Dear KMAG: 20210418 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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All Must Be Fulfilled . . .

Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. (Luke 24:27) Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. (Luke 24:44)

Bible Prophecy

Of the several ways Bible prophecies can be classified, classification as “Direct”, “Indirect”, or “Type” (typical or example) is one of the ways.

A Direct Messianic prophecy identifies the subject of the prophecy as the Messiah (there are more than 20 names for the Messiah in the Old Testament) and then makes a statement about the Messiah.
For example – the promise in Micah 5:2 that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.

An Indirect Messianic prophecy doesn’t identify the Messiah as the subject, but is recognized as a Messianic prophecy after its fulfillment.
For example – the statement in Hosea 11:1 that Jesus would be brought out of Egypt and back to the land of Israel (Matthew 2:14-15).

A Type Messianic prophecy is an event as an example, as a prophecy that has no direct reference to the future, but illustrates the concept or actions of the Messiah.
For example – the Messiah who was to come was portrayed as the bronze serpent, which was lifted up on a pole (Numbers 21:19; John 3:14), and as the Passover lamb (Exodus 12; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:19).

Messianic Prophecies

The following are 47 of the more straight forward Old Testament prophesies about the coming Messiah. The probability that one person could satisfy all these are absolutely minuscule, but, then, here we are . . .

47 Old Testament Prophecies About Jesus as Messiah
Prophecies about JesusOld Testament
New Testament
Messiah would be born of a woman.Genesis 3:15Matthew 1:20
Galatians 4:4
Messiah would be born in
Micah 5:2Matthew 2:1
Luke 2:4-6
Messiah would be
born of a virgin.
Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:22-23
Luke 1:26-31
Messiah would come from the line of
Genesis 12:3
Genesis 22:18
Matthew 1:1
Romans 9:5
Messiah would be a descendant of
Genesis 17:19
Genesis 21:12
Luke 3:34
Messiah would be a descendant of Jacob.Numbers 24:17Matthew 1:2
Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah.Genesis 49:10Luke 3:33
Hebrews 7:14
Messiah would be heir to
King David’s throne.
2 Samuel 7:12-13
Isaiah 9:7
Luke 1:32-33
Romans 1:3
Messiah’s throne will be anointed and eternal.Psalm 45:6-7
Daniel 2:44
Luke 1:33
Hebrews 1:8-12
Messiah would be called
Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23
Messiah would spend a season in Egypt.Hosea 11:1Matthew 2:14-15
A massacre of children would happen at Messiah’s birthplace.Jeremiah 31:15Matthew 2:16-18
A messenger would prepare the way for Messiah.Isaiah 40:3-5Luke 3:3-6
Messiah would be preceded by a forerunner.Malachi 3:1Matthew 11:10
Messiah would be rejected by his own people.Psalm 69:8
Isaiah 53:3
John 1:11
John 7:5
Messiah would be a prophet.Deuteronomy 18:15Acts 3:20-22
Messiah would be preceded by
Malachi 4:5-6Matthew 11:13-14
Messiah would be declared the
Son of God.
Psalm 2:7Matthew 3:16-17
Messiah would be called a Nazarene.Isaiah 11:1Matthew 2:23
Messiah would bring light to
Isaiah 9:1-2Matthew 4:13-16
Messiah would speak in
Psalm 78:2-4
Isaiah 6:9-10
Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35
Messiah would be sent to heal the brokenhearted.Isaiah 61:1-2Luke 4:18-19
Messiah would be a priest after the order of Melchizedek.Psalm 110:4Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah would be called King.Psalm 2:6
Zechariah 9:9
Matthew 27:37
Mark 11:7-11
Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey.Zechariah 11:12Matthew 21:4-5
Messiah would be praised by little children.Psalm 8:2Matthew 21:16
Messiah would be betrayed.Psalm 41:9
Zechariah 11:12-13
Luke 22:47-48
Matthew 26:14-16
Messiah’s price money would be used to buy a potter’s field.Zechariah 11:12-13Matthew 27:9-10
Messiah would be falsely accused.Psalm 35:11Mark 14:57-58
Messiah would be silent before his accusers.Isaiah 53:7Mark 15:4-5
Messiah would be spat upon and struck.Isaiah 50:6Matthew 26:67
Messiah would be hated without cause.Psalm 35:19
Psalm 69:4
John 15:24-25
Messiah would be
crucified with criminals.
Isaiah 53:12Matthew 27:38
Mark 15:27-28
Messiah would be given vinegar to drink.Psalm 69:21Matthew 27:34
John 19:28-30
Messiah’s hands and feet would be pierced.Psalm 22:16
Zechariah 12:10
John 20:25-27
Messiah would be mocked and ridiculed.Psalm 22:7-8Luke 23:35
Soldiers would gamble for Messiah’s garments.Psalm 22:18Luke 23:34
Matthew 27:35-36
Messiah’s bones would not be broken.Exodus 12:46
Psalm 34:20
John 19:33-36
Messiah would be forsaken by God.Psalm 22:1Matthew 27:46
Messiah would pray for his enemies.Psalm 109:4Luke 23:34
Soldiers would pierce Messiah’s side.Zechariah 12:10John 19:34
Messiah would be buried with the rich.Isaiah 53:9Matthew 27:57-60
Messiah would
resurrect from the dead.
Psalm 16:10
Psalm 49:15
Matthew 28:2-7
Acts 2:22-32
Messiah would
ascend to heaven.
Psalm 24:7-10Mark 16:19
Luke 24:51
Messiah would be seated at God’s right hand.Psalm 68:18
Psalm 110:1
Mark 16:19
Matthew 22:44
Messiah would be a sacrifice for sin.Isaiah 53:5-12Romans 5:6-8
Messiah would return a second time. Daniel  7:13-14Revelation 19

Whether direct, indirect or type prophecies, all were literally fulfilled in the life of Jesus. And, as we look at other prophecies in God’s Word, that perhaps cover other topics and perhaps use highly symbolic prophetic imagery, like Daniel and Revelation, we can expect that they also will be literally fulfilled in a real-life manner.

If you decide to dive deep into Edersheim’s list of 456 Old Testament passages which were considered Messianic by the Rabbis before the time of Christ, you’ll quickly find that in many, many cases, what a Rabbi, over 2,000 years ago, considered a prophecy pertaining to the Messiah is totally incomprehensible to you with no conceivable connection to the Messiah. Many of those ancient Rabbis excelled at reading obscure meanings into passages that don’t appear to be supported by word meanings or context to us.

Prophets – Then and Now

Speaking in the name of God was, and should be, very serious business. God said, “But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.” (Deuteronomy 18:20) I suspect that a fair number of preachers claiming on TV or in YouTube videos that God spoke to them and they are relaying the message to us, will be justly compensated for their deception sometime in the future. “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11)

There are no magic words or phrases or processes that will enable us to dash through God’s plan for our lives, or to super-charge us to a wild success in Christian growth. If you are presented with such a concept, that should be a clear warning to be sure that you’re following God’s Word and not someone’s self-serving schemes.

The Solution

But, what we can be assured of is that if we stick to what’s in God’s Word with natural, normal meanings in context, we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to find the intended meaning. The Gospel and the tenets of spiritual growth were written to be understood and acted upon by us common people.

Our answers lie in God’s Word since “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17-17)

. . . for every good work. What good works would that be? Well, maybe these . . . For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Look to the LORD and his strength with humility, and seek his face always in prayer.

Complete and thoroughly equipped

. . . the goals for our lifelong Christian growth toward maturity!

On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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Elizabeth Carter

Carl, Thank you for the review of some of the prophecies. This is an amazing time to be alive. Liz


and they blamed President Trump for saying “fight” in a political speech?!
Such double standards as this woman is Literally encouraging people to break the law


She is pure filth, through and through.


Inciting a riot.
Shes the one who should “shut(her) mouth!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Shouldn’t she be home in her district (OK, she doesn’t live there, but…..) working for her constituents?????

Yeah, I know…


It’s time to be grateful.

CORRECTION: It’s way past time to be grateful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Good stuff.

Also, Timothy was a MENSCH. A good lad.


This is 2 minutes of Lin Wood on fire speaking at the Tulsa event. Posted by McInerney with the following comments: “for the first time in history in front of a large audience the Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bush’s and Biden’s were called out on child sex trafficking. And there’s nothing they can do about it. When Project Veritas releases the undercover work about child sex trafficking, the entire consciousness of the world will change.”

There were points where 500K were streaming this event.

Lord give protection to all in this fight.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is some powerful stuff there, but – AMEN – I CHEERED and clapped to hear him.


You can replay the whole conference now.
Posted here:
Health & Freedom Conference (


Wow, thanks!

Concerned Virginian

May the Almighty God and armed 24/7 security, protect Lin Wood and Gen. McInerney.




I didn’t pick up on this before when Lin Wood made the Q symbol. He also said:

“Q is the truth”

“This is about the children for God’s sake”

– Lin Wood

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that is powerful stuff.


Yes. I need to find the whole thing someplace. I know it will be available I just can’t recall where. Perhaps

Lin Wood goes full anon and calls out the elites
[video src="" /]


It’s actually really smart of Lin Wood to do this.

Because now…if anyone harms him, it proves him right.
 😏  😎 


He calls out the House of Windsor, too.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but I still maintain this may be why Harry and Meghan pulled out.

I can’t stand Me-Again. I think she is trashy and acquisitive. BUT, she is a mother. What if she was unaware of the depravity in that family until after she was in it?

I just can’t help but wonder.


We have been taught to revere certain world leaders…


Sounded to me like a direct accusation against named villains. The ball is in their court now, is he tempting them to sue.


That is a very cool prophesy chart. The Bible is so much more accessible for people now.


This is an interesting find:

Confused? Let me explain.

Not sure if you know the reason Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline was because of Warren Buffett and his Burlington Northern Railroad.
Buffet gave Biden a large cash donation. Biden gave Buffet the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline.

