Cover image: Busy Busy Honey Bee by J. Larry Walker. Full image:

With spring upon us…well, some of us. We’re supposed to get snow in the mid-Mississippi River Valley today, it’s swarm season, I understand; the time of year when the bees who have outgrown their hives make new queens and move on.
There are days one would wish the Democrats would do the same, but they aren’t that industrious.

I’d say that programming was successful.

Explaining this is going to be a full time job.

We’re going to need a speaker series for the uninitiated.
Anyone up for a ride?
Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for something completely different.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ACTS 7:51–8:1
751“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. 52Which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, 53you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.” 54Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth against him. 55But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; 56and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.” 57But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together upon him. 58Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59And as they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60And he knelt down and cried with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. 81And Saul was consenting to his death. And on that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the region of Judea and Sama’ria, except the apostles.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

I’m a sucker for the “every hair painted” technique, also used in Duerer’s “Young Hare”.
And, yes, I know I can do umlauted vowels….I just use the shortcut because it is available.
In Finnish or Icelandic you probably would want to use the umlauts
e.g. Epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän
and Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas
(OK, that one didn’t have any umlauts, but it was 61 characters (shady characters, dare I say) long)…
I think they went to Wales in the dark of night and stole all their vowels… (yes, I know they use y and w as vowels, but still….). Maybe they did that to confuse the postal scanners… like Cwmystwyth,Ysbyty Ystwyth, and Rhydymwyn…
Another place that was too poor to afford a vowel was Croatia (and Serbia, too, but as they use the Cyrillic alphabet there it’s slightly less obvious to most Americans).
Both of your examples look Finnish. Icelandic is fond of the umlaut-o to be sure, but it doesn’t create words quite that long, at least not as a matter of routine. Finnish is an “agglutinative’ language (sticking pieces together) from a family that tends that way, far more than any of the Germanic languages.
Icelandic has the additional complication of two consonant characters we don’t have in English (but used to), the thorn and the eth, which represent the th in thing and the th in that, respectively.
The thorn looks like a letter that couldn’t make up its mind whether to be a lower case ‘b’ or lower case ‘p” (it has both the ascender and descender), the eth is a crossed D. Þ, and ð.
Yep. Those two examples were racing across the Finnish line. I’m familiar with the “thorn” because of the various Volcanos in Iceland a few years back, and their interesting names, including family names…
Wonder if the thorn likes being used as transitive…
(ducks and puns)…..
The “crossed d” is actually more common than the regular D in Icelandic, but I had trouble seeing that horizontal line when it was on a capital D and bodged up more than one word I tried to pronounce as a consequence.
“Thingvellir” park, where you can see the mid-atlantic rift, is correctly spelt with a thorn.
and the ll is apparently pronounced “tl” so the park is “thing vet leer” in ‘phonetic’ English.
Fun fact — rabbits and hares are not rodents, like guinea pigs and capybaras, mice and squirrels…..they are lagomorphs.
Very nice hare painting along with the description of his work. Thanks for the link!
You reminded me of a Virginia wildlife artist, John Shaw. I have a print of his titled Curiosity that is a handsome fox.
Hi, y’all. It’s the witching hour.
I’m not a witch….nor am I running for political office.
Good thing that you are NOT a “witch”….
You would never win an “(s)election” not being one
The food pyramid introduced in the 70s featuring a low-fat/low red meat diet has been an experiment on the whole of society for almost half a century—an experiment with very little REAL science to support it—an experiment gone terribly wrong.
When you start researching the people backing the food pyramid (anti-meat agenda)…you start to realize that they are the same types that are pushing vaccines today.
It is one of the most horrific things ever done to a general population and is responsible for most of the obesity/diabetes problems we see today. Everyone involved is fortunate that their scam was not detected before most of them were safely dead. When Atkins originally came out and proved them wrong, they should have faced Nuremberg-style trials and executions.
Agreed! The types that brought us margarine…are now pushing Fake Meat.
I had a hard time breaking my mom of the margarine habit.
When I finally did, I felt like I’d scored one for humanity.
When I was little, we actually did eat real butter in my house. I was over at my babysitter’s, and I asked for real butter and her dad came back with, “We haven’t had real butter in this house since 1964.” That was kind of a shock, but then, our babysitter said the first time she ever had real cheese, it was at our house.
Thank Heaven our mother’s family farmed or we probably wouldn’t have had the level of nutrition we did.
My mom churned our butter when I was growing up. We went out to the dairy farm to get our milk. She skimmed some of the cream off the top and made butter with it. Best butter I’ve ever had!
I saw amazing changes when I went lacto-paleo a number of years ago. I mean, like, I don’t think some systems had really worked like they were supposed to in 20 years.
When I am in ketosis with carbs less than 50g daily intake…I feel so great! My mind is awake and very sharp. Even my senses seem to be improved…I swear my sense of smell is amplified. When I am walking in nature, fields, gardens or forest, I can recognize aromas that I have not experiences since I was a kid.
Not minimizing your ketosis
I have the same experience if i walk after contemplation
Serious, I understand that but I cannot go without a slice of bread for lunch.
If I cut my carbs to low I do not feel good and sometimes get just sick. My carbs are from home milled Einkorn or home flaked oatmeal with berries 1/2 , grated apple, almonds, lemon juice and yogurt.
Sometimes I bake a German bread all rye also milled at home. I noticed how bread with home milled flour is more satisfying and often I just have half a slice.
Never eat carbs in the evening meal. Since my husband is diabetic carbs are limited and diet is controlling his diabetics and he is not on meds.
Every metabolism is different and to much carbs are not good for anyone.
Potatoes, rice and noodles very seldom. I never have been a big noodle or rice person. I never stopped eating butter and never fell for the margarine craze. We always had whole milk in the home.
I like good cheeses.
Not at all minimized. I understand that we are individuals and have different reactions/tolerances to what we ingest. I suspect that much can be traced back to our ancestors and how they obtained their nutrients…including the breakdown of macros fat, protein, and carbs.
My reaction to a dramatic reduction in carbs is an immediate reduction body fat…including visceral. My pot belly disappears and my blood pressure drops significantly to the point of cutting medication is necessary.
As far as not feeling good on very low carb…that is common…some call it the Keto flu. In most cases, it is due to the loss of electrolytes through losing too much water…carbs hold water. Ingesting extra salt does wonders.
Also, there is the gray zone of being low carb…but not low enough to be in ketosis…you will feel sluggish and the mind foggy…with carbs too low to create enough glucose…but not low enough to switch to a ketone producing machine. For many, that transition is tough and a deal breaker. The body has to be trained to use ketones…that is when the benefits appear.
But looking at what you eat, you are not eating what would be considered a high carb diet…more on the low/moderate end with very little processed poison. Looks clean to me.
The more aged the cheese…the better. No carbs!
You just explained what happened to me. Maybe I need to try again. I do eat beef and fish chicken lamb.
My husband always was thin 32″ waist and became diabetic but his father was a baker and he ate lots of carbs and still if I not watch will load up on spaghetti when out. He loves carbs and used to eat lots of bread before bed .
Don’t get me started on the high carb Food Pyramid of death promoted by ideology/agenda (anti-red meat) driven Fake ‘science’. Especially those suffering from diabetes type 2…should consider class action lawsuits.
I just posted on the subject last night for my cousin on Fakebook.
The YouTube channel Low Carb Down Under is a treasure trove I highly recommend. The doctors, professors and scientists there are taking on Big Ag and Big Pharm despite the risk of being shunned for cutting against the grain<<<grain…get it? LOL!
Thank you. Yes as my husband said first came butter is bad, then red mead is bad and eggs and sugared orange juice , the energy drinks and on and on.
It is astounding what we do not drink or eat.
Thank you for all your good information. One the new Q forum you should start a topic on nutrition and share all the wonderful info you have.
With keto, make sure to drink 3 8 oz. glasses of water throughout the day and into the evening.
Also, salt your food adequately to keep your body functioning properly.
Good to know
Thank you. Saving for when I’ve got a passel of grandkids running around the yard later this morning.
My pleasure.
