss] In 1928 George Washington Hill, the president of the American Tobacco Company, realized the potential market that could be found in women and said, “It will be like opening a gold mine right in our front yard.” Yet some women who were already smoking were seen as smoking incorrectly. In 1919 a hotel manager said that women “don’t really know what to do with the smoke. Neither do they know how to hold their cigarettes properly. Actually they make a mess of the whole performance.”[2] Tobacco companies had to make sure that women would not be ridiculed for using cigarettes in public and Philip Morris even sponsored a lecture series that taught women the art of smoking.[2]

To expand the number of women smokers Hill decided to hire Edward Bernays, who today is known as the father of public relations, to help him recruit women smokers. Bernays decided to attempt to eliminate the social taboo against women smoking in public. He gained advice from psychoanalyst A. A. Brill, who stated that it was normal for women to smoke because of oral fixation and said, “Today the emancipation of women has suppressed many of their feminine desires. More women now do the same work as men do. Many women bear no children; those who do bear have fewer children. Feminine traits are masked. Cigarettes, which are equated with men, become torches of freedom.”[6] In 1929 Bernays decided to pay women to smoke their “torches of freedom” as they walked in the Easter Sunday Parade in New York. This was a shock because until that time, women were only permitted to smoke in certain places such as in the privacy of their own homes. He was very careful when picking women to march because “while they should be good looking, they should not look too model-y” and he hired his own photographers to make sure that good pictures were taken and then published around the world.[6] Feminist Ruth Hale also called for women to join in the march saying, “Women! Light another torch of freedom! Fight another sex taboo!” [6] Once the footage was released, the campaign was being talked about everywhere, the women’s walk was seen as a protest for equality and sparked discussion throughout the nation and is still known today. The targeting of women in tobacco advertising led to higher rates of smoking among women. In 1923 women only purchased 5% of cigarettes sold, in 1929 that percentage increased to 12%, in 1935 to 18.1%, peaking in 1965 at 33.3%, and remaining at this level until 1977.[7]

Yes, it was the invitation to be part of the “in” crowd.

When it comes to giving in to the messaging on taking the experimental gene therapies, the Biden people have decided that conservatives will have to be persuaded. They have a plan:

The Biden administration said Monday it is turning to NASCAR, Discovery’s “The Deadliest Catch” and “country music TV” to convince rural white conservatives to get their COVID-19 vaccines — calling the effort an attempt to “meet people where they are.”

Speaking to reporters at her daily briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki discussed the effort after being asked about how the administration was handling the large swath of Republicans who do not want to be inoculated.

“We’ve run PSAs on ‘The Deadliest Catch,’ we’re engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV,” the top White House spokeswoman said, referring to the CMT network.

“We’re looking for a range of creative ways to get directly connected to white conservative communities. We won’t always be the best messengers, but we’re still trying to meet people where they are, but also empower local organizations,” she continued.

In addition, she said, the administration dispatched Dr. Anthony Fauci, despite his dismal approval ratings with conservatives, to make media appearances and promote the vaccines.

Good luck with that. Conservatives are used to not being part of the “in” crowd. We will resist.

Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for something completely different.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 3:7-15

7Do not marvel that I said to you, `You must be born anew.’ 8The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit.” 9Nicode’mus said to him, “How can this be?” 10Jesus answered him, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand this? 11Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen; but you do not receive our testimony. 12If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man. 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, 15that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is Bernays-level talk-back to the “sell-by-cuteness” of “the jab”!
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

People should definitely get the point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s a cute enough phrasing that even the obtuse will feel a prick of conscientious objection!


If you keep pairing “a cute” with “obtuse”, sooner or later you’re gonna get linear.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will do a 180 pronto!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only if they’re complementary…and you’re not being complimentary!


I’m sharing a caution, it’s not uncomplimentary.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well so much for bad puns.


At least you were on the side of the angles.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And the Saxons and Jutes?

Cuppa Covfefe

One might theta someone that it was acute pun…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But then I seem to have misremembered my geometry. “Complimentary angles” add to 90 not 180 as I had thought.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But the bad memory of a flat broad is still a cute mistake, except when both sides are right!
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Freud’s nephew sounds like a real saucy guy.

Cuppa Covfefe

And in his Womens’ Lib movement, he found his Green Goddess…

Deplorable Patriot

Her name was Doris.

Deplorable Patriot

He was a skirt chaser, all right. Was over 100 when he finally kicked the bucket.


….and, here, I was thinking Bearnaise Sauce….


Might as well get it out there — the Eagle has landed! The whole-house fan is now on a table outside for cleaning. Took me about 40 minutes around 1 pm today, so the attic was ok when I first entered it but was on a rapid climb.

Major (unanticipated) problem. Yes, it was absolutely safer (for me) to pull it into the attic instead of remove it from underneath. However, “safer” is a relative word, and I had to be careful to maintain my center-of-gravity (even with the added weight of the motor) away from the vent hole.


In case anyone is wondering, I intend to clean it, then strap-clamp it onto a 1×4 and kill a computer power cord (I have a bunch and can get more for $2) to power it.


Installing our whole house fan was on of the best things we have done to this old fixer upper. The windows opn vertically v. horizontally so we could not pop box fans up in the windows facing out to create air circulation.

Whole house fan pulls a great breeze in through the windows with less noise than the box fans and cools the house to outside temperature quickly + cools the attic air saving us $.

Even in the summer we will flip off the air conditioner about 5 am, we close the bedroom doors to keep the bedrooms air conditioned air in and then put the whole house fan on for about 15-20 minutes and completely air out the attic of hot air which is still very hot from the afternoon before. Then back on with the air conditioner.

The air conditioner is able to keep up much better if the attic has been cooled so we are more comfortable and it doesn’t kick on as much to do the job. Saves $ and we are more comfortable.

However, the biggest savings is the many nights and some days that we don’t have to use the ac at all due to the whole house fan.

Love it!

But it was a Bear to install – so heavy and clunky and had to cut through a wall in the living room to install. Good on you for doing so much of your own labor.

Valerie Curren

Her fight for our freedoms coming at great personal cost–wow, what a heroine!
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Brigitte Gabriel and 17 others liked
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Marjorie Taylor Greene


My father passed away last night after a hard fought battle over the past 3 months with Melanoma.

Most people don’t know how tremendously difficult my first three months of Congress have been.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the plus side she made it difficult for those around her too…and they richly deserve it.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely! She is a patriotic role model & suffering servant as well.


Southern girls are usually very attached to their Daddies. I hope she is ok.

Valerie Curren

Yes but grief is a heavy burden as is watching a loved one fading away. I hope they both know the Lord so they have that comfort to sustain them & hope of reunion in glory…


I have to say that I LOL’d at Little Red Jen’s reaching out. At least she didn’t invoke banjo music or self-adhesive PSA labels for jars o’ shinny.

Thought the best suggestion at was outreach on 4Chan (and the response).

Deplorable Patriot

PSA on 4chan. Ha.


Wonder how Jen and her and of fools is going to reach out to folks occasionally on antenna TV. No cable, dish TV. No Sirius XM crap. Maybe they’ll join the buffoons promoting BLM on Pandora and the like. Simply blathering white noise in the background. Which will also be ignored.


I am dying!!!! LOLOLOL!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

and I’m quoting ‘fuck off newfags, pool is closed’ whatever that is supposed to mean.”


It means “Lurk Moar” … if I understand the culture properly!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Justice9369 reposted

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Raven Constantine

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I started by thinking “surely, there is some rule of conduct for AZ lawyers to not threaten AZ lawyers….”

But, then, I realized that she’s trying to intimidate auditors. Everyone dumps on auditors; it’s not even noteworthy. And, as long as they have an engagement letter, they could really give a rat’s patootie.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On that note, if you’re familiar with Lois McMaster Bujold’s Miles Vorkosigan series…he did, late in his career, become an Imperial Auditor. There were no more than nine of them, and they could snoop into anything. Even classified stuff, even the top levels of Imperial Intelligence. They wrote their own search warrants.


“The Biden administration said Monday it is turning to NASCAR, Discovery’s “The Deadliest Catch” and “country music TV” to convince rural white conservatives to get their COVID-19 vaccines — calling the effort an attempt to “meet people where they are.””


Rural America ain’t no Corn-Pop, Joe.

That I can tell you… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

The false assumptions Red Jen and the Biden crew have made are par for the course.

They really are that dumb and ignorant about rural people. I personally want to thank Red Jen for the laughs we rural folks enjoyed at her expense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Little Red Jen is a little red gem!

Deplorable Patriot

As if they don’t want to admit that such things as the alternative media exist.


I was on a liberal rag and the amount of brainwashing is staggering.

Conservatives seem to have left themselves.


Some of the most educated in the country are farmers.

I know people here who farm who have PhDs. There is a bit more to them than idiots in cities will ever understand.


There isn’t anything more powerful than a mind which is grounded (high EQ), and perceptive ALSO at finding patterns (high IQ).

This particular combination outstrips all others, which have deficits in either category.

And having only high EQ is more powerful than having only high IQ.

IMO, of course, but my experience seems to bear this out.

Deplorable Patriot

And they don’t realize that the NASCAR sorts have screwed the pooch with their fans.

Concerned Virginian

Very ** interesting ** that Piss-aki said “but we’re still trying to meet people where they are…”
Makes one wonder if that’s a backhand threat — like, maybe, “We’re giving you ignorant Donald Trump supporters one last chance. If you still refuse, we’ll go to the next step, and it’ll be your fault.”


Joe Biden’s A little prick

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

AND he didn’t win!!


Rural America is smarter than a lot of people specially in DC.
Many years ago when I discovered how educated Country people I was happily surprised.
The one room school houses brought us the best engineers , doctors scientists and teachers.
Remember my kids played in the high school band and orchestra. The teacher was in a small opera production company that performed on the edge of a wheat field over the river in IL. She ask my kids to be in the orchestra for the Opera performances during the Summer.
We set my husband and I in our lawn chairs listening to Opera with about 100 other people. Country people I have lots of love and respect for and are intelligent, kind and Patriots.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

Thanks DP! This is yet another excellent post.

Just FYI the “tweet” button & reblog & press buttons are missing. They’re probably available in that formatting in the right hand column when in edit mode.

God bless you & your family. Hope they are doing well & suffering no adverse effects from getting the vaxx!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stumbled on this TEDx talk about fatherless homes by a female divorce attorney who specializes in representing men.


Great post, DP! That was a fascinating story about how they got women addicted to smoking. Grrrr!

I read something similar about Gillette and how they got women to shave their legs, so they could double their profits on razor blades. They went through a whole campaign making women feel like if they didn’t shave their legs they looked totally disgusting.

These stories really make you think about how someone else changed our perceptions about a lot of things, almost without us noticing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And armpits seems to be another cultural thing. Shaved in the US, not shaved in Europe (even back before the Muslims began to barbarize the place).

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, that was an advertising campaign back when women suddenly were wearing sleeveless dresses about 100 years ago. The trigger word was “unhygienic.” Well, no woman wants to be unhygienic. It only took a few years to get the ladies on board.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not surprised; it’s parallel with leg shaving.


So true we in Europe did not even think shaving our legs or armpits. No one found it offensive . I did not become aware that is was a thing to do until I came to the US. What was so disturbing how something so natural to have hair on legs or armpits was deemed offensive and dirty .


British women shave their armpits.

Furthermore, there are loads of salons in France that do all types of waxing for women.

Deplorable Patriot

That was actually an advertising campaign by the Wilkinson Sword Company that eventually became Schick, IIRC.

Valerie Curren

This is showing the good side of humanity in the face of adversity–rising above in love!

Valerie Curren

slipped into lefties twit world hell–straight-jackets ought to be incoming for them all!
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This perfectly sums up the two administrations
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Richard N. Ojeda, II

· 6h
Yes….there is a difference between the two. And it’s not just in education.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is only one problem.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Jill’s jacket is typical satanic trickery and deception.

It does NOT say LOVE. That is for the CHUMPS.

Look more closely.

It says LO VE.

Which means (roughly) IT SEES.

Referring to the ALL SEEING EYE of the ILLUMINATI.

You know – that symbol which is so popular among the elite.


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The All-Seeing Eye floating is representative of the Illuminati seeing themselves as gods, and being able to see and watch everything that we do. They are rapidly approaching their goals thanks to quickly advancing technology.
The eye is usually a left one, such as on the US dollar bill. Some illuminati symbologists speculate that it might me the eye of Saturn while others suggest that it is the Eye of Horus. The all-seeing eye was one of the first symbols added to the Great Seal as we can see from a 1776 sketch found in Thomas Jefferson’s papers.
See All-Seeing Eye.


Between this and the fishnet stockings…just ewwww.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now, I’m not 100% sure FLAUXTUS is aware of Illuminati symbolism, just like I’m not positive she’s awake enough to realize that the “aging call girl” look might be controversial. An incredible amount of designer stuff is full of HIDDEN symbols and memes, of which most buyers are not knowledgeable beyond “hey, that looks cool”. So I expect this to be relegated to “conspiracy theory”, but yeah – if it’s designer, it’s almost certainly intentional Illuminati symbolism.

Barb Meier

Here is more about the Eye of Providence symbol’s origin, though at Wikipedia, so who knows..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m always a bit uncertain about how to regard the Illuminati and Masonic stuff, given that so many of the Founders and their contemporary intellectuals were involved in these secret societies. To a large extent, now, I just look at who is openly making these symbols in our culture today – it’s almost always celebrities and elites who are not exactly on my list of cultural or political heroes, shall we say!  😉 

But yes – the “Eye of Providence” seems like it might be a great thing – but in people who seems to be so negative on God in almost all forms…. not sure…. something very “off” about it.