Here is where it gets good. Guess who is one the largest shareholders of Coca Cola? You guessed it Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett’s company. So every time you pull into the pump and pay those extra high Biden gas prices remember by NOT buying Coca Cola products your getting even with Warren Buffet for getting the Keystone Pipeline cancelled!!!
Poetic Justice!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. DEMONRATS and their anti-American allies need to FEEL THE HEAT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes, LADY AGAG is FINE!  😉 

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Celebrate General Flynn And Trump’s Protection Of The Second Amendment With These High-Quality Silver Coins

April 17, 2021, 2:00pmby Promoted Post

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Write “Ag” in front of a coin dealer and they will wonder what you’ve been smoking; the traditional abbreviation for silver, when, say, labeling a black and white photo or line drawing, is “AR” (AE for copper and AU for gold).

I’d pay attention to the sale price on this (and any other) novelty silver round (not “coin”–it doesn’t bear a denomination).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can see AU and AR, but where does AE come from?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aes, which I guess is a Latin word for copper or some item that was made of copper.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

HAH. Serves me right.

According to my quick research, “Aes” is actually one of those BIG copper slugs the Romans used in the very early days before they invented the denarius.

I usually see it written “As” and hear it pronounced like “donkey” so something could be priced at, say, three asses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re “keeping it Roman”!


That would be in contrast to Euclid’s pons asinorum, I’d guess.


Apropos of nothing in particular….

Somewhere around here I have a single vox humana organ pipe. The name means “human voice”.

The vox humana is a reed pipe. When on, air passes over a metal “reed” which produces the tone. This is tuned with a little stiff piece of wire that determines how much of the reed vibrates.

At the top is a cap that partially occludes a hole in the pipe. If you run the hole wide open, the pipe sounds like “ohhhhhhhh”; if you run it about 2/3 open, it sounds like “ahhhhhhhh”, and if you close almost all of it, it sounds like “eeeeeeee”. If you’re an organ building with a particularly wealthy client, you can have them purchase three ranks of vox humana pipes and run all three. They are typically run off a wind chest that varies air pressure to provide a tremolo effect.

I got the pipe from my grandfather. He would tune and maintain pipe organs as a side-business for much of his life.

Incidentally, back in the day, I was always looking for someone to release a ROM for pipe organs on the Proteus 2000 platform. They had the horsepower to handle it beautifully, and all the real examples are quietly fading away.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

 If you run the hole wide open, the pipe sounds like “ohhhhhhhh”; if you run it about 2/3 open, it sounds like “ahhhhhhhh”, and if you close almost all of it, it sounds like “eeeeeeee”. “

Linguists very broadly classify vowels as open/close, front/central/back or rounded/unrounded (that last refers to whether the lips are rounded or not). There are MANY gradations of open/close, but that refers to how low/high the tongue is in the mouth when the vowel is pronounced. “eeee” is close, frontal and unrounded, and “aaaaaah” is open. “ehhhh” (either English or the slightly “closer” Italian e) is “mid” and “frontal”

The letter u –when prounounced like in “food” is also close like “eeeee” (written i), but the tongue’s high point is further back in the mouth, it’s considered a “back” vowel, and is rounded. So is a pure “oh” sound (mid/back/rounded).


If I were teaching this to a class, it’d be cool to hand out a vox humana pipe to each.

The pipes contain lead, so you’d need some sort of adapter to blow it (back in the day, we’d just cup our hands into a tube, and not worry about residue so long as we weren’t licking the pipes).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One should be able to find a piece of software to basically emit a chord of three tones and duplicate any vowel sound (though it would sound like a robot). The third (highest) pitch determines whether it sounds rounded or not.

I’ve experimented with some apps, but unfortunately, they will generate a tone with both (or all three) harmonics at the same volume (as if you were playing an instrument), so I could never get it to work.


Properly equipped, it would be so fun to teach a class on “sound” with a focus on (1) Just what is going on here?; (2) why is a soprano sax not a clarinet (and other questions); (3) synthesized sounds; and (4) real world considerations.

And when you’re talking about such equipment, it should be noted that you can get an oscilloscope Raspberry Pi add-on for under a hundred bucks.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…and I suppose I could write an app to do the sound generation. Hell, if MIDI lets you do simultaneous sounds AND lets you adjust volume, it should be very very easy, because, of course, MIDI has been around so long the documentation is in cuneiform.

A clarinet, by the way, functions as a stopped pipe (one end closed, the other open), and as far as I know that makes it unique among the major woodwinds. Flutes are open on both ends, oboes and bassoons are a stopped cone (thinner at the mouth end and wider where the horn begins). Thus a clarinet has a standing half wave ( or 3/2 or 5/2 ) and goes lower in pitch than one would expect just based on comparing its size to the others. (Which doesn’t mean it can’t make notes so high that if they aren’t well made they’ll peel paint and burst the blood vessels in your retina or kill small rodents.)

Deplorable Patriot

Flutes are open on both ends? I suppose you could take the tuning cork out of the one end, but effectively that seals the one end. And there is no bell, unlike the others.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The flautist blows across an opening, instead of sealing off the opening like with a reeded (or double reeded) instrument (where there’s almost no opening at all). Apparently that’s enough to make the difference. In any case I’m repeating what I heard from people who know more about musical instruments than I do. The test, of course, is that a clarinet and a flute are both very approximately the same length but the clarinet can go much lower–or at least, I never heard a flute go that low. (I have personal experience with clarinets but not flutes.)

In an orchestra the clarinetists will typically have both an A and a Bb clarinet but “band class” in grade school typically goes with a B-flat only. But that gets into transposed instruments–as far as I know you never have to worry about transposed vocals, a C is really a C.

Deplorable Patriot

The key on any wind or brass instrument is the low note it can reach. In general, the instruments with the same key designation have the same fingering. I played both flute and oboe using soprano fingering. IIRC, Englishorn uses soprano fingering which is why oboists play it. The sound, though, is lower because the instrument is bigger.

(See, I paid attention when it comes to acoustics.)

Clarinet, alto flute, and the usual sax are all the same fingering. B-flat.

Anything lower than that uses the bass clef and I get lost down there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Awesome, I just didn’t know your level of exposure to it.

Actually a clarinet can go well below that “base note.” A generic high-school-band grade Bb clarinet goes down to the E below middle C. At least that’s what the book says, but it’s a Bb clarinet so it’s really a D below middle C. Written Middle C is covering the top three finger holes and the thumbhole. The transposition is done so that the clarinetist can just do that fingering whenever he sees a middle C on the page, regardless of what the clarinet actually puts out. The generic one is Bb, (no I don’t know why not in C–there’s likely some arcane history there), there’s an A [no concert clarinetist is ever without both a Bb and an A, and I met one who confided to me that his private nightmare was accidentally picking up the wrong instrument during a performance and being a semitone off], there are Ebs, and of course clarinets a full octave or even two below the “regular” clarinet, and all of them will show you a middle C in the sheet music for the note that comes out when you close those holes, regardless of what it really is. That puts the actual effort of transposing the music on the composer or arranger, not on the guy who had better be perfect on the stage with no distractions.

That high school band clarinet can play notes from E3 (below the third line below the treble staff) through G6 (four lines abvove the staff), and apparently really advanced players can go higher than that. But you need to drop all of these notes by one semi tone if you’re going to try to match them against a piano because those are the written notes. That’s actually a pretty wide range, all things considered. A piano of course will outrange it.

As a kid dealing with it in band class, of course, none of this made any damn sense, and certainly the names of keys didn’t! (Decades later, I finally got a coherent explanation.)

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, music education in this country sucks. I learned more from one teacher in middle school, TWO of my five or so voice teachers, and being a member of Symphony Chorus than I ever learned in school. I’ve picked up theory through self study and consider it superfluous to actually making music and learning the art that way. It’s as if the nerds needed their say.

All of that, though, does not make up for honed natural talent. And that varies from human to human.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The question of “why is this called a Bb clarinet” and “why is it the key of F when you’re playing Bb every time you see a B” and so on are the sorts of things you need the theory to understand, but they weren’t going to explain theory to a 5th grader…so the answers boiled down to “because we say so.”

I’m probably a rare case of someone who could have benefited from a theory for idiots book at that age. The concept of why a key matters was foreign to me (and it comes down to the sequence of tones and semitones in the do-re-mi scale being offset so that some notes fall on semitones).

Theory could be made totally invisible, actually, but no one will ever do it. Replace the A-G scale with semitones with a twelve semitone system, labeled alpha through mu (or 1 through 12, A = 1, Bb = 2, B=3, C=4, D=6 and so on); write them all out as if they have equal value, and composers would just omit the notes the current key doesn’t use. People would never have to worry about the difference between the key of C and the key of D that way. Only the composer would need to know he should not use a certain five of the notes unless he wants an accidental. Players wouldn’t have to remember a key signature, either, though I imagine that’s nearly automatic with enough experience.

To actually *make* music, of course, you can just ignore that stuff and follow directions (i.e., the sheet music), depending of course on your amount of honed natural talent.

Deplorable Patriot

Are you sure you didn’t go to school at Indiana University, ’cause that’s where they number the scale rather than using the Italian syllables.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I didn’t. And I didn’t know they did that.

Never took a music class at that level.

As I said, it will never happen, because every musician out there would have to relearn how to read music, and relearn keyings, etc.

Deplorable Patriot

Most, if not all, have it in them to do that with some effort.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Do they number them 1-7 or 1-12 with gaps?

Or do they start with do=C=three and roll back over to 1?

Deplorable Patriot

1-8. Moveable do as I understand it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the best summaries yet on how the CIA, FBI and DOJ are amassing against us.


Screw ’em.

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Biden’s Intelligence Community Is Not Focused on China or Antifa But on their Political Opposition – President Trump, Roger Stone, Kash Patel and American Patriots Are First in Line

April 17, 2021, 12:30pmby Joe Hoft




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Excellent link!


We had originally planned that today (Sunday) be a Roberto day….but he got the jab on Saturday, so we scrapped it by mutual consent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is some interesting stuff.

First, this meme from GAB:
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Now – I went to look this guy up – that IS the guy’s name. And I found THIS information about him:
5 Fast Facts

Kevin Seefried & Son Arrested: Dad ID’d as Man With Confederate Flag in US Capitol

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Now, if you read the article, there is little about him that proves, to me, that the guy wasn’t some kind of ringer. No real bona fides. And HEAVY usually digs very deep and very fast. So I think there may be some “there there” about Seefried being a PLANT of some kind.


