You may see something different today. Look closely at the links below…..

I have now added a FORUM to this site. The link is given on the homepage, or you can just remember it:
After some time playing with it, I have added the wpForo forum plugin to the site.
There’s nothing there, yet. It’s an empty lot. But it’s a START.

Like the commenting system, wpDiscuz, wpForo is free, but all the fun add-ons cost money. We MAY add some later.

Here is what a functioning forum actually looks like…..

Ours isn’t nearly this good yet. But it’s wide open now. It’s time to start playing with it.
I am planning on building this sucker with y’all. And with a lot of help and input from y’all.
Here is some of our prior discussion on the topic of the forum:
New Site Status Report 20201201

OK – here is an update on the new site. I’m putting it here ON the new site, so people can start getting used to commenting over here. I have decided to go for SMOOTHNESS OF TRANSITION rather than CLEAN FAST BREAK. PATIENCE. It’s a virtue. Most of the posts transferred. We only have about …
Forum Annex Domain Choices

I am planning to create a “forum extension” to this site, which will allow for growth and “full free speech zones”, without significantly changing the nature of THIS site. I decided AGAINST simply bringing The U Tree over to Epik. I don’t really feel like that site has much of a future. I don’t feel …
I have given the authors MODERATOR status on the FORUM so that they can help me build. All registered subscribers have REGISTERED status. This is somewhat how most forums work – people have to register to start threads.
Don’t worry – we’ll work through it.
ANYWAY, let’s have fun and start playing with the forum and building stuff. I encourage people to tinker with the forum and comment here. I will make adjustments and add organization as needed.

is this like a vaccine...??
I saw the word vector….
….and had to ask.
I tell you, Gvectors (or whatever their name is) sounds a lot more like a cyber infection, than a bio infection, but STILL – yeah – THE NAME is sub-optimal!
Here is a link to the first forum post:
I vote for Simple.
Has familiar feel to it for forums.
Possibly less need for moderator efforts?
Looking good.
at Mar-a-Lago…

Good stuff. ‘MERICA. It’s COMIN’ BACK.
I’m lovin DeSantis’ intensity.
Would love a Trump/Desantis ticket
That looks like Kansas on POTUS’ right, no?
De Santis definitely has ‘8 years’ in his future. 45 has an eye for talent.
Yes, I was thinking maybe so, but if not, that bit of face is REALLY familiar.
DeSantis’ hair has TRUMP STYLE – a certain no-nonsense “nailed down yet jet stream” look lacking all the normal faults of that look. It’s just off-the-charts professional. It says “this guy gets the best, he gets it fast, and he doesn’t sweat the details, because it’s already taken care of. DeSantis is totally Trumpian. PTL.
DeSantis as VP in 2024 (Trump tops the ticket of course)
DeSantis for 8 years after that!
Destroy the DAMNED Dims!
Will get over to take a look. Thank you, Wolf!
Wolf’s Pub Club is coming!
Let me know what needs fixing, or what permissions you need to make things happen!
Thank you! I had no problem with my laptop. But tried to comment on my mobile and it doesn’t like my password. Ugh. Probably my finger fumbles.
You may have to log out and log back in using WordPress. These Truths had do do that to get in.
Ok. Will try that.
Don’t particularly want to mess with your POSTING SUCCESS, but what the heck – let’s take some RISKS again!!!
super typhoon Serigae still a major threat to the Philippines…

sustained 132 mph
gusts 190 mph
gross !
more details and Path, here…
Hope it whips up and overwhelms those ChiCom cruisers menacing the Philippines right now. A superstitious lot, they may take it as an omen – keep out or else!
We have a forum, cool.
It won’t take my WP sign-in name and password. I tried to register with “TheseTruths,” and it says that name is taken. (I’m assuming that is me.) Not sure how to proceed.
I didn’t try to register or log in or anything. I just posted a reply to someone and it recognized me.
I tried that, but at the bottom it says, “Please Login or Register to reply to this topic.”
Same here.
You could try logging out here, and then logging back in using WordPress (top option of the login widget), using the login widget at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. I suspect there is some connection.
We’ll figure it out. I’ll go check to make sure your account “synced”, as they call it.
That did it!
Long version: I logged out, went to the forum login page, went to the login link at the bottom of the sidebar, and logged in with my WP credentials.
Excellent – thanks for those details.
BTW, I did TWO plugin updates while all this was unfolding – who knows how that affected things.
WordPress is ALWAYS a moving target.
Splendid! I’ve already replied to your test post.
Thank you for all your efforts!
I’ll go check now!
It showed up after I pressed Enter.
OK – we now have FOUR test forum layouts. Play with them all – we will decide later WHICH of the formats to adopt.
Threaded – the first one you may have already tried.
Q&A – organized so that replies are like answers
Extended – another common forum format
Simplified – good for big forums – fast and minimalist
I just posted a “Topic” (The Grand Illusion)
It is awaiting “Moderation” ?
And why does it say:
“New member”
“Joined 5 months ago” ????
Hey Wolf…….
I see that that you are online….
What is taking so long for a reply?
Sorry – I have HUNDREDS of comments to reply to.
I understand….. Just checking since I’ve been just “lurking” here for a while.
I just posted a “Topic” (The Grand Illusion)
It is awaiting “Moderation” ?
And why does it say:
“New member”
“Joined 5 months ago” ????
I think that is when we rolled out the new commenting system.
Is ANYONE “Moderating” this?
If so… Who?
So far I’m the only one checking the moderation queue. It’s going to be a rough first month getting the forum tested and running.
Why the emphasis on registration?
Forums generally have a privilege system a lot like UNIX, but they have far more privilege in their biggest user group. Members can basically put up literal blog posts without permission or moderation until AFTER THE FACT. In essence, AUTHOR is the normal role for EVERYBODY. Anybody can start a “topic”, which can vary from one word to something like a low-grade article. That is why I upgraded all the AUTHORS to MODERATOR – so they could help with organizational tasks that are above most posters. Everybody else can start a significant topic, just like an author.
Forums are well-liked because they offer a lot of freedom.
And here is the thing, though, that I learned about WordPress. Nobody who registers gives me anything they didn’t give me when they were a guest, as nearly as I can tell. Now, you don’t have to register with WordPress, but WordPress IS linked in here using JetPack, so they already have all your information that comes through right now if you just register with the site and not with WordPress. But if you just register on the site, the data I see for any comment is the same data that I see for just plain guests.
Registration is a chosen username that you can’t change, an email address, and a password. Not even sure the email has to work. The difference is, your username gets locked to that email address, and WokePress will remember it, too, just like this site will remember it. And you can be sure that WokePress will link that up to all places they find you but they’ve done that already for you as a guest.
You have gained knowledge of how to move around WokePress that the average DA (or even AI) might not have. It is assumed that you will comply with legal subpoenas, but not be helpful beyond this compliance. Every dufus subpoena ever is going to ask about registered users.
I need to blur.