Last Precious Metal Post
I left the best (by many measures) for last.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Last week:
Gold $1745.20
Silver $25.35
Platinum $1205.00
Palladium $2700.00
Rhodium $27,000.00
This week:
Gold $1777.50
Silver $26.05
Platinum $1207.00
Palladium $2834.00
Rhodium $28,200.00
SIlver and platinum have been pretty steady. Palladium continues steadily climbing. Rhodium continues to bounce around like a yo yo. Iridium (not shown) has moved from $6000 to $6250. And gold is actually doing fairly well, breaking out of its range on the up-side.
I will have more to say about the gold market below.

Gold is the last precious metal on our list of nine.
To summarize/review, the precious metals are numbers 44-47 in the table below (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver), followed by the group right below them, 75-79 (rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold).

It’s a nice tight group. Why isn’t 43 (technetium) on the list? Well, largely because technetium basically doesn’t exist. It’s naturally radioactive with a two million year half life. That means however much you’ve got right now, half of it will be gone in two million years. And since it has been 4500 million years since the earth formed, it has been 2250 half lives. If the entire world had been made of solid technetium when it started, that would have been 6 x 1024 kilograms of Tc. And since ten half lives is enough to reduce the amount to 1/1024 {a number which we should name after Fauxcahontas) of what it was before–which we’ll round to 1/1000th, it would only take eighty half lives to be left with six kilograms of technetium. From the weight of the earth down to six kilograms in 160 million years; you can probably guess how much is left after the remaining 2,170 remaining half lives: zero, zilch, nada, nichevo, nichts. The last atom would likely be gone after only about another 200 million years. (99 grams of Tc-99 consists of 6 x 1023 atoms of the stuff, that’s 1/60th of the 6 kilograms. You’ll notice how similar that number is to the number of kilograms the earth masses…so basically, just repeat the same time interval as before and it’s down to a handful of atoms, shortly after that, it’s all gone.)
We can make technetium ourselves (and a vanishingly small amount exists from uranium atoms fissioning in nature, but these aren’t left over from the formation of the earth). When you pile enough of it together to be visible…it’s a gray metal, just like all of its neighbors. I imagine if it weren’t radioactive, it’d be a useful alloy metal, perhaps a bit pricey, like silver. Or maybe not; I’m basing that last bit on the fact that rhenium (75) is a precious metal, and that’s because rhenium has no natural ores. But if technetium were around, it might have ores and rhenium could piggyback on it, just like hafnium (72) piggybacks on zirconium (40). So who knows?
But the larger point is, for a metal to be a precious metal, it first has to actually exist. So technetium, though it looks like it should be part of the precious metal “block” of the periodic table…isn’t. In both senses of that word.
But back to gold (79).
Gold has been known for thousands of years. Perhaps longer. And that’s because it sometimes shows up as a nugget. It didn’t have to be smelted to be discovered, unlike (say) iron, which never shows up as a native element on earth, though sometimes our ancestors got a free sample from a meteorite.
So our distant ancestors might well have found gold before they discovered any other metal. [Of the ones that had to come out of ores, copper is probably easiest to obtain. Besides being rarely (but not quite never) found native, some of its ores will release the copper if you heat them over an ordinary fire.]
Ancient Egypt used plenty of gold. In fact it was more common there than silver was; as near as we can tell, three ounces of gold were required to buy one ounce of silver in Ancient Egypt, oh say 2000 BCE. No, that’s not a typo. Egypt simply didn’t have much silver in it, and they didn’t know it was more common elsewhere. Certainly they figured that out as civilization spread throughout the Mediterranean and Near East and they learned more about the rest of the world.
Gold is heavy (dense)–it was the densest thing known back then, far more so than lead. Lead weighs almost twelve times its volume in water. Gold weighs 19.3 times its volume in water. But gold looks fantastic and lead is…meh. About the only thing you can do with lead is use it for weights. Even its use as bullets is primarily due to its weight–it has good momentum–followed by its relative softness and ease of melting and casting.
But gold can be used for jewelry, and was. Not only that, it would never tarnish nor rust nor corrode. Gold coins that have been on the bottom of the ocean for centuries still shine. So it became a symbol for purity and incorruptibility, unlike most politicians. Even modern chemistry has found few things that attack it. (This is largely true of the other precious metals as well, but they are Johnny-come-latelies in our minds. Gold got there first.)
So gold began to be prized in its own right.
Gold and silver are the only two of the nine precious metals whose main use is simply to be. They’re not valuable because of some industrial application, like the PGMs and rhenium are. They’re valuable because they are gold and silver, and their main use is to be formed into blocks and kept on a shelf somewhere.
Even back in the day when men were men and money was money, when gold was used as coins, the point of the coin was to be a certain amount of gold.
Although gold is used in jewelry, most gold today is in the form of 400 ounce bars that sit in bank vaults. I think I linked this video once before; I’m going to do it again.
The sole use of all that gold is to sit in that vault and be gold.
It has been estimated that all of the gold ever mined could fit in a cube 20 meters on a side. That’s 8000 cubic meters of gold, and each cubic meter is 19.3 tonnes. Given how vague the actual number is, we might as well round that to 20 tonnes per cubic meter, and declare that 160,000 tonnes of gold have been mined throughout all history.
A “tonne”, with the extra n and silent e, is a metric ton of 1000 kilograms, very roughly 2200 pounds. 160,000 tonnes sounds like a lot, but this is gold, which doesn’t take up very much room per tonne. it would barely fill three Olympic swimming pools.
Here’s another video. It’s mostly on the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned Federal Reserve System, but there’s a good bit in the middle about gold, and how it is traded.
(In fact, National Geographic has done a number of different documentaries on gold, some focusing on the lengths we go to in order to mine it, others focusing on King Tut’s treasure, and so on.)
Gold, is of course, very widely traded. It’s probably traded more than any other commodity, at least in dollar terms. And those trades are how the “spot” price I quote comes into being.
Here’s another documentary, looking more at this aspect of gold:
The spot price is sometimes derisively referred to as the price of “paper gold.”
“Paper gold?” Well, yes. You’re trading paper ostensibly tied to gold in the futures market. If you want to go buy an actual ounce of gold today, and walk away from the purchase with an actual bit of heavy yellow stuff, you will pay (on, as of Thursday April 15 at 8:30 PM Mountain TIme…”as low as” $1,949.29 per ounce, for an American gold eagle, a randomly chosen year.
Nearly two hundred dollars more. (And if you want just one ounce it will cost you twenty dollars more. You have to buy a hundred at a time to get the $1,949.29 price. Actually, that’s not a bad small-buyer premium; it’s usually much higher.)
You can check with your local coin shop, and more than likely they will want a little bit more. This is the real price of gold, though perhaps one should average it with the price a bullion dealer is willing to pay. Unfortunately Apmex doesn’t post their “buy” price, and neither does Kitco, they want you to call and request an offer. But I strongly suspect they aren’t paying much less than this. If so, then it’s rather unusual but you can actually sell your gold for more than spot right now.
I did find one place that would sell you a 100 gram bar (a bit over three ounces) at a rate about a hundred dollars an ounce lower than that. (And they will also buy it at that price. The catch is, you can’t sell their gold back to them in less than seven days, so you assume the risk the market will move against you.)
Why is there such a big disconnect between the “paper” price and the physical price?
“Conspiracy theories” abound, and I find them more plausible than most such theories. Most state that the price is being held artificially low. (I even attended a presentation in 2012 given by a man from GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee,, and he said the “real” price should be about five thousand dollars. No doubt that man would say something even higher today.
But there are rumors galore that something really interesting is happening right now. To understand this I need to give a short, oversimplified precis of how the futures markets work.
Let’s say I promise to sell you an ounce of gold for $2000 in July. And you accept that promise. We sign a contract. I don’t even have to have an ounce of gold right now. But I had better have one by the time July rolls around or you take me to court. But I have an alternative! A couple of weeks later, someone else, call him Bob, might post an offer to sell me gold in July, at some price, and I can accept it. Now I don’t need the gold, because Bob will sell it to me just in the nick of time. If that contract was, say, for him to sell me an ounce of gold at $1980, then I just became the man in the middle, taking $2000 from you in July and pocketing $20, and giving Bob $1980. In fact, because all of these are contracts in July, the brokerage house that is keeping track of all these things can make it simple. They can simply give me $20 today, arrange for you to give them $2000 in July and to pay Bob $1980. And they’ll arrange for Bob’s ounce of gold to go to you on delivery day. I’m no longer involved, and never actually touched that ounce of gold, but I made a profit on it.
If gold had gone up instead, I would have lost money. But sometimes when the market goes badly, the best thing to do is take the loss and get out.
Notice that for me to make money, someone else has to lose it. I made $20, but you are going to pay $2000 in July for an ounce of gold that’s only worth $1980.
And if someone manages to manipulate the price the way they like it, someone else just got robbed. Wealth is not created in this kind of market; it’s transferred from a loser to a winner.
That’s basically the futures market. People are buying and selling pork bellies, silver, wheat, eggs, aluminum, or gold at some future date. And the vast majority of them are doing what I was doing…trading the contracts not because I actually care about the product, but just to hopefully make money when the price moves the right way. In fact, because all of the trades happen on a floor, with a broker doing the actual trade, you have no idea you bought your gold from Bob, or who I am. That’s kept track of by the commodity exchange.
In reality gold is traded in contracts for a hundred ounces (on some exchanges) or a kilogram (~32 ounces) on other exchanges. And sometimes there are so many contracts out there that the aggregate total of the contracts is bigger than many countries’ bank vault holdings. But most of this goes up in a puff of smoke about a month before delivery date as people make the opposite contract, cancel out the physical purchases, and pocket their profit (or take their beating). That chain I described from you to me to Bob is likely much shorter than the chains that develop in the futures market.
Some few people do actually buy a gold contract…and actually want the gold.
And this is what has been going on. The value of the contracts is in the mid $1700s per ounce right now. (Even though it’s a 100 ounce contract, the price is quoted per ounce.) Some people, wanting to buy gold and saying $1950 is bullshit when the spot price is about $200 less, are actually going into the futures market, buying a contract at $1750, and saying, “for delivery” which means “Oh and by the way I really do want the gold.”
Over the last couple of years, people have done this perhaps five to ten times as much as usual.
And what do they get? Do they get the gold?
No. At least, not immediately. They get a piece of paper saying that somewhere in a vault in New York or perhaps Delaware, there’s 100 ounces of gold with their name on it. And if they sell the gold via a contract, they are selling the piece of paper.
Which would have its advantages. You don’t have to worry about keeping it in your house and hoping no burglar ever finds it. Or putting it in a safe deposit box and hoping we don’t have a repeat of FDR’s gold heist.
But how do you know that brick of gold actually exists and isn’t the same block of gold some other poor dumb bastard is holding the paper for? In other words, does that piece of paper have a specific piece of gold allocated to it, and no one else?
You can order that vault to actually send you your gold, comma dammit. But they’ll make it painful. It take a lot of work to get this done, and pay who knows how much for shipping. Personally, rather than trust them to ship it to me when I suspect they’d rather pretend to lose it and give me paper money instead, I’d say, “Let me come pick it up.” (For an item worth almost $200,000 I’d make the road trip.) But they probably have rules against that.
There are signs of desperation in the brokerages. People are now being told their contract is good for a 1/4 ownership share in a 400 ounce bar. Which basically makes it impossible for you to actually lay hands on your gold. But at least if they can bring in a bunch of those bars, the paper actually means something.
Apparently last year, over 100 tonnes of gold had to be delivered. I don’t know whether it got physically delivered or people just wanted the receipts, but apparently someone was watching and they had to make sure those receipts were actually covered. Over 100 tonnes. That’s more gold than many major countries have in their central banks’ vaults!
If the commodity exchanges don’t have it in those vaults in Delaware and New York, they have to go get some. Last year about this time, apparently this did happen. They scrambled, but were able to cover it. And no doubt someone had to pay big bucks for gold right now. A lot of people are suspicious that a lot of gold isn’t where it claimed to be, and maybe it’s true. In some cases, a central bank might have leased its gold to someone who then turned around and sold it as jewelry. Meaning the gold is on your earlobes instead of in some vault somewhere, and they won’t be able to get it back. And who knows how many central banks leased their gold to cover this panic?
This sort of thing is apparently continuing to go on. Perhaps that is why you, you little person, you Deplorable proletarian, can’t buy one lousy ounce at the spot price.
If this trend continues, we might actually run out of physical gold; a lot of vaults presumed full will have to be opened and found empty, and futures markets might implode very scandalously. Gold might find its true price, which would make GATA very happy. As well as anyone who has the physical stuff, either in numismatic gold coins or current bullion bars and coins. If you’re holding a piece of paper, on the other hand, then you will be screwed. If you’re lucky some central bank might make “money” out of thin air to pay you for the gold you never actually owned but thought you did.
Or this could be a conspiracy theory in the bad sense of someone just making shit up and marketing it.
But if you think all of this is true, well: Don’t be that person holding a piece of paper. Get actual gold. And suck up the $200 premium over the price of “paper gold” if you have to.
I’ve got some links, some a bit older than others. I am not quite sure what to make of the combined set….are they having trouble now, or not? A lot talks about last year, when they apparently had to scramble to cover over 100 tonnes of deliveries…but they succeeded. Or at least it looks that way. Did someone just hang onto 100 tonnes of paper gold?
Here’s a website that describes the delivery process as it shows that over a hundred tonnes of gold was purchased through the commodities markets about a year ago:
Here are a couple of websites talking about this sort of thing–some of them talk of huge deliveries last year but they managed to cover them.
I can’t quite figure out when this next one was actually written. The charts at the top say yesterday (April 16, 2021). But a lot of the text seems to be suggesting 2017.
And OMG, here’s SGT report (who ever heard of them?), from back in September.
As one final note, silver is also, similarly, unrealistically priced on the spot (paper) market, an indication that similar things may be happening there. The American Numismatic Association’s magazine, The Numismatist, ran an article this month (or perhaps last month) by one of their frequent contributors asking if there was some way we could derive a real “spot” price for silver that has nothing to do with the paper commodities market. I’m sure he’d say the same thing about gold if asked.
If you invest in precious metals, remember: Physical over Paper. Get your hands on the actual stuff. If you can’t drop it on your foot, don’t bother.
And Joe Biden didn’t win.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
The definitive list of left-wing companies that you should boycott
As corporations bow to left’s agenda, conservatives eye mass boycotts of woke brands
“We are going to make sure that our dollars and our votes are not going their way,” said Pastor Aubrey Shines, the CEO of Conservative Clergy of Color. “Enough is enough.”
Reposting from yesterday
These 107 Corporations Signal Opposition to Election Integrity
An “almost gun violence” case in NYC using an OHIO shooter, thankfully caught by the cops. THIS was clearly designed to push all the right buttons. MK special FOR SURE.
Let’s see if this give the RIGHT video. Kinda funky small-time embedding option…..
This article is a huge white pill! It exposes the the fake vaccination numbers (including some state reports claiming over 100% vaccination!), talks about nursing home staff refusing to vaccinate because of immunity from prior infection, and has a dash of the usual “Why won’t they vaccinate?!?” angst. It’s worth the full read, but I’ll include some highlights here.
“Half of state’s nursing home staff declined vaccination”
First, FAKE vaccination numbers.
PA Health Dept:
From a nursing home association:
Over 100% vaccination rate reported!
Nursing home staff refusing to vaccinate because of natural immunity:
People “don’t understand” why nursing home staff are refusing vaccination despite being offered $50.
I am convinced that they are pushing vaccination of recoverees for these reasons:
(1) hide fact that disease recovery immunity is superior
(2) shift blame for vaccination problems from vaccines onto “prior disease”
(3) reduce number of “vanilla recoverees” (never vaccinated) as control cases
(4) hide potentially lifelong immunity from the disease in recoverees
(5) allow lies about dangerous variants to propagate
(6) hide truth about limited effectiveness of the vaccines
7) They want lifelong vaccine customers. How soon before the “Get your bi-annual COVID booster shot!” signs pop up next to the flu shot advertisements? “Get a booster shot to renew your vaccination passport.” “Get a booster shot against the new European variant.” It’s like the razor cartridge business model where they give you the razor for free, and then cash in for the rest your adult life selling refills.
Exactly. AND if the shots are “whoops” contraceptive, then they essentially turn the spike protein from a small lifelong intermittent menstrual disrupter (the disease, striking women 2 or 3 times over their lifetimes) into a regular statistical disrupter (twice a year).
Think of it. Every six months is twice a year, and these TOADS were vaccinating pregnant women when this started. Not sure if they still are, but let’s say they give up on pregnant women.
Two shots per year striking in the first month of pregnancy – let’s do that as a MINIMUM. Many women don’t realize they’re pregnant, and if they get forced menstruation, nobody would be the wiser. That would be cutting human pregnancies by 2/12 or 1/6 or 16.7% – that’s a big drop. And in reality, the effect may be LONGER.
Whenever they say it isn’t about the money, it’s 100% about the $$.
Especially when it comes to Big Pharma.
China virus vaccine is an instant, overnight global market worth an estimated $21 billion…and that’s just in Year 1. This after decades of telling the world a vaccine for a virus was a medical impossibility.
Naturally, there is no profit in off-patent medications like hydroxychloroquine.
They are more than willing to murder untold thousands for billions in profits…much less political power and control. And they even have the gall to demand legal indemnity from their concoctions.
Dr. Josef Mengele is livid with jealousy.
IMHO, this shit is even more abhorrent than abortion, if that’s even possible.
Seeing you in my replies again genuinely made my day. Welcome back.
And they get targeted population control as a bonus. As they do this beyond abortion I can see your point. Total participation by groups across the board “for your health n safety.”