Barb Meier

And I am always sad at mentions of the Illuminati because my dad and uncle were Masons, my mom was (and I am) an Eastern Star, and my mom was our Mother Advisor when I was a young girl in Rainbow Girls. Mom chose to have a Rainbow Girls group because that way friends of the daughters of Masons could also join. The Rituals were old testament stories so that Jewish and Christian people could be part of the same group. In my dad’s time, the black people had their own groups. Now I think they are together if they prefer. The seven colors of the rainbow: red for love, orange for religion, yellow for nature, green for immortality, blue for fidelity, indigo for patriotism, and violet for service. The three offices on one’s journey to the top offices are: Faith, Hope, and Charity. There are images on the internet that change the names of the rainbow colors to water it down and remove the goodness. In Eastern Star there are five star points, each assigned a color (red, blue, yellow, white, and green):

Adah – Shares the lesson of Duty of Obedience to the will of God
Ruth – Shares the lesson of Honor and Justice
Esther – Shares the lesson of Loyalty to Family and Friends
Martha – Shares the lesson of Faith and Trust in God and Everlasting Life
Electa – Shares the lesson of Charity and Hospitality

One can see why these groups have been propagandized and attacked by just these snippets showing our interests in Judaeo-Christianity. As a pre-teen girl, my dad had me help him memorize his secret work and it fit into the pattern of the lessons that helped me become today’s liberty-loving patriotic Christian American. My job? Helping others using my writing, editing, and analysis skills.

Barb Meier

I almost forgot to mention that to be a Mason, one just needs to ask. Also, to be a Shriner (known for their children’s hospitals and funny hats riding in go-carts in parades) you must first be a Mason. My uncle Fred was a shriner. All these groups are known for charitable works. Thanks for listening Wolf and friends!

Deplorable Patriot

According to the exorcists, it’s a trap. It sounds good, but…

It’s hard to hear for people who are not into what goes on at the highest levels, but the whole system was invented to further split apart Christianity in the 18th century.

Valerie Curren

I think in some respects it may be like Mormonism, seemingly relatively “harmless” quirky beliefs that can loosely work w/ “Christianity” but at the higher levels steeped in darkness, deception, control, & perhaps even demonic involvement.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the info. I didn’t know about the Masonic connection to the Shriner’s. Also the Eastern Star info was interesting.

Doing genealogical research there are many ancestors who were Masons & an occasional Eastern Star. In the small towns &/or rural communities where these relatives lived they came across as relatively harmless social clubs.

My mom’s brother was a Mason & so was my grandpa. Some sort of ritual was performed by the Masons at the grave-side before their burials & it really gave my mother, a Spirit-filled Christian, a very bad sensation & seemed anti-God to her.

My husband’s father was a Mason & Michael inherited his items. At one point he felt like God was asking him to burn them to break possible “soul ties” or generational “curses” &/or iniquities associated with them. He had a private time of sacrificing them & prayer & “deliverance”…

Grandpa had left his Masonic lodge at one point, for reasons of his Christian faith, I believe. After my grandma died he lived another decade. He decided at some point to go back into the Masons more for the fellowship than the beliefs. We narrowly missed loosing our family Cottage to them as Grandpa was considering signing over his assets to the organization for assurance of care til the end of his life. We’re so thankful that that property remained in the family as it’s been a source of much joy, fellowship, adventure, & family & friend camaraderie.


From what I’ve understood, there is a *significant* difference between “Masons” and “Freemasons”, although they are related.

Had you ever come across this distinction?

Valerie Curren

I’m not familiar but haven’t dug very deeply into such things. Something else to throw into the hopper to explore down the road!


A topic for another day.

Get some rest!

You’ve earned it!

Valerie Curren

Thanks ES!

Barb Meier

Wow, thank you for your thoughtful reply Valerie! I finally figured out the bell button to more easily find people’s replies I may have missed. ~sheepish grin~

Valerie Curren

You can click the “unread” column at that Bell & see if there’s anything outstanding to reply to too to play catch up, if you’re so inclined. Blessings!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie! I’m using it now and it is great!!

Valerie Curren

Awesome, Barb. The Bell is (mostly) our friend! Enjoy!!!


Barb thank you for sharing. Many people I have known who were Masons were kind people and did much work for poor people in this community. They also were the workers in the church and very generous with donations when needed..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d never even heard of the Rainbow Girls or Eastern Star. Fascinating. I’m more aware of DeMolay, which TBH has pretty much the same principles as the Boy Scouts:

(from Wikipedia)

The Order of DeMolay also has an Ethical Code which has the following statements:

A DeMolay serves God.
A DeMolay honors all womanhood.
A DeMolay loves and honors his parents.
A DeMolay is honest.
A DeMolay is loyal to ideals and friends.
A DeMolay practices honest toil.
A DeMolay’s word is as good as his bond.
A DeMolay is courteous.
A DeMolay is at all times a gentleman.
A DeMolay is a patriot in peace as well as war.
A DeMolay is clean in mind and body.
A DeMolay stands unswervingly for the public schools.
A DeMolay always bears the reputation of a good and law-abiding citizen.
A DeMolay by precept and example must preserve the high standards to which he has pledged himself.


This is why the whole “Illuminati cool” culture seems so incongruous – the people associated with those public displays of symbols seem pretty much like the opposite.

So who are THEY? Are there mirrored secret organizations that basically mock the good ones?



wolfie…Satan is a mimicker…he can do nothing but mimic…he is not Creative.
see The Screwtape Letters.

Barb Meier

I can’t say Wolf. My brother was in DeMolay but was 7 years older than me so I don’t know too much about them. You certainly could be correct. All I know is what I learned has served me well and my parents were both very good and loving Christian people. I doubt there are any organizations, including churches and nonprofits, that avoid having a mix of good and bad people. Sorry I am so slow to reply. I just found the bell button to see all the people who have replied to me. oops!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, the notifications are a great thing!

Barb Meier

It is like I found my running shoes and the energy to use them. hehe


The European forms of Masonry are and were dedicated to destroying the Church. There is a great deal of information and history regarding it. That is why there is such angst about it.

My mom’s family were Masons. My mom was an Eastern Star, etc. However, her family was nominally Christian only.

I know many good people who are/were Masons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! That makes sense. All the Masons I’ve known were admirable people of good character. I refuse to think badly of them.

My double-maternal GGF was one, BTW. It’s still a mystery why the Nazis never rounded him up, but it may be that HIS father was a rather beloved civic figure, and the Nazis thought it unwise to arrest him. He also never challenged them or publicly criticized them – at least that I am aware of. It was easy to leave him alone.

I think the reason I’m not drawn to Masonry is my innate suspicion of secrecy as anything but a kind of “reactive necessity” of good under dire circumstances, and not necessarily a desirable thing. I mean, I totally get the “secret do-good” part, but I am so deeply wary of being pinned down by other people’s secrets, that I want no part of anything that risks my having to betray it.

Stated Biblically, two masters only works if one has precedence, and GOD has #1 status and complete freedom to contradict #2 or lower. Etc. Not wanting to make promises or oaths I cannot keep, or would foreseeably be forced to renounce, I find it best FOR ME to avoid secrecy in general, and particularly beyond “God and Country”, and thus I adopt secrecy only with firm believe that I can keep it, or the firm knowledge that it’s OK to betray it.

I mean, even my “anonymity” here is utterly false. Everybody of authority and a lot of people with none at all, know who I am. My semi-secrecy here is throw-away. THAT level of commitment is unacceptable for a membership situation, IMO.


Agree. Very much.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Back in Newton’s day “indigo” meant a blue color like in our flag, and “blue” meant like the sky, or a cyan (blue green) color.

I don’t know if that’s the usage you’re describing, though, but if it is it makes sense, reserving indigo (flag blue) for patriotism.

Barb Meier

Thank you for that info, Steve! Yes, they called the color indigo. For each of the colors, there was an inspirational talk that went with it for various kinds of meetings like installations where the public could attend and initiations that were for members and people joining only.

Valerie Curren

Presumably w/ some connections to Masons too…

Great Catch on the LO VE, boss. Chalk me up as a chump. Bummer 🙁

IIrc, Melania’s message was some type of comms when they went to tour some disaster area or something. Can’t remember the specifics anymore…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She had been taking a lot of heat from the leftists, IIRC.

Valerie Curren

Pretty much always–the fashion industry was insufferable toward her–grrr!

Valerie Curren

I went looking for that Uruguay graph showing spikes in Covid deaths since vax & found this, fyi
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Alejandro T
Apr 9

Replying to @Cooperativa
Our data is updated:…

Share of people with at least 1 dose Israel 61% Bhutan 61% UK 47% Chile 37% US 34% Bahrain 32% Hungary 28% Uruguay 23% Serbia 23% Singapore 19% Finland 19%

See who’s capitulating to genocide the quickest & amazingly it’s Israel–anti-Semitism much!

Valerie Curren

The image I was looking for juxtaposed Uruguay w/ Europe, this one vs Brazil
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Jan Vesely
Apr 7

We are hearing about Brazil. But why not the “success story” Uruguay?! Ah, I see… #Covid

Valerie Curren

For comparison’s sake consider these implications

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Euan Rellie

Apr 6

Share of population with at least one Covid vaccine dose

Israel 61%
UK 47%
Chile 37%
UAE 33%
USA 32%
Hungary 25%
Uruguay 21%
Singapore 18%
Canada 15%
Austria 14%
France 14%
Italy 13%
Spain 13%
Germany 12%
Sweden 12%
India 5%

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David Waldman-1, of Yorktown LLC™

Replying to @KagroX
Most new cases reported 4/11, per 1M/pop:

1. France 1,730.07
2. Uruguay 939.05
3. Oman 694.00
4. Cape Verde 676.27
5. Hungary 651.74
6. Bahrain 622.95
7. Andorra 621.24
8. Turkey 600.88
9. Poland 574.24
10. Cyprus 536.59
COVID-19 Data Explorer
Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest


Wait…..Andorra has 1M pop?

Valerie Curren

LOL, why am I thinking about Andorians, blue guys w/ antennae from orig Star Trek, iirc 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You recall correctly.

They pretty much appeared in just that one episode (where Spock’s parents appeared) alongside the Tellarites (the argumentative ones with snouts).

If I recall correctly, at least at one point both of these species were supposed to be original founders of the Federation (along with Vulcans and Humans).

Valerie Curren

What, no Ferengi???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Much, much later (Next Generation, which wasn’t even a gleam in Roddenberry’s eye in the 70s) and they’re not in the Federation (unless something happened in one of the shows after I stopped watching).

Valerie Curren

Well you are way more steeped in Star Trekerie than am I. Did you happen to see my Triumph the Insult Comic dog video from the opening to a star wars movie, from like 2002 shared the other day? There a Spock cameo 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m afraid I missed that one.

Valerie Curren

Give me a sec–I personally think it’s quite fun 🙂

Enjoy! You weren’t in that line were you? 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Where’s the data for China?


What happens in China, stays in China…..

Valerie Curren

LOL, like you could trust it any more than Witchmer’s “science” we’re all supposed to trust!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, no.

They’d report a number.

Once we have that number, we can reliably remove that number from the list of possible numbers the truth might be, so it’d be somewhat useful to see their reports.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Witchin’ Regretmore!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Creating a generation of paranoid delusionals!
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Valerie Curren

I presume this is from a movie that couldn’t even be made nowadays. Like they took out Tim Allen’s fart sound in Galaxy Quest & removed Jim Carey’s Star Trek & Swedish girly-man bits out of Ace Ventura. Lefties have Zero sense of humor…

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I’m Everyman

Replying to @CassandraRules
We need more of this, less of stupid protesters

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Now leave Willy Wonka out of this!

Valerie Curren

Yes. I used to be scared of those creepy Wonka dwarves, the original orange (little) man bad!

Valerie Curren

Oompa Loompas…I forgot what they were called but remember their song

“Oompa Loompa Dupity Doo, I’ve got another story for you”

Reminded me of the Wizard of Oz song that also scared me as a kid.

“Oh Eee Oh, Yo Ho” or am I mixing that up w/ a pirate’s ditty 🙂


Oh yeah, that “Oh Eee Oh” thing was scary.

Valerie Curren

& the flying monkeys & the cackling witch & Miss Gulch on her bicycle!


Haaaa…this is funny:

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are you saying that Oompa Loompas gave you the Heebie-Jeebies?  😉 
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Valerie Curren

Even my recent affinity for “orange man” can’t make these guys appealing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Concentrated creepy.”  😉 

Valerie Curren

Described the entire Biden Clan & Usurpation aka “Administration” 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Valerie Curren

Still got those creepy Oompa Loompas on the brain 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do have a hard copy of “Zorro the Gay Blade” so they won’t get that one completely wiped out.

Valerie Curren

Pirate uploads & broadcasts, like in The Running Man! “He had to split!”


Thank you for the great post, DePat!

To this day I can remember the Virginia Slims cigarette ads and how they targeted women by sponsoring professional sports events.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“You’ve come a long way, baby!”


That was it! Makes me steaming mad to think about how we’ve been hoodwinked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They do it all the time, but we’re catching on. Check up-thread – that Jill Biden “LOVE” jacket that really says “LO VE”. Illuminati. Now THAT is slick. Totally deniable.

But we’re catching on. Q is right.


I caught that but didn’t realize what that signified.

Thanks for the explication.


Well, hardly anyone in the US smokes now, so it’s no big deal anymore, is it?

I preferred when more Americans smoked. They were a lot easier to deal with. Men and women there have turned into Karens. I wish they just had a quiet cigarette and calmed down — and ate less.

Present company excepted, of course.

There’s a lot to be said for smoking: nature’s tranquilliser.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

Hahaha. Good point. 😄


A little anecdote concerning poppies….

You’ve seen poppyseeds — on bagels, in lemon-poppy loaf, etc. They’re tiny. And, yes, they’re the same poppies as “Flanders Fields” and opium — it’s all the same plant [different strains are better or worse at things, but it’s all the same plant].

A single poppy flower can produce about 1/3 tsp of those seeds without breaking a sweat. A single poppy plant can have multiple flowers.

And they have spread their seeds all over Europe, where they lie dormant.

Because the seeds only sprout in freshly turned earth……like battlefields.

If you heavily shelled any random piece of farmland in France, Germany, or Northern Italy, then did a couple of cavalry charges across it…’d likely have a plethora of poppies growing there the next Spring.

Imagine your random farmer that had armies criss-cross his fields of barley in late Summer, only to find them infested with poppies in Spring.

There is a reason that poppies are associated with war, and it isn’t poetic — it’s practical.


Interesting info. I just planted several kinds of poppies in a flower bed. Have never grown them before but hope I get a good outcome.

Says they can take up to 20 days to germinate. I’m about a week in.

