Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, where Wokeness comes to die! Let us get out the sharp knives of intellect and just plain common sense, and stab it to death. Then we can sit back and enjoy a drink.

First, a fantastic Heritage Foundation Panel that gives the foundation of Wokeness and its genesis in Marxism. Give it your time, if you can. Very informative. Know your enemy, right?
Here’s the situation as we know it:

He cheated his way into the White House and is not the real President.
Donald Trump is our President. Let us drink to President Donald John Trump with a glass of tea.

The bartenders happen to have made a batch of Backyard Iced Tea, and glasses of it are being passed out this moment at the bar. There are numerous recipes for it, but this one beckoned them:

Here’s a recipe for Backyard Sweet Tea, and here’s a recipe for making perfect iced tea (several ways with lots of additions if you want).
Wreck the Reset
The bottom line is the election of Donald Trump in 2016 (and 2020) messed with the Great Reset (is that not the most banal slogan you’ve ever heard?), the Green New Deal (another winner), and other assorted Cabal plans in a BIG WAY. So much so that they have been forced into showing us their stinking rotten underbelly…basically a small group of power-crazed wannabe gods. Small group being the operative words.
Their plans are doomed to fail. How many times in history does this have to happen before the megalomaniacs figure out that centralization of power is a losing proposition? The natural world is not organically organized in such a way. It will never be organized in such a way (“…until He comes whose right it is…”.)
Hence man, who is a part of nature, will never be permanently organized in such a way, either. There will always be clans, tribes, cities, nations and neighborhoods. No matter what techno ghetto they put us in; no matter what economic stranglehold they throttle us with; no matter what medical controls they put on us; and no matter what centralized political system they impose on us, it will fail.
People have a way of overcoming the machinations of tyrants. History is on our side. I am speaking of that pivotal moment in History when the Son of God overcame the world.
Their Black Swan event will be a thing to behold, I have no doubt.
The Cabal fancies themselves to be higher beings who are destined to reign over a greatly-reduced population of peons who serve their every whim, and who can be used in any way they please. I’ve read they greatly desire to attain physical immortality. Oh, I think the Second Death may have them no matter how long they cling to biological life.
These crazies concocted a web of plans to implement their desires: The Great Reset, the Green New Deal (see Dark, Cold Years are Coming, So You’d Better Get Ready), Agenda 21, Critical Race Theory, Marxist groups like BLM, the Covid Plandemic, and so on. But they have been flushed out in the open, and I suspect this exposure was part of a plan all along.
House Rules
One of the articles below uses this image:

This! Stay united, my friends! We can disagree, but we must remain united. We can put aside our differences and fight to win against our common enemy. Go here for Wolf’s rules. And if you feel the need to brawl, the bouncers will personally conduct you to the Utree, where we can all meet in case of need, too.
Let us keep our skin thick and our heart fleshy, and we shall dwell together in unity.
The truth about the Wuhan Virus—that it did indeed originate in the lab in Wuhan, and that it appears to have Gain of Function (human engineering), is now hitting the mainstream media (AKA Fake News). They can’t deny it any longer.
Dr. Fauci is tap dancing his way to infamy. One can see the cracks in the Big Lie about the Wuhan-Fauci Virus. A recent interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes was just precious. “The sun is beginning to set on Dr. Saint Tony Fauci,” according to Steve Bannon.
Here’s a must-read opinion piece by Dr. Peter Navarro. FTA:
“As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab.
Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.
In fact, SARS-CoV-2 exhibits several highly unusual functional characteristics that suggest the virus has been genetically engineered. For example, unlike SARS-CoV-1 and most other viruses, SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a high degree of “asymptomatic spread.” This makes the virus far more contagious — and therefore far more deadly.
The high degree of asymmetric spread — along with the rapid and deadly mutations of the virus we are now observing — suggest the possibility of a weaponized virus. Here, the U.S. State Department has revealed that the Wuhan Lab has engaged in research on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army since 2017 — the same year Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins approved gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
The last piece of this “Fauci as the Father of the Pandemic” puzzle is this: Dr. Fauci’s NIH funneled American taxpayer dollars — some $7 million — into the Wuhan Lab through a shadowy figure named Peter Dasak. Mr. Dasak, himself, bragged about genetically engineering viruses at the Wuhan Lab prior to the pandemic.”
Excuse my wordiness and excess of links today, but so much seemed important. Pick and choose!
More on the Wuhan-Fauci Virus and related issues:
From the article:
“Even Amazon’s internal documents exposed that the company rates their stores using a “diversity index,” and determined the threat of unionization is “higher” at stores with “lower diversity.” This is what the WOKE movement is all about — DIVIDE & CONQUER! Julius Caesar was able to conquer Gaul despite being outnumbered more than 10 to 1 because the Gauls never united until it was too late. Even in the final battle during September 52 BC, Julius Caesar sealed his fate as a legendary military commander at the Battle of Alesia where his army of 50,000 Romans defeated 200,000 Gauls in what is now modern-day Burgundy, France. The Celtic tribes were never united. Caesar defeated the Belgae tribes as well as the Helvetia. Had they all united, Caesar surely would not have conquered Europe. Hence, keep your opponents divided and you will win. This is the entire object of the woke movement — divide and created hatred between the groups.”
Here’s a piece of pure propaganda from the Houston Chronicle. Those redneck Trump voters just won’t get in line for the pricks. Of course the article needed numerous writers to author it. Good Lord, I’m so embarrassed for my former profession.
Do read the above. I thought I would pull a quote out of it, but every paragraph has something important to say. Wait until you get to the eugenics part…
Here is a doctor’s website that has information about Gain of Function with the Wuhan/Fauci Virus. Fleming Method.
The Medical Rebel, Dr. Lee Merritt. Lots of great information here.
Lessons in Woke Science: Covid-19 and Climate
From the article:
“Then there is woke “science,” most visible these days in the arenas of response to the Covid-19 virus and of climate change. Here the principles are a little different. In woke “science” there is no falsifiable hypothesis. In place of that, we have the official orthodox consensus view. The official orthodox consensus view has been arrived at by all the smartest people, because it just seems like it must be right. The official orthodox consensus view must not be contradicted, particularly by the little people like you. Based on the official orthodox consensus view, those in power can take away all your freedom (Covid) and/or transform the entire economy (climate). After all, it’s the “science.”
Covid-19 Critical Care. Great info and resources here.
Wokeism at Work

They went from ‘Everything White Is Bad’ to ‘Everything Bad Is White’ so fast we didn’t even notice
How junk studies are used to show racism
“It’s highly destructive to “teach” Americans to assume that their coworkers and neighbors harbor racial biases. These studies finding “biases” are the product of pandering and wishful thinking by researchers who understand that studies “confirming” the narrative will lead to fame and increased funding. These flawed studies and the propaganda that grows out of them stoke mistrust and tribalism. Academia has become a noxious echo chamber.
Ironically, the continued reliance on flawed studies shows exactly the opposite of what these researchers wish to prove: America is not a racist country.”

“Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, one of America’s most prominent teaching hospitals, plans on offering “preferential care based on race” and “race explicit interventions” as part of its new “antiracist agenda for medicine.” Such a program uses a “reparations framework” to allocate medical resources…
How ironic that the vision of the Mass General Brigham health system is dedication to delivering medical care that is, among other things, “equitable.” Nothing promotes equity like a racist concept of “preferential care based on race.”

Here’s several provocative articles from Taki’s Magazine, which is delightfully NOT PC:
Which Way White-Enough Western Man?
The Radicalization of Black America
And then there is the problem of professors speaking reality–from the Manhattan Contrarian:
The Georgetown Affair: New Levels of Progressive Reality Denial
Here’s one from 2017: American Studies All ‘Racism, Sexism, and Imperialism’ Now, Prof Says
Wokeness in the Multi-Nationals
We all know why Wal-Mart, aka China-Mart, is fence-riding between its manufacturing operations in Communist China and American consumers. The multi-nationals are really all in with the CCP because the CCP uses obscenely cheap laborers (as in slave cheap) in its factories to produce products to fill their monopolistic stores. They make money off the backs of enslaved people.
That is the stark truth.
US Wal-Mart workers are kings and princes compared to Chinese workers and Wal-Mart would rather fill its stores with cheap crap from Chinese workers than pay US workers to make quality items or buy quality made goods from the USA.
Ever notice how they make a pretense of having items made in the USA? They put those in the aisles or on the endcaps, but they are few and far between.
It is very difficult to avoid shopping at Wal-Mart. Not only did they kill off the mom-and-pops years ago, but they are often the only game around for small towns and people of few means.
That Zoom call the other day, in which 100 woke corporations discussed opposing election reform, shows how deeply hypocritical these companies are. They don’t give a rat’s ass about slave workers in China, or even about the working poor here. They are all about the bottom line: making a buck no matter who it exploits.

Fair elections would put people in office who are not in the pockets of huge corporations, and would make laws to advance the good of Americans, not the CCP or amoral corporations.
And we must remember that Covid-19 Isn’t China’s Only Deadly Export.
Speaking of China’s manufacturing hegemony, have you heard about Equity for Africa? Imagine investing in business ventures with the countries of Africa! Imagine what kind of competition that would make for China’s manufacturing dominance?
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo kicked off the Equity for Africa Summit at Liberty University a few days ago. From his keynote speech:
“The faith-based forum is assembling major government, business, and faith leaders from America and Africa to share visions of making Africa a more prosperous, secure, and flourishing continent. (Go to the event website to watch the livestream and view panel discussions and participants.)
“Every African, and indeed every human, wants the same basic things,” Pompeo said in his address from Liberty University’s campus on Tuesday night.
“They want freedom and the ability to take care of their families, and they all understand that there’s very little that is more noble than the dignity that comes with a job and opportunity to work and to deliver on behalf of their families and community. And Africans who get the opportunity to do so are obviously better, and their nation more prosperous and secure.”
Last, but not least, here is Democrat Naomi Wolf with a MUST WATCH 15-minute video about the deadly danger of vaccine passports. This is a video that you can send to all your liberal friends. It is a red pill with a pink tint…easy on the Woke Among Us. Naomi was also on War Room Pandemic Wednesday and you can see that here.
Naomi is extremely concerned, even to the point of fright. Those of us who are Christians and other like-minded courageous friends, must not succumb to fear. We will overcome. Praise God and pass the Backyard Iced Tea. Amen!
I know, right?!!
“Memes are important.”!!!
I’m trying to link an related image but it won’t paste…the EU barcode tattoo.
Best I can do. Scroll down…
From Gab:
My anecdote: About a month ago, I was walking through the business district area of my neighborhood. There was an unusual crowd of “ANTIFA-types.” I don’t know how else to describe them. They were all wearing dark clothes and acting really boorish. I passed one goth girl who was wearing a backpack that said “Book of Spells.” They really stuck out in these parts, and I couldn’t find any discernible reason why there were so many outsiders congregated in the neighborhood. About an hour later, I walked through the same area again. The ANTIFA-types were gone, and there were police on foot patrols. It was really bizarre. I never found an explanation. A week or two later, I witnessed a Black woman screaming racial slurs at the local Mexican market staff. Again, this isn’t normal for my neighborhood.
For now, these are isolated incidents, but they stuck out to me even then. The Gab theory I posted resonates with me for reasons I can’t otherwise explain.
This makes sense. The Cabal has had a plan for a long while.
Balkanization, a la Tito and Yugoslavia…
Nothing new in the Commie’s playbook… goes clear back to the Devil…
There’s no rest for the wicked ..
This ties in with that program OBAMA was trying to force on us, which would basically eliminate Republican precincts, by destroying single-family dwelling areas. Trump and Ben Carson tried to stop it, but Biden QUICKLY reversed the policy.
By that, I mean Biden RESTORED the Obama plan.
Miserable POS …
… may he be doomed to climb airplane stairs for eternity … 
Correction Obama restored it in his “3rd” presidency……..
Sweatpants Cities nationwide
Time for you to move into one of those Amish enclaves.
I’m genuinely trying, but I keep hitting resistance like something beyond my power is actively preventing me from leaving.
Push through. Spiritually. And then make physical steps, even if small ones. That can work.
Thank you.
Trust your intuition; trust your gut.
Whatever you do, it will be EXACTLY the right thing for you to do, for you; and you’ll do it at EXACTLY the right time – again, for you.
Thank you.
Moving right now would be hard no matter what the circumstances. I hate moving, period.
Pray hard, and I agree with Emeraldstar, trust yourself. If it feels wrong, it is.
That said, the sooner you move somewhere safe, the better. Because I believe you are correct about the race wars. But when it really comes, I think the minorities are in for a big surprise. They have forgotten they are indeed minorities. Ugly won’t begin to describe it.
Thank you.
Upon further thought, I’ve had a gut feel for awhile that they’re going to make their big push for a race war soon. I know, I know, “Duh! People have been saying this for years,” but it really feels like this is it. Looking at the headlines:
* Rioting
* Highly-publicized Asian hate crimes
* Chauvin trial
* Tucker Carlson bringing attention to the Great Replacement
All of this stuff coinciding at the same time feels manufactured.
Thwy are frontloading as much as possible. Chauvin trial wont be enough imo. Itll have to rapid fire things, but I hope it wont happen.
How TF are they going to get a race war when 90% of both blacks and whites are thinking, “THANK GOD I do not live in Minnesota!!!”
Who would want to atm?
They’re working very hard on “who would EVER want to?”
Yes, things are heating up. I feel it especially thick on the television and internet, not so much in local community. But i don’t go out a whole lot.
Outside forces (China, Satan) are pushing an agenda.
It’s no accident that China’s symbol/mascot is the Dragon…
I keep thinking of that meme with the US Eagle crushing the RedChinese Dragon…
Good one Cuppa …
Who does Jesus war with in Revelation … the Dragon … it’s not symbolism it’s biblical fact ..
Yep. That’s what I meant. I think “the army of the North” is Red China, not Russia (as many think)… and they can probably put 100-200 million boots on the ground even now…..
Spot on ..

