Dear KAG: 20210421 Open Thread

Alright, enough of that.

Tuesday morning started out like this:

And so the Democrats defeated the Republican effort to censure Mad Maxine 216-210.

Well…at least the Republicans showed up.

And then later in the afternoon, a jury in Minnesota voted to convict Derek Chauvin on all counts of murder and related murder charges despite an autopsy that says Chauvin did not kill the man who was hyped up on fentanyl when he expired under Chauvin’s knee.

And of course:

Is the San Francisco freak kidding?

If Minneapolis burns tonight, will a sitting member of Congress be charged with crossing state lines to incite a riot? How about MSNBC? Or will somebody do the truly courageous thing and follow the money to who is financing the mercenaries, as if we ultimately do not know?????

As for Mad Maxine, the other side was crowing:

As for what happens to Mad Maxine now, it probably depends on the dirt she has on everyone else in Congress. After all, Washington has long been a town that’s run on blackmail, and Maxine Waters does not impress as a woman known to hold secrets unless she can benefit from them.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1808e1 No.10966994 
Oct 7 2020 14:07:51 (EST)

Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?
Dirty laundry [blackmail] controls DC?
Why are they protected?
Threats, bribes & blackmail or sharing of ‘like-beliefs’?
Dark Secrets.
“Let’s see what happens.”

Really, it has been for a couple centuries at least.

Food for thought:

And now from a movie that was all about blackmail in Washington, D. C.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JOHN 6:35-40

35Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. 36But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. 37All that the Father gives me will come to me; and him who comes to me I will not cast out. 38For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me; 39and this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up at the last day. 40For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

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Camel majesty. And the verdict will be overturned.

Have somebody send Mad Maxine some flowers and a thank you note.


I really hope you are correct. I think the Left, including BLM and Antifa, is making everyone afraid to counter their wishes and diktats. If someone doesn’t stand up to them now, it will one day be too late.


Alan Dershowitz agrees.


We have to assume that the jury heard what Maxine Waters said, what Sharpton said, what Crump said, what others said. I think jurors knew that if they came out with a verdict, other than murder, the top charge there would be violence on the streets. Every mayor was prepared for that. Every police chief was prepared for that. Why do we think the jury didn’t know that and didn’t allow it to enter its consideration? After all, the jurors were potential targets. Their names were released. If they had come to “the wrong verdict” they might be expected to be treated the way one of the witnesses was treated… painted in blood. I think the jurors learned that if they didn’t come up with the right verdict there businesses would suffer, their schools, their neighborhoods… That’s why I believe the case may very well be reversed.


How does a juror, a human being, do that?

How do you live with yourself?

How do you ever look yourself in the mirror, knowing what you did to an innocent man, with malice aforethought?

What if you were that innocent man?

You have to think through the possibilities before you ever sit on that jury. If you think you can’t deliver a just verdict because of outside pressure, then you better say that during voir dire.

What are they going to do, console themselves that they acted for the ‘greater good’?

If individual rights are not protected, then there are no rights at all, and there is no ‘greater good’ which is served. Only evil is served.

All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to remain silent.

In a murder trial, it only takes ONE GOOD MAN to stop a rogue jury.


How do you sit in the jury room, and everyone acknowledges that the defendant is innocent, but you’re going to convict him of murder on all counts, to prevent Soros & the Kenyan usurper’s shock-troops from burning down blue cities?


What are they going to do, console themselves that they acted for the ‘greater good’?

I don’t know what went on in that jury room, but the mindset the Left fosters is “ends justify the means,” against individual rights. That’s why they want to do away with our founding documents (and thus the country).


Lolita Express flyer, who only partook of the elderly German masseuse: “Their names were released.


That’s grounds for a mistrial right there.

The only way the intimidation could be more obvious is if BLM sat behind each juror with a knife to their throats.


That is one tricked-out camel.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. What a day. I was ready for hump day!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eastern Cornbelt Antifa. FROM GAB.

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Joseph A. Camp

I freaking love you all Fams.

I am heading back to get some sleep. The team is monitoring everything happening… boy nationwide we had a lot going on tonight, but I think we did good covering today. I hope we did good.

Love each other, hug each other, be awesome.

Make sure to follow the socials:

I leave you a crowd if parasitic Antifa in Columbus, Ohio doing what they do best.

[video src="" /]

1 comment

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Drop Youtube, Use Rumble
Drop Twitter, Use Gab
Drop Google, Use DuckDuckGo
Drop Chrome, Use Dissenter


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know who needs a baby kangaroo, but here it is anyway.

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From GAB

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Awww, baby joey, sooo cute. ❤🥰😊❤


I guess I needed a baby 🦘. That is adorable.

Deplorable Patriot

Do you know a baby of any species that isn’t just cute? It’s so their parents don’t kill them.


Parents or passers-by.


Yep, ‘cuteness’ in offspring is thought to be a survival mechanism.

There has been a lot of study on it, and scientists think that it triggers protective and caregiving instincts in adults.




Look at the depth in that expressiion. In contrast to those people with nothing behind their eyes.


Yes, that baby has such soulful eyes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was thinking that one or the bashing of the acoustic guitar might be Blutonian responses to TOO MUCH KINDA CREEPY MARSUPIAL CUTENESS!!!  😅 

Deplorable Patriot

You’re right. The guy torturing the rest of the group with that singing just needed to be stopped.


Kangaroos do have uteri, and develop rudimentary placentas for fertilized eggs, but “give birth” to baby kangaroos after only about 33 days. At that time, the babies are not fully formed, hairless, and blind, but they climb up the fur on the outside of their mother’s pouch in about 3-5 minutes and slip into her pouch, using only their forelegs (their giant rear legs develop later). As soon as one starts to nurse, the kangaroo becomes fertile again.

Unlike opossums, who do roughly the same thing in bunches (and tend to lose some in the process), kangaroos tend to do one at a time and their success rate is pretty good, despite babies being only roughly the size of large beans.

Most of the development that other animals would do in the womb nourished by a placenta is done in the pouch nourished by milk. The milk’s composition varies as development continues. If a developing joey is joined by a younger sibling, each joey’s nipple can have a custom blend of milk for their stage of development (there are four nipples available). They start to leave the pouch at about 180-320 days.

To show just how shaky some of these time estimates are, if a mother is fertilized on day 1, gives birth on day 35, is impregnated (again) on day 40….she can just “freeze” the development of the second embryo for a month, and give birth to it on day 100.

So the baby kangaroo pictured above probably did its “crawl or die” birth eight months ago, and is ready to get around and start meeting people now.


This is what a newborn kangaroo really looks like, just after it found a nipple.

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Apologies to anyone who goes “that’s not cute”…..but it is too freakin’ amazing not to share. Born in the usual place, crawls up mom’s belly fur looking like that and into the pouch, attaches….and voila!


Like many other observations, it starts to inform one regarding human abortion. That little jellybean was born, then independently crawled up the OUTSIDE of its mother, exposed to the elements, crawled back into a pouch, found a nipple, and latched on. I wonder what sort of stories a kangaroo abortionist would tell to try to justify removing it from a teat and discarding it.


If you have a car accident with a female kangaroo, you’re supposed to check her pouch and there are agencies you can have on speed-dial to try to save her babies.


Where has Ozzy been?!?!?


Good question!

Deplorable Patriot

She was caught in the bin for a bit, but she’s surfaced.



Sadie Slays

Reminder that President Trump won in a historic landslide. Most of America voted against this Clown World.


Yes 80 million Trump against 66 million ‘His Fraudulency’..
That is what analysts came up with
China alone affected all the five swing states with just 19 attacks. REALPOTUS won those states with large margins.
See: Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute Interference’

Ep. 2457b – Confirmed, Patriots Have It All, Good People Are Acting On The Information

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why the Dems are getting nervous.


I don’t know how it’s possible that [JB] received even 10 million votes, nationwide.

He literally couldn’t get 20 people to show up at a rally. Flat-line, zero enthusiasm.

While DJT could get 100,000 at any venue that could hold that many. People camping out for days, even on short notice.

And yet DJT only won by 80 to 66?

I don’t know how to reconcile that with my own lying eyes!

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I’d read or seen somewhere that Trump got about 100 million & Joe 30 some million votes. One pre-fraud map had Trump w/ 410 electoral votes, including winning California!


I don’t usually watch videos of shootings, but I watched the one of the 15-year-old Columbus girl being shot by police. (It doesn’t show blood and it’s not clear on what part of her body she was hit; she just goes down.) I’m so appalled at the primitive behavior of a number of people in that video that it’s hard for me to realize a human being has been killed. I’m sorry for her death, and I know people are mourning for her. That said, she was about to stab a girl with a knife. At that point the officer shot her. Will any of the “protesters” admit the truth? The officer saved another girl’s life.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Primitive is right. I’m disturbed by the base animalistic violent destructive fighting nature of all these people. What’s wrong with them? No one taught them any better? They know not God. Their souls know no peace whatsoever. It’s Biblical.
A civilized society cannot function this way. This MUST stop.


Too late. It is what the democrats have fostered within the inner cities for decades. Now it will spread out to the burbs. This is generational.


welcome to Zimbabwe

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s the image. It was a VERY good, VERY fast, VERY appropriate response.

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It was a VERY good, VERY fast, VERY appropriate response.

Yep, absolutely.

The girl in pink was about to be skewered, possibly killed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She was VERY scared, and half-way up on the hood. It was all EXTREMELY fast.

I mean, I had to WORK to get that freeze-frame, because she pulled that knife back lightning fast and THAT is when he started shooting her.

EXCELLENT police work.


Sad to say, the perp looks well-practiced.

It’s a “good shoot” no matter how old the perp. And we’ll just have to see if it generates yet another insane circus.


Yep, excellent work.

That’s what ‘Protect & Serve’ looks like.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Guy should be a hero, and instead the DEMONIC Psychocrats go after him like bloodthirsty piranha.


Yes, just another decent leo that they will destroy to push their agenda.

Sorry for all the decent folks living in these areas but frankly I’m to the point where I say bleep it. Leo should just walk away and let these beasts kill each other off.


I wouldn’t take an LEO patrol position at a million bucks a month right now. Things are at bad craziness levels.


I have a friend that left recently and she’s much happier since.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too bad there can’t be a list of people who voluntarily tell the city “Send No Cops”.


I’m really surprised at the lack of overpenetration.


You win today’s internet for diplomacy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s a closer look. There is actually a small cat or dog at the feet of the victim and the attacker – somehow not stepped on.

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Here is the video:



Sheesh. Couldn’t the officer have just shot the perp in the tuchis?

I mean, “center mass” — amirite?


The cops knew the stabber meant business when they saw she had her rainbow fighting crocs on.


I noticed that little animal in the video. I was surprised that it was in the vicinity with all the yelling beforehand.

In that video, for a quick moment you can see the girl in pink sitting off to the right side. Her life will never be quite the same.


I SO want to play that howling wolf video. But if I did, my dog would be in here howling with them, and she’s sleeping so nicely.  😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Patrick Byrne has changed the name of his Telegram channel because he is devoting it to restoring election integrity.

Patrick Byrne’s America Project
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT – I have changed the name of this channel from “Patrick M. Byrne” to “America Project”, the name of a new organization I and some others have formed to continue the work with some fellow-travellers, dolphin-speakers, etc. Since all 129,063 of you joined since January, I have to assume that the great bulk of you are interested in the subject of election integrity. And yesterday, we launched that organization to restore election integrity. Rather than have it start from scratch, I am just turning this personal channel into that organization’s channel (thus saving time getting to a meaningful mass of subscribers).

Patrick Byrne’s America Project
I will be moving my personal social media outlet to, which seems more appropriate for the kinds of content I want to add.

Patrick Byrne’s America Project
Check us out at or work!)

Barb Meier

Thanks, I just joined!


Techno_Fog on Telegram

Jury finds Officer Chauvin guilty of on all counts…Estimated prison sentence: 10.5 years (max 40).


Wow – Oh, Wow!!! Great Post & Insight!!!

Thanks, DP – for putting this all together!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Candace is spot on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is getting BAD.


welcome to Zimbabwe

(my mantra for today)


If he was not actually guilty, then you must set him free.

If you don’t, then you don’t have a country.

And there are no consequences for a country greater than having no country.

What is the expression, part of the foundation of our system, better that 10 guilty men go free, than one innocent man be condemned?

The American system, grounded in the British Common Law, has long erred on the side of protecting innocence. Thus we presume an accused person’s innocence until they are proven guilty.

As the preeminent English jurist William Blackstone wrote,”[B]etter that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.” This principle can also be found in religious texts and in the writings of the American Founders.

Benjamin Franklin went further arguing “it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer.”

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

And each one of these events and every additional day of riots just empowers their delusion. Add in the media, politicians and celebs cheering them on.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Deplorable Patriot

Umm…Greitens is running for Blunt’s seat. I think McCloskey should find another spot. Greitens can get full support across the state. Although, the liberals around here really can’t stand McCloskey.

Ooh. This is a hard one.


From Gab. (Actually, this is probably what the cabal wants).

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was the city near Aubergine, in Idaho, I believe, that defended themselves against ANTIFA, and ran ANTIFA out of town. And then the Fake News Press called that a conspiracy theory.


Coeur D’Alene, Idaho is a beautiful little town. It’s on a lake, and in small mountains. I love going there in the summer.

I can tell you that if Antifa got cute and wanted to show up where I live, it would look something like this. I am surrounded by militia here.

And also interestingly, there is a large group of Bandidos in a town nearby. They would also likely be involved.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bandidos! I had forgotten all about them. They don’t get as much press as the others.


Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days’ concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Is this a flaming joke, or are they going to re-invent HCQ with a different name and a patent+big profit.