I have a bed of cosmos that basically self seeds on its own now. I hope that happens with the poppies.


Now you know. If you want nice poppies next year, spill all the dried seeds onto the ground when they’re done, pull all the plants, and STIR.


So strange to think of how battlefields make for beauty like a flower.


–maybe it’s God, moving over the fields of struggle and death, saying, “I see you….I am still with you…”


Lovely thought.

Valerie Curren

no vax needed for variants

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Say NO to sumo–eye bleach warning
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Quello con le tette più
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Tammy Texoma
· 2h
Who would win a sumo fight between these two ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT’S a big bag of rice!

Valerie Curren

Or just a big bag!

Valerie Curren

Melania!!! <3

Michael Retweeted
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Ikenna Ronald Nzimora

The most stylish and beautiful First Lady ever.
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· 14h
Melania Trump everyone… #MELANIATRUMP #Trump @MELANIATRUMP

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I miss REALFLOTUS!!!

Valerie Curren

No doubt. I hope somewhere there is a great archive all she did, said…& wore!

Valerie Curren

historic art
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Replying to @smarucci461
and 17 others
Mille grazie cara Silvana!


“Hide and Seek”
Berthe Morisot (1873)
Private collection

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Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Mr. T!
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1h's Roll Mr. T!!!

Valerie Curren

Looks important…there’s a thread…
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Eyes Wide Open


This is HUGE – Turkey news is outing the entire [Deep State] plan. They would not allow me to share the link so here is a ss of the video on Rumble. It has English captions so I took ss of the entire report. #BuckleUp

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Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren

That certainly gives us some food for thought. I’d like to know more about what was in the containers and the link to 5g. Any recent news about the Ever Given seems to be non existent. This video was from following the links ……..

Valerie Curren

Thanks RAC lots of undercurrents of evil apparently!


Have not read the loink yet. It’s in an open tab for later.

Last read, a day or two ago, Ever Given was still in the Suez. Perhaps Bitter Lake. Evergreen must pay $1B to be released. Free to sale.

A quirk of Maritime Law. As I understand it, Financial cases against ships, lose priority over time. ONLY the MOST RECENT case against a ship has number one priority to be settled. All other cases lose priority.

Seems as though Egypt wants their money before the Suez fiasco loses priority for settlement.


Wonder who will foot the bill then, insurers.
Without asking any questions?


>>”A quirk of Maritime Law.”<<

Maritime Law (Law of the Sea; Admiralty Law) seems to have an abundance of “quirks”.

Which, I believe, have been used against us for many decades.

Birth (“Berth”?) Certificates, for one (and a vital one, IMO).

Does anyone else think, as I do, that the War is getting HOT?


Does anyone else think, as I do, that the War is getting HOT?

Yup. Seems as though there are a number of fronts. Likely some linked. Some opportunists. USA floundering at best. IMO.

Valerie Curren

For some reason her tweet #27 didn’t show
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& this would be the info from her 28th tweet in the thread

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Eyes Wide Open

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Eyes Wide Open
· 3h
If you want the #TRUTH straight from B_I_D_E_N & C_H_I_N_A mouth click

(Once on the YouTube video click the Rumble or Bitchute video in the description)

(these links are causing accounts to get censored & locked)

& this one w/ a link to the youtube video apparently

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Wow, if someone knows how to blow up those images of the global leaders paying allegiance to Biden that would be quite instructive, imo…

Some of this info is likely why the internet archive won’t save this twitter page


^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ video is all the screen shots.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

#12 from comments to the thread

main poster apologized for duplicate screen shots…I’ll try to go back through my monstrosity of consecutive comments & clean up what I can too

This is apparently another way to access the same video

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Replying to @PissedLevel×240

The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship
The Secret Contents of Ever Given – Evergreen Container Ship – Kaan Sarıaydın- Evengreen Evergiven crisis- Ever Given hidden agenda- Ever Given Cargo Ship Cr…

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Eyes Wide Open

Who was where? This was on mainstream news in #Turkey – they expose the ENTIRE PLAN TO KILL HUMANITY



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Molly’s Pitcher

I cannot find it on Bitchute. I tried typing it in as per your screenshot, very specifically, but still could not pull it up. Looks like the plan to harm meat production has been foiled or is there more?
Think this video may have been pulled. Tribunals in order!



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Eyes Wide Open

Someone put it on YouTube- a Patriot shared the link..
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Eyes Wide Open
· 5h
Here is a link on YouTube- ty #Patriot

I tired to save the thread several different ways in the Internet Archive & it didn’t take…hmmm, tptb already suppressing?

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Q Dead Lighter Q

Replying to @PissedLevel
I will make a covenant with the many for one ‘seven’. Daniel 9
I will make a covenant with the many for the 17.
I will make a covenant with the many 417.
I will make a covenant with the many FOR 4/17.

Valerie Curren

Missed this one it seems
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there’s a website listed too

Valerie Curren it looks like…


Valerie Curren

Yes GM but some sites woulddn’t let the page open…


Yes, mine would not open without adding .tr

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks! 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

Valerie, Thanks for the hard work. I found this and watched it a few minutes ago,

Valerie Curren

Thanks Liz, probably more coherent that way too 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a live-action Power Puff Girls movie coming.

These TRULY are the end times!

Meet “Bubbles”!
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Valerie Curren

I really don’t know that franchise but she screams Lolita & pedo dream to me–yikes! Like that pervy Netflix kiddie-porn-light dance monstrosity that got pulled due to all the negative public outcry…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


PPG were very innocent – and funny. It was a smart and kinda witty show – new wave cartoons at the time.

Hollyweird could not resist putting some T&A on it.

Deplorable Patriot

I admit it. I am a bit of a fashion snob. I like the classics, and one step off flair, but the slip and little girl look is all about objectification. And what is so annoying about it is grandmothers won’t shame the girls for falling for it. My grandmother, my mother’s mother, would NEVER have remained silent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Absolutely. And in this case, “Bubbles” was the most innocent of the trio, so she’s clearly going to take the most heat, with plenty of humor to make it get past all defenses.

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

So, the little girl look is on its way back?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope not – and probably not.  

This movie is just more pedo push, IMO. The PPG were pretty darn innocent – easy to like in kid fare, with a lot of clean humor that adults could get. They were just those darn big-headed dolls. It was a fun idea.

But yeah – Hollywood, hold its beer, is up to debauch everything. Adult hotties playing little girls in the skimpy and tight stuff is just more “hint with legals” fare, like Tom Hanks in “BIG”. It’s psychological propaganda from the Pedo Gang in Hollyweird, IMO.

JW in Germany

This is the home of the Navy SEALS. Speechless.

JW in Germany


Thank you for doing that, JW! 👍 


So far the USA is the only country showing support!


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Deplorable Patriot

FWIW, this is supposedly Lin Wood’s whistleblower. I’ve thought this for months, since comparing symptoms with other people. This thread is from last year, but the data seems to bear it out since flu all but disappeared.

More of the thread is available, but these are the money tweets.

Deplorable Patriot


Most definitely true, DP!!!

Posted a 3-minute video from Dr. Charlie Ward yesterday that detailed the fictitious numbers attributed to CV-19.

Of course, we suspected they included everything, but the kitchen sink in those numbers – however – the numbers are simply outrageous.

What was depicted as a pandemic was nothing more than manipulated stats!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Although, that flu bug was nothing to sneeze at. I’ve had maybe two flu cases in the last 25 years, and neither of them, or maybe one more in 2012, involved the blood like this one did. The fevers were not as high. No senses were involved. it’s almost like it was juiced up.


Very likely, DP – Makes a person cranky for sure!!!

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

This was a video of the scientist whose lab tested 1,500 samples of “COVID” and found only Influenza A&B. The finding was confirmed by seven other labs. YT pulled the video for “violating community standards.”

Also, he’s suing the CDC because they couldn’t give him a sample of the COVID bug. He claims it has never been isolated.




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Deplorable Patriot

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Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM! The suspicion was RIGHT. DNA and adenoviral vectors seems to have this as a side effect, regardless of the exact sequence of the spike protein.

Russia’s Sputnik V uses roughly the same tech, with some differences from both AstraZeneca and J+J.

Deplorable Patriot

This was reported in what is essentially a MSM outlet. Most of the others are all still rosy on the matter. I sense the tide is turning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m working on a new post that they’re finding some clotting cases in Pfizer, too.

Critical link is here. They managed to get the relevant authorities to say “no causation” after an investigation, but that was before more cases like it showed up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And Moderna – it’s in the linked article.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m seriously thinking that my family members who got the Moderna shot actually got saline.

My sister is hell bent on the Pfizer shot this weekend. Maybe it will get pulled, too. Crossing fingers. I need her for the coming years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I sure hope that Novavax and the Army shot don’t have these problems, but if they do, then it simply has to be spike protein per se, in many forms, that is a troublemaker.

Deplorable Patriot

At least it was found out.


I heard on War Room this morning that blood clotting seems to effect mostly women. Now I connect it again to birth control pills that seem to have problems clotting ? The Dr on War Room said women also have very heavy menstrual after taking the vaccine.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that it’s hit MSM, I suspect the end is not that far off.


The vaccine program as a WHOLE needs to end, now!

The people who have gotten vaccinated are going to be like the first responders to 9/11, constantly discovering new health problems and diseases for which we will be responsible. It’s going to be long-term, and sad.




Vaccine + Asthma =april 13, 2021 the marshall report

Here we go…. not good.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. The house of cards is starting to get shaky.


These stories are heart-wrenching, DP – am sure this is not the last we will encounter – this whole push for an ‘experimental’ drug is so disconcerting!!!

Sad to say – their final goal is the Vaccine Passport and Invasive Surveillance!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…I think that will be a casualty in the end.


Oh, I truly hope so – so tired of this push for control of every aspect of our lives.

PT did not ask us to give up our freedom for securing our borders.


Powerful Post, DP!!! Thanks for all you do to keep us all engaged!!! God Bless You!!!

Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In Flanders Field… a very nice painting. 👍

excellent, masterful handling of color, light and depth of field.

and, of course, the poppies💕

👉 also: No To The Prick gets a big 👍

that’s a keeper👍


The vaccine manufacturers have immunity for liability…so they cannot be sued for any harm that their vaccines cause.

But that immunity was given to them for tested vaccines — not experimental vaccines.

Did the vax-makers get a special new immunity for releasing experimental, untested vaccines?

And what about all those who have been pushing the vaccines?
The media and celebrities who have been vouching for the vaxes and promoting them?

Are all the vax-pushers immune from lawsuits too?

The Fed govt is probably immune…but what about these State governments that are doing ‘vaccine passports’ and coercing and forcing people to take the vax?

I hope there are some class-action lawsuits on this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – here is what I think.

The bottom line is that this disease was a BOTTOM END, WEAK, BETA, but novel coronavirus that was completely misrepresented and lied about, for all the reasons we now understand, but most of all to get rid of Trump. THAT part is all a travesty.

But set that aside – now look at our social and behavioral science response based upon the lies. It was completely wrong and wrong-headed, to empower bureaucrats, Democrat states, globalists and RINOs against Trump.

But set that aside – now look at the medical science. Base the response solely on the idea that the cure can’t be worse than the disease. That is not just a good science principle – that is a good LEGAL principle.

THIS tells us that only some populations should get any vaccine. And any population that is on average HARMED worse than HELPED by the vaccine should not generally get it, unless people want it.

I tend to believe that “good Samaritan” laws will protect many if not most people who are outside the protection of “cure was not as bad as the disease”. Even many “knowing” parties will get off simply by lying. Others are “true believers”. Both groups will be hard to tell apart.

Were the vaccines experimental? Yes, but the emergency use authorizations were there. HOWEVER, IMO those were obtained under FRAUDULENT PRETENSE that there were no existing safe treatments.

NOW – I don’t agree with that law, which IMO encourages people to lie and discourages medical progress. I believe that we were justified to try to get vaccines, and that a bad law made people lie about HCQ so they could get vaccines both quickly and under EUAs. It all stunk.

The reality is complicated. Good medicine would have been both HCQ and work on vaccines that are optional, and for many people just catch the disease. At the same time, be honest about gene therapy so it can move forward optionally and ethically without having to LIE and create genetic vaccines on a fraudulent premise as a justification for gene therapy research.

All of that was impossible, because the lies about getting rid of Trump precluded being honest about the science.

I just want my freedom back. If we can all learn from this mistake, that’s good enough for me. I don’t need people swinging from ropes. Their walking the streets in shame will be punishment enough for me. But maybe – probably – not for the relatives of those who died for this scam.

Cuomo can take it up with Janice Dean.

I despise the way the media swapped in a KISSING SCANDAL for his real crime – MASS MURDER OF OLD PEOPLE.


The other big casualty in all this has been…small businesses.

There are thousands, maybe millions, of small businesses that were destroyed by the Lockdowns.

This is not a small thing.
It is devastating to our middle class.
 😬  😧 

The rich got richer…and our middle class got poorer.


>>”The rich got richer…and our middle class got poorer.”<<

A feature – NOT a “side-effect” …


Yep! I think so too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AS DESIGNED by the elite.

I just read today how many MILLIONS Mark Zuckerberg spends on his own security.

What is he afraid of?

People realizing what he did, and what he is doing.


Since one of their own has died from the vaccine…will the media now stop being such vax-pushers?


Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine takes out famous CNN legal analyst who celebrated the jab

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…………….From the article:

(Natural News) A celebrity legal analyst named Midwin Charles passed away after receiving Pfizer’s covid vaccine. She joins thousands of other people who have reportedly died in the days and weeks after getting their experimental covid-19 vaccinations.

Midwin Charles passed away at the young age of 47. She was a regular contributor to CNN and MSNBC. […]

According to social media posts, Midwin Charles carried an EpiPen to her vaccine appointments as a precaution. After praising the vaccination, she admitted that she was deathly allergic to peanuts. She said she carried an EpiPen to the vaccination clinic “in case i went into anaphylaxis (sic) shock.” Medical authorities encourage people with pre-existing allergies and autoimmune conditions to have an EpiPen on hand during and after the covid-19 vaccinations. Midwin Charles didn’t suffer an anaphylactic attack up front, but her body did experience mild symptoms like fatigue and soreness in the arm. On her Instagram account, she did report a more serious symptom, shortness of breath. This was a sign of more serious issues to come.

