I’m ready. How about you?
Food for thought from Martin Geddes (h/t B.b.S.s.Saint):
The nature of a war of subversion and infiltration, as opposed to subjugation via invasion, is like a cancer that infects and parasitises every organ of civil society. As JFK famously said, “It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” The events of the last year have demonstrated that academia, law enforcement, the courts, the media, and medicine are all deeply corrupted.
We face turbulent waters ahead, as the political reset and restoration of the American Republic have their domino effect in all of these domains. The cancer of corruption has to be removed without killing its host. The first visible step is the conversion of Washington DC back to plain Washington, and the end of the “Federal” branded corporate government as we have known it. If you watch carefully, you can see that we are “flooding the swamp” right now, as all the subterranean infrastructure of Washington is purged of evil….
It is not just finance and politics that face a total reset. We have been exploited through many other routes, and each one faces a reset. The energy reset moves us from petrochemicals to Tesla-based broadcast power (from both land and space). The communications reset requires the removal of the Mockingbird Media, as well as a new secure space-based Quantum Internet for content distribution. The wellness reset sees the demise of Rockefeller medicine, also based on toxic petrochemicals, and replacement with a mix of simple light and electric therapies all the way through to extremely sophisticated “medbeds”.
The last of these is notably topical via the Coronavirus scamdemic. Current “sickcare” incentives align profit to lifelong unwellness. Suppression of symptoms is rewarded; cures are not. mRNA vaccines fit into this pattern, and are credibly accused of being depopulation bioweapons. Beware suppressing your natural non-specific immunity and arming the cytokine storm hazard!…
The “total reset of everything” is a process, not an event. For instance, the forced deployment of vaccines in their “experimental” phase means they cannot be mandatory, which removes the ability of the Globalists to coerce everyone to take them. That in turn means the awful consequences cannot just be blamed on “new virus variants” and fan more fear. That some do not take these products, and are not sick as a result, makes it all too obvious that they are dangerous. The reset of medicine takes time.
The entire essay is worth taking the time to read for those who have not lost faith.

This war has only just begun.
Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147106598
Oct 29 2017 11:11:40 (EST)
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated – any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate – what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ACTS 5:27-33
27And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” 29But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. 30The God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. 31God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.” 33When they heard this they were enraged and wanted to kill them.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
April 15th is one of those dates the cabal loves to use to cause misery. Notable happenings:
Keep an eye out for strange headlines and false flags.
And May, starting with Walpurgisnacht/Beltane/MayDay, ends two weeks of blood/human sacrifice “season”… (April 19-May 1) cf https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1647.cfm …
So April 15 is on the leading (bleeding?) edge of this… Those people are Satanic, and are getting more out and proud (with the help of unholyweird) all the time. VC has a number of articles on that.
Also on cuttingedge: https://www.cuttingedge.org/News/n2456.cfm
Considering the Cabal and its like of symbolism.
9th day of the month, 99th day of the year, and 99 years old. The nines compliment of all those is zero.
Did someone get re-set to zero.
They also like to use 999 as it’s 666 upside-down, so they can hide their symbol in plain sight…
And in your example, that’s five nines, which make 45 and 4+5 is yet another nine…
Puzzle numerology was big centuries ago, also in music. There are some hideously complex motifs and hidden messages in some pieces (feuds rather than fugues?)…
Martin Geddes is a good egg. I think even he is seeing that it’s going to be more of a fight than many thought it would be.
That has some precedent.
We may be looking at a few years.
Just as an aside from Geddes — he mentions Tartaria…..and I have a copy of “The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation” that I snagged from my parents when I began to live independently….
Which triggered yet another random memory trace about our history being falsified — “folk” singers of the 1950’s and 1960’s, who passed-off modern compositions (with modern sensibilities) as being “found” in random bywaters “uncorrupted by modern shibboleths”….
Did not know that was a thing. Wow.
You never wondered why Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie (*cough* Commies *cough*) “found” so many Appalachian Socialists??
But is his tail swinging side-to-side while he’s purring?
It just knocked a crude modern “art” “vase” on the floor.
Accidents happen.
You are to funny
There’s been an add (Volvo) on TV featuring Pete Seeger singing “Hard Times” ..to which I feel duty bound to exclaim there’s that old commie again!
Fascinating that Volvo seeks to promote cars using a once infamous old commie…weird.
Corporations now virtue signal to the real power.
A stark truth.
Well said.
Indeed! Especially inasmuch as Volvo is Sveedish & Scandinavians have an ongoing love affair with “Socialism”
I woke my husband up laughing at the Man versus Goose video!
Thank you, DePat! Always stellar.
That goose said….and you better step off…i can fly and bite your butt and then poop on you. Watch your step….
A proposed reply —
Ugh…i tasted duck once. Dont like those things.
Kiddo got super happt.. we have Canadian geese down here right now. Seen 3 different times. Its the first time too.
That’s why cooking is an art. So many people today think it’s just putting in the microwave.
Read the Atlantic article — they suggest different methods of cooking goose depending on the season. Same is true of duck.
I had a “Fauxtalian” hipster duck dish recently – it was fantastic – and I normally don’t like duck. The duck was perfectly cooked and matched to the pasta, sauce and herbs.
For all the talk of factory-farmed chicken and free-range chicken….essentially all duck is free-range (and nearly the same size). It tends to be fattier (thus more filling and containing more nutrients and flavor) throughout most of its harvest time, with less-pronounced modifications through selective breeding (oversize breasts and drumsticks in chicken).
IIRC, Wagamama had some really tasty duck dishes.
But you have to have chefs that understand their materials.
Hypothesis: “haute cuisine” arrived on earth on a meteorite in Tuscany, and the knowledge of this has spread around the world from there.
Ina Garten has a wonderful recipe for roast duck.
We grew up having duck for holidays. My great grandparents had a dairy farm and they had ducks and geese and rabbits, and so I grew up eating all those things.
Having some chicken broth in the roasting pan is a good idea.
It would help to keep the duck/goose from getting dried out.
I highly recommend stuffing the duck/goose with Apples.
And I mean, fully stuff with Apples.
Apple slices…pieces.
The Apple takes the ‘gamey’ flavor out of the bird.
Then cover with foil and slow-cook for a couple of hours at 325°.
iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, maybe a Lisa and an iPod or two

Not that kind of Apple, Cuppa.
Sounds like a good recipe, though (with REAL apples)… and the chicken broth brings this to mind:
A couple goes for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and orders the “Chicken Surprise.”
The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast-iron pot.
Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down.
“Hey, did you see that?” she asks her husband.
He hadn’t, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down.
Sputtering in a fit of pique, he calls the waiter over, describes what is happening, and demands an explanation!
“Please sir,” says the waiter, “what did you order?”
The husband replies, “Chicken Surprise.”
“Ah… so sorry,” says the waiter, “I bring you Peeking Duck.”

Very punny.
Oh that was bad, Cuppa.
Thats cute.
I’ve always found rabbit to be bland. I usually either fry it or have it slow cooked in a stew.
Either way.
I like rabbit but my husband used to have a pet rabbit as kid sohoo no rabbit in our house.
Rabbit needs a lot of fat.
Brown in butter to caramelise the outside. Perhaps use bacon fat to help it along and add more flavour.
Turn the heat down, then braise gently in butter to cook a bit more.
Place in the oven at 350 degrees or 375 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour or so. You might need less time, depending on the amount of rabbit pieces.
Remove the rabbit from the pan and place on a plate or carving tray to rest.
Meanwhile, make a sauce from the drippings in the pan. Add equal amounts of cream and butter, along with some salt and pepper. Add a teaspoon or two of mustard to season further. When in doubt, add more butter and cream. That’s the French way. The French can do cooking like nobody’s business.
You forgot the wine!
How could I forget?
Always liked duck, but not goose.
Season and preparation.
My grandma would make goose tamales.
Best tamales ever made. She gave me the recipe but I lost it.
Oh no! My commiserations.
If you can roast goose, you can probably recreate it with trad spices?
I may try.
Goose is fabulous.
Here’s a copy and paste recipe for roast goose. Let me know if you have any questions.
One 10 – 12 pound goose should serve 7 people.
Please read all of the steps carefully.
Let it air dry for at least 12 hours before cooking (instructions below).
You will need a rack and a large roasting tray for this as well as a large saucepan.
1/ With sturdy kitchen scissors, cut the wings off at the body of the goose, then cut into equal portions.
2/ Put the wing pieces along with giblets and neck into a saucepan to brown and carmelise. When carmelised on both sides, cover with water, cook and reduce to make goose stock. Season with salt and pepper. This takes about one to two hours.
3/ Reserve the liver for a separate delicacy for two people, lightly sautéed in butter for a minute or two each side to place on warm, buttered toast. Salt the liver just before serving. Drench the butter over it and the toast. (You can have that the day before you have the roast goose or on the same day. With liver, the sooner the better.)
4/ Break the legs of the goose by stretching backwards without breaking the skin. This will make it easier to carve once you have roasted it.
5/ Remove any excess fat from the goose cavity and render gently over low heat in a non-stick pan. This is the best fat from the goose. Once cooled, pour into a sterilised jar and keep for roast potatoes. (Heat a tablespoon of fat at 375 deg. for 10 minutes, then put halves of dry par-boiled potatoes in it to roast for approx. 30 minutes.)
6/ The day before roasting, pour boiling water over the goose (with innards removed), pat dry inside and out. Coat with salt, vinegar and sugar (a somewhat traditional Chinese method for duck) and rest on a rack over a roasting tray. Let it sit in a pantry overnight.
7/ For roasting, put the goose on the tray over the roasting pan into a preheated oven at 500 degrees for 20 minutes.
8/ With a turkey baster, remove any fat from the pan into a measuring jug.
9/ Turn down the heat to 350 deg. or 325 deg. for two hours.
10/ Keep removing fat with a turkey baster into the same measuring jug.
<b>The oven temp. is an advisory</b>. If the goose starts to get too brown and the meat is not cooked, perhaps the heat is too high.
My Christmas goose takes about two to two-and-a-half hours to roast following this method.
11/ Keep the fat in the jug to cool. Reserve later for roast potatoes (as above). Have sterilised jars at the ready. You should have nearly a year’s worth of goose fat to refrigerate and use as you like.
12/ Let the cooked goose rest for about 45 to 60 minutes before carving.
13/ Make a jus with two tbsp. (approx.) flour, mix into remaining fat, then add Port or red wine. Make sure that is evenly mixed and cooked. Add some of your goose stock (from Step 2 above) gradually to thin slightly for a light jus to pour over the goose. Reserve any spare jus and refrigerate.
It’s late here. I can’t guarantee I’ve got all the finer details. If you need to ask a question, please feel free.
Thank you!! Copied!
You are most welcome! Thanks for copying!
Thanks! Will try it out if I ever go goose hunting. Neighbor in Md used to goose and duck hunt a lot, but I mostly deer and turkey hunt here in the part of E Tn I live in.
Yes, I can imagine.
I’d never eaten goose in the US, only in England. It’s one of the best aspects of Christmas.
I love duck my husband makes wonderful duck. I also like goose and love the goose fat I can glean from it. Goose fat is wonderful in red cabbage.
The only thing I do not like about goose is that is makes a mess in the oven
My grandfather used to say ” the duck is a funny animal to much for breakfast and to little for dinner.”
Agree with your grandfather.
Re the mess in the oven, isn’t goose worth it?
Yes it is specially the goose fat
You have not had duck cooked properly.
Or geese, for that matter.
They are really tasty. It all depends on the rendering of the fat, which one keeps for later (e.g. roast potatoes). The fat, kept in a sterile jar, will last for at least a year.
Thats a long time. Ive seen duck fat for sale and frozen goose. Its probably a regional issue. Neither is an item you see in restaurants here.
The more it airs, the crispier the skin.
All…like a more flavorful fried chicken with l’orange.
That’s it exactly.
He was actually pretty lucky. Geese can be a heck of a lot meaner than that one was.
Canada geese and swans can be a complete pain in the neck and seriously injure people. Which is why cooking and eating them should always be an option (currently restricted by government fiat).
When they congregate in sizable numbers, the poop can get outta control.
It doesn’t have to be that sizable of numbers…..many of us have heard the expression “like shit through a goose.”
Swans are bitchy. Never cared for theur demeanor.
They’re supposed to taste good. However, our culture is from England, and all swans in England are owned by the sovereign.
They also mate for life, so there is a problem with repopulation after harvest.
I have been chased by a goose.
If that guy’s harassment was a 5 on a 1-to-10 scale, I’ve been harassed at a 3. I’m not a fan.
But the real nightmare of a goose, like the real nightmare of a coronavirus, isn’t the thing, it’s the government reaction to the thing. If you could whack a goose with a tennis racket or golf club, then offer it to the first food bank or homeless shelter you saw on the way home (or cook it yourself), you’d very seldom see harassment worse than a 1. And it’s not like the damned things are endangered.
It’s like living among a bunch of peanut-butter-sandwiches that randomly attack people — but, if you clonk one, the Fed’s will haul you in for violating the migratory sandwich treaty.
We’re all criminals, now.
It should also be remembered that Dickens’ “Christmas Carol” delivers a goose for the feast.
Geese nip but it does not hurt it is like a little pinch. Mosley it is the male.
The turkey is wishes.
We used to have a duck who thought he was a guard dog. Visitors beware
Just an idea has boats.
Watch the h2o.
RedPilledPoland (@RedPilledPoland) Tweeted:
The German NGO vessel #SeaWatch has arrived to the port of #Burriana in #Spain and is about to head out looking for African migrants it can bring to Europe. Here it is flying the #Antifa flag too. They are Marxists who hate ethnic Europeans https://t.co/DrH7OiNaNs
It gets worse….
The vessel is supported by the EKD, the Evangelical Church of Germany…..
Maybe they think they can stem the tide of people leaving the EKD and fill the pews with Moslems… seems that’s failed a couple of times before… the head of the EKD, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm [Strom-ausfall] is just as much a politician as Francis the talking fool, i.e. a total fake, supporting the globalists and “liberation theology” which is really Satan’s theology with new paint…
Here’s an article about it (source is http://www.jungefreiheit.de , a great source of news as opposed to fakery): https://www.postdiscus.com/2021/04/germany-refugee-ship-co-founded-by.html
Most of the German political parties (i.e. those standing with or to the left of Lenin), the Greens, Die Linke, the SPD, the FDP, and sadly, the CDU/CSU support Antifa, if not outright fund them. Yep, some of our tax money goes to Antifa.
The EKD has been apostate for decades, maybe for a century or more (OK, I know some will say 500 years or so, but that’s not what I mean)… politics inSINuates itself into every human endeavor, and poisons them like a deadly parasite. Deadly parasite – that could well describe the left and the globalists…
Doesnt sound Christian to me.
It is there way of Christian.
They’re not Christian anymore, basically just CINO; they’re just another branch of Merde-Kuh’s Marxist Misanthropic Malthusian misfits… most people are leaving the EKD and going to Frei Evangelische (Free Evangelical) and other independent churches…
In case anyone gets confused with CINO (wondering if the ‘C’ stands for ‘Catholic’), it should be considered LINO — with the ‘L’ standing for Lutheran.
Not that it makes a lot of difference, but just to distinguish between the two.
Actually I meant Christian In Name Only…
Germany has so many factions for a wide variety of things! Without a guide I wouldnt know how to buy tp there.
It’s the state (German) Lutheran Church.
I went to Lutheran school for elementary. I understand a lot has changed in a crazy way.
My brother was the director of the Evangelical Mission of Germany and he is a communist. This ship would have fallen under him.
When he studied in Bremen he demonstrated with a Mao book in his hand. The church send him to Africa hoping to temper his Mao leanings.
Funny he still is a communist and his kids are conservative Bankers. One in Luxembourg and does not speak to his parents the other married an American girl from Hilton Head.
The church is corrupted.
Wasn’t Merkel’s dad a “party pastor”?
Yes he moved his family from Hamburg to East Germany after WWII. He was a Lutheran communist and Merkel was in University a propagandist for the party. German people a really screwed up.
German people have learned nothing. They seem to live in a alternative universe. I know I am eccentric but in a good way. These people are lunatics, ideologues believing they are doing good when they are destroying themselves..
The Hill (@thehill) Tweeted:
JUST IN: House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations https://t.co/FgGmOyS8Ne https://t.co/3r6esISYdb
*rolls eyes*
Let me know when they decide if Heels-Up Harris is going to be cutting a check or getting one.
Actually, there are marvelous opportunities for mischief if you don’t just flinch away and say, “that is completely stupid.”
When did your ancestors immigrate? How many came over after 16-whatever and should their guilt be pro-rated? How many came over after 1865? Did any die on the Union side of the Civil War? How many never held slaves? How many were slaves, and should get debited on their individual ledgers? Should there be individual ledgers or group ledgers for reparations, and who makes the distinctions?
Will there be IRS-approved genealogies? What if your ancestors came from other countries that still had slavery and resettled in the US when it did not — can you claim reparations from other countries?
My strong suspicion is that the goal is to give every single Black person in the United States free taxpayer money by any vehicle available (and with new vehicles “invented”).
The DemCommunists care only about power and control. “Reparations”, for them, is a perfect way to establish permanent power and control over all Black people in this country.
Watch for “discussions” being started regarding “reparations” morphing into “permanent basic income payments” to all Black people in this country.
Watch also for calls for “reparations” to be paid to any other group that was enslaved / discriminated against, to be completely rejected (Native Americans; descendants of Irish or of Chinese who were enslaved here, etc.).
It will be interesting to see the numbers of people who will undergo DNA testing to determine whether or not they can claim to be a Black person, in order to get on the Reparations Gravy Train.
As a genealogist, I have some more interesting questions:
What if your black ancestors OWNED slaves as quite a few did? I can prove it.
What if MY white ancestors were INDENTURED and never released, or died from the work before they could be? Do I get reparations? That’s really slavery.
What if I as a so-called “white person” have black ancestry, as proven by DNA? Do I get money, too?
I can think of more.
all y’all everybody gets a car !
What an incredibly disturbing image… like something from The Exorcist…

A chicken in every pot, aaaannnndddd, pot in every chicken…
Most descendants of slaves have white blood in them, too.
Of course. We are a nation of mixed race. Almost NO ONE here is all of one thing.
I have described myself as a Euromutt. It’s faster than listing off all of the ethnic groups, especially when some of the places weren’t independent when my ancestors got on the boat, and other places still aren’t but speak a different language than the official one in that country. It’s hard to know where to draw the line.
Doubt she’d take something like that standing up……..
(gets me coat…)…..
How can any group of people go for this? It is soul killing stuff to give people money for nothing by taking money from other people.
Demoralizing black people is what these commies are all about. Demoralization leads to anger, anger leads to violence, violence leads to demands, demands leads to more demoralizing hand-outs.
Commies are the slave-drivers of the elite.
This outta make ’em think twice:
“How Many Slaves Did Blacks Own?
So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us? In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. In his essay, ” ‘The Known World’ of Free Black Slaveholders,” Thomas J. Pressly, using Woodson’s statistics, calculated that 54 (or about 1 percent) of these black slave owners in 1830 owned between 20 and 84 slaves; 172 (about 4 percent) owned between 10 to 19 slaves; and 3,550 (about 94 percent) each owned between 1 and 9 slaves. Crucially, 42 percent owned just one slave.
Pressly also shows that the percentage of free black slave owners as the total number of free black heads of families was quite high in several states, namely 43 percent in South Carolina, 40 percent in Louisiana, 26 percent in Mississippi, 25 percent in Alabama and 20 percent in Georgia. So why did these free black people own these slaves?”
This reparation is to demoralize white people specially from European decent.
Germany paying Jews was to do the right thing but it also demoralized because German’s were remindet 24/7.
Who is holding China accountable for their crimes to humanity?
Never again was the mantra after WWII.
Slavery , experiments on humans and concentration camps are crimes against humanity.
We need to hold china responsible we need to hold countries that still engage in slavery responsible. What about human trafficking?
Our regime is rotten our congress is rotten. They use US past of slavery to divert the crimes of today.
Passports are criminal stacking the Supreme Court is criminal and locking people up in their homes and not allowing free religion and services is criminal.
I hope everyone sees the truth.
The commies want people to hate their own countries: that’s one of the steps toward eliminating all borders and all nations/nationalists. They’ve doing it with nightly TV shows/movies of “mea culpa” blamage since TV has existed here – back in the early 80s when I first moved over here, I was astonished at it, especially considering that there were only 2½ channels and those programs seemed to be a waste of time/space.
Look at what the illegals get, and all the new stuff…they just want a piece.
Our stuff, handed to them.
Thanks, commies! You’re so generous with other people’s stuff!
So … we should find something govt … and break it?
Perhaps some appropriate subset thereof!
Pretty soon you run out of other people’s money…
The only problem is, “Other People’s Money” is ours….
I thought Lyndon Johnson did that already.
LBJ v2.0 …
“New and Improved!”
“Now with 2x the Oppression Power!”
Paid testimonial: “I gotta get me some o’ dat! It’s FREE!!!”
I can still hear LBJ saying “It is with a heaaavy heart…….”….
and Lady Bird talking about her shrooobs…
Beezlebubba and Hell-the-BEAST weren’t the first from the pit of hell to work for the DEMONRAT party…….
Hart-Celler, 1965. Teddy “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy and LBJ were in on that…
That is not the illegals fault it is the Biden regimes fault. This is to demoralize us and it is working . I do not give a hoot because i have no control the only control I have is go out and vote and will be stubborn to the day I die not to let these criminals take my right to vote. I am not giving up that is what they want. I am very good on doing opposed of what they want. They only can demoralize if I allow it and I will not allow it.
They’ve already done it.
I’m demoralized, I’m sorry to say.
I have lived to long seen and heard to much and I am not going to allow myself to be demoralized. That is my German stubbornness speaking and it is good for something :).
Politicians take money for nothing all the time. This is blackmailing white Americans who had nothing to do with slavery. What about white slaves do they get money also?
Yes slavery was evil but this country did something and helped to free them.
Harries her family owned slaves. What about these people caring about the slaves that provide them mining Gold. What about the child slaves producing beautiful rugs? What about the slaves in China? Democrats are diverting their evil connections and point finger at the American past.
Whaddaya know… some people actually look better with their faces covered.
A double header (Wed & Thurs) by our own deplorable patriot.
You are deeply appreciated, and we don’t tell that to any of the authors enough times.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a PLAN and it is working so far. European Union.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of EuropeSEPTEMBER 11, 2020
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe
This article is a translation of an Italian article, originally posted on Identità . Mass…
https://golden-dawn-international-newsroom.blogspot.com/favicon.ico GOLDEN-DAWN-INTERNATIONAL-NEWSROOM.BLOGSPOT.COM
By BlueEyesWhiteSlav
This article is a translation of an Italian article, originally posted on Identità.
Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.
The Pan-Europe
Few people know that one of the main initiators of the process of European integration, was also the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. It is a dark person, whose existence is unknown to the masses, but the elite considers him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis) and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama. Kalergi, thanks to his close contacts with all European aristocrats and politicians, due to the relationships of his nobleman-diplomat father, and by moving behind the scenes, away from the glare of publicity, he managed to attract the most important heads of state to his plan , making them supporters and collaborators for the “project of European integration”.
In 1922 he founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and the banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.
With the rise of Fascism in Europe, the project was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve, but after the Second World War, Kalergi, thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, the plan manages to be accepted by the United States Government. The CIA later undertakes the completion of the project.
The essence of the Kalergi plan
In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.
Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration. In order for Europe to be controlled by an elite, he wants to turn people into one homogeneous mixed breed of Blacks, Whites and Asians. Who is is this elite however? Kalergi is particularly illuminating on this:
The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]
Although no textbook mentions Kalergi, his ideas are the guiding principles of the European Union. The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed with Africans and Asians, to destroy our identity and create a single mestizo race, is the basis of all community policies that aim to protect minorities. Not for humanitarian reasons, but because of the directives issued by the ruthless Regime that machinates the greatest genocide in history. The Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize is awarded every two years to Europeans who have excelled in promoting this criminal plan. Among those awarded with such a prize are Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy.
The incitement to genocide, is also the basis of the constant appeals of the United Nations, that demands we accept millions of immigrants to help with the low birth rates of the EU. According to a report published on January 2000 in «Population division» Review of the United Nations in New York, under the title “Immigration replacement: A solution to declining and aging population,” Europe will need by 2025 159,000,000 migrants.
One could wonder how there can be such accuracy on the estimates of immigration, although it was not a premeditated plan. It is certain that the low birth rate could easily be reversed with appropriate measures to support families. It is just as clear that it is the contribution of foreign genes do not protect our genetic heritage, but that it enables their disappearance. The sole purpose of these measures is to completely distort our people, to turn them into a group of people without national, historical and cultural cohesion. In short, the policies of the Kalergi plan was and still is, the basis of official government policies aimed at genocide of the Peoples of Europe, through mass immigration. G. Brock Chisholm, former director of the World Health Organization (OMS), proves that he has learned the lesson of Kalergi well when he says: “What people in all places have to do is to limit of birthrates and promote mixed marriages (between different races), this aims to create a single race in a world which will be directed by a central authority. ”
If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe’s fusion with the Third World. The plague of interracial marriage produces each year thousands of young people of mixed race: “The children of Kalergi». Under the dual pressures of misinformation and humanitarian stupefaction, promoted by the MSM, the Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, to renounce their national identity.
The servants of globalization are trying to convince us that to deny our identity, is a progressive and humanitarian act, that “racism” is wrong, because they want us all to be blind consumers. It is necessary, now more than ever, to counter the lies of the System, to awaken the revolutionary spirit of the Europeans. Every one must see this truth, that European Integration amounts to genocide. We have no other option, the alternative is national suicide.
Translator’s note: Although the reasons due to which Kalergi made the choices he made are of no particular interest to us, we will try to answer a question that will surely our readers have already asked: Why a European aristocrat with Flemish, Polish, Greek-Byzantine roots and even with some samurai blood in his veins (from his mother) was such body plans and organ in the hands of dark forces? The reasons, in our opinion, are multiple, idiosyncratic, psychological and … women.
We therefore observe a personality with strong snobbish attitudes, arrogance, and, allow me the term, “degenerate elitism.” Also, the fact that his mother was Asian, perhaps created internal conflicts and frustrations, something that can happen to people with such temperament. But the most decisive factor must have been the “proper teenager”, which incidentally of course, was beside him, and became his first woman (at age 13): The Jewess Ida Roland, who would later become a famous actress.
EUROPEAN COUNCILThe Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize goes to President Van Rompuy
On November 16th 2012, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, was awarded the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize, during a special conference in Vienna, to celebrate the 90 years of the pan-European movement. The prize is awarded every two years to leading personalities for their outstanding contribution to the process of European integration.
A decisive factor that helped him win the prize was the balanced way in which President Van Rompuy executed his duties in the new position of President of the European Council, which was established by the Treaty of Lisbon. He handled this particularly sensitive leading and coordinating role with a spirit of determination and reconciliation, while emphasis was also given to his skilful arbitration on European affairs and unfailing commitment to European moral values.
During his speech, Mr Van Rompuy described the unification of Europe as a peace project. This idea, which was also the objective of the work of Coudenhove-Kalergi, after 90 years is still important. The award bears the name of Count Richard Nicolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), philosopher, diplomat, publisher and founder of the Pan-European Movement (1923). Coudenhove-Kalergi was the pioneer of European integration and popularized the idea of a federal Europe with his work.
Among the winners of the award, the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel (2010) and the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga (2006), are included.
Golden Dawn – International Newsroom.com
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe – John B. Wells News
What’s absolutely amazing is that the Kalergi stuff is all very true and well-documented – you can even read about it on Wikipedia – much of it in his own words – and yet there are pages and pages of MSM debunking and fact-checker analysis devoted to calling it all a conspiracy theory.
Just strip away all the accusations and horror – read the documented history – and it says exactly the same thing the “conspiracy theorists” do, only in more subdued and/or positive terms.
What I find interesting is that Kalergi wanted to engage Hitler – which may or may not have backfired weirdly – hard to tell, TBH.
I personally don’t get alarmed by intermarriage – but I do get very alarmed by lax immigration. Trump is absolutely right about controlling immigration, IMO. LOVE OF THE ADOPTED COUNTRY is important. People who want to come and destroy it – THAT is just invasion. Slow, plausibly deniable invasion.
Thus I despise forced ethnic blending as much as prohibitions against intermarriage and “miscegenation”. I just wish people would let WE THE PEOPLE decide this stuff, and government can KEEP OUT, except to defend our rights to make up our own minds.
I’d love to see someone do a demographic swamp immigration bill. Females 18-30 who demonstrate fluency in English can enter the US with no restrictions. Nobody else. Pool’s closed.
That would be worth it just to hear Susan Collins go into a head-shaking quaver and stutter.
Because he’s a direct descendant of Roman emperors, and the elite are obsessed with bloodlines.
Good breeding, eh?
These people are sick.
Is Donald J. Trump from this Roman Bloodline or the Illuminati Bloodline?
Great post. I remember when Merde-Kuh got that award. Shortly thereafter, she opened the door to the refauxgees (which, btw, Qadaffi warned us about before hell-the-BEAST took him out…)….. some dork from the UN said it’s not millions from EMEA coming up into Europe but BILLIONS (BEELIONS in my best Carl Sagan voice)!!!
And all along comes memories of the gumball presentation…
To wit:
New Schlichter —
Awesome stuff. I think he’s right. But expect some real ugly.
L reposted
John Rivers
that’s interesting
Sad to say, there needs to be a bloodbath. The assholes in France that took HCQ off the OTC list right before TSHTF, the jackass in Nevada that tried to hoard HCQ in Nevada, whoever is banning vitamin D from Patrick Phillips….they all need to face something much, much, much worse than reprimand.
This is why the media and DNC protection of Cuomo just bugs the hell out of me.
The evil, satanic, lawn-bag-from-hell-itself-Byron-Shitler-CNN media, changed a career-ending MASS MURDER SCANDAL into a momentary KISSING SCANDAL.
Yes. They converted a “he killed tens of thousands of people by intentional infection” scandal into a KISSING SCANDAL.
The mainstream media is evil
B vitamins, high-quality fish oil, and zinc have helped my health more than any prescription pharmaceutical. The reason vitamins aren’t prescribed as viable treatment is because there’s no money in it for Big Pharma.
Mandatory reading:
My maternal grandparents would do mutual injections of B vitamins.
I haven’t gotten there (yet, and hopefully never), but there seems to be a hereditary problem with B. I’ve consistently taken large oral doses of B for about 30 years now.
Here’s what I use:
B6 – P5P version. It’s not cheap, but the price difference between cheap B6 and P5P is noticeable enough that it’s worth paying extra,
B12 – Methylcobalamin is the most bio-available version. Unfortunately, it gives me severe headaches, so I use the super cheap cyanocobalamin B12 without issue. I haven’t tried injections because of the headache side effect I experience.
The only thing I’ve had to dodge is niacin flush. I’m hoping that “plain” oral versions can keep me going. I didn’t ask ’em how they ended up with syringes while I could, and now they’re both gone.
Isn’t that the way it goes … we always think of more to tell our loved ones and more to ask as we go into new stage of life.
I have several pieces of furniture whose history is now lost. And a family fruit cake recipe that is lost. Made 3 different kinds of fruit cake this past year and starting our own traditions and recipes but sure wish I could ask. And, yes, health questions too.
No matter how long our loved ones are with us, we are never fully ready for them to leave us.
Anyway, sounds like they figured out B was important to them, esp. if willing to do injections
My grandfather taught me so much in our brief interactions….while there are odd interruptions.
He threatened to toss me off a second-floor balcony for stealing his chair when I was three….my mom took this very seriously and I didn’t see him again until I was 16.
The truly hilarious karma is that his genes are so strong within me that I 90% look and sound like him today.
We use the Methyl B12 and it works for us, makes a significant difference. This is directly related to a genetic issue that causes me not to process the B12 properly. Maybe your grandparents picked up on their own need for it. Amazing how we are all so different.
My one SIL has that issue.
Yeah, lots of people cannot take in Vitamin Bs via pills. Their body won’t absorb it. Genetic thing.
It’s either food or injections.
Which fish oil do you use? After the nuclear accident in Japan we became concerned about figh from the Pacific and fish oil supplements made from fish from the Pacific. I suppose by now all oceans are contaminated so it really doesn’t matter. Anyway, if you have a fish oil you particularly like and feel inclined to share, I would appreciate it.
Many of the fish oil supplements are like sausage — you really, really, really don’t want to know how they’re made.
true. We use a fermented fish oil, Rosita, wish is raw and so fishy.
Kind of like real nuoc mam. (We use Red Boat – raw, first press only)
I have wondered at fermented fish extracts being used in different forms around the world.
You’re straying….
On one side, you can come at it from the Roman garum and the asian fish sauce; on the other you can approach it from supplement fish oils. Both sides have gone industrial — which hit “disgusting” first?
And, BTW, which popular steak sauce lists “tamarind” and “anchovy” on its ingredients list?
Exactly – fermented fish eaten from Romans to Vietnamese.
We try to eat the non industrial of both, made the old fashioned way.
Both Red Boat fish sause and Rosita fish oil for supplementation seem to be made the old fashioned ways. And both of very expensive because of it. We only use the fish oil in the winter because of the expense.
It’s been enough hours — the answer is A1 Steak Sauce.
Yes I did a spell working on a deep sea trawler. On the factory deck all the livers were thrown into the same tank. After them slushing about in there for a three week trip, not an appetizing sight or smell.
I’ve used A-M B-WELL fish oil for over 10 years. I’m very satisfied with their product. It makes enough of a difference that I experience a distinct lack of concentration when I miss a dose. They’re a Canadian company, but they ship domestically for US customers. I’ve only used the pills. I’ve never tried their castor oil. If you try it out and like it, buy via their wholesale program to save on shipping + get a small discount.
Another tip: Look for IFOS certification on any fish oil you buy (A-M B-WELL is certified). You can look up lab reports on certified products the IFOS website to see if they’re in compliance with IFOS safety standards.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
I take salmon oil. My dogs take fish oil
I think it helps with memory and is good for joints also.
I thought salmon was a fish
Yes it is a fish but the pill they get has mixed fish in it mine is all salmon. I know did not express myself properly .
I was just teasing you!
Thank you so much. I just ordered this book for myself and for my sister and daughter who both suffer with depression. My sister is often suicidal when not on pharmaceuticals and my daughter has a long history of chemical correction with illegal drugs (aka drug addiction).
I learned about John Walsh from this doctor who, despite being a super Lefty, is very critical of Big Pharma and the medical industry. I’ve learned a lot from his blog. Here’s the article where I first learned of John Walsh. Obviously the book goes into more detail.
Supplements have made a big difference in my life. If you go this route, here are two important tips:
1) Use the most bio-available version you can find. You can usually figure this out through a Google search or two. Be prepared to pay extra for it. There’s a noticeable enough difference between the bio-available stuff and the cheaper stuff to make it worth the extra money.
2) Results aren’t instant. Give it a few weeks of daily supplement to really evaluate how much they’re helping.
Also, and this is going to be a weird suggestion, test your blood sugar when you’re not feeling well. See if there’s a correlation between mood and blood sugar. Personally, I experience anxiety symptoms when my blood sugar falls into a certain range, and I would have never learned this until I started testing this myself. You don’t need a doctor for this. Find an online diabetes medical supplier, and buy a test meter and supplies yourself. Should be less than $50 for everything to get started if you’re buying online (drug stores will price gouge because they expect insurance to cover it).
I recommend this site:
Hope that helps.
I have been nutritionally supplementing for many years but it’s hard to find good guidance through doctors and books.especially to tackle challenging health issues like depression, addiction, etc. For me personally, I really appreciate the blood sugar testing suggestion. My last blood panel showed higher (for me) than normal readings and this has been confusing as I don’t have any diabetes in my family history. I really appreciate your reply and advice!
I hope it helps you and your loved ones find some relief.
Thank you for this. I have a relative that may benefit.
I hope it helps!
An interview that is “explosive”. fun to see Geraldo completely put in his place
Blatently biased toward Trump supporters.
FIBSTAPO says Antifa is just an ideology!
I would like to expand on the idea that we are going through many resets…many for several decades already.
The nutrition/well-being reset—many of the foods and nutrients that we have been taught to be healthy—are NOT. Many of the foods and nutrients that have been demonized over the decades as bad for you—are GOOD.
Was it all simply poor science and understanding—or was/is there something more nefarious behind it all? Fake meat? Soy proteins? Big Agriculture? Global reset?
I think so much is being exposed by the low carb and Keto diet trend. Animal fats, meat, butter (ghee), seafood, low carb vegetables and fruit—leading to healthier lives with 70% of calories coming from fats with a significant proportion being saturated.
We are learning that LDL cholesterol are not necessarily unhealthy. Saturated fats and cholesterol are ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to men’s health and TESTOSTERONE production.<<<Think about that. How would testosterone suppression work to benefit the global reset and population control?
How many of the food products have we been brainwashed to believe are healthy—until you take a close look at the ingredients. Granola bars? Vegetable oils high in Omega 6 susceptible to fast oxidation? Soy proteins that tend to be estrogenic in men? Have you ever read the ingredients on famous diet plan products?
Is the food pyramid upside down?
I know I am jumping around here a little bit…this stuff just from the top of my head.
I can well agree that “low-fat” anything is bad. Butter is better for you than margarine. HFCS is poison. Animal proteins and fats are better than vegetable. Corn and canola oils are unhealthy.
Keto and Paleo are closer to optimal diets than anything that comes out of a box from a factory.
And, BTW, I’m not a fan of statin drugs — I’d prefer that my body regulate my cholesterol the way it prefers.
And this has caused me to think of nutritionists as two steps down from astrologists.
But, y’know, questioning SCIENCE is the cray-cray.
How much of the food/nutrition science driven by ideology and agenda…instead of actual science?
I think DP’s post is right on the money—we are being attacked from all angles—and have been for DECADES! We are now seeing all of the pieces of the evil puzzle fit together to expose the Truth.
We are also realizing that the Great Awakening is not just a 4 year Trump term in the White House. What took many decades to create…will take many years to undo.
As we see…we have been manipulated and brainwashed in so many ways. That said, 1st step to solving a problem is REALIZING that we have a problem aka The Great Awakening. So many are still working on the 1st step…while those already awake are taking actions on other steps.
Let me throw out a hint……ALL of food/nutrition promulgated by government is driven by ideology/agenda.
One of the most deadly initiatives in history is the “food pyramid” from the USDA. Graph its adoption along US diabetes.
Yup…and ever more REAL science that does not get mainstream promotion showing that low carb / Keto lifestyles can reverse diabetes!
Interesting how like minded people on some issues tend to be like minded on many issues.
We find the same to be true among homeschool families. Not that we are all identical but those who homeschool general also are concerned about health and food quality, as an example.
Perhaps if one is intentional and thinks for one’s self in one area, that same personality/approach to life is applied to other areas of life and here we are with many things in common as we think for ourselves v. take what pop culture/media tell us. We accept the pop culture/media narrative about nothing and think for ourselves.
One positive thing about living in Germany…they do not use high-fructose corn syrup which addicts the brain pleasure center leaving you constantly craving for more.
Be careful from some of these so-called healthy sweeteners like agave syrup—more high amounts of hidden fructose!
I have watched fructose for years and never taken sweeteners. I cook everything from scratch with organic vegetable and grass fed organic meat and eggs and butter.
My husband was raised on a horrible diet and since he travel a lot and ate breakfast on the run like coffee and donuts developed type 2 diabetics. Drank a lot energy drinks also.
He is slim with 32″ waist and has controlled his diabetics through diet and exercise mainly walking and gardening.
What really helped him is Einkorn flour that I mill and bake bread from it. He eats one slice for lunch and eats oatmeal for breakfast with blueberries and nuts. We also flake the oatmeal with an flaker.
He got of meds since he controls his food. His bloodwork is real good and I contribute it to not eating store bought bread and cooking fresh healthy foods. He is not quite where i like to be but at least he is listening. I would eat a little different on my own but one has to compromise.
I would go a little to the extreme on my own.
Statins can have terrible consequences down the road.
Doctors are very quick to prescribe statins. One needs to take responsibility and wave them off.
My mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure about 15 years ago and has a pace maker/defibrillator. Shortly after her diagnosis, her cardiologist put her on a statin. Eight weeks later she told me that she felt so bad that she thought she had some kind of abdominal cancer and that she’d had every test imaginable yet they could find nothing wrong. I asked if she was taking any new meds and she said yes, a statin. Experimentally I told her to stop taking it and see if her symptoms went away. Within a week she was back to feeling normal (for her situation). She was released as a patient at her next cardiologist appointment after she told him she quit taking the statins and why. They are used cart blanche by cardiologists.
“I told her to stop taking it”
Very good decision!
One that the doctor should have made, were he able to act independently, instead of being forced by insurance companies and/or administrators to do what the APPROVED (by them) protocol demanded.
Recently (past 2 years), I may have saved a friend’s life, by giving him GOOD advice on how to properly eat (sit up *straight* / don’t eat while reclining in bed; and chew food [PLAIN food!] till it’s mush) … when these very “accomplished” doctors couldn’t figure out why he was losing weight / couldn’t keep food down.
My grandmother gave me this advice – and she knew better that many $500K-earning docs.
It was all “theory” to them – no down-home *practical* wisdom from experienced gaffers and gammers, which usually stands the test of time.
My husband has a doctor for kidneys and he was told not to take any meds he does not approve. So far so good he even took him off some meds because they were damaging my husbands kidneys.
Her condition is complicated and I’m unable to be her physical advocate since I live so far away. I think most doctors don’t intend to do harm but their medical training and brainwashing aren’t for the benefit of the patient.
True they are conditioned in medical school.
I know from my own son and also the group they are working for.
“The nutrition/well-being reset—many of the foods and nutrients that we have been taught to be healthy—are NOT. Many of the foods and nutrients that have been demonized over the decades as bad for you—are GOOD.”
I remember when everybody was saying butter is bad for you, so we were supposed to eat a processed food spread called margarine.
I thought margarine tasted horrible, so I never stopped eating salted butter.
Speaking of which, I remember when salt suddenly became the most dangerous substance on earth.
I really like salt, so I decided it wasn’t that dangerous.
People have been eating butter and salt and other dangerous foods (like meat) for thousands of years.
And now, suddenly they were ‘bad’ for you?
Or maybe the loons claiming that such things are bad for you don’t really know what they’re talking about?
I would recommend that you only buy unsalted butter.
You can salt the #$^& out of it during use, if you wish. But if it goes bad while it is still butter, you’ll be able to taste and smell it easier and not use it. Plus, you can then modulate the amount (and location) of salt in your food.
No problem, it’s one-in-a-million…..
Strongly suggest everyone read this article …
Los Angeles police are force-vaccinating special needs children in heinous “Operation Homebound” program that resembles Nazi euthanasia of the retarded
California has launched a new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination program called “Operation Homebound” that involves sending police officers to people’s homes to force-vaccinate their special needs children.
And so many of those special needs children are probably that way due to vaccination.
I saw this the other day–horrifying!
Valerie Curren
Apr 13
As a parent of someone w/ special needs & future Mother-in-law of someone w/ developmental disabilities this is beyond abhorrent! The 3rd Reich also killed &/or sterilized the disabled–incredibly evil to inflict the neurologically fragile w/ this poison!
This is Abuse Not Love!
Quote Tweet
· Apr 11
So they’re going after the mentally disabled/housebound ppl who CAN’T fight back/aren’t allowed to say no?
Gee, this reminds me of…https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f914.svg
The way Nazi’s started with the mentally disabled.
How long before we hear of these ppl dying?
This is wrong on SO many levels!
Show this thread
Nazis well and alive in our country. This is horrifying and so wrong.
Yep. & now they’ve pulled that video off twitter to cover their contemptible tracks!
Grab that needle out of her hand and jam it in the Nazi’s neck.
No doubt! They’ve removed the video proof from twitter now, fyi. How scary for those special needs people to be confronted by uniformed & armed people come to force the vax upon them, unwillingly too it seems!
Question number one: “do you have a warrant?”
Question number two: 9mm or .45?
Don’t EVER *open* the door without a warrant.
One also may “stand mute”, and not even verbally respond.
It’s quite like letting the telephone just ring and ring – one isn’t obligated to answer at all.
Found this on Gab:

And [They] have been using both to try to control us.
Now take a step back…
Fear and Desire are…feelings.
And back in the 70’s the media/entertainment industry began to elevate ‘feelings’ to a new importance level.
Look at the old tv shows back then and in the 80’s and 90’s.
You can’t get through a single episode of The Waltons without a scene that talks about how important feelings are.
Reporters at an event would stick a microphone in a bystander’s face and ask:
“How did it make you feel?”
Feelings are emotions, right?
So why not call it emotions instead of feelings?
It’s probably because ‘being emotional’ was considered a bad thing.
When someone is ‘being emotional’ they are not thinking as clearly.
Oh, but having feelings is okay…because feelings are good.
Once ‘feelings’ were elevated to a super-important-status, then feelings could be used as a justification for super-important things.
And Logic and common sense went out the window!
From Gab:

Heh. I’ve wondered this too.
It will be interesting to see how they handle that question.
I saw a census statistic a few years ago that said that the majority of black people in the US have ancestors who came here as immigrants.
What about the black people who have one ancestor several generations ago that was a slave?
Do they get ⅛ or less?
What if you are “white” but have black ancestry as proven by DNA? What percentage gets you money? What if your black ancestors owned slaves? Quite a few did, and I can prove it with government documents. And all the problems with black genealogy are gonna make it REAL HARD to prove who their descendants are.
Yep…this whole thing seems like lots of room for mischief and lies.
And also falsifying documents.
And lawyers clean up.
… on aisle 6.
I want some type of payment because I have ancestors who fought on the Union side to free the slaves.
Where’s my cut?
And what about the blacks who owned slaves?
Find out whose genealogy traces back to them, and then *they* must re-up as well!
The whole thing is a mess, pandering to blacks to enslave them once again – like LBJ’s “welfare”, only with the modern rebranding as “Universal Basic Income” (all of the trials of which failed completely …).
This is such a shitshow. Please God, make it stop.
Trust me, the problems with black genealogy are going to make tracing that ancestry really hard.
How bad is it? Well, the control group for black paternity tests is a 3-locus match on a group of 40 men from 1940. Considering that most black slaves were from 2-4 African areas, it is almost impossible to NOT get a hit on any submitted paternity sample.
Trust the science!
Louisiana is going to be FULL of black descendants of black slave owners. Trust me. And the documentation for it is readily available, unless they somehow shut it all down.
Shhh! Don’t give the bastards ideas.
And my Irish grandmother, who came over to the United States on the boat and apparently worked as a seamstress in s sweatshop for several years — where do I apply for my “reparations check”?
And mine, who were indentured. Some died before they could “buy themselves” freedom. What do I get?
My husband’s mother came on a ship and had to work the money for the trip off. She worked 7 days a week from morning to night and finally got every 14 days a half day off on Wednesday. She worked as a maid. After she paid off the trip she got paid $25 a month and only 1 whole day off once a month.
Rachael Dolezol, call your agent. He has money for you.
Factoid: about 95% of American blacks are mixed race (f/k/a mulatto).
I saw somewhere that even if one has 10% black in them they are considered minority.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, April 15, 2021
“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”
Hebrews 6:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.

In case you missed it.
geraldo’s an unprofessional little whore .
Bongino handled the embarrasing hissy fit very well.
Hissy fit used to be a term reserved exclusively to describe a female’s excessive behavior. Just saying.
“…drunk & lonely…”

A sailor’s dream…
Sunken chest…
(or Davey Jones’s locker…
drunk and desperate
At least he spared us the low down.
Geraldo is a very high strung little lap dog

SHOCKING – UK Government release most frightening report yet on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines
“The U.K. Governments report (which you can find here) has collated data inputted up to the 28th March via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 10.9 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 19.5 million first doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, had been administered. There were also around 3.7 million second doses, mostly of which were the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.
“Our earliest analysis of the data which we brought you back at the beginning of February showed that there had been 49,472 adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, and 21,032 adverse reactions to the Oxford vaccine up to the 24th January 2021, with a rate of 1 in every 333 people receiving the jab suffering a serious adverse reaction.
“Well we can confirm that in the space of nine weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased to 124,371 as of the 28th March. The Oxford jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 419,839 reported adverse reactions as of the 29th March, now standing at a total of 440,871. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 166 people, however it is thought around only 1% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme with many people not knowing of its existence.
“The line from the MHRA and UK Government is that ‘it may be difficult to tell the difference between something that has occurred naturally and a suspected adverse reaction. Sometimes these events can be part of the condition being treated rather than being caused by the vaccine’. Repeatedly suggesting that the current rate of adverse reactions is in line with what we would expect to see in the “non-vaccinated” population.
“Well we disagree that it’s difficult, and we also disagree that it is in line with the natural rate. If the rate of adverse reactions was in line with the natural rate expected to occur in the “non-vaccinated” population then what we should be seeing is a similar amount of occurrence for each vaccine in relation to how many vaccines have been adminsitered.
“So if we use the MHRA’s own estimated numbers we can see that as of the 28th March 2021 approximately 20 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered. Whereas approximately 14 million first doses of the Pfizer vaccine had been administered. This accounts for a 43% difference between the two jabs. Therefore the number of specific reactions, and the overall number of reactions should reflect the same difference and be around 43%.
“But the number of reported adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine is 254.4% higher than the number of adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, with AstraZeneca standing at 440,871 and Pfizer standing at 124,371. This doesn’t suggest a rate in line with the “statistical norm.” to us.
“So we took a look at the specific reactions to see if there were any serious cause for concerns, and this is what we found…
“(We used the data shown in the UK Governments Analysis Print of the Pfizer vaccine {which you can find here} + Analysis Print of the Oxford Vaccine {which you can find here}.)
“The total number of blood disorders reported as adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine now stands at 6728 as of the 28th March 2021. This includes ailments such as thrombocytopenia which is where your body has a low level of platelets in the blood, this is also the condition that has been occurring alongside blood clots which the Government have finally admitted is due to the AstraZeneca vaccine, but have of course played it down. Severe forms of this ailment can lead to bleeding spontaneously from the eyes, gums, or bladder and can result in death. Which is exactly what has happened in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, with 29 cases of thrombocytopenia being reported which have resulted in 1 death thus far.”
First, we do not vaccinate, period, much less any of these vaccines so this is Not a pro vaccine or pro these vaccines comment.
Word of caution on using the biggest numbers available for shock value and to get people’s attention:
Adverse events include many reactions that vacciners take for granted and as part of the “normal” reactions when one is vaccinated. Things as minor as swelling and fever as adverse events and many are never reported.
One needs to think of X # of “adverse events”/reactions to the vaccine, how many are minor (small rash or swelling at the sight of the vaccine, fever and/or illness for a day or two) and how many are major reactions?
If we talk about a huge number of reactions and then the experts are able to explain away most of them as minor, people will actually be fooled into thinking, “ok, its not that bad” v. having a realistic # of truly bad, long term negative reactions/adverse events.
Under Reporting of Reactions:
Same with the under reporting claim. That is true as how many people call to report what they were told might be a normal reaction such as not feeling good, having a temperature, having swelling at the site, etc., that all goes away after a day or two? And when they do call their doctor or tell him about it at the next visit or for their follow up 2nd dose, how many medical staff go to the trouble of reporting the minor reactions?
{Under reporting also happens because the general assumed “fact” is that reactions to the vaccine happen immediately or within a few days to a week at most. Long term studies and health issues that happen months later or that begin immediately but are gradual don’t usually make the high bar for a vaccine injury/death/”adverse event”. The lack of long term studies for All vaccines is appalling. Long term rates of cancer and auto immune diseases out to be examined.}
Also millions upon millions are being vaccinated in a short time from so the same percentages of acceptable adverse reactions/”events” are being compounded into a short time frame but the % is now a large # which makes a higher impact.
Some of those millions would have died unexpectedly in this time whether or not they had the vaccine. So some deaths will be unrelated.
I mention this so that other readers don’t read this and think that all reactions are some of the worse case scenerios we are seeing from reactions/adverse events that send people to the hospital or cause death.
If the numbers we share are over the top then they loose impact as they can be explained away and then the real # of damaged and dead so much less that it seems like good news after such large #s.
Might be better if we say there are X number of hospitalizations and deaths, of major adverse events + X number of minor reactions such as short illness for a day or two. That way the focus in on the major issues and the lower # is the # that has to be explained.
If only a small portion of the US were vaccinated in any given year and that small portion of people’s vaccinations were spread out over 12 months, then the adverse events might not make as big of an impact … such as America’s children that are routinely vaxxed every year and have adverse effects every years.
It will be interesting to see if people stop vaccinating their children because they now demand to read the package insert prior to allowing their child to be vacccinated.
In the insert the parent will read the % of adverse events … and maybe now know how underreported they are, how they often don’t include long term damage because slower onset reactions/damage is often not recognized by medical establishment as connected to the vaccines and how those percentages of adverse events are Real People, Real Children damaged forever by vaccines. How many SIDS deaths shortly after another round of vaccines, for just one example?
Yes, damaged/killd by the vaccine instead of the disease. Pick your poison, choose your preferred risks. Does a child really need Hep B vaccine? Chicken Pox vaccine? Each child is different and many do not handle the large # of vaccines in a short time &/or vaccines in general.
I really hope all of this attention on vaccines helps people decide that vaccines are not benign, have real impacts and there are pros/cons to taking/not taking vaccines. And only parents should be able to make that choice for their children.
This is SPIKE PROTEIN – both natural and mutants. IMO.
Interesting exchange, a few new ideas …
Taking the vaccine will make you genetically inferior. Your immune system will now be dependent upon enless vaccines from pharma.
Anon2 reply to Anon1:
Like the ultimate addiction and dependence, needing periodic booster shots from a government program just to stay alive.
The people pushing this deserve to be slaughtered. I do not know why Trump, family and friends are playing with this kind of fire. What a strain upon the trust and faith this forces from patriots. I do not understand why a decent person would ‘play’ such a ‘game’.
Anon3 reply to Anon2:
“Why does DJTrump seem to promote the vaccine?”
If he went against it that wouldn’t change the people who have decided to take it?
He would become a target for “endangering the Citizen’s health”?
The vaccine he ushered was destroyed by the Bidan people; they wouldn’t use it since it was benign?
He stopped the actual plague they were planning 30 million dead was planned “Event 201”
That’s why they lost all the vaccines at the beginning of “Bidans Term” because Trump’s was benign?
The real damage comes from the vaccine series?
Something is happening within the next two months and most people will miss the follow up injection?
They had to switch out the placebo vax and insert the ones that make you drop dead.
Are the casualties worse abroad?
Stats are obviously blocked.
The whole “dive into the torpedo” strategy?
Seem to go toward your enemy?
He’s letting the Black Hats take the rope?
Letting them out like a fish on a hook, before reeling them in?
These are just brain storms.
Maybe if I study more I will figure out more?
Most of DJTrump’s followers will be refusing the vax anyway.
The people at the “Capitol protest against the Stolen Election”
NONE of THEM are taking the VAX
How many is that?
The place was filled back to the Wash. Monument and beyond. from the Ellipse Park
And was completely happy and peaceful
People were happy and relieved to be with like souls. From all over the Country.
“Nothing is too wonderful to be true”
I’ve been waiting my life for this and I’m still waiting.
So far, the movie is greater than could’ve been expected.
Epic and Biblical
Twitter sucks. Let it die.
This morning I was thinking about the red pilled and just how many of us truly are. Based on the number of people actually taking the doggone pricks, I’m thinking we’re somewhere between 35 and 40% of the population. Some will never wake up, I know, but that’s just not enough.
And XVII is right about one thing: breaking through that confirmation bias that’s engrained in most of the population is going to put a lot of people in the hospital.
Some are red pilled on many issues but not all issues.
The people that I deal with in local politics who have been moderates in the past … can’t call them without expected 30 min. on the phone listening to how serious various political issues are, including frustration with TN legislature for not passing stronger conservative bills. And this is from Moderates who are hesitant to rock the boat about Anything … in the past. 2 conversations yesterday that would have never happened 3 yrs ago (and 2 conversations that I thought were going to be quick calls + tough sells on an upcoming local event due to the strong stance of the speaker … wrong on both accounts as they were Long calls and they were fired up about the speaker/issues/event).
But, yes, many of the people I know who are big Trump supporters, 2A, pro life, fired up, informed on many issues … still getting the vaccines.
Just like those who go along with the medical establishment on all other vaccines, even for little babies … 
“And XVII is right about one thing: breaking through that confirmation bias that’s engrained in most of the population is going to put a lot of people in the hospital.”
I never understand why it would put anyone in the hospital.
I mean, will they spontaneously burst an artery and start spurting blood all over the place? Will a leg fall off? Will an eye pop out of the socket?
What is going to put them in the hospital?
The people who aren’t paying attention care more about things like whether their team wins the Super Bowl.
Half of those fans get their lifelong dreams destroyed by their team losing every year, something they really care about, and nobody goes to the hospital.
They’re not even paying attention to this stuff.
If they found out their entire worldview was wrong, most of them would shrug their shoulders, yawn and go get some chow.
I truly have no idea why anyone would go to the hospital if they discovered the truth, about anything.
I mean, people suddenly and unexpectedly lose family members, devastating personal tragedies, and the large majority never have to go to the hospital.
How many people are really going to need to be hospitalized if they find out our political-class drinks blood and worships Moloch?
I predict ZERO…
I was wondering if she’d needed a v8 that morning and skipped it.
Probably drives a Tesla…. (hence no V8
Good fall!
You never see Chevy Chase hit his head on the floor like that though, that’s a dangerous technique she’s using.
CIA-Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) Tweeted:
Just In: The US expelled 10 Russian diplomats and imposed new sanctions on Russia in response to election interference, bounties on troops in Afghanistan and the Solar Winds cyber attack. https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1382683536403095554?s=20
CIA-Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) Tweeted:

CIA-Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Biden is declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the US posed by specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. https://t.co/f3j88ArnUx https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1382693423765946377?s=20
The MIL wants its payday for treason to install bite me.
and Putin’s scared shirtless

Biden’s Not TRUMP
Right. He movin on Ukraine, helping iran, goingbto be in power until he dies.
Biden blinks first
Site is wonky, no posts beyond the “135” count.
Except this one. if it goes through …
Site is wonky –
Only just now updated from 135 posts (where it was stuck) to 137 …
Yeah, it gets stuck from time to time.
Liz Yore is a guest now on War Room, giving intel on the Pell / Vatican scandal.
It’s the last half-hour of the show – thought you’d be interested!
Poor Cardinal Pell…
took me 4 attempts just now to access this site
Im having issues too.
almost impossible to load and post.
It’s just the steady creep of…T҉y҉r҉a҉n҉n҉y҉.
It’s just so I can get on an airplane.
I heard that this morning as my dad left to get his second shot. If it wasn’t for this from someone who’s actually never wrong in the end, I’d really be worried.

If that is true, then where are all the severe vaccine reactions coming from? All the miscarriages, for example. All of those women didn’t just spontaneously miscarry. Or the deaths of young people with no pre-existing conditions? And didn’t he say in a more recent thread that they had to mix a lot of saline solutions into the vaccine pool because there were too many adverse reactions to the vaccine? I usually get a lot from his threads. But those 2 threads contradict each other.
People are not accepting the TRUMP TRUTH. The vaccine largely WORKS AS EXPECTED – no overt effects, or minimal and what we expect from a flu vaccine. At worst, the shingles vaccine. Most people – the VAST majority – get a satisfactory vaccine response.
The trouble is, like the disease, the vaccine “failures” are dramatic and clearly caused by “the same thing, basically” – that being the spike protein.
How does one not be a failure? CHOOSE WISELY.
Our side is not thinking statistically. They’re thinking “all or nothing”.
Statistics can still kill YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL. That is why the vaccine needs to be available, but voluntary.
>>”Statistics can still kill YOU”<<
What of the “statistics” that lie down the road?
They’re playing the LONG game … yet the vast majority of analyses I’ve come across leave out the potential FUTURE effects, especially if the plan is a *combination* of attacks (more bio-weapon deployments, MORE “cures” to “help”).
Statistics are rear-view mirror ONLY. Like historical stonk-charting, and prognostications based on such.
One must ALSO look ahead! None knows what the new day will bring.
I believe that I AM “thinking statistically” – IMO.
I simply cannot abide GLOBAL violations of the Nuremberg Code against unethical / diabolical human experimentation.
All due respect …
Yes. He said that. If you note the dates, the report on the 99% of the shots are saline was made in December. That thread was nuked by Twitter. In April, when John got confirmation, he put it out again.
I think what’s going on, is that there is at least one “real thing” shot per hundred of saline vials, and getting a shot is playing Russian roulette with getting pricked with a real one vs saline.
It sounds like they’re trying to keep the stock prices up, and will eventually through “variants” rounds manage to get more people shot with the real thing.
My guess from yesterday or the day before still stands: they really weren’t ready to roll out the vaccines and Trump pushed the timeline.
>>”at least one “real thing” shot per hundred of saline vials”<<
I would love for that to be true.
It certainly aligns with P45DJT’s vax recommendations / admonitions, and it provides substantial hope that the current “news” scenario was anticipated, and remedied before it even hit the airwaves / 4am talking points.
It’s a “best” news eventuality, even with the 1/100 chance of problems for those who were unlucky in their draw of the cards.
>>”they really weren’t ready”<<
I think this likely – he pushed the “experimental” tag, and thwarted their “mandatory” label.
I’m still astounded at the Turkey broadcast, in re the Suez Canal debacle …
In the end, it would be the best of all scenarios, not sure if it’s really the case, though.
It’s just a guess, but given the number of people I know who have taken shots and no reaction, I don’t think all of the vials have the real thing in them.
In response to the Kurt Schlichter article posted upthread: for someone who sounds like he really gets it, he really DOESN’T get it. He talks about all the things happening and that a backlash is coming – and then says it’s the 2022 election???? Come on, Kurt. What didn’t you see in the 2020 election that makes you think that 2022 will possibly be any different? The cheating will hit crazy new heights. We’ll end up with 80 dem senators and 300 dem reps. I’m really shaking my head if he thinks 2022 is going to solve this.
I think he’s saying that things are going to be so bad, the commies will ONLY be holding on by force – by their capture of government and their hated, feared, violent arms – ANTIFA and FIBSTAPO.
Biden didn’t win
One would not be surprised to someday learn that Putin and Xi made a “gentleman’s agreement” regarding which country gets what territory.
One further suspects that when the timing is just right (and perhaps this will be soon), both Putin and Xi will make their moves, and make them quickly. They already know that NATO is a timorous shell of what it once was. They already know that RobberJoe’s handlers won’t/can’t do anything to assist either Taiwan or Ukraine.
Stolen elections matter!
Putin will always keep a wary eye on Xi.
Gotta wait till after Eastern Orthodox Easter.
Another couple of weeks.

And it looks like we’re back.
Yup. Me too. I was going to post what I did, except I have little reason to think it had anything to do with our host (COUGH) getting its you-know-what together.
Good stuff.
This affirms my theory that fentanyl was the killer, not only in all the normal ways, but also shutting down Floyd’s sensation of being “able” to breathe.
No. The almost-plugged coronary artery + congestive heart failure + fentanyl did him in. Also, sensation of I-can’t-breathe is due to excess CO2 in blood.
There’s something I missed in my earlier comment. CO registers on the oximeter as O2 saturation. IOW, the device cannot tell the difference between CO hemoglobin and O2 hemoglobin.
I suspect the same may hold true for whatever test they used on Floyd.
If Floyd had sufficient (to contribute to death) CO intake from being close to the tailpipe of the cop car, then the 98% saturation figure cannot be right but it might well be what the test instrument showed.
Great point.
Nice complete article about oximeters:
Good one.
It’s a little song about…”My government wants what’s best for me.”
This article is really worth reading. An excerpt:
“If you see a small boy or a small girl, and you are not struck by the beauty of that form—of that man or woman in the child, a beauty that is sacred, not to be sullied with sin and surely not to be thwarted, corrupted, or mutilated—then there is something wrong with you. Your heart, or some other organ of perception, is not in the right place. Perhaps it is simply missing, or you have destroyed it.
Imagine someone in the magnificent Monument Valley of Utah, who thinks it would be a good thing to smash the natural bridges, to scribble the walls with great painted slogans, and to take a pile driver to the pillars, for the creative fun of destruction, or, who knows, for some plan to build a new kind of tourist attraction, for the “transgressive” tourist. We would look upon such a person with horror and incomprehension. How can he not see the beauty he wishes to ruin? Or, seeing it, how can he not be moved to regard it as sacred, with its prescriptive claims upon us, before all statutory law, and before the whims of self-promotion and advertisement?”
Cultural Marxism has inverted values by a kind of “take that idea and push it too far, until it flips” method.
“Can you not see the beautiful child in the pedophile?” says cultural Marxism, until we are defenseless against the pedophile.
“Can you not see the poor child in the criminal?” says cultural Marxism, until we are defenseless against criminals.
Our response should be “Can you not see Satan in the pedophile?” – and then reject leadership by those who cannot, will not, or will not admit that they can or cannot see Satan.
I agree.
I can also see the children the pedophile and the criminal were, while also seeing the corrupted people they now are, and behave accordingly.
Nobody gets a pass from me on their behavior if it harms others. Nobody.
There’s the problem of the current narrative that the behavior doesn’t harm anyone. Abortion doesn’t harm the non person with a beating heart. Looting harms nobody. Shoplifting is nothing. People entering this country doesn’t harm anyone. Discrimination and outright hate toward Caucasians is not harmful. …and a hundred others.
It’s amazing how propaganda seeps into the collective psyche and completely eliminates the meaning of harm to others.
Aubergine…hey, thanks for this link: most excellent article!
I’m glad you like it. I really did.
Another gem from the article:
“They who hate liberty must hate the strong, stable, child-rich, sexually straightforward, and clean family, because that institution is like a princedom to itself. It does not need a viceroy. If misfortune strikes, it may need help from its neighbors, but far more often it is the source of help to others. It is like the healthy pack of the Seeonee wolves in Kipling’s stories, with this important amplification: it rejoices in the forming of other packs, other families, and when clan unites with clan, the very earth does tremble.”
Yes! The family unit has an intrinsic strength that withstands storms. And when those units make a village, it is a force to be reckoned with. Look at the Amish!
Testing Testing

My dogs….
stranger danger ?
“Dr Astrid Stuckelberger is a WHO insider”
Today seems to be a little problem with this site? I could not get to the site and had to go the around way. Also it is slow? Wonder if it is on my computer?
Yep, it’s R E A L L Y slow… Brave timed-out twice, had problems resolving the DNS… seems the ears have walls…
Systemic Racism is a Conspiracy Theory Cult

What is a conspiracy theory anyway? Conspiracy theories are, by definition, things that other people believe. Nobody believes in conspiracy theories, they believe that other people do.
As an old dead white Elizabethan male who invented the toilet once quipped, “Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason? Why if it prospers, none dare call it treason.” Like treason, a conspiracy theory with the backing of the establishment becomes an article of faith.
What’s the most dangerous kind of conspiracy theory? The kind no one dares to call what it is.…
While few will agree on what is a conspiracy theory, the most obvious symptom of a conspiracy theory is that it cannot be disproven. The most popular establishment conspiracy theory is systemic racism. Like most conspiracy theories, anything can be ascribed to systemic racism, from mathematics to the existence of a highway, it can be used to explain everything, and yet it so comprehensively pervades everything that its existence can never be disproven.…
The media keeps going on about QAnon even while it’s frantically indoctrinating everyone into its cult with its chosen conspiracy theory that explains all world events, all of human history, all science and technology, all literature and art, and the laws of nature, as reflections of racism.
Now that’s a cult.…
“Conspiracy theory” is a term imposed on the American public in 1964-65 by Operation Mockingbird – itself considered a “conspiracy theory” until the Church Committee hearings in the 70s when the CIA admitted it – in order to ridicule and isolate anyone who questioned the Warren Commission Report.
PART 3: Chester Says CNN ‘Trying To Help’ Black Lives Matter By Protecting Group’s Narrative On Race
Heh…mr. wheatie thinks that O’Keefe’s undercover operative must have some spectacular WGTT’s to get this guy to babble on the way that he is.
I have to agree.
Look at the way his eyes are darting back and forth.
He’s clearly trying to not stare at her so he can think. LOL.
At the same time, he tries to frame all bad examples as “Trump this” or “Trump that”.
Yep. Haaaaa.
Thats why women have always been good spies no matter if its good guys or bad guys. You dont even have to talk too much. Lol.
4.15.21: The EVIL ONES are ATTACKING those who SHARE TRUTH! PRAY!
And We Know Published April 15, 2021
CIA-Lil Caesars-Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) Tweeted:

BREAKING: House Democrats have introduced a resolution to abolish the electoral college. https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1382749506660401155?s=20
Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) Tweeted:
BREAKING: The video of the Chicago police-involved shooting of 13-year-old Adam Toledo will be released at 2:30pm CT Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced at the press conference today.
Charlene & Ty – The Establishment Has Been Holding Back Cures For Cancer
Charlene & Ty – The Establishment Has Been Holding Back Cures For Cancer
X22 Report Published April 15, 2021
Top comment on GWP in re the fainting of the head of Denmark’s Health Agency:
“i think they need to be working on a vaccine antidote.”
Could be a staged psy-op – who knows what’s organic, and what’s orchestrated – but still!
I have come to believe that the number one casualty of Socialist/Communist politics is trust. As a farmer from my corner of the world would say, “that is a dirty rotten shame”.
I have been wondering when we would see people just drop over as we saw in the leaked (leaked or planted) videos in late Dec 2019 and early Jan 2020. I have been suspecious of why those videos were so different than what we actually saw everywhere else. Were we prepped to overreact to the wuflu?
It is a nasty virus with a significantly higher than flu death rate for 65+ yrs and long lasting effects for many below 65 yrs …. but no one has just dropped dead as we saw in those leaked videos.
I keep going back to those early warnings, to those videos and they just bug me …
Fear porn prepping us to accept the lockdowns and everything that’s followed. Remember the fake jihadist beheadings? That all stopped after Trump took over. The oligarchs meticulously planned to use FEAR of COVID to remove him and to defeat Trumpism and all the goodness that came with it. EVIL
The early talk here and a couple of other blogs got us to prepare early and be ready so we were ok during lockdowns during shortages. and we were very careful to not contract any viruses in the early months as we wanted treatments established prior to our catching it.
so we thought we were ahead of the curve with insider info, being more aware than those just watching the news
however, I have looked back on that and wondered if we were getting real info or planted info about how bad wuflu was because even the worst cases rarely are 100% fine until they suddenly faint or fall over dead while going about normal life.
Does keeling over sideways look strange?
If you’re the one keeling over sideways, then … yes.
Anyone have recommendations for DEPENDABLE thumb drives or other offline media storage?
Dependable in what way, and for what application?
For example, dependable as in “write once, store (isolated) forever, hopefully never need” or “read/write constantly, leave attached”.
store indefinitely, fish files out every now and then.
What total volume? How catastrophic is it if you lose one? How often are you retrieving? What is the size of one file?
Variety of sizes. Probably a couple gigs. Not that catastrophic as this would be backing up what I have in Dropbox, and the REALLY important stuff I have hard copies.
I just need to back up a whole lot.
Thumbdrives, in pairs (copy the same data to two different thumbdrives). You can get 32G thumbdrives for under $10 (I have a bunch I got for about $3 each). Keep set A in a different location than set B.
Oh, and for a variety of weird technical reasons, get 32G’s and not larger.
I’m genuinely curious about the reasons, although I can guess some of them.
Quite a bit of it is not wanting to be involved with NTFS or exFAT — https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/know-how/fat32/ — and allowing data to be shared across OS’s. But 32G is also the maximum size of a volume created by the ‘Windows shell’ disk format tool in Microsoft Windows (although Windows will happily use larger volumes created by other tools). It’s usable by more types of systems and has a plethora of data recovery tools on a variety of different platforms.
It also is a good price point, and makes tends to make tasks like DP’s more “chunkable” — and, thus, more likely to be done.
As someone with an extensive collection of “obsolete” media, (EZ Flyer HD’s, micro tape cartridges, Zip drives, ST506 HD’s, etc.), I didn’t want to steer you toward anything too exotic.
“Spinning rust” drives are good for large amounts of data on the cheap, and have come a long way with reliability, but they typically don’t “just sit” very well.
Optical is a decent choice, now that early deterioration of the media is only an unpleasant memory.
But for just a few Gig, doubled thumbdrives is very cost-effective, and they are happy to just sit for long periods. Plus, so long as there’s USB out there, they’re unlikely to be orphaned.
A great, cheap solution! The prices on “house brand” thumb drives is now beyond excellent, and the medium has always proved bombproof for me. SD cards seem more finicky, over the years, but USB drives just seem to have been rugged and reliable – even the dirt cheap ones.
I’ve had some incredibly reliable spun drives, but the failures can be sudden and tragic. But again – doubling is near magical for preservation.
I don’t know about thumb drives, but portable external hard drives have worked out well for me. I recommend the Seagate brand.
Thank you
Sandisk are good, reliable, and reasonable in cost. Main thing is to have more than one backup, preferably two or three, and keep one of them “offsite” for when things get dodgy (or dodgier). I think over at chiefio’s they had a discussion on that.
Another thing is to be sure you mount the drive(s) at least once a year to “refresh” them (apply power to the storage to keep the bits happy). Otherwise the drives eventually discharge. Seems some folks have found this out the hard way, sad to say. (and I’m now going through all my drives just to make sure – also applies to SD, CF, and micro-SD cards used in cameras)…
I keep a lot of “spinning rust” (traditional hard drives) running, so I have multiple copies of stuff. But even for them, checking the S.M.A.R.T. parameters every so often (speedfan, speccy, or similar) is a good idea to see if they’re deteriorating. If you have really REALLY important stuff, you might look into a DVD or BluRay recorder that supports M-DISCs that are reputed to last hundreds or thousands of years (hence the “M”). Whether there will be devices still around that can read them is another issue, but, the media is much more durable than normal media, and not much more expensive.
A “quad” BluRay can store up to 100GB; normal up to 25GB. And those don’t need to be refreshed every so often… just be sure you verify them after you burn them, and you should be OK.
The thing about optical is that they are extremely vulnerable to physical damage. You can do things with a thumbdrive that would just kill any disc out there, and they’ll shrug it off. So you have to factor in the armored box you’ll keep the optical media in — rather than the regular desk drawer you can stash your thumbdrives in.
With the volumes DP’s talking about, BluRay is overkill — DVD’s are 4G/ea.
There are ways to make spinning rust more secure — RAID and drobo come to mind — but they do require monitoring and advanced planning (plenty of people can share horror stories where one failure in a RAID array (very survivable) was ignored for too long, and an improper recovery procedure applied, causing a total loss.
Since DP is asking about backstopping her Dropbox, I tend to think that constant monitoring and reaction plans are not in scope.
The problem with RAID is that it’s no replacement for a good backup. I was just laying out the available options. And if properly stored, and of good quality (e.g. Taiyo-Yuden, and M-Discs, in particular) optical media can be durable.
Improper storage will wreck anything. Proper storage, e.g. environmentally-controlled tape libraries (also out of scope here) can last decades (see the articles about recovery of Apollo data). As a contrast, HP’s “House of Tape Torture” is a humorous example of what can go wrong and why, as well as a great way to wind up storage CEs/SEs… let alone labbies…
Patriot and Kingston are worth considering as well. Look for USB 2.0, USB 3.0.
Couple of head fucks for you
Important parts, summarized – The only concern of the Chinese is they may have been harvested in unsanitary conditions, and that at $160,000 per unit they are going to have to discard $1.15 billion worth of penises. Had they been harvested under sanitary conditions, it would be fine. The Chinese even know how much human penises go for from different areas, meaning Africa actually exports human penises routinely enough people know where the best ones come from and what they should go for. Also, note to self – never, ever, buy premade Chinese medicine teapills. Although the article is not specific on what they are being used for.
Apex predators live by Darwin rules. How long before small pleasure craft and beaches are added to the food depots?
I’ve wondered if we have not heard about the numerous inflatable migrant boats full of Africans that were set upon by Killer Whale pods who viewed them as seals on an iceberg, because the little inflatable boats went down, all the migrants were drowned or eaten, and nobody lived to tell the tale. I wonder how many migrants Cabal moved across, vs how many made it.
Gardening, self care, healthy eating and an occassional cocktail all meet in one meme:
So Pence had a pacemaker put in today. 61 seems young for that, no? Unless there’s some other bad stuff going on.
One of my younger brothers has a pacemaker, but that had to do with an arrhythmia that came up while he had a Lyme Disease like illness.
Arrhythmia can come up any time. One of the Blues players had an event on the bench last February. It was more of a heart attack, but he has a device implanted and he’s not 40.
It sounds off to me, too. Looking forward to the “Deep State is blackmailing Pence by threatening to turn off the pacemaker remotely” theories. I’m only half-joking.
Apparently he has an electrical bundle issue that started acting up in the last couple weeks. I know other people who have this issue.
What makes it sound “off” to me is that this is even a headline in the first place. Okay, he needs a pacemaker for whatever legit reason. Why even announce that to the news? It’s not like he’s in public office anymore. He has no obligation to tell the public. So why make a national headline? It reminds me of the blackeye thing where they highly publicize it to make sure certain key people are informed of it.
On this one, I’m not going into conspiracy mode. Former presidents and VPs make public statements like this all the time. If he was spotted in a hospital, and word that he was there leaked, it would inspire all sorts of speculation.
Just like actually announcing he was there.
c’t (a computer mag over here) had an article a while back about medical devices being vulnerable to hacking, e.g. the pumps that inject meds into IV lines. Ref: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Sicherheitsluecken-Medizinische-Geraete-koennen-gehackt-werden-4007227.html
Never though I’d see the day that med equpment had to be “hardened”, but here we are…
Having said that, there are ways…
(There are many arrhythmias, ranging from atrial fibrillation, to WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) to V-Fib, branch bundle block, bradycardia, and others. Some can be remedied by meds (e.g. beta blockers), catheter ablation (either RF or cryo) or (rarely, anymore) open-heart surgery. For bradycardia (low heart frequency) or the various “blocks”, a pacemaker is needed, and they have gotten smaller, more reliable, and easier to service over the years. Still, as electronic devices, they could be vulnerable to nefarious or accidental interference.
I’d really like to see the deep state get whacked, neutralized, and then eliminated for once and for all. I just hope and pray that we don’t have to wait until the Rapture (or the End Times) for it to happen… though the Dominionists would probably beg to differ… (oh goodness, an eschatological pun…)…..
Everything needs to be built hard from the beginning, and not hardened afterwards.
Incidentally, a bunch of this stuff is shipped with the intent that it’s configuration will be sent via bluetooth or some other stupidly insecure protocol. Who doesn’t think someone would go: “Pulse = 80” into that???
Have a look at the article, they discuss problems and hardening. Obviously something like a medical device cannot be hardened after the fact, in particular because of the testing and DHR and DMR documentation requirements (40 years): any changes to design have to go through the testing all over again, whether “designed-in” or bolted on.
There’s also a good discussion (another article) about device designers (not just med folks and BMEs) not putting security at the top of their list…
They can do that.
My husband had an arrhythmia problem and a OH State doctor fixed it by killing an nerve in the heart that caused the problem. He has no more problems and that was 3 years ago.
Old time medicine.
Don’t worry, he survived the commieChynna remote control neurological brain impulse reorganizer command actuator implant upgrade kit procedure nicely. He’ll be just fine
Actually I saw an “official statement” that says he had it done Wednesday – when all the news blurbs said Thursday.
So if that’s true , no one even knew and no need for a “statement”. Crawl back into your hole, no one cares.
Third shot and then annually.
This is being pushed on radio news also. Pfizer “spokesman” says on WRVA news report (ABC News Radio) that the “booster” will have to be taken every year to “prevent getting coronavirus”.
They’re going to string this out until they are all exposed. I’m hoping it happens soon.
Before they say kids must do this every six.
Just unbelievable.
I’m hearing 6 months from Moderna people.
“You must get a booster shot every six months to keep your vaccine passport from expiring.”
Give it a year or two, and they’ll try this garbage. Once you get the vaccine passport, you’re under Big Pharma’s boot for life.
Which is why I will NOT get one.
On that note, God bless my governor, again. He made an executive order. No passports in Montana:
This is how to get rid of DeWine. He’ll back passports and LOSE to a primary challenger who pushes him on it.
When I was there two weeks ago, too many mask wearers. Very disappointing. You need to straighten them peeps out.
Yes, there are many. BUT it is by choice. If people want to be morons, they can. This is America.
True. But the number of red States I visist, and the people act no different then blue States, is truly dissapointing.
. 100% Natural Born American .
……… and Vaccine Free! ……….
Hell no.
Congressman Jordan demanding specific goals for our freedoms to be restored. Fauci wants to remain vague so that we can have ever changing and ever moving goal posts
Fauci gets angry. Jordan points out its his recommendations and that people are being censored if they disagree with Fauci
So proud of Jordan stands up against him.
And Fauci rails against ‘liberty thing’. He says it is a ‘health thing’.
Jordan replies that, as far as he knew, the Constitution shouldn’t be suspended for a pandemic. Good man.
This is why Jim Jordan should not be speaker. If he was in that role, he couldn’t do this.
I’m glad he and Rand Paul are calling out little Tony on his BS, ’cause at this point, that’s what it is.
That lil pos deserved that…plus what we as citizens should give him.
Let us hope it it just the beginning.
I like the post and love what Paul and Jordan are doing … but why couldn’t they do this if they were Speaker? So as not to cause controversy and so as to be able to get along with the agency in order to get things done? Maybe I am not being practical but I would Love to see a speaker with fire in their belly!
Because speakers don’t sit on committees.
oh, well that makes a lot of sense. thanks
I hope Choomer Rasputin gets FIRED as a liability – WHICH HE IS.
Ammon Bundy rare appearance in Idaho…
Posted by Kane on April 15, 2021 12:41 pm
Have not heard from Mr. Bundy in a long time – he has some important points to make in the video above – while I realize it is long – it is well worth your time.
He takes on the Governor of Idaho – and what he has done to infringe on the rights of the people of Idaho.
Video Description
Ammon gives an inspiring account of the battle the people have been fighting in Idaho. This video is worth watching to the end. The fight is very serious and the people of Idaho have been stripped of their representative government and due process of law. Now, after many months of struggle, Ammon and many others are effectively exposing the truth and gaining back the advantage. The battle is far from over!
Duchess, Thank You for posting.
Ammon’s video posted by Duchess is eye opening as he highlights the dictatorship established by Idaho’s governor. One year plus later, Idaho IS remains a dictatorship.
Idaho Legislature no where to be found. Actually cowering before Idaho’s governor.
Courts? As worthless as every court that ignored the stolen election AND allowing Covid treachery to infringe on American’s Rights.
Quite likely this is common in most of our 50 states.
Video IS 58 minutes. Suggest play in the background. Video aspect not important. Ammon’s words ARE the message.
^^^ 100% worthy listen. ^^^
Quite a thread! (h/t Lee Smith)
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and “Ball Sweat Poisoning” is an extraordinary claim.
Their evidence is:
1 We prank called a random guy
2 Were telling you this random guy is an assassin
3 That assassin told us they tried to Novichuk Navalny’s Nut sack
2/7 Bellingcat does all investigation “open source.”
Clearly CIA and our 17 intel agencies, with all their God-tier surveillance, couldnt crack this case
Who needs civil rights violations and billions in spending when an “independent blog” can do the CIAs job even better?
3/7 Bellingcat is a “Hoax for Hire” factory where spies launder lies. Look into Christopher Steele’s connection to the network around Bellingcat. They called YOU a Russian intelligence asset for posting Trump memes on Twitter. You’re gonna trust them on geopolitics now?
4/7 Conservative reporters in the White House press pool, ask Jen Psaki if “Ball Sweat Poisoning” is the White House’s official explanation for their position on the Navalny events.
Ask Ned Price at State.
Make them say “Yes” or “No” whether they endorse Bellingcaught.
5/7 If they don’t give a response, you have your answer: They want Bellingcaught to stir up a pile of shit, but they don’t want to step in it themselves.
6/7 All of this may have been okay before 2017, when the Globalist American Empire only did these outrageous ops to foreign adversaries.
But now they’re targeting us at home. So why should you care?
Because they do.
The answer here is clear: America needs a Church Committee 2.0
The US Gov is totally corrupt and depraved.
FDA Caught Buying Body Parts From Aborted Babies Killed in Late-Term Abortions ∞ lifenews – https://www.lifenews.com/2021/04/15/fda-caught-buying-body-parts-from-aborted-babies-killed-in-late-term-abortions/
It is depraved.
It’s beyond barbaric.
Excellent Speech!!!
Most of my posts today have been railing against Big Pharma, so I’ll continue the theme and add this random tip. If you want a personal supply of antibiotics for a SHTF situation or other reasons, then find an online vet store and purchase the ones intended fish. No prescription necessary. IMO, they’re superior to the human versions because they don’t have unnecessary inactive ingredients.
Ladies, fish fluconazole gets rid of yeast infections, doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription, and is cheaper than the OTC drug store treatments. Sorry for TMI.
I’m a crazy person on the internet and this is not medical advice. Do your own research, and don’t accidentally kill yourself by drinking fish tank cleaner.
You speak truth. I have personal experience.
Interesting that the Dem activist tried to shut this route down when she murdered her husband.
One of the more prominent fish medicine brands had zero inventory for many months after that. Not sure if COVID panic increased demand, or if they pulled all of their products in response. Sadly, I expect them to crack down on this at some point as more and more Americans avoid the medical system.
“Ladies, fish fluconazole gets rid of yeast infections, doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription, and is cheaper than the OTC drug store stuff. Sorry for TMI.”
What is that, some kind of Italian dish?
Applied topically?
I know it’s a joke, but on the off-chance someone doesn’t know, fluconazole is the generic drug name for Diflucan.
Yep, I was just playin’
People Are Approaching The Precipice, Once Completed, Nothing Can Stop This – Ep. 2453
April 15, 2021 x22report
[JB] economy is out of control, prices are rising, the poor are hit first, then the middle class. They will remember this at the polls. [NP] husband used call options to buy Microsoft ahead of the government signing the contract, insider trading? The [CB] of Egypt warns the people not to buy Bitcoin. The government/[CB] are trying to sanction Bitcoin, big fail, panic everywhere. The [DS] is losing the narrative. The people are approaching the precipice. People in the swing states are blaming [JB] for the border crisis, laws were changed in these states. Rasmussen reports that 51% of the people believe that [JB] cheated in the election, 75% want the 2nd Amendment. The people are starting to flex their muscle, once the people reach the precipice, laws change, then you expose the fraud.
Ep. 2453a – [CB]s Can’t Stop The Transition, Panic, Desperation Sets In, Stay Alert
X22 Report Published April 15, 2021
Ep. 2453b – People Are Approaching The Precipice, Once Completed, Nothing Can Stop This
X22 Report Published April 15, 2021
This all will be mute when and if Biden stocks the supreme court.
FDR tried it, and it backfired on him…
We live in different times. Hope the same will happen to Biden.
They don’t have the 60 votes. However, EVERY piece of ‘budget reconciliation’ legislation needs to be thoroughly scrutinzed for the sneak.
Pelosi said she will not take up a vote on this proposal – so it appears this is on the back burner – at least – for now, Sing!!!
She is letting others release a trial balloon?
I do not trust he she lies as good as Biden.
True – we cannot trust any of them, really, Sing!!!
Yep. They’ll just put some new lipstick on that pig and bring it around for another go, just like they do over her (cf. Juncker, Schröder, Trittin, Merde-Kuh, et. al.)…..
I know its no big deal but quail have discovered my backyard today. Theres a male n female eating my seed. Since I am surrounded by houses they came from the creek.
First time Ive ever seen them here.
We had a little bunny 2 months ago, plus our regular ducks, finches, blue jays, doces, crows, red tail hawk, and woodpecker.
Words getting out!
And no housecats if you have a hawk hanging out.
No. There’s an orange tabby that comes in now and again but thats it.
The hawk will sit in my tree just about 6 feet from the back door.
We love the raptors that occasionally visit, even though they occasionally get some of the other birds that decorate the area (including sonically).
That’s ok if they keep a lid on squirrels and rats.
My hawk got a dove a couple weeks ago…feathers all on the porch.
Quail are adorable! And when there are babies, they are the cutest thing ever.
They are cute. They’re hiding in my sage. I put seed out just for them.
I hope this posts. More from Tim Enlow in McAllen, TX. Catholic Charities RGV is paying to house the illegals at this Rodeway Inn (I can’t imagine that’s the only hotel) for 7 days, bringing 3 meals a day, and they’re told not to leave the room. After the 7 days they are cleared to travel and are then provided bus/plane tickets.
According to Tim, Catholic Charities lied and said they are not paying for the tickets, but he has an insider that says otherwise. 500/day are going through the airport there, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Arent they the ones who were sexually abusing the illegal kids a few years ago? Make on male?
Catholic Charities?
Yes. Some like childrens shelter organizations .
Catholic Charities is national (could be global, IDK) and he’s specifically outing the facility in McAllen, Texas. Amid the massive sexual/pedophile abuse scandal with RC priests, I don’t recall a headline where this was going on at a CC shelter?
I do recall CC taking money and doing the same crap (along with Baptist Child & Family Services) in the summer of 2014.
Its sad that i cant remember specifics since this has been going on so long.
yes it has
loser “leader”

RΞ4L ✪
Walking on the graves of men and women he sent to war for a photo-op to celebrate the fact he postponed Trump’s May 1st deadline to have the last 2500 troops home by.
He thought 9/11/21 was a better idea.
What a great leader.
And, ironically, Germany is bringing her troops home earlier than than (I think August, IIRC). Using the 9-11 date is both going to p.o. the Mozzies, and also sends a signal to the “elite” that they are in control and/or that slow-Joe-and-blow-ho are in their control…
Doesn’t get worse than PapaCoke…
miserable vomitus mass, to quote Prince Humperdinck in the Princess Bride…
Amazon Creates Online Looting App To Allow The Timid To Loot From Home | The Babylon Bee
Amazon Creates Online Looting App To Allow The Timid To Loot From Home
April 14th, 2021 – BabylonBee.com
U.S.—Amazon is taking a giant leap towards greater equity with the addition of a brand new “Loot” function. Customers will have the option of proceeding to the checkout to pay normally, or clicking the “LOOT IT!” button for social justice.
“If a looter is too timid to smash a window in person, or just too lazy to go outside, we should not be suppressing their important voice by preventing them from looting,” said outgoing CEO Jeff Bezos. “We are proud to announce our new app: Amazon Loot.”
Customers who select the “LOOT IT” option will be given a list of injustices and microaggressions they can select from that would justify their looting. Items will be promptly shipped in 1 day, just like Amazon Prime items.
“Amazon really feels for all the people in this country who are shy or live far away from the prime looting locations of urban centers,” said Bezos. “We are proud to be expanding looting access to more people than ever. Say it with me– looting is a human right. Period!”
Amazon clarified that they will not be paying the manufacturers for looted merchandise, but since all makers have insurance this will not be a problem.
Pass the bong again. LOL We’re in an alternate reality, I’m sure of it now.
The best part is where they share delivery information with all your neighbors, so they can lift it off your porch.
pretty prescient perspective
Gods Trumpet Retweeted

Late Nite with Bobby D
What could go wrong if you vote for Joementiahttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f914.svg? He won’t pack SCOTUS, ban the Electoral College, take Federal control of elections, open the boarder or give amnesty to millions of peoplehttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f633.svg. Guns, he would never go after themhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f92c.svg. Tweets are nice thoughhttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f926-200d-2642-fe0f.svg
That was so well done, and spot on.
Just in case anybody’s interested in getting a “sneak preview” with Mike Lindells free speech platform (there’s a short video on the site less than three minutes):
(It’s supposed to be full up-and-running on the 20th)
I’ve already signed up. They want your phone number. Since I already gave it to MyPillow, I said what the heck!
Keep us posted bfly !

I hope it’s successful… But I’m not ready to give them my number !
He said he’s been working on this for four years. Good for him! I hope other conservative platforms don’t start criticizing him.
Sadly they will… Competition is fierce… And controlled opposition is everywhere !
Expect full-blown attempts to sabotage anything this man does from ALL SIDES !
Be prepared to counter !
That would be very disappointing. I expect leftists posing as conservatives to sow seeds of discord. But most of all, I wish Lindell and Frank unbounded success!
The hyena on the left is much cuter.
And almost certainly has better breath.
Probably has had fewer career-enhancing sexcapades with Dem politicians, as well.
This analysis doesn’t really make sense to me.
JoeBama Flinches, Putin Closes Kerch Strait and Blocks Black Sea to Foreign Warships
April 15, 2021 | Sundance
SD: “As Russia continues to build up troop presence near the Ukraine border, Joe Biden sent a warning to Vladimir Putin. In response Russia told the U.S. to stay out of the Black Sea “for your own good” while they conduct exercises. Biden turned back two U.S. navy ships…. Hours later Putin closed the Kerch Strait.
The Biden administration is attempting to give the illusion of strength but it is all an act and Russia knows it.”
The whole planet knows that illegitimate clown thugs took over our government, and our military decided it was time to squat while they pee, so nobody takes our country seriously, and why would they?
But the Dims have been shouting “Russia, Russia, Russia” like Jan on the Brady Bunch complaining about her sister Marsha, for 4+ years now, and we all know the Alinsky Left habitually engages in psychological projection and accusing their enemies (Trump, America, We the People) of doing what they themselves are actually guilty of.
So if they were accusing Trump of Russia collusion for 4+ years, chances are about 99% that it’s the Dims who are actually colluding with Russia, including right now in this fake conflict.
I can’t even begin to imagine a scenario where Red Jen and the Marxist administration would have anything but genuine love and affection for a former KGB member like Putin. The Left has modeled their entire style of governance after the KGB.
SD: “The Ukraine is vulnerable to Russian absorption because a large portion of the Ukrainian people support Russia.”
We know JB and his Bagman, the crack smoking foot-jobber, are up to their eyeballs in Ukraine — and no doubt the ethereal Durham is hard on the case — but I have no idea whether Biden was working with forces to subvert Ukraine on behalf of Russia or whether Biden was just using Ukraine like an ATM machine.
SD: “NATO is attempting to issue threats,”
Why? Did NATO issue a single threat during the entire presidency of Donald J. Trump? What on earth could cause that lethargic, impotent, corrupt body of self-serving navel gazers to threaten anybody, over anything?
Why now?
Why Russia?
Assuming Chyna owns NATO like they do everything else, is Chyna using NATO against Russia? Or are Russia and Chyna Marxist allies, controlling the Biden puppet government, and creating a fake war (though there would be plenty of real dead bodies) in order to provide cover and an excuse for a global reorganization of power and territory?
I sure hope our military gets back from the gynecologist soon!
SD: “…but Russia knows the EU, and specifically Germany, will do nothing except grasp their pearls.”
Exactly, it’s all fake, it makes more sense that NATO is putting on a false show of resistance publicly, while colluding with Russia and Chyna, just like the Dims have been doing for decades, probably since before the end of WWII.
“It is all false bravado on the part of the NATO alliance; they have no teeth and their electorate have no desire for another conflict.”
As if they care about their electorate… get with the times, SD…
SS: “A Background Note – Additional leverage Putin holds goes back to the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline to supply the energy needs of Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was warned by President Trump not to go forward with the pipeline that creates a geopolitical leverage for Russia. Merkel went ahead despite the warnings, and adding salt to the issue, Germany never upheld their NATO funding commitments (2% of GDP). This was a major source of contention between Trump and Merkel.”
Right, because Merkel is a globalist who is subverting her own country, like all the other leaders and governments of Western nations, secretly (barely) working for the CCP to destroy Western civilization.
She’s not Chauncey Gardiner, she’s Lex Luthor with a wig, doing a jungle snake dance.
“The knuckleheads behind Biden attempted to flex their muscle toward Russia through a series of sanctions earlier today. The United States sanctioned 32 Russian entities and individuals along with six technology companies, formally attributed the SolarWinds cyber breach to Russian intelligence agencies, and accused Moscow of still trying to hack American targets.”
There he goes again. They’re not knuckleheads, just like Hussein (who is actually running our government) was not a knucklehead, he was a Marxist Kenyan islamic terrorist executing a plan to destroy America.
SD really needs to learn about Aubergine’s Razor.
SD: “Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t care about words. Words, without action are meaningless. Putin knows the Biden administration is weak domestically because the majority of the U.S. electorate view his administration as illegitimate. Putin also knows Barack Obama foreign policy is essentially Biden foreign policy, and Putin accepts that both Obama and Biden are intent to weaken the U.S. globally.”
So the Biden administration is helping Putin. Isn’t that what SD is saying, apparently without realizing it?
“From the Russian perspective a bunch of noisy and pontificating moonbats are currently running everything in the U.S. and there is absolutely nothing to fear because their leadership, our U.S. government, is weak and unsupported.”
Wait until our military finds out about that… they’re gonna be so mad…
SD: “Putin knows Americans are not going to agree to another regional war in Europe when the damn Europeans are not even willing to defend themselves.”
I’m sure Putin knows the JB administration, run by Hussein, doesn’t give a flying flip what the American People think, even if their public approval ratings drop below zero.
We don’t even exist to them, except as something warm for them to suck blood out of.
SD: “Joe Biden acting like Scott Farcus only works until Ralphie puts a fist in Farcus’s face. And don’t forget… the number one asset of Russia is energy (oil and gas); JoeBama’s energy policy has effectively assisted the Russian economy. So there’s that…”
Exactly, just like with Hussein the magic Kenyan, every single thing he did, without exception, worked to America’s detriment and the enemy’s benefit.
I’m sure they’re just knuckleheads. Maybe even dunderheads.
I’m sure it’s not on purpose, that everything always goes the same direction, all the time, to our harm and the enemy’s benefit.
I’m sure it’s all just coincidence.
Those silly knuckleheads…
“SD really needs to learn about Aubergine’s Razor.”
Not to blow my own horn, but seriously!
What the hell part of “it’s on purpose” that Biden and Co. are out to destroy America does Somedunce not understand!?
Literally everything I am aware of Dopey Joe has done since 20 January, IS to destroy America.
Almost as IF, hussein IS calling the shots.
Well said.
Not to be left out of the riots….
Chicago Police Release Bodycam Footage of Police Shooting Death of 13-Year-Old (GRAPHIC VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
That’s what they need to do, before riots come their way. And then, tiring of that, they need to stop voting for Dems.
That 13yr old was no ‘angel’. He had a gun, and officer had all of 8 seconds to decide to shoot. Reports that little Adam was a notorious thug, the Mayor knew it but decided to throw the cops under the bus today. Shots and injuries already happening.
I watch that Cat Hyde account. Used to be Miss Kitty/Kitty Schackleford, she aggregates ALL rioting videos/info on her feed. They’re fighting in Miami Beach, Chicago, Brooklyn Center right now. The night is still young.
It was all so predictable.
She also gave us the backstory on this guy last night. Pentland’s neighbor banged on his door for help the night before because the black guy allegedly grabbed her. She wasn’t the only woman he had harrassed in the neighborhood, 2-3 others. That’s why he had an attitude w/’the victim’.
BLM’rs on standby to provoke and video show only their narrative. He’ll probably get kicked out of the army and convicted for assautl.
BLM protesters rally outside home of Army Drill Sergeant who was filmed shoving black man | Daily Mail Online
His gang handle was “L’il Homicide.” Really.
Marjorie Taylor Greene challenges Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to a debate over the Green New Deal.
No word on a reply from AOC. MTG would wipe the floor with her.
Fartswell tried to interject, MTG wiped the floor with him.
Whoa! I like this woman. We need at least 100 more of her in Congress.
She has balls.
She’s awesome! A real spitfire!

I think he’s getting it from China, not giving it.
Otherwise excellent post!
You don’t think he’s giving all kinds of intelligence to China? I do.
Definitely, I was just trying to figure out the whole pants around the ankles aspect.
Still can’t post.
Try responding to this message!
Someone was awake way back in 1900.
Thank you, DePat, for the great threads you did for us this week.
You’re awesome!