Not so isolated. They are walking around with chips on there shoulders and the media’s helping to exploit the situation (but we know that) by fracturing the reporting on these events. Expect more of this.
Best I can determine the young black kid apparently got touchy with a girl in the neighborhood and asked the Drill Sgt for help. The top vid was his response and now they want to make it into a BLM thing.
What this appears to me to be is nothing more than an adult responding to a woman’s request for assistance and ending up dealing with a kid who lacks respect for authority but maybe worse in that he plays to the camera. Also I’ve not been able to determine if the kid is from the neighborhood or not, but it’s clear they do not know each other. Oh and the kid is not a juvenile according to the sheriff in the fox link ( was having problems with the audio on that but it might of been me.)
Make sure you open the bottom tweet if it doesn’t show full. They’ve since damaged the home.
The sheriff has tossed the drill sgt under the bus. Apparently the police on the scene took no action, but upon a further investigation, that sounds like it took place after meeting with activist leaders, they have now arrested the drill sgt.
Apparently they able to organize quickly using social media. Pretty soon they’ll be quicker than the cops.
I’m starting to wonder how many of these highly-publicized incidents and hate crimes are being staged by intelligence goons for the sole purpose of enraging the public. Funny how it’s one thing after another as soon as the weather warmed up. Where were all these incidents and all of the Asian hate crime videos in October? In February?
Since Michael Brown, I think just about all of them are.
The Asian piece is troubling.
Won’t say more right now.
One thing I’d add, we knew certain things about COVID from what little media escaped from China, and much turned out to be bogus.
Meanwhile blacks are quite sensitive about race and likely are well aware of that recent spat of vids coming out of China on how they were treating blacks in China.
Makes one wonder if those stories were another controlled release. Either way, right or wrong, it likely plays out into black perception on Asians.
Apparently their reports of other incidents with this kid in the neighborhood causing disturbances, but the Sheriff is bought in to how horrendous this incident is and says there’s no plan on investigating that so guess we’re not going to know.
Meanwhile I didn’t notice either of the men bringing up race in their confrontation, hello? however I did notice that young man called the Drill Sgt, “sir” which is a trigger word for NCO’s in general for a host of reasons going back long in the history of relationships between officers and enlisted, and Drills in particular as Drill’s when dealing with recruits, as they are charged with the responsibility of making sure trainee’s understand the difference between officers and NCO’s and normally reply “Don’t you dare call me Sir, I work for a living!”
It’s funny that you mention this. One of the closer grocery stores to where I live is in one of the swankier municipalities. It was always nice even with a lot of high rise living not far away.
Well, of late, that store is just not what it used to be. And it’s not that the swanky suburb has been seeded, the ones to the north may well have been. Although, parts of that part of town have had working class blacks for decades. And they don’t put up with the crap.
I few months back I mentioned a house across the street from me was up for sale for awhile after being a rental. When the new “owners” took occupancy (

) .. I noticed one of the people had BLM painted on the back window of his car. As an update I don’t think anyone LIVES there but they do have four bully breed dogs in the backyard, if you come out or into your house when they’re out they wheel around the garage corner charge up to the fence (thank God for fences) and growl bark like they’re agitated … nuts. There are three Rottweiler’s and one breed I can’t figure out.
spray. ( I’m going to buy a couple more)
I don’t carry but .. well I have pepper
So it’s always at the back of my mind to pay attention to my surroundings … especially when they obviously present with a menacing under-current.
Stay safe and salty, ladies you are eternally sweethearts .. with “guff” (good strong guff is decidedly wise and purposeful ..

Words to remember: take out the joints first
knees, shoulders, hips … take their mobility away then …
My neighbor kicked her live in out with his bull dogs. She has been living a nice quiet life since. The Pot smell is gone also. She is a nurse and felt sorry for the clown who turnend out to be a drug dealer when she was not home.
my other neighbor is from Haiti the nicest sweet young man one could wish. He cleaned my steps and walk way from snow this winter and he told us he had fun doing so. He is a good father and good Christian. I hear them sing gospel songs. His wife is Hispanic. I feel very blessed having them live next to me.
I’m glad to hear this Singing .. I bet you’re relieved ..
Neighbors, good God fearing neighbors are like having angels next to.

Thank you for your nice comment.
Yes I am very glad they live next door. The kids are sweet also. This is why it is so dangerous to sweep all people with one brush. I had white people living next door they were like mag pies. The one living there now will be there for a long time they are young and her parents live walking distance.
Non of my neighbors care about a mask no one even when walking dogs.
We all speak together and therefore I do not feel isolated at all. I hear children playing and laughing it is like music to the soul
Well Singing that sounds like heaven on earth
to me and I’m happy for you in that regards .. sweet neighbors are precious .. like you 

You are to kind
Thank you !
It’s good to get all the links collected together, in case any of us have run down particular rabbit holes and didn’t see corroborating evidence in other places.
I feel rather ready to SLAY WOKEISM after that post!
Did a complete read without clicking any of the links. NOW to go back and DIG.
The videos are really good.
Yes, it looks like I have a lot of reading to do. Great work, Grandma!
Wokeness so makes me mad. There’s history. I grew up around highly “educated” liberals. Most of them are clueless.
You can’t punch through the indoctrination. You can leave crumbs and hope they pick up on it. Just my experience.
Or ignore it.
I ignore in order to keep family ties. None of us really discuss politics at all anymore. It would cause a complete break.
Same here.
It is there religion and defend it like that. They want us to validate their ideology and worse of all they want to be right even when they drown.
Speaking of wrecking wokeness:
The Political Commentator, $DOGE Enthusiast (@ThePoliticalCom) Tweeted:
@thekangminlee It is rather Marxist of her to take others money as their “leader” for her own benefit.
Exactly how is her investments into black people when they’re located in white neighborhoods???
Her family is the investment…shes up to her eyeballs in bs.
She is breaking the white barrier rich people have set up for themselves. She now a black woman lives in a white neighborhood. Lets see if history repeats itself that people will move and house prices shrink?
she’s a Capitalist Pig !!
That is what Marxists do. They and their cohorts their loyalists live well and the rest are the slaves and live a minimal existence. I have seen this before and when one cannot work any longer one is expendable. We see that with covid.
Indeed. And i think so many of them fail to realize they are on the expendable list too.
That damned Houston Chronicle article!! Kept switching between the poor rural uneducated Trump supporting whites or suburban Evangelical Trump supporting whites. Those white Covid superspreading people are ruining the state. PUH-LEEZ!!! The Commies have invaded!! And the sheep are following right along! SMDH
Texas Youth Baseball Team Requires Kids to Get COVID Vaccine to Play in Tournament — But They’re Too Young to Even Qualify (thegatewaypundit.com)
Excellent Post G-Ma, as always!!
The Backyard Tea sounds much safer than Long Island Ice Tea. The latter will light ya up! 
I’ve made a few Long Island Iced Teas but have never drunk one.
My first legal drink was a LIIT. It was also my last.
I saw the effects from people drinking them. It would put a man right out if he tried a second one.
one is about the limit!!!

I just could never stomach the variety of alcohol.
Long Island Ice Tea
.. yum … must put this on the “list” 

If this forum is an example of of Trump supporters you guys are quit educated
They are lots of educated Trump supporters everywhere.
One excellent handy man told me ” the doctors in town look down at people like me but I have the know how to fix their home because they cannot even put a nail in the wall.” He said ” he makes them pay for his service.”
L.ol. g’night frens!
CIA-Lil Caesars-Simulation Warlord https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg (@zerosum24) Tweeted: Everyone hates Antifa, I’m dead this entire sequence!
https://t.co/WtRaXydSUh https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1382936342632534016?s=20
NeonRevolt: “People don’t understand that Biden is angling to bail out China by giving the IMF 180 billion dollars from US taxpayers, so the IMF can then turn around and issue new SDRs, which they will then pour into China so China can get rid of its debt.
In other words, their plan right now is to transfer debt from the CCP straight onto US taxpayers.
Meanwhile, most US taxpayers have no idea what an SDR even is, which is intentional, because this is how they get away with this kind of crap.”
From Investopedia:
Yep! …”Crap” is a good term for it.
News flash — https://nypost.com/2021/04/14/polar-bears-are-mating-with-grizzlies-to-become-pizzly-bears/
Update — referring to them as “Pizzly Bears” implies they’re gay and they’ll rip you apart and eat you.
Update #2 — Any descendant of the world’s largest land carnivore is likely to rip you apart and eat you anyway because you’re digestible protein.
Polar bears are white.
I’m sure this is somehow ‘racist’.
James O’Keefe announces TWITTER DEFAMATION LAWSUIT with Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon LIVE on Sean Hannity – YouTube
James O’Keefe – Telegram
I love it that James has Harmeet Dhillon as his attorney!
She is brilliant…and fearless.
I don’t know if this has been posted already:
PART 3: Chester Says CNN ‘Trying To Help’ Black Lives Matter By Protecting Group’s Narrative On Race – YouTube
young vax victim needs prayer
can I ask for emergency prayers https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f64f.svg
The boy is only 22
“S (from 4/10/21) is still in ICU. He had gotten the first Moderna shot last Tuesday
within 4 hours he was convulsing and got taken to the ER
He has been vomiting and diarrhea ever since
hate to say it but…now Pfizer is saying gonna need a third BOOSTER jab of this poison.
Boosters Will Likely Be Necessary
I’m almost glad I got the disease now. Recoverees are showing strong immunity 8-12 months later.
Too bad the reality is that we’ll have to prove it for exemption.
Although, if I read the tea leaves right, that may never come to pass and all this will have been for naught.
So, DP, serious question. What is the downside of having an antibody test to see if we are immune?
I am so suspicious of all things medical now that I am afraid to do anything. But I have considered an antibody test so I could legitimately say “I’m immune” to people who won’t let up.
What are your thoughts?
DNA analysis. That’s the main reason I’m resisting. Although, one of my brothers did a 23 and Me, one of those, and got analysis done, so there’s a good chance some of mine is sequenced anyway.
Thanks. That’s a good point.
>>”we’ll have to prove it for exemption”<<
I am my own “proof”. I am the ultimate authority on my own health.
The burden isn’t on ANY of us to provide proof, or to substantiate in ANY way our own health decisions.
Let THEM provide the “proof” of danger – not “potential” danger, but *actual* danger.
The burden is on them, not on us.
It’s another inversion, that one must prove innocence (no danger), instead of them having to prove guilt (danger).
When we let them set the stage / context – which is spurious – we lose no matter how we respond.
I honestly don’t think it’s going to matter much after the next month one way or another.
Hey, did you see Ozzy was in the bin?
I think my “dh” and I caught it on when we flew to Las Vegas for his company .. I got sick as a dog .. coughing feeling beat up. I took cold medicine to be able to sleep … so I’m in the “no poke/don’t tread
on me” zone .. dadgummit 

EVERYONE on the flight home was coughing and not covering their pie holes
… then lo and behold .. BINGO the Chinese flu hits the country … the vulture had landed … miserable murmmer murmmer murmmer …
Sounds like what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas, unfortunately.
monetizing misery
and liability-free !
we’ll see if that actually holds up
The more boosters the more they can slip things in and whose even looking and what if they did since the system is being overloaded S. Alinsky style. No one will be able to keep track.
the Vaccinated = walking talking genetically modified bioweapons.
People I know who work at Moderna figure 6 months.
My dad got his second Moderna yesterday. I actually got up in the night to be sure he was breathing as he was REALLY fatigued at dinner last night…although, he had just finished two weeks of messing with the taxes.
He’s awake this morning. I’m hoping the fatigue is the worst of it. It is a side effect put out by Moderna, so it’s probably something they put in to make the thing look real.
Hope he’s OK too. Sorry you have to carry so many burdens for ignorant & (willfully) deceived family members.
I saw some articles about Moderna & they wrote it up like this ModeRNA…hmmm
This is part of the network of ASTROTurf Woke Facist goons of the DemonRat party.
This echo-chamber is why so many people think that party is actually a majority party fighting for the little people, when in fact it has been a minority party (far below 50% in the 20-30% range) for decades, representing only the ruling class elites. They know they can only win by cheating.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hillary’s Attorney Marc Elias Inserts Himself Into the Arizona Senate Audit of Maricopa County – Is Using His Massive Network to Broaden His Attack – What Are They Hiding? (thegatewaypundit.com)
Ah…so I guess it’s true that Pelosi’s laptop was taken on Jan 6th.
I was hoping that was true!
Pelosi won’t make a move on the Supreme Court until she’s sure she has the mid terms in the bag which is a hopeful sign if she’s unsure.
Friday Happy Hour

So I helped my neighbor move a fridge and she said ” I could just marry you!”
I couldn’t believe it, I do something nice for her and she threatens to ruin my life in return…
Hmmm, maybe that’s why the Cockney term for wife is “trouble and strife”
(now for a spot of Rosie Lee)…
Better to live on the corner of a roof than with a quarrelsome wife–Proverbs, iirc
There are other gems in Proverbs about disturbing distaff as well…
Years ago there was a great French cartoon (in Punch, IIRC) that showed an older couple picnicing near a cliff, having a tiff (no jpgs for them…).
The wife is looking away when the husband runs toward her, to push her over the edge…
Without turning around to look, she ducks…
(and her soon-to-be-late hubby has to learn how to fly, I expect)…
changing of the guard
Ironic how last years “Republican conspiracy theories” became this year’s Democrat policies.
Marx brothers over Karl Marx any & every day!!!
The Truth About The “Vaccine Passports”
Paul Joseph Watson
GLOBAL Immune Passport System
GLOBAL Social Credit System
Didn’t take long for West Point to cave
The Election Wizard
Apr 13
West Point will not only adapt critical race theory into its curriculum but will also use such practices in admissions.
West Point Goes Woke
Official Army photo April 13, 2021 America’s military service academies are using “anti-racist” and critical race theory teaching tools to recruit and train their faculty and future off…electionwiz.com
ChiComs beat West Point without a fight. Now THAT is Sun Tzu!
White hat dreams really do come true!
I’d say your theory that there ARE no White Hats is looking very strong.
As much as I am a skeptic … I have always hoped in the back of my mind that maybe it was true … or a least partially true
I suspected that even when Trump was POTUS. The signs were there when military defied him at every step. They even lied to him.
The SWAMP is both DEEP in places and WIDE in Maryland and Virginia.
Epic response!
It’s unconstitutional. It’s blatantly racist.
Not that anyone in our government cares.
Just more demoralization psy-op.
Might as well turn West Point into a fag-farm next. Maybe they can draw graffiti on the American flag and melt down the Liberty Bell.
I hope the white hats are happy. At this rate, there isn’t going to be anything worth saving or recovering.
Not that the white hats care about that, any more than the traitors do.
Dear Scott467, of course there is something worth saving and recovering. There are all of us. Be of good cheer. Be happy warriors.
No words…you seem to have nailed it yet again!
My husband when in College rifle team his team competed against West Point.
From West Point to Worst Point… the other academies will follow suit, no doubt.
And the ChiComs get their weakened opponent without firing a shot.
Just as Mao said, so many years ago…..
Fake Freedom, Fake Fighters for Freedom!
Did we not see a West Point gratuaaate lift his shirt and he had a Mao or Marxist slogan written on it? I remember something like that. They were there already and they are already serving. Just my opinion.
Joe Biden, Famous Authoritarian, Wants to Fight Authoritarianism – American Thinker
Dr. Lee Merritt on viruses and bio warfare
What is the “blockchain network” mentioned at 1:29:26 ?
Sorry my error should be mentioned at 1:17:24
I don’t know…but from the context, it sounds like an independent network of some sort.
It would probably be beyond my understanding anyway, but good to know there may be a place where stuff is being put out of the reach of globo destruction.
Let’s see if this works:
Nope, that didn’t work…I was trying to post the video.
Couldn’t find that particular one,but seems to have come from this place, lbry.com, a new source to me at least.
Yes, but that is in French.
That first link I posted works for me…and goes right to the Lee Merrit video.
The Naomi Wolf video is resolve-boosting. No passport for me. That may mean moving to a Free State.
Yeah. Blew me away. Her spot with War Room was epic, too.
She had been amazing. I read her in my younger days when I dabled in feminism for a little while. To see her back on my radar as someone I am listening to on the issues is so interesting. I guess she is an example of a classical liberal?
How do we fight it in OH..?
DeWine has no plans for passports – so he says – but he is WEAK and subject to pressure, so his re-election has to be forced into irrevocable promises to NEVER institute passports. The Ohio legislature wants to BAN them, and a BILL to that effect, signed by DeWine would be wise, and gets him off the hook from future pressure.
My feeling is economic is the way – not just Torba’s idea of a second economy, but fighting back against “P.C. Farben” – the companies going along with the hidden agenda of the Bidenazi DOJ, which I believe is behind “Woke Capital” by shakedowns (Obama and Holder were great at this).
Corporations need to know that support for FAKE ELECTIONS has a price that is TERRIBLE for them. CHINAZI puppet companies deserve DESTRUCTION.
Yes that is the way that is why quit buying at some places and ovoid China stuff.
Ohio’s looking like it may ban passports, and DeWine has now said no passports or mandatory vaccination.
That’s good as I have a work trip to Cleveland next month. No jabs or passport for me either.
The dominoes are falling. There will only be a handful of states, if that, to have this “passport” shit. And if we ever manage to get control of the government again and stop giving those states bailout money, they will cave.
Can you imagine the drop-off in tourism to places like California and New York with this shit? I don’t think they have really realized how bad it will get yet, because they are still in “pandemic” mode. They think people aren’t going there because they are “afraid.” When they find out no one is coming because of the idiotic requirements, and they can’t shore up their economies, it’ll end.
We need to follow the President (the real one) and BOYCOTT whomever he says to. And we can boycott entire states just like leftists do.
We are BURNING passports at the idea stage, and it’s WORKING.
The Dems have quickly turned our country into a Thugocracy.
hell to pay
POX Amerikana
In a true communist country that does not fly they will be put in jail. Even under fascism thuggery is not tolerated..
BLM & Antifa to rabble rouse in Maricopa County to ruin audit? https://gab.com/KanekoaTheGreat/posts/106070514883083316
President Wolf Moon would send the guns. Enough of this shit.
Remember “they “are only and idea” Biden
Another RINO…Racism is NOT ok.
They’ve been doing that in other states for decades.
Back then they called it Affirmative Action. Now it’s just what it is, including/excluding people on the basis of skin color.
How in the world does he square “all kids should have equal opporutinities” with a scholarship that discriminates? How is that even part of his answer?
Because he believes that whites are superior. He’s a racist.
More on this story:
Rudy W. Giuliani
In response to Putin’s warning “to stay away for your own good”, Biden pulled back two American war ships headed toward the Black Sea as a show of support for Ukraine.
aw cmon man Malarkey ! give him a break you know the thang will you just shut up !
You’re killing me Smalls–Excellente!
someone went postal
…Instead of going FedEx?
(That was one ad campaign USPS didn’t dare imitate.)
FedEx is still non-union, as far as I know…in spite of being targeted by the Teamsters.
All the usual leftwing media nozzles routinely vilify FedEx, because they are non-union.
The pilots belong to a commercial pilots union.
But they are the only ones at FedEx who are unionized.
So I’m giving the side eye to this shooting.