The wrongful death injuries from the covid vaccines are not limited to anaphylactic shock.
Potential candidates for vaccination are being misled and NOT provided adequate, informed consent. Many people are told that severe vaccine side effects are extremely rare and only consist of anaphylaxis. Culture icon, Elon Musk, recently tweeted his support for the vaccines, ignorantly proclaiming that any adverse reaction is rare and can easily be addressed with an EpiPen. “To be clear, I do support vaccines in general & covid vaccines specifically,” said Musk. “The science is unequivocal. In very rare cases, there is an allergic reaction, but this is easily addressed with an EpiPen.”

The truth is that there are over two dozen serious health problems associated with vaccination, especially with these new experimental mRNA programs. EpiPens do not always save the person’s life, either. Elon Musk joins a long list of celebrity figures who mislead the public on a multitude of serious health issues associated with these vaccines.

In fact, the sheer frequency of adverse events associated with these experimental vaccines has prompted the CDC to strongly recommend that vaccine clinics keep intubation equipment on hand. The CDC advises that “trained personnel qualified to recognize and treat symptoms of anaphylaxis should be available at all vaccine locations at all times.” […]

In just three months, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine alone has been responsible for 28,046 reported injuries, including 1,131 deaths following injection

………………….More at link.

I think the key word there is “reported”.

We really have no way of knowing if we are being told the real numbers.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – THESE Pfizer deaths were blamed on a “super-spreader”!!!


Yeah, they’ve lied to us about everything…so I think they’re probably lying to us about the carnage from the vaxes.

Deplorable Patriot

The death rate, yes, is a tragedy, and I feel REALLY bad about that, but these are the people I worry about. The truly good, well meaning health providers who had no clue they were sending their patients to a sure death having fallen for the lies from the pharmaceutical companies. Those people are going to need prayers and counseling and comfort more than any others, IMO.


Hey Wolfie…what about people like you, who have had covid and have a natural immunity…

Are they going to insist that people like you have to get a vaccine too?

That sort of throws a wrench in their ‘Vaccine Passport’, doesn’t it.



C…. Certificate
O…. Of
V…. Vaccination
ID… Identification

They think they’re so clever!

Remember when P45DJT said that there were so many names for this thingy?

I won’t even call it “Covid” anymore, since it’s likely (IMO) an adulterated FLU.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

WuFlu has always been my fave.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

ChiComCrud is a useful name regardless of whether it’s “really” a flu or not. (For what it’s worth, influenza isn’t a coronavirus, so it *should* be easy to tell.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I *refuse* to get a vaccine now for MULTIPLE reasons.

  1. natural immunity is likely safer for me at this point
  2. natural immunity is proven to be strong and lasting
  3. natural immunity is proven to be multi-faceted and thus adapted to the individual’s own reality
  4. natural immunity may react badly to forced antibody immunity
  5. my weakened lungs are too susceptible to damage from further immunity or clotting problems
  6. too many recoverees have reacted badly to vaccines
  7. we will need CONTROLS who had the virus but never got a vaccine – ANY vaccine

I can win on that in court, too. I am simply not getting a vaccine – it’s STUPID.


We hear almost nothing about natural immunity; yet so many people have recovered from the virus.


I hear this morning that the vaccine does not protect against virus.
Fauci Pence and team were stupid people instead of letting us through it it has been prolonging. The virus is mutating would not surprise me because of vaccine since one can still shed the vaccine. At least that is what I think right or wrong.
No vaccine for me for various reasons do not care if I am unable to travel go to stores or what ever, I need to stay alive for my pets they cannot fend for themselves.
Everything I need I can get through the Internet even boxes of food from Kroger.
BY the way, has anyone noticed heavy surveillance at Kroger with cameras everywhere? Now only one way in and one way out of the store?


These vaccine reactions are being noticed because so many are being vaccinated at once.

What are the percentages for all vaccines?

I sincerely hope that more people will look more deeply into all vaccines and their associated deaths, injuries and long term consequences.

Gov/most medical staff only look at immediate vaccine reactions and some look at vaccine reactions for several weeks or several months after the vaccine. Rarely does anyone look at long term effects. If no “allergic”/immediate reaction then almost all else is dismissed.

The #s from these vaccines will get more notice because so many at once (Millions in a short time period). Will be interesting to see if their % of adverse events is really that different from other vaccines given at lower numbers (to children spread out over years).


I think it better to call them “experimental vaccines”, rather than just “vaccines”.

It’s more accurate / truthful, IMO.


I think it is more accurate to call them an experimental gene therapy.


Since one of their own has died from the vaccine…will the media now stop being such vax-pushers?

Is the media admitting she died “from” the vaccine, or are they saying it’s coincidence?


I don’t know…good question.🤨


Yes, the VAERS database is completely voluntary reporting.


That’s something I didn’t know – “voluntary”.


Whats does the acronym “VAERS” stand for? Is the “V” for “Voluntary”?

This site is acting quite wonky today … multiple logins / logouts required for me to post … anyone else?


No it’s vaccine adverse event reporting system. Here’s a quote from the cdc site.

“Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind. Also, VAERS is used only for monitoring adverse events. It does not provide medical advice.”

So since it’s “mostly” voluntary, here they go with their spin. Subject to biases. So someone has tremors, or goes into anaphylaxis and somehow reporting that could be biased?

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Thanks GM.

Since quite a few DON’T volunteer info (adverse events), I would say that the numbers reported are short of the numbers actual.


Yes 👍🏻


My three children got vaccinated. Two with Pfizer one with Moderna. One also his spouse was vaccinated no clue about the other tow or grandchildren.
I am the least educated in my family but I warned them. Somehow sadly my kids think I am stupid they deny it though. Still they know everything better specially the scientists not the medical doctor. So I let the topic go after I was berated about being a conspiracy theorist. Now it is in God’s Hands if they stay healthy because what I heard this morning is terrifying what can happen if one took the vaccine. Not saying everyone has the same outcome still.
Thank God my husband listened. Today he was even more firm not to take it.


Speaking to reporters at her daily briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki discussed the effort after being asked about how the administration was handling the large swath of Republicans who do not want to be inoculated.“We’ve run PSAs on ‘The Deadliest Catch,’ we’re engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV,” the top White House spokeswoman said, referring to the CMT network.

This stero-typing quote shows how these Marxo-Facists don’t have an idea how conservatives think or act.


Luke Byan’s mom got the vaccine and put it on social media.
Wonder if Luke got the vaccine? It is open to all 16+ yrs old in TN now
He was just diagnosed and didn’t appear on TV as scheduled for some talent contest show, according to the news

Deplorable Patriot

When all of them are pulled, eventually, the panic is going to make the Firestone recall of Explorer tires look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.


There is no way of knowing what the long-term side effects can be.

Most people still don’t know that these vaccines are ‘experimental’.

I’m hoping that this is about to change.


Russell Brand speaks out against Vaccine Passports.

It looks like all the comments on this video are against this crap and see it for what it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they want to give me “papers”, they can write “recovered” in mine.


Yeah, that’s what I was wondering about.

If there is going to be mass discrimination against people who don’t have a ‘vaccine passport’…then it’s going to get nasty.

Valerie Curren

I was trying to make sense of the Evergreen/Ever Given Suez Canal situation that was discussed in the many tweets & images I have shared below. I went to what appears to be the source & I had to go through DuckDuckGo to even get to the site because some other search engines were blocking it.

This appears to be a Turkish site translated to English by Google & is written in a more flowery style than is common in the West.

Is the 1st article that touches on the situation though there is one from a few days before about the Suez canal but it doesn’t contain much “useful” info, from my view.

“EVERGREEN company of Ever Given The process that his ship had in the Suez Canal was a kind of retaliation that made global capital know its limits. Based on the world class in the society we live in, nobody understood what this language is! He understood that it was not necessarily a technical problem and that deep hands touched the ship in the problem, but of course he could not name it. As a perception operation is being carried out in my beautiful country, the classic dollar has risen…
nobody understood the slap in global capital! EVERGREEN is the name of slap… So let’s get to know who threw this slap, why and what will be the continuation of the slap? Will this turn into a fight? This is the real question!”
Turkey made Israel do something that caused billions of dollars of loss every day.

“A second EVERGREEN case occurred in China. What did that mean? Let me sort it out for you; China’s foreign minister was in Turkey from 24 to 26 March and a day after they go away China again EVERGREEN case occurred, ie a stand-alone power who dream of China is precisely here outgoing Chinese minister of China cents a smart one hour before the meeting time of the briefing it was said to be. Why did you say? Because on March 22, the United States and began to stage by China against Turkey economic operation ie to keep alive the desired devaluation of operations, it has not reached a corrupt and objectives with strategic retaliation and again made this strategic move after CEO Biden and China, this time in Turkey a cute-looking fellow that appear in the description and the attitude they entered. Awesome operations all over the world both in Turkey and in the region where it is located in a very active position in world trade, has reminded that strong. At the same time, the Turkish ship withdrawn was asked to account for the operation, which was blocked while delivering support to Libya.”

Here’s the next article

“Inside the ship, there was a special chemical material that would mix with oxygen with the radiation beams intended to be placed in the 5G transmitters, and in the process, this situation was completely lavaed, the material was seized and the confiscated material was destroyed! After the global power Covid 19 zone, the second scenario would play the climate card, but the process was interrupted by the Evergreen operation, and immediately after the ship landed, European countries repeatedly put people on life restrictions.”
This appears to be the next article on the topic, at least by that author

The new era, which started with the Trump administration’s hand over to the Biden administration, brought with it a period in which the USA deviated from nation nationalism and entered completely under the control of global power, and the US CEO of the global power that started to fulfill the orders quickly started with the Middle East discourses rather than the problems of the country he will rule as his first job. He showed Turkey as the first target. While harsh and irregular rhetoric came one after another, on the other hand, all processes were replaced by harsh rhetoric with Israel, which has stood as the child of the USA without influence and identity for years. Israel was suddenly ostracized and finally accused of colonialism. However, whatever Israel did was done with the support of the United States, the United States always stood behind his child, but Israel, who is reading very well today, began to follow different policies during the Trump period, clarifying and consolidating its policies on which it had an impact on many countries in the Middle East. It has managed to influence almost all governments in countries such as Ukraine, Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. He managed to completely dim all the different voices that would cause problems, and even the voices that would be opposition that would cause problems in the administrations. As you can see, the Israeli moves were always to prepare a plan B against a possible situation in the future.”

“First of all, the first slap in the Middle East, you cannot run the horse as you want!With the Covid 19 scenario, the first of the techno gun you used in the second slap human massacre, you slaughtered people with drugs, and these facts will come to light one day! Just finishing this scenario, your second act of climate weapon that you will introduce at the international level in April has been lava! As you can understand, you would poison the soil all over the world with the radioactive virus you gained with the 30 years of experience you carried on the ship, then you would force the countries to supposedly agricultural policies and add strength again, but it did not happen!Another slap is China, which you created as a mini global capital power!”

There mentions of several nations & scenarios, he’s either referring to restraining globalists or diminishing the US in global power…it’s hard to make out for me…

this appears to be that author’s final article, as yet available, on the Evergreen Suez situation

There’s section on Israel basically reading the handwriting on the wall during Trump’s administration & re-working its relationship w/ Middle Eastern neighbors…like Israel was coming out from America’s thumb or something…

“Israel has managed to influence governments in countries such as Ukraine, Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia; and even has completely managed to silence all the different opposition voices that could potentially cause a treat in the administrations of each country. As you can appreciate, Israel had already done its moves in case things don’t work out as expected and plan B was readily awaiting. Towards the close of the Trump Administration term, in order to address the Eastern Mediterranean Problem countries like Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia were talking about readying their armies to face Turkey, however upon Biden’s arrival things were turned upside down.”

“No Israeli official had made an anti US statement or disclosures, no policy change was ever announced, but what was the reason? Why this child was completely excluded when there was no verbal or political action against? As you would appreciate, when Israel felt excluded decided to befriend Turkey, replaced Palestine with USA as main enemy and accepted as a mission to defeat all Middle Eastern policies of the Global Capital governed USA.Hence the reason why Israel shared secretive information necessary make the USA fail and cooperated with all US opposition countries. Thus, in a very short time, Israel managed to turn all US policies upside down. This is exactly how the Evergreen Incident occurred. Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Russia jointly conducted this successful contra operation. Billions of dollars were lost daily and conditional bail imposed!!! Yes, Evergreen has been a conditional bail! The USA was squeezed in the corner in such a way that if it neglects the clauses of the bail would pay a heavy price.” 

The Suez crisis:– All of a sudden a giant ship full cargo gets stuck in the sand– Days go by without moving an inch.– Mysteriously a ship that could be easily controlled from space is not able to find the source of the problem– Billions of dollars of losses are made everyday.– Weirdly somehow this event happened just before the April Climate and;– All coincided with the dollar operation in our country (Turkey) How Bizarre?
he goes on to explain a series of slaps that the Evergreen incident has done…hmmm


Thanks so much for all you work / research on this, Valerie!

I for one care not whether you post 10, 20, or 30 or more posts in a row to properly convey the meaning / situation.

“Learn our comms.”

“No coincidences.”

I thought at the time that the Evergreen news wasn’t what it appeared to be – and this news broadcast from Turkey seems to justify many suspicions from posters here, myself included.

Thanks again – and Cheers!

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much for these kind thoughts ES. It’s hard to know where to draw the line but Wolf is such a gracious host & different things are meaningful to some of us in different ways that sometimes that deluge is the way to go…though that scroll button can be a friend to all of us!

Some of what that guy wrote at those links could be interesting to people w/ backgrounds in diplomacy or international relations or even curious about how a likely Muslim talks about Israel in a not entirely disparaging way…

Have a Very Blessed day!

I’ve got to get some sleep & finally get cracking on our taxes–an annual task I hate but prefer to tackle myself, as I have yearly since I was a teenager…

Gingersmom2009 is not blocked. Just add .tr

Valerie Curren

It was blocked for me til I went through DuckDuckGo…


Oh, OK we use ddg as well

Valerie Curren

It certainly helps!


intended to be placed in the 5G transmitters”
I wonder if this is why PDJT was so amendment that there would be no chicom involvement with 5g.


my spelling is that bad it fools the “check my smelling as I tripe”

Valerie Curren

Good Q & catch!


comment image


Sorry lefty, but I don’t watch “Deadliest Catch” or NASCAR, and I don’t listen to country music.