Please don’t tell me his son’s name is Roy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Almost as bad. “Hunter”!!!  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Justice against ANTIFA – which their partners in crime, FIB – another branch of the DNC – will never deliver.

Because it’s just an ideology.  🙄 

[video src="" /]


That guy was sound asleep, before he even began to fall… 😂🤣😂

Looks like that crazy woman was asking to take a nap too, but the video stopped soon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not sure if it’s that woman or a different one to her right, but the dude gets back-off from a broad about to engage him, and then picks up the guy’s baton off the ground. It’s an amazing scene. I have links and maybe the downloaded video somewhere.

Barb Meier

They will stop being useful tools and those paying them to destroy will shut them down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The awesomeness of this woman knows no bounds!!!

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America First scored a massive and decisive victory this week:

Tucker’s legendary demographics monologue moved the right wing overton window on immigration.

I’m sure you’ve seen the recent news now regarding MTG on the AF Caucus. Regardless, we’ve made massive gains that have the establishment on alert. Its only going to get uglier as we wage a scorched earth battle against the GOP establishment. The AF caucus draft and it’s platform saw overwhelmingly positive reactions from Populists, Nationalists, & Conservatives. It only gets uglier as we fly over the target and take flak.

Its time for not just America first, but other Populists, Nationalists, and Conservatives to get serious. It’s now or never to deal away with Kevin McCarthy and his mask-wearing controlled Op allies.

If you don’t like what you’re seeing from the GOP, perhaps it’s your turn to run for office.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice GAB meme for your favorite TDS lefty.

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The title of an article at MarketWatch cracked me up, I haven’t read it yet, didn’t want my comments below to be influenced by reading it first:

Stocks are at all-time highs and the U.S. economy is booming. So why is everyone so freaked out?
Published: April 17, 2021


Yeah… I wonder… what could it be… I mean everything is so normal these days.

It’s not like TPTB have turned our society into a sexual freak show. It’s not like our borders are being flooded with people who have no intention of becoming Americans, and being ‘seeded’ throughout the country.

It’s not like TPTB have declared war and open-season on white people, or anything like that.

It’s not like the current illegitimate government used the Constitution (the real one) to light one of Hunter’s bongs. You know Hunter, he’s the acting President’s crack-smoking bagman, a.k.a. Foot-jobber.

And the acting President himself, presented as the ‘leader of the free world’, can barely speak a coherent sentence.

So everything’s pretty much completely normal.

It’s not like the most powerful nation on earth was taken over by a blatantly fraudulent election theft, and it’s not like the criminals who did it are being very subtle about their totalitarian intentions…

And it’s not like the FED is printing money like it’s a tribute to the Wiemar Republic. And it’s not like people are paying more than a lot of houses cost when I was a kid, for an ethereal bit of blockchain on the Interwebs, or millions of dollars for garbage ‘art’ like Jacko’s first Tweeter tweet, practically anything to escape the looming fiat currency disaster.

Financial bubbles are everywhere.

And it’s not like everybody knows that China-virus is being used as a weapon to usher in global totalitarian control.

And it’s not like there is any legitimate lawful authority in charge… in fact, there is no legitimate authority, anywhere now. It’s like the wild, wild west, except there is no Sheriff, only bandits.

So it’s a great question… why is everyone so freaked out?

Seems like everything oughta be serene… whatareya, a buncha conspiracy theorists or somethin’? 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And all of that TRUE before even clicking the link!


It’s not like even Wile E. Coyote would think twice before going as far as we are right now beyond the edge of the cliff…

Nothing like that.

Everything’s compleeetely normal… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

dem sheep


That sheep is definitely a liberal!

Valerie Curren

No doubt!


It’s probably easier, because a politician’s business is being bought, while a scientist might not realize its happening.


The ‘Funding Gods’ are well known to scientists.

You must mean something else.

Cuppa Covfefe

 As Upton Sinclari said:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops, Upton Sinclair…


Nah. Scientists are every bit as crooked as politicians.

Power, control and money the common denominators.


Saturday morning, I was off in the wilderness on top of a hill with these guys — . It was a glorious day, which is quite important because they keep saying they meet in the clubhouse (which has an old wood-burning iron stove) but actually meet on the parking lot. When it is foggy, misty, cold, windy — practically the definition of Bay Area weather — there is a world of difference between the two. Today, I was comfy in a t-shirt in the parking lot.

Dwight Giles attended with his new knee (and had also had a stroke) and looked good. The old medieval guild system was “apprentice” (needs supervision); “journeyman” (can go somewhere alone and do well enough); and “master” (can train, plan, supervise, teach, and attest). The club has a handful of master machinists or engine builders, and one grandmaster. Very many of the senior machinist’s anecdotes go, “I set it up in this way, and got this result, then went to Plan B and asked Dwight.” If I wanted to find someone who knew more about machining than Dwight, I’d have to have a worldwide competition.

He attributes the stroke to abrupt changes in his blood-thinner regimen as directed by the surgeons who replaced his knee. Such is the quality and perception of his thinking post-stroke, he seems to have bounced through it well. Just as a random aside, Dwight doesn’t do masks.

I was also very pleased to see the infamous “Dr. Bob” in attendance. He is an inspiration to me in the way he is always learning, inquisitive, and delighted by new knowledge. It’s infectious — I’ve been to places where he’d been in years previous, and people were asking where he was — like his personality was the most memorable thing they could recall amidst all the skill, workmanship, technology, and execution from the prior year.

One person in attendance was a long-time member who is an expert in building magnetos…..and lives in Wisconsin. He drove in with wife and dog for family reasons, and decided to drop in.

It was a great meeting. We had the usual players to keep the action popping and it really hit me how much I’d missed doing winter meetings indoors.


Hope it’s contagious…going without masks. (Dwight)

Valerie Curren

spying & tracking at orwellian levels

Doodles Retweeted
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Daddy Warpig


I got my first shot and literally the next day Facebook is prompting me to add a “frame” to my pic bragging about it.

It’s freaking Orwellian. What the hell?
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A Roguish Ham
· Apr 15
My wife got vaccinated today and immediately Facebook recognized it and prompted her to update her info in response.

Deplorable Patriot

We need more people speaking up like this.

Valerie Curren


Concerned Virginian

My suspicion is it’s the CDC that’s giving legally-protected HIPAA information to FB.

An example scenario:
Joe Public goes to a Walgreens and gets the Pfizer shot.
Walgreens must register the date of the procedure, the vial used and the information on the vial, plus Joe Public’s information, with the CDC.
The CDC puts these items of information into various databases.
The CDC likely shares the information with the NIAID, for “statistical purposes”.
The CDC likely has an “arrangement” with FB to release certain information — like Joe Public getting the shot and the date it was given.
Since Joe Public has a FB account, FB has an algorithm that puts the “alert” on his FB page, urging him to “frame” his shot or to “update his information” (except that FB already HAS the updated information — they want him to make it public — thus creating a backdoor “Vaccine Passport” for Joe Public).
The head of the CDC is Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
The head of the NIAID is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Valerie Curren

Diabolical, 4th amendment violation (search & seizure?)

Concerned Virginian

And, if Joe Public is on Medicare, that agency will be given his “vaccination information”, and it will be put on his EMR (Electronic Medical Record).
Ditto if Joe Public has Medicaid.

Concerned Virginian

Which, of course, begs the question, assuming that Joe Public’s “vaccination information” is being shared among Federal, and also likely state and local health agencies (by law and regulations):
Who negotiated the “arrangement” between, for example, the CDC and FB, to harvest the “vaccination information” and gave permission to have Joe Public contacted?
Who gets “a piece of the action” (monetary) in terms of the “arrangement”, and how much?
In other words, does “our favorite Zuck” get paid every time, say, the CDC gives “vaccination information” about Joe Public which FB then uses to contact him?


“Who”? Perhaps the details are buried in the latest “Covid” stimulus legislation.


The phones are listening … how many times have we heard stories about having conversations with the phone in the rooms and advertisements pop up with products discussed in the conversation?

Another possibility is if they had the phone with them when they went to get their shot and they had “location” on, then it dinged that they were at a shot location (a number of shot locations are doing shots exclusively)

If they searched anything about it, mapped to the location, included it in a gmail email or an outlook email or an outlook appointment or a phone calendar appointment … all accessible and sellable.

Or maybe HIPPA is being violated and info sold. IDK but our electronics are not private so many ways it could have happened

Valerie Curren



The “phone is listening” thing has happened to ME directly, many times. Also, if I speak aloud a search I am about to do on my laptop, it is often the first “drop-down” I get after tying a few letters, even complex sentence searches. They ARE listening.

Concerned Virginian

And Siri / Alexa / Echo, and their “add-on” devices. They all listen.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Cuppa Covfefe

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Covid vaccine passport Gestapo’s at work in the back ground.

Valerie Curren

pretty much everywhere!


Thank You, bakocarl, for your meaningful & heartfelt messages.

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Love, True Love!

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SD has a decent article about the intelligence community using our online support of other patriots to target us. ‘Data breaches’ are a way they may be gaining our data illegally.

He uses that as a springboard to tell us not to get depressed and frightened, but to realize we are the majority.

I personally would like some concrete steps we can take if we are targeted.

Off the top of my head:

If you are targeted shout it from the rooftops. Publicize it as fast and as widely as you can.

Have a list of sites that you or your friends/family can get the word out about the targeting.

If you are detained, resolve not to speak unless you have a lawyer present.

If some agency knocks at your door just to talk with you and without a warrant, don’t answer.

Record every interaction if you can, and have others record.

I’m sure there are a lot of other things we can do…


If you are detained, resolve not to speak unless you have a lawyer present.

If some agency knocks at your door just to talk with you and without a warrant, don’t answer.

Record every interaction if you can, and have others record.

^^^ Methought it was worth repeating. ^^^

LE is NOT the friend we used to believe they were. Best kept at a distance these days.