A couple of days ago, Deplorable Patriot posted that we are experiencing many types of resets simultaneously…which struck a chord with me when considering the introduction of the Food Pyramid of death during the 70s and 80s.
Now these people want us ingesting Fake Meat. How many vegans are at the top pushing this based on ideology instead of actual peer reviewed science? They are killing us with their dictatorial mandates.
So, some major developments in ceiling fans.
Home Depot still sells the same fan — . Mind you, it’s been 25 years since we first installed it, but everything about that looks just the same.
So, it says it’s from “Master Flow”. There are a whole range of Master Flow Products that are sold both by HD and Lowe’s….but trying to do internet searches gets a lot of misleading grunge. That’s because Master Flow doesn’t have a website. [Doesn’t have a website?!?!? That’s ridiculous! Wolf’s got TWO.]
And they don’t have a website because they got absorbed by the GAF conglomerate some time back. GAF, however, considers their major residential product to be roofing (they acquired Master Flow for attic vents and not whole-house fans). That really shows when you navigate their main website —
Eventually, if you poke it right, you can get to … and you are so close you can taste it … until you notice that there are no motors for WHFS (Whole House Fan Shutter) products, and nothing like the 1/4 hp motor that I’m looking for.
Further investigation finally gets you to, where it helpfully says you can press 5 on the main menu, or direct dial in on 1-800-755-9392.
Of course, I didn’t get there until after 2:00 local, and they run on Eastern time, so it’s going to be tomorrow.
Frequently asked questions —
Why can’t I swap in a generic motor? This is a two-speed AC motor that runs at two specified speeds — the higher of which which moves 4500 CFM with the given fan. If I swapped it for one that moved 9000 CFM, it might suck papers in from adjacent rooms and shred them into the attic. It also has a peculiar suspension system where the brackets that hold it to the walls snugly fit around its “waist” — if I changed it, I might have to figure out my own way to suspend it. It’d be better to get something “plug-compatible”.
I should also note Rayzorback’s characterization of same as “dust inviters”. It is very true — but if you’re letting outside air flow through your house regularly, it’s part of the package.
Right now we have a fan blowing in outside air from the window and a 3 day old ceiling fan above us. Our prior ceiling fan lasted 4 years.
We dont have a whole house fan here but I hope your current project gets resolved befor it starts getting too hot.
Four years is a very short time for ceiling fans — it may have still been under warranty.
Nope. It had problems before that. Costco wouldnt take it back. So, i bought a $ 69 harbor breeze lowes sale one and added the remote. Had to replace some outside lights…was not cheap, electrician overcharged too. Luckily i met a commercial guy at lowes who does residential side jobs for pocket money. He can finish what i need in a couple months.
How many times must I tell you?
Grainger is the go-to place for electric motors.
You didn’t read the FAQ.
I assembled my own whole house fan and got my fan from grainger. They truly do carry every type you could imagine and their search tools are pretty decent.
If I can cozen the specs out of the GAF guys tomorrow, I may well get a motor from Grainger, but I’m trying to reverse-engineer this broken thing without a lot of clues. If it had a nameplate on the motor, this would have long since been done.
Yes, the frustration of your situation is understandable. My first fan, installed many years ago was a little less powerful. The replacement was a little too strong (as in a bit of a roaring sound when it came on). I added a cheap air filter at the ceiling intake which slowed the air down just the right amount. For which I was grateful.
What I built looks a lot like that tube by QUIETCOOL on the Grainger site. The duct goes into the attic and is hung from the rafters by straps to decouple fan vibration from the house structure. Very quiet.
We were satisfied with the current fan for 20+ years until the bearings started to go. It’s partially caulked into place, and (*helpful hint*) the metal part of it has random caulk on it to minimize “ring”. I could pop it out and install the “same fan” for $270 (plus caulk), but then I’d have to customize it appropriately.
The worst part is that I can visualize through the motor to understand exactly what the problem is — the bearings ran dry and started to squeak. I squirted some lithium grease to where I thought would get to the bearings and some ended-up on the brushes. If I could get to the brushes, I could wipe the grease off with a mite of solvent and it would be fine (especially if I supplemented the lubrication in the CORRECT spots).
This is not a complicated artifact — I could build every part of this thing from raw materials using only the tools I have on hand. But I have nearly zero documentation of how it was built by somebody else, and if I want to continue any part of their installation I need to figure things out.
If I were being paid by the hour, I’d have demo’d this thing in the first ten minutes.
Really, the problem started with the pre-packaged solution 25 years ago. If I had built my own from scratch (not difficult), I’d have the engine off to the side and drive the fan with a belt — and if I changed fan speeds, I could change pulley diameters. At the time, however, I’d never lived in one place as long as I’ve lived here…..and couldn’t really grasp “spare parts two decades from now” as a concept.
On my previous shop, I picked up an old attic fan cheap that had the drive belt style.
I wanted to use it as an exhaust fan to expel the heat from my shop.
I turned it up on its side, turned over the fan blades, and mounted the motor to turn in the opposite direction (blows out instead of in).
Mounted it up high to the sidewall of the shop.
Bought a shutter set from Grainger to keep the rain out.
Worked like a charm
Called GAF, asked about replacement motor — they told me that Home Depot had them and the magic number is 204676203….
With that, you can special-order the motor. $150, delivered to my door (as opposed to a new fan unit, which — including tax — would be more like $300). Scheduled for Thursday.
I just imagined you saying that to Coothie over a pint in the pub.
You might try Grainger.
They are not always cheap, but they are pretty knowledgeable.
It’s where the PRO’s go.
if you know what you are looking for. and want to be mis-directed by FAKE market manipulators and frustrated in your real world needs..just use google to waste jour time ./S
Grainger Industrial Supply – MRO Products, Equipment and Tools
OR try
I’ve had excellent results using both, shop them between each other for best results.
Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
From the Stanford study showing masks don’t help to prevent you from catching a virus:
I was alarmed for a moment as I looked over all the harmful side effects from wearing a mask.
I mean, I haven’t experienced any of those side effects.
Then I remembered, I don’t wear the mask, so I don’t have to worry about any of that stuff
I agree. Many of those effects are limited to the idiots that go jogging or bicycling with the damned things or wear them eight hours a day at work.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are required to wear them 8 hours at work – grocery store cashiers, hair stylists, sales clerks, etc. So I wouldn’t consider them idiots – they need to earn a living. But the ones that go jogging or bicycling with a mask on are definitely idiots. When something is required or they don’t let you in, I use a face shield. Masks just make me angry.
I actually made the distinction between “idiots that go…” and “wear them”. The Fiancee frequently works at a front desk greeting the public and has to wear one at all times. It’s awful.
Today I saw a man on a motorcycle wearing a surgical mask. I get the bikers who wear a bandana for a bug shield, but a medical mask? It looked as absurd as it sounds.
I also saw the guard pig again! It was eating grass on the front lawn while snorting.
Reminds me of the old joke — how can you tell that a motorcyclist is happy?
By the bugs in his teeth.
They should do a carve out for the effects on babies in the womb and for young children.
Oxygen starvation and hypercapnia in developing children, leading to lifelong deficits, is just monstrous.
Next beer salvage report.
Original Wexford Irish Style Creme Ale, Nitro Draught.
Y’know, there is a geeky sort of fun with nitrogen draft beers — when you pour them, you get this waterfall of bubbles just inside the glass going down that is very pleasing. It’s caused by the tiny size of the less-buoyant nitrogen bubbles reacting to the greater mass of upward-surging ale at the center of the glass. OTOH, they tend to foam over quite readily and pouring one out of a can without making a mess can be tricky. Like actually “pulling a pint”, you have to pour it down the side of the glass for most of the pour and end with just a bit on center.
Without that gimmick, it’s a perfectly acceptable mild ale. Not too hoppy; not too heavy. Sort of like Newcastle brown ale without the brown.
I heart Newcastle. Now i know a little about nitro beers.
The classic is Guiness — the dark color of the beer makes anything in the middle completely invisible, so you just see the bubbles going down the sides.
In Ireland i had a girly guinness just to try it. They put a sweet berry syrup in it and i cant remember what it was. It was good but original is best. I still dont get why guinness isnt sold in 12 oz size bottles here, esp since they brew in the US now. 11.2 oz isnt enough.
11.2 oz is 330 ml — a common size in metric land.
In Germany they call the beer with berry syrup “Berliner Weissen.” Tast very nice and comes in a different beer glass. The glass has a short stem and looks like a half globe.
I like the girly guinness
How about Köstritzer:


Or, the English equivalent, Stingo, which appears to have bits of peat floating in it (probably a great chaser for Laphroiag Scotch

Do not know those. Need to look for those if I can find them
Thank you
Back in college, the thing was Tooth’s Sheaf Stout.
The stuff is so dense it “glugs” when you pour it, like motor oil.
Yep. I’ve had that too. Probably would hold a fork up like Dennison’s Chili used to
Its some sort of flower berry…but yes served like that.
I should note that the original brewery at Newcastle-upon-Tyne is closed, and if you buy it in the US, it’s made by Lagunitas.
I didnt know that. Ive not had lagunitis. Every other beer here is IPA. Mr Gil doesnt like it and i cant get samplers inexpensively….but ill try your method next time.
Kiddo and mr gil found a huge huge beehive a month ago by the creek. Hanging from an oak tree are 8 giant honeycombs lined up next to each other.
I love bees but dont want them in my walls.
I hope your snowstorm isnt too bad. We ware supposed to be mid 80s this week. Ill trade you 15 degrees DP.
If you get in contact with a local beekeeping club, you can trade knowledge of that location for a substantial amount of future local honey. Someone in the club will know how to capture that hive and give it a happy home in managed bee boxes.
Its way up in a tree but ill look into it.
There are people out there who do bee hive removals. If that colony is on public property, they may not, though, without permission.
Its a hike to get to it so they won’t. A neighbor had a swarm in the walls of his house and i found out insurance doesnt cover that. So, I just make sure they stay away from vents and all.
Adding to our backyard aviary, a roadrunner visited today. I dont mind but he cant eat my lizards. Little frogs arent around as much either.
I told mr gil I want a little pond. Just big enough for the ducks to paddle in and maybe get a few frogs in the evening.
We have long used rubbermaid stock tanks as backyard ponds —
You can sink them a bit, or all the way, or plant something around the bottom and leave them up. We tried some other plastic ponds and they kept deforming and were a pain to maintain.
Can i get those at tractor supply?
Very possibly. Rubbermaid doesn’t have its own stores, so allows them to be sold widely. And the pricing on Amazon is always individual delivery, so someplace local that has them may easily be cheaper.
Ill check. Lowes had prefab but were flimsy ish.
The Rubbermaid ones are “stock tanks” — they’re meant to be dropped off near a well and filled for livestock (cattle) to drink from. If a rancher slid one off their truck and it broke, their reputation would take a giant hit.
And you’d need a pickup to take it home.
We had to jump through hoops to get ours home from a feed store.
Pickups make life sooo easy.
I would’ve thought that a do-it-yourself-er like yourself would already have one.
Yes. I have a 250 gallon one and use it as a hillbilly hot tub. However, I’ve long wanted to make a little pond.
Lol. We made a duck house out of a plastic storage bin but i need some hay. Im going to see what tsc has.
If you have a local feed store, check with them. They might even be able to order one in for you if they don’t have one in stock.
I have one and would like to do that. Do you have a pump in it? Tell me all the particulars!! Pretty please!
No pump, no filter — bottom gets pretty grungy after a couple of years. We grew things like blue pickerel, water lilies, sedges, rushes, irises (right now, the yellow ones are in bloom) in pots If they’re too deep, you can put the pots on cinderblocks. Have to do mosquito dunks at present (pricey), because they currently have no fish.
Another very enjoyable open thread, from the bumblebee at the beginning, to the flag at the end. Loved that trombone video and the JETPACK!!!
Thinking about blackmail for tomorrow.
I’m too dense this morning. What’s tomorrow?
Wednesday. Camels. Need a writing topic.
Joe Dan noticed this:
Joe Dan Gorman
Interesting how @apple announces they’re bringing back the #Parler app on #OpeningDay of #FrankSpeech
His timeline on Gab is full of good stuff. The man is quite astute.
Curious timing is right. Like the patriots have the other side on the defensive, and that the other side doesn’t have access to the NSA’s listening apparatus.
Yes. DOJ can hit Apple with all the NSLs it can crank out, and they can get Parler patriot data from Apple instead of NSA.
While that’s true, it’s like the other side has next to no intelligence of what the good guys are up to. Not at the granular level.
Like the Military never handed that over.
I haven’t been back to Parler since Matz trashed Q and Q peeps.
Even though the Mercers fired him…I still haven’t been back.
The Mercers are all about data collection.
Me too – staying OFF that place!
I cancelled mine as soon as it came back online.
Me, too.
Parler is done.
Now this is interesting. I just went there and read all of Parler’s policy stuff – and it’s basically pretty darn good now. In fact, I cannot see how they got past Apple this time. They have user-driven moderation. The only thing Parler does is basically what GAB does – only the left pretends that Gab does NOT do these things. The roadblocks that Apple put in Parler’s path are almost phony now, and when Parler did these minimal things, Apple let them through.
It almost makes me think that Apple is looking to avoid going where Coke went, and is slowly backing away from Woke.
I’m just soured on Parler. I had to open numerous accounts because the passwords would never work, etc.
Oh, the tech was terrible. Awful. Had promise, but never took off properly.
T3 directed me to this on Gab.
Looks like it may be a good resource…for future referrence.
It lists all the declass transcripts.
Tomorrow’s thread, I would imagine.
DePat puts a lot of thought into her threads…and she does three of them!
I would be underwater trying to do 3 a week.
Yep…just doing 2 a week was messing with my life.
My hat’s off to our DePat for all that she does for us.
I want to thank everybody who helped test out the forum software today. If you have comments or suggestions, please put them in yesterday’s thread announcing the forum. Soon, I’ll have a dedicated suggestion thread ON the forum, after we pick one of the 4 layouts.
I still can’t post on there with my mobile. No worries, I will just keep the laptop handy.
OK – sorry about that! One last thing to try with the mobile is to use “Desktop Mode” in the browser.
Ok. Will try that.
Hold my beer.

Gnight frens. I have to get to sleep. Got school in the am.

Love it! Good night!
Next salvage beer — “Guayabera Citra Pale Ale” by Cigar City Brewing out of Tampa, FL.
This one sounds more scary than it is, until you realize that Citra is a variety of hop and there are no strange fruit additives included. It’s a nice Pale Ale. Firestone did a Propagator (their term for a single hop beer) with Citra that was better a little ways back.
Nothin’ to worry ’bout.
Tried signing up for a Frank Speech account. First thing they require is a phone number. That’s an automatic no-go for me, so I will not be making an account over there. Parler had the same requirement, and people got burned after Parler was hacked. Be careful, folks. Don’t post anything over there that you wouldn’t want publicized with your real life information.
Yes that was also my gripe.
I hope they get the message and have different ways for signing up.
On the other if you are just a listener/lurker you do get value and you don’t need an account.
I juts went there it just checks my brother.
There is already a ton of content.
Like this one:
What the Welfare State Has Done to America | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Yes, it is a news site with the livestream playing at the top. There is a lot to see there without signing up for the social media platform.
At the top there is a link to Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” videos (on a tab titled “Absolute Series”). There is a tab for podcasts and TV. I see what Lindell meant when he said it would be like no other social media site.
Yeah, no phone number. Frank is doing Gab a big favor there!
I won’t do the phone number thing, either. But I will go looking around. Frank is WAY different than Gab. It is some sort of new hybrid thing. Cool, but will take some time to adjust, I think. Unless something is very different when you have an account versus just being a lurker.
DeSantis: With More Data, I Would Have Ditched ‘Faucism’ Earlier, Some of our Restrictions ‘Were Ineffective’ (
When I was a kid, I had a “family babysitter” that was a friend of my grandmother’s. When I got chickenpox, I went over there to play…..and they, in turn, gave me mumps (or vice-versa….I was quite young). Neither was a serious childhood disease, and both conferred lifetime immunity, and were bad adult diseases.
That’s the way things were done in olden times when people weren’t insanely stupid because of public indoctrination by government schools.
And that’s what we should have done with this coronavirus.
Yes the only time I really was sick (except for malaria later in my life) was in my first year in school. That is were I got all these childhood diseases virtually at once, since all the other kids got them too.
100% agreed!
Same stuff with us. It would go through the neighborhoods like wildfire and then everyone was fine forever after.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Will Introduce Resolution to Expel Maxine Waters From Congress – Unite America First
They already get paid through book deals.
William Barr and yes Amy Coney Barret.
Did Barr (or whoever did) nominate her, because she was corruptible?
Wrap-up of Chauvin trial, by the best reporter —
This thing is so dirty and slimy and Alinsky and horrible…..
I pulled out another salvage beer, from the vinegar-infused masochist brewers from yesterday, and it was adulterated with coffee and coconut.
Hard pass. I’m not even going to taste it.
I had a coconut very dark beer once that was really good. It was just nutty enough to be interesting, but not overpowering.
A lot of Q-Treepers playing at the new forum…fun!
I’m going to have to manufacture a new identity first.
Why? It makes zero sense. Registration involves giving me the information I already have. Why would a new identity help?
Because you already have too much information in one place (individual comments in a blog). It’s even worse if it’s in a blog registration.
Subpoenas generally get what they ask for and not more. Someone can hide in the unasked questions. “Give me a list of your registered users” will scoop up one and not the other.
I’ve long sensed weaknesses in my communications infrastructure. This is precipitating a crisis.
Consider setting up a privacy canary.
That would be misleading. It would make people think they’re safe right now, which is absolutely not true. Whatever it is that involves me, it’s far worse than an NSL. And it has been for almost my entire life, but I don’t know exactly when it started.
Then, perhaps, have a hotplan where IPs and emails for commenters get encrypted when a subpoena for registered users is processed.
What if it’s a legitimate request?
Maybe you didn’t read the contact page, but I’m not a person who automatically believes all requests for information coming from a COURT are terrible things. Indeed, I made clear that should illegalities ever take place here, I would make sure evidence stays UP for law enforcement and journalism to peruse at their leisure.
This whole idea of taking things down doesn’t really fly with The Wolf. It never made sense. Same with hiding or not providing legally AND legitimately requested information.
I’m just sensing Alinsky fears here. And those simply never made sense to me.
For your personality type, I think it’s probably UNWISE to go on the forum.
I think you need to realize that this place IS social media. The RISKS are THERE.
But it’s OK – you have plenty of time to think about it.
You are positing a legitimate request from an illegitimate government. I don’t see how such could exist.
It’s complicated business!