I am your worst nightmare.

I am a college-educated, female, hippie-gardening, liberal-seeming (outward appearances)
full-fledged Conservative. And I SEE THROUGH YOU.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What, a cultured redneck?!?!? 😀

Deplorable Patriot

IDK…I had to explain to several of my redneck cousins just what “Baroque” was. Some of the more “educated” ones, too, but my one cousin wanted to hear all about this opera program I did in Tuscany, and it took longer to explain the concept of Baroque than it did that there were no Gucci outlets in the entire province.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You didn’t even get to go into the Rasenna (Etruscans), after which ‘Tuscany’ is named.

But from your point of view, having to explain “Baroque” must have been exasperating. They probably just think it’s all “classical music.”

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, and the concept of an Intermezzo just went over the head.

Of course, this particular cousin has fishing down to an art form. he hunts, and plays golf. Ironworker.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Admittedly, *I* would have to look up “intermezzo.”

I just did, and my vague notions weren’t inconsistent with what I just read (though they weren’t nearly specific enough). I guess I’m shouldn’t be surprised to not know this; apparently few of my favorite composers did them in instrumental work.


Excuse me! Hillbilly, please!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Sorry. Put down the shotgun, please!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have a friend who is 100% MAGA by inclination but looks like enough of a hippie that at gun-related protests, etc., the Left assumes she’s one of them!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mike DeWine! WAKE UP!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Jared Polis, WAKE THE HELL UP…

Oh, never mind.

Jared Polis, GO TO HELL.


Biden’s brown shirts. Nothing to see here.
Wray FBI they are not home grown terrorists even though they burn down cities and people get killed.
Those deplorable they are the problem and they need to be locked up be held in isolation.


Longish article posted at Unz regarding Wuhan virus lies and why they might be told:

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

growing attractions 🙂
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Valerie Curren

Israel & Iran

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#BREAKING: Security sources tell Israel’s Channel 12 the Israeli-owned vessel Hyperion Ray was struck by an Iranian missile near the UAE port of Fujairah, vessel is lightly damaged

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The price of a falsely elected Chinese puppet in the White House.

Valerie Curren

No doubt 🙁


Pandering fail:

comment image


If only woke vandals could read…

It’s a strange sign. They claim that ‘racism’ has no place there, and in the same breath, they single out one specific race for preferential treatment.

Which sounds extremely racist… unless they support all other races too…

I guess the sign saying “Racism has no place here… we support the White community” must be on the other side of the building?


Here’s the full image:
comment image


This was supposedly from a speech made a year ago.
The source and reporting are questionable.

Cuppa Covfefe

And your source for those being questionable?
(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. The translation is provably a lie. The Russian used where Russian words are normally very close to the English / European is NOT correctly translated.

Steve and some of the other here who could disprove this better than I can, but the video is already lying. Propaganda.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So they can send blm door to door, and harass you via taxes et al. Legality aside, this is a threat .

Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
A bill to expose the name and address of everyone who signs a Recall petition just passed the Senate Elections Committee. California’s counter-Enlightenment marches on.


‘Counter-enlightenment’ only makes sense to the kind of people Kevin hangs out with.

Start calling them Nazis.

Even most of the zombies know Nazis are bad.


Valerie posted a lot of stuff that had to do with the container ship from a video by Mavi Gazetem. This link is to the actual video. Click “show more” under the video, and there’s the english transcript which is much easier to read. In addition, it looks as if there’s a second part that he’s uploaded today, but is not available yet.


TY for providing that!




this is jarring…

It’s Still Not Safe To Go Outside Says Fauci’s Head In A Jar In the Year 2739

article link !! 🙌


  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_idea:   :wpds_wink: 


Mr Pickles 🙌
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

That’s actually pretty funny.

Cuppa Covfefe

I he were German, I’d say he was a Sauer Kraut….

But he’s just I-Dill-Lysing himself…


Is this a psych-ops by Pfizer:

Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump1h

The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by allowing the FDA and CDC to call a “pause” in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The results of this vaccine have been extraordinary but now it’s reputation will be permanently challenged. The people who have already taken the vaccine will be up in arms, and perhaps all of this was done for politics or perhaps it’s the FDA’s love for Pfizer. The FDA, especially with long time bureaucrats within, has to be controlled. They should not be able to do such damage for possibly political reasons, or maybe because their friends at Pfizer have suggested it. They’ll do things like this to make themselves look important. Remember, it was the FDA working with Pfizer, who announced the vaccine approval two days after the 2020 Presidential Election. They didn’t like me very much because I pushed them extremely hard. But if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have a vaccine for 3-5 years, or maybe not at all. It takes them years to act! Do your testing, clean up the record, and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly. The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, if they’re going to pull one for adverse reactions, they’re going to have to pull them all.

It sounds like Pfizer is to the FDA what Lockheed is to the Pentagon: the pet favorite. That’s probably the treatment POTUS REALLY thinks needs to be pulled as it’s most likely protected. Follow the money and we might find out.


I still don’t understand P45DJT’s moves in re the experimental chemical doses, nor the rush to implement them.

All I can rely on is that he knows FAR MORE about what’s going on than I do, and that I trust him to do what’s right.

But I’m unable to figure it out … *yet*.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“You know what you’re doing…even if *I* don’t know what the heck you’re doing!”

Steve in Lewes

I agree

P45’s whole demeanor after 1/6/2021 and his fading away was very un-Trump like!


^^^ 100% ^^^ Have posted before, after January 6th, it was as if Trump was kept in the dark, as were we. Simply marking time, until 20 January.

Pence openly siding with Uniparty, TOTALLY DESTROYED whatever scheme(s) Trump had planned.

THEN, Trump’s other Aces in the hole and wild cards folded.

100%, I have believed this since at least 20 January. IF not a a week or so before.


“I still don’t understand P45DJT’s moves in re the experimental chemical doses, nor the rush to implement them.”


From the most cynical perspective, he must know how dangerous the vaccines are, so he could be pushing it because he knows it will blow up in the [JB] administration’s face when that danger becomes common knowledge.

But it would also blow up in DJT’s face, because the [JB] administration would just blame DJT, and the MSM would go all in on that narrative instantly.

Which DJT also knows.

So why would DJT invite that kind of toxic blowback?

It could (should) be that he has evidence that will prove the WH Covid Task Force advisors (Fauxi & Bricks, CDC, et al) knew the vaccines were purposely dangerous, and they hid it from DJT, absolving DJT from any wrongdoing, and pinning all the blame on the Deep State + medical industrial complex and all the other ghouls involved.

But that’s a pretty fine line to walk, because if DJT knows the truth about the danger of the vaccines now, his higher responsibility is to warn the public, not to encourage the [JB] administration to keep pushing a dangerous vaccine for (eventual) political advantage.

So it still doesn’t make any sense (to me) what DJT is doing with regard to pushing the vaxx.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only two things that would make sense are 1) Trump has actually been snookered or 2) WE have been, by misinformation/selective reporting on our side.

ANY vaccine will have side effects on some people. It’s possible that we’ve just been focusing on every single report of a bad side effect and that this stuff is in fact 99.99% safe. (Out of tens of millions, that would still be thousands of gruesome stories we could read about side effects.)


“The only two things that would make sense are 1) Trump has actually been snookered or 2) WE have been, by misinformation/selective reporting on our side.”


But can’t both of those possibilities be ruled out with a high degree of confidence?

Despite rumors to the contrary 🙄 😁 , we can be certain that DJT has access to the Internet.

So he knows, he has not been snookered.

He also had, and presumably still has (and has for decades) access to professional intelligence data and analysis, in addition to the public domain information available to We the People, primarily via the Internet.

So unless he really is Chauncey Gardiner, he knows.

And he’s not Chauncey Gardiner.

So we can rule out #1.

So that leaves #2…

And #2 seems equally improbable, due to the volume of information and the variety of sources available, and the relative intelligence (or at least possessing enough intellectual curiosity to care) of the audience, due to the ‘crowd sourcing’ nature of the data gathering and analysis, etc.

Additionally, the medical professionals who have come forward with information that runs counter to the establishment narrative are taking real risks to their careers, income and reputations, unlike the apparatchiks who simply spout the daily talking points.

So again, we should have a high degree of confidence that DJT has not been snookered, and neither have we.

If that is the case, then we still need to solve for the disparity between “our” position (vaxx is dangerous and should be suspended) and DJT’s position (vaxx is the greatest thing since sliced bread and everyone should get ten of them).

We also are aware of the enemy’s motives and general objectives, because people like Gates and Fauxi and Schwab (and the entire Davos crowd) really don’t hide their motives and objectives. So the danger of the vaxx is entirely consistent with the known danger of the people behind the vaxx, and the known danger of the lawless and illegitimate [JB] administration.

If our understanding is true, then what DJT is doing must be intentional deception. It must be a pretense, he knows the vaxx is dangerous, but he is pushing it anyway as a matter of strategy, because it serves some greater purpose.

The obvious conflict there is that there really can’t be any higher purpose than the lives of the American People, in which case deploying a strategy to encourage harm to the American People — to the entire population — is contradictory to any possible noble or ultimate objective.

In other words, even if some objective is ultimately attained with this strategy, if all the People are consequently dead because of it, it wasn’t a victory, it was a defeat.

Hence the conundrum.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Of course the one answer that solves for everything is the one answer no one wants to consider, which is that DJT is actually a black hat working with the Cabal from the beginning.

I began with the presumption that this possibility was off the table.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s a logical possibility too. And I have to admit it has crossed my mind from time to time.


If it were, he would have won the 2020 election in a very visible victory. He would have had the media and all the black hats behind him from 2016.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not if he’s actually controlled opposition.

We’d be suspicious of him if the YSM approved of him.


Enjoy the theory.

This has gone too far.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I said earlier, this is a thought that has crossed my mind.

It’s not what I actually believe to be the case.

I do entertain it every once in a while as a self-check, but I do that with a lot of things.

If it ever gets to the point where I consider it and decide everything makes *more* sense that way…then I change my mind. It beats never questioning one’s “pet” theory.


Very much agreed 👍

Must allow for the possibility that you could be wrong, and consider the situation from that perspective.

It is a useful exercise.

Otherwise it becomes a blind spot.

And there is always a blind spot, no matter what direction we’re facing.

Knowing this, we had better purposely turn and look right at it, at least every once in a while, if not more often…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In a way, this is amateur intel work, and this is something intel people probably do a lot. (If not, I’d wonder about them, or my understanding of intel work.)

In this *particular* instance, churchmouse raised a good counter-argument. If Trump were really a black hat…why not “allow” him to win the election, either immediately on election night (as happened in 2016) or after a short struggle against some fraud, in the courts?


“In a way, this is amateur intel work, and this is something intel people probably do a lot. (If not, I’d wonder about them, or my understanding of intel work.)”


Well, I did read a lot of Robert Ludlum books (the Jason Bourne series), Frederick Forsyth (Day of the Jackal, The Odessa File), Adam Hall books (The Quiller series) and similar books when I was a kid… 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tom Clancy here.

It’s striking how backwards his books are from our understanding today. CIA and FBI are the good guys! Though he was pointed in the right direction in re: the Yellow Stream Media.

Deplorable Patriot

All the head hopping….

He seriously needed a decent editor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe that’s why I did a lot of head hopping in the one story I had an editor look at. I was used to it!

Rule: head hop only at a section change.

Deplorable Patriot

In the genre that I write fiction, Romance, that is a big bugaboo. I guess I got used to that writing my own where I do break every time I switch characters.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s likely a mistake in ANY fiction, simply because it can be hard to follow if not done very well.


“In this *particular* instance, churchmouse raised a good counter-argument. If Trump were really a black hat…why not “allow” him to win the election, either immediately on election night (as happened in 2016) or after a short struggle against some fraud, in the courts?”


Sure, but that discounts the double reverso strategy…

Speculating for sake of argument, it could be as simple as Trump’s part in preparing the ‘reset’ was finished, and the next phase is the ‘great demoralization’.

Can’t pull off ‘the great demoralization’ with Trump in office.

The People already know he’s competent, so if he suddenly allowed everything to fall apart, everybody would know he was taking a dive.

[JB] is just the man to represent complete and total incompetence.

When it all implodes (planned demolition), TPTB can blame it on [JB], and then hit the ‘reset’ button.


What about this, Intel lied to him misguided him all the time while he was in the WH. They had to get rid of Flynn Pence with FBI were the henchmen.
What about Trump felt so demoralized after Jan 6 that people stormed the capitol, Pence did not do what he was supposed too.
The Judges would not hear his cases and every door closed for him.
I heard Barns the lawyer who was there the last couple of days with Trump said ” that Trump was dispirited the last week at the WH and somewhat lost..”
To the vaccine maybe Trump does not know how bad the vaccines are? Maybe he has been mislead?
He is just as good as the information he gets. Do we know how much he is on Internet? I do not think so. Maybe he truly believes the vaccines are good but maybe they were but how would one want to discredit the vaccines and Trump?
I am not sure about anything except what I do and what I am not going to do.
I wait and see.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

“What about this, Intel lied to him misguided him all the time while he was in the WH.”


I’m sure they did lie to him all the time, but DJT was also completely aware of it.

He had his own intelligence gathering team long before he ever ran for president, and I can’t imagine why he would fire them after he became president, when he would need them more than ever.

He has also spent a lifetime ‘reading’ people and seeing right through their motives personas.

And the sheer amount of time he spent on the Interwebs and watching MSM news means he had to see the juxtaposition between what the MSM was rambling about every day, and what alternative media was doing to debunk it all 24/7.

So I don’t see how he could ever have been “in the dark”, even though he was certainly being lied to by all of the Deep State actors in government.


“What about Trump felt so demoralized after Jan 6 that people stormed the capitol, Pence did not do what he was supposed too.”