Its a generational concern, and the way agencies have become so politicized. Yes, and the less the training the more likely a confrontation.


Critical Race Theory explained.

A short but thorough analysis with some tools for fighting back:

“No longer simply an academic matter, critical race theory has become a tool of political power. To borrow a phrase from the Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, it is fast achieving “cultural hegemony” in America’s public institutions. More and more, it is driving the vast machinery of the state and society. If we want to succeed in opposing it, we must address it politically at every level.

Critical race theorists must be confronted with and forced to speak to the facts. Do they support public schools separating first-graders into groups of “oppressors” and “oppressed”? Do they support mandatory curricula teaching that “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism”? Do they support public schools instructing white parents to become “white traitors” and advocate for “white abolition”? Do they want those who work in government to be required to undergo this kind of reeducation? How about managers and workers in corporate America? How about the men and women in our military? How about every one of us?

There are three parts to a successful strategy to defeat the forces of critical race theory: governmental action, grassroots mobilization, and an appeal to principle.”


Alex Yelizarov @alxyeee
Amazing turnout at the Toronto freedom march so far. The best part is seeing shocked onlookers join the party.@RebelNewsOnline
#Toronto #EndTheLockdowns #Freedom #OnPoli #cdnpoli

Valerie Curren

In related news
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Canadians are currently at the US border, using lights as Morse code saying “SOS” with the flag turned upside down




ALL without masks and after being mandated to stay home.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Just checking in.

I was losing altitude and headed for a crash and burn, so for the most part I’ve jettisoned the politics.

President Trump is still at the top of my hero list.


Good to see you! A Bakocarl thread is the perfect place to land. ❤🤍💙


itswoot ! the future is bright ….
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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2


Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Valerie Curren


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If terrorists really hate us for our freedom, shouldn’t it just be a mild dislike by now?


Bakocarl – thank you for a wonderful view into the Messianic prophecies.

I share your apprehensions about modern day prophets.

Having been in charismatic and non-denominational churches where prophecies flew about right and left, and seen none of them come about, I have much as much wariness and caution about contemporary prophecies as I do about political predictions, and mainstream broadcast and print media. I’m a Doubtin’ Debbie Downer across the board.

Valerie Curren

A NYC father writes an open letter to fellow parents regarding race indoctrination by faculty at Brearley, his daughter’s private girls’ school –

It’s a very fine argument against the CRT race indoctrination that is currently being pushed by the left.


Bill Maher@billmaher
I don’t want politics mixed in with my medical decisions. And when all of our news sources for Covid information have an agenda to spin us, you wind up with a badly misinformed population. #BreakingNews #ScaredStraight

Valerie Curren

scuse the language
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HermitInfidel and 4 others liked
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Apr 16

My very mild mannered neighbour just texted me this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And they’re both wrong!  😂 

“For fuck’s sake” would be correct.

Valerie Curren

LOL I noticed that too but even playing the grammar police on TV won’t get me dropping the F-bomb, directly 😉


Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

All’s whale that ends whale…
(ducks and swims away….) 🙂

Valerie Curren

nice finish there 😉

Valerie Curren

from the don’t look away Epstein files–ugh!
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ok…gonna add this….

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you started it.


Valerie Curren



IS SOMEONE TELLING ON THEMSELVES?april 17, 2021 the marshall report

Forever young and oh how simple it is…just give them the blood of a child. A simple task and one that sounds totally sci-fi and appalling. The entire thought of it is an abomination in and of itself. But, it was due to open up for Silicon Valley lost its’ first blood lab and now another is rising up in its’ place with all the bells and whistles of the one that was closed. But at least this new one is telling the public what its real goals are; unlike the other, whose name is not to be named, at least not until after their court date.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


so grotesque…

BTW…was reading another link somewhere earlier this am about NY now trying to legislate INCEST as being acceptable.



“Consensual Incest” Should Be Decriminalized…

New York


Dunno – maybe, Dora knows.


So according to The Daily Caller, the DOJ is investigating Kash Patel for leaking embarrassing information.


Valerie Curren

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douglas lloyd Retweeted
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Like these predictions…×360
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Jon Saxon (follow on Parler or Gab @jonsaxon67)
· 4h
Replying to @DJSnM @eachus and 5 others
Most “predictions” were wrong. those that were even remotely on track were so vague as to offer little to no validation of any theory. Anyone looking at the graph ot temp, and just drawing a continuation would have gotten just as accurate predictions.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So we aren’t the only ones with idiots continuously positing dates that constantly slip!

Valerie Curren

Does that “we” refer to Q-peeps or decoders or what?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We as a movement have a number of bullshitter “it’ll happen on this day” people, including John Solomon, amongst us, and it’s something we have to deal with (since too many people insist on giving them credence).

Valerie Curren

Like all the Christian “prophets” who have made a cottage industry out of predicting Jesus’ 2nd coming. & that when scripture explicitly says “no man will know the day or the hour” which by definition Must negate Every such prognostication!!! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. I seem to recall something about “like a thief in the night” too.

And yet millions believed Howard Camping, every time.

Every generation of Christians, including the first, had its people who thought it would be in theiur lifetimes, and I recall reading somewhere that a majority do today. I wouldn’t be surprised if that were always true.

Valerie Curren

I’ve said similar to my husband a number of times. But as a Believer it seems we are Supposed to believe in the “imminent” return of Christ, a kind of hope that lingers. The second half of Hebrews chapter 11 “the faith chapter” comes in here, all those who died without seeing what they believed yet come into existence. Quite the challenging chapter!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are enough statements in Mark (some quoted in the other synoptic gospels) to the effect of “the axe is at the foot of the tree” and even ones about people listening to him would still be alive, that I can understand the first Christians thinking it was imminent.

Valerie Curren

Agreed 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I stopped before I got controversial.

Valerie Curren

No need to stop on My account. I appreciate your insights even if I don’t always agree w/ your perspective or take on things 🙂

Valerie Curren

Lin Wood on fire!!!

These are worth the few minutes to listen!!!

Valerie Curren

vaccinated at increased risk for death…
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Translated from Spanish by


Dr. Albarracín and other experts predict an impressive increase in mortality among vaccinated people this fall. There are official data that prove it as that of the British government that I show in the photos.


#56 – “….the result of uptake being so high…”

What does that mean? What is ‘uptake’?

Valerie Curren

I’m not sure, I guess it might be explained in the source material…

Valerie Curren


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Good morning precious people, God bless you and keep you … “This is the the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it .. “ Psalm 118:24

Beautiful post Carl, thank you. It’s awesome to have this list, it’s precious to. God bless you and your family abundantly you are a blessing.

.. ❤️ ..


The devotional’s I read are more and more sharing this message .. God’s flocks of sheep throughout the earth 🌎 need shepherding and He will provide and guide.


nikki…and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Brave and Free

Thank you Carl for once again a timely message. We’re always trying to fit God’s plans into man’s schedule.
Personally I see this in relationship with PDJT. We think he should be in the WH, I think it’s not God’s plan right now.
Rest in the Lord

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Las night and this morning, I had exactly the same thoughts. There is a BIGGER game afoot. I found it rather stunning, but for certain things to happen or not happen, it’s BETTER this way. Indeed, many past events conspired to thwart evil by its own hand, which MATCH PURPOSE with current events.

SMARTER BETTER forces are thwarting SNEAKIER EVIL forces. All we have to do is keep doing what appears to be the RIGHT THING, and WIN or FAIL, it falls into the BIGGER PLAN.

Stated differently, the SMALL PLAN was forced to go where it had to go for the BIGGER PLAN to deal with the GLOBAL PROBLEM (which IMO is 90% globalism).

It is important for us to stay strong in THE LORD, even though we may SPLIT on certain coming earthly events. God’s WATER will flow around any obstruction. Just remember WWG1WGA.

Deplorable Patriot

Hang on. I’m seeing the global aspects of this in many sources. The tippy top has to be taken out. That’s going on now.


“All we have to do is keep doing what appears to be the RIGHT THING, and WIN or FAIL, it falls into the BIGGER PLAN.”

You do have a way with words and of putting Big ideas and Big insights in to simplified (but not dumbed down) language.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I wanted to make sure and get these ideas across to people in a functional way, without going into too much distracting detail. I’m happy to see that my message was received as intended by people.

It was a bit of a TL;DR to avoid the following. It’s like branching code, where the branches have self-awareness, but not always complete other-awareness, nor should they, or need they, and with a smart player like ___, should and need and did or don’t may not even matter because branching is infinite and proactive. But the point being ultimately that proper micro-decisions will lead to the proper macro-decisions faster and smoother if we follow what appears to be the agreed deep plan sussed out over time. Cheating that creates a kind of latency which the deep plan limits inherently, which is a bit of a shocker, but maybe not.

Bottom line (TL;DR(TL;DR)) is that seeking TRUTH is still working, and I’m rather doubtful there’s any beating that one. Much of our hollering beyond that is just screaming on the roller coaster.  😉 


“just screaming on the roller coaster” … you told us that 4 yrs ago

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Still not seeing that said post was wrong – even though I had no idea there would be a scary, nailbiter STALL on the top of one of the steepest hills, where the roller coaster begins to accelerate BACKWARDS.


I love that, Wolf. “God’s water will flow around any obstruction.”

Deplorable Patriot

One reference I saw said that Eastern Orthodox Easter has to pass first. That’s May 2.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yet another football, Lucy.

Deplorable Patriot

Lucy was my great-grandmother.

True story.


Nice comeback!


(I also find Coot’s “120 day” military waiting time – from 1/6 or from 1/20 (plus a day – legally? – “roll the date” to certify, like hotels do) – to be an “interesting” data-point, which I *don’t* discount to meaninglessness.)

Also, I think you’re right (from a couple days ago), in that this situation CANNOT continue much longer – a month, maybe a bit more – and that’s it.


I keep thinking of my happier future life with “Loosie” — a left-paw dominant female border/Aussie that I can experiment on.

[Sample experiment — can dogs hear Nyquist artifacts on CDs?]


Thank you, Carl, for this wonderful Sanctuary Sunday thread.
 😌  🙏 

Thanks especially, for the sections on Messianic Prophesies and Prophets.