Fed Ex has absolutely sucked this last year.
Packages where signed-for delivery confirmation was required are often simply dumped on the doorstep, sometimes at the wrong address, and the driver simply writes “C-19” on the signature line.
I know of multi-thousand dollar coins that were lost this way when shipped.
We just had delivery of an expensive tool and one whole end was completely open. The guy was noncommittal about it. Said other packages get piled up on each other.
The basic service is like that these days. Fragiles treated roughly and jammed into some guy’s personally owned vehicle.
Or a rent a truck.
It’s gone the way of the the world. When I was there, in Memphis and California..people loved the company. It seemed that the company valued the employees . Pride in work was important…Then it started happening…those who screwed up couldn’t be disciplined or critiqued cuz you know why..it’s racist.
POC who weren’t qualified started being promoted.
Engineers in the offices who had never worked a line or driven a truck, etc..began making policies that were ridiculous
The company has been in a slide for years
That can’t be true. Must be fake news.
How do I know? Fed Ex doesn’t allow guns in the work place … gun laws work and we need more!
Sad to hear. Too bad the employees weren’t carrying.
In many cases the insurance company mandates “no firearms.”
Maybe somebody will do the math on having trained CCs mixed into the workforce.
That would probably be hard to figure, to be honest, because there are so many variables.
What kind of neighborhood is the business in, being one of them. Another being how hostile is the local chief of police and prosecutor to RKBA and lawful use in self defense.
Yup. ONE honest concealed carrier ends this stuff. Trump was absolutely right.
If I owned a business, I would make it clear that licensed and/or trained concealed carriers were welcome to carry on the premises without notification. While I believe in constitutional carry as a basic rule, TRAINING is important.
Connecting the conspirators! sorry about the language

edit: this from the replies to above tweet

Replying to @MrHermit3
Hmm I just saw another tweet with funding related to this too… Look at this! (puberty blockers are trans gender treatment for children)
Quote Tweet
Women’s Voices
· 1h
Replying to @LabelFreeBrands
Netflix and the makers of “puberty blocker” Lupron have many of the same top share-holders.
They’re goin genocide.
so much becomes clear when we follow the money
Update: H used to work for Glaxo so I was interested in the pfizer buyout which I hadn’t heard before and wanted to read about it (they are always merging and taking over other companies with their name forever changing or at least it seems that way to me). Nope … Glaxo does not own pfizer. so then I began to wonder about more in the meme, esp. considering how china is tough on foreign owndership within its country. Glaxo doesn’t own the lab – its state owned.
Not more time to spend on the above info but now I find it all suspect.
Maybe there is a bit of truth? maybe they had dealings with the lab? Glaxo does have joint ventures with pfizer but no, they don’t own them.
I will bet that we would find good info if we follow the money but this info is a false trail to throw us off of Glaxo (like I said, they could be very involved and in deals, or managing or …who knows what) or it could be false altogether. That is the tricky thing about false info – sometimes it is wrong on its face we that the info can be completely dismissed on the face of the false claim while hiding real info and it discredits the one sharing it from brining up the subject again as people can point to the debunking articles.
Anyway, the above as it is stated, seems to be false.
Getting to the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth would be awesome!
And yet it is so hard to do these days
Seems like it should be easier to get at the truth with the internet at our finger tips but its actually just as hard as we have to wade through so much misinformation
The people who want control will keep pumping out disinformation until we stop fighting for the truth.
& consider the source
Small group, eh?
um lots of interconnecting & concentric circles, or so it seems…
They are a clan or tribe, if you will. They stick together.
We need to stick together, too. That’s how we defeat them.
Freemen versus tyrants.
Amen, GMa–Freedom Trumps tyranny every time!
” Freemen versus tyrants “
Talk about vertical integration. Sherman Anti-Trust anyone?
Oh, that’s right. Not all of those entities are in the USA.
yep–rules for thee, not for me!
if this IS actually Real POTUS he’s an epic troller still
Catturd ™
Quote Tweet
· 8h
& from replies…Durham coming through???
Judge Jeanine Pirro has Fans
Replying to @catturd2
Oh man … is this FINALLY happening?! https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f92f.svg
Obama And Biden Should Be Worried – Days After Trump Challenges Durham, He Gives Subpoena Update
For a long time, John Durham has been leading an investigation into “Russiagate.” But we’ve seen very little of the man—even after he was made special counsel. Joe Biden doesn’t seem all that scared….washingtonews.today
What a cheerful thought to wake up to this morning (the Durham story, not the thought of the plane/biden). Let it be true …
not even close to holding my breath on it though
Amazing how clueless the Judge is even to consider the possibility of “it finally happening.” So many of the public voices on our side demonstrate such cluelessness.
I believe that tweeter just uses the Judge’s name & image, not her most likely…
here’s her twit world bio
Judge Jeanine Pirro has Fans

This is a Fan Page dedicated to Judge Jeanine If you are a fan, follow us for great content.
632 Following
Followed by https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2764.svgNever, Ever Give Uphttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2764.svg, Brian A, and 35 others you follow
Oh! Read that too quickly! I hope the judge understands the entire system is corrupt!
as we all are learning to face up to!
keeping score & scoring points!
Stacy Rae https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Wait for it… https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f602.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f602.svg
Quote Tweet
· 16h
I love mi amigo Dan Bonginohttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svg
EXCELLENTE ilDonaldo!!!
Dan was a cop and SS agent, where does Gerry get off feigning expertise on such matters??
get up offa that thang, lol
hubris instead of humility!
Interesting ideas…any gardeners want to weigh in?
I will testify to the benefits of putting an entire over-ripe banana into the soil around the roots of young tomato plants when you plant them in the soil.
every time I’ve done this, I get a great crop of tastly ‘maters.
Good to know!
not tastly…
If you’re growing cymbidiums in bark, having one or two 1.25″ squares of banana peel in your bark is a good thing.
Some stuff is good. But holes in pots and even watering takes care of some of those issues.
Also, aloe is very forgiving and grows pretty easily as long as you don’t let it get cold. It will die overnight on a frosty evening.
Thanks GMa!
Agree with all you say. And I don’t think growing plants upside down does anything.
Banana peels and coffee grounds are always good.
Thanks Gil!
Starbucks coffee sucks, but theyll give you grounds for free.
Good to know!
One radioactive banana…
Makes things grow Really Big! Godzilla style!!!
All bananas are actually just a bit radioactive, more so than most foods, because of the extra potassium. (Of course this means YOU are slightly radioactive too, because you have potassium in your body.) Some really tiny fraction of that potassium is potassium-40 which is radioactive.
All of the argon in our atmosphere (it’s about one percent of the atmosphere) is the result of potassium 40 decay.
In actual fact none of this matters, but apparently truckloads of bananas have been known to set off very sensitive radiation detectors looking for smuggled nukes.
I did not know that & it sounds like huge loads of banana are the best place to try to hid nukes, hmmm?
On the other hand it’s just barely possible my source on this was joking and I didn’t realize it.
You can actually look up “banana equivalent dose” on Wikipedia, it’s an in-joke. It’s kind of silly…if you ate a ton of bananas, you’d simply replace the potassium already in your body with the potassium in the bananas and it would make no difference. So you don’t get “more” radioactivity eating bananas. On the other hand there IS a serious point here, and that is: We have to deal with small amounts of radioactivity all the time and don’t even notice it. Freaking out every time you hear the word “radioactive” is counter-productive until you find out how much and what kind (there are four distinct kinds and it sometimes makes a great deal of difference whether they’re inside or outside your body–alpha radiation, for instance, can be stopped by a sheet of paper and is therefore easy to render harmless…but that’s no use if the source is inside you, so don’t eat uranium).
Nice. You are an effervescent source/fount of info
Similarly but longer:
Time to be prepared for Anything!
Eh…looks fake and staged.
And not a very good job of it either.
The wife brought a cat-carrier out and it looks like the hubby takes the cat out of the carrier…while they’re both screaming about it.
Poor kitty, getting thrown like that.
Could be, it’s gone viral on twit-world, which I saw after sharing here. The sounds didn’t exactly sound like a housecat though…
The conversation at that guy’s twitter said it was a rabid bobcat & that the guy didn’t realize it when just was getting it off his wife. Apparently this animal would normally be nocturnal & not around people. The man ended up killing it & he & his wife are undergoing the rabies vaccination process since they were both exposed…
Wolf–MUST READ this & dissect it please!!!! Holy Crap!
D Cotts
Replying to @LiberalKant
and @LwCorrie
Or maybe this!!!! https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f631.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f92e.svg
Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR Test Without Knowing | The Liberty Beaconthelibertybeacon.com
Many / most of the masks are tainted, IMO.
Many / most of the tests are tainted, IMO.
Many / most of the vaxes are tainted, IMO.
Buy into ANY of them … and one suffers the consequences, without redress. (Except for the Nuremberg Code… which may take too long, because the intended damage will have been done.)
From Tolkien:
Frodo to Gildor:
“‘I am deeply grateful,’ said Frodo, ‘but I wish you would tell me plainly what the Black Riders are. If I take your advice I may not see Gandalf for a long while, and I ought to know what is the danger that pursues me.'”
Gildor to Frodo:
“‘Is it not enough to know that they are servants of the Enemy?’ answered Gildor. ‘Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly. […]'”
Wise words – and one needn’t be a sleuth to figure out their meaning.
And, IMO, JHU is E.V.I.L.
Well said ES!
Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil & he will flee from you is also applicable!
She’s right. What a crock!
Love MTG…she’s fearless.
physician heal thyself!