He never seemed demoralized in the least to me though. Between his very close family, a core group of trustworthy loyalists in the administration, and 100+ million cheering fans across America — not to mention being raised on Norman Vincent Peale’s relentless optimism training (The Power of Positive Thinking and other books), and all the VICTORIES he kept racking up, I don’t know how he could ever have been demoralized 😁


“I heard Barns the lawyer who was there the last couple of days with Trump said ” that Trump was dispirited the last week at the WH and somewhat lost..”


Sure, but DJT is also a master of managing perceptions, and that would be perfect disinformation, to make his enemies think he was weak, when he was actually strong (Sun Tzu).


You made the case 🙂


I fully understand, Steve.

Our president was an outsider. That’s why he was ‘defeated’, in more ways than one (e.g. fake election results, DS). TPTB got the best of him, eventually. It took five years, if one counts 2015.


I’m not so sure they got the best of him.

This isn’t over.


I really hope you are right, GinT.




Thank you, singingsoul. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…on further thought, though I think the media argument I made is still feasible, I think the fact that they cheated to get rid of him rather than “letting” him win (maybe after a for-show struggle) is a strong argument against Trump as Black Hat.


Yes, exactly.

I won’t ever think Trump was a black hat. I never have to date.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The inability to make those theories work always makes me smile – I tend to do it more than necessary perhaps for that reason.  😃   😉 


Fair enough. 🙂


If that were true, he would have definitely had the media and all the other black hats behind him. Melania would have made the covers of all the fashion magazines.

He’d be sitting in the Oval Office right now, having won by a landslide, easily visible to the world by 11:59 (Eastern time) last November 3.


Remember the tweet where he said he was just trying to stop the world from killing itself?

That has made me think that there are things we have no clue about.

The lesser of two evils…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


There are excellent reasons to do these vaccines, and even to let the industry do their stupid mRNA vaccine experiments, and those reasons include some pretty nasty or at least very disturbing highly classified realities, IMO.

I am like Trump. Shutting down the J+J vaccine is really an unnecessary VIRTUE SIGNAL that is being used to RETAIN CONTROL.

What would be far better is for them to GIVE UP CONTROL.

No mandatory.
No vaccine passports.
Open the hell up.
Get honest about relative risks.
Say NO to vaccinating kids.
Say NO to vaccinating recoverees.
Say NO to company-enforced vaccination.
Start openly addressing larger strategy.
Discuss real risks of leaky vaccines, viral escape, etc.

Deplorable Patriot

Nobody said these people were smart.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For what it’s worth, I actually think #2 is likelier than #1. But then I have seen that much pseudo-science is supported by supposed “experts.”

Of course there are two slightly different things at play–immediate drastic reactions to the vaccine (which seem largely anecdotal, so no indication of the true percentage), versus speculation regarding long-term effects (which by definition we haven’t seen play out yet).

To understand the sort of confirmation bias I am trying to watch out for, we have someone here who suspects that the reason we don’t have MORE side effects is that most people are being administered as a placebo. Apparently, for some reason that individual has decided that it is impossible that the vaccine might only have dire side effects some small percentage of the time, therefore, if the data don’t fit, it’s necessary to suppose placebos to make it fit, and the ONLY evidence for the placebos is that they vaccine doesn’t cause instant side effects in everyone who (ostensibly) received it. This is torturing the data to fit the preconceived theory, rather than at least entertaining the notion that one’s jumped-at conclusion could be wrong.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And I hasten to add that the “saline placebo” is true in the same way that “flat earth” is “locally true”. The real vaccine is mostly just saline. The amount of antigen is typically TINY in most of these vaccines – much less than the disease delivers. Vaccines are by definition an attempt to present the disease in the most benign way possible. Placebo response is the goal. With luck, the response does not wander far from that.

For most of the bell curve, and all of one extreme, a “placebo response” is SUCCESS. And success of an approved medical endeavor is normal.

I’m a bit “and logic” on #1 and #2.

Yes, they were snookering Trump – and he knew it. Some he just went along with for a lot of good reasons. OPTIMAL is sometimes just a bit SUB-OPTIMAL and there is no choice. We try.

And our side is not looking at relative risks properly. The fight is REALLY over allowing US to determine our own risks, and to make our own choices, based on good data, not propaganda and coercion. But in many bad ways, we are trying to self-justify by spotlighting problems the other side refuses to acknowledge as grounds for liberty, which SHOULD be granted ANYWAY. So we fall into their trap be saying BUH BUH BUH [anti-liberty Stalinist reasons] when we should go LIBERTY AND FUCK OFF, COMMIES.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, I guess there’s a semantic disconnect (a minor one). “They snookered Trump” to me implies success. Otherwise, it’s “they tried to snooker Trump.”

1 and 2 could be true, even as I was thinking about it, if they (successfully) snookered both Trump and us.

And here, of course, it’s the immediate BAD side effects I’m referring to in snookering us. The question of what happens down the road is, in principle, uncloseable now, though one could imagine an objective study of prompt side effects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the release of the virus ITSELF opened the door to long-term side effects just by itself – and I think that helped Trump accept that any vaccine had both the potential to CREATE or to ELIMINATE long-term risks, and was thus a SAFE BET for investigation.


With the vaccines who benefits if J&J is out of the way? Who benefits if they identify one of three vaccines as bad and not the other two?
Does that give more trust now in the government that they are protecting people who get vaccines? Can we now trust Pfeizer and Moderna?
See how that works now people trust the government they took the bad vaccine of the marked and the other two are good.
Oh what a web they spin.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In some ways, it looks to me like adenoviral vector DNA tech for vaccines is getting thrown under the bus, so that lipid-delivered mRNA gene therapy makes a clean getaway as the remaining vax tech. Full spike protein must be saved, for some reason.

AVV/DNA will meet up back at gene therapy as planned, because they can tinker with that whole mess to free it of the clotting effect, the blame, or both.

The real reason here, IMO, is that the US healthcare provider interface is better controlled against the tiny fraction of non-compliant US media like OANN, than the European/British systems are against their still-somewhat-functionally-adversarial media, thus protecting Pfizer to a degree that Oxford/AstraZeneca could not match. AstraZeneca took a bullet that could have easily hit Pfizer or Moderna if they lacked cover. J+J was under suspicion for the same tech reasons, they found a correspondence, and decided to nip skepticism in the bud with a short-straw sacrifice. Trump saw that as fundamentally unfair, and it is, IMO, too.

My advice to the industry, to salvage what remaining good they can do, would be to get the top idiots to drop mandatory vax and vaccine passports like a hot potato, or what they have kindled here will be fanned to California levels of firestorm. Yeah, the Bidenistas want that crisis, but it will consume the industry when they LOSE – only CHINA and the puppet Biden administration benefits from more vaccine chaos and fighting.

And OH BY THE WAY, I suspect that some lots of Sinovac and CoronaVac are spreading live virus – probably to people who won’t show strong symptoms or go to the hospital. I had theorized the ChiComs were vectoring that way back in early 2020. Great sales technique, but partnering with people who would do that – tsk, tsk.


Thank you for the good explanation,
I read some where that live covid could jump from a newly vaccinated person to a non vaccinated one. That explains why vaccinated people should not get close for two weeks after vaccination.
In time there might more come out this is only the beginning.
Did you see Bannon War Room at 5 pm? He has a woman named Wolf on who is democrat and up in arms about the vaccine passport. She calls it fascistic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Naomi Wolf. She spotted the contraceptive activity. God bless her!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is where Wolf spills the beans that form a new connection back to the miscarriages.


thanks 🙂


I could agree with that, except I have firsthand knowledge on a regular basis of how sick people are getting from the vax.

I just heard of another close friend who is bedridden from the 2nd jab. Three days now. Under 30.


Oh dear, Grandma, do you know what vaccine it was? I’m am scared out of my mind after hearing that my son, 24, got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last week. He is a student at Ohio State. I told him months ago there was no reason for him to take the vaccine, yet, here we are. 😢 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Daughters are the ones I’m worried about. The vaccines appear to be contraceptive (see Naomi Wolf tweet), likely due to the whole spike protein. I think that is why the industry was insistent on using whole mutated spike protein – because the protein has activities as a contraceptive and a reverse transcription promoter.

A long-term program of coronavirus vaccines would be the perfect cover for a long-term contraception program.



Deplorable Patriot

🙁 I hope my family and friends got placeboes. So many of them advertise this is the shot they got.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that’s JUST PLAIN WRONG for a vaccine.

Elizabeth Carter

Scott, I read a comment on an article that makes a lot of sense to me.
Steven said: The NWO must be pissed that Trump came out with the vaccine so early ensuring it would have the status as “experimental” & therefore could not be mandated.
What if he had intelligence that a mandated vaccine was a core part of the NWO 2030 Agenda all along?
Like going back as far as the 322 clubs origin (C=3 V=22)
How many wrenches did he throw into their machine? Just me looking for the big picture and how Trump destabilized the NWO’s plan. Trump’s actions ensured that anybody that didn’t want the vax, doesn’t have to take it.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a good possibility. I may use this comment in tomorrow’s daily since I think he forced the rush to get a vaccine out.


And, it also prevented a full blown tanking of the economy.

Now, it is all on the Biden Crew.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is VERY smart.


“Steven said: The NWO must be pissed that Trump came out with the vaccine so early ensuring it would have the status as “experimental” & therefore could not be mandated.”


But can we accept that assumption at face value?

Remember that long before the election, DJT was telling everyone that the vaccine would be available before the end of the year, but that it was being intentionally delayed until after the election, so that DJT would not derive any political benefit from it on election day.

And he was right that the vaccine was released shortly after the election was over.

So it doesn’t appear to have come out early at all, but rather late (well after it was ready for deployment), or ‘just in time’, i.e., after the election was over, when it could be used to serve the [JB] administration’s narrative.


“What if he had intelligence that a mandated vaccine was a core part of the NWO 2030 Agenda all along?”


Two problems (at least).

1) foreknowledge would mean he would also have had time to counteract such a plan, in any number of ways

2) while a ‘mandated vaccine’ may be on the NWO 2030 wish-list, it would lead to violent revolt. The government cannot lawfully mandate that you have to inject government poison into your body. They can’t. If they could, they’d have done it on January 20th.

Such a mandate would be immediately challenged up to the (not)Supreme Court. Assuming the utterly corrupt court lit the Constitution on fire and said “Go ahead and do it!“, immediate violent revolt would commence, because it would immediately be perceived as what it is, an attempt by the government to exterminate the entire population.

And because when you make anything ‘mandatory’, most people (and especially Americans) naturally resist much harder, even if their only reason is because someone else is trying to force them to do something.

So a ‘mandated vaccine’ was never going to work, it’s just an item on a Cabal wish-list.

They might get away with forcing vaccines in some countries, but many countries in Europe and certainly here in America would have nationwide revolts, and there aren’t enough dirty cops and dirty military to be everywhere at one time.

And in the middle-east, they wouldn’t even mess around with this BS, the People would just murder anybody caught carrying vaccine and needles, make an example out of them, and before you know it, there would be no more government employee ‘volunteers’ to vaccinate anybody. 😁


“How many wrenches did he throw into their machine?”


Hopefully a lot of them. I just think any plan that included walking away from a stolen election when you won a landslide victory cannot be the best plan.


“Just me looking for the big picture and how Trump destabilized the NWO’s plan. Trump’s actions ensured that anybody that didn’t want the vax, doesn’t have to take it.”


Would we not always have had that option, regardless?

As a practical matter, how could they force anyone to take their government juice poison, without tipping their hand to even the most comatose American zombie?

What are they going to do, get the old Waco/Ruby Ridge FIB/ATF Team back together, and go door to door across America?

Any such scenario is a blatant admission that the government is both tyrannical and malicious.

And once the public understands that the government is trying to murder them, which is the better option?

To let them force a needle in your arm, and die a slow and painful death?

Or make it quick, and take as many of the Nazis with you as you can?

Or just flee the country?

Imagine if a hundred million Americans (or 300 million) suddenly got in their cars and drove straight North 😁

Who is going to stop them?

Not a few hundred Canadian mounties, that’s for sure… 😂🤣😂

Or if it’s winter, suppose a hundred (or three) million Americans suddenly decided to take a vacation to Mexico.

What is Mexico going to do about it?

It’s not like Americans are going to leave their guns behind in any such a bug-out scenario.

Hi Mexico! Don’t mind me and 300 million of my closest well-armed friends. Our government lost their minds and our military turned gay, so we’re going to hang out here for a few months, until our government collapses.

What time does Siesta start around these parts, anyway?

Got tacos?



Actually, it’s possible that VSGPOTUSDJT was looking for an end-state very close to what is happening now.

Let’s say that the depopulation cabal has two depop viruses… that kills people who have been vaccinated through ADE (but is as harmless as COVID without the vaccine), and one that kills people who have not been vaccinated (a variant as deadly as SARS or MERS).

They then put out COVID to get people to vaccinate, figuring that they can bet on either black or red on the roulette wheel after it spins.

And VSGPOTUS drops ’em in 0….vaccines ready early — there are a number of them, half the pop is vaccinated, half the pop is not vaccinated, and nobody knows who got what.

How is the cabal supposed to do a controlled depop now?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, they can depop us Deplorables (the people they most want to get rid of) now by releasing the super covid, because we’re all on here saying we never got anything.


I think they want a good number of Deplorables left, but cowed and servile….lest they all die-off themselves in another horrific plague spread by unsanitary telephones.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But they’re planning to put the telephone sanitizers in charge…I thought.


And perhaps Pence gets swept up in that plan as well. He handpicked those people, right?


“And perhaps Pence gets swept up in that plan as well. He handpicked those people, right?”


That is the story I have always heard, I’m just not sure how to verify it.

I’m still not positive Pence isn’t playing a role and doing what DJT wants him to do. I always had the sense that Pence was a bad guy, from the first time I heard of him, when candidate Trump went to meet with Pence.

So I’m certainly willing to believe he’s a bad guy, if the facts (if we ever get them) bear that out.

But like nearly everything else in this psychodrama, nothing is ever quite as it seems…


I completely believe the “Pence/Ryan – get rid of Trump” scenario before the 2016 election. I also believe LWood’s whistleblower’s info re perversions. This guy always radiated dark to me as well, so him assembling the specified team to make sure the covid operation went as planned clicks into place for me.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Minneapolis lady cop who shot Wright resigns.


Since the warrant was due to him not showing up at his hearing on 4/2, and the charges are gun-related . . . I wonder when we’ll find out that a weapon was found in the car.