Speaking in the name of God was, and should be, very serious business. God said, “But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.” (Deuteronomy 18:20)

Yes, absolutely.

I cringe when I see people using God for their own purposes.
Whether it’s for political persuasion or for monetary gain…it is cringeworthy.


Maybe this is the reason why so many in the fed gov don’t want wuhan source for virus revealed. too many American fingers in that pie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is a GREAT article. It doesn’t pull the facts one way or the other – just tells the chronology, and in that neutrality it shows the hands of all players, both on the table and under it.

There is a perfect reason that Russia is putting this out. Innocent player game theory.

WHO has clearly been the most responsible player in biological warfare agents? RUSSIA. For the safe conservative player which has not been cheating, and is unsure of the exact nature of the cheating by the others, this accusation is a winning move.

Russia is likely not sure whether it was CHINA, AMERICAN UNIPARTY SOCIALISTS, GLOBALISTS LINKING BOTH, or some combination thereof (likely ALL THREE) who released the virus, using Chinese “investment-baiting negligence” as an excuse for “cover-up as negligence”. But the safe bet is to accuse BOTH “China” and “America”, which in reality is CCP+DNC.

Oh, this article lays out the path of the tech brilliantly.

All one needs to add is CUI BONO – and that would be SOCIALISTS and GLOBALISTS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I just realized something. The CCP not only had a HONG-KONG problem they dealt with by the release. They were likely thwarting any potential PLA problems due to growing dissatisfaction with CCP mistakes. OR CCP was fear-mongered by Soros and friends on the possibility of PLA problems – convinced by phony intelligence that PLA was getting itchy with CCP – unable to put down Hong-Kong by a bloodbath, and thus CCP was convinced to go along with the West’s plan to get rid of Trump.

CCP, DNC, UN, or all of the above. And that’s leaving the pencilneck agenda out of the equation.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
One cannot leave Dr. Fauci and Ralph Baric, PhD, out of the equation. Both Fauci and Baris were/are still, connected to the labs at the Medical School of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. These labs (especially the Baric Lab) isolated, then experimented with, a mutant of the SARS-2 virus that eventually morphed into “Covid-19”. Baric has a patent on the mutated SARS-2 virus. The research goes back to 2015. Baric is a head honcho of the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC.
And the CCP was involved by sending Dr. Zhengi-Li Shi to the UNC labs to also work on the SARS-2 mutant virus before she went back to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in about 2018.
“The Baric Lab uses coronaviruses as models to study the genetics of RNA virus transcription, replication, persistence, pathogenesis, genetics, and cross-species transmission.”
“Also in 2017, he was awarded a grant for more than $6 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to accelerate the development of a promising new drug in the fight against deadly coronaviruses, which is currently in clinical trials to reverse COVID-19 disease in humans.”

It may within the realm of possibility that the current mRNA “vaccines” (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) for the CCP Virus used at least some of the Baric Lab research.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, these bastards are THICK AS THIEVES.


just saw this over at OT
interesting but unsettling
brand new in 2017 – nope not for me and mine
If I had cancer … maybe or even probably but not until something drastic

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, this is where I’m actually “pro-gene-therapy”. Nobody is being forced to “fix their genome” with these genetic therapies.

IMO, this kind of therapy – which may be temporary (mRNA) or permanent (CRISPR tech) – although both of these are BOUND to have risks and side effects – is something I think should have been launched and funded WITHOUT the LIE of COVID-19 and the LIE of forced mRNA vaccines as “justification” for moving forward.

We used a PHONY STUNT to jump-start this tech. The tech has been – IMO – forever SMEARED by the duplicitous start.


Er….no adults should be forced….

Parents make life-changing decisions for their children all the time. The better ones research and agonize over each choice….the worse ones flip a coin or let nature take its course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Details! Y’all do have an appetence for ’em!


My nephew’s father in law was a scientist in Chapel Hill. He was from Pakistan and his wife from Island. He is retirerd for several years now.
I never gave it a second thought and now I wonder. My nephew is a big banker first in London now Germany.
I begin to wonder.



Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Dan Scavino posted this on twitter yesterday.

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What in the heck was that?




I think that has been around for years, or one very similar to it. If I remember correctly, it’s just a jet fighter right at the edge of breaking the sound barrier, and apparently in the proper weather conditions (temperature, humidity, altitude) the shock wave is visible.

That’s how I remember it being described, anyway.

No idea why Scavino would be posting it in relation to anything current. Maybe he just likes it, because it is cool 😁


Maybe he knows about a boom coming this week. Or next week, or next month, yada yada. I know, I know….hopium lives on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need a little good military news, with all the horror at West Point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CRT (critical race theory) is an incredible weapon. First the CCP took out FBI. Now they’re taking down the military. They MADE Americans bring in corruption all by themselves, using just one basic piece of flawed logic – that we could begin a true fix of a stream problem by a lie in the middle.

America’s own guardians will be the ones enforcing CCP logic against us. Those who resist their “Little American Grovel Book” will be sent to work camps.

Well, people could do their jobs, but I’m no longer counting on it.


“We need a little good military news,”


Not as bad as the military does… 😂🤣😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is that. And a Biden war is NOT among those options, trust me.


And another …

Many of these incidents are not random but seem to be ongoing gang violence.

Do we see an uptick or on par for the year and it only seems increased due to media coverage?

Additonal media coverage of the frequency of “mass” (defined as 4 or more victims) murders will break the sterotype that these situations are usually:
– legally owned guns
– white males
– random victims
More people learning the Real stats and letting go of the sterotypes of murderers using guns to kill is good.

Most mass murderers are using illegally owned guns, are POC Males and there is some specific motivation (often involving criminal activity or gang related arguments, etc.) for some of the targets with additional innocent/uninvolved bystanders involved.

On the flip side, why is the media suddenly highlighting mass murder/multiple victim gun violence? If the numbers aren’t increasing, or at least aren’t increasing sharply, then why are these crimes being highlighted as if they are increasing, creating the impression, the “reality”/”truth” that we are in a gun violence crisis?

Obviously, yellow/biased media working hard to push the dem/globalist agenda of gun control.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

according to this site:
In 2020, 610 mass victim shootings, majority by POC males


More breakdown of Mass murder via guns.
Even with possible messing with the stats by catagorizing Islamic terrorists as possible white or ethnically “hispanic” as white (because when they say white in the news the image/sterotype is not Hispanic or Middle Eastern but as descended from European, esp. western & northern European.

Even then, whites are under represented and less than 50%

The point isn’t to point fingers and be glad whites are underrepresented as a way to put down other races/ethnicities or brag on whites. It is to break sterotypes for many reasons and to then be able to accurately address the issues.


>>”why is the media suddenly highlighting mass murder/multiple victim gun violence?”<<

Short answer is because the DS is ***causing*** there to be mass shootings every day, specifically to whoop up support for taking our guns away.

And the YSM is part – a potent part – of the DS.

Once they accomplish that, we’re lost.


Well, it was in Chicago (bang, bang!), so it’s hard to tell whether it was a mass shooting event, or just another Saturday night (special).


Witness: “I didn’t see nobody. Like I said, when I looked out the window, it was just chaos. People running every direction possible, so you know, who’s who? Is that the guy? Is this the guy? People are just running, people screaming,” Ploskee said.”


That’s the thing about ‘nobody’.

Has anyone ever seen ‘nobody’?


Cuppa Covfefe

Apparently William Hughes Mearns has 🙂


Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away…

When I came home last night at three,
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door…

Last night I saw upon the stair,
A little man who wasn’t there,
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away…

(Unfortunately, Mearns was a proponent of Dewey’s progressive “educational” philosophy, and a product of Columbia…). A little background on the poem (H/T [hmmm – do they employ ghost writers?]):

It began with stories about the ghost of a man haunting the stairs of a haunted house in the Canadian town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Inspired by the stories, in 1899 American poet Hughes Mearns wrote a song about the ghost that he incorporated into his amateur play, The Psyco-Ed. In 1922, the song, now entitled Antigonish, was published as a poem in a New York newspaper. It became popular almost immediately, and in the late 1930s it was re-adapted into a hit song called The Little Man Who Wasn’t There.


Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I suspect that coming home at three
Had much to do with what Willie did (or didn’t) see

But he didn’t see nobody
Which nobody can deny

Because unlike no body
Mearns saw a man with his eyes

[and I guess that’s all I have to say about that 😁]


Nobody liked my poem, huh?



We see this day after day, night after night, in city after city for years … and yet Trump supporting conservatives protesting for a slow down in accepting EC votes to give time to audit are labeled insurrections?!

These people are arrested and released, given slap on the hand and turned loose to do it again and Trump supporting conservatives who walked through the Capitol are held for days, weeks, months, are persecuted with max charges and are given max sentences?!
 😱  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The whole “insurrectionist” meme is phony garbage. It’s time to label anybody who pushed that as laughable CCP stooges.




I’ll forever associate him with that LIE.

Like AJ’s “Zach”, intended to supplant Kew.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There was a lot of Counter(Counter) on that one. I knew enough about MicroTrouble to know that it was an excellent take-down.


This is BS, it’s all play-fighting, both by the cops and the robbers.

Cops know exactly how to deliver a beat-down, they always have and they always will. Cops aren’t hesitant to engage in real violence, at the drop of a hat. They certainly wouldn’t be holding back against Trump supporters.

This BS where they’re ‘hand-grasping’ each other and pushing each other like sissies at a daycare center is hilarious good drama, but it’s as phony as our financial system.

It’s all play-acting.

It wouldn’t even surprise me if those aren’t even cops.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they’re using SINOVAC rebranded as CORONAVAC, then they’re spreading VIRUS, IMO, due to LIVE LOTS that the ChiComs sneak in.


Let’s see if they’re using CoronaVac in Chile. I know Uruguay is…..

YUP. Check it out:

The CCP-lover media is DEFENDING CoronaVac in Chile – and that is FAST after I spotted the problem in Uruguay a few days ago.

Screw you, Yahoo. Your FAKE NEWS attack on Trump with Isikoff and the HOAX comes back in SPADES OF KARMA as I SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING.