Translated from Dutch by
That self-test is quite difficult
I would laugh but these people are serious.
Witches, witchcraft, and Wicca are matriarchies, and their ceremonies involve (indeed require) Lesbianism and pervered sex. Not to mention the occasional human sacrifice. With the blood sacrifice weeks coming up (April 19th through Beltane, May 1), there will probably be a lot of weirdness happening, some of it seemingly false flags and the like… Just what the DEMONRATS love…
Josh Rogin interview on CV origins
Diane Nawn Retweeted

Janice Dean
This was the best interview I’ve heard about the origins of COVID-19. Many media outlets won’t want you to hear it because it debunks what they’ve been feeding you from the start. Well done @megynkelly
. Informative and so well done.
Quote Tweet
The Megyn Kelly Show
· Apr 14
“You’ve got the number one bat coronavirus research lab, which was doing research on how to make these viruses more infectious on humans…”
@JoshRogin on the origins of COVID-19, and the Wuhan lab. Listen below, and download today’s FULL show here:
Megyn Kelly … ugh!
But give credit where credit is due and learn to strategically let bygones be bygones. We have seen President Trump do that with a number of people such as Ted Cruz.
So, I will listen and share and not cut my nose off to spite by face if she is doing the journalist work that no one else is on this subject
Interesting link found in the comments while listening to the above link
Some aspects of what were said, like somewhat disparaging Trump & Pompeo were tedious…
She is working on being a real journalist. Give her time.
megyn + janice = besties from Fox daze
marketing matters

Great tool for incompetent politicians, managers, etc. They can hole-punch their reports, and shoot themselves in the foot at the same time…..
(Kind of like Wally, in Dilbert, directing the annoying newhire manager wannabe to the shredder when he was looking to make a copy for the CEO…)…..
German ruthless efficiency, eh?
Something weird…the guy who ran against Cori Bush in the city for U.S. Rep. was a pretty consistent Twitter user. He’s gone. No sign of him.
This morning Michael DeLauzon is gone again. He posted some stuff yesterday that may have been ill advised.
I saw that MdL was discussing the water in DC & the tunnels but didn’t get a chance to dig deeper. Someone confused by his comments was encouraged to review the last 2 weeks of MdL’s twit-world timeline…
he put out some pretty specific stuff yesterday. I would imagine that had to be scrubbed.
There’s some interesting stuff in some replies to his tweet, that I can still see, even though his account no longer exists…hmmm

Thomas Martin
Replying to
Saw a video of him chasing a motorcade going, i think, into The White House gates, 7 black suv’s, if that was today? Gonna look for it
People in the comments said he’s, presumably referring to MdL is on Telegram…
What was the light colored flag on the first two black vehicles?
It looks an awful lot like one of these to me, which I think would mean it was the Vice-pResident in the car:
no clue, but good catch!
Thank you grandmaintexas for today open thread
.. as always, …awesome (especially the liquor 

.. “Polly keep the kettle on indeed … 

) ..
I pulled up the wokeness y’tube video to view later and took the liberty to pull some info from the “show more” option:
The comments are very good and this is a very stressful load of crap to foist on every human being …
The Heritage Foundation
207K subscribers
Following the death of George Floyd, books such as White Fragility rose on bestseller lists and “anti-racist” training programs saw a massive increase in demand in corporate America and governments at all levels, and concepts like “unconscious bias” and “internalized racial superiority” found their way into everyday conversation. What is the origin of Critical Race Theory that informs much of this training and what are its goals? And, will this new form of identity politics truly heal our nation? Join us for a discussion on the pervasive trends that, under the guise of equality, make diversity training in government, corporate America, and schools pernicious, divisive, and destructive.
James Lindsay, Ph.D., Founder, New Discourses and author of Cynical Theories
Christopher Rufo, Director, Center for Wealth and Poverty, Discovery Institute and Executive Director, The Documentary Foundation
Mike Gonzalez, Senior Fellow, Center for Foreign Policy
Angela Sailor, Vice President, The Feulner Institute
Andrew Olivastro, Director, Coalition Relations
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While not a fan (at all!) of the Pence association, Heritage Foundation is doing some good work. Enjoying being on their alert list and involved in the Sentinals (which is free and requires no donation, fyi)
Thank you, Nikki.
I hope everyone is able to take the time to view that video and get the truth out.
The World wants to hide the truth. We need to shout it from the rooftops.
You’re so welcome Grandma … I have the video que’d to view later. Great post thank you
Happy to do it.
Both of my sons are indoctrinated (need an anti-venom for that crap) my new daughter in law .. and dh … they are all total maskies …

my dh get triggered that I refuse to put a mask on until I hit the door of any stores … nuts)
You must be a Saint. I would be out of my mind. I do have a son who is a maskie but he lives in another state.
>>”he lives in another state”<<
And not just geographically – right?
Sometimes one must laugh, rather than weep …
Ahhahahahaha!!! True on both counts.
Untie all the “heritage foundations” like a rowboat, and allow them to float on down the river. They’re already irrelevant in these times, but publicly embracing Pence was their death knell.
Incoming . . .
To all of you totally awesome magnificent patriot God fearing Qtree posters and lurkers
God bless you all, may He keep you from harm and in His benevolent tender loving care .. you are all such a huge blessing even if you don’t hear it … it’s true you all are keepers of the fire of liberty and faith.
Numbers 6:24-26
“‘“TheLordbless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
In Jesus name amen
I love you all and greatly appreciate everything you do …

Love you back, Nikki.
I boomerang the blessings and love right back atcha Sweet Nikki!

I agree with the sentiment … and even moved to the country to garden (and to be safer) and to drink spring fresh water etc.
But this is fake news/fake quote
We can always rely on you to be you.
I liked it so much I was about to share it so had to verify before putting it out on GOP social media
wish it was true because it would be a great quote
It is a great quote.
Glad you found that.
It does note he said something rather similar, however.
I’m putting this in the nit-picking ridiculous category. Seriously.
Jefferson’s quote:
“Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.”
From the same source as the quote above, there are other quotes addressing the tyranny of government interference. Notes on the State of Virginia contained Jefferson’s firm belief in citizen’s rights to express themselves freely without fear of government or church reprisal and that government’s role is only secular and should not have anything to do with religion.
“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
Jefferson knew that having the government dictate medicine or diet to its citizens was tyrannical, it is evident from a more in-depth look at the quotes in the work that was paraphrased.
It’s fine to “debunk” something as “fake news,” but too often with some people it is just a superior “gotcha.” It’s asinine. Including an explanation would make it less so.
Uh…what did she say?
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/071/716/555/original/797a5406b7781947.mp4" /]
An antidote for the vaccine? To prevent vaccine death?

They’ve worked out all the angles.

I figured that was coming sooner or later.
Wolfmoom1776 – Buffalo Jump being confirmed and realized by others. You were ahead of the curve
Why aren’t more people talking about this?!
Found this on Gab…
Some interesting ingredients in the AstraZeneca vaccine:
these covid “vaccines” are actually turning us into genetically-modified trans-humans.
Return to the Escape from the Planet of the Apes.
Dr. Zira is experimenting on the humans again.
ChiCom fortune cookie say we soon rook rike this…
I have gotten to the point where I look for NON GMO food. I don’t care how much more expensive. Very hard to find non GMO flour and corn products.
GMO is harming us!
Seems like food allergies have been on the rise since GMO food appeared.
And we’ve been fattened up like cattle at a feedlot.
Looking for NON GMO seeds for growing food or flowers is also interesting. One just doesn’t buy a packet of seeds from the display at the grocery store anymore without reading the label carefully.
Baker Creek Seeds puts out a huge catalog every year. Non GMO and heritage, etc., as well as hard to find seeds and lots of exotic seeds.
Thank you so much!
I spend the big bucks to get that catalog. It’s addicting.
CV, https://www.reneesgarden.com
has many, many Heirloom herbs and flowers, including sweet peas (scented) and sunflowers.
Also, https://www.mzbulb.com
has many, many Heirloom bulbs to include all manner of scented narcissi and daffodils.
I have dealt with both for decades, and have never been disappointed. ever.
Finding heirloom and open-pollinated varieties from any of the big commercial seed companies commonly found in the grocery or hardware store is almost impossible now.
A few years ago, they started to disappear, to be replaced by “organic” seeds. Heirloom and open-pollinated seeds can be seed-saved, “organic” only means there were no poisons used. They can be, and usually are, hybrids.
Somebody figured out that if you can buy the seeds and then save them yourself, you don’t have to buy their seeds anymore, so they quit selling heirloom seeds.
Please keep sharing from GAB, Wheatie!!!
Interesting how much information can be brought forth from uncensored social media!
Thanks so much!!! God Bless You!!!
You’re very welcome, Duchess.

Verse of the Day for Friday, April 16, 2021
“For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:”
Isaiah 44:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
wyntre (@Wyntre999) Tweeted:
THEY LIED to harm President Trump and Americans!
Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton found that the force. . .was negligent, unprepared, and under poor leadership to do its job.
https://t.co/h7hZuFNyHM https://t.co/FqbQCF17aR
I had a link to an article stating that many of the force were sent home early that day or told not to come into work. This was a DemCom setup all the way around. I couldn’t find the article but it’s in my info somewhere.
This threadreader is a good refresher on the FF
As soon as it was apparent that it was not in the bag and Jan. 6th was going to be the point of decision, the dems set this FF up to grab the narrative and derail the process. People from our side would have shown up anyway, but they were figuring on manageable numbers that would be very easy to sweep up into their event.
Trump had to have known – so he made the CALL to show up. I am unsure as to whether he was always planning to speak (before he decided to call everyone), but the late speech kept hordes of people away. Bullet proof glass, first and only time. And I’d still like to know what was in that red folder, he didn’t need any notes to speak.
They own this completely. And I don’t believe Ashli Babbitt is dead. Shattered artery in the shoulder and no blood spatter, no blood anywhere? Nope.
Here’s the edit that timed out. Sorry for the repeat.
As soon as it was apparent that it was not in the bag and Jan. 6th was going to be the point of decision, the dems set this FF up to grab the narrative and derail the process. People from our side would have shown up anyway, but they were figuring on manageable numbers that would be very easy to sweep up into their event.
Trump had to have known – so he made the CALL to show up. I am unsure as to whether he was always planning to speak (before he decided to call everyone), but the late speech kept hordes of people away. Bullet proof glass, first and only time. And I’d still like to know what was in that red folder, he didn’t need any notes to speak.
They own this completely. And I don’t believe Ashli Babbitt is dead. Guy appears out of nowhere, and there’s no screaming out a warning? A repeated warning, like you invariably see? Nope. She just moves right into position and boom. Shattered artery in the shoulder and no blood spatter, no blood anywhere? I have definitely watched too many episodes of The First 48. Again, nope.
Fast forward and now people sit in a holding pattern, rudderless. Waiting. Trying to find some way forward – and using “rah-rah 2022” and not wearing a mask at Target as a way to have purpose. The big guns are fighting the fraud battle, and perhaps Arizona will in fact be the first domino. God bless them. We know about the election fraud, the virus fraud, the hypocrisy, the ever-increasing lawlessness without any form of justice. We know everything, and have completely internalized it. We’ve internalized it to the point where no one wants to even hear about the latest outrage. We are all ready to go, but there’s no leader.
I know Juan OS gets an eyeroll here – but even he has said repeatedly . . forget 2022, if you don’t fix 2020 there won’t be another legit election.
Every election gets worse from here – that’s the RULE OF HISTORY – unless there is massive disempowerment of the people who stole the last election.
We literally CANNOT vote our way out of this. We are in a kind of left-fascism with Soviet overtones now.
Yes again. Even voter ID is worthless if not combined with paper ballots and no mail-in aside from legit absentee. No more machines period.
“Even voter ID is worthless if not combined with paper ballots and no mail-in aside from legit absentee. No more machines period.”
Voter ID and paper ballots are worthless.
Any system of voting is worthless now, because the criminal government has already revealed itself.
It is never going to allow a fair election again.
Every kind of ‘voting’ system is worthless now, until or unless the criminals are apprehended and removed from the system.
It’s very simple to understand this way.
Once Al Capone becomes president, it doesn’t matter how ‘good’ your election system is, because it will be sabotaged by the crime syndicate.
If there is voter ID, then they will sabotage the machines.
If the machines are somehow ‘protected’, they will sabotage the count from the machines.
If the count from the machines is ‘protected’, they will sabotage the counters.
If the counters of the ‘protected’ votes from the machine are protected, then the crime syndicate will sabotage the certifiers.
If the certifiers are protected from the crime syndicate, then the crime syndicate will sabotage the electors.
If the electors are protected from sabotage by the crime syndicate, the crime syndicate will resort to the use of force by the highest official.
The highest official is Al Capone.
It’s a circle, there’s no way out.
Al Capone controls the United States Transgender Military.
Initially, once the system is corrupted and the criminals are in charge, the criminals will hide what they’re doing to maintain the illusion of free and fair elections, but they are neither free nor fair.
Once the criminals in charge are revealed and everybody knows (as we do now), there is no incentive for the criminals to hide what they’re doing anymore.
And they certainly won’t stop what they’re doing.
What follows next in order of sequence is for the crime syndicate to commit their crimes in our faces, and defy us to stop them.
That is totalitarianism.
That is where we are now.
There is no ‘voting system’ that ever removes totalitarianism.
Ergo, voter ID and paper ballots are worthless.
Even worse than worthless, they are a false hope, to soothe the feelings of helplessness by We the People, and give us a false goal to waste our efforts and expend our energy on.
Nothing changes, ever again, until or unless the criminal element is removed from power.
If that doesn’t happen, then the only outcome is that the criminal element remains in power.
Voting, whether with IDs or without, whether with paper ballots or without, is irrelevant.
This is also, ultimately, why we have a military.
If the military does not observe their oath and perform their duty in a situation like November 3rd and January 6th and January 20th, then the military is corrupt.
The military becomes the criminal arm, the ‘muscle’, the ‘thug’ behind the crime syndicate.
Supposedly, at least in Hopland, the military is just waiting for the right time to pull their guns and restore order.
Even if that was true, the fact that we are so far beyond anything that has ever happened before in the history of the world — even to a small country, much less to the world’s former remaining superpower — means that we’re counting on something which has never been done before, ever.
It’s like counting on Evel Knievel’s rocket to make it over Snake River Canyon.
It has never been done before.
You don’t put the entire Republic in Evel Knievel’s rocket, and hope for the best.
That’s so far beyond reasonable and responsible that criminal negligence doesn’t even begin to adequately describe it.
So best case scenario, we are counting on or hoping for something which has never happened before — ever — and at best, the position any so-called ‘white hats’ have put the Republic in is, at the extreme very least, criminal negligence.
This is putting the Republic and the entire population of the United States in Evel Knieval’s rocket and hoping we make it.
That’s not a good plan.
It’s not even a plan at all.
It’s suicidal.
Evel Knieval at least had a payoff to look forward to if he made it. It was a huge risk, and he weighed the risk/reward, and he took the risk.
We don’t even have that.
We didn’t get a choice, we had no say.
Or we had a choice, and we made it, and chose DJT in a landslide, and it didn’t matter, because all three branches of the government are corrupt and that only left the military to restore law and order.
Apparently the military went on vacation, and they never came back.
The best equipped most powerful military in the world is a no-show.
Who do we see about that?
A Higher Power.
The battle belongs to…the LORD.
We assist as led. This is difficult for us Americans who have always been CAN DO about stuff.
However, it is the way we are LEFT WITH.
It is the way that brings maximum freedom and maximum glory to God.
“The battle belongs to…the LORD.”
If the battle belongs to the LORD, then why do we have a military in the first place?
Besides functioning as a dishonorable and immoral free clinic for transgender surgery for the mentally deranged?
If the battle belongs to the LORD, why didn’t God defeat the British in 1776?
He certainly could have, He didn’t need our Founding Fathers to accomplish His will.
But if our Founding Fathers had not fought, we would all be speaking with a British accent and have a queen on our currency, instead of an illuminati pyramid with an all-seeing eye.
So we have that going for us…
Why didn’t God defeat Hitler, and leave us out of it?
He certainly could have.
If God did not defeat the British or Hitler by God-decree, if God defeated both through the use of human beings, then by what reason of logic are the circumstances any different for us today?
Of course He uses us. But in such a way that all may seem lost, that the only hope is in Him, that all the glory will be seen to be His.
The Founding Fathers knew that God, Providence, was with them, else all was lost.
The whole Illuminati canard is silly. The Founding Fathers were not what we currently understand as Illuminati.
“The whole Illuminati canard is silly. The Founding Fathers were not what we currently understand as Illuminati.”
I was not being serious about that part, which is why I followed it with the “so we have that going for us“, paraphrasing the conclusion of the speech Carl Spackler (Bill Murray) gave in Caddyshack, about caddying for the Dali Llama