I will admit that’s true, but IMO that’s no way to go through life. I mean, we walk down the street, and there are security cameras everywhere, which can all be subpoenaed. Why live in fear of them? If you do, you won’t leave the house.
Essentially, you’re living your life in hopes that unnamed enemies will make a dumb error. What you say is TRUE, but should it be CONTROLLING?
If you’re afraid of the government, it’s over. The moment you came on this site, they OWNED YOU. And all your friends and relatives. I think that’s two hops from me. They can go on your fiance’s computer and get whatever they want, as long as it will stand up to Chris Wray’s approval in the end. As far as .gov is concerned, you’re history. They know everything about you now. I’m sure the question of who in the hell you were came up, and they’re satisfied with whatever your story is. So that’s done.
I don’t know – I just think there’s no getting away from what data you left on this site. But I don’t think there’s any reason to be afraid of it – or of anybody who would go after it.
The TRUTH is an absolute defense in court. There are VERY few instances where there’s trouble for speaking the truth – or if you’re mistaken, then what you honestly believe to be the truth.
And even if there WERE trouble for speaking the truth, THAT is a hill worth dying on.
Unfortunately, the TRUTH is not an absolute defense in kangaroo court.
And we are within months of AI sufficiently able of piercing such obfuscation — but we can hinder it at every turn.
Registering is giving our oppressors an unwarranted leg-up.
I should note that I own a cellphone. It sits on a recharge pad on my kitchen counter. If it’s trying to spy on me, it has a few impediments.
I drive a ’94 automobile. I just got a notice in the mail today that I could get a bounty for turning it in. I have no intention of every turning in this vehicle while I live.
Yeah, old vehicles are good. I agree.
Uh oh…sounds ominous to this non-techie
My heart hurts seeing this.
As the anarchists said here (Portland I think) the other day.. No More History…
NOT poking Dora.
Couple observations on the picture..
Stanford just published a study saying masks are NOT helpful. Make people sick…
Here is Stanford with four dopes wearing a mask, including a child.
Yea. It’s likely in communist controlled California. it’s likely in a medical building.
DON’T CARE about that crap. Masks are NOT a healthy choice. Until last ~June we almost NEVER even considered wearing a mask…and we were ALL unafraid, healthy…
WTF is wrong with people these days?
This would be a good topic in the forum once the format is decided upon. In the meantime Bill Gates is a freaking jerk.
Big WOW on that information.
Someone is “throwing guns at” the gangbangers and rioters.
In other words…arming them.
I shouldn’t be surprised.
[They] want to create chaos in the streets and they want a body count — so that they can use it as an excuse to take our guns.
[They] are pouring a lot of money into this.
That one cache of AR-15s that they found, is worth thousands.
I agree. This is nasty stuff.
Nasty but absolutely not a surprise…commies luv them some body count. They’ve got a long way to go to match Mao & Stalin.
They really are the culture of death
Some years ago I saw some pictures supposedly in Chicago. A large cache of arms left in an alley . The guess was from the Sinola cartel
Did not holder throw weapons at the Mexican cartel? Or was that my imagination?
In the last 24 hours, Johnheretohelp posted that Maxine Waters has MAJOR dirt on Nancy Pelosi, which would explain a lot. He claims nimrod Nan ain’t going to do jack about her.
Nanshi doesn’t need to be blackmailed. The Dem party has gone fully corrupt and no exclusives needed to expose..they don’t care. No consequences will be put on them and they know it.
Encouraging anarchy and destruction is the DemComm way so why think Pelosi would even mildly criticize Water’s performance
(I have no doubt that there is plenty of dirt on Pelosi filthy Dem blackmailing another filthy Dem cancels out each other)
To me it’s all theater. The police officers sent out night after night without permission to actually stop these people. It’s like being a target in a carnival shooting gallery.
Why bother chasing them around ? The Mayor talked about “the city we love” while at the same time dog whistling for anti police. It’s a joke, a cruel joke on the police dept.
I think the police should go on strike and refuse to show up. They aren’t allowed to do anything, so why should they make themselves a target? And that’s what they are. That’s what these moronic mayors/dems/etc. want – for them to stand out there and be targets, and hopefully one will get totally pissed and shoot someone so they can start it all over again.
Exactly Linda!
If they stood down…as in not showing up…the real purpose of the protests , now identified as 1st amendment demos could be seen in all it’s glory.
With the police becomes a fake struggle of “peaceful” protesters being thwarted by the evil police.
Without their bad guy police to blame how would they justify burned up cars, buildings on fire, businesses demolished, mortar and explosives, looting of course has been re-explained as valid reparations . They already took care of that confusion
Tucker reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon.
Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell says UFOs were ‘swarming our warships’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
The “we don’t know” part is, IMO, a load of crap. BUT WHATEVER.
I still think that the Main Reason we aren’t being told everything they know…is because the rest of the world would expect us to share any technology that we’ve gotten.
And that could get very nasty.
One of my sources says that this is “The Little Green Men” narrative that they pull out from time to time since the 1930s and the Orson Wells “War of the Worlds” broadcast, and that if the [CB] is floating this, they’re close to be on the ropes.
Just another perspective.
Sorry “Invasion by Little Green Men.”
Apparently, holograms are a BIG part of it, and I will believe that as a local municipality has a searchlight that dates to 1903 and is about seven feet across. The technology has been around for a long time.
Or as Jordan Sather calls these, “limited hangouts”.
They look like drones. Don’t we have F117s that also have a triangular shape when looking at certain angles?
The shape is designed to deflect radar.
I’m calling bullshit.
Yeah, I’ve never bought into the whole UFO thing.
Our own people playing around with technology and deflecting what they are really up to, now THAT I will believe.
If it had been something UNKNOWN it would’ve put them in high alert status.
I do think there may be UFO activity here and there but when it coincides with other major events it seems like bullsh*t to me. Almost like they want anons and others to divert attention to it.
Bees are one of my favorites in the natural world!
Thank you, DePat!
Here’s hoping the evil ones running our government get stung but good today.
I’ve gotten into watching beehive removal videos in Southern Louisiana and Mississippi. Interesting stuff.
I was kind of inspired as there were at least a dozen bumblebees pollenating in our lilac bush yesterday. I don’t know where their nest is, but it seems like there’s more every year.
That’s good news…considering all the fears that our bee populations were disappearing.
It’s all the lawn chemicals that seem to be killing them.
But, bumblebees are not honeybees. They are much more mean.
I know…bumblebees seem to stay angry.
I get them too, and also hornets & wood bees.
Not many honeybees, though…but then I don’t grow the type of flowers that they like.
The birdchoppers are taking out TRILLIONS of them, along with bats, birds, and other insects…
But the (don’t-care-one-fig-about-the-environment-in-reality) greens deflect from it by blaming it on pesticides, Gore-Bull warming, methane from cows, you name it…
And over here, they’re pushing “insect hotels” for all of us to put in our backyards and/or on our balconies/patios… Geesh. Now they’re trying to dumb down the bees and wasps, etc…..
Pollinators are fascinating!
Your Lilacs are blooming already, DP?
Almost done, actually. With the cooler weather they’ve lasted longer than they usually do.
Wow!!! We are weeks away from blooming!!! Leaves are showing on all bushes – however – no buds at present.
Annual Lilac Festival usually scheduled around Mother’s Day!!!
My great uncle next door has a french lilac that is almost done blooming. I have several miss kim lilacs, (Korean), that are just starting. I am trying to get them to hedge, but they are slow growers. My bumble bees, brown wasps, and honey bees are usually all docile and will even land on you sometimes to “check you out!”
Oh, my, CM!!! Hav not seen many bees of late – but, it is still cold here – our Lilacs love cold nights and warm days – but, we are not there yet – they are predicting snow tomorrow – Yikes!!!
God will provide – and they will come out lovelier than ever – in His timing!!!
Yep. We have lilacs & snow today!
Oh, No!!! You got snow? YUK!!!
hubby is back in his SAD slump
Mostly the snow’s not sticking thankfully but the overcast dreary sky is a real bummer…
Been meaning to re-visit the Botanical Gardens – but, my link is buried somewhere – can you help – must be more advanced at this point – yes?
Here’s the main link:
Thanks, DP – Shared your post with friends and family – they really enjoyed learning about the Botanical Gardens!!!
Ours are just getting underway in metro Detroit. We usually get to enjoy them here & then again later at my parents’ cottage in Northern, MI around Memorial Day, iirc. Lilacs are one of my all time favorite flowers, there was a very fragrant bush outside my bedroom window as a kid. They have a lilac festival on Mackinac Island & many lilac themed goodies available for purchase which can mightily please this purple flower loving lady.
Neat, Val!!! That sounds heavenly – cannot wait for the sweet smell of Lilacs in my back yard this year – little by little – Spring is blooming here.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, April 20, 2021
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Well, if he hadn’t left the pancakes in the doghouse (or however that went)….
All these cop cars, and nothing’s happening. Sure.
The cop answered…”Nothing”…when the Citizen Journalist asked “What’s going on?”
That doesn’t look like ‘nothing’.
Only ahole cops are like that unless they know the guy on the bike already. Most would turn and at least give a proper noncommittal answer. That cop was just a dick.
So, there are around 50 seats on a standard Greyhound.
I saw at least two cop buses in this video. A hundred cops? Plus all the cars, one-two cops each.
What the heck could be going on here? The video shows about eight cops. Where are all the others? Is there a donut convention?
Dough or donut…
There is no fry…
april 20, 2021 the marshall report
EXCLUSIVE interview with President Trump – first since leaving the White House, at Mar-a-lago.
Re-entering the public eye.
Yes – Timing is everything!!!
This interview was so disappointing – nothing new under the sun – as usual – Hannity wants us to consider HIS VIEWS – jumps from one subject to the other
Did we hear anything we did not already know? I do not think so – but – Hannity tried to pin President Trump down on his vision for 2024 – who cares?
Unless voter integrity is restored in ALL of the states – participation in promoting candidates and/or voting is a mute point.
As usual – Hannity is worthless – still cannot conduct an interview without pushing his agenda – so sick of these idiots – I am
Maybe that was the point.
Big Sigh – Maybe, you are correct, DP!!!
Didn’t listen to the interview. Yea, I am massively pissed off at all the fake news, which includes Hannity. If there were a clip with Hannity, ONLY Trump speaking, I’d listen in.
Guessing here.
If there were a clip withOUT Hannity, ONLY Trump speaking, I’d listen in.
To my knowledge – PT has talked about Congress in 2022 – what good is that if election integrity is not resolved?
Kal, I cannot think beyond 2021 right now – heard predictions saying ‘by the end of the year’ – so what is going on right now – if the Military knows – and there is an ‘occupation’ in DC – when are they going to ‘kick them out’?
I am so sick of what is happening (or not happening) – what are they doing about the debacle at the border? It just seems to be getting worse everyday.
If we are ‘watching a movie’ – this is the worst movie I have ever seen y-t-d, Kal!!!
When Hannity asked PT about 2024 – he said ‘nothing’ – kept talking about Congress – and supporting good candidates – we will retake the House and the Senate will be harder? Who cares right now? We want to know what they are doing about the ‘stolen election’!!!
General Flynn says President Trump is still President of the United States!!! Why? What does he know we don’t know?
I’m presuming that Trump thinks fraud will be fixed in at least some places before 2022, even if he’s not explicitly saying so. Otherwise, he’s a moron or a black hat.
My prediction … Chauvin Verdict …
Guilty … riots.
Not guilty … riots.
Yep. I think Catturd is probably right.
The riots are already bought and paid for. As Wall STreet watchers say, guilty or not guilty already factored into the planned riots.
Reason for rioting is the only variance.
Steyn expresses my disgust/repulsion/ire:
A particular point he makes is about McCarthy’s use of the communist propaganda phrase, “dog-whistle.” Why would ANYONE on our side adopt phony communist verbiage, thereby perpetuating and broadcasting communist propaganda and psychological manipulation? Is McCarthy, for instance, really that stupid? That is a serious question. Because a huge segment of public voices on our side constantly use communist language as if it were perfectly natural, and seem ALWAYS to “fight” ONLY after fully accepting the communist premise of any particular “issue” (propaganda point).
I lean toward stupidity as an explanation, but I am quite open to other corrupt explanations, because stupidity just should not get this stupid.
I think it was Lee Atwater who first mentioned “dog whistling” back in the early 80’s.
He was referring to using words that were ‘code words’ for other things.
For the younglings who may not know…Lee Atwater was a brilliant conservative strategist, who was taken from us too soon.
Atwater is greatly missed.
When he used the term, he was exonerating Reagan, according to Wiki.
The phrase has long since become a communist weapon like the phony word “racism,” meaning nothing but used to forward psy-ops and propaganda.
They gave a commemorative dinner for Lee when they knew he was shortly going to die. He came out on stage in a wheel chair because he was too weak to walk.
Everybody expected him to thank a bunch of people spanning his life. He did not.
Instead, he credited Jesus Christ with showing him the truth. He evangelized the audience, urging them to open their hearts to God.
The audience was stunned silent. This was in the Kennedy Center IIRC. Certainly it was in DC. It was his last appearance.
I was amazed and grateful to see it
Sharyl Attkisson
POLL: Majority say companies that benefit are pushing for vaccine passports, mask mandates

…………From the article:
Sixty-four percent (64%) of registered voters say they think it’s likely that companies selling face masks are financially supporting campaigns to continue pandemic-related mask mandates. That’s according to a recent Scott Rasmussen poll.
Similar results were found on the question of vaccine passports with 62% believing companies offering vaccines and COVID-19 tests financially support campaigns to require vaccine passports.
I Timothy 6:10:
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Vox Day is exactly right. A book deal is a certain indication of a corrupt person, in this case Barrett:
Our President had no choice in who sat on the court, that much is clear now. McConnell, probably with the approval of Schumer, made the appointments. Schumer got a HUGE bonanza in getting what, for the communists, were perfect and highly successful political opportunities, and Schumer also provided cover for McConnell, by making it appear that the communist’s opposition “proved” that the nominees WERE genuinely conservative, not corrupt weasels.
The idiot Bush played this exact game, and many others supposedly on our side have also. “If the left hates you, you must be conservative.” And our side falls for that phony act ALL the time.
That logical fallacy is not only a fallacy, it is a lie, psychological manipulation, which wins every time.
The annoying misogyny by some commenters is a bummer. These people are the ones who globalize (go from A to Z in one fell swoop) and seek to blame their elders for the state of things.
Well, I learned some time back that every generation has its heros and villains and saints and sinners.
To blame Boomers for everything is extremely shortsighted, for the Boomers have their own elder generation to blame and so forth.
Other than that, Vox is often right on.
I totally agree with you on VD’s Boomer negativity. TBH, being of that generation, I always found a great deal to dislike about my my my generation, starting with the Grand Deformation of the 60’s.
I do not read his commenters, have never found them too interesting, as opposed to other sites where the comments are always great to read.
The problem with blaming entire generations is that we humans never really know exactly where we are when we are there, or why or how we got there. Even the most profound and objective people cannot always see what is actually happening, or why.
I think VD is provocative and interesting, and he makes me look at things differently. Whether he changes my pov is an entirely different question.
From Gab:

Ha ha ha, there’s no elephant in the room because you really DON’T have a right to own a gun!
—says the leftist, rolling his eyes at the meme, which he thinks makes YOU look stupid for posting it.
This is sickening!
Federal Government Caught Buying ‘Fresh’ Flesh Of Aborted Babies Who Could Have Survived As Preemies
Americans should be outraged their government participates in the wide-scale human trafficking operation that created a market for harvesting the organs of murdered infants.
Whay the hell!!!!!
Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) Tweeted:
You just had to one-up CBS. You’re terrible.
Mike Lindell’s \Absolute Interference’ will be on air in 15min (10Am CET)
Home | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
More than 100million watched.
Will air tonight again, after that it can be shared.
Say what you want about the way it’s gone down, but at least THIS has come to light and is getting attention, the use of dead babies, and aborted children in medical research.
HT: Twitchy
No – Dem reactions to Maxine Waters are showing the hypocrisy of Dems. Impeaching President Trump for fake news spin on normal political language leading to an almost non event by a few/very small percentage of the rally attendees and yet she says what she has said and Dems want to do nothing?!
Republicans are holding them to their own standards that Dems set in Jan
Question : how do I register as a “member” over at the new Forum ?
I can make posts..altho they are in moderation…but I can not figure out or SEE how/where to register there.
Thanks for any help with this.
Go to the top of this page and you will see a menu: HOME FORUM CONTACT ETC
Click on Forum
At the top of the Forum page you will see another menu under forum: FORUMS MEMBERS RECENTPOSTS REGISTER LOGIN
Click on Register and fill in the blanks
Thanks so much, Robert – You are a PEACH!!! God Bless You!!!
I am not seeing REGISTER at the top of the FORUM page (2d menu option you mentioned)…that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to find..but I am not seeing REGISTER…anywhere.
On the forum page you should see the QTree logo and picture at the very top.
Underneath the picture is a menu (centered beneath the picture)
Underneath that menu on the left side is Forum.
Underneath Forum is a menu (starts on the left) which includes Register as the 4th option (hortizontal menu)
If you are not seeing that I don’t know how to direct you.
This is how I see it on my computer. If you are on another device I am not sure how it would appear on your screen.
I had similar trouble yesterday. Wolf said to try this, which I did, and it worked. (I haven’t tried to post today.)
I hope that helps.
ok…haven’t tried that approach yet…altho I have logged in & out & back in again…
will give it a try..
Robert…ok…I had to LOGOUT at the top of that FORUM page in order to actually see the REGISTER option along that bar..
I tried filling out the REGISTRATION field…but…I suddenly got a red bar notification (top right of screen) that my email address was already being used, and to submit a different email address..
now what ?
it also loooked like I was already REGISTERED w/ my usual user name & email…but I’m not REGISTERED as a “member”.
what should I do now ?
thanks for yr help, BTW
I could be wrong, but if you are logged into this site, merely open the forum page and click on the forum topic named
Then scroll until you find the add a comment box and add a comment, ignore the capital P at the bottom of the box.
The comment will either successfully be added or go into moderation, where Wolf will fix you up.
yes…I can post Replies to other posts/topics just by being logged in here…but can not start a new post/topic unless a registered member on Forum.
I think that Wolf does the registering for you, if you ask.
That’s convenient
Bbbb but when it’s her father that lives there…it’s okay
4.20.21: LIES continue to BE REVEALED! All HANDS on DECK for this FIGHT! PRAY!
And We Know Published April 20, 2021
DP, Enjoyed the conspiracy discussion, jet pack dude and trombone bumble bee enjoyable.
1 killed, 2 hurt, West Hempstead, NY, grocery store (mgmt office) shooting. Gabriel DeWitt Wilson, (black w/crim record) person of interest, at large.
Antivirals for Covid….
Milloy defeats Exelon at SEC on child labor shareholder proposal –
#davidwilkerson #sermon #christian
David Wilkerson – The Gospel According to Satan (Sermon Jam)
Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can STAND and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won’t be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we’ll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to STAND firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.
Forwarded from
Patrick M. Byrne
When you get discouraged, remember: 64% of American adults believe that Biden won because of fraud that was “significant” or “very significant”.
2/3 of adults know it was fixed
WOLF – IT Guys – What does this mean?
Here is waht that says. I’d like input from those in the know, as well.
A couple of days ago, Deplorable Patriot posted an interesting theory (IMO it is FACT) that we are experiencing several resets simultaneously. Since I have a history of being a gym rat and lifting heavy (pre-back surgery)…DP’s theory struck a chord with me when it comes to nutrition and fitness.
I am ever more convinced that the Food Pyramid of the 70s/80s is one of those resets that needs to be reversed. For the most part, Americans followed those guidelines eating less red-meat, less saturated fat, less cholesterol, more grains, more fruits, more vegetables, more white meat poultry, more vegetable oils (SEED oils is much more accurate)—and now Americans are paying dearly for following those guidelines.
As usual, when government gets involved with science—science too often ceases to be science. Follow the money. Who profits? What ideology creates bias in the outcome of ‘research’?
I would like to share this channel I discovered recently called: Low Carb Down Under.
It is not only valuable information about how low carb lifestyles can benefit you and your family—they give you the science and also dives into the politics of food.
I found this channel extremely fascinating and believe it all ties into the larger Great Reset.
JW, is also excellent. Nina has many videos on there also. I found it in 2015 and lost 70 pounds in months and was never “hungry”. LCHF =Low Carb High Fat. They have the newest science, lectures, recipes, etc. It is free unless you want the upgraded version.
Thanks Liz! I will check it out.
I have been experimenting with keto before it became a household name. As a serious hobby, I have been power lifting and bodybuilding since I was a teen—influenced by getting to meet Mr. Olympia Franco Columbo at a book signing in South Carolina.
The debate about LCHF has been going on in bodybuilding mags for decades. Those guys are not just dumb muscleheads on steroids. They have been ahead of the curve on many issues before they became accepted—simply because bodybuilders (and other athletes) were willing to experiment with themselves to get The Edge.
Back in 2008, I cut my daily carb intake below 50g and increased protein to 350g while cutting body fat and increasing strength. I dropped over 30lbs in 8 weeks. I constantly heard how my liver, cholesterol, heart etc…were going to explode if I did not stop. Fast forward to today and I am smiling
I can remember my grandmother’s sister sitting in the kitchen at the farm in the early 1980s cracking and eating tree nuts, and saying, I really don’t need the calories. She was about 70 by then, I think, and had been through two bouts of cancer and her worry was calories, not nutrients.
And a farm girl at that.
JW, In 2015, I was 74 when I started eating this way. I told my Granddaughter who is a nurse what I was doing. She told me it would destroy my kidneys and she would not bother to visit me when I was dying from it.
I cut out the sugar and was amazed at how many things improved besides just the weight lost. I gained some of the weight back once and took it off again easily.
The most interesting thing I learned was that there are only 3 kinds of food:
1. FAT Mandatory= Natural Saturated fats such as butter, cream, meat fat, lard, and fish oil.
Never eat vegetable oil which is spoiled trans fats or hydrogenated oil such as Crisco and margarine is plastic.
2.PROTEIN Mandatory= Meat, fish, bacon, eggs, cheese. nuts, etc.
3.SUGAR includes all grains, vegetables and fruit. No one requires any carbohydrates of any kind, ever.
So much for the food pyramids.
Here’s an article on how salt has been vilified.
Grandma, One of the interesting things about cutting out processed foods was that I had to be certain I ate 2-3 teaspoons of salt a day with my food or I would get leg cramps.
Processed foods give us 12 grams of salt a day.
Lack of salt also causes depression.
Pharma makes a lot of money on depression meds.
Psychiatrists never tell you to eat more salt and you will feel a lot better and smile more.
Thanks for the link.
What have they been doing to us?
The evil is breathtaking!!!
They are making money and taking away our health and ability to fight back.
Wear your mask, don’t talk to each other, don’t touch each other and do as your are told no matter how stupid it seems. OBEY
They loathe us. That’s all. They’ve loathed us since the 1960s, perhaps earlier.
I just read the article. I have been using Redmond Sea Salt for years now and highly recommend it. You can find it on Amazon to read the reviews.
Thank you! I always do well on a low carb diet.
Out of curiosity, do you remember what preceded the food pyramid? I remember 4 fruits and vegetables, 4 bread and cereal or something like that, 3 milk, cheese, dairy, and 2 ?
It pretty much disappeared overnight.
2 Meats?
The 4 food groups: meat; breads & cereals; fruits & vegetables; & dairy/fats?, iirc…
I’m not convinced “most” Americans followed this or even paid attention to it. My family continued eating the way we always did.
The obesity epidemic would say otherwise. Over 70% of Americans are either overfat or obese. One of the surprises of the early covid shutdowns was finding out that 50% of Americans shop, eat from grocery type stores. The other 50% eat out.
Our family went low fat and diet everything. Butter was out, corn oil was in.
I don’t think I tasted butter until I was an adult.
No more butter, Margarine only.
Censuring her and causing her to lose her chairmanship would be so sweet. Someone needs to make her shut her mouth. I suspect Dems have endured a lot from her that we don’t see, as well.
Well, Truths – considering this is not the first time she has called for ‘confrontation’ – it is high time someone took action to ‘quiet her’ – unfortunately, if it is up to the Speaker – who is guilty as sin as well of improprieties – she will do nothing about this – imho
Tucker video
House Republicans wrote a ten page letter to Peter Daszak yesterday GRILLING him about his involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and it is so damn good.
I’m going to go through it line by line to show you guys what they’re talking about, but omg I want to cry. They actually mentioned the form 990-PF wire transfers I found last year between EHA and Wuhan. It’s not like I was mentioned in the letter or anything but I haven’t seen that mentioned ANYWHERE else. I’m so glad someone out there did their research.
This letter is good. Holy crap I want to cry.
Here’s the full PDF if you want to read it:
Good stuff! That woman is a HECK of a researcher.
Agree – good information.
Soon to be on the iphone app store I’m sure …haha..all this stuff that was scoffed at as conspiracy is really happening.
That doesn’t sound like the app for me.
Where do I sign up to express correct opinions about how awful socialist culture is?
Yeah, we need an APP!
People should just use the new app to report Winnie the Jinping.

Ht P.wim
Maxine Waters smacked with ethics complaint for urging ‘confrontations’
Biden hopes Chauvin jury will reach ‘RIGHT VERDICT’ after calling George Floyd’s family
Dog whistling Fraud.
I’m surprised he didn’t say it while he was having little black kids rub the hair on his legs.
Like he was telling us in his warm-up story, before he launched into the Ballad of Corn-Pop.
LOL yes that would be so classic
Ht P.Win
Kamala Harris Still Searching For The Right Person To Sleep With To Solve Border Crisis
Shingles linked to Pfizer vaccine:
The more exposure all this gets, the more critical mass to pull the shots build.
You have to look at the bright side or go crazy thinking about the downsize.
“The more exposure all this gets, the more critical mass to pull the shots build.”
Not sure it would matter even if people started reporting that the vaxx caused a 9″ horn to grow out of their foreheads… with photos…

Almost fell out of me chair, Scott!!!
I think there have to be ten of them…..
That’s scary, as shingles can be a TERRIBLE problem. Wonder if the vax triggered the reaction (reactivated a dormant chickenpox infection) or introduced it as new?
Shades of the old (albeit pessimistic) joke
Q: “What’s the difference between love and herpes?”
A: “Herpes is forever”…
And even though there’s a (reputed) shingles vax, it’s ototoxic, and can cause permanent deafness…
I REALLY don’t trust any of the new vaxxes, pretty much anything after polio, smallpox, and tetanus…
No wsy. Ive had shingles and its miserable.
My doctor wanted me to take a shingles vaccine that was new improved. I hate needles never did it. I wonder if the people who took the CCP virus vaccine had also a shingle vaccine?
Those poor people.
DON’T take it, unless you absolutely have to.
It’s ototoxic. Can cause PERMANENT deafness…
Not worth the risk, unless you have really severe shingles… in which case it’s a really tough call… blindness vs. deafness…..
Thank you for the info. I just did not see a reason for it. I never new many people who had shingles until I came here. Strange ?
It’s just Chicken Pox (Windpockeln) returning, later in life (Gurtelrose)… same as with the various other herpes variants (I think there are about five now), they come back during times of stress or illness. Trouble is, shingles can travel up the nerve sheaths to the face, or even the eyes and ears. I think there’s a nerve that basically runs from toes to head, and that can be a problem (e.g. a wisdom tooth or eardrum/inner ear operation can injure the facial nerves, etc.)… I can’t remember the name of the nerve right now (kinda late), maybe someone else can… it has to be carefully avoided during tympanostophy (ear drum inspection) to avoid issues, for instance…
That sounds terrible. Lets hope and pray we do not get it
Yup. I had to take it. I had debilitating shingles that was only knocked back by antivirals. Would have been permanently disabled otherwise. Worse, it TRIED TO COME BACK a few years later, and was beaten off AGAIN with antivirals.
I jumped at the chance to reduce my risk with Shingrix.
It’s in!
April 20, 2021
Executive Order Canceling the Constitution
By Leo Goldstein
On April 15, Preident Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.
The Biden administration unilaterally makes the determination and requires neither criminal acts nor intent. The punishment is blocking assets and a prohibition on any dealing with the accused person. Spouses and adult children of individuals found guilty by accusation under this EO are punished, too.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
“It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.”
I saw the movie “From Russia with Love” once, probably in the early 1980s.
And I saw “Red Dawn” too (but not Red Dawn II).
I hope those don’t count.
And I saw Firefox, the film where Clint Eastwood stole an experimental Russian fighter jet.
Oh man, I could be in a lotta trouble…
Hunt for Red October…
Battleship Potemkin (1925)…
Oh, Scott – you know it has nothing to do with Russia at all – it is about disenfranchising people they don’t like.
Yep… you know me, just trying to find a little humor amongst the rubble…
Keep trying, Scott – we all enjoy the ‘comic relief’ – really – we do –
Could be aimed at REALPOTUS to gainleverage since they’ve already fraudulently linked him to russiarussiarussia thru msm
and faux biden still didnt win
Did not think of that, Please – I sure hope not – the man has been through enough harassment already!!!
REALPOTUS has mentioned or is mentioned for running in 2022 or 2024, so the Evil left are prepping for him…
That is a possibility, Please – but – what if – DC is emptied before then?
Not only will he be the LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT – but – there could be many seats in the House and Senate that need filling – maybe
Yes – you got it. They are going to warm up all that bullshit from THE HOAX.
Also this. I believe the Bidenoids are prepping a WAR with Russia. China will use that to destroy/weaken its two top potential adversaries.
The Coming Modern Grand Solar Minimum
There are a lot more details in the article, as well as suggestions at the end for how this needs to be handled, federally and globally.
And we are 3 weeks past our last frost date…with a frost coming tonight.
I have covered as much as I can in the garden.
My peas are 3 ” tall and my leaf lettuce 2″.
I have covers over them that are small green house type. I like them even in summer for lettuce so it does not burn or dry up.
I am sure your garden will be fine if you covered stuff
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – House votes 216-210 to defeat the Republican resolution to censure Maxine Waters.
Maybe Maxine’s statements will play a role in Chauvin’s appeal.
We ain’t be gots no justice.
And we ain’t be gettin’ any, neither.
How about the ‘Rods from God’ – would that work?
The only thing they’re going to get from Bye, Done is “Rods from Odd”…..
Damn right they will. By themselves, they are enough to reverse the verdict. With everything else, reversal is virtually guaranteed.
Well, it appears that Rep. Waters’ handlers got everything they wanted: vindication for her behavior; and the destruction of Mr. Chauvin.
Watch for Waters to now go after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and attempt to destroy her.
For now – if she has skeletons in her closets – then she may be taking a one-way ticket to GITMO.
May they all rot in hell…
Enough, already…..
I hope so…sooner the better.
Double justice is well alive in America.
ACB got a “book deal.”
Her family must be so proud of her, cashing in while selling out our country.
I remember being more than a little skeptical of her nomination, but she has lived down to my worst expectations, and then exceeded them.
I remember a LOT of people hoping she’d be PDJT’s first choice. (Back before Gorsuch.)
Clearly nobody vetted Kavanaugh, Gorsuch or ACB.
They didn’t even try.
You could throw a dart at a moving prison transport bus and do better.
I doubt anyone even checked their driver’s licenses.
Makes ya wonder and cringe at all those appointments we were so thrilled to hear that Mitch McConnel was busy with…..
Mitch was busy alright not for the Maga team.
“I remember a LOT of people hoping she’d be PDJT’s first choice.”
I remember DJT using ACB as an applause-getter at his rallies.
DJT: How about that ACB? Is she something, or what?
(crowd goes wild)
It bothers me.
Count 1 – 2nd Degree murder – Guilty
Count 2 – 3rd Degree murder – Guilty
Count 3 – 2nd Degree Manslaughter -Guilty
All needs to be appealed.
Frankly, I don’t know how they thought they could find an untainted jury for this.
Bail revoked, remanded to custody.
Sad to say, he’s actually safer there.
“Sad to say, he’s actually safer there.”
Not if he gets the hangin’ cell, at Epstein TP Super-Max prison…
How long until he’s suicided..
There is a lot of pressure on authorities to top the otherworldly absurdity of death by toilet paper in the Epstein comedy.
Really, they set the bar so ridiculously high on the Epstein narrative, they didn’t leave themselves anywhere to go but down.
We’ll see. They could still surprise, maybe a botched alien abduction, but this time caught on security cameras.
Not sure if that would actually top the ludicrosity of Epstein’s demise.
But the American People would definitely go for ye olde alien abduction-turned-murder saga. Or better yet, the aliens tried to abduct Chauvin, but he fought them off and then killed himself rather than allow himself to be taken alive, and died clutching an arm ripped from one of the alien abductors.
An ‘alien relic’, an actual body part claimed to have been left behind by aliens, would beat the Epstein story, IMO.
The administration’s biggest problem isn’t even the narrative, or even manufacturing the evidence.
Their biggest problem is, where are they going to find someone like Billy Bagpipes, who can deliver the news with a semi-credible straight face, holding the little gray arm ripped by Chauvin from the body of an alien, and waving it triumphantly over his head?
There is only one person I can even think of who has the gravitas to pull something like that off.
He’s a man of many faces, but this is the face he makes when he’s describing another completely unbelievable prison suicide:
Don’t disagree with your thoughts but Chauvin is the very embodiment of the White Racist Pohleece Devil.
The inmate who shanks him,breaks his neck or pummels him to death will be immortalized…right up there with St. Michael Brown or St Trayvon…he will never be without a full snack account $, his family will be given whatever they desire
I tuned out on this awhile ago except for the body cam footage where you could SEE the pills he was swallowing, and the medical examiner’s report confirming it.
I don’t see how someone gets charged with murder without intent. On the other hand, is there intent after a certain amount of time? Chauvin is a big city cop, this wasn’t his first rodeo. He KNOWS what a drugged-out guy (or an overdose) looks and acts like. The pills with GF’s saliva were found in the back of the police car. But it did not appear to concern him. And on top of that he knew George Floyd.
Too much time holding him down, very bad look and everyone has a camera. And so it goes.
Given the number of Democrats thanking George Floyd for sacrificing himself, I’m beginning to wonder if it was suicide for a cause. Was his family paid off?
That was the $27M, wasn’t it?
Was it? Honestly, this is really starting to take on the aura of a planned event, George Floyd dying.
Never left that thought. Floyd’s the first sacrifice, the unplanned sacrifice is happening now.
It wouldn’t surprise me. Nothing would anymore.
It always seemed WAY off to me that Chauvin could be that obtuse — like he was putting on a show. Being as outrageous as possible.
I agree. He obstinately refused to even check Floyd, even with bystanders imploring him.
Yep $27million awarded to family and defense was upset It happened during jury selection. They had to re-question 3-4 previously selected jurors. Suspicious Timing

yes, family got $27M, right smack dab during the jury selection process. It reeked. They had to re-question at least 4 already selected jurors to be sure the judgement wouldn’t affect their opinion. Tend to believe settlement timing was planned.
They were paid for sure but Floyd was doing what junkies do. Drugged out of his mind and passing counterfeit bills. Happens hundreds of times daily in the good ole USA. The odds were against him and Chauvin that day…….every LEO better really weigh whether their odds are better .
$27 big ones. Sounds like a payoff to me.
Tax free, to boot.
Why didn’t his lawyer request appeal right then and there?
Must not have been written in the script?
Ironically, finding a bunch of people who don’t believe the Fake News could facilitate that.
A lot of people here, following that rule, have decided he must actually be not guilty, but I think most of us could, if asked to serve on a jury, disregard the YSM bloviating, disregard the temptation to assume the opposite because we do know the YSM bloviates, and thus pay attention to the arguments and evidence actually presented by the court.
We would’ve been screened out as jurors.
Charitably, because they don’t believe anyone can be objective if you ever heard anything about the case.
Uncharitably, because they are afraid that we actually would be objective.
Wait…how many people did Chauvin supposedly kill?
Symbolically the entire black race
His attorneys were terrible.
Any halfway competent lawyer would have put Chauvin in black-face make-up to mitigate the prosecution’s racially charged overtones.
With lipstick and dressed in a tutu.
Chauvin the Conqueror?
Thousands, at least.
I heard that he ate most of his victims alive.
Chauvinist PIG, so to speak…
The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves…
Adams, Washington, and probably most of the others said that the Constitution and the Republic as they framed it would only function under a moral, Christian society.
We have neither, anymore, sad to say.
So I’m not surprised at what is happening now. Disappointed, gutted, but not surprised.
May GOD forgive, heal, CORRECT, and Save us all.
Because no one else can, or will…..
Just as a side note, over here in Beautiful Downtown (woke) Deutschland, there are almost NO WHITES in any ads. The few who do appear do so as part of a mixed couple, e.g. white/mozzie, white/black. Any white/white couples or families are frowned upon, and banished to the back pages of the papers or ads…
Folks, we’re committing CULTURECIDE. Unless we stand up to this, and fight it, we will probably be the first and only culture to kill itself…….
Shades of “The Mouse That Roared” and “The Mouse On The Moon”, both by Leonard Wibberly… who probably would be horrified that his satire actually became true…..
It’s so in your face anymore with there literally never being a white couple with kids, that when you see a commercial with all white people you actually notice. Kubota Tractors.
Last night watching tv I was so distracted by it that I thought about writing every company and saying that their ads not only are racist but that I won’t purchase anything they advertise because they obviously aren’t seeking my money BUT of course I didn’t do it. Too lazy, too apathetic and bit scared that I’d go in some data base of lunatics that need FIB involvement.
Owned by the Japanese, who have strict dress codes if you happen to work at a US plant.
Count 4 – 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, breathing while white — Guilty
Guilty. All counts.
Let the celebratory rioting begin (not much different from the angry rioting we’d have got the other way).
Immediate appeal. I bet he wont get it overturned despite whats going on.
I’m pretty sure that celebratory rioting happens at night which is determined to be a non issue because it’s after dark per judge in Seattle or somewhere up there
Oh, look, you can go to Faux News and see what OJ Simpson has to say about the trial as well as Derp State Ambassator Maxine’s comments.
Uh…No Thank You!!!!
Ok… If guilty on Count 1, then automatically guilty on lesser charges because they’re included in Count 1. Appeal will be automatic.
Correction, appeal will happen after sentencing.
Still automatic, just not quite as soon.
Since this isn’t the Flynn case, though, sentencing might be fairly soon.
I’m seeing reports that sentencing has been set for a date that’s 8 weeks out Steve….
But the other case’s sentencing dragged on for over a year. (Was it Flynn? Or someone else?)
It was Flynn.
That’s what I got but when someone compared eight weeks to his situation…I thought I might be thinking of the wrong guy.
Oh no. That will be cause for more riots, no matter what the sentence is.
Those who follow politics closely know there’s very little chance of a not guilty verdict. Too many political operatives and big interests at stake. is now up!
april 20, 2021 the marshall report
Join Mike Lindell and all the people who are fighting for “WE THE PEOPLE” and all who make up “WE THE PEOPLE” on his new social media platform! To watch video of “Absolute Truth” go to: Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and The Theft of America by Enemies Foreign and Domestic | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Okay…this is weird.
VERY strange.
But who hath believed our report?
I wonder if he got the Chinese or Russian vaccine?
Aug 29, 2019
One suspects that Mr. Hejazi received a dose of the very special “Mossad Vaccine”.
Finally we get the real authority on justice…
Ahhh, these protesters get it. Guilty verdict means nothing…commence mayhem and destruction
I was a teen watching Reginald Denny get beat to hell on live tv. This is precursor behavior.
I thinkbthey will commit violence on anyone white, bc justice or something, andvthe continued narrative.
Filthy Turk – Hagia Sofia –
If you followed the recent confrontation in NagornoᐧKarabakh, you’ll know this is serious:
Edging for continued presence in the region? Want’s more money to build against threat?
Maybe just acquiescence?
Try the Trump doctrine. Walk away and warn them if you have to come back your going to stomp all over their garden.
A missile from the sea, a MOAB crater.
Found at NeonRevolt, comment on the Chauvin verdict:
Memelord For Hire: “bros it’s not over yet we have to see what the mail-in jury ballots say at 3 a.m.”
Andrew Torba:
Top o’ the day to all you Wolfmoon qtree peeps. The ol’ man has been lurking as much as I can with a full plate these days. Needed a mental health break

Feeling all right
My best fishing Buddyson
You break as you need. Others have. I have! Enjoy your fishing.
Have you seen this???
Wow. Getting worse by the minute
It’s unconscionable to be giving the control groups for the CCP Virus “vaccines” studies the actual product!
The Vaccine company argument doesn’t wash because of the remedials available for people who come down with CV.
Major part of the problem right here.
Protest selfies. How areogant, conceited, and depraved our society has become just since 2008.
NLG is the pro-socialist National Lawyers Guild.
Excellent piece. Read it. Share it.
Revolver News Official
Barring a miracle in the appeals process, Chauvin will spend decades if not the rest of his life in prison. It’s unfair and unjust, the greatest travesty of the criminal courts since O.J. Simpson went free two and a half decades ago.
Mob rule has taken over in America, which means that law and order is dead, and the Constitutional right to due process has been shredded beyond recognition. It’s not so much that the left-wing mob knows that it can tamper with judges and juries with impunity. Rather, the mob is incited to tamper with juries and judges by the press arm of the Global American Empire, with the full weight and backing of the ruling class governing establishment of the Global American Empire.
Ep. 2457a – How Do You Defeat The [CB], You Give The People A Choice
X22 Report Published April 20, 2021
Ep. 2457b – Confirmed, Patriots Have It All, Good People Are Acting On The Information
X22 Report Published April 20, 2021
The [CB] is making its move, they are trying to usher in the Great Reset, but this time there is a problem, the people have a choice. When the [CB] moved the people from the gold standard to fiat the people didn’t understand what was happening, now the people understand and they see the choice in front of them. The verdict is in for the trial of Derek Chauvin, will the people riot? The MSM/Ds have been pushing the people to riot if the verdict is not what they want. The patriots have it all, the election fraud was captured, they have the ips, the attacks, the flipping of the votes. They have the code. Good people are acting on the information. This is not about a 4 year election , this is about breaking their system.
The House voted down a resolution that would have censured Rep. #MaxineWaters.
The party-line vote saw 216 Democrats reject the resolution and 210 Republicans back it. 2 members from each party did not vote.
Some Democrat PAC is sending me vaccine text spam. Why is a political super pac pushing the vaccine?
Also, this reminds me of my most recent trip to the supermarket. They usually have some sort of soft music in the background, but this time they had a PSA. I didn’t catch the first part, but I did hear “the vaccine is here and everything will be better soon.”
From Gab.

Environmentally friendly products, not the best, but this is sickening. They are located in Vermont.
Please dont purchase at this point.
Seventh Generation (@SeventhGen) Tweeted:
We support defunding the police like we support keeping fossil fuels in the ground. It’s imperative we divest from systems of harm and invest in regenerative systems for all. (3/4)
Seventh Generation (@SeventhGen) Tweeted:
Seventh Generation commits to supporting efforts to #DefundthePolice. (4/4)
What’ s the alternative to getting rid of police? The sharia method ? The gangland method ? Neighborhoods with armed enforcers who have their own “laws” ?
Door # 4, Molly!!!
It’s always been a bit abstract but with the way things are going I think some bad changes could actually happen. Our world is devolving.
The things the crowds are saying right now and the things Congressmen/women are saying’s ominous to me.
Equal under the law is being obliterated
It has to happen, Molly – they are acting out – what they have kept under wraps – it will get worse before it gets better – however – until LAW & ORDER are restored in this nation – they will continue to destroy what we hold dear.
We are a nation of Laws – and we must have Order to prevail – those who have betrayed their oaths to the Constitution will pay dearly – until we take back our country – this will continue to happen.
Remember – they are everywhere – and they are getting paid to disrupt – once the errant unconstitutional illegitimate government in every state and in DC are removed – order will be restored.
The CongressCritters that are spewing hatred will no longer hold office – how many of them were ‘selected’ through fraudulent means – the Team already knows – they have the election results from 2018 – this is not new – it has been happening for a long time.
It will end – of that I am certain – there will be a shaking from sea to shining sea – and God will have the last word!
Very bad things are afoot, and the military leaders are complicit. Prove me wrong military!
It’s insanity. They are either not thinking it through, or they are brain-dead.
And to those saying Floyd’s death paved the way to some kind of victory tonight…I don’t get it. This trial was not a referendum on police (though I know they want to make it that). They’re using it to boost their racist agenda against white people in general, and all law enforcement. Our country is swirling down the toilet, and I don’t know who is going to stop it.
Seventh Generation is owned by Unilever, which is a European conglomerate that also does business in China. Unilever also owns Ben & Jerry’s, which came out with their own anti-police statement last week. Funny how this multi-national corporation doesn’t think Americans should have police, but they’ve got no problem with police departments in their own country, or the brutal police state in China.
The disconnect is unbelievable
Excellent point, Sadie! Maybe we need to start passing that around big time. They aren’t the only multi-national corporation talking about defunding the police.
Ahhhh, thank you for the background.
black and brown?
how ’bout peaches and cream?
Fishers of Men – 20210419
Turning evil for good…
Peace Be Still – 20210420
BardsFM, A Conversation with Jim Pugh – 20210419
Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) Tweeted:
Biden uses a single verdict to slander and disparage police officers, local law enforcement — and effectively a nation — as VP Harris stands behind him…
Meanwhile, his DOJ is a politicized cesspool.
America does have a problem:
Systemic Governmental Corruption.
The latest police involved shooting. Columbus today