BEWARE SINOVAC / CORONAVAC. Different problem. Different chess-piece.


>>”they’re spreading VIRUS”<<

As can been seen from the very beginning – NanXi inviting all to the Shiny New Year celebration in SF, and that video of the Sino-woman pawing all the computers on display in a mall, etc.

And FauXi advocating for mask uselessness (first), then doing a 180 and promoting mask effectiveness – to the absurdity of wearing TWO masks!

All orchestrated, all planned, all diabolical.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



H & I were talking, who benefits? from race war. if we fight, whether race, political or economic divisions, who will win? None us is our answer. China wins
Russia wins
Communism wins – both here and abroad

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


IMO China is, in a very crafty way, trying to get America and Russia to go to war, in such a way that America is weakened (and turned socialist) and Sovietism is ultimately returned to Russia. Once America is a full China puppet, they use America for all their dirty work. China has a plan for both world socialism AND Chinese domination of that world, IMO.

Forcing China Joe into the White House – that was smooth. But China’s secret is making it always look like the other guy thought of it, or better still, the other guy actually thinks of it.


Oh look, a picture of a casket. Let me be a good drone and do the rest of the ‘connect the dots’ like I’m supposed to.

1) look, a casket!

2) there must be a dead body in there!

3) they’re talking about Covid, so there must be a dead body in that casket that died from Covid!!!

Yeah, or it’s just a photo of a casket that has nothing to do with anything, being used by the MSM like Middle East war footage that turned out to actually be video of a Kentucky firearms range… 😂🤣😂

If you refresh the website page, for an instant you can see a sentence at the top of the casket photo.

If you do a screen shot to catch it before it disappears, it says “Funeral home workers move a casket outside a morgue at a hospital area, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Santiago, Chile April 8, 2021

So what?

What does it have to do with Covid?

If there is even a body in that casket (is it coming for a body, or leaving with a body?), what did the person die from? Motorcycle accident? Natural causes? Drug overdose? Who knows?

We’re just supposed to see the pictures and fill in the rest ourselves with the approved narrative…

Cuppa Covfefe

A-tisket, a-tasket
A brown and polished casket
I took my vaccine from my doc
And on the way I dropped out
I dropped out, I dropped out
Yes, on the way I dropped out
A little Faux-Xi picked it up
And put it in his pocket


We’re just supposed to see the pictures and fill in the rest ourselves with the approved narrative…

^^^ Be SKEERED and O B E Y !


From the article, by Steve Milloy: “China’s main goal is to be the lone global superpower by 2049. Would China like to make the U.S. transportation system depend on China? You bet.

But the Biden administration is blind to this reality.”


NOT blind, complicit.



Steve Milloy: “Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan told the Wall Street Journal that the infrastructure package is “central to our national security strategy.”

So the plan is to squander $174 billion on electric vehicle charging while accomplishing nothing on climate change and making us even more dependent on China. If that is “central to our national security strategy,” we just might need a new one.”


Again, they’re not lying, they’re speaking truthfully.

They are blatantly, openly, unreservedly, in-your-face traitors, complicit, working with the Chinese Communist Party.

It *is* “central to [their] national security strategy”.

Central to China’s national security strategy.

That is who the U.S. administration works for.

Until you recognize that, nothing they do makes any sense.

When you do recognize it, everything they do makes sense.

Now go to your room and think about that.

And don’t come out until you reconcile it.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Original article was at Pierre Gosselin’s NoTricksZone, an excellent skeptic site at . There are a ton of great articles there, including one just posted showing that we’re having the second COLDEST April in Beautiful Downtown Deutschland since 1881 (sort of “April Cools Days”). Greta better watch out… have to wonder if AlGore is somewhere nearby…


Here in North Texas we are looking at a frost coming up…20 days after our last frost date.

Warming they say.


Wait until Tesla shareholders find out… they’re gonna be so mad!

At the end of the article, I really liked this, made me smile. He’s exactly right, and he said it exactly right 👍 😁

A variation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s original quote: “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.”

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Looks like the battery that will last forever is the one in that Tesla going on forever out there somewhere.


Two more from the Lin Wood speech. Watch 1583 first, then 86. (short, only 5 minutes total)

This is what people are impatient for. We know how bad it is, or maybe we cannot imagine the horror. But we are ready to be shown the way to go to dispense with it.

We can donate as much as we are able. Lin, Lindell, Veritas, all of them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) Tweeted:
CHUCK TODD: “Why does a vaccinated person have to wear a mask?”

DR. FAUCI: “You dramatically diminish” possible Covid infection with a vaccine, but vaccinated people could still carry infection.”


💩💩💩💩💩👹The Washington Times (@WashTimes) Tweeted:
Dr. Anthony Fauci: COVID-19 lockdowns, restrictions have ‘nothing to do with liberties’




‘nothing to do with liberties’

See? – That’s the problem right there. It has EVERYTHING to do with freedoms.

Freedom is ours by God; “liberty” is something granted by authority of Man … and may be ***taken away*** by Man, as well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interesting. I’ve usually seen “Freedom” and “liberty” used completely interchangeably, and “privilege” used for something granted by man. But as I think about it it’s clear that many do use the words the way you’re saying (but often switch them).

In a similar vein, I’ve seen “right” used to mean the natural rights, and also a “right” that’s so specific, it’s really just part of a man made process, if the process were different the right being described would make no sense. (For example, read some contracts that say you have certain “rights” under the contract. Are they at the same level as the right to your own beliefs?)


I’d always used the terms – until recently – interchangeably as well.

Mistakenly, I believe now.

In LAW, the two terms have different meanings.

(Black’s Law dictionary – in actual printed form, leaving out the possibility of comped internet interpretations aside – is an invaluable resource to distinguish colloquial usage from legal usage.)

A similar example is Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation”.

From what I’ve gleaned from the anons (and good posters here – and elsewhere as well!), the term “emancipation” means merely a ***transfer*** of servitude from one master to another. From one hand to another.

The “slaves” were upgraded from slave-level two – beneath whites – to slave-level one – equal to whites in their slavery.

They were “freed” from one servitude, only to participate in another, more pernicious (and hidden) servitude … by another “hand” (e-man(c), out of a hand, “e” as in “out of”, and “man” as in manual).

“Give me liberty or give me death!” (Patrick Henry, IIRC.) – WRONG WORD.

“Live Free or Die!” – NH’s State motto (on license plates, no less!) – RIGHT WORD.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good info!!


If I remember correctly, “Liberty” is a “Law of the Sea” or “Merchant Law” term. It is often used interchangeably with ‘freedom’, but it’s not the same at all.

“Liberty” is what a ship’s captain gives to the crew when they dock.

You may be granted “Liberty” for 24 hours, or 48 hours, etc. But the Captain of the ship also (obviously) retains the Authority to call everyone back to the ship at a moment’s notice.

So “liberty” is a privilege granted by some governing authority, and like any ‘privilege’, it can be given and it can be taken away.

Very different, in every sense, from a God-given right.


Correct. The military is essentially a totalitarian dictatorship. Your freedom is truly at the control of your superior.


Nice try. Here’s what you forgot.

After the Civil War, they were transferred from one class (under white authority) to their proper class (under authority of self). And the constitution was amended to reflect that those changes were not to be suppressed by govt.


Denver last night. People have a right to be out, but knowing these pantifa are around, why would you, esp with kids?

A mother and her son in their car are briefly surrounded by black bloc. The kid plugs his ears until everyone passes.
Black Bloc laugh at the scared look on the kids face.


what about “Don’t Hate” …??


“Shut up white people” says a white person.


They feel powerful, and proud of themselves, for scaring a little kid.

That’s who these people really are.


So did the brown shirts. Little people feel powerful in a group where they can be thugs.


Cowards all.


Yes 🙁




Jamie Glazov interviews the expat Polish pastor in Alberta who famously cast the “gestapo” police from his Church recently when they continued their campaign of intimidation against him which goes back far before Covid.


Amazing. The Marxist takeover is well under way in the West.


Yes it is.
Those of us who have seen Marxism in action who have heard from our parents about Nazism and those who have fought both know what is going on and why. That is why we have no fear and can not intimidated those of us who have seen it gained strength through Jesus Christ.
Our older military men who fought communism know. Those whose parents escaped Nazi and communism know.
Most churches are failing us they lead the sheep not to God but to slaughter of evil though Marxists. I cannot forget Maoism.
I have decided to speak up even in my family they can rejected but when i am no longer they still will hear my words of truth. I have been quiet for the sake of peace and my husband who wants peace within family. I am failing them if I do not speak out.
We are not created for oppression and Marxism, Fascism, Nazism and communism.
Gather proclaim truth that is how we overcome this evil. I hope we too will peacefully assemble walk through the streets and show our strength.


100% agreed.

Even if it means becoming separated from family and friends.

We cannot not do what we believe is right.

Let everyone choose their side, and stand and be counted.

When it’s over, everybody who’s left will know who stood for truth, and who didn’t.

And it’s the ones who didn’t who will have to hang their heads in shame.

If they still have a head to hang by.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

I love your Brave Heart. ❤❤❤


Love yours too  ❤ 


The pastor speaks the truth. Love his strength his resolve and courage that comes from God.





I like this. Analogies are great for helpibg people “get it.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I like to use the one about why medical care costs so much.

Imagine if you, or your mechanic, or the untrained dufus at the quick oil change place, had to fill out paperwork every time you did an oil change, because it was covered by insurance.

Deplorable Patriot

Turn up the sound.

The Couch Commando wanted to know if that was one of our cousins. Could be.


He actually managed to hit the Dukes of Hazzard horn while still in mid-air 😁👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Beats the daylights out of mudding…. 🙂 (glug, glug, glug…..)…


^^^ That’s funny!


Disclaimer for magamom. I did not check the source. Don’t care if it was quoted by Frosty the Fricken Snowman. I like the quote.


If Carlin is quoted it is usually true as its hard to make anything up that is more provacative than what he actually wrote! 😂 

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smart boy.