Why didn’t God… ? Free will…
That’s why the people who actually give a shit are in a holding pattern. The big guns with some clout are managing to keep a “message” going, and no one can make “Trump just did a 180 and walked away” lock into place, mentally. Those are the only two handles left for people to grab, aside from the solace of like-minded friends and family.
And the holding pattern always circles around to . . there has to be something more that we don’t see.
“That’s why the people who actually give a shit are in a holding pattern.”
If you mean supposed ‘white hats’, that’s not their job, ‘holding pattern’ is nowhere in their job description (past, present or future), nowhere in the rule of Law, and nowhere in the Constitution.
“And the holding pattern always circles around to . . there has to be something more that we don’t see.”
I’m sure there a millions of things we don’t see, and if you add them all up, in aggregate, they are irrelevant and an excuse.
There is nothing in the Constitution about “things we don’t see” allowing the suspension of lawful government or God-given rights.
There is literally no excuse which can lawfully be given, which does not violate the charter of our Republic.
There are only excuses.
From here to the Moon and back.
And every one of those excuses is worth exactly what we paid for them.
The people who give a crap are US. And I myself cannot believe that Trump would do the 180 and relegate himself to crashing weddings under his own roof and making meaningless endorsements with no hope of a legit election. You are certainly correct though that there is no hope without the purge and disposal.
And since we can’t see the way forward, I assume, at this point at least, that the path is hidden for reasons.
We need economic rebellion. Boycott their corporations. Reduce the stream of revenue going to the gov’t. We need to collapse them by destroying their wallet. Other acts of civil disobedience should be engaged in as well. Whatever sand we can throw in the gears to bring it all to a screeching halt.
Yes. Our strength for the moment is our economic clout.
Starve the beasts.
My husband went to Walmart to get kitty litter way cheaper . That is the only thing he buys there,
He said there are American flags everywhere in the store outside the store.
I was thinking did they get the message that it is the deplorable you go to WalMart not the elite .
In my opinion, they know what side their bread is buttered, but they play to both sides.
I think you’re right. I’m thinking that plans to effect a GENERAL STRIKE starting on July 4 are the way to go. They will fight like hell, but I think we can make it BIBLICAL.
“I’m thinking that plans to effect a GENERAL STRIKE starting on July 4 are the way to go.”
That sounds like an excellent idea.
Will try to begin a discussion of this soon!
I’ll be out there if it gets set up. State capitol, Carson City that is.
Hope to NEVER even drive through DC again.
One thing we have on our side is clear vision. We’ve learned that half of what we purchase is unnecessary and being dislodged from being manipulated by advertising is helpful. The other thing is the great lesson that DJT taught us..we’re strong when we’re united. Praying we can make a difference in some way.
WWG1WGA was the greatest validation of Q ever.
That was it for me.
Other than staying very well prepped, my buying has dwindled since January 6th.
Yep. It hurts, doesn’t it…
Based on Millie Weaver’s work, as well as my own, I am 100% certain that Stop The Steal (which began IMMEDIATELY upon Trump not conceding on Election Night) was on off-the-shelf “controlled opposition” operation that was already fully planned BEFORE the election. Ali jumped in to take control of things by a plan that may have gone all the way back to Barr bailing out Mueller. In fact, part of why we know it was a set-up is that it was too pre-planned, and many participants like McConnell and SCOTUS were (IMO) being told to follow scripts that look stupid and clunky in hind-sight.
This was ALL gamed out to make sure Trump was gone.
ONE TERM was the maximum they would allow Trump. ALL resources were used to remove him.
The depth of outrage over this subversion of our rights is like the darkness of a black hole.

But that theory, or any like it, ultimately depends on a VSG POTUS to be Chauncey Gardiner.
He would have to be:
1) unaware of the certain attempt to steal the election
2) unaware that the people ‘assisting’ him with ‘stop the steal’ were not really trying to help him and certainly wouldn’t succeed in changing anything — despite decades of reading people and seeing through deceptions and motivations far less obvious than these
3) unaware that all resources would be used to remove him, and therefore having no plan to deal with that obvious and certain fact
How can any of those be true — much less all three — and POTUS still retain the intellectual capacity to be able to tie his own shoes?
LOL. I think not.
Sorry, but I have to be blunt here. You’ve drifted into a kind of series of “bad proofs by strawman assertion of logical extremes”, and this one is no exception. This one denies the reality of exactly what Q called it over and over – GAME THEORY – meaning in this case, two strong and well-matched opponents, one playing by relaxed rules which the other side can’t accept as legitimate, but which must APPEAR to follow the agreed rules to a variable extent.
You keep drifting into “Trump must be”, “Trump would have to be”, etc., always out at some extreme, none of which come close to accepting the reality that the forces opposing Trump were incredibly strong and resourceful – very much like the forces supporting Trump, but with more power and more embedding.
Even more importantly, a rule-obeying majority and a rule-breaking minority will form a balanced opposition where “extreme actions” suit NEITHER intelligent player. That may not suit YOU, but it suits Trump and me just fine, and basically explains why extreme immediate solutions tend not to gain traction.
Add on top of that the fact that NONE of your three postulates fall out of what I was thinking, as far as I can see. And NO, I won’t waste my time disproving them, any more than I would disprove three random, barely-connected assertions alleged to follow from 2 + 2 = 4.
Chauncey Gardiner? Really? ABSURD.
Thank you. I like Scott, and some of his hits have been out-of-the-park home runs, but this schtick is officially old and moldy.
“but this schtick is officially old and moldy.”
Why not just defeat the argument then?
I mean, I have never heard of someone complaining that someone else should stop making an argument, because the other person can’t defeat it…

“You keep drifting into “Trump must be”, “Trump would have to be”, etc., always out at some extreme,”
Extreme examples are useful for making a point.
“That may not suit YOU, but it suits Trump and me just fine, and basically explains why extreme immediate solutions tend not to gain traction.”
And yet I’ve been calling for a general strike since when… December of last year, at least?
If it was extreme then, but not now, was I wrong or was I just early?
Is it my thinking that’s wrong, or my conclusion?
I think the faulty method may lead to a bad conclusion, but I don’t want to get sidetracked on either of those, because ridding your argumentation of the strawman is a more worthy task.
The reliance on a strawman (earlier, as assertions which “must” follow my reasoning – sorry – no way – total strawman) continues here, by asserting that a new example which was not what I discussed previously is somehow relevant as an example of what WAS being confronted. It’s not.
But ANYWAY, on that new subject, I would actually make the argument that the enemy will most likely successfully confront a general strike by virtue of the same reasoning of somewhat locked game play at which they’re skilled. The other side has excellent strike-breaking techniques, some quite evil. They stopped several trucker’s strikes easily by the right pressure in the right places. They have plenty of time to concoct a plan by July 4.
“The reliance on a strawman (earlier, as assertions which “must” follow my reasoning – sorry – no way – total strawman) continues here,”
That’s very crafty how you did that, you asserted that I made a Strawman argument, without any evidence, and then defeated your own assertion, as if I had made a Strawman argument.
You actually constructed a Strawman argument by asserting I was making a Strawman argument

This isn’t that complicated though.
Was Trump not aware of the certain attempt to steal the election?
It’s a valid question, isn’t it?
Was Trump not aware that the people ‘assisting’ him with ‘stop the steal’ were not really trying to help him and certainly wouldn’t succeed in changing anything — despite decades of reading people and seeing through deceptions and motivations far less obvious than these?
Again, perfectly valid question, isn’t it?
Was Trump not aware that all resources would be used to remove him?
Isn’t that a valid question?
It’s not a Strawman, they are valid questions.
Pretty basic ones.
If he was aware of all three things mentioned above — can anyone credibly deny it? — then how could he be taken by surprise by any of them, and/or not anticipate and prepare for each of them?
There is no Strawman there, I erected no argument which I ascribed to anyone else in order to defeat it and in doing so pretend like I had defeated someone else’s argument (definition of a Strawman).
I asked a series of basic questions, of which the reader can draw the intended (and obvious) conclusions, or contest the obvious conclusions, or present possible other conclusions.
Where is the ‘Strawman’ in that process?
“But ANYWAY, on that new subject, I would actually make the argument that the enemy will most likely successfully confront a general strike by virtue of the same reasoning of somewhat locked game play at which they’re skilled.”
I guess the meaning of ‘general strike’ needs to be better defined.
For months I have been suggesting that Trump’s supporters, all across America, go on a general strike.
Essentially shut down the country by no longer participating, in just about anything. We all basically take a vacation for the next several months, or however long it takes, to force matters to a head.
If we are united, there is no way they can confront and defeat more than half the country, and a lot of the Lefties would join in secretly, because it would be fun, it would be ‘in thing’.
Would it entail some pain to ourselves? Certainly. Would it be as hard as crossing the Delaware in the middle of the night in freezing temperatures, risking our lives? Not at all.
Ideally there would be no direct confrontation with anyone. We just go on permanent vacation until the system breaks.
No travel necessary, no conflict or confrontation, no laws being broken. We just WITHDRAW the CONSENT of the GOVERNED.
If we did that, if we could do JUST that much, we would win. The country can’t function if anywhere near half of us simply stop playing along.
For one thing, there is no ‘ready to go’ substitute work force to take everyone’s jobs. Some yes, but not most.
The police and the military make up a small fraction of the general population. They can’t be everywhere at once, and WE are everywhere at once.
We could engage in civil disobedience, coordinated via social media, and as soon as one ‘protest’ or road blockage or whatever is confronted by authorities, we stand down and go away. While another one, or ten other ones, or a hundred other ones start up in different places all over the country.
At the first sign of confrontation, we retreat. No conflict. Melt back into the general population. They can’t be everywhere, but we can.
The creativity of the American People is not in any shortage, We the People could take these kinds of ideas and run with them, far beyond anything I have suggested here.
I’ve been making the argument for months. It’s completely do-able, if we want to do it.
If there is a will to do it.
If there isn’t, then what would he have the will to do?
Stop the Steal corrupt? IDK about the national level but Not on the local level.
Everyone intimately involved in the Stop the Steal in TN are MAGA through and through as known by their track record of the last 4 yrs and by what they are doing now to continue to MAGA. We started organizing Wed morning (I asked, do we have a permit or are we getting a permit for Nash rally/protest and was told “The Constitution is our permit!” … ok, got busy!) and didn’t hear about stop the Steal until thurs night or Friday. Worked with people from other parts of the state and made it happen.
Now, on the national level … IDK
But on the state level of TN it was grassroots and MAGA conservatives who are continuing to work hard now. Saw some of the other key organizers at other rallies/protests here in TN just 2 weeks ago (protesting vaccines/religious exemptions).
Robby Starbuck announced his run for Congress at our rallies … just one example. I mention him as he is frequently posted here by others.
We started organizing 100% grassroots and I know because I was part of that from Wed after the election forward.
National level … ??? But the national level did nothing for us in TN other than have a website and help get out the word.
And many of us (not me personally but H & son) were there in DC on 1/6 as attendees and did not go into the Capitol and were not involved in the violence.
What you say is EXACTLY why well-crafted controlled opposition is so effective.
Stop The Steal was STARTED “faux organically”, AT THE TOP (very important), by an outsider who has far more connection to Trump’s ENEMIES than to Trump’s true friends, but all those connections are OBSCURED. It was a VERY smart plan.
Millie and Bergy had to dig very deep, but I am positive they found the truth.
Yes, Stop The Steal filled up with a lot of VERY MAGA, VERY loyal, VERY grassroots, VERY trustworthy conservatives and Trump supporters. I would wager that ALL of the state organizations were clean, as far as the people organizing. I know that the folks leading the rallies I went to were solid, smart, pro-Trump, and no fools.
It was JUST like Charlottesville and “Unite The Right”. Smart, “crisis-precipitated”, off-the-shelf, ready-to-go, controlled opposition.
Yes, and they refused the National Guard in order to allow their “riot” plan to go forward.
Great to hear from you, milady.
I hope that all is well with you and your family.
Globalist Ghoul Gates: “A third vaccination is needed for the South African Variant.”
And a 2nd hell no.
Here it is from gab.
Another side effect story. One of my brothers had his second shot on Friday. No problem until exactly 12 hours later. He was sick as a dog, barely could move for several hours. Finally subsided. It was Moderna
This is horrible. Hope there are no lingering side effects.
Hope so too. He swore he’d never get another but I truly believe he would. The fear narrative is so effective that normally rational people override their instincts, imo
My dad is pretty fatigued from his second Moderna. It’s been about 30 hours, so beyond extra sleeping, nothing. Crossing fingers.
Good. He’s out of the bullseye, but it’s 2 weeks to be sure.
I know.
Moderna does that I was told.
Oh no…sorry to hear that, Molly.
I hope he’s okay.
Molly – I have a theory. BOTH the disease AND the vaccine are contraceptive by virtue of the spike protein. That is why the full spike protein is a hidden untouchable. That is why the China buy-in. Overall, they will lower human fertility in a kind of random way. I think somebody discovered that infection with the prior 4 weak coronas correlated with forced menses, and from there somebody came up with a plan. SARS1 was on the way. SARS2 was amped up and multi-purposed to remove Trump – too obvious – now we understand.
I am torn on the reports of weird menses by the unjabbed. This could be disinformation to quell the correlation (most likely), real suspicions by real people, but promoted by social media to effect counter-information (part of the previous), or people getting the disease or new asymptomatic variants.
The ideal contraceptive virus would have no symptoms other than abortion or contraception. The ideal vaccine to go with it likewise.
Edit: idea —> ideal
This is monstrous.
My Catholic mind says this is the result of a world that has been aborting babies for a couple generations now.
We all wanted babies at our convenience and not God’s timing.
Now, the judgment is: you won’t have babies on yours or anyone else’s timing.
meanwhile, other cultures promote maximum reproduction…
and faux biden still didnt fking win
Americans must recover a sense of family.
Shared sacrifice and lots of kids, if possible.
We had four kids in my family and except for one other family with one child, we had the least amount of kids on the block. From five to 10 kids per family on one block.
IMO the most honest way to deal with population is PREVENTING mass migration and creating strong feedback on those who have children, creating a virtuous balance of reward and responsibility at the individual and family level.
Note that the LEFT has broken every one of those healthy and strong parts of an HONEST system, using “excessive, unwise, and unjust sympathy for the exception”.
My parents had five and in our parish that was average.
It’s coming back, but slowly. I know a lot of people with three.
It is getting better. I think we are seeing a change happening.
I know people who had to stop due to health reasons after one or two, but they had wanted more.
And that is a legit reason. I am not a zealot on huge families, but the general drift of replacement kids (2 to a family) is just plain against the command to be fruitful and multiply.
I came to this late in life because I was raised by a feminist, mainly CINO mama. God love her, she started to wake up late in life and even voted for President Trump.
My one great-great grandmother had 13 make it to adulthood. Rumor has it there were 18 altogether, but the records would be in Spain.
Another GGM had 13, and then divorced her husband.
The others top out at 8 or 9, but my grandparents, between them, had 24 siblings. Not all lived past infancy, though.
Wow! My family tree was not too productive in recent generations. My mom started a trend with four.
Yeah, well, the Acadians were the ones with 8-10 usually. The Spaniards…that particular family was unique. The Irish as a rule started late, so family size was limited, and that’s a cultural thing. I mean, one set of great grandparents, she was 35 when they married and they had six. The oldest was from a previous marriage.
It’s random people so hard to tell if it’s good info or not but if it has any merit..it’s diabolical
Remember – to be REAL it needs a scientific mechanism. But I suspect that there is absolute desperation to keep the contraceptive aspects of the spike protein under “rumor control” as a “conspiracy theory”. There is no obvious way for the non-jabbed to get the effect other than the disease. By releasing this phony information, they effectively discredit reports by honest randos as same-same noise. The problem – the honest rando reports have both precedence AND mechanism on their side, but now even more the generation of disinfo.
Everything is adding up, though. WE THE PEOPLE are their greatest danger. Getting control of our reproduction is critical.
They’ve made progress with the social constructs. Pushing same sex romance, gender dysphoria, masks even…they’ve totally disrupted natural flirting/dating with the lockdowns which is creating subtle psychosis about physical interaction and now with chemicals.
Yes, it all points the same way. In some ways, I see their game, because I sympathize. Humanity getting control of its reproduction is not an inherently bad thing – indeed, it’s a critical part of civilization – but IMO doing so honestly is key.
The JOYS God wants for humanity (and beyond) are being destroyed by those who have EVIL DESIGNS.
Could it be something horomonal, like when women spend a lot of time together and end up having the same cycle? Could the unvaxxed be picking up on the altered horomones from the vaxxed?
Very good question
Picking up a VIRUS makes sense, but the other stuff (IMO) simply could not have as STRONG and IMMEDIATE an effect as what is being reported. IMO the reports of biologically non-sensible stuff are most likely disinformation, followed by random occurrences being noted promoted as disinformation.
“Chinese masked citizen falling down” disinformation. Staged or promoted, same thing.
We have to get used to the fact that they are dumping lies at an incredible rate now.
Or something psychosomatic, as CMinTN implies re menstrual periods.
I’m definitely not a denier of the power of the mind to influence the body, but I’ve also been a witness to how the other side has weaponized both sides of the mind-body thing to gaslight us both ways. They play with our heads all day long, suggesting there is physical reality to their lies and social suggestions, but yet AT THE SAME TIME they also make stealthy use of secret medical and pharmacological knowledge and then CLAIM it’s all in our heads. More people have knowledge of the former than the latter.
I haven’t closely examined the menstrual synchronization “popular scientific knowledge” to discern if it is “fake science”, but very seriously – if something appears on PBS, it needs extra scrutiny. Once I did my own tests to determine that PBS was lying about mask hypoxia and mask cognitive deficit, I really took a quantum leap in understanding how bad Fake Science actually is – meaning about as bad as Fake News and Fake Entertainment.
Somebody on Gab posted an extraordinary meme, which explained how phony, “top-down”, Fake Science is worked WITHIN the scientific community, to create false consensus. I was overjoyed to see it. People are running ahead of me on this stuff. Science has prided itself on how it cannot be fooled. Uri Geller and James Randi showed the PUBLIC how wrong that was – but few paid attention to the fact that genius scientist Sidney Gottlieb of CIA MKULTRA fame recruited magicians to train the CIA.
Anyway, “circling back” from all that, I feel like some of the symptoms I’m seeing are so far beyond suggestion, self-suggestion, or even “real but misattributed”, that it HAS to be the spike protein. The spike protein is a rough customer, IMO, and I am certain Occam’s razor, unblinded by deception, has found the center of the battlefield!
I’ll tell you what, while I was recovering from the bug last year, the clock stopped, as it were, for a couple months. I figure I was cannibalizing the iron. Since then…not menopausal yet.
VERY interesting.
Gotta say, I wish I had a lab – I’d be running that spike protein and every part thereof through every hormonal test I could find.
And then I’d be looking through the literature to figure out WHO became aware of WHAT and WHEN they became aware.
You have to understand, though, with women, that happens more often than you might imagine when you’re sick. There’s a lot of nutrients there. And, remember, we were all eating extra servings of red meat for the iron.
Now just take what you said, back to a comparison of viruses. Somebody HAD to have been working on this problem a LONG time ago. The DATA is there – right now – flu test vs. menstrual symptoms.
Fake Science has been a LOT smarter than it has been admitting publicly. Just shocked. It’s way bigger than I ever imagined – and I walked right through the Valley of the Shadow of Death by Science, thinking it was an amusement park, and figured out it wasn’t.
I will say I had indications of cycles happening, just not the, ahem, messy stuff.
And that would be neatly explained by the timing of the same effect “under the sine wave”. Catch it before the rise, and there is never a rise. Catch it after the rise, things get messy. Catch it during the large excursion into pregnancy – very bad things. ALL by the same hormonal effect in the same direction.
Sounds like they’re messing with progesterone and forcing it to drop with the shots.
That’s exactly what I’m thinking – that .the spike protein has antiprogestogenic activity – either directly or more likely by interfering with some hematological sensitivity of the menstrual cycle, basically saying “it’s over, pack your bags, system”.
Would that be strictly the shot or the virus?
Both, IMO. And THAT is the “why” of using the full spike protein for the vaccines. Well, except – very interestingly – the Army, and that old vaccine researcher in Germany that Merkel threatened with arrest.
THe reason I ask is that the pause was during RECOVERY, not DURING the virus itself.
That latency sounds reasonable. The disease does a certain amount of genetic incorporation, causing a lingering cascade of viral fragments that triggers the tests. Could easily have a continued biological activity. Which, of course, would be a PLUS for anybody wanting that activity as a “reality hack”.
Can someone please remind me again, what medical qualifications Billy Gates has?
For instance, has he ever played a doctor on TV?
Has he ever spent the night at a Holiday Inn?
If the answers to both of those are ‘no’, and he doesn’t even have a medical degree from a Caribbean correspondence school, then how is it that anyone cares — at all — what Billy Gates thinks about disease, or vaccination, or South Africa?
Why aren’t we getting vaccine advice from Joe Rogan?
Or Hulk Hogan?
Or Arnold Schwarzenegger?
They’re all at least as qualified to render medical advice as Billy Gates is.
Revolver has more on the sergeant being made an example of because “wokeness” reigns.
Im not sure i likev5he approach at the end of the article, but Pentland does not deserve whats happening. The black guy is DD and has no social impulse control. Probably cant find a girlfriend so he’s just grabbing. Whats going to happen when he starts stalking middle school girls bc he’s able to hold onto them? Hes going to rape if it gets far enough.
Not buying the black guy as being mentally unstable. Likely a forward defense to make sure no one looks too deeply into the other encounters. The guy was playing to the camera and the camera was being held by someone he knows. His actions demonstrated that he understood the law as far as his right to be in a public place. He asked the Drill if he was cop and also asked the drill if he was drunk saying he could smell alcohol on his breath. The other encounters sound like strike one and strike two in attempts to get the same type response he finally got out of the drill sgt. I’m sticking with Aubergine’s Razor on this one.
Found on Gab:

He came to the US from Liberia at 11.
Doesn’t think cops need guns, a woke progressive.
Gotta wonder why he’s here and what he gas been taught.
That’s ridiculous. All the thugs and criminals live and die by their guns so the police force would be nothing but target practice for them.
All of these American foreigners like this guy, Tlib, Omar and others that show up here from the most violent countries on earth spouting dismantle the police, no guns, etc…why the hell didn’t they stay in their own countries and fix things there? Rhetorical question. We know why. America must fall just like the cabal is working toward
Yup. Spit.
The 2-day event in Tulsa is live streaming on rhema.tv. There’s an itinerary at:
ALL the info is at Patrick Byrne’s telegram. I have family in Tulsa, would love to be there.
Cool! Thanks for the info!
Great work grandma!
I’ve been out of the loop with vacationers invading LOL
Thank you!
Lucky you — and lucky vacationers!
May the good Lord bless all of you.
face off

Liz Graham or Lindsey Cheney https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f923.svg
they look like Liberal lefties…esp the one on the Left there.
Miss Lindsey looks like a confused Cheney, dressed as a dude.
The overlords will never let Covid go.

Coulter’s Law in effect for last night’s FedEx mass shooting. Eight people are dead, name of suspect hasn’t been released, FBI is refusing to speculate on a motive, and coroner claims they haven’t been able to access the scene. Also, it’s Ramadan.
Bonus: First thing I thought of when I heard about this was that story last October where someone intercepted Tucker Carlson’s Hunter Biden laptop info from a FedEx facility. Just going to throw out the possibility we might be looking at some Deep State or military op gone wrong. Fits in with the FBI intentionally stalling.
Yeah, something is up.
The whole thing is getting weird.
Is the shooter in custody? …Is he alive?
They haven’t said, but it sounds like he’s alive.
And they keep calling him “gunman” instead of ‘shooter’.
Is the FBI keeping the coroner’s office personnel out?
The current narrative is that the shooter killed himself.
The bottom line is that if the shooter was a white man or if this was one their usual false flags, then they would have had the info ready to go for the 4 am talking points/morning news cycle.
Killed himself…with a rifle?

It’s possible, I guess.
But seems like it would be hard to do.
Could be a Biden-barrel firearm.
“Is the FBI keeping the coroner’s office personnel out?”
Coroner probably just got lost, can’t find the crime scene.
Or blacked out, repeatedly, on the way to the scene, due to mask Hypoxia.
Probably some of both, they’re both excellent reasons.
Or the coroner may have had a previously scheduled transgender surgery that conflicted with the timing of the shooting, so the FIB is holding the scene until the coroner recovers.
I’m sure it’s some perfectly legitimate reason, like any of these.
nerdy looking male eye-witness describing shooting starting just as he & a buddy were sitting down to lunch. After several shots fired they saw someone retrieve a weapon from a vehicle in the parking lot. Maybe someone used their gun to stop the shooter???
Maybe they need time to scrub the internet about him.
Akways…thats the ticket. Plus the cops saud theyve been to his house but dont know who he is. Yes, literally
Just saw this on Zero Hedge…
From the article…
Law enforcement sources confirm to @PeteWilliamsNBC that the Indianapolis gunman was [19] year old Brandon Scott Hole,” NBC’s Antonia Hylton tweeted.
According to CNN, “the suspect in the Indianapolis mass shooting was known to federal and local authorities prior to the attack. A family member of the suspected shooter reached out to authorities warning about the suspect’s potential for violence, according to three law enforcement sources briefed on the matter.”
The suspected gunman killed himself shortly before police arrived.
“Update (1703 ET): FBI says it interviewed Brandon Scott Hole,19, last year after police made a mental health call to his home.”
Oh man, can you believe it?
The FIB already had previous contact with this guy before the shooting?
What are the chances of that ever happening?
I know, right?
I mean, it’s not like they knew the 9/11 terrorists ahead of time or anything. Or virtually EVERY nutjob psychopath to aim a weapon of any description into a crowd of innocents in the last twenty years.
The FIB knows ALL about any decent, law-abiding American protesting an illegitimate election, but they don’t know shit when an actual maniac is in their cross-hairs.
On the other hand, FIB director Wray is in the running to be the next Miss Clairol, so I guess we can console ourselves with that.
FBI has a track record
And it’s leading up to Beltane/Walpurgisnacht, the 19th April to 1st May… Blood (human) sacrifices required for Satanists… not the 19th yet, but maybe they wanted to get an early start…
I read that lots of Sikhs live in that area, and work for FedEx. Do muslims not like them?
Nope, the Mozzies hate them.
Then again, the Mozzies hate anyone who isn’t Moslem, but they hide/temper that behind Taqiyyah…. Ramadan-a-ding-dong…
The annual Ramadan Bomb-a-thon is a festival combining the best elements of transcendent joy and high explosives.
I wish they’d have that party in their pants.
No kidding.
Don’t forget hating and killing any Muslims who are the “wrong sort”.
Muzzies don’t like anybody, not even other muzzies.
Or to say it another way, muzzies will murder anybody.
Including other muzzies.
Sikhs tend to make good auditors. Each male carries a ceremonial dagger, the kirpan, meant to separate lies from truth. They are forbidden from cutting their hair, and generally wear turbans to keep it under control — they are always worn like formalwear, sometimes ornately wrapped and always very clean and neat.
They’re not quite Gurkha, but there are some similarities. They come from a rough neighborhood and survived by being fiercely honorable.
Train robbery, with Gurkha — https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/nepalese-warrior-train-robbery/
Note: The girl cried for help, saying ´You are a soldier, please save a sister.’ I prevented her from being raped, thinking of her as my own sister.
She said the “magic words”.
One probable reason the casualty count was relatively low is that seeing a khukri, screaming “Aieee! Gurkha!”, abandoning ones plunder, and diving off a moving train in hill country is likely seen as a survival skill in those parts.
I read about them this morning. Four of the Indiana dead were Sikhs, three of them women. Sad. They seem like a very devout people.
Some Sikhs will work with Muslims, most won’t. Too many centuries of warfare between the two.
From the Punjab…. Daler Mehndi.
Just like an outsized proportion of Vietnamese have names that include Nguyen or Tran (these were royal factions at one point, sort of like “Democrat” and “Republican” back when names were more fluid things). In certain villages, it was an advantage to be a Nguyen, so that’s what you were if you lived there.
Similarly, a large number of Sikh men are named “Singh” (lion), and a great many Sikh women are named “Kaur” (princess).
And, as you can see in the video, Sikhs have little problem with being worldly and having a sense of humor.
The five sacred objects are kesh (uncut hair), kara (a bracelet of iron or steel), kirpan (a sacred knife), kachera (a specific cotton undergarment….see “Mormon”), and kanga (a small wooden comb for keeping your kesh under control). Security tends to freak out about kirpans, but when it gets escalated properly, they are generally allowed. Randomly murdering people with a kirpan would be unthinkably vile.
They tend to bristle up and get cranky when asked to lie or fudge — which is precisely when I tend to bristle up and get cranky, so I get along with them well.
aloha snackbar…
“The F.B.I. special agent in charge of the Indianapolis Field Office, Paul Keenan, said it was too early to speculate on a motive.”
The entire nature of ‘speculation’ is to guess, without conclusive facts or evidence.
So by definition, it cannot ever be too early to ‘speculate’…
And this is the guy in charge of the FIB operation…
Won’t guess a motive for this killer, but happy to guess the motivations of any old white Trump supporter for doing anything.
Well, I flubbed that one (unless the named shooter is just a patsy). An anagram of Brandon Scott Hole is “nonactor.” Look at the ridiculous coverage of this. AP couldn’t make it past the second paragraph before the agenda pushing.
Gotta push the Asian meme.
But seriously – this guy had prior contact with FIB. MK special, IMO.
Did you see the pic? Total MK affect.
That Adam Lanza look.
It’s so popular at all the FF soirees….
Have not seen it yet, but can believe it!
For your examination — https://abc7ny.com/fedex-shooting-indianapolis-fed-ex-active-shooter/10518568/ [it’s not the one I had seen before, but it was quick].
Yeah, there is some weird stuff going on there.
future proves past