“A PILL to kill third wave: Boris Johnson launches ‘ambitious’ new ‘antivirals taskforce’ so Britons can take tablets for Covid at home ‘by autumn”

  • Government is launching an ‘antivirals taskforce’ to find two drugs by autumn for people to take at home
  • They will be pills to take at home before serious Covid develops, officials say, reducing need for hospital beds
  • Government staff, university scientists and pharmaceutical company experts will be on panel
  • Most will be vaccinated by that time but drugs will help control local outbreaks and squash spikes in cases
  • UK today announced 2,524 Covid cases and 33 more deaths – small rises from last Tuesday

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

HCQ and Ivermectin. 2 pills ✔


IKR tis a ruddy obvious of them.


God only knows what stuff they will put in them.

This sounds like they are changing tactics because they’ve lost the vax narrative.


Yep. They’ve lost the vax narrative, are losing the Pharma narrative, and are seeing cracks around the medicine narrative and Big Ag narratives. Pretty soon, we’ll all be living markedly healthier, better lives ingesting teas, decoctions, and foods approved by hedge witches.


This hedge witch DEFINITELY approves!

Deplorable Patriot

This sounds like they are changing tactics because they’ve lost the vax narrative.

Yep. I’m seeing that in a number of sites I follow. The people are not buying it.

It’s a beautiful thing to see.


Yes, it is beautiful!

I think we all knew there would be a certain number of “sheep” who would take whatever was presented, and then it would level off.

We have to be vigilant about the “next thing.”

Because seriously, why wouldn’t they just prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ? They work just fine. WE know why.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These are drugs already in development by Big Pharma. I’ve been reading about them. They’re new antivirals with oral activity. Boris is just doing Covid Kabuki around what they’ve already planned.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXPENSIVE new drugs.


“These are drugs already in development by Big Pharma. I’ve been reading about them. They’re new antivirals with oral activity.”


So they’re fixing HCQ and Ivermectin, because neither one is broke?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, they’re not even that good, IMO. These will be BROKEN compared to HCQ and IVM.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
This smells like another way to get the gene-modification and other population-control elements delivered to the unsuspecting masses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could be. Pre-fab antibodies could be targeted. The antivirals – would have to be some kind of side-effect.


Most will be vaccinated by that time but drugs will help control local outbreaks and squash spikes in cases


I wonder what kind of local outbreak is possible, if most will be vaxxinated by that time?

Curioser and curiouser…

Deplorable Patriot

It sure sounds like they’re going to trademark another name for the stuff.

It’s all about the $$$ oops…there’s no character for pounds and Euro on this keyboard.


Yup. Soon to be released “latest study” shows a repackaged, renamed drugs, when combined HCQ/Ivermectin prevents Covid. Dosage adjusted.

Who Knew? Yea, we’ve known for a year, what the feds, FauXi and pharma have lied about.

If only the fourth rail, fake news was on the side of TRUTH. We’d have won this last spring.

Recurring TRUTH, it IS all about $$$, power and control over the masses.


Sylvia Avery

Good job summing up where we are at today, D Pat. Kinda grim, really. But I am hanging in there, holding the line, and waiting. I’m not good at waiting is my problem. I don’t know what else to do other than to keep praying for our country. And sharpening my shovel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be careful, if you sharpen it too much you’ll grind the whole darn thing away!

How are you doing?

Sylvia Avery

Getting better all the time! How are you?


I dunno about Steve, but every day you’re getting better, I’m getting better.

Sylvia Avery

Coothie! TY! ❤❤❤


Glad to hear you’re getting better, Syl!

Hope the healing continues…what a terrible ordeal you’ve gone through.
 💖 {{{{{Sylvia}}}}} 💖 

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Wheatie! I am just stunned and amazed at how well I have come back from it. I have been so incredibly blessed!


I’m so glad, my friend.🥰

God is great.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Glad to hear you’re better and ‘shovel ready’, we need all warriors on the battlefield. ☺🤗😍😘🥰🤩😎❤❤❤

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not too shabby and Darwin is closing in on his third birthday!


Hi Sylvia! Hope you are having a great day!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day!!!

And it’s also Joe Biden didn’t win day.

Notice to the clueless: Tomorrow will be a repeat of Joe Biden didn’t win day. And that sentence is literally true no matter when you read it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Joe Biden is still

a fraudulent loser


Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the best I could do on short notice.  😃 


Hey boss, I’ve been having trouble with the Source Code { } function in the comment box.

It seems to work fine…the video appears for preview, in the comment box.

But when I hit ‘Post Comment’ the video doesn’t show up.

Your instructions in your thread on this, are for Rumble videos:

But the function is supposed to work on others, like Bitchute and Revolver, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As far as I can tell now, it ONLY works on HTML that uses IFRAME to handle the videos.

Here is an amazing polly video from bitchute.

Looks like it’s working! I used the “share” and then “clipboard” and then “embed”, which led to iframe code that looks like this:

<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src=""></iframe>

Yup…that’s what I have been doing, choosing the ‘iframe’ code.
But no luck.

I’ll keep trying, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I typically paste the iframe code at the very end of the code that’s already in the window. I set up everything the way I want, so that the video will go at the end, then hit the {} button, paste the code at the end, close the window, make any changes, post the comment, and see if it worked.


I noticed in your tutorial, you don’t make a space between your typed text and the code for the video.

That is what I’ve done differently, come to think of it.
I put a line of space between the text and the video code…while in the popup box.

I will try it without the space.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I avoid typing ANY text in the {} window unless it’s pure HTML using tags around every single character – otherwise the system will try to wrap and balance tags when you close that window. That may be what’s happening to you, although it does seem weird that just one space would throw things off.


I don’t type text in the window.

I type a line or two, then open the {} window…and the text is already in there, with a bit of code around it.


Okay, I just tried to post a Rumble video below…as a reply to Eilert’s comment:

It didn’t work.😔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it worked for me. Not sure why.


Thanks for editing that.

And I used the same code that you showed in the spoiler box…the same “embeddable player” code.

No idea why it wouldn’t work for me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure, but I continue to ponder the problem!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The effect I was trying for was to have “A fraudulent loser” show up in a box, sort of like Lucy’s “Psychologist is [IN] today”


C-C shoots themselves in the head a second time.


Mikovitz: COVID Vaccines Could Cause Irreversible Harm! CDC NOT Telling You – (We) Are The News

COVID Vaccines Could Cause Irreversible Harm! CDC NOT Telling You

Dr. Judy Mikovits

27 min podcast, Dr. Judy starts @~19min.

Dr Judy:

If you’ve already had the virus, synthetic antibodies could dramatically exacerbate what we have been trying to stop due to pathogenic priming – whereby your immune system becomes destroyed.

Cause the synthetic RNA will cause every cell of the body to produce synthetic antibodies that disable the body’s natural immune response, not just to Covid-19. Makes it hard for body to tell the dif between our own cells and invasive cells. Masking makes it worse bc that cripples the immune system, as well.

Dr. Judy predicts that this combo will also increase incidence of sterilization, multiple sclerosis, blood clots, brain bleeds, cancers, alzheimers.

see for more.

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Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So the answer for those who have already had the virus, is don’t take the vaxx.

And the answer for those who haven’t had the virus yet, is don’t take the vaxx.

I think that about covers it then. 👍😁


That’s how you charge through an ambush.

“We can’t surrender our illegally seized powers until there’s a vaccine.”

[*Casually drops a few billion on the table, Pharma coughs up three vaccines*]

“Er, people have stopped taking them….”

“That’s because people now see you as useless a**holes.”


Well it was a dead giveaway when TPTB came out and said:

“Uh, you still have to wear a mask, keep your distance and we’re still doing lockdowns.”


^^^ Yea. Everyday I continue to be stunned by the ignorance we witness around us. Across the country.

It really takes minimal critical thinking to deduce the vaccine is worthless when:

  • CDC recommends continuing masks (which we know don’t work and IS unhealthy).
  • CDC recommends continuing social distancing (which we know doesn’t work).
  • CDC recmmends continuing shutdowns (which we know doesn’t work and is unhealthy).

It IS fricking unbelievable, so many folks can’t see the sham foisted on America, the global community.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cover-up. IMO, it’s not just about selling vaccines or pushing vaccines – it’s about covering up the superior natural immunity from the disease.




SECOND STUDY This Time From CDC WEBSITE Confirms Stanford Study on Face Masks Being Harmful – Cause Serious Side Effects (

In March, the Hayride reported on the results of another mask study posted on June 10, 2020, at the CDC website. This study confirms our reporting from yesterday that masks aren’t just a nuisance but can cause serious health problems. The article recently uncovered was published by the CDC and it states in black and white the side-effects of wearing a mask, specifically related to the masks trapping carbon dioxide or CO2. The article states the masks cause breathing resistance that could result in a reduction in the frequency and depth of breathing, known as hypoventilation, in as little as an hour of wearing a mask. The article further went on to elaborate on the side-effects of increased CO2 concentrations in the mask wearer that include:


  • Increased pressure inside the skull;
  • Nervous system changes (e.g., increased pain threshold, reduction in cognition – altered judgement, decreased situational awareness, difficulty coordinating sensory or cognitive, abilities and motor activity, decreased visual acuity, widespread activation of the sympathetic nervous system that can oppose the direct effects of CO2 on the heart and blood vessels);
  • Increased breathing frequency;
  • Increased “work of breathing”, which is result of breathing through a filter medium;
  • Cardiovascular effects (e.g., diminished cardiac contractility, vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels);
  • Reduced tolerance to lighter workloads.

The Hayride reports:

The Hayride has covered this in the past specifically regarding the cognitive loss caused by COVID masks trapping CO2 where according to a Harvard Study breathing in as little as 945 PPM of CO2 lowers cognitive ability 15% and at 1400 PPM of CO2 cognitive ability reduces by 50%… What is also disturbing is not only the brain damage that is caused by the masks, but the adverse cardiovascular effects on the heart and lungs along with the reduction of blood sugar and dehydration.

We also discovered that the Stanford report from our article yesterday was censored by Twitter last week when former Trump campaign staffer, Steve Cortes, tweeted out the results of this study.

Why are US medical experts not telling Americans of the dangers of wearing masks?  Why is Big Tech censoring this message?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. GLAD people are finally doing the right studies.

PBS *LIED* about this cognitive stuff, too. LIED.

The Bidening of America – How Cognitive Decline is Being Forced Upon Us All Through the ChiNazis’ Useful Idiots, the Mask Nazis

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TL;DR – skip down to “Crucial Experiment” and read how you can prove to yourself that masks cause real and measurable cognitive decline that lasts long after you unmask. NPR and other leftists who say masks don’t affect you and your children are LYING. LOOK, it’s time to be blunt. Senility – Cognitive Decline – …


So what they’re really saying is that I’m not getting smarter, it just seems that way, because most other people are getting dumber

I could find a way to make this work for me… 😂




NHS whistleblower on what is actually happening in UK hospitals – (We) Are The News

Pandemic Podcast

don’t how this is still on YT but it is.

Whistleblowing on the ‘Overrun’ NHS with Kirsty Miller

posted yesterday

17 hours ago

YT vid of Scottish NHS nurse who quit bc she couldn’t stand the lies. Hard to listen to bc audio quality on nurse’s end is poor; why this is, she says, she’s never done this before, did a viral video when she left the NHS, this is a follow up vid.

Worth watching bc she’s been on the frontlines and witnessed all the lies. All thru the “pandemic”, nothing has made sense – the way patients are treated, what the public is told about hospital capacity, now about the flood of people going to hospital with vax reactions. Nobody is admitting this is what’s happening.

“Every day, nothing was making sense. I can’t bear to watch the news, it’s all lies.”

She’s been contacted by hundreds of doctors and nurses since speaking out.


uk frontline nurses on telegram

Post 46872 16 hours ago • View on 8kun

More on this podcast:

Pandemic Podcast

Night after night a recurring media theme over the past year has been harrowing images of over-stretched staff in their PPE rushing from bed to bed in overflowing ICU wards.

This unrelenting barrage of distress has underpinned the entire ‘protect the NHS’ messaging campaign but is what we’ve been seeing — and still see, even now — a complete picture of what’s actually been going on? More and more health staff are now speaking out, putting their livelihoods in peril and jeopardising professional and other relationships in the process.

Among them is Kirsty Miller, an experienced nurse who worked for NHS Tayside and quit at the end of March after raising in vain a growing catalogue of concerns with her managers, her union, government health bodies, and the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

The emotional video she made sitting in a hospital car park after working her last shift went viral, and now Kirsty wants as many people as possible to start questioning what’s happening in the NHS and care sector.

Kirsty joins me at 17:00​ GMT today, 24th April, when she’ll be sharing her story, touching on empty wards, elderly patients being pushed to sign DNRs, and how her whistleblowing at a Dundee care home early last year also fell on deaf ears.


elderly patients being pushed to sign DNRs [Do Not Resuscitate]

I’m seeing this here. They are nudging (and sometimes pushing) people into allowing them to move them on out of the hospital, and this life.

They say that if an elderly, frail person needs chest compressions, it will break their ribs, exacerbating whatever conditions they might already have and possibly hastening their death anyway (whereas, if you don’t use life-saving measures, they will likely die also). And I know that is true in some cases, so that their reasoning can sound plausible. At the same time, I recently helped someone with an EMS call and hospital stay, and I must have been asked at least 15 times, literally, over the course of it, whether they had a DNR. EMS wanted to know if they had an out-of-hospital DNR, which means EMS would not do chest compressions on the way to the hospital. Then the hospital kept asking about their in-hospital DNR. The ideology of determining whether a patient is fit to live is taking over the medical profession.


Absolute Interference‘ now on Rumble:

Mike Lindell Presents: Absolute Interference The Sequel To Absolute Proof 2020 Election Fraud (

2 Hours – FULL Length Documentary

The Sequel to Absolute Proof With New Evidence Foreign & Domestic Enemies Used Computer to Hack the 2020 Election.

Executive Producers: Mike Lindell, Brannon House, and Mary Fanning


Trying to post that video:

I used the “embeddable player” with the IFRAME code, that looks like this:

<iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post, DePat.

This whole blackmail thing is something else.

Imagine the FIB investigating wrongdoing in Anytown, USA. The local politicians are corrupt and the FIB piles up evidence but ultimately does nothing.

They don’t turn over evidence to the appropriate agencies or act themselves if it’s their jurisdiction.

They sit on the evidence until needed, in order to control the actions of said politicians.

Rinse and repeat all over this country. What a racket.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s funny. I hadn’t watched the 1985 version of “Clue” in years, and we DVRed it for the kids since it’s sort of clean. Well, I’ve been trying to find the scene where they all reveal they work in Washington, or in government jobs, and are being blackmailed. I just can’t find it.

Really, I remember reading something from around the Civil War about all the rumors and gossip, and it seems that the place has always been a bed of intrigue, not so much patriotism as we in flyover country would like to believe.


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20,679 physicians got paid for their opinion. Trust the Science™

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Deplorable Patriot

That ain’t no joke. Physicians used to be paid witnesses for the tobacco companies when they were sued over lung cancer and the docs would lie through their teeth as late as the 1960s on whether or not smoking was a factor. That had been proven to be the case in the late 1940s by a thoracic surgeon.

Valerie Curren

Lindell’s kicking butt!!!

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16h BREAKING: from Frank Speech headquarters- we have just hit our one BILLIONTH view for the new website.

(Note: it hasn’t even been up for 48 hours)


About the 22 min mark
People reported this couple as being in DC – which they weren’t

law enforcement investigated as trying to overthrow the gov for possibly being in DC

Law enforcedment used facial recognition and misidentified both of them

worst part? they dismissed the 1/6 protest as something bad and something they don’t supsport as all protesters now have a label of being part of the fake news’ “insurrection”/”coup”/”attempt to overthrow the gov” … common knowledge and preception by many of the reality of that day is based on fake news and so treatment of those there that day, 100,000s of peaceful protesters, is accepted as appropriate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that was kinda bogus the way they were like “We’re not THOSE PEOPLE!!!” (*open hipster mouths*).

And you know what really burns me? Yeah it’s a crime to even say anything MISTAKEN to the damn feds, because then they can say “YOU LIED” – but they just lie to us all the time – zero consequences. SOVIET SCAM. How can one respect that crap? WHY would an intelligent person ever talk to them? HA! Now I understand WHY they say NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.


Dems/Deep State/Uniparty/etc were trying to create what they claim they did create … but they didn’t create. 99.5% of the protesters on 1/6 just protested, peacefully. And the evidence regarding the police officer death, who the key actors who entered the capitol are showing that. So sad for the MAGA who did get caught up in the moment and entered the capitol Even more sad for the many MAGA who had No idea anything had taken place before they got there and innocently entered opened doors just to go in and protest.


I love that video. His delivery is humorous and very effective.

Valerie Curren

cancelling Ron Paul?
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Ron Paul


ATTN: Ron Paul Liberty Report Viewers! @YouTube
has notified us we violated their “community guidelines” over a recent show about Bill Gates. If our appeal is rejected we’ll be taken off the air for one week. It’s the first step toward canceling the Liberty Report entirely. Help!

Deplorable Patriot

What I find encouraging about all this censorship is that prominent figures are the ones on the receiving end and they ARE NOT quiet about their treatment, nor are they slinking away with their tails between their legs, but are trumpeting the facts to the world in any way they can.

THIS is the power of the internet. I’m not sure if this innovative conduit was [CB] or white hat DoD, but it unleashed the power of the town square like nobody’s business.

Valerie Curren

” it unleashed the power of the town square like nobody’s business.” Great point!!!


this is a 2nd hand story but thought it would be of interest, esp. due to hormone connection in the vaccines.

Conversation in person with friend recently. their coworker, in her 60s, had a period post vaccination (2 doses). Thought she was having some type of medical emergency. Nope – no cancer, or any other issue … a period. she was shocked as was her doctor.

Can you imagine if she had accidently gotten pregnant? health ramifications? healthy baby?

Why? How did the vaccine do that?! Hormone related somehow

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – THANK you for that. That is fascinating information.

And YES – that could be some kind of antiprogestogenic effect.

Deplorable Patriot

See, after all my illnesses, once I was recovered, I snapped back to being a teenager (being a paleo eater, that happens). I honestly think my body was cannibalizing the iron and other nutrients you lose.

The vaccines, OTOH, it really sounds like they artificially drop progesterone somehow.


I’m not a strictly paleo eater, but I eat a LOT of meat. Like red meat twice a day most days, in ten ounce portions at least. Chicken sometimes, fish occasionally. And I’m healthy as a horse.

They are trying to make us weaker by making meat verboten. Assholes.

Deplorable Patriot


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never be LIL!  😉 




Fake meat is being promoted heavily for a reason. I haven’t researched what’s on the market yet (and would never eat it) but t’s probably mostly soy with all of it’s GMO and estrogenic properties so definitely carcinogenic. Vegetarians quickly become deficient in B12 and those deficiencies cause fatigue, mood and nerve problems. TPTB really want us weak, sick and dependent.


Soy, YUCK!

Valerie Curren

Lewis is always on point!
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One of my favorite quotes.

Valerie Curren



From Insty:

I’D FEEL SORRY FOR THIS WRECK OF A MAN: Floyd Family Gets Phone Call from Grandpa Joe.

But he secured his place in the annals of the most corrupt politicians ever while still in control of his faculties. Now? Well, whatever remains of him has Caligula and Nero going “Dude!” Sure Nero made his horse a senator. But Biden made a dishonest brainless whore* his VP with fresh-stolen votes. Arguably the horse’s ass is worse than the horse.

*my apologies to honest, brainless whores. I don’t mean to impugn them by that comparison.

  Posted at 3:30 am by Sarah Hoyt

Don’t hold back, Sarah — tell us how you really feel….


Ars is covering the new products at Apple’s Spring rollout. They got a comment….

OSpazX Smack-Fu Master, in training et Subscriptor
jump to post
Forrest319 wrote:
8 GB of shared RAM for a desktop PC? What am I missing?

About 24 Gig


A new angle on the Wuhan Virus, particularly the PCR tests.

“July 17, 2020, podcast, “This Week In Virology” (titled: “TWiV 641: COVID-19 with Dr. Anthony Fauci”): Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (the question being asked of Fauci starts at the 3m50s mark; Fauci answers beginning at the 4m40s mark): “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient.

Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

That’s called a false positive.”


Limited modified hangout. Try 25 cycles.

What a poor excuse for a human.


He counts on our ignorance.


A Covax-enamored family member’s responds to any attempt to point out the scam with ‘I trust the science’. And it’s said with a condescending smirk like I’m an idiot.


How can you ‘trust the science’ when you ‘know the science’ less than I do?


He can’t accept that ‘the science’ and therefore he, have been manipulated. It’s an ego thing.


If only he would actually investigate what other doctors and scientists are saying.

That’s what people who believe Science do. 😀


Right! He’s part of this group that’s really into all the fear and drama of the virus. He’s very proud of being vaccinated and looks down on those who aren’t.

He has an advanced science-related degree. I can’t figure out why he is so clueless and shut down about it.


Oh I have relatives like that, too.

I pray.



As in «I trust the dogma»

Science is all about falsifying hypotheses, even things like the laws of thermodynamic or gravity which have proven to be correct whenever challenged. Or statistically validated phenomena with known limited applicability such as Ohm’s law. Or other limited but useful laws that were degraded from universal to useful approximations under certain common conditions, such as the Galileo transformations or Newton’s laws of motion and force.

Thus part of the knowledge is knowing whether the law or statement in question is being out-of-bounds or in-bounds. Disregard that and start saying «always» or «never» with no qualifications, and the erstwhile science has now become something better labeled as dogma. To be trusted at your peril. Or not.

But we’re not dealing with that grade of knowledge or trust in the present case of the PCR tests that increase sensitivity with the number of cycles, run at or past the point where any noise gets amplified and taken as a signal.


Pity him. That is a sign of profound and deep insecurity.

Valerie Curren

This is Swedish. Some kind of competition between the two concrete structures, the one Peter Wallenberg refers to as «Liljevalchsarkofagen», and the one enclosing the Chernobyl power plant, «Tjernobylsarkofagen». «Dött lopp» refers to a kind of race or competition where the contestants are even, «dead heat» is the English equivalent. And the Chernobyl one looks more upscale, supposedly a better option for some royals or nobles.

Presumably a tongue-in-cheek comparison of the visual similarities of the apartment house which is presumably part of the Liljeholmskajen development in Stockholm, or maybe the Liljevalch building housing an art museum, and the Chernobyl, where the suggestion is that Chernobyl is the better place to live.

No idea if this is anything beyond an attempt at being funny.

Last edited 3 years ago by slowcreekno
Valerie Curren

No clue. The person who posted on all the “21s” seemed to be indicating some type of comms, at least how some of the Anon “decodes” would come across to me from outside the Q-follower perspective…

Thanks for those insights on what was actually being said 🙂


There are several ways of dealing with squirrels raiding your bird feeders…..

…..and, then, there is this guy:

Barb Meier

OMGosh, I love this!!! Thanks for posting!


Wow, I’ve never seen a black squirrel like ‘Frank’.
That’s a fun video, Coothie. Thanks!


It is a great illustration of “the more you know, the more you see.” The created world is full of wonders, but many just fail to notice them. The more you know about the particulars, the more you can discern the details, the richer and fuller your sight becomes.


Despite the techie toys and fun, I consider that to be the more important message of the video.


Well that guy definitely has a lot of time on his hands.

But oh yeah, I know what you mean about beholding the wonders of what is around us.

Our back yard backs up to a large wooded area.
It is unkempt and au naturel…so there is a lot of wildlife.

We have had a variety of bird feeders out, for years…and put out peanut butter too.
This attracts squirrels, of course, and we have probably contributed to an overpopulation of them.

A family of foxes have been showing up lately, though.
So they will probably thin out the herd of fat, arrogant squirrels.


I’ve casually gone out on my patio, turned around, and had a 20″+ hawk standing on my roof not 10 feet away from me. Even in the heart of Silicon Valley, there are nature encounters all the time……if your eyes are open to see them.

But, y’know, being Silicon Valley…..sometimes there are webcams….


We get a lot of hawks…red tail and ferruginous, and the occasional falcon.
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It’s sad when they swoop in and take out a dove.
But we tell ourselves that we are feeding the hawks too.

Edit: That’s a ferruginous, a young one — they get pretty big as adults.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo
Deplorable Patriot

We’ve been overrun by hawks…and still there are too many squirrels, rabbits, mice, rats….


One day, I walked out to my car, and in the big spruce tree above my head, there was a huge Great Horned Owl. He just sat there looking at me for about ten minutes, while I stood with my jaw hanging on my chest. Then he lifted off, swooping down over my head and away.

We who live out near-ish nature get to have some amazing experiences. But wildlife is wild, and doesn’t really respect the artificial boundaries we put up, so even city-dwellers can see stuff if they are looking.



Cuppa Covfefe

What was that movie again…. The Importance of Being, erm, Frank??? 😀

Or, from “CATS”, “Gus, The Theatre Squirrel” ?

Amazing vid. We have a few of their distant relatives over here, and they’re a joy to watch, and real “hams” as well… One year we have a REALLY snowy winter, I’d put food out, and there’d be up to around 20 birds flying around and enjoying our feeders and basically stuffing themselves while putting on a show. And every year, when it starts to get really cold, one or a few of them will show up and look expectantly, or reprovingly (if I was slow to put food out) in the window…. (ouch, shrapnel from that demolished infinitive… need more covfefe…)…..

Deplorable Patriot

The Importance of Being Ernest?

Oscar Wilde play.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… I was just punning…

Deplorable Patriot

This is hilarious…and proof that Americans can be REALLY creative in problem solving when we’ve got the time and limited distractions.

Of course, that’s why the [CB] has us all chasing our tails with jobs, commutes, and all kinds of “entertainment.” All that ingenuity can’t come to the fore, you know.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

They ate the walnuts because he didn’t set out pecans. They ALWAYS go for pecans first.


Thank you for posting this! It was so funny!


Thanks for the post, that was so cool!



It’s really smart of Lin Wood to come out with the truth like that.

If something happens to him now…it will only make them all look guilty.

Deplorable Patriot

As for Michael deLauzon, and why he disappeared for a while….

I wondered after some of the stuff I saw he posted last week.

Deplorable Patriot

And what’s annoying about all this [CB] baby red shoes club is my winter ruby slippers and summer red patent wedges haven’t left the closet in years.


Media malignancy in service to a corrupt State:

“But America is not a healthy society. It’s a sick one, where an immoral, mediocre globalist ruling class cabal is frantically clinging to power by egging on street violence and demonizing its enemies as “insurrectionists” in league with foreign powers. Their incompetence is so obvious, and their ideology so diseased, that more and more repressive means are needed to keep control.”


𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

The lawless Dems, emboldened by stealing the White House, have now pulled off the most in-your-face, blatant case of 𝕁𝕦𝕣𝕪 𝕋𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 in the history of our country.

Our country has been taken over by a Crime Syndicate.


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The Hodge Twins declare that 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥:


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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If AOC had a brain – she would be dangerous!!!


… nah, …. 😣🤚 …. you can’t fix stupid … she’d probably shoot herself … or what ever inane feeble chit she hysterically dreams up …nah, …. nothing to see here folks … move along …


Question: Did she buy her degree online, Nikki?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Progaganda is effective!


From GAB:
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Deplorable Patriot

The Nobel Peace Prize IS a joke.


The award is getting to be a joke, Dora!!!

Why should we be surprised – after all – Zero got it for doing nothing for peace – wasn’t he responsible for many ‘useless wars’?


… correction .. 🖐😑😖 … it’s the “NO‼️⁉️ …. BULL…. “ piece prizzzzzzzzze …

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe ignoble….


Maybe it is the Nobel Piece prize.

Piece of the action, piece of the corruption. Or in her case, yet another piece of cake?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a horrible JOKE.

Deplorable Patriot

Huh. Has any other “former” president had that sort of privilege?

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

I searched and couldn’t find anything about ‘former presidents using military aircraft’ after they left office.

So I think the answer is…”No”.
No other ‘former’ president has had that sort of privilege.

Deplorable Patriot



Awesome open thread DePat as always, thank you so very much.

God bless you .. ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something is up.


The old “something’s rotten in Denmark” is in here …. 😮😳🤭

… good‼️🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

.. buckle up .. they’re heading into turbulence .. 😃👍🤨 ..

Steve in Lewes

Well, I can say with absolute certainty the following is up!

the sky
the moon
the clouds
flying airplanes, etc

as far as any speculation on matters of hope…..

I’ll believe it when I see it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is an extraordinary amount of speculation beyond the facts, and the facts (meager as they are – mostly “odd” military stuff) can actually go TWO WAYS. People who are not in the “they’ve been rounding US up, people – WAKE UP” category like me don’t necessarily have that balanced perspective.


Canada as precursor? You’ve seen what’s going on there, yes?

Australia too? A handful of “cases” – and an entire Province (equivalent to a US State) goes on draconian lockdown?

These are precursors for what is to come here in America, VERY SOON, if we dither in pursuit of a “balanced perspective”.

Kinda harsh, I know – but the current phrase “sorry not sorry” applies.

In extreme times – like now – I reject “balance” (a soft word for appeasement, IMO – and appeasement FAILS in our current circumstances, yes?).

I’m not interested in the “TWO WAYS”.

Just the ONE WAY.

Guess I’m “imbalanced” like you …

Happy Wednesday, Wolf!


“These are precursors for what is to come here in America, VERY SOON, if we dither in pursuit of a “balanced perspective”.”


What is the difference between Canadia and Australia on the one hand, and America on the other?

At least half a billion firearms, in the hands of the People.

That doesn’t mean the Nazis won’t try what they’re doing in other places here. They will.

But they know it’s going to take an overwhelming show of force to confront armed People, and when they do it, that is going to be the canary in the coal mine that unifies Americans across the land.

So they can’t just barge in and throw elderly people to the ground like the Nazis do in Canadia.

The number of firearms in the hands of We the People requires a different approach.

What that approach is remains to be seen, but they are certainly working on it.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

I strongly suspect that the tech today won’t be stopped by ANY amount of guns owned / used by civilians.

That said, any effort to confront us will be as MESSY as can be – and *that* tactic won’t serve the “optics” that they (the enemy) need.

>>”they can’t just barge in and thro[w] elderly people to the ground”<<

Cuomo et al. already did. (Everyone seems to forget Baker, who likely consigned 70 seniors to their deaths in Holyoke, MA, by installing symptomatic people into that elderly home.)

Remember the Paradise, CA genocide? Another example. Kew confirmed the classified tech unlawfully used in that event.

It’s our GRIT, Scott, that will be our salvation. It’s asymmetric warfare, and guns are eminently symmetric.

We gotta adapt …


The willingness of the people to use firearms to defend their family and homes from thugs and crooks is one thing.

Going against the gubmint, as an armed group is a totally different matter. Any attempt to rally the “militia” will be cutoff by the gubmint by taking down any form of leadership that sticks their head above ground.

Part of the reason why DOJ is going hard against Jan 6th participants. Sends the message, stay home, stay quiet. Or be stomped on.

A different approach is an understatement.


“The willingness of the people to use firearms to defend their family and homes from thugs and crooks is one thing.

Going against the gubmint, as an armed group is a totally different matter.”


I wasn’t referring to something like that.

I was thinking more along the lines of forcing someone to be vaccinated, like they were doing to that poor woman in the video the other day.

If you believe the vaxx could kill you, then someone trying jam that vaxx in your arm is using deadly force against you.

If you have a gun to defend yourself, you certainly have a right to use it to defend your life.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a cop, or a medical worker, or the Good Housekeeping lady.

Assault with a deadly weapon is assault with a deadly weapon, and the standard of deadly force is what would a reasonable person do, if they knew what you know.

If you know that the experimental vaxx is deadly to lots of people, and there is no scientific or even logical reason to take it when cheap and effective remedies are available, then you have a legitimate self-defense case for the use of deadly force.

There are LOTS of books written about this stuff.

One excellent example is Massad Ayoob’s Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self-Defense.

In that book, the author mentions time and time again how important it is to have read that book, for this very good reason.

Because if you have read it, and you acted based upon the instruction regarding the law and use of deadly force taught in that book, then that book can (and will) be introduced as evidence to the jury.

And the Law states that the standard is what would a reasonable person do, in the same situation, knowing what you know.

And when that book is introduced as evidence to the jury, the jury will then know what you knew (and Mr. Ayoob can testify as an expert witness on your behalf, which he does all over the country, every year), and they will have to acquit.

Or the conviction will be overturned on appeal. It is established law.

The author (Massad Ayoob) mentions different cases where nearly the same circumstances occurred, but in one case the defendant was able to prove that he read at least one book where the subject of lawful deadly force was explained, and other cases where the defendant could not, because he hadn’t.

In the cases where the defendant had been trained or could prove he had read a book on the subject, the book was then allowed into evidence, and the jury then had to take into consideration what the defendant knew at the moment of the incident.

In the case where the defendant was not educated on the subject, the defense was prevented from entering such evidence, and the jury made their determination based on what the jurors knew or understood (which was nothing), not based on what the defendant knew or understood.

That defendant lost.

The defendant who could introduce the book from which his knowledge of lawful use of deadly force came, that guy won.

I don’t believe you would even have to know about the deadly side effects of the vaxx. The simple fact that some person is assaulting you with a needle, certainly a deadly weapon, trying to stick you with a needle against your will, is enough to justify defending yourself with deadly force.

Not everybody will have thought this through or have knowledge of deadly force issues obviously, but plenty of people will do what comes natural, and defend their lives, if some whack-job is trying to jab them with a needle against their will.

And if they have access to a firearm, at least some of them are rightfully going to use it to defend themselves.

After all, that’s what it’s for.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Just worrying about people posting this garbage and if they really believe it. Sometimes when you go down the rabbit hole, you can never find you way back out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happy Wednesday AND Thursday!!!


>>”I’ll believe it when I see it!”<<

Hey Steve –

I’m not sure if we’ve ever spoken before, but I suspect we may have a good while ago, even for a brief exchange.

When one only believes something when they see it – then, IMO, one *isn’t* exercising “belief”.

To believe ONLY after proof means that one didn’t “believe” at all.

I’ve come across this many times. Perhaps the word “acknowledge” is a bit more accurate, rather than “believe”, in the case that one waits for surety before “believing” (“acknowledging”).

It’s a tricky thing, to be sure.

But as I’ve said here to other posters, it’s often true that when one waits for “surety”, then one has waited too long to DO ANYTHING about it being FALSE.

It’s the “What if it’s true?” perspective that rules – again, IMO. Protecting against TOTAL loss is better than waiting for that total loss to occur, and acquire certainty that we’re all F****d.

In the latter case, ones opinion won’t matter, whether true or not. Not my opinion, and not others’.

We cannot afford to wait for surety, when that delay will likely prove deadly.

Food for thought …

Steve in Lewes

Well ES, I was a ‘believer’ waay back when we were told:
‘we have everything’
‘we caught them all’…etc, etc, etc all through Trump’s ‘term’.

We were even told the voting cheaters were caught….

and here we are…nothing was done. So forgive me if I’m skeptical.

Your belief that something is happening or will happen has to be based in something concrete or some past experiences that make you feel that way. When I read all these proclamations from others that claim something and nothing comes of it, and it happens repeatedly, then belief becomes skepticism.
Belief without some basis for that belief is nothing more than…
dare I say it….Hope!

Someone left the barn door open and my horse, Hope left a few months ago


I understand, Steve.

Please remember, though, that “Future proves past” … and the time for judgment is the END (not the middle).

We aren’t at the end yet, and I haven’t lost faith. I simply cannot believe that the entire Kew-phenomenon was for naught, and that we were all “strung along”.

THAT is the basis of my faith – and hope.

I’m sorry you lost your horse. Perhaps she’s wandering around, maybe somewhere near?

Hehehe …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s not a case of “either Q is nothing or we will win.”

Q could have been something…and the good guys could have lost the battle.

I tried to warn people that there was a chance that Trump would be unable to overcome the fraud we were expecting (well before the election), that maybe the enemy had something up their sleeves we didn’t know about…and basically got blown off.

Yet it seems (to anyone who’s willing to look at a hypothesis between “Q is a good guy and we have this” vs “Q is a bad guy and we got skunked by Q”) that is EXACTLY what happened.

Q is a good guy, but our side was not omniscient, not omnipotent, and we lost a battle.

If we’re imagining we really won it just doesn’t look that way, we’re not doing what we should be, which is REGROUPING to go at them again.

The enemy would just LOVE it if we sat on our hands waiting for a big reveal, while they consolidate their hold on this country. But go ahead.


A fair point, of course.

IIRC, though, others here (like me) were a bit more “into” Kew (reading ALL the posts, digging ALL the intel on the anon boards) than you were.

Point being, I think I have – maybe – a slightly better sense about it all.

One of their LAST messages was “You are ready.” I took that to mean that it was our turn to carry the standard, and go forth whether or not they ever posted again.

And one of their FIRST messages invoked “11.3” as the first “marker” … which was incredibly prescient, given what’s going on at the WH now.

11.3, I believe now, was a citation from the DoD War Manual, on the Laws applying to an Occupying Power (Belligerent). Hence the NG in DC – who still don’t know why they’re there, because their job is simply to BE THERE to contest the occupation. Nothing else – just be present.

I find it impressive that the 11.3 clue – back in late 2017 – foretold the (apparent) loss of the 2020 Election, and the means to reclaim it.

The team knew three-and-a-half YEARS ago that this was the most likely – if not the guaranteed – eventuality.


If you haven’t watched any of the War Room episodes (live 10am EST and 5pm EST daily, DDG “America’s Voice” for link), please do – many, many people have been taking action, and to good effect.

I think you’ll like it – Bannon doesn’t get into the morass of Q, or the dicey issue of election machine manipulation.

He has great guests, all are patriots, and it’s really good to see that.

A LOT of viewers, too, WW.


Wictor says we are in a state of devolution with the military in charge of key national defense issues. Biden just gets to play with policy, dogs and pedos.

Deplorable Patriot

One of my sources says General Milley was overthrown and the Marine of the Joint Chiefs is actually now in charge.

I’m waiting for the Cliff Notes when they come out.


And even his dogs don’t like him!

All the signs and indications that I’ve marked point to EXACTLY what you’ve just said.



“Since leaving Washington President Trump has flown out of West Palm Beach Airport in military aircraft. That is a fact. Not breaking anyone’s rules by stating that.”


As always, who is in the dark here?

Certainly the criminal [JB], or at least his criminal handlers, are fully aware that the US military is being used by DJT.

And certainly the [JB] administration knows why that is happening, or being allowed to happen. If they had the ability to stop it, it’s hard to imagine any scenario where they would not do so, even (and especially) simply out of spite — and if they do not have the ability to stop it, then they are not actually in control of the military.

If there is another possibility, what would that be?

So DJT certainly knows what is going on here.

And the black hats certainly know exactly what is going on here, they are not being deceived.

As always, the only people who are in the dark, are We the People.

What point does that serve?

Either side could divulge what is going on with DJT’s military flights.

It must be in DJT’s interest to not explain it.

It must likewise be in the black hats’ interest to not explain it, or they would certainly do so.

So what interest could the white hats and the black hats share, such that they would both keep secret from We the People, whatever is going on?

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very good question.

And most of the “theories” (I hate dignifying baseless speculation with that term, which is actually pretty strong in science) have no sensible answer for that. And we’ve been in a similar situation, supposedly, ever since Trump was inaugurated, with the black hats “panicking” and the white hats about to make their move any second now, but no one is saying anything.


I might speculate the reason being…panic.

Neither side wants the American Public in a severe panic state. Everything falls apart at that time and no one wins.

The battle going on, out of view from normies, must stay out of view. The battle still rages and the outcome is uncertain, at least the cabal feels that way.

If a public panic occured, and there was a breakdown of normal society, a run on banks, the stock market crashes, food supplies, power, cable, phone, gas are all in jeopardy. Lawlessness and pillaging and looting could follow. Hundreds of thousands of deaths. Anarchy. Chaos. It might take years if not decades to clean it up. Maybe it never gets cleaned up and there is a new wild west world.

and faux biden STILL would not have won

Last edited 3 years ago by Please

“I might speculate the reason being…panic.”


Could be, but I have never been able to buy in to the whole ‘panic’ theme, it always seems like an emotional salve we apply to ourselves. Psychopaths don’t panic. They don’t experience emotion at all.


“Neither side wants the American Public in a severe panic state.”


At this point, I’m not sure I believe the American Public is even capable of a panic state. I’m not sure the American Public is even awake, at all.

But the enemy certainly wants to create a ‘panic state’ in the public, everything they do, all of their propaganda, is geared towards that, at least for those who are paying attention.

For anyone paying attention, it’s hard to imagine a more panicked state, than having:

1) landslide election victory stolen by a group of outright thugs and criminals bent on the destruction of America, and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party

2) the military apparently gone fishing

3) the central banks (all of them) printing money to eclipse the Wiemar Republic

4) a fake global plandemic, used as a tool to enact draconian control measures and light the Constitution on fire

5) wreck the entire world economy in the process, on purpose

6) doing everything possible to promote racial hatred toward white people

7) make our judicial system less than that of a Banana Republic, to join our Legislative Branch and Executive Branch in similar corruption and abuse of power

I could go on, the weaponization of FIB, DoJ, et al., world famous eugenicists (e.g. Billy Gates) dictating medical policy, despite never even having played a doctor on TV, etc. Announced plans by the Global Goof Squad to eliminate billions of human beings from the planet, and so on.

If that’s not intended to induce a panic, what would be — at least for those who are at least semi-conscious, and paying attention?


“Everything falls apart at that time and no one wins.”


That always sounds like ‘narrative’ to me, like ‘panic’ or ‘civil war’. They seem like designed inhibitors, to prevent the public from taking any action to defend themselves, and to justify inaction.


“The battle going on, out of view from normies, must stay out of view.”



Besides ‘narrative’ reasons and ‘justification’ reasons mentioned above. Was WWII hidden from the public?

Who benefits from the Public being kept in the dark?

Who benefits from the Public not having enough information to make decisions for ourselves?

It’s not the Public, that’s for sure.

And that’s where the BS narrative false apart.

I expect the enemy to keep us in the dark.

But it is the absolute height of arrogance for the people who presume to be on our side (e.g., ‘white hats’), to claim they support freedom, while believing that they know better what’s best for us, and it’s best for us to be in the dark about our own circumstances and chances for survival.

If any ‘white hat’ thinks “we can’t handle the truth”, then shame on them. How are they effectively any different from the enemy? How does that make us anything besides sheep being controlled by a different predator?

Nobody ever asks these questions, or the other obvious questions… we just guzzle narrative like it’s Kool-Aid at a jungle cult reunion.


“The battle still rages and the outcome is uncertain, at least the cabal feels that way.”


What battle?

If there is any evidence of a ‘battle’, raging or otherwise, where is it?

If a single enemy has fallen, who was it?


“If a public panic occured, and there was a breakdown of normal society, a run on banks, the stock market crashes, food supplies, power, cable, phone, gas are all in jeopardy.”


The breakdown of normal society occurred in January of February of 2020. The banks are going full-Wiemar, most people just haven’t noticed yet.

The stock market has never been more overvalued, it makes the 2000 and 2011 valuations look quaint by comparison, and the ‘quantitative easing’ over the past 12 months make the bail-outs of 2000 and 2011 look like a single drop of rain in a Hurricane by comparison.

Food supply is what it is. If the United States, the breadbasket of the world, combined with the infrastructure and training of the U.S. military, cannot maintain and distribute adequate food supply in an emergency situation, then we should all just stop now, and get off this joke of this Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

If power, cable, phone and gas are all in jeopardy, then we’re a national joke. Fear is a means of control, and the more fear that can be imparted, the more control the narrative has.

But at some point, you have to call the bluff, you have to pull the curtain back, and face the fear, to find out what’s real and what isn’t.

Most of the fear is manufactured, and many of the people who are actually paying attention appear to be addicted to it.


“Lawlessness and pillaging and looting could follow.”


Coincidentally, that’s exactly what the Chinese bot-farm says… Narrative, narrative and narrative.

No logic, no reason, no support, no argument, just naked assertion, repeating of talking points, i.e., narrative.

I’m not meaning to single you out or criticize anyone personally, just pointing out that there is no evidence to support these ever-present and daily repeated prayers fears.


“Hundreds of thousands of deaths. Anarchy. Chaos.”


And lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!

It’s amazing how much joy we take from promoting our worst fears to ourselves, it’s like wanting to get the thrill of being scared by going to a horror movie.

Some people love those, they live for them, for the thrill of being scared out of their seat. But a lot of people don’t care for that type of movie, it’s not a ‘thrill’ for them, it’s just disturbing, in a not-good way.


“It might take years if not decades to clean it up.”

It might take THOUSANDS of years. Come on, if we’re going to scare ourselves properly, we have to go big. Throw in some Mad Max and Escape from New York dystopian cultural reference points for good measure.

All the best Chinese narrative engineers would…


“Maybe it never gets cleaned up and there is a new wild west world.
and faux biden STILL would not have won”


Maybe… I’m so scared right now I peed myself, not once, but twice.

Or I rolled my eyes about ten times, and got bored, and called their bluff, only to discover it was all BS.

At some point, hopefully, everybody will be out of pee, they’ll be all scared-out, and maybe then, finally, get off the ride and actually demand real answers to direct questions.

We’re definitely not there yet.


Ok, I’ll play.

What IF…

What we suspect is TRUE. The military is running the country.

What if in the last days of Trump’s presidency, we really DID find out that there was a credible nuclear threat from a country willing to pull it off, UNLESS…

Iran, for example.

“We have suitcase nukes in five American cities. If your Congress “reverses” the election, we set them off.”

And we couldn’t find them. And we still haven’t.

Biden “plays President.” They CAN’T completely control him, because everyone would see the game. Trump goes to Mar a Lago, where he is seen occasionally, but not often. Except when he flies off in military aircraft, to “be President.”

On the other hand, I could be full of crap. I often am. 🙂


“Biden “plays President.” They CAN’T completely control him, because everyone would see the game.”


An interesting theory up until this point.

In any such scenario, the enemy is not being fooled. We’re not even fooled, we know [JB] is illegitimate.

But suppose Iran had done something as you hypothesize.

Iran has spies, certainly inside our government. Why wouldn’t they? Everybody else does. Americans are the only people who DON’T have representation in our government.

China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, ISIS/muzzie brotherhood, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Somalia, you name it, take any list of bad actors from the members of the U.N., and they have all infiltrated our government to the highest levels.

The Kenyan Usurper is the ultimate example.

But you and me?

Nobody in our government represents us, that I can tell you!

So all of our adversaries know what’s going on. Between sophisticated intelligence surveillance techniques used by our adversaries, to moles and spies inside the government itself, they all know what’s going on. None of them are fooled.

And obviously if there are any white hats, the white hats know what is going on.

The only people who don’t know what is going on, the only people kept in the dark by everyone on both sides, is US.


For a different point, if no one was able to find the supposed nukes, eventually the reason has to be because they don’t exist, and Iran was lying. At some point that has to be the determination, otherwise any bad actor can make such a threat, and hold our nation hostage in perpetuity, forever.

Since that can’t happen, at some point, the determination has to be made that the threat is a bluff, and call it.

If you don’t, then you don’t have a country, you are a client state of Iran.


For a different point, the most powerful nation on earth doesn’t respond to threats of that nature defensively, it responds offensively.

The entire leadership of Iran would be wiped out.

If that means a nuke goes off in an American city, or even five, what is the option?

Become a slave of your enemies?

If home invaders break into your home and threaten to kill everybody, do you just let them do it, if you can stop them?

Or do you take out as many of the home invaders as you can before all of your family is killed, and maybe half of you survive?

Half surviving is better than none, right?

If five cities are lost, a lot more than half of America would survive.

And it would be justifiable cause to make sure that most of our enemies in this world, wouldn’t.

But the one thing you don’t ever do, is give in to terrorism or threats of same.

Because if you do it even once, then you are open to it over and over again.

It’s the same reason we didn’t used to negotiate with hostage takers. When the world understood that, most of the time Americans were pretty safe abroad.

When our leaders started negotiating with terrorists, every American who went outside the United States had a target on his back.

And has ever since.


Well, I only disagree on one point.

It appears to be REAL, that Xiden is President.

A whole lot of us thought something was going to “fix” that, but nothing we can see has. So anyone spying for another country probably can’t see it either.

Because it is REAL. Except the military is flying Trump around (unprecedented). And NO ONE in the White House appears to be doing much of anything foreign, only domestic.

And all of those things are E.O.s, which can be undone in an instant.

Who knows? I don’t. I’m just spit-balling.


Exactly. Every situation APPEARS to be REAL, except there is always a “but” which raises doubt.


It was that way for all four years of the DJT’s first term. It was always “so and so is a white hat” BUT… here are 5 reasons why he could be a black hat, OR vice-versa.

And round and round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

And that’s what makes me angry as much as anything, because the only people who have no idea AT ALL about ANYTHING that’s actually going on is We the People.

The bad guys know. If someone is after you, if someone is doing things that are actively adverse to your interests and objectives, there is no doubt that you KNOW about it, 100%.

So the bad guys know what’s going on, and the so-called ‘white hats’ know what’s going on. They may not know the details because obviously you don’t want to forecast your next move, but IF there is a ‘shadow war’ actually taking place, there is no doubt about that fact in either camp.

The only place where doubt exists is amongst WE the PEOPLE.

And it shouldn’t be that way.

We the People shouldn’t be in a 4+ year gaslighting experiment.

It’s literal psychological abuse.

All the so-called ‘white hats’ would have to do is acknowledge what is going on, stop making it a private war, a ‘Spy vs. Spy’ and let the People KNOW what the *&^% is going on, at least in a general sense.

The population was not in the dark during WWII. Can you even imagine?

Imagine if anyone tried to fight WWII without any of the population of the world finding out about it, or at least keeping it quiet enough that people who found out or paid attention could be dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’.

It’s insane.

It’s no less insane to try to keep this war a secret.

Unless there is no actual war going on, at all.

And if that’s the case, DJT and his people should tell us THAT, too.

But they won’t.

NOBODY will tell the truth about anything.

And there are few things in this world that cause more damage, or more anger, than that.


You know what this reminds me of? You just triggered it.

This is like the Cold War, when we really WERE in the dark about most of what was going on between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. There was all kinds of skullduggery and mayhem, spies killed, etc., but we were mostly unaware.

I have no clue at this point why we are not being told anything. What I DO know is that Trump’s behavior since Jan. 6 is COMPLETELY UNLIKE HIM. Like a switch flipped, or a deep undercover operation began.


True, but even in the Cold War, at least everyone knew there was a cold war going on.

There wasn’t a fractured reality, where half the population realized we were in a Cold War, and half the population thought whatever it is that the Pod People think on any given day.

It wasn’t pitting Americans against each other, through intentional disinformation and through intentional omission of information.




Thanks, DP.

Glad Michael DeLauzon is back.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Me too.


REALPOTUS flying on MIL aircraft is stated as fact.

Not being a doubter, just a verifier … where is the sauce for that ‘fact’?

Last edited 3 years ago by barkerjim

Time to stock up again!

Scott “Damnatio Memoriae Democraticae” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
Since we no longer teach things like supply chain economics, we will keep it simple. A megadrought (cyclical throughout history) is gripping the winter wheat part of the country…
This will increase costs… a lot

Scott “Damnatio Memoriae Democraticae” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
lack of wet weather means the water farmers do have will have to be reallocated to permanent crops, while others, like garlic, tomatoes, onions, melons, and rice will be reduced.


Not so fast…

All the usual leftist enemedia nozzles are spewing this…and all are blaming it on “man-made global warming” and the “climate change crisis”.

But many of them are covering themselves by saying it “could happen” or “might happen” or that “we could be on course” for it to happen.

They are all using the same source…a paper by David Stahle in Science magazine.

This article by Anthony Watts at Climate Realism, sheds some sanity on it all:

………….From the article:

The media this week are hyping a new study claiming global warming is causing a megadrought in the American Southwest. In reality, the recent drought in the American Southwest is an aberration after many years of relatively plentiful rainfall.

The new study, published in Science, is titled “Anthropogenic megadrought.” The title alone suggests this is more of an opinion piece than a work of science.

In the abstract of the paper, author David Stahle claims evidence shows:

“…that the 16th-century megadrought was the worst multidecadal drought episode in the Southwest over the past 1200 years, and that the second-worst event occurred from 2000 to 2018 over southwestern North America (SWNA) and may be ongoing. The study also pinpoints substantial anthropogenic (human) contribution to the severity of the current drought.”

Is the USA in a “megadrought”? Looking at April 14th 2020 data from the United States Drought Monitor, it sure doesn’t seem so. While there are indications of some drought in the USA Southwest, there seem to be equally large areas that have no drought conditions at all. And, just one year ago, there were no indications of drought in the southwest USA whatsoever. This might be why Stahle only used data through 2018, because the “no drought” year of 2019 didn’t support the claims of “megadrought”.

……………………..Much more at link, including drought maps and charts.

So this thing is being hyped in unison by the Left…to what end; we can pretty much figure they will be pointing to this to try to stomp on fossil fuels.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Chinese are BRUTAL masters of their mind-slaves.


We are in a Grand Solar Minimum (as I posted yesterday). There will be cooling and a lot of weather events. We’re going to need those fossil fuels. But this all ties in with their quest to make our lives miserable, to cull the herd, and to destroy America.

American Thinker: The Coming Modern Grand Solar Minimum [we’re in the process now]
Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling


Yes, I thought so too! Thank you.

Yes we’re going to need fossil fuels to get through a Grand Solar Minimum.

And all of a sudden, these enemedia nozzles are all spewing the same thing at once…dredging up ‘anthropogenic global warming’.

They want food to be scarce and high priced.
They want gas to be expensive.

And they think that it won’t affect them.


>>”fossil fuels”<<

They aren’t “fossil” fuels, IMO. That’s another big lie.

I wish I’d saved the video of the whistle-blower who spilt the beans, as it were, that it’s been a psyop to motivate the Green Peace crowd (“There are only so many dead animals the we can harvest!”, et al.).

Bottom line – oil and gas are naturally occurring in our upper mantle, and plentiful enough to use for many hundreds of years.

Technology released to the world population will – very quickly, IMO – obviate the need to rely on oil / NG / etc.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? How we use THEIR words (I have as well) to describe a situation, when the words themselves are lies???

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Petro means “rock” and the oil fields are filling back up I understand.


Ah ok. Thank you. This person usually has reliable info. Guess that slipped through.


Wonder when the dollar collapses. Massively devalued. Does it play into globalists / deep state drive to digital global currency.


Itll be part of your digital passport…but really oeople will go for the microchip.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know…it’s one of those things that has been “imminent” for a long time.

But this cannot go on forever.

What’s going to happen is, it will be sudden and sharp when it does happen, there will be little to no additional warning. (That prediction is worth every cent you paid for it.)

Gold is moving up, closing in on $1800 an ounce, and it was only a couple of weeks ago it was having trouble staying over $1700.

So gold is moving up and Joe Biden didn’t win.


The only thing I am positive of, you stated. NO NOTICE. REACTION TIME, scant to NONE.


Steve, I am not a well-off person, so my reaction to what may be coming is to spend what extra I have on things I can think of that will help me physically survive. A solar generator, a really nice water filter (a Berkey, which is FANTASTIC), seeds and food production stuff, and store-able food.

Buying precious metals is sort of out of my reach, I think. Do you think that they will really be necessary/helpful if paper money is actually worthless, a la Venezuela? What would we be able to buy with them?

I am trying to be as smart as possible with limited means to do it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your strategy is also a good one, frankly I should be more balanced and be doing what you are doing a bit more.

The other point to PMs is, when the crisis is over and stable money is resumed–you can sell them for that money (rather than using them *as* money). It’s like a savings account that won’t get thrashed by inflation. Yes, you’ll lose something to transaction costs, but simply keeping cash around will cause all of it to be lost. (Not that you personally are keeping cash around!)


Makes sense. I understand what you are saying. Paper money won’t hold value, PMs will.


Grandma, I don’t worry AT ALL about the debt.

For many reasons – one of which (very practical) is the forfeiture of assets from those engaged in human trafficking.

Remember the Redshields selling their centuries-owned estate? And Gyorgy transferring the vast bulk of his wealth into his “Foundation”, to protect it?

Not to mention the not-so-veiled threat by Kew about the Fed …

There are more reasons … but these should do.

And it’s Klaus and his psychopathic goals which are “unsustainable”!

(Btw, I read a few years ago that the “notional” (pretend) value of all the investment derivatives (options et al.) exceeded $400T.)

Deplorable Patriot





Love the dressed out camel … 😃👍❤️😉🤚❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Found this at Diogenes Middle Finger dot com:

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Deplorable Patriot

That’s just blasphemy.


Forgive me. I apologize for posting it.
 😬  😟 

In spite of the irreverence of it, I thought it was a hoot.

Deplorable Patriot

For some of us the Shroud of Turin is a Sacred Relic. It just doesn’t work for me.


Yes, I consider it a Sacred Relic too.
Again, I apologize for posting it.

I think that was point of the humor, though…the way that the left are treating Mad Maxine as a ‘sacred relic’.

But please feel free to delete it, if you like.
I’m really sorry that it is offensive.


Wheatie I understand we are all different and laughter is good for the soul  ❤ 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought it was funny, even though I consider myself a bit of a “shroudie” – which is to say, I give the shroud the benefit of the doubt historically (still leaving it open to study), and accept it as a cultural icon of belief no matter what.

Humor is dangerous territory, always, but it’s essential battleground, IMO. If we give it up to the enemy, we will not only remain mired in cultural irrelevance – we won’t be able to offer the restorative alternative.

Countering the cultural Marxist message on Christianity means, IMO, using the same polymorphic engagement they use, yet never relenting on the idea that we are built on TRUTH, and they’re not. This is why I have no Alinsky fears on the shroud itself. As long as we remain open to seeking the TRUTH of it, we’re on solid ground, and I seek to use it in many ways. No retreat!

TL;DR – hitting the other side back with the shroud takes many forms, and making fun of THEIR inauthenticity as a sub-meme of the shroud is a cunning defense of it, in my digital guerrilla opinion.



Valerie Curren

I thought it was funny, even though I consider myself a bit of a “shroudie” – which is to say, I give the shroud the benefit of the doubt historically (still leaving it open to study), and accept it as a cultural icon of belief no matter what.”

I really appreciate this perspective. I have scriptural problems w/ the shroud because of the passage describing the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head, it seems to contradict the shroud view as Jesus’ burial cloth.

However there was a documentary, some of which I saw, “The Fabric of Time” I believe, that offered some extremely interesting scientific evidence of the accuracy of the timeframe, Roman coins of the era placed on the eyes & seeds from that region & time, & something about holographic imprint of the image of the body while suspended above the platform suggesting that the image Could have been created at the moment of Resurrection where God’s power caused a flash that imprinted the image…fascinating, but Not an article of faith just a curiosity, imo.


Were you not created in His likeness and image ?

(God does has a sense of humor, you know… but not everybody “gets it”…!)


I thought it was hilarious. I think God has a sense of humor.


… well … actions have consequences and well … God is the final justice, eternity will hell … literally 🔥 .. 😃👍‼️


𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
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Illigal is not the worse of Biden what is worse he sold us out to the communists. To the CCP and its world order. At another time in history he would have been hanged for that.


… we’re waiting … 😐


History ain’t over yet.


There is hope 🙂

Steve in Lewes

……just an undocumented president, no papers, no proof…but there he is.
Pretty soon he’ll qualify as a “Dreamer” president, since he didn’t get there on his own and pulled over the ‘finish’ line by the lefty cartel!

They will say he deserves it since it wasn’t his fault…he’s the La-La Land president.


.. aw shucks he deserves SOOOOOOOOO much, and he’ll get it too whether he likes it or not …. don’t stand too close to him … 🔥



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I looked at this picture for several minutes and tried to understand what was being communicated. Clearly I was being influenced to see this person in a negative light. However message is a servant of context. In this case the message clearly wishes to convey the idea of ‘hiding the truth’. If I changed the message to “Nothing says summertime in Florida better than boarding up your windows”, it would completely change what I thought about the person in the photo. My opinion would change from that person is untrustworthy to that person is behaving responsibly. Propaganda depends on the person to be influenced not being aware of the context or the propagandist intentionally falsifying the context to deceive. That alone is sufficient reason to prohibit the media from misrepresenting factual events.

This is not a criticism of the meme. I believe memes to be effective tools in the fight against propaganda. I merely wish to remind everyone, especially truth-seekers, to always keep context as a necessary analytic of your reasoning.


I believe this picture is from election night, Nov 3rd, 2020.

It was when the Republican poll-watchers were pushed outside and the Democrats took over the counting.
Not sure which state this was in…Michigan maybe?


i agree. My comment was more on how a message can use any image to produce a desired result. It is one of those proverbs: “Do you believe me or your lying eyes?” We are constantly being manipulated by those who want us to believe certain things are true. It is a dangerous environment in which to be a citizen.


This might have been Philadelphia ?

Deplorable Patriot

Detroit, IIRC.




… nuts … that’s where I grew up … 😣🤚 .. 👊😖


They had nefarious intentions. Cannot let people see that cheating is going on behind the windows. Does this guy go to church does he ever look in the mirror and ask who what am I ?

Valerie Curren

That image is from inside TCF Center (formerly Cobo Hall) in Detroit probably in the wee hours on November 4th after Republican poll watchers had been kicked out of the room on some BS excuse. Trying to observe the counting activities through the windows was thwarted by covering up pretty much all view points. It was outrageous injustice & part of the massive & orchestrated electoral fraud in Michigan. I have a relative who was there as an eye-witness & later involved in one of the lawsuits…Perspective & “truth”


Jim Caviezel talks about child sex-trafficking and adrenochrome…and his new movie, in this video clip.

He says that this movie couldn’t be made in Hollywood, because there are too many people there who are involved.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo
Valerie Curren



Two hours ago we were in deep Bible study … now I am laughing hard at a woman getting smacked by a cat. I feel wrong to laugh at her … but so funny! the timing could not have been more purrrrfect

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She (I assssssume) deserrrrrrrrved it.  😉 


I was hoping for the proverbial fur-ball being hacked onto her … ☹️

Valerie Curren

yes! LOL


That’s a God “wink” … 😉🤚❤️





Is that cat named Karma?

Valerie Curren

LOL! Certainly a contender 🙂


…. bwahahahahaha .. 😂👍‼️ …. lol .. 🤣


I don’t fully trust Cruz and with good reason …

However, when he is good, he is really good. Glad tough questions were asked.
Full Senate questioning of Abrams by Cruz

HT: GWP who has a video of a partial portion of this questioning posted


Graham doing good work

Wish they were dependable on all issues at all times, esp. at key times. But when they do good work I am glad to see GOP being tough on Dems


Good video of Tom Cotton doing some tough questioning:

Valerie Curren



Huh, well, well…….

Valerie Curren

Hannity interview take

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Michael DeLauzon

I watched the Hannity Trump interview. Hannity was annoying as usual but more importantly I think President Trump responded to some questions with double meanings directed at the enemy, intending to confuse / obscure, smoke screen. There’s more to that interview than we think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. Will have to watch!


Under the assumption that these numbers reported are accurate (and it’s likely a stretch, but who knows), 40% of Americans are either too dumb – or too scared (they’re related) – to exercise due diligence even on their OWN behalf.

Were it universally called an “experimental” vaccine (or more accurately, genetic manipulation), I doubt the numbers would be so high.

I hope that the majority of doses were either placebos, or otherwise benign.

The real test is this coming winter, when degraded immune systems face a different attack “vector”.


I watched the entire Lindell 2.0 video early this morning – and everything’s lining up! Demonstrable election fraud, separate analyses reach the exact same conclusion. I thank God for patriots like Mike Lindell, and like those engaging here.

The tide is turning …

Valerie Curren

more insights on Michael DeLauzon’s perspective

Michael DeLauzon Retweeted
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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

Replying to @nicktheman287
My wife was a emergency room nurse who died of covid before ppe and medical treatments were available. My kids and I couldn’t say goodbye or have a funeral. They will be forever traumatized. I will continue to give opinions on my page. You can continue to disagree or move on.




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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

I don’t listen to or watch Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, X22 Report, Q, Scott Mckay, or the fake news media. You want their B.S. go to some other page. I browse headlines from other countries because almost every time I watch our news the opposite is true.

Deplorable Patriot

I select my “BS” including DeLauzon’s and make up my own mind.

Valerie Curren

as hopefully do we all!


DeLauzon has put himself out there with this prediction.

First 2-weeks in May, 3, 4, 6. Source solid. Satellite black out of all media. U.S. Military high alert and readiness. Joe goes. World Court. Financial system activated. NESARA. SM crash. Texts, emails 800#’s to exchange currency for new. Some Tribunals TV. 10-days dark. Trump.

He’s saying Q is B.S. If DeLauzon’s predictions don’t come true, what category would he put himself in?

Valerie Curren

disinfo junkie, squirrel wrangler, human???

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. This was the one that caught my eye last week, and I didn’t bring it over, but it does line up with something else I saw that Orthodox Easter has to pass first. That’s May 2.

There’s a lot of people who refuse to buy into Q who weren’t into the chat boards before Las Vegas. He’s not alone.


“SM crash. Texts, emails 800#’s to exchange currency for new.”


In all fairness, even without a ‘SM’ (stock market) crash, who in their right mind is going to exchange their U.S. dollars for a new currency via texts, emails or 800 numbers?

Hello, this is Nigeria calling, may we have your bank account number to exchange your currency please?

Or send a text to JustTrustMe

Or click the live link in the official email you receive from

Now add in the panic of a market collapse… then quick, exchange your world reserve currency for BSNewDollars… backed by the full faith and credit of absolute chaos… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Moderna adverse reactions filmed

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Apr 14

At a Moderna site in Texas adverse reactions are caught on film. You have to wait in your vehicle for at least 15 minutes and honk if you need any medical assistance. This is literally “herding sheep to their own slaughter” Unbelievable and disturbing.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why I think the people I know who got Moderna got placeboes. There was none of this.

Valerie Curren

My husband is keeping tabs on his friends who got vaxs, not sure which kind, but w/ no issues known so far I’ve shared the potential placebo concept to consider too…


Same with my husband, and every single one who gotten jabbed has been very ill on the 2nd one.

This is a small group, but what are the odds?

Valerie Curren

Very concerning. I hope they will all be OK long term!


My brother in law had a painful arm for 48 hours after the first shot but was bed ridden feeling seriously ill for 24 hours after the second. He said it was a very scary reaction. He admitted this to his brother (my husband) who he told not to share with me because of my warnings (not to get any of the jabs).


My oldest who is a doctor got moderna and had no reaction what so ever. He is 55.
My neighbor got moderna he is only 36 fit as anything was sick for over a week. He barely could function and said “the effect of the second shot was a nightmare.”
My conclusion is that my oldest got a placebo he would at least have had some reaction? Everyone else who got the moderna was sick to one degree or another.
My youngest and wife had Pfizer and after the second shot both were sick but son’s wife was more sick . She is overweight and has had cancer and other health issues.


It’s unlawful experimentation, Singingsoul!

A direct breach of the Nuremberg Code against unethical human experimentation.

I haven’t any truck with pot-shot injections, whether saline or mRNA, when the WRONG choice could be debilitating, or DEADLY.

When we don’t know what’s being injected directly into our bloodstream (the WRONG way to help our formidable immune system), then we have the absolute RIGHT to decline the procedure.


I recline 🙂



And wise …


Have we considered that the placebos may be sent out by region, not in random batches?

Liberal areas get placebos, and Texas gets the real thing?

Valerie Curren

Well 2, that I know of, of my hubby’s vax’d friends are in Texas…


“You have to wait in your vehicle for at least 15 minutes and honk if you need any medical assistance.”


So how are you supposed to honk the horn if you pass out?

You mean like Sleeper’s Disease, where you slump forward and hit the horn with your forehead?

We used to do that when we were kids… the driver starts acting really uncomfortable, and one of the passengers (who doesn’t know the joke) asks “What’s wrong?!?”.

Then the driver says, “This can’t be happening now, not while I’m driving… oh no…”

And the passenger asks “WHAT’S WRONG!!!” and the driver whisper’s “Sleeper’s Disease” as he pretends to pass out and slumps forward, hitting the horn with his head.

Haven’t done that game in at least 35 years 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren




I’m always glad to find someone who shares my sense of humor… 😂 🤣 😂

Valerie Curren

😉 such a treat!


“This is literally “herding sheep to their own slaughter” Unbelievable and disturbing.”


I think the sheep must like it.

Sheep have no hesitancy at all to avoid things they don’t like.

What’s hard to believe is that nobody is having fun with this.

My friends and I would have, for sure. It’s the first thing we would have thought of.

If it was a drive-up like the video above, seven or eight of us would all get in line, one behind the other, or side by side if there are multiple lines.

Then wait for the shot.

Wait about 15 seconds, then start freaking out. Take off your seat belt, get out of the car, slump over the hood, roll off the hood onto the ground. When someone comes to help, stand up and act disoriented, and start running in circles until some medical person tackles you.

Then suddenly recover, say you’re fine, get in your car, and drive away.

Remember, the hardest part is always keeping a straight face 😁

Then as soon as the excitement dies down then the next one goes, and improvises his own routine. The only rule is to be even more outrageous than the last person — and don’t start laughing, at least not until you’re driving away.

Do that for seven or eight in a row, and everybody else there would say to themselves “No way I’m talking that *&^%” 😂🤣😂🤣😂


edit / correction: “No way I’m TAKING that *&^%”

Valerie Curren

But taking the shot??? Hard pass on that part, but the rest is epic!


When we were teens, I don’t know if we would have been concerned about the vaxx or not.

But we were always looking for opportunities to prank people 😁

Valerie Curren

You & my husband both–& he’s a great story-teller to bring those tales to life for a new generation who grew up way less free than we were…

Valerie Curren

OK, since Michael DeLauzon is back on twitter here are a few interesting tweets, fyi

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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

First 2-weeks in May, 3, 4, 6. Source solid. Satellite black out of all media. U.S. Military high alert and readiness. Joe goes. World Court. Financial system activated. NESARA. SM crash. Texts, emails 800#’s to exchange currency for new. Some Tribunals TV. 10-days dark. Trump.

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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

I don’t expect anyone to believe it. With that said, you read it here first, don’t panic when it happens. Still flooding tunnels at Capitol and White House. CCP Agents arrested around the country. Diplomats expelled for other reasons. Kids and adults half dead from container ship

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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

When it happens go to work, enjoy your city, do what you always do. Antifa and BLM will be dealt with swiftly. No media to cover how it ends badly for them. Country is under martial law. Riots will not be tolerated.



Yes, please. 😀 

Valerie Curren

should have put a Hopium Warning there 😉


No, it’s good to have some better grade stuff. Even if the effect is only momentary, the other side see it too, it has the opposite affect on them

Valerie Curren

Glad I found it & shared it under the wire of my personal speech suppression, a la twit world censors!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We shall see. In any case, even if it’s the opposite (Bidenazis rounding up patriots), having a month’s supplies is a useful thing.


Heh…DeLauzon says he doesn’t listen to Q, and then he proceeds to sound like Q.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that was great!

The Q project was genius! It even conforms to the “gospel vs. apocrypha vs. historical addenda” phenomenon. Even naming it “Q” was – well – that’s just too cute to not do.

The deep truth of the drops themselves just sheds the left-attached satanic rubbish like duck-back sheds water.

Deplorable Patriot

The other thing about Q…you have to understand, those of us who followed the alternative universe, as it were, for DECADES FINALLY had some confirmation that what we researched and came across wasn’t just a fluke. Just because the “news programming” doesn’t report it, doesn’t make it not true.

And I will say this, for all talk of the corporation and ending it, Q never said a word about that. Nor NESARA. Other things, though, like the Rockefellers and 9-11 and even the Red Cross came out.

It’s going to be a rough red pill for a lot of deniers to swallow.


“It’s going to be a rough red pill for a lot of deniers to swallow.”


Whatever is true — if we ever find out — will be easy to swallow.

It’s the non-stop water hydrant of BS that people are sick to death of, because we have no way to know what is true and what isn’t.

And the punishment for that psychological abuse, that crime against humanity, ought to be the death penalty.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

a little more MdL

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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 15

I agree 100%
Quote Tweetcomment image
RΞ4L ✪
· Apr 15
I hate to say it but, one year later it looks like C@VID was a “Plan B” bio weapon our own government used against us to overthrow our republic in case their impeachment efforts failed…

Even the military sat back and watched it unfold.

Pence & Rosenstein committed treason in 2017

Michael DeLauzon Retweeted
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Apr 14

The Justice Department is hunting Trump supporters–and everyone knows it.

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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 14

The United States has a Space Force of more than a hundred armed vehicles capable of space flight. There are several underground bases full of them. The U.S. Navy controls them. Trump has visited one of the bases. China and Russia are a decade behind us in that technology. Word.




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Michael DeLauzon
Apr 14

I can see Trump telling them “The people should know we have a space force without revealing anything. The Chinese and Russians know we have it so let’s announce it.”

Valerie Curren

Holy Crap I just got slammed by Twitter

We’ve temporarily limited some of your account featurescomment imageValerie Curren
 Valerie Curren
What happened?
We have determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for:

  1. Violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.
  2. We understand that during times of crisis and instability, it is difficult to know what to do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Under this policy, we require the removal of content that may pose a risk to people’s health, including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.
  3. For more information on COVID-19, as well as guidance from leading global health authorities, please refer to the following links:
  4. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public from the WHO
  5. FAQs about COVID-19 from the WHO
    comment imageValerie Curren

  •  Valerie Curren
  • @TheCrimsonWorm @MichaelDeLauzon Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, vitamin D–Dr. Zev Zelenko protocol Ivermectin other treatments shared by AAPS, American Association of Physicians &amp; Surgeons &amp; other patriot doctors all were suppressed deliberately &amp; diabolically!
  • 10:10 AM – 21 Apr 2021

As a result, we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features. While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers –– no Tweets, Retweets, follows, or likes. Learn more. Your account will be restored to full functionality in: 12 hours and 0 minutes.
You can start your countdown and continue to Twitter once you:

  • Remove Tweets that violate our rules

If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can appeal the violation.

Here is the tweet they are objecting to, that I just wrote minutes ago, so the time listed whose time zone appears to be Pacific instead of Eastern where I was writing from…

comment imageValerie Curren
 Valerie Curren
@TheCrimsonWorm @MichaelDeLauzon Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, vitamin D–Dr. Zev Zelenko protocol Ivermectin other treatments shared by AAPS, American Association of Physicians &amp; Surgeons &amp; other patriot doctors all were suppressed deliberately &amp; diabolically!
10:10 AM – 21 Apr 2021

I wonder what part of that tweet was the triggering component???

I think this happened within 10 minutes of tweeting that “offensive” item out…

Valerie Curren

Here is their choice

Remove Tweet.
Tweet 1 of 1comment imageValerie Curren
 Valerie Curren
@TheCrimsonWorm @MichaelDeLauzon

Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, vitamin D–Dr. Zev Zelenko protocol

Ivermectin other treatments shared by AAPS, American Association of Physicians & Surgeons
& other patriot doctors

all were suppressed deliberately & diabolically!

Apr 21, 2021, 10:10 AM

Remove Tweet button here

By clicking the above button, you are removing the content of your Tweet and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and from your profile timeline for 14 days. Learn more.
If you think we’ve made a mistake, submit an appeal to us. Please note that should you do so, your account will remain locked while we review your appeal.

Notice how they strong arm you to get you to retract your free speech…

None of what I shared was untrue!


Despicable! But congrats to you.

Valerie Curren

For finally reaching the overlords’ radar??? 😉


For standing up and speaking the truth to the point that they took notice. Oh, and for annoying them. 😀

Valerie Curren

Well annoying people has been my métier for decades!


You’ve earned the badge of honor, Valerie!

Wear it with pride!

Capitalize on the event by ordering T-shirts (quality, of course), proclaiming:

“I GOT BANNED! (front) … BY TWITTER! (back)”

They’ll sell like hotcakes …

Valerie Curren



Truth is what did it, wear it like a Badge of Honor

Valerie Curren

Thanks TIM. I’m thinking of disputing it, but having factual underpinnings for every statement to include in my protest. It sounds like the CCP or WHO, but I repeat myself, are part of this “standard”…


You could take a screenshot of your tweet (or photoshop a picture with the text of your tweet), delete the tweet, then make a new tweet of the picture. Their AI can’t read pictures…yet.

and faux biden didnt win

Valerie Curren

Thanks Please!


LEAVE TW and they CAN’T “strong arm you.

TW isn’t worth it. IMO.

Valerie Curren

I was mainly hanging in there as Michael Flynn had encouraged us to not yield territory to the left, that twitter & FB, etc were some of the modern day battlegrounds. Since the “great purge” of conservatives there some of us “little people” have had our voices magnified a bit, so perhaps having Slightly more impact there than previously…


I’m gonna guess that their algorithm is set for recognition of HCQ, Zelenko & AAPS amongst many others…you were a sitting duck (respectfully).

Valerie Curren

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised on any of that–what took them so long??? 😉


What’s the line: “I’ve been banned by classier joints than this one!”?


I like the example: “As you passed swiftly to the street you remarked that you had been thrown out of much better places than he had ever seen.

Valerie Curren

Nice! 1st there was the LDS genealogy library, then Pinterest, now Twitter–I’m on a personal roll!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

At least they gave you a reason and an option. I was accused of being a bot and suffered many short suspensions, despite providing my phone # and responding to them for over a year. They finally just suspended my botself and refuse to respond to any of the 10 appeals I’ve sent.🤷‍♀️
They’ll ban you for anything or nothing. NO DISSENTING OPINIONS ALLOWED. They can do it easier to us ‘little people’ bc we don’t have as loud a megaphone to protest like the bluechecks accounts. It’s a Cesspool. I only use it to get news, and hate that I have to use it at all. Desperately seeking replacement!

Valerie Curren

That’s incredibly frustrating–so sorry you’ve had to deal with that to such an extent. Perhaps Frank or Gab can be a bit of a replacement or even QuodVerum…

It’s such a hassle to deal with these depredations on freedom & seems so pointless at our level of anonymity. I hope James O’Keefe kicks twitter’s butt in court!!!


From Gab:
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Love ’em all, Wheatie!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good ones!


Kamal-uh looks like a Batman villain. All the time.

The Cackler?


Great Daily Thread, DP! Love it all – the camel banner is great. Always love your St. Michael and the Scripture.


My contribution this morning…



If my daughter looked like that I would ask her to find a different place after being 18.
I had strict rules not to look like that girl and to contribute to the house family by doing chores. This mother let it go to far. My kids always knew what was acceptable and what was not.
Once they are on their own pay their own bills they are responsible for themselves.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whatever it is that’s going on, it’s intense (in tents).

Cuppa Covfefe

And twenties, fifties, and hundreds, too….
(cashing in on all the curren(cy)t events)…


The tents look new. They are occupying DC that is what is going on. This will get worse . Where do they take a shower and use the toilet? Will they poop on the sidewalk like California? DC will look worse than a third world country tourists will not come.
Have the people all lost their jobs and are homeless or are these the gangs that roam at night threatening people out and about? I just wonder.


I remember all the dirty occupy people there when I used to work there. All the buildings around went on lockdown. Had to use kastle keys or have the consierge let you in. Too many of the stinky occupy people kept trying to come in and bathe in the restrooms or demonstrate in lobbies. I carried a thick piece of MCM cable in the van to protect myself with. (Very thick, heavy wire for 460 v electric.)


Oh my so you have seen it first hand! No fun having to go to work in a place where these people camp. Glad were ok and protected yourself.


It was mostly an inconvienience. They weren’t as violent back then, just noisy, smelly, and rude.


They do not change except there seem to more of them ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope you had it energized 🙂


Just illegal immigrants in the new State of D.C who will be greeted with open arms( we will be paying for)…. ultimately


How are there this many adults with this much time on their hands, standing around in the streets? Many do not look retirement age.
another criminal suspect dead:


Remember jobs have been lost by closing small businesses. Yes people have time on their hands they always do when there are no jobs. Kids are not in school Universities have Internet classes. Some might be on benefits, I think it is a combination of facts.


That’s a good read thanks.
The imposter is just a virtue signaling fraud, but give him his due, at least he’s consistent.


Of course she did. We all know she is a RINO


Murkowsky is no surprise. She is a democrat pretend to be a republican. We need to weed out democrats who run as republicans.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention the DEMONRATS who run as Democrats…



“Systemic racism” is such a perfect Marxist formulation. It delegitimizes an entire society without blaming anyone in particular, so it generates little opposition. It signifies everything and nothing simultaneously. It can’t be proven or disproven. It’s genius propaganda.”

~ Noah Pollak

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time to accuse Democrats of creating systemic division.

Elizabeth Carter

Since the vaccine damage can be transferred by bodily fluids, just say thank you and forget about her.


Put lebron in prison for criminal threats.

Peace Promoter Poso (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Hi @KingJames! Why did you delete this?


HIS GLORY TV – 04/21/2021



Great Interview – Sheriff Mack does not take orders from the Feds

His boss is ‘We the People’ – very well-spoken man




Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York:
Running on the “local news” before the national news feed at the top and bottom of the hour —
Gov. Andrew (“I’m the reincarnation of Michael Corleone, obey me or else”) Cuomo has opened up availability of the CCP Virus “vaccine” to all New Yorkers 16 years of age and older.
Cuomo says there are “no more excuses” —
Pull Quote: “Just get it.”
One would not be surprised to hear that Cuomo will try push through a “State EO” that mandates universal “vaccination” in New York.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Deplorable Patriot

More blood on his hands.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We got an emergency alert on our cells today. 16 and older, free shots tomorrow.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, house repair people, we have one of these on the kitchen sink.

This afternoon, the flow of water into the faucet itself has all but stopped. The vegetable sprayer is working just fine, but the main faucet has a trickle of a stream no matter hot or cold. I figure the valve in there must be stuck or broken. Any ideas?


They are both typically supplied by the same line below the sink. So the blockage should be above the area that they T off. If the faucet is a trickle for both hot and cold then the blockage should be in the faucet. There is normally a filter screen in the faucet and that maybe plugged.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so is it fixable if we call the right people, or does it need to be replaced?


Odds are it is a blockage, mineral buildup for example, or an o-ring seal got loose and is interfering with flow. I would say fixable. Lowes, Home Depot etc typically have kits to replace the “soft” parts. Youtube typically full of videos on how to repair, rebuild them.

Deplorable Patriot

Around a deep sink and the garbage disposal.


No expert. But it does sound like the filter which can be screwed off by hand or with a pair of pliers if needed. We’re talking the very end of the facet where you will find the screen.

Because this is an often used water source it is surprising that this has happened if it is what it is. Could only imagine that something came through the water system to make it happen.

Anyway, it will take about 3 mins of your time to check. One to find the pliers or an adjustable wrench and 30 secs to unscrew the filter from the end of the faucet, one minute to clean it and 30 seconds to screw it back on.

I have had this happen to me with my unused facets where water pressure forced sediment to build up against the screen. Normally I’d think it wouldn’t happen with an often used facet but too easy to check and eliminate or fix as the cause.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it. This is STL. We have the cleanest water in flyover country. I don’t think it’s sediment. It’s like a valve broke or something.


Just eliminate the filter thing by checking it. May well be the valve. Other than that I’d say you got pot smokers in STL that might be in awe of the switches that they have at their control or worse BLM is taking things to a whole new level. Likely not, but check your social network and see if anyone else is having the same problem. Or easier fill a tub partially with water and see if it’s cloudy or not.


I would take the filter thing off the end of the faucet and check it, it is really easy to do. I’ve done that before several times over the years in different houses with different water sources. The little screen for the faucet itself is very fine mesh. There’s a lot of possibilities for the screen getting clogged. Since the faucet has separate hot and cold handles, it’s not likely that it’s a broken valve, especially if the sprayer is working.

Cuppa Covfefe

Might be worth giving the screen and housing a bath in vinegar or lemon juice concentrate for a while, at least 10 minutes, to clean any deposits off.

Another possibility would be if the valves have rubber washers, maybe a bit of the washer broke off (but then there’d probably be issues closing the valve, or dripping, etc.


pages six and seven have some maintenance instructions, depending on what “model” of that faucet you have, and what the symptoms are (low/no flow from faucet, low/no flow from sprayer)

the sprayer has a diverter valve, there’s the aerator screen in the faucet where the water comes out (although it looks like there was a special “tool” included in the original packaging when it was new so you may have to use some ingenuity if you don’t have that)

either way the pdf shows you all the relevant internals and how it’s hooked up and what you might be getting into.

of course lowes will want you to spend $150 on a new one 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

OMG! Haven’t see you in ages! How are you?

Oh, and thanks.


doing well thank you. only posted a couple times in a LONG time. try to keep my profile low if you know what i mean… 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Got it.


i mean, like you said earlier today, some of us have been researching stuff for decades without using computers even, so we are already on every list there is to be on so it is what it is at this point. but i try and fly under the radar as best i can especially in these “unprecedented times”

Deplorable Patriot

I certainly don’t blame you.


Heyyyyy! I knew you were out there. Always low profile you are. So low we cant see you….lol. Hope all is well.
comment image


My husband just informed me we are switching to a private network because of tracing. I very seldom use my iPhone I feel it is a waste of money and they spy. They should pay me for the privilege.

Deplorable Patriot

This change was like flipping a switch which is why I wonder if it is something more like a valve.


The government mandates flow restrictors in faucets. They typically look like little disks and are frequently called “aerators”. Try running without one for a while.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good point. First thing I do before installing a faucet is take out or bore out the flow restrictors.

(Idiot greens don’t realize the best flow restrictor of all is turning the doggone thing off….. Up in Hamburg they now have the fire brigades flushing out the sewer lines from time to time as acid and other waste chemicals build up and eat away at the sewer pipes due to not enough water going through to wash away the waste… Seems the only law the greens/tree-huggers deign to follow is the law of unintended consequences)…

Valerie Curren

We had something Somewhat similar where some black plastic or rubber part of the innards had disintegrated & needed to be replaced. Checking at that aerator screen would give clues. If there are larger black (or perhaps other colored) items there it might indicate one of those “washers” or something falling apart. My husband is pretty handy & fixed it himself for a few dollars & a trip or 2 to the hardware store for replacement parts.

I agree that you should remove the screen & then see if Any water flows. Then check hot water Only & cold water Only to see if you can better isolate the problem. A plumber would likely be pretty expensive but one of those rent-a-husband/handyman types might be reasonable. Likely less than an hour’s job if they know what they’re doing 🙂


Wow! back up and read this one.

My take. Our spy agencies are not allowed to spy on us without a warrant so it appears that they went to a none spy agency to cull and co-locate what they will call public information which still amounts to spying on you. There next fall back will be that they did not associate names with the information culled, but rest assured they have the IP address’s and that information has more than likely passed onto those that can investigate further.

Collecting this information on the 6 Jan and 20 Jan events clearly means the USPO has been working against us likely during the election as well as Bidenese were not in power yet. This means they had to slip some loose language into some bill that allowed them to do this.

Deep State is very deep in deed.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Anyway, once they get Yang into the Mayor’s office in NYC they can start up their pilot programs for social credit systems and this stuff will seem like child play.


The Postal Employees Union endorsed Biden, remember.

So I’d say you’re right, Para…they were working against us during the election.


Guys, quick question:
I got the invite to Frank from Mike L. I filled out the form and sent it in and they said they would let me know, when/how to log in. Never got it and now they don ‘t “know me”



It is my understanding that Mike Lindell and his new site are under heavy attack by big tech (although he anticipated it and tried to outmaneuver them).

I also suspect he’s had a very heavy amount of traffic and although he’s prepared to handle the volume, perhaps his site is less capable of handling the initial rush.

Maybe giving it some more time is your best option. You don’t need to register to view his site.

Are you on Gab ?
Mike Lindell is… If you’re on it you might try sending him a message there (public or private).

Last edited 3 years ago by Nor'easter

When I visited the first time after it was open to the public it did a browser check and I was in. No sign up necessary. Now with the denial of service attacks going on that Nor’easter is referring to, I don’t get past this first page.

comment image

Thank you for visiting Frank! With over 2B requests in just 2-days, the Frankspeech experiment is a massive success – For you! Right now we’re working on new features – keep checking back, we’ll be up shortly!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I signed up last week, no VIP access materialized. There was live stream all day Monday. Yesterday was news articles and videos. I tried to register 5-6 times kept getting error. Finally out of the blue, a message appeared that said my registration was good. No profile options, just log out. Today there’s a link to his new video only, no news or other menus. Site is new, bugs to work out. But they’re under attack. I think they’re doing fixes & maintenace at night. At least they can stream while they’re patching. Give them some time, they’ll get there.

Deplorable Patriot

Really. And NBC is reporting it. Hmm….


remember just yesterday when it was russia?

Deplorable Patriot

These people need a course in geography.


Just five kids waiting to join a Call of Duty server messing with the gubmint.


I wonder if they have guns…
(Nah… That would be ILLEGAL ! 😉 )
GUTS. That’s what they’ve got !

From the Epoch Times :

Tuidang: A Movement That Can Dissolve the CCP From Within
“On April 20, the number of people who have published their declarations to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its Youth League,and the Young Pioneers exceeded 376 million. This figure has surpassed the number of people who withdrew from the Soviet Communist Party before the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. A China expert said that this grassroots Tuidang (Quit the Party) movement that started in 2004 may also trigger the disintegration of the CCP within 5 years.
Withdrawing from the CCP, its Youth League, and the Young Pioneers is also referred to as the “Three Withdrawals” by Chinese people. According to the Tuidang website, where the three withdrawal statements are published, as of April 21, 376,084,836 people have posted their three withdrawal statements, which accounts for about 27 percent of China’s total population.
In other words, at least one out of every four Chinese people has publicly declared his or her opposition to the CCP and resigned from the CCP-related organizations.”


With China’s social credit system it may mean that 27 percent of China is about to starve to death. Hopefully they are resourceful.


I kind of like to think that people who are willing to stand up for themselves will not starve to death; as they will likely take the food of those who would deprive them of it, and those are NOT willing to stand up for themselves (sheep).


Asinine without the inine.

Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
Newsom’s attorney told the Court it’s ok for a Governor to claim absolute power because people can always recall him if they don’t like it. This was said with a straight face.


It’s the same attitude as “people can riot and loot and destroy livelihoods, and if you don’t like it, maybe you can try to do something later, if the corrupt powers allow it.” Lawlessness.




Convoluted and insane thinking!!!


“Woke” Public School Teachers Targeting Christian Students


Gateway Pundit: Ohio Horror: 13-Year-Old Black Girl Stabs to Death a 13-Year-Old Black Girl the Night Before Ma’Khia Bryant Killed by Police While Trying to Stab Teen Girl
I have never known any young girl who carried a knife and threatened people with it, but it seems to be a “thing” in certain places. The culture of these neighborhoods needs to change, but they resist becoming too “white,” so they remain stuck. Thanks, Dems.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow, did I grow up in a unique place.

All the public school kids regardless of race knew how to use a butterfly knife by eighth grade. We parochial kids, not so much.


Did they threaten each other with the knives?

Deplorable Patriot

Sure. Knives, and any number of other things. I worked with the public school kids while going to parochial. It was the best of both worlds.


DP, we had push-buttons, up from Tijuana.
But no, we did not threaten one another. We were simply show-offs.


Ep. 2458a – Conspiracy No More, The New Economic System Will Go Viral
X22 Report Published  April 21, 2021


Hidden Messages In A Picture, Think Andrew Jackson, We Have More Than We Know – Ep. 2458 
 April 21, 2021  x22report

The lockdowns have now showed the people the true problem, the unemployment rate is the highest in the cities that were locked down the longest, they kept the people from working and businesses closed. Conspiracy no more, D mayors pushing UBI. It has begun, mayor wants Bitcoin mined on the balance sheet. Trump and the patriots created a plan to remove the swamp. The plan was telegraphed in many ways, but the most obvious was the portrait of Andrew Jackson. We the people were warned about the plan, the reason for this is so we the people can push back on it. The [DS] is panicking, their plan is out in the open and everyone can now see it. The push of racism is no long working, the majority sees through all of this. We always had more than we know.


Ep. 2458b – Hidden Messages In A Picture, Think Andrew Jackson, We Have More Than We Know
X22 Report Published  April 21, 2021


Second time he’s said this. He and his entire admin can go f off.

New York Post (@nypost) Tweeted:
Biden warns if Americans don’t get COVID jabs they might have to cancel July 4

Concerned Virginian

RobberJoe (or his body double) was going on about this weeks ago — saying that by July 4th, if enough Americans were “vaccinated”, they would be “allowed” to have gatherings for the holiday.
Guess the CDC / FDA / Dr. Fauci are upset that “enough Americans” are saying “Go F@ck Off” instead.


It is a wide swath of sickness around the world but obviously we feel it here deeply. I hope there is a way to right this but i am not optimistic in the short term. There are plenty of individual bright spots, and we all shoyld seek out what we can.
And for God’s sake, dont cancel your Fourth of July plans.
In fact, protest like L.A did. Have the biggest most patriotically decirated party you can! 🥰🥰🥰


I know what he supposedly means, but no one can cancel July 4th. It’s American Independence Day, and it will stand forever and be forever celebrated by true patriots. You don’t cancel the day your country was born. Their hatred for America continues to manifest.


The funny thing is that the entire DemComm party is anti American anyway. They hate this country and the values that it was founded on so it’s stupid for him to be threatening about it.
The people who love the USA will celebrate.


Significant and severe theirs is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Military Arrests James Comey
Posted on April 21, 2021

The U.S. military has arrested disgraced former FBI Director James Comey on charges of treason, sedition, obstruction of justice, and aiding and abetting persons actively involved in criminal behavior, Real Raw News has learned.

Donald J. Trump greenlit the Tuesday morning raid on Comey’s lavish, suburban home after speaking to Marine Corps Col. John Lynch, commanding officer of the Marine Raider regiment at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Col. Lynch committed at least two 4-man squads to the mission, said a confidential source involved in Trump’s quest to depose Joseph Biden and restore America to the people.

On Tuesday at about 3:00 a.m., U.S. Marines operating on Donald Trump’s authority stormed Comey’s seven-bedroom, 10,700-sqaure-foot mansion in McClean, Virginia. Although most operational details are classified, our source said Raiders surprised Comey, who was half-asleep in bed, and apprehended him after he reached for a pistol underneath a pillow. Before he could palm the weapon, a Marine charged forward and struck Comey’s forehead with the butt of his rifle, rendering Comey unconscious.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


It’s April 21st, not 1st. Please tell me you don’t really believe this bullshit?


I won’t click on the link. The article says its source is Real Raw News. A quick search yielded this from March 9:

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is the target of a conspiracy theory that claims she was arrested in New York by Navy SEALs acting on former President Donald Trump’s orders…..The claim by the website Real Raw News cites “a source in Trump’s orbit” in  saying Trump turned over supposedly incriminating evidence about Clinton that led to her arrest “under cover of darkness” by an eight-person team…..Real Raw News calls itself apolitical – “we have no dog in the fight, as they say” – but it peddles pro-Trump conspiracy theories about the military’s pursuit of former Vice President Mike Pence and Trump writing an indictment of former U.S. Attorney General William Barr…..Real Raw News did not respond to a request for comment, but its post derides fact checks of its work, saying it “stands by the story as written, and will present an update shortly.”

Concerned Virginian

This reads like a nice try at non-fiction.
The giveaway that it’s fiction is “McClean”.
Comey lives in McLean, Virginia.
A real account wouldn’t misspell the name.


Didn’t really need the McClean vs McLean thingy. The butt stroking was more than enough.


We’re so far down the communist rabbit hole that we (me) keep saying when this or that happens we’ll know we’re there………..we’re there now, hard to believe but it’s true.


Pretzel logic is the hallmark of the Libs


I assume that all rap and most current music will be banned?


Good point.


$25 and fired but the acting VP, Heels Up Harris backed the riot/protest bail fund that let numerous repeat offenders loose…


So, the Fiancee got a package in the mail today. It was a phone from AT&T. They’re eliminating their 3G coverage in February, 2022, so they want her to carry a 4G phone. They tell her she’s got 30 days to switch over.

As usual, I’m thinking, “why the squeeze play? Last time I checked 2022 was some months away…..”

Oh, and get this — besides being preloaded with Android and the usual Google crap, it’s also preloaded with Faceschmuck!

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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