I have also read that the car was carjacked earlier that day. Could well be false. But no info about the search of the car is a red flag for me.


So the tweet was mistaken about her committing suicide. Good. I hope we get all the facts.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

She’s very much alive. Fox website doxxed her yesterday. Kimberly something, 25yr vet, several awards.


So the report about her being a rookie was false, too. It seems odd that a 25-year vet would make the mistake they’re saying she made.


The police chief has quit also. I would guess it has to do wuth due pricess on investigations. The city charter does NOT allow the mayor control over the police dept and the city council out of fear gave him that control and fired the city manager without just cause.


A lot of this is very confused and confusing.

She was training a rookie that day.

I still don’t believe for ONE MINUTE that a 25-year police veteran mistook her gun for a taser. That is crap.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine

That makes a lot of sense. She was yelling for the rookie to taze him before she got shot, the rookie froze, so she shot the guy who may have been going for his gun.


That’s what I think. She wanted the other officers to taser the guy, they didn’t and she shot.

When she says “oh shit, I shot him,” that’s just reaction. I’d bet it’s the first time she ever had to shoot anybody.


So Trump weighs in on the J&J pause. Will not claim to understand, just posting here.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Deplorable Patriot

I think it’s a taunt to get the rest pulled. Why pull one for side effects when they all have them.


New James O’Keefe: “CNN executive admits the network engaged in propaganda to remove Trump from office”

“Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that,” Chester revealed.

Looks as if this is Part I. It’s interesting because I didn’t see any warnings or previews from O’Keefe this time. Just BOOM!


But…Trump didn’t get “voted out”.
More gaslighting from these assholios.

Thanks for posting this, TheseTruths…I was just about to.


Yes, he wasn’t voted out. CNN is taking credit for something they wanted to happen, but that had to be accomplished by cheating. It wouldn’t surprise me if CNN higher-ups had something to do with the steal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In a way, we know they did. By refusing to report the steal, they are accessories after the fact. Or even during the fact, since it was a process that ran from 3 November to 6 January, and by refusing to report it during that time, they helped it.


He did give a warning on Saturday or Sunday.


I missed it; thanks.


CNN thinks there is COVID fatigue and they are ramping up the Climate Change propaganda.

I am connecting this to this:

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Nolte: Rural Trumpers Already Live in Tolerant Utopia Leftists Want (

If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating, it would be this…

Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities that are almost exclusively populated by and governed by Democrats.

Outside of these Democrat-run cities, America is peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.

What’s more, if you remove these Democrat-run cities from our national statistics, you will find an America that is overwhelmingly peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.

Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame Republicans for all of their problems.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


A lot of gun grabber types like to compare our violent crime stats with those of “safe” and “civilized” European countries (or at least they did, before the Muslim surge), but as it turns out our violent crime rates would be comparable to theirs if you just excluded some inner cities from the data.

It’s perfectly safe to visit, e.g., North Dakota as a tourist; as safe as it is to go to Switzerland.


My experience. I have lived in small town or rural America for almost two decades.

Our schools, businesses, and relationships are integrated. No one thinks a thing of interracial couples, etc.

We all get along just fine, with few exceptions.

Deplorable Patriot

I live in a big city. Well, we think we are a big city. Live close enough to “the line,” and this is way things are. Go to the enclaves, and it’s different, but it goes both ways.


This is absolutely true. Small towns most of my life, and I have never experienced the bigotry that happens in cities.


“Our Politically Correct Supreme Court Will Get What They Deserve” – Trump Slams Timid SCOTUS and “Helpless” Mitch McConnell in Explosive New Statement”

President Trump added, “Our politically correct Supreme Court will get what they deserve — an unconstitutionally elected group of Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country… If and when this happens, I hope the Justices remember the day they didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done for America.”
Trump then took a swipe at weakling Mitch McConnell adding, “With leaders like Mitch McConnell, they are helpless to fight. He didn’t fight for the Presidency, and he won’t fight for the Court. If and when this happens (Biden packing the courts), I hope the Justices remember the day they didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done for America.”


BREAKING: PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency (VIDEO)
James O’Keefe strikes again!
Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover video of a CNN director admitting the network engaged in ‘propaganda’ to remove Trump from the presidency


From the Michigan fraud hearing:

From the article:
On Friday Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report.
Among the findings DePerno announced that:

  • Modem chipsets were installed in the voting systems motherboards used in Michigan.
  • And there were 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just nine Michigan counties by one of his expert analysts.
  • For months the companies behind the computer voting systems claimed their computers did not have internet access.
  • In his report that was filed in Michigan court, DePerno revealed that the ES&S DS200 voting machines contain a Telit LE910-SV1 Modem Chip installed on its motherboard.

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Watch “Saagar Enjeti: Lab-Leak Hypothesis Could Reveal EPIC Screwup Of US, Fauci AND China” on YouTube
Posted on April 13, 2021



Deplorable Patriot

The first ten minutes of this video is the most specific JOS gets on just about anything. And there’s details I’ve never heard, but can completely believe.

Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon were betrayed by the DS. What Nixon did before being VP was particularly interesting.

DS put SES – the KEYSTONE (it’s on the flag of the org) – in place under Carter.

Nixon primed POTUS for the job of president, which is something JOS has said before, but there’s more detail here. Hence, he was hand picked by the good guys LONG AGO.

How it all fits together…stunning. If the Nixon part comes out and is proven, that’s one man whose reputation will definitely change.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Little by little, the truth is being revealed – no one really knew what happened with Nixon nor what part he played in fighting against the DS – stunning for sure, DP.

Odd – both he and Trump ‘stepped’ down – this story keeps getting more and more bizarre with each day that passes.

Deplorable Patriot

Oddly, though, they were both blocked, so for some reason, Nixon wasn’t trusted.


They did not play by their rules – thus, they had to be removed, DP.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Although, Nixon…he’s not one I would have considered for that role, but I can see it happening.

And the mythology built around Kay Graham, Ben Bradlee, Woodward & Bernstein…how much of that was really true?


Hard to say – we do not have enough information about them to make that determination.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Deplorable Patriot

The only people who wear two suits are competitive swimmers who need the drag, and water polo players just to be safe. Yes, suits have been ripped off.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The officer was identified as Kimberly A. Potter, whose career with the Brooklyn Center Police Department has spanned more than 25 years, the Star Tribune reported. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said Monday night that Potter is on standard administrative leave.

There goes the chief…..

LIVE UPDATES: Minnesota Police Chief Tim Gannon, Officer Kim Potter resign after deadly Daunte Wright shooting | Fox News


Kelli Ward speaks @ county GOP in AZ

JW in Germany

I just watched the video with my Turkish wife to make sure that the translation is legitimate—IT IS! Also, the woman conducting the interview is well known on Turkish television news—I have seen her many times myself.

This seems to have real legs!

Deplorable Patriot

So, that figure drawn out by whoever was controlling the navigation was most likely a middle finger to the other side.

Gotta love that.

The climate change weapon, not so much.

JW in Germany

If true, notice the countries that helped in the operation from the nationalists. How much did President Trump’s Middle East diplomacy play a role here?


JW in Germany

If Globalists really want a war—keep trying to replace my steaks with fake meat!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. ALDI is going all in on “Like Meat” and the entire Green agenda (at least ALDI Süd). They can take their soy and use it to clean windmills or something…

I think they’re making a mis-steak with that 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you have a beef with them, write their corporate leadership. I don’t expect you’ll come to a meating of the minds, even if you end up chewing the fat with them.

JW in Germany

 😂  😂  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Their motto is effectively “I came, I soy, I concurred”, but with the the eye-wateringly high prices of their fake meat, one can only say the steaks are too high…….

(It’s no treat to eat that meat, tastes like Mississippi Mud…)…

JW in Germany

A very bad mis-steak! LOL!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Given that (in English) “ea” is sometimes pronounced like the I in machine, that could be read “mystique.”

JW in Germany

I just now saw the new Project Veritas video and it lines up perfectly with the Turkish video—now comes the climate change push.

The hair is standing up on my arms!


Pretty amazing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apropos of nothing, I am now consistently getting six spam calls a day.

It’s never been quite this high.

Trump could probably have earned another ten million votes if he had sent Special Forces to take these fuckers out. It would have to have been filmed and deniable, though.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We get spam calls also and I do not answer. I let calls go to answering machine. Anyone who is importand will leace a message and who does not to bad for them.
My husband discovered he used to call the number back and the number normally private person said they did not call.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was, for a while, saving the numbers to “contacts” (Name: Assholes) and reporting to the FCC do not call complaint web page.

One of those numbers actually called me and left a message, years later…apparently the real owner of the number dialed a wrong number. I had zero reason to believe that (this time) it was a robocall, so i called them back, got the same human, and told her she had called a wrong number.


My husband has done that before. I do not and just let it ring. If it is important they call back. This is on a land line. I never get calls on my cell unless it is my husband on the road.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, I NEVER answer except in those very rare cases where they reuse a number 19 times and always leave a message. In that case I answer and hang up, since I don’t want to fish their damn voicemail message out of my voicemail.

I just let it ring out.


My ancient cordless phone system allows blacklisting of 25 numbers. If they reuse the same # 19 times, it gets rotated onto the blacklist.

I wish I could blacklist 250 numbers.


Good for you ?


Liars gonna lie about the stop. Proved a lie now.

Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
Nailed it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. No Dingo Balls, Foam Dice, or “Garage-Door Pulls” either. Fancy that.

Great catch. Their lies will eventually trap them…

Just like the case (almost seems like double jeopardy) of George Floyd, who was pumped-up on Fantanyl and a bunch of other drugs. Hope somehow the original Coroner’s Report with all the chemicals/drugs/etc. in his system comes out. Seems the presstitutes and Demonrats buried that but good…


Itll come out, but truth doesn’t matter, bc in the meantime, the loot, riot, and lives get destroyed.


Thats the OC I love. More of this again and again.

Mackenzie Alan Bettle (@realmackenzieB) Tweeted:
COVID Vax Passports are unconstitutional.

Retweet, spread the message.


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Life finds a way!

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BREAKING: In a 9-7 decision, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld an Ohio law banning abortions on babies with Down syndrome.


God is good!!!

Valerie Curren



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very good one!!!

Biden clearly needs the twelve step plan. But of course he’d fail by about step four.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good thing, too, that it’s not Thirty-Nine Steps…

Or the Steps of Central Asia…. it’s a long Liszt, but it’s kind of Borodin…

Sadie Slays

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As if any of us actually watch NBC!!!

Oh, wait, Faith Hill and Jennifer Lopez??? wait though…brainless bints. Never mind, not attractive unless the sound is off.

Deplorable Patriot

“I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.”

I had a communications TA who went on about that for an entire lecture session.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“I’m not a competent lecturer who won’t waste huge time on a rabbit hole, but I play one in the classroom.”

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Total commie propaganda.


Desperation time. 😄


No REAL pandemic would require anything like the amount of propaganda being produced to convince people to take a shot that might prevent the illness, even with the current deaths and side effects.

A REAL pandemic would have killed someone in every family, every church, every business, etc. with few exceptions. But I don’t know ONE person who has died of covid, and I’ll bet most people don’t either. Now ask if they know anyone outside a nursing home, and even MORE people won’t know anyone who died.

And I know the nursing home deaths are sad. But they are nursing homes, which directly implies ILLNESS; it’s in the name. Healthy people are not in nursing homes. My son worked in the kitchen in one such place for three years while he was in college. People died there all the time. It was a normal occurrence which was very hard for him.

If a real pandemic that killed healthy, able people struck, most people would try anything to not get it. That’s not covid. Covid for most people is a bad cold or flu.

Cuppa Covfefe

Convenient, too, that they redefined what constitutes a pandemic shortly before FaKorona took center stage.

Plandemic, indeed…

It’s not only “never let a crisis go to waste” anymore, it’s “if you don’t have a crisis, make one up”…

Cuppa Covfefe

Barky and Barkley… lotta malarky…

Valerie Curren


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Jack Posobiec


Ladies and gentlemen, @JamesOKeefeIII
has done the impossible

He got CNN to tell the truth

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Director at CNN ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘PROPAGANDA’ to Remove Trump from Presidency … ‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’

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Susan St. James

CNN Director just admitted that CNN is deliberately trying to destroy Matt Gaetz because he is a problem for the Democrat party. This explains a lot about what is going on.


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New York Post


CNN staffer boasts to Project Veritas that network peddled anti-Trump ‘propaganda’

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Deplorable Patriot

Shall we start with the big grammar error or the big lie?

Valerie Curren

do both!



F.B.I. Informant 2016 (@fbichs2016) Tweeted:
Before you judge the police take a look at your own profession or trade. Bad doctors, bad teachers, bad manufacturing workers, bad waiters & waitresses, bad sewer workers……. The stakes may be higher, but mistakes are made, mistakes in hiring, mistakes in training, mistakes in

TheRealDuke (@TheRealDuke8) Tweeted:
@fbichs2016 Absolutely agree. FTO twice and the second candidate was a disaster. My recommendation was to not retain her. She was transferred to another FTO who gave same remarks. Given a 3rd FTO with same results.
Conclusion reached by police org? FTOs require more training.

Deplorable Patriot

Bad doctors…I know A LOT of physicians. I mean A LOT. My brother and his friend both had to have hernia repairs. My brother was referred to a Dr. F, a surgeon, and the friend’s girlfriend said, “Oh, no. You have to ask my dad. He’s a doctor. He’ll know who to go to.” The girl’s dad said just, “Dr. F is fine,” more or less because that’s all he could say, but, seriously, Dr. F is a FINE surgeon. They CANNOT talk smack against other physicians other than to make a different recommendation. It’s part of the AMA thing.

I know a WORLD CLASS radiologist who used to sit on the board to certify in the specialty. When I told him about my SIL and where she is a patient for a rare syndrome, he said, “I like that place.” That’s all he could say.

It’s really annoying, because among medical professionals, they know who is good and who to avoid.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

I say to my doctor to whome would you go or your wife ? My husband has excellent doctors and got them that way.


Its wrong tho, really. I cant walk right anymore bc the ortho i saw at a well known clinic didnt treat my injury timely or well, now i can say im kinda crippled.