Holy Bat Crap Robin!
Interesting proof of the Great Flood.
Widely believed to have happened 2370 BCE, added to 2021 would be 4,391 years.
The story below says they found a pile of guano which has recorded history for the last 4,300 years.
4300 years of human history = pile of bat shit.
Sounds about right to me.
Biden’s Administration was a pile of bat shit in much less than 43 days!
Thank you. Fully agree.
According to Genesis, God created Adam from dust.
We have a high opinion of ourselves.
America’s Friendship with Israel is Changing for the Worse
Lindell’s free speech platform startting tonight!
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4b8.svg𝐁𝐔𝐘𝐃𝐄𝐍$ 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑$𝐄 ™
Does everyone have their confirmation codes for #FrankSpeech? https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f609.svg
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/23f0.svg AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/23f0.svg
I for one, am very excited to start creating on a new platform! #TrumpLady is too!
It will be like we’re starting fresh! https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f603.svg
I notice that Torba is really stirring it over there, re-posting comments about Lindell supposedly banning cuss words and “lying about someone” on his platform. Trying to make it sound like Sunday school as opposed to free speech. I get a funky, not-quite-right vibe from Torba.
Lindell’s new platform can do nothing but steal from Gab, IMO, although it will likely steal MORE from Parler and THE MOST from Twitter.
hmmm, yet another thing to throw into the hopper. I would guess people that are well settled & connected on Gab won’t just automatically jump ship, though they may Choose to expand their repertoire!
What bothers me particularly over there is that Donald J Trump placeholder account that claims to recycle twitter “archives” and official statements from Trump. That account keeps posting stuff you cannot find either at 45office.com or donaldjtrump.com — today it’s a bunch of stuff claiming to be Trump hailing the vaccines. Some people keep interjecting “fake Trump account” between the negative commentary.
I think Torba has issues. He’s pissed that Trump didn’t just come running there. A little too full of himself I’d say.
Here’s a sample. Creates lots of outrageous negative replies, and some that question, and some that know it’s a fake account.
very interesting & rather telling…
“I would guess people that are well settled & connected on Gab won’t just automatically jump ship, though they may Choose to expand their repertoire!”
If it isn’t a free speech platform, if it’s the equivalent of RINO politics in cyberspace, the people who care about not having to second-guess everything they say for fear of the Thought Police will leave it quickly.
You can’t go into a competitive marketplace and offer less than what is already available.
Sorry, but if I wanna cuss, I’m gonna. And if that is enough to get me kicked out, oh well.
No plans to sign up for Frank. But IF, I do, I’ll speak my mind. IF I get tossed, oh well.
Wondering what Trump will launch on the Internet as alternatives to FB, TW, Gab, Frank… My guess is Trunmp will launch a Grand Slam Internet alternative for Patriots.
As an aside, I did the Gab pro thing to be Gap supportive. Still don’t spend fifteen minutes on Gab in any given week. Don’t have the inclination to truly figure it out.
NOT enough hours for all the options out there. Since 20 January, have cut way back on Internet in general.
QTree gets vast majority of my online time.
Mine, too. I read some news, peek at Gab during lunch sometimes. I don’t know how many more “social media” platforms I’m willing to attempt.
I think they are ruining society anyway.
Good points…remains to see how things will shake out
Unfortunately, I cannot get a VIP invite from outside the US. I will have to wait for the main launch on Monday…I guess.
After at least Some of the bugs get “worked out”!!!
7 Great Home Defense Options For When Guns Are Banned
Being tracked?
Wild Wild Wet Market
Find Out If Google Is Tracking You With New FloC System
Find Out If Google Is Tracking You With New FloC System
Google is ramping up its monopoly on tracking users with a new system called FloC, or Federated Learning of Cohorts”. It is currently in test mode with some Chrome users, and you can quickly find…technocracy.news
“………Google) will be able to analyze traffic from millions of users to figure out what the members of a particular FLoC have in common……..”#
Shouldn’t that be Flock.
of sheeple!
Grandma, you always deliver fantastic posts. So…I’m reading along, and there’s the name Dr. Francis Collins. I just posted this over at Marica’s:
GMT mentions Dr. Francis Collins. The same Francis Collins who wrote, “The Language of God”??? “A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief” The Same Dr. Francis Collins who was head of the Human Genome Project? Shocking.
This is a guy who professes faith in God and Scripture. His book was published in 2006. What happened to him that he’d go along with violating the law against experimental Gain of Function?
Excerpt (Dr. Peter Navarro) from Grandma’s QTree post:
“As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab.
Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.”
People like Fauci and Collins begin to believe their own hype. Collins is actually a much smarter man than Fauci, but I’d sure like to hear how he justifies what was done by ignoring the dangers of Gain of Function research.
Wiki is okay for background on Dr. Collins.
Thank you, Lady Penquin.
I had no idea about Dr. Collins. Will now be investigating. Sometimes Providence does the work of exposing things without us even knowing.
You are most welcome. It was like a little bell went off in my mind, and I ran upstairs to check my nightstand – I have his book there for when I have time to read it.
It’s been there awhile.
Up until he ignored the restricted Gain of Function, he seemed an okay guy. I see him as much smarter than Fauci. Wonder what Collins thinks of this now.
Fauci we know thinks of himself as some kind of Godlike critter.
I wonder if he thought he was doing it for an American defense weapon. But even that is horrendous.
Collins is a CINO, sad to say…
Yep… it will be harder to pull off an investigation of Collins than of Fauci. Start with Craig Ventor, the one really responsible for the leaps forward with the Human Genome Project or actually don’t bother. Collins has had all that history rewritten. Not that it stopped Ventor as he continues to do leaps and bounds.
Most eveyone going after him was white. Hispanics are more prevalent too.
As much as it is strange that these sicko’s keep being outed as ‘known’ to FeeBIe people, I would be careful wishing for FeeBIe people to start rounding up any potential ‘rads’ as most patriots could fall under that category under evil dems and their rule-changing, definition-stretching methods…
and faux biden didnt win
Agree with you. The criteria for being radical has changed . It’s becoming weaponized to label people for the govt’s agenda
The mass shooter who is responsible for the shooting deaths of eight people at an Indiana FedEx facility has been identified as 19-year-old Brandon Scott Hole.
Law enforcement sources disclosed the identity of the shooter to NBC News.
The suspect was known to be a threat to law enforcement, however, the individual was able to carry out one of the worst mass shooting incidents of 2021.
“Authorities were warned about FedEx suspect’s potential for violence in the past, sources say,” CNN’s Ana Cabrera wrote on Twitter. “The suspect in the Indianapolis mass shooting was known to federal and local authorities prior to the attack.”
“A family member of the suspected shooter reached out to authorities warning about the suspect’s potential for violence, according to three law enforcement sources briefed on the matter,” Cabrera added.
A previous encounter with a mental health behavior unit was reported by WTHR.
“13 Investigates has learned Hole had a previous encounter with police during a mental health call in 2020,” the news channel reported. “A behavioral unit was called to his home in March of 2020 on reports of a man voicing suicidal ideas. The unit encountered Hole, who had purchased a shotgun within 24 hours of the call.”
Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted:
Police Chief Randal Taylor noted that a “significant” number of employees at the facility are members of the Sikh community, and the Sikh Coalition later confirmed that members of the community were among the wounded and killed.
The coalition, which identifies itself as the largest Sikh civil rights organization in the U.S., said in a statement that it expected authorities to “conduct a full investigation — including the possibility of bias as a factor.” The coalition’s executive director, Satjeet Kaur, noted in the statement that more than 8,000 Sikh Americans live in Indiana.
Not linking to the article because it’s the local rag here and they don’t deserve clicks.
The thrift store haute couture edition
Tranny chic i see.
My lawyers tell me to be more Stone faced and less emotive when testifying as an expert witness.
Live Link:
Health & Freedom Conference (clouthub.com)
Friday April 16th 11am EDT – 9:30pm EDT
Saturday, April 17th 11:30am EDT – 9:30pm ED
How do you abolish by statute what’s in the Constitution?
Dont use logic, they dont understand it.
You don’t, and that is why we should revoke our consent to be governed by them.
Things are getting interesting.
Closer to the precipice.
Karl’s at it again….
Some interesting info.
Americans should be outraged their government participates in the wide-scale human trafficking operation that created a market for harvesting the organs of murdered infants.
From an article written by Edie Heipel April 15, 2021, we are made aware that last week, the legal accountability group Judicial Watch dropped a bombshell: a nearly 600-page report proving the U.S. government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, just weeks from being born.
In other words, Babies that could have survived as preemies!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Heinous. Evil. Sick.

I thought that Chimera were illegal, regardless of the “legality” of abortion…
Their Satanic deeds will be their end…
Amen goes right there, Cuppa!!!
It is just out that they have made a monkey-human hybrid.
This people are SICK!
A hybrid would be if each cell had a blend of DNA from two different species. A chimera is a functional organism that contains two or more types of cells, living together. One of the more famous examples was a patient whose children didn’t have half her DNA.
As it turns out, she originally had a fraternal twin, who implanted into the uterine wall too close to her. As they went through cellular division, they ended-up with a fetus that contained cells from both, and grew into a single young woman…who just happened to ovulate from the twin. She was giving birth to nephews and nieces.

Sure we can. But TPTB won’t let them on TV.
I just saw a message at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, near the green post count number, saying “Would love to hear your thoughts, please comment” or words to that effect.
That’s so sweet, nobody ever says that these days…
I’m putting it all together now!
Wolf Moon
Why do they want to vaccinate the recovered? TO HIDE REAL IMMUNITY.
They can’t sell the inferior contraceptive spike protein vaccines, which give limited, piecemeal, pinpoint immunity, without hiding the fact that “one and done” natural disease immunity is STRONGER, LONGER, and GOOD AGAINST NATURAL VARIANTS. And note that disease immunity only interferes with the menstrual cycle during the disease – not every 6 months like their face-palm vaccines will.
The Biden Administration Appears to Ignore Potential Danger of Vaccinating Those Previously Exposed to COVID-19
Read more
The Biden Administration Appears to be Ignoring the Potential Danger of Vaccinating Those Previously Exposed to COVID-19
In some people, COVID-19 vaccination may make the situation worse, especially for those with blood coagulation problems or those, like the elderly, taking “blood…
The Gateway Pundit
View Link Feed
There it is! Right under our noses and in our blood! They need to hide REAL herd immunity to justify their Frankenstein projects.
Yup – when that realization hit me, I was pretty stunned. At first, I thought it was just stupidity to lose all those control cases. But now – oh, no – AUBERGINE’S RAZOR for the win.
*DING!!!* And they don’t care if you live or die, so long as they can preserve their narrative.
COVID Crisis Schemed to Decoy Cyborg Plot Capable of Linking Brains to the Cloud:
Posted on April 16, 2021
National Security Fraud/Crime Charged Against Moderna/Pfizer/DOD “Racketeering Enterprise” in Federal Court Case
Release: No. 12-Pfizer/Moderna Lawsuit
Date Mailed: April 16, 2021
For Immediate Release
Contact: Editor—310-877-3002; Editor@MedicalVeritas.org
National Security Fraud/Crime Charged Against Moderna/Pfizer/DOD “Racketeering Enterprise” in Federal Court Case
Las Vegas, NV (MedicalVeritas.org)—The COVID crisis was schemed militarily to foist untested vaccines on the public as a “decoy” concealing worse threats from “devices” called a “hydrogels”. The new ‘mysterious’ nano-biotechnology in vaccines and nasal swab tests are capable of electronically-linking human brains to the cloud wirelessly, according to federal court documents evidencing these facts filed in Horowitz v. Pfizer, et. al.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Could be some chaff in here – will tread carefully.
Well – if there is ‘chaff’ – then, discovery will reveal it all!!!
There’s a fellow at Oxford who’s been trying to make this Cyborg stuff work for years, indeed, decades. And even the far-left IT presstitutes (e.g. the Register) are skewering him for it.
Man-machine-mind-meld is a technology that has been “five years away” for the last twenty or thirty years… Only exists in some Isaac Asimov novels…in particular the one with “Bliss” and Gaia…
Let us hope and pray it stays there, Cuppa!!!
I just came across this, not really sure what it is but it might be of interest to those who do social media.
And, just like that —
WHAS radio news (ABC) reporting that RobberJoe’s handlers want the DemCommunist Congress to pass “more common sense gun laws” to “stop the epidemic of gun violence in the United States.”
COVID-19 Dress Rehearsals and Proof of the Plan (Video)
Posted on April 16, 2021
COVID-19 Dress Rehearsals and Proof of the Plan (mercola.com)
Vera Sharav is no stranger to evil – she witnessed it firsthand as a child survivor of the holocaust. Remembering what it was like to be a ‘spreader’ of disease when Jews were demonized during epidemics, she’s now warning about the signs of a similar but worldwide reign of terror.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
april 16, 2021 the marshall report
Listen to those who are fighting for you and our nation against the vaccine frauds and evil cabal depopulation indoctrination….covering events from COVID, to the lies about masks, vaccines, CDC guidelines, our children, education and the stolen election!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
“Capitol Police IG Confirms ‘Stand Down’ Order Given, Covers Up Name of Official Who Gave It”
Angela Ganote
Replying to @angelaganote
by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. A shotgun was seized at his residence. Based on items observed in the suspect’s bedroom at that time, he was interviewed by the FBI in April 2020. No Racially Motivated Violent Extremism (RMVE) ideology was identified during the
course of the assessment and no criminal violation was found. The shotgun was not returned to the suspect.”
FBI Indianapolis Special Agent in Charge Paul Keenan
Civilized people….the exact opposite of what’s being pushed on every level here in the USA
“Japan also has a country full of people who’ve been educated to love their nation, honor their parents, and have a sense of duty. Cultures who teach these things have low crime. Cultures like ours that now do the opposite, don’t. Culture is everything.”
Culture is part of it, but definitely not everything.
The other thing Japan has going for it is that it is a very homogeneous society.
One race (theirs).
One culture (theirs).
No islam allowed, for the blatantly obvious reasons that everybody knows.
Multiculturalism is an oxymoron. Like dry wet. Or violent peace. Or lawful government.
It’s a made up word to describe something which cannot occur in nature, it can only occur by force. And forcing multiculturalism is like forcing a religion on people. It only lasts so long, before it blows up in your Jonestown.
Tweeter won’t even let me reply to Jesse Kelly.
This is what I tried to post:
Culture is part of it, but definitely not everything.
Japan is a homogeneous society.
One race (theirs).
One culture (theirs).
No islam allowed, for the embarrassingly obvious reasons that everybody knows and pretends not to know.
When I hit ‘post’, a pink pop-up box appears at the top, saying “Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.”
I think I have written here before about my childhood PTSD issues, and how the mask-mania has been horrible for me. I just have a panic attack even thinking I could be forced to wear one against my will.
Well, I had to have a mammogram. It’s been three years, so it is past time. Yesterday, I had such a meltdown with my therapist about doing it today that she actually called the radiology department at the hospital while I was there, to see what could be done. The answer: nothing, tell her to wear the mask!
Just like that. Such compassion.
Well, I refuse to be one of the people our worthless medical profession kills because of lack of treatment during this. What if something was wrong, and I didn’t know?
I knew I had to do something to re-focus my mind, otherwise I was going to freak out during the appointment. So I made a plan.
I wore a stupid cloth mask, but I also wore huge googles, a mosquito-netting hat, and bright yellow cleaning gloves! I wanted to make a statement on how RIDICULOUS I find all of this to be.
I printed slips of paper that said “Masks Don’t Work: A List of Scientific Studies Relevant to Covid-19. See the list of studies here: http://masksunveiled.com/masks-dont-work-studies-relevant-to-covid-19/”
In every bathroom I saw, I stashed some of the slips. I also put them in the changing room, and between the pages of the only magazine in the waiting room. I hope people take them and do some research.
I have a feeling going “peak crazy” with my attire was a beneficial thing to do. It was the fastest mammogram in history. Twenty minutes from the parking lot back to the parking lot. They couldn’t wait to get rid of me!
THIS!!!! Fantastic!!!!
Thanks, Grandma. It was an adventure, that’s for sure.
Lol. You go.
You are AWESOME, Aubergine!