I think this is why so many guys are wearing beards these days.
My mr. wheatie was clean shaven for his whole adult life…until a couple of years ago, when he finally said:
“These razor prices are robbery. Fk it! I’m growing my beard out.”
Mr gil kinda did the same. He’s getting tired of it but i think it doesn’t look bad. A goatee looked bad tho.
About twenty years ago when goatees were fashionable, I found them grotesque…it was like an armpit with a mouth in it.
Lol.eww. mr gil had one when he was on work comp at one time. He looked very seedy. I told him never again.
More on that note:
The Biden Administration Appears to Ignore Potential Danger of Vaccinating Those Previously Exposed to COVID-19
April 16, 2021, 8:50amby Joe Hoft 649 Comments
8) they don’t want any strays from the herd they are trying to control.
We are years away from knowing what the long-term effects may be.
They want everyone jabbed and tagged before we fully know what it will do to us.
What if these vaccines make people more ‘receptive to suggestion’?
As in…easier to brainwash.
It’s disturbing that they are so desperate to know who is not vaccinated.
They are fixated on this.
If the vaccines work…then why should they care ‘who is not vaccinated’?
It doesn’t make sense.
They arent pushing it on kids yet. Im thinking its going to cause cancer and long term autoimmune disease. Gets rid of older, white, educated populations and leaves the rest for easier control.
Yep, this is evil.
So it’s good that more and more people are waking up about it.
“Ms. Walsh said that in addition to the $50 that Baptist Homes is offering staff, it is doing all it can to educate them about why they should be vaccinated.”
Education is easy.
Just present a coherent argument why anyone should take an untested injection concocted by NWO, Inc. and promoted by a government that makes Banana Republics look legitimate by comparison, when cheap and effective treatments are readily available?
It should be a really easy argument to make, if it could be done.
It’s really interesting that no one can do it.
No one even tries.
The best they can do is coercion and social pressure — not a single coherent argument in ALL the land!
There’s a CLUE in there somewhere… I’m just tryin’ to dig it up…

I doubt Ms. Walsh, “director of marketing for Baptist Homes,” has ever changed a bedpan in her life. The actual boots-on-the-ground staff with extensive experience caring for sick patients are staying the hell away from this vaccine while Ms. Walsh screeches on Zoom from her cushy work-at-home office.
It’s almost as if we can’t TRUST the people behind it all.
That is a very astute observation…
I made sure to say “almost” less somebody think i might be some kind of conspiracy theorist, or even – dare I say – an insurgent.
So…Baptist Homes all on board with the aborted human fetal cells in these jabs?
Ghouls can scrub their consciences while shaking hands with Satan.
Cant imagine why someone wont take 50 bucks to alter their dna…and shes in healthcare!
Marilyn Walsh: “How can we be living this and doing this every day and people still don’t take this seriously?”
I think the people refusing the vaccine take it very seriously, Marilyn. A lot more seriously than the people who take it.
Imagine how much pressure they have to resist, in order to simply decline your dangerous, untested, experimental government juice — a concoction which the same government acknowledges doesn’t actually prevent anyone from getting the virus at all, because if it did, you wouldn’t need to keep wearing a mask and observe physical distancing.
By comparison, it’s easy to submit, isn’t it?
I mean, I wouldn’t know, but you would, right Marilyn?
Didn’t you submit to the government’s Re-Animator fluid?
You didn’t even think about it, you didn’t do any research, you didn’t ask a single question, did you? You just trusted your life, unquestioningly, to strangers. Because they told you to.
And not just any strangers either. You trusted your life, literally, to an industry that has forsaken any kind of ethical standards at all in the name of greed, and an illegitimate government run by blatant criminals.
I understand that was an easy choice for you Marilyn, and that you have trouble understanding why it isn’t just as easy for others, because the truth is, you’re just not very bright. You exhibit no intellectual curiosity.
For someone who lacks the capacity for critical thinking, how could you be expected to understand how hard it is for a thinking person to do what you did?
You can’t.
And you’re never going to.
It’s not even possible.
And that’s okay.
But the fact that you can’t understand it doesn’t give you the right to force everyone else to do what you did.
I know you can’t understand that, either.
And that’s okay, too.
The problem only arises if you try to force people who do have the capacity for critical thinking to suspend that ability, and be just like you.
Not everyone is like you, Marilyn.
And in case you’re not sure… that’s a good thing!
Comments like this just make my day Scott! You are so funny, and so spot-on.
Yes, this was one of his best ones.
Drama at Collin College – community college in Collin County, TX (north of Dallas – Plano, Frisco, Allen, McKinney etc)
Some professors contracts were not renewed – due to them being very critical of Collin College’s response to COVID among other things. Spoiler alert: They are vocal leftists.
It seems that some of the politi-cultural left are planning to challenge the seats for the Collin College Board. It feels to me like they are making a bid to get a majority with the Trustees and steer (drive) the institution hard-left. They sure would love to get Collin College as a trophy.
WATCH: Profs worried about Campus Reform, threaten student correspondent
PEN America hosted a Zoom discussion with professors who felt they were “targeted” by Campus Reform.
One professor even said that she knows “way more about” a certain Campus Reform correspondent “than she knows about me.”
Addison Smith | Video Reporter
Thursday, April 8, 2021 9:09 AM
Head of Collin County praises terminations of faculty who criticized Collin College administration
by Adam Steinbaugh
March 10, 2021
‘That Man Makes Me Crazy’
How one president shattered norms, played down Covid-19, and sent his critics packing.
By Michael Vasquez
APRIL 13, 2021
Collin College Professors’ Fight For COVID-19 Protocols Shifts To A Fight Over Free Speech
KERA | By Hady Mawajdeh, Bill Zeeble
Published March 17, 2021 at 7:00 AM CDT
Via Collin County GOP regarding upcoming elections:
The 2021 Municipal Elections will be held in Collin County on Saturday, May 1st, with Early Voting starting on Monday, April 19th. Voters will be selecting candidates to City Councils, School Boards and the Collin College Board.
Two weeks to stir up trouble – has all the feel of an “October” surprise.
More digging to do . . .
Thank you. Will pass this along.
This letter is on FIRE . . .
You Have to Read This Letter
A New York father pulls his daughter out of Brearley with a message to the whole school. Is the dam starting to break?
Bari Weiss
5 hr ago
I was planning to publish a roundup today of the many thoughtful responses to Paul Rossi’s essay. I’m going to save that post for Sunday, because I was just sent this letter that has my jaw on the floor. It was written by a Brearley parent named Andrew Gutmann.
If you don’t know about Brearley, it’s a private all-girls school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It costs $54,000 a year and prospective families apparently have to take an “anti-racism pledge” to be considered for admission. (In the course of my reporting for this piece I spoke to a few Brearley parents.)
Gutmann chose to pull his daughter, who has been in the school since kindergarten, and sent this missive to all 600 or so families in the school earlier this week. Among the lines:
A MUST READ. More from the letter:
“Lastly, I object, with as strong a sentiment as possible, that Brearley has begun to teach what to think, instead of how to think. I object that the school is now fostering an environment where our daughters, and our daughters’ teachers, are afraid to speak their minds in class for fear of “consequences.” I object that Brearley is trying to usurp the role of parents in teaching morality, and bullying parents to adopt that false morality at home.”
Beautifully written letter! Just wonderful, cogent, clear and comprehensive!
Everyone should read this letter. This man nails it. And he is brave to do it.
Hostile judge rejects Rob Hoogland’s plea agreement with BC Attorney General in “criminal contempt” case for breaking gag order. Sentences Rob to six months in prison and $30,000 fine!Judge claims that a lesser punishment would “bring the administration of justice into disrepute.”Bizarre 2-day court proceeding after Rob had pleaded guilty (per plea agreement).Judge angrily berates Rob for giving MassResistance “banned” information.April 16, 2021
Love that line!
Looks like this posted without a hitch.
(Other than that horrible ramble I wrote!)
I thought it was a great ramble!
Thank you, Steve. Great post, as always. Looking forward to watching the videos when the household wakes up.
Thanks for the great post, Steve!
That was a good “ramble”…not horrible at all…and very educational.
Thanks for that!
And yes, 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Enjoyed every bit of the post. Thank you!
I thought your “ramble” was fascinating!
So evidently Trump is being interviewed on Monday by Hannity at Mar-a-Lago. Does that generate anything apart from an eyeroll, from anyone here?
Meanwhile, at the Tulsa conference, both Flynn and Lindell endorsed Lin Wood for SC GOP chair. Trump endorsed the hack McKissick.
Keep circling the wagons.
Hannity is the worst interviewer on TV. He interrupts constantly to talk about himself and brings every discussion back to himself. I never could stand watching him.
Me either.
It’s technically known as Hannitus Interruptus.
Hannity always “circles back” to Hannity. What a dork.
Trump used Hannity and Rush for very specific purposes. At key points, Trump got needed messages out through them. So no eyeroll here. I am very curious what message POTUS wants out.
LOL. I called Trump “POTUS”! hahahahahahahahaha
Wait….what’s wrong with that?
I call him the ‘Real POTUS’ to distinguish him from the fake one.
I think the most precise way to make the distinction is “Rightful POTUS” versus “Usurper POTUS” or “His Fraudulency”
Because, alas, Joe Biden IS functioning as POTUS even if someone else is pulling his strings.
And even if he didn’t win.
Could call Bye, Done POTASS… would be fitting…..
I’ve never stopped.
Creepy Biden DID NOT WIN!
He is POTUS. It just needs to be made so. As Patrick Stewart would say.
LOL! Good point.
Well, it’s a thought.
I want to see President Trump speak in person, because I am disgusted by some of the statements which are supposedly coming from him about the vaccines:
“With COVID cases still rising nationwide, it’s sheer lunacy to delay millions of vaccinations and feed fears among the vax-resistant,” he added.
“Indeed, this moronic move is a gift to the anti-vax movement,” Trump concluded. “The science bureaucrats are fueling that deranged pseudo-science.”
Seriously? WTF, Sir. Much more of this and I don’t know what I’ll do. Is he actually the one saying this stuff?
President Trump has been supportive of vaccines from the beginning and is very proud of Operation Warp Speed.
I am absolutely against vaccines for me and my family … everyone else can make their own informed choices.
However, disagreeing with President Trump on one issue does break my support of him or disillusion me about him. Even disagreeing on several issues is not enough to break my support of him.
We can not cancel everyone with whom we have a disagreement as there will be no one left with whom we agree on everything.
I can simply agree to disagree on that topic and move on to the Many issues with which I do agree with him and his stance.
Yes, those are the same statements posted by Torba, in his Trump placeholder account. Stirs up all manner of negative feedback, which I suppose is the objective.
I was having a back and forth with someone on gab this AM about this. Torba is posting this through the placeholder account he set up. Supposed to be twitter archives and e-mails sent to the press from one of Trump’s “offices”. This person claimed that is e-mailing this stuff to the media and that includes Torba. The “official statements” at 45office end on 4/7 with the endorsement of Mo Brooks.
So who knows.
You would think Trump would get a handle on it, if it wasn’t him.
What’s the problem? He is pro vax. Being a germphobe type I am sure he has great faith in the ability of vaxes to deal with covid. And based on the current mentality of the vast majority of the country, they need the vax to return to “normal”.
While there are a bunch of us who are either anti-vax types or just don’t see the need for this one, we are still in the minority. Vocally anyway.
This just triggered a wacky “what if” in my mind. This is pure brainstorming, don’t take it seriously.
I’ve spoken out against the belief that most of the shots given are placebos.
And many have wondered why Trump seems to be “pushing” the shots.
But what if the placebo thing is true and Trump knows it? That feeling of “normalcy” you get when you think you’re immune, to a disease you think is serious, might be Trump’s goal. Not to actually be vaccinated!!!
So of course, “they” are countering with directives that you should continue to isolate, wear face diapers, social distance, etc. to counter the psychology that Trump and team are trying to encourage.
I think there is a lot of truth to this, at a psychological level, even though I don’t think the shots are actually placebos. The truth is, they ARE placebos, statistically. For that HUGE MAJORITY who won’t have any significant side effects, they will get out of the Biden-Fauci Fear and Failure loop by taking the vaccine.
I just found strong medical reasons for me not to take any of the vaccines, even if I WANTED to get one. That’s kind of shocking to me, because NOBODY is talking contraindications, yet BOOM – I have one, and possibly one of the most dangerous. Doc didn’t spot it – I didn’t spot it – until yesterday.
I think Trump is right – the FEAR-MONGERING by Fauci on the TINY threat of the disease – phony as hell – is causing people to look closely, and that is creating MORE fear-mongering back – because the vaccines ARE a REAL threat – to the small number of people who absolutely should not take them, INCLUDING recoverees.
So, people who could likely take the vaccines without incidence are feeling FORCED to take them, and they’re seeing DON’T DO IT coming the other way.
HONESTY would be the best policy.
But the problem is, Fauci is compromised in favor of the vaccine.
I think you and Steve might be right … but even if President Turmp is pro vax that is ok with me … doesn’t impact my support of him
prior to his election he wasn’t pro vax or anti vax but was a vax questioner. One of the few things that didn’t come to fruition during his 4 yrs in office … maybe next time he is in office!
But, yes, I think the vax is to fight the wuflu hoax – not that the virus is a hoax as I know for Many it is nasty with long term effects, its the panic & fear generated and the “need” for government overreach that is a hoax.
Their (deep state/globalists/uniparty) would keep us in lock down, etc, with no vax. Vax exposes their schemes.
I view the ventilator “shortage” as the same thing with the deep state. (note that this is my *opinion* only) It seems to me the first plan was to make the crisis about no/few ventilators. Turns out ventilators are not the best approach for many anyway. But the shortage was supposed to be on President Trump.
Same with solutions, with treatments for wuflu … I really don’t think it was part of the plan to have viable treatments so quickly. Look at how hard they fought against getting out the info to loose weight, get in shape, take HCQ and zinc and Vit C!
Again, everything I see is that they were trying to generate a crisis through the virus, through treatments/lack of treatments, through false information and suppression of good info … and blame all of the negative results on President Trump.
I think that Trump sees the Fauci Fear-Mongers doing more damage than good, because they are not being objective both ways.
Here is what Director Wolf Moon would say.
Yes, out of the small, acceptable level of bad vaccine reactions [GIVE NUMBERS], we have now identified a systematic risk that we can prevent or avoid, related to clotting. We are going to address this risk immediately, while still allowing people who most likely don’t have those risks, to continue getting the vaccine if they want it.
Also, since I’ve taken over this office – and we thank Dr. Fauci for his service and wish him a long and happy retirement – I have decided that we need to be much more aggressive on enforcing contraindications to the vaccines. This is guaranteed to reduce the number of adverse reactions, because we will be removing the most “at risk” patients from the pool.
Starting now, we are advising people who have definitely had the virus to NOT get a vaccine, pending further study. We know there are vaccination risks there, and we also know that immunity from the disease is strong and long-lasting, as the result of very trustworthy medical studies. We may return to vaccination of recoverees later, but for now, we see little need. We also need such people down the road for medical studies, because if they have life-long immunity, or if the immunity wanes at a certain point, we need to know this. Recoverees are important.
Likewise, people who very likely had the disease, but are not certain, should consult with their doctor on whether to vaccinate or not. In fact, that is now our primary advice. Talk to your doctor, and decide together, whether the vaccine is right for you.
We will be handing out a list of contraindications to the vaccine after the press conference, and we are depending on the press to alert the public AND frontline physicians as to these definite and potential contraindications. People who have contraindications should ONLY vaccinate upon the advice of their doctor, generally because they are at higher risk from the disease.
Now – regarding pregnancy and the vaccine. We are generally advising AGAINST vaccination of women who are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant, barring high risks of the disease itself. Again, talk to your doctor. Generally, however, we advise against it.
We are starting urgent studies on the relationship of the virus and the vaccine to not only clotting effects, but also reproductive effects. We urge all people who are considering vaccination to be aware of risks here, and if they have those risks, to not vaccinate without discussion with their doctor.
To the vaccine-hesitant, let me be clear. You do NOT have to take this vaccine. For many, especially children, we now believe that the disease itself has lower risks and gives stronger and longer immunity than any vaccine. Vaccination is an ALTERNATIVE to the disease – it is not a cure.
As President Trump said, THE CURE CAN’T BE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE. Let this guide EVERYBODY’S thinking.
Thank you. I will now take questions.
By eyeroll I meant the same spiel about his administration with regard to ventilators, the economy, unemployment, the border and vaccines. Anyone tuning in to Hannity at this point has heard it all already – and I don’t see what purpose that serves. They know everything is now corrupted, and feel helpless without any legitimate direction. Just seeing his face doesn’t cut it at this point. Because now matter how you slice it, he’s speaking from a point of weakness. And touting the vaccines, as more terrible adverse info comes out hourly, is not something he should be doing. Just my opinion.
I will certainly watch, to see how it starts off. But if it goes the same route I’m out.
You may not see this late reply but I feel the same way. Love Trump but this entire CV response has me confused and wary.
The relentless praise for warp speed vaccines seems like bragging about something that was hastily produced without enough testing. It’s one thing to offer a vax but quite another to become part of the chorus of how great it is . Does trump not hear of the many extreme side effects and deaths associated with it?
What is the purpose of vaccinating people who have had it ?
Yes, I see that it’s only one issue BUT it’s the one issue that is steadily progressing to a point where our liberty and freedom will be forcibly taken based on the false mantra of safety. As we see and it’s impossible that DJT doesn’t understand the implications…..vaccine passports or even the more palatable vaccine record (to be presented upon request) is the vehicle they will use to control our lives from education to commerce to social to………..
Imo, if Trump can’t see this juggernaut bearing down on us..all the feel good speechifying in the world rings hollow to me. Freedom is at stake . I don’t think this is hyperbole. The entire globe has been been altered using CV as the basis just as it was designed to be used. The mother of all psy ops.
I can’t begin to figure it out either. He can’t possibly be this dense, over so long a period of time. So something else has to be in play.
Dozens of my neighbors got vaccinated and none of them had a reaction as bad as those who had the disease. The Democrats among them are PROUD of their vaccines.
Some people WANT vaccines. Even with side effects and risks. It’s their version of acceptable risks.
Trump is a realist. He sees a picture much bigger than our corner of the world.
We have to trumpet risks and side-effects with bullhorns to get ANY attention to them, because Fauci and his gang have IGNORED them, but we have to be cautious that we don’t get tunnel vision.
What has Trump said about vaccine passports? I suspect he is letting the governors LEAD on that, actually, but I assume he’s against them.
We have to be careful – Trump does not have control of his social media flow any more, and I think the other side is making him look “bad” to us when possible.
The vaccines are a mixed bag. The sweet spot for our side is VOLUNTARY, NO PASSPORTS, DON’T TAKE IF YOU HAVE MORE RISK FROM THE VACCINE THAN FROM THE DISEASE.
All these go against the media and the Fauci cabal.
Yeah, I generally wait until I hear secondary reports about “all things Hannity” to see if something worthy and important gets spotted, and worth my time to find a video – otherwise I just assume it’s “more tick tock” and a waste of my time.
I tend to believe that Trump always had real purpose in going to certain people like Rush and Hannity, even Ingraham, yet not being in any of their most core audiences, I never quite got it, except when the message was a bit bigger and made sense. Trump made a bee-line to Hannity after his first debate in 2016. It was a fantastic interview which overcame ALL the malign intention of Fox that night. That is when it clicked that Trump knew exactly what he was doing.
He was using the most wide reaching voices to connect with the various camps of ‘us’. Smart and effective. I’m glad that he did. He bore down on the most damaging thing…fake news. True and great strategy.
However, we’re now in a fight for our freedom and it seems repetitive about past successes without addressing the several elephants in the room. Is he simply trying to be lukewarm to not incur the wrath of the cabal? Is he trying to shore up the war chest for 2024?
It mystifies me that the narrative of insurrection hasn’t been clarified. Were there truly ones that tried to “takeover” without arms and what of the heinous treatment of people who went at great cost to themselves because he urged us to and are now facing financial ruin and possible prison time. I don’t understand how this is not spoken of by the very person who called us there.
We had Q in the past to hint us past “what cannot be said”. Now, we have to figure it out for ourselves.
What did Q say about vaccines.
Our side is not being smart both ways. We’re falling to division tactics.
Sad little LOL…I’m def a follower and not a visionary, in need of a worthy pied piper I guess!
I wish I was a better second-row pied piper, but the Fauci Flu took the wind out of my sails in a big way. I’m feeling pretty “last chair” at this point!
Monday is April 19th. It’s worth noting that:
I’m not expecting any bombshells, but the timing is interesting.

Eye roll? Why would I eye roll hearing from President Trump?
No, I am always delighted to hear from him.
So am I.
So … are we now supporting Lin Wood and Flynn over President Trump?!
Not taking the bait. Sorry, HAGD.
Bait? Just asking …
Interesting that those who critisize me also are now eye rolling about President Trump.
Same people eye rolling about us both. Guess I am good company!
The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show – Episode 214Apr 16th 2021, 13:34, by michaelbazzell
EPISODE 214-Offense/Defense: The Capitol Siege
This week I discuss the offense (investigations) and defense (privacy tactics) surrounding the aftermath of the Capitol siege, plus the latest privacy news.
Direct support for this podcast comes from sales of my books and the online video training. More details can be found at Your support eliminates any ads, sponsors, endorsements, Patreon, donations, or commercial influence on this show.
Listen to THIS episode at
When you’re losing the left you’re losing . . .
Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One
The most significant Trump-era alliance is between corporate outlets and security state agencies, whose evidence-free claims they unquestioningly disseminate.
Glenn Greenwald
10 hr ago
Rachel Maddow is Bill O’ReillyAfter hyping a fake story on Afghan bounties, cable’s leading anchor doesn’t blink and moves on to the next fable
Matt Taibbi
4 hr ago
Due Process Is Good, He Said ControversiallyGaetz, Greenwald, and accusations in the Twitter age
Matt Taibbi
Apr 13
I interviewed friend Glenn Greenwald yesterday about his new book, “Securing Democracy” (review on the way). For those not familiar, that’s the one where Glenn and his husband David Miranda shepherded a major corruption story into print, resulting in the freeing from prison of a left-leaning former president, defying the government of Jair Bolsonaro, perhaps Donald Trump’s biggest supporter on the international political stage.
At the outset, Greenwald and I were joking because he was trending on Twitter again, the sixth time in six weeks (a non-Trump record?). . . . After his article about the Matt Gaetz case, trolls and blue checks rolled out an innuendo parade. He was a hypocrite for saying the New York Post’s Hunter Biden expose shouldn’t have been blocked, a “MAGA troll” who defends “40 year-olds who sleep with kids” (the contribution by “antiracism educator” Tim Wise), and a defender of white supremacists who hates women and is himself an ephebophile (look it up) who groomed his own husband, among many other things.
The first time I knew something changed on my side of the political aisle in the attitude toward accused people was the Maria Butina case. . . .
Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology the Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As a Disguise
By draping itself in the finery of political activism, the corporatist class consolidates political power, corrupts democracy and distracts from its real functions.
Glenn Greenwald
Apr 13
If you invest in precious metals, remember: Physical over Paper. Get your hands on the actual stuff. If you can’t drop it on your foot, don’t bother.
I like it! PHYSICAL!!!
Olivia Newton-John didn’t just get physical….sometimes she went to other places….
Kinzinger is going Coke-level Woke!
Kinzinger is a little baby back bitch. If you believe in “America First” according to him you don’t belong with Republicans.
I mean.. it’s almost like that’s the whole point, bruv.
1 comment
Adam Kinzinger voted against the majority of his fellow GOP House members on the following (and this is just this year and is probably not an exhaustive list of key votes, just the ones I have happened to track):
He was 1 of 10 GOP in the House to vote to impeach President Trump.
He was 1 of 11 GOP in the House to vote to strep Congressman Greene of her committee seats.
He was 1 of 8 GOP in the House to vote for increased 2A infringment.
He is a GREAT target for the GOP primaries as his district is very conservative and should be able to handle, even embrace a true MAGA conservative.
From my notes:
Started running for office @ 20 yrs of age then served in the military
Been in office since winning in 2010 – won the GOP primary with Gov Palin’s endorsement! Wow – he sure has not lived up to that endorsement!!!!!!!
Eric Cantor helped him win his 2012 primary – he was redistricted & he defeated the incumbent GOP during the primary -> why was he such a priority for Cantor over the other GOP House incumbent???
By 2014 he was targeted in the GOP primary by the founder of the Rockford Tea Party but he won 78% of the GOP primary vote.
The district is Solid GOP – no dems even ran in 2016
Kinzinger is a Never Trump – voted against President Trump in the 2016 general election which to me disqualifies him as a Republican. Can’t vote against Republican POTUS in favor of Dem and still be a Republican! He pushed Russia conspiracy theories
he won in 2020 with 65% of the vote
In early 2021, a few weeks after the 2021 Capitol election integrity protests, Kinzinger launched the Country First PAC, as a means to reform the Republican Party
However, he does not reflect his GOP voters as they are Solid GOP with the exception of 2008
2000: 54% Bush – 43% Gore
2004: 55% Bush – 44% Kerry
2008: Obama 50% McCain 48%
2012: Romney 53% Obama 45%
2016: Trump 55% Hillary 38%
2020: Trump 56% Biden 40%
One would not be surprised to learn that Rep. Kinzinger believes he is a good prospect for the 2024 “Republican” Party VP nomination.
One suspects that the 2024 “Republican” Presidential nomination may well go to Nikki Haley (Pence will have been “sidelined” already).
Hey Adam,
It is generally taught that the earth has a molten iron core, whose rotation creates the earth’s magnetism……
….but lets zoom in on the last couple of miles of the earth’s core closest to the center.
If you had a pool of liquid iron at sea level, it would be between 1538C and 2862C (after that it starts to boil). If you melted up some rhodium (1964C – 3695C) and poured it in, you’d expect it to head straight for the bottom and stay there, based on density. If you poured in some liquid iridium (2446C / 4130C), you’d expect it to head to the bottom and likely condense into a solid
The inner center of our planet is likely to be a bunch of molten elements heavier than iron.
One other thing that COULD happen is the solid metals could go into solution, dissolving like salt does in water.
In fact, solid platinum will dissolve in molten gold. This allowed mint workers in Spanish America to steal gold–they’d buy up some of that “caca blanca” platinum and substitute it for gold in the melt, which gold they would pocket.
The Spanish government had to forbid the possession of platinum and would reimburse people for it. Centuries later, when they felt a bit strapped for cash, they adulterated their own gold coinage with platinum.
I’m not at all familiar with behavior at the pressures and temperatures involved. I was just puncturing the “big iron sphere” BS.
It is *mostly* iron, but if it’s like metallic meteorites, it’s 10 percent nickel and all sorts of interesting lesser impurities.
I think most ideas about what the core is like are based on those metallic meteorites.
I have to say that my “spelling check” subroutine is currently being triggered by spot gold v. spot platinum. It just seems like they should be reversed.
Reverse? As in the prices? I would tend to agree.
But apparently platinum is such a glut on the market it’s barely being mined…which means a lot of its fellow traveler elements (the PGMs, i.e., all the elements I went through that most people have never heard of before, other than rhenium) haven’t been produced, accounting for their price spikes recently.
Palladium has been going up strongly for years, but its rate of increase is nothing like the nearly vertical wall rhodium and iridium have had just in the last few months. It’s like a climate weenie’s hockey stick, except that it represents something real.
This sounds a lot like the CHURCH OF JUDAS.
Red Francis Tells His Flock: “Sharing Ownership is Not Communism, but it is Pure Christianity”
April 16, 2021, 7:30amby Jim Hoft 1143 Comments
^^^ Francis IS a total whack job. ^^^
The Bride of Christ was probably never supposed to be Bridezilla.
Clever and witty.
Rightful POTUS … I like that approach and find it in balance with what is going on.
At least Francis is making a Peter-level mistake here! Christ knew that imperfect men of good faith were still a solid rock!
But seriously – this is where Francis is saved or fallen by Aubergine’s razor. Judas (IMO), taken at his BEST, betrayed Jesus over the issue of COLLECTIVISM. Christ in essence DIED to defend the good-faith conscience of the individual.
If Francis follows Peter, and errs in good faith, then he is merely trying to do the impossible – to reconcile collectivism with Christianity. But if he is devoted to collectivism first, and is attempting to reconcile Christianity to collectivism by any means necessary, if he is “pretending not to know” where this goes – against Christ’s own example – then his error is not in good faith, IMO – he is greatly deceived.
This is a beautiful example of perseverance!
Those are the moments that make a person who they are for the rest of their lives.
Yes! The love & support he received were so uplifting too!
Nice summary of the facts, from GAB…..
Phi Sigma Pi Fraternity – originally an honor society. Far Left, deep in CRT programming, DE&I
Just dropping this in here….
I remember this song well. Ironically, I had no idea it was by the Tubes and would until this moment have sworn (if asked) that I had never listened to anything by the Tubes.
You’ve been missing out.
Now THAT was a blast from the past.
Filling the gap.
This was EXTREMELY effective propaganda, and we never even realized it.
The TIMING just explains everything. When the stuff with teachers and students just started happening, I was, like – WHERE did this come from? It ALL makes sense now.
It’s not DIRECT. It’s a slow social process. You let the air out of the tire up near the top, but it flattens elsewhere. It’s ingenious.
Because I’ve removed almost ALL fake entertainment, it all looks completely different now. It looks NOTHING like what I saw before. It’s TRAINING. It’s freaking TRAINING.
LOL. OK, I’m gonna take a break for a bit. I need my beauty rest. I can’t even watch music videos and not see maps rolled dramatically across tables.
Not to put too fine a point on it….whenever pop culture dips into primal urges, it’s all manipulative. Period.
You got it in one.
“Hot For Teacher,” “Only Sixteen,” there are many. And that’s just the young-older thing. How about “I Kissed A Girl?”
“When I Kissed The Teacher” by Abba.
Oh, and how is the Eggplant Lady today?
Eggplant Lady is fine!
Ironically, I will be separating some actual eggplants into bigger garden pots this morning. Communing with my peers
Just a bisschen more Tubes….
We’ve been bathed in propaganda/signals.
Ontario goes full Chi-com
My daughter has a friend there. The folks are terrified.
crimes against humanity in so many ways!
I would have to leave. Period.
Agreed. I Really want my son’s girlfriend & family to get out but he’s trying to gear up to endure that tyranny to be with her…I’ll need to be praying hard to see such a free spirited American surrendering his life to that level of despotism because of love…
That is a tough one. Maybe they will get tired of it and move home to you.
Well, she’s got a number of family members there so I doubt she’d leave unless they were also willing to move. One day at a time!
By the way I really appreciated your mammogram subvert the commies tale–you rock! Lemons into lemonade, or is it lemon cello (that drink in Grandma’s previous post)
Given the option, I’m going alcoholic with the beverage. It’s Friday!
This is messed up

The label says:
𝟷𝟶𝟶% ᴜsᴀ ᴄᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ
ғʀᴇᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴғɪɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ғᴇᴇᴅʟᴏᴛ.
So I’m wondering if some gay vegan activist did the misleading wording on that label.
Chances are, it’s a good product.
But somebody intentionally worded that to make it look bad.
Or maybe it’s photo-shopped.
𝟷𝟶𝟶% ᴜsᴀ ᴄᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ
ғʀᴇᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴғɪɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ғᴇᴇᴅʟᴏᴛ.
Okay, but those words could still apply to people.

Except Bye, Done’s people are in cages at the Mexican border…..
(btw, 14% is a lot of fat isn’t it [for hamburger]…)…..
Actually I’ve seen anything from 30% down to 7%.
7% usually makes for a not-juicy burger.
Yeah, but it keeps the “fitness-not-fatness” crowd happy. In Kalifornistan it wasn’t unusual to only have a choice between 5% and 10%….
(And now the same carni-Karens are drooling over excessively-marbled Waygu beef which is probably around 40%… seems they just love to dictate… so they have meat to go with their whine…)….
I saw the cattle part on the label too, but they sure went near soylent green there…
stay home order

According to SD at OT no one officially welcomed them upon their initial arrival at the White House.
Can anyone deny that the media would 24/7 coverage and HUGE spin + condemnation from Congress, etc., if President Trump had made this blunder?!
“President Biden congrats the Japan PM on Hideki Matsuyama becoming the first Japanese golfer to win the Masters: “I know how proud you are of the people of Japan are. And you’ve got a Japanese boy coming over here, and guess what, he won the Masters.”
More on the many mistakes and blunders…
After watching the video clip several times, one concludes that KamaHarr was unprepared to welcome the Japanese PM and to make her “remarks”. She did a terrible job with her “impromptu” efforts. This would appear to indicate that RobberJoe’s handlers, and also very possibly his medical team, made a decision to not allow him to perform these functions — and that his body double wasn’t ready, or in attendance, to do them in his place.
We have been reminded again and again during these last 18 months how important local politics are. Mask mandates, closure mandates, schools operating in person, the way laws are applied and enforced and so much more. Town/city/county mayors, commissioners, school boards, sheriffs all matter! State legislatures, State AGs & Secretaries of State (for states who elect these positions), Governors … all matter so much.
Just for fun:
We finally pulled our Trump 2020 yard signs out of the lower field by the road – not because we have changed our support or our resolve but because the signs were so worn that they were now getting to the point of ratty and disrespect of the very person we are supporing. Plus it grow and mow time. We hay in that field and they won’t be visible and will be in the way when workign there.
Anyway, on some of the signs the red had completely faded … Pence was in red and he has faded completely from the signs! Just Trump – Perfect!
The UV must preferentially kill that red dye.
Good job, Sun!
I also have red/blue/white signs from 2016 and on them the colors all faded equally. But these from 2020 … Pence is Out! as is all markings for 2020, etc.
Love the way it faded but too worn to keep out on display. Might put out a couple of left over 4x4s or our big 4×8 and really make a statement! But Pence is still clearly on those so I hesitate.
I agree. I set out four yard signs and have no idea where most of them went. I should go look…once this latest snow melts.
still having snow?! Wow!
We are mowing for hay to plant (no dig planting style). many of our plants are ready. I spent 1 winter out west … thought I would never be warm again! ha
This is a “normal” Colorado Front Range springtime. The first we’ve had in ages.
The snowiest months historically are March and April. Largely because that’s when we start getting more moisture, and it’s not really *warm* yet. Go up a couple of thousand feet into the clouds, and it’s below freezing.
It’ll start as rain then turn to snow as the storm itself cools things off.
Typically most of the snow is gone in a day.
From an email update from True the Vote:
(I am leaving in the links for quick access to the bills referenced for those reading from those specific states)
“For The RecordFrom True the Vote’s Courtney Kramer and Dan GelertnerMore states are coming out with election bills in the wake of Georgia passing their Election Integrity Act of 2021. Texas, in particular, has bills in the House and Senate. The Senate has advanced SB 7. This bill requires that registered voters who have been excused from jury duty for ineligibility to vote (i.e. not being citizens) be removed from voter rolls. It requires the Secretary of State to monitor registrars for compliance with the law and imposes financial penalties where registrars fail to correct violations within a timely manner.
DSB 7 provides for the electronic tracking of mail-in ballot applications and the ballot itself. It also requires that electronic images of both sides of all applications, envelopes, and ballots be maintained. Ballots also must be preserved after an election and chain of custody to be maintained in order to prevent vote tampering. Moreover, ballot storage locations must be guarded by a licensed peace officer and allow for the installation of video security cameras at these locations.
These provisions protect voter integrity by making it harder for criminals to cheat during election cycles. Not shockingly, this bill is widely unpopular with parties whose electability would appear to depend on voter fraud.
On the other side of the legislature, under consideration in the Texas State House is HB 6. This bill makes it a felony to pay for ballot harvesting and trafficking, protects voters who need assistance from being victimized by the people assisting them, prevents election judges from removing poll watchers from a polling place, and makes it illegal for election officers to refuse to accept duly appointed watchers. Further, this bill provides for the removal of dead voters from the voting rolls, which proved to be an issue in 2020. HB 6 also makes it illegal to solicit for mail-voting applications or to send applications and ballots to voters who have not requested them, just as in Georgia’s new law. Lastly, to make elections more transparent, HB 6 makes it illegal for election officials to alter or suspend election procedures on their own recognizance.
Then there’s California. California is considering legislation (AB 37) that erases the current limitation of mail-in voting to those who cannot vote in person. It will instead require that election officials mail a ballot to every registered voter in the state, effectively eliminating the concept of an election day and in-person voting completely. The bill would permit votes to be received and counted up to seven days after an election. The bill permits ballots with no postmark or with no date on the postmark to have a date stamped on them upon receipt of the ballot by the elections official and permits votes to be delivered either by the Post Office or by “a bona fide private mail delivery company.” This means that an unlimited number of ballots (with no postmarks) can be dumped on election officials up to seven days after an election, and those ballots must be counted.
It is a tale of two states: One state wants those who are able to vote in person to do so, and the other state thinks that a ballot mailed without a postmark is legitimate. It is clear which state wants to protect voter integrity. Each fraudulent ballot dilutes the ballot of a legitimate voter. Plain and simple.
Meanwhile, CEOs of more than 100 large corporations are gathering {very similar to the list being assembled here} to discuss how to exert economic pressure against our democracy. These companies include Delta, American, and United Airlines, Starbucks, Target, LinkedIn, Levi Strauss, and BCG. This used to be anathema to the Left: The idea that powerful companies and wealthy individuals might use their money to change the law, in defiance of the will of voters. These CEOs are unanimous in the opinion that voting laws should be more relaxed and security provisions weakened—which would include getting rid of voter ID. To counter these initiatives, everyday Americans, like you, can take action by calling your legislature, getting involved in the passage of new election bills, and making sure your voices are heard.
True the Vote recommended this group:
First I have heard of them but they look interesting, filling a need to organize and help at the grassroots level. Anyone else heard of them before now? Vetted them? Recommend or not recommend?
I joined AMAC as a more conservative alternative to AARP who betrayed us over Obamacare. I am guessing that AMACAction is a political branch of AMAC.
It is! I have a friend who has been telling me about AMAC and showing me their magazines. And after I poked around some more figured that part out. Wow! They are doing some good work.
I emailed and asked about a local or regional chapter to join in person
AARP was NEVER a good organization–pushing socialism. They didn’t betray you, they did EXACTLY as I would have expected.
There are rumors that ANTIFA is trying to intimidate the auditors of the Maricopa county audit.
They are prepared:
Maricopa Audit Security Update from Trooper. Our current understanding is:
1) Robust Security will be protecting the counting operations center. That is the inner-inner core of what must be protected. If any threat reaches that point – Don’t expect the personnel inside that facility to be passive.
2) DPS (Arizona’s version of “State Police” that are authorized to operate inside Counties under agreement with Sheriffs) – DPS has jurisdiction over the AZ State Fair Grounds. You can bet that they will have tactical vehicles and capabilities inside that perimeter.
3) Phoenix PD is responsible for outside perimeter/traffic/protest/any riot control. Antifa take note: We have an outstanding Career Professional PPD Chief – she is also a /Black Female/ in case anyone was wondering – and based on prior attempts by leftists and antifa hooligans – they are not going to take shit from anyone. Back that with the fact they are already on full quarters for the trials and flashpoint events back East.
Those are the facts. That’s what can be shared. And there are more layers of security between the outside street and inside building – including surveillance.
General Flynn confirms ANTIFA.
General Flynn Warns About Possible Threats from Antifa/BLM. The Audit Team Has High Level Security – YouTube
As of the reported stats for 4/16/21:
TN: 1,764 deaths per million
MI: 1,788 deaths per million
Why are MI’s so high when they have had drastic shutdowns & mask mandates, etc.?
“It’s unlikely Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer set out to prove that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fetish for lockdowns and masks does exactly nothing to stop the spread of coronavirus. Those of us who have been pointing out the data demonstrating this for months now will gladly accept her assistance nevertheless. Our mamas taught us never to look a gift horse in the mouth—not even the hypocritical ones, whose top aides vacation in the alleged coronavirus hellhole of Florida over spring break
It is also a fact that nine of the 10 states with the worst COVID death rates all deployed mask mandates, and some form of lockdown. Contrast that to the fact that Florida, which ended its lockdown restrictions on all businesses more than six months ago, just recorded single digits in daily COVID deaths for the first time since September. Meanwhile, the state of Michigan, with a lockdown so strict you couldn’t buy seeds to plant a garden outside, is currently struggling with record-setting daily death tolls and hospitalizations.”
the treatment of conservative protesters v. the treatment of Dem/leftist protesters is appalling and is not “justice”!
My favorite article so far this morning:
“The key is that the anti-Trump Republicans stormed out of the closet with indecent haste and mistaken judgment. President Trump had a very successful term despite an unprecedented level of harassment, much of it almost certainly unconstitutional in the Trump-Russian collusion fraud, and while—contrary to his absurd claims—he lost the popular vote in seeking reelection, as he did in his election of 2016, it is very likely that he, as in 2016, would have won reelection in the Electoral College if the votes have been counted fairly. He might have won even if the votes had been counted fairly only in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where a flip of approximately 50,000 between the three states would have given him victory.
The fact that the former Republican establishment fell in with the Democratic narrative and refused to accept the possibility of this, in the most tainted election in American history (except perhaps 1876), is a disgrace and a dishonor to them. There was never any moral or practical imperative for President Trump falsely to abandon the righteousness of his claims of a dishonestly counted election.
Whatever their reasons, the judiciary abdicated.
Given the questionable results, President Trump had absolutely no reason to abandon his legitimate claims. In any event, there was no argument whatever to be made that Trump should extend himself in the slightest degree to accommodate McConnell’s incandescent ambition to cling to the furniture in the Senate majority leader’s office. The problem, to revert to the Wall Street Journal’s haughty injunction, is that McConnell and the other NeverTrumpers, dragging the editorial board of the Journal with them, not only did not realize Trump had a serious argument that his election had been stolen, they also did not realize the Republicans are and remain his party.
It is not for Trump to bury his grievances, to be a good loser like Carter and Bush, and toil in the vineyards of protecting the sinecures and preferments of those who betrayed him in his own party. The real question is how and to what extent are Trump and his enemies within the Republican Party to be reconciled.
At some point, the former Republican establishment will need to familiarize itself with the consequences of being defeated by Trump within its own party, of having been led effectively by him, and of having been deliberately or negligently complicit in his unjust (if perhaps only temporary) departure from the nation’s highest office. The fact that the Wall Street Journal has to be told this, though not surprising when reading some of the members of its editorial board on the subject, is disconcerting.”
Good article that points out Fake News is sometimes news that is real but is being spun to mean something it doesn’t.
The author’s example is that the media is explaining that the blood clot issue with the vaccine is rare based on stats and yet the narrative regarding black/police interactions makes its sound as though black suspects dying by police shootings are common … and yet they are the same probability.
“Do the math for yourself if, like many in this country, you have been so effectively bamboozled by the mass media that you think police killings of unarmed blacks are happening at a terrifyingly high frequency. In 2019, 14 unarmed blacks were shot and killed by police. The black population in the U.S. in 2019 was approximately 47 million people. That means that an unarmed black person’s risk of being shot by police is around 1 in 3 ½ million. That means a black person is nearly four times more likely to develop serious blood clots from receiving one of the COVID vaccines this year than they are of being shot and killed by police. The risk level is infinitesimally small. And, if you remove from the risk equation those unarmed blacks killed by police who physically fought with cops or otherwise resisted arrest, the risk of an unarmed black person being shot by police falls to near zero.”
Same danger … different spin by fake news.
{blood clots are not the only danger from the vaccines and how many will have the blood clots in months v. weeks following the shot? so, no, I am not advocating for the shots}
Listening to Flynn for the 2nd time this week.
At this rate I will not be getting back to sleep this morning as Flynn is fired up eand pushing attendees to DO something in politics, pointing out that if anyone is elected We the People put them there so we have to take responsibility for who is elected and to defeat/replace them. We must engage 5:50 mark
“we have to stop talking and Do!”
Again, calling us to action at ~15 minute mark saying it is not enough to complain and be upset – got to do something. Uses a man who stepped up, became involved and became chair of his county GOP.
25:30 focuses on a call to women to take political action & getting involved politically in our communities.
Great talk adn major focus on talk is not enough … we must take political action.
Thanks for sharing Gen. Flynn. I so love this Christian American soldier. God bless him and his family.
Arizona Today – Interview with Col. Phillip Waldron, PART 1 | Prescott eNews
Soros’ Open Society involved with the electronic election fraud attack.
Arizona Today – Interview with Col. Phil Waldron – PART 2 | Prescott eNews
Verse of the Day for Saturday, April 17, 2021
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
John 3:17 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
saw this and thought of your daily post.
Thanks, Mom!!! God Bless You!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
agenda for conference:
Livestreaming of the conference:
The ‘Murica Table
Excellent craftsmanship!
I hope he sells a million of them.
I don’t, he’d never be able to make that many. Life is just too dang short!!
He said he had two hundred hours in that table. At minimum wage (which would be egregiously underpaying this man) that’s $3000 and doesn’t include materials.
My main complaint about this table is, not nearly enough guns!
My other complaint is that Joe Biden didn’t win (though that has nothing to do with this table).
Well, actually it does, as it basically says the same thing.
I thought about that.
Maybe he could hire some people, some worker elves with skills…expand his shop.
He will probably get some custom orders too.
What would generally happen with something like this is the original table, made completely be hand, would be adapted to factory-machined pieces and an assembly line.
And don’t assume that means cheap, because it doesn’t necessarily.
I found a pair of antique chairs at a thrift store recently. They are bistro chairs from about 1885-90. They were “factory made” in Austria, and are just beautiful. The pair is worth about $1200.
One thing I’d want that factory to do is to tighten things up a bit.
There are too obviously seams in this table that would make someone start trying to break into it. The best way to hide things from burglars/thieves is to fix it so they don’t think anything is there in the first place.
I would be afraid of burglars smashing this table…or picking it up and carrying it off to pummel at their leisure. Which they will do with small safes.
Yep, you’re right.
It’s all about quality control.
I have found some really nice things what were done on an assembly line.
That is soooooooo cool.
Yes, yes it is, Gil!!!
Lou Dobbs Live From His Car On Current Events And Leadership That Lacks Courage
OMG, I love this!!!
Pennsylvania Audit The Vote PA
April 21, 2021 10am Harrisburg, PA Capitol Steps For More Info:
Telegram Channel: @auditthevotepa
Sign the Petition to Demand a Full Investigative & Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election:
Website: http://www.AuditTheVotePA.comAudit the 2020 Election Results in PASign & Share with Other Pennsylvanians!
Audit the 2020 Election Ballots in Pennsylvania (
april 16, 2021 the marshall report
The conference has live streaming and now some clips of what you may have missed.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Thank you for a terrific opener.
Here’s a question:
Do you have an opinion regarding the types of “break-apart” silver or gold items available? For examples, the break-apart Valcambi “CombiBars” silver or gold bars?
I really don’t. Here’s what I’d want to know…how well do they sell after you’ve broken them apart?
They seem to be considered a worthwhile product by the big bullion companies (Apmex and Kitco) and I’ve seen them at coin shows. That reassures me that they aren’t phony gold (or silver or platinum…they may do other metals too). The quality seems good.
But! Do you take some sort of hit for a bar broken up versus intact? Are they worth less than they would be if not broken apart? I strongly suspect the answer is yes, in which case, you’d never want to break them apart unless you had to–some sort of monetary apocalypse where the paper faux fiat dollar is not worth wiping your backside with (and it isn’t–horribly non-absorbent).
I *do* like the fact that someone’s trying to take on the fundamental difficulty with “large” gold pieces…the fact that it’s hard to buy a tank of gas or a week’s groceries with an ounce of gold because you can’t fricking make change for that much money! Buy the entire bunch, then break them off if you have to.
A gram of gold is (roughly) 1/31st of an ounce and at $1775 an ounce a gram is $57.25 (all numbers rounded off, I’m trying to give anyone reading this a “feel” for it). Sixty bucks would make a useful “denomination” for those purposes. Depending on what kind of Deplorable beater you’re driving, one of these could handily buy a tank of gas today, and likely during some sort of collapse as well. But, again, even in those circumstances…you might find that the bar of 25 is worth less in 25 pieces than it is put together.
(Another way to approach this, of course, is to also own a lot of silver which is “smaller” denominations to begin with.) [Also, not “instead.”]
Wolf Moon
Methinks the comment I posted under the Adam Kinzinger putting his feet in his mouth item below, somehow fell into Da Bin. Thanks!
There is this one that posted…is it the one you’re talking about?
Thanks so much!
You’re very welcome, CV.

Good article on Fauci, masks. Source may even be MagaMom approved.
When opportunity knocks.
Oh, don’t be ridiculous.
That guy probably ALREADY had to raid his couch cushions for the change and no longer has the $2.32 as a consequence.
joe biden did not win!!!
“His Fraudulency” the Usurper.
versus the Rightful POTUS
Haaa…love it.
These are all great, Butterfly!
It Was Worse Than We Thought: NO ONE Met Japanese Prime Minister at the White House Door Except Stationary Marine (
I don’t think this was an ‘Ooops’.
I think it was deliberate.
Japan does not accept muzlim immigrants…at all.
They have very strict rules about it.
Japan has also been doing some pushback against the ChiComs’ overreach in their area.
Xi doesn’t like it.
So I’m thinking that this deliberate snub & humiliation of the Japanese PM, was done by Joe and Hoe to curry favor with Xi and the muzlim brotherhood.
And here I was thinking Slow Joe was napping in the basement.
Disgusting, embarrassing, feel like we need to write an apology letter.
Dear Japan,
We the American People sincerely apologize for the disrespectful welcome you were given by our fraudulently elected pResident and vice-pResident.
We admire and respect your country and its people very much, and sincerely hope we manage to put the rightful President, Donald J. Trump, back into our White House soon.
On your visits after that, you will be personally greeted at the door by President Trump and his beautiful wife Melania, who will no doubt be wearing a subtle outfit showing her genuine appreciation of your visit. You will also be treated to fabulous accommodations and meals during your stay.
Once again, we humbly apologize for the behavior of Joe and the Ho. They just weren’t raised to have any class or manners.
We The People of the United States of America
This is awesome!!!
Posted to Gab!
That’s cool, thanks!
Maybe the Prime Minister will see it.
You could probably e-mail it to the Japanese embassy or something like that.
Ooooh, that’s not a bad idea!
I just sent it to the Japan Information & Culture Center, which is the only email address I could find on the embassy website.
Well…here’s hoping this wasn’t all fake news!
Thanks! I’m Southern, we know all about hospitality!
Lol! Thanks!
Dear Japan,
We’re SOOOOO Sorry!

OMG!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!
Oh, my.
“I don’t think this was an ‘Ooops’. I think it was deliberate.”
Very much agreed.
“Japan does not accept muzlim immigrants…at all.”
That’s because Japan has chosen to acknowledge, without apology, that the naked muzzie wears no clothes, and the West is suicidally stupid for doing otherwise.
Unlike all the virtue-signalling dupes, goofs and liars in the West, who can’t applaud loudly enough for the naked muzzies, whose entire reason for existence is to subvert and destroy and conquer.
I wouldn’t let them in my country either.
And neither would our Founding Fathers. Samuel Adams was very specific about it, albeit with regard to the RCC at that time, but the exact same principle applies to the muzzies.
This is the exchange I had with someone about it years ago, during the 2016 campaign, as a result of an article about a comment Ben Carson made:
NotMyOwnAnymore wrote: “You cannot be a true American citizen and not support religious freedom for all. You may not like the religion in question, but you must support its right to exist. Our Founders understood that to maintain religious freedom for some, you have to maintain religious freedom for all – and that the matter of which religion is valid is best settled in the open arena of competing ideas, not in a closed society that denies the freedom and rights of certain people.
Me: “Wrong again. You’re just flat out WRONG.
We are not obligated to ‘maintain’ ANYTHING which threatens harm or a violation of our God-given UNALIENABLE rights.
islam is ALL kinds of wrong, and as Abraham Lincoln observed, “There is no right to do wrong“, certainly not when that ‘wrong’ violates the Rights of others.
Are you brainwashed, or just a typical Leftist subversive?
Here is Samuel Adams, an actual Founding Father, stating the grounds for his opposition to something many would argue is even less dangerous than Islam.
Founding Father Samuel Adams would not only oppose a Muslim for president, but he would oppose the very presence of Islam as antithetical to a free people.
I’m with Founding Father Samuel Adams. It is insane to be playing around with an ideology as dangerous as Islam.
Here is an excerpt from a Breitbart article in September 2015, link at bottom:
Would Founding Father Samuel Adams Agree with Ben Carson on a Muslim President?
AWR Hawkins
“It is interesting to note that in 1772 Sam Adams wrote “The Rights of the Colonists,” through which he set forth a litmus test for religions that could be tolerated under the new government colonists would form. Adams’ litmus test rules out theocracies like Islam.
Hanover College published “The Rights of the Colonists,” in which Adams wrote:
“In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised, and, both by precept and example, inculcated on mankind.
And it is now generally agreed among Christians that this spirit of toleration, in the fullest extent consistent with the being of civil society, is the chief characteristical mark of the Church. Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society.
The only sects which he thinks ought to be, and which by all wise laws are excluded from such toleration, are those who teach doctrines subversive of the civil government under which they live.”
AWR Hawkins continues: So Adams sets forth a test for ascertaining which religions should be tolerated and that test is whether the “doctrines” –or teachings– of a given religion are “subversive of society.”
Adams contended that religions “are excluded from… toleration” when they “teach doctrines subversive of the civil government.”
One would think of the Muslim tendency to seek sharia law and sharia-compliant courts instead of laws and courts affiliated with constitutionally recognized jurisprudence. It would follow that one would presume the theocratic nature of Islam, whereby every facet of life–including matters of civil governance – are co-opted as part of the religion.
Theocracies can tend toward fascism, and although Adams did not employ such a term in opposing toleration for religions “subversive of the civil government,” he certainly made the same point.
At the time of Adams’ writing, he called the Roman Catholic religion by name, suggesting practitioners of that faith forfeited toleration due to “such doctrines as these, that princes excommunicated may be deposed, and those that they call heretics may be destroyed without mercy; besides their recognizing the Pope in so absolute a manner, in subversion of government.”
We do not see the Roman Catholic church destroying those “they call heretics… without mercy” in our day. But it is common to find examples of Muslims demanding that infidels convert to Islam or face death.
And they do so with an allegiance to Muhammad that both supersedes and defines their allegiance to civil government.
While Ben Carson opposes the idea of having a Muslim for president, Samuel Adams would have opposed toleration for the Muslim faith in general.”
NotMyOwnAnymore wrote: “My, my, calm down. I never said anything about maintaining something that “threatens harm or a violation of our God-given UNALIENABLE rights.” I specifically said that it must be brought down either in the arena of ideas or by application of our laws against sedition, treason, etc.”
Me: “Calm yourself down. You claimed the Founding Fathers said one thing, I showed you that one of our best known and influential Founding Fathers said quite the opposite.
islam can and should be repudiated outright, it is an ideology of sedition, subversion, etc. This is so basic, so obvious, it’s tragic that people can’t see it, being blinded by political-correctness.
The inherent violence of islam itself is the root cause of the problem, and always has been.
Here is a simple, logical proposition, by way of comparison, which plainly shows there can be no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim, because there can be no such thing as “moderate” islam.
1) Jesus is the best and highest example of Christianity. Jesus taught no sin and committed no sin, and no one credibly claims otherwise based on any Scripture or historical fact.
2) No one can reject Jesus or His teachings or His deeds and be a Christian.
These points are self-evident and not credibly disputed by anyone.
By the EXACT same token:
3) Mohamad is the best and highest example of Islam. Mohamad not only taught sin and committed sin — based both on the books of islam and historical fact — but Mohamad, the founder of islam, was a *mass-murderer*.
4) Even so, no one can reject Mohamad OR his teachings OR his deeds and be a Muslim.
These points are also self-evident and not credibly disputed, by anyone.
In order to be a Muslim, you must embrace and accept the deeds and teachings and example of a mass-murderer. An unrepentant mass-murderer, at that. There’s no way around it.
Just as one cannot reject Christ or His teachings or His deeds and still be a Christian, HOW is it possible for any self-described Muslim to *reject* Mohamad, or ANY of his teachings, or *any* of his deeds, and still be a “Muslim” at all?
It’s not a trick question.
But it is a Catch-22.
Because you cannot be a faithful Muslim and reject the violent teaching and example of Mohamad which is inherent to islam.
And if you do reject the violent teaching and example of Mohamad inherent to islam, then you cannot be a faithful Muslim… or a Muslim at all.
And if anyone claims otherwise, I look forward to testing your argument.
I have presented this logical proposition at least 80 times now over the last 12+ months, including to several self-identified Muslims, and not one person has been able to refute it.
Historically the Japanese have been xenophobic and pretty much not accepting anyone not Japanese. When it comes to Islam, a big plus.
Nobody will EVER refute it, because it is IRREFUTABLE.
And a beautiful argument. It’s fantastic.
I went to a talk by someone who discusses Islam a lot. Occasionally he’ll get challenged by some Muslim practicing his taqqiya (lying for Allah), and the audience starts to stir; maybe the lecturer is some wild-eyed nut. But he’ll manage to catch them out in their lie every time.
“So I’m thinking that this deliberate snub & humiliation of the Japanese PM, was done by Joe and Hoe to curry favor with Xi and the muzlim brotherhood.”
Or I suspect more likely, if [JB] is a puppet of the CCP, then he was told by Xi exactly how to treat the Japanese PM.
And [JB] did exactly what his CCP masters told him to do.
We’re North Korea now.
Except that Kim gets to be the good guy in some of our memes, and Joe and Hoe aren’t.
Amy Mek
It has been brought to my attention that this article makes people VERY angry
I thought I should celebrate & rerelease it again! Your threats don’t scare me
Threat Alert: Terror-Tied Migrant Runs Dangerous Mosque & Islamic School in Florida (See Videos)

Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi who has multiple diplomas in Islamic Shari’ah from a Saudi school, has a long history of targeting Jews, Christians, LGBTQ, women, and Hindus.
Good article with videos at the link.
This guy is an operative for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Amy Mek is brilliant. And she’s banned from all social(ist) (and probably antisocial) media over here, so I’m never able to get her vids and tweets. I’m pondering getting a VPN service, as more and more stuff is falling under
Göbbels’Merde-Kuh’s black(privilege) pen…….Trying to post that Metaxis-Dobbs video…let’s see if this works:
From a lecture series I saw recently.
When talking about the Seventh Planet from the Sun, it was pointed out that Herschel, the discoverer, originally wanted to name it after his sovereign. He was British and this was 1781…so it would have been King George III. Yes, “The” King George we went to a lot of trouble to tell to sod off.
That would have been truly aggravating and we’d have made tons of jokes about it.
Fortunately, he didn’t get what we wanted, so we never, ever have to listen to jokes about that planet’s name.
(The lecturer delivered that last thought with an absolutely straight face. My compliments to her and may I never face her in a poker game.)
Astronomers usually pronounce it ‘You’re in us” (stress on the first syllable) rather than “your anus” but really it’s not much of an improvement…it sounds like urinous, full of or redolent of urine. We probably ought to try pronouncing it “oo rahn us” which would be closer to the original pronunciation of the mythological being it was named after.
I am remembering, but cannot find…Donald Sutherland in Hollow Point, who would sing a little ditty (about a bomb he had planted)…”And they’re gonna find Uranus…On a mountain on Mars!”
Edit, buried here at 5:00 or so.
Health & Freedom Conference: Live From Tulsa Part 3
There are (3) Parts linked on this page with Interviews – Enjoy!!!
Just listened to an interview with Leila Sentner – Owner of a Private School in Florida – where children are not required to wear masks – social distance – or be put in plastic cubicles – broke my heart to hear what is happening to our children in public schools – how much they are suffering.
She will be publishing a PDF for parents with information about the virus – how the obnoxious rules are affecting the health and welfare of their children – educating parents in what is right to do for the benefit of their children.
Please God – Make them stop this child abuse – in the name of Jesus – I pray.
Found this on Gab.
Interesting…”Watch out for this next move.”
“There’s your Q.”
[video src="" /]
I don’t know what to make of it.
Wheatie, Lin is also wearing a WWG1WGA bracelet in that picture. It is also linked on Gab. Liz
So I guess all that demonization of Q meant nothing. Good to know.
COVID communism and the spike protein just undid everything they tried to do with their phony insurrection and Buffalo Boy.
Q gained an enormous amount of red-pilling popularity as the election approached. I think we’re seeing it there. That was part of the “why” of Buffalo Boy. To CONTAIN IT.
IMO the project went silent VERY deliberately. It’s ALL calibrated. On the one hand, I’m surprised that so much Q-love jumped out right there – but then, with all the horrible COVID commie crap we’ve endured – one of the best validations of Q yet, when you think about it – NOT surprised.
There’s a lot that’s gone silent in the last week. A LOT.
BTW, we’re at DEFCON 3, officially. Something is going on.
Naomi Wolf going rogue on vaccine passports and even the vaccine itself – Joe and Ho snubbing the Japanese prime minister to show fealty to China – West Point proudly mainlining toxic ChiCom CRT fentanyl – Ukraine-double-side-compromised Biden backing down in the Black Sea (because Russia knows how the Obama-Biden milk-a-crisis scam actually works)……
In my opinion the people who got rid of Trump are sensing that KARMA is about to unload on them for what they did. And all we have to do is eat our popcorn.
I don’t care what war China Joe gets his illegitimate idiot ass into – he does not have my support, because I know that his motive can ONLY be bad and ultimately anti-American. I can only hope his phony regime is ended fast.
Yeah, things are BAD.
Worse then bad. Joe gets blame, credit for whatever happens, but there are zero consequences to those in the background pulling the strings.
I saw that mentioned at Marica’s. But I won’t ask about where one finds this info. The one site I found looked hokey.
Well, that is a bit scary.
I think we’re getting close. I dreamed of a stealth invasion last night. Weird. I was watching it out of someone’s window on a coast.
If you ever watched “The Longest Day” the German who first saw the D-day fleet had trouble getting anyone to believe him. And that wasn’t a stealth invasion in the least, once it actually started.
Victoria Nuland … confirmed … Ugh!
Horror-show double-coupist!
If only owning gold were as simple as panning for it again.
People STILL pan for gold.
There are prospectors clubs in many places. I know there’s one here; they give panning demos at the big annual coin show in Colorado Springs. Which I think just got canceled again, second year in a row. Grrr….
That sounds like fun. And cancelled bc fun and socially cohesive behavior isnt allowed by dictat. Sucks.
I never could get the hang of it, personally. It takes dexterity and a strong wrist.
And patience!
Probably takes strong knees and a strong back too, if you’re having to stoop or bend down to get the pan in the stream.
Yeah. The demos were around big basins filled with water with sand in the bottom, deliberately salted with gold dust so you would actually see results if you did things right. You did that standing up. But if you have to squat all day…well, not a game for the elderly.
I used to love panning when I was young. Even if you only get a little gold, you get plenty of the awesome black sand, too!
In some very rare locations, some of that black sand could be platinum.
WOW. What mineral form is that?
When finely divided it can look black. Just an odd thing.
By the way many, many years ago I bought some platinum nuggets. Fabulously rare, apparently..and they show signs of having been cubic crystials.
“If only owning gold were as simple as panning for it again.”
I think it is reasonably simple to own gold (or silver), from what I have been researching. There are a series of obstacles which each need to be resolved, sort of like learning a new system which is very different than the current system, but subject to the same dishonest practices which are common to the human condition.
How would you like to own gold (or silver)?
I took gil00 as meaning, “requires as little cash as…”
Panning gold is “free” in that sense, assuming you can get to your stream without paying a lot for transportation.
But it requires time and sweat.
True, if you have cash and are willing to spend it, it’s fairly effortless to own gold or silver. You can get online and order it shipped to your door, OR you can go fetch it at a coin shop.
Yes i would! SteveinCO has laid info on owning silver and we have an honest coin shop down the street. Going to get my son some silver. He got mad and said “Mommy what am I going to do with a chunk of metal!?”
Would he have preferred a candy bar?
Did you see that video where people were given a choice between a frigging candy bar and TEN OUNCES of silver (worth, realistically, 250-300 dollars)?
Everyone took the candy bar. If it had been me the silver bar would have melted from atmospheric friction, I’d have grabbed it so fast.
Yes. I dont understand why anyone who has had a filling or a crown wouldnt get it.
If he is old enough to be interested in history, or just antiques in general, he might enjoy some pre-1965 U.S. half-dollars, quarters and dimes (and maybe silver dollars were still 90% silver in 1964, I would have to look it up).
Morgan silver dollars are great looking coins, I like those better than the Peace dollars, I’m just not sure when the Peace dollars ended. The “Standing Liberty” quarter is also great.
I really liked the Ben Franklin/Liberty Bell $0.50 piece when I was a kid, and I always liked the Mercury dimes. And the Indian Head pennies of course, and the earlier penny with the flying eagle on it (1850s maybe?), and the Buffalo nickels. And the earlier Liberty Head nickels with a Roman numeral ‘V’ on one side.
They all have great designs, and to me, the older they were, the more… cool factor(?) they had
Another very neat thing about antique U.S. silver coins is the sound they make, if you drop them on a hard surface, countertop, etc.
They sound like money, if that makes any sense. It’s not a dull sound like modern U.S. coins make, the 90% silver coins ‘ring’, almost like a tuning fork, or sort of like the way old rotary dial telephones with real bell ringers reverberated, during the 2 or 3 second gap between the end of one ring and the beginning of the next ring.
If it was up to me, phones would still sound that way. That’s how I remember them sounding when I was little, but you only ever hear them that way
today in old movies
I’ll save you the lookup–the last silver dollar was minted in 1935. (The Ikes were the same size, but clad–even the “silver” ones made for some collector sets were made out of this weird cladding of 80% silver bonded to a .209 silver core for a net 40% silver–just like the 1965-70 halves).
Just before deciding to go to clad crap coinage, we actually did contemplate making silver dollars again, and the mint even struck a bunch of 1964-dated dollars with the same design as was used in 1921-1935. Supposedly all of them got melted down, but rumors persist that a couple got saved from the melting pot.
As I read further…Ben Franklin/LIberty Bell ran from 1948-1963. It was, of course, killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. So many people wanted a Kennedy Half when they came out that in those parts of the country that still used halves, they stopped circulating; no one would spend them. Then, since they still had some silver in them until 1970, people kept them because they still had silver in them. I ran into plenty of people in the 1990s who thought half dollars STILL had silver in them and therefore would never spend them. This is how you kill a denomination of coins.
Indian head cents–1859-1909, with the first year having a different wreath on it, and the first five years (until mid 1864) being thicker with 12 percent nickel alloy, which made the coins as intrinsically valuable as the old larg cents. Yes, back then even our smallest change was supposed to have intrinsic value! The flying eagle you’re thinking of was 1857-58…with VERY rare pattern/trial pieces made in 1856 (your approximation was correct).
The V nickel (as it is sometimes called) ran from 1883-1912. There are a couple of stories here: the very first year the design didn’t include the word “cents” and it was about the same physical size as a $5 gold piece so some people plated them gold, and some were even sharp enough to cut reeding into the edge before doing it. There is an old legend about a guy named Josh Tatum who was a deaf mute, who’d put one of these plated coins on the counter in payment for a 5 cent purchase without comment; if the storekeeper gave him $4.95 in change he could deniably claim he thought the guy was giving him a gift/charity for being deaf mute. Supposedly this is where the expression “just Joshing” came from. But this is one of those false stories that’s so good it should be true; “just joshing” was used in print long before 1883.
The mint had to quickly change the design to put the word “cents” below the V.
At the end of the series…someone at the mint made exactly 5 bootleg 1913 V nickels, and they’re now gigantic rarities that will bring a million bucks or more at auction. And there are rumors of a sixth coin.
I actually saw all five of them together at the same time in 2003. One had been “lost” but the ANA held its “World’s Fair Of Money” in Baltimore, and arranged for the four known pieces to be exhibited together there, and someone put up a one million dollar bounty for the missing piece. Baltimore was a good choice: The owner of the missing piece, a coin dealer named Walton, had lived there. He had been returning from a coin show decades earlier (1960s?) and been killed in an accident; his coins were scattered all over the scene, and the 1913 V nickel was nowhere to be found. Decades passed, many people went over the area with metal detectors, no one found the coin.
His family brought it to the show. Apparently they had found it shortly after he died, tried to sell it, and been told by some coin dealer it was a fake. Well, fortunately they didn’t just throw it in the trash.
They turned down the million dollars and hung onto the coin.
You might actually be interested enough to go seek examples of one of each of these coins, and you’ll want high grade. None of them are particularly expensive as a type coin–just be sure to specify “common date” to the coin dealer; he’ll get the idea you don’t want one of every date and therefore don’t need the rarer ones. The price curve for any given coin looks like a hockey stick when plotted against the condition, but AUs (just barely circulated) should be fairly affordable for Franklin halves (<$20 but silver market may have pushed this up), Morgan dollars ($50 from what I hear), Indian Head cents ($20), Flying Eagle cents ($250), V ($60) and buffalo nickels (<$20), and the standing liberty quarter ($65). Those are AU-50 prices from a Red Book, you can probably do a bit better than this–or get a slightly better AU-55 for those prices. The flying eagle is going to be the most expensive of course, and if willing to drop a couple of grades you can knock that price down considerably. You'll have to see the coins to know if they are satisfactory; compare to the pictures in a coin book so you know what's "supposed" to be on the coin so you can see how much it's worn. (When I was a kid, I had no idea where the horn went on the buffalo on the nickel because I had never seen one that wasn't badly worn, and had never seen a live buffalo either.)
Standing liberty quarters often were struck so poorly that her head is a flat blob and rivets on the shield are missing even on uncirculated coins. The designation "Full Head" is an attempt to denote that the coin is well struck but even then the shield rivets might be weak or not present in places.
I had all of those coins in my collection when I was a kid, that’s why I remember them, and why I remembered the approximate date on the flying eagle penny
The four or five ‘V’ nickels I had were from my great Grandmother.
I had sealed proof sets (pennies through half-dollars, I think) from 1957 through around 1988, but they disappeared at some point when I was away at college.
All except my two ‘books’ of Roosevelt silver Dime sets (all the dimes from the various mints, 48 coins per set, dated 1946-1964), which were stored elsewhere, so I still have those.
I remember my Standing Liberty quarter was pretty worn, not sure it had a ‘head’ at all
Yeah, those blue Whitman folders!!!
I’m clearly a bit younger than you; young enough that silver was almost totally gone from change when I became aware of dates on coins, but wheaties were still maybe one cent in ten–collectible from change.
The Roosevelt dime book I had straddled the 1964 line, and I think in the time I had it, I found exactly ONE silver dime in change for it. A lot of adult collectors were really into mercury dimes and buffalo nickels; those were impossibly expensive for me. (THAT has certainly changed…)
My Roosevelt dime ‘book’ is brown, purchased in the late 1980s, before I went to college.
I didn’t find any of the coins I mentioned in regular change, the silver coins were all gone by the time I knew anything about them too.
I just collected lots of things when I was very young. Stamps, coins, beer and pop cans, bottle caps, baseball cards, football cards, lots of stuff.
For the cans, my friends and I went ‘hunting’ for them, or traded for them. Stamps were mostly donated to the collection from everyone in my extended family who found out I was collecting them.
Baseball and football cards were mostly acquired from being dragged along to grocery shopping with Mom. Bottle caps were found outdoors, everywhere. I remember parking lots always being a good source, which always seemed strange… who is drinking bottled beer in a parking lot?
Coins were tough though. A few came from grandparents or great grandparents, and a few, like the flying eagle penny (probably in only ‘good’ condition at best) came from coin shops at the local mall. Probably cost me around $5 at the time, but that was a lot of money to a little kid!
One of the ironies is that “good condition”…really isn’t. “Fine condition” is better (think “fine arts” not “oh, that’s fine” said in a begrudging tone).
Bottled beer in a parking lot? Teenagers late at night.
The brown books usually had sliding plastic windows…those were expensive books!! I figured those were for people rich enough to collect Mercury dimes.
Today, of course, good quality coins are typically “slabbed” and books like that are largely superfluous but a lot of older folks still collect “raw” coins, and they have the advantage of letting you see both sides of the coin.
Oh, and with the standing liberty quarter you have three options. In 1916 (rare!) and 1917 (much more common) she was made without chain mail–yes, a bare boob–and it was added in 1917. You can get one of each. In 1924 the date was recessed because it was wearing off if people looked at the coin crosseyed, pre- and post- this are also things you might want to consider “one of each” of.
On the V nickel, the 1883 “without cents” is easy to find–so easy to find it’s $18 in AU, much cheaper than any of the others–so you can get one of each there as well.
I get it, they did have a crisp change sound.
And yes, after reading todays post, it really is a whole other system.
That rabbit hole seems to go as deep as you want it to… with pitfalls at every turn… research and caution advised if considering any amount you really wouldn’t want to lose
The good news is the price of admission into the futures market is being able to front a significant percentage of the total value of the contract. It probably takes five figures to be able to even START to play a gold contract; presumably anyone with that kind of money knows what they are risking and can afford to lose it even if they really badly don’t want to. But they could lose a LOT more than that if the market takes a sudden turn against them and they can’t get out fast enough.
Futures trading is not for people with anxiety disorder.
I was thinking more of physical bullion, coins or bars or generic rounds. It seems simple at first if you just want to get your feet wet, but it’s a shark tank, so you might lose a couple toes
I just wanted to buy a little silver to do my part for the ‘squeeze’ effort, and in doing just the basic research, it was very interesting learning about the deeper end of the pool.
Tax ramifications, reporting requirements, which online dealers are reputable (some are complete scams with outstanding reviews on ‘review websites’, mixed in with legitimate online dealers, so you have to look up EACH ONE at the Better Business Bureau, at the very least).
Storage is a great subject all by itself. Vault storage, insured and segregated, makes sense for anyone with a large amount, and that gets into all kinds of interesting issues, e.g., offshore vault storage vs. domestic, ‘allocated’, ‘pool’ or ‘segregated’ storage, etc.
People talk about selling if silver increases greatly in value, but if that happens, it will likely be because the value of the dollar is plummeting. The purchasing power of the precious metal, in theory, ought to remain about the same, it’s just the way we measure the value (by the dollar) that is changing.
So it may take $100 to buy an oz of silver, but in that scenario, everything else will have quadrupled in price too.
That’s the ‘inflation’ scenario.
In a ‘deflation’ scenario, where value of everything plummets (stock market crash, real estate crash, etc.), then after an initial fall in precious metals (supposedly due to traders selling precious metals to cover their margin calls on paper asset speculations), precious metals should rebound before stocks and go higher.
But in either scenario, how do you take profits, if the whole reason you diversified into precious metals was to get out of fiat currency?
If the reasons were good before a crisis, how much better will those same reasons be to stay out of fiat currency during a crisis?
In a deflationary scenario, once the dust settles, you might be able to take profits and invest in real property, or select stocks if the market crash is complete (in the 1929 crash, I think at the worst the market was down 90%, probably ‘safe’ to get in at that point, rather than try to call the exact ‘bottom’
But in an inflationary or hyper-inflationary scenario, the moment you sell your precious metals for fiat currency, the currency is losing value.
Same with the other possibility, a total loss of confidence in the fiat currency. Which is based on the ‘full faith and credit’ of the Joe Biden administration.
How much ‘faith and credit’ does anybody have in that?
Ima thinkin’ not a lot.
So if currency is the medium of exchange, and no one has any faith in the currency (for whatever reason, deflation, inflation, loss of confidence), then how do you take profits, if the only way to realize those profits is to exchange the precious metals for currency, which is what you were trying to avoid by getting some precious metals in the first place?
I see that you could liquidate in exchange for crypto on some dealer websites, but who knows what crypto will be doing in a crisis situation, it’s uncharted territory.
And in a crisis situation, does the government confiscate gold, silver, platinum, palladium and crypto (or outlaw crypto if they can’t seize it)?
Everything is about control, power and money. If there is anything criminals won’t do for power and money, I haven’t heard of it yet.
They confiscated gold once, and I didn’t know until I went down another rabbit hole last night that they confiscated silver once too, and our nation’s financial situation was much less dire then than it is now.
People say confiscation will never happen again, and hopefully it won’t, but there is no new thing under the sun.
One of the links I posted on page 1 is live with the conference:
for those who like Flynn and missed his Nashville event this past week …
This SOB is a monster.
Here he talks in circles, lies, contradicts himself…and when asked if the Vaccines are safe, he doesn’t answer.
[video src="" /]
I cant watch this guy. He plays at doctor bc he has money. Practicing med w/o a license is a felony.
Douglass Perry
Wyatt Gang
Just like Obama-Now it’s OBiden

I Do Not Believe in Coincidences. Very Convenient as Dems Push ‘Gun Control’ Bills [Again].
Yep. Riit season, shooters, and now s9me sort of religious push. I think theyre tired of muslims, likely to use anyone that can be ID’d as “far right nationalist Christian “
“For fuck’s sake”
…though it did take me a couple of minutes because I was laughing!
It should also be remembered that the term “Federal Prosecutor” is case sensitive.
If referring to a Maga case the term is Feral Prosecutor.
HA!! Very good!
“The Case Against Me Is Motivated by Blood Lust” – Roger Stone Responds to Latest Attack from Federal Prosecutors”
^^^ That’s funny!
Just occurred to me. “FFS” works a the government specializes in acronyms.
Peloton is on the list of companies against vote integrity laws. Maybe I dunno they should stop virtue signaling and focus on quality control.
“The US government issued an urgent warning Saturday, telling consumers to stop using the Peloton Tread+ after “dozens of incidents of children being sucked beneath” the treadmill.
The warning came a month after the New York-based exercise equipment company with a near-cultish customer base acknowledged that a child died in an incident involving the treadmill.
Peloton CEO John Foley called the incident “tragic” and said the company was “aware of only a small handful of incidents involving the Tread+ where children have been hurt.”
But the Consumer Product Safety Commission on Saturday said it is aware of 39 incidents, including the death.
“CPSC staff believes the Peloton Tread+ poses serious risks to children for abrasions, fractures, and death,” the agency said in its warning, posted on Twitter and its website.”
Peloton’s ad campaign has been so obnoxious, it’s hard for me to muster any sympathy for them.
They’ve tried to create a cult following, implying that ‘only cool people’ use their expensive bikes and treadmills.
Well then cool people are putting their kids and pets at risk…not SO cool.
Oh, but to this mind set, Cool is its own end.
If you look good, you are good.
I call it the Southern Kalifornia mentality. “Form over function,” doesn’t begin to cover it. “Form, dammit, and what the fuck is this ‘function’ think you keep prating about” covers it better. I think it has to do with Hollywood being there.
Yes. The air is thick with pretentiousness and vacuous selfie mindset.
Seizures in the drive thru after getting Moderna vaccine.
This is absolutely why none of these vaccines should be given as a drive through clinic. I’ve often thought it wasn’t safe for our regular flu vaccine clinics to do drive through – people just drive off! These people didn’t even notice them having seizures! How can you honk your horn if incapacitated???
Same with emergency medicine while you sit in your car. Its negligence, bigly.
LIVE: Storm the Bay; Trumparilla MAGA Fest Boat Parade in Tampa, FL- 4/17/21 – YouTube
So cool. Bless them for doing it.
I noticed that Pence’s name is absent from the flags.
Hah. As it should be!
TRUMP-PENCE flags are likely not exactly selling like TRUMP flags.
People will pay extra pence for a pence-less flag.
FEBRUARY 11, 2021
The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…
World renowned experts (physicians, scientists, lawyers, activists etc.) discussed the many unanswered questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine on February 10, 2021. Read video transcript. You can also view each speaker’s segment. See listing below.
Just a little goose.
Just based on the trailer, I’m going to skip the movie. Some things you just can’t unsee.
Mike Lindel is on.
He is incredible:
Health & Freedom Conference (
Please share with everyone you know to help save our country!
New Election Fraud Evidence video from Mike Lindell on Tuesday:
“Absolute Interference”
See Trailor: Lindell TV
I don’t know if the video “Scientific Proof” is new or if it has been out for a while, but I had never seen it before. I thought it was brilliant, scientist guy is very impressive, a must watch.
Dominion is going down. They dare not let me on their jury.
I’m just gonna say right now for the record, I don’t think they dare let me on ANY jury for the foreseeable future.
I am in the mood to fuck shit up.
Good. May God put us BOTH on juries that do incredible damage to the ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE!
You will be ASKED under oath if you believe in jury nullification, or some other such question, designed to ferret that out.
Lie at your own risk.
Very interesting! I don’t like lying – that would make me a DEMOCRAT. But I’m all about justice, and can see past many tricks.
“Give me your questions, Obama Judge!”

If you really did end up on the Dominion jury, (as opposed to something you might want to try jury nullification on), you WILL be asked how much you know about Dominion.
Not a problem, either! I love telling the TRUTH. And you never know – we might even get a NON-OBAMA JUDGE.
At which point, you’d likely go into something like, “I’m not a lawyer — what’s that?” (Get lectured) “I suppose that could happen in some rare extreme cases, but it would never be generally applied because law would continually be scrambled. I’m a CPA, and I’ve seen some genuinely dumb and unusable laws (especially regarding taxes), and you generally have to make an effort in that direction before you just blow something off.”
An example of this might be the infamous “unicap rules” issued back in the late 1980’s implementing section 263A of the US Tax Code. There is a rather large amount of the tax code that pertains to the timing of things. If you opened a business on January 1, bought and sold everything before November, and sat out December with no inventory or equipment, virtually nothing regarding timing would have any effect. But if you’re trying to operate an ongoing business, changing timing rules while you’re operating can be a “gotcha” and get the government a bunch of money.
263A simply said that anything and the kitchen sink that could possibly be seen as inventory should be put in inventory, and only expensed as the inventory was sold.
So, the cost of parts, right (has always been true). The cost of running your purchasing department (old). The cost of running your shop floor (old). The janitorial cost of sweeping the shop floor (new), the production planning department (hybrid), the HR cost of production people (new).
When it became the law, everyone in the accounting biz squawked, but laws are laws.
Then the horror stories started coming out. IIRC, Rite-Aid (a chain of pharmacy/stores like CVS) had a staff of 40 CPA Consultants working for three months to compute their “unicap adjustment” across all their stores. Mind you, this is probably a crew that probably averaged billing at $100/hour back then!
The adjustment they came up with was something like $1400 across all stores. 120 man-months at $100/hour.
That, mein freunden, is an example of BAD LAW.
Quite rapidly the industry adapted to a strategy where they’d say something like, “our model A says it cannot be less than $1000, our model B predicts with 99.999% accuracy that it is no more than $5000. We bought these studies for $1000, and we’ll book $5000 as the adjustment.” We’d pretend to comply with the letter of the law while doing no such thing, and if they wanted to provide their own calculation using IRS auditors, we’d try not to laugh too hard at the complete waste of time.
My kind of woman!
You’re not too small to be a target | Pointman’s (
Forensic Report Shows Election Interference, Dominion Connected To Internet, China Funding
A group of forensic experts completed their election audit of Antrim County, Michigan, which details a shocking series of misrepresentations by the media. One America’s Christina Bobb has more from Washington.NEWS OAN:(VIDEO) Forensic Report Shows Election Interference, Dominion Connected To Internet, China Funding (
Excellent stuff.
And this is how it is done! Like a boss!
Rather than storming away from the GOP in a cloud of obsenities to “show them” (which only leaves the GOPe saying, “Thank you for leaving and Good Ridance”), MAGA conservatives need to follow the lead of President Trump and numerous MAGA (and even TEA Partiers) before them who have become involved, who have done something about the GOP instead of complaining, doing nothing and forfeiting our GOP to the GOPe/RINOs.
Rather than being angry at the GOP writ large because of what specific RINOs and Uniparty politicians are doing, we need to figure out exactly who is RINO/Uniparty/GOPe and target them for election defeat – from precints to county parties, from SEC members to RNC members, from town/county positions to state legislative and federal positions.
In our county, we defeated a RINO in the GOP primary who has swamp connections all the way to DC and he is thoroughly defeated and out of office … and is now showing is true, anti or never Trump colors. In party because he is out, county party positions, election commission positions, etc., have changed as well. It can and Needs to be done and We are the People that Need to do it!
Many are already doing it but not enough in many places.
LOVE this success report!!!
From the link:
“One individual heard Dan’s story and did something about it. Daniel Wiley, just a regular guy* in Georgia, not even particularly politically motivated, heard Dan Schultz on Bannon’s War Room about the Precinct Committeeman strategy. But Daniel wasn’t going to settle for just a Precinct Committeeman position. He looked at the COUNTY chair position and said…”That’s what I want to do.”
Daniel has been challenging the RINO regime in Georgia, and since, he’s been on the John Frederick show, and they’re asking him to come back after his victory…but Daniel didn’t just win….he won in a LANDSLIDE victory.
All the RINO board members that were left refused to serve under a MAGA chair, so they all quit in protest. Break our hearts, right? So Daniel just replaced the ENTIRE Cobb County GOP board with all MAGA, in one fell swoop.
Dan Schultz has inspired a political revolution!!”
*Most of the people I work with on the county and even the state level were just “regular” men and women who decided to make a difference, got started, volunteered and kept doing more as the opportunities arose. Many on the TN SEC don’t have college degrees, have a variety of backgrounds from homeschool moms (not me, others), real estate sales, blue collar, retired military, some retired, many still working and spending many hours volunteering as SEC members (SEC is an unpaid volunteer position). All different ages, educational backgrounds, careers, economic levels, etc., coming together to make a difference for our country, our future and often for children/grandchildren.
We get the GOP we are willing to work and vote for. If we, MAGA conservatives, are not involved then we are getting the GOP we didn’t work for and didn’t fight for.
President Trump, and before that the TEA Party, has shown us that we must be involved if we want to like the GOP we have. If we want to actually be happy about who we have to vote for in November general elections we have to fight in the primaries for the MAGA GOP candidate to win, just like we did in the Presidential GOP primary in 2016. And we have start recruiting and helping the primary candidates Now.
As SD explained back at OT through out the 2012-16, to have fair primaries we must be involved in the county and state parties, on the Rules Committees, on the Exec Committees, part of the decision makers of who is allowed to speak and have access to the party’s platform.
All of that starts now. With Us.
Actually, Many MAGA Conservatives have Already started and are having success and making a difference. Late joiners are Needed for them to continue to have success and amplify MAGA in the GOP. And in some areas/counties/states to more people are needed to even begin to have success.
No, we get the GOP the voter fraud people allow us to have. Just enough to make us think we are making progress. After Trump winning in 2016, you can bet they will never make that mistake again. So until something is done about that, it doesn’t matter how many great people run. Just like John James, they won’t be allowed to be elected. Steve is right. Until the voter fraud is taken care of and those people are in jail, it does little good to spend your money and time trying to elect good people.
Well, that is some people’s opinion but guess I will listen to President Trump instead.
We are seeing success across the board and I would recommend that others be part of that success.
Voter fraud is being fixed in state after state. Be part of the victory – we will win with or without those who are watching from the sidelines.
I feel that the voter fraud was so obvious and prevalent last time, that they won’t be able top get away with it again. We are watching even more now, and we should be better prepared on election day to monitor and act when fraud is afoot.
I feel that there will also be a larger voting backlash against faux biden and his agenda, so the actual voting will be stronger for MAGA, so there will be even *more* votes to fraudulently move, making it harder.
We saw before the fraud. We know how it happened. We know where it happened. We will be prepared to watch and act when it happens again. We will not wait too long to react nor accept the false MSM narratives.
and faux biden didnt fking win!
-Laws are being changed
-more people are paying attention to True the Vote
-new organizations have been formed
-contact or go hear your SOS and Election Commissioners speak and answer questions and file petitions etc. for changes in machines and methods, etc.
-GOPs across the nation are being proactive in their own counties to train poll watchers and election volunteers
-GOPs across TN made changes as needed to their election commissions
-GOP voters across the nation are asking who their election commissioners are/board of elections are and how are they elected/appointed so they can make a difference
-GOP voters are learning what machines are being used in their counties/states and working to make changes
-The RNC filed (and won) numerous lawsuits prior to the 2020 election and now know they Must do even more and are doing more to work with legislators in states across the country to pass laws and hold elected officials
-Primary EVERYONE involved in the 2020 election failures (as Flynn said, we were out manuvered, not at the polls or GOTV but by their cheating) & support those primarying those who failed us in specific states.
-Add more here …
I hope readers here are doing at least some of the above to address the issue of election integrity … especially those who are not wanting to do anything to MAGA until the election integrity issues are address … well, address them!
We are The Plan and the ones we are waiting for. Leaders can only do so much without the rest of us!
The leaders, even President Trump, can not do it by themselves.
You are beyond correct. It isn’t just that Trump was cheated, you know damn right well that John James should be in the senate. The fraud will NEVER be fixed unless 11/3/20 is rectified and the rot removed. Thinking otherwise is merely an attempt to turn away from something that is so horrifying that you can’t bring yourself to face it. A way to change the subject and kick the can down the road.
We all were cheated. I like John James and I think others were also cheated.
I try to keep the faith that we who love the country can overcome the evil that is now in our government.
I like Flynn he seems steadfast. Keep our focue on the price and that is freedom and our constitution.
Each person has to know how to make a difference and I know I do in my own way. I admirer those who have the gift to organize and make a difference. Not everyone has it.
I agree. “Business as usual” – normal political proceesses – are a necessary component of our victory, but they will not be enough.
Now, the Demmunists will make illegal almost every avenue of restoring justice.
Dodge is corrupt and an enemy of America. FIB is worthless and carries out the communist will of Dodge.
The wicked CCP is forcing a terrible choice upon us. Peaceful surrender to CCP, or let innocent people die. More cunning than the Nazis, the ChiNazis obscure that choice.
I am sickened by the thought, but unless people do their duties, pacifism will have to be renounced by many to save many more innocents from ChiNazi evil. I don’t see any other solution.
RedpillTheWorld Published April 15, 2021
I have just loved watching the Texas GOP move more and more conservative! Watching Allen West is just a pleasure. Many state GOP organizations are not blessed with such a dedicated and as conservative of a leader.
I watch what TX is doing because I like Allen West & because it is a BIG EC state that needs to stay red and has had some dangerously close elections!
An update on what the TX GOP is doing:
A new, MAGA, very conservative group (good to augment + good to have a 2nd org in case a non MAGA is elected next time to Chair the TX GOP – very wise move to have a 2nd strong conservative org launched!)
And Allen West is right there helping this group launch and get a strong start! He obviously sees it as a complimentary org and not a group that is opposted to or in competition with the TX GOP:
Also TX is having their annual State GOP dinner .. $250 is steep but about usual for a state dinner.
If anyone is wanting to get involved but not ready to give $ … GREAT!
Still so much you can do.
Also, many state’s county membership fees stay in county. Our membership fee is $10 and unless we vote for a donation to the state GOP or to a candidate etc. it stays in county for expenses/overhead, etc.
You posted many possibilities and much truth.
We always have choices in life to fight for in what we believe country, faith, family, values, money and success. .
People have to have a call a will and gift to give freely to the future and to preserve our country. No one can make anyone do what is not in the heart. The American spirit is in the heart.
It is a rare person who can go into the GOP or RNC and fight for freedom and leaders we want and deserve.
I like that Schulz guy who saw a need and he stepped up.Many people are hearing his call and mobilizing. Not everyone will. The democrats have not broken your spirit.
I admirer you that you still have the will to fight for the country.
Vernon Jones is bringing to the GOP in GA and nation wide
Would love to have him to our group … checked out the price $3000 + travel
Now he is recognizing Quincy who is the other credible person running for TN 5th Congressional District. While I like Robby Starbuck alot – very nice and fired up – Quincy is incredible too. Quincy’s story is just Amazing, moving, pro life … Vernon is telling it! chills EVERY time I hear it! Got to listen to this!!!!
many are doing the work to win and the majority are names most of us will never know as the majority are on the county level or are in the audience …. but speak up on social media, fill the seats at events, wear the tshirts and hats, put out the yard signs, call/write politicians and GOP leadership, and VOTE and so much more.
Vernon is great love hearing him. So good he is on our side.
OK – I am taking a break from yard work and have a late lunch cooking. Listening to Vernon Jones and completely got distracted while replying. I really like him.
hope that my enthusiasm is well place as some, too many, have disappointed.
Actually, I haven’t fully believed in too many … always skeptical. However, I have meet Mr. Jones and really do like him (most politicians don’t seem sincere when I meet them in person) as he seemed to sincere, passionate, enthusiastic and willing to work.
Anyway … Yes, I post what I am doing and what President Trump recommends … because I know if I can do it …
–>> Robby Starbuck is now speaking! Great event!!! Couldn’t go in person this time as I have to stay home and get some work done. Wish I had gone. But yes, Both Starbuck and Quincy are fantastic and hope each finds a place in politics as we need them both here in TN!
…Ok, will try again even though Robby is in the background …
… Because I know if I can do it ANYone can do it. I have major health issues (to the point that I would literally have pain and sore muscles just from doing phone calls back in 2016 primary), I am incredibly shy and introverted (but have Learned to work around that and now speak in public regularly … although not well), I have no college degree and no professional background and yet I am making a difference. If I can ANYone can!
People posting on OT what meetings were like, how the GOP worked, how primaries worked, what they actually did … all of those personal posts helped me to be brave enough to attend a meeting. Those posts helped break the ice for me and gave me courage.
There are other ideas of how to make a difference than the ones I post & I love hearing those too. Look at the Virginia Project which also grew out of OT! And many others.
I love hearing other ideas and success stories as iron sharpens irons and I can always use additional ideas in my own little corner of the world. That is one of the reasons I attend meetings throughout our area so that I can learn what other counties and other organizations are doing.
Anyway, hope others help MAGA, follow President Trump’s leadership and work to change the election laws, primary RINOs and control the GOP at the county, state levels and therefore at the RNC so that GOPe/uniparty can’t control it and our future.
Trump has a team that works on election reform but it is an uphill battle. No one said it is easy and determination gets us there.
Ha. Ours is $50 and $40 goes to the state GOP.
If you can’t drop it on your foot, don’t bother.
And Joe Biden did not win.
‘30 x 30’ — Progressives pushing for massive federal land grab.
These things can be passed off as ‘Nah, wouldn’t/couldn’t happen’. If we’ve learned one thing..the DemComs are ruthless and will lie, cheat or steal to get what they want AND they’re patient. Things rock along and threats seem benign when they strike with all they’ve got.
Listen to him squeal.
Black kids thought a white guy was an easy target.
Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) Tweeted:
Armed robbery in California doesn’t go as planned
I could watch that all day.
I wish i could find out where it was. But, yeah its really lol.
A heartwarmer, thank you.
You are welcome.
Not sure which part I like best – the SMACK of the punk on the pavement, the CLACKETY-CLACK of the gun on the pavement, or the SHRIEK of a small animal that threatened the WRONG larger animal.
Interesting how the second punk kept screaming “let him go”, making phony threatening “Antifa steps” toward the innocent victim, once the first punk started shrieking. The combination rattled the innocent victim. Having no plan, he let the first punk go.
One needs a PLAN for such circumstances. There are several good ways to DOUBLE THE TAKE-DOWN. But never give up your game to the COMMIE PUNKS watching this site.
Yeah an accidental fall that snapped his arm wouldve been ok. He had enough control that he ciuldve gotten the other one to do as he said after that.
Vernon Jones live @ Candace Owens event in Chattanooga TN
pick which liberal company to watch it through …
He is rocking the house!
Vernon Jones was amazing, as always
Robby Starbuck speaking now and he is great too (and nice in person too, comes across as humble and real, even in person and when working with him)
Robby talking about the Old Town Road/Devil shoes guy + culture and grooming
Brandon Tatum & Candace on stage together and they are just awesome … all about personal responsibility and conservative values. They are almost finished but worth listening to from the beginning.
Matthew 10:26-28:
HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2021!april 17, 2021 the marshall report
It has been difficult to get a good coverage of the live event due to the cabal and main stream media going nuts and banning footage left and right. The event itself has had its’ share of outside sources trying to shut it down. This is a war between good versus evil and banning the truth from ears that hear. God is winning and angels are intervening to bring the spirit of ONE NATION UNDER GOD and THE LIES OF THE COVID AND STOLEN ELECTION BEING EXPOSED WITH TRUTH!!! Please enjoy and cherish the footage as the evil ones are trying to take it down. It shall stand!!!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
This is from a “John Here to Help” thread:
“The “Bi-den admin” is allowing Chy-na to take over the international drug market. Chy-na Is flooding the market with fentanyl and taking over the Mexican cartels, using them as a distribution network.
“Wide open borders was part of the payment for helping Bi-den steal the e-lection.
Heroin, like cocaine, is derived from a plant. Fentanyl is synthetic and man-made. And in countries without restrictions on precursors it is easily made in the tons.
“President Trump put in place severe restrictions on fentanyl and fentanyl analogues, derivatives and different versions of fentanyl. They are set to expire in a few days. Bi-den is not only allowing those restrictions to expire making fentanyl and their analogues more available.”
Here is the rest of the thread:
Evil is the only word that fits
May the Bidenazis and Chinazis meet the fate they deserve.
Wonder if there’s anything leading back to a sorus organization.
“With the involvement of Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalists, the radicals planned a “color revolution” with measures including assassinating Lukashenko, seizing radio and television stations, and shutting down electricity to hinder the actions of law enforcers.
Before the meeting in Moscow, Zyankovich went to the United States and Poland for consultations, according to the FSB.”
Is there anything that doesn’t have some tie to that assho ?
Not me.
Freakin loser
I wonder if he was supposed to say “crisis” or if that just slipped out?
This was one of the replies to that twitter post……
Michael Pfeifer
Replying to
Am I the only one that sees the IV on the left wrist?
When they were having the debates if you recall he had the same thing sticking out from under his cuff.
Yup. run the picture with “name=large” and you can see it.

Happen he missed greeting the Japanese P.M. because they were pumping him full of drugs.
Wolf Moon
That looks like a PICC LINE PORT to me, not an IV port.
Which could indicate a more serious type of direct-line medication going on.
I’ve had experience with PICC lines and their ports with very ill elderly family members.
Perhaps someone who’s an RN or an MD who reads this blog can weigh in with an opinion (just an opinion, they can’t diagnose).
Great point – thank you!!!
It looks too low. Should be upper arm but they do all kinds of things off scrip for elites.
Sure looks like a venous access port of some kind. PICC lines are for longer term vs a more peripheral line IV site – short term. Wouldn’t be surprised if he has a semi-permanent access port inserted.
Thanks! Yup. Makes a lot of sense. They’re keeping Corn Pop going because Kamala might get all haughty and power hungry. A committee rules now, in essence, and I’m sure they love it. KEEP THAT BOY ALIVE.
Who’s this guy?
Wuhan Hung Lo?
Pull that photo to desktop, open file, and zoom in. Revealing reflections.
I actually see a fair bunch of green rectangles in the SUV reflections (sometimes overlapping to build more complex shapes). I really don’t see anything more meaningful than that.
Yeah, I’m missing the good stuff, too.
Diversity director? Minister of synthetic alzheimer meds (specially concocted in a chinese lab to make Biden compliant ) Chinese photog for propaganda sent home to show off their American monkey president)………………the possibilities are endless
The same guy is with him constantly, from the get go.
The illegal aliens coming across the border are harder to chop into the system, not that they can’t find a way other than letting them roam free. The other ones, the legal refugees that I assume he’s speaking about when he says, “…now we are going to increase the number” are the ones he can legally settle, meaning he can force them into your neighborhoods and there’s not much you can do about it. So essentially these can be a more targeted weapon when inserted into red districts to effect voter demographics though I’m sure it also involves meeting the needs of big business WEF partners as their interests will overlap (yes, that’s partly how places like Minnesota have gotten so screwed up). Also willing to bet that Bill Gates with all his new massive land purchases has his orders in for both legal and illegal immigrants.
Is it David Cho? He tends to show up in a lot in pictures near Presidents because he’s the head of the Secret Service Presidential Protective Division.
Thank you! It has to be him. VERY interesting background.
“However, many far-right conspiracy theorists falsely accused Cho of being a “Chinese handler” due to his race and the proximity of Cho and Biden throughout the Inauguration.”
Yup. Because now we know that he’s Biden’s NOKO DEMMUNIST handler!
I wouldn’t go that far. Cho had the same position under President Trump, and I’d assume the Trump Administration would have forced him out if he were a Chinese/NK/Communist threat. He received a medal in 2019 for participating in “high-level negotiations with North Korea.” I get why people are skeptical, but I just don’t see President Trump keeping this man around for years if he was a foreign spy or handler.
“I get why people are skeptical”
Ironically, skeptical of Cho because of Biden, not because of Cho!
It does look like him.
I’m mad at myself for accidentally implying Joe Biden is the President. I’d edit this comment if I could.
Only the beginning of the woke military~
Backstory on this…the incident was from last year.
NORTH CHARLESTON, SC (WCIV) — Several Airmen from Joint Base Charleston are facing scrutiny from base leadership over photos and video showing them engaging in what some feel is unprofessional behavior at work and in public.
JBC officials announced Tuesday morning they were working to identify the airmen in an attempt to address the situation appropriately.
The inquiry was prompted by photos shared publicly on Facebook Monday morning, April 28, showing three women in Air Force uniforms riding mobility assistance scooters through a Charleston-area Walmart.
Later, video surfaced on an Air Force humor Facebook page, appearing to show the same three women dancing while inside an office on Joint Base Charleston.
Yeah, and no way would these soldiers have lasted 2 hours on Gen. Patton’s quick march in December, 1944, to relieve our men at Bastogne.
A man that eloquent has to be saved.
Whoa… his twitter is full of vax disturbances
I sense a disturbance in the farce…
See, I’m so used to blown tests in science I’m just instantly skeptical of the whole thing. What’s the proper methodology? What kind of test is it? How is it run? How is it known to go wrong? What is it ACTUALLY MEASURING?
All of that – LOST ON TWITTER.
The real test – here is what I did, exactly – this is what I found – this is how you can do the same thing.
I don’t trust these tests, and I trust the people running them even less.
Honestly, I have a [cough] theory that the test makers made half positive and half negative, shuffled them together, and then counted out the number that would go in a box.
It just all seems so random.
There are so many ways to get that outcome at a deep level, by simply lack of honesty in corporate meetings, that TBH nobody ever has to commit open product fraud that leaves a witness.
Cuomo’s health people’s requirement that returned patients not be tested is a beautiful example of cunning murder. Heinrich Himmler left WAY more evidence than Cuomo ever did. And the idea of a media “kissing scandal” instead of a cyanide capsule – also genius.
LIN WOOD DECLARES WHAT WE KNOW IS TRUE – DONALD TRUMP IS STILL OUR PRESIDENT! The left has tried so hard to stop the Health and Freedom Conference 20-21 with no avail. The conference has been a huge inspiration and rally to take back our lives and stop the insane mandates by a crazy out of control, cabal ran CDC and World Health Organization. They are weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. They have been found guilty of lies, guilty of inhumane acts against humanity. Actually much of it is downright crimes! Crimes the people are not going to shut up about. The voice of the people is ringing out with the sounding of Shofars, accompanied with strong Praise and Worship To God!
…It is a picture of polar opposites. God’s people gather to shout the truth against the propaganda, lies and deception, while at the same time the cabal’s street thugs riot, burn, and destroy whatever they can, while Sebastian Gorka has an interview with President Trump on the future of the GOP, COVID mandates, international optics on Biden’s lack of leadership and his mess on the border!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
This is very true. They could not pull of a phony “insurrection” with the health and freedom conference, so they had to DISTRACT to their DEEP BLUE MURDER ZONES.
Sad, isn’t it?
Listen to the videos of Trump with Gorka – Please – Thanks!!!
Here is the full Trump interview!
Encouraging and hope inspiring … please let it happen!
Vernon Jones went live in Florida when President Trump walked into the room.
(I know many don’t like to click on fb but it isn’t on his twitter … and both social media platfroms are equally awful but they are how many people communicate so I use them still)
Would be happy to post someone else live in FL if I can find them but Vernon Jones is the only one I can find right now. DeSantis just spoke.
Pompeo taking the stage now!
STill looking for anyone else livestreaming as POTUS will be on soon!
They. Never. Stop.
Il Donaldo Trumpo locates Joe on the golf course.
Dear fellow Qtreepers, it’s been a while since I posted a comment. Been busy building a home chapel…churches locked down again, and also now police have new powers to enforce our stay at home orders.
My cousin sent me an important video on the pandemic…in 21 minutes all is explained by a medical doctor. Apologies if you have already seen it.
A home chapel? How cool. Like in a medieval castle. They always had their own. What are you doing with yours? Will you have statuary and stuff? Stained glass?
Yes, I am a bit of a decor nut. I am an artist and it spills over into my home a bit.
Yes, being a Roman Catholic, statues are a must…and the chapel sanctuary is built for the Traditional Mass to be celebrated.
My chapel with have a 24 inch statue of Notre Dame du Cap – she looks like this:
and her statue in my chapel will look much the same.
I will also have a lovely statue of St. Joseph, an exact replica of the one at St. Joseph’s oratory in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, only it’s 24 inches tall:

I am looking for a 30 inch crucifix that will hang above the altar.
The chapel will not be consecrated ( need a bishop to do that , and the Blessed Sacrament will not repose there, (no tabernacle), but it will be blessed and Mass can and hopefully will be celebrated there as before the scandemic, the Mass could be celebrated in one’s home.
The side altar in my chapel, which will hold a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, looks very similar to the one here:
(main altar is still undergoing construction -adaptation of a mahogany buffet made by Gibbards )
I loved every minute of doing this…obtained the stations of the cross from the internet, downloaded and framed them very inexpensively. These are the exact pictures I downloaded- can’t find the website where I got them…

That is fantastic! I am SO IMPRESSED with your ingenuity and commitment. I am sure it will be a wonderful holy place.
Back the blue gets harder and harder
Jeff Wagner
· 2h
Just talked with Stillwater PD Chief Brian Mueller. He said the crowd is exercising its 1st amendment right and not breaking any laws. Police will block the road to ensure cars don’t drive toward the crowd.
That’s all BS, Jeff.
They don’t have ANY right to violate anyone else’s rights.
People don’t get to BLOCK the public highways and byways without a permit.
And they don’t get to block ANYBODY from accessing their own home or property.
I can’t find anyone livestreaming FL event right now …
but am watching the OK conference instead
Short, too short. Could really go for a full blown POTUS rally speech about now.
Palm Beach Republican Party – lucky location!
He discussed
-foreign policy successes (Mike Pompeo was also a speaker and was in the room),
-what a shame that he lost the election/office of POTUS due to fraud and the SCOTUS not taking the cases, esp. saying that he didn’t have “standing”,
-mentioned that investigations were continuing in election issues, -recognized Vernon Jones in the room (President Trump wants to defeat GA RINOs!)
-and said how we will do even better in 2024 … fun to see how enthusiastic is even after all they put him through and are still putting him through.
He has a vision for our MAGA comeback and I Trust Trump. No way am I getting off of the Trump Train now!
Too short, left me wanting More!
MAGA conservatives and President Trump will continue working toward ’22 and ’24 and fighting against the Dem agenda in our “spare” time just as President Trump is doing.
President Trump is playing the long game … getting laws changed and people in place in GOP county, state parties, in RNC, in governor’s offices, etc. across the country + getting election laws strengthened … MAGA GOP is strengthening and we will win big in coming elections.
And we will all be Much more prepared for the Dem scams in 22 and 24. As Flynn said early this week, MAGA was out maneuvered by the cheating in 2020. We will be ready for it in the future and will know to guard against it!
Yep. In accord with my “most likely” hypothesis. We genuinely got skunked in the election; we didn’t *plan* or *expect* to lose. It wasn’t part of The Plan.
So we’ve been going through a period sort of like when you miss your turn and the GPS says “recalculating…”
“In accord with my “most likely” hypothesis. We genuinely got skunked in the election; we didn’t *plan* or *expect* to lose. It wasn’t part of The Plan.”
If that is actually true, then we need to ‘recalculate’ and reassess ALL of the “VSG” and 5-D Chess BS… and absolutely everything related to it.
Apparently it was all wishful projection on our part?
If they didn’t see the steal coming, if they didn’t actually do ANY of the stuff that we all thought they were doing (e.g., monitoring the 2018 midterm elections and infiltrating the DNC to create a sting operation for the 2020 elections), then SHAME ON THEM.
They are without excuse.
EVERY person in the whole administration – including POTUS – was completely out of touch with the outside world?
I don’t know how anyone squares that with reality.
He can’t be Bozo the Clown and GEPOTUS at the same time.
And that’s not a Straw Man, it’s a *&^%ing truism

There’s always “fog of war.” The chance that the enemy knows something you don’t.
I remember trying to tell people that there was a possibility the enemy would successfully cheat their way to victory and was simply laughed at with
“Trump’s got this” as if he were infallible.
Aged pretty damn poorly.
That didn’t last long.
I don’t think he was the key not speaker altough he was the highlight. Palm Beach County GOP meeting/event.
Heavy hitters in the room – President Trump, Pompeo and DeSantis!
No. I mean it’s been taken off Face Book
oh … I just watched it again.
Here is the link … maybe I did something wrong when I posted it above … idk …
yes, just found it again and its still there, ready to play. Page is public so you should not even need a fb account.
Was hoping you were right, but still getting this>
This page isn’t availableThe link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.
#” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”>Go back to the previous page · Go to News Feed · Vi
Police in potential danger every time they stop a car. Imagine a traffic stop that ends in a personal attack + a molotov cocktail?!
Another routine stop turns into a shoot out when the driver suddenly shoots at police and the policeman fires back killing two suspects and injuring another passenger
They brought it on themselves.
They don’t stand for what’s good or right.
They don’t stand for We the People, they abandoned us.
They do whatever their corrupt leadership tells them to do, using the Nuremberg excuse.
They treat terrorists with kid gloves, and treat law-abiding Americans like criminals.
They made their choice.
Let them live with it.
If they want sympathy, let them get it from the criminals and domestic terrorists they coddle.
They have it even worse in Canada
Time for a general strike in Ontario.
For that matter, past time for general strikes in a number of states.
BLM rioters and criminals looted/robbed and vandalized a Little Ceasars …
And now for the rest of the story:
Honestly there is no other story other than blm is a criminal org . Their thug foot soldiers get nothing but the high of violent activity which apparently is addictive. BLM rakes in $$$$ and has legal immunity.
An old white guy paying for Rosa Park’s rent won’t make a blip on anyone’s conscience. They have no allegiance to even black people. It’s a criminal enterprise.
Since the old white guy who stepped in, in 1994 to help move Rosa Parks out of her apartment into a safer one after she was assaulted and robbed and then continued to pay her rent, this would be a great story to push on to the Woke Cooperate Capitalists that are all WEF’d up. Their money and good intentions mean nothing to the lawless left. It would be so much better for them and us if they just followed the laws inspired by God.