You point out the tedium . . . to no avail. 😂


I tried…


yep…uh oh…

super typhoon Surigae heading for The Phillipines..

comment image

sustained 132 mph

gusts 190 mph


“sweeping past” the Philippines…
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👉 Philippines…?


The third one.  😉 
This one has been sitting off the coast of Mindanao for nearly a week slowly gathering strength. Now it is fully formed and moving north, projected to just roll by the eastern coast of the Philippines. I find it interesting how the Philippines seems to function as a “strainer” for tropical storms. When they form in mid-Pacific they can roll right across the Philippines, but that usually weakens it too. When formed near the Philippines it seems the storms usually just shunt off north and sometimes just wander around the western Pacifc until they dissipate never hitting land. But they aren’t totally predictable and I wonder what factors play into where they go and how bad they get.


la Nina vs el Nino are 2 important factors at play.


Perhaps – just like airline crashes (7/10 caused intentionally) – the hurricanes (and “earthquakes” / MOABS taking out DUMBs) are directed (and strengthened or weakened) by the HAARP crew.

I suspect this tech was ALSO sold to the shiny (Shy Knee) by traitors from within our country.

I find it sickening that so many idjits wish to play God. Our tech has far-outstripped our ethics on when (if) it should / shouldn’t be used.

Have a blessed Sunday, Smiley!


Thanks for posting.

Looks like it’ll veer north. Staying well east of Luzon/Philippines.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Trump didn’t form a populist coalition. He was the result of one
PITTSBURGH — They’re still there, planted in front of stately homes in wealthy suburban neighborhoods, on flag poles in middle-class communities, and along the front stoops of inner-city row houses.
Whether they say “Trump 2020” or simply “Trump,” there are plenty of people who have left their sentiments planted on their own personal hill.


As SD pointed out, he is our TEA Party POTUS. The movement started, gained, went into the GOP and grew.



oops !


👉 Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot To Resign…Cheating Scandal !…cheated on her…wife ?

not satire !

pissed off wife beat her up after finding out !

read all about it, here…


Lightfoot Slammed the Rumors as ‘Trash,’ Said She Will Continue to ‘Lead’

On Sunday, Lightfoot released a statement, slamming the unspecified “rumors” circulating online as “trash” as she vowed to “continue to lead” the city.
In a five-part Twitter thread, Lightfoot called the virtual chatter “homophobic, racist and misogynistic” as she warned anyone not willing to work with her on problems facing the city to “get out of the way.”

Here is her full statement:

“Good morning from my mansion in Sauganash. Seriously, though—our city doesn’t have any time for homophobic, racist and misogynistic rumors, today or any day. It’s shocking and disappointing to see some media members and verified Twitter handles are peddling this trash as truth. If people hadn’t noticed, we have major challenges in Chicago we need to address TOGETHER.

This nonsense that some apparently have the luxury of indulging in has not fed one person, stopped the pandemic, housed anyone living on the street or saved one young person. Anyone who wants to work with me to make progress, I’m ready. Even if we don’t always see eye to eye, if you actually love this city and want to be part of making it better, let’s do the work.

The rest of you, get out of the way. I will continue to lead a group of the willing all across our city who are about doing the people’s work. The people of Chicago elected me mayor, and I will continue to serve today, tomorrow and into the future. Back to work.”


Strange that she never appeals to the BLM org to “feed one person” or ” housed one person living on the street” or “saved one young person”………………..what about the millions dumped into blm. Only for activist salaries? Only to pay protest leaders to rile up tensions and loot?


Im guessing the levels and layers of chitown corruption require more time to be labeled establishment, even among whores and thieves.


They have it down to a thick playbook..choose any chapter for the reason for anything and who to blame.


““Good morning from my mansion in Sauganash.”


Good morning from my mansion?

Really man?

Who talks like that?!?


Somebody who’s about to boot someone out of the mansion. 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Sauganash is rather swank:

Her residence might be comparable to Gracie Mansion in NYC, where the New York City mayor lives:


Sauganash is a neighborhood in the far northwest corner of Chicago that has attracted judges & cops who have to reside within city limits. DW grew up there. It has more of a suburban character than most other areas of the city…like safety cause of all those police brass living there.


So Mayor Sleestak took the “non-denial denial” route.

A longtime favorite of dishonest people everywhere! 😁👍


“Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot To Resign…Cheating Scandal !…cheated on her…wife ?


I didn’t know Sleestaks took wives…

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s gonna go from Lightfoot to Hotfoot, as she has to rush out of town…




Wonder how much Lightfoot paid whoever it played around with.

Happy for their misery.


Quadruple hot mess.

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Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Hours after Maxine Waters told people to be more confrontational there was a drive-by shooting of the National Guard in Minneapolis


The AmericanCommunist media spent weeks parsing Trump saying the word fight and won’t mention this.


“Hours after Maxine Waters told people to be more confrontational there was a drive-by shooting of the National Guard in Minneapolis”


Call Bill Barr, I’m sure he’ll do something… maybe whip out his bag-pipes for a quick ditty… 😂🤣😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Waters-on-the-brain should be cited for incitement, at the very least.


Should’ve happened the first time when she saud hunt them diwn and get in their faces. This is chapter 2.


Quite sure Durham has this for action, errr, hide it by saying, ongoing investigation..


Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling out Maxine.

Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Sunday that she plans to introduce a resolution calling on Congress to expel sixteen-term Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over incendiary remarks Waters made at an anti-police protest in Brooklyn City, Minnesota late Saturday night. 📣 Waters was recorded on video demanding a guilty verdict from the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial and urged protesters to “get more confrontational.” 📣Greene posted her intention to Twitter, saying, “Very soon I’ll be introducing a resolution to expel @RepMaxineWaters from Congress for her continual incitement of violence on innocent American people. Rep Waters is a danger to our society…After traveling across state lines to incite riots, her orders recorded on video last night at the Brooklyn Center, directly led to more violence and a drive by shooting on National Guardsmen in Minnesota early this morning…As a sitting United States Congresswoman @MaxineWaters threatened a jury demanding a guilty verdict and threatened violence if Chauvin is found not guilty. This is also an abuse of power. .#ExpelMaxineWaters”

Reps. Ken Buck and Lauren Boebert of CO and Sen. Ted Cruz of TX have also spoken out.

UPDATE: Now there is a petition to demand Maxine be expelled from Congress.

PETITION to expel Maxine Waters from Congress

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

They won’t be satisfied until a few of these thugs get whacked. Then they’ll reassess.




“Daniel Wiley, just a regular guy in Georgia, was recently elected the Douglas County Georgia chair position in a landlide. After his win all of the RINO board members in Douglas County that were left refused to serve under a MAGA chair, so they all quit in protest. So Daniel just replaced the ENTIRE Douglas County GOP board with all MAGA, in one fell swoop.

On Saturday Cobb County Georgia just overthrew their chair position too. It was a real catfight.

And besides Cobb County, Appling County, Lowdes, Pierce, and Pickens Counties also voted in Pro-Trump committeemen. There was also a vote in Fannin County, which is the home county of Georgia House Speaker David Ralston, that passed 37-2 to censure Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger.”


4.18.21: Lin Wood brings DOWN the HOUSE with AMAZING TRUTH! DO NOT FEAR! Pray!
And We Know Published  April 18, 2021


Dropping this as record of some facts. It may get scrubbed

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Saved it all!

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Ben Garrison Cartoons


Your Sunday morning Montana moment- A spring walk

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The Baron speculates:On Being a Compliant Drone
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I’ve been specializing in European affairs, particularly the European migration crisis, for almost fifteen years. Even a cursory look at the migration issue tells us that the massive influx of uneducated third-worlders — most of them Muslims — are a net drain on the economies of the countries that host them.

By now it is glaringly obvious that the State gains no fiscal advantage from the importation of the replacement population.…

In the last few years, however, I’ve come to a different conclusion. The Powers That Be don’t want to import producers; they want to import consumers. The production machine that is a modern Western economy requires a consumer base to buy all the stuff that keeps the system humming.

Productive workers aren’t as necessary to that system as they were fifty or sixty years ago. Automation has moved in and taken over many of the functions that had previously been performed by the lowly proletariat…

All Western nations are now governed to varying degrees by corporate fascism. Huge transnational corporations have a symbiotic relationship with elected political leaders and the permanent governing class.

As Artificial Intelligence becomes more and more sophisticated, fewer and fewer unskilled or low-skilled workers will be required. We are moving towards a future dominated by the unimaginably wealthy, who will employ a relatively small managerial class of administrators, engineers, and technicians. The only low-skilled workers needed will be personal servants and sexual playthings.

But the system will still require the lumpenproletariat as consumers. That’s where the compliant drones come in.…

Cuppa Covfefe

The problem with that, as ALDI and Lidl and other stores hoping to cash in on the flood of invaders, erm, refauxgees of Moslem persuasion coming into Europe, in particular, Germany, is that the Moslems don’t want to buy the proffered items supposedly designed to appeal to “Oriental (read: Moslem)” tastes.

And we sure as heck don’t. If I see another package of those “1001 Delights Mini-Börek” (they look like little turds made of pastry and spinach) I think I’ll hurl. Just pitch them straight into the bog and leave out the middleman, as it were…

I’ll walk past the bins and/or freezer/cold-storage compartments, and there will be merchandise from two or three weeks ago, still waiting to be purchased by our newly-imported “Fachkräfte” (specialist experts – in what, don’t ask me…)… And the stuff will sit there, wasting space and resources, until someone buys it… or it reaches stale date, etc.

No, the Moslems go to Ali Ulabood’s Shisha Bar and Halal Grill and Supermarket/Fruit Stand, and buy there stuff there… Merde-Kuh, et. al., still don’t get it. They don’t get that the Mozzies will NOT buy “Haram” or infidel stuff if they can support their own shadow economy. And it is a HUGE shadow economy…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Globaloids are the most incredible useful idiots – or pretenders thereof – either way, they have to be stopped.