Valerie Curren

Related to that Evergreen/Ever Given stuff I shared earlier

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Egyptian authorities have seized a massive cargo ship which blocked the Suez Canal for almost a week last month, amid a dispute over financial damages, the state-run Al Ahram news outlet says
Egypt impounds Ever Given ship over $900m Suez Canal compensation bill
Egyptian authorities have seized a massive cargo ship which blocked the Suez Canal for days last month amid a dispute over financial damages, the state-run Al Ahram news outlet said on


Tayler Hansen (@TaylerUSA) Tweeted:
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

Tayler Hansen (@TaylerUSA) Tweeted:
After leaving his firearm unattended in the bathroom, he said he “will be treated differently” because of his rank as a lieutenant.

Clearly he’s proven this to be true.


Unfortunately, he’ll be treated differently because he’s a black man who shot a Trump supporter.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hero!!! Roll out the red carpet!!! Shower the ground with rose petals!!!

Valerie Curren

Miss manners?

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Josh Kraushaar


“In important aspects of foreign and national-security policy, the Biden administration is really the Trump administration but with civilized manners.”
The Afghan War Will Continue
There will be no power-sharing, no reconciliation, no peace of the
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Valerie Curren

identification please

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Next time I’m at a show and there’s a long line for the restroom, I’m going to identify as a man.




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Jule C.

I hope somebody will be taking a picture of you trying to use the urinal… LOL!

Valerie Curren

They can’t silence All of us at once!

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Rounding the Earth

Facebook has begun deleting some of my recent posts. No notice, no nothing. Not even an Orwell stamp letting me know that some idiot fact checked one of my highly sources essays.

Valerie Curren

DC is already a “state” here…
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Jesse Kelly


90% of the people who voted for Hawaii have not actually been to Hawaii. They’re in love with the IDEA of Hawaii.

Hawaii is a rundown Leftist hellhole with a beach. Not at all what it used to be. Crime, homelessness, etc..

It ain’t all Tulsi Gabbard bringing you a Pina Colada.
Quote Tweetcomment image
Kevin Robillard

· 4h
Here’s how Americans rank the 50 states, per YouGov.…
Show this thread


Whoo, boy, can I agree about Hawaii!

I moved there and lasted just over a year and a half. 90% of all people who move to Hawaii leave within a year.

It is the third world. Like a foreign country. If you don’t speak pidgin, you will never fit in. It is well known. The tourist areas are beautiful, the rest of the place is horrifying. The hospital on the Big Island, which almost killed my youngest son, looks like something out of sub-Saharan Africa.

I kid you not, for graduation the local Ace Hardware had a big sale of lei-making materials. This was a huge professionally printed sign on the front glass:

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I did NOT fit in in Hawaii!

Valerie Curren

Oh my, paradise propped up by pidgin pygmies

Valerie Curren

Presidential perspective!

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Nick Adams


President Trump built the 7th tallest building in the United States and 2nd tallest in Chicago.

Joe Biden can’t even train his dog.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He doesn’t need to know how to train his dog in order for his handlers to decide they can train US.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Real POTUS in Palm Beach
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Brigitte Gabriel


President Donald J Trump today at Trump International Palm Beach!

It must be nice owning all the world’s greatest properties!!



Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

real POTUS still has the moves 🙂


The World Is Watching, The World Is Here, Specific Timing Left Up To Trump – Ep. 2451 
 April 13, 2021  x22report

The [JB] is pushing the US economy into a system that is completely controlled by the [CB] and China. The infrastructure bill is not for the infrastructure, it’s about reshaping the economy for the great reset. Inflation is now increasing, Reagan warned everyone about the disease and now we need to cure it. People are taking notice, the transition is happening, wait for it. The [DS] fell right into the patriots plan. Trump is now exposing the entire [DS] apparatus, the establishment is now coming out of the shadows and speaking out for all to see. Trump planned this from the beginning, he knew that the people would fight back in the end once they reach the precipice. The world is watching and Maricopa county is about to begin the audit. Trump signaled what comes next. The timing was always left up to him.


Ep. 2451a – The [CB] Is The Economic Disease, The People Are The Cure
X22 Report Published  April 13, 2021

Valerie Curren

Mick Jagger even mentions the Deep State & Aliens here!

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Paul Joseph Watson


Mick Jagger/Dave Grohl anti-lockdown song?

Another example of how big you have to be to dare take on the mob, but more power to them.

EAZY SLEAZY — Mick Jagger with Dave Grohl — Lyric video
I wanted to share this song that I wrote about eventually coming out of lockdown, with some much needed optimism – thank you to Dave Grohl for jumping on dru…

My husband, the bass player, comes in while I’ve got this song on & he’s like isn’t Mick like 80 now or something, but they still sound “good”. I’m always telling hubby that he’ll be rocking til he dies, but maybe the volume will keep going up & he’ll mostly be “hearing” it in his bones, as he’s rocked his hearing into partial oblivion 🙂


Met my new quack today.

  • Asked her about Ivermictin. OK to take? Can I get a prescription? No. They follow CDC guidelines. Will likely pursue via FLCCC. More expensive route, but can’t take the money with me.
  • Asks if I have had the Covid vaccination or plan to. Told her no and no plans to get the Covid vaccine. It’s still experimental. She chimes in J&J and AZ getting pulled.
  • She brings up pneumonia vaccination. Suggests I get one. Told her I never gave it a thought. No one had suggested it before… I’d read up on it.

Thoughts and recommendation on pneumonia vaccine?


I would only barely take a rabies vaccine in the short term, until a little more Truth leaks out of TPTB.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re probably OK on smallpox, and Hep A and Hep B, too.

As if anyone were traveling right now.

(Oh, and tetanus.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I consider pneumonia same as flu vax, big NOPE for me. I mean how contagious is pneumonia? 🙄


Thanks. That has been my thought. Don’t think pneumonia is contagious. Really don’t hear many of folks getting pneumonia, Minimal issue.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Actually pneumonia comes in 2 flavors, viral and bacterial. But still…


I think the vaccine is for the viral form. DH has had the bacterial form 2 X, and he was recommended to have the vaccine.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Most people develop pneumonia from bacteria, usually from another source in the body. My dad could no longer have liquids after a stroke, even water would ‘go down the wrong pipe’ into his lungs, causing an infection which always developed into pneumonia. Finally had to get him a feeding tube.

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

DH has had the pneumonia vaccine twice, but his lungs have been his weak spot. It’s been a while since he’s had the last vaccine, and he’s not really been sick for a few years now. (He just has mobility problems which are slowly improving.)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The vaccine is for viral pneumonia, won’t do anything for bacterial.



Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

miced up
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Valerie Curren

Life is Always the right choice!

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Constitutional Nobody

Mother Changed Her Mind, Saved Her Baby From Abortion: “I Love Her With All My Heart”…

My mom was from an out of wedlock pregnancy–her birth mom was 15 & dad 17 at her birth–& raised by adoptive parents who couldn’t have their own kids but had adopted her dad’s nephew from his alcoholic & neglectful mother. Mom & her 3 kids 11 grandkids 3 step-grandkids & all kids/grandkids’ spouses (in laws) are Christians & most are patriots!


Orange county, ca moving ahead wuth a vaccine passport anyway.
So disney, knotts, school, etc…even says basic interactions with other people.
Its only voluntary if you want to live.
Fascists are going to be mussolini’d eventually.

OC Health Care Agency (@ochealth) Tweeted:
Good evening, #OC 🍊. Here are the top three #OCCOVID19 vaccination messages you need to know from @ochealth and @OCGovCA:


Ben Garrison Cartoons


Mask don’t control the virus…they control YOU now available as a signed print!

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I like that he took Franklin Graham to task. He needed to be for what he said.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s sad. Franklin ain’t Billy, it seems… And justifying one’s actions, thoughts, or speech by saying “Jesus would agree” is ill-advised, if not downright blasphemy…

Wonder if Franklin Graham is getting pressure from the Deep State too…


Surprised me, Linda!!!


Ben Garrison Cartoons


Your Tuesday Morning Montana moment- “Horse sense”…This was taken at the Little Bighorn battlefield-Now wild horses roam the plains and are descendants of indian ponies that escaped a hundred years ago.

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Ben Garrison Cartoons


What’s In YOUR Jab? 

New Ben Garrison Cartoon for your Monday.

The Sheep, “I only eat non-GMO, non processed, organic food. I don’t want additives and chemicals in my body, but I am first in line for an untested, rushed out vaccine cranked out by Big Pharmaceutical companies that want your sick and dependent on their high priced drugs! Seems a little hypocritical right? read the rest at

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Valerie Curren

delta Q
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Don D

1 3yer delta for q today
Drop 1145
Trust POTUS.
Sparrow Red.
Missles Only.
Intel good.




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Q Dead Lighter Q

The Dark Knight (clip4) “Die a hero or…”
0:00 “to pull strings”Also, that ballet thing is a nice cover up~ But inviting the whole crew of them on a private cruise, that makes Bruce seem a bit jealo…

I wonder if this bird (comms?) is related

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Michael DeLauzon

Shoebill Stork. Big Bird.
Quote Tweet

Valerie Curren

not all in the same boat
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“It is now reasonable to consider that the CCP is conducting asymmetrical chemical warfare against America and other democracies, poisoning tens of thousands through narco-proxies.

The Biden Administration confronts a worsening threat. The CCP understands the power that the illicit drug supply wields over America—it is imperative that the U.S. takes steps to confront this growing threat to both public health and national security before it’s too late.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Biden administration ASSISTS a worsening threat.


Floods, Earthquakes, Demonic Human Hybrids, Fallen Angels, and Crazy Signs of These Last Days…IT’S BIBLICAL!

april 13, 2021 the marshall report

On February 7th  in 1812, the most violent of a series of earthquakes near Missouri caused a so-called fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River, actually making the river run backward for several hours. The series of tremors, which took place between December 1811 and March 1812, were the most powerful in the history of the United States.

The seismic activity began at about 2 a.m. on December 16, 1811, when a strong tremor rocked the New Madrid region. Waking the people in a small city of around 1,000 people, in Missouri near the Mississippi River called New Madrid. The area was hit even harder at 7:15 a.m., when a powerful quake erupted, estimated as a magnitude of 8.6. This tremor literally knocked people off their feet and many people experienced nausea from the extensive rolling of the earth.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Actually, it was not the most powerful in US history. Alaska had a 9.2 in Prince William Sound in 1964. That happened when I was a kid and I remember it well. It was all over the news for quite some time. (That was back when the news actually reported real stuff that happened).


Wonder if this was something they left out of our history books – OR – just deleted, Linda.

Valerie Curren

MLB in a slide
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Medium Buying

Via @MorningConsult
, the MLB’s net favorability rating among Republicans plummeted from 47 percentage points in mid-March to just 12 points at the end of last week

Valerie Curren

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Daily Caller


TONELSON: Why The Boycott Wave Has Only Just Begun
TONELSON: The Boycott Wave Has Only Just Begun
Based on the historical success of past boycotts, it would seem that a golden age of effective boycotting may be upon

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. And they lost me long ago when they looked the other way at all the players “getting juiced” while banning Pete Rose for life.

They should know ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!!!! Including the unborn!
(They will, eventually, at which point they’ll also find out the real time and reaspn that Every Knee Shall Bow [Isaiah 4523 and Romans 14:11] )…

Valerie Curren

Amen Cuppa—Judgement Seat of Christ awaits all!

Valerie Curren

path of least resistance 🙂
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Lovely video …

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Valerie Curren

My son is sharing his warrior’s & patriot’s heart w/ fearlessness 🙂

My son is a passionate & patriotic Christian & speaks w/ boldness & humility about what’s happening in America.

I’m very blessed to have a special needs child who has found his unique voice & uses it mostly for God’s glory!

Valerie Curren

My son loves America & grasps the Constitution better than many politicos!


Wow, very impressive!

Valerie Curren

Thanks, TT. He’s taught himself how to navigate the video side of things, for I’ve never done any of that–nor do I want to!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

BLM’s ‘Marxist’ Co-Founder Raked In $20,000 A Month As Chairwoman Of Jail Reform Group | The Daily Caller

  • Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation co-founder Patrisse Cullors raked in upwards of $20,000 a month serving as the chairwoman of a Los Angeles jail reform group in 2019, campaign finance records show.
  • Reform LA Jails paid Cullors through her consulting firm Janaya and Patrisse Consulting a total of $191,000 in 2019, the records show.
  • Cullors purchased a $1.4 million home in a majority-white Los Angeles neighborhood on March 30 through a corporate entity under her control, according to a celebrity real estate news site.
  • Cullors’ firm earned an additional $46,330 from Real Justice PAC, a political action committee co-founded by left-wing activist Shaun King in 2018. Cullors is a senior advisor to the PAC. 
Sadie Slays

I’m hearing similar reports on local social media that there’s a lot more vaccine supply than demand.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Night 3 🥱🥱

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmm. Get the WHITE PEOPLE in front…

Sounds RAYCISSSS to me…

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

It’s actually a man, British classical pianist Paul Barton. Here’s a tweet (if it comes out correctly) about it… (now I need to find out what he’s playing… or I’ll go crazy (er))…

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks!

Valerie Curren

However you’re doing those “comment image” thingies that render as “https://pbs Ey3aSYCWYAYmGFZ.jpg” [spaces inserted], I appreciate it. I normally can’t see squat in quoted social media posts because the safety settings don’t allow it to mess with things it shouldn’t — but I can see these with an additional click.

Valerie Curren

Glad it’s working for you. I just am right clicking on image & choosing “image address” then pasting it in comment box & removing everything from the ? to the end & adding in .jpg or whatever…Wheatie’s tip, I think, for how to do so…

Cuppa Covfefe

Commie “Wealth Redistribution” v1.0…

Gail’s written extensively about that (wish I had the links). Wilson and “Colonel House” did a lot of damage that it seems no-one noticed. The book (available online) “Philip Dru: Administrator” is a horrifying example of some of the things they had in mind…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

The “great reset” more than a century in the making? How can so many people sell their souls to the devil & buy into Marxism/communism? I’ll never really understand!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe

I’m holding out for 150% discount 🙂


[…] Carter OnlineFox Reply to  scott467 April 13, 2021 […]