Purple people-leader!!!
That’s a good one! You are so punny!
Thank you, Scott. I was channeling the energy of all the fighters here to get through it, truly. I hope everyone here understands how much I depend on our little corner of the internet.
GREAT push back!
Thank you, kalbo. I don’t want to do it again for a while!
*stands* *applauds wildly*
Thanks, cthulhu. *blushes* *bows*
My hero !!! Proud of you for doing it AND the statement you made
Thanks, Molly. I just had to do something to get through it. I refuse to not have a necessary medical test because of these tyrants.
Good for you!
Thanks, Sadie.
Anybody in FL able to verify this?
Not in Florida but yes, it is true:
Voting with the Dems & Pelosi (& these same people usually do vote with Pelosi on many bills):
• Vern Buchanan of Florida
• Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
• Maria Salazar of Florida
• Andrew Garbarino of New York
• Chris Smith of New Jersey
• Fred Upton of Michigan
• Carlos Gimenez of Florida
• Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Looks like a Top Primary list to me!
Maria Salazar voted with Dems (and these are just the ones I have tracked):
—>>DACA Amnesty
—>>strip Marjorie Green of committee assignments
—>>Gun Bill
Carolos Gimenez has voted with Pelosi even more:
—>>DACA Amnesty
—>>Strip Marjorie Greene of Committee Assignments
—>>Gun Control
—>>Yes on VAWA
Probably way more info on these two than you want but I have already been taking notes on these two so easy for me to share.
these are my personal notes … not prepped or formatted for 1 smooth comment.
Anyway, this is what I have on these two:
Maria Salazar, FL
Just took office – first term but 2nd time she ran. Narrow loss in 2018
Spoke only Spanish in debates
Journalist career prior to politics
To win, Trump endorsement + focus on socialism in heavily Cuban area & her opponent/dem referred to herself as a “programatic socialist” … example of a the dem being to far left, so far left that the GOP candidate won
Regarding her vote against Greene: Salazar released a statement on her vote, saying in part, “As I have repeatedly criticizes Ilan Omar for her anti-Semitic comments, I had to hold Marjorie Taylor Greene accountable for her denial of the Parkland Massacre, the Flight 77 crash, and accusing a Jewish family of starting the California wildfires. From now on, I will hold every Democrat to this new standard that they have created.”
—>>As long as she does hold dems to the same standard, I can respect that … but dems don’t play by the same rules and currently aren’t playing by the same rules. if the same standard was being applied then dems would have been kicked off of committees as the same time as Green.
Most of her votes and her stated positions seem conservative but she has had several votes that are not – gun rights and PR Statehood.
On March 2, 2021, Salazar joined Resident Commissioner Jennifer Gonzalez (R-PR) in introducing the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act
Carolos Gimenez, FL
—>> WHAT THE HECK!?! —>> https://floridianpress.com/2019/11/miami-mayor-gimenez-voted-for-clinton-now-considers-congressional-rurepublican-gimenez-voted-for-hillary-clinton-considers-congressional-run/
2016 wasn’t that long ago. To vote for Hillary in the general, for any Dem in the general is a bridge to far to consider one’s self a Republican in my book! Not many litmus tests that I support but voting Dem makes one not a Republican!
Cuban refugee, city government for years first; cooperated with Trump Admin/ICE after directives from President Trump targeting sanctuary cities
He was supportive of President Trump fighting 11/3/2020 fraud and voted against impeachment.
He did vote for the Gun bills and with Dems against Greene – both ironic votes considering he and his family had to flee socialist Cuba
His seat for Congress was a flip from a Dem – might not be that easy to unseat.
—Conclusion … continue watching his votes and statements
Forgot this one:
They both voted with Pelosi on illegal alien farm worker amnesty
Note: it is not any one single vote that they vote with Dems that makes me think they are RINOs. It is the consistent pattern on a multitude of issues.
Note: ~30 GOP voted w/Dems on this bill. mostly the usual suspects but this is the one time Nunes appears on the list of GOP voting against the majority of GOP.
PS: couldn’t find my notes on this easily because I kept searching with “GOP” in the search. It was labled with one “word” – RINOs!
Have bookmarked the globalism graphic.
Many thanks, GinT.
LOL – Listening – ‘DR. FAUCI IS A CRIMINAL’!!!
Add to the Boycott List:
These 107 Corporations Signal Opposition to Election Integrity
American Airlines
American Express
Bain & Company
Bank of America
Berkshire Partners
Best Buy
BMC Software
Boston Consulting Group
Broadridge Financial Solutions
Cambridge Associates
Civic Entertainment Group
Climb Credit
Cowboy Ventures
Creative Artists Agency
Dell Technologies
Discover Financial Services
Emerson Collective
Estee Lauder
FirstMark Capital
Ford Motor Co.
General Catalyst
General Motors
Goldman Sachs
Insight Partners Leadership
Intelligentsia Coffee
Johnson & Johnson
Jazz Lincoln Center
Khosla Ventures
Levi Strauss & Co.
Live Nation Entertainment
Loop Capital Markets
M&T Bank
McKinsey & Company
Mondelez International
Newell Brands
Otherwise Incorporated
Paper Source
Predxion Bio
REI Co-op
Richer Poorer
Seventh Generation
Slow Ventures
Smith & Company
Sodexo USA
Sound Ventures
Spark Capital
T. Rowe Price
Tory Burch
Under Armour
United Airlines
United Talent Agency
Warburg Pincus
Warby Parker
Wells Fargo
What, no Wally World?
Nor a few of my staples – Smith’s (Kroger’s), Home Depot and Lowe’s.
Looks like I need to drop Amazon. Check into Wally World with free shipping.
Thank you for this list!
Acting accordingly.
“The public square, scrubbed of faith, is a lesser space, unmoored from history and values, discipline, and love and prone to leaders who are venal, corrupt, and singularly focused on maintaining power for the simple sake of self-aggrandizement.
This is why I have always made clear that faith in the public square is not only consistent with America’s Judeo-Christian tradition, but necessary for our Republic’s continued exceptionalism.
In the Xinjiang province of China, millions of Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned in Orwellian concentration camps, their essential dignity denied. Throughout the rest of China, Christian believers are only permitted to worship in churches sanctioned and monitored by the Chinese Communist Party. No nation which denies religious freedom can ever claim to be good in some other way. And unborn life must also be protected. That is why we strengthened the Mexico City Policy to guarantee that no U.S. tax dollars were used for abortions by international organizations. Abortion isn’t a human right; it takes a human life.
To address the assault on religious freedom around the world, I convened the Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom for three straight years (events the ACLJ participated in). These were the largest human rights events ever held at the State Department. The Ministerial brought together leaders from every corner of the globe to discuss the issues threatening religious freedom and to find solutions together. It proved that religious liberty matters to so many around the world and that it is an issue where America can and must lead.”
“The framers of the Constitution recognized that foremost among America’s founding principles were property rights and religious liberty. The reason for this was simple — no person can enjoy the pursuit of happiness without being able to retain the fruits of their honest hard work, and no society can retain a virtuous and worthy character if its people cannot worship as they see fit.
Alexander Hamilton wrote,
“The sacred rights of mankind are written as with a sunbeam by the hand of the divinity itself and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”
Yet throughout the current pandemic, state and local governments have treated religion as dispensable, abridging the free exercise of religion with careless disregard for its necessity. In the early days of the pandemic, California, Maryland, Virginia, and other states issued statewide prohibitions on religious gatherings, deeming them “non-essential,” while liquor stores and abortion clinics were labeled “essential” and remained open.
There is no right more fundamental to a free society than the free practice of religion. Behind walls of prisons and persecuted before our very eyes in places like China, Iran, Cuba, and North Korea are tens of thousands of people whose only crime is to worship God in their own way.
I know he is ex CIA and I try to temper my enthusiasm with caution as we have been burned too many times … but so far I like him
Ep. 2454a – People Are Now Swapping Out Of [CB] Fiat, Govs Instructed To Shut This Down
X22 Report Published April 16, 2021
Ep. 2454b – [DS] System Exposed To All, Flynn: Michigan And Arizona Audits Tactically Important
X22 Report Published April 16, 2021
[JB] infrastructure bill is now funding parents who want their children to stay home from school. This doesn’t mean they will be homeschooled. Dumbing down America. People are now shifting their funds out of fiat and into other currencies like Bitcoin. It has begun. The people can now see the [DS] system, who is involved and what lengths they will go to reach their goal. This is going to get worse before it gets better. The [DS] is now ramping up the riots to push their multiple agendas, race wars, gun control and it just so happens that this is happening exactly when Arizona is going to be audited. Flynn states that the Arizona and Michigan audits are tactically important. The world is watching. Stay alert the [DS] will counter.
Up to date stats on Covid:
What, NO Covid in China? Just kiddin. No one would believe China numbers.
Just watched Dr Maomi Wolf video. It is, IMO a must watch video. Maybe post again on Steve’s Saturday thread?
Thanks for everything Grandma!
You’re very welcome. Yes, the Naomi Wolf video is extremely important. Apparently her site was overwhelmed with hits from it.
Good. The truth is getting out.
Good News on increasing election integrity on the state level.
Heritage Foundation closely involved.
“Heritage Action, a conservative group, said that the state-level bills would increase election security, not take away rights. The group reportedly invested $10 million last month in swing states looking to implement similar laws as Georgia..
“States across the nation are working to secure their elections and restore voter trust. Grassroots activists and state lawmakers alike are hard at work making it easy to vote and hard to cheat. I am thrilled to see so many states advancing laws that will inspire confidence in our elections, the bedrock of our democracy,” said Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson.
Texas has advanced S.B. 7 and is currently considering H.B. 6, two bills looking at changing voting rules.
S.B. 7 would reportedly “prohibit election officials from sending out unsolicited mail ballots; ban drive-through voting; define a poll watcher’s role and say he or she is “entitled to sit or stand near enough to see and hear the activity”; sets certain early-voting hours; and more,” Fox News reports.
H.B. 6 would report deaths to voter registration officials and would ban paid vote harvesting services.
In response to protests in Texas calling the new bills “voter suppression, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told FOX7 “We must stop this race-baiting on every issue. Election security is what the public wants. Over 75% support voter ID which Congress wants to eliminate by the way. Voters want confidence in their election system, SB 7 is not voter suppression, it’s voter security.”
Arizona is considering a number of bills. One that just recently passed bans private money from being used by government entities to conduct elections, in response to the money Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, gave to help cities and states run their 2020 elections.
Other bills being considered in Arizona include a bill hat would require either a photo ID or two other forms of identification with their name and address on it, one requiring the health department to report deaths to the Secretary of State, and a bill that would remove a person from early voting if they hadn’t done so during two previous consecutive voting years.
Florida is considering H.B. 7041, and a similar bill in the Senate, which would only allow drop boxes under specific security measures, bans ballot harvesting, bans unsolicited mail ballots, has the state department and the motor vehicle department update voter files when someone updates their drivers license, and bans private funds use in running elections.
According to Fox News, Michigan is considering similar measures, but is carefully considering its options as Republican legislators do not expect Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer to sign any legislation they pass regarding voting. A source told Fox that initiatives being considered include voter ID requirements, bans on private money uses in elections, ballot harvesting bans, and additional security for drop boxes.
In addition, Wisconsin and Tennessee have passed bills banning private money being used to run elections, and Iowa and Arkansas have banned unsolicited mail ballots.”
Election integrity Bills being considered here in TN:
Some of what the TN bills are supposed to address (Davidson County accepted Facebook $/Zuckerberg $)
Oh, that is EXCELLENT news.
I like both candidates alot. Both are very nice and working hard. Whichever doesn’t make it through the GOP Primary I hope he will find another elected office as I don’t want to loose either from public service.
Same problem in Ohio. Too many great candidates chasing too few openings.
We had a guy I really liked for Senate primary last year – Jon Henry. He decided in March after Hagerty and Dr. Sethi had been campaigning and building toward their run for a Long time. Not a chance but a great guy. Hope he runs again for something in the future. He was just so down home and sincere … I heard from many that they really liked him as a person and that is not always a common report in politics! ha
His wife was real nice too. Salt of the earth types.
Another article on the same bill/issue here in TN
sharing as this is an issue in a number of states and hope that everyone is addressing election issues in their own state. If we all take care of our own towns/cities, counties and states then we won’t have such a mess the next time. TN is working hard to do our part for election integrity in our own state and counties.
We have two promising candidates running for TN’s 5th Congressional district (+ others):
Also, Robby Starbuck.
I like both and am waiting to see the districts redrawn in case that changes who is eligible.
either way, I have high hopes for ousting Cooper and TN sending 1 less Dem to the House
8:00 Lin Wood is up now at the the Health and Freedom conference.
LIVE! From Tulsa Oklahoma – Health & Freedom Conference
The Pete Santilli Show – LIVE Channel Published April 16, 2021
What the Main Stream News DOES NOT report upon! To date since the November election there have been 85 election fraud cases brought. Judges threw out a couple dozen on technicalities. About 35-40 still working their way through the system. But 22 have been decided. Of those 22, the courts have found, “Yes there was election fraud!” IN 68% OF THOSE CASES!
I love this guy.
Don’t Sniff the Bear Joe!
Unfit to serve Biden wants a war to distract from the on going Democrat destruction of America-Biden declared ‘unwavering support’ for protecting Ukraine’s border, but again…our own borders are left wide open. Let that sink in. When President Trump was in office there were no new wars, now that the Deep State is back in control, prepare to be served up a war, or maybe two or three as it’s back to business as usual- read the rest at https://grrrgraphics.com/the-smell-of-war/
Treasonous satanic fake President Corn Pop.