Barb Meier

Cuppa Covfefe, you remind me of a little thought I had recently. On the one hand, some are talking about moving us (unwillingly) to a cashless society. On the other hand, OBiden is bringing in hoardes of illegals. What system do they work under? A cash only society. Muslims likewise do not borrow or lend using our system so would refuse a cashless (always monitored) transaction system. If we think we are close to a civil war now, imagine the result of trying to shut down cash in all the various nations. That would cause a global uprising, IMHO.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good points. It’s probably high time we MAGAs start our OWN economy and basically a nation within a nation, in order to and until we take back what is rightfully ours. Be IN the world but not OF the world. That way we won’t have to start one when there’s no time left to do it…

We can support and patronize all like-minded folks as well… the Mozzies, illegals, indeed the Asians and other groups do it; why can’t we. Not to divide, but to reclaim, protect, and preserve what has been stolen from us…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is true, but the number of compliant drones has to be reduced over time – hence the creation of a contraceptive vaccination platform, to control human numbers against creation of a self-interested middle worker/leisure class.

All making sense now.

Cuppa Covfefe

First SARS, then MERS, then COVID…

Shades of Tom Lehrer’s “Who’s Next”…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Managing people”.


Dr. Shiva – Fascism Confirmed, The Government Is Working With The Corporations, People Must Rise Up
X22 Report Published  April 17, 2021

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

President Donald Trump Has Dinner With Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 
April 18, 2021 | Sundance |

Hope springs eternal.  President Trump had dinner last night with MAGA Governor Ron DeSantis….

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Valerie Curren

Looney Tunes w/out the laughs
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Art TakingBack

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinda thinking now that the Branch Covidian rule about only marrying within the cult is a damn good idea.

Valerie Curren

No doubt!


It may be a win/win. They stay among their own kind and may be sterile.


“No offense to my husband, but there’s NO WAY our wedding will be the best day of my life…”


You can be sure it wasn’t his, either.

(no offense😉 )

“…my covid vaccine anniversary will always be more important.”


You should spend your wedding anniversary with an ampule of Moderna.

I hope the two of you will be very happy together… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren



My opinion if the wedding day is the best day of your life then what about the days that come afterwards in the marriage? I never understood that. every day is the best day of my life gratefulness makes life worth living. Even in bad days its the best day why not life is worth living.

Barb Meier

We will never be younger than we are today. What’s not to love and be grateful for in today? 🙂


True 🙂


That is some grade A fear right there to be that desperate for the “vaccine”

Valerie Curren

Hope she survives it & lives to learn how she’s a Guinea pig w/out having given permission to be experimented on by the depopulation goons…

Cuppa Covfefe

I think she means impotent…

(Shades of the old joke,
A man comes back from the doctor, changes into a fancy suit, and his wife asks, ‘honey, why you dress up so fine?’ He replies, ‘Doc says I’m impotent, so I’m gonna dress like I’m impotent’….)….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Land of the Free

LeoToAquarius Retweeted
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Jesse Kelly


Those dudes diving in the water to see if someone needs saving, be those dudes. America baby.
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Martin Pert
· 15h
Cocoa Beach, Florida. About as good a result you can ask for, given the circumstances (of which I know very little)


Like I always say, any landing where you can swim to shore is still a good landing 👍😁

Valerie Curren



That’s a beautiful restored WWII plane. Must be worth at least a couple million.

I strongly suspect he didn’t land that close to shore to save himself, he put it down in the water that close to shore so both he and the plane could be saved. 👍

The next thing is why didn’t he just land on the beach? It’s not that crowded, there must be long stretches without people, and even if there weren’t, a couple of low passes would get the point across and back people away for a landing.

His wheels were not down, so maybe they were stuck in the fuselage, and without the landing gear down and locked, the best chance to salvage the plane might be exactly what he did, a water landing in shallow water.

Valerie Curren

Good observations. It will be fascinating to get the “whole” story, if it comes out 🙂

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At this point, even fake justice feels good, man!

Valerie Curren

at least we get a laugh out of it


Did I just hear him say, “…a Japanese BOY came over here… “


Everyone that is not his race is a Boy. Talk about being racist the dude needs to look into the mirror.

Valerie Curren

Yep, racist to the core, so much so that it cannot even be hidden. What a disgrace, on pretty much any & every level!


Of course the Whitehouse Correspondent’s dinner has been canceled this year. They say because of China Virus, but we know better.

Meanwhile Biden is to address a joint session of Congress on April 28th however only 200 members of Congress will be allowed to attend. It shouldn’t be a problem though as Congress is not in formal session as it would be per the norm for such events. Many republican’s are elated that they won’t have to attend while competition will be fierce to get one of the coveted seats on the Demoncrap side.

Of course from the republican side leadership and traitors are likely to attend. Hopefully the republicans don’t give any seats away to the nasty Demons and just et them stand empty as silent protest to the Usurper n Cheat but I’m sure Piglosi will have a plan to get all seats filled.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Barb Meier

Do you think Joe has to eat with a bib and a drool cup?

Valerie Curren

Is that the faux “state of the union” speech, pretending that everything is “normal”? Move along citizens, nothing to see here…spit!

Valerie Curren

Steve, is this accurate? If it is surely that’s just a coincidence/s 😉

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Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has presided over the loss of 99% of the value of the dollar.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Depends on how one measures it, I suppose, and the last time I looked it was “only” 98 percent.

Certainly plausible.

Valerie Curren

“only”–nice touch! Guess they can’t get 100% of our value now can they?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

After I posted this I found another site that claimed a mere 96 percent.

Which from one point of view is four times as good as the 99% number.


Valerie Curren

LOL common core math would be so proud!

Valerie Curren

Residential liked
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Catturd ™
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NautPoso 119
· 50m
Joe Biden playing his first round of golf as president*

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Seems like the author went a little soft on the truth.

1) Racism is morally wrong, unless it is racism against Whites.

2) Discrimination is morally wrong, unless it is discrimination against Whites.

3) Judge a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin (unless they are White)

4) Violence is always acceptable if directed against Whites.

5) Science, logic and reason are oppressive tools of Whiteness.

6) You are my brother in humanity, unless you are White.

7) Equality of opportunity for me — but not for thee, Whitey

Valerie Curren

Straight to the obvious point, as usual!

Valerie Curren

Haven’t read the attached article, purely fyi 😉
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Austin Petersen


Misbaken Identity: Mysterious Beast Reported in Poland Turns Out to Be a Croissant in a Tree
Misbaken Identity: Mysterious Beast Reported in Poland Turns Out to Be a Croissant in a Tree
When animal welfare officers arrived on the scene, they identified the mysterious “tree beast” terrorizing Kraków citizens as a rogue


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Ep. 2455a – [CB] Panics, Right On Schedule, Watch What Happens Next
X22 Report Published  April 18, 2021

The [CB] is now doing everything they possibly can to drive people away from cryptocurrency. The [CB] will not stop until the people give up or when the people say no more. China is now trying to divert everyone away from the fact they are trying to introduce their own digital currency. The [DS] / MSM are now being exposed to the world. The people are now confused with the pandemic message, people are no longer listening to Fauci and states are opening up and those states that are opening up the cases are dropping. Scavino sends a message, sonic boom incoming. Wray makes a surprising announcement, that Antifa is organized with local and regional nodes. The audit in Arizona is about to happen, will this be the shot heard around the world.


Ep. 2455b – Sonic Boom, The Shot Heard Around The World,Wrays Of Light
X22 Report Published  April 18, 2021


someeone shared this man’s ministry on social media. amazing


Jesuit Pope Francis Goes Full Communist
April 18, 2021
by Leo Zagami, Humans Are Free

Only a few days after Pope Francis pushed for “the regeneration of existing institutions “and “global governance” because we are “in debt to nature itself, as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological degradation and biodiversity loss.”

Here we go again with more leftist propaganda for the Great anti-Christian Reset by the Jesuit Pope.

Pope Francis left the Vatican yesterday morning to celebrate Mass in the nearby church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia in the center of Rome where a group of prisoners and inmates were also present at the celebration as well as some so-called ”refugees” from the Middle East.

So this was the ideal stage for a Communist/Globalist stunt by the Communist Pope.

During the Mass Pope Francis commented on Acts 4:32 that says: “All the believers were one in heart and mind.

No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

In a statement that promotes Communism Bergoglio stated to a rather puzzled congregation that sharing ownership “is not communism, but it is pure Christianity.”

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Infowars Videographer Who Captured Execution of Ashley Babbit At D.C. Capitol Arrested!
SBN News Clips Published  April 18, 2021

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a FANTASTIC Tucker Carlson segment.


One of the best I have heard in a long time.


The plot surrounding Dominion thickens:

An email previously released by WikiLeaks reveals that a Dominion Voting advisor met with John Podesta during Hillary Clinton’s campaign to discuss ways that they could help to defeat Donald Trump. 🗳 During Clinton’s campaign, according to an email chain released by WikiLeaks, Kirkland & Ellis LLP partner Kamran S. Bajwa met with John Podesta while offering “anything” to help defeat Donald Trump….

On Saturday, December 19, 2015, Bajwa wrote to Podesta that “it was a pleasure to meet this past Th in NY. As discussed, I want to do whatever I can by way of sharing ideas, raising funds, recruiting campaign volunteers, and anything else that can help with your campaign. I hope my small efforts to introduce you to a growing group of professionals like myself will be able to boost your important work for Secretary Clinton’s campaign.”…

Dominion has become the center of the election fraud scandal as anomalies and evidence of fraud just-so-happen to have been heaviest in states using their machines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fake Elections must be destroyed – and that destruction is an existential threat to the [true minority] Democrat party.


Much as we like your stuff, this is not the 2016 campaign. Just saying.


Yes. The point that the Gateway Pundit report is making is that Dominion has a history of wanting to do anything to defeat PDJT, and that that most likely affected their actions during the 2020 campaign as well.


Gateway Pundit: Arizona Senate Is Ready for Audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results to Begin – The Democrats Are In a Panic

Now we are even warned that the Democrats’ may send in their shock troops of Antifa and BLM to crack some heads and disrupt the audit:

CodeMonkeyZ on Telegram:

If you have proof, chat logs, or information regarding BLM or antifa booking rooms in Arizona to protest the audits, please email me:

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Lin Wood
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
– Luke 17:2

Cuppa Covfefe


Sadie Slays

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy